HomeMy WebLinkAbout10% Petition - 5/10/2007 NAME OF PROPONENT: Cur+�s Schuster /� ADDRESS OF l7�O�ODo�- -- - i-�- %('r ) �. -.�: � .� . ��11 � PROPONENT: , .� >�.:� '��s� , �� �-"� S';���� � ,��_� ��` �: � CITYOF RENTON � �LL�-L'��';� CI��'�' PHONE NUMBER OF IUTAY 1 O ZOO� PROPONENT: <���` - „1� 1 - .�I 1 ,� RECENED ClTY�I��R�C'S�FFICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE I, ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14.120 (Direct Petition Method) 10% PETITION—LIBERTY ANNEXATION TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON City Hall, c/o City Clerk 1055 South Grady Way. Renton, WA 98057 The undersigned are the owners of not less than ten percent (10%) invalue, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation, of property which they desire to annex to the City of Renton. We hereby advise the City Council of the City of Renton that it is our desire to commence annexation proceedings under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120 of all or any part of the area described below. The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2) are included as part of this petition. The City Council is requested to set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a public meeting with the undersigned. l. At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. The City Council will decide whether to require simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, such a proposal having been prepared and filed for the area to be annexed as provided for in RCW 35A.14.330 and 35A.14.340; and, 3. The City Council will decide whether to require the assumption of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material. It is intended by the signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of Intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. Page 1 of 2 v �✓ WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition. (Names of petitioilers should be in identical form as the name that appears on record in the title to the real estate.) Sibmature and Tax Lot Legal No. 2006 Date printed Naine of Owner of Mailing Description Assessed ,S'l�iled ACICITeSS (Lot,Block,Plat,Assessor's ValUat1011 Of Record of Property � No.or other) PTO er� 1. --------------------------------------- 2. --------------------------------------- 3. --------------------------------------- 4. --------------------------------------- 5. --------------------------------------- I 6. --------------------------------------- ' 7. --------------------------------------- il 8. --------------------------------------- � 9. --------------------------------------- 10. --------------------------------------- Page 2 of 2 H:\DIVISION.S\P&TS\PLANNING�ANNEX�10%Notice of Intent.doc\OD ___ __ S 1 8th St � S 1 8t t ire S ation �' � � SE 1 t t. d St � � Par � S � NE 2n St �' SE 13 n t � > - Briarwoo �, w ¢ a `� SE 134th t. ¢ Elem � J o o Q � 34th St '� aplewo �Q,,_ � SE 2nd PI Heights ���� 'r' � 13 th t. w � > Park Park Park w � Q � � � ie w w � Park t P' �, � W Liberty > °' � Q S 9t > H.S. s s -� Q • > � �, � L � r } � ` � � N W � Park �. n t N 2n St. � �, r — — SE � 144th t. S 1 I. _ t N �' W P � > � Maywood � t P M.S. L � Q��'� � E 14 t � 1 Libert Annexation o l000 Z000 � Y G] Proposed Annexation Area �. Cit Limits v� ��Y ��„ Gconomic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning �/ 1 . �^000 �, ,,� Alcx Pietsch,Administrator -- 1 G � � C.E.Fease, Urban Growth Boundry �i'N.�p� ll Apri12007 � � � Exhibit 2 �.���:���M�° :�.���:�:����t�a� I.�:t:.�L. ���:��'����7't tt.�� ! �'�:'s: i ';'st:�, „1 ;��Li ,�'�7e.8�F��e�E':*I 6i?3�<'g<'P'd':€€G� i�:i: �t�E'1}ltixti� L�Ie.t2'Tti3'::€tt� I�`8t' �c�I,l��1L::e�I sj'tt:it'ls.'3' =.1( �^a��.a,'.. .. . >. : . .�;'..}zi�'� � � "'�4£1'�ii. >ti..t?�;�� .'` �'oi;�$. �,�r.�� . .:YIa� $�'§xIE 1"St+dlit&tl t7� [}1C' `tt.��EE�,i , '.ii. �'-`'S.. Ca� �C'.�E..L`€�,e$�� a, . F t9`�lgl'�$2�;'l � 3 %tPC�£6�€. 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'! �'��h>'� z'Eis?i?'S. ��!';i;��"aitT�'.Ft'ii. :�a3� �� .. .' (:`� >'�.:�`;,' �, =�:iI�F�a, �&f'�et:+t�?T�[F�t}t�3. r � �� ' ������V t�A¢,�',�'��,.:.., �:: � p§��� � �a 1��r✓�,� . .. ��#4,.� ..,;�i a� s ,���c ,�'� : i�`'°�� j� � 3 � �'-;, � 6�"a, •���,. ' I ,'F°� � .. .�'.Ft� j��yF.a"' � d �.^:� � �`�'" Y R � . '�'2s�..�'`i..�.. � '��",z '?r�„v .�t. >s.':'�1'£'�Fffs`.��ri€'Pe�'t �,�;^��,.�.� 'iv.il,-1�; .. d�i.t'Ft< �# d '�,';t i.i ' �(�.� "7'"� '.r , �� . ���_.�, F;i;, I'`.€«L�1,'t � .__ _ . .,e . , i a f s�+C.•;.. - . , ., f � _. 