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Rick Stracke,
Executive Director for Facilities Planning
Renton School District #403
1220 N 4•h Street
Renton, WA 98055
Stewart Shusterman
Renton School District
Capital Projects Office
1220 N 4"' Street
Renton, WA 98057
Gabe Snedeker
AHBL, Inc.
1200 6"' Avenue, Ste. 1620
Seattle, WA 98101
RSD Transportation Center Site Approval
File No.: LUA 07-122, SA-H
1220 N 4"' Street, Renton
December 4, 2007
Applicant requested Site Plan approval for the construction of a
16,644 square foot transportation center with a 3,578 square
foot service building on a 4.8-acre site.
Development Services Recommendation: Approve with
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the
Examiner on November 15, 2007
PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining
available information on file with the application, field
checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner
conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows:
Thefollowi11g millutes are a summary of the November 20, 2007 heari11g.
The legal record is recorded 011 CD.
The hearing opened on Tuesday, November 20, 2007, at 9:09 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor
of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner.
The following exhibits were entered into the record:
RSD Transportation Center~ .. e Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 2
Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original
application, proof of posting, proof of publication and
other documentation pertinent to this reauest.
Exhibit No. 3: Site Plan
Exhibit No. 5: Elevations
Exhibit No. 7: Mechanical Screening Detail
Exhibit No. 9: Topographic Survey of Existing
Conditions, south half ofnroiect site
Exhibit No. 11: Renton School District's Mitigated
Determination ofNon-Sil!l1ificance.
Exhibit No. 13: By Reference; E-mail discussions
regarding changes to narkinl! stall dimensions
Exhibit No. 2: Neighborhood Map
Exhibit No. 4: Landscape Plan
Exhibit No. 6: Floor Plan
Exhibit No. 8: Topographic Survey of Existing
Conditions, north half of project site
Exhibit No. I 0: Zoning Map
Exhibit No. 12: Revised Site Plan
The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jill Ding, Senior Planner, Development Services,
City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. A revised site plan was submitted prior to the
hearing, the change was with respect to the parking stall dimensions. The original stalls did not comply with the
City's parking stall dimensions, the parking stalls needed to be lengthened to meet the 20-foot minimum
requirement. Some of the landscaping was removed and many of the parking stalls were made to comply,
however, there is a small band of parking on the northwest portion of the site that was unable to make the
required 20-foot length, they are at 19-feet and the applicant has asked for a parking modification. This parking
area is for the bus drivers for Renton School District and for the maintenance and office people that are working
at this facility. The Examiner would now make a decision on the requested parking modification.
The bus parking was not considered to be part of the surface parking lot, it was considered to be storage. The
parking area is not for general use, but only for the storage of the school busses.
The Examiner noted that on NE 5th Street the landscaping had been decreased on the status of the street, yet the
property to the north is potentially for residential uses.
Ms. Ding stated that the property to the north is zoned Urban Center North One, it is currently used as an office,
there are no plans for that to change. It could be redeveloped as a multi-family use.
The project site is bounded by North 4th Street on the south, Park Avenue North on the west, North 5th Street on
the north and Garden Avenue North on the east. The site further has a split zone; Commercial Arterial on the
west portion and Light Industrial on the east portion. The Comprehensive Plan designation is Commercial
Corridor for the west four parcels and Employment Area Industrial for the east parcel.
The site is approximately 209,088 square feet or 4.8 acres. The proposal is a redevelopment of the existing
transportation center. The site is currently being used by the school district for a multiple of functions that
operate out of the site. The proposal would scale back some of those functions, it would only be used for
transportation functions. The proposal further includes the construction ofa one story 26-foot tall, 16,644
RSD Transportation Center Site Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 3
square foot structure that would house office space, repair space for the busses, and industrial support space or
maintenance shops. In addition a 19 foot 6 inch tall 3,578 square foot service building is also proposed, that
would house a bus fueling station and bus wash.
