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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/2011 - Minutes • � . ' � • City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners D clty of J�t� o � r, � O � � + r,,��T°� Meeting Minutes March 8, 2011 4:30 p.m. — City Hall — 7t" Floor Conferencing Center 1. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following members were present: Members: Cynthia Burns, Mike O'Donin,Troy Wigestrand, AI Dieckman, Larry Reymann,Tim Searing Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Todd Black, Tim Williams, Rich Perteet, Ryan Zulauf, Bonnie Rerecich, Norma McQuiller, Wendy Kirchner Guests: Martin Patricelli, Curt Hedges, Dan Henderson, Marlene Winter, Charlene Pogue � Chair, AI Dieckman, called the March 8, 2011, meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. Roll call was taken; all members were present. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cynthia Burns made a motion, seconded by Troy Wigestrand,to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor, motion carried,the March 8, 2011, agenda was r ved. app o III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mike O'Donin and seconded by Larry Reymann to approve the February 2, 2011, minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The minutes were approved as submitted. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS None ' • City of Renton � • • Park Board Minutes March 8,2011 Page 2 of 6 V. BOARD COMMUNICATION Mike 0'Donin commented the Piazza is looking a bit brushy. Kelly Beymer responded that staff inet yesterday, March 7, and discussed this particular item. VI. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION None VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Dred�ing and Island Plan at the Mouth of the Cedar River—Rich Perteet, Deputy Public Works Administrator introduced Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager. Ryan gave an overview of the Seaplane Base operations and explained how past and recent flood events on the river have impacted the docking facilities for seaplanes because of silt build-up. A plan has been devised to dredge the seaplane base and relocate the dredging spoils on site near the mouth of the river to create a sustainable prime habitat for salmon fry where they enter Lake Washington. Approximately 16,000 cubic yards of material will be removed from the seaplane base and relocated as mitigation for shoreline replacement and to create an island east of the river, essentially eliminating a channel that diverts material toward the sea lane base and creatin two channels for the p , g river to travel down and away from the end of the runway. The channels should be self-sustaining. The existing island at the mouth of the river will be enhanced and a separate island to the east will be created. The two islands and nearby shoreline will be heavily planted with native non-berry producing plants and overhanging shrubbery to create prime salmon habitat and keep seagulls away. Woody debris, large cobbles, and brush mats will be strategically placed underwater as additional habitat. The shoreline will be configured to attract salmon and discourage birds and humans. This will be the first time since 1947 that the area has been dredged. Historical photos show the delta growing and changing over the decades. Permitting is underway and involves several government agencies and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. FEMA will cover 40%of the costs and is helping with the permitting process. The islands are being paid for using salmon recovery funds. The balance of funding is coming from a Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Grant and Airport tenants. Wood materials salvaged from recent river flood events are being stockpiled on the Airport in preparation for the project. Work will commence once the permits have been received. H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\3.8.ilmin.docx � City of Renton i � . Park Board Minutes March 8,2011 Page 3 of 6 Nei�hborhood Pro�ram—Bonnie Rerecich Bonnie announced the Neighborhood Program joined the Community Services Department at the beginning of the year and she now heads up the Neighborhood Resources and Special Events Division. The Program started officially on January 1, 2011. Each neighborhood is funded at$1 per person for start-up purposes and the dollars are used for development of their initial program. She then introduced Norma McQuiller, Neighborhood Coordinator and Wendy Kirchner, her assistant. Norma had a PowerPoint presentation that gave a background on the Neighborhood Program and explained the various activities she is involved in, including the grant programs and website program page. Project grants must be matched dollar for dollar. The neighborhood's match would be calculated using dollars, manpower, materials, or any combination of thereof. Neighborhood signs are reviewed by all departments. If art is involved, the Municipal Arts Commission gets involved. Neighborhoods are responsible for maintaining their projects. After project grants have been funded, any leftover dollars become available for use as mini grants of up to $1,000 with an equal match, instead of going through a second round of formal grant processes. Applications will still go through a review process, but it will be much faster. The Picnic Program requires matching contributions from the neighborhoods. The City provides an event trailer that comes with folding tables,toys and games for kids, the barbeque, fuel and staff. The City is now encouraging neighborhoods to combine their picnics for several reasons. Primarily,to outreach and engage a sense of"community" in a broader spectrum. New to the Picnic Program this year is the requirement for a detailed project description for a community service project. The project must be completed prior to a neighborhood picnic being sponsored. Event insurance must be obtained prior to a picnic and is available through the City's Risk Management Department. Dates for service projects and picnics are being posted on the website. The next Neighbor-to-Neighbor Workshop is scheduled for April 2, at 9 a.m. at the Senior Activity Center. She invited the Park Board members to attend this function if they would care to. Wendy Kirchner briefly described the Liaison Program stating some City staff inembers volunteer to "adopt" a neighborhood and they become a single point of contact for the neighborhood to answer questions and help citizens work through differing City H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\3.8.11min.docx , `• City of Renton • � I � Park Board Minutes March 8,2011 Page 4 of 6 