HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Certified Record for Judicial Review - Amended Page 5The Honorable Nicole Gaines Phelps 1 4 5 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING 8 KING COUNTY, RENTON HOTEL 9 INVESTORS, LLC,and DOWNTOWN No. 20-2-15681-7 KNT EMERGENCY SERVICE CENTER, I Petitioners, II CERTIFIED RECORD FOR v. JUDICIAL REVIEW,PER RCW 12 36.70C.110(1)AND (2) CITY OF RENTON, I3 Respondent. 14 15 Pursuant to the State Land Use Petition Act,ch.36.70C RCW,the record requirements 16 in RCW 36.70C.110 and the Court's(stipulated)Amended Scheduling Order dated November 17 4. 2020, Respondent City of Renton hereby certifies that the following documents(as well as 18 the video/audio recordings of the August 14,2020 Hearing Examiner hearing)constitute the 19 complete record2 in this Land Use Petition Act appeal. 20 21 INDEX OF CERTIFIED RECORD 22 Item Date Description Bates No. No. 23 1 07-15-2020 KC - Appeal of Finding of Violation HEX-000001 24 ) By electronic mail sent February 11,2021, counsel for Respondent reminded counsel for Petitioners that the 25 recording(s) of the August 14, 2020 Hearing Examiner hearing are available to Petitioners and advisedPetitionershowtoobtaintherecording(s). Per RCW 36.70C.110(1),Petitioners are responsible for having these 6recordings transcribed and made available as part of the LUPA record.2 The documents in this Certification have been transmitted in electronic form,per agreement of counsel for the 27 parties. No paper documents will be exchanged or provided unless specifically requested'by one of the parties,but paper copies of such documents will be made available to the Court upon request. CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, KEATING,BUCKLIN&MCCORMACK,INC.,P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW PER RCW 36.70c.110(1)AND(2)- 1 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 1210 NASHI8104 20-2-15681-7 KNT sEAPH ONE:(206)233-861 FAX (206)223-9423 INDEX OF CERTIFIED RECORD 3 INo Date Description Bates No. 4 2 07-15-2020 KC -Declaration of Daniel Malone HEX-000013 3 07-15-2020 KC - Declaration of Jeff Duchin HEX-000023 5 4 07-15-2020 KC -Declaration of Leo Flor HEX-000037 6 5 07-15-2020 KC -Declaration of Youn-Jung Kim HEX-000045 6 07-15-2020 KC - Letter to Renton Administrator HEX-000067 7 7 07-15-2020 RHI - Declaration of Dayabir Bath HEX-000069 8 07-15-2020 RHI - Request for Hearing - Singla HEX-000073 8 9 07-16-2020 COR-Notice of Appearance HEX-000076 9 10 07-16-2020 HEX -Notice of Hearing-RHI Code-20-000321 HEX-000081 11 07-21-2020 KC -Notice of Association HEX-000084 10 12 07-23-2020 Parties—Proposed schedule—Exhibit A to HEX-000087 Prehearing Order 11 13 08-05-2020 COR- Initial Witness List, Exhibit List, and HEX-000089 Production of Exhibits 12 14 08-05-2020 COR-Opening Brief In Support of Finding of HEX-000101 13 Violation Regarding Red Lion De-Intensification Shelter 14 15 08-05-2020 KC - Hearing Brief HEX-000138 16 08-05-2020 KC - Witness Exhibit List HEX-000139 15 17 08-05-2020 HEX - Prehearing Order HEX-000143 16 18 08-05-2020 RHI - Opening Brief in Opposition of Findings of HEX-000147 Violations re Red Lion 17 19 08-12-2020 COR-Additional Witness List, Exhibit List,and HEX-000155 Production of Exhibits 18 20 08-12-2020 COR- Brief in Response HEX-000161 19 21 08-12-2020 DESC -Notice of Appearance HEX-000184 20 22 08-12-2020 DESC - Second Decl. of Daniel Malone HEX-000189 23 08-12-2020 KC - Response Brief HEX-000195 21 24 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 01 - Finding of Violation HEX-000200 22 25 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 02 - Declaration of Daniel HEX-000218 Malone 23 26 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 03 - Declaration of Jeff HEX-000229 Duchin 71 27 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 04- Declaration of Leo HEX-000244 25 Flor 28 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 05 - Declaration of HEX-000253 26 Dayabir'Pintu' Bath 29 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 06 - Declaration of Youn- HEX-000258 27 Jung Kim CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, KEATING,BUCKLIN&MCCORMACK,INC.,P.S. PER RCW 36.70c.110(1)AND(2)-2 801 SECONDATTORNEYSVENUE,SUITE 1210 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 9810420-2-15681-7 KNT PHONE:(206)823-8861 FM:(206)223.9423 INDEX OF CERTIFIED RECORD 2 3 INo.tem Date Description Bates No. 4 30 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 07- Declaration of Donna HEX-000281 Locher 5 31 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 08 - Declaration of HEX-000304 6 Vanessa Dolbee 7 32 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 09 -Declaration of Nate HEX-000314 Malone 8 33 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 10 - License Agreement HEX-000323 Between Renton Hotel Investors, LLC and King 9 County 34 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 11 - Declaration of Leslie HEX-000345 10 Clark 11 35 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 12 -Declaration of HEX-000393 12 Sergeant Russell R. Radke 36 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 13 - Declaration of Doug HEX-000402 13 Levy 14 37 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 14 - Second Declaration HEX-000419 of Vanessa Dolbee 1, 38 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 15 - Second Declaration HEX-000427 1(; of Donna Locher 39 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 16- Second Declaration HEX-000434 17 of Leslie Clark 40 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 17 - Declaration of Bryan HEX-00046718Hague 19 41 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 18 - Declaration of Nancy HEX-000475 Sugg 20 42 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 19 - Declaration of Sam HEX-000489 McKnight 2 I 43 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 20 - Amended HEX-000497 Declaration of Daniel Malone 44 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- COR 21 - Amended HEX-000528 73 _ Declaration of Leo Flor 45 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 01 - Amended Declaration HEX-000556 24 of Daniel Malone 46 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 02 - Amended Declaration HEX-000586 5 of Leo Flor 26 47 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 03 -Amended Declaration HEX-000595 of Leo Flor- Attachment A 27 CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, KEATING,BUCKLIN&MCCORMACK,INc.,P.S. TTOYS AT LAWPERRCW36.70c.110(1)AND(2)-3 801 SEc DAVENUE,SUITE 1210 20-2-15681-7 KNT SEAPHONE:(2 ))23-88681046 FAX (26)223-9423 1 INDEX OF CERTIFIED RECORD 3 ItemN Date Description Bates No. 4 48 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 04 -Declaration of Bryan HEX-000614 Hague 5 49 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 05 - Declaration of Dayabir HEX-000621 Bath 6 50 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 06 -Declaration of Jeff HEX-000625 7 Duchin 51 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 07 - Declaration of Jody HEX-000639 8 Rauch 52 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit- KC 08 - Declaration of Nancy HEX-000643 9 Sugg 1 0 5 3 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit - KC 09 - Declaration of Sam HEX-000656 McKnight I 1 54 08-14-2020 Hearing Exhibit - KC 10 - Declaration of Youn- HEX-000663 Jung Kim 12 55 08-31-2020 HEX Final Decision HEX-000669 11 56 09-11-2020 DESC - Malone Decl ISO Mtn for HEX-000693 Reconsideration 14 57 09-11-2020 DESC - Mtn for Reconsideration HEX-000699 15 58 09-14-2020 COR- Limited Motion for Clarification of HEX-000706 August 31, 2020 Final Decision 16 59 09-18-2020 COR- Response to Downtown Emergency HEX-000716 1 Service Center's Motion for Reconsideration 7 60 09-23-2020 DESC - Reply ISO Mtn for Reconsideration HEX-000723 18 61 10-02-2020 HEX Decision Upon Reconsideration HEX-000729 19 62 10-02-2020 HEX Decision Upon Reconsideration Corrected HEX-000734 63 8-5-2020 - Misc Emails from 8-5-2020 - 10-08-2020 HEX-000739 20 10-08-2020 21 8-14-2020 Transcript: Hearing for Case No. CODE- 000321, before Hearing Examiner Phil Olbrechts 22 Transcript to be provided by Petitioners.) 23 24 I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the custodian of records or have personal 25 knowledge of the records at issue in this case, and that the foregoing Certification of Record 26 contains a true, accurate and complete listing of documents used or relied on by the City of 27 CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, KEATING,BUCKLIN&MCCORMACK,INC.,P.S. EYS AT LAWPERRCW36.70c.1 10(1)AND(2)-4 601 SECONDAVENUE,SUITE 1210 20-2-15681-7 KNT SEAPHONE (206)2188618104 FAX (206)223-9423 Renton Hearing Examiner related to the claims in the Land Use Petition Act Petition in this 2 matter. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I DATED: February, /] , 2021. CITY OF RENTON By: DECLARATION OF SERVICE I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that on I 2 February \ � 1 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing Certified Record for Judicial I 3 Review Per RCW 36. 70c.l 10(1) and (2) and the above-listed documents (with the exception 14 of the Transcript for the reasons described in the certification) were served upon the parties I 5 listed below by uploading into Laserfiche and emailing a link to the following email addresses:16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 King County: Howard Schneiderman Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Howard.Schneiderman@kingcounty.gov Youn-Jung Kim Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jina.Kim@kingcounty.gov Lena Madden Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Lena. Madden@kingcounty.gov Renton Hotel Investors, LLC· Sumeer Singla Williams, Kastner & Gibbs PLLC ssingla@w1lliamskastner.com CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, PER RCW 36.70c 110(1) A D (2)-5 20-2-1568 1-7 KNT KEA TING, BUCKLIN & MCCORMACK, INC., P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 801 SECOND AVENUE SUITE 1210 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 9810• PHONE (206) 623-8861 FAX (206) 223-9•23 Downtown Emergency Services Center: Elaine L. Spencer 3 Northwest Resource Law, PLLC espencer@nwresourcelaw.com 4 5 Lisa Chaiet Rahman Northwest Resource Law, PLLC 6 lrahman@nwresourcelaw.com 7 DATED this I Paay of Februa 2021, at Renton, Washington. 8 10 Cynthi Moya, City Clerk Specialist II 1? 1_} l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 3 24 5 26 27 CERTIFIED RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW, KEATING,BUCKLIN&MCCORMACK,INC.,P.S. PER RCW 36.70c.110(1)AND(2)-6 801 SECONDATTORNEYSJVENUE.SUITE 1210 20-2-15681-7 KNT SEA PHONE(2061 2J9861 6104 FAX (2061 22 3-94 2 3