The Renton School District operated as its own SEPA lead agency, they issued a Mitigated Determination of
Non-Significance with 18 mitigation measures. No appeals were filed.
Staff found that the proposal was consistent with the Employment Area Industrial Element and Commercial
Corridor Land Use Elements. The proposal was considered a Government facility, which is allowed within the
Light Industrial and Commercial Arterial zones with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Hearing
Examiner. The Director has issued a determination that certain activities of existing established conditional uses
that relate to the existing facility shall not require additional Conditional Use Permit review. Therefore,
additional Conditional Use Permit review is not required.
The project is in compliance with the lot coverage requirements of the CA zone. The proposed new building
would be setback an excess of 100 feet from all of the property lines and would therefore comply with the IL
setback requirements.
A conceptual landscape plan was submitted, landscaping is required along all street frontages. N 4"' Street is a
principal arterial and would require a 20-foot landscape strip, Garden Avenue N is a minor arterial and would
require a 15-foot landscape strip. N 5"' Street designated as a residential access street and technically does not
require any landscaping. Staff did recommend that the applicant provide a minimum of 5-feet of landscaping
along that frontage. There also is an additional 6-feet within N 5"' Street between the curb and the sidewalk,
which leaves approximately I !-feet of proposed landscaping. Street trees will be placed in the landscaping as
The vehicle parking lot does have quite a bit of landscaping that has been proposed around the perimeter of the
bus storage area, there is a lot of screening around the perimeter of the site. It was noted that because of all the
landscaping in the area, it did not seem necessary for additional landscaping around the bus storage area. Within
the parking lot area with 98 parking stalls the applicant would be required to provide 25 square feet of
landscaping per parking space or 2,450 square feet of landscaping. Currently the plan identifies 4,054 square
feet of landscaping, the revised site plan will have some impact, but does not appear to be considerable.
Both zones allow a maximum height of 50-feet, neither of the buildings would exceed that height. A parking
modification was requested and granted to allow 98 parking spaces.
To protect the surrounding properties from impacts the one building was brought up to the Park Avenue and
North 4th Street on the southwest comer of the site, which enhances the pedestrian experience as well as
screening the bus storage and vehicle surface parking areas. There is more than sufficient landscaping proposed
around the perimeter of the site. The rooftop mechanical equipment would be screened from the surrounding
properties and uses. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed transportation center are appropriate for the site.
None of the heights would exceed one story and again the landscaping would be increased and provide an
infiltration function for the site that currently does not.exist. The refuse and recycle areas would be screened
from the residential uses to the south.
No Traffic Mitigation Fee was required. Access for the school busses would be provided off of North 4th Street
and Garden Avenue N. Access for the cars would be provided off of Park Avenue North and North 5"' Street.
There is a pedestrian connection to Park A venue North from the main entrance of the building. There may be
minimal noise and odor as the busses start up in the morning, while idling and warming up before leaving for
their rounds. This is currently going on at the site and so it is not anticipated to be a new impact.
RSD Transportation Center ~ .. e Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 4
The Examiner questioned if it might be better to not have the busses enter or exit via North 4°' Street, which is
across from R-10 residential zoning. Garden is across from Paccar and would be less impact. It seems that it
might be appropriate to change some of the circulation patterns at this point. At least try to use the Garden
driveway more predominately.
Ms. Ding was not sure which driveway was going to be the primary one or how the busses would be entering or
exiting the site.
The Fire and Police Departments noted that there were sufficient existing facilities to accommodate the
proposal. A drainage report was submitted with the project application and noted that the proposed stormwater
run off would sheet flow to a close piped system that would include some water quality function and would
eventually discharge to an existing catch basin system to the north in North 5th Street.
The site is located within the City of Renton water service and is currently served by a 16-inch water main in
Park, an 8-inch water main in North 5th Street, a 12-inch main in Garden Avenue North and an 8-inch main in
North 4th Street, all connecting together. The proposed development would require a minimum IO-inch looped
water main with two connections to an existing 16-inch water main in Park with a minimum of 5 gate valves
would be required for isolation purposes.
