HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_ROW plans_v1_20210201WWWWWWWWWWFeet20100NSEE C2 FOR DRAINAGE SITE PLANScale: 1" = 10'TESC/ Demo/ CSWPPPC1Interlaken Engineering and Design, PLLCSeattle, WA | (206) 470-9572www.interlakenengineering.comRevisions:Awla - Parcel AInterlaken Project No.: SEA-19-039Site Address: 14XXX SE May Valley Rd.Jurisdiction: NewcastleParcel No.: 3342405-9151Applicant: Joty AwlaPermit No.: SFR19-032CITY OF NEWCASTLESTANDARD PLAN NOTESStandard plan notes must be included on all plans. At the applicant's discretion, notes which in no way apply to the project may be omitted; however, the remainingnotes must not be renumbered.GENERAL NOTES1.All construction shall be in accordance with the Newcastle Municipal Code (NMC), Newcastle Public Works Standards, and the City of Newcastle's conditionsof approval. It shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant and the professional civil engineer to correct any error, omission, or variation from the aboverequirements found in these plans. All corrections shall be at no additional cost or liability to the City.2.The design elements within these plans have been reviewed according to the Newcastle Department of Public Works Engineering Review checklist. Someelements may have been overlooked or missed by the plan reviewer. Any variance from adopted standards is not allowed unless specifically approved by the Cityprior to construction.3.Approval of this road, grading, and drainage plan does not constitute an approval of any other construction (e.g., domestic water conveyance, sewer conveyance,gas, electrical, etc.).4.Before any construction or development activity, a preconstruction meeting must be held between the Public Works Department, Community DevelopmentDepartment, the applicant, and the applicant's Construction Representative.5.A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress.6.Construction noise shall be limited in accordance with NMC; normally this is 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends and legal holidays.7.It shall be the applicant's/contractor's responsibility to obtain all construction easements necessary before initiating offsite work within the road right-of-way.8.Franchised utilities or other installations that are not shown on these approved plans shall not be constructed unless a permit has been issued by the City ofNewcastle or its designated representative agency.9.Datum shall be NAVD 1988 unless otherwise approved by the City.10.Groundwater system construction shall be within a right-of-way or appropriate drainage easement, but not underneath the roadway section, unless specificallyapproved by the City. All groundwater systems must be constructed in accordance with Section B1 3.02 of the APWA Standard Specifications.11.All utility trenches shall be backfilled and compacted to 95 percent maximum density, modified proctor.12.All roadway subgrade shall be backfilled and compacted to 95 percent maximum density (WSDOT 2-06.3).13.Open cutting of existing roadways is not allowed unless specifically approved by the City and noted on these approved plans. Any open cut shall be restored inaccordance with the Newcastle Public Works Standards.14.The contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguards, safety devices, protective equipment, flaggers, and any other needed actions to protect thelife, health, and safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of work covered by the contractor. Any work within the traveledright-of-way that may interrupt normal traffic flow shall require at least one flagger for each lane of traffic affected. Section 1-07.23, “Traffic Control,” of theStandard Specifications shall apply in its entirety.15.Call underground utility locate line 1-800-424-5555 a minimum of 48 hours prior to any excavation.DRAINAGE NOTES1.All fees, bonding, and proof of liability insurance shall be submitted to the City prior to the preconstruction meeting.2.All storm mains and retention/detention areas shall be staked for grade and alignment by an engineering or surveying firm capable of performing such work, andcurrently licensed in the State of Washington to do so.3.Storm drain pipelines shall be installed to the far property line(s) to serve adjacent tributary areas a may be warranted. They shall be appropriately sized toaccommodate flows as further identified herein. Pipes shall be designed to facilitate a minimum 2 feet/second flow unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.4.All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundation in accordance with WSDOT 7-02.3(1). This shall include leveling and compacting thetrench bottom, the top of the foundation material, and any required pipe bedding to a uniform grade so that the entire pipe is supported by a uniformly denseunyielding base.5.Steel pipe shall be galvanized and have asphalt treatment #1 or better inside and outside.6.All drainage structures, such as catch basins and manholes, not located within a traveled roadway or sidewalk shall have solid locking lids. All drainage structuresassociated with a permanent retention/detention facility shall have solid locking lids.7.All catch basin grates shall conform to City of Newcastle drawings, and shall include the stamping “OUTFALL TO STREAM, DUMP NO POLLUTANTS” and“PROPERTY OF CITY OF NEWCASTLE”.8.All driveway culverts located within the right-of-way shall be of sufficient length to provide a minimum 3:1 slope from the edge of the driveway to the bottom of theditch. Culverts shall have beveled end sections to match the side slope (see City of Newcastle drawings).9.Rock for erosion protection for roadway ditches, where required, must be of sound quarry rock, placed to a depth of one foot, and must meet the followingspecifications: 4”-8” rock/40-70% passing; 2”-4” rock/30-40% passing; and 2” minus rock/10-20% passing. Installation shall be in accordance with City of Newcastledrawings.10.Drainage outlets (stub-outs) shall be provided for each individual lot or building, except for those lots approved for infiltration by the City. Stub-outs shall conform tothe following:a)Each outlet shall be suitably located at the lowest elevation on the lot, so as to service all future roof downspouts and footing drains, driveways, yard drains, and anyother surface or subsurface drain necessary to render the lots suitable for their intended use. Each outlet shall have free flowing, positive drainage to an approved stormwaterconveyance system or an approved outfall location.b)Outlets on each lot shall be marked with a five foot high, 2”x4” stake marked “storm” or “drain”. The stub-out shall extend above surface level, be visible, and besecured to the stake.c)Pipe material shall be a minimum of 4 inches in diameter, perforated, smooth interior, rigid drain pipe. A metallic tracer wire shall be attached the entire length ofthe