HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Drainage Technical Information Report_2020_09_04_v1.pdfPRELIMINARY TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR Jones Renton Short Plat CITY OF RENTON IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Project Manager: Prepared by: Approved by: Date: Core No.: Mick Matheson Basel Draw, E.I.T. Michael Moody, P.E. September 4, 2020 20081 09-04-2020 Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat i Table of Contents SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................... 3 2.1 Core Requirements ............................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location ............................................ 4 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis .......................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control Facilities ............................................................... 4 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System .................................................................. 4 2.1.5 Core Requirements #5: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention ...................... 4 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations ................................................... 4 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability ............................................ 4 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality ............................................................................ 4 2.1.9 Core Requirement #9: On-Site BMPs ............................................................................. 4 2.2 Special Requirements ............................................................................................................ 5 2.2.1 Special Requirement #1: Other adopted Area-Specific requirements .............................. 5 2.2.2 Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation .................................................. 5 2.2.3 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities ......................................................... 5 2.2.4 Special Requirement #4: Source Control ........................................................................... 5 2.2.5 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control .................................................................................. 5 2.2.6 Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Area ............................................................. 5 SECTION 3: OFFSITE ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 6 TASK 1 Study Area Definition and Maps ..................................................................................... 6 TASK 2 Resource Review ............................................................................................................. 6 TASK 3 Field Investigation ........................................................................................................... 6 TASK 4 Drainage System Description and Problem Description ................................................. 7 SECTION 4: FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN .......................................................... 9 4.1 Performance Standards ........................................................................................................ 9 4.2 Water Quality Design .......................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Flow Control BMP Sizing ..................................................................................................... 16 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .......................................................... 18 Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat ii SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ................................................................................. 19 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS .......................................................................................................... 20 SECTION 8: ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........................................................................................ 21 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ...... 22 9.1 Bond Quantities .................................................................................................................. 22 9.2 Facility Summaries .............................................................................................................. 22 9.3 Declaration of Covenant ..................................................................................................... 22 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................... 23 Appendix A – Parcel & Basin Information King County Parcel Report Appendix B – Resource Review & Off-site Analysis Documentation City Zoning Map FEMA Map (53033C0664 K) City Wellhead Protection Area Map City Drainage Basin Map Groundwater Protection Areas Map City Soils Map City Landslide Hazard Areas Map Downstream Drainage Complaint Map Appendix C – Basin and Water Quality Modeling Documentation WWHM Report (Flow Control) MGSFlood Report (Water Quality) Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 1 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The Jones Renton Short Plat project site consists of one parcel with a total area of 1.323 acres (57,620 square feet per survey), located at 3102 Park Avenue N in King County, City of Renton. The west property line is shared with Park Avenue N, and the east property line is shared with single family residential homes. The project site is zoned Residential (R-6) and will be developed in accordance with the applicable City of Renton code. See Figure 1.1 at the end of this section for a vicinity map. The King County tax parcel ID number for the parcel involved is included in Table 1.1 below. (Refer to the King County parcel report included in Appendix A). Table 1.1 King County Parcel ID KC Parcel # Parcel Area (SF) 334210-3215 57,620 The project site currently contains one residential building and a greenhouse along with its associated driveway. In addition, a paved driveway that extends to gravel is located near the northern border of the parcel. The remaining area consists of trees (located more to the south) and grass. See the existing conditions exhibit provided in Section 4. The proposed development of the property will include demolishing the existing structures and subdividing the parcel into five lots, open space tract, and access road. The project will also include a frontage improvement in Park Avenue N. That includes pavement replacement and constructing curb and gutter, sidewalk, and planter strip. The proposed lots would have lot areas between 7,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet. Access to the proposed lots would be provided via a 26 ½ foot right-of-way dedication along the north property line. The site slopes downward from east to west at magnitudes of 5 to 15 percent and relief of about 15 feet. The site has a split drainage to the northwest and southwest creating two separate drainage basins. Infiltration is feasible on the east half of the property. The site is mapped within a moderate landslide hazards and Wellhead Protection Area, zone 2. The project will be designed using the guidelines and requirements established in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). The project is a single-family residential project that will be adding more than 7,000 square feet of new impervious area, so the project falls under Full Drainage Review. See Section 2 for the flow chart for determining the drainage review required. The project site falls under Peak Rate Flow Control Standard which necessitates matching the developed conditions to the pre-developed conditions peak discharge rates for 2-, 10-, 100-year return periods. However, due to the low increase of the developed peak discharge rate for the 100-year return period in less than 0.15 cfs in comparison with the existing conditions for both site basins, flow control facilities can be waived. Water quality is required since the project will add more than 5,000 square feet of pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) that is not fully dispersed. The project is required to provide enhanced basic water quality treatment per the City of Renton. A BayFilterTM System by ADS is proposed to provide Basic Water Quality Treatment for one of the site basins located more to the south. See Section 4 for Developed Basin Map. The Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 2 drainage analysis for water quality sizing was modeled using MGSFlood, an approved continuous modeling software. Figure 1.1 Vicinity Map Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 3 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY The proposed project is classified as requiring “Directed Drainage Review” Per the figure 1.1.2.A of the 2017 City of Renton Surface water Design Manual (RSWDM). Therefore, all nine Core Requirements and 6 Special Requirements will be addressed per section 1.1 of the 2017 RSWDM. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 4 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location This project will match the natural discharge location towards Park Avenue N to the west. The site is within the West Kennydale Drainage Basin. Refer to appendix B of this report for West Kennydale Drainage Basin Map. 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis This core requirement is addressed in Section 3 of this report. 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control Facilities Per the City’s flow control map, the site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control area matching Existing Site Conditions (Refer to the end of this section for city’s flow control map). The site contains two drainage basins which require two separate flow control facilities. However, each basin generates less than 0.15 cfs increase in existing conditions to developed site conditions for the 100-year peak flow. This means that both basins qualify for an exemption to flow control facilities per the 2017 RSWDM. See Section 3 for a description of the downstream analysis. 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System Core Requirement #4 will be addressed during Final Design. 2.1.5 Core Requirements #5: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Core Requirement #5 will be addressed during Final Design. 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations Core Requirement #6 will be addressed during Final Design. 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability Core Requirement #7 will be addressed during Final Design. 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality The project is required to meet Basic WQ Treatment standards in the 2017 RSWDM. See Section 4 of this report for further discussion. 2.1.9 Core Requirement #9: On-Site BMPs The project will implement flow control BMPs to mitigate the impact of storm and surface water runoff from development. See Section 4 for the full detail of the proposed BMP devices that will be implemented on-site. Flow Control BMPs will be designed during Final Engineering. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 5 2.2 Special Requirements 2.2.1 Special Requirement #1: Other adopted Area-Specific requirements Not applicable. No Area-specific requirements were found. 