HomeMy WebLinkAboutHEX - Confirming Appeal is Dismissed - Re: FW: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing - 24th St SHP - LUA-19-000062 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. The 24th St SHP - LUA-19-000062 appeal is dismissed due to withdrawal by the appellant. All future proceedings are cancelled. For purposes of any judicial appeal, this email order should be construed as the City of Renton's final decision on the appeal. This final decision is subject to appeal under the Land Use Petition Act, Chapter 36.70C RCW. Any appeals must be filed within 21 days of issuance of this decision. On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 2:12 PM Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@rentonwa.gov> > wrote: Phil, Do I need something from you in order to remove this from the calendar? -Jason Jason Seth, MMC (he/him) City Clerk/Public Records Officer 425-430-6502 From: Hamid Korasani <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> > Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 10:36 AM To: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> >; Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov>; Elshan Aliyev <aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> >; Angelea Weihs <AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov>; Hamid Korasani <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> > Subject: Re: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing - 24th St SHP - LUA-19-000062 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Good morning Cindy, This is to confirm that our client 'Mr. Elshan Aliyev" has decided to withdraw the request for the hearing examiner appeal hearing scheduled for October 27th, therefore; please cancel the hearing per request of Mr. Elshan Aliyev. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Kind regards, Hamid Korasani, P.E. Principal SAZEI Design Group, LLC 6608 110th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 Tel: (425) 214-2280 Email: hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 10:04:57 AM PDT, Hamid Korasani <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> > wrote: Good morning Cindy, I received the email from Phil and have forwarded the request to our client and waiting for their decision. I will send you the confirmed date as soon as I hear back from them on their final decision. As it stands right now, it would most likely be on 27th, however, I will confirm later today or as soon as I get confirmation from our client. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Kind regards, Hamid Korasani, P.E. Principal SAZEI Design Group, LLC 6608 110th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 Tel: (425) 214-2280 Email: hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 09:29:21 AM PDT, Cynthia Moya <cmoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cmoya@rentonwa.gov> > wrote: Mr. Korasani, Per the Hearing Examiner’s email below did you decide if October 20th would work for you and your client? Otherwise, it will be October 27 if we can’t get an answer as soon as possible. Thank you, Cindy Moya, City Clerk Specialist City of Renton - Administrative Services/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cmoya@rentonwa.gov> 425-430-6513 From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 5:56 PM To: Hamid Korasani <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> > Cc: cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> ; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> >; aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> ; Brianne Bannwarth <BBannwarth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:BBannwarth@Rentonwa.gov> >; Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CClose@Rentonwa.gov> >; Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov> >; Jennifer Cisneros <JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov> >; Julia Medzegian <Jmedzegian@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:Jmedzegian@Rentonwa.gov> >; Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> >; Robert Shuey <RShuey@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> >; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> >; Angelea Weihs <AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov> >; Bob Wenzl <bob@tuscanywa.com <mailto:bob@tuscanywa.com> > Subject: Re: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing - 24th St SHP - LUA-19-000062 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Mr. Korasani, Your clients have had two months to prepare for this hearing. The only reason I extended the hearing date an additional two weeks was so that the parties could benefit from the exchange of witness and exhibit lists. In the face of objections from the Applicant, it would not be reasonable for me to extend the hearing date three weeks for such a limited appeal issue. Delaying the review process almost three months to resolve a fence issue is not a burden I can reasonably place upon the Applicant. If the week of October 27 does not work for your client then we'll do October 20, 2020. On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 2:15 PM Hamid Korasani <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> > wrote: Good afternoon Phil, and Cynthia. We received your approval to extend the hearing date to October 27th, 2020; however after confirming with our legal counsel we are Not available the week of October 26, and world like to request for this hearing to be scheduled for the following week either on Monday November 02, or Wednesday November 4th. We appreciate if this can be re-arranged as requested. Kind regards, Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Kind regards, Hamid Korasani, P.E. Principal SAZEI Design Group, LLC Tel: (425) 214-2280 Email: hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> On Friday, October 9, 2020, 09:15:03 AM PDT, Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > wrote: Hello, I serve as the Hearing Examiner on this appeal. Two months is an abundant amount of time to prepare for an appeal issue of such modest scale. However, in order to facllitate an exchange of witness and exhibit lists I will authorize a two week continuance to 10/27/20 at 8:30 am. The Appellant should email it's list of witnesses and exhibits to all parties to this email by 5:00 pm, 10/16/20. City and Applicant should email their lists by 5:00 pm , 10/21/20. Appellant's rebuttal list of witnesses and exhibits by 5:00 pm, 10/23/20. Any proposed exhibits should be emailed to all parties at the same time as the exhibit lists that identifies them. Witness lists need to identify the witnesses that