HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2020 - NW Resource - RE_ Finding of Violation CODE-20-000321 -- Decision Upon Reconsideration CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Mr. Olbrecht, We received your Decision Upon Reconsideration on October 2, 2020, which I assume is also the date it was issued. Above the signature line, the decision states it was “Issued this 31st day of August 2020.” I assume that is a clerical error. For purposes of future proceedings it would be helpful to have that corrected. Would you mind sending us a corrected version – which we will still treat as having been received on October 2. Thank you. Elaine L. Spencer, Attorney espencer@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:espencer@nwresourcelaw.com> 206.971.1566 (d) 206.909.4237 (c) 101 Yesler Way, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98104 www.nwresourcelaw.com <http://www.nwresourcelaw.com> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any included attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s), and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Do not read, copy, forward, or print this email message or any attachments unless you are the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and printouts of this email message and/or attachments. From: Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 4:53 PM To: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@rentonwa.gov>; howard.schneiderman@kingcounty.gov; Shane Moloney <SMoloney@rentonwa.gov>; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@rentonwa.gov>; Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov; Kim, Jina <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov>; Leslie Clark <LClark@rentonwa.gov>; ckoeppler@msandorffy.com; Singla, Sumeer <ssingla@williamskastner.com>; Elaine Spencer <espencer@nwresourcelaw.com>; Lisa Chaiet Rahman <lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com>; Daniel Malone <dmalone@desc.org>; Chip Vincent <CVincent@rentonwa.gov> Subject: Re: Finding of Violation CODE-20-000321 -- Decision Upon Reconsideration Decision Upon Reconsideration Attached On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 4:56 PM Cynthia Moya <CMoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@rentonwa.gov> > wrote: I am not sure if this was set to all parties of records yesterday so I am sending today. Thank you, Cindy Moya, City Clerk Specialist City of Renton - Administrative Services/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov <mailto:cmoya@rentonwa.gov> 425-430-6513 From: CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 9:01 AM To: Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Subject: FW: Finding of Violation CODE-20-000321 I sent this to Phil late yesterday. Can you make sure it went to all parties of record? -Jason From: Stephanie Rary <SRary@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SRary@Rentonwa.gov> > Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 3:56 PM To: CityClerk <CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CityClerk@Rentonwa.gov> >; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:CMoya@Rentonwa.gov> > Cc: Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonw a.gov> > Subject: FW: Finding of Violation CODE-20-000321 Greetings: Please find attached for filing with the Hearing Examiner the City of Renton’s Limited Motion for Clarification of August 31, 2020 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Final Decision. Stephanie Stephanie Rary, Paralegal Renton City Attorney 425-430-6493 (voice mail) / 425-430-6498 (fax) srary@rentonwa.gov <mailto:srary@rentonwa.gov> From: Stephanie Rary Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 3:53 PM To: 'ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> ' <ssingla@williamskastner.com <mailto:ssingla@williamskastner.com> >; 'Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schnei derman@kingcounty.gov> ' <Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov> >; 'Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> ' <Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov> >; 'Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> ' <Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov <mailto:Lena.Madden@kingcounty.gov> >; 'espencer@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:espencer@nwresourcelaw.com> ' <espencer@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:espencer@nwresourcelaw.com> >; 'lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com> ' <lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com> > Cc: Shane Moloney <SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:SMoloney@Rentonwa.gov> >; Leslie Clark <LClark@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:LClark@Rentonwa.gov> >; Alex Tuttle <ATuttle@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:ATuttle@Rentonw a.gov> > Subject: Finding of Violation CODE-20-000321 Greetings: The City serves the City of Renton’s Limited Motion for Clarification of August 31, 2020 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Final Decision. Stephanie Rary, Paralegal Renton City Attorney 425-430-6493 (voice mail) / 425-430-6498 (fax) srary@rentonwa.gov <mailto:srary@rentonwa.gov> email message and any included attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s), and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Do not read, copy, forward, or print this email message or any attachments unless you are the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and printouts of this email message and/or attachments. , September 12, 2020 9:19 PM To: Eliza Hinkes <ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> Cc: cityclerk@rentonwa.gov; cmoya@rentonwa.gov; ssingla@williamskastner.com; smoloney@rentonwa.gov; lclark@rentonwa.gov; atuttle@rentonwa.gov; srary@rentonwa.gov; howard.schneiderman@kingcounty.gov; jina.kim@kingcounty.com; lena.madden@kingcounty.com; cvincent@rentonwa.gov; Elaine Spencer <espencer@nwresourcelaw.com>; Lisa Chaiet Rahman <lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com>; Daniel Malone <dmalone@desc.org> Subject: Re: In re the matter of the Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, LLC, Case No. CODE20-000321 - DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration As the parties may recall, the Final Decision on the Renton Hotel Investor's appeal gave DESC the opportunity to request reconsideration along with new declaration(s). DESC has taken that opportunity with the motion it emailed to all parties yesterday. If any party would like to respond, please do so by 5:00 pm, September 18, 2020. DESC may file a reply by 5 pm, September 23, 2020. Responses and replies may include new declarations and exhibits. All responses and replies with supporting documentation should be emailed to all parties to this email. On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 3:23 PM Eliza Hinkes <ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> > wrote: Good afternoon, Please find attached for filing and service DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration and Declaration of Daniel Malone in Support of DESC’s Motion for Reconsideration. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing the attachments. Eliza Hinkes, Paralegal ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com <mailto:ehinkes@nwresourcelaw.com> 206.971.1563 (d) 973.896.4119 (c) 101 Yesler Way, Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98104 www.nwresourcelaw.com <http://www.nwresourcelaw.com/> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any included attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s), and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Do not read, copy, forward, or print this email message or any attachments unless you are the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and printouts of this email message and/or attachments.