HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract11/03/2005 16:23 2066244410 NONE PAGE 02/05 CAG-20-417 AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES and LOCAL, COUNTY AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES This agreement is entered into by Renton Police Department, State of Washington (RPD) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Seattle, Washington, for the purpose of receiving reimbursable costs incurred by RPD in providing resources to joint operations/task forces. Payments may be made to the extent they are included in ICE's Fiscal Year Plan, and the monies are available within the Treasury Forfeiture Fund to satisfy the request(s) for reimbursable overtime expenses. LIFE OF THIS AGREEMENT This agreement is effective on the date it is signed by both parties to this agreement and is in effect until terminated in writing by either party. I1. AUTHORITY This agreement is established pursuant to the provisions bf 31 U.S.C. 9703, the'Treasury Forfeiture Fund Act of 1992 which provides for the reimbursement of certain expenses of local, county and state law enforcement agencies incurred as participants in joint operations/task forces with a Department of Homeland Security law enforcement agency. I11. PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT This agreement establishes the procedures and responsibilities of both RPD and ICE for the reimbursement of certain overtime and other expenses pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9703. 11/0�12006 16:23 2065244410 NONE PAGE 03105 -2- IV. NAME OF TASK FORCEIJOINT OPERATION (it Applicable) The Name of this Task Force: NW HIDTA international Money Laundering Task Force. Projected Dates of Operation: Commencing October 1, 2005 and continuing indefinitely. V. CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES A. Assignment of RPD Officer(s) When mutually beneficial to RPD and ICE supervisory personnel. RPD shall assign one dedicated offlcer(s) to dedicated joint RPD/ICE operations. Within 10 days of the effective date of this agreement, RPD shall provide ICE with the names, titles, badge or 1D numbers of the officer(s) who may be assigned to joint operations. Further, RPD shall provide the hourly overtime wage rate of the officers) who may be assigned to joint operations. B. Requests for Reimbursement of Overtime and Investigative Expenses 1. RPD may request reimbursement for payment of overtime and investigative expenses directly related to work performed by its officer(s) assigned to joint operations with IGE for the purpose of conducting official Homeland Security investigations. 2. RPD shall provide ICE, within 10 days of the signing of this agreement, with the contact name, title, telephone number and address where the law enforcement agency wants the check for reimbursable overtime costs mailed to. RPD shall also provide the name to whom the check should be payable. 3. Invoices submitted for the payment of overtime and investigative expenses to local/county/state must be submitted on RFD's letterhead. The invoice shall be signed by an authorized representative of RPD. 4. RPD will submit all requests for reimbursable payments, together with appropriate documentation to ICE, ATTN: DSAC Mike McCool, 1000 2nd Avenue, Suite 2300, Seattle, WA 961.04. 11/03/2006 16:23 2065244410 NONE PAGE 04/05 1911 RPD shall certify that the request is for overtime and/or investigative expenses incurred by RPD for participation with joint operations conducted with ICE. RPD shall also certify that requests for reimbursement of overtime expenses have not been made to other Federal law enforcement agencies who may also be participating in the same joint operations. RPD acknowledges that they remain fully responsible for their obligations as the employer of the officer(s) assigned to the task force and are responsible for the payment of investigative expenses and overtime earnings, withholdings, insurance coverage and all other requirements by law, regulation, ordinance or contract regardless of the reimbursable overtime and/or investigative expenses incurred. 4. All requests for reimbursement of costs incurred by RPD must be approved and certified by ICE. ICE shall countersign the invoices for payment. 5. The maximum reimbursement entitlement for overtime worked on behalf of ICF is set at $15,000 per officer assigned to joint operations for the Fiscal Year period. Furthermore, RPD is entitled to a combined maximum of $50,000 per year. C. PROGRAM AUDIT This agreement and its procedures are subject to audit by ICE, the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General, the General Accounting Office, and ether government designated auditors. RPD agrees to permit such audits and agrees to maintain all records relating to these transactions for a period of not less than three years; and in the event of an on -going audit, until the audit is completed. These audits may include reviews of any and all records, documents, reports, accounts, invoices, receipts or expenditures relating to this agreement; as well as the interview of any and all personnel involved in these transactions. 11/03/2006 16:23 2066244410 NONE -A - D. REVISIONS The terms of this agreement may be amended upon the written approval of both RPD and ICE. The revision becomes effective upon the date of approval. E_ NO PRIVATE RIGHT CREATED This is an internal government agreement between a Homeland Security Law Enforcement Agency and a Local/County/State Law Enforcement Agency and is not intended to confer any right or benefit to any private person or party. PAGE 05/05 Af4� al4aW .. 0 :5A &- Name V Title Title ME Data: /0 Adl p Immigration and Customs Enforcement Date. ld1-0 4 Nae 0 TAL, Name Title (RPD Chief Financial Officer) (ICE Headquarters Office)