HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/2011 - Minutes • � �i �IIY OF REMTON MAY 11 2011 City of Ren ton CITY C ERK'S O FFlCE Board of Park Commissioners DClty Of u��y � a O � ��NTo� Meeting Minutes April 12, 2011 ' 4:30 p.m. — City Hall — 7th fioor Conferencing Center I. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following members were present: Mike O'Donin, Cynthia Burns, AI Dieckman, Larry Reymann Members absent: Troy Wigestrand,Tim Searing Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Kris Stimpson, Bonnie Rerecich, Suzanne Dale Estey Guests: Marlene Winter Chair, AI Dieckman, called the April 12, 2011, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Roll call was taken;two memb'ers were absent,Troy and Tim. Both members had notified staff of their absence prior to the meeting. Mike made a motion seconded by Larry to excuse Troy and Tim's absence. All were in favor, motion carried. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA , A motion was made b Larr Re mann and seconded b Mike O Donin to a rove the a enda Y Y Y Y pp g as presented. All were in favor, motion carried,the April 2011 agenda was approved. I11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mike and seconded by Larry to approve the March minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The March 2011 minutes were approved as submitted. City of Renton � • , Park Board Minutes a April 12,2011 - Page 2 of 4 IV. BOARD COMMUNICATION Volunteer Dinner Mike 0'Donin commented on how great the Volunteer Dinner was this year. The venue and program was very enjoyable. Park Board Vacancy Three (3) members of the Board and Kelly Beymer, Parks Golf Course Director, interviewed a total of 13 candidates for the one vacancy on the Board, over the course of two evenings. We had outstanding candidates and four were recommended to Terry for consideration. Out of the four, Terry has recommended to Mayor Law he submit Marlene Winter as the finalist to the Council for their concurrence. This will go forth at the next council meeting on April 18. Terry Higashiyama introduced Marlene and asked her to tell everyone a little about herself. Marlene mentioned she had attended a previous meeting when discussing the possibility of allowing dogs at Gene Coulon Park. She has lived in Renton 40 years and was a Human Resources Vice President at Korry Electronics for 25 years. Currently she volunteers at Campbell Hill Elementary two days a week. She has picked up litter along Lake Washington - Blvd. on a regular basis and is very humbled to be selected and is anxious to learn more about Renton. V. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION The Community Services Department made a presentation to the Community Services Committee on the PRO Plan, update on the Dog Park, Neighborhood Grants, surveillance cameras and parking garage, and trail safety. VI. CONSENT Letter from RECS (Renton Emergency Communication Service) requesting use of Liberty Park June 25& 26—Staff recommends approval of the event and further recommends Council waive associated fees Mike O'Donin made a motion seconded by Cynthia Burns to concur with staff recommendation and approve overnight usage of the park. All were in favor, motion carried, request approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS SIFF Suzanna Dale Estey, Economic Development Director, was present to discuss SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) being held in Renton. The kick-off gala will be at the Pavilion Event ' Center and feature eight of Renton's restaurants. It is anticipated the screenings will bring 4,000 people to the community. May 11 will be the preview filmwalk at various locations; May 20 will be the opening night screening and Gala at the Pavilion. Movie schedules and showtimes are still to be determined but will be held May 20-26. The community can help by spreading the word and 'talking up' the film festival to employees, friends and family. Also H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\411211min.docx . � ; City of Renton � ! . Park Board Minutes April 12,2011 Page 3 of 4 helpful would be to distribute posters and programs when available, buy screening tickets, promote volunteer opportunities, or be a sponsor. Tickets will be available April 28, 2011. Suzanne also mentioned the addition of a Farmer's Market on Sundays at Valley Medical Center from noon until 4:00 p.m. starting in June. It will be held in the parking area of the Talbot Professional Center. Video Surveillance Cameras Peter Renner and Greg Stroh described the security cameras in place. Greg explained that several crimes near City facilities led to purchases of cameras in the hopes to deter vandalism and theft. The City placed police officers and private security teams in the areas in an