HomeMy WebLinkAboutHM_Hazardous Materials Management_190307 EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 1 of 15 EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Published: 7-Mar-19 Effective: 7-Mar-19 Version: 3 Doc ID: 301 Abstract The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for the management of hazardous waste and to provide the foundation for operating procedures that meet or exceed regulatory requirements related to the disposal of hazardous material s. Contents 1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 5. Responsibilities.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 6. Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 6.1 Written hazardous waste program (HWP) ............................................................................................................................... 3 6.2 Roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities ............................................................................................................................. 4 6.3 Risk assessment ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 6.4 Identification and classification of hazardous waste procedure .............................................................................................. 4 6.5 Hazardous waste storage, design, and equipment .................................................................................................................. 5 6.6 Spill response procedure .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 6.7 Communication and escalation procedure .............................................................................................................................. 7 6.8 Emergency response plan ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 6.9 Hazardous waste reduction procedure .................................................................................................................................... 8 6.10 Shipping procedure .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 6.11 Contractual agreements with transportation and disposal vendors ........................................................................................ 9 6.12 Registration .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 7. Competence and awareness ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 7.1 Training documentation and records ....................................................................................................................................... 9 7.2 Competency review .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 7.3 Training requirements ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 8. Performance evaluation .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 9. Continual improvement .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 10. Reporting ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 10.1 External regulatory reporting ................................................................................................................................................. 11 11. Documented information ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 11.1 End of life of records .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 11.2 Transfer of site responsibility record ..................................................................................................................................... 11 11.3 Document location ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 2 of 15 12. References ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 13. Change management and document history .................................................................................................................................. 12 14. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Appendix A: Hazardous waste determination flowchart (informative) .............................................................................................. 13 Appendix B: Classification and profiling flowchart (informative) ........................................................................................................ 14 Appendix C: Communication and escalation flowchart (informative) ................................................................................................ 15 EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 3 of 15 1. Purpose The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for the management of hazardous waste and to provide the foundation for operating procedures that meet or exceed regulatory requirements related to the disposal of hazardous materials. 2. Scope This standard is applicable to Amazon facilities across all geographies unless otherwise stated, including facilities of Amaz on subsidiaries where Amazon has a majority ownership interest. For Amazon subsidiaries where Amazon has a minority ownership interest, EHS and Legal shall determine the applicability of this standard for the specific facilities. Newly acquired entiti es included in this scope shall implement this standard as per the approved launch or acquisition/integration plan. This standard does not apply to GREF, AWS, and Whole Foods. In this standard, the words "facility/operation" or "site" may be referenced but the concepts conveyed by this standard apply across all levels of Amazon. This standard applies to all Amazon associates and staffing agency associates (dependent contractors). For the purposes of th is standard, Amazon and staffing agency associates will be referred to collectively as “associates”. This standard is not intended to supersede or replace any applicable regulatory requirements nor existing Amazon standards. In case of conflict, the most stringent requirements shall prevail. 