HomeMy WebLinkAboutMotions SheetDEC 7, 2020 - CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MOTION SHEET Agenda Placement Agenda Section Title/Item Motion Department Interested Parties 3.a) PROCLAMATION Mental Health Awareness Month: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring December 2020 to be Mental Health Awareness Month in the City of Renton, encouraging all members of the community to fight the stigma of and provide support for mental illness. Pastor Kacey Hahn and Justin Jensen accepted the proclamation with appreciation. COUNCIL CONCUR Executive April Alexander 4.a) PUBLIC HEARING Emergency ORD – Interim Zoning Controls: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pavone opened the public hearing to consider an emergency Ordinance for amending and extending Interim Zoning Controls for Economic Recovery related to revocable permits and signs. COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING CED Chip Vincent Vanessa Dolbee Brittany Gillia Judith Subia 7.a) CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Council Meeting minutes of November 23, 2020. COUNCIL CONCUR ASD Jason Seth Sandi Weir 7.b) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2772 Administrative Services Department requested approval to write-off bad debt in the total amount of $36,222.87 per Policy & Procedure 220-03. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE ASD Jan Hawn Kari Roller 7.c) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2771 Community & Economic Development Department recommended adoption of an ordinance to amend and extend emergency Ordinance No. 5974 for six (6) additional months to advance economic recovery for businesses in Renton by providing updates to the no-fee Economic Recovery Revocable Right-of-Way Permit, waiving land use requirements for temporary business expansions in adjacent vacant storefronts, establishing short-term curbside pick-up stalls in the Center Downtown zone, and waiving fees in the Downtown Parking Garage for up to ten (10) hours until Phase 4 of the Safe Start Plan, or June 7, 2021, whichever occurs first. COUNCIL CONCUR CED Chip Vincent Vanessa Dolbee Brittany Gillia Judith Subia 7.d) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2766 Community & Economic Development Department recommended further consideration and first reading of an emergency ordinance adopting interim zoning controls to amend Renton Municipal Code regarding "homeless services uses" (including "COVID-19 deintensification shelters") and related code amendments; and to schedule second reading of the ordinance with any additional requested changes for December 14, 2020. COUNCIL CONCUR CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 7.e) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2770 Community Services Department recommended approval of the Agreement for Design, Permitting and Construction Support for Cedar River Trail Relocation and Cedar River Bank Stabilization Project, with GeoEngineers, Inc., in the amount of $375,638. This project is eligible for reimbursement from FEMA, reducing the City's actual cost to approximately $45,077. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Community Services Kelly Beymer Cailin Hunsaker Roberta Grover 7.f) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2773 Executive Department recommended approval of a Professional Services contract with Outcomes by Levy, LLC, in the amount of $166,000 per year for lobbying services for 2021 and 2022. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Executive Preeti Shridhar April Alexander 7.g) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2768 Public Works Administration recommended approval of Amendment No. 06-20 to LAG-93-004, lease with BHC, Inc., extending the lease to December 31, 2024 and increasing annual lease revenue to $33,998.62 due to a CPI adjustment, for 48,777.51 square foot parcel at the Renton Municipal Airport. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Public Works – Administration Martin Pastucha Jason Anderson Linda Moschetti 7.h) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2769 Public Works Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment No. 2 to CAG-19- 313, with Otak, Inc, in the amount of $558,917 for phase two design services for the Monroe Ave NE Storm Improvement project. REFER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE Public Works – Utilities Systems Martin Pastucha Ron Straka Melissa Crawford Linda Moschetti 7.i) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2759 Public Works Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment No. 1 to CAG-19- 139, with Osborn Consulting, Inc., in the amount of $128,582 for additional design services for the SE 172nd St and 125th Ave SE Green Stormwater Infrastructure project. REFER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE Public Works – Utilities Systems Martin Pastucha Ron Straka Melissa Crawford Linda Moschetti 8.a) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to accept the 1300 Bronson Way N Street Vacation appraisal and to set compensation at $0. The Committee further recommended that the related ordinance be presented for first reading. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION CED Chip Vincent Vanessa Dolbee Amanda Askren Judith Subia 8.b) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Prince presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the 2021 contract agreement with Davey Resource Group, Incorporated, in the amount of $134,400 for Consulting Certified Arborist Inspector services to assist with the Community Services Department - Urban Forestry Program tree service requests. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Community Services Kelly Beymer Ian Grey Roberta Grover 8.c) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Prince presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to renew the City’s liability insurance coverage with Alliant Insurance Services, at a rate increase of 22.3% for an annual premium cost of $542,239.43, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the implementing documents when ready. The liability insurance contract coverage includes excess insurance for liability and insurance coverage for the airport, law enforcement, unmanned aircraft (drones), and underground storage tanks (UST). Rates are secured though Alliant Insurance Services, a third party broker who was approved by Council in 2015. Factors determining premiums include market conditions, the City’s loss run history, levels of coverage and the City’s self-insured retention. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION HRRM Ellen Bradley-Mak Kelsey Ternes Mary Ann Anthony 8.d) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Committee on Committees Chair Corman presented a report recommending the following Council Committee assignments for 2021: Finance (2nd and 4th Mondays, 4:00 p.m.) Valerie O'Halloran, Chair Ed Prince, Vice Chair Ryan McIrvin, Member Public Safety (3rd Monday, 4:30 p.m.) Ruth Perez, Chair Ryan McIrvin, Vice Chair Ed Prince, Member Community Services (1st Monday, 4:30 p.m.) Kim-Khanh Van, Chair Angelina Benedetti, Vice Chair Ruth Perez, Member Utilities (1st and 3rd Mondays, 3:30 p.m.) Angelina Benedetti, Chair Valerie O'Halloran, Vice Chair Kim-Khanh Van, Member Planning & Development (2nd and 4th Mondays, 5:00 p.m.) Ed Prince, Chair Ruth Perez, Vice Chair Valorie O'Halloran, Member Transportation (1st and 3rd Mondays, 5:00 p.m.) Ryan McIrvin, Chair Kim-Khanh Van, Vice Chair Angelina Benedetti, Member COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Legislative Julia Medzegian 9.a) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 5996: An ordinance was read adopting the following interim zoning controls in response to the Renton Red Lion COVID-19 Deintensification Shelter operating in the City of Renton since April 2020: (1) clarifying and modifying principal, accessory, and unclassified use regulations by amending Subsections 4-2-050.A, 4-2-050.C.4, 4-2-050.C.5, AND 4-2-050.C.6 of the Renton Municipal Code; (2) clarifying and modifying certain land use definitions in the Renton Municipal Code by amending Subsection 4-2-060.K of the Renton Municipal Code, amending the definition of “Diversion Facility” and removing the definition of “Diversion Interim Service Facility” in Section 4-11-040 of the Renton Municipal Code, amending the definition of “hotel” and adding a definition of “hotel, extended-stay” in Section 4-11-080 of the Renton Municipal Code, and amending the definition of “social service organizations” in Section 4-11-190 of the Renton Municipal Code; (3) allowing for one COVID-19 deintensification shelter to temporarily operate in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning district by adding a definition of “COVID-19 Deintensification Shelter” in Section 4-11-030 of the Renton Municipal Code and amending Subsections 4-2-060.G, 4-2-080.A.71, and 4-2- 080.A.101 of the Renton Municipal Code; and (4) allowing for and regulating land uses serving those experiencing homelessness by adding a new Section 4-4-045, Homeless Services Use, to the Renton Municipal Code and adding a definition of “Homeless Services Use” to Section 4-11-080 of the Renton Municipal Code; making a legislative determination that the ordinance is exempt from full compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21.C RCW); providing for severability; declaring an emergency; and establishing an immediate effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.b) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 5998: An ordinance was read amending self- storage standards in Subsections 4-2-060.M, 4-2-080.A.17, 4-2-080.A.22, and 4-2-080.A.59 of the Renton Municipal Code, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.c) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 5999: An ordinance was read adding regulations for standalone solar energy structures by amending Subsection 4-2-060.O of the Renton Municipal Code, amending Chapter 4-4 of the Renton Municipal Code by adding a new Section 4-4-105 “Solar Energy Systems,” and adding new definitions of “Solar Energy System” and “Solar Energy System, Ground Mounted, Small Scale” to Section 4-11-190 of the Renton Municipal