effort to increase the perception of public safety and supplemented that presence with video surveillance. It soon became apparent the City needed to invest in cameras that provide ' better image quality to ensure prosecution. In 2008 a small task force was formed to evaluate the Transit Center from a security standpoint and from the evaluation findings, create a viable recommendation to minimize negative incidents. The new digital cameras provide a much higher quality photo. Additional updates include three new exterior cameras on level P-3 of City Hall and replacement of six existing exterior cameras, expanded surveillance at the community center parking lot,the Coulon pilot house, and the cash counting room at the Aquatic Center. Future improvements include live video feeds made available at the Police Substation and video feeds in a wireless/browser format for patrol vehicles. VIII. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Trail Event Kelly Beymer discussed the "Share the Trail" event to be held on Saturday, May 14, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The event will be open to all ages and offer fun activities and booths as well as trail safety information for walkers, runners and cyclists. Free "Share the Trail" brochures and information on the new rules and trail etiquette will be available. Various organizations will be on hand to answer questions and promote trail safety. Participants include City staff, Bicycle Alliance of Washington, Cascade Bicycle Club, Feet First Walking Club, and RUFF. Accreditation Update Kris Stimpson summarized our efforts to update our accreditation files. Ten chapters and seven boxes of information are being reviewed and updated. The team will come to review the materials this fall and spend a couple days here. H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\411211min.docx City of Renton • . ' Park Board Minutes . April 12,2011 Page 4 of 4 Arbor Day/Earth Day Saturday, April 30, volunteers will plant flowers, shrubs, and trees at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Check in is at 9:00 a.m., currently we have around 90 registered. Lunch and a t- shirt for each participant will be provided. IX. OLD BUSINESS Pro Plan Update Leslie Betlach reviewed progress on the Pro Plan, noting packets were available for each board member to update their notebooks. The visioning workshop, held on March 29, had the best attendance to date, approximately 100. The next two months will include completion of a survey and a needs assessment. Trestle Update The Cedar River Trail will be closed between Riverview Park and Maplewood Roadside Park from April 19 through April 28 for the repair of the east abutment of the trestle bridge. All trail users will be routed through Riverview Park, along the sidewalk next to Maple Valley Highway, and back onto the Cedar River Trail, about 150 yards east of Maplewood Roadside Park. The bridge was constructed nearly 100 years ago and has several deteriorating wood footings and columns. X. INFORMATION "Spring Into Bed" The planters on the lobby level of city hall will be adopted by employees to plant and care for through October. A competition will be held for best creative garden. Terry noted a few staff members, along with AI,took Ron Regis to lunch at Maplewood Golf Course last week and presented him with a rendering of Ron Regis Park and an award for his 47+years of service. He is doing well and wants to stay in touch. Terry said she'd have Sandy continue e-mailing him the minutes and agendas. XI. ADJOURNMENT Mike 0'Donin made a motion, seconded by Larry Reymann, to adjourn the meeting. All were in f vor, motion carried the April 12, 2011, meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. I ` � ►ftiClNl� ` Signature H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\411211min.docx . . � • i � . March 28, 2011 Terry Higashiyama Community Services Administrator City of Renton Re: Libertv Park Use Request Dear Ms. Higashiyama: The Renton Emergency Communication Service (RECS) is a group of volunteers who serve the City as amateur radio operators, providing a backup communication network when traditional systems fail. RECS is managed through the Emergency Management Division of the Fire & Emergency Services Department. All RECS volunteers have been through the City's registration process, including a background check. The RECS group is requesting the use of Liberty Park in order to participate in the national ARRL Field Day event on June 25 and 26, 2011. I am requesting a waiver of park rules on their behalf. Field Day is an annual event where amateur radio operators around the country gather in public venues and operate their radios for 24 hours on auxiliary power. The goals of Field Day are to test operational capabilities by making