HomeMy WebLinkAboutStreet Name Changes 1969 (Vol 2) r- I ' _ . 4 The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. • Mape's 1st Addition ; should be designated as: o07 Olympia Ave. N. E. MR K I TTELSON .'- ' 1007 N STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 244798055 Signed: ) • - B. L. RTii);Z , BLDG. DIRMOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... .,..••. .• • • . • . • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••- •.• •• • • •-• ••• • •.• • • • •---- , . , _ .. . , , -.• - . -.. .--,-,,,,-.,...,_ -,-, •••,..:,-,-.:,..,, -,„-:,-•,-.7, -,• .. ,-- ,- ,..,;. -,-.•:-.---,.:-- .1 .2'..-, :-•'-:.',...--,.-,,,,,,. 2_.. The correct number of a building on 'Lot NO: - -- 1.--'; - - ---- . - . ,.Block No: , ,• . Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: . , Olympia Ave. N. E. STREE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - 913 NT 1 ' • RENTON WA - - - - ..,----- - 8 0 5 5 ' - - . -..- . . , (' ''' • I -- - - -' • ' '' Signed: , BLDG. DI'ECTOR, I . '' '-'. • -' '• ,' - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' '' ', ' • '. - :,-.:,, .,,,- '-.- • . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .• . . . . • . .•• • •• • • • • • • • • . .. ...•. . ... •..• • •.. • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • ••*• • • • • •• ••-i.•• !,• • • • ••••••••• I The correct number of a building on Lot No ' 2 - , Block No 1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be, designated as: 3439 I P NANGLE 3321 10TH AV N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 O • ' • RENTON . . . - '98055 ',. • - • ' , ' - Signed: B L RUP - , BLDG. DIR CTOR , . . • • i . . , ,. .' ' .- -..-- • • , . ., , .:, . • . ,Be Careful to Preserve this Certificates - ,-... •-• . :,,- -..,,,.,...-,.,' . ' . i ' . ' • - s.- '' . ... . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ` il The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 3 , Block No. Albert, Balch's President Park No.- 7, .' ; should be designated as: 3405 N. E. -10th St. . , • . . 1 T R CRA I G AV NO ' - , Per City Ordinance No. .2,447 , . 3315 ioTH RENT ON WA 98055 - - Signed: - • ,.., . , B. L. RUP . , LDG. DIR CTOR . • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block,No 1 Albert Belch's President Park No. 7 . ; should be designated as 401 : N. E. 10th St. H CROKEN - ' 1 - - * Per City Ordinance No. 2447.. . . — , RENTON WA Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building On Lot No. ' - 5 . , Block No. -' 1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: ' 3317 3303 to H Av No Per City Ordinance No. 2447. . • 98055 . 1 • Signed: ' . e.,.. -- --- B. L. RUPPERIPaLDG. DIREC OR rt. rm,,,n•Fill +n Drmenv.lics thic rortifiratat • r ' The correct number of a building -on Lot No: : - 6 , Block No. .. •. 1 • Albert"Balch's`President Park` NQ, 7 should be designated as, .3313.:.: =. N: E. 1 Oth St _ . . Per City Ordinance No.'._ 2447 RENTON WA _ 98055 Signed: ��J,r • :.: • L. R r3 ::4 G.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate : .:. : :;.,:;:::;' . _.- . .. .•, ::1 --- The rr�o e c ct. um.n ber of "a building "n 't- �vo• �``�n o Co . - �" ;"Block,•No. l - Albert Balch's President Park No.`:7:- ; should be. designated as: ":.'' 3309 :N. E. '1Oth St.. " •. . • C.. A.B R,A 'M DRINK ' ' ' : � N W I' NE Per~ CityOrdinance No - _ 3 2 2 1 . 1 0 TH : AV NO ° ,:::'': REN.TON WA: . Signed: LDG:_ DI°ECT�..�;.,.' Be,Ca Careful ;to Preserve' this Certificate .': : ' ..:" :-'� `• �:-,. _ - -_ The c . .. orrect number of a building on .Lot No. ; • $• Block: No: .. i.. .^.. .,.... Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 • ; should be designated as:_ '3305: N. E: 10th St. L. B A,RT L E TT • Per City Ordinance No.. .,2447 3215 1O..TH . AV N0 . RENTON .. WA.. 9. 8055 ` . Signed: . . ,.. .. - • ... B. L. RUP BLDG ... .. CTOR IR: . B Careful reser.ve this:'Certiflcafe :.;.�':`.;:_:.,; '::��;�<:,;,. ;...;::�.,.,: .:._,'.:... The correct number of a building. on.Lot No;:: ' ,. • 9 Block No. 1 Albert Balch's President Park No.- 7 ;should" be designated as:. ,a�rn • MARION JOHNSON 3209 1oTH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. . .2447 , . RENT ON WA.. 98055 • Signed:: . B. L. RUP , :LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' . - The correct number f a building on Lot No::: 10. , Block No 1 ;.. Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 7 ; ..should be designated as 9 ,6 Ave.MILLER UTLER MonroeA N. E. 9 1 2 M S. RE E T F • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R ENTON. W•A 9805,5 B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG... DIRECTOR ._ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • • The cor rect ec �i t"namber'o. .:a� . on LotNo �� ��B building �1�, �: Block No.No.. Albert Bal;h's President Park No: '7 .- , should be designated as g'q'e • Monroe Ave. N. E • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 `..- RENTO.N 9805:5 Signed: B. L. RUPP Ri3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • - - • , -' • . • ' • ,,- • The correct number of a building on Lot No .12 , ,Block No. ; designated Albert palch's Presidant Park 7 should be designa w 'R OGER S. • • • - , Per City Ordinance - - Signed: 44iet . B. L. aug)„,-cixr, BLDG. DI"ECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this CertificateThe - - • --.'• • correct number of a building on Lot No.- - • _13- : •• No 1 . Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: 306 B. Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 • --•• •.- RENTON , • WA • Signed: ••-• • ' 'L. RU'‘ , BI_DG. DI ECTOR • • I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,- • , The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: 33 -2 ii 32 2 0 910AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I_ ' . Al , • - 98055 Signed - B. L. RUP /fr, BLDG. DIRECTOR- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • -.- The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 1 Albert Balch's President Park No.' 7 ; should be designated as:. 3318 • • N. E. .9th St. MRS B MAC LURG ' Per City Ordinance No.98055 Signed: —B. L. RUPrE. LDG. DIR1CTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . . . . The correct number of a building on Lot No 16 , Block No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: 332a . 2 V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 PENTON WA 330 9TH A A-. B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIR:CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of-a building on Lot No. - 17: , B1ock No 1 , Albert Balchs President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as 3400 • N. E. 9th St. ' , • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - • • Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,013LDG. DIRE TOR • •-• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1 . The correct' number of a. building- on .Lot No. . :' . : : R:•i ' , Block .No:. ' ": `,. : Albert Balch's President Park No: 7 ; should.be designated..as.:-:::'.:i3,06 , N:- E: 9th St. : "R` L� G, di'n'n `2`-Per:.Ci. Or a ce:.N 4' 3 3� H 4 1� 9 T :A� N. V" 0 REN TO Signed: 4' 4 i B. L. R � lA" BLDG. DIR `Cl'OR. : Be Careful to' Preserve this Certificate .: ' `:1�9:,',' _ . The`correct number of;�a: building -On:Lot''ivo= '.:� �,�-B1ocic�No -��;. - � Albert Balch's President. Park No. 7 ; should be' designated as `341.2 • N•: E. 9th .St Per City Ordinance No.:2 244T :: ': :' ::: '' 33'20 :9TH .,AV N0 = :.:.. >. RENT 'ON WA �, ... . 98.05`5 f. .. ..--..Signed:,.. BLDG... . . Be Careful to :Preserve this :Certificate -' . . • • . :-:: .•:•' :..:.: .• • • :: :::-•. • :: • . ..• • • ..• •.: 00000.••::: • • • : :•':::• '::: • :••:*ar•: The e c or ec n mbbuildin on .Lot` N'':;..�.'.` ::. . .: : . :. ...' :. .:._.;:' B1 r t u er of a 9 � o. 20 aBlock No: :"''�" c:•'..T.`':' .: , Albert Batch's President Park No 7 ; should be designated: as.:° ••90 - 01 •ia `Avenue..N• E. : , , L ry" C L 0 U.T I E R ...P H t_ Li_ I P Per City Ordinance No•- 2447 _ `.:.: . ' 903 N STREET , RENT' O. N WA ' .. . Signed:. . eBLDG.. .�:��� . B, L. .RUP : :DIR CTOR Be u- • Careful .t Preservethis "Ce i' o • rt ficat e The correct number of•a building on Lot No.': i , Block No. 2' , ,'. ' . Albert `Batch's President Park No.' 7' i should be designated as :9Bq: �./ Olympia: Avenue: N. E. . 8 5 3 N S.T R E"E T • • Per City Ordinance No: . .2447' RENT.ON. W-A : 9805`5 - J - Signed: .• B. L. RU P"E. , LDG. :DIRECTOR - . : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.: . 2 . _, ' Block No. ' -: 2 ..;.' Albert Batch's President Park No.' 7 ;... should be designated as::�:3413 ``" N. E, 9th 'S.t: :' �4�� 3. 3 2 1 9T' H A V N 0 Per .City Ordinance Na - 9 8 o s s. Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG..:DIRECTOR : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` ' :;.. ',: : :The :correct•number-of 'a' building On- Cot No:. '. :3�` , Block 'No. '2 Albert Balch's President Park No; '7 . should be designated -as::' :'3407 N: E'. 9th Sty . . R L' A.UTO.. '3 3 1 5: 9T H A V N 0:: . ..- 7' - : • ',:•• '',Perz City Ordinance No. 6447 : REN.TON:.' W. A' - 9 8 O 5'S - '. : . Signed: .". d B. L. RUPP. R iI' 3LDG. DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - - • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No" 2 Albert :alch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: ;_ D ' - Monroe Ave. N. E. F BROE FLE Per .C�t Ordinance No.. . .2447 I 852 . M -- TREET � 1 RENTON W � . . 98055 Signed: 'O' 21,,/4:�_. i. B. L. Rd .BLDG: 1D'RECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot ho. 1 "Block No. Albert :alch's President Park No. § ; should be. designated as:J N o R T o N: Per City Ordinance No. ':2 47 3327 8TH AV No } RENTON WA � .,. .- 98055 Signed: . L. RU , BLDwa_.:D RECTOR . is • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nurnbe of a. building on Lot No. Z Block No. . i Albert :alch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: 3419 N. E. 8th St. T E LOBDELL 3321 8 H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. " 2447" RENTON : WA 98055 Signed: 2- �r , . B. L. RUPP BLDG. 0 RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot No.... 3 , Block No.: 1 Albert :alch's President Park No.- 8 ; .should be designated as::: 3413 . N. E. 8th St. E NIX -Pere City Ordinance.No. RENTON WA 980.55 Signed: B. L. RUPPIRe8LOG..,DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 1 Albert :alch's President Park No. 8. . ; .should be designated as: 347- N. MR BROOKS Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 = 3 3 0 9 8 T H AV NO " RENTON WA Signed: • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , The correct.numbe of a building on Lot No. , ±' Block No. - - i Albert :alch's President Park No. A ;. should be designated as,: 3401. N, E. 8th St. W I .LL I A H A D" L..E Y ' Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 3 3 0 3 8 H AV NO R' ENTON WA" . Signed: B. L. RUP'✓c-?i 3LDG. DIRECTOR Bei Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No.. 4. , Block No. 2' Albert alch's President Park No: 7 should be designated as• 3401 ,- N. E. 9th St.. OMP IN 3309T9TH AVSN0 Per City Ordinance No 2447 1 RENTON WA - ;. —' 98055 ' 7 Signed: '.' L , ,„, .y. ' B. L. R '. ,. BLDG.. DII ECTOR this Careful to Preserve t is Certificate - - .. a •'e • • •1Ya The correct number of a building on Lot No. '. 5 ,.:; ,; :;_';:.;, Block No 2..:' Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: 3325 .N. E. 9th St. G DOTSON 3303 9TH: AV NO 1.-: ;:.:: ;-- Per City Ordinance No: 244� • RENTON WA .,.. 98055 ; - Signed: ` ,/. L. RU ; BLDG.. DI -ECTOR Careful to Preserve this `Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.: 6 , Block No: 2 - ... ' Albert Balch's President Park Noe 7 ; should be designated as: 1�� C WARQ ' N. E.' 9th Ste 3 2 2 7 9.T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I RENTON . 44.1S, WA Signed: �, ` Be L. RUP "/BLDG. DIR CTOR ;.':... :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7' , Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as; .'. 3313 AN 3221 9TH AV NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA, " _..J 98055 -- - _ :'.Signed: � B. L, RUPP7=. U,tBLDG. DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot Noe 8 Block Noe: 2 ;' Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 ; should be designated as: 3307 __vit :::::]=1:::___. W T MONAGHAN N. E. 9th St. 3 2 1 5 9 T i AV NO Per City Ordinance. No. 2447. R.E N T 0 N W A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,�BLDG. DIREC—OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block Noe 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 7 _; should be designated as•, 330i N F 9th St_ 3209 9TH AV No Per City Ordinance No, 2441 RENTON Wa 98055 Signed: .,,;ii , /r'1�!gc, B. L. RUPPE IJ?a3LDG. .DIRECT R. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate V: . . . • . '.1", A'-',- • . 1 1 1 . . . • The correct Humber of a i)uilding on Lot No. Bloc!,• Nu should .be designated as : 1 .30 • -' Index Ave. N. E. 1 ,• . OCCUPANT . - Per City Ordlnance No. ifi4407 • 1366 H• PL • RENTON.. • WA 98055 _ , ,---- -.."' ''''' Signed: ZD L RPT-1-. . , BLDG, ')JR CTOR------ . . Be Ca ' ;')- si.w,,q, this cp,,L-ificat.a . , . . Che correc.t number ot i hoing on LA. :..0 _ , '.'Jinc; Ho . should be desionat as : .848 --- ---- ------ . , • • . , , OCCUPANT - • Per ::11.) Orli;,anc.c i'!..) •k44/ ' . • 2844 1/2 SUNSET BLVD• E RENTON WA 98055 z; --- . . . . • :: .4•,_,L. __:__ , -----7,- c---7.j . , f.Dr.: 511 c-ITIR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.; should he desigHand as :_ • _. . . • __ N. E. Sunset Blvd,_ • OCCUPANT 1447 2806 SUNSET BLVD E . . Per City Ordinance No; . . RENTON WA 98055 . ,n/4 . ' • Signed: ___. . B. L. RU E -, BLDG. DIR:CTOR ----- . •• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 0 ' TOT • T The correct number Of a building on Lot No. J3 ______L_, Dlock No. _____________ _:___ • ____; Powell 's First Addition ; should be designated as : _ ' Camas Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT . ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . • ' 10729 114TH AVE S E • RENTON WA 98055 ' . • Signed: /44 , . • ---a. L. RUP- .,'T, gLDG. DIRE-TOR -- ' Be Careful to Preserve thls. Certificate . . •. . The correct number. of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. . 2 • , Corrected Plat Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2046 • Harrington Circle N. E. OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 2813 15TH PL • l • RENTON WA 98055 . C- - • Signed: ' A ' ___ . B. L. RUPPERT, BOO. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . • The correct number b ..*: a building on Lot No. , Block No. . • , ; should be designated as : 821 ' - • . . _ • .-:-. Sunset Blvd. N. E. • - OCCUPANT ' • - . Per City Ordinance No. Zqii- ' • ' 818 SUNSET BLVD E (,----- . ' RENTON WA 98055 \ - ' Signed: B. L.. RUPP . 1 LDO. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • , . I. /i/ • • • ' . . , . . • . • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No: 6 , Block No. 1 Albert :alch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as 3329 J H D I GRE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3227 8TH _ AV NO RENT ON WA ./. 9ao5s . _ Signed: B. L. ',, , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . : . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .' :. . . . . ... . . . . : ..... Thecorrect ect - .number of`a building 1 di ng on Lot. No. `:�7� �'� �:' � • , Block No. - Albett Balch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: 3323 •N. E. 8th St. LUC ILLE ' BO ! ST"UR' E . . 3221 8TH AV NO = Per City Ordinance No. 244 ' RENTON W A Signed: . L. RU - BLDG. ".DI',ECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No: : :. g Block'No..... -.:1, Albert Balch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: N. E. 8th St. P LOYLE 3215 8 T H A V tv o Per Ci • ty Ordinance No. 1447 RENTON WA -. . Signed: B. L. RUPIF Rf, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 2 ; Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as:. 851 Olympia Ave, N. E. ..... . . . ........' GIBSON _Per City Ordinance No. 1447 81 NSTREET ENT ON WA Signed: B. L, RUPFE, , LDG. DIRE TOR . .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 2 Albert Bal h's President Pairk No. 8 ; should be designated as: 815 Olympia Ave, N. E. SEC IR VSCP DAVOS 815 N S REET :Per City Ordinance No. ' 2447. REN TON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot.'No', 3 ;: Block No.. 2 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 8 ; 'should be designated as: sii C s N f L s o.N Olympia Ave. N. ., - 811 N SIR ET ' - Per City Ordinance No. 1447. ' RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: ;// 1 •� ., r, B. L RUPP ,)i,ZA-3.LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct num er of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2 Alber Batch's President Park No. 8 should. bedesignated.as: 3424 N. E. 8th St. W L 405EL 3 3 2 4 8 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 RENTON - WA ' 98055 �r� Signed: �',4 r,��; B. L. RUPPA6 , BLDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ! The correct numbe of-a building on :Lot`''No.`' `:- 5`:'`. : 9 , Block No. 2.:-','::: : -_ Albert :alch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: : 804 i ': Newport Court N. E. A HEN ( NG ® UALE. i 804 M PLACE Per ,City Ordinance No.. ` 447 RENTOV WA i 98055 �J :j 1 - Signed: i - / . _ . L. RU , BLDG.. DI ECTOR . 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . - . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. Albert Balch's President Park fro.. 8 ; should be designated as: al R 1 . E RUTLEDGE Newport Court N. E. 812 M PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 H RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP IV, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : :. :;::::.`; ' . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No.-8 ; should' be designated as: 82 Newport Court N. E. OCCUPANT "Per City Ordinance No. 2447 820 M PLACE RENTON WA 98055• Signed: _ , • B. L, RUPf�E. LDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o' a building on Lot No. ' 8' , Block No. ' 2 ' Albert Balch's President Park No. 8 • ; should be designated as: 819I • Newport Court'N. E. .. . . .. .. ....... . . . . . .. ........ . . .... . ........................' ' Per City Ordinance No.247RENTON 855 Signed: yip -.41,e-A.v, o . B. L'. RUPPERT< 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this' Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President. Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: 813 Newport Court N, E. xOCCUPANT 8 1 3 . PLACE Per City Ordinance No. - 7 1. RENT ON WA ' 98055 Signed: pl . ,,,,: ... _ - B. L. RUPPCIVd`LDG. DIRECT R Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate - The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 2 Alberti:alch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: ;. 805 Newport Court N. E.. _. K E OM MS P LCE EAD 805 PU Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055` �, Signed: ;�,�; .f . B. L. R��;:��� 9 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building -on Lot No. '::1l1Tax Lot 137) , Block No. Albert alch's President Park No. 8 , should be designated as: N. E. 8th St. R LA Pot N.T E Per City Ordinance No. 244� 3 2 2 4 8 T AV NO - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • - BLDG. DI ::.., ... L. RU ECT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. .11 Block No. 2 Albert B, lch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: 3318 N. E. 8th St. R A DAVIS � fJ 3 2 1 8 8 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No.. RENTON W A 98055 Signed: /2 B. L. RUP m1, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number �ifabuilding on Lot No. a 1 , Block No. 1 ..• r Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: 866 Queen .Ave. N. E. BEST COX -Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i. , 842 0 STREET� .. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: h2 ; ' B. L, RUPPE! T4" LDG. DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 1 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 8 ; should be designated as: R p; QuPPn AvP: N. F. KLOE• 2447 836 0 STREET Per City Ordinance.No. PENT ON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, `-BLDG. DIRE'TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The_correct number o.' a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No'. - 1 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 8 should be designated as: 858 Queen Ave. N. E. SEALY TR TT.ER /1�r 30 0T EFT Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: -��;t'a B. L. RUPPE t, dLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. I Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as:854 Queen Ave. N. E. R D HENRIE 824 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENITON1 WA 98055 Signed: , • ,‘,4-7 - B. L. RUPO, BLDG. DIRECTOR . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • rhe correct number of a building .on Lot No. "A" & "F" • , Block No, 1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6' ; should be designated as : 850 Queen Ave. N. E. ; HENRY A CHASE 818 0 STREET . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' WA' 98055, ' • Signed: dfr . L. RU , BLDG. DIRE TOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ▪he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 2 • Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as:' RODNEY CASE 840 N PLACE Per City Ordinance No. ?447 RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: .2" B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate OO • OOO O ▪he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. - 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 862 Pierce Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 834 N PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 51 Signed: B. L, RUPP-E. ,ABLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No, 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: : _Pierce_iive. N.. E. C TAYLOR 828 N PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 22147 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of E. building on Lot No. 4 , Block No, 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 854 Pierce Ave. N. E. - G HJELM 822 N PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 244?' RENTON WA 98055 ' • Signed: • P/ B. L. RUPPE'RiZigLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 2 ' - Albert :alch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: . 850 Pierce Ave. N. E I R E C- R05 ." 8 1 6 N P L CE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055i • Signed: /5'' B. L. KrApfl , BLDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot-No. 6 , Block No ' ' " Albert Albert B.lch's President Park No. 6 . ; should be designated as: 810 Pierce Ave. N., E. CARVER BEAN 810 N PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 .RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . L. RU , BLDG.. DI ECTOR - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 7 , Block No. 2 1 Albert B.lch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 3:5234(50 N. E. 8th St, H CROMER H 3502 8TH AV NO Per City Ordinance O. RENTON 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP v.( f3t_DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The, correct number of a building on Lot No.. 8 , Block No.. 2 1 Albert Ba ch's President Park No.• 6 ; should be designated as: 360 N, E. 8th St. L BUSH 3512 8 H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i ) RENTON 98055 , Signed: B. L, RUPFE:riEDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on- Lot No. 9 , Block No, 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as:3608 _ N. E, 8th St. • I . J MALGAR 41 3518 8TH . V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ifttl/P B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o ' a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. Albert Bal h's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 80 40CeteP -_ Queen Ave, N. E. 803 0 STRE T Per City Ordinance' No. 2447 RENTON WA ) c._i 98055 Signed: \ .91e,„,f01,6? _ B. L. RUPPEAMLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot No: 17 , Block No: 2 _ Albert aich's President Park No. 6 : should be designated as: : 67 M M O' R MORAN` 'Per City Ordinance 40 Znne.e 7a c N 0 T'R' 0:" S EET- Y REN TO WA = Signed: '� .l .. RAG B. L. .: �'. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate:.: . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . : .. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The correct number of a building vn Lot No. 1 - , Block No: 3 Albert B.ich's President Park No. 6 should be designated as:: 866 .Olympia Ave: N. E. 244 840 ; Per City Ordinance No: N STREET 98055 _ . ..Signed: ' •. : . L. RU'." 0-W'' BLDG. • Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 . : Block No. ''.: _,..; :,3: ; ;,: . .: Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 6 ; .should be designated as 862 Olympia Ave. N E. J F EPOE 3 Li N STRET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON UI A 98055 Signed.. • B..-L. RUP R/, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... . . . . .. . . . . . • . • • • . . .. . • . . . . . . r. . . . ♦ . . • . • . . . ... .. . Oft . .. +. The correct number o a building on Lot No. 3' ,. Block No. 3 Albert Balch's .President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as•:; Olympia Ave. N: E. H R P R i C H A - o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 :. 828 N STRE T RENTON Signed: B. L. RUP . LDG. :DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. :_ Block No. Albert Balih:s President Park No: 6 ; should be designated as: . 854 _.._. Olympia Ave. N. E. A GAROUTTE 8 2 2 N STREET . • Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 R E N T O. N wa . — . ... Signed: . B. L. .RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,.. .., ..' : :::;;,::. .,.: .: . ...._. •. ..,. . ,,. . . number of building on Lot No: ;. : . ...5: The correct , Block No. . 3'. : Albert Balc 's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as:850' I N N E Y sP K 1 s Per Olympia Ave N, E. N STREET R E E' T City Ordinance No. 2447 . 9 8 05 5 v Signed g441,.• B. L. RUPPiALDG. DIRECT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nuribr of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 6 ;. should..,be designated as: 810 Olympia Ave.. N., E. A;.''' `.J pow,ELL EL L` . . .. : ...... P�er..Git" Ordinance No. �7447 YO N . STREET' `` • RENT ON WA ... Signed: - B.• L.- - - Be Careful to Preserve>thin°Certificate • •'•'• • • •'••.•• O •'• • 0 •,•,.• • •'• •,'F.:�•'M•••►.• •'1'• i,•.1 •.• •'1l'•":a.• •":0.:•-.•!'O l.i• • • •'O�• •.,0'e.:0'•, '• • O.7••►•. • - � � The correct numbe of a buildingon Lotvo Block:No -. Albert :alch's President Park No. 6 ;.should, be. designated .as 804,, _ Olympia Ave. N. E. W W W SU'THE„RLAND. " 80 N ' STREET Per City Ordinance No. `�44 :RENTON ' a I. Signed: . :L•. RU G DIRECTOR`' ' Be Careful 'to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on. Lot.No. 8 :,:` ,. Block No: 3 Albert B,lch's President Park'.No.' 6' ; should be designated as.: '3510 N. E. .Bth St• ' :. Per City Ordinance No. : 447 Signed:. B. L. RUP , BLDG. .DIR'ECTOR. ., :: ':: >:.:.. Be Careful to Preserve'. this. Certificate ',::°�:°�:�'•::: : <:::•' :':';'.<. -;;::,. =...::'•: .:. . . The correct number if a building on Lot No.' g , Block No. 3 Albert Balcr's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 805 - -_ Pierce. Ave. N. -E. 8os N . LACE Per City Ordinance No REN TON' . WA •J Signed: ' . B• L. RUP . , LDG• .DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No.: ` 10 , .Block No. 3 Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 6 should be designated as: 811 - • Pierce Ave. N. E. J H 0 P E Per City Ordinance No• 2447 I. 1 N PLACE RENTON. . W. A ' 98055 Signed: • B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRE TOR_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o,'''a': building on.Lot. No. . 11 Albert Bal Rh s 'President Park No. 6 • ; should• be designated as:- 851 Pierce Ave': N. E. R L P O ^ . E P Per City Ordinance No• 24,47, 817 N PLACE • R'ENTON. . .. WA 98055 . : Signed.: . _✓,�rd, '�� B. L. RUPP T, ?'SLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate � i | The correct number o.f 'a building on Lot No. 3. , Block No. ` 4 . ' ` ';, . . . Albert B lch's President Park No• 6 ; should be designated as:' . 18.9 01 sia Ave. N. E. R. , 4 din nce.:No. . 4t Ordinance .Per:�Ci . 8�3.3. .N STRE"ET RE.NTON WA 98055. Signed: B. L. k , BLDG. DIRECTOR .... - Be Care ful ul to Preserve this Certificate,.. , icate,.. i - Block The correct number of a building' n 1 4` • " ' No. '4` _ Albert Balch's President Park No. . 6 ;..should be designated:.as: R .I i' H R S, OREN::SON Olympia Ave. N. E. r Ordinance No : 44� 827 N STREET . . Per City Y �' , :. RENTON WA -•--- 980.55. Signed: • . L. RU a , BLDG. DIRECTOR: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. l , Block No Albert Balch's President. Park No. 6 ; should be designated as• -- — Queen Ave. N. E. 7 2 9 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. ] Signed:' B. L. RUP 8LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this: Certificate :.:':':: ►'. . S • • .•'••-. . • •..• •• . • s• The correct number of a building on Lot No. '2. Block No. . 5 Albert Bal:h's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: 3679 N• E• 8th St. .. :: J T KNOX. 3 5 2 7 8TH AV NO Per.Ci ty Ordinance No. : -2447I - Il REN TON WA 980.55 .. . .'. Signed: ' B. L. RUP . , LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . : . 3 , Block No. 5 Albert Balch's President Park No.' 6 ,; .should be designated as:' ' 361 ---- N, E. 8th St,- •' • C J MILLER T" 3 5 2 1 8TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON - WA. ' 98055 , Signed: 2 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o f a building on Lot No. 4 :,.• Block No. 5 Albert Batch's President Park No. 6 ' ;, should be designated as: 360q N. E. 8th St. " • K KILTS Per City Ordinance No, �`4,7 351. 5 3TH AV N0 TON d A. Signed: B. L. RUPPUt ,aLDG. DIREC-OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate > i": • •"'-. ' ' - - - -4•----..:,;.'.'•i•••-:•::: -::•.:•-T-.,-- •3r•i•,,,,,..•7•-,,,;?..:-/--•.:••,:-..t...-. ...:,,•,•-:;•-,..:-••• , -,'•ir.:,;,,,.•-,1.,:•.'i•Tr:, ••_;.••1.L' i••,-!-,,••••.:•'::-.-:,,'--1..':,=--7,fi'f•._; •,!-v:-,7:::::;••••:ig;•:-1..f5,1.':-.':72::•'•"'•-•••'•'::: f:r ••."-;,':' 1 :-„-'..:i.,-.'Z'..-.::::,74,1:,:-.,,,y ,-,.;:f_,•• •,7,.,:•,.-.7.-.::?,. --;-.:s.-.;. the" correct.nm l).eripft"a building on on-: Lot.No,:!..' •;5 - :,: • , - f •:' , Block No :•:• ,•-• ....: :: :t y": . : , - : - Alber BalCh's President Park NO; 6:. ; ; should be':detiltiated:::aS: . 3601.. : , . 3k OCCUPA T :.:... 3509 8T ' AV N 0 ; : • ' : : -'.: . . : • .. .:. ..1-: Per City ,Ordinance No 244Y : ' s• , •••":' :' - ° ENTON WA ,,.. , : - • • , ' : :98055 Signed:: : . ..- .. i - ' • : . - ; • : `• •;- --•••; :: . : B. L. i lD . , BLDG. DIRECti5r1-- ,1, :., ... ,. .......,4-...,;-- -..:::,:;,...,,,,::::.:.:- ..J.::: :::.:-.. --,...,,--:-. .-.....'.....;:::.:.,.. ..- ,;,,::::,..-„,...: :::-, '2;:'''': : ':'''''-'''S'''''''-:?2;:'''. ' -..:;..." :'.• .... .: '• : .,,.. -%i-.:-:, .2,.::,,•: t.:..' ".• .,.,','‘:::':.:i.;2,.. ..: .,...:"..'' :..,.i ...r'':*:::::.---:1';'`..k.'.:. ':'-',.:i'':..3:Y -',-...'..%.i.::,i'',..;`.'",":::;:•. ::-,F!...Vi:'::f'.:"..:::,-. .i-:-%:. ;'''':::"':i.,Be-Careful:i.t,1, iii. t.ii,&-:iiiiiitei-...titi-6at4:•;:,: '..;.-.{•,:,..:-.:', -i:i4.3....:.:-..---, :,.;;:; :,,--,"..4?:-.4ra,,...!..,,-...,--ii::-,.:-:.;:r. r r•: ,:,-..-••,:- ,'.,...-.:1- 3,2.-::-:;:,'-, -.;:•rf;:r'... T.,-;..:.•n'',..:-. -,''.'•:,,.::-:!;•••, :r:..; 2,:f:?:.:.,--,,A.2. .,,,,,.-.-:::' 7! .: ':L ".:-..:".--,•?-,•,,•'"...',,.''s,, .„..,.., ::-... :..; „.:,...';•. „ ...,'..t_..';7,- V:',....::"A;::,:-=':33i:-';..f.!:•-.:,,,,I.,. 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Albert Baich's President Park NO!...6 : :-: ' '; should be designated as•:, : :3525 : J ALLEBAUGH. . :..: - ': • " ‘.: .' !.. .'::- Per City Ordinance No. ' 21147-''..: ' -.. :•::: : .,- ,..:' :-- N 0 - RENTO N: :: : " .'W A " : - • r :. ':': : .Sighed: , _ -. :-...' :: : ; ,• ••• •; _ :. . : , ! L. RU ., BLDG DIRECTOR f•: • •:::: :; '-':••••:: ' -.; i ••• •••;.:-..%•:::'::"....•••: :: "-: Be:Careful: :t0•:::Pres.erve this Certificate -,•:•••••,•;:',•••••: : ;:•'• ::','..--:•::;•:: '••_.:?•::'::-.;:,"•,.''':-_: .':', 'f.:::`• i . ... . . .".,, . , . . • , . . . . . ..... . .. .....:-. . . ....,-. . . ......DIPS ••• •••••,•.• •• • • • . . . ... 1••••::• •••• •:•• i The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. ' - '.;•: 7 .• • , Block, o; - • .....,-, . - . Albert :alch's President Park No. 6 . : - ; should be designated as: 3519:. 1 : •.: :':' • :::::::: ' • '`• N. E: 8th St. •: . :, ,:.. .... ::. , .. : . • , ; - ,.. ' . ' :: s• :••• ''' '''-- '•• , : ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447:: 3 4 2 3 8 T H " A:i/ ,N u : ' ''''' :.' ' . '-‘ 98055 Signed - f B. L.: RU" BLDG. DIRECTOR • . • - , • ••• ••• , - • - Be Careful to.. Preserve this. Certificate : "." ,,,.,,;••••;',..;•:;:'-• -.. :. ''.: :: .::; ;;;''':•„-2.:•••-• :: I , • , , . ... , • .-• .:• :„ ••. . . . . . ! ! . . . ...:,.•• i , .„ !.....! • .! , • . , • The, correct numbe of a building on Lot :No, ' 8 , Block No..., . •,,,, . -. " ';- -: '•Albert :•alah's President' Park 'No:' 6 ' ' ; Should be designated. as': ' ,.! 51 , .. , . • • : • . ,:•.• : " • -: N. E. 8th'St.":'.• -- -;- •.: : ,-. :. .1 A P • AL1SON , :,.. .. i . : : .: -::i. : !..,,, :; : :' ":::.-`,,' Per City Ordinance No. 2,447, . ..'•••:'; •••-,••.':, 3 4 :1 7 8TH i AV NO S, , .. -,f., '-.1 .", : :..:.'::: ;:....,.,..:.:,:::, r - : : RENT ° N:: : ... . ... : ...' : WA ., • • ' '..;':. .: .-. ---.::::.?;:: '" ;,:-.: '....:.. ...2,, :,... . ,:'..,; ::: • ... i'..: .:„..,-.:;,:: '.. 1,' ' : 98055 Signed:-, - 0%, :- ' •"; --: •.• , :: . .• ,.,: • : B. L'. RUP . . , :LOG. :DI ECTOR .: ' . • :, . :: :!. .: ::: :. '::::::'; .: ' :: '•••:-: Be Careful -to Preserve this Certificate .;- .•::.:••:;.... -.• ••• -, •::'•••-• -H • • . • . . ..•. .... 00000, 0000000000 000 ....oo• 00000.• • • o.00000000 oo o o•• 7 .,• • oo !..o - • The correct number of a:building on Lot No . : 9 : , Block No. : . : •:.; : .. • : Albert B.lch's President Park NO. 6 • ' , should be designated as: : 35 7 - • Mil: LETT : MEYERS ' : : : '... :I 3411 8TH AV I. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , ,•:-. ::. : . • : NO . " , .: .. . : .. . : B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.'•,. D;I•R ;CiT R , . -: , ' - - : ...• - :'' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate '''.: ,-. ..,•':: .....`:•:''; -,,•• 000 . • . .. . .. , .-. •••-.;... ,,, .. • •,.... .:, •• • . . ! . • .. .• . .-•"• , • • ,:„.oo oo;. • ,• • • • • •_oo• . . . .• • • • •• • • • • •.....• •'000 'I. • 000 i %,' '-"i.v:''''''I' '•';.: '' •'' .';',' ''...':'.:. -A:-'e',..:S.':'..:1--..': :'4 ''';''''' '-'' -:': .; -•i'l• '•':-3:.;';',."... ..,',,',? ' • .: - . ' ' : : : . • ' : . :'''''::' , :• ' . The correct number ••,f..ra building on Lot NiNi•:-.). • : • :- ..10 . .• , Block No. • . ...,,,i,.:,•• Albert Balch's President Park No, 6 ; should be designated as • , . '••'', :. , ' . - Per City Ordinance. No. 2447 l'..: • - : RENTON WA Signed: •., .e.,e24..tted. , • : , - B. L. RUPP RigYaLDG. DIR:CTOR. ,: : ••; : • - , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :': : : :: ' : , • ; .. . • 1 . . 1,-,,,,,,f,,,f:„. ,.--:,;:::7,:,..".,-7,--- --,-.,...,..-...T. building...-7,-... o.zTi,...,:, .,,:,..,.g;;.„...L. i..,-.„.,. ...,,,,.::,:,,..:,... ,„ , :n. ,..,,.,...„;.?....-,::,, . :, :,,..-,,...i.,:ii.,,,,-ir.kc;i7,..,,,,,,,:::...7„,,,,,Div,,,,,,:.!7„...,,,.:.,,„_„,„,„...,,;-7-:,.... .:,::,,, ,,:-.!:.;:;::,:!,,,,;:,-;:,F.--:::,, ,..,-... .,, .,.. ,The correct number PT• 4.. -. ...-... ..., - '1 •- ,• - .- , .:-,.::::.; -..• :=-..•• ,... •-•., -: ',::. -' ....'.." •' '. ' ... -'. •. ...i --:'iliOul d• sbe-",••.d'esignated*-..45,..:. '' '3431-, ' •• i. ' • '• ' - Albert Bilch'-s •President Park: NQ••: . ' . •:' '''.'..... :: ::: '',.'':-..::,::'...... .:.•,...::.,i.::::::,..,:;'., •-•., .1.-,,:, •,.-,•:2',,,-,--r l, •::,. :, ..,•:.:.„ •i.ii•.:.::.-•.''„•:„• .l:'..,:'-.1.:c'"•.:,..1......::..'•.5....:. ...° R. 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The correct'' • I • I . ...i .nui'nb..;r..o; a building on Lot Flo.'* 3---1', • ..'• ••,'‘."...• , •Block 1%10, s ...* -••••:••• '.7.:. -1 aich's ,-...r3'..1'.;•'••,!•::: ".-••.•::•':, , - ' *. :' .••• Albert : : President-Park NO.: 9 .. .,••• • •• • ; should designated 10 :., I. • ' " -- •.:•. ;••••••• .:. ; ••• • -• ••.• •-•••:-N••• E'.• :10th'•.Lane;••••:,:**.: .,....--,.•.'.....:: -",:,?•,t.....„,•,*•••••,..:-:•, ......--••' I- •• . • • . • .., . .-.. • •.: • ..- : '.... • •••'••••-,.'•••': I-..:', •-:.•:..*•••••-"''.'•:,.:: • ..--.`. ••'*:'.--.;-:::::,*::-,,•,.H. • • • • • • • • • --: -.''-,:•;.,..:;••.';'•:,!."•:••••'•:.•,...r ••• -• ..• ....: ''.... ... H 5' 5 1-1. I b I-:E R..'r''. ••••• ''; ••••''•:.•:-..., ,:.•:::: •• •';'-.•‘•:::;C:.•••.. Ver ,Ci.t.it• Ordina•nce ,No•'•24•47 • ': -,-"'' ',:',',:'")•,•-...-",'. ...,6. ,.. . CR1 •-:• • • • R E N 1.,. ON N r,• ' • 1 ::• : .:•. . ::- '•WA • 1;'.-•;•••: '.j..t'-: '7 .,:f,'•.:,'''... .'l ...-;•::,•;:;.':-• , • • . •.',. ''. '',..:::j','--;';',:',.L.;,',;:,',..-,...:-..•.',:-; 1 :'.: :::::. . ''':: :::: :•,.. ::.,--...Signed:.i. . . ' ' .- . . • .. ,?, , , , ..,,,,,,,,,, , . . **. . * '.. : ''' .' - ' ' . • '''....,',•'''.-'''i,;--.. ':-.• ...• .:I.. . B. L RUP • . T/e,BLDq.....DPC710R- .'. ,. .' •...' ....,:::: ...:-. ..,......,:,7• ..-:-.•_•-...1..„.-::::.:....:;:..:;',':',•.--•..":::::',-.::;:'"•-••'-;:•:::'..• Be• Careful* to. Pi..eSrve this Certificate:: .!..:_,..:..•....,..,..,,;••.........:.,,....: ...,,:...; ,.., .,...,.,..:,. . . . . . _ .. ., . • • - s ;..-.'.albtk-No...,...••••-'"./:.' ,1 Ai ••': The.-correct number of building.'onon .t..;Ot kto, .',;:: ' '''',....4:. .: . :. ... ,I.....h.,os.,0:114.....!3!...::.::..'117.i...g"... ....:!c1.:....a....."..... .,..:3.::6;2.:,;;i:,.,,•.,', ,.,.....:,.... : •• ::: . '''. ' '. ' ''.....Albert Balch's •PreSident Park NO:.:.••••9. .....-. ...,:. ..- ,- •- 1 • .• .. •• • .........:,:.= •:. -.. ; • - ::•N- , •E' • 10th• Line • . - •- . • . : . . . • .` •. B ..C.0 T E: .. •-.. . ' . • ..-. .,...; . - .. .', : „: ::. ::::, : ..,:.':.. .-- l'..,:Per City.. :Ordin.,.an:qe No:. ,.2.4217 " .. ...; -j:-.j..• _ :. . , WA .. .. ,, . .. . . .... , -• : RENTON0 N •• • * ";. ...;•-•., ,. • 9 8,05 5 ..,' ...: :,.'•-- • '.- : ''.• • •.:" . . . . , • - ''' ':. • : -..: .:'• :. ' . -::''' ::-• •• .••••'''''' '•••• '••• - :— • .:..• Signed: • • *--P/i,..41%-••''.••••-••-•'.• •-*•"..-.::• ..• - '••• ' -••-•••'-:2---•• •-- -- •• ... 11. L.. RUPPERT,.'SLDG.....DJ ECTOR . ' . ' ''.. . . .:.'. ''''.: '..• :',-. ' . - '... ' l'.: ‘;:: ‘-: .• ' ;',',.•Be 'Careful to. -Preserve %this:: Certificate',-....• :,;:',..J.:::-2,;-"...:.•:. ...:•••-...::::-..".;,:-.::::....•', :::"...... :. ,. ..... . .. . .,...,...... .:.. . .... .:.,. .......-....., •-!...,:... ..-:. -• ,:. 7;7_,....:,7:...7:..7-,....,.:,.:,..,:.:-:,...,... ,:.:,..,,..,...,,..„....,...-..„...,;. '.:. ..,,:: - '., ,..:.:',,,••::!.:2 -1.•.•, , ',.-...: :':"',.:*'. • - . '..' T buildinghelCOrraCt.;...nilinber•O4.-':.a..... i : Oii iLOt. N.O..7.7. •• . :'-':-:.' :..':' .-'' ,-..:BlOc...k,..:•1.N.0... .: :." 4 • ....; ,,,!:i.J.,,:':,!..;.":.• . . .• : .. Albert'Balch's. President Park No.. 9 - , . ;..should: bp:cles.ignter1:a .;, :... !... ' :7 " . • .. . . . . . _ . , _. .. •... . ., . , 7 .„ . .. .. . . . '• . .. , . .1 . - . • . '. R :L. : GRAY ' '.••:•::":•::::.• ' •••• •• •••••• ..1'•. .,'''•:' ...::'•- ••,•::".'•••;•::: :Per City.- Ordinance •:116. .:: 447.•••••:. '''''..'...:•,-:%'., :.:... •,• ...- .' - :': . • • • ''' ::" - . • .: ' '. H• ' • ' Y--. 9 8 0 5' 5.• ''. ,' : . 1' : Signed:'.. . '. , ;.A. lgat44;• • . , .,.: „, , • 1...,_ • . ' B. L. ..RUPP gi ' LDG... DIR CTOR. • • • • • -• • . ...... .. . • , , . ........,-_, , .. ... . ,. . . , . , . . . . • . • • - - - •' • -.•-• "- - •• • ' . . ''.•:•- • •• Be Careful' to. Preserve this Certiffcate. . .:.:......,:::.,:.......• --....:.,....., •.:;.• .•••::: : : ., ,,., ... . .• . ,. . . - • . , The correct numbe "of` a -buiihding on• Lot No 6 Block. No..:,.:, ', _ Albert alch's President Park No. 9 ;. should be designated as: 05,18 t N. E. 10 h Lane 3 4 1 8 PRES PK C R.T Per City Ordinance No ,. .24 7. RENTON WA � . ' Signed: • e::Car f ;;t r.ese v,e ',..e o.o:.'.i':• •* * **.****"*-** ***.*-.•'i'.•:• o.:i..r`i::� i'e r is+�`aa:':=. a':� :'r i : o--': _e'i:•.:='c':=•:.:":'.v,:.-v:::i:•;': ••ii•e:'i�• y,•.�a;�r,i • Block�'�No ,-. r -1'Correct ctnumbera` 'onLot No: • i`he a � ofbuilding o :� _ Albert B.l ch's President Park No. 9 ; should be. designated::as: 510 � -• N. E. 10th Lane M:C M 'I L LA N ARCH ! B.A L 3 1 0 P R' E 'S P K CRT T Per City Ordinance' No. 24, . - RENT 0 N MIA . �•,._.. :, ,' ; _ Signed: . • L. .RU , BLDG. ;:DIRECTOR.;: Be Careful to Preserve;.this .'Certificate' ;,, _ '+ r`: • e o o . o • o • o •'o • . . •• o • o o .. •e 1'.:e . .... ... . . • .. .. ... ..•••.••.i• ••.. •-. • • • ....to • • • • • •, .... .'...• .. • The correct number •f a building on` Lot No: A` .: ,, Block No :;.`._ .2:'• -. -.. :';,; AlbertB•lch's President park No. 9 ; should be designated .;as: •:3627 :: N. E. 10th Lane R J . MCI OWELL �44 o P • 5 P K - c R T Per City Ordinance No. ,` - 7 RENTON W.Q _ • 9 8 .0 5 5 Signed° f'-, • • ..:: �` ° , , ,B L .RUP �:-BLDG. DIRECTOR.'. . Be Careful to-;Preserve�'this. Certificate :; . .:��:: :'- : :, ,: ' ' _;':; ,.�.�;�:' :'`.: . • • • • e o . a . • • • o • o 0 0 • a s•.o o•••'o •e o • • • • . .'. . . o • . •. e • • • •N • •'e,-• . • ._• • • • • • • • .. 0 •'• •:'o.i`• : •'-• •• :• o;•' ;• o. ♦ • • • •o. The correct number if. a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. 2` • Albert Ba ch's President Park No.- 9s ' I-• ; .should- be� designated as.:::�,.-'':: 36�35 ' - N. E, •10th Lane- L. . R LACE • Per City Ordinance No... 2447 ':: .;'.;;.._ 360 '9 _PRE . , . PK CRT: RENTON WA •98. 055 -. • Signed: .. B. L. RUP . LD Bereserve this Certificate' . e Careful to e • o o-. . . . • . . . . •. ..• . . . . . . . .. . ... . • .e . e • • • • • ..,. . ..• o o • o • . • . . o • • • • e • • • • o • . • • •.•• • ° ° . •,° : •.c The correct number o a building on Lot No 2 ,' Block No. Albert Ba ch's President Park 'No. 9 should be designated as: •. N. E 10th Lan e ; Per City.Ordinance No. 2447 Q 35 .2. 1 . •PRES . P.K CRT' RENT' ON . W.A' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ,DIRE TOR • Be Careful to Preserve'.this Certificate • e • • • •'• i•'o,a •'0 6 • ••. • .i•. • °'. o o C Pie •-0 ..9 . e a . i •'•'• • . • P• • •••••.•:.,•'• • : : 0 0 • •.• • • o-. • • • o • • . : •'• •,• e'°'.'• .• •. • .'• • .., ' The correct number o. a building on Lot .No. ..,.. .-.- 3 Block •No. - • 2 __Albert Bal h°s President Park No. 9 should be designated as....'-361,11 N. E. 10th Lane. ' . OCCUP a T Per .City Ordinance No. 2,4,47 - 3515 RP : 5 PK CRT . REND TO'?; WA 93. 055 , Signed: J ✓' .�i,�!,;,e B. L. RUPP RT; 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number pf a building on Lot No:. 4 Block No. . 2 . Albert B•lch''s President Park_ No. 9 should be designated as: I' ;,�. • N. E. 10th Lane �.. ' c H09 K:P RE Sv Per City 3 5 Ordinance PK CRT [ RENTON 980. 55 +: •a Signed: s4 ...:. :..:. _ �' B LR�� 9 ',;;.BLDG. :DIRECTOR' w:. - • '.t:7't•r.'•-f.l-...,•.n •: •..nf r.•• •.. . :: ."• :•i•.i:i'`• •".:':,{i`fii": .s.?r•.. Block The-•correct 'number f a�:building on '.Lot :Pvd�:�� -��' N o- Albert Bai'ch's President Park No; 9 ; should be. designated as:.. 353. • --- N. E. 10th' Lane HILL' F. M l L: di'nan a i=t.. Or 3503' PRE PK C:RT. c ¢ RENT 0 N W A .�-•'" Lam, Signed: • a • L. RU - , DIRECTOR Be Careful' to Preserve this :Certificate' • o o o o • o .-• D o o o . . • .• o : • D.. ... . . . . . SO: . • • ....••...:.. . : .• . : • •:• • • •.•• • •.: . . . ... . ....o e • The correct number. o •a 'building on. Lot No`: : 6 , Block No,`' Albert Bal ch's President Park No. 9 should be designated as:: "' .3527, N:. E. 10th Lane. • A w TRAV IS I 3 4 2 5 P R E S P K . CRT Per City Ordinance No. , ' 124: 7 I,<':-. • RENTON WA ". 98055 •. - B. L•. RUP ,rBLDG•':DIRE TOR Careful P.reserve;:tf� s Certificate": •.: .,�to - • • • .• . . . o . • • • • • • • • . .• o• •I: • •.•.. • • • • • D's • v• •.V•'•• • •.• : • . • r• • f • • e ....v i'.�-• .,..•,e'L i'� 'jj . . • . :.Y The correct number o: a `building on Lot. No. 7 ,' Block. No-. '' -' • 2' - ', ' . `:. I Albert Bal h's President Park No: 9 ;:should" be designated as;' ' 351{9 N. E. 'loth M D RODDIE : 3 4 1 9 PRE 5 K CRT. Per City Ordinance RENTON WA 980.'55 Signed• B. L. RUPPE• , LDG. .DIRE TOR. Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No.- • • 8: , Block No:" 2 ' : - ; Albert Bal•h's. President Park No. 9 ;. should be designated:as: :-, �. : N. E. 10th 'Lane ; 43SA ; K M HUMW - _ 1 PRES CRT Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA. : . 98055 Signed: / � � B. L. RUPPERT,`BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' •o e • • . • I . • • • e I • • •D D'a • 0 . p e • • • I I.'t•'1 p". . • • •1 • •,-. f,• p • • •• •'•.-• p • • • . •. • s ..• • • •• • . •e ., of a The correct numberbuilding on Lot No. 9.. - , Block No• •2 Albert Balci's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as:.. 3:503 N. E, 10th. Lane M D REM ILLARD Per City Ordinance No. 21�` 7 340 5 PPE PK CR' T 98055' _ . Signed: B. L. RUPPE'Ri iBLDG• :;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 2 Albert :alch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: •I :.13 C PH1LLiP, S lueenAve• N E :: 8 0 9 0 S REET ;::Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 :. . . RENTON WA 98055 4f---_ Signed: • 4-zs, B. L. RUB' l , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' . . . < . . . . . . ,. • . . ...p .... . . . . . . • : . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . • • .'.• . . . . : •,:o ;.The_ correct number' of 'a building -on Lot No. - ''12' : .. Block No. 2:: : : _ .;. .:, ..: ;`.':. Albert B ;lch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: : 81• B 5 WE SO Queen Ave. N. E. 8 1 7 0 STREET 'Per City Ordinance No. 244 REN.TON WA 98055 i.. Signed: if./ ',• . L. RU - BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate iThe correct number a.f a building on Lot No. .. . 13. , Block No. 2 Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as : 851 Queen Ave. N. E. 823 OOSTR T Per City Ordinance No. 240 RENT ON WA 98055 . Signed: .7 �, I B. L. RUP .BLDG. DIRECTOR 9 . I `: ...:. .; ;..:: �`:" •_ . : _.., . . :� . Be Careful to. Preserve this. Certificate ...:.::: . : ..' •. . .. - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 2 ' Albert Ba ch's President Park No.-.6 . ; should be designated as: 85 Queen Ave. N. E. L C FERO s 2 9 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,.. —B. L, RUPPERT, LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 15 . Block No. 2' ; Albert Bal h's President Park No. 6 ' ; should be designated as: 859 Queen Ave. N. E. • G C DAV S 835 0 5 REST' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON W A 98055 Signed: _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . 9 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 Block No. 2 ; Albert Bal•h's President Park No. 6 ; should be designated as: • 863 Queen Ave. N. E,_ ' 3K OCCUPANT 8 4 .1 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: . �i�, ��,y►• B. L. RUPPE�. '^ads;!DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - e , ! A? .yam!. cry C L7, ;, Ehe correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 2 • Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: 11j0 Olympia Ave. N. E. A T BENSON 1 1 1 0 N STREET Per City Ordinance No. _2447 _! RENTON W A 9.8055 ' Al-A"—:1<sst Signed: 4;�B. L. RdP . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • 'he correct number of a building *on Lot No. 8 Block No Studebaker's Addition . ; should be designated as: 112 . lYmP "Per City Ordinance No:. ' 2447: 1112 N STREET .' " RENTON WA Cf:... 98055 Signed: . . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • he correct number of a building: on Lot No. 9 Block No. 2 Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: 11-18 Olympia Ave. N. E. . N t c o S S 1 N Per. City 118 N STREETY i. Ordinance No. 2447 � !I RENTON " .•WA .. :". I ' 98055 J: Signed: ��,� B. L. RUP ER(BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of:; building on Lot No. 1 ' , Block No., ; Mape's Firs ► Addition ; should be designated as: iffo /02.1 _ f_ Olympia Ave. N. E. 5 v I E T Z KE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1021 N STREET - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPrE. Ti LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of . building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. ; Mape's 1st Addition ; should be designated as: /0/7 Olympia Ave. N. E. T . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447. 1017 N STREET V - RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERBLDG. DIRECT R Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate V • ' he correct number of building .on Lot No.. 3 Block No. V • ; Mape's 1st Addition ; should be designated as: /0(3 Olympia Ave. N. E, D MC LEA ` 1 0 1 3 N 5 REET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON• W.A • Signed: .y B. L. RUPPEri3OdLDG. DIRECT R 46.)., 7 ?_ C . RP Careful to RrPcervP thic CPrtifiratp _ V The correct number of a building on Lot No 10 Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No, '9. . ; should be designated .as '9 /Obf Olympia Ave. N. E. I t CROS6 Y Per. City Ordinance No. : 244�I'' ;... 1010. N . STREET W A RENTON �- - Signed: . B. L. RT.Ti) . BLDG. DIRECTOR e�;:Carefulo:.' ,reserve:.' Certificate asp:: .:.':. .. ..gyp..,,. N The correct' number of' a building on..Lot :tvo e:='.:• . . . • ,,Block o. Albert Bal ch'.s President Park No. 9 ; should be designated ..as:. > `°lett /00f— • Olympia Ave. N. E. o B t T N E v Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1004 N STREET REN.TON W.A . —. _ Signed: BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • • • • • . .'S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e •• • • •.•• m. •e•. • e o r• •o e • . • . . . . ... • • m • :r'•-•-•.,.• e, re,m • •a:r•. The correct number of a building on. Lot No: 12:..;:. . .:;,. Block ;No: . ,. - ,; 2 .,`:> .. , .. ..... . Albert Balch's President 'Park No. 9 ; should be designated as:'3500`' N. E. '10th St. . 3408B10TH AVE ' NO • Per City Ordinance No: _;: • RENT '0"N WA 98055 ' Signed: B. L. RUP 4.BLDG. DIRECTOR::. :Be Careful .to Preserve this:Certificats:::,:;.; :;.;: . m • •o • m m. •. o e ee m e e e • • me • • • • am • • • • • •.o • • • •;•ee •o • • om•m4 • • • •m • • • e • m • • • • . _ •: •• • • o • o•,i':m •.'�:••"• m s,m m o.0 The correct number of a building on Lot No.., 13 , Blockio.®• 2..'" 1' Albert Balch's President Park Noe 9 ; should• be designated as:`: . 3508 F F NEWELL ,.: 3 4 1 4 1 0 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No:.:,2447 RENTON Wq, . . '. 98055 Signed: f B. L, RUPf�E. ,'BLDG. :DIRE TOR' Be'Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . o e.• m • • e • . . . . . m'm m'• . . . . m • . • . ? o m . e . . . : .•.• •.•r•.. ..... m .. . e . . . •:m • : . The correct number of .a building on.Lot No.- 14 , Block No ' r. 2 Albert Baich's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as• 3 16 N. E. 10th St• : .;.. S BROWN 3 4-2 0 1 O T H AV NO - ,. - Per City Ordinance No.- 7 R ENT 0.N WA ; 98055 Signed: „,/ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRE TOR Be Careful ;-to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• 15 - , Block No: - 2 ; Albert Balch's President Park No'. 9 • ; should be designated as:3524 N. E 10th Ste • D 0 ki0CA".BY. r 3 5 2 I o TH V .. N o �...,,. Per City Ordinance No. " 447' . RENTON WA. .9,8055 • • . Signed.: - P/ rP B. L. RUPP Rl /BLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No 16 Block No: 2 Albert Balch's President-Park No. 9. ; should be designated as: . 3600. M E W I CK t ZE' R. :- 3 5 0 8 1 o T r-t A V . NO Per. City Ordinance No, ._;�A47 98055 _• - - 8 :Signed: �- �,; w' , . BLDG;. DIRECTOR' ,::. �: 4: Vt h-i s:-:Certi r cafe'.` �;>�. - Be:< '� Careful "to �.P'reserve,: - _ t.. :...,,:- ::..17.. . The,cort ect. number of a ''building on Lot Pva. . . :. . . . ,•: 61•ock No:-r �;•�� 2� `���>_-�'`"�;' ��;:�'. ;-: z-� Albert Balch's President Park`No .9 ; should be. designated .as•' : ,. 3603 N. E -loth St, L L HO W`E •Per.C it y Or dinance No: 3514 V 1.0TH A� N0.' R-ENTON W A � , .... 98055 • Signed: . , : , . .' . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Certificate: er : Be. Careful to� Prese this . v e • m • o : s o o e b•L •'e •m •e e • o-• • o m::•.• o m:•- o-e.eo :o••.e,•,i.•:e.o + • •:. • o.•:• • • • o•e:.e• s e • • • • e • • • m ••o • The correct number of a building on. Lot No. ' 18 _ : - , Block No. -2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated `as:3616,,: ' , _---.-- R IN 0 N'R 0 E , Per CityOrdinance No..... ;/,7 3 520 1 0 T U A- V E. . N O RENTON WA 98 0 Signed:, 7. . . . B. L. RUP - ,. Jit.DG. DIRECTOg Be Careful ta'Preserve this Certificate '. ee . . . e . ev a . • e . . .. :: . . •e . ... . : . m . . . . , -.. ... • :. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 . • , Block No., - . ? Albert Balch's President Park No: 9 ; should be designated as•; 3. 4 , r • N. E. 'l 0th' St. ' • . - - Per:City Ordinance No. -2447 ` J. 3602 10 ' H A.V NO RENTON WA 98 :055 .. - Signed: : . B• L, RUPP"E. T, LDG. DIRECTOR • - Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot_ No. -: 20 _ : ' ,:.Block:. No: -2 - Albert Balch's President Park No 9 : should be designated ,as: .. 3632 -. - N, E• 10th St:' ' J AND E R 5 O N' Per City Ordinance No• 2441' 3 6 0 8 1 0 T H A V NO RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: r g B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIREC OR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : - m • • • e .e o m • o • • , • • a • a • • oo e . • •' • o The' correct•number' of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No; 39 Albert_Balch's President Park No. 9 should be designated as: 333 N. .. 10Ilia JACK VAN c ;MP Per City Ordinance No. dL. 11 ' 7 609 10TH AV" NO .Signed: ,��� .t e44; • • B. L. RUPPKiI hALDG. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • .. . The correct note,' of a building on Lot No 2 , Block 'o. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 9' , ' . % .should be designated as.:,-L3.25 N. E. 10th St. ht C a H R E N : .Per CityOrdinance No. . 2447 3603 10TH AV N0 _ RENTON WA - ~5, j Signed: , L. .r �9BLD G. DI E�CT- • ,B e:C are u1.� P` s rveti�is Certif icate e• •.a e c e p• : '3 The •' corr ect C e t numbe r - of . a buil ding 'bn• P-Lot' vo 9 �� Block No. • Albert Balch's President Park No.. 9 ; should be. designated as: 617 • N. E. 10th St. J E. MILLS . 1, ` . 3 5 2 1 1 0 TH AV NQ. ,- Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _ . Signed: : L. - RU • , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • • • • • • • • m a !o ••• • •• a• c o e.•.• . is. • • m m 0 e.• m • e e • . •a •m• • •o a • • • • • • • • • • •; •.m m o • m • •'• • • • • The correct number If a building4 ... . on: Lot No: Block No. - : • : _, :., .:.;;,' , . , : Albert B•lch's President Park No 9 ;. should be designated as: , 3 09 . '.. N. E. 10th St.- CALL G � i 3 5 1 5 .10TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. - RENTON WA 98055 _. - Cl • Signed: :.. .;. B. L. RUPI� f9-', .BLDG. DIR CTOR . • _ .Be Careful t Preserve this Certificate - - • • • o • ea •e • m • o • m • e •••• •• • ° •• o • o • • • • eeo • • • • i • • •• • •• e• ••. • • • • • • • • • • a m • • • • n oe• e• • ••• • .'• • ••s.►' • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 3 �:• y Albert Ba ch's President Park No': 9 should. bedesignated as:'.. 601 , OCCUPAN N. F., •10th St: • 3509 10T AV-: No Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9.8.05"5 Signed: . � - .B• L. RUPFE. V, LDG. DIRE TOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number o' a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. 3. Albert :. 'd=nt Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: 3533 N. E. loth St, OCCUPANT - 3503 10TH VE NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2447+ 98055' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate • 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. - 3 Albert B. •• ' - ► , 9 should be designated as: 352 M AULT - N. E. 10th St• 3 4 2 3 10TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No• 2447 RENTON WA.. 98055 c -2-7, C ;----- Signed: o, "-"Y ,r B. L. RUPPE'i.pdLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • - le correct number of a building on Lot No• $ Block No. _ 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as• .:351 N. E. 10th St. G THUM " SON 3 4 1 7 1 0. T H AV N 0 Per. City Ordinance No. _244 ': RENTON . wA _ 98055 �f Signed: A .�>� ' • B e L. RJP : T, BLDG. DIRECTOR .<.. ..: ..:........ _ ...: .... _._,:.., r:::'...Be .Careful to. Pr - eserve.�this.,�-:Certificate _ •:his'-i '•,• • o•e:e e ••,.O o • • o o i• 0 0 e•• • •'Oy - - - �ecorrect number _'o a building �n . ot�ty '3:. �• Block No. • Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 ..; should be designated as: 350 • E Othl St . =!'Per`Ci t Ordinance No. 244 3411 10TH V: NO r- y 98055. ._ - , Signed: . L• RU BLDG•' .DIRE TOR .:. Be Careful to Preserve, this Certificate 'he correct number o a building on. Lot No. 10.: : .,. . ' • ; Block No. 3_,: .:..;. :', Albert Bal + h's President Park No. 9 _ should be designated as: . ' . 35011 N.E. lOtli Street' MRS A ROBART Per. City Ordinance No. 24r47 3403 10TH AV NO RENTON wA' 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP /BLDG DIRECTOR .... ,.:.. Be Careful,_`b: Preserve this Ce'tificate • • • • o • • e • o • • • • r o • o e • 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 3 ;. Albert Balc 's President Park No; 9 , ; should be designated as: 910 Olympia Ave. N. E. S WOLF Per City Ordinance No. 2447 910 N STREET RENTON wA 98055 , Signed: �. B. L. RUPPE. , LDG• .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of building on Lot No. : 12 , Block No. 3 Albert Balc 's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: ' . 3500 • N. E. 9th•St•.. H LUTTERM A N --' 3402 9TH A v No Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R ENTON WA 98055 L — Signed: �; B. Le RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECT R. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. - 3 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 should be designated as: N. E. 9th St. ' 3 4 1 0 9 T H AV NO ;. Per City Ordinance No• 1447 REN TON w,A ,. 98055 Signed: ✓' !� ► d B. L. RUPP>`R7f3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - -ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 ; should. be designated as: .• 352 W KlNDLE 3 4 1 6 9TH AV NO 3 . Per City Ordinance No 2447 RENTON WA 98055, M _j)� Signed: ', %`'-��' a B. L.; R . c 1 , -BLDG. DIIR:CTOR - Be - Caref ul .`P��r _ _ - 4 es,er,ve: this Certificate _ ° • a • � - - : • :• O • O,O� • O •• ,O •' Gs O ,1 O • o O O . -O.• F OO'O' ..0 0 - -The - , correct number of a. building 'on Lot No. . . � 15..,.. ._. .. .. : 3:-�` �`•-`���'. �. 9 ; Block No• - Albert Ba' ch's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: 3•18 . • '. N. E. 9th St.. G HdRR 150N Per City2447 3 4 2 2 9TH A V N O Ordinance No. RENTON WA _7 98055 C Signed: . La RU i - , BLDG. DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preserve;this Certificate :.. i OOOOO O • O • e.m • O e o • • OOOO .I• e • O m e O-o OOOOOO •O o Or o O'O O m •0 o'•1•e 0 1 • e o e •e • 0 • m o • e e • O e w o e • o o • m o • O ••o O.• a.00a 'he correct number of a building on. Lot .No. :16 .., . . Black No. ::•.: . :::...: Albert Balch's Presidert Park No. 9 ; should be designated as:35,24. N. E. 9th St: . M S OWARDs. � �a1 3502 9TH AV NO ; . .. CityPer. Ordinance No. RENTON WA. 98055 (�� Signed: 0/ ., G ' B. L. RUP1-4 V BLDGm DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. : i7 , Block No. - : Albert Bal. h's President Park' No: 9 ; should' be designated as: 3600 N. E. 9th St. 5 H ELL IS Per 3508 9TH AV NOOrdinance No. 2447 RENTON Wa City 98. 055 -. Signed: ,.' . B. L. RUP i.- , LDG. DIREC OR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate w -e correct number of a building on Lot No. . 18 .., , Block No. 3 " Albert Balch's President Park No. 9, . ' ; should be designated as: 3606 , N. E. 9th St. M D AAKER 3514 9TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA. 98055 � ` Signed:. `1 . B. L. RUPPERT, 'BLDG. DIRECTlR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • le correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. - 3 • Albert Balc 's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: 3612 N. E. 9th St. G BEACH 3520 9TH AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. 241-;%' RENTON 98055 Signed: 1f.�d�, , • K B. L. RUPP62I /BLDG. DIREC'TOIR Be Careful„to'Preserve this Certificate - Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 Block No. 3 Albert 3a1ch's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: 618 , 1 . N. E. 9th St. G 0 RICHEY --- 3602 9 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 i Signed: , B. L. Riji,01 , BLDG. DP:ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . --_, - _ - • , - -The correct number of a building -on Lot No. 21 ' , Albert Balch's President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: ' 3624 . r..._ , N. E. 9th St. MR TORKELSON - : --" I ''' ''': ;''' Per City Ordinance No: "2:447 3608 9TH AV NO 1 •: '- ' . ., - .......1,..„ 98055 (... .." .1,e • Signed: / ,",I-- -, 4á• ,,,,,,, - - 3:: L. RUPO - , BLDG. DIRECTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number pf a building on Lot' No. 1 , Block No; 4 Albert Balch's President Pqrk No. 9 ; should be designated as: 3501 . _ J R THOMPSON ' Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 3 4 0 3 9 T H I. V N 0 RENTON WA . Signed: - /-, B. L—R-017. 14 V-7, BLDG. DIR CTOR : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 4 Albert Balch's President Park No. 9- ; should be designated as: . 35 7 M STEINKE 3409 9TH AV N . 1 ' Per City Ordinance No. O .1 2447 RENTON WA - — 98055 ' B. L, RUPPE. T/,' LDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 4 ; Albert Balch's President Park No:- 9 _ . ; should be designated as:3513 N MATT I SON 3415 9 T H AVE NO 9 8 0 5A 5A Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No . • 5 ; 1 Albert Balcrils President Park No. 9 ; should be designated as: N. E. 9th St. ESSEL ING MILLS. 3503 9 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. r.1 147 RENTON WA • 98055 • Signed: . p.' e4041. • B. L. RUPPEkTAIALDG. DIRECTOR Be Carful to Preserve this Certificate • . , . , The correct number o a building on Lot No. 2 ' , Block No. 5 i ' Albert Balch's President Park No,. 9 ; should be designated as ; ,240_7 • , • I r- N, E. 9th St, • H E MICHAELS i ' Per City Ordinance No. 244Z 1 • 1 3 509 9TH AV NO t : 9 8 C) 5 5 Signed .,_,44:,,,,„ " 1 • B. L, RP , BLDG. DIRECTOR . ,,. - , ,,.•.,:.;,!_, , -.,:- -. . .,..:, ,,.. _,... ',. , -,,,... .-,-, ., -.,, - • .-, -,„ ,,,‘•,-- -:-• •: - .' • • . ,.. •-"" . . - - "., • ,.-.•; _;: -•-•`..--....: '••• - ' . • •:--",,,:-'•' 7:-,i• % :..--.:.- "' s .::-.',•'- ': - 'i7', ', -. Be' Careful •tonTi"eseilVe this,:,,Certiricate 1.-:...-.':,;-.7-* .-- : ;,, --',.— -;-- ..,--,-- --': ..,. '1.-- : .;,..-.., --,,e' .'---.,',.),:.-';',.,e,,,•,,..--.----.,-. ---,..;--,,;: -..;-,'' • - -, .... :., -. :, -?-..,. - ..--.7•,:-.•-t: '-'-:-f,--,-..---., ..:•-=..- - •••-•• • ,:.• • • • :'•• •-• • • • •• • ••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••••:,.. - ••-•:••-:•-•-- •• • . • • •-•-• • • •-• •.• a ° • • 7 7° •—"•7 ' ° • ° • -1 . •„...•, • •,:••.,••:,,,,•:,• .:-•-•.;,.•; . ,,,,,?-',>••, .-• - - - ,, ,-,, ''..". ,.-,,, ,,1•::'' ';'•, ;1.'-'.' rhe correct number o a"building 'on Lot No-.. , ' ' 3`'- '. ' - -- •'''• ; Block No. 5 • , • .•.. • • • Albert Balch's President Park Na. 9 ' ; should be designated as:: , ET! , queen i ,., „ ft, J GE ' ROY . ,,- v';`,,-•':!`per- Citi'Orailnance NO. 4447 5- 9 T H A N 0 , -, ' :'‘ ', 1 It:',' •''' -- '.=.., RENTON WA . r • . . • ' - <------- ' - . , ' ,..,, , ' , ' 9 8 0 5 5 - - Signed: c.1,-1 eir-oe,4tc - ; ' •' , ' . L. RU "A•W, BLDG.. DIRECTOR . •, 1, • . . :-•••7,,„,..-,•. . „ . • ' - . • ' ' " , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • • 1 - , •,, ,,,,, -. 90 • • • • • • • • • ••1001116 /306 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • &“16 .0000 • 000411• 0 ••• • ••,• 00000000000000000 .9 • • •• • •,• • • • • • • • •• •••••••7•.• rhe correct number o a building on Lot No. , Block No. • Albert 'Balch's President Park No ; should be designated as: 870 ' E Queen Ave, N.. . • 2 ..IP' L AHO ' i , Per City, Ordinance No. 3603 9TH AV NO , „ .. • , , ,,, ,, 98055 - Signed: . — . - ,- B. L—. RUPl-g, Pyr( BLDG. DIRECTOR _' '.-. . . • - . .. - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ -i-.,...: , ..,:_• ,..,-,,,• „..,.:,,,': '•... ' a o 000000000000000 00000••••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••ret.• • • • • • • • • oe'e • I • o••• The correct number of a. building on Lot No. , Block .o. - , Albert Balch's President Park No.- 9 ; should be designated as: • 36.25 , . J HIENDEL . . ' ‘,"' -• - - 'NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3609 9TH AV ' . ' RENTON WA - , ,.-, , • 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ,. . B. L, RUPFE. ,ABLDG. DIRECTOR I I . • , I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number ofa building on Lot No - , Block No• . ; Albert Balch's President Peirk No. 10 ' ; should be designated as: 3741 . N. E, loth St". DELBERT STOLL ' • . 3651 10TH AV NO . . • Per City Ordinance No 2447 . .........,- RENTON WA . -- • Signed: . . - B. L. RUPPERT,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. . 1 ,• ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: , 3733 • N. E. 10th St. • , - R A MOSER , 365 10TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 4 . R E N T 0 N 980 5 5 . S------", • Signed: . j. B. V. RUPPET21; i;LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . • - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No• . Albert Balch's President Park No . 10 ; should be designated ase 3725' N. E. 10th St. D SHAFFER _ 36 3 9 1,0 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 , �~ .. .. : Signed: �',•?�%� �� 4L. BLDG. DIRECTOR • e-Care f Preserve this C irc a e" - - - 1:• ,• ".,6+ .'P . T I' • a a o 9:' • O. • sa+♦ • � 0aO, ° ..,e ° • a ° • I',#.Fa;a °�+,e ° e e • °�s0i aei .'..•�.,^=4iC.4. he correct number of a building on 'Lot No.;;':. . .' Block No. 1 :. Albert Ba- ch's President Park No. 10 should be designated as: 1717 N, F• 10th ; . 3633• 1oTi-f AV No . Per City Ordinance No• 2447 .REN TO' N Signed: - F�, L. RA , BLDG.: 'DIRECTOR;_._ :. • Be Careful to Preserve.this Certificate • e • a e.. • e a . e a • O a o •O.• a o o o a• . • . •. a a + e a • e . • • • o o e .•. + .° • •+'. e • e.• • e o . . . + . a . a oo maaaaatraaea emsaawam.. . The, correct number of a building , - on Lot No. 5' --, ' . , Block No. ' . .;. .. .•1. .:. .r.:':,:'-;.� ;..:,;; ,. .: ;, Albert 'Balch's' President Park No. 10 ' should be designated as : 3709 N. E. 10th St. A A 6°! E= i T E L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3627 1oTH AV N0 - . R 'E.NT ON WA 98055. Signed: Vir/-- LOG. DIRECTOR BeCertificate :'. . :� ' : :.;:-'::; ' ._;..r; .-..,'.-.-..:,' .:. ... 0 0 • •o o e e o • a a o . • . a a o ae o . a o e o o • e e a e + • a a a e . a + a. 0 • • o e . oe. e e i. . a a a e • a • a • O • . a • s 4 a e a . . • • [ " 6 . o . .e Y The correct number of a building on Lot No 6 , Block No 1. Albert Balch's President Park No.- 10 ' . ; should' be designated as: : 3701 ' 3 6 2 1 1 o T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447' RENTON WA f d . .. .. . 4 � Signed: %�'� .� �• ' ' . . . B. 1L, RUPCETLOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. B , Block No. 1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 s ; should be designated as: 3641 . ' J S WOODS 3 6 1 5 1 0 T H' AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . ' , RENTON WA ' 98055 [� Signed:. . B. L. RUPPER! BLDGe DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. C ,. Block No. -• ; Albert Bald 's President Park No. 10 . ;. should be designated ase ' 3630 ' N. E. 9th St. =. APNETT K IM3ERL I N Per City Ordinance No, 2447 : 614 9TH AV N0 RENT ON . .WA f ' 98055 'J�'. Signed: e57 f�a•,,., B. L' RUPP il; 3LOC. DIRECTJR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . - . -: - ''•'_' ---_. -..."--_'- - '. ._ ,„ ,--....:;, .---.:.... : ':-. -7-7- ,.. ',.:,•-• ,,,re•-.,-.•--,'-.:',7:.-•-:_.'2,--.:.-:" - :.'r. -. -:: , -. :-.. s '-' '...:`!::::,-'..::::-::,::`Ty:: ,,-,.'1,7.. ..-'''•-• .:''..'', .'':,;`:- : ' . , The correct number if a building on Lot No. 7 • , Block No. 1. : .: i Albert B.lch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as:. _: ',3 00 1 N. E. 9th St. '-. ' • " DUNHAM II AGGETT I . 'Per City Ordinance No'..1 • • RENTON s. WA . :s '':-:". - •: s '. ..—. -s: ‘ ..:„...:------- .'..''. : ,,,, ' , :..... ' ::. , 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. Oa", BLDG. ...OIR CTOR .1 .:2-: , '.-.:..• .... ....::::.:...:-:::::::::, .--..':.:-.,',,,-- ..-.2 -:-,-.'- --- .. • , ' ..: ' .' :I- : •- '::::.',-,...:=1;-. :':•:',,,:,,,,:;: -.:....: :...,.•,: .-, :.: ., .: ,., ..-, ;.,„: :, :-,-..,:•.;::.::.:...;:-.-,..i:',....::: ....1.,;,-:;':•:::.7,--, :. '.::,... :'..,::',..L.:-,::-."--E2,.,:::;---.f '7-.,,.'-...',,;:-..1,-;:f.'',....:i':',,: !,:-.f:'!;;;,•‘:••••'..: Be Careful:';',ta:-,p-1,eerVe:::,4,this .:Certifica-4e:::::::::,;•...„;-.;Y: '-.',.:::.-,..-:-.-:::. : 4:r;-7:<;:d`'i.,--;;',. .',.,"-;:,'..„'. : -.';,::::.:::I.,•:,z.:',-.,--,::.-;.;..,::,,,,,.,;.:- .:r'-.;:,.t.:‘,,:::,..f;-:...-:.•"..',. ;!,,,,•,,:,:::;',-,,:z,,:-..:.• ..`,.._ v,:,.1i .:,,,,,,,-, ,v:..::::1;...-: ,..', -,,...,..',:. ''p-.9,.?.,:: :::-.:.,:-:,;:; . '4',-,--,,:z.•- ).:-:`,C,' :...:-:-.';V:',1..-":,=-ij'e'.2.,'".:":;',:--;:#;:i,-., ...'•:•`:•':••••••• •• 7• •.f.-:• '.7 • •' -;• . •:.•• - 7 !7,7°7 7,.°7-° 7 7;:7 :::-..7:,.7!,..-7:!...`..;.!°:,.7!!„.:.:!..:'..:!;.,:7-1.-!:.!,4:*:7'::..-'7;-7,°°'.';.!.-•';,:.°:! ' :::-:°!!1.,,,.,.17.,:-7:;::,A.7-7,.:;;\:;:;::::f.7.i. The torrect. riUmber' ,f a building on :Lot:•NO'43--•. ',':"..:::'8:..,.:. 'c.`•:' ---.." • :,' ;•-.tyloCk: No,',. . ''::.-'. .,....,:r','',•••-•:-..:,:.';',:r.:,-,.•7';':,'•:,;:.- ...,,..-.....:•',., - Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should be. designated as: :3706 • - ••• R E -C H 't.'5, E ,--, R AS IN.A :.:. ... ..-: .:! ,, 0.6r 6 2' 6 9.. .}4 '.-.• A-v„-; N.0, -.:::.-.,-- ''S. 1: Ordinancet'1:i':...i.: '. . 116-:;1..4.7.24, 7,.': PENTON 7 WA ' : : '':,'::::- ' .., ' ',. .,s. s•: '-.-... . ,:. f's.... ' s. .: •::::1,, ,f ".scl:.-u.::''.;;:-.,:•'*:" •Signed: '_ /1? i - ,:,::','. . -. '-',. .•:..-i". ' : : . L. RU , BLDG.: DIR CTORL. .... . , ,,, , • •. *: • '' ' ',' ' ' :::' : - ' ' ": :.:-*_ 1 ': . • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate- - • • • 1100 • VaeGpe • e • sa • 8 • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • 0000 • 000 •• • ! • • • •:11 7 000000000 7 .... ,„ , : .... .,...7. 4 7. •,.•..,....,...: The correct number if a building On Lot No:, : ' . 9 : , Block No. ' -1 - ' . .H.--. . : Albert Ba ch"s President Park No. 10 - ; should be designated as: ::': T '... '' . ... , K ENNED q 4At ''s ' i ''s • 'i. .''''s" Per City Ordinance No. : RENT ON ., WA , i -:',--',--.• ": .', .`. '.-::' : C'.7 -; ; ' :,;,.: ‘..., ' ••';''ss...,.:. .'"':".:.7'; :".4..:-.'' —.... Signed: Si B. L. RUPI fy, .BLIDG., DIR crpR, -- •• • . : -. -1 .. . : - Be Carefull:toPreserve thiS, Certificate , ....,:.--_-:::::: .-. • ...-. ,: , ...:-'.. .,'. ',.-i.. -,-- :. 000000000000 ... . • • • 011 • 000eGles•OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • • • • • • • •••• 13 • 000 • 90 • • • • 0 • • • • • 00• •• •• • • • •••• • •,•• •• • • • • ••0 The correct number If a building on Lot No. 10- • , Block No. : - :': • ..',!.:-.:„.':,,; : ; Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 10 ; should'•be designated .as: 718 . . , : , I '..: .,:._,.:, -...., , • • N. E. .9th •St..• '. . R DECKER ' 3638 9TH A. V. NO , . 1......._ . Per City Ordinance No. :-1447 ' Signed: B. L. RuPn. , LDG. :DIRECTOR _ " = Be Careful to PreServe this Certificate ,- .. .'••••-,- ,: :::', . -:.:". ' .. : ' : : The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 • - , Block NO. 1 Albert Ba ch's President Park No, 10 ' ; should be designated as: 37.24 : .. . ,. . ' . N. E 9th St, • L M K 1 MMEL : . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3 6 44 9TH . AV : NO . 0 Signed: . - - B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 12 , flock No. 1 Albert Balch's President Park No, 10 ; should be designated as: ' ,-:370 N. E. 9th St. f. H W THOMAS " , Per. Ci ty Ordinance No. 9,,,I.X ! .. . "...' 6 5'2 9 T H A V N 0 RENTON Signed: . p/b-/ ,.,,,,e4.,„.;.. B. L. RUPPEVitidtbG. DIRE TOR r-t. ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..- : • . . The correct number o• a building on Lot No. . - 13 ., Block No. 1 . Albert Bali his :President park No. 10 ; _should be designated as: , 915 Redmond Ave. E.. .: ECANTU : : • Per,City Ordinance. NO 9 1 5 P , RENTO N W A ' : .; 1B. L. R—Fiir, . BLDG. DIRi TOR Be Careful Certificate , The.Correct, number o :_ra building on Lot No. : 1 Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 3801 Per city fiance::No:.; ..:)• 3 7 0 3 1;0-T. , A V . PENTP N• • WA - • • •• Signed: , BLDG.. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number if a building on Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 10 , ; should be designated as:: 906 Redmond Ave. N. E. • • Per tity OrdinanCe s " Signed: .2 B. LT7R71?"-t DIREPTOR ' - . • Be Careful to: Preserve this Certificate 0000000000000000000000000000 000000 oro. o . 00000000000000s.,,0000 7:441 •... • . . • •46.11. •!!:.,•7 • • • • •••• The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block Albert B.,1Ch`s President ParkNO,', 101,, ; Shodld be designated as:_:912i •. Redmond Ave. 'N.-‘ E. D FIFE • 912 P STREET ' Per City Ordinance NO. Signed: _ B. L, RUPP.E. , LDG., DI 'ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate",: . . o . • o o The correct number of a building on Lot No.... • : Albert :alch's President ?ark No. 10 ' ; should be designated as: N. E. 9th St. 7,-.7717777 IDDLETON K • MOEN 7 3615 9TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No4 RENTON , WA 98 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, 'BLDG:. DI'ECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate " 0000000 oo 0000 o So . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ; . correct iitinibe of a building on Lot No , 2 Block No. . - 3 Albert :alch's President Park No. 10 should be designated asl::: • 3707: N. E, 9th St. , • A , t01 3621 N 9TH AV N ySE Per City Ordinance No: 9.447. O s , 9 8 0 5 5 . ,51:77 • - • Signed: . - B. L. RUPPElidfirdLDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : - • „ The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. - 24347 Albert Balcn's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: . 371'3 N. E. 9th St. SECURITY SAVESCO 3627 9T AV NO Per City Ordinance No: RENTori 98055 Signed: B. L. RTgArk+, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 • ; Block No 3 • Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should be .designated as: 3719 MI 3 6 3 3 OCCUPANT AV N Per City Ordinance No.' 2447 9TH O - • 98055 . • • • Signed: - . L. RU , BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 372c R J MAXWELL . 3639 9TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No RENTON 98055 • . Signed: - B. L. RUP P..DG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block' No. 3 ; Albert Bech's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as 37 1 G; 6St‘ T11-IAV NO Per City 6 51 s lI TH Ordinance No. 2447 98055 - - Signed: B. Li RUP . , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No 3 Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ' ; should be designated as: Redmond Ave. N. E. F R 1' A KEH 841 P STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9305 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 3 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 ; should, be designated as:' j59 Redmond Ave. N. E. R ROSS 835 P ST.REET Per City Ordinance No. 24471 RENTON WA 98055 : SI'l- frziz9 Signed B. V. RUPEIÔLDG. DIRECTOR Be 'iCareful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct nunber:ofa building on Lot No. 15 ,. Block No:: • 3 Albert Batch's President Park .No: 10 • should be. des•ignated as:• ..3709 - - - - -- - = N• :E • Court' J, ::tr 9th: , . q•: r: U:, r a 1' T - - tea,..; - - Y.� .5 :R; _ .E�EhT: R ,E' - N .T'.0 N W,A 9. 805.5 B. L: -RU 'Yf BLDG. DIRE .TOR tr` , ..ter f: .�:�J.� .✓z: . B:e'Careful:� ;to' Pres�erwe.:t}-. � �,C-e' �'�i" '.,. - .o, J s: rt ,fa cafe ,.-. T@ a correct :number:o=; a building ,on Lot:•ido: 16 : - • , Block No :::3, . :•Albert .Ba1h.'s President Park' No. 10. ,; should be designated .as :~: .85,1, : ': , Redmond...Ave• `N: E�q%AA. =P L nand• :N ,-. 5 &.. . '"T •'P S..T'R'E'E .� -- a o'..: - t RENT A .I .%`. TO N - W , . : • , Signed: -- L. RU .,,. BLDG.:.. DIRE TOR., :- Be are f "1 C eu. to Pr eserve v 1 Cer i ficate't .The :cor� ect n mb 1`' r u er of' a building:"on Lot:,No:. '; 61 ock: No :`"' . Albert Balch's President Park'No:.. 10 : :should be designated as: : , 87Z, . ',Redmond. .Ave, N,:::.:E'. HA'ROLD ' E' : B'UOY. � � 8 4 0 P 5 T R'E E T• •Per City .Ordinance No.i: - , , Signed. ��- ,.. - ' B.' L. :.RU , BLDG:..DIRECT.OR° ,::.. ' Be: Careful' to Preserve .this:: Certi fica.te The correct: number �f a building on Lot,'NO, . 1 2 : Block .No..: .4:, -,, : :` ;.::' - Albert Baich's President Park No. '10.' ; should: be:desi:gnated as::..'866 ' :. : • • - Redmond `Ave. N:'".E . ,.. . -. ' . . ' o FRANC t s _ Per. City .Ordinance No 838 P STR'EET <. : ®- RENTON: WA_'. ; : j.:: :: :- '`. : , ''l ''':': -: 1 ., ... r9., ,,E3,. 0._ .5 5 .,' : ':::: : ::.: : Signed: . 31..:::•:',,..,: .:- ; , ' ' B.: L, RUP.. , ,. :LDG'.'..;DI'ECTOR :. ... - . . Be Careful; to Preserve this `Certificate' -:, : "-, , : ':.;.: `-: The correct number of a building on Lot No '.' . 3 : Block:':No : fr :`::.` 4 ..' : :, ,,: i Albert Balch's President Park No, 10 should be designated as•. :.gbh P W..: NELSON Redmond Ave. N E. ..,. ::Per.: City Ordinance No. .244 : .,. Signed: ' - . B..:'L. RUPPERT,, BLDG. _DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :'.•' ' '' ' The correct number o.f a building �on:Lot No.. 4` - . ''•6 4�: ��`= - • Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 .I;::. • �� ; should be..designated 'as:,�858`': : : Redmond' Ave. N. E: ,, C D. O L 5 o Pl : Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 : '::: RENT0N WA Signed: ' .:.' ' .�. B. L. RUPPBR'i ✓oLDG,...DI >ECTOR ^: Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate : ; : . - - = The correct number of a building on Lot No 5 , Block No. 4 Albert Balch's President's Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 3809 N. E. 9th Court R83L0 pHA R RI SE °E TN • , - Per City Ordinance No 2447 RENTON WA 1- ' 98055 Signed: B. L. , BLDG. ,DI ECTOR . Be Careful' to"Preserve_thiSCertificateY - - 1.. • r , The correct *number of a building on Lot No., . 6 - ' " ‘, Block No ' • - Albert BIlch's President's Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 3805 . . N. E. 9th Court A - L N L,0 W • " ' 828 P '- STREET ' Per City Ordinance No. .-, - . • 98055 . Signed•. . L. RU1IW BLb1IECTOR ' • • : ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 ' , Block No — Albert :alch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 38 1 N. E. 9th Court ' •826 P STREET Per City Ordinance No. 247 RENTON WA 98055 • • Signed: B. L. RUP1 i1 31.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • . . .-. • . • • . . . . ...• The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 Block,No. • Albert :alch's President Park No: 10 ; should be designated as: 50 - ' .• , Redmond AvenueN. E. A 'STAPNESS i 818 P STREET , - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 98055 Signed: - .'" B. L. RUPFE. :LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block' No. 4 ; Albert :alch's President Park No. 10 ; should be designated as: 854 Redmond Ave. N. E. C FISFIE :' 824 P S REET Per City Ordinance No. A A7 • • Signed: B. •L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • f •• . . . . . . • . • • • • • . . • • . . . rhe correct number of a building on Lot No 1 , Block No. 1 9 Al bPd alch's President Park No. 5 ; should be designated as: 834 • • Redmond Ave. N. E. E DAHLSTROM- Per City Ordinance No. 244? . 812 P STREET t RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPKVidLOG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 1 Albert B•lch''s President Park No: 5. ;, should be designated: as: - 3 00 . _ .. N. E. 8th Court ~ J H A Y D 0 • k Per City Ordinance No '2447 3702 'BT PL ` :NO. RENTON �. A. 98055 Signed: , � • •4_P -- --- - = B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR 44 - - -1.^, P- thisCertificate ,e _ .B �:Carefu �to� reser e: " C Be e�� V .f. Block . Tlie correct�.�number' of a building ;orr'Lot. o': ck No� • Albert B.lch's President Park No. 5 ; should be.designated as: 3806 .N. E. 8th Court T BELL` .. - Per;:.Cit Ordi No 11 3'70 8 8 N. :P 'nan a RENTO-N. WA` i i 9 8' Signed: , . L. RU - , BLDG. DI E.CTOR; . Be. Careful to. Preserve this, Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No:. 4 Block No .. Albert B:lch's President Park No. 5 should be designated as 3812 F. . . N: E. 8th Court D BELMONDO . . 2 '`11 ' 3 7 1 4 8 T H P L ,NO Per City Ordinance No. RENT ON WA 98055 , : ; . :;. Signed: .7G� �l . .B L RUP f/'/, BLDG.- DIRECTOR Careful":Be toPreserve, this,.Certificate :„ , . a . .. . . . . ... The correct number of. a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 1 Albert :alch's President Park No. 5 ;: should be .designated :as: : : _. . c MC MI + LAN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3720 8T PL N0 : RENTON WA 98055 -- . • . :: Signed':. B. L. RUP f LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate lie correct number of a building on Lot No. . 6 Block No. 1 ; -Albert :alch's President Park No. 5 ; should be designated as: 3319 N. E. 8th• Court - I R H.ERRERA 3 7 2 1 : T H P L N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2443 RENTON, WA . 98055 • _. - Signed: �° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 1 Albert :alch's President Park No. 5. ; 'should be designated as: 3813.- ` . N. E. 8th Court ' LEMCKEF Per City Ordinance No. ` 4 y. 3715 8THPL NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' ,5/ /.rr�', f�,e t. - B. L. RUPPE"RfariBLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 1 Albert :alchis:President Park No. 5 ' ,3807 l; should be designated as: N. E. 8th Court •. .. Per. City 'Ordinance No 1'7':':':: • :. ..: 3- 7 0 9 83 ' P L N9: ' : : , ,: :-::,-... .:'•: -.-:: ::-:,..-.-.-...';E:::.= ".:::-:::: :- 4 ;i-; -, : .: : :: .:tj':-'.,.---;:;.-„;-.,..;..•,:..'',:-,,,-:,.,...;,"-:.;:-,;''.;..'...,>':„':;:,,:'.'i:,'::;:.-,-;:;-.,;. :,--,-;•.,,::'-;::;':,'1,y,,..ip.'r-,,,-:,•:.: '-;,!..:-.-•1:•:,-:. ,-.:';:'A.,::-:".,„.:.-;.-.-:.;;,:-.-•...,,',::.':':::-,.',,,'i-'',:'•,-:;;'";-:--;:',:;;.-".-•..•.•,,;:!,;;,.*.,-;,:?,•:'--;'i„i:i.',.:1":':.-:' •:::•-:.::-:,:4:i•.•,':.-,•4i:„..;;.;?,n.„;'i',4,,n:,._.,.-';,i,V,•„.-;„,,;.:,:-',g-:.•,-•.::':..:;..:,-.,,.':;g,;:•.:,:.--,,,,:''1V_,,•'-:.q,--,',;',-2,;-•.W,-.,:-•V-..,f..:,-,if::;i:,,-,.i::l:.,,..:,;',,','i:,Z.;;.„-;„3.i.,,•,,..'f-:,,-t;.-'2,,,i-,:,,;-,.:.;1'e':,i!i,-,.,.f.o,-:Qx-.,-..!.i„.':4:'.,,'::.,i:,,,.:A,:J:.:;„,„.„4-.;..--....-'.-,.,,,%,-,„:t.i...,.,.-,,,,-„,.,•4-.-:-::.',:.'.,f:k'i,,,.'.,'.''.":"4-"A,.,.;:,!--'.._'''":.7::':,'A--.::::,,..--',.c.•.,.-.... ,'I,,2''-.:,",.,..,.,'..„',....,.-.::,i,:-,-,;. .;--.,.,.-.",:•-*;.4:,2,,1', :.4,,,,.--:,'.':.:•:,.::4:,,.‘..?.',.-,,,:,;.'::•7 R E? 4 1'9 N , 7 • - , CA . -: — - - - . ' A 98055 . . - - r . : _ - v Signed W7I_i1 : 2 0 ,-.:4 . ; ' ;9 ' : :?. 1: t. RDr, BLOG. ,F..;,',,.:.DIRECTOR Erei.-,"-C:iiefliiVii-d...1-)i*.0.4 :,..', iii§,:'::c-61.7t1 fida..7t#':.-.-4:::TAt,',-m'T;:', !,:sg%'-',il:P.i.,:i i:v.,?,v,f..,:-,-Y., ., -;•.s...:,..,--,:-.-,fii-:,,,,::-.-,,-'.... -:- .;:l.-1-!,,..,-;...!'s!-4 ,:f..ziNt.:i.,7,..::::-',i?. ---'..i,,,.,,,,z,,,ri,. ,:!.7i--y,,!..-ff,t -,,,,-,7,-ft,. .J5,1E-o-,,,...::..is,:. ,i,'g-.,;,,. ..,,,,-'..--',...',:::-:,-,:i'F.-,:,:jAM..4,":,-7;.nb.z.„ -;',.-„.1.1.:,..,,TA,-.w2,.-. ..,•.„7,',. .c-:i.,:z. ::-.':.'1...:,. `..• ;.-.-:::::::..-. ..'-:...:::'..i;:::,...:.•-;4V.• .'.'=:.;:;;;', -;‘,.,',";::,- -7-';i:' 1"...,:i.•: ..i',..f..: :' '1';':! !!.-.•ti:::.•'.,!',.!,:'•-:!.•,:!:•.',.:;;!.:*!,:7,•:--,!.;7-:,t...71,1, ,':!:!...,!.....7::,..:;;!.7::1;,:,!,,17.i;..-,.:..7,2,7, ::.:,;:,.,,=, .,W3, ._- *.- -'''!':::-.'-:-.... 't..iY... ;' - 1.:=1..i.5.7,'Y4,-'05'. .'..jW;:,;-'''45! 'C'flie cOrreef:ilumbe :`•of: A .buildilig :on Lot 'No.,:•:::•'. .*:. 9-••'..'.-- '-.::: ,:.• .--:,: Block No. .3 • ' 1 ,. .- • -, .12-:•:: :, :-, - i . ... - Albert :alCh's President Park No: 5 ; should be designated . . 38D1 - • • . .. • . , .N: E. 8th Court :„, . .; .• • . .. • -:- • ,. . .,.,,,,::::::,.;,, ,.......:: :.,,„:-....;:,.,,::,:,:',2:„:.-.,,E;•„ :::::',.:::',,.•-•:.; --,, • , .. : •• •- ,,-... .. , n. %4 V .. -PK OCCUPAIC , n ' '; '-''' ?'•-,•::::',,:s.--... :::-',‘:•;•''-'"i:n-?--;:-: Per, City oi-di name No. '41.6..' `/' H .1.'''' ' ...'r., , • 3703 , 8TH AV', NO; ' : -; =:;;' - ' n : ,_._ RENTON : • W A:: . ,': : • •„•,;:',, ':.., : ,'; ;:::...,.,: - •'.;,:,...-7.-,-- -• ----‘: - i '- -,'„;• .,... -.. : • '-'... ' ' 9 8 di 5.5 ;: .. : . i. "..- • ,,d . , i . , . .. ...,.,• . Signeu. .0- Lhie.-?!.? , . B L RU.'''" Pfr, BLDC.-1'. D RECT0R,,,, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' .' .. 00000 . 1"..,e,tvi.,e'soll.eeeeeee, 1, 41. .. ..000000 A. e. e. 0 0000 oar. en 0,0.... .. .. ...0-••••.1 4.. .... ..;• • • • • • • • • • • • •-•• • • • . . ' , ,. , , , , ,,, , The cOrreci numbe of a building on Lot No:;::: :: : 10 ..' . '.- -.- .. ',.- -; Bloc . Albert Lalch's President Park NO. 5 , ;_ should be designated as -...., 770 i 7---- '- .., : :" ::: Per City Ordinance No. 728 P STREET': : ;. • ; .: , ..: : •- 1 • iSigned 1 • - : n- , 1 . - B. L. RUP R,"ir, BLDG. ,D RECTOR .,.. : I ' : • - : '. ::::", ; ., '"...- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' . .' i .- •,•l, .:,,,' ' : .`,:".: . • __ . . _ .. - .. -,..,,... . .. . . . . .. i - " • The'correct numbe of a building on Lot NO. - : 1 .. " , Block No. , : • 2 41- ' : - :" '` ,- ' • ' • - ' ' - ' 'i shOUld- be designated a : .:.- :22 ' • • • Albert :alch's President ParkNo:. 5 - : * . Queen Ave: N. E. 1 OCCUP /x-N s , " : ,-;.',.....,: 1 . ';' : :: Per-, City Ordinance No. .2447 : '. ,::-• ' :I . :, ' 11 , R NIT 0 N ...;,.... - ' ' W A;. ' '‘."'• • r.: :' 98055 Signdd: B. L. RUP -. i ' .LDG..! DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... ,, The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. - ' • Block No. - ., , Albert :alch's President Park NO.' 5 ; should be designated as::, gli4 , . . . •., - . Queen Ave. N. E. -- - .: • ' E WAL,K R:1 ., ' , ; - - • 2447 .. Per City Ord• No Ordinance . 7 . 808 0 - TREET .: - - '. ' • - : , . . • - - ..• • - ' , .. : Signed: r. .''' ..- . B. ' L. RUPPERT BLDG., !I:RECTOR ,. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , • ' :. . ' ' ' ' . - 3 ' ,' : i -lock No. , 2 -,Itie correct:nuthb-I of -.a:'bUil ding on Lot Mo. . 9 Albert Balch's President Park No. 5 . ; should be designated as: .,: 814 . ._.-- .. ..'....-...,"_:....-. - : Queen Ave. N. E. 02 0 -STREtT. 1:.:--. - , : Per City: Ordinance No. 2447 - - 8 ' . '. . — PE4T0N WA 98055 Signed; • i .e_,,,,,f,ty,,, : ' ' _ B. L. RUPP gidifALDG: 'IRECTOR .. . • - ' :, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate '. . : : ,, : • • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 4.: , Block No. 2 • Albert :alch's President Park No. 5 should be designated as: 811 Queen Ave. N. E. CHASE . LA RY._ LAFFON Per City Ordinance No.:738 0 STREET ,.. . . 447 .' RENTON sA.. )i' , 8 9 5"" 5�0 - �a �'Si �neaa' .. . rts �? B <D DIET ..._.tee,..., ,,r; , v. =.': N�_ 6 r ,- h`i`s:'Ce ••of l tci res'erve'��:t r _ o•s w•a•m. • a m e..•r••,r m.•. :,r. .'m::o-`.• i,•'�;.n.:y:_•`e:.".• a=.•gym •'•m:'" m.im e -u:.a~:o:'e''e"..+i co°:r m.'..:•.... .-mom • o.o-••...•:.a�m .,m-•.. w e .-• •-:.".,•'ie;;e`e.,•. o;h:. buildingLot "iv S1 ock No,'c rrec m `a on o��a The o t:�nu be of Albert .alch's President Park. No. 5 should be designated as.: ; • : _.: �r (�l1PPn Avpm 'N. Fm E SMITH 7 3 2 0: STREET Per City Ordinance, No. Signed: . '; . L. RU , B.LDG, 'DIRECTOR • :' Be Careful . to Preserve this 'Certificate.::' . . e • •• m • . • • •:• . • • :. . .... . . . . . ... a... • • • • •. • • . . • • a•.•,• The. correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. :- 2 Albert :alch's President Park No. 5 • should be: designated as: 77 . Queen "Ave. N:- E. ' OCCUPAHT 7.26 0 S REET ; Per City Ordinance No. ° �" ' RENTON WA 98055, • Signed: .7.Gp f> B: L• RUP 'ii,BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Careful to Preserve jiis...Certificate,.;• ., :;:.:.:.':- - ,..J•.a•o•...e o.• e. . .e •. ........... . ... . . a ♦ •.0 . • •.. • • . e:• • •• e'e • • . •.• • •.n• • . .• o .. • • .. • • • • e • ... 0 ..!•'..,•„• • • •.• •.O Ike correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. Albert :alch's President Park No; 5 . ; should' be designated as 74 Redmond:Ave.. N. ., E. r ' A S E . DR ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 727 P STREET .. RENTON W'A , . 9 8 0 5 5. Signe•d: • B. L. RUP , ' .LDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building. on Lot No. 8 ' Block No.' 2 :. Albert Baich's President Park No. 5 ; should be designated. as: 5 77/ e • Redmond Ave. N. E. • WERNER ROBERTSON 733 P STREET Per CityOrdinance No. 94,417 . RENTON WA 98. 055 ' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG• ,DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. • Albert Balch's President Park No, 5 ; should be designated as: Redmond Ave. N. E 7 r I` . :S T Per' CityOrdinance No. 2447 7 � P sT � � Er RENT0P WA Signed: B. L. RUPPE'RVALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tate correct number of a building on Lot No: 10 , Block No. • __ Albert Batch's President Park N•o,_5 ; should be designated as : _ < +go3 _ Redmond Ave. N. F ' H WESTMAN Per• City Ordinance No. 4 7 a03 P STREET RENTON WA I �___. N - z.l� , �i a Signed: :�: _ =:�t� • - B.:'` L, RUY? t�; • BLDG ,DI'ECTOR Be., Careful'=:to�'Preserve���this:;�Certificate The-correct:number of a building on:.Lot.:ho 1T :9':Block'No Albert. alch's President Park No. 5 - ; should be. designatedas : §# 809 — — • Redmond Ave. N. E., ' o E • Per. City Ordinance No. 2447i 809 P STREET RENT.ON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: _____0,/_____~'�' /i' . L. RU V , BLDG. DIRECTOR •Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nurtiber of a building on Lot No. : 12 - Block No. 2 Albert talch'.s President Park. No. 5 . ; should be designated as: l : edmond Ave N • E. E G N PDBLAD 4 'J 8 1 5 P STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2 { RENTO WA 9 8 0 5 5C-2.7".." ' , . Signed: ' .-_ . . B. Le R PU R", BLDG. DIRECTOR . . _;:� '.,...:,.. ,Be ;Carefu] to Preserve this. Certificate. - .: :- - ::-.. ..-- ::' :;: ;:.::::_ , , ;.:'' The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. , • 1 Albert .talch's President Park No.. 4 ; should be designated as: ' 4$4 ' • Queen Ave. N. E, ,. c 0 0 u S D O STREET Per City Ordinance No. REN 2447 TON WA 9 8 0 5 51 Signed: , .��� _ B. L, RUPP , T.,,'LDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 2 , -.Block No. : 1 $. Albert Balch's President Park No'•: 4 ; should be designated as: 4.80 . Queen Ave N. 'E. B JOHN % 0N 6 6 6 0 TREET Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON ;:' A S--) 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 2 ;f,� B• L'. RUPPERT,•BLDG. DIRECTOR ~. Be. Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • The correct .n!nnb.r of a building on Lot .No. 3 , Block No.. 1 , Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 74 '1435 ': Queen Ave. N. E. E • S TO N E' Per City Ordinance No• 9 47 - 660 0 STREET - a RENTON WA . :_— _, . 9sass � I- — r Signed: L � .✓' ,r, ,/ —- B. Li RUPPEk 1,-/ LOG. IREC IOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • The correct number of a building on Lot No• 4 , Block No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 3100 <s -`OCCU-. P ANT.. : - , i.z ONr.daE.nr an7cteh NPol,.a:,c•e, 2-4.47- ... i >x SSZ' OS w;ENTON Wn VYV ,�,`: ..J r/ ri B -;P -t. „ti r.,c te�}� e=.Car .u7 e�to .res' his.�:Cen a of Iry e s •-•..e"e..rr;.,e_.::w - ro.,.i.r•:.r,a:..00';e •. re-i-,.s«;•..„ ..a.:L.,•W�',.y+r- 'he correct. number of a'`building: .on Lot No: • . . . .,. : . .Block No. i " Albert Balch's President Park No. 4`; should be. designated as: 6 0 Queen Ave. N. E. J L Z1EBATH Ordinance No. 2 64. 6 0 STRrET i � Per City 7 447 RFNTON W "A -."_.- } = Signed. - :-L...:':.RU .BLDG.. DI ECTOR - - : rese _ e . Certificate.. . . *--Be- rii� ;�fii=s�;: ,. The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 6 ,Block No. 1 Albert Balch's President ,Park No. 4 , .. should be designated as: 666 1 ..:.., r Queen Ave. N• E C CHAUSSEE I s�za�`7 4 2 0 STREET City Ordinance No. 2-�-RENOII .. • ....................... Per Signed: B. L. RUPIA " -BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate o e...o m.e e.. • o• . • . • .a .o•. .• • e . e . • ♦ • . . . ,.. . . 0 .0000 . • . • • • e •,. o . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..0 a . • • • . • . o o a m The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. - 1 a Albert Ealch!S President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 66 ` ueen Ave. N. E. • R L NELSON 6 3 8 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON • . WA [ . • 98055 - Signed B. L, RUP . , Toad LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 .. , Block No. . 1 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 6:3. - — - _ Redmond Aver N. E. D A HSON 244Y 639 P STREET . Per City Ordinance No. RENTOv " WA 98055 - t Signed: . - - B. L. •RUPPERT' BLDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •r •. • o-f... �6. • • . e . •• i • • e • • �s • ooe-• • •.�. or . e i .o:i• • • • r(• •'e e • .. • • . . . • oe • . . . . . • The correct number of a; building on Lot No. - 9 , Block NQ, l Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as:'. 67 seeadoA,Nr Redmond Ave. N. E - . , 3 P 'STREET Per City Ordinance �10., � '�. , ' ENT OWN WA _ • 9 8 0 5 5 , Signed: y'��,n!`4' .<,:.,vr1 B. L RUPP!Ri%/BLDG.,. IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number. o ,-.a building on. Lot:No: 10 . ,, Block:- Noy;,: . •,: . .; 1: . ..:... ....... : ...,. .:,... : .; Albert Bal h's. President Park. No: 4' should be;:designated. as 671. ST � . Redmond Ave.. N.— e. E, . •: ' . _ R, - ; ROB RST : er yrnan : E 3 PE.N .T.ON:. tp " ii 95055: \r / Signed: �' ' �r,; a-`,_,,. �_ 6, RJk— 1 ,' BLDG.. 'UI'R Cu ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1'he correct number of,a building on Lot .No: `- 11 Block:No... : 1 . ' ' Albert Ba ch's President Park No. :4 ;, should be.,designated as: `, ; 1 ', -Redmond Ave. N. E. � AMES `"L. D1 ( LY Per y Cit Ordinance No. 2447 ' ' 6.49 P` STR E.T .. , 4'8:'Q5 .5: , -. Signed: _ //� L... .RU 1' '' BLDG., D:I'+ECTOR=' :.. 1.' i�l- - mot, C ` ti.f a s=' er � .e.: aref a P'n __ B C • • a.Y•'.♦•.' •o'• o • i•� a:'s'i n• e.e.• • •-•...ti , •', a e . a"e'e..•.': •.•.. • • o`••• . . The correct number. of a building on Lot: No:.' ::,. . : T 2 Block No. 1. . :;• Albert '.aIch's' President Park.No.: 4. .. ; should be designated as:` . 479 Redmond Ave. N, E. , , E Corgi ocK 2447. :: -- - ' 6 5 7 P STREET _ ;Per' City Ordinance No. . . REN TO WA - 980;55 . - Signed: ;7" .;. ' . B. L. RUP /( LDG. DIRECTOR Be'Careful,,to'Preserve this.- Certificate. : 13 : '. •Block No. • � .•1 `''••: :,::,.` .. The correct numbe of:-a. building on. Lot No - � ' Albert Bal"ch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as:. _4$a #.. Redmond Ave. N. E. H RAV1E-RT .. .. Per. City Ordinance. No. . 2447 ' '� •. _ WA : - ` •' Signed: _ . ,d, . B. L•' RUP'IY"L. Tf,BLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numb:. , of a. building on Lot No:::.-.:-.:.: 14'-; . , Block .No.' 1 ;,;. : - ;; A1ber. Balch's President Park No. 4 : ;: should be designated as: 3 437 — REN' QEN COR'P , 6 6 9 P STREET . : Per Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447 . Ev,T � WA< ... 9 8 0 5 5 • Signed: ' .,, z : ..• ' B. L. RUPPERT,' BLDG,: _DIRECTOR; - '. - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •` . The correct: rtumi3=r o.f' a: building, on',:Lo'.t;::No. Block. No, 1: - ,::. . , - Qlb.e• t galrh's PrPeiclQnt Park No, 4 • should be designated as:' `q f Redmond Ave. N. E. : ..,. •. . . , DEAN: 'tt. , O ° L E _ - - � 5 � E � T Per- :City. Ordinance No 0 2447 RENTON _W:'A 8 5' . .W.7 Signed:, � ...� . B. L1,-... .RUPP RimBLDG. DIRECTOR ' 'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Tie correct .nuliber o3 a building on Lot Na. 1 , Block No. 2 Albert Bal h's President Park No. 4 ;' should be designated' as : 380' i N. E. 7th St. r----- C P 4 ERC: E _3 72 3 7 �- H A .v N Per City Ordinance Na. 244�'_ � RENTON WA �• 8 0 55 / Signed: B. I... RLi ' i , BLDG. . DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building .on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 2 Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 38015 N. E. 7th St. 3717 37Ys 7 Per.- City •Ordinance No. 447:. H • AV NO � . ... . . • _ RENTON WA 98055 -� Signed: c �� f L. RUPPU BLOC. DIR CTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No. 3 Block No: 2 Albert B.hch's President Park No.. 4 ; should be designated as : ' 801 N: E. 7th St. MR F ITZS IMMONS 3 7 2 3 .7 T i AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • BLDG. DI E.CTOR B. L. RUPIA � , . Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2 Albert alch's President Park No: 4 should be designated as: 3719 N, E. 7th St. • CHARLES HOUGHTON 3709 7T A No Per City Ordinance No. RENTON 4� A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP E. T/ LDG. ,D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The- correct numbe 'of a building on Lot No. * 5 , Block No. 2 Albert :alch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 3 15 N, E. 7th- St. K DAU1 HERTY 3 7 0 5 r T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 .. RENT0 ' . ' WA } 98055 I Signed:: B. L. RUPPERT, 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... . . > the correct: numbe' ofa building on Lot No. 6 , Block No, '2 . Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: . _Redmandhlve. N. E. I _ 0 a.R L ON '670 P REET .' Per City Ordinance No. n44.7. - T' RENTON WA 98055 ' Signed: '> �rA�.. B. L RUPPE.: D2LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve thic rprtifirata , . . The correct number of a building on Lot No, 7 , Block No. 2 7- .-- --- Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 : should be designated as: 521r. 442- Redmond Ave.- N. E. 1 • r i '''. ', : . L..*. - -:. . - /-'''•' • 1: I : :. I): City: .• , • 'STREET Per Oraina.nce No; : 4.''44.7 , RENITON . 9 8 0 5 5 •- ..-- /(,`,,:;,,1 i j Signed: , B. l... 015-PT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No . 7 Albert Balc 's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as : ' • Redmond Ave, N, E, 11 tiG I-I ' CROZI * ft . 1 :' : - Per City Ordinance No.- 221:47 6 6 2. P STCET .. .. RENT ON -, WA ; ' . ' ;• :- - .r, Signed: . L. RUIC•PFfri", BLDG. DIRECTOR . - r ' • - • Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate ..*****- . .. . . • it * The correct number, of a building on Lot: No.: 5 . ' - , Block No. - 2 •. : : -, • Albert Bialc 's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: CP* ' ,,t1 - Pe 1 Redmond Ave. N. E. R T H U R E R I C K S 0 Ni2447 i' City Ordinance No, . .: . ' 6 5 8 P STREET - RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 - i . C.---.7-, --) . 5---;----. , Signed: ..b RUP14BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, . ,.:` - „ : . ;;! ' '. : • lotateompt:o4o. * *** *Sm008,00 .410me ;meit-. 0m00 ,14 .1. 130 /iall.00000 b011'i,vm0009 ;o0 000000000 coy oo 'lle oo el o O'ollm0 000000 M The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 2 Albert Balc 's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as : *a:5 4 go Redmond Ave. N. E. _ _ • . • • . .. • • c A MC UIRE Per City Ordinance No. .2447 - . • RENTON ' W A I , 9 8 0 5 5 . • • Signed: : B. ell. RUPPI, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate eleam.o.000000 oreammem. Mmemamegomee 0000000 ., 000 m: 000 e 0000000000 memmoo 00000000000 m000ymee . m,;000 m 00000 m The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 - , Block No. . 2 , Albert Balc 's President Park No. 4 .; should be designated as: -.. , 417e* 1 Redmond Ave. N. E. 2447 ; • H WEBER Per. City Ordinance Na, 6 5 0 P STREET 1 RENTON WA r•-----71) 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: --, B. L. RUPPERi4iBLOG. DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. Ge. 000 a 000 o oo m 000 00,00000 • 00 . 0.00000001. 0 . 0 S000 / 000 0000000 o etta0n00 • pa 20p00 . 0 • 001000 00000 " 000 o'0 oo •i oo The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 2 • - 1 Albert Balc. is President Park No. 4 ; should be designated Redmond Ave. N. E. A A _G 0 L 646 P S REET • Per City Ordinance No, 2447 . R E NI T 0 t".! VI P.... _ . . . , \---11 - S"------ • 9 8 0 5 5 „ P.:\---?1,4. / Signed: ,(),!"211 ---- " - . 1 , B. L. RUPPE'iaos,dLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 1a 9 Block No 2 ' " Albert.Bal ,h's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 668 Redmond N. E - w - 0 •N EN T"0 N . _ - `G � i : �� . �` - ��. � .. . .' _ :1: ,l�642P. S � R EHT. - _ er- it 'Ordnance�No: � ��. '::. . 98055 4.-- ,� 1 • ...j • Signed: ;.i1 �,/r4,., d . B. L. aUT' el, BLDG. DIRECTOR — Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate be • number correct:: of a: building .on Lot No. :.:. ..14 . • •Block No.. •2 ' .:•.. ..• • Albert Balch's President .Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 5_64, . FRA:•KE:R H .RPdmond Ave. N E. T RM:AN ' Per': t 24 �� f 6:3 8 . P . S •T:R E T' ,. Ca y Ordinance.Hance.No ' .' . . 98055' - . • Signed , -- - - -- .. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to: Preserve this- :t ;:: :, i Cer.tificate <:: ;:,.; :;:`.: 'he correct number of building on Lot No: : 1 Block No. 3 . . Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be designated as: 770 ' Queen Ave. . N. E..: : : x OCCUPANT .. T20 o ATRE.ET Per.. .City Ordinance No: 2u2� - . RENT ON • W_A : . : 980:55 C • , B. L. RU . , BLDG:.::DIRECT R.:. " ' Be Careful to Preserve,.this: Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 ' , Block No. 3 Albert Balch President Park. No: 4 ; should be designated as: 766 - , ..•. Queen Aye. N. E., ,= ' OCCUPANT . 7 1.6 0 ; STREET Per "City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON WA - 98055 Signed: • . B. L RUP -. , LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate to correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block Poe:,:..' 3 i. Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be- designated as: . 762' Queen Ave.. N. E. - ' 1 W tt CL. OYO - -- 7 1 2: o' STRE T . Per City Ordinance No. : 2447 . RENTO.N - WA 98055 .. — - Signed: /,,,,iy ,f;, ' B. L. RUPPER T,,'B.LDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e. carrect �- nu.imber� of. a uil ding on 'Lot' No..:, - 4' , . : Sl'ock No'' -'3 ' ' ' ; . Albert Balch° President Park No'. 4 . ; should be designated as: 758 k Queen Ave.' N. :E, .: . Iv MOORE - 2 0:.. S ; R'E E. Per City. Ordinance No Jr>>% PENTON WA : . -- 5.------, 98055 Signed: iy--ZA:) ;', ,,,. , B. L. RUPPE'i I,,,,'dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • . .`""• "." 1 " :„."„ :•••;::..--.•::„ . ..-'...•,,, The •correct'number of' a', building on Lot NO.,, ., . - : • , ,.. ..-, ck • - 31bertr.,,_ ' .. 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Block-••No::••''•,• 5 :`` " Albert Balch s Presi• dent' P• a_rk.No:'':.4,-;,• ,_sho• ul-d,`be`designated°.as st00.1:. N: E. .7th n� a • f!.' c - 'Or � a �� lr., ,P�`��.:C' t' r.M1r ./.L� e -� -/.. 1:! fib. b.. 'o.N - �R N.� • - E T.� =9. �8 F0:�5:5 . . f' ,'DIRECTO ''` IT- - •1 I�i• ,.dict. ` d;•` _ :th's�°��:Gert:rfica qx, .B.e.`CarefuJ`;c�to�'Preserve-, Z - , .•'•.•-• •..• •'.••• • .'• • -..,•••i•.'••.•.•.• •.•.•_•��;.:• • •• . •.•\•..-.•.••.!•:•.(..1--'. -'•.'•.••.••. •-/:•...•- •:•:.:•.•......i• �:...-.'••• •'•:• • •'._• •.•.•._•.• . l �:1 be correct number of� :building...op ,Lot-..No: .: .. 1`� �,: B'1��c •No Albert Balleh's-President`Park.No...'4.:: .. !:':- '. ' ;.,, should•:be:'des:i•gnated.;as:." 3901, 1:" • . • - • ! N::-E -:7th St. s• ! •Per. CT.ty' Ordi.na'nceNo. .•• :244,7 = - 37`'45 .• �t.` RENT oN. WA': -i• 9 8: -5 0 .5 9 - .. = .. B.:._: L• . ::•...RU BLDGr _DIREC, Ri;.; 3. i Be 'Careful'"-to:_Preserve�ah'is; Cer fi • 'he'correct,number of:'. 'building.'.on `-Lot:.tio::';.::. 2; , B• .loc,k...No... :.. n., . 6..:,':.:,,.,;^.;- Albert 'Balc •,'s•President Park No:•'4••-,• • • •.• :.sh•ould:"�.b'e.:"des•igna:ted. as '7�/ . • She.lton•..Ave• N :!�.E..: 1.:_ , . . N- ,.a i • (' �ti '• '1:i. iY y ;s7 nfT'i f` .�z. Y: �d:i n•`nc:e-N 14 R -W A . = EN. TON 980,55 !:1' . • • B. L',. RUP . ,. LDG•, DIRECTOR ' Be Careful`:to.`�PIreserve.:this. Certificate• . • f . buiadin••'.onLot.No: .• : . 3 • •Block Na... . 6 .,. . -. . , ...' s.. Ile'Correct number •o . - . g, .. Albert Ba!lch's President Park'No: 4 should. be. des.igna.t.ed as.. l 7a' . . = Shelton Ave. N,.'E. ; . J. E H A'R.D E Bi E C K. "` 24�7 Per.:: City Ordinance' No • _ S'igned...... ! ` • ' • B. L. RUPPER .BLDG. DIRECTOR•-:• - Be• • Careful- to Preserve`.,th•is: Certi-.fi:cate:.;': , :,l:r .Bl.' k N rFrm c& 'a�din ��on':Lo o'��- = oc - o:' orrect"number�of''�.a �Ibu g� � , • ;� • . Q • Albert Balch's President. Park No:..' 4.' should..be,designated'•as;s."'.>;`i 7,3 . - . . :Shelton. Ave:..�N. E. .. ; . t 4 -_Rc „C-.0 S::.I.,,CK. > • rd' ance No'' 0 3" R S� •E• E - =;Per::.G:i•t 0 i.n .: - . A:-�R - N 0 ;•�- W�.E I. N' • - "'i Signed. .��► B:.. L... .RUPP R i •• 3LOG-.• DIR - . .... I • • __ .•. 3s ECTCR`. .. ' : Be:.Careful.,to'::Preserve::_thisA�Certif.icate_ _ , t 1 - .lie. - correct n�.rib-e'r of-'a. bui:l-d'n • o � ',.. � g ..n :Lo.t No:.� 5� . B:l;ock' ho .•�`'" . . -, Albert Balch.'s Prpcidpnt Park' No _4` should. be: designated': as: '. G9/ • h , G" . RAMC`° ,-_= S el•to Ave.. N:< E f '::= 6 6.7[. ' 'nance- R Sr.... T 'R.E E T�--'� - • �Y` ''.��' .� er< City:-Ord. �No.c==:: , ..RE..Ni-.0. � ' _ 5;. '. �t'� _ d'y.Yi:: - n- t ` ,e n - 1` :B LD�G:�' D E�R � '_ I C R 0 Ber e�Carefu:l°, to::Pre serve. this 'Cert�-Ticate : The correct number 'o ',.a buil,di.ng• on`:.Lo.t:���o`:,; ::., 6 ...75.... . . • ;;-3.1o'ck: No. __ ' 6. '• j. : • • . .•'Albert Bal ih's. President :Park': No:.:.4 shou.l:d':.b.e designated' as: ;= :L'17. .+ - - ..Shelton Ave.. N ':`E: .. �G _O.S.: i�L E.R•� L' - r :ice- }� - �r •�Y�.:'mil` ..f. ' Yr _,. nand �.N e:. o�' R.'E N:=T:: ',N' - 0 - 'r' • 8� 5:� '1 r Signed L. RU ,.;..BLDG . DIRECTOR`:;::', - B` Ca of�:1�' u t`- `re`P se` e�.:a - r.. v h�i's;�'Cer:t:i ; The C ore 6• :;;r ct numb - e r� of a` bu.i l'd - in n: ,0 ..Lot' N Albert• Bah•h''s:.President Park No. 4= : : : _ , should: be:designated:.;as: '1' :.,LB•3 n _ . : .Shea to Ave (+C `E'.r ;. R E.Y.• N'0. L G .:J.A 'S !< A• I. .. • . • ; . , ; p 0 5. 9 • R 15 P E-.j: -• Per;:._Ci•ty.:Ordinance. •No: G4-77 , , !,, REN T0N - WA' _ Sin 4 _ ed• _ .B.,:.L. RUP ,..BLDG• DIRECTOR ' . Bea _ _ _e - - rf .l'u 't .:res P e�ru.�,:�th�• C .::;;. - $ a 'a:. - • _ r i.fi''' a e= i• • e.'r'•.e.•,•'•'b:i.e :.• e•a••+•'•e ••i�•'.•-:.i°••r•':•:•':r.: e...:�.•• .'e • . • • .'�• H..•-.•f`:'!•'..: e a-•.•i a-.L-•'•-e••i.''.-•.':-., w , 6:..-:'•'.....'.-'-.:"':::;.!;:-:-;,-: ,;•+•: Tate:correct .number.�Q.f a bui`1':ding' •on:Lot.'No�:9``:' B . , - `8'1 ..k . .. - , ..= . .. Albert Bal c 's President: Park :No:;::4 ;:-fi .,-shou.ld,.be'des.,ignated. as: G+q. '. Shel:-ton Ave.. N'.:• E. : . cf err • =�t .• • � � ,..:: . Re . Ord1nance• "Y . - • 0` RUP LOG:, :DIRECT R ' :.: !• Be:Ca:reful':'to;:Preserv,e: •-th'is:..:Cert'ificate ••.:••••:>: ':.' ::;'..` : be correct'.number -of. .• •building'build .on: ..Lot, No ,: j1 .. 9.:. . ' .- " ' •B1.oc k No• ' .. . Albert Bak 's. President ,Park!No 4:: .: :'• •• ;:. should be,•des ig:nated,'a ..::7 T: L! .` ' -= -..Shelton.Ave: 'N•. E• . . • G BAR' TE-LDS : •6 5 1 R . 's T. R E E T. :'..• .. ,: . Per:-City. Or.di.nance Not 2447" r..''.' ...'.•:.:- RENT ON WA . . . 9805: 5 i. ', ,: ,LDG::, DIRECTOR, •. � .. . .. .: :.,B. L: RUPPERT • Be Careful'to' Preserve '.this Certifi.cater' :'. .., . .. jte correct:: f n amb� - e�r o'f.a=��.bu�.i'.1-.din -onj�`L : Albert Ba'lch,'s`.Pres.ident Park No• ',4. ' "-: ``, •' • ;- should, be designated.as• :=:�� :"``''.',..•. IL . ' R A M:R I N I Shel tnn AvP N: E•_ .. ,-I. -^ Y.• -::.4� ':6.'1'�::. ':R' .S:;T -.'`c:.•':':`- :..'Per. ,•Ci t - Ord i Hance No..: -.1.-,. • s- 1F 8-J0:" S SJ -... Signed:.. ."---_ r , - '• '. . : :: __Er.__L. .RUPP R I' iaLDG: D'IRECT!JR':•; . . Be Careful •to-Preserve. this'.Certificate-,:'. • •. 1 - ' I , , 1 1 . . , • . Ti •correct :number- of.: a- building on Lot No - : ..-.... 11..-.:- - • • ,. Block-No- - ..,.. ,..., .. .-,_ . . .. ::....- .•...'-',.•:. 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RE is • Be .Ca"i'_' ul .'e r 1''s£1r+/C'' �t►e cora,ect number o ' .a. hu i 1 di ng on. L..,i: Clo. • , B lOc k No. should be -designaa:e,. as: I , P s gnod: L; ` �, .L� RU .;- B!-.DC; uIPECTUi2:;',:. Be Careful to:Preserve'.this: Certificate .•.e,•v• m •v • s'o s • a • ..• a .,. • i♦s • •,m,• f •.• • ►:• a ✓e e e•e.�:s,♦.:.'l e•:• �:♦ :,a• • •a ►•:m.•-o, -• • _ - • • • e'v.::;•���'-1'• •.:-v • • • e :The correct number o a building on Lot No:.!;.-- : Block No.'.. '! : _ ;-.should.' be,desig-iated- as.: • Per City. Ordinance No.: Si ned: B. L. RU P. BLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • e correct number of, a building on Lot f:o:.. _ should be designated as • Per City Ordinance No.: , . - Signer!: ::' Br L. Ri!P ,.'3LDG . DIQ?LrTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate . .': .: � • • v,�.,�'m m_�.►,v• • ►.o'• r: -�m.� o • vm o'e • e • enm .v=m • e . o • m • 'I• e correct number of a building on Lot No:. . ; Block No, --`: _ should be designated as:. Per City Ordinance No. _ Signed:.' . qi.OpPl'"? •B. L• RUPPLR , ;LDS,. DIRECTOR Be: Careful : to'Preserve this Certificate .•e •.e • . •.. i.-•.�•.,�.•..,:.•,♦ ..,o'. :�`o,i.: >,: • S:••• vi j•"a�•`.o..,,';:'-�,'••-w.r ,: s':oCm e,.o:1:.• o • • •.►'..•.,e^:w• e or .:o•:• • . . • . unecorrect number of a building`- on Lot No: , Block No • should: be designated as: • Per:City. Ordinance No. — s • --�—.- Signed; - . B. L. R!;,-p f !uC. DIRE ...OR .. The correct number f a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No'. 6~. ' Albert Balch's President. Park..No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 619 _.. Shelton Ave. _N::.:.:E :;. rt.: I 1 /� - ")`' •1. N•di•nn4.- 0:- `erg°C:i V R�'T E�:E. - ,9` R s V•, :.: h- R ENT A�. +. . -Signed: , '' �,z,w B. L. RUr� l , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The: correct number of abuilding `.on- Lot No. Tg - Block No. 6 Albert Balch's President Park No. 4:: • should bedesignatedas : 611' ` -Shelton Ave. ,N, , E. ` R Y ::; N , } Y:. d'nance o. x 6 S" E;-.1---'.:'::: r:f;. Ft 1` i�i EN O G Signed:- '. .1.. — . L. RU - ' BLDG. DI ECTOR, - 1,.:....::" _::.:. :..:.; ':..._,�:: : ... .....::� Preserve-this Certificate �-:.:: :.' ;::,. . :fi:... i, _" . _ Be�::Carefu1�.:to':Preserve n.poi.e. .... .....• . ..... . . . • •.o • . • •n • . • • • ...• • •.. • no1... .... . . .. . ar-e . . . ..• . • .. . • e ...• • ,e The correct number of a building on Lot No 20 . + , Block No. - 6 Albert Balch's President Park No-.:4 should be designated as ::.607 I Shelton Ave. N. E. l: L GATTSHELL , .:: L1. �;" '_ ` ` ,- Per City Ordinance No. ���=� . . RENTON WA : 98055 - Signed: � B. L. .•. . . , BLDG. �j : . - . , �. : : : . Be:Careful to` Preserve,this: Certificato - . . , die:correct: number. of-a. building on Lot .Eao.: 21 , Block No. 6 ; ' . Albert Balch's President Park No: 4 `: :; should. be designated.as: 1 b834 — N• E. 6th St. Per City Ordinance No. 2 .4,7� i ' :; 3728 TH PL NO - , J RENTON WA 98055 .' Signed: . B. L. .RUPP'E. , LDG. ,DIIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number :of a building on Lot No.- 1 , Block No. 7 , Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ;. .should be designated a . L Shelton Ave. N. E. • N OCCU '' ANT 7 2 6 R STREET • Per Cit y Ordinance No. 2447 , . RENJTO , WA Signed: / 01 �° " _.. �, rr " B. L. RUPPERT,BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct numbe of-a building on Lot No. ;` . 2 . Block. No. 7 '' ;::. (,: Alhert Ralch's President Park No. 4 should be designated as,:;` 7ii6/2i � 22 TShelton Ave. N. E. 7: -Per City. Ordinance No. 4 7RENTWAl' -• - . 98`05. 5 - Signed: L,�_ .._ __._..B-.... L .RUPPE'R 1 G. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lil • ',The'correct number: of a' building, on•Lot;No': _ - . .. B1 r ' Albert:BaIc- 's••Pres'ident-Park. No'. 4 ` ;:. sh.ou:l'.d- :be'.d_►esignatedF as-; .'.. .; !J/g h r. - +. Ave �.`�r hel�t G`E ' '. '' R `. .. R'.i - :T::. .C:rt ::Or. iinarice:(� 4. e,, EN•TON _ :x ' . :, , .. . ,. :-. ..„ :::',..,;:i,1.. ..S L 'kUr)��Xf, BLDG. p1REC,T R ' •, - ,.Be: Careful to .Preserve,:this :Ceri.iricate • • 1:, . ' The;,correct-. number..!of a. building on 'Lot' No.: .- : 4'' _ 7' ; ` • B.1ock .-No., :, Albert Balc 's President Park' No`i'4:.%: : des • s : fig:: g should• .be- ignated' as - _:,: - -. Shelton .... �.: '. AveAVe. N�. E-. FAN:N N ; %` :, S -:'T °R„E:: ::i. .E ,.z .Pe:, E Y. , 3. ' )I 'Imo• - :z :: P Q' g 8 4. 1 �` � ri -� ' L• RU '; BLD• M• DTRECTOR.;I . • ), ' • 'Be Careful.: Cert7ficate i> : .,•.•..... ..s .s...s .,• . ..:.,. .:. .• ^: • • . _ •:•.. .,.:,• .. .:ic•:,:;--: ••.::::::.;:,.,::,::.:•"•:, '::-.:,.: . . ..•. • ...-.: •w-: • . ::.•n .•,I the correc t number of a building!! g'• on Lot No.:_,':;>,.:.' °. 5_; '': :-•! •. •,Brock No„`:;.': t:- Albert Balc 's` President Park'.No-:-.4'`- ' ''- ; should.. be .designated' as :: '.j p • ' _ Shelton. Ave. N•.' E,. . II W POTTS - :Per. City...Or.dinance. No. 2441 , -{, j`' R. ENTO'Pl. { W.q: 9. B ,o Signed::-.':' i r • .i,. - B.. L• RUP ,::BLDG.. DIREC, OR . _ ' : .: Be Careful' to:: Preserye'this, Certificate _: •.. .• •..• a • • • • . .'• {• • • . • . • • . . a.•;• • • . •-..-a•o • •:'•:..'.r'• r:.�'4•:'s•..... r..::.s : . -' .:.: ,'e. sN, • ..,.'e-• •... 1. Tie, correct number sof a:. building.: on Lot -No: '.. ` 6;: ::, ', ::, 7 . :,, . . , Block No... : Albert Balc 's;`President: Park''No:' 4 ' ••.;..should' be designated' as '7- (, , . Shelton Ave. N, E. J 0 • JACKSON, - RENTON . Per' City.Ordinance.No. .2447 ;':k': ;-'706 R : STREE'l ; :., : • •i.. 9'8o`ss ' -._ . _ .. ,Signed.'. - B•. L, RUPP'E. T,. tDG. . DIRECTOR. . • I...-... :. Careful to Preserve::this Certificate e correct number !of a', on 'Lot No.';:" . -.. building 7 ,., , _. . '::. -:.: .. :,:,Brock �;o: � 7 .: . ' I : . . ' .; ;. ; Albert Balc 's President Park No. 4 , should be designated as 3911,2 :';- N. `E.. 7th •St. .! E SiMPSO.N , 380.2 7 TH . IA N'o : Per.. City Ordinance No...:, 2447 RENT ON ' l -._ . . 9 8 o • s Signed: c,.. 'Sot, :,1 . . B. L. RUPPER7;'BLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to`Preserve :this Certificate :;; - se correct.nijmber !o &.<<_; ',,°:.,t_ ' ,: ', • r a` build;i�ng;'on-Lot NQ: �r�,"�`. .. . - dock No 7 . Albert Balc 1S 'President' Park No•• 4` should be designated as: z• :.,. 3916' V R a.N • .: - " N. E. 7th St. r 3.,,8 0 Y:, _ '-Per Cit :Ordi r 2447 s: 7"T 'H �` v `o' y r ance No 8:'9 0 • - Signed - � : • -_-- (3•-..L_�.._FcU.PP �i�;�8LDG. DIRECTOR' ,.. . f Be Careful to:'Preserve. this Certificate 1 1 i 1� { T e correct number of a building on Lot No. g „ Block No. 7 M Albert B:1ch's President Park No, 4 ; should be designated as : 40 0` N. E. 7th St. c 5 G0NDE �� soN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3 8 1 2 7 T H A V N 0 `� RENTON WA „"c"-----7-'- . 98055 �— -, ) Signed: M-7 Ir�,:a: • ---= ----- B. L. RUP�,w: , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i ecorrect number of a building on Lot No. 10 , - , Block No, ,� 71 Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should be. designated as: ; 004 .N. E. 7th St. . J' DUNLAP 2447 . . Per City Ordinance No. ._. 390. 2 7TH AV N0 1 itENT ON WA ..--- 98055 Signed: 1� _�fi �� c--7.--- ' -- , L. RUt�'PLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .,.. hecorrect number of a building on Lot No. 11 V ` , Block No. 7 V _ Albert Ela1ch's President Park No.�4 should be designated as :. 40,08 . 1' N. E. 7th St. R A L L A N Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 3906 7TH AV N0 RENTON WA' ' 98055 -.--.7 . Signed: • C7- ��' ,,)-- B. L. RUP,Pir-,> DG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate lie correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No.. • 7 Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 ; should. be designated as:.; 4012 N. E. 7th St. . R A H 7 T H T 3910 7TH AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. . RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: _ A . _ .i, ,�t• — . B. L: RUPPt. T/;'I, LDG: ; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Te.arr. ect numbe of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 7 V Albert aich's President Park No. 4 should be designated as: 016 • N. E. 7th •St. , . J: BRADF I L D Per City.Ordinance No.. 2447 .3942 7TH AV NO R.ENTON WA 980551 Signed. ����,.� �" B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. ,... DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • qe. correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No, 7 " Albert.1BaTch's President Park No ,_4 ; •should be designated as:7511 • . : � Union Ave, N. E. GARY GENTRY 120 1 9 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 447 --- RENTON 'VIA 98055 • • Signed: C / i /.., � _ __-_-_ _ B. ...Li.' RUPP RI:OA:DG. IRECTOR o„ r.;".,4 1 + Dr.nc�wva i-hic rinrfifiratn - 1 1 :The- correct' number of a building. on Lot. No`. 2 : . .: Block No: 8.,. . Albert 'Baich's President: Park No;.. 4 ; should b:e designated. `as:'.: : 47 ' Union n aAve< N. :E; f A;;,Y• •F:0 s C 0d:1, .1R ` : - /.� riWne�:. .2` fiz : .,' 'D, - � 'J- • • - • f�2EN�T0` N. :... _ Q. 055 • ed° ft -Sign _te/fyF� -B• L. RLYP :.4,.. BLDG.: DIRECTOR, 1 Be Careful to-Preserve thi's-' Certificate '. , '_-..; ;'.. The:correct number of.a building on.,Lot,No:,. 1 .: , .Block No. ` 8 :;r'.' . Albert!Balch's President Park NO: 4. , should be.,designa.ted as,: . `40. l f- H I'=T ES I:" AwR' H O M..E" S. _ N. E. 7th St. t •• I. ,> 1• P'e �:r'=C t Ord.- r �nance N o� — tl .:A c' ifi!:: a. E N- T :N, Q - t'^ G p ^ O L. ' Signed:, .. 4:i,i : , ''.• -:C . L. RU- ;. BLDG,. ,DiI,RECTOR p: ..Be`Careful-..to` Preserve:.thi Certificate. • _ - - - ••....... . .'••. .• . ... •1. . . . . . •.• n• • • .r• • • • •b • •,•.• v• •'• •••,•;•o-•-•••jn,• • •.• • • •..• ... . . • • • •• • .a; ''• he correct number ef: a buildingon Lot No .' ,: . a •g•,' • '_.. . . .._•,... Albert Batch's President Park. No. 4. 1 - - ;., hoal d be designated as: 4017.,.: _OCCUPANT 441/ ,: :::. '.''' : N. E. 7th St.: ': :" ;-= 3909 7 TH1AVE NO 'Per- C:ity Ordinance No• RENTON WA 98055 Sined• " • — ' B L. RU , BLDG. DIR CTOR : , Be Careful to,' Preserve this. Certificate. r ► • 8. " f' he. correct number of'a, building on Lot No. , 4.':., Block No. . ; Albert! Blalch's President. Park No•'' 4 ; should• be designated as: 4013 I N. E. 7th St. ;; ,::.; :...;.:':...::::,,, :, , H K EEINER. 3 9 0 5 I7 T H A V N°0 Per City Ordinance No. - 2447' , RENT 0 N �♦ 'A �` 1 98055 _Signed: �:. B. L• RUPFE• , LDG• .DR,CTOR i Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate We-correct number of 'a building on Lot No. S` ; Biock'No• 8 11 . • Albert Balch's President Park-No. 4 ; should be designated as:4009 .: �' A ` ti D E P N• E. 7th• St. J' ", MES ; S. A S. . .. ' 3901 7 r h' kV NO : ''Per City Ordinance No. ?_44�' I t RENT. ON WA . ' , . r 9805..5. ., B. L. RUPPERTr. BLDG. DIR• Signed:. 2�� !" f Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •' IIf ` > • • . • p • • s s • • • • 1.• JO p • • • • ep p • •O.A4 • 1 •• p•'• • • • • -•, ae• correct number of 'a building: onLot No.: 6"'`.: .. . 8 , . . . . . . Albert ; should be Balch's President Park No. 4designated. d :as: .4Q0. 1 N. `E• 7th St. . , ; .. C -+OSHA F'FER. r- ::...::Per City Ordinance No. 2' 'd' I =� ENTO. .NC l^! A r Slgned: , , , .4 ;_: - R. L. RUPP �WisLD DIR CTJR ;_` Be' Careful to .Preser-ve this::Certificate . , - .. ,, •: • , the correct number of building on Lot:"NO;.•,•-• :.• 7,:,,.. . .: • - '., :Block• No•••: .... " .- .8.•:-.:;';.- : ' ‘:,,,:,.. :, '•-•-• -- •••,..-:,:-... _..... . '. -•,-.--', - •A1'ho .t.Balch 5 President Park NO 4 :: • , :. .•• . 1.: ••' . •••.' ' :• - "•• - : • • • should b designated-:as' ', '•• •:-4001'.•'-':': ; -• '...• --,-; - ' - r,. , .-:'-:.. '.'.: _.":-. . . -:.. ','14.;t.,°,. ;,-,,:,1-,,,,,-;.;,,-(:-.;•,-:>,•-ko ii-fikr3c.,...4::,-•,..H:.."14:;tcfES.,-...i,-;A8,•.;'.i-.,.---,'".-z,.., ,,i.,,O.$c-!.,-.;.,..:(:,-,,,-;54,,,,,,,,t.,,:::zz53.?,:!..A.,f,-,,,A4'..;.?.-.%.„--i-;.:1....,,...:,.„-4'..,...:-:. :::: ,,i •-;li' •-•Vii-ii",:-',.:':-..4Z,::W i.-'-'-''-4,'-'4''••-•'..-t,!:--,Z:::2 ,'''''..:','-; 4-.-:.-'''';•. 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' : • - " "- ." . :i".,, ,f:.:'.:..-',,;,,,•:?:',,•,.Signed:•.,..:: - ' • ; A-Li' ,k„,,,-•° .,•,,v • •• -•- • •LI:r.-:',,,,,.:: -.-:.•-• ' -::•:, ......,_..._ .. ..• , . ,-';'•:-',- "--•-•''',•," •-• . -'• , '", •B L' Pi-JP'We:-- BLDG 'DIRECTOR • , • . .. ' -.,-- " :,..',„1,'',.„..: ,•,•.:' .--..:,::::••••••••••. '...',.. •.'-:::::L'• •••• • •-• ...::-•••' -4,'"....: -•-•'...: . • •-• ' BeCarefUt:to:•Rreserve ,this:•Certifl,c'ate... ,-• •••••;.• :' ;:::,,....-.:,•- :.,•_,$:' ',,:.;•,,,,,;,,,„,:,:,,,,,.i„,..!,:.,;,:„...:.,.,.. , ... . . . . . . .•.,•.•• 41,,ee.• a,. .•• •.44.4;•;•,.a •....•.' O.44'• • 4.0000000•4, ••• 0,•:- i+,..4:•,,,,:•'4:o.• ...• , O •:•... •'11'...1 I,•::..•...o .• • 0000 .4 • • • •..;.•••'•... ••7.:,-...,. ..7.•.!;,,--,...::,.. -..•,‘,.. .!•,....,....- -. • . f . . ... .. .. . . The'.correct number of :., .•building on r Lot No... .", ."..: ,.••....':.8 . : ' : ..,• *.., Block No.. .. .-. ., . - • • •-•- • -''' Albert. BalcV•s' President Park NO.- 4::: .. ;. should be designated as:- . • 39111 -„ •:: :: ••'•-'••- •:-,. , n - , -- . . . •-• , 1. . -. , ,, .. , „•,-, .• !.,,,,.•••.:-...,,,:.:::.•,..--,. • • ,•:::••••••,•.'.Ni.,:'• E..', 7th St.......,. .r.:,:-.. ..,.. :•„.. -.,•,•,..••••.,:-''. .-r,..,.,:.;:--'• - : • :-. , ‘- c-: - • - -, •: ••:. 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The correct number Of. - ' building on Lot •NO;.•;; :.,'....- : 9*.' . • •; Block No ."-:.... • :8 ...•...-1...,...1,... ......, ,..,... , ,, . - , • . • • Alhey't R1c. , ' President Park No .4 • •••• • • ..; •should. .be. designated, as::ifoi...::18.6.,::, ,..--'• • . • . , . . . , • •:.:,. . ., ,. -, . - •-•••• - Shelton Ave. N*...• E.. . --,.-.: , .,•,. : ,,'„,..4,:,,,':',.-,'......,::,-w . . , . , ..., :- - • - '• : - . . • • . . . ''. •:':::''' '''''':. -'''..P City Ordinance :, , ., .,.. *.:,:,.,,, •, „: ,... er.• No 2447 '•''''-','•'.,l''...:'-'-'''''''''-''';'1...''''' ' -•': 6 '6. O ; .R -.. T R E E T :' . ' , . • •. . . •i,.• : . . . ,.— . . "., •. ... ... , ,-• -. ' ' ' ' - ... -.-• . ' •: . ,:',:.:1„,'',.. •_ :'",..•Si gned r., -,2 .',7 . .. .'....: '. f' ....-:e':.1:::-,',J:::::','.. -:::.:.':' ,-,•. . : . ...... .. . . • - . .• . . ..• • .-•••-..: •-•.: '....,:;.'...,::. • . • .. '. B.. L. RU , 131..OG.. 'DIRECT R .., • 1.,•-• •,;•,,I..•-•'::, - :•,:-.4 .,...':-..;•:.-,.. ...:...1..)'':-'5'1'....::::;',:.-,--,::.:,',::,...:;,,.....:.1-7-'3.:::,,,...f.:.•,:,::::,.4;, ...'.--•••... Be: Ca'reful.r. Preserve tcr:• .::.this., Certificate ••• f.'-:::',:f.:::•'z':;;;'..........:-'1,•.;;.:.'..:,:-..,:%i;:i.:,•:::41 .•:i.•:.i.• :::',..:.. ..,:•.•::. '.7.•'•':,•-f`..'•r:-'•:;':''••••.:'''•-;-'.';S'r• :-;'' '• "•''.•'.'73'''''-'''':`-''''''•:.'••--''.S'-''-''-''''-•'''-'' •."•' • ' ' :-'-'' •-: •;•••• •-"" • .''-''',:'"-:, •'':'--•..''':• :-''" '-.° ': ''''•-' - -: -•'''--'•''.--°•T-::-‘,`,:r•-/--,'-'•:•: ' -'-:':''•-•'7-',-;‘,:',,..-. .-;,''-',",.---.'.-.,'-::.;:i:.,. se;0000•• •-•.•••O*0• •••• •.•,•:•.'•OOOO.•• •••••:.0.• V.OO • OOO •-8.• •••:• 2 •le 1,0••0.•`9•.i 0.•0...•.* a .'ts OOOOOOOO•,.4,4•4,•,,•• tt•.••••-•• •,,•14 •••.'• • •••••••. . .. The correct•number'Of a building on •Lot..No,... ' : •.*: • ill:" : .;. Block No... '..- . .. . . %......' 1,"'...../.".,..' Albert Balc 1.s President Park No 4 ,.• '- • . .;- should be• designated as: . . . , . . . .- : ••,,,,s,•: :.......:-...-.•-• — : - Shelton Ave. N. E. , . , •-• „:•.: ',.. : '••••••. ..--, w WEBB13-::: . : • ',... . • . .. ., „„, .... , . ,... ... , • . •.1: E N T 0 N. , . .•••,......i. ''. ,''•: " : ,. - .1-Per'City Ordinance •No .•,.'-' : 24•47 • .. .':'•;..'il:.':••,',':',4•., '•., ' ":• • . • - ' • • •' ' ' • W A • ...'.. .:L,- ;• ,.:.:• ::?... •••,,: , .. • ..- •. f - . '.. , . . . . • -. .•- . 9 8 O 5 . - ..•• -' ,'' ,," :. ':::.',.., ...,.... ,..-:•Signed:' • ' •:•." • • . .. ...,.,......,!..-L. , - ...::.. : B...eL.: RUP L. , LOG. DIREC OR ...:•- .• • •. ' .. •:. '-'...' :7- ',' - "' '. • - •. Be' Careful, •to Preserve this: Certificate . .--...' : ''.•••• :;' ::•:',. I - . .,..:•-:. :'-',' : ' •. . . • . 000000000 1 000000 000.o . o:0000000000-.4 • • 4:84,4. 1 •., • .o'••.• , oo . a •.• ..oo • o •.oo t e a a.;te,• e • • e • s • •.s,•.•.,,..._.,,,.7 7 . , . . ,...: . . . . . . . .: be correct number ,of. a building.: on Lot NO:. ". " .13 ". •': '. 9. Block No'. --, -• ' : 8 . •" ... '• •.• .,, , ' ..t.:.. • . . . • . .. . . • .. ...• ..•• , .. • . • . • • •- * Al hPrt..Ra n' 'President Park No ;4 •. .• . . '.' -,,,,.,.;.;.,...should:' be. designated as: 670•f•-• t....:: ' - '•'' ' 1 . - • ' . • • "..",f:-: ':••••-•,•-:-.-", --" •-::'-'-':"•Shelton Ave..-W. E '. : -,:,.._‘-:::',.:. .-. :.. • . ' -I 6 4 4 .R S T li Er E. :T . .. •• ' • . ..:-• ...-.•::::. :.,••.: :...:.... .:1:Per City OrdinanceNo••• ; -2447 ..• i.•.. • RENTON - . . - W A . . 9 8 ° 5'5 -:•:; .:.. '.. Signed: • ••.. . . . , "'"----.. .---.7 . • .. , ... : .„ „ . „ •• ..10--t- • ' .''',...' H. '''• ' ' '1 ' ' . . • . . . . . • - • ' 12 B. . RUPPER17'BLDG: •DIRECTOR' . • . . • . . . . . : •. . :•,,:.-. - , - . . . . . • . . . . , . , . • • " Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate -.• ••••::, " -. :': ..• :-..„::•:,„.'!.t.: -.-.':•:,. i. .-• ' • . . . • :' , • - . • „ • •. . . • • •:•:...• ':•'• ,.. • . ,,. • o.. a 4 et • o'a.•••-.! 0000 ; • o.o.•,•.:• • • • • 4.e ••• • • a • • • s a e.e • 0000.oo o ••••000..000'000000'• .• • ..• !, , . i..-..,;...,•: .'z ._, 1i,/7'c:.::.,:,',. .:'.. ,' . . • • ' , • ' - 'T''. '.- •'. . d. corrett 'number.!Of ::aflibildirig.-..-:-.on. 6t.fNo ,.'?"-: --•'''•.!.':"--.--'' ''' " , B1 oc k No. • - : 8 -.''..i...,1 : .• . • • . . . • Albert Bal hi s's President Park .No.. 4 . • ; •should be'designated aS..:;:.;,-,;.: •....;-,;-', • . . . . : . .. . .. ' • • •-• F2: • 'L.f.t, r,rt r.) 0 0, ,14,. . .• •7.77-7:............ , .• • : .... 1. E-N T 0 N rl - . . . . 0 .f- . . 0 .. . ." -'..."--'' . -:-....' .., -.7'....... '.-,.. , :•, Per City Ordinance'.No. .'9447 1 r- . WA , . • -. -. .. .-: • . •' .. 1 .... . . .: Signed ( • .--:..„ ., . ..- , . .„ . . . ..... ":,-•- . j.:.-Y, /././..,..,,',y',,, . ',- .,', ,. • ' , -, - /--- , . . : . . . 1.- .:. ::-.. - . : ..., 13. LP._ RUPPER i,li3LDG.,.,,DIREC QRH... r .: '• " . :',..,i,.,•„7.,,..,,'..-•,.-:',...,",.;:. -..,,,.."?- •',i---,--,7, 7.1,,,i,:.;.,,•,.:•;-,L,..::-.:• •-.... ,.7......-..::::....,.:-- ;..,,,,--,t,'—...,,.7.:.•-..-;#-...-7.t7-!„:......,,..:,.„,,.. - ..-...7- ,.... . , . • • . •, i 1 ':' . • ..:'. .'''''...'..- .....:' '' ...--....' '''''' '; ''. . : .. ' . : Bei.--CarefUl.'• to :Pr'eServe this;Certificate ' '-',',,,•'•:',::- •.,•-• ' • 1 . ''; . The correct:_ni ber of, a building on Lot::-,NO..'. 1S Block' No• :.:;g : !:' ' Al bprt RT l rh'c::PrPs dent Park 'No,- 4' ' ;: should-.'be-d'es-ignate&.as- '6A:' 1_ t j N.... -:is r - Or i nce:'_'N i;''- '':::::::, ...- B: L: R ; f; :BLDG• .DIRECTOR • Careful to Preserve this :Certificate: : OP-•1-P.-♦F.-.•o--a-•r-f.'a'.•O•-s0-• Ov=O-V-• • • • .F• O • e • • • • • a •.•-• • e-•'.-• • •.• • 1'�.•'• • .e • • • O ••.e 0 • •. •..••. The correct: number:of a:::building on .Lot'-T o.: 16 ;. Block .No. 8 .': Albert Balch's.President Park` No. 4 ;-,:_should, be designated. as:::.:- 658•: -' - • :..Shelton: Ave. N- `:E.- f;•.: , ,. .e is .da: 6: 2 - rG t :0`r nano` No - . - R.F'Ni.1a 0'N t A. _ _ �huh. p _ - Q6 ,. L. RUFF ,;BLDG: DIRECTOR ... Be: Care��l.•to Preser.,ve�:tfii s:�Cert:if' , „; . lcate��- •�; P•-..P®P er.o Pe-•-�e.v_•-.•..�• •.e-_1'o�o,•.e. e • •-a-as•• .�.'• • •• o:•.d.� •:. • i't�..••..e••e-e •. • • e • •_e+�.::�`P• s'-n r...• e•i'i�. e �•:.• �a•. • • The .correct: number- of-;a•.building on Lot'.No.,. 17':.,:: ; 'Bl'ock 'No: {'`,;•,.;_>;: Albert Baich's President Park No. 4 should be :designated.as: 39h2 . ,� N.,. E. -6th Place.-. :::,: •: BAKER ':•Per' y: Cit Ordinance No:,_. ,14 38: 06 6 'T• AV NO RENTON adA 9,.8:055 . , _. . Signed:. C-0'" ' . ' B.: L. RU ,.: ; .BLDG DIRECTOR Be:::Care 1:�.'f� _.t .ese o: '.r r. e�:.t i P v h s: Ce`'ti: r fic'. •••••O•08.•••P•P•.'-►W.. _ - •y:• • •.. • . ::•P.I..-•.•'.+•:e.e�'•.P''n•Je-•.•• 8,• The correct number of a building on Lot-No:. • ' ' 18 . Block':No.: • 8 - - Albert B.1ch's President Park No:.• 4 ; ..;, should be designated as:: 3;918. • : • . , N._:;:E 6th Place - . 4, , c HANsoN :...JR ' . •:Per C.i t .,, 3 8 I 0 ;. 6, T H "A V N 0 ' -- Y'Ordinance N0 eQr��' ';.:. -'.: RENTON WA.. � . 98055' • :Signed: ::...,'' B. L. RUP , LDG. DIRECTOR " Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ' ' . . . OOO • . . . 1• e • 1 . • • • •.• •.•_•.. • • • •- , . ...... ...„.. .-4,-,... .,...„. .,• .. .• , • : .•e She correct number of a 'building on Lot No. l g. •,.. Block.No,• '—...' 8 .'.:• - Albert Balrh''s President Park No 4 ; should be designated' as:3924:' . - { - . • N:E. 6th Place,: JOHNSON WR.A .Y' 3 8 1 4 6TH AV N o ` Per City Ordinance No. 244D. - • • RENTON WA 98055 Signed:-.' . ' B. L. RUPPERifi4LIDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to _Preserve this Certificate • • The _ correct -• . - : number ofa� bu i 1 d � ort L®tt�a. 2(� �� 8 Albert Balch's President Park No. 4 s''`# should be designated as: 3930 J ' VAN DEN81GGELAAR RENTON WA W. E. 6th Place i :,'Per City Ordinance No: .. ; • 9 8 0. 5 5 - • Signed: e✓ B. L. RUPP RI . 3LDG. DIRECTOR .. Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate , '- the correct number of a building' on Lot: No': ` .,21 "-.:` .`` '.` :, .Block No• 8."," I , ' h's• President Park No• 4. G ;,,.shoul•d be:. designated-as,c 3g3 - G� Albert Balc y ,yz f H ' i�S - er`�Gf�t . .di -c -:fir nance�`N :���i-��::T - o 4:; R. a. Y s_ a. F Lam' $•0.- +,ps-;.-. ! F - f.: -SFr• E'N';; 'o� - irl�' t fa • S'�' .Ied.F� �n 9 BLD 6.; L. R G. • DIREC1��� - Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate ''` -.;,'::-, : the correct number of•a buildingon Lot No o , . 22- - - 8 . •..-`' ..,:, Albert Balch-'s President Park No.. 4 . • - ;. should be designated as ::: '630� • ac N. ,1r B` - A- .:J — �:it"i �L 1�• er.:�:Cr�t. i - Ordi- t mince-�N'�� ,�����<� E:.E - `i y`� r.. E TON. Q Signed:• - • ... L. RU '•e:,: BLDG, DIRECTOR::-Be- r f 1��<.u_ e to- r r- _ P ese ve;�t _�:�- ''is .fie .ti h r f'cat 1 e: •. • • • • •-••:iii:•: �'•i'G�t`i'�=�•-�i:b� �i�-r:ii.-•: . r�..-��i"•... q.��:jir i.:P�•��•.i`� `•���i:'•s-or'.i.`►ri•a. The correct number o `a building on Lot No. 28:; _ Block No• ,,.;' "-:.. .8 ; • ,L'; Albert Balc h's President Park No: 4 •..should bed 626' � " ,. designated. . -- ' Tacoma Aver N•: E.: C KLING' R . - 6'2 -. `-Per.City. Ordinance No:• 2447.: : :, a _8' 05 5 • Si ned:- . • • 8: L• RU I� R BLDG•• -D.IREGTOR.;.r'. • • - Be Careful :to- Preserve this'::Certificate`` . .-. r:::: ..;:,;' ; _ •"• • •,• • •-i P• • • • • • OOOOOO•.n•-• • •,N•.,. P• i• •."..• •,• • ,•:.• • • •••:• • •^• i •.•.,•• •:• • i.••'•-• • 1 •'• • • • • P•� The. correct.number of'a building on. Lot No'• . : •.: 2- Bloc k No• 8 ,I :- Albert Ba-lch's President Park No i4 _ should be designated as :, 620 Tacoma Ave. .N:''E: : , J PFAB 620 5 s .T R E' E T Per-C•i.ty Ordinance No. - .2447 'f'' RENT ON � A :.':` J,• • 98 '055, _... '.S-igned•: : -' /.-- - ?• ' B. L• . RUPEE ?, :LDG. '.D{RCCTOR Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate" a •a.o- Me- correct number o a building on :Lot No,• :: '25: ::.'. Block.:No: .-;- .. . :8 '. :. ;- • : -' . Albert Ba ch's President Park No• 4 . ; should. be .designated; asr. ` 1 h,' r ; .. A r DONAH.U • 6 1 6 5 5 T E, E T . . ,,.••..•.Per-City Ordinance No.:':. 2�4 :—/ ••; :.: . `',:. : . R E N T'O N W A - ,:� .:: y 98055 ;. . Signed:. :,... . B. L. RUPPERTDG, DIRECTOR • - Be Careful to Preserve .this',Certificate • '=:-.-`; ,.0• ,.• OOOOO• • •'• • • ••• • • • • r• • • • • • • • • • I • i• • • • •.•,•• • : •► • • • : • Y• • • • • '•!'•-• •;::0.•:. • • • • •.::•.• :•'•• • • , ' 'he correct number or a ,building on Lot No.• . 26'. :: : , .Block. No... .: 8`' '.::, '::. : :r r Al hart: R 1ch'c President•Park No 4. ;shoul di;be designated- as::: ;612; "= - : Tgcoma Ave N; E: • f: ' .0 C WITTWER 6 1 2 S- S T R E'E T.• . '. Per City' . Ordinance. No• 2441,: • :':, , REN TO:N WA r - :9-B.��5',5: .. k. ``S`i ned. - �,:�� _ B L•._.RUPP RI dLDG• D RECTOR-•: Be Careful . to':Pr.eserve.:thi:s -Certificate, 1 - e correct o ''number.e f a' building:'oh.,Lot'.No: g'1' - N Albert :Bal:ch '-s` President ark-,.:No -'4:' ..`.:.::- ::' ._ . • • s :should::be„.des.i,gnated: as *.60$' - ce e• T` m� 'N: E�. a L:•. H: Ot. RE .: .'„ Per=�=C:i t . .Ord nanc 44 I 6 g::,,. 'S . 5''T R E.E:T.: i. y e,:No' <<=`•: i: .; 9 8 • - 5 0 5 ne ,�` 9. �rJ,��;�ps� - • .&. L: �t�r%��:�1Y . :BLOG.: BIRECTOu' •- Be Careful'. to Preserve:,th.i's> Certifi:cate.:.- : Ilii correct .number of buildingon Lot:auo:• . . . 28: . B1ock No. 8 _ Albert Batch's ,President Park...No.,....4-:'‘: .. - .:. .�: should::be:�.;desgnaaed:::as::; ` -'6o2:1 , -. . . -Tcnm a.:Ave.:: N : F_. . .-...(; • Z• A :A NiV DE' S .. . �: Pr'Cit0rd na Ce No" '�',;.. 02�� � +" ^ ;r.•.:.:.r„� air a' ,n^. 1: �1 .j' - w- ta f k. _ y A. 1 •1 �� L'm: RU � ECTOR�._�: .. r ,: • .B.e Car of ].u a. :'res' <P er' e hi`s::�C� .,;:.: ' ert Y'a:•. O:.it�'t:'a•r:i''i-,o..a'..r.r�;:w.•�•i•'`.''ie'.^.r:'i.-�':'►''i�•[:��i�'•:,•.. SS.ri:n,.•- 1ecor co rrect ct number''of:-a .:buildin on Lot. No':.�.'". . 29 - Albert Balch's President y 4....Park .-No ''• ;; should-be designated as :4020'':,:•`. • . . • FISHER' R L. T., -' A-.L L'E'N 1 2.3 2 5 1. 3-2 R.D` s E. • - cPer_City,.;Ord.inan`c.e: No: :4" 4lr - . R' E. N T 0 N YEA .....:Sign ed• B. 'L. RUP R,, BLDG. IRE CT R ' . . Be Careful :td' Preserve-; this. C.er-t.ificate ::,:;;::_-: ::>':-;. ::: ::' ::'_: rie. correct 'number of a building'.on -Lot.' No 30 - 8l .,., ' 9; ock No p . . i,, Albert Bal cb'is Pret i-den_LPark No: 4` a,, should: be..d.es i na.ted.•as:_ : ' . • " A.,R.. • , - Union Ave: NE '. .:Per City .Ord inance•:No..... ' ti :`':.1 2 3 1.,9 1:•3'2 N•D. ' A'V.E. S'.:E ' • . REN.TON wA 9=8.055 . S"igned`: — • ; :, :. _ ','.--. :.''..'':. B;. L,. RUP LOG.' DIRECTOR - :` Be Careful to'.Preserve.'this': Certificate ' .:.,',.;. - • . .•n`0'• 0 ....... . ... ... . e • .... •:....0 • ..' • • • • • • • • . 0 • • •.:.., • • • • • • • .,•• e,.• •.•,00 • • • •:•.-• •, .• . • • •,• •- 'C • :e correct number of a building: on...Lot No:::_ . •:81' Block. No•:_' `:. :,", 8... o:`'.'.e'. :. Abbe .. : ": . , . . - rt Ba1ch' • ' President Park''No;''44:'.:.i: ::: 9., hou:ld'-:be`;designated aa:',:.:.609-:.,.,.: ; B.i f: '...-:';',Per: Union Ave. N: E.. . L:: I E REED : .. - 13''2. Per:.City. Ord.i-nance .-Nn.:=:"�-A;4, , '1. . • ' RENTO.PJ WA 9 0,5 5 Signed: • B. L• . RUPP ERT, BLDG...,DIRE'CTOR, - 'Be Careful:.to Preserve".this Certifi.ca.te :.. . • -. ..:.;.:.ti.:...- .. . •,••.a B.• •1,0.Y • 0 . • • . 0 0 . . .-0•..•'•- • • o r ••1:l.•7O'•Y • e• . _•.• •.....,• . •:•.: ct. number.. o.f a. bu�.°'l�dr .. �.on scot%`"I� - 8,: -' ATbert.:Balc'h+ .President Park NO4 .. .. _ • :� � :' � ,';.;; ,.,.. . . ' �.. • shou'ld''be:designated.-as -:`613. ,' . �- • • 1 . �� 5 . - Union Ave.. N. E. .- ... :.. t ): n: 17: .f':3 D. .:::.:.5 : ' ::=: _ Per City. Ordinance No::'::244. • . ,. 9 Si gned: i _B_•.. •L.' RUPPE`Ri- • /3LDG.,.DIRECTOR 'B`e`:Careful :to....Preserve. this Certificate ' ' -' , • , ' „,•,- .-.. - -.--•T-'.': ;,correct •;jI.;11..: e.'..r-...:" :a:...":?: a. b:...."i)1.::aiCi1 ;:1.'•62..!.6e'''-1--:-:i;r-',:-:'''..:-:','.''e---.''-''-e'''.-"-,'!;''"-'''' 1J''f'•'''e----.-•-'--!';'',•;;.7,-',-:--,;,.-';'".•,-;••,:'-',7:'k.'..:.:-':.:-::-,,::.7-.:-,::'::':i-,;::.-;;•'',.:'1,.E1"F-:.- .,-..'.:..-R:-•'...-'." 8 Albert Balc should'b ?cetgnatet ,as;;:!g 4-,':.:,-..;',:.-.',1(,.•n,:,),•-•.•'',iri'l-,'c:'•z;'i'':f...1,'T-...::f t1,f-,•,:,.!':1:,.;;'.„..,.....''.:,'.:•..,..''.:-...'-,;::.•.,:f,',••,'-•;.',::._,:,:.,,,:•.:','..:-'--,,:'..?•..-`•--•,•'-7i:.',.-:-..,---:'•'.'..:f•.i''', .•.•:- •.. . .. . 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'-''2 ' Albert .Bal ch's President: Park:No :-:3;; : ':- should be designated as: :.656 --- .'K .i'4 - ;A. :H; `:J ` �B':E�, C - nan e 4 ., y�-_ :r -, ' , ' • . . , o . '5 Signed: ,zz - • �� • . - -. ._ ... .. .. ...'.. , B.. L.: _. . . ,; /BLDG ' 'DIRECTOR Be. Careful.'.to: Pres•erve '.this Certificate,:. :: - ' The correct number, f a building on.Lot No.:';',':::•:` 3 Block'No. _`?• 2 • .,. nated. : . Albert. Bail ch's: President Park No.::' 3 '' " ' should be desi g as: . Redmond Ave. N E:: , • :: Ordinance No 2447'.' . , 626 P `STR.EET : ' : Per City y '• W T' O:N - - RE - N c. - yi".�;" 0 5 5�, g :L. RU . ':BLDG. .DIRECTOR _ •- areful���:to:.Preserue:'.�his-: t :f'ca .r BeBe:C �' .:'..`••r• • •.v•.'. •.•.'r•'-• •.•••-:�..r•�•,•,'•►:r•.• • • • r•''n:��•.. , ,'r.•.r..;r'•..�.':'•.a'..'�•-..'•.::•4M1"i O.•:`.'•••,•,....• •..,:ri•.••,;;.,:;..r i. .?;:•;"..... r. The correct number f a building on Lot No: :::' :4 ' , Block No: -' : :2 : ' Albert Batch's President' Park No:. ..3 ;' should be' designated as .3800 I - - -- N. E. 6th Place : L.: — '• 'Per City Ordinance No: :, 2-A4a I ' ' s 3706.:.. 6TH Av ,. ',N.p REN T ,ON W:A , Signed: . - -- : B. .L. RU BLDG.: DIRECTOR � �' i .: cr if•,i ate ��- :-"'2-:,...' 1:��ta rev et - cr• --'..: . . , . O _ _ I' • .• •.••• '• •-•+•• • ••• • • • • • •:••• • .^:r:•'.• •-• •'•.': ,OOO . ••\ . r•. The correct number of a building on "Lot. No: 1', , 'Block. No•. - 3 .. ' ; Albert Balch's President Park No: 3:. : ' s, should be designated .as: 3 :3g0� N. E:.,.6th' Place .II.., 4 Per City Ordinance+No. `:244i ' L' 3709 6TH AV: NO . : " . !':,;. .. : : ,. ;RE.NTON '' ..w' A • .. 98055 " • .. - -� • - . Signed B.- L. RUP LOG: ..DIRECTOR :. Be Careful to Preserve thisCertificate. , , ::. 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Fer�.C ,' `.Ordinarice No;�;--; '•-�447r - .., tt,;;°_ . 3-6..1. 4 ,6 T:H asp L� .N-;p; ��; ;�Y�; - -F•• .f...ti.v ;1 % r,`,i..!Jc.- .` _7 , ,., ':....Y. .r::. i z r .S'': - R E'N T' 0 N � - '- _: , � 'y�ajL'z: °�•,;„ : � �:;�: .. - :�:; �,:: _ - � � � ., i - .. p fir._ -;;- •'` }-= I ' r9 .8 �� 5 5 `.'� .,1•� ,..i: ' •y; '�• Y„�:,1i ..2 _ L - . . Signed:' . .. = B. R'J , BLDG. D R C R ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 3 ' . Albert Balch's President Park No: 3 ; should be designated as:3722 • N. E. 6th St. . WERNER TOBLER - ':Per City Ordinance No.'. 2447 3704 6TH PL NO . . RENTON WA ' 98055 Signed: r . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR - „Be -Careful to Preserve .this -Certificate- ' The correct number of : building on Lot No. ' 12. .. , .Block No... 3 • • Albert Balch's President Park No. 3' • - should 'be designated: as: 3804 MRS G s c H a F Per City Ordinance No.' 2447 - 3710 6TH " L NO RENTON Wp-. - - - 98055 ,. , Signed: = B. L. RU BLDG. D RECT R _ Be, Careful'. to.Preserve4_this.;-Certificate __ f J - - . The correct number of building on Lot' No. 2. , Block No. •"1 . . ; Albert Balch s President Park • ; should be designated as:3606 ._..-. _ N. E. . 7th Place-:- : ROY• • C 0 L E M' N Per City Ordinance No., 2447 3520 7TH L. NO - RENTON WA . 98055 • • Signed: . B. L. RUP . , LDG. -DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . • . The correct number of . building on Lot No.. 3 • , Block No. ; Albert Batch's President Park ;'should be designated as: 3600 .'N. E. 7th Place' .. , DONALD R KNOCKE Per City Ordinance No.. 2447. 3514 7TH PL NO RENTON • w A 98055 Signed: -:;---7 _ _-- �, . B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful-to Preserve this Certificate . 7-e correct number 'of . building on Lot 'Ng. 4 - , - ':,,,,.Block No '' 'i Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as: •.3536. • N. E. 7th Place . -• C_H A R-,� E_,S' •,. • -T 0 C:K w E L, L ,,_ Per. City Ordinance No. . 2447 350 8 7TH PL Np • RENTON WA . 98055 - c_2,n . - Signed: .� �'..r g B. .L. kUPPER, ` LDG I DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate ' •;���-'�t•':.>;e-; :�' - i� '�.�• - rrr?" ;i`:::-.�1, i- '-�t yf•: - ..�-r..,.�;.+d.�• ' �.r�•�'t , . , . - , ._:„-,..,........-',..:,--.•-.-.:,.....,.-,..,:.,,,,..:.,.....,,, ,-..-:.:-.-:,!.'f,:..:,',,!,:..-:±:"..4-.:.:',..-----:,-,, ,,'''..`'. .i';''.',.'.-.-YZ,i-!,..'.:.:;:---..'•-.'''',:::::". C;""I''.-'•:'...-:,..'::,'4".,:..'!;.'.:!',',.--.."-....',,: ,., :;.'"--•.'.-:'.: -....7-....':.:.:::.,;;;-,':..:.:-,,::.]'',::',-" ..:": -::",'*,:::'..c.r.:,..:';,:r!'.-24;,-.1'.:1,•, . 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The correct number Of-a.• building• ;on .:Lot.:NO:-.:.-.J.,:,. ......„„ -• '• ... . ;:-.:.B1Ock.'-No...;_ . ::---... - ..i• .;.,H,,-;',„:::,:- ‘. ... . .. i , - ". : • Albert. Bal c: ,'s President..Park•::.,:--_,,,.•:-:.,,,:,,-!,...-,,, ,..-,:.,.•••: ..-- - .;--:„..::should.....-be:,designated as:::, ..,;, 8 , .. , •-. : . . • ,- ., - . ....._... _ . ..•..,... ...„:,. ... . .. . •• „ .. •-• •: .. -',.. Tr:.•7'....•,. :'':...,....-...p. .,:„*. .,•-,.. •::::...-:',..,:-.,":-...,-.:..-.:.....-.;.:,:..,i.-,,.•' ,:.,,...;:.,,,. •,;,,,'„2.:::,;:;'•:::::',.:.'--:,_•,i,•';.•?„,:',;-:',".•ir-.:,•.,...:;-:,.:, •••••.: -,1,1 ere 6•:'Court,t1-::::::•-E.,;::....,.c-, :,.. 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Albert Bil Chi's•:President Park•--,'?.::: ::;.•.• • ' •,-- • .' ; „should 'be. designated as:."167•1'.-;',,i.. .. • , _ . .-. ...- ,,--- ,. . - - ---,••:-.: .[ •-, . . .• • . -•.. •• . .:-.. •.,. .:: ..,....--.1::•-:•...,,•;:,.:•••,;..-•,:,..,'.:;,.....;.;•,. -..• ...'..- ,.• Pierce ,Court..Nif-E.•••••••...,....,,,•.:.,.;,.;;,,. ..2,,,• .,,,.,.,'. .. ..' : . MATSUMOTO. •: .,.--, ',. ..,- ... .. .. . . .: ''''''''''''.:..'....-'''Per •City Ordinance-'No'.:'.••••:'• 2 447::- ''...1';:.'.1...::',..':':-.-s' . ., . . •.. -- . • - . -. -. .:...''.:-. '7 . . - - . . B L RUM-, R- ••• BLDG.' DIRECTOR•.•,..• 2-., ••.--''..: ..•'• '• - '': ,'''''.. I '.• ' .l:•' -: • L ' Be Careful :to:..Preserve, this..--cei7ti flcte•.... ••,..::::,. .-.:•-•.:5,..ii:::,•:-,•...,..•:••:i...i:.---,•;•=i•J.J.,-;,-.:-"'-,'-:,•::'...,- :.• :. - •' • ' "• • :- :- •• • • • •• : ' •‘. : : • ''''''-':-.:' -; -• ' • ' ' •. . . ......... . ...'.. .....::::'..."-• • •:-:.•-••..1;. . ;. . . . •:... • -. ... . .•. ..'...:..; ........., .,,. ..,...:..,... . ..-..,. ,...:" • .. • •.••••••• .....; •,,..-:•-•.7.-.........e..,7•••;!.•-.7.• 7 •i. • ". .. i • .„-....- ,• ;• -.-. ....-„,,..,i,.'':.•;.,:- :•''_:,,•!,.‘:..:ii,-..:••,i:..: ., ....,• -. . The correct- -number lof. a building:••••cirti-Ot•f:14:1,,:-':::. ' •'., „8,:.• 2.,••-•, •-: . ' '.. ,.......;,:.',5loCk":No.',-..: .,,....:"-:.,,--. - .• . t...:....).5 -:••,-:•,„. - , ', .. ;-. . . . . . . .. .. ,.,, • i • . ' :' - • ''' ' : Albert Bal.ch,,s, President Park ,.:':•:•-:::-.:,:,..---.. ..,.i.;•.•:': .- • .:.• ..•'s• Should...bes"":des.ignp.ted .as.::• •:..669, • ' •I : s • ': '-.:' •---:..''''''''"'"- •:-..:-.•;:z]..;:1;7?:•'....':2::-•:-.:'.' -•-•;', ::•.• -:::"••• ::• Pierce Court iiit.::: L• '.:::.':',-...•:.:'..-';'-..••.K.:11.,,•:•,• •'' ,:. • ' •:.• ••.• :....: •,„-•: ,••,:•• •• .• -.:•:- - - 1.. '-", "- - ..-.t,.-. .....-••••.:•••••. ,-, ,,;...,:.:::.,:•;,,n,',...:: ,,•..z,:,-:„.•••••:•,•:,-",-.., "., 639 c'c U P'A'N T'1•• ' ....... ''''...• 2:.'1;'•••••".''..' .'.'. ,;, . ". . .,,,,,,. Per..City Ordinance No..."