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City of Renton
Department of Planning I Building I Public Works
Public Hearing Date:
Project Name:
File Number:
November 20, 2007
RSD Transportation Center
Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning, Renton School District #403,
1220 N 4th Street, Renton, WA 98055
Stewart Shusterman, Renton School District Capital Projects Office, 1220 N 4th Street,
Renton, WA 98055
Gabe Snedeker, AHBL, Inc., 1200 6th Avenue, ste 1620, Seattle, WA 98101
LUA-07-122, SA-H Planner: Jill K. Ding, Senior Planner
Project Description: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction
of a 16,644 square foot transportation center with a 3,578 square foot service building
on the 209,726 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is comprised of 5 parcels,
the east parcel is located within the Light Industrial zone and the 4 western parcels
are located within the Commercial Arterial zone. Landscaping improvements, a
surface parking lot, and bus storage would also be developed on the project site.
Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden Avenue N, and
N 5th Street. The project site is located within a seismic hazard area.
Project Location: 1220 N 4th Street
City of Renton P/8/PW Departme,.
RSD Transportation Center
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007 Page 2 of 10
The following exhibits are entered into the record:
Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental
review and other documentation pertinent to this request.
Exhibit No. 2: Neighborhood Map (dated 10/1/2007).
Exhibit No. 3: Site Plan (dated 10/4/2007).
Exhibit No. 4: Landscape Plan (dated 10/4/2007).
Exhibit No. 5: Elevations (dated 9/26/2007).
Exhibit No. 6: Floor Plan (dated 9/2612007).
Exhibit No. 7: Mechanical Screening Detail (dated 10/4/2007).
Exhibit No. 8: Topographic Survey of Existing Conditions, north half of project site (dated 3/9/2007)
Exhibit No. 9: Topographic Survey of Existing Conditions, south half of project site (dated 3/9/2007)
Exhibit No. 10: Zoning Map sheet E4 west Y, (dated 2/28/2007)
Exhibit No. 11: Renton School District's MONS
Owner of Record:
Zoning Designation:
Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Designation:
Existing Site Use:
Neighborhood Characteristics
Site Area:
Project Data:
Existing Building Area:
New Building Area:
Total Building Area.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
Rick Stracke, Executive Director of Facilities Planning, Renton School
District #403, 1220 N 4th Street, Renton, WA 98055
Commercial Arterial (CA) & Light Industrial (IL)
Commercial Corridor & Employment Area Industrial
An existing RSD Transportation Center
Urban Center -North 1 (UC-N1)
Heavy Industrial (IH)
Commercial Arterial (CA) & Residential -10 dwelling units per acre
Commercial Arterial (CA)
Access would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 4th Street, Garden
Avenue N, and N 5th Street.
209,088 square feet (4.8 acres)
15,421 sq ft
15,421 sq ft
building to be
City of Renton P/BIPW Departm
RSD Transportation Center
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007 Page 3 of 10
Land Use File No.
Ordinance No.
Comprehensive Plan
Annexation 156
1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts
Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts
Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table
Section 4-2-120: Commercial Development Standards
Section 4-2-130: Industrial Development Standards
2. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards
Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations -General
Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations
Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations
Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards
Section 4-4-095: Screening and Storage Height/Location Limitations
3. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards
4. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria
Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review
6. Chapter 11 Definitions
1. Land Use Element
The Renton School District Transportation Center is a proposed redevelopment of the existing
Transportation Center located on a 209,726 square foot (4.8 acre) site. The project site is composed of
five parcels. The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zone and the four western parcels
are located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The site currently houses all of the District's
Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security staff in addition to the District's Transportation
Department and functions, including bus maintenance and storage as well as administration offices. The
site currently has a 3,564 square foot office building, an 18,810 square foot maintenance/repair building
that includes some office space, and five storage sheds totaling 2,775 square feet.