3. Introduction Waste is considered hazardous under environmental regulatio ns when it contains substances, or has properties, that make it dangerous or capable of having harmful effects on human health or the environment. Hazardous waste can be generated from many sources, ranging from industrial manufacturing process wastes to discarded, returned, recalled, or expired consumer products (e.g. rubbing alcohol, household cleaning solvents, drain cleaner, nicotine, batteries, etc.). In addition to the potential human and environmental impacts businesses can be subject to penalties if they do not comply with regulatory requirements related to hazardous waste management, disposal, and recordkeeping . A systematic approach to hazardous waste management is necessary to ensure the protection of all Amazon associat es, contractors, vendors, and the communities in which we operate from products that, if improperly disposed, have the potential to harm human health, property, and the environment. This standard was developed in conjunction with Legal based on a review of country regulations in the countries where Amazon does business. It provides the minimum standards for a hazardous waste program for all Amazon facilities/operations under global operations. Where the country or local regulations require higher standards than described, it is expected that each facility/operation in each geographical location will develop and follow procedures that will meet those higher standards. Refer to the Global EHS Hazardous Materials/Chemical Storage Standard (401) for inventory hazardous materials storage requirements. 4. Terms and definitions Refer to Global EHS Glossary. 5. Responsibilities Refer to GEMS Management Standard. 6. Requirements 6.1 Written hazardous waste program (HWP) Plan, develop, implement, and maintain a written Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) that defines specific criteria/requirements an d procedures to control the operations and activities related to hazardous waste. The written program shall address the following, at a minimum: EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 4 of 15 a) roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities; b) risk assessment; c) identification and classification of hazardous waste; d) hazardous waste storage, design, and equipment; e) spill response; f) hazardous waste reduction; g) shipping; h) contractual agreements with transportation and disposal vendors; i) competence and awareness; and j) continual improvement. 6.1.1 Country-specific procedure template for hazardous waste management (CPT) Each business/geo unit shall create and fully adopt country-specific procedure templates (CPT) addressing all the requirements outlined in this standard to ensure compliance to country/local regulations. The CPT shall: a) be specific to the country hazardous waste requirements where it has facilities; b) have requirements that meet or exceed the requirements outlined in this standard; c) identify the waste storage handling requirements of incompatible products and materials; d) be written in the native language(s) where the procedures will be used; e) be as complete as possible with only site specific information omitted; and f) be approved, published, and communicated to all applicable facilities by each business/geo unit. 6.2 Roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities Assign, communicate and document roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of all personnel involved in the planning and implementation of the HWP including, but not limited to facility/operations top management, EHS managers or business assigned EHS representative, engineering, maintenance, facilities, Amazon risk management, supervisors, competent persons, and associates. 6.2.1 Top management/leadership and commitment Refer to GEMS Management Standard. 6.2.2 Worker participation and consultation Ensure participation and consultation with all affected associates on the management and control of risks associated with their work, including communication methods and training. 6.3 Risk assessment In conformance with the risk assessment requirements in the Global EHS Risk Management Standard, a competent person shall facilitate the process for performing risk assessments of all hazards, ensuring a broad range of persons are involved including representatives from those persons affected by the hazard. If required a technical SME may need to be involved. The risk assessment shall draw upon information from associate participation and consultation as well as previous risk assessments of operations that have taken place. It shall be reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. a) develop a health and safety hazard register; b) develop an environmental aspect and impact register; c) perform a risk assessment of each hazardous waste hazard identified in the aspect-impact register; d) identify legal and other requirements related to hazardous waste; and e) identify controls for each hazard based on the hierarchy of control. 6.4 Identification and classification of hazardous waste procedure Provide a detailed process on how to properly identify and classify hazardous waste, and profile it appropriately for disposa l. Each facility/operation shall keep records of how hazardous waste is classified (e.g. generator knowledge, analytical testing) and waste profiles shall be kept as record. EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 5 of 15 An example flowchart for hazardous waste classification is provided in Appendix A. See Appendix B for an example of a classification and profiling process flowchart. 6.5 Hazardous waste storage, design, and equipment All hazardous waste shall: a) be stored in such way to prevent unexpected chemical reactions between incompatible chemicals, for example flammables and oxidizers, acids and bases; and b) be profiled per section 6.4 of this standard. Any unknown material or substance that cannot be immediately characterized and profiled shall be stored separately and in a safe manner from other hazardous materials. Identify all risks and requirements for the storage of hazardous waste materials while on site, including any satellite accumulation areas. 