HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/2020 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners – SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 4:00 pm Video Conference – during Governor Inslee’s “Safe Start” Order 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Tim Searing, Shun Takano, Troy Wigestrand and Marlene Winter Members Absent- none Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator; Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Alan Wyatt, Capital Projects Manager; Maryjane Van Cleave, Recreation and Neighborhood Director; and Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Larry Reymann motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marlene Winter motioned to approve the June 9 meeting minutes as presented. Motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a. Recreation and Neighborhoods – Maryjane Van Cleave shared that multiple activities are on-going. Themed Trivia Game Nights, “Camp In/Out” weekly themed activities with pick up kits; staff and council participating as hosts, story-readers and the like. Sign-up through the web/PerfectMind software All going very well with surveys showing public’s strong desire for engagement and getting back out into the parks. Mask distribution continues with very positive feedback from the community. Per July 4th, there was a partial (south end) closure at Coulon to allow Renton Police and Fire to be available to respond out in the community. Recreation and Neighborhoods will offer continued virtual activities during August and change gears after that to align with school district efforts. b. Parks Planning – Sunset Neighborhood Update, Alan Wyatt-Capital Projects Manager shared photos and descriptions of how construction continues at the park with impervious pavement, pergolas, lawn, irrigation and the highlight, the premier playground structure. The structures, engineered in Germany, include two Helix climbing towers, 15 and 21 feet tall and a 30 foot by 30 foot geometric shaped climbing structure called the Helix. These are nylon cable systems for interior climbing, with features not allowing kids to climb on the outside or up through the top. Other playground features include minimalistic exercise equipment, a modern teeter totter and a separate area for ages 2-5 years old. Still to come is the rubberized surface under the play structures, the decorative mist feature and other final details. c. Parks - Farmers Market is located in the gravel “Big 5” lot next to Gateway Park with limited number of vendors in an enclosed area, with hand washing stations, exit survey and strict social distancing ParksCommissionMeetingJuly14,2020Page2of2beingenforced.CedarRiverTrailflooddamagehasbeenevaluatedbygeoengineerswithaplannowforaslightreroutingthetrailandreinforcementstopreventfurtherdamage.Trailhasasinglelaneopen,withsignage.TheMuckleshootTribehasbeeninformedofthedamageandrepairplans,andwillbeloopedbackinwhendesignandconstructionplansareintheworks.RiverviewPark/CedarRiverTrestlerepairsshouldbeopenedbyendofAugust.d.CityBudgetProcess-duetolossofrevenue,budgetcuts,staffSharedWorkProgramandotherstepshavebeentakentodecreaseexpensestobringtheprojected$22millionshortfalltoan$llmillionloss.NotopeningtheRecreationCentersortheHenryMosesAquaticCenter,cancellinglargecityevents,decreasingcontractedmaintenanceandnothiringseasonalstaffweresignificantexpensesnottaxingthebudgetthisyear.Biennialbudgetfor2021/2022willsimplyentailrollingforwardthecurrentbudgetwithnonewbudgetasks.Ascityrevenuecomesbackandstabilizes,budgetadjustmentswillbemade.AVolunteerSeparationprogramwasinstitutedasacitywideattempttocurbspendingandhelpwiththeshortfall.e.GrantProjectscanmoveforwardastheyarenotaffectedbytherevenueloss.f.SupplementalStaff-InFebruary2020,17full-timepositionswereapproved(8-Parks,6-Facilities,3-Golfdivisions).Golfhired2employees,butwillholdoff,alongwiththeotherdivisions,tohiretheremainingpositionstillJanuary2021.6.ADJOURNMENTLarryReymannmotionedtoadjournat5:30pm;motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.&Recorder:RobertaGraverby:TimSearing,NEXTMTG-August11,2020DateWheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice).