HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: July 13, 2020 Project File Number: PR20-000150 Project Name: Logan Place Development Land Use File Number: LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Project Manager: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Owner: June Lu, 5050 240th Pl SE, Sammamish, WA 98029 Applicant/Contact: David Wu, dwudesign, 14632 14th Ave SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012 Project Location: 129 Logan Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 (APN 569600-0150) Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Environmental 'SEPA' Review and one (1) street modification for the construction of a three (3) story apartment building with six (6) attached multi-family residential units. The structure would have an overall building height of 31’-6”. The 5,000 sf parcel is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning classification and Commercial & Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation at 129 Logan Ave S. Access to the site would be provided from Logan Ave S. A total of six (6) ground floor parking spaces would be provided. Levels 2 and 3 would include three (3) two-bedroom units each for a proposed density of 55 du/ac. The existing single family house and detached accessory structures would be demolished and two (2) significant trees would be removed. A street modification, from RMC 4-6-060, is being requested to reduce the amount of required right-of-way dedication width from roughly 15’-6” to 4'-6" to provide a 12-foot wide sidewalk width behind the vertical curb. The site is located within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 1 and a High Seismic Hazard Area. There appears to be no other critical areas located on site. The applicant is proposing to start construction in March of 2021 and the estimated completion date is October of 2021. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 880 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 3,067 SF 23,474 SF Site Area: 5,000 SF Total Building Area GSF: 23,474 SF STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M). DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 2 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M B. Mitigation Measures 1. The project construction shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, dated February 27, 2020, and future addenda. 2. If any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeological and Historic Preservation. C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Site Plan Exhibit 3: Neighborhood Map Exhibit 4: Boundary & Topographic Survey Exhibit 5: Landscape Plan Exhibit 6: Elevations Exhibit 7: Color Rendering Exhibit 8: Floor Plan Exhibit 9: Preliminary Technical Information Report, prepared by Patrick Harron & Associates, LLC, dated April 28, 2020 (revised July 1, 2020) Exhibit 10: Preliminary Storm, & Utility Plan, prepared by Patrick Harron & Associates, LLC, dated April 28, 2020 Exhibit 11: Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, dated February 27, 2020 Exhibit 12: SEPA Environmental Checklist Exhibit 13: Applicant’s Street Modification Request Exhibit 14: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Comments Exhibit 15: State of Washington Department of Ecology Comments Exhibit 16: Duwamish Tribe Comments Exhibit 17: Advisory Notes D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 3 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The site lies within the Puget Lowland and the 5,000 sf (0.115 ac) subject property is currently developed with a single-family residence near the center of the property and a detached garage near the northwest corner of the lot (Exhibit 2). On the north side of the existing residence is a shared gravel driveway. The site topography slopes gently to the north, at an average slope of approximately four percent (4%) (Exhibit 4). City of Renton (COR) maps has identified the site is within a High Seismic Hazard Area and within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 1. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer, Cobalt Geosciences, completed a geotechnical Investigation on February 27, 2020 (Exhibit 11). A geotechnical field investigation program was completed on February 14, 2020 and included drilling and sampling one hollow stem auger boring with a trailer mounted drill rig to a depth of 36.5 feet. The soils encountered were logged in the field and described as Unified Solid Classification System (USCS). The Geologic Map of King County indicates that the site is underlain by Quaternary Alluvium. According to the Report, alluvium usually includes variable thicknesses of fine- grained materials overlying a relatively thick sequence of poorly graded sands with gravel. These materials vary in density and composition with depth and can include areas of organic debris, pet, and silt/clay. The boring encountered approximately three feet (3’) of loose to medium dense, silty-fine to medium grained sand (Fill). This layer was underlain by approximately 10 feet (10’) of medium dense, fine to medium grained sand with gravel to gravel with sands (Alluvium). Groundwater was encountered approximately 14 feet (14’) below existing site elevations during the engineer’s investigation. The engineer anticipates that this represents the regional groundwater table in the area and the groundwater likely fluctuates between about eight feet (8’) and eighteen feet (18’) below the site elevations during a typical year. The geotechnical engineer anticipates that the structure would be wood framed and may be supported on a foundation system bearing on auger-cast