HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_CU_Justification_Joos_200609_v2June 9, 2020 MountainVue LLC Residence 2909 Mountain View Ave N Renton, WA Conditional Use Justification per 4-9-030-D (RMC): 1. Consistency with plans and regulation: The proposed modification is consistent with land use regulation. There is no change to residential use, building lot coverage, building setbacks from shoreline or front and side yards. No change to allowed lot coverage or impervious surface is proposed. No change to vehicle access is required. 2. Appropriate location: The proposed location of ADU (above proposed garage) will provide less view blockage from the public road thus increasing the apparent open space of the front yard. Spacing the garage/ADU allows an opening for beach access for utility (sewer maintenance). See required easement. The proposed garage/ADU location reduces the bulk impact on the public walkway. The proposed location of the garage/ADU takes advantage of the lot topography and allows for a level driveway. Impervious surface is minimized by placing the garage nearer the public road. 3. Adjacent properties: There is no effect to adjacent properties as the proposed location is behind any overlapping lake vistas from the north or south properties. If the ADU/garage were to be located as required by the Land Use code, view blockage would be substantially increased and fill would be needed due to existing topography. 4. Compatibility & Scale: By allowing separate structure (residence & garage/ADU) the visual scale of the project is reduced. Aligning the garage structure with the north boundary of the property minimizes the street front façade exposure. A longer paved drive would be needed if the ADU setback were followed. There is no change in use proposed. The garage, residence, and ADU are all allowed uses in the residential zone. 5. Parking: Adequate parking (3 cars+) will be available. 6. Traffic: There are no increased car trips contemplated as this property is located on a dead end road. 7. Noise, Light, Glare: There is no newly anticipated noise, light or glare other than the normal to residential use and construction noise during the building process. 8. Landscaping: A landscape plan with planting is proposed. Shoreline Conditional Use Decision Criteria per 4-9-190-I-5-b (RMC): a. The use must be compatible with other permitted uses within that area: Since ADU’s are an allowed accessory residential use in the R-8 zone, and the surrounding zoning is R-8, then the ADU is compatible with uses in the area. b. The use will not interfere with the public use of public shorelines: The Renton Municipal Code does not require public access to the shoreline at this property. 2909 Mountain View Ave N P. 2 c. Design of the site will be compatible with the surroundings and the Shoreline Master Program: The ADU is consistent with the architectural character of the primary structure. And the residence and detached garage/ADU together are consistent with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. d. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Shoreline Master Program: The ADU is located above the detached garage so there is no net loss of ecological function to the Shoreline (no additional impervious surface). And the ADU is several feet below the allowed zoning height so that there is no significant view obstruction of Lake Washington. e. The use meets the conditional use criteria in WAC 173-27-160: i. That the proposed use is consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58.020 and the master program: The ADU preserves the natural character of the shoreline by setting back beyond the 100 foot shoreline setback; the ADU meets long term benefits of the master program by not increasing the impervious surface on the site with its location above the garage; and the site protects the resources and ecology of the shoreline by enhancing it with native plants and storm water mitigation. ii. That the proposed use will not interfere with the normal public use of public shoreline: As public access to the shoreline is not required on this property, the ADU does not interfere with the public use of the shoreline. The proposed ADU alternate setback, which is closer to Mountain View Ave, provides for greater views of Lake Washington between the main residence and the garage/ADU than a code conforming setback. iii. That the proposed use of the site and design of the project is compatible with other authorized uses within the area and with uses planned for the area under the comprehensive plan and shoreline master program: Since ADU’s are an allowed accessory residential use in the R-8 zone, and the surrounding zoning is R-8, then the ADU is compatible with uses in the area. Zoning density would potentially allow 22,008/43,560 x 8 = 4 units on the site. The Comprehensive Plan designation for the neighborhood is RMD, Residential Medium Density, which is compatible with R-6 and R- 8 zoning. iv. That the proposed use will cause no significant adverse effects to the shoreline environment in which it is to be located; The ADU does not increase impervious surface on the site and therefore does not impact storm water runoff. The storm water that is generated on site is mitigated with BMP’s per City of Renton Standards. And the ADU is set beyond the 100 foot setback and does not impact the native plantings at the shoreline. v. That the public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect: Because the proposed ADU is consistent with the Shoreline Master Program, does not interfere with the normal public use of public shoreline, is compatible with other surrounding uses, and has no significant impact to the shoreline environment, the public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect.