HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_ Trip Gen Memo_Walmart OGP 2_210218_v1.pdf TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Transportation Planning | Design | Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004| Office (425) 889-6747 MEMORANDUM DATE:December 8, 2020 TO:Justin Johnson, P.E. City of Renton FROM:Curtis Chin, P.E. TENW SUBJECT:Updated Trip Generation Memo Renton Walmart Pickup Expansion – Renton, WA TENW Project No. 2020-263 This memorandum documents the trip generation estimate for the proposed expansion of the existing Walmart Supercenter located at 743 Rainier Avenue S in Renton, WA. This is an update to our previous trip generation memo dated May 23, 2019 to reflect the current proposed site plan which includes a larger expansion area. Project Description The existing Walmart is located at 743 Rainier Avenue S in Renton, WA as shown in the Attachment A vicinity map. The proposed project would expand the existing 150,158 square foot (SF) Walmart with 4,547 SF of new building area on the north side of the building. The purpose of the proposed expansion is to support Walmart’s Online Grocery Pickup (OGP) program. Vehicular access to/from the project would be provided via the existing site driveways located on SW 7th Street, Rainier Avenue S, and SW Grady Way. No new site driveways are proposed as part of the proposed project. A preliminary site plan concept is shown in Attachment B. Updated Trip Generation Memo Renton Walmart Expansion TENW December 8, 2020 Page 2 Trip Generation Because the proposed expansion is to support Walmart’s OGP program, which is provided as a convenience to existing customers, the overall trip generation for the Renton Walmart is not expected to change due to the expansion. However, as a conservative approach, new trips associated with the 4,547 SF expansion were estimated using methodology included in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition for Land Use Code (LUC) 813 (Free-Standing Discount Superstore). Adjustments to the trip generation estimates were made to account for pass-by trips which are made by vehicles that are already on adjacent streets and make intermediate stops at the site en-route to a primary destination (e.g. on the way home from work). The resulting net new weekday daily, AM, and PM peak hour trips associated with the proposed expansion are summarized in Table 1. Detailed trip generation calculations are included in Attachment C. Table 1 Renton Walmart Expansion – Trip Generation Summary New Trips Generated Time Period In Out Total Weekday Daily 87 86 173 Weekday AM Peak Hour 4 4 8 Weekday PM Peak Hour 7 7 14 As shown in Table 1, the proposed expansion of the existing Walmart is estimated to generate 173 new weekday daily trips with 8 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour and 14 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour. Conclusion The City of Renton Traffic Impact Analysis Policy Guidelines for New Development includes a 20 peak hour trip threshold for the requirement of a traffic study. Because the project is estimated to generate less than 20 new weekday AM or PM peak hour trips, a traffic study would not be required for the proposed project per city guidelines. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this memo, please call me at (425) 250- 5003 or email me at chin@tenw.com cc: Ryan James, P.E., Galloway Jeff Weeder, Galloway Jeff Schramm, TENW Principal Attachments Updated Trip Generation Memo Renton Walmart Expansion ATTACHMENT A Site Vicinity Updated Trip Generation Memo Renton Walmart Expansion ATTACHMENT B Preliminary Site Plan Updated Trip Generation Memo Renton Walmart Expansion ATTACHMENT C Trip Generation Calculations ITE Land Use Unit s1 LUC2 In Out Trip Rate2 In Out Tot al Daily Proposed Use: Free-Standing Discount Superst ore 4,547 GFA 813 50%50%50.70 116 115 231 Pass-By Trips 3 25%-29 -29 -58 Net New Dai l y Tr i ps = 87 86 173 AM Peak Hour Proposed Use: Free-Standing Discount Superst ore 4,547 GFA 813 56%44%1.85 4 4 8 Pass-By Trips 3 0%0 0 0 Net New AM Peak Hour Tr i ps = 4 4 8 PM Peak Hour Proposed Use: Free-Standing Discount Superst ore 4,547 GFA 813 49%51%4.33 10 10 20 Pass-By Trips 3 29%-3 -3 -6 Net New PM Peak Hour Tr i ps = 7 7 14 Not es: 1. GFA = Gross Floor Area. 2. Inst it ut e of Transport at ion Engineers, Tri p Generat ion Manual , 10t h Edit i on. 3. Pass-by percent based on st udi es document ed in t he ITE Tri p Generat i on Handbook , 3rd Edi t ion. No AM pass-by dat a av ailable. Directional Dist ribution Trips Generat ed