HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood Insurance Study - Vol 1 (2007) w &fcY O a cm, ; PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 2008 TO: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerm ,r PW Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Ron Straka, Surface Water Utility Supervisor(ext. 7248) Gary Fink, Surface Water Utility Engineer (ext. 7392) SUBJECT: National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating System Certification We request your signature on the enclosed"CRS Certification"to continue our participation in the National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP). The Community Rating System (CRS) is used by the NFIP to identify discounts for participating communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) sponsors this program. A brief explanation follows: ➢ NFIP: In 1968, Congress authorized the National Flood Insurance Program, which provides federally subsidized flood insurance to citizens if their community participates in the NFIP. Since 1983, flood insurance is also available from a number of private insurance companies in cooperation with the Federal Insurance Administration. ➢ CRS: FEMA has developed a rating system to determine the flood insurance discount for each community. A rating of"1" is the best and "10" is the worst, respectively corresponding to a premium reduction of 45 percent and 0 percent. ➢ The CRS re-certification process: Every year FEMA requires us to certify that we still implement our programs and regulations that are listed under Section 3 on the enclosed certification worksheet. Currently, we have a community rating of 7, which provides a discount of up to 15 percent on flood insurance premiums for Renton residents. Any community that received a class 9 or better classification must have its CRS program reviewed annually and re-certified to maintain its CRS community rating. The certification worksheet must be returned by April 14, 2008. ➢ Why we participate: Participation in the NFIP and CRS has been an important part of our effort to protect our citizens from flooding and to enable property owners to purchase flood insurance at a reduced rate. Our participation in the NFIP enables City of Renton citizens to purchase flood insurance policies from participating insurance agencies. Please return the signed"CRS Certification"to Gary Fink, Surface Water Utility, 5th floor, by April 10, 2008. If you have any questions,please contact Ron Straka or Gary Fink. Enclosure cc: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director H:\File Sys\SWA-Surface Water Section Administration\SWA 03-Correspondence-General\FEMA CRS\2008\MayorCRS MEM02008.doc\GFtp ,...._—_ _. 2 OMB No 1660-002230 MODIFICATION/CYCLE COVER PAGE Expires June 30. 2007 1. Community Name: Renton _ State: WA BCEGS: 3/3 NFIP Number: 530088 FIRM Effective Date: 05/05/1982 Population: 76000 Current FIRM Date: 05116/1995 Modification/Cycle Date: 12/15/2008 County: King 2. Chief Executive Officer: CRS Coordinator: Name: Mr. Denis Law Mr. Ronald Straka .. The: Mayor of the City of Renton Surface Water Utility Supervisor , ‘ Address: 1055 South Grady Way 1055 South Grady Way._ -- Fientont WashinMon 98057 Match,Washington 98057 Coordinator's Telephone: (425)430-7248. Ext. Fax: (425)430-7241 Coordinator's e-mail: rstrakaataremton.wa.us 3 I hereby certify that Renton, WA _ is implementing the following activities (check the ones that apply). We are modifying or adding activites that have an "m" for modifying, "a"for addition, or"d" for dropping in the blank and have attached new Activity Worksheets and documentation. We will continue to implement these activities and will advise the Federal Emergency Management Agency if any of them are not being conducted in accordance with this certification. We will cooperate with The ISO/CRS Specialist verification visit and will submit the documentation and annual recertification needed to validate our program 1, 310 Elevation Certificates se 440 Flood Data Maintenance _ r 320 Map Information Service 4/ 450 Stormwater Management I/ 330 Outreach Projects 500 Repetitive Loss Requirements 44/ 340 Hazard Disclosure 4/ 510 Floodplain Management Planning 350 Flood Protection Information 520 Acquisition and Relocation 360 Flood Protection Assistance 530 Flood Protection 410 Additional Flood Data I/ 540 Drainage System Maintenance .__ 420 Open Space Preservation w 810 Flood Warning Program ----ie' 430 Higher Regulatory Standards 620 Levee Safety 630 Dam 430LD Land Development Criteria Safety 4 I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief. we are maintaining In force all flood insurance policies that have been required of us as a condition of federal financial assistance for insurable buildings owned by us and located in the Special Flood Hazard Area shown on our Flood insurance Rate Map. I further understand that disaster assistance for flooded public buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area will be reduced by the amount of flood insurance available from the National Hood Insurance Program for the buildings. even if we do ,• have a policy 5. Signed: 4 ,.* / - Attest : )(4.567X..44„.4.4.1 (1.) le4.401 D-nis Law, Mayor Bonnie I . Walton , City Clerk iL7-gOa g RE r EIVED„. OCT 0 g 2007 • I Ll+� : 'a\!�11 FLOOD � t INSURANCE 1. 40 ,., �r ,, •(,--/ .."gi ilii,,, "' - ,,,..10,,eiritit3. - 14.1 i .,- ,-, ; I `r . 47S _- cam -i..:.-'�/i► KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND 10111:.,INCORPORATED AREAS 1 1 I, Volume 2 of 5 • II -1 ' ;COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY 1 NAME NUMBER NAME NUMBER *ALGONA,CITY OF 530072 *MEDINA,CITY OF 530315 ' AUBURN,CITY OF 530073 *MERCER ISLAND,CITY OF 530083 *BEAUX ARTS VILLAGE,TOWN OF 530242 NEWCASTLE,CITY OF 530134 BELLEVUE,CITY OF 530074 NORMANDY PARK,CITY OF 530084 BLACK DIAMOND,CITY OF 530272 NORTH BEND,CITY OF 530085 I BOTHELL,CITY OF 530075 PACIFIC,CITY OF 530086 BURIEN,!CITY OF 530321 REDMOND,CITY OF 530087 CARNATION,CITY OF 530076 RENTON,CITY OF 530088 *CLYDE HILL,CITY OF 530279 SAMMAMISH,CITY OF 530337 COVINGTON,CITY OF 530339 SEATAC,CITY OF 590320 DES MOINES,CITY OF 530077 SEATTLE,CITY OF 530089 DUVALL,CITY OF 530282 SHORELINE,CITY OF 530327 ENUMCLAW,CITY OF 530319 SKYKOMISH,TOWN OF 530236 FEDERAL WAY,CITY OF 530322 SNOQUALMIE,CITY OF 530090 *HUNTS,POINT,TOWN OF 530288 SNOQUALMIE INDIAN TRIBE 530066 ISSAQUAH,CITY OF 530079 TUKWILA,CITY OF 530091 KENMORE,CITY OF 530336 WOODINVILLE,CITY OF 530324 KENT,CITY OF 530080 *YARROW POINT,TOWN OF 530309 KIRKLAND,CITY OF 530081 KING COUNTY, LAKE FOREST PARK,CITY OF 530082 UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530071' • • MAPLE VALLEY,CITY OF 530078 • *NON-FLOODPRONE COMMUNITIES Federal Emergency Management Agency ( Flood Insurance Study Number 53033CV001B i. ND SSC' • P R UU M Y• SEP '2 8 2007 1 , i II NOTICE TO j I ' FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY USERS Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program have established 'repositories of flood hazard data for floodplain management and flood insurance purposes. This Flood Insurance Study(FIS) may not contain all data available within the ;repository. It is advisable to contact the community repository for any additional data. jThe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may revise and republish part or Fall of this FIS report at any time. In addition, FEMA may revise part of this FIS by a Letter of Map Revision process, which does not involve republication or redistribution of jthe FIS. Therefore, users should consult with community officials and to check ;the community repository to obtain the most current FIS report components. This FIS report was revised on (add effective date). Users should refer to Section 10.0, Revisions Descriptions, for further information. Section 10.0 is intended to present the jmost up-to-date information for specific portions of this FIS report. Therefore, users of this FIS report should be aware that the information presented in Section 10.0 may I supersede information in Sections 1.0 through 9.0 of this FIS report. ,I Effective Date: May 16, 1995 Revised Dates: September 1991 May 16, 1995 May 20, 1996 March 30, 1998 December 6, 2001 April 19, 2005 I I, I n 1 II -I i TABLE OF CONTENTS i Page I' 1.0 i INTRODUCTION 1 1,,,,,_ ! 