The water pressure for fire flow is adequate. Fire sprinkler systems would be required. There is an existing 8-
inch sewer main running through the property via an easement.
Dion Serra, McGranahan Architects, 2111 Pacific Avenue, Ste. 100, Tacoma, WA 98402 pointed out where an
area on the northwest comer that wraps around an adjacent office building in which some proposed landscaping
would now be removed. That landscaping was not required by the City and therefore was removed. All street
perimeter landscaping will remain.
Stewart Shusterman, Renton School District, 1220 North 4th Street, Renton, WA 98057 stated that in the
employee parking area there is a portion of the parking directly off of Park Avenue which is office staff,
mechanic and guest parking. There are 90 busses total, they do not have that many routes, but they have spare
busses for emergencies. There are approximately 70 full time drivers and substitute drivers. The facility is also
used for training and other functions when everyone would be there.
Betsy Geller, AHBL, Inc., 1200 6th Avenue, Ste. 1620, Seattle, WA 98101, stated that they are the District's
representatives for permitting. The proposed height of the new building is 26-feet because there is a portion of
the building with a mezzanine, the allowed height in both zones is 50-feet. The mezzanine story includes
mechanical equipment, the building is not two functioning stories. A pre-application meeting was held with the
City, the building was originally located more to the center of the site, but in response to the City's comments
the building was moved to the southwest comer of the site to give Park Avenue North the appearance of being
planned for economic development in this area.
Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that the Garden Avenue entrance is an in and out, the one on
North 4th Street in an in only. This has all been approved by transportation and allows the use of the Park
entrance to be minimized to customers and minimal employees. Garden Avenue will retain most of the
Water treatment is heavily covered by code and well maintained.
RSD Transportation Center Site Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 5
The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and
no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:03 am.
Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following:
1. The applicant, Stewart Shusterman for the Renton School District, filed a request for a Site Plan
approval and a Modification from standards for parking stalls for a redevelopment of its Renton
Transportation Center.
2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation
and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1.
3. The Renton School District, the responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance -
Mitigated (DNS-M).
4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter.
5. The subject site is located at 1220 North 4th Street. The subject site takes up almost the entire block
between N. 4th on the south, Garden on the East, N 5th Street on the north and Park Avenue on the
west. A third party property located on the northwest comer of the block is not part of the applicant's
property. The subject site consists of five (5) separate parcels that have been developed as the District's
bus base or Transportation Center.
6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as
suitable for the development of commercial arterial uses along Park (west) and light industrial use along
Garden ( east), but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the
7. The subject site's zoning mirrors the comprehensive plan designations. The western portion of the site
is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA) while the eastern portion of the site is zoned Light Industrial (IL).
8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 156 enacted in May 1909.
9. The subject site is approximately 209,088 square feet or 4.8 acres.
I 0. The subject site is essentially flat.
11. As noted, the subject site has been used by the Renton School District as its school bus base, storing and
maintaining the vehicles at this location. The School District proposes renovating the entire site,
realigning parking and moving the maintenance facilities and enhancing the landscaping.
12. The larger, 16,644 square foot transportation center will be located on the southwest comer of the plat,
at the intersection of Park Avenue and N. 4th Street. It will generally be a one-story, 26-foot high
building with interior mezzanine space. It will house administrative office space, repair/maintenance
bus bays, and storage space. The building's location was moved closer to Park to comply with urban
design principles governing the appearance of Park and the uses along Park north of the site. There will
RSD Transportation Center .::,Jte Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 6
be bays for working on six buses. The bus bay doors will be at tbe rear of the building, facing away
from Park. A parapet will screen rooftop machinery.
13. There will be a second, smaller building located near the center of the site. It will be 3,578 square feet
m size. It will be the location for the fueling station and washing facilities. It will be 19 feet, 6 inches
14. The site will contain two generally separate parking areas. One area will contain 98 parking stalls for
general employees and bus drivers. Access will be from Park and 5th. It will contain landscaping along
the perimeter and within the parking lot. Due to a redesign, a modification from parking lot standards
will be necessary. A series of stalls located in the northwest portion of the parking lot would be 19 feet
long rather than tbe required 20-foot length. The original proposal contained approximately 4,054
square feet of landscaping whereas only 2,450 square feet was required. The revised plans will reduce
the landscaping by a small amount but will still exceed the requirements.
15. The remaining parking will be dedicated bus parking with 98 stalls. The Director determined that the
parking lot is essentially storage and removed the need for internal landscaping. That determination
should really be questioned. The interior parking for buses takes up a considerable portion of the lot
that is unrelieved by any interior landscaping. Building heights around the site would permit taller
buildings tbat can overlook the site to see acres of parking with no visual relief. Landscaping does not
only provide visual relief but also helps cool a site, filter and cleanse air and takes up carbon dioxide.
16. Access to tbe bus parking will be provided along N. 4th Street and Garden Avenue N. The 4th
driveway will be limited to ingress to limit early morning engine sounds from affecting that roadway.
The Garden driveway will be both in and out and accommodate tbe major traffic.
17. Perimeter landscaping is required along arterial streets with 20 feet required along N 4th Street and 15
feet along Garden. N 5th is a residential street and does not require enhanced landscaping according to
the Director but 11 feet will be provided. Street trees will be provided around the site.
18. The development will not materially alter traffic loads, as the use is a continuation of existing uses of
the subject site.
19. There will be a change in handling stormwater. All water will be treated to separate the contaminants
before being released to systems that flow to Lake Washington.
20. The Director also determined that the continued use of the site for the bus transportation center was a
continuation of the existing use and that no further Conditional Use Permit review was necessary.
Site Plan
I. The site plan ordinance provides a number of specific criteria for reviewing a site plan. Those criteria
are generally represented in part by the following enumeration:
a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan;
b. Conformance with tbe Building and Zoning Codes;
RSD Transportation Center Site Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 7
c. Mitigation of impacts on surrounding properties and uses;
d. Mitigation of the impacts of the proposal on the subject site itself;
e. Conservation of property values;
f. Provision for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation;
g. Provision of adequate light and air;
h. Adequacy of public services to accommodate the proposed use;
The proposed use satisfies these and other particulars of the ordinance.
2. The bus facility is run by the School District, a public agency, and is an essential public service. Public
facilities are generally allowed by the comprehensive plan in most areas of the City and the Zoning
Code also permits such uses in a number of Zones. The use, while normally reviewed under
Conditional Use Criteria, was found to be a continuation of the existing use and permitted in the Zone.
So while using centrally located CA and LI land for parking of buses might be questionable in some
circumstances, the use already exists at this location and this location is also fairly centrally located in
the School District making it suitable for buses serving the School District. The existing use, as well as
its central location, also serves to justify granting the modification that is sought as discussed below.
3. The buildings meet the height limits of the zones, the setbacks required and generally the landscaping
requirements. While this office is not entirely satisfied with the justification for eliminating landscaping
in a large parking lot, even a utilitarian lot such as this, the Director made that judgment call.
4. There will be essentially limited changes to the current functions of the subject site and therefore,
impacts should not change dramatically over existing conditions. The circulation of buses and vehicles
appears to be directed at limiting the impacts on the residential property south of the site. The low-rise
nature of the buildings and the open parking lots will limit shadow or shading impacts on adjacent uses.
Most maintenance will occur inside buildings isolating the sounds from the surrounding community.
The storm drainage system will reduce and limit impacts to Lake Washington. Perimeter landscaping
and the location of the primary building will help blend the site with the redeveloping area around it.
The main building has been moved to the street to match the development patterns of the adjacent
5. The redevelopment of the site will further cleanup the immediate site, replace or relocate functions
necessary for the transportation facility and enhance circulation and separation between the bus
functions and the other onsite parking functions.