2.2.2 Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation The project is not located adjacent to a flood hazard area. Therefore, the site is not subject to this requirement. 2.2.3 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities There are no levees, revetments or berms within the project boundary. 2.2.4 Special Requirement #4: Source Control The proposed project is single family development. Source control BMPs are not required. 2.2.5 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control The project is not a commercial development nor high use site as defined in the 2017 RSDWM. Therefore, oil control BMPs will be not implemented. 2.2.6 Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Area The project is within an Aquifer Protection Areas Zone 2 as defined in Reference 15-B of the 2017 RSDWM. A liner may be used for infiltration devices to protect groundwater table from contamination. Refer to appendix B for groundwater Protection Areas Map. Lake Desire Shady Lake (Mud Lake) Panther Lake Lake Youngs Lake Washington B l a c k Ri ve r Gr een Ri v e r Ce darRi ver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§- ,§- ,§- q  0LOHV )ORZ&RQWURO$SSOLFDWLRQ0DS 5HIHUHQFH$ 'DWH )ORZ&RQWURO6WDQGDUGV 3HDN5DWH)ORZ&RQWURO6WDQGDUG ([LVWLQJ6LWH&RQGLWLRQV )ORZ&RQWURO'XUDWLRQ6WDQGDUG ([LVWLQJ6LWH&RQGLWLRQV )ORZ&RQWURO'XUDWLRQ6WDQGDUG )RUHVWHG&RQGLWLRQV )ORRG3UREOHP)ORZ 8QLQFRUSRUDWHG.LQJ&RXQW\)ORZ&RQWURO6WDQGDUGV 5HQWRQ&LW\/LPLWV 3RWHQWLDO$QQH[DWLRQ$UHD Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 6 SECTION 3: OFFSITE ANALYSIS TASK 1 Study Area Definition and Maps The proposed project contains parcel number 3342103215. TASK 2 Resource Review Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports No Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports appear to be available for the area that is within a quarter mile of this project site. FEMA Maps A FIRM map dated April 19, 2005 number 53033C0664K F was reviewed. The developable site is not located within a floodplain as it is covered by “Zone X – Outside of 500-year floodplain”. The FEMA Map is included in Appendix B. Sensitive Areas Folio The city of Renton Critical Areas Maps was reviewed to confirm whether or not the project site is located within a wetland, stream, seismic, landslide, or erosion hazard area (Critical Area Maps is included in Appendix B). The maps show that the site is located within mild landslide hazard area which is not of significance. Also, the site seems to be in Zone 2 of a wellhead pro tection area which could necessitate a liner for all infiltration devices. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints were researched within a quarter mile of the project site. Based on King County iMap Drainage Complaints Map, the area downstream of the project site shows three drainage complaints along the drainage path. However, all these complaints were closed with the most recent one on 5/16/2019. See Drainage Complaint Exhibit in Appendix B, for location of nearby drainage complaints. TASK 3 Field Investigation A field investigation was completed on July 14, 2020, and the temperature was 74O F. Tributary Area The parcels to the east of the project site are on higher elevation and thus contribute surface runoff to the entire site. The King County iMap shows that three parcels in total assigned with the following numbers 3342103245, 3342103239, 3342103235 make most of the upstream area. Upstream Tributary Analysis These parcels aforementioned are situated to the east with a solid fence separate them from the project site. This means that they are very little runoff contribution or none which could be present from the upstream areas. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 7 TASK 4 Drainage System Description and Problem Description A level one downstream analysis was performed during the field inspection. Stormwater onsite flows from the east of the property to the west towards Park Avenue N. The site topography shows that surface runoff flow onsite from two basins. Refer to the downstream map for a representation of the project proximity. The first basin is situated on northern portion of the land that sheet flows to Park Avenue N where water is picked up on the east side of the roadway by a ditch and directs it to the north. The City’s conveyance system located at the southeast corner of Park Avenue N and N 32nd Street intersection collects the runoff and directs it northwards in Park Avenue N. The conveyance system continues to N 34th Street where it turns 90 degrees to the west to approach Burnett Avenue N. The underground stormwater system makes its way to the north in Burnett Avenue N and cross Lake Washington Blvd N located to the west and discharge ultimately to Lake Washington. The second basin is located on the southern portion of the property which drains to Park Avenue N. The conveyance system starts at the N 31st Street north west corner of the intersection. The system continues running westwards until it approaches Burnett Avenue N where it makes 90 degree to the north. The conveyance system turns to the west and it crosses Lake Washington Blvd N and also discharges to Lake Washington. The conveyance system was clean from all debris and blockage. The drainage paths described above cover the ¼ mile distance offsite. 6,508 542 City of Renton Print map Template This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 8/13/2020 Legend 3690184 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 369 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Network Structures Access Riser Inlet Manhole Utility Vault Clean Out Unknown Pump Stations Discharge Points Stormwater Mains Culverts Open Drain Facility Outlines Private Network Structures Access Riser Inlet Manhole Clean Out Utility Vault Unknown Private Pump Stations Private Discharge Points Private Pipes Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 9 SECTION 4: FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN 4.1 Performance Standards All stormwater facilities will be designed using the guidelines and requirements established in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). Per Section of the 2017 RSWDM, the project is exempt from flow control facilities because both the developed site in both Basin North and Basin South results in less than 0.15 cfs increase in peak discharge rate for the 100-year return period in terms of exiting conditions. Refer to Appendix C for WWHM Report. On-Site BMPs The project is proposing to subdivide the parcel into five lots. Since the project site is less than five acres in size, the project must meet Small Subdivision Project BMP Requirements Per Section of the 2017 RSWDM. Individual Lot BMP requirement per Section of the 2017 RSWDM will be used to evaluate the BMP for each lot in the following order. Since each lot is smaller than 22,000 square feet, Small Lot BMP Requirements will be followed in order to mitigated target impervious surface onsite. All sections referenced below are to be found in the 2017 RSWDM. Small Lot BMP Requirement 1. The feasibility and applicability of full dispersion as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.1 must be evaluated for all target impervious surfaces. If feasible and applicable, full dispersion must be implemented as part of the proposed project. • Response: Full dispersions is not feasible due to the lack of space to achieve the required flow path. 2. Where full dispersion of target impervious roof areas is not feasible or applicable, or will cause flooding or erosion impacts, the feasibility and applicability of full infiltration as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.2 must be evaluated • Response: Full infiltration devices will be implemented in Lot 4, and 5 located on the east side of the site. See Subsection 4.3 for the sizing calculation of drywells. 3. All target impervious surfaces not mitigated by Requirements 1 and 2 above, must be mitigated to the maximum extent feasible using one or more BMPs from the following list. Use of a given BMP is subject to evaluation of its feasibility and applicability as detailed in Appendix C ❖ Full Infiltration per Appendix C, Section C.2.2, or per Section 5.2, whichever is applicable • Response: Full Infiltration will be used instead for Lot 4, and 5. All other lots are not feasible to implement Full Infiltration due to the low infiltration capacity of the soils per project geotechnical engineer. ❖ Limited Infiltration per Appendix C, Section C.2.3, Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 10 • Response: Full Infiltration will be used instead for Lot 4, and 5. All other lots are not feasible to implement Limited Infiltration due to the low infiltration capacity of the soils per project geotechnical engineer. ❖ Rain Gardens per Appendix C, Section C.2.12, sized as follows: o Rain gardens have a maximum contributing area of 5,000 square feet. o Rain gardens must have a minimum horizontal projected surface area below the overflow that is at least 5% of the area draining to it. • Response: Full Infiltration will be used instead for Lot 4, and 5. All other lots are not feasible to implement Rain Garden due to site constrains. ❖ Bioretention per Appendix C, Section C.2.6 • Response: Full Infiltration will be used instead for Lot 4, and 5. All other lots are not feasible to implement Bioretention due to site constrains. ❖ Permeable Pavement per Appendix C, Section C.2.7 • Response: All lots will use permeable pavement as described in Appendix C, Section C.2.7. 4. All target impervious surfaces not mitigated by Requirements 1, 2 and 3 above, must be mitigated to the maximum extent feasible using the Basic Dispersion BMP per Appendix C, Section C.2.4 • Response: Requirement 2 and 3 will be used instead. 5. BMPs must be implemented, at minimum, for an impervious area equal to at least 10% of the site/lot for site/lot sizes up to 11,000 square feet and at least 20% of the site/lot for site/lot sizes between 11,000 and 22,000 square feet. For projects located in Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area, these impervious area amounts must be doubled • Response: Requirement 2 and 3 will achieve this requirement. 6. The soil moisture holding capacity of new pervious surfaces (target pervious surfaces) must be protected in accordance with the soil amendment BMP as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.13 • Response: The project will implement soil amendment BMP on all disturbed soils. 