piles (with grade beams), compacted rock columns (ground improvements), or on a shallow mat/raft foundation system. In addition, the geotechnical engineer anticipates that building loads would be light to moderate and that site grading would include cuts of three feet (3’) or less. The applicant anticipates approximately 67 cubic yards of cut and approximately 22 cubic yards of fill (Exhibit 12). Approximately 1,000 cubic yards of excavation would be needed for footings and elevator pits. If soils are found to be loose or softened in the footing subgrade, they may be replaced with control density fill. According to the geotechnical engineer, soil erosion potential at this project site can be reduced through landscaping and surface water runoff control. Normal erosion control measures include such items as fences, hay bales, mulching, control ditched and diversion trenches. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer recommends supporting the building on a deep foundation system, rock columns, or a mat/raft grade beam system due to the presence of liquefiable soils to variable depths below the property. Foundation options include auger-cast piles with grade beams, compacted rock columns/aggregate pies extended between 25 and 35 feet below current site elevations, or grade beam raft/mat system at a depth of at least 3 feet below grade and on native soils. Cobalt Geosciences recommends that their firm be retained during construction and final design phase of the project. As such, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, dated February 27, 2020, and future addenda. Mitigation Measures: The project construction shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, dated February 27, 2020, and future addenda. DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 4 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 Nexus: State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations and RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations. 2. Air Impacts: The site is fronted by Logan Ave S to the east, and is bordered by another single-family residence to the north, a small parking lot to the south, and the Renton High School parking lot to the west (Exhibit 3). It is anticipated that some temporary air quality impacts could be associated with site work and building construction required to develop this site. Project development impacts during construction may include dust as a result of grading and exhaust from construction vehicles and equipment. Dust control would be mitigated through the use of temporary erosion control measures, watering or other measures to remediate impacts as needed. Long term emissions from vehicles owned by residents, staff, and delivery companies would occur following project completion. On May 22, 2020, staff received an agency comment from Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) indicating that any project where demolition of structure(s), earth moving and material handling, heavy equipment operations, and/or disposing of vegetative matter is to occur, is subject to Puget Sound Clean Air Agency regulations (Exhibit 14). The PSCAA comments included the following requirements: 1) Agency Regulation I: Article 8 – Outdoor Burning and Article 9 – Emission Control Standards, Section(s) 9.03, 9.11, and 9.15; and 2) Agency Regulation III: Article 4 – Asbestos Control Standards. More agency regulations are available online at http://www.pscleanair.gov/219/PSCAA-Regulations. No further site specific mitigation for the identified impacts from typical vehicle and construction exhaust is required. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 3. Water a. Ground Water Impacts: The COR mapping system has identified the property located within the Wellhead Protection Zone 1 and no onsite infiltration of treated stormwater runoff, dispersion and permeable pavement is permitted as a result. This limits the available best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater control. Appropriate on-site BMPs will be required to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. The site’s proposed residential use is not indicative of a type of use that would potentially harm the City’s groundwater. Further, site excavations are relatively shallow and likely would not encounter groundwater as it was found to be 14 feet below grade. However, any offsite fill materials shall be from a verifiable source in order to ensure it is clear of contaminants. The City’s grading and excavation regulations require imported fill in excess of 50 cubic yards within a Wellhead Protection Zone to provide a source statement certified by a qualified professional or confirm the fill was obtained from a WDOT approved source. On June 3, 2020, staff received comments from Washington State Department of Ecology indicating that three (3) sites within 750 feet of the proposed development are listed on Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List: 1) The Tire Store site (cleanup site ID 12364, facility site ID 24009), located at 205 Logan Ave S, approximately 160 feet south of the project location (Exhibit 15). The Tire Store site has petroleum hydrocarbons (in diesel and heavy oil range) in soil. Groundwater condition has not been evaluated. Cleanup has been started for this site but not completed; 2) The Lockwood Ind Inc Renton site (cleanup site ID 1716, facility site ID 63259222), located at 73 Burnett Ave S, approximately 490 feet northeast of the project location. The Lockwood Ind Inc Renton site has petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in soil and groundwater. Cleanup has been started