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City Clerk's Office
City of Renton
1055 South Grady Way
Renton WA 9805�
� 20001017000391
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Titte: UTILITIES EASEMENT Parcel Numbers: 918800-0125 and 242304-9110
Project File�: C990097 Street I�itersection:SW Grady Wy&Oakesdale Ave SW
Grantor(s): Grantee(s):
1, GRADY WAY I LLC 1. Cit of Renton, a Munici al Co oration ��
The Grantor,as named above,for or and in consideration of nuitual benetits,hereby�rants,bargains,sells and delivers to
the above named Grantee,an tttilities easement over the following described propert}�
LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Ptn NE '/4, S 24,T 23 N,R 4 E, W. M. more par[icularl}�described on pages 3-7
hereof,Exhibits A and C.
cn For the purpose of constructing,reconstructin�,installing,repairing,TC�11Cllla,enlar�ing,operating and maintaining
c'' utilities and utility pipelines,includi�lg,but not limited to,water,sewer and storni draina�e lines,togetl�er�vith the right of
� in�ress and e� ess thereto witltout rior institutiou of an suit or roceedin�s oF law and without incurrin�an le�al
� o � P )' P o o Y a
c� obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial constniction of its facilities,Grantee may from time to time construct
=� such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the follo�ving ternis and co�iclitions:
�-- 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any�vork within the property covered b��the easement,restore the surface of
� the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destro}'ed during etiecution of the work,as nearly as
� practicabie to the condition they�vere in inunediately before conunencement of the���ork or entry by the Grantee.
�=� 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the
� easement rights granted to the Grantee.
«' 3. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to:
a. Erect or maintain any buildinbs or structures within the easement;or
b. Plant trees,shnibs or vegetation has�in�deep root patterns��fiich may cause damage to or interfere with tlie
utilities to be placed within the easeuient b}�the Grantee;or
c. Develop,landscape,or beautify the easenient area in any�vzy�vhich���oul�l uiueasonably increase the costs to
the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein.
d. Dig,tumiel or perfonn other fornis of construction activities on the property which�vould disturb the
comp�ction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities.
e. Blast within fifteen(1�)feet of the right-of-way.
This easement shall run with the land described l�erein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs,
successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the la���fiil o���ners of tl�e above properties
and tliat they have a good and la�vful right to e�ecute tliis agreement.
IN WITNESS WHERE F,said Gr3ntor has caused this instniment to be e�ecuted this�b day of�20 GO.
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Nota Seal must be within boY CORPORATE FOIZ�►/OFACIiNOWLEDGbIEA"/'
1 ```��„`,, COUNTY OF KING )
0 ��� On this�day of��20�,before me�rsonally appeared
— ��,��.a����� /
i^,�_` �'�g�� �j� James P. Pierre to me known to
� = Ot� �$,i� i be of the coiporation that eaecuted the
� �V � � � ��� � Wltlllll 117SCT'llIIlZll, nd ac lowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary
i � � � : � act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and
� '� ����,-' � each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to e�ecute said instrument and that
�� ��� ��'+�e����.�� : the seal aft7sed is the corporate seal of said corporation.
