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ACAD-16114T C4.32 Renton TB-Model.dwg
SESACAD_COLOR ACAD_DETAILVIEWSTYLE ACAD_FIELDLIST ACAD_GROUP ACAD_LAYOUT ACAD_MATERIAL ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE ACAD_MLINESTYLE ACAD_PDFDEFINITIONS ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS ACAD_PLOTSTYLENAME ACAD_SCALELIST ACAD_SECTIONVIEWSTYLE ACAD_TABLESTYLE ACAD_VISUALSTYLE AcDbVariableDictionary AECC_LASTSAVED_APPVERSION ASE_INDEX_DICTIONARY Autodesk_MAPNormal ByBlock ByLayer Global ByLayer BUMPTILE DIFFUSETILE OPACITYTILE REFLECTIONTILE REFRACTIONTILE SPECULARTILEByBlock BUMPTILE DIFFUSETILE OPACITYTILE REFLECTIONTILE REFRACTIONTILE SPECULARTILEGlobal BUMPTILE DIFFUSETILE OPACITYTILE REFLECTIONTILE REFRACTIONTILE SPECULARTILE 2dWireframe Basic Brighten ColorChange Conceptual Dim EdgeColorOff Facepattern Flat FlatWithEdges Gouraud GouraudWithEdges Hidden JitterOff Linepattern OverhangOff Realistic Shaded Shaded with edges Shades of Gray Sketchy Thicken Wireframe X-Ray Flat strokes_ogs.tifFlatWithEdges strokes_ogs.tif Gouraud strokes_ogs.tif GouraudWithEdges strokes_ogs.tif Basic strokes_ogs.tif 2dWireframe strokes_ogs.tif Wireframe strokes_ogs.tif Hidden strokes_ogs.tif Conceptual strokes_ogs.tif Realistic strokes_ogs.tif Dim strokes_ogs.tifBrighten strokes_ogs.tif Thicken strokes_ogs.tif Linepattern strokes_ogs.tif Facepattern strokes_ogs.tif ColorChange strokes_ogs.tif Shades of Gray strokes_ogs.tif Sketchy strokes_ogs.tif X-Ray strokes_ogs.tif Shaded with edges strokes_ogs.tif Shaded strokes_ogs.tifJitterOff strokes_ogs.tif OverhangOff strokes_ogs.tif EdgeColorOff strokes_ogs.tif *A1 *A10 *A11 *A12 *A13 *A14 *A15 *A16 *A17 *A18 *A19 *A2 *A20 *A21 *A22 *A23 *A24 *A25 *A26 *A27 *A28 *A29 *A3 *A30 *A31 *A32 *A33 *A34 *A35 *A36 *A37 *A38 *A39 *A4 *A40 *A41 *A42 *A43 *A44 *A45 *A46 *A47 *A48 *A49 *A5 *A50 *A51 *A52 *A53 *A54 *A55 *A56 *A57 *A58 *A59 *A6 *A60 *A61 *A62 *A63 *A64 *A65 *A7 *A8 *A9 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 1:1 1/128" = 1'-0" 1/64" = 1'-0" 1/32" = 1'-0" 1/16" = 1'-0" 3/32" = 1'-0"1/8" = 1'-0" 3/16" = 1'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0" 3/8" = 1'-0" 1/2" = 1'-0" 3/4" = 1'-0" 1" = 1'-0" 1-1/2" = 1'-0" 3" = 1'-0" 6" = 1'-0"1'-0" = 1'-0" 0 ZERO Standard simplex.shx ACAD *Active Standard Annotative ' AnnotativeData Annotative txt AnnotativeData ByBlock ByLayerContinuous Solid line AcadAnnotative Standard STANDARD Layout1 Layout2 Model Standard Standard Table _TITLE _HEADER _DATA Arrow Text StandardStandard Imperial24 Imperial24 Imperial24 I, O, Q, S, X, Z %<\AcVar ViewType \f "%tc1">% %<\AcVar ViewSectionStartId>%-%<\AcVar ViewSectionEndId>%\PSCALE %<\AcVar ViewScale \f "%sn">% ANSI31 Imperial24 Imperial24 Imperial24 %<\AcVar ViewType \f "%tc1">% %<\AcVar ViewDetailId>%\PSCALE %<\AcVar ViewScale \f "%sn">% *Paper_Space *Paper_Space AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3 Layout1 *Model_Space*Model_Space DWG To PDF.pc3 ANSI_full_bleed_D_(34.00_x_22.00_Inches) Core-Engr.ctb Model DWG To PDF.pc3 DWG To PDF File *Paper_Space *Paper_Space0 AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3 Layout2 ACAD_PSEXT Defpoints DEFAULT Legend calibri.ttf AnnotativeData CalibriSIMP simplex.shx AnnotativeData HEADING framd.ttf Franklin Gothic Medium L80 simplex.shx ROMANT romant.shx CORE1 Tw Cen MT Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$Standard txt Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$ROMANS ROMANS.shx Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$Times CG Times Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$MONO MONOTXT Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$SIMP simplex.shx AnnotativeDataTitleblo ck -With Renton Seal$0$CORE1 Tw Cen MT Titleblock -With Renton Seal$0$DynamicDimensions arial.ttf Arial ACAD_EXEMPT_FROM_CAD_STANDARDS HIDDEN4 Hidden (4x) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WATER LEVEL Dash dot (.5x) _..._..._..._..._..._..._..._... 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