for this site but not completed; and 3) The DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 5 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 Qwest Corporation W00276 site (cleanup site ID 11252, facility site ID 96588161), located at 225 William Ave S, approximately 570 feet southeast of the project location. The Qwest Corporation W00276 site has petroleum hydrocarbons and VOC (including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) in soil and groundwater. Free product was observed at this Site in 2002. Cleanup has been started for this site but not completed. DOE further indicates that if contaminated ground water from any of the three contaminated sites has reached the project location, the parcel would be considered part of the MTCA site. In this case, petroleum hydrocarbons and/or VOC contamination at the project location should be characterized to ensure protection of workers and future residents and mitigation of MTCA liability. One or more of the following may be needed – removal and proper disposal of contaminated soil and/or ground water from the project location, construction of a cut-off wall to prevent contaminated ground water from flowing into the project location, and/or worker health and safety measures, including air monitoring. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. b. Storm Water Impacts: The applicant submitted a Technical Information Report (TIR) and Preliminary Storm, & Utility Plan, prepared by Patrick Harron & Associates, LLC (dated April 28, 2020; revised July 1, 2020; Exhibits 9 and 10) with the application. The report analyzes existing conditions and proposed surface water collection and distribution. According to the TIR Report, the project site is located within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Area, but is exempt from Flow Control based on a Peak Flow Rate increase of less than 0.15 cfs from the developed condition vs existing site conditions. Direct connection to the existing storm main in Logan Ave S is proposed via underground pipes and catch basins. Additionally, the project proposes more than 2,000 sf of new plus replaced impervious surfaces, and so requires flow control BMPs taken from the Small Lot BMP Requirements (core requirement #9). The development would be subject to a surface water system development charge (SDC) fees. It is anticipated that the requirements set forth by the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (2017 RSWDM) would be sufficient to mitigate stormwater impacts generated by the proposed development. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 4. Aesthetics Impacts: The proposed building would be 3-stories in height and approximately 31’-6” to the top of the parapet (Exhibits 6 and 7). Exterior features include decorative wood panels at the lower level and stucco finish in light beige at the upper level (Levels 2-6). The building’s articulation treatments include architectural design elements at the lower level for human scale. Design elements include metal canopy at the entry, 12” decorative horizontal band/trim between floors and windows. Four (4) south facing units include exterior decks for building articulation and the ground floor would include three (3) trees on the north side of the building, an entry courtyard with a rectangular planter box for seasonal plants and flowers between the building and the sidewalk (Exhibits 5 and 8). The applicant would be required to meet Urban Design Regulations for overlay District ‘A’ as a component of the land use application. For example, the site design requires that building location and orientation include appropriate transitions between buildings, parking areas, and other land uses when siting structures. DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 6 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 The applicant is proposing an 8’-0 ½” front yard setback on Logan Ave N, a 0’-6” to 6’-0” side yard setback to the north and south, and a 15’-0” rear yard setback to the west. Fire separation distance would require minimum protection requirements for building openings near property lines (openings in an exterior wall are subject to Section 705.8 of the building code). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 5. Light and Glare Impacts: The addition of new light sources on the subject property would increase the light and glare in the area and could introduce local light impacts if not properly designed. Onsite lighting would include interior and exterior building lighting. According to the applicant, no glare from the project is anticipated to be a public safety hazard or interfere with views. At a minimum, a photometric analysis would be required with the civil construction permit application demonstrating compliance with the standards listed in RMC 4-6-060.I. The installation of street lights may be required to comply with the illumination standards for Minor Arterial streets. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 6. Energy and Natural Resources Impacts: Staff received a comment letter from the Duwamish Tribe on June 4, 2020 (Exhibit 16). The area near the subject site is within the territory of the Duwamish, a Salish-speaking group predominant in the Seattle area. The Duwamish lived in cedar longhouses in villages located on most of the larger bodies of water in the central to southern portion of the Seattle area (Elliott Bay, Lake Washington, Lake Union, Salmon Bay, and on the Duwamish, Green/White, and Cedar/Black Rivers). It is possible that archaeological artifacts or a historic site could be encountered during project construction. This is due to the site’s proximity to former archaeological discoveries. Archaeological sites are protected from disturbance on both public and private lands in Washington State. Historically the parcel may have been influenced by fluctuations in lake levels overtime due to earthquakes and the lowering of Lake Washington approximately nine (9) feet following construction of the Hiram Chittenden Locks and the opening of the Lake Washington Ship Canal in 1916. Development within the vicinity of Cedar River and Lake Washington are more likely to be sites where significant historic and/or cultural resources would be found, and the subject development has indicated that site grading would be conducted. Therefore, staff recommends, as a mitigation measure, if any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeological and Historic Preservation. The Washington State of Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation can be contacted at (360) 586-3065 or https://dahp.wa.gov/. In the event that cultural artifacts are found, work cannot recommence until approval is received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. Mitigation Measures: If any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeological and Historic Preservation. Nexus: State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review Regulations, RCW 27.53 Archaeological Sites and Resources and RCW 27.44 Indian Graves and Records. DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Logan Place Development Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Report of July 13, 2020 Page 7 of 7 ERC_Report_LPD_200713_v2 7. Transportation Impacts: Vehicular access to the site is proposed via Logan Ave S. Increased traffic created by the development would be mitigated by payment of transportation impact fees. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. The fee currently being assessed, in 2020, is $4,836.31 per new multi-family dwelling unit. The fee is estimated at approximately $21,197.44 (includes a $7,820.42 credit for the existing single family house). The transportation impact fee is payable to the City at the time of building permit issuance. Street Improvements: Street Improvements are regulated by RMC 4-6-060 – Street Standards. See below: Logan Ave S – Logan Ave S is classified as a Minor Arterial street with an existing right-of-way (ROW) width of approximately 60 feet. To meet the City’s complete street standards for Minor Arterial streets with four (4) lanes a minimum ROW width of 91 feet is required. Per RMC 4-6-060 half of street improvements as taken from the ROW centerline shall be required and include a minimum 54 foot paved road (27 feet each side), a 0.5 foot curb, an 8 foot planting strip, an 8 foot sidewalk and storm drainage improvements. The parcel falls just outside of the City’s downtown planning area along S 2nd St. If the City’s Downtown Streetscape Design Standards and Guidelines were applied, street improvements fronting this site would be required to include a new 12-foot sidewalk, street trees (4’ x 8’ grates) behind the curb, and street lighting meeting City’s arterial street lighting levels. The applicant is requesting a street modification to dedicate four and one-half feet (4'-6") of right-of-way to provide a mixed-use street with a 12-foot wide sidewalk width (Exhibit 13). As part of the Site Plan/Conditional Use Permit recommendation to the Hearing Examiner staff will likely be recommending approval of the requested modification (Exhibit 17). Pedestrian Improvements: As part of the proposed project, sidewalks would be constructed along the frontage of the site and would connect to the existing sidewalk system. Concurrency – A concurrency recommendation will be provided in the staff report to Hearing Examiner based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS‐tested Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation. The development will have to meet the City of Renton concurrency requirements. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 8. Fire & Police Impacts: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; provided the applicant constructs Code required improvements and pays associated impact fees (Exhibit 17). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant (Exhibit 17).”  Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Logan Place Development Land Use File Number: LUA20-000111, ECF, SA-H, MOD Date of Meeting July 13, 2020 Staff Contact Clark H. Close Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant David Wu dwudesign 14632 14th Ave SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012 Project Location 129 Logan Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 (APN 569600-0150) The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Site Plan Exhibit 3: Neighborhood Map Exhibit 4: Boundary & Topographic Survey Exhibit 5: Landscape Plan Exhibit 6: Elevations Exhibit 7: Color Rendering Exhibit 8: Floor Plan Exhibit 9: Preliminary Technical Information Report, prepared by Patrick Harron & Associates, LLC, dated April 28, 2020 (revised July 1, 2020) Exhibit 10: Preliminary Storm, & Utility Plan, prepared by Patrick Harron & Associates, LLC, dated April 28, 2020 Exhibit 11: Geotechnical Investigation, prepared by Cobalt Geosciences, dated February 27, 2020 Exhibit 12: SEPA Environmental Checklist Exhibit 13: Applicant’s Street Modification Request Exhibit 14: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Comments Exhibit 15: State of Washington Department of Ecology Comments Exhibit 16: Duwamish Tribe Comments Exhibit 17: Advisory Notes DocuSign Envelope ID: 50050F2E-34DD-4717-AA3C-A7308473F007