HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.08_TIRPage 1 1 AE2017-128 Prepared by: Oct 28, 2019 Anstey Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERING/CONSULTING 8627 NE 180th Street Bothell, Washington98011 Phone: (206) 303-7639 Fax: (425) 658-9203 E-mail: benansey@ansteyengineering.com STORM DRAINAGE TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR SUNRIDGE TOWMHOMES II 1222XXSE PETROVITSKY RD RENTON, WA 98058 on PARCEL # 073900-0050 FOR: V Y Properties Inc EXHIBIT 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 2 2 AE2017-128 Technical Information Report (TIR) Table of Contents 2 1. Project Overview 4 - Predeveloped Site Conditions - Sensitive Area Map - Developed Condition - Soil Map - TIR Worksheet 2. Conditions and Requirements 14 Core Requirements 1-9 14 #1. Discharge at Natural Location #2. Off-Site Analysis #3. Flow Control #4. Conveyance System #5. Erosion and Sedimentation Control #6. Maintenance and Operation #7. Financial Guarantee and Liability #8. Water Quality #9. On-site BMPs Special Requirements 1-6 23 #1. Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements #2. Floodplain/Floodway Analysis #3. Flood Protection Facilities #4. Source Controls #5. Oil Control #6. Aquifer Protection Area 3. Offsite Analysis 23 Task 1 – Study Area Definition and Maps Task 2– Resource Review Task 3– Field Inspections Task 4 – Drainage System description Task 5 – Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems 4. Flow Control, LID and WQ facility and Design 26 1.1 Existing Site Hydrology 1.2 Developed Site Hydrology 1.3 Performance Standards 1.4 Flow Control System 1.5 Water Quality 5. Conveyance System Analysis and design 30 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 3 3 AE2017-128 6. Special Reports – See Geotech Reports by GeoGroup NW 30 7. Other Permits 30 8. CSWPPP 30 9. Bond Quantity, Facility Summary & Declaration of Covenant 47 10. Operations and Maintenance 47 11. Conclusions 47 Appendix Geotechnical Report WWHM Report DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 4 4 AE2017-128 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW This storm drainage technical information report has bee n prepared to address the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (CORSWDM) for the proposed 2 typical townhome buildings for Sunridge Townhomes II located at 122XXX SE PETROVITSKY RD on Tax parcels # 073900-0050. The parcel is located between of 122nd PL and 126th Ave at North Side of Petrovitsky RD in Renton. The Legal Descript ion is: BENSON HEIGHTS, ADD S 260 FT OF W135.25 FT AS MEA ALG W LN THOF LESS RD in King County Washington. PREDEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS The proposed project is located at the North of SE Petrovitsky RD, Renton, WA 98058. The property is (0.77 Acre) 33,542 square feet in area. The property has no existing development, and covered with grass and trees. The South portion of site is almost flat. The site has 3.5% +/- moderate slope from NW corner toward SE corner. There are existing catch basins and storm drainage system under Petrovitsky RD on South of site, which is connected to main storm drainage system and draining to west. The existing lot drains from North to South to catch basins South of Site at Petrovitsky RD. The City of Renton Map shows that the site is not located in coal mine area, landslide, erosion hazard areas, or critical aquifer recharge area (see the City of Renton sensitive area map below). There is a big Soos Creek stream on the south of the site (about 391ft). This lot is in the Urban Growth Area. Drainage Basin = Soos Creek. Watershed = Duwamish - Green River. WRIA= Duwamish-Green (9). Existing covered area Total site area (existing pervious area )(Sf) 33,452 Existing impervious area (Sf) 0 Total Ex. Impervious area coverage (%) 0% DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 5 5 AE2017-128 DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS The proposed project involves construction of 2 typical townhome buildings with 7,084.7 square foot of new building, and 3,570.7 square foot impervious parking and walkways. The total proposed development is 20,655.4sf of hard surface or 61.58% impervious of total lot; the remaining 12,886.6sf will be landscaping. A total of 11 new residential units will be constructed. Per CORSWDM 2017, after development the surface water from impervious will be routed to the detention pipe and then though a Filterra System on the southwest corner of the site, then it will be drained to existing catch basin on SW corner and which is connected to storm drainage system under Petrovitsky RD to same natural location where site is draining now. The peak flow run-off after developments will be equal or less than pre-development conditions. Proposed new replaced impervious area DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 6 6 AE2017-128 PROPOSED HARD SURFACE Buiding 1 (sf) 3,113.2 Buiding 2 (sf) 3,971.5 Walks (sf) 2,427.7 Asphalt (sf) 11,143.0 TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF) 20,655.4 TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE (%) 61.58% Landscaping = 12,886.6 sf As the project result in more than 7000sf land disturbing activity and less than 50 acres of new impervious surface within a subbasin or multiple subbasins that are hydraulically connected, the project needs Full Drainage review (per Figure 1.1.2.A of the 2017 CORSWDM below). All nine core requirements in Section 1.2 and all six special requirements in Section 1.3 are applied per table 1.1.2 A of the 2017 CORSWDM. The site is larger than 22,000sf, so on site BMP’s will be analyzed to determine the extent possible that they can be used to control stormwater runoff. Our analysis indicates that no BMPs are feasible on this site so an underground detention tank will be used to provide flow control. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 7 7 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 8 8 AE2017-128 The soil survey map of Renton indicates that the site is underlain by Glacial Till. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 9 9 AE2017-128 Glacial Till is typically characterized by an unsorted, non-stratified mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders in variable quantities. These materials are typically dense and relatively impermeable. The poor sorting reflects the mixing of the materials as these sediments were overridden and incorporated by the glacial ice. Per Geo Group Northwest, Inc soil report, the soils are glacial till soil (very dense soil profile). This type of soil is generally relatively impervious and not recommended for infiltration. See the soil report attached in the appendix of this report. TIR work sheet VY PROPERTIES LLC 206-351-9289 15012 SE 253RD PL COVINGTON, WA 98042 Ben Anstey, PE Anstey Engineering (206) 303-7639 SUNRIDGE 2 LUA-XXXXXX 23 North 05 East 28 VACANT LAND, Renton, WA 98058 X X X X X May 22, 2019 X May 22, 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 10 10 AE2017-128 N/A NA Soos Creek flow Control duration standard forested conditions & Enhanced Basic WQ DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 11 11 AE2017-128 Alderwood Till Text 0-15% Moderate X X Level 1 None 2 8/31/2018 Matching forested FILTERA AND DETENTION TBD TBD TBD TBD DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 12 12 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 13 13 AE2017-128 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bio-swale X X X Bio-swale DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 14 14 AE2017-128 May 25, 2019 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary The project must comply with all nine core requirements per Section 1.2 and all six special requirements per Section 1.3 CORE REQUIREMENT #1 DISCHARGE AT THE NATURAL LOCATION The flows on this site after development will be routed to existing piped storm drainage system in under Petrovitsky RD same natural location as it is draining now under predevelopment conditions. CORE REQUIREMENT #2 OFFSITE ANALYSIS (Per 1.2.2) This is an urban area and the properties around are small and fully developed. There are no significant on or off site flows on this property. No downstream drainage problems were observed. This site drains to the piped drainage systems in Petrovitsky RD. See Level One Downstream Analysis in section 3 CORE REQUIREMENT #3 FLOW CONTROL See section 4 Per flow control standards map of the 2017 CORSWDM below, the site is flow control duration standard (Forested Conditions). Per table 1.2.3.A, as there is no identified problem downstream, the site applies the Flow Control Duration Standard which matches the flow duration of predeveloped rates for forested (historical) site conditions over the range of flows extending from 50% of 2-year up to the full 50-year flow AND matches peaks for the 2- and10-year return periods. See section 4 for flow control DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 15 15 AE2017-128 CORE REQUIREMENT #4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM (Per 1.2.4): As the flows on this site are routed to the piped drainage system in Petrovitsky Road they are designed to match with pre-development and developed conditions; there is no significant conveyance systems needed except for 12” pipe between catch basins. The peak flow per WWHM is 0.1cfs and the 8” pipe at 5% can pass 2.8cfs. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 16 16 AE2017-128 Core Requirement #5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (Per 1.2.5) Temporary ESC measures will be required as there will be disturbance of the soil to construct the new buildings, parking lot and walkways, and clearing of the site. All of the flows from the site will flow onto South of the lot so no adjacent properties will be affected. A construction entrance and BMPs to trap the sediments on site and to avoid entering the drainage system under Petrovitsky RD should be provided. Not any other special requirements are needed. In order to prevent erosion and trap sediment within the project site, the following BMPs will be used approximately as shown on the ESC plan: • Clearing limits will be marked by fencing or other means on the ground. • Extra excavated soil will be removed from the site or spread on site. • A rocked construction entrance will be placed at the location of the driveway throughout construction. • Runoff will not be allowed to concentrate and no water will be allowed to point discharge. • Mulch will be spread over all cleared