The proposed redevelopment would house only the Transportation Department functions and would
include the construction of a 1-story 26-foot tall 16,644 square foot structure that would house office
space, repair bay space, and industrial support space (maintenance shops) as well as a 19-foot 6-inch tall
3,578 square foot service building (fueling station and bus wash). A total of 6 bus maintenance bays would
be provided on-site along with 98 bus storage spaces and 98 standard car parking spaces.
Landscaping improvements are proposed around the perimeter of the site and within the car parking lot.
The proposed office building has been brought up to the street. with no surface parking or drive aisles
located between the building and the street. The bus service bays are located on the rear fa9ade of the
building and would not be visible from Park Avenue N. The surface parking areas have been tucked
behind an existing office building located on an abutting parcel, which screens the majority of the surface
parking from the view of people traveling past the site on Park Avenue N.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton PIBIPW Departme .
RSD Transportation Center
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007 Page 4 of 10
The Renton School District acted as lead agency for the SEPA review, A Mitigated Determination of Non-
Significance was issued on October 24, 2007, The MONS included 18 mitigation measures. A 14-day
appeal period commenced on October 24, 2007 and ended on November 6, 2007, No appeals of the
threshold determination were filed.
1. See attached MONS.
Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and
address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official
file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report
and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report.
As per RMC 4-9-200.E, the Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon
comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good
site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance with any
one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame
of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to
discourage creativity and innovation. The site plan review criteria include, but are not limited to, the
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the east property is Employment
Area -Industrial (EAi) and the designation for the west four parcels are Commercial Corridor
The Employment Area-Industrial designation is intended to provide continued opportunity for
manufacturing and industrial uses that create a strong employment base in the City.
It is the intention of City objectives and policies that Commercial Corridor areas evolve from
"strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site
planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and
boulevard treatment.
The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal:
Employment Area-Industrial Land Use Element
Policy LU-437, A mix of offices, light industrial, warehousing, and manufacturing should be
encouraged in the Employment Area-Industrial classification, with conditions as appropriate. The
portion of the site located in the EAi designation would house primarily the bus storage, fueling,
and washing areas which are light industrial uses.
Policy LU-442. Off-site impacts from industrial development such as noise, odors, light and
glare, surface and ground water pollution, and air quality should be controlled through setbacks,
landscaping, screening and/or fencing, drainage controls, environmental mitigation, and other
techniques. The impacts of the light industrial uses are proposed to be screened from view via
perimeter landscaping and fencing around the project site.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton P/8/PW Departme
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Commercial Corridor Land Use Element
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 5 of 10
Policy LU-353. Structures at Commercial Corridor intersections should not be set back from the
street and sidewalk so as to allow vehicular circulation or parking to be located between the
sidewalk and the building. The proposed front of the proposed office building would not be
setback from the street and sidewalk, no parking or vehicular circulation is proposed between the
sidewalk and the building.
Policy LU-355. Parking at designated intersections should be in back of structures and not
located between structures and the sidewalk or street. The surface parking is largely located
behind an existing office building located on an abutting parcel.
Policy LU-358. Parking areas should be landscaped (including street trees, buffers, berms),
especially along roadways, to reduce visual impacts. A landscape plan was submitted with the
application. Landscaping will be required within the surface parking area in compliance with the
City's landscape regulations for surface parking lots.
Policy LU-362. Office sites and structures should be designed (e.g. signage; building height, bulk
and setback; landscaping; parking) to mitigate adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. The
proposed building has been designed to be setback from the adjacent single family land uses
across S 37'h Street. In addition, landscaping and fencing are proposed along the S 37'h Street to
screen the proposed building from the single family residences.
Policy LU-368. Consideration of the scale and building style of near-by residential
neighborhoods should be included in development proposals. The proposed building would have
a height of 26 feet and 1-story, which would not be out of scale with the existing residential
development located in the project vicinity.
Policy LU-369. Development should be designed to consider potential adverse impacts on
adjacent, less intensive uses, e.g. fighting, landscaping, and setbacks should all be considered
during site design. Landscaping and fencing have been proposed along N 41
' Street to buffer the
single family uses from the proposed development.
