HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood Insurance Study (ORD 4497-Sept 1994) r FLOOD 05\41"„ir ,,, INSURANCE STUDYi . ..s,- , ,... 4,,,,._ 74/24i -• ILIP1111111w1;... r - . ti .,I,. - 1 ,..:-. -40 c i; �.=iitirorr __ KING COUNTY, WA:SHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS VOLUME 1 OF 4 COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NAME NUMBER AUBU IN,CITY OF 530073 BELLE✓UE,CITY OF 530074 BLACF DIAMOND,TOWN OF 530272 BURIEV,CITY OF 530321 CARN,ITION,TOWN OF 530076 DES h OINES,CITY OF 530077 DUVA_,TOWN OF 530282 ENUM CLAW,CITY OF 530319 ISSAC UAH,CITY OF 530079 KENT,:ITY OF 530080 KING :OUNTY, UNIN(ORPORATED AREAS 530071 KIRKL CITY OF 530081 LAKEKE OROREST PARK,CITY OF 530082E:2 NORA ANDY PARK,CITY OF 530084 NORT 1 BEND,CITY OF 530085 PACIF C,CITY OF 530086 0 REM OND,CITYOF 530087 RENTI)N,CITY OF 530088 SEATI E,CITY OF 530089 SEAT,.C,CITY OF 530320 SKYK)MISH,TOWN OF 530236 SNOC UALMIE,CITY OF 530090 el TUKV1 ILA,CITY OF 530091 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 30,1994 �4G0NCY M,1^1 Federal Emergency Management Agency Vey — c 1, NOTICE TO FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY USERS Communities participating in the National Flood. Insurance Program have established repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain management and' flood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study may not contain all data available within the ..repository. It is advisable to contact the community repository for any additional data.. This publication incorporates revisions to the original Flood Insurance Study.. These revisions are presented in Section 10.0. This Preliminary revised Flood Insurance Study contains only profiles added or revised as part of the restudy. All profiles will be included in the final published report. ' M • TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 1 Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose of Study 1 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 2 1.3 Coordination 4 2.0 AREA STUDIED 12 2.1 Scope of Study 12 2.2 Community Description 20 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 23 , 2.4 Flood Protection Measures 34 3.0 ENGINEERING METHODS 38 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 38 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses 44 4.0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 62 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries 62 4.2 Floodways 62 5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATIONS 135 6.0, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 136 7.0 OTHER STUDIES 136 8.0 LOCATION OF DATA 138 9.01 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 138 10.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS 146 10.1 First Revision 146 • 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 1 (cont.) FIGURES Page F -ure 1 - Vicinity Map . . 13 F31 klure 2 - Floodway Schematic 63 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Discharges 45 a Table 2 - Summary of Elevations 58 Tale 3 - Manning's "n" Values . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Table 4 - Floodway Data 64 To le 5 - Community Map History 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 2 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 - Flood Profiles I 1 Snoqualmie River Panels O1P-05P Raging River Panels 06P-08P Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 09P-10P North Fork Snoqualmie River Panel 11P South Fork Snoqualmie River '(with Levees) Panels 12P-14P South Fork Snoqualmie River (without Left Overbank Levees) Panels 15P-17P Green River (Without Levees) Panels 18P-34P Green River (With Levees) Panels 35P-43P Black River Panel 44P , Springbrook Creek Panels 45P-47P Mill Creek (Kent) Panels 48P-52P Mill Creek (Auburn) Panels 53P-58P Big Soos Creek Panels 59P-68P White River Panels 68P-70P White River (Left Bank Overflow) Panel 71P ' Sammamish River Panels 72P-73P Swamp Creek Panels 74P-76P z Swamp Creek Overbank Panel 77P North Creek Panels 78P-79P Little Bear Creek Panels 80P-81P Bear Creek Panels 82P-90P ,. Evans Creek Panels 91P-92P Issaquah Creek Panels 93P-98P North Fork Issaquah Creek Panel 99P East Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 100P7101P West Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 102P-103P Holder Creek Panel 104P1 ii I I i 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 3 , Tibbetts Creek Panels 105P-108P! I May 'Creek ' Panels 109P-114P1 May Creek Tributary Panel 115P Vasa Creek Panel 116P Cedar River Panels 117P-124P; I Mercer Creek Panels 12'5P-126P a Right Channel Mercer Creek Panel 127P 1,1 Richards Creek Panels 128P-139P Richards Creek West Tributary Panel 140P Richards Creek East Tributary Panel 141P y Kelsey Creek Panels 142P-155P West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 156P-162P East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey I Creek Panels 163P-166P II North Branch Mercer Creek Panels 167P-171P Thornton Creek Panels 172P-174P North Fork Thornton Creek Panels 174P-179P South Fork Thornton Creek Panels 180P-184P McAleer Creek Panels 185P-186P Coal Creek Panels 185P-186P Forbes Creek Panels 187P-190P Lyon Creek Panels 196P-197P Yarrow Creek Panels 196P-197P Meydenbauer Creek Panels 198P-199P North Fork Meydenbauer Creek Panels 200P-201P South Fork Skykomish River Panel 202P Maloney Creek Panel 203P Tolt River Panels 205P-206P 1 Walker Creek Panel 207P 1 , Des Moins Creek Panel 208P 'I Longfellow Creek Panels 209P-213P 1 Rolling Hills Creek Panel 21413 1 Miller Creek Panels 215P-218P Exhibit 2 - Flood Insurance Rate Map Index Flood Insurance Rate Map TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 4 • Exhibit 3 - Elevation Reference Marks ' I a g iii ' 11 I I i n FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY KING COUNTY WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of Stiudy This Flood Insurance Study investigates the existence and severity of flood hazards in the geographic area of King County, Washington, including the Cities of Auburn, Bellevue, Black Diamond, Carnation, Des Moines, Duvall, Enumclaw, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest M Park, Normandy Park, North Bend, Pacific, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, Snoquatmie, and Tukwila, the Town of Skykomish and the unincorporated areas of King County (hereinafter referred to collectively :as King County), and aids in the administration ,of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. This study has developed flood risk ' data for various areas of the community that will be used to establish actuarial flood insurance rates and to assist the community in its efforts to promote sound floodplain management. Minimum floodplain management requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44 CFR, 60i3. This. Flood Insurance Study investigates and/or revises and updates previous Flood Insurance Studies/Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the cities of Auburn, Bellevue, Black Diamond, Carnation, Des Moines, Duvall, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Normandy Park, North Bend, Pacific, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, Snoqualmie, and Tukwila, the Town of Skykomish, and the unincorporated areas of King County. This information will be used by King County and the incorporated communities to update existing floodplain regulations as part of the Regular Phase of the NFIP. The information' will also be used by local and regional planners to further promote sound land use and floodplain development. The City of .Bothell and the Town of Milton are bi-clounty communities.. The technical information presented in this Flood Insurance Study for the incorporated portions of these communities is for information only. These communities each have individual • effective Flood Insurance Studies. In some states or communities, floodplain management criteria or regulations : may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than the minimum Federal requirements. In such cases, the. more restrictive ' criteria take precedence and the State (or other jurisdictional agency) will be able to explain them. I , I � � li I 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgments The sources of authority for this Flood Insurance Study are the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for the original King County study were performed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE),, Seattle District, for the Federal Emergency Managemenet Agency (FEMA), under Inter-Agency Agreement No. IAA-H-2-73, Project Order No. 14, and Inter-Agency Agreement No. IAA-H-19-74, Projecit Order Nos. 1 and 15. This study was completed in August 1976.. The Enplan Corporation, Consulting Engineers, Kirkland, Washington, assisted in the transfer of map data from photomosaic and topographic maps to the report work maps for the Seattle District, COE. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for the Tolt River were performed by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) for Flood Hazard Analyses, Tolt River, King County, Washington. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for the communities of King County were performed by study contractors and are summarized below. Contract Completion Community Contractor Number Date King County CH2M Hill EMW-85-C-1893 June 1987 (revised study) Northwest, Inc. , for FEMA City of Seattle CH2M Hill -EMW-85-C-1893 June 1987 (revised study) Northwest,. Inc. , for FEMA Portion of Upper COE, Inter-Agency February 1988 Green River Valley Seattle District, Agreement No. upstream from Auburn for FEMA IAA-EMW-E-1153 Project Order No. 1 City of Auburn Tudor Engineering H-4025, May 1978 (original study) Co.. , for FEMA Amendment 4 City of Aub.urn CH2M Hill EMW-85.-C-1893 June 19871 (revised study) Northwest, Inc. , for FEMA Cityof Bellevue USGS, Water Inter-Agency May1977 Resources Division Agreement No. for FEMA IAA-H-8-76, Project Order No.3 2 ' I , Contract Completion 1Community Contractor Number _ Date ' j ,City of Carnation CH2M Hill, Inc. , H-4600 August 1978 for FEMA I City of Des Moines CH2MHHi1l,. Inc. , H-4600 September 1'978 ' _ for FEMA City of Duvall CH2M Hill, Inc. , H-4600 September 1978 ' for FEMA • , City of Issaquah • Tudor Engineering H-4025 September 1977, Co. for FEMA City of Kent Tudor Engineering H-4025 June 1979 (original study) Co. , for FEMA Amendment ' No. 13 City of Kent - CH2M Hill EMW-85-C-1893 June 1987 (revised study) ' . Northwest, Inc.. , for FEMA , II City of Kirkland Tudor Engineering H-4025 December 1977 ' 1, Co. , for FEMA 1 City 'of Lake Forest CH2M Hill, Inc.. , H-4600 August 1978 I Park for FEMA City of Normandy CH2M Hill, Inc. , H-3815 June 1976 d Park for FEMA ' City of North Bend! CH2M Hill, Inc. , H-4600 October 1981 ' for FEMA ' II City of Pacific I CH2M Hill, Inc. , H-4600 April 1979 ' for FEMA City of .Redmond Tudor Engineering N/A August 1977 Co. , for FEMA 1 City .of Redmond COE, Seattle N/A August 1976 ; s 1 (additional hydro L District for , . logic & hydraulic FEMA • analyses) , a q City of Renton Tudor Engineering H-4025 July 1979 i ' (original study) Co. for FEMA City of Renton CH2M Hill , EMW-8.5-C-1893 June 1987 (revised study) Northwest, Inc. , II for FEMA I 1 1 • 3 , , Contract Completion Community Contractor Number Date Town of Skykomish CH2M Hill, Inc. H-4600 July 1979 for FEMA Town of Snoqualmie CH2M Hill, Inc. H-4810 July 1981 for FEMA (additional data from COE) City of Tukwila Tudor Engineering H-4025, April 1979 • Co. , for FEMA Amendment No. 10 1.3 Coordination The coordination for the original King County Flood Insurance Study was completed in multi-agency conferences managed by the FEMA Consultation and Coordination Officer (CCO). The State of Washington Department of Ecology provided input to establish the study priority and the contracting agency. The King County Division of Hydraulics offered valuable assistance to the COE and the study contractor, in establishing the scope of this study, coordinating basic data and defining approximate floodplain boundaries. Topographic maps at contour intervals of 5 feet, which served as part of the input for the hydraulic analysis and the location of the floodplain boundary lines, were supplied by the King County Department of Public Works. The county also provided information on certain elevation reference marks. Contacts with the private engineering firms of Bush Roed and Hitchings, Inc. , of Seattle, and Horton Dennis and Associates, Inc. , of Seattle, were made during the study to discuss field surveys they had conducted. Permission to enter restricted areas for field surveys was obtained from the City of Seattle and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. The final CCO meeting was held at the ofLices of the King County Public Works Department on June 25, 1976. King County officials objected to the "equal conveyance" floodways that were developed in accordance with FEMA guidelines, wanting to apply more stringent floodway criteria. They were especially concerned ' about the Snoqualmie River, fearing that the loss of valley storage ' would increase peak discharges if the fringe were filled. The initial coordination meeting for the original City of Auburn study was held on April 8, 1976. At this meeting, streams ' to be studied by detailed methods were identified by representatives of the community, the study contractor, and FEMA. During the course of the work, numerous informal contacts were made by the study 4 contractor with the community for the purpose of obtaining data and base maps. On March 17, 1978, the results of the work were reviewed at; an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives , of the city, the study contractor, and FEMA. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on December 6, 1978. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. This study incorporates all appropriate comments, and all problems have been resolved. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Bellevue study was held in April: 1975. This meeting was attended by personnel of , the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), FEMA, and officials of the Bellevue Planning and 'Storm Drainage Utility Departments. Community base maps were selected and streams requiring detailed study' were identified. A search for basic data was made at all levels of government. Topographic maps with a 5-foot contour interval were supplied by the Bellevuelcity engineer; these served as preliminary work maps on determining the location of floodplain boundary lines. Some locations and elevations of bench marks were provided by the City and verified 'by USGS. levels. During the course of the work by the USGS, flood elevations, floodplain boundaries, and floodway delineations were reviewed with community officials. On April 29, 1977, the results of the work by the USGS were reviewed at a final CCO.meeting attended by personnel of the USGS, IFEMA, and officials of the Bellevue Planning and Storm Drainage Utility Departments. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Carnation was held in the Carnation Town Hall on July 29, 1977, At the meeting, flooding sources for the City of Carnation were defined and the areas to be studied were identified. Representatives from the, City of Carnation, CH2M HILL, Inc. (the study contractor), and FEMA attended the' meeting. Throughout the study, coordination was maintained with the , COE, King County hydraulics division, town officials, Sammamish Valley newspaper, Carnation Planning Commission, and King County Planning Commission. All were contacted to provide information pertinent; to this Flood Insurance Study. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination' meeting held on De. amber 19, 1978. Attending 'the meeting were representatives of FE:1A, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. The initial' coordination meeting for the City of Des Moines was held on August 19, 1977. This meeting was attended by 5 II representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, and the city. This meeting was held to identify areas requiring detailed study and to familiarize city officials with all aspects of the study and to solicit pertinent information. The Des Moines city government; the Covenant Beach Bible Camp management;. and' King County Department of Public Works, Division of Hydraulics, were contracted for the coordination of this Flood Insurance Study. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on March 26, 1979. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. In 1981, the City of Des Moines annexed an area along. Puget Sound south of the Des Moines Marina. A detailed wave runup analysis of this area was completed in May 1984. An area west of Pacific Highway South (State Highway 99) between Kent-Des Moines Road and South 252nd Street has also been annexed by the City. The analysis to determine the extent of approximate floodplain boundaries in this area was completed in January 1985 and used to update this study. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Duvall was tiield in the Duvall City Hall on July 28, 1977. At the meeting, flooding sources for the City of Duvall were defined and the areas to be studied were identified. Representatives from the City of Duvall, the study contractor, and FEMA attended the meeting. The King County Department of Public Works, Division of Hydraulics; the Sammamish Valley News; and the Duvall Planning Commission were contracted for information pertinent to this Flood Insurance Study. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on October 2, 1978. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Issaquah was held on April 8., 1976. The identification of streams selected for detailed analysis was accomplished at this meeting which was attended by representatives of the community, the State of Washington Department of Ecology, FEMA, and a study contractor who was initially chosen to perform the study but did not finally participate. During the course of the work numerous informal contacts were made by Tudor Engineering Company personnel with the community for the purpose of obtaining information and confirming data. Previous work by the COE was reviewed and forms the basis of this study. On January 27, 1977, the results of the work were reviewed at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives of 6 the City of Issaquah, Tudor Engineering Company, and FEMA. A final coordination meeting held on April 2, 1979, resulted in agreement by the same parties, and this report incorporates resolution of all comments received as a result of coordination activities. The initial coordination meeting for the original City of Kent study was held on April 8, 1976. Streams to be studied by detailed methods were ,identified at this meeting, which was attended by representatives of the City of Kent. and FEMA. During the course of work, the study contractor maintained contact with the COE; the King County Division of Hydraulics; and the City of Kent, Department of Public Works. On May 29, 1979, the results of the study were reviewed at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives of the City of Kent, the study contractor, and FEMA. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on April 28, 1980. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. On April 8, 1976, the initial coordination meeting for the City of Kirkland was held to determine streams to be studied by detailed analysis. This meeting was attended by representatives of the city, FEMA, and the study contractor who was originally chosen to perform the work but did who not finally participate. During the course of the work, numerous informal contacts were made by the study contractor with the community for the purpose of obtaining data and base maps. On November 30, 1977, the results of the work were reviewed at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives of the City of Kirkland, the study contractor, and FEMA. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on May 12, 1980. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the City. This study incorporates all appropriate comments, and all problems have been resolved. r In August 1977, the initial coordination meeting for the City, of Lake Forest Park was held. Streams requiring detailed and approximate study were identified at this meeting attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, and the City of Lake Forest Park. Initial contact with the Lake Forest Park City Manager, who is, also the Public Works Director, was made in February 1978. The City Manager provided background data in the community and descriptions of flood hazard areas in Lake Forest Park. The King County Public 7 Works Department and the USGS were contacted to provide information pertinent to this Flood Insurance Study for Lake Forest Park. The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on December 12, 1978. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA and the study contractor, as well as city officials and interested citizens. No problems were raised at the meeting. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Normandy Park was held on December 5, 1975. It was attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, and officials of Normandy Park. This meeting was held to identify streams requiring detailed study, to familiarize city officials with all aspects of the study, and to solicit pertinent information. A search for basic data was made at all levels of government. The City. of Normandy Park, the King County Zoning and Plans Division, the King County Hydraulics Commission and CH2M HILL, Inc. provided maps and other data used in this study. On August 6, 1976, the results of the work effort by CH2M HILL Inc. , were reviewed at the final CCO meeting attended by personnel of the study contractor, FEMA, and officials of the City of Normandy Park. The comments of the officials were incorporated and the study accepted. The initial coordination meeting for the City of North Bend was held on July 29, 1977. Streams requiring detailed study were identified at this meeting attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, the State of Washington Department of Ecology, King County, and the City of North Bend. 1 In March 1981, an approximate study was added to the scope of study as a result of consultation among representatives of FEMA, the City of North Bend, and the study contractor. The King County Engineering and Public Works Departments were contacted to discuss past flooding problems and to gather available topographic mapping and levee plans along with aerial photographs of recent flooding events. The COE was also contacted to 'obtain recently developed hydrologic and hydraulic information pertinent to this Flood Insurance Study. The hydrology presented in this study was coordinated with COE, the State of Washington Department of Ecology, and the King County Department of Public Works. On September 22, 1981, the results of the study were reviewed' at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representative of the city, the State of Washington Department of Ecology, FEMA, and the study contractor. No problems were raised at the meeting. The final coordination meeting was held on September 13, 1982, and was attended by representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. 8 r The initial coordination meeting for the City' of Pacific was held, on August 1, 19,77. Rivers and drainage ditches requiring detailed; and approximates study were identified at this meeting attended by 1 representatives of FEMA, the city, and the study contractor. The COE, the USGS, the Washington State Department of Highways, Tudor Engineering, city officials, and local citizens provided 11 information used in the report. The results of the study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on December 3, 1979. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the ' Pacific City Council and members of the public. As a result ;of this meeting, an area of moderate flood hazard was added to the map. An initial coordination meeting for the City of Redmond was held; to identify streams requiring detailed study. This meeting was attended by representatives of the City of Redmond, FEMA, and the [' study contractor. Results of the hydrologic analyses were coordinated with the City of Redmond, FEMA, and Tudor Engineering Company. During the course of the work, numerous informal contacts were made by Tudor Engineering Company, which conducted the study, with community officials for the purpose of obtaining information and confirming data. Previous work by the COE was reviewed and forms the basis of this study. The results zof the study were reviewed at the final meeting attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, and community officials. The study was acceptable to the community. The initial coordination meeting for the original City of Renton study was held on April 8, 1976. Streams selected for detailed analysis were identified at this meeting attended by representatives of the community, the original study contractor, and FEMA. On July 13, , 1979, the results of the work were reviewed at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives of the City, the study contractor, and FEMA. The results Iof this study were reviewed at a final community coordination : meeting held on May 5, 1980. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the city. No problems were raised at meeting. The initial coordination meeting for the Town of Skykomish was held on July 29, '1977. Streams requiring detailed and approximate study were identified at this meeting attended by representatives 'of the study contractor, FEMA, and the Town of Skykomish. Town officials 9 provided background data on the community and descriptions of known flood hazard areas in Skykomish. The King County Public Works. Department, the COE, and the USGS were contacted for additional information to this Flood Insurance Study. The results of, this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on April 21, 1980. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and the town. This study incorporates all appropriate comments, and all problems have been resolved. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Snoqualmie was held on May 31, 1978. Streams requiring detailed study were identified at this meeting attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, the COE, and the City of Snoqualmie. A series of meetings was also attended by the city officials, FEMA, and study contractor representatives to discuss possible floodway alternatives. These meetings were held in March 1979, hJanuary 1981, and June 1981, and initially resulted in the selection of an equal conveyance floodway for the study. The requirement for expansion of the study to include additional detailed and approximate study mapping for and expected annexation to the city was discussed at the intermediate community coordination (meeting held November 4, 1981, and attended by representatives of the study contractor, FEMA, and the City of Snoqualmie. At the final community coordination meeting held on August 1, 1983, city officials requested that an alternative negotiated floodway be considered that would more fully meet the City's needs aloing with those of the adjacent county jurisdiction and ownerships. A negotiated floodway was developed for and approved by the City, King County, and affected county ownerships by written correspondence received during the period from October 1983 to January 1984. Results of the hydrologic analyses were coordinated with the COE, the State of Washington Department of Ecology, and the King County Department of Public Works. The initial coordination meeting for the City of Tukwila was held on April 8, 1976. Streams selected for detailed analysis were • identified at this meeting attended by representatives of the community and FEMA. During the course of the work, numerous informal contacts were made by the study contractor with the community in order to obtain data " and base maps. Data were also obtained from the COE. On March 26, 1979, the results of the work were reviewed at an intermediate coordination meeting attended by representatives of the City, the study contractor, and FEMA. 10 I ' The results of this study were reviewed at a final community coordination meeting held on December 10, 1979. Attending the meeting were representatives of FEMA, the study contractor, and, the city. No problems were raised at the meeting. Initial community coordination meetings for the revised study for King County, Washington, and the Cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Seattle, all within King County, were held on January 16, 1985', and January 24, 1985. At the January 16, 1985, meeting, representative's of FEMA, King County, the Cities of Auburn, 'Kent • and Renton, the Washington Department of Ecology, and the study contractor, CH2M HILL, Inc. , identified streams requiring detailed and approximate study. Representatives of .FEMA, the City of Seattle, and CH2M HILL, Inc. , identified streams requiring detailed and approximate study at a meeting held on January 24, 1985. 'The purposes of the meetings were: (1) to inform the county on its status in the'NFIP; (2) to identify existing flooding problems and available pertinent data on flooding in the county and cities, and (3) to reach an agreement on the areas to be studied. During the course of the study, numerous contacts were , made and meetings held with local agencies and community officials to discuss and gather available data on flooding history, methods and preliminary results of analyses, and status, of proposed near-term drainage system improvements for those flooding sources under study. The t JSGS was contacted and requested to provide available flow data and data analyses for the streams being studied and surrounding regional drainages. . The COE and the SCS were also contacted and asked toprovide an data or studies theyhad that Y that were relevant to flooding caused by the streams under study. Correspondence with the 'Washington State Department, ;of Transportation (WSDOT) pertained to proposed plans and timing 'of drainage structure improvements for Rolling Hills Creek and Springbrook Creek under Interstate Highway 405 (City of Renton). Information was also requested for drainage improvents to State Route 522 and NE .195th Street, at their crossings- 'of Little :Bear Creek. The initial meeting was held with King County personnel to request available hydrologic and hydraulic information and accounts of flooding history for the flooding sources under study on December 5, 1985. King County Surface Water Management Division staff were contacted and asked to provide basin planning studies '' and information on any near-term planned drainage system improvements, for the flooding sources under study. Design drawings for two bridges being constructed as part of Soos Creek Park on Big Soos Creek ' were made available through contacts with the King County Division of Parks and Recreation. The Surface Water Division's maintenance personnel were asked to provide information on the operation of the P1 pumping station on the Black River, :and on the flooding history of the streams being studied. a � 11 Storage floodway concepts for local drainages in the Green River Valley, including Mill Creek (Auburn), were discussed at meetings attended by representatives of King County, the Cities of Auburn and Kent, FEMA, and the study contractor, CH2M HILL, Inc. Preliminary results of analyses for the Green River and levee freeboard issues were presented and discussed at a public meeting on September 11, 1986, attended by representatives from King County, the City of Auburn, the City of Kent, FEMA, and CH2M HILL, Inc. City of Kent personnel were asked to provide data for a recent drainage basin study prepared for Mill Creek (Kent). Information on proposed drainage improvements for flooding sources under study in the Cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Seattle were requested in the initial stages of study. Results of the hydrologic analyses were coordinated with community officials, the COE, the SCS, and the USGS. In March 1987, a coordination meeting for representatives of the COE, Seattle District, and FEMA was held. An analysis of an upper reach of the Green River, immediately above the reach studied in the 1987 King County restudy, was identified. This study was performed under FEMA's Limited Map Maintenance Program. The final community coordination meetings were held on December 6 and 7, 1988, and were attended by representatives of FEMA, the COE, and the county. The study was acceptable to the county. 2.0 AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study This Flood Insurance Study covers the geographic area of King County, Washington. The area of study is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The areas studied by detailed methods were selected with priority given to all known flood hazard areas and areas of projected development or proposed construction through 1992. The following streams were studied by detailed methods in the revised study: Raging River - From Interstate Highway 90 to 0.3 mile upstream of the second Upper Preston Road bridge Green River - From approximately 0.3 mile downstream of Pacific Highway to confluence, with Big Soos Creek 12 o. s a 1 r � f+.r'�1'.. `` I yk 1 ��r -..-.,„,.....„, .44 . _,,,,:....,„..,,,-, , ..0 Nur ......,.., ..... megir.airiw' liff,..._.,--::iltki-11.:ii,6. i. Wiiiin �-1-itt'--. 8' MAIM csor .,t kk �_IE. ° �'�� _ I-_- - ;_- •_ti_ _ ,. i . . . . . '�• ' segg • , - ..I ilk k°h"j /� ` R �o izio �•, it ika momm igin- ` •-i2. t?rc,`r ,, L r.'.,(3. ,111111116VMMIH1:°. — n.e, eirr- ...1 • - - • • ill,,, ' y, • _ �fi�■ • ,,isimpor r mm.n.e.,. 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Highway 18 bridges at RM 6.2 Mill Creek (Kent) - From Highway 167 to limit of previous detailed study at the Earthworks Park stormwater detention facility outlet Big Soos. Creek - From confluence with Covington Creek. to SE 176th Street. Swamp. Creek' - From confluence with Sammamish River to northern King County' boundary Little Bear Creek - From confluence with Sammamish River to. northern King County boundary Bear/Evans Creek. - From limit of p.revio.us, detailed study at confluence with Cottage Creek to Paradise Lake Issaquah/Holder • Creek From limit of previous detailed study at SE May Valley Road' to Highway ,18 West Fork Issaquah Creek - From confluence with Issaquah Creek to SE 128th Way May Creek - From Coal Creek Parkway bridge to SE 109, Place May Creek Tributary - From confluence. with May Creek tol 188th Avenue SE Cedar River - From Lake Washington to approximately RM 2..1 North and South Forks of Thornoton Creek - From confluence with Lake. Washington. to "' Interstate Highway 5 Longfellow Creek - From SW Brandon Street to. SW Thistle Street Rolling, Hills Creek - Between first and second crossings of Interstate Highway 40.5 The Upper Green River was studied by detailed methods in the. COE, February 1988 study' from its. confluence. with Big Soos. Creek to Flaming Geyser Bridge. 14 Ir The Tolt River was studied by detailed methods in the SCS June 1982 study from approximately 6,300 feet upstream of the Chicago Milwaukee, St.' Paul & Pacific Railroad to approximately 5.5 miles upstream of the Railroad, a reach of approximately 4.3 miles. The following streams. studied by detailed methods were taken directly from previous Flood Insurance Studies covering King County and incorporated' areas (References 1 to 18). Snoqualmie. River - From the Snohomish County line to. the confluence with Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, a reach of approximately 45 miles • Middle Fork Snoqualmie River From a point approximately 2,323 feet downstream of SE 428th Avenue to a point approximately 2,323 feet upstream of Mount Si Road, a reach ' of approximately 3.3.7' miles North Fork Snoqualmie River - From confluence with Snoqualmie ,River to a point approximately 5,914 feet upstream of 428th. Avenue. SE, a reach of approximately 1.5 miles South Fork Snoqualmie River - From confluence. with. Snoqualmie River to a point approximately 8,,000 feet downstream of 436th Avenue SE, a reach. of approximately 3.8. miles. (Note: , A portion of South Fork Snoqualmie River just upstream of the above-referenced detailed study reach is now depicted ;as approximate 100-year flooding. This change was made because updated analysis, along that reach su.perceded the, detailed. analysis and' elevations shown on the effective county ; map. II (Reference 1). Green River - From its mouth to confluence with Black River and from Flaming Geyser Bridge' to a point approximately- 7 ,286 feet upstream of Whitney' Road Springbrook Creek - From SW 16th Street to a . point approximately 1,69.0 feet upstream of South 228th. Street , a reach of approximately 6.32 miles 15. I it Mill Creek (Auburn) - From State Highway 18 to a point approximately 845 feet upstream lof 15th Street SW, a reach of approximately 0.72 miles Mill Creek (Kent) - From its mouth to State Highway 167, a reach of approximately 4.24 miles White River - From a point approximately 4,330 feet downstream of Burlington Northern Railroad to the Muckleshoot ' Indian Reservation, a reach of approximately 3.38 miles White River (Left Bank Overflow) - From confluence with White River, to the Muckleshoot Indian Reservation, a reach of approximately 0.70 mile Sammamish River - From its mouth at Lake Washing1ton to the mouth of Lake Sammamish, a reach of approximately 15.3 miles North Creek - From its mouth to a point approx- imately 10 feet upstream of NE 205th Street at the corporate limits of Bothell, a reach of approximately 1.45 miles Bear Creek - From confluence with Sammamish River to confluence with Cottage Lake Creek, a reach of approximately 5.35 miles Evans Creek - From confluence with Bear Creek, to a point approximately 2,059 feet upstream of 220th Avenue NE, a reach of approximately 4.66 miles Issaquah Creek - From its mouth at Lake Sammamish to Southeast May Valley Road, a reach of approximately 8.0 miles North Fork -+ Issaquah Creek - From confluence with Issaquah Creek to a point approximately 740 feet upstream of Issaquah Avenue North, a reach of approximately 0.95 mile 4 East Fork Issaquah Creek - From confluence with Issaquah Creek to a point approximately 1 , 711 feet upstream of 3rd Avenue NE, a reach of approximately 0.87 mile 16 Tibbetts Creek - From its mouth to a point approx- imately 4,610 feet upstream of State Highway 900, a reach of approximately 2.3 miles May Creek - From Barbee Mill Road to a point approximately 2,535 feet upstream of NE 31st Street, a reach of approx-imately 2.02 miles Vasa Creek - From the corporate limits of the City of Bellevue approximately 2,500 feet upstream from its mouth to a point approximately 225 feet upstream Cedar River - From a point approximately 2,629 feet upstream of Interstate Highway 405 to a point approximately 7,920 feet upstream of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad , a reach of approximately 19 miles Mercer Crieek - From its mouth to the confluence of Kelsey Creek and Richards Creek,. a reach of approximately 12.9 miles it Mercer Creek Right Channel - Its entire length, a reach of approximately 1.0 mile Richards :Creek - From confluence with Mercer Creek to ;a i point approximately 380 feet upstream of SE Allen Road , a reach of approximately 2.65 miles Richards Creek West Tributary - From confluence with Richards Creek to a point approximately 310 feet upstream . of SE 32nd Street , a reach of approximately 3.22 miles Richards Creek } East Tributary - From confluence with Richards Creek to a point approximately 680 feet upstream of SE 26th Street , a reach of approximately 0.24 miles Kelsey Creek - From its mouth to a point approx- imately 760 feet upstream of SE '16'th Street, a reach of approximately ,5.08 miles 17 West Tributary Kelsey Creek - From confluence with Kelsey 9reek to Redmond Bellevue Road, a reach of approximately 1.57 miles East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek - From confluence with West Tributary Kelsey Creek to a point approximately 842 feet upstream of 137th Avenue NE, a reach of approximately 0.44 miles North Branch Mercer Creek (North Valley) - From confluence with Kelsey Creek to a point approximately 4,862 feet upstream of NE 24th Street , a reach of approximately 1.49 miles McAleer Creek - From a point approximately 40 feet upstream of Bothell Way NE to a point approximately 3,340 feet upstream of NE 185th Street, a reach of approximately 2.13 miles Coal Creek - From its mouth to the City of Bellevue corporate limits at Interstate Highway 405 and from the City of Bellevue corporate limits 8,250 feet upstzeam of Interstate Highway 405 to a point 9,690 feet upstream of Interstate Highway ' 405, a total length of approximately 0.95 miles Forbes Creek - From the City of Kirkland corporate limits approximately 1 , 420 feet upstream from its mouth to a ' point approximately 496 feet upstream ( of NE 108th Street, a reach of approximately 5.66 miles Lyon Creek - From confluence with Lake Washington to 35th Avenue NE and from a point approximately 80 feet downstream of Ballinger Road to a point approximately 760 feet upstream of Ballinger Road, a total distance of approximately 1.42 miles r- • . Yarrow Creek - From 116th Avenue NE to a point approximately 1,515 feet upstream of NE 34th Street, a reach of approximately 0.36 mile 18 Meydenbauer Creek - From its mouth to a point approx- imately 520 feet upstream of 102nd, Avenue SE, a reach of approximately' 0.36 mile North Fork Mendenbauer Creek - From confluence with Meydenbauer Creek to a point approximately 830 feet upstream South Fork Skykomish ,River - From a point approximately 1,505 feet • downstream of 5th Street to a point approximately 2,693 feet upstream of 5th Street, a reach of approximately 0..8 mile Maloney Creek • - From a point approximately 100 feet downstream of Burlington Northern Railroad to a point approximately 890 feet upstream of NE Old Cascade Highway, a reach of approximately 0'.32 mile . Miller Creek - From its mouth to a point approximately 2,530 feet upstream of 12th Avenue SW, a reach of approximately 0.86 mile Walker Creek - From confluence with Miller Creek to a point approximately 600 feet upstream of 12th Avenue SW, a reach of approximately 0.33 mile Des Moines Creek - From its mouth at Puget Sound to ' a point approximately 1,960 feet upstream Unnamed Drainageway - The ponding of an unnamed drainageway in the central business district in' the City of Kirkland, between Central Way and Kirkland Way • Approximate analyses were used to study those areas having a low development potential or minimal flood hazards. The scope ' and methods of study were proposed to, and agreed upon by, FEMA and the community. 19 2.2 Community Description King County, located in western Washington, is the largest center of population and economic growth in the State of Washington. Its eastern boundary is along the divide of the rugged Cascade Range, and is bordered on the west by Puget Sound. Contiguous counties related economically, as well as geographically, to King County are Kitsap County to the west, Chelan and Kititas Counties to the east, Snohomish County to the north, and Pierce County to the south. Seattle is the county seat and largest city in Washington. It is located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington. Seattle is important as a port for foreign trade with Asian and South American countries as well as for domestic shipping with Alaska. The 1986 estimated population of Seattle was 488,200 (Reference 19). The area within the Seattle corporate limits is currently 91.6 square miles. Auburn is located south of Kent. It is approximately 5 miles from the shores of Puget Sound and 24 miles south of Seattle. Auburn is bordered by Pierce County to the south and by the Cities of Algona and Pacific to the southwest. Auburn has a community area of approximately 20 square miles, and had a population of 29,950 in 1986 (Reference 19). The City of Bellevue is located in northwest-central King ''County, 8 miles east of Seattle. Bellevue, Washington's fourth largest city, had a population of 73,903 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Black Diamond is located in south-central King County. The city had a population of 1,170 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Carnation, incorporated in 1912, is located in north-central King County, on the east bank of the Snoqualmie River. It is approximately 20 miles east of Seattle. Carnation had a population of 913 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Des Moines, incorporated in 1959, is located in west-central King County. It is just south of the City of Normandy Park and southwest of the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. It is situated in one of the few areas in southern King County along Puget Sound where the land slopes gently down toward the water. According to City of Des Moines personnel, the 1988 population was 14,120. The City of Duvall, incorporated in 1913, is located on State Highway 203, on the east bank of the Snoqualmie River, in northwestern King County. It is approximately 3.0 miles from the Snohomish County line and 7.0 miles north of Carnation. The city had a population of 729 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Enumclaw is located in south-central King County', near the Pierce County line. Enumclaw had a population of 5,427 in 1980 (Reference 20). 20 The City of Issaquah is located in west-central King County, approximately 14 miles east of downtown Seattle. The city had a population of 5,536 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Kent is located south of Renton and is within 2 to 5 miles of the ' shores of Puget Sound. The City of Tukwila 'is northwest of Kent and the City of Des Moines is to the west. Kent had a population of 28,620 in 1986 (Reference 19) and occupies an area of approximately 17 square miles. Most of Kent lies on the 2- mile-wide low-lying valley east of the Green River. The bluff area along the east boundary of Kent is drained by several creeks, including Mill, Springbrook, and Garrison Creeks. The City of Kirkland is located approximately 5.0 miles northeast of downtown Seattle, in northwestern King County. Kirkland had a population of '18,779 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Lake Forest Park is located in the Puget Sound region • of northwest Washington in northwestern King County. The community is part of the suburban area that surrounds the Seattle metropolitan center. Lake Forest Park had a population of 2,485, in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Normandy Park is located on Puget Sound in southwestern King County. It is located west of the Seattle-Tacoma Airport and due south of Burien Lake. Normandy Park had a population of 4;268 in 1980 (Reference 20). The Cityof North Bend is located in central KingCounty. It lies y in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, approximately 25 miles east of Seattle along Interstate Highway 90. The City of North Bend had a population of 1,701 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Pacific is located in southwestern King County. 