6.5.1 Storage exemption – Very small quantity generators (VSQG) of hazardous waste Any site that generates less than 200 pounds or 90.72 kilograms a month and do not hold the waste on site for more than 14 days is exempt from section 6.5 of this standard, provided that the site has an accurate and reliable method for determining and recording volume of waste, meets all other conditions outlined in this standard , and manages hazardous waste to the conditions outlined below: a) Store hazardous waste on an impervious surface that is not adjacent to a floor drain or other point of discharge to the outdoor environment; b) Secure the storage area against unauthorized access; c) Ensure each storage container is in good condition, compatible with the material being stored in it, and label it “Hazardous Waste”; d) Retain records of the type and quantity of waste generated, and the date and method of treatment, recycling , or disposal; e) Obtain receipts when waste is self-transported, or keep copies of manifests for shipments sent off-site using an authorized hazardous waste disposal company; and f) Have a spill kit with proper PPE readily available and inspect the spill kit weekly to ensure that it is in good condition and has all required supplies. All weekly inspections shall be documented and retained per section 11 of this standard. 6.5.2 Hazardous waste main/central storage area The hazardous waste storage area shall comply with Amazon WW Real Estate Design Standards, and, at a minimum: a) be designed in such a way that aisle space is sufficient to allow the unobstructed inspection of containers and movement of personnel, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment to any area of facility operation in case of an emergency; b) not exceed the maximum amount of hazardous waste that can be stored on -site as defined by local fire and building regulation, unless authorized through a valid permit or license; c) not exceed the Maximum Allowable Quantity (MAQ) for each hazard class defined in the EHS Hazmat Storage Standard, where located outside of a designated and permitted hazardous material storage room. Reference Amazon WW Real Estate Design Standards to ensure conformance; d) be secured to prevent unauthorized access. This may be accomplished through a combination of engineering controls such as barriers (gates, fences, and cabinets), and being located inside a restricted room (e.g. badge access only); and e) meet all local fire and building code requirements. 6.5.3 Satellite accumulation areas Hazardous waste satellite accumulation areas shall: a) be at or near the point of generation; b) be under the control of the operator(s) generating the waste, and inspected on a weekly basis; c) be identified with signage as a satellite accumulation area; d) comply with requirements for containers found in section 6.5.4 of this standard; e) provide secondary containment; f) meet all local fire code requirements; and EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 6 of 15 g) not accumulate more than 55 gallons (208 L) of hazardous waste at any one satellite accumulation area. 1) Once at 55 gallons (208 L), the hazardous waste shall be moved to the central/main hazardous waste storage area within 3 days. 2) Hazardous waste collected at one satellite accumulation area cannot be moved to another satellite accumulation area, and shall be moved directly to the main/central storage area. 6.5.4 Containers Hazardous waste containers shall: a) meet all necessary requirements to keep hazardous waste contained in a safe and secure manner (i.e. sealed with proper covers1); b) be marked according to country regulations; and c) be disposed of as hazardous waste if they have held hazardous waste (i.e. residual container) unless the container is considered “empty” and no longer hazardous as defined by the country regulations. 6.5.5 Signage The storage space shall have, at a minimum, the following signage fully visible: a) “Hazardous Waste Area” sign; b) no smoking sign; and c) emergency contact information posted. 6.5.6 Safety equipment The hazardous waste storage area shall have, at a minimum, the following safety equipment and information easily accessible: a) eye wash station; b) safety shower; c) secondary containment that prevents release of hazardous material to storm drains or the environment; d) personal protective equipment (PPE); e) portable fire extinguishers, fire control equipment of the appropriate class (including special extinguishing equipment, such as that using foam, inert gas, or dry chemicals); and f) spill control and decontamination equipment. 6.5.7 Communication equipment The hazardous waste storage area shall have the following communication equipment, at a minimum: a) an internal communications or alarm system capable of providing immediate emergency instruction (voice or signal) to site personnel; and b) a device, such as a telephone (immediately available at the scene of operations) capable of summoning, either directly or indirectly through security, emergency assistance from local police departments, fire departments, or local emergency response teams. Due to inconsistent signal a cellular phone cannot serve as the sole communication equipment. 6.5.8 Hazardous waste main and accumulation storage area inspections The hazardous waste storage area shall be inspected weekly to ensure conformance with the HWP and compliance with all country regulations. The inspections shall encompass at a minimum: a) all hazardous waste is contained in a safe and secure manner; b) condition of containers, i.e. undamaged and appropriate to contain the designated hazardous waste; c) all hazardous waste containers are closed except when adding or removing waste; d) labeling of containers; e) waste profiles of hazardous waste in each container; f) signage is available and easily readable; g) emergency contact information posted; 1 Containers are considered closed and sealed when all lids, gaskets, and locking rings are in place and secured. EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 7 of 15 h) all safety equipment is maintained and in working condition; i) appropriate PPE is available and in good condition; j) necessary communication equipment is available and in working condition; and k) training records and manifests are complete and easily retrievable. 