HomeMy WebLinkAbout10% Petition - 10/23/2007 � s �r 1r PETITION TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF RENTON UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (60% Petition —New Life —Aqua Barn Annexation) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 The undersigned are owners of not less than sixty percent (60%) in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation, of real property located contiguous to the City of Renton. We hereby petition that such property be annexed to the City of Renton under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 et seq. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A legal description (Exhibit 1) and map (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. In response to a duly filed and considered "Notice of Intention" to commence annexation proceedings, the City Council of the City of Renton met with the initiating parties under RCW 35A.14.120 on June 11, 2007. The City Council then detennined that the City would accept the proposed annexation with an expanded boundary to the south. Further,pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the undersigned petitioners agree to: (1} Accept the City's �o�nyrehensive Plan designatio�is as tl�ey affect the subject property; (2) Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject properties; and (3) Assume their proportional share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. all as noted in the minutes of the Coi.uicil meeting and contained in the electronic recording of such meeting. WHEREFORE, the undersigned property owners petition the City Council and ask: (a) That the Ciry Council fix a date for a public hearing about such proposed annexation, cause a notice to be published and posted, specifying the time and place of such hearing, and inviting all persons who are interested to appear at the hearing and state their approval or disapproval of such amiexation or to ask questions; and (b) That following such hearing, and consistent with any approval by the Boundary Review Board, the City Council by ordinance annex the above described territory to become part of the City of Renton, Washington, subject to its laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force, and to receive City public services. Page 1 of 2 �d�-�������z-�r� 4� t � � �a�� ^�Il � ��ewLife—AquaBarnAnnexation � o�� � �� ���' �� I ��f't k1�C��v�� ��� � FR �` �F�ci{�r.: This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one pe itior��ee��ing the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs tliis petition with a�iy other tha�i his or izer true izanze, or who knowingly signs»iore t/:an one of tltese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlzen/ie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlaen I:e or slie is odierwise�iot qualified to sigra, or wlio makes Izerein any false statement, slzall be guilty of a mis�le�neanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in ide�Ttica[form as the sarne that appear on record in the c/:ain of title fo tlie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Piat,Assessors No.or other) �/ � . r,;,�oo �� /,�S��L ` �3 2�7k- o�so � 2 i� 1. ��7 �Y�T�E_�ti1U�3�1�f.�11�_ ��,�roi✓, w� 9'S'v�8 /�//6�A / �Q 7 — Printed� �� ;J/j��;�y�, L.OT�55 f33. J /5 5f u v s� I�s (..�-`-5� o"�3 ,� 7 � "O���' c'`� r��� �,(" • / 2, � /7 �`�a' �,ev�-tc�1. l,�� 9�'os� ��- z / ----------- ---- ---- ----------- -- i 3�, o«�, - ✓ �, Printed Name�� � E, � � . � �5��C" 5� l S5� �( � �_r_= ' f 3. �5�b7 ---�n'� ------------ �� 4� � �� �.3���� '1 f�fS�3 C� 9� Z PrintedName�?s"ct`G�td.�•E. �s�� o,� ��C��.:, Wtl Cl Cl.�.��} ( `� o�� -' � 4. --- --- ------ ------- ---- Printe ame �-- ,.. � . 1�.� ��'S-rc.���4-�� w s i�it�`� �S-lv��i_ �� � 0 � �,���� s. ---------- - - ---- --- 1 vt�n,(�A�ts � ���D� Printed Na e � � -�. ' � ' � � � / ��va > �. r s�' �G� 07 3�`i'7 b'�� �.�. c v« �. 6. - --- ------- - ---- -- --- - �g 7�F 000 ����� Printed Na � p h \ /�E=' wt a ,r. �v� �7�'c .i�' �y�OvU ' ( 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 • � ��w Life—Aqua Barn Annexation .,,,,� `���d���'��tot� �C i� � 3 10�1 This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as abov�,��.���t��nF�+�,r may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wl:o signs tltis petition witlz any other t)zan lTis or izer true nnme, or who knowingly signs more tl:an one of t/iese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election w/ien lie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is od:erwise not�ualified to sign, or who makes Izerein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nr�mes of petitioners s{:ou[d be i�t ide�:tical form as t/ie same that appear on record in tlie cl:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Naine Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 1. � ------------------------------------ Printed N ne '�.D� �- ' ���01 160tr, �: :;C= 8�5689G1 ;G 2 ---����'"��-� ' -- , . , ;�0 , . .,. . � �l'I13I� '� - - --- - -- �.: >-,+��n /1(:; '3. 5::-�.���a Printed Name � D � , � " i 5C`... �� ;J�',�i Jt 8.':5fi�9GG3`� 3. ��I� ;�r� ------ -- - --- ------------- ;;Er��,,r, �,,�;��, _�;�_:;�-�:��� Printed Name �c�T-�-� �' �GC,Sa � I�E1� 1`9,� � ,�_ '�':`'i����.��°�?� 4 � .. . . , ., r- ,7 • I(.�i 3���� -- - -------�------- ������ �:a. y� � Pr nt N me �jj�y� � �(,�'��j -�+ '��_. `�� '56_�� S' l 88568t3�13L' S. I�li��C�� -- - -----------�-----�----- �t�n:�:^�1 V"rh 9$(��8,-F:i: � Printed Name � V� �_ _� �_ �,:,�t t 5:,'i:, 1de SF ;oSY.;E9G i.�a 6. ��-I�J'(;"} -' ----- ----'�--- i�ri V3�L'%+ '-.��;EJ.�°-G�3 1 Printed Name — --� 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name t4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ��Y����ti��-�r� y�1ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �/ ��� � � �� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one pe�t,�gr���§�g._ ,,.;. the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing addit�onal signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualifced to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,sl:all be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as the same t/:at appear on record in the cltain of title to tl�e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,sio�,riac,aSSessor�s No.or other ��� � ��5 1������V�� "j� 1 � �`� . ------ ----------- ------------- ,� ��C� Printed ame —,� �m(� �er��'1��N✓� �g� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ A Printed Name - _ -- _ *.. ,. �:�,�-"'� 7. ------------------------------------ ...... Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 e ♦ � �s�'�������o� 15�2�-- *!'iew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�' Idf�- � �'=_ ; This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petition s�eking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as abo���tat�����r.�- may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Eve�y person wlzo signs tlzis petition witli nizy otlzer than Izis or her true izanie, or wlio knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlten he or slze is otherwise not c�ualifie�f to sign, or who � makes ITerein any false statement, sliall be guilty of a niisdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanies of petftio�zers should be i�i identical for�n as die smne that appear o�:record i�i tlie cliai�t of title to lhe real estate.) T'���ot I:Pg2!N�. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other . . • i'�6�2 lS� /�v.��-� . SE�I z C�I so ,� �, 1, �Ei�'�oc��" ���i�-�=''''!�_�'---�'�='�------ 1��►°�� W�Y `�1 ��t�' Printed Nam � ��+� '� ��,�� f � _��_�__-�_�_���---- 15(�3'2 "l5�'`�',��'_�� $�;.6��a�►sc� ✓ 2. (� � - --�------ - ry� lG-�.V�`I�n� ll.►�-� g'$a�� ZU� Printed Na e�r is y _ /'`���°h � ' !S Y�c .5���'S�Tr� �L 3. �� � --- ----------------------------- �-3� 7 1�� �`�D Pri Nam�y � C'c:f`��'^� �'Z ti5r^J i ot�(.r�✓� !r�L)�i � �-��'� ��V> � � ��s6a� ��"� � / S� .. 4. ��� —�`'�e='�'� �., , n „/'�. /� �j ^Jr, I /�-� ---------------- ------- � � �j I�11� J Printed Name ,� �F-� ��F"" " �/ �- �'3 O�b �s 1s � �� Z-0 Z�(7 . . � � 53Z5 �� i55�-t.�l�� � 5. �-�_,.,�.��..,,�-__ 2�-�ds �, � Pi--�-- ' �-�r�-r��z�i�� `?3��C��l I Sa o� 6. ------------------------------------ � Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name � Page 2 of 2 , • ii�t'l Jt*2�l�r�Jl� � �(�� � `'tfew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "'" ��.��� � � ������ �� fT � p ���t v�� �� � This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one p��ic��c�r�-��,;� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�ts this petitio�T with any otlier tha�l ltis or her true�zame, or�wlio knowingly signs��iore thaiz one of tl:ese petitions, or sig�zs a petition seeking an election w/zen/ie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when I:e or slie is otlierwise not c�ualified to sign, or wlzo makes ITerein any false statement, sliall be guilty of a niisrlemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. � (Nanzes of petitioners should be in identical fornz as tlze same tleat appear on record in the c/:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address t�-°`,�'°c,P��r,�"��5�:'S No.or other � �1 �.�_ ��_��_ � _,� I�i.�O i�G�� �-� ����'��D-E��y�-�� 1� �� 1. ; - --- �"`� . ��r�, t� s�d�s � � G� P�; � � � . �, � _ � �ga � , 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3� ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �J. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 i.f-1�'(;��=r���M 1'<�l�� F � �� 4 �ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "'' ��� ' `� � �, r � �` a � �i i l ,y,(� �� '�'J This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one p�t��ian�sse'�c�'rz4g�c;�� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �' WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition witla any other than lzis or lier true name, o��who knowingly signs niore t/za►z one of tl:ese petitio►zs, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when l:e or slie is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall lie guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical forra�as the sante that appear on record in the cl:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bioc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � � � �f 1 � / S��� 1 ;3�fi�, ���--c 1. �'.��G��f`,-��'..�'�''=�'��� /, �� � � �i �C� Printed Nam�_ �� ,�Nr����F�l � ..S ���J��—i�--�,!�'1 �(� ��� ��-�� �� � ✓ � 2 � C. C �.� ���2 � �� �� `Y _. � v 2. ----?�-`�--- ----------<<'='�,�- t� t,, �! t (, � PrintedName ��"�jbL� ��t.�...-'� GC',/i / l�u� � 1 �. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 +s � � ����������� ��� ��� ,� , �:'�'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `� � � F,i+, a `' � %I�i'� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one��tit�gr},seeking the annexation of the described territoiy to the City of Renton, Washington as a1fd��`t�teE#;"and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlto sig�ts tlzis petition with any otlter tlia�i Itis or ller true rtanze, or wlzo knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlzen he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlten Ite or she is ot/zerwise not qualified to sign, or who ' makes lzerein any false statement,sltall be guilty of a nTisdemeanon i The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identica[forraz as tlie same that appear on record i�z the d:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name ACIfITCSS (Lot,Sloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � , i:5-3 J 5- S�=: ��"5-Pi.�K-2 �-c � / ` � � _, 1. �/�o/��7 ---`�, ',�---'�-�� �G�-s-'!`"��fi�i`-'`--- �.z,,��� l�'�� �`f°..� �?,3 :?3 0�-`I�ss-�� 1� ��( �� PrintedName ,'��runvb� Uw1i�s�liv"c tU� � 2 7����� � ��-� �fa-���� ;� �� . ----------------------7-^-�-------- PrintedName Q�,�c IR.i.v�ksh�''-�' 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �a ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ i Printed Name I g. ------------------------------------ I! Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name '� Page 2 of 2 ' _ �:kll°C�E=f��l��-t�f� �� � �rtw Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � G�� ` �'i�i��' ��� �10� I This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one�t�r��a�seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington�as above stafed, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNWG: Every person who signs tlzis petition witlz any other thalz liis or her true na�ne, or who knowingly signs more t/aarz one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlzen Iie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when ITe or slze is otherwise not�ualified to sign, or who makes laerein any false statement, sllall be guilty of a trzisdenzeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nnmes of petitioners should be in identical forr�z as the sarne tlrat appear on record i�T the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other , � 7 <SC C,S6 c,� �f�a /S� 1. � � °7 _ ��'1�- - ----- �� ,�, � � ) (�p���� �/wy ��-� (�� Printed Name fl�,//,�� �11-�4// �� �/� !J" /'l�0 ,3 V v" , ��8 aZ 5 � �Sc� e �fi �Z ��` , 2. 71�1 (�� ���--�-� .6.uin E1�1�►�-� �'�i c 1� p� � ��r Printed Name�0��� '�-v�.VZ71'� �J� �(�S 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name ' Page 2 of 2 C:i il'Ut�10El�`1 C1f'J ��� ` ` �w Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �''�,i,_� � �, <;a �j+(% ��� � DO�? This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which compri�,o��`�ti_seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlzo sig�ts tliis petitio�t witli a�iy otlter tliait his or Izer trcce izanze, o��who knowingly sig�zs more tlza�z one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wl:en lie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes lierein any false statement,sl:all be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nm�:es of petitioners should be in identical form ns the same tl:at appear on record in the cliain of title to t/ee renl estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description � Date Printed Name Addi'8SS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's ,,.j� No.or other ,��"`l �� n � �� ��--�� rs � �= ir� 1 � C,� � 1. �U � ,�J �+ . �p1 ----------------------------- ----- � � �, - � 1, ��.� l � � � Printed Name L C /�/ N��� � tj'f'C (�° � 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ I Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name I� Page 2 of 2 i;l-1='T J"r"r?��jYrJ�i � � �" 1 � ' ''r!'Qew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�"r i��� ! � �� '�ii1:' ��-��Oc� <<c����� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise�one p`��i��on`s��e�cing the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. YT'ARNING: Every person wlzo sig�zs tlais petition witlz any otlier tlian liis or lier trcce nrrnze, or wlzo knowingly signs more thaiz o�Ze of tkese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlTen he or slie is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes Izerein any false stateme�2t, sliall be guilry of a nzisdemeanon � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (1Vames of petitio�zers should be in ide�ztica!for�a:as t/1e same that appear o�i record in the chain of title to tlte real estate.) ' Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or her) � � ��1 :s�i�� s� %s�, s% y� � ���y c� t . � 1 _. �- �=--1-�-- -��°-�- /�/'r' �� ` �ti'� �-v � " f�-� 7 Printe`Name /�' , l� NT�N.� (,I ^� �J �R -..S'/: ` �! G"5"S� G� C�3 � . �(T` _�'�_ �. �L-� �'�f C�� g/:- �,g-� S1� � 2. � ,� � ----��-----� � ;'�:�r,�•,/ ,;,;,;� i� � PrintedNamr,�L'�r !�f " �;: / r'J ��'� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ����-�b,..��r ^f�iN i!ji` �� 1 � * . �f ew Life—A ua Barn Annexation �i��"�� � � �i�i� � q 13�, Do zEt;��vt� _ This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which compri�o��f�i8fi`�eking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages coiitaining additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wJto signs tliis petitiora witli any other tlian lzis or lier trice name, o�•wlzo knowingly signs more than one of tlzese petitions, or signs a petitio�i seeking a�t election wl:en/ie or slze is not a legal voter, or sig�zs a petition wlien I:e or slze is otlzerwise not qualifred to sign, or wl:o makes herein any false statement, sltall be guilry of a niisdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petrtioners sl�ou[d be in identical form as the smne that appear on record in the chain of title fo lhe real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signa ure and � Mailing Description Date 1'� C.C� ame Address (Lot,Sloc,Plat,Assessor's ;% No.or other � , �, /.��"�� U�-�"�`3� �Q( ✓� l. ��i�/o� --- ----- - - -- --------�-'! ` r�� I�,? �y � Printed me ��f�'IG�.�✓� C,' �Gc� � � l�-5��� G/��Y�-� �i f� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ ; Printed Name i Page 2 of 2 a ��.=.1,�.J1-!��N M"��jr.< ''[11\� �� ' . \,/i� �!'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �'' , "� `' ,I � _ �c�,4�� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise�.�qne;,�i���e;eking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every perso�t wlzo signs this petitio�� witli nny other than his or her true nrrnie, or wlio knowingly signs i�zore t/zan one of tlzese petitions, or signs a petition seeking aiz election wl:en /ie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when lie or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes lzerei�t any false statement,sltall be guilty of a niisdenteanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be i�z ideiztical fornz as t/ze sa»ie t/eat appear on record i�z the chain of title to lhe real eslate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � �O f"�[E' - �f� , V'° ------ ��5�� � � . � . t 1. /�-�u�,--p�? --------- �-"�'-"-""�-- d4 �'7 � fl�c�u-3/"�o�c� � Printed Name ��• � � 2. ------------------------------------ ; Printed Name �� 3. ------------------------------------ ! Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ � Printed Name rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 , _ c:,;��.';'a�-r�����iP='t✓� 1 1 � s' � j '� 1'1'�w Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � ��G:M � � i(i� C�� 1000 ttC�ivt� This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which compris�`n���f'�'oi�'=se��ing the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Waslungton as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Evety person wlzo sig�is tliis petition witlz any otlier thart liis or lier trace�zan:e, or wlio knowingly signs more t/zan one of tltese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien /ie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition w1Ten he or she is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or who makes Izerein any fa[se statement, sl:all be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the sm�ze that appear on record i�i the cliain of title to the rea[estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Addi'CSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other t Sya a s� r ss��c� c�,f �a ������ � � 1. -- �''------------------�------ ���-(�:�, �,,�- �8c;5� ��� ,� � %�"���7 P�;n�� ��.�v�,�S rr1 1 i��vv s. �_ �SS'��,L Ln�- IaD 2. 711�/07 --�-���--�-�_�:���---- a-�n-J-ar�.� w� �'80�& Printed Name� � 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �l�1'UE F2�l��"C7Ev •-� � �A��Z � ' !�''ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �"� ���� �' `� ������i ��,���;��vt� 1gZ � D�Q .,i'• �,J FRK'c ncc��, This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one�petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Waslungton as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlao signs tliis petitio�� with any otlzer tlza�: liis or laer true izarrae, or wlzo knowingly signs more t/ian one of tliese petitio►zs, or signs a petition seeking an election wlten lie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlien Ite or slze is ot/ierwise�iot qualified to sigiz, or who makes herein any false statemerzt,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Tl�e undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nan:es of petitioners sliould be in identical form as tJTe sanTe that appear at record in the cl:ain of title to t/ie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �S�SC� \� `9�4�-�-{S�C, ,�l � i. �'���0_1 ------- --- ---- -- ---------_ Pao� ^�' ��-�g�o �,��� ��,� Printed ne ���� '� � ���-.'�YZ ���`-�S ;�� ^/ i51�fl ��a� � �' 2. ��6 /� ---------�=��- �------ �� � " rjrj���6 f i-�o �u� Printed Name �.'.� 2J 1\E'�"��+'� ��0�0 C o � 5 �. ------------------------------------ Printed Name i 4. ------------------------------------ �'� Printed Name Jr. ------------------------------------ Printed Name I 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ I' Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name ' 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �i..� �r K���C,', l Y..1—I� � 1 � ' ' `Pf'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ''�"'���� �. r, , , ,, _ Zb���ao This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which compri�or���_seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlzo signs tlais petitiorz witlz mry otller tlia�z Itis or Iter trice name, or wlzo knowingly signs��aore t/zan one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when lie or she is not a lega[voter, or signs a petition when /ie or she is otherwise itot qualified to sigfi, or who makes lzerein any false statement,slaall be guilty of a nTisdemeanor. The andersign�d have read the above �etiti�n and cor�sent to tiie fi?ing of this petit;an. (Names of petitioners should be in identical fornz as tlie sa»ie Niat appear a:recard iii the clzain of title to tlze real estate.) , Tax Lot Legal No. � Signature and Mailing Description ' Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's � No.or other �_ ._._ � --� �s���� 5� iss�� P!� �j���2 c�� � r��j�L���� � � C '� �. ��io f��i '���-��-- �- ;L�----l--s r������. �s���� ��aiNp�. ��LtF�-;� � r� �r �1 �R /� /� l ,� � l S3 zs S'� 1 SS;�� f/-> � 2. I I G��� -= - -� - --------------- j# G� - 7 P�o � / �r ` �/��1 R If�s� ��Z�i cc� < 98'oS� v .r-�,., � . Is3 �� S� rs��� ��� 3. ��I Q ��� ---- --=--------------------- ------ � e{-7 ��i�o -�b���'����L�1 ..�'��'�vl.��L , ,� ��' : �s��.��' � � ' ls 3 zs �� �s��� Pl. � , �..�-Yr� �)I� �� ----------------`'`='�----------- �# �t- 7 �� r T 4. c�;�'�� s�},v�c��;��� i���r cJi�'- �d.s� 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ � Printed Name ' 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name ' Page 2 of 2 s. , ,�,,..� uhkFi����E; ��`�c � ' '"�ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation '"� �; ; �, �i��r; n ����� G� This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise�-c��,e���k�ng the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�ts tlzis petition with any otlTer tlzan his or her true nnme, or who knowingly signs more t/ian one of t/zese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wl:en /ie or slle is�aot a legal voter, or signs a petition w/zen /:e or slie is ot/ierwise ilot qualifierf to sign, or who makes Iterein any false statement,shal[be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sliould be in identical form as tlze same that r�ppear o�i record in the chain of title to tlie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. cignature and Nla:li�g DQs�ript=on Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other C'�i^��t C', �C ZC'.�z- S(v/�( 13��h L� S E �C�f-�{S; ����¢—�a t� �-S'�2. .. � / . . � ----J- 1/c�/ /3� Pz�S 1. �/��/�� -------------------------- --- ,����, �t�sl 9�O.S�� `� . �l J PrmtedNameCc��2,�t/EL/D C, �L � ��1/L�t�C �(p . / �� I � � i , 1�;:� ' f, C'- '���� ' "1 ��====`-��'`�. �� � � " , � ��� � 1.,. , , , S�-,, . 2. `" 'G Printed Name ✓ . , . --`r ----- r ` r, n,S`I)„".� ,, 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ P:inted Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 nMti�r r � �� O.D d 1('�d=t�L. J ' �ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ''� � OQ(� � _ �-� �a � � ;�., This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one p��Q���eking ,-.,-.. � ��u, „�. { the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington`�s a�ove s��t�c�; a�d may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�zs tliis petitio�z witlz any other tlia�t liis or lter true nanze, or•wlzo knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien he or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slze is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes/terein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a nzisdenzeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners s/eould be in identical form as the saine thnt appear on record in the chain of title to tlee real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other • � L J 1. 1 -b � l�_��___--------- �`�"oi s��s-� N GU fi � � ;�O � -�� -- - ---5---- ----- I 'nc� p,, ' � � Printed Name O �t,L ��� �f'��� W�l /a "��' 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ I Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 v ; �:,�'1'�iF k�I�YC7�� ��� i = ' �ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `'� ;-.�_� � � ��,�����; i� kIVL-i. This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise as��p����s�kci�g �j ����o the annexation of the described territoiy to the City of Renton, Waslungton as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with mry other tlzan his or lier trcce name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition w/ien he or she is otherwise not qualifie�f to sign, or who makes Izerein any false statement, sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners s/iou[d be in identical forr�l as the same that appear on record i�z the cliain of title to die real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ^ _ � }ySiS S�� /S�/Th j� �1�1��� J� 1. ��s��v'� --- �'�`��� ---- ��G-�rt��✓ u/� 9�.��' �` �✓ rinted Na�ne � �rf� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �:s�'Y����2�N1�"(5�. . , Q���l ' 4(ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�''` 0�1� �' � 7 i i E���� ttCE��t�; 1")� '�Q`�' This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise orie'pet�'tfd�i`�seeking � the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wl:o signs tlzis petitiorc witlz any otlzer t11an l:is oi•lter trc�e name, or wlzo knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen I:e or slie is ot/zerwise not qualified to sign, or wlzo makes l:erein any false statement, sl:all be guilty of a misdenteanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petit�oners should be in identical forn:as the same that appear on record i�i the cl:ain of title to tlie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,B►o�,ria�,Assessor's No.or other, • 15/S7> f ylN�i S'� " i, -�-��i�a� ���''-=!n---�h-S�v� r��� y3�`� t�� o�� Printed Name ���f�f7�Yf, �J'V� �1�U� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ — Yrmted Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �1:E 9�(4.1t!'ZLn�r'rJr. � f �l� , CJC� %' f; '���� � 4�Cew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�' '� (Q�� k�C�iVtu � (°�T`� f`I F!?K'c ncc,�•,: This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlzo sigizs tlzis petition with any otlzer tlza�:ltis or lier tri�e nan:e, or wlao knowingly signs more than one of tlTese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or sig�zs a petition wlze�z Ire or slze is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes ITerei�t any false statement, sltall be guilty of a misdenleanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nar�zes of petitioners should 6e in identical form as tlTe same thnt appear on record in the cl:ain of title to the real estnte.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � � 5 3 Z � .SC, t ��� c;�: 733 � �97 1. �n - - �-- - -- - --------- o L �_`� ,,i,,,;t w-� � , � U� Printed Name � � �i �� (Z nTC�� l� �'t�� /�..��1" �.'1� �- �'.r►t-jcy � ��.. ------------------------------------ ��-T— ..1r1 C� � `� Printed Name �� �'�� � � 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ � Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 I � t. �—cq �l:c d��7r=.'��'� �-r. !�. C.)r� � ' � '4i'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `� OC y" `� �� ;i��', ��1g ��c� This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise o�e�p�nkb.C�ai�a�l�in�g the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�is tliis petition with any otlter thart his or her trcte nanze, o�•who knowingly signs more t/zan one of tliese petilio�ts, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien Ile or s/ze is�zot a legal voter, or signs a petition w/aen Ite or slie is otherwise�zot qualified to sign, or wlzo makes Iterein any false statement, sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanzes afpetitioners s/iould be in identica[fari�z as t/ie sanze tleat appear on recard i�z the c/:ain of title to d:e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Siga�ature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,B►o�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other , � /'450/ 5� /5'Y s t L�t -# � 14 •D �-----�95i�Ur3 sK� � ,\j,�l 1. � -- -- - - - ----�'------- Re,v,v�v i�A 9Bvs 8 � Printed Natne °}�/� �U`� � 1v ( 2. 1�1b.b1 �ArjAJ��---�.�'I�Q�KAY.A ly 50 � � t54 S�. Printed Name 'T�(J �A Q�'jg L�f � � 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � - � , �:���1`��rF k�N�r t�k��� �� ' � ''Y�few Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � �,F <; 1�� < < ��, � �� �:� liil�. � ti 2�� '� �I This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise at�c��{�'���k,i�g the annexation of the described territoiy to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlio sig�is tlzis petition witli a�iy otlier tlzan Izis or lier true�znnTe, o�•who knowingly signs more tlzan one of tltese petitions, or signs a petition seeking a�z election wlten lie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlze�a he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes l:erein any false statement, sliall be guilty of a rrTisdenieanor. The ur_dersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nan:es of petitioners sl�ould be in identical for�lz as dze sarne that appear on record in the c/:ain of title to tl:e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,sio�,riar,Assessor's No.or other � � � � ��.~ � �ySC.� , �+v l �J`� C G tl�. �i� � �I�t� � '� __ �s.�y S , ��'S �' . - ------------------- -- \ 1 � -T- �cN�G�N' t�trs► �1�o s� �� l Printed ame�Z���7 � �j� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name .�. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name � 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 M I /� A �� � "� � (�:t�1 i�r KE�r,C.?n; J � �, , �few Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `� � �ai �� t�: � �>i������� ��� (j(� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petit�on seeking � �� c��v�� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington a�`��t�v!���c�;a�nd may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs tltis petitio�z with any other tha�t ltis or lier trcce name, o��who k�zowingly signs more than one of tliese petitions, or signs a petitioiT seeking an election wl:en /ze or slie is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen l:e or slte is ot/lerwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes 1Terein any false statement,sllall be guilty of a nzisdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitio�iers s/iould be in identical for��z as the sm�ie that appear o�z record in the cliain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printe Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 1395y s� lv6�,SF �.ot 3� mo,,p�� �� � 1• ���1��1 - nrF� � s�m- 12e���Oy� C�� ���5 � ���c�c �s�o �j�� Pr nted Name / � 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name � O. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ^',�� � i:.±`t Jf-'iEl�y�f;1� � � � � �� � ' - ` New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ��i�, <% ;a ���,,1� . i � ,��(, �� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comp�ise e�'�" �ion,seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. Wf1RNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a mis�lemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chcrin of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 1 S � �rh2'-5� 2 3 2 3 o Sq U=-� ; 7 , �, l 7/1 15z�'` � 1. ���- -- ---- - ------------ p p� ( J �/�� Printed Name'� /'c� /�- �c�H�� /��12�� �i/��-- `30[�� �` Y�1 � �1c� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 Q ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 `r.`,�t 1'i,iE K�[�r-rr.)+; � � ��. , i - � � � Er� ,�1��f� � ��� '�� , � "�'Vew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `� ' - �{������ ��q-, 0 60 .... �-I FRK;c n:.c"',- This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every perso�Z wlao sig�:s tlzis petition witli any otl:er tliart l:is or lier tri�e nanze, or wlzo knowingly sigfis more t/zaiz one of tlzese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or ', slze is not a lega[voter, or signs a petition wlien Ite or slze is otlterwise not qualified to sign, or wl:o makes Izerein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a rrzisdenieanon The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. ' (Names of petitioners sleould be in ideiztical fornz as t/Te sarne tl�at appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) I Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Addi•eSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � �5'�o S S� �s� � $$�69 20�80 1. ��l S p'] --------���.lL�- 12L W W � 'a gubdt�ls�nY'+ 1 S ?r . G��ccl `�`"'' � $ ka� 0 � ' ed Name � l�'�b�' S� 15� �►r�-r� �,`� t 2. �1�1 {�.� (��( -J � Printed Name ��'��� � � "��� t� ��v " G� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Yrinted Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name I 10 ------------------------------------ � Printed Name Page 2 of 2 : v.,�r���F�f,�r �Z� f , '4qew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ''��i-"� F? _� ,,�, ��p�1 c�� , _ This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which com��se s1�����s�eking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�is tliis petition witlz nny otlier tlza�t l:is or lier trace�zanze, or wlzo knowingly signs niore tlza�z one of tlzese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlzen /ie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or w1To makes Izerein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanon The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. , (Nan:es of petitioners should be in identical forr�z as the sarne that appear on record in the c/:ain of title to tl�e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal Na Signature and Mailing Description , Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �� �������_ �wut 1� ��� � A���,�� ��1- �3 �3 �� ', �► r_ �� 1. - - - r�t ,� �- S "�*�."' �i„�l? yJ�1� t �C�.,,-.� � `��� � C',,.t�_ �f 3�5 � ��'J• PrintedName �.i��(1� �• �u�t� ��` 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �, 4. ------------------------------------ �I Printed Name � Jr. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name tg. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name i Page 2 of 2 0 � ��,,, Valley Springs Apartments � � ' 11624 SE 5`t' Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98005 July 17, 2007 Loran Lichty New Life Church 15711 152°d Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98058 Ptie: �lalley Springs�.partments (ak�Aqt�a Barn} Annexati�n Dear Loran: Enclosed is a signed Annexation Petition as requested. Please notify us if the date and time of any upcoming meetings at the City of Renton regarding this process and particularly the meetings relating to the comprehensive plan and land use designations. Sincerely, /;���1.�:�� . � �� Vicki M. Soule V.P. Income Property Encl. gy:rb " ...'+.�'l Jr�1Fnra'r�t s �"�h � l,i�_ � 'S ; 'ij� " � {�� , . �!Z`ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `'*r '�Q ��� , �, t�t�cE�vtu �J '�`��R- ^.' �!?K'c n�.��o�':,_ This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlzo signs this petition with any otlier than his or lier true name, or who knowingly signs nZore than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or sigizs a petition wlten Ite or she is otlierwise ilot qualified to sign, or wl:o makes lzerein any false statement,sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nasnes ofpetitioners should be i�r�dentical form ns tlTe same Jltat appear on record in the chain of title to t/ee real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ._.__ �p �„�jl- ����iOYtk+tLf'P�C� � --- —�-� l S��J ��l b r�t �s � � 1. {_1J`�-�" ------------------- ,2c� t�� �8os� 0.sscSsor's # ,yllipc ,f Printed Name ---��,�}� � (pOd����6aloU'O�o �" 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �J. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 r ' � ... , , );- r1Fni i"�jo.' ��'�� ' �}O�\ �•V , . `'1'�(ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "� ��,��-�, ;, �� �e��I,: {CCi` VGL This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compris��vr���'���rsezking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlto signs tlzis petitioiz with any otlzer tlian lzis or her trace name, or wlio I knowingly signs��zore than one of tliese petilions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petitio�l when he or she is otlzerwise not qualifierl to sign, or who i makes ITerein any false statement,shnll be guilty of a misdemeanor. I The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (NnnTes of petitio�Ters s/�ocdd be in identical fornz as t/Te sanie tfiat nppear o�z record i�t tlze cliain of title to l/ze real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � � �� • is3 Z s� S Iss ��_ T�� �.� �#- D� / / � �/� Q � 1. � 2z o ��----- ---- �-`- �N ir � 6 3 23os"—�iS.�d9 - 0 ' Printed Name ��,C'�Q�. �i9k/LFJQ EM ON �✓'/ ��.SO 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �J. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � � � _ �;�r�r��F�?��r����� �� �.+� � ����� _� ,� ��� �� �� ' ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation n ���r, �c������ This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compris�on�'pet�ti'on'�s�eficing the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every persorz who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an eleetion when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanar. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estnte.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,PIAt,Assessor's No.or other) �� 1�-r ,G.� � '�i'�" ���y ��O"7 ��t7 1. �I�S ��-----------�`==--�'=�-------- i s-�fUo �E ;s`s-�5 P/ ��;,� � /U Printed Name�`�jl,,� H �O� NC ' 74F � � (�� v U c� — 7 +��-'°'1 ��l��z'-- --- '.� v�, .s'E �Sc�f�1 0'� r�.��� �8 0 �O r; ,� 2. ------ - .� Ia1�L��_���_ � � 13 ��Q �,� �l ��� ��� Printed Name , �� 3. ��(oo� �-- �ti��----� l)"��v 5� � r-� �j ��l /�l o.z 3d tx� ------------------------------------ � `� i2-�o PrintedName '��/�,� ��-�,y�� a� aU �s��o o -x:" �s g �C. �3 2 ����° �I� � Qp � 4. � ���.�� _ o��C :p��-------- � '� ,O Pri ted Name � d'� V 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �L:�flr�1=!=t�!!lYC7r.r ' '' , `�'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ""' � ' ' �����' �1 �.�t������; �� ,``�T`- F`2 �!7il�r ni=�_� ' � This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petitiori see�Cing , t the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his oi•lier trtre na�ze, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitiorTs, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or slze is not a legal voter, or sigizs a petition wlaen /:e or slie is ot/zerwise not c�ualified to sign, or wlzo m�kes l:erein any fc�lse statement, slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of pelitioners sl�ould be in identical forrTi as the same that nppear on record in the cl:ain of title to 1/ie real estate.) I� Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,B►oc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other) _. _ .....__ __._.r - � - _�....— _ ____ �. �,��.�--� ` r , -- - � � -_ _ . , ✓ � � ---, � _ cs ; . 1 � �--'--- -- -���`'�G�" �-----���- • Printed Name�.- __-------.._.-_..._._.__ ._� __�_ ,_ G� D 2. � -.���--=�--,�1���- ``�yu��-.�;�� I� ,QOO � y � � ,���. .{c Y Printed Name �G� � �� (�.�� pr' 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ��_ � �.i-t�l<.7F r�ENl�rr��,.: �� �� 1 , . � � .��- � � �� ;;,�� �� New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,�tGtIVtU . C� �.i' , ri �sall��n�.,_��• t uy�l This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking �Q� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and ` may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, ar who knowingly signs rrtore than one of these petitions, or signs cr petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or si;ns a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that apperrr on record in the ehain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Pl�t,Assessor's No.or other) ,� 1. --"--'--"'--------------------"-' � Printed Name � � /' _ \ , " � � �,t1t•�4f. �, ,.�`%7�� ���� 55c,� � � 2, �� ,fl � .�_i_��''t/tc"�.�,,, f� _ l�`f'"G c" ��> E' ' �3 , ,.6�1 ��aY- �(� �y.� f�� � � �� � ���' C�C7� �d"'� �%' Printed Name 4 4 � _ � , .� � � i� �j � �,� ,. �r� �..S 1 �/� C�^� J � .. >� is"S L ;/ ( � --�`-� c_��_�/�,/��L=-�-__ a 3a i 7�����> s s: � 3• `�/ '" G � Printed Name �J �; ,�,j ��I ("`^' � � � �� ��� D C./7�'''7`J cS S,,o i ✓ 4. � � � - �'�--r'��A '-'�------ /5L/���i5'S��� 7� I� � Printed a �'� � �x� Crc� : � l����% �. 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 . . �;ff'YJT*1El�;rJr,.; - J c � �, � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�+.� +� `� .�; �ti�l� � � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprfi5e�b�s�e `'' g i��` �i�e�:�eekin the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who kno►vingly signs more t/aan one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not c�ualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names oJpetitioners should be in identical form as the snme thrrt nppenr on record in t/ie chain of title to the real estate.) Tas Lot Legal No. Signature and � Mailing Deseription Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bioc,Plat,Assessor's No.or oEher ���� � l�:--� ,���y�r� -,��- ':'�-�:"`��� �� � `i 7�� .� �a 1. {t,. ��_d7 ----------------=-- -�=------- ,e���toti �� � �a t��� ( Printed Name� tF^ � , � 1, • / � �. '/�a S�j' � J SC� G D L� '' r 3'`Fdo S� �S"i �[. ���ci ,7�.Z�i� }�nlbo 2. �- � ��� - -- -- --- --- -�, �� � �� �,� �C,,.,,t U v�, I,�v�.. ri�c y"�' tL � inted Na �� C u od � �5�� �J� jr77 1"'f 11• i �'I�_G_����-- -- �`?�c� �.3a�'�5��-r� �b 7 �� 3. �-l�'� Printed m -- - � ��� G. . �l j�G��L,Y� ,, �� al� � � � `, r �. 4. �1 .-�",.; - r,,. �-� �—�.--�----_. � � c � P d Name'�1' „ - 7--�� ,1 / � l ��(C�� - 13�`� �~ � �� - � ' �- . S� f�r�, ��`5� 5 t , , __ �-1 � ' �5 '��'� �(� .. � , � j; .' �`�. i� C. ,'t' . • ""_'"""' �"" _+="�"'� iry € Il��`�;� �n/`,� �L�5G1 f�1 ( G.'.,. _- Printed Name U l, `•1 � 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ' �;E��'�JF ttEl�TOra . O1 /� /� �/l1 / _ - ' � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation� ''�� � %�- E� '�f11! ,;� a b O� _ _.: it�C;��vt� �1 i �'I?'t� (`I !0'c!>G��_� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compris�one p�fiition see`king the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and 1 � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners shoirld be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot LegaT No. Signature and 1Vlailing Description , Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bioc,Plat,Assessor's il No.or other , � � �a,� _ __ � i �y c�-. ',�. , >�� y'�. �' .. �.• ��;�j� ' r c� /�(� � G < C I 1. � "J���-�_�-_�_ 1 i�4�"ti ��_ �,,._\ll � �JV `l�� � �I - - ` ������ �� Printed Name� ,(, �+, .r.'L l,, -�=> ��� ,rj C�C7 `� l.�rs��fi-s.�` --=L� '---�-`---- � � y�. �E � � �'� �1F '>? - G7 8"o y�� �'J� ,�-. '�� � , 2. ; 'l7� I '`.-�/; ��� /� PrintedName �� _J _.._. ._ 1 ��f'f OL� L� r V � ( J 't �� YC o �iE� . )S Y'� � � tf � z�� 0 L'4'%J �. � � � 3. � ,"`�'`� f�'�` a� � �� -------------- ----- ------------- � � ! ��-�� ����� Printed Name �� �` ,�'. � � / �� `� I � _.... � �-Y��; ��£ ,i'] S'G # ,:z•" � ,��� �/ CJC� i , � � ' 3_ � 4. 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WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs mare than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a mis�lemeanor. The �nc!ersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this �etition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical jorrrt ns the snme that appear on record in the chain ojtitle to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed me Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's � � No.or other) _ , ;� i /.:�.�/� �� �p.�jy�r�0 � 1. }�`��.���� Printed Name--- --- ��-------� J� /'C�U�J���� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name t4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �[�fLSI�/� � ' ..>:"`f Jr '{F��.!rr�e.: � <yc + d� `r 'r/ . � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �-�1- ' ��' '" " �/� ,��^X�) � .l 'n.. (� i/ ��' k�t.IJLI V�L This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compris�e'oneF��fita`n`�eeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more thc�n one of these petitions,ar signs a petition seeking an eleetion when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualifietl to sign, or who �nakes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appeur on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Sig ature and Mailing Description Date ��`Pri ted Name Address t�°t,Bi°`,P�"t,.as'es'°''�S ^ No.or other � , u . --� , ��' t �'`{� �� ��t� � , � � �� -� - - - --- -- ------------ , ,� � �E (� '�I�`�y- S��3-3a�� � , � Printed Na V�1 J � ( �' , i��l�i 13� ..� � � 2. ---------- ---u--=------------------a n_ � � . 5 � �� � Printed Name �� �- � �.�,�,f � ��� � 13�i �� �ti�tLj "t ---- � � 3 s�) ^ -� (�'r� '�''�- �� �'�U��j.. '�-b �3 c.� '��' . � - -- ----- -- ------ ------ - ti � .y. '� 1/� Printed Name ��`iw/Y� '+�.12 � � ,.�-��� �.�y �1,C,�S_ J 4. �z�� -�'-�- -��-.�'�- ---- � � ' � _ l�`I`�7����G�. ��� �� r �4'/ Printed Name Y J�` � �F"' `'�'j� �� ,jl.S . . -D�t�GS�' ,� � �� f�� �� � ----- -----'-----' ---- ` � �� �. ��r ✓ 5. � Z � � ---��-- ����>o A 1�l)rT �D�j `� �Q �f�l 5 i► Sav� ���' �� � � � � Printed Name � ,J � � � cJ � � � � � � �.�n ` ��,.h � ���.� ���� ��' S�� �'�L /� a , � � ,� 6. �7 -�C�-=-•---------------------- � � g 1 '�t4 �bLivc , . � P tl�l��n K�u (�„��,,,, , w� ��r' � . . 0� , �„ � ��!� r l y�� �'�,sc . 1 . � _________________ _ ______ _ �a � �� � > SIo4� Sag'�.��7 � P�;nr��n�on � e �t hfo� ��t �U� � i����► �� ��-v�n �r- �+-- � ��_ 1��, �__ � '✓ s. �I/l3`��. �- - ---��-=-------1=''4�-- p�N�1 \J�L ����ti� �� �'`�'4 5�2 Zo�i3 `�i� � � � ��� c� - ------ - --- , ��2�� 5�= � c'f- �/ '/�3� _�_c-:�^.. �. � �- %s�- Prin 7��fcr �.ti�./� �'�C�S� �I� `-I-�S�12 i oCs j `�,`�P� 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �i �� II � �E�1�'�Jr KHnr�r j;.. T . � J �4 ! � �I I 'f C� :n '�' ��i �. * 1� , New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ` '� ,���; �, :�4 . ��tt;���t�.; This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise orie petit on�seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, o�who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seekirz;an election when he ar she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who �rtakes herein nny false statement,shall be guilty of a mistlerrteanon The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. '� (Names ojpetitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) , Tax Lot Legal No. I' Signature and Mailing Description ' Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Ptay Assessor's No.or other) , ��' � � -,- ------ � 'lo ' Sr�� 0c" i 1�., �7-,� -�7 �=�=---------=���` r s��� ������ ��s � - � y4 � 7 � � f Printed Name ��� " J � � _ _ � ��-____- ��; � 2. ��1 — — —� -- -1�..i--------- � =;y ��i 1 �t�� ���- ;� 5 t v y�t S I(f c���, � �-��' Printed Na e�' N � � � �l 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name I 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ I� Printed Name I 9 '' . ------------------------------------ Printed Name ', 1� ------------------------------------ � Printed Name ' Page 2 of 2 ��, r � .�t^V�l�- �.E���r�� o� , � � ,. New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ��'�- ` ��� ��'� '�'"�� � r � ,��jr,� �� ��� � ,tt�.:iVtL � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which corripris�Fd�ie pe�it�o'n seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other thnn his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an e[ectiort when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who m�kes herein any fa[se statement,shall be guilty of a�nisdemeanor. � The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. I (Names ojpetitioners s/tou/d be in identical form as the same that appenr on record in the chain of title to the reu[estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �atC � Pl'lllte(� NaIT1C E�C�C�C@SS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � �. 1 __��= �.1��- �����' S � '�'��Q" 1�1,� � � �1 � --- � �, ---�------------- - ` o� � � , 0 � �I�/ v7 Printed Name�M, ,.�`u(-�e� �1 � �i�..'�rv� l�7� S �U ` 'b � � ` Vr � � �3��-�. s� r s�� s ,�7 � 2. 7���/U� ---- - --------------- , ti 1��b c:��c���k �j �° ' �,/ ( Pr ed Name . , _ J �E-��.�t-) (�l'r� ��'(�r� i . � �3�� s�- i��fr, � T��h � 3. 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New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ;, t n �, .,. ��� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compG.i�e q�f�.�n;lseeking the anneacation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sigrts this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs rraore than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an e[ection when he or � she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical jorm as the same that appear on record in tlze chnin of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legat Na Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (L�t,Bio�,ri�t,Assessor's i�io.or other � �. ' I 3 y u.{ S:E. I S 6,�" L�.T (, ���a,� 1. �% '� �a—� ---- ------------------- --------- C � � � � i� �+ / Printed Name 4� �.�e.� ��i�1,��vl. <'`�A !�`O.�l.� i.S�Q�`t� �f.:�3 v�.' b � 2. / lR ,[� -- - - - -- - ---- f 39(0� S� !���- Gb��2 ��� � �/ 1/ Printed Name �� 0 � 5 l ��S � � ' 7 { ' Q' ��2�.� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 (lr �,•�;1`��r I<�t�'�("a� � . � �J / � '"' ""A i��y j � � 7(iLi J � , New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � �y� �CL�IVCL ,,��� �`4'`-' C: r!7k"c nc_��. This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlzen he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemennor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same thnt appear on record in the chain of tille to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � `� /�i61 �, �---�.�5� � c � . s; i5 , �;;���- ,�.�7��� � 1. `����,Y/e�T - -=/�=------------------=----- �iv`t�o.�, vJ�4 �b'i.�5� �s „y� Printed Name�jj�C�' , � �� 7 ����J� �� ,� � � D� �,������-- _'_ I�� -� / S� /.S�7L �v��l 5 o S"7��� 2. - -- ----- --- ---- - - -- - - �q P��nte Nam� �, � r.. e �-e�.�v- �'L' �t�U3 ��-� 5 7 �q� ` -� �. �� I39�s s� r.s6 K-sr- S%oY�l,s'OS:���� �/�" d 3. /��� --=-�=-�-�--- ------ n ,� _\'� --------------- �ra,v c...�c4 9�i .;� .�/. �� Printed Name� 'r f,� '�'¢"� ���-�`3� �� ��� ` -- �---- - ----- ���5 S�. .�-�,�. 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New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � _ � `��if��� ., � � �`� � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compt'i�e����u seeking a ' the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and ' may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description '(� Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Piat,Assessor's � .,(\U No.or other �� �V'� � �. -� �_�� ��n_� __ __ ��.q�-�� �sz,3 ������ �_�- 5�:- �, �� s � � �� �-�� � c � `� a �/ Printed Nam m � (�, S'� " ' 2. -°i r � � a5 �3ri�" �� .��� �/ , j���� �-- 1� --- -✓�- �----- - � �. , ���'�v-�o� 2�3 ��,T� Pnnte�m � '��-�y� �;� ���� J `�'�1��i�= -V -- - � --- j:��l� �39�c� s�„ _ � pt� 3 ' - 5���I-�-S c4-��a�- Q ✓ ���� Printe Na � �7 j �� � l ; � [ L , . . l�j'�7 b�.. 1� � sGr J 4. , b �; ____ ___ _ _ __ ________________ . - �����{ V_ s, ��.�o���� �r�o , '� I � Printed e � •,��,,,�� ��� 1�� v rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � _ wr F1'tJ�Ft���Y��r< �. �� � � ' �r' r.� ����� i `; , ;�I�l��' l . New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ( 6��lJL�V��.. - .\J1 ...�T,. �'! FRl�'c r�f=�,i��:. Y,. �,,lU This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking ' the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with �rny other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more thnn one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,sha[l be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical jorm as the same that appear on record in the chain ojtitle to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �atE'. � PI'1RteC� NaIC10 E�C�[�PQSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's � Na.or other) ,n�j _ � / 1��v '� "� � � �L t_o nK�1,v, ""l-� � `'� 1 ��j��-�Sc ISS�" �' (� �'' J /�7 ------=�---------------,--/- - /� / 1✓ �[ /�G7 Printed Name (�°� 1 ' / /'�T� 1� �7/�� � �ll�ll `J l CU��0 1���3 . `�'� ' - '�^ L ' I��J� S�i t'y�� � L ��/��J�� >��� 2. ' i - - -- ----------------------- �: � ��- ��.�� Pri d Na L/1.A . _ /�-��CW/ , W.� j ��3�t� �,� /���� �"���' J✓�S ��L < f 3. � �,l�-u1 ------- ----=------=�----------- p � S�h� ''1 c�W.5�� �cx>� '�"1� Printed Name ��'� ` � �� /�'g V�(��, �- � , l � 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 • � �.tY.)r .-1�Fn�="d�i� • '��� •,�r ; �� � 'll!'� � , New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation - � ttG`tVCf� �� .,... f`.I cRF�r.^c"'-,,_ � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compti'se one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. Wf1RNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true nnme, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or sians c�petition when he ar she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false staterrtent,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's IYo.or other 1. ����° � � -% �5�z�� �3y�� q'''"��� � ----��,,�- --�� <« - -- --- ��, , c�,� 9� � �� c> �-S ,�G��1�4 Printed Nam� i'�5� � 0 3 g ov � 2. i � i� IS 15 t�� �� S 1 Q`�4-S �� � --: � � _r+��► �-, ��� ?�� ----- � � I Printed N m V�2�C � � � I S�!a y I 3� I-t�, � "51�Lk�-S �� : 2 J 3. 7/7/�� - ---- m����°-=!`�� -.�Z�,�,� �l�9 8os8 �2 �� �� , �a �✓a � , K�iss `�C � � � �,'�(� f 3-4 � /J�r-C S -� 1 U .-- ,� 4. � � - -� - ---- -- ------- 1 ' q !, - `�-5 �\`( � �� � Printed Nam C. 1 �u ' 4 2- ���— '�"i r2 `I v✓►g�rYt�J � V� � � -�-�� . �' �'� /��- �l U'�-S 5. �'..� .` -- - -- ----------- - ------- � �( �j�2 �Dl� � �V� Printed Name � '�/���/ �/��' � v 7-� U�'T / 6. - -����('=�_�I��� I S� � (�j+-� ���- Sl a �.S Z�j� �� v Printed Name --� �� � Z�O66 � �. � -�:7'..