..:,:::•f::-...••24.4 7:-•.:.‘,••:.''',...'..,:,,•.:::., ,-.. •: :. , . N PLACE 0 :NI T 0 N • :' ,. ','.T. ;• ,.'. 1 ' ...;:;.- WA. : '.. •: . ::: .....'..: -'.: ...-:'.. -•..-:••.:.::..- :' '' '.-.'":: :.-'' . ..\---7---' .. ':`,.---:-:!H,•:::.•:-...-'•' -',-'-'-,,,I..'ir:.:' • 2:•-':.-s'''...''.''.'.. • 98055 .. • -. .. ''• . •• . : ..:' ': ‘.• —' • -". ' ' ' .' ::''..•.; ,:',...' '.--:Signed t:',.: -• . • ', . • • ' - ;,,,,;:-,1'....“ -' •--. :'--• . . . .. . . .. , •• - ;.'" ••• '' --r '.'•-.•' - •,•' ':. B L •RUPEE. ,,, LDG DIRECTOR : ....• • • . • . . . . , , ., ,,-. . - .. -. . :. • :.•••••'-•''' '-•••••':.•'• • •••' • •:•-•-'••••••:: ...,:-.':': Be'Careful- to Preserve' thiS":,Certificate ....-c,...,-. •.''.,•.:,...., .:„.,,,',..-•-•..:.:•,..,,, :':'' ..-•- •.... The correct number of a.. :WTI building on Lot No.-''....2: .-.,- .9.. . ,.:,.....:.. •..., :•„..-..:-..-,.. 016cic„..t..o,:,,,....,.: .. 1.. ,:•-; .•,-...„;:,..,:..1,,,,,.,,, . .. , , .....,., • la •.. .••• •••••• , • . , ••• •.•...': ••• . . r• ...• . .• • • • • . • • .•., • .. •, . • . .. ... .. • . .. Albert. Ba.'1 c Iiis' President Park :..=' '-:.' . .. .: . .;... hOL1114,•be..-designated r,as.. .-'667.:•-..: . , .- • -477•.' '.';".' ' '". 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'`.- ''-'•:':-'•;'-'• ' ----'• ' • •'- • B 'L •RUPPER -',. BLDG.,.DIRECTOR '• • • • ., . -• • :::.•.,•s.,,, , ' :: . . •"..-.. 1:,i.'•;.'".:,',i:',',.. 11:1:•-•.'..*".-...-,-...."...:.'.' ••••••:'-'•';';';'•::-•:•---."'•",,Be-Careful '..to...Preserve.:,thi s.,C ert•i Pic a te-'...':,•-•:.:..,:,? ::. 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'be..d••esi a,..nated,as•-::: • 24 ,...,•;','•:•„•;•.•••••• • ... •••• • .,.,:.,:..,.....[._:..-, i.,..,::',..,.:..,..•-. ...,..„. ..._ .,.. !:.,,-. - . -- - --... -- . .,.. .'' '.'...''''': ::...' .• :''..•• .... : • ' ' '': '''''''•"'....''''''• ..: ' '''..:....; ‘:::.''N. --E.;:7th...Place..•••• '.;••;!.:.--.',!:',•,- i'••••::':.:::.-. "..: :.' : :' .• : . , -• :•,::.•.:....;,,•--!•:::.,::...f' .,-',• ?":.,.5 ,DT,.':1 :c1 ,..J. .,;:.:,,_:•:, 4• ,,,,) ,;•,-,,,:i,,q.r:;-.:.,.-_a",.,.,.-.-: . ,•:;,,,..7,,,.,,•-•.,,,•;,.;:-::;,':32:26: 7 W P' t: Nz0 Per, City •Ordinance NoRENT0 ' 'IA • .-.„..-,'..,*..-.... •,..,,,,.,,,,:r.:..,,i ,,..',.,,,- .. : . ..... .,. . . ,•r,'--...-:•.:..:,-... ....'-';:..•'.•••--• • :• .• ...,. ••:•;. ....,...,, ... .:....•,,i••.-,:.,,,, _ ,..-.••,•:- ,_. - . .., Signed ' .. : . ' .. ' ..''''''. . - '..-2 : : ' "'' ..::'''''''''' B ' L • , RUPPEtV/aLDGi'DIR•ECTOR. , '..--.... .. ., • • . . _ , .....-. : . . ..':..' . ........ ''' .'''.- - • '''''''''''''''''''''''''..B •'•"Careful-to Preserve"th is 'Certificate',..,•-.... .:,,-,...• -.• ..,.:',,,-..•:----.......,., : . - . • r : :: : :::::,',. : '..::: ..',':.':'' •::i.,::::: :.'':,:'. '...:::.".1:::::''''.::''''''f''''' ..:‘.'::•:'12';';;;;11.1':':‘ ;:'::'.•::.:';".'•::::":'::':1.::':::'.':::':.. ..... •:. •...: •:'.' '"• '.:: .4 . 4 .e':41i I.::ei :°.' li..6 9.:;'.•I. .'..:'• : .4.. . • . .''''":""e4t.'1" S. . 1:;" 4.*r''''''!).:** .:"C'''' '1,'' "!'f" ..': :".".!•":!'!.: ' The correct number` 'f'a' building on Lot NO..; "'. .. 23 Block A;o. 1 :' ' , - lbe r a :P F . sfiouTd :be;desa na edyas• • - L• R S - .l7' r.1'• N - - a, .Lt... . _ 7 2: - - ..T�H - .N � - V 't'- I - ,:� L`.=:.ice,_:: 7-< •:::':.; 1. R: T - ;:c. A 9 8 5-• ,S• ..ed: . B. L. RUB :, BLDG.- DIRECTOR . . Be Careful:•_.to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No‘.: '. Bl:ock No.. Albert Balch's President Park �1 • ; should be. .designated. as':. ; 3312• N. E. 7th Place . ARTHUR .D ANDERSON Per City Ordinance No : '•447 3 2. 14 7TFi PLA•.-' R ENTON- W'Ar E • • Signed: rr RU BLDG. D HE CT _•:.1-sue._ •3s:<:,. a e t -r: <ti : Pr sere e h.'s� Cert7` v � ficate`� The correct number: of a building on Lot. No:.: -' 25 : Block No. 1. :I Albert B. lch's President Park : ;-:should be';:designa.ted P POLAND 3 2 0 8 7 T H L . N 0.. • Per City Ordinance No.. r.: 1; 98 0 55 -,, _. _ . . __ _ _ . .. , Signed.: RG� . B�: B. L.. _AddB LDG. DIRECTOR' '.. Be.Carefull. rve ..to:: a se . Pr s ,:this:Certificate _ The correct number of a building on Lot No 26 , Block No:' .: 1 ° .1 ; • Albert :alch's President Park ;- should be designated as: 3300 . N. E., .7th Place . ' OCCUPANT : ; .. 3 2 0 2 7 T H P L' NO. :..Per City Ordinance No:, -2447 RENTON WA 98055' _ Signed:: .. • ' B. L. RUPP'E. &<"BLDG° ..DIRECTOR • . Be Careful.to Preserve. this Certificate the correct number of .a building on Lot No.. ` 1 Block No. - 2 Albert Balch's President Park ;, should be_desicnated as:':. 3425 : N. E_: 7_th Place L WE' S BERG 3 4 0 5 7 T H P L . N.0 Per City. Ordinance No. � T' RENTO , WA Signed: B. .L. 'RUPPERT, BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • the correct nuribe of a building on Lot Nd "' :':, '2 ; Block No. • 2 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as;--::3419, • T U 5P. EC . ' N. E: 7th Place ' Per '.City Ordinance No • RENT oN WA Signed:g B. L. -RUPPEZ ,BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful" to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a:'building on. Lot No, .. Block 'No::. 2• :>: �. :.. . . . . ..- ;should: ne":desi nated�:;as...: Alper"t :Balch •�s Pr�es� dent"�Pa`v�k ' - ;: g ,-�.:..34i3.�:, ... ,.Min_.• ... .. .. ...... ..' f.'. 't •l• < +`a��?' •.�"..'van ''' t''Per��Ci - r i� B:A E 332. 5 ,7TH P�'!L�. ~ Y: - . _. ..• 98055 �'� -: Signed: • '� BI:DG: :nIREGTOR • ... Be Careful `to Preserve: this Certificate • • •.• • •.. . . . . . . • . . . , . • , . . . . . . . . ... . • . . . • ...; . .. 'lie correct number of, a building on Lot rdo 4. • ' , Albert Balch's. President Park :. ;: should be designated:as•< • 3407' N. E. 7th Place * OCCUPANT : Per Ci.ty:.Ordinance No 2A4 -.: '! 3.3:0 9 7'T H- PL.: N. 0 P R .7 N: - -W: - S i; ned o. . �° : .. BLDG.., DIRECTOR:• . : BeCa... refua`A'" t es P v his.�Ceh r€.:z'cas e The correct number of a building on Lot No 5 , Block No. 2 :" : Albert Balch''s President Park ; should':'be designated as: : :' .3401 E: 7t :Place ` D C0D`ER Per City Ordinance `' ;.W.� . 3 3 0 3. 7 T H P N 0 . No... ff .. RENTQM ' WA ' 98. Q5.5 Signed:. .7 � B. L. RUPBLDGe .DIRECTOR-- e ; ;:.. ; Be Careful: .to Pr.eserve-..this: Certificate • • • • • •'• o o • •+ o•• • • • • o • • • • •r a'• •••.• •••••••.•••'••• • • •• • • •.• • • • • • • • •.• • . s• • • ✓•e •_•:•j•• • • • •,••s The correct number of a building on Lot No . 6: , Block No.: : 2 Albert Balch's'President Park should be desagnated: as 3331 A R ROQUNER. . N. E• .7th Place : Per -City ; 3 2 3 3 7 T H' P L .N O / Ordinance No': ,� 7 REN TON WA.. 9 8 0 5 5 .. . _ . , :Signed:. • - B• L, RUP !e , LDG: .DI ECTOR.• . Be Careful. to:Preserve: this Certificate. • The correct number of a building -on Lot No.: 7 .Block•No.• 2..•• Albert Batch's President Park _; should` be. designated as : 8325' • N. E. 7th• Place G D RAUM' 3 2 2 7 . 7 T H PL_ : N O Per City Ordinance No. ::244 RENT. ON WA . 9 s Q.5 5'I Signed.:: ERT, BLDG.' DIRECTOR', Be Careful. to Preserve :this. Certificate -he correct number of` abuil'di.ng on: Lot No 8 Block No. 2_.`: '' Albert Balch's President Park l �, - ;: should be designated as: 33C1'9 W ( LLI A tt A I LLER N. E. 7th P1a ce ; '.. .., FrL. :r!,o:: . . Per'City Ordinance No. RE ;,tTOid i. 9'8 0 5 J Signed: , B. L. RUPP iffaLDG. ,DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Toe correct number of' a building on Lot No: -'`' g . y 'Block No.. ''� 1 • hould .be'des'i nate.d.:as 3313 ;: A bQvt: '•al`°rh � •_PrPcj��Pnt' park' p':. ,: - g' - :,,,. *'E t y. • 5 -: - L'. 5' `N- iFM _ y S•i> s • `r _ Signed: B:- L. R '�. � :,. BLDG. DI ECTOR • Be Careful .to:Preserve this Certificate . The correct numbe of a building -on Lot NO:.: 10 ,-Block No• : • 2 Albert :alch's President Park . ;, should be designated as: 3307•. :.: • ,N• E. 7th Place _ • E c MCDO ELL , Per. City Ordinance 'No.;,'::244 32. 09 .. 7TH P'L.: NO . = . a: 8;. 0`5.5 I . L• .RU ;.: BLDGo: DIRECTOR. .; Be e Ca of T•''to' t u :P� ese e:- h's:�: a ,t r ry 1 C r ificate: • • • . • • • • o • • •-• • • • •• •'• • • • • a• • •=• o • o • • • • • • o.••.•►•••`•.•.• ••.• •.••'• • • •• • .• • 0.•.•7.• 0 • • • • • -i •:• • �•• • • • • • • i•, The correct numbe of a building on. Lot No.-: l ; Block No:: 2 Albert :a[ch's President Park ;: ;,should : as:: be:.desi designated: }3301 . -.- , T C RUMSEY N F. 7th Place 3 2 0 3 7 T H ' PLACE :Per City`Ordinance No. RENTON WA • Signed: . . . .7 . B. L. RUP , BLDG:`.DIIRECTOR :Be Careful:.'-to ',Preserve." this: Certificate - %:. _:_'_:::` -::;:°.::::r: =`. '• `. The correct numbe of a building on Lot No 12 , .Block No. 2 ; :'. Albert Balch's President Park ;' should be designated as: f,3300 • - N• E 6th Place ' er;C.i't `0 d.i r Hance Plo: � . :r�' , ia.,�: 3 2 0 �� ;, T'H. AV N 0 y,�=. -'�4�� 1:«. - RENTO J • 98055 < , Signed• . . - B• L. RUP .OLDG• .DIRECTOR • •Be Careful to Preserve this' Certificate " The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. : 13 .Block No. 2 • • 5 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated' as ,. 3306 • N. E. 6th Place LAURIN D , VIS — 3208 6TH AV No Per-City Ordinance No. .2447 P E `J T o N W A 98055 ' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this• Certificate ' „ • The correct numbe ofr a building on, Lot No • 14 , Block No• 2 • Albert Balch 's President Park ; should be designated N. E: 6th Place P . AASAND PERFECT 3.:2 .1`4 . ,'.6,T H , A :N:O ' ...: Per City Ordinance No..• ; ,Al • RENTON WA _ . .. • Signed: i' .��.. .:, B. L. RUPPE'i i dL G. DuRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot NO.:::'. 15. .-,;'Block No • ::` :.2: ,. ' • .�-.����; ,:.. ., ��ry^;:�:.: = :should,.be. desi nated...as :,.. -33: . �:��-::'. ::Albert:.Ba1-ch's Pr'eside..nt. ark-:. R ,. 1= 7 AT 1 , J: 1 • -i N d"n nce o. it `0 ���:: A �t �, o _ -Per`.,G y�' .�;`�- _:�;��:,__: ' 32 ? a 6TH —. -i i REN TON W A. Signed• f�, �.,f., ,,-+i_ -_ B. L. R t :ef; BLDG. DI ._CTOR , Be Careful.:-..to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No.: 16 Block No. — 2 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as:. 3324 • N. E. 6th Place . : G T'H o M A s. Per City Ordinance No. <47 :::1'::.`, 3226 6TH AV . NO :,. •RENT ON WA. - " , i S Jg'ned.; = - - BLD�. DIRECTOR- . L. RU ' ,. ::_',:,; ; -• . Be Careful; to.•Preserve this.Certificate. '''; . :.: . .'::'., • • • • • O • O • • • •. • •:• • • •• • • • • • O • • •• • • • • • • • •.,• • • •., • • : e • • • • . • . • • • .• • ..., The`.correct number of .a buildingon, Lot No_ ^; Block No: :2. : Albert' Balch's President Park - ;- should be .designated as: 33�30: ' e t �.► ...�. °�. — — . .. _ :- N. E. 6th Place:, C !C 11 3232 6TH AV NO „ . „ , . , ,,, , .,,.„. „ Per. City Ordinance No. :�I RENT0N 98055 ' . Signed: _/ B. L• 'RUPFt f , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR, ,,. . :..:._ , . ; :Be Careful:::to Preserve .this: Certificate ' :=-' :.. ., :.:;:.. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 2 '." : ::.: ; Albert. Batch's President Park ; should'.be designated as:,; .14nn N. F. Fth Place . ' - V R. 0EsTR IECH er`�e''a -:Or in nce .P , { 3302 6TFi NORTH •,: 'y:: RENTON. WA ' .., 98055 . .- Signed:. - -- - — - - ' :. :; B. L. RU PE. , LOG. DIRECTOR - " ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 Block No. 2 . • q. Albert Balch'.s President Park should be designated as: 3406, . ' N• E. 6th:Place ' -' OCCUPANT 3308 6TTH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTONN W A. 9 8 O 5 5 ' Signed: ° ,,,,, --7-77 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. D RECTOR' :. Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate • The .correct number of:'a building on Lot No. ' 20 .. , Clock No. p AlbertBaich's President Park ; should be designated as:3412 ` N. E. 6th Place 3..3-,;'1, 4 A 6 T:H:R A.;tVl ''' N 0 vJ:;l� '.. . ._ - -� .::..;. :.:,�...;":: ;:'-Per.'`Gi ty Ordinance 'No• <�-�-� . RENT ON W.A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 1.e!.r.;�4 . ' , B. L. RUPPB"l hdLDG. .DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of :a building on Lot No:. ,. 21 y Block No.. 2 Albert 5alch's president Park should be designated as: ••34118 • ' �. .:.. N. E. 6th. Place . ' OVE23Y . .. _ - 3 2 V 6 T �► `� �� c Per City Ordinance No. —2 7 ENT ON WA _- 9 8a-5'S • Signed F;.A B. L. R r' -1 BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot No.,., 22 , Block No. ,. ° 2 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as: 3424 r N_ E 6th'Place c L. TR o T T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3326 6 .TH. AV NO :::,, . RENTON WA Signed driri . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR.: • Be Careful to Preserve. this. Certificate . .:`;=:....: The correct number of.. a building on Lot No.: .. ..;_:'.. _ _,23'... . Block No,. . 2 ,•r:. shou : . ,,; Albert Balch°s President Park': >' ld;be designated as :; . .,. . 3430 .- TERRY HEILMAN N. E. 6th Place 3338 6TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No, n47 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C22./-, /BLDG , B L. RUP - DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. • 3, - Albert Batch's: President Park ; should be designated as:: .4125 N, F, 6th Place • J3 F RUSSELL • Per. City Ordinance No. -2. 4 - 327 6TH AV . NO • RENTON WA . 98055 Signed:° moo. : �.. B. L. RUPVE. T/ LDG. .DI ECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 3 Albert 3alcft's, President Park ; should be designated as: .' . 3419 N. E. 6th Place • P VISCONTE 3321 6TH AV N 0 Per City Ordinance No.-. ..2,447 RENT ON WA -.)_ 98055 , •-•,;S.igned: / s B. L. RUPPERT; LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate , The correct number ofa building on Lot No. 3 , B1ocL No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as:, 341,02 N. E. 6th Place DONALD TJABEN . 3 315 6TH A` V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2 4,?' RENTON w 98055 : 0. Signed: ' )� �L� B. L. RUPP_R1% a DG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 ,: Block No. 3 • i Albert Balch's president Park should. be designated_as: . 3407. s--- 6 L Pla ce R SE R �; �i .4. _- RENTON NO' ;r . " CityPer.:. Ordinance No. 3'309 6TH V — RENTON 9 8 05 5 1� �, • Signed: _ B. L. RUvP:sXl`, BLDG• !)L ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot :No.. 5 , Block No• Albert Balch's President Park , ; should be designated as: 3401 - • N. E. 6tb Place G . OTTO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3303 6TH AV NO I' RENTON W A _ _ Signed: L. RU - , BLDCo DIRE,CTO.R:.: -• - Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate :: :;;; ,.: ..s•a••e e• •• s• • • .•a .• . •• • •-• • • •.• • . •'o • •• • : • . • • •.• .•• • . • • . . • • • • • • - •. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park ; should be designated as: :. 3331 , . 6th Place H METZGER Per City Ordinance No. ! 'I 3233 6TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 . . Signed: C-22 ,, B. L. RUP , BLDG• DI ECTOR: - Be Careful:.to Preserve thi s: Certificate . ,-,;: 7 . • - • • . . • • . • • • • • • • •, o OOO • • • • • •.• • • . . • • • . •.• . O . • e • o - ` •• The correct number of a building on Lot No• 7 Block No. s A1hQr� FFalch's President Park ; should be designated as: 3325 ' N. E. 6th Place L S MADDEN Ordinance-No' L 44- er 3 2 2 7 6TH AV. N 0 RENTON W' A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L, RUPP'E. TLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 8 , Block .No.- : 3 Albert Batch's President Park ; should be designated as: 33h9 • N. E. 6th• Place .. 31i ' OCCUPANT 3221 6TH AV No Per City Ordinance No. °.411,7 RENTON WA �-- 980 55 Signed: • .� — — B. L. RUPPERT.,°BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • The correct number of.'a' building on Lot_:No' ' ' 'g `'`' '= Block No. 3 Albert 3ali:h's President Park ; should be designated as: ,3313 N. E. 6th Place 3215 R RODGERS. Per City Ordinance No. e;,47 3 ' . 225 6TH AV NO • RENTON WA • 9 8 0 5 5 " -. Signed: __.. B. L. RUPP Ri,OBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a' building on Lot No: . y Block No: 3.:V '.'.. . -. - -' Albert Baich`s President Park should be designated as.. . .3307 •. 3 "N- 6th� a a' 1;iu s ,y. - ..yp .r, _ 4 t r 3 • = y:=. �2�0 7 T H ENT N Signed f t : . . B. L. RUP ,w-:�rt, BLDG. `I • :TOR - Be Careful. to Preserve. this'`Certificate. the correct number of a building on :Lot No...' ',. , Block-No. Albert. B.ich's President Park ;`should .be designated. as: 3301{: `: : .._` f :' .'. . l',:::'::•':'.• :',;;':::':::',:;': N. E• 6th Place 3 SPARK Per City Ordinance. No. . 2447... I ,. .:', 3203 C� 1' AU �l0 RENTON' . W 'A ' _ ..s-----�— '-", 9a055 / - Si ned• ct'� w L. RU , BLDG. DI ECTOR..;',';';'f: ' :: Be Caref• 1:� -o� ,r`ese •.e. this...,. Certificate;� : ;-�::'.';�. .�, u t P ry Z r z. . The correct number of a building on Lot No 12 , Block No. `.: 3 ‘ - Albert B:ich's President Park ` should be designated• as:.`3304,;: ; - • : - ; "N::: E:, `6th: St::; `,.;>:` • R C: CRUCE 3 2 0 2 6 T I-+ ' pc_ - Per CityOrdinance No. 244 : , RENTONW A 98055 Signed': a - B. L. RUP , .BLDG. ''DI ECTOR .' ' ..,: .. Be. Carey ul>::to. Preserve.'this:.Certi fi cate.�::''._ : .:,,: -:.: l,:=- 13. . . Block No. 3 ''..': : .,,•;. The. correct number of a building on Lot No.: ,' Albert :alch's President Park , ; should be designated :as:'_- 3.,10 - t - - - _ - .. .. i N. E. 6th St. _ - S A:,V• C 0 M A R Y: ':MILLER - I. ,: `P : t• N " Yt` er :Ci Ordinance o r;.. • RENTON WA' . 9 8 0 5 5 ' Signed: ;:. ,' `.:': �y` B. L. RUPFE. T, LDG. DI ECTOR ' - Careful e to Preserve this , . .. ; • i The correct number of a'building on Lot No.. 14 , Block No: . 3 Albert ,.alch's President Park ; should be designated as:. 33-1:,6. C SOUTH RQ N. E. 6th Si-. - 3 2 4 4 6 T P Per City Ordinance No. 44� RENTON . WA 5.—ib --Ts1 : , - i ,: .) ? 980 '55 i" Signed: ` ,4��° ry . �B.. L. RUPPERT, BLDG:.. DI. .ECTOR : . Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate.: The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,a , D 1 oc k No; 3' .r :.. aber =alch's-P?esidenr Park should be designated as: ''3 22• . .. Otct4p , ..:t N. E. :6th St... •. L lI -::. Per;.Cit Ordinance No. °3�� . 5 i. H P L ra o . .. . y 2441-, RENTON WA Signed: 14 .,,e,e, ,.t . : L. ` B D, ECTOR B. RUr'PE'i�7, Ind C:,'DI TO , Be: Careful to Preserve this Certificate -r • • The correct'null: ber' of.'a building •on Lot No:: • . ' 16 ` , Block No,.. . ', ' 3.:;: •:'i , . • ,- • ..• ' ' Albert Balch's president Park.",--,...,'.-',.,: should. 'be des-ignated';as: 328: ,. ' -7., 6 t.,- ;E� th. S j�� W s • •• • - E`N�t)''" E`R L t ••di�ri nce N`.P:er�=.�.Cia ;`Or a o`. 4 ff'�� J^P�. �;v • n. _ y., i. r i+-- :>`a:,; fir.. ^'�'.k 0 ; r: I' - '^r .t -Sig �e 9, n -- .. B . L BLOG`. 'DIRE~ • , :. : • Be Careful to' Preserve this_ Certificate The correct number of,.a building ;on. Lot Na.' . . 17;. - - :Block. No:.- : 3 Albert �alch''s President Park • • • . should- be. designated .as :3�i4 ,,r•` • - . N.•E • 6th Ste ' W • B' K•ENNE'D1' - Per. Cit Ordinance No' 24. . 3-:2322: 6'TN PL. NO .. - y. 47'' .. , '. :.. ,:- _ , ., REN.TON _ WA . -- •• . . • Signed: , .. . :. " :.. L..:..RU , .BLDa. DLR-ECTORA;`;.; �`�?' :rY 1 %l: :,E . . Be arefu l': t' >', C u to�� res.e e� 's�•;Ce}..,t' ante.'P ry h7 r ��fic _ . Th e correct _number of a :building on Lot No'o : : .1.8::.-•::::,' `.. -,;` :�; :'` . 3 .., _ . _ `Block N�o Albert Balch's President Park:.....,:-.` _ should be designated.- as: :' .1404' 3302" . 6TH Pt. No . . - 'Per_Cit•y' O,rdinance .No• • . 244�, ; '• .: ENroN wA �. • 98os;s .- ,: B<,.:•L.,'• RUP BLDG.:',.,DIRECTOR.::_ • • , . ._... . . :... Be :Careful ' to•:P.reserve': �iis-.-...-,Certificate=->' >°::'T; :. =fr<<; ; , ;` ; _`. °: .The correct number of 'a building on Lot:No.• 19. -. • ,.,Block •No.. 3 • " � '`,• `'. .- -; Albert Baich's President Park ' :.,; should. be designated as: ' ' 341.0 ' • N•. E: 6th_St. . . . .: .. x. W E.B B -1 ., P;er"G:�:,t Ordi.,na, . . . .. „ . 33Q8 16TH PL N0" ��4� �v. y. . _ 9805.5 � � „• , • Si.gned: • , :- B. L. RUP T L, DG. QhR'EGTOR': . : r. ' . : '=•: ----:•-:: ;---:, Be Careful to Preserve this :Certificate' .'.•..Pew.:..•..•.•.'•,.'•..... ...• • 0 . . . . .. • . . . . . . •'• • . • •'o•• • • • • • • •• . •..• • •.• ••• • • . •,• • .•O• • • •'• ••a The correct number of a building on Lot- No-: ': - 20 - Block No. : ,'• 3 ;;• Albert- 3a1ch's President Park • '•'; `.should be designated as' -. 4�h • G_ .0 L 4 P E Y R E• . N. E Fth St ' 33.4 ,4 5 T. H,, P.L N 0 •Per• City Ordinance 'No. .: •2447'• . . • . P, EN.T.OV WA •• 98055 : ' .C . . • Signed: : • • -: . ' . B. ''.L. RUPPERT, :BLDG.: .D RECTOR,..-.,..... Be Careful to Preserve;.this- Certificate 1 e C. -r r ,ect;.nuiribe' ':o bu:`1 d:i`f::��a i n on Lot:.Na:�f�.= , , Block'`N. Albert Balch's President Park- ; should be designated as::' -`',"4'2'2:: -,. .' , N- ,w:T.O• .;',. BJ•;c1.14, N,,_ „ - . ,-'. ,..Per•City Ordinance' No. . 2447. ,. '9.8 .055 ' �� Signed: .,� ./ e,-a-,,; _�_.. :.- . .. . . • • B. L f RUPP� i, dLDG.:.DIRECTOR : •Be• Careful to Preserve this Certificate , : "` -The correct .number•of'a'. building 'on. Lot.:No,':., 22, :y° B,l'ock ;No.. . 'i.....: : Albert Batch's President Park. :: --.. :=:-should'•be'.designa:ted as 8428 ,- : • W3 W2: F..:O D6 T SH'2_EF'.WL 5 KN.o1."' : ", - 36 •' Per:.Ci.ty Ordinance No 2.47 ..RENT .ON W<Q_' - Si. ed�n g B L. R .( BLDG. 'DI. EC. .O1T R ._. •. _...°',; 'Be Careful: to- Preserve .this Cer.tir'icate, , ••.... ,.• •..:..:•.. .:::.. : . ....•. . :_,..': ::::i:":.,:.� ,., .:••:.::••..� ::::••••• :. • •-:.•.. .•::•• •.:,:..•-:'`:;••-::.:. ':..:.'::':'•.::: "•' •The correct,number.:,of.:a:building. on Lot No::.:: . . -,. .Slock '.No:;'.,` . .. _ _. . . . _ , -. • . . Albert Batch's President Park should:: bey designated as 363.1: - • " -" ' _ 0'L A' V•, ''H,A AR 5 T AD N' E. 6th Plate - Per:Ci•ty Ordinance. No: 2441 .'- , .. • RENTO..N. WA �; , . 9805 .5 Signed ,. BLI)..si::..p., I.-: ..,c..:T. 0: i•R.1::-,,::;:•1::,1•;:;,.:::..' � t `'� , . Be CarefultoPreserve- h� ,. Certificae - IT Tie correct- number of.-a" .building.:on'.Lot-No.....' _'... .2- - • Block• No:`. '�4":• _.`' `:.. - Albert Batch's President Park '` - should;::be _design ated..'as: ,.3625, - ' . .. :N:`:E:. 6th •Place .-. • A H A R R : Per'`Ci t Ordinance No.. :.-4 _' (( - 352• 7 6T'H. AV.. .N0 . . y 1 ;,' RENT ,ON W.A 9 8 0 5 5 �__�U f" Signed B.," L. RU BLDG.' DIRE - - .. • Be Careful: to: Preserve this- Certificate ;; - . The. correct: number of.:a. building on .Lot NO. 3 • . . . . Block P!o '• • • Albert Batch's Pres.ident Park-•-••• :- ;,:should••bedesignated. as' 619. oecvPwedr N. •E. 6th Place • _ _ Per City Ordinance.No. : - 2447: - . . REN, TON.. WA :, . • Signed: • .. . .. .. • . B.: L. RUP Ti LDG'. .DI: ECTOR Be Careful.''to Prese - . f .. • �this :Certificate• �� � � �= ° . .• . : .• ihe=correct-number of• a building. on: Lot•No-., -••• 4 Block,NO:: ' , 4. • ` Albert Balch's. President Parke . ." should: be:designated.as:.: '.3, l`3:. :N. E 6th Place •Per CityOrdinance No• 2447 . . 3515 6T.H AV: ` NO W A .. . . 6 9805 '5 Signed: - _ . TR RUPPERT,. BLDG': D" ' ECTOR .. . .Be Careful :to Preserve this Certifi:cate ....i'r.:„.....•::..-:':'•i..p:.:..:"• : • ..i'i:: • • : • . •: :.• : :., • : •':::::: . • .,• ••••-•• • • •:'; ;':: :• :••-• :•• . ':I :;.. ni : . . ry�e,, �▪ ':,1', z4t;:;-,;,ie``.+`•`‘':-'-. - •,y' e� orr� 4.. ec� t��numb f�a��—bu'"l dine i . "�on: Lo,i:':�IVo�:�: - ;Albert'Balch s President:Park . ;:` should 'be "designated:.as-: �-,`,3607••: -•-: .- acu. ., N. E. 6th Blace . - ,;:, . . - . ='.:',::;-,,:':-.:.,''':',....Per'..;Ci t Ordinance No. _. REN r' T 9 N WA, • Signed: , . . B. L. RUPP Ca.i LOG.' DIRECTOR . Be".Careful to Preserve.: this..Cer"tificate ;, ' The:correct number of' building on:Lot':No':-:. .:...fi•, ..• . ,_...,..,.; Block`iVo;' ' , 4 :;- - : • ;' :should'''.b-e;:•designated: as: -. "• Albert. Bal ch's President' Park, : ::--• : <::'' '� � 3 01 • . - - • N. E �6th Place-�.--". - : R'..;:.` LINDECRANTZ. :..: , PeCt Ord- a No_ - ,. 3�5:03;: , 6TH ‘. A v N0 : riyn , :=: �447 , RENTON WA '.. - , . 9 Signed::• - �� I, B. L. ':. ,;;..BLDG. DIRECTOR Be: Careful to Preserve. this Certificate•::: . = ::::. • 1 don .Lot 1o. 7 '' - -'Block 'No . 4:`•'. . ,..-' Tie .cor►.ect-number of'.a bu 1 ding .:. •��' • , . ,. :::,Albert Balch's president.Park ,, should be: designated as : j 31 • ------ - -• - - . .• -N. E. 6th Pl�ace . �_�``,�: • C F. W. YAT' T N o::Per Cit Ordinance , 4447 ' y' :: REN TON : 9-8-•0 5 5 . . " . Sign ed:..: - _I;':. E- 1 _ . - - ;` i7 s8 D� :D RCTOR• i . - `• , r6 - Be Careful- to Preserve: this��•Cer fi a OOOOOOOOOOO•• •••.• • ••• • •.• •.,• • • • • • • •'• •.• • • i•••.'•:• •'•••• •••,•.•:•:•••••,•:• • •• ••••• • • •:• •i.•.•,•••••a• • ••,•_•;,11• . • •'• • ••••••• lTirie :correct numbeM :Of: a building on Lot' No `. 8--�- ", B lock NO . - , . -: _ - AlbertBalch's President Park , : :;,`should.`be.. designated.„as:`••3g25;',..: :::: .. N E-• 6th Place :, .. Per:.;'City •.Ordinance:;No: .. . . RENTON. W4 ; . • " - 9 8 0"5,5. i1 ned..- CO _ ' :. ,•:.',:_ ., .: " :::. B. L. RU. BLDG. D RECTOR . — Be Careful:: to Preserve.`this`:`Certificate ;..:.':::`.' ;::.: • Me. correct:number.of,:a.:bui.lding on::Lot No::_` q.., :.- , , : : , .Block No.,`.: , ::'2: :, :..,:.., Al hprt Ralrh- c President Park • ,-.;shou•ld•. ,,be designated:'as.•, `13519 • N. E. 6th Place P CULVER. 3 4 2 1 6 T H •A V _ N o • P ` 2447: -- '.:, `rCit Ordinance N ; ,;, . RENTON . 98:0. 55 ;:Signed.: . .I; .:::;.:::::2.:;: l... B• L. RUP LOG:, D ;RECTOR :;. : Be Careful arefu1 to a h` ca Pr ser.ve t 1s Cert%fi� t e� The correct :number of a building on. Lot No• . 10 Block.-No: `•: 4, ': .. ` ;` AlbertBalch's President Park' a: ;: should be designated as5.- .5:13 N` `E: :6th�Place: " : 1 3 4 1`.5 6.T-H A V N•0 :.Per :City Ordinance No'•' .2447.. • .... . h. R.EN. toN WA. 98055 . . Signed-, . . - B. L:' RUPPERTDG:`: DIRECTOR, ". - Be Careful to Preserve .this;:Certifi.cate• `!.:..' :!• -: e'. C - or.r ec ia: :�di.�. t:n mber-:�-o.. �.a:-buil .on R�L""� . ' :a. f. ot° No: Pock No:`" AlhertRalch's President Park : should.:be"ldesignated:•as:: '�:':i350T - - - N: E. 6th: Place KENNETH K I,RBY J ,IR _ PerCt Ordi :�:• : '' -��� :: � . Hance:•.No:.• rz,��: �>;; . 4 , - _ . - J RENT: ON WA Signed - :_ /, t; - � ,B. • L... RUPP . 1 dLDG:.' :DI REC i OR - Be'Careful ;to.Preserve this- Certificate. ::. - `, :::" '; - .. -! • I • , Irie correct: number'of a: build•ing .on:Lott:No'.,' 1... ., • , .B.l,ock ,No ! _ _: Albert'Balch's 'President .Par:k should be';designated _-.as:, 501 N. E:'.6th Place `, MCE:NDARSE`R: : I Per.Cit .Ordinanc'e No::;,'..' `i: 3 4: 0 3 6',T H_'., .A:V'.:-.N`0 '`•`:::.: ',' .".;., . . :., . :_ :: y .,, . :-: :: ;..- . ' RENT 0 N " :W;"A • _ I: 9 „ 0 5''5 :Si ,•ned: � ,�:., >. ,., .:.'.; 9 , SF.. :Frt •.BLDG•'•'p'IRECTOR' Be•'Careful ;to Preserve°:-,th ,s.':•Cert T T3se correct number of°a• bu'i,ldin on:Lot. Tvo': : :_.. a3 :'. Block:.No: _ : 4 Albert..•,Baich's President ,Park should.:be':designated :as.;• .•::;i,.:;:',h_::.:::.•::,::..-..,-.1... .::_,...',-.1,:i1,:....: R CIBEAULI.. %' No. - - Per;�.C .ty. Ordinance 9 .Si ned: 9 L. RU • BLDG.,:DIRECTOR:';' .,, �•.. .' .. .. ... - a:t'.i_ c �`sery e� Cer. ft : t re - -B�e``•Carefu o�`P -t c B1 oc , r:4;;. �e. orr •ect numberof:•a buiTding• ;on:: o 1"4` :,•, . Albert Belch's .President Park .' should• be::designated ass:;'::•:628, .. • N. E. 6th St:. I , :` HENN I NG M, R • C ,oF;.F: I `N 244 .' i . 3 5 2 6. 6 H, . P L. N o: Per.`City. Ordinance. No::• �'W A '�R N T 0 N` E. ' 9 ` : . • '' ' ' ' Signed:::." B:•...L. RU P P B �DG. IRECTOR a this-�Cert f cat� ..:::.-'::; �.>:':;-:: ,, • reserve:., - - - • The. correct_ .number of .a. building on Lot` No 15.'; : . `• . Block Flo: Albert'•Balch''sPresident Park ':,, .r: .: : .;: ' `: should; be.'d'esi.gnated as.;.. ' � N F 'Fth St '; ��� : .•• : - - 12.- T O,N"- J R . Per,Ci.ty.,Ordinance No•', 471 ' 3..5 2.0' . 6,,.T Ffi:• . P1 N.O, .. ' , R. E:'N T 0 N .. W' A.' • .- 4''8 .055 6. L•: RUP LDG.. • i,. ate 1. h:'' `: Certi f c :toPr esery e�•t is e u1� - Be` Car. f -• The'Correct'.number. of a:• _ bui ldi•ng, on Lot No '16,:. Block' P;d.;,.: 4 � , ; . ,. ,.: • ' .. .: Albert Balch's President Park ......: ;::,should. be•designated as,-;.-,. ,- 61 N,:.: E. 6th-St•. I A F•A U. B E. R '``_ Per..:'C:it Ordinance No:: � " ;; ' _ 3 5 '1 4: 6 'T.H P C . '•N.:O.. . Y.:., _� REN TON'. WA'' Signed:- ...:.... . . . . B. L: RUPPERT.,• BLDG., .;I,RECTOR..; :.: B.e Careful to Preserve .this Certifi.cate v� _ 1 irs 'F- :S .b. d 1:N 4 _ -:'Th�..correct. number:of•'a "bull. Ong;`:on-`L:oa':f�a: .�1�':�`�:;:';, ., .. �,,. • ,, «: •. Albert Balch's President Park ' , : . ;,'should° be designated as ''t'.:361.O.- LYr. • • .�P.:.er~-�Cit Ordi:nance':No:, �" 5 Ol 8 6 .1"�H .:P L:;. N:fl,, _ R' N T' W E. 0�•N A::. : • i•Y.r fi,.. : .. t ... .. -,.,; ..... ...:...t: !. .�' ;..•,,S',, 1X. :�is. • , 1 - 8 'd' s 9. s• J , •• `Si ,ned. .�..�� ` B.. L. RUFP RI,�l�dLDG:`- DTR.' -.FOR' ,. : . ; eserve•this:Certifi.cate:, :: `: ' ::-r. ' : ,A'. Be Careful":to..Pr __.. ' . , , • • -••••• •......••-.•:::••••.••;•.,..-.•••••;:-..:••••••••:.•:•-••••••••• ,•_,••- .......,;--2-;:-.1••,•-•-•••• --•••••••',... •••••••::..,;:-:;':.-.:-).---7.'.?-•••••-'.• ::::-.4-;:-:::',-,'•-•-::JJ'..1s.::,-;•••:::•••:'.. •••••••• • •,....:,--.•:•.--- --••• • •••••••':.••;'.:'•••. *:-.:.}.;••V'.•:•••..,:•.:z::J.••••••• •:,:V.... ,-:'..I.••••••,•••,;:-.•-•.:.-• .•:-' ..,•••• '•.'.• •:•-!;',•-i,••.'••.?-...;•:.'-''.'"•'..•5••••'•'•,..,',: „ •••••.'•.-:-..:•••,--'"•:•-••••'.,..:;,..,-;.:•••••.. -..,;•'.'.;:„.''' Lot. .,..-:: .. .:.:•::...:,,..7.„n7.'....:', :•.:,..: , ';"'Block :Pio',.--::::---•-•-••!''-•:'",1--•..,:••••-'s ''''•'-_---1:,_'',' s. '..• •, .-"'. 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'-Albert alch's President - .::-:•.'. •••••• . . ....", ' should.':;•. . .;:.be:- designated: ..,a ...i".::•..7--.'''..1.'.',:':...3 528. :•,.'• -...• : •'• : .• 5 ..,.:, .. ..: .,..,. . -.,,,,... .. . E., - .. 6thS• . - • • -.,,... .... :-.:.,..-•-...:...:,--;,----... ,...... -..- ... ,.., , • • . •4 . • -- . . .''.i,......;,.N,',,,..,;.,',...-.,.,;.;:f"-. ::'';' . • ' ' K. 0•E41..,°.: ..- '-:'..i::::'..... .: • :„ .„ .. . . .. . ,, Per.: : . ::..,:, , .,. .City-..Ordinance. . No.'. ....,.q•A,- ,f' - r, ,::,.,,..-.:::: .•:..,..-:.,-...,.., . PL NO ENTON *. '.:":fi : --." • ••:.. '.....-:, :.14. A- '-:-:':' ' . 1 :-: '' ::'..-:. ••••;:...•••.-;:•.:'.: ":•••:'"•'•:_';:':',.'!-17-',:'" • ...---:' . -:,:—. .,:'..:1:'.•':::., 98055 : . , , i. .H,.,..,... r_.. . . . . ,.. ..,:. . . . . ...,....:'..• S1,g..11.,..ed ' ,....: :, ''''''B. .L RU.. - ,--• I'31-0O-.:..D,IRECTok:,:t.:... .., • •• . . . • . • . . . . .. .• . . . ' '' ' . • ' • ''''';''''''' Be .Careful.*. • .. -1 Pr i' ;eiiiiti..this'. Certificate- ,,x:-,.,-.-.-.:.,,,,:..,.:1;;.-.,:••.,..::::-:.1., .....,--..,,,,,F.;,,v,...,..:„.,,,.::i,..;:y.,...,...:..... - :. - • -,:..-.-.-.-..:,' .-,....:,.--.-T.,..':.-......•-•:-..... .-.• _ •..:-.... •..,:-.:•',:•.•-. .:,o,-% .. ,. ....„,....,., .„.,. .. .. . ,.,,,..,,.,:.,......,,...,,-,.... .:-,?-;-.,;:-..7:,.:.--.:'„,,,--...,,,.;•,,..:: -.......,:,%,:.,-.-.7,,,,;,:,!-:• •:..--,-;.--:.---.:.,;,---..-., - ,-• .•-....,. -.- -.,,,- Block. !k1o.r. ..--::..,..:-:•,...:-,,,..,y,,.,..,:.-. • The correct-number. of a building on Lot.No.....'::• ..•••:.' - 2.1 -. -.' - Albert-BalCh's•President Park • .... •. - - :. . • ;.,....should.. be•- esignated -•as, •, :'2135,..-22 .......,. - • .,. . . :..., - , . . . .. . . . • : • • • - •,..• :-. '::•':•• . .•. ,, ••••.:•-''-''..'••••'• ''''' Perrtity 'Ordinance:110 ,'.. ....":;..244... 7•.'''...:.... ..V.,..1'............‘,-... :..- . , ..--...--... .,,. ...... `.,. , I.,,.,.e..., ...„1......•... .•..., . • '. 1 " .... •'....... • ' ' ' '.''''''.''.''.';'.....• Signed:.-'' •.'• ..• . • . ' .--... . .' '-':'..•'- -.-.- -::::., •. . B• L RUP . . ,.. LOG'...1).. REcioR• .•••,. ..„ff .• - ' ' ., . .._. .... _. _ . . . . • - • • •• • • • •• •. •.:••••••. '.. •• • -• - • -•••••-•'''• • ••••'•-•:: :•••••-•- •-•-•-• ••, Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate.: ,,. ..,:....::.....;,..... „:,... ........„,..,..s.,.:. ,,,:::. .,..... .• ,,.. .. ..,.. . • 22 ;•-.B1.ock••No.,..‘..... ..:- -' -: • ". - ',-,• .-- -- .. •,- ,.. .the correct,. numberi of-a building on...Lot. No.,•••• .. .• . . d aS*.s.''-'.• - •',should-be. designated. . •• . ...... . . : •. 411 • Al bprt Balck'S President Park • .. • .. • ,.. :...,.., . .. ,351 6 • . _ .: •, . . • • - • . ••.',-: '. • --.'-;• •",:::.-...12-:.- ...••: -.•-•- ‘• isf.-:-.E.- '6th St••• :-.2::' ••-•...: -,.. ,,:,:ii,;.::,-. , : .- . ...._:•, * . , . . • . . .. ... ,. ..,... ... .....,...... . . . ..,. .. , ••- ..-- - .--. •-•'......':. -.1-:,.::.. 2'-' • •:- • ... '. • . m Ji -ouE5NEL: -- H -.,•• '..:---•''-• : : -'-'....li ..-',-- ,:..-:.' .''.-Per:-.City. Ordinance. No. .. 9447. • -_...i. 2., . : ....., , ,- ..-'.-•.-3 4: i.::4- . '6' T 1-1..- F.! !_..':"_.:N 9.: -'' i'. .:-.".*.-.',.:,..,'• '.'. -:•:'.' ''. .:..,,. . •... .. '. .;.. .-..:..,...'. .'• : . ''• . •••••• ,: ....: ,., .,.',•;,.'.,:,:";::•:. .„,;, .,,,,..:.::,,.',.. 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'•:•••:::•:;•,.;•':'•:':•;;-,'-_-••••--„:2.•,•,.:''•••;:'••••:••••,••• :' : •••'; '• •: • .• •••••.--_•-':::•-•:"„ ••• • -.-•:':••",:•'._• :,-.•'..-,••••.:•••-,:_ •,;_.:.•••-.•:•-: - - - ; -•-•• '• :-." •.: •-_•• ••• .'-•••-:••••• •-: _ : •••••.-•••• 9-8 0 5', •:-....,. •.•':• • .,. •••••,-.•::::.,:?.:.::,•••,,,,..':•.=!,••••••;:-,::•:••••:',,i•J;"-:.•:•:;••.•`...,'„ :::•::::,- •-:•-,-:..: ,- .•. :....;.•"'• Yi:••-.••,!••••:!-• :,'':•..'Z-„;••••,-,-,7-:-,:, ::•i-:••••-,••,•-•'.!:•••••-' • • 1 • • - • :•.." ... ••••••••: ::•••• •-•-•-. -•• ; ••••• • --- ••• •• " ' •• '''OOOOOOOOOOOOO• ---'''-'•:••••:•:-',.•:-.:.:••••••:':: Signed. -— '-- .;'fr,iR4) 4 a L RUPP •1 -?O DIRECTOR --, - • : ',. - . ... ' '..-'....::' '.'-!-.:*::• .--.-:',"'--7•'''....:......"- ''.•••• .:'.:' Be' Careful. to :PreServe"this...Certificate •i...n.'''..*: .-,...:::-::::,:'..,.. ': .-:',. • : . ••• ••. • • �.•:... , . o:t: No ::: : Block. 110.. '' •:=: :'";: 5 _�-�':;.:'� ` `. _ . -.The: correct number•of,', a.building'.on L - 6 ' Albert •Balch1s President: Park . • shoul:d":.b desig natLLe''d_as• :3601 :;, ; ."n14E :7t Place . 2._ f ;. . h ,E R -Per�CitY Ordinance- � 7;3 • R t.T. O.:N • ::6 :"'` Signed: �� {��.�: , �,1'. , . B: 'L: RAN ... - BLDG.':.I?I ' ECl'QIZ:: Be.- .:Car:eful 'to' Preserve: this:Certificate::,' . : -. : _..,. ! 'e correct•'numbe of a'''bui.l'din on::,Lot_:i o 7` ' *, - Albert :alch's':Pr.esident Park,.-:."-.,:: , :: , • shoul'd:` be,designated: as 35 !•, 7th Place T- AR y_ F:` O:K K' i nce No � r • ,Per '`t� Ord na 3�4 3 1. . T T. ...,:',::P....L, . N..O. Y. _ .i REN 'T0'N,.., W.A .... } � 5.. . . ned: ._ 9:- • r: • . : L-• RU BL''D.: '.DIRECTOR t ertif:icate: .. .... .. . .: .. ...,.. . ..,. . Be :Careful �';to 'Preserve. his�'C Ahe correct numbeI. o.f;a:building on Lot .No`:' :.8` , B1 ock: No•,.:: , 5•..:: .: . . • Albert :al ch's 'President:.Park should;;be:;des.ignated•`as;::';.i; 3:51.9;: -- N. E '` .:.,...:: .'. .:, . 7th, Place ' NB'ERG.ER �_ d,inanc:e,•No:. _ 4•_ • 342;5 T.H •PL. 1NO :•Per :City Or f':;';.,`< :_' R Y :>�YY :r 9 8; 5::. 5�` d�ne 'Si1�• BLDG:"�DIIIE.CTOR: :.Be:.Careful:.'_to:.P.reser.ue•:.;thi s. Certi f.icate: ilhe correct numbe of�,a building on' Lot No' : 9 ': Block No.' - Albert Batch's .President Park :-:' : , i;.shou.ld' be designated a's;;;:: 513 • : - : N. E. •7th Place' - C D U .' B.'0 1 '. Per: City'.Ordinance No. 2.447 8 : 9 `.5 Q.5 • 6. L•' RUP , LOG•,.:.D RECTOR, • � • Be"•Careful to` Preserve,,this:Certificate `':',..;..f` - The correct numbe of:e building on Lot No:.''. . . •• .,: Block . ... . .`:: 5 � :.`: ,.,;' , Aihert Rahh''s. President'' Park : :..' : ; should be.:"designated::as:. .„37507._ :. , .... N'• E. 7th Place . L WE. B :B, . : , :`,: 3 4 1 3 7 H . P L:. ,N 0 _ .. Per.;city Ordinance No... 2447 ' -: ": _ , RE.NTON WA S.i rr phi' B. L. 'RUPPERTDG: D RECl OR , ' .. Be:`Careful:..to Preserve .this :Certifi:cate.. • �l,l 71°,, ''5 B k: Noc;. • 1"h►�.cox�rect,:;number:o:f`�a 6u7:]�e `ng ,on.`.Lo't:.•No��.::'��,-�' ,.: loc :. : - Al'ber -Balch's President Park ` . should :be designated :as: < 3:600:` ' i�a , - _ -6th._.E- �P y�r.� f. 7 9. R E�' - n R��:. E>.E l. - L r_ * nnce '. G� v : --�.' `. P` is-t 0 a N •N, erC �. SYO 6 6'.T'Hf' V" . E._ :�N 0. Wa r< I �;Y -:B. :JL.- R,UFP r�i��dLDG.•j_ D'I•RECTJR ' serve rt t Be� Careful;.:ao''-Pre .this..C.e ifica. e: _ , . The correct number of a :bui ldi ng on Lot No'.• Block o ' i 5; ,:. . :, Albert Balch's President :ear.k' ;',;should be designated. as '. 3606 laced=r 6th ' P M _ -1 A�l1 Per. Ci tOr d' Nn nce o_�':` � a RENTO,N WA" I'• 98055 = Signed: , 2izr,.,• B. L. ,R /-r• , :BLDG. .n :RECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve: this Certificate - : - . • • • 9 81 .ith,e correct number of :a bui l di n on Lot No. 13 :,': Block No: 5 . .' - Albert Balch's President Park should: be' designated•,as': 3612 ;' ; ... N• E. 6th. Place' �' ' Per City :�.:,24 Ordinance No• 47 ' :'' ' RENT ON WA 98055 . -. Q Snd• � i .. L RU • BLDG DIRECTOR _ to; , ; ;' :�C rtif:'ca r ful: to esery eths e �Be::Ca e r P n.e•e e m e• m v• • • • •• • •.i • • '• •_• • • • e-• •, • • • •• ••• ♦s• e r��..•a:-e.n••:o-�• •.•-•'•.•r•i • • • .r'i.►•.. • • •'• s • The correct number of 'a building. on Lot- No. 14 .,. Block No• ,'' 5:',,. :`. :'. Albert Balch's President Park ;: should be. designated as: -:•C 3618 N: `E 6th Place: �.," 9 . R LOC;'KLEER 3 5 2 s 6 T:H A v N:o ' Per City Ordinance No. 24477 , RENTON - . WA 98055 - C7 ,--'Signed: . -' Z. aIRECTOR, R Be Careful, to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• 15 `a ;.Block mNO.. • . �5.. . Albert Balch's President Park .' .: s' should" be, designated as: Ja7 : 1 QtiePn AvP N= F :''. . C : R,EYNO.LDS.. . 6 2 7 C 5 �' R..E E T ' Per City .Ordinance No. ; 2 7 . REN7.0N W.A 98055� , � : ',Signed: ,. :.. ' . •B• L. RUP _ . , - LDG. :DIRECTOR : Be Careful to. Preserve this. Certificate `'''`:":_, i• ....•• • • • • • • •'•e • • •.• • • o o o o ..♦ • • • • •• • • • • •;• •e•-•••'•.•• • •• • • 0 • •.• • • • • • • • • ;I The correct-number of a building on Lot. No.:: ' 16 , Block No.':': : ' 5 Alpert Balch,'s President Park ; should, be designated.'as: . ,663:,': ` Queen Ave. N. .E. �,.. :. P MC CALL:UM • - . - f y 4 6 3 3 o STREET, � ' � Per .Cit Ordi.nanee� No. .���7 ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed:. . /7,-, . B.. L. RUPPERT, BLDG., DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve -this Certificate.: : gNo ' -, 1_,,.,'.,'::'kN.'", .: :'.:.. , Block No• 1.' '. -.., ,L. l�e^ -correct'number Cif a .buildin On Lot' . Stewart's Highland Acre. Tracts. g should be designated as":`1 °766 Mnnrne Ave: N• ''E• ,'° 7 OCCUPANT: :.E,:,E:T . :;_., Per: City Ordinance No• --2-'". SENT ON W,.A. 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: Vii „�`r t - -:...._..._B'....1.•.._.RUPP �.i,. latDG• DIRECTOR ' . . Be. Careful to:Preserve this :Certificate ' i .3,ecorrect number of ' abuilding: on_Lot:.No.. 2 Block No :1 :.. Stewart's highland Acres should be designated as: 762- ' Monroe .,Ave:' + • 1 f.:a S E dl r Ste. 'n nce a• RA ...:. .. .,2. - p •, 746 M STREET -` ` '• " RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,1/41� f . • B. L. RJP' cl'% BLDG• . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on 'Lot No., 3 3 - , Block No•. __ 1 Stewart's: Highland Acres ; should:be '..designated as:. ;7.58 = — .Monroe Ave. N. E. C L MC'GLOTHLIN. .. • Per .City Ordinance No: 2-447; RENTON WA 98055 .. `' f :Signed: �~ :: :.:... - BLDG,.. : DIRE L•. RU �: DIRECTOR Be. ' Carefu1. t �his: Certii=ica. reserve: - . o P The correct number of a building :on Lot NO. . ' 4 ;. Block No. 1 Stewar.'s Highland Acres ; should: be designated .as': "3322`• . N: E. 7th` St. I.: R ROLLA -Per: City'.Ordinance Noe.-: a47 3218 7 TH AV NO RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: B L. RUP BLDG., DIRECTOR:-:::' -. s e���t�iis�: Certi ficate _;._, ... Be: Careful' 'to, Pr..e ery e The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 5 Block No. 1 - Stewart's Highland Acres ; should be designated as: 3402 N. E. 7th St:.. MICHAELL SMITH Per City Ordinance No: 330.2 7 .TH AV N0 9 5.5 '...; B. L. RUPP'E. ,. LDG....DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , .Block' No. Stewart's Highland Acres • • should:'be' designated as::` 3408 • N. E. 7th St.. i N LuEoKE.' Per City Ordinance No• .2447 , . : 3310 7 T' H AV : N .O RENT 0 N. W A . B. L. RUPPERTT, BLDG.: DTRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve..this .Certifi.cate` li :correct 'number::of -;a ;buil d.i n o.n Lot. N'a:: .� g, 7 . . t Block. No. , 1 Stewart'sHighland i Acres . ; should be designated, ase,, N. E. 7th` St. H'0. L.M Perms.City Ordinance No. . f �. S.3. : .H, �..ry% a� O. �. RENTON . WA Sr77.7 Signed: ?�� 6L RUPPE'Ri,%vaLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful, to.,Preserve this: certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 8 ' : ,. 'Block No.. 1'':'`: _ Stewart's Highland Acre. Tracts ; should be designated. as: 3420 N` E. 7th St: i-.' L: HIND•ES; - Jt: fir' 2 .1 : a 34007TH - RENT ON WA . Signed 54 l , B. L. R 11` BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 1 Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ;`: should be. designated:.as: 3506 : N. E. 7th St. I - R JOHNSON 3404 7TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' , E N Ti O N. . . W.A:: :g;g 5 S;: =ned: . L. RU ,._.BLD4.: DIRECTOR Be, Careful to Preserve,:this Certificate -::::..: I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10` , Block No. j . Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ' ' ; should be designated as: 3512 u i N;..`E. 7th St: H 2 SMALLEY . 5 4 1 0 =,.7 T'H A V N o' Per City Ordinance No• G,'w47 RIC4TON 'WA 98055 j Signed: 2� f; Be- L. RU R ', BLDG. DIRECTOR. '' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11.. Block No. 1 ;' Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ; should be designated as: 318 " N, E. 7th St; .. . A H o Y t E . Per City Ordinance No. 3418 .. .7TH AV: NO. ' _ • 4:RENTON WA .' 98os5 Signed: ` Be L. RUPRE. eLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 ,. Block .No. I ' 1 : ;. Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts . ; should be designated as: 3606 N. E. 7th. St• 3 0 SCOTT Per CityyOrdinance No. 2447 3502 7 T H A V N 0 ' � T 98055 . Signed: f 4 f,' B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR.. Be Careful to Preserve.this Certificate Ube' correct.' number 'of- a bui1ding an Lot No::' ;-Block No. 1 . Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts should be designated as: 3624-° . N. -E. 7th St. . `� BQ, , 3.5 7...8 7 T ', : ,A-v.> :•N,,a:. Per City Ordinance No. ' /?-7 i " . .._. Signed: __.�_........B. L. RUPP Ri3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No: 1 Stewart':,s Highland Acre Tracts . ; should be designated as: 755 - -:t, Queen Ave.' N. E':. . ' p� c L L 8 nce No. CityPer.` Ordinance � 70n5 0 � TREET I RENTON WA _.r i .. Signed: , • ,z.„4,; B. L. klir' 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lfe correct number of a building on Lot No. .• 13-: - , Block No 1 ' Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ; .should be. designatedas: 75g ' queen Ave.N. E. D BRAATEN 7 2 1 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - I RENTON 4V A �--'" ` 98055 - Signed. / , -. BLDG �. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserv e this Certificate ....... . • • •. .. . . ... • • . . • . • • .• • . • • . • • ... • • . . • • ••. ..•.• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 Block No. 1 • . Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts' ; should be designated as: 763. .. — ---- ---- -----t---r .... : Queen Ave. N. E. ° ' . -:'- D HINZE ^ 7 1 7 0' STREET Per City Ordinance No. �.--d� RENTON WA -, 98055. Signed: . ' .7 , ,,.,,,, B. L. RUP IjK/BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate •.... • , . . p . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..• • • a . . . • .. • . . • • •.. • • ..•• • • •,• . . • . The correct number of.a building on Lot No. .3 ,. Block No. ' 2 Stewart's Highland' Acre Tracts ; should be designated as: 45.0 ._. Monroe Avenue N. E:` ; {{ A A s c STREET T z - Per City Ordinance No. .2447 I' 710 M STREET _J , RENT ON 'rdA 98.055 - _. Signed: ---, . B. L. RUP . LDG ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ ' "Ehe correct number of a building on Lot No.: 2 Block No. 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ; should be designated as: II 14:6 G SL Monroe Ave. N E. I" o c c uP S R • 716 1,1 STREET ' . Per City Ordinance No. 244,7 REN TON 'NA 98055 _.. � Signed: : = B. L. RUPPERT�DG. pI/RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -. ,7.�,-1.:. `its f r'•"n :::.� .. , , t,,,n.-.--. .._,-�_) ... -_...;>, �thc'• -"Yi> sir_ ..:,.- ...Y.:iti' - is=i3 The correct number of:a.- burl dfrig- orr. :ot: NO_;,..::'':':;-::x 'T- ". ; --- Block-`No. 2`", Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ; should be designated as: -3361=.. N. E 7th S t. ' OCCUPANT -- '3201.:,-7 TR AVE .N _;}-.::,. ::::,:-:,Per::City Ordinance No. ��L,,P,/; RENTON "MASH 98055 -, Si ned: . 1e4, - g B. L. RUPPE'�TiALDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful 'to.Pr.eserve this Certificate , i The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 2 �_ Stewart's Highland Acre Tract ; should be designated as: . ' 3305 7thSt. _ - • N: E .�: • • ...00CUPANT CUP' - _ OrdinanceN : ANT• :: a: : Pe r- it 2- - .Y 3205 7 TH AVE NO >' i - I : RENTON WA 98055 -. Signed: 444 B. L. Orr) , BLDG. _.I ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tract should be designated. as 309 N. F. 7th St. ll L BACH Per City Ordinance Noe 2447 3219 7TH AV NO RENTON WA � 98055 Signed: L. RU 9 , BLDG• DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate wu•• • • • • o s m •a • • o •• • o e • e : • • • • • e • • • • e e e .• . •'i•a`s•:'i • • : •.•"•• . •.s• • e, • • • e - .o • i a• a sae.,. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 . , Block No. . 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tract ; .should be designated as:. 3401. N. E 7th St. J J A N DER S 3 3 0 7 7TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. ° RENTON WA 98055. Signed: .7f1 �� B. L. RUP1 ER/, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 2 ;, Stewart's Highland Acre Tract. ; should be designated as• 409 I N. E: 7th St. PHELPS Per City Ordinance, No. 2447 331 .9 7TH AV NO . RENT ON WA 98055 . Signed: B• L. RUPEE. T, LDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve -this Certificate lihe correct number of a building on Lot No. ' ` 8 Block No. 2 ..` StPwart's Highland Acre Tract should be designated as: 4.13 • N. E• 7th St. • ARTHU4 K AMPS CHROR Per City Ordinance No. 247. • 3327 . 7TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �r B. L. RUPPERTBLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate , : The correct numb-6- of a building on Lot-:No.- _ .'T: • = , Block No. 2 _ Stewart's Highland Acre Tract- ; should be designated as:' • 3505 N. E. 7th St. P I CKER- I NG. . J_O,H.:N SO.,N.,:, • Per City. Ordinance Noe 2447 • 3 4 0 3 7TH AV NO RENTON . . - WA Signed:. . - B. _L.._.RUPPEIRI ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot. No: ' 10 Block No. ` 2::.:•- - Stewart's.'Righland Acre Tract : ;, should: be designated ;as:..3.51 . , e T �7 ! '..j�',. r19 E nth �te e City = Ordinance n 4 H y 0 a c' N 1 �7-;T ,A, V N 0` , „ i� r' E T. O Pl n Yr, �' J�rs' Y . S 'S�i I: ' - -TWA . 0'5 5 • Si., rned: B. L. R BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful: to Preserve this Certificate • Foie correct number of a building on Lot. No. 11. Block. No. 2 Stewart!s Highland Acre Tract ; should be designated as: 3517 N. E. 7th St. r • RICHARD LARSON F. 3 4 1 9 7 T. H A V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2 . RENTON w. A •. . 9 8 0 5.5 ~ Signed: � • La RU " , BLDG. .DIRECTOR ' „ - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ,. .. .a e.. • me correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 ` Block No.'. .2 • - • Stewart's Highland Acre Tract should be desiynated. as: 3sn1 OCCUPANT ' . 1 . . : N,. F 7th St. , . 3 5 0 3 7 T I- AV • N omil Per City Ordinance No. n ' ' - :. : _ RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: ;ses,i..1591. ,.. B. • R BLDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 2 Stewart': Highland Acre Tract ; should' be designated as: 36b5 — --- --, . • N. E. 7th St. G MELLROTH • 3 5 1 1 7 T H Av NO • . Per City Ordinance No• '/. 1 RENTON W',q 98055' Signed: , • B• L. RUP , /LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ••.•••• • • , • o • , •'WOW . " • • • a • WOOD.. . . . e • •o • • • e OOOOOOOOOOO • e • • o o • . . e OOOOOOOOOOO • • e • • • • • • • he correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tract ; should be designated as: 36 3 CRUTCHF I ELD N, F. 7th Sf . ,• r3 -- E 519 7T•H Av N0Per City Ordinance No. w:RL,NTdN! t� A 98055 Signed: % = ;,' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e'corict niarnber ",o... .,,;a': ',:.: -,....r,.,.,.., - f a bu.il'di^ng 'on Lot "'No. Tax Lot 99 Block No. • Stewart' Highland Acre_ Tract._.___ _ _ should be designated as: 1025' .._ w S__ ----�- Olympia Avenue N. E. . ! G L i P:. 12 5 N :. T , E . Per City Ordinance No RE ' C �! 4JA e c 5 Signed _ ',1 ,,/,,,,,,,,)--'C7-77-4/ * ' I__ _ ''' w. B_. L". RUPPE' 'I2,e6LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certifiratp :The correct number of a building on Lot No.. Tax I Qt 147 . ,: Block No. ; should be desig nated as. 1104 Stewart' • Highland Acre Tract g : • ^K;v _ - ue..n Ave:• �. I A 'A H u. J1 D W R' t1, T L i 1 0 0 0 '. T R E E T � Per�City, 'Ordinance No.:- � , � ` .. • RENT 0 N W' A 9 8 0 .5.5 f Signed: •�' i��;:; a B. L. ku 0 r11`, BLDG. DIRECTOR-. . Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The'correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 122 , Block No, Stewa:rt's Highland Acre Tract should be designated as . - '1108 --i ,Queen Ave. N. E. R•. H 0 S • +,t Ordinance N� y Signed:.. L RU BLDG. DI ECTOR; , • Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate Y.ue f• •a • • • a le • o ao-.• ••. • • • • . .• • e • . • • i.o • •.• •..-'e-•._•e•.'m•;•• •do-,• os. es•v.e. • •.• • a,•• q• .'e.ev:} •;i':a': L�r''•Im • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. ; Tax Lot 122 a Block No. Stewart s Highland Acre Tract should be designated as,: 112 • '�. 7 Queen Ave... N. E. N 0 P M A i A B R A H A M S O N ' 1 1 1 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No.. RENTO W.A �€€ 9 8 0 5 5 C__C Signed: . : .. :: , 'B. L. RUP ( '; BLDG.;HIDDIRECTOR..'' : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Tire correct numbe of 'a building on Lot No. Tax Lot, 112 ' , Block No• Stewar►is Highland Acre Tract . ; should be designated as: ; 1116 ueen Ave. N. E. . E L TAYL a R � 1 1 2 0 ' 0 5 REET Per City Ordinance No. ' ,`� RENTON WA.. 98 `0 55 s • �Si ne d: 9 B. L. RUPP'E. PLDG• D_RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot. No: Tax Lot 105 Block No: Stewar 's Highland Acre Tract ; should be designated as: ' 1.158 Queen Ave. N. `E. P RA S ' USSEN : 1 1 3 0 • S T R E E T Per City Ordinance No: 4 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . ... ...-+"r..._y6n+i";_�:^"'C"•ls... .,,,�...-«.'3„.. : 'Y;�..3•" �.''u1=:: - .•%fh'?,;e'..:,'..'•,=i�ii.:.-:1.:.;.". ock NO .. - 1Tbe. ce rect-=:nramb r'"of`a `buildin on!`Co '°Na Bl . SteWa t's Highland Acre Tract ; should be designated as,:-' : _' 3717 N. E. 6th St.' AA 5 s o N Per City Ordinance No 244 . . . � 6 1 5 6' T hi P"L`: N 0 RENTON. ' WA . — Signed: -L _RUPP,Rwabci. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • •e • • s.• • • • • • a • i •.••a ..• Y + m • • a m • • • • • • • • a• 0• • • it • . • • • • a building' on Log o. . tax lilt 101 . .. 9 .Block.No . . � e correct number•of ' ' Stewart's Highland,and; Acre:,Tract - - . . 9 _. •sho--i!ld._ be' designated as• - -(�905 , • r •�C x, ,ratj i� ,:�Ra Y , RI i::i 6' x �.. Ordinance. o.�r: Ci t I. RENTON WA . �. . 980'55 / : Signed: /� ,, ; �,,r-Zr ,lt� —' . • B. L. Ru��� l , .BLDG.. ,DIRECTOR ' " Be Careful to Preserve is Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No Tax Lot 101 •- Mock No, _ Stewart's Highland Acre Tract . . ; should be• designated as: , >`::,3917:;; :' :' Q N. E, 6th St, , , .- , ! 3 8 .0 9 6 T H PLACE A' C E N f N AT. WEATHERS T H E R S i 0 Per City Ordinance No. 24 `_; . : , -- -- --. . .....--(1r , --• . :,•., ,----•-•.,. ,:t Il T' 1 i - 3 r QQ M1M1 9 a"`v S - t' ge d> • • ' C‘,"./.1 `4 S°�. RU ,BLD D °R C >r - Le - - e'BeCareful' to:� rserve th��sCertificate 1.':' '.',.--, e • • .!e a e• •,• ,e • a "• • • • • • e . • • • • e ."• a � �i�• '�• •1 e�,•.�•�. �a.:e'• o�. :'• • :.• • • s • o •. e o'• • n10 •'.:•'. .,: :"'a. .a+.•. The correct number of a building on Lot No Tax lot .1 Ql , Block No• - - ' • � a�'aar' tc Highland A(re Tract ;._should be designated as:l. 3923 `:',.'• 1 N. E• 6th St. - '. R 'L H E R'-8.E R T 3 8 1 7. 6 T H 1P L N 0 Per City Ordinance No - 47• t : ' RENTON A :98055 . • - • - - Signed: , .. B. L• RUP 3 RV, SLDG.i IRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , •..•. e• . e • • . • • a . • .e • • • o.♦,. . ♦ • . • • • • . • • • .e • • • • •,• • • • • a . • • • • • • • •'• • o • e • : : Me correct.number of a•building on Lot No. • • Tax Lot 101 • �,mBlock No. • , Stewart's Highland Acre Tract,: : $ should- be designated a$: 4011 -- -i 1 N, E. 6th -St., . , . E WINSTON Per City. Ordinance No. r ,:f__ 3.903 6TH' .P. L N0 RENT 0 �1 W . Signed: ,,s- - — ___ _— B. L RUPPE. T, LDG: :DI,RECTOR'' ; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , Tax Lot 36 Block No. The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Stewart's Highland Acre Tract should be designated as: 3629• ', R 0 B E RT.0N I O N• E• 6th St;: . {'; �. 5 ' 3 5 3 1 6 T H PL . NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2 RE NI: TON W A 9805. 5 r Y/� Signed: f);%, ::.--1 _ :,' . _ B. L'. RUPPERT, BLDG:. DIRECTOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,,. . The correct n1unber of a :boil ding on Lot No. 1 , Block No L - _ ;,_ , Fugitt`s Highlander Park 1st Addition ; should be designated 'as:,.. , , ' , Union Ave N _L-.4_ 0 -CC- u P' A":NT.. :,. ,,, : . . = Per City Ordinance No. '2447 3065 SE 115TH PL: , I, . 'RENT ON WA f!. . 9 8 0 s 5 Signed: 1 /./.pd ., {I -� _ ._ _ B. L:a PUPPE2 1BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful co Preserve this Certificate , • ;e =..rrroct number of a: building on Lot No 2" . , • ,, Block No• Fugitt's Highlander Park 1st Addition- shou'ld':be. designated."as.,''':1055'•••,. , ,: Union; Ave. N= `E ..::. A.. N E-:L.L;. - .t `5;": ''t 5-. a ,3` Z `•1 !'� 4. I n{ - '.j,�' `ray :‘.,':.':::::.'....:;-:-.....:.': ::::R E N,T:Q: 1V i r,_. - ', it'd" I�� 9 8'Q 5 5, :: B..• Le " BLDG::':OI;RECTOR:::` ': • Be"'Careful'i to Preserve this Certificate The"°correct number of. a building On. Lot :No., ". ', • 3.' :,' ; `' ,.:Block N ." o:.: __ Eugitt's Highlander Park 1st Addition: ' ' ,s`"should be designated.. as::: ```1. g::- _ ,,, , • • -Union Ave•• N•.• E.• _ Per ,City '.Ordinance 'No ,. :., ` i,,�,y�� tf. 0 • w'A • it 5- R'EN N T 'ii' C t. .f i 1, , ' i .4 DI :. �Br:`:�L�=<=-.RU BL`Da. T,' CTOR'.- ' • • • • • • Be•Careful to Preserve this:Certificate „ •,.......,....... .:. ...'.'. . • . ... •,..'• ... • e • • • •,• • • . . • • •'e •, d•.,.,.s • •:.,•. a •.s.e •,.,•,•''*'o-•: • •• .• • • : • o ... •"•"i'a,b:'•':� •ii;..,•,..,• i e..77, The correct number of a building on Lot•No. 4 .. Block No ;;.; ,-. :. - .. " ' " Fugitt's' Highlander Park '1st. Addition' . . . ' ;-,.s;hou'ld:,be designated:',as- :•!.1;C6,3:' ,,:.. :,:.`':' . ,.f .. Unionv `i'' F DiRE • ;, . 1 3 0 5 0 •S E 1 1."5, , P L: " . P.er',,C.ity Ordinance NO.: ' ,. w.;' , , RENT 0N" WA, 9 8 0 5`'5 ` Signed. �� •, B. ,L• RU , ' . BLDG DI,RECTOR ',: :,: o eser a this'-Certificate' - Be Careful" t P:r v ,.4:.::; ; •• • 'e,. • e • . • . . • e • • •• • • • • . a • ..• • • • . . • • ••• �,.'•' •• o'•••;.o.'•.. •• o".••c •'i. •• • • • ••";.•`v'► :'••r'e,'i' :';V•?' ,io.r•„•,rrv. e2,d:q�:: The'correct number "ofa. building on Lot No. , Blocko'._ f :_„ •' Fugitt's Highlander .Park 1st • Addition s. should be designated as" .:"1'067 '. UnionAve, •N.. E• 8 F - EUGITI : • • Per'City .Ordinance No. : _: RE,.N ,°s,;: 9 8 0 5 'S. ; , " Signed: ° : - B. L. RUPP'E• T, LDG•; •DiRECTORr • ' Be Careful 'to Preserve this: Certificate; •'•. . • • . . • . • o •'• e • ..• • e • • • • • o • o • • e • • . • • • e • • • . • . ••• of, • • r • • • • • ••• • " '' �•e -e. • ..• • .. •, • The correct number of "a .building on'Lot No.., 1 &•2' ;' Block'. No. ` 1 ` . ,, ,: - , ".'':,?; .' Hackman Addition ;"".should be:designated' as: , 800 ; . • '' N: E.:10th St'o-. • • ,,;+ • •,, '.- 3 7 "0 4" 1 0.T H A V N 0" - Per City Ordinance No. . 2,4�4 ' • _ ; ' ' R:ENT'0N WA 980'55 - -Signed° - • • B. L. RUP1 ERTT .°BLDG..;D1'"RECTOR,° ," •Be•Careful to'Preserve .this Certificate-.' :.'. •". • • . ."rea r • • n • • o '•. • . • . • • • . . • so •• ."• • •... . . . •:. eei•'• • • . .. •.:ita •• • • • • The.-correct' "number of; a'.. building on ,Lo.t No".•• " : ? & "33:- •,•'Block No• , ' 1 ., •, L: r,; 7 • ...Hackman Addition • - ;•,should .be designated as ''-' ;�.; /op` - • _ " " " Redmnnd Ave, N.•• E. " :_;.,:_E..A•..R,L::,_..''G_ I T C'H E L .. . .. 1 0'0" .�. T •-''•-: Per•City' Ordinance No. - �. . 9'8 0 5 5 . Signed: �rs,, - - k. _ B'... L.. .RUPPER.V.,dLDG. ..DI"R>:C T OR • ' • Be Careful. to •Preserve. this Certificate. - V . - The correct -numbe •of :a: building on Lot Na. :4 :• 9.'Bl"-ock: No,:. ; if.::,..::, q� shoul.d'.::be designated as:'.=.- ,: 9 9:1®/4- HaCmian Add'itiu „ , . 9 - _ s,:.-:.5,.: ,... r. Y. L+� s t v. ; y,! r ryn ,do �R m A , . ,, l f, ri ':i�"yt.•.,T, a. t`t L'T E A } H w ,f � 'Per City' 'Ord�i Hance. No: . . f 1`. . . . . • , • RENT ON 'WA • • • •• g l � , ,�0, ', - , - B. L. fJ �T BLOG::.DIRECTOR -: :... " Be Careful• to Preserve this: Certificate . :.. . . • . . : . : . . . . .• . .•... .:o • •. m . Tie correct' numbe of: a building on Lot ,No ,,. 5 Block No• __,••, 1• '- .:: ', :: II. .edition , should be:: des ignated`.:as:: i '/D2® ` • Redmond Ave. N:' E • • ':�:: . • ' ,, ` :.:-.: . - Redon .� fit; G EE 1„GHNER ' i,, �' ,' " . .. .1. 02. 0 -P 5TR. E.ET : -.,'. 'Per City Ordinance No..,: . - `i . RENTO.N' - - WA .. �: I� :�: gin : ; e- �s . T :; -,.: " : ;BLDG: ':DIRECTOR. r-, Lo<„R :.th•s`Certificate` ' ",,f.,.-- : .'`.: ,�'.,, Be Careful ' to to•.Preserve h� .. 'o.o•o o • •.•�r.• • • .• • • a i • o :' o m • • •�e'• •• . i••• • . .... ••••a•'• , •-•.• • •• ►,• • :.••'i • r i:'i•::J': �o L m .,: �:_•Y m o�, �: it..r r. The correct number of a building on Lot: Na:: 6.. ,:Block NO..• . [:` ; ., . ..: Hackman- Addition . . .� �; should be' designated. , '/®21? . n r..:..::- 'd�AVe .. .. . ��Redmo N' '-E SCOTT JONES 24.E 1 0 2 8. P STREET Per City Ordinance No. 1 RENT' ON WA - . .:f.': 98b 5 5 Si � � ` • gned. " B. L RUP , -BLDG•' :DIRECTOR Be Careful . to Preserve this- Certificate ,-- •.... .. :.• • • • : . . .'. • • e,•• • • • • • • , •' . . . . . . o . • . .''•-o e o•• ..•• p o • • .,s.;•'••,• • • • . • • • • -.•-e,• • .: r• : ..••`•_,•'•::•.v•,•,,•.• e . o.• :jibe..correct number of.,-a::building on Lot Noo : : 1 : ,, Block No. 2.''. I:_;.'..' should. be desi nated'as' 3:726, Hackman Addition � 9. �. .. N: E. 10thLane :` I OU R A D A C. H R 1 S TE NSO N. 3 6 3 4 P R E'S P. K CRT _ - . Per City Ordinance No:' 244 REN T: ON W 'A - 9 8 0 5 5 1:;. Signed: :' B. L. RUP . LOG: ',DIRECTOR '.. -.: '. ,. Be Careful to. Preserve:.this: Certificate : .:: : :;.., :: .,.:: ,.:'- The correct number of a building on 'Lot No.: 2, Block NO. • - 2•'... : . , Hackm•n Addition - hi . should be designated as: .;,37�18 c ,. ' ;� E: 1'Oth Lane' :::,,::',:2'.;.:,..... - - R BARN , A R T 3 6 2 8 P.. E S . P K C R•T ''-- : Per :City Ordinance No: 24-4 RENTON ; WA 8 5 9 0 5 Signed.:. f B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - , .... • . ..,: . • • . G •;• • . • • • •,m:• • e..m • •:e • • • . • a • • .'•;•• • • • .• • • •'• • • •• • • • ••• • • .... • •-•'i •_• • •, •''•ir.o=iv • • • • • • • Y.. - i,fir -i n on o': ' g .The'Correct numb-r of', a.' �u,i1d. o _ i u, Hac., an Addition ' 3 , should be designat2d� as:-`,::: ;3770 .. 1 • N. E. 10th Lane -.;' '�, _.. HI A T T • ��' Per City Ordinance No. _ L-.o.: Signed: , : ✓;,/ .. 4,-. .1 RUPPijidLG: DIRECTOR Be Careful . to ,Preserve this Certificate . _ i The correct number of a `building on Lot Noo. 4 : ,''.Block No::: • 'ti on - ;: should. be des'i gnated;es : `3702 " ' Hackman" dd7 '}{� ' 7 .S M1�I `Otli��-La ee- , , n•a: !. .,�: .?;.. +'.fir"E• R. R A..N A'._°. , vv, t. �Per��C. ;t - •Ord.�ranceNo: . ':` ..' ' 6,.: P R..E.:S'.:",,• •K:• C'R'•T' .'.c;~ h� -•:r .•. - t,< ?i pp ;� t ,t _1' fir- ::`t,-^.'i=�::.,.. •:.tee' - ,. N _ 9'&,'0:5. � �S n • • T;;� DIRECTOR - LD D B G. ^ B. L. RU _ .,.•.. Be Careful' to Preserve this. Certificate'.; .- ':• --:.::;..,•..f:. : ; '_ . ' • . : • • • . • .:• • • • • • : • • .,.• • • •.... . . •• . .. The correct• .numbe of a building on. Lot No. :. 5 , BlockNoo•,:'::;' Z • Hackman Addition ; should be designated as:,: 3534, :.. - N. E• l Oth Lane ; WILLIAMS PRE. E. C E 244 ' -. 36.10. PRES PK .CRT ,. Per City,Ordinance..No. •. t RENTON WA' ; ._ . 98:05.5. - - :. . Signed:: . • L RU t,BLDG DIRECTOR ; • ':' . Be Careful :t l. 'to Preserve his ..Certificate:: ,°, .` . ;; :: ,`-,::;_ AD*--••• o • •• •• • o • • o • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • o• • • •••,• • ••'• r•• • .: • •• • •.• • • • • • .• • ••• o • • •.• 0 • • o • • •:• • ....e The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. : 1 , Block No. . 3 ' II - Hackman Addition should be designated as 3735 .:'.. : . N• E. 10th Lane ' - GORES w I'LLIAMS I ', C • 3 6 3 9 PRES P K C R T :Per ity Ordinance No.. �� R-ENTON WA 1, - j 9 8-055 .,_., . B: L. RU BLDG.:, DIRECTOR .., Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numb:,r of 'a building on Lot No. 2 ' Block No.'. : 3. . i • Hackma Addition ; should: be designated.as: 3:727 • - N. F_ 10t h`I a ne - R PARK Per City .Ordinance No.'' 2447 3633•. . PRES PK CRT I ' • 98055. - B. L, 'RUP , . LOG• ,DIRECTOR _ B TOR : Be Careful to Preserve:'this 'Certificate ,'.`. '•' : :` The correct numb:r of a building on Lot No. :`: ,. Block No. 3 ; - Hackma Addition. ;. should..be designated as; 3719, N' E. 10th::Lane G' A RO DE . 3. 6. 2 7 P - E s P K : c R'T Per,City Ordinance .No.. 2447 • .: :: , ,.:••. I RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 `, .1' . Signed: ;' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate T correct numb-r of.a_ building on r.;No: '4 [3a:ock- No. ��- Hackm•n Addition , . . ;..:should be designated as.: 1.3i11::,:: i N. E. loth Lane . A N c ,_ N N. a • City Ordinance No 24.4:" • . i,. . 'I, P,.R..E 5 c R r Per :.:: REN .T • N - WA 9 8 0 5 5 � J..1,. Signed: �� r 0 ... • :.: B.:_._L. R ,li�LDG..._DIRECTOR..: ueE Ri - : ' h' t °'g , _ BeeCareful to Preserve tisCerificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block.,No:' Hackman Addition ;. should be designated as:-.-,3703: as j f 'I r �di a:r: Or , E: ;� R;. Per` Y. 3 1 a+• PR 'P. • RENTON _E 98055 signed - B. L. RJP All , BLDG. _.IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ , be correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 6 - , Block No. 3 , ;, Hackman Addition should be designated.as: • 164n 1 :N_. E i flth, St; A M I L L s A P 5 Per City Ordinance No., 244 361.4 10TH AV NO I RENTON . . WA =_' . . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR:. - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate,, { p9e:.. . .. .. .. :.` . : •I.: . . ..•. a :'. : .... .;: ::-.... : .::-:. .':. : :. ..►.'... . . .. . . . . .•. . r: a :`.:. . . .•::.•:P.• • ..•. _... The correct number of a building on Lot No.'` . 7 , Block No. 3 Hackma Addition ; should be designated as: 3700 N. E, 10th St.- _� 4 OCCUPANT ,: .• Per.City Ordinance No. ' ."'' ,,aY. . . 3620. 10TH. AV ,NO W A'. - RENTON N 9 0 5 5 • B. L. RU , BLDG. 0 RECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this_Certificate f , . .... . . . 0.. . . The correct numb:'r of a building on Lot No. 8 Block No.: 3 Hackman Addition s should. be designated as:—' ..., 3708 N. F. 10th St. P CALLAHAN Z�4� 3626 10T H A v N O :Per City.Ordinance No. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 _. -, .. .. - !^ . 'Signed: • B. L. RUP . , LDG: .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a' building on Lot No. 9 Block No.. 3 i Hackman Addition ; should be designated as: S716 N. E. 10th St.,, Per City Ordinance. No. �- `-�' , 3632 . 10TH A V N0 ' REN T I J W A 9 8 0 5 5 �� . , Signed: 6-,.1 � ,-co., ;': B. L. RUPPERT;,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'a,.building' on Lot` No . IO '- , Block No. , ' . . c, : Hackman Addition : ; should be designated as: 3724 N. E. loth St. '.'A- 3638 1 0 H :A V N 0 " = Per City Ordinance No. RENTON . ..- . , WA 98 55: , . d: "'�--,-= _._.B'. -_L.-_RUPP ki BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • �11 - - ' ;.:�. � The correct number of a building on.Lot No: , Block No. 3 -- . Hackman Addition should be designated as:.: .17/2 N: F._ 10th St. R YOTHER 3 6 4 4 1. 0 T :� A v NO Per City Ordinance No::: 2447 98055 � Signed: • d -1 „ /< �, :.... B. L. RU ,: BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate . The correct number of. a building on Lot No. . 1 : . , Block No. 1 Brentwood ; should be designated as: i 163 - ,. Redmond Ave. N, E, � : - - STARR : ,. :;.2 ,,I . B E R M A N c :.. . Per Cit Ordinance No. .-. 1' 1145STREET y_ . _ :;. P RENTON WA � ' 98055 C ::.Signed: .. . L. RU - ," BLDG.,DIRECTOR: :•. ._. Careful to Preserve this Certificate`:-`- : ' ;:; . The correct number of a building on -Lot No . ,-, . Brentwood ; .should be designated as:`1159 . . - . I " Redmond Ave. E.E. - V OLSON 1 1 3 7 P STREET • Per City Ordinance No. 2.�L,^?' f � " � � �.� RENTON. WA Signed:: B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 ,.:Block No. 1 Brentwood I should be designated as: 1.155 Redmond Ave, N, .E. K H O L M E 5 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1131 P STREET RENTON WA . . 9 s o 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPP'E. LDG: .DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct. number of a building on Lot No. 4 . , .;Block No.. 1 : ; Brentwood ; should be designated as: I 1151 I --- :. Redmond Ave. N. E. • C THIELE . . 1 12 5 P STREET • Per City Ordinance No. 244 RENTON . WA 98055 �, Signed ,�•� B. L. RUPPERT, .BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate "'he correct number of a building. on Lot No. 5 :. Block No. 1 0 . Brentwood 111g should be designated as:'�i;' : • Redmond Ave, N. E,, r 1 D H U :' T ER. . .• Per City Ordinance. No.. ,24�� ; •...:..11 � 9 . • P - ' STR .EE"T.. . - f. -• RENT U .N WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: .✓ i . _ .._B. L. RUPP RI aLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ►. ,r..• . OOOOOOOO11 1-Y.f OOOOO• . • The correct number of a building, on Lot No. A Block No. 1 Brentwoo''. ;: should be designated as: 1115;' • = Redmond Ave. No E. Jf P.e•rGt -:Ordinance.;No E N Signed: %�f 4 , B. L. R�L'' , BLDG. DI SECTOR ,Be Careful to Preserve:th.is Certificate The correct number of a building, on Lot No. 7 Block No.. 1 . Brentwoo•' . . should be desidnated .as: ;:: 111 . . - .Redmond Ave. N• EM ' ., : . ,.. J M BROWN City -Ordinance No. 9 �' I • I1.11 P STREET. , .. ..Per ... .' .. : RENTON WA 98055. S1 ned 9 4, r .L. RUDIREC TO, R . . ... .- ..... :Be. Careful>ao•: P.resew.exahis�Cert7-F.icate-.: ve o s e - e s o c o s m s • • • m o o e o s e .'e •o o o' •- 'o-• o -'e:• .•,' :• • •P e • O • r• • A'0••'P ..• • • •:-.' -'f,•• • m'O'P'10 • .P•1'•b•.• The correct number of a building on Lot Noo. 8 n , Block No. ::1 • . Brentwood should be designated as 111.05. 7 Redmond Ave. N. E. E . B ONWELL ._ ' 1 1 a 5 P .:STREET Per.Ci • ty Ordinance No. � RENTON WQ 98055 • Signed': 1 • B. L. RUP BLDG. - DI ECTOR • Be Careful . to Preserve:this. Certificate ` e correct numbe of a building on Lot No, ' 9 Block No.. 1 '.` Brentwood s should• be designated as: ' �' ' 1073 • Redmond Ave. N o . E. M SERPA • II 1 0 7 3 P STREET Per City Ordinance No.. . 2447 RENTON.' W'A 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed: B• L. RUP . LD G. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate coo ".. . 00 o 0000000 m . • e . .,. •• . •• . • •'e . o 000000000000 o •., C • e • F . The correct numbe of a. building on Lot No. 10 Block No. 1 . ; Brentwood should be designated as:, 1:067 • Redmond Ave. N. E.• JBANDE o N Per CityOrdinance No. 2447. , • •R NTON WA • Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT,''BLDG: .,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` • . . o 'S +V 1 �'1'�- "1 hIh T(, - P 1 'the %';r.� r 4 Qrr u be ;a. �a��''���� in '>an"�t� '.t'µ'N'` - f= i tt o a far: . - , :.i3'I Brentiood should be designated•as: 059 Redmond Ave. N. E: p• Ef C E.L.: . Per C'ity.Ordi'nance No. `'447 EN T0 WQ ' 9 Signed: B. L. RUPP gT 1'3LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate • • The correct number if a building on Lot No a2 , Block No. 1 a- - . .. ; should be designated as: ". 105 Redmond Ave, N:.'E - M � Nf i T HER 0W : . s o 4 s P STREET Per;City Ordinance No. ' �•7 RENTON WA. �:. ,. _... • . •':,..:<.:.. gym . . . ... . .. .. B. I . . , BLDG. OTR�C TOR • .. . BL Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - e correct number •f a building on Lot No. 130 • Block No. _ H • 1 Brentwoo• , • ;. should be. .designated as.: . 1049 ' Redmond Ave. N. E. o M RANDK 'Ev Per City Ordinance No. 244 1039 P ST. ' EET. f RENT ON WA . � . . wry 98055 h. Signed: . G;Gji�,% fi 4' e . L. s RU ,BLDG DIRECTOR u this :" :`: . . :?,;::',_-- :__..: ., _ reful;;to. Preserve :Certificate - Be Ca The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14. :' Block No. 1 Brentwoo• ;. should 'be designated as:: 10b3 Redmond Ave.. l: ..E•:; DEE ELL INGSON . . z . . .., :�147. 1033 P STREET R E E T. 99 Per City Ordinance No• ". z w�� �. • ON 1JA 9 8 0 5 5 ' Signed: '1��. B. L. RUP`i1ER B DG. DIRECTOR.. Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate .• .. . . o • o • • . • • • • . o . • • • • • o 0 0 0 . a e oo o • • • • • • . a • • • • •• o • •. . • • •. : • • • • o • • o . . • • • • • The correct number of a building on Lot No." 15 , Block No `1 • • Brentwoid ; should be designated as':,.jo 5 Redmond Ave._ N. E. RAYMOND CROSS Per City Ordinance No. 1025 P • TREET. REP•I'T0N WA 98055 . : Signed: - B. L. RUPFE. , LOG. ,DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate - •.o• •.• • • o o • o o • • . . • . . • • o • • • • o o • • . • o . . • • • • • •• o •.• • . o . • .•• . . o . • . • o • . . o • • •. . . . •. • • . • o • The correct numbe of a building on Lot .No. 1 Block .No. 2 ;. Brentw.od " , should be designated as:,`, 1164 Rerininnd Aire_" N. F. _•_• • M L A V , C H E`K 1144 • STREET - Per City Ordinance No. . � ,' _ : 9/ �1 RENT ° WA 98055 .: Si gned: B. L. RUPPERT', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No.. 2 ," Block No. 2 . ty Rre , sod should be designated as:- I': 1160 Redmond Ave. N. E: j : ' . R R L . H0 u K. . .'::: : Per 'City Ordinance No. .2,24/ 1136 P S REST' REN'TON WA .. . . _ . _,_ . .___ _ B. L. RUPP i;ta A3LDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to.Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a. buildino on Lot No. , Block .No. 2 RrPntwoOd . ... ; should. be' designated as::'. •; 1-156 - _ - Redmond Ave. N. E. .::;; 0 ' SALIN ..Per City Ordinance No. -2447 RENTO N. -- W A. i - r4 • sue^ t. I. r am r : 9e 4ix :• Be Careful to Preserve this':Certificate . lane-•correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. _ 2 should be* designated as 1l1124 Brentwood � � I aF Redmond Ave. N: E. 1 R - VANDERFoRo Per City Ordinance No. 24477 11 2 4. P STREET, RENT 0 N WA : • 4"--..�..-._. . • 9 8 0 5 J5 Signed: 4:.? , s 8'• Le RUPP ' , BLDG. .DIRECTOR .,::.: `:- : -.: ...Be .Careful to ,Pr.eserve this Certificate : = - ........ . • . „ .„ . . . . .. . . . o. o • ee • . o • a • • • . • • • • •• .• •ai •••• •.•o a• •• • . . • . •'ee • • • • o• • • •• • a• The correct number of a building on.Lot Noe 5 , Block No. .. .20 Brentwood ; should. be designated as 1118 _. ,1 : Redmond Ave. N•. E. j A CONYAC �j] STREET Per City Ordinance No. ..,=dL;�L, RENT ON , W .A 98055 � • 1. ' - . ::,. Sig � ., ,•. . �,. . . . B. L. RUP (jrr. BLDG.:. DIRECTOR. . Be Careful to Preserve' this Certificate . .•. • .•. . . . e . . • . . . • • e: . . . • . • . ..• 0 • . • • • . • e.• • • • . • . • • •:.. • .• • •. • . . o . . • . . . • e_• e e . . . . • . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 : ,., Block No. 2 Brentwood . should be designated as: - •• Redmond AvP. N,. E. • R SMITH Per CityOrdinance No. • A ®r . 1114 P STREET RENTO.N WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPFE. , LDG: . IRECTOR • Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. • : 7 .. Block No. 2 ` Brentwood ; should -be designated as: .11T2 Redmond Ave. N: E. • EARL H A Y N ,E S ' ::: 1 1. 1 2 P STREET . .:. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT 0 N W A 98055 ;, ;.:Signed: 4p : B. L. RUPPERT DG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •••• • . . .•. • . e . o . • . . • • • • e•'. • _ • ••:. • . . . • . • • . • a • • e • e'e o:. . . o • . . . • • • m o a• •Y? �V e o - ••. e e • X�:.r llye `i di n�.`on".Lot No.. Block No. - �orrect"r�umher: of'a�`:bui g.- , 2.� c1• Brentwood ; should be designated as:;.3700 . N. E. 11th St.. , N 5.00WAN = • • Rer. City ty Ordinance No �-P4; - . - . �.1,,, RENT. 0N W. A t• 9.8055 ' Signed: ,,/a 44rr ;.__:;^_ _._ B. L. RUPPEr t` IBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to.Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: g ` Block No. 2 — grPntwnncl . ; .should 'be designated.as: 3708. I :: N:` E. 11th St :. . :. .: ( :,. MCCANN . .REYNOLDS - �t^ °Ord:iriance�No: ::�F=„,�M• 3700 11TH AVN i . _ 98055 . — ' :.J:. i Signed: .. _,,f� ,, . B. L. R �' i , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • - ' ll a correct number of a building on Lot No. ; Block No• 3 Brentwood ' .;::should be designated as: 311701 N. E. llth Ste, P - Mc Kt AN Per City Ordinance No. 244 3.7 0 1 1 9 T H AVE NO ;r " REN .TON t► A ' 98'055 � '-~ • Signed: . . ` L. RUTS , BLDG. DIRECTOR:.` :,-- _•. .. .........:. .. .....,: •`: °Be Careftil._,to Preserve this .Certificate , .. .. . . .... .. . . .•.•. •,•• • • :. . . • . • • ... .-. • • . •-.•.•...,...'..... ..••. W .. :. ..:. . . . . . • . . :.i•e . • . . • g.e o • .e...•• The correct `number of a building on Lot No. 2 Block No: 3 � : - should be designated• as 1072 Brentwood Redmond Ave. N. E. , :. ' ; E L CHATHAM :, � 1 0 7 2 P STREET : Per City Ordinance No. ' L.-,,z; RENTON WA 98055 - . , Signed 2 B. L. RU _", . BLDG. DIR CTOR `.�,. Be Careful to Preserve this- Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 ' Block No - ' 3 Brentwood ; should be designated as: ' 10'66 — — Y Redmond Ave. N. E. J E R .! CHARDS . 1 0 6 6 P STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 }' RENTON L A 98055' Signed: Be L, RUPPE• T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 4 - , Block No. 3 Rrentwpod ;: should be designated as: . 050 .. Redmond Ave. -N• E... C H R O L A N D 1 0 5 0 P STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 980.55; Si B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0.•.. . ►. . . . . . • • . . .. . • •.. • • . . • . • . • . • . • • • • . .. . . • • . • • • . o . •. • o . . • ... . . • . • . . • ~ Y � =f,yak -i :b1- �`� �" o } ` - " �?Ikeca rrect number�af a-` ui1dnon�Lt �o:� ';: B1ock No. - ,1, ,..,..._ should • Brentwood be designated as: ."3702 N. E. 10th Court i W, K.R E S N Per' :C.it Ordinance No. Y R EN T0N w A Signed: ,i,4,, __.. :"- . ._.__- B. L. RUPP I L IILDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful , to Preserve this Certificate - - The correct number pfa building on Lot No. _ 6 - y Block No _ 3 Brentwood ; should be. designated as: 3708 N E 1Oth Court z F� G" 14.E.-Y E: S nce No: 2` rd na 44 , !P r. `t 0 i Y'. E N T 9805 I, 5 Signed: r.,�%- 4 0:,. , �: ' 'B. L. raif)Ai- BLDG. DIR CTOR • Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on..Lot,No. . 7 Block No. _ 3 , should be designated as:: 37 4 Brentwood - _.. A N. E. 10th Court. i . L H I LL Per City Ordinance No. . .2447 ' ._- •: . .. 3714 10TH PL NO RENT ON , , 98055 ~ i . Signed: . C. 7�/ 1 M,,• . L. RUIVEA , .BLDG.._ DI ECTOR; .. ..Be Careful to. Preserve,;this Certificate ee••v•e . • o • •. . . •e• •• sos . • os • • e ra • o'• . • • • e.e.. .'. � i'•...i:• ►e . e • • •.• e • . . e r yr The correct number of a building on Lot No. .::. 8 , -Block No. 3 Brentwood .'should 'be. designated as: ; ; • 3715 t 0 N e 'E E. 10 h Court PATRICK BARROW 3 7 1 5 1 0.1 H P L NO Per City Ordinance No. - 244Y ,. RENTON WA 98055.. l - Signed:. . ' • .. .:. ' B. L. RUPA 1V, BL DG. ' DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number. of a building on Lot No. g , Block 'o. 3 • Brentwood _; should be designated as:' 3701 • N. E. 10th Court i= I R L A P L N 0 3 7 0 1 0 O TH -Per City Ordinance No. - • REN TON W 'A 98055' . . Signed: ,�' • ° B. L. RUPP"E. T/, LDG'.:: ;DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• 10 Block No. 3' . " y. Brentwood ; .should be desigriated as: 1032 ' _ - , . . ' Redmond A . N. E. i. : :.l M E S AWLEY 1 0 3 2 P S R E E T y Per City'Ord.i.nance No. 2447' RENTON - . WA 9.8055 ' ! B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .' . • . e e • • e • • . • • • • • • e . • •'• e • • . • e • • • .. . • • • • e o • • . • e . • o e o o. e e i • . . • • • . The:-c r.rect:.num ber:<of,:a_ bui1c 'r .agL Na' , `;t _. Block No Brentwcod ; should be designated .as, ' . ,:024: Redmond Ave, N. E. L HUFF .� � ' 1024 P ' STREET -' -- --,. ,Per- City Ordinance No. • RENTON.,. W A- i 9 8 0 5'5 " Signed: :/1) 1'.;, a ... - • . _.__..-- _ .....—:___ _. D. L. RUL"'PE'113LDG.,' DIRECTOR Be Careful to ,Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on:'Lot No. 19 ' , Block No 3 Brentwood • ; .should be designated as: . 1012 . - Redmond Ave. N. Eo` - _ . . { R. E R EL OC d in n `:T �r a.-R; T= :' `�r°_C �i r.. 0 N: , '`8 _ q; 5 :n -[.1a..:i'At"..r:.: -:3 ,,..2/.' 0' ,,.. e 9 Gf : : : . Rom' . CTOR . . . : `::° : . -,., .,`:-,.. .:... ... . B. L � BLDG E Be Careful .to..Preserve this". Certificate , ' The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 13 , Block No; 3 Brentwoo. should :be- designated as: ` 4008 • h Redmond Ave. N. E. ' 1. . . Per City Ordinance No: 2�°4�' 3710 .10TH E N0 i RENT O N W A ; 9 8 O 5 5 :. Signed.: G , r• .e,- y 'I: . L: RU , .BLDG DIRECTOR . Be Careful: to Preserve•.Lhis Ce , :;,; •. • . •. . • • •. - . • . • • • • • • • • . . • • . . • • •. • • • • • .• •try• .. ..... • •. . • • . • • . •. . • • • • •. . . . • .•+... • The correct number of a building. on: Lot No.. 14 Block No. . ' 3 ;;- :• :d be. de i nated•:as::, ::::;,;. 004 1 : Brent. , + ;< :_ . . r:. <(, edmond -Ave. :Pd�:�-�:,. F YOUNG $. Uu�;: ( 4 H CRT N 0 Per City Ordinance No.' I',', 371 10 _ RENTON WA : 98055 ' Signed: 2/. , B. L. RUP R/( BLDG. DIRECTOR -: Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate : The correct numbe of a building on Lot No• 15 , Block No. • 3 ' , Brcntw*od ;. should be designated as: 1000 Redmond Ave, , 3 7 1 8 0 CRT NO Per City Ordinance No._ 2447 • ' Signed:. . . B. L. 'RUP -• , LDG. .DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this= Certificate : . '`. The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. 4 Rrpntw od 3"637 ;., should be designated as: " .. -. N. E. 10th Court ` . • '.,J ANGERS hd7 . 3 6 0 5 10 G R T N 0 Per City Ordinance No• =. RENT ON WA B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • - 4: - B1 k. No oc 4� t i�he�:'cvrrec,t=:mlmber�.�f=�-:a<;;��i'u�Tlfd .nt:�`o �;� - � � Brcntwood ; should be designated as;' .- 1.013 -Redmond Ave, N. E: 31 'I 1 0 C .R 7 N 0 E,N N .E Per City Ordinance No. •i'-'' :6 REN T0N W A � 9 8 0 5 5 c\ Signed: ://J, ,�/;Ay ,�;-j "-_. ._..,_:__..,.._.�__. . B. L , RUPPE'`iI/BLDG.•. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, , .--•2-:,--±''' '''' ;''':::''''.:::'-:.'-"Y"::-':: ' ''T'''' -7-''-''''- .-71•--2.' :.'V-'•.-4---.-Y,':.":-::,-;5-. :::.:;:-...,-....e",'-:-:...-,-;:::17,-.,,-5::- , -;: -....,:j, - -.'- .--,,:.-c-':r'.,, '---:-.-:-..'-f-.E.: =.'',.:J.:-...- --s-:-:-,',..Z;r:::c•:---..=:: :-'.?.Z:-"'":.:-:-.':::.: , :.:': ..-t:,....' r:•''n,"1:-`' , I'''..,.. , '':;..-" ':: ','-.r.,::'-.''-„'•-::;.::;:' :'::3.: ,•••-•! •:::- :-:' ;',.., • Block 9'.Jthe correct:number of a' building, on Lot; NO '-::: :'1-::•" :-''. 1 ' •-• '-:: , , ..;,,. - '. •-:i-,. • '.-:-:-:' -,4:•-:.-"•-;•-:•:,i-;:•,--,!,,,:::•.•,-;•-•:-:;:::::, -.-•:,,-•-•,--,..-••.-;_... -•.:.,.:-:-:•-r,y,..', : --------.: -..;'- :' - , ;.,.,,' ,..; A ..4: _ ;" ---'....i:•'- ':' :.•1:''''' ' '.': •. : " - .,. ...;•'::,.,:-,•-•,:., ,-, - - ''-' Sj ::,:::,;„., ;" ..;;;:a.:: •,; , •,..' ,.,:..;.: ,cT: -..--,) -,..".,,..,,,, ,i;,•-•' , ;•,,•s p.p.p.19:, ue„:.uesign.: I..eu... ;,,,,,J-,,:, 1:nnq;', '• : BrentWOOd '---- ' '••".--- ,: 7 '• ',''...,'1. i,'''' .:::•-::'`.'',:,'''', ,-i:.;:::::e•tf'-',1 .:-::::.: -''."3;•:,n."'"1-:':.[;•':'.::::' ':::-1"-.';':: ROdniond fl‘ira.. N 0' '--:''. i'',::'''" - :.'.' '-',,'Y-• - ' , • ,... : --.:---,-:.:,- ,`----.L".' :•:; `.,-'.. -.',, :i•'5.-,/,,.::::••,: -: :.," :,• '...'.2.-::"....::::-.L.,•....: . ' i•:-.•'-•?-•:;:,.- :•::,:. • - • -- _• . ". , ,• .:-..:-.'t :I: -.....--=.- ',..--..::-7 ! -W L.101 :.,.::,,:',., , .". .,-----: ‘-''-:1, ;:',:-:-''.-'''•:':......-'-',, Per' City ,Orcliriarice. No:---.2,, ''.2:44•1';:•"-'i-.-':',',; ''-'`i;::-?•--.:::•, ' - 71 .-. 10 '.A 4 i! .. 'N0 ;: :::::=''. :,';:;; :::::: -;•: ::! 7:..:;"1,. .::'.1:;:-.., :: ...'•...':':---.,•;,.., ::,:•':.,•.- :',;,-.._-, : :.:' : :--.;.:.• ` :.! -•••:-':;......;:, 1,.s's.'..-:, .'',.. ' , R E N T. o N:r.: .-,:-:.., :, : '.,,,';',-.1'::'''-:..0*.';':::.::: ..,::::::-..,j .;.;;.:-':-',.., -.:', ....:;;;',..,,:,,,I.::.:.:-...:',:.-,:,,;-;:-::'2,r,-!:i1-;fii:j" --;--- • s'.'' ,,S ','-,r. :'.':;:,•,..,; ,...: ;-:;',:.i.; ,;',::::,,,',..'L'...•...:1--.1''.,....... . : ., , ..;:- : .:- :,-..,..., -: •• -- •. . :: ',I :. ; -;:-;:-; ','igned-',- ,'' ,/- 4,,, : : -• - . ' • -- - . - •-: 1, :•••:.:: :•-: :'':''.."- : ' - : • ': B. L. RT..11. , , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' - ' ' ••;: : ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : ,• : The correct number o a building on Lot No. 4 • , Block No. 4 Brentwood ; should be desianated as: 1005 • Redmond Ave. N. E. • 0 E SHATTUCK N ' Per. '7447 City Ordinance No. 4' i 3107 10 CRT O VRENTON .WA 9 8 Signed: cl...-----r) C f!. ), : 0 5 5 . i - Te. L. RU 0 '..-- , BLDG. DIR CTOR • .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • the correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. Brentwood Div. No. 2 . ; should be designated as : 1073, • • • . Shelton Ave. 11; : E. G L E N F IS EL 47 1073 a S REET . Per City Ordinance No. ---- , RENTON WA : . I . .. 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ) B. L. RUP14 - , BLDG. DIRECTOR ; . I : -..-: : - .-...• ,.. . . .', : :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. -.: -.:. y: -.:::. : ', .-.--..., „ :,:.: :: •••. ., a . rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. - 1 - ; - Brentwood Div. No.' 2 ; should: be designated as: 1067 Shelton Ave. N. E. FRANK W FISHER ' 1067 0 ST • EET - - Per City Ordinance No. 24.47 • 4 — ..f RENTON - WA ,.. • B. L. RUP . , LDG. DIRECTOR -..:, - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate '.. 7he correct number :if a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. Brentwoo, Div. No. 2 ' ; should be designated as: . 061 Shelton Ave, N. E. • : MARSHA L E KLOP ICH 1051 G STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' ' 9 8 0 5 5 - • ' . - - -• ; ,-.-- ' Signed:: : B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • : - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -. . „ _ = ,,.: , -.; :, .: ,;:: : : ..... ..-„.... ',...•,;',:•-•-...,,.. ::: : ..--- : ,.. •,-_:., ...,:, _ ,..-•.,:.--.- lic,firi--dtt:i.niiiiii60 .4-.-IliITafi-4,611i-Lot...-.146;.7,;:,,..:-;;,:175::::::::47:7;-,:--.;,7:,,-,::- r.:::,,i:,,-',,;, Block No. 1 Brentwooe Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: ,1057 Shelton Ave. N. E. ' ; • • WELLI. AM BAILEY 10 5 G TREET lc') ' ' 1 Per City Ordinance No. .,',-,-,-' 4 : ' - - RENTON WA • ... . . -•. . 9 8 0 5 5 ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' - • . ' Signed _ B. L. RUPPFNI,03LbG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ". Tile correct`nuniber of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. Brentwood Div`:' No, , should be designated•;:as::;: .:° ::1� �;' '' • SPi• h to Per• -'Cit d 3 T :.ET:� ��°r • Ordinance N 2 Q S E .. . . .:Y f: R E 0' l�'A: d 5..:5 - d B. 'L. RUB' BLDG. • G. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. fhe correct number of a building .on Lot No: 6., , Block No. _' " a . • Brentwood Div.. No. 2 should be designated as:, `_ 1033 ' Shelton Ave. N. E. KENNETH TOMN 1 T Z Per City Ordinance No. 1033 0 STREET r y71 - RENTOAI WA 98055 ��-- Signed:.' . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR •. Be Car eful to.Preserve this..Certificate .o .mooeeee re'e• .a.r,e• • e e • or• e • o • •-ee i. •.•ormb • • ee ... . eeieel e.a o"o•, os • . i,o'•,• • . o .:} • ,�a;.,,'e. the correct number of a building on Lot Noa Brentwood Div. No. 2 ;: should be designated as: . ' .. '',.1025 Shelton Ave. N. E, ROBERT - GUILEY , 1025 O. STREET i Per City Ordinance No. vd` '9 8 .0 5 5 Signed: `U./1 • B. L. RUPfxRBiDG: .DIR CTJR ;;,: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 8 Block No. 1 ; Brentwood Div. No.' 2 ; should be designated as: :10191 Shelton Ave. N. E. riE c1 c9 uPQ grJSTTREET City Per Ordinance No• 2� RENTON. WA 98055. Signed:. B. L. RUP , T, LDG. DIRECTOR: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate GO 49 ',he correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 1 ; Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as::', 1013 Shelton AVe. N. E. c W PHILLIPS ` 1013 Q STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447'''. RENTON ' WA 98055 .• Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • I .... . 'h'e correct number "of a building. on Lot 'No., 10 , Block No. 1 Brentwood Div. No. 2 _ ; •should be designated as: 1.007 Shelton Ave. N. E. ' ' RucE W BRYANT 1007 0 STREE Per City Ordinance No. `?'�" a T. ' ENTON WA 9"80551 3: . Signed , , ' .�' ;►JJ,, B. L. RUPP°R` dLDG. DIR CTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate : • • , • ire correct number o a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 2 Rrpn-bgnod vivision No. 2 ''-- - ; should be designated as: . 1111 '---" - . -' N _ Shelton Ave4 ,N. E. C G 0 IfD R I AAN , ,' ‘ 1, - - 1111 01: 57- REET .' ' ' ' ' - _ , ,.,,,,,,-,,-,:-: Per City Ordinance No. 247 - ' Rcki,,,, 1-, n 1/4,A' '' —-- ' - 2 W A r' !I , - • . -' 'ss-' - -,'-,-- _...• ----- '_, -;,-.- -. ''' ' ' • 98055 • ... - - '-'. l': , '''-'47. ,/,,,, ', , - ,, -,2 •• - • ', - Signed: B. L. R-01);,g-;<-1-`, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , he correct number ol= a building on Lot No. 2 • , Block No. 2 Bi.ent-weod Division No. 2 ; should be. desionated as : F15 _ • ) Shelton Ave. N. E. , L T GALE I . Per City Ordinance No. 1 1 1 2,417 .T. ON Q STREET w A 1,. , ,..: .. _____ e . , , REN i • Signed: 4i . . -- . L. RU 7., BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ....... .... ....... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . .-....... . 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. B ____ Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: LI_ _ I . Shelton Ave N. F. HAROLD E 'HOFFMAN 1119 0 STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - • 98 0 55 ' - Signed: • B. LTRITPIIER/6,''' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate , 'he correct. 2 number of. a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. • ; Brentwood Div. No. 2. ; should be designated as: 1125 Shelton Ave. N. E. WILLIAM G FOX ' 1125 0 STREET - Per City Ordinance No, 447 RFN TON WA 9 8 055 N, Signed: B. L, RUPPI, T4,BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 2 ; Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 115 ' Shelton Ave. N, E. OCCUPANT 113i 12Q" STREET • " Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 51/1C) Signed: / VP',2 ,,;? ,,,f,'-›- ------ — — . — - — - - B. L. RUPPERT477ILDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... . . . . .. .-. . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 9 Block No. 2 Brpntwond Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1155. — LA W R E.N C: E 6.1 0 0 D , 5 RENTON WA Shelton Ave. N. E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 1 7 0 REET " c-----) 98 0 55 5----- Signed: ,... B. Li. RUPPE14,4,43LOG, DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • • The correct nui'ther:of a building ng on .Lot No. ': ': . .. . , Block No. .:. .F . • should be.designated. - ' ' Brrentwood Div.. No_ 2 9 - 7159 - as ._ i. Q1 a ';P P h ton o E- i q N -53 1 O �L - _ J,4 , - Ag - r=:. '�t` din nc'e.:� 4' - E N N t I T - _ i - �° r �S` e 7� n ,: a 'L� G f� I' ■ • 't`y 8:: .L-• :� ��� BLDG'. -DI'R•CJ'OR t. ,y. �t f:; C r• r Car -�o. re`e +t{i s�' Ce .`t • icate. �:; ..♦'O•.a„•.:1�•'.-9 P.s .'s�• PPP Pe.Pv�. • ...P� „ PP•.•�P:.!"•:• •,..se � -�,:�•Otr�•�'0`e.\ • •'.�. !•I.�y''�.�' 1. 'lie correct num r' of abuilding ,on .Lot 1 o,. � ;� CTock No' 3� , Brentwood Div. No. 2 :.. ' ; should be designated, "as : 117' ' 'Shelton Ave. N. E. . 1.1 0 s T R E E T , .: : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - ---T) ' ' 98055 • r : Signed: .'� . L. RUN BLDG.; DIR "CTOR:: i . - ` - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 ••OOOOOOOOOOO •o P•0 6 . .'•. o• o . o OOOOOOOOOOOO • . The -correct number.:of. a: building on' Lot.-No. ',••:`';.`2 : , . - " , ,Block No. : 3 Brentwood•:Div. No'e .'2 ' : •.,: shoul d be d;" esignated as 3.. 7-`h :� : . Shelton Ave. N. F. GEORGE SCR ; TSON t S 1 1 3 8 CI 5 "a R E E T Per City Ordinance No. 2.4/1/- I : . = ENT 0N . : WA• 5:----' 98055 Signed: f B. L L. RUP BLDG.: DIRECTOR : ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' •..o••.o•. •o r'e OOOOOOOOOOOO . .• . OOOOOO . . . . . . . . • • . • • • •.•1'o"• e,•'o• • • • . ••• • The correct number of a building .on, Lot No: 3 , Block No. 3 ''';;•:, ';;, _ ; Brentwood Div. No. . 2 ; should be designated as;,, 11..62 " Shelton Ave. N. E. , R . E A "B R t c H .T Per City Ordinance-No. 2447 1132 0 STREET. . RENTGNr' WA .- ' 98055 :' Signed: O - B. L, RUPP"E.'T4' LOG. .DI ECTOR Be Careful to' Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No• 3 ; • Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should" be designated as: 1+1516.; Shelton 'Ave, N. I E. R i CHARD L BLACK, — 1 1 2fi fl STREET' _ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA �— 9805. 5 Signed: B. 'L. RUPPERT, BLDG. .DI'ECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • The correct number; af'a::::bui:id ng=::on :Lot• No. . 5 :•; , C1ockNo, 3 : i.: Brentwood Div. No: 2 • ; should be designated as;1:. 1 50'. : Shelton Ave. N. E. . { CHA: RD L; . B.EVEN. 2447 ` ;' ,. 1'20 ( STREET : Per City Ordinance No. 2 REN.TON WA - d ' Signed. _ ,, B. L. RUPP RIs i3LDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate I The correct ni,.!�ber of..:a building on LotNo _. .b: : :.:. Block No. .. ren voad' Div. No. 2` . should be d'esi gnated..as:.,..1':1'T22:• 'Beli;on �;N� : ��, i - :j - : ' N ' ;�� - J �y ��AAnq*LF: _ - - Per. 0 r i 1Ce ' o,• { F( • - , •i k ... • w - - ` •� Y: . • E - tj, l - _ { 9 l i � + . . �ke s Rd rBLDG:'�.oIEGT0R - :i: i' , � . -� l :Pe: w'ethe ter -5 Be:•Carfuto>' rsr ;:ti - t T B10 N a .. , `Lo r of building or' .._. the 'correct.�siumber`o g . Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 11 16, p. Shelton Ave. N. E. -JOHN HARDESTY :•: Z 0 8 0 STREET • Per City Ordinance No• 244�'' RE �3' TO WA_ - I y,} Signed; • L. RU - BLDG:'.;DI 'ECTQR; Be •Careful; to Preserve this. Certificate = . ° ; . •: � �. ;: The correct number of a building on .Lot No -. ' -8' Block Noe s -�.. : 3 i;. -:=:' :, Brentwood Div• No• 2 ; 'should be designated as i1,T;p .: ` Shelton Ave. N: E. . A E B E R T . C H A L K E R Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 li ` ` : : 1102 Q . STREET. .. RENTON WA 98'055 Si ` > ' Signed: ,, ? '. B. L. RUP'EtE!(, Bi DG• DI ECTOR._ , .` ,' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • c . ..:' •'• • •'.•e ° e • • o • ° •.• • a • • • � • . . � • • • o ♦ • a • . . • • • • • • • •a • • o • • . . . :'� , The corre•c•t• •n•um•byer oefo.a.• mb•uei°l•d•inge •o.n Lot No. 9 Block No. 3 'Brentwood Div: No: • 2 ;. should be:designated as;:; '11.04' • � Shelton Ave N:. E ' • E.D W A RD HEPPNER ' " .Per City Ordinance No• •24 ?/'._ ` ' ': 1072 .0 ' 'STREET._' RENTON . WA 98055 Signed:. �` B. Li RUP ,,BLDG., DI 'ECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The- correct number of a. building on .Lot No. 10 Block No• 3 .. RrentwoOd Dive No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1.100 Shelton Ave. N•'E• : ' .I,:;' • G A CIJNN1NGHAM 1. 056 Q STREET Per City Ordinance No•. 2447. .';..`.'r,`_ RENTON 'WA 98055 � � .. Signed: ,�, '', - �'' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG°. DI. ECTQR:: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; : • The correct number, o a building' on` Lat 'No, `, ' ' '. l l Block Noe 3 ' ; Brentwood Div No 2 - ; should be designated as. . _;3;900:,•::, N. E. llth St.'' I. R ICHARD K HAWLEY 3 8 9'4 r..I . T:H. A-V N 0 Per City Ordinance .Noe 2447 . . R E N T 0 N .. W.A c:?-;•\,T) _ 9 8 0 5 5 1S-7:7: 1 1 ::- . Signed: . �, ,!.,,.;44. . . ,. . B. L• .RUPPE aLDG. DI ECTQR ` ' Be Careful` to' Preserve this Certificate �': ' . 1 lie correct number of a,building on Lot No. , -12 i Block No. . . • . , . . • • . -- • grPntiAlood -DTV. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3 04. ' - • 0:,;-•-1 ,ifi.-1.. LI..L ri A 11: :,E 8 1711-1,14 ,e;i: , -... -:, ,-,.,,.: , ..- ::- - , , , . s - - - , ..',,,-1..,.. .--,-..,-..•••fis;-:•. ;, ,.,-:.,..-,,....;:..;,..i,,,,,,,.--, .•„„..,.,...,.,,,,s, ,s.,.t . , . • _ • -. s, :, • :• ,•..• ,,„ --,- . :' , -•'• . ..: Per City Ordinance' Nol, ‘`,:•,• :./v'f_r, ,,, ,.s.-. • ,--. =:',.-:•:•.-..'' .•-, i,--- 37S 9'44 " I 1, Tr n:.: Klf.: , N 0, : ,_. ,.„.,-;,-:::,:_ ,,,,...,,,..,,.:,;:::,z...,,,, , ..., .. ..• - _ 7.,..:.L... *•,•,.. .. ,.• —• 4r: __ .- ,, , .., , ._ .1 .: . ._ , s • ! :. - -':,•-,....:Y.: ,! ,, , ,, .,.. ., . ' ,' , ' ' . .'___,'''' ...:., '/R E u.T.o N _, ." !-•:',. -, .. `': ',..,, .:- IN A:: .. -: "';, "'1';'•:':".::::<=',-:'.c;::':::%5..:... ':. :,-. :- ,, . --„ ''-----c. :.. !,; ; , '.7.7.-::.i..: (::•:,-,-;•',f,.]:'1;;J:t1.4.-;., :;:,...; - ''...:-..; • I' :,'.':'...-' :''..l'i''..::,:. ;`!-:'• '.: ,r. :;.'....•-• -,:..';,"?S 05 51 :''.-;;;:l'i,.:;.;i's.'.." ,•:•.„-'-':'::'-','•'. .‘•-:yr;:y - .:,'.',.s._ ''. .,',....,,,7_;,`•,..,..•-•;,-.4,•*,',...:,,:::',',,, i,:':.-:_'-‘1.;';'•:',..,--, ---) ..,..,-.1, ,• :... ..-.- .,:, ,,; .,:- -,, , , .,, ..:, :.,_ : -,.• ..„-, , .-. , ; .--.• -., - . ,,,,j;;!..,,,.,..--,,, :•' Signed 7,-, •:- . '. ,/-‘3.‘.4.9.7 •;;-. .2:„;,, -:.;-•;•••,:.,:-.,• ,,Li.,,,.,'....,:::,.., ,,:,,....;.:.... L - Rtild •-•6;(1'. BLDG • DIRECTOR •-• •••'•''.• -• Be.. cattilr...--E6'.0);. ‘e \ie'-thi:5'-t& if-kate ....2,::,...'...---:::::':::.3.....,-..:-.;.'7.:i'*'i::A,',r.j.V:-.'6'.='.1:,01:;:,:::: : .i. .-,-., .. .,-.-.....- . Pie correct number of a building pn Lot No. . a Block No., , . .• . • ; should be desianated as:, , ; . ',. • .. .. . . • Per City Ordinance No. . .- . . • . , s . .. . . Sigp..d. L. RU -'d- , BLDG- DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate ' . • I - .'- ..OOOOO•••. .....•!CoriaDee • oe pao • o • e • eio ea OOOOOOOOOOO • •• Oba • • • • • • OOOOOOO • OOOOOOOO • • • • • • •11 • 44,• • •• ••••••70. ,The correct number o+" a building on Lot No, Block No. . ;„. should be designated as• : _._ _ __________, . , i . ,- . . Per City Ordinance No. . . Signed: '‘ , • . B. L. RUP 'R.,", BLDG. DIRECTOR . - . 1 ..:• :. .-,.. . : : :• ,--- '• , • ' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • •• • .:-s; ' • • -•-•fs.',;:1-•,.•• . - , :,•:- . , . .., OOOOOOO.. .,,.. .. ... .m . . . . . . . . 0000 ;, 000asepooe . seavocageolettoomi 000000 i o,o.oo,1151...,„*,e,, ii.a...000 • The correct number of a building on Lot Np. , Block No. • : . ' . ' - , ; should'be designated as..::- - . , . . - - i s- : , . : • - Per City- Ordinance No. - • ', , . - , „ , -Signed:-. . B. L RI.JP . T5 -LDG. :'DIRECTOR • " • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. • ',: .- ; .. . .'. should be designated as: c'• i •' • . . . • • , — Per City Ordinance No. • . . . - . . r).! i Signed:' . „,,,,- a,,044,-..;,....• • .. - 4 B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR .- . . . . , -Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate " :.•,: . • _ . 00000. . .-... „. . . . . . . . . ., o ,... o ..o 4904'wom 000 41.0.. 41.10 ,ap.o opopep0 . 000 ; o • oo'000.• oo .•'o',...i ri:16- CiAei- nd;iiili..ibiif-.;Isiitiiii 6 ,:(;i1.6t;::::ild- ,-..p,,,:3_',. ..:'::-.:-'.--:':-..:.,,,,,',..t•-::'-.-'74,:'.' • ' , Block No. ' , , ' •- . .- . , ...-.., - _ ; should be designated as: _,.. . . 1 1 . . • i •-:- .;-,, -:, ': -.,..,'.. •-,, , s•-- . . - Per City Ordinance No. . _ . _ , • . . _ ..,..._, - . . . , . • , . " .. . ' I Signed: g .,/..i."4Ai,...,,,),-1 .,, . .. HH B. L. RUPPE'RT LDO. .DIRECTOR.'. - :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . e correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. — 28 ^_ . Renton Highlands Vo. 2 ; should be designated as : 2918 N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT ` Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2814 6TH AVENUE NO — -- j RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: . I-. A4 � ; c------ B. L. RUB' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • correct number of a building on Lot No. Tract 286 • , Block No. -D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be. designated as : 1716 N. E. 16th Street OCCUPANT 10820 S E 108TH ST . Per City Ordinance No. ?447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: G ! '.'• . L. RU V- , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of a building on Lot No. 90 , Block No. Glencoe ; should be designated as: 4229 1 ,:, N. E. 19th Street OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13245 S E 106TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: Oji _,,,.e.,PC---- B. L. RUP " BLDG. DIRECTOR _, Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate . p correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No.. 3 Glencoe ; should be designated as: 1700 Anacortes Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT ;i Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10660 135TH AVE S E RENTON WA 98055 " Signed: --11 B., L. RUP .'1-, LDG. DIRECTOR 61 ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 1 ; should be designated as: $07 Union Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 11939 132ND AVE S E RENTON WA 98055 Signed: i' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' correct number of a building on Lot No. 68 , Block No. ; G1Pncoe ; should be designated as: 4401 N. E. 19th St. - EVERETT STANHOPE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13403 S E 106TH STREET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: � �. �, _ B. L. RUPP R BL,,DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . le correct number of a building on Lot No. Tract 286 , Block No. _ i .__ . D. Hillman's Lake Wasjhington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1716I (10820 S.E. N. E. 16th Street OCCUPANT 108th .Stpdr City Ordinance No.' • 10520 113TH AVE 'S E RENTON WA 98055 ISigned: ;$.%;-.) B. L. R'P , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. - • • should be designated as: _ •� . • Per City Ordinance No. • • . Signed: _<://1 . / . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ie correct number of building, on Lot No. ' , Block No. . ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. • Signed: ,. B. L. RUP R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate i r le correct number! of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. • ; should' be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. J Z. Signed: _ —B. L. RUPf , T, LDG. DIRECTOR •Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate )e correct number o- a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 9 ; should be designated as: 1 . . Per City Ordinance No: �� . ........4......), s;,..-7,_____,_ Signed: B. L. RUPPERTAInG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No.- , Block No. ; _; should be designated as: • • . . .Per City Ordinance No. • 7 • Signed: • . .ri; _ B. L. RUPP RIAA LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 I I ' i I il T 1:a correct nu her. of ,a`bui.ldi n on Lot `•No -. .: - , ‘ Block". No':''.' • 33: 1 , . - - Renton Pighlands Noy 2 .C920 UH" St,1 ' .. • , ; ':should' be designated:.as.:. ..:•.• ' 1:9l - f[arrington Aver-N'. E. , " . o • S S "N C o o .t_ E R. o. . ' " Per• CityOrdinance No..- .244T7r " : 5 E"A: T: E. - T -W;'a" - .L 0Q 0 {,' '9 '1'=1' - 1 e;i rr -�' _ B 'DG'�' rDIR C L •'ta _ }1 ter. ?5:f :-a.ca r. �e t5=f- - his<Y'.0 r_ ':n�• .:�_ `=1_: to r:es e�re u _ Be"Ca f - it. i• - - :ram. . . ... '.. a .., •1 y!C" A :'tf l` c k No..`:. 33:.:. . ,- 'i 7v '80 n .Lo - 'd• o�bui 1 rrr The"correct:number of a g . Renton H19hl lids NO:: 2 (92$". `K�" t.). . should:be designated .as';:'`'391-g30, : ' . . . Harrington.:Ave•`N• "E::::. • . ' . " GLOBE 0EV CO INC 2dd7 ": '. • Per City Ordinance No , ., • z•1 1" T E,1R M : ALE B L"D G . S EA. T T.L1!E- W A' -� ., , Signed: P�" i '' L RU BLDG DIREcTOR, . . :'d : • Be Careful to'-Preserve" this Certificate : :: ;, •,' •. The correct number of a building on Lot. No.. . . ; Block" No. .:1 •'.:: Renton High ands No_ "C93Q �H�! St,� ; 'should be"designa-ted• as ". g� - . 4 • Harrington N. F, s C 0 TT s C t_ R 5, • Per:City Ordinance. No. 244T' :;" 201 `4TH PLACE "�' RE �1T0N I.. .. WA 98055. Signed: f. B. L. RU ,1. BLDG"• :.DIRECTOR . .:. -:,: -" : ::..:: : ':: Be Careful to Preserve'.this- Certificate::'::•. :::::':;;°.: : ': :,''; r::._; '.-: .L„ ••• •:r. •►•r• • :'� .• ••'• • i •�• •.• i�•":'i•p• i'•• : •.•"•ri..• r: ,i"-•,•,• •":i,•-• ri":• i'i •.• •':i^`:::•'•'i'•:"'1. j I kN _ "�B1 c o-:� - P� 0 buildingon Lot �o: The. correct:number .df.a _ • l . •'.should be=desi nape as: . s c.O T T,r1S - C L N R S City Ordinance.No. . 201 " 41Tt H. PL. 5 0 . " .. . . 77------___L± • - ,1 , 055 - Signed'. ...✓ .�. ' • ` .- . _. . .-. : •_.- > RUP" E. 1Z' BLDG.., .DIRECTOR . j .. Be Careful 'to. Preserve' this Certificate. " :; --~, • The • correct. number of' a building on:Lot No .1 :. ••, " Block No:_.: ::::,23 :. ,. " Renton,lH,i hlands No.'• 2".(510'RIP St,) , should be: designated as• " 556 index Ave... N: E: ...' : • • V M Y,4c o APT NO 9 'Per: Ordinance No:. 24 8401 RAIN .I. ER : PL 50 Y'. '. `n S E A TT E '".. W A ' ' • �. Signed:" : r `rt . — B. L. RUPPERT,7'BLDG.::DIRECTOR.. ' Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate ...', .: y.-r.• may[ :n.�i+-., .-r..':'-:i:..,.� �..._;_.J ✓.^" �,>.:. ': 1 �'C-v :•� :. -.Y = ,: - - o y. .a„2 r.4.,.5:r� r.�:. - e. '•9_ ,r-2.s. .`.,'},,�:1e : i' <.,�: :.�; - - R f - gt', - ,,k,,.N . Tie: carrec`t:number=,:+of a��'buT�l`�d �n` ��oii,E:at'�;iIa' �`:.. °-4`�: ��` .o . `.23 Renton highlands No. 2' (517 "x�' "Place) ; should be:"designated .as: ' `553 '. Index Place "N. E. 4�•. -' - . . ;', .,,..n.": :,,.- :.. ._, ::-: _ - Per City Ordinance- No: : '. " 8 `8 Signed: ,4,/.die--44, _. B• . f L. RUPPER i 3LDG.. .DIRECTOR • - .. • Be Careful. to Preserve this' Certificate " .. correct number "of a .building on Lot No. 4 , Block No 23 • '• Renton Highlands No 2 (519 "I" Place) should,..be,.designated as Index Place N E • 2 831211 TH so Per City Ordinance No, : .447 • SEATTLE WASH :-98101 :::. Signed B LiffDG DIRECTOR Be Careful to P 'eserve thi Certificate rf. , • ,fr. " ' "- ; ThecorreCt number of a building .on :Lot No: , 4 : Block: No : 23 -"," • Renton Highlands No. 2 (521: "I" Place) ; should be designated as 557 ! : Index Place N., E. :: A LONG ; Per City Ordinance No._ 2831 211 TH.:SOSEATTLE " , •WASH 98101 . fl — , • Signed: • L. RU WBLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . • • • . • • . • •• • eeeeeeee • • •• ••(0000000000 oo • • • 0000000000 • • • • • 000000 r•• • The correct number o a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No * 24 Renton Highlands •No 2 (517 tql.! 'St.) ; should be designate2d44a7s,: 557 Index Ave N. -E. 3 5 1 5 i s : 7: ''' Per City Ordinance. No. • • B. L. RUP BLDG,: DIRECTOR :. :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. correct number of, a building on Lot No 7 - Block NO:. Renton Righland$ No, 2 (.2806 5th Ave. N:) ;• should be designated as 2906. . N. E. 5th Place FASCOt WALL IAMS Per City Ordinance No. 24471' 2806 • STH' AVE NORTH , ) RENTON tfA : - 98055 Signed: - 713. L. RUPPERALDG. • DIRECTOR • 1-•,:`•. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : 000000 rhe correct'onumber of a building on Lot No 2 , , Block No. .• 2/1 ; I Renton litghlarld No. 2 .(.551tiTm st.) ; should be :designated-as: 63 : . Index Ave N. .E: • . • . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 551 I ST,REET -': • . . . f _ c . c7 Signed: ', •.' " ." ' , B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR fy : • - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • 'he correct number of a buildings 'on Lot No. '2 ' ; Block No 24 ,• . ' Renton Highlands NO. 2 (549 St.) - should. be designated as:. ::.611 • . Index Aye. N. E : ••• J SLEZAK ' • Per City Ordinance No. : 2447 :.„` • 551 I STREET RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: • y))17>) B. L. RUPPEtigi-a[DG. DIRECTOR I .1 --1•;;-; , „ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I Ile correct number of.:A building on Lot.No.'. -3 .,. ' ,.. ,-'Blot Block No• . : . 74 Renton�'Ni hl-ands;NQ �2= C'S4 t ` �; I <.s h} ould.:_-be: d- e s,� Hated a isce e. , : _- :_Je;:A T+ r _. . . � ;. . A G.5E-TH . .... . . .. . ,. . , . . �zt �Or L:.. . ;2. t 6 H' R' l 4 F , t.x tt`` - - 9 8:0.5.:-5 �n -- fir : 9 B RJ �B D -:DIRECl' i`: .I• Ei �"%.^•�t'r`� -,Ti ni: y ♦A4•..:i}`'.�.`. ._: ':T:. 4' icate- ,;;- e= ;;1t se' "e i Be��ear u v� re r':v .x.. f i':: ":i e come number of a buildin on :Lot yo: ':. 3 ; ``' : Block`No. . 24"'' ' ` ,> ct g . '�� Renton Hi.ghlands :No. 2 (539 "I St.) ; should bedesignated .as: '` •625. : a ,', - - .• ::Index Ave: N. E. ' i . 2447- ,. '.. ! ' ' R DRAGSETH • Per City Ordinance No: . : j . 10221 S E 86 TH RENTON WA ' 98055 . i - -. : � . f' ', , s :: ' I . Signed: • �/ .., i .J . I g• Le RU BLDG: DTRECTOR:`< ; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate`::, :.:;:, . : ;:'`;:: `` .000 'he correct number.,of a.building on•Lot No. 4` ' Block No'•" 24 1 Renton Highlands NO: 2 .(533 KIti St,) ; :should be designated as : 621 • e N. E. d : , end x Ave N -• EAST CENTRAL RLTY - Per City Ordinance No. ,,Q4Y : `' 1, ' • 1114 34TH AV '' SEATTLE . W.A 1 , • 98144 1. Signed: a f , - -- B. •L. RUPlxr1 • LDG• DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : 'he correct number; oft a building :on Lot No• 4 Block No. 24 , .:. Renton Highlands No. 2 (531 "I" St.) should` be designated as: 619, i Index Ave., N: :E, , ,,'. _ \, EAST CENTRAL REALTY Per .City.'Ord.inance No. _ . . 1114 34 TH 'AVE . SEATTLE_ . WASH _'98144 :. • Signed: ' B. L. RUPP'E, LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct 'number (Ifa building on Lot No. 5 ' Block No. . . ' 24 ; _ -Renton fiighlands.No.. 2 -025 "I'' St.) ;,. should- be, designated as:' - 615 —� - Index Ave. N. �. R w VAND.1ERF0RD : , : 1 1 2 4 P S T I ,, ,:. per ,City Ordinance No. 244, , F '= NT0N . ,WA. il 980553 Signed B. L,. RUPPERT;'BLDG. DIRECTOR' . „ Be; Careful to Preserve this. Certificate :: •.•,o• • • o • • •.fir•"• • • • • • • ..• • • • • . • • • • • • • • • e • • . • • iie correct'-number of-a'•building'.`on Lot No. 5 ,' L_itock No, 24 • Renton. Highlands No. 2 (523 "I" St.).: 6 `'. should be designated as:. 613 e , ' I Index Ave. N. E. ; , '. : r. .'R W VANDERFORD • i 124 P ST,! ` Per City Ordinance No.. _ RENTON I WA 98055 Signed: ,...7___,_ -. z ..,..,-/ .?„,,,,,,...,,,,,;---/ : : ,L. B. L. RUPPEk'i, hdLDG. DIRECTOR '_ :' .Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate'` . .': I The correct number 'of .a building on Lot. No. ' 12 , Block No. 24 . Renton Highlands No- 2: -542.'." . t.� ',.r:':: ; ,.should_be designated-'as: , ':.642.;, .:. • � ' . . . ., i -rHarrington::Avenue N� E �=�� ... IrrT Q JAC OBS S.O.P. -, • Ordinance'zr� Y din nce: Na: : .. 2 8 5 T � A' V N:'O. - E N � . - ` - ,, . . : ' , R 055 °Si"�n 9 - i'r D DIRECT R� :� BL G: O;ti R f - �P s".•Certirica - Be .Careful.- to. reserve">thi The correct number of. a building .on Lot. No. 12 Block No. . '-24 • Renton Highlands No.. 2 (544 taHtt Ste) should be designated as:. :.;64.d ' Harrington 'Avenue N. F -- ' ' D " JACOBSON. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2819 5 .TH AV N0 RENTON WA , 9'8 0 5 5 Signed: C~ �;. . d � ��! �. ,. L. RU - � , BLDG. DIRECTOR,.`: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 1 Block: No. 24 !: Renton I1igh.lands No. 2 C2705 6th Aye. N►J ;. should be designated as.:. 2801 N. E. 6th place 1 .. H. SELAT VARNER RY - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ,t 9 23 El T • 'i RENTON W A . Signed: / �U/`� P, ;,..� — B. L. RUPi$ , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , 'Block No. • 24. Renton ,'Hihlands No: 2 (2707 6th Ave. N,) ; . should be designated as: 2803 . • N. E. 6th Place: HUSELAND VARNER RY' . "... 2443' � • 923 H 9T ,'� Per: G�i,ty;=;Ordinance N.o:� ' , . •'"• J. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: r. — - B. L, RUPP'E!1Te,dtiiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 2 , Block No., 25 Renton Highlands No, 2 (563 010 Place) : ;. should be designated as: 653. .. Index Place N-. E: - LEO PONKE 24�,, _ 5 5 0 ''t 5.T Per City Ordinance No. .RENTON : WA tibifir f Signed: {�� ! 1-- '='' B. L'. RUPPERT �BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • , The correct nuriber of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No 25 Renton Highlands No. 2 (545 uIR Place) . ; should be designated as: ,,;i; : i ' Index Place N. E. _ W 0 . LONG. 2447 131. ' O R A0 E N AV NO _ Per City Ordinance No. - �y ' . REN TOtJ . td A 9S'0.55 .:` :.`_ Signed.: ,� r�° ,t', + , F. B. L. RUPP Ri, 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No.. 6 Block No. ?5 :Renton. RighT•nds_. No:, �2' (.524 ' I� St,1' _ shouldb- e.designated as,:. 6.14 j 'S - ,r, : .T: 'pATR, d:i'n""nce. No;t., a _ . .."i 'Or 5: Per:�'C Y`�1 3 6 E �': 0 RD t.t - Ns�' _ - �+ A `M _ 8 : : S. �n e iE ;.r, DIR C Rn� B DG: 0 B. R � L L. � t- - ti ica e= h`�` �Cer r- P� ,e:`t �'e t reser'Be'"Car fuT', o v a..•'e•• see. •m • •'e sm m•.s •.••• • • i a • a • •i • s....a�,••-•a• s;• •..•,i!• •-•'i .1•-i - '••.• .;'d,'e: a-..r,i• •-.•'e=�;.o`i:•.r,'• .-Y�:n'a The Correct number ofi a building .on Lot No. 6 Block No. 25 Renton Highlands No. 2 (526 "I"- St.)' ; should be designated as: : 616 I Index Ave. N. E. S FITZPATRICIK2447 15036 BENSON RD � - Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 . S..,r--' Signed: c,.,;7 ,e. ,ry ,,. . L. RU -- BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 7 , Block No. 25 Renton Highlands -No. 2 (532 1+I" St.) ; should be designated as:_ 620 Index. Ave. N. E. J 5 WEESER 2 2 2 RIVIERIA. DR Per. City Ordinance No• .447 RENTON WA , 98- 055 Signed: a _s:." B. L. RUPIAEV7 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ! . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 26 A ` • Renton 'Hi P9anhlds No.. 2 (2805 7th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2905 , a _ ; N_ F_ 7tb St li 2807 7THEAV NO ... City Ordinance No' ' 44 :' ,�. RENTON . . WA • 98055 Signed: -', • B. L. RUPP'E, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` - The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 4 • , Block ,No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 (2807 . 7th Ave. N•) ;. should be designated as : 2907 �' N. E. 7th St. T E CADWELL - • Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 2807 7 TH AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 i ' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number- of a building on Lot No• 5 : , Block No: 26 A Renton Highlands Np. 2 (608 1110 Place) , ; should be designated as: . ,668' . Index Place N. E.' ' - . A BACHM'E 1E.R . A 1 1 .1 s A' M 5 T Per City Ordinance Nom 244t . :. ': t^ SENT WA 98031 � ' _ Signed: - �1 ;r,,,. ;?:. h B. L. PPL'k'" 7 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' i The correct nu ber,of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 26 A ' Renton Highl •nds No. 2 (568 '.IR place) should be designated as : 656 Index Place N. E. ` ;.. B E . t:,A.T T. Per City Ordinance No." `?'444 elT RE.NTON . . ;x 9 8' S:. ���� 5 :S1, �n e '1i •9 t' TR D ���1 T EC O B. .L. 1 BL G: R , r. ,-, , `eCareful Pr�ese e this. Certificate : • • e .. ' -.: Lot , - .:.. ,.... 7.. :_ . . . correctbuilding .on � 6 Renton Highlands No. •2 (566 "I" Place) should be designated as: 654 Index Place N. E. LEHIATT Per City Ordinance No. 24Q�`'0411 113 TN StUTH EASTENTON WA '- 98055 Signed: _ , 7 _,J'�' a -" . L. RU ti� ', BLDG.. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 26 A .Renton tjg lands No, 2 (544 CHI" Place) ; should, be designated as: ' 624. Index Place N. E. T M WATERS 22220 142 SE Per City Ordinance No. 27 RENTON , WA • J7� 98055 Signed: , a B. L• RUP - , SLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No• 11 , Block No., 26 P Renton IIighlands No 2 (538 4I4 .Place) ; should be designated as:. 2938 N. E. 6th St. 131 GARDEN AV NO . Per City Ordinance No. NW 1: RENTON " WA . • 98055 I Signed: , B. L:, RUPPE. T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. . 26 A Renton' Highlands No. 2 (536 "I" Place) ; should be designated as:2936 --- — N. E. 6th St• --- D LONG N I Per City Ordinance No. .2447 . >' 131 GARDEN AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �, , B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building, on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 23 Renton Hi,_ghlands No: 2 (2802 5th pi , N:) should be designated as: : zg ' . N. E, 6th St, JESSE ROWLEE . City 2447 1%i 1 2 5 3 1 SE 1.8 8 TH PL Per Ordinance No. I RENTON WA I Signed: s` i ,.r.e� ,,� B. L. RUPPE5R T,�ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • I i' .1 correct number of a building on Lot No: 2 . ,, Block No.. . 23 - Renton Highlands No• 2 (2809 5th Pl . N.) should be designated as: -. 2909' is - JESSE- RO4dLEE - ' i trd i narice N . p 31 SE188TNPL - - Per, C RENTON WA 98055. ' . - i Signed: _ ''�,� r _ B L • BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . the'correct number of a building ,on .Lot No: _ Renton HTgh1 nds No•. 2 (2805 8th Aye. N•) should be designated as: 2905 . 6 N. E. 8th St. _ J L C Y S E W'S K t Per City Ordinance No. 24? s, 12823 166,TP AV SE RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: ili lekt, 1 . L. RU r, ", BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; the correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 26 8 i Renton Highlands No.. 2 (2807 8th Ave. N.) should be. designated as : 2907' N. E. 8th St. J L CYSEWSKI' 12823 166 TH A E S E Per City Ordinance No. 24 ' ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPI- f/, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ;he correct number o a buildingon Lot No. Block N ' 2 oc ..o. � ?h R Renton High ands No,: 2 .(2815 8th Ayer N,) ; should be designated as: 2915 N. E. 8th St, - . . ' RUSSEUL PR Y O R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2815 8TH AVE NO. ' 1 REN TO ;+i W A. . 98055 Signed: ,r✓ -' o. _ B. L. P.UPPT. Tay LDG• DIRECTOR 1 - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . m . aam . m . . . m . . . 'he correct number o a building on Lot No. 3 . , Block No. _ 26 s a Renton Highlands No. 2 (2808 7th Ave. N,) ; should be designated as : 2908 N. F. 7th St. . J RACIANEL LO 1 4235 , SE 1 4 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. ' 47 RENTON . WA 98055 I Signed: ,49 bp B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • : • • • • • • • • • • a a'o • aom • . a ac • o • • o.o • • • • o • o • • • e • • • • a • e • a • • • e v • • • • • • • m • • o • • • m • •• • • • • • he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 2 , Block No. 29 ' . Renton Highlands No. 2 (2713 8th Ave. N.) should be designated as: 2813. N. E. 8th St,. .. 0 DVORAK: 2 0 1 6 s 1 2 A T H Per City Ordinance No, '24{�� SEATTLE W .A 98 1. 68 ' Signed: �.., � ._:_�_-:_ ...._ -.: B. L. RUPPErk RECTO idLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No• 2 Block No• 2,9, ' Renton Highlands No.".:2, (2715 8,h.Ave. N:' ',, ,:;;: . ;should be designatedas ,: -: 2815, . E- D- N . �8 h. S D O K V RA '- OrdinanceN� " o� .;er.` City " H . - P 2016S 124 �T tk SATTL 9805 E E W 5 °Si 'ne fi 'DIRECTOR ;':. ;�: ti i cate:'- : t=°,: . --;�'"� - Be Careful; to'-Preserve=tiiis Cer r _ i w The correct number off a-building .on Lot.'No. 4 . Block. No,,`... .._ 29,>.. : Renton High ands No.- 2 (2722 7th .Ave, N,) ; should be. designated as: 28221 .' N. E. 7th St. L E S T E R D A N .E L S O N Per CityOrdinance No. ,�\ 11238 SE 100TH � RENTON WA �� 98055 Signed: . 1, e.' ,� if • L. RU�q -." , BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 ' -.. , Block No• 29 RPntnn Highlands No. 2 (_2714 8th .Ave. N. ) ;. should be, designated as 2811,4 N. E. Sth St. i SM I L.EY TOWNHS CT �� � P 0 B �o X 2 5 2 0 Per City Ordinance No. ,,,, RENTON WA ' Cfd c` - Signe : 1, • B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRE CTOR - -Be Careful to Preserve this. Certi fi cafe .. . ::. .,., The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 9 & 10 , Block. No. 6 Pat of, Renton Highlands (_938 gGt' Place). ; should be designated as _ l Q22 Glennwood Aye. N. E. A C WHEELER - Per City. Ordinance No. 2447' h" 1 ' 618 108TH' S. E RENTON . H . . WA Signed: !% , , 9 8 055 - B. L, RUP EkT4/ LDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 & 11 , Block No. Plat of Renton Highlands (9.28 RV place) ; should be designated as: ept Glennwood Aye. N. E. - E BIGcINS Per City .Ordinance No. / /1 928 p PL APTS 3 .----.---7- — RENTON WA 98055- [_________________ .... " . . , Signed: - ,, - B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR ' I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. =1 The•corre n bu 'ldinl on"Lot No: ::: < ' Block No. 6 ; ct'n amber .of�'a � g '``` Plat of Renton Highlands (924 "G" Q1ace) ; should be designated as: q/2. Glennwood Ave. N. E. W M C L LIP (� E. . �6�9F 7; : Per City Ordinance No, . !,` 7220 LIt t1A5i- 8LV D RENTON WA CC 9 8 0 5 5i ,r.. Signed. B. Le: RUPP it 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13, 14 , Block No. 6 P1 At of.Renton .Highlands (918 tigtt place) ;:should be designated as: - itha9og - _. . Glennwood r C B I Gs I N -•. - : -. Per::CIt OrdInance:N .., •-: : 7:; ' w :::,:::: ,;:..: .. � - .5 1 5 . S NS E T :� BLVD. . E. .;: - .• . . RENTON 4: bqA . . B. L. RDi' FT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate . ` : The correct number' of a building .on Lot No. 15 • , Block No. 6 Plat of Renton Highlands (908 0Gti Place) ; should be. designated. as: 0000 , • Glennwood Ave. N, E. C HE S T E;R B. I GG INS Per City Ordinance No. 447 Y-- 2515 SUNSET BLVD E RENTON WA 98055 (7„- .._ _ f o Signed: j./ a , � • • L. RU � BLDG... O2RE CTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Ile correct number, of a building on Lot No. 17 Block No. 6 , Plat of.Rentonajghlands (9th & H St, R,F.p,) ._. ; should be designated as : . 90/ Harrington Ave. N. E. F IRE STAT .I ON NO2 . Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 V,, CITY HA,'LL ) RENTON WA • 98055 , Signed: ,7 �f_� B. L. RUPI.& I. BLDG. DIRECTOR.;, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate `ire correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 Block No. 6 - Plat of Renton Highlands (909 '+H4' $t,) ; should be designated as: ItEtt o 7 - . Harrington Ave.- N. E. ' C . B I GG IN Per City Ordinance No. . -4 - 251. 5 SUN ET. BLVD E . RENTON -" :! WA .-. . ' • • 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • B. L. RUPP'E. T; LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number 1f a building on Lot No. 20 Block No . 6 , Plat of, Renton Highlands (923 I'H'•' St:) ; should be designated as : �/9 • Harrington Ave. N. E. R L H U R D Per City Ordinance No. 2447 923 H ST RENTON 1 W A / 98055 , Signed: / " -!!' -. .. B. L`. RUP.PEP,T<?BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • to correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Clock No. 7 Plat o1=.Renton Flighlands .C2503 9th Ave, N,)' ; should be designated as: :2519 ' N. E. 9th St; . W L BOI EN Per City. Ordinance No. '1" 'U 10904 SE 235TH KENT WA. . 98031 Signed: .,'A';? B. L. RUPPE'k i3LDG. DIRECTOR Pa C.mva-Pill +a nv,,,...,,,...,, J...;,. r"_._i_r___,- -. . , , Toe correct number, of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 7 1 ! plat of Renton Highlands C2507 9th Ave. 'N,1 . ; should be designated as: - 2601 N. E. 9th St. .,., H M ROBERT ON A3 , 5 410 IVANHOE PL NE - _ Per, City Ordinance No. 1-) SEATTLE - WA 't. 981 5 -Signed iAl: C---------' B. L. RUPpl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number oT a building .on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 16 plat of Renton Highlands (2424 7th Ave, N. ; should be designated as: 2600 N. E. 7th St. DAVID SCALF 2447 ' 10253 115TH AVE SE ) Per City Ordinance No. j RENTON WA H. —?-1 98055 ' Signed. . L. RU -- , BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 1 ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. , 17 Plat of Repton Highlands (2509 7th Ave, N,) ; should be designated as: 2609 - ' ° N. E. 7th St. J E BIERS JR Per City Ordinance No s:-• 2412 7TH' AV NO . I RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 . . _ . Signed: . B. L. RUPP& WBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. The correct number f a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No.. 17 Plat of R nton Highlands (669G St.) ; should be designated as: 4646417 Ferndale Place N. E. NEL SXANSON Per City Ordinance No. 244cr 317 SO' 120TH I ) \c' SEATTLE WA 9 8 1 I 6 8 Signed: B. L, RUPPE. /BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 17 if Plat of Renton Highlands (667 "G" St.) ; should be designated asiff24- 444" _ . i Ferndale Place N. E. NEL SXANSON 1404fw 317 SO 120 TH Per City Ordinance No. / SEATTLE 1 WA 98168 ........_.1 Signed: C---X— _er- 1-- ----- ...... B. L. RUPPER1-/,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 26 , Block No. 17 plat f Renton Highlands C636 qu St,). ; should be designated as: 74i4+- 4,74; . , . M POTOSHNIK Edmonds Ave. N. E. 1 Per City Ordinance No. 447 11402 SNSET BLVD 4,) RENTON WA , . . ' 98055 _ . . . . Signed: Ici4;L4,2 B. L. RUPPNL&LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate if The correct nthber' of a building on Lot No. 6 . y Block No.'`. 18 -:,_:; ,:'.,; , i plot c , • i 1 nds h_ A" NQ) should be 'designated as: :4 % `Ferndale Place N. E. " g� F , - P Ci� Ordinance No'; .r r5.a zoT:H i1cpp4" E'E fit: 1. - - 1 t :t- . •.•••o o a • •.••o 6 ; :e._ •♦4..a •_-•._ - n : ' • •'e••�• a B L'• o°•'R•.i• .. BLDG. •',DIRECTOR",• •'• 0, .d `f �t� : � - � • : � ,jtaiJ7, • 4 - - Be Caref 1:�= o' preserve"'tfiis Ce ti �cat�: - ' • =,; . : '- -he correct number o' a building .on Lot No. 7 • . Block'No. -. 18:.. : - il -`lat o .Ren on Highlands :(2607 7th Ave, N,) ; should be.designated as::. : .,2707 :- . y ii_._ - - ERVINIE ZOER Per-City Ordinance NO. 47 `). 26-07 7rII 11 A E: NO ' , : . R E N T. O N W A _ -, 1 - -Signed: %; )- 4 '''7. -- m L. 'RU BLDG. DIRECTOR. ;., - iL- - Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate.. o.. ..-•a o o .s ••.e .o o • •. .. . • • o.. • o . e o •'o a • • . •a • •.:• .• •'i • • ..• • • • • • • e o • • • o'• - .. ..a e. r The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8' . Block No.." 18" .-,` Plat �f Region Highlands (2611 7tII, �r :Ave• N,) ; .should be 'designated- as: 271,'i N. 131 GAD : N AV. NO Per .City Ordinance No. 247 RENTOF� ' WA . , ::. 98055 if ' - Signed: "2� ,, -- — — B. L. RUBLDG.' DIRECTOR. . . - .E . : ;. '::�: . Preserve this:Certificate. -. _ e Careful to ..o • . . •• ..o'oO .o..dieo ••t o• e . eoo . •. . . • o • . o . oe.. e . . . . • . • .o . • o000 • • • • • • •,• o • . _ • o . o •• . •,o .•. .T.'• .-.;•• •:. • • .,•Y' The correct number of abuilding on Lot :No. 8' ,. Block No. • • 18 .: ' t Plat of,i Re' ton Highlands (2613 7th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as:.: : , ?J13 i •• N, E. 7th St. iii,r W D LONG Per .City 'Ordinance No. 244' •";' '. '. . 131 GARDEN A E NO RENTON 'TWA 98055 , Signed: - �,' • . B e L• RUPP'E, TTLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate , •.. •• • • • • ••• • ••• o o o o e• • • • o • • • . • o o • • • o • • • • o o • o • • • . o • o • • o • o.•.. • • • • • • • o • • oe • o • • . The correct.number f a building on.Lot No. 10 Block_No• 18 eI , Plat oti R nton Lighlands (:651 .VHR St.!) should be designated'.as: 683 , Harrington Ave.' N. E A Sr H:A W i7.. i 220 WELLS AVE SO Per City Ordinance No, cr..- REN TON 9 8 0 5 5 �`J �, — — -- —'.L Signed: ;;,r �,,,-,, ; B. L. RUPPERT,'QLDG: DIRECTOR: Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate : - correct numb r f a buil'di.n on Lot'No , ,, The Plat of R nton Highlands (2636 6th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as:..' 2726- N. E. 6th Place ' ..' _ EA SHAD Per City .Ordinance No, 24'47 '. ., ...1 .220 WEDS AVE SO' RENTON A,.. 98055. , ; .. B. L• RUPPE'i'i,e, ILDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The correct nt eber' of a building on Lot No:,: 15 , Block No• ;- 18 i Plat of•Rent•n Highlands ':(2634 6th Ave, N.) should be designated as: • 2724 , F e 1c th,; 6 f: :F` � E =' ,'7,,,, d nce':No , .P.er'. Ci't O r ina 53 � BRONS',ON WAY. NO` RENTON , WA ` - - I B. L. R-01.f , 1 , BLDG• DIRECTOR. . ',F. t�t1ii s' Certificate', ,.�,;•�t � er' e Be are u r s v e:`C f ti:• v t :. a i:,: f'F .4.. • •i• • .♦ • B . sa • . . s • p s. • 4 • .p a • . . • • m• m• .O is• • • i 8 .�•'�.'Y'. • •i -',4.• _ a.�1'•Ri�'.'• •,lo • •-.3�,:e ..:o'.•!...;..., :I .1 'Blo •ck'he correct number of a building .on .Lot ivo. . . .,�'Bl�o � ��1- Flat of Renton Highlands(2603 6th. Ave. N.) . . ; should' be designated as : .ZjOI. •N4 E. 6th Place I , ,I Hp fL Lv S H E R E.a T z'. Per City Ordinance No. RENTON LJA Signed: /� / a • L. RU 'P - BLDG. DIRECTOR.; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate; ' •... v . .. i... ... . • . . • . ... . . • . . . • e. . • • . . . • .. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . .. • .. . . . . . . the correct numberrof a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 19 • 1 ,I .plat.of..Renton Highlands .(2621 6th Ave. N,) ; should be designated as : 27+17 ii N. E. 6th Place WALTER bJ i L so N . City.•Per . Ordinance No, 244�7,,, 1 ' 5215' 15;TH NE N0 12 l'r SEATTLE' WA 1 98105 ll _ .: Signed. 2 • 1,, •• B. L. RUP /BLDG DIRECTOR,;,;. 1. Be Careful to 'Preserve'this:Certificate : :::': : ,:• ` >,,`:;'''-', ,-. -:.'': a.. •. .woo . ..e.•.l.c• .o o • o o . o o • 0 • . . • .0 • . . . • • • . . . . a . v• . • •• . o • • • . o . . • . . . • • . . • .. • •'* • •,• . . • &. . .•e••. , . ..•. The correct numberl.of a building. on Lot No.'. 5 , Block No. 19 : ''•I • - ' ; Plat of ;Renton Highlands (2623 6th Ave. N•). ; should be designated as: 2719 'I N_ F. 6th Place WALTER C 'WILSON Per City Ordinance No. L447' 5215 15THkENO12 ) . ' ... L''''' SEATTLE WASH 98105 . :. ` i , • .-Signed: .a B. L, RUPPE T7, ILDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' ' 6 Block No. 19 . _ , . plat ofliRerton Highlands (2631 6th Ave. N.) ' ; .should be designated as: '- 2723 N. E. 6th Place . — , K BAKER I 2 0 B 1 2 q 0 T Fi L s E Per City Ordinance No• 2447 . K. ENT 4JA 98031 •- •- _ Signed: { B. L. RUPPERT, LDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number o. a building on' Lot NO. : ' 6 '' Block No 19 Plat of Renton Highlands (2633 6th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as 2725 , f .. _......L.....,. N. E. 6th Place I , y K BAKER Per City Ordinance 'No. ' 2447 20712 106 TH PL S E — KENT WA 98031 • Signed: (�. �� .!fib' ..,.. . __.__:___________. B. L. RUPPC��i aLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I. I The correct number, of a building on Lot Noe - 18 • Block.'No:' 20' plat of Renton Hi_ghlands .'t2402.:::5th.Ave. NJ ; should, be designated..as; , ::2602 • 1'L f:y��.i:l.1 l f .tµ�.. 'r e�7 It''h'ea,' n t 'Y .�' '5t 1` ce. t• P aM 4 4. ".q,y. '4a:a t l. 6 , �Pe .0 d i nc` N 1 3`'b��2 ,S I. �E• �61 T a. S. 'R i kw", I Signed: ,/��.;� •. ; ' ' B. L• RIP t ,: BLDG. DIRECTOR ".7.: to .. • ,y 1C�,t. � Careful;.t" ��' is�i� �Ge �tir• a e; _ Be e o res �r• e h s: r .•>•;�a ,v t The correct number of a building .on .Lot No.`' . ' 5 Block ,No,. 21 : !; :;.::,• ,,.' Plat of Ren on fighlands (631 'IIG14 St.) should be designated as: '::' 'i :'._61 . 31 ,:'.:.: :. Ferndale Ave. N. E. •,,, 1 L'Lowo ' ' P: TERSON Per 'City 2447' • . . • L. RU , BLDG• DIRECTOR � `. +Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; 1� t O••• •'•'� o'a .•'a:•`•,• .•''a•• •'. .,•,• •'• • • •••.'•'• • i,•'. a • ••• 'e'• • i•• • •'/.'••/••;i 'i ::• A •,.a,.'/ : •'• • • • . '•.S,• . •.• .''� i: 'i`'f:.•>:•••r,r., . . :, The correct number 'of a building on Lot: No.• .:' �.' 8. , Block No. 21 ) � ' Plap of 'Renton Highlands (615 NGR St•) should' be'designated.;'as:., 615! ',; Ferndale Ave. N. E. ` ROGER' PETERSON ' '. . ' 1 1 0 1 8 1 1 5 T H.. SE Per' City Ordinance No: 2447. ;' ,� 9.8055 . Signed: . 7 '> B. L:R I4 ./, BLDG• DIRECTOR ''' ' I Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate • • • • •• • • • • o• • • o• ••• 660 e e • • •• • . . . . woe o o • me o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :: • • • • • •.• • • • o • • e • o • ••• • 6o •••, •, M I . The correct number ,of a building on Lot No. . 8 Block No. .'2.1., ' Plat of Renton Highlands (613 "G" 'St.) ; should: be designated as: ` : '613t • 'Ferndale _Ave. N, E. R' PETERSON II Per City Ordinance No A -h, 11018 115TH S E WA RENT ON 0 '98055' � • ___ d: . Signe ��,� _. _, :_-" ; ' • • ' , B. L, RUPP'E, l<' LDG•. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this' ' "Certificate he correct number of a' building on Lot No. .' 10 Block. No.. Z1 • 1 Plat of Renton Highlands (2508 6th. Ave. No.) ; should ,be' designated;as;'; '':' 2612 1 N. E. 6th 'Place BUSCH 3 7 1 7 a T H ' A'V NO Per City 'Ordinance No. 2 RENTONI 'WA. ' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate ' • • . ,••,•• b. ..• •....r,�:•.••_,• • t'/ • • •,•;•,oars•'. :.o,•'o • e.e•,e •_/ri,•,':'• .'. :v •'e:re. • � •'•'••',/ • • •'/'• . ■ :•'o.• • • o • • . • •'i•'•'�:• • a,a_,•: • ...-. _ 1'-;A,] :'b. :Ii ?,t:: nt•..,ti{*- n'•' 7+; ...f,., i ...,.• ''�Y 'Y. a(t'�i"•y `„ .i.r.,� .}y., :'!.. _'F'� . G!';;,,.,,.,,n',:,t,? ,, ...:, ..,-,t. ... .. �'S'. Fihe correct number ',of a':building .onTLot, No. 3 Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 (459 11i-" St ; should be designated as: ,_ 509 Harrington Ave. N• E.R A N K L I PJ FARROW STREET Per City Ordinance 'No• ' " . REN'TON ' f Signed: ✓ ,.!.k, e� __... B. L. RUPPKR'i1,ALDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate . ' i The correct number a a building on Lot No: . " 14 , .Block No., _ Renton's Ridge Crest-No:. 1 :(_2818 4th. ?1 , .1191).. should.: be designated_ ;ar:;• 458 ' . , : : ' REN. T. fl N .:" ,; . . : ridex:`Ave. 19, IT AL•AE "1� 1y`I, i - ` � ' P 0 B fl .LX 2410 pe� City Ordinance`No: =��l7i Signed:.. • ,r,,rs ;,p ; B. L. R -:-1', BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number ofi a building .on Lot No: , Block -No 20 l Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 (3000 4th •; should be designated as: 300'0 -_ _ ,: -- .. • _ - • N. :E o-4th,'St. , . .. SCHOOL ;i �' a-i7- Per. City Ordi nan N . . 1 52 5" N 0 ff M; 4` T. S:,. T.:` _ 31. RENT () -N bil � tA - Signed: y :; ; .,.: ..; , • L. RU BLDG. ;DIRECTOR,; ,... Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •m••e••,o o•o 0 0 •••.Y'.•q o-e o r o • o r a o ® a o • 'e a o r a'e • i• a a". a• : r r'e a •.r• : a •:e • . • p,.. • • .'• • a e r• o.o'o • ••„e i��'r r e,�r•b.,e the correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 . . , Block No. 26 A ' '' Renton Highlands No. 2 (512 noPlace) should be designated as: : 554` : _ index Place N. E. R. BROZNOWSK I 20625 MA R I ' E VW SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447,'. ,`'.. SEATTLE .. 4'fA.. 98166 Signed: ' .7l ,-, Be L. RUP FV•, BLDG. DIRECTOR ` Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' o•••r •00..e o 0'e 0 0 O'D O r e 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • O • 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 •'0 • 0'0 . .. . . . * . . . . . . . • • . • 0.0 • . • 0 . •• • . . • e ' Me.correct number of a building on .Lot. No.. 13. Block No.: • 2" n Fair View Terrace .(803 .f,J" St::) ; Should be designated as:. 476. gro i Jefferson Ave. 'N• E. ' • V W R REED J GORDON Per City.Ordinance "No'. ' : r)4411, .'. 1024 S BAILEY ST SEATTLE 1. WA 9 8 1 .. 8 :Signed:. , — — B. L. RUPEE. 1LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .. 0 • • • o • .•e• e•0H. •0• O• e • . • O • • a 0 0 0 0 • 0 • . • • . • • 60 • . . . . • . . . . • • • . • 0 ..0.• . . .. . .'S . . . . .• • • • . the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. '3 Fair View Terrace (2718 8th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2818 N. E. 8th St. ' SMILEY TOWNHS CT P o BOX 2520 Per City Ordinance No. 24-. . 9"8055. ; Signed: B. ,L. RUPPERT,. BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,._" .. ..,,„,-,-,,,,,;„.....,_;.„,,,,--,,,,I,..,--, ..is ,:...= _- ii C. 1 - 'hcorrect . .. e N f�� on� Cot ��lo. ,.Block ,4", Fair View T (800 ' lim Ste) ,.. errace ; should be designated •as � �� g0'2- - _ _ Harrington Ave: N. E. N' . HOFF ‘IA. N Per City Ordinance No. 444#1 . 1 1119 Q STREET wA .. .. 1 98055I . Signed: /�'�44•1 B. L. RUPPB' ,(18LDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot Noe , Block No.. :q:.', -_ Fair. View: errace (820 (1 41..9 V 'St,1 - should be designated as: . Q20: = Fiarrinoton Ave, N• .E, . _ j • : '• • � • ioGA � R 0.'N • . � iy dnance:No: e 14 ? CAPRl N E T O N i • 9 0 55° � - "S; e•n 9 B. L: .R BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . •, - is f. • : • .s . :he correct number .o a building .on Lot No. - , . Block Rio. :. 5 I. Fair View Terrace (832.'(1,4). UH St.) - ; should be designated as: 832 Harrington Ave N. E. - { H BRODERICK : MA R A G H Per City Ordinance No• NC�f,• �'; 623' 2ND V SEATTLE WA �.... 98 1 0 4 - Signed: �r o, -. • .. L. RU - BLDG.. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • b••• • s e e o • e o o-o• •• •.o •m•e •• • o o e o:o • • • . . . .. . • . . . . . • m ..o o• • •.• • e •.• • o o:• • o • • • • • • S . . a • •,•.•••a r•, The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No 5 Fair View terrace (838 (1K141.:¶U St,) should be designated as R38 Harrington Ave: N F H BRODERICK MARAGH Per City Ordinance No• 2447., ,. 416 623 2ND AVE SEATTLE 4 • 9 8 1 W 0 4 Signed: `/-7 , • B. L• RU ffBLDG. DIRECTOR ':Be Careful to Preserve;:this Certificate. ::.: .e • •• • e .e e e e e e • . •e• •. •►• • D o e e • e e o o • • o • 0 . • • • . • • e • • e e •• • • • • • • e e • • . • • • . . • • e•.• o • • • •:• � • •-• o • • • •s r The correct number of a building on Lot No. • • • , Block No. . 5 ; Fair• View. Terrace (844.. (1;,4) q-0. St,). ; should be designated as• 844 j Harrington Ave, N: E. H BR0DER, 1 CK MARAGH Per City Ordinance No• 94_ - rill 623 2ND 'AV•E SEATTLE ,, • . WA • , 9 8 1 4 Signed: • • ' Be L. RU FEE. T, LDGe .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. " , Block No. 5 View ew Terrace (850 (1R4) `'K�' St.) � ; should be designated as: 850 Harrington Ave. N. E. H BRODERICK MARAOH Per City Ordinance No• " 24 623 2ND A V • SEATTL E. W A 9 8 1 0 4 Signed: • RUP ERT B. L. , BLDG. E � -- - ' DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e.• •.• • e• e • • • o • a • c e• o• w;•.e • • •o a,•.r• o r o.e • • • • •.• • • • • . . • • • o • • . •, • • • •• • • • •.• • Th e correct"numb;er of 'a- building on Lot No ; Block. No: 5 • . , Fair View Terrace (._856 (1,4) UHU St.) should be designated as 856 o__ _�_�� _ Farrington Ave. N, E. H B R O D r R I C K •M A R A G H. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 6 2 3 2 N A V E EA TTL WA 98104 ,,.yi��� - • Signed: l "„r•z'�' B. L. RUPPE' 'i%vdLUG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : - • • The correct number of a building on Lot .No R BTock .N6. 31 Suburban.THekights. No. . 2 :(.803 ''K-"' St.) ; should be designated as: . • 86/. .. Kirkland. Aver N. E; • Per Ci"tY Ordinance No: P.. o Bo:x '21..85 ' RENTON � •5 - -5 L. RdP BLDG: DIRECTOR" Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 12 , Block. No: Skyland Heights No. 1 (818 1V St,) ; should be designated as :. 808,, .Lynnwood Ave. N. E;.... ,L LtTFIN • �i - P- t. 0e r:: C.i Ordinance No B x 8 • Y, a •RENTON - &dR � _ 8 O.S�S - ``t. f - - Signed: • . L. RU , BLDG° DIRECTOR: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b Wye®-•• o•o• o•• se•e0000 • • •• o • • • • • e • • • eo_o• • • oo.• e-ie • • • •'s;i•• eoio,1�,•.: • • • • • o ee • o,• eiem�rb., The correct number of a building on.Lot No. 1 . ,. Block.:No. Skyway Heights No, 2 (705 "'M"' St.) ; should be designated as: ' ' 7a / -- — 4 Monroe Ave, N• .E. BECK:F1 . N RLDS c4 7 3 5 5 SE 1 3 4 T H Per City Ordinance No.. 2�'�47 91 S ENru6N 98055. Signed: B. L. RU R,(BLDG• DIRECTOR : •Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number df a building on Lot No• 6 Block No. 1 rracPland Terrace: (1.124 PP St.) ; should be designated as: +9-t* 1®$ t, Lynnwood Ave. N. E. _ ry P R Es S LIR, EET Y FOWLEROg- ST 1: 1124 L • Per City Ordinance No. . . RENTON W<A 9a-o55 Signed: B• L, RUPrE. TLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No 15 & 16 Block No. 1 g Graceland Terrace (.1030 'LU St,) ;should be designated as° 1030 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. 1 3 H 6 ADV ROSE c;;:, 13006 1 6 2 N D SE Per City Ordinance Noe ' 2447 RENTON . WA 9 80 55 � �` Signed: �,,- /e • - B. L. RUPPERT✓,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' • • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5, 6, 7. , Block No. 2 s Graceland Terrace (1060 "'K."' St! ) ; should be 'designated as: Kirkland Ave: N. 'E. LOVELY. ; 'cQNST co 1 4 1 6 0 JUANITA D NE Per City Ordinance No• 2 94-7. . BOTHELL WA • 98011. • Signed: ./ efe44 B. L. RUPPE'k iliBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . The correct. nuanber of a building on Lot No. Block No•, _ .l Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded (11232 .116th ; should be designated as: 1116 Edmonds , r.. AveAve: "N E. H I:L.A.i�•�D,-}�'�•�pNT.. CEN`., .E,R� ;,;,;• - - • n`�t .d. n cNo.�r: Ci `Or a 1 1 2..40 �Pe 1 6�T 1 H"' S E� RENTON A Signed: G B L. RR BLDG. DIRECTOR . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No: Block .No: 11 . . Stewart's Renton-Highlands Unrecorded (.2502 Sunset Blvd.; should be designated as: 75(12 E.) N. E. Sunset Blvd. F . hi A T H.,t E 1 2 � Per City Ordinance No. . 244 P 0 BOX 025 b' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate., The correct number of a building on Lot No. . , Block No. 11 Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded(1024 "En St.) , should be designated as :: :1032. Edmonds Ave. N. E. CALVARY ' B BTIST CH Per CityOrdinance No. 1024 . E ST 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: f B. L. RU , . BLDG: DIRECTOR `: BeCareful toPreserve. thi Cer tificate .:: ;: a ref s. r The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,. Block No.: : 13 ; Stewart!s Renton ,Highlands Unrecorded (-2445 10th P1 . N.) ; should be designated as: : qgo Edmonds Ave. N. E. - CORTINA CORP Per City Ordinance No. 2447 P 0 BOX 263. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP . , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 12 Stewart!s .Rentpn Highlands Unrecorded .(2408 10th ri ,N,1 should be designated.as 2508 N. E, 9th •Place . . 2515 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. - - - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 9., : . . L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. . art1 s entonHig1hl ands .Unrecorded (809 .Plitt St. should be designated as: '809 Harrington Ave, N. E. • RENTJN! i5CH0CL 403 Per CitOrdinance .No. 4. '1ii, . 525 N0 4TH ST �/ • RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPWIALDG. : DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I I The correct-.mmiber fa building.. ...on.Lot No... ° ,- B:1,ock:No`:." ; Suburban H ights j714 �'E�'-'St ) • . should.°be: designated.'as•. • . 754 ' �r� : .. . Edmonds'. a>•. ,S_ � V " iZr e"L.;�� 0 - C. 0° 0-- O. Q:. 3-� y 1�:� f of .t- 't�'� r a �N �Ci `0 Pere �' 5 Y:• 1 2 5 •:N� - 0: 4�TH� S`•T� - RENTONC' - - ti, A �98055 - I� / , . , , . •1 : Signed: ' ' . _ , T T• : B L R BLDG: DIRECORJ : . -_i Be 'Careful to Preserve this `Certificate.: , ' The correct number 'f a building .On Lot. No' .` ;g: - , •Block;:No 41. . RentOn-TIHighlands 'No:: .2 f 1008' .E'GU :St..) ; 'should be designated as::..:. 1052, 1 .. •G1ennwood Ave':-:N`:` E. .. .,;.::i - L M W 1 L. LI r M.S P City. Ordinance 'No. 'Per 41:,,:1- ... . . .. �� REN.TON WA' ti • 98055 . . • Signed: ' ..,/-�.„ ''' : : - - •s ::;_:;,;,:';. ... :_ L. RUB". -'•7,.: BLDG DIRECTOR: :this."Certificate Be:Careful.`.to,'Preserve 1 . il The correct number of a building on Lot No:' 11 - tentonli Highlands No 2 (1.020 .fGLI Stz) ' - • - should be designated: as 1062 • ,i Glennwood`Ave N. E.• . ' . :l / R GUSTAFSON ' 'p 9 8 0 2 ' RAINIER. :,AV . : - ....: :: Per.:City Ordinance. No.. . 24 SEATTLE ' . WA.`.. 98178 : • : .Signed•. • ...: �� ;:.. . ..:.: . . .�: •� :�:,',:;' B. .L,: : .RU BLDG.. DIRECTOR : : � - Careful_ :.6 Be a r efu l t o P r ery e. , thi s C e r.t i i c at e : -il _ . ' • . • : ' '. • • : - •• -:::. ' ' . • ,' .:.•. ...., . .:.:.•.::• :: .` .:• • •• .. • • . .. ... •. • '• :••.•:: •.:.: . :: :• • • : •:::;• :: •: .: •: : •Y• :• .•:. The.correct number of:a building on Lot No: : 1-1 Block No.: ` :. • 41 • (.-,-r''; : • . Renton Highlands No,: 2 (1022 ."G" St.) . ; :should..be designated as :'1064 • i1 :`. " : - Gl ennwood" Ave: N. E:;`r ., . . , -,:':::- ,A " R GUSTAFSON Per,.City,Or..dinance .No. 2447 ; 9802 RAINIER AV,' 'SEATTLE li WA. 98178: : . d Signed: +. - -B: L•. RUP , LDG. .DI'RECTOR - � � ... � Ba Careful. to Preserve•this Certificat e , . The correct number.of a building on Lot No. 12 :' , Block NO." ,.. 41.,'-: '•'"'`; •Renton Highlands No.. 2 (1030-�IG�' St.) ; should be designated as: :1-.130 • - G1 ennwood Ave• : N.' E '•"--,;:'...•:. ' v1 J 5 PET'IERSON 1 0 8 1 6 111 3 T H.' SE . :••. Per City Ordinance No.: :.• , i' ,:; 'I.::: R E N T O N W A • . 98055 • I. 1 '. _ Signed: '` �p B. L• RUPPERT,,. BLDG. DIRECTOR . =. - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r - 1 • 41 '11he`correct' number��of'a build�ing`��on�VLot No. ,-S1ock:�No:� . . ... . , , Renton Highlands No. 2 (1032 "G" St.) ; should be designated as.i` 11:1l2 Y;1Pnnwood' Av - N F- ;� J. S.. 71TERSON >=; :.Per_.City. Ordinance No. 7 . 17:: 10816 , 11i3TH .SE RENTON, WA 98055, • Signed;. • . .? .. -: __- B. �L. RUPP RI ,3.LDG. DIRECTOR : Be Careful to Preserve thisCerti:ficate : . ' = ':V. The correct number qf:'a` building on.Lot No'.::. ::_. . 13 81ock•-:No.: .: • :• : :: 4.1. :: .. Renton Hi'blands No.." 2 . (1040. 9G1 St.) should 'be: designatedas : 1140 .�. 'I Gl ennwood Ave.: N. E'; L !� L: L.: PONCE ' 2 o i o c S R E S T • • • - Per City Ordinance No:• _ _ ' . . R.EN.TO WA i� 98055 ‘ ' r . Signed: '1 �,; ',,, `� • ' . . .. RJR . - •� B. L. ,i•ff BLDG.. DIRECTOR :,'_ - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' : • ii The correct number cf a building .on Lot No;';• 14. , Block No .41:.. •s : ` ._:.. RentoniHiigflands .No, 2 .(1046. UUGU St,) : •;. should be: designated as: : . M Glennw ood e It. ;. <PRA'T:I T ..r��r �'t �Per Ci 'Ord n n �N 0 4 6'- a ce� o:._ - T '.T�� I ,;: RENT:O., 98055.. j . . . .. Signed: . • ' `. . : :i, ,:'` I l L. RU , BL : DIECTOR.: ._: : ':::.I-1', ::'_ Be Careful:- to.Preserve 'this. Certificate ,.,_. :. ; ;_ ;f:.,. i ........ ...:'..... ..11: :.:.... :.... . . . . . ,:.-.. .•... :`: : ... . . ::. . .: . :,. :":_:.. .,: . : :. . : : . . .•- ::...... : The correct. number of a building on Lot No: : 1.4 ,;.` Block.No. 41 :... ::-:, Renton !H.ighlands No. 2 (1048 "G" St:) . ; should be :designatedi as::;: 1148 - .`. : Il ' : Glennwood Ave. .N.. E,: . •:•t.:.