'It shares common boundaries with the City of Algona to the north and Pierce County to the south. The City of Pacific had a popuLa'ition of 2,261 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Redmond lies in northwest-central King County. ' It is approximately 10 miles northeast of downtown Seattle. Redmond, had a population,of 23,318 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of Renton is located in western King County. It is located approximately 11 miles southeast of Seattle just north of Kent and just east of Tukwila. Renton had a population of 34,460 in 1986 (Reference 19). The Town of Skykomish is located in northwestern King County. It is in a narrow valley along the south side of the South , Fork Skykomish River and is surrounded by the Snoqualmie National Forest. Skykomish had a population of 209 in 1980 (Reference 20). The City of 'Snoqualmie is located in central King County. The city lies near the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, approximately 25 21 miles east of Seattle along Interstate Highway 90. Snoqu lmie had a population of 1,370 in 1980 (Reference 20).. The City of Tukwila is located in west-central King County It is northwest of Kent and west of Renton. It is approximately 112 miles south of Seattle and 22 miles northwest of Tacoma. Tukwila had a population of 3,578 in 1980 (Reference 20). The population of King County was 1,361,700 as of April 1986, with 561,183 residing in the unincorporated areas, mostly surrounding the large population center of Seattle. In most suburban communities and unincorporated areas of west-central King County, a decline in farming and significant transition to residential and • industrial/commercial development has occurred. Urbanization has spread up the Green and Cedar River valleys where urban build up now covers more than one fourth of the basin's land areas. The Sammamish River valley is another site for increased residential and industrial/commercial uses. The Snoqualmie River valley is presently the county's primary district for farming and the dairy industry, but urbanization pressures exist for conversion of those agricultural lands to higher value, more intensive land use. The climate of King County is predominately a mid-latitude, west coast, marine type. Most of the air masses that reach the Puget Sound area originate over the Pacific Ocean. In late fall and winter these masses are moist and about the same temperature, as the ocean surface. Orographic effects caused by lifting and cooling of air masses moving inland result in a wide range of precipitation patterns over King County. Fifty percent of the , annual precipitation typically occurs in the 4-month period of October through January, and 75 percent occurs in the 6 months from October through March. Below 1,500 feet in elevation, the winter precipitation normally falls as rain, occasionally interrupted by periods of snow. During the warmest summer months, the average afternoon temperatures over the county's Puget Sound lowlands are in the lower 70s, decreasing into the 60s in the mountains. Temperatures reach 85°F to 90°F about 5 to 15 days per year, and extremes up to 100°F have occurred in the lower valleys. In winter, afternoon temperatures over the lowlands typically range from 35°F to 45°F. The Japanese Current generally moderates the temperatures of winter, but almost every winter there are , a few nights when the temperatures range from 10°F to 20°F, with extremes to 0°F. All of the watersheds in King County are free from glaciers, unlike many streams in other counties lying between the Cascades and Puget Sound. , The undisturbed land cover in King County is dominated by dense conifer forests, with some grass covered prairie-like areas 'in the lowlands. However, those lowland areas are interspersed with scattered stands of Douglas fir and Oregon white oak. Scotchbroom, and other shrubs and seasonal groundcover are typical of those areas. Fresh water marshes commonly have cover consisting of 22 cattails, rushes, and sedges. Big leaf maple trees and red alder are very common between the foothills and Puget Sound. 2.3 Principal Flood Problems Climatic and topographic conditions of the upper Snoqualmie Valley create two distinct high-flow periods each year. In the spring or early summer, . the seasonal rise in temperature melts snow in the headwaters and causes increased flow. The other high-flow period,, the winter flood, is the most damaging. Winter storms bring in moisture-laden air from the Pacific Ocean and mild temperatures causing snowmelt., combined to cause floods of high magnitude and li short duration. Most of the major floods have occurred during November, December, January, and February. Without the protection by flood control reservoirs, the communities along the free flowing Snoqualmie River and its forks are vulnerable to severe flooding such as occurred in November 1959 and December 1975. The largest known flood in the Snoqualmie-North Bend area occurred on November 23, 1959. As the rivers in the n swelled on thatNovember there occurred cl assic s e ed be day, e e a c assic example of how wildly a river can change its course. About 9 miles east of the City of North Bend, the South Fork cut a new channel on the opposite side of its valley through what was a section of the main cross state arterial, the Snoqualmie Pass Highway. Atop , its newly cut southerly bank, described as a steep clay cliff, remained the former river bed. The torrent on the South Fork left countless homes damaged in North Bend and contiguous areas. The violent turbulence of the Middle Fork washed out principal bridges and left other spans badly damaged. This misfortune left over 50 families stranded for over a week. Some residents ;on necessary business, some school children, and carriers of mail and milk treaded lightly by foot across the listing bridges ,that continued to slip on their supports after the flood. In the City; of Snoqualmie, muddy water swept through many homes leaving a trail of destruction. A portion of a city street sank, developing a large cavity as water collected without a natural outlet. Truckloads of concrete slabs and 58 loads of gravel were dumped into the cavity during the flood to save the road, and ; to prevent adjacent buildings from being swept away. For the entire night of the flood there was no electrical power in the City of Snoqualmie. This flood had a discharge at the USGS gage near the City of Snoqualmie of 61,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). This discharge is equivalent to a 25-year flood at this point (Reference 21). The largest 'known flood in the Carnation area occurred in December 1975. Agriculture and transportation damages constituted the principal losses. However, the lower valley is inundated to, some extent almost every winter. Other major floods occurred in February 1932, December 1967, and January 1969. 23 Storms which cause flooding in the Tolt River Watershed are usually asociated with long, steady rains (i.e. , winter maritime occluded frontal systems) which are typified by longer duration, more uniform intensity, and more evenly distributed precipitation than the unstable shower (convective) storms. With this type of rainstorm, the flooding in one basin, such as the ToLt, lwill be associated with flooding on adjacent basins; thus, the rare occurrence of a 100-year frequency flood on the Tolt would most likely be associated with high water backwater of the Snoqualmie River. The elevation of future floods depends upon the level of the Snoqualmie River at the peak discharge of the Tolt River, the amount of landfill or diking, the physical arrangement or layout, and the hydraulic conditions of the channel. High water marks were provided by landowners and field estimates of survey crews. There are no precipitation gages with long records in the watershed, but the Seattle Water Department has 8 storage gages established in 1962-67. The average annual precipiation at these locations ranges from 90 inches (228.6 cm) to 157 inches (398.8 cm). The largest historical flood since 1953 on the Tolt River near Carnation occurred in 1959 with a peak discharge of 17,400 cfs. The Raging River is characterized by a relatively steep gradient resulting in high-velocity floodflows and significant bank 'erosion and channel aggradation problems. These characteristics have lead to increased flood levels, based on local resident accounts, most likely caused by reduction in channel floodflow conveyance capacity with aggradation. In past floods, large boulders, logs, and'' debris have been swiftly transported down the river and have partially blocked bridges and threatened the levee systems in the Fall City area. The peak recorded published flow at the USGS gage near Fall City during 40 years of gage operation through 1985 is 3,960 cfs: This occurred on January 24, 1984, and was approximately a 35-year event. Although final estimates of peak flows for a recent event on November 24, 1986, are not available, provisional estimates between 4,400 and 5,300 cfs have been made by the USGS (Reference 22). Based on the existing frequency curve previous to that event, those flows would correspond with greater than a 50-year 'event. Flows in excess of 3,000 cfs were also recorded on February 9, 1951, December 3, 1975, and December 15, 1979 (recurrence intervals ranging from 20 to 30 years). Flooding damage to crops and property in the lower Green River Valley has been a problem since the earliest settlement of the area. Flooding occurred almost annually but the impact to the farmland was minimal. After urbanization, the impact of flooding became more severe. Rapid increase in construction of roads, housing, and parking lots increased the volume and rate at which 24 1 runoff reached ' the valley floor. Commercial and industrial landfills have ' been typically located in the lower valley, resulting in alteration of natural drainage patterns and reduction in overbank storage. During periods of excessive precipitation, surface and subsurface runoff from the; steep valley walls cause groundwater elevations in' the valley floor to rise significantly. This creates open ponding in topographically depressed areas. This condition is further aggravated by floodflows and corresponding high water elevations ion the Green River, resulting in a perched channel condition, which prevents natural drainage of subsurface water. In some areas, the overlying soils are generally less pervious than the deeper sands and runoff collects in ponds perched above the water table. The land in the lower Green River Valley from Auburn to Renton had historically been inundated by large floods, such as occurred 'in December 1933, November 1959, and February 1951, until , the construction of the Howard A. Hanson Dam. Since operation commenced in '1962, the dam, in combination with levee systems constructed along river segments below Auburn, has prevented that degree of flooding and limited flood damages. During the floods, of January 1965, December 1975,. and December 1977, discharges downstream were effectively reduced to nondamaging levels. The 1977 flood would have had the highest unregulated peak of any event since diversion of the White River in 1906 (Reference 23). The COE is responsible for regulation of dam outflows to a rate that will limit flows at Auburn, together with local inflows below the dam, to . 12,000 cfs for up to a standard project flood frequency. This flow rate represents a 2-year recurrence interval flood event on the unregulated discharge frequency curve (Reference 24). Under significant regulated conditions, i nificant floodingstill does . g occur 1 in areas unprotected by levee systems and from interior local drainage runoff that outlets to the Green River. High water levels in the Green River and concerns with existing levee system freeboard and' structural integrity limit the discharge of runoff ri waters carried by Mill Creek (Auburn), the Black River, and various other tributaries. The high water Levels of the Green River require that the tributary flows be stored and released by gravity or pump discharge to the river channel in a manner consistent ,with the requirements of the Green River Management Agreement (Reference 25). Under existing conditions, extensive backwater flooding occurs at the uncontrolled outlets of Mill Creek (Auburn) and Mullen Slough, south and west of State Routes 516 and 167, respectively. The P1 pumping station pumps the flow from the Black River into the Green River. The firm capacity of the pumping station is significantly less than the peak inflows from Springbrook Creek estimated to; reach it. No major backwater effects and associated flooding of overbank areas has occurred (Reference 26) since the I I 25 pump station construction in 1972 and later P1 storage pond excavation. However, analysis shows that backwater flooding will occur upstream of the pump station under existing inflow runoff assumptions and hydraulic structure conditions. Peak outflows from the pump station have not exceeded 525 cfs (November 1986 event) with nominal P1 pond storage (Reference 26). Flooding from the Mill Creek (Kent) drainage, downstream of the Earthworks Park regional stormwater detention basin, results primarily from limited capacity hydraulic structures and low stream gradients, extending downstream to its discharge to Springbrook Creek. Downstream of James Street, east bank overflow will occur at peak flood stages of Mill Creek and flow to the headwaters of Springbrook Creek. Although no stream gage records exist for Mill Creek, outflow from the Earthworks Park detention basin for the January 1986 storm event was estimated to be approximately190 cfs, computed from surveyed high water mark data and hydraulic rating of the outlet. Flooding in the Mill Creek (Auburn) drainage is caused by backwater effects from the Green River, and by overburdened channel capacities and restrictive hydraulic capacities at various roadway culvert crossings. During times of high flood stages on the Green River, which can extend from a few days up to a 1-week period for an extreme storm event, storage of Mill Creek floodwater along the valley floor behind the leveed Green River occurs. A portion of the flow, which would normally enter the Green River via Mill Creek, overflows into Mullen Slough for release back to the Green River, as it recedes, at a lower (downstream) hydraulic gradient. No continuous stream gage records exist within the Mill Creek basin. Crest stage gage records between 1950 and 1970 on the Peasley Canyon tributary drainage indicate a peak recorded discharge of 112 cfs in February 1951 (Reference 27). Mill, Creek peak runoff for the January and November 1986 runoff events was not considered extreme based on local accounts and field reconnaissance of extent of flooding. Flooding along Big Soos Creek is primarily limited to the lower gradient channel reaches in the mid to upper portion of the 'basin, extending upstream from Kent-Black Diamond Road. Wide marshlands are typical in those reaches with narrow channels with limited hydraulic capacities. Restrictive bridges and other channel constructions exist that result in increased flood Level's and corresponding flooding of the low-lying overbanks. Development does not currently encroach significantly on the floodpLain. • The maximum recorded floodflow for Big Soos Creek for the 25-year period of record at the USGS stream gage station located above the fish hatchery near the Green River is. 1090 cfs. That ' event occurred on February 28, 1972, and has an approximate recurrence interval based on period of record frequency curve computation of less than 10 years. Floodfl ows of greater than 1,000 cfs also occurred in November 1960, January 1964, and February 1982. 26 I f Preliminary estimates of peak flows for the January and November 1986 storm events do not exceed 900 cfs. On the White River, the flood of 1975 overtopped and subsequently' eroded a section of the levee on the left (south) overbank,. upstream of the study area at approximately River Mile (RM) 10.6. It is unlikely that the levee will be repaired within the foreseeable future. Consequently, high flows on the White River are expected to cause flooding in the left overbank, outside the levee, for a distance of approximately 2.6 miles before floodwaters' are returned to the main channel at approximately RM 8.9. Approximately 0.8 mile of this overbank flooding occurs within the Auburn corporate limits, inundating areas which are presently wooded and unclassified, but which are earmarked for future single- family residential development. The amount of storage provided naturally by Lake Sammamish has a moderating influence on flow, and the channelization project by the COE has significantly reduced flood problems on the Sammamish River. The primary areas that are subject to flooding are adjacent to tributary inlets where the channel berm is interrupted. On Lake Sammamish, the highest flood during a 37-year period of record occurred on February 11, 1951, when the water-surface to the lake reached an elevation of 33.44 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). ' Calculations by the COE indicate that the ' 1951 inflow would have raised the lake elevation to 29 feet NGVD had the present improved outlet been in operation (Reference 28). ' Ori December 5, ,1975, the lake level reached 29.70 feet NGVD. Generally, the lake level ranges between 25 feet NGVD in summer and 28 feet NGVD in winter. The largest recorded floodflows on Swamp Creek occurred on January 18, 1986, when a flow of 1,090 cfs (provisional) was measured at the USGS gaging station at Kenmore. This flow exceeds the 100-year event magnitude based on the 23 years of gage record through 1986., The previous measured peak flow on Swamp Creek occurred on March 6, 1972, with a value of approximately 490 cfs. , Numerous private bridges along the lower reaches of Swamp Creek and encroachment on the creek channel from development provides restrictions to flow that may result in increased flood levels and additional overflows to typically low-lying overbank areas. Although localized flooding damages were reported for the January 1986 extreme ' runoff event, they were primarily related to channel bank erosion, overtopping of roadways and resulting damages (including culvert washouts), and limited damages to residential III structures. The natural channel of North Creek lies on the opposite side of the valley from where the stream now flows. The creek was relocated to the high side of the valley to improve its capacity. The last reported flooding on North Creek occurred in March 1950, when the flow reached 680 cfs. This event was slightly greater than the I I li 27 100-year recurrence interval. Because land use in the valley is agricultural, the flooding had minimal impact. Highwater in December 1975 was reportedly contained within the North Creek channel. There are no gage records of this event. Localized ponding areas develop every winter because of the poorly drained soils in the valley.. Frequent flooding occurs on Little Bear Creek in the Woodinville area near the confluence of the Sammamish River. The Hydraulic structures and channel capacities are limited along the stream reach .between the culverts under NE 178th Street and State Route 202. This causes frequent overflows, primarily along the south bank, which are removed from the stream system and flow independently to the Sammamish River. South overbank flows, downstream of the State Route 202 culvert, combine with overflow immediately upstream of the same culvert and flood the 1.7-lying Burlington Northern Railroad underpass area with ponding depths exceeding 6 feet. This overflow and ponding, with outflow across NE 175th Street south to the Sammamish River, frequently floods local commercial structures. Limited overflows along the north creek bank, upstream of NE 178th Street, cause shallow flooding to commercial structures and surrounding roadways, as was experienced in the January 1986 event. Flooding damages upstream off State Route 202 are not typically severe, primarily because lof the undeveloped character of areas near the stream course and floodplain. No operational stream gages exist on Little Bear Creek to directly estimate flooding magnitudes; however, analyses of hydraulic ratings for the channel, culvert, and overflow components provided an approximate peak flow estimate of 650 cfs for the January 1986 event. Review of local precipitation records and comparison with, and transfer of, flow records from adjacent gaged basins indicates that the event most likely represented a recurrence interval of greater than 100-year magnitude. A private commercial business crossing between the State Route 202 crossing and NE 178th , Street was washed out during that flooding event. The flood season for Bear and Evans Creeks is from October to March. The greatest floods are caused by rainstorms although melting snow may occasionally augment flooding. Storm runoff in the Bear Creek basin is comparatively slow because of the moderate terrain, the unimproved condition of the channels, and the small amount of residential and commercial developments in the watershed. As a rule, the stream rises to a peak stage within a day and the duration of flooding is less than a week. The largest recorded floodflow on Bear Creek within the limited period of gage record was a recent event on January 18, 1986,, with estimated provisional peak flows of 390 cfs at the USGS gage near Redmond (upstream of Cottage Lake Creek) and 1,550 cfs at the USGS gage at Redmond, upstream of the Sammamish River confluence. Based on updated frequency curves including that event, the estimated recurrence interval of flo.odflows within the Bear Creek basin for 28 that event is approximately 40 to 50 years. The previous recorded peak flows at those gages were 250' cfs and 456 cfs, respectively, although the gage record is limited to & years for each' station. There are numerous bridges over Bear Creek within the study area, , many of them ; private crossings with restrictions that limit capacities andi increase upstream flood levels. During major floods, debris collecting at these structures may significantly: increase the extent of flooding and' potential for overflow with resulting damages to roadways and adjacent structures. Damage; reports from the January 1986 event were not extensive;' however, roadways were overtopped at a few crossings and a mobile home park was flooded and had to be evacuated along the lower reaches of Bear Creek. The flood season for Issaquah and Tibbetts Creeks is during' the winter from October to March. The greatest floods' are caused by rainstorms although melting snow occasionally augments flooding. The creeks rise quickly during heavy rainfall because of the steep terrain in the watersheds. As a rule, the streams rise to crest stage within a day and the duration of flooding is. less than a week. The largest recorded peak floodflow- on. Issaquah Creek in 23 years of USGS gage record since 1964 occurred on November 24,. 1986, when a peak discharge of 3,050' cfs (provisional) was recorded at the USGS gage "near mouth, near Issaquah" (Reference 22). That floodflow represents an approximate 25=yeas recurrence interval based' on frequency curves for gage record prior to that event'. The • flooding: event- of January 18, 1986,. produced. the third' highest period' of record gage. flow on Issaquah Creek, estimated at 2,400 cfs (provisional) by the USGS (Reference 29), with an estimated recurrence interval of less than 10 years. Peak runoff for' , a January 1', 1964, event of 2,870 cfs represents the second. highest flow on' gage record. There are numerous bridges spanning. Issaquah Creek. The clearance and flow capacity of many of these bridges are restricted. During major floods, debris collecting at these structures may significantly; increase the extent. of flooding. Development along. Issaquah Creek. has encroached on the channel, particularly. in' the downstream reaches in and surrounding. the City of Issaquah. This encroachment reduces the flood-carrying capacity' of the channel, increasing• the flood depths in adjacent areas.. Local accounts' and aerial photographs. (Reference 29) of flooding in the City of Issaquah and' along the West Fork Tributary indicated. that flood levels for the November 1986 event were the highest in recent years.. Numerous roads and. structures were inundated. Peak fl.00dflows from' the. West. Fork. of Issaquah Creek are relatively small compared to those of the mainstem;: however, significant areas of flooding.; occur in the upper reaches* of. that' tributary.. The flooding is 'a: result of an extremely. low' gradient stream channel, having' a. small. channel capacity with wide and.. flat. overbanks. • 29 Flood damage on May Creek occurs mainly at the mouth where la lumber mill has been built on the small delta there. Upstream of Interstate Highway 405, May Creek flows generally within al canyon. Flooding problems in this reach are the result of surface runoff and ground-water seepage from the steep canyon walls rather than excessive overflow of May Creek. For the reach of May Creek under study upstream of the Coal Creek Parkway, flooding results from channel and bridge capacities `' restrictions and flattening of stream gradients in the upper May Valley area. For the reach extending upstream to 146th Avenue SE, flooding is typically confined to a relatively narrow; steep channel. Upstream from that crossing, the floodplain expands to the overbanks where floodplain inundation widths between 500 and 1,000 feet are typical for significant storm events. Filling of floodplain overbanks and reduction in storage, and debris buildup at the hydraulic structures, can increase flood levels and the extent of upstream overbank flooding. Flooding extent on ithe May Creek Tributary, upstream of SE May Valley Road, results primarily from backwater effects of the main channel at their confluence. A USGS stream gage exists on May Creek (discontinued) at its mouth near Renton. The peak flow recorded at that station duringithe 15 years of gage operation was 510 cfs on December 3, 1975. This corresponds to a storm with a recurrence interval of approximately 10 to 15 years based on the period of record frequency curve. High water marks located immediately3upstream and downstream of the gage were observed for the January 1986 storm event. Results of approximate rating analyses at the gage for that event indicated floodflows potentially exceeding 800 cfs with an expected recurrence interval of greater than 50 years. Flooding, including inundation of structures in the upper May Valley area, were reported for that event. Flooding along Vasa Creek generally occurs during the winter months, November through February, when storms originating over the Pacific Ocean bring intense precipitation. These storms usually last two or three days, and streams may increase from low flow to flood discharge within 6 to 12 hours. The major flood problems are those of inundation and damage of private property from out-of-bank floodwaters, primarily along low gradient reaches of the streams. The Cedar River is subject to frequent flooding damages, particularly in its upper reaches, beginning with minor flooding and bank erosion when the river flow, measured at Landsburg, exceeds 2,500 cfs. This magnitude of flows typically occurs annually. Major flooding occurs when river flows reach 4,000 cfs, which happens on the average once every 5 to 10 years. Topographic and climatic conditions of the basin produce two high-water periods during the year. The highest flows normally result from extreme rainfall and the accompanying snowmelt that can occur during the late fall and early winter. Flooding can also occur during spring months, resulting primarily from snowmelt events. 30 j I � i Stream flow on the Cedar River has been recorded almost continuously since 1895 at the gage near Landsburg. The greatest flood which has occurred over the past 50 years took place on December 4, 1975, with a peak discharge at Landsburg of 8,800 cfs. Based on an updated frequency curve for the Renton USGS stream gage for the 40 years of record through 1985, the recurrence interval for that event exceeded 100 years. Preliminary peak flow estimates by the USGS (Reference 22) for the recent November 1986 event indicate a peak flow of approximately 5,300 cfs, with a recurrence interval of approximately 100 years. Preliminary peak flow estimates by the USGS (Reference 22) for the recent November 1986 event indicate a peak flow of approximately 5,300 cfs, with' a • recurrence interval of approximately 10 years. Damages in the Cedar River basin from the December 1975 flood event were estimated at $1,760,000. In the reach under study, the west bank of an improved channel at the mouth of the Cedar River' was overtopped above the South Boeing Bridge and the Renton Municipal Airport experienced significant flooding and had to close down until the floodwaters receded. Extent of flooding for the November 1986 event in the lower 2-mile reach under study was mainly limited to the improved channel with the exception of some overbank flooding adjacent to the Renton Airfield. Upstream of the improved channel, portions of the Maplewood Addition and other scattered residential idevelopments have been inundated by past flooding events. Log and debris jams have been experienced on the lower river channel, especially during the 1933 and 1975 floods. The lower reach of the river channel, through the City of Renton, has been aggrading in recent years based on comparison of current and previous cross section data. This may result in increases in flood levels and potential overflows. A reach of the Cedar River about 0.8 mile in length along the right bank immediately upstream of Interstate 405 highway is seriously obstructed. Various private enterprises along this river reach have encroached on the stream bed by dumping waste concrete and asphaltic concrete. A fill has been placed, paved, and riprapped to accommodate parking facilities for tenants residing at'' the Riveria Motel. This fill encroaches into the river 25 to 40 feet alongthe entire width of theproperty. Encroachment of this type reduces the river channel capacity, creating higher water levels adjacent to and upstream of these areas. Flooding along Mercer Creek, Richards Creek and its tributaries, Kelsey Creek and its tributaries, and North Branch Mercer' Creek generally occurs during the winter months, November through February, when storms originating over the Pacific Ocean bring intense precipitation. These storms usually last two to threeldays and streams may increase from low flow to flood discharge within 6 to 12 hours. The major flood problems are those of inundation and damage of private property from out-of-bank floodwaters, primarily along low-gradient reaches of the storms. 31 Ice jams have little impact on flooding when culverts and bridges are free of debris. Flood elevations, however, are increased due to the limited capacity of some culverts. This limited capacity in some cases is intentional as a means of peak-flow retention. Numerous bridges and culvert systems exist along Thorton Creek from. its outlet to Lake Washington at Matthews Park to its forks and extending upstream to and above Interstate 405. Flooding for moderate runoff events is primarily contained by the Thornton Creek drainage system. However, the restrictions imposed by the crossings and encroachment on the channel in this heavily urbanized basin result in. backwater flooding and overflow of channel banks and structures, with resulting damages, under more severe runoff conditions. Debris collection, particularly as it affects outflow to the diversion works, has had significant impacts on increasing inundation levels during past flooding events.. Since. the November 1978 storm event that resulted in flooding problems augmented by debris, the City of Seattle has improved the operation and maintenance of the diversion works structure, located at RM 1.3 on Thornton. Creek, below the confluence of the North. and South Forks. This diversion works structure. d.iverts flows up to an estimated 340 cfs for the 100-year event into an abandoned 72-inch concrete sewer pipe. This pipe discharges directly into. Lake Washington just north of Matthews Beach. The diversion structure functioned adequately. during the January 1986 storm event. Based on hydraulic rating analyses performed from surveyed high water marks, peak runoff for that event was estimated at 560. cfs above the diversion and downstream of the creek forks and 220 cfs in the main channel downstream of the diversion works. Some minor flooding has occurred in the past in the lower reaches of McAleer Creek. This flooding was caused by hydraulic- structures. of inadequate capacity or. sedimentation and debris accumulation. Particular dates of past flooding are not available. Flooding along Coal Creek generally occurs during the winter months, November through February, when storms originating over the Pacific Ocean bring intense precipitation. These storms usually last two to three days, and streams may increase from low flow to flood discharge within 6 to 12 hours. The. major flood problems are those of inundation and damage of private. property from out-of-bank floodwaters, primarily along low gradient reaches of the streams. The flood season for Forbes Creek in the lower Puget. Sound. region is normally during the winter from October to March: The larger floods are caused by rainfall, although melting snow occasionally augments flooding. Forbes Creek has. no gaging station and there:. i.s no written record of historical flooding. Discussions with residents revealed a. historyof localized' flooding of short durations caused b ibrief g y periods of intense rainfall. 32 Debris collecting at structures and residents encroaching on the channel capacity by placing various types of materials to stabilize the streambank, may significantly increase the extent of flooding. Flooding along Lyon Creek has occurred in the lower reaches and also in the southwest corner of NE 185th Street and 35th Avenue NE nearly every winter. Hydraulic capacity has been greatly reduced in the two concrete box culverts under Bothell Way Northeast. Sedimentation in the southern portion, up to approximately 2 feet from the original invert, has diverted all the flow through the northern portion. At higher flows this would create unnecessary backwater in, the upstream channel in front of the shopping center complex or the sediment could become dislodged causing a blockage elsewhere downstream. �I Flooding along Yarrow Creek, Meydenbauer Creek, and North Fork Meydenbauer Creek generally occurs during the winter months, November through February, when storms originating over the Pacific Ocean bring intense precipitation. These storms usually last two to three days, and streams may increase from low flow to flood discharge within 6 to 12 hours. The major flood problems are those of inundation and damage of private property from out-Of-1-bank floodwaters, primarily along low-gradient reaches of the streams. The major source of flooding within Skykomish is the South Fork Skykomish River. Flooding occurs primarily during the winter due to rainstorms which bring intense precipitation and are accompanied by warm winds that rapidly melt the accumulated snowpack. During such storms, river discharges may increase from a relatively low base flow to near flood stage within a few hours. Residents report that the largest flood on record occurred in November 1959. The return period for that flood is approximately 30 years. Although a dike contained most of this. flow in the eastern part of the town, water covered the central and western areas. A flood also occurred in 1975, and floodwaters reached the tops of the levees. The return period for that flood is less than 3 years. The other potential source of flooding within Skykomish is Maloney Creek, which meets the South Fork Skykomish River near the western corporate limits. This stream flooded in 1933 when a logjam,' that had been holding back the flow broke. No information on 'the recurrence interval for this flood is available. There has been no flooding reported on Maloney Creek since that time. The flooding problems in the lower portions of Miller and Walker Creeks are a result of increasing development, which has caused it more rapid runoff in those creeks. This development is primarily outside the City of Normandy Park boundary and has been the subject of much discussion and some litigation. Damage has generally, been limited to I stream erosion and some limited flooding iairdund 11 residences. • 33 The area most subject to flooding along the lower portions of Des Moines Creek is owned by the Covenant Beach Bible Camp. The streamflow of Des Moines Creek exceeds the channel capacity several times each year, resulting in several thousands of dollars of damage each year. Damage is usually limited to bank erosion, overbank deposition, and some shallow flooding in and around occasionally occupied camp cottages. The last major flood event along Miller and Des Moines Creeks was in February 1972, and had a recurrence interval estimated at 10 years. As a result of Miller Creek flooding, a suit was brought against the county to restrict the diameter of the 8-1/2 foot culvert on First Avenue South through which Miller Creek passes. A 6-foot diameter collar was placed in the upper end of the culvert. The effects of the collar have been included in the hydraulic analysis of Miller Creek. As a result of Des Moines Creek flooding, a 4-foot-deep hole was eroded around one of the cottages and water up to approximately 2 feet deep was standing in others. The December 15, 1977, high tide provided a high tide in Puget Sound of an approximate recurrence interval of 70 years. This high tide was accompanied by very little wind. Flooding occurs at numerous locations along Longfellow Creek because of restricted channel and culvert capacities and partial obstruction of the natural channel because of debris accumulation. Overtopping of the majority of the roadway crossing between SW Brandon Street and SW Myrtle Street, including localized flooding of properties, structures, and bank erosion, occurred during the January 1986 flooding event. Downstream of the study limit, flows at SW Nevada Street overtopped an approximate 30-foot-high roadway fill, partly because of culvert debris blockage, and resulted in failure of that crossing with extreme floodflows released to the downstream drainage. Surface flooding also occurs at locations where the lateral storm drainage systems have insufficient capacity to convey storm runoff into Longfellow Creek. The existing culverts that convey Rolling Hills Creek under Interstate 405 at its intersection with State Route 167, and through a closed culvert behind the Renton Cinema, cause overbank flooding north of the channel in the parking areas for the Cinema and the Renton Village Development. Significant reduction in peak A flows through the downstream highway culvert is achieved from routing of floodwaters that pond in the overbank. 2.4 Flood Protection Measures h The Seattle office of the National Weather Service maintains and collects hydrometeorological reports from a network of substations and uses this information to prepare flood forecasts for King County streams. Flood warnings are issued by them and given wide dissemination through all media by cooperative efforts with' local and Federal agencies. 34 Levees on the Tolt River, near its confluence with the Snoqualmie River, provide moderate protection to urban development in the City of Carnation and to adjacent agricultural lands. A 600-acre agricultural area on the left bank of the Snoqualmie River, 1 mile downstream from Fall City, is protected from minor spring floods by a levee approximately 1 mile long. Levees along the lower 2 miles of both banks of the Raging River and its confluence with the Snoqualmie River protect a portion of Fall City and agricultural lands. Levees along the South Fork of the Snoqualmie River provide approximately 50-year flood protection to the City of North Bend. Bank erosion occurs at nearly all river stages, but is most severe during medium and high flows. Bank protection projects have been constructed at numerous locations along the Snoqualmie River and its major tributaries by riparian owners, Local governmental agencies, and the Federal government. In 1960, the City of Seattle constructed a water supply project on the South Fork of the Tolt River. Total storage capacity of the reservoir is about 58,000 acre-feet. Although flood control storage is not a project feature, some minor storage of flood discharges does occur. The COE operates the Howard A. Hanson Dam at Eagle Gorge on the upper Green , River. Completed in 1962, the dam provides approximately a 500- to 600-year level of protection against overbank flooding by the Green River. The dam is a rockfill embankment approximately 235 feet high with a gated spillway and a maximum reservoir elevation of 1,222 feet. Stored water is released as soon as possible after a flood to provide for the possibility of a second flood. The COE current operation of Hanson Dam provides that all runoff is passed through the dam until the flow at the Auburn gage is expected to reach 12,000 cfs. At that point, further releases are regulated to maintain no more than 12,000 cfs at Auburn. Channelization and levee construction, primarily downstream of Auburn, has provided additional flood protection for the overbanks. A total of approximately 16 miles of levees have been constructed in addition to roadway systems that function as levees, between State Route 18 at Auburn and the Black River confluence at Tukwila. • Based on information received from the COE, the levee system' along the left (west) bank of the Green River, from Strander Boulevard to RM 16.7, in the City of Tukwila, will adequately provide protection against overtopping or failure caused by the 100-year flood, with at least two feet of freeboard. King County and the various incorporated citied along the Green River (Tukwila, Renton, Kent, and Auburn) are responsible for maintenance of portions of those levee systems. Since the e ee sys s adoption of enabling legislation by the State of Washington in 1945, the State and King County have combined to control riverbank erosion. 35 The Black River basin, including Springbrook Creek, has been the object of the ongoing East Side Green River Watershed Study (Reference 30). That study was initiated in 1965 by the SCS with the support of King County and the Green River Valley cities. The P1 pumping station and storage pond, as part of the plan, were constructed in 1972 and 1984, respectively. A major box culvert replacement was installed at SW Grady Way in 1986 and is considered in this study in its partially obstructed condition. Preliminary plans exist for the construction of the P1 channel from SW Grady Way north to the storage pond and additional culvert replacements under Interstate 405 and SW 16th Street. The timing and funding for construction of these improvements is not finalized; therefore, they are not considered in this study. A regional detention basin was constructed on Mill Creek (Kent) in 1981 at Earthworks Park in order to provide flood control storage for reduction in downstream peak runoff. A second smaller upstream detention basin was previously constructed in the Upper Mill Creek basin to provide for additional reduction in peak flows to the lower valley areas. This has reduced the magnitude and frequency of, but not eliminated, flooding problems downstream of the Earthworks Park structure. The City of Kent is developing la plan to construct more detention storage in order to further alleviate their flooding problems. Partial reduction in peak runoff conveyed to Mill Creek (Auburn) is provided by stormwater detention storage basins constructed on the south tributary to Mill Creek, above its confluence with the Peasely Canyon tributary. Locally referred to as the "Auburn 400" ponds, and located east of and adjacent to State Route 167 and 15th Street SW, they provide an unidentified effect on routing of peak tributary flows to Mill Creek. Additional regional detention storage is being considered for other study reaches of Mill Creek, downstream of State Route 18, in an attempt to maintain adequate storage capacities for limiting downstream discharges with continued floodplain development. On the White River, peak flows are regulated by the Mud Mountain Dam, a structure built by the COE. Storage was initiated in 1942, and the project was finally completed in 1953. The structure is an earth and rockfill dam, 425 feet above bedrock. The reservoir has a storage capacity of 106,000 acre-feet of water and is capable of controlling floods 50 percent greater than the maximum flow of record. Levees have also been constructed along portions of the White River along its course through the Cities of Auburn and Pacific. The amount of storage provided naturally by Lake Sammamish has a moderating influence on flow, and the channelization project ' of the Sammamish River by the COE has significantly reduced flood problems. Major drainage improvement and partial flood protection are provided by the channel improvement project completed in 1966 by the COE for King County. The project extends from below Lake 36 it Sammamish to Kenmore, a distance of approximately 14 miles. The river channel was deepened an average of 5 feet and increased in width from a former average of about 15 feet to the improved 32 to 50 feet. Excavated material from the channel enlargement was used to construct the levees. A low weir -with a crest elevation of 24.5 feet NCVD was constructed to control the outlet of Lake Sammamish. The channel improvement and outlet project provide protection against spring floods with a recurrence interval of 10 years without causing Lake Sammamish to rise higher than elevation 29.0 feet NGVD. ; No significant flood control measuresha ve g ha a been developed on the Sammamish River tributaries except for channelization of the lower end of Bear Creek at Redmond (Reference 4 28). Most of the channel of May Creek is in its natural condition. The lower 1,000 feet have been channelized to alleviate flooding problems caused by channel aggradation resulting from excessive siltation problems. King County ha,s established a flood fighting plan that is activated when the Cedar River reaches a discharge of about 4,000 cfs at Renton. The plan consists of patrolling and making emergency repairs to contain this discharge. When the flow exceeds 4,1000 cfs, efforts are concentrated on protecting the safety of the affected residents and their personal property. The Sheriff's office, the Office of Civil Defense, fire districts, and the Red Cross are notified for assistance. The lower 1-mile reach of the Cedar River channel was initially stabilized in 1912. King County and the City of Renton have provided major capital improvements and maintenance for flood and erosion control along the Cedar River. This has included riprap bank protection works, bulkheads construction, cleaning, and snag removal. Major reconstruction of levees and bank protection work was accomplished after the December 1975 flood. River channel dredging upstream from the mouth of the Cedar River has been performed, most recently in 1972, in an attempt to maintain 100- year flood protection of the improved channel system through 'the City of Renton. The major flood control improvement to Thornton Creek is the diversion works with a 72-inch overflow pipeline to Lake 4 Washington. The diversion reduces the peak flows to the lower mainstem reach of Thornton Creek such that only minimal downstream flooding hazards exist up to a 100-year frequency existing conditions flooding event. This assumes that full unobstructed • capacity is maintained to the diversion pipeline. In 1946, the COE constructed a levee along the south bank of South Fork Skykomish River in Skykomish. This levee is approximately 970 feet long andi provides variable flood protection to a portion' Of the town. 37 A flood protection structure that significantly influences flooding on Des Moines Creek is the road embankment from Marine View Drive located in the City of Des Moines, which creates enough detention storage to reduce the peak 100-year flood by almost 50 percent on Des Moines Creek. In 1983, the City of Seattle constructed a regional storm--ater detention basin on Longfellow Creek south of SW Webster St aet. The detention basin has helped reduce downstream flooding prob_ams, although basin overflow for more severe storms, as evidencediin the January 1986 event, will reduce the basin's effectiveness on reduction in peak flows. There are no other flood control measures for other streams studied that significantly reduce flooding. 3.0 ENGINEERING METHODS For the flooding sources studied by detailed methods in the community, standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods were used to determine the flood hazard data required for this study. Flood events of a magnitude which are expected to be equaled or exceeded once on the average during any 10-, 50-, 100-, or 500-year period (recurrence interval) have been selected as having special significance for floodplain management and for flood insurance rates. These `events, commonly termed the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods, have a 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent chance, respectively, of being equaled or exceeded during any year. Although the recurrence interval represents the long-term average period between floods of a specific magnitude, rare floods could occur at short intervals or even within the same year. The risk of experiencing a rare flood increases when periods greater than 1 year are considered. For example, the risk of having a flood which equals or exceeds the 100-year flood (1-percent chance of annual exceedence) in any 50-year period is approximately 40 ipercent (4 in 10) , and for any 90-year period, the risk increases to approximately 60 percent (6 in 10). The analyses reported herein PP Y reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study. Maps and flood elevations will be amended periodically to reflect future changes. 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses r Hydrologic analyses were carried out to establish peak discharge- frequency relationships for each flooding source studied by detailed methods affecting the community. r For those flooding sources being restudied or that are extensions of previous detailed riverine studies, peak discharge results presented in the previous Flood Insurance Studies for King County and the Cities of Auburn, Kent, and Renton (References 1, 2,1 8, and 15) were compared with updated discharges estimated to determine the appropriate values to be used in this revised study. The peak discharge estimates assume that existing basin hydraulic structures 38 remain unobstructed and existing upstream dams or impoundment structures remain intact with no changes in operating characteristics. Discharge-frequency for the Snoqualmie River, South, Middle, and North Forks Snoqualmie River, Sammamish River, North Creek, Bear Creek, Evans Creek, Issaquah Creek, North and East Forks Issaquah Creek, Tibbetts Creek, Vasa Creek, Cedar River, Mercer Creek, Right Channel Mercer Creek, Richards Creek, East and West Tributaries Richards Creek, Kelsey Creek, West Tributary Kelsey Creek, East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek, North Branch Mercer Creek, McAleer Creek, Coal Creek, Lyon Creek, Meydenbauer Creek, North Fork Meydenbauer Creek, South Fork Skykomish River, Maloney Creek, and the Tolt River were developed from USGS stream gaging stations on the respective streams by applying the standard log-Pearson Type III methods with the expected probability corrections as outlined by the U.S. Water Resources Council (Reference 31). Discharge-frequency relationships in the revised study for Raging River, Issaquah Creek, Cedar River, Swamp Creek, May Creek, May Creek Tributary, and Big Soos Creek were developed from streamflow records at USGS gages within those watersheds. The gage reference numbers, descriptions, and periods of record (Reference 32) used in the analyses are summarized below. That listing includes additional gages used for correlating and transferring flows between local, hydrologically similar basins or for comparison of results. The Flood Flow Frequency Analysis computer program (Reference 15) was used to determine the discharge-frequency, relationships by applying log-Pearson Type III analysis techniques in accordance with methods presented in USGS Bulletin 17B (Reference 33) to the annual peak flow data for each gage site. USGS GAGES Flooding USGS Gage Period of Source Ref. No. USGS Gage Description Record Snoqualmie River 12-1490 Near Carnation 1930-1965 N/A Near Snoqualmie Falls 1929-1965 1,2-1445000 Near Snoqualmie 1959-1978 South Fork Snoqualmie River N/A At North Bend 1911-12, 1914-16, • 1918-26, 1930-38, 1946-50, 1961-78 North Fork Snoqualmie River N/A Near North Bend 1910-12, 1914-18, 1920, 1922-26, 1930 Middle Fork Snoqualmie River N/A Near Tanner 1962-1978 39 Ra:ing River 12-145500 Near Fall City 1946-1985 i To' t River 12-148500 Near Carnation 1959-1971 Gr-en River N/A Near Tukwila 1959-1963 NiA Near Auburn 1937-1962 N A Near Black Diamond 1940-1948 NIA Near Palmer 1932-1962 NSA Near Lester 1946-1962 Bi.: Soos Creek 12-112600 Above Hatchery, Near 1 Auburn 1961-1986 Sa amish River 1250 At Bothell 1940-1963 N/A Near Redmond 1940-1957 Sw:mp Creek 12-127100 At Kenmore 1964-1986 Li ,tle Bear Creek 12-126000 North Creek, Near Bothell 1946-1976, 1986 Be:r Creek 12-122500 Near Redmond 1946-49, 1980-81, 1986 12-124500 At Redmond 1946-50, 1956-58, 1986 12-124000 Evans Creek, Above Mouth Near Redmond 19.56-1977 Is aquah Creek 12-121600 Near Mouth 1964-present 11 12-121000 Near Issaquah 1946-1964 Tiobetts Creek 12-121700 Near Issaquah 1964-present Ma Creek 12-119600 At Mouth, Near Renton 1965-1979 Ce.1ar River 12-119000 At Mouth 1946-1985 12-1175 Near Landsburg 1948-present Mcrleer Creek 12-1276 At Lake Forest Park 1963-72, 1973-74 Lyon Creek 12-1273 At Lake Forest Park 1964-68, 1969-75 Mellcer Creek N/A At Bellevue 1945-present Co 1 Creek N/A At Bellevue 1963-present North Branch N/A At Bellevue 1949-present lercer Creek Sol'Wllth Fork Skykomish River 12-1330 Near Index 69 years 12-1305 Near Skykomish 26 years Beolkler River 12-1310 Near Skykomish 28 years 1 I 40 1 Discharge-frequency relationships established for gage locations were transferred to selected runoff concentration points along the study reaches through the application of regional regression techniques per published regression equations (Reference 34)., USGS gage flow records from the adjacent, hydrologically similar North Creek basin were used to establish flow estimates for Little w Bear Creek. Evaluation of peak recurrence interval discharges ' in the lower reaches of Little Bear Creek, downstream of the State Route 202 crossing, include reductions in main channel flow ! to reflect overflows away from the main channel that enter the Sammamish River at other locations. Updated hydrology for flooding sources either being restudied , or that are extensions of existing detailed studies were compared using statistical confidence limits with existing published Flood Insurance Study discharges at identified locations. Comparison, of peak discharge estimates for the May Creek gage site with those published in the previous Flood Insurance Study for the City , of Renton indicated no significant statistical differences . Therefore, in accordance with FEMA guidelines, the previous flow estimates for the gage site have been used in the present study. Recurrence interval peak discharge estimates established for the added detailed study reach of Bear Creek, upstream from its confluence with Cottage Lake Creek, are based on the results of the statistical analysis of annual peak flows at USGS gage No. 12- 122500 near Redmond. The limited period of gage record (8 years, including January 1986 event provisional flow estimates) , would normally preclude analysis using this method. However, additional gages located on Cottage Lake Creek (No. 12-123000), Evans Creek (No. 12-124000), and on the downstream reach of mainstream Bear Creek, (No. 12-124500) provided adequate data for comparative assessment of results. Discharge-frequency relationships for Thornton Creek, Longfellow Creek, Mill Creek (Auburn), and Rolling Hills Creek were developed using the COE HEC-1 computer program (Reference 35). The basic application of this synthetic hydrograph model included computation of drainage subbasin runoff hydrographs ii g using the SCS Type lA storm distribution (Mill Creek and Rolling Hills Creek) , routing of those hydrographs through channel reaches and detention storage areas, and combining them with downstream subbasin hydrographs at selected. study reach runoff concentration points. Calibration of those models to discharge estimates, developed from high water mark data collected for the January 1986 event, was performed. Peak-flow estimates for Thornton Creek include consideration ' of unobstructed diversion of flows to the overflow pipeline to Lake Washington. Runoff estimates for Thornton and Longfellow Creeks used a multiple peak design storm distribution pattern based on the actual January 17 through 19, 1986, storm event, taken from a network of local precipitation gage data (Reference 36)'. I ' In 41 addition to localized culvert backwater routing effects, routing of flows through the SW Webster Street detention basin and outlet structure was included in the Longfellow Creek modeling analyses. Discharge estimates computed at the mouth of Mill Creek (Auburn) consider noncoincidence of peak flows in the Green River and Mill Creek. Storage routing effects of backwater storage at the location have therefore not been considered in this analysis. Discharge estimates for Mill Creek for the floodway determination were modified to reflect reduction in storage with encroachment on the storage provided by the natural floodplain. I � Recent modeling analyses of the Mill Creek (Kent) and the Springbrook Creek basins using the SCS TR-20 hydrograph program '` have been performed by a local consultant for the City of Kent Drainage Master Plan (Reference 37). That study developed 25- and 100-year recurrence interval discharge estimates based on a 112-hour duration, SCS Type 1A storm distribution for the valley floor basins. It included consideration of significant storage-routing components within the Mill/Springbrook Creek system, including the recently completed Earthworks Park stormwater detention facility. The discharge estimates presented in the City of Kent Drainage Master Plan and supplemental computer output files, for existing land use conditions have been accepted for use in this restudy. Additional recurrence interval flows were extrapolated from the computer flows. The resultant flow estimates were reduced by overflow estimates to Springbrook Creek north of James Street, computed using hydraulic backwater rating methods, to provide the downstream estimates. Stream gage records are not available for the Black River and Springbrook Creek. In the absence of gaged discharge data for statistical determination of peak flow estimates, information from several previous hydrologic modeling studies within the Black River basin were collected and reviewed for comparison of results and for determination of acceptability for use in the restudy. Synthetic unit hydrograph modeling of basin runoff has been performed by the COE using the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph model (Reference 38); the SCS using the TR-20 model (Reference 39); by the previous study contractor for the existing Renton Flood Insurance Study using the TR-20 model (Reference 15) ; and, more recently, by other consultants for upstream reaches of the basin, using the ; TR-20 model. The flow estimates from the previous Flood Insurance Study were determined to be the most representative of the conditions existing in the basin at the time of this restudy, and were therefore used. Since the previous Flood Insurance Study only calculated the 10- and 100-year hydrographs, the 50-year hydrograph was interpolated from those previously computed. The 500-year • hydrograph was not analyzed because of the extensive changes in overbank storage that occur at P1 pond stages in excess on the 100- year recurrence interval. The Green River basin has been studied extensively by the Seattle District of the COE. The COE operation of Howard A. Hanson Dam provides flow regulation for flood protection to the downstream 42 I I river reaches, particularly the lower Green River Valley downstream from Auburn. Current COE operation of the dam regulates the peak downstream flow releases up to the standard project flood to 12,000 cfs at the USGS Auburn This includes consideration of gage. tributary inflows downstream of the dam (i.e., Newaukum Creek and' Big Soos Creek). Discharge-frequency analyses have been performed by the ,COE as part of the Green River Flood Reduction Study (Reference 23) for estimation of peak unregulated and regulated floodflows at the Auburn steam gage. Results of those analyses were reviewed and used in this restudy. The flows are also in agreement with previously published Flood Insurance Study discharge estimates. Discharge-frequency relationships for the White River were obtained from a backwater channel-capacity study by the COE (Reference 40): The selected stations were Mud Mountain Dam and the White River at the mouth. The were peak discharges adjusted for the White River g ] near Auburn. Those adjusted discharges were used directly for this study. Because there are no streamflow records on Forbes Creek and Yarrow Creek, runoffs for the floods of interest were calculated using rainfall relationships developed for the area and a computerized stormwater routing model. The model incorporates the unit hydrograph methodology developed by the SCS (Reference 41). The peak discharges obtained by this method were comparable to those derived from regional regression equations published by the USGS (Reference 42). Sea-Tac hydrologic anal sis of Miller and Walker Creeks in the Y a ac communities plan (Reference 43) used a stormwater management model developed in earlier river basin studies. A single large storm and measurements at temporary gaging stations along the creeks were used to calibrate the model, and flows for the 10-, 50-, and 100- year storms were computed. The 500-year flood was estimated by extending the curve through the computed points. A gaging station on Miller Creek was established in 1973 to provide a better understanding of hydrologic conditions in the stream. No gage records exist for Des Moines Creek. Because of highly similar drainage basin characteristics, peak discharges per square mile for Miller and Walker Creeks were applied to the Des Moines Creek drainage basin. These flows gave flood elevations well in excess of local experience. The excessive flow rates were explainable because an 80-foot-high road embankment (Marine View Drive) crosses Des Moines Creek Canyon at the upper end of the detailed study area. The box culvert flowing under the embankment has a capacity of 300 cfs before peak flow storage begins. However, even assuming that no outflow was allowed, the impoundment can store 65 percent of the runoff that would occur during a 6-day, 100-year storm. Therefore, reservoir routing capacity exists to significantly ,reduce peak flows. Utilizing rainfall-runoff data and techniques developed by the study contractor during a recent 43 study of a similar urban area located several miles to the north, a 100-year synthetic runoff hydrograph was developed for a 6-day storm for Des Moines Creek. The 100-year hydrograph was routed through the storage reservoir created by the road embankment, reducing the unrouted peak 1 discharge. This same percentage of flow reduction was applied to the 10-, 50-, and 500-year unrouted peak flows. Peak discharge-drainage area relationships for the streams studied by detailed methods are shown in Table 1. 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses A Analyses of the hydraulic characteristics of flooding from the sources studied were carried out to provide estimates of the elevations of floods of the selected recurrence intervals. Cross section data for the backwater analysis for Miller Creek, Walker Creek, and a portion of Des Moines Creek were taken from topographic maps with 2 foot contour intervals (Reference 44). Cross section data for North Creek and White River (left bank overflow) were taken from aerial photographs (References 145 and 46). Cross section data for the Snoqualmie River and North, Middle, and South Forks Snoqualmie River were obtained from field surveys and aerial photographs (References 1, 47, 48, and 49). The cross section data for the backwater analyses for the remaining streams studied by detailed methods were obtained by field 'survey. Cross section data for the overbank areas of Green River, •4bbetts Creek, Issaquah Creek, and East Fork Issaquah Creek were based on topographic base maps (References 50 and 51). The flooding potential, in the form of ponding, for the unnamed drainageway in the central business district in Kirkland, is directly related to the capacity of the existing stormwater drainage system. The capacity of this system was determined and removed from the runoff produced by the design storm. The, volume of the remaining excess runoff was then compared to a storage- elevation curve developed for the central business district This comparison yielded the maximum expected elevation for the predicted 100-year event. Based on a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) dated January 30, 1989, and due to improvements done in that area, the drainageway was moved to reflect the LOMR. Water-surface elevations of floods of the selected recurrence intervals on Mercer Creek, Right Channel Mercer Creek, Meydenbauer Creek, North Fork Meydenbauer Creek, Coal Creek, Vasa ' Creek, Richards Creek East Tributary, Richards Creek West Tributary, Kelsey Creek, West Tributary Kelsey Creek, East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek, North Branch Mercer Creek, and Yarrow Creek were computed using the USGS E-431 step-backwater computer model (Reference 52). Water-surface elevations of floods of the selected recurrence intervals on Lyon Creek and McAleer Creek downstream of Northeast 178th Street were computed by hand calculations. I i 44 1 r J TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES - - Drainage Area --- - --Peak Discharges ==cf=s Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Snoqualmie River At mouth 693.0 42,000 54,000 60,000 68,000 At Duvall 645.0 42,480 54,610 59,610 71,530_ At Carnation 603.0 46,800 65,200 73,000 92,000 Near Snoqualmie 375.0 50,000 71,000 80,000 103,000 Raging River At USGS gage 12-145500 30.6 - 3,080 4,150 4,610 5,660 Above Interstate Highway 90 25.7 2,640 3,560 3,960 4,860 Above Lake Creek confluence 20.2 2,130 2,880 3,210 3,940 Above Deep Creek confluence 13.3 1,470 1,990 2,230 2,740 Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Above confluence with North Fork 171.0 28,000 38,300 43,800 55,800 North Fork Snoqualmie River At mouth 103.0 12,500 18,000 20,500 27,500 South Fork Snoqualmie River At North Bend 82.0 9,000 13,000 15,000 19,700 Green River At Renton 450.0 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 At Tukwila 450.0 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 At Kent 400.0 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 At Auburn 399.0 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 At USGS gage 12-113000 (Auburn) 339.0 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 12,0001 Below Howard A. Hanson Dam 220.0 11,0001 11,0001 11,0001 11,0001 Above Howard A. Hanson Dam 215.0 20,050 29,250 33,500 49,000 1Discharges constant due to controlled release from Howard A. Hanson Dam TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) Drainage Area _ Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Black River Above Green River confluence 24.8 4001 4001 4001 4001 At P-1 pump station inlet 24.8 650 1,040 1,230 1,730 Springbrook Creek Upstream of confluence with Black River 21.9 5902 930 1,1002 1,550 Downstream of confluence with Mill Creek (River Mile 3.03) 16.1 6801 -- 1,055 -- Mill Creek (Kent) At confluence with Springbrook Creek 9.2 380 -- 650 -- At Highway 167 culvert entrance 3.1 110 125 130 140 At Bowen-Scarff culvert outlet 2.9 110 115 120 130 Downstream of Springbrook Creek a` Overflow 2.7 85 90 100 110 At James Street 2.6 70 110 140 180 Mill Creek (Auburn) Above confluence with Green River 12.8 250 360 410 510 At 277th Street 11.7 230/220 330/320 370/360 480/470 At 37th Street, N.W. 9.8 200/190 290/280 340/320 500/420 At 29th Street, N.W. 8.9 180 270 310 450 At Valley Freeway (SR-167) 8.0 180/170 270/250 310/280 500/400 At 15th Street, N.W. 7.6 190/170 300/250 370/290 570/480 At Main Street 6.2 160 250 310 490 At Peasley Canyon Way 5.7 140 230 290 450 At 15th Street, N.W. 0.7 -- -- 40 -- 1400 cfs discharge from pump station coincides with peak flows in Green River. 2Decrease in discharges due to P-1- pumping plant pumping 300 cfs into Green River during flood -- stages. a 4 a, TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Copt°d) Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Big Soos Creek At USGS gage 12-112600 66.7 1,130 1,440 1,550 1,790 Below Covington Creek confluence 49.4 870 1,110 1,190 1,380 Above_ Covington Creek cofnluence 31.2 580 740 800 920 Above Jenkins Creek confluence 13.5 270 350 390 450 Above Little Soos Creek confluence 9.3 200 250 280 320 At S.E. 244th Street - 7.1 150 200 220 260 At S.E. 208th Street 4.5 100 130 150 170 White River At Pacific and Auburn 440.0 15,870 17,600 18,370 20,700 Sammamish River At mouth 240.0 2,300 3,300 4,300 5,600 At Redmond (downstream of Bear Creek) 144.0 1,740 2,480 2,830 3,820 Swamp Creek At USGS gage 12-127100 23.1 600 810 910 1,160 At tributary confluence downstream of 73rd. Avenue N.E. 21.9 570 770 870 1,110 At N.E. 205th Street 20.9 550 740 830 1,060 North Creek Near Bothell (USGS gage No. 12-1260) 24.6 454 581 634 757 Little Bear Creek . Above Sammamish River confluence 15.6 3201 4501 5001 5701 Above SR-202 15.5 340 490 570 750 At Highway 522 14.7 330 480 550 740 At N.E. 205th Street 13.6 - 310 450 520 700 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Bear Creek At Redmond (0.75 mile from mouth) 48.0 1,060 1,365 1,535 2,000 Above Cottage Lake Creek confluence 14.5 320 460 520 690 2,700 feet downstream of USGS gage 12-122500 (at N.E. 133rd Street) 13.9 310 440 500 670 Above Seidal Creek confluence 11.6 260 380 430 570 15 feet downstream of N.E. 145th Street 11.2 250 360 410 550 Above Struve Creek confluence 8.7 200 290 330 450 Above tributary confluence 3,200 feet upstream of N.E. 148th Street 8.0 190 270 310 410 1,500 feet downstream of Woodinville-Duvall Road 7.4 180 250 290 390 At Woodinville-Duvall Road 5.8 140 200 230 310 Evans Creek °D Near Redmond, at R.M.O. 8 13.0 280 360 400 496 Issaquah Creek At mouth 55.0 2,580 3,980 4,700 6,700 At USGS gage 12-121000 27.0 1,300 2,050 2,430 3,500 Above West Fork Tributary confluence 21.8 1,080 1,700 2,020 2,910 At Cedar Grove Road 20.5 1,020 1,610 1,910 2,750 1,500 feet downstream of 252nd Avenue S.E. 17.5 880 1,400 1,670 2,400 'Downstream discharge decrease results from channel overflows to Sammamish River 1 4 s r 4 4 1 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) - - - -- - ------ Drainage Area Peak Discharges cfs _- - Flooding Source and Location • (s-q. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year North Fork Issaquah Creek , At mouth 4.8 270 425 510 750 East Fork Issaquah Creek At mouth 9.5 440 725 850 1,100 Wesk Fork Issaquah Creek Above Issaquah Creek confluence 4.9 290 460 550 790 2,900 feet upstream of 229th Drive S.E. 4.7 270 440 530 770 Above tributary confluence near 208th Avenue S.E. 1.5 100 160 200 280 Holder Creek Above confluence with Carey Creek 7.5 420 660 800 1,150 Tibbetts Creek At mouth 3.9 220 355 425 600 May Creek At USGS gage 12-119600 12.7 480 800 870 1,020 At Coal Creek Parkway 8.9 350 580 640 750 At 146th Avenue S.E. 7.7 310 520 560 660 At 148th Avenue S.E. 6.9 280 470 510 600 At 164th Avenue S.E. 4.8 200. 340 370 440 At S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road 2.9 130 220 240 280 At S.E. May Valley Road 1.2 59 100 110 130 AT S.E. 109th Place 0.9 46 78 87 100 May Creek Tributary Above confluence with May Creek 1.5 72 120 140 160 Vasa Creek At mouth -- 1.37" 55 —8l 93 123- -At cross section R 0.53 24 38 44 60 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) • Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) - -- --- - -- -Flooding-Source and—Location ---- (sq. mi es 1-0 ar-5-0= eY ar-1-0 500=Year Cedar River At USGS gage 12-119000 186.0 5,460 7,580 8,530 10,900 Mercer Creek (Including both main and right channel) At mouth 17.79 490 628 686 819 At confluence with Kelsey and Richards Creeks 13.75 393 510 560 675 Richards Creek At mouth 3.63 122 170 191 241 At Interstate Highway 90 1.11 44 65 75 99 At S.E. Newport Way. 0.80 33 50 58 78 Richards Creek West Tributary At mouth 0.91 37 55 64 85 o Richards Creek East Tributary Approximately 325 feet upstream of S.E. 26th Street' 0.06 4 36 47 81 Kelsey Creek At mouth 10.10 301 398 439 536 At 140th Avenue N.E. 6.69 211 285 317 393 At Lake Hills Boulevard 2.25 84 121 138 179 West Tributary Kelsey Creek At mouth 1.75 64 92 104 135 At upstream confluence of East Branch 0.34 16 25 29 41 East Branch of West Tributary (Kelsey Creek) At -mouth 0.92 --- 37 56 - -- 64 - 86 'Includes overflow from Richards Creek for 50-, 100-, and 500-year discharges 4 . 0 4 w r 0 • TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (,sq. miles) 10-Year . 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year North Branch Mercer Creek (North Valley Creek) At mouth 3.10 111 157 177 227 N.E. 40th Street 1.12 46 69 79 106 Thornton Creek Above mouth at Lake Washington 12.1 190 ---- - 290- - -- - 390-- ----- - - 670 At N.E. 93rd Street 11.7 150 230 330 590 At 45th Avenue N.E. 11.5 140 210 310 560 At N.E. 105th Street 11.1 110 170 260 490 At diversion weir .to downstream channel 11.0 100 160 250 480 At diversion to Lake Washington -- 210 330 340 350 Below confluence of North and South Fork Thornton Creeks 10.9 310 490 590 830 Lri North Fork Thornton Creek Above South Fork Thornton Creek confluence 7.2 160 270 320 470 . Below tributary confluence downstream of N.E. 115th Street 6.8 140 230 280 410 At N.E. 115th Street and 35th Avenue N.E. 5.6 90 150 180 270 At N.E. 125th Street 5.2 67 120 150 240 At 15th Avenue N.E. 4.2 42 82 110 170 At Interstate Highway 5 3.7 32 65 84 140 South Fork Thorton Creek At 35th Avenue N.E. and N.E. 105th Street 3.8 150 230 270 380 At 30th Avenue N.E.- 3.6 140 210 250 350 At Lake City Way 3.2 120 180 210 300 --- --- --N.E. 107-th St-reef — 2:1 72- - -- 110--- --1-30 --- - - 180 --- --- At N.E. 105th Street and 8th Avenue N.E. 1.4 50 75 89 120 TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (Cont'd) Drainage rea ea Discharges (csi) Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year McAleer Creek At mouth 7.80 215 278 304 364 Coal Creek At mouth 7.31 228 306 340 420 At Interstate Highway 405 6.76 213 287 320 396 Coal Creek Tributary (Newport Creek) At mouth 0.31 14 21 25 35 Forbes Creek At mouth 3.7 150 180 220 260 Lyon Creek At mouth 3.67 147 177 188 214 U' N Yarrow Creek At mouth 2.2 -- -- 126 -- At unnamed drainageway in Central Business District 1.5 -- -- 339 -- At N.E. 40th Street 0.73 29 44 51 68 Meydenbauer Creek At mouth 1.26 44 63 72 93 At S.E. 6th Street 0.19 9 14 16 22 North Fork Meydenbauer Creek At 102nd Avenue S.E. 0.93 34 49 56 74 South Fork Skykomish River At Skykomish 239.0 - 2-5-,-100 37,400 43,000 57300 Maloney Creek At Skykomish 3.8 750 980 1,130 1,380 1 4 ► •r r * r y TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (sq. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Miller Creek At mouth 8.1 383 575 670 1,050 At sewage treatment plant --1 278 415 479 785 At confluence with Lake Burien Tributary --1 239 364 429 --1 Below 1st Avenue --1 159 245 293 475 Below State Highway 509 --1 151 235 275 450 At confluence with Lake Lora Tributary --1 109 176 211 --1 At Lake Reba outflow --1 90 150 177 310 v, Walker Creek 4' Above confluence with Miller Creek 1.5 281 400 461 605 Tolt River 300 feet above confluence with Snoqualmie River 101.0 10,000 14,000 16,000 20,000 Des Moines Creek Below Marine View Drive South 5.8 400 600 702 945 Longfellow Creek At S.W. Brandon Street 2.7 170 310 380 520 At 26th Street S.W. 2.5 160 290 350 480 At S.W. Juneau Street 2.2 140 250 310 420 At 25th Avenue S.W. 2.1 130 240 290 400 At S.W. Willow Street 2.0 120 230 280 380 At S.W. Myrtle Street 1.4 84 150 180 250 At S.W. Webster Street (Detention basin outflow) 1.2 76 -130 150 220 At S.W. Holden Street 1.1 74 120 140 200 1Data not available T- LE=1SUMMARY-UF DrSCHARCES-(Conte) Drainage Area Peak Discharges (cfs) Flooding Source and Location (so. miles) 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Rolling Hills Creek At Highway 405 culvert entrance near Highway 167 1.2 721 861 911 --2 Below east storm drain confluence 600 feet upstream of Highway 405 1.2 77 110 130 --2 Unnamed Drainageway In the central business district in the City of Kirkland 1.5 __2 __2 339 --2 Ui p- 'Downstream decrease in discharge results from routing effects of hydraulic structures 2Data not available '• . S. sill I McAleer Creek passes through 10 significant hydraulic structures, one private culvert, and numerous private bridges. Lyon Creek passes through 12 significant hydraulic structures. Each of these structures was rated for hydraulic capacity by applying standard hydraulic calculations and hydraulic nomographs (References 53, I54, 55, and 56). The water-surface elevations for a portion of the upper Green River Valley were computed using the COE G3722110 Water-Surface Profiles computer program (Reference 57). The water-surface elevations of floods of the selected recurrence intervals on the remaining streams studied by detailed methods were computed using the COE HEC-2 step-backwater computer program (Reference 58). The starting water-surface elevations for the Snoqualmie River and North, South,. and Middle Forks Snoqualmie River, Sammamish River, Tibbetts Creek, and Green River were developed using the slope-area method or were developed from hydraulic rating data. For the most downstream portion of the Green River, the starting water-surface elevation was based on previous studies. The starting water- surface elevation of 6.6 feet, which lies below the highest estimated tide and above the mean high water elevation, was calculated by ;the COE with the coordination of FEMA Region X. Starting water-surface elevations for Raging, Cedar, and South Fork Skykomish Rivers, and Big Soos, Swamp, Issaquah, West Fork Issaquah, Thornton, Longfellow, Forbes, Yarrow and Maloney Creeks were determined using normal depth from slope-area methods. Starting water-surface elevations for Rolling Hills Creek and May Creek were determined to be critical depth. Starting water-surface elevations for May Creek Tributary were the corresponding recurrence: interval event water-surface elevations in the main stem at the point of confluence with the tributary. , The starting water-surface elevations for Bear and Evans Creeks are coincident with the elevations at the confluences of the Sammamish River and Bear Creek, respectively.. Starting water-surface elevations for the White River were taken from the COE computer printout and flood profile prepared in 1974 (Reference 40)'. The starting Iwater-surface elevation for Lyon Creek and: McAleer Creek was the maximum control elevation of Lake Washington, which is 15 feet.. The starting water-surface elevation for North Creek at its mouth was the 10-year flood elevation from the Sammamish River. 55 Starting water-surface elevations for Little Bear Creek were based on a coincident 25-year recurrence interval Sammamish River' flood stage, as was estimated to occur for the January 1986 flooding event. The starting water-surface elevation for Mill I Creek (Auburn) was based on computed Green River backwater elevatiI ns at the Mill Creek outlet using mean monthly Green River flow data for December and January. The starting water-surface elevation on Mill Creek (Kent) was obtained from the Springbrook Creek flood profile. Starting water-surface elevations for the flood profiles for Miller Creek and Walker Creek were taken from the hydraulic study of Puget Sound. Starting elevations for the flood profiles for Des Moines Creek were taken using the 10-year elevation computed for Puget Sound. For the coastal area studied by detailed methods, the effects of high tidal levels and wave runup were combined to determi a the maximum flood elevations above the NGVD of 1929 datum. Wave prediction and wave runup calculations were performed by methods prescribed in the COE Shore Protection Manual (Reference 59). Starting water-surface elevations for Mercer, Right Channel Mercer, Meydenbauer, North Fork Meydenbauer, Coal, Vasa, Richards East Tributary Richards, West Tributary Richards, Kelsey, West Tributary Kelsey, East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey, and North Branch. Mercer Creeks were computed from: 1. Frequency analysis of lake elevations 2. Profile conveyance of downstream cross sections 3. Culvert ratings where an approach section was the section farthest downstream The starting water-surface elevations for the Black River,I North and East Forks Issaquah Creek, and North and South Forks Thornton Creek are coincident with the elevations at the confluences of the Green River, Issaquah Creek, and Thornton Creek, respectively.) For the Green River, analyses were performed in accordance with FEMA's levee policy. In accordance with those guidelines, two backwater profiles were computed for the reach under study, one for flows confined to the levee system, and a second for the condition of complete levee systems assumed removed for analysis, where levee system freeboard is less than minimum FEMA standards. The general freeboard standard of. 3.0 feet for consideration of levee') flood protection was lowered by FEMA for the Green River to 2.0 feet based on COE review and recommendations, at the request ofi King County (Reference 60). Based on the computed with levees water- surface profiles and surveyed cross section and levee profile data, a total of approximately 5.7 river miles of levees were identified as having less than 2.0 feet of freeboard at some locations along a particular levee system. 56 On Little Bear Creek, high water marks for the January y 1986 event were used to calculate flows through culverts and to reduce flows at overbank breakout points, from upstream of the SR 202 culvert, downstream to the Sammamish River confluence. The HEC-2 step- backwater model was calibrated to these conditions. A range ' of flows were input to the model to develop rating curves for the structures and overflow weirs. The recurrence flows, derived from the hydrologic analyses, were modified to reflect the overflow conditions from review of the rating curves. Sheetflow and ponding caused by the channel overflow was approximated from photographs, topographic maps, high water marks, and local accounts of flooding extent and depths. The maximum water-surface elevation of the P1 storage pond in Renton was determined by routing the hydrograph through the storage pond and pumping station by using the storage-elevation relationshipfor' the and the pumping station's firm pondp p g capacity of 875 cfs as the maximum discharge. The 10-year water-surface profile for Springbrook Creek was started at normal depth because normal depth was greater than 3.5 feet NGVD, which is the maximum water-surface elevation of the P1 storage pond under standard operating procedures. The peak 10-year flow into the storage pond is less than the maximum pumping rate and, therefore, no rise in the water-surface elevation of the storage pond should occur during the 10 year event. Two conditions were considered for each of the 50- and 1004ear events. The first consisted of modeling the effects on the Springbrook Creek study reach of the computed maximum water-surface elevation that may be reached in the storage pond (the starting water-surface elevation) coincident with the flow that would be discharged from Springbrook Creek at that time step in the inflow runoff hydrograph. The second condition 'of analysis consisted of modeling the effects of Springbrook Creek peak inflows for the recurrence interval event under consideration, with a starting water-surface elevation of the higher of normal depth, or the, coincident elevation of the storage pond at the time of the peak ! inflow. For each recurrence interval, the higher water-surface elevation resulting from each of those analysis conditions at the study reach cross sections was used for final flood profile determination. The COE regulates the water level of Lake Washington at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks on the Lake Washington Ship Canal. The lake level is drawn down during the winter months and is typically regulated at elevation 13.2 NGVD for that period. In the summer' months, the lake level is raised to an elevation of 15.0 feet NGVD. That elevation exceeds the normal depth water- surface elevation determined at the mouth of the Cedar River for the 10-, 50-, and 100-year recurrence interval flows. Therefore, the flood profiles for the Cedar River includes the backwater impact from Lake Washington until the profile that was started at normal depth ' exceeds the 15.0-foot elevation for the 100-year recurrence interval event at the first cross section, with lake backwater shown for the lesser recurrence intervals. 57 it For the coastal areas studied by detailed methods near Des Moines and Normandy Park, the effects of high tidal levels and wave runup were combined to determine the maximum flood elevations. Wave 1 prediction and wave runup calculations were performed by methods prescribed in the COE Shore Protection Manual (Reference 59) and wave runup elevations for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 5100-year conditions for Puget Sound north of and outside the breakwater. of Des Moines Marina, and the 100-year condition for unprotected areas south of Des Moines Marina are shown in Table 2, "Summary of Elevations." I Table 2 - Summary of Elevations Fl.oding Source and Elevation in Feet (NGVD) i Location 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Puget Sound Area from northwest corporate limits of Normandy Park to confluence with Miller Creek 10.2 13.5 16.3 16.7 Area from confluence with Miller Creek to vicinity of Shorebrook Drive 8.3 8.9 9.1 9.5 Area from vicinity of Shorebrook Drive to vicinity of SW Shoremont Avenue 10.2 13.5 16.3 116.7 Area from vicinity of SW Shoremont Avenue to just south of Normandy Park Creek 8.6 9.6 10.1 10.5 Area from just south of Normandy Park Creek to vicinity of SW 201st Street extended 10.2 13.5 16.3 16.7 Area from vicinity of SW 201st Street extended to vicinity of SW 202nd Street extended 8.3 8.9 9.1 9.5 ~ Area from vicinity of SW 202nd Street extended to vicinity of 1 SW 203rd Street extended 8.6 9.6 10.1 10.5 Area from vicinity of SW 203rd Street extended to vicinity of SW 207th Street extended 10.2 13.5 16.3 16.7 1 58 Table 2 - Summary of Elevations (Cont'd) Flooding Source and Elevation in Feet (NGVD) i Location 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year ili Area in the vicinity of SW 207th Street extended 8.6 9.6 10.1 10.5 I II Area from vicinity of SW 207th Place extended to Normandy Park- Des Moines corporate limits 10.2 13.5 16.3 16.7' • Unprotected Area II North of Des Moines Marina and Area Outside the Breakwater 10.2 13.5 16.3 16.7 I ' Protected Area Within the Breakwater and Area Shadowed by the Breakwater 8.3 8.9 9.1 9.5 Unprotected Area South of Des Moines Marina 8.3 8.9 9.1/12.71 9.51 Lake Sammamish 29.0 31.3 32.5 34.0 11 1Stillwater Elevation/Wave Runup Elevation it Areas of coastline subject to wave attack are referred to as coastal high hazard zones. Factors considered in determining wave runup included length of fetch, sustained wind velocities, coastal water depths, land slopes, and other physical features of the coastline that could appreciably affect wave propagation. Much 'of the coastline, along Des Moines is protected by a breakwater that extends north and south along the coast to protect the Des Moines Marina. The area west of this breakwater and the unprotected area north and south of the breakwater have been designated coastal high hazard zones. The unprotected sections of the coastline are subject to wave attack generated by high winds from a southwest direction across Puget Sound. The remaining coastal areas inland from the breaking waves, subject only to wave runup, and areas sheltered by the breakwater are not exposed to severe wave attack and have not been designated as part of a coastal high hazard zone. Elevations on Lake Sammamish for the various frequency floods are controlled by the COE Lake Sammamish outlet project built in 1966. This project consists of a low weir designed to maintain the lake elevation at 29.0 feet for the 10-year flood. The elevations for the 50-, 100=, and 500-year floods were computed byrouting P techniques through the lake. Elevations for floods for the selected recurrence intervals are also presented in Table 2. I'I 59 Channel and overbank roughness factors (Manning's "n") used in the hydraulic computations were chosen by engineering judgment and were based on field observations of the stream and floodplain areas, and hydraulic calibration of flood profiles to available high water mark data. The range of channel and overbank "n" values for the various flooding sources are listed in Table 3. Table 3 - Manning's "n" Values ., Stream Channel "n" Range Overbank "n" Range Snoqulmie River (Main Stem and Forks) 0.028-0.058 0.040-0.170 Raging River 0.065-0.080 0.080 Green River 0.020-0.055 0.060-0.300 I Black River/Springbrook Creek 0.011-0.050 0.050-0.150 I Mill Creek (Auburn) 0.012-0.090 0.045-0.095 Mill Creek (Kent) 0.012-0.041 0.050-0.120 Big Soos Creek 0.024-0.090 0.040-0.150 White River 0.027-0.057 0.040-0.085 j Sammamish River 0.026-0.057 0.040-0.140 Swamp Creek 0.045-0.085 0.050-0.120 North Creek 0.030-0.055 0.050-0.100 Little Bear Creek 0.012-0.080 0.016-0.150 Bear Creek 0.040-0.100 0.060-0.300 Evans Creek 0.039-0.063 0.056-0.135 Issaquah Creek 0.030-0.055 0.020-0.120 North Fork Issaquah Creek 0.026-0.055 0.070-0.1201 West Fork Issaquah Creek 0.024-0.050 0.035-0.120 East Fork Issaquah Creek 0.050 0.130 1 Holder Creek 0.030-0.055 0.020-0.1201 Tibbetts Creek 0.027-0.055 0.080-0.130 May Creek 0.030-0.090 0.055-0.1501 May Creek Tributary 0.040 0.070 Vasa Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Cedar River 0.020-0.055 0.033-0.150 Mercer Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Right Channel Mercer Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Richards Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Richards Creek West Tributary 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Richards Creek East Tributary 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075' Kelsey Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.0751 • West Tributary Kelsey Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.0751 East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075, North Branch Mercer Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.0751 Thornton Creek 0.012-0.045 0.028-0.120 North Fork Thornton Creek 0.012-0.045 0.028-0.120' South Fork Thornton Creek 0.012-0.045 0.028-0.120 McAleer Creek 0.025-0.050 0.013-0.080 Coal Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 i 60 Table 3 - Manning's "n" Values (Cont'd) Stream Channel "n" Range Overbank "n" Range Forbes Creek 0.045 0.050 Lyon Creek 0.025 0.050 Yarrow Creek 0.045 0.150 Meydenbauer Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 ' North Fork Meydenbauer Creek 0.035-0.042 0.055-0.075 Tolt River 0.015-0.600 0.035-0.600 South Fork Skykomish River 0.038-0.042 0.060-0.125 Maloney Creek 0.037-0.055 0.050-0.100 Miller Creek 0.040-0.050 0.060-0.120 Walker Creek 0.050 0.060-0.120 Des Moines Creek 0.030-0.040 0.050-0.100 Longfellow Creek 0.025-0.065 0.065-0.070 Rolling Hills Creek 0.025-0.040 0.020-0.060 Flood profiles were computed to an accuracy of approximately 1.0 foot for floods of the selected recurrence intervals and are shown in Exhibit 1. The degree of accuracy of the water-surface profiles is limited to 1.0 foot by the location and accuracy of the cross 1 sections, the extent of the various energy losses of the system, and the general limitations of backwater calculations. The accuracy of 1.0 foot is consistent with the accuracy of predicted peak discharges and the knowledge that unpredictable events during actual floods will likely cause deviations from the predicted profile. Locations of selected cross sections used in the hydraulic analyses are shown on the Flood Profiles (Exhibit 1). For stream segments 1 for which a floodway was computed (see Section 4.2), selected cross section locations are also shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (Exhibit 2). 1 For streams studied by approximate methods, the 100-year flood- plains were approximated by field inspections and observations and by normal depth calculation using estimated 100-year recurrence interval floodflows and approximate cross sections taken from field investigations or from topographic maps, where available. Computed depth from minimum channel elevation and average floodflow velocity are shown on the maps. The hydraulic analyses for this study were based on unobstructed flow. The flood elevations shown on the profiles are thus considered valid only if hydraulic structures remain unobstructed, operate properly, and do not fail. 11 All elevations are referenced to the NGVD of 1929. Elevation reference marks used in this study are shown on the maps; the description of the marks are presented in Elevation Reference Marks (Exhibit 3). I 61 1 I � 4. 0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS The NFIP encourages state and local governments to adopt sound floodplain management programs. Therefore, each Flood Insurance Study provides 100-year flood elevations and delineations of the 100- and 500- 1 year floodplain boundaries and 100-year floodway to assist communities and counties in developing floodplain management measures. 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries To provide a national standard without regional discrimination, the 1 percent annual chance (100-year) flood has been adopted by FEMA as the base flood for floodplain management purposes. The 0.2 percent annual chance (500-year) flood is employed to indicate additional areas of flood risk in the community. For each stream studied by detailed methods, the 100- and 500-year floodplain boundaries have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section. Between cross sections, the boundaries were interpolated. using topographic maps at scales of 1:240, 1:1,200, 1:2,400, 1:4,800, and 1:6,000, with contour intervals of 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10 feet (References 46 and 63 to 78). The 100- and 500-year floodplain boundaries are shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 2). On this map, the 100-year floodplain boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of special flood hazards (Zones A, AE, AH, AO and VE); and the 500- year floodplain boundary corresponds to the boundary of areas of moderate flood hazards. In cases where the 100- and 500-year floodplain boundaries are close together, only the 100-year floodplain boundary has been shown. Small areas within the floodplain boundaries may lie above the flood elevations but cannot be shown due to limitations of the map scale and/or lack of detailed topographic data. For the streams studied by approximate methods, only the 100-year floodplain boundary is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 2). Approximate 100-year floodplain boundaries in some portions of the study area were taken directly from Flood Hazard Boundary Maps (References 79 to 89), or Flood Insurance Rate Maps (Refer,ences 90 and 91). 4.2 Floodways Encroachment on floodplains, such as structures and fill,I reduces flood-carrying capacity, increases flood heights and velocities, and increases flood hazards in areas beyond the encroachment. One aspect of floodplain management involves balancing the leconomic gain from floodplain development against the resulting increase in flood hazard. For purposes of the NFIP, a floodway is used as a tool to assist local communities in this aspect of floodplain I � 62 I, management. Under this concept, the area of the 100-year floodplain is divided into a floodway and a floodway fringe. The floodway is the channel of a stream, plus any adjacent floodplain areas, that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 100-year flood can be carried •without substantial increases in, flood heights. Minimum Federal standards limit such increases to 1.0 It foot, provided ' that hazardous velocities are not produced.. The floodways in this study are presented to local agencies as a • minimum basis for additional floodway studies. II The floodways presented in this study were computed for certain stream segments on the basis of equal conveyance reduction from each side of the floodplain. Floodways widths were computed at cross sections. Between cross sections, the floodway boundaries I were interpolated. The results of the floodway computations ,are tabulated at selected cross sections (Table 4). In cases where the floodway and 100-year floodplain boundaries are either close 11 together or collinear, only the floodway boundary has been shown. The area between the floodway and 100-year floodplain boundaries is termed the floodway fringe. The floodway fringe encompasses the portion of the floodplain that could be completely obstructed without increasing the water-surface elevation of the 100-year flood more than 1.0 foot at any point. Typical relationships I between the floodway and the floodway fringe and their significance to floodplain development are shown Figure 2. II rt 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN FLOODWAY 0.E-- FLOODWAY ,I4 FLOODWAY.. FRINGE FRINGE STREAM _� CHANNEL FLOOD ELEVATION WHEN I CONFINED WITHIN FLOODWAY ENCROACHMENT ENCROACHMENT li \ C D f N SURCHARGE• - "=--------,....' ''' AREA OF FLOODPLAIN THAT COULD BE USED FLOOD ELEVATION BEFORE s FOR DEVELOPMENT BY RAISING GROUND ENCROACHMENT ON FLOODPLAIN LINE AB IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION BEFORE ENCROACHMENT. , LINE CD IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION AFTER ENCROACHMENT. 