areas of the site when they are not being worked. Mulch will consist of air-dried straw and chipped vegetation. • Silt fence will be installed to trap the sediments on site • Existing Catch basin on site and in Petrovitsky RD will be protected using BMPs • The underground detention system will be installed early and will help to insure that no silt laden water leaves the site. • Soil Amendment will be provided for disturbed soil per BMP CORE REQUIREMENT #6 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Per 1.2.6, maintenance and operation of all drainage facilities is the responsibility of the applicant or property owner, except those facilities for which the City assumes maintenance and operation as described below and in RMC 4 -6-030.M. Drainage facilities must be maintained and operated in accordance with the maintenance standards in Appendix A of this Manual, or other maintenance standards as approved by the City. The Filterra and detention system will require little maintenance. The property owner will be responsible for this maintenance. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 17 17 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 18 18 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 19 19 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 20 20 AE2017-128 CORE REQUIREMENT #7 FINANCIAL GUARANTEES AND LIABILITY Per 1.2.7, In accordance with RMC 4-6-030, CED shall require all persons constructing any surface water facilities (including flow control/water quality facilities, conveyance systems, erosion control, and road drainage), to post with the City of Renton a bond, assignment of funds or certified check. The applicant must also maintain liability insurance as described in this Core Requirement #7 The property owner will be responsible for certified check and ensure that the project is constructed to the approved plans and that the drainage does not cause any problems. CORE REQUIREMENT #8 WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Per 1.2.8., there is more than 5000sf of new pollution generating impervious area will be created, so special water quality treatment is necessary. As more than 50% of runoff from site drains to quality facility and site development is for multifamily use, so enhanced basin WQ will be designed and construction to install in line flow from site to drainage system per chapter 6 of CORSWDM 2017. The Filterra System will be used for WQ treatment to meet Enhanced basic WQ Treatment. Per WWHM, our 100 year predeveloped flow is 0.106294 cfs; the Filterra can handle 4.57cfs bypass flow. (See section 4 and WWHM attached) Core Requirement #9 ON-SITE BMPS Per 1.2.9, on-site BMPs must be selected and applied according to the basic requirements, procedures, and provisions detailed in this section and the design specifications for each BMP in Appendix C, Section C.2. As the site is smaller than 22,000sf, small Lot BMP Requirements is applied for this site per (C.1.3.1for Small Lot is applied) BMPs will be examined to see if they can control Stormwater on this site per C.1.3.1. C.2.1 Full Dispersion – Full dispersion from parking lot is not feasible as there is not enough forested area on site. Roof area is more than 7000 sf. A 100 -foot vegetated/forest flow path is not available; therefore, full dispersion is not feasible. C.2.2 Full Infiltration – Not feasible as the soils are Glacial till per the geotechnical report dated April 20, 2009. C.2.3 Limited Infiltration – Not feasible due to till soil per the geotechnical report dated April 20, 2009.Due to limited area, slopes and poor soil. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 21 21 AE2017-128 C.2.6 Bioretention – is not feasible due to Bioretention Infeasibility Criteria List per C.2.6. Infiltration is not used due to till soils per geotech report . C.2.7 Permeable Pavement – pervious asphalt pavement is not proposed for the proposed parking area. The till soil is unsuitable for pervious pavement per the Geotechnical Report. C.2.4 Basic Dispersion – Basic dispersion is not feasible as minimum 50 feet required vegetated flow path to implement splash blocks and rock pads is not practical. Therefore A Filterra System will be used for water quality treatment and an underground stormwater detention system will be used for conveyance of onsite stormwater and flow.control. Special Requirements: #1. Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements (section 1.3.1) – none known #2. Flood Hazard Are Delineation (section 1.3.2) – site is not in a flood plane #3. Flood Protection Facilities (section 1.3.3) – No Flood Protection Facilities are required or proposed #4. Source Control (section 1.3.4) -The site is not a commercial site, so requirement is not applicable however as requirement # 3 Part E and special requirement # 5 an enhanced WQ system will be designed and installed on site. #5. Oil Control (section 1.3.5) - As the development is for multifamily and 13,571sf of pollution generation parking lot will be developed, an enhanced WQ system will be designed and installed on site. #6. Aquifer Protection Area (section 1.3.6) - This site is not in an Aquifer protection area. 3. Off-Site Analysis Offsite Analysis – Level One Downstream Analysis Task 1: Define and map the study area The properties to the North and West of this site have multifamily residences, and to East of this site are small single-family residences, which are fully developed and do not discharge any significant amount of runoff onto this site. South of site Petrovitsky RD has curbs and drainage system and Frontage of site will be developed to construct curbs and walk way which does not drain any significant run off to site. South side Petrovitsky RD and properties across road are lower than the site; do not discharge any significant amount of runoff onto this site. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 22 22 AE2017-128 Task 2: Review all available information on the study area Using the King County iMap interactive tool, it was found that there are no immediate critical areas upstream or downstream of the property. Task 3: Field Inspection There are no reported problems to be investigated. There will not be any destruction of aquatic habitat on-site or downstream. The Site was visited on Aug31, 2018 and a 1/4 - mile downstream investigation was made. As there are no signs of surface flow no problems were identified. The piped drainage systems flow south. Task 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions Per 2017 CORSWDM, the site after development is considered as High Use site, WQ system will be installed before the connection to city drainage system. For this site, underground stormwater detention and a Filterra will be used. After development site will have 20,655.4 sf of impervious surface including 11,143 sf pervious parking lot as high use site adding pollution generating surface. The runoff from the site roof and pavement will be controlled by routing it to the underground stormwater detention system to match or lower the peak discharge as compare to pre- development conditions, then flow through the Filterra for final water quality treatment and connect to the existing drainage system on the southwest of the site in Petrovitsky Road. A quarter mile downstream inspection was performed. The inspection concluded no visual impacts or potential problems will occur from the development of the subject site. The downstream course consists of sheet flow onto the adjacent sidewalk and catch basin on the north side of SE Petrovitsky Road. The drainage crosses to the south, at the west side of the site through piped drainage and discharges through a 24” Ø CP culvert to a vegetated swale flowing south. The channel then crosses under a paved driveway through a 42”Ø CMP pipe approximately 300 feet south of Petrovitsky Road and flows to the east through a well vegetated channel to join with Soos creek and the Green River. There are no other significant on or off-site flows. The existing site drain to catch basins and city drainage system under Petrovitsky RD and after development will drain to same natural location. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 23 23 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 24 24 AE2017-128 Task 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems There are no known existing or potential drainage problems and / or water quality problems. 4. Flow Control, LID and WQ facility and design Part A: Existing Site Hydrology The lot is empty and covered with trees and grass, the storm water runoff flows from NE corner of site to South to Catch basins in Petrovitsky RD to drainage system under the Rd. The whole site has grass and trees; it is gently sloped with slope of 3.5%+/- down to South. The storm water runoff from North side currently dispersed across the entire site toward South and flows to existing catch basins and drainage system. There is no evidence of any other on-site flows going off-site. The site does not receive any significant off-site flows from the adjacent properties. The soil is glacial till. There no evidence of any existing erosion on site.- See Geotech Report in Appendix Part B: Developed Site Hydrology When the 20,655.4sf impervious surface development is constructed, a flow control facility will be constructed to match with existing site conditions for 2, 10 and 100-year run off. The surface run off will be routed to an underground stormwater detention system and Filterra on the south of the site. The design report WWHM is attached here. 460lf of 60” Ø CMP detention pipe will be installed under the pavement. A control manhole with a 0.625 inch Ø Orifice and a Notch of 0.01’ x 1.375’ will be used. Part C: Performance Standards Per Section of 2017 CORSWDM, BMPs must be implemented, at minimum, for an impervious area equal to at least 20% of the site/lot for site/lot sizes between11,000 and 22,000 square feet. We will provide an underground stormwater detention system to control runoff to 50% of the 2 year and the 100 year storm. It has been determined that permeable pavement is the most feasible option to meet the on-site BMP requirements. A Filterra will be installed downstream of the detention system to provide Enhanced Basic water quality treatment for the site. As BMPs have been found to all be infeasible for this site an underground stormwater detention system will be used. (see On-site BMP in Core Requirement #9). Part D: Flow Control System BMPs were analyzed for their practicality for controlling site