6.6 Spill response procedure2 Develop and maintain a hazardous waste spill response procedure that addresses the following: a) Responsible personnel: Outline which group(s) of personnel within the site are trained and tasked to coordinate assessment and cleanup of spills. Communication and responsibilities among personnel shall be aligned with Section 6.7; b) Assessment: Outline the steps to be taken by responsible personnel to assess whether the spill may be cleaned internally or if external assistance is required (e.g. emergency support); c) Spill control: Provide a process for containment of the spill to prevent entry into the environ ment (e.g. drains to waterways); d) Spill response: Provide a plan for the containment of the spill (e.g. source isolation, material recovery) and regulatory reporting requirements if spilled material enters the environment. See Section 6.8; e) Classification guidance: Provide guidance to responsible personnel on classification of the spilled product to determine when the material is a hazardous waste; f) Safety guidance: Provide guidance to responsible personnel on safety requirements, including PPE, for cleanup of hazardous waste from a spill event; g) Waste guidance: Provide guidance to responsible personnel on the safe storage, profiling, and containerization of hazardous waste from a spill event; and h) End of response: Define the requirements for closing out an event. This may include a procedure of approving the decontaminated area for re-entry, as well as recordkeeping or reporting requirements of the spill event. 6.7 Communication and escalation procedure3 Include a communication and escalation procedure for hazardous waste events that addresses the following: a) Definition of the terms “communication” and “escalation”; b) Responsible personnel: Outline which group(s) of personnel within the facility are trained and responsible for any communication, escalation, and response; c) Sequence: Outline the flow of the communication and escalation in the form of a flowchart, see Appendix C; d) Format: Detail how the communication and escalation will take place (e.g. phone call, email, etc.); e) Response time: Define the maximum response time to any communication or escalatio n for all responsible personnel; f) Training: Detail the level of training each responsible personnel shall receive in regards to hazardous waste communicati ons and escalations; and g) Escalation process: Detail the process for all escalations, including escalation path, response time, and corrective actions. 6.8 Emergency response plan4 Plan, develop, implement, and maintain a written emergency preparedness and resp onse plan (EPRP) that addresses scenarios related to hazardous waste, conforms with the Global EHS Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Fire Prevention Standard , and addresses the following: a) Spill control: Describe the actions facility personnel shall take in response to any unplanned sudden or non -sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, or surface water at the facility; b) Outside agency coordination: Describe arrangements agreed to by local police departments, fire d epartments, hospitals, contractors, and state and local emergency response teams to coordinate emergency services; 2 Existing spill response procedures already implemented will meet the requirements if they cover, or are modified to cover, the topics in this section 3 Existing communication and escalation procedures already implemented will meet the requirements if they cover, or are modified to cover, the topics in this section. 4 Existing emergency response plans already implemented will meet the requirement if they cover, or are modified to cover, the topics in this section EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 8 of 15 c) Responsible personnel: List names and phone numbers (office and home) of all persons qualified to act as emergency coordinator, and ensure the list is kept up to date. Where more than one person is listed, one shall be named as primary emergency coordinator and others shall be listed in the order in which they will assume responsibility as alternates ; d) Safety equipment: Include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility (such as fire extinguishing systems, spill control equipment, communications and alarm systems (internal and external), PPE, and decontamination equipment), where this equipment is required. This list shall be kept up to date. In addition, where required by law, include the location and a physical description of each item on the list, and a brief outline of its capabilities ; and e) Evacuation procedure: Include an evacuation procedure for facility personnel. This procedure shall describe signal(s) to be used to begin evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation routes (in cases where the primary routes could be blocked by releases of hazardous waste or fires). 6.9 Hazardous waste reduction procedure Develop and maintain a hazardous waste reduction procedure detailing the responsibilities of the sites to reduce hazardous waste which shall be consistent with the following: Fig. 1: Hazardous waste reduction guideline 6.10 Shipping procedure Develop and maintain a hazardous waste shipping procedure. Identify and document requirements to ensure the facility/operation’s compliance with transportation regulations. 