�,��-�'-------- ' / p� KeyS'� 1�9�/�� S� �I v 4�S �q� t� � �� Printed Name� � t� �l1�� W� D�� b 2 2C) g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � �,Cl�l��k'�.�.��Yl�r,,. � � � � � '�� ����� i'� �� .'i i�' � �� , New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �� �,<tC�iv�� �,; ��N�c l, _, This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seekirtg an e[ection when he or she is not a leg�rl voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �atC PCI1ltC(� NaI17C � �� � �L�C�C�CCSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � ��c7 :� - �'° I�7�y /3�}�c LS�= J l. 1' -=--�����-;���r-�--�-------- /f� !� �to��-� cs�qG�� 4I��� PrintedName � �� �..1�/; ��,v���ftl1/�' ��J'�!/ �l 2. `� �- 7 - - -=- ---��'`�_--n--- l.S���i /3��"��c ; �l a ��� �.pg,b(� V PrintedName�G�K� ���rl(�[ Cr O✓�C�� '�/� (O�S V�b��� . , �3�2� .Sl". JS'�„�� �l O'+�s i�' � � � - ------------------------- --- ^d7✓�� �,�5�' ��� .. • � � .� � 3• � Printed Na e � �(,� �7 � C� \ Q�� �5 1��Uc,-�" �✓ 4 � � ,�� 1SC��' � i�� ��` ,�i� 5 ;10`-�-� /�11�. L�'7'7�i+�"z— J Y`�'- - - ----r--- ---------- ,� E— �• . 4. )�� -�------ - - - { "'�- . - . ���, ' � � � G�� �1�G� f���}-O�i .� b� �rintedName �If�fZ�( 2� (�(/��� � � �, � � �' �"...��1�- l'�'- ,S�L, �� � 4��7 � � � �� t � � ,� � �------------- -- � - - -------- f----=� �% C�'Q 3 �' �• ��0� Printed Name� j�{pc.�-1-I ��'��f '�� 1 0��� �U Z-�'S v - i5(oo3 �35�-�- Pi� sC- �( 0 r+4-7 6. 1�,�6-� ��-.�.�.��- R�.,-f�, �/a� q�vsg a�� o�� �2�� ✓ Printed Na e � �. . . � 15725 /3�/�/ 5� 510 �� ���0� � / ��� Printed Nam- -- - �, -----� � ���`�G'JI� � ��f� --- ---- C�l''�C.x��3 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 _ M 4 ' v -�� i �w Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,,,�► �1 ��� ` . �� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeki �, the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. , ,, ���y�`��u WARNING: Every person wlio signs t/1is petition with any other t/zan his or/zer true name, or�pl�o; :, ,, ��n� knowingly signs more than one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petitinn seeking un election wlien he or slze is not a[egal voter, or signs a petition wlien /:e or sJte is ot/ierwise not qualified to sign, or who���;."��� makes Izerein any false statement,slzal[be guilty of a mis�lemeanon ` �'' `'` �""'`���`!�.� The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitimters sl:ould be in identical form as t/:e same that appear on record in the cliain of title to tlie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �515'� /�� R�6"I l� �s � , �o �y� ��� 1 ---- ------- ------------------- E � G �? • PrintedName �� ���� �jQ. �jQ�jS 2. � - -� �7, �� N Vt o� 5'Sl�B°t a 1 Z�' 2,'�j� � Printed Name v�� a / 3. �� - --- �--�--�----------- � ���D� 55��9 o I(40 ��� rinted Name�_�, �j/�,Q��� ' I- ' 8 4. ��0 a:����'`_�-�'_��.��v�� �5��'v�� �7� 1� IPrinted Name U�� �� '" �Zo3 55�890�>90 � , ( 5. � - -- ----------------------- � Print a e �A�b �f� N 6. �� -�l I -��-- --- D �u� 55lo�tOo�`1� '�,2,�' � Printed Name y � 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 `' 3 � �� � � .�(ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,.,r� �j� � , This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking i the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated��nd may be filed with other pages containing addit�onal signatures. �,.,,r��cy�t���,r�;, ;-''`', `' ;' `l(107 WARNING: Every person wlio signs this petition with any other than his or izer true name, or w�Co knowingly signs more than one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he���"���, she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or`whd �`�"'`�"`�`",`'� makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as t/:e same t/:at appear az record in the cltairt of title to tl:e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bloc,Piat,Assessor's No.or other 1 � ��i ���5a 1 �f o�hGv�i n � --=�-J-;-�-� -�-'� G� 1 ��f ------°�1'-c�,�-�t; " (.0 �1� GL�o I / � . � �� Printed Name M�e v� r�(� /� � CJ d'�JS� ��O g O �{ � 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ----------------------------------- Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 o� r � ' ,�ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � �� � `Q�i , � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above sta�d;anckr�� ; may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. , WARNING: Every person w/to signs tllis petition with any other than/zis or laer true name, or wlzo knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election whe�n���,����,��_.,.,. she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen he or slze is otherwise not qualifieci to sign, or wlio makes lzerein any false statement,s/:all be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sltou[d be in identical form as the same that appear o�z record in tl:e cleain of title to t/�e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bio�,riac,Assessor's No.or other .T - �5��5 s � �� .� �L 1. �6--1� =���=--�0.1�s�i�----- ---- v�►i f'�-3 I��s '� Printed Name 2. ------------------------------------ I Printed Name ' 3. ------------------------------------ �I Printed Name '' 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name '� 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � , . �� ��� �000 ��,ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and 'Y''` '��' may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. � - � %- �i `lCi(I� WARNING: Every person wlto signs diis petition with any other tlzan his or lier true name, or w/zo�,`-�`;i;t� knowingly signs more than one of t/tese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when�%ze or' �4"'`'^��f'- slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slze is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners s/:ould be in identical form as the same tliat appenr on record in tlie c/:ain of title to t/�e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ,1 ' � , � S . • � '1 "1 ��`��-� j�L- : r 1 .; �,., � S� �. � .�_ I C}�V�. . C.11_ r �� � � . �,� -=--=-�-----j---------- - 3 . _ ------- PrintedName -,='l�c= �" . , , � r4 �'7 -�� � ��z � : ` ��-r 2. '-��j� � �-��_ ��.�.�--- - �-�.-�="=---- r`7 -� / _ � L7 Printed I�iame � �`� �� �,'1� G` � . , i I ��t�:A N N�c H K� " 1�l5(u`7 � 15� nt �' �01 3. �,> � -------------- ------- --- -- - -- � � "� Printed Nam � J )�SZ� S� /S � �G'��t 4. ' ';'� ( �, �, ��in� ! ��s" ��� ---------- ---- --- ------------- � Printed Na ,� � / ' . . , - � �'(.�ti 7f J�,�E � ��Z � � ,���Z � S �� /S��j 2 � i'��� 1���`�� � ,,•f/)I/ ` / � 5• ,f �� ____ ___�__�'9__� _��r�_ •f_____`� /l 1...- 'V/C�� � , Printed Name e','-� �""Z , y/ ��' �� t''i�QCU � � tS���Z 5, �SC��H 57 �� 6. � ---- ------------ -� - "-�-- �' � Printed Name r k�-F �Ot.i ;U,;{� c1�(���j 7. � �f �. ------=Y-�'-"+�'�--- •:...t�,�.,,= '��;lU� ���� �t -� ��� � Printed Nam � U � . _... " . � l _ _.�=����______________ '�"�l y '�j��'s -- �� g• � /'" 'rinted Name . ,,� +���Cc ��,. � t ° _��;---,.''��_ �— , /S 6� �j� /S`� � �'L_s"L 9. �i, -------- ------------------ �� , P ' ted Namev j�/n � �)c�t ; ;{. I� �� ��: 15'� , �n a3___ � �..,.. ��� 1� �0 � � -- --- ------------------ �l. M � °I'�cjS`� Printed Na e �, � � � Page 2 of 2 . ' ��� `,,1ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,,,,, � 1 s oa � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stat�ct,�a�ad�!-n���,�: may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �� � �' �; �u�� , WARNING: Every person wlzo signs tlzis petition witlz any other than his or IZer true nanze, or who knowin I si ns more than one o these etitions or si ns a etition seekin an election wlren hesa��'rt��._, g Y g .f P , g P g , , slle is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen he or slze is otlZerwise not qualified to sign, or who makes/:erein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. i (Names of petitioners s/rould be in identical form as tJze same tltat appear on record in tlie cliain of title to t/ee real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name A(I[It'CSS (Lot,Bloc,Ptat,Assessor's No.or other �.rr.�� Dy f����� S� ►S-�°: �'�� �� ' 1. I��►3�L'7 ----------------- ----------------- ' Printed Name �+,..� ^^ ' i yS''FI �s�� (��.� s j� �(� � . 2. ���/�1��i ---�'_1_U�.�--1.��----„--------- ,-- �� �� Pnnted Name ' ! c � lCvl2 C��c2 �, -, � � i 3. lu�l.3'(� -�.�.1 _�S?�z� _ � 7� � �,G,- � Printed Na � � (��,���I -4-�-�a� ' ' �- � �j 4. ���,�.(���� ------------------;- ----- ------- ���,� ��� � ��I � 1 Printed Name �,{,��,�. j�� " / 5. ��7 � 3 0 � ��..- � c��j _ ��l� �Ej� � C'T,,SC ��'� �J�, Printed Name ' � , . -��1��� � � - ----- ��(�� J�' l�i7� S/ 6. 4 ��,3� _______________�� 2,�� Printed Name � 7. � �/���7 ����s.�C� '���,���� --� � �j�q' � -------- .. � ., � PrintedN me � � � �� �9 ��s� s. 'C/,�3I t�L���_-�.�,----,-- �v1/' �S��Ar�S� �� ��I P�ed Name ,;,u[1�n�5G W�7-��i'�'�� �� � � ( C'�<��� i 6 �� ��-t G 2" c� l 1 G� ,�. lT.� y3 /..�y.S'-�,, 9. ►0�)��U� ----------------------------- -----�.� � C l� a �`�` �( '.T' " Printed Name � i � �- ` � � ��.y �t � �l l� lo "b��2� � � �t�� D i��� �� i5"��i ��� - �� -- �A----- -- -�------------ ��' Printed Name �(,�� � �� � �� r Page 2 of 2 � ���,� � � � �,,,,ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,,,,, � � . � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described tenitory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated;'anc� ''-^����� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �� ��S lflfli WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other than lzis or Ixer true name, or wl:a � knowingly signs nzore than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlseri'-�e��u�t��..., .. she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slze is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes/zerein any false statement,s/zall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identica[form as the same that appear on record i�z the cliain of title to t/ze real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �� %�3z� �-C �/���'' � �, ����-�-���,� ��/ 2- 1. ;� ( ��- =- Printed Name ����.� �L, f#/Lb + � --- �S �� S S.� �SS P/ � (`� 2. (�� �� -----�'-����d---�-`--��.�-'---- � Ir" ' Print�d Name , ' � � �j � , � ; , _ � . � � � . � � 1�.�'�-��.'�� � ,..)oSL_ 3. � �..... i+�_'� ��- -��-�- � ---"--- --- --- - � � r, ch ` Printed N2r�a���� . � � �� n�� � J'j�.. ,� ��J a. 1�l�-� � / ------- -- ------- - ------ s� ,�,s� I�Z. P`rinted Name s. /, 1����� ���'�------�Q__ i5��� 5L 155�/�i� �pq Printed Name,���/�,� �`Y'� �"1�'C� � /�R��� �� '�� �` ✓ .��" �.�r�� �� + 6. f�� � � ---- =-------- �—=��� � �� � j`� Printed Name �j�e�,� �1�� �� � � .-r . � ' ,�� � � �' � _�,�, ��,,,t�—' �s`5 �.� s�� �S.i� j� . ��� . � � i --- - -��.--------------- � Prin d Name J d( � ni �� � �( T �( r j i�� s. l�/��z --------=-=---- - --- ------------ ,`� 2D3 ( Printed Name r,�.K� � � �.. I j3 . C�9.�1 � � 9. ��-' - ----- ---- ------ ---- � �� Printed Name L r�( � .S��I c �.?_� � /S`�T� ��• � 1 ' y, , . �` �t,'� 3� ��) ' � 'J 10 ���C��� 1 � - � I���71 �� ����� r'� �� ------------------------------------ , Printed Name Page 2 of 2 '*1 � •• �.rdew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �„/ �� . This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seekin� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above statec�; arl� '��'"''" may be filed with other pages containing addit�onal signatures. ;, ,, �. � � ����.� WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other than his or lter true name, or w/����;�,;t� knowingly signs more than one of t/iese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election whed'Ii�'br'�"'�^�``��� I� she is not a[egal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualifced to sign, or who � makes herein any,false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners shou[d be in identical form as the same t1:at appear on record in the chai�:of title fo t/:e real estate.) I Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address tLor,Bio�,riac,Assessor's No.or ot4er � �L�..�,-U.,_�. . -�-� �� ��� �s�s� ,u w��.w�y 5� s"s 1. ------------------�-`-�---------- � c �� ��(%� PrintedName �„r�,�,r.. �L,�, rl.�t'"��u� "uJ�iq C{$:3�E'y 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. --------------------------^--------- Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ---------------------------------�-+r I Printed Name Page 2 of 2 , r L � --_ - - - - , -- -- __ __ ._ `� �� � �� New Life—Aqua Barn Annezation r � � y This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to flie City of Renton, Washington as abo'v�e�t2��f�;�d may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. F_�`� ` �i�� WARNING: Every person wl:o sigrts this petition with any other than liis or her tra�e nrrnT ,�o�who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or sig�:s a petition seeking an el�t�oH'�t�tt�'!�-�r.;� she is not a legal voter,or signs a petitiat when/ie or slie is otlierwise not r�ualifie�t to sigr:, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (1Vnmes of petitioners sleould be in identical form as ihe sarne tlrat appear on record in ihe cl:ain of fitle to tlte real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other /'y�3Ss� •���3crs -- 1. y - --- /�-- --- j�,� .�� v�y 2o y���-��-- �' rinted Nam����/l l.9� G�//�l � '���' S�C.� 2. �'l ------ ------- -- ----------�� �,.� /rtl� �� sr,��� � PrintedName�/�Jj p ���py� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �J. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name �; : � � �:._Ly�r�iE�!�'c:�� � � �� °� New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � ��� `�' ;�' '�11��� , �� {��"v�_ �1 This iwo page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise orfe'��fftioii-s��king � � � the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other thcrn his or her true name, or who knowingly s�gns more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise iiot qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misctemeanon ', The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners slzould be in identicnl form as the same thnt appear on record in tlze chain of title to the real estate.) � Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Maiting Description Date Printed Name Address t��t,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's �Io.or other �. ?-�� ��_�a11r.1_��,,L,c �� `�3$�� � � ��� � y � � �►� ��2� �� � Printed Name 1,� y � � �JL �— � ,� ,� r.�y � b �� �s4��'� � � � � cii � �,�� 2. .-��l-�� �--�----y----�� - S- _ Printed Na 1 ` � � V )`G/�l ��GS �' � . �' l� �%�'/� - 5���+� s i�2 � �� 3. .Z� �:�-- --- � - �_:. _--- � _ `b '�' Printed Na �� . 4. �i`Z�i1°� �/�.��:---------���=---- 1'`�37 S E 1 s3 �' S1� 4�s i ��3 ��;� �� Printed Name � `„/9� ��� ��� �� �� ^.J - --- %��3 � �S��� �� U�F4�� 0 4 s , �� /K�� ���, --------- ------;- ---- ------ , �� � �/ q� ' Printed Nam ( I� .,p �`' ��� "`� _tInTZ�.�----�--�---^1E,vE72__ l�-Icy� � I S�9"' l� �i �L c{-�{ � � (,�J ��" 6. ' `� Printed N�xe""—'—' �, ' � � "_ �NZ1yrJ � ��U`�� V��C� 7. :!'�� � - - - - - - FM 1��SS St.= i5f�� p SlU �lj lL� �� / /c-r - - - -�`' ---------- ��� . Pnnted Na F� ��q �( ���f .�� �� � �kDl 5� lS�s 51��v��' u4�`! �� �� ��11 s. � ------ ----------- -----�- - --- Printed Name � � ` �� s ��� vL� , , � �r ' - ' � ^ � '� ��'�� � '' E� � �- � 14(� �!.. � ��c.�'`.-��" c��c� � 9 3� �l �t���_-���`���--- � pj � � � Pnnted Nai�,C1C�C t���t�---- . �l�lf1 ' �� C I�l.�� � � � `^ ��1,�) _L.������►��_��C�r��,_ lS',%�1 /����/rG -`�= � 1CJ ��� �'�� 3t� 10 � �/'� ;j�. - �� �y� , � � ' Printed Name L��N'9i '')/fj�i.� i/✓� %K't�-Ui�'���o ;;;1•'� `j',���S� U Page 2 of 2 �.._��t:3F K��!"�C.)r<' . - � l�n `' \'v r.r �".`,.�q � �� ��I��%' "l � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,<tC:��Vc� ^ 1yN1 ,. �-. „ FO4t"cnc�:r��,_. {. /\1\N- �', This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise�one petition seeking v�-� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an eleetion when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qucrlified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical jarm as the same that appenr on record in tlie chain of title to the rea!estate.) � � � � Tax Lot Legal No.� Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (��t,Bioc,Piat,Assessor's Nu.or other �y 0'�"� `� l���'-'.5-�- �;� ��s �0�7 v , .,1 b -- - --- - ------------------ . � �_ �ty� � �. �� �'� 7 � Printed Name �"� � : � . ' 2. ���r� l07 cT..c��(f.� � , e�w� c N � /yf��G J � JS6�' � 5, 0 4�t �c� 1-�'i� ��% � PrintedName • I �' �, (�� ���J{�(J �/'� �� , �.(.�f ��./ ` /�%c�?v� �Se�'/S� '� i c: `�-�-�`; �7 3 3. �yG�7 ------------ -- ----------- ----- ����� �fI, �c���'.. ��� '� � Printed Name f �S G�� 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name � Page 2 of 2 '"h'•:�/�E"�"���-w'ri,•�',,; r"'(I! a . ,�� �� � ,� ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation - ���'� ' ������`��' � �tG�rvti.. �l This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise oh�p�fiif��'fi`se'�kitig �7'� t he annexa tion o f t he descri be d terri tory to t he Ci ty o f Ren ton, Was hing ton as a bove s ta te d, an d may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his ar her true name, or who � knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or �� she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qu�lifiect to sign, or who makes he�ein nny false statement,shall be guilty of a rreisdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names oJpetitioners should be in identiea!form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the ren[estate.) � Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (�or,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other - 1. ' _5��c�y�.��\ V�-`�� �i�.� I `t c> ��-- ��_- l`����~ � ���r ,1�� ------�,---------------�---- � � ,� s,������yoe� �. � rmted Name � �Z-`��'��L`� ,w� . g � 1'�t� S�. 1���`' S� � �1�' 2. �i\ �7 ----`_ --�-i -----------=-'-- . i ,,1 [� sro��so�aa�� 2 '/ P ted Name , �U� -� I�e.C'��1 `�-�'` --� 13g�I �� 1�587"�-1 5 � 3. ' , . �C�--�_--�'�`�C�'.� ��1� �� ( ' �� Printed Name � ---- ��.(-� �� ��Oyys��,0�.� , � a. �ll�%1 �1�-��=� � S l�J AN�1� ,. ,�- ���� /�� s�o vy.�o8s-�az �l� ----- ------------ �y �/� Printed Name � isp�(� ���� ct v� t 5. --------'---'------"'-----------"- Ptinted Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � r-. ,�'�r�'�:3r R.�i�`�«ai � '�+ .� � � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ����_� � � :� %f i(��,� u:tG��v�C Q��� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise d'�i�'`���t�4'fifs'�1e�Ctfl �i4 the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, a may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any othe�than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, ar signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any jalse statement,shall be guilry of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as tlie same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description j Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's � � No.or other ��� �_i'�i/ ���3 � 1'F 1 5_� �v 1 f z: 1 t�� `�`��� C� 8 � ----,�/'-�_y�ti---�su-s��-------- � G.u _ qry 2 1• l �b l Printkd Name�- � -� _ �� "�� �� /7 6�� C�U� � � `� l ^ �.3 9�5'. s�. �ssa�. �i � yy vC=�`E 2 / �r J ���� . . .�►�T�� � . �� � ------ ------U C�--------- �� �L�c°�`" CJ 2, \ ,� PrintedNam , /N� �yc%��w.YG � ��`lilT�w L✓� ��-�� � i3`C�3 s� /S��' S� �, ��s t�3 � ------- ----- --- �----- -- 3. N� � � ���� ���, �o,.� � � b, Printed Name �;,P� ���P � � 4. ��Y b ����- ����� � ���� � ����� � �� � �a '/ �� rin � 1 7� � � . � ��( �� � i��or s� i ss�h �_ �y�� �i � �y � ' 5. , � J-------------------------------- � - ��,�,�'�� i�h �, ��''S �� ��� Pnnted Name �.Q���(..�Q� �, ���j 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name � I 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ I Printed Name ' i I ; 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 •,� �; __r :�r r2�N�!"�.��" �� L � •••� • New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation 'f�!. � .�'� �� 'i,i'�� � �tc;��v4� ��� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprt��e'ofi��t�rb�t-seekin V� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, nd `� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who si;ns this petition with�ny other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legnl voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign,or who rrtakes herein any false statement,shnll be guilty of n mis�lerrteanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form ns the snme thnt appear on record in the c%nin of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal Na Signature and Mailing Description �ate � PCIIl��� Na[Ile f�(1(IF@SS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's � r No.or other) r. � : � r � z__ . � .. ������ !3:�'N �'C S�� �i C���7 C�� �,� , . � - ------------ ----- --- — 1 / � . _ . . , a S• �� PrintedName ��, --- ����`vv �I�f�I�,���� ���� t ./✓('� � ( ' .2 <�i LO //li� /v� J�' . � � �J � � � � � ,, S �' _ ' � ----`�-----^-�f.���7'�l��-- � �t � ��� �.. .., _ - - - - - , "rl._ i, , i,1L� 1°. `} ,� S�' ��� ; ` � Printed Name L � � � � ,� ,�f!RL"�� ,�. . �ll`t,�,�� ; ., � ,� > - — � �-1 S � ) �j -�-� C�-�r "--'-��-��'-' � .� �._ � �� 1 ,� �' � � li U� ���( 3t �' � -- ' �. :. � . �u� 1J ��' -� Printed Name7 •�:�� �� ,%�� r f� �-- t � � ? I : i ' ;� - - • ' i����� �f�,,'`^ `'1—•S't `�1 u�14 S L�L �'j ' 4. � , ' 'L* -�-------�'--�--'-=-==�-------- ` �:,v� �, i �--`� � �,!' Pr t d Na e + j...�_\ � �-'P�-�`�`U`V� �� t � � � � -- I S 3� l 3 �� ����+4S��Ci db s. - --------------- �j I � rinted Nam -��� � �L ( � � � 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � .;s tl��t=EZ�h��fOn' � + f S �r/ �, � • • New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �"�"- � �' � �(����� � ltl.isl�lCL w�.j �� i:..iy-�._ �.� rnG{�c nr,.:r _ ,+/Y/\4 This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking ` ;,, C � the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and `1 ' may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his ar her true rtarrte, or who knowingly signs mare than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking nn election when he or she is not a legal vote�, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not quc�lified to sign, or who mnkes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical forrre ns tlie same that appear on record in the chain oJtitle to the renl estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �ate PCIIIteC� Nall]C � E�l(�C�POSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 1. ''� -� "�ti ��te 1' `�tt-�" .�fe�-�SC/�[Uf'� � 1��.1(,�5 0�ln .-� ?J . � � � =� �� ------- ----_-/--J-= ----=----- � � l P Name;' ,.. _ L Z L" �� ��S�J U U `— ; ��r�� . -' " ��� -� � 3�'�� �� /s� � �-/��y� � �,����� 2. - � --- - -----�= --- -=---- , �,ti., ��� �;f�� /� �� �� PrintedName � ' � �( ���' ���/ I �i. .;�;a,.,��— f d� 'J �' - 3. =�°`='��-`�--�;<' ��,� �,�� i.� ��4-- �- �S � ���,� ; ��f� �__�___�� y� � f,l� Printed Name � iY��1 � �j�C y �(��%` � (,1 C)2 `�O / _�svw��I 5���=Mu"-�0G'�"--- i3�S� 5� iS�-r i+�t 5 i c��fy(��2 yv� .. 4� � t �w� Printed Name �1 . �G�,�o�w�qd m S � �� �`"�,,._.,� 13433 s� �5�� " . Sin`I�SvS�Uc�� (��' S, �/a9/�� �A.�,�1 ���� �`� -�, ,t,�A q8c� `8' '�'� - ------------------ ---------- „, ,. S 5��� Printed Name ��. .-,,,� � G 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Plame � 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ���1,7t=;�LNJYO�,� ' - � ��: � � 1� ����� ��" � � , .� . New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �Y . <tc���t� �t,.� �„Nq•...: f�.l FRK'c�F����'�,-: y*'� �. �J This two page form is one of a number of identica1 forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when I�e or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilry of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estat�) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address c�t,sio�,riat,Assessor's 1 No.or other '� .S S! ��S^T� �• �7 �cc�✓<e� `� /3/�UGL�� - �S3 L , �(T� 1 ����Zs�v� U��lLLir Jv�es--- y��.,f��,w� 98�s� 7v�,v . ---------------------------- 2 Printed Name � / �.,y,.�� e�-x,c.� ��. ��rCe./# �33t Oov � . .. • i S3�2S"5� /5 s"- G77 2. a�,/as�a7 -�lQ----nGe-�-�-----/-?`-=��-5 �c��n,cv� 9�oS8- 7000 Printed Name �,�oZ� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Nazne Page 2 of 2 : � � � � � New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation . �� � � y � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking l } the annexation �f the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stat�, �t�c�k�dt��; may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �;_ _ ., � ifi�I WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than h�s or her true name, or who knowi�rgly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when h���;_,���, she is not a legal voter, ar signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign;bi�i�R�'�^�=-�C=:_ makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanzes of petitioners should be in identical farm as tlze same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or othcr) 1,� ,�� - ' 1. � a� -1�N�a��-�-L�-------------- �°�«Z� S� /.�7�` S� ;Zlc'L ���, � � Printed Name �`e�L-�jfl.L� � ��p� C - - ._. )S?a�(� � SZ, �� � / S � �,� 2. � I ZI --- -------------------------------- ,,/ / _- � Printed Name SC c� �Z'JY1 /--('/I�I T��'r f/+� �� S� � � 3. '��f� '__'_--�LI�l'��_���G'2'_��1`1 �5�,� Z ,�� '�``) b`��� l ��( ' ��. Printe me �� _ r � � ���- �. �, 4. ������1 155a,� �51�h �-5� �(}�� � ----------- -- - - ----------- 1 � Printed Name n� .. � ('� �e��G� W �� � /Flo3Z- /58`�`' �L�Sc �� �' s. �yQ �h�-�s��° ���_s�e�s-�-� G�, �l " ���- Printed Name ,L,�� ��"'�r"'( ��/ -/v"� � � � � (�� ��`� I / t1� 6. m - - - - � -------------- r,� � ���` Pnn e Name � ,J (,�}�,�'�� V v��1 7. � � '� /Sk5'c� l5l� s� � _��------- - ------ ----- ---7� �r ��J� �'��L'� P inted Nam�7Y� �, '�/' �l �1�Cl�7t�1� � -1 �S� "" 8. `'I l� - - � = �- ------� 154��- l��C �'�' SC ��� D - --- -- ------ ------ -- - / Printed Nam� � � . ��� ���1� �!� �`� ` ' �5�3c� L�-�� �C �` . 9. y � �8� -- ��- - ---'-�------- ----- ����-r �� l� nt d N e �� ��� �� . �s�aa -�'. r sa� s�- �o �----zn---�-- ----- - ��n.�Crn `��d��$ �,-�` Printed Name Page?of 2 . , �� � .,.• New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � r � �� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as abov;�;��t�c�;,�p+�;, may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. ; - ,� : WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name,�or w�o���� � knowi�tgly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wh��te;�g��_ she is rrot a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to��n,'e�if'�"�-�`�''�- � makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of n misderrzeanar. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names ojpetitioners shoulc/be in iclentical form as tlae same that appear on record in the chain of title to tlze rea!estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Prin ame Address (Lot,Bioc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other) � _ ;, �� l ��, 1 ��� ���ru , �_ ��� L U ------ �------- - - ------- �� � ��� Printed Name ��P �� � ��V1 Uf� �� ����{j 2. ��--��-� _ �._�� lS�l,� I,S� 9�c � (?�'� --- ----� ------------------------- . � Printed Name ,��/�V�/ ��L�>� • � Js�a� /���'� 3. .r//� ��-�� ;�I �� �`' �c� � � � � Printed Name� � �l�j.� /,� ery.� � � � Sl.t� . (�-� J�—"`.'c-r' �'ti5"` . ��� S� ��"(p �` > �1 a. ---��---- - -N--�'a�.------- ►�/ � Printed Name"' � ,� ����/" J � y ?��� � � _. J�� � ��:�� - �� /S� �� 5. ------------- -z-- -- - ---- �`! D Printed Na �,��eL �t,I*p�/ �� - t�qb b S � 1S 6 77� �� 6. � -- ----- ----- -------------------- � �� PrintedName��R, � -�,(�� 2+�TON g��� __.,� �, 1� 3 r r �� r�� �� p� � �—�-�"� � -- � 7. �' �2/o� ------------------ ----==------- -�� � --- �Ce�Z.�.�. L-,,,,�/� 5 ,:� Printed Name � o� �� ` 1 S$37 Sr� 1 S�6a`s . ,� g. � � �- - -- ----- ---- --�---- -- l � � � f � Printed Name � �� ,r P,.�� 1,,� ��' ��l O� 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � 1 ��/ v� �.,,:w Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,�„r � This two a e form is one of a number of identical forms which com rise one etition seekin 1/V�� Pg P P g the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated,`�nd�En'�`�'��1 may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. _� `-' f' �'(i(�7 ; � WARNING: Every person wJio signs tJais petition witlz any otlzer than l:is or her trcce name, or����� knowingly signs more than one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election w�ien h��"'`' ^`=`=��`_ slze is not a legal voter, or signs n petition wlzen /Te or slae is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanon ' The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sl:ould be in identical form as the same t/iat appear oi:record in t/:e c/:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 9 � 15150 � — l�S� ���" 1. ----------- ------ --- -------- P D,�� p�" 5568 9 0 L�0 0 � � IZ Printed Name �QD �0 ( ���� �,`"""`�' ' /(!l)� � ! . r5�5o l��r" �E 2. ��IZ. ��-�=--- ------------ �'20� �-F� 9805'� 5 5 6 8�'o t o 6 o i i� Pnnted Name � / I SI� 1�t�^ `.,� � T2cn . 3. °I �Z - - ----- - ---- -- ------- . �?�;+��; ti►1� �1 556 g 9 0107o I�� mted Name Islv�a l�/b�h �,va�/5 T7D6 4. �1�� ----- - -- -- -- - -\-- 55G o9 0�02 0 ��� Print Name 9 ����_�_-__� 15f So �4��j S� ���� s. ��'-�-��` --- ----: � S 1 D6 � �osQ 556 s 9 0 o g(� o � I� Prmted Na�// �6,�� . 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Uc" �� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking �C�� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above,.���te�,�;:_;, � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �... � �%iii���, WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other tlzan his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an electiort..�1;�'�,�'�.�,_,_,,.,, she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slie is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes lzerein any false statement,slia[I be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as tlze same that appear on record in the chain of title to tlze real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. I� Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other - p 15tsb 14(�lh w� s���t� SS6g°1�o�� 1. 9 ��r -�'�_�Tt�-�..-----�--.-1---------- �nion,►�A °IBo�$ �` Printed Name�� fGn. 2. q � --�h�'-!�--�ri h�l'- - - 15�T.� ��� � 55(D�S�OD��� 2� 5 Printed Name � �{� �j� q 3. ---- - ------- - ---- `� �� 7�6 S �0 0 S�0 � l D � �� _ � �o� Printe Name RG�'j � 4. � --G_P�_�'___--��--------------- �5l5� I�c�. ��, �a3 S56 8 9 fl►�f Q �� Printed Name j�(Lo� I�EED ✓ � �� � c G-- ---- �S!S(7 i�w 7`'' w��= ? s. �5 ----------------- � s� Prmted Name� t C � (�.},�. p�� . /� 6. 9 i� ------------- ---- ------------ s.► D�- �S���C��� �I I Printed Na ��..,� �t�„� __ (�.O 1�nZcx�I NZo� ,�C 7. �/ ---- ---------------------------- ���� r'ac��-!D 1 t �, �� ted Name Lc�`� � -����-�� Gv 1��'�C'i2'�— 8. `1 - \�-- l� I S�O l y.0�t. �..��.� �U ----- - -- -- K—I o I �� �� Printed Name � �G .� 9. 9 _M e�a��e� --- ---���e�► �r o 3 5� � ��d i2.� �-1� '� Priute � _ (��S t� ��'c, �t/ 10 9 �� -- -��-a--- - - ��� ,�"�� S�� � .�� ' Prmted Name � � � � � / Page 2 of 2 ' `!�'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � t � This two a e form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking �� ` "" pg �I,,` \ the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above sf�ted;aric�'""''�' �'� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. e��_ � � �. WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition witlz any other than his or her true name, or���o,_��� knowingly signs more tlTan one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wIi'en`"h���'`'^����.- sl:e is not a[egal voter, or signs a petition wlzen/ie or sl:e is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlTo makes lierein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sliou[d be in ide�ztical fornz as the same tliat appear on record in t/ie cl:ai�z of title to t/ze real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. ', Signature and Mailing Description I Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �� 4 I l a r��sa � rs �d 1. � s � �r���-e--- °so --- ----- � M� , < l 5568 005 0 Printe d Name z.c.� �d ti � /�� J r� � � 9 - � -- - ----- I�SU l�o f t, w�eSE �l� 2. 1/�- -- � 3 �5��`�b0�� I� Printed Name � � 3. � / � S��-�-- -�---- ------ is�so���a y S� S56g q 0 os Y �� '�s o ------ -------- Printed Name `' �S/Sb /!107�- .� 4. 7 � ' �SG� �� �Z�3� 22� � � -- ------- -- --_ - - ---- / � ��/ Printed Na '� � � (���/ � ��� -- - --- �s�s° �`!o'�` W�-Y $ �l��c(� l( �� 5• �� Q rmted Name �1-�.{.. � l�t � �� l�/.� ���� wA,y�.�� 6. � �1 r� -- - -- -- -�---------------- u 6z s���'���z�� � Printed Name q � ,. ,9 ____________ __ _ _ ______________ �s G��� « e i� Printe Name 5�L ��� U —(Q . s. � ��- --------- ---------� Ss68 9a zoo �� �9 Q Printed Name,L,�� ,S' S � � . 9. 9 �y - -----�-- --- -- ---------- %a�3 5s6��o���o � i� '� Printed Name s �i �iq�lpH / !i ;� 10 � �`� -���-�Y1t� - t�__ i, j � G�7�D��C�Q��; `�1,/� , Printed Name a� � L V Page 2 of 2 ' :� �1Z �'lQew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � � � � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking ���r�� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above✓stated,'�ricl`�` � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. H_'. . � 'jl� WARNING: Every person wlzo signs this petition with any other tlzan l:is or her true name,_�;w�/�gL knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an electiort'w/i'e'r�1��'8r`"' - slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlien lte or slze is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or w/to makes herein any false statement, slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as tlze same tleat appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ---- «��`� 1`{o'f�+ k1a.�.,,S� 1. �l ----------------------------- `� ,5,56�'o I l I� ' � " t�l Printed Name �, . ��L,�, _��� �)��� �� � 2. -=----------'�-�-�----- ���, ��-,s oL���� ss b g�D r��� �t0 ��� �� P mt d Name L, 0�f' � / �� . , �� `J� � , � � �' - �n``S .�.��g�'e. c� ! 3 � � - �`�- )� � � r � I ' � " ' ""'�""" // I � Printed Name �� U � � ��j{/ I �� �l� S�S� " (,tt 4. � 2 ---`-��Y�---1.�1_� �� /�y ��� �� S�(�g�ODD� � / Printed Name � �� �� � �' / � � Sb ., i 5 lSo 1�.O`�`' � S 5. �/Z� ------------=--- ------- ----- Pt�0 2 � 5`'lo� 2 '� o o� rintedName �C,� ��'6y1 �A �S� � (SIS� i4� '� w�h5� � 6. � - ,..�'- =-------`_-- -- �.�i o Z 2� �� intedN e � � � l� w y$U� �J ��� C� � � � � . I 'rJ� "�J(� �HC7n'INCr7 5� 7. �� ----'- --�-�-------f�✓-=----------- E w��� !�— �2� Q� Pri��ted Name�� La �h/� � ��V, JS�1 ��(?Q �D ' g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � + "� � � � � r `"iVew Life-Aqua Barn Annexation "'' kE \ � � � This two page form is one of a number of identical fortns w�iich comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and�r--�����r�� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. ��`�- � '��� E� `l(I(�7 WARNING: Every person who signs this petition witlz any otlzer than llis or lter true name, or wlzo knowingly signs more tlzan one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election w/zen h,e orr���RK'����C,r� she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanies of petitioners should be in identical fornz as tlze same that appear orz record i�t tl:e chai�t of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other . ._...� _ -` :�" �' c: )" - s �:��� y ����'� �' 1 �� ��[�� -------------�=— r.- � • Printed Name�- S. /����L/Cs'tc � � ' � + • i �� 1�4"= , 2. �`1 � � --���A s--�="--�_----- ------ . ,� . - �' �- 5��� 0(� � � Printed Name ,..,_ � /l /� > 1 � � � 7—� � / � >, U� 3. ��I�� ���� ---= --=���1�� �`: ,� -� � , ��� PrintedName t�;% „ ? � -�,,,*_ ._.. � , , _ . — •� � ��'-!�%2 ) _.�.< � i '� 3..2 S - --'r o �1 � � --� -� L �� ,%� � �i . 0 a. � �i _ .��� 1-�c�-- �--,� -_�--f� 1 C�C� ' Printed Name �, �� (�� ! C U� ' �� �l7c'� � ._ .., - 1�:3-,� .�� �rj J��`" f'1u �,-} • i � - 5. '^�� ! L� ----- - "'- 'r l-V�.�-�----�- R"C�1� C1/�`\,,1�''C" �o lri-�'�' ��� . o o i� Printed Nama�'(�(%� �' , `', r' , � �-, /s' :� '� S 5 r /�.�r ,:�` 2�2 � ,� r � . �9Q�, 6 :. . , r � _1_c ,� ,� . ; :.� ------ --- -- ----- - - ,� �.�,.;. Printed Name� _. ) �� p� l� ;Jt. �, �� � . . � C',��I��,.-. /� ��?5 � � '�" �-� ��� � --� ' �`� i� 7 i �� ��'- --------- - ����� ( ��.� • `" �. �s i _ ,.�-•, -�----< _ i Prmted Nam "�'� 4;�/ �%��,�. cl � r -�"l�- -�oac�`�r�--- - `�' ��`� �` ��'Y��� ` � s. �� ��i � - �' �b� ��C C� Printed Na i j,h,��� � F�i ,�� �, f i��zS �� ±5��� �t � ' �� 9 `�r j �=� �-�------------- �--- �-------- -- �-�. �,_ �,�� ��S 1 ��� • Printed Name � � � `, � � ' � �'�J "ti � � i\ �'t t; ' �. ����r_�---�� � �,� C l?��l i o r � -a ----.��--- � � � I l� Z 7 , -------- - . ; Printed ame f l���� � 1 ' � ; Page 2 of 2 � ' . ' `,,,,.ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,,,j � 1%��li���� � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stat�d, and, , , �_. . ,,. _,�;,,����f,� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. "� � � �i�fl� WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other than his or laer true name, or wlzo knowingly signs more t/Tan one of these petitions, or signs n petition seeking an election when he_ar�,v�� she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slie is otlzerwise not qualifiecl to sign, or who?��`� ^�-`' ' mnkes/ierein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identica[form as the same t/1at appear on record in t/ie cl:ain of title to tl:e rea[estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (La�,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other :� � /,,�;.,-:�� �-y� .� '�. !��"�� :�-y 1 1. ��� ,�==- ---------------------- `�p t� . UC� ��= Printed Name��;,� Ts -" Cli:t/� ' " � �St � ,. � � C ✓ ,, ��`/ �;���`'�� Z � �� ------------ � � � � 5 c- 1's s r i . � --------------- --- - Printed Name '7'"�,,.�,,,,. � . L u r..•>S ' � � I� 3.�� J� ��`�5�'`` t� 3. �/� � -- ------- �.._------ , P � ted Name �- � �y, L�'�' A �]� r i 7r?� c� .f. � � C�G�i�E'[r" �`._-,•�r::-C c�r-' , Lj 7 .- f� v� �� ��,�� 4. --- ---- ----- -:,- -- - - t _� r_ � . �..� � �� ? Printed Name�-"-���%�C-e.� ,�.. �--- L � 1 �;, ►s �;� �S3 2� s-� , s.;�" , -� � _ -. }� M A F�-- � 5. S� -��----�=---------------------- �r+� � �— d ��- -C�C,� � Printed Nam� i z.. S��S�``—. 6. ��'�'�, --- - -`����E„�_--- o s3�� � ZG� • OC�� i.� �. d-� Printe Name �, , �,� � S` � , , � ,�1 -� :��_�_- __T_��� ,�'��':-�-��t_,� �`_ 2�4 c ��r� . � _._.� '�� �� Pr�nty � u , � . ,�, .../ , 1 _�.] ,--,� I5 �2 � . . �. i 8. ` -�� � � -- �'--�-�---- ------------ } `� ��= 1 � �t� �"� . CC%0 / Printed Name ��N�f; `;i'��M�Z7/& 1 �— � � � /5 Z� S� i55 9. � ---�=�e�=���;��'---�l�,G 3 y 2 �L�C� ,��, � ��� Prmted Name ��/ � '�� �L' � � 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � ' . ��((y�17 , �,; ", ( �� u � � New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above state�l,,a��l _. . ,r r �r- K�oF1,���i�i�.� inay be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. i � i i, � ?G�' WARNING: Every person who signs this petition wilh any other t1�an his or her true name, or w�i6 knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he o�r�E�E�.��C she is not a[egal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, o�'�air�^�_Fr��c��.,��,�,� makes/ierein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. � �� The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in t/ze chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other) 1. q I n� -- - - r:en�a__�—a- �S6 o K 16r 5 t � �fSS6�'C'[ � " Printed Name � - ------ ---- `�i—"�"' � ���� �1� . V V V 2. °�/, Z��� _ r �3, S£ �5� -s g��q�oo6o ��� Printed N e Il�,, VV� �� � - ' - � --- �6136 Se /66 S�t, 3. �f y�07 Q Re�rroN �/A. 2`6� �b� � nted Name K �� 1 �� _� � �� �� ��� � I -------------- /� D �'¢ -� � �c�c�� 4• `/ � Printed Na e �!/'�----- �i(/��(/'i �� ( �.]lJ � s. �'�� ����,�n� ---���r,� 1,56!8 �o l V � �CC� Printed Name � ��� ����� '`��,� ������ '� � ' �' i���/� , � t � � � �,�.�t ; ,� ' /J� - � 6. �_ �i --- �� -=;�����--------- • �� � � ��� Printed'Nam �r � � ,�` g � �1 9 7. � =�'-����- �--- �- � / �i ��►/ �1 � � �f; �(,�� ^� Printed Name� �'�" � s. -�f S,/�7 -- ` �- --�- -=�� �__ I 5�:� I��o�ti �`s� Zc�Z ��C? , ICa G�l� + Printed Name n �b _ �SG�s �g����. �E ��� �(�(�; 9. 9/� CJ7 ---------------------------A-------- Q �.,.�..� Printed me �(?,p✓t �i// �r{��, �,,,�,/4 �v�� �- ' I S'43S'� SC 1 SC��'S� 10 /��b7 ----- �--------------------- ��(� .�,`�(,1 Printed ame , � Page 2 of 2 .� ' ' l�`'�� � �� . � � � � U� New L�fe—A ua Barn Annexat�on � 9 This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petitio���'e�1�g�,�;�r.,;� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �� , �; : �(;[ / WARNING: Every person who si;ns this petition with any other than his or her true name�, o������ `�F knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election en" �b�' F � ` ►��h�� `�� she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not t�ualified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of n misdeineanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners shoi�ld be in identical form as the same that appear on record iyi the chain of title to the re�rl estate.) Tax Lot Legat No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Pi:�t,Assessor's No.or other 1. 7�Zg�v� -- --- ------------------------ I r'J1�2 S E l51*"$t• $85loq s o5to O Printed Name ����/ (�_jJ(,(S Rentd 1NA ��J ' � D•vv + 2. 7�?� --'��� ��=---- ! 57 0 6 S�' I,S�� 885(0 9 20 650 , Printed me ��"�'��j w a q 84s 3 oy�o0o p� 7 �5�� f-� � ��� b85coqZdO�u 3. � ---- - ----� ----------- � ( n � wAQ �o . •- Printed Name {tr"`'�Z I�S�a G 'L � � tS6Z( 1S�'"`' �a s� $$5b92o530 4. --- --- -- - - ------ �J �j l Printed N e �j/'C � /C �PIl�f'j� ��f ( � � b _ Q� ee s. �, �`��- --- � _�.��- ►5��� 15�`` �� $B5�9z��30 �- �` Printed Name � � � � O O n '�, � � 9;.4��`r. ------------------ ��z z� ls��� g$5�0 9 20 5510 ✓ 6. - -------------- �e nted Name /�� L✓ �� Q pp U- �. --- --�--- ----- - �2 y��x� - - � Prin---ame ?�✓ 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 1�`���� � � `"l�Cew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "'` � n� l� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated,and:'�•�n�r��E�,�,;. may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. � � � 2Ci(�/ � WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other tlzan lais or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when�;e ot�;F�K S nF�E�r slie is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlTen !ze or slae is otlierwise not qualified to sign, or wlio makes/ierein any fa[se statement,sltall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners s/:ould be in identical form as the sanie that appear on recard in tl:e c/iain of title to t/ze real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. I Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other , � .— , �. � " ; C�� c � S L 1�� � -. � �. , , • � � 1 �� � ✓ . l; ,,_ ~� `� �� ��U� . ------------- - ----------------�--- Printed Name,�I•� ��M �- � ' (/�� �,;A � ��) �� I� �,t �� 2. - �I- �� ---- - ���----- -- ----- - �N` - �1 � .Ca� � � , r �-� w �9 `��,i��� Printed Name�j�jG:i Vl ���,.r�;����-{ �/�'�� � 1 ��� [; _l� (j' -C ,�-`=�-��r- --��{�r t,� ---- t 7 J �J�- ���C 1 � n � � `�;� � �, � R � 3. � � �`� �f=W 7UF�r W �i�>U L�� ,�' Printed Name ' �.: - '�,d.,,. : � �} _��ci_L�C'L�"1J�--- ---------------- I�Z��: t y�*� :�._� `:� �l") ����� 4. �i l�I � � Printed Name , �"i'� v I �u v'rq �..� f� �:..3�/ �1�' /�G�' <- � . -------------- ---- --------------- .U� 5 Printed Name ��� :�Z.� ��� �t�`" 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 , ' )' y/���.J�'�-o � � i r��J W ' `�r�iew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `�''' v This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking,, the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and" ""j,,, , may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. , - r��� � , . iL�i WARNING: Every person who signs tltis petition witlz any otlzer tlian his or Izer true name, or wh��CE��vcC knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election whe�'�ie b��`'"'c��`��".�"- slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or s/ze is otherwise not qualified to sign, or w/zo makes lierein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanzes of petitioners should be i�z identical form as tlie sanze t/iat appear on record in t/2e chairi of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other n �� -�+1 �j.J��- � �_ f �� • no . � �'��.� ��c', .�-- c�� f�� �� y u 1. ��� �� Printed Na� �(� l��j^�l��- l.lJ,�"`l t� � � � , X __.f��-��_��- - =�- r� �a� ��- ��� � ��- �) ������ z. ,� �� � � ( l L, Printed Name < ' ' +�jt-1�vh w C�` � I �i( � �i � r �YtC,:K j �;Z�" /S7 l.# � X 3. / - - E�- --C---- --- --- � �� � �'���� ��� /'"' ,� Printed Nam f �J ; l � �r� 6.�i �+ +�`� �--`:_� ► � 7 � -r' � . . , . : 4 � r � �-��. --_ 2�0 ,o(� ----------==-- � ��_. . � .� - --------------- Printed Name ?-"j�� r�; 1 . � . --�J �", r{ - � � ,�.- �/ -;;�� ---- --------- ' S'�-_� '_ � _ --- �o ,�uQ s. j�;;/� �--_ - 2 , ��Printed Name �-eS�,�fr/,Tr� /,�"�%-�L � � �C S�z __9C� /�-G T�J,� _ . ��� �� �� � ��� �U�d � 6. t/,� ------� --- ----------- PrintedNam� i/ h;�v"�-��' l-�/J� ��� �''�� , L ; . - � � � `JGd� ��.5��/1 1/l'� S�. . 7. � ' �==-�-���..,,-�_-��-ti.--�.t-__-�- ���- � t��� � G`•� Printed Name �� �m n t ,.,a, ;1�Z 8 ��/G6 �- �!= ---1`�i n���r /�:/`, 1_>"ratif .��� Sz `l��j t�;��i � J_ ---- �'-2-�.- � � ����r� �.� ;�Z�, `j'��'D� Printed Name ` ;- ' J ` � . — , �� ��F"� --=��`-=I��{�- --��,r� l�_L_ 7�-,�,�i t, � ���l'�L�r { ��� �� 9• Printed Na �1 , L-,_____ j` �� �t„ � �1J'� � n �r , - `>�l� � � ���" d-v , ,` � : /� 10 � /� ;;:k==-----=- _��-_ �- l� ��� ---------- ��-�l rinted Name � ; �r Page 2 of 2 e , � ' `'�!'�Tew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � Z� �����-J This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stat�d; �;..�, ,;: may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �,�,- � ` `(�(17 , WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who , knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wl�x 1��`�Kvt^�,_ � I she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slie is otherwise not qualified to sign, or w/zo makes herein any false statement,s/zall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Na`nes of petitiaTers sliould be in identical form as the same that appear o�i record in the chain of title to tl:e real estate.) i Tax Lot Legal No. '� Signature and Mailing Description 'I Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other 1 _�.�,��1 . 1-;f;1�; �� �; ��`_� �+ � �Vl�' . �7 '� - - -- �s,�-l`=---------- ` T\Q.. Printed Name ., � .- . . :. 3 ��- , 1 ; • - ��(�, !u, 7 '�� � �1 2 �i I� =ti'`-'�F�--� '��---------------- `��1 ��� • Printed Name�r C LA � �I , ��►- ---���----- � �� � i r �L �h �� ��C � � � 3. � � (�L Printed Name1'7J� � - �j }--- ------ - -�--�------ �`'L� ��a - �S(}���� `;�' �` � c �;, 4. I , � ' ���ti� 3 � �,� {� Print d Name a � - �.� ! /� 5. �� < < --�-1--1-�'_' - �l"-���_------- ��S 3 C-+"_ /S�Z �- � s `— � W- < � L, � �TT./' � � Prjrrted NameJ <<� - ,��� /`?r"� ' 6. �, l � -j��--�-�- ��� `"-`---- � >` `_ �_ . �� r � � � , Al�,�,,,� Printed Name `�;v: . � . rd�d, f' . � '�'' �� �`i�'j�,, c � ��� � �. � '� : _�1p���.��_�_��L4�,�S ���( <� 5 l S� ��� r - 3��1 �c-���.' Printed Name -��- 'I 8. `�� �� �, F+"` '"t��=-�------� ✓ ------- Js f,,��� /' `' �' �Q� ,V� Printed Nam�/�"�,r',.y f L//1��� f � � � ���'�`�-- � \ti����� -�1--s _ '�f';� � t�-�`�'v1 ,�� ��' � � 9. �, i �, --� _ " �� 2g�1 ��t� Printed Name ���y� � . n i����;p'� 10 i `! ' _ __ �`�-��`� I`��^,��f ��%'�f�;��� �� � ����� Printed Name �,N` / ''`'> � � Ct � � Page 2 of 2 � :�- . . . .�,,.,; t� �� c�� . -- � I New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petition seekin�,Y Y�,�,_,., , I the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. i:� � , � ��; WARNWG: Every person wlzo sig�is this petition witla any otlzer tlza�i Izis or lier trice�Tame, v,r,.wl'����,�,��,� . _ knowingly signs nzore thaiz one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking mt election when he or slze is not a legal voter, or sigizs a petition wlzen Ite or slze is otlzerwise not qualified to sigra, or wlao makes/zerei�t any false statement,sliall be guilty of a misclenzeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanies of petitio�zers shou[d be in identica[forrn as t/2e same tl:at appear on record in the cl:ain of title to 1/:e real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or otlier 1 S�25 S� I SS�� P� �� U� � 1. l rn�='��=--����� �-� �I��� Printed Name � ����/�,� ��,� �'��. � � , 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ,; �'?`l.J�'��"!��"'!)1.. ` �,/,j,� Z � � � � #� New Life-A ua Barn Annexation '�"�� '� �� �'�i�' � � 9 ���� .<t(.CIVtL /�o � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one pe�tltta�f'��'kirig `Ji the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and � � may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. �-; �:��� � WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a le;al voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not gualified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in ir/entical form as the same thnt appenr on reeord in the chain of title to the rea[estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description DatB Printed Name Address (I,ot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's �Io.or ather) � - -------- �`�'6S� 5 e i.�1��� ���..���t�t�5`i d �. �� ��l_���__���z � ZPrinted Name ,��p 6�,C Z �n��f1 w u' `���'S'� 5/� . ,; . 1�"S3 l �C l �,�„�A �ra��� 2. �-�2 --�-�-�-- ----- - -�j . � c.:�t �gaq' Pnnted � �� 3. � 2 2 ��-^�'' �a--�� _ �y- ;� � s� t s—� ,�/ ���� ��o��a � Printed Name _ /� 3aC� � � � ,.. � �,, /- l Y'"3 i/' S � ��-- �. ln��lc�ns 40 4. +_�_�_�1�f1��-----�-�=-'����t,�A. /� �i�,,�,�� � �y Printed Na �� v � �` ��"�! Z�j'� 5. �1 V V -�lJ,..�ll�l-- - -- --- �y5�� 5� �53� �� !9���l t�� 4�4�0 Printed Name �p„r�� V.l� �`��� L$ ��---��--------- f��l� �� �� �� ��W fP l ar 4$0 6. �7��Z -��-- - l�v u s 2`�4 Printed Name , �1�,,5►[J ST 1 S3 — �, (o�S O(p l t�-O�"9'O 7. J �� -- --- - -----------------�-- �.�� 1�/�- �� Zs�� Printed Nai ----- �E�31`I c � Z'�L... ,�o�" �,�1�lc���,o 8. � �,� ------- - - - ----------F----- s �� - q �/ Pnnte Na e V� 1 �1/(,(� �Q-✓�. � !3 � 37b -,-- �t-�-S� l�r S to d��1 c�o v6 9. �.,�'' ---�_-��----- --�--�--�-�� � w ���a � Printed Name 3�' � � /���� -/�J�� lo�`6l//006 `�D 10 ��' -- ------- --------------------- ,�r��� E✓,�. ��o� /� Printed Nam �3 �/ r— Page 2 of 2 \ . �.'1yj,,,uF..hi"e�!` I +� Y "' � J�V `." , ` New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �`�. ' %�� �`� �������� �� i ,<CI.��IVtL: ��� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise ti�ie }�etrft�Sn s�"e`k'ing �� - the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true nc�me, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not�[egal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,sha[l be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identicnl form as the same that appear on record in the chain ojtitle to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Maiting Description ��atC PC1[itCC� NdIIIC f�CIt1PeSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other) �' r�°S 43 s.�. is�� sT �do�/oo/ ��;;� �� �.Q-�.__L l�__,a _� /� . 1. ZZ Prin Name-----�- ��- -�� .�X�T� Gt/� f}��`J� ����� J�a\ �I��trz St� rS`I t ��13C�' �d0/4� � 2. - --- -- -/� -- -`y------------- �� rinted Name �'fcN/iiYl .X��,W6 �1 Q'k'.�'f'd��'�-��' �l��.�_v � ✓L� � �-, 15�3 t (4�-►�G� ('C�S� ��o lo !c n v2o _ '"� 3. -� _�-��G� , ---�---� 2 \ � PrintedName � , � ��,1� g 3C� � .�, 4. ��� .�� ��(,��'°PL., SL--- ���tv lan z gv /�ir�-�L_ sAc���.�.�--- !�� v�'-"'` Printed Namer �L����], �/�"[ (�V.�(� y Z�v L " � `" ���� ��6 L �% ��c.cv/c�osro �^ ' --------------- -------------------- � ��, 5. � � i� cP �2/ � � Prin d me ���''��^' /'T) �U� .7'i 6. � '�,� --- -------- - f'�'t't SE i�3 s`?L. !,,��i�� t oa 3 �Fo -- - - ------------ - Q �,�� Pri d Na e �.. }��",�1�,--Z` �"'"� . W� �"�C.�SJ f�7L�-— �j ��lJ 3� S� ��� 'PZ- ���b t8r� <o 7. � �,� ------------------------- -- aQ Printed Name ' � ��'n r �✓') ` ��'� � � �I� 1'��7 L C 3 � �p�C,�P ld�> `�� 8. -� ------- -- ,.- ----- --- . � ��' ri ed N �! C(.' � (�//`-"�- 6 ZPjS -' i��� ���J - • ��c���5�10 � = � 9. � �� --------- -- ------ ---- ------�, - r�� � Printed Name � � "I� � �Z�� r ��6 �� I��f�iD� ����a �ao�-o� -----�'��-------- � 10 '� 2Z - ------- �- �i��,��'t- h �S 2��- Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �k`tY Ot=K�l�Yr�t� '�^ � � . � � , t:, `; f��J ` , `'New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ,«c°��vG�: ,.: ��� ���,�,�- .�,__. , This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petition seekmg the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every perso�z wlzo sig�zs tliis petition witlz any otlzer tlzan his or lier true iianie, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when/ie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when l:e or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, slzall be guilty of a misdenzeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners s/�ould be in ide�Ttical forrn as the same tleat appear on record in tlie chain of title to tlte real estate.) 1 ax Lot Legal IVo. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ,,,�l ��"-y/i�- UJ.� � i. �Jf— ,�'���-_'�'�-- --- — �93���,.������y,�y ��:��3 � ' -�c�` (O P ' d me � � � 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6 ' . -------------------------------- - Printed Name I 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ; - l.':���:7t=tZ��ir�,�. � ' , `�4ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "' '''� '�'1'�`"4 ,<tt.�i V"C!r� '... r„ �Rtl�c. ��,_.,. This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petrtion seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and ��� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. � WARNING: Every person wlzo signs tlzis petition with any other than his o�•lier trice�zame, or wlio knowingly signs��zore than one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlten lie or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition wlzen Ite or slze is ot/zerwise not qualifierl to sign, or w1To makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as tlTe same that appear on record in the c/:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bio�,P�at,Assessor's No.or other � /53Z5 SE /5S Pj. �1ss�ssor'S No. � 1, ��29/D� li�_�_�� _�___.�► - ---- U��f N-b � 100-0b9D- � � Printe d Name„l���Oh �oN u/e Re�►��►� W/i 9 0�'J O 3� 2. ���l��" _o_�Z w�-�._ l7G-�-.�C c�5 -�j w.,...._Q a.S - ----- - /-------I--- Printed me oc���� (��OKZp,(GZ C��ot/�Q a'6ov`'Q 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name rJ. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 - r ' ;�r k�l��t�F` l� � , `�ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation ���t ,;, This two page form is one of a number of identical forms ��vhich comprise�,��tition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Wasliington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petitio�z witlz miy otlzer t)zan his or lier trcce�zame, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petitio�i when he or she is otJzerwise izot�ualified to sign, or who makes lzerein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a nTisdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanzes of petitioners sliould be in identica[forrn as the sarne tkat appear on record in the cl:ain of title to t/ie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date �I'' ied�Ta Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessoc's �nC,t` No.or other r ��1 t� J - / I�(Jz^�i`C7 r�,�vl 'T' GJ -� �_.c%c-�� Z 3 C��— '� l. - -------- ----------------- ---- . �8 ° „ � � S�.t rnqs, � �i���i5 �"3� `1 � l �.3z.�s �� a 1� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � 4,1 . � � �, � � , �.,.t�u� �E�!'rC.1�� � '`'Taew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation '"' � �1�°� � . ;�! ����. This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which compris,@_o��e�tion seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlto signs this petition witlz nny other than his or her tra�e itame, or who knowingly signs r�zore tlzan one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlien/ze or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes ITerein any false statement,slzall be guilty of a n:isdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Narfzes of petitio�zers s/iould be in ide�Ttical fornz as the same that nppear on record in tlze cleain of title to the rea[estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other �,�� .,� �z z� �3� A-� �r� � � ov�� �� � 1. -`� - ---;�=-�-----��- u u ll � �,�,�A 9�'3�-I 2�- � �\Q Printed Na�u(.� r . � y � C D O U�c --� - � ro6 ,i C;,�hy�'� C �' � z ,�Yo�� , 2. - --- --- - , l��t y�/r� w/� g� Z 3 c Printe�ame �0-��� _ 3. ---------1�_� _ t�---------- 3Zc'; ��'C�p�'v Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Z 3 Z��0 a qt� Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ �Z �Z�1��G l�o Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ "Z 3�L���c;I l o Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ �Z�jZ���U�Zo Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ 2.3Z`i��'o/y�o Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ 2 3 Z���'o i s� Printed Name 1� C� ------------------------------------ Z z�Z�j D � Printed Name Page 2 of 2 a � 3 • � � ��O ��� �'!!``ew Life—Aqua Sarn Annegatian This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described tenitory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Eve�y person who signs this petition with any other tl:an his or lier true nnnze, or w/:o knowingly signs inore than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when I:e or she is otherwise not c�ualified to sign, or who makes herei�t any false siatement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this �etition. (Names of petitioners shauld be in identical form as the same tltat appear on record in the clrain of title to tfie real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address f���B�oc,Piat,Assessor's No.or other} n `C �v 1. --------------------------------- --- ��-��r Z� L� ��� Printed Name 2. ------------------------------------ Z�jZ�Tfl C`i 2-Z.0 Printed Name 3. ----------------------------- ------- �7 � - Printed TJame L'�2�� �'� � 4. ------------------------------------ � �.�Z��� .0 Printed Name 5. ---------------------------------- `Z�-�� ��Zb'�a Printe�Name 6. ----------------------------------- � - Printod Namc �.�j������U 7. ----------------------------------- Z �Z�� �,35,� Printed Name 8. �-z�Z��'�%3�,� Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ G 3K ��Z�1�b� � Printed 13ame 10 ------------------------------------ �.3ZC i�-3'�D Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � � �o � � - � -�n�U � `'A'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annegation This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described tenitory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WAItNING: Every person who sig�zs this petition with any other than his or lier true nan:e, or who knowingly signs��zore tl:an one of these petitions,or sigrzs a petition seeking an election when he or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petilion when he or slze is otherwise not�ualified to sign, or wlto makes herein nny false statemen�shall be giiilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Na�nes of petitioners should be in identical form as the samt tlrat appear on record in the chain of title to tfie real estate.) Tax Lot LegaI No. Signature and Mailing Description � I�� Date Printed Name Address (�t,Btoc,Ptat,Assessor's ��O No.or ofher 1 � - -. . ------------------------------------ Z��rz��-� �>y 1�. Printed Name 2. ----------------------------------- `Z�Z��' ��fZC� Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Z�2�7�$ U�3U Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ � -7� Printed Name ��j2 G1 7� �f�`� S. ----------------------------------- `ZZ�Z- ���� L�'y�(J Printed Name 6. ----------------------- Z3 Z ���� �ygo Printed Name 7. .- �r ' ----------------------------------- '2�Z� a �S Printed 13ame g. Printed Name------------------------ 2'��I�c� C,�j(�� 9. ---------------------------------- `Z�-C��' Printed 23ame �� �Q ------------------------------ � ' ------ 2, Printed Name �"�L�f U�1�� Page 2 of 2 , " , ' . �D�D �04�0 �'!'rew Life—Aqua Barn Anneacation � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described tenitory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing addit�onal signatures. WARNING: Every person wl:o signs this petition with any other than his or her true�zanie, or rvl:o knowingly signs n:ore tltan one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petitiott seekirrg a�t election wlte�i lae or slze is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when l:e or slie is otherrvise not r�c�alified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petitian. (JVames of petitioners should be in identical form as the same t1:ai appear on record in the chain of title to tlie real estate.) Tax Lat Legal No. Signature and Maiiing Description Date Printed Name Address (�t,Bioc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other) 2?;Z �9� �i�/a � :OCX� 1. ------------------------------------ �`,� Printed Name 2. ------------------------------------ 7-�7Z-!3 0 �(o Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ 'Z;3Z�-i�b(�3Z,} Printed t3ame 4. ------------------------------------ �2 3���'G'�� Printed Name 5. ---------------------------------- 23 Zn �} Printed Name `�� L�U 6. ----------------------------------- 23Z��� (�� Printed Name 7. ----------------------------------- � /� Printed Name ��L` r � lJ�� 8. ------------------------------------ �Z3 z����' J�b Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ - Printed 23ame �� ��`�/��f�'d 10 ----------------------------------- ����,� . _ ���. Printed Name Page 2 of 2 • # , � . . �,, ��1� , DC�6 �1'�ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described tenitory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and inay be filed with other pages conta.ining additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlto signs this petition wit/z any otlter than J:is or her frcce�iante, or rvl:o knoFvingly signs�nore tf:an one of these petitions,or sigt:s a petition seeking art election when he ar she is�:ot a Iega1 voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or wlto makes herein any false statement,sltall be grtilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Na�nes of petitioners shou[d be in identical forrn as tl:e same tl:at�ppear o�:record i�r tl:e clrain of title to tl:e real est�rte.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other ' �� .�IJV 1. ------------------------------------ ���z�'�3 c���y� Printed Name x� 2. ------------------------------------ ��Z��'�' ��� Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ �= PrintedName ��� �� �-���C� 4. ------------------------------ -Z Printed Name �'�� �7 � Q� s. ------------------------------------ �Z�Z�� 1�� Printed Name 6. ----------------------------------- Printal Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------_�-------------------- Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 . ti . .,..� ��I 0 4�rew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation t„'��`� 1W t� This two page form is one of a number of identical fonns which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stat�c�,aa�,d,sF,�-;_,;- may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. _�. _ �, � 2G07 /a e+ WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other than his or her true nanze, or who knowingly sigyts more thnn one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wh�e� ���� �, Rk�S n����� she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slze is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or wro� makes lierein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nanres of petitioners s/�oulcl be in ide�ttical forra:as the same tJtat appear on record in tlie c/:ain of title fo t/ie real estnle.) Tax Lot Legal No. ' �Signature and. Mailing Description ' Date r . P ' t t�Na �e Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other . � ,, ,� � . i . .; ';' ' �� ;��: �� �33���;c��� 1. �� ;�� �-=�-'-�'---��-���� '-=�=�----- -, � �. _.� , '' j 1 v� ,�(p OUL3 r t / '`- .�-- . �. �1 f � Printed Name f� f- �'� i:� '�' ��+..����r��:�,% �/,/,i ��j��)•�,�'� � , �l� ! �. ,LL ( •1: ,., : : ' . ��32,� � {S,J 33� � r cx's ' � c� 3 , 2. �� o r-��-t'=�'�k'-�^""__°_��`�- -��"- (��� y�'o �,^/.P� �! 8 �l(o�,a-�o I / � Print d Name ��,� � ''�—*"' ' � Y" ,- , ������ls���'f�L.s . �. 3. ��ll��� --- --- -- - ---- ------------- ,t,✓�o q — Printed Name�..�('��/✓� �t�N�J ����o � l�i3z5 �� ��s�1 1 �3,3��c�c��c�,�1�� � - - -- - --- -- -------- 4. '� I� i�� (� � 1 �S� C.�OU Printed Na e 1'��(�,� ���`� 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ � Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 . . `'"'New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "i° �� OD ��q�0 � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. `�"`��n'���=°�' WARNING: Every person wlzo signs tliis petition witlz any other tlian liis or lier true nanze, iar-wlao �i�� knowingly signs more tlzan one of tliese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wl:en /ie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sigrt;�ur�u���:cc��", ,.. makes herein any fa[se statement,slzall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners sliou[d be in identical form as the sanTe that appear on record in the clzain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lor,sio�,Plat,Assessor's No.or other r� ' • 15,�J St� I 5 'rJ� P�- �l�� I�t� �GI�C. . ; 1. li e `�-�.1C:��� _c� �,u�----- �'�i � • Printed Name ' < i • ��{� U,��l� �j$'' � �'��;�V / +s3�s Sc E5s P[. �:��1(}0!�,�U � 2. ���006 - - -------------------�-4-------- h`�s' � Printed Name � s _ � (.,j(� . �53�5 5� i �1. �1-�..3 7,3�{C��9(�fX�.�' 3. � i��� --�.'Y1�-�.g,�.� ----- - Q.��1�n, �'�r��i�o� �r . � Printed Na ^;` ' `� ����' �� li ��`�_ � �c��,i�c� �� s� `�s Pc� �.����3-,�;-�. 4• �/CG��� Printed Name � �'—� � �� �� �'!1�r��'K�1lJ�:� r�l� 1S�2S Sf� 1 ��.: �7�3„� ������/%.:X�� ' 5• ����� Printed N e l ' �� � � ���t ���`, , _ti. � P�- � � �--- t� 325 `;,�'� r� `�' 3 < <o7U0 � 3 �� `� "'��4-�-'-�-- --- j'���---_ 6. ��L C,� ------- �- / ----- �;� ���:t����'� � I(� ,Z C'�� � Printed Name /��� cJ<�- � �-- � �'fr US'� '' � ' . /�3��� .5�� �Ss�'/ �73 31v�� tc�t-�c�� �. � ,� t�a��-/�-�f� ��--- -------- ,�- � ,/� `� / e� Printed N�he /f� � �"� v �C� � � h� � � /S3 2..� 5�/.TS`�P,� �33 ino�t �i o�o S. g> � -(�'`�,�-------------------- L y 1�1 ,�0 ' ' �J �' o � Printed Name �� � ���.. /��L-��..�-L i 5���s� i s.s t�l . -� o� oo� i � �je �b 9 ----------------'-----�- . ^, . - � �c� s�;�� "u-� ;�-�� ���2 4�°� -� � l �� �vd � � Prihted Name ► q rv1 a / � 153�s � ���-�� pt� ��3� �����v5ya�� �� .; � �� . ------ �r ;�, � � 1 o r�' ---�-- - �------------ �3 RG�.'ro�•, � g�� .� I � �00 1 Printed Name L ri � �� or . Rti k ti � ���ih ��(( ��dC �� / � ���Qesf ��� Page 2 of . � , � �. � �ap New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation '��(� � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above sta�ed��d����,.��h may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. <,�� ;�,,, � WARNING: Every person who signs this pet�tion with any other than his or her true name, or`w�io knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an eleetion when he o��`��� s/:e is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not�ualified to sign, 6��1� �'��'C' ^°_=:r'w nzakes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners shoulct be in i�ientical form as the same that appear on recor[l in the ehain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �atC pPlI1tC(� NaClle AClfll'CSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's Yo.or other q /.� -�j J4=4' , 1 _1r'��__�Z=Kt��z.,"�-�-='_'% �i//�!`� !i�/ � '� /_i_S ��.-�'�t.�(4�l� 1. --- = �.��-� -- . /f,�.�� 'Printed Narfie ,� � ,S ,�`y7C�--19�2/G���.��-��/ � � � /,���-� /s�� s�, ��s-�- 73.�� �t�3�`�%;. 2. � _ � �� �c� �u� • rinted Name ��Jr � ��j� ��� � . ���, i `�� ��,�ti � -�.� - - - --- ---------------------- �S32 f sF � 3. � -,�` �.�, Printed Name� � (���� , � r 5�2.� ��' c 5S�`P�, 7 3.� �� ����7..s 1c��� . 4. �fc��c"� CiE��c��_ (d�_��_W.fl�2 �-3 -� ;y Printed Name 9 � `� �(J"i�v(��i ` � ►53 2 S 5�; t�S'�,'`(�`- �`� UU/ t_ 5. i ��Il��--------�--�-�-------- 3 , / �� Y 1•C:�'� �I l��(� Printed Name ��C.-r W �( \ W(� G � Fa�(0� t�j�� 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name g. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 , �:EN�(1Jt-I-�LE���C�+�. � �-1 ••r �,/ r�c; �� � 1,�, � � -*" New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � ��CLi=iVCL �� � '�'-����� ('i F_r?F!r;. ����r•.- This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person wlao signs this petition with any other than his ar her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not quc�lified to sign, or who makes herein any fa[se statement,sha[1 be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appenr on record in the cl:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �at@ PPIIIte(� Nallle � � E�C�C�I'0SS (Lot,Rloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other � .3 y a3 -.fc Is�''�`s't Q(� J �j? !�� ,�'��1_ - G_�_ �_'�1�� �� u�- c�c�� i �e �p �. �j��� �,,,�� � � / 3 s �� / Printed N G��l,�t'����%��-L.�t.¢— �t,i(��G'IJ IN� Cf�lj.�� 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name � 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1 0 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 ` , -�'t l'U�=K���"tJF�' ��j � , �TA'ew Life—Aqua Barn Annexation "� - - � � � -���� ' l This two page form is one of a m,unber of identical fonns which comprise one���t�ntseeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as a6ove stated, and � c;��� �� ��� may be f i le d wi t h o t her pages con taining a d ditional signatures. WARNING: Every person who sig�is this petitio�z witlz miy otl:er than his oi•lier trice�zame, or who knowingly signs nzore t/ian one of tl:ese petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlten /ze or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petitio�t w/ten /:e or slZe is ot/zerwise not qualified to sign, or wlTo inakes Izerei�t any false statement, sliall be gui[ty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nalnes of petitioners slioulrl be in identical forraz as the sarne that appear on record in the cliain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Addi•CSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or otl�er �(� � � � � ' �Po �o�c .��'-t�'9 �...�p ,1- 1 �G ��QiIN� / � �/ �, �. 9 --- ---------------------------- - � � � � 6 Printed Na �(.11� /� f' �TC�� 9l1�..�� V�t�(.c> �O 1 7"' .�_ % l 3��6CtS G �s��� 1,o�" � d-'�`� � ,, f�' Z � '� 2. ---------- ------------------------ ,,(..0 ` ' �, I/f e � Di fc.� / � �7 ' Printed Name �1" � W� �t�� � g� t ' (}E ��i - , I 39�S S � /S'� —�C. �oT 3 �J 11W � . N �- /7�- t 3./ --��------ --- - ------ I ., Gy J v��.,�- Po,�r V "�.,f��.-� Printed Name �C A E L �Ik-p►5 �ll�°U WA' /�0�0 l � VO�j Q O� � � " �G/ �3��� -s �' I�� � �� l,c� -c i � �3 1 �1G� � r � G .t c L_.�^' � .�.J ✓�^ `4� • ,, ,�/� / t b� � ---�=----- --------------- �� ��t E�t�`-'�` �.� {� 4., � ----- f U PrintedName ' D � ' �f p�� ` �,t�7�J.t� �j' g'i� �SS �'IV Q _....._. � C �/ >�- ., ,---�..-�'��� � �� �C � �� 1�4'� j���c-� 3�� ✓ 5� J , r - ��--- --- i.�,,v �.. . L�� Printed Name;� £ " �/�� � "C O 1JQ.�d� 1 i �0 2� ��F' , „ ^ CZ. �Q�Z. `-� 1 4f �, s€ ��"s�- �R�� $q���� o � � � ' / 6. 1/1y/ �.�-�--'�h''==-�-c-°=�--�=- ---�_�e,� *o� /,_ �` Q G..o-�� 1 Q v ` Printed Name/� ��� `'�'` ` �� r 4Z1 L� J Ll•'1�lt�S ✓Z. /�� . � ' ��� S � �� �� ��� Syy ��� �. � 7 {/����---------- ------- ---- � N� �-o� �C� i, � I � Printed Nam QjrJ'�� �7d I"'l�!' (/L/� ' Gj,.��` �1 O (QV� /' i�1os"� - ��15'�' �.� � �e 2q� ��' ,/ S./ �/� -a� ---==��--.--1--/-------` , ,/ � ,� i� 5�9,�c�� �/ �•� Printed Name�'7 u N 1.��� l 1�-1 4'�C� Q , �/C� � � � 3��� s 1 � ° � �00 ab(� . 9 7 �y�a7 � � �s # '�`� ` a�- i vt C z/ ---------------------- �Q � Printed Name k'(,(L�✓A N� S�}N,�/1 G '`�'� t'v�A �'8 �� V/�ev Pa� � ,� 1 f y � �����' S' �� � 34 52 �i c i�`�`�� p�- - (� �- �� ----- - ------ - �Z°z23oSq cz2c� --------------- v Printed Name�u�w q N T SA N D (� i(��t�-,�tvh,l�l:A 1!�D�� (,(�3�� Page 2 of 2 L � ' �,,,. ���._l1.�Y'CF�I�I-r�r�).,� �� . � `�� � �,' ��ifi�` ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation - � < / . � �;�C��vt� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which compris�`�n�'��fi�8n�"s��king the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and �.:r,�'� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. � � ' WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is rzot a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualifietl to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a rr�isdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. ` (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same tlint appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) � Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed N me Address (Lot,Rluc,Plat,Assessor's � No.or other) � , i., , ---1- -�- - -G---� ����� � � '/ �, -1y-- �, �9 � � � � �09 c� - c �- i4w6 j sz�-ifi, �- �' J 2• ^. �.1_� -�- -`��n' ------------ �i u y--4- 5 ) u�t C L' ''��," � � � � Printed N� „�(��, w � . . �('{� �' �� �7(� S� /j�`��S� S1 � S��y �=�c3 W" . . , �Q� � � 1 , rc�� � 7•y� , � 3. , ���(��c -=------ ------------ ------------ ��'D5� t��..w a w��- �i , Printed rn�� �.