runoff. See On-site BMP in Core Requirement #9. See WWHM Report. Since no BMPs were found to be feasible an underground stormwater detention system will be installed. Part E: Water Quality System DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 25 25 AE2017-128 Since the site is more than 5000sf of new pollution generating impervious area (12,315sf) will be created and high use site (multifamily buildings), Enhanced Basic water quality treatment is required. The water quality system will be designed and installed to remove fine sediments and residual oil for required flow rate. A Filterra system will be used for WQ treatment to meet Enhanced basic WQ treatment. No additional facilities will be necessary. The 8’x4’ Filtera system can handle the runoff from the ¾ acre site. See attached table. 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design No special conveyance design is required as an 8” pipe is adequate to take the water from the detention system structure to the existing drainage system and city drainage system under Pertovitsky Rd. 6. Special Reports – See Geotech Report by Geo Group Northwest, Inc 7. Other Permits– Per F of CORSWDM 2017, a NPDES General Permit for Construction (pursuant to the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Construction Stormwater General Permit) is required for projects that will disturb one or more acres for purposes of constructing or allowing for construction of a development, or projects disturbing less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of sale that will ultimately disturb one or more acres. As the project is multiple lots with separate owners, a building Permit will be required 8. CSWPPP See BMPS below DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 26 26 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 27 27 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 28 28 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 29 29 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 30 30 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 31 31 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 32 32 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 33 33 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 34 34 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 35 35 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 36 36 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 37 37 AE2017-128 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Page 38 38 AE2017-128 9. Bond Quantity, Facility Summary and Declaration of Covenant – See attached 10. Operations and Maintenance See CORE REQUIREMENT #6 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 11. Conclusions – The proposed development with two multi-family residence buildings, walk ways and pervious parking lot can be developed per City standards and without changing the character of the site. A detention system with 460lf of 60” Ø CMP detention pipe and a control orifice of 0.625” Ø with a notch of 0.01’ x 1.375’ will provide level 2 flow control. A Filtera Unite will provide Enhanced Basic Water Quality Treatment. Appendix: WWHM Report Filtera Details Geotech Report Bond Quantity DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 WWHM2012 PROJECT REPORT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 2 General Model Information Project Name:Sunridge Townhomes II V3 Site Name:Sunridge Townhomes II Site Address:1222xx SE Petrovitsky Rd City:Renton Report Date:11/14/2019 Gage:Seatac Data Start:1948/10/01 Data End:2009/09/30 Timestep:15 Minute Precip Scale:1.00 Version Date:2015/11/13 Version:4.2.11 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Year DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Basin 1 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre C, Forest, Mod 0.77 Pervious Total 0.77 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 0.77 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use Basin 1 Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre C, Lawn, Mod 0.3 Pervious Total 0.3 Impervious Land Use acre ROOF TOPS FLAT 0.16 PARKING MOD 0.31 Impervious Total 0.47 Basin Total 0.77 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Tank 1 Tank 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 6 Mitigated Routing Tank 1 Dimensions Depth:6 ft. Tank Type:Circular Diameter:6 ft. Length:456 ft. Discharge Structure Riser Height:5 ft. Riser Diameter:18 in. Notch Type:Rectangular Notch Width:0.010 ft. Notch Height:1.100 ft. Orifice 1 Diameter:0.5 in.Elevation:0 ft. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Tank Hydraulic Table Stage(feet)Area(ac.)Volume(ac-ft.)Discharge(cfs)Infilt(cfs) 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0667 0.013 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.1333 0.018 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.2000 0.022 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.2667 0.025 0.004 0.003 0.000 0.3333 0.028 0.006 0.003 0.000 0.4000 0.031 0.008 0.004 0.000 0.4667 0.033 0.010 0.004 0.000 0.5333 0.035 0.013 0.005 0.000 0.6000 0.037 0.015 0.005 0.000 0.6667 0.039 0.018 0.005 0.000 0.7333 0.041 0.020 0.005 0.000 0.8000 0.042 0.023 0.006 0.000 0.8667 0.044 0.026 0.006 0.000 0.9333 0.045 0.029 0.006 0.000 1.0000 0.046 0.032 0.006 0.000 1.0667 0.048 0.035 0.007 0.000 1.1333 0.049 0.038 0.007 0.000 1.2000 0.050 0.042 0.007 0.000 1.2667 0.051 0.045 0.007 0.000 1.3333 0.052 0.049 0.007 0.000 1.4000 0.053 0.052 0.008 0.000 1.4667 0.054 0.056 0.008 0.000 1.5333 0.054 0.059 0.008 0.000 1.6000 0.055 0.063 0.008 0.000 1.6667 0.056 0.067 0.008 0.000 1.7333 0.056 0.070 0.008 0.000 1.8000 0.057 0.074 0.009 0.000 1.8667 0.058 0.078 0.009 0.000 1.9333 0.058 0.082 0.009 0.000 2.0000 0.059 0.086 0.009 0.000 2.0667 0.059 0.090 0.009 0.000 2.1333 0.060 0.094 0.009 0.000 2.2000 0.060 0.098 0.010 0.000 2.2667 0.060 0.102 0.010 0.000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 7 2.3333 0.061 0.106 0.010 0.000 2.4000 0.061 0.110 0.010 0.000 2.4667 0.061 0.114 0.010 0.000 2.5333 0.062 0.118 0.010 0.000 2.6000 0.062 0.122 0.010 0.000 2.6667 0.062 0.127 0.011 0.000 2.7333 0.062 0.131 0.011 0.000 2.8000 0.062 0.135 0.011 0.000 2.8667 0.062 0.139 0.011 0.000 2.9333 0.062 0.143 0.011 0.000 3.0000 0.062 0.148 0.011 0.000 3.0667 0.062 0.152 0.011 0.000 3.1333 0.062 0.156 0.012 0.000 3.2000 0.062 0.160 0.012 0.000 3.2667 0.062 0.164 0.012 0.000 3.3333 0.062 0.168 0.012 0.000 3.4000 0.062 0.173 0.012 0.000 3.4667 0.062 0.177 0.012 0.000 3.5333 0.061 0.181 0.012 0.000 3.6000 0.061 0.185 0.012 0.000 3.6667 0.061 0.189 0.013 0.000 3.7333 0.060 0.193 0.013 0.000 3.8000 0.060 0.197 0.013 0.000 3.8667 0.060 0.201 0.013 0.000 3.9333 0.059 0.205 0.013 0.000 4.0000 0.059 0.209 0.014 0.000 4.0667 0.058 0.213 0.015 0.000 4.1333 0.058 0.217 0.017 0.000 4.2000 0.057 0.221 0.019 0.000 4.2667 0.056 0.225 0.020 0.000 4.3333 0.056 0.228 0.022 0.000 4.4000 0.055 0.232 0.024 0.000 4.4667 0.054 0.236 0.026 0.000 4.5333 0.054 0.239 0.029 0.000 4.6000 0.053 0.243 0.031 0.000 4.6667 0.052 0.247 0.033 0.000 4.7333 0.051 0.250 0.035 0.000 4.8000 0.050 0.253 0.038 0.000 4.8667 0.049 0.257 0.040 0.000 4.9333 0.048 0.260 0.043 0.000 5.0000 0.046 0.263 0.045 0.000 5.0667 0.045 0.266 0.319 0.000 5.1333 0.044 0.269 0.817 0.000 5.2000 0.042 0.272 1.450 0.000 5.2667 0.041 0.275 2.170 0.000 5.3333 0.039 0.278 2.928 0.000 5.4000 0.037 0.280 3.678 0.000 5.4667 0.035 0.283 4.372 0.000 5.5333 0.033 0.285 4.970 0.000 5.6000 0.031 0.287 5.448 0.000 5.6667 0.028 0.289 5.801 0.000 5.7333 0.025 0.291 6.061 0.000 5.8000 0.022 0.293 6.385 0.000 5.8667 0.018 0.294 6.644 0.000 5.9333 0.013 0.295 6.893 0.000 6.0000 0.000 0.296 7.134 0.000 6.0667 0.000 0.000 7.366 0.000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:01:18 PM Page 9 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.77 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.3 Total Impervious Area:0.47 Flow Frequency Method:Log Pearson Type III 17B Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.022927 5 year 0.037568 10 year 0.046982 25 year 0.05818 50 year 0.065936 100 year 0.073181 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.01164 5 year 0.015829 10 year 0.019095 25 year 0.023827 50 year 0.027822 100 year 0.032249 Annual Peaks Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.026 0.010 1950 0.031 0.011 1951 0.050 0.025 1952 0.016 0.009 1953 0.013 0.011 1954 0.020 0.011 1955 0.031 0.010 1956 0.025 0.013 1957 0.020 0.011 1958 0.022 0.011 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 10 1959 0.019 0.010 1960 0.035 0.016 1961 0.019 0.012 1962 0.012 0.009 1963 0.016 0.011 1964 0.023 0.011 1965 0.015 0.012 1966 0.015 0.010 1967 0.035 0.011 1968 0.020 0.010 1969 0.019 0.010 1970 0.015 0.011 1971 0.017 0.011 1972 0.038 0.016 1973 0.017 0.012 1974 0.019 0.011 1975 0.026 0.010 1976 0.019 0.011 1977 0.003 0.009 1978 0.016 0.011 1979 0.010 0.008 1980 0.045 0.027 1981 0.014 0.011 1982 0.029 0.013 1983 0.025 0.011 1984 0.015 0.009 1985 0.009 0.010 1986 0.039 0.012 1987 0.035 0.013 1988 0.014 0.010 1989 0.009 0.009 1990 0.083 0.014 1991 0.044 0.013 1992 0.018 0.012 1993 0.018 0.009 1994 0.006 0.008 1995 0.025 0.012 1996 0.058 0.022 1997 0.045 0.042 1998 0.011 0.009 1999 0.049 0.016 2000 0.017 0.011 2001 0.003 0.008 2002 0.020 0.012 2003 0.030 0.010 2004 0.032 0.020 2005 0.024 0.011 2006 0.027 0.013 2007 0.063 0.038 2008 0.076 0.023 2009 0.036 0.012 Ranked Annual Peaks Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.0830 0.0424 2 0.0765 0.0378 3 0.0628 0.0266 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 11 4 0.0581 0.0255 5 0.0501 0.0228 6 0.0492 0.0219 7 0.0449 0.0198 8 0.0448 0.0164 9 0.0440 0.0162 10 0.0393 0.0158 11 0.0380 0.0142 12 0.0357 0.0131 13 0.0352 0.0130 14 0.0347 0.0128 15 0.0346 0.0125 16 0.0323 0.0125 17 0.0313 0.0125 18 0.0312 0.0124 19 0.0303 0.0122 20 0.0290 0.0120 21 0.0270 0.0118 22 0.0264 0.0117 23 0.0260 0.0117 24 0.0252 0.0116 25 0.0251 0.0115 26 0.0248 0.0114 27 0.0240 0.0113 28 0.0230 0.0113 29 0.0225 0.0112 30 0.0203 0.0111 31 0.0203 0.0111 32 0.0198 0.0111 33 0.0195 0.0110 34 0.0193 0.0110 35 0.0193 0.0108 36 0.0190 0.0108 37 0.0187 0.0108 38 0.0186 0.0107 39 0.0180 0.0107 40 0.0175 0.0107 41 0.0175 0.0107 42 0.0175 0.0105 43 0.0169 0.0104 44 0.0162 0.0104 45 0.0157 0.0103 46 0.0157 0.0103 47 0.0155 0.0102 48 0.0153 0.0098 49 0.0150 0.0097 50 0.0147 0.0097 51 0.0141 0.0096 52 0.0137 0.0095 53 0.0127 0.0094 54 0.0118 0.0092 55 0.0110 0.0092 56 0.0095 0.0092 57 0.0091 0.0089 58 0.0089 0.0088 59 0.0059 0.0084 60 0.0031 0.0083 61 0.0027 0.0081 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 