Code, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.d) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6000: An ordinance was read updating regulations for the Center Downtown (CD) Zone by amending Subsections 4-2-060.L, 4-2-080.A.3, 4-2-080.A.6, and 4-2-120.B; and the definition of “Dwelling, Attached” in Section 4-11-040 of the Renton Municipal Code; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.e) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6001: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-045 of the Renton Municipal Code by renaming the section from “Vesting” to “Vesting Regulations,” eliminating Shoreline Development Permits and Conditional Use Permits from the list of applications that vest at complete application, clarifying duration of vesting, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.f) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6002: An ordinance was read revising Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) regulations by amending Subsections 4-2-110.C, 4-2-110.E, and 4-2-116.B.2 of the Renton Municipal Code, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.g) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6003: An ordinance was read amending Subsection 4-9-070.R of the Renton Municipal Code, relating to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) appeals process, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.h) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6004: An ordinance was read revising regulations relating to government facilities by amending Subsection 4-2-060.G of the Renton Municipal Code, amending the definition of “Government Facilities, Other” in Section 4-11-070 of the Renton Municipal Code, and adding new definitions of “Government Maintenance Facilities, Other” and “Government Office, Other” to Section 4-11-070 of the Renton Municipal Code, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.i) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6005: An ordinance was read adopting the 2020 amendments to the City's 2015 Comprehensive Plan, maps, and data in conjunction therewith, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.j) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6006: An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of one parcel (King County Parcel Number 1923059047) within the City of Renton from Industrial Medium (IM) to Commercial Arterial (CA) (CPA 2019-M-01) and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.k) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6007: An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 14 parcels within the City of Renton and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.l) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6008: An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of twenty-nine parcels bounded by SE Petrovitsky Road to the north, 118th Avenue SE to the East, SE 180th Street to the south, and 116th Avenue SE to the west within the City Of Renton from Residential Four (R-4) to Residential Six (R-6) (CPA 2019-M-03) and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Angie Mathias Paul Hintz Judith Subia 9.m) Ordinances for first reading: Ordinance No. 6009: An ordinance was read vacating a portion of an alley, located near 1300 Bronson Way N and situated east of Garden Avenue N, west of Meadow Avenue N, north of Bronson Way N, and south of N 2nd Street (1300 Bronson Way N Street Vacation; VAC-20-001). COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING CED Chip Vincent Vanessa Dolbee Amanda Askren Judith Subia 9.n) Ordinance for first and advancement to second and final reading: Ordinance No. 5997: An ordinance was read extending and amending the interim zoning control established by Ordinance No. 5974 in response to the operational limits on businesses during the COVID-19 declared public health emergency by (1) extending the temporary “Economic Recovery Revocable Right-of-Way Permit” for businesses; (2) extending the temporary “Economic Recovery Signs” for businesses; and (3) amending the interim zoning control to waive the requirement to obtain a temporary use permit for the temporary expansion of a business into an adjacent vacant space in a multi-tenant building; authorizing the temporary designation of a limited number of existing public parking stalls within the Center Downtown zoning district to support parking for short-term curbside pick-up or to go orders from businesses; temporarily waiving parking fees for parking for periods of up to 10 hours within the City’s City Center Parking Garage located at 655 South 2nd Street; providing for severability; declaring an emergency; and establishing an immediate effective date. COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES CED Chip Vincent Vanessa Dolbee Brittany Gillia Judith Subia 9.o) Ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance No. 5995: An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton fiscal years 2019/2020 Biennial Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 5898, in the amount of $12,166,453, adopting an amended 2020 City of Renton Salary Table, and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES ASD Jan Hawn Kari Roller