• I •M M PRATE ,:. :. _ - ' Per-City Ordinance No. ,. :: ::. " 1048 G ST �: RENTON WA : .98055 I Signed• , ) , B. L:•.RU BLDG DIRECTOR -:Be Careful �to' Preserve'this;Certificate {' . . : . . :.- . . . . .: • : . , , . The correct: number 7f:a building on 'Lot .No. . T,A3c.Lot 34 : ,,. Block No.:: ,,. Renton 1HiQhlands No: 2 (530 ''MI' St,) ; should: be designated as :550 t. J . MER Monroe Ave. N. •E. LiNO Per City Ordinance No. • 44?/r! P 0 BOIX . g003 . . RENTON WA i 1 9.8055 _ .. .. • • Signed: - . ::,�. .., . - B. L, RUPEELDG..'.DIR ECTOR - Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate :: :::`::.': '.', , '`...: The:correct: numb"er Of a building on, Lot:NoTax Lot 99 ',: , Block No. :: •• . . :::.; !I ; . . (1022 PM" St,) ; should be designated as:;:..'1'02,2.. • Monroe Ave. .N:: E: . . BETHLAM :, 'LU.TH PRSG . • Per City Ordinance No. g44,. :: : .:'` Signed:: .' . . • B. L . RUPPtRT, BLDG... DIRECTOR. • Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate . . .. . . ..]l:• .: . : .:..: :. ::. :o. :,: . ... . . . ;. : . . . ...-,: . .. . . . . • :-1':. ;• _; '.;'..•: . .•.: . .:;.• . ..: : The :correct n6inber of-a: bu'i°ldin `•�on �Lot• No.�'-�Tax • Qlock Nip - g .. _ (3320 4th Aver N.) ; should be..designated as: ' 3408• :I N. E, 4th St, 2 2:5 . ..W I1L.L E A r.r s A v 5 0 :''':'-'Per City :Ordinance No. •2'44. RENTON• W.:q.. :� 98055 .. Signed: .+" I ,wife, '•'-.;,; B. L. RUPP RI ; 3L:DG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful : tn Precprvp this Cartifirata 1 The correct nunber.:of a building on Lot No. .Tax Lot 143 Block No. . • ' • (1260a S.E. .128 St,)`- ;.should:. be:designated as: . 3526. ' � l �- . _ fi� tzk :� `;:* - - W N 9; S�E. 1� -8. f, i,y Y'. �, f'' '- HS 2 ' R_ENT'ON WQ. n r 7 , >-; . i .8 =: : B DG ..pI �h ' - e Careful to reserve`this Certificate'-'T a e' _ The correct number f a building .on Lot ido. 8 Block 'No. - 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 .(3205 llth pi .N,) ; should be designated. as: 3301 :N. E. 11th Place Per City Ordinance No. 2'4C,�i: 80X . 2124 RENTON , . WA �_.-._ 98055 . _ .. - Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR : . 1 .,;' : -. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 139 , Block No. .4lbert Balch's President Park No. 11 (12209 132nd Ave, ;; should be.designated as: 667 S.t.) •Union Ave. N. E. M HARP. ;1S 2011 NYE PL SO _ Per City Ordinance No• 2447.• • SEATTLE WA . 9 8 1 4 4 Signed: �Gp' ,�;�, • . B. L. RUP R .(BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax lot 11 3 Block No.. n Alhprt Ralch's 'president Park No. 11 (11-617 132n. d` Ave. '.;• ,should' be designated as ;: :.,'917 I Union Ave. N. .E; • 2481Da43RD S0 Per City Ordinance No. _____ • KENT. WA 98031 Signed: ,,/:'� �• p ' - : B. L. •RUPPE]'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. Tax Lot 11 Block No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11(11603 132nd Ave. should be designated as: . 973 Union Ave tI_ E- V _ J HAKE . `��I 1520.4' SUNSET NwY . Per City Ordinance No. . 47 , •GENT ON -WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' _ correct number of a building'''on'-Loi?'fVa ' - ' 2` Block No: Mape's First Addition (1017 l'N" St.) ; should be designated as: . :_ ' , /p/7. Olympia. Ave. N. E.COLLEEN 4 A N F 1 N S .O-N : Per City Ordinance No• 2447 • � 210- 4TH ' QV SW � l 5, 50`Z 1 - • , Signed: ! i .1�-4eed B. L. RUPPE'?i 3LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r The correct number.of..a• building on Lot No:, . ..11 . . 9, Block No::` :.: , 1 j...::: :,. .: Aiber.t Ba1ch,;,s Presdent'Park .No' :7 =(902 .� St ) - .'shou;l'd:"be:designated as.. 910 ----- : I . ._Monroe Ave o N. E. . Per City Ordinance No, '_• 2d 7 T. RE \ T: ON WA 98055 ~/Mr /'t' �. Signed: �,r,.>-:-t �,..fT:,. u. L. , RUi4ih:;tT, BLDG. n.IRECTOR . Be Careful ;to Preserve this Cert:ricate. .' • The correct 'number'i o a,:building ,on Lot No 7 Block .No. -_ • 2, : A1hP t Ralch's �re�identpark No, 7 (3221 9th vP_ N_ ; should be designated as 3313 r I A ) . i nt :; . E 9t6 St_ 3 F ANDE:i250N ..,,::,,.. .: 7 : , ` P 0 e, 0 x. a o. 5 HOLD PerSigned:City _ Ordinance No„. � ►.�:; RENT ON wA -. . L. RU - , BLDG.. DIRECTOR' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •._ _.. ..:. .�r ,: : .:::;'': ,,,`.:::..;, . ;,,. .■..............• ..• ..•.• • . .. • • . . • . a . • .• • . .• . • ..• .'• . . .• ••O • . • .. • . . • . • • • . • • • • . •.• • ...... The correct number of a building on Lot No. < '•• •• 7 , Block NO. ' 2 Albert Balch's Pre5ident park No. 8 (820 +19 Place) should be designated-.as: 820 : : Newport Court N, E. -- ' 4 ', . W C FROST: t 1 0 0 0: 5 . E 9 7TH Per.City Ordinance No. 2447:: 98055 ,1 Signed: 37" p B. L. RU -.O. BLDG. DIRECTOR .. . ::::',,,,--;::::::-.-;--:-.Be Careful to Preserve...this:Certificate._ ;. .:.. ::,::`: : �.;;;;`_. ::;:` , ..: .`:._ The..correct number o a building on Lot No. - 9 Block No:: : .2 ' ".:'.;. 5 Albert Balch s President Park No, :8. (813 M .-.',Place) ; .should be::des:ignated.as 813 Newport Court'N. E:• , D B .ITNEY. :t ! 1004 , N : TRE.ET City Ordinance . :Per di ance No 2447 . RENTQN - WA . 98055: . :Signed:. . . ® B. L, RUPPE. , LDG. DIRECTOR . .. j ••` -Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot; No.. 2 _ , Block No 2 . Albert Balch'Is President Park No, . 6. (834 !'N'' Place) should be designated -as: : .-862,:, Pierce Avenue:N.' E: 1 0 i .o PERKINS Per City Ordinance No. - 24� R ( CHLAND WA 993:52 Signed: _ . B. 'L. RUPPERT, BLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 4 1L';, ,F. - 6e. - 'h, orr 6.`'`ct''n ariib r .b `l building - Block . Albert Balch's .Pres;ident Park No. 6 (841 "01l St,) should be designated as ." 863`.: . Queen Ave, N. E. . , E_____;,_ Per City Ordinance No• , '# ,� ii : I<iC WA `l71 98055 j` Signed: P*;�/,/,,+,ait.,.., g. Li. f"UhPL''S Ie ;...L 1..l)C. DIRECTOR • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. • ' "' .` :, Albert Baich's (;resident Park.No. 6 ,(_3509 8th Aye. N.) ;':should be designated: as' ,:.: 3601::."":; N. E. 8th St: y OPAL .E:,. MILLER 5 0 3 1 1.6 T H NE Per City Ordinance No'. r a 1.-77 • SEAT:TLE WA l n S P` 6 BLDG DI. RE_ "- x i ^ T C " _- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :... `:::: ." The correct."number df a building ,on' Lot No. 3 , Block No. 2 •9 Albert Balch'sPre ident park No. 9 :(3515 President park; should be. designated as: /611 :, , Gourt) ( ".NSF_ 'nth I anp M R 5 5 A Z Per City Ordinance No. 2417 `t•i, 2 1 8 5'1 M E E K L A N D : .A V E . HAYWARD. CAL'I BCA. : '.. 94541 ., . - Signed: : 47 .a' , BLDG. DIRECTOR I . Be Careful. to Preserve .this. Certificate: . ." :. . : . o.s.... .. .'.o .•o•• •.• 000 •oo .• • • o . o • • • oo•fo,o .,• • i. . • . • . . •. . . • • o•. o 604460 • o • oo . o •.00 ••. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 3 Albert Balch's, President Park.No. 9 (3509 10th Ave N,) should be designated as: 3601 r • N. E. 10th St. J G GRAY,. ri 13621 1 4 4 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 98055 Signed: 2A .., . BLQG • ;::Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -, `.' ::.;:; - . . .0 :.: • • • .40 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. 3"' . 1 Albert Balch's 'President Park No: 9 (3503 `10th Ave. N. Y; should: be designated as: 3533 N: E. loth" St. _ D B I TNEY • 1 0 0 .4 ,.N STREET Per City Ordinance No. . : p_ r_ -:` t‘ RENTON WA :;' i. Signed: • B. "L, RUPP'E. Tf,6 LDG. .DIRECTOR - Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate The;correct number f a building on Lot No.. • 4 Block No. ". 3 Albert Belch's ('resident Park' No.10 (3633 9th Ave. N. ) 3719 g should" be designated as:". .M CAPEK o B'ox. 624 . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 BAiNBRI © GE ' I . _ " WA . i 9 811 Signed B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG• 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate The correct number f a buildingon Lot No.- -• , Block`"No." ' " -•--A.lh....z- _Ralehis, Pr sident Park No.' 10 (821 P" St.') should be designated as: 3705 m N. E. 9th Court FR. ED AKE' RS R.LT'Y —. 1 1 5 0 3 R 0" :"5 T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 " RENT. O'N WA 98055 Signed .,,f+;e. , B. L. RUPPLRi ALDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nunber (3 -. a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 1 . Albert Balch!s President' ark No..-'5 (3703 8til N,) ; should be designated as ' , ' • ,"".i , - - ' • N. E. .8th Court HUB R E T Y- • e 2,447 2 03 4 SUNS T B L: v D NO , Per, City: Ordinance No „ RENTON ' 98055 Signed B. L. R- 17130A, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : • • • • ;he correct number of a building .on Lot No. 1 • , Block No. 2 (Albert Balch!s President Park No, 5 (812 "09 5t.) ; should be designated as: 822 Queen Ave. N. E. G SHEPARD 619 SUMMIT AVE E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 93102 . - • _ Signed: (-fr . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 000000000000 0000000000000000000000 •00000000000000000000000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •••• • • • • • ••.•••••••• he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 2 Albert Balchls President Park No, 5 (726 uOtt St,) ,; should be designated as: efitt)77ii Queen Ave. N. E. H MAUSTE. - •6 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 70 0 STREET Signed: B. L. RUP .r13j_DG. DIRECTOR - - _ , = - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate oo .oo eel . 0000000; .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .•. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 3 Albert Belch's preident Park No, 4 (720 POP‘ $t') ; should be designated as: 770 V., • glIPPI1 Avp, N. F. 9015 SO 180TH - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTOIN WA 9055 Signed: B L RuPrE. w LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number: f a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 3 ; -41bert Balch's President Park No. 4 (716 St.) should be designated as: Queen Ave. N. E. MRS I: STEARNS 250 4 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055 Signed:' . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . • . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .100 ,7 . . . . • . . . es . • . eve . 00 . . . 000 " • " Lot N -3 '• 4 . ;e correct number ofra-A)uilding on o. , Block No. Albert Balch!s prelsident Park No, 4 (3714 7th Ave. ; should be desianated as: ,3:1243166 911 S 3RD Per City Ordinance NoRENTON WA . 2447. 9 8 0 Signed: B. L. RUPP RI ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No'• '.' 2 ,_ Block No• : '6..: • • Albert Balch!s President Park No, 4 (711 11R4 St,). should be designated as - '7%/ . - — = Shelton Ave.-, 'N; E. • - f R ca A L - g. : Per: -City ordinance 4 - - - 5 5 3 . G �,N L-E. ,.:.W:.Y.. .5 W .... A,S:�E T'T L: C 8- - 1 7Si •n 9 G• . — �`�:_ is; I' �i S — — R. —— — I EC70— DR DG: — RJ : ; ;.:_' ;': .::.: Be Careful td °Preserve this :Certificate' •�, ' The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 1 Block No. _ 7 Albert Balch!s president park No. 4 (726 ""R" St.) ; should be designated as: ,724 • - Shelton Ave. N. E. w H m C 1 DANIEL Per CityOrdinance No. 2f1� 2015 M ;aNTEREY DR 471. RENTO.N : WA 98. 055 , Signed: �~ c ! ��' . L. RU ,y BLDG., DIRECTOR ,' ;. ' • ` : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. 1 The correct-number of a building on Lot No, 7 , Block No. . 9 '" Alert Balch4 p esident Park No. 4 (3810;6th .pi .N•) should be designated as : 3916 :. ij - . ' - . - . N. E, 6th St. 1 HAROLD . , UGHES ��14 1 2 6 0 8 5 E 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. Y RENTO.N USA 98.0 55 -}l Signed: / *,, B. L. RUPI4 P,K, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.' .13 , Block No.. 9.. Albert Balch!s President Park No. 4 (621 0S9 St,1 ; should be designated as 621 't - I j - ' - Tacoma Ave: N. 'E. A. K L.® u Z A ! Per City Ordinance No. 2s '-. 20120 DIES MO I NE S 5 SE .ATTLE . • WA 98148 Signed:. ,,✓' • 0--- B. L. RUPPI. T, LDG. DIRECTOR ` ` ` ' Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 1 s Albert Ralch°s President park No. 3- (631 "p."' St.) - should be designated as: ,655 ..• . Redmond Ave. N'.' E. - • ROBERT _ S.HINSEL - Per CityOrdinance No. �: �7. �- 2478 POPULAR' DR l 6. 721.1.. • - .. _ Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The orrect umber of a "building`.on Lot No. 4`.' '`` -. , Block No• 3 filbert Belch's President park No, 3 C3611 6th Aye. N,) ; should be designated as: '•17i2 , N._ F. 6th place__ ', M R S 0 . ORRR • Per City Ordinance No, 2447 • =237 50 2199TH - . * . FEDERAIL ' WA ? WA -- Si •: B. L. RUPP Rigt8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. • The correct number of_a building on Lot No. 5 , .Block :No. " 1 • _ Albert Balch's President Park .(3502 7th Place N.) ; should be designated as: 3530. - N. E. 7th Place E t SAACSON Per. City Ordinance No 24147 = 456 16T 'H SW --. - EP1T24! WA �_ sat-A- • 98F Signed: � � .,.a B. L. RUrq ,(T, BLDG. DIRECTOR" Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number ,f a building .on Lot No. 8 : Block No. 1 Albert Balchls president Park (639 "N'' place) ; should be• designated as: '6,q R ! C N A R D.: JENKINS .Pierce Court •N F d' N Per' CityOrdinance o. � ... `1��1�:71 98055 . Signed: L RU BLDG., DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate C•O .e'•O 0..,. Y. .• •.•.. . . . . • . . . . . o . • • • . : . . •o'e a. :. :.,':.•..f:'..:..-. :. .- :' .. : ...-. o . 0 0 . • . . . e . 0:.:.:,�i.i. The correct number of a building on Lot No:: 13 , Block No. 1 Albert Bahch"s President Park (3406 7th Place North) ;. should be designated as:: 3506.. — — - N. E. 7th Place R S" 5 2 0 WELLS AV SO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON w A 98055 Signed: ' • B. L. RUP R/i , BLDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No." 17 , Block No... 1 Ba-lch!s resident. Park (3320 7th P1 . No.) ; should be designated as: -. 3418 • N. E. 7th Place J N I CHOf_ S 1 1 4 1 6 1 3 5 T H ' SE Per. City Ordinance No. AA RENTON " ', WA 98055 Signed: • B?L, .RUPPI. T/,' LDG. , DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 26 ; Block No.' 1 w` Albert Balch',s P1resident Park (3202 7th Place N. ) ; •.should. be designated as: 3300 N. E. 7th. Place. G MOSS 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 2 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 RENTON, WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No, 4 Block No. 2 Albert Balch s President Park (3309 7th place N.) .' should be designated as: 3407 N. E, 7th Place '.' L E s TE R H A G ER T Y Per City. Ordinance No. > ,,7. 52.'4 WILLIAMS AVE N • . REN T O N WA 98055 Signed: •\ 1 B. L. RUPPEiird ;g[DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : The. correct number of_ :' : : : .; . , . .. • . . , .'. a building on Lot No. 19 Block No. - • , ?.. Albert Baichts President :park (33-08. '6th;:::Ave,. itae should be designated as 3406A,- '''_' _ N. t N, h�: 1 ace'` - P A R ELLIS , .. . _ L g S` Y Per-:City Ordinance No. . +� 7> .. 9827 116 'T �f PL . SE . . .. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' l'Ala .d� ,�s L. R , BLD G. DIRECTOR ::`: Be, t Careful: P f o reserve this Certificate The correct'number of a building .on Lot No. 8 Block No..' - .. 3 Albert Balch°s' President Park (3221 6th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as:' ' 3319 N. E. '6th Place -AR BEER 2 1 2 7 T ti AVE N o Per City Ordinance No. 7 . RENTON WA _...s-`_"`.` 98055 Signed: —G� ic,i . L. RU , BLDG.: DIRECTOR • 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 3. Albert Balch'svresident Park (3302 6th Place N.) ; should be designated as: 3404 N. E. 6th St. .. • . SECUR'! TY SAVECO IN . 4824 ICALt F AVE SW Per City Ordinance No. 47' iit-E—tt-T•43..N WA sfA»4F 9 8 1 1 6 Signed: •7./-7' y�,,, ,-',� ' B. L. RUP1-ER (BLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No• 19 , Block No. 4. . Albert Balch1s Pr silent Park :(3432 6th Pi . N.) ;. should .be designated as: 3534 N. E. 6th St. W M KOEING 34.26 6TH PL. ' NO • - , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPrEkT✓,d LDG. DIRECTOR.. ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 5. Albert Balch' prerident Park.(3521 7th P1 , N,) ; should be designated as: 3619 . S . S M BUTLER -- - 3 5 1 2 .71T H P L NO Per City OrdinaN: E• nce No7th'Place.. .'244 . RENTON, j . WA 98055 I — . ,. , Signed: 7 j B. L. RUPPERT-, BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Ire correct number of .a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 5 , Albert Balch°s ;?resident P4rk (3520 6th Aye, N,) should be designated as: 3612 '.` . N. E. 6th Place 0 J O H N S T O N 7 5 0 2 ' MILITARY R D S Per City Ordinance No. ' ,;:,.:0 SEATTLE WA. 98108 Signed: � L B. L. RUPP��t a DG: DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The. correct nuiiber of a building on Lot No. _ 1 , Block No. Stewart's Highland Acre.Trgcts (754 {!M!! 5t.) ; should be designated as 766 : . - RS - ,. P' _ P R` �� ' 4 5 0 9 WEST t C E. 'Per City Ordinance No. 2447 H A W I110R_N.E .. CL BC A 90250 ��:,II !, Signed: ,r ��>.� - B. L. R ��tl,,:, 6', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate T7e correc. ' ber of a building .on Lot No. ' 13 • , Block No. 1 Stewart's Highlan. -= -. . r.acts (3528 7th Ave. N.) should be designated . • • . 4. . IA, A OCCUPANT - • . ,;' y Ordinance No. 2447 702 0 STREET RENTON WA . ,: 5. 5 C o Signed: e ,a- ., ClJA L. RU'°' -•- B r... DIRECTOR . . . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No., 2 , Block No. _ 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts ' (716 ',W' St) ; should be designated as : • , 45.6 Monroe Ave. N. E. S LONGORIA A4 3201 7TH AVE So ' .. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 \r '. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: •7" ", B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;;;:-: : , .: :: The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No.. 2 Stewart's Highland Acre Tracts (3503 7th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as:. 3601 P ION 4 RT Y HOSFORD _ Per City Ordinance No. 1147 K STREET RENT,ON. . WA ' 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPFE. Te LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate a The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. :; Fugitt's Highlander park 1st Addn, (13065 S.E.115th Pl .) , should' be designated as: 1051 Union Ave. ......),.., N. E. ' • • B F F U G I TT 1 3 0 6 0 SE 1 1 5 T H P L "Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: °��,, B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 & 2 . , Black No. 1 ' • €-wrkinan AdditionP704 10th AvP. N.) ; should be designated .as: 3800. N. E. lOth St. DON HEMMERL f NO P City Ordinance NoS, 4,".;- 1 .4424 56er TH AV SO SEATTLE ✓WA 98168 ( .A/Signed: ,. • . \ P P> Sinned: , ,�/.Li e.4. ,, — 1 B. L. KUi P i6,;GBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to' Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1. , Block No. 3 Hackman Addition (3620 10th Ave, N9) ; should be designated as: 3700 N, E. 10th St. L BoSTocK P o BOX 2091 Per City Ordinance No, 2447 ' RENTON WA 9 -);0 5 5 -; 8 Signed /2/4,,„, • B. L. Ridg1%. BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 8 • , Block No. 1 Brehtwood .Div,#2 C1019 RV ; should be desinnated as: ' 1019 , 1 . -Shelton Ave. N. E. GEORGE ROBISON P 0 B 0 X 2 2 4 5 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON. 98 055 Signed: irf . L. RU / q-gli/- BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 00000000000 oft000moogeoeco • • opoopeo • o • 000• do . 000000000• • os • • • • ; aeo peass • . oeseacroao • • • • ••• osse • •••sia•••,• The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 ,:Block No. 3 Brentwood Div. No, 2 (1144 "O" $t.) ; should be designated as: 1174 Shelton Ave. N. E. PIONEER 4 A SHL EY P 0 BOX 2220 - Per City Ordinance No, 741Y • RENTON 980 5 Signed: B. L. RUPII. ffik BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 40.0000 000000 OOD0000. 0. 0 . 0000 . 000000 . 00 . 90 . 0 . 0 000000000000 Co . 00000000 000000 000000000 000 0 000000 0 The correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No. • - ; ; should' be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. Signed: ' L, RUPFE, W LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. 244, Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,78LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 00000000 o oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 00000 00000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tha correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. • ; should be designated as: • H Per City Ordinance N o. 74z,7,? • • ) Signed: • B. V. RUPPnUiabG. DIffECTOT--- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • i CITY am The correct number of a building on. Lot No. , Block No. _ 162 C.D.Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden of Eden Div. No. 3 ; .should be designated as: 2005 N. E. 51st St.. OCCUPANT Per"City Ordinance .No. 2447 11035 S.E. 73rd Place Renton, Washington 98055 , Signed: l__ , . ! B. L. RLP , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 146' C. D. Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden of Eden Div.No.3. ; should be designated as : 2224 __� ___ N. E. 50th St.. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ` ' _ 11230 S.E. 74th ST. ' Renton? .Washington 98055 _- , Signed; jA . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR---- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 169 C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. #3 ; should be designated as : 5032 [______________ ' Lake Washington Boulevard N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 7220 Lake Wash. Blvd. Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: ' 0 , B. L. RUPk - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t '' - The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden ofEden Div. No. 3 ' ; should be designated as : 5110 r Lake Washington Boulevard N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447' ` , , • 7200 Lake Wash. Blvd. Renton, Wa/shing•i:on 98055 „e4.0,c---7— Signed: ,l� l -T--__ -- - B. La RUP T, LUG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,Block No. 169 C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 3 ; should be designated as : 5028 Lake Washington Boulevard N. E.�____ 07230PLake Wash. Blvd. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ---- Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: LI B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 180 ' ; C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No.3 ; should be designated as: 5101 _ Lake Washington Boulevard N. E. .,; ,000UR41-1 --------, Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ 7223 Lake Wash. Blvd. ' ' Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: f�, 2 7 __. ._......� y CT ��:..,F--=r=, � . .. B. -L. RUPP R•idgLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -f� ...2 , la t ►1J £LI 0,A.1t 110 19 A,a ge . a L . . . .A.a . e,5• .j4 d i . .. .. 1.. . ,.. ....j '� • The. correct number of a building on Lot" No. , Block No. --,Ll" C.D.Hi.11man's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.. , No. 3 ; should be designated as,: 4904'_ Lake Washington Boulevard N. E. OCCUPANT Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 7410 Lake Wash. Blvd. ," Renton, Washington Signed: 0 " — B. L. RUP c , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _, Block No. 184 C.D.Hillman's L4ke Washington Garden of, Eden Div.No.3�; should be designated as:' 1733 —_ . " " N. E. 44th St. OCCUPANT . . , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 .. 10828 S.E. 80th St. _ . yr Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: (= Y ' c-- L. RU ,.vr, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of, a building on Lot No. - , Block No. .. ; should be designated as : Per City Ordinance No. , Signed: 0<c f B. L. RUP - , itDDG pIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as : Per City Ordinance No. .�+ Signed: B. L, RUP T/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , 'Block No. ; should be designated as:' , _--__ E____ Per City Ordinance No. Signed: /° ,"4.5;- ----' B. L. RUPPERT, iL.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . . ; ;, should be designated as : "__ _ Per City Ordinance No.• Signed: W.4,/,,,25-- --E7—L. 6TL DG. DTRECTQ R De Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 1 Martin's. Acre Tracts Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 316 • Union Ave, N, E. OCCUPANT Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 12824 132nd Ave. S.E. �• Renton, Washington 98055 • Signed: '. . B. L. Re BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: , Block No. 1 Martin's Acre Tracts. Unrecorded ; should be designated as : 318 T Union Ave. N, E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 12824 1/2132nd Ave. S..E. Renton, Washington 98055 ~� Signed: ( —4. . L. RU 9 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No. 1 Martin's Acre Tracts Unrecorded ; should be designated as : 350 Union Ave. N. E. ' ' ' OCCUPANT ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 12814 132nd Ave. S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: B. L. RUE ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be" Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 1 , Martin's Acre Tracts Unrecorded ; should be designated as : 356 Union Ave. N. E. • OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 12812 132nd Ave. S.E. ' Renton, Washington 98055 -� Signed: , B. L. RUP E-kT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. 2 Martin's Acre Tracts Unrecorded ; should be designated as:' 4225 N. E, 4th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13221 filth Ave. N. . Renton, Washington 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' . - ,; should be designated as: ' Per City Ordinance No, Signed: B. LI. RUPPIrWDG. DIRECTOR. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 1. , Block No. 2 C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 7; should be designated as: .4401. _ - Lincoln Ave. . N. E. OCCUPANT • Per'City Ordinance No. __2447'_ . 10831 S E 80 TH ST - ,.RENTON WA 98055 �" c....._______-, Signed: , -74 s 4Q�,,;��, , `� B. . L. RUB'eaFl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -The--ce-rizeet•• to tben-af u i-l-d i-ng-an-Lei--no--=— 3 . ; B1 e-k--rNo. '---2 --- C. a-D. r1-1-m n-°s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 7 �h� . N,_.Eshould be d es i g na-tecl-a-sr-H7-7-7--- • � s Av e _,__ . ,_ . , Ply Ordinance No. . _ Signed: ,,s . L. RUN- mot;-B G. DIRECTOR . . -B-e-C f-u 1 to-fre-ery e t h i-s--C-e-r tftca t e The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 3 - , Block No. 2 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 7. ; should be designated as : . 4232 • Jones Ave. N. E. • • OCCUPANT 8040 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: ("-- --13' • � g B. L.RUr Pf/BLDG. DIRECTOR • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , , Block No. C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. .7 ; should be designated as : 4108 -- - --- - - • • Jones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 8222 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: . B , RUPPt. 14 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. - 9 ,Block No. ; C. .D. Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden ofEden Div. No. 7 ; should be designated as : 4024 --- -- -----_-- - Jones Ave. N. E. • OCCUPANT -- 8230 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - --._� Signed: h4�, F�, -H B. L. RUPf ERT, (BLDG. DIIRECTOR - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: , Block No. 9 . ; C..D,Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of• Eden Div. No. 7 ; should be designated as : 4016 . OCCUPANT J9nes Av_e, N. E. 8240 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed:____.: ' 4) .,� 6.L: RUPP -6�i 1 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. f . , Block. No. • C_.D.Nillman's. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.:,No., .7 .; should be designated as: 3809 • . > Jones Ave. N.E. OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . • ' . 8439 108 TH AVE S E • RENTON WA 98055 �J .. J . Signed: API' _ B. L. 'Rlr' < , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The, correct number of a building on Lot No. • 116 , • , Block No. ___ _ _- C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. .2 ; should be designated as : 3709 OCCUPANT Jones Ave,_. ,_ E. - 8639 108 TH AVE S E • Per City Ordinance No. 2447_ • . . RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: � Op!, � y•L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR -� • Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. - C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3506 . Jones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 8626 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - Si ned: � . . Ap;- -'---- • B. L. RUP �, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .The.correct number of a building on- Lot No. 119 , -Block No. C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3609 • Jones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 8627 108 TH AVE S E = RENTON • WA 98055 - Signed: . r ---------. .-.__--> _ __ . B. L. RUP :, T,d LDG. DIRECTOR. Be careful to Preserve' this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , 'Block No. 5 C_D.Hillman's Lake. Washington Garden of Eden Div: No. 7 ; should be designated as : 3624 Jones' Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT' — --_ 8634 .108 TH AVE S E . • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ ______„_,..._______. _. ' ' ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ---h 1 — B. L. RUP. - °ERT,�LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct. number of a building on Lot No. 5 - , Block No: . • 5 . . . C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington •Garden of Eden Div. No. 7 . ; should be designated as: 3601 . Lincoln Ave. N. E. . IT OCCUPANT 8639 110 TH AVE S E ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 . . • > • * Signed: .. ..,�{, l40n . . __ ._____7________ ____:, B. L. RUPPE`�d i, �• LDG. 'DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ;70` C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division #1 should be designated as: 1909. . N." E. .36th St. OCCUPANT Per•City "Ordinance No. 2447 11217SE "88THST _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. Re , BLDG DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ! 61' C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden ofEden Div, No, 1 ; should be designated as : 3133. .drones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 9205 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 C- -- Signed: C, '� f , ' . ___�_ . L. RU P- , BLDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . . - , Block No. •77I. C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division ;should be designated. as : 3132. No, ► Jones Ave,. N. E, OCCUPANT 9234 108 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 244"7. . <, RENTON WA 98055 Signed:" 7- - B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. , .Block No. 55 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden,Div. No, 1 ;" should be designated as : . 1.925 _ N. E, 31st St. . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 11003 S E 93RD ST ) RENTON WA 98055 Signed: - B. L. RUP LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 53 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Div, No, 1 ; should be designated as 2032 N, E. 28th St, : M PANGBURN, 1 1 2 0 0 SE 9 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: i , A` • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. .DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. . , Block No. . C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 1 should be designated as : , 2034 N. E. 28th St, OCCUPANT 11200 1/2 S E 96 TH ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447. .. RENTON WA 980.55 Signed: B. L: RUPPEki . LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate 1 . ....The .correct number.: of,a .building on. Lot Nei , .Block'.No:':•. :...53 (^ i,llanan's. Lake Washington 'Garden of''Eden .Div.No, 1 'should 'be designated as•:, .. 2016 i ; :E.a 28tPi St,.` • R,A N ,O B I) R N...'H E '.M '.. H A 'L i.'.. . P'eY'''Ci ty: Ordinance:NO._ 2447 11044 . :5. E 96TH ' RENTO'N W. A 1•. •, . 9. 8.05 5 1. , Signed .' i ' . ; BLDG. DIRECTOR . ". Be . B Carefill to .Preserve this Certificate. ". . : '' :.;�„ :':. •�•'• m • a . q,• ohm000,''• � � �io e�••a • o'o��m :••m'y• •,ov• • •'op•'•om •;s : •,• . •,• •• e,o'o'a •,:n,: • a••'m •'o •v,e • The corre 1 ber of a building on:Lot 'No:: Block No'• . : 50 :. , C+D.Hillmanas Lake Was Garden of Eden ;Div. No:. l •- .shoul;d.be .:designated a ,• OCCUPANT '.. ., ', '. ::.. 94'3,7 1'�D8 TM 'P� S. E., `.. • . :_.., . . ,. . :.., ',Ordinance No: .- , • • Si ned:. � m L :.RU BLDr. TOR; -. e Careful to. Preserve this. Certificate ' � o • • o'• ••• m •,• :.O o.s ••'o¢o:e".�•'m o,•'o • .. •�• • • a � •• a • • • q / •'• •Y ••• • •♦Y'•.i •,q'm i�• e • • • •'• • • a o • •.q'„• • �,• q.• • • :;The correct number:of '4:building .On. Lot: NO'.' ', .' , , s. Block No 51 C D Hillnian9s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No, 1 . .; should be designated as 2016':....: ::'..', J H. 7.A L L-o c'c-o '.: ::`: ',.. ,;.,; Per.'':Cit Ordinance. No. 2447 `... , ,. ' '- i. .' ',..9 b 2.0 �. .Y_UB.T:.Ii P'.:l., :.'.S E .,'.:. ' .. . ;:.. -city...Ordinance " REN.:T:ON' A 1 B.: L:. RU: BLDGo . DIRECTOR . Be Careful., to Preserve,•;,. this Certificate • o ra o o..q . e.•'e••m o• o,.e,•,e'•-o o q e' • s .'o o;• e •:i'q•.• o.m •• •':'• •.,P tl'm.:0 4 0,q r o.e o m,o.u.e e a-: i •:s • ••'r."i q'o m,'a o'• •"•,•„+ •+�:•`e': i".'�• . The: correct 'number' of:a building on;Lot' No. ,. Block .No.,,:. • 51;.':-: .., C.D.Hiliman's Lake Washington Garden of'Eden Div. No, 1 ' ; should' be designated as: ;, 28b8`. Kennewick. . N,::E• -: 9..4 4 0 .' 1 0 8 T H P L ' sE Per City :Ordinance No,:: '2447 :, ' • � � Signed• . - Be: Careful,•. to Preserve this Cer.t.ificate:, ;;,;' • • m • • • . :• ••• o., • ::•+ • • • •••:e • • •'/ •.a., o• • • . •., 00• , • e.••. me • e . a •-• •• o •.e + • •'a ea • • • • ••• q'• • • •:• • a•e:o • • . :: =The correct number of a building: on Lot No. : : Block .No. .... , .4g.,. .:., .: C.;D:Ail lman's-. Lake~Washington:.Gard'en Of' Eden' Div.•::No. 1 ; •should.. be: designated as` : 2901.: . ,,.: Kennewick . :N. E :OCCU:PA1\1T ` 9 4 3 5 10.6.T H P.- S E Per' city. Ordinance`No 2447P..-L. ' RE.NT.O�l :' . .: wa. 9. 8'0:.5 5.: - Signed:: B L: UPPERT;: BLDG: :.DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate : °, ' . • ;. �'.�0'• e..s•• •'• s •'• • e m.o • a i►,e•`e.• e•o r : a s o �•• o •'.• •'/ i • o�•,:.e;a• • 0 e:e d.• s •"e a / • +C I.e'.e,�,.3 •-9 m 0 • • ••e.a••'.i'0•.'..• •`•:• •'• �:o"e o e•: I e The 'correct number of a building on Lot No ,`.Block ..No. 58.• .: . `:: ' C.D:Nii•iman's Lake Washington Garden ofEden Div. No• 1;. should; be designated.•.ds:: i6 , OCCUPANT H. N+ E '30tbt - 1.0.6 '1 0... S.E-:.. 94.T H;.. S T,.. _ :: '' Per•City Ordinance 'No• .2447, 9805. 5: . S.i'gned o :L:_ RUPP LOG: DIRECTOR .. ::, .- . . :'Be Careful; to Preserve this :Certificate o_e�s`•,q'• m e'•o'•at O.¢Q- o•'eb •,a •-r•'• :• + s•/ o • / • • •.• so / •;o •:m • o • • • •ose •:i, r ••e• • + • e •.e / o.•,W/ so o,o • agq o • Thy: ;,r°rect number: of a building on Lot No :.:ems .Block No :50 :'. ._ C.D.Hi: man'sLake:•Washington:Garden of Eden:Div. ' NO. 1. ; should be designated as :` , 1700 .. ., 28th:St. • OCC k`AWi' .:. 10814 S :E 96 TH ST Per City: Ordinance No. .24 ' ENT0N WA 98055 d B.. RU134e �` , BLDG; DIRECTOR • • • :Be Careful:'to Preserve:this ',Certifc.: 'e. The •Correct number of a bui i ng:on Lot No. El ock: No. 50" C.D.Hillman`s:,Lake.Washington .arden'ofEden Div. No. '1' ' :should .be, designated asa 1708 N, E. 28th St► OCCUPANT 10816 S ,E 96 TH ST:. : Per. City.. Ordinance No: 2447. ,,• RENTON WA ' 98055 • • .' ` �{ Signed. � .: BLDG. Le RU DIRECTOR' eful:.to P serve this. Certificate Be': r ••.. o • • .+ 'o sa a •'• .• • o • o ° v :s • • .: o 1 • r'e • ° • ee.••• • o. •'•• o • • d,•• • • • ° s'• v o • • e r'e • r o •'e,• The .correct number of a bui1. ng on .Lot No. ' 9 Block No. . 50 C+D.Hiliman's :Lake. Washi, on Garden of Eden Div. :Noo: should be designated as' 1.624' N. E: '28th 'St ' occ�PANr .. - • 10644 S E 96 ST • Per Cit Ordinance No Signed': Be' Careful :to Preserve this Certificate �,. E .. .:• • s e • • e ° • ° e• .. a e'•e..:.•'• - The correct number 'of a building :on-Lot NO, :. ; Block No: ,: C..D•Hil lman's Lake ..' Washington .Garden :of'Eden, Dive~ No. ,6 ; should be' designated, as; 2108: N E ':28th :St`;:: W c. SMITH :' Per City ordi oance No: 2447: 1 12Q4 SE• . 9'6'TH: Signed: ;.: B RU ' s LDG.. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to :Preserve this Certificate r : • e • • . • o".v e •a > •• .c • . •. • • e • • • e • e • • o.• e p • ° o-• • . . • ° o •'e r r . °•• • • • . • • • • • • o s • e •:• • •, s • g - Block .No ,1'he correct .number of. a bpi l di n .on Lot No:. . : � ,; C:D•Hillman's .L.�ake 'Washington Garden o.f,'Eden D.iv. No.. 6' should :be,designated as:: Per .Cit y,Ordinance No, '2447 ,, RENT4N , ` . WA ' _ 98055 . ;: Signed': ,•� , P RU PERT,"BLDG°::DIRECTOR . . Be.Careful -to 'Pr'eserve this :Certificate " .. • ° •,.1 m • •.. ..• • . e • • • • n • i 0..:.•. o r :• •-.'i •.•'.,t...;. • . o,•'. • •t• • :'.o • q,• • • •'•• •.• :. ••a • •,•':• •;•,e•.•'+'• • e • �••.• • •.a ° • ..• • ° •: The. , . , •. . • ,,. . : correct number ofa building on Lot N.o . 9 BlockNO. 362.:. C.D:Hillman's Lake Washington .Garden of Eden D:iv. No. 6. should be .designated,as' 2132: N E t4 BERO.MA'N : Per City Ordinance No. 1:1 2 1 8 :: •g.E :'96'.T .H . _ .. , '.:. .. . �7, RENTON: . = WA Signed° _ , . . Be L. RUPP-Ri LDG1. DIRECTOR "`. Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct 'number::of :a building on: Lot No. ' ' ,G .:. . • C.D.Hi:liman's:Lake Washington Garden: of Eden-Div'e• No• 6_; should be-designated as: ''2200 .: . _, N. Ee;:;28th St. R STALEY ` PerCity Ordinance No: : 244?. . 112.32 : S'E .'96TH : RENTON WA - 98 .055 . _. .. - Signed: B.- L. R ; BLDG. DIR CTOR : Be Careful to .Preserve. this Certificate . The correct number of a building on:Lot. No. , Block No•' _ 362 C.D•Hiliman's Lake Washington. Garden of Eden Div. No. 6 ; should be designated .as 2216 N. E'. 28th St. . ; HI• L24...C2:0 USER T N9 E6 YT' H. . Per City Ordinance No: 2447 ,`: R E.N.•.T O N • w A 98055' • .- Signed': _.. . L. RU BLDG., DIRECTOR Bel Careful .to Preserve this Certificate , . The correct number of a building on: Lot No.. , ;. Block No. 362. . . t. C.D•Hillman's; Lake Washington Garden ofEden Div. No•,' 6 ' ; should be.: designated as :2224 N. E. .28th -St. C A SUFFI A`- 1 1 '4' 1 '2' SE 9 6 T'.H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , ; • RENTON : WA. - 98055 , Signed: B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate: The correct number of a building on-. Lot No. - ;:Block No. 362:, ` -: 'C•D:Hillman's ;Lake Washington Garden of. Eden Div•: No. :6 ; should be designated as.:`,' ,2300 N. E. 28th -St. PAN 'G B URN JACK .. . . Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 1 14.1 8 SE.•96TH RENTON WA 98055. Signed:` ' . B. L, RUP. LDG. DIRECTOR '. Be Careful to:.Preserve this Certificate . " The correct number of a building on Lot No: ,.' Block No. 369, ' C•D.Hillman's Lake. Washington Garden of Eden Div• No. 6 ; should be,designated as 2308 N. E. 28th St. C VINEYARD 1 1 4 2 •2' S E. 9 6 T H - Per City ;Ordinance No. 2447_ ; RENTON : VIA 9805,,5. . . . Signed: : - ' B. .L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be 'Careful to Preserve this Certificate •L .' •. . . . ,• • • • • . . . e • • 0 . . • • • •'• •• 0 •• • e • ••L ..e ••'• ••u • • • • • • • •• . •• e . • . •• . . . . . . • • • ::'• • • • • '•`The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 369"': • C:D•Hiliman's:Lake Washington. Garden of Eden Div. No. 6 ; should be designated as; 2324 N. E. 28th. Sta: `. N .. 8 A LT S :- Per Cit Ordinance .No. 2447' 1.1'434 E 96THy RENTON WA.: 9 8 0.5 5 Signed:: B L. RUPP RI ,G LD.G. DIRECTOR Be Careful ''to Preserve;this Certificate The: correct_number of;a building, on Lot No , '•Block No :.368_ : ; : ', :; C•.0 Hillma:r. 's take Washington Garden or Eden. Div :Noy 6 " ;:'should be 'designated 'as:'.:..:,2221.: OCCUPANT 11233 :S E ,;93 RD ST' . • Pera•Ci ty Ordinance;.No .. _.. - igned . : . - B:. L-. ems . ;. BLDG. . DI: ACTOR " - Be. to Preserve .this, Certificate ' : ' : : • :: :..:. i'.i"• a • •• . • p • .••.• .• • o • • . .. •'• •. • • • 0 ao • o • aoio • • o • oo •-o•• .:• oo• ooae • • • i• • •• a:• e • a a • • • •" The correct number- .of a: building .on} Lot:No. 9 Block.No:• : , 367 C.,D•Hllrnan's I_ake '.Washin9ton Garden.'of Eden D.iv. No: 6 should be 'designated as: 2224 OCCUPANT ':: Per City Ordinance 'No 2447 • • .:. ' 11236 S 'E "93 RD .ST RENTON WA'' 98055 ' Signed: d , ...A.,. r rl{ •. • • BLDG.. DIRECTOR ;' ,.: . Be Careful' to Preserve this: Certificate :;: ::. ;': . ' ;. , ,, -: .:. ,:, . • o • . e • •a • •s •.e •'•'.i o• o a s's'ei:o • s,•, -o i o • ••• • o_i:o o • e d o.e o • e • e • e • o •• e m q.o o• • • o • a a•e o •:a'e: o o • s o •,:o o"'d': •'•.,a'i i`• : The:..correct:number_ of a bu'ilding: .on.,Lot Noo' Block No• . . 367 > ,:., C.D.Hillman' s La ke:"Wash:irigton .Garden_ of'. Eden Dive.: No. 6',. ; should be:`designated.'as:`::_2236 :- ; :;�'" _ . . , . .,i. N. ::E,..31st St V .. OCCUPAN : : Per,r..Cj�,,ty:: Ordinance No.�'2447 , ::,:,. ,.. .,. . 11236 "1J2 :S' E 93 RD' ST ,-,;�<.��.�;,. _ :. •'RENTON . WA, 98055 . E<`s,• n d a � '- - _ :- z:,: . B: :,L. RU ..BLDG. DIRECTOR 77-7 Be: Careful:: to Preserve this: Certificate: : :` ,S. •.'i'•,.• •.• • • • i • •o .i •;ie,• o• • •'.:o •.• • • • o,• • . e.•.i 'o:ir.•v• i • • •. • .• o • • o • •,. • e • • •• .,• •.•,'•'rmr _ e •.• • .,• • : e • J'i• • • •v • • The.'correct number of a building on: ;Lot., N <o;.:. : Block .No. . 367.:;: : C.D..H:i l lman's Lake Washington Garden of,.Eden Diva No;, 6:: ; should be designated':as: :: ,2316';`• OCCUPANT, Per. City Ordinance No:,`11414 S E. 9.3 ;RD.ST�. .. . RtNTON WA 980"55 Signed° .: . - Bo:. .,. RUP , ' .LOG: DIRECTOR , Be :Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • o • s • • • • • ... • o.. . . .. e • • _ • • •,om;o is •• i • a,• o e i • e •e • eo • o • • o "•• •:••• , • • o.• •r.• a • a:i •v.aa '.. ,The ':correct' number. of a..buiilding,.on Lot. No..' :: : ::' ': . . t . s: Block No ::..Pi:. C:.D.Hillman s. La' - ke,.Washington Garden';of Eden .Div:. Mo:: 6 . �, should ,be designatedas;;":,: 2336 ' ':� N. E. 31st.:St., ' • :. ; .:::.,:'OCCUPANT: :.: , ; .. Per City' Ordinance nance No•..2447 1.1422-,S E 93.`RD ST. ,. . . RENTON WA 98055, . - Signed: B.: L RUPPERT,> BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful :.to Preserve this Certificate - •e'• • • • • s • . • ia •-• •:.e.o o • • •• • e • • a • e.• •'•;'a:.• ie r.•'• • rSa+ • • . e o •a 0.• v'i :,• •a :• • •.'i •Y.• oe .:• s.e • • •+ • ' `,The:cor.rect number of a building on Lot" No. 371' Bl�rc�t:"Noe_ " 9 , C D.Hillman's Lake: Washington Garden .of`Eden' Dive No, 6 , should be designated' as:"'' , 2332.:" ':.'`. • ' OCCUPANT . " .. . . N;. E: 31st '.St; y .". ".;. 11.430 S" E 93RDST`: , .. : . . .._- .:' Per .City Or.dinance:No,: :,: ..: 2447 �.s. ' ".:,; RENTON. IAA . "98055. : : ' • , . i B• L. RUPP ;1, LDG.i .DIR CTOR : i .. . ' Be .Careful to..; �re r e thisC j ,} . : �� .. Preserve vCertificate ;:: The correct number of a building on Lot No,: , Block No. ,371:! C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden. of Eden Div.. No. 6 ; should be designated as:. 2416 .. N. . OCCUPANT 11426 S E 93RD ST Per`City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed:. --, " B. .L. � 1' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve..this Certificate The correct number of .a building on Lot No. : , .Block No.. . 368 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No.. 6 ; should be designated as: 2405 N. E. 31st St. OCCUPANT • 11425 S E 93RD ST " Per City Ordinance No.. 2447.E RENTON WA 98055 ,^.. . Signed: L. RU BLDG. ' DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate • o . •.• . • . • . •• soono 0 0 . • . . o • . . o . . •.S O • . “ 000000 , 000 . 6000d900000 . 0 • • e . • o . . . a • o • o 000 (14,060600 • 041 . The correct number of a building on Lot No Block No. 371 C.D.Hi1lman's Lake Washington Garden..of Eden Div. No. 6 ; should be designated as;. 2432 N. E. 31st St. OCCUPANT P 0 B0 . 2083 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ILIA . ::. 98055 . • Signed: 20 g B. L..:RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR ` '. _. Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct, number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 363 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. . 6 ; should be designated as:: 2908.. Kennewick wick N. E... . .. � . .N E _ •.• ' 0 . 0 S W E A Z E Y Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 ;.. 9.418 . 108TH •PL ' SE REN.TON WA 98055 , • Signed. _ _ _ Q, /L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate Thee correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.` 363 C.D.:.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 6:. ; should be desig ated as:, 2914 Kennewick N. E. 1' OCCUPANT • — — 9414 108 TId PL S E Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • B. Lo: RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. . Be u Cer tificate 1 to Preserve this C tificate • . .... . . . . . o o . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . .. e . . . . . . . . . s . . • . .. . . . . . . The:.correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. • 371:. : C.D..•Hillman's Lake .Washington Gardenof• Eden Div. No. 6 should be .designated as: 24.15. N. E. 31st St. OCCUPANT 11429 .S E 93RD ST. •' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - Signed b �,�s�+,i B. :L. RUP LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..'. ...b di :N 107 :Block• Noo•':' '' '',. .1'h+e correct number of- a buy ldig, on. Lot::`: o' ;...:.:. :. ; . '. �s ` : Div. No,•-...2 .. . . .1317 . .C.eQ•Ili�llr�ar�' ., Ld.ke b3ashi'ngton :Garden'.of.Eden. ' shuld.:.bdes�gnated; as'._: .. N.. 40th Street 10411i• S .E•.84TN .ST'''.:.. :`` .Per City Ord ance o .' e , • • • • • .:i• • :.Si ned .. : Ba. �... Rt�?. 9 BI. G;:•DIRECTOR;9 E .TOR. , e Careful .`to'':Preserve :this Certificate •,. • •• 4........• • • • ea,..m'• •,• Oe � :•;• • • •'• • • • i• a • •,a • • r. • • a • a'•_:• '• e • • • • •'• •..• • .••a • : •':••• • • o The: correct _n . . . . •.:.r. .'' umber:�of' a building. on Lot • ivo:::'.�..Govt.` Lot 2 - :' .:: ,. B1®ck: No'.: `: . . ; ' • . , ' ;:,sliou'ld•be designated as:::.•'41:01':•:, , -:. . . ,. : : • take Washington :Blvd,• ••NortI1:::,. :,: OCC, ,.. -8Q1'B.LAKE WASH :BEND :: .. :Per City Ordinance..No. :2447- RENTON• _WA.. 98055: • :r . Signed::, <<..•:-;,: � '' : - : -• ' ..,.,.. . ..,,. • ,. L:••• RU 9 ', D,�•: DIRECTOR=::_ • _ th 's :� ' ‘•Be.Careful �to Preserve i s Certificate'' •••:. +•4.'•.•••*•.1.•••'. •', •.•i • ••ti:.:a•• •'.• • or•.• • •'a ...'j'•'r• • ••;u:.Y.a •'•'•,•,•::m .• ••I I.I•o:• .,.•• • • a;•,'i • a vie.•.•,i•t :'If•,••,• • •...:• • • • • 4 = The.::co.rrect-'number....:of a•:'.bu i l d:i:ng.;o.n."•Lot;•No:.:, ..:. ; ;:D1 ock No. : : :. . . . .. ... . . •• ';should,: .be•-deli, nated::.'as,:•••:- . . • er•.City• Ordi:nance:;No`a 'Si ed•n Be .L. : RU BLDGo DIRECTOR: : i C • , Be:-Care:ful'. 'to;:Freserv.e...th. sCertificate.. ,:. : �'i_•• • e�e'a.:•'•:•_• • •v'a•'•'.• •• a• �'i'.:a"• •.•�'o o.• • •.• .vi�• •.i • m a• •-e'•�,•_Y a'• •'a.• 0'• m e •_•_.� • • • e• • • }-.� a:i a : a.• •'e4•.�::•,.••a:a • a• • : • • s • The correct number. of. a build:Ng. Mot••Nm.' B:1ock .No. , i• should be,••••designated:'as Per Cit Ordinance No ' -. Signed: L,' RUPi. 'LD.G:•':DIRECTOR B B.e'•Car.efu'1.;.to:;Preserv.e.'this Certificate .,";.:. •a • o: •.a • i• a'o-a'.• o m . •,.• • i,ni �•a ..� • • • • • `e • �:• • �'� • s'• • i• i.e'•:.'• . a a • • • as m m • • • e :• e'� • • •,+•. m_ • • • • a ':• Th.e correct number..of:•a building on''Lot No:. ;Block_ No.:.. . . :.i - '9 designated.ass, . ,.. '• ::": '.:.. . Per. City.. Ordinance No. Signed: . • ERT,: BLDG:;' DIRECTOR. ,. .. . -:,.' • • Be Careful •to':.:P.reserve .'this.' Certif:icate ' ,',•`.....': '•. ;.''.:. : , . •'• • •;•rv• •,.a'. li'0'1 0'•:a'� a:'•.►'a•►• •;},�• s •,• • •''1 l.•-a;0 • Oy j•'• • i • •"• a • ..i,.• ea• •'1 :,0��1.e •;'I •'. •4'•.i;E • • • mas •� • • • fhe correct'._number'of. 'bu i l di:ng..on Lot.No.. :'.: • B1.ock No• ..:: ' ; , .' should.be :de`signated.. a's:` 0 di ..:' - Per City r nance�.No• , Si ned: ' 9 B .C.. RUPP a L'DG '. DIRECTOR : B ;.:_ : ;.:.'•: '.� :'... e. Careful;..to 'Preserve..this Certificate:: ': ,... ,_ ,'The correct number' . of a building on,:Lot No: .Tax Lot .l 28 , Black No • ::; should be designated as: 4100: O.tf P A N T 1 326 6. .. N:o . 4 1'11 ST T" Pei tity Ordinance No::,. 2447 9805:5'. Bm L� kfri BLDG. DIRECTOR: Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate ; Lot :132 . Blo¢k The correct number of a �building on Lot i�®: `..Tax , - - , No. ;'s.hould. be.. designated:as: 4208 N. E. 4th St. • , .Per' Cit !'Ordinance.-no. 2447 13210. N o 4 T.ti . S T:;' RENTO 'N WA ,: Signed• j : -! . RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to .Preserve this Certificate • a •• • • ••t•• • • • • • • • • • m• • • • • • • • • :• ••.• a• •,• • • • • I • • •• • •,• •61;.0 • • e • •.• • • • e,• •::p s • o e • :...:The. correct 'number.. of a '°,buldin on: Lot Tax 'Lot 89 , Block 'No: . . b. should..be. designated :as:: 4216 1`.3:.2 1 8 N 0 4 T'H:" S.T Per. City Oroinance'Na:. - R 9 '8 B SLDG ialRE - L. RU C . ' - Be Careful to-Preserve this Certificate : :- ` .` - , •• p-• ••• e•••• o: • •'••m: • • • • •.• • • • • . • :.'•.r• •• o• • • • • e • • o u y1: o;• :o:o.• o d e o L•_.• o • o.• o.o o• a;p"•-o • • . • •.o The correct number'of A building On LOt•PSo`; Tax Lot. 85 , Block No'. s should be designated as: . 4308 N•. 'Em 4th"St: Per City .Ordinance-,No.,. 447 1 410 : S.E. , 1281H , .. 98055. : ' Signed: ~ RE1P T, LDG. . DIRECTOR : Be :.Carefful to Preserve this Certificate a • m • •.i,o••'• • + e • a • • m + •..e •u q • • •.rp'b • •:: : • •y.o e'•:• o •"• • am • i'• • •p• •eaoo •.• • m • •3 • s • • • The correct number of-a building on Lot 'No: _ . .Tax Lot 28 . , Block No.. . . should be designated as: 4316. N. E.o 4tn St. 2447::: SMITHSA1ERFIELD — 1 3 4 1 4 . . SE 1`'2:8:T H." Per 'City Ordinance No: • Signed: ' • B "L RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful . to Preserve :this. Certificate . e • •'• • • •�• • • o + • a'• • a • • • n• e'• • • • • o:• a':. : a • +;o.'i♦ • e'Y.• ,•' • • • • a'e:• • •'m:1:•,•.• • • a • • • m •• • •'m.o •.': • •'o. The correct number of a building on .Lot. No• .Tax Lot'28. • , Block No. should be designated as: 4320 N. E. 4th St: — D oN AL D F '.:' SMITH 13:416 S E '..128T Per City. Ordinance No: 2447 ; . .' H RENTON .: WA 980.55. _ .. ,. . - Signed.; B. L. RUPP I ':`:LDG. DIRE TOR • : Be Careful: to Preserve this Certificate . , ' The correct number of a ,building .on Lot No. Tax Lot 10 4, Block No. , . ; should be designated as : 4312 . . N. E. 4th St. I WCARUE Per'.Cit 2447 1 3 4 1 8 . N 0 4TH S T y. Ordinance No. RE, NTON VIA 98055 i Signed: ,,, B. L B . R' 4 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 148 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 455 Bremerton Ave.. N. E, OCCUPANT ----____ 12635 CXX13#1=04 6".,r•/24rdsr, I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 _ Signed: ~ , L; RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR. el,) - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:> Tax Lot 148 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 551 Bremerton Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13440 4TH AVE NO . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C/ fly 9 �� _,,5----- B. L. RUP- BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this :.Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 115 °;, , Block No. ; should be designated as : 550 — — I Union Ave, N. E. x OCCUPANT 12428 1 3 2 N D SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP ` T, LDG. . DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 102 , Block No. • ; should be designated as : 568 OCCUPANT Union Ave. N, E. 12420 132ND AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 — _ Si ned: . , g B. L. RUPPERT,°BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 114 , Block No . ; ; should be designated as: 512 Union Ave, N, E. OCCUPANT 12442 132 ND AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,'r,�� 4 --- B. L. RUPPE i I LDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1-;•, - . - ' . - - ' 11 ' - • The correct number. of a building on Lot No. TaxLot 114 Block No. should be designated as ' 508 , _ , • 1 Union Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT32ND AVE S E Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 . 12444 1 - REVTON WA 98055 . 4.---.— Signed: -.0" s B. L. 11UP- , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, Tax Lot 114. , Block No. ' should be designated as: 520 Union Ave. N. E. • C M RUCKER Fs 12 440 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11 RENTON WA ---- r---- 98055 (--- ' Signed: L. RU , BLDG DIRECTOR , • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 102 , Block No. should be designated as : 564 1 C WILLIAMS Union Ave. N. E. 124 /6 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON — 98055 s Signed: ..-- B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 102 , Block No. ; should be designated as: 560 Union Ave. N, E. [ OCCUPANT 12426 132ND AVE S E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP . T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 121 & 7 , Block No. ' Signed: be designated as: 800 Union Ave. N. E. w OCCUPANT 11930 132 ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . ' 98055 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 152 , Block No. ; ; should be designated as : 1190 L Uriion Ave. N. E. DALPY DEWEY BUSBY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11204 132ND SE RENTON WA 98055. ; - --7 _I Signed: B. L. RUPPni," LDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157. , Block' No. • . , should be designated as: 4100 ,.;i ^ I N.E. loth St.- ERNEST ZANDT 1 3 3 0 2 SE 116TH Per.tity Ordinance No. 2447 �RENTON WA � \ ' 98055 Signed: i� ,o�;� g l — B. L. RU BLDG1 DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate { . . The correct number of a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 157 , Block No. , ll ; should be designated as 4108 . N. E. 10th St. ' WARREN J -HARMON 13208 SE 116TH yCit Ordinance No. 2447'RENTON WA . . .. .. Per , 98055 , Ciffri;--- , Signed: " Mir , BLDG. DIRECTOR �~ . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1.57. Block No. ; should be designated as . 4116 N. E. 10th St. , L. MORRIS CODIGA 1 3 211 4 SE 1 1 6 T H ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I' R E Ni T O N WA 98055 i���- ,�°'n� ' Signed: r,, • ` B. L. RUP' - , BLDG.' DIRECTOR 8e Careful to. Preserve this Certificate . 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block Mo. 0 1 - ; should be designated as: 4124 ! N. E. loth St. H SHAROL JOHNSON . Per City Ordinance No. 2447', 13220 SE 116TH `RENTON ' WAA I 98055 Signed: _ — 6. L, RUP -, T,/BLDG.I DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 ` , Block No. ; should be designated as :; .4132 _`— — N. E. 10th St. JOHNIBLAHOVICH 1 3 2 2 6 SE 1 1 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ,. RENTON WA 98055 � 5;____—_--_______ Signed: w� ,- B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. '; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; ; should be designated as: 1_4208 — N. E. 10th St. GARY KEMPER 1 3 2 0 2 S E 1 1 6 T H Per City Ordinance No, 2447 i' RENTON ' WA ,,0 07——a- 98055 czA Signed: 1'2 °;��,. -- ' B. L. RUPPEW 3LDG. (DIRECTOR 1' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate j The correct number of :a building on on Lot No. Tax Lot ,157 , Block .No. , ; , ... . � = should be designated as. ,4276 -. . ;: ..., N. E. loth St. OCCUPANT 13308 S E 116TH. ST Per/City Ordinance No: 2447 RENTON WA: . 98055 • Signed: B. L. R . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -- The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as : .. 4224 N. E. 10th St. LE O N A R D BERGH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 133 .12 . SE . 116TH RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . L. RU ; ,BLDG. .D RECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of .a building on Lot No. _ Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as:, 4232 _ - N. E. 10th St. GEORGE .: C SHEETS 1 3.3 1 6 . S E 1 1 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON,- WA 98055 Signed: O B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR- Be Careful to•Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as: 4308 N;: E, 10th St. RUSSELL W DRAPER Per City Ordinance Pdo. 13320 SE : 116T.H 2447. RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP T, LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 . , Block No. ; should be designated as: 4316 N_, E. 10th St. ROBERT D . .PATTIE 1 3 3 2 4 SEE 1.1 6 T 9H8055 -Per City Ordinance. No. 2447 jHRETr* WA -7,S� Signed: �° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; ; should be designated as: • 4324 N. E. 10th St. FISHER WEGAN 1 3 3 2. 8 SE 1 1 6 T H Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 40, _ - ____ __ B. L. RUPP WW LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rq The correct number of a buildingon Lot No. Tax. Lot.157. s Block No. . . •. 'a should be. designated as : 4332 N. E. 10th St. EARNIE MATHEWS 1 3 3 3 2 5 A 1 1 6 T H Per `City Ordinance No. 2447 REN\TON WA 98055 Signed : B. L. R , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on L:ot No. Tax. Lot 157 , Block No. . ; should be designated as : 434n RAYMOND SIMON N. F_ 10th St, 13336 SE. 116TH . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • . RENTON WA 98055 (, ,,,- Signed: . K.L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 4309 OCCUPANT N. 14th St. 13403 S E 116TH ST Per City. .Ordinaance. No. 2447 ' RENTON WA 98055 `_urar.* . . Signed: . B. L. RU - , BLDG. D.IRECTOR Bed t areful toPreserve eserve .this Certificate - ro The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as: 4401 N. E„ 10th.St. . AHOLOFSON 13415 SE 116TH Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENTON WA 98055 N. .. . Signed: B. L. RUP , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as : . 958 _ • Bremerton Court N. F. DELORES WILCOX • 1 3 G 3 1 SE 11 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447, RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 .. Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot The Block No. ; . ; should be designated as: 950 Bremerton Court N. E. OCCUPANT -- -- 13441 S E 116 TN ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 _ • Signed: B. Li. RUPPE �'R► , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Block No: t...The correct number of :a building. on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 - _ ; should be designated as: 965 ' Bremerton Court N. E. L. D,EP I COLZUANE r 1 3 6 1 1 SE 1 1.6 T H PerCity Ordinance No. 2447 RNTON WA 98055 Signed: i` �, -B.. L. RU',,.�, , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 . . Block No. ; should be designated as:'' 1008 — - •. Anacortes Ave, N. F. . x OCCUPANT - 1 1 5 0 4 1 3 6 T H 6 K E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA .. _,,-- 98055 Signed: C AA7 . L. RU , BLDG DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as :: .1016 Anacortes Ave. N. E. - DALE C ADAMS 11500 136TH AV SE Per City .Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON E! A 98055 9 � signed: .�f�B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be "designated as : : 1024 ----- __ Anacortes Ave, N. E. PAUL 'CANNON . 11424 136TH AV SE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA C J 98055 _}, Signed: ��"jj B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as:. 1032 Anacortes Ave. N. E. CURTIS BENSON _ . - 11420 136TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . WA . 98055 Signed: f1 . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. • shouldOrdinance be designated as: 1.058 Anacortes No Ave. N. E. GERALD WARREN " 1 1 4 1 6 1 3 6 T H A V S E Per City . 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 , Signed: B. "L, RUPP R DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; 'should be designated as: 1066 - Anacortes Ave, N. E. JOHN ERSK IN 0 0 1 1 4 1 2 136TH AV SE Per City Ordinance No. _2447,_ WREN TON WA 98055 Signed: /i,"--ipL B. . Rl1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on LotNo. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. _ ; should be designated as : 1074 ______ Anacortes Ave. N. E. JAMES A SMITH 11408 136TH AV SE Per y p City Ordinance No. 2447 ,L_______RENTON ___ T _ 9 8 0 W55 A Signed: c/(4--- . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. : Tax Lot 157 , Block No. . ; should be designated as: 1082 Anacortes Ave, N. E. BOB R HIGHLAND - ' 1 1 4 0 4 136TH AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 '2: Signed: B. L. RUP. ' BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ., The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 1108 __ Anacortes Ave. N, E. LARRY W POORT 1 1 4 0 0 136TH AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 i Signed: B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; . ; should be designated as: 1075 Anacortes Ave, N. E. ROBERT E WEBER 11407 136TH AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: /° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; ; should be designated as : 1067 . Anacortes Ave, N. E. 1 1 4 1 E W H I T E Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 1 141 1 136TH AV SE RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 Signed: �,,.4, B. ? RUPPErf?`�`� LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The-correct numbf r of a building� .. � on 'Lot No. Tax Lot 157 • , Block No. . • ` • Should be designated as: 1.089 .. - Anacortes Ave, N. E, t.' JON MC KFNZ I E 1 1 4 i 5 1 3 6 T H AV SE PermCity Ordinance No. 2447 • REN TON WA .. ;. .., Signed: BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ,The correct number of a building on `Lot No. Tax, Lot .157 e Block No ; should be designated as: 4120 ~ :: - Nm E. .10th Place ALLEN C F0 LM AR Per City Ordinance No• 2447 132.20 SE 115TH • Signed: L. RU - BLDG: DIRECTOR . :. Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate ;. • • • o• o • •• • • o• •o a•o O o m • m o o,• o,• o • • • o'•• • • m • o • • m•:•,0 ! • • •,• • •.o•• • 0 0O • • • • m • 0• •• •• • m 0 • • • • • • • :•• o • • m The correct number of a building On Lot .No•' ' Tax Lot. 157 Block.Noe. • : . . ..'' ; .should be designated.:as: ' 4124' . ,. N•' E, 10th Place . . PerCityOrdinance. No. 244 . , 98055. -y...; � - . .. . Signed• �� •. B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be: Careful: to Preserve this Certificate , •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •.• • • •• • • oo 0000000000'•.• • • • • • • o.e,• •o o •.• • • o • 0 •.• 00000000000000 • 0 • • e • •% 0.0 •• • • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 :, .Block No• T • . ::a should be designated as 4200 • r • N E• 1 Oth Place • :RACHEc. FiUSTON 13 2 3 2 SE i' i 5 .j H . S T Per City ,Ordinance No. 2447 J • '_ B. L. RU , LDG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful:. to. Preserve this Certificate The correct numbers:of. a building on Lot. No.. tax Lot 157 , Block No. ;'should be designated as 4208 N• E'n, 1 Oth. rl ace . . • FRED A', . �I0LSKY 13302 ..S E 1 1 5 T H : : Per City `Ordinance No• 2447' RENTO,N WA ,''98055 Signed: Bo L. RUPPERT,.. BLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Car.eful to Preserve this Certificate _ a'•'•:m • am • • n • •'• • • •'.• • • • • • • o • • e'•.r• • • • o•• m . •.-�• • : • • • • •m •.• o• • • 0 • • • • • • • o • m • a.• • • m • • . . .. , :.. Tax Lois 157 ,.. ;. The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No should be designated as: 4216 N. E. 10th Place H.A R 0 L.D:`. B 0 H L E N D E'R 1 3 3 0 8 SE 1 1 5 T H S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON . 9 8 0 5 5 e Signed: . : B. L. RUPP R , LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate is The correct number of a building on. Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. • , should be designated. as: 4224. .. -11 5 T H N, E, 10th Place R OBE R T [� 5 t4 B T H i Per�City Ordinance No. 2447- 3312 SE; "EN,TON WA98055 °� . Signed: B L. RUP , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No.. Tax Lot 157 Block.No: should be designated as : 4232 N, E, 10t• h pl ace MICHAEL BEARD Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 13316 SE 115TH RENTON_ WA I -- 98055 Signed: —7. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • ' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 157 Block No: should be designated as: . 4300 NE 000UP.AN.T :. N. .E 10th: Place 1 3 3 2 0 SE . 115TH 9 8 0 5 5 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON Signed:WA- � � . B. L: RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate• The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lit 157 ,--.,Block No. should be designated as: :. 4308 — N. E. 10th Place CHARLl S H TURNERT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13324, SE 115TH RENTON. WA - 98055 iexe.Sit - .. - , Signed: • B. L. RUPPt T4' 'LD.G.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 157. Block No. ; ; should be designated as: 4324 N. E, 10th Place . . THOMAS P JAY JR `' T 1 3.3.3 2 S E .1 1 5 T H A. V Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98.055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 'fax Lot 157 , Block. No. ; should, be designated as: 4332 N.E. 10th Place : CLAYTON. NASET _ 1 3 3 3 6. SE 1 i 5 T H AVE Per ,City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA = . 98055 . c—A .e4,s---- 1 • B L. RUPP LDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful, to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a buildinon•Lot No.; T , Block No. Tax Lot m ; should be designated as:': 4101 N• :E. 10th 'Place -1. 13205 5E : 115TH.' Per.City Ordinance No• 2447` : Signed• P • R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate m •• • 0000000 qaw 000000 0000000 , io • • o • • I • • e b ••.a o • • e • o • • • o • o 0 0 1 •,• • • e oo The'. correct number of .a:building on• Lot No. . Tak Lot 157 ; Block should be .designated as ~ 4109 N: E. 'l0th Place S T AN D A L . ' . :. 13 2 0 9 s E 1 .1 5 T H Per:.City Ordinance No. . REVTON WA . 98. 055 . Signedr: L. RU - BLDG.. DIRECTOR : .: Be Careful, to Preserve- this. Certificate. �.ie • • 0 0 p Oo • • m e e e o o e,s e e •, • ,• e • •-. • ♦e 0 ••• •e • • • o e • •,o,• q •,,r'• •',aN• e • m'a. •,• • 'i • i tl The correct number of:a building on Lot No. Tax: Lot 157. Block. No , should be 'designated.'as.:::,::4:1.:1'7 Ee .1'Oth`Place . ORE N ',' E VA.N,S 1.3 2.1 5 :5'E 1 1 5 T N Per:.City Ordi nance, Na.; 47,: .' • 9 8055 . , Signed: a • BLDG '' DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate. '' .o,e • + • o •e • • e �9m • • e6 • o •-• • • • • e a'• • o• •,. • • • • o • m.•0•i • o • s • •,tl • •'•'• + pa • e • oa • ie a • •.,•'• a • a:i:,• •;o • • • • G�-oe'k"-No. . ... The cor ec�—number of-La--bu-i-1•di-ng_.an--i_ot=-�lo --�---Tax � —L-of-�7a7 _ should be..desig�rate 1.7.r.�-� N ,_.�0th. Plate Bo La , LDG.. DIRECTOR ,. . -�-----Be-Careful-:-to--Preserve'._th•i s•-Certif-Tcate--',.: • • • + • • • • o • o oe •'. • • e'• • o •'• o • • • • e'o • o . a • • e e • • . • • e •'• • • O O p'• ee • q •. e • • • • • • . • • • • • • • O ::The.:correct number of: a building on Lot No. Tax Let- 157. , .Block No ;.:should be designated: as,: 4125. . N .E4 loth Place, 1 3 2.2 1 S E 11.5.''T H 5 T • Per City. Ordinance No. _24 '7 - Signed; . m : L•: RUPPERT., .BLDG: 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' i• • • i . o • • i.•4;o • • o o e e • •• • • i • •,• • •,• ? •;• •• • • •-.,• • m • 0 6-•:•`• a•• • • • • • • • • • • • • ,• • The correct number'o.f a building on Lot No.. T sho;uld 'be designated 'as: 4217: ` .,... • . ' N;:..;Ee', .1.Oth Place EDWJ. A .RD J, MONEL,L `: . ..' .. .. .' 1 5 3:0 9 .. 5 E . 115 1.H. Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 9. 8055. Signed ' . ;B. . Lo.. RUPP 1 , LD'G DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Pre serve this Certificate • •,I • • •_• • •;• • •.o• • o a o o • • i . • • a m • • ! ea . e e + . • a • • o • • e i.i •-• • • • • • • o o The correct number of a building on Lot No. . Tax Lot 157 , Block No. . , ; should be designated as : :. . 4225___.,_�... LE.LAND DAVIDSON 1 3 3 1 3. SE 1.1 5 T H Per.'City Ordinance No. • 44 RENTON . WA r -, 9 -8055 G- Signed: a„� B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. — ; should be designated as: 4233 N, E, 10th place LARRY DANIELS 2447 1. 3317 SE ' 1 1 5 T H Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WAS-.. 98055 Signed: .' L. RU ' ., BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ; .The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ' ; should be designated as :. .4301 N, E, 10th Place BEL'LAMY' PRESS. LEY 2447 ': • 1 3 3 2 1 SE 1 1 5 T H ' ' . Per City'.Ordinance No. . RENT ON WA. 98055 (---,727 Signed: B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as,: 4309 1 N, E. 10th Place DWA 1 NE ' L THOMPSON 13 3 '2 5 SE . 1 1 5 T H . ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA ), 98055' Signed: B. L. RUP - , LDG. DIRECTOR • 'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax .Lot 157 , Block No. ' _ ' ; should be designated as: 4317 ALBERT D VALESKO _ N'�—E-�-10th Place 1 3 3 2 9 SE 1 1 5 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON WA ' 98055 �'v Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; �; should be designated as : . 4325 FTR NELSON N. E. 10th Place 1 3 3 3 3 ' SE .1 1 5 T 'H Per City Ordinance No. .2447, R E N T O N WA 98055 .� Signed: ' .•.�' B. L. - o L. RUPPC'Rl , L'DG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' The.correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. should be designated as: ';4333 N. E. 10th PlaceC L I FF0RD WILL I A MS Per"City Ordinance No. 2447_.� ' 13337 SE .. 115TH RENTON WA �...•: . 98055 Signed: l B. L. RUPt , BLDG. DIRE(CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. � ; should be designated as : 1025 Vashon Ave. N-:, E. EARL BLANSFIELD 11501 133RD AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON . . WA 1 � 98055 Signed: L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as: 1024 Vashon Ave.. N. E. WM W . ELLS .WORTH 1 1 5 Q 2 1 3 3 AVE SE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447,. . . RENTON WA ' . 98055 Signed B. L. RU / BLDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be .designated :as: . .4104 --- N. E. 11th St. JAMES D SOLOMON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13223 SE 114TH ST RENTON WA . 9.8055 Signed: ' . B. L. RUP T., LDG: DIRECTOR�� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. should be designated as: . 4106 - N. E. llth St. E D FORBES 1 3 2 2 5 SE 1 1 4 T H ". ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON WA 98055 . _ . . Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; ; should :be designated as;: 4120 . N. E. 11th St. JAMES W ' TONK I N ' 1 3 2 2 8 SE 1 1 4 T H P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON' 'WA ' 98055 Signed: B. ,L. RUPP R IA LDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot Ncr. Tax Lot..157 _ 9`Block. No. 1. I: ; should: be designated. 'as: ; ` t ; , 41CS __ __,.. .-.. , N, E. 11th St. GE E M E L 0 H N Per-City Ordinance No. 2447 131222 SE 114TH ST RE !N,r ON WA. 980.55 . . � Signed: . La RUB' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1'57 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 4002 N. E. 11th St. . RONALD WH I TTON _— 1 3 2 0 3 .1 1 5 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON WA 9805. 5 .X Signed: . L. RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a:build.ing on Lot No. . Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; " should be designated as : 4003 , . N. E, .11th St. JAMES W HOAG 13202 SE 115TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . REN.TON . . WA 98055 Signed: 2' B. L. RU EIS; `, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as:. 1101 . WILBUP 5OPER Vashon Court N. E. 1 3 2 2 1 SE 114TH P L Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON WA J 98055 Signed: B. La RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. • ; should be designated as: 1103 Vashon Court N. E. ROBERT N CATO JR , 13220 _ SE 114T. H • PL ; - Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON WA 98055' Signed:. r B. L. RUPPERT,B DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as: 1105 E J MARTINSON . 13222 , SET 114TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA Vashon Court N. E. 98055 � , � Signed: . g / B. L. RUPP Ri LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The:correct number of a building- on Lot No. Tax Lgt:157 9: Block No.,. is should be designated' as 1106 : .• �_"� �� ` Vashon Cour.t :N. E. D. -L: 'rf 0•R'B E:S • . 1 3.2 2 4 SE 1 1 4 T H P L Per.'•Ci ty Ordinance No:: 2447.::,,',:. i i' . R.E N T,O:N , . . . " WA , . . 98055 4. Signed:1 B. L. :R , BL0&,.;:.DIRECTOR: ' Be_ Careful to Preserve. :this. Certificate . I The correct number .of .e building on Lot No. Tax: Lot 157 : , t1ock: No. L , - ; should be designated as : 11108. Vashon Court N. E. , L ESL i E ' SCH .(• N D E R. ' . Per City Ordinance No. 2447. ,. 1 3 2 2 6 ..S, E 1 1 4:.T H' P.t RENT ON - . : ' '/ A. r.;.•. . 98055 .' 1 Signed BLDG., DIRECTOR . . L. RU- I Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number .of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. . `" • ; should be designated as: ,' :':4107 HENRY L DOWNS . . : N Ellth St ` 1 3 2 2 4': S, E . . 1. 1.4 T.H S.T Per' City: Ordinance No. 2447' l' ,..,, R.-E'NTON WA 1 : ' _ . _ 98 0 5 5 C , : Signed: �, '. .• B. L :RU - ,. BLD,G. i DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. , ;• . � : The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. . Tax:.Lot:157 _ Block No. . `; should be designated :as:,:., '4109 ,. N. E: llth St: 1. A L J. O N E S 2447 j' : - 1 3227 S E . 1 1 .4 T H pt.. Per, City Ordinance No. RENTON WA I . .. 98. 0',..55 Signed: B L . RUP T LDG. DIRECTOR ' , : :.Be_ Careful. .to Preserve this Certificate ,.� . 1: , The correct number of .a building on.Lot .No. Tax Lot 157 . -; :Block No :; _- should be designated as 4111 .• 1 I - N. E. 11th St:. F R A NK L I. N H A RS C H Per: Cit Ordinance No. 2447 It . 1 3: 2 2 9-. S E 1 1. 4 T H.:P(r• y RENTON WA '. 98055 :.. . Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a. building': on Lot No: : Tax Lot 157 Block No. . •L ., should be designated !as:: 4113 • . N. E. llth .St. EDW-ARD M SOLBERG 1 3 2 3 1 S:E 1. 1 4"T H "pL. ; Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , REN TON WA ; 98.'055 :, Signed: ` � ,. i. . B. .L::.RUPP RI , BL'.DG,. .:,DIRECTOR ... Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. • ' ; should be designated as : 4140."_ r--' - N. 'E.. llth St. F L O-Y D P GA B R I E L' 13230 SE 114TH Per" - City Ordinance No. 2447 - RENTON - WA — 98055 Signed: . B. L. RU - BLDG. DIRETTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ;' should be designated as: 4200 N. E. llth St: DON R M 0 R G A N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13232 SE 114TH ST . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C_ . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 4208 -- N. E. llth St. DUANE ER I EBOES Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . 13236 SE 114TH ST ' RENTO,N WA - 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 2' . B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number 'of' a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should be designated as: 4308 — N = E. llth St. - — MR SH1MIZu 13406 SE 114TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA l 98. 055 Signed: ' B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as: 4316 N. E. llth St. • WILLIAM FISHER 7 1 3 4 1 0 SE 1 1 4 TH Per City. Ordinance No. REIN TON WA 98055 Signed: B.' L. ' RUPPERT, BLDG..'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a' building on Lot No, Tax Lot 157 , Block No. • ; should be designated as: 4324 - N. E. 11th St. GARY WALLS 1 3 4 1 4 SE 1 1 4 T H ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTO'N WA 98055 Signed: S--/—?e*7 /,? .A • B. L. RUPP fi LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate• The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot. 157 Block No. -. --' should be. designated as: . .43:32 ,. N. S — E. llth t. LAWRENCE AST Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447_ 1 3 4:'1 8 SE. 114TH i . . RENTON WA . i 98055 , Signed: B. .L.. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct. number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1_57` , Block No. -- -______ should be designated as: 4340 N. E. llth'St'. -- ALVA HOWE 2447 1 3 4 2 2 SE 1 14 T H Per: City Ordinance.No. RENTON WA / �,, 98055 C `` Signed: . L. RU ' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct' wmber of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , , Block No. ;; should be designated as : 4400 N. E. llth St. LARRY D HOL .COMB 13426 SE 1 1 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. : 2447 • RENTON WA 98055 . . '. Signed:' • B. L. RC2oUP BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No'. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as:: 4408 . --- —__— N. E. llth St. DEREK ' PEARCE 13430 ' SE 1 .1 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUP - T, LDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a. building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157. . , Block No. ; should be designated as :, 4209 N. Signed: E. 11th St. T H 'O M AS' R O W L E.Y - 1 3 2 3 5 SE 1 1 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447: RENTON WA 98055 ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate V . ' . ; The correct number of .a building .on 'Lot N'o.'Tax Lot 157 Block No. ' ; ; should be designated as: 4301 N. E. llth' St. VERGIL WARREN 134. 01 SE 114TH Per City ,Ordinance No. 2447 ' i RENTON WA 98055. Signed: ,". B. L. RUPP gIi, - LDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The 'correct number of a building on .Lot No, Tax Lot 1.57 , Block No. : . should: be.. des.i.gnated as : ' 4309. N, E. llth, St. = , . R O B E R T .. C 0 T T Per`�City •Ordinance No. 7447 13405 SEE 114TH REN .T. ON •. WA , . • 98055 . . ' Signed: ' r ) . 'B. L. kl BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . :, 4 correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 . ,• Block No. __ _; should' be• designated as : .4317' _� . N. E. 11th St, TERRY SWEET _1 3 4 0 9 SE 1 1 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON WA Z 98-055 [ ' ' ' • .Signed: ,,,''fw, . L. RU P- ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR V Be Careful toPreserve this Certificate • The correct number of .a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 157 , Block No. . ; should be designated as: 4325 ' • N. E. llth St. CHARLES ' H GESDAHL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 13413 SE 114TH RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5. Signed: C-771)7'• ia,,,,,c, ---- -- .. B. `L. REF ",' BLDG..' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. should be designated as: 4333 N. E. llth St. JOHN hl C G A N N Per city Ordinance No. ' . 13417 SE 114TH y • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP t TLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; ; should be designated as: 4401 N. E. 11th St. . ROBERT LANDON -- 2447 1 3 4 2 1 SE 1 1 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. RENT 0 N WA • 98055 .„.„5,;:7,_ 7,......._____7_ Signed: 9� , B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 '. ' , Block No. ; ; should be designated as: • 1117 Whitman Court N. E. [-------- RICHARD BOLIN 1 1 3 4 9 1 3 4 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON ' W A 9 8 0 5 5 i Signed: . ' f.�� 4 B. L. RUPP RI' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on .Lot No.: Tax Lot 157 ; Block No. . it .. ; should be designated. as : 11.16 Whitman Court N. E. .., RUBY, SAUSEBERRY. Per''City Ordinance No.. 2447'.. 11350 134TH SE _...-- RENT ON. WA 98055 Signed: B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. should be designated as : : 1075 _ Whitman Court N. E. FORREST L HOOD 11403 13 4 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. : 2447 • :. R 'ENT:ON . ._ • ' WA . 98055I Signed: �` . .L. RU BL DG. DIRECTO R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. ; should. be. designated' as: . 1068 Whitman Court N. E. MR LEE 1 1 4 0 6 1.3 4_ T H AV SE Per City Ordinance, No. 2447'.' ' . RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: B. L. RU ,. BLDG. ;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. • ; should be° designated as: 1060 B E R N A R D PRIMMER Whitman Court N._F_. ____ 1 1 4 0 8 1 3 4 T;H A' V SE Per:City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tax Lot 157 The -correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block' No. — — -- should be designated as: ; 7059 PAUL TUCKER 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 4 T H A V S E Per City Ordinance No. RENTON Whitman' Court N. E.WA 98055 2 Signed: e447 ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No.. • ;..sho'uld be designated as: : 1067. GILBERT K COX Whitman Court N. E. 1 1 4 0 9 1 3 4 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' REN TON WA - 9. 8055 , ...7 jadS, Signed•. B. L. RUPP Ri,, . LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a .building:on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 : ,,: Block No. .__ __.._: _. 3 should, be designated^ ._ as: "1058 . Anacortes Court N. E. . HANS LANGE Per",Cit Ordinance No. 2447._ 114. 18 -135TH AV SE " y 4---/---A WREN TON WA 98055 .. :.. .. . Signed .. B. L. Rl.tP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The corr ect number of a building on Lot:No _Tax Lot l 57 ____, Block Mo. _ _ _ _____ ; should be designated as: 1060 :_ Anacortes Court' N. E: , J 0"H Ni N i C H 0 L S ------.-_. _ 1 1."4 6 1 3 5 T H S E Per, City Ordinance No. . 244��': RENTON. WA _ _.N 9 8 0 "5 5 : �,.. 7��.,,,11__ .' Signed: �,Gl� �' _ .. L. P,U /i , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157. Block No. ; should be designated as.:' 1061 Anacortes Court N. E. GEROLD E ROGERS 1 1. 4 1 5 1 3 5 T H SE - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , . : R EN To N WA , 98055 Signed: 2 B. L. RU E BLDG., DI RECTOR Be Careful :to Preserve this Certificate • ; 4 r4 • • 4 • el , 4 44 ! 4 4 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 _ , Block No.' _� W� ; should be designated as: 1059 Anacortes Court N, E.;. LANNIE L WELLS • --` 1 1 4 1 7 1 3 5 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: ' B. . RUP •, ?LDG: DIRECTOR — • Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate t . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . • • ... , : . . . . . The correct number of a Building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 Block No. _ _ should be designated as: 574 OCCUPANT —Union Avenue N. E. 12635 132ND AVE S E • Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447` RENTON WA 98055 ,. !~. Signed: ag._____!=;?:iit B. L: RUPPERT, BLDG. °DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _•" 4 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , "13lock No, , ; should be designated as: 580 Union Avenue N. E. . : OCCUPANT -- — .. 13439. 1=tt=trE S E . l'N a f Per City. Ordinance No. 244.7 , RENTON WA 98055' . Signed: l d: .r . B. L. RL,PP i, v3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , Block No. The correct number of a building on Lot No, Tax Lot 157 ; should be designated as: 772 - . . , Union Avenue R. F, FR ANKL 1 N H RUSSELL 12010 132ND SE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - 98055, RENJ ON . WA 1 _ 1 Signed: . . B. L. RirPr,Ki; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.Tax .Lot 157 , Block No. ; should be designated as 766: Union Avenue N. E. TED A BOTTORFF 2447 ' 1. 2012 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON - WA 98055 C. ." i • L. RU iP' , LD DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , ' ' I r 1 Tax Lot 157 , Block No. a . , The correct number of a building on Lot No. ; should be designated as 760: Union Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT 12014 132ND A VE SE Per. City Ordinance No.. 2447 RENTON ' WA _4) T 98055 Signed; 2' epp,140., B. L. RU -4 taLFG: PIRFCTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot t 10.Tax Lot 157 , Block No. —; should be designated. as : 756 r . ' Union Avenue N. E. [ FRANK HOGUE ' 12016 132ND AVE SE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA I 98055 j Signed: , B. L RUPPteLDG. DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , , f f • • ' 9 • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 143 , Block No. should be designated as :, '4209 . ' N. E. 10th St. sT.---..-- OCCUPANT 13303 S E 116TH ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 1. Signed; . . p. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as: , r , . Per City Ordinance No. • c-----7' Signed: ,4,,,,,,f I.A.,./),A# B. Li. RUPPEI,ViabG. DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate The correct, number of :a building on Lot No, Tax Lot 46 . : Block No: should be designated as:., . 2731 N. _E E. 4th St.. OCCUPANT • 2631 .4TH AVE NO Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 }RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU` , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 62 , Block No. - _;. should be designated as : 2819 N. E. 4th St.. . OCCUPANT NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 271. 9 4TH ST • RENTON U! A 98055 Signed: C L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 62 , Block No. should be designated as: 2821 N. E. 4th St. OCCUPANT 2720 NO 4TH ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: " B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No Tax Lot Block No. • ; should be designated as: . 3001 N. E. 4th St.w '. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 12015 NO 4 ST D 1 'ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ B. L, RUP T, LDG. ,DIRECT.OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 5 Block No. ; should be designated as : 3005 . N. E. 4th St. w OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 2 2 2 5 NO 4TH ST REN.TON b! A 98055 Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 , Block No. should be designated as : 3205 OCCUPANT N. E. 4th St. 3333 4TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON . WA 98055 , S Signed: / B. L. RUPPC'R s, LDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax :Lot. 52. Block No. ��. ; should be designated as: 3209�,. N. E. 4th St, ALEXANDER ALEXANDER AUCTION 1 2 3 0 7 N 0 4..,T. H S T Per..City Ordinance No. 2447 WREN TON WA 98055 Signed: /i, . B. L. RUP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. F. Plat of Greenwood Cemetery ; should be designated as : 3401 1 N. E. 4th St: GREENWOOD MEM ' PARK : Per City Ordinance No. 24 3401 NO 4TH ST 4Z RENTON WA -" 98055 Signed:• /frA7 .. RU •, .BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1 Block No. should be designated as.: :3901 N. E. 4th St: AUTO BAHN 3883 4TH AVE NORTH ' - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . • RENTON WA 98055 C Signed: A2. B. L. RU , -BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . i The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 31 , Block No. • ; should be designated as: 3933 . i w OCCUPANT • 13195 4TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTONN. E. 4th St. . WA , ). 98055 Signed: 2447 B. L. RUP T, LDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 31 , Block No. • should be designated as : 351 V Union Ave. N, E. J L SHERMAN 1 2 8 1 1 1 3 2 N D SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERTDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 26 , Block No. • should be designated as : 345' : • Union Ave.. N. E. . . R WB A'IL Per City 1 2 8 1 1 3 2 N D SE y Ordinance No 2447 RENTON WA Pl _________.._____ 98055 � %Signed: %d ,,� eB. L. RUPP ,/ LDG. DIRECTOR• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' S ' The. correct number of a building on Lot No. _ Tax Lot 26 :„ Block No.. .. . `.::: :: ; should be designated as : 341 Union Ave. ..N, E.. W F I TZGERALD. 1 2 8 2 1 1. 3 2 N D. SE Pet City Ordinance No. 244Z RENTON W A ...�.. 98: 0. 5: 5 �r. t, Signed: ,,i). B. L. Rlifi.. , BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 32 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 333.. Union .Ave. N, E. C W SMITH 2447' 1 .2825 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ���.- 98055:. Signed: L�G1, ,,�: :�:- . . L. RU 7G "�, BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 21 Block No. ; should be designated as: 251 OCCUPANT Union Ave. N, E. 1 2 8 3 4 1 2 8 ' S • E . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON WA 98055 C/ 7, Signed: B. L. RU - , BLDG.` DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 30 , Block No. ; ;. should be designated as: 233 Union Ave. N. E. C C BARFIELD 13027 f '132ND SE. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON WA J 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP , T, BLDG: DIRECTOR~ • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 ,Block No. 7 _ Windsor Hills Addition . ; should be designated as : 349 Zrt�rN5ov% 14 M/ Aberdeen Avd. N. E. C EMMONS 349 BRONSON WAY NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: A B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 5 , Block No. ' 7 ' Windsor Hills Addition ; shou be designated as: 351 Vil Oh W1�O . N, E. F DfLLEHAY 351 BRONSON WY NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: r B. L. RUPP k DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate ' . The co rrect number of a building ..1 n on� g LotNo: 4 , Block No. 7,. , Windsor Hills Addition . _Y - - • -,,...�; should be designated as: 353 �rowsoh A ardccn Ave:; N. E. A R,E I GSTAD Per�'Cit Ordinance No. 2447 353 BRONSON WY NO y _ _ — R.E~ NTON WA ' 98055 ' ♦~ .. -. Signed: B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 7 Windsor Hills Addition ;. should be desianated as: 355'.. N. E.• . M HENRY 355 BRONSON WY NO Per City Ordinance No. 247 RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: ' �! . L. RU ", BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 7 _ Windsor Hills Addition ; show d be desi hated as: 357 roves®w . N. E, T H L L I A M S 2447 357 ' BR0NS0N WY NO Per .City Ordinance No. REN TOI W A 98055 Signed: 12- B. L. RUP , BLDG'. DIIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct numbe of a building on Lot No.. 1 , Block No. .;7 Windsor Hills Addition i shou d be deswgnated as : 359 tvvt N. E. . K 0 PE • NAA • 3 5 9 . BRINSON WY NO Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 V RENTON . WA - = 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP , T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 4 _ Windsor Hills Addition 358. shou rceg®Nic�nated as :. N .'L HASH . _Y 358 B,RONSON WY N 0 > Per City Ordinance No. 2447 j RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 112 , Block No. ; should be designated as: 333 oCCuDANT - Vuemont Place N, E, 363 . V JEMONT PL Per City Ordinance No. _2447 REN TO W A 98055 \ I Signed: B. L. RUPP V „f LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, Tax Lot112 , Block No. _ ., ; should be designated as 351 Vuemont Place N. E x accuPA T 373 vUEM. 0NT PL Per�tityOrdinance No. 2447 :' } 98055 = Signed: .): B. : RI BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of.a building on Lot No Tax Lot I12. . Block No. . ; should be designated as : 353 Vuemont Place N. E. T C U G N I . • ' I 395 V EMONT PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �I REN TO WA 98055 } Signed: _ . L. RU , BLDG.. DI ECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of. a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 105 , Block No. should be designated as: 275 Bronson Way N. E. NE OCCUPA;NT . . 3 3 3 BRONSON WY .N O . . 'Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . ' f • : RENTON ' WA - • 98055 CO, -- Signed: B. L. RUPIA - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a: building on Lot No. Tax Lot 2. Block No. ; should be. designated as: 270 Bronson Way N. E. OCCUPANT 3 2 0 BRONSON WY NO Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP eLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 2 ; Block No. ; should be designated as : 310 Bronson Way N; E. x OCCUPANT 338 BRONSON WY NO Per City Ordinance No...2b 2447' . RENTON S WA 98055 `� Signed: Al ,%a B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 120 Block No. ` ; should be designated as: 2201 N. E. 4th St. 1ST MET 0 0 1ST CHUR 2025 NO 4TH ST ' . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • • ' WA H -- 98055 -- Signed: ' . /,. B. L. RUPP RLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct .number.:of a building on Lot No. : : , Block .No: _ • _ .: ; should be designated as: 4Oi -�--- Edmonds ;Ave. N. E. • A C LARSEN 4 0 1 ST Per.'City Ordinance No. 2447 E REN,T ON WA _ 98055 . Signed: B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax'Lot"83 , Block No. should be designated 'as: 1825' DCC.U!PAN.r.. N, E, 3rd' St, 1.7 2 4 .3 R D NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447.::' ` . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct..number of a building on Lot. No: . Tdx Lot 107 Block.No. _ ; should be designated as : '1901 - —- - N, E. 3rd St, B T CEO N S T 1738 N0 S3 0 : sT Per. City Ordinance No: 2447 RENTON WA ef.,ec-----. 98055 Signed: y - B. L. RU fit, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as: 154 Blaine Aye, N, E, R : C BAR I LLEAUX 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 3 T H SE - Per City Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON WA :_9 s o 5 5 -<C7,- ;;; Signed: • 6• L, RUP T, LDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as: .. .1.50 Blaine Ave, N, E. JAME,S W. RANKIN - 1 3.2 3 0 1 1 3 T H SE 0 ' Per. City Ordinance No.. 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 0 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. . • ; should be designated as: 146 . ' " Blaine Aye, N, E, OCCUPANT 13238 113TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ; . 0 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' B. L. RUPP&"R ,tDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct- number of a building on Lot No. Block No:;: should be designated as : 142, . Blaine .Ave. N. E. f.. B BBRAIY 1 3 2 4 2 1 3 T t s E Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447_ RENTON WA ;;:� .... 98055 f . , .. . Signed d/AP7I . B. L. RUP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No; Tax Lot 64 , Block No... • ; should be designated as 100 Blaine Ave. N E. I_ OCCUPANT 132218 1 1 3 T H S.E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA � . .98055 Signed: o, 1 ' L. RU Or, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . • 1 , Block No. 1 I. G. White's Monte ey Terrace Addition . . ; should be designated as : 58 Monterey Le 62ce N. E. R HOLP, STROM 2 00 3 O.N:T E RE Y DR Per City Ordinance'No. .2447 . RENTO i WA r — 98055 Signed: B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 2 Block No. 1 ;' HAG. Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 52 Monterey 4 .ue N. E. B BEATTIE • 1 9 2 1 MONTEREY DR Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON YEA 98055• 5 Signed: B. L, RUP Ek , LDG. •DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate File correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 ' ' , Block. No. 1 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as :. 51 Monterey Drive N. E. D A SIN G E R 1 9 1 5 MONTEREY DR ' Per City Ordinance' No. 2447 RENTON WA " . — i 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DI RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 1 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition 57 ----� •should be designated as Monterey Drive N. E:. P HOUSER JR 1 9 0 9 'M O N T E R E Y DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA -98055 Signed: /.� B. L. RUPP IIAV LDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 1 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should be desi nated as: 63 _ Monterey Drive:N. E.; . . . D CAPPS 1 9 0 3 MONTEREY DR Per�City.Ordinance No. . 2447. RENTON WA I' 98055 0 4 . . . j Signed: B. L. RUP' , BLDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. 1; H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : 69 Monterey -Drive N. E. N JOOS , . --- 1 869 MONTEREY D R Per City Ordinance .No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 80 55 . . Signed: �� g. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number If a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 1 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as:. 75 Monterey Drive N. E. L OARRIS O N Per .Cit o 2447 1863 MONTEREY DR y rdinance No. RENTON . VJA • 98055 Signed: . B. L. RU . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8, Block No. 1 H.. G. ;White's .Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 81 Monterey Drive N. E. W A WH ( T E • 857 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT; oT9N • WA —. 8055 Signed: B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 ' , Block No. l; " •. H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition � ; should be designated- as:. .87 , Monterey Drive N. E. W H TO CHI ` 1 8 5 1 M NTEREY DR . ' ' .Per City Ordinance No. 2447: R E N T O N W A " 98055 • Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' the correct number of a building on Lot 'No. 10 , Block No. 1' ° H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 101 Monterey 'Drive N. E.1 OCCUPANT — 1845 MONT; REY DR . ' ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: e& B. L. RUPP R `dLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ ' The correct number a building on Lot No. - 11 Block No. 1 H. C. .Whi f e's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : : 107 Monterey Drive N. E.' 6 PICKERING Per.'Ci t Ordinance No. 1 .839 MON .TEREY DR y _2447 �:. . RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: z) ' • • B. L. RU'D BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 Block No. _ 1 _ H. C. White's Monterey Terrace Addition • ; should be designated as : 113 . _— Monterey Drive N. E. _ W DIAMBRI 1833 N0N.TER'EY DR Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W" q � _...- 98055 Signed: C 4/-) . L. RU - ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 1 H. C. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as :' ' 119 Monterey Drive N, E. P WHITE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1827 MONTEREY DR RENTON 11A -� 98055 Signed: — — — B. L. RUPI BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, . The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 14 . Block No. 1 • H. C. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : , 151 Monterey Drive N. E. A R K I ELLAND Per City Ordinance No. 2447 " _ 1821 MONTEREY DR RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • --- B. L. RUPrt T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. _ 1 H. C. W ite's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : 57 Monterey Drive N. E. Ni OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ 1 8 1 5 MONTEREY DR R E N ;T O N WA 98055 Signed: f' s, B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nunibeI of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. .. 1 H. C. t'hite's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated 'as : r163 Monterey Drive N. E. OC C ecfra T 1809 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ✓ ,46,:'1 ,a B. L. RUPP . idl:DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number o a building on Lot No.'` 17. , Block No. . 1 H. G. .Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as . ` 169 ' Monterey.Drive.N._ E, 0 R KNUTSON .. O 3 M o NT R E � D R, Per"City. Ordinance.No. 2447 ". RENJON WA - . . �-- 98055 Signed: , - -- B. L. RUT- ,. .BLDG• DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 - , Block No. 2, H. G. Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as : 153 . Capri Ave. N. E..:., R C LOOM1S . 153 CAPR I AVE Per C.ity. Ordinance No.:. 2447. 1 . RENTON W A . 9 8 0.5 5 • ,,. Signed . L. RU , -BLDG.. •DIRECTOR •. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , .Block No. 2' H. G. Whi e's .Monterey. Terrace Addition ; should be designated as 147 Capri. Ave.: N. E. ;. . D. GARRISIN. 1 4 7 CAPRI AVE. Per City Ordinance .No: . 2447. : - 98055 • (/^1 , Signed: ' B. L. RU , .BLDG. DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No, 3 Block No. 2 ; H. G. Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition ; .should be designated as:' 14j' Capri Ave, N. E, R ROCKH I LL Per. City Ordinance No• 2.447 141 CAPR I . AVE . J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPT T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate.. le correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2, H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be .designated as• 13 Capri. Ave. N. OCCUPANT Per CityOrdinance No. . 2447 '135 CAPR i AVE _ . RENTON WA 98055 . . S igned: B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. , DIRECTOR ' Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 2 f H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as: 129 Capri Ave. N. E. 1 2 9 CAPR I L AVE Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENT ON WA )171713LLD 98055 Signed: � ,,/ B. L. RUPP RI DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . `he correct number of a. building on `Lot No. 6, , Block. No: 2. . • H. G. Whit='s-Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 123. Capri Ave. N. E. W DONNE LY 123 CAPR I AVE Per`City Ordinance No. 244� C 1 � RENTON . '. ' - W'.A _. �,- 98 .055 Signed: - F'' . L. RUT , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to ,Preserve this Certificate . the correct number o' a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 2 H. G. White 's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 117r.- CaptCt :..Ave. N. E. C S W I L L I A M S Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 ; 117 CAPR l AVE. f . RENTON WA .\ �`.� . 98055 �. Signed: : . � ;. af . ,: . L. RU" 9. B 'DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to .Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: 8 Block No. 2': H. G. Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as : ill --- . Capri�''Ave. N. E. A F KOOME 1 1 1 C APR I AVE. Per City :Ordinance No: 2447 i • . RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this. Certificate ` The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 9 Block No. 2'. H.: G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition • ;' should be designated as:� 5q . --_ — Monterey Drive N. E : J I M COOK •1912 M NTEREY DR Per City: Ordinance No. ... 2447" O RE. NTON - WA. 98055. Signed: • B. L. RUP - , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No. :2 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as: 56 Monterey Drive N. E. R P E R E TT I Per City Ordinance No. 2447` 1902 MONTEREY DR `. RENTON WA. 98055 , Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:. 11 , Block .No.: 2 . H. G. I)hite's Monterey Terrace Addition , ;_ should be designated as;• 62 - . Monterey-, Drive N. E. L FRON I N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1'8 5 6 MON EREY. DR RENT. ON.. '' WA 98055 Signed: .. - — B. L. RUPP I LDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to:Preserve this Certificate Ihe:`correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 2 �. H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should_ be designated as:''- 68. 1. g Monterey Driv-e N. E MR ,R BARRON 185o MONTERY DR Per City Ordinance No. ; 2447_ RNTON WA , . - Signed: .d .7 B. L. 'R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 14 , Block No. _ 2 H. G. ,White's Monterey Terrace.Addition should be .designated as .:106 ' - Monterey Drive N. E, J HUNTINGTON Per:CityOrdinance No. 2447. 1838 MONTEREY DR _ RENT ON 41.A s`� __ • 98055 Signed: 45 ,. L. RU ; BLDG. DIRCT.OR• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No.: 2, H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should. be designated as: .:.11�2 . Monterey. Drive N, E. H A BL: ENcOE 1 1 8 3 2 MONTEREY DR Per .City.Ordinance ,No.; 2447_:., RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: .0�. 1 B. L. RU , BLDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , he correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 . ', Block No. 2 • , H. G. White's Monterey Terrace 'Addition' ; should be designated as: . 118. Monterey. Drive N, E, E HOWARD 1 826 M ) NTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 2 H. G. 'White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as:l' 153 Monterey Drive N. E, T P BARNETT Per, City Ordinance N0. 2447 1820 M O NiT E R EY D R � . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU PERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No: 18 , Block No. 2 , H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 156 . Monterey Drive N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' • 1814 MONTEREY DR -- RENT O N W A ----- - 98055 Signed: 227 •;. B. L. RUPP RI , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number .a.' a building on Lot No:: 1 , Block No. 3 •. _ . H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; .should be desi nated as: : 121 W2 J0 HMON.TERE Per�'Cit Ordinance No. 2447__ 2-100 ,MONTEREY DR � ' , y _.. RENTON WA 98 .055 Signed:. • B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful"•to Preserve this Certificate" . ,,;' I 'he •corr.ect number o a building on Lot No. 2: , Block No. 3 . H. G. Whi e's Monterey.Terrace Addition should be designated as : 115 — - .-- - ishpce Monterey N. E. L _ PERE T1 2 0 5 4 . M n.N T E R E Y DR. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON WA • ' �..,..:.---. 9 8 0 5 5 C. Signed:. . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate file correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. H. G. White's .Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : , 10 P Ins. Monterey H A MC . KEAN . 2048 MONT;ERE.Y DR Per City .Ordinance:No. 2447:, '.. '..' [ RENT O N WA 980.55 � Signed: g : B. L. RU , BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. 3. : . 1 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition. ; should be designated as:. 10�3 ace. Monterey a N, E. REV L A MATHRE 2 0 4 2 M.OT.E R E Y Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON, WA 98055 . 1 Signed: B. L. RUP , LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No, 5 : , Block No. . . . 3 ;. H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be desisnatted as: .. 89 — - -- _ Monterey ' • . N, E. x OCCUPANT 2036 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ; RENTON WA .. 9805 5 Signed: 9 - B. L. RUP ERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. . . 3 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ;should be desianated as: 83 _ Monterey =let N, E, 0 F ANDERSON 2 0 2 8 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9865 .5 • Signed: ' B. L. 'RUPPS---- $4,A/).44.14,4 ______ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. . orrect number o a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 3 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should .be desi nated as: . 77 ff . . ",- Monterey 'wC N. E. t H C LEE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2020 MONT REY DR --- • RENTON WA I_ `'`� 98055. .. Signed: /04%, _ B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. —_ 3 H. G. While's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : 104 Capri Ave. N. E. _ DRWJESSLER Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 104 CAP ' 1 AV RENTON WAI _. . 98055 Signed: _ . L. RU - . , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number if a building on Lot No. =9 - , Block No. 3 , • H. G. Whi e's Monterey Terrace. Addition ; should be designated as : 110 M F MAR T. I N 1 1 0 C A P.R 1 AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . RENTON WA Capri Ave. N. E. C 98055 . . . � Signed: i • B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 3 H. G. Whi e's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : 12 - — — -- - . — Capri Ave. N. E. . H H WAG ER 1.2 2 CAP ", I A v Per City Ordinance No. 2447 J RENTON WA ,� 98055 ' • Signed: _ B.7 L, RUP T, LDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 ,Block No. 3 ; H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition . ; should be designated as : 12 Capri Ave, N. E. _ F A E I to ENT Per CityOrdinanceNo. 2447 • 1 2 8 CAPRI AVE RENTON WA 98055 Signed: '7 �' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' DIRECTOR ' • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. . 3 ; H. G. Wh te's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as : 13114 Capri. Ave. N. E. B BARRON Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 134 CAPRI AVE RENTON WA. ., PS • 980.55 Signed: �/� ,s, B. L. RUPP .IJ,A3LDG. DIRIECTOR. i' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 rhe correct number of . building on Lot No, 14 9 Block No. 3 — H. G, White'. Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as: 140 • , • Capri Ave. N. E. MR STONE. i 40 CAP AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R I RENTON WA 7- • . 98055 signed , Sid: • B. L7-Rur , BLDG. DIRECTO Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of ,; building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 3 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated as: 150 Capri Ave. N. E. J HOLMES 150 CAPRI AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' _ Sr- 8 Signed: ( m --, . , . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 4 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be desiDpated as : 194, Monterey rv41 N. E. R E OBRIEN - 2447 2141 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. ,.---7) RENTON WA , 98055 --2, Signed: B. L. RUP ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 4 ; H. G. White s Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be desisnated 'as : 188 R W 0 NEAL , [ . 2133 ON DR Per City Ordinance WA Monterey 2447 N. E. RENTON 98055 Signed: --/-4 _I B. L. RUP L T, LDG. DIRECT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No S • H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be desi•nated as: 182 cl [ I Monterey ,1- ,-,. N, E. • H LANKESTER 2127 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No 4 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition - ; should be designated as : 176 [ , MontereyteEF N. E. M NYGAARD 2121 MONTEREYDR . ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON 14 A 98055 , Signed: .• :—i_1:7____ i' 44 B. L. RO1 HM . LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' .. , , he correct number;.of-a building on Lot No. 5 , Block- No. 4 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition should be designated as: 170 ....�._ MonterevtCe N, E. is I N J JACOBSON 2115 MONTEREY DR Per°City Ordinance No. 2447. REN TON WA 98055' Signed.: - 1 , B. L. R'U BLDG. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of 6. a building on Lot No: Block No. ' 4 , H. G. White's. Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be desiaa acted as: 164 Monterey ,: N. E. GARY• D 1 ME Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 • • 2109 . MONTER,EY DR -- RENTON WA . ' _ 98055 , j Signed- _ • . L. RU ' , BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Ca:'`ful to Preserve this Certificate • the correct number of a building on Let No. . ' 7 - , Block No. 4 H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should be designated''.as : ''158 - --- /lace ® Monterey ,1.4c N. E. r . 2 CLOW MON,TEREY DR 2103 Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON ,I WA t , 9 8 0 5 5 i./ Signed: B. L. RU ' , BLDG. QIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 4 'H. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition. ; should be designated as: !'152 Monterey tii . N. •E, !' - M CLARKE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2.063 MON - EREY DR ' 1 RENTON ' WA, 98055 --:!:: 5-'-; . Signed: B. L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of .a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. . ; H. G. I)Ihite's Monterey Terrace Addition ; should, be des_i nated as: 120. _._-_ _ .- Monterey N. E. ' r OH T Per City Ordinance No. .2447 � MONTEREY. DRN WA A"--- 98055 'e Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR -Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. .10 , Block No..,' . 4. ' ; H. G. White's Monterey 'Terrace Addition 114 ; should be designated as: , Monterey N, . E.M H ! _ 5.1 K M Oi N T E R E Y E RS2051 DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ', REN.TON WA ! 98055 Signed: rP ' • P. L. RUPP -RI ., DG.. ;DIRECTOR . I. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fI • "he_:correct ;numbe o ' a building on. Lot .No. , Block-'No•• 4::';:: • H. G®;':44n.i'.t- 's Monterey. Terrace`Addition:. : . ' :; should be desib. tN ted_'as: 10$; 1 Monterey. .:. P: ,,. 2:0 4 .5 . iM O:N:T E R.E Y DR Per City•Ordinance No.: 2447 : . ,. 98055 ' Signedo. . - - _° B. L= . .: DIRECTOR RUP' , BLDC ' .. Be Careful to Preserve this Cer-'tifi`cate . ; °,, •__. • • • a 0 4 0 0 J O . a • • • • • , •.'I 0 0 r • 0 { , •< tl •, ..0 a e'.'U a a •,0'• • O,a 0 00 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • .'0 9"0','0 e, •:• a . . . . ihg correct:number'o a building on Lot No. • 12 : , Block.No -. 4 ;: r .H• G. Whit= 's. Monterey Terrace 'Addition . Q should be desianated as: .102 Monterey- :N" Ea':` ;�: • P.. ' ABNEY . Per City Ordinance`:N•o. .'.2447.' " -'2.03''.7 N30,NTEREY REN'TON w, q I•, 98U55 . ." Signed: . . , ; ,L. "R , BLDG.. DIREC OR :f;t Be Careful to Preserve:.this .Certificate ,,3 °. •0• ••m • 00 a. .e 0 o •': r,+ 0 • • 0 • • : 0 0 •o.e e'• ,-,• , 0 .7 •'. • . • m • . m •.i. . 0 • • 1 • • • : e 1 : • • • • • :• • e 0• •1 t..- V, • 13.„ -- Block No. :4• >.fi he correct number:;.o ' . a building on Lot :No m s- �,�, H:d G. •White 's,Monterey Terrace Addition:: :, " a8 . : : : , should 6e :desi•nated asm Monterey ' - N, ,,E, , -City`Or.dinance No: ..2 47 . ,9:8 5• - - Si' ned ��" Ba L• R - 6 . BLDG: DIRE TOR Be .Careful-,to ,preserve this Certificate •-'010 •.:0 • • ep • 00 000•• • , 0 . • aC • O•f, ff • •,0• + •:.,'O , eO.Op .,1 •"♦ f • • • • • 0a s • . • 0 . 00 • •;a •.,. 00em • • File correct number: o a building on Lot No, ock':ik!o: g : H: G. Whit 's. Monterey. Terrace,Addition .:, g should be'designated 'as. },82 .. 1 Montereye N;. E,:: 2 0 'S T M0 N EREY DR Per :City Ordinance No•, 2447 . : , J . IL', L,' RUP LOG: D`I;REOT • OR _ : .:' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, :; : i •o o •o •:',_,• • 0 • •♦ o'• a o'i.s' , : o • ., . •'1,f • o•otl u•, e'.'o'�, i m • • • • •'e s r a.'• . • m m.o e • a e ••.• • • a , •',,•° , i he. correct- number:.o : a:'.building on Lot .No 15 ' , 'Block' No. , .4 ; ; • H. G:''Whit=;°.s Monterey:Terrace.Addition. , should be designated as. ' ! .` : 16' lose '• L.•. 4J. S'FALTER:: ' " P : ' i. Monterey: , E, 2 0'2:1. N p NT E R E'Y D R Per City Ordinance :2447 : . I RE.N,TO"iV:'. WA , 1, . 9805 S,i:gned• � . Be careful..ato: Preserve: this. Certificate„' , O . •0.• 0.0 • 0,0 0'. a • 0.0 0 • .. • •:a• 0 0 0 • • e.• O .e ••°:0:• • . . he :.correct number a. a building :on':Lot No:; : , .' 1 B , Block No. . .. 4 ': :H.. G. Whit °s: Monterey' Terrace Addition :; should be deli nated•:as:: :;74 Monere c 'N E y' 2015;` . : M O Ns" E. R EY D R ` Per City Ordinance Noa 2447 DIRECTOR Be Careful '.0, Preserve this Certificate ^e ••tr:.'••;m}s.o,s.•.• 16.e .:u.,ae • sir •.a'• r : e,, ° ,..'•`• • • uie'aaloe , • , ,, ,e •e•+';m ,.• 1'• e:o • • •:.'• a+ ,,. rd. • • e, � ."rm "F The correct number of G building on Lot. No. 17 +, Block No.. :,. 4. H.:`G. White's Monterey Terrace Addition ::;. should be desi nated as:. ; 64: . • Monterey Erivt N. E. WILLIAM. L C O K ER E Y • 2 0 0 9 -M D N T.E R E Y DR, Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTCN W 9a055 • Signed:' • ; B. •L. R BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . T should be designated as : Per City Ordinance No. Signed: L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: ; should be designated as: • . Per. City Ordinance :No.. I. g B. L. .RU fV, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to.Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ , Block No: ; should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No. j Signed: B. L. RUPF, T,' LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.: ; : _ ; should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No: Signed: l �� B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to. Preserve this. Certificate• The correct number o- a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; ; should be designated as: o . . Per City Ordinance No, Signed: < ' B. :;L. RUPP ki LDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate e correct number of-�a building on Lot No. .. 9 - ---. -..=- 'Brent ioo Dlv• No. 2 ; 'should be designated.:as: 3908. N.E.. . hitn St. , :• fl . C A R L N.I L N E..R per City Owdinance No•. : ..2447 3908 1 1 '1H AV " N0' _ �'.. RENTOt WA . 980.55 ' ` Signed: . 9 T . _r�. B. L. RUP , BIDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; 0 he correct number of a building on Lot N'o.. 15 , Block. No 3 Brentwood. Div• No. 2 . ; should be designated as: , '1101. . , Tacoma Ave. N.• E.C H A RL E S W 0 DELL 1 ,101 .R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON. WA 98055 C • Signed: _0 — L. RU '' - , BLDG. DIRE TOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , ;, ; • - ,p e • o • o o • o • • • p • • o • o o • • o v o .. • 18se • • a o v . • • o e o • • e • s a e e e • o • o • a • • s • • • o a • e • • • / 'he correct number of .a, building•on•Lot No. 16 . Block No. . : 3 ' . - Brentwood Div. No• • 2 1103, should be designated Tacoma Ave... N. E.. :. D ON A LD R M A S5 EY' . 44- 1. 103., R. S T R EE. 1: Per City Ordinance No, , RENToN WA. C , , , . 9 .8 .0.5.5 0U. Signed:'. /B. L. RU . . . BLbG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserye this Certificate. - •• • •• • • • a o v • e.o • • • • 3 Dela mays " o, e • • a • • • • • e • .• • • • • • o • Pb• • e •r • • • . II o ••-•• • • • l•_v •.•! P The correct number of a building on Lot Noe : 17 . , Block No. ;3 ' ' ' , Brentwood Div. .No. 2 ; should be designated .as: . 3907 - N F l l th (Ceuir.t i , KENNETH CRO,SSMAN 244�.. , 3907 11TH CT N0 • Per City Ordinance No. . - • RENTON . WA ' 9.8055 Signed: -- ' B. 'L. RUP .. T, LOG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • • • • • • • • e • • • e v oi.• e• • •.• • • a • o • o o • • e • • e • • e• • a / •.o o • • • o • • o • •• • • ♦,• o • • • o e • • • a o • • o• e e •-• • • • • e,e • e • • • , • The' correct number of .a building' on Lot .Noe 18 Block Noe 3 .. . Brentwood Div:.`Noe 2 • s should be designated as: 3905. N. E. llth•Court ,, . e t.. . ,,WAGGONER Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 3905 11TH' ' CT . NO.. RENTON W. A ... ' • 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. .D R CTO _ Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate •• • a•'• • •..• • : • . • e • • •,•'• i . a • • • • o • • • • a,• • •,• • • • • a • • •.•.•• • • •'• • • • • • • •.• •.'• •.• • o • • • •'• • • • • • •'• • • • • i • • • • • The correct number of a building on Lot.No. i 9 Block:No. .3 9 should be. designated as: 3903 Brentwood' Div. No: 2 • 11th Court JOHN. H '. GHTOWER 3903 1" 1T. H CT : NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . , '- ' RENT ON WA.... 98055; � Signed;. . . RUPP - id LDG: DIRECTO he correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 Block No. 3 _ . Brentwood Div. No, 2 ; should be designated as: 3901 N. E, 11th Court _ JA ti E s C ROTH Per.City Ordinance No. 1473901 _ 1 1 T H CT N 0 J __ _____.. . RENTON' WA 98055 - �y Signed: ;, A --b. L. RICE , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 3 Brentwood 'Div. No. 2. •; should be designated as: 3902 L `__' N, E. 11 th Court JACK SPARROW 3902 , 1 1 T CT NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447, RENTON WA ... 4--) s.,,,..„,„,....� 98055 signed: C — --- — L. RU "; . BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of . building on Lot No.. 22 , Block No. 3 Brentwood Di . No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3904, _T - ---...- �-- -- _ _ ..__.. ___._ N. E, 11 th Court R J FORSYTH 3904 11TH CT NO Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 r ---- - RENT ON WA I 98055 �4 Signed: ;. B. L. RU -. ., BLDG.DIIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . .. . . he correct number of . building on Lot No. 23 , , Block No. 3 Brentwood Di . No. 2 _�— ; should be designated as : 3906 . N. E, 11th .Court ALBERT SYVERSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3906 11TH CT NO REN_TON �1A 98055 Signed: �, �.B. L. RUP Te;'LLDG. DIRECTOR~ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. —� .3 _,• Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1115 r -r cow►a - — A've. N. E, S•TEVE KRENCKPROCK perCit Ordinance No. 2447[ �- 1.115 R STREET y REN TON WA -- 98055 Signed: ./ce B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECT R • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 3 ; Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1:151 _ 'Ave. . N, E, T.- KK R •5 HADT R E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 R STREET T ON WA 98055 Signed; , �,��9 B. L. RlvP i%/ LDG. DIRECTOR • , . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •• ;'a ie,correct'.number,,.of!':a bu;i 1 dui ng...on Lot No,: 260 .aY B9ibckt.No- . 33. Brentwood iv. No. 2 ;sth`ou-ld'be designated:'as;:: . 3.92.11 N. E. 11th Place;. .. . JOHN SCA4AN . . � 3 9 0 7: 1 1 "T rl ' P. L . N 0 Pere Chi tyy Ord-i nan'ce" No-. 2443:7'" 1' • RENTON WA. - ^ , 98055 Signed: a s : a. L. RUP ,• BLDQ:3• DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve! th,is.,Certificate .: • • • • • • • a • a . a • . • • • . a • • • • • • e • • ,• ,P.• •.•a ..•.p m • . • O •• m • • ••• • • • m •'••••••p'•••••. m ••. !e, Correct number of a building on Lot No. 2'71 ,. Block No• 3: Brentwood Div. No. 2 r; should be designated' as:. . 'i3917 N, E. llth place. • KARL . MU. ZL INGER 2 T.: - - . 3905 1 1 T H P L NO Per city'Ordinance No• RENTON 98055 C'"' Signed: /1)7 • ' L. RU BLDG, .DIRECTOR ------ • Be Careful to Preserver this': Certificate c oo . o • . • , . o • o a • o o o • r m • e • • o o . . • . • • • • p 0 •o a o po• 0 0 p •p 0 o s o•o o a s:o o • Oa • m • • / • 0'0 • e • o o • e'o o •.• o p90', PO • • o • • • e• • • to correct number of a building on Lot No• 8- 5,Block No. 3, y_= Brentwood Civ• No.• 2 should be designated as :" 3913 . N, E, llth Place DONALD TRANDUM . 3903 1' 1 T H L NO Per City Ordinance No• :2447 • RENTON _ WA 9.80'S5 , _ .. B La RU : BLDG iDIRECTOR Be Careful to PreserAh tfis. Certificate o •• a • • a e'• o • • • • • eao •' '• • • • • • . . . . • • • 0 . . . 0 . • • o • o . ... . ••rwn•d•oo • • • . • • . • • aob m 00 000•000 re correct number of a building on Lot No. 2�' ,, Block No.. y3t •s. Brentwood :Iiv• No. 2 ;; should. be designated: as:: 3909 N. E. llth Place PAULE CHA ' FEY 1 1 3 3 R S T ° E E T Pen City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 '_ Signed: Ba J RUP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • • • o • . • . • o O • • • 0 0 • • . o o • . • . e • • • • • . • • . . • o • • . • . • • • r • I . a o a , • • 0 0 0 . o e a o • o m e • o • • • . . • . • / • o • • • , o • le correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 3O ,. Block No. 3.. . . Brentwood D'v. No. 2 ;; should be designated as: 3905 - - N, E, 11th place . R T R I V E Y • ' -—� ----- ----- 1 1 3 9 R p T R E E T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • wA. • 98055 S gned 4° B. Le RUPPERT, i3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . • . . ... . • . • • • • • . •.• . • • . • • • . . . . • . • 0 . e e .. . / • 0,e • • . p •.•:e.•.••• . o.• 0 . • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 m • • o a o'•'0 • . • •'•.0.a o • 0 . . • • • • . e le correct number of building on Lot No: 31, , Block No. 3' ; Brentwood D'v. Noe_ 2 ; should be designated as: 3901 N. E, llth Place . BORIS K NA ATK IN 1 1 4 5 R S T R E T Per City Ordinance No• 2447 ! ' _.�. . • RENTON . ' . • VIA, 98055 , Signed . • B. L. /RUrf > I � DGa DIRECTOR ^ , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate is T. . to .correct:: number .'i f a_.buia dui ng.on Lot. No. . r ",_: �.. ..._:..,:.:-•s �.� 4 , • • ...Div. No Brentwood2 Should be designated as: 110,0 ; --1 ' Tacoma Ave. N. `E• _ 1 . R OiB E' R T Hra• D E R.'R R A N D Per*City 'Ordinance No. 2447.' ,•;r •R E N T O. +'�:.. W. A •TM 9 .805:5 Signed: 10i_ �. a. R P BLDG. DI ECTOR Be. Careful. to Preserve this Certificate 2 Block No. :a he correct number of`:a building' on Lot No. -- ; 'should be designated as: 11:02 Brentwood Div.o No® "`2 ��� _Tacoma Ave._____,__________,_.N. E. UN HOMES MAR-"SHALL Per. City Ordinance No.ym24`�?..: 1Y '0 :2' . R . STREET --. .. RENTON.. WA .- - 980'55 C. Signed: 1 • r4:.i, . _ . , L. R: ; :BLDG DY'fiCTUR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..f,. •'•• . .. .• . . o o o . $ • • .. • •• . . .,. o • • . o . • • .• . . • .. • . • . . . .. . D• • • •'. .• . . . • . •.:• . . e• . • o;o • .• .v'. p . .o i o Ale,. he correct number of .a building on Lot:No. ' . 3 $ Block.No. Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1..198.' Tacoma..Av e. N. E. . • C O. NR A D MAS 'A C K Per, City::Ordinance .No: 24.47: 1 1 Q`'8 :..R 'S:T R,E°.E T ' . • . 98 ' Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Oh'. D .. . . . . mow. . . • • . . . . • . .'• . • . • • . o . . • . . . . , Y•..• . • .. • • . . . o . .o,o .• o ._• . •:-. . . . o • .'. • H. D • o.. r•.o • • [he correct number .of a building on Lot No., : 4 —s Block No.. _4 1 .. Brentwood. Div. No:' 2 g..should be designated as 1114 • - Tacoma Ave. N. E. A F B.R E'S T R E. E T E."A R 5 1 1.1 4 R S Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' • . . ) R.EN.T ,ON . ' - WA. 98055 ' • _. . • Signed: -B. L. .RUP . T, DC. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - o . • i • • a • .• . • • . • •b • • a • . . • • • • • • . • • : • • • • . • . .,.,• • • • • • • • • • • • o • o• • • o • • . • • . •'o t • • . . . , • • 4 The correct number of :a building on Lot No.: 5 , Block. Nog :* Brentwood Div. No. 2 should be designated as: 1120 __ Tacoma Av E. ' • A L I N: HUFF Per City ,Ordinance. No. 2447 ; 1 1 2 0 '...R STREET 3 ' .... R E N TON: :. .WA 980:55 .RUP �3L C $i�ned: � , • __ .. B. L. PERT, Q 'E T ' . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • H. • o. • . .-• • • ,o •'. • . . • 41• o • . • . • . • • • • . . . • . i:. . • o . • • . . • . . . . ao • • • o • • o• • D • • • o • • i. i . .• . . .'• • i•• • o • • • •:• • • • The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 4'. ' .' . .. Brentwood 'Div. No. 2 r ; ".11EO ". should be designated as '' Tacoma Ave. N. ,E. - P H ILL I: P BLACK 1:126 R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 7 ' ..._. ,, ; RENTON WA " Signed: L_,":...:'' y�''�:''� ...._.,.. "' *....� __-- B. L. RUPP Vigt1.00. DIRECTOR' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 4 Brentwood Div. No. 2 ` _... ; should be designated .as: D60 Tacoma Aye_ty,.. :E. JAMES EUBA KS. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 .E 3.914 11TH • L N0 ' REN,TON WA 98055 Signed: A ‘,,,), - B. L. RUB g , BLDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building. on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 4- Brentwood D v. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3932 N, E. llth Place _� R I CHARD BRONSON Per City Ordinance No. 24 3912 11TH PL NO --- 47 ` RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C____FZAL-____ __L-c--------7 . . L. RU . , BLDC.. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number 'of a building on Lot No .10 Block No. 4 . Brentwood D v. No. 2 . . , ; should be designated. as: 3928 - N, E. 11th Place GARY M.A L a T TA Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3910 11T PL N0 RENTON WA 98055. - . Signed: - B. L. RUPL BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' , [he correct number ,of a building on Lot No; , 11 . , Block No. . 4 �� Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated .as: 3920 N. E. llth Place GARY BOYDSTON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3906 11TH PL NO RENTON WA. 98055 . Signed: _ B. L, , RUP -, T, LDG. DIRECTORr Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 4 Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3900 . N. E. llth Place . I DOROTHY RESTEMAYER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1144 R STREET 1;--r, RENTON WA i 98055 Signed: 4 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 . , Block No, 4 . Plat of Ren on Highlands ; should be designated as: 950 - - .. — - - Edmonds Ave,: N. E. R J BESECKER 9 3 4 E STREET Per City Ordinance No. _2447 RENTON . WA , ---- 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed: ,,, '.`,t B. L. RUPP Ri, !laLDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I ' Block No. 4� e' 'correct`.nur ber of" a b i ldi ng on Lot" No. 4. 1_1 . .•' , . ,..:.: . - ." . , " ' :; should be designated .as::'3924'`:. `.;.": ��� ���.:=: Brent�roa ..f) v�ston ;N 0 2 -.• , .t N. E. l l'th:.Place: f DOUGLAS KY E'S " Per City '.Ordinance No. 2447 o , •+ 9 "8 .0'5 5 ... Signed: 'd: ` BLD G: DIRECTOR:O Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - •"q,.e a o • o m mo o'm o 'o • o a o,o • : • • o e o e oo o e o • a • m e o o e . p a.'0 0':. • •r o". • io o m a.• o r.sm o< •'e o e.•"e'e,y••.".• •'�•e-..M•', umber "'of Oa suilding on Lot' No. , Block".No ____,______ I' • e; correct number 9 - - • ;: should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No. • , � - 4 Bi g7d: L. RU 9 Pe BLDi DIRECTOR Be Careful'. to Preserve this Certificate r.►.0 0.0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O,,0 0 0 0 0 0 q:0 0 & 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0,9 • 0 0 r'0• 0: •.a 0,0 0 0 . O• 0 0 • 0 : : 0 0 e e . e • e . i •.:.: a e''0". 1 to correct number of building on Lot Noo Block No. f;` should be designated. as ".Per ''City Ordinance-No. . "B. Be Careful to Preserve this_,:Certificate , ' :;' :. _ m e 0 0 00.0 0 0 0 0 • 0 . •D o 0 00 :9 0 • • I 0 • • • 0 •0 0 e • e• • a 0 . 0 0 09 e •.0 • • •�•0 0 •1.•..�e• , •e�o o�ova 9�i..,• • • a •,o om o, .m o"e o 0 0 o a o e oe • o he correct. number of a building on Lot No. Block Noe : - : . shouldignated as: :' ..., ;" m � Ii e designated Per City Ordinanc e. No.' . I { , Signed: , ' B. L, "RUFF".. T,7 LDGe.:DIRECTOR - • _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . - �'•a.e.o 0 0"• . e e o e • • •"a i. ► o o"o • a • •.a o o'• • • o'e a o • • o :'o'■ e • e a a • o® o.o"m"c o o a • • o •'e• • a o'� • v• • e • o •"o o m.o�o.• r.a o 0'•1• om'• •.• r• e•;. I correct number' of a" building. on Lot No: , .Block N"" he : c 90.a '"", ' 1 .: should e designated as;. ,' ` Per City Ordinance No. Signed: B. Le RU ERT, BLDGo . D. "RECTOR m' Be. Careful to Preserve :this. Certificate :• bf''•'��:•,-0."�. •'e:•.•-'o�o • •'•'a<'•"00 •"0,'oe0 • •':e";• c 0 0;e a •'� • .• •'a o'I •.0 •,•,•, s • • e • r'o'•'e •.•'.'• • •:• •'• • I,o 0 0 •'• •.e'a.o-0�.•e •'• 0,. • 0`* . .•'• .,, Ile correct number of a building on Lot No.. ,: Block No..: 9 should .be .designated as.. Per City .Ordinance" No. ` . • Signed:: ✓fit: ,r'� oA,� g Be.�L" RUPPE ii LDG.,'DIRECTOR: o Preserve this :Certificate ', Be Carefulto .L . e ie,correct;_number-. f a_buildi ng on Lot.No. 2. .� , :Block No. .- 4 ' _• �:_..._.�.�:� Plat. of='R nton .Highlands' ; should be' designated: as:: 93-0 Edmonds. Ave. N. E.. . .T CROSBY - 9 3 0 E ,S T Per'City Ordinance No: 2447. REN-TON WA ,; . • 98055 . .. . Signed: , B. L. R ; BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number if a building On Lot No. 3 .. Block No. 4 Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated. as: 926 Edmonds Ave. N. E.: :A HE MPH I 'L L Per City -Ordinance No. 24�7; 926 E -:S T • E ,.A. ,..,- RENT ON WA --- 98055 Signed: ✓ - -' . L. RU , BLDG. DI,DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate le correct number if a building. on Lot No. • 4, . . Block No. 4..- . : Plat of R•nton Highlands : :'' - should be designated as 920., Edmonds Ave. .N. E. = J .' H SCHUH ' . 9 2`0 E .. s ,IPForrC;ity Ordinance No.. .2447 . : . RENT:0N : W.ATT,T . . . 98055 , . ,� • • :, ,, : B. L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR - .. - • Be Careful to Preserve this:Certificate •.. .. le correct- number .f a building on Lot No. 5 i Block No. : 4• Plat of R•nton Highlands -- . ----i'tishould. be. designated .as 9.16' ., . ---• -- Edmonds Ave. N.. .E, ; 9 l 0 E c H H Pgi-j City Ordinance -No. 2447. RENTONW A ' 98055• ' Signede ' B. L, RUP ' , LPG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this: Certificate ` le correct number if a building on. Lot No: 4: .�Block P;O, • • ' • Plat of R•nton Highlands . Highlands. _ : . .- `, should be designated as: , 91.Q: -- -- ---- Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' x OCCUPANT 9 i O E s T R E E T PCity .Ordinance No• : 447 .r- RENT`ON , WA • : --- 98055 - .. .. .. • S i ned: _ s.;,: {•i '� 't t`' ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG: DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preservethis Certificate 1 Sur \i.L„: ..t. , . ie correct number of a building on Lot No: Block 'No: ` 4, : ,. Plat of R-nton Highlands �. 2500 • , 'should be de•signated as t,. , _..._.._.._ N.: E.. 9 th S t. Lif P;r •ty-Ordi Hance No 2447,. . , REN .TON WA-. . . . 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed:• '' ''' - B. L. RUPP i, LDG. `DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve 'this Certificate " he correct .number'' of a building on Lot No.. ` $ ,. : ,: Block •No. `,4 .. Plat ,of R,•nton Highlands - ; should be. designated as: 2506 N E, 9th St. R ..:' 5 R AY N OW D Per'City Ordinance No.. 2447 2408- . 9 TH NO REN,TON . WA 98055: .. G�r , �. Signed: 6 s,,, B. L: R ' , BLDG. : DIRE—TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - he :correct number of a building on Lot No:. '9 Block No. _ . , Plat of Renton: Highlands - ; should be designated:as: 251:2 N. E, 9th St. D. 6 K U H.L t✓ N Per City Ordinance �!o. 2447 , 2 4 1 4 9 T'H NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed.• Gam`! ... . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number 04' a building on Lot No. 10 Block No, 4 Plat of Renton Highlands ;. should be designated as: . .901 Ferndale Circle N; ;E 9 1 1 F s T Per City .Ordinance No:. 2447 . , RE��ITONj ° NE , . W.p - 9 8 0 55.- .. . Signed. B. L. RU I BLDG: DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' ' . he correct number of, a building on Lot No. 11 Block No.. 4 _; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 905 �: Ferndale Circle N. E. J W TRUMAN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • B. L, .RUP -. T, LDG, DIRECTORr Be Careful to Pres`e`rVe 'this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 4 • Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 909 Ferndale Circle N, E, J.. ..0 KRIEG Per City Ordinance No 2447 921 F 5T — . REN T ON. W A 98055 Signed: .-77-`/,`\fi - 1 ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Prese'rV,e this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 Block No. 4. Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 913 Ferndale. Circle N. E. OCCUP ,A T Per City Ordinance No, 2447 ` , 9 2 5 2� F S.T . . REN TOIL WA 98055 '1 .. .. `. Signed:: B. L. RUPP RI , LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. . le correct number of a building on Lot. No. 13 , Block No. 4 Plat of Renton Highlands ;"should be designated. as 91. Ferndale Circl e ll, F► OCCUPANT 927 "F" STRE,T . Per•City Ordinance No: 2447 • RENTON WA 98055, • Signed:" !mil B. L. RJ , BLDG. DIRE CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' to correct number o a building .on Lot No:. 14 Block No. � - 4 ', Plat of R nton Highlands ; should be designated as: , 919 Ocea'�a► -4- -. • Ferndale Circle N, E., Per' City. Ordinance No. 2447. 2504 :9TH �1•l�. I RENTON WA - f� , ' 98055 �` Signed: ----- . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number or a building o.n Lot No. .15 . , Block No. 4 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : , .923� j o e e kpa.." { -- - Ferndle. Circle N, E.,'. l „ ) H 5 0 8 9 T H n o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' j� u - RENTON PI' WA " 98055 • � � Signed: s0f' B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 4 • Plat ofRenton Highlands. ; should be designated as : "-927 Ferndale Circle N. E, . A J SKELLENGER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2512 9. TH PL RENTON WA J 1 98055 ' . ^ Signed: — , B. L. RUP E, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number.o a building on Lot No. ' 17 ., Block No. 4 • • Plat of Re ton Highlands ; should be designated as : '931 _ Ferndale Circle N,E: _ _— E RANT AP A . , - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2516. 9TH PL NO RENTON . . WA . 98055 1 Signed: ., - B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR" • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . le correct number o. a building on Lot No. 18 Block No. 4 : ; Plat of ,Re ton Highlands ; should be designated as : 935 Ferndale Circle N. E, L M NOL ND Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 2520. 9T PL -- RENTO �! WA 98055, Signed: g- 741),ozw,es--- B. . PPp3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate �I I 11 he'oorrect number:-:.f a"_building on Lot No:; 19 � Block • -. "Plat`,of 'entan Highlands should be designated. as : ; 112 Ferndale Circle`.N, E i. H c a - i� E f CKS 'ON f . . _ . :O.rdi Hance.�.No. 2447,. �. . 92. 6 G •S ,T: . Per•City RENT :O:N. WA j 98085� ji i Signed: - B: :L. R BLDG:: !DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate i he correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 Block :No. : Plat of 'enton Highlands ; shouldbe designated `as; 11.943 Ferndale:Circle: N. E:. M W o C o NE L L.; Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 9 2 2 0 S REET 0 9 Signed: ,I L. RU BLDG. ., DTR CTOR, Be Careful. to: Preserve this Certificate 21 'he correct. number of a building on, .Lot No; Block No. 4I 1 Plat of. "enton Highlands should be designated as;f11 947':. Ferndale. Circle.N...E.l , Per Cit Ordinance No : 2447 �I ' 9'1:8 '�G. 5 T :: , 1 055 i 8 . - , ,BLDG. IDIIRECTOR Sgned:, Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate• - . 1 Che correct number of a building, on Lot No. 22 . Block No. 4 Plat:.of .'enton. Highlands ; should be designated as {f.f 19 1 ;r - Ferndale Circle N."E' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ,a l • RENT ,O:N '4JA . Signed: B. L. RUP T; LDGIHDI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate,.. . : . ihe. correct number of a building on Lot No. : 23 . • :, Block: No. 1 Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated.asll9 R . Ferndale Circle N, E;.1. Per City Ordinance No: . 2447 Signed d B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.i, DI ECTOR • Be Careful :,to Preserve this-:Certificate . o Thecorrect number Of. a building on Lot No. 24 • , Block No. 4' Plat;of Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as 261.8 ‘ : N,.;'E. :.9th. St. 1 BERRY �. o R C ►� E N s Per .City Ordinance: No:. 2447 ;:. „ . 26 .0 TH ' AV NO : _ , ' , 1 fi RENTO NJ:A I 980,55 Signed.: • . :B. L RUPP R f, LDGi ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate , i:., . . . . :j: ... . .. 1 he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 ,. Block No. 5 Plat of Renton Highlands 908 should designated as : . f�, _ . ' Ferndale Circle N. E. Per City Ordinance.No.. . 2447 924 F ST • RENTON WA ' 9 8 0 5 5. . 4112,4 -- Signed: 6 B. L. R ' ' ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. T` 5 ' Plat of Ren on Highlands should be designated as : . 912 ___ r— Ferndale Circle N. E. H GU Y E R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 -1- 2511 9TH PL , RENTON WA y _- 4 ✓ 9- 8055 Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . a - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a .building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 5 Plat of Ren on Highlands ' ; should be designated as: 916 Ferndale Circle N. E. R PFEIFLE '9 2 3 G S T . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . - RENTON WA /�` ,.r, 98055 Signed: �B. L. RU f BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ie:correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. '5 • - Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 920 • Ferndale Circle N. E. ' E RENEGA R Per City Ordinance No. .2447 915 G ST — ) RENTON - WA , 98055 Signed: _ B. L, RUP -, T, LDG. DIREC-OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 . , Block No. 5 Plat of Ren on Highlands .; should be designated as: 924 Ferndale Circle N. E. M E SU T • H I N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 911 G S RENTON W A ( 980.55 Signed: 1 ��' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 6' Block No. . . 5 ; Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated as: 2612 I • N. E. 9th St. EVERETT SUTFIN 2514 9TH AVE N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . g ,-�,,'��,,,, B. ' L. RUPFR IP`BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No 1 Block No. 5 Brentwood: Div No. 2 should be designated as: 4007 N, E, llth St.__ L P ::,S .I E G E N T H A L E R PerOrdinance No. 2447 3. 9 1 5 1 1 T H A V N 0City . Y--T RENTON WA 98055 :. . .. Signed: G t'1, . B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le .correct number .o a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 5 ' Brentwood Div. No. 2. should be designated as : 4001 N, E, 11th St, CARL ' A WEST 3909 1 T H AV •N 0 Per City yOrdinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 05 5 _fie ,Z_/__Z:,e)7 ' Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number o a building on Lot No. 3, , , Block No. . .5 , ,, Brentwood Div. No. 2 , should be designated as: '„1058 �'acoma Ave. N. E. MRS 'JOAN ' ' PALMER 1 0 4 4 R 5 T • E E T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON 4JA• 9.8 0.5.5 Signed: 0 B. L. RUPI, , BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • le correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 ' , Block No.. ' 5 . Brentwood Div. No.. 2 ; should be designated as: 1054 Tacoma Ave. N, E, W I LL I AM . I EBELL Per City 1038 R 5 B E E T y. Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 .. Signed: • B. L, RUP -, Ti�LDG. DIRECTOR — Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building 'on Lot No. ' 5 ' , Block No. 5 ' • Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: , 1050 — . Tacoma Ave. N. E. DALE H INZ 2447 1 0 3 2 R. S T R E E T' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON ' W A 98055 ' Signed: A� ,�• B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number o a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 5 .' Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1026 Tacoma Ave, .N, E, HARVEY NHTINOALE 1 0 2 6 R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2,447 " RENTON WA 98055 Signed: � � ,� , B. L. RUPP r i �;3L.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i The correct number if' a_building on Lot No, 7 , Block No: _5 Brentwood.,Div:"No. 2 • ; should be designated as : 1022.. - Tacoma .Ayebue N, E, B E. R. N A. R,D N JOHNS O N Per Ordinance No. 24 � 390.A 10 H CT N0 , • RENTON WA _ 98055 41'C"-------. Signed: * . , - - B. L. Rlf` , , BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block- No. 5 Brentwoo+ :Div. No. _Z: , should be designated as : 1018 . Tacoma. Avenue N, E ; � ME.LLO L'ARSON �• �� 2447 ' , Per City Ordinance . o. 3`91 U 0TH CT N' 0 ' � �� RENT 0 W A2 � � 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: - -_ . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 . N i 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ler The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. : ,5. Brentwo d Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1014 Tacoma Ave, N, E; R I CHARD STRED 1CKE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3916 10TH CT. NO ` RENTON WA 9 8 05 5 ' Signed: U2- B. L. RU I , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 1 __, Block No. 6 Brentwood Diva No. 2 ; should be designated as : '999 Tacoma Aye. N, E. GARRY E BRYAN" Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3915 10TH CT NO J RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: — B. L, RUP -. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 6 Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 11003 Tacoma Ave. N. E, ' JOHN H PINSON 3909 10TH CT NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ...77„..____________ REN TON "WA 9 8 0 5 5 ` Signed: f P ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No . ' .6 . Brent ood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1007 Tacoma Ave. N. E,' R C NESJELRODT SR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3 9 0 5 10TH CT NO — RENTON WA 9 8 0 5.5 Signed: . ' '',...-44 r.; -----___---- __ _ ___ __ B. L. RUPFUTALDO. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 4 , Block .No. 6: , _ __ Brentwood Div. No: 2 : .should be designated as : .1.011 _N �; ROBERT S ROLFNE5S Per-City Ordinance No.Tacoma Avene 244L]. 3 9 0 1 1 0 T. H CT NO _____ RENTON WA '-` 98055 /4.44' .. Signed: , ,.. , -- ..` " •"' B. L. RUB' , BL.DG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number cf a building on Lot 1o. '.. 5 ., Block No. _ 6 __ Brentwood Div. No. .2 ; should be designated as : ; 1.015 Tacoma Avenue N. EL 1___ ALLEN DE HAVILAND 1 0 1 5 R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _._.� _.- 98055 k 4/ Signed: e, _ - . L. RU i' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 6, Brentwood Div. No. 2 ;. should be designated as : 1.021 Tacoma Avenue N, E, ; LARRY YOUIIEET KER 1021 R ST Per City Ordinance No, 2447 f — RENTON WA ;--------- 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 2f"- B. L. RUP T 4IrDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, . he correct number f a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 6 Brentwoo Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : . 107 — Tacoma Avenue N. E. IAN G • STEWART 1027 R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - 9 .8055 Signed: B, L, RUP T, LDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 6 , Brentwood Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1051 Tacoma Avenue N, E, ROBERT WRAY 1 0 3 3 R STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 __ y_ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ° - B. L. RUPPERTT DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i he correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 6 , Brentwoo• Div. No. 2 ;' should be designated as : ' 1055 Tacoma AvenueN. E. JOHN LALLEY 1039 R ST EET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 --- RENTON W A .. 98 .055 Signed: - �'t�12L4WA4 / B. L. RLPPE?i ,ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number f 'a' building on Lot No. • 10 , Block No.. 6 _ Brentwoo Div. No. 2 ; should be .designated as: , 10� 9 Tacoma Aye: N. E. -. . NYLE LUNDSTROM Per'City Ordinance No. 2447i 1 1 0 4 5 ' R STREET -------'- RE.NTON - WA f---Z-&)-- _ 98055 __, • Signed: � —B. L. Rlf� z , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building, on Lot No. .11 , Block No. _ 6 ___� Brentwooe Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3901 N, E. 11 th St, OCCUPANT 2447 Per City Ordinance No. M 3895 11 TH .AVE NO ---- �-___. -- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 2__ , e,- .. — - - , L, RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 12 - , Block No. . 6 Brentwooe Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1050 • -- — Shelton Ave. N, E, W K ST 'EWART Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1038 Q STREET RENTON WA 98055 �� Signed: �` B. L. RUFI EV BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 6 Brentwooe Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as: lop• D I C K 0 U G H T O N Shelton Eve. N. F. 1 0 3 2 e STREET Per City Ordinance No. ' 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - � . Signed: B. L, RPP -, T, LDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. . 14 , Block No. 6 ; .! Brentwooe Div. No. 2 ; should be designated as 1026 .SHF.�7oN AVE. �/.F. F � D PEPLES . 1026 Q STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W A . . - . 98055 Signed: . Qtre . B. L. RUPPERT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No.. 15 Block No . 6 ; Brentwood Div. No. 2 .. ; should b.e designated as : 1020 Shelton Ave. N, E. 0 2 0 L N t A.N N 1020 Q • T 0 REET City Per Ordinance No. _2447 RENTON '. WA 98055 ar is Signed: A'. �° B. L. RUPP RI ,i73LDG. DIRECTOR ' lI Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate `.� Me correct number of .building on Lot. No. 16 , Block No. _ 6 Brentwood, Di . No. 2 • ; should be designated as :+1014 Y �_ * Shelton Ave. N. E. • R MARSHAL SMTI H —' 1 0 1 4 Q. STREET . Per`City Ordinance No. .,2447_ RENTON 'WA . 98055 ��� `� 0, _ : . Signed: M7 B. L. R!�' f , , BLDG. DIRECTOR — • Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate Ti .m correct number of : building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. _ Albert Balch's P esident Park No. 2 T � should be designated ass3.505 T N. E. 6th St. V 3 4 0 3 6TH P L NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I' RENTON WA • ;. 98055 . ~J Signed: C ��;. w , L. RU O 0, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , ` :e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. Albert Balch 's President Park No. 2 ;, should be designated as : 3511 N. E. 6th St. J L T I LTON Y 2447 3 4 0 9 6 T H P L NO Per City Ordinance No. _ RENTON ' WA 9 8 0 5 5 ; Signed: �" s 2 . B. L. RU F BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to' Preserve this Certificate me correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. _; Albert Balch's President Park No... 2 ; should be designated as : 3517 N. E. 6th St. 3415P6TH PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT O N WA 9 8 0 5 5 L Signed: -C.7. 1\------ ! . B. L. RUPP'�., T, LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .e correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3523 ANNA MAC SFAD. DEN 1 Per CityOrdinance eeNo. 2447 • 3421 6TH PL .NO . RENTON WA 7-77 . 9 8 0 5 5 ' Signed: l%`p ?,�'. r'B. L. RUPPERT,B DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number'of a building on Lot No. 5 . , Block No. . , ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3529 SJjelton Ave. N. E. 3 A 7 T 1 A R I N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 342 7 GT -i PL NO � RENTON WA . 9 8 0 5 5 ' . Signed: J� ,,fry",1 _ e B. L: RUPPMb DG. DIREC—OR, . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rbe correct number. of a building on Lot No. • . 5 , Block No. _ 29 _ Renton-'Hiq lands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2812 . . r N, E. ,7th Street_— ' . :li x‘, . OCCUPANT 2 7 1 2 : "•7 N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - ` .J ., : 98055 Signed: �� �i0a B. L. Rl i' ;� , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 29 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : , 2804 "' N, E, 7th Street _! ' E E' P 0-W E 'R S 2 7. 0 4 7TH ' AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA � 98055 �`/`� ,�, Signed: --- . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. . 28 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : • 2805 N, E, 7th Street OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 244' 2. 705 7TH NO —` RENTON WA �� 98055 . Signed: • B. L. RUP1 %LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .... I correct number if a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 2,8 Renton H ghlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :' 2815 N, E, 7th Street NORMA K OTT . B I EWER 2715 7,T AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: �,,1 B. L. RUP E. T, LDG. DI ECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. — 28 ' ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as': 2821 N, E. 7th Street [ OTH oCCUPAN Per City Ordinance No.AV NO N WA 98055 Signed: 46_ �° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DI ECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Tha correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 3 • , Block No. 28 ; Renton ighlands No, 2 ; should be designated as : '2823 k N. E. 7th Street OCCUPANT Per City .Ordinance No, 2447 2723 7TH VE NO RENTON WA 98055 [ - Signed: a ,�. ',a� 9 VB. L. RUPPEr9SI 7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me. correct number f a building on Lot No. 4 ,. Block No. 28_8�__ ^�____ Renton Highlands No . 2 should be designated as : . 2902 . 1 N. .E. .6th Place OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2810 6 TH AVE NO . RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: _ - ` B. L. RV - , BL.DG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 28 _ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2900' _ N. E. 6th Place �J_______ _____ 1:—O—C—C—U7 PANT 2808 6 'AVE NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �--- ---- RENTON WAf � 98055 Signed. ti ) ' . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 28 Renton Fighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as,: 2020 N. E. 6th Place . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2804 6 TH AU NO ~1/4-) RENTON WA 98055 ^ Signed: B. L. RUPf4 R, , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. __�_ 5 , Block No . 28 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2818 ` N. E. 6th place OCCUPANT 2802 ........ 6TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ".,, _ B. L, RUPFE, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. _y Renton -lighlands No. 2 ; should be designated a's : 814 N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT _ Per City Ordinance No. 24A7 , _ _ 2714 6 TH AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 C:--- Signed: 'e ''� _ B. L. RUPPERT� DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate `Tilt correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. • ' 28 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2812 ` N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT Per City 0rdi nance No. 2447 271 3 6TH AV NO RENTON WA .,,,,,----- 9. 8055 Signed: ,� � B. L. RUPP R`1 / LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'le correct dumber f:a building on Lot No. 7 . , Block No. 28, Renton Hi hlands No. 2 ; should be designated. as : '2802 . - N. E. 6th Place . OCCUPANT TH AVE NO Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON. WA 98055 Signed: 9(--fil-) .,, B. L. Rif' BLDG. -.IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 28 _ '1-- Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : . 28Q0 '"` N, E, 6th place.__,______ -- % OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' _J 27041 6TH NO - T- _ RENTON WA 98055 C - ,�, ) Signed: 4 ,11, , . L. RUOP -.�r , BLDG., ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 . Renton Highlands No.2 ; should be designated as : 96 (A r. D) Harrington Ave, N, E. , OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ! 966 (A - D) ' H" ST �� RENTON WA 98055 :2,Signed: .�� • B. L. RUPfiE , BLDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 T Renton' Highlands No. 2 _____; should be designated as : 2711 (A T• D) ; Sunset Lane N. E, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No, 2447 -� 2711 (A - D) SUNSET LANE RENTON WA 98055 ' Signed: �✓ B. L, RUPf�E., TLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 ; __ Renton Highlands No. ? ; should be designated as: 2717 (A D) Sunset Lane N_; E. I . OCCUPANT • 2717 (A -' D) SUNSET LANE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C:74 „„ `° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No . 35 ' ; Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 2726 (A D) Sunset L- pe N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 2723 (A - D) SUNSET LANE --- RENTON W 98055 S--/-?i:7; :I,,,,,)y Signed: B. L. RUPPft i, rgLDG: DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate be correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. , 35 . Renton Highlands No. 2 " • ; should be designated as : 2720 CA-D)^ Sunset Lane N. E. OCCUPANT 2720 (A - D) S NSET LANE Per' City Ordinance No. 2447 . ir------H RENTON WA 98055 `-) . Signed: 4 / ,� - -. 8. L. Rt1 , �` BLDG. D.IREC-OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number o ' a building on Lot.No. . , Block No. —_ 35 A _ Renton Hig lands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 970~_ I Harrington Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ` 970 (A - D "H" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W�� 98055. � I Signed. f '_ _%l ,5-71. - I . L. RU `,� BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 'he correct 'number o a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35A i 1 RentonfHishlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : , 98 Harrington Ave. N. E.,' . - 984UP(AT- D) 'H" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 �Signed: / - B. L. RUPI$ fj , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;he correct number •f a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 A ;I Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: : 2707 (A-D) N. E. 10th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2707 (A - D) to TH AVE N -- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: .,° ---B, L, RUPf t, T LDG. ' DI RECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;he correct number if a building on Lot No. _ , Block No. - ` 35 A ; MN Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2715 ill N. E. 10th St. OCCUPANT 2447 2715 (A - D) 10 TH AVE N Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W' 98055 ----� ., ;Signed: P ° ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' DIRECTOR i Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate iTh correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 � Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 261:?5 (A B) 'Ic __Sunset Lane N. E. - I OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 244 7 2605 (A & B) hUNSET LANE - , RENTON WA 98055 • c --- RUPP�'r�'id, Signed: � a��, - ;i:::"______ . g B. L. �3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. • . , Block No. __� 35 Renton Highlands No. 2 �e should be designated as : 2611 .(A�-p) Sunset Lane N, E. • OCCUPANT Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 2611 (A - D') SUNSET LANE _ RENTON • WA 98055 . Signed: 0,,�; B. L, R�I'P ;,tee , BLDG. . DTR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1 1 he correct number of a building on Lot No. _, Block No. 35 ___ __ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : ?07 (ADD) t Sunset Lane N. E.. . ' • OCCUPANT' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2617 (A - D; SUNSET LANE RENTON WA 98055 C.-- "" ._. _. Signed. r, � /. r' �__ L. RU A , Bl_D:: , DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 _ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :; 2623 (A-0) Sunset Lane N, E, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2623 .(A - D) SUNSET LANE RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPI WIlt51 : DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 _`- Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as 2629 (A-D)_ OCCUPANT Sunset Lane N. E, -_ 2629 (A - D) SUNSET LANE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ��� -Y _ . _ B. L, RUPPER BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . the correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. _ .35 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 435 (ArD) Sunset Lane N, E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ` • 2635 (A - D) SUNSET LANE RENTON • WA 98055 Signed: 7 . `,° " ' • B. L. RUPPERT, 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No . _ 35 ;• .. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2641 (A-D) . Sunset Lane N. E, , • OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. ' 2641 TA - D) SUNSET LANE RENTON W 98055 • C\ ' :117 . 47'4'' Signed: af�/ ' .• B. L. RUPPEOi LDG. DI ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 1 !, • rhe correct number 'of a building on Lot•No. • , Block No. 35 i' Reriton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2647 { ,-D) -` Sunset Lane N. E. OCCUPANT - � 2647 (A - D) SUNSET LANE Per'City Ordinance No. _ _ • RENTON WA 98055 -! Signed: '. rf .� 4d ---_ --.—..—___ B. L. R[P ` BLDG. DI1RECT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' , I ' 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 4 Renton Highlands .No. 2 should be designated as : 9651 (A_-D) Harrington Aye. N, E_ OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I,' 965 (A - D) , "H' ST �,_. _ --�- I --- RENTON WAC 98055 ° Signed: . ' ' Al.? ' . L. RU - ° , BLDG. DIRE'CTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I. he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 ! ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 9751 --- _ Harrington Aye. N. E. OCCUPANT ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447� 975 (A - D) jH" ST RENTON WAj 98055 Signed: :e14:, , B. L. RUPPIEfj , BLDG. DT,RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number;of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 Renton Highlands No. 2 - _: _ ; should be designated as: 2612 (A-D) • Sunset Lane N, E, I OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 47 j 2612 (A - D) SUNSET LANE ) RENTON WA � 98055 - j Signed: • - B. L, RUPf�'"E,T, LDG. DIR ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ere correct number! of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 ' , ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: ?620 (A-.D) ' Sunset Lane N. E. ' I OCCUPANT — — 2620 (A - D) SUNSET LANE Per City Ordinance No. _ 2447 !, RENTON WA' 98055 Signed: Acii ' 1- _ B. L. RUPPERT,7BLDG. DIREC OR - I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fte correct numberfo.f a building on Lot No. , Block No. 35 ' ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 263.0 (A-D) ,� 1 ! Sunset Lane N, E. !' OCCUPANT 2630 (A - D) SUNSET LANE Per City Ordinance No, 2447 ' RENTON WA 98055 � . A;i117- Signed: f� fie Itie • _ B. L. RUPPETIVALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'I ' I' i the correct number of a building on Lot' No. Block No. 3_ 1. _ Renton Highlands No. .2 • �; should be designated as : 264 `(A-,D) -- - Sunset Lane N. E. i • •OCCUPANT • 2644 (A - D) SUNSET LANE Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. � RENTON WA 98055 �"� (- - ' -',.• . . ' . i Signed: 47 ,, �yl.,�. - B. L. RU ,`mil , BLDG. DIRECT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; . The correct number of a building on Lo40o. �, Block No. ____ 39 1 _ t. Renton Highlands No. 2 . ; should be designated as: 2800 N. E. Sunset Blvd. • . 2800 SUNSET BLVD r _ H 1LANDS ENCO STAT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �! --- • RENTON ., ' • WA .,....-- II 98055 • � __ . . - Signed: G1_ ff✓ �. f , L. RU P . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I . The correct number .of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 • Renton H1ighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : ?8l0 - ' ' N. E. Sunset Blvd. OCCUPANT ' 2447 Per City Ordinance No, HI 2810 SUNSET BLVD24 I' RENTON i WA ' 98055 i ... . Signed: .�� B. L. RUPI , BLDG. DIREC-OR ' i • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. __, Block No. 39 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2820 j - N. E. Sunset Blvd. i, 1 A H DRU .G NO 2 2447 2820 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. RENTON ! WA . 98055 . Signed; B, L, RUP , LDG. _ DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 ' Renton :Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : ,? 2 N. E. Sunset Blvd. G ODR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2822 SU •NSE - BLD RENTON WA 98055 C~ � ^ Signed: �r C' .B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRE TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct numbej^ of a building on Lot No.. , Block No . 39 • Renton 'Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: H 282,4 N, E. Sunset Blvd. OCCUPANT . I, ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2824 -SUNSET BLVD E - -. I ' 1 RENTON WA 98055 CLII,,,A • Signed: �'E. B. RUPPL ,;i LDG. DIRE TOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number if a building on Lot No. • • - , Block No. • 39' • Renton Highlands No. 2 .. ; should be designated as : 2830 . . r4 r. - ' - ' - .....-" • "." _ N. E. Sunset Blvd. • OCCUPANT • • Pre 'City Ordinance No. 447 2830 SUNSET BLVD E ---- RENTON i 98055 i.�- ,`"-`}Signed: m'1 kr,,,c77--- ' 1 B. L. RUBBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . #he .correct number if a building on Lot No. , Block No. —_ 39 • Renton, Hishlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : , 2832 _ . N. E. Sunset Blvd. _.—.—.— S TY L E R TE BEAUTY -"-' --'"— 28.3 ' S •NSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA .- 98055 • Signed: A'' . L, RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR _ . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The"-t-orrect number if a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 - , -,,, `. . Rentoi"1tigh.l.uds No. 2 ; should be designated:� 834 -`""... N. E,..- u n S ""set Blvd. ,„, - - , P r.-€i'ty yOrdinance No. , 00.k', • c--7.; , _ Signed:„ 9 Si ned.�� .' ""'" B. L. RUPF - ,4LLG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , " Tb.e-Torrect number if a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 Renton H ghlands No. 2 T; should be designated as : 2838 • N. E. Sunset Blvd. • OCCUPANT Per City SUNSET BLVD Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA J 98055 -- � � •� Signed: B. LiZ - - , RUP , T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ , Block No. 39 & 43 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2840 OCCUPANT N. E, Sunset Blvd. ' 2840 SUNSET BLVD. E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON A 98055 Signed: �/Q :°A'� • ' B. L. RUPPERTLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 & 43 ; Renton ighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as': 2842 . N. E. Sunset Blvd. ' . GIBSON BARBER SHOP Per City _- 28Li2 UNSET BLVDOrdinance No, 2447 R E N T O W A 98055 . Signed: - 7� �.� . B. L. RUPP Rif/ fDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number .f a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 & 43 Renton H ghlands No. 2 ' ; should be designated as:. 280 N. E. Sunset Blvd. . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _2 SUNSET B VD E `- r` I-" ' RENTON WA 98055 �"-. Signed: �'� B. L. Rl ,a,,, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 & 43, Renton Highlands No, 2 should be designated as : 2902 N. E, Sunset Blvd, GRANTS DEPT STORE per City Ordinance No. 2447 ;T^ 2902 SUNSET BLVD _ I .' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: (8//01 ., . L. RU1 , BLDG.' DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 40 Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as :' 2826 . _! Sunset Lane N, E. OCCUPANT 2447 2826 11 TH PL N Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �- • B. L. RUN P. , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ohe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 40 • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2830 Sunset Lane N. E. ASHLEY FURNITURE . 2830 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . B. L, RUPPE, T, LDG. '.DI ECTOR� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 40 , __ RentonHighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2832 - Sunset Lane N. E, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2832 11 TH PL N RENTON W^ 98055 Signed: �°� B. L. RUPPERT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 40 '`' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2834 Sunset Lane N. E. , ' OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No, 2447 2834 SUNSET :LVD E RENTON WA 98055 j Signed: g--7--,9,4 _________ B: . PDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number f a building on Lot No: _ . , , Block No. 40 .Renton Hi hlands No. 2 '; should be designated as:. 1171. Kirkland Ave. N. E. U S.. POST OFFICE Per City Ordinance 'No. 2447 ; , 1133 K STREET ' RENTON WA 980551 -�,�� 7 ' Signed: d B. L. or , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Tract 11 A _ Renton Highlands' No. 2 ; should be designated as : :3002. N. E. Sunset Blvd. OCCUPANT . _ .__.__ _--__. 3002 SUNSET BLVD E Per City Ordinance No. _2447 _ RENTON WA 98055 - 1 Signed: G — T-.--...- . L. RU , BLDG DIRECTOR — - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. . 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated' as : 2601 N. E. 12th St. x OCCUPANT 2507 TZga. 12TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 (7._______ _ ..,eAeC----- Signed: ��, B. L. RUP � ' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 ,, Block No. 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2603 N. E, 12th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2509 12 TH AVE NO RENTON 1WA 98055 ' Signed: ____ —,f—i; B. , RUPPt. ,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate j [he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as;, 2607 — -- N. E. 12th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2515 1 TH AV NO __., RENTON WA ' 98055. Signed: ? B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. '42 , ; Renton ighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 609 N. E. 12th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. _2447 2517 12 T AVE NO RENTON A 98055 • Signed: ;i11 ,—;?6'\---) B. L. RUPPEEIi, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •. ' "he correct number of a building on Lot No. . 342 Block No.. _ - Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 2613 r - N, E, 12th St•liE ., OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance 'No. : 2447 2603 "_ 12TN NO • R.ENTON WA _ 98055 WA Signed: , , B. L. RUP ,. BLDG. 'DI ECTOR. Be 'Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. '' 42 _ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: , 2615 N, E, 12th St; OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 2605 12 TH AVE NO -- — RENTON WA 98055 < .� Signed: / . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 . , Block No. • ':42 • - Renton Highlands No. 2 ' ; should be designated as: ' 2701: No H, .12th St, Signed. m. OCCUPANT '. 2 6 0 9 . 1 2 T NO .. Per City' Ordinance 98055 No. : 2447 RENT ON WA . . �: . . B. . RU , BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 ' , Block No. . 42 '.'; ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: '_ • 2703. N, E. 12th St, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 2611 12 TH AVE NO RENTON Wi 98055 , .. Signed: B. L, RUP , LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct number of a building on Lot No. . . 5 , Block No. 4 • Renton ' ighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1,129 r Harrington Ave, N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , 1029 "Hoi S REET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ii'. B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DI ECTOR i • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct numbe of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No: 41' .. Renton Highlands No, 2 ; should be designated as: 027 Harrington Aye, N, E. 1 0 2 7 U H ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 J RENTON . WA 98055 . ,--7 I� — Signed: - B. L. RUPP RI LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate L , ie:co.rrect number•Of a bui'ldin' ion :Lot_ot No . . 6 'y• Block 'No`: , . . . Renton Highlands Nod. ._• :;; sliould:';be.':desknate'd'La•'s>.:;;,`.;:: ,. . , ,7 , _ _.__.._,-.__ , . ` 'Harrington'.Ave N. E..• I ;OCCUPANT . 'per City,:0rdi nar�ce' No _`2��7 _ �.,`i•. ., • 1021 :P.H" STREET - --,— _ _ RENTON WA 9805,5 ' ' " .6-.-;',;/Si ned.: ply ,.. ' B'. .L. RUP 1,;,`. BLDG..; 'DI RECTORS • Be 'Carefu'l: :tb Preserve thisCerti fi cate. - 'I. • le: correct number, of :a building on'Lot •No. ,6 Block ':No _ _41;:•; —�__ .Renton Highlands No, 2,, should .be' des i ana ted',as: 1081 �I - - Harrington Ave. N E - 0 C;C;U P;'A 'N T • Per City- Ordnance No 2447 ._ R E'NT 0N`' VlA 9 .8. .... Signed • C. _ �.�� L. RU r� �i.?,r BL_D ',' DIRECTORS Be Careful to•'Preserve :this .Certificate . re correct number o.`, a building on Lot..NO. 7 , Block:'No; 41' .. . Renton iS H hl ands No. 2 , .. ':•' ._..r.:.�_ .should be designated aa.: 1075,; ' Harrington Ave', N.; E OCCUPANT,' Per 'CiOr ty' dinance. No` r2447' r ' , 1013`.;H . STREET _ :., ; .. 'RENTON,; WA' . 98055 .. . . . . •- Signed: /4s' ' , . . . ---- -.,B-r L. RUPfx f ,;:BLDG,• :,DIRECTOR. ' areful to Preserve ' •,'. . Be'' ' this Certi•ficate ie correct .number of;'a.'building on Lot No. '; 7 . Block No: _ __Ill Renton Highlands .No.. 2 - ; should be designated as :. ' ;1073 t Harrington`Ave: .N. E. • E OCCUPANT Per City :Ordinance No, 2447 0 1 1 FI S •T . . -- Si ned:-- _ -- - , B. :L'. 1U513 . T, LDG. !DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve:this Certificate re correct number of`a building on Lot No.. 8 , Block No. 41 ' , Renton Highlands •No•. 2' ;. should be designated as 1069 Harrington Ave.. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , 1005 "H , STREET - RENTQN ' WA 98055 Signed: s. �. ,, B. L. RUPPERT',71-3-LDG, DIRECTOR �� F Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , le correct number cf a building on Lot No _ 8 , Block No. ,4,1 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: , 1067 it Harrington Ave. N. E• : , OCCUP r‘ N' T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 1 0 0 3 H 5 T -._._ REN,TON WA , 98055 g,7AC , Signed: VF1 <<�f,f=l;,kel ._�_ . . PPER:� 8LDG. , DIRECTUR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. • t 19 , , Block No. 46 Renton Hig lands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 11441 Harrington Ave. N.. E. 0 OCCUPANT Per.City Ordinance No: 2447_ . 1044 ' H ST. ___ _. 4. REtTON . WA . ; - 98055 . . , . Signed: . 4 B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 Block No. 46'. ; Renton Hi hlands No. 2 ; .should be designated as: . '. 114S ^ . __ - • Harrington Ave. N. E. _ _ OCCUPANT�� Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 1046 H ST ---- RENTON WA 98055 .- Signed:. . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate i J The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 20 , Block No. 46 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 11. 6 . Harrington Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT , 1 0 5 6 Q, .H s T Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 { RENTON 98055 ,_ ,. _. .. Signed: 7 B. L. RU " - , •BLDG. DIRECTOR ! Be Carefulto Preserve this Certificate re The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 46 Renton Highlands No. 2 ._; should be designated asi 1158 Harrington Ave. N.' E. OCCUPANT ' Per City Ordinance No•2447 1058 "H" STREET J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP - T, LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 46 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as): 1 62 1 . Harri 2447 ngton Ave. N. E. �r OCCUPANT; Per City Ordinance No.' . 1102 "H" .ST RENTON WA 98055 • RT�LDG• Signed• B. L. RUPPE DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 Block No. 46 , '.. • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1164 Harrington Ave. N.; E. FRED F FERGUSON 1104 H STREET Per City OrdinanceNo. 447� , �_. . . RENTON W. A . :j 98055 - � Signed: B. L. RUPP i,, LDG. , DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. rhe correct number lof a building on Lot No. . , Block No. 46. Renton ghlancis No. 2 • ; should be designated as: 1200 - . Harrington Ave, N. E. ' OCCUIPANT ' • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • Signed: DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number f a building on Lot No .. AC, Block No. 46 Renton Highlands No. 2 L ; should be designated as: 2q01 N. E, 1.2th St., OCCUPANT - - 27 1 5 1 12TH AV NO : Per City Ordinance No.8055 2447 - • • 1 Signed: , BLDG. DIRECTOR * - 1 • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . • •• • • • • • • • • • • • rhe correct number (of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 38 Replat of-B•ock 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as 2804 N. E. 10th $t, OCC UPANT s • • 2804 10 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 38 : Replat of Block 12, 13, 14 Renton ttighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2806 N, E . 10th St, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance t 2447 2806 10 TH 'VE NO -- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L„ RUP ". , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 38 ; Replat of Block 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2808 OCCUPANT 1 Per City Ordinance No 2447. 2808 10 TH AVE NO RENTON ' WA 98055 Signed B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. . . . . . . . . . 0 I . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the correct number of a building on Lot No. . , Block No. 38 ; Replat of Block 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2801 N. E, Sunset Blvd. BLACKSTEAt SHL 0 IL 2447 • . Per City Ordinance No 2801 SUNST BLVD -- RENTON WA 98055 Signed - • B. L RUPP LD,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , K_. *---- _.) 1 he correct nUmb r f a building on Lot No. , Block No. . 1O. ' . Replat of Bloc 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No, 2 ; should be designated as: 3131 N. E. 12th St. . ‘ x OCCUPANT 2447, 1 1175 L ST ° EET Per City Ordinance No. RENT ON WA — — • 98055 de-- 44 .. .. . . .... Signed: 1 , L. kW , BLoG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 1 Replat of 8 o4 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1124 Kirkland Ave, N, E. OCCUPANT 1124 "K" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 ---- I Signed: _.... . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ... .. . • . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 he correct number o a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 Replat of Block 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1126 Kirkland Ave, N. E. X OCCUPANT 1126 K STREET Per City Ordinance No, 2447 1 RENTON WA '• 1 98 055 . . . . - Signed: ' , , B. L. RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR. , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... ,. . . . . . . . . . . he correct numbe of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 Replat of 1311 ck 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2. ; should be designated as: 1128 Kirkland Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1128 "K" ST J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP " , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. ,, Block No. 12 ; • 9 1 , Replat of BlOck 12, 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1130 Kirkland Ave. N, E. ; OCCUPANT 1 1130 "K" STR IET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 RENTON WI 98055 Signed: — - B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , .' ,.. . . . . . . . . . 1 he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , , Block No.. 42 • ; 1 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2703 ' N. E. 12th St, OCCUPANT1 Per Ci.t. Ordinance No. 2447 26NTON I11 12 TH AVE NO ,. , \ RE WA 98055 -- B. L. RUPP i • LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate be correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. .: • Plat of ^enton Highlands should be designated as 900.. . Pgrnda a Circle N. E, OCCUPANT Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 910 F ST RENT ON ' WA 4f .--- -. 98055,. Signed: . B. . RUT') , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number f a building on Lot No. ' 10 , Block No . 5 .. µ _ Plat of enton Highlands ; should be designated as: .. 904 Ferndale Circle N. E. B R 9 1 6 F N 5 t L E S • Per City Ordinance No. _2447 _ RENTON WA - 98055 C Signed: i,A7 , . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I. :he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2 Albert Balch's, President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: .l054= - OY�/v.�p�1 �..ie M. ; L C MAY S ' 3 4 0 3 1 0 TH. P L NO : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON; • WA 9 8 0 5 5 a - . Signed• a- B. L. RU - , BLDG. •DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate be correct number f a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 2 ; Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: 3515 I _-- N. E. 10th Place 3409ROBE HTPL NO S Per City Ordinance No. 2447 H . RENTON i WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No, 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as : 35,23 1 . N. E. 10th Place C GARBER -- 3 4 '1 5 1 OTH P L NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 0 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a ,building on Lot No. ' ' 1 , Block No. 2 ., . . ,.. . > . . . , Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: . 3531 N. E. 10th Place C L E S H , 3421 10T'H PL N0. Per City Ordinance No. _2447 . • RENTON ' WA ' 98055 . Signed: bt. ,� B. L. RUFF-Me/BLDG. • . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' 1 1 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 1. . Albert Batch's President Park No. 12. ; should be designated as: 35.06 . r N. E, 10th place. A J" ARNONt� 3 4 0 4 1 0 T H PL NO Per:City ty Ordinance No. 2447: REN.,T ON WA n ' 98055 Signed: �;� B. • RUB , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . •• • • 0 • • 0• •c• • • 0 • • • • • • • • • a • • • • , • e • 0 0 0 0 e �• • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 0 • • • e • e • • e • • • • o• •• • • • • • • • • • • e The correct number rf a building on Lot Noe 6 , Block No. .1 _ _ Alber Balch's President Park No, 12 ; should be designated as• 3514 _ CULLER r. N, E, 10th Place J 3 4 10 1 o T H . P L NO Per City Ordinance No• 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . .. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate ' I'. • e • • • e o • o • • o• e • a • • • e • • a • • o • o o • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • o e • • •• o • •• • P • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • o • e • • • • • • • e The correct number f a building on Lot Noe . 7 , Block No. 1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 should be designated, as: 3522 , N.,E. 10th place W : F I: I R 8 Y 3 4 1 6 1 0 T H P L N 0 Per City Ordinance Na• 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 2 B. L. RU - 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 1' Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: 3530 N. E, 10th place D ILSTRUP e —M 3422 1 0 TRH P L . N O Per City Ordinance No• 2447 t RENTON 1 WA . — 98055 Signed: • Be La RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 ' ' , Block No. . 2 ; Albert B.lch's President Park No, 12 ; should be designated as: 3504 _N, E;. 10th CQ t 0 MAY Per City Ordinance No. 2447>1r 3412 10 RT : NO RENTON ' WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 2 ; Albert. B lch's President Park No. 12 3512 should be designated as: N., E• 10thucp~t 3 4 1 8.N 10 N CR. T NO Per City Ordinance No• 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: )� B. L. RUPP R LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. 1 he correct number 9f a building on Lot No. 8 Block No. 2 _ Albert, Batch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as:. 3520 N, E. 10th Court M FISK Per•City Ordinance No. 2447 3424 ; 1 CRT ' N0 RENTON WA 1 98055 L g .. . Signed: 4^-'� j B. L. Rl�'I ; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 ; the correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 128 , Block No. ; should be designated as: 3604 N. E, 10th Court ST ANDREW PRES CH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3522 10 CRT NO RENTON WA - I 98055 Signed: , . L. RU471si , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i Ehe correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 3 Brentwood ; should be designated as : 3 ATO/. = N. E. 11th St, M P A G A N O'3405 11T ,H AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 : — RENTON WA �-- 98055 t___ Signed: :Of )?)) g I B. L. RU f BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate �r The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. : Brentwood ; should be designated as: . ,' 07 N. E. llth St. 3ON 4 1 H 1 1 T H C K Per City Ordinance No. 47 341 1 '1 1 TH AV NO 2Q' RENTON WA 9 8 05 5 Signed: _ _ B. L, RUP -, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number or a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. • Brentwood ; should be designated as: J$/3 N. E, 11th St. A WURSTE I 3417 11TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON I WA 9 8055 ` Signed: ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. Brentwood. ; should be designated as: ..it9'/9 N. E. llth St. C 2 3 8 6 E 3.423 11T ;H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: C —;0472. , B. L. RUPPi ADC. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• 6 Block No. Albert Balch's President Park y should be designated as: 3605 N. E• 6th St. , H $ A N D AiH L JR Per•Cit Ordinance No. 2447 35Q3 6TH PL N0 y ,� .,.__ _.. R NTON WA ,.' 98.055 Signed: B. L. U' , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate "• 0 0 . • . • • . • • 0 • . 0 . •0 0 OOOOOOOOOO 0 OOOOOO 0 •0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • •0 OOOOO 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 0 • • 000 0 OOOOO 0 0 0 0 • 0 • o . 0 0 0 • • • . • • . the correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. Albert Balch's President Park � ; should be designated as; 361.1� N, E, 6th St, :..v OCCUPANT Per CityOrdinance ^!o. 2447__� 3569 6TH PL NO RENTON ; . . WA ._. 98055 Signed: ____el______C _ . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .e•.0• • • . o • .. . • . •. • • • • • • . • • • • . . • • • . • • o .• • • . • • • • . • • • •• • o• . . •• . • . . . • o . • • • . • . • • • • • • • • .• . o ',he correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No, Albert Balch's President Park . ; should be designated as: 3617 N.E, 6th St, E COFFEY 3 5 i 5 6TH PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055. ' ' ' Signed: 32" , B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. g Block.Mo. Albert Balch's President Park ;. should be designated as: . .3623 N. E. 6th St. KAY HENDRY -. ror City. Ordinance No. 2447 .:... 352i 6TH P NO Rir, ENT QN. q' A . "--� 98055 Signed: � . B. L. RUPPt , LDG. DI RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I be correct number of a building on Lot No. 3' . , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No, 12 . ; should be designated as: 466# /d/Z Olympia Ave. N, E . i G CHRIST ' ANSON — 1 0 2 4 N ST. EET NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . WA .: ..I:.- 98055 Signed: _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. •. e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 3 . `..:;.' Albert Balch's President Park No, 12 ;. should be designated as: 018 R Ft1LGHAM Olympia Ave. No E. 1 0 3 0 N STREET NO Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPP R LDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b The correct number, of a building on Lot No- ...1 ...: s Block No .. 3 :' Albert Ba1ch's president Park No. _ : - . ; should..,be designated�.as:�. - !t GZ2. Olympia:-Avenue y:N Eo NI J MC I NT IR E. ; 1 0 3 6 . .N. .. STREET Fir' Citty Ordinance:No.. 2447':.:... 98055 � i�. L.. RUB BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • 0 m e. o e e . e o e . • o s e a: e • o o e o e o e . • • • . • . a • • • • . . o • . e. e eo'e e • ee e.e o o e e o o • • . o . • • o . o.• • o 0 0 0 . . • • . e o e a . ego . • . 't:correct number of -a building on Lot No ' . 9 Block No. , -; should be designated-as: 1.050, • J Olympia Ave.; N, E. • .• TW•O.•P• PSON r. . 2447 1 0 4 4- N T R E'E T ler City Ordinance Noa• '_____ RENTON 98055 - •. Signed: 4:: e L.. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of:a building on Lot No.. 4 , Block No. Albert Balch's resident Park No. 12 . - ... _ :`should be. designated .as: 1Q1g Pierce Court N. E:: R KE.LLV 'Per City Ordinance No: 2447 _ • . Signed: B. L. RU , B DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. !!•tr G e ®e •"• e . • . . • e • e . O . e'e e • . • . •.• e • • • • • o . . . . . ... ,e se .o e• o e • . o • • . • e ye • • • . • e , . a a:O i :0e • • . : . e correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. : .'. Albert.:Balch'.s President. Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: 10.11 Pierce Court N. .E.: WALL 'I tI At: COOPER 1 0 R T. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 .. RENt.O1J :. WA Signed, B. -L• RUP. ', LDG. :DLRECTOR , Be , Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ , I 1 The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 6 , Block. No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 ; should be, designated as:: 1007 Pierce. Court :N.. E. i S.TEWART y 2447 1025. N C R 7. Per'Cit Ordinance No: REN,TON WA 98055 ' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fly correct number o.f a building on Lot No. 7 9 Block No; • Albert Balch's President Park No. 12 ; should be designated as: 1006 J Pierce Court N. E. W'.: BENNETT , 1026: N CRT Per .City Ordinance No 2447 RENT ON WA _ 98055 . Signed: B. L. RUPP kr LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct- number of a building: on Lot No. 8 Block No; Albert„'•Baic:h'.s President Park No, --12.. , should''be designated as: :': 1012 Pierce Court N, E. ..- OFSTHU HARDING 1032 N.. CRT Per` City Ordinance No. 2447REMT. ON WA — 9805. 5 . - - Signed:. B. . RIMY' . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i' j be correct number f a building on Lot No. 9 , Block‘'No. Albert Balch's President Park No, 12. ; should be designated as: 1018 I a COUGHL. i. N Pierce Court N. E. i f 0 3 8 NI ; CRT Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 IRENTON WA � ' . 98055 .. ., Signed: ,f' �✓ � - ..' L�' RU ;:'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number, of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. Mape's First Addition' , . ' ; should be designated as: /003 K CAD.WA LL.ER Olympia'Ave. N. E, . . . 1 0 0 3: N S T R E..E T..:. Per City Ordinance No: 2447 RANT ON. . 1 WA . , 9805. 5 , . Signed: ,7.. ' B. L. RU . , BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number f a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 135 Block No. ; should be designated as: 1151 • Olympia Ave, N, E. . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1137 "Nu ST No RENTON W 98055 _. _ Signed: B. L, RUP L T, ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on Lot No. Tgx Lot 135 & 124 , Block No. I ; should be designated as : 1161 OCCUPANT — Olympia Ave. N, E. Per. City Ordinance No.. 2447 113i 'IN„ ST N RENTON • 'WA 98055 Signed: r!., B. L. ' RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'te correct number o. a building on Lot No. 39 , Block' No, ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2950 - Nor-theast.:Sunset:131 vd. OCCUPANT 2950 . SUNSET LVD E ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: tB. g ,/ . . PP .Rf $LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 i • the correct :number;of a building on Lot Na. �: ,, 2 °, Block No; 1 , .': Vista',He'ights.: should be designated as: 0'5 _':,, . No E, 7th :.St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No.2447 . 2825 7 TH AVE N Signed:: z , B. L. R ?a' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ro a 0 • o • • o 0 o •• o • • • • • • • • • • • • o • o • • • o 0 0 • • o• • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • •• • • • o • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • a • • I • • • o The correct number of a building on Lot No• ' _ Block No• : • 1 . Vista Heig • s` : , should be designated as: - 3029 • N, E., 7th'.St• . OCCUPANT • ; - OCC ` 7 TH 'AVE NO FPier`ici;ty ,Ordinance .No. 2447'. " RENTON WA 98055 _ TT • L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve ,this Certificate ....... •• . • •.. • • • o • O O o o 0 a 0 0 • • • • • O 0 • • • • • 0 • • • 0 • a . . . . 0 • •• • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • •O•..• • • • • • • 4 . The correct number,. f a building on Lot No• , Block No. 9. shouldbe designated as: • FPor Ci ty cOrdinance;No. ;•,•,, /. Sined ' B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to PreseVve,ihi•s. Certificate . 4. 000000 'The correct number tf a building on Lot No. a). i.v;.. II:. , Block No. • ;,should be designated as: M • pPprcc ty.::Or.dinance 'No. 7 J ,Signed: . B. L. RUP T, LDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• , Block No• ; should be designated. as: 1,Per City,.,Ordinance No. , • Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, ;.BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate awe•• •o • • a •a • • • • • • a 0000000 o o o • • o • • o • : • • • • The correct numbe of a building on Lot No. , Block No. should be designated as: ::,Per City Ordinance No - 17-7-2) ;; :!1 ' , _ Signed: of B. �L• RUPP R I 00 LDG. DIRECTOR' Be'Careful to Preserve this Certificate , correct number .of a uilding on Lot No. , Block No, 49 ; .• i rden of Aden D.1y, Flo. 1 ' .,,p;,Hilman's Lake 1glastlington Ga ; should :be designated. as: 2901 ; , . • ):.. •t. (9435 108th Pl',S,E.) Kennewick . .N. .,E. RENTON SCHOOL 403 2417 '# 1 5 2 5 NO 4 T H S T Per:City Ordinance No: RENTON WA /''"_ 98055 Signed: 1-� �..,tpf,°, , B. L. R VA'xi , BLDG. -DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of a building on Lot No. . • , Block No. - is El-i-1-1 rya n s Lake Wa 'u==Nn..,--.--- ; should be designated as: 1616'..... (10610 S,E,94th St.) N.E. 30th St. HUMBLE . OIL CO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 r 225 108TH E _." B ELL E V U E WA .--....._ 98004 ' C Signed: . . 1 _ . L. RUW; .BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate y correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated. as: Per City Ordinance No. • 1 „5;7------ Signed: 7.� car•' B. L. RUPP, Rif BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1.1. I 'correct number of building on. Lot No. Block No.. - ' ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No Signed: _ Jam.-. � ,,. B. L, RUPPEk ,IBLDG. DIRECTOR — F Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number 'of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' '`:; ; should be designated as: tt — " Per City Ordinance No. [ i Signed: Z;----) .-, �._ B. L. RUPP'ERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate { e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' ; ' • ; should be designated as: • 1 Per City Ordinance No. _ Signed: b,// _.v,,�fit�' T B. .Lf RUPPE1a'i 6�LDG. DIRECTOR • r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • me cot'reet number of a huild•ing on Lot No. :_Tax .o..t12a-...__._._.., Block (':o. _ _ ___,..- ___ ._ -- — " (13206, 4ti Ave. N.). (Renton; Wash,) _ . ; should be designated as _ 4100 • Y. T ., _-_•__._+L`�-�--•-,W^•_4+M1-._St.r__—• D JENsEN � 2447w � 444 DEXTER HORTON Per'•City Ordinance No. 'M ..._ - SEATTLE WA . rr' , 1 98104 Signed: f ;! Be to P n e v r i Certificate icat •Ca-•t.•i-a7 r ►•-.�s r r, this Ge•. , Ehe correct number el' a building on Lot +:.o. Tax Lot 132__�_____, Mock No. _.---- ----- _-__.__ _____I (13210 4th Ave: N,) .(Renton? Wash•). should be desic�stai.�:'. as: _ I 4208__• — - ----- __.-_-__.._._._.,__.__.N,.F,..4_th__St,____ • __.� _Tr.__.....__J, J D J E N S E N Per City Ordinanc: Mo. 2447 � _.-�1 2 4 1,0 1 0 4 T H NE �._ BELLEVUE WA `%:. ��-`T r 9 8 0•• - 4 Signed. (�G / �'1/ _ _ r ) • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . , . . . . P . . ..• • • • . . . . . . . . , .. • .. . i•I. . } . . � rile correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1.15 �, Block No. ______ (12428 ..1.32. nd .Ave, StE ) , Y� ; should be designated as: _550 Union Avenue N. E. ' L BOSTOCK. 2447 --, _ „ „ „ " 9 1•3G 2 0 /aT�iwt, N Per City Ordinance No. �_ -- K' RENT ON WA C 98055 �`• Si •ned: • r ' 9 ' B. L. RU E1 ,�BLDG.-DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r • , r , The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 121_& 7 Block No. --__.__-__ (11930 132nd Ave, S, E,) �._ _---- - should be designated a s_ _$a9_--_____ _ Unj o n .Ay_e. N. -, RENTON SCHOOL 40 3 1525 NO 4TH ST Per City Ordinance No. _2 47 -, :. RENTON WA 9 , Signed: _ I - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 0 . . . . a . • . . . . 00 f . . , . . . , • , The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157_ , Block No. • (11504 136th Ave. S, E,) ; should be designated as:. 1008 Anacortes Ave. N. E. L i L L I A N F B U c O OLZ --�~�— ���--_--- ��yo�i1 3 6 T H A V O S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 __ Signed: .�' ' '"1 RENTON 4! 5A 9805 , ' �* B. L. RUPPERT,7;LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate T , . . . . . . . . . , Tilae correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 157 , Block No. ; (13320 5. E, 1.15th St, , Renton, Wash.) ; should be designated as; _:_43an _ ------ - 1ti-_E—_0th P 1 ac e_ r KENDALL I LAr1B "," wail ,* ra tourdl V Per, City Ordinance No. 2`�47 SEA TTLE - WA • 9 8 1 1 8 l Signed: ,3� ----- -__ _ . B. L. RPP 3 D G. D I R E C i Ok - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate pie corre._t number of a building on Lot No.: TM Lot 157 Block No. ___ . __ _- ' ...:�_.___ :(:.13,22.1,.5.¢....Er 115th $t_-,_.R.eatPn a ..14�sh..,_).:. ..___ ; should bedesignated as: 41_25 __.__ _ N. E. 10th Place QAV I Q I HOPK I NS Per�City Ordinance No.V a44.7_- "�" 14732. SE ! 4 ' TH P L __�_ ___ . BELLE 'JUE WA " B, L Rtrr i. ; , 3I.�DG. �r;ECl Be Ca>•eful to Pr serv.. this Cett i f i cate lin correct number of a building on u,t: No. _Tax ',Lot 157 _ __, 41 oc'. Mo: _____ _--_..--.._______..-.---_._ (12014 132nd Ave. S. E,) should be des-ionai:e.': as: 760 Union Ave. N. E. t 12014 1 3 2 N D SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ---_ _-- -- - - R 98055 <- f ''Y Signed: ;. / ' A� -- - ---- • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number; of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ , ; should be designated as: • 1 Per City Ordinance No. _________ Signed: ' . !" ' TB.-l. RU ,Ef , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a :;Gilding on Lot No. _ _, Block No. : ___. _____r __� — should be designated as: ______________ Per City Ordinance No. — i ' Signed; _ .. ' B. L,RLP , , JLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate line correct number of a building on Lot No. ____ .. , Block No. _ • , ; should be designated as ; Per City Ordinance No. li Signed: 7/--d, ' /2 4, r B. L. RUPP ERT, t.LDi . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , i Iifr correct number o.f a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; ____r_ ; should be designated as;_ _ L1111111111 - . Pert City Ordinance No. __ Signed:9 Si ned: .p Wa57---, 1 i B. L. Rt[ . 'i ,/t>i DG. DIREC;;OR� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . . • . - • . tla corre;..t number of abuilding on Lot No. TaxLot 21,_____:: Block £ ____]. Plat Of Greenwolod Cemetery (12834 128th AYe, $,Eil ; should be designated as: , 51_____ P L NUNN 1 2 834 1 2 B S E . Per City Ordinance No. _ Ll RENTO N , 98055 Signed: , -: • 224' ---b. L, RUTV, , BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Prserve this Certificat..: .., ' The correct numb- r f a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 31 , Mock Mo. H . Plat_of.Greenwood Ieetery (13195 128th Ave, $.E.) *; should be desionaLe;', as: 39$3• ___, N E. 4th St. BILL AND DICKS 76 - - • 13195 SE 128TH Per City Ordinance No. .9447____ ____ _:_ ---- RENTON . • ' . WA • 9.8055 ._,A. SignEd: aTil.ECT(0- . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct:number f a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 5 , Block No. 7 , ———- . ' / ' : .• .. L ' ' :,, . . (12225 S. E. 128th St,) ; should be designated as : 3 05 , 1 _ _ - --- 1 N. E. 4th St, I K ING C'0 RD TRAFF IC '1' CO CRT, OUSE 4-N R8 . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - 10 , _i SEATTLE 1 WA \ 1 1 98104 i Signed: :,2k /ApeC-"------ B.-E7-Rurf,E - , BLDG, DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - * * * * 04464 P I I The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 5 , Block No. __ __a_ ___; (12015 S, E, 128th St.) ; should be designated as : 3001 _ . N. E. 4th St, _ SEA KG DEPT PUB HL ,v- 1500 PUB SFTY BLD.G Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , SEATTLE ; WA <74 1 981 4 I Signed: / ' - • ' , ... --FeRUP ! T, 3LDG. DIRECTOR -- 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 112 , Block No. ; __ (363 Vue ont Place) ; should be designated as; 333 r, Vuemont Place N. Ef. Hi 21 7G H Lp AA I i NR E AR v El N NV So T -, -- fir° R , [ i 1 WA 98055 Per City Ordinance 1',;o. 2447 ENTON , _ I Signed: 74 -- "-- B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Bp Careful to Preserve this Certificate , ' , awe • OOOOO y # . , i 4 4 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 112 , Block No. ; (373 Vu ont Place) , ; should be designated 4s: _ 1351 . R ROCKHILL 1 4 1 CAPRI Per City Ordinanceli , __-__ 'El RENT ON WA DR UeMOntmmaoc.e2N4.47E. i , ..,....-------y. B. L. RUFPLIV WA DC. DIRECTOR - 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .• . . . . The corre.-..t number )1 a building on Lot No. Tax,j_s_it 105 , glock R.). •_____,__________ __ . _______ _ ; should be des i gnate,d as:_, • 75_ GROUP . HEALTH 20 0 1 5TH A V E Per City Ord 9 8 1 ow A2 • N ' 5 E, TT L E 1 • • Ordinance No. 2447 Signed: _____ —6. , rtirP411?Br.DC: DIRECTOR Be Careful to PN.servi, this Cert.ificale the correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 2 I1;lock No. : should be de.sionaLe ! as: 270 -----(-320--a-rOnson-Way-M- — — _. ---- --- Bronson Way N. E. HNRY BRODERICK INC 623 2ND AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447______________________ SEATTLE W A .---r----7,--- • 9 8 1 4 - 7. , Signed: c...c.M1, C. T0t,,,p-1/27 ____ sa Yoe; BI.D . DIRECTOR , • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..OOOOOOOOOOO The correct number of a building on Lot No', Tax Lot 2 , Block No, -,--- , •__(_338 Bronson Way N._,) ; should be designated as : 310 - -- -- _ _ __________________ Bronson Way N. E. _ HENR1Y BRODER ICK 6232ND AVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ Mi 5 A T,T L E W A ,..J T2d4 :c---'---- 1 9 8 1 0 4 Signed: • B. L. RO EV, (3LDG. DIRECTOR . , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i . I , . r The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 83 _ .. Block No. (1724 3rd Ave. N,) ;, should be designated as jp25 N. E. 3rd St. , ETHEL PI GILLETT ( (,) 5230 50 PEARL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 SEATTLE' WA 9 8 il8 Signed: I p R 1,,i. H A R D p o Bo 5 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate --- 1 , rti-correct-numbe :u-i-Td-i-ng-orr-Eot-No. , .-- should be desi ri a-t-e as; 1 w A --..,____.,._---------i ery Ordinance No. RENTOIN Signed: , , 'A ' --- 5 5 1 ---------H-- ' p. L. RUPPE-R-I -7bt_Dtl. DIRECTOR __--- Be-Ga-reful-to-P-reserve-t-h-i-s-Gerti-f-i-cate , 1H . , r . i . The correct nuMber of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 1 ifirl.Jillitels_pinnter.ey_Tserraf P Addn.--(--12-4.5 rionterey Dr " -; should be designated as: G A ME Monterey Drive , - — sr P 0 , BOX 8 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTO WA . . „ Signed: • B. L. Ri2Plintx/BLDG DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,. . . . . . • - . • Tice correa number of a building on Lot No. 15 ___, Block Nc, 1. _ __ . ff. G. White's Monterey Terrace Addn, (1815 Monterey Dr.); should be designated as : 157 _ _ , Monterey D..r._ R.. L._ _ _______ __ 12 W AVE N A GRUBISIC Pe City Ordinance No. 2447 25 MEADO ______ ---------- ,i RENTON WA _. ---) 4-Te r 98055 . Signed: "401/1-- zir , B. L-7-RUPV,. , BLDG. DIRECTOR Re Cw‘eful to Pr?.servc! this Cel.tificate ilhe correct number cSr a building on Lot No. 4 , Block Ho. H.G.White!s MpntergY Terrace _Addn,(135 Capri _Ave.) ; should be designated as: Capri Ave. N. E. ST LUK,ES RECTORY City 505 RELLYNO Per O AV rdinance No. 2447 __________________ 4 17 -----‘ "---r----.... ... RENTO N ' W A //i ( \ 9 8 0 5 5 . . Signed: - ' • L. Raoe:' BLDG. DrucTo- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , 1 , I The correct number of a building an Lot No. 18 , Block No. 2 I.LL.Whitek Monterey Terrace _Addn, (1814 Monterey Dr.) ; should be designated as: _15.6. ___ Monterey Drive__N.....5„ F COLLMAN - 112 S'0U1TH 3 R D Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _ • c-----"--- • 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPTQRJ, ge DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 ' Block No. 3 tl ------------------ H.G.Whitels Monterey Terrace Addn, (2036 Monterey_Dr.) ; should be designated as: 89 _ __ Pilate Monterey ar..1.4e N. E. c...- E VENESS 36 LOGAN ST . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA 98055 Signed: '" / , -----1- i , . B. L. RUP . ,'9-, )LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • T . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 62 , Block No. • , __ ____ (2719 4th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2819 _ _ N. E. 4th T CUG1N 395 VUE ONT PLA E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 4\, MC k 1 RENTON WA ( - -...... 98055 Signed: 64 ' B. L. RUFFERX4DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tle-cerftsct-numberTof-a-butl-ding-an-Lat-No:-Tax-Lot-62 , Black-No_ • , ------<-(-2-7-20 4th Ave. N.) ; should be designated-a-sr-2821 -- --- -----------------------_ ---_ .- City Ordinance No. ' _.____.____------------------7 • Signe(- PP7/3,4•00057— . , --- B. L. RU611WAGRECTOR - -__ ---B-e-CNreful-to-PreTerve-this-Certtficate- ------,_._ . 1 4e. correct number of building on Lot No. 6 : . . , Block No*. • 4 . . .:. .ta , cf Renton Highlands (910 UUEH Street) ; should be designated as: 910 Edmonds. Ave, N, E, R N POLSOI 0 1 1 2 OT H S T APT 4 Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 —__,.__-_ f ANACORTE5 5WA 4.--' �' � ) 98221 Signed: : r,e --- B. L. RUA:::el , BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . to correctBlock No.number of building on Lot iuo 4 I 3 _ Plat of Renton Highlands (925 rr .Street) ; should be• designated as: 9131 Ferndale Circle N. E. . ' ` W D L.0 N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 131 GARDEN AV NO _ RENTON WA C� .... 98055 Signed: 1%-..7 _I ,• _ . L. RU ` BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to~Preserve this Certificate to correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. .29 . . Renton Righland,s N�9,. 2 (2712 7th. Aye. N, ) ; should be designated as : 2812 . , N. E. 7th St. . W D LONG 1 3 1 GARDEN AV NO . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA I 98055 Signed: 21) �� ,,�. B. L. RUPI�ER�, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ree correct number of building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 028 -�� Renton Right ndls No,. 2 (2705 7th Aye, N, ) ; should be designated as: 2805 . f L V FA R BR .. N. E. 7th St. P 0 BOX 2 1 1 5 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055 i Signed:• B. 171"1-Pvi/4..f",if•Ssi , RUPVEkT $LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate re correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 28 ; _Renton Uighl. nds _Nct. ? :(2721 7th_Aye, N.) ; should be designated as: 2821 N. E. 7th .St. . E P 0 B R l E N 9411 12TH NE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 SEATTLE WA Signed: /v stF,W., B. L. RUPPERT', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • re correct number of building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 28 . : . Renton Hi9hland;5 Np, 2 (2808 6th Aye. N.) ; should be designated as: 2900 '. ......�...�..a.Y...i � _�... ..�.. ........ N. E. 6th Place � _ 0 LONG Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3 9 1 3 H A M P T O N W A Y • KENT WA . ( 9 8 0 3 1 ' Signed: ��� .�f� -5, [IT-- . B. L1 RLPR RV BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - I le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 39 �_a __Renton Highlands No. 2 (2838.Sunset Blvd,, E,) ; should be designated as : 2838 N, E. Sunset Boulevard , . CUSTER HARDWARE 23. 0 WELLS AV SO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 -"`- _- RENTON W A 98055 � ,,,xc.)-- Signed: �� ;ram B. L. k�"P el , BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 3e correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 • , Block No. � 42 _ tou__Kighla.r,ds No. 2 (2507 . .12th .Ave, N. ) should be designated as: 2601 _ i N. E. 12th St. 1 A 0 FRY • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 2507 12TH AV N0 i ' -r_,. ' RENTON W A -- 1 , ,c-1.-______-, . g 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �� _�li r~ g , T -L .�. L. RU r N , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 - - le correct number, of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. .42 • Renton Highlands NO, 2 .(2515 .12th Aye, N,1 should be designated as : 2607 ' N. E. 12th St. . J J SCAIJNELL 11602 .S IF 100TH Per City Ordinance No, 2447 R E N 1 0 N WA 98055 (--__ZT,,_ :) Signed:. 11��i B. L. RUPI V,(BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. • 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 (2517 12th Ave. N.) ; should' be designated as: 09 ' -----7-1 ' . N. F. 12.th_St. J J SCANNELL 2447 11602 S g 100TH Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA , 98055 ' } Q. Signed: _ � `B.ICIL, RUPPEkT,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • I e correct number, of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. _ 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 .(2603 .12th Aye- N,) ; should be designated as: 2613, N, E. 12th St. P M ANK 11428 SE 108TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �. RENTON WA 98055 ��+ �+ Signed: ��' " 1.N-14-. B. L. RUPPERT'; LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building Ion Lot No. 3 , Block No. • 42 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 (2605 12th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2615 P M ANK N. E. 12th St. - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11428 S E 108 TH — - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C.,2)-$4-21_,r!,,L,'?„, B. L. RL'PrE'RiJ aLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 . z 'he I _ tr correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. _ 42 . Renton Highlands No. 2 (2609 .12th Ave. ,N.) . ; should be. designated as: 2701 __Renton N. E. 12th S t. 1 N SINGE tv E F Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . , 915 OKTEREY DR RENTON' WA 77,i--) -r� 98055__ ,, , . Signed: z •�✓/ ,r:, ;e . B. L. FUP15y 1 BLDG: DrRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 41 Renton Highlands No,. 2. (1027 vi-im St,1 should be' designated .as: 1127 Harrington Ave. N. E. ....J._ ` J J DE MAR HA Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 1 0 2 7 H STREETj RENTON WA NA 98055 Signed: __ ;�i 2 _1 . . . L. RU ` 0 BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate KW correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 41 -----g Hi�h1 nd� 1lo, V V st,) ; should be designated as : __Q83 ! 1 Harrington Aya_N. i, R D GUSTAFSON 9 8 0 2 RAINIER . AV S. 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 SEATTLE WA - 9 8 1 7 8 Signed: /1 �'� B. L.R IPU L R, . LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Fie correct number of . building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. • 41 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 (1019 "H" St.) ; should be designated as: 1081 - ' Harrington Ave: N. E. , R D. GUSTAFSON I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 y 9802 RAINIER AVE SO SEATTLE WA ' 98178 • . Signed: _ �' t ---- — g 6„ L, RUPPtkTl DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,e correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 41 ; Renton Highlands 1\o, 2 _ (1011 .vHft -St,) ; should be designated as: 1073 ' . ' . Harrington Ave. N. E. J H COLE +' 1 0 1 1 H STREET Per City Ordinance No. U447 _ RENTON W A ------------- 98055 Signed: 1/k4-1V,4-m B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . e correct number of 1 building on Lot No. i___8 , Block No. 41 ; Renton 1 nds .No. 2.. 1005 .RHW St,) ; should be designated as: 1069 Harrington Ave. N. E. _ KOSNEY DELZER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - I 3401 4 THi AV NO RENTON W 5 5 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed: C:1-?i14---Le,5,----- B. L. RUPPE'4NL.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - E, Me correct number ' f a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 41 _. Renton Highlands No. 2 (1003 "H" St.) ; should be designated as: �___ 1067_ Harrington Ave. N. E. KOSNEY DELZER Per City Ordinance No. 2,4_4�_�3401 4 TH AVE NO --— RENTON WA 98055 V ' i . Signed: ---/f' ,� ; - . B. L. kur; l , BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate lie correct number f a building on Lot No. 1g , Block No. _z_ .:. Renton Highland No. 2 (1046 !'HR St.) ; should be designated as: 1146 Harrington Ave. R. F;.,___- t, H E FRANK 1046 H STREET Per City Ordinance No. _447 , , 1REN70N WA i 98055 SeE ,i . , . L. RU f1LG DIRECTOR 'B Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 ili. correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 V , Block No. 46 • Renton 056 .ands No, 2 (1 vHR St;). . Kigh _ ; should be designated as : 1156 . ;, Harrington Ave. N, E. J F COOK Per City 1535 I STREET Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 � ` Signed: B. L. RUPI R, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate N e correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. V 46 Renton Highlands No. 2 (1058 "H" St.) - ; should be designated as: 1158 i Harrington Ave. N. E. J F COOK 1535 I STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' V Signed: 721-. ..JQ - — — - �L, RUPPEkT 'l LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 Block N , 0. 46 . ., Renton Highland{ No,. 2 (1116 girl St,) ; should be designated as: 1200 V Harrington Ave, N. E. 0 PILLING Per City Ordinance No. 2447 — 2 9 2 0 1 5 T H AVNO RENTON WA 1 s.;..--,------- 1 98055 0P__ele_f, �;.%%�r}}��,,,.: �f%"r Signed B. L. RUPPERT<?BLDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate V ,e correct number o a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. V ____Ai V ; ---Renion High] nds No . 2 (2715 (A.CL) .12th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2801 .mm N. E. 12th Sty __ 1 D L o I G Per City Ordinance No. 2447 31 GARD = N AV NO RENTON WA 98055 c71;) C l Signed: i�j�,�r , B. L< RUPFa i,r LDG. DIRECTOR I I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i he correctf number o a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 - I , s gepiAt of Block 12: 13, 14 Renton Hicitilands No, 2 ; should be designated as: 3131 L___ (1175 4L'I• St,). N. E. 12th St, R • M MAT SON 123 MAIN STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 j Cri2 Mon I P's 98020 -/.,...4, Signed: A 144..,„., B. L. RtiliA(I , BLDG.- DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , • ie correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. 12 ; Replat of Block 12 13, 14 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1126 (1126 oK" St.) , . Kirkland Ave. IL_E,. FRED 0 PRICE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 o 1 BURNETT 98055 ., _ Signed: -./.- -;/ , ,..rite ,,,, • . L. RU ,k17: BLOC:. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Presere this Certificate . correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 42 Renton Highlands No, 2 (2612 llth Aye. N.) ; should be designated as: ' 1173 Glennwood Ave. N. E. . D SINGER 1915 MONTEREY DR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C72/---f-2y2,.z___ ' , --- - , B. L. RUPTIERI .-/BiLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . le correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 42 ; ; : Rentan_Righiando 2 (2filn llth Ave. N.) should be designated as 1171 Glennwood Ave. Pi. E. D SINGER DRIVE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1915 MONTERE'Y ) ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _.,„.(4_ ,.. —1177L, RUPFEkT7,71LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate )e corre ber of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. I ; • enton Hi hlands1 . 1061 " !I St.) ; should be ' gnated as: 1161 ennwood Ave. N. E. I R S BROW 1001 SO 68TH ST er City Ordinance No. 2447,__ _,______ SEATTLE WA 98 " Illrit .. „ .. B. L. RUPPER.--, _DG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le corre • iber of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 1, ; Renton Highlana' -0 (1055 "G" St.) _; shou . ,0,---esignated as: 1155 _ . - Glennwood Airve. N. E, ...._. ... __ . TH ST , --- , er City Ordinance No. 2447 1 ooi SO 168 SEATTLE WA 98148 Signed: ,o. -...- .4 / 'R B. R liFisr.04'-. RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , . he correct 'number' of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 42 _ - Renton::kfighl'andl No, '2 ; should be designated as: - 1161 ' Glennwood Ave N, .F_ ,.• .. KEUNETW T AK ES SON P d No2447 in i 0 6 i G STREET • TON REN `�... 98055 . . Signed: 9 . B. L. RUP)X1 , BLDG-. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate • • . .... he correct number of a building on Lot No. : 8 Block No. 42 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should 'be designated:.as: . i155= ` _ Glennwood Ave. N, E. M M MERED T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1.. 1. 055. G STREET RENT ON I:.. WA 98055 Signed: 4,7 . _......__._._ .. . . L. RU -- BLDG. I RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 42 Renton Etighlands Ng,. 2 should be designated as 1.. 1147 Glennwood 'Ave, N. Per City Ordinance No. '2447. !.; 1047 G STREET • • Signed: --•- --- - B. L. kUP; fjX( BLDG. DIRECTOR.. Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he: correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No.. • 42 ;` ;enton Highlands No_2 (1041 r'G11 St,.) ; should. be designated as::_11141 • Glennwood Ave, N. E.-1 • - .. R K HUDSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 8422 11.8TH : SE . ., J. . . I 98055 . „ .. .. Signed: ,�° I B. L. RUPP'E, , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he: correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 42 ;'� Renton Highlands No. 2 (1039 "G" St.) ; should be designated as: .'1T39 Glennwood Ave, N. E. } T. R K HUDSON Per City Ordinance No, 2447 . 8422 118 ;NTH S E RENTON WA 98055 I Signed: B. L. RUPPt TK; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ; �: • 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 42 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 1031' �! '! St.) . .C G should be designated as :1131 Glennwood Ave. N. E. A IIH E I D E N. Per City Ordinance No. 244T 1 -031 G STRE.ET. — REN. T ON WA j" Signed: I ,. �i <� kliPPeRtirdirDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate - i -he correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , . . Block No. 42 gen.to HiiKian,ss No. 2 (1023 vG" St,) ; should be designated as ______ Glennwood _Ave. N. E• . MR HUFF Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . ' 1023 G - TREET :, RENTON 8 ° 55 Signed: ---.4 ' --- - B. L. RTIP4-ct• t, BLDG:- DIRECTOR . . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lie correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 - , Block No. 49 __lepton High( ani No. 2 (1019 liG" St.) _ ; should be designated as: ngs Glennwnod Ave. N. F. _ RAY HARTMAN .6 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 154 , S PRENT ICE ST . ) SEATTLE WA . __-- - , 9 8 1 7 8 I / Signed' . L. RU WW", BLD(.3. DIRECTOR • , ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 42 _ Renton High anus No. 2 (1017 "G" St.) , , ; should be designated as: 1063 , Glennwood Ave. N. E. ---------- RAY HARTMAN, . 6154 S PRENT CE ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 '2- SEATTLE WA 98178 1 • Signed: B. L. RUPIA RI ,( 8tTI5G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. • 41 ,----• Renton igh anis No,2 (1053 nlitt St') ; should. be designated as: 1153 -<. Harrington Ave. N. E. • L 0 PASIOE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ', 13406 1 2ND AV SE J • RENTON 055 _1\7 C . 98 —• . • i Signed: _,,,,/4.f.,• - - --- B. L. RUP kTi01LDG. DIRECTOR Be ,Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 41 ; •I I Renton Highlan.s No. 2 (1051 "H" St.) ; should be designated as: 1151 1 , ---1 ...liarringtoP AvP N F _ L 0 PASCOE 13406 132 D S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055 , • t Signed: /_d-_.0..,,t, • .--A - -- --- - - B. L. RUPPERP,fBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ' ' he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 41 Renton Etigh anis No, 2 (1045 REIN St.) ; should be designated as: 1145 TOSHIKO SADr--- 1045 H STR ET 2447 RENTON 'WA 98055 r Per City ol-lradrriniangnctoenmAov.e. N. E. Signed: , - B. -Li. RUPPEAriarbG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ! cr , rkle correct number o a building on Lot No.. 3 , Block Na. 41 ,...,, Renton Hi hlands No. 2 (1043 "H" St ) ; should be designated as:1143 ••••.• tt TOSHIKO SADO Per City 2447 1045 H ST EE RENTON WA 9 055 .........• Signed: r Harrington NAove. . N. E. B. L. RIP;..,1(1-, BLDG.- DIRECTOR. . - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • . 1 i 4 • • • . he correct number o a building on Lot No. 4 • , Block No. 41 Renton Higjilaids I 2 1035 m •R st. ; should be designated as: 1136 liatrinatanlime....1-1 ....._—, Z HUMMER .STR ET • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 1035 H RENTON WA .........,---- 98055 . . • • Signed. • . L. R . - , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . • ; • ae correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 . , Block No. 41 Renton Highlands No. 2 (1037 "H" St.) ; should be designated as: 1137 _ Harrington Ave. N. E. Z HUMMER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 1035 H STR ET RENTON WA 98055 H • - -----------I Signed: B. L. RUN/ $r, .BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • '4,z., correct number' of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 5 ROY G 1 TCHEL . Per :itsyho0Fuerl 5 . _ 2447 RENTON WA 9805 ,5 i rdc ni dnb aae ln edc ee Cs iNi rog cn.la et e Nd. as 900 900 . Signed: " 3". 1;1 —B. L, RUPP'E. W8LDG. DIRECTOR „.... PlAt of Rentont-l-ghlands ... 910 F s - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -` le correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. Albert Balch!s President Park . ; should be designated as: 36 1 - N. E. 6th St, . F L ANGFORD 3509 6 T H P L NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 Signed: /_LIL_P*;;•:,', . B. L. RUPPERT/,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. • ; • ; should be designated as: •7Per City Ordinance No. „...........____ Signed: - ,,./A ...a.-.4,,.. B. L. RUPPERW3CDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .• 1 1 i . (4111317cLnruz . . . . . .. . . . . . __ . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . :. . . .. . . . -• . " • . . , , .. .. .. . . . • • . . •. . . . . • . . . • . . !.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;3‘2. correa. number of abuilding- on Lot No. . 1 • ... . • .. ', Block .No. • .• _:: • •-•,..:__.:.. .:___1,.±:,_ _ •,.; ••• • I . ,. .. .. _ - ,.. .• . • . . • J. R. Gratten Addition --:•••: ' ', -',....' ": -'•'•'..:- ; should be designated at: , . 2312 •• - . .. ' • • • . , . , ... . . .., . ... . • , , •••: .-• 7-77.77-777-7--7—.7 .) .. - .•. • , . . . • . .1... . . . ....„,,., ...••:,. ....:. ....:..'. •,.... • • ..' ". •.N'. E. 24th Street ••••• .--:. •:', ••••:::.:;•• -•,-•-•.-; • .. •• : ;. .:......':'''..::1:-.:'..ji......°1• H4 of‘1" 6:R:'' Ss EE 1W1E0...1-0'LT H .-i. • '1" : • -.2447 • ...• • •• i', 1:10 City :•OrdinanCTO! ;.,..':.•::-1.....'. ' ' ', . '.. ''. ' ' •'' . .: RENTON WA -- , .. Signed: t . , • . • • . • . • . . . . . . . . • . - • ••• - • • Re .Ca-cful . to Prservf•-!•-this Certi•licate . ,`.. •'.,.. , .. . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . hse .correct number or a' 1)uitili lig on Lot ,;‘).. .• .2 - • - • •Block No.' • •• • - . ', - • ' .- ' . . J... R. Gratten Addition : should be cif.-.:sicfnate as:: .• 2417 • I • Dayton Ave. R.• E. ' . • • - - . • • - . ' • D DYMARKOWSKI . .. . . ' Per City Ordinancc -- -- No. • : _....24,47:- . --' • E • .. -- RENT ON • . L . • . 4A . • . • .'4'... /..- . • . , ' • 9-- 8' 9 5-: :: '..: . Signed. . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' .- '• • . : • . • . . ..,.. . ' .. . - . .. ..... . .•, , • T •T.".' 7 • f .. .. . . . . . tte correct number of• a building. on Lot No. .. ..3 • • •, Block No.."--•. • • •••• •• -•.- •-•- .. • ' ' , ! • I J. R. Gratten Addition ; should be designated as : 2425 .. . ____ . • - . . . . . ' Dayton Ave. N. E. . : , • , • . . J. GAIT EN 1 ".• •• .•SE . • . Per. City Ordinance No.- 2447 . . ., •. . • •RENTON- • . • - • W A . - " • •' ‘ ... . . • . - • . 9 8 0 5 5 • • ' • • • • . . i . - ... .. ... , . • • : ' Signed: .• . . . • . " i '.' ' _ • • • , ' r--- • . • . B. .1.... RU E , BLDG. DIRECTOR . . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. • ••• • , .. • ....,;(•••:- . - . - .. . . . . . ... .. . • •. • f. . . . • • , . . he correct number. of/ a building on Lot No. • 4 • , Block No. . . . . . - . J. R. Gratten Addition t 'should be designated'as: 2501 . , . . • • Dayton Ave. N. E. ..... .•. " ; i . • • D FRODHAM - • ,i • • 9 8 2 9 1 51- H 5 E Per City Ordinance No • . 2447 1 . . - • RENTON • . . . " 9.8 0 5 5 • ; Signed: . , . • • , - i, • • B. L, RUP . , LDG. DIRECTOR--- : . --. . .. Be Careful tp Preserve this Certificate . • . . . ' . • •.... - • •• - • - . • , • . . . , . . ir:2 correct number olf- a building on Let No. 5 - , Block No. . - - ' ' , : ' ' • .. . • . . J . R. Gratten Addition ; should *be designated as: . . 2509 _ r- . . . . 1 • . . • . Dayton Ave. N. E. ' • • ' . • - . 3,4 • OCCUPANT • • " • •• . . .. , 9 823 115TH SE Per City OrdinanCe N3.. . 24,.... . ! .. . • • RENTON .• WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. -L. RUPPERT; i3LDG.. .DIRECTOR . • • • . . . Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate. . " ' -.. • •.: . . . . . : ' . • . . • !...,] correct. number lof a building on Lot No . • 6 ., Clock No. • . . J. R. -Gratten Addition ; .should be designated as: . 2517 • . . . . • Dayton Ave. N. E. . . ... . ___ ' .-. F MINEPICH . • ' --------- --------------- '74:47— - •Per Cl.;-.v OrJin.,.-.flc 9 8 1 7 .-.:. . .,,. • . -..__-_- R: R E N T'(...) '4 A . . i . , 9 .-' f:' :-5 .•:. ./-7\ \ • , 1 . . ' - 1 • . S_Igned: . _ t_ii,'='.',A1 . ?,:'.:.7:.:•,(":;.(.: ,. _ _____L - 1 • . - • - -. • ' B. Li, Riii.Tr§1.01- 1.1(1.. Tir.r<L7,0.1 6.--a 3 -S' • Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate . . .. .,-.- • . The corre,-..t Humber of a building on Lot No, 7 : - J. R. ratten Addition • ; should be desIgnated as 12525, 1 , , - I , Dayton Avenue N. E. • WooD 9 8 1 3 115TH SE 2-4741- Per. Cit4 ';rdinanc• '4 • 98055 ; 1 . Signed: • ; 6, L, Rif1-591e7.,31.0G. - Ca, te Pr'3serie: firs Certificatci : corr-ect number or a bu i 1 d ng on Lqi o a I oc.L I J. R. Gratten Addition • - should be desiana .-ed"as: -: '2504 1: • ' -;1 " - • 9 8 M E T.2:ii• ; • TH. E ' nitu ordinanc- fk.(0 2441 , 0 0 . - - 9 8 0 5:5 • : igned Z.z:b • S ; L. RUI• - DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .; ; • • :. bp"44444 OOOO O 041.11 etoears.11..,J9, vellseili! Oiressobo !!A . . ? "oiroo.,e,,! •,." . • OO 4! .• O 1 File correct number of a building :on Lot No. g • , Block No. ; • J.- R Gratten Addition • - ; should be designated as:, •,:216 - 1 ' • ; Dayton Avenue N. E. ': 11. ..••• 9 8 1 6 115TH. s E . Per City Ordinance No. 2447:1. _ Signed: "If RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , 0 . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9 ° ° • • • • • • . . . !" • ** * rhe corrept nuri*er of a building on Lot No. ID , Block tslo. J. R. Gratten Addition ; should be designated as: 28,08 Dayton Avenue N, E. ; •5 H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447: ' 9820 11T • RENTON WA 5igned: — - B LRUP. 3LDG...., DIRECTOR Be Careful tp PreserVe this Certificate - ' ;•. ; Ike. correct number of a building on Lot No:: 11 , Block No'. - J. R.,. G. atten Addition ; should be designated as '200 Dayton Avenue N. E. SCHWA 98 28 1 1 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2 4 47 8 0 5 5 Signed: - - - • —"IT, L. RUPPERT, ADO. DIRECT& Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ke correct number of 4 building on Lot No. Block No, • ; , J. R10 •G atten Addition 1• 1 ; should be designated aS;: ' : 2424 Dayton Avenue N E. DAN IEL - MILLER . : • ' 9830 1115TH SE Per City Ordinance No 98055 Signed B. L. F.L$ I'tI L60.„, DT.RECTaR Be Careful, te Pt-seseh'ie this Certificate: „ '•••. ; ••,;, ; : 1".... . correct number r of a building on Lot No, 13 • , Block No. ` J. R. gratten Addition - should be. designate) as 2416 .. - Dayton Ave. N. Eo P. KN IPPER 9 8 4 3. 1 1 5 T H SE Per City Ordinance "o. _ 24.47 .. EN. TON ;. WA: � 98055 Signed; ". r - ' .� _ L________:.:______ ___ B. L. ► lrt4. ,. , BLDG 9IRECTt)L Pe Ca` of,a! to Pi'f c ir. I:his (_p'..'ti'I'i t:ai:',. i;,.� _:.wi-ec:t ruum'oer or a building on LotNo.. 14 Bloc :�,a _;__,__J.- R. G atten Addition should he des io;;at '; _ as: 2402 l N. E. 24th Sty _____ _::_.:L....:_.: ____.,... _ LJ _ EADE.: 5 1 A 2 s 1 O 0 T H Per r.ity O r t;ti a Y1,:c n'3 1 1 : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 4• •• a • B • • • • • • . • • • • . he correct number f a building on Lot No• 1 Block 1o. 1 el-Shane Addition should be designated. as: 2333_ 2( • Edmonds Ave. N. E.' B BATE ! k 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 6 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. _ 2447 R" ENTON WA. /'-- 98055 Signed: • ; • '' B a RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 : Be careful to Preserve this Certificate "e correct nu zibc r Of a building on Lot No. 2 _9 Block. to. _ 1 Biel. Shane Addition ; should be designated .as.: 2419 N. E 24th St. --- M WILL # .AMs . . _ . . 1 1 5 2 5 SE 1 0 0 T H • -Per City grdinance No. 2447 ' REN TON WA 98055 • Signed:. j ' ' BB , RL!P,- . Ty LDG• DIRECTO?---`. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ., ; . ..� a 0 e • 0 • 0 e • • '• Oj 0 l . • 0 I • . e 0 r • e • 0 • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • p 0 a 0 • .• •, •. O • •• Y 0 s • • • • 0 • • 0 9 0 • 0 •.0 e •'0'� v0 0 • • 0 • • 3Y 0 ,I '.1°e correct.number ofa building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 1 9:' . ____ . Bl Shane Addition should be ; desi na 1 g �.ted as:. 2413 " N. E, 24th St. c MA RT I N: , , .1 1 5 1 7 SE! 1 0 0 T H i Per City Ordinance o•. 2441 'RENT ON W 9 8 0 .5 5 , B. L. RUPPERT, ADO- DIRECTOR — Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • • • . . , . .j• . • a • • . i a • . • o . • • a co 0 0 • o • • • •T • • • • •• o • • • • . a . • • a •. • • • • - . . . • • . • o .correct number of a .building on Lot No, .4 • -, Block No. `: 1 ' Bel-Shane Addition should be designated aso 2407 - M MO .' . . N. 24th St. 1 1 .5 1 1 _ E. 1 r c T H Per City Orainance No. 44_7 98055 _ ._ \. . Signed: . ��, . ..! ,, ,,ram" Be Careful to` Preserve this Certificate :, corre..t ,umber of a holding on Lot No. 5 , Elock No... 1� Bet-Shane Addition , should be'designated os: 2401 'E'."N. ' E 1 i. S 0 3 SE 1 O O T H Per.City Or j nance:A!C.: _: . RE'.N TON Wk 4 .� -- - . 98055 • /�_.. —:-, Signed: • Ca L.4'.1l +o Pr"serN:' this C c?'•"t.?'t ca'!:'. ire COrTect number of ,a huil+l'ing on Lot No. 6 _, Block No.: :: ._ 1 el-Shane Addition should be designated as: 2310 Dayton Ave. N. E: P B E R T �. t_ A F = 1 1 5 0 4 S E 1 0 1ST Per City Ordinance No. Signed!. („). ,� s Mir -I. "-, B Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate f ♦'• • 0.• • • e • pa• t I • • . , a correct number jof a building on Lot No. 7 9 Block No..:. 1 Bel-Shane Addition 2408 should be designated as : , N. E. 23rd St. J MARCHBANKS :. 1 1 5 1 2 SE 1 0 1ST Per city Ordinance No.." R44?. RENTON • Signed: .71� B. .. ,RU E , BLDG. DIRECTOR.., Be Careful to Preserve this. Certiticata . he correct ruriber of a building on Lot No. 8 • , .Block "lo. 1.a . Bel-Shane Addition ; should be designated as: 2412 N. E. 23rd St. R. 'ROB I NSON = •?� i 1 5 i 8 SE 1 0 1 ST Per City Ordinance No. :5443 ;. 98055 Sinned; B. L. ROT . T., 31..G • DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certi f"ica"to °'. • • • o . . . • . . • . . • . e • o • . • . . . e . • • • . • . . . . . • • • .• . • • • • e • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • • . .. .. . a • t ,` t2. correct number f a building on Lot .No. 9 , Block 5oe . . Betel-Shane Addition ; ;should be designated as :. 2416a. N. E. 23 rd�S t• �-------- E MC ; GUIRE . : . . 1 1 5 2 6: SE 1 -0 1ST Per, City .Ordinance Ne. 2447 RENTON WA 98055• . f_ Signed y"_ . .. . 13. L. RUPPERT,, .. (Dt'• -DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ": • . . . . . . . . . .o • . • . . . • • e.: o . • . • 'IC correct numt2'r of 'a building on Lot' NO. 10' , Block No; 1` , B 1-Shane'Addition ; should be designated as: 2309 • Edmonds Ave. N. E.. ` THEODORE ' JOHUS"0N. ;:- • 1 0 0 0 7 1 1 6 T H AVE S E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 — 0 5 5 l ® S gned: c B. L. RCI'I1L 'i ; DG�.. DIREI,iOR� Be: Careful :to Preserve this. Certificate . 4. • • . • . . . . . • • • e • • • • :. a . . . e ... . • . . . . - • e • • e ••••'•...r•..• - i ' ",; c rre...t :lumber of a building' on Lot. No. 1 Block, No. __ a ---. B41�Shane Addition ' ; should be designated as: 2325. St; _ N 0' ,A,-L E J E=N' K 5 • - ,' di ncc t 114. 17 SE 1QOTH .. - . I 98055 Sighed: ___-_ - 6.. L, R,! 7` , Bt.DG. 'ITl';C:CT;7I T Be Cd-`,.I•.11 to P r�°ser',: th's Certific:ai.;� • , {le correct number o .a bui1 •ing on .. 1: i;,o. 2 . - , 5Inek 1`;U• `-- _.._:.... _�_.. Bel-Shane Addition should be designate:: as: 2309 . iN. E. ___ _ - Dayton Ave.AveD :..L.___,...'.. _ _ L T H R A S H E R. pet, city ni '� tt � RENTON WA. $igneds {,;:(' I° . ,. L. 1?l,r° ctl.Dg:', JI?Ec.T;);1 I' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r • • D . •a. • m • • • D D . . . ... . . ... . . .... . ... . • , • • • . • . • • • • • • • .• . • • .• •. • • • • • • • . • • • • . . • . • • . . • . . • . • • • • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 2 . Bel-Shane Addition ; should be:designated. as :... 2301. Dayton Ave. N. E. D . L A K N Per City Ordinance too. , i 10023. 115TH SE ENTCN WA ` 98055 I SigBed: : _ B. L, RU E - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 2 tate correct number f a building on Lot 110• 4 r: Block No. _______? �_ - - Blel`ShaneyAddition • 4 ; should be caes gnat_d as, _____ -----_._.-- , , Dayton Ave. N. E. H L INIGAT - 1 0 1 0 7 1 1 'S T H SE ;. Per City Ordinance No. 244`�' REN TON - WA 98055 Signed,_ • --- - B Y L RUP•, c, ; 31..D DI F-',V.TO', ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a m O O • 0 V b O 0 • . O • mi . tl m • . + .D + • • O • • • D • Y .,. • • • f • • O • t• •• . 9 . • O .O ► • • • •_ • • • 4 • • • • O D • • • • •• • 1 . . • • D . • • a �te�correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 2 ` ' ; - ; :el-Shane Addition `— ; should be designated as: . 221'7 Dayton Ave. N. E. RI CHARD C TAYL OR ` 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 5 T H S E . Per City Ordinance No. 47 RENTON; WA ---: . 1 9 8 0 5 5 �r ,?tea. . Signed: ,,,,'' . --;-'- •i _- B. L. RUPPLRT,." LDi:',: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , T correct number •Fa building on Lot NQ. 1 Block No. ; Bel-Shane Addition . ; should be designated. as: ?233 Edmonds Ave. N. E. , •. J DEVOoS — s 0 ' . 1 0 1 0 3 ,1 1 6 T H SE Per City Ordinance No.. � ' ' , RENT.ONi, WA „ . 9805'S'" • -- : - : Signed: �---, •- ---- .--_.. B....L. Ri.PPL2 i )FDC- DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,..... . . . . • m • . a m • . . •.. • • . ..... . p 0.n. . •.. . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . .•. . • - i• • • .. • Th cor-re..t number of a ^adding on Lot No. 1 Ploc . P:;,. 3 Bel-Shane Addition should be des nateJ as: ' 2417 N. E. 23rd St. ,1 E CAREY --- - ---- 1 1 5 2 1 S E 1 0 1ST Pey City Ordinance. �1(:1• 4 _ R E 5 T i� N ill A __ • r.-'-f___ _____---' ,,), 2 _ _,, 98055 �...-... r i. u „ Signed:"_�'� R B. L. Ri a� $1-gG. 1I ECT:)li Re Ca, ct'u1 to Prnsjr•vc this Ce!-t:i f;cat::t • :.. iihe correct number of a building on Lot', o. , Block No. _ Bel-Shane Addition : should be desia;+att�' as 2413 — ... . N. E. 23rd St. IA PELLET IER Per City Jrd i;�anc:F nr;� __� r --- ---- 1 1 5 1 7 SE 1 0 1ST ---- __. _�___;_.. RENT ON . WA ,' 98055 �. ,. • L. RUI , R31. DIPICTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •G• • • a o.• • • • •S. o o • • • ‘o.• • • ,•• • t • • • • " t Ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 3 Bel-Shane Addition should be designated. -as : 2409 N. E. 23rd St. B5I ;S 11511 SE 10E : 1015T RSELLE Per, City Ordinance No. ,4-4 RENTON WA - � 98055 Signed: - B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t • :"rte correct number of .a building on Lot No. 3 _, Block 'o•. 3 _ ___ Bel-Shane Addition s: should be designated as: 2403 • • .23rd St, D CHATHAM , 1 1 5 0 3 E 1 0 1ST Per City Ordinance No•. . . 98055 �y. �, Signed N. E„,„..23rd • ' i rr , ' T B• L• RUP , T, LOG. DI RECTOR____? Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` o 'he correct number. of a building on Lot No. "• • • • 5 , Block No 3 , Bel-Shane Addition • ; should be designated 'as: 2216 Dayton Ave. N. E. 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 5 T H ' SE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENT ON WA ,„" t - 98055 Signed; !�l j ,_ . ,. . B. L. RUPPERT, r;LOCL DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rTc correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No:' ' ; Woodland Terrace ; should be designated as • •1916 • P LAcE. Y Camas Ave. No E. Per City Ordinance No. 10406 114TH; S . E R. ENTON, W..A. ---- - . - -. -.•g-8 0.5 5 _ Signed--: y -- -..- B. L. ROPP ' LDG. DIRECTOR 5e Careful to Preserve this Certificate • - . . •, .... r corre t. Humber '.of a :'^.uildin9 on Lot No. 2 Block 1 o• Woodland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1908 Camas Ave, N. E. OCCUPANT . ' , 1 R E N' T0_N 4 .T H S E. Per City: Ordinance.No. 7 . � � - - • 9805:5` 9 B. L. Iff- ,• BLDG. DIRECTOR Pe Ca. eful to Preserve this C,ei-ti•F ica( , a w correct number o a building Uri 'Lo1: i:o. _ 3 . . .. . . , D.lock No, �_-• . ��_ ' Wnntlland Terrace ;..should .be designate:! as: . .1g32 -, - W. ARRtG0N1 1 Pe�. L�it.� nrd=�;�anc�: "!,�. 10418 114T -I. . SE 11 RENTON . WA 98055� • Signed: vet 7.1 T . L. RIr ;L. IPE(:TOR.. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • • • • • e • P \ Y • e o ° • . •' P i • • • ..e • ° • +P P P P Y'P'° P • • • . • ° •• a a • a P o • .•'° s P o e ° ::.'• L i • T file correct number of'a building on Lot No. . , Block No.. Woodland Terrace • ; should be designated as:' ': •:1825 I • A W METTLEMAN 10429 1 1 4 T H. S E Per City Ordinance No• is4,47 '98055 -- Signed: B. L RU E , aLPG• i)IRECT.QR —_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No... 8 , Block No. Woodland Terrace ; should be designated as:: 1833 Camas Ave. N. E. 0 C.C2 U PAi N T Per City Ordinance No.g0423 Ai S E y 9805'5 Signed: B. La VP • LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ib• ° • •'•• • • P.• . i"e correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. ; • ,Woodland Terrace ` . ; should be designated. as: 1909 _._ I � �� • • Camas Ave., N. E. _._. STROMBEG NEVERS ' • 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 4 T H SE 1 Per. City Ordinance No. , �^_ REN,TON Wq 1' �- c Signed: ,;f. B. L. RUPPERT,'t LOG. DIRECTOR :V— Be Careful - to Preserve this Certificate '• • ...•e • •.. • 1'e Y.e . ° 4.0 .•°•• • i:e•• a`Y•• • sa,• � ° >., e,P'•.Y • ♦• P'• • •'P • . Po P-��., • .,° 9 • ••. •P • • ° eiPs,Yrr.•,• • o • • . •.• nc correct number-,of a building onLot No. 1 , Block No. ,Vi w Terrace ; should be designated as:[ 1.70'1— • C W' 1LL' S0N.' Monterey Court .N. `E. 1 0 6 2 7 1.21 T H PL SE Per City Ordinance No': ;R / RENTON. B. L. h,;i-P ;i s Cina D1RECipR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certi:ficate The correct nu,mber. afia building on dot No. 2 :. Black No View Terrace - should:.be designated as: 1749_____^� Monterey t_N_.-E.______ ____------ ' . - EPPENSTALSUDERT H 0 6.2 1 1 1 1 T H P L S E • Per. City Or•dinanc:c "!C+. '_ ___�__ ! i . RENTON WA _ —, 98055 Si•grled: ' , . - - B y L, Rl . )/. , 3l_DG. .7IPECT=Ot;-- _-- Be_ Cw'e ul `o Pr'?st rlc' this Cent i F:cal T e COI'rect number or a building on i.o1 ilo. 3 _ `_, Dlock No.___ _._ ._ _____ iew Terrace . should be designates! .as: 1717. { MontereyCourt N. E. - ' R CORWIN _ - Per City Ordinance Mo.1 0 6 1 5 1 1 1 T H '' P L SE :, . � �4'��__ . -L.,._� 98. 055. (:: (A Signed: y, t' • L. RU- -,`i` , FzLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate `: - ile correct number of a building on Lot No.' ' 4 Block No.. View Terrace • ;.. should be designated as:., . 1725 Monterey Court N. E R . DONDERO i 1 0 6 0 9 1 1 1 T H P L SE Per City Ordinance No. .��4.4G' • REN T0N WQ _ 98055, - Signed: T' B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR �' Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate. I he correct number. of A building 'on Lot No., � 5 Block No. ' • View Terrace should be designated as: . 1724_ _ Monterey Court N. E. 4t GLOCKNE � G : _.. 10600 1Y1 H PL . SE Per City Ordinance �•+o. ' 2 4:1 RENT ON WA �. - -- 980551 . '.. -__ - Signed: B. L. RUP- . T, LDG, DIRCCTO Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No.` 6 , Block No. _ • View Terrace should be designated as: 1716 C F KREUTZ • Mon r_eey court N• E, • 1 0 6 0 8 1 1 1 T H P L S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON UTA I 98055 . .. Signed: . t B. L. RUPPERT, _.LO;;..' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate ie• . .correct number of:a building on 'Lot No. 7 a Block No.. • View Terrace •. . . - should be designated as;:' l7 8 Monterey Court N. E 1.0 6 14, 1 1. T H P L SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 PEN TO WA -- . ' 9 8 0 5 5 - � - . LT---- Signed: ' . -__._..... B. L. RUPP-- 'i LDG; DLREI-IOR , 1 Be Careful : to Preserve this Certificate :'. ` . . - , I S' 'tee correct: number`9f":a nuilding'.on'Lot No". 8 `Block"No:`,'_ ' View Terrace . : ; should be designated' as; '`:`1700 :_ :: G . Monterey' Court N_".EE:_. R SAMEK.. .,rs .� t 2 ', 1 • - Per''City Ordinance No :. ::."„ : :. {. � 0620 .. .1. .11TH PL S �,.. ; . RENTON WA .4. /. :, :.:' Sglned, , . ECT ' . DG• :DT�2 f Olt Be.. Ca +_iul. :to Preserve this Ce. fii'f ai'.. ., E le :ortsect, number of a building on Lot No.... :9 _ ; B i ock.'I1ri• ..L___ L r' , _..- G: View Terrace ;.should'.be desiagnatei! as'::.. - 1•632'' , . ; . MontereyCourt N.' �`• MR 'HI IMURA 6 2 6 -` , Pe!' City .Ordinance r':3':` :4� J 1:0 11':1TH: PL. S:E. n. - 7: R NT U N. W ':9.8 0 5 5 ' ,:-.,,:. • . . . signed.....' CS f - , , ' . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..! , 1 . �Ehe' correct number of a building on Lot. No. 2 Block No. '.: IT ' • ' ` Read's Crestwood Addition ;• should be designated as;''-• 141':6 ' Monterey Ave. N: E: ,� F.,.. JURASEK 1, 0840 " 1 1. 1 T H_ ''S E Per''City Ordinance No.' 2447"''> „ ; 98055 Signed: .. '2-' €,: : ' ,, ' " ' : B• L. RU BLDG RECTQR BeCareful e ' .' a Car T to Preserve. �tfiis Certificate : ::. '_:'. :`.�:'.,1,;.; the correct number of 'a building on Lot fro.- _, Block ..o. ' . Read's Crestwood Addition "'` - - should' be designated as .1.408` —,_ Monterey Ave:. N. E. . F'. J READ C�44�', '';I:'' 1 0 8 4 8 1 1 1 T H S E P.":.. ::.:. ..::. .Per City_ Ordinance fdo.' 98055 • Signed: ": i -_-_ Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate : , ,.. . n. ,• The correct number. of_a building' on Lot No. 4 . ,' Block `N0 2 V" I • Read's Crestwood Addition , ` g. should be designated .as::. 14,0'0.: : - Monterey Ave.' N. E. : , i, ' J W W0, 0DR [ i 7. 0854 1 1 1 T H . S E Per City Ordinance .No., r• __- REN ' ' . Signed: Ab , , L. RUPPERT B. . , ,_; ECTOR - +. . . LD.:,o .DIR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, '' . ,'•'.:;.. /,.,•::''i.o'' ,: ,',i..,; d5 .i .,'k..-.,:{ir`-•:.'I .,'e'•.'I :•L'::•'Y.'h'.'•.•:n:' r ... i• :i-i • i• • :. . :... ..:.• .:u,• • • . Tre: correct number:of: a building on Lot' No. I , Block No: . ' ; should be: designated as; ' Read's Crestwood Addition ' `:-1917 : N E 16th 'St' R''' B:.I,S A >;,.: ,. - di.d, i. i rdi an Ce' No . i I :1" 1 0 0 9 S'E :1 0. 8T H, Per Cit '0 n ,' - ' • � �. � .,.5 , Signed: ,• ,�� . - • B. L. Rai' • i LDG D1RE>;;Ok • Be" Careful to Preserve this Certificate =`f .. . .. : . .'. . .. : . . . . • . . .. .....• • • .'t •• :.•..:•..:,. :...,:. .. . . • • . : • .•>`• . 0 - - - ....-_ .-;„^,, - `, : ,,..,,:"..";,1: : ,2•'''r',',,,:V.-4:'-'7;', ''' '.." '- -,,-- ' ':: . ' 7.. .'''' ;':11"' ' -'- '' ' .1 :L': ,,i ' ' , R; he:,correct‘'number of ,abuilding.on Lot No, - c--, ,‘- - , Block l';.°' -- --.----;-----,:.---.- ' Read's Crestwood Addition - ' ' - - '-., ;- should be designated as: : 1525 Monterey Ave. N. E G L': w 1 rj L. . 1 47 • 10811 111TH WM SE - _ .- Per City Ordinance ft.o. 98055 ' 1----- k"), Signed, , B. L. RIO. ; , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate:. . . corce.et number' oi a buil,ii ng on i.. J1. i':o.. 3 . , Block No. _j______.____ _ _ ' Read's Crestwood Addition : should be clesionaLe . as: 1501 • Monter_e_y Av_e._ N,E_,_._ ______________ 2-44 w C HIGGINS Per inace:. m.,-)- 10813 1 1 1 T H AV SE ::ity Ord n RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 _signed . - - - , L. Mir -,- , BI. 0, DIE ) ----- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . he correct number of a. building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 1 Read's Crestwood Addition ; should be designated as: _ Monterey Ave. N. E. ' . ....... _ F R LUTMAN AV SE : Per City Ordinance No. loet7 111TH RENTON WA 055 C2 98 1 ,24\ , , ... ., .. Signed: —FT. RU , BLD=RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 5 , Block No. 1 I . __- Read's Crestwood Addition ; should be designated as: 1417 HARD Monterey Ave. N. E. M SCHUC 98 .05w Per City Ordinance No. , 244) 108350'111TH SE r"---- TON REN. , Signed: i:i44 ' ----- • B. L, RUP t LDG. DIP. CTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,. .,. . , . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 9 . .. . 0 * . . ,. . . . . . . , 1 f [he correct number or a building on Lot No. 6 . , Block No. 1 ; Read's Crestwood Addition ; should be designated as: 1409 - Monterey Ave, N. E. B ROBINSON (e447 111TH SE ---7--- Per City Ordinance No.. 10843 ,- RENTON W A 98055 1 Signed: B. L. RUIVERT,IA.DO. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -tire correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. , Read's Crestwood Addition ; should be designated as: " 1924 • - ___ — P CUYENDALI-L [ 11012 SE 110THN. E. 14th St. City Ordinanc2 No. Per • • 12447' signed; .. ' + 7)1.!4 .4'...,',-,',.7-2.1 ENTON , WA 5 -• -- - - - - — - B. L. Et.,1,111_. 'llidi_DG_ 6-111E-Cidk 1 - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .,•'' , *gee . / | | i | • • Alt. corre;.t number if a -uild'ing on Loc• No? ' 8 Block Fu. Hilcrest Lane ; should be designated as: 1.312 Dayton Ave. N. .E:' . . • ' KOSKI AL' EXANDER ' r' 1 .'. . i O1 0 .1 4 1 1:5 T H S E +Per City Ordinance Mo. ; 44/ , . : • RENTON • ;dA . j 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • 44) • • T Cl O - Be Ca-..'i�_�1 • te. Pr+?servt-- this Ce,.,r''f icat:- • - : he correct numb c f a hui jc';•ing on i:c,i: 'Yo_, 9 .' • , Block. Ho. • y - . ' Hilcrest•Lane ; should be desior.a'Led as: .1308'.• Dayton Ave. N. E, . 1 1.0. 1 6 1 1 5.T-H. S E Pere it,j Jrdit;ance •%0- -- r Ff_ 9 8 05 5 • (... 7' �. egnFd: (1fr. _ ‘,/ ._ . . .r , L, jilt _-, BI:D JPEl TOR . Be Careful. to Preserve, this Certificate ` . . o o . . . o • • s . + r . . • o . • o . . . • o •. . p . 4 . ..o . o • e • o • o 0 o p :. . • • • e • • • o,. '. • •'.'.;• • • • • . f o'. be correct number of a building on Lot-No. , 10 ,' Block 'No. _..__ • ' ' . Hilcrest Lane should be designated as : 13.04 :��'__� - . - - . - -. • Dayton Ave. N. E. -. • . • R P.ETERSON ' � . 1 1 0 1 8 . 1 1 '5 T H ' S E Per City Ordinance No. • RENTON WA ! • 9 8 0 5 5 j �--- • ,, E .. Signed:: 9 B. L; RRU E - BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' he correct number of a building on Lot Clo.. • 11 • , Block No.. . • . Hilcrest Lane should be designated as: 12 6 Dao n�ve: N. E. • R. WYLET - ' yt 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 5 T H S E . . Per City Ordinance No. 2 .... . . _ RENT 0 N i W A .. . 9 8 0 5 5 . . Signed: _ - _ B7L. I� T 3 3LDG: DIRECTOR• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • .. • . . ... . . .-.'. . . . . . o . . . . . . • o . . . . . . . . . ,.. • • • , . . . . . . . e + e. . .e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . co . . . . . . . . . . . :. . +,. . . ..r . . . . aecorrect number of a building on Lot No. 12 • . , Block 9o. . • ; Hilcrest Lane ^_ ;. should .be designated as: 1212 _ G POWELL DtonAve., N. E. y . • ' 1 1 0 215 15 T H SE Per CityOrdinance No. • RENTON . WA (" • 9'8 0 5 5 / ,��, . - - Signed. �/ .._ . B. L. RUPPERT,' LD:'. 'DIRECTOR ~- . Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate ..... o.-i. . • • • ... o. • . . '-. • r .-o . o • . . . .. . . . . • . p V . . . . } .p . . o . . . . .. il e correct. numbereof a. building on Lot No. . . . 13 , 31ock No. ; ' Hilcrest Lane ; should be designated as: - 1208 . ` - . Dayton Ave. .N. E. CHAP MAN R , F _ UF T • Per City Ordinance No. 64�41i1 21024 115TH • SE _—. SENT ON • 'i, A 9 _ 055 . • .. . Signed: - - )_A , j�,^..� d _ - . . --- -. - B. i'. hi.i'i' 'I/Wi—ir.. DIRLC i OR Be Careful tor Presgrve this •Certificate i r ♦e.o ...• o t , . . . -�. . . ' • he Correct number of a building on Lot No; 14 , Bloc, No. . Hilcrest.Lane .. .`; ;should .be: designated as: 2400: N. E. 2th St ' :W-,i LE_ I A M ;R GATES .:;` :': Per. City Ordinance No. . .RENT. ON WA `� . .. . Signed: B B. L Rath. BLDG. DI RECTOR Be C—eFul to Preservr• this Cert:i•f pca•I:,S ' correct number, of ae building on i ot: ,io. , Block No. -- ---• _ .. Bert Z. S e s Edendale Addition • shoulJ1b.e desiana-Le.' as: 2133 s o _ .. � ' :,;._:. ..-. -: •: .Edmond Ave. N. E::.;_.;. , - . ._. .: c S T I M S 0 N Per City Ordinance "!o. ` '~ _ _ 10203 116TH SE _ --- RENT ON • WA %�, i . 98055 Signed: 1f4/.., , ___ Be Careful to.Preserve this Certificate ,.0 . • • • . •'• • e f . •0 . o . 0 0 • •.• . • 1,00..70 . 0 • • . . . . 0 . e o . . • . 0,. . . . . . . I'. 0`• . • • • . • . .,. e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block 1.o. . Bert Z• Edendale S e's Addition � --- a should be designated as:..: '2T25 Y Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' ' — MAX W O R < M A N _ 1 0 2 1 1 1.1 6 T H SE Per. City Ordinance No. �� __ __ R E N T O N .. W A ` 98055 Signed: • • B. L+ RU - dLDDRECTOR ____ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. he correct number o. a building a on Lot No. �T 3 _ , Block "!o. _I ' ' - Bert Z. See's Edendale.Addition : should be designated a 21.17 _ Edmonds Ave. N. E. ;� 10219 1 '1 � � W L 1 GHTr= 00T aSE 'Per City Ordinance No. 2447 :. J . , 1 $ RENTON ' W-A • 98055 ` _ 7L. R.'R'. •1 , 6LDG DI 'EC'fUP • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • p p o • . + . . . • . m . . oeu . q . . • fee • • . •• p • e o p •t . • • T . • e he correct number ol= d building on Lot No, 4 - , Block No. 1 : .. . ,, _�; Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition ;. should be designated as: 2101, 1 . Edmonds Ave. N. E. BUNCH. . City r'b: .;'' : 2447 __ 10225 . 116TH SE Per Ordinance _ 'R E N T O N W q 9a 055. Signed: dl. ' B. L. RRUPPERT, r:LD?'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • . • • ... p . . . • . . + o . • . . . p • .• .....• • • • . . . 0.p o . . e . . ..s . . . • • • . . • • +. . . . ..• ire correct number o: a building on Lot No. 5 , Block NO. 1': :: Bert 'l_• See's Edendale Addition a should be designated as;:. . 2025 • Edmonds Ave. N. E. i ' ROBERT GRAHM ' 1 0 2 3 1 ! 1 1 6 T H 5 E Per City Ordinance No. 2 REPI T0N i A ' 9 8 0 _ c J Signed: _ , �` . . . .,,r.„:tea - - - - -__..—_---—-: , . - _. B. L:, h_i'h(_ -I /'•`vGi D 1TC. eik • Be Careful _o Preserve this certificate J• . . ' le:correct:numb r . f; a building on Lot:Ng, : 6 Bloc" No. 1YI :-._. Bert,Z.�See's Edendale Addition ., should be designated.as. . ; 2017;'', _ Edmonds Ave. N.: E',:`.-. ,:°' ... « HAM 1 L T 0 N Per City Ordinance {`!o. ,r •..•� 10:239 116TH SE RENTON ; WA 98 0 5 5 8 Sigrledo ..._ —B, L, Rri li , , BLDG..'.9.IRE:CT} 13 . . Ft.? Ca-ci•Ul to Pr 6r•.jt.- this CF?rti l ca[,. ''( aror,,ect numoer i�• a building on i..oi: -o. 7 , u"I�c': Ho __1__ is Bert',Z• See's Edendale Addition - should btu drsionat. as.: 2009 w__--- - - -- -__-- -- Edmonds Ave. N. E. _- ,' ` . 3REWE"R 1Pe►�' :.ii:/ Or1:;ian.:r "!•�. �L r 1 0 2 4 7 1 1 6 H S E G _...�- ..,. . • . .'i,,'.*�-- -.__, RENT I .. . i 98055 c� ,' . I Signed: F J - ---- • L. RLr BLOC LIPE,CTOR,,; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'i. e correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 Block No: a''` .:: , ' Bert.i 7'_ SPP!e Fdend iti on_ , should be designated .as: `::200]_.L- �• Edmonds . Ave. E • FRANCESCHINA 1 0 2 5.3 1 6 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C � , .. . . ` B. L. RU E BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 he correct numbelr a building on Lot No. 9 Block �•!o. �1` l,`. I . . _ . Bert! Z. See's Edendale Addition _ g should be designated as: ;' 2000 . Dayton Avenue.N. E. : . .: I G CHEE.LEY 10252 115TH SE Per City Ordinance No. r�_____ ' RENTON_. ,I....'. WA • 98055 � i; .. Signed: B. L. RUP . , BLDG. DIREtTUtR— Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , ` ' .::. le correct number ..of .a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. ,`l:i : ; Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition - should be designated as:.' 2,004 Dayton Ave. N. E. • l FITTINIG Per City Ordinance No.. 447' ,., i.. , 10246. 11! 5 H SE RENTON WA i 98055 Signed: ,,, /?�/ ` .. •d B. L. RUPPLRT ,e ` {'LD"o`. .UIR': E%1'UR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I ' : ' . ". t I f . .,• :• . o'o r . a • • 0 , .'p • •:, •'"r : •.• • . e o.. • •,q. .• o o u • • • . P,: • •.• , • :i!..r •''. • • •'o inecorrect.number bf a .building on' Lot Na. : 11 , 'Block Nq ` : 1;:.,;.`:° ' ' • ' ':Beat Z. See's Edendale Addition i, should be designated as .2008 Dayton Ave. N. E• I :R . HUTC 1 NSON . -----_ � ' 1 0 2 3 8 1 5 T H 5 E Per City Ordinance No. •_ 2441 : `: . RENTON! WA ! . 98055 _ _ \ ��j Si ;led: ` /J �'• ®' �:�p. ' __ _- 9... . B. [..., hi: '-' 'iT� .IJG. U1.RLOR 1 • BP Careful tO Preserve this Certificate • '.te cor.re.t number of a building qn Lot No, .:" .. ::12 , Block-ha. . LI 1 - -- --. - - Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition - ; should :be designated as: : 2012:_ `.. . ton AVenne N R0GE R W'. T U C K.E R `:' 2��� i' 102;30 11�� TH SE � 'P rCit Ordinance o e �,:,� R•E N.T O..N. A • . . 9805.5 .. .. - . . Signed . f - . B. L, RIP.' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Pi? Ca: u i to Prsservc_ this Ce. t.i l'it.a'f L :crcect number, of a building on Lot: No. 13 , B1or..k 11o. ,:_1- —_-'. --- Bert L. See's Edendale Addition : should be desionat'' as: , : 2100_; .__-- -_ - . Dayton Avenue N. .E. _ J• VELICK Pe!• ':ita '�r1it��Clc:: "�:) — __ -. 0 2 2 4 115TH SE _-. _-__ 4!47: - _ -_. iENTON • WA �_ i%,, . L. RLt 'r Bl-�JC. DIRECTOR.., . " . . . ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i':he correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 • _, Block No. 1 _1 Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition ; should be designated as:. • 210.4 _ I Dayton Avenue N. E. D1 0 2 2 0 POTTER 1 . 5 T H SE , Per, City Ordinance No. ' - . RENTO WA N ; 77 98055 ��� . 45; • Signed: ..' B. TL, RU E - , BLDG. DIRECTOR. , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t i The correct number o `l a building on Lot No. 15 , Block !'o. 1 ___ Bert Z. See's� Edendale Addition ; should be designated as 2108y. Dayton Avenue N, E.: L. BECKSTROM Per City Ordinance No.. °���� _ 10212 11 HT SE ,� RENT 0 N '! W-AF___„____-7 i- 9 8 0 55 Si ned: . __. B. L. FL'P, AT y. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r • •• • The correct number orf a building on Lot No. 16 ; Block No. 1' -.l '; - Bert L. See's Edendale Addition • ' • should be designated as 2112 --_ Dayton Avenue N. E.B REYNOL;DS • '_ 0202 11 :5TH SE Per City Ordinance Na. 24 47 - EP7 0 �1 WA 8 (ls5 /� y Signed: G.>."� �.,,�r-';,f71 — . , B. L. it 'PPERT Lac;', DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. 2 ,; i ' • Bert Z. . ee's Edendale Addition . ; should be designated as::.' '2113. - Dayton Avenue N; E. ...2 0 •5 5 E Per City Ordinance No,: oe441 • 1003 115TH 5E '? EPdT ON W' A gQ . B055 d . Be Careful TO Preserve this Certif'icate 1 correct numbqr of a building gn Lot No, := . •2 Block No. _ ..., '. 2 ,,........c. - : ,•:.:- .-, -. Bert Z. . See's' .Edendale 'Addition, '-:--,• ' ,. . ;...,should be: designated as: 2169" , ..,.. .., ‘:. ::-,i-,,,.,'•.• . ':', ‘.. " [-:• ..,"•,.',, ..•::..; --,•-`,.-.2.,,, .,:• • :• . :'• Dayton Ay_e. .N.. E.: ': , ,,..„-, w. ; L L. 1, s :',...sp A R I3 0 W ' -- . .,''-.--,,'', .,‘, ,...,!"...-:.,',,-,: : • ‘ ; .,-, ,..,, ;- ' ,....-;',, , ' • : ' :k447?::,-: :-_,-::-...;:,:. ' i 02 1:5 • ', ', 1.,`5 T 14- : S E ''' :- :, :-::. 'Per City Ordinance No„:,,•,-, RENTCN 98055 " • ‘------"A) ,- ' . - I ' :1:- ' '''' ; " ----"-- '' : • . F. L Rirr59'... , BLDG, DIRECTOR . , • Be Ca-cful itc Prfservc, this Certifical:a 1 „ " : to correct number of a building on Lot: No, 3 • , Block No. : - 2__: Bert 'Z.fiee's Edendale Addition ; should be desionatee as 2105 , i• • , ],r- 1 . Daytgn Ave. N. E. • . ... . '.. , ' . .:: . R BURKE . iu ' • •.2447-7 10217 115TH; SE , Per 1::it:/ iirclill"cc• '3' , , RENTON( . - WA . , - . • ' -, .,, : .).-:•---- ' : ''..." •'• ''''' . ; :'•'-' ,,, .' 98055 . ' _C. l' il.., 47 , , • ' i i • - Signed:. (.;fr• ___ . , __ _________. . -,; _:_,____:_r_.. L., FL 1- ''' , B.L.D '•., Dir.ECT5r.::!'... . : • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 14 . . . . .. . osocio . !41. . . . . . 000'0000 . .. . . .9006000 . O'SP'• OOOOO ..4. 0400 OOOOO 0 O y,.00 '0 .!:,,• 00, 41elpOly . . , . S. correct numbr c-f a building on Lot No. : 4 , Block No, !, :' ‘ . 2 Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition ; should be designated as : ' 101 Dayton Ave. N. E. G NEWTON 10225 115 " H SE • . :: Per City Ordinance No., : _RENT ON WA : 1 9 80 5 5 , .. , — , Signed; B. L„ RUPTLt, BLDG. -i-rftECTOR —7- , Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate . . i . 1 • . . .4, . 4 • • 0 • • OO • OOO ••• . -!.e. correct nuraber of a building on Lot No.. Block No. , Bert ;Z. See's Edendale Addition 2013 , 1 I should be designated as: T------ NS ON ..- . . ' : .Daytop Aven_u_eN_•i1;',..._. - G HANK I : ' ... :. ' : •,.. it 10233 115TH SE i ..',, rer City Ordinance No. 2447RENTON WA 1 : 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP , , 3LBG. DIRECTOR 1 ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 900“. • OOOO ip OOOOO . • 00 • 0 I 9 9 • a OOOOOOOOOO 9 • o OOO • • • • •‘ • • • •• • • • • 00 • • • OOOOOOOOO •00..,• • •:• • ,. . ? ,i le correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block 'A. • , • .. Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition should be designated as; 2069 [ Dayton Avenue N. E. E BURR I I- • ''" ' • • ' ' 10239 115TH SE 1 N ! Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RE TON • 1 - 98055 ' \ I Signed: in B. L. RUPPERT, ..3.L DC':.,, DIRECTOR- •. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate --,.. .'„ .:. !,. , „..,,,.. . .,,,:..:. ...:-..- ,00:9:4• f it.: 11,11;.OO:0 O 11 ... 0,0'0 .; 04104.-, OOOO: o 804'• oo.609 ;f1ff.11,,se,o 4.. . . s'O'f, ' ::,..,rtect numbe:r of a buil ding on Lot No. 7 , lock No. 2• . :'":' , .,.,. ., . _ Bert Z. See's Edendale Addition • ; should be designated as: ,•2005 • .... n ; , :4 5 11 '15TH • SE Per• C, Dayton Avenue INI. E. G SUXTON • ' , . , i / 02 ty. Ordinance No, 2447 4 Signed: . op DTITEC;ZR-- . , . - - . : ' . • . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .,.' ". : •: .f Ize correct :umber 'f a building on:Lot No. 8 • , 81 c) .. , e t ,GZ. See'`s...Edendale Addition shaul be, designated arS,,,;: : 2001 : z . Dayton Ave.. "N :.E.:''-''°:;- .5'�' A F F , >a d.• I+l •�" f o :Pe„^<;:Ct or irarce o. ,.r R'. E P. 0' T N. � 8 0 5 5 ' a Si ned• " . 6„ L, .R!O. BLDG. :DIRE!CTOI Pe Ca ,,I.al to Preserve v.. this Ce. t;i'f ica'I;, he :or•','ect number cif' a hu i.l di ng on L.o1: ,•,,o. 1 _ ---- --- --- , 6ior k Mo: ----_ , _1____` _::.�I—�_ _ _ .. resto View Addition should be desio,ao'.1 'as 1533 --_ _ - Kennewick Ave. : E: L. F 10803 . 1 9TH: PL'_ SE Per Cit.,/ Ord nanc:r: �l.a. ' ?4.4'7 ._.._ _ d:'. L- RUr rsl_D: )IPECT()2" Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : .:.: . :'. . ::'r1:. . .,:._: • •,. . . :.• .:; . . • .. .:. ;. :;<: •'• : ... ,:. • • • h:� correct number f a .building on Lot.Noo ' 2 , .Block ldc. 1 ' .: ,:`:, resto View Addition. ` - • :should be designated as:, _"; ”25. Kennewick 'Ave, N.. .E. } < .• H GAIIB N 1 0 8 1 5 0 9 T H P L SE Per City Ordinance No• • 2 447 REN TON. : . W'Q ` 98055 Signed: 2 B• L• RU E , BLDG• OIFtECTOR'. : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • • . . _ , :.:•• •. • .. . . . .,:.`. 1 he -correct number. of a' building on ;Lot t,o• 3 _,' Block P•Io r ' ' .• • 1 - i ' - • Cresto View Addition should be designated ;as: •�150.9 __. ' ' ,.- ' . 'Kennewick Ave. N. E: - j . ' 1 0 8 2 1 1 .0 9 T H'.'' P L' S E : '.;'.Per City Ordinance No.. 244' _____ R. ENTON WA • 98055 '; . , Signed' _ • Br 1..., RUP ' , 'JLDC,i, L'IRE7TO;{ ..' Be Careful to Preserve, this Certificate ' . , e correct number' of a building on:Lot No. 4, bBlock No.: ' 1 ' .'r : ` :. _ , " 1 - n View Addition ; should be designated as 1433 .. _ Kennewic ck- Ave• E N. : 10827 1' A' 9 H PL SE' Per City Ordinance Na_ l bJ A . . a " i -. �.�� Signed: ! ;1; . B. L. RUPPERT, 6L DIRECTOR: .. BeSt•Car ful Preserve' this- Certificate le' correct' number .,f. a building on Lot No ' 5 : , Block No..:. .' .,1'`:2-'•..'; ; ' . '' ' -sto`':View Addition ; should' be designated.'as, 1`425 • D L K - • Kennewick Ave. N. E. R. ALL ,. O� .. : . ':;.Per City Ordinance. No:' ^ '". � ��• � l - • 2 0 A 0 9T.H' p � SE 9 Signed: . r . )v ¢a 1� , ,'... B. L. R 'i-l%•'i/;iJL[, . DtRE1 ,Ok� Be Careful' to' Preserve this ra. ertifiir,ate'• :he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No• 1' : Cresto View. Addition_ should. be designated as: 1417: ..•fir ., :. i Y-r-- :. Kennewick AVe: D W S c •H,M I TT rdinance o: . PerCit _.. 10837 ' 10. , TH -.=:P.'L - SE ' Y4 • . .:RENTON - ;VA'.,, _ - • . . 81.0 4 _- _. .. ." . , Signed 0, . — B. L, 'Rl r�'.' .. , BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Re.La,v.ful to P r?serve this Ceti'f i ca ho orrect number .of a building on i.oi No 7 _ Mock Ho• _�� :_... �._.....___ Cesto View Addition - should be des ia„alefl.. as: 1.800 -'-- N. E. 14th St. - PI F DALRY Per :.117 Ord i t %inc:t: �:7. 10826 SE ' 110TH, . .: ----_., - - RENTON W.:A 98055. �� .gned: _ __ ----- Be Careful tp Preserve this Certificate . ira correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No: ?. ' . Cresto View '/ddition____ ; should be designated ,as :_ 1532. Kennewick Ave. N F. GUY F R E D R i C K S o N { . Per City Ordinance No. 9,A,� 10802 109TH . SE' . .�, RENT ,OAI 4� A , 9805, 5 Signed:. � -, , , ..-T- '--T,- --, - :-----r--• B. RU E ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : . • .. • . . } ' • • • • T • • • . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ... • • •"• • • . • . • :he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , .Block No. 2 w• Cresto View Addition ; should be designated as; 1524 Kennewick Ave. N. E. . : R O W L .E Y C R E S A P Per City Ordinance No. 2441 10806 109'TH P.L SE RENT "ON WA 98055 Sinned: -- . , . _- ----:--,--_r' _g.. L, ROT AT, .3LDG. DIf?fECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on. Lot No.'.: . 3 - ', Block No. . 2 _; Cresto View Addition should be designated as: 1508 Kennewick Ave. N. E. EDWINHIATI . ' • e City Ordinance. i o. 10810 1C9TH SE Pp�---^� — ' REtiTOPj - 4! A � 1 98055 /l Signed: B. L. RJPPLRT., r,LN.. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate. • • . • . . • • • , . . • ., . • .• . .•• • . • • • . . • . . • . • • •..,..• • . • • •,• •,• . . • . . . . • . • • • . • . • • . • • • • . • • • . ile.correct number. pf a. building on' Lot Np. ...4 , Block No. 2•,• : Cresto View Addition should be designated as. 1500 Kennewick Ave. N. E. 10816 109TH PL SE Per City Ordinance 'No. 2441' ' —' • RENTON ' • '4A ' 98055 Signed: B. L. f;IJ ':: )i ��. 0. DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of a building an Lot No.. , 5.. . e.loci. 1 c• 2Y. -- .. _- _.. Cresto View. Addition , ; should be .designated as: : `1424 ` . 'Kennewick Ave.:-N E A K t E L. t f di Per Cit Ordinance P, ,. '1 .0 .8 2 0' S1:0 '9 T H .p'L.';.'S E-' Y, - 98055.. .�� . Signed• B, L, R►fit ,.. , BLDG. nIPECTA • Pie Ca;:e.C;ai to Preserve this. Certificate. i le c.or ect number f0 ".a buiiding on i.ci: „0. 6 _ ___�, Bloc': HO• __ -2_:__.--_-_____ _--- ___._��.__ _Crestn'Vie Addt ion . should he cdeSianatt as: 1_416 _..____.._._ T BREZNIKAR 1 -- _Kennewis,k_Av_e._-N_,E.____,_..._ ___ 1 0 8 3 8 1 0 9 T H PL SE Pei, City t'rdi>,-ir1�:c 1.•� 244" _____L:._._..... ' RENTON 98055 ' Signed: �d: 4 4 %, 1 . . t Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . l' correct number o a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No: 2 ` Cresto View Addition should be designated as : 1402 Kennewick Ave.. N. E. J 8 5 0 I 0 10 8 5 0 10 ;9 T H P.L SE . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 1 - RENTON WA /�- � 98055 Signed: ` �, w B. L. R0 `E _ , BLDG. DIRElT0R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , he correct number o,f a building on Lot I;o: 8 Block No. om ___._._.:.__� ; should be designated as: 1401 - ---- ( PCta View Add_i.tior_ Lincoln Ave. N. Ei.. .. s R V PETT1ER� SON ‘4411 ' I 1 0 9 1 5 1 1 0 T H PL SE _ Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA - 1 , 98055 • Signed; - • —B. L. E',17 .fi. , 3LDG. UIP?EC'1 ,,- • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • . . T , • • . • • s.• • , o T he correct number of a building on Lot No. , 9 , Block No. ' 2 ; (dresto View Addition should be designated as: . 1425 {{ Lincoln Ave. N. E. m OCCUPANT 10837 1. 10TH PL SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 __ RENTON ;d. A . 98055 Signed: r B. L. RUPPLRT, Air.. DIRECTOR Be Careful- to Preserve this Certificate r:. correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 • , 31ock No , 2 _---____• - . 1 Cresto View Addition ; should be designated as 1433 Lincoln Ave. N, E. . R WI. L L 1 'A M S Per City 0rdi nance No. 4.47 108.33 1"'1 OTH PL SE RENTON A 98 .7; 55 Signed _ a, L. RUPP i A GG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of 'a` Dui)ding: on .Lot Np, 11 B:1ock Cresto:: jies,addition should be designated as;*1501,E Lincoln:;Ave:.. �:::',':;��;�'.:.:�:,�'- P ci=. U I. K:,- C - ,r 4 t e f°�P` r na:'r. Ci t e 4 H : .1' � 1 1 P L � - - REN 0 w�A 8055 ' B L. R , , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Re Careful'..to Preserve this _Certi.1 irate { " i,".e correct numL!er of. a huiiding on Lot iiO 12 "1cc':.Ho:. `� - -2. - .. • 'resto View Addition • : should be desiaratec! as:.` 1509 :. Lincoln Ave.. N. E•. . :' : is • 1 0 8 1 5 1 1 0 T H P L S E Per ,ity Ordinance 2 447 98055 : �. 1 Signed: `_ uG�' I. . L. Rhr , F 1 DE DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .. • ri • rrt • • r , •,.'. • f 1 '.•• r . r • . •... . • Pei • i• • ice"• J.'• •,• i'.'• .;, • • ♦ . • .. . • he correct number of a building on Lot Ng. :13. Block. Pao: : j Cresto View Addition . ; should be designated- as: ;.1517 -� - Lincoln Avenue Northeast : E w'o o T E N Per Cit Ordinance No.. 244/ 1.0811 110TH PL SE 9. 8055 Signed: s024 B. I.. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to: Preserve this Certificate r correct number of a buildirig on lot No. 14 ,• Block No. 2. Cresto View Addition ; should be designated :as ✓! 1:525 • Lincoln- Aye. N, E, _- M. J 0 05 R0TH Per City Ordinance No: 8 11 P.L :..SE . 9'8 0.5 5 Signed _ _ B. L. RUP T; oLG^. DI'RECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . r r the correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 Blpck No. ' 3 , Cresto View Addition ; should be designated as: '.1516 • Lincoln Ave, N. E T fNYERS . 1 - a. 1 0 812 i S E PL 0TH 1 P r City Ordinance No. � '°�7 • 1 - } Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, .BLDO. DIRECTOR '• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate "he: correct number of a building on: Lot No 4 , Block No Cresto View Addition should be designated as: .14321 • Lincoln Ave. N. E : 1 0 8 2.4: 1. 1 0 .T H: P L. ' S E Per •City Ordinance No.. REN.TO.N ;W.,A g'80 .55..' - Signed B. L., RUPP717. D1RE%.IOR Sc Car ef ul: to .Preserve. this :Certificate..:: 5 Block NO.:, • 3 .•,.umber, *Q ,,.a building on Lot Np, y ��e correct rectt riu • C esto View Addition ,• . . ; should be 'designated as: 1424: • Lincoln Ave:`ri�N`.: • C. �r•". e k - yr,. •�' Ordinance P.o�4 - ,. , - . . . - ,{>��::� .Per•Ci t - - H;0 0 .8 3 0. .. 1,. ... 1 1 , E NT•ON - .,. 6, , .Rt r' BLDG.: DIRECTOR• :. .. Re Ca,efUl to`r'r serve: this Certi f'ic:al;; hecor••,sect number 91 a building on k.oi: 6 61ock Cresto View Addition ; should 'be designated as :1416 • , - Lincoln Ave. N E. . .=�: ` . ; •-:----..-�-- M' O:iR 1 SE.TTE R10E'N83TO6:Nf'1'1OT. H P •P ' • , • L RU , ;;'I'aE';iTU2 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • : 3 BlockNo: :. . 3 'ha correct number 9f a building on Lot No, -r- Cresto View Addition ; Should be designated as 1402 Lincoln Ave. N. E. REV : D ' . EMBERG 1 0 8 4 2 1 1 0 T H P L SE _ Per City Ordinance No. , 2447 9. 8 0S 5 `. • ' 1 Signed: i B. L. RU ,. BLDG::DIDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct' number at a building on Lot No. Block .rlo, _ 210 { Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No, 4 ;.'should .be designated':as: . ' 11525 • ' Edmonds .Ave. -N. •E. ' A PLA .TIS / 080.3 ' 1116TH SE.• : : ' Per City Ordinance P'No. � � RENTON . WA Sinned:. _�: : B. L. RUP, Liz• ",DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve tins Certificate Tile' correct number of a building on Lot No. _,. Block• ";n• _ 210 ; ; Lake W shington Garden of Eden. Div: No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1:509 Edmonds Ave. N. E. 1 0 8 2 3 11 T H . SE Per City Ordinance No.'.- 4 4 a c 5 5 Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, :.LD+..„• DIfECTOR... Be Careful- to Preserve this Certificate T:lo correct number of a building on: Lot No• : - 3l ock No. 210.:' '' Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No• 4 ; should be:designated as:` :1433' Edmonds Ave. N: E: ' • BAI :TH PLATIS : `: 1 0 8 3 3 1 1 6 T H SE •. Per City 0rdi~rrance No• . g447 -- - 1 Signed ,-� B. L• RUPP . • i,r^3?DO.•. D1 REL OR -Be Careful to Preserve. this. Certificate correct:number of 4 building on"Lot No;::: 9 Lakes Washington Garden of Eden Division``No : 4: ; should be:designated as:,•• 1425 Edmonds..Aye .:N. E '. • R HARR _l Per City Ordinance .�!o: , .:. 244? 10843 115 .TH.. SE .;�:. R.ENTON WA : 9. 8055 .• . . : • - Signed: . . . • 6. L• R14P,• , .,. BLDG.: nIRECTOR ReCa"•efui to Pre.serve this Certificate• The cor'r�ect numberBlocfi or a building, on Let , Lake Washi ngto Garden of• Eden Division No: 4 l �d as::. should be designated •�-r__� Edmonds Ave. N. E. `��:q� f OCCUPANT Pei• „if/ ortiit.lance 1.,!3 10933 116TH SE . . ... _.�... RENTON signed: !.. .L: RI, , 'BLDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate . • • - - ,• • 0 0 ',.+ . . , ..0 . •... ...• :.. , •.•.1..: ; • . • • ... •:;:; ,. •.. • • • • • The correct number of a building on Lot .f o. , Block No. 21Q: .: • Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No• 4 ;.. should be designated as ; 1001 Edmonds Ave. 'N.. E. , . GEORGE RUSK 11029 116TH : SE Per• City Ordinance io. 98055 Signed: B• .L. RU BLDG, DIRECTOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. correct nu mbe of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 211 Lake Washi 'ton Garden of Eden.Division No. 4 ;" should be designated as: i '1317 Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. p4,47 I 11001 116TH:. AV SE - r RENT ON • .• ; WA . ' 98055 • i Signed: B: RUP ,. LOG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate:. Tre correct number of a building on -Lot No. , Block No. 21,1 Lake"Washington .Garden of Eden Division No, 4 ; should be designated aS: 1,.:': 1319 Edmonds Ave. N. E. �_,_•. 0 C C U P�;A Per City Ordinance Na: 24 1 1001 116TH SE �-� RENTO.N . Signed B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ',DIRECT( Be Careful- to Preserve this Certificate . . .-v'• •'-v�::. : .'::'u,,- -.'•. .�:a':'.�:�6'i'�'`i'�':"::r-:J'v i':: .;:.:'.� . i r.:;l..: :', :`Y:;f .. .',:'. . . . . .. •,..'•. ...'. . .,. . ...;.` .. • ::T'• he correct numbe • of a buildingon Lot No:: • • • - number . - ,:clock. No. 211;,. • ;: Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 ; should be designated ,as; • ' { 1301 Edmonds Ave._ N. E. 1 1 0 1 5 1.1 6 T H A v S E Per -C.i ty Ordinance No. 24 7 RE "iro. N sWA I: 9 8 0 5 , Signed: .;+ k— - - B. L. RUPP 12 !OD'. DJREC OR Careful. to .Preserve this .Certificate 1 the correct number of a building on..Lot No.:-' , Bloch. ho• ._ 211i_7_ .� ___ should;be designated:as. ' :1221,' :T. ''''..Lake.t Washington.: farden f Eden' -Division No.' 4 Edmonds:•=:Avenue N N. E. ,,._::.,, 'M - - h 8 L N 0 ....,...... Per<'Ci t Or y. 11.02..1.1 1.16..TH..:. SE.• '� P�,;. R , N� 'Q' .•T N-` <Y� o's'� 5 • . . • . .. , . B. L, R • , , BLDG.' DI RECYOR is Be Careful to.:Preserve 'this Certificate i . • he correct number b•1 'a. building on 'Lot ;,o• . 1ock-•!�!o. _ 213 _•i ___. __ LakeWashington Garden.of Eden Division No. 4 •`. should. be designated as': H.:,.;:22309: 1 N. E, 16th St. E SMfT 1 1 4 1 9 5 E i 0.8 T H Per City Orditlanc:c Na. 44 .._� - - RENTON WA . yy.. - Signed: L• RU , F 1-D(.3.. DIRECTOR:. Be Careful. to.Preserve this Certificate - ;,.'.` / • • ., • • .. •, n•:.• ,•.• �•,.� • . •'• • a • • . • • • •••• • •.••I••': • • • • • • . The correct number of a building on' Lot No. Block: No:. : .:. :'.. . 14. Lake Washington 3arden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: . '2400 • N. E. 16th St. OCCUPANT Per.City Ordinance No. • � . 11416 S1E 108 TH ST ": RENTON: WA' . 98055 : c/ - Signed: �tl% j_.J 9 B. L. RU - BLDG; DIRECTOR J' BeCareful to Preserve: this. Certificate. 2 i-:'' _ . :: f1 . . :;S . . The correct number of a building on Lot' No. : —; Block. No. �` .�__ L ake Washington Garden of Eden Division.No. 4 ;'.should be designated as.::' 2404 _ N. E. 16th St. : ; i' OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance.No. :244 11422 S E' 108 ST RENTONH WA 98055 . . ._.__ _ Signed; --- • B. L. RUP , LD G :DIRECTOR ' Be CarefulPreserve this. Certificate - Ca � to • The correct numbed of a building on Lot No• , 'Block No. •. :21'4 ; • --- Lake Washing;too. Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as 2408 OCCUPANT N, E. 16th St. • • 11428 S E :108 ST Per City Ordinance No: 2447 • RENTON 1 W 98055 ::: : .:- . ., : ' : . , i C l', . 1 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, ts.LDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful- toPreserve 'this' Certificate. . ' :r)r•rer_t: number of: a buildvg on Lot -No. • , Block No. -2.15', •. . ; -ke Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as:'- '.2401 ._.._', N. E. 20th, St, i : C ' EATOU R44 i' 4.2. 3, S E 1.0 .4.T H Per 'City Ordinance No. _ �.0M • cor, Sc Signed B. L. RU PP" i ` LOG. DPREt.iOR : . Be` Careful to Preserve this .Certificate :: .' • 7 iAZO correct number of a building on Lot No. , .Block NG. 215_`. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2317 .,. . -- N. E. 20th St; - BEHERMAN •RE.T'T I:G : P rdi ncei+.0. 1. 4 5 er. City 0 na :2447 _.. 1 1 sE:' .104..TH 48055 ... .. Signed: B, L, go , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Re Ca�•t-ful to. Preserve this Cep=ti f i ca is -he correct number C a building on L.ot: No. ' ` , Block No. 219, Lake Washington arden� of Eden Division No, 4 na -� shQuhd be designated as: 2315 ! N. E. 27th St. — R GITCHEL � _ 1 11409 SE 97TH Par ' '' Ordinance,.. "'o- ---- _.�_ -_.._ RENTON. . , WA 98055 Signed: . th 4 ½'• - . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,. Block No. 219 _ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 should be designated as: 2319 �,.. _._....__. N. E. 27th St. D EADES 244/ , -j 1 1 4 1 5 SE 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No.. RENT. ON Signed: /2' B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a .building on Lot No. _,`Block No.. 219 . • _ _,-Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2323 N. E. 27th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447' # 1141 9 , SE 97TH RENTON kJA . i _ 9 8 0 5 5 - -- ... L Signed: B. L,, R77: ,�°�LL �L`Iki Or-R�-_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number lof a building on Lot No. , Block No. 219 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as; 2401 L . N. E. 27th St. . D A 1 NSWOR.TH 1 1 4 2 1 S E 9 7 T H . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT OBI tii n ` 98055 Signed: i b B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR -, Be Careful -to Preserve this Certificate h,. orrect number. Iof a building on Lot No. , Block No. 220 '. ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden Divis Jn No. 4 ; should be designated. as: 2308 N. E. 27th St. • LEE WAMSLEY 1 1 4 1 4 SE 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN . .c N a _ _ .__ Signed: 'y.. /,?-1,,- B. L. RUPP i, LDG. DIRECIOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ,.te correct timber . f a building on 'lot No:; ,. Block No. 203 _. _ Lake Washington harden of Eden Division No::;4 • ; shquld be designated as: ' , .L2424 '. , , N...£, 27th St: U'P'A. T: .:�'' i Ordinance Pr. t G Y. : sE• - .5 7 M:1 �1' 6 9. T R T N' N. • 9 s o s 5 Signed:`: R• L: Rl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Cat•etul to .P.reservn. this Ce-tif i cai I. • Pie correct number f a building on Lot: No. , 5 No. __ 204_,.. _ should he designated as• 2409 • ,N .E.4_27j.b_at_ _ — --- H PERA,NT l E . !�' 1 1 4 2 9' 9-e-5"S C E V.o Per ::i t;,! !J rd i;'anc r No. _� - ' - =. . RENTON, S•t° 4'tTt� WA � . . 98. 055 �' . .Signed: �. • , L. .RU L:DC.. .DIRECTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,1 . I !. '•}••s.:t.. . .. f . , .• •, T►• . • ••. . • . : •• •••� , " .•.. r . . . . . The correct number of a building on Lot. No, , Block No 204 -' t n a den of Eden Division No.. 4 ; should be designated as: : 2417 N. E-. 27th St, I, L' BAUER 11425 D O Per City Ordinance No. 2447; �' " RENTO 'Et� S. • 91TN WA 98055 . Signed: 2- . RU BLDG, DIRECTOR . Be Careful .to Preserve this.Certificate I; _he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 204 I • Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2609 _ Edmonds Ave, N, E. 9 6 3 1 1 1 6 T H S E Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 ' .. , 98055 Signed: , ; B. . RUP : , . LDG. _ - DIFECTQR' �. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:: , Block No. 204 L. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No, :4 ; should be designated as: 2601 . ' . - Edmonds Ave. N. E. .:. 1 PEERY � 7 1 9 1 Ti 6 T.H SE � r Per City. Ordinance. Na. Z 4 98055 Signed:' . . B. L. .RUPPERT, 4IDG: 'DIRECTOR -` Be Careful- to Preserve this Certificate a Tile' correct number of a building on Lot No: .. :: , , Block No: 205. , Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 :; should be designated as .'2533 Edmonds Ave. N. E. ,,. , 972, 3 1 1 6 T H : 5 E Per' City Ordinance •No. _ 2 �: RENT, N 1.4 A. Signed: �W e a _ B. 'L. RUPP i LfiG. DIRE;C I OR :..' I ': :. ;� . . ; . Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate I t be correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 205 j. . :__ _._� r Lake Washi n ton arden of Eden Division' No•. 4 •. ' ;.. • , 2529 :+ g Gshquld bp designated as: ' . � . ,. EdmondsAve. N. E. , -',--.c OCCUPANT' - " „`r 244 ''� 9725 116TH : AV 5E" :P.er City Ordinance No 7. RENT 0. N : ; ::.- .. :.. . W:A : . .. �•.. r. • . . o 5 . : . Signed: ' T i . , , „ • . L. Ilif , , . BLDG. ..DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this , -Ficate . Ce, fii e correct number :of a'building on Lot No. , Block Ho. , r. T_.� __ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No.. 4 shpuld be desianatec! as: . 2525 Edmonds Ave. N. E. J. . * OCCUPANT . - :/„ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ;T 9727 116 ' AVE '. SE _ REN.TONf WA --`--� 98055 . . . . C ' Signed! ' /: 9' :; .,, . L. .RU� . , F I:DG.. 'DIRECTOR. - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •' . ., r •• .. ...• •p• • } • T ••.,• •..• • • . •,••' .y•••,.•.••;+T i •s • • i• • • • he correct number of a building. on Lot No. , Block No. , 205 Lake Washington parden .of Eden .Division.No. 4 should be designated as; ;;2521. r Edmonds Ave. N.,. E. - 1 OCCUPANT •9727 116 TH AVE S E 2447 Per City Ordinance No. I:': . .. RENTON WA. . . 98055 r } . ., • Signed: • 2- ' .�i. RU LOG: 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. _, Block No.: 205 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 i should be designated as: ; .11'2517 j } Edmonds Ave. N. E. - . i L. PEARSQN 1 �r... i 9 7 37 1 Per City Ordinance No. 4u 1. ,. RENT 0 Pd -�•.:" h�Q...• : j' :.,.'.- : . ; • `. . „ :�.:.1; 9805.5 � _ Signed: .". P . , ,�_.., B. . RUP , LOG. : DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i TT . f f .l• 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 205 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 2509 . ; should be designated �as;. Edmonds Ave.. N. E. Per CityOrdinance No. 9743 11ii6TH SE 244� _ RENT Ord • � � � WA ..,0 9 8'0 5 5� Signed B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. .DIRECTOR • Be Careful- to Preserve this Certificate . • • . . . lio lie correct number of:a building on Lot No. : :' Block No. 2. Lake' Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4 should be designated as 1 ` .2501 Li....,,,,.........._______ Edmonds Ave, N• E:16TH SE Per City Ordinance.NO• 6�' �i O Signed; B. 'L• RUPP i DG. DIRECTOR : Be Careful to_Preserve this Certificate :'' correct timber of a .huilding.on Lot No. Block No. 205__ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 • ; should be designated as: 2424 `~,^ - N E :25 . .. t St. G J'ON E ;r;, h , T H S E er`:City Or ina cE. .o. , 9901 1, 1 - x :R'E N T.O N'' , -� - Signed: f B. L. RI.t' • k. , .BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certi•ficat:e ! 7r,e :nr•roct number of' .a building on Lot i.0. . Block i•:o. __-_eke Washington Garden of Eden DivisionNo. 4 should be .designates! as: • 2420 _:_____W_ ;_-_N. E._ 25th_St. —__: _ _ . ' ,- ! M S T'AVER .;_._ , _ 903 116TH SE. Per ' it:;,� 'Jrd;tlanc.:. "!,). -.. RENT 0 N W A . _.�' ---�Lr ----' -- - 98055 Signed: �,t- '- ,f '' '. - , I__ RUr BLDG.. DIRECTOR __—_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number .of 'a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 205 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2421 . /� N. E. 25th St. J FORRE'STER s. ,,. - 9 9 0 9 11. 6 T H SE Per. City Ordinance No.: -< ,M,/, 7 98055' ' [ .. Signed: ' 2' B. L. RU " , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate P qr P , • � . . .,'. :.. . . . . . . ' he correct number of a building on Lot Flo. Block iklo• 205 ~ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 s should be designated as: 2425 � ----" N. E. 25th St. 1 W KELLY J NIXON . - 244/ 9 9 0 7' 1 '1 6 T H S.E Per City Ordinance No. J R' EN .TON W_A _ 98055 Signed: • _'B. L, RIP- , T, BLDG. DIRECTOR ---, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate P o • is correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. 205 �, _-Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division NNo'.4 :, . should be designated as: 2433 r - : Edmonds Ave. N. E. PETERSON BRAY �`� —" 9 905 1167H SE Per City Ord inance• 1'40. v./ RENT Ord . . WA �' 98055 � Sined: '' /. ,P..w . _�.. _ B. L. RUPPE RT, RLDO.. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate is • • • ••• • .i • o o o • • o.• • • s. • • • . Il o . 1 • s OOOOO•:o • i o • •,• • • • • • • • • • . • P . i • o . • • t Y • • . J ^erect number of a`-building on Lot No. , Block .No. 205 '- Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2417 . w s w 2.- � Ro ;v . _ _ Edmonds Ave. N. E. • 9 91 1 1 1 6 T H S E Per C:i CV Oraina.ncr: rlo. 2447 ' R E Its, i 0, NJ v �, .... �_- • _____ - Signed; _ J�/6�Y / y' ' , .. . , B.- L. RuPP ''. 'i" L[jG. DiREC-IOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate I .. correct 'lumber o a'building on Lot :No.' ., Blockk f o. ; 205 :I • Lake..Washington'G•rden of Eden Division No.. 4 should. be:.designated'as: '2409:- `•-. ";'. .-. = : g nee• . Ed mo�nds Ave';'� N.:N. E. S N E P�er'�.Cit Orafin nE. o ,. r G987i � fi� Hs ,:�; , Y` c - R N N . _ , 9805 1 6, L, . R BLDG.: DIRECTOR , P.e Ca,•kjul to Pr?.ser', :this Cert' f irate . the correct Aumbe,r o ' 'a building on Lol: No. 51ock Wo.• . 205.: Lake Washington Garden. of Eden Division_No, 4 ; .should be desiaraie as: 2410 - : raE � soN I N•_ E24th� .= . . _, • 1 5 1 8 SE' 1 0.o T H .: Per City Ordinance "'o. —2'4= w - • ,. , Signed: / , • 1 -___ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. *he.correct number of a building on Lot:Noo Block No: 205 i . : asa No. 1 should be designated as 2406 • N. E. 24th St.. " ' . PETERSON RENSHA•W ,.. . . ,`: . 1 1 5 1 0 S E' .1 0.0 T H . Per City Ordinance No. 1 } i 98' 0S5 I Signed: ..; :=) . ;1 , t 'I I B. L. -RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve tins Certificate .. i 'he correct number of 'a building on Lot No. . _, Block "•!o'. r. 206` __ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No• 4 5. should 'be'.des ignated ‘as.. .: 2225 , • Edmonds Ave. N. E. . A FISHER.. : _ 244? 1 0 0 1 9 1 1.6 T H . S E : Per City Ordinance No• , RENTON - 'W. Aw J � A 98055_ Signed: - • . • . 7 B P.. L, R • , LOG.- DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' : Block No. ."" 206 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 should be designa.ted :as: .,221,7 - 1 _ . ., . . . Edmonds Ave. N. E. :. 1 . , . ' DAV i D' CA.TO.N --- ---- — = 1 0 0 2 51 1 1.6 T H S E Per City Ordinance. ido. 244,7. I REN T0'N WA 9 8 0 5 5 4.1 = • Signed: ' B. L. RUPPERT, :LDC. :OIRECTOR :: Be:Careful. to Preserve this Certificate • "1 correct numbeir :,o e a building on Lot No. 206 �� "ulock.'No'. ; Lake Was'-ir, -.on Garden of Eder Division No. 4 should be ate ' ._.. ._...,.--- r�r�uld design as: 2209 ,._... _.,..,.�:�: ::..::�; ::::..`�___ •�.�.� Edmonds :Ave. d • . . : ' ' N. E. , 47 1 0 0 3 1 ,sh I .y T H' SE Per City Ordinance No, _:_____L..,_} .G 8. G 55 Signed: ..sr..e;ei 6 1 L.GG. DIRER.;OR • 3 L; Ri►- < .De Careful' to Preserve this. .Certificate `' 1 I 'I rile correct number :!if a building on Lot: No: . y .Block No. : ?061'._:: ' 1...' _: _ _ ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ' , should be designated as: 2408- , + ' :'':" '` N. E. 22nd St' �� � .4" DUK I P o 1 i_5 1. 0 S"-E 10 2 N D .. er C yit Ordinance N • A ,'',',:: : -�`�� I, . r 98055 C I • Signed: _ G. DIRECTOR- , B. L. Rl�if' 3 D , ;' ' . Be Careful .tor. : P esery :: this Certi-ficat4. � , E . i he correct number o f .a building on Lol`.':No _- , Block NO. 206 _ -_ I l' .-,...___ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division NO. 4 ; should be desiana-ted as:� 2404':` :: :_ f : NNE. 2nd St. ___! - D BURL E. SIQNI: ER.44if ,k _ 11502 S. E. 1,10 2 N D. : Per t:ii:/ 'irdinance. f.o 1,, - 1. ' RENTON r WA : r' ' ` _ YI�{`r �� j i a i _ .• _ Signed: .1 . L. Rli �: , B[. D . DIR, CTO[t I • E 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ; `le correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. 217' ,': i. 1 , ' . : . Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4 should be designated as 23241 N. E. 22nd St ,,. 1 .. p L . BLACK Per City Ordinance No. 2 47.:: 1. 14. 10 SE14 102ND . . RENTQN .WA r � : . I Signed: s024 :I , B. L. Rll , BLDG. DIRECTOR `:'1 Be Careful to: Preserve this Certificate ' 1 •.••.•.• :•••.•... . , . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . • . • . . . . Si. :. . . . . . . : •.. . . . . . F,he. correct number of a building .on Lot No. __ Block.No. 217 ':ff _. Lake Washington Garden. of Eden Div. No• 4 ; should be.designated as: 2328 a . N. E. 22nd St. • R 'WEEf1OFF JOHANSENi T—'• 1 1 A 1 6 ;5 .E - i 0 2.N D Per. City Ordinance .No• 41� � , RENTON ,.:.�:. 9 8 0 5 5� Signed: __ i ::.B. L, R , t: T, uLDG;.. CIREar TOR .« .j:_.. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificated• L , 'Alt correct number of a building on Lot No. Block"No• 217• : i. _ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No• 4 ; should be designated as.;' '2400j J B _. 