HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_WSDOT_Comments.pdfFrom: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2019 8:10 AM To: Matthew Herrera; 'Andy Loos' Subject: RE: 1915 Maple Valley Hwy mixed use development Attachments: SR169_MP24.84-25.00_Cedar River Apartments Supplement TIA (1).pdf; SR169_MP24.84-25.00_Cedar River Apartments TIA (1).pdf Please see attached and below for WSDOT comments on the TIA submitted for this project. If you have any questions please let me know. TIA 1. Pg. 8: Refer to the highlighted text below Table 1. Please quantify this statement or consider deleting it. 2. Pg. 8: Please create a Table for crash severity (fatal/serious injury/no injury). 3. Pg. 9 and Pg. 11, Figure 6: The data used is 9 years old and there has been significant growth in the region since then. Please update with recent data within the last three years to determine peak periods for analysis. 4. Figure 5a and 5b: Please include the AM and PM Peak periods. This should be determined using the most recent counts. 5. Pg. 13 and Pg. 14: Refer to the highlighted text below Table 4 and 5. Please quantify this statement or consider deleting it. 6. Pg. 13: Please include the queuing for the intersections using SimTraffic. 7. Pg. 14: Refer to the highlighted text. Please quantify and include the LOS thresholds. Per the Developer Services Manual, the LOS threshold for HSS is LOS D for Urban Areas and LOS C for Rural Areas. 8. Pg. 15: The northbound I-405 on-ramp will also be modified by the I-405 Renton to Bellevue project with a single general purpose metered lane and an HOV metered shoulder. 9. Pg. 16: Please include analysis and figures for future AM and PM Peak without project traffic volumes for opening year/full build out (2023) and a six year horizon year (2029). The 2029 horizon year was selected since this is five years after the completion of the Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes. These figures are necessary to understand the difference in operations between no build condition and with project condition. There needs to be an analysis of the horizon year to understand project impacts on ramp terminal and intersection operation beyond the opening year. Refer to Design Manual Chapter 1103.02. 10. Pg. 17: For the project trip generation, please consolidate and use LUC 820 - Shopping Center. WSDOT Region Traffic accepts its use for mixed-use retail for TIAs. LUC 920 also has only one sample and local data collection would be required. Refer to the Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition, Chapter 9.3. 11. Pg. 17: How was this pass-by trip rate derived? Per the Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition, Chapter 10.3 states that pass by trip estimates should be derived from Appendix E or collecting and using pertinent local data. In addition, by using LUC 820, there is already an average pass-by trip calculated in Appendix E. 12. Pg. 18, Table 6: Were diverted trips actually used? If not, please delete. Per the Trip Generation Handbook 3rd Edition, Chapter 10.4.2, diverted trips should only be used on certain occasions. 13. Pg. 19: Volumes and traffic are only analyzed through 2023. There should be a 2029 horizon year included and analyzed. Please see Comment 9. 14. Pg. 22 Table 7: Please include a queuing analysis using SimTraffic of without project and with project conditions in the opening and horizon year. 15. Pg. 31: Please consider restricting the access to right-in right-out. Westbound left turn movements will have to cross three lanes to enter the driveway. There is also a controlled access at Cedar River Park Dr. 16. Pg. 31: The proposed development will generate new trips that will head to westbound SR 169 from Cedar River Park Dr. The green time for SR 169 was also reduced in the submitted Synchro analysis to accommodate the new vehicle trips from Cedar River Park Dr. This results to a reduced westbound SR 169 vehicle throughput. Westbound SR 169 transitions from two lanes to three lanes before the Cedar River Park Dr intersection. The SimTraffic queuing analysis for opening year and horizon year were not included and is required to review SR 169 operations. Without this information, as part of mitigation, please extend the outside westbound lane 600 feet to account for the additional project trips that are displacing SR 169 traffic and to mitigate for the reduction in mainline cycle length. TIA Supplement Report 17. Pg. 1: Please quantify instead of using “guestimate.” In Section 4, there were approximate meter rates from observations. 18. Pg. 2: Please updated to “without.” Refer to PDF. 19. Pg. 4, Table 2 and Pg. 6, Table 3: Please provide a queuing analysis using SimTraffic. 20. Pg. 5: How were the ramp meters included in the model? Please send the Synchro/SimTraffic model for review. Thanks, Duffy McColloch, 206-440-4713 Local Agency/Development Services Engineer WSDOT – NW Region Development Services From: Matthew Herrera <MHerrera@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 12:03 PM To: McColloch, Duffy <McCollD@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: 'Andy Loos' <andy@srmdevelopment.com> Subject: RE: 1915 Maple Valley Hwy mixed use development Is that the level of review you typically do at the land use permitting stage? The applicant will be required to come in following the entitlement and submit full engineering plans. The developer contact is Andy Loos and he can be reached at andy@srmdevelopment.com and 425-803-3355. Matt Herrera, AICP Senior Planner City of Renton 425.430.6593