I processes. The liaisons also attend neighborhood meetings and functions on their I' own time. Staff recently conducted a Liaison leadership Summit and provided resource books I� that had been compiled for each person. Bonnie stated a Neighbor-to-Neighbor Workshop is next on their agenda. Mike O'Donin commended Norma McQuiller for her hard work and dedication to the programs. Other Power Drive Mobilitv Devices—Kellv Bevmer Kelly explained the Department of Justice has implemented a new rule to deal with what has been termed "other power driven mobility devices" (OPDMD's)that takes effect March 15, 2011, with full compliance by March 15, 2012. The law is intended to give the mobility-impaired person better access to public facilities. The assessment process is already under way and current Park Rules will remain in effect until the assessments have been completed. Cynthia Burns asked what event precipitated this change. Terry Higashiyama responded that 85% of handicaps are not visible to the ordinary person and that we want to accommodate as many people as possible without adversely impacting other patrons. The City is not required to retrofit any existing structures to become compliant with the new law. However, any new structures must make attempts to achieve reasonable accommodation for OPDMD's. VIII. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Update on Applications for the Vacant Board Position Twelve individuals will be interviewed over two days next week. The interview panel consists of AI Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Troy Wigestrand and Kelly Beymer. Terry called attention to the press release that she distributed at the start of the meeting concerning Renton's two libraries and gave a quick overview. Two sites have been selected. Sale and purchase agreements are being worked out. One is more centrally located downtown at the site of the Big 5 Sporting Goods store across from the Piazza. The other is on land in the Highlands owned by the Renton Housing Authority. The field of architects for both libraries has been narrowed to three for each one. They are being contacted to schedule interview appointments. Accreditation 2011—Tim Williams Renton and Bellevue are the only agencies in the State to obtain accreditation. We H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\3.8.11min.docx ,y City of Renton • � • Park Board Minutes March 8, 2011 Page 5 of 6 are in the process of obtaining our 10-year reaccreditation certificate. There are a total of 144 standards that must be met and documented. We are compiling our Self- Assessment Report and plan on having it completed in October and hope to see the Reaccreditation Team here in late November. There is a lot of work involved in this process and it will take us into 2015. Each step forces us to re-examine ourselves in detail for each facet of our programs and facilities. Certification also helps to open up more grant opportunities for us. IX. OLD BUSINESS Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Natural Resources (PRO) Plan—Leslie Betlach The next public meeting (Visioning Workshop) will be the third of five and is set for March 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Renton Community Center Banquet Room. An email blast was sent with more information including an invitation to participate on the Interactive Map. Community Services is scheduled for a two-hour Committee of the Whole briefing on Monday, March 28 to include the PRO Plan and Community Services Department update. The Park Board members are invited to attend. Most recently, staff inet this week with the consultant for the Parks and Recreation folks to look over the GAP Analysis. Follow-up on Woodv Debris in the Cedar River–Todd Black Todd reviewed the situation that resulted from the most recent flood event on the Cedar River where large logs and debris had accumulated against the Riverview Park Bridge. Rhine Demolition from Tacoma was hired to clear the logs and did the job using an excavator with an 85-foot arm and three-handed grapple. Some of the logs were over 100 feet long. Others were found to have been tagged and chained together by King County Department of Natural Resources (KCDNR) as mitigation to improve the fish habitat. He spoke with a representative from KCDNR and learned they will be going through the river and removing chains that are still keeping some logs together. It is believed the logs may move down river, but in a much more natural way and still create a beneficial habitat without being a further concern to the stability of the bridges down- stream. Todd also provided an update on the Trestle Bridge upstream of the Riverview Bridge. The footing sill plate columns have rotted and started to collapse. King County will be contracted to come in and make repairs using concrete and steel. The bridge and trail will be closed during the work by King County and detours will be in place. The trail will be posted in advance of the closure. H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\3.8.11min.docx . w• City of Renton . � � Park Board Minutes March 8,2011 Page 6 of 6 INFORMATION April 12, 2011—Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Park Board Meeting, City Hall Conferencing Center May 10, 2011—Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Park Board Meeting, City Hall Conferencing Center June 15, 2011—*Wednesday,4:30 p.m., City Hall Conferencing Center in conjunction with the 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting The Board members were invited to attend the special two-hour Community Services Update to the City Council Committee of the Whole on March 28. March 29, 2011—on Tuesday, March 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., PRO Plan Meeting#3 of 5, at the Renton Community Center in the Banquet Room. March 30, 2011—Wednesday, 5:30, Volunteer Dinner at the Piazza Event Center April is Volunteer Month. April 2, 2011—Saturday, 9 a.m., Neighbor-to-Neighbor Workshop at the Senior Activity Center. April 30, 2011—Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park south lawn. May 20, The Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) will be in Renton showing films at the IKEA Performing Arts Center on South 2"d Street, next to Renton High School. Mike 0'Donin commended the clean-up efforts on the lower Cedar River Trail. This sentiment was echoed by several others. X. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Cynthia Burns and seconded by Mike O'Donin to adjourn the March meeting at 6:11 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. , � � Signature H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2011ParkBoard\3.8.11min.docx