13 Duration Flows The Facility PASSED Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0115 17088 15376 89 Pass 0.0120 15492 10493 67 Pass 0.0126 14074 6479 46 Pass 0.0131 12805 3953 30 Pass 0.0137 11569 2830 24 Pass 0.0142 10523 2460 23 Pass 0.0148 9569 2167 22 Pass 0.0153 8757 1984 22 Pass 0.0159 8040 1807 22 Pass 0.0164 7349 1656 22 Pass 0.0170 6740 1536 22 Pass 0.0175 6192 1414 22 Pass 0.0181 5730 1326 23 Pass 0.0186 5311 1246 23 Pass 0.0192 4924 1158 23 Pass 0.0197 4571 1047 22 Pass 0.0203 4239 931 21 Pass 0.0208 3955 801 20 Pass 0.0214 3645 711 19 Pass 0.0219 3390 628 18 Pass 0.0225 3133 536 17 Pass 0.0230 2917 466 15 Pass 0.0236 2706 434 16 Pass 0.0241 2490 397 15 Pass 0.0247 2316 363 15 Pass 0.0252 2136 324 15 Pass 0.0258 1973 291 14 Pass 0.0263 1826 262 14 Pass 0.0269 1705 239 14 Pass 0.0274 1577 226 14 Pass 0.0280 1442 221 15 Pass 0.0285 1325 214 16 Pass 0.0291 1232 209 16 Pass 0.0296 1147 203 17 Pass 0.0302 1083 197 18 Pass 0.0307 1020 191 18 Pass 0.0313 947 186 19 Pass 0.0318 886 174 19 Pass 0.0324 824 163 19 Pass 0.0329 760 150 19 Pass 0.0335 725 145 20 Pass 0.0340 674 138 20 Pass 0.0346 623 109 17 Pass 0.0351 589 83 14 Pass 0.0357 549 73 13 Pass 0.0362 506 64 12 Pass 0.0368 469 52 11 Pass 0.0373 427 36 8 Pass 0.0379 388 24 6 Pass 0.0384 356 22 6 Pass 0.0390 328 19 5 Pass 0.0395 298 18 6 Pass 0.0401 270 15 5 Pass DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 14 0.0406 241 14 5 Pass 0.0412 218 10 4 Pass 0.0417 198 5 2 Pass 0.0423 173 2 1 Pass 0.0428 152 0 0 Pass 0.0434 130 0 0 Pass 0.0439 119 0 0 Pass 0.0445 104 0 0 Pass 0.0450 95 0 0 Pass 0.0456 83 0 0 Pass 0.0461 74 0 0 Pass 0.0467 69 0 0 Pass 0.0472 61 0 0 Pass 0.0478 53 0 0 Pass 0.0483 46 0 0 Pass 0.0489 39 0 0 Pass 0.0494 29 0 0 Pass 0.0500 25 0 0 Pass 0.0505 22 0 0 Pass 0.0511 20 0 0 Pass 0.0516 17 0 0 Pass 0.0522 14 0 0 Pass 0.0527 12 0 0 Pass 0.0533 8 0 0 Pass 0.0538 7 0 0 Pass 0.0544 7 0 0 Pass 0.0549 7 0 0 Pass 0.0555 6 0 0 Pass 0.0560 6 0 0 Pass 0.0566 6 0 0 Pass 0.0571 6 0 0 Pass 0.0577 6 0 0 Pass 0.0582 5 0 0 Pass 0.0588 5 0 0 Pass 0.0593 5 0 0 Pass 0.0599 5 0 0 Pass 0.0604 5 0 0 Pass 0.0610 5 0 0 Pass 0.0615 5 0 0 Pass 0.0621 4 0 0 Pass 0.0626 4 0 0 Pass 0.0632 3 0 0 Pass 0.0637 3 0 0 Pass 0.0643 3 0 0 Pass 0.0648 3 0 0 Pass 0.0654 3 0 0 Pass 0.0659 3 0 0 Pass DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 15 Water Quality Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC #1 On-line facility volume:0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:11 PM Page 16 LID Report DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 17 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 18 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 19 Mitigated Schematic DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 20 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 Sunridge Townhomes II V3.wdm MESSU 25 PreSunridge Townhomes II V3.MES 27 PreSunridge Townhomes II V3.L61 28 PreSunridge Townhomes II V3.L62 30 POCSunridge Townhomes II V31.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 PERLND 11 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin 1 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 11 C, Forest, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 21 PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 11 0 4.5 0.08 400 0.1 0.5 0.996 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 11 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 11 0.2 0.5 0.35 6 0.5 0.7 END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 11 0 0 0 0 2.5 1 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS END IWAT-STATE1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 22 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin 1*** PERLND 11 0.77 COPY 501 12 PERLND 11 0.77 COPY 501 13 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 23 WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 END MASS-LINK END RUN DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 24 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 Sunridge Townhomes II V3.wdm MESSU 25 MitSunridge Townhomes II V3.MES 27 MitSunridge Townhomes II V3.L61 28 MitSunridge Townhomes II V3.L62 30 POCSunridge Townhomes II V31.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 PERLND 17 IMPLND 4 IMPLND 12 RCHRES 1 COPY 1 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Tank 1 MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 17 C, Lawn, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 25 # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 17 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 17 0 4.5 0.03 400 0.1 0.5 0.996 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 17 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 17 0.1 0.25 0.25 6 0.5 0.25 END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 17 0 0 0 0 2.5 1 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 4 ROOF TOPS/FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 12 PARKING/MOD 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 12 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 4 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 26 4 400 0.01 0.1 0.1 12 400 0.05 0.1 0.08 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 4 0 0 12 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 