HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-406219N Q0 0 0 0 W LLB Cn T R E E S: 2 -V Cercidiphyllum japonicum / KATSURA 4 ) Acer ginnala `Flame'/ AMUR MAPLE 7 *<, o Calocedrus decurrens/ INCENSE CEDAR A PORTION OF SE 1 /4 OF THE SE 1 /4 OF SEC 32 , T 23 N, R 5 E, W. M. min. 2-1/2" cal., street tree form I FOUND REBAR AND CAPI LS 35974 •� I_•T t 4 Iyl Chamecyparis o. `Gracilis'/ SLENDER HINOKI CYPRESS min. 6'-0" hgt. Tree to be Retained 1 (typ•) 1 �� _ tia p. `Vanessa'/ IRONWOOD min. 2" cal. � JI i I 753 �1 52 , 5/ 0 PsQ*tsuga menziesii/ DOUGLAS FIR min. 8'-0" hgt. TRACT 6,394 )��3 ° 751•� _ 2 r l � us c. `Capital'/ FLOWERING PEAR min. 2" cal., street tree form r i IJJ I c S H RUBS PERENNIALS/G R 0 U N D C 0 V E R S 0 1 P I 21 =°"' Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'/ VARIGATED JPN. SEDGE 1 gal. I I ins 7 Cornus s. `Isanti'/ ISANTI DOGWOOD min. 18" spr. I J I 6' -0" ood Screen as needed Gaultheria shallon/ SALAL 1 gal. 0 30" o.c. tri. spacing I Fence I(Red) I 14 O Ilex c `Convexa'/ JAPAN BOXLEAF HOLLY min 18" spr I min. 2" cal., single trunk min. 6'-0" hgt. o TR C \\N o \ .86' -' 5�90,5 - R 1■ill Screen Fence 6-0" Wood • 8 . ''r • If �,!��� • �'' 36 OLOT 6 Ln TRACT A 2,024 SF • •SF i. C DRAINAGE � I■ ���a �.. �'� �` 'sip'"'r `= . •�► �� :`: R�� . •:�_ .: �: --� ` —� • 714 • (DA - ❑- ❑� 0=--' - PRnVPfFa-_ _ I fi! 00 1 , N88° '38"W 36.50' I 32230 1 T i I I ree o e emove�09 as needed Juncus patens/ SPREADING SPIKERUSH 4" pots ® 12" o.c. tri. spacing N I APN# I 1,2 SF I I I I 1 (typ•) I � I 710 708 4 as needed Mahonia repens/ CREEPING MAHONIA 1 gal. ® 30" o.c. tri. spacing leader \ li I I s1 ° 1 o'So"w 10.9 ' LOT 3 I LOTS 2 I I LOT 1 I I 22 0 Myrica californica/ PACIFIC WAX MYRTLE min. 36" hgt., prominent leader D +S89°31'15" I I 5,768 SF j I N 5,174 SF I I I 5,02-X SF as needed `—_—� Prunus I. `Mt. Vernon'/ DWARF LAUREL 1 gal. ® 30" o.c. o — I I �� LOT 4 I ° /7172 5,155 SF I I 11 1 1 1 I I I ;I I s 22 � Ribes s. `King Ed. VII'/ FLWG. CURRANT min. 24" hgt. z I I 1 \ I I 67 Vaccinium ovatum/ EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY min. 24 hgt. * Pg1 q3 IIi I iI i(0 322 305/I 1°' - S89°5"W -- 770 II 1 N11050E 8.78Plant sizes are specified per the American Standard for Nursery Stock, Publication- -11050W 10.232 01' Ma2, 1986 sponsored by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. 0 \ ` L=10.11' * If plant quantity shown on schedule conflicts with what is represented by symbol li / — \xx R=25.00' I �� on Plan, the quantity represented by symbol shall be used. N I I I * Plant names shown i bold are native/ drought tolerant-PNW adaptive species. I 4.0' 10' i - _ --- ---- I I I LOT tJ I �- ---- -- ------------- --- GENERAL NOTES: PLANTING NOTES (cont.): i i 5,450 SF I I. Coordinate work with other trades as required. Determine texture shall be used as an amendment. Provide textural and location of underground utilities and perform work in a manner nutrient analysis for review and approval. Minimum soil which will avoid possible damage. Coordinate with Utilities specifications after amendments shall show a minimum organic Underground Location Center and Owner for locations of content of 10% (by weight) and pH shall be between 5.5- 7.0. existing underground utilities, etc. servicing or routed through See BMP T5.13 in WDOE Stormwater Management Manual for the site. Western Washington. 2. Provide protection of all property, persons, work in progress, 2. Soil Preparation: Planting Beds: See City of Renton structures, utilities, walls, walks, curbs and paved surfaces Standard Plan-264.00 Soil Amendment Sections Options 2,3 from damages incurred arising from this work. The Contractor and 4/ Planting Beds for scarifying and amended soil depths. FOUND 1/2" SPIKE shall pay for any such damage at no additional cost to the All Other Pervious Areas Other than Planting Beds (above): 0.4' EAST & 0.3' NORTH Owner. See City of Renton Standard Plan-264.00 Soil Amendment 3. Prior to beginning any construction activities, arrange an Sections Options 2,3 and 4/ Turf Areas for scarifying and on -site pre -construction meeting with Owner's Representative amended soil depths. to discuss and review Tree Protection Measures around Bio-Retention Facility: See Civil Plans for Bio-Retention existing trees to be retained (if noted). Planter grading, cross section and underdrain (if required). 