Policy LU-370. Landscape buffers, additional setbacks, reduced height, and screening devices
such as berms and fencing should be employed to reduce impacts (e.g. visual, noise, odor, light)
on adjacent, Jess intensive uses. See previous discussion above.
The east parcel is located within the Light Industrial (IL) zone and the west four parcels are
located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone.
The purposed of the Light Industrial (IL) zone is to provide areas for low-intensity manufacturing,
industrial services, distribution, storage, and technical schools.
The purpose of the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone is to evolve from "strip commercial" linear
business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating
efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment.
The proposal for a government facility is allowed within the IL and CA zones with the approval of a
Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. The Development Services Director has issued a
determination that states that "activities of existing established conditional uses directly related to
the use that has already been established, such as new construction, additions, repairs,
remodeling, or maintenance, shall not require additional Conditional Use Permit review."
Therefore, as the government facility use has previously been established on the site by the
Renton School District, additional Conditional Use Permit review is not required.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton PIB/PW Oepartme
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Development Standards
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 6 of 10
Lot Coverage -The maximum building lot coverage in the CA zone for projects with surface
parking is 65% of the total lot area. The building footprint of the proposed structure on the 46,893
square foot CA portion of the property is 16,644 sq. ft., which results in a 38 percent lot coverage.
The maximum building lot coverage in the IL zone is 65% of the total lot area. The building
footprint of the service building on the 156,000 square foot IL portion of the property is 3,578 sq.
ft., which results in a 2 percent lot coverage.
The project is in compliance with the lot coverage requirements.
Setbacks -The CA zone requires a minimum front yard and side yard along a street setback of
10 feet. No side rear yard setbacks are required. The proposed building on the CA portion of the
property would maintain a minimum 10-foot front yard setback from the west (Park Avenue N)
property line and a 15-foot side yard along a street setback from the south (N 4th Street) property
The IL zone requires a minimum setback of 15 feet from the east (Garden Avenue N}, and north
(N 5th Street) property lines and a 20-foot setback from the south (N 4th Street) property line. The
proposed service building would be setback an excess of 100 feet from all of the property lines
and would therefore comply with the IL setback requirements.
Landscaping -The CA zone requires that 10 feet of landscaping be provided along street
frontages (N 4th Street, and Park Avenue N). A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the
project application. The plan includes a landscape strip along Park Avenue N and N 4th Street that
ranges in width from 10 feet to 22 feet.
The IL zone requires a 20-foot wide landscape strip along principal arterials and a 15-foot wide
landscape strip along minor and collector arterials. The Director of Development Services has
determined that since residential access street are not minor or collector arterials, no landscaping
is required along residential access streets. However, in order to provide a buffer from the
properties to the north, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a minimum 5-foot wide
landscape strip be required along a residential access street. The City's Arterial Street Mag
identifies N 4th Street as a principal arterial, Garden Avenue N as a minor arterial, and N 5 h Street
as a residential access street. The submitted landscape plan identifies a 20-foot landscape strip
along N 4th Street (principal arterial), a 15-foot wide landscage strip along Garden Avenue N
(minor arterial), and a 5-foot wide landscape strip along N 5" Street (residential access street). In
addition, an additional 6-foot wide landscape strip is proposed to be landscaped within the N 5th
Street right-of-way between the curb and the sidewalk.
The landscape plan proposes to install street trees planted at a spacing of 30 feet on center
(species proposed include London Plane Tree, Callery Pear, White Ash, and Red Maple), a
variety of medium and low drought tolerant evergreen and deciduous shrubs, grasses,
groundcover, and lawn along the north (N 5th Street), east (Garden Avenue N}, and south (N 4th
Street) property lines. Lawn, evergreen and deciduous access trees, screening vines, a variety of
medium and low drought tolerant evergreen and deciduous shrubs, grasses, and groundcover
cover are proposed to be planted along the west (Park Avenue N) property line. Staff has
reviewed the proposed perimeter landscaping. The London Plane Tree species has been
identified as a nuisance tree by the City of Renton and would not be permitted as a new street
tree. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a revised landscape plan be submitted
with the building permit application identifying an alternate street tree to the proposed London Plan
The City's parking regulations have additional landscaping requirements for surface parking lots.