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Notary Public in a fo ie State of Washington
Notary(Print) �� (il /��{.(� (/l C �
My appointment etpires: �� j��C.��
Dated: ��� �Q
P:\1997�9703�Doc�unents\pierreEASEMENT.DOC1 Page 2 of 7
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That portion of Lot 12 and Tract B of Washington Teclmical Center, according to the plat thereof
recorded in Volume 122 of Plats, pages 98 through 102, inclusive, in King County,Washington, more
particularly described as follo�vs:
That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 24, To��nship 23 North, Range 4 East,W.M., in King
County,Washington, described as follo�vs:
Commencing at the northeast corner of the South 40 feet of Section 13, To«nship 23 North, Range 4
Thence North 88°15'00" West along the north line of the South 40 feet, a distance of 8�4.73 feet, more
or.less,to the�vest line of Po�vell Avenue South«�est, being the north�vest corner of Earlington Industrial
Park Number 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 88 of Plats, page 80, in King County,
Thence South 1°14'28" West along the�vest line of said Earlington Industrial Park Number 2 and its
prolongation thereof 1,810 feet, more or less,to the southerly line of the 100—foot Northeni Pacific
Railway right—of—«�ay (no�v Burlington Northern, Inc.);
Thence south�vesterl}'along said right—of—���ay a distance of 1�1.42 feet to tlie TRUE POINT OF
c� Thence continuing south«-esterly along said right—of—�vay a distance of 310 feet;
�-�,-' Thence North 12°32'30" West a distance of 120 feet; to a point herein referred to as Point A;
�' Thence northeasterly parallel to the southerly line of said right—of—�vay a distance of 310 feet, more or
� less,to a point�vhich bears North 12°32'30" west of the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
� Thence South 12°32'30" East a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF
� (BEING a portion of Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 004-83 recorded under
�_a •
C`� Recording Number 83U9309001).
P:11997�9703�DocumzntslpierreEASE1�4ENT.DOC\ Page 3 of 7
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A strip of land 20 feet in width for sanitary sewer, more particularly described as follo�vs:
Commencing at said Point A;
Thence North 77°26'�9" East, parallel to the southerly line of the 100—foot Northern Pacific Railroad
right—of—�vay (no�v Burlington Northern, Inc.)a distance of 30.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence South 12°33'O 1" East a distance of 45.00 feet;
Then�e North 77°26'�9" East a distance of 20.00 feet;
Thence North 12°33'O1"West a distance of 4�.00 feet;
Thence South 77°26'�9"West a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
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P:\1997�9703�Documents\pierreEASEMENT.DOC\ Page 4 of7
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A strip of land immediately south of and adjoining the right—of—way of the Renton branch of
the Northern Pacific Railway, said strip being more fully described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the south marginal line of the right—of—way of the
Renton branch of the Northern Pacific Railway with the west line of the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County,
Washington, which bears South 0°15'30" East 556.1 feet from the northwest corner of the
southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 24;
Thence South 0°15'30" East 138.78 feet to a point;
Thence North 76°13' East 135 feet from and parallel to the south marginal line of the right—of—
way of said Renton branch of the Northern Pacific Railway, 1,385.27 feet to a point on the
east line of said Section 24;
Thence North 0°25' West 138.78 feet to the intersection of the east line of said Section 24 with
the south marginal line of the right—of—way of said Renton branch of the Northern Pacific
Railway, which said point of intersection lies 198 feet South 0°25' East from the northeast
corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 24;
Thence following said south marginal line of the right—of—way of the Renton branch of the
.— Northern Pacific Railway South 76°13' West 1,384 feet to the place of beginning;
� EXCEPT that portion thereof lying easterly of the westerly line of Powell Avenue Southwest
�� as conveyed to the City of Renton by Quit Claim Deed recorded under Recording Number
`�' 8309300560;
�--- (BEING a portion of Lot 3 of King County Lot Line Adjustment No. 004-83 recorded under
�, Recording Number 8309309001).
P:1199'N703�Documents\pierreEASEbIENT.DOC\ Pag�5 of7
' � .
A strip of land being 10 feet on each side of the following described centerline:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the south marginal way line of the right—of—way of
the Renton branch of the Northern Pacific Railway with the west line of the southeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of Section 24;
Thence North 77°26'S9" East along said marginal line a distance of 294.74 feet;
Thence South 18°39'35" East a distance of 46.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING OF
Thence continuing South 18°39'35" East a distance of 50.00 feet to the north margin of SW
Grady Way and the terminus of said centerline.
The sidelines of said easement shall be lengthened and shortened to terminate on said margin.
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P:\199'7�9703\Documznts\pierreEASEhfENT.DOC\ Page 6 of 7
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