'SURCHARGE IS NOT TO EXCEED 1.0 FOOT(FIA REQUIREMENT)OR LESSER AMOUNT IF SPECIFIED BY STATE II 1 Figure 2.. Floodway Schematic 63 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH _INCREASE --- - -- -tROSSSe u0N- - �OISTANCt1--WIOXH _-AREA - -VtCOCit=Y�� IOO - - OOYYIEY�_-- - ---- (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Snoqualmie River A 6.50 4,762 48,310 1.8 43.0 43.0 43.8 0.8 B 9.80 3,273 25,877 3.4 44.7 44.7 45.5 0.8 C 11.40 3,366 28,797 2.3 46.4 46.4 47.3 0.9 D 14.70 2,646 16,553 3.1 49.4 49.4 50.2 0.8 E 16.65 3,151 27,176 2.5 51.5 51.5 52.4 0.9 • F 18.80 4,453 26,323 3.7 54.0 54.0 54.9 0.9 G 19.90 3,014 25,071 2.8 55.2 55.2 56.1 0.9 H 21.15 1,467 20,888 2.5 56.0 56.0 57.0 1.0 I 24.30 1,044 11,930 4.8 68.6 68.6 69.2 0.6 J 25.10 1,577 18,355 3.7 74.7 74.7 75.1 ' 0.4 K 26.90 4,678 55,633 3.1 77.1 77.1 77.7 0.6 L 28.55 4,330 44,702 1.9 77.7 77.7 78.3 0.6 M 30.70 4,451 35,057 2.7 79.5 79.5 80.2 0.7 N 33.10 3,581 27,294 2.7 82.0 82.0 82.9 0.9 O 35.10 3,025 24,466 3.2 88.2 88.2 89.1 0.9 P 36.20 1,498 16,200 3.1 94.3 94.3 95.3 1.0 Q 36.80 ' 1,564 17,259 4.7 99.0 99.0 99.7 0.7 R 38.60 415 7,007 4.3 108.5 108.5 108.9 0.4 S 40.00 320 3,795 15.5 126.1 126.1 126.1 0.0 T 40.42 283 4,593 17.4 413.0 413.0 413.0 0.0 U 40.66 568 9,384 8.5 419.3 419.3 419.3 0.0 ✓ 40.72 890 13,024 6.1 420.0 420.0 420.0 0.0 W 40.94 1,618 17,979 4.4 421.2 421.2 421.2 0.0 X 41.19 2,340 16,674 4.8 421.9 421.9 421.9 0.0 ' Y 41.34 2,580 32,581 2.5 422.0 422.0 422.8 0.8 'Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER I A . I 4 ! ✓ W 1 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY SECTION MEAN REGULATORY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WITHOUT WITH -CROSS-SECTION- _ - - - -DISTANCE'- - - WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY I FLOODWAY I INCREASE -- (FEET) - - - (SQUARE - - - -(FEET PER= FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Snoqualmie River (Cont'd) Z 41.68 4,430 55,821 1.4 422.4 422.4 422.4 0.0 AA 42.00 5,110 60,389 1.3 422.7 422.7 423.7 1.0 AB 42.19 5,356 49,249 1.6 422.9 422.9 423.9 1.0 AC 42.51 4,529 44,191 1.8 423.4 423.4 424.4 1.0 AD 42.80 4,120 53,662 1.5 423.7 423.7 424.7 1.0 AE 43.20 1,927 18,266 2.7 423.9 423.9 424.7 0.8 AF 43.90 1,270 14.928 4.0 425.3 425.3 426.1 0.8 AG 44.70 3,600 20,589 2.4 426.7 426.7 427.6 0.9 'Miles Above Mouth T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY B FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ___ SE{-T16N��`fiOcI �Itl6 - T9R,�=@` L Wes- INCREASE -- - -- - -------- CROSFFSECTION DISTAWICE�- WED-FFI AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Raging River A • 24,400 81 506 7.8 425.6 425.6 426.0 0.4 B 25,360 71 448 8.8 437.8 437.8 437.8 0.0 C 25,925 69 430 9.2 445.5 445.5 446.1 0.6 D 26,140 63 428 9.2 449.1 449.1 449.6 0.5 E 26,205 97 842 4.7 451.7 451.7 452.0 0.3 F 27,460 94 357 11.1 464.0 464.0 464.6 0.6 G 28,160 73 485 8.2 478.8 478.8 479.4 0.6 H 28,860 112 461 8.6 489.4 489.4. 490.3 0.9 I 29,680 99 494 8.0 502.8 502.8 503.8 1.0 J 30,450 142 589 6.7 514.7 514.7 515.5 0.8 K 31,320 188 680 5.8 525.0 525.0 526.0 1.0 L 32,160 134 528 7.5 535.7 535.7 535.7 0.0 M 32,930 148 675 4.8 543.2 543.2 544.2 1.0 N 33,750 122 346 9.3 554.3 544.3 544.3 0.0 O 34,960 73 487 6.6 569.8 569.8 570.8 1.0 P 35,700 59 266 12.1 581.4 581.4 581.6 0.2 Q 36,560 64 470 6.8 593.7 593.7 594.7 1.0 R 37,160 104 319 10.0 603.7 603.7 603.7 0.0 S 37,790 76 458 7.0 615.0 615.0 615.8 0.8 T 37,990 68 405 7.9 617.1 617.1 617.9 0.8 U 38,100 95 480 6.7 618.8 618.8 619.3 0.5 ✓ 38,520 55 340 9.4 624.4 624.4 624.4 0.0 W 39,180 61 402 8.0 633.5 633.5 634.0 0.5 X 39,600 70 252 8.9 641.4 641.4 641.4 0.0 Y 39,800 176 513 4.3 645.4 645.4 646.1 0.7 1Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS RAGING RIVER 4... 4 l .1 I • s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION I FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) -"- - Raging River (Cont'd) Z 39,865 64 398 5.6 646.5 646.5 647.0 0.5 AA 40,560 65 263 8.5 653.4 653.4 653.7 0.3 AB 41,010 56 283 7.9 662.2 662.2 662.3 0.1 AC 41,640 81 311 7.2 672.8 672.8 672.9 0.1 'Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-AGENCY - B FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS RAGING RIVER 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WLTH - _. -- CROSS SFCTInN gIg�AN-Cf _ winrH� --(FEET _STY® - 4kT'eR- I L"OODWAY--F[OODWAY INCREASt (ET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Middle Fork Snoqualmie River AH 45.06 1,720 18,757 1.7 427.2 427.2 427.3 0.1 AI 45.30 2,500 17,495 2.7 427.8 427.8 427.9 0.1 AJ 45.60 2,680 12,070 3.1 428.7 428.7 428.9 0.2 AK 45.90 1,920 5,165 4.3 431.3 431.3 431.6 0.3 AL 46.08 1,820 7,129 5.6 435.0 435.0 435.4 0.4 AM 46.25 2,040 7,032 5.6 438.4 438.4 438.9 0.5 AN 46.61 1,580 6,702 7.9 446.5 446.5 446.9 0.4 AO 46.89 1,910 6,316 5.8 453.1 453.1 453.5 0.4 AP 47.10 2,110 6,738 5.6 457.9 457.9 458.4 0.5 AQ 47.25 2,170 10,373 4.1 461.7 461.7 462.2 0.5 AR 47.40 2,545 10,999 3.4 463.1 463.1 463.6 0.5 AS 47.60 580 3,819 6.6 471.0 471.0 471.0 0.0 AT 47.93 230 2,826 12.7 480.7 480.7 480.7 0.0 AU 47.98 248 2,695 13.3 483.0 483.0 483.0 0.0 AV 48.06 207 2,359 15.2 484.1 484.1 484.1 0.0 AW 48.16 304 3,533 10.2 489.9 489.9 489.9 0.0 1Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B L E KING COUNTY,WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS 4 MIDDLE FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER a a 1 o e . s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION I MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH ,INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 -- - WIDTH - - -_ AREA= - _ VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) - North Fork Snoqualmie River A 0.46 1,800 7,075 4.1 427.5 427.5 428.5 1.0 B 0.56 1,600 8,082 2.8 427.9 427.9 428.8 0.9 C 0.64 1,700 6,116 4.5 428.3 428.3 429.3 1.0 D 0.73 1,500 4,052 5.4 428.9 428.9 429.9 1.0 E - 0.-83 -1,340 4,655 4.5 -429.6 429.6 430.6 1.0 F 0.95 1,300 4,422 4.8 431.0 431.0 431.7 0.7 - 1Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS NORTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION _ SECTION NIE-A - -- kTHO4tT INCREASE - - - - - CROS�ar ION thST NCE-1 —(FIL II{— AREA -c VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY --- - - ------ - - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Asmr South Fork Snoqualmie River (With Levees) A 0.80 700 10,200 2.4 426.7 426.7 426.7 0.0 B 1.04 1,649 5,085 2.9 426.0 420.62 421.62 1.0 C 1.44 1,261 5,486 427.3 427.3 4273 D 1.68 _s 0.5 E 1.82 -_3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 F 1.89 -_3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 G 2.03 -_3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 H 2.13 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 I 2.26 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 J 2.35 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 K 2.64 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 L 2.83 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 M 2.95 -_3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 N 3.15 --3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 O 3.36 __3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 P 3.70 -_3 __3 _3 __3 _3 __3 __3 1Miles Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater Effect from Snoqualmie River 3Floodway Computed Without 4Consideration of_LeitOver-bank -Levee- -1 - BFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA - AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER (WITH LEVEES) I i 4 y I a FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAYI BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION _ _ _  � - - _ WITHOUT WITH _ SECTION MEAN REGULATORYI INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH- - - -- =AREAV(FEET PER FLOODWAY _ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) - - - South Fork Snoqualmie River (Without Consid- eration of Left Overbank Levee) A 0.80 700- -10,200 - 2.4- 426.3 426.7 426.7 0.0 B 1.04 1,649 5,085 2.9 426.0 420.62 421.62 1.0 - C 1.44 1,261 5,486 2.7 427.3 427.3 427.8 0.5 D 1.68 1,312 4,771 3.1 428.6 428.6 429.4 0.8 E 1.82 1,318 4,996 3.0 429.6 429.6 430.6 1.0 F 1.89 965 3,974 3.8 429.9 429.9 430.9 1.0 G 2.03 1,100 1,573 9.5 432.1 432.1 432.1 0.0 H 2.13 1,400 5,222 2.9 433.6 433.6 .434.3 0.7 I 2.26 917 2,891 5.2 434.8 434.8 435.4 0.6 J 2.35 1,032 3,025 5.0 436.7 436.7 437.3 0.6 K 2.64 108 999 15.0 438.5 438.5 439.5 1.0 L 2.83 612 2,672 5.6 444.4 444.4 444.4 0.0 M 2.95 656 2,974 5.0 445.0 445.0 445.3 0.3 N 3.15 250 1461 10.3 445.5 445.5 446.3 0.8 O 3.36 253 1,812 8.3 449.3 449.3 449.4 0.1 P 3.70 350 2,159 6.9 452.5 452.5 453.4 0.9 1Miles Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater Effect From Snoqualmie River T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY BA FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER(WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OF LEFT OVERBANK LEVEE) 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SF IIQN MEAN FLOODWAY FLOODWAY INCREASE g`^^U-1H� - Alit VELOCITY --- _-- ---- -- - EIIfiSS=SECTION �DTS€tCRC�- (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (Without Levees) A 3.90 450 9,977 1.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 0.0 B 4.38 443 8,939 1.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 C 4.80 500 9,357 1.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 D 5.21 800 13,904 0.9 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 E 5.42 400 4,953 2.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 F 5.68 260 3,626 3.3 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 G 5.98 290 4,571 2.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 0.0 H 6.20 400 4,679 2.6 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 I 6.25 200 2,726 4.4 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 J 7.62 213 2,432 5.3 9.9 9.9 9.9 0.0 K 8.12 250 2,668 4.8 11.4 11.4 11.4 0.0 L 8.47 290 3,555 3.6 12.3 12.3 12.3 0.0 M 8.86 190 2,464 5.2 13.0 13.0 13.0 0.0 N 8.97 186 2,363 5.4 13.3 13.3 13.3 0.0 O 9.06 165 2,051 6.2 13.5 13.5 13.5 0.0 P 9.24 188 2,883 4.4 14.2 14.2 14.2 0.0 Q 9.48 134 2,645 4.8 14.4 14.4 14.5 0.1 R 10.63 176 2,654 4.8 17.5 17.5 17.6 0.1 S 10.79 163 3,247 3.9 18.1 18.1 18.2 0.1 T 10.87 163 2,735 4.7 18.3 18.3 18.4 0.1 U 10.92 216 3,576 3.6 18.6 18.6 18.8 0.2 ✓ 11.18 150 2,571 4.7 19.4 19.4 19.5 0.1 W 11.48 140 2,576 4.7 20.0 20.0 20.2 0.2 X 11.68 180 2,884 4.2 20.3 20.3 20.6 0.3 Y 11.83 175 2,568 4.7 20.6 20.6 21.0 0.4 1Mi1es Above Mouth A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) _ ... • DIS V FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION _ WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE 1 WIDTH- _ ' - -AREA- _ _ _ VELOCITY_-SECTION I MEAN REGULATORY_ FLOODWAY 1 FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) --- - Green River (Without Levees) Cont'd Z 12.02 180 3,082 3.9 21.1 21.1 21.5 0.4 AA 12.23 215 3,701 3.3 21.5 21.5 21.8 0.3 AB 12.39 137 2,546 4.8 21.6 21.6 21.9 0.3 AC 12.60 185 3,076 3.9 22.4 22.4 22.7 0.3 AD 12.72 183 3,023 4.0. 22_.7 22.7 23.0 0.3 AE 12.91 168 3,103 3.9 23.2 23.2 23.5 0.3 - AF 13.07 175 3,015 4.0 23.5 23.5 23.8 0.3 AG 13.20 174 2,999 4.0 23.8 23.8 24.1 0.3 AH 13.38 166 2,720 4.4 24.2 24.2 24.4 0.2 AI 13.52 209 3,137 3.9 24.6 24.6 24.8 0.2 AJ 13.70 128 2,512 4.8 25.0 25.0 25.2 0.2 AK 13.93 139 2,581 4.7 25.4 25.4 25.6 0.2 AL 14.18 160 2,661 4.5 25.8 25.8 26.2 0.4 AM 14.46 152 2,856 4.2 26.3 26.3 26.8 0.5 AN 14.48 163 2,821 4.3 26.3 26.3 26.8 0.5 AO 14.68 141 2,463 4.9 26.6 26.6 27.2 0.6 AP 14.90 152 2,660 4.5 27.2 27.2 27.7 0.5 AQ 14.94 179 2,844 4.3 27.3 27.3 27.8 0.5 AR 15.14 155 3,017 4.0 27.6 27.6 28.2 0.6 AS 15,39 142 2,679 4.5 27.9 27.9 28.6 0.7 AT 15.73 161 3,112 3.9 28.2 28.2 29.1 0.9 AU 16.01 185 3,381 3.6 28.6 28.6 29.5 0.9 AV 16.33 174 2,735 4.4 29.1 29.1 30.0 0.9 AW 16.54 175 3,193 3.8 29.6 29.6 30.4 0.8 1Mi1es Above Mouth TA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MFA TF10 �FT~ INLR SE r-BO SEE ION- - - UISIANLE --FID311 -- - AREA-- - VELOCITY- FLUUUI�AY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (Without Levees Cont'd) AX 16.76 196 3,561 3.4 29.9 29.9 30.7 0.8 AY 16.94 165 2,815 4.3 30.1 30.1 30.9 0.8 AZ 17.15 151 2,864 4.2 30.5 30.5 31.2 0.7 BA 17.36 158 2,773 4.4 30.9 30.9 31.6 0.7 BB 17.56 167 2,913 4.2 31.3 31.3 31.9 0.6 BC 17.77 161 2,633 4.6 31.7 31.7 32.3 0.6 BD 17.99 176 2,868 4.2 32.3 32.3 32.9 0.6 BE 18.10 182 3,061 4.0 32.7 32.7 33.2 0.5 BF 18.44 192 3,148 3.8 33.1 33.1 33.6 0.5 BG 18.74 186 2,818 4.3 33.6 33.6 34.0 0.4 BH 18.94 183 3,247 3.7 34.1 34.1 34.5 0.4 BI 19.18 162 2,859 4.2 34.4 34.4 34.8 0.4 BJ 19.35 206 2,993 4.0 34.7 34.7 35.1 0.4 BK 19.51 176 3,088 3.9 35.1 35.1 35.4 0.3 BL 19.75 176 3,042 4.0 35.4 35.4 35.7 0.3 BM 20.01 202 3,664 3.3 35.8 35.8 36.1 0.3 BN 20.24 186 3,297 3.7 36.1 36.1 36.4 0.3 BO 20.47 179 3,219 3.8 36.4 36.4 36.7 0.3 BP 20.68 171 3,044 4.0 36.6 36.6 36.9 0.3 BQ 20.87 167 3,141 3.9 36.9 36.9 37.2 0.3 BR 20.99 152 2,869 4.2 37.1 37.1 37.4 0.3 BS 21.23 188 2,977 4.1 37.5 37.5 37.7 0.2 BT 21.38 199 3,262 3.7 37.8 37.8 38.0 0.2 BU 21.62 176 3,034 4.0 38.1 38.1 38.3 0.2 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) • • M r 4 ) ! s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH I INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES - WIDTH �_ _ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE E - (FEET EY-- _ __= __-__ -_ _ _ (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) - -- _ Green River (Without Levees Cont'd) BV 21.91 147 2,735 4.4 38.6 38.6 38.8 0.2 BW 22.11 149 2,931 4.1 39.0 39.0 39.2 0.2 BX 22.38 184 2,993 4.0 39.4 39.4 39.6 0.2 BY 22.59 171 ; 3,085 3.9 39.7 39.7 39.9 0.2 BZ 22.88 - - -179 - 3,12-8 - - 3.9 40.1. - 40.1 - 40.3 0.2 CA 23.10 197 3,146 ' 3.8 40.4 40.4 40.6 0.2 CB 23.27 197 3,206 3.8 40.7 40.7 40.9 0.2 CC 23.53 184 3,067 3.9 41.2 41.2 41.4 0.2 CD 23.71 168 2,948 4.1 - 41.5 41.5 41.7 0.2 CE 23.89 175 3,026 4.0 41.9 41.9 42.1 0.2 CF 24.06 171 2,899 4.1 42.2 42.2 42.4 0.2 CG 24.10 147 2,576 4.7 42.2 42.2 42.4 0.2 CH 24.30 156 2,595 4.6 42.7 42.7 42.9 0.2 CI 24.44 154 2,735 4.4 43.0 43.0 43.2 0.2 CJ 24.63 147 2,517 4.8 43.3 43.3 43.5 0.2 CK 24.89 175 2,601 4.6 43.8 43.8 43.9 0.1 CL 25.12 160 3,202 3.7 44.2 44.2 44.4 0.2 CM 25.14 205 2,903 4.1 44.2 44.2 44.4 0.2 CN 25.30 155 2,596 4.6 44.5 44.5 44.6 0.1 CO 25.62 150 2,837 4.2 45.0 45.0 '45.1 0.1 CP 25.90 167 2,762 4.3 45.4 45.4 45.5 0.1 CQ 26.15 223 2,909 4.1 46.0 46.0 46.1 0.1 CR 26.44 159 2,774 4.3 46.6 46.6 46.7 0.1 CS 26.68 265 3,828 3.1 47.1 47.1 47.2 0.1 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY BA - - - - FLOODWAY- DATA - -- L KING COUNTY, WA RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH tNctttraYt�-- _ _ - - - CROSS SECTION DISTANCF� WIDTH - _® . 1=nft ODWifY" - SQUARE- - (SQUARE - -(FEET PER �- ----- -- --- ----- -- FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (Without Levees) Cont'd CT 26.93 248 2,982 - 4.0 47.4 47.4 47.5 0.1 CU 27.15 202 3,156 3.8 47.8 47.8 47.9 0.1 CV 27.36 211 3,695 3.2 48.2 48.2 48.3 0.1 CW 27.60 148 2,168 5.5 48.3 48.3 48.4 0.1 CX 27.88 216 3,168 3.8 49.3 49.3 49.4 0.1 CY 28.04 127 2,019 5..9 49.5 49.5 49.5 0.0 CZ 28.24 156 2,119 5.7 49.8 49.8 50.3 0.5 DA 28.43 118 1,701 7.1 50.6 50.6 51.1 0.5 DB 28.68 162 2,123 5.7 52.1 52.1 52.5 0.4 DC 28.87 150 1,918 6.3 52.6 52.6 52.9 0.3 DD 29.03 171 2,081 5.8 53.3 53.3 53.6 0.3 DE 29.25 159 1,891 6.3 54.0 54.0 54.2 0.2 DF 29.45 184 2,019 5.9 54.8 54.8 55.1 0.3 DG 29.73 160 1,857 6.5 55.9 55.9 56.1 0.2 DH 29.94 166 1,723 7.0 56.9 56.9 57.1 0.2 DI 30.21 217 1,871 6.4 58.5 58.5 58.6 0.1 DJ 30.39 158 1,532 7.8 59.3 59.3 59.4 0.1 DK 30.59 237 1,948 6.1 61.0 61.0 61.0 0.0 DL 30.81 309 2,538 4.7 62.1 62.1 62.1 0.0 DM 30.98 182 1,696 7.1 62.4 62.4 62.4 0.0 DN 31.07 126 1,900 6.3 62.9 62.9 62.9 0.0 DO 31.28 185 1,891 6.3 63.6 63.6 63.7 0.1 DP 31.58 151 1,971 6.1 64.7 64.7 64.7 0.0 DQ 31.90 126 1,642 7.3 65.8 65.8 65.8 0.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) 4 A Y ►. t * s > s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION I SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 WIDTH- - - --AREA -- _ =VELOCITY =-_ _ - _FLOODWAY - FLOODWAY _ (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER ----- _ =_ - - - -_ - _ _-•--=_ _ - ___ _ _--- FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (Without Levees) Cont'd DR 32.25 185 2,131 5.6 .67.4 67.4 67.8 0.4 DS 32.58 1,247 6,579 1.8 68.5 68.5 69.1 0.6 DT 32.85 1,512 6,846 1.8 69.2 69.2 69.6 0.4 DU 33.10 841 4,091 2.9 69.8 69.8 70.2 0.4 DV 33.33 - 542- - 2,956 4.1 - 70.7 - - - - 70.7 - - 71.0 _ 0.3 DW 33.55 225 1,924 6.2 72.0 72.0 72.9 0.9 - - DX 33.72 271 2,175 5.5 73.3 73.3 74.1 0.8 DY 33.78 180 1,808 6.6 73.7 73.7 74.4 0.7 DZ 33.82 265 2,294 5.2 74.4 74.4 75.0 0.6 EA 33.38 225 2,010 6.0 74.8 74.8 75.1 0.3 EB 34.18 212 1,484 7.8 76.7 76.7 77.0 0.3 EC 34.64 208 1,644 7.1 80.0 80.0 80.8 0.8 ED 35.00 256 1,891 6.1 83.3 83.3 83.4 0.1 EE 35.30 200 1,610 7.2 84.9 84.9 84.9 0.0 EF 35.74 237 1,846 6.3 87.9 87.9 87.9 0.0 EG 36.08 314 1,891 6.1 90.6 90.6 90.6 0.0 EH 36.33 231 1,415 8.2 92.7 92.7 92.8 0.1 EI 36.78 234 2,093 5.5 97.4 97.4 98.2 0.8 EJ 37.17 336 2,254 5.1 100.5 100.5 100.9 0.4 EK 37.48 574 2,863 4.1 103.2 103.2 103.5 0.3 EL 37.71 621 2,574 4.5 105.0 105.0 105.4 0.4 EM 38.23 648 2,489 4.7 110.3 110.3 111.3 1.0 EN 38.52 287 1,697 6.8 114.5 114.5 115.3 0.8 EC 38.94 329 2,265 5.1 120.3 120.3 121.3 1.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY- - - - -- B FLOODWAY-DATA- - - L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT LEVEES) 4 I FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ---ARESECTION MEAN r_R{ 1�{pRY_- WITHol lT I W1TF--- INCREASE `•' --- - A-- V EtOCITY- -FCOODWAY- FLOODWAY WTI I GROM-SECTIO (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (Without Levees) EP 39.18 735 3,567 3.3 123.1 123.1 123.4 0.3 EQ 39.55 905 3,077 3.8 125.6 125.6 126.1 0.5 ER 40.16 482 1,926 6.0 135.5 135.5 136.5 1.0 ES 40.33 202 1,415 8.2 139.1 139.1 139.7 0.6 ET 40.83 278 1,780 6.5 148.9 148.9 148.8 0.0 EU 41.08 370 1,426 8.1 153.0 153.0 153.2 0.2 EV 41.44 225 1,593 7.2 159.5 159.5 160.1 0.6 EW 41.76 330 1,687 6.8 165.5 165.5 165.7 0.2 EX 41.90 220 1,552 7.4 167.6 167.6 167.7 0.1 EY 42.14 201 1,485 7.7 170.8 170.8 170.9 0.1 EZ 42.40 261 1,268 9.1 176.6 176.6 176.6 0.0 FA 42.78 186 1,242 9.3 187.6 187.6 187.6 0.0 FB 43.29 310 1,848 6.2 197.0 197.0 197.0 0.0 'Miles Above Mouth TA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA GREEN RIVER (WITHOUT AND INCORPORATED AREASLEVEES) 4 - 4 it . a I n s t FLOODING SOURCE _I FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION _ _ ___ __ _-_ ____-_ _ __ SECTION MEAN REGULATORY4 WITHOUT4 I WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' - =WIDTHS--- _ _ =--AREA= _ -VELOCITY - -__ _ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER - - - - _ _ _ _ _- _ _--_ -__- -_ __ - --_ - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (With Levees) A-U2 V 11.18 -_3 __3 __3 19.4 19.4 -_3 __3 W 11.48 -_3 __3 --3 20.0 20.0 --3 -_3 X 11.68 --3 -_3 --3 20.5 20.5 --3 __3 Y 11.83 --3 --3 --3 20.8 20.8 --3 __3 --3 --3 --3 - 21..4 _21.4 Z - -- 12.02 - _- -- - - --- AA 12.23 --3 __3 --3 21.7 21.7 __3 - __3 AB 12.39 --3 -_3 --3 21.8 21.8 --3 -_3 AC 12.60 --3 -_3 --3 22.6 22.6 --3 --3 AD 12.72 --3 --3 --3 22.9 22.9 --3 -_3 AE 12.91 --3 --3 --3 23.4 23.4 --3 __3 AF 13.07 --3 --3 --3 23.7 23.7 --3 --3 AG 13.20 --3 __3 --3 23.9 23.9 --3 --3 AH 13.38 --3 --3 --3 24.4 24.4 --3 --3 AI 13.52 --3 --3 --3 24.8 24.8 --3 -_3 AJ 13.70 --3 __3 --3 25.1 25.1 --3 -_3 AK 13.93 --3 --3 --3 25.6 25.6 --3 --3 AL 14.18 --3 __3 -_3 26.1 26.1 -_3 __3 AM 14.46 -_3 --3 -_3 26.7 26.7 -_3 __3 AN 14.48 --3 --3 --3 26.7 26.7 --3 __3 AO 14.68 --3 --3 --3 27.1 27.1 --3 -_3 AP 14.90 --3 --3 -_3 27.7 27.7 --3 --3 AQ 14.94 --3 __3 __3 27.8 27.8 __3 __3 AR 15.14 --3 -_3 --3 28.2 28.2 --3 --3 AS 15.39 -_3 __3 --3 28.5 28.5 --3 --3 AT 15.73 --3 --3 -_3 29.2 29.2 --3 -_3 'Miles Above Mouth 2No Levees Along Channel for These Cross Sections 3Refer to Green River Without Levees Floodway Data Table for Regulatory Floodway Based on Assumed Levee System Removals 4Represents Base Flood Elevations Within Main Channel with Flow Confined Within Levee System A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA TA B L KING COUNTY, WA i /'1 E 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITH LEVEES) FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SEA FON--- ---- MEAN --- - ��sWITHOiI WLIN - -- - - CRUSE=Ott-�IUN- �D(STANCE� -W1DTt-�-_ AREA VELOCITY RLGULATORY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY INCREASE -- --- --- (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (With Levees) (Cont'd) AU 16.01 --2 --2 --2 29.5 29.5 --2 --2 AV 16.33 --2 --2 --2 29.9 29.9 --2 --2 AW 16.54 --2 --2 --2 30.4 30.4 --2 --2 AX 16.76 --2 --2 --2 30.7 30.7 --2 --2 AY 16.94 --2 --2 --2 30.8 30.8 --2 --2 AZ 17.15 --2 --2 --2 31.2 31.2 --2 --2 BA 17.36 --2 --2 --2 31.5 31.5 --2 --2 BB 17.56 --2 --2 --2 31.9 31.9 --2 --2 BC 17.77 --2 --2 --2 32.3 32.3 --2 --2 BD 17.99 --2 --2 --2 32.8 32.8 --2 --2 BE 18.20 --2 --2 --2 33.2 33.2 --2 --2 BF 18.44 --2 --2 --2 33.5 33.5 --2 --2 BG 18.74 --2 --2 --2 34.0 34.0 --2 --2 BH 18.94 --2 --2 --2 34.4 34.4 --2 --2 BI 19.18 --2 --2 --2 34.8 34.8 --2 --2 BJ 19.33 --2 --2 --2 35.1 35.1 --2 --2 BK 19.51 --2 --2 --2 35.4 35.4 --2 --2 BL 19.75 --2 --2 --2 35.7 35.7 --2 --2 BM 20.01 --2 --2 --2 36.1 36.1 --2 --2 BN 20.24 --2 --2 --2 36.3 36.3 --2 --2 BO 20.47 --2 --2 --2 36.6 36.6 --2 --2 BP 20.68 --2 --2 --2 36.9 36.9 --2 --2 BQ 20.87 --2 --2 --2 37.2 37.2 --2 --2 BR 20.99 --2 --2 --2 37.3 37.3 --2 --2 1Miles Above Mouth Refer to Green River Without Levees Floodway Data Table for Regulatory Floodway Based on Assumed Levee 3 System Removals --- Represents Base Flood Elevations_Within- Main Channel withFlow-Confined-Within Levee System T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITH LEVEES) 4 * A1 f Y FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY3 WITHOUT I WITH I INCREASE CROSS SECTION - DISTANCES _ - WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE - (FEET PER - - - - -_ - - - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) - _ - - - - - - - - Green River (With Levees) (Cont'd) BS 21.23 --2 --2 --2 37.7 37.7 --2 --2 BT 21.38 --2 --2 --2 38.0 38.0 --2 --2 BU 21.62 --2 --2 --2 38.3 38.3 --2 --2 BV 21.91 --2 --2 --2 38.8 38.8 --2 --2 BW 22.11 --2 --2 --2 _ 39.1 39.1 --2 --2 BX 22.38 --2 --2 --2 39.5 39.5 --2 --2 BY 22.59 --2 --2 --2 39.9 39.9 --2 --2 BZ 22.88 --2 --2 --2 40.3 40.3 --2 --2 CA 23.10 --2 --2 --2 40.6 40.6 --2 --2 CB 23.27 --2 --2 --2 40.9 40.9 --2 --2 CC 23.53 --2 --2 --2 41.4 41.4 --2 --2 CD 23.71 --2 --2 --2 41.7 41.7 --2 --2 CE 23.89 --2 --2 --2 42.1 42.1 --2 --2 CF 24.06 --2 --2 --2 42.3 42.3 --2 --2 CG 24.01 --2 --2 --2 42.4 42.4 --2 --2 CH 24.30 --2 --2 --2 42.8 42.8 --2 --2 CI 24.44 --2 --2 --2 43.1 43.1 --2 --2 CJ 24.63 --2 --2 --2 43.4 43.4 --2 --2 CK 24.89 --2 --2 --2 43.9 43.9 --2 --2 CL 25.12 --2 --2 --2 44.3 44.3 --2 --2 CM 25.14 --2 --2 --2 44.3 44.3 --2 --2 CN 25.00 --2 --2 --2 44.6 44.6 --2 --2 CO 25.62 --2 --2 --2 45.1 45.1 --2 --2 CP 25.90 --2 --2 --2 45.5 45.5 --2 --2 'Miles Above Mouth 2Refer to Green River Without Levees Floodway Data Table for Regulatory Floodway Based on Assumed Levee System Removals 3Represents Base Flood Elevations Within Main Channel with Flow Confined Within Levee System T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITH LEVEES) FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION c- ScrTLQ INCREASE --- - ------CROSN-SEtiION -- - 615TR -W4DTM2� --- AREA VELOCITY Rt ATDRY1- FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - --- ------- (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (With Levees) (Cont°d) CQ 26.15 --2 --2 --2 46.1 46.1 --2 --2 CR 26.64 --2 --2 --2 46.6 46.6 --2 --2 CS 26.68 --2 --2 --2 47.1 47.1 --2 --2 CT 26.93 --2 --2 --2 47.4 47.4 --2 --2 CU 27.15 --2 --2 --2 47.9 47.9 --2 --2 CV 27.36 --2 --2 --2 48.2 48.2 --2 --2 CW 27.60 --2 --2 --2 48.3 48.3 --2 --2 CX 27.88 --2 --2 --2 49.3 49.3 --2 --2 CY 28.04 --2 --2 --2 49.6 49.6 --2 --2 CZ 28.24 --2 --2 --2 49.8 49.8 --2 --2 DA 28.43 --2 --2 --2 50.6 50.6 --2 --2 DB 28.68 --2 --2 --2 52.1 52.1 --2 --2 DC 28.87 --2 --2 --2 52.6 52.6 --2 --2 DD 29.03 --2 --2 --2 53.3 53.3 --2 --2 DE 29.25 --2 --2 --2 54.0 54.0 --2 --2 DF 29.45 --2 --2 --2 54.8 54.8 --2 --2 DG 29.73 --2 --2 --2 55.9 55.9 --2 ---2 DH 29.94 --2 --2 --2 56.9 56.9 --2 --2 DI 30.21 --2 --2 --2 58.5 58.5 --2 --2 DJ 30.39 --2 --2 --2 59.3 59.3 ---2 --2 DK 30.59 --2 --2 --2 61.0 61.0 --2 --2 DL 30.81 --2 --2 --2 62.1 62.1 --2 --2 DM 30.98 --2 --2 --2 62.4 62.4 --2 --2 DN 31.07 --2 --2 --2 62.9 62.9 --2 --2 'Miles Above Mouth 2Refer to Green River Without Levees Floodway Data Table for Regulatory Floodway Based on Assumed Levee System Removals 3Represents Base Flood Elevations Within_Main-Channel- with Flow, Confined-Withf Levee System T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITH LEVEES) 4 d 0 L I N+ l J C FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEANWITHOUT3 WITH CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH = _ _ =AREA= -=VELOCITY= REGULATORY3 FLOODWAY FLOODWAY INCREASE (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER � FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Green River (With Levees) (Cont'd) DO 31.28 --2 --2 --2 63.6 63.6 --2 --2 DP 31.58 --2 --2 --2 64.7 64.7 --2 --2 DQ 31.90 --2 --2 --2 65.8 65.8 --2 --2 DR 32.25 --2 --2 --2 67.4 67.4 --2 --2 DS 32.58 - --2 - --2- - --2 - -68.5 - 68.5 --2 --2 DT 32.85 --2 --2 --2 69.2 69.2 --2 --2 DU 33.10 --2 --2 --2 69.8 69.8 --2 --2 DV 33.33 --2 --2 --2 70.7 70.7 --2 --2 DW 33.55 --2 --2 --2 72.7 72.7 --2 --2 DX 33.72 --2 --2 --2 73.8 73.8 --2 --2 DY 33.78 --2 --2 --2 74.1 74.1 --2 --2 DZ 33.82 --2 --2 --2 74.8 74.8 --2 --2 'Miles Above Mouth 2Refer to Green River Without Levees Floodway Data Table for Regulatory Floodway Based on Assumed Levee 3Represents Removals Represents Base Flood Elevations Within Main Channel with Flow Confined Within Levee System A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY FLOODWAY DATA- E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS GREEN RIVER (WITH LEVEES) 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WITHOUT WIIU_ --- ---SECTION MEAN acf,,O.LAwitts_-__ "FEODDVVFAY _ - - FLOODWAY -- - INCREASE- --- --- �IS�CF1 W103ki =AREM =V IOEIIY rams cF CTIQN (FEET (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Springbrook Creek A 0.00 74 342 3.2 15.0 6.5 7.5 1.0 B 0.07 26 173 6.4 15.0 7.0 7.6 0.6 C 0.16 76 436 2.5 15.0 7.8 8.7 0.9 D 0.17 67 380 2.9 15.0 7.8 8.8 1.0 E 0.32 37 168 6.6 15.0 8.7 9.1 0.4 F 0.41 48 274 4.0 15.0 10.0 11.0 1.0 C 0.49 11 100 11.0 15.0 11.4 12.4 1.0 H 0.55 25 331 3.3 16.4 15.5 15.9 0.4 I 0.57 39 440 2.5 16.4 15.5 16.1 0.6 J 0.59 59 576 1.9 16.4 15.6 • 16.2 0.6 K 0.63 28 346 3.2 16.4 15.6 16.2 0.6 L 0.67 24 270 4.1 16.4 15.6 16.2 0.6 M 1.25 50 439 2.9 15.8 15.8 16.3 0.5 N 1.49 83 638 2.0 16.0 16.0 16.6 0.6 O 1.62 25 297 4.0 16.0 16.0 16.7 0.7 P 1.99 63 581 2.1 16.6 16.6 17.4 0.8 Q 2.57 44 325 3.8 17.0 17.0 17.9 0.9 R 2.61 43 383 3.2 17.3 17.3 18.2 0.9 S 2.67 56 476 2.6 17.4 17.4 18.3 0.9 T 2.76 88 881 1.4 17.6 17.6 18.5 0.9 U 3.03 80 477 2.6 17.8 17.8 18.8 1.0 ✓ 3.17 70 561 1.2 18.0 18.0 19.0 1.0 W 3.49 75 520 1.3 18.2 18.2 19.2 1.0 X 3.80 88 453 1.5 18.6 18.6 19.6 1.0 Y 3.95 59 328 2.0 19.2 19.2 20.2 1.0 1M• i1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SPRINGBROOK CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -`- - - - - -- _ -_ SECTION_ _ I MEAN REGULATORY _ INCREASE - - WITHOUT WITH CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA - ---VELOCITY- _ _- --- - - _FLOODWAY _ _ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER -- -"-- - - -_ FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Springbrook Creek Z 4.08 100 733 0.9 23.0 23.0 24.0 1.0 AA 4.29 50 316 2.1 23.2 23.2 24.1 0.9 AB 4.33 92 739 0.9 23.3 23.3 23.5 0.2 AC 4.51 30 303 1.7 23.4 23.4 23.6 0.2 -AD -- - 4.-63 33 - - 238 2.1 23.5 23.5 23.8 0.3 AE 4.82 29 218 2.3 23.7 23.7 -- - 24.0 0.1 - - - -- - AF 4.97 21 141 3.5 24.0 24.0 24.5 0.5 AG 5.13 28 211 2.4 24.6 24.6 25.2 0.6 AH 5.16 20 161 3.1 24.6 24.6 25.3 0.7 AI 5.36 30 202 2.5 25.4 25.4 26.1 0.7 AJ 5.53 19 147 3.4 26.2 26.2 26.8 0.6 AK 5.57 24 174 0.7 26.5 26.5 27.1 0.6 AL 5.65 30 187 0.6 26.5 26.5 27.1 0.6 AM 5.80 28 122 0.9 26.5 26.5 27.2 0.7 AN 5.94 28 87 1.3 26.7 26.7 27.3 0.6 AO 6.07 19 59 2.0 27.3 27.3 27.7 0.4 AP 6.18 25 75 1.4 27.9 27.9 28.3 0.4 AQ 6.21 34 96 1.1 28.3 28.3 28.7 0.4 AR 6.36 28 60 1.8 28.6 28.6 29.0 0.4 AS 6.38 30 69 1.4 29.0 29.7 29.7 0.7 AT 6.46 35 81 1.2 29.2 29.2 29.8 0.6 AU 6.58 23 92 0.8 30.0 30.0 30.8 0.8 AV 6.74 13 50 2.0 30.5 30.5 31.2 0.7 AW 6.85 25 99 1.0 30.8 30.8 31.4 0.6 AX 6.89 30 130 1.5 31.6 31.6 31.6 0.0 AY 7.18 30 78 3.8 33.2 33.2 33.2 0.0 'Miles Above Mouth - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY - T FLOODWAY DATA-- -- A E KING COUNTY, WA SPRINGBROOK CREEK AND INCORPORATED AREAS 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN _RLCUTAAO - - fNCREASE - f RO5,-S_[ILON. _ ----D- ISTAT4E.1- �'°-WIDTI I- -AREA- `VELOCIT1. FLOODWAY- FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Mill Creek - Kent A 0.109 63 474 1.4 18.1 18.1 19.1 1.0 B 0.138 60 322 2.0 18.1 18.1 19.1 1.0 C 0.737 49 331 2.0 19.5 19.5 20.2 0.7 D 0.788 50 323 2.0 20.3 20.3 21.0 0.7 E 1.083 56 405 1.6 22.3 22.3 22.8 0.5 F 1.410 57 328 2.0 22.7 22.7 23.2 0.5 G 1.476 41 300 2.2 22.8 22.8 23.3 0.5 H 1.660 40 276 2.4 23.9 23.9 24.3 0.4 I 1.767 50 349 1.9 24.9 24.9 25.3 0.4 J 1.803 38 325 1.6 25.2 25.2 25.5 0.3 K 1.992 37 277 1.9 25.3 25.3 25.8 0.5 L 2.203 43 346 0.8 25.6 25.6 26.0 0.4 M 2.294 42 311 0.9 25.5 25.5 26.0 0.5 N 2.357 32 254 1.1 25.7 25.7 26.2 0.5 O 2.545 41 210 1.3 25.8 25.8 26.3 0.5 P 2.612 38 270 1.0 25.9 25.9 26.4 0.5 Q 2.679 22 137 2.0 26.0 26.0 26.5 0.5 R 2.922 50 232 1.2 26.4 26.4 26.8 0.4 S 2.953 34 185 1.5 26.4 26.4 26.9 0.5 T 3.048 45 248 1.1 26.7 26.7 27.2 0.5 U 3.188 37 238 1.2 28.0 28.0 28.5 0.5 ✓ 3.230 29 222 1.2 28.3 28.3 28.8 0.5 W 3.683 29 107 1.2 28.5 28.5 29.1 0.6 X 3.910 56 116 1.1 28.8 28.8 29.4 0.6 Y 3.943 47 78 1.7 30.0 30.0 31.0 1.0 Z 4.066 30 97 1.3 30.4 30.4 31.3 0.9 AA 4.175 27 99 1.3 30.6 30.6 31.5 0.9 'Miles Above Mouth A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYB FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA L E AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILL CREEK - KENT 4 .r ► 4 I FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- -- - --_ - _-- --_ _ - - _ ___ _ SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE ----- - - -WIDTH FLOODWAY FLOODWAY CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WET) AREA--=--_ =VELOCITY -_- - _ -_ _ _- __ - - - - _ -- (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) - - -- -_ - Mill Creek - Kent (Cont'd) AB 22,218 16 82 1.6 31.4 31.4 32.3 0.9 AC 22,258 12 47 2.8 31.4 31.4 32.3 0.9 AD 22,558 12 82 1.6 31.8 31.8 32.7 0.9 AE 22,668 19 95 1.4 31.9 31.9 32.8 0.9 AF 22,828 27 85 1.5 31.9 31.9 32.8 0.9 AG 23,147 - -- - 9 -53 2.3 - 33.7 - 33.7 _ 34.6 0.9 AH 23,377 24 105 1.1 33.8 33.8 • 34.7 0.9 - - - - - AI 23,547 25 77 1.5 33.8 33.8 34.7 0.9 AJ 23,620 8 49 2.4 34.5 34.5 35.4 0.9 AK 23,640 21 100 1.2 34.7 34.7 35.5 0.8 AL 23,740 18 99 1.2 34.7 34.7 35.5 0.8 AM 24,055 22 117 1.0 35.7 35.7 36.5 0.8 AN 24,230 12 80 1.5 36.1 36.1 36.8 0.7 AO 24,275 31 163 0.7 36.1 36.1 36.8 0.7 AP 24,675 27 129 0.9 36.1 36.1 36.8 0.7 AQ 24,995 22 120 1.0 36.2 36.2 36.9 0.7 AR 25,555 26 126 0.8 36.2 36.2 36.9 0.7 AS 25,995 24 106 1.5 36.2 36.2 36.9 0.7 AT 26,395 23 137 1.0 36.3 36.3 37.1 - 0.8 AU 26,497 25 120 1.2 36.7 36.7 37.4 0.7 AV 26,897 19 82 1.7 36.8 36.8 37.5 0.7 AW 27,257 39 65 2.1 37.0 37.0 37.8 0.8 AX 27,537 12 51 2.7 37.3 37.3 37.9 0.6 AY 28,312 11 40 3.5 40.7 40.7 41.3 0.6 AZ 28,382 11 44 3.2 41.1 41.1 41.7 0.6 1Feet Above Mouth - - - T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY B - A FL-OODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILL CREEK - KENT 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION MEAT --- TH "'�-�BN - --�tt(�UESFTORI'- WI INCREASE _---- - - - - ----C-ROSS'SE-CMON" DISTKNCE WIDm AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Mill Creek-Auburn A 240 __2 __2 __2 41.9 30.0 __2 __2 B 960 __2 __2 __2 41.9 30.3 __2 __2 C 1,490 __2 __2 __2 41.9 32.9 --2 __2 D 1,518 __2 __2 __2 41.9 33.0 __2 __2 E 1,720 __2 __2 __2 41.9 34.2 __2 __2 F 2,140 __2 __2 __2 41.9 34.9 __2 __2 G 2,305 __2 __2 __2 41.9 35.0 __2 __2 H 2,460 __2 __2 __2 41.9 35.4 __2 __2 I 3,140 __2 __2 __2 41.9 35.9 __2 __2 J 4,060 __2 __2 __2 41.9 36.6 __2 __2 K 4,770 __2 __2 __2 41.9 37.8 __2 __2 L 5,450 __2 __2 __2 41.9 38.3 __2 __2 M 5,630 __2 __2 __2 41.9 38.4 __2 __2 N 5,810 __2 __2 __2 41.9 39.0 __2 __2 O 6,600 __2 __2 __2 41.9 39.3 __2 __2 P 7,460 __2 __2 __2 41.9 39.3 __2 __2 Q 7,860 __2 __2 __2 41.9 40.0 __2 __2 R 7,990 __2 __2 __2 41.9 40.1 __2 __2 S 8,500 __2 __2 __2 41.9 40.3 __2 __2 T 8,750 __2 __2 __2 41.9 40.4 __2 __2 U 8,960 -_2 __2 __2 41.9 40.8 __2 __2 ✓ 9,420 __2 __2 __2 41.9 41.1 __2 __2 W 9,840 __2 __2 __2 41.9 41.1 __2 __2 X 10,340 __2 __2 __2 41.9 41.1 __2 __2 Y 10,580 __2 __2 __2 41.9 41.1 __2 __2 1Feet Above Mouth 2Storage Floodway 3Elevation Computed Without Consideration of Backwater From Green River T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILL CREEK-AUBURN 4 µ r I A vi 1 1 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT] I WITH INCREASE _ WIDTZ _ AREA V(FEET ELOCITYPE ___ FLOODWAY __FLOODWAY __- _ _ _-_ - -- CROSS SECTION -DISTANCE --- (FEETH)- - - -- (SQUARE R FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Mill Creek-Auburn (Cont'd) Z 10,760 __2 --2 --2 41.9 41.3 --2 --2 AA 10,090 --2 --2 --2 41.9 41.3 --2 --2 AB 11,070 --2 --2 --2 41.9 41.7 AC 11,580 --2 --2 --2 41.9 41.8 --2 --2 AD 12,210 52 267 1.8 42.3 42.3 42.6 0.3 AE 12,860 70 341 1.4 _ 42.4 42.4 42.7 - 0-.3 AF 13,590 35 165 2.9 42.6 42.6 43.0 0.4 AG 14,420 44 125 3.8 43.1 43.1 43.8 0.7 AH 14,766 17 71 5.6 44.1 44.1 44.6 0.5 AI 15,160 32 190 2.1 46.0 46.0 46.6 0.6 AJ 15,850 51 219 1.8 46.2 46.2 46.9 0.7 AK 17,050 44 168 2.4 46.7 46.7 47.3 0.6 AL 17,940 34 142 2.8 47.3 47.3 47.9 0.6 AM 18,190 15 83 4.3 47.5 47.5 48.1 0.6 AN 18,360 103 241 1.5 47.9 47.9 48.4 0.5 AO 19,220 98 195 1.8 48.5 48.5 49.1 0.6 AP 20,120 110 139 2.6 49.3 49.3 49.8 0.5 AQ 21,210 13 181 4.9 50.3 50.3 50.8 0.5 AR 21,630 260 67 0.6 50.4 50.4 50.9 0.5 AS 22,070 310 573 1.1 51.4 51.4 52.4 1.0 AT 22,680 310 312 0.7 52.2 52.2 52.6 0.4 AU 23,370 8 497 1.0 52.8 52.8 53.2 0.4 AV r. 23,760 220 325 6.9 53.0 53.0 53.5 0.5 AW 24,590 230 48 0.3 53.3 53.3 53.6 0.3 AX 25,450 250 1,127 0.4 56.4 56.4 57.4 1.0 1Feet Above Mouth 2Storage Floodway 3Elevation Computed Without Consideration of Backwater From Green River TT FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FL Alf®A-TA B E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILL CREEK-AUBURN 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- - -- - SFfiiAN MEAN-- Rff,U1-A-TORY -- - i WITHOUT WITH ODVih4Y INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE{ WIDTH AREA VELOCITY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Mill Creek-Auburn (Cont'd) AY I 24,590 230 933 0.4 56.5 56.5 57.5 1.0 AZ 25,450 250 395 0.9 56.6 56.6 57.6 1.0 BA 25,680 215 251 1.5 56.9 56.9 57.6 0.8 BB 26,430 219 194 1.6 58.0 58.0 58.3 0.3 BC 27,250 135 221 1.4 58.7 58.7 59.1 0.4 BD 28,200 22 77 4.1 60.0 60.0 60.7 0.7 BE 29,000 40 114 2.8 61.7 61.7 62.1 0.4 BF 29,240 42 222 1.4 61.8 61.8 62.3 0.5 BG 29,512 38 223 1.4 61.8 61.8 62.3 0.5 BH 29,650 26 94 3.3 61.7 61.7 62.2 0.5 BI 30,480 56 95 3.3 62.3 62.3 62.7 0.4 BJ 31,310 33 109 2.9 62.7 62.7 63.0 0.3 BK 31,620 18 37 8.3 62.9 62.9 62.9 0.0 BL 31,747 6 30 10.4 63.7 63.7 63.7 0.0 BM 32,430 39 293 1.1 67.4 67.4 68.1 0.7 1Feet Above Mouth A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILL CREEK-AUBURN • r FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- --- - - -- --- -- - -- -- --- ---'-- ---- --- - ----- -- - --SCION - - MEAN- ---==-- ---REG REGULATORY HOUT WITH------- --IN --- --- - --_-- - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- UL- - CREASE W IT � - -- WIDTH---- -- _ ------ - - -- -- C WAY------ -FCOODWRY-_--�-- CROSS SECTION DISTANCE (FEET) EA �- VELOCITY (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Big Soos Creek A 17,687 20 76 10.5 171.3 171.3 171.4 0.1 B 17,849 20 201 4.0 174.4 174.4 174.4 0.0 C 17,949 63 276 2.9 174.6 174.6 174.6 0.0 D 18,909 72 194 4.1 I 182.8 182.8 182.8 0.0 E 20,189 33 180 4.4 199.2 199.2 200.0 0.8 F 20,989 52 170 4.7 210.1 210.1 211.1 1.0 G 21,939- - -51 - - 295 - - - 20 - - 216-.7 - -216.-7 - 2-17.7 - 1-.0 H 23,099 32 85 9.4 232.7 232.7 232.7 0.0 I 25,019 46 244 3.3 258.6 258.6 259.6 1.0 J 25,969 27 113 7.1 268.5 268.5 269.2 0.7 K 26,609 32 124 3.1 281.5 281.5 281.5 0.0 L 27,769 37 77 5.0 296.3 296.3 296.4 0.1 M 29,169 41 220 1.8 303.4 303.4 304.4 1.0 N 29,369 33 168 2.3 303.9 303.9 304.9 1.0 O 29,515 48 246 1.6 304.4 304.4 305.2 0.8 P 30,315 49 196 2.0 305.7 305.7 306.6 0.9 Q 31,515 43 143 2.7 ' 309.6 - 309.6 310.6 1.0 R 32,635 165 620 0.6 310.8 310.8 311.8 1.0 S 33,124 32 151 2.6 313.1 313.1 313.8 0.7 T 33,224 185 722 0.5 313.1 313.1 314.0 0.9 U 33,904 44 95 3.0 313.3 313.3 314.3 1.0 ✓ 34004 48 176 1.6 316.1 316.1 316.5 0.4 W 34,954 66 289 1.0 316.3 316.3 316.7 0.4 X 35,113 40 176 1.6 316.4 316.4 316.8 0.4 Y 36,313 59 286 1.0 316.6 316.6 317.6 1.0 Z 38,163 190 365 0.8 317.5 317.5 318.4 0.9 1Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL-EMERGENGY-MANAGEMENT-ACrENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA - E AND INCORPORATED AREAS BIG SOOS CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE - - -- ----- - -- - - - -- W Tlot ©i IAMI - -- - - -_WIDTH- -- - - -- - - -VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - -- -- - - - - (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Big Soos Creek (Cont'd) AA 39,843 217 264 1.1 319.9 319.9 320.1 0.2 AB 41,903 96 248 1.1 323.7 323.7 324.7 1.0 AC 42,248 34 210 1.3 326.6 326.6 326.8 0.2 AD 42,448 63 240 1.2 326.7 326.7 327.2 0.5 AE 43,209 25 120 2.3 326.9 326.9 327.7 0.8 AF 43,329 134 510 0.5 327.1 327.1 327.8 0.7 AG 44,689 34 126 2.2 327.3 327.3 328.3 1.0 AH 46,529 21 96 2.9 331.0 331.0 332.0 1.0 AI 46,677 19 99 2.8 331.2 331.2 332.2 1.0 AJ 46,837 27 129 1.7 331.7 331.7 332.6 0.9 AK 47,737 24 100 2.2 332.6 332.6 333.5 0.9 AL 48,280 23 72 3.1 333.9 333.9 334.3 0.4 AM 48,290 45 73 3.0 334.0 334.4 334.4 0.4 AN 50,070 59 118 1.9 335.5 335.5 336.5 1.0 AO 52,270 21 58 3.8 340.6 340.6 340.6 0.0 AP 52,470 50 160 1.4 342.2 342.2 342.2 1.0 AQ 53,670 56 201 1.1 343.0 343.0 344.0 1.0 AR 55,010 143 335 0.7 344.1 344.1 345.0 0.9 AS 55,156 13 62 3.6 344.6 344.6 345.6 1.0 AT 55,216 94 290 0.8 345.2 345.2 346.0 0.8 AU 56,896 20 47 4.7 346.9 346.9 347.5 0.6 AV 57,636 101 232 0.9 348.1 348.1 349.0 0.9 AW 57,886 14 50 4.4 348.3 348.3 349.2 0.9 AX 58,015 68 159 1.4 1349.3 349.3 350.0 0.7 1Feet Above Mouth BFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS BIG SOOS CREEK 4 - f` • * A t• k I t FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH SECTION AREAN VELOCITY REGULATORY --- WITHOUT 1 WITH I FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - - (FEET) INCREASE (SQUARE (FEET PER FFFT) SFf ONF1) QFEFT NGV.,) Big Soos Creek (Cont'd) AY 59,215 13 42 5.2 351.0 351.0 351.8 0.8 • AZ 60,495 76 127 1.7 354.9 354.9 355.7 0.8 BA 60,775 15 46 4.7 355.7 355.7 356.5 0.8 BB 61,025 49 101 1.5 357.0 357.0 357.2 0.2 BC 61,925 27 31 4.8 358.7 358.7 358.7 0.0 • BD 62,323 13 46 3.3 360.6 360.6 361.4 0.8 BE 62,473 139 361 0.4 361.0 361.0 361.7 0.7 BF 64,353 44 115 1.3 361.1 361.1 362.1 1.0 BG 65,563 31 42 2.2 364.3 364.3 36'4.3 0.0 BH 66,623 40 75 1.2 365.8 365.8 366.6 0.8 BI 67,623 46 64 1.4 368.0 368.0 369.0 1.0 BJ 67,792 5 19 4.9 370.0 370.0 370.3 0.3 BK 67,932 11 44 2.0 370.6 370.6 370.9 0.3 BL 68,932 84 201 0.4 370.8 370.8 371.5 0.7 BM 70,132 11 24 3.7 371.4 371.4 372.2 0.8 BN 71,516 74 134 0.7 380.3 380.3 380.3 0.0 BO 72,676 90 234 0.4 380.3 380.3 380.8 0.5 BP 74,054 97 77 1.2 380.7 380.7 381.6 0.9 BQ 75,314 17 16 5.6 396.8 396.8 396.8 0.0 'Feet Above Mouth A FEDERAL -V-MANA- EMENTA�fNCY - FLOODWAY DATA B LE KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS BIG SODS CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE CROSS-SECTION STANC- (FEET) ARFA VitnetTY--- - - _LOODWnY _ ---FLOODWAY (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) White River A - D2 E 6.47 448 2,831 6.5 90.1 90.1 90.1 0.0 F 6.69 ' 380 1,498 12.3 92.8 92.8 92.8 0.0 G 6.84 329 1,444 12.7 99.0 99.0 99.0 0.0 H 7.04 295 1,327 13.9 106.1 106.1 106.1 0.0 I 7.27 189 1,258 14.6 112.7 112.7 112.7 0.0 J 7.43 215 1,400 13.1 118.3 118.3 118.3 0.0 K 7.51 223 1,276 14.4 120.5 120.5 120.5 0.0 L 7.63 242 1,768 10.4 125.1 125.1 125.1 0.0 M 7.79 314 1,937 9.5 128.6 128.6 128.6 0.0 N 8.01 334 1,938 9.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 0.0 O 8.19 240 1,274 14.4 141.2 141.2 141.6 0.4 P 8.59 300 2,298 8.0 155.6 155.6 156.0 0.4 1Miles Above Mouth 2Floodway Not Applicable 9 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS WHITE RIVER 4 J 4 t .e ► i ii FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION_ _ MEAN _ _REGULATORY- WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE 1 WIDTH AREA VELOCITY - FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEED SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Sammamish River A 0.25 80 803 4.8 15.0 15.0 15.0 0.0 B 1.10 45 1,007 3.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 0.0 C 1.30 45 954 3.7 18.2 18.2 18.2 0.0 D 1.78 40 1,081 3.2 19.1 19.1 19.2 0.1 E 2.44 65 1,214 ; 2.9 20.2 20.2 20.2 0.0 F 2.79 75 -1,253 2.6 20.7 - _ 20.7 - 20.7 0.0 G 3.52 55 1,303 2.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 0.0 H 3.92 65 1,196 2.9 22.0 22.0 22.0 0.0 I 4.90 85 1,179 2.7 23.1 23.1 23.1 0.0 J 5.50 50 1,093 2.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 0.0 K 6.05 50 1,068 2.8 24.4 24.4 24.4 0.0 L 6.30 40 1,111 2.7 24.8 24.8 24.8 0.0 M 7.00 40 1,041 2.9 25.6 25.6 25.6 0.0 N 7.35 55 1,144 2.6 26.0 26.0 26.0 0.0 O 7.70 45 1,159 2.6 26.4 26.4 26.4 0.0 P 8.30 40 1,141 2.6 27.0 27.0 27.0 0.0 Q 9.20 45 1,123 2.6 27.8 27.8 27.8 0.0 R 9.30 45 1,094 2.7 28.1 28.1 28.3 0.2 S 10.68 45 1,184 2.5 28.3 28.3 28.7 0.4 T 10.99 70 1,096 2.7 28.6 28.6 29.0 0.4 U 11.80 75 1,111 2.6 •29.6 29.6 29.8 0.2 ✓ 12.79 60 1,102 2.6 30.6 30.6 30.8 0.2 W 13.05 60 1,060 2.7 30.9 30.9 31.1 0.2 X 13.28 80 1,133 2.5 31.1 31.1 31.3 0.2 Y 13.70 60 1,196 1.9 31.6 31.6 31.8 0.2 1Miles Above Mouth TiFEDEf�Al-EMERGENCYIVI�C(�TAGEIGIENT G NCY �1-�1,r1D �t�F1 A TA B d.V�JV 11Y�i i IJ/�1 E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER a ; FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGIII ATORY WITHOUT I WITH -INCREASE --- CROSSSECTIory --- IRS)Am..'T-1 A- VCLOCt1'Y -- - COOIJWA-r FL-UUUWA-Y - (FEE1) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Sammamish River (Cont'd) Z 14.15 50 1,180 1.9 31.8 31.8 32.0 0.2 AA 14.35 180 2,472 0.9 32.0 32.0 32.1 0.1 AB 14.65 150 1,891 1.2 32.0 32.0 32.2 0.2 AC 14.95 120 1,977 1.3 32.2 32.2 32.4 0.2 1Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B I KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER = a ! a FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN Z WITHOUT -�- WITH] INCREASE - - ---CROSS SECTION --_ - DISTANCE 1- -= WIDTH- _-AREA- - ---==VELOCITY- __REGULATORY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY = (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER v FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Swamp Creek A 960 50 232 3.9 17.5 16.2 16.2 0.0 B 1,400 47 240 3.8 17.5 17.0 17.0 0.0 C 1,870 147 652 1.4 21.4 21.4 22.4 1.0 D 2,300 45 294 3.1 21.6 21.6 22.6 1.0 E 2,491 84 374 2.4 22.4 22.4 23.2 0.8 F 2,791 26 191 4.8 22.7 22.7 23.3 0.6 G 3,271 28 - 214 - 4.3 -23.5 - 23.5 24.4 - 0.9 - H 3,860 54 283 3.2 24.7 24.7 25.6 0.9 I 4,461 413 1,330 0.7 25.3 25.3 26.3 1.0 J 5,151 302 419 2.1 26.9 26.1 27.1 1.0 K 5,661 530 834 1.0 30.4 28.3 29.3 1.0 L 6,271 286 275 3.2 32.0 31.0 31.9 0.9 M 6,961 467 865 1.0 36.1 34.4 35.4 1.0 N 7,561 37 95 9.1 40.3 39.5 39.5 0.0 O 7,941 59 223 3.9 42.4 42.7 43.6 0.9 P 8,141 47 192 4.5 44.3 44.3 44.9 0.6 Q 8,181 66 186 4.7 44.7 44.7 45.0 0.3 R 8,931 242 397 2.2 49.7 49.7 50.1 0.4 S 9,631 33 93 9.4 52.9 52.9 53.0 0.1 T 9,961 295 351 2.5 57.0 57.0 57.9 0.9 U 10,231 75 143 6.1 59.1 59.1 59.6 0.5 ✓ 10,791 48 172 5.1 64.3 64.3 65.3 1.0 W 11,381 55 144 6.0 71.4 71.4 71.4 0.0 X 12,031 28 176 4.9 75.3 75.3 76.2 0.9 Y 12,791 57 169 5.1 80.4 80.4 80.7 0.3 Feet Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed for Flow Confined to Main Channel Between Sections I and N 3Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater from Sammamish River T LEDERAL-EMERGENCY-MANAGEMEN-T_AGENCY B FLOODWAY-DATA LE KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS - SWAMP CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT-J O WITH INCREASE --- - - SECTION - 015TANCEARM- TEL - AR - CL0t-IIY - - - FLOODWAY -OODWA-Y - -(FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) North Creek A 200 54 209 3.0 19.8 19.8 19.8 0.0 B 450 45 219 2.9 20.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 C 1,000 37 139 4.6 20.5 20.5 20.5 0.0 D 1,650 52 190 3.3 21.5 21.5 21.5 0.0 E 2,300 42 109 5.8 22.4 22.4 22.4 0.0 F 2,940 39 148 4.3 24.0 24.0 24.0 0.0 C 3,770 63 177 3.6 25.8 25.8 25.8 0.0 H 4,070 49 143 4.4 26.8 26.8 26.8 0.0 I 4,320 70 159 4.0 27.3 27.3 27.3 0.0 J-N2 'Feet Above Mouth 2Cross Sections Located Within City of Bothell (Not a Part of this Study) A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY AY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS NORTH CREEK 4 4 v ii ,r s d r FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - - - - -- -_ --- ---- --- - -- ---SECTION- - _- MEAN== - - -WITHOUT WITHZ CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY -REGULATORY ----FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - -- - -INCREASE (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER ftCT) SECOND) (FFFTNr,Vn) Little Bear Creek A 40 39 289 1.7 24.1 23.8 23.8 0.0 B 177 8 78 6.4 25.6 25.6 25.6 0.0 C 427 14 97 5.2 26.4 26.4 26.7 0.3 D _ 577 24 70 7.1 26.3 26.3 27.0 0.7 E 617 19 52 9.6 27.3 27.3 27.3 0.0 F 764 39 182 2.7 33.3 33.3 33.4 0.1 G 849 31 102 4.9 33.3 33.3 33.4 0.1 H 949 49 124 4.4 33.8 33.8 33.9 0.1 I 1,059 55 247 2.3 36.3 36.3 36.3 0.0 J 1,159 44 179 3.2 36.5 36.5 36.5 0.0 K 1,199 50 194 2.9 36.5 36.5 36.5 0.0 L 1,224 31 137 4.1 36.5 36.5 36.5 0.0 M 1,413 26 157 3.6 38.2 38.2 38.2 0.0 N 1,493 31 183 3.1 38.3 38.3 38.4 0.1 O 1,773 32 109 5.2 38.5 38.5 38.6 0.1 P 1,979 11 51 11.0 42.8 42.8 43.2 0.4 Q 2,103 24 174 3.3 45.7 45.7 45.7 0.0 R 2,792 20 104 5.4 48.3 48.3 49.1 0.8 S 3,642 34 130 4.4 53.7 53.7 54.1 0.4 T 4,602 38 89 6.4 60.9 60.9 61.3 0.4 U 5,122 28 129 4.4 64.4 64.4 65.4 1.0 ✓ 5,962 24 94 6.0 69.3 69.3 69.9 0.6 W 6,652 45 303 1.8 80.9 80.9 80.9 0.0 X 7,052 24 111 4.8 81.1 81.1 81.6 0.5 1Feet Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed With Consideration of 25-Year Sammamish River Backwater Elevation T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS LITTLE BEAR CREEK 4 BASE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT2 WITH2 INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) _ (SOUARF (F£fa=Pt-R - - --- -- - -- - - - - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Little Bear , Creek (Cont'd) Y 7,452 36 175 3.1 83.6 83.6 84.6 1.0 i Z 7,762 23 148 3.6 90.7 90.7 90.7 0.0 AA 8,162 27 150 3.6 91.2 91.2 92.2 1.0 AB 9,522 21 73 7.4 100.9 100.9 101.7 0.8 AC 10,562 23 136 4.0 110.4 110.4 111.0 0.6 AD 10,742 46 247 2.2 110.9 110.9 111.5 0.6 • 'Feet Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed With Consideration of 25-Year Sammamish River Backwater Elevation T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA L AND INCORPORATED AREAS LITTLE BEAR CREEK 4 1 r f % I b FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- - - - - - - --- _ _==SECTION, --MEAN= -REGULATORY WITHOUT __ WITH INCREASE - -- - - CROSS SECTION DISTANCEI WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - - -- - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FFFT NIW1)) Bear Creek A 0.23 310 306 5.0 31.7 31.7 31.7 0.0 B 0.30 500 686 2.6 34.7 34.7 35.2 0.5 C 0.65 650 669 2.4 36.2 36.2 36.5 0.3 D 0.79 1,060 1,149 1.4 36.9 36.9 36.9 0.0 E _ 0.92 60 300 1.6 37.8 37.8 37.8 0.0 F 1.00 200 307 5.0 42.4 42.4 42.4 0.0 G 1.04 310 3,629 0.6 43.0 43.0 43.0 0.0 H 1.13 500 2,585 0.8 43.0 43.0 43.1 0.1 I 1.33 150 231 4.8 44.6 44.6 44.7 0.1 J 1.73 200 636 2.3 49.2 49.2 49.5 0.3 K 2.05 410 1,340 1.4 50.1 50.1 50.8 0.7 L 2.39 210 626 1.8 51.4 51.4 52.1 0.7 M 2.81 200 400 3.1 56.3 56.3 57.2 0.9 N 3.04 180 701 2.1 58.9 58.9 59.9 1.0 O 3.68 290 332 2.9 66.9 66.9 67.4 0.5 P 3.88 210 415 2.5 70.1 70.1 70.8 0.7 Q 4.16 180 477 2.0 71.1 71.7 72.5 0.8 R 4.51 120 299 3.5 77.0 77.0 77.6 0.6 S 4.61 110 510 2.1 72.9 79.2 79.9 0.7 T 4.98 150 221 4.9 85.1 85.1 85.5 0.4 U 5.20 210 931 1.4 89.8 89.8 90.1 0.3 ✓ 5.30 40 224 2.3 90.5 90.5 90.9 0.4 W 5.31 40 237 2.2 90.7 90.7 91.1 0.4 X 5.39 85 245 2.1 91.6 91.6 92.0 0.4 Y 5.54 34 179 2.9 94.2 94.2 95.0 0.8 'Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS BEAR CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION Q. M OIITYEANE REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS-5E040N DISTANEEl __ WIDTH _ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY FEET)E SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Bear Creek (Cont'd) Z 5.67 41 176 3.0 97.2 97.2 97.9 0.7 AA 5.81 38 189 2.8 100.3 100.3 100.8 0.5 AB 5.94 48 144 3.5 102.8 102.8 , 103.1 0.3 AC 5.98 44 128 3.9 104.0 104.0 104.1 0.1 AD 6.02 81 270 1.9 105.1 105.1 105.2 0.1 AE 6.21 96 230 2.2 110.2 110.2 110.8 0.6 AF 6.41 69 255 2.0 118.4 118.4 118.9 0.5 AG 6.45 20 122 4.1 119.0 119.0 119.5 0.5 AH 6.45 20 102 4.9 119.0 119.0 119.6 0.6 AI 6.49 79 313 1.6 120.2 120.2 120.6 0.4 AJ 6.63 84 235 1.8 122.0 122.0 122.6 0.6 AK 6.75 76 189 2.3 124.7 124.7 125.2 0.5 AL 6.90 30 129 3.3 127.3 127.3 128.1 0.8 AM 6.97 71 197 2.2 128.7 128.7 129.7 1.0 AN 7.03 83 283 1.5 129.6 129.6 130.6 1.0 AO 7.20 81 244 1.8 133.2 133.2 134.2 1.0 AP 7.23 31 122 3.5 133.8 133.8 134.7 0.9 AQ 7.23 31 139 3.1 134.1 134.1 135.0 0.9 AR 7.29 49 143 3.0 135.8 135.8 136.4 0.6 AS 7.37 29 107 4.0 138.4 138.4 138.7 0.3 AT 7.42 47 212 2.0 139.4 139.4 139.9 0.5 AU 7.60 23 56 7.3 142.8 142.8 143.1 0.3 AV 7.67 34 105 3.9 146.9 146.9 147.7 0.8 AW 7.76 42 140 2.9 150.2 150.2 150.5 0.3 AX 7.84 33 121 3.4 152.3 152.3 152.3 0.0 1Miles Above Mouth TA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS BEAR CREEK 4 4 .r i ‘ wr 1, I r FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION I MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH - -- AREA -;VELOCITY - -- - _-FLOODWAY -�-_-FLOODWAY - _ (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) - (FEET NGVD) Bear Creek (Cont'd) AY 7.88 9 36 11.4 154.9 154.9 154.9 0.0 AZ 7.94 27 140 2.4 158.8 158.8 159.3 0.5 BA 8.10 39 92 3.6 161.5 161.5 162.4 0.9 BB 8.16 19 76 4.4 164.8 164.8 164.9 0.1 BC 8.16 19 85 3.9 165.2 165.2 165.3 0.1 BD - -8.21 - 46 149 -2.2 166.3 166.3 -166.5 0.