For surface parking lots with between 15 and 99 parking spaces a minimum of 25 square feet of
landscaping is required per parking space. Landscaped areas are required to be a minimum of 5
feet in width. Street trees shall be installed within the landscape areas at a rate of 1 tree for every
30 feet of lineal frontage. Within the parking area a minimum of 1 tree shall be planted for every 6
parking spaces provided, shrubs shall be planted at a rate of 5 per 100 sq. ft. of landscape area,
ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide 90 percent coverage within the first
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton P/8/PW Departm
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 7 of 10
3 years of installation, and no more than 50 feet shall separate a parking space from a landscape
Based on the proposal for 98 surface parking stalls a minimum of 2,450 square feet of
landscaping is required within the parking lot, with a total of 16 trees. The submitted landscape
plan identifies 4,054 square feet of landscaping within and around the perimeter of the parking lot
with a total of 29 trees (Zelkova, Katura Tree, Norway Maple, or European Hornbeam) and 4,054
square feet of shrubs and ground cover. There appear to be three areas where the landscaped
areas would be less than the minimum 5-foot that's required, however the applicant has proposed
1,604 square feet of additional landscaping above the minimum 2,450 that's required. Therefore,
the landscaped areas less than 5 feet in width should be permitted provided they are not apart of
the 2,450 minimum required landscaping.
All landscaped areas must be fully irrigated unless 100 percent drought tolerant vegetation is
installed. At the time of building permit submittal a detailed landscape plan shall be submitted for
review and approval by the Development Services Division project manager.
Building Height-The CA zone allows a maximum building height of 50 feet. The proposed
building on the CA portion of the site would have a maximum height of 26 feet, which complies
with the height requirements.
The IL zone allows a maximum building height of 50 feet. The proposed service building on the IL
portion of the site would have a maximum height of 19 feet 6 inches, which is below the maximum
height permitted and complies with these requirements.
Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations -A parking modification was granted by the
Development Services Director on August 2, 2007, which approves the proposal for 98 parking
spaces on the project site.
Of the 98 parking spaces proposed, a minimum of 4 of those are required to comply with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The proposed site plan indicates that 4 ADA
spaces will be provided and that the proposed ADA spaces would be located adjacent to the
building's main entrance, which complies with this requirement.
The minimum parking stall dimensions required in the CA zone for surface parking stalls is 9 feet
wide by 20 feet long and for compact stalls is 8 Y, feet wide by 16 feet long. Compact stalls shall
not account for more than 30 percent of the total surface parking spaces. The proposed parking
stalls would comply with the parking stall dimensional requirements. Based on the proposal for 98
parking spaces, a maximum of 29 may be provided as compact stalls; the proposed site plan has
identified 30 compact parking spaces, which exceeds the maximum permitted. Staff recommends
as a condition of approval that a revised site plan be submitted with the building permit application
identifying no more than 30 percent of the proposed parking spaces as compact stalls.
The project site is adjacent to UC-N1 zoned properties on the north, CA zoned properties on the
west, CA and R-10 zoned properties on the south, and IH zoned property on the east. The
proposed 16,644 square foot office/maintenance building would be located on the southwest
corner of the project site and has been brought up to the street to enhance the pedestrian and
vehicular experience and to screen the bus storage along Park Avenue N. A pedestrian sidewalk
is proposed to connect the main entrance of the Transportation Center to the sidewalk located
within Park Avenue N. The proposed office/maintenance building would have a maximum height
of 26 feet and the service building would have a maximum height of 19 feet 6 inches, which would
not be out of scale for the existing surrounding residential and commercial uses.
Landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the project site to provide an aesthetic buffer to
for the surrounding residential commercial, office, and industrial uses from the proposed
transportation center. In addition, street trees are proposed along the north, east, and south street
frontages to screen the bus storage areas and surface parking from the surrounding properties. In
addition, street trees add to the vehicular and pedestrian experience as they travel by the project
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton P/8/PW Departm
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 8 of 10
The majority of the proposed surface parking lot and bus storage has been located behind the
proposed office/maintenance building and the existing office building located on an abutting parcel
to the northwest of the project site. No surface parking or vehicular drive aisles are proposed to be
located between the proposed office/maintenance building and the street and the bus
maintenance bays are located on the rear building fa9ade towards the bus storage area.
The rooftop mechanical equipment would be screened from public view via a 2-foot tall parapet.
The mechanical equipment would be located on the central portion of the roof, which would also
reduce the visibility of the equipment from surrounding properties. The required refuse and
recyclable deposit areas would be located more than 50 feet away from the residential uses,
thereby reducing their impact on the existing residences.
Construction activities would result in short-term noise, dust and traffic impacts on surrounding
properties limited to the project's construction. The applicant has submitted a Construction
Mitigation Plan with the land use application outlining measures to be employed for minimizing
dust, noise and traffic impacts during construction. The Construction Mitigation Plan would also be
submitted prior to the issuance of any building or construction permit to verify the truck/haul routes
and note any other provisions related to construction activities.
The scale, height and bulk of the proposed Transportation Center is appropriate for the site and is
anticipated to be architecturally compatible with existing and future development in the vicinity.
The proposed height of the office/maintenance building is 26 feet and the height of the service
building is 19 feet 6 inches, which would be compatible with the heights of the existing single
family residences located to the south of the project site. The proposed buildings would result in a
9.6 percent total lot coverage on the 209,726 square foot (4.8 acre) project site, which is
substantially less than the maximum lot coverage permitted (see previous discussion above).
Based on the proposed heights of the buildings and lot coverage it appears that the scale of the
proposed Transportation Center would be appropriate for the project site.
A total of 4,054 square feet of landscaping is proposed within the surface parking lot and
perimeter landscaping is proposed around the property site ranging from 5 to 20 feet in width. It
appears that the proposed redevelopment would result in the creation of additional landscaped
areas to provide for the natural infiltration of surface water generated on the project site.
The refuse and recyclable deposit area would be located at the northwest corner of the proposed
service building. As the proposed refuse and recyclable deposit areas are located more than 100
feet from the existing residential developments and on the IL zoned portion of the property, no
fencing of the refuse and recyclable areas is required. The City's refuse and recyclable standards
would require a minimum of 4 square feet per 1,000 square feet of building gross floor area for a
refuse area and a minimum of 2 square feet per 1,000 square feet of recyclable area. Based on a
total gross floor area of 26,600 square feet for the new building a minimum of 81 square feet
would be required for the refuse deposit areas and a minimum of 40 square feet would be
required for the recyclable deposit areas for a total of 121 square feet. The proposal includes a
total of 210 square feet for refuse and recyclable deposit areas, which complies with this
Potential erosion impacts that could occur during project construction would be adequately
mitigated by City Code requirements for approval of a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation
Control Plan (TESCP) pursuant to the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM)
and a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of Construction Permits. In addition, the
School District's MONS imposed a mitigation measure on the project requiring compliance with
the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for erosion and sediment
The proposal is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site as the proposal
would redevelop the School District's existing Transportation Center and further implement the
intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
City of Renton P/B/PW Departm
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 9 of 10
The proposed development is anticipated to generate 53 (7 percent) fewer trips than the existing
Transportation Center. Therefore, no Traffic Mitigation Fee will be applicable to the project site.