4`. ,. • 'ri r , Y�°a<_. . . .,. .. .., . ♦ � � y�' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 20040729000541 1055 South Grady Way CITY OF RENTON COV 23.00 Renton,WA 98055 PAGE083 OF 00s 07/29/2004 e8:s4 KING COUNTY, WA DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tag Parcel Number: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT ���, y'�!i'--�/�(1 NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name: pL Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1• $`� � � 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation The Agreement executed herein between the City of Renton,Washington,a municipal corporation,hereinafter referced to as"CTTY"and the Grantor(s),as named above and/or successors in interest of certain property,hereinafter referred to as "OWNER",is for and in consideration of the fiunishing of utility service by the CTTY to certain property of the OWNER hereinafter referred to as"PROPERTY". The OWNER dces hereby petition for annexation of the PROPERTY to the CTTY,dces hereby agree to the conditions of annexation herein,and dces hereby declare this covenant. 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REPRESENTATIONS The Grantor does hereby acknowiedge and agree as foliows: 1.1. The OWNER is the owner of certain PROPERTY,which is located outside the corporate limits of the CTI'Y. 1.2. T'he OWNER is seeking Prelitninary Plat apptoval from King County for the PROPERTY. 1.3. The OWNER has requested the CI1'Y to fiunish sewer service to the PROPERTY. 1.4. This Agr�ment to extend sewer service outside the corporate limits of the CiTY is authorized by RCW 35.67.310 and RCW 35.92.1�0 and shall not be construed as a voluntary agraement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 and therefore the provisions of RCW 82.02.020 shall not be applied hereto. 1.5. This Agreement does not preclude any evaluation and detennuiation by the CTTY that later development actions or proposals undertaken by the OWNER may require a detercnination of significance and environmental review under SEPA. 1.6. Per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-6-040,the owner of property in Renton's Potential Annexation Area shall execute a commitment to future annexation and compliance with certain other conditions as a prerequisite for the extension of or connection to the City's sanitary sewer system outside of the City Limits. 1.7. A CTTY'S requirement of an anne�tion agreement or a commitment to future anne�tation as a condition of eattending utility service outside the corporate limits of the CITY is recognized by Washington law. 1.8. The PROPERTY is located within the CTfY'S POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA or URBAN SERVICE AREA for anne�tion purposes as adopted by the CTfY in its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the King County Countywide Planning Policies. QF"�. ",k ' F� . A,�.. � � � DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Taa Parcel Number; ANNEXATION AGREEMENT -.�6GG�Y —4%da NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name• �� p��C,�- 3.3 T'he OWNER recognizes that the laws of the State of Washington relating to the anne�tion of property by a city provides that property may be annexed to a city if property owners sign a petition for such an annexation. The OWNER re.cognized and agrees that by signing this Agreement,the PROPERTY of the OWNER will automatically be inctuded as a property to be annexed in the event PROPERTY is within a proposed annexation area. The OWNER jurther recognizes that tirere are other methods of annexation allowed under the[aws of the State of Washington, including the election method. 3.4 T'he OWNER understands that the OWNER'S signatures on this Agreement is an admission that the OWNER understands the ceitain rights which the OWNER has regarding the PROPERTY and that the OWNER is willingly waiving such rights in consideration of receiving the described utility services. 3.5 The undersigned OWNER of the PROPERTY,on behalf of himself/herself/themselves,hislher/their heirs,successors and assigns,hereby designate(s)the CTTY as OWNER'S true and lawful attomey-in-fact for the purpose of signing any petition leading to the anne�cation of said PROPERTY to the CTTY,with full power to do and perfonn any proper act which the OWNER may do with respect to the annexation of said real property. The CIT'Y may exercise this power through its City Clerk or otherwise as the CTI'Y CO[JNCIL may direct. This Special Power of Attorney is�ven for the valuable consideration of the fumishing of sewer service by the CTTY, and this Special Power of Attomey is fiuther given as security for perfonnance of the annexation covenant obligation set forth herein. This Special Power of Attomey is not revocable and shall not be affected by the disability of the principal. 