4. During construction, keep pavements, building clean. Place imported (or amend existing soils) and mulches per 2017 Protect site and adjacent properties from damage due to City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Section 6.8 construction operations, operations by other Contractors/trades Bioretention Facility Designs. and trespassers. Unfinished and completed work shall be 3. Fertilize all installed plants during backfill operations (except protected from damage by erosion or trespassing, and proper for Bio-retention Facility) with 4-2-2 Agro Transplanter as safeguards shall be erected to protect the Public. recommended by Manufacturer. 5. Staking and Layout: Immediately notify Landscape Architect 4. Substitutions or changes in materials and placement shall in writing of any variance between plans and actual site. be made only on the written change orders as agreed between Landscape Architect has the right to adjust the location of Contractor, Landscape Architect, City and Owner. elements. Verify layout with Landscape Architect prior to any 5. Mulch all newly planted ornamental beds with a minimum installation work. three inch (Y) depth of approved coarse bark 'mulch' mix or 6. Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work. Arborist's Chips. Finish grade of mulch shall be 1" below Do not install any site elements until any unsatisfactory adjacent hard surfaces/ walls. conditions are corrected. Beginning of work constitutes 6. Stake trees per detail and as directed by Landscape acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. When conditions Architect. detrimental to plant growth/contructed elements, are encountered such as rubble fill, adverse conditions, or obstructions, notify Landscape Architect. 7. New Landscape Plantings will be watered by a Bidder Design Automatic Irrigation System submitted for approval to Owner's Representative prior to beginning landscape construction. PLANTING NOTES: 1. Planting soil for new planting areas shall be an approved Compost cultivated into the existing prepared subgrade. If existing subsoil is determined to be not suitable by Landscape Architect, a pre -mixed garden soil with a 'Sandy Gravelly Loam' @2019 Copyright Glenn Takagi Landscape Architect. All Rights Reserved. All drawn and Jeff Varley written information incorporated herein is an instrument of professional practice and is the Landscape Architect property of Glenn Takagi Landscape Architect 19819 30th Drive SE and not to be used in whole or in part without Bothell, WA 98012 the written authorization of Glenn Takagi (425) 466-9430 Landscape Architect. O� WASy/ AS -BUILT m REVISION —Street Light Pole '-20' Street Uss LightOffset 6-0" Wood Screen Fence (Red) FEE r�j��� l r fT v.. 0""11" *ram �f NO ROAD MEN • .•SF S. 8• •• • _,-�05— 9114 TREE REPLACEMENT/ DENSITY CALCULATIONS: (See also TREE RETENTION PLAN and Consulting Arborist Report) Tree Replacement Requirements: Total Significant Trees- 31 Significant Trees Required to be Retained- (30% of 31) = 9.3 Significant Trees Retained- 9(73677377746775277537758775977667A) Total Quantity of Trees to be Replaced- 0.0 Tree Density Requirements: 2 trees per 5000 s.f. of Lot 6 Lots times 2 trees each = 12 trees (@ 1-1/2" ea.) = 18 inches Total Tree Inches Provided- 111 inches (Deciduous Trees= 55 inches, Conifer Trees= 28 (qty.) x 2" ea. = 56 inches) JMV 12.16.23 SURVEYED. SCALECIENTR. EPOINTE 1 "=20' JMV DRAW JMV ONE INCH CHECKED JMV AT FllLL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH BY DATE A P P R SCALE ACCORDINGLY mGvm- JM V VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 DATUM Street Tree \ � v \, SS Driveway (typ) 3 ----_ �— -- —, 15.0' ""FOUND 1/2" SPIKE 0.5' WEST & 0.2' NORTH CITY OF R REN TON N�t� Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. 0' 10' 20' 40' SCALE: 1 " = 20'— 0" \[•7iIIII1 iJ 0 0 bN i LLJ W r7 000 Q ` o �- oCD 0 0 I .00' ' s I 0 o Lf) 0 N �- -------------- Q J R-406219 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS ~ HAEVIN RIDGE SHORT PLAT AS -BUILT - PLAT LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 Cn W O 0 DATE 10.23.19 z F•LDBOOV_ PAGE > DRAWING NO. W Q SHEET L1 OF.2 =