���`1 i�J R' 1 i z�1`6 � c. 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N � � l i l l'�� � ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation �n � � _ ,�cc�����: ` �' � . � .r_all�c n:-- _ This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he ar she is not a legal voter, o�signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not quczlifzed to sign, ar who mcrkes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemec�nor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names ofpetitioners should be in identical jorm ns the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (�.ot,Bloc,PIAt,Assessor's Na or other) i 3�f Z'�- � 15�e3 ST �D�l"_ 1. �/� - - -�L--- - --� iZEc.��cw�v,c�c:r� ►�1 L��C�Z3UC / � Printe Name L� � V L q gGS� - �� - �,-Z...�., � 3 �4 � s E c 5 � ' " S ,//�� ----- ------------------------------ � 2� a ��a�-5� ��a � '11 ��J � ' PrintedName .�(JS�Q(-( �(Z iZ�S (��Nr` r, W�1 �� �J�S � �� --,-� 15� lYd�- "v� �t �r �,� ,� 3. � //7 - -- ------------,----- 5���.So�SZa�� 10 ,�`' � -�� Pn ed ame r �. �R ,� w j4 ��j ` � . �/� �^ �`��� J�L'f"� G =- � 4. 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WARNING: Every person who signs this petitiorz with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking crn eleetion when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petilion when he or she is otherwise not c�ualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address ��°r,Bi°`,Pi:,t,,�'Se'S°�'S No.or other) ;�^ �_. \ . ; � � l. /� � ---------=----��-------�------ `0 -�� �5—�n►� Pc,� h i c..4��, �� v, l/�� Printed Name:�Y v9!/��-/ 1�✓I 1 �� _.�.� W V`` 1� �_t OUv� ��� l�o i3 S� iSY'�`f% .�� L�/�-�-j.� � � p ------ -------------- -------------- / /' n �J � 2 �`�� Printed Name ��;��'t.,�z /�tt2"t"W L W� ��0.�� d�"L� U J•� ,� 3. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 1� ------------------------------------ Printed Name I Page 2 of 2 ,� �t•_l��.J"•i<L-���"!j, r � � .�� ,,�I � -�� /'�I�'�� � ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation t ttC:�i'vt� f`3 F!�{!�a .��,�,� . This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking ��� the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and �-� (�� may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs rrtore than one of these petitions,or signs a petition seeking an election when he or slze is not a lega!voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, o�who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names ojpetitioners should be in identical form crs the same that appear on record in the chain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description �`clt0 PI'111t0C1 NaI11C E�CI(�CeSS (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other -� ��. — �' I��1 SC IS�I— ��[�� t�c�� �� 1. ^ J �( � � - --------- - � � Print Name // � � CI�`�-)��Q LQS C J'-i`' (� , �. . r'�y�(dN�_ � � - �� �•z o �� �S�. �� ��-� �p �� 2 �7� ------ �� � ) I � ,n� , . ------------- -- ---- --- � � Printed Name �'a, �c nC��.l�A:�� �U7�/ j W J'� , U l�(�S � -� .� � 1 -t���-�-u��- b 1�a �� 54 r 5� �� r� o �l� � 3. � � --�'�-----------------�-- � � PT� ...����;�� �N 7�Q�U f�,� 9�'�i o C�- oa'7 � - .� . r �q�� � � �s���r �at�a ��o �� . �f� 4. ���'� , ► r ------- Q p �j ,/ p l � � � Printed Nam �- ----� "'-/��.,�^ �,(//1 / v� SO ���j�� 1 J; / � . 5. � -���z'-'-`-`-�-'-`�--�---� '�-- �3� ��f 4� �S 5 /�I Z'Z._23 C.S �,� .. � Printed e ��[� I`'('G' �(i h �� �d��� � ( 5 O�3 � so �- ��5'�3 s�� is'�'�� � 6. �l�� - �-�-------�-=----------------- 3�k � v / PrintedName f��'� �-, �jJ�Z ��0/1 �J/} �� 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 8. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 �. +, ',_�,,�1��'..br K�P��'C�C `t1'�w Life—A ua Barn Annexation "✓ , � , �� . q _ � �'!i t��� � This two a e form is one of a number of identical fonns which com ri�. a ' �� p g p �, r�i��seeking � the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs tlzis petition with any other thart his or lier trcre name, or wlzo knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wlten Ize or slze is�zot a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or slie is otlzerwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, sltall be guilty of a misdemeanon ' The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Nan:es of petitioners sl�ou[d be in identical form as the smne tl:at appear on record in the c/:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signa�ure and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,Bloc,Plat,Assessor's No.or other , � � ------------- ------ ��'(� � C. l4'Q►�in ��� ' � 1. �� ---- � ---- �C�(U �JWr�'ti l� yf ,��,�.3�5 �1/!i ��� Printed NarAE �/(J �I�, l���f�1� s E IQ'f"rl.� I.,}/�— / f ����� � � ,��� 2. �v ---------------------- ------------- Printed Name �' L Z j J `J��-3 3. ------------------------- ---------- / e /� _ �`,��� Printed Name l�p (� lP�v U� `J 0 ' 4. p /- ---------------------- ------------- ✓ Printed Name �p � l? d�J�d� S. Printed Name ---- ------------------- Z 2� ,3 :.,5 � l��2_ �� �� �� �I, ----------- ----------------------- 6� Printed Nam Z� Z �v � ��j�� � ���I 7. ----------- ------ ---------------- Z �z z-�3 t�S �/( '������f� Printed Nam � S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name � 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 I ''� '�j i;t-t1,'V!�KEl�!�rC,�^ ~ , ��III V �� �, � ` �� 9�/T'� t'�,�-. . � f� !�l i I }�({ ` ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � „p� ���� <<tC��vt� �U�.\ "" rl �Rl!'c�n�,_,r',_ �'his two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every persort who signs this petition with any other than his or he�t�ue name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, ar signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or sJze is otherwise not qualified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the same that appear on record in the cl:ain of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (�.oc,Bio�,�i��,.asSe�s�r�s No.or other � ,�3�r �4�� �� s� l��4Co )a�d 1 O 1. /� --- --- !---------------- �,,, w►� �6�C � Pnnted p a e � Ci1�rL �y�, �' � � � " 2. ------------------------------------ Printed Name �, ,� �/ �(� ,� ItissS <� ���'� s go�r � 3. -,`' ------�"'----='=`='--------------- t��.�U� l�h� ��ds'8 � PrintedName.� � �� vuLy� � /� . � 4. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 5. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 6. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 7. ------------------------------------ Printed Name S. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 9. ------------------------------------ Printed Name 10 ------------------------------------ Printed Name Page 2 of 2 � � �:��V�!=KEn!Yr�� � p. �"' .a "`u' r"'r i i f l � :; :'l I C' V" • New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation `� O .�c��_��c� �01�, �.,,.., r, r�ou�r .,ti.-°' � This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking � the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and I may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. Wf1RNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly si;ns more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election wherc he or she is not a[egal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is othe�►vise not qualifzed to sign, or who makes herein any false statement,shall be gui[ty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form as the snme that appear on record in the chnin of title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address c�ot,Bloc,Pl�t,Assessor's No.or other � l���S�3 S; 153�� �, SDivioo5`7� .,` 1, 7/ZZ�o� `���C -- -- .l-�1�t__�------- � � Printed me � � � � �� 7 , �D _ � � � bt� 5� 53._ �� �' . �,,v,�v� � � � P��e f�;, � ��oiSo 1 2 �Z1� _ � , ------ ----- - --------- �._. Printed Name R'�,(� � � G1 ���� ?j�4. �� , �y �-+o s� 15� � �" Cv$OCQ 1 DO�dO 3. � �6� ��.,�-r-dQ_tr�---—�-�-a 1►1_---------- �/` I Printed Name ��y1�On� (�%/r �'{80� `� � /�l �0�'1,2��� _ 'c l`15�� `G lS��°''„' �+ (�SOt�10o t�.s'o J 4. ���D/�� ------------- r�- - --- - - � Printed Name" � � �, ;� �0 ,� 5. --- -- �'=''��------ 1.5�13 1��� g T � ��'�Co�G�Z I U 7� (� Printed� �, � � o✓ 7tl �. .��� t��f-0�. 146�1 s� ��f(01�7,�� � 6. 7 ----��=� -------- --- -�=- 1�.,,, /� g, �r /�, c Printed Name �� ���1'"DY1� �,1�� "t U(�� �'j �i�J , - � 7. ��� � ---s-1--°-�--S 1��- �-------- IS36o 1`�Lt'" � Se Lo�'OCo)C�Uo7 � � PrintedName +r K-C.�'l��/ —" " �� � ;� �' in,;1 k�:��- �s,7s a �y 6 tt- � s� Ga�'o(,�l 002 90 � 8. ��,�-�'� --�'�`�'�"�-- ------------ Printed Na� _ ,:.c� �� �4}�Gf�V�� :.� � . - i N..�' 9' s� /.S�a'}' , � ��O� ► DOSb'CS �' 9. � �,5� ��_�_F,� - ----- )�� ,� ,� /�vs q�f /� �/�-� Prmted Na �e""'v"-�' i✓ �` � VJ,�V (f'W SZ�ti` I�15 � S� /�'3 /�G !� 0C9 I 00 �f�3o � 4�' lo � � - ----- ----�,� ��� ��" Q�o�. �` � � Printed Name ��Q� �� Page 2 of 2 � �;,-t"Y�.�r El���r�r.�r�� ,.,'� l� �r � ;i i �� "� �, ' New Life—Aqua Barn Annexation � � � `�' ������ ���� ,<tCc�vtL � ". ri Fr?!�'c���_�.��•,_ '� This two page form is one of a number of identical forms which comprise one petition seeking the annexation of the described territory to the City of Renton, Washington as above stated, and may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other th�n his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not c�ualified to sign,or who makes herein any false statement,shall be guilty of a misdemecrnor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioners should be in identical form ns the same that appear on record in the chain of'title to the real estate.) Tax Lot Legal No. Signature and Mailing Description Date Printed Name Address (Lot,ftloc,PIAt,Assessor's � No.or other) ��r�-� '��n�l� ---�--- ----------- ��� .�g' l��Zt+�T �p'��ro i t�� i b 1. a-3- - --------� --- (���� ,�� cq ��� Printed Name 1"�wVd n �h ��b�� ���� . �L7 3. ��� ly�G�f s� /.�l'4, �,�,�t� tbab(�o � Printed Name ��(�"j� ���5� 3"�-!. Lr�d 4 � tr�c�-w [ �-6 �L� lv�otnl����o� Printe ame� � w�-'q g'�ly 8 �f'Z • �C, _., , I�33�5 F/�'�S�f. ���v C,a' l b0 ��� 5. �/ -- - ----------------- �p ` z� Printed Name �a� � ���U�$ 'j O� �v� .��,�, �_- �� (c�Olp l b!S�� 6. ���� --��--� - �1-�1/�� �� �-- Printed Nam � �fa,bZ1'lJ 7� � • ' � �� i 4 s".7-.� 3� i S�� r ��G(v 1 oD"i�d 7. �� --r'"=`�-'�-- -�---------`-'� x�fv� ��- ���� Printed Name � � 33�_ 0�1� •'� �tin� �G5 /��� 1YS37 s� /S�/f�' S� ('�aOlo lG��?„�? 8. ----- �-------.-_-.----------- !� - A � Printed Name _.,_.,_ ��ph ��� � W� ��b�� ��. ��i v ." `�'��OVY� ,� �Lf SS Z - S � • /SN f�"S ��� �DD�j�+ 9. f�2 � -----�------------------ --- r-� Printed Name • �� ��� W� y���� �jl�j .�D 10 �' � z ------�=--- � 1�5 7� S� i5� f �7- (��vto l�-ol���� -----�------- /� �y� e . 2 Printed Name n E NT�� i ��'" ����� �JV•a� Page 2 of 2 . '�rr `� • i � EXHIBIT 1 NEW LIFE-AQUA BARN ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION The lands included within the subject annexation area aze situated in Sections 22,23,24 and 27, all in Township 23 North,Range 5 East, W.M.,King Counry,Washington, said annexation area being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeasterly margin of SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway (SR169,P.S.H.#5), and the`�HREAD"of the Cedar River in the Northwest quarter of said Section 22, said point also being on the Renton City Limits as annexed under Ordinance No.4156; Thence southeasterly along said existing City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 4156, and the northeasterly right of way margin of said SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway to the west line of Government Lot 2 in the Northeast quarter of said Section 22, where said City Limit Line follows the northerly right of way margin of the abandoned Burlington Plorthern (Pacifc Coast)Railroadright of way; Thence continuing southeasterly along said City Limit Line and said northerly right of way margin to an intersection with the westerly right of way mazgin of 149`h Ave. SE,in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence leaving said City Limit Line and continuing southeasterly, along said northerly railroad right of way margin, crossing 149�`Ave SE and 154`�Pl SE to the intersection of said northerly railroad right of way margin and the easterly right of way margin of 154`n Pl SE, said intersection also being a point on the Urban Growth Boundary (iJGB)line; Thence southerly along the southerly extension of said easterly right of way margin and �_ said UGB lirie, to a point on the northeasterly right of way margin of SE Renton-Maple Va11ey Highway (SR169,P.S.H.#5), in the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southeasterly along the various courses of said northeasterly right of way margin and said UGB line,to an intersection with a line 201 feet east of and parallel with the west line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 24; Thence southerly along said parallel line and said UGB line to a point of intersection with a line perpendiculaz to said west line, said perpendicular line beginning at a point on said west line 50 feet south of the northeast corner of Tract A of Valley Faire II, as recorded under Volume 131 of Plats,Pages 39 - 43, records of King County,Washington; 0232b(Aqua Bam Aonex).doc -1- 7une 13,2007 � � ' � w Thence westerly along said perpendicular line and said UGB line to the west line of said Southwest quazter, said west line also being the east line of the Southeast quarter of said Section 23; Thence northwesterly along a line parallel with the north line of said Tract A,a distance of 350 feet; Thence northerly along a line parallel with said east line, to the north line of said Tract A; Thence generally westerly along the various courses of the north line of said Tract A,to the west line of said Southeast quarter, said west line also being the east line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 23; Thence southerly along said east line,to the southeast corner of said subdivision; Thence westerly along the south line of said subdivision to the southwest comer thereof; Thence northerly along the west line of said subdivision, to the northwest comer of the Southwest quarter of said Southwest quarter, said northwest comer also being the southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thence westerly along the south line of said subdivision,to the SE comer of Tract J, Pioneer Place, as iecorded under Volume 226 of 1 lats, Yages�1 -Sb, said records; Thence westerly along the various courses of the south line of said Tract J, to a point on the west line of said plat, said west line also being the east line of Elliot Farm, as recorded under Volume 180 of Plats,Pages 4- 15,said records, said west line also being the east line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 22; Thence northerly along said east line of said plat, said east line also being the east line of Tract G and Tract E,both of said plat, to the most easterly northeast comer of said Tract E; � Thence westerly along the various courses of the northerly line of said Tract E, to a point on the easterly right of way margin of 140`h Way SE, in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; � Thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly along said easterly right of way margin,to an intersection with the south line of said Section 22; Thence westerly along said south line, crossing said 140`�'Way SE,said south line also being the south line of Maple Ridge Estates, as recorded under Volume 134 of Plats, Pages 9 - 16, said records,to a point on the east line of Lot 2,View Point at Maple Ridge, as recorded under Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 32- 35, said records; 0232b(Aqua Bam Annex).doc -2- June 13,2007 '+rrr `� _ � . , Thence southerly and westerly along the boundary lines of Lots 2 through 9 of said plat, in the Northeast quarter of said Section 27, and the westerly extension thereof,crossing 140`h Ave SE, to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 140`h Ave SE, in the Northwest quarter of said Section 27; Thence northerly along said westerly right of way margin, to an intersection with said south line of said Section 22, said south line also being the south line of said plat; Thence westerly along said south line of said Section 22 and the south line of said plat, to the southwest corner of Lot 13 of said plat,in the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence generally northerly along the various courses of the west line of said plat and the west line of Maple Ridge Estates, Division 2,Phase 3, as recorded under Volume 163 of Plats, Pages 64 - 66, said records, to the northwest corner of said plat, said northwest corner also being a point on the south line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quazter of said Section 22; Thence westerly along said south line, to the most southerly southeast corner of Tract J, King County Boundary Lot Adjustment No. LO1 L 0026, as recorded under King County Rec. No. 20010730900003; Thence westerly, northwesterly, northerly,northwesterly and westerly along the various courses of the southerly and westerly boundary lines of Tract J, to a point on the western boundary thereof, said point also being the southeast corner of Tract L of said boundary line adjustment,in Government Lot 9 of said Section 22; Thence southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly, along the various courses of the south line of said Tract L to the southwest corner thereof, said southwest corner also being a point on the east line of that property conveyed to King County under King County Recording Number 9810304345; Thence southwesterly and southeasterly, along said east line, to an intersection with the centerline of Molasses Creek; Thence northwesterly along said creek centerline and its northwesterly extension, to an intersection with the Renton City Limit Line as annexed under Ordinance No. 5243, said line also being the "THREAD" of the Cedar River; Thence northeasterly along said City Limit Line and the "THREAD"of the Cedar River to the point of beginning. 0232b(Aqua Barn Annex).doc -3- .Tune 13,2007 ( -� � „� � �M{t'1�l�..-;=rt"' ''l����.'_-_�:+,'� ��r��-�y''---_���-.:.�.�..__'Z:, " 1 a. r;M-_....._ s _�_,�, �--;._�..�..����._,�....._ t-� "i� t------ -`;�,' , i w. 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