4. AGREEMEIVT fll�TD COVENENT OF CONDITIONS AND MfITGATION MEASURES The OWNER aciaiowledges that the CTTY has a desire to have certain niinimum development standards met for new developments in the CTTY's Potential Anne�tion Area. The OWNER,in consideration of the CTfY's agreement to grovide sanitary sewer utility setvice to the PROPERTY and in recop,nition of the CTTY's wnditions for annexation of the PROPERTY,does hereby agree and covenant to submit theu development plans to the CTTY for review and approval prior to otl"icial submittal to King County. Except as may be waived by the CTTY's Public Works Administrator or hislher designee,the minimum design standards that will be required are: 4.1 For developm�nts with length of streets over 700'(seven hundred feet)there sY�all be two means of vehicular access. 4.2 Road pavement sections for residential streets shall be 4"(four inch)asphalt concrete pavement over 6" (six inch)crushed rock surfacing. 4.3 The OWNER shall provide record drawings of all of the constructed Public Work's facilities for the CTTY's records. covnt am�ex new devel 2004\OS/27/04 Page 3 FORM 03 0008/bh/ � vy,r �rr� DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Taz Parcel Number: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT �C�o�� ` � .-� (�(� NEW DEVELOPMENT' Street Intersection or Pr ' t Name• � IN WITNESS WHEREO have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. /�� � � / ', ' �iE'�"S;�Y`Y��i� G(�13s l��Y�1c�i��-�✓l"���P rantor (s) r�.,�. ,.. ;�r;.��=_ ,f„-;,; ... .,;�:,., , otary Seal must within box STATE OF WASHIIdGTON )SS y ��.. ����` COUNTY OF KING ) ^,-�R�(�$ (�►`� s���, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that l%L' ��.'� LG'1 ���...��,,,�� � � �S►pa�,���. �� signed this instrutnent and ;'�. �0 r ',, N ; acknowledged it to be his/her/their&ee and voluntary act for the uses and purposes �; � . mentioned in the' ent. � � . ; � � _ ; -� � _ 8 �..--� . � , - � %, ''',,3•Q5 _ a �, ��� '�i�• "�� �a�__� Notary Public in an for the State of Washington ��'����ot�;' Notary(Print)_ �- �j�" � • �r-t Gct7�e/` My appointment e�ires: �`�.30 �S Dated: S-�-�=G DECLARATION OF CO�E�ANT AND Property Taz Parcel Number: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Project File#: Street Intersection or Project Name: IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. C.:f;�;;..)F�,'s:_ , ;;t 1r ,fi. , ':s t,-i%. . , ._<_'{;— Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of ,20_,before me personally appeared to me known to � of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and ptuposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal�xed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Nota.ry(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: covcrt am�ex new deve12004\OS/27/04 Page S FORM 03 0008/bh/ 3 � � • ` Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way 20051021001575 Renton,WA 98055 C1TY OF RENTON AG 36.00 PAGE001 OF 005 KINGiCOUNTY11Wq1 DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: 2407900010 through ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 2407900700 NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name:Evendeli Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. SBI DEVELOPING,LLC l. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation The Agreement executed herein between the City of Renton,Washington,a municipal corporation,hereinafter referred to as "CIT'Y"and the Grantor(s),as named above and/or successors in interest of certain property,hereinafter referred to as "OWNER",is for and in consideration of the furnishing of utility service by the CITY to certain property of the OWNER hereinafter referred to as"PROPERTY". The OWNER does hereby petition for annexation of the PROPERTY to the CITY, does hereby agree to the conditions of annexation herein,and does hereby declare this covenant. 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REPRESENTATIONS The Grantor does hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: 1.1. T'he OWNER is the owner of certain PROPERT'1',which is located outside the corporate limits of the CIT'Y. 1.2. The OWNER is seeking Preliminary Plat approval from King County for the PROPERTY. 13. The OWNER has requested the CITY to fumish sewer service to the PROPERTI'. 