6.10.1 Packaging and labeling Identify and document the proper packaging and labeling requirements for shipment over the road before transporting hazardous waste or offering hazardous waste for transportation. Site procedure shall include the following: a) Responsible personnel: Only trained personnel shall package and label hazardous waste for transportation. b) Packaging guidance: All pre-transport hazardous waste packaging requirements in accordance with transportation regulations. c) Labeling guidance: All pre-transport hazardous waste labeling requirements in accordance with transportation regulations. d) Shipping paper guidance: Only trained and authorized personnel shall prepare and sign shipping papers. e) Placarding guidance: All requirements for placarding a truck for hazardous waste and Amazon requirements for ensuring that the truck is properly placarded before leaving the site. 6.10.2 Manifests Require a shipping manifest for hazardous waste shipments per country regulations. If there are no country specific requiremen ts, the following shall apply, at a minimum: EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 9 of 15 a) Properly trained associates shall complete and sign a shipping manifest before the hazardous waste is removed from the premises. b) Retain a copy of the document and provide the original and required copies to the transporter. c) One copy shall be provided to the disposal site who shall sign the manifest and return the original document to the site within 30 days, i.e. “Certificate of Destruction”. d) The returned and signed manifest shall be retained per section 11 of this standard, unless country specific regulations require longer, and be readily available upon request. e) If required by local regulations, report to local authorities any incident where a signed manifest has not been returned from the disposal vendor. 6.11 Contractual agreements with transportation and disposal vendors Include the following minimum requirements for engaging new hazardous waste transporters and disposal vendors. 6.11.1 Vendor approval process a) Perform vendor due diligence for all contracted functions of the hazardous waste di sposal process. These functions include transportation, transfer facilities, subcontractors, and final disposal facilities; 1) identify the responsible person who will perform vendor due diligence; 2) conduct a review of the vendor compliance history for the past 3 years; and 3) obtain a list of facilities and their applicable permits provided by the vendor. b) The hazardous waste disposal vendor shall only use pre-approved hazardous waste disposal facilities and licensed/permitted transportation vendors per due diligence; c) Insurance requirements; d) Audit requirements; and e) Communication procedure and requirements of notification between Amazon and the vendor . 6.11.2 Vendor contract duration Define a standard time period for hazardous waste vendor contract renewals and bid process . 6.11.3 Vendor safety plan All vendors shall provide a copy of their vendor safety plan to each site serviced. Such plan shall detail hazardous assessme nts for tasks conducted on site. 6.11.4 Vendor audit procedure If during the term of the contract a vendor requests to use additional disposal sites or transfer facilities, a site visit is recommended to the new site(s) to confirm regulatory requirements are met. Conduct due diligence as outlined in the vendor approval process for all new and additional disposal and transfer facilities regardless of whether a site visit has been conducted or not. 6.12 Registration Identify and comply with any and all requirements for registering with local authorities for hazardous waste operations as it pertains to the management, handling, storage, and packaging of hazardous waste. 7. Competence and awareness Develop a process to determine the competence and awareness needed for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the facility/operation specific HWP. 7.1 Training documentation and records Retain training documentation and records as evidence of competence per section 11 of this standard. 7.2 Competency review Ensure effective management, through root cause analysis and corrective actions, of Amazon associates identified as not meeting the level of competency and awareness required for the implementation of the HWP. EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 10 of 15 7.3 Training requirements All associates shall be trained in hazardous waste management and emergency response procedures as applicable to their area of responsibility. This means any associate whose actions or inactions could result in violations of hazardous waste or other ap plicable environmental regulations shall be included in the training program. Table 1: Hazardous waste training matrix Job Title Job description Type Training content Required frequency Affected Associates Partially or fully perform any of the following functions:  Identifying, characterizing, and profiling  Packing and storing waste  Transferring hazardous waste onsite  Marking and labeling of containers  Loading or transporting hazardous waste  Managing residual containers  Managing documented information  Acting as an emergency coordinator  Responding to accidental releases  Reporting releases of hazardous constituents  Assisting with routine compliance issues Awareness General Awareness  Categories of hazardous waste or specific chemicals  Methods and observations used to detect the presence or release of hazardous chemicals  Hazard control measures, including specific procedures  GHS labeling requirements  Safety data sheets (SDS), including the order of the information and how to obtain and use the hazard information  Spill response procedure  Emergency response procedure  Communication and escalation procedure Waste identification and classification  How to identify hazardous waste, including what information is required about a product to identify if it is a hazardous waste per the regulation  Hazardous waste characteristics and listings  How to determine proper waste profiles  Steps to take and resources available when the proper classification or profile for a potential hazardous waste is unclear  Procedures for weekly inspection of waste storage area and satellite accumulation areas Proper handling and storage  GHS labeling requirements  How to record and track hazardous waste generation  Proper segregation of hazardous waste per waste profiling procedure  Length of time the waste may be stored on site  Proper PPE  Location and use of the emergency communication system in the hazardous waste storage area  Initial on assignment  Annual refresher Authorized Associates Packaging, labeling, and shipping of hazardous waste Authorized  Transportation regulations for shipping hazardous waste  Proper container selection for the material that is being shipped  Labeling and placarding requirements based on the material that is being shipped  How to properly fill out shipping papers  Initial on assignment  Annual refresher EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 11 of 15 Table 1: Hazardous waste training matrix Job Title Job description Type Training content Required frequency  Submittal of shipping papers to regulatory agencies, where required 8. Performance evaluation Develop, implement, and maintain a site or business specific procedure for monitoring, measurement, and evaluation of the elements of the HWP in conformance with the performance evaluation requirements in the GEMS Management Standard. 