4 i _NV E. .2 d S t 0 Y 0 S T 0 i1 Per City.Ordinance ii1a. 7 ,': i 'i42. 4 SE. . .02ND Y � ; REN.TON I WA 9 8' 0 5 5 Signed ' - --- - : B: L. iUPPPERT CLDG. DIRECTOR T'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ., . ,;' °;e �Orrectnumber of .a building o 208 On Lot No: , Block. No.. '',,,,.. , Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div,• No. 4 should be deslgnated as ' 2409 ' ' r 7 N. E. 20th St:.. . H ` 5 LA "TE.R i i1. '' .. -•. Per City Ordinance No... i 1 5 0 � . 5 E` 1 0 4 T 'N : ���€ REPt 'i O N 1 , W A ., 'I 98055' - Signed: _ I,,1 f. . . ' .. B. L. RUPFP i EDG. DrRE:e;OF- . 1 .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .°' �, ' 1 1 I 1 j I ' the correct number' ofa'bbuilding on Lot No. Bloc' NO:: 208 . :. : ..' :_ . Lake Washington Garden of Eden•No;.-4:.: - . . - ;:-should be designated as- �241T . 20th S : .8 MCMAH' i .L.L.` :' - • . a 1. 1526 S.E= '._i 0 4 T H' Per City Ordinance No• ,,. . ; RENTON. W.A 98055 4--- � Signed: _ ' , B. 1L. Rl.P - , ,' BLDG, DIRECTOR T- , Be Careful to .P'r.serve• this i ert.i t'icat,e f, he correct' numt.er oF' d'building on:Lot: 'No. ,..Block f:o. 'I Lake Washington Garden of. Eden Division No. 4 should be desiaria ed as i '2425, ! _ - N. E. 20th' St, .. _ --. C: GREEN. -- - =---- --- --- Ordinance Ma. Per . 11525 . S E 1 0 4T H . . ::ii./ . _24.�`�' � I__ ' 98055 Signed: (''lie 1 -. # _.._ .• - - ,{I. L_. - _ -_-'-_'-� .. RUQr , !;l-D0.- v1PE Trif 'iJ Be:.',Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1, he correct number of 'a ;building on Lot No. , Block No. ` 208 ° Lake Washington Garden of. Eden Division No. 4 ; should 'be designated as : ' _ �:�'1917. - Edmonds Ave.. N. E. TH0MA5 DE1 GRAFF i 0 4.0 9 i i. 6IT H :.S E Per City Ordinance No. 2 i 7 . , RE.NTON WA Signed: 24 - , — - B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' f I he correct number.- of a I!building on Lot No• - - Block flo. ' _20$ Ia_ ke_ Washingtan ,arrnf_Eden Diy_s-ion N4. 4 should be designated as: . 1901. ' - Edmonds Ave. N. E. I. T R EDwARD 'IS • Per CityOrdinance No• 24 °7;,. ' 'SE i,: , :' ' ° ". ;H :..';.. 9ao . ------. --, •-- --- -- B. L. R P: AT i 3LL`�� GIPrCTQR Be Careful to Preserve' this Certificate: ♦ + • r he correct number of, a '[building on Lot 'No ; Block No• 208 _�` '; I Y; Lake Washi__-_gton Garden of Eden• Division No. 4 ; should be designated' as : '.,1825 I , - k Edmonds Ave: N. E. N E L S J A L AiS.PIIA . 11. .'• Per. CityOrdinance No. 2447 '. f —. Y0427' Y16T!H SE RENT ON '1 WA is 98055 Signed: - -- --- B. L. RUPPERT, P LDC> DIRECTOR 77 i. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate: id correct 'number. of a building on Lot No. , Block NO. 208 ` ..- , ; Lake-Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as; 2430' N. E. l8th St, - .: DAMES". ' GQ S'PiER. . _ . Y. 1,4 58 - S_ E 0 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. 4.44, REN T_ON W..A I . ..I Signed: _ •fir _..._. - -_: 8.-L. k rTr 1 if;�GG. DI.RV,::;OR-- L :. Be Careful to Preserve :this Certificate ` . . ., : . 1 f I1 I IIi I 1 . ' 208 t lt corre :lumber ci ofi� a building on Lot No; , Block Po• -- --.�:,:!. -- - Like Washington ,;Garden of Eden No• 4 ; should. be dessgnated as: 2424" W A ° 4C ► N S -� N. E. 8 t'h--g-rem:- . ;I -er•. City Ordinance Pir 1 1 1 4 5 2 SE. � "2 016.T H ,/ . �. - ���4•� RENTON I WA ' -- ,( , 9. 5055 � Signed: I 1 B. L, R[ BLDG. DIRECTOR^ -. , =-': ..;. Careful to Preserve:this Certificate 1 he correct number of,.a building on L-01: i:io. , Block No: 208, • .1 i :• ' Lake Washington.Garden of Eden No 4 = `, 2420 - • should be :desias�atr:�i as:: • - .., , ._. N E_.-J.8_th_.S.t�____.L-L _- --- 1 1 4 4 6 SE . 1 :o.6T H 1 . Per City Ordinance No. -_24, i-• `'` - ' :RENT, ON ' WA ; y Signed: UGC ,, ,' , ' { : L. RU . . ',' BLDG_ DIRECTOR'R' . -�^ - , II . Be careful`to Preserve this Certificate I he correct number of a building- on Lot No , Block No 208, 'i .E , • Lake Washington •Garden of Eden No• 4 ; should be designated as ';2416 fi I N. E. 18th St:. 1::_{' _.. J . BAXTER , 1 1 4 4 0 SE 1 0 6• T H' Per City Ordinance No. 2447I . RE.NTQN' :WA, i . 5 . 1. 1 9 8 0 s Signed: �l� ;,: - . •... 3cD �RE :1 R I .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ii. 1. � } 1, • • . . • i • • p • •.•.• t • • .• • • • • . • • • . • • • • • •.• .. . • • •.•0 •.• • • i • II he correct nu•nber of a building on Lot No• , Block" '!o. 1 208 '.r .:! Lake Washington Garden of EdenNo. 4designated g � ; should be as: � .:; 172a Edmonds Ave : N. E. , i .1. S RUPP.ERTj I 1 0 6 1 5 1 1 6'T H S E - 4 - Per City Ordinance No. : J RENTON... I W-A % j . 0 j. 98055 I, .. . Signed: .: i 1 1 :} - B. L. RUP , yI_D!�. DIRECTOR� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, • I} , he correct number of;a building on Lot.No. , Block No• '2 09.,! Lake Washington '.'(Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as; ;1 1717 Edmonds Ave . N. E. , . W . CLEAR. ; '. . 244 1 0 6 1 9 1 Y 6 T H •S. E - Per City Ordinance No. • ,, .1 i • R ENT ON - A - 9.805.5�. Signed: ,;1 F . B. L. RUPPERT 8LD0. DIRECTOR: ;Be Careful :to..Preserve this Certificate , • ►w:•r,•;wC• •,•.i i".`.••-i'.r•�w•'r•'.;.. .• c• ;'r';:•,► •'r:,•"•:.i' �.iv• �'.ir'.iy'i.•..i P i .-.:..,..,:,. .:.,. s , , "L•.,.r i"• .`•.1 .,• • • • • •r • •I:'•'• .....'. . . e correct number o�f+a building on Lot NO.' ;_ Block No 209::: .',: I • ;. .: L_ke Washington (Garden of Eden: Div. No . 4 ; should. be. designated, as: 17_O!9-I • Ave. Edmonds A N. ,E.: I'i .I 6 per.City Ordinance No. .4 7': I 1:Q62I 1Z 6 _j.H . 5E I 1 98055 Signed: . 1 ' • - - i - B. L. RUPP - i LDG. DIRE►;i OR : .. .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate: 1 Il The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No, ' , 209. : Lake Washi'n -t„ Garden . of Eden Div. Not, •4' ` 1633 , g on 1 , should-. bp designated' as , . 'Edmond vQ. -:N.=�. E ,r' l R, 'l, -7. -: �•'.,' : ry-.:, Y cm r, l S..T. _ : - t P �n n`r. : i t r � nc.d a .o ,,,. a i,.. 'Z:O 6;2 9 1 ,1:-b T H 'S.E _ �. Y' Q � :�..`, . ;R E TO w Y:. 8 ` � __ Ssi rred: � I• B. . irk BCDG; DIRECTOR- Be Careful to Pi?^serve this Cr tific:aVe: ' ' i .: f i`he.corr,ec .numbersN0. a.F:-: to•F a building on Lot NO. , B i oc% N0. 249',!.,,,,' - Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div• No. 4 :, should be 4esignate, s .•:1f.25 _ 0 . w 1 N �C H E s T E R j' Edmonds Avenue N,:' g ..{_ - '. 1:0 6.3 1 1 1 6.T H' S E Per City Ordinance !o, 244 i• '1 . R E N T.O,�f. . ,..- "-i . J ' - 98055: , t - a r _ ._ ._ Signed: ' : I. L. RI) Bi.p,-..:DIRECT0R :; :. Be Careful to Preserve this: Certificate ::,. 1z correct number,' of a building on Lot No• ,. Block No. ;�` ''' Lake Washington Garden of :Eden Div. Rio, 4 —_�___; should be designated as: ` `1;609 I Edmonds Avenue N. E. ; . w .' GEBEN I M1i ! I r 1.O 6 3'9" 1 . Per City Ordinance No. 1 6 T.HS E Y I ' RENTON. G WA I 4 F !I c-7 - ; I . I 98055 Signed: — _ —8 1. E BLDG, DIRECTOR, , , areful tQ Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a. building on Lot No. �_, Block 'Mo. 209!_ ; `' is Lake Washington Garden-of Eden Div. No. 4 ; should be designated as,: 11, :16'31 I Avenue N. E. , :r Edmonds' - V:' , iST � : - !- I ;'. :p: 1 0 6 2 7 1 1-6 T H S E Per. City. Ordinance No, " '!" i.. c�. ENTON WA _ . - 1 Signed: I' • B. U , 'L G. IRCGTOR Be Careful ,to Preserve this Certificate .' : : ' ;, j •.. • f fire correct numbeiriof .a building.on Lot No. , Block No. : ' 2p9.' :.' :; Lake. Washin ton Garden of Eden Div N'. 4 T 4 ' g e should be designate as; ''�'2416 - T a' N. E . 16th- St,. . ., Pat; E � 1 1 4 3 0 SE ''i 1 0 8 T H Per City Ordinance -No, ' �47 is _•.; • ENT o:N ,f . W :A_ • 98055 !' : Signed: _ s'• L. "fi.Pl'LR L D.,o, DIRECTOR. L ' Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate: „;- _ •'s"1. "rs• .o►'i i s..i•.. ..6 ..`i• ., .s i r e • .• s'• •:f •'r l . o',j •', .•. •.,, Y!', ? • ,,., . 1 } } .'• •r.. 1 Ii'C correct of correct on Lot No. , .Block N . • 221 `,a I f��e Washin ton Garden of Eden Div. No, 4' ' '` " should be designated as ' ';''22.21 . H. L E v �. . i` N• E. �8th St,__ ;. 1 1.2 5 3 S E 9 6 T H per City Ordinance No, 2447 : 1 B, LA t L i''E ,i t GG. . DIIRLI iOR' ,1- ., :: Ge. Careful to Preserve 'this. Certificate. : • i I , Twee correct number of a building on Lot No. - Block. NO; :- 221j•'. 1 •. ' Lake Washington,,:Garden of Eden No. �'.. -;' `.,`..'•p should be- .desi n�teJ as: ��� � ;; ' C' 2225 t :. f �� -~ '1 9 E'. i Per City Ordinance Mo• 1. I i.2 5.5 S E 6 T H ' �- .:�;.:.'. ' : . - RENTO`N i WA I 9SOS5 j Signed: I. ;...1'. . :.::,I • Ch1 , B. Rom_ 31p DIRECTOR c., Be .Careful to Preserve•. this Cert i.Fi crate :' - 11, File correct number of a building on 'Lair. No: Block Ho, f Lake Washington. Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 { ould be desianat: as:.'TTI&iiII N. E. 28th St . !I HENACHER � T '7'-' 1 1 4 0 5 SE 96T H. Per City. Ordinance Mo 7 1 ,[_,i REN TO`t W A' 98055 � I' ‘ , Signed: th , ,,'.;I ' : , _ _ . , , .31. DI' ECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number Of a building on. Lot No. , Block No. 221 - 1:. 1 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div;: No• ;4 • ; should be designated as: '.2305 .. 1 N. E• 28th St. ;iL 0 BRAOBU.' R:N "' ,r 1 1 4 1 1 S E' 9 6 T H Per City. Ordinance No. 244� k {' `I.. ! . 98055 C.Si4, }; ned: A% 9 ,, -, f ‘ 1 , , ,. l'. - ' B. L; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be .Careful to Preserve this Certificate {` ''he correct number of a building on Lot No, ` Block No• 221.',. ' ..,-,1` Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: "2 0,0 _ N. E.. 27th Street ' " 1 1 4 0 8 SE 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No• 2447 1 :. ,RENTO.N'i - WA f .., { 1 98055 1 . ._ . Signed: - B. • IWP , , LOG. ,DIRECTOR t Be Careful t4 Preserve this Certificate !: 'ihe correct number of la building on Lot No. ,' Block No. I 2?1. 'i' rr-----,- r-r*-- ----r— Lake Washington.Garden of Eden Division Nq: 4 ; should be designated as.: 2304. . . N. E. 27th Street , . L. ' MATTSON' i . i• .._ L;, 4 Per City Ordinance 'No. 2447 -_.- 11410 SE . °r97TH. R E N T O N 6r' A ; '.. • .41 8 0 5 Signed: �' r! Y_ • B.L iiU1 PLRT•, L.10 ' DI,RECTOR t •. Be Careful to Pres r ' . . I _ .. . eve this Certificate. .�' ! .. ... ... •-• ..;• •.••r'• 'i'i-'i►`'..a'i;::::i'°F•:••-:,i-i'i'i'�.`f ii v'r;�`i'.i�t.•'�. • • • ••'� ..•.• „"• i ,.•♦,► • , : f'• • r •.''�� ',.'. The correct number ,'of la .building on Lot No.: T_ Block No: 222 „;;':I!. :I --T-'- `_ake Washington Garden of Eden Division No• 4 ; should be designated a� 2• �05,4 ,._ _. ._- .m -�:� __.---- -- ,-T--�- N. E. 27th Street 4" F i _ ...� . 1 1 4©7 s : r.':, s T . Per .City .Ordinance No• Signed: o! r .. B. L. Rui1i' itAL.GG. DIRECI OR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate V , I. 1 1 • 1 The correct:number 1 ,o fi a building. on Lot No. ' 181 OCk 1~ 1R Lake Washi.ngt' on Garden of Eden. Div No._'-4. . „ should. be:designated as :.2232.-... . •,4. �E'` t 4Street':h, . �T B 0 �Q - 1 1�2 4 Ren 'C1 d f' t Or i' nc P.o n'5 a E` .r.- 4 4 10; �� f . . H {{ R ,.; ENT I :;I" �„ W . . . 9•.8`0 5 5 i ;'7-• - I. . . Signed: . • - . 6, L, RI Ps r, 1 !BLDG'. • Di!RE,C 0 i7~ EP Ca...ful •to Pr,,servr• t:h?s Cf!r^l:i'l'ica'1::: '•::}...?. "the correct number o1• a building .u1: No. . .'. .I' 1 c ing on i i B1nc Po 22 ,I, Lake .Washington Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 • : should be desias;ated as:223,4 N. E. 24th':Street, :i` L . OCCU PA NT P e� : ,.ia Jrdicianr.c....o: f" • 1 11240 1 2 S E 10 /. 0 TH ST ---- -- = � - RENTON WA : ' 98055 - . . : �._.�._..� - �-� ' • .. / ` i ,.. .f 1 . ! Signed: c 0 ` ' 1' . L RU B,Dr UI?tc1OR.- -____' ,� ... , Be Careful to_ Preserve this Certificate The correct number Of .a building on Lot i•Io. ,. Block No. 223 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4 ` — -- -T--_____- should be. designated :��s '�2308` ' N. E. 24th 'Stnee1 .—-r-- -;-r -- - 1 1 4 2 6 SE 1 '0 0 T H -_ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ;.: , • Signed: I 1 4 B. L: Rti aLDG I RECTOR - ' 1 : .- ' '. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' , : -1-.' r � correct number Of a building on Lot. t: o. Block No. -T:._224. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div, No. 4-' -=�— i '— —__._ ; should be designated as: 2301 I N. E. 24th Street i . PARKER F A D,I 1 L L A -- -"`. ' 1 1 4 1 5 SE 1j o o T H .. . Per City .Ordinance No. . 2447' ., ; . :: Signed: • B. . RUP . , LOG. ' DIRCCTOR. - I ' . Be Careful 'to Preserve this. Certificate ' I .. • ' •..• • • •':1 '• • , :• : .1 °i 'he correct number cif a building on Lot NNo. , Block "le '_ 225 :i . Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 , ; should be designated as• 2226 S WALLER '; {. N. E. Oth St•_ . i 11226 SE1 10- 4TN per City Ordinance No. 2447 !, RENTQ�! WA :-'- -- — I i 98055 . /) 1 Signed N { B. L• ..RUPPERT, 'ADO..`:Q RECTO'R 'Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate _ •. , . • • . . . . . . . . • . ::;. . , . . . . . .':. c correct number ofa E buil ding on Lot' No. ' .. Block' No: ' .I. •• i: 1.. Lake Washington, Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 should be designated as 2233,.: - : C HAgR1. 5` i' N. E. 20th St: i • I 1 1 2 5 5 SE 10 4;T' H Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 I .: 9 055 i. �. • Sig �f 1 Be Careful to Preserve: this 'Certificate ' ' :•I ` rserre ..'. • .•... . . . .. • . . .. I 1 1 • 1 1 i1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block: No. 226 .: `j. `,' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No., 4 T-- -- should•be designated .a 309 ` ~- t tr Q hS eet f• f ! N T U W �S K� { . G A N T W EL-L:'.• . ` •� .,:,.,, -,;. - Pier City 'Or.dinance .Mb. 441 11409 15El • .104TH: RENTO .N ., ; . . WA . 9. 8 0 5 5 ...� i: ,: .. _In ' Signed: IRECTJl� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, i i ` , • • . . . , . • • . • • . • . . . . . : • • • . •.• .• :•: .t.. ••:'• •.• • 'Rte. correct number:.of •3 buildings on Lot: fto. Block IM:o. 226 Li-, I Lake Washington Garden of Eden No•' 4 -, ` � ; .should be desiarrate:; as: -;:L: .:: 1.901; Camas Ave. 'N: E. :` .' V: 8 T R.O.M'B .E R ,F.. G' coP :.it' rJrd = 1 0 4.1.1 '.i '1�.4 T H .::' er i Hance. 44� RENTONi. -•-- I. I ; WA` � .. .. . 4 Signed: - . L.RU i' B1.0G. • DIRECTOR • ' ' ' ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate•. ,: The correct number, of a .building on Lot No V.. , Block No.. 226 'I Lake Washington; Garden of Eden No• ;4 should be designated as:22303 �. N. E. 18th Street _ , ! 11395 5 E • 1 0 b T H Per City Ordinance No•: `4� '' ! : ;• _ ,------ ,—_ WA . .98055 �..— • , I Signed: i0%� ' , .B. L. BU BLDG. .DIRECTOR....77-7 Be;Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . j :. • . ':!: . . . . , The correct number of a building on Lot No.. • ,:.Block o: _ _ • r� 227 . ' Lake WashingtonGarden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 1708 _ p 0 w E — - ,.`-"'"'',.-- ,�-'� Camas Ave: N. E. — -__ -`— ` L L-S 1S Ti A DD . _ ' : ". 10714 114 , AVE SE Per City Ordinance No• 2447' ; , RERETON '•s WA 9 .8055 - Signed: s L: ''I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,1 . . • , The correct number of a', building pn Lot fjo. Block No. . 227 .,::":11 Lake WashingtonGarden of Eden No. :4 i'3 s should be designated as: 1632 P O W ELS 5 A D D N" Camas Ave. N. E. ---- 1 0 7 2 0 1 1. 4 AVE . .5E Per City Ordinance :No. 2447' •;1 � 1 f i- 9805.5 . C .- ..:- _ .. UPPEi�T, . t�LDO.: DIP�... .. . . � . B. L. fig, EGi OR _. , F Be Careful: to Preserve this Certificate.: : {I • • 6'• :i'v•'ter;• :'•-•..•i...i f•.•�:ii • r-i-: • i 4,•'• •'a:. • i,i . . • .,• • • . • . • Yr i"I•,•I• . . • ;The correct number of .a`.building. on Lot, No: Block N I • . . _ . Lake Washington iGarden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1624 : i +. . ; ' •... Camas Ave. N. E. • . . 1 0 7 2 6 14 4 T H A v E S E- Per City Ordinance No. 2447. 1 R, — ,9:8055.f . • Signed: , ' Ri',I. , -: LBO, DIRECTOR OR . B. L. � REC�I , Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate . I ae. c;orrect nimber, 'of a building on Lot No• y Block .NG;• .'Y` .227 + . . _ __ Lake Washington Garden.of Eden Division No. 4. : ; should be. . designated. as ~;16.16 . T Camas. e E. 0WEL.LSA D 01 - 10, N 1 1 0 7 32 1 i'4.T1 H. . AV i - Per. City Ordinance No. -;-.. , •• i I Signed;. 1 • B. L, Rom• . , BLDG: 'OIREC3 - --- Be Careful to Prf;:ser`/!! this Certitfic:at.:e. ;I. i. ,: ;e correct number! of a building on Lot No. , B1ocl: 'Mo. 227: ' ,,$ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division N4. 4 should be designated asa60 '; _. • s::Ave.. N. E. ,; °. i Q 7 38 1 1 4 AVE, SE • Per City Ordinance P'2 2447:_ ', , RENT-ON WA - ;, ;- - - 98055 �` . .,. Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , I '. 2228 ,,: .i, The correct number of la .building on Lot No... - Block No. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4 should be designated as:: 2225 OCCUPANT . N. E.. 16th Street • 1 1 2 5 5'.. 1 0 8 T H Per City No. 2447 ;: : '�SEI Ordinance ' :,. :: RENTON , W'A C _ . 98055. 1 . � . - j Signed: - B. .L. R , BLDG. DIRE;CTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;,.'.� •- r The correct number of a building on Lot;,No. , Block No• .• . 228' ,:_' Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4 ; should be designated as: 23011: N. E. 16th St.' 1rR03 E •`1.018TH- o,ra, w t LToN 1.1403 Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 ';' !:' :' . SE. .' tEN.T0N ;WA 11 ,, ,. 98055 . . :Signed; • . B. . RU'P,-' , , 3LDG• .DI:c?`.:CTO;�- ' Be Careful- to 'Preserve this Certificate , f. The correct number' of a building on Lot No. _ a Block No. :1 .- 229 ' :!, Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No, 4 ; should be designated as: 2224; 7 it. . 6 WILL 1 ;A S. N. E, 12th St. r 244I 1 1 2 2 6 SE 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance 1•No. REN'TON kA i ._ Signed: r i . 1 B. L. 1WP-PLRT,"i3 LDt . DIRECTOR j_ ,.,: Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate:: • • . • :'. . • .. + •,•. . f... . • . ... • • ..: . . • . . . . . ... . ... . •.. , . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . .'. . .". . .I'• . • . . . . • File correct number of-al building on Lot No. Block No. . 229 :..;:_.- Lk Washington Garden of Eden Div: No. 4 ;. should:be designated .as:.• -2300 1 N. E. 12th St. .. GCCUPANT. . . 1 1 40.2. S E •'.1'1 2 T H .. Per City Ordinance No. 2441. RENTO'N • WA Signed: B. L. t'L 'i': .i )LDO D1REr,'�iOR 1 Be Careful to .Preser.ve this Certificate ' Ti-,e correct number of a huilding on Lot No. , Bloch. No. .229_ ,_ _ Lake Washington Garden of Eden No• 4 should be designated as: 2302- ..`� N. E. 12th Street.. � OCCUP'ANT - 1 1 4 0 712/S E 1 1 .2 T H Per Citydinance No. 2447 Signed: s B. L. R(.t', ` , BLDG. _DIRECM Re Ca-efu1 to Preserve. this .Certificate. fh : or,sect number of a huii ing on Lot ,no. . Block No. 229 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 � r-- �- -� �~ __— _._ -._-___------- ----- -- - --- should be desianat: d as: 2308 ` N. E. 12th Street. '� OCCUPANT __ : �_..� 11406 S E 112 TH ST Per ::if:,, Ordinance Mo. 447'., -- RENTON WA 98055 _ __ __- -- Signed: C5,Gr 1 - ---- ---- &. L. RU - F3l.DG, DZR-(:Tt)Z Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate fhe correct (lumber of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 230 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No° 4 should .be designated as: 2�00 _-_ J BURDUL l S r N. E. 12th Street 1 1 2 1 6 SE 1 1 2 T H ' Per City Ordinance No. 1,A47 RENTON ' . WA 98055 . Signed: . 2- B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot Ho. - _, Block No. ° o . 230 ___ Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 s should be designated as: 2208 R BERGMAN - - - N. E. .12th Street 1. 1 2 1 8 SE 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON : . WA - 98055 Signed: - B. RUP . T, LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve . his Certificate • 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 230 • Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No, 4 ; should be designated as: 2216 H C RE A GE R N. E. 12th St. 1 1 2 2 2 SE 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance. No. 2447 r ENT ON WA . - 7 ,a • 98055 .�.. Signed: qi 1 _ B. L. RUPPERT, f>LDG. DIRECTOR r- Be. Careful- to Preserve this Certificate ° • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.. . V °.° • . . • . . . . . • • • a'o • • • • • ° • • • t o • • • • . . • • . • . •.• • • • • • • 1 • • • . e • . •.• ..•.• : •• • a .,• • he correct number of' a building on Lot No. ', Block No. • • 231 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No, 4 should be designated as: 1333 Blaine Ave. N. E. J WINANS , 1 0 8 2 1 1 1 3 T H S E.. Per. City Ordinance No• ¢�4; . - Signed B. L. RUP P- i !DGa DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificata . , 'Toe correct number of a building on Lot Noe ,: Block No. _231 ___ _:_ Lake "Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ', ; should be designated as.:. '''; .1401 ...: BlaineAve. Na V BLANCHARD Per City Ordinance No. 2447. _ R .ENTON ' WA 98055. /f ' Signed: R(r B. L, , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Pe Careful to Preserve this C,erti f icai :, The correct number of a building. on Lot iio. Block No. ____ 231,_____ ._____ ______. Lake Washington. Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ' ; should be designated as: 1409 . Blaine Ave. N. E. . . E ENEIJ: h 1 0 8 1 5. 1 1,3' T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 7' , - Signed:.' C;`�,�' L. RU , 31.D . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 0 . • • . • o • • . 0 m:a • •• •.. . o A • .• • • . . 0: 0000 . p 0. . • . . 0 • 0 0•.•0 o • • •. . a a • • • • a.•.•: • • 0 ,.. . a • • • . o. .0 . • •C •,. a • : a.. • : l The correct number of a building on Lot Noy ' Block No. 231 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ° should be *designated as 1417. — - Blaine Ave. N. E. 10813113TH SE Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 ' , RENTON WA 98055:; Signed: ., ' B. L. RU E - ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . . • • • • • . . • . . . o . . . o o • .'o • o . a .. . . 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 . • . 0 . •• o o •o o0. ..0 • • . • . . • ... • . • • • . • • . • . o • . . •.. 0 • . ... . • • r The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 231 : Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 should be designated as: 1425_ ` Blaine Ave. N.E. 1 E 8 1 C 1 Per City'Ordinance NQo 2447 1081.1 113TH SE . - � RENTON WA — T ': 98055 Signed: B. R !P— , 'LG . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • a • a • • . 0 • 0 . • . • • a a • .I. o . . o . . . . . o . 0 • 0 a o • • . a . . . a.• . . 0 • , o o • • •.• • • o . • • • • o 0 • a 0 0 0• 0 0 0 PO 0 • . . • 0 4, The correct number of a building on. Lot No. , Block No. 231 Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No, 4 ; should be designated as: ' 1501 Blaine Ave. N. E. ' ' D O NA L D 0 E D W A RD S iPer CityOrdinance No. 4 � • 10809 11. 3TH" SE REN.TON WA 9' 8 0 5 5 Signed: gib. T9 :;f_.D:. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate • • • • . •;•'•.r • . . . . • . 0a . ;,q'mo.'o--o.• . .• . ao ..0 . q' o'. .'0'0 . • o •'a • o . . .'. • 4 •,► • . . • ... . • 000..o • 0a.p .. • , 0 • • • . • • • . • • • o • i,e correct number of a building on Lot No _ , Block No. 231 Lake '4ashington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 1400 Blaine Ave. N. E. ' • G GARNETT 10822 1� .13TH SE Per City Ordinance No. ? ?. {% — ' . RENTON ' :WA' : - Signed: B. L0 R"PP i IDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • .e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: . 231 Lake Washing"on Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as•.. 1408. . Blaine Ave. N. E. F • TIBBLES ... 1 0 8.2 0. 1 1 3 T H SE ` Per City Ordinance No• 2447 � .:. . .. . 98055 Signed. f? 4,zy,f,„, RU B. .L. rF.fc 1`' �`2 BLDG• DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ' correct lie . number of a; building on..Lot ��o. .. • '` � ,-Block No. ` '` .. . . , .. . . . - Lake Washington Garden of .Eden No. 4 ..; should be. designated as: 141. 6, Blaine Ave. N. E. PETERSON SMALL Per City Ordinance No. c 2447 o 10818 113TH SE RENTON WA _ - � 9 8 0 5. 5 ae2c____ Signed: • iA5,0,• ?, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0 . . 0 . ..e. . .. . . • . .. • . . . . . . 0 .I . . . . . . . . • . . 0 . . . .O.i he correct numb er of a building on Lot No. . � No. :: ... ... Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1424 * OCCUPANT Blaine Ave. N. E. 1 0 8 1 6 . 1 1 3 TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 24'47. RENTON WA 98055 ' ; Signed: B. L. RUPIs - BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to .Preserve this Certificate .. S. correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.. . 231 . ' g . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No: '4 ; should be designated as: . 1500 ' •� . , Blaine Ave. N. E. L_______________ MCFADDEN 0814 113TH SE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 • ENT ON WA 98'055� Signed: ../,_ B. L, RUPP'E. T4." LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - he correct number .of a building on Lot No. Block No. 231 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . _; should be designated as: 1508 , Blaine Ave. N. E. A. F R I S V O L O 2447 -- 1 0 8 1 2 1 1 3 ,T H s E Per City Ordinance No. . . RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: 4.,.....),, -------.B. L. RU , LDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate te correct. number' of a building on Lot No. Block No, 231 ; Lake Washington Garden. of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1516' Blaine Ave. N. E. PETERS ON. COOK "` 1 0 8 1 0 1 1..3 T H SE Per. City Ordinance No. _ 2447 RENTON WA. 98055 r!� s +... i- B. fit. RUrPL, isy13LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot. No• Block No, 231 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as• 2201 N E. 16th Street B GABRIELSON i 1 1 2 2 1' SE. . 108TH ' Per. City Ordinance No• 2447 Signed: L. kINf:=�; ;, B. T BLD, G• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building ,on Lot No. , Block No• 231 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be designated as 2217 N. E. 16th Street 3 ' J CO8B 1 .1 2 4 5 SE 108TH Per City Ordinance No.. 94A7 .: ENT ON WA 98055 • - Signed: l / RU4DIREOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ...o'•o .• •• ...••.•'..• •S• ... • . . • • . . • e . . • •• •'• • ••a • . . • • • •• .'•• • . . • . • . • . • . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • . to correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 232 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2200 11222RS E 1 108TH Per. City Ordinance No. 24" 6 REN.TO•N WA 98055 Signed: CO B. L. RUP R , BLDG. . DIRECTOR - ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. ; Block No.: 232 Fake Washington Garden 'of Eden No 4, ; should be designated .as: 2208 N. E. 16th St. 1 SOMERSG Per. City Ordinance No. 2447' 11230 SE 108TH RENTON Wp Signed: ,> . B. L, RUPPEkT LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 232 g ; should be designated as: '2216 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No: 4 N. E. 16th St: T BUCHANAN 1. 1 2 3 2 SE 108TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON1. WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: l ':;. • B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. e correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No, ' 232 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be 'designated as: 1625-.' Camas Ave. N. E. GARY' POP .OVICi1 10723 1 1 4 TH AVE SE. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON . WA : . - 98055' . Signed: B, L. RUPP i,ZaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 232 - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: . 1617 _ Camas Ave. N. E. WELL'S A.DD T 1 0 7 3 5er.',City Ordinance No. 2447 • 114TH AVE�AVE. : SE RENTON , 9 $ a s 5 Signed: Z'A%-) LGiiP B. L. Rbr, T, BLDGo DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate.. he correct number oF a building on Lot No. - . Block No: -_ 233 - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be. designated as 1802 Blaine Ave. N. .E. 1 0 5 2 0 1 13'.T H SE Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 WA . • Signed: ' . L., RU BLDG...DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :. 1e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block .No. 233 • Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . should be designated as 1810 Blaine Ave. N. * OCCUPANT 1 0 5 1 4 1 1 3 T H S E Per,City.Ordinance No. 24;4.7 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 2-. em, B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR ::;:_; ; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate te correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.: . 233 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 • ; should be designated as.: 1817 Blaine Ave. N. E. B P E 5 L A N 3 Per CityOrdinance No. � osos i13TH �S E . .2447 RENT ON WA �. - - 98055 Signed: iB. L, RUPP'E11%/OLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate to correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 233: Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 _; should be designated as: : .1833 Blaine Ave. .N. E. A DUNN 1 0 4 2 7 1 1 3 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 244 RENTON WA • 9 s o 5 5 Signed: �'� a� �-.�,< B. L. RUPPERT,rBLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • re correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 233 ; Lake Washington Garden. of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: . 1'909 . r . Blaine Ave. N. E. r�.��� Z 0 4 1 7 1 1'3 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. • Signed: B. L. R�E'Ri1,��L G. DIRECTOR - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • `he correct number of a building on Lot No. : , Block No. ; :233:-'.` : ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: : 1917 ' Blaine Ave, N. E. •B E.R N''A R.D •.H �. A T.T _ 1 0 4 1 1 1'1 3 i' H SE _ • Per City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �� r, B. RUi'k ;:11 , BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. • a S.•• • • o• a • O • • • o • r• • i• Y • • •.e 000 o 110 . 41 • 06 • ... • e • • • • • � • • • • • s •i e V.... tie correct number of a buildinon Lot No. . Block No: . • 233_ ;:- :.. ..;,,,., ,;; .:::_ ' .;. Lake Washington. Garden of Eden No. 4 should_ be designated .as: ,1801.. Blaine Ave. N. E. C L'ATSCH .... Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REt� TaN. wA ------- - - Signed: /Ai', �. RU � , BLDC-.%• DIRECTOR - :.. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate tin correct number of a' building on Lot No. , Block No: 233 .: Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated .as:: 1809 #� H SOREN Blaineve :. N.E. SON 1 0 5 1 1 1.1 3 T H SE - Per City Ordinance No. 2<W, RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /2 , f2 B. L. RUPII RG. DIRECTOR :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -: `::' e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 233 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1818 D o S 1 E R Blaine Ave. N. E. Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: i B. L, RUPP'E. , LDG. DIRECTOR = Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate to correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. 233 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ' ; should be designated as: 1826 Blaine Ave. N. E. H ' SPAETH 1 0 4 3 4 1 1 3- T H SE Per City Ordinance No.. :2447 ' . RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L:—RUPPER <2"BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'e`correct number.of a building on Lot No. Block No. 233 Lake Washi Eton Garden. of Eden No• 4 should be designated as 1900'. Blaine Ave. N. E. STUART DOOLY 1 0 4 2 8 ' 1. 1 3 T H S E Per .City Ordinance No• 21, .r RENTON 98055 Signed: B. L: r [....11- duLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate = • Ile 'correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No::. 233 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . should be designated as: Blaine Ave, N. E. Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 1:.0412 ...,1.13 .TH SE _ 9 8 0 5.5 �.: Signed: � - t..• r>,,r B. L. RLIr, -1, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building .on Lot No. - • , Block No. 233. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ;; should be designated as: . ;201 H O v [_ AND Per CityOrdinance No. 244 11221 SE 104TH RENTON WA f „ Signed. -/f .. D�. . DIRECTOR B Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'le correct number of a building on •Lot No. _, Block No. 233 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as :.`. 2209 .: N. E, 20th St. , R 0 T H 11227 SE 104TH Per City Ordinance No. 2`�4 9805"5 Signed: 2 • B. L. RUPI4 R"/'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lie correct number ofa building on Lot No. Block No. ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. "4 ; should be designated as 2214 " N. E. 20th Street * OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ,; 11. 214 SE 104TH, ,. i R:ENTO, N WA . . 98055. ; .. .. ,. . .• Signed: B. L, RUPPrE. , LDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 234 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4- ; should be designated as: 2216 • N E. '20th Street WN YOUTH 1ER A . i 11216 SE 1 0 4 T N Per City Ordinance No. , . `, REN TON WA 98055 Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR - . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.c.ate re correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No: 234 Lake Washington Garden.of Eden No. 4 ' ` ; should be 'designated as: . .. 2218 N. E. 20th St. . W SLAV ICK 1 1 2 1 8 SE 1 0 4 T H : Per City Ordinance No. r- <<F R,EN"TO. N WA 98055 Signed: ) ,r ,..,rs, B. L. RUPPEITMLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 234 : Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 2.220: • • E• 20th St • W VAUTHIER , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON -11220 SE 1. , WA 98 5; - • - • Signed. _ _./p, B. L. RCif,W/g - , BLDG. DIRECTOR • . - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . le correct number oF a building .on Lot No. , Block No. 234 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be. designated as: 2222 N. E. 20th St. VI BREWER 11222 SE 104TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. •234 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, .4 ; should be designated as: 2224 N. E. 20th St. R • A B INGHAM 11224 E 104TH Per City Ordinance No. 20 S RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . B. L. RUPIA R7(8LDG. DIRECTOR - • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ .. .. — re correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 234 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 • ; .should be designated as: ' 2228 N. E. 20th St. RALPH WARREN Per City Ordinance 11228 SE 104 TH No. 2447 RENTON • 9 8 0-5 5 Signed: / • L. RUPP'E. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 236 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. .4 ; should be designated as: 22nn N. F. 24th St. • LARSON SULL I VAN / 1230 SE 100TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 L5\---)12.,p1,1,/-3".;--• Signed: B. L. RUPPERVALDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate re correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 236 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: ' 2202 N. E. 24th St. . 0 LA NOD A FEL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 11236 SE 100TH 9 8 0 5 5 signed: _ RThr-71- DG DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • - .he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 236 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No :4 •:::: ',,:ti•:..•.:;• should be:,designated,as:2204 ':' y _.. N. E. 24th Street , L DANlELSON � . . 11238 S E 1.0 0 T H Per City�y Ordinance 2447 RENTON ,. WA. •.'. 98055 �M. j Signed: '�4%) B L. RTAP40i, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to: Preserve this Certificate. he correct. number of a building on Lot No. . 3-'B1ock :No. 236' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 2224 N, E. 24th St.` L .L O !J D E R 8 A C tc Per Cit Ordinance No. 47 1 _ 11242 SE 100TH y . .RENTOPJ WA 98055 C.�.. Signed: ,..e40, ,K; BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` : lie correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No 237 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: ' .2201 N E. 27th St. , TED HASTTNGS �n',•..; 1 12 2 1 It Per City Ordinance No. �--- / RENTON .�• L• q TO WA 98055 Signed 1r,,i ----7 B. L. RUP s R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate ':. ie correct number of a building. on Lot No. " , Block No.. . . 238 ,: ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 - ;, should be designated as: . 21.32 N, E, 27th St, - ,, OCCUPANTNE Per City Ordinance No. ,1' '' ' 11230 SE ', 97TH RENTON WA 98055' Signed: --B. L B. L. RUPFt.hDG,' . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. . Block No. :238 , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2208. — • N, E, 27th St.' D C WIDEN 11232 SE 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2. 4.7/ RENT.ON WA 98055 t Signed: A-0_intL . . _ B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DLRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. Ke correct number of, a building on Lot No. , Block No: 238 _ake Washington Garden ofEden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2216 ? y _ N. E, 27th St, BLANK WALL I NGE0RD Per City Ordinance No '447 11238 SE 97TH - _ NTON WA (!, -/?-7\-- S------ Signed: \ :; ,,, .,, �.: B. L. .6J-P Pk.1•Vd6LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate . pie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: : .' 238 . .' + . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: .2224 N. E. 27th St: - Per. City Ordinance No. 24.42 Signed � �;� ;. ":.: . • B. L. R r' t1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building ,on Lot No. , Block No 238 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be• designated as': 2201 — N. E. 28th St. : _ E. .J GORGES 1 1 2 3 1 SE 96TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 CJ Signed: G�• � a . . L. RU ' BLDG.. DIRREECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No.. Block No. 238 - " Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : . 2205 - N. E. 28th St. : SANDRA COUSENS '� �7 11233 S E 96TH Per City Ordinance No. �- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: A2 , ^-- B. L. RUPIA R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate ie. correct number of a; building on Lot No. , Block No. 238 ' ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2213 N. E. 28th St. .. A HANSHEW q, 1 1 2 it 3 SE 96TH Per City Ordinance, No. A,. RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: _ B. L, RUPPE T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No.. , Block No. . ' 239 ::' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2125 N. E. 28th St. R tt A T K I SE 5 Cit Ordince No. 44711217 96TH .Y RENTON . .......... . Per v'`� �,r ,, , • Signed. �i ✓;, ' . B. L'. RUPPERT<'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 239 ' ' Lake Washington 'Garden. of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: '2732. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ' . C. SAMPLES ' Per City Ordinance No. 4 ' G' 9' 606 112TH SE RENTON ' WA. 98055 ;ill" ' Signed: 1 �ia;1_41"DG. B. L RUPi�f_'11 . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - lie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. •239 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as: ;. '2712 . t Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . OCCUPANT 1 1 2 0' 2 s E 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2 4 7. RE, N TON wA 98055 Signed: ' I:4% r ��;� B. L. �i31±0.(1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . he correct number of a building .on Lot No.. - Block No. Y_ ,239. : ;: '' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 2108 N. E. 27th St. SMITH Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 1. 1214 ENT ON IE ®Watt WA �.. }98055 � Signed (. .�1), �� _�r . L. RU , BLDG. .DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. .239 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ' ; should be designated as: '2116 N. E. 27th St. F RICH Per City Ordinance No• ' , ,-, 11216 .. R ENT ON X. li V864 WA . . 9805 ------) - Signed: .___ -, B. L. RUPI� R/ SLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 240 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be designated as: 2109 rR--------. — - 'N. E. 27th St. •. . CCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 207SE97THST I ' - J ENTON WA, 98055 i . , Signed: ,r° . --__-- ----_— —. ------..-_____._--- B. L, RUPP1=. T,'kDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2125 N. E. 24th St. 9 8 0 5 5 OCCUPANT '� 1 2 2 1 s s E �. a o T H Per City Ordinance No. 2,447 SENT 0 N w : Signed: . -,.,, ,, B. C. RUPPERTI;?BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ile correct number of a, building on Lot No. , Block No. 242 , - Lak:e Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 2532.' ° Aberdeen Ave. N. E. KENNYDALE LIONS , Per City Ordinance No. -,'147 ' FOX 2168 RENTON wA Signed: .9.✓ ,/'.Ate, ; B. if RUPPERia;d3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. " . ?42 i.. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ;, should be designated as: .2339 - Aberdeen Ave N . J SANDERS o 0 0 2 1 1 2 -! H SE Per City. Ordinance No. 447 RENTON WA --� 98055 1 Signed: B. L. Rb;�i-' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building .on Lot No. Block No. 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2328 Aberdeen. Ave. N. E. F HOLY 1 0 0 0 6 1 2.T H s E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 .. . Signed: /42go, , . L. RU BLDG.: .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Y O O Y O O D O O• 0 0 0 0 0 0 � ' he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be designated as: 2324 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. JAMES WEIHOFF 1 0 / 0 6 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 .. Signed: a' B. L. RUP11 R ', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 242. lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as:.2224 AAFIDEE/N A ire A'(• E CLAUSEN, Per, City Ordinance No. . 2447 10040 112TH SE.Q., RENTON WA 980 55j _ . Signed: i 444 ►ii ' B. L, RUPP . T% BLDG. DIRECTOR ., . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ile correct number of a building on Lot. No. , Block No. . 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2216 Aberdeen Ave. N, E. r ITH 4 1 1 2 T H SE Per CityOrdinance No. 244d' . ON WA. ' 98055 Signed:✓' B. L. RUPPERT/; LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block. No. -. 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ;I' . ; should be designated as: 2208 Aberdeen Aye, N, E. - V JOHNSON , s 1 0 1 2 8 ., 1 2 T H SE . Per City Ordinance No• iu=ud RENTON WA 98055 Signed: e /ri B. -Li. RUPPE'6 7- LDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. , Block. No: 242 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2200 __ _ ___ Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . F CHASE - I 0 1 3 6 1 1 2 T H S E i Per City Ordinance No.• 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 B L RJ'rW , BLDG.. DIRECl'OR . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. 243 �.. ;; - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be. designated as: . 2116. . f Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ROBERTSON Per City Ordinance No. 417 11 10208 112TH SE RENTON WA 98055' Signed: C — — . L. RU ' ,?; BLDG. .DIRREECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 244 r. Lake Washington Garden. of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 21.31. • ' N. E. 20th St, : E ECKERMAN 1 1 2 1 7 SE 1 0 4 T H • Per City Ordinance No. 2,1,177 RENTOlV WA 98055 Signed: .7" ,�e B. L. RUPP, R , SLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. . ,. Block No.. .244 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 V ;.. should be designated as: 1924 — - _ Aberdeen Ave. N. E. _ R CONNOT ! • f Per CityOrdinance 112TH SE ! ! No. RENTON . WA , 98055 Signed: A> • _B # DG. L, RUPEE, . DIRECTOR • Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. : Block No. 244 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1916 [...._______... _ _ A WOOD Aberdeen Ave. N. E. 1 0 4 1 0 1 1 2 T.H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2.4 7 V RENTON WA 98055 -.-----;- -,/,'1 Signed: %� �° B. L. RUPPER17,2"BLDG. .DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. V 244 Lake •Washing;toni Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1900 . a Aberdeen Ave. N. E.. J ANDERV50N - r 1 0 4 2 0 1 1 2 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2w -;:•s . RENTO,N, WA 9 8 0 5 5 , .., Signed: l Y a,...,„?.., ----- B. i R L P P t';; i 'c.L.DG. D I E C O Pt Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate oa correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No:. 244 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 , should be designated as: 1832 ®cc No4Nr Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . 0 4 2 8 11 T H s E Perk. City Ordinance No. 24417 RENTON WAS 9 a a s 5 Signed: AP/ B. L. kg , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building ,on Lot No.. , Block No. 244 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 _ ; should be designated as : 1824 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. H M C ou' E E 0434 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 447 1 RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: / ,� a . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No.. Block No. ' `244 •• s ake dashingtorLGarden of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as: 1822 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. J POMERV I LLE `Lu G 1 0 4 3 4 1 1 2 T H SE �KE "' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055. Signed: 327 ,,- is r B. L. RUPP,EVeBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 244 . Lake Washington Garden 'of Eden No. 4 ' ; should be designated as: 1816 • Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • 0 PHILLIBER 10436 11. 2TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP !�TTLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 244 " Lake Wachinc�t� arr er of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1808 Aberdeen Ave. N, E . A HACKMAN' . 10446 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 244/ . RENTON " WA . 9 8 0 5 5 a� Signed: s1-`r 1,, ,,, • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 244 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1732 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 1 20606 12TH SE. Per City Ordinance No, J '- 7 . r NT ON b' A Signed: � I /-�� a ._ .._ g B. If.RU 'Pil y'3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Caefu1 to Preserve this Certificate • the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block- No: 245 -� Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1.724 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. , . I x OCCUPANT 2447. - . 20 6 1 8 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ---- } 98055 4- 1 . Signed: ,�'7 • B. L. RTA - 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. Fhe correct number of a building .on Lot No. Block No. 245 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be designated as: 1708 - -- _- _--_----_____--- Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • j SCHUCHARD 10624r City Ordinance No. 2447 r.11 2 TH S E �� � Per' ..RENTON WA WA " / _ 9805'5 � Signed: •o. ,, . L, RUB " BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 245 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 17,.02 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10628 112TH AVE S E RENTON WA 98055 Signed: //UPI �' ir ' B. L.. R ERy"/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Carefuto Preserve thisCertificate . .. . . • 1 es rve . the correct number of a building on Lot No. ,. Block No. 245 Lake Washington•Garden of Eden No. 4 • ; should be designated as : 1632 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. v �; Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 10706 112TH SE RENTON WA J 98055 Signed: _ "/�e", B. L. RUPPtkT4' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 245 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1624 -- . Aberdeen Ave. N. E. IVA 0 GERARD ` 2 0 7 1 2 2 2 T H �.e. Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENTONWA • 98055 r '' Signed: : ,:,- �r -/ B. L. RUPNER/,'"BLDu. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fh,e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. • 245 • Lake Washington Garden, of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as 2108 , N. E. 16th St. 1 1 2 0 6 R SE 1 0 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. F?4•47 RENTON 'r,' .A r" 9 8 0 : 4',i -7 c---a- Signed: • Y+, , 3�1 _ —B. Ls: RU 'P _ 'i/6 LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,' Block No. 245 - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated. as: 2116. . . N. E.. 16th St, D A MAN Per City Ordinance No. � �� 1121C SE 108TH RENTON - - WA 98055Signed: 2(\-.1� �.;„ — �" .S7-- . B. L. RI. ',• BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The.correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. _ 245 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 •; should be designated as : 2124 ,.N, E. 16th St, i GERARD : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 11220 SE 108TH RENTON WA - - 98055 I� --:' '' Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a_.. The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. .246. . I . .' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 , ; should be designated as : 2117 1-----A- H-tiO 4{ ARD---------- ._-..--------------- N. E. i 6th St. 1 1 2 1 1 SE 108TH Per City Ordinance No. ---Al RENTON ; WA �� 98055 Signed: 7 2;------. •7.� ��> B. L. RUPP. f BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. ' a The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 246 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 • ; should be designated as: 2125.. N. E. 16th St. MR VAN GUILDER 1 1 2 1 5 SE 108TH Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON WA 98055 . . .. Signed: _ . �� B. L. RUPf�EkT LDG.. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. • ' 246. s' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1532 . • •KING N G Aberdeen Ave, N. E. T B Per CityOrdinance No. 24. 10804 112TH SE RENT ON WA 98055 7-: a� .. - 47 Signed: _, ,. . "`� B. .L.. RUPPERT'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 246 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be desi'griated as: ' T 5(1R Aberdeen Ave. N._1. W P0T05H2 i K 1 0 8 1 2 1 1 2T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 244'2' • RENTON WA 98055 C �,, Signed:;',4S7-7-- * . - B. Li RUPPE'R i„�d%dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tp-2, correct number of 'a building on Lot..No. -, Block No. 246 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as 1500 - - Aberdeen •Ave. N. E -. • R` LILL: IE :�. 1,0 8•.1 .4 .-.. 1,-1 2.T H S E . Per City Ordinance No. 224 RENTON -W -- A 98055 • . . , Signed: . � - • :: B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building ,on Lot No. ,- Block No.. _ 246 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: .1400. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . OCCUPAIVT 10868 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 24' 7' '' RENTON WA . 98055 .: ...- ....- Signed: _ ,...i , ai . L. RU BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No; . . , Block No. 247 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as :': ' 1324 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. E EATON . . 2 44G 1 1 0 0 2 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 .• • •. -. I Signed: a- tea, B. L. RUPIL R-(.BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 247 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1316 1 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. G L ND112TH E2T Per CityOrdinance No. ' 24 7 11. 016 1 1 2 T H S E —�-�„ RENTON �--�-- WA 980-55 Signed: ° - B. L RUPP~t. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block, No. 247 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: :13C2 Aherdeen Ave. N. E. i LEE. NASH Per City Ordinance No. 7414,7 " 1020 112TH AVE. SE = NTON• ' WA ' ' 1 ! 98055 Signed: ��,,�'r°�1,:_ fit. ;,_ - B. L. RUPPERT; LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to- Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 247 . ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be 'designated as: 1232` Aberdeen Ave. N. E. , ' '. S BAR ! LLEA Ux Per City Ordinance .No.^ 44l. 11024 = 1 1 2 T H soeo Cf RENTON 6! ��- 980 55 C _.. __.. �7 iL \ Signed: � -, 1�.� - ^.---/ . — B. LIRUr r !UG. D IRLCIOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block _Noe 47 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 1224 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. U M �o Per. CityOrdinance nce No . 24��11030 112 TH 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: i g ne ' `B L R�r t'�`�7 BLDG.' !'►IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The cor rect number of a buildingon LotIo • Block :N 247 -. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be- designated as: '2108 N. E. 12th St. . CHAMLEN Per City Ordinance No. 2,447 11204 SE 1. 12TH RENTON .. WA 98055 Signed: ?• m L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of. a' building on Lot No:; , Block No. '247 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2116'. N. E. 12th St. . OCCUPANT . 1 1 2 1 0 SE' 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON: W A :' 9805 'S Signed: • B. L. RUPIA R-, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this.. Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,. Block No.. 247. : , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:.' 2124 . E: 12th St. W PHILLIPS 11212 SE 112TH Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 RENT ON WA � .: Signed: . ' B. L. RUPFE, T, LDG. DIRECTOR e Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 248 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2010 - —' N. E. 12th St. R C JOHNSON � . 1 1 0 2 6 SE 1 1. 2 T H : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 FENTON WA 98055 d Signed: //C' ;`'�'� 4. B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . .-. m • . • .. . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 248 Lk. Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2018 N. E. 12th St. " : . 11030 SE 1..12TH Per City Ordinance No. ' . � ` , RENTON a30 WA Signed: . , R Ge/I3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate � I The correct nwiber of a building Block No. 248 on� Lot No. ': Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be 'designated;as:'`. 11209 •1. - '., OCCUPANT' . = E.' .. Aberdeen Ave N l0 1 1 3 ]2 TH AVE S U E • :Per. 't Ct Ordinance 3 0 ance No . • RENT 980 - - 55- a:: • F �Si e n ,DTREGTOR- - • _1=` ' Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate.. The correct number of.a building .on Lot No. - Block'No.. 248 '1 I f .1 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be designated as: . 1233 • I Aberdeen Ave. N-.` E. - , 14 WELLS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1025 112TH SE RENT ON. I _ � . -. .. y� A - 9, 8 0 .,5 5 • � .. -. • • Signed'. . L. RU , BLDG. :DIRECTOR.: Be Careful to Preserve.this Certificate Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. :, Block No. 248: Lake Washington! Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as.: !1301: Aberdeen Ave. N. E. R M WELLS PerCity Ordinance No. 2447 11023 112TH SE i 98055. Signed: 2 J • DIRECTOR Careful to Be- Preserve this. Certificate .. . . _• .. 'he correct number of a. building on Lot No. , Block No. • 248 Lake Washington'Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: , 1309 L ,! o ff tv S a. '. Aberdeen Ave. N. E, 1 1 0 1 9 :l 112TH SE' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1' 1 RENTON' •;- I WA - _ Signed: . - B. L, RUPPT. T ' LDG. .DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number' f, a . . . NO. " o , building on Lot No. , Block `: 248 �,• i ;• Lake Washington 'Garden of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as: .. T317 Aberdeen Ave; - N. E. 1 1 0 1 7 1 1 2 T"H -'S E Per City Ordinance No. . . 2447 RENTON WA Signed: fr B. .L. RUPPERT,`BLDG. DIRECTOR !.,,. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •....: • he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block.'No: 248.. ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ' ' ' should be designated as:"132 ':'.':.' 1 Aberdeen Ave. N: E. 1101 .5, 1' 12TH SE •.;` Per CityOrdinance "No. 2447.. RENTOR. Signed: B. Li: RL•r ; i, ,)LDG DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • i I 1 The number of a building on Lot No. , Block No• • : . _._ Lake ''. {ashington Garden of Eden No. 4. ; should be designated as 1333 ' - Aberdeen Ave. N. E _.ti ' r - B- v.� L �4` , E No. �'C it Or dinance nanc�e P er. _ H S E: 'i Y. 0.0 5 3-.2 T _ - 1•.1 1 r _:: : . .: RENTON .. . , 0 5.8 5 . ;i Signe � �J* B. L. R- .,. BLDG... DIRECTOR ' - • r. :. :< .- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot :No. ' Block .No. - 249 '' ' . '� Lake• Washi ngton i Garden of Eden "No • ; should be designated as: I' 1401. . 4 - • - . Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • - i t SCHOIELD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10.833 112TH 5E R � N.TON WA C! 98055 Signed: , , . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR. : ,•. . ::;. i,,.: <; .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,- :,.:.. ;; .: .., .'. The Correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 24 , I , Lake Washington, Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1409 -: Aberdeen Ave. N. E. A C E RDT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 : 10831 1, 12TH .SE RENT 0 N :. W A :. . • ': 98055 .- Signed: f� ' I ;.. • B. L• .RUP fV, BLDG. IDIR CTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No , Block No. • , - 249 , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 _; should' be designated as: ' 1413 --_-- Ave-- ----. -- I. - . Aberdeen Av N. E. ,, R : . E PETRE. N Per City Ordinance No. 2_447', RENT ON WA 9'8 0 5 5 Signed: .�,r° ?2e • B. L,. RUPVE. T�l3LDG. DIRECTOR ' - " Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot‘No. Block No. • 249 .' ; - i ` should be '.designated as: 1 1417. . ch 'gtonof �dN . 4 ' • Aberdeen Ave. N. E• 1' ,I __ V! FRAME • 10825; 1 12TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447. . . REN.TO'N tiV A 98 5. .05 . -- 8 . .. Signed: t. •. B. .L.. RUPPERT, BLDG.., DIRECTOR . - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; 1 • . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Clock,No., ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be' `designated as:; 14`25 .. ` . - Aberdeen Ave. N. .E.. ;. S : VI i L L _I A1M S - • 10821 1 112 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 4� . . .,,,.- : . RENT:0N WQ ' ;I ._ 8 . . .. Signed: �P , .,; .r B. L. RUPPER'II aLDG• ' DiIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - i Elie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 249 Lake Washington. Garden of Eden No.. 4 ; should be designated as:: ;,:"! . 1501 • Aberdeen Ave: N. E. ,. . Jo H N ;©. W AG A R Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 I ` 14, 813'; 1J12TH 5E ... .. _ • . Signed: A' ((f P • B. L. 0-139 1 BLDG. DIRECTOR • f`: Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate. he correct number of a building ,on Lot No. • ,:Block No:, ` � :.249 ; .; ; -:" • : ..:" Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 : should be. designated. as•',1503 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. E E D .WARDS2447 j 10 8 1 1 1 1 2 TH SE : . : : ;Per City. Ordinance No. . zENT.ON. ., WA �,,.......j,, 9805.5 Signed: !�` ;.. �: :::::�: ..:�..:_:;:-. : ':^: ,, : . _,::.:'.: :: : L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR.::_';. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No: :: .. ..' :249 -!:'!� `�.r: :: . ' � :. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated .as: )51.7 • Aberdeen Ave. N;E. . . H L. _ C,0 LW E LL 10809 112TH AV SE Per,City. Ordinance No. 2447: ^ RENTO;N WA' _ .. •. , . . • Signed: ? B. L. RU R , BLDG. DI;RECI'OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i- • 'ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. Lake.WashingtonGarden of Eden No. 4 ; .should be designated as.:'_1519 : — ... Aberdeen Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT . °. `:, ;.•.. <:: Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10809 (REAR) 112 TH AVE S E RENTON. 'WA l 98055 .; . .Signed: -— - DIRECTOR .. � B. L. .RUPEE. LDG. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ...: .: '. 1e correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No. " 249 * . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 , should be designated as:;! 1533 • Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . .I. I y: R B R 0 W N 10803 112TH 5E Per City Ordinance No. .' 2 .4 �.: 98055 Signed. / 1 BLG. • - — - B. L.. RUPPERT, BLDG. ;. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No: 250 . ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as:; - i2008: a A s H N. E. 16th St.' - Z i © 2 o . SE ;. 1 o a r H.. Per City. Ordinance No. �447 • RENT. ON WQ : '9 .8055 Signed: B. ' a�DG ECT L. RUR PP Ri / L . ,DIR OR Be. Careful to Preserve this .Certificate - I I i ! Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No• 250 Lake Washington Garden of Eden 'No. 4 . ; should be designated as: . 1625 .. Monterey Monterey Court E. A NA - - �.X M 5 L • 't d ••Per.:Ci Or finance No r Y 2447 10633 11 1 98055 i Signed: /�> .}'_i, • •! B. L.. RUt) l , BLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate: . . ;. ,,; ,, .,::: ' :_ ` : . e ••.. • . . .• . . . • ..• .. . . . . . i • . . .'. .. • • . • . .•.'. • • •.•,. • ... . �`"• i'i'-.'.i'• • .;-. .i..i M/" le correct number of "a building .on::Lot No. :" ,-Block No 95l1.: i. I Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as:.160,2 JDENNIS ' JR. Monterey Court N. E. • 1 0 6 3 9 i..1 2 T H ...S E Per City Ordinance No. 244 RENTON; W'A : r: ; . i;. 98055. • Signed: _ . L. RU BLDG. .'DIRECTOR ::. ;: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building o.n Lot No , Block No. 250 Lake. Washington Garden of Eden .No• 4 ; should be designated as: ..;!' 1617::' r.:,; ."Aberdeen Ave. N. E. .1, RAYMOND . MC . DADE 1 0 6 3 5 1 1 2 T H:! SE Per City Ordinance No. ' 2447 : i. 9805:5 Signed: B. L. RUPIA R ,�.�. BLDG. DIRECTOR - _:: : . Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • e correct number of a building on Lot No.. , Block No. • 250 ; : '! ; • Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should. be designated as:. 1633 • Aberdeen Ave. .N. .E." MRS B LECK' IE 10631 11iI2T' H SE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 : .I' , RENTON: W'A • Signed: �.> r "°,lI ` ' . B• L; RUPPE. T4"BLDG.". DIRECTOR { Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e. correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 250 Lake Washington"Garden of Eden No. 4 d 7 � ; should be designated as: ' ,.`'1701 Aberdee Ave. N. E L 2441 1 0 6 2 7 1 .1 2 T H' SE. Per City Ordinance No." RENTON 9805.5 . ... .. Signed: a;,• I!• '.: B. L., RUPPERT•,'BLDG. DIRECTOR _ . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number' of a:.'building on Lot No. • • , ,Block No 250 * Lake Washington Garden.of Eden No. 4 ;- should be 'designated as: 1709: Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ,i.; l _ J .. 'M . DENN DENNIS y Ordinance No. 2447 10621. 1:1 2 T.kf. 'i .S E Per City " ' 9'8 0"S 5 Signed: B. LT RU/r!/iAr PPEi i? LiLDG." DIRECTOR i ... ; Be. Careful to" Preserve this Certificate '� ., • 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 250 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 : ; should be designated as'• .; Aberdeen Ave. N. E. C S E C K W i TH . ; .. 2447 1 0 6 .1 7 ' .1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. — RENTON 98055 - Signed: • • B. L• RJP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. . ' , Block No. 25D Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . . should be- designated as: 1733. • a . Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ; ' A •.K BECKWITH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10611 112TH SE RENTON 98055. tr.)Signed:i ned: L, RU BLDG. ;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •••.. . • o . • • •• • • . • e • .'• e • o • • • o • • • • • a • • • o• • • • •• • •o • . . •• • .• • • . • . • •• • • • o • • • • • • . • • • •agog.. ,The correct number.of a building ono.Lot No.: ,: Block'No. e . .251 _ Lake,=Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1801 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. H WOODIN . 1060. 7 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. : R.ENTON ' WA � .' 98055 Signed: 2d2 ,, B. L• .RUPI+ f ', BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate 251 .The. correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. .Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. .4 • - s should be designated as•; 1809 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. D CAR T W R IGHT Per City Ordinance No. 24477' 10449 112TH SE. RENTON WA _ 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPP'E. 1ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate like .correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 251 .a Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. .4 ;. should be designated as: 1829, Aberdeen Ave: N. E. • W MOERER Per City Ordinance No. 244`l� 10429 112TH SE • REN TON WA 98055 I Signed: ,' , • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . like correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 251! Lake'Washington 'Garden of Eden No., 4 should be designated asi 1831 • Aberdeen Ave. N. E:` i .` • B GREEN 1 0 4 2 7 !1 1 2 T H S E Per City Ordinance No• 2 44 !' •. RENTON WA c . Signed: ,/ I . . B. L. RUPPE i, I'dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of .a building on Lot No, Block No: 251 LakP Washington •Garen 9f Eden No. 4 , should be designated as: .i1833: Aberdeen Ave, N.* E. ,. M R WALLACE: Per CityOrdinance No. :', 1:0 4 2 5 ;1. 1 2 T H SE. „ _ 24: R.ENTON :;: . 5 5 9. d•e �, S i gn .,, B. L. BLDG. DIRECTOR , :. .Be Careful ':to Preserve_ this Certificate � . ,:. : , . ,. . . : :. .:::.•. • . . ••.� ,.::;. . -:ie correct numberofabuildrng on Lot No. Block: No 251 , • Lake Washington Garden of 'Eden 'No. 4 should be designated .as:lgol Aberdeen Ave. N. E. G . .MCC ,ON`NV IEEE ' 1 0 4 2 1 1 11 2 T H SE Per. City Ordinance No, 24417 Signed• si :� a L BLDG.' '' TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he. correct number of' a' building on Lot No. Block No. . . � :251 . ,. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 , should be designated a5:19331:.. • Aberdeen Ave, N: E. . ` : ? ANT12CCUP - TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. "., i '' } Signed: , IB. L. RUPIA R .BLDG. DIRECTOR. ::.:: ;,:::. . :.......:: ::: :Be: Careful to Preserve this. Certificate -:.: Ile correctnumber'ofia building on Lot No. , Block No, • 251 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2005,.. OCCUPANT • 11043 S E 104 TH ST. • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ! 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPF-E, , LDG.. DIRECTOR i Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he- correct number of ,a building on Lot. No , Block No 252 ' akP Washington jarden of Eden Ro. 4 ; should be designated as:• 2008 C GiBSON � .. N: E; 20thSt, _._. 1 1 0 2 8 SE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1` 0 % TH RENT orJ .wA J 8055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i 'r ke correct number Of a building on Lot No. '.. .... agTock No:. 252 . �-" .i .., y: Lake Washington Garden of Eden No: 4 ; should be designated as:: : 2006 N F ?ath Street miss M LARSEr!` Per City Ordinance No, 2447 i y - Signed: B. L. R0;'PE'R , 3L G, DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate: The correct number of a building on Lot No, , Block No: _ 252- lake Washington Garden of Eden pQ. 4 should be designated as:2020 [ ,. . N. .E 20th St. P R . . _ i MLAN .1.. 11044 SE" 104TH Per, City Ordinance No. " 2447. TON 8055 a _ S�i •a 'i 9 n B RJ � ,. BLDG. DIRECTO R' Be"Careful .to Preserve this Certificate the correct number ,of a building .on Lot No; Block No. 252; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No.' 4 •;should be. designated as '. 2030' :. N. E. 20th St R LONG Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 11050 SE .104. TH 98055 �. --•..',:.i';' - .. .. :. _ L.-..'.::::'; .'. "" .: -.," • BLDGo'."DIRECTOR : . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. , .Block No. 252 Lake Washington Garden.of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: : 2005 Aberdeen Ave." N.' E. +' LEOLA. C . UNDERWOOb 1 0 2 1 9 1 1 2 TH A V S E Per City Ordinance "No. 2447 E� ENTON t1A • 98055. Signed: B. L RUP ffBLDG.: DIRECTOR ". Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 252 Lake Washington•Garden" of Eden No. 4 • ; should be designated as: 20nq R L N I C H 0 i_ 5 0 N Aberdeen Ave. N. E. Per City ordinance No. 10217 , 112TH . '5E 1 . RENTO.N WA .. 9805-5 Signed: B. L. RUPFE. T, " LOG; DIRECTOR• , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 252 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; . should"be designated "as:H2025 -- — :. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. i. L C 0 NE i L 1. 0215 1 1 2 T H SE Per City.Ordinance No. 2442'; ""' 9805. 5. Signed: B. L., RUPPERT BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on ,Lot No.. ,".Block No: 252,1 i' ,. arse Vashingto'n "Carden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as:1 2101 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 '1 1 0"'2 2 7 . '1 1�2 T�H S E .; ,"::: .:•"•::.,-"::%:" "', " '': >: .. , RENTO.N" WA !. I - 9 8)0 5 " �. Signed: r.�. y� +" B. L. RUFPE I, ',dLDG.,;:DIRECTOR" Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 252 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2119 Aberdeen Ave: N. E. Per City Ordinance No." _ -a4,47' RENT.O.N WA r 98055 • _ Signed: - ����rr;�, ;` .,. = . ', -: - B. L. R�r'AN1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building .on Lot No. • , Block No.. � 252 Lake Washington ,Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2123 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. I e vERHEuL Per. City Ordinance No.. 2442 10205 112TH SE RENTONI � A .. fir_ .. ,.' i98055 C ! Signed.• �� I. . L. RU ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. the correct number of.' a building on Lot No. . , Block No. 252 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as :. 2127 - Aberdeen Ave. N. E. D ARCHER per City Ordinance No. 2' L' 1020.3 112TH: SE RENTON WA 98055 Sd: C�- �.7�i ne B. L. RUPI, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.. 253 .. . ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2201 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. W v COLLINS . 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 T H SE . Per City Ordinance No. 74,4 RENTON . - WA -98055 - Signed: ,, . B L. RUPf'E, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block lo. 253. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2217 __.. S M 0 L 5 0 N: fiber een Ave. N-._E. . 1 0 0 4 1 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 980 .55 , Signed: .,"?,7, °r4' ;�• ' B. L. RUPPERT<'-BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 253 Lake Washington Garden. of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2309. . r Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . . _ S S CARR ` , 7 . 1 0 0 2 1 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2����,,. RENTON "IA __ 18 6 ' • c71-'7'ij,- , . c�Signed: _ , f-1 ,�, .�'I B. L. RUNP % ddLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 253 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2325 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. POTTER :. 0007 112TH SE Per. City Ordinance No.' 2447 . R. ENTON . Signed: B. L. Oct� t , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. 253 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: . 2009 . N. E. 24th St. I N ELLEY — 1 1 0 1 9 SE 1 0 0 T H. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . L. RU ,. BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :. .. :. :. .,b... ... . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . ..: .: . . : . a . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . _ .. the correct. number of. a building on Lot No. Block No. 254 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be designated as: 2016 r .: . N. E. 24th St. T S I EGM ILLER �i,u 1 1 0 2 6 5 E 1 0 0 T H Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA -98055 .. .. ' Signed: 2/1 • B. L. RUPIA , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. • 254 . IakP .Washington Garden ofEden No. 4, ; should be designated as: 2020 N. E. 24th St. L HARR I NGTON Per City SE 100TH Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON - WA 980-55 Signed: --B. , • B. L. RUPFE. TT LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. . Block No. 254 Lake-Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2401 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. D R ROHDE 9 8 3 9 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' WA 98055 Signed: aY B. L. RUPPER. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a 'building on Lot No. Block No. 254 - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. .4 • should be designated as: 2409 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. R . 0 MURPHEY. . 4ii.7 9 8. 3 3 1 1 2 T H. . 5 E Per City Ordinance No. '- °'_ RENTON WA • ri 98055 ► Signed: l�r, :r,,, B. V RUPPE 'iZYdLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • the correct number of a building on Lot No. . , Block No. .-254 • Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . ' .. 2427 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. - , , -J R MAUCNER 9 8 2 7 . 1 1 2 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA 98055 ._ .. _ . Signed: /___,'s {r,/..0,., c f•p�• B. L. RUPP , BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. 'he correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. __ . 254 . _joke Washington, Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be designated as: 2501 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. H SEVERE J 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9749 112TH AV SE _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �~ t,/ . L. RU " , BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 254 - Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; . should be designated as: 2509 '' '' "Aberdeen Ave. N. E. J HUNTER 9 7 4 3 1 1 2 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. ,:.- RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: .2- �,. B. L. RUPP& 7, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 254 _ Lake Washington Garden of:.Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 2517 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. R L AND ACRE 9 7 3 7 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. • 2447 RENTON W A 980'S5 Signed: ,� . . B. L. RUPFtfCT,d LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. . 254 Lake Washington_Garden of FdPn Nn_ 4 ; should be designated as: 2525 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. JERRY DA BROT,ISK I �� rf1 112T AV SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON ' ' WA : 98055 Signed: w ; _ B. L. RUPPERT,•BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a 'building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 255 • Lake Washington 'Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated • - as: 2517 R C L A Y E O AhPrdPen Aye. N. F. - 9 8 1 7 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. %nFv�`'7 RENTON . . W.A • 98055 Signed: '`� � LDG. DIRECTOR B. L. RUPPER , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 255 Lake 4�ashin9ton Garden 9f Eden No, 4 , ; should .be designated as: . 2623 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. :: OCCUPANT 9 7 2 1 1 2 T H S E. ::.'.Per City. Ordinance No:'' - ' 1 RENTOD! wA 98055 4.----),".-P i-/ ..� B. L. Rick , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be.Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No, 255 , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be- designated as: 2621 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. .,.. Per. City Ordinance No.. 244�:. 9721 112TH SE - RENT O .N . WA . _r- 98055 C Signed: /1 .,/ y. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on .Lot No". Block No. 257 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2625 t Aberdeen Ave. N. E. T 9717 1 ALE 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. ' - ` J1 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 1, • B. L. RUPPL , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 258 ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:2025 ' N. E. 27th St. " W E DENTON 11047 SE 97TH Per City Ordinance No. . 2 7 RENTON � A 98055 Signed: --B. B. L, RUP LT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ' . 258 ;. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2017 M M S T U MP F F — N. E. 27th St. _ 1 10 41 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON CEA-4705To WAL_______ �•Y—=— = 98055 Signed: , 'yr� B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. , Clock No. 258 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2009 N. E. 27th St. P NAXL . L 1 0 3.5 SE 97TH Per City Ordinance No. 4A7 _ ENT QN WA 98055 Signed: ,./� *i. �;+ ill: B. L'. RUPPEi 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 258 • Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2001 N. E. 27th St. Per..City Ordinance No. — 244 ` 11 0 3 3 SE 9 7 T. H � ::....,.�:�.;;�': ,. RENTON WA . Signed: 4G,a'� s B. L. R�r , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on..Lot No. .' , Block No. 258 Lake Washing-ton Garden of Eden No. 4 .; should be designated as: . 1915 N. F. 27th St. - 1 1 0 29 SEE 9 7 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON wa 98 055 Signed: 1l � ' .�• . L. RU , BLDG...DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _, Block No. 259 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2717 . —-- Aberdeen Ave. N. E. JAMES SPENCER ?�l_",7 9 6 0 1 1 1 2 T N- SE Per City Ordinance No. �-° RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . / f, B. L. RU I- Vr, BLDG. DIRECTOR _ _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 259 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2725 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. LARRY MC KEAN Per City Ordinance No. 9603 112TH , AVE SE RENT ON WA -98055 Signed: B. L, RUP E, Ti LOG. .DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 259 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 2733 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • M CR IPPEN . 9605 112TH A. VE SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 m NTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT1;7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a:building on Lot No. , Block No. 259 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2009 N. E. 28th St. . .. OCCUPANT wl� Per City Ordinance No, �`°'``'� 11040 S E 96 TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: .✓� �..;i'' ` -- B. L. RUPPE i, fiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate �'� e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 260 Lake �'jashington Garden'of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2001 ERiEiNoN. E. 28th TT'SE50NPer City Ordinance No.' 47 '3 'SE 96TH ✓ON WA � ---) . 98055 � . ' Signed: ��/ ,t4. B. L. RUNi , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. Block No.' 260 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 .; should be designated as : 2000 A. E. 27th St. R C D 1 C K I N 5 0 N Per Ci t Ordinance No. 2447 . 11020 SE 97' TH y —_ RENTQN 'v�' A ,_-----� 9 8 0 5 5 _ c__________. c O Signed: / l Ate,. L� 8. L. RU 9 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' ' 260 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1924 W C FROST N. E. 27th St. ' 1 1 0 0 0 SE 9 7 T H Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 9 8. 0 5 5 8 . . Signed: .7 ;.�� B. L. RUPI$ Rai BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,. Block No.. 261 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2425 --- Monterey. Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9825 111 TH AVE S E J RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _,,z44,..Cf . B. L. RUPP'ER"14'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 261 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2417 Monterey Ave. N. E. ' DIANE LACKIE . Per CityOrdinance No. ��� 11006 SE 100 ST 7 RENTON WA F Signed: .)/0A 57*"''''''"----- 7 y.--•, ,:;.;. "r • B. L. RUPPERTBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 262 ' Lake Washi gton Garden. of Eden No. 4 0 ; should be designated as: 1929 COLLIE HAWKINS 1 1 0 ft SE 1 0 0 T H 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2.4A.7 - . RENTON ' WA ç \7 Si ned. ,,-, y B. L? RUPPE';' oLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' ' - - The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 263 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 - ; should be designated as: . 2129 Aberdeen 'Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT 1 1 0 2 9 - SE 1 0 2 N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON - WA 98055 Signed: 4 B. L. RUN•, �l�, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate f'he correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. 263 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 2133. OCCUPANT Aberdeen Ave. N. E. 11033 S E 102 ND ST • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: j 44 , , . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. .263 ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 1912 OCCUPANT y N. E. 20th St, _ 1. 1 0 1 0 1 0,4 T H S E i Per City Ordinance No. 2 REN TON WA 98055 C , Sined: ,G� B. L. RUP1 V, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.. 263 ; Lake Washington Garden of-Eden No. 4 " ; should be designated as: 1930 N. E. 20th St. OCCUPANT - Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 11018 S E iQ4 TH ST RENTON WA 98055 i - , Signed: _ ,? B. L, RUPPI_.RT,, LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 263 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1932 ----.--- N. E. 20th St. HERTZ Per City Ordinance. No. 244711032 1sE 104TH RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: sue? 4g� .,/ B. L. RUPPERT.YBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of. a .building on Lot No. , Block No, 263 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2000 N. E. 20th St. 14°J t L 5 o N Per City Ordinance No, 2424:f. 1034 SE 104TH RENTON „ A `� -- 98055 Signed.: fC - . ; /9 B. L , RUPPER iuLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 264 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 2001 N. E. 20th St. OCCUPANT 11019 S E 104 TH ST Per..City Ordinance No.' 2447 . RENTON WA .98055 , Signed: / -- p�-) 4;�t . B. L. RgripT, BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. • . , Block No. 265 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 .; should be designated as :1916 • N. E. 16th St. A SCHUCHARD — ----- - 1 1 0 1 4 S •E 1 0 8 T H • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 . `/ ._-__ Signed: C..271lf4� .,,- — -- � RE - L RUf — BLDu. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No, - , Block No. 266 - . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1500 ' Monterey Ave. N. E. A T Al N 1 1 0 8 1 8 1 1 1 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2b1 RENTON WA •; - .� 98055 Signed: ./. 4j...,. B. L. RUPIEER/ BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.. . `267 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2008 ' N. E. 12th St. LYON M AUG.USTON• 1 1 0 2 4 SE 1 1 2 T H - ., Per City Ordinance No. . ' REN T O N ' _ WA 98055 Signed: �• . B. L, RUPFEkT,/BLDG. DIRECTOR ' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 268 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 1Q08 N. E. 12th St. R B 5ERGMA' N 1 1 0 0 6 SE 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON VIA 98 0 5 5 �-;? Signed: '��, ''°?-'�d B. L'. RUPPERTYbLDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 268 5 • Lake Washington Garden. of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 1208 Lincoln Place N. E. I G GALLYEAN --`'��+r,7 I. 1 1 1 2 1 0 9 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA r 98055 c----7/�-l� ..__-- Signed: ��' .. � , r B. LI. RUPPK L.?/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ 268 _._ Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as.:1316` ;, : Lincoln Place N. E, - R J BABB 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 9 T H SE Per. City. Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON wA 98055 4 ' Signed: r'��, G.; ,,,, B. L. Per' ' i , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. - , Block No. ' 268"' + Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be' designated as : 1825 • N. E. 14th St. H S GAMBOL . . 1 0 9 8 0 SE 1 1 OTH Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 RENTON ,WA 98055 C--- `- Signed: . 4�,�' , . L. RU . BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -a The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 268 . Lake Washington'Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1901. . t N. E. 14th St, ".. ' {-______________:__ F SANDERS ,?47 1 0 9 8 6 SE 1 1 OTH ' Per City Ordinance No. —`,:',--' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: -. B. L RURi BLDG. DIRECTOR : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 268 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should' be'designated as 1909 N. E. 14th St. " V MEEK ' . 10990 SE 110TH Per City Ordinance No. . 2447. RENTON WA -98055 ' Signed: 6. L, RUP , TLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 270 Lake Washington. Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1900 --- ------ N. E. 16th $t, [_____________G PASCO -- 1 0 9 2 2 SE 1 0 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENTON ;,f5 9aes5 c'- '-? y.,--,_ ---...______ Signed: ' B. L. RUPPERT `BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a, building 'on Lot No. ; Block No. 270 , _ ______Lakeilashington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 1908. ' N. E. 16th St. " SCHUCHARD RANCH 1 0 0 0 6 S E 2 0 8 T H ' Per City Ordinance NO. 2447 :: - . RENTON WA 980f. 5 7-r i.-- Signed: c7 ' B. El RUPPE-k ii7ddLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 271 __— Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: .1.835 N, Ef 20th M R 093 SE 104TH. . .1 Per .City. Ordinance No: 244Z 11 ': 98055 d. Si ne �s. B L AA , BLDG.R�r� DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. • , Block No. 271 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be. designated as:. 1901 • N. -E, 20th St, .: HOSK t N S Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11005 SE; 104TH RENTON WA 98055 Signed: if �J ... . L. RU --7, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ' 271 _ Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 1905 N. E. 20th St, : . ?' W NELSON • ��'I ?�. 2003 SE 104TH Per City Ordinance No. -�-� :-; ENT ON WA � 98055 Signed:' 74 . B. L. RUPI4 f `tBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 272 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:_ 1832 N. E. 20th St, OCCUPANT 10832 S' E 104 TH ST - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ _ : RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: —B. L. RU ,'E, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should ben designated as: �R35 • OCCUPANT 10856 SEi104TH 'Per City Ordinance No. 144:7 ' RENTON - 14 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: s��%'� ¢,-r -y' • B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . , Block No. ' 272_ ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1908 N. E. 20th St. c M' HUNTER 1 1 0 0 88: 1 0 4 T H' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON 4 C �� r 93055 � Signed: --- B. L. RUH'NL ia,ddLDG. DIREC IOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 279 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: . 2702 Jones Ave: N. E. • G L W A L tt E R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9620 : 108 ,TH • SE RENTON7 .1 WA --} --�_� 98055 / . Signed: / ' A�4'; j B. L. RUi gv; 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. • , Block No. 280 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be designated, as: 2732 Jones Ave. N. E. MRS R E WALKER Per CityOrdinance No. 9,4,47 9602 -108TH SE RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: k �� • . L. RU BLDG. .DIRECTOR • Be, Careful to Preserve this Certificate rite correct number of a building on Lot No.'. ,. Block No,. 280 ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2712 Jones Ave. N. E. T . L STEVENS Per City Ordinance No. `l� ; 9616 108TH SE RENTON WA 98055 . c-2si---) Signed: B. L. RUPµ /BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate Ilhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No... 280 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: 1725 10 815 SE N. E. 28th St. D 8 15 SE 96TH THOMPSON Per City Ordinance No. . 24.47 RENTON : . W"p 98 05 g PE. T/,BLDG. DIRECTOR 8 - . . S i ned: B. L. RU P Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . 280 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as 1733 N. E. 28th St: CARL L LA ISON H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10823 SE 96T RENTON WA . 98055, Sg ined• v,. B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR �, ;� ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block 280 No. - � , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should- be designated as: 1801 . .. t<t HNSON j J N. E. 27th St. 96 0 1 0 8 T H P L SE Per City Ordinance No. 2n-=`i`7 ENTOhd 'r1A -'-;)a.0 0 5 5 `\ '�% . 1 c � Signed: a,. 1 _ ~B. L'RUPPE- I J 'dL" DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate ,_ . The. correct number of a building on Lot .No. Block No. 2• ^_ Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: 2725 9613 1 �. BT.H 5 E . - '._ ,. ;. ::_.. Per City Ordinance No. 2447:->>,;<; 98055 Signed: � �fir. B. L. dr �y^�1 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. , Block No. - 3 - Eldon Acres •; should be designated as: 1624 N. E. 27th Court OCCUPANT - .:, .i . `. .`' : ,::: . .. .. . . , 10812 E 97 TN PLACE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447. RENTON WA 98055 . ;.r. , Sind• B/* T . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. : 3 Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: 2717 Jones Ave. N. E. D CULVER �J���1 9 6 1 7 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2-s`°'' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �� B. L. RUPµ RJR/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Vie correct number of a 'building on Lot No. , Block No.. 4 Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: : 2709 Jones Ave. N. E. J URCbI Per City �44� 9623 1 0 8 T H S E - y Ordinance.No. : RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ B. L, RUPFE, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate `he correct number of a building on Lot No. • ,. Block No. 5 . Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: .2619 Jones Ave: N E. 9629 108TH SE Per City Ordinance No. .2447 . RENTOr� 1� A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ✓ r��',,< ' y` B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 5 .. - ! Eldon Acres should be designated as: ?6•25 OCCUPANT Jones Ave. N, E_,` ' - 9 6 3 1 .1' 0 8 T H ' AV SE Per City Ordinance No. ,`�� . ENTOMle' 98055 77,12Si ned: i`: ,, y Be Careful . to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 5 . Eldon Acres should be designated as:: . 2617 :_ - Jones 'Ave. N'_ F • _ K' f N�3..DLE . G TRAHAM_ `: ; Per City Ordinance .No: 4 9. 08 ; H . RENTON d 8-9 .0 55 Signed: �t.,` �. • R.5, BLDG. B. L. DIRECTOR_____/z . . 'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tie correct number of a building .on Lot No. , Block No.. 7 - Eldon Acres should be designated as: 2517 - ' •.i _ •.:: Jones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT :,.9811 108T. H SE Per City .Ordinance No. �..:- 98055 < i ' • Signed: � . L. RU , BLDG. •. Be Careful o Preserve this Certificate ripe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 8 Eldon Acres ; should be designated as::. 2509 7 Jones Ave. .N.. E. �, A F L ZEVART -li_wu4 9817 108TH 5E Per City Ordinance No. RENTOR! WA , 98055 Signed: ✓,�i B. L. RUPI� IJ fBLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. .. - rine.correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . 9 Eldon Acres ; should. be designated. as: 2433 • • Jones Ave N. E. P R WATT Per City Ordinance No. 2447?. 9821 108TH AV SE -_J RENT ON WA ' •. -98055 Signed: _ �L 1 , . B , RUPP'E T,'LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lire correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: 2425 Jones Ave. N. E. GEORGE GRANT 0 . 9 8 2 7 108TH A V SE Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 REN TON W A 98 05 5 — — --- Signed. /i 1�L .%5.----- .‘--...---.--- � B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . he correct number of.a building on Lot No.: Clock No. 10 . Eldon Acres should be designated as: 2417. Jones Ave. N. E. J L WALL )r14 .. Per City Ordinance No.983 .1, 108TH S E ' RENTON wA - 98055 -, �-�..t. . SZ ned:. :1 ., S. 'Cl. RUPPL 'i„'IddLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . - II I I =ae correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 281 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •: should be designated as;' . "': 1808 } • E. 27th St' :��� ( E� 5 • � `1{ Per, din n. Or � a ceNo". ,�i •0'B.:T H` 5. City 2447 '�. , WA 1 9 8 .0 5 5 Signed: '� .: B. L. R Nif 1-' BLDG. DIRECTGII Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate:. ` }. hecorr.ect number°I of a building :on Lot No. � , Block No. 281 �" '. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should. be designated as: '' 1832 .. N. E. 27th St. I C. W Sod f TZLER ! Per City .Ordinance No. 244 ' ' 1'.0 8 7 2 ';' SE 9 T T H _ ":. .. • .. • 9 8 0 5 '5 Signed: ' / UBDGDIROR L. Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate 1!M..•.'•...•...••. .. ... . . ►. . • • • . . • • • • • • .. .• . . .• • • ..'. •.'• . . ... • •• . •:• • • • • . • �:• • • i'i•• • ..'��,:'� �...-.•,•♦i. .. Ee correct number', of a building on Lot No: , Block No. 281 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:.:1916 'a, ' • _ N. E. 27th St. . P _ H000ARD + ' 1 0. 8 8.8 SE 9 7 T H Per .City Ordinance N0 244Z. REN1.0 �9. 98055 S• igned: .? B. L. U R BD G DIRECTOR------- , . .L Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : =;: • e correct number, of a building on Lot No. Block No. • 282 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: ` 1i800: N. .E• 24th St. .• .,3E OCCUPANT Per City"Ordinance No. 7. . . RENT ON. WA .. I. •. Signed: . —B„ .L. RUPPE, T, LDG.',:DIRECTOR Be Careful to •r• .i,. Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot. No.. Block No. 283 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. `4 ; should be •designated as: 1801 1aa19 SE " 1'001H Per City Ordinance No. :2447 �_ .. Signed: • B. .L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • •• ' correct. number ,Hof .a building on Lot No , B l ock'No:.•. 283 ' ;:"'. • Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ' _ should be designated as�. 1$1!3 N. E. 24th St." Per City Ordinance No.,/ . .. EPtTQly WA " Signed: B. Lf RUPPL •i„'dLjLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i , , , 1 , 1 Tha correct number of a building on Lot No: Block No. 283 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: .. �1813 k: i,: N E., 24th St. I:. .', : 4 �. . . .OCCUPANT �: No. t or dinance dina nce , �e City f �P r: 10823' S. E 100' TH`S T• - (REAR ) - WA 9 8055 RENTON • �: . .. i _ B. 'L �'U Ot 1 , . BLDG. DIRECTOR . a'. Be ;Careful to Preserve this Certificate +M • .•e . . . . •� . . . . : . : The correct number of a building .on Lot No. Block No. 284 , .� _ -. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as.: 1800. .N, E. 20th St.- t • M A E: I : Per City. Ordinance No.. 447 10820SE. 104TH. RENT0. F -"''... . ...: . I 98055 Signed: ' �. L. RU " , BLDG. :DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,. , j .1i ..• •••:: ...• p•. .►••• ••. .'.• . :. • :..• . . •• •i• .••. . . . • • .. e •. . • . . . . .,• . . . . • . . . .. . • • • • •i .,. •;. • . . :.• ..r.. number of a buildingon The correct Lot No. �� , Block-No... , :284 ; ' ' . .. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. :4 ; should be designated as; 1824 N.. E. 20th St. . • : F ' L. �R E1Ap Y... 1.082,4 SE 104TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RE � T'G �S ' : . - - W A , 9 8 0. 5 5 Signed: __ I-• ✓_BLDG,. :DIRECTOR ,, , ` ^d--� B. L. RUPF� - >_ :, • = : Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate - Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. ' 284 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ' - ; should' be designated as: 1828 N. E. 20th St. I. OCCUPANT Per :.: CityOrdinance.No: . s 10828 S E. 104 TH• ST' RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: ;... _._._._... B. L, RUPPE. Ti LDG. ,DI•RECTOR - Be! Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The correct number of a 'building. on Lot No. - Block No. 28.5 : „: . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be designated as: .1.733 N. E. 20th St. K K.N o T'IH 2 9 SE ' 1 0 4 T H Per City Ordinance No. 7 4, , ..,1' RENTON WA , -' 98055 , . Signed: ,,o I B. L. ' RUPNr < B DG. DI RE TO RI:I- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .....' :'. .�:.�,,, .-. .:I .i.;:. :►••..'••: :'.: : ,:: .. . ... . : . • . . • • ... T . . :,. . : . : . ..:.! . .�... : . . :. . . :: . .;. . . . . . • . :•:•. The correct number building' ofa ung ono Lot. No. Block No. ; 286 '=:. ' Lake Washington Garden of Eden No . 4 ;. should be designated as:j ' :1824', N. E. 16th St. RE F 828 S E 108TH � Per City Ordinance No. 2447,�_r _..:: 10 ' : ; - NTO .. W.Q: �.,.... ._._ _... t. Si ned: 2 . :. B. L‘.. RUPPri 'i, dLDG.' DIRECTOR - I ' : ,'. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot Noe , Block No. 288 Lake Washington Garden of EdenNo..4 . should be designated as: 1301 LincolnPlace 4 - ; N. E OCCUPANT' ,� '' 11017 . 109.TH AVE S E += Per:.City .Ordi nance Nallo. 244Z RENTON WA{..- 98055 - igned: 1� S '/��� LF ' : BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful.to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building .on Lot No. Block No. 288 Lake,Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should be• designated as: 1325 lt.w.1.N0ec1� ",..Hy. N.E. Lincoln fie,.. N. E. F STORES' 2447 1. 1007 i O 9 T H 5 E Per City Ordinance No. 98055 Signed: � P` l' a . L. RU ', BLDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate � . � - 28 . The correct number ,of a building on Lot No. .. , Block No. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; .should be designated as: 1209 Lincoln.Place N.. E. H W SLOANE 2,-":4 1 1 0 2 7 1 0 9 T H. SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA - 98055 • Signed: C-2 . f.., B. L. RUPI$ { BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate r The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1724 4 • N. E. 14th St. le OCCUPANT - 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10820 SE 110TH RENTON - WA _ . -98055 •. Signed: _ ,' ° B. L. RUPIYE, Ti, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number' of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 290 Lake K'WashingtoNA n Garden of Eden No. 4 should be. designatedas: 1701 . t N. E. 16th St. ' PP — 1 o a a s SE o s T Per City Ordinance No. 7447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 `�' � �,, Signed. , '- B. L. RUPPERT�;'BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No.' 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as : 1711 T_ N. E. 16th St. B U.R C H F f. S C H ER 0 • Per City Ordinance No. �?A.b 1 0 8 0 7 - SE 1.0 8 T H •2ENTON WA c 8 C 5 5 '�i Signed: o_,,, ,,.,,,,,,. ,,;V-) B. L. RUkPc,::ie5 uLDC,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • The correct number of a building on Lot No. ; Block No. . 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 1709 N. E. 16th St. BURCH WH I.TEHOUSE: :. ` • Per .City Ordinance_ No,' 47:. . .:.:.,,. RENTON 980. 55� ,;, � - Signed: ° B. L. MIA BLDG. DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. • , Block No. . 2qn Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; should be designated as: 1717 .N. E. 16th St. ir OCCUPANT i . - 'Per City Ordinance No. 24,17 118 .13 SE 108TH RENT ON WA 98055 . Signed: f �• . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ....... The correct number of'a' building on Lot No. , Block No. 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1408. f Jones 'Ave. N. E. L RE ID" n ,41 1 0 S 3 8 2 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: , • B. L. RUP R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. T , Block No. 290 , Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should' be designated as:. 1424 • Jones Ave. N. E. H 3 2 A j . 0I E 10832 '108TH SE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 _' RENTON• WA 98055 Signed: • B. L, RUPPE. T, LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The- correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1416 Jones. Ave. N. E. JOHN T I ECHROEU Per City Ordinance No. 247 t0822 . 108TH SE . ENT ON WA • 98055 f� Signed: • B. L. RUPPERT."BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1432 Jones Ave. N. E. J NOVA K Per City Ordinance No. �` `°� 1082810.8TH. SE RENTON 'rlA 9 8 0 5 �._ Signed: B7H2. ruPPEiI aLDG. DIRECTOR Be.Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No._- 4. should be designated as: 1504 - r. _ , : Jones Ave. N E. J • .L . -CURRAN Per. Cit Or.dinance No. 244 'f . 1. 0824 108TH . SE Y — - ; RENTON 'WA i 9805.5 .. G. DIRECTOR______AL, -----// .. , . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. . Block No. 290 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 1516 ; should be designated as: . .Jones Ave: N. E. ROBER.T GATES 2 1 0 8 1 0 1 0 8 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 4Iv 7. RENT 9 8 0 5 5 _,,,, _., zE--------. . Signed: r'�;25� --- . L. RU -4 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No 291 . ` Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 1702 . -- -- ------ — -- N. E. 16th St. . V A I R' E Y n Li� 1 0 8 0 4 S E. 1 0 8 T H :Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA.. -. • - . Signed: . B. L. RUM-1 fcf BLDG. DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a' building on Lot No. , Block No. 291 . Lake.Washington Garden of .Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:1616 A WHEELER Oones N. E. Per 2447 10. 618 108TH AV SE CityOnes Ave.Ace. No. . RENTON WA 98055 ' Signed: B. L. RUPP'E, Te LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ^e correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 291 . . ;. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1624 Jones Ave. N. E. ' H HACKMAN 1 0 6 1 4 1 0 8 T H AV SE 1 Per City Ordinance No. 24.47 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 7 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' ' Block No. . •' 291 _____ Lake t4a hingtor. Garden of Eden^No. 4 __; should be designated as: 1700 R Jrnes Ave N. E. - F HUEBNER "Th:,„d 10612 SE 1:08TH Per City Ord in::rc:e No. _ �`-` ' . •. ENT ON WA q-1,\Signed: z. ��;/Y/,,.:.. B. L. kUPPE'R i-Zia DG. DIRECTOR ! Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • • Ile correct number of a building an Lot No; , Block No. : 291, Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 1716 ~� Jones Ave, N, E, c1 D VROOMAN SR 8 1 0 8 T H Per..City Ordinance No: - - 2447 Signed: -A ' . . � B• L. Ufper, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. • • 'he' _}cor rect numb er of a building .on Lot No. Block No. 292 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No.- 4 should be• designated as: :T800 Jones Ave, N. E. L. F COLUNB t - - 1 0 4 5 0 108TH SE City city Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - ,..d Signed: _ ' : • . D L. RU BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate >.•-.'. . . • • o • o . O D . • o • .•o • OOOOOO.'D . O • • O ♦ . 0 •.0 • • • .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•• . . • • • • • . • • • • . •.ea.,. The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' , . .292 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1916 Jones -Ave. N. E. - ..., P • SM I .TH ;,417 10807 SE 104TH Per City Ordinance No.. RENTON WA 98055. . _ i Signed: 2/1 ✓.�,� B. L. RUP Rr", BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 293 3 Lake Washington'Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:. 1100 • N9 E. 20th St, . D CAD WELL FOUTC,H 10240 108TH SE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENTON WA. • 980-55 Signed: B. L, RUPP'E, TKi8LDG. . DIRECTOR y; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •®••.o • .• O...o•••.p i•o•o a woo . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . a . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . a . . . 0 . . . ."• 0 • • 0 • •o 0. lie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. . 293 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 2004 • Jones Ave. N. E. POHL KLINE 1023a 108TH AV 5 . E Per City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON WA 98055 B. L. RUPPER1<'BLDG. D Signed: ;,. � IRECTOR �. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •he correct nuctiber of.a ,boil di n-1; on Lot No. ,. Block No. 293 Lk. Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 21.00. Jones Ave. N. E. _~ C POHL 1 0 2 2 0 108TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 " RENTON W.A Signed: 6/":4 B. L. RUPPE'i i , LDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 294 . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No, 4 . ; should... be designated" as: 2208 Jones Ave. N. E. c T AY L O R Per City Ordinance No: . 2 1004 $ .. 108TH SE . A ,-.• 98055 Signed: //; B. L. Ur>r� el'R , BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building --on Lot No. . - , Block No. 294 Lake Washington *Garden of Eden No. 4 •; .should be designated as: . 2216 Jones 'Ave. N. E. GEORGE: COD IGA " .., = 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No.. 447 RENTON WA _ 98055 �w`V Signed: L., RU ff,, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No Block No'. 294 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1725 N. E. 24th St. 0 MADISON 1. 0 8 1 1 SE 1 0 0 T H Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate _ The correct number ',of a building on Lot No. , Block No: 295.. . Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as:;. 2402 Jones Ave. N. E. • DELBERTLPERRY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9840 108TH S E RENTON WA -98055 . . Signed: B. L, RUPPI, € LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. . 295 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 41 ; should be designated as: 2532 --- - -- Jones Ave: N. E. ` t T OCCUPAN - OC4 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. 7447 RENTON WA 98055 � . - - -- = — Signed: �.. B. L. RUPPERR 6LDU• "DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No Block'No. 295 ; Lake Washington Garden of Eden No.. 4 ;. should be designated as: 2432." ..... ... ..................... Jones Ave• N. E9820 108 TH SEPer .City Ordinance No. 2147 RENTON WA 98055 Signed:fi \ g B. Lf k�PPEi'Vii LDG" DIRECTOR_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. .Block No. . 316 ".C.D,Hil lman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.5 ; should..be designated .as• .. 1401 Jones Ave. N. E. C LEWIS 108T.H SE ; 1 • 10833 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TON WA 98055 Signed: B L RUB. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of, a building 'on Lot No. Block No. 317 - C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 •; should be' designated as.: 1409 Jones Ave. N. E. • S T R U T Y N S K E per. City Ordinance No. 244� 10829 108TH AV .SE .. ._. 9 8 0 55 Signed: Ai . L. RU , BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No.. Block No. 317 C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div.No. 5 ; should be designated as: 1425 - Jones Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 1. 0825 108TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2A/77 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ��, B. L. RUPIA R ' BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate" the correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. 318 C.D.Hillman's L should be designated.k. Washington Garden ofEden Div.No. 5 : 1501 as: --- -.- - i Jones Ave.. N. E. B FOSNAUGH 1 0 8 1 9 108TH SE : , Per City Ordinance No. - AQ, RENT ON WA , 9 '8055� Signed: ors B. L, RUPPE. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 318 ; C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 ; should be designated as: 1517 Jones Ave. N. E. G B FOSNAUGH 10813 108TH SE 'Per City Ordinance No. 7447 . " RENTON WA' . 9 8 0 5 5 - � ° Signed:" B. L. RUPPERT� BLDG. DIRECTOR 9 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. • 319 . ; C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 ; should be designated as: 1533 Jones Ave. N. E. KEN MC L E OUEI . d-s1z` 108 ®0. 108TH AV sE Per City Ordinance No. - ,c98055 cA Signed: '�> )7 '�,t�� j B. LI. kUPPcdi%/dLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate "tne correct number of a building on Lot No• , Block No. 320 C.D.Hillman's Lk.Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 ; should... be designated as:. . 1609 A AMES Jones Ave. N. E. • '";.:':' ::.:: Per..City Ordinance. No: 2447 RENTO.N WA 98055 - �— 1 Signed. �' B•. L DG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate v. The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 320 C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5.; should be designated as: 1617 Jones Ave. N. E. H F HAZEL 1 0 6 4 3 1 0 8 T H SE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON Wq . Signed: G A..., ' . L. RU , BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No.: - , Block No. 321 C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden ofEden Div. No. 5 ; should be designated as: 1625 Jones Ave. N E. E PENNY ,-;.V, 1. 0 6 1 7 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W q 98055 Signed... 7. B. L. RUN-, v'r'BLDG. DIRECTOR Beareful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 322 C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 . s should. be designated as: 1633 Jones Ave, N. E. T LAMBRO 1 0 6 1 1 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON 9 05 Signed: B. L., RUPP-E. ti LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 322 C_flJ-lil loran' s Lk. Washington Garden. of Eden Div. No. 5 ;. should be designated as: 1725 F PEL •LEGR I N0 Jones Ave, N. E. _+ 1 0 6 0 9 1 0 8 T H SE ! Per City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON lrtA 98055 ' Signed: for ,./ �. ., • B. L. RUPPERT�DG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e. correct number of a. building on Lot No:. , Block No. 322 C.D.Hillman's Lk. Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 ,. should be designated 'as: 1733 • OCCUPANT • Jones Ave. N. E. 10603 108TH SE . . Per City Ordinance No. � °'1 . RENTON WA — 98055 Signed: " �/ ./�',4 , B. L. RUPP RidLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 323 C.D.Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 ; should be designated as: - 1801 Jones Ave. N. F. L W LEMON 1 0 4 5 3 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. _ 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number' of a building on Lot No. Block No: 323. +~ C.D.Hillman's Lake Wash. Garden of Eden Div. No. 5 should be designated as: 1809 • Jones Ave. N. E. G SPENCER i :_:..: _ 1 0 4 5 1 1 0 8 T H SE I . Per City Ordinance No.. 1,44.77 RENTON � .v� 98055 Signed: ' . L. RU , BLDG. .:DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of. a building on Lot No'. , Block No. 323 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden ofEden Div.No. 5 ; should be designated as 1817 Jones 'Ave. N. E. A PORCELLO i ,- 104319 1 0 8 T H SE ' Per City Ordinance No. v'-'1;l RENTON WA 98055 Signed: CO ���,.2;------- B. L. RUPµ i3; BLDG., DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 325 C.D.Hillman's Lake' Washington Garden- of Eden Div. No.5; should be designated as: 1909 ..: `: Jones Ave. N. E. E PISTORESI 1 0 4 1 5 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. . 447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,' . B. L. UPVE. , LOG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 325 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.5 should be designated as: 1917 ' ---- - . .. Jones Ave: N. E. H H A WKEN. 0H: 05 108TH. SE :. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA p 98055 Signed: CI ,4: ems' _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. - ' 327 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No.5 shouldbe designated as: 2021 Jones Ave. N. E. G FANNING &VA� 1 0 2 1 5. 1 0 8 T H S E Per City Ordinance No. v�-1--'� • RENTON WA.. 98055 Signed: a✓��r< '' '?`�r� B. L. RIfPP[_ . L3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' T;,4? correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 327 C.D.Hillman's Lake-Washington Garden of Eden Div:No.5 ; should be designated as: 2025 Jones Ave. N. E. 1 0 2 1 .3 1 0 8 T H S. E I 1_. Per..City Ordinance No 2447 RENTON , , WA 805 Signed: -0' B L Rifq1 , BLD G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . the correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No. _ ' 327 C:D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. 5 .; should be. designated as: 2033 • Jones Ave. N. E. ' K L HANSEN 1 0 2 1 1 '1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 � _.. Signed: . L. RUt K BLDG. DIRECTOR ;y Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • the correct number of a building on. Lot No. Block No: 32g r.-n-Hillman's Lake hing_ton Garden of Eden Div No 5 ; should be designated as : 2125 Jones 'Ave. N. E. ' "' L MC DOWELL JR 0 2 0. 5 Per City Ordinance No. 1. .7 103TH SE /, RENTON WA 98055 C 1 Signed:g � z1/1 r„�i B. L. RUPI4 fj , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 'he correct number of a. building on Lot No. ,. Block No. 328 C.D.Hillman's Lake' Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.5 ; should' be designated as: 2209 Jones Avenue N. E. M N J ULRICH Per 1 0 0 a 3 1 0 8 T H SE City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �s .B. L, RUPfIKK/ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' he' correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 329 _ C.J,Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. 5 ; should be designated as: 2217 Jones Ave.. N E. . G PRESTONE 2447 1 0 0 3 3 . 1 0 8 T H . SE 'Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: a,' B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this 'Ce.rtifi.cate ' ' ' 'le correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ' 329 . C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.5 . . should be designated as: 2225 • Jones Ave. N. E. ' R BUYER / S 1 0 0 2 5 1 0 8 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 1'1,' ' ' _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L� RUPP ?'i,;i3LDG. DIRECTOR r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 331 , C.D,Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.5 ; should be designated as: . 1601 0TH — , : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 10709 SE 10 1 . RENTON . , 98055 1 • 4 ..4,1 • • ,,,,,,fiA B. L. -013,,,g-N , BLDG. DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building bn Lot No. , Block No. 330 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No. 5 ; should be' designated as: 2300 . High Ave. N, E. C COCHRAN 10016 107TH SE Per City Ordinance 04.0 RENTON. . WA - Signed: - - . ' . L. RUPP-- , BLDG. IDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 330 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No. 5 ; should be designated as: 2224 ----1 Per City Ordinance No. High Ave. N. E. .1 SHEFFER 10020 107TH SE RENTON WA 98055 Signed: :47 ./. :------- B. L. RUP14. v, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No.. 329 ; C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No.5 ; should be designated as: 2216 High Ave. N. E. MR EDMAN _ 1 0 0 2 4 1 0 7TH SE Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 RENTON 98055 ____ _] Signed: „." - B. L. RUPFEk.T4/8i..DG. DIRECTOR • - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Th', correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 329 ; C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No.5 ; should be designated as: 2132 H M EDMAN ' High Ave. N. E. _ 10036 107 SE ' - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 ' , I. Signed: B. L. RUPPER;:76DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 328 C .D.Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No,5 ; should be designated as: 2124 High Ave. N. E. S HOLT 10046 107TH AV SE Per City 0 r'd •; :1-inc,?. No, 211:47 ----- 1:. ENTO IX A . , j 9 5 c) 5 5 -1:---/-7,\--, 7 f Signed: () ,,-.:.-, 7.. ,?-1 .... ---.---.— . L. klicrL : lb'cJiL -.1. 0! 1_ ,OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . _ Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. • 328 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden_ of Eden Div.No.5 ; should ..be designated as: 2116 . �y T GLAYP00L High Ave. N. E. _ 1 0 2 1 6 1 0 7 T H . SE Per City Ordinance No. 24 :7:. RENTON WA ; - . Signed: t �> . L. B R ', , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No, , Block No. 328 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Gardeh of Eden Div.No.5 •; should be' designated as: 210.0 A N E .High Ave. N. E. 1 0 2 0 4 1 0 7 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ C / li, a - . L. RU - ' , BLDG. .DIR`ECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ' 233 C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.Io.4 ; should be designated as: '1625 Blaine Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 1 10729 173 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No. ` ,1,17 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: " . , B. L. M R/ BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. ' 233 Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.4 ; should be designated as: i709 ---- ------] P 0 'w E L L S ADC ?4 Blaine Ave. N. E. 10709 1 1 3 AVE SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ' 98 .0-55 Signed: Afr �. . B. : - L. RUPEE. T, LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ he correct number of a building on Lot No. 233.' , Block No. v C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden Of Eden Div.No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1717 0 'iI E L L S A D D N — —=---- - - 1 ) 703 1 1 3 AVE SE Blaine Ave. N. E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 98055 — Signed: . �° tom,, B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 233 Block No, ' 7. ' .Hillman' H_ _;,_ Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.4 - • --•----- ......_".___-_ ; should be designated as: 1701. Blaine Ave. N. E. P 0 W EL L'S AD D 'N --------- 1 0 7 1 5 1 1 3 AVE SE Per City Ordinance No, 921 ^•7• . RENTON WA 98055C.---,Signed: DJ ,� ., B. 'L. RUPPE' 'i,f;t%aLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' '47 := red iiund t.1 of d bUild it iU. Y9-2 , :- ,y-�.D:Hillm�n s—ta-ke_Washinyton Garden of Eden Div.No 4 ; should ignated as: -, 2432 Cones Ave. N. E. .. ,. Per OrdinanceCity . Na. - B. L. R ' �1,EL-f . - TOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 292 ,Block No. _ • C.D.Hiilman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.4 ; should be• designated as: 2508 -Jones Ave. N.E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9816 108 TH AVE S E RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' fr.7 (, i -- . L. RU � BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on Lot No. 282 ' , Block No. C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1726 N. E. 24th St. . OCCUPANT ; Per City Ordinance No. 2447 10812 S E 100 TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPP, R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 282 , Block No.. C.D.Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div.No.4 ; should be designated as:. 1732 N. E. 24th St. _ OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. ��J� 1 O 8 1 6 SE E 100 S T RENTON WA 98055- - Signed: . B. L, RUP -, ,rLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. , .Block No. ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. T Signed: �i"J_4�, =✓, y R - B. L. UPPER biLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. S , Block No. S ; should be designated as: • • Per City Ordinance No, Signed: . .�� •,4e4 ' B. L. RUPP R`1 ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1,1' The correct number 'iof is building on Lot No. : 5 _, Block. No. : .. I . :' J. R. G,ratten Additicn (9823 . . i.15th..Aye. Srk.o) ' should be designated as: 2509 ft vtnn Ave. 'N• E J GATTEN • Per City Ordinance No. '>`� '?' 9.827 115TH SE 1: w RENTON WA4—.___. { . 98055 � (�� Signed ,� x > . . B. L• RUPW. ., BLDG. DIRECTOR _ - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate S. •• a a • • •. •a • e• • • • •a • . • • •.•.• .o-•'• •a •••i • •i N.• The correct number of !a building on Lot No'e .- . 2 Block No. ; ;. ::;, . :: _ :, ; , Woodland .Terrace, (10412 114th Ave,-"S,E.,):: s should be designated as • 190$ ` • Calras Ave. N. E. J F1NTOWsK. i .; 1 1 4 0 9 S E 11 0 4 T H I .:Per.. 'C1ty. Ordinance Nov:, 244�,�7 c4' . RENTON WA , . �. .,„. 98055 Signed: _ 6 /. ,gip.-,� r DI.., BLDG .. L RU , RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . :.: `: : :. :, ;' _• :. . a•►•.• a .• .• • a • •o ... . . • o • • • • • • • • • oe a . eo. • ea• • •.•o.• ►.• • •.'• o • • • • a . • • • • . ..• • ....• . . . . . . . :" • • •'. • maa••• The correct number of a building on Lot No.: 8 . , Block No. Woodland .Terrace,' (10423 . 114th Ayes S E9) ' . should be designated as:' 1833:'., C A amas ve.,:N. E. V STRO ,MBERG OLSON Per,City Ordinance No. ' r?:rt;' : ' _ 550 ED ,WA1RDS STREET ' cy) . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: . , B. L. RUP E(Z ', BLDG• DIRECTOR.' • . Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate ••....o •. • . • • • • o . . e e • • • • • . • • a . • • . a . • •.• O • O• e • • o • •• a.• .• • e • m . • • . • e • v .• • . a • • O. o . . . ..• The.correct number• al''ofla building on Lot No. • 3 , BlockNo._ ; I , 1211 Hilcrest Lane (11023 115th Ave. S.E.) - s should. be designated as: • Dayton Ave.- N. E. - ... • G JUST , SOX 22161 j, : r� Per City Ordinance No.: 9 ' �: I RENTON 1 . WA f I 98055 I �� • , Signed: B `La RUPEE. LDG. :D IRECTOR . is , .. Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate ; ..:s •':roe :.e: : ..,r,,.. The correct number of ;a building. on Lot No.. 1 , Block No. 1 _; I CractO View Addition. (10803 _ 109. P1_e S,E.) 9 should be designated as -1533 1 Kennewick Ave•. .N.m E. : 1 FOREST• R 1 M B IE Y Per City Ordinance �o. R P 0 BOX 2 '02 ',2 . , yr . RENTON WA , . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed .7Z1 B. L.- RUPPE.RT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ., Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate - .-.. •-••a• • . •- . • ..• .,• . o o : :.o om'e r oe • •w.e.o.r•a.,a a • o.• o o'• o_• m • e QOPOOBb e a a O •• • . • .1. • " ow ** F The correct number of a building :on�Lot,:Noe: ,' : 'g - , . Block No• `.2 Cresto View Addition (10837 110th P1 ,S,E,) should be designated as' 1425 P — , - . m: e : r i ncol n Ave, N. E. - E ..--,OHN .P.AFSONS - : - di l _.. ` _ _ - - _ Pr,_C;t ':Ornance No,. i ,RENTON WA 98055 - 9 SiSigned: -).�` ,ef✓(sT�^ 1'B. L. RUPPB'R% , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Se Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • •• •o • • • o • e • • • • o • • • • o a,a . a o • . o • o a • • o • o e . • a a e a . • .O•• The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 280 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: . 1809 N. E. 27th St. m STAR :t E b a U M 1 0 8 4 3 S E 9 7 T H • Per City Ordinance Na.' 2447 - . ; R.E.N T a N arA- h. . Signed: . 4i•A • . • .- : . . .. B. L. R�i,Vr 1`, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building .on Lot No. • , Block No. °280`` Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 should. be designated as: 1901 N. E. 27th St. . L 1 NEW ON _ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 W 10873 SE 97TH 9 s o 5 5 Signed: c./17 . L. RU , BLDG. . DIRECTOR • Be Careful to. Preserve this. Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.: 258:. Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1909 N. E. 27th St. LEW I S LARSON 1� 11019 SE 9 7, T H Per City Ordinance No. : ENT ON WA C . 98055 Signed: • g B. L. RUPP, OBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number.of a building on Lot No: Block No. 1 ; Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: mng N. F_ 2Rth St. D WELKER 106. 29 SE 96TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN TQN WA J 98055' Signed: --B. . . ��� B. L. RUPrE, T/,8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 1 Edon Acres _ ; should be designated as: 1617 N. E. 28th .St. 10637 SE 96TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPLRT✓?BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of'a building on Lot. No. , Block No. 1 Eldon Acres ; should be designated as: 2733 Jones Ave. N. E. - J A C,O R C O R' A N Per City Ordinance No. 241 47 960. 108TH SE ENT ON W A .. c 9 8 0 5 5 l _ Signed: r•%rJ 9 B. V. RUPP 'i I BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1 , The correct number lof a building on Lot No. Block No. 273 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 . ; _should be designated as: : 1909 ---- 4 t N E" 2 h St - - R Z1RK : 1. 1.001 SE i Per."City Ordinance No. RENTO"N WA ' : —' • - 9805.5 Signed �� . .?" L BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number ,of a building .on Lot No. , Block No. � 273 Lake Washington. Garden of Eden No. 4 •; should be designated as: 1833 N. E. 24th St. A Z ' K Per City Ordinance No. 244 11003 SE 1 0 U T.H. RENTON; WA 9 8 0 5 5 <::Signed: �� � � - G B D,• ..DIRECTOR L. RU 'P � L Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, ••'.• •• • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • a • • .'• . • • . • • • • • • . . . • . •'•.. • . . . . • . . • . • • • • • • • a • •'•• • ••.•.•._ • The correct number of..a • building on .Lot No. , Block No. .273 Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as: 1917 .. . N. E. 24th St. ... H HLA PLANT 1 1.0 0 5 S E 1 n o T H Per City Ordinance No. 2443 RENTON ''WA C { V 9 8 0 5 5 } Signed: . �.� fftDG. ,� - B. L• RUPI-4 DIRECTOR ._', Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate _ The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. �74' Lake Washington'Garden. of Eden No. 4 . • ; should be designated as: 1830 N. E. 24th St. C F KAUFFMAN 1 0 8 3 0 S E -1-0 0 T H Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON WA 9'8 0 5 5 i" Signed: —B. L. RUPPEk; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. . 274 s Lake Washi,ngton Garden of Eden No. 4 ; should be designated as.: 1908 N. E. 24th St. • C o R B E TT J co W n N Per, CityOrdinance No. � 1100 ,2 SE. 100TH. .--) — RENTON, . , WA 9 6 0 5 5 d �} Signed: / �/a ; B. L. RUPPER7<5tLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct numberof a building on Lot No, Block No. 276 ; _____ __ Lake Washiagt:on Garden. of Eden No, 4 ; should be designated as: 2616. ��. Jones Ave. N. E. : . L B I BENNETT. . . ... .. " 9634. 1 0 8 T H , S E Per'.City Ordinance No. REN ,TO ,N WA cr----) 9 8 0 5 5 < , /` ', /r Signed: %�...%_ �_ r 'J _ I "._. B. L RUPPEi 1i,dLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - oI ; 1 ' I l The correct number oof .a building on Lot No. , Block No• . 2.10 : I "Lake Wash,. Garden of Eden. Diy,...No. .4. (10933 116th. • should be designated as: 1.417 ; 4 • -- Ave,... S,E.)' Edm ds Ave, N. E: EDWA D B i' GG 1 NS - 2 -:4'_.4 ;`::R' .,... > . 9 2 8 ' 'G P.L • Per. City Ordinance No: `,�...,- . r N0 . 3. ` RENTON WA 98055 :. . .._ ,. _. ... • Signed: 4, ,`,. , : . _ • RUP BLDG: • � — -- -' • B: .L. DIRECTOR ' Be. Careful::to ,Preserve. this Certificate - :•,..: ° The correct number . 2. laer of a building on Lot. �vo No - � ' ji � . . .. • .B1'ocSc ;, .. . : Lake 4tash, ' Gal'rden of.Eden Diy, No, 4 (11001 116th Pve: ;> should be designated as:;,`. ".4 T7:.,:;''. -. :S.:E.) - Edmonds Ave. N• E. D R RODNEY HANDLE Y . : Per. City Ordinance No.: :.', . '` .' ' '. 64 442 .SUNSE i BLVD W _ ... e REN T ONI : • ; 9 .805 ' 5 Signed: : (I /7 /7, :, , I._._._ ...--.._ :..._._ ,. -- _ L. M DIRECTOR . : .. . .; Be Careful to Preserve; this, Certificate' ',:;..,..",;.;".::::.',':„:: ;-:;,-;,',,, '4.:- The .correct number of a building on Lot No.: , Block Na.. `" -' ..; 21 1`: ' r eke Wash. Garden of Eden Div. No: 4 (11001. 1./2 should be" designated. as '.131`9.' , 116th Ave, B,E,) . Edmonds -Ave, N. f '',:;',, . . BONDEDI1 ESCROW. INC' .. , S -v PO B4OXj 66430 " Per .City Ordinance No. 44.4 r` , : '84R/trd . .. ' • 9'8166 ,Signed: /-' . ''T�` ' � B DG DI EL O` B.. uFr� L R R` . L. R 1' Be Careful to "Preserve this:. Certificate '_.' ., • • • • • , • . . . .. • • • ° , • • . • , . , , . . • • . • . . . . . . . .'. . • . ..-.. . • . • . • • . . •. , • • ..'•• • . . .:-, . I.'•-'.:•.-• • • •.•.. The:correct number of a building on Lot No. : BBl ock No•. -: _..: 211 ` ;:': ' :. -: Lake Wash,Gar.denf of Eden Div. No; 4 . (11015. ':1- CC16th.Aye. ; should be designated as:''' ""1301 DR R HAN. DLEY . E ) '; `. , T Ede endsAve. N,� E. .,. , Per City Ordinance No. , 4 , ' : 442 SUNSET BLvD W Po ki RENT ON I' WA : e 9 8 0 5 5! Signed: .° ,_ , . - B, ‘L. RUFF-i=. LDG.' .DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ;The correct number Hof a building op Lot No. . - , Block No. ' ,. Lake. ashtgrdenof Eden Di.y. .No, a_ (11419.,STE,.,97th.St,) g 232 3, - St;-)should be designated ted as: (Renton Wash,) N ".`;,; .' .. D'U'F F •c[..._________, OX 182 'Per City Ordinance No: 24 _ : _R OF 1 N0 1 DAH B CA ' . _.-:,.835A4' Sianed e, .�• . I _- _. .__ .B. L. RUPPERT, BLOG.,_ DTRECTOR' . :' : i . •Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 228. �xT'Iie�':e:orrect:�ricrmi�er.f`af`a' �iuildin �on L'oi:�"I�a': Block No. i' � ;. Lake Wash, C,arden of Eden. No. 4 (1.1:255 $,E, 108th St.) _= should be designated as. :I_ N. E, 16th St. ' ....: P' I-i: I.: R.E:N: Fi:•!.- - < : 't Ordinance No, '.24- , fff,. PZ ?! T0N •-d' .11w ric e 9 8 1 1.8 - Signed: ,:/'�Yt .,/ ;, . 9 .. B. L`nUPuk `j o�G: DIRECTOR • Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate ' ,, 1 1 1 e correct number of a building a ng on Lot Noe , Block No. . 229�: i Lake Wash, garden of Eden No. 4 (11402 Sp , 112th'St,) should be designated as: '2300 . 1 i • -.. - -r _--" - N. E. 12th St. G A R Y' B' JUST Per. CityOrdinance Na ` ` P 0 B'0 XI 2 ? 1 6 -- /`'./`i .::: 1 9805 5 .. ,,,c-------------#.„ . , ; Signed: /7::��:'' L_d%% � 1. j. . ".. : . B. L. RW :�,, BLDG.' DIRECTOR - Be:,Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct:numher of: a building on :Lot No.` o• , 229:-''_' .. . , B. _ lock N Lake Wash: Garden of. Eden Noy 4 .C11406 5,E. 112th. St.) should be designated :as 2308: : ` :: 'i i, N, E. 12th St.. " r. E NELSON ' B o X. 1 0' o - Per City Ordinance No. : :24,A�7' ‘' 9 8 0 5 '5 ( �/- _- - Signed: �,; 2. , ' , : . L. RUPV1, , BLDG. DIRECTOR i: . _ ., 1 Be Careful to Preserve:,this. Certificate rw..•.:• • e • • r'• o •.. e :-o.e • see . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . • . • • • O • • ..e .. ..•.•.e • • • ea • • • . • . . • e,O . . • e e:,.-i.. ri.•, The correct number lof a building on`.Lot No,.- , Block No. J 2 1`„, ;' . : Lake Wash. Garden. q-r Eden No. 4. 00816.. 113th .Ave, S:E.) should be designated: as 1424: Blaine Ave. N. E. : .. . : JOHN S PETERSO.N .tir: 0 -'. : Per Ordinance Noes. 11316 g 13TH S E Y 3:.::'< RENTON 1 WA 9805`5 ' '.' Signed: :�/ ' ::� B. L. RUPI1 f BLDG DIRECTOR , . , it Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . - ' The correct number Hof a building On Lot No. :. , Block No. . 233::1 ' ' ' GJI Lake.Wash, C,�qi den Of. Eden No 4 (10514. . .113th.Me, S,E,1 should be designated as:.;::; 1810 , • Blaine Ave, N, E. - , .. ROGER. PETERSON Per City Ordinance No. 1 101 8 1 5 TH SE ' . RENT ON 4iA ,, 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ' '' B. L,. RUPPERT, :,.: ,. .- ------------ .---- � B � LDG. � DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve .this:.Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. ; , Block No. : 1234 " -: ;: • Lake' Plash, Ganderi of.Eden No. 4. C1.1214 S,E, :104th St..). , should be designated as::; :2214. N. E 20th St: V A U T H I E R, Per CityOrdinance No `� ¢� 5 9351 56T H S 0 24-- " '. REN i 0iv WQ i :SEA TTL e { 9 8 1 1 8 r , Signed: � ' - . :,:- B. . L. RUPPERT, BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t.,. • . . a • • .• ,.. a d . . e . . a . . : . : . ,. ..;., • • - .. e • . . • . . . e , • . • . . • . . • •'.,.'e.ir, • • . •r The correct num . — . 'building 'on'Lot N©.' , Block No. . Lake Wash, Garden of of Eden. N -. . - 0 S,E, 97th St.) ; should be d,r ' -ed as::H 2132,' .', J `:` ,Per Cfi , Qcdi oance No 2 RENTON , !, -.''. . 9 8 -1 __. . 0 5 5 Signed• ,- x'..._ .�/i.�yq�+ - - B. Lr. RUPP i7ADG• DIR i � Si: Careful U t0 rreservc this Certificate ti i icat� - - i !..lih e correct number iof a building on Lot. No• , :Block No. 239 Lake Washington Garden of. Eden No, 4 (1.1202iS,E, 97th , should. be osignated as •2712 :: S Aberdeen Ave. N, E. , I PET.ERSON T PFE I FL E r, . . er Cityrdnance No.: . 82-. ' .., j 10029 SE 88TH t' REN T ON Wq _ \ i 1' 9 8 0 5 5 SignOd; 7 - B. L. R�f,02- -,- BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve_ this: Certificate , • • • e • O a • • a • O • .• O O 1;0 0 • O n • • D'O • B-•:• a • i .. n. • •!.r • • •..• • • •,•.•.••1 The correct numkier of a building on Lot NO. ' ;..Block NO. _ eT _; . Lake Washington" Garden of Eden NO:. 4 (10606 112th should be` designated as: 77 Ave S•.E' , N R A F A; N E L 1 ) Pberdeen Ave. N li L I- I . B 0 X 3 Per:.:City Ordinance. No.-, . . LI,W R E N T O N 4d A V' 98055 ' Si. ned: L: k r F a `1 ' - • L. RU' ,. BLDG DIRECTOR, ih Be Careful to' Preserve' this Certificate . . ';'.; The correct number .of a building on Lot Na.: . Block No. ^[lit`''',Lake Washington. Garden of Eden No,. 4 (1.0618: 112th ; should be designated as:: - ` 1724 - Ave, S.E.) Aberdeen Ave. E. ; , : FL'ORENCE KYREACA S . . 409. NW MARKET . °.Per City- Ordinance No. € 47 .: `' q+;`' SEATTLE 1 WA a 98 . ._ 1 0 7 . Signed: . t,; f , 1 -- B. L. RUPI1EW BLDG. DIRECTOR. j Be Careful to Preserve, this- Certificate _ ,: ? :::: ' ; :corr ect number of. a building on Lot' No• . ' • „ BlockNo: - , 246 ''::, ' Lake"ka4h; Garden o-f..Eden Ng, 4 (10868 1.12th.Ave. S.E,) ; should be designated as 1400 1 ,_ ' ' Aberdeen Ave. N. E.. W . WI 'ILL'A .IMS . . i' 2 1 5 'M ILL AV SO :Per.City Ordinance. No,: ' 2:- ''_.' t R E N TI'00N 9. 8055 1 j Signed: BD 'L; RUPFE.R , LOG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve: this Certificate . The'correct number ;of a building on Lot No. , -Block No ' 247.. : ` ; _.. _ Garden a 1 Lake Wash. G� .den of Eden NQ� (11210 S.EQ. 1.12th St.)' ;.. should. b� design�.ted:as: � 21' 6 1 N. E. 12th Si,: . 0 ROBE,RTS 10423 IFOREST SO p�€l ,a Per CityOrdinance No. ?Air? ; `'_ • � - SEATTLE WA 1 I 981. 78 � 1 H Signed: �!✓� 'P ,��- - B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . ' _ • ::.•:S... •i'�:,• O'•••-• Y • O'Y ••:L,Q O 0^B`• • •°0 • . •�..O r-.a B'o 'O • •"• v'i'r:� Y O'B.,c'• D • .p • • O B a • • r •• M• D`o • 1 • e if• • o•"•I�• • �••'o.a •.♦ . The correct' numb �er o.f 'a- huzlding an Lot No• • '" - . ' .':. . .. :9 Block tyo•255 : Lake pt sh.. Ga'xden of Eden NQ, 4 (_9723.1•12th.A•ye! S,E,) should be designated as ' ' ? Ir';A :R.:[ N' = Ahardeen 4ve N r i P i t� .Ordinance No .:. i ` ' 1%� 6•'0-9' R:A .i`' N -1-'E'R A'`V 'Pd g:. ,r '''.': _ er`_C / 2 447 `: :t4 SEATTLE i WA --.7:' :. ,,.. 98178 Signed: ??%V-,/.,;,,; �. , B. L°e E UPPE'>:I�S/aLCG:, DIRECTOR Be Caref ui to Preserve this Certificate : I I ' The correct number of a building on Lot No• Block No• 263 ystash, Garden of Eden No: 4 (11029 S E,' 102nd St,) ; should be designated as: •,2129 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. J VANCE. 1 : y : 2 6 5 2 4 M A N•G H E S=TER A Per .City Ordinance No.-; _ r� r . KENT WA . Signed: � B RU; L. BLDG. DIRE,CTOR :.' = Be Careful to Preserve -this .Certificate :. : :,: The correct ,number of a:building on Lot No. ::" Block No. ;= 263 : _` Lake W.ash,Garden, of Eden No, 4 (11033 S,E, 102nd St.) should be- designated as 2133' : �SAr� p:, Ave.. •d. E. ] VANCE I Per City Ordinance Nor. 26524 MANCHESTER A Y 9803� . Signed:: • La RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • -..Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .:;.;° '°'°': ": : -: •�, :`'.�':,'''�`';` �.�;'-.:... •+..••o • • • o• • •o • •"..••• • • • • • •• e • • • • • • • • •• ••o • •:•.`r.•.•• • ri• • •• •• • • S • •.• . •_• .r•• • •.•ir• • ra• a• r• • ••a•i•; The correct number of a building. on Lot No. ,,Block No. 5 • Eldon Acres (9631 A & B 108th.,Aves 5,E,) ; should be designated as::: 2625' (A-B) Jones Ave. N. E :'.. E K I NDLE ,,•,...4.� ',:.,•;;-: .. 9 6 3 3 1 0 8 T H SE Per;City Ordinance: No. to RENTON WA -. Signed: , B• L. RUPP, R- BLDG:,- DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this: Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No• , Block No.. Arrpc (981.1 108th Aye• S,P,) s should. be designated as: 2517 -Jones Ave. N. E. • M . K WEATHERBEE 2 3 0.3 1 SE 7 2 N D Per City Ordinance No.." . ,� REN TON WA' ) .. 98055 Signed: B. L. .RUPFE. , LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. correct number, of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 282 :; Lake:KAshington Garden of Eden No, 4 (10820:S.E, 100th "; should be designated as::.'1Ron` E 24th_ St ROBERT CAVE 1 0 4 7 G S T Per City Ordinance No. REN TON , WA ' 9 8 0 5 5 • Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,.BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve thi s. Certificate 2.4, T , ; 2 0'.. correct'number"of a building on Lot- Na - .. Block No. ,. ; Lake Plash. Garden of Eden No, 4 (10820 .S,E, 110th St,) should be designated as:: :.'1:;724. N. E. T4th St... E / x Ord nan e'-� P "City,�0 c No.Per. _.. J .1 tiRE.N TON WA 9 8 0 5 5 • Signed: I . _ . B.. L. RUPP R.►, /LDG;. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbe' of a-. building .on Lot•N.o. . : Biock No :_ �9Q" L• ake:W'dSh .Gaj"den of:Eden.No. 4..(,10813.S,E'...:'108th'St,) ; should 'b.e :designated as: ' 17T7 " � . " '. li, - . : • -.. N. •E, 16th St: .. d:i nance::No ., .� . . . . � 1.4 6 4 9 2 o•3.R D 5 E :Per:'Ciay _ R :N •0•, E It N W' A:.: • • • . �. r '9805`S Signed ::�<; :',: : • � � . .a =, , - ::; ,B • 1 � 'BLDG. DIREC:Fps R. .:. 1. • • . . . BeCaeful'. to 0r e,se ry ,t0s.'Certi f;ai ca k't.e. ' '. • �ii iI .:. •3:i'- •i"-:':-"i— is,. ..,._ . .. .. .'.. .'::r., • .. . :. . . : . •a.r•�•r: :,•:r'..'• .•;.....,..,-,.....,.• •� .:• _ ::;i. .i'a- r . i • � • ,..�•.. •.i.,.•a, . :;No.•' - 2•'The •correct numb r .of a:=bui:ading on':Lo `:wo; ; : ' )' s : ed• as: 52 :. '.' p en:o E .No';'....--.-..,:49804::108th Ave :Lake: lash,'' Gard ' V den Janes E, : ; hould.: bedesignat . 2 . r . Ave. ► • • • • • • 4i: aRA..Y cO.LVER . "; - Per:•City,Ordi nance o. :. 6 . 1064 � .. 5f,' 9.6 T•H: - r. i. a.;1: . RENTON wA - - • 8OS'.5- : :. Signed. 'Ce L. RU ,: BLDa: `:DIREC TORi :BeCaeful; :to, Preervehi � rti f•icae - :': :- • The .correct number." of a.•build:i'.n on..Lot N..`, ..,.` ` 9. ;.. `No..5••'. :=.shoul:d: .b.e..des:ignated:'as' .:.:` .,;;. ':14:25: C•D.Hi7lmani5- Lake-.Wash': Garden:pf.:Eden:.:Aid. ; . (10825 :1•08th'Ave'.S' E -. Jones':;Ave, :.,:N:':.E• . • ' 10643 08 H' ':'.S, E -Per:.:City.Ordinance::Noy'` ,. �.,. Q L: . w'R E N'T N A` 98055' • i, iI ., g Si vied` B.: .L: RUP Ft , BLDG: .'DI'RECTOR Be Careful: to P.reserv.e:this-; Cert ificater ,,f• b...• . ..•:. :::�.:• :.... .:...• .-• ..:,. :.'. •.::/.• • .-. . ..::'..:..'••..'::r':'.••S- .:::'•.i:'. :;••;:. . r•.•:.. ....,.•_.1F,.'-:::`•;.•:: :'•.i',_�': .-,•., .','. . : ,I - . .. - - - y tr5 ..' Tb . c ect:number. of:..a building: on •Lo.t.•No` • • . . ,: Bl o.ck: Noe`:`.. ,,3 :. ,.7• G,a, till�an�.s' Lake.''Wash, `Garden of Eden,`Div..<'No,.•.5.. - •should: be: designated':as:::.-...:..::1733 : • . (10603 .T08th Ave.S.E.-) - : Jones `Av'e N,. ;.E',. . - 1' • • • 1 O n 0 7 'S E.," 1,0'3'T H-, Per ..City Ordinance`:No. - <, , •. '. RENT 0 N: W A ., .. • ...-..- �s . • • : Signed: <.. B.. 'L,• RUP LPG .DI`RECTOR. . . • :''; ;:.' .. Be Certificate _ _1 . ••!The correct 'number of a. building' on Lot No:: :. - :, : •,.: B No. , '1:;:`282.• :' lock • C.O.Hi11m�n:s Lake`'W sh, Carden of.:Dden. Div.No: 4: ;. should be designated•as. , _ . --• • • S•'E:. 1:00th:.:St..;) N.E.;'•24'th St:: . ., '• : . 'LEWIS: G 0 D {: 'G A.:'.. . • u`;c-i�z :: { 1 0 8 1 9 I! s E 1':0 0. .s• T'.' ' . ,'; Per,:C.it-- ,Ordinance No:• _ " RENT0N ! WA .1• ' • Iv • ...• - , :• 9.8 -0 5 5: n j''. - - -. c Signed , • • . , RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR: :.: s :: I Be• Careful 'to Preserve .this' Certi.fi.cate . f. r. •.►-��-e•..}',c�'i:• r}..i>..:• •:..•,.,a•�`if•`i:•.:.:;•'r.rt•r,r„?�,'•'.ila's `.;._•. �• •'�► �,. , S. - hz'. 1 1 B1 ck'- o:a N ::Tt�`'� Ain �on` C:'� o:.... - 9 e co�rrect��:number`:'tif a�`�bui�ld � o , '`� i,�kP DJash; harden 'of Eden' No. 4.�9725.,116tF1:'pye.S.E .)- s.hould be• designated •as %:°-252'9. Ed onds 'Ave:.' N. E. ';'*..' .:::.:; .1 .ice, '141 [ A , . �•.-., .,. .:^_�.. ..' ,}_,:,..:.... .,._„:.�.%: '=`' ,.,.1 .;.ire.^sue,:e ' , � . r r t n.y `��� ..-. .t �.: �- ,.,. ',a� :<,: -:3. �( rd'7'n nce;'No�. , 1 Q°1`'Oi:6. :1...'�'2 T'Fi'-,. ,A..V:.:r:s„�:.:. • Y;:, ... • :• .- -: •:.-,........ ... -. .::: -. .. ..s. - .:-.-- • . •-••,: ....,..•'-.. .......-. .,:::.:';;.•,,.,•:.„ .:, .- • ,.' .. • - 0ENT9N W. A - :Signed �� ,D.<�-., - . . .B.. L: RUPPE'Q118LDG ,,:DI'RECTOR :. • . �. .. . Be Careful.:to':Pr.eserve`�. hs.Certificate.. �.' ;.,_. : , .�,_' :: . 1 the correct.number ; er of. a building.on Lot No.:.:- �� , Block:,f�o: �" ' ' � 205 .:' . :' p . ach. ('ardenlo Eden. 'N 4 (9727 116th' AVe: S.E,), should •be.:designated ..as. .. :,.:';.:. - - . Edmonds Ave• N; E: . ' • - . ,.. , . .., W'iE.H0F. F R 11LEWIS . ;:244'7 , - ". . Per. No-::�:�,�.: ��;- `:�: =>:� 4 7 2,7 1 1 6 T H • •A V.•E S' E. ,r:'. !1•::, RENTON. .,W:A � ' .. .. . . 5! Signed• F • = B• L. R' ? _'BLDG: DIRECTOR • . . . .. . ... .. . ,. ;. . : .'- this �Certificate:cater�:.�::::_ .':.:: :',... .,..?;',.•;. - _ Be Careful to Preserive� =�"r���',_ late correct ect:number of��a��building:�.on Lot'7�0..... -,"Block-No ::;`. , Lake Wash, Garden of:.Eden No; :4 .(1:1215`S;.E 100th St. ` , ) • should be.designated _as::..:� :;`,�21:25. ''. ..;. : MRS J E , WR1GHT •': Per City :0rdinance No: 244�. ,,:',:.: ,: . _. • - •.'• - '_. ' REt-TONi.. WA. •;.: St ( R 8 3 Q • :Signed.=` ' : • L: RU - '., BLDG. '.DIRECTOR-: .. �. :.-: '• Be Careful:- to Preserve:.this :Certificate::.,;,�<<' ', ` , Jibe correct number of a building' on :Lot No., , Block.:No`•:: :` = _. •: .. . Lake Wash,. Garden. Q' f. Eden No '.4...(11010 S.E-;: 104th St,') ;:;should be designated:as':,•�: 1`91:?; �. .. ... N. E. 20th. St:. iC!' ' . i SLE.R•. . I/. G ! SPEND I FF '�" • 6 0.5 S 0 3,:R D S T Per City Ordinance No 2447 = , RENTON.' . ;I; WA .-,. Signed: CO ';.`;:, ~. .• - B L RU BLDG.: DIRECTOR :_ : ' - : : .:: Bere u s i_8 Ca f 1 to Pre erne this. Certificate� ''` The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block' No . .. - ':27-2 pkP Wash, Garden of Eden 'No.. 4. (10856 S,E: 1:04th St:) $. .should:• be .designated"as?;.