1.4. This Agreement to extend sewer service outside the corporate limits of the CITY is authorized by RCW 35.67.310 and RCW 35.92.170 and shall not be construed as a voluntary agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 and therefore the provisions of RCW 82.02.020 shall not be applied hereto. 1.5. This Agreement does not preclude any evaluation and determination by the CITY that later development actions or proposals undertaken by the OWNER may require a determination of significance and environmental review under SEPA. 1.6. Per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-6-040,the owner of properiy in Renton's Potential Annexation Area shall execute a commitment to future annexation and compliance with certain other conditions as a prerequisite for the extension of or connection to the City's sanitary sewer system outside of the City Limits. 1.7. A CITY'S requirement of an annexation agreement or a commitment to future annexation as a condition of extending utility service outside the corporate limits of the CITY is recognized by Washington law. 1.8. The PROPERT'Y is located within the CITY'S POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA or URBAN SERVICE AREA for annexation purposes as adopted by the CIT'Y in its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the King County Countywide Planning Policies. ����,- - �1��- � � � - A DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: : 2407900010 through ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 2407900700 NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name:Evendell 3.3 The OWNER recognizes that the laws of the State of Washington relating to the annexation of property by a city provides that property may be annexed to a city if property owners sign a petition for such an annexation. The OWNER recognized and agrees that by signing this Agreement,the PROPERTY of the OWNER will automatically be included as a property to be annexed in the event PROPERTY is within a proposed annexation area. The OWNER further recognizes that there are other methods of annexation allowed under the laws of the State of Washington,including the election method. 3.4 The OWNER understands that the OWNER'S signatures on this Agreement is an admission that the OWNER understands the certain rights which the OWNER has regarding the PROPERTY and that the OWNER is willingly waiving such rights in consideration of receiving the described utility services. 3.5 'The undersigned OWNER of the PROPERTY,on behalf of himself/herself/themselves,his/her/their heirs,successors and assigns,hereby designate(s)the CIT'Y as OWNER'S true and lawful attorney-in-fact for the purpose of signing any petition leading to the annexation of said PROPERTY to the CITY,with full power to do and petform any proper act which the OWNER may do with respect to the annexation of said real property. The CITY may exercise this power through its City Clerk or otherwise as the CITY COLJNCIL may direct. This Special Power of Attorney is given for the valuable consideration of the furnishing of sewer service by the CITI', and this Special Power of Attorney is further given as security for performance of the annexation covenant obligation set forth herein. This Special Power of Attomey is not revocable and shall not be af�'ected by the disability of the principal. 4. AGREEMENT AND COVENENT OF CONDITIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES The OWNER acknowledges that the CITY has a desire to have certain minimum development standards met for new developments in the CIT'1"s Potential Annexation Area. 'The OWNER,in consideration of the CITY's agreement to provide sanitary sewer utility service to the PROPERTY and in recognition of the CITY's conditions for annexation of the PROPERTY,does hereby agree and covenant to submit their development plans to the CIT'Y for review and approval prior to of�icial submittal to King County. Except as may be waived by the CITY's Public Works Administrator or his/her designee,the minimum design standards that wil(be required are: 4.i The OWNER shall provide record drawings of all of the constructed Public Work's facilities for the CITY's records. covnt annex new deve12004 City of Renton\08/16/OS Page 3 FORM 03 0008/bh/ ' "rl,r `+�rr� , . DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: : 2407900010 through ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 2407900700 NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name: Evendell IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Grantor Signature(S) /NDI�7DLAL FOR:N OF ACKNOWLEDGME;1'T Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF K1NG ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: : 2407900010 through ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 2407900700 Project File#: KC#LO1P0016 Street Intersection or Project Name:Evendell iN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have ereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. �'_--''� , .