4 0 0 12 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin 1*** PERLND 17 0.3 RCHRES 1 2 PERLND 17 0.3 RCHRES 1 3 IMPLND 4 0.16 RCHRES 1 5 IMPLND 12 0.31 RCHRES 1 5 ******Routing****** PERLND 17 0.3 COPY 1 12 IMPLND 4 0.16 COPY 1 15 IMPLND 12 0.31 COPY 1 15 PERLND 17 0.3 COPY 1 13 RCHRES 1 1 COPY 501 16 END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** 1 Tank 1 1 1 1 1 28 0 1 END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 27 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** 1 1 0.09 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> 1 0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES FTABLE 1 91 4 Depth Area Volume Outflow1 Velocity Travel Time*** (ft) (acres) (acre-ft) (cfs) (ft/sec) (Minutes)*** 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.066667 0.013168 0.000587 0.001752 0.133333 0.018517 0.001653 0.002477 0.200000 0.022549 0.003027 0.003034 0.266667 0.025888 0.004645 0.003503 0.333333 0.028775 0.006469 0.003917 0.400000 0.031335 0.008474 0.004291 0.466667 0.033644 0.010641 0.004634 0.533333 0.035749 0.012956 0.004954 0.600000 0.037686 0.015404 0.005255 0.666667 0.039479 0.017977 0.005539 0.733333 0.041146 0.020665 0.005810 0.800000 0.042703 0.023461 0.006068 0.866667 0.044160 0.026357 0.006316 0.933333 0.045529 0.029347 0.006554 1.000000 0.046816 0.032425 0.006784 1.066667 0.048028 0.035587 0.007007 1.133333 0.049170 0.038828 0.007222 1.200000 0.050248 0.042142 0.007432 1.266667 0.051265 0.045526 0.007635 1.333333 0.052225 0.048976 0.007834 1.400000 0.053131 0.052488 0.008027 1.466667 0.053986 0.056059 0.008216 1.533333 0.054792 0.059685 0.008401 1.600000 0.055551 0.063364 0.008581 1.666667 0.056266 0.067091 0.008758 1.733333 0.056937 0.070865 0.008932 1.800000 0.057566 0.074682 0.009102 1.866667 0.058155 0.078539 0.009269 1.933333 0.058706 0.082435 0.009433 2.000000 0.059218 0.086366 0.009594 2.066667 0.059693 0.090330 0.009753 2.133333 0.060132 0.094324 0.009909 2.200000 0.060535 0.098346 0.010063 2.266667 0.060904 0.102395 0.010214 2.333333 0.061239 0.106466 0.010363 2.400000 0.061541 0.110559 0.010510 2.466667 0.061809 0.114671 0.010655 2.533333 0.062045 0.118800 0.010798 2.600000 0.062249 0.122943 0.010939 2.666667 0.062421 0.127099 0.011079 2.733333 0.062561 0.131265 0.011216 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 28 2.800000 0.062670 0.135440 0.011352 2.866667 0.062748 0.139620 0.011486 2.933333 0.062794 0.143805 0.011619 3.000000 0.062810 0.147992 0.011751 3.066667 0.062794 0.152179 0.011880 3.133333 0.062748 0.156364 0.012009 3.200000 0.062670 0.160545 0.012136 3.266667 0.062561 0.164720 0.012262 3.333333 0.062421 0.168886 0.012386 3.400000 0.062249 0.173042 0.012509 3.466667 0.062045 0.177185 0.012631 3.533333 0.061809 0.181314 0.012752 3.600000 0.061541 0.185426 0.012872 3.666667 0.061239 0.189518 0.012991 3.733333 0.060904 0.193590 0.013108 3.800000 0.060535 0.197638 0.013225 3.866667 0.060132 0.201661 0.013340 3.933333 0.059693 0.205655 0.013656 4.000000 0.059218 0.209619 0.014600 4.066667 0.058706 0.213550 0.015871 4.133333 0.058155 0.217446 0.017371 4.200000 0.057566 0.221303 0.019047 4.266667 0.056937 0.225120 0.020865 4.333333 0.056266 0.228894 0.022798 4.400000 0.055551 0.232621 0.024827 4.466667 0.054792 0.236300 0.026933 4.533333 0.053986 0.239926 0.029103 4.600000 0.053131 0.243497 0.031323 4.666667 0.052225 0.247009 0.033582 4.733333 0.051265 0.250459 0.035870 4.800000 0.050248 0.253843 0.038178 4.866667 0.049170 0.257157 0.040496 4.933333 0.048028 0.260397 0.043052 5.000000 0.046816 0.263559 0.045904 5.066667 0.045529 0.266638 0.319700 5.133333 0.044160 0.269628 0.817570 5.200000 0.042703 0.272524 1.450669 5.266667 0.041146 0.275320 2.170127 5.333333 0.039479 0.278008 2.928921 5.400000 0.037686 0.280581 3.678700 5.466667 0.035749 0.283029 4.372623 5.533333 0.033644 0.285343 4.970890 5.600000 0.031335 0.287511 5.448009 5.666667 0.028775 0.289516 5.801378 5.733333 0.025888 0.291340 6.060968 5.800000 0.022549 0.292958 6.385581 5.866667 0.018517 0.294331 6.644495 5.933333 0.013168 0.295398 6.893631 6.000000 0.000000 0.295985 7.134020 END FTABLE 1 END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** RCHRES 1 HYDR RO 1 1 1 WDM 1000 FLOW ENGL REPL RCHRES 1 HYDR STAGE 1 1 1 WDM 1001 STAG ENGL REPL COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 29 MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 2 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 2 MASS-LINK 3 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 3 MASS-LINK 5 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 RCHRES INFLOW IVOL END MASS-LINK 5 MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 MASS-LINK 15 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 15 MASS-LINK 16 RCHRES ROFLOW COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 16 END MASS-LINK END RUN DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 30 Predeveloped HSPF Message File DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 31 Mitigated HSPF Message File DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606 Sunridge Townhomes II V3 11/14/2019 4:02:50 PM Page 32 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2019; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 6FEDE754-AC7F-4A9A-847E-EDB66D55B606