1..1 Purpose of Study 1 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgements 1 1.3 Coordination 5 2.0 AREA STUDIED 18 2.1 Scope of Study 18 2.2 Community Description 29 I 2.3 Principal Flood Problems 34 ' ! ! 2.4 Flood Protection Measures 50 , - 3.0i ENGINEERING METHODS 55 j 3.1 Hydrologic Analyses 56 I 3.2 Hydraulic Analyses 74 3.3 Vertical Datum 130 ( 4.0 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 133 1 4.1 Floodplain Boundaries 133 1 4.2 Floodways 134 I ! ;; 5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATION 229 ,j 6. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 231 7.0 OTHER STUDIES 231 ' 8.0 LOCATION OF DATA 231 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 247 ' 10.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS 247 10.1 First Revision 247 10.2 Second Revision 247 10.3 Third Revision 249 10.4 Fourth Revision 249 10.5 Fifth Revision 249 10.6 Sixth Revision 250, j i 10.7 Seventh Revision 250 i, I 10.8 Eighth Revision 251 i I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FIGURES igure 1 —Floodway Schematic 229 TABLES able 1 —Summary of Discharges 76 Iable 2—Summary of Elevations 88 Iable 3—Mannings "n"Values 128 able 4—Datum Conversion Factors 131 able 5—Floodway Data 135 ', I,able 6—Community Map History 232 EXHIBITS exhibit 1 —Flood Profiles Bear Creek Panels O1P-10P Bear Creek Overflow Channel Panels 11P Big Soos Creek Panels 12P-21P Black River Panels 22P • Cedar River Panels 23P-35P Cedar River—Highway 169 Overtopping Panels 36P Cedar River—Maplewood Golf Course Panels 37P Cedar River—Maplewood Overflow Panels 38P Cherry Creek Panels 39P Coal Creek Panels 40P-43P Des Moines Creek Panels 44P East Branch of West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 45P-48P East Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 49P-51P Evans Creek Panels 52P-53P Forbes Creek Panels 54P-58P Gardiner Creek Panels 59P Gilman Boulevard Overflow Issaquah Creek Panels 60P Green River(With Levees) Panels 61P-69P Green River(Without Levees) Panels 70P-86P Holder Creek Panels 87P Issaquah Creek Panels 88P-95P Kelsey Creek Panels 96P-109P Little Bear Creek Panels 110P-111P ii I Ii I , I, 1 , 1 d i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) ' I Longfellow Creek Panels 112P-116P I Lower Overflow Panels 117P Lyon Creek Panels 118P-119P ii Maloney Creek Panels 120P , i I , May Creek Panels 121P-126P1 - ;l May Creek Tributary Panels 127P !I McAleer Creek Panels 128P-129P, i' I Mercer Creek Panels 130P-131P I Meydenbauer Creek Panels 132P-133P , ' ,g 1 . Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 134P-139P ! 1 Middle Overflow Panels 140P 1 ! i ! Mill Creek(Auburn) Panels 141P-146P ,I I Mill Creek(Kent) Panels 147P-151P ''I Miller Creek Panels 152P-15'5P -'; 1 i North Branch Mercer Creek(North Valley) Panels 156P-160P 1 '' North Creek Panels 161P-162P North Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 163P ' ' '' ' North Fork Meydenbauer Creek Panels 164P 1 North Fork Snoqualmie River Panels 165P-166P d ! North Fork Thornton Creek Panels 167P-172P ,I Patterson Creek Panels 173P-176P '1 Patterson Creek Overflow Panels 177P 1 Raging River Panels 178P-185P ', 1 Richards Creek Panels 186P-197P !_ �' 1 1 Richards Creek East Tributary Panels 198P ' I ' , ' 1 Richards Creek West Tributary Panels 199P , , '! 1 Right Channel Mercer Creek Panels 200P ' Rolling Hills Creek Panels 201P , Sammamish River Panels 202P-203P 11 I Snoqualmie River Panels 204P-221P Snoqualmie River Overflows: 'I I Reach 1 Panels 222P-223P il I Reach 2 Panels 224P-225P Reach 3 Panels 226P-227P Il Reach 4 Panels 228P , Reach 5 Panels 229P-230P - Reach 6 Panels 231P South Fork Skykomish River Panels 232P-242P South Fork Snoqualmie River(With Levees) Panels 243P-249P South Fork Snoqualmie River(Without Levees) Panels 250P ,I South Fork Snoqualmie River(Without Left Levee) Panels 251P-255P ! ,! South Fork Snoqualmie River(Without Right Levee) Panels 256P-260P j South Fork Thornton Creek Panels 261P-265P [I ! iii 1 d 1 it 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Springbrook Creek Panels 266P-268P SW 23th Street Drainage Channel Panels 269P Swamp Creek Panels 270P-272P Swamp Creek Overbank Panels 273P Thornton Creek Panels 274P-276P Tibbetts Creek Panels 277P-280P Tolt River Panels 281P-282P Tolt River(With Levees) Panels 283P-285P Tolt River(Without Left Levee) Panels 286P Tolt River(Without Right Levee) Panels 287P Upper North Overflow Panels 288P Upper South Overflow Panels 289P Vasa Creek Panels 290P Walker Creek Panels 291P West Fork Issaquah Creek Panels 292P-293 West Tributary Kelsey Creek Panels 294P-30011 White River Panels 301P-302P White River(Left Bank Overflow) Panels 303P Yarrow Creek Panels 304P-305P PUBLISHED SEPARATELY d Insurance Rate Floo Map p Index . F .od Insurance Rate Map • iv rf , } FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD _____`__=__ _ __ __ ___ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION --- ---- - - - -SECTION- _ -MEAN=-=- --.- - -_-___ _ -,-__ -- -WITHOUT---. WITH AT_ WIDTH REGULATORY - -- -- -_- - - _--INCREASE rr_.,_._ __`_-___ CROSS CROSS SECTION --DISTANCEL ----AREA _ VELOCITY _ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) --(FEET)- - - RAGING RIVER A 200 436 1,130 6.6 99.1 85.32 86.34 . 1.0 B . 698 308 807 9.2 100.1 94.32 95.32 1.0 C 1,607 522 1,481 5.0 104.6/105.2/104.13 102.54 103.54 1.0 D 2,183 476 1,075 6.9 107.8/108.0/105.73 105.64 106.64 1.0 E 2,667 164 926 8.0 112.4/114.2/112.43 112.44 112.44 0.0 F 3,000 242 835 8.9 114.6/114.7/115.03 114.64 114.64 0.0 G 3,519 87 653 11.4 117.6/119.4/118.53 117.44 118.44 1.0 H 3,935 116 693 10.7 122.1/122.4/121.73 121.84 122.34 0.5 I 4,447 122 891 8.3 125.9/125.8/126.23 125.94 126.34 0.4 J 5,117 135 695 10.7 131.3/131.5/131.53 131.24 131.54 0.3 K 5,498 134 751 9.9 135.9/135.8/135.73 135.84 135.84 0.0 L 5,868 95 571 13.0 139.5/139.5/139.63 139.54 139.54 0.0 M 6,372 105 742 10.0 145.6/145.6/145.53 145.54 145.54 0.0 N 6,824 92 576 12.9 150.4/150.4/150.33 150.34 150.34 0.0 O 7,388 77 575 12.9 159.1/159.1/159.23 159.14 159.14 0.0 P 7,720 97 623 11.9 163.5/163.5/163.53 163.54 163.54 0.0 Q 8,246 98 700 10.6 169.9 169.9 170.2 0.3 R 8,746 86 592 12.5 175.2 175.2 175.2 0.0 S 9,301 86 595 12.5 182.0 182.0 182.9 0.9 T 9,804 283 1,616 4.6 187.0 187.0 188.0 1.0 U 10,373 133 641 11.6 193.0 193.0 .193.1 0.1 ✓ 10,697 113 657 11.3 196.6 196.6 197.5 0.9 W 11,106 122 1,332 5.6 207.6 207.6 208.0 0.4 X 11,594 97 648 11.4 209.5 209.5 209.7 0.2 Y 12,122 67 487 15.2 216.5 216.5 216.5 0.0 Z 12,723 140 858 8.6 226.9 226.9 226.9 0.0 'Feet Above Confluence With Snoqualmie River 'Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Influence from Snoqualmie River 'Landward of Left Levee/Riverward of Levees/Landward of Right Levee °Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Levees -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA p0 KING COUNTY, WA + AND INCORPORATED AREAS RAGING RIVER u 194 SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD FLOODING =__ --___ �_ - _- WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN ---`- WITHOUT-==--- --=WITH - __- - _ ____ -- WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE -- __ CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA -----VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) RAGING RIVER AA 13,162 81 516 14.4 234.2 234.2 234.2 0.0 AB 13,767 96 821 9.0 246.4 246.4 246.4 0.0 AC 14,171 123 620 12.0 251.8 251.8 251.9 0.1 AD 14,636 119 1,099 6.3 262.2 262.2 262.3 0.1 AE 15,177 96 658 10.6 265.5 265.5 265.8 0.3 AF 15,862 77 484 14.4 277.5 277.5 278.0 0.5 AG 16,532 90 663 10.5 289.5 289.5 290.5 1.0 AH 16,958 104 540 12.9 298.1 298.1 298.1 0.0 Al 17,808 177 747 9.3 317.0 317.0 317.1 0.1 AJ 18,647 95 650 10.7 329.7 329.7 329.7 0.0 AK 19,379 121 776 9.0 338.4 338.4 339.3 0.9 AL 20,267 84 595 11.7 350.0 350.0 351.0 1.0 AM 20,827 137 770 9.1 358.4 358.4 359.2 0.8 AN 21,506 97 631 11.0 366.8 366.8 367.8 1.0 AO 22,376 103 705 9.9 378.2 378.2 379.2 1.0 AP 23,127 185 907 7.7 385.3 385.3 386.3 1.0 AQ 23,828 101 683 10.2 397.4 397.4 397.4 0.0 AR 24,406 100 564 12.4 404.5 404.5 404.7 0.2 AS 24,950 115 639 10.9 415.6 415.6 416.0 0.4 AT 25,526 133 816 8.5 423.6 423.6 423.6 0.0 AU 25,983 79 471 12.7 429.0 429.0 429.0 0.0 AV 26,586 272 845 7.1 437.4 437.4 437.6 0.2 AW 27,197 150 666 9.0 444.4 444.4 444.7 0.3 AX 27,733 93 556 10.8 452.5 452.5 452.6 0.1 AY 28,479 168 789 7.6 462.7 462.7 463.1 0.4 AZ 28,950 87 459 13.1 471.2 471.2 471.2 0.0 1Feet Above Confluence With Snoqualmie River - - - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA O- KING COUNTY, WA - cm AND INCORPORATED AREAS RAGING RIVER 195 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD _ • SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH - - - WIDTH (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) RAGING RIVER BA 29,643 73 592 10.2 483.4 483.4 484.1 0.7 BB 30,343 137 586 10.3 493.2 493.2 494.1 0.9 BC 31,163 176 751 8.0 508.3 508.3 509.3 1.0 BD 31,933 291 730 8.2 517.7 517.7 518.6 0.9 BE 32,803 261 1,211 5.0 530.4 530.4 531.3 0.9 BF 33,643 162 656 9.2 539.7 539.7 539.8 0.1 BG 34,413 149 932 5.2 548.6 548.6 549.6 1.0 BH 35,233 123 470 10.4 558.5 558.5 558.5 0.0 BI 36,443 164 777 6.3 574.9 574.9 575.9 1.0 BJ 37,183 131 514 9.5 585.8 585.8 586.4 0.6 BK 38,043 78 592 8.2 598.9 598.9 599.4 0.5 BL 38,643 105 454 10.7 608.6 608.6 608.6 0.0 BM 39,273 101 522 9.3 618.5 618.5 619.2 0.7 BN 39,473 113 625 7.8 622.3 622.3 622.8 0.5 BO 39,583 96 618 7.9 623.7 623.7 624.3 0.6 BP 40,003 80 450 10.8 629.3 629.3 629.3 0.0 BQ 40,663 97 604 8.1 638.3 638.3 639.2 0.9 BR 41,083 117 383 8.9 645.7 645.7 645.8 0.1 BS 41,283 212 766 4.4 649.7 649.7 650.7 1.0 BT 41,348 216 987 3.5 650.8 650.8 651.4 0.6 BU 42,043 84 313 10.9 657.8 657.8 657.8 0.0 BV 42,493 58 394 8.6 666.9 666.9 667.8 0.9 BW 43,123 86 413 8.3 676.7 676.7 677.4 0.7 'Feet Above Confluence With Snoqualmie River D FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA r KING COUNTY, WA ul AND INCORPORATED AREAS RAGING RIVER 196 �I FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD - =__--=_ _ ________,__ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION - MEAN -- -- -WITHOUT- _----WITH---_- - --- -- WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE ___ ---- - ------ CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' -- AREA -- --VELOCITY-- -------_- _ FLOODWAY _ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SAMMAMISH RIVER A 0.25 80 803 4.8 18.6 18.6 18.6 0.0 B 1.10 45 1,007 3.5 21.1 21.1 21.1 0.0 C 1.30 45 954 3.7 21.8 21.8 21.8 0.0 D 1.78 128 1,081 3.2 22.7 22.7 22.8 0.1 E 2.44 132 1,214 2.9 23.8 23.8 23.8 0.0 F 2.79 130 1,253 2.6 24.3 24.3 24.3 0.0 G 3.52 144 1,303 2.7 25.1 25.1 25.1 0.0 H 3.92 138 1,196 2.9 25.6 25.6 25.6 0.0 I 4.90 85 1,179 2.7 26.7 26.7 26.7 0.0 J 5.50 50 1,093 2.9 27.4 27.4 27.4 0.0 K 6.05 50 1,068 2.8 28.0 28.0 28.0 0.0 L 6.30 40 1,111 2.7 28.4 28.4 28.4 0.0 M 7.00 40 1,041 2.9 29.2 29.2 29.2 0.0 N 7.35 55 1,144 2.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 0.0 O 7.70 45 1,159 2.6 30.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 P 8.30 40 1,141 2.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 0.0 Q 9.20 45 1,123 2.6 31.4 31.4 31.4 0.0 R 9.30 45 1,094 2.7 31.7 31.7 31.9 0.2 S 10.68 45 1,184 2.5 31.9 31.9 32.3 0.4 T 10.99 70 1,096 2.7 32.2 32.2 32.6 0.4 U 11.80 75 1,111 2.6 33.2 33.2 33.4 0.2 ✓ 12.79 60 1,102 2.6 34.2 34.2 34.4 0.2 W 13.05 60 1,060 2.7 34.5 34.5 34.7 0.2 X 13.28 80 1,133 2.5 34.7 34.7 34.9 0.2 Y 13.70 60 1,196 1.9 35.2 35.2 35.4 0.2 Z 14.15 50 1,180 1.9 35.4 35.4 35.6 0.2 'Miles Above Mouth -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA 00 KING COUNTY, WA CM AND INCORPORATED AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER 197 FLOODING SOURCE •• . 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD — WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTIONMEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH _ REGUI ATO -- - - - - INCREASE— Cg OSS SFCTIO - ___DJsTANG 1 _ _ ITY— FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) • (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SAMMAMISH RIVER AA 14.35 180 2,472 0.9 35.6 35.6 35.7 0.1 AB 14.65 150 1,891 1.2 35.6 35.6 35.8 0.2 AC 14.95 120 1,977 1.3 35.8 35.8 36.0 0.2 1Miles Above Mouth D FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY — FLOODWAY DATA -W- - KING COUNTY, WA m 0 AND INCORPORATED AREAS SAMMAMISH RIVER 198 _ ' - 1 I ! ti 1 _ ' I i 1 I J ( ti r FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD __ __ - _- _ _- WATER_ ---_-- ____ __ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN- ---"--- -- -_ - ---===WITHOUT=-_ __-.-=WITH__ ._ ._ -- WIDTH REGULATORY - --INCREASE-- =- - -- CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' - AREA - VELOCIT-Y ___ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) - SNOQUALMIE RIVER A 898 2,854 58,465 3.5 46.6 46.6 47.3 0.7 B 1,162 . 3,011 60,876 3.3 46.7 46.7 47.4 0.7 C 2,165 3,559 58,756 3.5 46.9 46.9 47.5 0.6 D 3,643 4,464 70,101 2.9 47.2 47.2 47.9 0.7 E 4,699 4,858 66,634 3.1 47.5 47.6 48.1 0.5 F 5,702 4,971 74,139 2.7 48.0 48.0 48.6 0.6 G 6,917 5,315 76,550 2.7 48.3 48.4 48.9 0.5 H 7,973 6,724 87,358 2.3 48.7 48.6 49.3 0.7 I 8,765 8,177 94,968 1.9 48.8 48.9 49.4 0.5 J 9,398 4,110 64,973 1.6 48.9 48.9 49.5 0.6 K 10,190 3,670 58,838 1.5 49.0 49.0 49.6 0.6 L 11,458 3,410 59,078 1.5 49.1 49.1 49.7 0.6 M 11,510 3,572 58,645 1.5 49.1 49.1 49.7 0.6 N 12,250 3,500 67,909 1.3 49.1 49.1 49.8 0.7 O 13,411 3,255 65,784 1.3 49.1 49.1 49.8 0.7 P 14,414 3,668 77,212 1.1 49.2 49.2 49.9 0.7 Q 15,523 3,922 75,837 1.1 49.2 49.2 50.0 0.8 R 17,266 4,187 76,029 1.1 49.2 49.2 50.0 0.8 S 18,427 4,756 77,343 1.1 49.2 49.2 50.0 0.8 T 20,117 4,961 92,162 0.9 49.3 49.3 50.1 0.8 U 21,278 5,224 99,556 0.9 49.4 49.4 50.2 0.8 ✓ 22,598 5,480 110,739 0.8 49.4 49.4 50.2 0.8 W 23,813 6,204 125,890 0.7 49.4 49.4 50.2 0.8 X 24,605 7,066 135,928 0.6 49.5 49.5 50.3 0.8 Y 25,766 7,788 156,260 0.6 49.5 49.5 50.3 0.8 Z 27,350 8,597 162,192 0.5 49.5 49.5 50.3 0.8 'Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River a FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA Co KING COUNTY, WA + AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER C 199 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION I MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH TaO Y - - - INCREASE- CROSS�Fc'TiQry �_I- ARLIk- - --VELOCITY--VELOCIT FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SNOQUALMIE RIVER AA 29,093 8,349 154,290 0.6 49.5 49.5 50.3 0.8 AB 30,307 9,736 176,349 0.5 49.5 49.5 - 50.4 0.8 AC 31,522 10,718 195,325 0.4 49.6 49.6 50.4 0.8 AD 33,317 10,258 190,328 0.5 49.6 49.6 50.4 0.8 AE 34,901 9,136 156,198 0.6 49.6 49.6 50.4 0.8 AF 36,485 8,197 133,337 0.7 49.6 49.6 50.4 0.8 AG 37,541 7,422 118,796 0.7 49.6 49.6 50.4 0.8 AH 38,597 7,035 108,917 0.8 49.6 49.6 50.5 0.8 Al 40,498 6,326 86,420 1.0 49.7 49.7 50.5 0.9 AJ 43,666 5,713 78,894 1.1 49.8 49.8 50.7 0.9 AK 45,144 4,774 69,808 1.2 49.9 49.9 50.8 0.9 AL 46,411 4,212 64,054 1.4 50.1 50.1 51.0 0.9 AM 47,520 4,366 58,375 1.5 50.2 50.2 51.0 0.9 AN 48,418 4,268 29,814 2.9 50.4 50.4 51.3 0.8 AO 48,523 4,270 30,148 2.9 50.6 50.6 51.4 0.8 AP 49,632 4,610 56,052 1.6 51.1 51.1 51.8 0.7 AQ 50,424 4,619 64,587 1.3 51.4 51.4 52.0 0.7 AR 51,480 4,706 66,796 1.3 51.4 51.4 52.1 0.7 AS 52,219 4,920 72,265 1.2 51.6 51.6 52.3 0.7 AT 52,906 4,710 64,175 0.3 51.6 51.6 52.3 0.7 AU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AV NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AW NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AX 57,658 4,253 61,149 1.4 51.8 51.8 52.5 0.7 AY 58,766 4,468 74,758 1.2 52.0 52.0 52.6 0.7 AZ 59,506 4,598 74,866 1.2 52.0 52.0 52.7 0.7 'Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY __' FLOODWAY DATA W -KING COUNTY, WA cmAND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER 200 r f FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD ___=--___ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN -- ---- - -----WITHOUT-, =.