�.'';1836" . `N. E. 20th St.. ''::``':ti., . W D •,i.O H N SIO N. : - Per City Ordinance. No'. ' ' 44a ' ' °;' '::,.. -.. . Signed: : ;:,_-.:- :.B. ..L. RUPIE. LOG.; DIRECTOR :. • - Be Careful to Preserve'this Certificate - Th e: correct buildingonBlock: .number of a Lot" No ' � oc o: ` ' ,: should: be:designated as f 1.. . : Per City Ordinance No. . . • _. _;b .;. • Signed: ' . _.. ..B. L•, RUPPERI','BLDG:. .DIRECTOR Be, Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,.,:: ',° •.,:..ry:vi'..:i'i i�'r;1a'iV,;j�.`:�i-�:-�.'i2i:'‘.v -i'i�ari:`:'ti:i'.-i-../_/ii:i:a::v i.'/..: •`.'i i;:•r i::a • r• • .::•i•:rli •.• •. \ .`•'.i,•• • :/• . .. a:f f -F' .c - o�r�h rec� ..er'o:f�a'-°'bui1 n :on'�Lot��•No'--� . oc fVo: ' j should be''designated as':'..° ` . ., r': - -.:'f:'.yam:'�:'w;.'... P Cit Or a No >'.e .,t, Signed:. - B•'. L.: RUPP gi 3LDG• :DIRECTOR Be .Careful to Preserve this .Certificate. -: ':'',H. • • Al ' tEvf ekEnrg r. The correct number of a' building. on'Lot No• 1 , BTock No 1 "` Windsor Hi17s; Addition *should be .desieabdjaN.gnated AS: 4 Per Ct Ord-finance. No..:.. REi� TO • 1 • 9' 8: 0 5'5 ,: B: L.: R ;:;BLDG.:;` DL2EG:TQR :Be 'Careful to'-Preserve, ,Certificate ., ` .=:: :'=�<;'.-=-;=:':' • ..•.• .I .• :,. ••. • •.••-.=..fir--F•.P• • •'•:`:-1•._►•n•;,r;•• •••;_.':.i'•'• • ••r'r,i:`r'.—.-:►iy •'•'.• 1.•:i.':.'••.: �;i•.,r: •.r is•:. • . The correct .number of a building•:on, Lot:-•No :"' 2_: , Block.•No: • Windsor;Hil`1s Addition :;, : • ;.:should.:be_ designated as• : 651 ; ; • • R0B'ERT'. .J.AH'N Per•:';Ct :Ordi:nance�Mo.':::. r ;`;_-;; �•.",3;-. 5 . .1 6 R A.N.D.E,Y .. .WAY- • Y R-ENT ON W': I. 8'9 . 0'S5 Signed`: • is L : RU e.,...BLDs: ..DIRECTOR::>,::.`: ' Be: Carefu1� to -Preserve-this this • • •,. ,.•s• • • r.i''• •-,r••'..-L• •:•.'•.:•:• • •:r%• • r-n:,• • :::::.•'•-.'d.::: .:: • rr.:• .::i`r•;$:i•r:r:•�':�•:.:d'i c:;...'r'• •n'.• • The'-c �3:: . - :� :::�_` ::,,,•. �`',' orrect number .of ..a, bui'lding�:pn..:Lot' No °;::' ::.:. - . ,B1ock:.No. ;`°:�' ..::: Windsor Hills Addition should be .designated_ as". 529 ' • J JURY 244/ 'Per City Ordinance. No' ;:. 509 GRAN:DEY WY� _ - •- - RENTON " Mt..A'' 8. • ,n d. �i 9 0`5-5 . B. L. . RUN SLD:. �T:RECTOR': ! . '. .: ..., 7' Be Careful. to. Preserve:this. Certificate .........:'.. • • .:... •:. ; • 4 Tf;: _ ;The `correct number of a building: oil'. Lot No.:. : -. . ' ' B1ock No: ��:; ' `�� .._... :..:....:.. Windsor Hills Addition : . 509' ;.:should N;eygw yd as' I N }, T H 0.M A,5 Ill .I.L.l:: 2447,: "':;::.. 4.3 9 G R;,A .N D.E Y . W'Y Per City Ordinance `No:. : .• ' RE-NTON • WA J Signed: `� •, :: ,:`�� : ::`.: • B. L.., RUP , LDG::: DIRECTOR Be Careful to .Preserve:: this Certificate The correct number of a building on.:Lot No : '5 Block to,, Windsor. Hills' Addition SOb ';: • , ; :shou ld• be.:designated'.as:.'' . c�egAlvsy:• way � JER OE, : ARiL 1NG M S c ``y. a {'" 437 R'ANDE..Y >Per Cis Ordin nce`No. 2447 ':.1-, , ::. .;, R 8 0.5 • -Signed:—. B.' L. RUPPERT,. BLDG;{:;DI,REC,TOR: ` " ,- Be...Careful to Preserve this :Cer-tifcate. -....v - .. : ... _. .�:;.:•::v::w:.;•<••7-•(:•"• r•e-• •=. fir• •7:7 d;: •,•-•'•:, • •:•:2::: :;i•`•.':;• t,t '- orr ec t' number:of a:burTdin 'on.•.Lo.t: Na:.° .,. fi' `B1occ • Windsor Hills Addition should be designated " l -- --- — — - - t�! Aw,Ey�wA ' E N ;sue+�: K'„ t��� 4 �: -2 r`t e 0•r Hance"No'- G..R. Q;`N,"Q,E°:Y``=;,,;��W .Y'-`.",' y � T'iA'=::,• -• Signed: - e. ../ B. L , kUPP!Wi LDG. DIRECTOR Be: Carefu.l" to' es to' Certificate . I r , • it i • is • • • i' •The.correct-number 1 of`a building; on:: ot .No .:::.7 • . , .Block'No,. .'_ ' ' `j.:.'• .::-.. Windsor .IHT13s Addition - should :be•'des'ignated.• as- '' 47..1. .`::``:: c,e NoEy 'WA , R. w•.N .N.Oi•:"� Per:Cit Ordinance' o. :244' '9: 0 i ne ... • g R BLDG ': DIRECTOR• Be Careful ''to-Pneserve' this'':Certi.fi'c.a. : :.:. �,;. •- --- • on. Lot.No> :'. _8'.: ,;:Block No:;.: 1 ;_ '•Thd cort ect::.number of a: building-. ... Windsor Hills 'Addi:tion - ':';_•should....be: des.ianated :as: . 4f.9 . `' - - N"r .E. W N :?C B�0 E- i 24 7`;''.. ' Per°•Git �Ordinance •No... A31" G:RA:NDEY w.�•Y: Y RENT'.,ON .. . . • w. 0.5. 9 5.8. L'.• R BLDG DIRECTOR• :a :an t • to {' �Be :Carefu'.1'.to: preserve-th'is C,er, fi a y ., ;,., ►►•.•.:•:••�:.• i s i• ..• ...w'i,.•.:.•.':':.:,.•,• i•.':•'.;:;i..�•;_:�y':•��•.: :i•''• IT.The correct number, of. a •building:on^•Lot:.No.. :;_:• No.: ,. : Windsor Hills Addition'; . ' •: :, . , .,. . s ou, e' p� na��e a s, F.: •E • C.'0';0-P•E R :2447': 1'-r��...., • 1. Per.City'.Ord'inance No: RE•N T 'ON • • w A:. 98`05'5 Signed:. .,,' : '''' ;:,' 4 . • • B: "'L•. RU BLDG..; DIRECTOR • • `Be:,Careful` to-P'reserve this'. Certificate ..w..•.•... . .,. . :'.• •..•• • :. . .;.. , . . . :.. •• •::...:: :. ,:•:•, : ▪ . ; : The correct 'number:of. a: 'bullbuilding :on.:Lot:No::: . • ;..,Block:No . , ..:..�,,;:,.:,:,.,.. ;' ' Windsor.'Hil-1•s' Addition • should' be••desi.gnated:.;as-:' - '5:50 • ' . C R ANoei►.y wwy , '; ,TI:'4 �!_ = . . -• N;:',E,t •- . 5 . F S N1. I N N• Per. .Cit Ordinance:No: 244.7 • , . 5 '16 �GRANDEY w . Y' 4,.;)',.'....,:..,-•--.,.-.-.,. 98 55 0` ; Signed: . . , , B L.• RUP , LOG::`DIRECTOR k Be: Careful.:"to' Preserve'.this•Cer'tifi,cate. The correct number of. 'a.bui•lding on 'Lot: No _ . . : •' ,_ .: . , • - • Windsor Hills .Addition . ' . ` ,,, •should• be:designated.as '51"4-:„.' • G z ANoey way.. , •Y t •. ' }� . •N;' E , • • •Per:'.Cit :Ordinance.No: 2447. ;,;,: 524 • JGRAND.E'Y . .WY • • y 4. REN. TION wA ..' L, • 98055.. . . . Signed: > ;, I. • •• B. L. .RUPPERT, BLDG. •D'IRECTOR• . • • Be Careful:•.to-Preserve this• Certificate .,yra '' "J:'.:::':' ':-:'.: : :'.rri•':i'.`i::'r';f`.;':°iiY,i:"i: .`•`:. .''..e'::i.•,•.'• •`;_ .. '.:^ - p. . Bl :.k"No ::The's'correct`number .oi-:a':;buildinglion�:Lot ,�" Windsor Hills Addition' - ; should b.e'designated as``'`:''''572':';,• . ;' `. eR ',pry . •r. ,Lc, C .A�ey N. E.'. • #• Y. p 4::? 7 u ',-.urtiiz-ti 2' 1=f. E; "'l .-ate'..,--_„_ '• ''R'E. N''T 0'N ' .. W.A ,,.•.. . Signed: . .. . B. L.• i:UPP E LQG.; DIRECTOR . • Be: Careful 'to Preserve this Certificate,; ..' i. ;:�•: . . .j- .` . !l The.correct number of a building on L-ot. No. 5 , Block No: 1' • Windsor. 'Hills Addition should be designated. as. 510, • N. E Per City Ordinance No: 2447: I` 51.0. GRANDEY WY. . Signed:' • B. L. R BLDG. :DIRECTOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 2 The correct number of a building. on Lot No.` . , Block;:No.._ Windsor Hills Addition ;.should be designated as': 478' , • — 1 6 rt ANOESra►A:y ::: N. '.E: G . HREICN • 424 GRANDEY W Y Per, City Ordinance No. 244%: Signed: :, _ , BLDG. .DIRECTOR L. RU ' Be Careful :.to: Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , B1 ock No..- Windsor Hills Additiond • ;, should. be. esig�iated MRS H w Ej D E U N D Per City Ordinance No:. 2447. - � - - . RENTON WA Signed: C'sd f B.. •L: RU. , BLDG.-`„DIREC:TOW Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 8 , Block No: Winldsor'Hills Addition ; should, be desi nated as:' :4.70 464 AODEv AY J DOBSON SCHAN- CHE • 4 2 0 GRANDEY WY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 98055 ,,• ' Signed: ,:'r, : . B. L. RUPFt , L DG DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building. on Lot No:.. 9 ,:Block..No Windsor Hills Addition �; should designated as: :466 A bePEy :wA V • 'N E. A : .ROB I ROBINSON 2447 418 GRANDEY. . W Y ':: Pere City Ordinance. Na, RENTQN ... . WA 98055 Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' 'DIRECTOR ; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r:.:^.'•` r.•�: . �':• : :i..-i':,i-•':a •':'a •'•,e .;.•..'• •'r• • • The correct number Of a building on Lot No 10 Block..No: Windsor Hills Addition should be designated :as:,``.462` g R AN r CIA ti l .- - _ _ _. �:E; Ci'ty Ordinance Noo .a44T ,' RENTO. N wA : . 98055 Signed: • , . - B. LiRUPP R► LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .';,:': . , • I I : The correct:;'numberof a;building on Lot No. 1T :.Block NO. 2rv: `.. d Hiils` Addition,:: ' ' ;::should: be designated as.:i:: a5g• ..:::;u;.- - Win sore • . O'C;CUPANj_. PerY:..�Cit Ordinance-:No, 414 .CR`.A-N�D. Y W Y - 2447 R - �l 9'8. 5• .. B. .L..:R ; .BLDG. :DTRE:CTOR' • .-'.. :.' : • :: . . . .•.: Be�:::Carefui to Preserve :'th'is Certifieate-::� ': : bu:i l di'n .•on Lot':No.: l2: Block_..No. .The correct .number of a g:., . . . ,� W'indsor'::Hi'l is Additiom . ; should,.,,be designated A I.,. - '' 4 2- RANOE.Y:. : WY: ..;;_;•' 1 - = • • Per City:O,rdinance R E N. W T O.N. I 9 8'D:5.5 ._ ; . . , RU ,,: :BLDua';•.DTRECTOR �� Be'-Careful--::;to:Preserve,:this Certificate . .••:••.•-••. !••I :•1•••►•:..::.:. ., ., . . : ..... ... . :.:. .• . ... ..::: ....:. :...:: ::. .`-.... :.: . . : !;:';�:.: . .,:,.;.:1:C.:�.,,:,1.. ,.• • • The correct 'number' Ofa'.building. on Lot:NO.-. 13 Block No. .,. ;. W'tndsorw Hills Addition should.. be: designated :as.' ::'41:0;= A H ELWICG:: , '4 is 0 GRAN .D'E.Y:' .W-Y:: :''Per City ,Ordinance No: a RE`NT.O.N � :S:ignedl.. • • B. L. RU BLDG.: E DIRE •Cl'OR • • - }'- : . Be Careful :to'..Pr.eserve:this' Certificate The correct .number`of, a-:building :on:..Lot No �:Block. Flo. 2. .-. : : ':` • Windsor Hills ,Addition . should be designated as: ..•.4,08: :' -- - — — aAdoey w v. .. • • . 'N• :E:' W C ON.N 4 0'8 G R:A ND E:Y ,W :::,Per-City. Ordinance No 2447 J.• 9.80`55 " . . :. Signed: B! L RUP T, LDG DIRECTOR • . . • :: Be Careful to :Preserve;-this Certificates The correct number Of.--:a buil.d.ing.on ,Lot No: ' • 15., •Block: P;o1 !2 ; : Windsor Hills s Addition _• , ;`shouTd�.e' designated , C` IiR A�U B Do . . . . " 4'.0,,6 (GRAND' E.Y W .A:Y.,:;, Pere City_Ordinance No. -2447. _ W A': Signed: • :':L. RUPPERT, :. 'B- ;D'TRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve:this-Certificate •!-• •.:l..!!'• :! •``!• - !:l,.•% :1:-. ♦.1i./:,.."1:.1::��•,• .:f,•.•.•..••. • ••.•',•:•.••...,:.1:.•';•'.....r•..i..1::fi:�1::��'�lt•:•f:.l:ael:-•.f.'��-!�`f.f.'1:::f'.i:��-.!.!„!:•:! • •--1': f• - - . -�i!E4.'.:.i'�>f'^{:�:>e,>t%�?n• =iAvlGn�"�,•" !�'�:i::,�'..,�r� ��*/i.i3:1:. ::r� �:_Gr:yw ..�_:,,: ..^` The correctnumbe-+Cr. Windsor-Hil-ls .Addition, :' ',• : : ; .should be des'ianated as::: ':404, - • . 6A - ND#YuJ e.AyN., E. , • • - �l''�•n . ESTE• .NEL_ ,.,..L ~7 _ Y: \u C.- -1 - :y�.,. •�:1�1P:erv::Ci:t��-,:T'Or�i 4` �4 I ; IA.: . _,E �.- ,�- RENT ;0N{., WA : B.. L, RUPPE' LD'G.. :DIRECTOR { ti ..: Be Careful :to Preserve this'Certificate;-' 1: ' i i {' The correct number:',of '-‘building on, Lot, No::,:. 17 _Block No, ., 2, ,; ' Windsor .H=ills Addition' :' '402„': ''. ,::;:`' siiauld. be :designated as':: ANas y wA y ' - R , ,KA'Pi MERS.: ' :'4.02 . 'IG Rik'N,D E'Y': .W Y`. - Per'�Ci_ty Ordinance. No. 244T R E,N TO_Nt W A; 98.05"5 1.. Signed;.: ,,� i , ‘` : :'.; : B: L. R . .. ;,, BLDG:;;''D.'I.RE,CTOR;, - - Be°'Carefu.l ;to Preserve .th.is. Certificate - ,_ •• •• • ••.•••.••�:_•r•6••L:•;•• •• •:•• • •:0 ••- •!•• . • • •..• i .'• • • • :. • •,•-•• • • ••.•. . :,i.• • : ':.;:;,:.,: ?;•:`•.'i •'•::::1:• The..correct numb'eri;:of:a.:building •on Lot:No:�'•.'. 18. ,-.Block No; " •; •2. _ Windsor'Hills Addition: - �: should 'be s{esignated as: *:''``'433 • II o^l3oAL .wAy N. E' y�: ,:.- "S: 0L't 'vE:.R. •1 2447 - er.' Ci.t Ordinance nance No. �.'>;' 403 . .BR'-0N.S0',N' ..WA.Y N0 . y „ j L• -RU , ::,•::' BLDG D'I RECTOR:'.�-:' . U = • Be:.Car fu1-s to, ... a Pres�erve: th'is Certificate'- ' ;:::,:•. % A:,; . The correct number':.of:a buildingon:Lo.t::No.:_ . •• 1.g. . Block No: „ 2 `.; e.. , : Windsor iHi.11s Addition . : - : should:' be designated as: '4': :1_: . O2o sit op/ w'Ay .... . N• E: M FU.L;LER a 4 0 5' B'R 0'N .S:0'N W.Y N•o. 1. Per. City.'Ordinance .NO.= ',',, REN`TON' W:A �' � Signed:.. is -.' •: . L._ RU - BLDG. 'pIREC,,:. • • : : B CTO : - :','; 'Be Careful to:..Preserve',.thi's.` Certificate .'. ',i,' ••....:.. •.•. . . • . •..• •:. .... •... . . • . . • . • : ••:,':.. . .. . . . . . f.:,•.::�:: •:. . • The correct. number of a' building on.Lot. No`:. .20 , :Block No•' " ' ,-''-�.., , • Windsor Hills Addition . ; should' be designated as:i:,,1. :.455' - RoNso^/ wAy G . 0 8 ERG,-: ,' '• . •: •_ • • •Per' City Ordinance No• . 2447 :` ,,,,, .,' (' 407 BRONSON. .WA.Y . NO;. ":.;, .::: ,..' . `' • REN1' 0 � � � ,. ,J,; 98 0:5 5 Signed: ` B. L. RUPP , LDG..:�DIRECTOR • • ' • Be: Careful.,to. Preserve this Certificate ..• The correct number of a building :op Lot :No'•.: 21 .. ,: Block No. , : ''2::: :;;'; - `-_ • ; : •Jindsor 1 Hills Addition ,. - should be designated;as.: j::459 , ;' • ' • *�eot/sodl way - ; ;;: •. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • , ,: . D. - .O .. PH 'EL PS • . . 24477'-i,,.= e: ` ;.''':' :`: P'er City .Ordinance No. = .'_ RENTON N! A ' 9.,8055 j ,. .. . . Signed:, B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG•,i,DIRECTOR ', .,. 1 :: • -',: this Certificate• • • ''; Be Be Careful �to Preserve A. r.f.: •"s.�..A-• .-.�,•• - •..•'•�,• • •.•'• •I-• .-,1'• • R.•_...•.1;•SIT::1';H,I?:, �"i:�i.y, Z :_ " 1", t' ��y i - 's: - T _ e h'e`c�o e t - rr •riu ,-.c tuber - ,of "a Abu. i'T:'d n� gin;, �;�'� - .�,:.: 1o��'k° • Windsor Hills Addition - `_F'.:` - ;: should be designated .as�;�'��s47.9- , _ y �. oNoN � • . . N. .Et -L :.T Y [-F r�: Ye : ` a .. ..�.��`�'�'�`;�s���',;:•,�. r: ``;fir. i.na�nce °No�e`'- 4 :I ,.°i s�' -B�:R a:N`�a_o`WY ��t:�: ,���.o,,�:'.�: �., Y.. . . 2447� :�>�a . . R- E.N-T 0 N W A'.•.. '.,` - , . Signed: B.. L. RUPP RI LDG.; DIRECTOR 1 � B-e Cao eful to Preserve this ..Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No 23 . , Block No.e 2 Windsor ,Hills Addition ; .should be designated as: 483 44324 wAyN v E KALMBACK Der City Ordinance No. 2447 421 BRONSON WAY _... RENTON WA 98055 to Signed: .t . , 8. L. R :� , 1.: BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 . • , Block No° 2 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as:. ..50141k '. - - = 6Ro,lsoN�wAy . d,.L,,, Pie• N4 E. J. DI AZ MARKHAM 2447. 423 BRONSON WAY � Per CityOrdinance No. 9 8 ; Signed: . L. RU . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this..Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot Noe. 25 Block No. 2 - Windsor Hills Addition ;. :should be designated as:. ."`505 RoedsoiJ wAy A Fi en N. E. M L E I N o 2447' 425 BRONSON WAY N0 Per City. Ordinance No. • RENTON • , WA 980 .5.5 Signed:. B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• 26 , Block No. 2 ; Windsor,Hills Addition . ;• should .be designated as:. :' 509 -- - aitoNsoaJ wAV 4thvistiecaA.Ame. N. E. PAUL HALE TR I TZ Per. City Ordinance No. 501 BRONSON t it�AV t . . 2447 RENTON 98055 i . Signed: Be Le RUP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a. building on' Lot No. 27 , Block No. . 2 Windsor Hills Addition ; shou„14. beN designated as: '", 513" Fie;accn N, E. A KALMBACH 5 0 3 BRONSON WAY NO ., Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON . WA . 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to .Preserve this Certificate The correct 'number of a building" on `Lot No ,28 ..,:u:. 2.;. : ,,. . .. Block No. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as.:: 513 QR®Nsoivlvey N. , �r dcC� E IRENE JOHNSON _ - _ 47 s o 5 B R 0N.:So N: � AYN . .. . Per City No. RENTON WA 98055 • 3 Signed: - B. L: RUPP LDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful zJ ;';'eserve this Certificate I .The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 29 , Block No. 2 Windsor Hills Addition . ; shou]d bed ig Ayed as: 521. -- -- go AAIDevael. N E. 507 BR'ONSON WY '. No Per City Ordinance. No. . 2447 RENTOfV ' WA. 9. 8055} Signed: . ,,.. B L-7' , BLDG. .DIRECTOR.Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a. building on Lot No. -30 , Block No.. 2 Windsor 'Hills Addition .; shouisdo�ri S®deAv ianAa ed as : 557 Abcrdccn Ave. N. E, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 509 BRONSON 'WAY N - -._�---•- � , , RENTON WA - 98055 • - , ' Signed: �4� 9 . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR.."' , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a :building'on. Lot No. 31 , Block No. 2 Windsor Hills Addition ;. shoul8d�0�7so b� dN wesignaRt d as: _555 _ - Abcrdacn AeK. N. E.GRAHAMM R G W ! E S 511 BRONSONWY NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ;' : .w.' : - RENTON WA p 98055 Signed: B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . ,1 , Block No. : Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: 5.59 WIN Ds R P4.N . . Q n, N. E, ' E BUTLER ; . . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2203 WINDSOR PL _ RENTON WA ..\--7:/ /,‘)/ 98055 Signed:. "J....CV , ' B. ‘L,, RUP , T,'$LDG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 2 , Block No. 3 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be.designated as:. 514-° — — oNSoW�L• ce N. E, A H A M M O 514 BROW Per City Ordinance Na. 2447 . .SON PL RENTON WA ,- 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed: ' r B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Let No " 3 .' . . ...:-= Block No. Windsor Hills Addition ; should bNte deesignated as: . ..512 • N - �Ibc�Fcc� p, ace C�C 0 U: A'P N,. - - - Ordinance No. 2 4 47 't 5 ,1 2' B R 0 N S-0'N�. t-P .L. �Per���C1 y RENTON WA. ' . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPP i LDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I I i 1 I I 4. .. B1 ock No ; ,. :'3 . . - ; The correct:number of a building :on. Lot:No. 9 . Windsor Hills Addition should be designated as: '_ 51-0 :` " AtcNdsn place N. E. ' ,:.::. 510 - BRONS .ON. PL.: L I ONEL !' G C'L.EAS;ON Per.,City Ordinance No.2447 Signed: ,",� - t B. L. :RU'P BLDG. ' DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . b.•. • • . • • • • •• e • • •,• • • • • • •'• • • • • •. :•• • • •• •• a •s . . . . • . . . , . , � �"' Block No � 3 � . _ . ' The correct number of' a building' on Lot No:. .: " ' Windsor Hills Addition" . should be designated as '508 crdo n Pl E ice .N, J S CHIOD Y.K ( N '% N P L Per. City Ordinance No. 244 508 BRONSON . '_ RENT ON . ' . 'WA' - M--'" 98'0S5 `� I ;; ' Si9 ne d: L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , it . . . . • • . The correct number of a building on Lot. .No. 6 , Block No. . Windsor Hills Addition. ; .shoul:d be designated as': 5(18 = ARoNsoN I 44,, �� place N, E. :-...`; FRE D R0SE" _ 2447 . - ;,,,,,,, 50 6 BRONSON P Per City. Ordinance No. REINTON_ WA - 9 8 0 5 5 Ca-A Signed: .:. :. B. L. RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR= Be Carefu.l .to Preserve this Certificate 1 a.... • . . • . . . . . I II The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 7 , Block No. 3 :'", '' Windsor Hills. Addition ; should be designated !as: 504':. I - Angels.'"ca place N. E.' - con ', .. RIC.CI MART IN_ 504 BRONSON P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447,' ;,': REN 'TOIN WA.: Signed: !. — J _ B. L. RUP' R , LDG•'°DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , i 'i N 8 Block No. ° ' 3 . . . The,. correct number of a building on. Lot o - 502' '`� ". Windsor Hills Addition , should be designated: as , _. is oN oN place. N E, R D N 0 1B L E Per City Ordinance No: 2447. ' 502 BRONSON PI_ ' RENTIONI WA 98055 : .. .Signed:.' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate. - i 1 •- The`correct number be a'� ��building'' �°o"n'"Lot No: - . ,' Block No• WinAddition hta Windsor Hills ; sou be desianatel 'as; ':k476 _ !oNs6iy will1 I. ..• � T 'L. !{91- �, 7 anc e o. 4��° din � _ r e t 0 RrEN� TON WA i. 98 .055 Signed• f . - ' B. L. RUPP R►„ LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Cert i 'icate 1 1 ,1 i i l '.The correct number of a building on Lot No: • 10 , Block No. -- 3 Windsor Hills Addition should be' designated as: 472 ! 8 QaysoN wAy E, Aba u Ate,. N, p WA.LSH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 42'6 B.RO'N •S0N WAY . NO ,. ;.. , .• 1`, .. . 98055 �. Signed: . � r . B. L. P.0 , BLDG.: DI•RECTOR. I s Be' Careful. to Preserve. this Certificate ,,,01.0 The correct nun'iber of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 3 '_ ;_``;;; Windsor) Hills Addition ;:.should be desicnated.`as: 468 ' .• nr_-. n-• '9 N, E. ... - JAMES H PRYOR. ' `:. 4 2 4 ' BRONSON WY NO Per City Ordinance No• Zsl�7 - :L R ENTON WA ,, -A I 98055 • Signed: C ,; : . L. RU , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR Be 'Careful. to 'Preserve this Certificate . . • ', The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. . : 12 , Block No. 30'. Windsor Hills Addition' show d be designat d as: 4;64:,, , Ro Sete WAY ;; R PHILLIPS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 •':ti' 4 2 2 B R llO.N S.0-N W Y N 0 1'• REN T 0 N. W A 9 8 0.5 5 C--� 1 Signed: - , I B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 13 Block ..o. . Windsor Hills Addition s should be designated as 460° a RoNsoh/ WA y A:JCI Lich Agee. N. E. J LEBERT . Per City. Ordinance No. 2447; 420 ,'BRONSON WY NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • B. L, RUP LET, LDG.. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , `:° ;'': : The correct 'number of a building on Lot. No. 14 Block No. 1 3 ': ., :,-;:, Windsor Hills Addition should be designated as:'456'r--,. 8 go elso�T` •waV , N E, RICHARO LA.NGDON 2447. 4 8 BRONSON WAY NO Per City Ordinance No• _ RfN +TON'. WA l; l 98055 1 , ' Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR i I'. Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` , ' :The correct number of .a` building on Lot'No. 1'5. , Block No. '3, 'Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated 'as' :432 _ • . A•Afsb a wayN. IEQ i.:. r�er�i:cra rw B L' 'i 1 d e 2 44� i Wane Na - ..Y�: �, :0'. ,Per C1 L,/ Or • . . R 'E NT 0 N W A .... 9 8 0 5 5. j� I - Signed: � ,,.. ' • B. L. RUPPE � , LUG. DIRECTOR I. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..,The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 Block No• 3 Windsor Hills Addition should b desiaWed as: 411 BiTtr e, N.E, V. FREEMAN 2447 411 W I N D, S 0 R W Y Per.City Ordinance Nn, . RENTON WA ' 98055 ' - Signed: , B. L. Rid' : -BLDG. ' DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 Block No. 3 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: a21 wgNa5 ( why O (IBC ,1 N, E. BRASNELL 427 WINDSOR WAY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • : RENTON WA 98055 % Signed: L. RU , .BLDG. DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 3 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as : . 423 1.4440set 9 63ai,1c Aye. N. E. DOBS'ON' 4 2 3 WINDSOR, W A y Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA 98055 (e-s� � - - Signed: B. L. RU la , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 ; Block No. 3 -. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: 425wisp . Bj : r 4,0 e, y. E, SS ;B Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 425 WINDSOR WAY RENT ON WA 9,8055 Signed: B. L. RUP - , LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 3 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: 427' H TOBIN N9 E 4 2 7 WINDSOR WAY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 " , Block No. 3., Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: 429 wiND$ei 'A4/ . W , N. E. 429 , W 1 ND50R` Wa° Yf` Per City Ordinance No. 7,447 RENTON WA 98055 • , � Signed: .A 2 B. Lt. RUPP RI LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I , b The correct number of:a building.oh Lot ,No 22 Block No. . •• '3 g - Windsor Hills Addition ; should.be designated. as: 431s':. :.:'.'. tr�yy pso�w�y Twine .Ay,• N. E. ' A BR,O.:CKS`CHM I DT 4 3 1 ;W`,;I N D S o R` W A.Y • Per City. Ordinance No. :2447 RENT OJ :>' :W 'A ' . Signed: B:.. L• R BLD.G:, .D! TOR. • B Be Care ul:�.t P �'thi erti i f, o reserve, s- C f. cate - _ correct rum er of a building on Lot No`:: 23 , 'Block. No: „-- WindsorHills Addition = should• be designated,, as433•> ::.!, . Npso W�+/ �' „.„.„.„ „ . . K ;1 HD-0D : S'0 R . .WAY • • Per City Ordinance No: 2447... RENTON ' _ WA .'t: Signed:. r 'L L. RU BLDG s D'I RECTOR; . . Be Careful: to Preserve 'this. Certificate` The correct number of a building on.Lot No:: 24 Block No. ;3-•-'.i°`:',''`, • Windsor Hills Addition43;5: beoi designated it should ed' as: . E. : w�No •:�,�.�. S 4 3 5' W: I N'D;S 0 R w-'A:Y.. • - Per City Ordinance' No 2447 RE.NTdN, • WA 1' 98055 Signed: • C-.Q � B. .L. RU BLDG._ DIRRE:CTrSR Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate:: ;;; 25 The correct number of a. building, on ,Lot Pdo;: - Block No:`.: ::: ` Windsor- Hills Addition -; should be designatedas: .437 wlNosa t WA . - D+a'me Ire.. N. E. .:` H W WALCOTT Per City Ordinance No: 2447 - '';°;..;�.• : • RENT0N I WA a } 98055 ' • . -. .. • 'Signed. . 31. .1 .1l..•4:. • - RUP B. L• . .:_D RECTOR P , LDG: • �' _'. ..' 'Be' Careful. to Preserve this 'Cer-tificate !' ! ''" ' The: correct' number: of a building on Lot. No 26 , 'Block No. •• '3 ':`_' - '; Wiindsor Hills- Addition ; should he desizna ed Blaine Ave. .NNNNNN, E •' • G.. H0' ELL 3.9 w .l :N D. S.0 R ' WAY Per City Ordinance Na. 2447 98055 . Signed: , B. L., RUPPERT, BL DG;.; DIRECTOR -. Be' Careful. to Preserve this Certificate.; t to ,-: i• The• correct:'.number. of. a :building on Lot No::.:;;�: . '`''- , ,. ,,, '� ;:::. ::.., ..� . � . , Windsor Hills Addition should be .desianated`as:' '.:'::44.1-` w �joR wAy N• E:, el: Pt,h'- 5; f 4'. ?'�Sn D` ert -Ordi na n allo 2 4 . . B. V. RUPP R LDG,. DIRECTOR • i'' ` :Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate , • • • ' , .. ,...i:. - •-••• •••...',.......... .-:::. .:1:-... 'L - 4.• ....••• ••.'.-...;.1•,..•„:•-•..:. ••:....'..1'....: -.'• .-.........:......-...:•,•••.• ...•.• ..... ,••••••••••••Y•••:,..•.•,,-;,...•.',••• ••••:•-•:.• ..:.s•-- - ..••-.i . ••.........,::;•".••••••;:i•:•:." ,..,.:.•...,'..,:i.,.';,-••••,::::-...:,...,•"..:..'::::::::,;:'.-•:,,,,•.•..., •-••••,••:„•.:."-••.-,....•,..,;?:.-,::... •:. -, 28, .. . .; Block No•:,, „. ,• ..-._ ......,..The correct number.:of'.•a'• building On. Lot No..„ •' • -. . ,... . . .. . .. .. Windsor•Hi 1 Is Addition .' ' .,••••','-....' ••• .. , • *--* : "*, • .. ' ;•.•should-be..des i gnated •as-;, .-.*•,•441p,,,-.2,,„•,,•i., ,,,..-• ....,.,. i ., • .• 1 . .,. . ,. •... :. e4=4euay..ti i •• . .•. -,.,.,.,,:..‘,•-..,‘,... -,:*'j--4,.T-:,",,,.',-..-L - „. - • .. . -;i.•2.:.C•t.,*.Y M E..R •••••• SI T: I; .N.,.. ....• . • --. N .. :.,:. .;.. .. ,.... .. ;.r er— City: Ord i nance: NO.. : 2447:',•r.'.....'-, ....4-•-....-2- T.-:fiti ,:t,••-•'•-.-•'- • • •.:: -•--.:R E..N.T •-.0 N•••-• ,.. ,-..:•t:',:':•:'.. 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E.,,:•......:.:;';',1:Tfix'.'i..,,:',:..', ..• ; ,- ,..• -' - . .• ' . • , •.,... • Per: City,Ordinance. ,. . ,.:.,...,.. . , No-... 2447..'; ",1•.:.e..-:...--:. -.,., , - . -.. -•---.-:.' . . -,,:,.;,c,'-'•::,.''..3•.:;.....,-..98055 L. .,. ,,• .•, . . . , . ., , - • ...--- - , ••, • • --- .. . .. • ., •-'.....:-.1.'.-.-'... Signed i. ;• .. .,.;••1!A'-,••••..,..:::••:-„,..:.-•••-• •-- • •. . i - - • ,• * :-...,-,:,•:..;, ,,,,,,:.,•••:•:.-.,?..: • •• ... : ' - - • -i .. *; •:..:**•.2.!•,•••.• •.,• - - • .. B. •L. 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" . . . •:•'• ,' '.'' ..:-•',-*..:•:,'„;:;',...1.1-,,s•il,..:•••..:*::-*"..• ' ••'.. .-.•.;`•••• ..,.....,,-;;„'Be .Careful t&f Preserve thi s Certificate..... r- •''I- '• .....i*,:;:--..'„,•i...':',:.•!.::,. ';'.. ... '''' .... „••• .. •,..••oo•,o-.:'o ••.•'. .:• •••.•',••0.0•0,,,,•,D •‘ .0• •• ••0.01.:• 0.0.111„.•••• III 7 7 fi",111 I!.oo..0.....•. .. . .. ...0•0 . • ...•5'O,• II.!AI •...,•.,•1•,•'IV!,• • , . ,:... ., The correct number of a building on Lot No.'' 2 , Block' :No:. 4' Windsor Hills Addition ; shou be desi nated as: 360'': .. DAM®N woldi N. E. CHAS RASMUSSEN 3 6 0 . BRONSON: WY NO Per City Ordinance..No. 2447 ._ RENT.ON•: WA`. . • Signed: B. L. RU'P' , BLDG• DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate :' • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No 4 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as:' 406. '. %4h($io'P Ave.i4/AV =i w� N. E. COST O SFlERDOURNE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 , 406 W INDSOR WA:.16 RENT ON WA Signed:. L. RU BLDG• DIRECTOR ';'.. .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : •ao • r • • • • • •• • • • •.• • • • • • o • • • oo • • . . • o • •o• • . • • •• :•• • ...•. • • • • foam" .'• • • . • • .::.'•'s(:-ead• 4 Block .No:: " 4 The correct number of a building on Lot No.•`' , Windsor.Hills Addition ; should be designated as: .;....408,' wi4VD/4a i sic 1 WAyN. E. — — O Ate. J C BR YA..N T. 4 0 8 W I' N D;S O'R . WY ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R. E.NTON WA ' .- . `'. .Signed:. 3 ,�'-,,..' B• L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 5 , Block No... 4 Windsor Hills Addition ;. should be .desi hated as ':410 10 WINDSOR WAY 2447 Per City Ordinance No. 4 . . ' . • RENTON . WA 98 .055 Signed: B• L. RUP , LDG: ;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No• . 6 , Block No'• 4 ', ''._;;' ; Windsor Hills Addition should be designated ,as::: '';412' . • .. A - u/I �•fo't wA' o N. E: ' 2447 4 1 2 W I N o.s o R WAY . Per City Ordinance No. RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate w' '• o.•'.:e .'o : dr rr•i,'• . o-i.. •.;i.a-w i :.�,e • • • . :s • .• i • . • o • i•.i . . The correct number"of a building on Lot No: 7. Block No. 4.. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as.;::. '`422 4 g1) 41 wA ,r Ave�N• E M:.. .D.0:'. M .�L�.E A=�N::' N o. City Ordinance ��°` 'Per�: .d7 ��; 2 ,4..Z�Z-. ..W`'f:: N�0::'S.0 R- .%W'..A�..Y — RENTON WA '. . 98055 . Signed: B. L. RUPP LDG.• DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 Block No. . 4 •i Windsor Hills Addition ' . ;'should be designated as:.. 424 ' • OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No• 2447 424 WINDSOR,WAY RENTON •WA 98055 `..: . - Signed: B. L. R , BLDG DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 9 , Block No. 4 Windsor Hills Addition . should be designated as: 426,E N. E. . 426 0 I D SOR WAY Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 ` W .L N " RENTON ' 98055 ' Signed: . L. RU , . BLDG. . DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The.correct number of a building on Lot No• 10 Block No. 4 Windsor' Hills Addition ; should be designated '.as:.';'':428 ere Avtettle. N R E.;• R. PETERSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 428 W N os 0 R. WAY -t- RENTON WA - • 98055 (/-A .- - . . Signed: B. L. RU - BLDG. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No•. 11 , Block No. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be' desigr ted as: 434 6,$)/Nosow wee .._— 0 , N. E.. ' T NEWTON Per City Ordinance No. : :2447 : 430 W 1 ND:SOR . .W .Y , RENTON . ' W.A. 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP , T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot Noe 11 , Block No. 4 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be desi nated as: 434 w NDS 1 .d�y dya . Jere, .N. E, R R EVANS 434 WINDSOR WAY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON . WA - 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate as!r .Ae.• e.• e • e'►'aY�c ': - -�'r!e • . • .. o e 0000 • • • • • o • • • • a • • • • o 000 The 'correct.•n umberof a''.building on Lot No-. 12 •, Block No. 4 Windsor Hills Addition �436 ; should�e designated as . '. .. • - . w pse4 wwy rife 've. N, E, "P Cit. Or dinance Noe 43 6 • W t N D S O R ..W.>4 Y - • er y 2.447 RENTO'N WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPP I LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - , ' ' . Tire correct number of a� building on Lot No. 13 . , Block No 4 . - Windsor Hills Addition ; should beosog A.y desi Haited as: 438 wihl Blatrrrtre. N, E. H L MARTIN Per City Ordinance No. 24_47 - 438 W I NDSOR.' WAY . RENTON . WA ---- 98055 Signed: / . — — B. L. RUIN BLDG.- DIRECTOR • - Be .Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14". Block No. 4 .." Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as:. 440. kJ�1�p S o,,e w f�N U1 i c X e. N. E. W :H CARR I EGAN. .440 WINDSOR WAY Per City OrdinanceP!o.2447 RENT ON WA 98055 Signed:. " ,. L. RU'"V, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 Block No. 4 Windsor Hills Addition 442 should he. desigated as : . hr Jo a�7A� E yy ALBERT LEMAY 442 WINDSOR WAY Per City Ordinance Na. 2447 RENTON', WA 98055 _`t�1 Signed: B. L• RUF - , BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The- correct number' of a building on Lot' No: 16 • . , Block No. Windsor Hills Addition 444 should a desi ed as: .. 444 W l WINDSOIL WAY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • J RENTON WA 9 8 0.5 5 Signed: . B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 4 ':-. Windsor Hills Addition should be designated as: 0 .446 lei!I D 3 cA WA SH ;in: i1• N• E. E E L Q - oeau laah'4' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 446 WINDSOR WAY RENT ON - . WA 98055 Signed: ---- -. — -. B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :-. : . .: . .. , , . • .`. , . .. .. � .. oo . `' The correct number of a .building ' 18 Block No. 4, on Lot No. a ,', Windsor Hills Additon 0 ; should be desiana ted as: ' -448' /N.Di® alA •• . �II``�11 - ..::: .4,:.4 8,. AcY , :.:. . .Y. . : :...-...t;:- - :.;�-. : � : Pe. r City iyOrdinance 2447 No. RENTON WA 98055• Signed: - - - B. Li-. RUPPEik i LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . I , The correct number`of a building ,on Lot No. 19 • , Block No. 4 • Windsor Hills Addition should be designated� 'as,: ; 450 �,. ._ -: ., 4"93°•lve;iIN1. E. ' ' ' . A ST.RONK • 450 ' WINDSOR W .A Y` Per+City Ordinance No'• .2447 . f 98055 �~ Signed: I. . - B. L. R , BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;w; : The correct number' of a' building.' on Lot No. Block No. . . • • Windsor ; show gesdl,Pesianated.as:, 57, V1: . r Hills Addition • � � - 72.:. - - Place N. E. ,, ",, - • 2 2 0 2 i:W I N D S O,R p L " _ .Per City Ordinance No. 2447- . - . i 98055 �, Signed: L. RU BD 'J L �� DI ',E`R GT R'0 ' "Be Careful to: Preserve.this Certificate ^ : " The correct number ofBlock No.a building on Lot No. ,n, 2 ' Windsoir Hills:Addition should be designated :as582 W .I N D' R P L ; •, City Ordinance No. '.244 :'',a, •,:.;.`,::',„ ....., . ' 2204. i S• o. I Per. 0 din 7� RENTON" .. . .. . .. • -Signed: ' B. L. RU R- BLDG. DIRECTOR: - •, Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate. : • "4,r''` The correct number of a building on Lot No• 3 Block No 5` '':=:'4•' Windsor Hills Addition ; should be. designated as: -'57�8 WJOJ P� • :'. .. I-- DaytonO'�vc-tue N. .E. • =y:`;:= H• MCMAHOIN 2206 w I Nj D S 0 R P L Per City Ordinance No: 2447 R. ENTON . Signed: ; B. L, RUP , LDG::. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 4 ' , Block No. . 5.• : ., Windsor Hills Addition should be designated as 574; ,:. oNosoR Pg. ' r' uay�l Ave. N.. E. ' : }':: r`• M I TCHEILL ' DONALDSON 2302 [ WINDSOR . PL , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R ENT10 Ni „ W A 9805_5: _ . . Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, .BLDG.,p,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'The correct number of a�-building din ' on:Lo't No: '5` , "Block No. $' Windsor Hills Addition: s should be designated as: 570 °:: I,. ' L. wtNOroR P Day.''oi� CCU - Al.PN , r= city Ordinance ce y No, _2447 , .. 2304 WINDSOR PL . 1. RENTON WA 98055 ' , ' , . ci _ Signed: ..._ - - --- . ; _ - B. Lo RUPP RI LOG., DIRECTOR , i3e Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • • The correct number of a building on Lot No 6 , Block No. 5 Windsor Hills ;. should be designated as: - 565'',•.:` Ate. N. E. Per City Ordinance No• 2447 • 230.6 W:,I NDSOR PL REyTON WA . :.: • 98055 • - Signed:. B. L. iff.g , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR• .,,. .` Be .Careful. to Preserve this Certificate The correct number ,of a building on Lot No.: • ` 7 Block No. Windsor Hills should be designated as; 562M" w•Npsoi , IiereurrAret N. E. J OCCUPANT Per,City Ordinance No.' . 516 WINDSOR ;PLACE24.47 RENTON 98055 Signed: • L. RU" 'f', BLDG. DIRECTOR:, .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate: . .. BlockNo. 5 _ ` -` The correct number of. a building on Lot .No. 8 ,� - Windsor Hills ; should be designated as. , .'568 iy A, N. E• 514 WIND ,S'0R GRAY PL Per City Ordinance No• . 2447 =. ' • 98055. • CA� ' . . Signed: B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 9 . , Block No. ' 5":- i; '.' Windsor Hills ; should be designated. as.:: . 554„ wiN.osa4 PL N. E. G HEN 0 E R S0 N Per City Ordinance No• 2447 512 W INDSOR PL RENTON W' A 98055 - • Signed: a B. L. RUP . T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 10 Block No 5 Windsor Hills • ;' should be designated as,: :510'': - -- 414oso,e1. N. E L A MB E R T O.N L A N T Z" per Ci t Ordinance No: 2447 510 WIN'DSO.R PL Y ' RENTON ; . WA : 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . :.;''�. The correct number o.f'.a' building 11 .on. Lot No: � ' �� , Block No. , 5" ;. Windsor Hills shouldrbs desianated as:, .508' A.RT,H U,.:R G..0, p, E. . . 2447 e 't di :��a.:a. �::.�r-��.:p�S.=o'R:,;:-.'P,�::: Per City Ordinance No. � • • REN ;T.ON WA. • 98055 ' ,. ,. Signed: „ - B. JL ;RUNPnigAL'DG. DIRECTOR" +: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate II I _ The'. correct number of.ra.bui l ding :on Lot No.:'::. - 12 Block No. 5 > . • • Windsor Hills. should be designated as • N9 E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 .... 98055 :.. Signed: B. L R BLOG. DIRECT.T)R' this Certificate Be• Careful. to Preserve. t �'�.=:�,,•,:,`,,» �:;; The correct number of'a building on Lot No 13. Block No. :!,5! ;5 Windsor Hills ;: should be-desianated w,ND.4eR w11" Pt . , ° N. E. P - - 0'E R O S�S E••T T` i .2447:,:' .,. 5 0 4 W f'N.Vs O R t�- ' � � Per City Ordinance No. . . . . .,. , R :ENTON WA. Signed: ` . L. RU4 'f'" BLDG 'DIRECTOR Be'Careful to Preserve this Certificate • o o •'o•o. •,-•':'i•• •.•.•.•.• : •i i►••Y•o•...• •• •.• •• • • •• •-•'a • •••i. • :: •.•• • * •.•,• • • : • • • • • w • • •,:• ..;�j:i:•?<,. ! The,'correct number of a::building on Lot;No 14 Block.No. Windsor. Hills ; should bedesignated as:, r _ -. . .... . . ., - - Dayton Ave. N...E ;;; ::':.: Per. City. Ordinance No. " 5.02 'W 1IND5D''R PL. .:,:.:. RENT'bN : WA •9 8 0 5 5 . . Signed: B• L• RU , .B,LDG;, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numler of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 5"r:''`:' '..' ' . Windsor Hills ; should be designated 4J,ND3o L• N MESNKPE H OWEN. ILL; .. , . . 2447 50'10 W1 N�DSOR : • .. Per City Ordinance No. R E''N T 0 N . W A Signed: • B. L. RUP " T, LDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The .correct;number of a building on Lot Na: 1 .. , Block' No. 6 - W,indsor Hills ; should be designated as •ipe, SoN. ay, OCCUPANT 2 0 0 8 BRONSON ,WY N,0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R � NiTO.N. . • WA . Signed: " • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •►.,•.•,.••:°.,o•yi+�.•.�wt"•o •s•.w rr,i 7:7 •=,V7• •• •• ••••a a..••.• •s:i• •:•...• • • •a• o. • v • o,e,'• i',o.rr••,e's.•.•'• :i.•:+ .• The correct number of a 'building on Lot No , Block No• Windsor:Hill s shoul�Rbe idesanated 8 N :yet. � • _ 2 4 47 • C •t Ordinance No.CUP Per 'Ci 0 a ANT' 201,0 BRONSON WAY N y RENTON WA 98055 , • ___':_.:.. _. - B. L. RUPP , LDG DIRECTOR. - :''Be Careful. .'to'Preserve this Certificate The correct number`of a building on .Lot No. Block No• Windsor Hi11s Addition • ;. should be designated as: 574 640N34)14 wmd • Per City Ordinance .No4 2447 20.1.2' ,B';R:0N50' 1' ' WY ;. N0 R E N T,O Nj. : , WA 98055 } � Signed: l� , 4 ,ram B. L. R u , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : ;;; The correct number' of a .building on Lot No• '4 , Block No. 6 Windsor Hills .Addition should be designated .as: BjRoiJ,soN *my —.--._ N. E • MR JOHN, SON R C 2447 • { 2014 BRONSON WY :,M0 : . Per City Ordinance No. REN.T'ON WA - 9 8 0,5-5 �_� Signed: ' { : • F'• L RU BLDf.L DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The .correct number of•a building on_ Lot No. . • 5 Block No. 6, t..-'.: Windsor Hills Addition .. ; should be designated .as:":: 566 -- e E MU'.LLER , 2 0 1 6 BRONSON ' WY . NO. Per City Ordinance No•.. 2447 98O RENTON ' 55 C i Signed: .2 B. L. RU R , BLDG• DIRECTOR• • "- - Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'r;.`.' The correct re`umb;er.of a building on Lot. No: - •, Block No.• ; Windsor Hills Addition • should be designated as: `562 �R oN3 �✓A IV. E. H PE • ERSON.. 2 0 1 8 I' BRONSON- WAY Per City Ordinance: No. 2447 Signed: B. `L. RUP LET, . LDG.:;DI'RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct inum'ber of a building on Lot No• 7 , Block No. ''C : :;; .. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as 558' . ...._ ARo,wso ,wsyN O C,C U{P 4 N T_ 5 1 2, B!R. O N S ON w Y N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTOIN WA 9 a 0 5 5 Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of. a building On Lot No. 8 Block No. . Windsor Hills Addition shou be e �A� a designated s 554 oN.fF L B A;EC'E:;R 44 . B R 0 N S .ON WWY ,N�O Pere City Ordinance No. 7 , R.E NIT ON W A i.. : 98055. i. . Signed: B. L. RUPP,R► • LDG. DIRECTOR { Be Carefu1 to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:: 9 , Block No, Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: 550`,` BRoN$on► wAY, • ,g.,-, e,_..t5 .e. N. E. • A HALSTEAD Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447 ` 508 BRONSON WY NO RENTON. WAS 98055 Signed: i B: L. RUP BLDG: DTRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 6 Windsor Hills Addition ; should be .de.sionated as: . .520. .' BBoNsoiv £Jay • ... . . N. E. i. BERGMAN COPELAND Per Ci t Ordinance No, 2447 506 •BRONSON WY NO y RENTON WA ' 98055 . Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 11 , Block No. 6 Windsor Hills Addition. ,;;553, should be desi Hated asp: , r:.- - B p/d,fpN • .. e N. E. ; . , `; 509 BRONSON PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 : - ' RENTON WA • 98055 . , �. 9 Si ned: �� 2 � B. L. RU - , BLDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No.' .12 , Block No. '.6 ,". Windsor Hills Addition ; show b designated as:. 557 1i®eJe„soN .T — ��� I Place N. E. WILLIAM 'DUNBAR 5 1 1 BRONSON PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: � B. L, RUP t.T✓'�BLDG: .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 •, Block No. 6 . Windsor Hills Addition - 561 ; shouli ',aso�gnated as: . - - 1140 Place N. E. 41 . J L LEATHLEY 5 1 3 BRONSON ' P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 l, RENTON WA 9.8055 Signed: -"--A,\' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG: 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . ' The correct number of. a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 6 .' .... ; Windsor Hills Addition 565 should be designated as: 8 Dalesew J ,C__;:T I GN ER -� Place N. E. 5 i`5' B R'O N S O N ``P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - . REN TON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPL. „ LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No• 15 , Block No. 6 • Windsor Hills Addition ' . ; should be designated as: 569: ' '' 89oA.Soa i Place N. E. - W . . KN EP P E R Per•City Ordinance No: 2447 ' 517 . •BRONSON PL 'RENTON : WA . Signed: ,,'' ,� • B. L. RU'PI , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,The correct number of a building on Lot No. , 16 Block No• 6:....:.. Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as: .'.,:573 _' BRA D 'A COOPER ' -.'. j 2447 :. . 519 BRONSON -P.L Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA � .._. 98055 d Signed: . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECT.OR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a'building on Lot No. 1 ,. Block No. 1 .; ' Renton Sunset Heights ' . . ; should be designated as: . .,:21'03 N. E• 6th Court B VAN W Y K City Ordinance Na• 24472003' 5TH' ' PL ' N'0' .RENTON. WA98055.......... .......... Per Signed:9 C----2..e ' B. L. RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ., The correct number of a building on Lot No 2 , Block No. ' ' 1 • ' Renton Sunset Heights - ' ; should be designated as: : 2.105 N. E, 6th Court R PUHICH Per CityOrdinance No. . 2447 2005 5TH PL. NO RENT.ON WA' J 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPr- T, LOG... DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a .building on.Lot No. 3 , Block No. 1. ; Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated as: :: '.,621 Blaine Court N E. 5 J' R O N A ID Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 ' ,` 521 RONALD ST RENTON WA . 98055 ' - Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: , ` 4 , Block No. ' 1 , ' . . Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated .as: 619 ---- — -- Blaine Court N. E. ' R ,G E I S:S, L ER ': 5 -1, 9 R 0 N A L.D '5 .,, ` -: Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . , RENTON WA - 98055' ' Signed: so B. Le RUPP LDG.. DIRECTOR' ,' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - :. .. . '' ' = _ 1 Block No: :'-2 The correct number of a building on Lot No , ;. . , Renton Sunset Heights should be.designated 'as: : : ''2128. • N. E• 6th Court :: p. L I INGST ON . • ' : 2004 . �STHPer City Ordinance No. 2447 ' PL NO , ,, "" RENTON ' ` WA :. : 98055 Signed: B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate. ,'j;.".°;` _ The correct number of a building on Lot No..: 2 , Block No. 2 ' 'A ;,. Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated'as: .:'2132 N. E. 6th Court S T A E1E N H K E L: L Y Per City.Ordinance No.,. 2447 2006 .. 5T. H ' PL N0 REN. "ION WA. g8o'S5 . Signed: , L. RU' ' `', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate ; ;:`: The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3: , Block No ,2.''`°..' ` Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated as:, :2204 , : 1 • N, �E, 6th Court, ..:•. .. G B. I C H I C H Per City Ordinance No.' : 2447 2014 . . 5TH PL NO RENTON WA 1- 98055 . Signed: . C---0 e ., , ' B. L. RU BLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •. ; • �� � , .: . The correct number of a .building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 2' 1� :':• Renton Sunset Heights > ; should be designated as: 2208 N, _-E, 6th Court - H A T I E M A N . Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 2016 5 'TH PL N0" j,,, RENTON .. . WA . . ' 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP . , LDG. .;;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . .: ...:; : ; ;.` The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. ` � 2 Renton Sunset Heights . . ; should be designated as: .:'.651, '.. Blaine Aye. N, E. It T JASPER , 525 ROGER ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed; B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . • . •. . . .'• . • : . . • ..• • • • • • • •• • . . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • •,`+... • • The correct number of a building on Lot•No. •}.6 , Block No. 2 `.': Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated 'as:655:. Blaine Ave, N. E, <Y< Ordinance No H. R O 447'. . . . . - Per.`City 2 529 ROGERS ST ' RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: . , B. L. RUPP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a' building •on, Lot. No. ` • 7 , Block NO. Renton Sunset Heights ', ' - should be •designated:,,as Blayne Ave,' N:: E J . HUR.NE'R 5 3 1 . R'"O G E.R S S.T Per:..City Ordinance No. .2 44 • RENTON W:A ' _. Signed: B. L. R , BLDG.::=DI:RECTOR Be Careful to' Preserve this ;Certificate. The correct number of a building on. Lot fva.:: Block 'No: Renton Sunset Heights. ;,Should be Blaine. Ave... '0.,.'. L : M1.'L L E R: Per :C ityOrdinance No:' 2447. . ., - , .. • . RE NTO N Wa,. 9'8 S 5 - :Signed.: '` •'.:' • L. RU ,,:BLDG•;` D'IRECTOR..`• , Be Careful to. Preserve' this "Certificate The correct number of a' building; on'..Lot 'No'. .'9. . ,; Block.:No. Renton Sunset, Heights. : " • 'should be:.designated;' Blaine Av . N. E.. a,•'4 J• MADISONN 535 ROPER 'S• . S Per City Ord inanc:e .No. RENT.:ON WA, g8055 e . B• L. RU BLD.:.' DhRE:CTOR Be Careful to Preserve::this', Certificate •.. .• .. . •'•.•-•'••.•.•• • •• •i •• • •• •••• • : • •. • • ` ,[,..... The correct..number of a building: on Lot 'Pdo: Block."N Renton' Sunset Heights ; should be designated : Blaine Ave. N, .E, :; „ • Per City Ordinance p0: 2447` Signed: B. 'L L. RUP LD,G ;.:D;IRECTOR Be .Careful'. to Preserve. this ,Certificate' " The correct number of a 'building' on Lot No• '. , Block No; ':``:- :•'... ,::;,4-�: Renton Sunset Heights;: I ;. should be:designated' as ` ,;62Qr'l ,.: ," :' Blaine Court N, EI; ;; K ,SCOTT ,:;• 2447' 52.o RoNaLo :: .. Per City.,'Ordinance.No : R.E N T'0.N W A Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, .BLDG:.:'DIRECTOR` Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •• • • • •-• • •.• • • • The 'correct ;';r number. o.f-a:'buil:dirig• on Lot .No:. :Block No,. • Renton Sunset Heights . ;'.should be'designated N. E, 6th Court S'. - er`��Gi't din �Or ance .N o� ':.T. �.P=<: =24 98055 :Signed:. B• L. RUPP k i LDG:.; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve::this Certificate::, 1 I The correct number.. of a',bui l di ng on Lot No. : •, ;..Block No:. A';,:;',.. ,.: : '.... , .;: Renton Sunset Height§ ' should: be'•.designated -as: , 1:':2205.:`;,-: . , Court : 0 'J. A RG S� ENT ' Pere City Ordinance. No: '2447 � ;':� 2 0 1 5 5.T ti,. :- P'L N.0 . .-.. '•: .:`,:;,::. . .• ;;.;. .. :._:, , . �.. ..,;.:...:'- ,: RENT.O:N _ WQ:` i . . 9 $;.0:55'' B. L: R BLDG:•:'.,DI'REC1:9R:'.; :.: ;'Be Carefu] to Preserve this 'Certificate ' .' ,,,:::,:...•. ,,,,.=:. :-•:-.:;.... ..., . The.correct number of a.•buildi'ng on Lot: No :4'' `. • ,'•Block No. ::;3 f,.,.,'r' Renton.Sunset Heights.' a:;,:�2'09 , 'shoul'd-:be .designated.as:;,;a=°2209 : . . N. 'E, 6th_.Cou t° , :. -` { • P ;E: ' CH.R.i 'ST.O:PHE:R:S'0N ':.,:. 2447:,. . } '° .' 2 0.1 7 . 5 T,H- P L N 0 Per.C.ity.Ordinance NO. I;` ' :,: ' RE::NT-0N ''-: .•.: .: ' . ' :::: -.ill li ', i.,":,'.: .!.,.,.',:.'• ':•-. ,...,: : ::. ••• :•-• ': e•-"--, -- ,• -:::..:. • '...-.-1,-.,..., ;,-,;,:',,,i":;,:',..,•,'.::::. ;,..,:•;:',.,.:, .. . Signed: 4:.,,..;:..,:;.:,�::..:-,• ., - _ __ _ —. .. . BLDG : DIRECTOR:. t th"s� Gera . i�ca e•--' Be`Careful' to :Preserve i f � '. : '. . . • .: :. . . :.. . . .. ...:.. . . . : ..:.:: : ... : . .• .'r: • •. The correct number. of-'a building. on Lot:.No•.. 6 ..Block No:.: : ' ' :.3-i;:': ,';;' >,.•.,;.. • Renton :Sunset Hei hts::, •' ... , `2213 9 :,- ; should; be .designated a :'.;-� '..:;.:.,.•: -:': ', N. Et 6th Coilrt' r. <.: �v . - • 1. P • B A LL A T'0 R E. � Per City Ordinance' No. 2447- �,;, :: ;+,._�::;;. . .2021 5,TH . :PLY NO _ RENT : • 9: • •5 5 ;,f . ----.0 1 . . 1. I d•S'i ne B.. 'L' ' RU BLDG:-:�DIRE-C;: R; -. i t' e ::`th s':Cer i f i ca't Be Careful` to. .P.reserve _ The correct number of a`.bui'lding.'.on Lot No:... Block No:;: Renton.Sunset 'Heights , : .6 . :'''' s.houTd- be' designatedr'as: 42 Blaine C • W .I .E' HOFF ' .SMI: TH' .,. 2447 ,;:. 5 2 6 R' o c E R 5 ' s T Per 'City:.Ordinance.No:: 9 :',:; :'.: , . . . . • RENTU'ON .•. WA • ;; ,• • i' Signed' ., ._ B• L. ..RUP , . LDG::''D RECTOR, Be Careful ....to Preserve this' .Certificate';:' ' • . . :. • . . • ' . . .,. . .�. .. .: . ..,. ... .. . . . . .. . .'. . . . . ... .. . .. . .,:::,::::-.! '.•... . . . . The correct 'number of .a.:building. on :Lot -No::.;" 9 Block No. , , r3;1\:< -;:'.•: ;,?;'. .' ' Renton Sunset Heights : should ..be designated. as:.'- 65Q '` ' IL _, Blaine Aye. N, E,;. ''.;::,.: DAL PIA Y 'R .:HI :LD'E.R.. , 528' iROGER .S ..S T , City n : • Per Or.di na ce No 2447 �''4��`: . R E N T!0N' : : W.A .,_ Signed: 4'.•Y,.• • • B. 'L.. RUPPERT, BLDG:. ;DRECTOR ' .Be Careful to• P.r.eserve, this :Certificate ; r- '. , crir ue , abu ° : ,I+ • ry�f: ?he oreict'l•fnmbr� of �;" i+1'dngon:�:.�,ot, No; : :�11' ti Block No:: ,, .,.3!,:,;,;riry ;,..:" should' be designateda: .:: : . ,;:. Renton Sunset.•Hetghts' s:"a:'658:', Blaine Ave: , .. .. C . :`. T: i Y L .O-: 'F ' Cit' 0 rdinance.No' 2 4 • 47. L: - : - = Y ,R R' E .NT' ON. WA _ . .. : Signed: • B. L. '.RUPP ki LDG: ,'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i. ` . The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 12 , Block No. ' ..,3. Renton Sunset Heights ; should be designated as: 662 LHY ATT. I Blaine Ave. N. E. ;. 5 3 4 •R O G E R S ST Per:Ci.ty Ordinance No. 24471 RENT ON W' A �__-- 98055 Signed: �� _ .. . .; - B. . RRU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 13 Block No. 3 , Renton Sunset Heights ,. ; should be designated as :. , 666 Blaine Ave. N. E. 0 H MATHEWSON • 5 3 6 ROGER ST Per City Ordinance No.2447 RENTON . , WA - 9 8 0 5 5 5:7/-11— ..--._, Signed. . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 2 , Block No. 1 ''` Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2028 N. E. 7th St. ;. K A BECKSTROM 1 9 1 0 7 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . RENTON WA � � r- 98055 y Signed: " B. L.. RU - - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 1. ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2102 N. E. 7th St. A N WATANABE , 1 9 1 6 7 ;T H ' AV N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA J• 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 1 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2106 N. E. 7th St. L E SAMPLE 2447 1922 7TH AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA " 98055 :: 0 4,_ - Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 1 ; Renton, Highlands ; should be designated as: " 7®7 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. T C CADWALLADER 7 0 7 A S T 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENN TON WA 98055 Signed: . ltAg B. L. RUPP RIDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. _ l Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' 7// � .. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ,_ F H . A N D E R.S O N Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 7 1 1 A ST ------- RENTON WA <-- 98055 �__ Signed: A / B. L. RUB' . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . ' Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . M A R V I N. N EW S O N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 7 1 5 A S T RENTON WA . �...--- 98055. ... .. . .. . Signed: ,, . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 1 Renton Highlands 819 ; should be designated as : � :. Aberdeen Ave, N. E, G L B E T T S Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 801'r- A ST RENTON WA / 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPI4 - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 9 , Block No. l . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 823 .. - Aberdeen Ave. N. E. GLADYS H PERRY Per City 2447 807 A STREETOrdinance ado. RENTON WA ' J 98055 Signed: • B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as 851 FRANK RUSSELL Aberdeen Ave. N, E. 8 1 1 A STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _ 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 1 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 853 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. WILL I A M M MAAS ? 8 1 5 A' .s T Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON W A 98055 ,� Signed: Ri a B. L. RUPP i L G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 1 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : g; 1s Aberdeen Aye._- , E BLAS 1 NGAME BYRON Per`City Ordinance No: 2447 1. 821 • A S 'f � � ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �'�� d RR B. L. . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 861 , . Aberdeen Aye, N. E, .� E W ARFSTEN Per CityOrdinance No. 825 A ST4 RENTON WA _ 98055 -- l Signed: G� 1 . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 _ , Block No. ' 1. A Renton Highlands •� _ . should be designated as : :. 2102 --- --- -- _ .-..., N, E, 9th St, - L B u x TON . 2 0 0 2 9TH ' AV NO ' Per City Ordinance No.c-- D2447 RENTON! WA . . . . • \-,--- 98055 Signed: z " B. L. RU E BLDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. . 1 A ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2108 N, E. 9th St. 2008H9THYNO Per City Ordinance No. 2417 RENTON WA r J' 98055 ' \�, Signed: ,� yyy B. L. RUPrt T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. . 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:.. .2200 N, E. 9th St, ' J F ' MOHAN 2447 - 2014 9TH . NORTH Per City Ordinance No. RENTON . WA 9 8 0 5 5 . Signed: ��`P) B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. ..2 Renton Highlands 2186 ; should be designated as: N, E. 9th Place W RE 1 STER 2447 9 07 B S T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA - 98055 '�Signed: 2 A ;;1171________ B. L. RUPPCrR�Id�aLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. . 3 , Block No, 2 ' _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 2190 . N. E. 9th Place .. . L P Per Ci ty Ordi nance No. 2447 _ • 911 ' B ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: � E feeic-77.7 ' . - , B. L. . , BLDG.,:DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. 2' Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : .... 21.94 -�— - -- N. E. 9th Place - A SELVIET . • • Per City Ordinance No.2447 ' • 917 B ST .., RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' ' _!;. L. RU BLDG� . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 5 . , Block No. 2 ' Renton, Highlands ; should be designated .as :' 2198 - N. E. 9th Place D C BLUNCK 921 B ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 •REN :TON . • WA 98055 . 9 Si ned: `Of B. L. RU ix P , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 2 . The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 6 , Block No. . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as.: . 2202 N. E. 9th Place • E THEWSON Per City Ordinance No. .2447, TH PLACE ._,_.1-WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPPT T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 . , Block No. _ 2 • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as': 2206 ` N, E, 9th place W P 'M I NNERATH 2447 2 1 0 6 91. F1 PLACE ' ' Per City Ordinance No. - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: .7,•1.1/. ' ,,,,t, B. La RUPPERT, BLDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No . 2 ; ,R nton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2210 1 N, E. 9th Place D 'GOSSETT Per Ordinance No. 2447 ' - — 2 1 1 0 9 T H P L City -- RENTON WA ' ,S--- 98055 gi,Signed: �;B. . PP- Ri ,� LDG. DIRECTOR 'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , .Block No. 2 I . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:1 !.2214 c H t s t'ec.sp2.,.-t— N. E, 9th P1ae 2 1 1 4 9TH PLACE Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447. . RENTON WA 98055 V Signed: A1 F ,, B. L. RUP e, , BLDG.,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2218 N, E, 9th Place J BIEDERSTEDT Per CityOrdinanceNo. 2447!^ 2118 9TH PL RENTON WA - 1 ..— 9 8 0 5 5 �._ -f! i' - .. .. .. Signed: . . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 - ,. Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2304 N, E, 9th Place OCCUPANT 220C9TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 . .. Signed: C-7. �' / B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 2 ___ ' . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2308 N, E, 9th Place NI OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 "' 2208 9TH PL RENTON WA 98055 ": Signed: g B. L, RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR :;( Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2312 _ — N. E, 9th Place x OCCUPANT Per Cit ` 2212 9TH PL y Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: !A xi B. L. RUPPERT,`'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 2 ; Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : 2316 __ - - N. E. 9th Place F NOVA K 2 2 1 6 9TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: S--;4--,20Aw5;----- B. L. RUPPZALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. .15 Block No. 2 1 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as :i 12320 . j N, E, 9th Place , 1 E UPANT .9TH P L Per-City Ordinance No. 2447N WA �, . . .. . . Signed: - �, r� B. L. RUB , BLDG. I p RECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 16 , Block No. _ _ .12 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:. 2326 N, E. 9th Place J K BERGMAN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 2 2 6 9TH PL RENTON WA ��•" 98055 ��'+ Signed: C _ /. _- . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correc.t number of a building on Lot No, 17 , Block No. . 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2404 N. E, 9th Place LT MSEY Per Ci t Ordinance No. 2447 9TH PL NO y ON WA • 98055 Signed: a' �, B. L. RUPI P BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : 2408 N. E. 9th Place D ASPLUND Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2234 9TH PL RENTON WA 98055.. . . Signed: ../ B. L, RUPP f"T,'BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 ______, Block No. 2 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2412 N. E, 9th Place L B D U S T O T T 924 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 �� .„0„c"--7 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,1BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 2 . Renton, Highlands ; should be designated as : 2416 N. E, 9th Place [1111:11:: J C HETTEPer City Ordinance No. 2447 WA _ 98055 Signed: ,,mod 5/:- B. L. RUPPE I `�SLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 I • The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 21 , 'Block' No. . - 2 ' ; Renton Highlands ; should be .d•esignated .as.: 2420 ' N. E. 9th Place B .T R I N, K E L • • . 914 D S T Per'City .Ordinance No. 2447 ...___ , ; I ' • D RENTON WA ----- 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ti B. L7-1TP AL BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. ` 2 . ' Renton Highlands ____; should be designated. �as : , 2424 N. E. 9th Place. L MC KIMMEY 9 1 0 D S T - Per City Ordinance No. 2447_ - RENTON WA _ ~~� 980.55 Signed: C:3,1/I _ , ,�,.4 L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2428 N. E. 9th Place . .i H W A T S 0 N Per City Ordinance No. ' 904 D ST 2442 RENTON WA 98055 �� Signed: /6 • g B. L. RU t EPy , BLDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 2 , Renton Highlands . ; should. be designated a`s : 2408 '--- • N. E. 9th Place L VAN BROCKL ( N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 3 0 8 9 T H NO RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: ' . , B. L, RUP E T, 7 LDG. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate C The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as.: 8t4 903 - - Edmonds Ave. N. E. :r OCCUPANT • -- . • .903 F E STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • • RENTON WA 98055 /�?r, �� Signed: ry B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 2 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 61a g067 Edmonds Ave, N. E. ire 905OCCUI�ENTST Per City Ordinance No, 2447 CI ` RENTON WA 98055 ___ . Signed: ,,�r ,�a.,��� ' - _ B.-L. RUPP CPEDG. DIRECTOR IBe Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 26 . Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ;' should be designated as: ft#G101 Edmonds Aye. N., E, C ANDERSON . Per City Ordinance No. 2447. . ' 909 E ST RENTON WA 98.0 55 Signed: /'4 ! B. L. RU' , , BLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 , Block No. . 2 Renton Highlands should be designated as : 91! Edmonds Aye. N, E. 1 — R M KEIRN Per City Ordinance No". 244Z 915 E ST RENTON WA .,- 98055 Signed: (1://4/A74 1 1 . L. RU . , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 2 1 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 4r919 Edmonds Ave, N.E. R KIMBROUGH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 919 E ST 1 RENTON , WA 98055 Signed: sUf" g B. L. RU . E�f ',�BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 29 _, Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : -'12.S Edmonds Ave, N, E. D REYNOLDS Per City Ordinance Flo. 2�G7 925 E ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: , B. L. RUPP'E -T4 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 30T , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:, 9 z9 Edmonds Ave, N. E, 1: OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 929 E ST RENTON —T—---- WA 98055 Signed: ��°�` ` B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 31 , Block No . 2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 733 ----- Edmonds Ave, N, E. E H HARBECK Per City Ordinance No, 2447 9 3 3 E S T RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: Ve,,. ",r® DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as 2205: '. N. E. 9th Place . '. . W P MINNERATH Per' 67ty Ordinance No. 2447. 2105 9TH - PL RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �'' . 9 . L. R' d , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2189 " E F° WILLIAMS N. E. 9th place 9 1 W B STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447:. RENT ON WA ' 98055 ��~ Signed: . L. RU - ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 3 Renton' Highlands should be designated as : 2209 - — N, E. 9th Place. W MINNERATH 2109 9TH PL Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 22- B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2213 . N, �, 9th Place W S THOMPSON 2 1 1 3 9 T H PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA --J 98055 __:_ -/ 54 Signed: _ B. L, RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. _ 3 ' Renton Highlands ; should be. designated as: ' 2301 J LA MANNA1 N. E, 9th placeST "----4------ 2 1 1 7 9 T H PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' ' 98055 Signed: ____C_-_;?-__ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No . 3 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2305 N. E. 9th PlaceE L 22054r9THEPL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - RENTON WA 98055 c----- Signed: - Avl B. L. RUPP R'I, 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 7 , Block No. . 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as 2309 E F NOVAK N. E. 9th Place 2 2 0 9 9 T H P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: A- ' B. L. R . , BLDG.. 6IRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. _ ' 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . .2313. N, E. 9th Place D. R C H 1 S S U s Per City Ordinance No. 2447. . 2213. 9TH PL RENTON WA � �, 98055 C G` ✓ . Signed: A' . L. RU ;. BLDG DIRECTOR i - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated *as : . .2317 . — N, E 9th Place H R BLUNCK Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2217 9TH PL - RENTON WA _____Cl98055 Signed: e B. L. RU E� BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: .2321 N, E 9th Place C L GREESON . 2 2 2 1 9 T H PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 6. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. ' 3 Renton Highlands i ; should be designated as: 2401 _ N, E, 9th Place H 227R9THTPL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 RENTON - WA 98055 Signed: ;4, • r B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 3 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2419 N, E, 9th Place H B BOD 1 E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9 1 5 D S T RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: gfri-2,,c - B. . Wn ,." LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 I i III I , 1i i I I I 1 I Ill • lie correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 3. . I; ! , 1I Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2423.� R1 Ace N, Et 9th a G E I D Ej,'' 9 0 7 D � S T Per�City Ordinance No. 2447_... �., i RENTONII . 'i WA 1, 98 .05i •s Signed: r _ -- 4. II . B. L. R , , BLDG. DIRECTOR II Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . . I 1 14 Block No. I The correct number of a building on Lot tuo. I' _.. Renton Highlands ;. should be designated as:: ?400) AIL N, E, 9th §treat.. i MR MILLKIN I 2447. . ; . I ' Per City Ordinance No. 222. 8 9TH N0 � L RENTON.. WA r--( I I II 9 8 0 5'5 I Signed: L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 II - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 15 - 3 1, The correct number',, of a -building on Lot No. , Block No. . Renton Highlands r ; should be designated as:. :'2320 N, E, 9th Street i H BODIE 2222 9 l H AV NO 2447 Per City Ordinance No. WA i ; RENTON 98055 , i 1 II Signed: C �Uf , B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 3:.'I . ` i ; I, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2316 11 N. E. 9th Street i.. M S CA L E T T i Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ; i. 2218 9TH11 N0 1 , RENT ON I' WA I• I 91 8 0 5 5' Signed: i II B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i i,i i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. '3 :. ; ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: '23.12 -- N, E, 9th Street N ' OCCUPANT 221 2 9TH NO Per City Ordinance No. ?.447 ' R E N T'OIiN . WA I.. I 98055 ' ,' I Signed: !I B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' DIRECTOR ' I4 Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate i Ii 1 The correct' numbeIr of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 3 I • RentonilHighlands ' i ; should be designated as: i.2308 N. E. 9th Street j • J L W A L S1H Per City.Ordinance No. 2447 I.. I 2208 9 T HI N0 RENT ON ih . WA 98055 - Signed: , . ,_ B. L. RUPP I , LDG. DIRECTOR •. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 . Block No. 3 I Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: .; . 2304 M.-:_CLEE N. E, 9th St, .. Per'Cit 2204 9TH NO y Ordinance No. 2447 � � . ; _ 1 RENTON. WA 98055 Signed: ` - B. L. RUB , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. _ 3______.. � Renton Highlands _; should be designated as : . 2300l. r-- N. E. 9th St. D H BA I NTON Per Cit Ordinance No. 2447 � 2120 9TH N0 y RENTON WA , 98055 Signed: _ . L. RU BLDG. D RECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 3 I . .. . . Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : .'I: 2212 . L TAPPE N. E, 9th St. 2 1 1 4 9TH N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' f ` Signed: C - B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR`T`. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as?208; , ' R H. UESTON V DERR 2 1 1 0 9TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA N, E. 9th St, f 98055 it Signed: B. L RUP E T, :;.•fLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate l The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 23 , Block No. k . 3. . ; Renton Highlands should be designat d as: 204 N. E. 9th St�''tt .'� 1� EDW I N A MORT .' 2 1 0 4 9TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA .-- 98055 . .. . . Signed: / l B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 24 , Block No. 3 Renton Highlands ; should be designated al: 2185 N. E. 9th Place R BROCKELBANK Per City Ordinance No, 2447 908 B ST RENTON WA • . 9 s 0 5 5 Signed: d,_ e., B. L. RUPP RI LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. , .j ; should be designated as: : !858. .. Dayton Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 :'t 836 D STREET ai RENTON WA" 98055-- �/" � Signed: G 44 B. . RUB' . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate l The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 1.• Block No. 8:r_ :! • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ;-:860 I. Dayton Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 838 D STREET RENTON WA 98055 �'f �^ 1, Signed: P . L. RUf 5 ' , BLDG. ' DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ; should be designated as;. 861 -- ---- Edmonds Ave. N. E, , 1 c, UCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 835 E ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: al B. L. RUP BLDG. CT R Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 8 ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: :859 • Edmonds Ave. N, E. x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 833 E ST .) RENTON WA 98055. . Signed: B. L. RUPPt T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as : .855 — - - V _Edmonds Ave, N. E. x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 98055 8 2 9 E ST RENTON WA " . Signed: ir • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 ,. Block No. 8- Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: .851 Edmonds Ave. N. E. B MINERICH 825 E STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2441 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: - ? B. L. RUFF-RI , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. ; 5. . • Block No.. 18 Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as': 821 Edmonds Aye,. N. E. . 0 C E ROUSE T Per' Cit Ordinance No. 2447.:: 821 E � ST . y RENT'ON . • • ' WA 1 . • . 98055 - . _ .. - . - . . Signed: :?' ` B. L. RUB , .BLDG: DIRECTOR ' • . Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate • ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. . . 6 , Block No. . :8 •. Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: .815 Edmonds-_Aye. N._ E. H L o H M EN i Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 • . ... . 815 E STREET . • RENTON WA -' "_ . 98055 Signed: K7///' ' • . B'.. L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building. on Lot No. 7 , Block No. • 8 ' Menton Highlands ' ; should be designated as': 811 Edmonds Ave. N.- E. , - J F LINDLEY . 811 •E ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , . RENTON WA . 98055 Signed:g — B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 8 :T Renton Highlands 17.---P-e-r-City ; should be designated as : '807 - Edmonds Ave, N, E.0ccEPANT Ordinance No. 2447 807 E ST . RENTON WA • 9805, 5 . Signed: B. L, RUPPt TLDG. DIRECTOR _ ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The •correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 803 Edmonds Ave, N. E, I ' LLOYD 803 E ST Per City Ordinance No. N447 RENTON WA 98055 .. .. . . Signed: C::-"i4, w ' ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this,Cer.tificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 10 , Block No. . 8- ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 801 '' _ Edmonds Ave, N. E, PoAUL 4/ ELLER 7 2 9 E ST Per City Ordinance No; 2447 RENTON WA . • • 9 8 0 5 5 . . • , Signed: { , . B. L. RUPP RI LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 771 Edmonds Ave. N. E. I i x OCCUPANT 7 2 5 E S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 :� RENTON WA I 98055 J Signed: ' , , _ B. L. OP . BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. _ . 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 767 --- ' Edmonds Ave.. N. E. M C MARBAUGH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 7 19 E STREET RENTON WA ��- 98055 , . 47-- Signed: d' . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 13 , Block No. 8 . Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : 763 - Edmonds Ave. N. E. J N I SSEN Per City2447 7 1 5 E S T (::::Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: ,ec—-- B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : .759 Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 7 1 1 E S T RENTON WA 98055 Signed: , )/ ,,eV B. L, RUP E 1., 'ILDG. DIRECTOR-- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 8 ; Renton, Highlands ; should be designated as : 755 Edmonds Ave, N. E. V D GRAHAM2447 7 0 5 E . S T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: "�> N B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 8 '_" ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 241,2 N. E. 7th St. MRS T H N A V I N O S O N 23 Per City Ordinance No, 2447 12 7TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055--- " C--/-?e — Signed: ,.r B. L. RUPP ki, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , 1 • ; f . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 8' Renton Highlands _ ; should' be designated as :I 12408'. N. E. 7th St, . A J CH .I SSUS ' ' 1 2308 7TH N0 Per Ordinance No. 2447 1 RENTON WA1 � , i . 98055 �V - . . - , . Signed: ', ., "' B. L. RUB' , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve .this Certificate i.. The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 18 , Block No. 8 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 754 --- ---_-- , Dayton Ave. N. E. j ___1 xi OCCUPANT -- 7 0 4 . D STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447. RENTON WA �,^,r_. •j- �� . 8 . 5 5 G�!�"�f I . Signed: ' - . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 756 Dayton Ave. N. E, ; ;r" OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . 706 D ST ____________j a RENTON WA 98055 Signed: (------,1 — - B. L. RU P , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 79 , Block No. . 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 760 Dayton Ave. N. E. C A 7 1 0 AND E RSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _1 98055 .. . . Signed: B. L. RUP LT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 764 Dayton Ave. N. E. E F I SHER City 2447.7 1 4 D S T Per Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: '' • _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 8 _; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 768 Dayton Ave. N. E. RING 7 1 8 D STREET • Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: Ci-:?-1-3-; ,,e B. L. RUPP RI ,09' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block- No. 8. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : $,00 '_ c MORITZ Dayton Ave: N._. .. 7 2 4 D STRUT Per •City Ordinance No. 244? _ . RENTON . WA _ •98055' Signed; f w B. L. HP ,. , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct_ number of 'a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. _ 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 804 • __ Dayton Ave. N,E, J BERTELLI — -------•--_._ ____.. 8 0 4 D S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - RENTON WA ---98055 5 5 Signed: (.4 //• --- L. RU , BLDG, DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , } The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 8 _.. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as :. 808 ' Dayton Ave, N, E, 8 0 8 D D 5 T S - Per City Ordinance No. 7z1,4.7 RENTON WA 98055 � - . . Signed: ______ _ B. L. RU P BlY DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 _, Block No. 8 _ Renton Highlands -- Y~�— 812 ; should be designated as: Dayton Ave. N, E. W T EDWA RDS ,8 1 2 D S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA -- 98055 Signed: -- _ B. L, RUE -RT, 'LDF;. DIRECTORr Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 26 , Block No. 8 • �_ Renton Highlands -r-; should be designated as : 816 Dayton Ave, N, E. F 0 BEUTLER ,� 2447 —���—� 816 D 5 T Per City. Ordinance No. . RENTON WA r`. _'_'""r� 98055 f 1�, Signed: , ��', B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a' building on Lot No. 27 , Block No. 8 _._$.enton Highlands ; should be designated as : 822 Dton y1y,_E�_ M JARVIS - s 2 2 D ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ---- V 9 A8 0 WA 5 5 Signed; 4 ---- B. L. RUPP t DG. DIRECTOR De Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 8 Renton Highlands ; 'should be designated as:. 850 _ . . i Dayton Ave, N. E, ,1 E SIMS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 8 2 6 D ST RENT.ON W A e / . 98055; cr Signed: 1�' y B. L, R , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 29 Block No. . 8 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 854 l Dayton Ave. N, E, D TESMER 1447 • 8 3 0 D STREET I Per City Ordinance ^;o. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Si ned: c-- g �. L. RU �'-, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 858 _ Camas` Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 836 "C" ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,(e - B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR '. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 9, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 860 Camas Ave. N, E. G W COTTON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 838 C ST ----ii-72:::?---- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: z_ B. L, RUP :. T,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 9 ; Renton, Highlands ; should be designated as: . 861 �____� Dayton Ave, N. E, _ OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 � 835 D STREET ---�--- " �' ,f RENTON WA 98055 ��::�''' Signed: / _____--H 8, L. RUPPERT,OLDC,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I ? 'V The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 9 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as; 859 Dayton Ave. N. E.OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 [IIIIII____ -- D S T ON WA 98055 . - Signed: 9 I). L. RUPP iIBLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 3 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated. as : 855 1 i Dayton Avenue N, E, E BLUMHART 8 2 9 D ST , Per city Ordinance No. 2447 I RENTON WA 1 - - 98055 i Signed: ' B. L. Rifr-4:1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 851 , Dayton Aye, N. E, - ' T J MC CABE 825 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 D •S T RENTON 98055 Signed: //"A71,S------- • ' ' . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 5 , Block No. ,9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 821 . , 821 D ST Per City Ordinanceia c FINN [ RENT ON 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: WA yton AyNeo,. N, E, C/7 2447 B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number qf a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 9 . Tv-4- • _ Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : 815 — Dayton Ave, N, E, MRS A U MORIARTY 815 D ST . Per city Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . WA 98055 . . . Signed: B. L, RUP- -, 141BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 9 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 811 ---- __ , OCCUPANT 811 D ST EN - ---- -- - ] W A 9 8 0 5 5 .I Dayton Ave. N, E, Per City Ordinance No. Signed: 2447 RNTO B. L. RUPPERT,',,60G. • DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 9 • , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as ; 807 -,- 1 — W SWANSON . . RB ED N7 T DO N STVIA • 9 055 8 • . Dayton Ave. N, E. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • Signed: ' ''' 4':,0, --7--- B. L. RUPP VALIG, WRECTUR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 9 : ,. Renton Highlands , .should be designated as: 803''^`. Dayton Ave. N. E. 1 D BRESLIN • 803 D STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA - -- - f198055 Signed: ./ . B. L. R1P . BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :e correct number of a building -on Lot No. 10 , Block. No. 9 i Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 801 _. Dayton Ave. N. E. 719 E A IRWIN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �_ RENTON WA' 98055 �_.. 3 ;--- -° Signed: G�___ / `d — . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as; ,7631 Dayton Ave. N. E. 17-------)T-T7B- ' I NG ` 7 1 5 D S T t Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA --r— , 98055 71 • Signed: d- • B.L RU - BLDGe DIDIRECTOR ' ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , j The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 759 Dayton Ave, N. E. MR W O E L K Per City Ordinance No. 24'4'7 7 1 1 D S T —_ RENTON WA - 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP -, T, 'LDG. DIRECTOR Y' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 9 ; Renton Highlands should be designated as; 755 . _. ----- Dayton Ave. N. E. _,_.__ 70 D B KASPSEN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA c--- ---- 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: , f' B, L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 9 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated asT 2326 N. E. 7th St. C HAGERTY _ 2 2 2 6 NORTH 7 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W A • 1i 98055s.-7--- Signed: �p� -- B. L. RUPPr1I/78LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. .15 Block No. �.9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : .750 Camas Avenue N; E, ' ' - R L HOLMES 7 0 4 CST Per•City Ordinance No. 2447 _ , . RENTON WA 98055 � � , .. Signed:. %,�m � B. L. , l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 9 • Renton Highlands ;should be designated as : .754, , Camas Avenue N, E. D CHURCH ----- ---- 7 1 0 C S T. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA s .„_ : . ,. ' 98055 ,�"- _ _ _ . * Signed: ;:• . L. RU W �BILDG: DIRECTOR ---_. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate : . . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 9 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as; 800 ' i r Camas Avenue N, E. LARRY KANE 2447r 7 1 6 C s T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA i / r r 980551 C _... . .. Signed: v B.L. RUP - , BLDG. •DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 9 • Renton Highlands T' should be designated as: 804 Camas Ave, N. E, -- x OCCUPANT 802 C s T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _____ 9 8 0 5 5 :: i? A4.i Signed: __ B. L, RUP Ti� LDG DIRECTOR,_---- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t ., , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. _ 9 • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as ; 808 _.. Camas Ave. N. E. M W I N C H r- -----�----- 806 C s T Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 1 ,)0.•.•="C-------' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,'t3LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 Ulock No. 9 •, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 812 N W I LKERSON Camas Ave, N. E. 8 1 2 C s T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 ,. .. ----J Signed: . , ,, B. L. RUPPEIIEIL DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . e.correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 _, Block No'. .9 . • : Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : '816 . —.. . . • Camas Ave. N, E, W R LALLY 8 1'6 . c S.T. Per 'City Ordinance No. _u47 . • • RENTON WA .:.�,,, , fl • 98055 �� Signed: j'/. :4_ �f �e�f 1 B. RL BL.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands ; should be designated es : 820 • Camas Ave, N, E, _ 8 2 0 C U S RP R E C H T Per City Ordinance N0.24.47 .RENT ON- WA __..,...- 98055 , /�:�, Signed. CG': / .P .- R . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . , Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate The correct number of a building op Lot No. 23 _ , Block No. 9 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as ; ' 850 • OCCUPANT • Camas Ave. N, E, • • 8 2 6 C S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' n )IE RENTON TON WAc"---7------ 98055 • :: Signed: , ' . B. L. RUP BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 9 ' _-�_-,_ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 854 Camas Ave, N. E. JAMES A LENO.N ' . 8 3 0 C S T • 4 Per City Ordinance No. 247 _ RENT ON WA —� y • 98055 Signed: ' B. L., RUP .-g LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 10 _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2104 ~____ NN E. 8th St. x OCCUPANT _— 2004 8TH AV NO - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: , ' B. L. RUPPERT/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate t . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 10 ; Renton___Highlands ; should be designated as : 2106 N, E. 8th St, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 dC. 2006 8TH AVE NO ' ,:(N!, RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: i7 � `40 • B. L. RUPP il//i3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1 11 The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 2 , Block No. ____ � ' 10 I. Renton' Highlands ; should be designated as;: ! 824 Aberdeen Ave. N. E:, . ! o.CIC U P A N T 808 A STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ! RENITON :: WA 98055 4,.-,��`� !� � II Signed: fi "..4;e>r B. L. RTC) , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. P. Renton!.Highlands S ; should be designated aS: ' : 850. • Aberdeen Ave. N. E x o C C U P'A N,T Per City Ordinance "`;o2t��7_ 812 A (STREET . i RENT ON ! WA - //. p 9 8 O 5 5 Signed: . 'L, RU , BI_Dq.i DD RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I. 4 . ; 10 e correct number of a building on Lot No. , •Block No. , I Renton• 1Highlands ; should be designated as: !, 854 ! Aberdeen Ave. N. E, 3K OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 249•71 818 A' STREET RENTON WA I , 1I 980'55 `� 7 !. - + Signed: B. L. RU , BLDG. iDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate S !' I The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 5 —, Block No. , 10 RentoniHighlands ; should be designated as: 858 ' - Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ' E H A R 'R I S Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I 822 A . ST ;.) ' RENTON WA 404iV '-' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ‘ B. L. RUPrt, T,/'LDG. 'DIRECTOrR . -- I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 , , ! , r The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. _ 10 Ren; on!Hi9hlands ; should be designated as: , 862 - Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . M 828 A H A SiT 0 ! Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTOIN WA 96.../ 8 0 5 5 Signed: � ' _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. ' 10 Renton Highlands' ; should be designated as'; 2107 0 N. E, 9th St. W M I 'L K 0 N E N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i 2 0 0 7 9 T H NO I RENTON WA 98055 --'4S------. Signed: ,;rya ,0 - B. L. RUPPC " i/ L"DG. ;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0 I I • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as .•2201 __ N, E. 9th St, {.. 2 0 LOMB BURKEV 1 2 0 1 3 9 H . N 0 Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 �T RENTON .WA I 1'' 980.'55 4T r Signed: � B L. RU' , , BLDG. CI ECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this' Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 9 , Block No. _ 10 . 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: .2205 I ' N. E, 9th Ste K E L 0 1T Per Y I City Ordinance N!o. 2447 2017 9TH; NO RENTON j WA i• Signed: I i BLDG. DRECT. OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate p is The correct number of a building on Lot Noo 10 , Block No. .:10 t Renton Highlands ; should be designated as 2209 N. E, 9th St, M 2 1 0 KRE1 9 T H N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 RENTON ', WA ai 98055 Signed: a B. L. RU , BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 10 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2213 . N. E, 9th St, p CALLEN RONAN —• — 2 1 0 5 ' 9 T H NO I Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 ' I ' Signed: 111 B. L. RUP -. T,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ' I r ? ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. _ 10; ' I . .; Renton', Highlands ; should be designated as: 2;217 _____ r I N, E. 9th St, c W S M I T 1 H 2447 ` 2 1 0 9 9 T H, NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 1' 98055 I i 1' Signed: / -'* y ; ; . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' I . , . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ., The correct number olif a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 10 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2221 ___' N. E. 9th St. AARHUS HOLLOW —� 2447 2 1 1 5 9 T H'' A� V E N 0 Per City .Ordinance No. RENTON I. W. A 98055 Signed: V4g1P4 / B. L. RL'PP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number. of a building on Lot No. _ 14 • , Block No. ':: .'. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: .. . 2301, N. E. 9th' St. E A C I ERTO 2119 9TH NO Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA . ._. 98055 Signed: /10#4. 4 . . B. L. RUP , BLDG . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . : • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 ,Block No. • 10 _ Renton Highlands ; should be desianated as : . . 2305 N. E. 9th St. H D W I L•L I. A M S 0 N Per City Ordinance No. ,I 1. • 2203 9TH NO . �� �" • —•-;.7---------- RENTON WA • ' 98055 ,_ Signed: C4 ' . - - __ - - , . a L. RU BLDO. :DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve'this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 ., Block No. 10 Renton ,Highlands ; should be designated as,: ; 2309 N. E. 9th St. A . 0 CREEK 2207 9TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' • ' -- RENTON WA . . ,s-7-7.- 98055 Signed: 2% B. L. RUM. - , BLDG. DI.RECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17. , Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2308 . N. E. 8th Place L GITCHELL 2208 8TH PL Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: �-`�' B. L. RUP -, T, 'LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The .correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 10 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2304 — BER N.E. 8th Place H OE 2 2 0 4 8TH P L Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 _ • RENTON WA R 77. --r------7-C-4 1 980 55 Signed: ' ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on .Lot No. 19 , Block No. 10 • Renton'Highlands ; should be designated as : 2300____r_^_ N. E. 8th Place A W. BOYONGS 2 1 2 4 8TH P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • • RENTON WA . 98055 ., Signed: 1,�. „'0. . 7— ' B. L. RUPP it'/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 20 Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' .;2220 . .... ._ - N, -E, 8th Place: :. ' WALTER B.L AGG 2 1 2 0 8TH PL Per 'City Ordinance No. .j447 RENTON WA -- ._. . 98055 Signed: /A, I . B. L. RUr' , , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. ' 10 i _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated: as: j. 2216 N, E, 8th Place F L ZUFELT -�-' �- 2 1 1 6 8TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 �l�/ - - . , Signed: ' • L. RU -Y7-, BLDG.,ID .RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :1. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2210 N. E. 8th Place . R . B SCHULTZ 2110 8TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: a „e,e'C--"-- B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. 10 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . 2206 K S H I T H N. E, 8th Place 2 1 0 6 8 T H PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON CA 8 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUP -. T, LDC. DIRECT0 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. l0 ; Renton Highlands should be designated as: 2202 N. E, 8th Place TD-T-E TE R 1 0 2 8TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447ENTON WA `' 98055 Signed: ' ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 10 ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2198 N, E. 8th Place 0 S JOS T S O N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 8 1 5 B B S T RENTON . WA 98055YI--- • Signed: °�1�9 B. L. RUPPB' GOADG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • •• . . • . ' '.The correct number of a building on Lot No. 26 Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ,, .2194 N, E. 8th Place • x OCCUPANT 244T 8 0 9 6 S T Per.City Ordinance No. RENTON WA __ 98055 Signed � F B. L. RUC , , BLDG..DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 , Block No. _ 10 i Renton Highlands should be designated as: ' 21.10[ , - ' N. E. 8th Street_! OCCUPANT No. I� PerCity 2447 201d g'2'"` 8TH �.AV N0 Ordinance - _�_ RENTON WA. 98055 (--,.� Signed: L. R1i , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate is I i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 . , Block No. 10 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2112 N. E. 8th Street. ' OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' 2012 8TH AVE NO M RENTON WA • 98055 - (--- - 9 Si ned: �Of• /I B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 11 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' ' 2209 N. E. 8th Place ROSCOE L ARMSTRONG •2109 8TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 --- RENTON. WA . 98055 - . - . Signed: .• B. , RUP , T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No 2 Block No. 11 Renton Highlands - , should be designated as: 2215 : - N. E. 8th Place J 5 ABBOTT 2447 —'~` - - 2 1 1 5 8TH PLACE . Per City Ordinance No. RENT•ON WA 9805 .5 • Signed: Q4,,V0 / B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR— Be Careful to Preserve this certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 3 , Block No.. . 11 _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2219 N. E. 8th Place K PRATT 2119 8TH PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 -- RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: loy-""� B. L. RUPPE t DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 11 ; Renton Highlands r ,; should be designated as : 2223. N. E. 8th Place . V LASSEK 2 1 2 3 8TH P L Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 9-- °'' Signed: �.) --- B. L. RUP . , BLDG. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot.No. 5 . , Block N . 11 . ' _Renton Highlands ; should be designated as,: 2303 __. N. E. 8th Place ; ' _ A' CREEK 2203 8TH P L Per City Ordinance �;o. 2447' • . RENTON WA ' '98055 Signed: C �1 • I , . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 11. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ?307- -- N. E. 8th Place. N HOLBROOK 2447�^ 041-,5:'' .2207 8TH. PL Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 . • - Signed: B L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 _, Block No. 11 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 813 :. Camas Ave. N. E. PAT HOLM.ES Per City Ordinance No. 2447 813. C ST J RENTON WA 98055 -\---74 Signed:— _ B. L, RUP -. T, 'LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 8 , Block No. 11 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 807 Camas Ave. N. E, Y V D CHURCH ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 807 C ST -� —� RENTON WA 98055 ,,OC—Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 . , Block No. 11 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2310 N.E. 8th St. _ W ECK . • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2210 8TH NO RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: . ,e,e,va)-S-- , B. L. RUPP67% LDG. DIRECTOR Bel Careful to Preserve: this Certificate. • 1 , i 1 „ , 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. ill 1 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as ?306 N. E, 8th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 247 • 2206 8 TH AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 signed: B. L. RUP ,'4 ,r BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. ' 11 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2304 N, E, 8th St, ; NE OCCUPANT 220 4 8TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. UV .6- RENTON WA _.......-...-7--- I 98055 • . Signed: CB,A7 0' . L. RU , BLOC, D RECTOR — . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. , 11 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2220 N. E. 8th St. T R WOLFORD 244/ ' Ci 2120 8TH NO PerCity Ordinance•No. , 1 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU - BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Pres9rve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. ____ , 11 1 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2214 . . N. E, 8th St. ' LKEN MARTIN ' 2114 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: RUP -. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1 1 . , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 1,1 _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2210 ---1 41. E, 8th Street F ZAPPALO 2110 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 11 , Renton Highlands S ; should be designated as: 2204 N, E. 8th St. •- • 0 J HOLMAN 2447 • 2104 8TH N • Per City Ordinance No. O RENTON WA 98055 ,5;11---- - i Signed: .. .. i.V eit 1 _ B. L. RUPP G. DIRECTOR it Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 12 Renton,Highlands ; should be designated as : '. 11C) Aberdeen Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT p 70Cli - A ' s T P.er:City Ordinance No. 24.4L . r: RENTON WA °-." 98055 , -f .. . L Signed: ' B. . RU ' , , BLDG.DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot Pvo. Block No. 12_ 1 Renton Highlands ; should be designated. as : died 112— Aberdeen Ave. N. E. --, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 24.47.. i F P` 712 A ST (1,, RENTON WA 98055 �`"M --r- Signed: G . L. RU , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR T' • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 2 , Block No. 12'. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : '..2109 N.E. 8th St.. C T COLL I ER 2447 2009 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: a B. L. RUPT , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. ` . .72 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2115 N. E. 8th St. L H SMART 2 0 1 5 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON WA --1;; ;::::=r---- 98055 Signed: '�'� B. L, RUP :!ITT 9BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. 12, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2205 • -------------- _ N. E. 8th St. D E NOBLE Per City 2019 8TH NO Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' Signed: __ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 12 ; Renton Highlands should be designated as :. 2209 N, E. 8th St.. D REDA 2 1 0 3 8TH AV NO ` Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 980552, c---— ' _ '�� B. L. RUPP G LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , i j The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 12, I ' _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: '2213 N. E. 8th St. ' it J E SEEL 2447.. . 2 1 0 7 8TH NO Per .Ci ty Ordinance No. . __� .. +' ' RENTON WA �-- 1 - .j ` 98055 1 . .. Signed: B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. _ 12 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2217 � N. E. 8th St. BEACH Per City Ordinance P�o. 2111 8TH ' NO Per RENTON WA . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: iC 4 g . L. Y ,RU BLDG_ DIRECTOR ' • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 12 , Renton �{ig lands ; should be designated as : 2221.__ _ --_--- N. E. 8th St. J W BUTLER 2 1 1 7 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA "_ 98055 iU�`J Signed: B. L. RU - LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 12 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2301 • N. E. 8th St. F W E S S 9805 2447 2 2 0 1 8TH NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W 5 A ' Signed: __ B. • RUP -. T, 'CM. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 12 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: , 2307 N. E. 8th St. H A JORGENSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . ' _ �Y 2207 8TH' NO --- - RENT 0 N WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERTT LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 12 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 757 Camas Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 - 7 1 1 C S T RENTON WA • S-------, - • - 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ��g,,''', ,�... .___.__., . _ � B. �L. RUPP ' GO LDG. DIRECTOR De Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' .The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. _ 12 • Renton, Highlands ; should be designated as: 759 . _ Camas Ave.. N. E. 0 OCCUPANT Per 'City Ordinance No. 7447 el 713 C ST RENTON WA 98055 r Signed: C----4' --- B. L. RU , BEDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. � _ T2 Renton' Highlands ; should be designated as: 753 _ __„ - - - --- --- - — Camas Ave, N. E. ' OCCUPANT 2�47 OCC CTT • Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 -11PC--------- Signed: C�4 w' L. RU -' ', BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 12 , Block No. 12 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . :751 Camas Ave, N, E, n L L DEWEY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 703 C ST ----- --- `,),Y RENTON WA - 98055 Signed: Oi 9 B.i., RUP E - et:.BLDG. DIRECTOR i Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 12 Renton Highlands _ ; should be designated ,as: 2308 �_TT N. E. 7th St. R L LUND 2 2 0'8 7 T H NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 7'47Signed: _. �B. . P -• T, 'LDG. . DIRECTOR— Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 12 - • __ ___ Renton Highlands J ; should be designated as : 2302 N, E. 7th St, • S C RAU ------- — -T---- —^.- 2202 7TH NO Per City Ordinance No. _2447_ RENTON WA ` 98055 Signed: " B. L. RUPPERT, tiLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No; I1,2.. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2218 N. E. 7th St. W H WILLIAMS - 2 1 1 4 7 T H N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON WA . . r----- 98055 f Signed; 1?- i111-- - B. L. RUPP LIDO DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 16 Block No. 9 12 Renton, Highlands should be designated �as: . . 2214 N. E. 7th St. . • M J ANDERSON Per'City'.Ordinance No. •2447 2 1 1 0 7•T H ' A V E NO ,-_-.- ' . REN, TON WA • 9 8 0 5 5 ±:-/A--- --) • Signed: B. L. k5160,41DG, DIRECTOR - -Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • , . . • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. _ 12 Renton Highlands _; should be designated as.:.; 2210 _ -, 1 N. E. 7th St. K . G . M o R G A N Per City Ordinance No. 9447.• ' 2104 7TH AV NO RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: C' `'� ' . B. L.. RU P , BLDG. 'iDI,RE.CTOR - ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' r P' , . I The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 18 , Block No. 12 i tenon Highlands ; should be designated as : _:2206 • • N. E. 7th St. H A BREMMESS . 2 0 1 8 7TH , N o ' Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 ' • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �' B. L. RUP , BLOG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 12 ; -T Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: , 2?02 N. E. 7th St. G P I CKETT Per• 2447 -` • 2 0 1 4 7TH N 0 City Ordinance No. R E N T O N 1 W A 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP - T, 'LDG. DIRECTOR_-_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. r The correct number of a building on Lot No.' 20 ' , Block No. 12, ' . --� Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:, 2128 . . N. E. 7th St. .H L M U T, C H I E - 2 0 0 8 7TH NO • Per City Ordinance No. 7447 . RENTON WA 98055 .__ . I Signed: ' --4 / -- -;----------- B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 12 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:, , 700 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • x OCCUPANT r--- 7 0 bl A S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 �-I . R E N T O N W A �- 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: , -el / • B. L. RUPP / L.DG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate f . / ' ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 9 Block No. 12_ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: E1,02,.._ Aberdeen Ave, 'N, E. OCCUPANT PerCity Ordinance No. 2447 705 A. ST RENTON WA 98055 �"`L .' Signed: / ;, B. L R15I , BLDG. ..IRECTQR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate } The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 13 i__ should be designated as: 2105 Renton Highlands; ; --� N. E. 7th St, OCCUPANT 1921 7 TH AVE, N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 4, • L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _5 Block No. 13 Renton Highlands .;should be designated as: 2101 -- N. E. 6th Place 6 7 3 O A 0 ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • 98055 Qa Signed: 5 9 ,'� B. L. R L V, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 13 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2105 N, E. 6th Place L I HOOD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 669 A ST RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: B. L, RUP T,, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , . . . . , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 13 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2109 N. E. 6th Place [1...__::_tillE R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ST r WA 9 8 0 5 5 i Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR — • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 Block No. 13' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2113 N. E. 6th Place L H BOWEN 6) B A STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • • 98055 Signed: .>'� B. L. RUPPE iLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ .q , Block No: ' 13 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 2.117 - I N. E. 6th Place O D ADA R 2 0 0 1 . 6 •T H P L NO Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 i. RENTON WA 98055 �---- Signed: . d B. L. R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. _ .13 _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : '2121 N. `E, 6th place . BING BARKSDALE -, . 2005 6TH', PL NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2447: ' ,. . . ' ; RENTON . WA L98055. Signed: (� !- /• .) B'. L L. RU iA , BLDG. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 13 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . . ,.2201 . , o R PURCELL JR 2009 6TH PL NO • i Per City OrNdinEance6th NoPlace �� . 2447 RENTON WA 98055 • - Signed: .. .. .. B. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. :13. . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . 2205 - =— • N, F. 6th place J P W I LLENB ORG 2447; 2 1 0 1 6TH P L N O • Per City Ordinance No. RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP E T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No.. 13 . • Renton Highlands ; should be— designated as: .2209 _. N. E. 6th place . ' OCCUPANT 2105 6TH PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: C:i;g% ;74)/ _i. • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 14 ; Block No. 13' . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2213 _N, E, 6th Place • R E CONES Per2447 2 1 0 7 ' 6TH PL NO City Ordinance No. _ RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: , - * if&1 15 . B. L. RUPP VteinDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this-Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 13 Renton Highlands • • ; should be designated as: '. 2217 :-_� N, E. 6th Place I .-A P1 0 T-044 ®ce up s st+-. . 2 1 1 1 6 -T H P L NO • • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA 98055 1 1 1 I Signed: �� )s H B. L. Elf . , BLDG: DIjRE;CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .1 ! . I . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 13 should be designated as : : 2221 RentonHighlands _ , • N. E, 6th place i._ CLIFFORD BIRDWELL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 21. 17 6TH PL NORTH RENTON WA .9- 8055 Signed: ----- . L. RU 'L--- — , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 13 ' Renton .Highlands - • ; should be designated as : G7 9 Camas Ave, N. E, D HOTCHKIN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2207 6TH AVE N0 RENTON WA itr/�) 98055 Si ned: 9 " B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR ' • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. • • 13 — Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 3 G 7S Camas Ave. N. E. _. J R .H A L P A U S per City Ordinance NO. 2447 2211 6TH ' AVE NORTH RENTON W A 98055 • Signed: _ _ B. 'L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 13 —� _L. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' !+7/ • Camas Ave, N. E, ' EAHOLM Per CityOrdinance No. 24�!7 5 6TH AVE NORTH — WA 9 8 05 5 �� Signed: C:- A B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. , 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2100 ---�-� N. E, 6th Place KAMPSEN 674 A ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: gs7V,.g41/44, 7' B. . a,ALDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 i I.' . i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 14* ' Renton Highlands should be designated as: 2107 N. E. 7th Street E HAILADAY 2 0 0 7 7TH N 0 W A : : Per .City Ordinance Na. 24Z RENTON i i 9B055. ��~ . Signed: { B. L. Er , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 14_ • Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : -. ?111. N. E. 7th Street D TEBWORTH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2011 7TH AV NO . RENTON WA i 98055 Signed: v ' . L. RU" . , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as :. 2203 N. E. 7th Street A G ZAPPALO • 2 0 1 5 7 T H N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: CZ' B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated 'as : 2207 N. E. 7th Street - . RUTH H E SECOY • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 21.01 7TH NO J • RENTON W A ,L*1'"'''S'i . 98055 . Signed: B. L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : 2211 --------- N. E. 7th Street DAMES KANE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 2105 7TH AVE NORTH RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ° . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 14 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2.215 N. E, 7th Street .PILLOW R A A S T A D Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2109 7TH N0RENT ON WA 98055 Si ,/,S----- gned: � B. L. RUPP DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2219 F L ALLINGHAM N. E, 7th St, 2 1 1 5 7TH NO Per City Ordinance No. _17 4 _2447 % . RENTON WA ---.,m...,., 98055 .--) Signed: ' " ;�,� . B. L, RUi`' < , B .DG." .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 14 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2223 • .. ---- - ---'-- N. E, 7thSt, J KERKES KEKEMAN Per City Ordinance No. 2447�` 2203 7TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed. ,� . L. RU .` ,BLDG. ,OIRECTOR ' • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2303 N, E, 7th St. OCCUPANT City 2207 7TH No Per Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 (.717-7-. - Signed: B. L. RUP - , BLDG. , DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2307 — N. E, 7th St, T NEWMAN 2 2 1 1 7TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' Signed: B. L, RUP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve thisCertificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 14 ; _ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2311�^V i N, E. 7th St, 2 2 1 7 L 7 T H ATR N O IK Per city Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ,� j1 .. Signed: �.���� B. L. RUPPERT,BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. _ 14 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2315 N. E. 7th St, . L 2 T I L N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2221 7 7TH. NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: • - ?Piea4 / B. L. ROPt/BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. • . 14' - Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:L. 231:9 . . = N. E. 7th St. OCCUPANT Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447 2225 7TH AVE NO —�--- RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: �� �, _. . " - :-.7— L,�RI.f0 � , BI,DG. I4tECl'OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . . . • The correct. number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 14' ' ^. Renton, Highlands _; should be designated as: ' 'C9$d Dayton Ave. N. E. 'D E N N I S E 'N G E L A N D Per City Ordinance �!0. 2447 ' _ 6 6 3 D S T RENTDN WA 98055 Signed: J . -: _ . . L. RU Ar, BLDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . 4=29677 ._ Dayton Ave. N. E. ' ' ViSTAL : MOORSr perCii±yOrdinanceNo. 2447 H 657 D STREET RENWA TON 55 9 8 0 5 . ._ ., Signed: (:--27 � .: . . . . B. L, RUP , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. _ 14 ^ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2318 N, E, 6th Place_ C L A R A TAYLOR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2218 6TH PLACE REN TON WA `.'_ , , • 98055 Signed: _ _—. B. L. RUP T, 'LQG. ,DIRECTORR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. . 14. , • Renton Highlands _; should be designated as : 2312 N. E. 6th: P1 ace r_`= x OCCUPANT • 2 2 1 2 6TH P L NO RENTON , Per City Ordinance No. �,� _,,—___ W A . • 98055 .. .. - . i Signed: '' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2308 — 22D6 6TF{ PL NO N. E, 6th Place • _ Y R N L L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: .s B. L. RUPPE'' i,/ LDG; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 . , Block No. 14 ; I i Renton Highlands . ; should be designated 'as : ,2304 N. E.. 6th Place • . JOHN COOK, 24�]r . • Per 'City Ordinance No. 2202 6 T H L P L - � -�,v �, .,� �RENTT ON WA • :;=a=:;ems___ 1 98055' Signed: G / • - 0 ' B. L. RU'P' , BLDG,: ,DIRECTOR . . • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate " i . ' The correct number ,of a building on Lot NO. 21 , , Block No. 14 . . r Renton Highlands' ; should be designated as: :.2300 :; • _,_ N. E. 6th Place . '. J E K E R K 'E S Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _. 2122 6TH , PL NO _ . ., RENT ON - WA 98055 Signed: c:Ar - < L. RU . BLDG. DIRECE7 . ', Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. 14 '..' Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as.: • 2,�20 . N. E. 6th Place : R W 18 6TH PL N0.Y l L H X. 21. Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i ' -- .. REN TON W A /"'- - 98055 l .. .. . .. Signed:' � _ci_—_,-- . � - — - T - .- • B. L. RUP - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . •,' , . The correct number of a. building on Lot No. . ' 23 , Block No. 14 • T, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2216 N, E. 6th Place MUNRo ' . 2 44T • - '.r -'--- 2 1 1 2 6 TIH PL NO . Per City Ordinance No. • RENTON : WA 98055 ,�'_ � Signed: ,, , B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. _ . 14 . • 4 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2212 ; N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT 2108 6 TH 'PL NO Per City Ordinance Na. 2447 - RENTON WA , ':-' ? ' 98055 , Signed: ' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Careful to Preserve this Certificate Be . f The correct number' of a building on Lot NO. ' 25 , Block No: 14 , Renton Highlands J ; should be designated as2208_ ----�-- N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 1 0 4 6T H PL NO RENTON' WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: , e _ ' B. L. RUPP' i, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate il I' I i I I'I I I s The correct nlumber'of a building on Lot No, 26 , Block No. 14.E Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:I -' 2204. N. E. 6th Place I o NI ELOUIST Per.Ci ty Ordinance No: 2447 ! 20 .16 16TH ',. P. L Np.,. ' . REN"iTON I WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: __�__ _''': B. L. R1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 , . Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate _ 14 :j. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 Block P,o._ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: , 2200 _ , N. E. 6th Place. I i G SEAM;S1jER JR ,- Per City Ordinance No. .2 .7 . 1 2010. 6",TH PL N0 I ,' . RENTON I WA .— ; .-- 98055 I Signed: ..... I', , L. RU - , BLDG!' DIRECTOR -- j Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ;` . ' it The correct number of a building;on Lot No• . 28 ,. Block No. 14 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as �. ;;t':2108 :, N. E. 6th PlaceB 1. 2 0 w 6 N � T M AT T NON Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 I . 006 � 6TH PL N01 .. _ - REN,, ToN 1 WA. 98055 _ Signed: B. L. RUP - , Bi_QG10 DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ii'.. . . _ , The correct riumb'er of a building, on Lot No. 29 , Block .No. ;14: Renton Highlands ; should be designated.as: j 2104 �' I N. E. 6th Place _ . .. j . ROBINSON K 1 ELY. a. 664 A STREET: : RENT O W� Per rCity Ordinance No, 2447 N A :, I I 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: l, t B. L, RUP , LD G. DIRECTOR I' I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I _ l 5'' The correct number of. a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. —T Relnton Highlands. ; should be designated as: __II __ Dayton Ave. N. E. I . , w. . 000UIPANT _ 6 6 2 0 S T Per City Ordinance No. 7.447r RENT 01N WA 90. 55 .. .8 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 15 • Renton Highlands J ; should be designated asi: ,' L�$4 Day. n Ave. .NL i . 1 OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1. "i 664 IIII ST f ✓ RENTON:' •..I WA 98055 . Signed: it B. ,L. i LD . , C. :DIRECTOR i , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' 1 1 , ti ,} : I The correct number of a building on Lot No, 2 Block No. 15 Renton,IHighlands , should be designated as: 2403 ;. _ N. E. 7th St. • I 1 I M TIBBILS 2307 f? TH NO j Per• Ci ty Ordinance .No. 2447 ,REN. TO 9 s05 s I •'• '• • - - . .. B. L. RUB c , BL:D RECTOR '° Be Careful to Preserve {this Certificate :!, The correct number of a "building on Lot No.. 3 , , Block No. � 15 Renton;,Highlands ; should be designated as: 2407 _— N. E. 7th St. F. H S T A Y L o R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2313 7THI NO ,.. , RENT ON WA - !' �. 98055 Signed: �. C 1 _e L. RU � BLDG. DLREC�. f� It I` Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I . ; . 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. .15 I _ Renton;' Highlands ; should be designated as: 1 [2411 H W MITCHELL 2319 7TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 j ., RENTON Wa 98055' �- ' it .. Signed: • B. L. RUP " BLDG.''DI;RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate � � l 5.! 5 The correct number of a building on ,Lot No. Block f o.. , Renton; Highlands ; should be designated as: 1` 679 Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' [ J E ALEXANDER 6 5 3 E St - J Per City Ordinance No. • 2447 —` 4 RENTON ''' WA ; , I 98055 L 1 ... .. . , .. Signed: — B. L, RUP -. , LDG. DIRECTOR j . I,I � . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate j The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 15:. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 3 G7S 1' j Edmonds Ave, N. "E, __ H D 0 YL E R. ;.. Per Cit Ordinance ,No. 2447 , 647 E ' S TI y _.�..��., - RENTONI' WA . . 98055 ! . I 1 Signed: 1 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate v The correct number of a building on, Lot :No. 7 Block No. 1.5 . ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:' 147/ i-1 1 I Edmonds Ave. N, E. R SCHULTZ • • •, , Per City" Ordinance No. 447 ( ' 643 F ST . � , REN TON " WA , 98055 . I Signed: B. L. RUPP i, LDG. 'DIRECTO 1 '' " . r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 , 1 F. • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. . . ,15 - Renton Highlands ands I • � 9 ; should be designated as; ,�} .�� Edmonds Ave. N. E. • 0 5 SNYD D E R. Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 ! '! 637 E ST ---- RENTON { WA , .. :: I. 98055 Signed: . I _ B. L. RUB , BLDG. DIRECR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on.Lot No. 9 , Block No. T 15 : Renton Highlands ; should be designated as.: 663 . Ij 1 Edmonds Avenue N, EMR : I ! _ 631 A E.A 5 T Per City Ordinance No. '2447 T _ RENTON WA --- .. 9805,5 Signed: i • _ . L. RU BLDG.I DIRECTOR r--- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. " 15 , :', Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 659 Edmonds Ave, N. E. W MCI LAUGHL IN . Per City 2 9 E S T Ordinance Na. 2447 • RENTON wA . /' . 98055 Signed: a i ; B. L. RU , BLDG. ',DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,. ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. :15 "1 • Renton Highlands � _____ g ; should be designated. as:" LE5o 1 _ Dayton Dayton Avenue N. E. i A , NYHUSOEN, 234. 0 6 T H P C Per city Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98. 055 I Signed: , , • B. L, RUP -, , LDG. DI'.RE'CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i .I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 1.5 ' ; Renton' Highlands ; should be designated as;. .6I54 R ! CHARD LANEE _ Dayton AVe, N, E, ` 2332 6TH' PL 3 Per City Ordinance No 2447 RENTON WA I98055 .. „ . Signed: ' �"—' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate { i I , The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 13 , Block No: 15 : 1 ;' Renton 'Highlands ; should be designated as: 1658 = Dayton Ave. N. E. R HEST (.LNG • 2 3 2 8 . ,6.T iH PL. NO . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 I , R E N T O ,N . WA . '98055 Signed: ,A�.�+ , B. L. RUPP i,MBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 15 `. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : ,662 . • Dayton Ave. N. E. GEORGE LUBBERS 2. 322 6TH PL Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 .I � RENTON WA 98055 .�,� Signed: B. L. RUT' . , BLDG. DIRECTOR I. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 15 ! Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : ,6.66 — Dayton Ave. N. E. ' OCCUPANT 6 3 2 D 5 T Per City Ordinance No. 24471 RENTON . . WA 98055 _- , Signed: . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 1,5.! Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . 436709 _ [laytnn Ave_ N. F A E R S L AND 638 D ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , RENTON WA i '. 98055 (::0, Signed: B. L. RUPPR , BLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I• The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 15 ' 1. ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 674 Dayton Avenue N. E. BENSON PRICE . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 644 D STREET RENTON WA 98055 - - Signed: B. L RUP E. T, L . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 15 Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : 2407 N. E. 6th Place D KARAVA I S 2447 2 3 0 7 6TH P L N o Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 ' •' Signed: s B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 15. ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2411 N. E. 6th Place c S GLENN 2311 6TH PL Per City Ordinance No< 2 7 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' � ," B. .L. RUPP RI LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 15 Reriton Highlands . ; should be designated as 2413 N. E. 6th Place S D MOL 1 NE • 2 3 1 3 6TH P L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON . WA - 98055 . Signed: 'IA) . .. B. L. R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 Block No. .1.5 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2412 - N. E. 6th Place L KERR 2447 2 3 1 2 6TH P L Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 ---V Signed: . L. RU , BLDG, DIRECTOR _ • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 22 , Block No. 15 , Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : .. , 2408 N. E. 6th Place w A T H o M P S o N Per CityOrdinance No. 2308 6TH PL 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ` _ , Signed: . B. L. RU t - , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. .15, . Renton. Highlands ; should be designated as: 480. Dayton Ave. N. E. _ STABEN Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 6 5 6 D S T RENTON WA 98055 .. . . Signed: B. L. RUP E T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 22 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 686 Camas Ave. N. E. M MLAKER 2 2 0 8 6TH AVE NORTH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON W A 98055 Signed: B.. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 22 Renton ,,Highlands ; should be designated as: 2311 N. E. 6th Place PAUL KNAPP Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2211' 6TH PLACE . RENTON. WA 98055 Signed: g'h,,,c20v,,e4r— B. . PPER!,+ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r The correct number of a building* on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 22;• • , . Renton Highlands .; should be designated as: ' 231g. • N, E, 6th place ,. O W B61. 1-1 KER Per, City Ordinance No: 2447 . • . 2219 PLACE - RENTON • ) WA �._ . 98055. Signed: �� -----. ._ . - . .. • B. L. RUB' BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , • , Block No. _ , • 22 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated. as : 5 060,E Dayton Ave. N,E, . ' . K KALESOUNT OS . Per City Ordinance No, 2447 + 6 4 3 • D S T ----- RENTON WA 98055 • Signed. �� G �r1, /0 , - - - . ..... .. . . . . . L. RU - , BLDG. ' DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . (. ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. , • 6 _, Block No. . .22 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as': 68 9 _ Dayton Aye, N, E, • M I D M0 0 R E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 •• 6 4 1 D S T • RENTON • WA - 98055 Signed: (::7,-43 1 . ..."7-7— -- --- - - .,-.._.. - . ------ B. L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. . 22 ,,: - Renton Highlands ; should be designated as :. 675 • : - Dayton Ave. N, E, R K D SIMS Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 637 D ST J RENTO 'N WA' • 98055 .. Signed: _ . ' B. L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR ,. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ia '4;" The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block NM" a 22 . Renton Highlands si 671 should be desgnated as: • ——. Dayton Aye, N. E, R COPPLE ) 2�47 6 3 1 D 5 T11 Per City Ordinance No. . RENT O N W'A ' 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 22' . . ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 667 Dayton Ave. N, E, . . Z F . USINELLO • • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 2325 6TH PL _ 6RENTON • 6S . 98.055 . C, le-i)F Signed: 44,,,V7— B. L. RUPP ki0;LDG.• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on 'Lot No. 9 , Block No. _ . 22. Renton Highlands ; 'should be designated as:, 66S • • Dayton Ave. N. E. ' OCCUPANT •• 2 3 2 9 6TH '•P L A C E • Per•City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . . WA 98055 Signed: /4-• � B. L. RU') , BLDG. D'I.REiR` . . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . The correct number of• a building. on Lot No. 10 , Block• No. — 22. • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : : ' 6 ._ n Ave. N. E. R J BERGERON 2 -3 3 3 6TH • P L • • Per City OrdinanceDayto No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' . . Signed: ( ;L s . L. RU BLDG. DIR E)R • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. . .22 . ' Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : 655 Dayton Ave. N. E, P W 6 L H •2337 6THH PLACE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . REN. TON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU I , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 22 • Renton Highlands ; should be designated. as: 651 • Dayton Ave. N. E. M R J E N ' N Per CityOrdinance P . No. 2447 2343 6TH H PL - RENTON WA J 98055 \ ' • Signed: B. L, RUP T,6 LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 22 • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' J C H 6 1 1 E I S T ES Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' WA 98055 • Signed: ' _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a' building on Lot No. 14 ', Block No. • 22 R.entm.11igh_ . s ; should be designated as: _6_0Z • Fdmonds_Avg, N. E. • J GEPFORD • • ' • Per City Ordinance No.2.427 603 E ST RENTON WA . ' 98055 • Signed: - — u4.4, B. L. RUPP RIZLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • =f €e correct number of a building on Lot No. . 15 9 Block No. 22 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 600 �, Camas Ave. N. E. H NELSON 2322 6TH AV NO Per.Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447 . -- RENTON, WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUB' . , BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block. No. 2.2 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 604 Camas Ave. N. E, B R WAMPO 2318 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 � RENTON WA 98055 Signed: A . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block. No. 22 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 608 Camas Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 2314 6TH NORTH Per City Ordinance No. 2447." RENTON WA ' 98055 - _ ' _ • Signed: f' B. L. RU P- , BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 22 . !_ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 612 :.. i Camas Ave, N. E. _Y H HART' i Per City Ordinance No.2308 6TH NO RENTON •• �\ WA 98055 Signed: - • B. L, RUP E. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 Block No. '22 ; \ Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 616 Camas Ave. N, E. A JONES 2447 2 3 0 4 6TH N 0 Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 22 ; Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 650 f Camas Au—IL—L— E BRIGHT 2252 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: C —;g4f B. L. RUPP Ri ,t LDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 22 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : . '654 Camas Ave, N, E, . . C .BAKER • - • Per' City Ordinance No. 2447 - . .2248 6TH NO . RENTON WA _ �— 98055 'Signed: ' wc7_,._____— B. L. Rlio BLDG: DIRECTOR • • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. ' '22 --- Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:. 658 . . Camas Ave, N, E. _ C R L T Y DEWITT 2244 6TH AV NO P Per City"Ordinance No. 2447 , - .. --� .. RENTON . - WA �r- .... 98055 Signed: . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. 22" Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 662 Camas Ave. N, E. PAUL ST CLAIR Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2238 6TH NO � RENTON • ' WA 98055 . . . • Signed: B. L. RUPI Pi , BLDG. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 22 . Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 666 - -- Camas Ave. N, H A CHRISTOP. HERSON 2 2 3 4i 6TH NO . . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA 98055 c"\--7 • . Signed: _ __ B. L, RUP LT, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number _of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 22 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 670 —— — Camas Ave,N, E, . GERALD GORTN Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 2 2 3 0 .. 6TH NORTH RENTON WA �---� 98055 �, . . ' Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' ' 26 , Block No. • 22 • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 674 . Camas Ave, N. E. ROBERT N. ORBYKE Per City Ordinance No. 2. 47'2224 6TH NORTH RENTON WA 98055 Signed: l7 � ,•X' B. L. RUPP ki nLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 27 , Block No. 22 Renton. Highlands ; should be designated as,: 678 •— Camas Ave. R. E. x OCCUPANT' - Per'Ci ty Ordinance No. 2447.. _ 22'20 6' TH . NORTH ' RENTON • ' WA 98055 Signed: - 4744,‘) B. L. Rig , BLDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful .to Preserve this Certificate • .. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. _ ' 22 ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' 682 _ Camas Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT PerOrdinance No. 221 '4 6TH AVE NORTH - City 24i47 • R E N .T O N WA �.._.._. 98055 fleth_ • ' :: Signed: . L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 1 , Block No. ' 23 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as,.: 667 Camas Ave. N. E. D T PL---- .±_ Per CityOrdinance No-. 2447. 2227 REN TOWA 8055 r • (Te - . Signed: B. L. RUPt - , BLDG,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 23, Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as': 663 — — Camas Ave. N. E. . J WELLWOOD 2447 ' 2233 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. ) RENTON • ' W. A 98055. Signed: . B. L, RUP E, T, LDG,, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No, ' 23 . • - Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: :659 ' Camas Ave, N. E. _ R PENCE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2237 6TH NO --�...- RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: 9 _ B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot NO'. 4 , Block No.' 23 Renton Highlands ^; should be designated as: 655 - [_________—. Camas Ave, N. E. , I P o'R T E R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 2 4 1 6TH • N 0 RENTON• W A . 98055 Signed: 9; 7 .B. . PPL R► , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 651 Camas AVe. N. E. W T W H t' T E Per' City Ordinance No 2447 ' 2245 6TH AV NO -- RENTON ' WA 7. 98055 ... .. . . Signed: Arh,-4 B. L. RUB' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 23 ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 629 camas Ave, N, E. ' A .E KOHLER 2 2 5 1 6TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 247 RENTON WA -`' 98055 �,�' Signed: / . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 7 , Block No. 23. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 625 Camas Ave. N. E, OCCUPANT 2255 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON 'WA C ' 4-2 98055 .. - Signed: — - B. L. RUP1E1 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ` The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands •; should be designated as: 621 Camas Ave, N, E, _. 2 3 0 3 BORNE 6TH A V N 0 . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON' WA ---]: ===r------ 980•55 Signed: _ B, L. RUP E T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 617 _ Camas Ave. N. E. GRIBBLE WILLIAMS ' 2 3 0'7 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 _ ... . .. Signed: � ,� B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 • , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 613 Camas Ave, N. E. RENTON T W . BENNETT 144J 2 3 1 1 6TH AV N 0 Per City Ordinance No. WA 9 8 0 5 55---- Signed: ' ,: ' B. L. RUPP Ri( LDG.: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . . . • .. - -- ,-• . . . ' - • • • - , . . . .. .,..-- • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 9 Block No. 23 . Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : . 609: • '. . . . ,. Camas Ave. N. E. • . . . . R E 2315 N HILL , PerCity •Ordinance Na. 2447 - , , . 6TH• .• O ' • • RENTON • • ' WA ' • ' 98055 • . . : • Signed: . A1.2e,,, . , . B. L. RUT' ..'t: , 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. : 12 , Block No. ' 23 . • Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 605. _IL ,. 7. L BROWN Camas Ave, N E 2319 6TH NO , • • • , ' _ .. : . • , . : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • ' 7--4-' ( . ----7a, Signed. 8/4".;fry ,401 - • . '• • ' . L. RU • 4 , *BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . ' - . , . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13. , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 601 ,--- Camas Ave. N. E.. CHARLES PATTERSON 2325 6TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON W A . . •;. • . 9805 5 • . Signed: a • B. L. RU i ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ii. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 23 . . ' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 605 Edmonds Ave, N. E. • H D HEATHER I NGTON Per City Ordinance No. NO '. 559 E ST ) RENTON WA BLDG. • 98055 ' . Signed: , B. L, Ruprt, T, B DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ; Weed 's View Tracts • ; should be designated as : 2222 [ 0 VEDOS • • • 2122 10TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 N. E. 10th St. Per City Ordinance Na. 2447 Signed: — B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. .; Weed 's View Tracts ; should be designated as: 2306 N. E. 10th St, ' E C HELM HOLTZ • 2206 - 10TH AV NO ' , Per City Ordinance No. Z147 . RE N T 0 N WA 9055 . Signed: • 8 - .. • . B. L'. RUPPERUbiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. Weed 's View Tracts ; should be designated as'.: ; 2318 N, E, 10th St, W M. C' ' CREADY PerCity Ordinance No. 2447, 2220 10TH NO RENTON WA " . • 98055 -• � Signed: ! ; B. L. Riff , BLDG,. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. ' Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as : ; 2322 - ------ ------- N, E, 10th S't, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 24 • 2226 LOTH NO _ ��3. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ,„' ' • • L. RU , BLDG. 'DIRECTOR• ~� • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 A , Block No. _ Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as,: 2402 _ -- N, E, 10th St, ' OCCUPANT 2234 1 ,0T H PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA- 98055 Signed: �" ,,L5777 B. L. RUP P>, BLDG. HDIRECTOR Be- Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. Weed's View Tracts T ; should be designated as: . 962 Sunset B1'vd, N,E, . • HARRY S FEIN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 934 SUNSET BLVD EJ RENTON WA 9 8 , , Signed: B• L. RUPPT, T, BLDG. ? DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 6 , Block No. ; ' Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as : . 958 Sunset Blvd, N, E, - , F CALLEN Per City Ordinance No. 2A47 ` 9 2 8 SUNSET BLVD - RENTON WA / 98055 Signed: 74 F , B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG• , DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. • Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as: 2203 N, E. 10th St, 0 3 W 1 0TH NO 0 T. • 2103 Per City Ordinance No. 22447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERIBLDG. : DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8: , Block. No. Weed's View Tracts 2209 -; . should be. designated as: : 2 1 0 9 1 0 T H NO Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA �� 98055 • Signed: ' s� B. L. RU1'X , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The corect number' of' a building on Lot No. . 9 . , Block No. Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as : 2215 N. E. loth St. J F S T ! N A R D Per City Ordinance Na. 2115 . 10TH AV NO ✓ 24 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C,C!3 K�! !Ltr. DIRECTOR ------. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. _ Weed 's View Tracts ; should be designated as : 2221 N. E. 10th St. C SEASHORE 2 1 2 1 1 O T H A V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - RENTON WA C 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �� �r�— B. L. RUPIE� ", BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as: 2301 N. E. 10th St. JOE LA BLONDLE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2127 10T ,H AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP -, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. " Weed's View Tracts ' ; should be designated as : 2303 N. E. 10th St. OCCUPANT — 2203 10TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 � Signed: B. L. RUPPERTBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 13 , Block No. . Weed's View Tracts should be designated as : 2307 ' N, E, 10th St. R A K R Y Z ,c K t Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2207 10TH AV NO RENTON' 98055 --- .. _ _ Signed: ��' ��f•,��� �`�' B. LL RUPPL Ri„ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I i 14 Block No.The correct number of a building on Lot No. ,.,�, : ,, Weed's View Tracts ; should' be designa J5 ted.'as: _____ . ... N. E: .10th .St..'.. KERKES ARCHULETA Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 2215 10TH AV N0 RENTON WA T 98055 Si • gned: y f ,di B. Lo R,?, � , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 �, Block No. - -_ Weed's View Tracts ; should be designated as: 2321 - — N. E. loth St, x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2221 10 �f H AVE N0 N RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C`" �' _ • g < L. RU �BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. Weed's View Tracts • ; should be designated as : • 2327 _ - ----- - N. E. 10th St. - E S GONDER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2227 10TH AV NO r • RENTON WA �- 98055 Signed:g .._, .„,,/,,,C------ B. L. RUPf EPBLDG." DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. Weed's View Tracts - should be designated as : 2405 —" ` N, E. 10th St. L E E L Z I G Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 2233 10TH AV NO - RENT ON WA -�'�- 98055 Signed: B. L, RUP -. T, LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. _ • Weed 's View Tracts ; should be designated as : 955 • Edmonds Ave. N, E. x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 941 E STREET — �� RENTON WA 98055 �° - Signed: .,!; B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 7, , Block No . ; should be designated as': ' 902 Sunset Blvd, N. E. M DEL GUZZO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 902 SUNSET , HW Y —� RENTON WA - 98055 Signed: .�� r °4 B, L. RUP � ,/8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • g Tax Lot. 7 The correct' number of a_buildin on Lot No. ,.Black No. . : ; should be designated as 904 - - Sunset Blvd. N,: E, .. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 902 1/2' SUNSET BLVD E — - - RENTON WA 98055 : � �I Signed: • B. L. RUP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot, No. `fax Lot 7 , Block No. ; should be designated as : 906 • Sunset Blvd. N, E. MRS M DEL GUZZO 906 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447_ - RENTON, WArP _._r �"` 98055 • Signed: :;3/4/4°,_ L. RUi - , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 103 , Block No. ; should be designated as: . 912 -- - Sunset Blvd. N. E. D AUGUSTON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 912 SUNSET BLVD RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 ' - - Signed:. �- , ;------ B. L. RUPI P�rfi,�BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ,, The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 116, , Block No. ; should be designated as:, 916 :— - — — — - — Sunset Blvd. N. E. E J SOUDER Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 916 SUNSET BLVD RENTON ' WA • , J 98055 • Signed: Sv B. L. RUP E. TgLDG. DIRECTOR _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 114 , Block No. _ ; should be designated as : 950 Sunset Blvd. N. E. A MOTOR JR — 9 2 2 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA � 98055 1 Signed: �' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 14-17Z"?6PPest,p4mber of a building on Lot No. , 'Block No. ; should be ' e as : 950 OCCUPANT Sunset Blvd, N. E. 928 SUNSET BLVD E City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 r Signed: f, B. L. RUPP RI d` L DIRECTOR Be Careful to .Preserve this Certificate , I 1 1 I 1 , . :.Tax LQt 97-' ' Block No. ' . '�` mE�Qr ,of a building-'..op�,''on Lot� No.., Ttte corree� n 1 , shoulddesignated aft; • I, { , . ; • " . � be ' ."::]flZa:. : '" . :I: i Sunset Blvd: N. E. < J • L ZANATTA ''.Per`City Ordinance No. 2447` ' . :: :�', - 1"'•020 ISUNSE 'T'..' BL 'Vp 9 8 0 5 5. i.+• . Signed: B. L. RU1 BLDG.', DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , . - .The, correct. number" of.a building on :Lot 1 o. Tax::Lot 108 Block No: 1 ` • • `should be .des:ianated as:'". TOM Sunset .Blvd. N: E. • OCCUPANT ' ; Per:City.:Ordinance No. 2447 2119:SUNSET BLVD E ' RENTON '" :WA (- . ~ .II ` �. 98055 • : . . : . .. -- -- _ Signed:. , B'. L. RU - BLDG. !DIRECTOR II Be Careful to Preserve, this Certificate , ; - : ,il: • • . • . . . • • •.• . • • . . . . . . . . . . .'• .. • . • •.•i. i � . .• • • . The correct number. of a; building on Lot No. Tax Lot 108 ' , Block No. !. should .be designated as` , T056 Sunset Blvd. N. E. G K GRIN"N .ELL 2 1 2 1 " S U N "S E T B L v.D Per City, Ordinance No. 2447: .•! ' _. RE.NTON WA . 9.805.5 1 Signed:' i B. L. RU ,• SLDG. ",DI,RECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . Tax Lot 108 & 52 Block No. '.} ' • • -, . ;.should be designated as 1058. Sunset Blvd.' "N: E,: .II Per City":Ordinance No. :. 24471 .:' 212,3r ""SU:NS.ET.. BLVD • , i. . : RELATION WA Signed: — I B. L. RUP "L. 1LDGt DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ' .. • • The correct number of a .building. on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 Block` No. : should be designated as ; 1068 . .213.9 sudN § ET BL' vD City Sunset Blvd. N. E'. ! : ' 1, Per Ct Ordinance Na: 2447 ,.. .. R'ENTON WA , " .. 1 - .. 9 8 0 5 5 • :Signed: • RUPPERT, BLDG.'; DIRECTOR — t , ,L BeCareful "to Preserve this Certificate . . The • . correct number 'of a buildingon" Lot'No. TaxLot 50 Block "'No ; ! ; should be designated as:'i ! :1100':• Sunset Blvd. N. E. - 2 2 1 1: Sill N.:SET B L V D Per- City Ordinance No. 2447 . .! ' RE:N' TON� ` B. L. RUPP i LDG. DIRECTOR { Be ',Careful :to Preserve this Certificate" • - 1 1. •.• •.• • •,• • •.•.••• • .,i• • •j•.. • • • . . y • . . • .1. ••• •'. • ,• • • • a . • . • . • • • . • •.i. .• ..• • • •• • • .(. , ; :The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 32 Block No. ` .. ; should be .designated as: 1150 Sunset. Blvd.--N.- E. - :. N E : DICKASON 2223 SUNSET BLVD Per'City Ordinance No. 2447 . . RENTON WA 98055.• Signed:. /07/ 4L' iic', B. L. 10' , BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be"designated as : 1170• Sunset Blvd, N. E.. DAIRY QUEEN INC 2300 SUNSET BLVD E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055Y • Signed: 0, L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 58 Block No. rl should" be designated as : 1033 r' OCCUPANT Sunset Blvd N: E• 1 0 3 3 SUNSET BLVD Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON• WA • 98055 Signed: 7 ' B. L. RU .I BLDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - +-. . . . The correct number of a building on Lot No Tax Lot 96. , Block No. . ; should be designated as:' ' . 1055 — — - Sunset Blvd. N. E, MIKES TAVERN - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11505 SUNSET BLVD ) RENTON WA 98055 :. . Signed: B. L. RUPP T, LDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. ' 7 Block No. . ' • ' ' . should be designated as:I 1105. Sunset Blvd: N. E. ht P0T0SN IK Per CityOrdinance No, 2447. 1 1 /30 2 . SUNSET BLVD RENTON • W A ' � 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . Tax Lot '42 , Block No. ;. ; should be designated as: 1.115 ' . . '' Sunset Blvd. N. E. ' HILLC 'R ,ES ,T SERVICE ' : --- 1 1 5 1 0 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No, 2447 ' RENTON .' WA . 98055 . , • • . Signed: `>?�i 3L�� B. !L. RUPP DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' i I j 1 The correct number of a building ,on. Lot No. Tax Lot 59 2 Block No, :`: > : : `. • : should be:designated: as...:t.;- ',•22LR4 IQ . • .. Per.City Ordinance NO. 2447 ' , 2102. 10T! H .. •AVE N0: ' RENT ON : w.A • 9 8. 0 5.5 Signed: .B. L. RU' BLQG. DIRECTOR ! Be Careful '_to Preserve this.Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:.. .Tax Lot 121 , Black-NO. ! re- ; should be designated•as• : 2216 � =-- -_� • <ti N. E: .10th St. ;. R J O H N S,.O. N Per City Ordinance No. • 24471 ' 2116 10 AV NO . 9 8 0 5.5 �,. Signed . L. RU , iDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve thins Certificate' ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 77 Block No. i • •i •,. � .. ,. ; .s 2314hould be: designated .as::' N. E: .1Oth St: D M A T I E; ON • Per..City Ordinance No • 22 '12 '110`TH AV No 2447 ` 9 , ' .� ..; .° Signed:, -.-_ .__.. - RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR• • - Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate! • The .;correct number of a building on Lot No,. . Tax Lot .47. .: , .Block No. s should- be designated as; /007 Edmonds Ave' : N. E. F . :M • GLEIA.SON • • i •i. , . : S T Per City Ordinance No. 24471 • 98055 Signed; . B. L. RUPEE LDG. DIRECTOR Be '.Careful to Preserve this Certificate - I The correct number, of a building on Tax Lot• 34 Lot No. Block No. . _ ; should be designated :as': T011 Edmonds Ave. N. E. L SONY H 2447. 1 0 1 1. E is T • Per City Ordinance No. REN,TO �l .. i, WA • ' 98055• . Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,' BLDG: DIRECTOR Be, Careful to Preserve this Certificate :,.. . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . : . . . . . . . . . . Y. . ...... .. . . . : . : : . .�. .'. , . . . . . The correct number1, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 73 . • , Block No. • '' • ; should be designated as; : 1021 • r Edmonds Ave. N. E. CAL. V A RjY B A B. T .f S T CA .' Per. City' Ordinance No, 2447'i 102 1: EI s REN 'T.ON W. A_ . • / • 98055 Signed: - • ,B. L. RUPP R LDG.': DIRECTOR. : Be Careful to Preserves this Certificate , . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 34 Block No. . ' • —109 '• ‘ • should be designated as : ' Edmonds Ave._N. E. ' . . MRS J OMA I TS• 1. 029 E s•T NO 1 Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 , ----'1 RENTON • 98 ° 5W54 Signed: 47 A4/4-1 /,. . ' . B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 34 , Block No. should be designated as: 1031 . Edmonds Ave. N. E. , F OMA ITS 1029A STREE Per City Ordinance No. 242447 E T • RENTON WA. 98055 . `,.... --V Signed: fr , • . L. RU , BLDC.,1. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 33 , Block No. . ; should be designated as: 1051 - Edmonds Ave. N. E. v OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance 103 E ST No. 2447 3 RENTON WA ..: 98055 .----7 • 1 Signed: B. L. RU I - , BLDG. DIRECTOR •: ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ' The correct number of a building on Lot No Tax Lot 111 , Block-No. ; should be designated as : 1190 Sunset Blvd. N. E. ' T AND R mARKET 2447 Per City Ordinance No. 2319 SUNSET BLVD J • RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: . B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: = 7e/ • Sunset Blvd. N. E. NE -- OCUPN 7 C A T 01 SN T BLVD E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _. RENTON . WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. • • 3 , Block No. ; . Harrie,s Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as,: . = 7/7 Sunset Blvd. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 •11909 SNST HWY RENTON WA .. 98055 Signed: ' - •______. B. L. RUPPER1 do LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. " Harri,es Garden Home Tracts ... _ . should be designated as: ' $o/ " Sunset Blvd. N. E. • C F HILL, 1 1 9 0 7 5 .N' S T B L v o . Per City "Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON, WA �T 9 8 0 55. , 1 Signe� i ' .l B. L. R ,..- , BLDG: .DI;RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . ... The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No Harries Garden Home Tracts _ • should.be designated "as:" ; . .ate .� z/: Sunset Blvd. N.E. : : ' • P TURNBO.,W -- 1 1 1 9 0 1 SNST BLVD Per City Ordinance No. _2447 . RENTON ( WA 1 • .—. 98055 - - - Si -- gned: ,. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 ,. Block 'No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 8 zs" Sunset Blvd. ;N. E. . x OCCUPANT 1 1 8 (15 SNST BLVD Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 . •RENTON WA 98055 Signed:, ' ,2 B. L. RU. , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block.No. Harries. Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: igCM ede7 Sunset Blvd. N. E. E J FA i RLCH I LD 1 1 8 0 9 SNST1 BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA = . 9.80.55 � . Signed: ' B. L. RUPPT, T, LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block. No. ; Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: �S/. " Sunset Blvd. N. E. .. OCCUPANT 2447 �. 11805 SUNSET BLVD E Per. City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 _ Signed: e B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 ': , Block No. ; Harries garden Home Tracts ; should be.designated as: 901 : Sunset Blvd. N. E. o L B I N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11801. SNS .TI BLVD RENTON WA : 9805 .5 Signed: ".'7 � , . B. L. RUPPk. /laLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate ' ' I 1 , - The.`correct 'number of a building on Lot No ': . 8.. . Block .No. :: :• i . Harries Garden Home Tracts: . '; :; should be designated asp: ^ ; r.. . Sunset Blvd. N. E.:I .; i Per City Ordinance No. 74, ;: : Signed• G , . ti - D1' ; B. L. . R n�BLDG.. RE CTOR i Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The .correct number of a :building on Lot No: , 9: , Block No•: _____ :E .:�.= -. . Harries Garden Home Tracts , should be designated ash 909 Aberdeen r . an`Ave, . '� N. E.: 1._..:I 1 .1 6 2 5 1 '1 2-�T:H S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447i 'RENT O N WA ,. • L.. RU ; BLDG. 'DIRECTOR . Be Careful :.to Preserve this Certificate ,. 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 : : -: , Block No Harries Garden.Home:.Tracts ;.'should be designated as: : 951 " j . -- Aberdeen:Ave: N. E.. !' I. 1 1 6.2 1 1 1 2:T H S E:.. • Per.City Ordinance..No. 2447 ; Signed: 2-. ,.. - ,' BLDG.; DIRECTOR B: L. RU . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. : ': . f • . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • : . . . . • • • • .. : • . . :. .. . . . The correct nujnber of a building on Lot No. 11. , Block No: I ,,. : ' . Harries; Garden Home Tracts : • ; should be designated as:' 957 I • Aberdeen. Ave: N,' E. Per City Ordinance No.. -` 2447 ': 9 '80.55 Signed: : i : . B. L. RUP t T, LDG.; DIRECTOR i. Be: Careful. to Preserve this Certificate ;' ,. , The correct number of a .building on Lot No: 1 : , Block No. Garden, Home Tracts ;.should, bedesignated as :. 963 ' _. ,,. , 1''' -- --- =---- --,-------=------- - Aberdeen Ave. 4 � — OCCUPANT 2447 : d'P er Cit Or finance Na 6 y 1 5 1 1 1:1 2T SE H _ R,.E N T O,N .I' W A . . • 9.8 .055 Signed: . - B. L. RUPPERT, BL DG: . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct':number of 'a building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on Lot No. .' 12 Block No. ;: Harries Garden Home Tracts 965 ; should be designated as: • Aberdeen Ave N. E. ? ANT1CCUP Per City Ordinance No. "244,7 ': 1705 ,2:'TH AVE S E... _�. RENTON.: IWA 98055 , Signed: .d —,--- B. L. RUPP Ri LDG•. DIRECTOR Be .Careful, to Preserve this Certificate S • it The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 Block No. • 1 ! Harries Garden Home Tracts - ; should be designated as: 973 E OL N Aberdeen Aye-, N. SO " 11609; 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON . . WA 98055 Signed: - , " • . B. L. Re,, , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. • Harries Garden Home Tracts . ; should be designated as : 1005 Aberdeen Ave, NI E. w OCCUPANT E Per City Ordinance No. 24477 11605 112TH RENTON S 9805.5 — Signed: 7 L. RU , BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as 1029 Aberdeen Ave. Ne E, G W ZIVARICH 114 9 112TH S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: C-2 B. L. RU IrBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No. .16.. , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts • ; should be designated as: 1021 Aberdeen Ave, N, E, H SEVERE1D SE • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11421 112TH RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : ,: 1051 .Aberden Ave. N. E, c J SPORTSMAN • 11417 .112TH SE . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W .A 98055 4 - • Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. • Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : 1055 • Aberden F SHELTON 11411 • 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA : 98055 • Signed: • B. B. L. RUPP fa firAI.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 22 , ... Block No: , The correct number of a building on Lot No, . . . • , - Har�ries Gar.den.Home Tracts should be designated as.: 1129�. I. Aberdeen Ave. N, E D': J0.H N S o IN L SCHUTZ Per-City Ordinance No 2447� 1 1 2 2 9 1 1 i2"T H SE RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: --- B. , RUl'� / la BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot 1o. 22 , Block No. y Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1127 Aberdeen .Ave.: N. E,. ' E 0 WO LHUTER Per City Ordinance No. '2447 . 11227 112TH SE RENTON. i .. WA 9805. 5 y - - Signed: n , '� L. RU BLDG... DIRECTOR OR .� Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. Harries Garden -Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1153; _ -- — Aberdeen Ave. N. E, OCCUPANT 11223 112 TH AVE S E Per City Ordinance No 2447 . . ' ` . � RENTON WA 98055 Si ned: Af- B. L. RU , , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 . . Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1151 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. . E_______ - Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 2THAVESEA 98055 Signed: —B. L. RUPq.. T, LDG. DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 24 '' , Block No Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : 1155 H D I N{ E. s Aberdeen Ave. N, E. — 1 1 2' 2 5 1 12 T H. SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447. REN TON - WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No: Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as; 1161 Aberdeen Ave, N, E. D ALLEN Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 j 2 T H S. E. RENTON .. 4 WA . 98055 Signed: L. U _... , - _---=- B. R PP --- —RI , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :; . The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 25 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1.171 Aberdeen Aver N. E. x OCCUPANT 11215 1 1 2 T ,H S E Per.City Ordinance No. 2447 —�-- i" . RENTON WA• �- 98055 Signed: /4 , - . B. . RUU1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 25 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1167 AhprdPpo Ave. .N- E. x ' OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 121 3 .1 f2TH SE" - RENTON WA -- 98055 Signed: . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No., P6 , Block No. Harries Garden Home_Tracts - should be designated as : 2nni .G POLACK. .' . N. F. 17t11YSt. ' 1 1 0 0 3 SE .1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No.. 7) 980. 2447. RENTON; 9 .55 WA � - Si ned: .? B. L. RU f P , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 1833 N. E. 12th St. -- c . FRANKS Per City Ordinance No.' 2447 11001 SE 112TH - i RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: ': B. L, RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 27 , Block No. . Harries Garden Home Tracts should be designated as: 1835 - 6 A C.... — KMAN SJ BERG N. E. 12th .St. — Per City Ordinance No. 247 11O 1"9 . SE 112TH y RENTON •WA 98055 Signed: A, , B. L. RUPPERT,aBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 " , Block No. ; Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: ' .eve Sunset Blvd.. N. E. 8 3 G O E R 836 SUU N Per City Ordinance No. _7447 NSSET BLVD RENTON WA 98055gi) Signed: ,�B. . PPE"RII,,1 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I The correct number. 'of a building on Lot No: 29 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts should be designated as: 84✓9 Sunset Blvd. N. E. . - x OCCUPANT PerCity.Ordinance No. 2447 828 SUNSET BLVD E _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: i B. L. 'RUB' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number'of a building on Lot No. 29 : Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts should be designated as ' 830 Sunset Blvd. N. E. 8OCCUPANT' BLVD E Per City Ordinance No. _2447 UE,RENTON WA ---- ._. 98055 Signed: /. ---. . . L. RUi4 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 30 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as.: IttO4512, 4 Sunset. Blvd. N. E. , L E S T E,R N E R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 822 SUNSET BLVD • RENTON WA 98055. Si ned: �f"- - — — B. L. RU P- , .BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3o Block No. Harries. Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: Ittrezz Sunset Blvd. N. E. x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 816 . SUNSET BLVD / RENTON WA 98055 Signed: — B. L, RUP T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 31 , Block No. _; Harries Garden Home Tracts : . . ;. should be designated as : ' 4ti �/2 Sunset Blvd. N. E. . . — T B NICHOLS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 812 ... SUNS.ET BLVD RE.NTON WA 98055 Signed: ,/_ e° B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 32 . , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as: 7/4/ Sunset Blvd. N. E. GLEN ` BROWN . . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 804 SUNSET BLVD RENTON WA ' 98055 Signed: .!. !. 0 I B. L. RUPPN,A LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: 1 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : G 78 N FORGAARD: Sunset Blvd. N. E. 6 7 8 . ,SUNSET BLVD E Per..City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ---- .. 98.055 G Signed: e, B. L. RU BLDG,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No, 2 , Block No. - Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : 2029 N, E. 7th St. K A BECKSTROM 1909 7TH AVE N0 Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 RENTON , W.A . ...--.-.— 98055 � .. , � '. Signed: . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No.. Harries Garden Home Tracts ; should be designated as : , 2033 - — -- N. E. 7th St. M J G1R1 'AS 1 9 1 5 7 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ' C----- Signed: 2- B. L. RU IA Iy, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot .No. 37 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts ' ; should be designated as: G 7 Z Sunset Blvd. N, E. T E E Y Per City Ordinance No. 2447 iUNSET BLVD J RENTON WA C _ 722 S 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPT T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 38 , Block No. • Harries Garden Home Tracts ' ' ; should be designated ass: ' = 448 Sunset Blvd. N. E. L GEBEN I N I Per City 720 S U N S ;E T B L V'D. Ordinance No. 2447, RENTON WA I. ______--....,,____T 98055 �, Signed: �, ;01,1 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ' • I1nrecorded, Subdivision ; .should be designated as : 1152 ' Aberdeen. Ave. N. E. P DE PASQUALE ' 1 1 2 2 0 1 .1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 9 � B. L. RUPP R► , LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. . ' • Unrecorded Subdivision - ; should be designated as : 2139 N. E. 12th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. _2_447 11239 5.; E 112 TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPe, , BLDG. DIRECTOR , . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 45 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 958 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. J WILLIAMS -------- • 11608 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ___------ ' 98055 Signed: ‹8,4e;--/,/, • . L. RU • , BLDG DIRECTOR - : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 45 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 964 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. ' T . PHINNEY 11606 112TH SE ' Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 . • RENTON WA (.-----2 r 98055 • • Signed: ..-4672- k B. L. RU EV, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 45 , Block No. • Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 1000 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. H PHINNEY • 1 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • , - WA - , 98055 Signed: . IP B, L, RUP - T,7BLDG. DIRECTOR---Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 107 , Block No. I! , Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 1006 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. W DOW, 11540' 112TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ENT N , • WA 98055 Signed: I 9.0'."..,so'C--- B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 125 , Block No. • , • Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 1010 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. K1 1 444T F 12TH SE ° m Per City Ordinance No, 2447 • 1 RENTON • WA • • C .. H . • 9 8 0 5 5 -- --1 —?i) Signed: , ,.4!7 &id4if / B. L. RUPP RT6OLILDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number ;of a building on Lot No, Tax Lot 128 Block No, Unrecorded Subdivision should be designated as 1156 Aberdeen -Ave-. N. E. • occuPaNT, 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 T H Per'City Ordinance No.2447�.__._; RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RU em , . BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: Tax Lot 117 Block No: Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 1160 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. F JOHNSON 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA .r-- - —) •98055 Signed: B. L. RU BLDG. . DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1 Block No. Unreca de ubdjvisjon should be designated as : 1164 A KOSHKO Aberdeen Ave. N. E. 1 1 2 0 6 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • -- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C:,--4e" ,a B. L. RU Ix P- LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number .of a building on Lot No.. � 5 , Block No. S Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as:. 2143 . N. E. 12th St. F P E E R S o; 1123T SE 112TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON - WA - : 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: S ., B. L. RUP - T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 ' . , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should. be designated as: 2147 PETERSON ROWS N. E. 12th St. 1 1 2 3 3 SE 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON •WA 98055 Signed: e , B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 , Block No. • Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 2151 N. E, 12th St. M HACKMAN 1 1 2 3 1 SE . 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. _2447 RENTON WA • . 98055 �_ Signed: �I B. JL• RUPP 7, DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a_building .on Lot No: Tax Lot 94. Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision • should be designated as : 1164 Camas Ave. N. E. R DUKE, . s 2447 1 1 2.1 4 `1 1 4 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. RENTON' WA . R' 9 8 0 5 5 � �` • Si ',,,...gned: , / B. L. RUi' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The 'correct number'of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot' 104 , Block No Unrecorded Subdivision should be designated as: 1170 Camas Ave. N, E, • J MCCOLLUM 1 1 2 0 8 1 1T H S E Per City. Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA ✓ �' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . Ci/// B'. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a. building on Lot No Tax Lot 101 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision should be designated as : 1158 T HOGAN JR Camas Ave. N. E, 1 1'2 2 2 1 1 4, T H SE Per' City Ordinance No. ��447 . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 2 B; L. RUP1vi P" , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 . , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 1171- . Camas Ave, N. E. A .G A IRNS Per. City Ordinance No, 2447 11211 114TH SE RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L, RUPPI T, LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 1165 Camas Ave, N. E. R SECREST 2447 +` 1 1 2 '1 5 1 1 4 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 44 , Block No . Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated• as: 1161 Camas Ave.. N. E. J WELCH 11219 114TH SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - - RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 ---= — Signed: �, B. L. RUMP fislaDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The' corr.ect number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 1 , Block No. "�. Unrecorded Subdivision • should be designated as: 2131 N. E. 12th St. C SWARTFACER °City 1 1 ,2 2 1 S E 1 1 2 T H Per Ordinance Na. 247 : RENTON WA �-- ,, 98055 I Signe d: - 'B. L. R G , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number. of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 105 , Block No. _ Unrecorded Subdivision ,• should be designated as : 2135. N. E. 12th St ' F SWA I SGOOD 2447 1. 1 2 2 5 SE, 1 1 2 T H Per City Ordinance No. .. RENTON . WA :c2—(1i-P- 980 55 Si9 ned: , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Int 10D ,,, Block No. _ . IlnrornrdPd Suhrlivisinr ; should be designated as : 2207 N. E. 12th St. J W A LS H 11'307 SE i112TH Per City Ordinance No,. 2447 RENTON WA C798055 Signed: B. L. RU g ! BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 , , Block No. • Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 2211 • N. E. 12th St. J HOLMES WALDEN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11309LSE 112TH J RENTON . VIA 98055 '---14- Signed: . B. L. RUPr., T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve, this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 100 , Block No. _ Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 2215 N. E. 12th St. 'D - M o o R E Per City Ordinance No. — 4/ 1 1 3 1 1 SE 1 1 2 T_ H RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 a Signed: e ;, B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 104 , Block No . ;. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should. be designated as :. 2331 N. E. 12th St. F WENDL i' NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 11419 SE, 112TH RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: S)I /441 /� B. L. RUPP RI, LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful ' to 'Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.: Tax Lot 104. , Block No: • Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 2335 N. E: 12th St. J / 25 SE 112TH WARREN 114 PerCity: Ordinance No. 2447 --` - , . . RENTON ; WA 9805 .5 '',�� . Signed: ', , ! ,,, -- B. L. RU" , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. Correction Windsor Hills Addition should be designated as: 411 . .. G,t .� D�i cr/A S/ v . N. E. . MR WHITTLINGER Per City Ordinance No. 2447_ ____ 411 GRANDEY WY y RENTON WA .� --- 98055 Signed: ,. ,.. . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. Correction Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as : 409 GRANDEY N. E. A VAUGHN 409 GRANDEY WY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 C Signed: a• . ` B.' L. RUB` P" , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 Block No. Correction Windsor Hills Addition ;. should be designated as: 407 GR nl Dtg wa y _ -_---------] �. N. E. C H JENSEN 407 GRANDEY WY Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: --B. L. RUP -, T, ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 Block No. Correction Windsor Hills Addition ; should be designated as : 405 ^o®�Y wAV fltet ey A'1e. N. E. L. 5 KR ALL Per CityOrdinance No. 2447. 405 GRANDEY WAY RENTON WA ,,j5;-___ ---______ 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number' of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. • Correction Windsor Hills Addition ; should be .designated as: 403 6'4AWDEV way N. E. F L EVANS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 403 GRANDEY WY --- RENTON WA . 98055 8 Signed: 1 ,,,,��� . B. L. RUPP ki , LDG. DIRECTOR Be, Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number 'of a building on Lot No: 23 Block No. _ Correction Windsor Hills Addition r ., should be designated as: 401. . . r .,_ Gk NDL°Y 4/AVN. E. 0 M,A D A Y A G : 401 GRANDEY WY Per''City Ordinance No. 2447 . REN T ON WA 4.„--- . 98055 Signed: ;r z ,_40,,c— B; L. RUP,.� , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 112 Block No. — Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 2202 ~loe,egsA.gMTs i N. E. 10th Place ;TH' PL N0 _ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2202 10 RENTON WA , ... 98055 C.- Signed: 'a 7 /...,-- L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 112 , , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 2200 N. E. 1Oth Place m OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2 2 0 0 1.0 P L N RENTON WA 9. 8055.. Signed: �/ — -- B. L. RUPW, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 118 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision . . ; should be designated as : 2204 - . N. E. 10th Place H NATION 2204 1C! TM FL N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ --'� RENTON WA 98055 ` Signed: w,i LDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 159. , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 2300 N. E. 10th Place T LA VALLE Per City Ordinance Na. 24��7 _ 2206 . 10TH PL NO RENTON WA 98055tiv ;--- --..___ Signed: A .d B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 146 Block No . • Unrecorded Subdivision ;should be designated as: 2304 -- — N. E. 10th Place A B E RE N D Per City Ordinance No. 4447, 2 2 0 8 11 0 T H PL NO RENTON WA 98055 Si ned: �. �.�4,51— i . r g e� 1 B. L. RUPP! •i,,1 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . '''p The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 9 - , Block No. Donna Vista ---,..-iild be designated as : 2207;. • ;d Ef. 10th Place N ANDREWS P f NEDA Per 'City Ordinance NU, `2jj 2107 10 F L NORTH - RENTON WA . . 98055 ,. ..._ ,:z. Si ned: B.. L, RJR c BLDG. DIRECTOR. - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot, No. 8 . Block No. _ Donna Vista ; should be designated as : 2211 N. E. 10th P1 ace . E_____________ , D E Si L E R 111R 0THPLN0Per City .Ordinance No. 2447ENTON WA 98055 <-/fr- . , .. .. . . Signed: _ ,�', -r� .. RU ��e, 'BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0 The correct number of' a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. _ Donna Vista ; should be designated as : ?215 JOHN BYRDl' ' N. F. 10th Place 2 1 1 5 1 0 T H P L N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPIx BLDG. DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. . The correct number of,a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. Donna Vista ; should be designated as : 2217 E______M MP 0 T H P'' L N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 WA 98055 Signed: .� B. L, RUP k 7LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of ,a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. . Donna Vista . , ; should be designated as : 2309 N. E. 10th Place Ix OCCUPANT -- —' 2201 10TH PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA . 98055 �� Signed: B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. Donna Vista ; should be designated as : 2305 N, E, 10th Place 22203S 10TH PL NO 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 .- .. Signed: -) , ad-S-- B. L. RUPPEdaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correJ number of a building on trot No 5 , Black No. Donna Vista ° should be designated as: 2301 N. E. 10th Place E ,P 0 C e AIL P K 4--- - -� 2 2 0 5 10TH K PL NO Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 980' 55 �` Signed: _ -; /.ate ---.. --- - .. . . , . - :6. E, R�tr1PT; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Ca''eful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number of a building on Lot'.No. 1 , Block No. --- _._ D nll i.sta----- _ should be designaio as . _23D$.__- -_--_ ,06:47-2H . 1 N E 1O tt_Pl.ace__._.. - --._-__----- l O TH PL N 0ui'»rtt Per :aity Ordinance N,.) 2447 2202 RENTON WA 98055 "_____ _. Signed: C &. ";r 3 8e Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. _ Donna Vista ; should he designated as : 2312 N. E. 10th Place A M STRINGER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2210 10TH PL NO _ — --- RENTON WA 98055 Sig5"--- ned: / B. LRUP LL-P -edLLR. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot i;o, ^_fax Lot 139-_ , Block No. -_: Unrecorded Subdivision — �`� ; should be designated as: 2316 N. E. 10th Place K JAY Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 2212 10TH PL NO — RENTON WAC---"r—^— - 98055 Signed: �� OR--- • - r , ' -T B. L. RUP- 'F, � 57— IPECT Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate p s . p • • . • . . . . . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 138 , Block No. __, - Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as : 2320 ° _ _ _N. E. 10th Place E B O D l E _—y—� 2220, 10TH P L N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • 98055 Signed; C:7--- t?/' � E' . , '' -- B. L. RUPPER1 , CLD . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r , a • . . . . , . , • , . . • . . p , , - 4 • , The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 140 , Block No, ; Unrecorded Subdivision - ; should be designated as: 2326 ---- N. E. 10th Place FOX HR PENSE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2226 10TH, PL NORTH _ 5;----- --- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RiIJP L 'i LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The corre;.t numb or of, a ?:uilding on Lot No. Tax Lot 1.53. , Bloc' No. Unrecorded Subdivision should be designated as : 2400. . N. E. 10th Place A ,C WELL I VER ,r �!r 2 2 3 0 1 0 T H P L NO 'Per' pity Ordinance N-�. _r4,4.--) RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 4��,;c : B. L. ;(tr'+;fa °`, ' BL''G. DIRECTOR� ' Be Careful to Preserve• this Cer :ifical;:. The correct number or a bu i i d rig on Lot No, Tax Lot. 69 ______, Mock No . ___________ .._------_.- -- ------- ��_V Unrecorded Subdivision �� ; should be desiar,ated as: 2404 ` + -- -- N. E. 10th Place Eillill H W A R T Z City j ` Yr No. - --.-------------- PL N0 Pe?' .ii:/ _lydi,�a.ic- -: 2447 WA _ _ 98055 { f Signed: c,�._ , ",,!4.2ie..A7.. - .� ,. �L..�RUf� , BLDr, DIRECTOR •• Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 7 ' v 4 Thz correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 Block No. w_,- _ Unrecorded Subdivision -T -_; should be designated as : — 652 T Sunset Blvd. N. E. " OCCUPANT • - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 -- — 526 SUNSET ' BLVD - RENT ON WA \y 98055 �l- - Signed: B. L. RUIN L-i ,3r G< DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 _ Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as: 654 Sunset Blvd. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 528 SUNSET BLVD E -- --� RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /.�' ___ B. L L. RUPrU 14,BL.DC;. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , P . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . , , . . 000 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 , Block No. —; Unrecorded Subdivision ; should be designated as ; 656 Sunset Blvd. N. E . OCCUPANT j Per City, Ordinance No. 2447 ` 530 SUNSET BLVD E , RENTON WA 98055 �,, Signed: ���,� '►'� — T LDCI. DIRECTOR —y Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 4 . 1 The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 , Block No. , Unrecorded Subdivison __ ; should be designated as : 658 � Sunset Blvd. N. E . - OCCUPANT BLVD E � Wig 532 SUNSETPer City '2Ordinance No, 47 -- — RENTON WA 98055 , Signed; .,�:��,- - 5----- - 8. RUPP :: ;;, LD0. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .: , . 1 ' • • . . , . • • • . . • . .. . . . . . , . , ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - • .. ' . .• . . •. . • • . . . • .. • . . . . . . . •The cot rea uumb.Jir• of a building on Lot No, KaxLot_40 ._.:, Elock No. _...•___-________,. _._ .. ._....._,..± _. . . • • Unrecorded Subdivision : , . • •• • ; should be. designated as: ::660: • . • . : • . . ! •• • : Sunset Blvd . N. E . . ___ : _._•___,.. . ............4.....3....-. ., •,-- :. , OCCUPANT • i •• 534 SUNSET BLVD E . . . . . Per-City Ordinance No, . • • ' RENTON • .WA • 98055 —.----7,-. . ...----) • 4.1'. • ‘-' Signed; ____ _,J.. • --;';1 - ,e,i, ', . . • . . Ii., L-:—ROgi , BLOG DIRETTOR------ . ' • • • • . , • - Be Careful to Preserqe C,this erti I:. at.:i • . . . •• • • . . , The correCt number :of a building on L,ot No.. Tax Lot 40 , ',:.1lock No. — Unrecorded Subdivision • __.; should be desionated as: 66 2 _ . • _ • uk OCCUPANT . . . Per City Ordinance 2447. . 536 SUNSET BLVD . • • RENTON WA i • • 98055 •- " " . • • SignEd: . . r L. RUIPi , BI.DC:;., DTPECTOR • ! • . • - Be CarefUl to Preserve this Certificate • • . • • . . . . . . 1 , The correct number of a building on Lot No, _ Tax Lot 142 , Block No. ._ Unrecorded •Subdivision .. ; should be designated as : ! — • .:- .. . Sunset Blvd. N. E .R S.CHALKLE . . • 630 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 :____ •. •.___ RENTON WA - C • , . . ---;./ecte.4;77.• .• . Signed: - • • ' L B. . RUNLE.P,BLDTTOTRECTOR .--. . • : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • . , ' , I' , . •• . The correct number, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 91 , Block No. - - Unrecorded Subdivision • ;_____ _ should be designated as: _ippgie4do__ _ . .. .. Sunset Blvd. N. E. P KOSN 'C , . 646 SUN!SET ' BLVD Per City Ordinance No. j . RENTON A, A Signed: 70-- / . • . • B7L, RUP: :J T, 3LDC, ,DIRECTOR . • • , Be C4reful tp Preserve this Certificate .: The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No, • . . . „„ . ..._ . _ ; should be. designated as: , -- 1 ' 7 r Per City Ordinance No. .—.-----,------- ..„.--:-------_ - , , : .. Signed: B. L. RUPPE . DIRECTOR' Be Caref0 to Preserve this Certificate . . • The correct number of a building go Lot No. , Block No, ‘ . • • :; ; should be designated as: _ ' ! _ . . . . Per City Ordinance No. , . . . .- Signed; • --- ______ ' .... . B. L. RCPPKVAILDG. DIRECIR - : . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I 1 ftc correct number of a, building on Lot No. 11 „_,..... , Block No. _� . . . . Windsor Bills, Addn, _ (414 Grande Way: ' should be designated as: 458 , C-era,,.4dy We .. _ ;10� y_A.v. N .. E.a. J W WEBB ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 p 12401 RENTON AV SO -- SEATTLE 11 WA 9 8.1 8 Signed: /,/(/,/ ') '.f A ___-____ _ __._ __..." , �','� 4 fit / B. L. Ror' ,L. 1 ,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 'he correct number of a' building on Lot No 3 • , Block No. 3 Windsor Rills Addn, .(512 Bronson Placep Renton) • should be. designated as: 512 lircias w ; Place N. E. K a E DE R SEiN . ..._..�.__ 20528 1 ,03iRD AVE SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 J KEO r , W A 98031J� Signed: c///-.4 , }L,,s!c---------4 I . L. RIPWVK BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a; building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 6 . Windsor Rills Addition (2008 Bronson Way _N,) ; should be designated as : 582 �ruv�SON Ws.O - y=ee^e r �^..fee s;La�t�,�a N. E. M CLASSEN Per City OrdinanceNo, 2447 10435 SE , 192ND ' --- RENTON WA 1 98055 Signed: .7 jr,,,,.‹,!, ,, B. Le RUPIIEV, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • the correct number of ai building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 6 lindsor Hills Addttti .L.(512 Bronson Way N,) ; should be designated as: 558. _ ACi-r'fIrjtK e N, E, C F H U G H E S' 5 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 BOX 269 — 7" RENT ON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ..C7- 4:r- �' 2i, —. - B?L, RUPPtO ,)'1 LDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a! building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 2 ; . Renton Highlands (2204 9th place N.) _; should be designated as: 2304 ° N, E. 9th Place E J SOUDER — .. 9 1 6 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R E N T O N 1 WA 98055 Signed: ,fi12�F �` _ - B. L. RUPPERT" BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No, 2 ; Renton Hiq.hlAnds (2208. .9th Place N.) 0 ; should be designated as: 2308 �, N. E, 9th Place . 8 8 DD h1 S Per City Ordinance No. _2447 S, 808 D ST " .. P, ENTON - WA • 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: —c-- -2,-;47,.. ,,„%, 5---Tr B. L' RUPPE d 1 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - S . '`The correct, number of a building on Lot No. 13 Block No. 2 ,._Ren.tnn: Highlands (2212 9th. place North). : ; should be designated as: 2312 N. E. 9th Place E HAYESirp s o s D ST Per City Ordinance No. —2447 RENTON WA -- , 9805 .5 Signed: tf f B. L. FtJr'L, 0 1�, r BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No, 2 ' Renton Highlands (2220 9th Place No.) should be designated 2320 2320 N. E. 9th Place RICHARD W'I TIERS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ci 2220 9TH PLACE •-1 RENTON .WA yfris7 98055Signed: a . . RU BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: 25 Block No. 2 Renton Highlands (903 ti"E' Street) ; should be designated as: 4=4105 Edmonds Avenue N. E. - r- D JACOBSON 2819 5TH AVE N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447.: RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: .7.�, ,.,�� B. L. (U 4 R/, DG: DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands ' (905 "E" Street) ; should' be designated as: . c105' ° Edmonds Avenue N. E. D JACOBSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447' (D 2819 5 TH AVE; NO, RENTON WA', 98055 Signed: — — B. L, RUPPE. TT/ LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 30 , Block No. 2 Renton Highlands (929 "E" Street) ; should be designated as: : 929 Edmonds Avenue N, E. J MILLIKEN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2228 9TH AV NO /� . REN TON %` W A . 98055 Signed: Dr),B. L. RUPPERT, DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of .a building on Lot No. 17. , Block No. 3, ; RPntpn :I ghlands (2212 9th Ave. N.) ; should be designated as: 2312 N. E. 9th St, J MILLIKER 0 2 2 2 8 9TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: .4) ,,/_•,.4;y ,� B. L. RUPPE'aiBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 .•The correct. number of .a building on. Lot NO.: .. • .: . 1 Block No.. ' _•. g ,• :•.. ...`: :: Renton Hi hl a.nd �� � �836: �'D'' .St.) � �. ; should be designated as: .....�85:8. . , . . . .- . . ,x Dayton Ave. N. .E'. - .. N : S W'A.N s q•N Per City .Ordinance No.:' L'2447 : . 3. 17 50 120TH, ' . . 5EATTL. E, ,. WA . L . 98 1 68 - . .�$igned: , {f1�,A . B., . RIIPW I, BLDG. DIRECTOR . . . - - Be Careful to •Preserve this •Certificate . . . - . • ' The correct: number .of a building on Lot No. . ' 1 , 'Block. No . 8' Renton :Highlands 1-(838 "DE' St.), p ) ; should be* designated. as. 860. nt�n, Wash - . Dayto n..Al.e.. N., E.. _.....�.._ N SWANSON, . ' ,, ' • Per City, Ordinance No• 244Z- . ; . 317 SO '.120 TH SEATTLE. WA, 9'8168 . � : •-6 �` Signed: /0 ' • . L. RU {; •BLDG., DIRECTOR • -. - . •. Be Careful , to Preserve this Certificate J The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 2 . '�, Block.No. 8 .. Renton Hi9hlands :(835 !.'E" St.) • (Renton, Wash,) ; should be designated• as: 861 .. Edmonds Aye. .N. E. . ,IRS A E GARDELL • - Per Ci�;y Ordinanco 'No. 2447 � . y : 15.002. SO' J� ONES PLL RENTON WA 98055 • . , , Signed:- 2-B. L. RUPI� ��' ER . DG. -DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. C.ertificate . The. correct number of a building on 'Lot ��lo i � 2 , Block No.. . a ` -. -Renton Highlands ,(833 ''E" St.) - _; should' be designated as: 859 . • --Edmonds Ayei-_N. a. .- , • - ' MRS A E GARDELL . Per City Ordinance 244 No. - 7 v 15002 SO 'JONES PL- RENTON . WA 98055 ned: Aececi---) ' . B. La RUPPE; fly: L-DG,. DIRECTOR - - . Be Careful. to Preserve this Certificate • P i.. : i : i i i. i i i i i• s e a• i • .i i i i i i a i i i . i i i i i i i •'. i i i i i'. i i i . . . i • : : i : : • 666 i i i :.i : . • . • i • i : i • • i : i • • i ••• i • i • ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. __-` 3 - Block No: -_-_-;- 8 --___-Rentor►_-H.ighlands 029 "E'' St,) — —; should be designated as: _ - 855 . . Edmonds Ave. N. E. 0 ' 5 SVENN.UNOSEN 2447 - • 5 3 0 ' W Hi ',T W 0 R T H A V 5 : • - 'P.er City Ordinance No: - - . RENT6N WA • �.,� 9 8 0 5 5 S• � ' ' - - - Signed: - ` ►i`'-4,4;'� =B. Li RUPPERTS BLDG. DIRECTOR - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' - - - " i ' - " -i i i i i i i i i i • • . • • • . • i • • . . i i i i i i i ' - - i i i : i i i i i . i i i i-i i i i i i i i i i i l a i i i i i i i i;Lie 6 ii . • . . The correct number of a building .On Lot NO, 8 ; Block No.. '8 ,. --Renten_tifgh andi_0(17 �'B�'_a-tJ -,--�_ _ ; should be designated as: 807 _ _-_ -__ .ice........'.' -.'-'-",'-- - 14AaK.. 7 aEA, L Y • i 24 7 ' 9 2 3 3 fz.A i N' i E R A V E s Per City Ordinance Na ( SEATTLE., WA C ?I-- C 9 $ 2 1.8 3 \ 4 i�- Signedi ___ . rl� G :., - - B. V RIiPPEs•i 'r LDG. DIRECTOR_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , i i i i ; i.i. . . o a.• . . , . s : c c s : : i :'i , : i i c i i i 3 i i i i i i i.i a i s . i : i i , i i : i i i : i i i i : i i i i i i i i i : i i i i . ;The correct number �,of a..building on Lot No. 11 , Block 'Nd..- 8 Renton Highlands ',:(725 RE4 St,) ; should be designated as 771 - Edmonds Ave. N. E. E WILKINS . 2447 � N � . 322 I� 0RR. 1 S : AV S0 Per. City Ordinance. No. t: . RENTON WA 98055" Signed: B. L. .Ft�N' e'1 , BLDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .• The- correct number of a building :on Lot No. 14` Block .No. 8 Renton Highlands .i(711 "E" St,) should be- designated as: 759 Edmonds Ave. N. E. W H SHERWOOD . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . .2834 5TH AVE NORTH RENTON WA. . 98055 C . Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No 8 Renton Highlands (704 4DR St.) ; should be designated as: 754 Dayton Avenue N. E P E T E R s o N 10029 SE , 88TH Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 N '. ' RENTON WA U 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPIE{ rs DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 Block No.. Renton Highlands' (706 F'DP St.) ;- should be designated as: 756 — — Dayton Avenue N, E. L PETERSON. 10029 S E 88 TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 z` RENTON WA 98055 1 Signed -B. L, RUPPE. T,, I LDG. .DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 9 Renton Highlands (835 "D" Street, Renton) ; should be designated as• 861 — Dayton Ave. N. E, N SWANSON 3 1 7 SO 11 2 0 T H Per City Ordinance No. .447' SEATTLE WA 98168 . Signed: r � � . B. L. .RUPPERT 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 Block No. 9 Renton Highlands (833 "D". Str.eet, Renton) should be designated as: 859 Dayton Ave. N. E____ N SWANSON : Per City Ordinance No _2447 . - 317 SO 120 TH , SEATTLE WA 98168 Signed .��� %�� •� - -- T- B. L. RUPPER'i, vaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1• •: .he correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No: : Renton Highlands (811 UD.ti`.. St,) (Renton; Wash:) should be designated as. 811 .1 ... �. H Dayton Ave. N. E. BAKER 28620 PAC HwY So Per City Ordinance No. -2447__ 9 8 0 0 2 y Signed: ,y.;,.,r B. L. Rdl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct numberof a building on Lot No: 18 , Block No. q • Re tnn Hiahland5 (802 l'FCIk St. ) (Renton,. Q h,) ; should be designated as: $Q4 Cam " V e N—E-- - MRSISTOR I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RT 1 BOX �103 .A � TO.PPEN I S• H WA f. - 9.8948 . • - • . Signed: _ . — . L. RUid � BLDG:. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on.Lot No. 23 , Block No. 9 '. Renton Highlands :(826 ti+CR Ste) ; should be designated as : 850. Camas .Ave. N, E. E. A C IE R T0 .2 1 1 9 9 T H NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 —_ 1 : , Signed: - ," _� ,., B. L. RUPIAER"d, BLDG. _DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. :. e correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block'No. . 10 ; Renton Highlands (20QL8th Ave, No ) ; should be designated as: 2104 N. E, 8th St. • E S C OU L.LE.R —` -- 2004 BTHAVE IN0 Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 " AUDURN 3 W A -----SIT ====)----- 12ENTOAi 98055 Signed: _ � �,�' B, L. RUPPE, ,'BLDG. :DIRECTOR — Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , e correct number of a ;building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 10 Renton Highlands (808i11A" St. , Renton) ; should be designated as.: 824 Aberdeen Ave, N. E. R J T. H O M P S O 'N 24A7 8.08 A STREET Per City Ordinance No. sCATTL & wA sac r®�l 9 8 0 5 5 i Signed: / F . 4. • B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • correct number ofa building' on Lot No. 3' , Block No. 10 _Renton Highlands (8'12 UUA�.. Street) { ,•, ; should be designated .as:. 850 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. LLOYD PETERSON 1 0 0 2 9 8 8 T H AVE SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W A 9`805 .5 Signed: . 'L.f .,,,S-2/4/,,,..,;S;----- B. RUPPE'R T daLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 4 , Block Ro. • 10 r • Renton Highiandst. (818."A" St. , Renton, Wash.) . ; should be designated as: 854 . . _ Aberdeen Ave. N E. 1 7 1 5 8 . LULY L 1. F TIN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 51 P 0 6,0 X 4_. 8 2 ----- (1 SEATTLE. WA .� . 98055 Signed. '��rf� B. L. airP01 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct. number of a building on Lot No 26 , Block No. 10 ' Renton Highlands (809 1113R. St.) ; should .be. designated as: 2194 N. E. 8th Place W M BR:,1 S, TOL ' 809 S T!R E E T Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 . . RENTON WA ----- 9 8 .0 5 5 �� Signed: c.A • - • . L. RU " , BLDG, DIRECTOR ..: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 Block No. 10. Renton Hicthlands. .(2010 8th Aye, N. ) ; should be designated as: . 21.10. N, E, 8th $treet H JORGE''NSEN 2447 .. 4. 4 3287 T Per City Ordinance. No. RENTON WA . 9 8 0 5..5 . . Signed: ��e B. L. RUPP, Rjr , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to .Preserve. this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 , Block No. ig ; Renton Flinhlands (2[112. 8th 'MP N.) ;, should be designated as: 2112 R. _E. 8th Street H JORGENSEN Per .City Ordinance No. 2447 3ZS7 cr. B. • RENTON MA , .98055 Signed: _ r• — - -__- B. L, RUPP'E, 1-41. LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of' a.building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 11 Renton Highlands..(2204 8th Ave. N,) ; should be designated as: 2304 N. E, 8th t. E BOYUNGS 2204 8TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. .2447 y RENTON A .. 980 W5 , . .. . . Signed: ! . . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 12. Renton Highlands (710 "A" St.) (Renton, Wash,) ; should be designated as: 7/® Aberdeen Ave. N, E. ET_ C H U GH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 B0X 52 .1 LAW 1WA • 9 8 0 2 2 C ' Signed: :�("Vor , B L. RUPPE''RIZALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certif icate ,The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 1 . , Block No. 12 ;. _ Renton Highlands (712 "A". St:). (Renton; 40,1 should be designated. as: -CM 7/z. Aberdeen:Ave.. N. E. B MMC HUGH RT .3 BOX 521 Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 3`1 ENUMCLAW 'WA 98022 ..--',. .. Signed: , ,/,. !A 3r . B. L. ROPp , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: 11 Block No. 12 _ Renton Highlands ,(711 "C' St.) (Renton, stash. ) ; should. be. designated as : . : 757. `�`�'..'� � Camas Ave. N. E. . , F L H E W I T T Per City Ordinance O. 2447.. 2% 817 NW 6:1 .5T SEATTLE WA -. -AT) 98107Signed: C L. RUPW7,(, BLDO. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 11 , Block No: • 12 _ Renton Highlands (713 "C" St„ Renton, Wash._) ; should be designated as.: 759 Camas Ave. N. E. F L HEWITT 2447 n 817 N W 61ST Per City Ordinance No. SEATTLE WA 98107 • C Signed: 211 zi,�j�,., B. L.R II R,',8 DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate ,. • r The correct number of a building on Lot No.' 31.. Block No. �, Renton Highlands (706 "AFC St_. Renton Wash.) _; should be designated as:, 7c a Aberdea ..lic. _11;...— ' ,, V E LEE :9620 138TH SE, Per City Ordinance No. 2447 U RENTON WA 98055 •Signed: �' B. L, RUPP'E., Tl,d LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. . 13 Renton Highlands .(.21105 "AP St, Renton) ; should be designated as• 2209 N, E. 6th Place• J. MOODY Per City Ordinance No: 244/ Z' 166A05 BENSCON RD. RENTON � WA �� 98055. � �;w� --- Signed: 'r�N' B. L. RUPPERT>, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10., Block No. 14 . ; Renton Highlands •(2207 7th Aye, No) • should be designated. as: 23O N. E,. 7.tfj_St. .K M • MYERS . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ��n •1036 WHIT ORTH SO - RENTON .. WA 98055 -. .. Signed: " :� j ,f,� , i B. Lf RUPPE ia�IaLDGe DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 • 4, Block No. 14 Renton Highlands (2225 . 7th. Ave. N.) (Renton, Wash.) ; should be designated as: . 2319, N. E. 7th St. ELLAR HoLmE5 Per :City Ordinance No. 24 ;, GENERAL DELIVERY ---) 98610 Y • Signed: q . „rf.p.. B. R-CfP 'f�yfl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number', of a building on Lot No. • 18 . , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands .(2212 6th in , N,) : ; should be- designated as: 2312 N. E. 6th Place . S FRANKLI ;N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ., 9612 50. '. 214TH - Sj KENT WA --. 9803-1 Signed: s's /c0,-� -,„ , ' . —_._-- B'. L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 14 Renton Highlands (2108 6th Place NJ . ; should be designated as: 2.212 N. E. 6th Place 0 H SWADBERG 2447 rc 3 3 0 9 HONEYCRECK R D Per City Ordinance No. r- RENTON WA ;`zr' - 98055 ). �J ;) AW----- - Signed: :� �, .,.'./ B. L. RUPIxER/�'/LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 25 , Block No ` 14 Benton Highlands .(2104 -6th Place No.) • ; should be designated as: 2208 N. E. 6th Place . CHARLESPILLON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 (� 414. [.� S'TREET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �° A. — ----- s —B. L. RUPPE, Ti,,df LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No, 15 s Renton Highlands (662 uD1: St,) ; should be designated as: C082- : r Dayton Ave, N. E. - .i. E IDDINGS . to ' 10939 . SE 181 ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 P; RENTON W A F 9 8 0 5 5 c : Signed _ � �� B. L. RUPPERT,`BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No: 1 , Block No: 15 Renton Highlands (664. "D"':St.) _; should be designated as: *8.684 • Dayton Avenue N. E.r- ___ _IDDINGS Per City Ordinance No. 939 S E 181 ST —2 47 ' �` NTON: WA : 98055 v Signed: -.�i /,l.�rf' - ' - - -- ---------- -- B. L. RUPPE"R'I2IdLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct: number, of a building on Lot No.. - is . , , Block No. 15. � .. --- Renton Hi9hlands (632- "301::St,) ; should be designated as: • 666 . T D, vton &L nue N. F, N . SWANS ON Per City. Ordinance No. 2447: 3 1. 17 SO 20TH `(o SEATTLE , WA �--' 98168. , _. • .. Signed: ���� �/4,� B. L. Eta BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 • . Block No 22 Renton :Highlands'.(2329 6th place No,). ; should be desianated 'as: 663 Dayton Ave. N. E. w L B OW E N 10904 ,SE 235TH ST Per City Ordinance No. 247 { KENT W A 9 .8 0 3 1 Signed: _ A/l_ a • ., _... —_..__.... , L. RU -V , BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 .. _, Block No. .22 Keaton Highlands .,(?314..6th Aye T1,1 - should be designated as: 608 Camas Aye. N. E. - JAMES E HILL Per City OrdinanceiVo. 2447 1631 16 0 CTNO- 217 SEAT.TLE WA C- ,,i2 ,,c--------. - 1 . 9- 8122 Signed: 7--- B. L. RUPIt(// (BLDG. .DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve' this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 . Block No. 22 Renton Highlands C2220 6th Aye, N,1 ; should. be designated as: 678 • • Camas Ave. N. E. D CORE ' Per City Ordinance No. 2447 r 10828 SE , 104TH J. li:i....:n RENTON WA . . 980. 55 Signed: B.. L, RUPP1 Tf6�BLDG. .DIRECTOR Be.Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 22 . ; _ _ enton ighlands _(2.214 6th Ave. N,) ; should be designated as: 682 Camas Ave, N. E. DALRY . .R M DAL. RY . Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 10836 SE MOTH �� RENT ON WA ! 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: '� y;,;, • B. L. RUPPERT,'�BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building .on Lot_ No. 7 , Block No. 23 ; Renton highlands -(2255 6th .Aye. N.) ; should be designated as: 625• Camas Ave. N. E. -. MIDDLETON WILSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 k l 2255 6TH AVE NO _~ `V1 REN TON' WA 980555------- Signed: L. - p''/,/ � ''%B.B. L. RUPPE:RIPE5CDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. : - Weed'S View Tra,c;t. 2226 lath Aye N) ; should be designated as: • 2V72 D COidNEI_ LIY SL, 10 L_St, . E P o BOX 2 u 2 3 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA -----. 9805.5 Signed: f .�> ,F B. L. FcU�r�. l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. • 4 A - Block No.. .�... Weed''s View Tracts (2234 10th Aye, N.) ;' should be. designated as: 2402 N. E. 10th St, \ H B TAYLOR - Per_City Ordinance No. 2447 P 0 BOX 592 . ' RENTON WA f98055 • C .• Signed: _ .. -' _ . L. RU `- ', BLDG. DIRECTOR ," Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. Weed's .View Tracts (2203 10th Ave, N, ) ; should be designated. as : 2303 • N. E. 10th St; R [ CHARD DUQAN City 2447 2203 10TH AVE NO Ordinance No. ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,G� �� �.�� _ . B. L. RUPIIERG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No,. Weed's View Tracts ,(2221 10th Ave. N.) - ; should be designated as: 2321 N. E, 10th St, E.v.cat.1414 N d - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 211! N T� O® E, N. REN WA ) 98055 Signed: �;° ,,•.', -C'V B. L. RUPPE. T,y DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this Certificate . re correct number of a'' building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. • Weed's View Tracts (941 'E'' St. ) - ; should be designated as: 955 Edmonds Ave, N, E. S DOBON P0RCELLO 109 108TN' AVE SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 ` Signed: B. .L. RUPPERT,?BLDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No.Tax Lot 108 '& .52 ;. Block 'No. view Tracts (2123 Sunset Blvd, E,) should be designated as: 1058 Sunset Blvd, J\j_,_ E, 135ELS tEKS.STUNCH "Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON _ WA 98055. Signed: _ s/ „...sit— ,/,�rr,,,�. B. L. RUPPE'RI dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 30 Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts 022 cunsrd- Rlvd F'.) should be designated as: : : B4 ' Sunset Blvd. N. E. -... L E TERNER . _, . • Per: City Ordinance No. 2447 14. 822 SU'NSET BLVD R E N T 0 N �, A �-�- . 98055 �� -' Signed: �f'� "f B. L. RU�r' 1`, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 128 , Block No. _ Unrecorded Subdi,yjsion _(11214. 112th Ave, S,E.) should be designated as : 1156 ! Aberdeen Ave. N. Ems: F E %JOE,HNSON ' -- — i 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 7447 RENTON WA ;�.�-- 98055 ... / RUDC DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbero'f a building on Lot No. lax Lot 112 , Block No. • . Unrecorded.Subdivision (2200 10th pi , NI., Renton). ; should be designated as: 2200 . ~ N. E. 10th P1 . ' N A N D RE W S 3 3 2 5 E S E • ' Per 'City Ordinance No. 2447 r) MERCER ! SLND WA 9 V.------- : ` Signed: �,� iy B. L. RUPI1 W�BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; +I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No.. Donna vista :(.2201 1'0Oh . ' N.) . ; should. be designated as: 2309 I N. F. loth Place ' MAX I NE WALKER • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1� 220 1 10TH PL NO RENTON ' ' WA . - 9 8 0 5 5 _.. ,. Signed: _ 1�I� o--�-- B. La RUPPE. T4c LDG. DIRECTOR : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 , Block No. Unrecorded Subdivision (526 Sunset-Blvd, E. ) ; should be designated as: 652 _ Sunset Blvd. N. E. •' E A SHAW 0 -- 2 2 0 WELLS . A v S 0 Per City Ordinance No. 12447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ff' - ;,� ) ;,.._-__,______ B. L. RUPPERT,4LDG. DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a 'building on Lot No. Tax Lot 40 , Block No. ; Unrecorded Subdiyison'.(536 Sunset Blvd, E, ) should be designated as: 662 Sunset Blvd. N. E. E A SHAW 5 2 2 0 WELLS A v , S o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 i RENT. ON WA 9805. - - Signed rtit.�..�;j,.,, ,. B. L. RUPPE' ! i'IdLDG. DIRECTOR f Be Careful to Preserve this .Certificate - The correct n tuber of 'a building on Lot No. T, x I Qt, 5R .. - .. 9 Bl-o:Ck. No. ___ - � ( ed'-swe��- T 10�.�. is t� Sr�ncPt R1 Y_d1: ,} ; ..should: be' designated as: 1.033 .. ,; S u1S'P yd N-F- , .. AC' AN( WHEELER ,'1} 10 ,518 1. 0 8 T H : AV SE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447.- _r : RENTON ; WA - ' 98055 ---- Signed: , ,,,, L °-f BLDG. DIRECTOR B. L. RtUi' 1 , ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 33 - Block No. (1033. PER St,) ; should be designated as : 1051 " r - Edmonds Ave..- N. E. J OMA I 'T S . NO 2 • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 !5 1 0 2 9 E S T RENTON, WA - ---.f�- j 98055 ,Signed: Pi/ - i • . _ . BLDG.. DIRECTOR. L. RU , , B . TR UR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate '!The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 1 _, Block. No. , Harries Garden Hone Tracts (701 Sunset Blyd,. E,) ; should be' designated' as : 7 / t —�.. ' Sunset Blvd, N. E. AL FLA C LTY 2447 t, - 701 S N ST , B L VD- E Per City Ordinance No. : 5 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: }- — — B. L. RUPI. FK"DG. DIRECTOR i, Be Careful. to Preserve .this Certificate ` ±;The correct number of a building on _Lot No. 3 , Block No. . ' Harries Garden Nome Tracts (11909 Sunset Blvd. E.) ; should be designated as:: 7/7 • Sunset Blvd. N. E. • HUSELAND VAR 'NER RY, 1 9 2 3 H ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 P RENTON I WA , 98055 - � 'Signed: '.' — B. L, 'RUPPE T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct- number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. aces Harries Garden Heme Tracts ( 5 Sunset Blvd, E,) ; should be designated as:, 1M 82S Sunset Blvd. N. E. L STERNER 'Per City Ordinance No. 2447 GAO RENTON SNST BLVD RENT 0 N - ' WA 98055 �, v,, Signed: w, • B. L. RUPI ELDG. DIRECTOR • Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 • ' , Block No. ; u4rriesenjiBlvd. E.) ; should be designated as: 905 _ r_____ Sunset Blvd. N. E. o r o N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 912 SNST BLV.D NO •0RENT- ON WA 98055 Signed: ,j. „,,,e44,r, B. L. RUPPE1TD LDG: DIRECTOR ,. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0 , . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1,2 , , Block No. Harries pie Home Tracts. �11615 112 th. ye. S. E, designated��r. nA. � . ; should be desi as: 963. Aberdeen Ave. N. E. TRESSHOGAN Per City Ordinance No.2 � ,(,, : 22320 16jTH AV SO _ . SEATTLE . WA ---) j 98188. ' Signed: �y7,�_ ._,scat„C''' B. L. R'Jr 0 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . building , Block No. The correct number of a on Lot No.: 14 _ . [Males. Garden Home Tracts (11605 112th Aye, S, E.). ; should. be designated as: inns Aberdeen Ave. N. E. SPARKMAN ; DURK I N 4 0 4 OLYM NAT T LIFE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 . : _ �� SEATTLE= WA �_ 9 8' 1 4 Signed: �~ -VlT �'� . .L. RU ,07, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number' of a building on Lot No. '. .25 , Block No. Harries Garden Home Tracts . (1.1215 .1.12th Aye, 5,E,1 should be designated as: 1171 Aberdeen Ave. N. E, v SUTHARD PNR 4 RY P 0 BOX 220 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 To 2. RENT ON WA . - 98055' Signed: �� , B. L. RUP E.Rir, BLDG. DIRECTOR_ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 25 Block No.. Harries Garden Home .Tracts' (,11213 112th: Aye, S.E. ) ; should be designated as: 1167 Aberdeen Ave N, E. EE ---1 0RSETPer City Ordinance No. 2447 lf 0 ISE 112THON WA . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: _ RUPPE. i�;� LDG B. L, . DIRECTOR ' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 29 , Block No. ' Harries Garden Home Tracts (828 Sunset Blvd, E.1 ) should be designated as: ttOt 6344 , Sunset Blvd. N. E. -. . M B J0N;ES, ' fly 1 6 8 7 6 1 2 5 T H SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENT ON WA 9 8 05 'S ...-774•V " _ Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number, of a building 'on Lot No. 29 , Block No. , ; ryes d_en Home Tracts (824 Sunset Blvd. E.) ; should be designated as,: 1330 Sunset Blvd. N. E.' M B JONES Per City Ordinance No.' 2_4471?�r------.,—....... 16876 '125TH SE PEN T ON , W A • 9 8 0 5' S Signed: 5--/ PR.W..-,"B. RUPP / DG. DIRECTOR. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . my arax he correct number of a building on Lot No• . ' , Block No. : 32 � . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should..be designated as: 3031 N. E. 10th St. OCCUPANT 10 TH & K ' . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 - 2,>)--) Signed: Xi': (,z4,14c:------- B. L. RUPW, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . re correct number of a building On Lot No. - Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: = 1 14 Harrington Ave. N. E. k OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 920 H 5T RENTON WQ ' 98055 CJ� Signed: :; L. RU " , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on. Lot No. , Block No: 33 ' • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : ' 412.2. OCCUPANT Harrington Ave. N. E, L914 , H S"f Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA , 98055 • C ,� ;------- Signed: Gy „.. ! �/.LDG. tr �. B. L. II DIRECTOR .Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate ie correct number of ''a building on' Lot No. ' , Block No. 33 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . . 924 ' Harrington Ave. N. E. ' , HOY TOY RESAURANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 926 H STREET RENTON WA . - 9 8 0 5 .5 Signed: _ B. L. RUPEE. T4LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a' building on Lot No. , Block No• — 33 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 . should be designated as: ' ' q 30 — — Harrington Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 L STORE AND DELI C RENTON WA 98055 /.,�1 ),,,,Si ned: ;-, ?f � g B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. ' ' , Block No. -33 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: tta R34 Harrington Ave. N, E. 0. H ' S OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3 9 3 0 H T --- -- RENTON 55 ) \--) - , 98055. Signed: : ) ' ,/,.., 4 -__- - B. RUPP 'i°'i'%aLDG. DIRECTOR — ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' `he correct numberiofa building on Lot No. Block No. 33 Renton Highlands No• 2 ; should be designated as: 4136 ^` . Harrington Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No ___2447 934 HST RENTON WA 98055 �-----' Signed :: • B .,. . .. :. ....:. Rom, B. �r- BLDG. �, REC OR . Be Careful: to Preserve this Certificate . - be correct number of a building on Lot No• Block No. 33 Renton Highlands No. 2 should be. designated as: 40x2q4.z, Harrington Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 2447 934 1/2 H ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA, 98055 .r •-,_ Signed: C ?' �� a • L. RU ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a.... he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 33, Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 94 Harrington Ave. N. E. ' OCCUPANT 2447 936 H ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 ;-------- Signed: C---22‘ ,�.•�1,,.i B. L•R PU I-- F% BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .... he correct number of, a building on Lot No, Block No.. : .. 33 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: =ISO • Harrington Ave. N. E. • OCC938UPANHT ST Per City Ordinance No.. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 4- . Signed: r , B. L. RUPt , T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • file correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 33 RPntnn Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 5S4 Harrington Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ; Per City Ordinance No. 2447 940 H STREET RENTON WA 9so55 Signed: / y,;, , B. , L. RUPPERT,, BLD.G. DIRECTOR . „ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • '• . . • • • • •L• a • 0 • • . . . •.• • • • • • . • • . •'• • • . • •,• •.•1 • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • •'. • • e • . • • . . • • • • • • • • 0•• • • • 4 • rle correct number of a i building on Lot No:. � , Block .No, ,..:33 ....: :.:::.. 0 , Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: ' 270.5 B ®B 5 CHEVRON . N. E. Sunset Blvd .. Per City: Ordinance No. 24C 7 2765 50145E7- BLVDEI REWTON Signed. �,.;/ / ! , C.,..7_,,s.1 UC r . '. 6. ,L� f�Gf'PEi�i,�'adL' ,•_.DlfEi;T-ORJ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 33 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should :be designated as : 2725 --_ N. E. Sunset Blvd. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No 2447_ 2725 SUNSET BLVD EAST RENTON WA 98055 ,4,„i/S---------. • B. L. 01,� 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building di n : :.1,: :. :.: .. .. g 'on Lot. No. Block No. . :23 � _ . ' Renton Highlands No. 2 556 _ ; should be designated as: Index Ave. N. E. . k OCCUPANT PerOrdinance No. 24 '7 510. I 5TCity RENTON WA ��. .... 98055 Signed: . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ne correct number of a building on. Lot No. 1 , Block No. .23 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 558 • Index Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT --- 512 I ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 • C-2- Signed: EB. L. R137.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of'a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2907 N. E. 6th St. A OCCUPANT 2 8 0 7 5TH PL NO • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON - WA 98055 Signed: ` B. L. RUPPE, T/ LDG. DIRECTOR _. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate )e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 23 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2909 N. E. 6th St,.. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 24477 2809 5TH PL NO - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: I : S _ B. L. RUPPERT;'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . e correct number or a. building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 23 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2915 N. E. 6th St. F MILLER Z S 16 5TH PL Per City Ordinance No. 2 47 . REaroiv W Signed: . B. L RUPPLi"i,i 3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 23 — Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 553 Index Place N. E. ' } xt OC C: Il o G N. T j 5 1 71. t P L Per' City Ordinance No. 2447 R EN T ON W A 98 05 5 Signed: ,. 4, ;, B. L. Elf,�:=;d1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot Fo: 4 ` _° Block No. " ' 23 Renton Highlands No.. 2 ; should be. designated as: 555 — — Index Place N. E. OCCUPANT 519 I PLACE Ordinance No. 2447 . Per City ;�i RENTON WA. 98055 �. _ Signed: . C : -. . . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR. • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. 23 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 557 ' Index Place N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2 4'1.7 521 I PL _ RENTON WA 98055 ` Signed: 7/-if _//m,,,� . . B. L. RUPI� RBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 23 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 547 ' Index Place. N. E. . AUGUST GENERAL Per City Ordinance No. 2447 5 1 3 �=5"""` f PLACE RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ ,.��A'.' B, L. RUPP"t.. T4'8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 . ' Block No. 23 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 549 Index Place N. E. - OCCUPANT `• 513 1/2 "I" PLACE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 -. Signed: ' ST—a-- B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 5 , Block No. 23 ; ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:. 551 _ ..�. �.._,,�..,.�.�,.�..... Index Place N. E. OCCUPANT . , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' . 515 I PLACE RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /•e.;',/!r,e / — B. L. RUPP R`i ii3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate E,he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , BlocK No. 23 ; -_-__—_ Ra t n Highlands No. 2 ; should .be designated as:_ ' 21:112 N. F. 5th Place J W K1SER 2 8 1 2 5'T H AV NO Per ,City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 . �— \ .- ., Signed: ��, L IAB. L. RC} , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'he correct:number of a building on Lot No: " 7 :- , Block No., .` ::_ 23.:; r: .: : . ;. .:.. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2906 N. E. 5th Place OCCUPANT • 2806 5TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 240 RENTON IJA 98055 - Signed: . L. RU BLDG. .DIRECTOR, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No.- 1 Block No. 24 , . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 2801 N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT , �L 2 7 0 5 6T H NO Per City Ordinance No. REN T0ri W 98055 �, Signed: B. L. RUPIAER L G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate -I M 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should' be designated as: 2803 N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT 2707 6 TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 W� ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: — . . B. L. RUP ,-T ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No• 2 , Block No, 24 g Renton Highlands No. 2 . . should be designated as: 633 Index Avenue N. E. OCCUPANT yl 551 I ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 4 �;;� • B. L. RUPPERT,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 631• Index Avenue N. E. o c c u - ; ,i i •5 6 9 S T Per City Ordinance No. �-47 i • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ar4 :e4et..,, B. L. RUPPEi.l„'y LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , ,Block No.. , 24 . —_ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 627 Orircid:e5Icee:NNo: E: . OCCUPANT 541 I ST. Per. City 244D_ RENTON WA 98055 I Signed: / if�.�..,, B. L. RU'PA,BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . , • on Lot No; ;;N 'he correct number of a building3 �� :. , Block �o, 24_� .Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as': 625 Index Ave. N. E. k OCCUPANT 2447 _ ---- 3 9 ' I ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTON. WA �...-. 98055 Signed: c:4l- .1.. : L. RUt Y BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on. Lot No. '4 Block No: Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 621 OCCUPANT Index Ave . E. ` 533 I ST ' Per City Ordinance No. 24 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 1r•.,%�i B. L. RUP1AEfj BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of' a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should 'be designated as: 619 Index .Ave. N. E. w OCCUPANT 5 3 1 1;g;.; I ST Per City Ordinance No. U47 RENTON WA 98 .055 + Signed: ..\---0 � TIT:iL, ROTS., T7,7 LDG. DIRECTOR —' Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 -, Block No. _ 24 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: '615 ' • Index Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ---- 525 I ST Per City Ordinance No. ��� RENTON WA 98055 ;)„, • ;7----- ---------- ___ _ Signed: • ----;?";B. rf, B L. RUPPERT<;°'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Ce.rtifi.cate e correct number of a ; building. on Lot No. 5 ' , Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 613 Index Ave, N. E. x OCCI' '1ANT 5 2 3 ! S T; Per City Ordinance No. _MC __ .-___._.__. RENT ;iN W A < V 9 8 0 5 5 \ ';/\J7 9_.__-.-- Signed: //- /.r!ri'',..,,./-: B. L. RUPPnV1//LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • the correct number, of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 24_ 1 ----Rer�-e-n Highlands No. 2 should be designated as : . 555 R Index Ave, N. E. E OCCUPANT , 5 1 5 [ ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON I. 1 : Wa 98055 /1'"Signed: .,4%.!20,v-/ B. L. RO P'c''X', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ ,,1 ; should be designated as : i Per City Ordinance No. Signed: /4 _ 1� . L. RU ` , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. Block No; ; should be designated as : Per City Ordinance No. Si ned: `off g B. L. RUPP RA BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ; should be designated as:. - Per City Ordinance No. ___ Signed: --B. UPE R E, T,, *� DI. RECT. B. L, r� _ LD OR Be Careful to Preserve this- Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ; should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No. rf Signed: •. �� 4.-#�'-' L 10`Fl1 A.•,,,,f B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No: , Block No. _ ; should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No, _-- 1 ,� Signed: �; ). � ;!t.:" ,� g B. L< 15-PL 1;!,3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 • , Block No. • 2 ; should be designated as: 557 OCCUPANT ) index Ave N.E. . _ . 517 "I" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447_ =1' RENTON WA 98055 •Signed: iFr :.;,2;, B. RWrW/k1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. : ' 7 • , Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :. 551 • Index Ave. N. E. 507 HOFF I F S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • N WA' _�� �-.. 98055 Signed. . �w .4-`p7 ,�'' L. RUBLDM. DIRECTOR - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. 8 ' . , Block No. .24 . . Renton Highlands No. 2 ;should be designated as : 568 x OCCUPANT ' ' Harrington Ave: N. E. ' 508 4AIN H .' ST j RENTON A Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' ` 98055 Signed: C' B. L. RUPt R/', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ry he correct number of a building on Lot No. .T 8 , Block No. . . 24 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 570. , ___________i - • • Harrington Ave. N. E. OC 51000PANT ST Per City Ordinance No. 1 RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: — ar A • B. L, RUPPI.. T DG. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate �e correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 24 Renton_Highlands No. 2 . . ; should be designated as: 574' Harrington Ave. N. E. ' OCCUPANT --- --- 518 "H" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /�� -. B. L.—RUPPERT<•BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • to correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. • 24 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 576 rH S T E t. A R T Harrington Ave. N. E. 520 H ST Ave. . E RENTON • w A Per City Ordinance No. _ . 98055 r--" """ • Signed: 1. e ,,,.r,.�3,,�I�.„ J B. -Lf RUPP R11f/aLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1Q Block No. 24 '. Renton Highlands No. 2 ____� ; should be designated as: 626 - Harrington Ave. N_. E. BERTHA 5 H E N E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 526- H S1" ,R � ET �---_ 9:1 �-----. _ . Signed: /,(1,1---1-P ,4/.4c-------- /. --- �l`,rBLDG. DIRECTOR B. L. -OP Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 24 Renton ,Highlands No. 2 ; should be. designated as : 628 • Harrington Ave. N. E. BERTHA SHANE ::::: ::::: �44� 528 H STREET No. R.ENTON WA . _ V-"---*-. ' 98055 - �' L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 11 , Block No. 24 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:, 634 Harrington Ave. N. E. ALEXANDER JONES 5 3 4 HST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 REN .TON WA 98055 Signed: �,� B. L. RUPIA {W SLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. " 24 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 - should be designated as: 642 Harrington Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT r s 4 2 H ST - Per City Ordinance No. �447 y RENTON WA - 9 8 0 55 Signed: ��_ ,,'' • B. L RUPP'E. TLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 Block No. _ 24 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 644 _ -------_-._-- U4Harrington Ave. N. E. . ••[ 5 o 4 OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 47 9 g 0 5 S .----.7?I /`� Signed: ,-, ` B. L. RUPPERT' 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No . 25 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 630 Index Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT --------7-1 -- 548 "I" ST Per City Ordinance No. '447 5 RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: >�:1 fa g B:—Li. RUPPE ,' L'DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No, 1 , Block No. _ 25 ___ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 632 "- Index Ave. N. E. L J PONK.E _ 550 1 STREET Per City Ordinance No. _240 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �G f'<I!.7rO'f B. L. RUN , Q1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 2 • , Block No. -- 25. • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be' designated as : 651 • Index Place N. E. _. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. _ ,; , . 565 "I" PLACE , � _� RENTON WA 98055, �.�•- • a Signed: ), , . L. RUPP , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 2 , Block No, -- 25 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: ' 653. ------ Index Index Place N. E. K OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No 2-�1 5 6 3 i S T . RENTON WA 98055 (II - Signed: �,,• B. L. Rr , LS DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct number of a "building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. • 25 3 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: • 645 Index Place N. E. OCCUPANT 555 "I" PLACE - Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: P ,.-' ,," -M. L, RUPPE, T,/ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 3 , Block No. 25 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 647 -___--- — '. Index Place N. E. C R 553 I APL. HNOL Per City Ordinance No. 24471 Signed: RENTON W A 98055 1.'� lr'�,•„,.r fi'��� .... B. L. RUPPERT<'BLDG. DIRECTOR • '. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [he correct number of a building on Lot, No. 4 Block No. 25 ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 639• Index Place N. E. O547 "I"ANT Per City Ordinance No, N 547 "I" PLACE � RENTON WA 98055 __ C -ifJ,E" Signed: ) i. i;., ,„;--•/ - - B. L RrP ;i3LG.-DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 25 • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 641 • t OCCUPANT 545 I PL NO Index Place N. E. Per City Ordinance Na 2447 — -- RENTON W-A 98055 ‘7?--- � -;-7.,,,,,, � Signed: ��� !r4„r- ,, B. L. Rbi�, �l`, BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve th S Certificate 2 ' ` ' The correct number of a building .on Lot too. 5 Block No. 25 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be. designated as.: 2914 • N. E. 6th St. A A ENGELAND 2 8 14 5 T H P L NOPerCity Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: G 'i 1 �,;. . L. RU ` -BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 ' ' ' , Block No, 25 . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : , 614 . Index Ave. N. E. 2 C U P A N T 524 Wit STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , . ! RENT ON WA • Cl � . 98055 Signed: � BLD B. L. RUP`I-t G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a. building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. . . 25 Renton Highlands No. 2 - . ; should be designated as: 616 Index Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 526 I ST _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ �' �• B. L. RUPPE T4 LDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate to correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. ' 25 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: ' ' 620 , - -- Index Ave: N. E Y OCCUPANT 5 3 2 I ST' A P T 1 . , Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON WA . 98055 �� .� Signed: , /4 A°V . r' B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No, 25 ' ' ' .� Renton Highlands No. 2 . should be designated as: 622 ,�. ��• � Index Ave. N . E. .. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No, _2447 . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: :- .,t,/,,, , �" -� �"�"` B. L� RUPP G 8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 4e correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 " , Block No... 25 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :626 : EA 7 Index Ave_ N E 1.1 542 f. STREET Per City Ordinance No; 44�PET ON 6! A �, —.� � 98055 { • � ''� l 1 Signed. Lr19' � B. L. FOM1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a.,. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 - , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be' designated as: 2905 N. E. 7th St. Its OCCUPANT 2805 7TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447/ • RENTON WA � 9 8 0 5 5 17-----' . - Signed: ,./ok., _ %//e4 . L. RU �� , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - th.e correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 26 A . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :. 2907 N. E. 7th St. OCCUPANT . F,,� ti� 2807 7 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. 244 r T9 RENTON WA 98055 ;--------- Si ned: -Z-2/1 _el B. L. RUPI-LERX.BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate _ Vile correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. . 26 A ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 666 : Index Place N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 610 "Iv PL - ) RENTON WA 98055 ne Signed: �� .a B?L, RUPPE, -4 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . the correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 668 x OCCUPANT yd-�xdace N. E, 608 I PL No Per City Ordinance No. 2447RENTON p! A .j 980 55S;------ Signed: J- F`� ' '� B. L. RUPPERT< LDG. DIRECTOR • • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:662 � Index Place N. E. _ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 6 0 4 I PL __ANC RENTON WA 0 NOON r • As? OS c77 5 Si ned: ? 1 _ -- B. L°. kUPPE'7baDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. ' 2 ; should be designated as: 660 Index Place N. E. • 0 T NOON v..., 6 0 2 I PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2400 — REN T ON WA — 98055 Signed: ••� B. L. EPA , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. ``V' 26 A Renton Highlands No. •2 ; should be' designatedas : 656 1 - Index Place N. E. OCCUPOCCUPANT i 568 "I" PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2414.4, N ' RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: c,e4:1-1-r L. RUBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. :26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 654 Index Place N. E. a accUPANT. . Per City Ordinance No. 67- .I PL NO RENTON 4JA 98055 Signed: Z ;, ,, B. L. RUPP, OrBLDG. DIRECTOR BeCareful Preservethist ar to Certificate �.. lflie correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No.. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:. 650 - Index Place N. E. D Hi N R 560 Per City Ordinance No. 0 I PL L N O - R E N T O N W A 98055. " Signed: ,✓� B. L. RUPPE, T47 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 632 Index Place N. E. - OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 M 554 "I" PL E RENTON WA 98055 Signed: OP B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No.. 26 A 5 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 630 -NO . nance Index Place N. E. J J SULLIVAN 552 I P L PerCity' Ordinance No. _� Ps ENT or. TWA 98055 ... Signed: a;,,. ,,, .„/ B. L „ter if > ��:1_ . C>, FTQR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Take correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 • , Block No.. •26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: : 626 II 1 Index Place N. E. . OCCUPANT Per.Cit Ordinance No. 546 "I" PL y � '�� RENTON WA 98055 �) Signed: .. .� �,� r/ B. L. -R V—k , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;;z�tecorrect number of a building .on Lot No. 10 • , Block No. . 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 624 • '1 Index-Place-N.-r .- . E. 11_ x OCCUPANT i2117 5.4 4 I P L N O J- _~Per. City Ordinance No. , i' RENTON, WA .,,,__"...c---------"' 98055 I Signed :-1,7 1'.1, �- . L. RU ' ;(, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate T'sw correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 26 .A Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 2938 - N. E. 6th St. OCCUPANT - 1 Per City Ordinance No. 47 . 538 "I" PL i RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �f ,7. ,./,,,C--- B. L. RUPIL Ri,f BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •.« .. .. .. N 111ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 ,. Block No.. 26 A. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2936 • N. E. 6th St. IP OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. . ,2447 536 I PL NO . 1R ENT ON WA � . 1 98055 Signed: -� B. L, RUP . T�;�BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Bre correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 12 , Block No. 26 A ; Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 2925 ' N. E. ..6th.:St. p STR I CKLAND —� ' 2 6 I P L ' N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 E N T O N WA 98055 Signed: _z ' Z' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The. correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 26 A ; Renton Highlands No. 2 _; should be designated as: S60 Index Place N. E. D SODERGREN "-" ~-- �* 5 2 o I PLACE, Per City Ordinance No. . 4a.di-7 I'' RENTON WA 98055 ' C - � Signed: ✓ , ,rrr,,e, `- ,,,,S7---- B. Lf RUPW J ySLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate S S The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 26 A Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should. be designated as:�554 Index Place N• E, o c C u P A' N T Per City Ordinance No. �. 512 1 PLACE RENTON • VIA I _ 9 �3055 Signed: - '1� �(y4»;,,, " B. L. RUnAl;BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be .Careful to Preserve this Certificate - -tie correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 • `. ,- Block No. 26 B . Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be designated as : 2905 N. E. 8th St. ' 31 OCCUPANT ' Per City Ordinance No. . ;444'. ' 2 8 0 5 8TH A V RENTON WA ��.. .._ 98055 Signed: C: �- ' LDG. DIRECTOR . . .. . .:. . .. .. .: .. .... - . L. .RU ' . . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ih:e correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ' ' '26 B Renton Highlands No. 2 ,; should be designated as: ' 2907 N. E. 8th St. OCCUPANT 4 '/ 2807 8 TH AVE NO2807 8 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No,. RENTON WA 98055 .. Signed: e Z � ,,,,,,.. --- — — — 9 B. L. RUPP, R. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. ., she correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 2 , Block No.. 26 B ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2913 • N. E. 8th St. . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. . ,2.447 2813 8TH AVE ) RENTON WA i . . 98055 Si ned: 0 5.. B. L, RUPP'E, T., BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 2 , Block No. 26 B Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should. be designated as: 2915 N. E. 8th St. ' • OCCUPANT - .4 __. CCU 8 TH AVE N . Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA. '98055 Signed: !?:)*;41 7 B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate . . llhe correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 3 , Block No. •26 B ; -- Renton Highlands No. 2 _; should be designated as: 2906 N. E. 7th St_____ _ OCCUPANT 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2 -47 Y 2806 7 TH AVE NO i . — . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: - fihi ,n�lr',,,, .-/--- -----...-.... _..-- .-__... ... �_.___�__.__..B....L._. RUPPE'R► ,� DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Th.e correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 ,, Block No. . 26 .B Renton Highlands No. 2 _ ;. should be designated as: 2908 N, E, ..7th St. , OCCUPANT 8 o s 7 T H 'AV NO 1 Per .City Ordinance No.' , RENTON WA - 98055 �J I Signed: /', . <,< rf, 3i, B. L. Rt i-f''ck-, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Tt;e correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 - , Block No. 29 Renton Highlands No. -2 ; should be designated as : 2805 K N. E. 8th St. • H EVANS JR Per City Ordinance No. � 2705 8TH AV NO RENT ON WA - 98055 C~r • ' • Signed: X l' . L. RU 9 '•, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . {flI.e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 . , Block No. 29 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 2813 — ---- N. E. 8th St. x 'OCCUP ANT r, 2713 8TH AVE Per City Ordinance No. _ _ - 47 RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: .7-17 4,� " B. L. RUP ER, G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate p The'correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 29 . ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:2815 N. E. 8th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance_,No. '44 2715 8 TH AVE N ) ' r RENTON WA 98055 __ .... - j Signed: —. B. L. RUPPI!-T/LLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Re correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. 29 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2821 N, E. 8.th 'St. .,. OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. 'svffiti,—,4 2721 8 TH AVE NO RENTON WA . 98055 • Signed: w ;f;, B. L. RUPPER1' BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Re correct number of' a building on Lot No. 3 ' ' ; Block No. 29 „ ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 2823 _ >�. ..m N. E. 8th St. . J BRUNETTE 2723 8TH AV N0 Per City Ordinance No. . 41 -- RENTON WA ( . 98055 1! -_ _. _ .. B. 'Cl. - RUPPWR'•i,MLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . i The correct number of a buildingon Lot No, Block , • - _ 4 , No. 29 Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as : 28,24 • ' N. E , 7th St. . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No,' 7 TN AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 -- • Signed: . /��� Lr1✓--�>�. . 'B. L. RUPP* , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . 'fie . `. "'correct .number° of a building •on Lot Na.No 4 , Block No. 29 Renton Highlands No, .2 ; should be• designated as : 2822 ' - N. E. 7th St. n OCCUPANT f= 2 7 2 2 7 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. y� RENTON WA --.....- 98055 a S.lgned: 2,,,_6_,, ,,,,,,c"------_, . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. . '5 , Block No. 29 ' . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2814 ------ N. E. 7th S t. ' x OCCUPANT , 2714 8TH AV No Per City Ordinance No, RENTON WA 98055 Signed: .7 -'� 5-1---- B. L. RUPI BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No,. 5 . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should' be designated as: 2606 OCCUPANT N. E. 9th St. O2508CCUPANT 9 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: --B. ✓` �,.. • B. L, RUPPEW LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 8 , Block No, 5 . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2600 N. E.,.,9th•St." OCCUPANT 3R ----- . 2504 9 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: DX.';'-'› • B. L. RUPPERX'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' +.e correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , 2, 3 , Block No. 6 Plat of Renton Highlands _ ; should be designated as:2624 N. E. 9th Place OCCUPANT ' , Per City Ordinance No. " 2447 2504 10 TH PL N RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: �!?% v,:s . ;.,,� .. \-7 \--- ��.�.� .._ B. Li./ RUPNE LDG j DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . `he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3, 4 , Block No. ' 6 .• P' at of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2611 —� r�°-`�""+ NNE_Sunset Blvd. t. � ``' N s Per City Ordinance No. 2515 SUNSET BLVD E FRE 'J TOM WA 9 8 0 5 5 / • Signed: / rBLDGDITOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • ate correct number of a building on Lot No. 6, 7 - , Block No. 6 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be' designated as: 2615 N. E, Sunset Blvd. A A LAPO I NTE ' 4 2615 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No.::? _ RENTON WA 98055 C-- ... ' Signed: etcai•P 7 . L. RU BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate o lie correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 6 Plat :of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2621 N. E. Sunset Baud. J POr-1 P E .0 R o ND E V0 0 2621 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinanc,G_No. 7. RENTON i WA . . 98055" � � Signed: .7 ��, B. L. RUPIi R , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate me correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 6 ; Plat of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as: _2623 ' • N. E. Sunset Blvd. SUNSET CAFE 24 22 3 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance- No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ ,,,,-, .,1' . B , TI;B. L, RUPPE 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Die correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 &I 10 , Block No. 6 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: et2-'Z Glennwood Ave'. N. E. NI OCCUPAN T • Per City Ordinance No. ' 24 -�- • 938 0 PLACE -`— RENTON WA 98055 /.----,7„ Signed• 4:') . • B. L. RUPPERT,78LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . r .e correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 &t 10 , Block No. ° 6' u ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: eq.?. —7 Glennwood Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT PerCity Ordinance No. 2447 936 "G" PL I RENTON WA 98055 Signed: „: . ,v.:-'• .4',/.'t., — ---- B. L. RUPPE'it1i / LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 & 11 , Block No: 6 ' i Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be der •lnated as: 9£� 118 Glennwdad Ave. N. E. - k OCCUPANT �� 928 0 PL Per City Ordinan.c ,,No. . . RENT ON WA --- 98055 �.2, Signed: `J/ �.;rr B. L. RbPt,:•;�1�, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 'r The correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 6 Plat of Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as : letill.. .Glennwood Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT i Per City Ordinance No. ' ,f2_ , . 9 2 4 C , PLACE ! RENTON! WA . ._ 98055 ~ Signed: j/fY 1� ;Y • . L. RU 5e , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13, 14 , Block No. 6 , ' Plat of, Renton Highlands ; should be designated as.: '. -999ct®f. Glennwood Ave. .N N. E. ' w OCCUPANT 9 1 8 c P'L Per City Ordinance No. f ; 2 RENTON W A 98055 . , Signed: 2A7 . .5V ' B. L. RUN/ R;�/BLDG° DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b..• .. . . . . . • . • . . . v . . • e e . • • • • . • . . . • . . . • • . . • • • . e a • • • . • • . 0 • • • • • . . • . . . . . . . e . • • • • • . • OVOOOW The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. ' 6 — Plat of Renton Highlands - ; should be designated as: 8. qOO — Glennwood Ave. N. E. ` OCCUPANT , i 9 0 8 •6 PL - Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055i : Signed: <p r_ B?L, RUPE, T,cLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r . I illie correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 6 Plat' ofiRenton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2608, 10, 1 12, 14 N. E. 9th St. • OCCUPANT --- 2608, 10, 12, 14 9 TH AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 ............_] Signed: 7') F 4-4-#' B. L. RUPPLRT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Be correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No , 6 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: -8fr5 irAi Harrington Ave. N. E.gE. T HOCCUPANTAND Per City Ordinance No. P " 9 AND H STREET -- ,, .P RENTON WA C 98055 ' Signed: _ >�'/7 0,,ry,,, - --, ._ _ . . B. I!. RUPPWriiiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Die correct numberPof a building on Lot No. _ 18 Block No. 6 Mat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: Q 0 7 `_� - - -- Harrington Ave. N. E. ; k. OCCUPANT 2 .4n ` . . 909 H S T' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON : WA . - . 98055 Si "c---' gne d. «el BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - rite correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 - , Block No. _____ 6 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' q1'N ..[----- Harrington Ave. N. E. J ' SWANlSON Per City Ordinance-No. ,447 915 H ST 1 RENTONI WA W--d 98055 Signed: Al _414f0e,. --- . L. RU ' , BLDG.; DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 -, Block No .6 1 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : ; -gam 9wq Flarring;tonvAve: N. E. O C c u P ANT Per .City Ordinance No. � � 923 H STREET A W i RENTON i . -' ----") 98055 Signed:. f y., 1 B. L. RUP[ ER/, BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 & 21 , Block No. 6 ; I Plat of ,Renton Highlands .`� ; should be designated as: ,-9.M. 92.1 Harrington„Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT! \ 47 925 "H" ST Per City Ordinance No. �. - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: --B. B„ L. RUPPrE, TT,LDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1.11e' correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 6 " Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as• Z3 • Harrington Ave. N. E. .. . • OCCUPANT 1 -• -,_._.. > �� 927 "H" ST Per City Ordinance No. _ _ RENTON WA , . 98055s•—) Signed: U. _ Pam; . :- —_ B. L. RUPPERT>,7BLDG. . DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nimiber; of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. ' 7 09 Plat of' Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:. 2501 • N. E. 9th S t.. .moo• � G W JONES Per City Ordinance No. 7447 2403 9T1H AV NO RENTON 98055 Signed: g f ,er- P „ , ___a DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i -The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 2 ,Block No. '7 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 250 • N, .C4 9th St. A L COLEMAN 2 4 0 7 9TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2.44Z_ RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: 44, B. L. ROIL e1 ,'" 'F BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve 'this: Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3.. Block No. � 7 . , Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2509 'N. E. 9.th_..S.t._. RAPPE ORSEN DEMPSE 2413 '9TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. PAP RENTON WA 98055 _ 'Signed: Xr epe ' L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • ` _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot Noe 4 , Block No. ' 7 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as 2515 N. E. 9th St. . ! +: .. RUSHEE. F BEERY Per 2 4 1 7 9TH A v N o .City Ordinance No. ;4 RENTON .... . WA - . • n 98055 ` Signed: a� ���, B. L. RUP,Ef/, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. - 7 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2519 — .—: -..._.. N. E, 9th St. OCCUPANT ' , 2503 9TH A V E N 0 Per City Ordinance No. _ ila.'4. RENTON ! WA 9 8 0 5 5 _ Signed: _ 1 B. L. RUPPE.T� LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ile correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. T Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2601 N. E. 9th St. �. C O C C U P a N T Per City Ordinance No. , i 2507 9TH AV N0 RENTON WA ' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: bA IA ,", • r j B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tire correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 7 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2605 P D SULLIVAN ��', N, E.-9th S t,_ Per City Ordinance No �: • , 251 3 '' 9TH AV NO r- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,,/,f,-'-' �,r B. L. RUPPER'f LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . , A The correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No.. 7 Plat ofFRenton Highlands should bedesignated as 2609 -j N. E. 9th St. H M ER t CKS0N ( .�.u� . 2517 9T H .;. A v N o Per City 0rdinance.No '2, RENT 0 N ._ WA 98055 Signed: ,C B. L. R ' ', BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 9 - , , Block No. 7 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated .as : 2615 N.E. 9th.. St. r- -- WETSCH -W SPIRY JR • Per City Ordinance No. 44.7 2521 '• 9TH AVE NO REN.TON 1 WA :,-.---- t 98055' Signed: _ / • L. L. RU P . DIRECTOR • Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No. 7 Plat of Renton Highlands ;. should be designated as: 2619 a N. E. 9th St. �. _ P. HAGETY Per City Ordinance-No. e 2603 9 !TH AV NO P. ENTO ?d ; WA . . . .. C -� 98055 ,401.:;------ .. Signed: f7 B. L. RUP k R,K BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 16 Plat of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as: 2502 _. N. E. 7th St. CULBERTSONSTIGEN Per City Ordinance No. )i 2402 7TH AVE ' NO - 7"- RENTON WA I - 98055 i Signed: _ �,> ,. B„ L, RUPEE, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 16 g Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated as: 2508 N. E. 7th 'St. E H ZA.ND.ER � ' 240 .8 . 7TH AV NO[-------- Per. City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON WA S-v-------4-- 447 98055 • / ./1�i i r j!. �>. - Signed: "�?�F�.��: B. L. -RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate [,he correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 3. •, Block No. 16 1 , Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2'512. '. J E 8 i! E R 5 JR un ,. m ' 2 G 1 2 • 7. T H AV N 0 I Per City Ordinance No. • � REN T0N! WA a 8 0 55 Signed: C:A\;2,,',/,y,,,,,„S-- B. 'Li. RUPPER iDDLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate it The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 • , Block No. - 16 Plat of !Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as: .2518 I_.._.. 1 N E. 7 t h,,St. R0BE ? TS0hd SUNDET • Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 2416 .' 7TH AV NO ; ----- RENTON WA I (`" 98055! Signed: :., �/J4 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , The correct number' of a building ;on Lot No. 5 , Block .No. 16 Plat of. Renton Highlands should be designated as: •N.E. 7th St. L B E R TS C H PerCityOrdinance No. 2447 2420 7TH AV NO RENTON .. WA .--:--- 98055 a " , Signed: � ; h7. L. RUfOre,,, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 6 • , Block No. •16' Plat of !Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2600 r- _ --- -- =-=- N. E.,;7th St. x OCCUPANT c 2424 7TFH NORTH Per City Ordinance No. IQ4 ') RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 • C �, Signed: . �� ,, B. L. RUP11\ ) BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I u The correct number of "a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. ' 16, ; Plat of'iRentcn Highlands ; should be designated as: 2604 • • • N. E. 7th St. . 2504g7THRAV ' NO • Per City Ordinance No. RENTON - WA bar. 98 '055 . ., ., .Signed: e,..,p. B. L. RUPtE. 1 ,7' LDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 8 Block No. _ 16 Plat of 'Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2608 _ N. E. 7th St.. V 2508 7TH AV NO I Per City Ordinance No. ` RENTON 1Aj Signed: B. L,i6Q-RUPPERTeBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful _ to Preserve this Certificate ' ' The" correct' number' of a building on Lot No." 9 , Block No. - 16 . ; Plat of Renton Highlands �� ; should be designated as: 2612. .�, o.__-. .... ._..___._.____ N. E. 7th St. . QV" T H O M A S W ;.G R A V E S +- 2 5 1 2 7 T H A V N 0 Per City Ordinance No, — 1- , RENTON WA 98055 Signed: giVf!,,e,e0,51— B. L'( RUpPE i,? aLDG,. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • The correct number of a buildin; _:i Lot No. 10 , ( :k No. • 16 , ; • Platlof Renton Highlands ; should be designated as .I 2618 N. E. 7th St. C MC GARR t GLE - 2 5 1 8 ,G T H A V N o Per City Ordinance No. ,2447 R E NTOEJ i I,� A _ 98055 d • Signe : �0' li -rho B. . L, R %A , BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building .on Lot..No; 11 Block::No. ... ..,. ..> 16 L , :. Plat ;of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as 2622 K . S II', SHEE" TS r { 2522 7 TH AV. NO Per City Ordinance No. ` 1� R E N Til 0 N A. ....- �'' II _ Signed: .� . L. RU , BLDG;. DIRECTOR Be' Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; :�.. • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No,' 17 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: f 2503 E . LANGI1O IS • ;2447 2 4 0 3 7 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA'. 98055 I, •_ _ • . Signed. 2- B. L. RUP'LER,;BLDG. iDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot 'No. 2 , Block No. . 17 P1 at11 of Renton Highlands-:; 2509 ; should be .designated as:.; • N. E. 7th St. I r, LEONARD G ELDER No 2409 7TH AV No Per City Ordinance RENTON , . . WA II 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPPE.T7�8LDG. 'DIRECTOR • I t Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct nuniiber of a building on Lot No. . 3 Block No. _ 171i Plat) of Renton Highlands ; should be designated 'as: F 2513. N. E. 7th•St. . • LC LO4MELL • 2413 TH AV No Per City Ordinance No. 2647 RENTON - WA i. If 98055. .. . . Signed: /_R ,. B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 : Block No, 17 j Plal of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2519. N. E. 7th St. - FT"— �';OULL ION �,�t, y1, 9 7TH AV No Per City Or,-Jinance No. ,-� • Sine f'. r B. L. RLFP ��i„I��LDC. DIRECTOR I, Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate i rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No: _ 17. . � . __ Plat .of Renton Highlands ; should ..be designated as: .. .6,Sci -. Ferndale Court N. E. 2 . CATO Per City Ordinance No. ,�;� 2421 A 7TH' AV NO ��__ RENTON • USA - 9 8 0, 5 5 Signed. / -')� ,,,,C---T-c B. L. RUPW , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r • 'he correct number ',of a building on Lot No. 6 • ' ; Block No. 17 " ' ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be' designated as: '- toy'g' Ferndale Court N. E. P BECKLE,, Y ;?_ -,f� • 2421 B, 7TH A V N o Per. City Ordinance No. RENTON WA . 98055 �r�. - e _ .. _ ,. Signed: • . • ,� �L. RU - , BLD,.G, DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , , ` he correct number of a buildingLot on No. 7 Block No. 17 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: (ass Ferndale Court N. E. MARLENE PENCE I ,� 447 2 4 2 1 ,C 7TH A V N O ' j Per City Ordinance No. r� . RENTON WA i . 98055 C " ' Signed: . y..z B. L. RUP1zER)r` BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate p . le. correct number of a. building on Lot No. - 8 Block No. • 17 --u Plat of Renton Highlands ; should' be designated as:. . (05-0 M BACHMEIER Ferndale Court N. E. ' Per City Ordinance No. 2423 A 7TH AV NO u RENTON ' ' WA ir ' - 98055 Signed: __ •____/"1-17_,,,e--/". B. L, RUPrEkv? LDG. ,DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ).e correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block' No. ' ' 17 ; ,_ Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: - 6S(o Ferndale Court N. E. • C RIGGc 2 4 2 3 8 7T H A V N 0 - 'Per City' Ordinance No. 4-7 RENTONWA 98055 .------ ---- Signed: P 1 �Je B. L. RUPPERTr, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. ' 17 ; Plat of( Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:- ee(o6Z ...._ . Ferndale Court N. E. - ELMER J HUBER �' �� H A v E ra o Per City Ordinance No, _� 2 J' . E: t: C r. WA I 980 ') Signed: �'h9 � � / / I B kUPPE' ft3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , i Fie correct number lot- a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No, _ _1.7 plat of Renlok Higl-ands ; should be designated as:' . 2603 2 P 9 T C H E.R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2503 7TH N0 . — — RENTON dVA �—" 98055 -A Signed: _ ,,4- , • = - '"t' i,,�1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR - � B. L. RAIN .=' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ile correct number 'of a building on Lot No• '12 Block No• 17' .-- Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be' designated as: 2609 ' ' -- — — N. E. 7th St. OCCUPANT RENTON WA Per CityOrdinance No. 24 � .__�—__ 2509 7TH AV NO 98055 1� Signed: Ae„ _ . L. RU ` �7, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number 'of a building on. Lot No. ' 13 , Block No. .17 • Plat of Renton Highlands ; should. be designated as: 2613 r , ----- --- -- N. E. 7th.St. 0 W MCPHERSON 244T 2 5 1 3 7 T H AV NO ' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W A 98055 Signed: a i/�,s B. L. RUPI Rir-, BLDG, DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . • • . ... • • • . • . - - m 'he correct number ,of a building on Lot No. - 14 ' ,. Block No.. 17 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: (0(07 Ferndale Place N. E. , OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 669 AG" ST ; ? RENTON WA 98055 Signed: __ _"/-)_:1— ,• -B. L. RUPP'E, T,/ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number 1,of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 17 , ; Plat of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as : ' 46,6 Ferndale Place N. E. O C C U P A N T ss 6 6 7 C G ST - t Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON w A 98055 • Signed: - " ? . r' ,.. . B. L. RUPPERT..;(BLDG. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' he correct number 'o.f a 'building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 17 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: - l0.59 Ferndale Place N. E. - 6 B S PerCity P E R Ordinance No, 6 6 1 0 T __,tp 41✓`� RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: .✓ . �,.; ." "� B. ,L. RUPPE'R%SdLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 ' , Block No. _ 17 __w Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: C9S`3��. Ferndale Place N. E. L M THOMPSON 6 5 5 G ST : Per. City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON 1 WA — 9sos5 � Signed: ��"�� . .�,. � .. B. L. Ru-q* , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . he correct number [of a building on Lot No 17 : - Block No. 17 Plat of Renton Highlands - ; should be- designated as: 1-2 649 Ferndale Place N. E. C C. SIMMONS -6 5 1 G 5 T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON i WA 1 I 9 8 05 5 � _ ._..... 1 Signed: : 7 _ �,r ,., • . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 17 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' ` €3‘43 Ferndale Place N. E. ' R ' DAHLGREN - 6 47 G 5 T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ' 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPIz R�DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 17 a Plat of Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: -6e4 63c1 Ferndale Place N. E. LEROY WADDINGTON 6 4 3 0 S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 ' • Signed: B. L, . RUPEE, 4',I,..,/- / LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 20 , Block No. 17 • Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: +ffh5.43:5- Ferndale Place N. E. L R AINLEY ---�- 6 3 9 G s T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98 055 C !� � Signed: �„ �) / / B. L. RUPPERIV LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct" number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block' No. ' 17 ' ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 640 Ferndale Ave. N. E. i R W RAhtSEuR N 0 Ordinance No, 24 1 2 4 1 4 6 T H Pt Per City �! • RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: fir,,;), ��,� e B. L. RUPPE 17I3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . r e correct number of a building on Lot No. 2z , Block No. .-: 17 ;. Plat :of Renton HighlandsverN_should .be designated as : F44 .J RINES Ferndale A ._E. 2 4 1 0 6 T H P L Per City Ordinance No. �44�i RENTON WA 98055 4.--`" ,,,vc:___-____, Signed: 1� ,l/?,.. -. B. L. RTI,,, , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . " es • o • a o o * so . o o • • o • . oo o • .• • . • 000 . .• • • • dO & O * 064140 000000000000000000000000000 lie correct number ,of a building on Lot No, 23 :` : . . , Block No. 17 : . ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be. designated as: 648 • Ferndale Ave. N. E. J H DOWDELL Per City Ordinance No. 24"`7 —� 2404 6TH PLACE . R .ENTON WA. • 98055 .' Signed: _ff-. 17 '�'` ��. _ , , L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. 24 , Block No: 17 • Plat of►.Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 668 L----...-- Edmonds Ave. N. E. DEN N I S W I CKSTROM -` 6 2 8 E ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 C .- Signed: '' ,, g B. L. RUPA fftDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , he correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 17 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 672 - ' • ,' Edmonds Ave. N. E. . H DATT Per City Ordinance No. 244 ` 632 E ST RENTON Wp 9. 8055 Signed: _,� ..)_ ' B. L, RUPVEkT<,' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 26. - Block No. 17 :; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: -7-99 4014 —_ Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANTE PerOrdinance No. 2447 636 E . ST 1 , City RENTON wA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,'GLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct' number Of a building on Lot No. 27. , Block No. • 17 ; ; Plat of Renton Highlands . ' ' ; should be designated as:` CD8c Edmonds Ave. N E. OCCUPANT 642 "E" ST Per City Ordinance No. 2441 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: c � /�.rz. „,,,,d,S-- ' t, B. L. RUPPE'RI,? BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rho. correct number iof a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 17 _ _ _� Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 6,g4° I • Edmonds Ave. N. E. MARVIN SLENNING ' 6 4 6 E IST Per City Ordinance No. + ` � RENTON WA. , , 980WA �r -. Signed: r'f1 ,1f4.., — f .fir_` B. L. Rur'., 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be. designated as: `D'P 63 G .Ferndale Place N. E.D 6 C8 SMITH Per CityOrdinance No. Y`-``47 . 638 G ST RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: +/ � & . L. RU .•( BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 Block No. 18' _ Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: .(04o Ferndale Place N. E. M EHLERS 6 4 8 ' G S T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 �. Signed: • 2.� y�, �;<,, B. L. RUP1AER ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. T 3 _,____, Block No. ' 18 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: ' 6644. ' Ferndale Place N. E. • p NN,USST; Per City Ordinance No. '4•4P7 WA 98055 Signed: . � , ' . B. L, RUPP'E. Ti,' LOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. ` 4 . , Block No. 18 ' .1 Plat of Renton Highlands .. ' ; should be designated as: ' 648 Ferndale Place N. E.. F I WATTS 6 5 6 G5 T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' RENTON N rW A _;_,_ --- ______. 98055 Signed: 2 �:. , :) B. L. RUPPE'R</BLDG. DIRECTOR _ • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ie correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 5 , Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ;• should be designated as: ' GS-Z r---_—_—____ --,,. Ferndale Place N. E. • V 2 ' ' S R s 0 6 6 2 G S T Per City Ordinance No. 24417 RENTON WA . 98055 Signed. 1 : ,,f�:,, B. L. RUPPER`i,r3LDDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 6 , Block No. _ 18 .. ... Plat of Renton_ Highlands, ; should be designated as:_ “0(00® Ferndale Place N. E. CCUPANTST Per City Ordinance No awg RENTON WA 98055 , Signed: A/--• :--)_,r f .;,f B. L. kLi ' 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • 'he .correct.'number of a building 'on Lot No, . 6 - Block No 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: S94 (s�Z . .Ferndale Place N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2. 601 7TH N0 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: Gf, ,,./�A'p . L. RU ;� f, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No'. 7 ,Block No. 18 .. . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2707 N. E. 7th St. xc OCCUPANT 2 6 0 7 7TH A V NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 . .. Signed: 4 ��'%% ;------ B. L. RUPP, R/ BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate d le correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2711 • N. E. 7th St. , x occuPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2147 2611 e :a•a• 7TH AV NO . RENTON' WA 98055 Signed: �. ���!,. B. L, RUPPIE, T,"bLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. _ 18 Plat Of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2713. N. E. 7th St.' OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. '447 2613 7th AVE NO - :" RENTON WA 98055 T '� Signed: ! �,; -r *ram B. L. RUPPER"I,?BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a' building on Lot No. .'' 9 , Block No. 18 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2719 N. E. 7th St. JoHN SEWELL Per City Ordinance No. -./A7 2 6 1 9 7TH ' NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C ,--7, r ;/r' •d. , B. Lf RUPPEEi413LDG. DIRECTOR 'Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands _� ; should be designated as : . 683 Harrington Ave. N. E. - OCCUPANT 651 "H" ST Per City Ordinance No. 24_4 '_ RENTON WA 98055 } � Signed: /4. � � _ B. L. Rrp`,{- tl', `BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 18 Plat of 'Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 681 Harrington Ave. N. E. 5 - GA. TT1 6 4 9 H. STREET L Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON; 98055 Signed: _fir ..../` r4� . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 18 . Plat of 'Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 677 Harrington Ave. N. E. STEARNS RON S { SSEL 6 4 3 H ST Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 1 Signed: ,G� B. L. RUP fr�1 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate r The correct number,of a building on Lot No. 12 Block No. 18 Plat of Renton' Highlands ; should be designated as: 675 Harrington Ave.' N. E, 639 HE5rMAN - Per City Ordinance No. 2-44 , RENTON WA' 98055i Signed: —B. L, RUPFE, TT' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 671 LYLE BARGE 6 3 5 H S T R 98055 Per Cit Harrington Aver N. E,y Ordinance Na. 24T RENTON WA � Signed: /Q_.ef� B. L. RUPPERT,?BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'he correct number ,of a building on Lot No. . 14 Block No. 18 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 651 J, hS A R L O T T 1 Harrington Av.e._-I . -E. ' - Per yOrdinance 24`�7: '632 H STREET � � P City No. . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C. '---. ,V57/.) /•?, ...--./ --.-. B. L. aUPPEIV,BiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve.this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 15 , Block No.. 18 - Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2726 Place — OCCUPANT 2636 6 TH AVE- N Per City Ordinance Place �_ RENTON WA 98055 N. E. 6th ---) 47 Signed: "fir r;.,.s. - B. L. RUPi' ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 - , Block No. _ 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be. designated as: 2724 •N. E. 6th Place L NT " ;17 6TH AV No � . Per City Ordinance No. ?WA 98055i „r..-•- } Signed: /41 _,,< _ . L. RUf BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 _, Block No. 18 - Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 4 a& Z'1 1Z ' N. E. 6th Place • JAMES RUPPRECHT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2620 6TH NO RENTON WA . ;_____-.. 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �� if•,� - -- B. L. RUPP. R, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number!of a. building on Lot No. 17 , Block No.. • 18 a Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: a 1 O$ • -- _ N. E. 6th Place — 1 SHERETZ MORR I S 2614 6TFi AV NO Per City Ordinance No. =°% ' ' RENTON - - WA . - . - J 98055 .� ' Signed: _ , � B. L, RUP"E. TK1 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 18 '; Plat of ,Renton Highlands _ ; should be designated as: 21D4 N. E o 6th -Pl.ace_- _. . H L NEAL . 2 6 1 0 6 T H N o Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' WA N 98055 Signed: Q,....,,,S;7-- , B. L. RUPPERT'; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number) of a building on Lot No. . 19 Block No. 18 ' Plat. ;of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ,2 '7 b b • - N. E. 6th Place . :,1 A SCHWARTZ 2 604 6TH fd0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON .WA ' , 98055 • Signed: 7-/Z4-14<,'-'1,1?5;------ B. L. RUPPEbaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 20 ' , Block 'o. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands : should be designated as :. 612 ^ Ferndale Ave. No. L E HEL Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 612 G S T ----- RENTON VIA 98055 Signed: 1-''VOW': .. B. L. ' 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a 'building' on Lot No. 21 , Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 41619. le(i . i - - V R MOIR t TZ Glennwood Court N. E. 6 1 4 G 'P L Per City Ordinance No. " 47 RENTON; WA 980.55 Signed: .44 . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. ' 18 Plat of. Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 6ltZ Glennwood Court N. E. W s W I LSON 6 2 6 G P I_ Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA ` 98055 \t Signed: -2/-, B. L. RUPPL R/4G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :he correct number of a building on Lot No. '23 ' , Block No.. 18 ' ' ' �; Highlands ; should be designated as: -; lioZ8 Glennwood Court N. E. F A HERMAN ',44 618 G PL Per City Ordinance No. RENTON . WA ' 9 8 0 5 5 9 Signed: B. L, RUPP'E, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on, Lot No. 24 ' ' ' , Block No. 18 . Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated as: 46 3 4. Glennwood Court. N. E. ' G CRAM E R City .._. 6 2 0 G PL . ' Per Ordinance No. RENTON W .A 980555 Signed: ° � ;•" F�' B. 'L L. RUPPERT,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 18 S ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 640 Glennwood Court N:. .E., c A E R L.' T T E P Per City Ordinance No< % � - 622 G ' - 7 RENTON., WA 98055 9 Signed: / . ' :/B. L. RLPP 2i, > LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , 1 4e correct number or a building on Lot No. 26 , Block No. 18 • ___ should be designated as: 1o4<i Plat of Rr�ntnn Highlands � :_ - 9 Glennwood Court N. E. G M EVANS 1 2 4 0 P L ; Per City Ordinance No. �°,.,�7 . -_ ENT ON WA - `'-} i - 9 8 0 5 5 / Signed: j'i- <<i;: ';' • B. L. RJPM1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR i Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate :e correct number of la building ,on Lot No. 27 • , Block No. `_ 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 1.415m . • .Glennwood Court N. E. R A TK l NSION ' =fig-�; 6 2 6 c PL Per City Ordinance No. RENTON i. WA ."_ 98055 Signed: ��'wXlia --"- . L. RUP9 ,W , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I he correct number of a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 18 1 • Plat of•Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 4P31B6CIP 1 1 J COOK Glennwood Court N. E. 628 G P L i Per City Ordinance No. - L I RENTON WA r____ 1 98055 C • Signed: • Q•7i��"�.� B. L. RUPP. F(BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 29 , Block No. 18 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : .26.39.633 Glennwood Court N. E. I L WARRINE R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 630 G PL I RENTON W A 98055.' 3 : Signed: B. L. RUP T,d LDG. DIRECTOR, ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 30 , Block No. 18 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: - 42; -- Glennwood Court N. E. • WILLIAM FRAZEE `• — 6 3 2 G . L Per City Ordinance No. ' RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: ,, , B. L. RUPPERT BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct. number of a building on Lot No. 31 Block No. 18 Plat of Renton Highlands ;should be designated as: -''•G24•gZ� Glennwood Court N. E. p ANT Per City Ordinance No. ' 'PL; WA 98055 Signed: S.1-17Z.,!/.1.4,,,,•>94B. L. PPE' i3CDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this,Jertificate The correct number or a building on Lot No: 31 , Block No. : 18 — • Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: G23_ Glennwood Court N. E . 64U I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 63 B "4 B ��G�� PL .. , • -------- RENTON tJA i_ 98055 S . -- -J") Signed: A;,,9-- (' : ;,A f- B. L. RUT*1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number o;f a building .on Lot No. • 32 • , Block No.. +- 1$ Plat of Renton Highlands ' ' ; should be designated as: 636 Ferndale Avenue N. E. B MATTSON ,A, , ^4n --�' 636 G S T 1 . 'Per City Ordinance No. ,..- ..! RENT. WA 9 & 0 5 5 ~_ • • � . Signed: At 4 I . - . L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR . : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 '' , Block No. . 19 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated' as : - 2701 • ' ------ _._'..._ � - _.. - - . N. E. 6th Place • NE - OCCUPANT • 2603 6TH AVE NORTH Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: (----Z%/ ,4,',1',.j -C-------. , . B. L.R FUP wG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 2 , Block No. • 19 Plat of kenton Highlands ; should' be designated as :. 2705 • . •� N. E. 6th Place K K0 a [ iv E N Per City Ordinance No. �44� 2607- ' 6TH NOJ j RENTON WA - 98055 .: Signed: . --B. ` . ,✓�° ,. • B. L, RUPP"t, 14 BLDG. DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. . 19 . 1. Plat of Renton Highlands- - ; should be designated as: 2709 - .... 1 N. E. 6th Place. • ttRS M EASTHAN Per CityOrdinance No. ` ? 2 .613 6TH NO47 ? ENT ON WA I 9 8 0 5 5 �,� �.s;____77,____7 . .. . . Signed: ;,; � �„' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR . - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' ' The correct number 'of a building on Lot No.. ' 4 , Block No. - 19 . • • ; , Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: '.2713 . .N. E. 6th Place . J A ME S I S t i {SMITH _ 14 (/ ' . 2 6 t 7 6 T H N 0 . Per City Ordinance No. • L REN 'TOni, WA 1 . 98055 C;-/, , Signed: ��f� ,.�,,;�r,ram 1 B. L. RUPPE iJ/I LDG. DIRECTOR - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 5 , Block -i`;o. _ 19 • __ Plat of Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: . • 2717 ' •_T - —`" N. E. 6th Place occuPANT 2 6 2 1 NORTH 6 T H Per City Ordinance No. `�4 _ REN T0N WA _--.~---�! Ir - - 9 8 05 5 1 / l . Signed: -��✓1_'._ ��'f`^-� �7 B. L. RUP, f, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building .on Lot No. . 5 • , Block No. __ 19 1 . Plat of' Renton. Highlands ; should be. designated as : 2719' •N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT .& - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2623 6 TH AVE! NO h RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C G:ki� , . L. RU iw BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . • •-. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. • 19 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: ' 2723 . . - -------L ' N. E. 6th Place OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. y [1:11::11: NT ENO 6TH ST ' : WA C 98055 Signed: C24,2 .l-1 B. L. RUPI4 BLDG. DIRECTOR - - _-'; Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate _ . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. - 19 _ Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2725 ' N. E. 6th Place . OCCUPA NT Per City Ordinance No. 47 2633 6 TH AVE NO ! __ J ' `- RENTON WA 98055 . g - . • s --8.• Signed: ��'' . B. L, RUPP�E, W8LDG. ,DIRECTOR • - - . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. . 19 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 611 . Harrington Ave. 'N. E. _., ARTHUR GRAVES Per City Ordinance No. ;' 7 611 N[ RTNST0EET WA I 98055 _ Signed: % ��' - - —7— B. L. RUPPERT,?BLDG. DIRECTOR _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 19 , . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 607. .• . •Harrington Ave'. N. E. --:---1 L RETERSON 6. 07 F: s T - Per City Ordinance No. _ rg . RENTON WA. ' 98055- chiP_.. Signed: ,S7-77 ' - ! ,„t;; B. L. RUPPgI dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. _ 1 . 19 . ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 603 • ____ i Harrington Ave. N. E. i T TOUNSEL ` �4 . f% 0 3, H STREET Per City Ordinance No. � '� ?k L N T Q j W A ----._W�� 980551 ,1 ! Signed. J,i„ A,l'At . B. L. RU FT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 10 • , Block No. ". 19 • Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 577 ' • 1 Harrington Ave. N. E. • N A 0 L S OIN Per City Ordinance No. `'`J`/ ~� 547 H ST, RENTON , WA - 9 8 0 55 Signed: ~l C,f;�J a` , L. RU 9- ':, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number Of a building on Lot No. 11 • , Block No. _ 19 . Plataf Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 573 Harrington Ave. N. E. C BUCHHOLZ• T!ii], . 5 3 5 H s T • Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA . 98055 ' . . Signed: .7. f., . •—� B. L. RUPIxR ".✓`BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No.. • 19 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should' be designated as: 569 • Harrington Ave. 'N. -E. . ROBERT SMITH 5 2 9 H. ST • - Per City Ordinance No. .24471. RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: •---B,, _ ,.� • • B. L, RUPPE!�T, LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. . 19 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2716 F-I----- ' ' --- - - N. E. 5th •Place . . EUSTIS IJ O H N CLARKE Per CityOrdinance No. ~ • 2618 �5 TI H N O �<`4.4� RENTON i WA 98055: �fG Signed: • , *. .; . B. L. RUPPER['7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ' • The correct number Of a building on Lot NO. 14 . , Block No. 19 . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2712• 1.- • N. E. 5th Place SHEP. RE.R T Z . VAUGHN � ,, • 2 6 1 2 5jT H NORTH • Per City Ordinance No. 2�,. 4% RENTON' WA . . 98055 • ...S77. j • . . Signed: C-2;72, '� �J}, ,B. L RUP►PEK,03LDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' - i The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 19 " Plat of Renton Highlands T ; should be designated as: 2708 ` N. E. 5th Place P' S SKOCH LL f CH " 6 0 8 5 T H - NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ; ENT ON WA l 98055 Signed: 4} r,,. , B. L. Rbr ,uxl', BLDG. DIRECT-FA Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 19 ry Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 550 Ferndale Ave. N. E. _ 5 3 2 A G RO S S C H E H L Per City Ordinance No. 2`u4-2 - EDWRENTON WA ..--A C-----------" 98055 Signed: Jj e' . L. RU r/C BLDG. DIRECTOR - 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 17 , Block No, 19 . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 554 ' Ferndale Ave. N. E. F DELV I:LLAR 5 3 8 G siT Per City Ordinance No. =a RENTON WA 98055 C i _ Signed: �p ��.,�.�..- B. L. RUPT 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: + 2505 G H JACOBSON a N. E. 6th Place 2 4 o 5 6 T;H N 0 WA City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON 98055 Signed: ) � �9�' • B. L, RUPPT, Tt,LDG. DIRECTOR - - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 20 _ 9 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2513 I N. E. 6th Place. 4 E HALEWAY -- - Per City Ordinance Na. �'�''� RENTON W A 98055 0 5 5 Signed: ;-4,,,,,,. - .B. L. RUPP7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. • 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2517 . N. E. 6th Place B URT 0LS� 0N -- ,r 2 4. 1 7 6 T H, NORTH Per City Ordinance No. .. . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C. •_�J .�%�� B. L. RUPP J %/dLDG. DIRECTOR _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. -_ 2Q_ __ . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:2523 N. E. 6th Place . 2 VA IE N T E 2423 6TH N0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RE.NTON . ' WA 1 98055 :. ' Signed: �� B. L. RUN rl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' 5 Block .No. 20 _... the correct number of; a building .on Lot No. , Plat. of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2601 • .N. E. 6th Place 0 STEARNS i Per City Ordinance No. ' 2503 6TH NO ; RENTON WA .. - 98055 �` ��' s Signed: C . L. RU `, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Ile correct number of, a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. 20 _ Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2605 N. E. 6th Place 2 5 0 7 e 6TH N o Per City Ordinance No. 7 RENTON . ; . . WA • 98055 Signed: /9i- B. L. RUPFA RzG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate, o.s a The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 20 ; Plat of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as: 2609 -- - _ -- — N. E. 6th Place . ', H L . BEVEN ' Per City Ordinance No.. RENTON - ,1 . WA . 98055 , . ,, Signed: _ 7Z7-/-' 2513 6TH NO B. L, RUP LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. . 20 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:. 2613 N. E. 6th Place W BROWN ! Per City Ordinance No. :%/7 T 2517 6TH A!V NO 5''; "--''- RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 4 ,:,;;, . - B. L. RUPPERTOBLDG. DIRECTOR , . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a. building on Lot No. . g , Block No. 20 • Pl,.a`t of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . :551 Ferndale Ave. N. E. . E ' N; 0RMAN 5 3 1 G S T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Cilti) Signed: 4 �• p,� / B. L. RUPPE .i%adLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 5 The correct number of a building on Lot No. •.10 ^, Block No. _ 20 • Plat of Renton Highlands . ; should be designated as: 2612 N E. 5th Place L DAVIS 1Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2512 5TH AV NO a RENTON. WA 9805 .5 , , zc------' Signed: l `� ,; � `= '— B. L. Rur)01 , BLDG. DIRECTOR = Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 11 , Block No. ` 20 Plat. of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as :. 2608 ' N. E. 5th Place N G R ,4M i E INGRAM Per City Ordinance No. ';.4. 7 2508 5TH AV N0 . RENTON WA / ---1BLDGDIRE0R 98055. 4 Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 _, Block No. 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as:2604 . N. E. 5th Place G R PAV0Lt� Per City Ordinance No. : `,0 2504 5TH AV NO • RENTON WA 98055 g Si ned: f _ 0 • .. . ' . B. L. R ER ,, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2528 N. E. 5th Place : JOHN NORLINDER 2 4 2 8 5 IT H , NORTHH Per City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON [ • WA i 47 98055 . . .. ,,..�� Signed: —Be L, RUPP1. T,,d LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No.: . 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2524 N. E. 5th Place . C. H SWAN .ann 2 4.2 4 5TH 'A V NO Per City Ordinance No. u-�� RENTON' . WA 98055 8055 �. v, ... Signed: _zixe ' :' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on:Lot No. . 15 , Block No. 20 Plat of Renton Highlands . . ; should be designated as: 2518 . .' . N. E. 5th Place E H I .R I O N Per City Ordinance NO, ^c' H . NORTH WA . 98055 / ' • Signed: , 4 ,,4 4 PPEs B. L. RUaxiaLDG. DIRECTOR Be'Careful to Preserve this Certificate i I r ,, he correct number of a building on Lot No: 16 , Block ' o • 20 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: . 2514 N. E. 5th Place F J PHERSONMC Per City Ordinance No. 26-14 5 AVE NO — RENTON - 1 WA 98055 - / --) _. .' .. Signed: 'A ly4, B. L. ROMP �e1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • he correct number of .a building .on Lot No, 17 Block No. 20 • • • • • • • • •y... - Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be' designated as: 2508 N. E. 5th Place R VANQERBUSE � 2408 5TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. , -4 RENTON ! WA 98055 C~ ' Signed: .s7 ‘ �� . L. R.0 -Wc BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of'a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No, 20 Plat of 'Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 2502 [ . -1 '-- N. E. 5th Place OCCUPANT Per CityOrdinance No. - 2402 . ST.H AV NO RENTON I WA 98055C::2Signed: , ,, B. L. OMR�r�', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate 20. he correct number of a building on Lot No. T 19 , Block No. ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as,: 568 • Edmonds Ave. N. E. E 0 P0E5 !: E . Per City Ordinance No. .2447, 544 E ST RENTON ! WA 98055_ _ I Signed: ��� B. L. RUPPE, T7;` LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 20 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 572 l' Edmonds Ave.. Na E. L J. CARPENTER P T 5 5 0 E ST j Per City Ordinance No. �,/,/'7 RENTON W A 98055 -hz, ,,,,,, S—f-7---- Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,DG. DIRECTOR : . :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ' ' ie correct number of a building on Lot No. . 21 , Block No. ' 20 ; Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 4f99 , 77 Edmonds Ave. N. E - 5 5 4 E 0 0 T Per City. Ordinance No. ` RENTON ' WA 9 8 0 5 5 ' . Signed: P,,,.,,,,,,„5,7--- . . _'"�"" B. LfC RUPPE 1%�dLDG. DIRECTOR • . .. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 'he correct number of, a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 21 . : Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 647____ _ H E POFF i Ferndale Ave. N. E. 98055 Per City Ordinance No. i/- ---) . 2447 /C------j' Signed: 2/71,v, Q2 E4 NO T5 0 N6 T H P_L w A • B. L. RUP_PPAY, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - le correct number of a building .on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 21 Plat of Reniton Highlands ; should •bedesignated as: 643 H. . , 1 . Ferndale Ave. N. E. L E CRANE 2413 6 PL Per City Ordinance No. 244%, TH . RENTON WA ..---- -- ' 1 98055 :(_;z6,2,_ . Signed • • • . ,.....:Vy r ' - - ---- . L. RU - ; , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , . . . he correct number of, a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 639 • Ferndale Ave. N. E. A PRESCiOTT 2417 6TH P L Per City Ordinance No. RENTON 1 WA 98055 , . Signed: B. L. RUP RAM. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 21 ; Plat of Renton Highlands • ; should be designated as: 635 • Ferndale Ave. N. E. 0 CCU( p‘we 4 . 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ) . RENTON WA 980 5 5 . . . Signed: - —B. L, RUPFE. AeLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 631 x OCCUPANT W L 631 G S T RENTON 9 8 0 5 5 Ferndale Ave. N. E. Per City Ordinance No. -1;---- ---.------ - . . . Signed: • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . le correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 21 _______Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 625 __ ...... , • J h' ESTERHAUSEN Per City M25 G ST RENTON WA ----1 S. FO7cin:In:eAZ. Nr ' E. g ,.. -------- 9 8 0 5 5 1 , Signed B. L. RU-FFNT.4i8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No." ..21 . __ Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 621 . Ferndale AvP. N. F. i E PORTER i Per City Ordinance No.' 2447 . 