7. Any proposed connection of roof downspouts to the local drainage system must b e via a perforated pipe connection as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.11. • Response: All roof downspouts will be made of perforated pipes connecting to the local drainage system. Soils: Geotechnical Report Summary The site is underlain predominantly by till toils with some outwash soils on the eastern portion of the parcel. Infiltration is suitable in the sandy outwash soil deposits generally located in the eastern half of the property. Very fine-grained soils were encountered in the western portion of the property. Due to Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 11 variations with recessional outwash, the depth and location of suitable soils is expected to vary with location and depth. Because the recessional deposits have not been overridden by glacial ice, this soil unit is considered normally consolidated. The Washington State Department of Ecology 2015 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington allows determination of infiltration rates of this soil unit by Soil Particle Size Distribution testing. This method involves using a logarithmic equation and grain size values along with correction factors for testing type, soil homogeneity, and influent control. The equation in conjunction with sieve analysis results yields a design infiltration rate of 2.2 inches per hour for recessional deposits below the weathered zone, generally 5 to 6 feet below site elevations. These rates reflect application of correction factors for variability (0.5 used), influent control (0.9), and testing analysis type (0.4). Note: infiltration is not feasible in the very fine-grained native soils. Infiltration systems should have a depth of at least five feet below existing grades and located at least 15 feet apart. Any fine-grained soils or interbeds of fine-grained soils must be removed prior to rock placement. We should be provided with final plans for review to determine if the intent of our recommendations has been incorporated or if additional modifications are needed. Verification testing of infiltration systems should be performed during construction. We can provide location-specific infiltration recommendations once civil plans have been prepared. Flow Control: Peak Rate Flow Control Standards The site is divided into two separate basins that drain from east to west towards Park Avenue N. WWHM is used to simulate the difference between the runoff of the existing and developed conditions for both basins. Per Section of the 2017 RSWDM, the project could be exempt from flow control facilities if each basin does not result in more than 0.15 cfs increase in peak discharge rate for the 100 -year return period in terms of exiting conditions. Basin North: Table 4-1 Existing Project Site Coverage Developed Project Site Coverage Land Cover Type Area (Acres) Land Cover Type Area (Acres) Impervious 0.05 Impervious 0.34 Till Grass 0.57 Till Grass 0.24 Frontage (Imp.) 0.06 Frontage (Imp.) 0.09 Total 0.67 Total 0.67 Table 4-2 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.091831 5 year 0.142233 10 year 0.180524 25 year 0.234513 50 year 0.278843 100 year 0.326738 Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.185648 5 year 0.242149 10 year 0.281497 25 year 0.333539 50 year 0.374054 100 year 0.416111 Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 12 The difference between the 100-year return period of both the predeveloped and mitigated (developed) site coverage is 0.089 cfs which is less than 0.15 cfs. Therefore, a flow control facility is not required. Basin South: Table 4-3 Existing Project Site Coverage Developed Project Site Coverage Land Cover Type Area (Acres) Land Cover Type Area (Acres) Impervious 0.06 Impervious 0.25 Till Grass 0.16 Till Grass 0.10 Till Forest 0.16 Till Forest 0 Frontage (Imp.) 0.06 Frontage (Imp.) 0.08 Total 0.43 Total 0.43 Table 4-4 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.061668 5 year 0.085089 10 year 0.102118 25 year 0.125419 50 year 0.144108 100 year 0.163966 Return Period Flow (cfs) 2 year 0.134803 5 year 0.173198 10 year 0.199629 25 year 0.234269 50 year 0.261022 100 year 0.288619 The difference between the 100-year return period of both the predeveloped and mitigated (developed) site coverage is 0.125 cfs which is less than 0.15 cfs. Therefore, a flow control facility is not required. Water Quality: Basic Water Quality Since the project is a single-family residential development, it is required to meet Basic water quality requirements Per Section and Figure 6.1.A (see below) of the 2017 City of Renton Surface water Design Manual (RSWDM). However, the project could be eligible for a water quality exemption if less than 5,000 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS that is not fully dispersed will be created, and less than ¾ acre of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed will be added. Basin North The development will create 2,128 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS and 0.24 ac of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed. Hence, this basin of the site qualifies for a water quality exemption. Basin South Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 13 The development will create 6,470 square feet of new plus replaced PGIS and 0.1 ac of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed. Therefore, this basin of the site requires a water quality facility. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 14 Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 15 The Basic Water Quality Menu includes the following pollutant removal target: • Treatment Goal: The Basic WQ menu is designed to achieve 80% TSS removal for flows up to and including the WQ design flow or volume. The project proposes to use Basic Option 8 – Proprietary Facility. A BayFilterTM System Water Quality Filter by ADS is proposed. This type of facility has GULD Approval from Washington State DOE. A preliminary sizing of the BayFilterTM System has been completed using information available from ADS website. A formal sizing of the BayFilterTM System will be completed during Final Design. Developed project site areas for Basin South are shown in Table 4-3 above. A Developed Conditions Exhibit is also provided at the end of this section. 4.2 Water Quality Design BayFilterTM System A BayFilterTM System will be used for Basin South. It will treat most of the access road, part of Lot 1 and the open space located south of the access road. See the Developed Conditions Exhibit on the following pages. A copy of the GULD Approval of the BayFilterTM System from the Washington State DOE is also provided on the following pages. MGS Flood was used to generate the 15-minute, on-line, water quality flow rate for BayFilterTM System treating Basin South coverages. See Appendix D for the full MGSFlood report. A size for the facility was then determined using the table below from Oldcastle. MANHOLE BayFilter™ Model Precast Size Number of Cartridges Treatment Capacity - 522 (cfs) Treatment Capacity - 530 (cfs) Treatment Capacity - 545 (cfs) BF-48-1 48” 1 0.05 0.067 0.10 BF-60-2 60” 2 0.10 0.13 0.20 BF-72-3 72” 3 0.15 0.20 0.30 BF-84-4 84” 4 0.20 0.27 0.40 BF-96-5 96” 5 0.25 0.33 0.50 BF-96-6 96” 6 0.30 0.40 0.60 BF-96-7 96” 7 0.35 0.47 0.70 BayFilterTM System Treatment: 0.33 Acres impervious area On-line 15-minute Water Quality Flow Rate from MGSFlood: 0.049 cfs Proposed BayFilterTM Model: BF-48-1 (48”) Manhole Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 16 4.3 Flow Control BMP Sizing Full Infiltration is proposed for both lot 4 and 5 per Small Lot BMP Requirement discussed in Section 2. Geotechnical Information report states that the test pits showed no evidence of high seasonal groundwater table below existing grade. Drywell was chosen to meet the small space available between the building setbacks and property lines. Drywell Per Section C.2.2.4 of the 2017 RSWDM, drywells can be applied onsite that provide at least 1 -foot separation between the bottom of the drywell and the high seasonal groundwater table. All the design configuration will be according to the guideline stated in the manual which states that the minimum drywell diameter is 48-inch filled with 1 ½-inch to 3-inch washed drain rock. The sizing criteria states that for medium sand soils, drywells must contain at least 90 cubic feet of gravel serving 1,000 square feet of impervious surface. Lot 4 Lot 4 has a total impervious surface area of 3,906 square foot. That means a drywell storage (V1) of at least 351.54 cubic feet must be provided on the lot. 3,906 1,000 =𝑉1 90 →𝑉1 =351.54 𝑐𝑒 Assuming infiltration drywell for Lot4 is 5’ deep (D1) and 6’ wide (W1), its length (L1) is: 𝐴1 =𝑉1 × 𝐷1 =6 × 5 =30 𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑞𝑒 𝑒𝑜𝑜𝑞 𝐿1 = 𝑉1 𝐴1 =351.54 30 =11.7 =12 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑞 Lot 5 Lot 5 has a total impervious surface area of 5,327 square foot. That means a drywell storage (V2) of at least 479.4 cubic feet must be provided on the lot. 5327 1,000 =𝑉2 90 →𝑉2 =479.4 𝑐𝑒 Assuming infiltration drywell for Lot 5 is 5’ deep (D2) and 6’ wide (W2), its length (L2) is: 𝐴2 =𝑉2 × 𝐷2 =6 × 5 =30 𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑞𝑒 𝑒𝑜𝑜𝑞 𝐿2 = 𝑉2 𝐴2 =479.4 30 =15.98 =16 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑞 July 2019 GENERAL USE LEVEL DESIGNATON FOR BASIC (TSS) AND PHOSPHORUS TREATMENT For BaySaver Technologies, LLC BayFilter™ System using Enhanced Media Cartridges (EMC) Ecology’s Decision: 1. Based on BaySaver Technologies’ application submissions, Ecology hereby issues a General Use Level Designation (GULD) for Basic and Phosphorus Treatment for the BayFilter™ System using Enhanced Media Cartridges (EMC).  Sized at a hydraulic loading rate of no greater than 0.50 gallons per minute (gpm) per square foot (sq ft.) of filter area. o 45 gpm (0.10 cfs) per cartridge (example dimensions 28-inch diameter, 30- inches tall (90 sq ft filter area)) o 75 gpm (0.167 cfs) per cartridge (example dimensions 39-inch diameter, 30- inches tall (150 sq ft filter area))  Canisters that provide 0.50 gpm per sq ft filter area, regardless of dimensions meet this requirement  Using BaySaver’s EMC Media Blend of Zeolite, Perlite, and Activated Alumina. Specifications of media shall match the specifications provided by the manufacturer and approved by Ecology. 2. Ecology approves use of BayFilter™ Enhanced Media Cartridges for treatment at the above flow rates per cartridge. Designers shall calculate the water quality design flow rates using the following procedures:  Western Washington: For treatment installed upstream of detention or retention, the water quality design flow rate is the peak 15-minute flow rate as calculated using the latest version of the Western Washington Hydrology Model or other Ecology- approved continuous runoff model. 20081ALAN JONESJONES RENTON SHORT PLATDESIGN12100 NE 195th St, Suite 300 Bothell, Washington 98011 425.885.7877CIVIL ENGINEERINGLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGSURVEYINGSW 1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. 24 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. 1EXISTING BASIN MAP1 10' ACCESS EASEMENT 4 7,101± SF 2 8,295± SF 1 8,694± SF 3 8,376± SF ROW 13,060± SF TRACT 2,405± SF 5 9,688± SF66'67'125'47'3 9'75'40 '47'67'125' 24' 2' 4 0 '46'71'73'147'60'80'12'14'0'53'20081ALAN JONESJONES RENTON SHORT PLATDESIGN12100 NE 195th St, Suite 300 Bothell, Washington 98011 425.885.7877CIVIL ENGINEERINGLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREPLANNINGSURVEYINGSW 1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. 24 N., RGE. 5 E., W.M. 1DEVELOPED BASIN MAP1 SCALE: 1" = 20'  Eastern Washington: For treatment installed upstream of detention or retention, the water quality design flow rate is the peak 15-minute flow rate as calculated using one of the three methods described in Chapter 2.2.5 of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (SWMMEW) or local manual.  Entire State: For treatment installed downstream of detention, the water quality design flow rate is the full 2-year release rate of the detention facility. 3. The GULD has no expiration date, but it may be amended or revoked by Ecology, and is subject to the conditions specified below. Ecology’s Conditions of Use: BayFilter™ units shall comply with these conditions: 1. Design, assemble, install, operate, and maintain BayFilter™ units in accordance with BaySaver Technologies’ applicable manuals and documents and the Ecology Decision. 