- --WITH-- WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE -- - ---- CROSS-SECTION DISTANCE - - AREA- - VELOCITY - _ FLOODWAY - _ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SNOQUALMIE RIVER BA 60,562 4,791 68,438 1.3 52.1 52.1 52.8 0.7 BB 62,093 4,750 54,454 1.6 52.2 52.2 52.9 0.7 BC 63,149 4,750 54,346 1.6 52.3 52.3 53.1 0.7 BD 64,416 4,600 55,790 1.6 52.5 52.5 53.2 0.7 BE 65,472 4,600 50,712 1.7 52.6 52.6 53.4 0.8 BF 67,373 4,800 48,509 1.8 52.8 52.8 •53.6 0.8 BG 69,432 4,500 42,841 2.1 52.9 52.9 53.7 0.8 BH 70,118 4,400 50,075 1.8 52.9 52.9 53.7 0.8 BI 72,970 4,500 44,665 2.0 53.0 53.0 53.8 0.8 BJ 73,234 4,400 43,230 2.0 53.1 53.1 53.9 0.8 BK 73,392 4,400 43,002 2.1 53.2 53.2 54.0 0.8 BL 74,448 4,250 47,323 1.9 53.4 53.4 54.2 0.8 BM 75,504 3,850 46,678 1.9 53.6 53.6 54.4 0.8 BN 76,560 3,300 36,781 2.4 53.8 53.8 54.5 0.8 BO 77,933 4,150 40,509 2.2 54.2 54.2 55.0 0.8 BP 79,622 4,125 47,041 1.9 54.4 54.4 55.3 0.8 BQ 80,731 4,100 48,073 1.9 54.5 54.5 55.3 0.8 BR 82,526 3,950 43,092 2.1 54.7 54.7 55.5 0.8 BS 83,635 4,100 41,102 2.2 54.9 54.9 55.7 0.8 BT 85,430 4,400 37,981 2.4 55.3 55.3 56.0 0.8 BU 87,014 4,858 41,430 2.2 55.3 55.3 56.0 0.8 BV 88,440 5,928 63,644 1.4 55.6 55.6 56.3 0.8 BW 91,978 6,622 90,166 1.0 55.7 55.7 56.5 0.8 BX 93,086 6,467 70,266 1.3 55.8 55.8 56.6 0.8 BY 94,459 6,166 62,325 1.5 56.2 56.2 56.9 0.7 BZ 96,518 4,546 46,585 1.9 56.7 56.7 57.3 0.6 'Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River -I _ _ FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA W KING COUNTY, WA - - 0AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER 201 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH LA Y-=-W - - I- aH- INEASE C..RASS SFr I - a - ARE VEL�G`PI FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SNOQUALMIE RIVER CA 98,736 4,109 54,421 1.7 56.7 56.7 57.3 0.6 CB 100,320 4,070 50,855 1.8 56.9 56.9 57.5 0.6 CC 101,904 4,775 38,272 2.4 57.5 57.5 58.2 0.6 CD 103,382 5,076 46,570 2.0 58.6 58.6 59.2 0.6 CE 104,650 5,787 54,725 1.7 58.8 58.8 59.4 0.6 CF 105,970 5,413 48,236 1.9 59.1 59.1 59.7 0.6 CG 107,026 5,117 49,577 1.9 59.4 59.4 60.0 0.6 CH 108,187 4,863 50,654 1.8 59.6 59.6 60.2 0.5 CI 109,349 3,940 39,050 2.4 60.2 60.2 60.7 0.5 CJ 110,510 4,505 45,888 2.0 60.9 60.9 61.3 0.4 CK 112,358 3,906 32,898 2.8 61.6 61.6 62.1 0.5 CL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CM 114,629 5,106 29,919 3.1 - 63.6 63.6 64.3 0.7 CN 115,474 4,734 30,002 3.1 64.2 64.2 65.0 0.8 CO 115,579 4,658 42,349 2.2 67.9 67.9 68.7 0.9 CP 115,790 4,720 43,334 2.2 67.9 67.9 68.8 0.9 CQ 116,635 4,717 38,422 2.4 68.0 68.0 68.9 0.9 CR 117,586 4,683 38,205 2.5 68.3 68.3 69.2 0.8 CS 118,536 4,060 29,580 3.2 68.6 68.6 69.4 0.8 CT 119,909 2,603 24,994 3.8 69.8 69.8 70.6 0.8 CU 120,595 1,950 21,178 4.4 71.0 71.0 71.9 0.8 CV 121,440 1,900 19,049 4.9 72.7 72.7 73.5 0.8 CW 122,549 1,600 19,665 4.8 74.2 74.2 75.2 1.0 CX 124,133 1,800 17,744 5.3 76.0 76.0 76.8 0.9 CY 124,661 1,797 20,165 4.7 76.9 76.9 77.6 0.7 CZ 125,136 1,788 20,620 4.1 77.7 77.7 78.5 0.8 'Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River -IFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA -W KING COUNTY, WA cr+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER 202 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD -_.___ ___- _ _ _ _ ____ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION -MEAN--=-_-=_- - - -.-WITHOUT-=----=--WITH'.- __ - WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE - - --- - CROSS SECTION DISTAL JCE1 - AREA---- - VELOCITY --- FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SNOQUALMIE RIVER DA 125,400 1,600 18,131 4.7 78.0 78.0 78.8 0.8 DB 125,611 1,700 17,592 4.8 77.8 77.8 78.6 0.8 DC 126,086 2,100 29,527 2.9 78.5 78.5 79.3 0.7 DD 126,192 2,096 33,692 2.5 •79.2 79.2 79.9 0.7 DE 127,090 2,019 34,950 2.4 79.2 79.2 79.9 0.7 DF 128,146 3,214 49,109 1.8 79.3 79.3 80.1 0.7 DG 129,413 3,971 58,998 0.4 79.5 79.5 80.3 0.8 DH 130,680 1,972 35,290 1.0 79.5 79.5 80.3 0.8 DI 133,003 5,376 75,091 1.1 79.5 79.5 80.3 0.8 DJ 134,798 5,305 75,353 1.1 79.5 79.5 80.3 0.8 DK 135,907 5,322 68,282 1.2 79.6 79.6 80.4 0.8 DL 137,280 5,394 73,289 1.2 79.6 79.6 80.4 0.8 DM 138,283 5,561 66,202 1.3 79.6 79.6 80.4 0.8 DN 140,026 5,120 56,474 1.5 79.8 79.8 80.6 0.8 DO 141,821 4,968 54,718 1.6 80.0 80.0 80.9 0.9 DP 143,352 5,495 58,164 1.4 80.2 80.2 81.2 1.0 DQ 145,200 5,701 59,489 1.4 80.4 80.4 81.4 1.0 DR 146,309 5,373 54,909 1.5 80.6 80.6 81.6 1.0 DS 147,840 5,490 55,823 1.5 80.8 80.8 81.8 1.0 DT 149,213 5,441 53,567 1.6 81.1 81.1 82.1 1.0 DU 150,691 4,890 49,199 1.7 81.4 81.4 82.3 0.9 DV 152,434 5,627 46,924 1.8 81.9 81.9 82.8 0.9 DW 154,334 6,503 48,421 1.8 82.6 82.6 83.6 0.9 DX 160,195 6,871 48,929 1.8 82.9 82.9 83.8 0.9 DY 162,835 4,894 35,989 2.4 83.5 83.5 84.3 0.8 DZ 164,472 4,824 33,599 2.6 84.3 84.3 85.1 0.8 Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River --I - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA co r KING COUNTY, WA SNOQUALMIE RIVER cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS 203 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH roneG cc�Ti a- WIDTH REGULATORY - - - -- tNURE SE--= OBI - = ISrANC - AREA VELOCITY~- FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SNOQUALMIE RIVER EA 166,690 4,646 41,293 2.1 85.0 85.0 85.7 0.7 EB 167,218 4,895 48,048 1.8 85.1 85.1 85.9 0.8 EC 167,640 4,903 45,814 1.9 85.2 85.2 86.0 0.8 ED 168,643 5,399 45,622 1.9 85.6 85.6 86.4 0.8 EE 169,699 6,257 60,835 1.4 86.4 86.4 87.4 1.0 EF 171,970 5,104 38,574 1.2 87.6 87.6 88.3 0.8 EG 172,867 4,865 37,390 1.3 88.3 88.3 88.8 0.5 EH 173,818 3,752 25,958 3.4 89.5 89.5 89.8 0.3 El 174,715 3,395 28,696 3.0 90.7 90.7 91.0 0.3 EJ 176,510 2,839 20,978 4.2 92.5 92.5 92.9 0.4 EK 177,038 2,571 20,961 4.2 93.1 93.1 93.6 0.5 EL 177,989 2,181 17,602 5.0 94.1 94.1 94.8 0.7 EM 178,886 2,296 16,214 5.4 94.9 94.9 95.9 1.0 EN 179,626 1,899 14,126 6.2 96.2 96.2, 97.1 0.9 EO 180,259 1,276 15,255 5.7 98.4 98.4 99.1 0.7 EP 180,365 1,267 14,274 6.1 98.8 98.8 99.5 0.7 EQ 180,682 1,249 13,346 6.1 100.3 100.3 100.9 0.6 ER 181,421 1,271 14,349 5.7 101.6 101.6 102.2 0.6 ES 181,843 1,359 15,525 5.3 102.0 102.0 102.4 0.4 ET 183,322 2,085 24,552 3.3 103.2 103.2- 104.1 0.9 EU 184,800 2,606 27,882 2.9 103.5 103.5 104.3 0.8 EV 186,014 3,100 34,729 2.4 103.7 103.7 104.5 0.8 EW 186,965 3,448 33,330 2.5 103.8 103.8 104.7 0.8 EX 187,915 2,925 24,543 3.3 104.1 104.1 104.9 0.8 EY 188,813 2,721 26,214 3.1 104.4 104.4 105.2 0.7 EZ 189,922 2,172 19,201 4.3 104.7 104.7 105.4 0.7 1Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA co KING COUNTY, WA Gr+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER 204 - FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - = __ - __SECTION _ -_ -MEAN_ WITHOUT WITH WIDTH - - -REGULATORY-=-=--- - ---_- -. __ INCREASE_ ____ ---- CROSS_SECTION