HomeMy WebLinkAbout10% Petition - 5/3/198910% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington 98055 C.:D. Htll/'IAtJ'; tAKe t.vltSff/~~ 5~£<J of cD.!",v ""7 Subject: 1J!.c.KI, tilts" t-,;;1;s:;r;".::;'" Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of'the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s): 03T71~;" /'kCt:SS -p; C~7 S£'f(//eCf C '7 c ~ttd £AtS /01£ (i.,Mr,,4 ;0;'-. ,I11:dr'l : / Ant '7 <!h'YI"£.Jt'. J. u.;17 '" "'-0/ 1!Ilj.m,£ I' f-.V rJ...-e. Cd7'1sr40"'''''~'''';'' l' Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.l20, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject .property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and 4. Assume their proportional share of the pre-existing city bonded indebtedness. Name 5642-116th Place S E Bellevue, Wa. 98006 Address LoroS 3/ f,S.( PI A-r. Tax Lot/Parcel CT:dskl 10pct Z3/''''f I, Abo"£. p.tp~c£.R. I and Plat Number RICHARD D. DUNCAN 10544 N.E. VALLEY RD. 842·1589 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND. WASHINGTON 98110 .~. . :'" ',' ' . .... . . ' Poulsbo Office· P.O. Box 37 @ Poulsbo, Washington 98370 k ,,, BlrAJ,. Fct. ~ A"''''i:-x/tT71?'''1 ]~~.4-"'=========----J "I: ~ 250000:1 71: ~ ~1;8 501.1.1;1;11' ~O ~O'" . ---~---.--------.--------~. CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ]?'(ZI,/1"d. D. DC(" a Iln RECEIPT # N~ 019 ' NAME DATE ~-/1 19E PROJECT LOCATION IF, &'f 14e. eKI·sf.'lIf IZlo/ ;,'".:1$ /IJ 4. !I"<!liutY 17f Bc-f.:lAr£ 51. o.A II A M ,4w.. :5'c DOLLARS BASIC FEE ACREAGE FEE Cash~ I It) It:> By:_----==~~1f~~~1Zi7:::!::::::......_..._ 000/345.81.00.00 000/345.81.00.01 000/345.84.00.03 110/345.81.00.00 000/345.84.00.00 000/341.50.00.00 000/341.60.00.24 000/ APPLICA TION TYPE TOTAL FEE Rezone I Cnnditional Use Administrative AnnP.1 I Short Plat PUD I Plat Final Plat Variance & Other Annexatinn -IO~ ei'17". II f) Final Plat EIS Fees I Sale of MaDs/Publication Miscellaneous Conies Subtotal .711 t7. 00 Tax Total J IIf). ,," :j~~Hl:jii;',;,> 1\ •• ;: ,:,,~~ ~ '-'11 .1',.U.1.' J.\..l.:.H lLIl'4"~:;:" ~'!rr'~" j •• ;, ... 'l,': ..... ' ,',' '" 't', ':1'+" , ',~!-~f"""·-: ·~~~q'.a'::; 1. ,:::,(tt." ",:;;1':1 . p'oLi~~ DEv~i.OP~ENT Oi.PARTMENT , . . , ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE TO THE APPLICANT: Please complete all appropriate sections of the application below. Information contained in this application will be used in preparing all of the necessary documentation for thisannexationj therefore, please type or clearly print all of the necessary information. If additional space is required for response to any of these sections, feel free to attach additional sheets to this application. If you have any questions with regard to this application, please feel free to contact the Policy Development Department at 235-2552, or you may discuss this matter in person in the Municipal Building, third Ooor. 10% NOTICE OF INTENT APPLICATION -Please include a $200 filing fee. PROPONENT CONTACT PERSON If other than proponent Name :1i:1'l:1dRD II :D,I.l.oJ.r;.d,N Address 1272 6' SgE'" WOoD AvE, S. ~/" City S E. 6. -H:-£ '" • f&1. t1. , 9&>133 Telephone .3G!3: -Q,5:'2 LOCATION €Asr Qf II{)~ Me Sc. 13 et..., u,1'I st 8~5r & 56 &'y?J sr Property Address Lot Area Sq.Ft. 57J230 AeresJ3./6 Legal Description LoTS 1,2,3, 'f, S, " '" g, 10 I 73 10<-/( I C.,D, 14,'/1 "'A .... ~ LA Itt WASHIi.