2. Maintenance: The required inspection/maintenance interval for stormwater treatment devices is often dependent upon the efficiency of the device and the degree of pollutant loading from a particular drainage basin. Therefore, Ecology does not endorse or recommend a “one size fits all” maintenance cycle for a particular model/size of manufactured filter treatment device.  BaySaver recommends that the following be considered during the design application of the BayFilter Cartridge systems: o Water Quality Flow Rate o Anticipated Pollutant Load o Maintenance Frequency  A BayFilter System tested adjacent to construction activity required maintenance after 4-months of operation. Monitoring personnel observed construction washout in the device during the testing period; the construction activity may have resulted in a shorter maintenance interval.  Ecology has found that pre-treatment device prior to the BayFilter system can provide a reduction in pollutant loads on these systems, thereby extending the maintenance interval.  Test results provided to Ecology from other BayFilter Systems, including the above mentioned system that was evaluated again after construction activities had been completed, have indicated the BayFilter System typically has longer maintenance intervals, sometimes exceeding 12-months.  The BayFilter system contains filter fabric that is highly oleophilic (oil absorptive). When sufficient quantities of oils are present in the runoff, the oil and subsequent sediment particles may become attached to the fabric. As a result, it may compromise the maintenance interval of the BayFilter system. Oil control BMP’s should be installed upstream of BayFilter installations if warranted, and/or the BayFilter system should be inspected after any known oil spill or release.  Owners/operators must inspect BayFilter systems for a minimum of twelve months from the start of post-construction operation to determine site-specific inspection/maintenance schedules and requirements. Owners/operators must conduct inspections monthly during the wet season, and every other month during the dry season. (According to the SWMMWW, the wet season in western Washington is October 1 to April 30. According to SWMMEW, the wet season in eastern Washington is October 1 to June 30.) After the first year of operation, owners/operators must conduct inspections based on the findings during the first year of inspections or the manufacturer’s anticipated maintenance interval, whichever is more frequent.  Conduct inspections by qualified personnel, follow manufacturer’s guidelines, and must use methods capable of determining either a decrease in treated effluent flowrate and/or a decrease in pollutant removal ability. 3. When inspections are performed, the following findings typically serve as maintenance triggers:  Accumulated vault sediment depths exceed an average of 2 inches, or  Accumulated sediment depths on the tops of the cartridges exceed an average of 0.5 inches, or  Standing water remains in the vault between rain events.  Bypass during storms smaller than the design storm.  Note: If excessive floatables (trash and debris) are present, perform minor maintenance consisting of gross solids removal, not cartridge replacement. 4. Discharges from the BayFilter™ units shall not cause or contribute to water quality standards violations in receiving waters. Applicant: Advanced Drainage Systems - BaySaver Applicant’s Address: 4640 Trueman Blvd Hilliard, Ohio 43065 Application Documents:  Technical Evaluation Report BayFilter™ System Woodinville Sammamish River Outfall, Woodinville, Washington and Appendices A through M (March 2, 2017)  Technical Evaluation Report BayFilter System, Grandview Place Apartments, Vancouver, Washington and Appendices A through O (May 18, 2011)  Washington State Department of Ecology Technology Assessment Protocol – Environmental BayFilter™ Conditional Use Designation Application (March 2007)  BaySaver Technologies, Inc. BayFilter™ System Washington State Technical and Design Manual, Version 1.1 (December 2006)  Efficiency Assessment of BaySeparator and Bay filter Systems in the Richard Montgomery High School January 6.2009.  Evaluation of MASWRC Sample Collection, Sample Analysis, and Data Analysis, December 27, 2008  Letter from Mid-Atlantic Stormwater Research Center to BaySaver Technologies, In. dated October 22, 2009.  Letter from Mid-Atlantic Stormwater Research Center to BaySaver Technologies, In. dated November 5, 2009.  Maryland Department of the Environment letter to BaySaver Technologies dated Jan. 13, 2008 regarding approval of BayFilter as a standalone BMP for Stormwater treatment.  NJCAT letter to BaySaver Technologies dated June 18, 2009 regarding Interim Certification. Applicant’s Use Level Request:  General use level designation as a basic, enhanced, and phosphorus treatment device in accordance with Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Applicant’s Performance Claims:  Removes and retains 80% of TSS based on laboratory testing using Sil-Co-Sil 106 as a laboratory stimulant.  Removes 42% of dissolved Copper and 38% of dissolved Zinc.  Expected to remove 50% of the influent phosphorus load. Ecology’s Recommendations:  BaySaver Technologies, Inc. has shown Ecology, through laboratory and field testing, that the BayFilter™ System using Enhanced Media Cartridges (EMC) (as a single treatment facility) is capable of attaining Ecology’s Basic and Phosphorus Treatment goals.  Ecology should provide BaySaver Technologies, Inc. with the opportunity to demonstrate, through additional laboratory and field-testing, whether the BayFilter™ System using Enhanced Media Cartridges (EMC) (as a single treatment facility) can attain Ecology’s Enhanced Treatment goals. Findings of Fact:  BaySaver conducted field monitoring of a BayFilter™ using EMC at a site in Woodinville, WA between November 2013 and March 2015. BaySaver sized the system at a hydraulic loading rate of 0.50 gpm/sq. ft. The manufacturer collected flow-weighted influent and effluent composite samples during 12 storm events. o Influent TSS concentrations from sampled storm events ranged from 17 to 140 mg/L. For all samples, the upper 95 percent confidence limit (UCL) of the mean effluent concentration was less than 10 mg/L. For influent concentrations greater than 100 mg/L (n=2) the removal efficiency was greater than 80%. o Influent total phosphorus concentrations from sampled storm events ranged from 0.073 to 0.320 mg/L. A bootstrap estimate of the lower 95 percent confidence limit (LCL95) of the mean total phosphorus reduction was 64 percent. o BaySaver inspected the system regularly, however they did not need maintenance during the 18 month evaluation period.  Based on field testing in Vancouver, WA, at a flow rate less than or equal to 30 gpm per canister, the BayFilter™ system demonstrated a total suspended solids removal efficiency of greater than 80% for influent concentrations between 100 and 200 mg/l and an effluent concentration < 20 mg/l for influent concentration < 100 mg/l.  Based on laboratory testing, at a flowrate of 30 GPM per filter, the BayFilter™ system demonstrated a total suspended solids removal efficiency of 81.5% using Sil-Co-Sil 106 with an average influent concentration of 268 mg/L and zero initial sediment loading.  Based on laboratory testing, at a flowrate of 30 GPM per filter, the BayFilter™ system demonstrated a dissolved phosphorus removal efficiency of 55% using data from the Richard Montgomery High School field-testing. The average influent concentration was 0.31 mg/L phosphorus and zero initial sediment loading.  Based on data from field-testing at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, MD the BayFilter system demonstrated a Cu removal efficiency of 51% and 41% for total and dissolved Cu respectively. Average influent concentrations are 41.6 µg/l total and 17.5 µg/l dissolved.  Based on data from field-testing at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, MD the BayFilter system demonstrated a Zn removal efficiency of 45% and 38% for total and dissolved Cu, respectively. Average influent concentrations are 354 µg/l total and 251 µg/l dissolved, respectively. Other BayFilter™ Related Issues to be Addressed By the Company: 1. The Washington State field test results submitted in the TER do not yet show whether the BayFilter™ system can reliably attain 30% removal of dissolved Cu or 60% removal of dissolved Zn found on local highways, parking lots, and other high-use areas at the design operating rate. 2. BaySaver Technologies, Inc. should test a variety of operating rates to establish conservative design flow rates. 3. The manufacturer should continue to monitor the system to measure bypass and to calculate if the system treats 91% of the volume of the total annual runoff volume. 4. The manufacturer should test the system under normal operating conditions, with a partially pollutant filled settling basin. Results obtained for “clean” systems may not be representative of typical performance. 5. Conduct field-testing at sites that are indicative of the treatment goals. 6. BaySaver should continue monitoring the system for a longer period to help establish a maintenance period and to obtain data from additional qualified storms. Conduct testing to obtain information about maintenance requirements in order to come up with a maintenance cycle. 7. Conduct loading tests on the filter to determine maximum treatment life of the system. 8. Conduct testing to determine if oils and grease affect the treatment ability of the filter. This should include a determination of how oil and grease may affect the ion-exchange capacity of the system if BaySaver wishes to make claims for phosphorus removal. 9. BaySaver should develop easy-to-implement methods of determining when a BayFilter system requires maintenance (cleaning and filter replacement). 10. BaySaver must update their O&M documents to include information and instructions on the “24-hour draw-down” method to determine if cartridges need replacing. Technology Description: Download at www.BaySaver.com Contact Information: Applicant: Brian Rustia Advanced Drainage Systems - BaySaver 4640 Trueman Blvd Hilliard, Ohio 43065 (866) 405-9292 brian.rustia@ads-pipe.com Applicant website: www.BaySaver.com Ecology web link: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/index.html Ecology: Douglas C. Howie, P.E. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program (360) 407-6444 douglas.howie@ecy.wa.gov Revision History Date Revision April 2008 Original use-level-designation document February 2010 Revision August 2011 GULD awarded for Basic Treatment April 2012 Maintenance requirements updated. August 2012 Revised design storm criteria December 2012 Revised contact information and document formatting December 2013 Revised expiration and submittal dates December 2014 Revised Inspection/maintenance discussion, Updated cartridge descriptions January 2015 Revised discussion for flow rate controls December 2015 Revised Expiration date January 2016 Revised Manufacturer Contact Information and expiration date January 2017 Revised Expiration, QAPP and TER due dates April 2017 Approved GULD designation for Basic and Phosphorus Treatment December 2017 Removed CULD for Enhanced Treatment at request of Manufacturer July 2019 Revised Applicant Contact Information Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 18 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN * This Section will be provided in Final Design. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 19 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ➢ Geotechnical Investigation (Provided under separate cover) Prepared for: Jones Renton Short Plat Prepared by: Cobalt Geosciences Dated: April 3, 2020 Cobalt Geosciences PO Box 82243 Kenmore, Washington 98028 ➢ Arborist Report (provided under separate cover) Prepared for: Jones Renton Short Plat Prepared by: American Forest Management Dated: May 28th, 2020 Cobalt Geosciences 11415 NE 128th St, Suite 110 Kirkland, Washington 98034 Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 20 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS ➢ Right of Way Use Permit ➢ Building Permits ➢ NPDES Permit Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 21 SECTION 8: ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN * This Section will be provided in Final Design. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 22 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities To be provided as needed during Final Design. 9.2 Facility Summaries To be provided as needed during Final Design. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant To be provided as needed during Final Design. Core Design, Inc. Jones Renton Short Plat Page 23 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE * This Section will be provided in Final Design. Appendix A Parcel & Basin Information Fair, Equitable, and Understandable Property Valuations You're in: Assessor >> Look up Property Info >> eReal Property Department of Assessments 500 Fourth Avenue, Suite ADM- AS-0708, Seattle, WA 98104 Office Hours: Mon - Fri  8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. TEL: 206- 296-7300 FAX: 206- 296-5107 TTY: 206- 296-7888 Send us mail ADVERTISEMENT New Search Property Tax Bill Map This Property Glossary of Terms Area Report Property Detail PARCEL Parcel Number 334210-3215 Name JONES F ALAN Site Address 3102 PARK AVE N 98056 Legal HILLMANS LK WN GARDEN OF EDEN # 1 LESS N 200 FT OF 34 & 39 LESS S 200 FT EXC E 60 FT & LESS S 120 FT OF E 60 FT THOF BUILDING 1 Year Built 1946 Total Square Footage 2180 Number Of Bedrooms 3 Number Of Baths 1.00 Grade 7 Average Condition Good Lot Size 57614 Views Yes Waterfront TOTAL LEVY RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year: 2020      Levy Code: 2100       Total Levy Rate: $11.11810      Total Senior Rate: $6.23509  48.57% Voter Approved Click here to see levy distribution comparison by year.  TAX ROLL HISTORY Valued Year Tax Year Appraised Land Value ($) Appraised Imps Value ($) Appraised Total ($) Appraised Imps Increase ($) Taxable Land Value ($) Taxable Imps Value ($) Taxable Total ($) 2019 2020 1,155,000 20,000 1,175,000 0 1,155,000 20,000 1,175,000 2018 2019 1,316,000 73,000 1,389,000 0 1,316,000 73,000 1,389,000 2017 2018 1,197,000 74,000 1,271,000 0 1,197,000 74,000 1,271,000 2016 2017 1,062,000 65,000 1,127,000 0 1,062,000 65,000 1,127,000 2015 2016 984,000 60,000 1,044,000 0 984,000 60,000 1,044,000 2014 2015 879,000 50,000 929,000 0 879,000 50,000 929,000 2013 2014 765,000 43,000 808,000 0 765,000 43,000 808,000 2012 2013 620,000 43,000 663,000 0 620,000 43,000 663,000 2011 2012 602,000 39,000 641,000 0 602,000 39,000 641,000 2010 2011 697,000 46,000 743,000 0 697,000 46,000 743,000 2009 2010 785,000 54,000 839,000 0 785,000 54,000 839,000 2008 2009 924,000 68,000 992,000 0 924,000 68,000 992,000 2007 2008 825,000 61,000 886,000 0 825,000 61,000 886,000 2006 2007 462,000 124,000 586,000 0 462,000 124,000 586,000 2005 2006 436,000 92,000 528,000 0 436,000 92,000 528,000 2004 2005 408,000 90,000 498,000 0 408,000 90,000 498,000 2003 2004 385,000 86,000 471,000 0 385,000 86,000 471,000 ADVERTISEMENT Reference Links: King County Taxing Districts Codes and Levies (.PDF) King County Tax Links Property Tax Advisor Washington State Department of Revenue (External link) Washington State Board of Tax Appeals (External link) Board of Appeals/Equalization Districts Report iMap Recorder's Office  Scanned images of surveys and other map documents Scanned images of plats   Search Kingcounty.gov Home How do I... Services About King County Departments  King County Department of Assessments Information for... Residents Businesses Job seekers Volunteers King County employees Do more online Trip Planner Property tax information & payment Jail inmate look up Parcel viewer or iMap Public records More online tools... Get help Contact us  Customer service Phone list Employee directory Subscribe to alerts  Stay connected! View King County social media    © King County, WA 2020  Privacy Accessibility Terms of use 2002 2003 369,000 74,000 443,000 0 369,000 74,000 443,000 2001 2002 345,000 100,000 445,000 0 345,000 100,000 445,000 2000 2001 353,000 1,000 354,000 0 353,000 1,000 354,000 1999 2000 313,000 1,000 314,000 0 313,000 1,000 314,000 1998 1999 275,000 1,000 276,000 0 275,000 1,000 276,000 1997 1998 0 0 0 0 250,000 1,000 251,000 1996 1997 0 0 0 0 246,500 1,000 247,500 1994 1995 0 0 0 0 246,500 1,000 247,500 1992 1993 0 0 0 0 132,900 62,000 194,900 1990 1991 0 0 0 0 115,600 53,900 169,500 1988 1989 0 0 0 0 93,500 31,100 124,600 1986 1987 0 0 0 0 93,200 22,900 116,100 1985 1986 0 0 0 0 85,000 26,600 111,600 1984 1985 0 0 0 0 85,000 26,600 111,600 1982 1983 0 0 0 0 63,700 26,600 90,300 ADVERTISEMENT Updated: Jan. 29, 2019  Share   Tweet   Email Information for...Do more online Get help Appendix B Resource Review & Off-site Analysis Documentation 9,028 752 City of Renton Zoning Map This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 8/14/2020 Legend 5120256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Zoning RC-Resource Conservation R1-Residential 1 du/ac R4-Residential 4 du/ac R6-Residential - 6 DU/AC R8-Residential 8 du/ac R10-Residential 10 du/ac R14-Residential 14 du/ac RMF-Residential Multi-Family RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes CN-Commercial Neighborhood CV-Center Village CA-Commercial Arterial UC-Urban Center CD-Center Downtown COR-Commercial Office/Residential CO-Commercial Office IL-Industrial - Light IM-Industrial - Medium IH-Industrial - Heavy Overlay Districts Auto Mall A Auto Mall B ))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ÑÑÑLINCOLNZONE XAVENUE 20 STREET 36TH SE 87TH H AVENUESTREET 405 14434 PLACEAVENUE NCAMASNEMEADOW1 1 3 TH PARKSTREET MONTEREYSTREET COURT7 6 AVENUE NERAILROAD19 ST REE T R AIL R OA D28TH STREET NEAVENUEAVENUEMay Creek PARK NE 40 TH STRE ET STREE TFAVENUENE43RD N E K BURNETT10TH N 1M ZONE X 30TH X PARKNE 35TH ZONE XN PARK N P L A C E KING COUNTY 40TH AVENUE82ND N R AILR O A D 1N NEWCASTLE 32ND NE30 ZONE X PLACEAVENUE NEZONE AE61DETAILED STUDY 28TH N NE NE 18 T H STREET 9 8 TNEBOULEVARD AVENUE NENED R IV E 16TH ST R EE T 28TH NEBLAINEJONES1H STREET STREET ABERDEEN1 1 2 T H272 8 T H 71 PLACE 12TH KING COUNTY34TH North Boeing Bridge N E 29 SUNSET68N E 1 9 T H 32ND NCITY OF RENTONZONE X STREET 42I AVENUE NCREEK 530071 NE AVENUE LAKE WASHINGTON 81 AVENUE117STREET 36TH 33RD 2 4 T H P L A C E NMONTEREYPLACECITY OF RENTONN ZONE X NEZONE X 29TH LINCOLN6 6 BE A C H NS E STREE T CAMASKENNEWICK AVENUE NES T R EET NEMONTE R E Y MUNICIPAL AVENUEZONE AE NNEBNCITY OF SY0159 A 27TH 530083 1E S T R E E T 96LINCOLNN116WILLI AMS MAY CREEK PARK N RIVERSIDE DRIVE ACCESSZONE PROFILE BASELINE N E 3 3 R D 31ST STREET UNINCORPORATED AREAS N CAMASXPLACE 30TH 37TH 27TH N 1F S T R E ETSTREET ¥k405 S T REET LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY PARKPL A C E NE AVENUE AVENUE NEN 8 T. 23 N.GPLACE ZONE X J NRAILROADSY0157 MAY CREEK PARK RAI LROADROA D PARKN NE AVENUE251 4 T HAVENUE N¥k405 1L PLACE3 3 R D ZONE AE BOEING26TH AVENUE NE23 AVENUE NEN E NE110TH 114THNEVIEW56 H O U SER N GARDEN46 KING COUNTYN E KENNEWICKMAY 32 AB E R D E E N D R IV E 99 ZONE X STREET S T R E E T STREE T P LACEAVENUEAVENUE NEMO NTEREY34TH N STREET 2 0 T H 111ZONE P L ACE NOTE: MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATEDWITHIN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EASTAND TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST.PARK35TH A COULONWASHINGTON26 RENTON 24 NE11838 NAVENUE NESTREET AVENUE530088 HIGHPCITY OF MERCER ISLAND NLIMIT OF AVENUERAILROADP L A C E S E 1 1 0 T H CITY OF RENTON CAMASWASHI NGTONMEADOWCSESTREET AVENUEWA Y 24T H NEAIRPORT NE QBLAINEAVENUE1I SEN 2 0 T H 1G KEN N E WI C K 31 34TH AE N ACCESS 1T91J Cedar River P L A C E NE AE ZONE X NE1VMONTEREYSTREET 89NE 25TH 21 N NNELAKEAVENUENEBOULEVARD33JONESNLAKE MONTEREYAVALON PLACE SE NEM S T R E E T BLAINEShoreline NE NE ZONE 101 Shoreline SE 28TH SE 13TH P LACE 38THA STREET UN BN E SL A NE100 K N STREET ZONE X ZONE X 530134 LINCOLNSTREET KENNEWICK86TH PL A C E ZONE X 1UN PLACE RAILROADAVENUEAVENUEPLACEONENE STREET86NR 5 T. 24 N.EMEADOWZONEN 36TH 33RD 22 ¥k405 MEADOWROADPLACE COURTCAMAS1061D A V E N UEBOULEVARDN E S T R E E T 1N N E 2 9 T H SY0161 N N E 2 3 R D S TR E E T N NE MOUNTAINAVENUESTREE T RNCITY OF SEATTLE530089 530071UNINCORPORATED AREASKING COUNTY CITY OF NEWCASTLECITY OF RENTONShoreline 6 31 STREET 7 6 559000m E 560000m E 561000m E 5262000m N 5263000m N 5264000m N 122°13'07.5"47°31'52.5" 122°13'07.5" 47°30'00.0"122°11'15.0"47°30'00.0" 122°11'15.0"47°31'52.5"JOINS PANEL 0668JOINS PANEL 0663JOINS PANEL 0977 JOINS PANEL 0675 Floodplain boundary Floodway boundary Zone D boundary LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TOINUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1% annual chance flood (100-year flood), also known as the base flood, is the floodthat has a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The SpecialFlood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1% annual chance flood.Areasof Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V and VE. The BaseFlood Elevation is the water-surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base FloodElevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain);average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding,velocitiesalso determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1%annualchance flood by a flood control system that was subsequentlydecertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system isbeing restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance orgreater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1% annual chance flood by a Federalflood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevationsdetermined. ZONE V Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); no Base FloodElevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base FloodElevations determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must bekept free of encroachment so that the 1% annual chance flood can be carried withoutsubstantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance floodwith average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1% annual chanceflood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of differentBase Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet*~~~~~~~~~~513 (EL 987)Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone;elevation in feet* * Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) A A Cross section line ---------Transect line2323 97°07'30", 32°22'30"Geographic coordinates referenced to the North AmericanDatum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4275000mN 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 10 6000000 M 5000-foot grid ticks: Washington State Plane coordinatesystem, north zone (FIPSZONE 4601),Lambert Conformal Conic DX5510 Bench mark (see explanation in Notes to Users section ofthis FIRM panel) M1.5 River Mile MAP REPOSITORIES To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your insuranceagent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1- 800- 638- 6620. Refer to Map Repositories