will be called to testify and a brief summary of the subject matter. Except for good cause, only witnesses and exhibits identified in the witness and exhibit lists can be presented at the hearing. No special format is necessary for the lists. You can just put that information in an email. If the parties have any questions, feel free to email them to me, cc'd to all other parties to this email. The format of the hearing will be as follows, as copied from the Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-8-110E: 1. Format of the Appeal Hearing: The appeal hearing will be of an informal nature, but organized so that testimony and other evidence can be presented efficiently. An appeal hearing shall include at least the following: a. An introductory outline of the procedure by the Hearing Examiner. b. Presentation by the appellant, including any witnesses. c. Cross-examination, if any, of appellant and appellant’s witnesses. d. Presentation by City staff, summarizing the staff analysis and including any witnesses for the City. e. Cross-examination, if any, of City staff and staff’s witnesses. f. Presentation by the project applicant, if different from appellant, including any witnesses. g. Cross-examination of any of the project applicant and applicant’s witnesses. h. Rebuttal testimony and closing by City staff. i. Rebuttal testimony and closing by applicant, if different from appellant. j. Rebuttal testimony and closing by appellant. On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 11:25 AM <cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> > wrote: Cindy: Please be advise the applicant, Robert P Wenzl, Tuscany Construction, LLC objects to the continuance of the Appeal Hearing. A continuance will further delay start of construction. We are in the final review process for the civil construction permit and plan to start the frontage improvements as soon as the permit is issued. The requested continuance to Nov/Dec will push start of construction into the spring increasing project costs. We believe the City was justified in issuing the Amended Administrative Report and Decision dated July 20, 2020 by determining the previous Decision included a public safety hazard. We believe the two month period given has been an adequate amount of time to prepare for the Appeal Hearing. The applicant is presently out of town and may further to add to this objection upon his return. Thank you. Cliff Williams, PE Development Management Engineers www.sitedme.com <http://www.sitedme.com> 206 714-7161 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing - 24th St SHP - LUA-19-000062 From: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Date: Mon, October 05, 2020 4:45 pm To: "'hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> '" <hamidkorasani@yahoo.com <mailto:hamidkorasani@yahoo.com> >, "'cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> '" <cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> >, "'cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> '" <cliff@sitedme.com <mailto:cliff@sitedme.com> >, "'aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> '" <aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> >, "Brianne Bannwarth" <BBannwarth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:BBannwarth@Rentonwa.gov> >, Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CClose@Rentonwa.gov> >, "Jason Seth" <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov> >, Jennifer Cisneros <JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov> >, "Julia Medzegian" <Jmedzegian@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:Jmedzegian@Rentonwa.gov> >, Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> >, Robert Shuey <RShuey@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:RShuey@Rentonwa.gov> >, Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >, Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> >, Angelea Weihs <AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov> > Cc: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Angelea and Parties of Record, Please find Mr. Aliyev’s Request for Continuance of his land use matter from October 13, 2020 to a later date. When I spoke to him on the phone today, he did request a much later date in November/December. Phil would like you to email back if you have any objections to this request. Thank you, Cindy Moya, City Clerk Specialist City of Renton - Administrative Services/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cmoya@rentonwa.gov> 425-430-6513 From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com <mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> > Sent: Monday, October 05, 2020 3:53 PM To: Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov> > Cc: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Re: FW: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Thanks Jason. Could you forward the request for continuance to the City staff working on the project to see if they have any objections? On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 2:56 PM Jason Seth <JSeth@rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@rentonwa.gov> > wrote: These are his reasons for his rescheduling request. Thanks, -Jason Jason Seth, MMC City Clerk/Public Records Officer 425-430-6502 From: Elshan Aliyev <aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> > Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:55 PM To: Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Re: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Jason, The reasons for reschedule of the Hearing are that we need more time to prepare and for more assistance for legal aid. Also the another reason for asking for continuance are matters of health. Best Regards, Elshan Aliyev понедельник, 5 октября 2020 г., 12:07:43 GMT-7, Jason Seth <jseth@rentonwa.gov <mailto:jseth@rentonwa.gov> > написал(-а): I have asked the Hearing Examiner if we can reschedule it, but he will likely ask me why you are requesting to reschedule. -Jason Jason Seth, MMC City Clerk/Public Records Officer 425-430-6502 From: Elshan Aliyev <aliyev1969@yahoo.com <mailto:aliyev1969@yahoo.com> > Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 9:23 AM To: Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:JSeth@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: Hearing Examiner Appeal Hearing CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Dear Mr. Seth, Would you please let us know about possibility to fix another time of the hearing which originally has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 10 am regarding 24th Street Short Plat LUA-19-000062, SHP-A. Kindest Regards, Elshan Aliyev