as many radio contacts using as many modes as possible and to educate the public about amateur radio. More information on the event can be found here: http://www.arrl.or�/field-day. Liberty Park would provide the most visibility to the public while affording the room needed to set up tables, awnings and multiple portable antenna systems. During the normal hours of operation for the park,they will have signage and booths to encourage the public to drop by and see their radio operations. During the hours when the park would be closed there will onl.y be a small group (10 or so) of people there operating the radios through the night. They would like to reserve the picnic structure and use BBQs for food preparation. They will also need a bathroom left open overnight. They have all the supplies they need to hold this event and I will be working with them on getting the word out through the media. For the duration of this event, all RECS volunteers are registered as emergency workers through the State and have coverage through the Emergency Worker Program (WAC 118-04). Ms. Kelly Beymer S � ��- - , April 5, 2010 Page Two if you have additional questions, feel free to contact me. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Mindi Mattson Emergency Management Coordinator MM/kc �� � � • • Seattle International Film Festival — Renton Goals, Key Dates, and How Renton Community Can Help as ofo3/31/20112:4s Pn� GOALS: SIFF-RENTON 2011 • Knock socks off of SIFF's expectations for attendance and sell out the Opening Night Screening/Gala • Knock socks off of SIFF's expectations for volunteer support (100+volunteers for Renton) • Host well-organized, fun,well-attended SIFF-Renton Opening Night Screening & Gala on May 20 (goal:fill IKEA PACenter-540 capacity) • Secure 8 diverse restaurants to donate "bites" for SIFF-Renton Opening Night Gala • At least 20 (primarily small business) advertisers in special edition of Renton Reporter • Help increase activity in Renton's restaurants and retailers, and overnight visits in Renton's hotels �' • Help SIFF raise$10,000+ in sponsorships from Renton area � • Help promote Renton FilmFrenzy IV, Curvee Awards Gala and Downtown FilmTalk, as well as year-round filmmaking opportunities in Renton '� • Serve as "galvanizing project"for Renton's arts &culture scene/follow up-2010 Arts& Culture Master Plan I • Continue to "cause the a-ha" about Renton as a great place to live, work, learn and play , • Help increase understanding of Renton's (and region's) many diverse cultures KEY DATES AND LOCATIONS • January, February, March, April, May—SIFF-Renton Planning Committee Meetings (3`d Thursday, 3:00 pm, Renton City Hall; next meeting: 2/17/11) • SIFF-Renton Host Committee Meetings (2/14/11, 3/22/11, 4/27/11—3:00 pm —Renton City Hall) • May 11—SIFF-Renton Preview FilmWalk (various locations in Downtown Renton) • May 20—SIFF-Renton Opening Night Screening (Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center) &Gala (Renton Pavilion Event Center) • May 20-26—SIFF-Renton, IKEA Performing Arts Center—movie schedule and showtimes TBD. Preliminary schedule (not for distribution or publication, please)- 20 total screenin�s: Friday- Openin� Night (2 screenin�s): 7:00 pm opening night screening (with party afterwards), 9:30 pm festival film Saturdav/Sundav(10 screenin�s): 11:00 am, 1:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 9:15 pm Monday-Thursday(8 screenings): 6:00 pm, 8:30 pm HOW RENTON COMMUNITY CAN HELP I • Start "talking up" SIFF. Forward SIFF's February media release to your employees, friends and family networks and ask them to "save the date." • Distribute posters and programs (once available)to your employees, friends and family networks (you will be notified by e-mail in mid-April and then early May of drop off arrangements/pick up locations). • Buy SIFF screening tickets, perhaps in batches for your employees or to give as philanthropic gift to Renton- area students and non-profits. • Promote SIFF volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can sign up today at www.siff.net. • Sponsor SIFF. Contact: Sue Guthrie, SIFF Corporate Sponsorship Director (sue@siff.net or 206-315-0684). � • Place an ad in the Renton Reporter special SIFF edition. Contact: Natalie Bonham,Account Director (nbonham@rentonreporter.com or 425-255-3484). • Join us for the big party in Renton! Please mark your calendar for the SIFF-Renton Opening Night I Screening&Gala on May 20. THE OF FILM COMES SEATi'LE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-F �AAY 20-26,2011•RENTO�J IKEA PCRFORG9ING ARTS CENTER•R RENTON � OOO seattle i ���� ��„�� ,��� , � .., film fest Proudiy brought to ydu by the Renton School Distr Renton Technical College,Renton Chamber of Comn City of Renton,Renton Visitors Connection,and Valley Mec