�. r CORPORATE FOR.M OF ACKNOWLEDCtYfE;VT Not Seal must�e ithin box STATE OF WASHM�TON )SS � N COi1NTY OF IH�6 4`?�`��'-�.) � O. N On this -� 't�`�day of .Z\�\��., ,20�-=�,before me personally appeared VQ� ,-, � � J Z W m `�'c�--`�- ��-C�•-- to me known to m=Y a be \�1.;�����:��_<�, >� �-�`���.X-� of the corporation that a �� executed the witfiin ins�l`ument,and aclrnowledge the said instrument to be the free ��Q� and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein Zr mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said �� Z m in�trument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. O Q � �'` . _,�\ 1 W � - z F- W o �---�.``_�_,:_.< -_�� �-_ � � � Q Notary Pul�li�in and for the State of Was�ingtonf � Notary(Print) ;�;,_,�-c�c_�- `� ��.��� � My appointment expires: ���-� :�=�� :�^�5!� Dated: j_,.:�.< ;-,�� , ;�c,c�=`, covnt annex new devel 2004 City of Renton\08/16/OS Page 5 FORM 03 0008/bh/ . . �,.° ''r✓' Return Address: � City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 20060616002235 CITY OF RENTON BS PAGE001 OF 003 KINGBCOUNTY14wA8 DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: 1423059058 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name:Nichols Place Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Sound Built Homes, Inc 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation The Agreement executed herein between the City of Renton,Washington,a municipal corporation,hereinafter referred to as "CITY"and the Grantor(s),as named above and/or successors in interest of certain property,hereinafter referred to as "OWNER",is for and in consideration of the fumishing of utility service by the CITY to certain property of the OWNER hereinafter referred to as"PROPER"I'Y". The OWNER does hereby petition for annexation of the PROPERTY to the CITY, does hereby agree to the conditions of annexation herein,and does hereby declare this covenant. l. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REPRESEN'I'ATIONS The Grantor does hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: I.1. The OWNER is the owner of certain PROPERT'Y,which is located outside the corporate limits of the CIT'1'. 1.2. The OWNER is seeking Pretiminary Plat approval from King County for the PROPERTI'. 13. The OWNER has requested the CIT'Y to fumish sewer service to the PROPERT'1'. 1.4. This Agreement to extend sewer service.,utside the corporate limits of the CITY is authorized by RCW 35.67310 and RCW 35.92.170 and shall not be construed as a voluntary agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 and therefore the provisions of RCW 82.02.020 sha(1 not be applied hereto. 1.5. T'his Agreement does not preclude any evaluation and determination by the CIT'1'that later development actions or proposals undertaken by the OWNER may require a determination of significance and environmental review under SEPA. 1.6. Per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-6-040,the owner of property in Renton's Potential Annexation Area shall execute a commitment to future annexation and compliance with certain other conditions as a prerequisite for the extension of or connection to the City's sanitary sewer system outside of the City Limits. 1.7. A CITY'S requirement of an annexation agreement or a commitment to future annexation as a condition of extending utility service outside the corporate limits of the CITY is recognized by Washington law. 1.8. The PROPERTY is located within the CITY'S POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA or URBAN SERVICE AREA for annexation purposes as adopted by the CITY in its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the King County Countywide Planning Policies. �.��,-c?���� { �' � DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Taz Parcel Number: : 1423059058 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT NEW DEVELOPMEN'T Street Intersection or Project Name:Nichols Place 3.3 The OWNER recognizes that the laws of the State of Washington relating to the annexation of property by a city provides that property may be annexed to a city if property owners sign a petition for such an annexation. T'he OWNER recognized and agrees that by signing this Agreement,the PROPERT'Y of the OWNER will automaticaliy be included as a property to be annexed in the event PROPERT'Y is within a proposed annexation area. The OWNER further recognizes that there are other methods ojannexation allowed under the laws ojthe State oJWashington, including the election method. 