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10% Petition - 4/19/1988
10% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: --------------------------------FETTERLY Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s): TO CONNECT TO THE CITY OF RENTON SEWER SYSTEM. WE WOULD LIKE TO ALSO BENEFIT FROM SUPERIOR POLICE AND FIRE PROTECTION. Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.l20, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and 4. Assume their proportional share of the pre-existing ;;;;?!3fi:=.M7t ~VU~'4 Si9~ ---z H 1.£ ROBERT F. FETTERLY. LUCILLE M. FETTERLY Name 14009 S.E. 116TH RENTON, WA. 98056 Address 1f-23·-(J~ '?2CfQ 1./311,2. 102805 ax LotjParcel and Plat Number CT:dskl 10pct (.All Ul' lthN1UN POL ,DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE TO THE APPLICANT: Please complete all appropriate sections of the application below. Information contained in this application will be used in preparing all of the necessary documentation for this annexation; therefore, please type or clearly print all of the necessary information. If additional space is required for response to any of these sections, feel free to attach additional sheets to this application. If you have any questions with regard to this application, please feel free to contact the Policy Development Department at 235-2552, or you may discuss this matter in person in the Municipal Building, third floor. 10% NOTICE OF INTENT APPLICATION -Please include a $200 filing fee. PROPONENT CONTACT PERSON if other than Name ROBERT F. FETTERLY proponent SCOTT W. FETTERLY Address 14009 S.E. 116TH 6715 119TH AVE S.E. City RENTON, WA. 98056 . RENTON, WA. 98056 Telephone 226-0098 271-1137 (H) 865-3399 (W) LOCATION Propert y Addre ss 14009 S. E. 116TH Lot Area Sq.Ft. 40 ,466 Acres 9/1O+ Le~al Description: THE EAST 135 FEET OF THE WEST 165 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NO THEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR SOUTHEAST 116TH STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 4828067. PU RPOSE OF ANNEXATION -Briefly describe the reasons you deSire to annex •. ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON WOULD PROVIDE SUPERIOR POLICE AND FIRE PROTECTION, AND WOULD PROVIDE TAX DOLLARS TO THE CITY WHERE WE RECEIVE MANY VALUABLE BENEFITS. THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION AND THE LIBRARY SYSTEM HAVE BEEN OF PARTICULAR VALUE TO OURSELVES AND DESERVE OUR TAX SUPPORT. WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF SHORT PLATTING IN KING COUNTY IN ORDER TO CREATE TWO ADDITIONAL LOTS, BUT' CANNOT OBTAIN KING COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DUE TO A PERK PROBLEM. IF ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, AND WITH THE ABILITY TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER, WE CAN MEET THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS. WE WILL THEN PROCEED WITH THE SHORT PLAT PROCESS IN RENTON INSTEAD. THIS ANNEXATION WILL PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO MORE IMPROVED PROPER- TIES, INSTEAD OF BARE LAND. THE ABILITY TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER IS A PRIME CONCERN IN GOING THROUGH THE ANNEXATION PROCESS AND .NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SHORT PLAT PROCESS. A SEWER CONNECTION POINT IS WITHIN 20 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST LOT LINE THAT WOULD SERVE THE PROPOSED PROPERTIES, AND I UNDERSTAND THAT A PRIOR MORATORIUM HAS BEEN LIFTED. WE ARE WILLING TO PAY OUR FAIR SHARE FOR CONNECTION ALONG WITH THE MONTHLY CHARGES PLUS OUR RENTON CITY TAXES. WE FEEL THAT THIS IS A VIABLE AND LOGICAL ANNEXATION,AND BELIEVE THE CITY OF RENTON WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS PROPOSAL ALONG WITH OURSELVES. WE TRULY WANT TO BE RESIDENTS OF RENTON. AFFIDAVIT '--.'~..£:~~L.t-:'--'~~~~_, being truly sworn, declare that lam [gI Owner of the Property II1volved D Authorized Representative to act for the Property Owner in this application.and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. -:-IL' ~~Bq~IBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ;q DAY OF.;.O-'-TfJ""yui:.=-=--__ ----', AND FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING 10% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: FETTERLY Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minim4m of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s): .. o o Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.f20, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and /02..300 -'1211 -ocr Tax Lot/Parcel and Plat Numbe..r CT:dskl 10pct o yt, 10% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: FETTERLY POUCy DEVELOPI"ENT CEPfoRH,lEJ .. CITY OF RENTON ~~U~~~ i: W Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s) : Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and 4. Assume their proportional share of the pre-existing City bonded inde~ess. ~~v~"),L~~ Sig r d /" r0~ l> ~ l::://)Oe # ~/N'~6/r) Name £~?;;A.J Address (/a230$ -9/0C;-07 :,jlJ:l.a~ 7.:11/ -oj Tax Lot/Parcel and Pla: Number L ];~ ~~ "'~ ,-r,.jM--:;6f //?.:25L>'s--q3/.::p -~~ 10% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: FETTERLY " ,- Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s) : Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulation~ for the subject property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and 4. Assume their proportional share of the pre-existing City hOOd"IX;;' Sign~ , Name Address Tax Lot/Parcel and Plat Number CT:dskl 10pct '-\ 10% NOTICE OF INTENT The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington 98055 Subject: FETTEREY POUCY DEVELOPMENT DEP",ni.1E", CITY OF RENTON (B). AUG l' l' 1~~8 ~ lfI)~©~~w~1.W Annexation I (We), the undersigned owner(s), constitute a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total assessed valuation for general taxation purposes of the property for which the above referenced annexation is petitioned. The proposed annexation is for the following purpose(s): Further, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the undersigned petitioners agree to: 1. Submit the 10% Notice of Intent Petition as an intent to annex; 2. Accept the City's simultaneous adoption of zoning regulations for the subject property; 3. Accept the City's Comprehensive Plan designations as they affect the subject property; and 4. Assume their proportional share of the pre-existing cit onded indebtedness. Signed Name Ilb25-I±2hd AVe. S.5. Address TaxotjParcel and Plat Number CT:dsk1 10pct