621 G ST -- -- E N T O N W A -- , 98055 Signed: '� 'f. ,; g _ r 4 e,t,, c �<•r.H B. L. RU kT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 8 - , Block No. 21 . Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 615 OCCUPANT Ferndale Ave. N. E. 615 "G" ST 1 Per City Ordinance No. _ f. RENTON . WA 98055 : Signed: _____/±____.7 �. . RU �W , BLDG. DIRECTOR - : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 -. h g e correct number of a building on Lot No. _, Block No. `21 Plat of R ntnn laig lan s . ; should be designated as : 613 Ferndale Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT 6 1 3 �o T-^5'G . STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 . . — Signed: ,� 1,a ,,, e-C----- _ B. L. R PIA V', BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . • The correct number of a building on Lot No. T 9 , Block No.. 21 . ' Plat of Renton Highlands ' ; should be designated as: 2616 • N. E. 6th Place , 2 5 1 4 E 6TH NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' WA i 98055 Signed: --B. ,,,.,s B. L. RUPFE. 747 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate n�o.o The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 ' , Block No. 21 , Plat of Rent0n_ Highlands ; should be designated as: 2612 N. E. 6th Place . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. ' - :I 2508 6TH NO RENTON WA 98055 .;—,— ,--..------- _ 0 . Signed: r�.. B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate f The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2608 N;. E. 6th Place . R STEARNS 2 5 0 4 6TH NO _ Per City Ordinance No. -- . . RENTO N W A 98055 Signed: ") .a<,, ,, j • _ B. L. RUPPEi"iIt'L LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The .correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2600 D FUGERE N f 6th Place 2 4 2 8 6 T H NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 l �'" ' - Signed: �.�.: B. L. RU0k'�;=:ei, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 13 • � Block No. 21 +h Plat of. Renton Highlands ; should,.be designated, as: 2518 N. E. 6th Place A THOMPSON 2 4 2 2 61T H N 0 Per City Ordinance No. -. ,z RENTON ! WA 98055 �Jy Signed: . L. RU Vrr, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 : Block No. Plat of Renton Highlands should be designated as: 2514 N. E. 6th Place EVENHUS 2 4 1 8 6 T H NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 (::10Signed: . ' , • B. L. RUP Rj"', BLDG. DIRECTOR _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 Block No. 21 ' Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2510 N. E. 60'.Place H G PIERCE 2 4 1 4 6 T H NORTH - Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON @! Q 98055 .. . Signed: B. L. RUPPE, T,W8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number ef a building on Lot No. 16 •, Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as: 2506 'FRS A sTQ1BEN N. E. 6th Place 2 4 1 0 6 T H IAV NO Per City Ordinance No. ^.7 RENTON WA 98055 i.. Signed B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct numberof 'a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 21 Plat of Renton Highlands ;. should be designated as: 2502. : . ' N. E. 6th Place MR WAGNER '- - 2 4 0 4 6 T 1H NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON VIA 98055 Signed: B. 93ggalK::"CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . _ ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. - 2r ;.•• Plat of Renton Highlands ; should be designated as : 632 Edmonds Ave. N. E. H• H HEATHER I NGToN. Per City Ordinance No. �� 608 E ISTREE.T — RENTOrr . WAzc------' 9 8 0 5 5 -. ,'Signed: �' //�.;r -- r DIRECTOR B. L. Rai' �r�l�, BLDG. DIRE 0 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number Hof a building ,on Lot No. 5 , Block No. —_ 1 Rainier Acres 'I ; should be designated as: . 528 1. -_ Edmonds Aye. N. E. E TONDA 4 4 8 E ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTOIE WA : . 98055 c~f �. ., .. .. . Signed: r�. � . L. RU V , BLDG. DIRECTOR . - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate iThe correct numberrof a building on Lot No. . 5 Block No. 1 Rainier. Acres ; should be designated as: 532 Edmonds Ave. N. E. R J W I X o N , JR Per City Ordinance No. 454 E ST RENTON WA 98055 (:: 7—Signed: 2� c�Aw4i, B. L. RUPIAER�r BLDG. DIRECTOR :.; - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. 1 Rainier !Acres ; should be designated as: 2605 ,- N. E, 5th Place F E A 'G E R . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 5Tt. NORTHs'�t WA j 98055 Signed: A' B. L. RUPFE. T,1 LDG. DIRECTOR ,. . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ; Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 2721 i N. E, 5th Place J BALES 2 6 2 1 5 T H AVE NO Per City Ordinance No. ' REN. TON A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �" gPr ��y' B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building. on Lot No. 2 , Block No. Renton'js Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: - -Si1 Harrington Av-e— N. E,F." E t N. G R .a t� Per City Ordinance No.H STREET 9 8 0 5 5 I — 1 Signed: ✓` .,..e.. 4,.. B. L. RUFPE�''i73LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. . 3 , Block No. Renton's Rrtri.ge Crest Nn 2 ; should be designated as: 509 Harring-tnn Ave_ -N-. E. • OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No.' 24�4____� A59 H STREET ' 98055 i j- i . Signed: k- �r'!4;: /.� B. L. RUr :eT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Th correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. - Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 505 Harrington Ave. N. E. B DE L U R A Per City Ordinance No. 2,4 G' 453 H STREET RENTO.N. WA 98055 ;J�. Signed: A/ /.14 ., . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 483 —— . Harrington Ave: N.E. R M O O R E 4 49 H STREET Per City Ordinance No. - RENTON WA 98055 . . Signed: 2.47' B. L. RUN, R/ BL.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct numberiof a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. Renton's' Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 479 _H ----- Harrington Ave: N. E. RICHA, RDSON NAPLIN - 2447 i445 H STREET Per City Ordinance No. i RENTON W A 98055 Signed: ,! 1 --8. d, - I . . B. L, RUPFE., T.; LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number, of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. _ ; ___..._ Renton,'s Ridge_Crest No. 2 _ ; should be designated as: 480 F . - - . � Harrington Ave. N. E. • H DU . BOIS . 448 H STREET 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2 ':7i _ RENTON 4! A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate {fie correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. • Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 4 A _ L WHEELERRarrington _N, E. PerCity , °i '• 4 5 4 H 5 T R E r T Ordinance No. REPT ON , WA 98055 Signed: 77'/Ve.-/4.,,,,,,„5---- `" B. L. RUPPE4►„'VGuLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 1 . • The correct'number ,of a building on Lot No. . 9 , Block No. Renton's1Ridge Crest No. 2 should be "designated as: 508'___ Harrington Ave. N. E. • 0 C RICHARDS 4 5 8 H STREET Per City Ordinance No,. 1447 RENTON 'WA -i--) /(:------ 98055 ' � Signed: ,C ff'�.r,,,;; B. L. WA AL, BLDG. DIRECTOR I" Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 10 , Block No.. —_ Renton's! Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as : 512 Harrington Ave. N. E. W J BOD ,IE j ... �•� 4 6 4 H STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA .- 98055 Signed: -I z ' L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct numberlof a building on Lot No. 11 ', Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 516 Harrington Ave. N. E. L HESER z. 4 7 a H S T R E E T I Per City Ordinance No. RENTON . _ WA . c;------- 98055 Signed: 2� �,'rr� -. B. L. RUP14 f r�' BLDG. DIRECTOR -:. Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. : 12 , Block No.. Renton' Ridge Crest No. 2 ' ; should be designated as:.a + Index Ave. N. E. W ILL I AM HOSMAN Per CityOrdinance No. 247 471 I STREET ' RENTON W A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPF�E. T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. . ; Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 should be designated as: 509 Index Ave. N. E. J DE GIRAC"E — F�s 4 6 5 i ;STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2•e�,•. -- RENTON WA i 98055S";-- "—'"— Signed: ' '',P'''' • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a building on Lot No. 14 Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: •505. — --- Index Ave. N. E. W S MAGNUS 459- i STREET Per City Ordinance No. '-- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: g_, D,,,,,,...,,,,„,t,S-- rr. • B. .RUPPE'i 'i„idLDG. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numberiof a building on Lot. No. 15 , Block No: Renton's ' Ridge Crest No. 2 should be designated as: 501 _T Index Ave. N. E. i LCEDWARDS ' i 455 I � PerCity Ordinance No. 2447 ----- RENTON WA -' �� 98055 j:;------- Signed: -b') ,p,.; r'B. L. R01 , BLDG. IRECTOR - -D Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Th..e. correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. Renton's' Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 497 IT________ , Index Ave. N. F. w E DAVIS Per City Ordinance No. 1:,4%/ 4 4 9 I STREET _ RENTON i .-- 98055 Signed: —)::z/___/,# . L. RU 0_,,,,j BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. ' Renton's Ridge Crest No. 2 ; should be designated as: 483 Index Place N. E. R E C A R L'S O N 443 I STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON I WA 98055 Signed: A ! ),.i B. L. RUPPWOLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate " The correct number of a building on Lot No ' _ 1 , Block No.: Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 ;, should' be designated as: 463 Index Ave. N. E. , DENKER THOMPSON . _ Per City Ordinance No. WA.7 2805 4TH PL NO 'R E N T O N W A ' 98055 Signed: -B. --° ...._ :._ . . _ . L. RUP PE, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 2 , Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 459 Index Ave. N. E. C SiMS' 2 8 1 1 4'T H PL NO Per City Ordinance No. f-.',;. 4/ RENTON WA 98055 _ ST--a Signed.: / ,-' L� B. L. RUPPERT, DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No:' 3 Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as:450 Index Place N. E. 4 2 0 0 i'S STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W A 98055 Signed: 9-4g.,441.,„ ----- ! ____.. -..:_ _. B . ?13LDG. DIRECTOR ' : ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 . , Block No. Renton's—R«dge--Crest Na 3 ____ : should be designated as: 414 Index Place N. F. C PILLION Per City Ordinance No.' 2447 4 _1 4 I S T IR E E T RENTON WA 98Q55 � - Signed: L;�° 11� ------------ -- --- - B. L. RUi, , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a' building on Lot No. 5 .. Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 should be. designated as : 408 ' Index Place N E. A W GRAHAM t- r ;�_ - 408 I S T R;E E T Per City. Ordinance No. `�i �``ti'��• RENTON WA C_ [ 98055 Signed: G , `- L. RU - , BLDG. DIRECTOR . f - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate "- 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. 6 , Block No. . . . Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 402 Index Place N. E-. W K LONGWELL. 402 I STREET ' - Per City Ordinance No. ` " RENTON ' i WA 98055 Signed: __ ,,, ei ---- - fr`.�BLDG. DIRECTOR B. L. RUPIx � . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a. building on Lot No. ' , Block No., ; Renton's 'Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 2gDR D C E M i1 0N S. N- F. •4th St- 2 8 0 8 NO 4 T H. S .T - . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 .. - Signed: --B. /.."B. L. RUPPE. T LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. ; Renton's Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as': 2914 '. N. E. 4th St:' . B . PHILLIP' S - 2 8 1 4 NO 4 T H S T Per City Ordinance No. L' R ° N WA - 9 8 0 5 s — Signed: 4, B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -le correct number of a building on Lot No. g - Block No. ;• Ren 5on's Ridge Crest No. 3. ; should be designated as: 2920 N. E. 4th St. 0 W ' L O V E G R O V E ` 2820 NO' 4TH ST Per City Ordinance No. . ' RENTON y( .A C:-I-e?'17\--) 1 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �P� �.�.,�'�� B. L. RUPPE'2 ixi3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: _ 20 Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 ;should be designated as: 3000 • N. E. 4th Street w OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3000 NO 4TH ST. VOC --__ RENTON TWA. 98055 Signed: B. L. RaPp<1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number; of a building on Lot No. ' ' 10 , Block No, Renton's, Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 409' Jefferson AVe. N. E. R BEHNiE Per City Ordinance No. 24 ;.1i S 409 J ;TREE1 • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: G . L. RU V73 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. .,. Renton's Ridge Crest No.' 3 ; should be designated as: .443 Index Ave. N. E. J OR I E G E R 2327 4TH PL No Per City Ordinance No. , RENTON j WA 98055 Signed: //i7 B. L. RUPP- , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No, . Renton Ridge Crest No. 3 : ' ; should be designated as: 447 Index .Ave. N. E. JAMESPi MESSER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2823 4TH PLACE RENTON Wp 98055 Signed: _ B, L, RUPPI, T,d LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. ; RentoWs Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 451 Index Ave: N. E. • W L C;L A Y B O - 2 8 1 9 ;.4TH. P L NO. -. ' • -Per City Ordinance No. '-:2,7 . RENTON WA 98055 . � ,�, Signed: e;,.., �P • B. L. RUPPERT>;1BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numbeir of a building on Lot No. 14 , .Block No. ; Rentonl's Ridge Crest No. 3 ; should be designated as: 455 H H MART- IN Index Ave, N _E` _ 2 8 1 7 4TH P L NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON wA .. .,,_ . 98055 9 �r� B ; L. RUPPE -'VOLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful :to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. . 1 , Block No. Renton's ,Ridae Crest No. i ; should. be designated as: 465 • Jefferson Ave. N. E. E _ JOHNSTOIN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 435 J STRIEET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: "/�,,,,),r! . B. L. R'J ] , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 • , Block No,. Renton's', Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2935_ -- - N. E. 5th Place D E CLAiPP 2 8 3 5 5TH 'AV NO ' . 'Per City Ordinance No. 7.' RENTON WA r 98055 0 Signed: . L. RU ' -=';", BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of' a building on. Lot No. '3 Block No: Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2931 ' . N. E. 5th Place ' J RASMUSSEN 2 8 3 1 5TH 'A V NO ' Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPIx R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -I The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 ' , Block No.. Renton'Is Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should' be designated as: 2927 N. E. 5th Place ' J L MAGSTADT 2827 5TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA. Signed: B. L. RUPFE, T'LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 5 , Block No. ; Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2923 N. E. 5th Place • R sHaw - �:. . .. Per City Ordinance No. 2823 5TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: / R B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2919 N. E. 5th Place D . 'JACOBSON 2 8 1 9 5 T' H ' AV NO Per City Ordi nance No. _� RENTQN I WA 98055 r Signed : _ B. L. RUPPE' 7, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this :Certificate 1 itie correct number of a building on Lot. No. 7 , Block No. • .. ^_ Renton'siRidge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2913 __ N- F- StKP_iace-_ P AAS �^_ ND a ' 2 8 2 3 5 T H AV �, o Per City Ordinance No. t,4 �___—_ RENTON ti' A 98055 �'� fir Signed: Z?:4// r B. L. RUPOT, BLDG. DIRECITOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 11e correct number'of a building on Lot No. 8 - , Block No. .� Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 2905 i . N. E. 5th Place - . J • R E B EiL OES Per nit Ordinance No: `` 7 2805 5TH AV NO y 8:PENTON 6S --' 9 8 5 5 ., ,,c----------". . ^f� Signed: ~ ___ ir, . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • '1fl.e correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 9 Block No.: Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as : 508 Index Ave. N. E. D WALDER ,MARSON 462 I STREET Per City Ordinance No. iF RENT ON WA i .. 1 9. 8055 ---- j.. Signed: �� ei : B. L. RUPP. Ri BLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate .1lle correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No. V ; Renton's Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 504 ----, V - Index Ave. N. E. . Z FRIEDMA .N -- 456 I STREET V Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 RENTON WA . 98055 V -' - Signed: —g77L, RUPPt, T�LDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate line correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 ' , Block No. _ Renton's Ridge Crest No, 1 _ . ; should be designated as: 500 • [ H E MOBLEY _IndeX A e: N. E. 441 8 I STREET Per City Or• dinance No. v: ' f RENTON W A 98055 �� 1 Signed: l B. L. RUPPERT✓; , -----71----- BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Title correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 Block No. r, ; Renton'Is Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 466 • r Index Ave. N. E. L . THORP Per Cit Ordinance No. . 1"----- 444 I STREET .J RENTON WA98055 9 5—_—_— Signe4p: . J./ ./4/,1,.. / 4R0.;- B. L RUPPUi,?,BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this.,C...ertificate I 1 1 • The correct number off a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. _„ _ 4__ Renton Ridge Crest No. 1 should be designated as : Index ve 11�E__ A R o L F4 1 TCHFL L .Per City Ordinance No ?4�� _ 436 6 , STREET �- REN TO;s`J 4d A ' `- 98055 Signed: ;f�>,� f B. L. RUr ^tf, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 • , Block No. __ Renton''s Ridge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as: 458 -_ Index Ave. N. E. *: OCCUPANIT Per City Ordinance No. 2 'r 2818 4TH PL NO I RENTON WA 1 98055 Signed. G.f/ 4110P.' -' . L. MOW,- BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. Renton,is idge Crest No. 1 ; should be designated as : 454 [1......._ , Index Ave. N. E. DAV t D AN'IDERSON 2 s r; T P' L N o Per City Ordinance No. ' ; RENT ON WA . 98055 - , Signed: :flf 1 - B. L. UR PIERIBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this, Certificate Y the correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. ; Rentori's Ridge Crest No. 1 • ; should be designated as: 455 . Jefferson Ave. N. E. 1 V T o D D Per City Ordinance No. .2447 425 J STREET . RENTON WA - '1 98055 Signed: ,. ` B. L, RUPP'E, 14W' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Rua correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 26 ' , Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 655 - - Jefferson Ave. N. E. 589 J [ 5 ;TREET Per City Ordinance No. 34° ��' '- . Signed: RENTON �! A 9 8 0 5 5 AC d `,, B. L. RUPPERf, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • - -he correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 26 ; ' Suburban Heights . ; should be designated as: 651 . Jefferson Ave. N. E. ,_ E E R i E 5 583 J TREET Per City Ordinance No. 'A � S --- R ENT0f' WA B c.-L 7 98055 B. kU � J7 .D DIRECTOR Signed: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. / , Block No. 26 suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 613 Jefferson Avenue N. E. PARLIN ' BURGET 577 Ji STREET _Per City Ordinance No. 4� --- �_ . PEN TON I W A --. I98055 Signed: S "1 , r,;,�.� I B. L. R TPVC BLDG. nIRECT OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 26 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as 609 Jefferson Avenue N. E. __ 1 E B GILLFESPIE Per City Ordinance No. ' e = 569 J STREET - RENTON WA 98055 ___ ;.--------. Signed: G . L. RUt d .'f, BLDG. DIRECTOR • - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. ' 26 SuburbanjHeights ; should be designated as: 605 Jefferson Ave. N. E. D HI VEIL Y 5 6 3 J 'STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON, WA i 98055 Signed: .7 K-*2. ` ' IF . B. L. RUPI1ERG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number,of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. 26 Suburban Heights ' ; should be designated as: 601 Jefferson Ave. N. E. L c LE F E- B V R E 557 J STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 � ' RENTON WA98055Signed: 4,,,,,„.....,sv. .. 'B. L, R ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 26 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 567 .leffercnn Ave. N. E. _._. • D MAC . WIFI I TER � ..y 5 4 7 J SHT B E E T Per City Ordinance No. :� <<`� RENTON WA . 98055 ,i - 5-9--- ----- �a Signed: , , R0.0 . B. L.RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 26 • Suburban Heights _; should be designated as: 563 Jefferson Ave. N. E. A BERGL UND - 5 4 1 J 5 T R E E T s Per City Ordinance No. , REN TON W A . I 98055 Signed: - j;—/Lv B. L. RUPP6RII LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ q _____, Block No, '26_ Suburban Heights _ — __ T_- should be designated as: 559 . 1 —'" _ Jefferson Ave. N. E. 0 NEASE 2917 5TH PL NO • Per City Ordinance No. 27 ENT 0 N H WA 98055 �7.� I. Signed: / — B. L. RUWT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The.correct number of a building on .Lot 1o. 14 Block No. Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 555_ Jefferson Ave. N. E. M CERNICK Per City Ordinance No. 2 47 2921 5TH PL NO RENT0N -, WA J 98055 Signed:. _ fir L. RUf140; BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate o e o u a • • • e c c • • o • o The correct numberof a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 26 ' ' ' SuburbanlHeights ; should be designated as: ' 551 ' Jefferson Ave. N. E. A GOOD;WIN 2927 51TH PL NO ' Per City Ordinance No. ../ RENTON, WA - 98055 Signed: C---2.2__ 4.AJ;------ B. L.RUPIk R�r`l�BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number; of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 26 a Suburban Heights ; should• be designated as : _ 523 Kirkland Ave. N. E. J A MOYERS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 523 K STREET J RENTON ' WA 98055 Signed: L ° y __ U ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate TfSe correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 26 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 517 ________ _ _._..___ Kirkland Ave. N. E. - • T H MC IGINNES Per City Ordinance No. �'^ 7 517 K STREET R E N T O N' WA 9 8 0 55 Signed: �, aL. . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct nr.rmber of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 26 ; Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 511 r—_. Kirkland Ave. N. E. C J M;ASREL I E Z 511 K ST Per City Ordinance NoeC REN TOjN WA gi 980559 Si ned: .�,fw,,,4i — B, . PPPE ? ,LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. : 26 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 505 Kirkland Ave. N. E. [11111:111117 R Per City Ordinance No. 2447 STPEET 1 WA _ l•1,- . 98055 . Signed: �r%�. � �. ..f..�:�! B. L. RUhA , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building .on Lot No. 16 - , Block No. -- 2 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 483 • j — Kirkland Ave. N. E. R A SCOTT �• ;44 2916 5TH AVE NO _ 98055 Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 7 Signed: (- /47 . L. RU r(, BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 26 . ' Suburban Heights ; should be designated as : 479 Kirkland Ave, N. E. . . R z A P UIT IL Per City Ordinance No. 2 910 5TH AV NO RENTON . WA � 98055 Signed: , B. L. RUP t Rid, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this- Certificate . a The correct numberiof a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 26 ; Suburban Heights ; should be designated as : 475 — - Kirkland Ave. N, E. • M 15 5 G LOWMAN Per City Ordinance No. 2U7 2 9 0 2 5TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: --B. -° ., � B. L, RUPPE, T'e�LDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 26. Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 3008 N. E. 5th Place. T G S UMPTER ,A. 2 8 3 8 5TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. - RENTO,N WA 98055 Signed: F p !B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1. - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 26 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 3004 • . N. E, 5th Place SHERWOOD Per City Ordinance No. 2 8 3 4 5TH AV NO RENTON WA ' - 98055 . �i Signed: ./, �� t - B. L. RUPP!RtiMLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No. ` 26 Suburban Heights ; should. be designated'as: 0II0. N. F 5th Place o SLIT v A. Per City Ordinance No. 2441 2830TH AV Na — -- ;: ENT _. 41A �r�� 98055 ;61)- " ,f Signed: ����. r>� - B. L. RGYA , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on .Lot No. 22 - , Block No. 26 _ Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 2926 N. E. 5th Place _rr VERNE MORRIS Per City Ordinance No. =_-`7 2826 5 ;T H NORTH " RENTON ' WA .�- 98055 0 Signed: 4S1 . _ . L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. 26. Suburban:Neights ; should be designated as: 2920 N. E. 5th Place P MC LENDON 2820 5TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W.A ;_----- 98055 Signed: O B. L. RUPI4 R/, BLDG. DIRECTOR BeCareful Preserve this Certificate to The correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 26 3 Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 530 -- Index Place N. E. S GREENE I 5 0 8 I ' P L ACE Per City Ordinance No. 447 RENTON • WA 98055 Signed: _ �� B.' L, RUPPE. T,," LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ' 1 s. Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 3001 7 N. E. 8th St. H C LEE VROMAN Per City Ordinance No. . '-;-: 4o 2823 8TH AV NO - — RENTON WA 98055 �;. ,�� .. , Signed: �;�, �� � B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 ' , Block No. 1 vista Heights ; should be designated as: 3005 1 N. E. 8th .St. A F M0 E R E R ; 2 8 2 9 ,8 T H A VE N o Per City Ordinance No. RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 . .. Signed: `' r 4 1 B. L. RUPPE'R''ik/ LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' T,le correct number of a building on.Lot No. 3 , Block No. _ 1 . Vista Heights -- ' ; should be designated as: 3009 N. E. 8th St. J A SUTTON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2903 8TH .NiO ------r---== =" E N T 0 N - WA 98055 Signed: ii7\-'4%-.) B. L. RUN FT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No:. . 4 , Block No. -_ 1 Vista Heights ; should be' designated as: 3013 N. E. 8th St. A V AUGHN 9 0 9 a Ti H A v. N o Per City Ordinance No. _-'/47 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ~�Ia . L. RUf ,-BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. :1 Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 75q ., � Kirkland Ave. N. E. H 1 N I C CK E T L Per City Ordinance No. 71RENT ON ... WA �. 98055 Signed: 2/-11 ����, B. L. RUPILER-1. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ehe correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No.. 1 Vista Heights:. ; should be designated as : 755 Kirkland Ave. N. E. MR PRICE 0 3 K S T' Per City Ordinance No. . .2447 RENT ON WA 98055 .Signed: —B. L, RUPPE, T, 7LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct numberiof a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 1 Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 3032 /� L1 - - N. E. 7th-St.• C J O H N;S O N 2908 7[TH AV No. Per City Ordinance No. REN TON' WA 9805.5 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate S 5 he correct number, of a building. on. Lot No. 10 , Block No, 1 Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 3020 N. E. 7 t h S t. . H METCALF Per City Ordinance No,V-- 2 .820 7 T H N0 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPE(` haLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate 1 T,�e correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block N^,o. _ 2 __ Ji.sta Heights should be designated as: 3019 ____ N. E. 7th St. W 7 RI Q Per City Ordinance No 2447'i 2 8 1 9 7 TjH NO - RENTON . ' W A - 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: A Pa, ,:fir, _ B. L. i;el , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. `4. . Block No `_ 2 Vista Heights ; should be' designated as: 3033 N. E. 7th St. GIBSON FULTON Per City Ordinance No• H-"'i 2909 7THI AV NO RENTON , WQ 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ,-`,1 `',f' _,�� ' . L. RU 'P BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building on. Lot No. 5 , Block No: ' 2 _ Vista Heights I' ; should be designated as: ' . — H4 93 • Kirkland Ave. N. E. J H MC Per City Ordinance No. - , 611 KSTREET R .ENTON WA 98055 Signed: 2/1 //44, R. L. RUPIt R BLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number; of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. V 2 - Vista Heights ; should be designated as: " 417 Kirkland Ave. N. E. ., A HOTCH:K ! SS 605 K STREET Per City Ordinance No. ` 7 RENTON 1WA 98. 055 .. . Signed: ---B. ,<s4'...: B• L. RUPP-L T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 2 Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 671 Jefferson Ave. N. E. _. • E BARBER ER 9 2 2 f 6 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2/,47 RENTON W A . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: vs' B. L. RUPPERT,?BLDG. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of. a building on Lot No. $ Block No. 2 ; Vista Heights V ; should be designated as: 667 Jefferson Ave. E. LI.------ AV NO Per City Ordinance No.WACAWIIII 98055 Signed: y4 •��i;'m -` B. L. RUPPEP?1%,9iLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' - . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. _ 2 Vista- Heights ; should be designated as: . 663 _ — :. ._ -- ----- Jefferson Ave. N. E. 2912A6TH NO Per City Ordinance No.' _ 2414/ RENTON ' TWA .. 980 55 L�_,,1 1 : Signed: _ , : .1z° B. L. RON l , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No. _' 2 " . Vista Heights ; should be designated as: 659 - Jefferson Ave. N. E. _ SANDY MALETTA JR Per City Ordinance No. f 4,-- 593 J STREET '` RENTON 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: AS/ 1'.;�''rlr'; ' _ L. RULDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. '1 , Block No. 1 Fair View Terrace ' ; . should be designated as : 2822 N. E. 8th Place L MALES ! S Per City Ordinance No. , �.� 2722 8TH P L RENT ON W A 7 t 98055 Signed: f� � ���d -- ----- B. L. RUP1tE'F BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 ,Block No. 1 Fair View Terrace ' ' ' ; should be designated as: 821 Index Court N. E. , K PETERSON Per City Ordinance No. 2-447 821 1 STREET J . RENTON WA - ' 98055 �A� Signed': ___ ,✓'_, . .. . B. L. RUPP'E. 'f,��LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , .Block No. 1 Fair view Terrace ; should be designated as: Index Court N. E. . E T WOOD 823 I ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: / NO, . . . B. L. RUPPERT'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a building on. Lot No. 4 . : , Block No. ' 1 ' Fair :View Terrace ; should be designated as,: ' 829 �., Index Court N. E. L D E U S ,T 1 s Per City Ordinance No 825 1 STREET • R E N T O N W A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: C. —?2,1'/�� ./<+�ir . B. Lf RUPP `i%/o,LDG. DIRECTOR ,' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. , .5 • , Block No. j Fair View Terrace _ ; should be designated as: - 833 Index Court N. E. WHITENS R.Y GLENDE Per. City Ordinance No. 2447827 827 1 S T --- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ter ; , B. L. RJN , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on .Lot No.. : 6 , Block No. 1 Fair View 'Terrace ; should be designated as: 837 • Index Court N. E. 8 2 4 E INN siT Per City Ordinance No. ^47 RENTON WA �._.._. - i . . 98055 Signed: �., . L. RU [DS. DIRECTOR - • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. j .' Fair View; Terrace ; should be designated as: , 841 Index Court N. E. J TERNET Per City Ordinance No. - 833 I S1' RENTON WA • 98055 Signed: 2/7 i'�-�i B. L.R µUPBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Y 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 1 Fair View Terrace '• ; should' be designated as: 845 Index Court N, EL D B HI X 0!N Per City Ordinance No. 2447 837 I ST � .. . RENTON WA 9805. 5 Signed: _ ./ . 6. L, RUP T, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • he . . . cor rect number a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. 1 . Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 840 Index Court N. E. J V PARR INELLO . ---�- `" 8 4 o I s T Per City Ordinance No. a_./7 RENTON , WA 98055 Signed: .:'�;• B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • le correct number' of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. . 1 ; Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 836. Index Court N. E. R MACKENZHE Per City Ordinance No.836 I ST � . RENTON V/ A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • �� ;%�.� ... R. L. RI;PPE�;3'i,; uLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No• . 11 , Block No. 1 • Fair View Terrace ; 'should be designated as: . 832 Index Court N. E. CALv 1 N SARGENT Per.. City Ordinance No. • . 244 832 I STREET RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 I Signed: • �� Be L. RUMP/K1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e •o • • . o • ° o o . • ° o • ° • o • • o 0 0 0 •o 0 0 • o o.o • . o . • o • 000 oo • 0000 • • • e e ..• • o e o • o e, o °.• o • 0 0 o a a a o.. he correct number of! a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No• _ Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 828 r Index Court N. E. 8 2 K 8 tK SM Per CityOrdinance No. ". "/!7 828 I T . . -� - . `�;RENTON N W A ._...._ 98055 Signed: . • L. RU ' BLDG. DIRECTOR • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •• . • 0 . 0 • 0 0 0• e . . . 0 • . • o • • • e • . • • . • . .e 0 • 0 e . 0• 0 0 0 . • 0 • •• 0 • 0 • . 0 . 0• • . o• 0 • . o e . lb . • . o . . e • • • o • • • • • oo orft,. he correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 '• , Block No. :1 ' Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 824 • Index Court N. -E. G O D R E.N 824 I S T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C:1:74.. ;2/ B. L. RUPIF R ' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate b • e • o . 0 e 0 o . • . o o e • • o• . e .• e . • o o . p e • o . o • . p • o o . o . • o 0 eo . . • . . • • . • • • . e • • . • . . . . . . . . . • o . •.o . •,. . . . . . o . o le correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. • 1 ' Fair View :Terrace ' ; should' be designated as: 820 Index Court N. E. L 0 V E L L Per City Ordinance No. . %° 4�" 822 I ST RENTON V/ A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 7B. L. RUPPE.. 1frT,XLDG.' DIRECTOR 4 - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . o o • . o . o • 0 . o • o . o p • o o 0 • . • 0 0 0 • .0 0 0 e e . • • e . . 0• o e o • . . 0 o • e 0 . e • . • . • e ..• • • • o •.. • 0 • 0 . . • . • • • o • • 0 o 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 e correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. 1 Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 2902 N. E. 8th Place A HANcoCK Per City Ordinance No. ='�'ti' 28. 02 8TH PL NO RENTON W A 98055 Signed: ,. B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . . . . . . . 0 . e • o o o o . ,1, , , , . • e 0'a n • • 0 0 • 0 e e o . . . 0 • 0 . 0 • • . e oo • o o o o • • . • • o. o °'. • • 0 0 0 0 0 . 0•• . e 0 . • e correct number ,of a building on Lot No. ' 16 ,' Block No. ' 1 , Fair View Terrace ; should. be designated as: 2908. N. E. 8th Place MR B o G G S ; Per City Ordinance No. ~='? 1`• ' 2808 8TH IPL NO • RENTON • WA 98055 Signed: g B. Li. RUPPE►`1%1'3L G. DIRECTOR I , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 1 The correct number of a building Lot No 9 on . 17 „ Block No• Fair View ,Terraee ; should be designated as: : 2914 , N. E. 8th Place '. L $ D4 8THD BLOGDEPL NO TT Per, City Ordinance No 2447 'i , r 98055 Signed ,-- �iL,4;f., B. L. RP Al BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .! I ' • o • • • • • .• o o • o 0 0• • o o • 0 0 • 0 0 • • • • • q • • o • • • • • • 0 • • • • a • �,a • •'o • •,• ,•�•-•�a • •c.•'a.•' 'he correct number of a building .on Lot No. 18 Block No 1 `.;. Fair View ;Terrace should be designated as: 2920 • N E. 8th Place I L B A 'R G EIR r Per City Ordinance No. I. 2820 8T 'H PL NO REN T O N 9 8 0 5 5 C.Signed: ,,f j . L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e 0 o Q • 0 a o • 0• • a • •o o • e o • o • 0 • • • a o 0 • o • 0 a • • •• • o o • 0 • • 0 II • o •'o • • • • a 0 0 • •I•.i • o a • .• oe®— he correct number of. a building on. Lot Noo 19 _, -Block No. j :r ' . Fair View Terrace S ; should be designated as: 833 Jefferson Ave. N. E. :I 83 J L 's T K Per City Ordinance No. ' 7 RENTON W 98055 Signed: am>�, B• L• RUPIA R,K, BLDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I . • • o o • • 0 Y • • 0 0 • • 0 o • o • •,B• • 0 • 0 • o • • • • • o 0 • o • 0 0 0 • o • 0 • • • • • •.o • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 000000000000000 • • • a • • o • • • •i0 •,• o • • • • o •m he correct number of,.a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. 1 1 , ; Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 839 . Jefferson Ave: N. E. H L ASHBAUGH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 S 839 J STREET RENTON . i WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: r. . B. L, RUPfE, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 • c o • 0 • • i• • 0 • o • 0 0 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • o oVo004. 60so • • • • • • • • o • • • • • o • •.• • o • • • • o • • • o • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • o o 0 o 0 he correct number of ,a building on Lot No• 21 , Block No• 1 Fair View Terrace 9 . ; should be designated as : 845 , Jefferson.Ave. N. E.FERGUSON MCCLURE Per City Ordinance No. -.i` J STIREET T O N 5 98055 �,� Signed: Ve • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0 0 • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • a o • • • o • • •,• o 0 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • • •-• • • 0 0 • o • • • • . o • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 0 0 0 0 • o • • • • a . . . 0 • • o re correct number of a building on Lot No• 22 Block No. 1 ; Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 851• Jefferson Ave. N. E. F C TEEG r351 J STREET • Per City Ordinance No. SENT ON WA 98055 Signed: ,LA). --) / .r,a i' . B. L. RUPP 'iZibLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'she correct number of a bu•ilding .on Lot No. 23 , Block No. ' 1 Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as 857 r --- - -- Jefferson Ave. N. E, . R WHITE 857 J ST Per City OrdinanceNa2447. . ' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 1 B. L. kU ,:f1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . ; • a • o . • . . o . eo.oe • o • oro . . >• . . • • •'. . • e • e . . . • ..• . . . e a • 000 ' .. . . . . • ••oo., he correct number of .. .: . . .: : ° . . . .. �. .�,: - - , . : . • a building •on Lot No• 1 • , Block No. 2 Fair View ',Terrace ; should be' designated as: 2821 ' N. E. 8th Place , 02 7 2 1 F R 8 T'H PL NO SS Per City Ordinance No, 2447 RENTON ' WA 98055 Signed: • ,/• • L• RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .. 0 a o m m . 0 0 0 . . o o . e o •I',.e . . . o . o a a . 0 . e . . e . .. • e . o . a .o 0 0 • •m'. • • • pep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0o ° o o'.'s o o •. o••J d.-. ne correct number of a building on. Lot No, 2 , Block No. 2. :` . , ':9 Fair .View Terrace ; should be designated as: — .807 Index Court N. E. : R SULLIVAN Per City Ordinance No. ^/7 , 8 0 7 I S T RENTON WA 98055 Signed: RUPI�L.B. B L /BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate • a a a o a e• o a . • e • e o o • • o e o . e o • m • • o • e . e o • • . e . • • a • • • • . • . o.• • • • a . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • o • . • • • • . • 0 • . • • oe:i Vr" ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No.. 2 Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as:-57-'a / Index Court N. E. B BUCK 80 B I S T • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3RENTON WA 98055 Signed: —'B. L. RUP -1-47 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . e o a a • o • . a • o e . • . o . . 0 0 0 • . . . e e . . • . . • e e o . • • e e . . . e o. • . . . • • e • o . . . o • • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • • • .• . o o . • o • a Ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 . , Block No. 2 Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: B®Z __.. ._ Index Court N. E. W A KELLY 8 0 4 I S T Per City Ordinance No. ',_°.;7 : REN TON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . o e o a o o . . • ° o • o • a . • ells . o • e . • e • ° . • e e • a • o . • o ° . a • • a o • a . 0 . . o . . • . . . • . • e . . . .•• . . • m e o e e ° o ° ao • • o • • e • • o e correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 2 Fair View Terrace. ; should be designated as: ' '8o Index Court N. E. ' J TREML I N Per .City Ordinance No. s . 8 0 6 I S T ' RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: • 3/1/1.,;�.,, B. L. RUPPeRI ALDG. DIRECTOR ' be Careful to Preserve this Certificate jll Ii The correct numberi of a building on Lot No. _ 6 , Block No, c• � . Fair View Terrace ; should be designated s: 2901•. _ .� II . ..�3 W E D E L N. E 8th Place. Per Ordinance No. 2447 2801 8TH PL N0 98055 Signed: 4ffn; , B. L. RUi'V X1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Vi fl Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ': • rhe correct numb�ler of a. building on Lot. No. 7 - , Block No• _ 2 I. Fair Viet Terrace ;should be designated :as: 2997 N. E. .8th Place H EDMONDS Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2807 j'111, 8tH PL NO • RENT O N W.A ''"`•"'" 99 J 11 : ;If 98055 ' 1. Signed: . ' . L. RU ", BLDG.' DI.ECTOR •,.,t. Be Careful: to Preserve this Certificate , the correct number of a building on. Lot No: 8 _, Block. No. 2: ., . Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as:'' 2913 I'I N. E. 8th Place MR RONSTAD Per City Ordinance No. 2- •7 2 5 1 3 8I1T H PL NO RENTO �! WA Ii 9s055 Signed: B. L. RUPF& Rjr�', •BLDG. DIRECTOR w . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate j;l hf. The correct, number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No.. 2 ; Fair IViPw Terrar-e ; should be designated as: . ,. 2919 �I N. E. 8th Place 1 c A CRAMPS - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2819 8TH PL NO RENTON . jl . , WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: , -B. L. RUP . PLDG.' DIRECTOR il Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ; . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 2 ' , __s ill Fair ,View Terrace -8 I ; should be designated as: 8/ 1 Jefferson•Ave. N. E. ;. LARRY 1HALVORSON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ 821.. J '''STREET 1' R NTON WA : : 98055.. Signed: B. L. RUPPERTr,?BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 2 . I Fair' View Terrace ; should be designated as -8i}1-19/ Jefferson Ave. N. E. la _ HANCOCK Per City Ordinance No. s7 RENTON WA 9805.5 Signed: t/�,'e . „ . ,.. B. L. RUPP�r�1Z�'3l:DC. DIRECTOR be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. ` 2 . Fair View Terrace. ; should be designated as: ' 807 _r_____��,._ Jefferson Ave. N. E. ?. H W TURNER Per City Ordinance No. 2447 809 J ST _`—_— RENTON WA 98055 :— • Signed: . z ' , BLDG. B. L. Alf,z RD tfi G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 - , Block No. —� 2 Fair View Terrace ; should be. designated as:. 0/ Jefferson Ave. N. E. _____2_ _- x OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2' 7 803 J ST RENTON WA .r. 98055 ' . .. . . . Signed: , akAa ' . L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No, Block No. . 3 Fair .View Terrace ; should be designated as: 2814 r N. E. 8th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. _-- 2714 8 8 TH AVE NO --` RENTON WA 98055 Signed: �, B. L. RUPP, R /BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 3 . Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 2818 ' N. E. '8th Ste - OCCUPANT 2' 71 8 8 H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 7 T RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ ..m B. L. RUPPE. i 'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ 4 ; Fair View Terrace - ; should be designated as: 802.- Harrington Ave. N. E. x occUPANIT . Per City Ordinance No. 47 ' 800. H ST1 ROSE APT ..«�--�..-. . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /� '' � B. L. RUPPERT/riTLDO. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 4 ; Fair Vieux Terrace ; should be designated as: A®t —__________] i-----7----- Harrington Ave. N. E. " J S . BUTTERS. Per. City Ordinance No. 8 1 4 H S T REN TON , y, A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: A%) i0,�4,,.. { B. L f' PP i).ViaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of .a building on Lot No. , Block No. 4 Fair View Terrace ; should ..be designated as: fig. B LO H .rri ng_tnn ve- _E. i OCCUPANIT Per City Ordinance No. I j.4 820 H ST ----- . RENTON - WA -- , 98055 i , 1 .� Signed: /_*)---? , 44.;:,B. L. RUP1', BLDG. ' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building +� bnLot No. ,. Block No.. 5 I. Fair View Terrace ; ' should be designated' as: ' ! 832 ' Harrington Ave. N. E. x . O C C U P ANT I{— Per City Ordinance No. /'. 832 H STREET - RENTON 1J A f I 98055 , I Signed: :Af _ , � , L. RU t`, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. . _. ,. Block No: .5 i . Fair View Terrace ; should be designated as: 838 . Y Harrington Ave, N. E, i . ' . x OCCUPANT 8 3 8 H ST Per City Ordinance No. , RENTON - WA 9 8055 ° Signed: Gy ,�ya� 1 B. L. RUPI4 R)rr'lBLDG: ; DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 5 Fair ViewiTerrace ; should be designated as 844 ' Harrington Ave. N. E,.,i OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. .2447 ' 844 H STREET J ' RENTON 4JA 98055 Signed: 0 h. , *,,.,,, B. L. RUPP'E, TT,'BLDG'. DIRECTOR I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. 5 , I _ Fair ViewlTerrace ; should be designated as: '850 Harrington Ave, N. E. OCCUPANT 0 : Per CityOrdinance No. T 850 H ST "^ RENTON WA I 98055 — — - Signed: B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • a .correct number of a building on Lot No. ., Block No. 5 . ;.. . , Fair View Terrace ;.. should be designated as: 856 Harrington Aye. N. E. . E OCCUPANT i . Per City Ordinance No. �i' 856 ��H ST RENTON LJ: . 98055 Signed: AJI; i.��,a�..,, B. %LI RUPPL�', 'i;y�,ULDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Pracprva Chic Cortifirafra 1 the correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. Suburban Heights No. '2 ; should be designated as: . 30.11_ N. E. 9th St. D KNOWLES 2911 9 T E A v N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . . :FEraT ON � WA 98055 Signed I. B. L. R[ii-5Pc;^-1 , BLDG. 1 DIRECTOR' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he cerr•ect:,number ,' : :-.:. '. ;:... .. .. .:. .:.: .. • :. ' .,.. . : :, " of a building on Lot. too. 2 Block No, • 31 :. d • Suburban Heights No. •2 should be' designated as:, "8'5'7`35, ~_ Kirkland Ave. N. E. 8 3 9 (C 5 T. Per City Ordinance No. ..),447: 98055 C~� 1 . Signed: . L. RU BLDG. DIR ECTOR Gi Careful to Preserve this Certificate • le correct number of a building on. Lot No: 3 , Block No. 31 :i` Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as.:--8�3.'; $33. Kirkland Ave. N. E. D BUTLER Per City Ordinance No. ?833 K S .TREET ' RENTON WA' 98055 • Sig �ned• _" B. . RUP R�r�` BLDG: DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate C . . ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 31 • Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 825 Kirkland Ave. N. E. MRS A SK,ELLENGER • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 827 K STIR, '. Signed: --B. B. L, RUPVE, T' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. e correct number of a building on Lot No. 5. Block No. 31. Suburban Heights No.' 2 _ ; should be designated as• 819 .. .. Kirkland Ave. N. E. G NEILSON .. s 2 1 K 5 T Per City Ordinance No. 2A.-47 RENTON WA Signed: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR :. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate correct number of a building on Lot No.. ' 6 Block No: ' 31 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 813. Kirkland Ave. N. E. ' Per. City Ordinance No. "`1'!'!� Signed: � �.�. . B. V. RUPPE' "i, ALDG. DIRECTOR �e Careful to Preserve this Certificate •: • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. " Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as 805 Kirkland Ave N • E H OW INNIETT Per City Ordinance No. 244i 809 K . SITREET 98055 .4A Signed: e4far- B. L. RUN/1M , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. 31 Suburban Heights Na. 2 ; should be designated as; 11151-Aga ; Kirkland Ave. N. E. OCOJPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447' . 803 K T RENTON WA Signed: , . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .... . . . „ The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 Block No. 31 ' Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as 30 6 N. E. 8th St. E A COILL INS I Per City Ordinance No. 2906 8TI- AV NO RENTON W A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPIA V(BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 31 Spburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as 48.2-4706 Jefferson Ave. N. E. A RION ! Per City Ordinance No. 2447 810 p ST 98 .055 Signed: B L, RUPPt. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;I • The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 31 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: e 8/2,_ Jefferson. Ave, N. E. 8H D6 A JV Per City Ordinance No. ,A,47 RENTON 98055 Signed: .1P111 ,t, I B. L. RUPPERIt' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 31 - Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be- designated as: -ace 0/8 Jefferson Ave. N. E, ; Per City Ordinance Signed: . B. L. RU1PE1.12/%6LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 1 • I'i I The correct niwiber of a building on Lot No. la Block.No. 31 . Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated.as' _- 14--8Z_ Jefferson Ave. N. E. 4 . s 3 o E; s 7 Per. Ci ty .Ordinance No 9 8 05 5 Signed: '� .. tl »x, B. L. R ?Aki; BLDG!. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate : Tie correct number of a building on Lot .No, 14 • , Block No 31. " Suburban Heights No. `2 ; should be• designated .as r8£4-830 Jefferson Ave. :N: E. I. R o 6 N K s Per City Ordinance No. 24.47 _. 836 J ST I, 9805"5 / Signed: ../6", I!' . L. RUfdBLDG.I DIRECTOR .,I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate �- A TM correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 Block No. 31 . Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated' as :"846-a36 • Jefferson Ave. N. E. A W LOCIKE � J 8 4 2 J sT. Per City Ordinance No. <<�.�1 RENT ON IWA ' .•.. " I'..'. Signed: ly ��� B. L. RUPI-E( BLDG. DIRECTOR 11 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate I J d Mae correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 Block No. 31 Ij Suburban Heights No. 2 ; .should` be designated as: : - $4Z, Jefferson Ave, N. E. ' H w A RIiR N Per City Ordinance No. -244 848 J ST • ENTO; W' q 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: • B. L. RUPPL, T/ L D G. DIRECTOR R CTOR III Careful to Preserve this Certificate be correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 ; , Block No 31 b Suburan Heights No. 2 . ., �� should be designated as: 3009 = N. E. 9th St. A P E L L E G R 1 N 0 Per, City Ordinance No. 447 2905 911- H NO RE"NTON � WA Signed; B. L. RUPPERT,tLDG.:IDIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate II : he. correct number of "a :building. on Lot No .Block._No. 5 1. Suhurfjan"Heights No. 2 • ; should be designated as: 951 •' Lynnwood Ave. N. E. I` NOR.RE :V ES ENA' Z I -„ �-, 3011 10THAV NO Per City Ordinance No, `3`u` J RENT ON rl 4�.q , 98055 c . Signed: -L`•_-kUPP Ri,aLDG. DLRECTJR Be Careful to Preserve this CrartifirA tp . •. he correct number of a building on Lot No. . 2 , Block No. 15. . • • ' . . Suburban ;Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 929 C w I TTINER 929 L, STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ' 98055 Signed ----- . B. L. OrAl , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 * ' ' lie correct number Of a building on Lot No. - 3 ' . , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 9231 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. i E PRETS I 923 L STREET • Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . L. RU F*T-iBLDG. DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 15 . • Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: ' 917 - - . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. K BRUCE 9 17 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. ---, RENToN , WA 1 9 8 0 55 -..--"—"-. ! Signed: &1 ,,..,,e, B. L7-014qA'.BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' . le correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 15 ; Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 911 . 1 1 • Lynnwood Ave. N. E. W FLYNN 911 L SITREET - Per City Ordinance No. q J , RENTON WA - - -/ 98055 Signed: ---B. L. RUPP-E. ZlirDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , e correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 15 ; Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 905---- ,, . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. B J COWAN - — 905 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. " .7 c_.„-- RENTON WA , 9 8 0 5 5 V/ ,51*,, ,„- . Signed: B. L. RUPPERYALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful, to Preserve this' Certificate 1 a correct number of a building on Lot No.' 7 , Block No. ' 15 • • , Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: mi ----- lyniillood Ave. N. F. - J STAUfl 0 51 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. - - RENTON WTH 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: -.:JI -/L,,,,.. ----- B. [7: kUPPEii5LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. ._ 15 ' Suburban Heights Nn. 2 ; should be designated as: 845 ynnwnnd Ave N. E. M B K u u s o N Per. City Ordinance No �'14 8 845 . L STREET — -- REN T' ON WA -- 1 1 i 98055 � - Signed; ), B. L. RUPpl , BLDG. ;DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 9 - , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as1839' Lynnwood Ave. N. E. 1 --= • WE IKEL !E W HOBBS 8 3 9 L ' STREET l . 980 Per City Ordinance No. _ L �� ' • RENTON W5A 5 + � Signed: , L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR • 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' `-1be correct number, of a building on Lot No. . 10 ,' Block No. :15 .• Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as':. 833 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. j W BRUNETTE Per City Ordinance No. `- ^''' i 833 L STREET ' RENTON WA 2- f 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPI-� R /L G. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 11ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 • ; should be designated as: 827 r S Lynnwood' Ave, N. E. MRS E 'STREET M U E L L E R 827 L Per City Ordinance No. ` RENTON ' WA . 98055 I Signed: --B. ; . . B L. RUPPE, TT LDG. DIRECTOR -- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate life correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 should be designated as: 821 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. • P JACKSON 321 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. 6 "Q477 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: Q,,,? .„4., B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 815. Lynnwood Ave. N. E. 0 NOBLE Per City Ordinance No..' 15 L STREET - ` . RENTON WA _ �". 9 `~' 0 5 5 ; Signed: - 2?ti ,,�r.� ;,,, --- --- 1 . B. L< RUPPEF�°i / LDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tree correct number', of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 15 ! I ' Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1804 Kirkland Ave. N. E. I " F .: S ' .� u c E Per City Ordinance No. RE . TON WA 98055 �J__c; lDGflITOR Signed: ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No; 15 Block No. 15' , Suburban Heights No. 2 , ; should be designated as : , R12 • T CADti► E!LL Kirkland Ave. N. F. s 1 2 K s T R E E T Per City Ordinance No. A/7 RENTON . WA Signed: . ' f, a • . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated: as:818 - —: -- m Kirkland Ave. N. E. L S M I T H 8 1 8 K S T R' E E T . Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 7" f B. L. URUR P VMDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No.. : 1.5 Suburban' Heights No. .2 ; should be designated as:. 824 Kirkland Ave. N. E. • R ANDERSON Per:City Ordinance No. 244 824 K STREET , RENTON W A 98055 Signed: _ �" B, L, RUP t, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 15 ; Suburban; Heights No. 2 should be designated as: -s 3o Kirkland_ Ave N. E. W T SNEDDON Per CityOrdinance No. :;._.i E 3 0 K STREET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT<BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. ' 19 Block No. • ' 15 ' ' ' ; Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: -8.54 $36 Kirkland Ave, N. E. R. s SANE H Per City Ordinance No --� 836 K STR ,EET RENTON W 98055 Signed: :� ��,�-� l B. L. RUPPE 1 dI3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate , I 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 ; Block No• • 15' Suburban Heights No. '2 should be designated as 844 r---- Kirkland Ave.-.N. ' E` 642 K STREET Per City Ordinance No d5 5 -� 98 �+ 5 5 �� I j .....r ! Signed: , - 1. B. L. RUP l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • • The correct number, of a building 'bnLot No. 21 Block.No•. 15 � ' , Stthttrhan� — . HP,ghts No ; should be designated as: $ $5'O D KtNOER Kirkland Ave. N. E. ' _ 8 4 s K s T'STREET i Per City Ordinance .No. -. 7 RENTON WA �.._..._ 98055 - - -- . B/id Signed: �', • L. RU Vr, BLDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No.. 22 , Block No. 15 ~..• Suburbans Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: — $ge• Kirkland Ave. N. E. H O F M A N N 9 0 2 K S T RIE E T Per City Ordinance No. - -J RENTON WA ^ . Signed: 2 . , B. L•R PU µ R e.BLDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b 'he correct. number of a building on Lot No. 23 '. , Block No. • ' 15 - a Suburban,Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 900 I° 0 _ �� S Kirkland Ave. N. E.0 ' 908EP K STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA _� . 9 8 05 5 Signed: _ �,' . B. L. RUPTE. T,'I LDG. :DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 15 ' Suburban1Heights No. 2 _ ; should be designated as: ' 904 s _ Kirkland Ave. N. E. R HARRIS 9 1 4 K S T IR E E T Per City Ordinance No.. 24 7'. . RENTON WA. I 5 980 - Signed: V 4 • B. L. RUPPERT,d BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . o. ►e correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 ' ' , Block No. 15 ' ' Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 908 Kirkland Ave. N. E. r..............................10.1161M11.3.. MC INN I S 0 K STREET Per City Ordinance No, rNT ON 98055 ' — Signed: - 4, r,�r f4,,,, I 1 B. L. RUPP `iZM3LDG. DIRECTOR .• I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. 1 _ The The correct ni"iber of a building on Lot No. "6 9 Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 912 _ - . Kirkland Ave. N. E. K JOH1SON ------1 Per y Cit Ordinance No. 2447 926 K STREET _ RENTO \! WA 98055 Signed: 4 -A614,pst4c---7-7---' B. L. RUP0-1-, BLDG. DIRECTOR . . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 0 e 440.. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 27 . , Block No. 15 Suburban Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: r4vJO"Tit) • Kirkland Ave. N. E. 3 GIBSON 32 K STREET Per City Ordinance No. . A,7 9 • RENTON • 98055 • C''Signed ..-Z, , . • ‘,.. •. / ,,e,: y., , ' . L. RU v7x , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. , Block No. 15 Suburban_Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: -1151t-quo - . Kirkland Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 93e " ST Per City Ordinance No. K" c------. RENTON WN 98055 --;\ Signed: B. L. RUPIA NTBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 4 The correct numberlof a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No.. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as:. 1 . . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. - - - . - - - C HOM I STRON Per City Ordinance No. 2447 9 3 2 L STREET RENTON WA _ _- [ 1 98055 : Signed: _ , . . . 8. L, RUP -, Ig CDG. DIRECTOR , . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. • 3 Skyland Heights No. 1 _ ; should be designated as: 926 • . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. L 5 EVANS 926 i ' STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON •98055 Signed: //7" B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. Skyland Meights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 920 ___ Lynnwood Ave. N. E. • . E MCURTIS Per City Ordinance No. - 920 L STREET E E N T ON WA 98055 ,,/?-7k) \------- Signed: /(.2,4'Y. : v-/ B. V, RUPPEkilii6LDG. DIRECTOR 1 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - • , 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. --'--_--�-- Skyland Heights No. 1 _____ _ should be designated as: ' 914 • Lynnwood Ave. N. E. C D FALK � 9 1 4 L STREET Per City Ordinance No.' 24' RENTON WA 98055 J Signed: ',%, 2r.,,• ' -2, ../C----------- B. L. RAM , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1 ;he correct number ',of a building on Lot No. 5 • , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be. designated as: 908 _ Lynnwood Ave. N. E.STA NLEY R I DLEY 9 o s L S T R E E T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON ! WA .. 98055 1.- - --' :. Signed: � a . L. RU 'PVC, � BLDr. DTRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. 6 , Block No. Skyland_ Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 852 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. L PAT.R I C E LW I 902 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ' 98055 ,C------- .. .. - . Signed. L," ,,,�i B. L. RUPi� y.�BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 848 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. • . ROBERT DECKER 848 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. ��1�� RENTON 41-A 98055 Signed: /4 �,.;? . B. L, RUPFE,T;'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate re correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 - ; should be designated as: 842 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. E HAM.BY 8 4 2 L . STREET Per City Ordinance No. , . RENTON A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: i! 0 . I B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number of a building on Lot No. g Block No. Skyland Heights No._1 ___.-. _ ; should be designated as: 838 R C FRIEND Lynnwood Ave. N. E. _ 836 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENT ON WA . 98055 --)Signed: JJ�O( 17ra r1 B. L. RUPPE2i,?,BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate -=:7,e correct number of a building Lot on No. 10 , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as : 834 ' ~ Lynnwood Ave. N. E. ---. --`-- J o E Per City Ordinance No 2447830 L STREET r_ RENTON WA 98055 �!_ , ) C------ ' Signed: ';�i i �A,i ,�:B. L. RUvWA1�, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 11 • , Block No. _ Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be. designated as : 824 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. J S C.HNE I DER `--' --- 824 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. ° ti'' REN TOP' WA 98055 V ~ Signed: ~ i;Gr/ /�t•.,, ' . L. RU `� " ,r BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a-. The correct number of a building on. Lot No. ' 12 ' ' ,' Block No. __ Sky„ 1 and Height No• 1 ; should be designated as : 808 ocCUE> ANT Lynnwood Ave N E 8 1. 8 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. • RENTON WA ' 98055 Si —_,74712 51------ - ned: C' � ; B. L. RUPI 9A I.V. `BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. ' Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 804 Lynnwood Ave, N. E. G JOHNISO .N 8 1 4 L 'S 'T R E E T ' Per City Ordinance No. .2447 RENTON W A 98055 Signed: —B. L, RUPP'E, TT'LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;'°1e correct number of a building on Lot No. • 14 , Block No. SkylanJ Neigbts No. 1 0 ; should be designated as: 800 R L GREGGs Lynnwood Ave. N. E. 8e8 STREET Per City Ordinance No. -` RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: ,-.1- ,A::, • B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . :he correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 15 , Block No. ' ' ; Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 782 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. H HAUTAL ,A --- SO4 s T ;=; E _ T ' Per City Ordinanc---4,,,ce No. - e: Ei. -i ON ' WA it ; e 7 Signed: _ a ,,,...._.s-- —B—.—Li. RUPPE' i„ 3LD��. DIRECTOR RP ra r'Pf111 fn Procnrwn i-h i c r,,,f i-ri`•-,i-„ ';re correct number lof a building on Lot No. _ 16 , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated. as : 778 -� Lynnwood Ave. N. E. E T EE, r: ARDS 802 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447`_ REN TON: WA 98055 -,L ! Signed. B. L. RU'r , X1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate :e correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. • Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated .as: '760 Kirkland Ave. N. E. _ R RUDOLPH 7 1 4 K STREET • Per City Ordinance No. ,_.447 RENT ON WA ��..._ 98055. Signed: ' � • . L. RUf ', BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 Block No. _ Skyland }1eights No. 1 - ; should be designated as: 756 Kirkland Ave. N. E. G L CROW 706 K STREET Per City Ordinance No. yi.r RENT 0 N WA I 98055 Signed: �. / i',,� B. L. RUPkE} '"/BLDG. DIRECTOR Careful t{ Certificate Be to Preserve iis The correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 Block No. • Skyland Heights No: 1 - ; should be designated as: 3110 • N. E. 7th St. C T f NGLEY 3010 7TH AV NO - ' ' . Per City Ordinance No: R E N T O N WA 98055 Signed: —.B. L, RUPFE, Tr,6 LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No. Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: ' 3116 - - — N. E. 7th St.- MR R 1 6 F0 7 T H AV NO X Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: A' B. L. RUPPERT,`BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 21 , Block No, Skyland Heights No. 1 ; should be designated as: 3204 N. E. 7th St`-- MR NANAV 'ICH Per City Ordinance No. 21.47 3104 7TH . AV NO RENTON WA' ' 98055-1 ' _ . . Signed: B. LI RUPPE' aLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • - ,:e correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. ��_ Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as.: &1-7d/ ! ' Monroe Ave. N. E. Lk OCCUPANT , ' 0 5 i STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ' I l'17:-.1 98055 Signed: � '✓/ I Sig 7, :f•,. ,, B. L. RIP 'l , BLDG.. 'DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate• _ ' The correct number of a building bn Lot No: 2 - , Block No. Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as. p'' 7// — Monroe Ave. N. E. BREES RUST 7 1 5 M STREET Per City Ordinance No. / _ -/ RENTON W A 98055 . 'Signed: . 1 . ' . L. RU lAt , BLDG. DIRECTOR_. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on. Lot No. 3 Block No. " 0 Skyway Heights No. 2 _ _ ; should be designated as : - 7/7 Monroe Ave. N. E. L BREES 8 0 5 M STREET Per City Ordinance_ No. Fl RENTON WA 98055 .. . . Signed: .� - . . - B. L. RUPF� €1, BLQG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. ; Skyway Heights No. 2 . ; should be designated as: 809 Monroe Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. . 24,4,7 753 "M" ST RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPFrE, T,/ LDG. DIRECTOR �. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate She correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 0 Block No. Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 817 Monroe Ave. N. E. M B 0 " E NPer CityOrdinance No. 24/7 _._ 817 M STREET RENTON WA 98055 • Signed: .7 R..*`�'B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - `he correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 _, Block No. • 0 ; __________Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 823 H FRIDELL Monroe Ave. N. E 823 STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON 98055 Signed: .,' ,--/i/V2,...':.,, 57- - 1 . B. L. RUPPEi03LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. - Skyway Heights No. 2 _: should be designated as : 851 Y • Monroe Ave. N. E. • Ff H SM! [ f- E Y _....._ . ' 829 M STREET Per City Ordinance No. £447 RENTON WA ' 98055 ` l — I Signed: , rt. r/.4.f B. L. ROP ;(1, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. - Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as:855 _.._ Monroe Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ';-- ..7 835 "M" ST Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ; 98055yM,_ Signed. r1 ''� • . L. RU .�`, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rye correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. . Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as : . 859 DENNIS BARGER Monroe Ave. N. E. -- 8 1 M STREET Per City Ordinance No. - RENTON WA . . ' 98055 C Signed: .7,G� � �/i .. B. L.R IUP ER/. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .,..... e :.m Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. ; . Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 863 Monroe Ave. N, E, R 8 A K E 847 M STREET Per CityOrdinance No. .244? RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ---B. �, B. L, RUPPE, T ' LDG. 'DIRECTOR - 1 . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'be correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. _ , Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 867 -- — Monroe Ave, N. E. H G MCD1ONOUGH `_sV -- s 9 0 1 H S:T R E S T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON VIA 98055 .. Signed: n P,, ' ' _. . B. L. RUPPERI LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . he correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 Block No. • - Skvway Heights No.. 2 ; should be designated as: _ /' �r SInTTS Monroe_Aye. N. E. ' ' ' a 7 xt s Per City Ordinance No. ��' ' 9 a T REET. RENTON 1 WA 98055 . . Signed: C--\;:i � ,.� r,. B. L. RUPP �JiMDG. DIRECTOR • . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot.No. 13 , Block No. . Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 9o3_T Monroe Ave. N. E. • J o A N r E BOUW Per City Ordinance No 2447 913 M STREET RENTON WA H _ 98055 � Signed: �� ;�, B. L. RUPxiXf, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ` `he correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 Block No. Skyway Heights No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1149 . — Monroe Ave, N, E. J NATION. 9 1 9 M STREET .. Per City Ordinance No. 2,447 RENTON ! WA 1- 98055 �J Signed: ! _te,,,. L. RU ' BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on. Lot No. 15 • , Block No. - Skyway Heights No. 2 _ ; should be designated as : 1pm- Monroe Ave. N,E. J MAAS Per City Ordinance No. —.,1 7 925 M STREET RENTON WA 98055 _ . . Signed: .7 o,, _,../C B. L. RUPII BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. -- Skyway Heights No, 2 ; should be designated as: 1'172/ - . . . . Monroe. Ave. M. E, J BLACK STEAD Per City Ordinance No. . 247 931 M STREET RENTON WA 9 8'0 5 5 Signed: B. L, RUPP'E, T LDG.' DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 .• , Block No. 1 _A Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: '. 10BZ. Lynnwood Ave. N. E. .OCCUPANT T Per City Ordinance No. 2214:,. 1 1 2 4 L STREET R E N.T O N W A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: . � �� B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 1 Gracel and Terrace ; should be designated as: ' 1 O16 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. MIDGUARD COLEMAN' �� ;_,, 1 1 1 8 L STREET Per City Ordinance No, ', RENTON WA 98055 Signed: A/44 Oft, B. L. RUPP RITALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' _ 8. , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: •• • 10-3 4• Lynnwood Aye, N. E. _ . P DUNLAP Per City Ordinance No.' , ENT112 L 5 E N O N W A • 244.7 98055 ` �-_ Signed: �:f� . '-S----------' B. 5�• ;_t: " DIRECTOR B. L. R�r��'�.�1 ,. BLDG. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. 9 • , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1 1,0 1® Lynnwood Ave. N. E. • F PEACOCK 1 1 0 6 L ; STREET Per City Ordinance No. == ...�._. R E N T O N W A - 98055 Signed: '. /� _ > L. RU � `` , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate tThe correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : .1066 - — - Lynnwood Ave. N. E. R 8AR 'RY 1066 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. , , = RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _ � .i>�i B. L. RUPI-tER/ Bi._DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1n6n Lynnwood Ave. N. E. K AKESSON 0 _ Per City Ordinance No. .2447 1060 L STREET . — RENTON WA c Sined: i ' 4i2çi 98055 7 B. L, RUPPE, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. _ 1 _ Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1054 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. — • A ANDERSON e �� 1. 1 0 4 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON VIA 98055 Signed: L. ! ��y-f_i ;r • B. L RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • - The correct numbelr of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 1 . Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1048 ..- . ._,.......___ ...„ .r.. Lynnwood Ave_N. E P CR Per City Ordinance No. Yj{" 1 04 8 L STREET REN TON WA ` 9Q055 Signed: \ ' r,,",e, / B. Li. RUPPE i!/dLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number, of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace -- --- _�M ; should be designated as : taid2_____ Lynnwood Ave. N. E. ' L GRAHAM 1 0 4 2 L STREET 1 Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 RENTON G:' A p — -� 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: '1/// ''1 14, B. L. RUJ ; :Fl`, BLDG. DIRECTOR : Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Vie correct. number of a building on Lot No. .. 15 &, 16 • , Block No. ` 1 . `1i1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : 1030 Lynnwood Ave, ii, E. �e OCCUPANT — _. 1 0 3 0 L STREET • Per City Ordinance No. ;_' `.7 RENTON WA _ 9 8 0 5 5 �. ._ , Signed: -1s,' 410_,,, L. RU —PR, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate Me correct number 'of, a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : 1022 Lynnwood Ave, N. E, J W DAILEY 1022 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. "- ' PENTON WA 98055 . 1i • Signed: C GO ( e B. L.RUP fj;Y` BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 1 Graeel and' Terrace ; should be designated as: /01$ • - Lynnwood Ave. N, E. " F HERBER 1. 0 1 6 L S TREETT Per City Ordinance No. ?�_ -' RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: i-' " 7,/,I • B. L, RUPPE!vTT't;LDG. DIRECTOR"+ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 he correct number of a building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 1 Graceland Terrace _--�'' - ; should be designated as: /nly . R ALL ,r ;, > n 2cl Ave. N. E. 1 0 1 0 L IS T R E: E T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 ___ Signed: //e RENTON ; WA 9 8 0 5 5 � ,., ,,;' B. L. RUPPERT, °BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve thisCertificate - e" correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No, 1 Graceland Terrace" ; should be designated as: afget /a ® ` Lynnwood Ave. N. E. H . COLEMAN 00 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. • RENTON WA - . 9 E' 0 5' J gc----W7�V c-- S i ned: 4N r4�...,14 B. El RUPPE`f i%, 3`LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. __-_ 21 , Block No. _ri 1 Graceland Terrace : should be designated as:, INW/00®6_ I ` Monroe Ave. N_E. 1 �__.. r CUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 05 M STREETNTON WA 98055 ---� ,(1/47j:;------- B. L. RW, 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 'i11e correct number of a building on Lot No 22 , Block No. -^ 1 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: /041 Monroe Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 244E 1011 M ST, RENTON WA 98055 �~ Signed: : YA . L. RUt �, BLDG. DIRECTOV------aR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. _ 1 . Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : /0/3 Monroe Ave. N. E. R W CRUTCHF l ELD 1017 M STREET per City Ordinance No. / RENT ON WA 98055 1 Signed: l/4 ��''� �>, - B. L. RUP14ER` DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b The .correct number, of a building on Lot No. 24 , Block No. 1 a Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: _i®/ Monroe Ave, N. E. W B R O Y L E S . Per City Ordinance No. ! 7 1021 M STREET j ' RENTON - WA 98055 Signed: r 1,r" B. L, RUPVE, TP,'} LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 25 - , Block No. 1 _ _� , Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: /02i ----_-- . Monroe Ave. N. E. • D WENTLANDT Per City Ordinance No. "``1 f" 1029 M STREET R E N TON WA 98055 Signed: _e,' f� - � . B. L. RUPPER-7,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5, 6, 7 , Block No. 2 ,;. ; Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: d.104* ..�.. - Kirkland Ave. N. E. 0 C C U PiA N T � ' 1060 Ki STREET Per City Ordinance No. �� "= RENTON 4VA d 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. / ��� 'i��d!`` DIRECTORi • . . . L. RUPP DG. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No: _ 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as.: . 1058 Kirkland Aye, N. E. ' IRPOLLEY Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1046 K STREET RENTON WA /RrcGnIcTOR 98055Signed: ' . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 9. • , Block No, 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be. designated as: 1054 I Kirkland Ave. N. E. MR •STUTH .__. 1 0 4 0 K STREET Per City.Ordinance No. - 1.. f R E N T O N W A _ . . j:.. ._ Signed: / ,/ ,� . L. RU —' ", BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ,' ; . '' `. The correct number; of a building on Lot No. 10 . ' , Block No. 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : 103,4 Kirkland Ave. N. E. 1 J P' BECKER Per Cit Ordinance No. � 1034 K STREET Y - - I RENTON WA .9 8 0 5 S , . B. L. RUPI-t ( BLDG Signed: �� �i¢�'�..� _ �gr�'� ' DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ibe correct number.; of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No.. 2 ; Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1028 Kirkland Ave. N. E. L P A s Q u, I N, I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1028 K STREET - RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' B. L. RUPFE T41 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .a The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 12 , Block No. ' 2 ; Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1022 — —T Kirkland Ave. N. E. h • 1022I KH5TREET. Per City Ordinance No. 244 ' , RENTON WA ' 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 1?;;\---72;'1., , Be L. RUPtERT'; LDG. DIRECTOR B•e Careful to Preserve this Certificate like correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No, 2, :-. Graceland Terrace,~ . ; should be •designated as:1016 :. Kirkland Ave. N. E. 0 QUERRY 1 0 1 6 K , STREET Per City Ordinance No, `_.',;.) RENTON WA -__ 9 8 0 5 5 \ Signed: ` 0�7i4;�-t. ,, —/— B. L. RUPPE'ili, i3LDG. DIRECTOR RP CTrPfiil tn .Prpcprvp thic Cprfifiratc . ' •' . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. _ 2 Graceland Terrace. ; should be designated as : 1010 _; � . , Kirkland Ave. N. E. p LL'' E Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 STREET WA __ ._-. --) 98055 Signed: ��r7 A _� G,fr`,_oce ---------7 ; �B. L. RU v.. l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lie correct number', of a building on Lot No. 15 - , Block No. 2 , bH Graceland Terrace • ; should be. designated as: 3104 J B A R D E 5 0 N 0 -N• E. 10th St. 3 0 0 4 1 0 T H AV NO 'Per City Ordinance No. :"-,:--J . RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 k _. , . ., - Signed: fr7 4 _1,,, .. . L. RU �' , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate De correct number of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No. .2 ' Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 3112 ' N, E. 10th St. . R t C H A R D. PELLEGRINO Per City Ordinance No. • 3012 10TH AVE N0 RENTON NA _ 9 8 0 5 5 _— _ .__ .._ Signed: .7 �� „.•,� B. L. RUPI1ERXr` LDG. DIRECTOR Be Carefulito Preserve this Certificate 115e correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 2 ; Graceland Terrace ; should. be designated as: 1011 Lynnwood Ave, N. E. . _________________ -_,..] M BURGESS T 1011 Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 1 L L '' STREET ./ RENTON . WA 9 8.0 5 5 Signed: —B. <. . . B. .L, RUPFE, T 'LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 2 Gracel and 'Terrace_ —— ; should be designated as : 1017 e. t ynnwond Aye, N, E, i' R W YOUNG Per City ? ~'' 1. 017 L STREET Ordinance No, RENTON 4; A . 98 0554 , �, ..a� 9 Signed: G -1,14-, -------..--77 . �<<�, B. L. RUPPERT<`�BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b. fie correct number ofa building on Lot No. 19 , Block No. 2 t, Graceland Terrace. ; should be designated as: 1023 . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. --------_ -_- ill C BRUNDAGE 1 0 2 3 L. STREET Per City Ordinance No, _ '�r RENTON • N A c�2 c- 9 8 0 5 5 ; t. Signed: B. �.vi .,4.r.,,, . �'I a --, - . B EUPPE' ,BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . • , , 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 20 , Block No, 2 ' , Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1029 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. HAROL0 BRAND 1029 ! STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTO : WA 98055 Si ._____• ___7_________ B. L. WPM:BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .... . * * * p • osmodsool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aeo 00000000000000 • • • •• ao . • ao oo . • 000000000000 odbeGo • osoe . osee oaell.a. Pie correct number, of a building on Lot No. 21 - Block No. 2 ' Graceland Terrace ; shoulebe designated as : 1035 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. CHRISTENSON FOSTER 1035 L STREET 2.72 , Per City. Ordinance No. ', W RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: _IC17244.4„.1. . L. RU ' /AF ,4 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number of a building on Lot No. 22 , Block No. 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1041 1.___ ' Lynnwood Ave. N. E. SHARPST EN LARSON 1041 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA ) 98055 . ----21 Signed: ,,,,,,,e,. , .. B. L. RUPIW-1EBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 23 , Block No. ; Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1047 • Jynnwood Ave. N_. E. ' L J RAUENHORST 1047 L STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON • WA 98055 -74e4 Signed: Je:Lw,,t" B. L, RUPFEI-6,,' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct numberof a building on Lot No. 24 • , Block No. 2 ; _... . Graceland Terrace. ; should be designated as: 1053 ' 1 - Lynnwood Ave. ,N. E. • L LIVENO 00 D 105 3 L STREET • Per City Ordinance No. 2.,-, RENTON 1 WA . 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG., DIRECTOR , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tile correct number !of a building on Lot No. 25 , Block No. 2 ut • Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1061 J. DAVIS LYnnwood Aye..._N—F. 1061 L STREET Per City Ordinance No, ,--- RENTON WA • 98055 • Signed: - - _ _ B. L. EWEIOADG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate III li I'I he correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No: ll :_ Ste'wart' s Renton Highlands Unrecorded; should be designated as 2533 N. B. Sunset Blvd tr..< s t R Per City Ordinance No• — 2447 ' - : 2433 SUNSET. BLVD 9 R 055 � ° Signed: ,1 B. L. A-:(1 , BLDG. ,DIRECTOR. .. II Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate •8 k No. �e Correct , � ',er� of a building: on Lot No. •� • t. numb . .- ..:,:, , �.: : :� • Stewart's. Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; .should be. designated as: ', 2527 N: E. .12th St t OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 24471 2527 12TH AVE N RENTON WA 98055 � ,. Signed: ' - � a �. L RU BLDG.L � D. I RECTOR • � Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • to correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. : .' �'}"'', ::::• ;, - ::: . , ; should be designated as:� pr ... Per City Ordinance No. I, Signed: ✓, x B. L. RUP ��BLQG. DIRECTOR� i,s. Certificate Be Care u to reserve � ate. correct numper of a building on Lot No. , .Block No.. • ;', , • ; should• be designated as i. Per City Ordinance No: '. II; ' Signed:. B. L. RUPrEE, T,11ILDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The. correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. _ . ;, should be designated asi. • Per City Ordinance No. Signed: B. L. RUPPERT,BLDG. DIRECTOR , • Be Careful to Preserve. this Certificate : Be correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. � . should be designated as: I` • Per City Ordinance No, Signed: .• ! . `'" DIRECTOR B. L. RLPP �%� DIR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number; of a building on Lot No• 0 26 , Block No• 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as': 1� ~r Iynnwood Ave. N. E H E I M I N S H A W 1 1 0 3 L 5 T R E w T Per City Ordinance No. 2441 RE ^! TOE} 5f5 98055 -. , Signed: f B. L. ail)/1:.(T, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this' Certificate "Tte correct number; of a building on Lot No. 27 - , Block No. Graceland Terrace • ; should be. designated as : 9/0L9 `y Lynnwood Ave. N. E. _~ C O R N E'L i S O N LARK IN Per City Ordinance No. . 447 1109 L STREET: RENTON WA N 98055 C Signed: ; --- - — - m L. RU , BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a- Ilie correct numberjof a building on Lot No. 28 , Block No. 2 Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as : /075 - -- , " ,. Lynnwood Ave. N. E. MR SHARPsTEEN 1 1 1 5 L STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2 RENTON WA. 98055 Signed: . . . . .. B. L. RUPIk fj�rr, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate, The.correct number 'of a building on Lot>No. 29 Block No. 2 . . Graceland Terrace ; should be designated as: 1- /6 t i ' . Lynnwood Ave. N. E. . , R WHITE 1 1 2 1 L/ STREET Per City Ordinance No. . 2417 RENTON . WA 98055 _ . Signed: - B. L. RUPPEK,1 LDG. DIRECTOR. . r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - i The correct number ,of a building on Lot No. , Block No. T_____ ; �tewart..'.s Renton Highlands nrecorded . ; should be designated as: ittggr //'O OCCUPANT j Edmonds Ave. N. E. 11204 116 TH AVE S E • 1 Per City Ordinance No. 2447. • RENTON WA 98055 Signed:. 1"F�r B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 1 t.. : Stewart Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as:, 1132 Edmonds Ave. N. E. L J ERNEST ___--- 1 1 2 2 6 1 1J 6 T H AV SE Per City Ordinance No. 2.447 R E N T 0 N ;� A --- j 98055S----/Signed:. ir, •. � -- _ B. L. RUPPEitiVaL DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 The correct. number) of a building on Lot No. , Block No. — 1 Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded should be designated as: .1116 Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' OCCUPANT 11232 11 TH S E Per City Ordinance No. 2447 6 _ ---- RENTON WA �^ Signed: 2 /,,•�r B. L. Rril' ;,"4 3 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number; of a building on Lot No,. , Block No. _ 11 Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be. designated as : ///e) - . Edmonds Ave. N. E. HLL AND CON'T CENTER 1 1 2 4 0 1 1 6 T H S E Per City Ordinance. No. ' '- ' RENTONi WA �... 9 s o 5 5 Signed: . L. RU . , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful' to Preserve this Certificate 6 i o •. The correct number, of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 11 = Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded should be designated as : 1032 '. Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 COR SUNSET AND E ' . RENTON WA 9805.5' Signed: 2/1 B. L. RUPIrER,, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 11 a Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 1008 Edmonds Ave. N E. R P E T E' R S O N , Per City Ordinance No. 2447' 1008 E ST RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 • Signed: _ B. L, RUPVEE, TK, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tte correct number of a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. _ 11 Stewart!'s Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: _ 2,502 --- - -- ------------ . . -x OCCUPANT N, F, Sunset Blvd. -'-' 2502 SUNSET BLVD Per City Ordinance No. 24147 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: l�F � B. L. RUPPERT< BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - ' The correct number of a building on Lot No, , Block No, 11 Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: ldgiCfe0 ..�., Edmonds Ave, N. E, o c: c U P A N T Per City Ordinance Na. ;:_ 244 5 10TH PL NO — RENTON 9 E 05 5 WV,a..- Signed: �� �° _ ! `J`� R. , L. RUPPE►'1�;AnG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ , Block No. 12 nds Unrecorded ; should be designated as : 972 . . . 1 Edmonds Ave. N. E. . , L NISSEN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 1 002 E S T. ---- 98055 / ,., r---------j 9 Signed B. L�R�P ��fi BLOC. DI RECTOR IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ise correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. `_' .,...12. . - Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 968 --- - Edmonds Ave. N. E. 1. WALLACE ' F NELSON 'Per City Ordinance No. 2447 952 E STREET RENTON WA _._ 98055 Signed• �- „ � L. RU ' . BLDG. DIRECTOR Be. Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 _ Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as : 964 I Edmonds Ave. N. E. v le: WARREN Per City Ordinance No. 2447 946 E ST RENT O N . WA 98055 Signed: L .10 r B. L. RUP14.ER/ BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number'of a building on Lot No. Block No.. 12 ; Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: ' 960 -- ---------- - Edmonds Ave. N. E. ' L U O W I N G HOIST Per City Ordinance No. . 2447 ' 940 . E STREET - RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: _ .., ,,� B. L. RUPPE, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate flhe correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. 12 . Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 2.r,0R • N. F. 9th Place w OCCUPANT Pe,. . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 2408 1 ,0TH NO REN TON 98055 Sign ed:ed: ,6.o---- B. L. RUPPERT✓; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . the correct number ;of a building on Lot No. , Block No. s, ; Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 2511 N. E. 9th Place R R E I N I C H 1 p� Per. City Ordinance No. = 4 2411 10THr a ' NO :� E P� T O N ' WA r � . . 98055 " �9 , Signed: .,-'// (. r . . .. , ._.:.. _ B.B'. L. RUPPEIibaLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. 13 Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 2514__-__-___•__- t '— N. E. 9th Place P. SNYDER 2414 10T H NO Per City Ordinance No. 2 - - RENTON WA r 98055 Signed B. L. RUIP y ', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - of a building on Lot. : .. . . �e correct . number ' No. � . . , Block No. `_ ,, , ,;;; Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: gm Harrington Ave... N. E. accuP,ANT Per CitOrdinance No. 2447 . 809 H !ST HIGHLANDS ! ' RENTON. WA � .•'_ 98055 �. " . 1 . Signed: G . L. RU rF BLDG.. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as :, 800, Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ' .- . Per City Ordinance No.2447 800 E ST RENTON WA, 98055 r Signed: ____ -• B. L. RUP{LE{(r`BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Th,e correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No.. Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded should be designated as: 802 Edmonds Ave. N. E. • OCCUPANT - : Per City Ordinance No. 2447 802 E ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPP-E, T LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Be correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded ; should be designated as: 804 Edmonds Ave. N. E. RENTON RECREATION DEPT RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG Per City Ordinance No. 2447' RENTON WA , 98055 . Signed: B. L. RUPPLRT<;`BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • fihe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. ,a • — Stewart's Renton Highlands Unrecorded - ; should be designated as: . 810 Edmonds Aye_ N._E. OCCUPANT I Per City Ordinance No. 2447 810 E ST RENTON WA 98055 _ Signed: Cze?7,V,V12,,,,,,,,,„,..B. L. RUPPE.I1ZianG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. : 27 • Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: .: 662 Jefferson Ave. N. E. R cICHTER 2 9 2 5 T V N o Per City Ordinance No __ 2447 RENTON WA l � .ti 1 98055 . Signed: /4„,„ 7--------' B. L. R5101 ,. BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • tie correct number ;of a building on Lot No. • 2 , Block No. 27 > ...: Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 689, o , Kirkland Ave. N. E. i A 589AK STREET Per City Ordinance No. 244.7 ' ' ~ — RENTON WA f 98055. Signed: ,,��A.l I I //1-,. . RU :-; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 - , Block No. 27 ; i ..a . Suburban Heights ; should be designated as : gR3 . ~ e Kirkland AvP_ N. F. E ECHLOFFf PerCity Ordinance ' 583 K STREET No. RENTON WA ` • , ; 98055 Signed: 7l ,, B. L.RUPt1, V', BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No. 27 Suburban Heights V ; should be designated as: 633 Kirkland Ave. N. E. . A F C O L E,MA N Per City Ordinance No. � �577 K STREET RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 1� . : --B. B. L. RUPf1E, T,� LDG. DIRECTOR. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'le correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 27 Suburban ;Heights ; should be designated as: 62q Kirkland Ave N F R HOFFMAN ----- i 5 7 1 K STREET • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON ti A --, -r ; 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: , ,, „.,.) B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e correct 'number Of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 27 Suburban ,Heights ; should be designated as: 625 • Kirkland Ave. N, E. L KETTERL I `: C 5 6 5 K S T EE T Per City Ordinance No, . 2447 ' - RENT ON WA 98055 Cl - �P Signed: .� � ,/r,,a.r,, B. L'." RUPPE'R ID- LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . • . • Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 27 ' i • • Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: i• 621 Kirkland Ave. N. E. 1 • ' D C H R I S T E N.S E N Per City Ordinance No. : 4 � i. 559 K STREET -- , RENTON TWA 98055 Signed:. �•i•' L e ' ;,, ' B. L. R-113 'l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ' Die correct number Of a building on Lot No, 8 • ', 'Block No. 27 . . :; • Suburban Heights ; should be. designated as:617 H :Kirkland Ave. N. E. T . C R 0 'S S � �' 553 K 'STREET Per City Ordinance No. REN T O N W A 98055 Signed. B/ 45.1'�" 4.1 . L. RULDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1e correct number 'of a building on Lot No. ' 9 , Block No. 27 . Suburban;Heiclhts ; should be designated as: 583 - Kirkland Ave. N. E. L HA R I S O N # 5 4 7 K STREET PerCity Ordinance No. 47r RENT ON WA 1 98055 ,. Signed: ,2G, ;/, B. L. RUPIx V SL.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 ' , Block No. ' 27 ' . Suburban Heights ; should be designated. as: 579 -, Kirkland Ave. N. E. s • W KNEDLER 541 K STREET - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,e ,.• B. L. RUPEE, TLDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' • Me correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 27 • Suburban Heights ; should be designated as 562 -- Jefferson" Ave. N. E. ' MR L A N;D E R S Per City Ordinance No. 244 542 J STREET - - RENTONr-- ' WA 98055 Signed: �4 ', • B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • ite correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 . , Block No. 27 ' " ; .S-iuhurhan Heights ; should be designated as: 566 • Jefferson Ave. N. E. R MARcoTT, Per City Ordinance No. 2 47 ~ 50 J ST R'EET -- �� ._ 055 E . . , _...____._......_,.,�...._._ Signed: ;;�' , �!�,r�!••,,,�°'' - .- • B. L. RUPPE'R I; , LDG. DIRECTOR Re Carefill tn.Preserve this Certificate ' . • , he correct number of a building on Lot No. 1Z , Block No. _27 ' Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 6no JeffernAiJL E. C BATES 5 5 6 STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 J 1 RENTON W A I 9 8 0 5 5 Signed 7'AP) le,z4,,,,. • 1 . B. L. Rt.-Pp:6: BLDG. D RECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate e correct number Of a building on Lot No. 14 - , Block No. 27 1, - Suburban Heights ; 'should be. designated as : 604 _ Jefferson Ave. N. E. , ' 5 H • JOHNSON EET er P City Ordinance No. 2447 6 2 J STR r , RENTON • WA , 9 8 0 5 5 C ,,,„.. ,.. Signed: 7/' --,[0:A.4., . — . L. RU 1-?7, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No. 15 , Block No. :27 • Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 08 Jefferson Ave. •N. E. E C HANSEN 5 6 8 J STREET Per City Ordinance No.2AA7 RENTON WA • 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 1 C22/1` 4W22k: B. L. RUP14 V.(8LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 1 N. le correct number ,of a building on Lot No. 16 , Block No.. 27 H I ' ; Suburban 1Heights ; should be designated as:1 61 '2 • -1 • - Jefferson Ave. N. E. , • ROBERT NAVE 1 - Per City Ordinance No. 5 7 4 J STREET RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 .. Signed: - B. L. RUPPI. TADG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 0 •9 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 17 , Block No. 27 ...._,.. . Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 650 - I. PENT0NR M1TZEL 1 Jefferson Ave, N. E. :, 8jSTREET • Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 9 8 0 5 i W -----7----n, Signed: B. L. ROPPERTi,'''BCDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • Re correct number of a building on Lot No. 18 , Block No. 27 • .., : . - _Suburban Heights ; should be designated as: 654 JPfferson_AYe—A—F. - • D V: TC1.,; RNCE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - 5 8 6 J STREET R E N T 0 N W A 0 5 : cyg 9 8 5 Signed _ _ B. 1../. RUPE'RIZAi.."DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot. No. 19 , Block No'. 27 Suburban, Heights ; should be designated as: 658 _— • _" Jefferson Ave . N. E . Di► A N E D K o •L I L I s Per City Ordinance No.' 2447592 J STREET .-------] RENTCN 98055Signed: Z-7-4,-4 ��/r�r,, B L RJ►'.' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ! - 'he correct number of a building on Lot No. - , Block No. _.. • ; should be designated as: ' Per City Ordinance No. �._ Signed: __ &/c( fr9. L. RU BLDG. DIRECTOR • _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ... i ,. ...:: .'.�. - I correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. - ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. Signed: 'T/, � ,,,BLDG. DIRECTOR B. L. RUPI ERA , Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate 1 :: .` Ile correct number ,of a building on Lot No.. , Block No. ; should be designated as: • Per City Ordinance No. 1 _ ( -C---/-ler Signed: ^B2 — . L, RUPPE, 1Z' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as: Per City Ordinance No. . B. L. RUPPER(<;'BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. ; should be designated as,: Per City. Ordinance No, ' {-----7----- C:- Sign �r , .�•. :B. .•L. RLPPC'R►,+ AL-15G. DIRECTOR [In Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No.. 19 , Block No. 27 • Suburban 'Heights - ; should be designated as: . 754 Edmonds Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT is 7 041 E s T Per City Ordinance No. 24,47_� REN TON WA I ` 98055 ; / Signed: 'i- �) B. L. Fier, 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate a°flle correct number of a building ,on Lot No. 9 Block No. `_ 41 Renton Highlands No. •2 ; should be. designated as: 1050 . i — :— Glennwood Ave N E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No.2447 1006 G ST - RENTON MI 98055 . .. Signed: ~ y�� p�t. L. RU _ BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1111:e correct number of a building on Lot No. 9 , Block No. .41 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1052 Glennwood Ave. :N. E. x OCCUPANT 1 0 0 8 G STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA • 98055 . � Signed: - �:2 B. L. RUPI4 fr BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate b The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 Block No. 41 3 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:1060 - Glennwood Ave. N. E. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii W LAITIILA Per City Ordinance No. 2447 STREET WA I 98055 Signed: _ spa B. L, RUPrE. T4' LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rte correct number lof a building on Lot No. 11 Block No. 41 Renton Highlands No. 2 _ ; should be designated as: 1062 Glennwood Ave. N. E. C. OCCU•PANT , 1 0 2 0 G S T' Per City Ordinance No.2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 7 f.. ,,,P _ . . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certifi.cate . ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 , Block No. 41 _..__R nto_n Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1064 1 • Glennwood Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT ..........______, Per City Ordinance No.244d 1022 G ST ! - RENTON WA 98055 _ J Signed. - .k.;4kf: .f.;. % -..._._ B. L. RUPPE� IDaLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 41 • _ Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 1130 Glennwood Ave. N. E. - a * OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No � 1 0 3 0 :,;"—' ' G STREET . — -- — RENTON WA '"�� 98055 Signed: f-L � f4.,„;, B. L. EilOY, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate b.m e correct number f. of a building on Lot No. • 12 Block No. �^� � 41" Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be. designated as: 1132 1 .Glennwood Ave. N. E. Aye, OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 24'4' 1032 G ST RENTON WA 98055 __.. — Signed: C~ ciii r,,-,_, __,_zC; _. . L. RUBLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ..m The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 - , Block No. 41 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 1140 Glennwood Ave. N. E. x OCCUPANT 45�] 1 0 4 0 GI STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: 7 4i;•, — B. L. RUPII R,K, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ihe correct number of a building on, Lot No. 14 . , Block No.. 41 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1146 - - . - Glennwood Ave. 2N. E, X OCCUPANT , Per City Ordinance PJo. �4� ' 1046 • G ST J , `RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: _ ,. - B. L. RUPP'E., T 'LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 14 Block No. _ 41 Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1148 - Glennwood 'Ave: N. E. �'`I O1CCUPANT 5T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /' f- ''W- - ter``` �*��,.. B. L. RUPPERT' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1ihe correct number of a building on Lot No. Block No. t, : Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3317' N. E. 12th St. . R U D O L F . J O H N S O N 3 2 1 7 1 2 T H A V N 0 Per City Ordinance No. 7 . . RENT 0°N '5' A 1 _____] 9 8 0 5 5 ' a Signed: ?%? . ./ B. Li.. RUPPErn7/3LDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - the correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 45 Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3323 N. E . 12th St. - f . OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 t 3223 12 TH AVE NO -- 4 RENTON WA 98055 — , 4 Signed: iJ ;' 4,e 4;--------. B. L. R ypo' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No, : `Tax Lot 45 Block No. _' ,: '_ '` ,: ..::.: .. • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3327 ' — — N. E. 12th St. ! F I . TURNER Per City Ordinance No. 2d`7 ( 3301 12T1H AVE RENTON WA �- 98055 -- , Signed: Ai/ _e • . L. RU W , BLDG,. DIRECTOR • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate he correct number of a building on Lot No.Tax Lot 124 , Block No. • Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3401 N. E. l2th St. . M GU I NN 3309 12TH AV No Per City Ordinance No• 2447 REN TON WA 98055 C-7 • Signed• _ •,�, B. L.RUPPxL BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 135 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: __3419 _ : .. ' . : N. E. 12th St, • .• i . H K INDLE . . . Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3319 1 2TH AV NO }• RENTON WA 98055 Signed: E B. L, RUPPT �LD G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of a building on Lot No.T.x Lot 130 , Block No. :; Renton Highlands No. 2 • •• ; should be designated as: 1157 1 queen Ave, N. E. OCCUPANT • Per City Ordinance No. 44�' 3509 12 TH AVE NO RENTON . WA 98055 �s • Signed: _ ; •• B. L. RUPPERT; BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - la correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 130 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 407 N. E. 12th St. R H R a L SIR 3 505 12 1- H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 24C7 RENTON WA v 1 98055 Signed: . le/V-44;= / ------ - ___ _ -.. . . B. LC RUPPE•i?•i„'r3L D-6. DI CO: Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - - Me correct number of a building on Lot No-ray, lot 07 , Block No. _ ^_ Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : . . 3613 N. E. 12th St. A E RO10E 3 5 1 9 1 2 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 R E N T O N WA - 980 55 �i ., .. Signed. . . . �0/-4 _4/�:�,,,� _ B. L. R , /T, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct.numberiof a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 04 Block No Renton Highlands No. 2 _ ; should be. designated as: 3617 ` s N. E. 12th St. LYONS Per City Ordinance No. 244V 3523 12TH AV N0 RENTON WA .--- 980 •55 Signed: v Oto i . L. RU '`- , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Rae correct number of a building on Lot No'. Tax Lot 61 , Block No. Renton Hi,ghlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :; 404 Monroe Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT 404 M STREET Per City'Ordinance No.' 2447 RENTON WASH 98055 i Signed: � —_._... . B. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR :Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ll e'correct number Plof a building on Lot No. Tax trot 51 , Block No.. ' i Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 414 = . - Monroe Ave. N. E. R B R W jN M 414 M 'STREET Per City Ordinance No.2447 . RENTON WA 98055 Signed: __ ' B, • L, RUP , Ti LDG. .DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Re correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 121 , Block No. ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 522 Monroe Ave. N. E.1. L H M U L I N SKI • - Per City Ordinance No. 241471 522 M STREET RENT ON 'WA 9 f 0 5 5 ' Signed: Gl AE dw .� � ,,�B. L. RUPPERT<7"BLDG. DIRECTOR _ Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1 flhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 34 , Block No. „ ; Renton Highlands No. 2 should be designated as: 550 - Monroe Ave, N_, , x OCCUPANT . 53 :1r:; s T R r L T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 r< E N T C' i ' W (� 1— r.."r---- 9805 \ ,�� , \1 Signed: �;. .,iyi-1 B. V' RUPPE: `i, ALDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: tatft 770 Monr-Ge—Av-e-. N. E, S FISHER 2447 762 M STREET Per City Ordinance No. RENTON ,\'1A 9 8 0' 5 ) Signed: B. L. RiP BLDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. -` , Block No. Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be designated as: 808 Menfac Ave. N. E. JACOBS L WHITLOCK • Per City Ordinance No. 24471 802 M STREET RENTON WA 98055 Signed•. . L. RU159- , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lihe correct number of a building on Lot No.. Tax Lot 137 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 812 Monroe Ave. N. E. DOUGLAS RANDLE 806 MI STREET Per City Ordinance No. 247 RENTON 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPI RXLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate lhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 134 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 816 Monroe Ave. N. E. • F MCGREW COFFER Per City Ordi 2447nance No. 814 M STREET RENTON W A 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPE. V7ILDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 117 , Block No.Renton Highlands No. 2 ; .should be designated as: .goit 770 Monroe Ave. N. E. • OCCUPANT —7-1 Per City Ordinance No. 2447 • 830 M ST RENTON WA 98055 Signed: _e•:,1,!,/ B. L. kup---pERTiveLDG. DIRECTORBe Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 99 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 1022 Monroe 0 c c P 1 0 22 ;1 S I ITE T Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON W 9 8 0 55 Signed: . • L. RUPP R'lliar.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Fhe correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 99 , Block No. _ Renton Highlands Nn. ? ; should be designated as: 1024 onroe ve._ OCCUPANT I M Per City Ordinance A No — 2u - . 1024 M ST lCRENTON WA 98055 i �4,1,,,,,,,,,,C' Si ned: .4„�B. L. ROTI , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . lie correctBlock No. � number 'of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 127 - , Renton Highlands No. •2 ; should be designated as: 1.154_ .Monroe Ave. N. E. J .. SETZER Per City Ordinance No. ` ' 1 1130. M STREET RENTON WA ��...._. 98055 4 • • Signed: P!• _ " }= - — — — _ . L. RU , BLDG.• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ma correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 129 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as :1166 " Monroe Ave. N. E. i HENDLE BRUNSON 1 1 4 0 M STREET R E E T Per City Ordinance No. - - RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: 2" /BLDG. B. L. RUP1-t f�r DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate fihe correct number; of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 129 ,. Block No.. ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ;, should' be designated as: 1170 v Monroe Ave. N. E. _ F.- R M R; U A L `t Per City Ordinance No. � M S TjREETN WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: _ � - ; B. L, RUPJ�E. Tf,�LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tte correct number, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 51 , Block No. ` Renton Highlands No. 2 _ ; should be designated as: 3302 . N. E. 4th St. L W ANDERS 3 2 0 2 NO 4 T H ST Per City Ordinance No. 1,E % RENT ON WA Signed: 2-,A •f • B. L. RUPPER"1' BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate the correct number, of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 51 , Block No: ,ao - Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3408 N. E. 4th St. . OCCUPANT 3320 N9 4TH ST Per City Ordinance No. 9 8 0 5 ) C.\ Signed: i i4,:,,: .,y-Y R. L< �RUPPEQWDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building on Lot No. • , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 : should be designated as: 3530 N. E. 4th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2447 3420 4 TH AVE NO ------ RENTON WA 98055 , ) Signed. lh;.z a B. L. R171- ' : 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . 1fl e correct, number' of 'a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 29 ' Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:3500 b ; . . •N. E. 4th St. { R T ANDERSON ; 1 2602 S E ! ( 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. :,�.-.J RENTON ' W A 98055 Signed: C/0 _�0. . L. RU ` ', BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate iih,e correct number of a building on Lot No'. Tax Lot 48 -, Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3504 N. E. 4th St. I SMITH CABINET SHOP ; 12604 SE 1 2 8 T H 'Per City Ordinance No. _:_ ._'' REN.TON WA . . 98055 f� Signed: f, �� a.• B. L. RUPIAERf BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ibe correct number of a building on Lot No. " Tax_ Lot 38 , Block No.. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:. 3508 N. E. 4th St. G SMITH 12604 ,SE 128TH Per City Ordinance No. 2447 - � ' RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 ' Signed: ,� . — B. L. ,RUPPT. T,;d LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. ' Tax Lot 136 , Block No. _ ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3514 OCCUPANT 12606 S E 128 TH Per City Ordinance No. e-,--�1RENTON WA 98055 T---.-- — Signed: 7 ; y, B. L. RUPPERT'VBLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate N Bale correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 143 _ , Block No. .' ' ,;'; Renton Highlands No . 2 ; should be designated as: 3526 _.�.._.e v__-- N. E. 4th St.17- OCCUPANT C U P , N T 1 , 6 n ,; u T H ; T ' . Per City, Ordinance No, `: E �. - is t.' , ' 9 , 0 ;15 Signed: C-7-7. J �.,,, ,,,..T--/ — RUPPE C - B. L� kT " "l,�;v1s L D G. TOR: .... ._. _.. DIRE. Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number!of a building on Lot No. , Block No. RentonHighlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 3530 S-- qt, N. E. 4th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 1 A A` 12612 S E 128 TH RENTON ! WA 98055 . Signed: /-;fAft/') ,:: _ *C-7 - -- - - B. L. R��% , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number 'of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 42 - , Block No. __ Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be designated as3522 "e N. E. 4th St, R OB E R.T FAIRBANKS :li�'��' 1 2 6 1 4 SE 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. • RENTON WA 98055 Signed: /*/ '' RUP'PW BLDG. DIR ECTOR RECTQR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number 'iof a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 42 , Block No. . Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3518 . - N. E. 4th St. R FAIRBANKS 1 2 6 1 4Z 5E 1 2 8 T H I Per City Ordinance No. . _ RENTON 5 A , ,' 1 98055 Signed. army:,., . B. L. RUPIA f/ , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate the correct number 'of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 44 , Block No. ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:. 3612 • J E MAGRUDER . N. E. 4th St. r 3 5 1 2 WO 4 T H ST Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 RENTON - WA 98055. . . Signed: s B. L. RUPPE, g7 LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 37 Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: . 3620 - -- N. E. 4th St: H A R I TZMAN � ^��j• — . 1 2 6 3 2 SE 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. .',�'- RENTON WA _ . -97— 9 8 e 5 5 J Signed: if R�%' 1" B. L. RUPPERT;°BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . Be correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax •Lot 36 , Block No. ,ir Renton Highlands No. 2 - ; should be designated as: 3624. N. E. 4th St. OCCUPANT _ '- Per City Ordinance No. 12638 S E 128 TH ST ---- --- —� RENTON WA . 98055 ( Signed: .. hP\26: /14,!,,,eg5 - --- --- _.. ._.. ... 8. LPE Io BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 49 , Block No. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3700 • N. E. 4th St. HEATH AND MCCANN 2447 1 2 8 0 6 S E 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No RENTON Y1 A 98055 �y Signed: ,('' , r At. — B. L. RU�r'�A , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Y 'Hie correct number' of a building on Lot No. . .Tax Lot 54 . , Block No. Renton Highlands No. .2 ; should be designated as: 3704 . . N. E. 4th St. i PRES PK DVL - DUNLAP Per CityOrdinance No. r244? 12808 SE 128TH i • RENTON WA 98055 Signed � _ 4, a ,&-------- . L. RU /, BLDG. DIRECTOR 4 - • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ube correct number—of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 Block No Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as : 3Rnn C COAD GULL STAT N. F. 4th St_ 12826 SE 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. 4Is�,j RENTON WA _. �` 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: �wp /i:,-�`i B. L. RUPI-rrR/ BLDG. DIRECTOR BeCareful PreservethisCertificate are to, . : I.,• y Ille correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 , Block No.. Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3804 - N. E. 4th St. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. ' 12826 1/2 SSE 128 TH ST " . RENTON WA 98055 - - Signed B. L, RUPPE, T,df3LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ll+'.e correct number 'of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 , Block No. ; Renton Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as:3808 — — — _ N. E. 4th.St.. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2..,1-�d�„ — 12826 S E 128 TH ST . . . RENTON WA 98055 1 I Signed: C.:; iJ � ' B. L. RUPPERT,,BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ro II6,e correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 52 ' , Block No. . ; Renton Hi,ghlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 3812.. N. E. 4th S t. - OCCUPANT ' i Per City Ordinance No. �/ ~ 2826SE128TH98ST - --•-- - RENTON - WA 055 Signed: y ��'.,lr - - B L. RUPP %/ D G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot. No, Tax Lot 110 , Block No. - ! Renton Highlands No. 2 • ; should be designated as: 3904 OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No,24-47i 10301 (13010) S E 128 TH ST —- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: 'A �_f B L BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Tie correct number of a building on Lot No. , Block No. _ � � ' Renton Highlands No. •2 ; should be designated as: 4004 N. E. 4th St. C A ZIKE 1 3 o z 8 SE 1 2 8 T H Per City Ordinance No. 2441 RENTON WA ....- 98055 Signed: . L, RU BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ;e correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 50 Block No. Renton'Highlands No. 2 ; should be designated as: 4020 N. E. 4th St. J H CHEVERON 13 9 0 0 NO 'a T H ST - Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: B. L. RUPIx p, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - Ike correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 Block No. ' 1 AlbertiBalch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3414 ' — _ N E llth Place L RC 1 HARDSON Per City Ordinance No.WA 24 7 . 3322 11TH ' PL SO lifffaVON 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: — f'. • B. L. RUPP'E, TT LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. _ ,1 Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3408 N. E. llth Place MRS• BARBER T • 3 3 1 6 1 1 T H P L N O Per City Ordinance Na.. � 7 RENTON WA 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPP-A7, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 , Block No. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: _Qqa N. F. llth Place_ - T SMITH �1 3 3 1 0 1 1 T H PI NO Per City Ordinance No. 4 J r REi: T0N A 9805 5 5 Si g ned:. ��r�✓1 •• - B. . Ls RUPPL ..l,,(y'31_DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - De. correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 , Block No.. 1 Albert Batch's President Park No. 11 : should be designated as: 3324 -- - N. E. 11th Place H LINDGREN Per City Ordinance No. 244�'. 3304 11TH PL NO — - RENTON WA - r 98055 Signed: / �_��r B. L. R ' 1 , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 31e correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No. 1. Albert Balch's Presid.ent Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3318 -N. E. llth Place L COATEs Per City Ordinance No. A41 3222 11TH PL NO RENTON WA --_..�- 98055 Signed: ! :. " , BLDG. DIRECTOR . ,. L. RU • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate !!be correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 1 . Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3312 • N. E. llth Place c R I c 3216 1� 1 Per CityOrdinance No. 447i TH PL NO RENTON W A 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: ,21-, .., -- B. L. RUPF R BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate De correct number of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No.. . 1 Albert Balch's President Park No.- 11 '; should. be designated as: 3306 N. E. llth Place H WILL I ,T H5 3210 11TH PL NO City Per Ordinance No. 2447� RENTON WA 98055 - Signed: -° 6. L, RUP ,TT,LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Ti:e correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 , Block No. _ 1 ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ;, should be designated as: ii'5n • Monroe Ave R JENNINGS •1120 M STREET Per City Ordinance No. 2447 RENTON WA 11 98055 Signed: j-�__e fr°'/; � *,,,. B. L. RUPPERT<7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate f,he correct number of a building on Lot No.. 1 • , Block No. 2 ‘> . Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3413 N. E. llth Place E ST RUC K' M AN —~ 3 3 2 1 1 1 T H PL NO Per City Ordinance No, 2447 • RENTON] JA 98055' !7, / s ; Signed: � i B'. ! RUPP � i1(,00LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • . . The correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 , Block No. 2 Albert Balch 's President Park No. 11 should be designated as:3407 LM 7 N. E. llth Place HRHAMMERPer City Ordinance No. 244711, TH PL NO N Id __.. 98055 , Signed: �• A B. L. RLJ*' , BLDG. ..IRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate Die correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 - Block No. . ' 2 Albert Balch's President,. Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: _ 34(11.. _— N. E. 11th. Place _ _ _ R . 01N,1CTTT BL MAY PerOrdinance No. 2447 3309 ,11TH PL_ NO . City RENTON WA .;._.... - 98055 ' Signed: , _ 4 ✓e —. . L. RU k, BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 5 , Block No. •2 '. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should bedesignated as : 3323 - . N. E. llth Place E CALHOUN Per .City Ordinance No. 2.447 3303 11TH PL NO PENTON WA ..,"c"------ 98055 Signed: C -7--� B. L. RUP x R/, BLDG. DIRECTOR this Certificate Be Careful to Preserve ` .d The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 Block No.. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: _3317 N. E. 11th Place E R Wr Per City Ordinance No. � ' 3 2 2 1 1 1, T H PL N 0 RENTON WA 980 55 . Signed: � ,„4/1 B. L, RUPf'E.T ' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 2 :. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3311 N. E. llth Place S . D MECH — 3 2 1 5 11 T H P L ' NI 0 Per City Ordinance No. 2,447, REN .TON WA 98055 . Signed: e: . B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number;' of a building on Lot No. 7 , Block No. 2 Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as:3305' _ N. E. 11th Place — 095TRTM 3209 11. T PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 H RENTON i WA 98055' Signed: - i .ei;' ,, B. L. RUPPE'R"i%iiiLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. $ , Block No. 2 Albert 'Balch's_ President Park Na. 11 • ; should be designated as: . 3301 N. E. llth Place i x OCCUPANT �t 3205 ,1 1 T H P L N o Per City Ordinance. No.. __ G_ _ RENTON WA 98055 Signed: AT-7,1---4-7/4,-,,,,2>„,,v4.,,,,c--------. B. L. ROFl , BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this 'Certificate • • _ ..,, .Lot No. . - 9 .. . . . ..-. Block . ,.. . . .;1flEe correct number of a b'. , . . : ... ock No. __ 2 Albert Balch',.. ::ident Park No. 11 ; should be. designated .as: 3300 1 . .N. E. llth St. D E 'CARTER Per City Ordinance No. 2�I=�� 3204 11TH AV NO RENT ON WA 98055 Signed: ls7 ?-7 . L. RU 0-- . BLDG. DIRECTOR. ' - • ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. . .. 10 Block 2 The correct number of a building on Lot No. No. ,. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 . ; should be designated as : 3306 N. E. llth St. W J LAAKER I . per City Ordinance No. ri 3210 11TH AV' NO RENTON N ' WA r 98055 't. . Signed: aw �'e B. L. RUPI-E1 /BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 11 Block No.. . 2 Albert. Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should bedesignated as:. 3312 N, F.11th St. G W LEE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 . 3216 11TH AV NO J RENTON WA.. _ • 98.055 Signed: ,..e_e_f_,,,,:,,,,Ssi B. L, RUPP'E. Tf, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 12 , Block No. 2 . Albert', Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3318 . N. E. 11th St, P KRAMNICZ • Per CityOrdinance Na. 14i).y' 3222 11TH AV NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: t-' r.• . B. L. RUPPER"1' `�BLDG. DIRECTOR I I Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • 1 The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. . 2' Albert' Balch's President Park No. 11 _; should be designated as: .3324 • ...._ . N, E. llth St, r_........_:,. T CHRISTOPHERSON 304 11TH AV NO Per City Ordinance No,RENTON; WA 98055 - - Signed: 4,4ii r,f,-. _-_ ---.- . B. L. RUPPEw? r uLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . the correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. _ 2 Albert Balch's PrLtsident Park No. 11 ;. should be designated as: 34.00 Fa N. E. 11th St. W A YERS 3 3 1 0 1 1 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No• 2447 RENTON' WA 98055 � . , ` -. Signed: �', L f//r - » . B. L. R�r'. q�l , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . : -.' - 'he correct number of 15 .:`, -'; building on Lot No. Block No. 2 • ;. Albert Ba'lch'.s President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3406 N. E. 11th St. :d BUSH Per CityOrdinance No. �a447 3316 11TH AVE NO RENTON WA �-- 98055 Signed: 4/ , : BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be.Careful to• ..this Certificate. _ ficate . • • • • • • • e.. .• . • • •• • . • • • • • . • • • . • .-• . • • • •o • • . .. • wee ** . .. • . ...:. • e.• . • • • • .-• • •.• -• .• • •• -. . .• • i...re•,Pl he correct number of a building on. Lot No. ' k6 ' Block No. ' ,.. '2 . Albert Balch is President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3412 N. E. llth St M TFEATHERTILE ' 3 3. 2 2 1 1 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No. -- RE'NTON WA 98055 Signed: yvr B. L. RUP EfrDG'. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate le correct number of' a• building on Lot No. 1 Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No.. 11 ; should' be designated as:. 3413 • L .,,_ • N• E. llth St. ,[ M 1 CHAEL T, : NAVARRE. 332.1 11TN V N0 -`. Per City Ordinance No. . 244 9805-5 .- -. . : .. Signed: • • B. L. RUP rE. d L DGe DIRECT OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ie correct number of a building on Lot No. 2 ` , Block No• 3 Albert Balch's President' Park'No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3407 ' N. E. 11th St. . . J W LOCKE ____ 3 3 1' 5 1 1 TH AVNO Per City Ordinance No. :,afI RENTON ,,'. ` 98055 ... , , Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, LDG• DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • e correct number of a building. on Lot No. 3 Block No. . 3 Albert Balch's President Park No: 11 ' ' ;. should be designated as:. 3401. N. E. llth St. • C BRIT T 309 1 1 T H . A' V T� 0 Per City Ordinance No. r2447 ENT ON V, A 98055 Signed. • / �"„ B. L. RUI5P-ei -/A3L DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - 1 The correct number o.ij a building on Lot NO. 4 Block ^o. ,: ;3 Albert Balch's President Park No: 11 should be designated as:",-•,:.3323 N. E. '.1'lth St. . �1 S 4! A N 'a'' S- 0 2 . .d c N, 4 -Cit r in n e o._ Per. 0 a 3� - .. 3 0� • 1' 1TN • ' RENTON ' . . 1• ., ,. - - 9 "5 Signed: -1��a 1 ,r 4., B. L. of) :a, BLDG. DIREOOR, Be Careful ,to. Preserve this Certificate : :,: • • o . • • • • o • •.. e • • . • • • • . • • . •. .'• .:•:• • • • • o• • • • • • • • i. • •-•.• .• : • • •.• • • • • •.ar•••' � • `I' I,' - Bl ock . •. . rt-�vo'` 10 -�No J'Fie ��co r•ect. a a building n":Lo n tuber ofro 5� li' :�f� Albert Balch's President Park NO ' 11 should be designated as: 3317 p L E " ' 1 . =N. E. l l th Si; 3 2 2 1 1 1 H A V E: : N 0. . Per City Ordinance" No.. 4Y/ i 98055 ''' C , ...Signed: . • .. L• RU , BLDG.: DIREC OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . . . . . • .• • • .. .• • • • •• .•.•...• .• . • • • • • . . . • • . .. •• • •.• •..•• . e. . .. • • . • . • • • • • • . . •• . • • • • .. . •'.I• • '. • , • . •..J.v the correct number+ of a building on Lot No. :` . : 6 , Block No 3: :. , .: ; . - Albert B,alch's President Park No. 11 should be designated .as:.'331'-1; N. E. 11th St. ': is 3 2 i 5 i; 1 T ti V N"0 Per City Ordinance No. R ENT ON . WA . :Signed: ��. i/ �-a_ - I = ... B. L.." RUPt- R `', BLDG. DIRECT R .1:- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. ' I.. f ` . rhe correct number of a building on Lot. No. 7 , Block No. 3 - ; Albert Baler's President Park No. 11 . : s should' be designated as:, 3305 i N. E.-.11th St. 3 2- 0 9 E 1 1 Ti H.,..:A V N O ,. ...:, ,,. •. . . . Per Ciay •Ordinance No."- '����', . :��_;:��.: - RENTON WA 98055 B. L, RUPPE, , LDG: DIRECTOR . . _. . - - .: Be Careful to .Pr.eserve. this Certificate ;, • rhe correct number lof". building on Lot No. :: 8 , Block .No. : : r• 3 ; Albert Balc 's President Park No. ' 3301. _ -_ _ _.. shoald be designated as: -__ ` . L PURCEL 3 2 0 3 1 1 ,T A V NO : Per City Ordinance No: --4442" i... . RENTON ,' : TWA .. : 8 5 - igned: - — / , :. B. L: RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate „,. ' he correct number, of . building on Lot No.. , _: : __„ 9 :_:, Block No. : - __ '3 _ ' __ t. Albert Balch'sPresident Park No.-_11 , -_ . .. . -, should be designated 'as:;..1066 .,.µ_ - e 4 Per City OodionanceeNo:• '='='' J 1 .0 66. M. . S.T R E E 'T : -".. - - • ': ENT- ON � ,. WA .,• .: '. - T--- 9 8 0 5 5Signed: - = _ ..,.. ,. .�;'/ r - _- B. L RUPPa"iW 3LDG. DIRECTOR The correct number of a building on Lot No. 10 , Block No. Albert B.ilch's President park No, 11 ; should be designated as: 3306 N. E. 10th Place R BALL Per CityOrdinance No. 2447 3210 10TH PL NO 'RENTON WA 98. 055 ±l{-4) ° Signed: B. L. , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Ca` ,.t-1ul to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number f a building on Lot fvo: . 11:- . • Block`NO. 3 Albert Ba ch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: '3314 N E- loth_ Place D L va'i Per CityOrdinance No. 321 6 110TH PL NO IA, RENTON '' 98055' Signed: BLDG. DIRECTOR • Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a' building on Lot No. 12 Block No. 3 Albert' Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: : 3322 . N. E. 10th Place R J ELLIOTT Per City Ordinance No. 3222 10TH PL NO RENTON WA = • 98055 Signed: B. L. RUPFt 13,4Y BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate .: , .. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 13 , Block No. 3 Albert Balch's President Park No; 11 ; should be designated as:. 3330 N. E. 10th Place L sTARKEL 3304 10TH PL Per City Ordinance No. . RENTON WA 98055 •_ .. . . Signed: B. L. RUPEE. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 14 , Block No. 3 Albert •Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3406 N. E. 10th Place R HALL Per City Ordinance No. "f%i 3310 1OTH PL NORTH RENTON WA 9 8 0 5 S Signed: B. L. RUPPERT, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to. Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot No. • 15 , Block No. - 3 , Albert Bal h's President Park No.. 11 should be designated as: . 41 3 4 N. E. 10th Place L M U R D O C K . . Per City Ordinance No. ' 316 10TH L NO PENT ON y; A 98055 �- - - -- ------- -: Signed: 6. LfUi'Pr` e;`�3LDC DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number f a building on Lot No _ 16 , Block No: 3 Albert Balch's President Park NO. 11 ; should be designated as: 1067 Olympia Ave. N. E. OCCUPANT Per City Ordinance No. 2.44 1067 N ST ---- RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ' 2 ,/4,>� B. L. RUl' , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • .. .. ... . .'. ._. :-..tea The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 ..:; ., Block No: _ 4 :` 1..:.. : .:.::.:. Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3423, N. E. 10th Place J TOMAN JR , 3 3 2 1 1 # T H PL NO Per City Ordinance No. . .""-1:/ RENTON WA �.._._ 98055, Signed: . L. RU ' , BLDG. DIRECTOR ' Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No; 2 Block No. 4 .. .., Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 . ; should be designated as: 3415' I . - — N. E. 10th 'Place M v I L L A j Per City Ordinance No. 3315 10TH PL NO RENTON WA 98055 Signed: C-� B L RUP Fa fjic , BLDG. DIRECTOR , � - , Careful Preserve .: .: :• . : :: -. .. ." ,..:. ,.. .: .Be re 1 to. ; this Certificate ..::. :::.: : ..:::.. ... The correct number of a building on Lot No. ' 3 , Block No.. 4 - • Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should• be designated as: 3407 1 N. E. 10th Place 3 I 0 9 A R 0 5 N 3309 10T PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 447 . RENTON WA 98055 I Signed: J . B. L. RUPPI, TLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • The correct number of a building on Lot. No. 4 , Block No. 4 Albert Bal h• 's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3331'• =_-- N. E. 10th Place J D t X O N 3 3 0 3 10 H PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 244 RENTON WA 98055 - .. . .. Signed: -f. .0 B. L. RUPPERT,'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of 'a' building on Lot No.. • 5 ' , Block No. . 4 ' ' ' ' ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3323 N. E. 10th Place M .. 5 C H U L .T Z Per City Ordinance No, n '• 3221 10TH PL NO RENTON WA 9 8 O 5 5 �r� ,+ signed: .,%r1 ir,..tt . 1' B. L. RUPPE i'i a0G. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 6 , Block No. 4 j Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 = ; should be designated as: 3315 N. E. 10th Place : 3 FREDELH 3215 10TH PL NO �w_ Per City Ordinance No. za,s��a RENT 0 N! WA . - --) iC--- 98055. �r__ Si ned: y94 ,;.,, B. L. RU /4 , BLDG. DIRECT- Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct `number of a building 'on Lot No ... 7 Block No. 4 .. . . . �'°:.., Albert B lch's President Park No. 11 330.7 ; should be designated as. N. E. 10th Place R M MAN N 3 2 0 9 1 0 T H PL N 0 Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA �.- r 98055 . Signed: a - ' . L. RU `, BLDG. DIRECTOR ,. " Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 1The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8 Block No. 4....... Albert Blch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 3301 - -� N. E. 10th Place.. E OVERTON 1 0 5 0 M S T EET Per City Ordinance No. ' ', RENTON WA 98055 C �` Signed: �0 f B. L. RUP RB DL G. DIRECTOR ! ' : :: Be Careful to Preserve this. Certificate .. ' The correct number f a building on Lot No Tax Lot 106 , Block No. Albert Ba!Ilch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: ' 513 Union Ave. N. E. ' GEO ON E.L MC HENRY 1 2 4 4 1 3 2 N D SE - Per City Ordinance No. .2447. RENTON W_A ' 98055 ` - Signed: _ ; ' . B. L. RUPPE. T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 106 , Block No. Albert Balch's President. Park No.. 11 ; should be designated as: 17 Union Ave: N. E. L----------- • OCCUPANT ': Per City Ordinance No. '-,,!,fi`;;' 3806 5 TN AVE NO RENTON WA 98055 T"---4 Signed: VA? ,,, B. L. RUPPn-(01.DG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate' The correct number f a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 106 ' Block No. I '. Albert Balich's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 521 Union Ave. N. E. ' R TILLES 3 8 1 0 5 T H AV NO Per City Ordinance No, ' ' RENTON ' V' A 98055 - �j Signed: ,�. r ../,1. y+ ' "` -� B. L. RUPPE .,ALDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number f a building on Lot No.Tax Jot 1(16 , Block No. ' ' Albert Bakch's President Park No 11 ; should be designated as: .. 52 Union Ave. N. E. • - - - i R E WROTEN 3803 5TH AV NO ' Per City Ordinance No. -t,.44 ., , RENTON 98055 .----- Signed: B. L. 042Y, BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . The correct number of a building 'on Lot No. Tax Lot 106 • , Block No. Albert Bach's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 533 .. .. • . _ Union Ave. N. E. i E RHODEN SR ' Per City Ordinance No. Il 12423 13 ,2ND SE RENTON ' WA — ......_ 980551 Signed: B. L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 133 , Block No. - . . Albert Bach's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: ' 525 ., Union Ave. N. E. ROY CHRISTY 12413 132I\ D SE Per City Ordinance No. /AAP? RENTON WA I 855 . 9- - .0 [ [ . Signed: C---22 .,,, B. L. RUP 134 BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate IThe correct number cf a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 48 , Block No. Albert Ba ch's President Park No: 11 ; should be designated as:. " Union Union Ave. N. E. AUDREY W.ROTEN 12415 132ND SE _ Per City Ordinance No. i RENTON 98055 Signed: B. L, RUPPE. eLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to-Preserve this Certificate The correct number f a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 101 , Block No. ; Albert Bach's President Park No. 11 . ; should be designated as: 559. Union Ave. N. E, • K SWAN I G N - 4 3 ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 24,47 1211 i12 RENTON - WA 98055 , Signed: _4_,,<-1-",".•_L B. L.L: RUPPERX'BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate ' ' . The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 139 , Block No. ; Albert Bach's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as:. 667 --.1.— Union Ave. N. E. - . OCCUPANT - 12209 E 132ND Per City Ordinance No. RENTO N W A chT,,\---) ,,, .5 98055 Signed: B. 1./.1 'RUFPEdlii,YCDG. DIR CTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax IjItal , Block No. Albert Balehls_President Park =Nr/. 11 ; should be designated as: Oft 473 Union Ave. N. E. 1 Id DYSON 12029 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 PENTON WA , . 98055" [ Signed: B. L. OP -AT:BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate - . . * , 44... The correct number o a building on Lot No. ' , Block No. • Albert Balfh's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 763 • . .Union Ave. N. E. T WOOTEN ' I , Per City Ordinance No. ' ' '-; 12013 132N SE RENTON WA ' 98055 Signed: C/ t A-i . L. RU - , BLDG., DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 12 , Block No. Albert Bal h's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as : 909 - - - - ' Union Ave. N. E. ' Ai 1 6D 2 Gi U Si 3T A2 FN 0 AN V . RENTON s 4 Per City Ordinance No. - 98055 Signed: C:---741II" P'5;------- B. L. RUP14E134/BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate * * * . * * . . * * * * . o o4olbs • 000o * * * * * * ao * * . V00 o • .os 000 The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 11 , Block No. ; Albert Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 917 Union Ave. N. E. . . w OCCUPANT 11617 132ND SE Per City Ordinance No. 2447 , • I RENTON 98055 Signed: liirtSV B. L, RUPFE. W LDG. DIRE TOR . , Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. Tax Lot 11 , Block No. Albert'Balch's President Park No. 11 ; should be designated as: 973 Union Ave. N, E. . x OCCUPANT 11603 13 ND SE Per City Ordinance No. - - [ RENTON 9805 5 Signed: B. L.L. RUPPEWBOG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 1 Studebatees, Addition ; should be designated as: 1 -1. 49 R E SI',IIDS Pierce Ave N _E.. , 1139 N •PI_ . Per City Ordinance No. i NO RENTON WA 98055 ' P-a 1 Signed: . , - B. L. RUPPE-gl-AfrbLDG. DIRECTOR , — Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • , • The correct number of a building on Lot No. _ 2 , Block No. 1 Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: .1155 Pierce Ave. N. E. FRACKER RADFORQ dy ;�` 1137 N L NO Per..City Ordinance No:' RENTON WA 98055 Signed: ,/i7 B. L. klY4X1 , BLDG. DIREC-OR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate • n The correct number of a building on Lot Nov ;4 . . - Block No StiidPhakpr's Addition ; should be designated as: ,3sog igot W JACKSON N: F. llth PlcP Per City Ordinance No. 3420 11TFi PL NO - - REN.TON 98055 Signed: . . L. RU , BLDG. DIRECTOR . Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o{1 a building on Lot No. 10 Block No.` 2 Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: 3501 —_. -- N. E. llth Place WILLIAM IECK 3 4 1 1 1 1 T PL. NO. Per City Ordinance No. RENTON , WA ' 98055 Signed 2/1 efrB. L. RUP BLDG. DIRECTOR., :; Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate. The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No.. 1 Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: tzt# .3504 i • N. E, 11th Place ' . , R CASTONGUAY JR 3 4 1 2 1 1 T H P L NO Per City Ordinance No. 2414e7 RENTON W A 98055 Signed: B. L RUPP'E, T, LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number o a building on Lot No. 7 Block No. 1 • Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: ': 3501 N.E. 12th. St. K OSBORN 3 409 1, 2TH AV No 1 Per City Ordinance No. RENTON , WA 98055 ; Signed: �, L,�� B. L. RUPPERT,7BLDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 8.. . , Block No. 1 Studebakr's Addition ; should be designated as: 3515 N. E. 12th St.' j J A NELSON' Per City Ordinance No. 3415 12TH AV NO 98055' Signed: B. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate rhe correct number 'of a building on Lot No. 1 , Block No. 2 Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: 3S// I N. E. llth Place W P GAVIN -� 3 4 19 . 1 1 T H ; PL NO Per City Ordinance No. 2447 'RENTON WA " 98055 ' �! Signed: P l B. L. RJ►' : ; BLDG. DIRECTOR - Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate . lie correct number 1of a building on Lot fvo ;.,.2_: . :. ' -.: Block No. ". 2.` Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as:. 1115 • :::,Pierce Ave. N. E. L w ATWOOD. 247: 1115 N PLACE Per City. Ordinance No. RENTON WA: . . 98055 Signed: , '' ' / UDG DIRECTOR • r Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate *he correct number of a building on Lot No. 3 Block No. ` :.2 ' Studebaker's Addition should be. designated as: 1111 — - Pierce Ave. N. E. W F GRAY . 1 1 1 1 N PLACE' Per ,City Ordinance No. 2447 . RENTON WA . 98055 Signed: 2l1' B. L. RUPI4 BLDG.. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate p the correct number of a building on Lot No. 4 Block No. ' 2 ; ' Studebaker's Addition ; should be designated as: 3Si0 N. E. .11th St. R LUCOTCHi Per City Ordinance Noa 2447 3 418 11TH AV NO IRENT.ON WQ . 9 8 0 5 5 Signed: --= B. L. RU PE. t " LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate The correct number of a building on Lot No. 5 , Block No. 2 Studebaker's Addition . ;, should be designated as: 3 .3So4 N. E. llth St. K A M L_ E j Z 3 4 1 0 1 1 T H AV 'N 0 ,Per City Ordinance No. 2447. . . RENTON WA 98055 . ' Signed: _e -' B. L. RUPPERT/,Br� LDG. DIRECTOR 9 Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate 'he correct number o I a building on Lot No. 6 Block No. 2 1 Studebakerjs Addition ; should be designated as.: iinh Olympia_ Ave. N. E. ` J L DEL . G I ANN. I . ... . )�� 1 1 0 6 N S T R EE T Per City Ordinance No. RENTON WA 98055 . Signed: 7'.) / !-, B. Ll RUPPER1I'#' LDG. DIRECTOR Be Careful to Preserve this Certificate