DISTANCE' AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - - =_ - (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET-NAVD)---(FEET NAVD)----(FEET-NAVD)-----(FEE-T) --- SNOQUALMIE RIVER FA 191,083 946 9,806 8.4 106.7 106.7 107.1 0.4 FB 192,350 500 7,968 10.4 110.7 110.7 110.7 0.1 FC 193,248 434 7,724 10.7 112.8 112.8 113.0 0.2 FD 194,304 839 13,812 6.0 115.9 115.9 116.3 0.4 FE 195,466 1,650 21,951 3.8 116.7 116.7 117.2 0.5 FF 196,152 1,700 18,344 4.5 117.0 117.0 117.6 0.5 FG 197,155 846 8,020 10.3 117.2 117.2 117.6 0.4 FH 198,053 300 7,711 10.3 119.7 119.7 120.0 0.4 Fl 199,162 360 5,459 14.5 119.5 119.5 119.8 0.3 FJ 199,901 363 7,182 11.0 122.8 122.8 123.1 0.3 FK 201,485 188 3,578 22.1 125.4 125.4 125.7 0.3 FL 40.422 283 4,593 17.4 416.6 416.6 416.6 0.0 FM 40.662 568 9,384 8.5 422.9 422.9 422.9 0.0 FN 40.722 890 13,024 6.1 423.6 423.6 423.6 0.0 FO 40.942 1,618 17,979 4.4 424.8 424.8 424.8 0.0 FP 41.192 2,340 16,674 4.8 425.5 425.5 425.5 0.0 FQ 41.342 2,580 32,581 2.5 425.6 425.6 426.4 0.8 FR 41.682 4,430 55,281 1.4 426.0 426.0 426.0 0.0 FS 42.002 5,110 60,389 1.3 426.3 426.3 427.3 1.0 FT 42.192 5,356 49,249 1.6 426.5 426.5 427.5 1.0 FU 42.512 4,529 44,191 1.8 427.0 427.0 428.0 1.0 FV 42.802 4,120 53,662 1.5 427.3 427.3 428.3 1.0 FW 43.062 3,900 18,226. 2.7 427.5 427.5 428.3 0.8 FX 43.392 3,330 . 47,273 1.7 428.1 428.1 429.1 1.0 FY 46.672 3,330 40,111 2.0 428.4 428.4 429.4 1.0 1Feet Above Confluence with Skykomish River 2Miles Above Confluence with Skykomish River -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA CO KING COUNTY, WA al AND INCORPORATED AREAS SNOQUALMIE RIVER 205 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH 3UULATQR - - - -1'rvV ranee E ,z---iGe- - - AKi/ --` VELOCITY- FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER A 56.34 1,803 13,122 5.4 754.9 754.9 755.4 0.5 B 56.56 1,604 11,789 6.0 757.1 757.1 757.7 0.6 C 56.77 1,825 15,350 4.6 760.0 760.0 760.8 0.8 D 56.97 545 6,845 10.4 762.4 762.4 762.9 0.5 E 57.21 570 6,632 10.8 766.6 766.6 767.1 0.5 F 57.38 461 5,835 12.2 769.6 769.6 770.6 1.0 G 57.46 364 5,039 14.2 772.4 772.4 772.8 0.4 H 57.67 467 6,544 10.9 778.0 778.0 778.1 0.1 I 57.92 820 6,637 10.7 782.4 782.4 782.5 0.1 J 58.14 1,070 8,834 8.1 787.2 787.2 787.7 0.5 K 58.32 1,140 8,266 8.6 789.1 789.1 790.1 1.0 L 58.52 715 6,726 10.6 791.9 791.9 792.1 0.2 M 58.73 785 7,241 9.8 795.4 795.4 796.4 1.0 N 58.91 800 7,371 9.7 799.7 799.7 799.7 0.0 O 59.13 865 9,467 7.5 804.6 804.6 805.5 0.9 P 59.27 274 3,979 17.9 806.1 806.1 806.8 0.7 Q 59.48 671 8,695 8.2 813.9 813.9 814.3 0.4 R 59.70 850 7,912 9.0 816.8 816.8 817.2 0.4 S 59.94 490 6,100 11.7 822.0 822.0 822.3 0.3 T 60.11 561 6,310 11.3 824.9 824.9 825.9 1.0 U 60.32 658 8,163 8.7 830.3 830.3 830.7 0.4 ✓ 60.53 950 12,476 5.7 833.9 833.9 834.5 0.6 W 60.74 990 8,560 8.3 835.0 835.0 836.0 1.0 X 60.95 1,270 12,060 5.9 838.5 838.5 839.5 1.0 Y 61.18 1,255 10,668 6.7 841.2 841.2 842.2 1.0 Z 61.57 1,123 9,203 7.7 847.4 847.4 848.4 1.0 1Miles Above Mouth -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY _ FLOODWAY-DATA -ai- r- KING COUNTY, WA m cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER 206 p - I 1 r � � - 1 1 r I f 1 I i FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD -- ---=-- - ---___ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN - - =--=WITHOUT-==--_ -WITH--___ - - --- _ WIDTH____ REGULATORY INCREASE-- --- -- ------ CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY- --- _FLOODWAY _ FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER AA 61.79 969 6,569 10.9 853.5 853.5 854.3 0.8 AB 62.13 430 6,322 11.3 861.9 861.9 862.6 0.7 AC 62.26 316 5,116 13.9 866.9 866.9 866.9 0.0 AD 62.35 257 4,790 14.9 869.3 869.3 , 869.3 0.0 AE 62.46 177 3,665 19.5 870.9 870.9 . 870.9 0.0 AF 62.64 700 10,071 7.1 877.7 877.7 878.5 0.8 AG 62.84 500 . 7,261 9.8 879.2 879.2 879.8 0.6 AH 63.02 700 7,393 9.6 882.2 882.2 883.1 0.9 Al 63.39 782 9,229 7.7 889.9 889.9 890.9 1.0 AJ 63.72 734 7,527 7.2 895.3 895.3 896.3 1.0 AK 63.99 323 4,637 11.7 899.0 899.0 899.8 0.8 AL 64.18 277 4,195 12.9 904.6 904.6 904.6 0.0 AM 64.36 291 4,277 12.7 907.6 907.6 908.0 0.4 AN 64.53 723 7,671 7.1 911.2 911.2 911.7 0.5 AO 64.82 283 3,442 15.8 915.4 915.4 915.4 0.0 AP 65.11 620 7,936 6.8 924.2 924.2 924.8 0.6 AQ 65.35 637 7,145 7.6 926.8 926.8 927.7 0.9 AR 65.45 600 6,476 8.4 928.5 928.5 929.0 0.5 AS 65.49 560 5,299 10.2 929.2 929.2 929.7 0.5 AT 65.55 548 4,576 11.9 929.4 929.4 930.4 1.0 AU 65.61 195 2,567 21.2 930.3 930.3 930.3 0.0 AV 65.69 455 6,738 8.1 937.9 937.9 937.9 0.0 AW 65.82 351 4,327 12.5 938.5 938.5 938.5 0.0 AX 65.95 289 3,660 14.8 940.5 940.5 941.4 0.9 AY 66.05 570 4,577 11.9 943.8 943.8 943.8 .0.0 AZ 66.28 619 3,952 13.7 950.1 950.1 950.1 0.0 'Miles Above Mouth D FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA 0- KING COUNTY, WA - - AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER 207 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH _ WIDTH RFGU�TORY 4 INfRt s't CROSS SECTION fLS r, _- -- - - -- - -ARE-A-��'-VEWC1I-Y - FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER BA 66.49 374 4,132 13.1 955.8 955.8 956.7 0.9 BB 66.61 265 5,133 10.6 964.1 964.1 964.1 0.0 BC 66.72 600 8,065 2.8 966.0 966.0 966.0 0.0 BD 66.90 1,354 7,601 3.0 966.3 966.3 966.4 0.1 BE 67.18 790 4,099 5.6 969.1 969.1 969.7 0.6 BF 67.39 233 2,363 9.6 973.0 973.0 973.7 0.7 BG 67.61 128 1,275 17.9 980.3 980.3 980.3 0.0 , BH 67.89 330 2,989 7.6 992.8 992.8 992.9 0.1 BI 68.05 330 3,227 7.1 996.4 996.4 996.4 0.0 BJ 68.18 360 2,319 9.8 998.9 998.9 999.5 0.6 BK 68.34 202 1,752 13.0 1,004.2 1,004.2 1,004.3 0.1 BL 68.59 154 1,821 12.5 1,014.5 1,014.5 1,014.5 0.0 BM 68.80 159 1,360 16.8 1,023.7 1,023.7 1,023.7 0.0 BN 69.08 114 1,245 18.3 1,043.1 1,043.1 1,043.6 0.5 'Miles Above Mouth -1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA -W KINGCOUNTY, WA m AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER 208 I 1- - 1 .. r I _ -� FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- __ __ ----- __.--- _ _ _ SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH- - --__ = _- --_--REGULA_TORY INCREASE _____ CROSS SECTION -DIS_TAN__CE' AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY-=--FLOODWAY- =_-=---- -- __ __ (FEET) (SQ.FEET) - (FEET/SEC.-),-- --- (FEET-NAVD) _-(FEET_NAVD)_ (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK --- SNOQUALMIE RIVER A 9,400 1,681 9,892 2.0 434.6/434.6/434.62 434.63 435.13 0.5 B 12,378 166 1,615 9.3 440.4/440.7/440.62 440.43 440.43 0.0 C 14,432 862 4,541 3.3 445.1/446.1/445.32 444.93 445.33 0.4 D 14,768 721 3,772. 4.0 445.6/447.8/446.42 445.23 445.73 0.5 E 16,540 220 2,257 6.6 450.7/452.1/452.12 450.33 451.13 0.8 F 16,960 319 2,151 7.0 451.1/452.3/448.72 450.83 451.63 0.8 G 17,775 860 6,143 2.4 452.8/453.2/453.12 452.63 453.43 0.8 H 18,592 421 ' 2,361 6.4 453.3/453.5/453.42 453.33 453.83 0.5 I 19,180 315 2,735 5.5 454.9/455.4/455.32 454.93 - 455.33 0.4 J 19,545 307 2,162 6.9 455.5/455.9/455.82 455.53 455.83 0.3 K 20,250 304 2,053 7.3 457.5/457.8/457.82 457.53 457.83 0.3 L 21,220 607 2,076 7.2 460.0/461.1/461.12 460.03 460.93 0.9 M 21,905 985 4,684 3.2 462.7/463.7/463.32 462.43 463.33 0.9 N 23,415 836 3,483 4.3 466.8/467.6/465.12 465.03 466.03 1.0 O 24,088 557 2,380 6.3 468.9/469.6/467.82 467.73 468.13 0.4 P 24,597 388 1,835 8.2 470.7/471.0/469.32 469.33 470.13 0.8 Q 25,613 143 1,587 9.5 476.4/476.6/476.62 476.43 476.73 0.3 R 26,087 192 1,993 7.5 478.2/478.4/478.42 478.23 478.23 0.0 S 27,297 475 2,894 5.2 479.6/479.6/479.72 479.93 480.6 0.6 T 27,913 693 4,110 3.7 481.7/481.7/480.82 480.93 481.8 0.8 U 28,440 462 3,317 5.3 483.6/483.6/481.42 481.53 481.5 -0.1 ✓ 28,869 699 2,712 5.5 484.3/484.3/482.62 482.73 483.5 0.7 W 29,243 386 1,863 8.1 485.4/485.4/484.72 484.83 484.8 -0.1 X 29,747 158 1,431 10.5 487.5/487.5/486.92 487.03 487.1 0.0 Y 30,763 