HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_My_Precious_Home_Arborist_report_tree_inventory_210219_v1Huckleberry Landworks 12227 Huckleberry Lane Arlington WA 98223 11/1/2020 To: City of Renton Planning Re: Parcel # 3628600007 Tree Survey I was contacted in my capacity as an ISA Certified Arborist to create a survey of all significant trees at the above property. All trees are identified with numbered metal Arborist tags with green survey tape. Tree # 39 is on the adjacent property to the east but the radial drip line extends more than 20 feet onto the above parcel and will need to be protected if any further excavation occurs unless the property owner agrees for removal. Tree # 40 and # 41 are native trees to this region. Trees # 42 - 48 are not native to this area. Tree # 48 is considered an invasive tree species. `Radial drip line Deodar Cedar Western Red Cedar Dogwood .Japanese Maple Stewartia Magnolia Leyland cypress Ailanthus Cedrus deodara Thuja plicata Cornus nuttali Acer palmatum Stewartia pseudocamellia Magnolia Chamecyparis leylandii Ailanthus altissma TREE SURVEY No. Species DBH Ht. RDL* Vigor 39 Deodar Cedar 26in 70ft -25­ft Very good 40 Western Red Cedar 24in 65ft 15ft Very good 41 Native Dogwood gin 25ft 16ft Good 42 Japanese Maple 141n 15ft 15ft Good Multiple trunks 2,3,2.5,2,3.5,2 inches 43 Stewartia 12in 18ft 12ft Good Multiple trunks 2,4,3,3 inches 44 Magnolia Tin 40ft 15ft Good 45 Leyland Cypress 12in 40ft 15ft Good 46 Leyland Cypress 11 in 40ft 15ft Good 47 Leyland Cypress 13in 40ft 15ft Good 48 Ailanthus 6in 15ft 1Oft Poor Invasive species ThoGias Boyce J"114 ISA Certified ATror-ils--t PN 6183A H uckleberrylandworks. com Boyce.thomasr@gmail_com Tree Protection Plan The trees can be preserved on this property if proper tree protection plans are followed. The trees are numbered (see site plan). Signage should be posted indicating the tree protection zone outside the drip line (Outer Root Zone) .The trunk to the drip line is also referred to as the (Inner Root Zone) Fencing should be provided at no closer to the trunk than the drip line to prevent soil compaction by unnecessary foot traffic or construction machine activity. Any excavation within the Inner Root Zone is to should be performed by hand_ The fence should be 4- 6 feet high metal fencing. The fence posts should be located as not to damage any large anchor roots. The addition of 6 inches of bark mulch may be needed in some areas to prevent compaction. Soil compaction damages surface roots making them unable to absorb water and air normally. No building materials should be stored under the trees. The trenchless method for installing underground utilities should be used when possible as opposed to open ditch excavation to prevent and minimize damage to tree roots. Pruning may be needed to prevent any accidental damage to some of the lower branches. Any pruning should be performed by an experienced professional. Thomas Boyce ISA Certified Arborist PN 6183A (since 2007) ISA Tree Risk Asessor 290 (since 2008) H uckleberrylandworks.com Boyce-thomasr@gmaii.com