pipe.d)Individual lots stub-outs may connect directly to the roadway storm drainage system, PROVIDED, that said connection is made through use of a manufactured teespecifically for this purpose. If stub-outs must pass across individual lots, they shall be located in drainage easements.e)The applicant/contractor is responsible for coordinating the locations of all stub-out conveyance lines with respect to utilities (e.g., power, gas, phone, cable).f)All individual stub-outs shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot homeowner.STRUCTURAL NOTES1.These plans are approved for standard road and drainage improvements only. Plans for structures such as bridges, vaults, rockeries and retaining walls require aseparate review and approval by the Building Department prior to construction.2.Rockeries are considered to be a method of bank stabilization and erosion control. Rockeries shall not be constructed to serve as retaining walls. All rockeries in theCity shall be constructed in accordance to the City of Newcastle drawings.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESThe standard ESC plan notes must be included on all ESC plans. At the applicant's discretion, notes that in no way apply to the project may be omitted; however, theremaining notes must not be renumbered.1.Approval of this erosion and sedimentation control (ESC) plan does not constitute an approval of permanent road or drainage design (e.g., size and location of roads,pipes, restrictors, channels, retention facilities, utilities, etc.).2.The implementation of these ESC plans and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of these ESC facilities is the responsibility of theapplicant/ESC supervisor until all construction is approved.3.The boundaries of the clearing limits show on this plan shall be clearly flagged by a continuous length of orange protection fencing prior to construction. Duringconstruction, no disturbance beyond the clearing limits shall be permitted. The clearing limits shall be maintained by the applicant/ESC supervisor until all construction isapproved.4.The ESC facilities shown on this plan must be constructed prior to or in conjunction with all clearing and grading so as to ensure that the transport of sediment tosurface waters, drainage systems, and adjacent properties is prevented.5.The ESC facilities shown on this plan are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. During the course of construction, these ESC facilities shall beupgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and modified to account for changing site conditions.6.The ESC facilities shall be inspected daily by the applicant/ESC supervisor and maintained to ensure continued proper functioning. Written records shall be kept ofweekly reviews of the ESC facilities during the wet season (October 1 to April 30) and of monthly reviews during the dry season (May 1 to September 30).7.Any areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankments, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season or seven days during the dry season shallbe immediately stabilized with the approved ESC methods (e.g., seeding, mulching, plastic covering, etc.).8.Any area needing ESC measures that do not require immediate attention shall be addressed within fifteen (15) days.9.The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimum of once a month or within 48 hours following a storm event.10.At no time shall more than one (1) foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior topaving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment-laden water into the downstream system.11.Stabilized construction entrances and roads shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures,such as wash pads, may be required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project.12.Any permanent flow control facility used as a temporary settling basin shall be modified with the necessary erosion control measures and shall provide adequatestorage capacity. If the facility is to function ultimately as an infiltration system, the temporary facility must be graded so that the bottom and sides are at least three feetabove final grade of the permanent facility.13.Where straw mulch for temporary erosion control is required, it shall be applied at a minimum thickness of 2 to 3 inches.14.Prior to September 15, all disturbed areas shall be reviewed to identify which ones can be seeded in preparation for the winter rains. Disturbed areas shall be seededprior to October 1. A sketch map of those areas to be seeded and those areas to remain uncovered shall be submitted to the City inspector. The City inspector can requireseeding of additional areas in order to protect surface waters, adjacent properties, or drainage facilities.CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCEA recommended construction sequence is provided below:1.Clearing limits, trees to be retained, and sensitive areas flagged, fenced, and inspected by the City.2.Hold a pre-construction meeting.3.Post a sign with the name and phone number of the project supervisor.4.Install catch basin protection.5.Grade and install construction entrance(s).6.Install perimeter protection.7.Construct sediment ponds and traps.8.Grade and stabilize construction roads and staging areas.9.Construct surface water controls (interceptor ditches, pipe slope drains, etc.) simultaneously with clearing and grading for project development.10.Maintain erosion control measures in accordance with City standards and manufacturer's recommendations.11.Relocate surface water controls or erosion control measures, or install new measures so that as site conditions change, the erosion and sediment control is always inaccordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Standards per the King County Surface Water Design Manual.12.Cover all areas that will be unworked for more than seven days during the dry season or two days during the wet season with straw, wood fiber mulch, compost,plastic sheeting, or equivalent.13.Stabilize all areas within seven days of reaching final grade.14.Seed or sod any areas to remain unworked for more than 30 days.15.Upon completion of the project, stabilize all disturbed areas and remove BMPs if appropriate.CITY STAMPS2020-05-13: Updated for City ofNewcastle comments dated Jan 31, 2020 Feet20100SEE C1 FOR TESC/ Demo/ CSWPPPScale: 1" = 10'Drainage Site PlanC2Interlaken Engineering and Design, PLLCSeattle, WA | (206) 470-9572www.interlakenengineering.comRevisions:NAwla - Parcel AInterlaken Project No.: SEA-19-039Site Address: 14XXX SE May Valley Rd.Jurisdiction: NewcastleParcel No.: 3342405-9151Applicant: Joty AwlaPermit No.: SFR19-032CITY STAMPS2020-05-13: Updated for City ofNewcastle comments dated Jan 31, 20202020-08-07: Updated for City of RentonRight-of-Way requirements2020-12-03: Updated for City of RentonRight-of-Way comments