HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 51 - 08-14-2020 - Hearing Exhibit - KC 07 - Declaration of Jody RauchITEM NO. 51 HEX-000639 1 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BEFORE THE CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In re the matter of the Appeal by Renton Hotel Investors, LLC, Downtown Emergency Services Center, King County Appellants. Case No. CODE20-000321 Jody Rauch declares as follows: 1. I am competent to testify and have personal knowledge of the matters herein. 2. I am an Advanced Practice Nurse Specialist and the Clinical Quality Lead for the Healthcare for the Homeless Network (HCHN) of Public Health — Seattle & King County, 3. I have served in my current position for 2 V2, years, and with HCHN for 4 years, working previously as nurse and mobile van nurse. In total, I have dedicated 16 years to public health nursing throughout the Seattle area. 4. I earned a BS in Nursing from the University of Washington (2004), and Master's in Cultural Studies also from UW Bothell (2013). Daniel T. Satterberg, Prosecuting Attorney CN[L DIVISION W400 King County Courthouse DECLARATION OF JODY RAUCH - 1 516 ndrelAvenue Seattle, Washington 98104 206) 477-1120/FAX (206) 296-0191 HEX-000640 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1211 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5. HCHN is a network of 11 community partners providing healthcare services including medical, behavioral, substance abuse, and case management for people experiencing homelessness throughout King County. 6. We at HCHN provide these services in clinics, permanent supportive housing sitesI tiny house villages, shelters, encampments, and day centers. 7. Since late February, we have concentrated our efforts on preventing and diagnosing homeless patients with COVID-19. 8. Even before the COVID-19 epidemic, there was a tremendous scarcity of housing and even shelter beds for the local homeless population. 9. According to the most recent count, there were an estimated 11,751 individuals experiencing homelessness in King County, on January 24, 2020. 10. An estimated 47%were unsheltered, living in in a park, tent or car. Some 53% were sheltered, in an emergency shelter or transitional housing facility for example. This data is available online at'hops•/hegionalhomelesssysteln org/kin -cgoiuty-point-in-time-count/. L1. Beginning in February, we in HCHN began work to protect this population, and the most vulnerable among them, from COVID-19. 12. We worked to adhere to the best practice recommendations from Public Health — Seattle &Ding County, the Washington Department of Health, CDC, and to the orders of the Local Health Officer, Dr. Jeff Duchin, including de -intensification of congregate shelters. 13. To slow and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we worked closely with the City of Seattle and the King County Department of Community and Health Services to create temporary living spaces that provided the most vulnerable congregate shelter residents with private bedrooms and bathrooms. DECLARATION OF JODY RAUCH - 2 Daniel T. Satterberg, Prosecuting Attorney CIVIL DIVISION W400 King CounTy Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 206) 477-1120/FAX (206) 296-0191 HEX-000641 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14, If we lose these spaces, some of the most vulnerable will have to sleep on the streets, in doorways, or encampments, with far less access to toilets, clean water, and showers. 15. Our patients who sleep in encampments often chose to do so as protection from violence and theft. 16. There are few toilets, hand washing facilities, and even fewer showers and washing machines available to the unsheltered homeless. Folks generally rely on community businesses and services for toilets and hand washing, which are grossly inadequate. The local unsheltered homeless population is already in the midst of hepatitis A outbreak, which is primarily afecal-oral transmitted disease. 17. Arise in the number of people living on the streets and in encampments will likely increase the need for COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and emergency room and hospital admissions. 18. Taking away de -intensification sites is contrary to the science and guidance from Public Health, the Department of Health, and CDC on controlling COVID-19, and increases the likelihood of disease transmission and outbreaks. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Respectfully submitted this Sth day of August at Seattle, WA. DECLARATION OF JODY RAUCH - 3 Jody Rauch Daniel T. Satterberg, Prosecuting Attorney CIVIL DIVISION W4(10 King County Courthouse 516 Tlurd Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 206) 477-1120/FAX (206) 296-0191 HEX-000642