list on Map Index EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDEFLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPSeptember 29, 1989EFFECTIVE DATE(S) OF REVISION(S) TO THIS PANELMay 16, 1995 May 20, 1996 March 30, 1998 November 8, 1999 December 6, 2001 April 19, 2005_____________ - to update corporate limits, to change Base Flood Elevations, to add roads androad names, to incorporate previously issued Letters of Map Revision, to change Special FloodHazard Areas, and to change zone designations. For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping, refer to the CommunityMap History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. MAP SCALE 1" = 500'250 0 500 1000FEET 150 0 150 300METERS PANEL 0664KFIRMFLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Notice to User: The shown below should beused when placing map orders; the Community Number shownabove should be used on insurance applications for the subjectcommunity. Map Number CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX MAP NUMBER53033C0664KMAP REVISED Federal Emergency Management Agency KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS KING COUNTY 530071 0664 KMERCER ISLAND, CITY OF 530083 0664 KNEWCASTLE, CITY OF 530134 0664 KRENTON, CITY OF 530088 0664 KSEATTLE, CITY OF 530089 0664 K PANEL 664 OF 1700 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) The profile baselines depicted on this map represent the hydraulic modelingbaselines that match the flood profiles in the FIS report. As a result of improvedtopographic data, the profile baseline, in some cases, may deviate significantly from thechannel centerline or appear outside the SFHA. NOTES TO USERSThis map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program.Itdoes not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from localcommunity map repositorydrainage sources of small size. The should beconsulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. Base Flood ElevationsTo obtain more detailed information in areas where floodways(BFEs) and/or have been determined, users are encouraged to consultthe Flood Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevationstables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompaniesthis FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM representrounded whole- foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurancerating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of floodelevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FISreport should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes ofconstruction and/or floodplain management. Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown on this map apply only landwardNorth American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).of 0.0'Users of thisFIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in theSummary of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study reportfor this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stillwater Elevationstable should be used for construction and/or floodplain management purposeswhen they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. floodwaysBoundaries of the were computed at cross sections and interpolatedbetween cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerationswith regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program.Floodwaywidths and other pertinent floodway data are provided in the Flood InsuranceStudy report for this jurisdiction. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by floodcontrol structures. Refer to Section 2.4 "Flood Protection Measures"ofthe Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structuresfor this jurisdiction. projectionThe used in the preparation of this map was Universal Transversehorizontal datumMercator (UTM) zone The was 10.NAD83, GRS1980spheroid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used inthe production of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positionaldifferences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differencesdo not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American VerticalDatum of 1988.These flood elevations must be compared to structure andvertical datum.ground elevations referenced to the same For informationregarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetichttp://www.ngs.noaa.gov/Survey website at or contact the National GeodeticSurvey at the following address: NGS Information ServicesNOAA, N/NGS12National Geodetic SurveySSMC- 3, #92021315 East- West HighwaySilver Spring, MD 20910- 3282 To obtain current elevation, description, and/or location information for bench marksshown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the(301) 713- 3242,National Geodetic Survey at or visit its website athttp://www.ngs.noaa.gov/. Base map information shown on this FIRM was derived from multiple sources. Basemap files were provided in digital format by King County GIS, WA DNR, WSDOT,and Pierce County GIS. This information was compiled at scales of 1:1200 to1:24,000 during the time period 1994-2006. This map reflects more detailed and up- to- date stream channel configurationsthan those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplainsand floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have beenadjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As aresult, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood InsuranceStudy report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflect streamchannel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data availableat the time of publication. Because changes due to annexations or de- annexationsmay have occurred after this map was published, map users should contactappropriate community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. Map IndexPlease refer to the separately printed for an overview map of thecounty showing the layout of map panels; community map repository addresses;and a Listing of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Programdates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which eachcommunity is located. Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1- 800- 358- 9616 for information onavailable products associated with this FIRM. Available products may includepreviously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report,and/or digital versions of this map. The FEMA Map Service Center may also bereached by Fax at 1- 800- 358- 9620 and its website at http://www.msc.fema.gov/. If you have questions about this map or questions concerning the NationalFlood Insurance Program in general, please call 1- 877- FEMA MAP (1- 877- 336- 2627)or visit the FEMA website at http://www.fema.gov/. 9,028 752 City of Renton Wellhead Protection Area This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 8/14/2020 Legend 5120256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Wellhead Protection Area Zones Zone 1 Zone 1 Modified Zone 2 Environment Designations Natural Shoreline High Intensity Shoreline Isolated High Intensity Shoreline Residential Urban Conservancy Jurisdictions Streams (Classified) <all other values> Type S Shoreline Type F Fish Type Np Non-Fish Type Ns Non-Fish Seasonal Unclassified Not Visited Wetlands Streets Parks Waterbodies 4,514 376 City of Renton Drainage Basin This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 8/14/2020 Legend 2560128 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 256 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Addresses Parcels Drainage Sub Basins <all other values> Black River Boren Creek Cabbage Creek Cedar Grove Cedar Main Urban China Creek Country Creek Duamish East Fork May Creek Garrison Creek Ginger Creek Greenes Creek Gypsy Honey Creek Jenkins Creek Main Lake Kathleen Lake Washington - East Lake Washington - West Johns Creek Lake Washington South !!! ! ! !!!!! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! !! 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 5: 5: (: 3:$ 3: 3: ,§- ,§-WWKK33OO66((6:WK6W6:WK6W (DVW9DOOH\5G(DVW9DOOH\5GWWKK$$YYHH66((WK$YH6(WK$YH6(WK$YH6(WK$YH6(7DOERW5G67DOERW5G61WK6W1WK6W WK$YH6WK$YH65D L Q L H U  $ Y H  6 5D L Q L H U  $ Y H  6 6(QG6W6(QG6W 6(0D\ 9 D O O H \  5 G 6(0D\ 9 D O O H \  5 G (9DOOH\+Z\(9DOOH\+Z\6(3 H W U R Y L W V N \  5 G 6(3 H W U R Y L W V N \  5 G )RUHVW ' U  6 ( )RUHVW ' 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$Q %H& %H' %K %U (Y% (Y& (Y' (Z& ,Q$ ,Q& ,Q' .S% .S& .S' 0D 1J 1N 1R 2U 2V 2Y& 2Y' 3,76 3F 3N 3X 3\ 5G& 5G( 5H 5K 6K 6N 6P 6R 7X 8U : :R 'DWH  0LOHVq6RLO6XUYH\ 4,514 376 City of Renton Landslide Hazard Area This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 8/14/2020 Legend 2560128 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 256 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Addresses Parcels Landslide Very High High Moderate Unclassified Environment Designations Natural Shoreline High Intensity Shoreline Isolated High Intensity Shoreline Residential Urban Conservancy Jurisdictions Streams (Classified) <all other values> Type S Shoreline Type F Fish Type Np Non-Fish Type Ns Non-Fish Seasonal Unclassified Not Visited Wetlands Inactive Structures King C oun ty, Eag le Vie w King C ou nty iMap Date: 7 /14 /20 20 Notes: Th e infor matio n in clu de d on t his map has been comp ile d b y Kin g Count y staf f from a variety of source s an d is su bject to cha ng ewithout n otice. Kin g Co unt y makes no re present ations o r wa rra nties, exp re ss o r im plied , a s to accu ra cy, complet en ess, t ime lin ess,or rig hts to the use of such informa tion . This d ocu me nt is not intended for u se as a survey pr od uct. King Cou nty shall n ot be lia blefor a ny g en er al, sp ecial, indirect, incide ntal, o r conse qu en tial damag es including , but not limited to , lost revenu es or lo st profitsresulting from th e use or m isu se of t he info rmat ion cont aine d on this map . An y sale of this map or in formation o n t his map isprohibited except by written p er mission of King County.