Access to the site would be provided off of Park Avenue N, N 5Lh Street, Garden Avenue N, and N
4th Street. Pedestrian access would be provided to the main entrance of the building via a
sidewalk off of Park Avenue N. Vehicle traffic would enter the surface parking lot off of Park
Avenue N or N 5th Street and the bus traffic would enter and exit the site via driveway access off
of Garden Avenue N, or N 4th Street. It appears that there would be adequate separation between
pedestrians, vehicles, and buses providing safety and efficiency for pedestrian, vehicular, and bus
Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the
Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Traffic
Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction
The proposed addition is designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the
existing building and the site. The design of the building will not result in excessive shading of the
property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide for normal airflow.
Exterior onsite lighting, including security and parking lot lighting, would be regulated by code.
Compliance with this code (RMC 4-4-075) ensures that all building lights are directed onto the
building or the ground and can not trespass beyond the property lines. According to code, parking
lot lighting fixtures are to be non-glare and mounted no more than 25 feet above the ground. This
is to help minimize the impact onto adjacent properties. The applicant indicated in the SEPA
MONS that the proposed exterior lights would be directed downward and away from adjacent
properties and that the lighting system would be designed to prevent glare off reflective surfaces
and to provide adequate lighting for security purposes. Staff does not anticipate that exterior
lighting would become an issue provided code requirements are met.
It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would
occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted a Construction
Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of
dust, traffic controls, etc. The proposed development is not anticipated to generate any harmful or
unhealthy conditions. There may be noise and odor impacts associated with the idling and/or
warming up of the school buses, however these impacts are not anticipated to be new as the
project site is currently being utilized by the Renton School District for their Transportation Center
and bus storage.
Fire Department and Police staff have indicated existing facilities are adequate to accommodate
the subject proposal. The payment of a Fire Mitigation fee is not anticipated as the proposal would
result in the reduction of building area on the project site.
A Technical Information Report prepared by Coughlin Porter Lundeen, dated October 3, 2007
was submitted with the application materials. The existing surface water runoff sheet flows to the
north into the City's storm system within N 5th Street. The stormwater runoff generated on the
project site will sheet flow to a closed pipe system. The stormwater runoff generated on the bus
storage area will be routed through an oil/water separator. This runoff would also be routed
through an EcoStorm Plus water filtration system. The runoff generated in the surface parking lot
would be routed through a separate EcoStorm Plus water filtration system before combining with
the bus parking flows. Once these two flows have been combined, they would discharge to an
existing catch basin system in N 5th Street.
HEX staff rpt 07 -122.doc
City of Renton P/8/PW Departme,
RSD Transportation Center
PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: November 20, 2007
Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner
LUA-07-122, SA-H
Page 10 of 10
Staff from the City's plan review section have reviewed the submitted drainage materials. The
preliminary drainage report plan identifies that with the modifications of the proposed
development, the total area of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic will be substantially
The Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of $0.265 per square foot
of new impervious area. Payment of the fee will be required prior to the issuance of a building
Water and Sanitary Sewer comments were not ready as of the date of the writing of this report.
This information will be supplied at the public hearing.
The Water System Development Charge is based on a rate of $0.273 per square foot of the gross
project site. Payment of the Water System Development Charge will be required prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
The Sewer System Development Charge is based on a rate of $0.142 per square foot of the gross
project site. Payment of the Sewer System Development Charge will be required prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
The proposal would result in the development with coordinated site improvements including
landscaping, parking, and lighting. It is anticipated that the proposed development would
contribute to the surrounding properties developing a previously vacant property. No deterioration
or blight is expected to occur as a result of this proposal.
Staff recommends approval of the Valley View Professional Office, Project File No. LUA-07-086, SA-H,
ECF subject to the following conditions:
1. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted with the building permit application identifying an
alternate street tree to the proposed London Plan Tree. The revised landscape plan shall be
submitted to the Development Services Division project manager for review and approval.
Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2) years from the final approval date.
HEX staff rpt 07-122.doc
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Vicinity Map: Renton School District Transportation Center
Site Plm1 Revinv SuU1nitul 10/1/2007