>J-601V GA"R./)[AJ of E.Dl.rJ '"'7 , , PURPOSE OF ANNEXA110N -Briefly deSCribe the reasons you deSire to annex. OTJT1'<IN ACt:E.SS m C.ITY St.-At/ICES rt. U77't/77i.s. "REjOAJC As ptA. cay of "'R.E.,.;To,IU m/'/-s~ 7"/,.,..... (.:.oIKjJ .. S'/I""',:'C PIAN) Fu:1'"/..{../u c07ls.r~u.cTIt;N o-r fl'lJh' f'A-.n>/~ c",...,,Plex. . AFFIDAVIT I, 7?eJIf-Ni :D, :::PY-.JCAAI ,being truly sworn, declare that lam D Owner of the Property ~volved G Authoriz1: ~~esentative to act for the Property Owner in this applicotion and t~ foregoing stateme~ts and answers herein contained and the information herowith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and be}ieC. . SUBSCRIBED MiD SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ;;;)l(;\"DAY OF_..IA.J:~~i.J.) ___ ---: 19 93 ~~TA~w{~~~IC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I"~ .1'.\\<. ,,,A- RESIDING Nome oC Notary Public: Address: 1 I, " \,1 -""" . ...., ... ' ,."" " ., ",-',.. MRY 04 \ '89 16:00 RSHFORD P.l FAX TRANSMITTAL Land's End Development, Corp. 12728 Greenwood Ave. N. #111 Seattle WA 98133 phone: (206) 368-0662 Q§t~l_~§l_~~12e2 _____________ _ TO: _~1!t_Qf_8~D!QD ________________ _ erQj~gt~_~illmgD_eDD~~91iQD __ _ _ ~~Digieel_eYilgiD9 ____________ _ B~2 __________________________ _ _ 2QQ_~ill_e~~~_~g~ _____________ _ _ B~otQD.1_k!~L~~Q5Q ____________ ., __ _ EsA_H_~~2:2~1~ ________________ _ WE ARE SENDING ,(DU (X )Attached )Under separate cover the following items: ( )Shop drawings ()Change order )Spec if i cat ions ( )Sam!" 1 es ( )Cop), of letter ( )Plans )------------------------------------- ~QeIE~ ______ QeIE ________ ee~~~ _____ Q~~~8!eIIQ~ _________________________________ _ 1 __ 1 ___ 1 __ Q2:Q!1:e2 ____ Ll_Qg~ ___ 1_(jD[!~!1l1iQ!J_QQY!Jg!:l_mge ________ .. ______________ -' I I I I L ______ L ______________ ~_ .• _______ L _____________________________________________ _ I I I I L ______ L ______________ L ____ ~ ____ L ___________ ~ _________________________________ _ These are transmi tted as ( ) For approva I (Xl For YOur use ( X 1 For YOI;r records ( ) For revi ew and comment checked below: ( ) APproved as subm itt ed ( ) Approved as not ed ( ) Returned for correct ions ( ) Return .. _ .. __ corrected prints Total number of pages transmitted: __ l __ (plus this one page transmittal) Remarks: _e~r_Qigh_QYDgsD~_I_§m_~oglQ§iD9_tb~_I~f~!:~Dg~Q_~1le~ __ ~bgylg_~gy_ba~~_ i!OLg!J~~tiQ!J§_r!l92Igi!Jg_~bi§_~f!!:.t~I._el5:1!§!:< .. (;1l11_~Qg:QM2~ ____________________ _ , . MAY 04 '89 , \ P.2 C!I-.,'.~. , .. ," ". Proposeoi - /I(I)/Ve X-fJl/otV ,., ... ,., .. , '"~ 15()()(lc/rj milt ~ (;. t:, 101.5 /:},3, ~ / ,,','.' s-; 'I I D ," ," J' :.,' G"f/8;J , .. • • • • · . • • • • t .. • ,. • • • , • " .. " , ~:~ ~ .. '~ ,', •• ... '-" ... .. . r.:'.."l ,. J1j ,. .. .. ;~ >I. ". ! • .Il1: .. " ., , ... ... (:' ," . I-.. ili. " \,,1, :-,"",!" ~ , .. .. .. ,. ..rA C.OA: ., .. ....