119 1,247 12.0 490.6/490.6/490.12 490.23 490.6 0.3 Z 31,898 139 1,368 11.0 495.9/495.6/495.52 495.63 495.5 0.1 1Feet Above Confluence with Snoqualmie River Note: Reference to Left and Right are Based on Looking Downstream Direction ----2Landward of Left Levee/Riverward of Levees/Landwardof Right Levee 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Levees FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA - - - - co KING COUNTY, WA triAND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER 209 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY -FLOC GDW CY= - _ - - - (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER AA 32,358 167 1,592 9.4 497.0/498.4/497.42 497.43 498.1 0.7 AB 32,737 162 1,389 10.8 497.8/498.0/498.82 498.73 499.6 0.9 AC 33,205 273 2,180 6.9 500.2/502.1/501.02 502.13 502.5 0.4 AD 33,741 310 2,439 6.2 502.1/503.0/502.72 503.23 503.9 0.7 AE 34,406 182 1,085 13.8 504.3/504.3/504.92 504.33 504.3 0.0 AF 34,784 335 2,167 6.9 509.5/509.5/509.22 509.53 509.5 0.0 AG 35,191 351 1,914 7.8 511.5/511.5/511.42 511.53 511.5 0.0 AH 35,682 152 1,242 12.1 514.9/514.9/514.92 514.93 514.9 0.0 Al 36,189 108 1,244 12.1 519.7/519.7/519.62 519.63 519.7 0.1 AJ 36,704 103 1,340 11.2 527.0/527.0/528.72 527.03 527.0 0.0 AK 37,291 143 1,393 10.8 531.0/531.0/527.82 531.03 531.0 0.0 AL 37,841 102 1,000 15.0 535.5/535.5/536.62 535.53 535.4 0.2 AM 38,443 155 1,591 9.4 542.1/542.1/541.72 542.13 542.6 0.5 AN 39,109 119 1,270 11.8 550.1 550.13 550.1 0.0 AO 39,654 100 1,204 12.5 554.1 554.13 554.1 0.0 AP 40,086 128 1,685 8.9 557.4 557.4 557.5 0.1 AQ 40,576 142 1,622 9.3 559.1 559.1 559.3 0.2 AR 41,027 182 1,397 10.7 561.3 561.3 561.4 0.1 AS 41,637 189 2,039 7.4 565.8 565.8 565.8 0.0 AT 42,231 121 1,246 12.0 567.7 567.7 567.7 0.0 AU 43,074 404 3,147 4.8 572.5 572.5 573.1 0.6 AV 43,631 382 2,726 5.5 573.9 573.9 574.6 0.7 AW 44,390 754 4,079 3.7 575.8 575.8 576.8 1.0 AX 44,968 561 2,869 5.2 577.2 577.2 578.1 0.9 AY 45,730 318 2,143 7.0 580.9 580.9 581.0 0.1 AZ 46,420 134 1,312 11.4 583.1 583.1 583.8 0.7 'Feet Above Confluence with Snoqualmie River Note: Reference to Left and Right are Based on Looking Downstream Direction 2Landward of Left Levee/Riverward of Levees/Landward of Right Levee 2Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Levees -ID _ FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY FLOODWAY DATA 00 KING COUNTY, WA • cr+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER 210 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN- -- =__- ---WITHOUT=_--__NTH_-____ WIDTH REGULATORY - -- INCREASE--- -- _- _----- CROSS SECTION DISTANCE - AREA ---VELOCITY _ - FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) - ----- SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER BA 47,164 545 3,336 4.5 587.4 587.4 588.1 0.7 BB• 48,308 1350 8,269 1.8 593.9 593.9 594.3 0.4 BC 48,829 1293 6,026 2.5 594.3 594.3 594.8 0.5 BD 49,371 113 923 16.3 595.8 595.8 595.8 0.0 BE 49,854 133 _ 1,342 11.2 601.5 601.5 601.9 0.4 BF 50,445 235 1,658 9.0 606.0 - 606.0 606.0 0.0 BG 50,814 239 1,187 12.6 609.9 609.9 609.9 0.0 BH 51,203 203 1,898 7.9 614.8 614.8 615.0 0.2 'Feet Above Confluence with Snoqualmie River - - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA r- KING COUNTY, WA SOUTH FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER cm AND INCORPORATED AREAS 211 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD _WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WIDTH SECTION MEAN _REau WITHOUT WITH - . $E ier CROSS S ECTION. DISTf1C-EI- -- A#t>= -- EEOCIT FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SOUTH FORK THORNTON CREEK A 247 33 108 2.5 57.6 57.6 57.6 0.0 B 872 17 33 8.1 61.1 61.1 61.1 0.0 C 1,515 15 30 9.0 66.7 66.7 66.7 0.0 D 1,705 14 53 5.1 72.3 72.3 72.3 0.0 E 1,848 12 29 8.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 0.0 F 2,551 11 28 8.9 83.1 83.1 83.1 0.0 G 2,696 12 33 7.5 86.6 86.6 86.6 0.0 H 3,350 18 32 7.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 0.0 I 3,800 16 30 7.9 105.3 105.3 105.3 0.0 J 4,140 28 36 6.6 113.7 113.7 113.7 0.0 K 4,318 5 20 11.4 123.6 123.6 123.6 0.0 L 4,630 25 49 4.3 128.6 128.6 128.6 0.0 M 5,155 45 40 5.3 138.3 138.3 138.3 0.0 N 5,814 10 33 4.8 151.1 151.1 151.1 0.0 O 6,555 29 30 5.3 160.1 160.1 160.1 0.0 P 7,035 13 28 5.6 165.7 165.7 165.8 0.1 Q 7,520 13 21 7.2 173.3 173.3 173.3 0.0 R 7,788 9 15 9.7 186.7 186.7 186.7 0.0 S 8,035 19 24 6.4 195.2 195.2 195.2 0.0 T 9,359 6 16 9.3 225.0 225.0 225.0 0.0 U 9,600 49 47 3.2 227.7 227.7 227.7 0.0 ✓ 9,915 10 19 7.9 231.5 231.5 231.5 0.0 W 10,274 17 40 3.8 233.7 233.7 233.7 0.0 X 10,457 12 49 1.8 236.3 236.3 236.4 0.1 Y 10,557 5 15 6.0 236.8 236.8 236.8 0.0 Z 10,890 10 16 5.5 239.8 239.8 239.8 0.0 AA 11,295 6 11 8.0 245.8 245.8 245.8 0.0 'Feet Above Mouth -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA -W_ KING COUNTY, WA m al INCORPORATED AREAS SOUTH FORK THORNTON CREEK 212 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD _ _--- _-=-----_ -_ - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH - -- WIDTH REGULATORY2 INCREASE _ CROSS SECTION DISTANCE1 AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SPRINGBROOK CREEK A 0 177 2,174 0.8 -- -- -- -- B 225 601 1,596 1.0 -- -- -- -- C 505 688 845 1.8 24.0 -- -- -- D 635 268 515 2.9 -- -- -- -- E 1,035 459 1,115 1.2 -- -- -- -- F 1,305 278 503 2.6 - -- -- -- G 1,640 541 1,589 0.8 -- -- -- -- H 2,000 74 165 7.9 -- -- -- -- I 2,220 60 314 4.1 -- -- -- -- J 2,537 40 218 5.2 -- -- -- -- K 2,840 76 451 2.5 -- -- -- -- L 3,266 67 468 2.4 -- -- -- -- M 3,754 60 396 2.8 25.0 -- -- -- N 4,280 70 440 2.5 -- -- -- -- O 4,669 61 385 2.9 -- -- -- -- P 4,728 60 583 1.9 -- -- -- -- Q 4,961 64 551 0.7 -- -- -- R 5,077 39 283 1.4 -- -- -- -- S 5,225 NA NA NA -- -- -- -- T 5,560 100 46 8.7 -- -- -- -- U 5,564 72 191 2.1 -- -- -- -- ✓ 5,620 60 359 3.1 -- -- -- -- W 5,682 59 340 3.3 -- -- -- -- X 5,777 59 345 3.2 -- -- -- -- Y 5,939 59 408 2.7 -- -- -- - Z 6,039 58 422 2.7 -- -- -- -- Feet From Black River Pump Station 2 Springbrook Creek flood elevations are controlled by Green River Flood.Base Flood Elevation are derived from 1%chance flood elevations from Green River D - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA co KING COUNTY, WA t AND INCORPORATED AREAS SPRINGBROOK CREEK 213 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH REGULATORY3 INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FI (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SPRINGBROOK CREEK AA 6,489 56 413 2.7 -- -- -- -- AB 6,889 54 384 2.8 26.0 -- -- -- AC 7,189 53 506 2.1 -- -- -- -- AD 7,439 52 387 2.6 -- -- -- -- AE 7,589 51 335 3 -- -- -- -- AF 8,039 56 540 1.9 -- -- -- -- AG 8,339 59 395 2.5 -- -- -- -- AH 8,689 63 386 2.6 -- -- -- -- Al 8,889 65 408 2.4 -- -- -- -- AJ 8,989 65 469 2.1 -- -- — -- AK 9,089 9292 513 1.9 -- -- -- -- AL 9,189 6172 495 1.8 27.0 -- -- -- AM 9,491 6102 544 1.6 -- -- -- -- AN 9,691 5722 446 1.9 -- -- -- -- AO 9,766 4562 509 1.7 -- -- -- -- AP 10,092 3262 489 1.7 -- -- -- -- AQ 10,213 3182 557 1.5 -- -- -- -- AR 10,309 2,1632 620 1.4 -- -- -- -- AS 10,435 2,2562 597 1.4 -- — -- -- AT 10,937 2,2812 570 1.4 28.0 -- -- -- AU 11,344 2,1512 428 1.8 -- -- -- -- AV 11,882 63 306 2.7 -- -- -- — AW 12,370 63 304 2.8 -- -- -- -- AX 12,661 63 504 2.2 -- -- -- -- AY 13,061 59 492 2.3 29.0 -- -- -- AZ 13,661 54 449 2.5 -- -- -- -- 'Feet From Black River Pump Station 2Cross Section Includes Wetland 3 Springbrook Creek flood elevations are controlled by Green River Flood.Base Flood Elevation are derived from 1%chance flood elevations from Green River —I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA °° KING COUNTY, WA at AND INCORPORATED AREAS SPRINGBROOK CREEK • 214 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION - --___- ------ -- - __ - - -- -- - SECTION _ MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH-- ----. ---- --- -_-=REGUEATORY2--__- - - - -__ INCREASE--- - _ CROSS SECTION _ DISTANCE' AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - - -- --_ (FEET) • (SQ.FEET) (FEETTSEC) (FEETNAVD) (FEETNAVD)--(FEETNAVD)-- -(FEET) SPRINGBROOK CREEK BA 14,061 50 358 3.1 -- -- -- -- BB 14,637 42 369 3.0 -- -- -- -- BC 14,710 41 343 3.3 -- -- -- -- BD 14,970 43 385 2.9 -- -- -- -- BE 15,235 56 468 2.3 -- -- -- -- BF 16,235 _ 88 514 2.1 -- -- - -- BG 16,935 60 299 3.5 -- -- - -- -- BH 3.03 3 80 477 2.6 30.0 -- -- -- BI 3.17 3 70 561 1.2 -- -- -- -- BJ 3.49 3 75 520 1.3 -- -- -- -- BK 3.80 3 88 453 1.5 -- -- -- -- BL 3.95 3 59 328 2 31.0 -- -- -- BM 4.08 3 100 733 0.9 -- -- -- -- BN 4.29 3 50 316 2.1 -- -- -- -- BO 4.33 3 92 739 0.9 -- -- -- -- BP 4.513 30 303 1.7 -- -- -- -- BQ 4.63 3 33 238 2.1 32.0 -- -- -- BR 4.82 3 29 218 2.3 -- -- -- -- BS 4.97 3 21 141 3.5 33.0 -- -- -- BT 5.13 3 28 211 2.4 -- -- -- -- BU 5.16 3 20 161 3.1 -- -- -- -- BV 5.36 3 30 202 2.5 34.0 -- -- -- BW 5.53 3 19 147 3.4 -- -- -- -- BX 5.57 3 24 174 0.7 35.0 -- -- -- BY 5.65 3 30 187 0.6 -- -- -- -- BZ 5.80 3 28 122 0.9 -- -- -- -- 'Feet From Black River Pump Station 3 Springbrook Creek flood elevations are controlled by Green River Flood.Base Flood Elevation are derived from 1%chance flood elevations from Green River 3 For cross section BH to CL,the distance are obtained from effective FIS report April 19,2005 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA 00 KING COUNTY, WA + AND INCORPORATED AREAS SPRINGBROOK CREEK � 215 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH REGULATORY2 INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' AREA VELOCITY FLOOnWAY_ I-.00_ (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SPRINGBROOK CREEK CA 5.94 3 28 87 1.3 36.0 -- -- -- CB 6.07 3 19 59 2.0 -- -- -- -- CC 6.18 3 25 75 1.4 -- -- -- -- CD 6.213 34 96 1.1 -- -- -- -- CE 6.36 3 28 60 1.8 37.0 -- -- -- CF 6.38 3 30 69 1.4 -- -- -- -- CG 6.46 3 35 81 1.2 -- -- -- -- CH 6.58 3 23 92 0.8 -- -- -- -- CI 6.74 3 13 50 2 38.0 -- -- -- CJ 6.85 3 25 99 1 -- -- -- -- CL 6.89 3 30 130 1.5 -- -- -- -- CM 7.18 3 30 78 3.8 -- -- -- -- 1Feet From Black River Pump Station 3 Springbrook Creek flood elevations are controlled by Green River Flood.Base Flood Elevation are derived from 1%chance flood elevations from Green River 3 For cross section BH to CL,the distance are obtained from effective FIS report April 19,2005 -I __ FEDERAL EMERGENC-Y_MANAGEMENT-AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA coI- KING COUNTY, WA m SPRINGBROOK CREEK cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS 216 • FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION -- - - --- - SECTION ----MEAN=___- -_-_--- - =WITHOUT-- -_- _.-_WITH_ -- - - WIDTH REGULATORY _ INCREASE--= - CROSS-SECTION DIST-ANCE1 - __AREA _ VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SW 23rd STREET DRAINAGE CHANNEL CA 0 602 32 4.5 16.9 16.9 17.8 0.9 CB 420 602 183 0.8 16.9 16.9 17.8 0.9 CC 500 602 169 0.9 16.9 16.9 17.8 0.9 CD 550 602 165 0.9 16.9 16.9 17.8 0.9 CE 810 602 89 1.6 16.9 16.9 17.8 0.9 CF 896 902 293 0.5 17.0 17.0 17.8 0.8 CG 947 902 254 0.6 17.0 17.0 17.8 0.8 CH 1,061 53 153 0.9 17.0 17.0 17.8 0.8 CI 1,110 60 26 5.5 17.1 17.1 17.8 0.7 CJ 1,545 60 204 0.7 17.1 17.1 17.8 0.7 CK 2,075 60 184 0.8 17.1 17.1 17.8 0.7 CL 2,292 40 105 1.4 17.1 17.1 17.9 0.8 CM 2,391 40 248 0.5 18.1 18.1 18.4 0.3 CN 2,492 40 218 0.5 18.1 18.1 18.4 0.3 'Feet Above Confluence With Springbrook Creek 2Cross Section Includes Wetlands -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA co KING COUNTY, WA w+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SW 23RD STREET DRAINAGE CHANNEL 217 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH z INCBFASF WIDTH REGIJI ATORY ' ttUC CITY- FCOODWAY3--FLOODWAY" (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) SWAMP CREEK A 960 50 232 3.9 21.1 19.8 19.8 0.0 B 1,400 47 240 3.8 21.1 20.6 20.6 0.0 C 1,870 147 652 1.4 25.0 25.0 26.0 1.0 D 2,300 45 294 3.1 25.2 25.2 26.2 1.0 E 2,491 84 374 2.4 26.0 26.0 26.8 0.8 F 2,791 26 191 4.8 26.3 26.3 26.9 0.6 G 3,271 28 214 4.3 27.1 27.1 28.0 0.9 H 3,860 54 283 3.2 28.3 28.3 29.2 0.9 I 4,461 413 1,330 0.7 28.9 28.9 29.9 1.0 J 5,151 302 419 2.1 30.5 29.7 30.7 1.0 K 5,661 530 834 1.0 34.0 31.9 32.9 1.0 L 6,271 286 275 3.2 35.6 34.6 35.5 0.9 M 6,961 467 865 1.0 39.7 38.0 39.0 1.0 N 7,561 37 95 9.1 43.9 43.1 43.1 0.0 O 7,941 59 223 3.9 46.0 46.3 47.2 0.9 P 8,141 47 192 4.5 47.9 47.9 48.5 0.6 Q 8,181 66 186 4.7 48.3 48.3 48.6 0.3 R 8,931 242 397 2.2 53.3 53.3 53.7 0.4 S 9,631 33 93 9.4 56.5 56.5 56.6 0.1 T 9,961 295 351 2.5 60.6 6016 61.5 0.9 U 10,231 75 143. 6.1 62.7 62.7 63.2 0.5 ✓ 10,791 48 172 5.1 67.9 67.9 68.9 1.0 W 11,381 55 144 6.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 0.0 X 12,031 28 176 4.9 78.9 78.9 79.8 0.9 Y 12,791 57 169 5.1 84.0 84.0 84.3 0.3 'Feet Above Mouth 2Elevation Computed for Flow Confined to Main Channel Between Sections I and N 3Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Backwater from Sammamish River FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA W KING COUNTY, WA cr+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS SWAMP CREEK 218 r FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD F -- --_ __-_--__- ----_ -- - _ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH - WIDTH_ REGULATORY INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY- - - FLOODWAY2 -FLOODWAY2 (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) THORNTON CREEK A 327 22 76 5.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 0.0 B 860 31. 109 3.6 23.6 23.6 23.7 0.1 C 1,046 13 63 5.3 24.1 24.1 24.2 0.1 D 1,295 43 158 2.1 26.3 26.3 26.5 0.2 E 1,410 46 167 2.0 26.4 26.4 26.6 0.2 F 1,745 24 186 1.8 34.6 34.6 34.6 0.0 G 1,960 28 86 1.8 34.6 34.6 34.6 0.0 H 2,090 17 143 2.3 36.3 36.3 36.3 0.0 I 2,460 17 118 2.8 36.3 36.3 36.3 0.0 J 2,778 43 172 1.8 36.4 36.4 36.6 0.2 K 2,860 41 159 2.0 36.4 36.4 .36.6 0.2 L 3,395 18 67 4.7 37.3 37.3 37.4 0.1 M 3,850 15 73 4.2 38.6 38.6 38.8 0.2 N 4,170 34 99 2.9 39.1 39.1 39.4 0.3 O 4,990 21 48 6.0 41.3 41.3 41.3 0.0 P 5,275 16 44 6.5 43.5 43.5 43.5 0.0 Q 5,488 22 72 4.1 44.5 44.5 45.4 0.9 R 5,606 18 73 3.6 45.3 45.3 46.1 0.8 S 5,888 28 82 3.2 46.7 46.7 47.2 0.5 T 6,046 20 68 3.8 47.2 47.2 47.6 0.4 U 6,460 16 68 3.7 47.9 47.9 48.2 0.3 ✓ 6,570 63 404 0.6 50.9 50.9 50.9 0.0 W 6,800 35 . 178 3.3 50.9 50.9 50.9 0.0 X 7,155 31 143 4.1 53.3 53.3 53.5 0.2 1Feet Above Mouth 2Elevations Without Consideration of Backwater Effects From Lake Washington FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA. 00 KING COUNTY, WA mn AND INCORPORATED AREAS THORNTON CREEK c 219 • FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION WIDTH SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH 1 REGULATORY _ IN - rRQSS_S_ES- -AREA-- LiRCA _ VELOCITY -w- - E3FQo ,•' (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) TIBBETTS CREEK A 0.15 N/A N/A N/A 35.7 35.7 N/A N/A B 0.29 23 88. 