9. Continual improvement Plan, develop, implement, and maintain a process to ensure the continual improvement of the HWP in conformance with the continual improvement requirements in the GEMS Management Standard. 10. Reporting In addition to the reporting obligations noted above and the Incident Reporting and Investigation Global EHS Standard, each facility/operation must report on the progress of implementing the standard in the EHS data management system (e.g. Gensuite). 10.1 External regulatory reporting Ensure all external government reports are completed and submitted in a timely fashion to the appropriate regulatory agency. 11. Documented information At a minimum, the following records shall be kept on file for the time period specified unless country specific r egulations require a longer retention period. Table 2: Documented information retention schedule Record type Retention period minimum Weekly inspections of the HW main and accumulation storage area records Two years Disposal records Three years5 Shipping records Training records Waste profiling records Transfer of site responsibility records Regulatory reports Five years 11.1 End of life of records All hazardous waste documentation is considered company sensitive information and shall be destroyed using a confidential destruction process, such as on site shredding or using a confidential document destruction company. 11.2 Transfer of site responsibility record When transfers of hazardous waste management responsibility occur at a site, i.e. between the personnel responsible for managing hazardous waste, the site shall complete a document providing record of the transfer. The transfer of site responsibility record shall be retained for three (3) years. 11.3 Document location Outline where the following documents are maintained and readily available for retrieval upon request: a) current HWP procedures; b) trained personnel and training documentation for each ; 5 Training records shall be retained for three years past the trainees’ tenure in hazardous waste management responsibilities EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 12 of 15 c) vendor safety plan; d) approved vendor listing, including services provided; e) approved disposal site vendor listing; f) weekly inspection records of hazardous waste storage area ; g) completed hazardous waste manifests; and h) transfer of site responsibility record 12. References EHS Glossary Terms and Definitions Global https://w.amazon.com/bin/view/EHS_GEMS_Wiki/EHSGlossary/ GEMS 101: EHS GEMS Management Standard Global GEMS Wiki: EHS Metric Definitions Handbook Global GEMS 103: EHS Incident Reporting and Investigation Standard Global GEMS 104: EHS Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Fire Prevention Standard Global GEMS 106: EHS Risk Management Standard Global GEMS 401: EHS Hazardous Materials/Chemical Storage Standard Global ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management system WW Hazardous waste example forms (manifests, vendor safety plan, and transfer of responsibility form) https://w.amazon.com/bin/view/WW_Hazardous_Waste_Forms/ WW Hazardous waste regulations matrix: https://w.amazon.com/bin/view/WW_HW_Regulations/#Attach ments WW Hazardous waste wiki: https://w.amazon.com/index.php/WW Hazardous Waste Program WW Real Estate Design Standards: https://w.amazon.com/index.php/Worldwide_Real_Estate_Design_Standards 13. Change management and document history Should you wish to request a change (addition/amendment/removal of any detail) to this standard, or if you wish to formally request a deviation, please submit a request via the Global EHS Standards SIM ticketing system (http://tiny.amazon.com/g0abf7is) Table 3: Document change history Author Technical reviewer Authorized by Version Description Published Effective Next review Kati Ollikainen Curtis Patton Megan Tranter 1 Initial document 1-Aug-17 1-Aug-18 1-Aug-20 Stephanie Berliant Zulina Zakaria Megan Tranter Kedric Payne 2 1. Scope updated to exclude Whole Foods. 2. Author and technical reviewer names corrected; V2 edited by Stephanie Berliant and reviewed by Zulina Zakaria. 22-Jun-18 1-Aug-18 1-Aug-20 Siddarth Malhotra Vijeta Hegde Zulina Zakaria Aysegul Hasircioglu Megan Tranter Kedric Payne 3 Changes were made to the following sections due to an internal GEMS review against ISO45001:2018 requirements 1. Section 4 and 12- Updated link to EHS Glossary. 2. Section 6.2 -Changed “define” to “Assign ,communicate and document roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities” 3. Section 6.2.2- Added “participation” under Worker Participation and Consultation. 4. Section 6.3- Included consultation and participation of workers facilitated by an SME. 5. Section 12- Added reference to ISO 45001:2018. 6. Removed gap assessment table (previously Appendix A); it is now available as Audit Protocols on GEMS Self-Assessment Tool- Gensuite. 7-Mar-19 7-Mar-19 1-Aug-20 EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 13 of 15 14. Appendix Appendix A: Hazardous waste determination flowchart (informative) EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 14 of 15 Appendix B: Classification and profiling flowchart (informative) EHS Hazardous Waste Standard Global Page 15 of 15 Appendix C: Communication and escalation flowchart (informative)