3.4 The OWNER understands that the OWNER'S signatures on this Agreement is an admission that the OWNER understands the certain rights which the OWNER has regarding the PROPERTY and that the OWNER is willingly waiving such rights in consideration of receiving the described utility services. 3.5 The undersigned OWNER of the PROPERTY,on behalf of himself/herself/themselves,his/her/their heirs,successors and assigns,hereby designate(s)the CIT'1'as OWNER'S h-ue and lawful attomey-in-fact for the purpose of signing any petition leading to the annexation of said PROPERT'Y to the CITY,with full power to do and perform any proper act which the OWNER may do with respect to the annexation of said reai property. The CITY may exercise this power through its City Clerk or otherwise as the CIT'Y COUNCIL may direct. This Special Power of Attorney is given for the valuable consideration of the furnishing of sewer service by the CIT'1', and this Special Power of Attorney is further given as security for performance of the annexarion covenant obligation set forth herein. This Special Power of Attomey is not revocabie and shall not be affected by the disabiliry of the principal. 4. AGREEMENT AND COVENENT OF CONDITIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES T'he OWNER acknowledges that the CITY has a desire to have certain minimum development standards met for new developments in the CITl"s Potential Annexation Area. The OWNER,in consideration of the CIT'1"s agreement to provide sanitary sewer utility service to the PROPER'TY and in recognition of the CITY's condirions for annexation of the PROPERTl',does hereby agree and covenant to submit their development plans to the CI1'Y for review and approval prior to official submittal to King County. Except as may be waived by the CITY's Public Works Administrator or his/her designee,the minimum design standards that will be required are: 4.I The OWNER shall provide record drawings of all of the constructed Public Work's facilities for the CIT1"s records. covnt annex new devel 2005 City of Renton\OS/18/06 Page 3 FORM 03 0008/bh/ J � � DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcet Number: : 1423059058 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT NEW DEVELOPMENT Street Intersection or Project Name:Nichols Place IN WITTTESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Grantor Signahue(s) ];VDIVIDtIAL PORd1 OFACFuVO[f'LEDCMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) [certify that I lrnow or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND Property Tax Parcel Number: 1423059058 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Project File#: KC#L03P0015 Street Intersection or Project Name:Nichols Place IN WITNESS WHE I hav�ereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. - ?� l _�- !������-�./'. a —� ._ � � i ✓� CORPORATE FOR;4f OF ACKNOWLEDGMF_NT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHMGTON )SS COLJNTY�ING ), On this��'day of u ' ,20�,before me personally appeared Q y�.�4i�1`i;815 4 " !v' (�Y1��98�F �G � to me known to "m �C.�'`�J�j"' �' °�, be w��,n�,���,., �e..�.� of the corporation that ,=.��;���`'�' fi'�e�=:'�'� y¢: executed the within instru nem and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free ± '��� tyU�t�i��' '�;-,! '; and votuntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein o :� ,�t� r'= ` mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said � i ft���kt��, '^ < ins ent and th t the seal af�ixed's the corporate seal of said corporation. 6�'°a�N��.• _t`,, _ . ;�,��} � ��`�.� /� °aai��{��.-����;�`a4' otary blic in d forthe St e o Washington '°�=6*���¢�'.''"" Notary rint) fr/L��C My appoint ent x ires: ./ Dated: � �U�Q covnt annex new devel 2005 Ciry of Renton\OS/18/O6 Page 5 FORM 03 0008/bh/ � � 1`�Y o CITY OF RENTON Receipt ���� ���� p� � City Clerk Division _ + ,� + 1055 5outh Grady Way "� � Renton,WA 98055 � ��_ � '� �NT� 425-430-6510 Date � Cash / ❑ Copy Fee ❑ N tary Serv�ce ,� �Check No. `��` ��� ❑ Appeal Fee �] �f�1'IP�� c�'��G'r ���'�� ��'� Description: ���u' f,L�a�,t�r'k �° �t .�.- �r ��" � r Funds Received From: „ '"� Amount $ �� �t�t� Name � ���� � ����' � � Address �� City/ZiP ��,���� r'..{�� �' ��'����% ����'�`-�t,�.��' � ��C������ City Staff Signature 4