-2 BE 8.34 29 74 4.5 170.8 170.8 171.3 0.5 BF 8.54 44 130 2.5 180.3 180.3 180.4 0.1 BG 8.70 84 262 1.3 183.0 183.0 183.5 . 0.5 BH 8.87 86 177 1.7 185.6 185.6 186.6 1.0 BI 8.97 56 69 4.5 194.4 194.4 194.6 0.2 BJ 9.04 23 94 3.3 201.0 201.0 201.0 0.0 BK 9.08 43 76 4.1 202.8 202.8 202.9 0.1 BL 9.18 23 73 4.2 211.8 211.8 211.8 0.0 BM 9.31 87 166 1.9 218.6 218.6 218.7 0.1 BN 9.40 95 168 1.8 222.0 222.0 222.0 0.0 BO 9.55 114 142 2.2 229.3 229.3 229.3 0.0 BP 9.61 34 99 3.1 232.0 232.0 232.0 0.0 BO 9.65 38 124 2.5 233.1 233.1 233.2 0.1 BR 9.76 36 101 2.9 236.3 236.3 236.8 0.5 BS 9.85 44 130 2.2 239.5 239.5 239.7 0.2 BT 9.98 64 234 1.2 240.5 240.5 241.0 0.5 BU 10.09 54 199 1.5 241.2 241.2 242.0 0.8 BV 10.13 20 83 2.8 241.7 241.7 242.5 0.8 BW 10.14 20 79 2.9 242.0 242.0 242.7 0.7 1Mi1es Above Mouth A --f-EDERAI:EMERGENCY-MAN-A-GEMEN-T-AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA B LE KING COUNTY, WA AND D INCORPORATED AREAS BEAR CREEK 4 BASE FLOOD I FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN __REGULATORY__ _ WITHOUT I _WITH INCREASE -- - -- CROSS-SECTION Mt AFICE'1 Wt T+! EA VELOCITY -- FL�IODSM =-F1-C7OBWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Bear Creek (Cont'd) BX 10.17 34 111 2.1 242.8 242.8 243.4 0.6 BY 10.23 31 118 1.9 245.0 245.0 245.5 0.5 BZ 10.32 30 103 2.2 246.4 246.4 247.1 0.7 CA 10.49 51 127 1.8 251.5 251.5 251.9 0.4 CB 10.64 47 132 1.7 255.2 255.2 255.5 0.3 CC 10.69 44 162 1.4 255.8 255.8 256.3 0.5 CD 11.02 45 188 1.2 258.2 258.2 259.1 0.9 'Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS BEAR CREEK 4 A : `► t s- k 9 s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CROSS SECTION - DISTANCE - AREA VELOCITY- REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE WIDTH SECTION MEAN FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Evans Creek A 0.18 200 683 0.7 50.4 50.4 21.2 0.8 B 0.81 190 136 2.1 56.3 56.3 56.8 0.5 C 1.21 90 197 1.7 62.5 62.5 63.3 0.8 D 1.41 294 552 1.1 63.2 63.2 64.0 0.8 E 1.71 189 290 1.2 63.8 63.8 64.7 0.9 F - 1.95 300 400 1.1 65.3 65.3 66.3- 1.0 - G 2.28 125 116 2.6 67.9 67.9 68.4 0.5 H 2.29 128 159 1.4 68.6 68.6 68.9 0.3 I 2.48 144 100 2.4 72.3 72.3 72.5 0.2 J 2.67 120 170 1.4 75.1 75.1 75.4 0.3 K 2.88 150 157 2.1 76.4 76.4 76.8 0.4 L 3.01 208 652 0.6 76.8 76.8 77.4 0.6 M 3.14 170 65 4.7 79.1 79.1 79.1 0.0 N 3.53 159 472 1.0 84.3 84.3 84.3 0.0 O 3.85 200 396 1.2 85.1 85.1 85.4 0.3 P 4.21 220 137 2.2 92.6 92.6 92.6 0.0 Q 4.27 207 90 1.8 95.1 95.1 95.1 0.0 R 4.65 120 56 3.6 101.7 101.7 102.0 0.3 1Feet Above Mouth TA -T_FEDERAL-EMERGENCY-MANAGEMENAGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS EVANS CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - SECTION MEAN REGIIl ATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASF - - - C' SS-SEITIOry ulilANIL1 w�TM AREA --- ---VttOCITY- - - -FAO FOOD-WAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Issaquah Creek A 950.4 1,950 2,974 2.2 34.5 34.5 34.5 0.0 B 1,953.6 1,650 1,422 3.3 36.3 36.3 36.3 0.0 C 3,590.4 1,000 936 3.4 42.9 42.9 42.9 0.0 D 5,702.4 290 1,895 2.3 47.8 47.8 47.9 0.1 E 6,230.4 121 658 7.2 49.1 49.1 49.2 0.1 F 7,075.2 253 1,251 3.4 51.5 51.5 51.8 0.3 G 7,814.4 65 476 9.0 52.4 52.4 53.1 0.7 H 8,553.6 125 976 4.4 54.8 54.8 55.8 1.0 I F 9,398.4 76 491 8.8 56.4 56.4 57.1 0.7 J 9,609.6 92 489 8.8 58.3 58.3 58.5 0.2 K 9,926.4 160 1,158 3.7 60.3 60.3 60.4 0.1 L 10,401.6 104 672 6.4 60.7 60.7 60.8 0.1 M 10,560.0 86 521 8.3 61.7 61.7 61.8 0.1 N 11,193.6 90 764 5.6 64.7 64.7 64.9 0.2 O 11,668.8 95 649 6.6 65.8 65.8 66.1 0.3 P 11,721.6 144 840 5.1 66.6 66.6 66.9 0.3 Q 12,355.2 130 985 4.4 68.1 68.1 68.3 0.2 R 12,724.8 90 572 7.5 68.6 68.6 68.9 0.3 S 13,041.6 120 651 6.6 70.4 70.4 70.8 0.4 T 13,516.8 114 514 8.4 74.4 74.4 74.5 0.1 U 13,622.4 83 787 4.4 75.9 75.9 75.9 0.0 ✓ 14,256.0 69 548 6.4 77.0 77.0 77.1 0.1 W 14,308.8 72 506 6.9 78.8 78.8 78.9 0.1 X 14,889.6 113 783 4.0 81.0 81.0 81.1 0.1 Y 15,734.4 97 633 5.0 82.5 82.5 82.7 0.2 Z 16,262.4 73 483 6.6 84.5 84.5 84.7 0.2 1Feet Above Mouth BFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS ISSAQUAH CREEK 4 w) s I + h s FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION- -- - _=-MEAN_-_ =REGULATORY- - - WITHOUT _ WITH ___ INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY -FLOODWAY --- FLOODWAY -- -- - - - - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FFFT) CFCON)) (FEET NGVD) Issaquah Creek. (Cont'd) AA 16,948.8 64 566 5.6 87.2 87.2 87.4 0.2 AB 17,054.4 91 589 5.4 88.1 88.1 88.3 0.2 AC 17,265.6 55 365 8.7 88.8 88.8 89.0 0.2 AD 17,371.2 60 462 6.9 91.0 91.0 91.1 0.1 AE 17,740.8 77 558 5.7 92.4 92.4 92.7 0.3 AF 18,110.4 123 . 788 4.0 93.6 - 93.6 94.0 0.4 AG 18,638.4 400 1,327 2.4 94.1 94.1 94.5 0.4 AH 18,796.8 339 1,154 2.7 94.4 94.4 94.7 0.3 AI 19,430.4 66 408 7.8 97.2 97.2 97.3 0.1 AJ 20,064.0 88 571 5.6 100.7 100.7 100.7 0.0 AK 20,803.2 100 610 5.2 102.9 102.9 102.9 0.0 AL 21,014.4 141 696 4.6 112.0 112.0 112.0 0.0 AM 21,384.0 76 388 8.2 113.0 113.0 113.0 0.0 AN 22,228.8 239 1,200 2.6 115.7 115.7 116.3 0.6 AO 23,073.6 313 832 3.8 117.3 117.3 118.2 0.9 AP 23,812.8 114 562 5.5 120.9 120.9 121.9 1.0 AQ 24,710.4 300 705 4.4 125.4 125.4 125.9 0.5 AR 24,763.2 330 853 3.6 125.5 125.5 126.0 0.5 AS ' 25,185.6 110 437 7.1 128.0 128.0 128.3 0.3 AT 25,977.6 98 745 4.2 130.5 130.5 131.2 0.7 AU 26,716.8 64 396 7.8 131.9 131.9 132.5 0.6 AV 27,456.0 63 437 7.1 136.0 136.0 136.4 0.4 AW 27,825.6 64 453 6.8 137.3 137.3 138.0 0.7 AX 28,089.6 63 391 7.8 141.2 141.2 141.9 0.7 AY 28,406.4 66 496 6.2 143.6 143.6 144.6 1.0 AZ 28,934.4 73 618 4.9 145.7 145.7 146.7 1.0 'Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGE A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS ISSAQUAH CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FFCT) --(5tiUAKE- (FEET-PER - - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Issaquah Creek (Cont'd) BA 29,462.4 98 582 5.2 146.5 146.5 147.5 1.0 BB 30,096.0 19 488 6.3 149.4 149.4 150.0 0.6 BC 31,152.0 85 463 6.6 152.8 152.8 153.0 0.2 BD 32,208.0 84 476 6.4 156.0 156.0 156.3 0.3 BE 33,422.4 163 569 5.3 160.0 160.0 160.2 0.2 BF 34,478.4 170 452 6.4 166.7 166.7 167.2 0.5 BG 35,798.4 292 826 3.5 175.6 175.6 176.6 1.0 BH 36,960.0 74 294 9.8 182.1 182.1 182.1 0.0 BI 37,224.0 74 449 6.4 188.8 188.8 188.9 0.1 BJ 38,121.6 103 389 7.4 191.2 191.2 191.2 0.0 BK 38,702.4 119 368 7.8 196.9 196.9 197.1 0.2 BL 39,230.4 52 198 14.5 200.2 200.2 200.4 0.2 BM 40,022.4 120 510 5.6 210.9 210.9 210.9 0.0 BN 41,078.4 96 344 8.4 218.6 218.6 218.E 0.0 BO 42,345.6 52 280 10.3 224.0 224.0 224.0 0.0 BP 42,451.2 68 386 6.3 225.6 225.6 225.6 0.0 BQ 43,032.0 67 243 10.0 228.2 228.2 228.4 0.2 BR 43,401.6 45 281 7.2 229.8 229.8 230.8 1.0 BS 44,193.6 43 175 11.6 233.9 233.9 233.9 0.0 BT 45,196.8 40 232 8.7 240.2 240.2 240.5 0.3 BU 45,355.2 39 182 11.1 240.8 240.8 241.1 0.3 BV • 45,460.8 44 374 5.4 245.3 245.3 245.3 0.0 BW 45,566.4 41 ' 1 340 5.9 245.4 245.4 • 245.4 0.0 BX 46,728.0 32 I 159 12.7 248.4 248.4 248.4 0.0 BY 47,520.0 37 - 188 10.7 255.6 255.6 256.1 0.5 BZ 48,945.6 52 k 224 9.0 265.0 265.0 265.2 0.2 'Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS ISSAQUAH CREEK • ) *. s a V i FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WITHOUT WITH --- - -- - - -SECTION___- --_-MEAN__ __ REGULATORY - INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY - FLOODWAY - FLOODWAY - -- -- _ - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Issaquah Creek (Cont'd) CA 50,001.6 118 350 5.8 269.4 269.4 269.9 0.5 CB 50,952.0 219 387 5.2 275.4 275.4 275.4 0.0 CC 51,796.8 48 182 11.1 280.8 280.8 280.9 0.1 CD ' 52,800.0 132 433 4.7 287.9 287.9 288.7 0.8 CE 152,958.4 42 235 8.1 288.9 288.9 289.9 1.0 CF -53,011;2 42 216 - 8.9 291.3- 291.3 - - 291:3 0.0- - CG 53,116.8 192 634 3.0 292.8 292.8 292.8 0.0 CH 53,222.4 38 271 7.1 293.0 293.0 293.1 0.1 CI 53,380.8 184 885 2.2 294.2 294.2 294.4 0.2 CJ 54,595.2 125 247 7.7 300.1 300.1 300.1 0.0 CK 55,334.5 165 554 3.4 305.0 305.0 306.0 1.0 CL 56,284.8 193 320 6.0 310.5 310.5 310.7 0.2 CM 56,601.6 41 251 7.6 312.5 312.5 313.5 1.0 CN 57,921.6 39 213 9.0 321.2 321.2 321.6 0.4 CO 59,664.0 51 267 6.2 331.5 331.5 332.4 0.9 CP 59,769.5 45 233 7.2 332.1 332.1 332.9 0.8 CQ 59,822.4 51 340 4.9 334.4 334.4 334.6 0.2 CR 59,875.2 54 332 5.0 334.8 334.8 334.8 0.0 CS 61,036.8 40 172 9.7 339.3 339.3 339.7 0.4 CT 62,515.2 58 242 6.9 351.8 351.8 352.7 0.9 CU 63,571.2 53 269 6.2 359.1 359.1 360.1 1.0 CV 65,102.4 35 186 9.0 375.4 375.4 375.4 0.0 CW 66,528.0 47 283 5.9 387.8 387.8 388.7 0.9 'Feet Above Mouth -N T A FEDE-RAt EMERGENCY-MAN-AGE1t1FI NT AG-ENEY FLOODWAYDATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS - ISSAQUAH CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH I INCREASE C-Rt}SS3£C-T1ON - Di-Sfi-AIVC-£-� - IN�T"tl� - - AREA - -VELOCITY _ FLOODWAY FLODDW--Y � (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) North Fork Issaquah Creek A 0.02 430 538 1.0 50.3 50.3 50.5 0.2 B 0.11 500 155 2.0 50.4 50.4 50.5 0.1 C 0.19 220 53 3.4 55.3 55.3 55.3 0.0 D 0.27 200 571 1.0 56.6 56.6 56.8 0.2 E 0.34 220 165 2.6 57.9 57.9 58.6 0.7 F 0.38 210 400 0.8 58.7 58.7 59.6 0.9 G 0.39 210 276 1.1 59.2 59.2 59.9 0.7 H 0.40 215 644 0.9 59.3 59.3 60.1 0.8 I 0.48 300 61 4.5 65.3 65.3 65.8 0.5 J 0.57 260 307 1.0 65.3 65.3 66.2 0.9 K 0.61 200 576 0.5 65.8 65.8 66.6 0.8 L 0.66, 220 461 0.4 65.8 66.7 66.7 0.9 M 0.75 180 130 1.3 66.7 66.7 67.5 0.8 N 0.78 220 108 1.4 66.7 66.7 67.5 0.8 O 0.81 280 163 0.9 66.8 66.8 67.6 0.8 P 0.92 200 1167 0.6 73.9 73.9 73.9 0.0 Q 0.94 125 899 0.8 73.9 73.9 73.9 0.0 R 0.95 150 336 1.0 73.9 73.9 73.9 0.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth TA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS NORTH FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK 4 a i * t . FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION I - SECTION__- MEAN _REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE WIDTH-- --- AREA - -VELOCITY--- -- -- __-FLOODWAY- -II_- FLOODWAY __ - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) East Fork Issaquah Creek - A 0.02 26 120 7.1 75.2 72.92 73.3 0.5 B 0.07 25 110 7.8 76.2 76.2 76.3 0.1 C 0.12 35 118 7.2 79.6 79.6 79.8 0.2 D 0.15 21 75 10.6 81.7 81.7 81.7 0.0 E 0.19 34 150 5.1 85.7 85.7 86.0 - 0.3 F 0.21 42 116 6.6 86.2 86.2 86.5 0.3 G 0.30 36 90 7.2 92.0 92.0 92.0 0.0 H 0.37 37 78 8.3 97.1 97.1 97.1 0.0 I 0.39 45 129 5.0 99.2 99.2 99.2 0.0 J 0.40 40 168 5.1 99.9 99.9 99.9 0.0 K 0.47 17 77 11.0 103.1 103.1 103.2 0.1 L 0.55 42 154 5.5 108.0 108.9 109.9 1.0 M 0.65 24 92 9.2 116.5 116.5 116.5 0.0 N 0.75 30 117 7.3 123.6 123.6 124.6 1.0 O 0.87 32 103 8.3 134.6 - 134.6 134.6 0.0 1Miles Above Mouth 2Water-Surface Elevation Computed Without Considering Backwater Effects T FEDER�cLEMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-AGENCY FLOODWAY -Aye Y DAT A L KING COUNTY, WA I� V11i1/l1 /'- E AND INCORPORATED AREAS EAST FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE UtOSSiEcctON -- -- D4STANEFa --- w�nTN- - AREA- - VErQCtT-v--- -- --- F{-0ODWAX --FEOODWA-Y - - - - - - (F (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) West Fork Issaquah Creek A 130 21 74 7.5 231.1 231.1 232.1 1.0 B 230 10 45 12.4 234.6 234.6 234.6 0.0 C 404 24 181 3.0 240.2 240.2 240.2 0.0 D 1,304 35 69 8.0 255.6 255.6 255.7 0.1 E 2,204 22 59 9.3 273.2 273.2 273.2 0.0 F 3,384 24 59 8.9 305.0 305.0 305.0 0.0 G 4,214 30 70 7.6 313.2 313.2 313.3 0.1 H 4,394 22 76 7.0 314.9 314.9 315.1 0.2 I 4,508 39 214 2.5 318.3 318.3 319.2 0.9 J 4,708 88 468 1.1 318.3 318.3 319.3 1.0 K 4,917 156 703 0.8 318.4 318.4 319.4 1.0 L 5,267 167 467 1.1 318.4 318.4 319.4 1.0 M 5,570 139 278 1.2 318.6 318.6 319.6 1.0 N 6,570 26 48 6.9 320.2 320.2 320.2 0.0 O 7,740 27 108 1.9 322.6 322.6 323.4 1.0 P 7,966 26 93 2.1 323.9 323.9 324.8 0.9 Q 8,346 26 104 1.9 324.6 324.6 325.2 0.6 R 8,774 28 115 1.7 325.0 325.0 325.7 0.7 S 9,324 64 165 1.2 325.1 325.1 325.9 0.8 T 9,796 176 422 0.5 325.1 325.1 326.1 1.0 U 10,521 119 139 1.4 325.1 325.1 326.1 1.0 ✓ 10,806 136 541 0.4 325.1 325.1 326.1 1.0 W 11,456 62 204 1.0 325.1 325.1 326.1 1.0 'Feet Above Mouth TA FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B - L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS WEST FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK 4 ri r 1 / w FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - SECTION __ MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I- WITH CROSS SECTION - - - - DISTANCES WIDTH- --_-AREA- - - - VELOCITY- - - FLOODWAY - FLOOD WAN = = INCREASE (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Holder Creek A 470 79 122 6.6 403.6 403.6 403.6 0.0 B 1,830 40 130 6.2 424.7 424.7 424.8 0.1 C 2,625 20 84 9.6 437.7 437.7 438.4 0.7 D 3,460 30 119 6.7 453.0 453.0 453.7 0.7 E 4,735 23 82 9.8 476.4 476.4 476.6 0.2 - F -- 4,830 -- 42 - 133- 6.0 4-78.4 - 478-.4- --479.3 0.9 C 4,900 38 145 5,5 480.1 480.1 480.1 0.0 H 4,935 29 83 9.7 480.6 480.6 480.8 0.2 I 5,500 19 86 9.3 493.5 493.5 494.3 0.8 'Mile Above Mouth T A FEDERALrEMERGENC-Y MANAbEME-NT-AFaENCY CtOOrnAM A�A B KING COUNTY, WA r 1J rY/'1 M /'1 L E AND INCORPORATED AREAS HOLDER CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SEC-TION -ME-AN - RICHFA-TORY--- WIIHOUII WITH --INF( ASC CROSS SECTION LISIl.NCC1 mum AREA VELOCITY IYOODWAY --ftOOuwAT (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Tibbetts Creek A 0.15 N/A N/A N/A 32.1 32.1 N/A N/A B 0.29 23 88 5.4 32.6 32.6 33.6 1.0 C 0.51 29 128 3.3 39.5 39.5 39.6 0.1 D 0.62 44 124 3.3 43.3 43.3 43.6 0.3 E 0.73 21 81 6.5 46.0 46.0 47.0 1.0 F 0.85 25 98 4.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 0.0 G 0.94 13 43 9.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 0.0 H 1.05 31 96 3.7 59.8 59.8 60.4 0.6 I 1.07 44 113 3.8 59.9 59.9 60.5 0.6 J 1.17 39 98 4.3 63.1 63.1 63.1 0.0 K 1.27 11 39 10.9 69.0 69.0 69.0 0.0 L 1.34 27 174 1.9 77.7 77.7 77.7 0.0 M 1.42 36 155 2.1 77.8 77.8 77.9 0.1 N 1.44 17 88 3.7 78.0 78.0 78.1 0.1 O 1.55 30 46 7.1 85.2 85.2 85.2 0.0 P 1.66 85 91 3.6 95.3 95.3 95.3 0.0 Q 1.62 24 46 7.1 103.2 103.2 103.6 0.4 R 1.65 19 77 4.2 110.7 110.7 110.9 0.2 S 1.68 13 65 5.0 113.2 113.2 113.8 0.6 T 1.71 39 201 1.6 113.5 113.5 114.5 1.0 U 1.77 11 30 10.8 117.6 117.6 117.9 0.3 ✓ 1.82 64 51 6.4 124.4 124.4 124.4 0.0 W 1.85 12 32 10.1 127.0 127.2 127.2 0.2 X 1.91 16 74 4.4 134.6 134.6 134.8 0.2 Y 1.97 28 44 7.4 137.5 137.5 137.6 0.1 Z 2.01 18 40 8.2 142.9 142.9 142.9 0.0 'Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B LE KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS TIBBETTS CREEK 4 .v y >, J f 11 i 1 • FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN -REGULATORY _ WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) tErOND) (FEET NGVD) Tibbetts Creek (Cont'd) AA 2.06 38 48 6.7 148.7 148.7 148.8 0.1 AB 2.11 31 39 8.4 157.0 157.0 157.0 0.0 AC 2.16 7 55 5.9 175.8 175.8 175.8 0.0 AD 2.18 22 111 2.9 176.2 176.2 176.4 0.2 AE 2.21 8 53 6.1 182.5 182.5 182.8 0.3 AF 2.22 24 61 5.4 182.5 182.5 183.1 0.6 AG I 2.26 160 30 10.9 187.3 187.3 187.4 0.1 1Mi1es Above Mouth FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B LE KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS TIBBETTS CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY _ (FE-ET)--- - -(SQUARE-- - (FE£14,tR ----- - - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) May Creek A 0.14 34 158 5.5 21.0 21.0 21.5 0.5 B 0.16 60 239 3.6 21.8 21.8 22.2 0.4 C 0.24 42 99 8.8 23.3 23.3 23.3 0.0 D 0.25 42 110 7.9 25.7 25.7 25.7 0.0 E 0.31 31 121 7.2 29.0 29.0 29.2 0.2 F 0.39 40 150 5.8 32.5 32.5 33.0 0.5 G 0.46 28 87 10.0 35.8 35.8 35.8 0.0 H 0.52 23 123 7.1 40.0 40.0 40.6 0.6 I 0.57 45 165 5.3 41.8 41.8 42.5 0.7 J 0.63 31 89 9.7 45.3 45.3 45.3 0.0 K 0.78 33 133 6.5 55.2 55.2 55.2 0.0 L 0.94 79 143 6.1 64.7 64.7 64.7 0.0 M 1.09 33 113 7.7 76.4 76.4 76.6 0.2 N 1.25 39 128 6.6 85.4 85.4 85.4 0.0 O 1.36 32 89 9.6 93.1 93.1 93.2 0.1 P 1.39 40 172 4.9 95.6 95.6 96.0 0.4 Q 1.41 33 90 9.5 95.8 95.8 95.8 0.0 R 1.42 33 111 7.7 96.4 96.4 96.4 0.0 S 1.46 30 95 8.9 99.8 99.8 99.9 0.1 T 1.54 22 91 9.3 106.8 106.8 106.9 0.1 U 1.56 8 68 12.5 112.2 112.2 112.2 0.0 ✓ 1.61 43 283 2.9 114.2 114.2 115.1 0.9 W 1.74 27 81 9.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 0.0 X 1.83 38 170 4.8 125.0 125.0 125.7 0.7 Y 1.96 52 101 8.0 135.8 135.8 135.8 0.0 Z 2.02 42 130 6.3 140.4 140.4 140.5 0.1 1M• i1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA L AND INCORPORATED AREAS MAY CREEK 4 ,4 ,i. -r s i $ a FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION-- ---MEAN MEAN-- --REGULATORY- - WITHOUT- _ WITH_ -I- INCREASE - - - - CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER F€€T) SECOND) (FEET N_.Jfl) May Creek (Cont'd) AA 3.23 37 124 5.1 266.4 266.4 267.3 0.9 AB 3.34 33 78 8.2 278.3 278.3 278.3 0.0 AC 3.49 41 135 4.7 289.6 289.6 290.2 0.6 AD 3.68 40 134 4.8 300.3 300.3 300.3 0.0 AE 3.74 15 78 8.2 304.3 304.3 304.5 0.2 AF 3.80 21 80 8.0 306.5 306.5 306.9 0.4 - AG 3.90 18 105 5.3 309.2 309.2 310.0 0.8 AH 3.99 53 257 2.2 310.0 310.0 310.7 0.7 AI 4.07 19 92 5.5 310.2 310.2 311.1 0.9 AJ 4.13 92 371 1.4 311.5 311.5 312.1 0.6 AK 4.22 75 303 1.7 311.5 311.5 312.3 0.8 AL 4.37 231 983 0.5 311.8 311.8 312.8 1.0 AM 4.48 96 387 1.3 311.9 311.9 312.9 1.0 AN 4.58 137 540 0.9 312.1 312.1 313.1 1.0 AO 4.68 19 78 6.5 312.5 312.5 313.1 0.6 AP 4.90 133 559 0.9 313.4 313.4 314.4 1.0 AQ 5.12 115 325 1.6 313.8 313.8 314.8 1.0 AR 5.30 44 120 4.2 315.5 315.5 316.0 0.5 AS 5.47 12 57 6.5 319.2 319.2 319.2 0.0 AT 5.56 73 413 0.9 320.3 320.3 321.1 0.8 AU 5.72 85 444 0.8 320.3 320.3 321.2 0.9 AV 5.86 184 743 0.5 320.4 320.4 321.4 1.0 AW 6.00 216 491 0.8 320.4 320.4 321.4 1.0 0 AX 6.16 50 70 5.3 321.9 321.9 322.2 0.3 AY 6.29 100 271 1.4 323.2 323.2 324.2 1.0 AZ 6.44 170 324 1.1 324.0 324.0 324.8 0.8 'Miles Above Mouth T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENTCY FLOODWAY DATA TA B KING COUNTY, WA /'1 L E AND INCORPORATED AREAS MAY CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE C-Rncck�inN - nlu-AN«' _ WIDTH _AREA __ VELOCITY- FLOODWAY '__ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) May Creek (Cont'd) BA 6.56 13 40 6.0 324.3 324.3 325.3 1.0 BB 6.65 138 106 2.3 329.5 329.5 329.5 0.0 BC 6.70 11 26 4.3 330.8 330.8 331.4 0.6 BD 6.78 34 58 1.9 332.0 332.0 332.8 0.8 BE 6.93 61 48 2.3 334.1 334.1 335.1 1.0 BF 7.10 33 37 2.9 338.1 338.1 338.8 0.7 BC 7.24 11 26 4.2 341.9 341.9 342.7 0.8 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS MAY CREEK 4 ea ,�' ► V I < % FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - - -_SECTION MEAN REGULATORY- WITHOUTL WITH1 INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY -FLOODWAY I-- FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) May Creek Tributary A 700 61 127 1.1 329.5 328.0 329.0 1.0 B 1,100 78 198 0.7 329.5 328.1 329.1 1.0 C 1,600 69 151 0.3 329.5 328.2 329.2 1.0 D 1,950 45 92 0.5 329.5 328.2 329.2 1.0 E 2,420 51 96 0.5 329.5 - 328.3 329.3 1.0 F 2,760 13 22 2.1 329.5 328.5 329.4 0.9 'Feet Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater from May Creek T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MAN7�GFMENT AGENCY 00 1 NVAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA IE AND INCORPORATED AREAS MAY CREEK TRIBUTARY 4 BASE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH2 INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTA NCF1 WIDTH AREA _LELO_('ITY_ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY _ ---(SQUARE---(httiPut FEET). SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Cedar River A 0.01 156 916 9.3 15.0 14.6 14.6 0.0 B 0.17 148 856 10.0 16.7 16.7 16.7 0.0 C 0.31 159 1,112 7.7 18.8 18.8 18.8 0.0 D 0.48 141 941 9.1 19.9 19.9 20.0 0.1 E 0.64 131 948 9.0 21.5 21.5 21.6 0.1 F 0.74 167 1,139 7.5 22.8 22.8 22.8 0.0 C 0.78 135 1,247 6.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 0.0 H 0.88 132 1,122 7.6 25.2 25.2 25.2 0.0 I 0.99 133 1,042 8.2 25.7 25.7 25.8 0.1 J 1.07 152 1,098 7.8 26.4 26.4 26.5 0.1 K 1.14 137 1,103 7.7 27.1 27.1 28.0 0.9 L 1.23 135 1,033 8.3 27.9 27.9 28.6 0.7 M 1.27 127 . 1,061 8.0 28.5 28.5 29.4 0.9 N 1.31 124 1,135 7.5 29.2 29.2 29.9 0.7 O 1.35 141 1,081 7.9 29.4 29.4 30.0 0.6 P 1.42 128 997 8.6 29.8 29.8 30.3 0.5 Q 1.45 129 849 10.0 30.0 30.0 30.5 0.5 R 1.49 136 1,051 8.1 31.3 31.3 31.5 0.2 S 1.53 126 1,046 8.2 31.6 31.6 32.6 1.0 T 1.59 122 1,058 8.1 32.3 32.3 33.0 0.7 U 1.61 105 982 8.7 32.5 32.5 33.5 1.0 ✓ 1.63 161 1,387 6.2 33.6 33.6 34.3 0.7 W 1.67 160 1,337 6.4 34.0 34.0 34.6 0.6 X 1.79 114 1,057 8.1 35.3 35.3 35.7 0.4 Y 1.94 137 1,222 7.0 38.0 38.0 38.1 0.1 Z 2.11 98 1,031 8.3 40.3 40.3 40.4 0.1 1Miles Above Mouth 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater from Lake Washington T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA L AND INCORPORATED AREAS CEDAR RIVER 4 p r ii FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION _ MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT �- WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' - WIDTH- --_ --AREA--- -VELOCITY-- - -- -__FLOODWAY FLOODWAY --_ - __ _ --_- - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Cedar River (Cont'd) AA 2.16 103 1,160 8.5 40.7 40.7 40.7 0.0 AB 2.32 110 1,490 6.6 43.4 43.4 43.4 0.0 AC 2.47 142 1,500 6.5 45.2 45.2 45.2 0.0 AD 2.73 141 1,210 8.1 49.5 49.5 49.5 0.0 AE 2.90 130 1,310 7.5 52.6 52.6 52.6 0.0 AF - - 2.96 140 1,220 8.1 - 53.6 5-3-:6 - - 53.6 0.0 - AG 3.02 150 1,070 9.1 55.4 55.4 55.4 0.0 AH 3.25 210 1,690 5..8 60.9 60.9 61.0 0.1 AI 3.37 196 1,310 7.5 62.8 62.8 62.9 0.1 AJ 3.58 288 1,685 4.0 67.3 67.3 67.6 0.3 AK 3.84 252 1,535 4.3 70.9 70.9 71.2 0.3 AL 4.03 210 990 9.9 75.0 75.0 75.1 0.1 AM 4.23 169 1,155 6.1 78.8 78.8 78.8 0.0 AN 4.39 349 1,869 3.5 81.6 81.6 81.7 0.1 AO 4.63 400 2,535 3.9 83.7 83.7 83.8 0.1 AP 4.77 279 1,257 5.8 87.2 87.2 87.3 0.1 AQ 4.88 410 1,358 4.5 90.5 90.5 90.7 0.2 AR 5.20 700 1,693 4.1 96.9 96.9 97.0 0.1 AS 5.34 328 1,978 3.4 99.0 99.0 99.3 0.3 AT 5.53 298 1,208 5.1 103.3 103.3 103.6 0.3 AU 5.72 355 1,330 4.7 107.6 107.6 108.5 0.9 AV 5.96 280 2,038 2.9 111.8 111.8 112.7 0.9 AW 6.09 300 2,134 4.6 114.1 114.1 114.5 0.4 AX 6.30 188 1,140 5.8 118.2 118.2 118.3 0.1 AY 6.46 221 1,934 3.2 123.0 123.0 123.2 0.2 AZ 6.63 325 1,489 4.5 126.9 126.9 127.1 0.2 'Miles Above Mouth -TA -FEDERAL-EMERGENCY-MANAGEMENT-AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA B KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS CEDAR RIVER 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROcc-SFFrtON - - nIST-��tCEi - l(1T_H-_ --- FA VELOCITY - - - - -- OOD.YVAY I-BLOOD ,Y - (htt I j (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Cedar River . (Cont'd) BA 6.83 322 1,375 3.5 130.7 130.7 131.0 0.3 BB 6.98 200 1,325 7.4 134.5 134.5 134.8 0.3 BC 7.12 218 935 6.3 139.1 139.1 139.2 0.1 BD 7.25 240 1,943 3.0 143.7 143.7 143.8 0.1 BE 7.44 500 1,462 4.2 146.1 146.1 146.4 0.3 BF 7.66 290 940 5.2 149.9 149.9 150.1 0.2 BG 7.87 400 921 4.5 155.3 155.3 155.3 0.0 BH 8.07 300 972 5.3 160.8 160.8 161.0 0.2 BI 8.18 280 1,056 6.3 164.0 164.0 164.0 0.0 BJ 8.32 418 1,489 3.1 168.0 168.0 168.3 0.3 BK 8.52 518 1,674 5.1 171.9 171.9 172.5 0.6 BL 8.74 305 902 6.7 177.5 177.5 178.0 0.5 BM 8.97 229 1,746 3.2 183.6 183.6 183.6 0.0 BN 9.20 170 1,089 8.9 186.7 186.7 186.7 0.0 BO 9.39 211 1,440 4.7 191.4 191.4 191.6 0.2 BP 9.52 315 1,155 6.7 193.6 193.6 193.8 0.2 BQ 9.65 280 1,443 4.0 196.4 196.4 196.9 0.5 BR 9.75 195 1,442 3.8 198.4 198.4 198.7 0.3 BS 10.05 310 1,441 4.3 203.3 203.3 203.7 0.4 BT 10.27 400 1,911 4.0 206.8 206.8 207.8 1.0 BU 10.43 350 1,251 5.4 209.7 209.7 210.7 1.0 BV 10.62 800 3,294 2.6 216.7 216.7 216.9 0.2 BW 10.75 600 2,297 4.1 218.0 218.0 218.6 0.6 BX 10.90 500 1,379 4.7 220.8 220.8 221.3 0.5 BY 11.06 314 1,521 3.3 224.4 224.4 224.8 0.4 BZ 11.10 202 1,386 7.3 225.7 225.7 226.0 0.3 'Miles Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B KING COUNTY, WA - E AND INCORPORATED AREAS CEDAR RIVER 4 . Iv S. 4 ft P • FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION _ - --- = -_ -- - _ SECTION - -MEAN- _ REGULATORY-_-_ _WITHOUT WITH_ CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY - FLOODVNAY --"�- EOODWAY -  INEREASE -,_' _ __ (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVDI Cedar River (Cont'd) CA 11.17 248 1,544 3.2 229.2 229.2 229.2 0.0 CB 11.38 300 1,546 4.3 232.7 232.7 232.8 0.1 CC 11.66 180 1,385 2.9 234.9 234.9 235.1 0.2 CD 11.78 160 878 11.0 237.7 237.7 237.8 0.1 CE 11.97 280 1,602 2.9 245.0 245.0 245.0 0.0 CF - 12.13 390 1,741 - 2.5 - 247.0 247.0 247.1 0.1 CC 12.34 500 1,593 4.5 250.9 250.9 251.2 0.3 CH 12.52 480 1,490 3.6 256.3 256.3 256.7 0.4 CI 12.59 500 1,108 8.8 258.8 258.8 259.0 0.2 CJ 12.83 210 1,094 5.2 266.0 266.0 266.0 0.0 CK 13.05 520 2,123 2.9 270.9 270.9 271.1 0.2 . CL 13.41 600 3,201 2.0 284.4 284.4 284.4 0.0 CM 13.83 800 1,807 3.5 291.0 291.0 291.1 0.1 CN 14.18 500 2,009 3.2 301.3 301.3 301.4 0.1 CO 14.61 150 1,259 4.1 313.6 313.6 313.7 0.1 CP 15.78 320 1,406 4.5 346.9 346.9 347.2 0.3 CQ 15.95 140 951 4.1 351.1 351.1 351.2 0.1 CR 16.46 410 1,302 4.4 363.7 363.7 364.0 0.3 CS 16.62 240 1,082 4.4 368.5 368.5 368.7 0.2 CT 16.73 222 1,525 4.0 372.6 372.6 372.9 0.3 CU 16.89 180 1,294 7.3 376.3 376.3 376.7 0.4 CV . 17.05 240 894 6.9 380.9 380.9 381.2 0.3 CW 17.22 360 2,050 2.1 387.1 387.1 387.9 0.8 CX 17.68 250 740 8.3 401.3 401.3 401.7 0.4 CY 17.93 200 1,201 7.9 411.0 411.0 412.0 1.0 CZ 18.90 160 1,026 5.8 447.3 447.3 447.7 0.4 1Mi1es Above Mouth A FEDERAL EME-RGENCY-MANA-GEMS A-GENCY FLO-OD-TWAY-DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS CEDAR RIVER FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE - CRASS-SFtlON - R14TANC-F-t -- WIDTH AREA _ VELOCITY FLOODWAY _EL09_DWAY _- (ttt f) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Cedar River (Cont'd) DA 19.10 150 980 9.7 453.4 453.4 453.5 0.1 DB 19.30 180 1,020 9.3 460.2 460.2 460.2 0.0 DC 19.60 200 910 6.1 472.2 472.2 472.4 0.2 DD 20.01 230 1,317 7.2 484.7 484.7 485.0 0.3 DE 20.24 250 851 7.0 491.3 491.3 491.3 0.0 DF 20.24 250 1,005 9.4 499.2 499.2 499.3 0.1 DG • 20.81 200 782 12.1 512.2 512.2 512.2 0.0 DH 21.10 200 1,175 8.1 522.8 522.8 522.8 0.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS CEDAR RIVER 4 s f 4 4, FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION CROSS SECTION DISTANCE) WIDTH SAREAN VELOCITY -CTIO - --REGULATORY --FLOOMEAD VAY FLOODWAY -=-- INCREASE (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Thornton Creek A 327 22 76 5.1 15.5 15.5 15.5 0.0 B 860 31 109 3.6 20.0 20.0 20.1 0.1 C 1,046 13 63 5.3 20.5 20.5 20.6 0.1 D 1,295 43 158 2.1 22.7 22.7 22.9 0.2 E 1,410 46 167 2.0 22.8 22.8 23.0 0.2 F 1,745 24 186 1.8 31.0 31.0 31.0 0.0 G 1,960 28 86 1.8- 31.0 - 31.0 31.0 0.0 H 2,090 17 143 2.3 32.7 32.7 32.7 0.0 I 2,460 17 118 2.8 32.7 32.7 32.7 0.0 J 2,778 43 172 1.8 32.8 32.8 33.0 0.2 K 2,860 41 159 2.0 32.8 32.8 33.0 0.2 L 3,395 18 67 4.7 33.7 33.7 33.8 0.1 M 3,850 15 73 4.2 35.0 35.0 35.2 0.2 N 4,170 34 99 2.9 35.5 35.5 35.8 0.3 O 4,990 21 48 6.0 37.7 37.7 37.7 0.0 P 5,275 16 44 6.5 39.9 39.9 39.9 0.0 Q 5,488 22 72 4.1 40.9 40.9 41.8 0.9 R 5,606 18 73 3.6 41.7 41.7 42.5 0.8 S 5,888 28 82 3.2 43.1 43.1 43.6 0.5 T 6,046 20 68 3.8 43.6 43.6 44.0 0.4 U 6,460 16 68 3.7 44.3 44.3 44.6 0.3 ✓ 6,570 63 404 0.6 47.3 47.3 47.3 0.0 W 6,800 35 178 3.3 47.3 47.3 47.3 0.0 X 7,155 31 143 4.1 49.7 49.7 49.9 0.2 'Feet Above Mouth 2Elevation Computed Without Consideration of Backwater Effects From Lake Washington A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANA �CGENCY--GEMENT CLOODYAv DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS THORNTON CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUTI WITH INCREASE WIDTH_ AREA VEL-0C-F-Y FLOODWAY FLOODWAY -- CROSS=SECs)O.R n15TrKCf/- -- (I- FI) (SQUARE (FEET PER ---- - - - -FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) North Fork ' Thornton Creek Y 7,470 12 33 9.7 51.0 51.0 51.0 0.0 Z 7,801 15 36 8.8 55.7 55.7 55.7 0.0 AA 8,020 14 48 6.7 58.6 58.6 58.6 0.0 AB 8,550 16 40 7.0 63.1 63.1 63.1 0.0 AC 9,271 6 18 10.2 84.6 . 84.6 84.6 0.0 AD 9,406 14 59 3.0 89.7 89.7 89.7 0.0 AE 9,635 15 25 7.3 94.1 94.1 94.1 0.0 AF 9,840 24 37 4.8 96.3 96.3 96.4 0.1 AG 10,550 15 24 7.4 107.7 107.7 107.7 0.0 AH 11,328 5 17 10.5 127.9 127.9 127.9 0.0 AI 11,690 16 25 7.2 133.2 133.2 133.2 0.0 AJ 12,345. 13 24 7.6 144.4 144.4 144.4 0.0 AK 13,035 4 16 11.1 163.2 163.2 163.2 0.0 AL 13,200 17 66 2.7 166.3 166.3 166.3 0.0 AM 13,672 4 14 10.7 172.6 172.6 172.6 0.0 AN 13,836 21 60 2.5 178.0 178.0 178.0 0.0 AO 14,570 24 25 5.9 187.5 187.5 187.5 0.0 AP 15,560 22 25 6.1 203.2 203.2 203.2 0.0 AQ 15,953 7 16 9.1 213.1 213.1 213.1 0.0 AR 16,095 11 27 5.5 216.8 216.8 216.8 0.0 AS 16,750 10 19 7.8 228.6 228.6 228.6 0.0 AT 17,190 7 14 7.9 233.9 233.9 233.9 0.0 AU 17,395 13 29 3.8 236.6 236.6 236.6 0.0 AV 17,555 10 21 5.4 237.1 237.1 237.1 0.0 AW 17,884 8 18 6.0 239.7 239.7 239.8 0.1 AX 18,045 40 70 1.6 241.1 241.1 241.2 0.1 AY 19,003 7 10 11.6 248.1 248.1 248.1 0.0 AZ 19,204 60 219 0.5 254.0 254.0 254.0 0.0 'Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYA FLOODWAY DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS NORTH FORK THORNTON CREEK 4 tik ~.4 ik. 4 a I. E w FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION - MEAN - _ _REGULATORY _ I WITHOUT -� WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH - AREA - VELOCITY-- -- - - - fLOODWAY FLOODWAY __ (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) South Fork Thornton Creek A 247 33 108 2.5 54.0 54.0 54.0 0.0 B 872 17 33 8.1 57.5 57.5 57.5 0.0 C 1,515 15 30 9.0 63.1 63.1 63.1 0.0 D 1,705 14 53 5.1 68.7 68.7 68.7 0.0 E 1,848 12 29 8.5 68.9 68.9 68.9 0.0 F _ 2,.551_ 11 28 _ 8.9 _ _ 79.5 _ _ 79.5 79.5_ 0.0 O 2,696 12 33 7.5 83.0 83.0 83.0 0.0 H 3,350 18 32 7.6 94.0 94.0 94.0 0.0 I 3,800 16 30 7.9 101.7 101.7 101.7 0.0 J 4,140 28 36 6.6 110.1 110.1 110.1 0.0 K 4,318 5 20 11.4 120.0 120.0 120.0 0.0 L 4,630 25 49 4.3 125.0 125.0 125.0 0.0 M 5,155 45 40 5.3 134.7 134.7 134.7 0.0 N 5,814 10 33 4.8 147.5 147.5 147.5 0.0 O 6,555 29 30 5.3 156.5 156.5 156.5 0.0 P 7,035 13 28 5.6 162.1 162.1 162.2 0.1 Q 7,520 13 21 7.2 169.7 169.7 169.7 0.0 R 7,788 9 15 9.7 183.1 183.1 183.1 0.0 S 8,035 19 24 6.4 191.6 191.6 191.6 0.0 T 9,359 6 16 9.3 221.4 221.4 221.4 0.0 U 9,600 49 47 3.2 224.1 224.1 224.1 0.0 ✓ 9,915 10 19 7.9 227.9 227.9 227.9 0.0 W 10,274 17 40 3.8 230.1 230.1 230.1 0.0 X 10,457 12 49 1.8 232.7 232.7 232.8 0.1 Y 10,557 5 15 6.0 233.2 233.2 233.2 0.0 Z 10,890 10 16 5.5 236.2 236.2 236.2 0.0 AA 11,295 6 11 8.0 242.2 242.2 242.2 0.0 Feet Above Mouth T A 11Y FEDERA1..-EMERGENCY-ENC-Y-MANAGEM-EN-T-AGENCY B ��� ` A 1 - TA E KING COUNTY, WA • 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK THORNTON CREEK BASE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS-SECTION _-_ DIST-ANa1 - --- WIDTH _AREA - -VELOCITY _ _ _ _ ___ �LOODWAY _ ELOODWnY _ (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Forbes Creek A 0.27 87 170 1.3 19.8 19.8 20.3 0.5 B 0.31 100 191 1.1 20.5 20.5 21.2 0.7 C 0.49 55 88 2.1 27.6 27.6 28.2 0.6 D 0.63 52 70 2.1 36.2 36.2 36.5 0.3 E 0.73 57 102 1.5 37.8 37.8 38.0 0.2 F 0.86 59 36 4.2 42.4 42.4 42.4 0.0 G 0.92 100 56 2.0 48.1 48.1 48.5 0.4 H 0.93 60 109 1.0 48.2 48.6 48.6 0.4 I 1.05 14 19 5.7 53.4 53.4 53.4 0.0 J 1.15 15 22 5.0 69.4 69.4 69.8 0.4 K 1.18 20 56 2.0 78.5 78.5 78.8 0.3 L 1.22 18 56 2.0 85.5 85.5 85.5 0.0 M 1.34 16 18 6.2 104.4 104.4 104.4 0.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY A FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS FORBES CREEK 4 4 t v 1 V A 6, FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION_ MEAN _ -REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 I WIDTH- -- AREA - VELOCITY - FLOODWAY FLOODWAY --- (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) South Fork Skykomish River A 65.40 481 5,300 8.1 923.6 - 923.6 924.6 1.0 B 65.48 256 3,329 12.9 923.9 923.9 924.7 0.8 C 65.56 237 3,016 14.3 925.0 925.0 926.0 1.0 D 65.59 238 3,102 13.9 926.4 926.4 926.9 0.5 E 65.61 202 2,838 15.2 926.6 926.6 927.0 0.4 F 65.63 183 3,127 13.8 927.9 927.9 928.1 0.2 G 65.68 430 5,068 8.5 930.6 930.6 930.7 0.1 H 65.83 231 2,470 17.4 931.6 931.6 931.6 0.0 I 65.95 271 3,913 11.0 937.7 937.7 938.7 1.0 1Mi1es Above Mouth T FEDERALEMERGENCY--MA-NAG-EMENT AGENCY BA 1=LODDWA�DATA E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE - - CROSSSEEflON - =E;�STANEEI - WIDTH 48E-n �� OCt+r FLOODWAY- L09D>tY9-y - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Maloney Creek A 100 27 197 5.7 921.3 916.12 917.12 1.0 B 175 55 270 4.2 921.3 916.82 917.82 1.0 C 240 28 178 6.3 921.3 917.52 918.02 0.5 D 550 64 257 4.4 921.3 918.22 919.02 0.8 E 885 29 126 9.0 921.3 919.32 92022 0.9 F 990 58 208 5.4 921.5 921.5 921..5 0.0 G 1,440 98 324 3.5 922.7 922.7 923.5 0.8 1Feet Above Mouth 2Elevation Computed Without Consideration of Backwater Effects From South Fork Skykomish River - T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA L KING COUNTY, WA E AND INCORPORATED AREAS MALONEY CREEK 4 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- -- - --- ---- - - - - --'- -- SECTION = -----MEAN- = REGULATORY--- _--WITHOUT WITH_ INCREASE_ -- --- CROSS SECTION DISTANCE) WIDTH AREA VELOCITY I FLOODWAY --I FLOODWAY -I- - -- - (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FFFT NGVD) Miller Creek A 40 31 140 4.8 9.0 6.43 6.43 0.0 B 518 1712 361 1.9 9.0 8.43 8.53 0.1 C 973 211 301 2.2 9.1 9.1 10.1 1.0 D 1,586 15 59 8.1 15.7 15.7 15.7 0.0 E 1,916 17 82 5.8 17.7 17.7 18.6 0.9 F 3,016 23 59 8.1 30.7 30.7 30.8 0.1 C 3,391 17 62 7.8 36.3 36.3 36.3 0.0 -H 3,867 54 54 8.9 - 43.3 43-.3 - - 43.3 0.0 - I 4,109 24 76 5.6 46.2 46.2 46.2 0.0 J 4,579 25 60 7.2 56.4 56.4 56.4 0.0 K 6,494 24 67 6.4 101.7 101.7 101.7 0.0 L 8,984 22 57 5.2 158.1 158.1 158.1 0.0 M 9,428 12 58 5.1 169.4 169.4 170.4 1.0 N 10,248 19 70 3.9 188.4 188.4 188.6 0.2 O 10,603 37 136 2.0 192.1 192.1 192.2 0.1 P 11,028 17 67 4.1 192.8 192.8 192.9 0.1 Q 11,869 22 72 7.4 197.6 197.6 197.6 0.0 R 12,572 14 61 4.5 204.0 204.0 204.0 0.0 S 12,759 76 111 2.5 206.6 206.6 206.7 0.1 T 13,314 13 78 2.7 212.1 212.1 212.5 0.4 U 13,434 12 69 3.1 212.8 212.8 213.0 0.2 ✓ 13,960 16 32 6.6 214.5 214.5 215.0 0.5 W 14,861 19 48 4.4 223.7 223.7 224.4 0.7 X 15,461 18 47 4.5 229.8 229.8 230.0 0.2 Y 16,006 11 37 5.8 235.9 235.9 236.5 0.6 Z 16,202 42 169 1.2 247.4 247.4 247.4 0.0 AA 16,837 13 43 4.9 250.5 250.5 250.5 0.0 AB 17,415 28 70 3.0 260.8 260.8 260.8 0.0 AC 17,801 20 78 2.7 264.0 264.0 264.3 0.3 AD 18,062 13 59 3.6 265.2 265.2 265.7 0.5 AE 18,982 335 973 0.2 265.4 265.4 266.4 1.0 1Feet Above Puget Sound 2Computed Without Consideration of Walker Creek Floodway 3Floodway Computed Without Consideration of Backwater From Puget Sound A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA B L KING COUNTY, WA E MILLER CREEK 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WITHOUT I WITH INCREASE WIDTHZ AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY CROSS SECTION DISTANCES (FEET) - _S(IUYYHt- - (FEEFAER- -- - - FEET) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Walker Creek A 290 132 217 5.0 11.0 11.0 11.4 0.4 B 510 134 482 2.2 12.2 12.2 13.1 0.9 C 710 254 809 1.3 12.6 12.6 13.4 0.8 D 920 35 98 4.7 12.9 12.9 13.6 0.7 E 1,100 34 106 4.3 14.2 14.2 14.7 0.5 F 1,160 7 35 9.0 16.1 16.1 17.1 1.0 G 1,200 20 97 3.2 16.3 16.3 17.3 1.0 H 1,410 20 49 5.8 17.1 17.1 18.0 0.9 I 1,600 20 37 7.7 21.9 21.9 22.0 0.1 J 1,720 15 50 5.7 23.7 23.7 24.6 0.9 l Feet Above Mouth 2Because of Map Scale Limitations, All Floodway Widths Less Than 30 Feet Are Shown As 30 Feet T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B E KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS WALKER CREEK • t i FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION I - =SECTION - - MEAN - REGULATORY _ WITHOUT _ WITH INCREASE - CROSS SECTION DISTANCES WIDTH AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEET) SECOND) (FFFT NGVD) Longfellow Creek A 11,210 9 84 4.5 116.9 116.9 116.9 0.0 B 11,360 31 197 1.9 117.2 117.2 117.3 0.1 C 11,650 18 71 5.3 117.2 117.2 117.3 0.1 D 12,150 54 145 2.6 118.8 118.8 119.8 1.0 E 12,380 15 64 5.4 122.2 122.2 123.1 0.9 F 12,650 12 54 6.5 123.5- 123.5 124.4 0.9 C 12,810 13 59 5.3 124.4 124.4 125.4 1.0 H 12,920 14 88 3.5 127.7 127.7 128.7 1.0 I 13,100 11 57 5.4 127.9 127.9 128.9 1.0 J 13,780 12 37 8.4 132.1 132.1 132.6 0.5 K 14,230 19 49 6.3 136.8 136.8 137.8 1.0 L 14,290 12 41 7.6 137.9 137.9 138.1 0.2 M 14,410 39 130 2.4 139.7 139.7 140.6 0.9 N 14,830 13 43 7.2 140.5 140.5 141.2 0.7 O 15,010 41 212 1.4 146.6 146.6 147.6 1.0 P 15,280 48 223 1.3 146.9 146.9 147.8 0.9 Q 15,475 36 126 2.3 148.6 148.6 149.6 1.0 R 16,200 21 57 5.0 151.3 151.3 152.0 0.7 S 16,230 10 50 5.6 152.0 152.0 152.2 0.2 T 16,480 70 308 0.9 158.5 158.5 159.5 1.0 U 16,850 18 38 7.4 159.0 159.0 159.5 0.5 ✓ 17,165 13 46 6.1 165.6 165.6 165.9 0.3 W 17,245 25 78 3.6 166.5 166.5 167.0 0.5 X 19,555 12 20 7.4 226.5 226.5 226.5 0.0 Y 19,835 10 18 7.7 232.5 232.5 232.5 0.0 Z 20,455 35 45 3.1 241.4 241.4 241.4 0.0 AA 21,575 13 23 6.1 253.2 253.2 253.2 0.0 I Feet Above Mouth A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA B LE KING COUNTY, WA 4 AND INCORPORATED AREAS LONGFELLOW CREEK FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN REGULATORY WA WITH INCREASE -- - -cNE3 S-Srt-i1ON---- DIS+-ANL-E'- WIDTH-2- - ngYa - -vE4OCWY - - F{OODWA`- '-- FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FEE I) SECOND) (FEET NGVD) Tolt River A 13,850 609 2,877 5.43 141.5 141.5 142.5 1.0 B 16,810 654 1,810 8.54 157.2 157.2 158.2 1.0 C 20,300 699 4,849 3.18 177.2 177.2 178.2 1.0 D 22,740 907 6,277 2.45 194.1 194.1 195.1 1.0 E 26,880 150 1,267 12.06 214.9 214.9 215.9 1.0 F 29,120 165 1,452 10.49 229.8 229.8 230.8 1.0 G 31,620 189 1,404 10.81 249.9 249.9 250.9 1.0 H 34,781 150 1,212 12.45 274.9 274.9 275.9 1.0 'Feet Above Mouth T FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY/�V DATA B r1� r11/'1 I E KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS TOLT RIVER i r :• 5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATION ' I For floodplain insurance rating purposes, flood insurance z ne d-signations are assigned to a community based on the results of he e, gineering analyses. These zones are as follows: Zone A Zone A is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to he 100-year floodplains that are determined in the Flood Insure ce Study by approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic analy es • are not performed for such areas, no base flood elevations or depths are shown within this zone. Zone AE Zone AE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to he 100-year floodplains that are determined in the Flood Insure ce Study by detailed methods. Whole-foot base flood elevations derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown are selected intervals within this. zone. Zone AR Zone All. is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the areas of 100-year shallow flooding (usually areas of ponding) �w ere average depths are between 1 and 3. feet. Whole-foot base food elevations derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are s own at selected intervals within this zone. Zone AO Zone A0 is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the areas of 100-year shallow flooding (usually sheetflow on siosing terrain) where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet. Ave age whole-foot depths derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at selected intervals within this zone. Zone VE Zone VE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds_ to the 100-year coastal floodplains that have additional hez:rds associated' with storm waves. Whole-foot base flood elevations derived from; the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown within his zone. 4 135 Zone X Zone X is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas outside the 500-year floodplain, areas within the 500-year floodplain, areas of 100-year flooding where the average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 100-year flooding where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile, and areas protected from the 100-year flood by levees. No base flood elevations or depths a are shown within this zone. Zone D Zone D is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to unstudied areas where flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. 6. 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP The Flood Insurance Rate Map is designed for flood insurance and floodplain management applications. For flood insurance applications, the map designates flood insurance rate zones as described in Section 5.0 and, in the 100-year floodplains that were studied by detailed methods, shows selected whole-foot based flood elevations or average depths. Insurance agents use the zones and base flood elevations in conjunction with information on structures and their contents to assign premium rates for flood insurance policies. For floodplain management applications, the map shows by tints, screens and symbols, the 100- and 500-year floodplains, the floodways, and the locations of selected cross sections used in the hydraulic analyses and floodway computations. The current Flood Insurance Rate Map presents flooding information for the entire geographic area of King County. Previously, separate Flood Insurance Rate Maps were prepared for each identified flood-prone incorporated community and the unincorporated areas of the county. Historical data relating to the maps prepared for each community are presented in the Community Map History data (Table 5). 7. 1; OTHER STUDIES Due to its more detailed hydraulic analyses, this Flood Insurance Study supersedes all previous Flood Insurance Studies/Flood Insurance Rate Maps covering King County and the incorporated areas (References 1 to 18, 90, and 91). The City of Bothell and the Town of Milton have A individual effective Flood Insurance Studies. (References 92 and 93, respectively). 13 6 COMMUNITY INITIAL FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY FIRM FIRM NAME IDENTIFICATION MAP REVISION DATE(S) EFFECTIVE DATE REVISION DATE(S) Auburn, City of May 24, 1974 September 19, 19/5 June 1, 1981 February 18, 1977 Bellevue, City of August 2, 1974 August 13, 1976 December 1, 1978 February 23, 1982 Black Diamond, City of July 25, 1975 October 30, 1979 October 30, 1979 -- Burien, City of September 30, 1994 -- September 30, 1994 -- Carnation, City of May 31, 1974 March 5, 1976 March 4, 1980 -- Des Moines, City of June 28, 1974 January 2, 1976 May 15, 1980 November 15, 1985 Duvall, City of August 20, 1976 -- June 4, 1980 -- Enumclaw, City of September 29, 1989 -- September 29, 1989 -- Issaquah, City of February 8, 1974 February 25, 1977 May 1, 1980 -- Kent, City of June 7, 1974 April 22, 1977 April 1, 1981 -- Kirkland, City of June 28, 1974 September 12, 1975 June 15, 1981 -- Lake Forest Park, City of June 28, 1974 February 27, 1976 February 15, 1980 -- Normandy Park, City of June 28, 1974 October 31, 1975 November 2, 1977 August 5, 1980 North Bend, City of May 17, 1974 May 7, 1976 August 1, 1984 -- Pacific, City of June 28, 1974 December 26, 1975 December 2, 1980 -- Redmond, City of March 22, 1974 July 9, 1976 February 1, 1979 January 19, 1982 Renton, City of June 7, 1974 November 7, 1975 May 5, 1981 -- Seatac, City of September 30, 1994 -- September 30, 1994 -- Seattle, City of November 22, 1974 July 19, 1977 July 19, 1977 -- Skykomish, Town of February 14, 1975 -- July 2, 1981 -- Snoqualmie, City of December 21, 1973 -- July 5, 1984 -- Tukwila, City of May 24, 1974 September 13, 1977 August 3, 1981 -- Unincorporated Areas January 17, 1975 -- September 29, 1978 -- T A FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY L KING COUNTY, WA COMMUNITY MAP HISTORY E 5 AND INCORPORATED AREAS 8. LOCATION OF DATA Information concerning the pertinent data used in the preparation of this study can be obtained by contacting the Natural and Technological Hazards Division, FEMA, Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street, S.W., Bothell, Washington 98021-9796. it 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, King County, Washington, (Unincorporated Areas), March 1978. ' s 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study City of Auburn, Washington, December 1980. 3. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Bellevue, Washington, February 23, 1982. 4. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Carnation, Washington, September 1979. 5. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance. Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Des Moines, Washington, November 15, 1985. 6. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Duvall, Washington, December 1979. 7. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Issaquah, Washington, November 1979. 8. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study City of Kent, Washington, October 1980. 9. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance f Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Kirkland, Washington, December 15, 1980. 10. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance II Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Lake Forest Park, Washington, August 1979. 11. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Normandy Park, Washington, August 1980. 138 1 1' . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of North ;Be id, Washington, February 1, 1984. 1c . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Pacific, Washington, June 1980. s 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Redmond, Washington, January 1982. 1. . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Renton, Washington, November 1980. 1. . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Skykomish, Washington, January 2, 1981. ! 17. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Snoqualmie, Washington, January 5, 1984. 18. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insur nce Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Tukwila, Washington, February 3, 1981. 19. Puget Sound Council of Governments, "Puget Sound Trends No . 5 (Revised)," July 1986. A0. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the. Census, 1980 Census of Population, Number of Inhabitants, Washington. -1. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Magnitude and Frequency in Washington, Open-File Report 74-336 by J.E. C ns, M.R. Collings, and E.G Nassar, Tacoma, Washington, 1975. .2. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Tacoma, Washington, Personnel Communication, 1986. 3. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Green RiverlF ood Reduction Study: Appendix E, Section 1--Hydrology," 1984. 4. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle Distr ct, "Maximum Annual Peak Frequency Curve, Green River Near Aubu n," 4 January, 1981.; "Maximum Annual Peak Discharge Frequency Cu ve, Green River at Tukwila," January 14, 1986. 5. King County Department of Public Works, "Green River Manage ent Agreement," 1985. 139 26. King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management, Operation and Maintenance Division "Personal Communication - P1 Pump Station Operation," September and December 1986. 27. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, "Peak Flows from Drainage Areas in Washington," by J.H Bartells and G.T. Higgins, July 1966. 28. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Flood Insurance Study-King County, Washington (Unincorporated Areas), Seattle, Washington, March 1978. 29. Issaquah Environmental Council, "Aerial Photographs and Videotape of November 24, 1986 Flooding Event, Issaquah, Washington," January 6, 1986. 30. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Watershed Work Plan, Appendix A, Preliminary Plans Structural Measures East Side Green River Watershed King County, Washington," April 1965. 31. U.S. Water Resources Council, "A Uniform Technique for Determining Flood Flow Frequencies," Bulletin 15, December 1967. 32. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, "Program'lG745: Flood Flow Frequency Analysis," Olympia, Washington, October 1985. 33. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Office of Water Data. Coordination, Bulletin #17B, "Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency," Revised September 1982. 34. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, "Evaluation and Design of a Streamflow-Data Network in Washington," Open-File Report 78-167, by M.E. Moass and W.L. Haushild, Tacoma, Washington, 1978. 35. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, "HEC-1 Hydrograph Package Users Manual," Computer Program 723-X6-12010, Revised January 1985. 36. Seattle Engineering Department, Office for Planning, Sewer and Drainage Planning - Rain Gaging Program, "Storm Summaries for Storm of January 17-18, 1986 and Hourly and Daily Rainfall Totals (Stations 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 15, 17)," January 1986. 37. City of Kent, URS Engineers Matrix Management Group, "City of Kent Surface Drainage Utility Drainage Master Plan," February 1984. 38. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Flood Plain Management Division, "Green River Interior Runoff Test File, HEC-1 Program Run for Basin E, 100-Year Event," September 1981. 140 3' . U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, "Fast Side Green River Watershed: Design Discharges--P1 Channel," April 1980. 4, . U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Backwater Channel Capacity Study, R.M. 0.0 to R.M. 28, White River, Auburn, Washington, November 25, 1974. C 41. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Engineering Division, Technical Release No. 20, Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology, May 1965. .. 2. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Open-File Re ort 74-336, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Washington, Tac ma, Washington, 1975. 1 3. Stevens, Thompson and Runyan, Inc., "Sea-Tac Communities Plan, ort of Seattle," August 1974. 4. CH2M HILL, Inc., Contour Maps, Scale 1:1,200, Contour Interva 2 feet, Normandy Park 1963. 5. King County Engineering Department, 1953 Aerial Topographic Survey (Sheets 1 and 2), Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 10 feet: Bothell, Washington (1953). 6. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet: Auburn, Washington (198 ). 7. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Ortho- Photogrammetric Mapping, Snohomish River Basin, Washington, 'Sera 1:12,000: Seattle, Washington, June 7, 1975 (revised 1979). 8. CH2M HILL, Inc., Aerial Photographic Mosiac, North (Bend, Washington, Scale 1:4,800, Washington, Photographed October 5, 1977. 9. CH2M HILL, Inc., Composite Mapping of North Bend, Washington, , Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 feet, October 5, 1977. "0. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Topographic Maps of the Green River and Vicinity," Scale 1:1,200, Reduced to '' 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 Feet, 1980. '1. Norman Associates, Inc., Topographic Maps, Scale 1:1200, Contour Interval 2 feet, 1977. I 4 '2. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 76-499, Computer Applications for Step Backwater and Floodway Analysis, User's Manual No. 76-499, Reston, Virginia, 1976. 3. American Concrete Pipe Association, Concrete Pipe Design Manual, Arlington, Virginia, February 1974. 141 54. Portland Cement Association, Handbook of Concrete Culvert, Pipe Hydraulics, Chicago, Illinois, 1964. 55. University of California at Berkeley, Street and Highway Drainage Volume 2 - Design Charts, Berkeley, California, November 1969. 56. Washington State Highway Commission, Department of Highways, Highway Hydraulics Manual, Olympia, Washington, 1972. 57. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Computer Program G3722110, Backwater Curve Method II-With Floodway Analysis, Seattle, Washington. 58. U.S. Department of the Army,. Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, "HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles, Users Manual," Davis, California, September 1982. 59. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, "Shore Protection Manual," Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 1973. 60. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Letter to FEMA, "Green River Levee Freeboard Recommendations," September 1986. 61. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center (CETA 78-2), Revised Wave Runup Curves for Smooth Slopes, July 1978. 62. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center (CETA 79-1), Wave Runup on Rough Slopes, July 1979. 63. Jones and Associates, Inc., "Renton Village Company--1981 Aerial Mapping," Scale 1:600, Reduced to 1:1,200, Contour Interval 1 Foot, September 1981. 64. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Topographic Maps of the Green River and Vicinity," Scale 1:1,200, Reduced to 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 Feet, 1980. 65. CH2M Hill, Inc., "Topographic Maps" Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 4 Feet, Big Soos Creek (1986), Bear Creek (1986), Swamp Creek (1986), May Creek (1986), Little ,Bear Creek (1986), .Issaquah Creek ,r (1986), Raging River (1986), Thornton Creek (1986), Longfellow Creek (1986), Cedar River (1986). 66. Kings County Engineering Department, River Valley Topography, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 10 feet, Flood Control Division, Seattle, Washington, December 1961. 67. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Topographic Photo Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 Feet: City of Bellevue, Washington, 1970. 142 6: . Kings County Engineering Department, Flood Control Division, River Valley Topography, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Seajtt e, Washington, December 1961. 6': . King County Department of Public Works, Division of Hydrauli s, Topographic Maps, Southwestern King County, Washington, Scale 1:2,400 Contour Interval 5 feet, June 1974. 71 . Harry P. Jones and Associates, Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,4 0, Contour Interval 5 feet: Kirkland, Washington (1967). 71 . King County Engineering Department, Aerial Photography, Sc le 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10. T26N, RAE, WM, King County, Washington (1958), Revised (1965). 7' . CH2M HILL, Inc., Contour Maps, Scale 1:1,200, Contour Interva 2 feet, Normandy Park, 1963. 1 7c . U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Mapping of North Bend, Washington, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interbal 2 feet Seattle, Washington (1978). 7 . U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Ma s, Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 5 feet: Pacific, Washington (1974). 7, . Aerial Mapping Company, Topographic Maps 1:2,400.,. Contour Intler al 5 feet: Renton, Washington (1968). 1 7. . Harstad Associates, Inc., Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Town of Skykomish, Washington '(June 1979). 7r . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Topographic Mapping, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet: Snoqualmie, Washington (1978). 7: . Walker and Associates, Topographic Map, Scale 1:2,400, Cont ur Interval 5 feet: Tukwila, Washington (1974). 7: . U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insura ce Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, King County, Washington, January 17, 1975. 81 . U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, . City of Auburn, Washington, Scale 1:4,800, February 18, 1977. 81 . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Bellevue, ' IIing County, Washington, August 2, 1974; revised August 13, 1976. 8' . Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Kent, king County, Washington, April 22, 1977. 143 83. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Kirkland, Washington, September 12, 1975. 84. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of North Bend, Washington, Scale 1:9,600, May 7, 1976. 85. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Pacific, King County, Washington, Scale 1:9,600, December 26, 1975. 86. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance ,i Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Renton, King County, Washington, Scale 1:9,600, June 7, 1974. 87. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Town of Skykomiski, King County, Washington, Scale 1:6,000, February 14, 1975. 88. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Snoqualmie, Washington, Scale 1:7,300, December 21, 1973. 89. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Tukwila, Scale 1:12,000, May 24, 1974 (Revised September 13, 1977). 90. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Rate Map, City of Seattle, Washington, July 19, 1977. 91. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Town of Black Diamond, Washington, October 30, 1979. 92. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Bothell, Washington, September 30, 1994. 93. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Milton, Washington, February 17, 1982. 4' 94. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study, King County and Incorporated Areas, revised September 29, 1989. r 95. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. , Miller Creek Regional Stormwater Detention Facilities Design Hydrologic Modeling, Report for King County Division of Surface Water Management, Seattle, Washington, November 1990. 144 9: . U.S. Environmental Pro tection Agency, Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF), USEPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, Georgia, 1988. 97. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HEC-2 Water Surface Profile Generalized Computer Program, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California, September 1990. 98 U.S. Geological Survey, Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849, Denver, Colorado, 1987. 99 Chow, V. T., Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, 1959. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Florid Hazard Analyses, Tolt River, King County, Washington. 4 145 10.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS This section has been added to provide information regarding significant revisions made since the original Flood Insurance Study was printed. Future revisions may be made that do not result lin the republishing of the Flood Insurance Study report. To assure that any user is aware of all revisions, it is advisable to contact the community repository of flood hazard data located at the Department of Public Works, 400 Yesler Way, 9th Floor, Seattle, Washington 98104. 10.1 First Revision The purpose of this revision is to update the corporate limits of the City of Bothell and to add floodplain information for Miller Creek that affects the unincorporated areas. of King County, Washington (Reference 94), the incorporated cities of Normandy Park (Reference 11) and S.ea-Tac. Approximately 4.0 miles of Miller Creek were studied by detailed methods. The revised floodplain along North Creek shown within the City of Bothell is for information only. For flood insurance purposes, refer to the separately published Flood Insurance Rate Map. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses were performed by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc. (NHC), for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under Contract No. EMW-90-C-3134. This work was completed in September 1991. Various contacts for information were made by the study contractor in October, November, and December of 1990. Coordination with the regional project office and county and city officials, as well as local residents, produced a variety of information pertaining to flood history, available community maps, and other hydrologic data. Detailed methods were used to study 4.0 miles of the study reach extending from the Puget Sound upstream to the proposed King County Lake Reba detention facility near State Route 518. Approximate methods were used to study the 0.4-mile-long Tub Lake Tributary located just upstream of the proposed detention facility. This minor channel is dry except during flood events. Miller Creek passes through several communities as it flows downstream to Puget Sound. The upper end of the study reach passes through the newly formed City of Sea-Tac. About mid- reach, the channel passes under Des Moines Way (near State Route 509) and enters. unincorporated King County. Downstream of 1st Avenue South, near 6th Avenue SW, the channel enters the City of Normandy Park and remains within the city limits until it empties into the Puget Sound. Land neighboring the stream channel is occupied by private residences, forest, farm and pasture lands. 146 i I The average annual precipitation, as recorded at the Ile rby Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, is approximately 38 inches. The heaviest rainfall occurs during the months of Nove er through January, with little rainfall during the summer months of July and , August. The average annual temperature; is 50° Fahrenheit (F), with average daily highs of 59°F and lows of 44°F. July and August are the warmest months, with average 'daily maximum temperatures of 75°F, while January is the coldest, , with average daily minimum temperatures of 34°F. Flood Problems and Flood Protection Measures. ti • On January 8, 1990, a flood on the order of a 100-year event inundated farm lands, pasture lands,. and residential ya ds neighboring the creek. Farm and pasture lands sustained no significant' damage, but several homes did. A homeowner located at the northwest corner of South 160th and 9th Avenue South reported 4 feet of water in her basement. The yard of the home located on the southwest corner of this intersection was severely eroded by high velocity water issuing from the culvert which conveys Miller Creek flow under 160th Avenue. Near 8th Aven e South, the stream jumped its west bank and damaged the conten s of a garage/workshop. Several homes between 8th Avenue Southlla d Des Moines Way were also flooded. Downstream from 1st Avenue, the creek is confined to a de p ravine and this does not pose a threat to neighboring propert . As it leaves the ravine, the creek flows along the. west side if the Southwest Suburban Sewer District sewage treatment plan .. During the January 1990 flood, the creek remained within li s banks through this reach. Below the treatment plant, the stre profile begins to flatten and the floodplain widens. Two homes at the intersection of. Miller Creek and SW 175th Place were flooded. Below SW 175th Place, the• floodplain widens and' has been preserved as a community park for residents of the City; of Normandy Park. Much of it was also covered by water during Ith flood.. In October 1992, King County completed the construction of Lak Reba. Regional S.tormwater Detention Pond, which will attenuat flood flows in Miller Creek.. The facility is located at the si.tg of. Lake Reba, just south of State Route 518. The effect of this • facility has ,been accounted for in the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. There are no other major structural flood protection measures planned for Miller Creek. A Hydrologic Analysis Estimation of flood discharges, along Miller Creek and its l tributaries was. based on a previous study performed by NHC in 1990 for the King County Division of Surface Water Management (Reference 95). In this study, the Environmental Protection Agency's Hydrologic Simulation. Program -. .FORTRAN: (HSPF) model (Reference- 56), was used to describe' the hydrology of the: Miller � I 147 Creek basin. HSPF is a state-of-the-art hydrologic simulation model which is rapidly becoming the model of choice for simulating streamflow values by many government and private agencies. The model was used to compute time series of streamflows estimated from observed rainfall, evaporation, and soil characteristic data. The model included the effect of the Lake Reba Regional Stormwater Detention Pond, which was constructed in 1992 near the headwater of Miller Creek. The Miller Creek basin HSPF model was calibrated using two years of recorded streamflow data collected at a gage near the Southwest Suburban Sewer District treatment plant, recorded precipitation at the National Weather Service Sea-Tac weather 4 station, and evaporation data from the Puyallup station. Calibration was performed for current basin land-use conditions. To develop flood frequency curves, the calibrated model was then used to simulate Miller Creek streamflows. A time series of streamflow values was created for the 29 years between October 1, 1961, and January 11, 1990, using historical Sea-Tac precipitation and Puyallup evaporation data. Log-Pearson III distributions were fit to the annual peaks from the simulation to determine the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year flood discharges for Miller Creek. It should be noted that considerable extrapolation was required to determine the 100- and 500-year flow rates. The areas of Tub Lake Tributary make part of the total of 22 subbasins of the main stem of Miller Creek. Flood estimates for the Tub Lake Tributary were also computed using the HSPF model. Peak discharge-drainage area relationships for the stream studied by detailed methods are shown in the Summary of Discharges (Table 1). Hydraulic Analyses Analyses of the hydraulic characteristics of Miller Creek were carried out to provide estimates of flood elevations for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year events. Water-surface elevations were computed using the September 1990 release of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' HEC-2 backwater computer program (Reference 97). Data required to develop the HEC-2 model include channel and floodplain geometry, roughness coefficients, and starting water- surface elevations. Cross-section data for the backwater • analyses were obtained from field surveys performed between November 1990 and January 1991. A total of 32 sections were surveyed. All significant bridges, culverts, and weirs were surveyed to obtain elevation data and structural geometry. A total of six bridges, eight culverts, and 11 weirs were surveyed. In the HEC-2 program, the special bridge routine was ,used for bridges with piers and for those where pressure flow occurred. The normal bridge routine was used for bridges without piers and for low flow conditions where the water surface was below the low chord elevation of the bridge. Local residents have built a 148 number of small, wooden foot bridges across the creek. The e were not included in the model. 1 Water-surface elevations at each culvert were also computed using the HEC-2 model, which incorporates the capability to simula e culvert hydraulics using Federal Highway Administration culvert procedures. ' For weir flow, water-surface elevations at each we r were computed using the HEC-2 model. The geometry of each we'r was defined; in the model, and water-surface elevations we e computed using standard step-backwater analyses. Channel roughness (Manning's "n") values used in hydraulic computations were determined using engineering judgment, reference to classical publications (References 98 and 99), and calibration to observed conditions. Flood profiles were matched with high water marks and discharge data collected during Januar and February,1991 events. Selected channel "n" values range fro 0.040 to 0.057, and overbank values range from 0.070 to 0.110. The starting water-surface elevation was calculated using th slope-area method, based upon an assumed water-surface slopelo 0.003. ' I Tub Lake Tributary flows from a depression area south of Beverl Park along Des Moines Way heading south. It then empties intg the Lake Reba Detention Pond through a culvert underneath Statg Highway 518. Since this is a minor tributary to the mainstem1of Miller Creek, approximate methods were used to assess the floo hydraulics. This tributary consists of approximately 1,300 fee of open channel and 250 feet of piped segments. From it confluence with Miller Creek, the tributary begins as an ope channel. Approximately 900 feet upstream, a 200-foot long, 18 inch diameter steel pipe carries flow under a little leagu baseball field. Upstream, 400 feet of open channel carries fllovi from a 240-inch diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert which conveys, flow under South 144th Street. The Tub Lake marsh area begins north of South 144th Street. Both open channel reaches are represented in the HEC-2 model by a trapezoidal cross section which, has a 4-foot depth, a 4-foot bottom width, and 2H:1V side slopes. Channel and floodplain geometry used in the model were estimated from available topographic mapping and data collected during a site reconnaissance. Channel roughness coefficients were assumed to be 0.065 for open channel, 0.070 for overbanks, 0.015 for the steel culvert, and 0.024 for the CMP culvert. The hydraulic analyses for this study were based on unobstructed flow. The flood elevations shown on the profiles are thus considered valid only if hydraulic structures remain unobstructed, operate properly, and do not fail. All elevations are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Elevation reference marks (ERMs) and the it 149 descriptions of those marks used in this restudy are shown on the maps. The remaining descriptions are presented in Elevation Reference Marks (Exhibit 3). ERMS were established at eight sites along the stream. Floodplain boundaries were delineated in the detailed study reach of Miller Creek and its tributary using topographic maps at a scale of 1:2,400, with 5-foot contour intervals provided by the King County Department of Public Works and the City of Seattle Engineering Department. The floodways developed in this study were computed with the HEC-2 model, generally with the assumption of equal conveyance "J reduction from each side of the floodplain. Floodway widths were computed at each cross section. Between sections, the floodway boundaries were interpolated. The results of the floodway study are tabulated for each cross section in Floodway Data (Table 4). No floodway was computed for the Tub Lake Tributary. The information for this restudy of Miller Creek supersedes the data presented in the previous Flood Insurance Study for King County, dated September 29, 1989 (Reference 94). The discharges used in this study of Miller Creek were revised to account for the effects of urbanization and operations of the newly constructed Lake Reba Detention Pond. This restudy was completed in September 1991. 150 i44\ e,is r9\41 fly ,., i_ ..., .,- FLOOD rk., ...iv- - R E _ . - , 1 . .... ,..- _---72-1.-16 1 i ♦. Yildr ,, 144/ ii• ..1 .%7-m.i.fr cim,._ ,,,t: . ,��`� / . ►,. r t'`' . '...- J. � J. .. __..... IT- lipwahlri .,_, y .„. „___. ., ,,,,,,,,A111111pi c I, _ � _ 2) -i i Mt ....."..y.--Tm .-, ,. __ ---_-irr,_ yes KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS VOLUIMIE 2 OF4 COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NAME NUMBER AUBUFN,CITY OF 530073 • BELLE'/UE,CITY OF 530074 BLACK DIAMOND,TOWN OF 530272 BURIEI ,CITY OF 530321 CARNATION,TOWN OF 530076 DES M':)INES,CITY OF 530077 DUVAL,TOWN OF 530282 ENUM(LAW,CITY OF 530319 ISSAQI,IAH,CITY OF 530079 KENT,CITY OF 530080 KING COUNTY, UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530071 KIRKLAND,CITYOF 530081 LAKEORFOREST RK,CITTY O 530084 NORMANDY PARK,CITY OF 530084 NORTH BEND,CITY OF 530085 • PACIFIC,CITY OF 530086 REDMOND,CITY OF 530087 RENTON,CITY OF 530088 SEATLE:,CITY OF 530089 • SEATAC,CITY OF 530320 S SKYKOMISH,TOWN OF 530236 SNOQL ALMIE,CITY OF 530090 ` TUKWIIA,CITY OF 530091 +[l REVISED: SEPTEMBER 30,1994 GY M Y c3z ,fc i F � Federal Emergency Management Agency ffiO /y" 0 —moo NOTICE TO FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY USERS Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program have established repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain management and flood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study may not contain all data available within the repository. It is advisable to cont ct the community repository for any additional data. This publication, incorporates revisions to the original Flood In urance Study. These revisions are presented in Section 10.0. This Preliminary revised Flood Insurance Study contains only ip ofiles added or revised as part of the restudy. All profiles will be icluded in the final published report. i I , I • • I TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 1 Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose of Study 1 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 2 1.3 Coordination 4 2.1 AREA STUDIED 12 2.1 Scope of Study 12 2.2 Community Description 201 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 23 2.4 Flood Protection Measures 34 3.0 ENGINEERING METHODS 38 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 38 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses 44 4.0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 62 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries 62 4.2 Floodways 62 5 0 INSURANCE APPLICATIONS 135 6.0 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 136 .0 OTHER STUDIES 136 n.0 LOCATION OF DATA 138 .0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 138 10.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS 146 10.1 First Revision 14. i TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 1 (cont.) . FIGURES Page ?igure 1 - Vicinity Map 13 Figure 2 - Floodway Schematic 63 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Discharges 145 Table 2 - Summary of Elevations 58 Table 3 - Manning's "n" Values 60 T ble 4 - Floodway Data 64 ble 5 Community Map History 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 2 EXHIBITS Elhibit 1 - Flood Profiles Snoqualmie River Panels O1P-05P Raging River Panels 06P-08P Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 09P-10P North Fork Snoqualmie River Panel 11P South Fork Snoqualmie River (with Levees) Panels 12P-14P South Fork Snoqualmie River (without Left Overbank Levees) Panels 15P-17P Green River (Without Levees) Panels 18P-34P Green River (With Levees) Panels 35P-43P Black River. Panel 44P Springbrook Creek Panels 45P-47P Mill Creek (Kent) Panels 48P-52P Mill Creek (Auburn) Panels 53P-58P Big Soos Creek Panels 59P-68P White River Panels 68P-70P White River (Left Bank Overflow) Panel 71P , Sammamish River Panels 72P-73P Swamp Creek Panels 74P-76P Swamp Creek Overbank Panel 77P North Creek Panels 78P-79P Little Bear Creek Panels 80P-81P Bear Creek Panels 82P-90P Evans Creek Panels 91P-92P . Issaquah Creek Panels 93P-98P North Fork Issaquah Creek Panel 99P East Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 100P-101P West Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 102P-103P Holder Creek Panel 104P • ii • 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 3 ! Tibbetts Creek Panels 105P-108P May Creek 4. Panels 109iP-114P 6 May Creek Tributary Panel 115!P Vasa Creek Panel 116P , Cedar River Panels 117P-124P Mercer Creek Panels 125P-126P Right Channel Mercer Creek Panel 127]P Richards Creek Panels 128P-139P Richards Creek West Tributary Panel 140P Richards Creek East Tributary Panel 141P ' ' Kelsey, Creek . Panels 14213155P West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 156P 162P East Branch of West. Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 163P-166P North Branch Mercer Creek Panels 167P-171P Thornton Creek Panels 172P-174P North ;Fork Thornton Creek Panels 174P-179P South Fork Thornton Creek Panels 18OP-184P McAleer, Creek Panels 185P-186P COal Creek Panels 185P-186P Forbes Creek Panels 187P-190P ' Lyon Creek Panels 196P-197P Yarrow Creek Panels 196P-197P Meydenbauer Creek Panels 198P-199P North !Fork Meydenbauer Creek Panels 20OP-201P South.;For.k:Skykomish River . Panel 202P Maloney Creek Panel 203P Tolt River Panels 20PI-206P Walker Creek Panel 2017PI Des Moins Creek Panel 208P . Longfellow Creek Panels 209'-213P Rolling 'Hills Creek Panel 2114' Miller Creek Panels 2115 '-218P Exh bit 2 - Flood Insurance Rate Map Index Flood Insurance Rate Map TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 4 ExhCbit 3 - Elevation Reference Marks , 1 Ih i iii . • 1 • i --IT 1 -T1--T ' r-l- T r■ 1 -T_Th-1 r I _ • 11111Hinul_ ' .., • } — � �1 11■1Fir • 60 - Q a II li 60 o - - ---- - ---- ■■ ■ ■1111111�11 M g. ____■_■■U ■■■■ ■■ - Nom • {} mos ■■■■m■■ - Z — ��� ����■�� I Z -D NM ������■ !=�7�' ---- ■■� 50 • �? O _- r�� �i� .■��■�!■� �--- 50 V) , __ .-- - -1!.IC____. :::::T -� JU _ �- •_ iii� _ yam•.._ -- III_- r■i�■■■■■■■_■■■■■■■■■■■� ■_i_■■_■■■■i■■■is■iiiiiii■��■ o pa j 4 - - -- - ■ o�m j- - _I- -■_■■■II-_■■■■■� of Yd a j-�! _ _ I 40 _ ��_ _ -J • 40 : O al CD _ = 0 3- Q • Li- Ca) C7 u,C Z 30 : - — 30 W A u. Z jj- Z 20 , _ 20 O . > . , I ' • w I� I w _ ME���I�— !■ - > U 10 ; - - •_ _. _ _ . _ - - _ - 10 Z _ w U Al I I I I Q . F . . OF • F � w tP� -2 nor 0 .-/----" . III I LL L: a LEGENDZ 72 500 YEAR FLOOD 2 > > 6L - — — .100 YEAR FLOOD U ®C 10 - '� - — 50 YEAR FLOOD w ..� cc ' - --- -- 10YEAR FLOOD W CZ a) • STREAM BED 2 k Z w �. _i �I -I--- • `U' • A. 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T..a 0 0 01 0 01 O II mom FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES 0, KING COUNTY, WA Imenum AND INCORPORATED AREAS SPRINGBROOK CREEK I • • ' I I • . . • ' I ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) . ; • ' 1 N3 W W 0 UI 1 01-1 0" C31 0 C11 , _L_I_L_1 t I__i_l_' 1, 4_1_1 t I ' I 1 . _ T-1-- , 1 i ......._i_ 1 1_1_1T 11- i_f_LI_ _, . i .1__L ;__4_ 1---; ___L.1.1_4_1_•.__.... 1 1 I -1--------- 1 1_1 1 --2,4 "..1._r_r_-__7:1_ ; _ 1 MINI 1 I I 1„__1_ ---,-1- 1 I •-1-- __________ -1 1 I I ---• , -1 I I 1 . - ' 1 r-1 i 1 -FL'-i,-t-1 •7 __ 1 ILL .1 1 __ -1--I-- . _t___. , ,..._4_ 7_4_, L-4- I • —I- --,. -- 1--- , II 1-- i t__ __t. __—I • __,44. 1.41_i_4_4_4___1__T__t L': _4 _[ 4 --I __I 1 1 1._,- 1 11 •- _ A .___,___.1 1 , .... i - 4_1 1 1., IT ,, , , , --,- 1 1, . . ., , ,, , , , ,, f , , „ , , „ , , , L__,_ 1 , , , , _, . -I-4.- 1 r-1,-. 1- .„ , _L--_.1-1-_-,-. -li--1- :1-1 -i-1 _I-11-1-1-1-i I!, 1 -1+1 1 H 1 i 1-_-.1- ! -1--4 I---- - 4 , - , t-- . , 1 1 ,- .---1.-1-----r 1-1- -r1 1 1 -FT I I 1 1 : , '_....: ____4_ .l-'_I. f I 1 1 4- -- ------,--,--,-,--i-, , -r-t---i--r-1-1 rt f-1-1 7 , , 1 Ti1.--.4-- - —! 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M :E=eao�. ,.o�:vo 0.80 �° � • r • ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) J N IV w W ___�,_--- _-.-_ o o c�+ al 0 - -r•- , 4 j } : r r : r! �• ..L } � t • _ . i ' + ' a CONFLUENCE WITH TH i, .,__ +- '- ,. - LAKE WASHINGTON ,.. ,.1 ..._ t 4 i - ._ • 68TH AVENUE' __.. . _ . .. .__ , _ _-..}. . .. :.-:-• , .. _.._.-. . SWAMP-CREEK, : � r • CONFLUENCE OF , ,.. : : r . .,._: ...__r 1., , •_ • _. • , , , ,-.__1,...: --j.-, . -_ ., :.• .CORPORATE -.'- r - • - ,_. .• :L_;+� LIMITS r , CITY'OF BOTHELL ' -' , �- _ .._.... -•-- I NE 1'70TH,-STREET _ i'_._--.._.r. E O .-. .. .._. . �s - r � .a -..• GOLI=COURSE BF#IDGE r i ; I # i.1` i .BLN R .� 1 1- f f • w __-_,_ • __ ..— _. �,, _ --___ „ __. K 'r .. 102.ND AVE , j a. L , k 1 { i ` r '•-Ikk . i . . ., . CONFLUENCE OF' CREEK - •: -. ; .• :;: : . . .. li . . • CITY OF BOTF �� LI- . : : j : . i . • • - - -CORPO ATE-LIMITS - - - ,_, . - • _._,..m -- < , . — - - NTERSYAt ROUTE.405: ,D f . . . ....E D , . , ,. • �I _. _ ; ..._..... , ., BEARL INC ' r t + r -r BNORTHERN 1 L. D DLIVALL R' ADj ao • < = .. _ .....__, m } f � i t t D U) ! .® . z I. "I i E T4 1.. O ; z T t . ♦ • — : • 1 : 1 'h' r : , . \ NE124THSTREET •' • O ® . 'CORPORATE LIMITS to -1 al al E 1 T6TH N STREET O { 1 . 1. ,O-1 m m m I- z I- 1- 1 - -- . . .0O O I- I- , . • . ,O0 0 : N _ 0 01 0 alp 01 C • FEDERAL EMERGENCY MAMA rEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATE: AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER `tom . ..._.. , • ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) i • N N w w 4 O _ _ — m � C . N : ... T i r _. } _ mr aim� A m r �Q _.i. - . ' : • . rOrOi c0•r O. : � m mv D . • • - , -_-- ,_.,_ ..-;BR ROAD y _ . . {1 . .. . . _ _ aAo • O' i =. Z p NORTHERN __1 ' _ . ' ., • w • fi— ., . . : ., : .. - STATE HIGHWAY. - - - '__... _ , , . .. ,_ , ... ,...... .�.._ , _ ... _. . 908 BRIDGE.• P . , i ' I CORM�R�A7F �. . ;�.. --: LEARY WAY BRIDGE —TS , 1 O�.• ,1I_. ..,.-._ CONFLUENCE OF :. I.. ._..._ :. : •. :.a_:...:.' ,_'_.,..' STATE HIGHWAY 520- _._• j • BEAR CREEK ` ; .. _ . _ . . I PARK ROAD• , ,. i_ 4 , l , , f _ D i /� I y CORPORATE' ITS • ;_.. • n, : i • M • : LAKE SAMMAMISH , r +•- 1 . ! 1 , i t • __ t • • 111 _ , , • } i I � , .. I 1 I , I j. . f i • , • r i fn i , { -.J « , , y , C)/—1 _ I . ' i • f ' ; 1 ; :1 . 1 , ,. • , .. • • m .. � 1 - I "I- 0 CA xi --4 0 0 0 0 ❑ I i O O , r 0 O cn m C -< f i --+ Dcn g D D m m ; , z 0� 0 r r 71 mI ._. j ... 0 O O r r0 -:_. .-_.; .. . _ ... 1 N N w w 4z* 4 U7 O Ul O Ul O cm O I, FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY � FLOOD PROFILES Call KING COLVIT\ WA _. ._ _ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER 5 I , , -_ : - . .BAC.KWATER FROM.SAMMAMISH RIVER . " .. . E . : : , , • , ; _ _ • , , , , ' , . : .. : I : .. 1 t _ 1 ,• : : I: • I 7 :z 0 n • -'t) -*-- -- , i m z 35 } ia j �;" ; : "- � : - - - , --•_. - , ! .- . -. " . .-, ,.- , - r , i • . 10; 50,400AND 500 • I_ .. � I• I YEAR FLOODS COINCIDE . .t ./.i_.1. 4. 7_a_ i , , • LU 1 30 _ • _ 0 j_ 3 ® Q • . CM — ! 25 > 20 •� ._ .. . . 20 w is y . :_.-.__._.__._.._. „. 15 ,...• r... .-_- — 15 • • Lu 10 z -1— —•, 10 0 0 -• l TWO _ • • _ �,_= a ~ 4 _ --- -- ______- _ _ _= — ——_ —_— = _ — — __ _ . —= R FLOOD— Z --- — ," . . ; . i . . . - 500•YEA } 0-- - - j 0 Q . .. ' . . . - . . - . . , - , _ — — 100-YEAR FLOOD z O .. f CC m Z — 50 YEAR FLOOD Cp CM W 5 .._ O_. . . _. "."..., ... .. . . . . -- - - --- 10 YEAR FLOODL; NTe Z STREAM BED • CB .• � Q• • • : . E F H CROSS NA . , LOCATION. . , . , . .: . . u_ .__ 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 .0 6.5 6.0 - ' • STREAM DISTANCE IN THOUSANDS OF FEET ABOVE MOUTH - -- . 74P , • • • ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) • N W W A A W W O O O of 0 al 0 (J1 } 1-- , i_ i . i I I � , : 1 • , rI I t' , • TO 1 _ i I , , , , , 1 , i ;. , I. • ' �z , • . , , Via . - . --_ -• -1'I • ---, � - • T i I I- 1 , , • t.. O v 1 N } , , - 1 1 • • n { : O i . , , f T i-- _F-1._i.,. . ....-.- ...'....;--.-.-t--, ., .-, _:. . .-, , _.. - : .- • .: -. .. _ -_. 'I-_'.._.- -"'r-.-- --- -1..- , - - + ' ' , • , f 1 • • • • • • • • • 11 • • 7. r I ' : _... ..._i . , t 1. 1 --{ 1 I { __a—..-+. _ ..-- - - --_ -.>~._.._._�+. tt • } r I , 0 1 : » .. . 1 I I D AUENU : tNORT �I \ .�Y H T -J Xi \° • • F ' - • : • [ 1 i - t • , r i I. r { 1 i - -1,—' I • o �i_; ; ' ' 7 17 1 7 ' I , : I tea- 77 -_ , • �� , , , j:.a _ V 1 �, I � r I i 1 • • • • -1,-7 : 1 I I : 1' , , : 1 J.. 1r- I-- 4 i-' ' \ • i- r 1 rn , . , i II y I I { t I: 1 �. t 1 — EC !( . :_'._.__: 0S'SIIVG i Fi : 1 �e i ! `•1... 1 .1 N � �}� W : r > a__�.1_. -- - - - - r sn • ' I i.. 1 ; � I 1 } .1' • — -• .i. - - - - } �.—! # 4-_--„ -..'`-, ' 1• � ' ' a .. ' # 1 , ,V � . i_,.. -.-- _-' f , � a i r -1 _i1 .. _ 7 7 7-7_ _. 7 I - --•- -"- _--.--i --`- - -_ -- _ I . _-.�_ ... 1---_-,--:._ __•..:_ T O: • 1 . , ; - t 6 T. C �» 7 m 1 I i • i P I _..1 , O 1. O 't 0 - 1 : W 1 i. • 1 i' 1 (� 1 1 a I - . ' A. , ! 1 t II i _ t . 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FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODPROFILES } 01 • csI KING COUNTY, WA AND INCORPORATED AREAS SWAMP CREEK 1 a . • .I !: 1 u e III . 11 id j • • 1.1 ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) . O .,. O OV Ov OO O I�y'° I \ - . • , y Ilk \ • 0 _ LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY : ;` . .... ..: ...: .. . r _ .. , . ; , , . ® ,.. • » ; • KING - SNOHOMISH COUNTY : \\ ' y . .� :... : �I� ; _ _-. . . .. .- ' • ...- .•. •.•. :N.E._ 204TH STREET , . 2 , .. II , .... . , _ . _ ... , ., ... , , , , • "Ti • 0 ; , : . II ll .. : : ` .• . .- :., • , ` : .. • , , , . . ,. . . . m m 11 r,. • { I ' ' cOE : , I II 1 , } . , . -... I • .: • r • � . - If , � _...-:--,__:_._.._.4.� ..--•T.__�...a__+._._,,.._.._..-.:..,.._._.-� .- _.,.-_.._.. -{._..__.. ._._._,_...r-- __._. _-.. -,- .« .n_,-....:,_"--F- -,_ _._i-..._-._�..�,._}_, -_._- -A.._.... .........._.._.-..,...- , r + • , r r 1 i ! F 3 : j } t } 1: r, . .r , : 1 F r 4 1 . �II ? • i- f . i p i- l f 1. F r . .; r 1,11 o- , 1 III Ill .. . . i i , : .. _ _r H O _�, i O co m m cn m m ... -L• 73 XJ ° .. in 1 .. ..-:_: .: _: r . •...,. . _ Ommm ' • :- -' O 0' co 11 UI o ccn o cm I !' I1 i 1I 41111•16. MUM. li 1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES o, KING COU COUNTY, WA 1 • ANDINCOR1PO ATED AREAS SWAMP CREEK = 11 ! - . 11 • • I. 1 . . . 11 • il I • : • rr. . 11 . , . ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) • • li .: . . I 18 r..) w • W 4:1. 4. at W cm ot I o cri o 01 o . --7""---7-- : -l'' ' - I'' I;---- I- ' -I. 'I - 'I.- ''' I---Ir r '---7-T--;-:-.7---- --77-7:71 I .- -1-r : • ;7-7777 I TT-1"-7-7-11 •TTT" 1 77-Ti CA- : : ' • • ' • • ; t...4..,..., 4.4 t ,.: -t:.; ..t.4, -;--;-• ;r: • 1--•-•.: ---.•-•-•.:- ; t- ---•••.; •;- - • ••. • 4. •.- 1-";-- - ' •• •-•'-t•ti ;- •...t".----;•11 ; •-; 174-74. ! i•-•177171 ; -I 17174-t-H1 "T ; tt;•-t "t474-4•-•••;'71.7-1 1 " .r.,....4.,....:. 44,.......f.;. , ......-+ , 13 L • ..!...--L--:-.;-• •,.. i. ;. i -;... . - ,--- .---- •,--; .; r -r. ;., ..----,- 1. 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FEDERAL EMERGENCY MA11NAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES -.4 • I ...., KING COUNTY, WA '..12•1111111 73 1 AND INCORPOI!ATED AREAS . . . • SWAMP CREEK - OVERBANK , 1, ........ 1!, , • .„ • I 4 ) 1 y I b.f1fA'81iMpslnYY4+Y:9u1., v.,srv.rUxw.st".... ..rc..s_:iZr:wr:.SWv:_,nrw+,.aw.. .....i<rzViz'es1N :4L:aersU.•:zN - Alaivinammomati i 1 ) i ELL:Ve!.RON FEt 7 NCiVL)i $ II , g —+ N N W W A 1 al j b O O O al0 I CONFLUENCE WITH SAMMAMISH RIVER I I I • 1—; I S.R. 522 EXIT RAMP I I S.R. 522 EAST) I ..I S.R. 522(WEST) + O H .I i 13 I , E 03 00 D z v z x C CA )) • Z1 N i I. g m s mD i 1 <, 07 m O 70 C) 1 , en 1 i n) (—XI . . + O III m O - I , cl cn m z , . . I : . m —I 0 0 0 0 1, O j .. �O m 0 0 O y A Dcn li D D m m i -am z m A D , 0n m 70 m I. I � Sim r r- m m Z 0 0 0 0 ! . . O . N N W W A al . 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LIMITOF1FLOODING • • AFFECTING KING-COUNTY I I • li xi .. ® o o D • I: 0Cm mm - D JII < , .- . .._ . _ - —_i D to m m Jm xi '0 D D i i n I -- • : � D r T m I D D O O I _ DID I o J o 01 0 Ca 01 a • y FEDERAL EMERGENCi! MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILES KING COUNTY, WA ..-�. -� - 1 y AND INCORPORATED AREAS NORTH CREEK ' iCiL� /?Jctlt�43i'9�:iu. �9L'1�6if Qfw e F'NGd}Na'3�fiF3'�-_ Si- _.•-.-_..---.. ...__ -+ ram. -,.-_.�_ �._ v.,,. _x.. -. I / * I • • • • • : • ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) S3 C.4 A 01 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 , I 0 „............ . ....., • ; ', - . ..-7-7-7---77-7•- •:''•'''''—'7-1-7--I--- " `•••••-•-•77.-----77-1----1, .... „.,. i , ... , , ! , .. . •,. , • . - --. - , - ; - . ; • . 4..• . • i - • • : , . - .. I ' ,I. , ; 4 ; ; . i ••1•!--4-i- ,'! ': --I . . . . ...- ' . : . . -4.- . .- :.; — ! , , , : ! ' • . , • : ! ' I ' - !• •••••• .-I •; 4-!,--4, 4-,I ;-i•-•'444 - ;-4 -- .:-4 . !..4.-.!.- i .I ..1-,.!....:, • : 4-, , , ,, , , , ..!.. :•,._ . 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' '-, -- - 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 • , 0.85 0.90 ' . . , ,, , ,• • • . • . ; .. , • . . . • : • . , , • , . • : . . • , . , • , , • . • • • . STREAM DISTANCE IN MILES ABOVE MOUTH • . , , • • ,• , , • : . • • . . , . , , . . • • . . •--•;,--;•,., . , • 1 0 1 P • . ,.. . . . . . . • . • ... . _ . • . . . . . . .. . .. _ . . . ... .,, . . . , . • , . . ..,..._. . • . . : . • . . . • . . • . , , . . . . . • . •. . . , .. • . . . . . ,, //ssidk \..:\_ FLOOD �i 1' f. INSURANCE 4/.4)4, 4.4 1. 40211,111r......• . . STUDY ..._ I7' al a .•=1".. ;Sr/11‘,.. ,_ I'filTy--- IV .., r' - . . ). - ,......- • / _„� i, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS VOLUME 3 OF 4 COMMUNITY COMMUNITY 'SAME NUMBER AUE URN,CITY OF 53007:i BEL_EVUE,CITY OF 530074 BLACK DIAMOND,TOWN OF 530272 BUF IEN,CITY OF 530321 CAFNATION,TOWN OF 530076 DES MOINES,CITY OF 530077 DUN,AL,TOWN OF 530282 ENL MCLAW,CITY OF 530319 ISSAQUAH,CITY OF 530079 KEN T,CITY OF 530080 KING COUNTY, UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530071 , KIRKLAKE TY OF 5300812Cji? 4 LAKE FOREST PARK,CITY OF 530082 NOF MANDY PARK,CITY OF 530084 NOF TH BEND,CITY OF 530085 PAC!FIC,CITY OF 530086 i REDMOND,CITY OF 530087 REN ION,CITY OF 530088 SEATLE,CITY OF 530089 SEATAC,CITY OF 530320 \IN"."......".'"\—*"..\.......... .-""•,".........."." .... 1 SKYKOMISH,TOWN OF 530236 SNGQUALMIE,CITY OF 530090 TUKWILA,CITY OF 530091 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 30,1994 �NGY M 9N O 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency � I � I � NOTICE TO FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY USERS II ' x ' Communities participating in the National Flood 'Insurance Program have established repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain min gement 4and flood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study may not ontain all data available within the repository. It is advisable to coat ct the community repository for any additional data. This publication incorporates revisions to the original Flood Insurance Study. These revisions are presented in Section 10.0. This Preliminary revised Flood Insurance Study contains only , p ofiles added or revised as' part ..of the restudy. All profiles will be ' iicluded in the final published report. , I I � I 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 1 Pag 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose of Study 1 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 2 1.3 Coordination 14 2.0 AREA STUDIED 12 x 2.1 Scope of Study 112 2.2 Community Description 2 • 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 2 I 2.4 Flood Protection Measures 1 3 3. 1 ENGINEERING METHODS 3 I. 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 13 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses 4 4. 1 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 1 ;62 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries 62 4.2 Floodways 16 15. ' INSURANCE APPLICATIONS 13 i 1 6. 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 13 1 7. 0 OTHER STUDIES 136 l 8. 1 " LOCATION OF DATA 13 9.:* BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1 438 i 110 0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS , 146 I 10.1 First Revision 146 Il f I 1 1 i 1 I I 1 1 (cont.) OF CONTENTS. -- Volume ( ) FIGURES Page Fi:ure 1 - Vicinity Map 13 Fi:ure 2 - Floodway Schematic 63 TABLES T .le 1 - Summary of Discharges 45 T .le 2 - Summary-of.Elevations 58 Tide 3 - Manning's "n" Values 60 Tgi.le 4 - Floodway Data 64 T: .le 5 - Community Map History 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 2 EXHIBITS E •.ibit 1 - Flood Profiles Snoqualmie River Panels 01P-05P Raging River Panels 06P008P Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 09P-10P North Fork Snoqualmie River Panel 11P South Fork Snoqualmie River (with Levees) Panels 12P-14P South Fork Snoqualmie River (without Left Overbank Levees) Panels 15P-17P Green River (Without Levees) Panels 18P-34P Green River (With Levees) Panels 35P-43P Black River Panel 44P Springbrook Creek Panels 45P-47P Mill Creek (Kent) Panels 48P-52P Mill Creek (Auburn) Panels 53P-58P Big Soos Creek Panels 59P-68P White River Panels 68P-70P White River (Left Bank Overflow) Panel 71P Sammamish River Panels 72P-73P Swamp Creek Panels 74P-76P Swamp Creek Overbank Panel 77P x' North Creek Panels 78P-79P Little Bear Creek Panels 80P-81P Bear Creek Panels 82P-90P Evans Creek • Panels 91p-92P Issaquah Creek Panels 93P-98P North Fork Issaquah Creek Panel 99P East Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 100P-101P West Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 102P-103P Holder Creek Panel 104P ii TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 3 Tibbetts Creek Panels 105P-108P May Creek Panels 109P-_14P May Creek Tributary Panel 115P Vasa Creek Panel 116P Cedar River Panels 117P-124P Mercer Creek Panels 125P-126P Right Channel Mercer Creek Panel 127P Richards Creek Panels 128P-139P Richards Creek West Tributary Panel 140P Richards Creek East Tributary Panel 141P Kelsey Creek Panels 142P- 55P ' West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 156P- 62P East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 163P-166P 1 North Branch Mercer Creek Panels 167P- 71P Thornton Creek Panels 172P- 74P North Fork Thornton Creek Panels 174P-179P South Fork Thornton Creek Panels 180P-184P McAleer Creek Panels 185P-186P Coal Creek Panels 185P-186P Forbes Creek Panels 187P-190P Lyon Creek Panels 196P-197P Yarrow Creek Panels 196P-197P Meydenbauer Creek Panels 198P-199P I, North Fork Meydenbauer Creek Panels 200P-201P South Fork Skykomish River Panel 202P Maloney Creek Panel 203P Tolt River Panels 205P-206P Walker Creek Panel 207P Des Moires Creek Panel 208P Longfellow Creek Panels 209P-213P ! Rolling Hills Creek Panel 214P Miller Creek Panels 215P-218P Exhi it 2 - Flood Insurance Rate Map Index Flood Insurance Rate Map TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 4 Exhi.it 3 - Elevation Reference Marks iii • , It( ' .• ._ ‘ .„. ! 'II • + II , • fir. II I: _ 1,1-47=141-4,141111taelfklatIMMI. . I ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) I N3 W .P. CTI 0 0 0 0 11 1 : ; 7 ! , ' ; ' '-, 1 , 7 '"--T ' ' I 1 -..--- 1 `-77 + : ' 7-1-7 1 [ , " -- , , -r71 , ' [ ' , T-1-1 7 ' [ [ ; - . 1 •I ! 1' ; [ 1 ; I I ;• I I , [ • , , : ' -1-+-' r '; ' --- 117 -- I- 7 7 ' --r 4 i 1 .-.-7,--1--1-7-, , -I . " . 47 1 Li:: 1---r-- 1--4---7-- • -,"--' -7-- ; F ;1;-7--' : 7 -I•---- .1 1 7::77----L 1, : •-77;;;:17741 1 1,771 r ' 1774 1 ! 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O ...._pO I - IV s _ _... .. __ .. _.. ..-_-_____..__.._. .-____-___.�. __ __,._, r__ ..... ... -_. ..„_.._. ._ o I � I 0 , 45TH AV ENUE NUE NE r ao M o . o :1 0 + l - col . 0 I • w 1 i : O i l _ PRIVATE DRIVEWAY III ; co I . s m w I 0 0o D i HOUSE OVER CREEK m w z ' 1 I t 01 — _ O m 4 1 m co I O O c I II41 o ; N O I I IA ,I l ii iv 1 I I` I 1Oci / I . . . . . m III 1 c l o 0 0 I I j A r0 M o c0)co > m m1 -< -Cr 0ZO W I l 11T IOO z 0 O'I O O I I ,f -1 O 0 1 0 0 I alCOX NORTHEAST 104TH STREET 0 0 0 0 0 f FEDERAL EMERGE �, .. _. . .. . ..... ..._,. .._ . _..� EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY III FLOOD PROFILESI c ) KING, COUNTY, WA -0 AND INCORPORATED AREAS THORNTON CREEK t • I ,I ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) al w 41 cn co o 0 0 0 0 I . o , • I +I o II1. . I - - I o V P R I ATE I DRIVEWAY . .. ..__.-- -• 0 \p� I PRIVATE DRIVEWAY H 7. cn I t yco 1 _ _ _ o NE 105TH STREET II� • I • . 00 tn I PRIVATE DRIVEWAY o I PRIVATE DRIVEWAY s • I H PRIVATE DRIVEWAY m 0 D o _.__.. ___.-_ _.r .__ ... .., . ,._._ ._ .. , ._._.._ -_- ,-..-_ ---_-_._.._._--,----.--._. __.. _._......._._..___..._ , 0 I ' ti .11 39TH AVENUE NE i O r \\ \ 73 Z "i \ I ® t n Z m cn N I n' Z o . .... _, _.._. . . .. _...--...-...._._ -__ .----.__..f._ . _ ._..L__ O , . + m - , . . �. co . • ° I m 4 o -- __- __. — .. _____._.. ..-_-__ C O ;; L. _ O i; L WEIR • co o 11. O • r J ! • 0 01 r co 1 co m y o . 0 © i ' - PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ' 7 ! 1 o r I . CONFLUENCE OF- • . , .. . m : SOUTH FORK . 0 y a, al m 1 THORNTON CREEK .� ro -. 0 0 0o 0 0 j : .: _ o O ti > m m m I m • I L. ...._.. _ . __.--..,.. ---.__..__..___...---_- -..___... _.__ _ ___ .___.__, __ _ Z 0 ` -I m W 37 xi z_I m0 m m I� ! . ' ._ . 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I--•-f--; A i- , ; --- --- 10-YEAR FLOOD,--;--- ' i ' !---1 4 ;-d-----1--14---.-; • L-1-----1-1-1--1--1 • 1 1 - 1 -1 1 --1----; !- 1 t : , 1 . 7. 7 : 1: '-t"-: -7--t , t -1---1--7- [ i ---,- i,-t "- -4- 1- 1 I-1 i---1-;- 4 f ' --t----t----i , ; ', i• "7 f -I:- ' t ' -I !- --; r -r-,. t--, 1 4...1....L..1.. '... 1..I. 1.4.-..:....i....! . '.. L.,_.- .: .1 i ....1.-1 .1. 1- .'.. . I,. :-.4..-1- : 4 2, I. • : : : 1, 4..., i. 4 : L. I • i ; j I ..- -4. 1' ; 4-.1. . . 4 .----.-i -4---1.- +; ;_, I, t t.1. - -.f. t, , t , • " , ' , , , , ,Hfiti . Ili i . , , , , . : 1 . • , 1„ . . 1 STREAM BED --t •, J I,i. ••.• , I 1 t 7-1 ; !-;•-• 1- . . : 7 r I ; i ; , t•-7 1 •t' , 7- I- t . r 1.-I'-1'-i i ; ., - • , r--I- ' H I r ; 4 . ''' -t--3 ; ; t , 1 i 1 i ' , ,-+-4--4-. t 1 "-- '• ; ,•••1 '; : 1 t -;-.4 I---f I '„ -4,- -i '. I- I ' ' I -I 1---1- i- , -1-•T 1' i 1, -----1-r-1-7-. : I-j i i. '' 4 : 1-'1-1'--1 : :"4"1 : --1' 1-. 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I1tt-- f iIIIIlIIiIEiIr1T1 i . ,. 5000 5200 5400 5606 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200 7400 7600 STREAM DISTANCE IN FEET ABOVE MOUTH 182P IMMITIMP...,,,, IiiIIII1iAhIiiC ' ■■ ■■■ ! ■... ra_i_Fr1 ■■ n �_ _ _r _ _-_-. _ _ ' --1i•M■■■■■■■ ■■■r ■ ■■■■ # ■_I ' ■■■ ■ 1 ■I . 1 f ' ; 1 i-_-_a _=1 1-: t-f --�'-{ "' _'t' I-'1- ■•■■■■•■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■ ■■• n■ 1- i■_• ■■ ■ ■ 1 ■n I ! i rt { ■r ! 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W 44 - 44 - • 5e T 50 �O Q CZ • . . C. C., ' . „ „ ., - ' I\N‘. .• : , . , _ Li- k • .• . . , . , , • z . d,,A , . . . 42 y\N' if ' 48 < /fli W u. / HJ z 40 0 — ¢ 46 O ® - Q '/ • j W 38 �- 3€3 04 Oj A , , , 44 w W get 1et W ist 36 • - -36- 42 LEGEND 42 Z 3 MI H I Q 1- Q - - 500 YEAR FLOOD 2 Z cc ---------- • __ -- 100 YEAR-FLOOD-- - -- - -V-c)-C1 - 34 - 34 '4C -50-Y=_EAR FLOOD - - W__CMO ti - - ----- 10 YEAR FLOOD % STREAM BED , - , :i.:, ZWw• i Zcc• . __ _ _ c" O CROSS Na LOCATION• _ w IX -_ 32 38 CI 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 STREAM DISTANCE IN HUNDREDS OF FEET ABOVE MOUTH 189P _ _ a 220 ? - 220 e W. YO_ - j� l -1 _ - /S 215 -� ,„ Z. 215 W /f ...IhC its1.1.11 >- a C7 210 - - ® - I I 205 L:W w /® _ uw. ' / - „ 1 Z j 41 _ _ /, j ZO 200 ✓ - _ _ -- - 200 F- , Q , f W 1 IL ///)i • 195 % _ _ . _ -- 195 Z L. i/ - - - Q i/' f. CA .• , w• ACC� _ 1 ,....- - , . • E Q 190 - - /` - - - - . 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NORTH AC .ROAD ORT m �I CA J z . z —I 0 0 0 0 v r 0 0 O m , .. al On y D m m m m __.-._---:.-a. 0 -Dim W m xi A D i xi , - p� m m m . _. - . . zZ v O 00 r r O O • v v 0 0 ' I '\ r cn w 0 0 0 tn rn 0 0 0 0 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY N.9 FLOOD I PROFLES s KING COUNTY, WA - AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILLER CREEK ' 1 1I _-. I I I ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) .4 o O CD 0 NJ 0.) (') o 0 0 0 0 • • ; ' CITY OF NORMANDY PARK • , _ . •• KING © � _ COUNTY 1 O O O o -' N CO O O O O 9 m • - - : - E NJ W A : cm co N1 W • Z IN\ _ . _ .._. -..'. . ._ :-:.._._. \� ;-..--____- ;--- :..... :....._: - _-_.-_.... CITY OF NORMANDY PARK - .-_ C : \ . : CITY OF BURIEN 1 m m o , m : : FOUR CONCRETE GRADE . . CONTROL SILLS " ( > r . .-.. . . a1 J co0 o O O o - . _ O - o 01 V :3-4,,...: ' �p ' pW ,.. o O 0 0 CITY OF BURIEN ,CITY OF \\ � CITY OF NORMANDY PARK • I _ NORMANDY PARK \\ 1ST AVENUE SOUTH .-----''-''.-...--''''.Th-,... ,,,,if _ :... CITY OF BURIEN Z O x7 -I 0 O O' 0 v ._i . . . 1 .. .. .. - , . '1. . .. , r 0 70 0; 0 , in n 0 > m m -< -f D m > DDmD Oo i�— AMBAUM BOULEVARD - Do Do D ., ' / ///-/— ///—/ O mmm — — j .. .,... .. I zz v O OO 0 OO _ 1 _- I .. : . - •. • . . : vv . . . . � , . . _ .. • i - , .. . - � �� J J J .J N 01 0 O O O O O �_� I FEDERAL EMERGC X.r' MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOOD PROFILE S KING COUNTY, WA i AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILLER CREEK a.i: _ x ®� I k ' Y , • - - _ t ELEVATION (FEET NGVD) J co co 0 J N _. O O p p O i 1 i 1 : L \ H �f . 1 ; • : _ Y : { _ i t _1 I_. __:_ r. I I I _ i I i �.. .. 1 1- < _" - , -. ' ., , .. SACKEDGRADE - „ ' ,-� 1'11-- , i• • r._:..-.. 1. • • I 1 _, i I� CONTROLS S F� r' 77, i �.. ; • ILL i i • -; ; •-: CONCRETE GRADE • �-�-., � • � �'- _ _ � _ _. { . CONTROL SILLS E i Ir . , f I i ' , I .-i 1 1 { r.. : I ' - I i j , :�-�-,_� : =_ • ' ? ;KING COUNTY -"--; '• �-r -- •-' '' - - .--, :- ! STATE ROUTE 509& DES MOINES WAY OFSEATAC i N - CITYS ATA • _ i. _ - THREE THREE SACKED - O ';' ' _ I . I _ ^�.'.I CONCRETE GRADE ti , • ! CONTROL SILLS -w y ... , . I r i r -., _I,. , _ , 1 8TH AVENUE SOUTHWEST -' • • • • • • • • • • _: I D .11 . i• _ :..... .*I- : y _ .... .• L PRIVATE DRIVE 71 i , i. i w : co .a H I_I t-.. �;- a � _ N --- N N , co • , ' , . ., : c0 .. .. .. , . : ; : ti - i ._ Z 1. . rl. C) m I , : -• , • W • -r to i q p O —-I - :p F ilH v - y O f - PRIVATE E • m �, i 1 - DRIV E -. ___.... .. ....... • • y O . . , . . , - • - ,m I • id m i a ., . . : i w • O m . . m H o PI O } _-\_ ., , . , - , . . , . . . . . , i. 1 _ i �..... .... .. .. & \ .: :_ _ . . . - il • o- 4 ► f • 1 r- \_ . SOUTH 160TH STREET 0 m , 1 zz p r r m -n p0 p0 rr rr • • �. v v D p r N w A co a) I O O O O O O , FEDERAL EMERGE"JCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, FLOODPROFILES N K COUNTY WA , AND INCORPORATED AREAS MILLER CREEK �. - - - - - , .. ......r. ... ...w..a..+..* -- ..... ...c i,r,_'•_ - - YF...u.: ai.._._... T .S._-_.. —,.._ . ._,_i.c ..r..... .F....._Y _. .. _.- --. - _. .. -i... .......>�... _ .. • W 3 f�.. D . IL / - V CC , _ - . .. O ° a • _ - — -- a �" Q a — — u. WZ ----- - - � - _ ._ -_ . , . ° . ' . r.._..__ — • .� Z -ill i,t,..j y W o,...,. LmJ Q o W 280 �5 • a. , . . . ; • j j_. . . . . - , 270 _ .._... \ r W . r. l , . U • o D � LEGEND Q __ .. _ . >.. _ — — YEAR FLOOD• -- CD f . : . : ---- — - I ® � — 100 YEAR FLOOD ( U ! — 50 YEAR FLOOD CC 2C s . - - - - - - - 10 YEAR FLOOD 1 hC �. w i % \✓\\�~ STREAM-BED Z AB _ AC AD , . . ' : L.. 0 AE AF _ • . . . . . . . - . . . • . CROSS SECTION I W . . 1 .. ' 1::(;)• w 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 • STREAM DISTANCE IN THOUSANDS OF FEET ABOVE PUGET SOUND 1�[� • 1 f FLOOD .„..= _ _. , . . , , , .: #410,•. , . .,,,,,, 4" ..,, L N E- IN . R A VI illA STIJDY ,, , � �.`i ' r, ,,...iii- ' __. . . ,..........y. , ___. "..i.,,,„ ,,. . .... .. err ,,,. ,, „ , ,, • ___,_- _, ...... ,.._ afaflJ -- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS VOLUIVE 4OF 4 COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NAME NUMBER AUBURN,CITY 01 530073 BELLEVUE,CITY i)F 530074 BLACK DIAMON),TOWN OF 530272 BURIEN,CITY OF 530321 CARNATION,TOWN OF 530076 DES MOINES,CI'Y OF 530077 DUVAL,TOWN OF 530282 ENUMCLAW,CITY OF 530319 ISSAQU Y OF 530080 KENT,CITY TY OF OF 530080 C? KING COUNTY, UNINCORPORAI ED AREAS 530071 KIRKLAND,CITY OF 530081 LAKE FOREST P3,RK,CITY OF 530082 NORMANDY PA 1K,CITY OF 530084 NORTH BEND,CITY OF 530085 PACIFIC,CITY Of 530086 S REDMOND,CITY OF 530087 RENTON,CITY 0= 530088 SEATLE,CITY Of 530089 SEATAC,CITY 0= 530320 SKYKOMISH,TC WN OF 530236 SNOQUALMIE,(ITY OF 530090 TUKWILA,CITY i IF 530091 REVISED:SEPTEMBER 30,1994 _ocY MA- Ca )) Federal Emergency Management Agency NOTICE, TO FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY USERS. Communities participating in the National Flood InsuranceProgram am have established repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain management. andI'Iflood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study may not contain all ;data available within the repository. It is advisable to contact the community repository for any additional data. This p blication incorporates revisions to the original Flood Insurance Study. These revisions are presented in Section 10.0. This Preliminary revised Flood Insurance Study contains only profiles added or revised as part of the restudy. All profiles will be included in the final published report. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 1 Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose of Study 1 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 2 1.3 Coordination 4 2.0 AREA STUDIED 12 • 2.1 Scope of Study 12 2.2 Community Description 20 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 23 .4 Flood Protection Measures 34 3.0 ENGINEERING METHODS 38 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 38 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses 44 4.0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 62 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries 62 �+.2 Floodways 62 ' 5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATIONS 135 6.01 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 136 7.0 OTHER STUDIES 136 8.0'' LOCATION OF DATA 138 9.01' BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 138 10.® REVISION DESCRIPTIONS 146 10.1 First Revision 146 1 i TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 1 (cont.) FIGURES Page u igure 1 - Vicinity' 'Map 13 I 2 - Floodway Schematic 63 .TABLES ! able 1 - Summary of Discharges 45 • ! able 2 - Summary of Elevations 58 gable 3 - Manning's "n" Values 60 able 4 - Floodway Data . . 64 able 5 - Community Map History 137 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Volume 2 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 - Flood Profiles Snoqualmie River Panels 01P-05P Raging River Panels '06P-08P Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 09P-10P North Fork Snoqualmie River Panel 11.P South Fork Snoqualmie River (with 1 Levees) Panels 12P-.14P South Fork Snoqualmie River (without Left Overbank Levees) Panels 15'P-17P Green River (Without Levees) Panels 18P-34P Green River (With Levees) Panels 35P-43P Black River Panel 44P Springbrook Creek Panels 45P-47P Mill Creek (Kent) Panels 48P-52P Mill Creek (Auburn) Panels 53P-58P Big Soos Creek Panels 59P-68P White River Panels '68P-70P White River (Left Bank Overflow) Panel 70 Sammamish River Panels 72P-73P Swamp Creek :Panels. 70-76P Swamp Creek Overbank Panel 77P North Creek Panels 78P-79P . Little Bear Creek Panels .80P-81P Bear Creek Panels '82P-90P Evans Creek Panels 91'P-92P Issaquah Creek Panels 93P-98P North Fork Issaquah Creek Panel 99P East Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 100P-101P West Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 102P-103P Holder Creek Panel 104P ii I ' TABLE OF..CONTENT.S -- Volume 3 • i Tibbetts Creek Panels 105P-108P May Creek • - 'Panels 109P-114P , • May Greek Tributary, Panel 115P; . Vasa Creek Panel :116P Cedar 'River Panels 117P-124P Mercer Creek • Panels 12'5P-126P Right Channel 'Mercer Creek Panel 127P • Richards Creek ' Panels 128P-139P Richards Creek West Tributary Panel 140P Richards Creek East Tr.ibutvy . Panel 141P I • • • Kelsey Creek • Panels 142P-155P West- Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 156P-162P East Branch of West Tributary 1 Creek Panels 163P-166P North Branch Mercer Creek . . Panels 167P-171P Thornton Creek • Panels 172P-174P North Fork Thornton Creek '. Panels 174P-17 P 9 South Fork Thornton Creek Panels '180P-184P McAleer Creek Panels 185P-186P Coal Creek Panels 185P-1$6P Forbes Creek Panels 187P-190P Lyon Creek Panels 1'96P-197P Ij Yarrow Creek Panels 196P-197P Meydenbauer Creek Panels 198P-199P • North Fork Meydenbauer Creek Panels 2O0P-201P • South Fork Skykomi.sh River Panel 202P Maloney Creek Panel 203P Tolt River Panels 205P-206P Walker Creek Panel 207P Des Moins Creek Panel 208P ' Longfellow Creek - Panels 209P-213P • Rolling Hills Creek Panel 214P 1 Miller Creek ' Panels 215P-218P Exhibit 2 - Flood Insurance Rate 'Map Index ' Flood Insurance Rate Map ' TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Volume 4 Exhibit 3 - Elevation Reference Marks i I ,I iii i EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation ( Mark (ft. NCVD) Description of Location RM1 159.07 Top bolt on fire hydrant on north side of Northeast 185th Street, 200 feet west of intersection with 26th Avenue Northeast. (City of Lake Forest Park) RM2 225.28 A chiseled "+" on top center bolt on a fire hydrant southeast corner intersection NE • 130th Place and 19th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM3 197.46 A chiseled "+" on top bolt on a fire hydrant at the northeast corner intersection of NE 125th Street and 24th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM4 182.42 A chiseled "+" on top north bolt on a fire hydrant on east side of 125th Avenue NE, and 300 feet south of NE 125th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM5 143.00 A chiseled "+" on a fire hydrant on the north side of 120th Street between NE 36th Avenue and NE 35th Avenue, east of creek tributary. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM6 93.24 A chiseled "+" on a fire hydrant at the northeast corner of the intersection of 35th Avenue NE and NE 115th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM7 59.75 A chiseled square in the top of bridge curb at the northwest corner of the bridge, north side of NE 110th Street, 250 feet east of 35 Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM8 6.56 A chiseled "+" on top bolt of a fire hydrant on the southeast corner of the intersection of NE 105th Street and 39th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM9 .65 Top bolt of a fire hydrant at NE 107th Street and 35th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Malk (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM10 70.85 Top bolt of a fire hydrant at NE 107th Street and 30th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM11 88.68 A chiseled "+" on a fire hydrant at the northeast corner of the intersection of 27th Avenue NE and NE 105th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. R1112'149.13 A chiseled square on southwest corner of a private bridge over Thornton Creek tributary on NE 100th Street, 1,200 feet east of 15th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM13 189.92 Bolt on private bridge over Thornton Creek tributary on NE 105th Street, 300 feet east of 15th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RIM14 264.26' A chiseled "+" on the top bolt of a fire hydrant on the north side of Northgate Way, 80 feet west of 12th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM15'240.36 Top bolt of a fire hydrant at a southeast corner of the intersection of 8th Avenue NE and NE 105th Street at Thornton Creek crossing. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. h16 264.42' A railroad spike in the east face of a power pole next to mail box No. 24217 on the east side of Paradise Lakes Road at the intersection of 204th Avenue NE and Paradise Lakes Road, 0.24 mile west along Woodinville- Duvall Road from a "T" intersection of Min - . Woodinville-Duvall Roads, 1.2 miles north alongParadise Lakes Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. I RM17 272.08 A railroad spike in the west face of power pole No. 169775228110 on the east side of Paradise Lakes Road, 0.24 mile west along Woodinville-Duvall Road from "T" intersection of Mink-Woodinville-Duvall Roads, 0.60. mile north along Paradise Lakes Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • EXHIBIT 3. = ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation I Mark (ft. NGVD) . Description of Location RM18 246.04 A. chiseled square on the south ede of a. southeast wingwall of a concrete bridge cover Bear Creek . on Woodinville-Duvall Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM19 292.41 A chiseled "+" on top, of the southwest bolt on a fire hydrant located on the northwest orner of .a "T" intersection of Mink oad and Woodinville-Duvall Road.. Established CH2M HILL,: Inc. RM20 257.77 'A chiseled "+" on top of a northwest bolt on fire hydrant No. 203 located on the east side of Mink Road, 100 feet southwest of a covered bridge over Bear Creek',. 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection,. . 1.32 miles along Bear Creek Road, 1.4 miles along Mink Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM2.1 ` 212.00 A chiseled "+" on top of a. westerly bolt on a fire hydrant at the northeast corner of Mink Road ,NE and NE 16.0th Street, 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road. from AvondalelNovelty Hill intersection, 1,.32 miles along Bear Creek. .Road` NE., 0.9 mile along Mink Road. Established by CH2M HILL., Inc. RM22 199.4 A chiseled. "'+" on top of a southerly ',bolt on fire; hydrant No. 1.93 located at northeast corner., of the intersection of Mink Road NE and Tolt Pipeline Park Trail, 2.3 miles north, along Avondale Road from the AvondaleiNove'lty Hill intersection, 1.32 miles along, Bear Creek Road, 0.2 mile along Mink Road. Established by CH2M HILL., Inc. RM23 186.57 A. railroad spike in the west face of a power pole• at the southeast corner intersection of Bear Creek Road and NE 145th Street, 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from the Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection, 1.2 miles along Bear Creek Road. Established by CH2M HILL,. Inc.: EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Malrk (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM24 171.03 A chiseled square on southeast corner of ; a concrete wheel guard on the northeast corner of the Tolt Pipeline bridge over Bear Creek, • 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection, 1.32 miles along Bear Creek Road NE, 0.2 mile • along Mink Road to Tolt Pipeline crossing, g, 0.3 mile east along Tolt Pipeline Trail. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM25 166.32 A chiseled "+" on the top of a northerly bolt on a fire hydrant on the east side of Bear Creek Road NE,, 70 feet north of ntersection of Bear 'Creek Road and NE 140t'h Street, 2,73 miles north along Avondale Road from the Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection, 0.90 mile along Bear Creek Road NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. 4M26 134.86 A 20-d spike in the south face of post on the northeast corner of NE 14'0th Street bridge over Bear Creek, 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection, •0.9 mile along Bear Creek Road, .0.2 mile east along NE 140th Street. RM27 134.18 A railroad spike in the west face of power pole in the southeast corner of the intersection of Bear Creek Road and NE 136th Street, 2.3 miles north along Avondale rod from Avondale Road-Novelty Hill intersection, 0.6 mile easterly along Bear Creek Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. '1 28 122.27 A chiseled square on the northeast corner of the southerly wheel guard on NE 133rd Street bridge over Bear Creek, 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from the Avondale-Novelty Hill Road intersection, 0.3 mile east along Bear Creek Road, 0.2 mile along NE 133rd Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R ference Elevation jMark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM29 120.39 A 100-d spike in the northwest face of a power pole at the southeast corner of the intersection of NE 133rd Street and Bear Creek Road NE, 2.3 miles north along Avondale • Road from the Avondale Road-Novelty Hill intersection, 0.3 mile east along Bear Creek Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM30 125.82 A 100-d spike in east face of power pole at southeast corner intersection of Avondale Road and Bear Creek Road (NE 132nd Street), 2.3 miles north along Avondale Road from Avondale-Novelty Hill intersection . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM31 120.68 A railroad spike on the north side of NE 205th Street at Little Bear Creek crossing, 0.10 mile west along NE 195th Street from SR 522 overcrossing, 0.50 mile north along 136th Avenue NE, 350 feet east along NE 205th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM32 90.88 A railroad spike on east face of alder tree • north side of NE 195th Street, 200 felet west of new overpass on SR 522. RM33 56.20 A chiseled "+" on fire hydrant on north side of 134th Avenue NE, 300 feet west of NE 177th Place, 0.17 mile south along SR 202 from SR 202 overcrossing of SR 522, 0.23 mile east along NE 177th Place, 400 feet northesterly along 134th Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM34 38.42 A chiseled square on upstream end concrete culvert headwall under SR 202 on Little Bear Creek in Woodinville, 500 feet south of SR 202 overcrossing of SR 522. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM35 35.90 A chiseled "+" on fire hydrant at south corner parking lot 200 feet northerly of Sammamish River at confluence with Little Bear Creek in Woodinville. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. I I "il I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM36 38.78 PPS-9-A chiseled X on the lower bridge rail on the upstream side and center of 145th Street Northeast bridge. RM37 40.77 A chiseled "X" on bottom guardrail on upstream side of center of 96th Avenue Northeast bridge over Sammamish River. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I R1438 42.30 At the top of a hex nut on a horizontal bridge bolt near center and upstream side pf 102nd Avenue Northeast bridge over Sammamish River. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM39 28.25 A U.S. Geological Survey reference monument disk set in downstream landward corner of concrete foundation of gaging station on Sammamish River approximately 2,900 feet downstream of Interstate Highway 405. RM40 27.11 A chiseled square on top of riverward downstream corner of concrete walk around central latrine and laundry building at Riverside Mobile Estates Trailer Court. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM41 56.09 A chiseled square on top of the east side iof the concrete base of a light pole at the northeast corner of the NE 195th Avenue overpass over Interstate Highway 405 and 1i50 feet east of the centerline of Interstate Highway 405. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM42 42.50 PPS-8D - Filed square in top of upstream curb of Woodinville Duvall Road concrete bridge at Woodinville. Mark is near middle of bridge and painted yellow. RM43 41.03 PPS-7A - A boat spike set in wing wall left bank upstream side of Burlington Northern Railroad bridge. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE. MARKS Reference Elevation 'Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM44 91.04 A chiseled "+" in the top northeast corner of • the wheel guard on the NE, 204th Street bridge, 2.0 miles. easterly along SR 5, 2 from the intersection with SR 104 at Lake Forest Park to 73rd Avenue NE, to NE 204th Street, 0.4 mile along NE 204th Street to the Swamp Creek crossing. Established by CH2 HILL, Inc'. RM45 99.58 A chiseled "+" on the top. center bolt of a. fire hydrant located on the east side iof 73rd. 'Avenue NE' approximately 50 feet south. of NE 202nd Place, 2.0 miles easterly along. SR 522 from the intersection with SR 10.4 at Lake Forest Park to 73rd Avenue NE,. 2.5 miles northerly along 73rd Avenue NE. Es:t.ablished by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM46. 65.90 A chiseled "+" on the top center bolt of a. fire hydrant . located on the. east side Hof- 73rd Avenue NE at mailbox 19510,, 2.0 miles easterly along SR 522 from the interlsection. with SR 104 at Lake Forest Park to 73rd. Avenue- NE, 1.9 miles northerly along. 73rd Avenue NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM47 47.20' A chiseled. square around a tack in lead in. the northwest corner of the east wheel guard of the 73rd Avenue NE bridge, 2'.0 miles easterly along. SR. 522 from: the intersection • with. SR. 104 at Lake Forest Park �tllo T3rd Avenue NE, 1.5 miles northerly along 73rd Avenue NE to the crossing. over Swamp Creek. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM48 43.40 A chiseled. "+" on top: of the south bolt of a fire hydrant located on the north side of NE 192nd Street near mailbox. 7815, 2.9 miles easterly. along SR 522 from the intersection with. SR 104 at Lake. Forest Park' to 8.0th Avenue. NE., 1.6 miles north along, 80.th ' Avenue • NE: to NE 192nd. Street, 0.3 mile westerly along NE. 192nd Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc.. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION' REFERENCE' MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD). Description of Location RN49 59.84 A chiseled. "+" on top northwest bolt of a fire hydrant located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 80th Avenue. NE and NE 192nd Street,, 2..9 miles easterly along SR 522 from the intersection with SR 104 at Lake Forest Park to 80th Avenue NE, 1.6 miles north along 80th Avenue NE to NE 192nd Street. Established by CH2M. HILL, Inc. 50 51.53 A chiseled "+" on the west bolt of a fire hydrant on the east side of 73rd Avenue 'NE, approximately 6.0 feet south of the intersection with NE 185th Street, 2.0 miles easterly along, SR 522 from the intersection of SR 104 at Lake Forest Park. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM51 61.34 A chiseled' "+". on the top bolt of a fire hydrant on the east side of 80th Avenue NE et house No. 18412,. 2.9 miles easterly along SR 522 from the intersection with SR 104. at Lake Forest Park. to 80th. Avenue NE, 0.9: mile north along 80th Avenue NE.. Established by CH2M HILL., Inc. RM52 30.66 A chiseled square in the southwest corner of the SR 522 Swamp Creek bridge, 2..9 miles easterly from the intersection of SR 522 and SR 104 at Lake Forest. Park. Established by CH2M• HILL., Inc. RM53 19.23 Yellow daub on downstream riverward corner of concrete launching, ramp wall on Sammamish River approximately 2,40.0. feet downstream from 96th Avenue NE bridge. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. R14 54 31.79 PPS-l. - A chiseled X in the concrete curb on the' upstream side and center of 68th Avenue• NE bridge. RM55 35.98 A chiseled "+"' on top bolt on fire hydrant southeast corner intersection NE. 9.7th Street and 45th. Avenue NE.. Established by CH2M' HILL., Inc. • EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS -ference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM56 37.81 A chiseled "+" on top center bolt on fire hydrant at southeast corner of the intersection of Sand Point Way NE and NE 95th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM57 62.45 Found standard disk in top of south end of a retaining wall at northwest corner : of the intersection of Sand Point Way and Inverness Drive NE. RM58 25.56 Located near the City of Kirkland, chiseled square in top north end concrete bridge on 98th Avenue NE crossing Forbes Creek, north of NE 106th Street. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM59 48.77 Located in the City of Kirkland, a -ailroad spike in power pole on west side of 108th Avenue NE, approximately 500 feet south of intersection of NE 108th Street and 108th Avenue NE, 8 inches north of Forbes Creek. Established by Horton , Dennis , and Associates. RM60 145.08 Located in the City of Kirkland, a railroad spike 2 inches up on the east side of a power pole on the west side of 116th Avenue NE (extended), approximately 150 feet south of intersection of 116th Avenue NE and NE 108th Street. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM61 162.97 Located in the City of Kirkland, a railroad spike 1 inch up a power pole on the north side of NE 112th Street, approximately 100 feet west of Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and approximately 900 feet east of intersection 116th Avenue NE and Ng 112th Street. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM62 39.04 NE 116th Street Bridge. Chiseled cross, top upstream curb on bridge near middle of bridge. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM63 93.70 A chiseled square on northeast corner westerly wheel guard on the Avondale Road bridge over Bear Creek, 1.8 miles north along • Avondale Road from the Avondale-Novelty H ill intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM64 29.30 Located in downtown Kirkland, top of north bolt on fire hydrant at northwest corner of the intersection of Commercial Street and Main Street. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM65 37.43 Located in the Cityof Kirkland, topof north bolt of fire hydrant at the southeast corner of the intersection of NE 43rd Street and NE Lake Washington Boulevard. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM66 45.02 Located in the City of Kirkland, top of a concrete monument at the northerly corner of the Humble Gas Station on the east side of Northeast Lake Washington Boulevard north side of State Highway 520. Established by Horton, Dennis, and Associates. RM67 324.45 A brass cap in a monument box in the northbound lane of 116th Avenue NE, stamped "King County T25N R5E", approximately 2,050 feet north of the intersection of NE 34th Street and 116th Avenue NE. RM68 314.16 The top of a monument at the intersection of 140th Avenue NE and NE 40th Street. RM69 48.16 Wood and steel railroad bridge downstream of 80th Place bridge. A boat spike set in riverward side of downstream piling to right bank abutment on Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge. RM70 42.29 Leary Way Bridge. Chiseled "V" in concrete curb at upstream side of center of bridge. ' RM71 45.39 LD & TK in top of southeast wingwall of bridge over Bear Creek on Redmond Fail (SH 202). I � EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM72 45.29 PPS-13C - Chiseled square on upstream top of a concrete guard rail wall in center; of the bridge at NE 45th Street. RM73 34.36 ' PPS-14A - Located due east of disposal plant is a painted mark on riverward side of sewer manhole rim. RM74 29.39 Northwesterly bolt on the base of met l power pole with a light at southeast c rner of intersection of Bothell Way NE (State Highway 522) and 45th Avenue NE. RM75 39.89 PP SNO 4-C - A chiseled square on the riverward end of concrete sidewalk to a house on NE 180th Street; left bank Snoqualmie River about 3.8 miles downstream from Woodinville Duvall Road bridge. RM76 42.20 PP SNO 5-A - A filled square on the upstream corner of the first step to the front porch of 1-1/2 story frame house on NE 180th Street; about 2.3 miles downstream from Woodinville Duvall Road bridge. RM77 42.37 PP SNO 6-A - A chiseled square on the concrete foundation at upstream landward corner of shed; south side of NE 180th Street about 1.9 miles downstream from Woodinville Duvall Road bridge. RM78 41.10 PP SNO 7-B - A chiseled square on the concrete pad at upstream riverward corner of a concrete block milk house on landward side of road about 650 feet downstream 'from 90 degree curve in road. RM79 55.51 PP SNO 9 - A chiseled square on the upstream landward corner of the concrete bridge pier on the right bank of the Snoqualmie iver at NE 124th Street (Novelty Hill Road). RM80 50.81 PP SNO 10 - Railroad spike 3.5 feet up on a maple tree along top of river bank; about 40 feet riverward of end of NE 108th Street. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM81 47.90 A railroad spike in a root on the upstream side of a 7 foot cedar stump; the easterly of two• stumps; 160 feet downstream from farm • road and 80 feet riverward of railroad track; on south side of Duvall-Fall City Road (203); approximately 1.6 miles south of Novelty. RM82 43.97 A boat spike 3 feet on landward side of 24 inch cottonwood tree, about 3-1/2 rails, upstream from cattle underpass about 50 feet riverward of railroad track; on southwest side of Duvall Fall City Road (203), 1.35 feet northwest of Stillwater, at Old Stuart • Siding trestle. RM83 68.19 PP SNO 8-A - A chiseled X on the northwest corner of the first step above ground of the concrete back porch of a house on east side of West River Road south of NE 145th Street: RM84 60.01 A standard United States Geological Survey disc on concrete anchor block at turnbuckle at northwest end of tram cable; 40• feet from tower for U.S. Geological Survey Gaging • Station tram; at Carnation Road, about one mile north of Carnation. RM85 73.50 Boat spike 1 .5 feet above ground on downstream side of 30 inch maple tree at river bank, on east side of West River Road (308th Avenue Southeast). RM8.6 91.36 1/2 inch rebar protruding 2 inches out of concrete porch and walkway between barn and house, at downstream landward corner of porch; at north end of SE 24th Street, about 1/4 mile from intersection with 312th Avenue SE. RM87 93.80 Chiseled square on concrete base of former silo 8 inches in from downstream riverward corner. Silo base is upstream one of a pair. Located south of Fisher Hatchery Road: about 300 feet from. intersection. with Fall City S'noqualmie Road. • EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM88 107.61 Chiseled square on top of curb at btl'idge on Fisher Hatchery Road over Tokul Creek. RM89 65.97 A 2-1/2 inch iron pipe in ground, 1 foot downstream from downstream piling of third piling bent landward from concrete bridge pier on east end of County Bridge, Number 1834-A across Snoqualmie River, on north side of NE 32nd Street. RM90 82.48 A boat spike 1.5 feet above ground on downstream side of 36 inch cedar tree at end of NE 20th Street; through farm gate, about 200 feet north of garage. RM91 72.28 A boat spike 1.5 feet above ground on 2-wire power pole, 3 feet east of fence line on downstream riverward side of pole, about 400 inches upstream from two concrete silos; farm is located on east side of West River Road (Pleasant Hill Road). RM92 90.10 Boat spike 1 .5 feet above ground in downstream side of 36 inch cottonwood stump 5 feet high, on landward side of levee at farmstead at north end of 328th Avenue SE, about 1/2 mile north of Redmond Fall City Road (202). RM93 103.29 Chiseled square on upstream cor-ier of concrete guardrail on concrete Statre Route 202 bridge over Snoqualmie River at Fall City. RM94 449.85 A chiseled square on northeast bridge deck over Raging River at intersection of 312th Avenue SE and Upper Preston Road, 0.140 mile southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from "T" intersection at Preston-Fall City Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM95 447.84 A chiseled square on southeast corner west concrete bridge abutment on SE 97th Street south of trailer park , 0 . 85 mile southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection, 0.20 mile south along SE 97th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM96 495.50 A 100-d spike in west face of power pole on south side Upper Preston Road 100 feet south of SE 97th Street Upper Preston Road • intersection, 0.90 mile southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM97 547.41 A 60-d spike on westerly face of power pole east side Upper Preston Road 300 feet southerly from mail box No. 10113, 1.35 miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM98 429.76 A chiseled square on top of landward corner II of left bank end of concrete guardrail on State Route 202 bridge over Snoqualmie River at Snoqualmie. Established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 99 420.76 A boat spike 2 feet above ground in riverward face of left bank, downstream corner of bridge piling at abutment of Burlington Northern Railroad bridge over Snoqualmie River, about 0.4 mile downstream from Snoqualmie Railroad Depot. Established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM100 416.73 A chiseled square in the southeast corner of a concrete foundation for a street- ligh , west of the intersection of River Street and Park Street, in front of an apartment house. Established by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM101 469.41 Railroad spike in downstream side of a 4 foot spruce tree, 150 feet landward from levee, 40 feet upstream from cook shack at end of Maloney's Grove Road. m102 483.63 Boat spike in 22 inch spruce tree on riverward side at ground level, 6 feet landward of levee shoulder on right bank, South Fork Snoqualmie River, about 0.5 mile upstream from Maloney's Resort. i� I EXHIBIT 3 7 ELEVATIONREFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Descri tion of Location RM103 4.95.70 Top of upstream right bank pier nose rounding on concrete bridge over South Fork Snoq.ualmie River at Cedar Falls Road; no mark made.. RM104 589.16 A chiseled "+" on top west bolt on a fire hydrant on north side Upper Preston Road at "Y" intersection with 324th Place SE, 1.60 • miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection . Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. RM105 612.81 A chiseled "+" on top westerly bolt on a fire hydrant on the north side Upper .Preston Road 30 feet westerly of driveway to house No. 10820, .1.95 miles southeasterly along Upper . Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM106 653.02 A 100-d spike on north face of power pole on the west side Upper Preston Road at ,end of country road, 20 feet. south 'of end of • pavement, 2.60 miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection. Established by CH2M,, HILL Inc. . RM107 620.18 A 3-inch brass cap in concrete marked T23N, R7E 1/64 at corner of northeast/southwest 1968 in Shultz Road intersection at abandoned fish hatchery, 2.9 miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection to Shultz Road intersection, • 1,300 feet westerly along road to poin . RM108 644.92 A chiseled' square on northeast corner of concrete pier on upstream side of wood-decked bridge on Upper Preston Road over Raging River, 3.3 miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall 'City intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM109 6.70.77 A 60-d spike in west face of power pole 150 feet north of the south end of 126th SE, 12 feet east of 126th Street, SE, 35 feet north -of private driveway to the east, 3.b miles southeasterly along Upper Preston Road from Preston-Fall City intersection 'to end of road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc.. EXHI!BIT'3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location R14110 346.03 A 60-d spike on power pole on northeast corner of the intersection of 'Issaquah-Hobart • Road and SE 156th Street, 0.90 mile southl along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grove • intersection. . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc • 161111 338.99 A 60-d spike on southeast guardrail post in southeast corner of bridge over Issaquah Creek on 252nd Avenue SE, 1.34 miles south along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grove on ,inter ecti 400 feet south along252nd intersection, Avenue SE: Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. 7I. I 7112 363.28 A 60-d spike innortherly face of guy pole on southerly side of Issaquah-Hobart Road 400 feet southeast of SE 164th Street, on outside • curve of road, 1.70 miles southeasterly along Issaquah-Hobart Road from 'Cedar Grove intersection. Established 'by CH2M HILL, Inc. Rk113 390.02 A 60-d spike on north face of power pole on southerly edge of Issaquah-Hobart Road, 100 feet northwesterly of driveways to houses No. 16933 and 17124, 2..2 miles southeasterly along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grote intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM114 424.18 A railroad :spike on northerly face of power pole on southwesterly 'edge of Issaquah-Hobart Road, 200 feet southerly of house, '2.7 miles southeasterly along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grove intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. � I RM115 486.74 A brass screw and washer on northeast corner of 'bridge walk over •Holder-Issaquah Creek on SR 18 access road from Issaquah-Hobart Road, 3.4 miles southeasterly along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grove intersection. RM116 527.24 A chiseled square around existing head and tack northwest of concrete bridge rail post over Holder 'Creek on Issaquah-Hobart Road, 800 feet northeast of SR 18, 3.75 miles southeast along Issaquah-Hobart Road from Cedar Grove intersection. 'I I I ' II I I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation 1Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM117 425.28 A chiseled square in the top of the left bank concrete pier on the downstream end, and just off the downstream riverward corner of the steel anchor plate on a bridge o er the • Snoqualmie River, 0.4 mile northeast of Mount SR High School on Meadowbrook Avenue. Established by the U.S. Army Corps of • Engineers. RM118 430.53 Chiseled square on downstream riverward corner of concrete foundation of 3-car garage on north side of Ernies Grove Road; about 1 mile upstream from Meadowbrook Avenue bridge. RM119 417.34 Boat spike 1 foot above ground in upstream face of upstream side of 3 each i18 inch cottonwoods 15 feet landward from top of bank and in fence line on right bank of Middle Fork Snoqualmie River about 100 feet upstream from confluence with North Fork. RM120 433.58 Boat spike in downstream end of 12 inch by 12 inch horizontal timber across top of first pile back riverward from left bank abutment of 428th Avenue SE bridge over Middle Fork Snoqualmie River. RM121 433.07 Boat spike flush with top of 24 inch fir stump, 0.2 foot from upstream side. Stump is 4 inches landward of bank and is riverward stump of a pair joined by a plank; near red barn at end of SE 100th Street. 1 RM122 431.81 Chiseled square in downstream landward corner of left bank abutment of 428th Avenue SE bridge over North Fork Snoqualmie Rivelr. RM123 427.79 Boat spike driven vertically in landward root of 18 inch alder tree which is riverward 1 anchor for wire gate in fence line, bout 10 feet downstream from pig pen, on left bank of North Fork Snoqualmie River between 428th and 436th Avenues. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM124 436.80 Boat spike 1 foot above ground in downstream face of triple 18 inch cottonwood tree, 15 feet upstream from road centerline and 15 feet landward from top of levee; on left bank North Fork Snoqualmie River about 0.7 mile from intersection of Moon Valley Road and 436th Avenue SE. RM125 448.24 Boat spike 0.3 foot above ground in downstream face of 10 inch maple tree of a cluster of 7 trees holding a tree house; on left bank of North Fork Snoqualmie River about 0.9 mile from intersection of Moon Valley Road and 436th Avenue SE. RM126 931.45 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey standard disk, stamped "931.438 Z 58 1934," set in top of concrete post located on the Burlington Northern Railroad, 161 feet west of station, 17 feet north of track, in southwest corner of a flower garden, 3.5 feet east of west fence, and 2 feet north of south fence. RM127 939.82 Set railroad spike in the center of a white painted premark at the intersection of NE Stevens Pass Highway and 5th Street, just west of easterly lane entering onto bridge from the east. Temporary Bench Mark S-1. Established CH2M HILL, Inc. RM128 14.93 A chiseled square on concrete footing of southwest corner of cyclone fence around Boeing Development Center. RM129 121.29 A boat spike in northeasterly face of power pole on south side SW Brandon Street, 50 feet westerly of creek, southerly along SW Delridge Way from Spokane-Seattle Freeway to SW Brandon Street, then west to point. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM130 130.64 A chiseled "+" on top north bolt of fire hydrant at the northeast corner of the intersection of 26th Avenue SW and SW Juneau Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3. - ELEVATION' REFERENCE MARKS Deference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Descri•tion of Location RM131 146..90 A chiseled"+" on top center of fire :hydrant bolt at northeasterly corner of "Y" intersection, of 24th Avenue SW and 25th Avenue SW. Established by CH2M. HILL, Inc. RM132. 156.50 A chiseled "+" on top of most west- northwesterly bolt of concrete power pole at northeast corner of intersection of 24th Avenue SW and SW' Willow Street. Est1 blished by CH2M'. HILL, Inc. • RM133 170.44 A chiseled. "+" on. top center bolt. of fire hydrant on the northeast corner of the intersection of 24th Avenue SW and SW. Myrtle Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM134 227.80 A chiseled "+" on top center bolt of fire hydrant .at southeast corner of the intersection of SW Webster Street. and 24th Avenue SW. Established' by CH2M HILL, 'Inc. RM135 243.01 A chiseled "+" on top of westerly bolt of fire hydrant on north side of SW Holden Street,, 300 feet west of intersection of SW Holden Street and Delridge Way SW. (Hydrant is on west side of creek. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM136 263.69 A chiseled "+" on top bolt of northwest corner light pole at southeast c.ornerl, of the intersection of Delridge Way SW and SW Kenyon S.treet.. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM137 281.93' A chiseled "+" on top. center bolt of fire hydrant at southeast corner of the intersection of SW Thistle Street and 25th Avenue SW. Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. RM138 310.69 A chiseled "+" on top of northeast bolt of' traffic light standard southwest corner of the intersection of Delridge Way SW and SW Thistle Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Maik (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM139 258.28 A chiseled "+" on north rim of a manhole storm drain on west edge of creek, 150 feet north 'of blue painted house, address No. 8145. House is 200 feet north of SW Thistle Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM140 16.97 A chiseled cross on top concrete footing of southeast leg of steel tower for power line; jl 500 feet west of State Route 99 and 1,000 feet north of Duwamish Drive-In Theatre. 161141 20.84 A chiseled cross on top of southeast corner of concrete wing wall of steel bridge over Green River; 1 foot east of east edge of concrete walk over bridge. RM142 26.27 A chiseled cross on top of left downstream end of concrete pier of steel highway bridge'. 143 18.76 A chiseled cross on southeast end of concrete sidewalk to footbridge at top 'of left bank. RM144 17.35 A chiseled square at left downstream end of concrete bridge pier, Riverton Highway bridge. RM145 200.73 At Normandy a dy Park, a spike in power pole on north side of 171 Street. First pole east of 2nd Avenue SW (HD3). RM14 6.37 At Normandy Park in top of 2-inch iron pipe. Protruding 0.06 foot above concrete pipe is set 0.6 foot in from south edge and 8 feet from east edge in concrete boat launching ramp at Normandy Park Community Beach (HD65)1. RM147 36.50 At Normandy Park, a railroad spike in power pole with street light on south side of the intersection of Shorebrook Drive and entrance drive to Normandy Park Community Swimming Pool (HD63). • RM148 77.67 At Normandy Park, a square on edge of driveway entrance to the house on northwest corner of Shorebrook Drive and SW 174th Street. Square is near the east corner of drive SW 174th Street (HD13). � I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation IMark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM149 163.23 At Normandy Park, railroad spike in guy pole on east side Marine View Drive at its intersection with Channon Drive (HD22). RM150 291.54 X in top center bolt on fire hydrant northeast corner of intersection of Marine View Drive and SW 208th Street (HD51). RM151 9.82 A standard brass disk mounted in concrete, in a 6-inch diameter concrete pipe 24h inches below ground surface, 2 feet north of survey marker post, 80 feet southwest of the centerline of the north entrance to the Des Moines Marina. Established by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey STA. Des Moines. RM152 10.62 At Des Moines Marina, top of the bolt at the base of a fire hydrant just below the "e" in the word "patent," on the west side of the hydrant. The fire hydrant is at the southeast end of the marina parking lot by the Whales Tail restaurant, 12 feet north of a chain link fence, 30 feet east of a metal light post with a concrete base. ) Fire hydrant has two round concrete guard posts to the northeast and northwest and two square posts to the southeast and southwest . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM153 260.89 A mounument in the center of the cu_-de-sac of NE 14th Place. RM154 244.60 Top of upstream end of bellmouth culvert at Kelsey Creek at 148th Avenue NE. RM155 244.16 Top of upstream end of culvert on Kelsey Creek at NE 8th Street. RM156 245.89 The top of upstream end of culvert on Kelsey Creek at west crossing on NE 6th Street. RM157 254.75 The upstream left bank corner of head wall on culvert on Kelsey Creek at Main Street crossing. it EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS RefelIrence Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM158 260.66 At upstream end of culvert crossing on Kelsey Creek at Lake Hills Boulevard. The top of a bolt in northernmost position on 12-inch • water main. RM159 260.91 Top of a monument at the intersection of SE • 16th Street and 156 Avenue SE. RM160 115.80 At SE 38th Avenue crossing of Vasa Creek, on upstream curb at northeast corner. RM161 132.56 At 163rd Avenue SE crossing of Vasa Creek, in the center on top of downstream end of culvert. RM162 294.75 A spike in telephone pole 2,131, 600 feet east of 116th Avenue SE. RM163 257.92 At 34th Street NE crossing of Yarrow Creek, on top of upstream end of culvert. RM164 246.96 At 116th Avenue NE crossing of Yarrow Creek, on top of upstream end of culvert. RM165 274.95 The top bolt on a fire hydrant on the wet side of 140th Avenue NE, near mailbox 3440. RM166 243.25 A PK nail on the east side of 140 Avenue NE near mailbox 3010. RM167 205.17 The top of a monument at the intersection of 140th Avenue NE and NE 24th Street. RM168 190.42 The top of a monument at the intersection of 140th Avenue NE and NE 20th Street. RM169 183.26 A monument at the centerline of the intersection of Bellevue-Redmond Road and 140th Avenue NE. R1I170 194.32 From 134th Avenue NE, northeast along Bellevue-Redmond Road to intersection with large power transmission lines. A bolt with a metal tag on a fire hydrant on south side of the road. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R ference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD') Description of Location RM171 141.92 A spike in power pole no. 1029 at Kelsey Creek at 134th Avenue NE. RM172 117.83 The upstream top of culvert on Kelsey Creek, 50 feet east of intersection of NE 8th Street and 132nd Avenue NE. MR173 139.82 The high point on the south end of the concrete encasements for two culvert under 132nd Avenue NE, on the west side of the road at East Branch of West Tributary to Kelsey Creek. RM174 129.44 A brass cap in the centerline of tie road near 939 129th Place NE. RM175 104.75 The upstream top right corner of culvert on West Tributary Kelsey Creek at NE 8th Street. RM176 123.87 A spike in power pole number 356 DN between 434 and 444 129th Place NE. RM177 80.54 The upstream top of bellmouth culvert on West Tributary Kelsey Creek at NE 3rd Street. RM178 52.26 Top of the north end of the culvert under NE 1st Street at West Tributary Kelsey Creek. RM179 45.06 The top of the monument at the intersection of SE 4th Place and 130th Place SE. RM180 38.25 The upstream top right bank streamward corner of culvert abutment on West Tributary Kelsey Creek at SE 4th Place at Kelsey Creek Park. RM181 40.97 Top of the monument at the intersection of SE 7th Place and 130th Place SE. RM182 33.75 The top of the northeast bolt of the left hand turn signal of the eastbound lane, of the Lake Hills Connector. RM183 27.54 At 123rd Avenue SE crossing of Mercer Creek, top of upstream head wall of culvert, south corner painted orange. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Ij Reference Elevation • Mark (ft. NOVD,) Description of Location R1f184 27.60 The top of the iron rod in monument' box at the. intersection of SE 8th Street and 118th Avenue SE, 185 49.38 The top bolt on the fire hydrant on the north • side of SE 3rd Street, 3 feet west of power pole 10228. Rr86 24.22 A chiseled square on the northeast corner of a large concrete slab 200 feet south of the • intersection of 101st Avenue SE and 100th Avenue SE, on the west side of 100th Avenue SE. R_l18 32.28 A chiseled square on the northeast end of the • curb at the Bellevue pumping station, the northwest corner of the intersection of SE 6th Street and 102nd Avenue SE. • • RM18: • 29.81 The southwest bolt on light pole 1230 on the west side of 112th Avenue SE and' at the entrance to Bellfield Office Park., ji RM189 51.20 Top of the northeast bolt on the light pole in the median at the intersection of 112th Avenue SE and Bellevue Way SE. RM190 42.70 A spike in a power pole 100 feet south of the entrance to the blueberry field, east of Bellevue Way. RM191 22.83 East and southeast along access road to Seattle Sweyolocken pumping station, a PK H nail and shiner in the centerline of the bike path 30 feet south of the traffic overpass. RM192 37.20 • At private crossing of Richards Creek (to lumber yard). A chiseled square in. the upstream head wall of the culvert, on top in • the center. RM193 85.53 A PK nail on the east side of 132nd Street SE, 75 feet south of SE• 23rd Street. 194 50.5.6 A nail in the southeast face of power pole no. LS-MI on SE 26th Street. II • EXHIBIT 3 — ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R-ference Elevation Mark (ft. NCVD) Description of Location RM195 72.42 A nail in the southeast face of a power pole 175 feet north of the intersection of SE 30th Street and 132nd Avenue SE on the east side of the road. • RM196 81.94 The northeast corner of a catch basin 40 feet southeast of the intersection of 132nd Avenue • SE and SE 32nd Street on the west side of the street. RM197 102.00 At Puget Power, on southeast 32nd Street crossing, top of upstream end of 6—foot culvert. RM198 155.84 500 feet south along Richards Creek from Frontage Road, a chiseled X on the south rim of a sewer manhole. RM199 194.43 About 1,500 feet south of Frontage Road along Richards Creek, a chiseled X on the west rim of a sewer manhole. RM200 280.45 A brass tack in a lead plug on top of a culvert inlet structure at the south end of the Tyee Jr. High School track. RM201 309.85 A bolt on the trash rack of the culvert on the east side of the entrance road to Tyee Jr. High School. RM202 36.33 At Skagit Key crossing of Coal Creek on top of upstream left bank wing wall of culvert on streamward corner, painted orange. RM203 41.02 At Cascade Key crossing, a chiseled sTuare on the northwest corner of the bridge abutment on the west side of Cascade Key. RM204 20.67 At Lummi Key crossing of Coal Creek, upstream end of culvert top of culvert at center of culvert. RM205 22.99 At Newport Key crossing of Coal Creek upstream end of culvert, top of bolt head in center top of culvert. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mirk (ft. NGVD) Description of Location � I RM206 27.26 At Glacier Key crossing of Coal Creek on top of upstream left bank wing wall of culvert on streamward corner, painted orange. RM20 203.70 2.1 miles southeast on Coal Creek Parkway, then southeast along Coal Creek 0.4 mile, a spike in the east side of a 10-inch maple tree on the northeast side of Coal Creek. RM20: 221.97 2.1 miles southeast along Coal Creek Parkway SE then 0.5 mile southeast along Coal Creek, a spike in the east side of a 24-inch alder tree on the north side of Coal Creek. RM209 242.73 2.1 miles southeast along Coal Creek Parkway SE, then 0.7 mile southeast along Coal Creek, a nail in the north side of an 18-inch alder tree on the east side of Coal Creek. 1210 75.31 Top bolt located 0.5 foot north of south end of a 3-foot concrete walk at southeast corner of Interstate Highway 405 bridge crossing May Creek, situated in the northwest quarter of Section 32, T24N, R5E, Willamette Meridian. Established by City of Renton Public Works Department. RM211 95.92 Railroad spike in power pole number 1925, at northeast corner of yard at 1925 NE 31st Street, situated in the southeast quarter If Section 32, T24N, R5E, Willamette Meridian. Established by City of Renton Public Works Department. ��RM212 115.93 Railroad spike in power pole number 1094, at residential address 5312 NE 31st Street, situated in the southeast quarter of Section 32, T24N, R5E, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. Established by City lof Renton Public Works Department. I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R-ference Elevation ( Mark (ft. NGVD)• Description' of Location RM213 317.17 A chiseled "+" on top bolt of fire hydrant at 90-degree bend in SE .95th Way, north side of street, 600 feet east of 132nd Avenue SE, south 0.19 mile along Coal Creek Parkway SE from SE May Valley intersection, 0.24 mile west along SE 95th Way. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM214 311.04 A chiseled square on northwest corner 'of Coal • Creek Parkway SE bridge over May Cr-ek, 100 feet south of SE May Valley Road . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM215 325.37 A 60-d spike in southeast face of power pole at southeast corner intersection of May Valley Road and private driveway to house No. . 14111, 0.35 mile easterly along SE May Valley Road from its intersection with Coal Creek Parkway SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM216 307.91 Top of 2-inch by 6-inch staff gage at southwest corner concrete arch bridge on 143rd Avenue SE, 0.44 mile easterly along SE May Valley Road from its intersection with Coal Creek Parkway SE, then 250 feet south along 143rd Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM217 308.79 A 60-d spike on southeast bridge abutment on 148th Avenue SE over May Creek, 0.117 mile easterly along SE May Valley Road from its intersection with Coal Creek Parkway SE., then 400 feet south along 148th Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM218 331.85 A P.K. nail and shiner in centerline SE May Valley Road on intersection with dirt road, 1.46 miles easterly along SE May Valley Road from Coal Creek Parkway SE intersection. • Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM219 41.44 Top of downstream riverward corner weir of concrete base for "Lake Sammamish State Park" sign. RM220 49.43 Top of turn-off valve of fire plug 20 feet Landward of road. Next to Building No. 10 in Industrial Park. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NCVD) Description of Location RM221 32.02 • Boat spike driven in upstream riverward face of leaning 8 inch willow at top of bank. • RM222 35.67 A 5/8 inch bolt on the downstream and middle of footbridge, located at the northwest corner of parking lot. RM223 49.31 Chiseled X in downstream edge of manhole rim at left side of road. RM224 51.42 Located on SE 56th Street Bridge NW Sammamish Ij Road. The top of a 5/8 inch bolt on the 6th guard post from right bank on downstream side of bridge. The bolt is the top and landward of 4 bolts. RM225 51.82 Top of concrete at downstream riverward corner of wing wall on downstream right bank of bridge. RM226 56.93 Boat spike driven horizontally into downstream stringer 1.2 feet above left bank pile cap. RM227 . 67.52 A chiseled square on the outside downstream edge of concrete bridge near middle point; opposite small catch basin in roadway of bridge. RM22 59.04 Top of 1/4 inch steel band around 60 inch diameter steel culvert on downstream end. RM22 80.72 West of intersection of State 900 and State 901.. Top of downstream left corner of middle concrete post in downstream guard rail.. RM230 113.96 Boat spike on upstream face of power pole. RM231 133.74 A boat spike driven horizontally into downstream end of 4 by 1.2 decking plank at center of bridge. 61232 173.79 Boat spike driven vertically into top of 16 inch log which is top log of downstream retaining wall over twin 30 foot corrugated metal pipes. EXHIBIT 3 — ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM233 199.01 Boat spike driven vertically into root of 26 inch maple on the downstream side; tree is 10 feet landward of top bank and 30 feet upstream of house. RM234 68.37 Top of concrete at downstream right bank angle point of retaining wall for pipe outfall. RM235 104.18 A chiseled square in top and downstream edge of downstream curb and center of concrete bridge. RM236 67.52 Located on old U.S. 10 Bridge at Dogwood Street. Chiseled square on the outside downstream edge of the bridge near the mid point, opposite small catch basin in roadway. RM237 80.54 Located on Dogwood Street Bridge. The top of the bolt, second one up from bottom on right bank edge of middle guard post on downstream side of bridge. RM238 112.72 Located at State Fish Hatchery. A chiseled square on top of 3 foot by 6 inch concrete support for 8 inch sewerline south of fish ladder. RM239 88.32 Located at Darigold Plant on North Front Street. Top of concrete retaining wall at downstream river corner. RM240 103.93 At NE Dogwood Bridge. Top of curb at downstream left bank second guard post from left bank. RM241 126.70 Corner of Birch Street and 5th Aveneue. Top and end of most riverward concrete retaining wall for garage. RM242 128.56 Located on Sycamore Drive Bridge. Chiseled square in left bank at the downstream corner of the sidewalk. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE K MAR S Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM243 106.06 Boat spike driven horizontally in riverward upstream face of 14 inch alder near a maple clump. RIM244 179.06 Boat spike 0.5 foot above ground in upstream face of 8 inch alder, most downstream tree of group of three and 8 feet landward of top bank. R1424, 188.21 Boat spike 0.3 foot above ground in upstream face of 18 foot fir. RM246 197.86 Top of concrete on downstream riverward corner of outdoor fireplace. RM247 214.40 Boat spike in downstream face of a 48 inch maple. RM248 234.34 Top channel iron on southwest corner of bridge rail over main tributary Issaquah Creek on May Valley Road, 0.38 mile southwesterly along May Valley Road from Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM249 310.34 A 60- d spike in northern face of a power pole south side southeast May Valley Road, 250 feet easterly, driveway address No. 22414, 0.74 mile westerly along SE May Valley Road from the intersection of Issaquah-Hobart Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM250 317.74 A spike in telephone pole 80 feet south of 1 Issaquah Creek on 217th Aveneue SE, 1.3 miles westerly along SE May Valley Road from Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection. 0.19 mile south along 217th Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. E ..1251 323.88 A railroad spike in east face of 12-inch maple tree south side of creek, east side culvert on SE 208th Street, 1.8 miles west along SE May Valley Road from Issaquah-Hobart Road, 0.20 mile along SE 208th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. ' I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) . Description of Location RM252 356.40 A railroad spike in. south face of poJer pole north side May- Valley Road, east o creek culvert, 100 feet east. of 208th Avenue SE, 1.80 miles west along SE May Valley Road, from the Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM253 323.67 A chiseled "X" on top of west end 48-inch steel culvert on private road 700 feet east of 202nd Avenue SE, 2.15 miles west along SE May Valley Road from Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection, 650 feet south along private road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM254 323.19 A chiseled "X" on top of west end 48-inch steel culvert on 202nd Avenue SE, 2.30 miles west along SE May Valley Road frlom the Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection, then 600 feet south along 202nd Avenue SE . Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. RM255 243.93 A chiseled "+" on top of a bolt on fire hydrant west side 229th Drive SE, 200 feet south. of Issaquah Creek tributary (marked Mason Creek), 0.50 mile southwesterly along May Creek Road from Issaquah-Hobart Road intersection, 0.17 mile south along 229th Drive SE. Established by CH2M HILL, I . c. RM256 253.17 A chiseled "X" on rail bolt on southwest corner bridge over main tributary Issaquah Creek under 229th Drive SE east of SE 141st Court, 0.50 mile southwesterly along May Creek Road from its intersection with Issaquah-Hobart Road, 0.34 mile south along 229th Drive SE'. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM257 295.50 A chiseled square around existing lead and tack top southwest corner Cedar. Grove bridge over Issaquah Creek, 200' feet north of SE 156th Street, 0.85 mile south along Cedar Grove Road from its intersection with Issaquah-Hobart Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. it I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION. REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark ' (ft.. N.GVD) Description of Location 11 RRM258 306.68 A 60-d spike on westerly face of power pole at the northeast corner of the intersection of Dempseys driveway and southeast 1566 Street, 0,.90 mile south along Cedar Gro.ie Road from its intersection with Issaquah- Hobart Road, 0.36 mile east along SE 156th • Street.. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc.. li. • RM259 188..87, Post Number 9.8 at the left ban , approximately about 960 feet southeasterly • from intersection of Jones Road and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad measured along tracks. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM260 210.59 Post Number 11 at the left bank approximately 0.5 ' mile northwesterly from intersection of Cedar Grove Road and Maple Valley Highway - measured along highway. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM261 320.20. Found a 3/4-inch bar in centerline sidewalk south end' of east side 164th Avenue SE bridge over May Creek, 2.3 miles easterly along, SE May Valley Road from its intersection with Coal Creek Parkway SE,. then 300 feet south along 164th Avenue SE. RM262 347.27 A chiseled' "+" on top of fire hydrant at 1 northeast corner intersection SE May Valley Road. and 176th Avenue SE, 3.1 miles easterly along SE May Valley. Road from its intersection with Coal Creek Parkway. Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. R4263 328.18. A chiseled, "+"' on top5/8-inch threaded of / bolt protruding from top concrete covering on a corrugated steel arch culvert on west side of Renton-Issaquah Road, 3.5 miles easterly along SE May Valley Road. from Coal Creek Parkway intersection to Renton-Issaquah intersection, then 400 feet southerly along • Renton-Issaquah Road. Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. II EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation 'Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM264 333.83 Top of 1-inch bolt on northwest corner of bridge abutment on north side SE May Valley Road 200 feet east of Renton-Issaquah Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM265 330.62 A railroad spike in east face of a power pole on west side of SE 188th Street just north of May Creek tributary, 0.39 mile easterly along SE May Valley Road from its intersection with Renton-Issaquah, then 0.30 mile south along E 188th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM266 364.38 A spike in south end guardrail on east side of Renton-Issaquah Road, 30 feet south of box culvert, 100 feet north of Issaquah Highlands Camping Club, 0.85 mile northeasterly along Renton-Issaquah Road from its intersection with SE May Valley Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM267 107.08 Post Number 6.1 on the right bank, across from entrance to Camp Freeman. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM268 123.6 Post Number 7 on the right bank 80 feet downstream from Lamont driveway which goes from number 17055 Jones Road to the river. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM269 155.59 Post Number 8.2 on the right bank irectly across river, railroad and highway from King County Maple Valley Shops; at end of Scott- Indian dike. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM270 168.14 Post Number 9 on the right bank just upstream from point of convergence of access road and dike. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM271 229.58 Post Number 12 on the Left bank approximately 150 feet downstream from road to river in Lion' s Camp. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM272 253.92 Post Number 13 on the right bank at downstream end of Jan Road dike. Brass cap in base of staff gage. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM27 272.99 Post Number 13.7 on the left bank between highway bridge and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad tressel. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM274 304.52 Post Number 15 on the left bank between two railroad bridges. Brass cap in base of staff gage. R 275 344.30 Post Number 16.1 on the right bank about 50 feet downstream from railroad tressel. Brass cap in base of staff gage. 7276 367.45 Post Number 17 on the left bank just downstream from railroad tressel. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM277 25.71 Found a chiseled square in the northwest corner of the northwest wingwall on the Boeing access bridge over Cedar River, 0.32 mile north of the Logan Avenue South bridge over the Cedar River. City of Renton benchmark. RM278 37.01 Found a standard disk set in top of the northwesterly corner of Logan Avenue South bridge guardrail over Cedar River. NGS benchmark. RM2 9 40.98 Found a standard disk set in the northeast corner of Bronson Way North bridge over Cedar River. NGS benchmark. RM2 0 37.54 Set a 60-d spike in the west face of power pole at the southwest corner of the Stoneway Concrete Company property on the right side of the Cedar River. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM2:1 40.53 Top of northwest corner of sidewalk at unlit number 96 of the Riviera Motel. Establishled by the City of Renton Public Works Department. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM282 61.86 State Highway brass cap set in concrete guardrail and retaining wall on State Route 169, approximately 0.85 mile south of intersection with Interstate Highway 405. • Established by the City of Renton Public Works Department. RM283 387.21 Found a railroad spike in the west face of a power pole at the southwest corner of intersection of SE 176th Street and 122nd Place SE. RM284 26.64 A chiseled "+" on top of the most northerly of two bolts on the west side of a 4-foot- diameter steel powerline tower 300 feet west of No. 1 Renton Place Building, 20 feet north of unnamed creek, 25D feet east' of the Renton Cinemas in Renton Village Place. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM285 28.57 Top bolt on the south leg of powerline tower, 300 feet north of the No. 3 Renton Place Building in South Renton Village P.lacle. The tower is 200 feet west of the southwest corner of South Grady Way and SR 515. RM286 68.47 Railroad spike painted yellow, 1 foot up northeast face of power pole on south side of State Route 169 (Maple Valley Road) south of railroad, second pole east of west end of Maple Wood Golf Course. Established by City of Renton Public Works Department. RM287 69.57 Post . Number 4.2 on the left bank between highway bridge and railroad bridge near south end of Maplewood Golf Course. Brass cap in base of staff gage. RM288 380.32 A chiseled "+" on top center bolt on a fire hydrant at the south dead end of 124t:h Avenue SE, south 0.50 mile along 116th Avenue SE from its intersection with SE 176th Street, then east 0.50 mile along SE 184th Street, then south 0.13 mile along 124th Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation • Mark (ft. NCVD) Description of Location RM289 385.76 A chiseled "+" on top of the southwest bolt on a fire hydrant at the northeast corner of the intersection of 124th Avenue SE and SE • 192nd Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM290 383.77 A chiseled "+" on the southeast bolt on ,a • fire hydrant in front of house no. 19921 133rd Avenue SE. 200 feet north of .tributary from the east to Big Soos Creek, 0.79 mile northeasterly along Youngs Lake Way from its intersection with SE 208th Street, then 0.45 mile westerly along SE 200th Street., then 200 feet westerly along 133rd Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HIL, Inc. RM29' 365.71 Found a chiseled square in the northwest corner of the Youngs Lake Way bridge over Big Soos Creek, 0.34 mile northerly along Youngs Lake Way from its intersection with SE 208th Street. RM292 358.65 A chiseled square in the top of the southwest wingwall of the SE 208th Street bridge over Big Soos Creek, 0.31 mile east along SE 208th Street from it intersection with 132nd Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM293 349.25 A railroad spike in the top of support bulkhead timber at the southeast corner of the SE 216th Street bridge over Big Soos Creek, 0.50 mile south along 132nd Avenue $.E from its intersection with SE 208th Street, then 0.27 mile east along SE 216th Street.. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM294 346.67 Found a tack in lead in top of concrete curb at the northwest corner of the SE 224th Street bridge over Big Soos Creek, 2.04 miles 1 north along 148th Avenue SE for its intersection with SE 256th Street, then 0.64 mile west along SE 244th Street {Church Road). I � I. ' EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R-ference Elevation IMark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM295 341.34 A railroad spike in base of west face of a double-trunked 7-inch alder 2,000 feet upstream for the 48th Avenue bridge over Big Soos Creek 90 feet east of the creek, and 20 • feet north of the north edge of a clearing. ' RM296 333.00 A railroad spike in the southwest headwall • abutment of the SE 244th Street brid1ge over Big Soos Creek, 0.79 mile north along 148th Avenue SE from its intersection with SE 256th Street, then 0.10 mile east along SE 244th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM297 330.37 A chiseled square in the top concrete rail on the northwest corner of the 148th Avenue SE bridge, 0.31 mile west along SR 516 from the SR 18 overcrossing, then 1.05 miles north along 160th Aveneue SE, then 0.48 mile west along SE 256th Street, then 0.10 mile north along SE 256th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM298 330.30 A chiseled "+" on the northwest bolt of a fire hydrant at the northeast corner of the intersection of 148th Avenue SE and SE 256th Street, 0.31 mile west along SR 516 from the SR 18 overcrossing, then 1.05 mile north along 160th Avenue SE, then 0.48 mile west along SE 256th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM299 325.87 A railroad spike in the west face power pole with transformer, 25 feet south of centerline of a dirt driveway, 60 feet east of "Y" intersection to the driveways, 75 feet north of a yellow painted barn-style house, 150 feet west of 160th Avenue SE. Driveway address is 26427 160th Avenue. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. i I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM300 339.77 A chiseled "+" on the northeast bolt of a fire hydrant on the east side of 160th Aveneue SE, 0.31 mile west along 272nd Avenue SE(SR 516) from the SR 18 overcrossing, then 0.20 mile north along 160th Avenue SE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM301 325.41 A chiseled square in base of the northwest corner of concrete bridge railing at the west end of the 272nd Avenue SE bridge over Big Soos Creek, 0.35 mile west along 272nd Avenue SE (SR 516) from the SR 18 overcrossing. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM302 324.00 Top of a steel pin in a WSHD monument case , 5 feet south of the fog strip on the south edge of SR 18, 260 feet west of the west end of the bridge over Big Soos Creek. RM303 313.14 A railroad spike in west face of a 30-inch Douglas fir tree at the south end of a field at the north end of a group of firs, 120 feet north of a north set of power lines; 170 feet east of Big Soos Creek, 1,900 feet upstream from Kent-Black Diamond Road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM304 307.09 A chiseled square in the top of a vertical angle point on the northwest corner of the Kent-Black Diamond Road bridge abutment over Big Soos Creek, 0.39 mile southeasterly along the Kent-Black Diamond Road from the SR 18 overpass. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. aRM305 171.342 Found a USC&CS disk on top of a concrete rail at the southeast corner of the Jenkins Creek railroad bridge. Level line no. 101. RM306 289.93 A chiseled square on top of the north side of a concrete block on top of a concrete manhole 9 feet east of the east rail, 300 feet south of the Jenkins Creek bridge. Established b y CH2M HILL, Inc. 1 EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION. REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark . (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM307 260.86 Painted east rim of a concrete manhole: 6 feet west of the west railroad track. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM308 220.61 Top of 1-inch threaded. bolt protruding 0.30 foot above 2-foot by 2-foot concrete block 10 feet south of south rail,. 10.0 feet west of the intersection of Big Soos Creek and the railroad crossing. Established by CH2M HILL,. Inc. RM309 177.67 Chiseled square in southwest bridge abutment of Whitney Bridge, 18 inches. above ground. RM310 95.21 Chiseled "Square" 18 inches above ground, on top of southwest corner of Flaming Geyser Road Bridge abutment. RM311 98.89 Boat spike 1 foot above ground in no th side of 14 inch alder, 30 feet from. river,. 40 feet downstream, from old back slough on right bank, 600 feet from Bertsch Farm and' Nursery,. • 1.00 feet west of edge of field. RM312 115.75 Boat spike 2 feet above ground in east side of 24 inch alder, 20 feet. east of gravel road leading to river, 50 feet from old river bed, 30U feet from. existing river. RM:313 133..70 Boat spike 2 feet above ground' in so th. side of lone 10. inch alder, 10 feet north of edge of Green River, 3 feet south of east-west barbed wire fence, 30 feet west of southeast fence corner. • RM314 100.01 A U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey disk stamped "Y" 458/1973 located on top and 0.4 foot east of the west end of the: south. concrete abutment of the Burlington. Northern Railroad ' steel truss bridge over the. White River approximately 3 miles south of Auburn. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM313 133.70 Boat spike 2 feet above ground in south side of lone TO inch alder, 10' feet north of edge of Green River, 3 feet south of east-west barbed wire fence, 30 feet west of southeast . fence corner. RM314 100.01 A U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey disk stamped "Y" 458/1973 located on top and 0.4 foot east of• the west end of the south concrete abutment of the Burlington Northern Railroad steel truss bridge over the White River approximately 3 miles south of Auburn. 1�M315 122.22' Railroad spike in power pole no. 907 at north side of 37th Street SE - 4th pole west of IM Street SE. Established by the City of Auburn. RM316 75.71 Top Washington State Highway Department Monument at center line 15th. Street SW and West Valley Highway. RM317 130.66 Railroad' spike in power pole at northwest • corner 37th. Street SE and M. Street Si. Established' by the. City of Auburn. • RM318 135.73 Railroad' spike in power pole no. 1413 at north side of 37th Street SE, approximately 500 feet east of 0 Street SE. Established by the City of Auburn.. RM319 137.66 City of Auburn bench. mark no:. 2P, located at intersectio of the centerlines of 35th Street SE and R Street. SE... • RM320 78.79' Chiseled X on top of southwest corner of Flaming Geyser Road bridge pier base, 4 feet south of the waters edge. . RM3I . 77..30. Bbat spike 18 inches above ground on nor th. rtth side of 10 inch willow tree, 100: feet landward. from river, 1.10 feet north of gravel road- leading to river. • RM322 87.29 B.M. USC&GS. B.M'. Q25.2-Brass cap in tope of northwest concrete abutment of GN. Railroad i Bridge. No. 100. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS 'eference Elevation ' Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM323 85.74 A chiseled "+" in top northerly bolt on fire hydrant at northeast corner of the intersection of Auburn-Black Diamond Road and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks in east Auburn. 400 feet north of SR 18. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM324 24.46 A 60 penny spike on 40 inch maple on right bank 100 feet downstream from old highway overpass over railroad, 25 feet east of powerline river crossing. RM325 23.39 A chiseled cross on concrete of foundation of archway at entrance to Foster Golf Course located on northwest corner of foundation and left bank of Green River. RM326 23.41 Chiseled square on southeast corner of west anchor base at north end of footbridge across Green River at Foster Golf Course . Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM327 21.72 Found a chiseled square on top of southwest corner 1-foot-high concrete curb on the northwest corner of the Boeing Bridge at the crossing of the Cedar River. City of Renton benchmark. RM328 20.04 Found standard disk set in southeast corner of the concrete step slab at FAA Transmitter Building at north end of airplane hangars at the Renton Airport. NGS benchmark. RM329 11.56 A 60-d spike in the southerly face of the most southerly piling on the east side of a track road under the wooden railroad bridge north of the Fort Dent Park on the Black River. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM330 30.60 A chiseled square in southeast corner of the southerly walk wingwall on the Fort Dent Bridge over Green River, 11 feet east of centerline of side walk, 7 feet north of concrete light pole. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. I I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location 7331 33.51 A chiseled square in angle point on the northeast wingwall of the concrete Interurban Avenue bridge over Green River in Tukwila. • , Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. 332 16.33 A chiseled square on southeast corner • concrete base for Metro sign at the northeast corner of the 7th Avenue bridge over Black River in Renton 40 feet north of the centerline. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. 33 25.01 A nail in the top of the northeast wingwall of the I-405 Bridge over Black River. Iti334 11.95 A railroad spike on the east face of a large power pole 30 feet west of centerline of Black River, 50 feet south of the centerline of 16th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM33. 28.34 A chiseled square on the highest point of a large rock on northerly side of bike path at the northwest of Christensen Green Belt Park in Tukwila, 120 feet south of the Strandesr Boulevard Bridge over Green River . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM336 31.96 Found P.K. nail and shiner set in southwest corner of wood wingwall on the street I railroad bridge over Green River, 0.30 mile south along the river from the Strander Boulevard Bridge over Green River. Ri4337 27.09 A 60-d spike in southwesterly face of 48-inch cottonwood tree on left bank of Green River 100 feet from northeasterly corner of large concrete building, 25 feet east of bike path north side of pond, 3,200 feet north along left bank from South 180th Street-SW 43rd • Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM338 12.30 Railroad spike 3.3 feet up south face 270h Street; first power pole on north side SW 27th Street; first power pole east of Springbrook Creek. Established by City 9f Renton Public Works Department. I • EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM339 21.79 Chiseled square on top of concrete curb on east side of driveway to house number 1516 on SW 43rd Street, 51.5 feet south of north end of concrete curb and 29.5 feet south of south • face of house. Established by City of Renton Public Works Department. RM340 32.49 A chiseled "+" in top southwesterly ,bolt at southwest corner of wood arch footbridge over .Green River, 7.5 feet west of centerline bridge deck, 1,200 feet south of South 180th Street-SW 43rd Street, 600 feet west of SR 181. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM341 29.14 A chiseled "+" top center bolt on fire hydrant 100 feet north of northcesterly corner of new concrete building under construction, 100 feet south of levee, 5,000 feet northerly along dike from RM GR 225. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM342 31.91 A 60-d spike in east face of main transmission pole 20 feet east of centerline gravel road on right bank of Green River. Power line is in an east-west direction 0.85 mile northerly along Russell Road from South 212th Street intersection, then 0.37 mile northerly along dike road. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM343 30.57 A chiseled "+" on west rim of Bell ' System manhole. Manhole is 2 feet west of east gutter line of Russell Road, 70 feet east of wood post barricades at' beginning of dike road, 0.86 mile northerly along Russell Road from its intersection with South 212th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM344 35.71 A 60-d spike in east face of power pole on west side of Russell Road 200 feet northwesterly from disk on tower on Boeing property, 40 feet southerly from group of four cottonwood trees, 25 feet east of single tree, 0.64 mile northerly along Russell Road from its intersection with South 212th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - 'ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Ref-re ce Elevation Malrk� (ft. NGVD) Description 'of "Location RM345 37.25 A chiseled "+" top of south bolt on fire 1 hydrant on side ofRussell Road opposite beginning of jogging trail, 120 feet south of the intersection Russell Road and South 212th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. • RM346 36.65 A 60-d spike in west face of power pole 120 feet north of Russell Road and jogging path intersection where road again joins the river, 0.42 mile southerly along Russell Road from its intersection with South 212th ' Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. 7347 22.24 The north bolt of the fire hydrant which is 50 feet east of Reliable Distributor, Inc. , building and 100 feet south o'f South 180th Street. Established by U.S. Geological ' Survey. 348 23.57 The southeast bolt of the fire hydrant on the east side of 80th Avenue South and approximately 125 feet north of South 1881th Street. Established byU.S. Geolog ical Survey. RM3L9 25.79 'The north bolt of the fire hydrant west of East Valley Road southeast of Green River Cheese and 'Dairy Products Company . Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM350 26.45 The east bolt of the fire hydrant on the west side of East Valley Road across from Gal-Gas. ' Established 'by U.S. Geological Survey. RM351 23.72 'The east bolt on the fire hydrant on the west side of East Valley Road in front of Rainier Pallet & Lumber Sales. Established by 'U.S. Geological Survey. 3 2 24.55 An "X" on the south bolt of the fire hydraint east of 'West Valley Road in front of Pacific Northwest Bell Building. Established by 'U.S. 1 Geological Survey. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM353 25.45 An "X" on south bolt of the fire hydrant east of West Valley Road, 150 feet plus south of Boeing north entrance of parking lot . Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM354 24.31 U.S. Geological Survey marker H460, 1975, located on top of northwest wingwall of the first bridge north of entrance to Boeing Space Center. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM355 26.82 An "X" on the west bolt of the fire hydrant east of West Valley Road and at the east end of Boeing Middle Access Road. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM356 28.79 A brass cap at point of intersection of South 208th Street and East Valley Road . Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM357 33.44 An "X" on the northeast bolt of fire hydrant on the south side of South 212th Street, approximately 150 feet west of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad tracks. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM358 38.47 A 60-d spike in south face of power pole at southwesterly intersection of Russell Road where it leaves the river, 0. 75 mile southerly along Russell Road and locked, gated road along east bank of Green Rilver at point where Russell Road leaves the river, 0.75 mile southerly along Russell Road from its intersection south of 212th Street. Established by CH2M Hill. RM359 39.74 A 60-d spike in north face of power pole at southwesterly corner "Y" intersection of jogging trail and Russell "D" Road, 0.25 mile westerly along Russell Road from its intersection with South 228th Street . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM360 37.90 A 60-d spike in south face of power pole at northwest corner of "Y" intersection of Russell Road and beginning of jogging path on • north bank of Green River, 0.40 mile south along Russell Road from its intersection with South 228th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM361 42.02 A 60-d spike in south face of power pole 20 feet west of the intersection of a dirt road and north dike near southwest corner of apartment complex and southeast corner of Kent Golf Course. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM362 42.53 A chiseled "+" in northeasterly inside corner of 15 by 15 concrete barricade block in centerline of a footbridge on north bank of Green River under SR 516 bridge. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM363 41.40 A 60-d spike in westerly face of power pole on right bank of river, 20 feet west of west edge road, 500 feet southeasterly of Washington Avenue Bridge over Green River. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM364 33.74 An "X" on center of fire hydrant cap on the west side of East Valley Road in front of house numbered 21703. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM365 34.98 An "X" on northeast bolt of fire hydrant on the northwest corner of 84th Avenue South and South 222nd Street. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. RM366 36.99 An "X" on southwest bolt of the fire hydrant located on the west side of the east entrance to Miles Sand & Gravel Company. Established by U.S. Geological Survey. ' I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION. REFERENCE: MARKS Reference Elevation . Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location I RM367 39.51 An NGS. standard disk set in the north face of . the northeast corner of the Sea-Kent Cold Storage warehouse at the southwest corner of • the intersection of James Street and the • railroad tracks in Kent. RM368 36.61 A chiseled square in the northwest corner of ' a concrete sidewalk on north, side o£ Novak Lane, 100 feet west of the centerline of Central Avenue North, 1.0 feet west of the • . centerline of Mill Creek in Kent, 0.31 mile south along North Central Avenue from the SR 167 overcrossing. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM36.9 . 61.75 A chiseled square in the southwest end of a • footbridge 200 feet upstream of the intake . structure at Earthworks Park in Kent, 0.24 mile east along Smith Street from. the North • Central Avenue intersection, 250 fee south of Smith Street. Established' by CH21 HILL, Inc. RM370. 47.19 . A chiseled . square in top southerly concrete . barricade post at beginning of Soggirig trail on east side of SR 167, 40 feet east of bridge. Trail is on north side of Green River. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. ' RM371 . . 49..02 A 60-d spike in top northeasterly wo 'd beam. wingwall 8 feet northeasterly from the southerly end of wingwall on upstream side of railroad bridge over Green. River, 300. . feet south of South 259th Street undercrossing. Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc., RM372 44.87 A railroad spike in east face of power pole at southwest corner of the intersection of 79th. Avenue South. and South 261s.t Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM373. 48..87 A 60-d spike south face of power pole 15 feet north of the centerline at 94th Place South and 150 feet west of east end of apartment complex, 0.19 mile east of Central Avenue. Established by CH2M- HILL, Inc. 1 EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Refez.ence Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD.) Description of Location RM374 64.50 A 60-d spike in northerly face of power pole at southwest corner of the intersection of Green River Road and 94th Place South. • Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM375 43.76 A chiseled square in the vertical angle point in the southwest wingwall of the concrete arch culvert over Mill Creek on the West Valley Highway, 0.72 mile south along Wesit Valley Highway from its intersection with SR 516 in Kent. Established by CH2M HILL., Inc.l RM376 42.29 Found a P.K. nail set in the northeast corner of the West Valley Bridge over Mill Creek next to the Smith Brothers Farm,. 0.20 m4e north of South 277th Street intersection, 1.49 miles south along West Valley Highway from its intersection with SR 516 . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM377 53.57 A chiseled "+" in top of northeasterly bolt of the north leg of a. traffic sign post, 200 feet west of South 277th Street overcrossing of SR 167, 1.69 miles south along West Valley Highway from its intersection with SR 514., then 50.0 feet east along South 277th Street. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM37 40.89 A chiseled square in the southwest corner of the concrete headwall on the west side of ,a double box culvert under SR 16.7 on Mill Creek, 0.40, mile south of the South 277th Street overcrossing south of Kent . Established by CH2M HILL,, Inc. RM379 48.63 A 60-d spike in west face of power pole 20 feet east of centerline Green River Road; power lines cross the road, and river on a skew 40.0 feet south of the intersection of Green River and 94t.h Place South .. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. I' I EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS R ference Elevation y Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM380 53.79 A 60-d spike in west face of power pole with single transformer on east side Green River Road 15 feet south of private driveway to the east, 0.90 mile north of Auburn Golf Course. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM381 52.96 A 60-d spike in east face of power pole on west side of Green River Road at south end of curve where the road leaves the river, 30 feet north of a guardrail, 0.40 mile north of Auburn Golf Course. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM382 56.40 A chiseled square on the southeast corner of 4.6 feet by 7 feet concrete vault set flush with ground in center of the west levee, on projection of chain-link fence at southeast corner of Rivers Trailer Park in north Auburn. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM383 61.06 Easterly "eye" bolt in concrete on sewer manhole, 3 feet, 3 inches above ground, 25 feet west of levee path, 90 feet south of easterly projected centerline of 30thI Street NE, 0.60 mile east of Auburn Way North. RM384 60.70 A chiseled "+" in top northeasterly bolt in southeasterly end of Brannon Park footbridge. The bolt is in concrete on the vertical support beam. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM385 59.28 A chiseled "+" in top northwesterly bolt of fire hydrant at southeast corner intersection of Riverview Drive and 22nd Street NE. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM386 68.92 A chiseled "+" top northwesterly bolt on fire hydrant base 75 feet west of northwest corner of 8th Street Bridge over Green River. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM387 50.87 A chiseled square on the northeast corner of the north headwall on the 29th Street NW bridge over Mill Creek; from the 15th Street overcrossing on SR 167, go 0.13 mile east along 15th Street NW to M Street NW, then north 0.78 mile along M Street NW, then 0.16 mile east along 29th Street NW. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM388 51.15 A chiseled square in the northeast corner of the west headwall on a concrete box culvert under M Street NW; from the 15th Street overcrossing on SR 167, go 0.13 mile east along 15th Street NW to M Street NW, then 0.36 mile north along M Street NW. , Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM389 68.52 A chiseled "+" in top of the southeast bolt of the north steel leg of a traffic sign post, 200 feet west of the SR 167 southbound on-ramp on 15th Street NW. Established by, CH2M HILL, Inc. RM390 58.81 Top of most easterly bolt at base of light pole 1931 8 480 V on the west side SR 167, it 0.26 mile south of the 15th Street NW overcrossing on SR 167. Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM391 64.87 ; A chiseled square in southeast corner of the upstream headwall on a triple concrete box culvert under West Main Street on Mill Creek,Il 200 feet west of SR 167, 100 feet south of the centerline of West Main Street . Established by CH2M HILL, Inc. RM392 438.47 Chiseled square on the downstream landward corner of the right bank abutment, near the, end of concrete guardrail, at the right bank end of State Highway 202 bridge across the South Fork Snoqualmie River. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM393 451.91 ! Chiseled square on top of the upstream right. bank concrete guardrail post at the end of guardrail, at the North Bend Boulevard Bridge across the South Fork Snoqualmie Rivera .Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. III EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS eference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM394 446.29 U.S. Geological Survey brass cap in a 2 foot by 3 foot by 5 foot rock on slope and 12 feet south of gaging station on the west 'bank of ' the South Fork Snoqualmie River, located 0.3 , • mile southeast (upstream) from North Bend Boulevard Bridge over South Fork Snoqualmie River. Established by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RM395 457.45 1 inch iron pipe 2 feet riverward of shoulder of levee, 0.5 foot above ground on right bank of South Fork Snoqualmie River, about 200 feet upstream from end of SE 136th Street. RM396 468.32 One-half inch pin with square head 1 foot above ground on riverward shoulder of levee at approximate center of horseshoe bend and 24 feet downstream of road to borrow pit, about 1 mile south of Bendego Street Bridge. RM397 436.63 Boat spike 1 foot above ground in upstream face of tall twin cottonwood trees on top of the bank on island in Middle Fork Snoqualmie • River at approximately SE 104th Street. • RM398 444.02 Boat . spike 1 foot above ground in riverward face of 18 inch cottonwood tree, 15 feet from bank of slough, 10 feet downstream of 3 strand barbed wire fence at end of SE 108th Street. RM39'9 455.77 Chiseled square in upstream landward corner of concrete foundation of double boat garage and 14 feet upstream from the side of the garage near end of SE 114th Street. •RM400 . 462.28 , Boat spike vertical in upstream landward root of 36 inch cedar tree at top of 'bank., 10 feet riverward of wood stack end of Southeast • 120th Street. RM401 489.36 Chiseled square on top of the left bank pier on upstream end and just off upstream landward corner of steel anchor plate on Mt. Si Road Bridge over Middle Fork Snoqualmie River. • EXHIBIT 3 - ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS Reference Elevation Mark (ft. NGVD) Description of Location RM602 82.82 At the southeast corner of Highway 203 bridge on top of the southeast corner of concrete pier a chiseled square. RM603 114.84 At River Ranch Girl Scout Camp on the southeast corner of the concrete pad for flag pole 120 feet west of barn. 604 129.45 Top stone in the northeast corner of well house in the southwest corner of the intersection of 338th Avenue Northeast and Tolt River Road. RM605 206.85 Spike in power pole north of Tolt River Road 3.3 miles from intersection with State Highway 203. �RM606 262.26 Spike in power pole at end of Tolt River Road. III I I I ICI