HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Fleming and Wagner Comments and City ResponseFrom: Scott Warlick Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2021 1:19 PM To: Roger Fleming; Richard Wagner Cc: Jill Ding; Vanessa Dolbee Subject: RE: Planning for 1415 N 24th St (Mangat Short Plat)- additional comments Attachments: J_Modification_Request_Justification_10302020_v1.pdf Hi Roger, In regard to the overhead services – The developer will be required to underground only the utilities along their property frontage. Your overhead connections will not change. The pole currently serving your overhead connection will be moved west so that it will not be in the middle of the new frontage improvements. The developer is also required to maintain existing street lighting levels and will be responsible for all financial obligations involved with moving this pole. The frontage improvements are required as part of city code(RMC 4-6-060) which is approved by City Council. The design standards and development requirements for street improvements is to ensure reasonable and safe access to public and private properties. In the future, when other properties in this area come in for development, they will have the same frontage requirements and eventually we will be able to get connectivity throughout the neighborhood. Richard, Please see the attached modification request justification to see a sketch (Page 3) of what is proposed for the intersection at N 24th St and Meadow Ave N. The improvements needed to meet the requirements of the hammerhead turnaround will not impact the significant tree on the northwest corner of the intersection. There will need to be some additional pavement installed along the south side of N 24th St in order to meet the required dimensions for the firetrucks to be able to turn. Please let me know if you have any additional questions! Scott Warlick Engineering specialist III | CED SWarlick@Rentonwa.gov| Please consider the environment before printing this email COVID-19 UPDATE City Hall is currently closed to the public but we are still available to assist you. · Pay Invoice and Apply for Over-the-Counter Permit: Permitting Portal · Schedule an Inspection: Permitting Portal -OR- Building: 425-430-7202; Civil/Site: 425-430-7203 · Contact Staff: o Staff Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. o Building or General Permitting: permittech@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7200 o Planning: planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7294 o Public Works Permitting: pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov or 206-402-8626 o Code Compliance: Renton Responds or 425-430-7373. From: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 8:15 AM To: Roger Fleming <rmfrog1@yahoo.com>; Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com>; Scott Warlick <SWarlick@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Planning for 1415 N 24th St (Mangat Short Plat)- additional comments Roger, I have provided your comments to the Engineering Plan Reviewer assigned to this project (Scott Warlick). He will be responding to your questions shortly. Thanks, Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov COVID-19 UPDATE City Hall is currently closed to the public but we are still available to assist you. · Pay Invoice and Apply for Over-the-Counter Permit: Permitting Portal · Schedule an Inspection: Permitting Portal -OR- Building: 425-430-7202; Civil/Site: 425-430-7203 · Contact Staff: o Building or General Permitting: permittech@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7200 o Planning: planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7294 o Public Works Permitting: pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov or 206-402-8626 o Code Compliance: Renton Responds or 425-430-7373. From: Roger Fleming <rmfrog1@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 4:22 PM To: Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov>; Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com>; Theresa <rmfrog1@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Planning for 1415 N 24th St (Mangat Short Plat)- additional comments Hi, Vanessa and Jill (and Rich), I live on N 24th Street across from the Mangat Short plat and am a neighbor of Rich Wagner. I sent a letter via the U.S. Postal Service to Jill Ding at the City of Renton Planning Division on November 17, 2020, that seems to have been ignored because, like Rich's comments, it is not included in the records of this short plat. In that letter, I expressed my concerns about the power pole on that short plat because it provides overhead power and telephone service to my house and because it provides a much needed street light. If those overhead power and telephone lines to my house are to be moved underground, then the developer must do this at his cost with no or little inconvenience to me. Additionally, I join with Rich in his concern about the unnecessary demand by the City of Renton to force that development to build a curb, planting strip and sidewalk along the street. Those elements would be totally out of character with our neighborhood. They also would provide very little (if any) benefit or safety to the walking public because they are on the opposite side of the street from where pedestrians enter and leave our area (via Meadow Ave N). They would be a total waste of effort and money and would have a negative effect on the structure and aesthetics of N 24th Street. In my letter I included the form to add my name and address to the 'party of record' list for this short plat. However, I have not received any information about this short plat. Please review the 'party of record' list and add my name and e-mail address if it is missing. I appreciate your help with this situation; an acknowledgement of this e-mail is requested -- thanks. Take care.-- Roger Fleming (rmfrog1@yahoo.com) On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 4:44:31 PM PST, Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Vanessa and Jill Vanessa, I hope you can help. I’ve been trying since last November to get information to you, Jill, regarding the referenced Short Plat, including multiple emails and telephone messages, all with no success. This lack of communication is likely due to the city’s ongoing issues with the email system over the last few months. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. However, last week I read that this short Plat Application, of which I’ve been trying to engage, has been not only decided, but the appeal period has closed. Unfortunately, the record does not show any of my comments having been received or included in the deliberations. I think the decision is wrong and I stand behind my comments below from last November. I’d be happy to discuss this with you and/or Jill. My comments are limited to ROW improvements for which I very much want to encourage the applicant to appeal to the Public Works Dept their enforcement of the city standards on this site. Those standards are not only impractical here and simply will not work, but they also egregiously affect the character of the neighborhood. Thanks for consideration. Rich Wagner, FAIA 425-894-4646 Begin forwarded message: From: Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Planning for 1415 N 24th St (Mangat Short Plat) Date: January 22, 2021 at 3:43:26 PM PST To: JDing@renton.wa.gov Cc: Roger Fleming <rmfrog1@yahoo.com> Hi Jill, Apparently I’ve been using an incorrect address for you. The one used her is the one on your voice message. Please call me so that we can discuss the now approved application. Thanks Rich Wagner, FAIA 425-894-4646 Begin forwarded message: From: Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Planning for 1415 N 24th St (Mangat Short Plat) Date: January 21, 2021 at 1:12:03 PM PST To: Jill Ding <jding@rentonwa.gov> Hi Jill, My request is now more than 8 weeks old. Can you please respond? thanks Rich Wagner, FAIA On Jan 9, 2021, at 4:12 PM, Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Jill, I’ve not received any response to my comments below and the neighbors who also commented have heard nothing. Meanwhile, the existing house and property has been trashed and abandoned. If you can please give all of us an update on the application and a response to the many comments, it would be very much appreciated. GO SEAHAWKS ! Rich Wagner, FAIA 425-894-4646 On Nov 18, 2020, at 4:04 PM, Richard Wagner <richwagner1@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Jill, I hope you are well during these strangest of times. I have a few concerns about the referenced application. As a neighbor, my particular concern has to do with the urban design impacts of the ROW improvement conditions being imposed. The Project Description notes: A modification request has been submitted to allow a hammerhead turnaround within the N 24th St right-of-way to provide the required emergency access turnaround instead of a cul-de-sac. I have no outright objection to the hammerhead and certainly do not want a cul-de-sac at this intersection. But given the ROW conditions listed under Transportation, how does the hammerhead actually impact the older and much desired character of this area? Has the applicant or the city proposed a sketch as to how this condition can be met? AND, please assure the preservation of the existing and amazingly significant tree in the northwest corner of this intersection. The Transportation section notes: The N 24th St is classified as a residential access street, with an existing right-of-way (ROW) width of approximately 30 feet with an existing paved width of approximately 20 feet. To meet the City’s complete street standards for Residential Access streets, a minimum ROW width of 53 feet is required. Per RMC 4-6-060 half of street improvements as taken from the ROW centerline shall be required and include a 26 foot paved road (13 feet each side), a 0.5 foot curb, an 8 foot planting strip, and a 5 foot sidewalk. Dedication of approximately 11.5 feet will be required. Once again, my concern is the impact on this older (and much appreciated) character of the neighborhood. Imposing a wider ROW and then accenting it with sidewalks and planter strips will make this frontage uniquely urban and an objectionable stand-out in this neighborhood. Such uniqueness might be rational if in future adjacent properties were similarly improved, but, such improvements will not happen for decades, even scores, if at all. To the west of the subject property and extending along Garden Ct, the next properties have large retaining walls standing more than 12 ft tall immediately ON the existing property lines and cannot be reasonable relocated. It should also be noted that all ROW improvements - curbs, sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, etc. - along the adjacent Garden Ct. ROW were all exempted by the Public Works Department when the Keefer Short Plat was approved and again when the adjacent Jack Ring Short Plat was approved. I look forward to your favorable consideration. Thank you, Rich Wagner, FAIA 2411 Garden Ct. N