± Appendix C WWHM Report MGSFlood Report WWHM2012 PROJECT REPORT No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 2 General Model Information Project Name:No detention Site Name: Site Address: City: Report Date:8/20/2020 Gage:Seatac Data Start:1948/10/01 Data End:2009/09/30 Timestep:15 Minute Precip Scale:1.00 Version:2015/06/05 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Year Low Flow Threshold for POC2:50 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC2:50 Year No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use Basin North Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use Acres A B, Lawn, Mod 0.57 Pervious Total 0.57 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.11 Impervious Total 0.11 Basin Total 0.68 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 4 Basin South Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use Acres A B, Forest, Mod 0.1575 A B, Lawn, Mod 0.1575 Pervious Total 0.315 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.121 Impervious Total 0.121 Basin Total 0.436 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 5 Mitigated Land Use Basin North Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use Acres A B, Lawn, Mod 0.242 Pervious Total 0.242 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.438 Impervious Total 0.438 Basin Total 0.68 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 6 Basin South Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use Acres A B, Lawn, Mod 0.103 Pervious Total 0.103 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.333 Impervious Total 0.333 Basin Total 0.436 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 7 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 8 Mitigated Routing No detention 8/20/2020 2:58:51 PM Page 9 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.57 Total Impervious Area:0.11 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.242 Total Impervious Area:0.438 Flow Frequency Method:Log Pearson Type III 17B Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.047844 5 year 0.071813 10 year 0.091604 25 year 0.121701 50 year 0.148248 100 year 0.178716 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.168518 5 year 0.215683 10 year 0.248722 25 year 0.292624 50 year 0.326949 100 year 0.362706 Annual Peaks Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.058 0.218 1950 0.106 0.234 1951 0.057 0.145 1952 0.031 0.120 1953 0.033 0.130 1954 0.045 0.140 1955 0.039 0.154 1956 0.054 0.152 1957 0.043 0.172 1958 0.035 0.139 No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:27 PM Page 10 1959 0.036 0.141 1960 0.050 0.139 1961 0.044 0.147 1962 0.032 0.128 1963 0.040 0.144 1964 0.042 0.139 1965 0.050 0.179 1966 0.030 0.119 1967 0.098 0.204 1968 0.058 0.232 1969 0.041 0.161 1970 0.039 0.156 1971 0.047 0.186 1972 0.092 0.210 1973 0.029 0.116 1974 0.043 0.169 1975 0.049 0.195 1976 0.039 0.132 1977 0.036 0.142 1978 0.044 0.174 1979 0.060 0.238 1980 0.054 0.213 1981 0.044 0.175 1982 0.062 0.246 1983 0.050 0.200 1984 0.032 0.127 1985 0.044 0.174 1986 0.039 0.151 1987 0.058 0.233 1988 0.036 0.141 1989 0.044 0.177 1990 0.207 0.354 1991 0.101 0.255 1992 0.031 0.125 1993 0.027 0.108 1994 0.030 0.118 1995 0.040 0.155 1996 0.103 0.182 1997 0.059 0.168 1998 0.041 0.162 1999 0.132 0.332 2000 0.043 0.166 2001 0.046 0.181 2002 0.053 0.212 2003 0.046 0.166 2004 0.078 0.310 2005 0.036 0.142 2006 0.048 0.132 2007 0.224 0.330 2008 0.109 0.244 2009 0.060 0.216 Ranked Annual Peaks Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.2240 0.3538 2 0.2070 0.3317 3 0.1316 0.3299 No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:27 PM Page 11 4 0.1092 0.3104 5 0.1062 0.2550 6 0.1027 0.2461 7 0.1005 0.2444 8 0.0981 0.2378 9 0.0918 0.2337 10 0.0782 0.2328 11 0.0619 0.2320 12 0.0598 0.2179 13 0.0597 0.2158 14 0.0593 0.2134 15 0.0585 0.2116 16 0.0584 0.2101 17 0.0582 0.2040 18 0.0567 0.2003 19 0.0544 0.1950 20 0.0537 0.1856 21 0.0532 0.1815 22 0.0503 0.1814 23 0.0502 0.1795 24 0.0501 0.1767 25 0.0490 0.1745 26 0.0476 0.1741 27 0.0466 0.1737 28 0.0460 0.1720 29 0.0456 0.1693 30 0.0452 0.1680 31 0.0444 0.1664 32 0.0439 0.1656 33 0.0437 0.1621 34 0.0437 0.1612 35 0.0436 0.1556 36 0.0434 0.1548 37 0.0427 0.1540 38 0.0425 0.1516 39 0.0424 0.1509 40 0.0407 0.1469 41 0.0405 0.1448 42 0.0405 0.1442 43 0.0396 0.1420 44 0.0394 0.1420 45 0.0393 0.1415 46 0.0392 0.1415 47 0.0386 0.1397 48 0.0361 0.1394 49 0.0359 0.1394 50 0.0357 0.1387 51 0.0355 0.1321 52 0.0348 0.1319 53 0.0326 0.1298 54 0.0324 0.1279 55 0.0321 0.1266 56 0.0314 0.1251 57 0.0306 0.1204 58 0.0304 0.1187 59 0.0300 0.1180 60 0.0291 0.1160 61 0.0272 0.1084 No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:28 PM Page 12 No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:28 PM Page 13 Duration Flows Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0239 1280 37644 2940 Fail 0.0252 1090 34757 3188 Fail 0.0264 930 32126 3454 Fail 0.0277 781 29773 3812 Fail 0.0289 690 27549 3992 Fail 0.0302 588 25517 4339 Fail 0.0315 510 23677 4642 Fail 0.0327 450 21945 4876 Fail 0.0340 406 20401 5024 Fail 0.0352 362 18953 5235 Fail 0.0365 328 17656 5382 Fail 0.0377 299 16448 5501 Fail 0.0390 264 15334 5808 Fail 0.0402 235 14281 6077 Fail 0.0415 213 13353 6269 Fail 0.0428 185 12536 6776 Fail 0.0440 168 11736 6985 Fail 0.0453 155 10938 7056 Fail 0.0465 139 10213 7347 Fail 0.0478 128 9576 7481 Fail 0.0490 121 8979 7420 Fail 0.0503 109 8470 7770 Fail 0.0516 100 7937 7937 Fail 0.0528 94 7392 7863 Fail 0.0541 78 6945 8903 Fail 0.0553 75 6515 8686 Fail 0.0566 67 6113 9123 Fail 0.0578 64 5777 9026 Fail 0.0591 57 5450 9561 Fail 0.0603 52 5123 9851 Fail 0.0616 49 4806 9808 Fail 0.0629 44 4522 10277 Fail 0.0641 41 4261 10392 Fail 0.0654 38 4006 10542 Fail 0.0666 38 3784 9957 Fail 0.0679 38 3559 9365 Fail 0.0691 36 3386 9405 Fail 0.0704 34 3223 9479 Fail 0.0716 33 3059 9269 Fail 0.0729 32 2894 9043 Fail 0.0742 29 2727 9403 Fail 0.0754 29 2579 8893 Fail 0.0767 28 2455 8767 Fail 0.0779 28 2338 8350 Fail 0.0792 26 2214 8515 Fail 0.0804 26 2097 8065 Fail 0.0817 22 1987 9031 Fail 0.0829 22 1870 8500 Fail 0.0842 20 1770 8850 Fail 0.0855 20 1686 8430 Fail 0.0867 20 1594 7969 Fail 0.0880 19 1507 7931 Fail 0.0892 19 1434 7547 Fail 0.0905 19 1364 7178 Fail No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:28 PM Page 14 0.0917 18 1297 7205 Fail 0.0930 17 1225 7205 Fail 0.0942 16 1163 7268 Fail 0.0955 15 1099 7326 Fail 0.0968 15 1046 6973 Fail 0.0980 15 999 6660 Fail 0.0993 14 954 6814 Fail 0.1005 14 912 6514 Fail 0.1018 13 880 6769 Fail 0.1030 11 845 7681 Fail 0.1043 10 802 8019 Fail 0.1056 10 766 7660 Fail 0.1068 8 730 9125 Fail 0.1081 7 707 10100 Fail 0.1093 6 666 11100 Fail 0.1106 6 634 10566 Fail 0.1118 6 611 10183 Fail 0.1131 6 587 9783 Fail 0.1143 6 565 9416 Fail 0.1156 6 548 9133 Fail 0.1169 6 526 8766 Fail 0.1181 6 500 8333 Fail 0.1194 6 480 8000 Fail 0.1206 5 462 9240 Fail 0.1219 5 445 8900 Fail 0.1231 5 431 8620 Fail 0.1244 5 414 8280 Fail 0.1256 5 396 7919 Fail 0.1269 5 386 7719 Fail 0.1282 5 370 7400 Fail 0.1294 5 357 7140 Fail 0.1307 5 343 6860 Fail 0.1319 4 332 8300 Fail 0.1332 4 319 7975 Fail 0.1344 4 307 7675 Fail 0.1357 4 293 7325 Fail 0.1369 4 280 7000 Fail 0.1382 4 272 6800 Fail 0.1395 4 260 6500 Fail 0.1407 4 248 6200 Fail 0.1420 4 242 6050 Fail 0.1432 4 234 5850 Fail 0.1445 4 224 5600 Fail 0.1457 4 218 5450 Fail 0.1470 4 209 5225 Fail 0.1482 3 199 6633 Fail The development has an increase in flow durations from 1/2 Predeveloped 2 year flow to the 2 year flow or more than a 10% increase from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. The development has an increase in flow durations for more than 50% of the flows for the range of the duration analysis. No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:28 PM Page 15 Water Quality Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC #1 On-line facility volume:0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:28 PM Page 16 LID Report No detention 8/20/2020 3:00:46 PM Page 17 POC 2 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #2 Total Pervious Area:0.315 Total Impervious Area:0.121 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #2 Total Pervious Area:0.103 Total Impervious Area:0.333 Flow Frequency Method:Log Pearson Type III 17B Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #2 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.047378 5 year 0.062262 10 year 0.073121 25 year 0.088026 50 year 0.100021 100 year 0.112806 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #2 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.12731 5 year 0.161908 10 year 0.186025 25 year 0.217945 50 year 0.242814 100 year 0.26865 Annual Peaks Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #2 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.061 0.165 1950 0.067 0.178 1951 0.044 0.107 1952 0.033 0.091 1953 0.036 0.099 1954 0.040 0.105 1955 0.043 0.117 1956 0.042 0.115 1957 0.048 0.131 1958 0.038 0.105 1959 0.039 0.108 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 18 1960 0.039 0.106 1961 0.041 0.112 1962 0.035 0.097 1963 0.041 0.109 1964 0.039 0.106 1965 0.050 0.136 1966 0.033 0.090 1967 0.064 0.155 1968 0.064 0.176 1969 0.045 0.123 1970 0.043 0.118 1971 0.051 0.141 1972 0.065 0.154 1973 0.032 0.088 1974 0.047 0.129 1975 0.054 0.148 1976 0.037 0.100 1977 0.039 0.108 1978 0.048 0.132 1979 0.066 0.181 1980 0.059 0.162 1981 0.048 0.133 1982 0.068 0.187 1983 0.055 0.152 1984 0.035 0.096 1985 0.048 0.132 1986 0.042 0.115 1987 0.064 0.177 1988 0.039 0.107 1989 0.049 0.134 1990 0.119 0.250 1991 0.077 0.188 1992 0.035 0.095 1993 0.030 0.082 1994 0.033 0.090 1995 0.043 0.118 1996 0.060 0.132 1997 0.049 0.125 1998 0.045 0.123 1999 0.092 0.252 2000 0.046 0.126 2001 0.050 0.138 2002 0.059 0.161 2003 0.047 0.126 2004 0.086 0.236 2005 0.039 0.108 2006 0.039 0.098 2007 0.118 0.228 2008 0.076 0.181 2009 0.060 0.164 Ranked Annual Peaks Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #2 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.1188 0.2521 2 0.1181 0.2502 3 0.0917 0.2359 4 0.0858 0.2284 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 19 5 0.0770 0.1881 6 0.0756 0.1871 7 0.0680 0.1813 8 0.0667 0.1808 9 0.0657 0.1777 10 0.0650 0.1770 11 0.0643 0.1764 12 0.0641 0.1651 13 0.0639 0.1641 14 0.0608 0.1622 15 0.0599 0.1609 16 0.0596 0.1551 17 0.0590 0.1535 18 0.0585 0.1523 19 0.0554 0.1483 20 0.0539 0.1411 21 0.0513 0.1379 22 0.0505 0.1356 23 0.0501 0.1343 24 0.0495 0.1327 25 0.0488 0.1324 26 0.0483 0.1323 27 0.0482 0.1321 28 0.0480 0.1307 29 0.0475 0.1287 30 0.0468 0.1258 31 0.0467 0.1257 32 0.0459 0.1250 33 0.0448 0.1232 34 0.0447 0.1226 35 0.0437 0.1183 36 0.0430 0.1177 37 0.0429 0.1171 38 0.0426 0.1152 39 0.0420 0.1147 40 0.0417 0.1117 41 0.0407 0.1089 42 0.0406 0.1080 43 0.0400 0.1079 44 0.0394 0.1076 45 0.0392 0.1075 46 0.0392 0.1068 47 0.0391 0.1060 48 0.0391 0.1058 49 0.0390 0.1054 50 0.0385 0.1049 51 0.0383 0.1000 52 0.0367 0.0987 53 0.0359 0.0981 54 0.0354 0.0973 55 0.0352 0.0962 56 0.0347 0.0951 57 0.0333 0.0914 58 0.0329 0.0901 59 0.0327 0.0897 60 0.0321 0.0882 61 0.0300 0.0824 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 20 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 21 Duration Flows Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0237 1704 24105 1414 Fail 0.0245 1509 22608 1498 Fail 0.0252 1359 21325 1569 Fail 0.0260 1207 20093 1664 Fail 0.0268 1076 18948 1760 Fail 0.0275 967 17902 1851 Fail 0.0283 885 16889 1908 Fail 0.0291 803 15945 1985 Fail 0.0299 732 15075 2059 Fail 0.0306 654 14247 2178 Fail 0.0314 605 13479 2227 Fail 0.0322 552 12805 2319 Fail 0.0329 505 12121 2400 Fail 0.0337 460 11507 2501 Fail 0.0345 425 10880 2560 Fail 0.0353 401 10286 2565 Fail 0.0360 373 9779 2621 Fail 0.0368 348 9263 2661 Fail 0.0376 319 8821 2765 Fail 0.0383 295 8399 2847 Fail 0.0391 271 7976 2943 Fail 0.0399 249 7522 3020 Fail 0.0407 227 7135 3143 Fail 0.0414 209 6791 3249 Fail 0.0422 196 6444 3287 Fail 0.0430 174 6119 3516 Fail 0.0437 162 5852 3612 Fail 0.0445 151 5582 3696 Fail 0.0453 139 5298 3811 Fail 0.0460 130 5050 3884 Fail 0.0468 124 4793 3865 Fail 0.0476 119 4564 3835 Fail 0.0484 110 4346 3950 Fail 0.0491 104 4149 3989 Fail 0.0499 97 3944 4065 Fail 0.0507 91 3762 4134 Fail 0.0514 84 3587 4270 Fail 0.0522 82 3437 4191 Fail 0.0530 79 3307 4186 Fail 0.0538 76 3172 4173 Fail 0.0545 70 3037 4338 Fail 0.0553 67 2902 4331 Fail 0.0561 64 2761 4314 Fail 0.0568 60 2633 4388 Fail 0.0576 56 2539 4533 Fail 0.0584 51 2436 4776 Fail 0.0592 46 2340 5086 Fail 0.0599 42 2233 5316 Fail 0.0607 40 2139 5347 Fail 0.0615 36 2046 5683 Fail 0.0622 34 1950 5735 Fail 0.0630 34 1867 5491 Fail 0.0638 29 1780 6137 Fail 0.0646 25 1709 6836 Fail No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 22 0.0653 22 1640 7454 Fail 0.0661 19 1571 8268 Fail 0.0669 18 1493 8294 Fail 0.0676 17 1436 8447 Fail 0.0684 16 1386 8662 Fail 0.0692 16 1325 8281 Fail 0.0700 16 1263 7893 Fail 0.0707 15 1215 8100 Fail 0.0715 15 1166 7773 Fail 0.0723 15 1116 7440 Fail 0.0730 15 1063 7086 Fail 0.0738 15 1020 6800 Fail 0.0746 15 991 6606 Fail 0.0753 15 954 6360 Fail 0.0761 14 915 6535 Fail 0.0769 13 885 6807 Fail 0.0777 12 853 7108 Fail 0.0784 10 825 8250 Fail 0.0792 9 790 8777 Fail 0.0800 9 760 8444 Fail 0.0807 8 734 9175 Fail 0.0815 8 715 8937 Fail 0.0823 7 685 9785 Fail 0.0831 7 659 9414 Fail 0.0838 6 630 10500 Fail 0.0846 6 611 10183 Fail 0.0854 6 595 9916 Fail 0.0861 5 577 11540 Fail 0.0869 5 558 11160 Fail 0.0877 5 543 10860 Fail 0.0885 4 527 13175 Fail 0.0892 4 507 12675 Fail 0.0900 4 488 12200 Fail 0.0908 4 472 11800 Fail 0.0915 4 456 11400 Fail 0.0923 3 440 14666 Fail 0.0931 3 430 14333 Fail 0.0939 3 413 13766 Fail 0.0946 3 400 13333 Fail 0.0954 3 390 13000 Fail 0.0962 3 382 12733 Fail 0.0969 3 366 12200 Fail 0.0977 3 360 12000 Fail 0.0985 3 345 11500 Fail 0.0992 2 333 16650 Fail 0.1000 2 326 16300 Fail The development has an increase in flow durations from 1/2 Predeveloped 2 year flow to the 2 year flow or more than a 10% increase from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. The development has an increase in flow durations for more than 50% of the flows for the range of the duration analysis. No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 23 Water Quality Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC #2 On-line facility volume:0 acre-feet On-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. Off-line facility target flow:0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0 cfs. No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:09 PM Page 24 LID Report No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:10 PM Page 25 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:10 PM Page 26 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:10 PM Page 27 Mitigated Schematic No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 28 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 No detention.wdm MESSU 25 PreNo detention.MES 27 PreNo detention.L61 28 PreNo detention.L62 30 POCNo detention1.dat 31 POCNo detention2.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 PERLND 8 IMPLND 1 PERLND 2 COPY 501 COPY 502 DISPLY 1 DISPLY 2 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin North MAX 1 2 30 9 2 Basin South MAX 1 2 31 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 502 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 8 A/B, Lawn, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 2 A/B, Forest, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 29 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 8 0 5 0.8 400 0.1 0.3 0.996 2 0 5 2 400 0.1 0.3 0.996 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 8 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 8 0.1 0.5 0.25 0 0.7 0.25 2 0.2 0.5 0.35 0 0.7 0.7 END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 8 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 1 ROADS/FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 30 # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 1 0 0 0 0 0 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 1 400 0.01 0.1 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 1 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 1 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin North*** PERLND 8 0.57 COPY 501 12 PERLND 8 0.57 COPY 501 13 IMPLND 1 0.11 COPY 501 15 Basin South*** PERLND 2 0.1575 COPY 502 12 PERLND 2 0.1575 COPY 502 13 PERLND 8 0.1575 COPY 502 12 PERLND 8 0.1575 COPY 502 13 IMPLND 1 0.121 COPY 502 15 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 COPY 502 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 2 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 31 HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 502 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 502 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 MASS-LINK 15 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 15 END MASS-LINK END RUN No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 32 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 No detention.wdm MESSU 25 MitNo detention.MES 27 MitNo detention.L61 28 MitNo detention.L62 30 POCNo detention1.dat 31 POCNo detention2.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 PERLND 8 IMPLND 1 COPY 501 COPY 502 DISPLY 1 DISPLY 2 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 Basin North MAX 1 2 30 9 2 Basin South MAX 1 2 31 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 502 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 8 A/B, Lawn, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 33 PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 8 0 5 0.8 400 0.1 0.3 0.996 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 8 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 8 0.1 0.5 0.25 0 0.7 0.25 END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 8 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 1 ROADS/FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 1 0 0 0 0 0 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 1 400 0.01 0.1 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 34 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 1 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 1 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** Basin North*** PERLND 8 0.242 COPY 501 12 PERLND 8 0.242 COPY 501 13 IMPLND 1 0.438 COPY 501 15 Basin South*** PERLND 8 0.103 COPY 502 12 PERLND 8 0.103 COPY 502 13 IMPLND 1 0.333 COPY 502 15 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 COPY 502 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 2 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 35 END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 2 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 702 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 502 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 802 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 MASS-LINK 15 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 15 END MASS-LINK END RUN No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 36 Predeveloped HSPF Message File No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 37 Mitigated HSPF Message File No detention 8/20/2020 3:02:11 PM Page 38 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2020; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com ————————————————————————————————— MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Program Version: MGSFlood 4.50 Program License Number: 200210008 Project Simulation Performed on: 08/19/2020 12:49 PM Report Generation Date: 08/19/2020 1:46 PM ————————————————————————————————— Input File Name: Water Quality.fld Project Name: Jones Rention Short Plat Analysis Title: Comments: ———————————————— PRECIPITATION INPUT ———————————————— Computational Time Step (Minutes): 15 Extended Precipitation Time Series Selected Climatic Region Number: 15 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station : 96004005 Puget East 40 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 961040 Puget East 40 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** Predevelopment/Post Development Tributary Area Summary Predeveloped Post Developed Total Subbasin Area (acres) 0.440 0.440 Area of Links that Include Precip/Evap (acres) 0.000 0.000 Total (acres) 0.440 0.440 ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Till Forest 0.160 Till Grass 0.160 Impervious 0.120 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 0.440 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Subbasin 1 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Till Grass 0.100 Impervious 0.340 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 0.440 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ------------------------------------------ Link Name: New Structure Lnk1 Link Type: Structure Downstream Link: None Prismatic Pond Option Used Pond Floor Elevation (ft) : 100.00 Riser Crest Elevation (ft) : 129.00 Max Pond Elevation (ft) : 130.00 Storage Depth (ft) : 29.00 Pond Bottom Length (ft) : 500.0 Pond Bottom Width (ft) : 500.0 Pond Side Slopes (ft/ft) : L1= 0.00 L2= 0.00 W1= 0.00 W2= 0.00 Bottom Area (sq-ft) : 250000. Area at Riser Crest El (sq-ft) : 250,000. (acres) : 5.739 Volume at Riser Crest (cu-ft) : 7,250,000. (ac-ft) : 166.437 Area at Max Elevation (sq-ft) : 250000. (acres) : 5.739 Vol at Max Elevation (cu-ft) : 7,500,000. (ac-ft) : 172.176 Massmann Infiltration Option Used Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) : 0.00 Massmann Regression Used to Estimate Hydralic Gradient Depth to Water Table (ft) : 100.00 Bio-Fouling Potential : Low Maintenance : Average or Better Riser Geometry Riser Structure Type : Circular Riser Diameter (in) : 24.00 Common Length (ft) : 0.000 Riser Crest Elevation : 129.00 ft Hydraulic Structure Geometry Number of Devices: 1 ---Device Number 1 --- Device Type : Circular Orifice Control Elevation (ft) : 100.00 Diameter (in) : 60.00 Orientation : Horizontal Elbow : Yes **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: New Structure Lnk1 ********** Link WSEL Stats WSEL Frequency Data(ft) (Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position) Tr (yrs) WSEL Peak (ft) ====================================== 1.05-Year -1.000E+03 1.11-Year -1.000E+03 1.25-Year -1.000E+03 2.00-Year -1.000E+03 3.33-Year -1.000E+03 5-Year -1.000E+03 10-Year -1.000E+03 25-Year -1.000E+03 50-Year -1.000E+03 100-Year -1.000E+03 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 47.142 _____________________________________ Total: 47.142 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac -ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Subbasin 1 12.221 Link: New Structure Lnk1 0.000 _____________________________________ Total: 12.221 Total Predevelopment Recharge is Greater than Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 0.298 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 0.077 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data ************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 1 ********** Link: New Structure Lnk1 ********** Basic Wet Pond Volume (91% Exceedance): 1607. cu-ft Computed Large Wet Pond Volume, 1.5*Basic Volume: 2410. cu-ft 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.05 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.03 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 172.55 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 172.55 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 173.14 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Subbasin 1 Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: New Structure Lnk1 *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data *** Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Year 6.060E-02 2-Year 0.116 5-Year 8.001E-02 5-Year 0.150 10-Year 0.104 10-Year 0.185 25-Year 0.141 25-Year 0.220 50-Year 0.185 50-Year 0.275 100-Year 0.206 100-Year 0.312 200-Year 0.213 200-Year 0.336 500-Year 0.222 500-Year 0.368 ** Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals **** Flow Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): 1205.8% FAIL Maximum Excursion from 50%Q2 to Q2 (Must be Less Than or Equal to 0%): 1862.0% FAIL Maximum Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 10%): 99999.0% FAIL Percent Excursion from Q2 to Q50 (Must be less than 50%): 100.0% FAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOW DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: FAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** LID Duration Performance **** Excursion at Predeveloped 8%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): 69.9% FAIL Maximum Excursion from 8%Q2 to 50%Q2 (Must be Less Than 0%): 1205.8% FAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LID DURATION DESIGN CRITERIA: FAIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------