6. The continued use of the property as a bus depot should not have any detrimental impacts on property
7. The circulation plans appear to allow bus and vehicle access to appropriate driveways and from
appropriate streets.
8. The open mostly parking lot and low-rise buildings will not impede light and air on the site or on
adjacent properties.
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File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 8
9. Appropriate infrastructure is available to serve the subject site.
Modification for stall dimensions
10. The criteria for a modification include the following:
RMC 4-9-250D provides that where practical difficulties exist in the implementation of the
regulations, a modification from the standards may be granted, provided the proposal addresses
the following criteria:
a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and
maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment;
b. Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and
c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and
d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and
e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(s) in the vicinity.
11. The main use of the parking lot, to serve employees means that the general public and ordinary
customers will not be dealing with the more limited stall sizes. Regular employees can be expected to
adjust to the limitations of the slightly shorter stalls. The modification will not affect the general public
while still providing the required allotment of parking. The lot will still provide the landscaping and
aisle widths required by code. The shorter stalls will not impair the function of the parking lot.
12. The reduced stall lengths will not have an affect on adjacent properties. It will not increase the number
of stalls that might be seen to increase traffic and air pollution.
13. The intent of code, to provide sufficient parking, will be maintained.
14. The facility has been in this location for a considerable time. The modification to allow the shorter stall
lengths will not alter the function or overall capacity and the lot does not serve a continually changing
client base. The stall-users come, park, perform their bus driving duties and then leave. There is not a
constant turnover as there would be with customers.
15. There should not be any adverse impacts to other property.
The Site Plan and Parking Modification are approved subject to the following conditions:
1. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted with the building permit application identifying an
alternate street tree to the proposed London Plan Tree. The revised landscape plan shall be
submitted to the Development Services Division project manager for review and approval.
3. The applicant shall provide five feet (5') oflandscaping along North 5th Street subject to staff
review and approval.
RSD Transportation Center Site Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 9
ORDERED THIS 4th day of December 2007.
TRANSMITTED THIS 4th day of December 2007 to the parties of record:
Jill Ding
Development Services
City of Renton
Kayren Kittrick
Development Services
City of Renton
Betsy Geller
AHBL, Inc.
1200 6th Avenue, Ste. 1620
Seattle, WA 98101
Rick Stracke,
Executive Director for Facilities Planning
Renton School District #403
1220 N 4°' Street
Renton, WA 98055
Gabe Snedeker
AHBL, Inc.
1200 6th Avenue, Ste. 1620
Seattle, WA 98101
Josephine Ganuelas
335 Park Avenue N
Renton, WA 98057
TRANSMITTED THIS 4th day of December 2007 to the following:
Stewart Shusterman
Renton School District
Capital Projects Office
1220 N 4th Street
Renton, WA 98057
Dion Serra
McGranahan Architects
2111 Pacific Avenue, Ste. I 00
Tacoma, WA 98402
Mayor Kathy Keolker
Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer
Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison
Robert Van Home, Deputy Fire Chief
Larry Meckling, Building Official
Planning Commission
Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator
Alex Pietsch, Economic Development
Jennifer Henning, Development Services
Stacy Tucker, Development Services
Ren ton Reporter
Transportation Division
Utilities Division
Neil Watts, Development Services
Janet Conklin, Development Services
Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section IOOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in
writing on or before 5:00 p.m., December 18, 2007. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the
Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors oflaw or fact, error in judgment, or the
discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written
request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This
request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may,
after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper.
An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal
be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements.
RSD Transportation Center u«e Approval
File No.: LUA-07-122 SA-H
December 4, 2007
Page 10
Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City
Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., December 18, 2007.
If the Examiner's Recommeudation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the
executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You
may contact this office for information on formatting covenants.
The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur
concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in
private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both
the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council.
All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all
interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the
evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court.
The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as
Appeals to the City Council.
Project Location: 1220 N 4'" Street
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