5.4 36.2 36.2 37.2 1.0 C 0.51 29 128 3.3 43.1 43.1 43.2 0.1 D 0.62 58 148 2.9 46.9 46.9 47.2 0.3 E 0.73 22 77 5.5 49.5 49.5 50.5 1.0 F 0.86 29 99 4.3 54.7 54.7 55.3 0.6 G 0.97 19 79 5.4 57.2 57.2 57.4 0.2 H 1.07 19 61 7.0 60.2 60.2 60.3 0.1 I 1.11 22 82 5.2 61.4 61.4 62.0 0.6 J 1.17 39 135 3.1 67.4 67.4 67.6 0.2 K 1.27 11 39 10.9 72.6 72.6 72.6 0.0 L 1.34 27 174 1.9 81.3 81.3 81.3 0.0 M 1.42 36 155 2.1 81.4 81.4 81.5 0.1 N 1.44 17 88 3.7 81.6 81.6 81.7 0.1 O 1.55 30 46 7.1 88.8 88.8 88.8 0.0 P 1.66 85 91 3.6 98.9 98.9 98.9 0.0 Q 1.74 24 6 7.1 106.8 106.8 107.2 0.4 R 1.77 19 77 4.2 114.3 114.3 114.5 0.2 S 1.80 13 65 5.0 116.8 116.8 117.4 0.6 T 1.83 39 201 1.6 117.1 117.1 118.1 1.0 U 1.89 11 30 10.8 121.2 121.2 121.5 0.3 ✓ 1.94 64 51 6.4 128.0 128.0 128.0 0.0 W 1.97 12 32 10.1 130.6 130.6 130.8 0.2 X 2.03 16 74 4.4 138.2 138.2 138.4 0.2 Y 2.09 28 44 7.4 141.1 141.1 141.2 0.1 Z 2.14 18 40 8.2 146.5 146.5 146.5 0.0 1Miles Above Mouth -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DADA 00- KING COUNTY, WA I.A. - -• tr+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS TIBBETTS CREEK 220 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD -_ _-__ --_�- _- ___- -_ �__ -_-__-_ __ _ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH _ REGULATORY INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY --FLOODWAY -- (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) TIBBETTS CREEK. AA 2.19 38 48 6.7 152.3 152.3 152.4 0.1 AB 2.23 31 39 8.4 160.6 160.6 160.6 0.0 AC 2.28 7 55 5.9 179.4 179.4 179.4 0.0 AD 2.29 22 111 2.9 179.8 179.8 180.0 0.2 AE - 2.33 8 53 6.1 186.1 186.1 186.4 0.3 AF 2.34 24 61 5.4 186.1 186.1 186.7 - 0.6 AG 2.38 160 30 10.9 190.9 190.9 191.0 0.1 • 1Miles Above Mouth -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA 00 KING COUNTY, WA 0AND INCORPORATED AREAS TIBBETTS CREEK 221 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH CROSS SFCTIC)N _ DISTAN 1 WIDTH �^ REGULATORY �L��uv,n.i t i,�,uvrar INCREASE (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) TOLT RIVER A2 B 2,350 2,170 8,231 2.7 76.93 74.35 75.05 0.7 C 2,880 1,500 6,797 3.2 80.2 80.2 80.3 0.1 D 3,235 1,300 6,219 3.5 80.6 80.6 81.3 0.7 E 3,740 1,200 5,424 4.1 81.7 81.7 82.6 0.9 F 4,345 1,300 3,833 5.7 84.8 84.8 85.5 0.7 G 4,775 778 3,376 6.5 87.7 87.7 88.7 1.0 H 5,390 570 2,697 8.2 92.5 92.5 93.5 1.0 I 5,835 492 4,137 5.3 97.0/97.0/96.04 97.06 97.26 0.2 J 6,355 1,000 6,880 3.2 99.2/99.5/98.24 99.06 99.46 0.4 K 7,030 642 3,226 6.8 101.4/101.7/101.64 101.26 101.66 0.4 L 7,690 650 3,324 6.6 104.4/106.0/105.94 104.36 105.16 0.8 M 8,300 810 3,099 7.1 107.8/108.6/108.24 107.36 108.26 0.9 N 9,055 900 4,302 5.1 112.0/113.9/112.54 111.56 112.36 0.8 O 9,735 856 4,365 5.0 115.3/116.4/116.14 115.26 116.06 0.8 P 10,595 1,272 4,853 4.5 119.9/119.8/119.84 119.96 120.86 0.9 Q 11,185 902 4,355 5.1 123.1 123.1 123.9 0.8 R 12,365 707 3,515 6.3 129.8 129.8 130.4 0.6 S 13,160 693 3,321 6.6 136.3 136.3 136.7 0.4 T 13,920 1,068 4,487 4.9 141.8 141.8 142.7 0.9 U 14,860 287 2,059 10.7 148.9 148.9 149.6 0.7 ✓ 15,385 1,100 5,144 4.3 153.5 153.5 154.5 1.0 W 16,255 724 3,447 6.4 157.5 157.5 158.5 1.0 X 16,855 826 4,011 5.5 161.4 161.4 162.4 1.0 Y 17,625 855 5,149 4.3 165.2 165.2 165.3 0.1 Z 18,235 279 1,601 13.7 170.8 170.8 171.4 0.6 'Feet Above Mouth 2Cross Section Located Within Snoqualmie River Floodway 3Backwater from Snoqualmie River °Landward of Left Levee/Riverward of Levees/Landward of Right Levee 'Elevations Calculated Without Consideration of Backwater from Snoqualmie River 'Elevations Computed Without Consideration of Levees -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA W KING COUNTY, WA cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS TOLT RIVER 222 I 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY ___-__ -_ --_- __ _-__---- ----- WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ___ __ SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH _ WIDTH - _ _REGULATORY INCREASE CROSS SECTION DISTANCE AREA VELOCITY FLOODWAY --FLOODWAY-- - (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) TOLT RIVER AA 19,045 1,102 5,668 3.9 177.8 177.8 178.8 1.0 AB 19,690 750 3,606 6.1 180.9 180.9 181.2 0.3 AC 20,340 632 3,508 6.3 184.4 184.4 185.3 . 0.9 AD 20,795 435 2,553 8.6 187.9 187.9 188.2 0.3 AE 21,555 - 352 2,628 8.4 193.2 193.2 193.7 0.5 AF 22,135 752 4,552 4.8 196.1 196.1 197.0 0.9 AG 22,935 805 3,276 6.7 200.1 200.1 200.9 0.8 AH 23,920 790 4,929 4.5 205.4 205.4 206.4 1.0 Al 24,280 436 2,806 7.8 206.9 206.9 207.8 0.9 AJ 24,730 434 2,984 7.4 210.1 210.1 211.0 0.9 AK 25,515 604 3,236 6.8 215.3 215.3 216.3 1.0 AL 26,265 380 2,722 8.1 221.3 221.3 221.3 0.0 AM 26,755 363 3,138 7.0 223.9 223.9 224.3 0.4 AN 27,255 334 2,245 9.8 226.8 226.8 227.0 0.2 AO 27,795 371 3,194 6.9 230.1 230.1 231.0 0.9 AP 28,610 374 2,647 8.3 233.8 233.8 234.8 1.0 AQ 29,355 379 2,434 9.0 238.5 238.5 239.4 0.9 AR .30,150 230 2,046 10.8 244.5 244.5 245.5 1.0 AS 30,900 190 1,747 12.6 251.7 251.7 252.4 0.7 AT 31,365 235 2,050 10.7 257.7 257.7 258.0 0.3 AU 31,770 377 3,878 5.7 262.4 262.4 263.3 0.9 'Feet Above Mouth D FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY - -- - FLOODWAY DATA __ _ 03 W KING COUNTY, WA ca AND INCORPORATED AREAS TOLT RIVER 223 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN WITHOUT WITH WIDTH REGULATORY INCREASE CROSS SECTION PiSTANCaF' _----ARF:° VELOCIPL - - -. FLe- I WAY- FL OD (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) UPPER NORTH OVERFLOW A 300 161 783 2.7 444.9 444.9 445.6 0.7 B 475 161 819 2.6 445.0 445.0 445.8 0.8 C 2,000 123 319 6.7 449.7 449.7 450.3 0.6 D 2,600 166 552 3.9 452.9 452.9 453.2 0.3 E 3,050 188 301 7.2 455.6 455.6 455.9 0.3 F 3,200 187 334 6.4 457.2 457.2 457.4 0.2 G 3,900 95 379 5.7 460.2 460.2 460.6 0.4 1Feet Above Convergence with Upper South Overflow -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY-DATA m- KING COUNTY, WA cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS UPPER NORTH OVERFLOW 224 - J _ FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD - - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION __ SECTION MEAN - - -_ --"--- - WITHOUT-= -- --WITH= - ---- ---_ - - ___WIDTH __ REGULATORY INCREASE-- - -______= CROSS SECTION DISTANCE ---AREA -VELOCITY- ---- — FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) UPPER SOUTH OVERFLOW A 2,200 111 398 10.8 440.4 440.4 440.6 0.2 B 2,900 175 1,025 4.2 444.9 444.9 445.6 0.7 C 3,900 84 327 6.6 448.6 448.6 448.8 0.2 D 4,700 127 611 3.5 454.3 454.3 454.8 0.5 E 5,650 203 379 5.7 456.3 456.3 456.6 0.3 'Feet Above Confluence with South Fork Snoqualmie River -—I - FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA CO KING COUNTY, WA cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS UPPER SOUTH OVERFLOW 225 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD _ WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION I MEAN WITHOUT WITH CROSS SECTICIN=_�ruc WIDTH2 -LR�GI-JL RY--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - INCREA E- J - -AREA - �E� -OCITY- FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) WALKER CREEK A 290 132 217 5.0 14.5 14.5 14.9 0.4 B 510 134 482 2.2 15.7 15.7 16.6 0.9 C 710 254 809 1.3 16.1 16.1 16.9 0.8 D 920 35 98 4.7 16.4 16.4 17.1 0.7 E 1,100 34 106 4.3 17.7 17.7 18.2 0.5 F 1,160 7 35 9.0 19.6 19.6 20.6 1.0 G 1,200 20 97 3.2 19.8 19.8 20.8 1.0 H 1,410 20 49 5.8 20.6 20.6 21.5 0.9 I 1,600 20 37 7.7 25.4 25.4 25.5 0.1 J 1,720 15 50 5.7 27.2 27.2 28.1 0.9 'Feet Above Mouth 2Because of Map Scale Limitations,All Floodway Widths Less Than 30 Feet Are Shown As 30 Feet -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA I- KING COUNTY, WA c+ AND INCORPORATED AREAS WALKER CREEK 226 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD -_--- _FLOODING WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION -MEAN-=-___-_-_-_----WITHOUT___----WITH_____.___ - WIDTH REGULATORY - --INCREASE--_ - CROSS SECTION DISTANCE-- AREA- VELOCITY __ FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) WEST FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK A 130 21 74 7.5 234.7 234.7 235.7 1.0 B 230 10 45 12.4 238.2 238.2 238.2 0.0 C 404 24 181 3.0 243.8 243.8 243.8 0.0 D 1,304 35 69 8.0 259.2 259.2 259.3 0.1 E 2,204 22 59 9.3 276.8 276.8 276.8 0.0 F 3,384 24 59 8.9 308.6 308.6 308.6 0.0 G 4,214 30 70 7.6 316.8 316.8 316.9 0.1 H 4,394 22 76 7.0 318.5 318.5 318.7 0.2 I 4,508 39 214 2.5 321.9 321.9 322.8 0.9 J 4,708 88 468 1.1 321.9 321.9 322.9 1.0 K 4,917 156 703 0.8 322.0 322.0 323.0 1.0 L 5,267 167 467 1.1 322.0 322.0 323.0 1.0 M 5,570 139 278 1.2 322.2 322.2 323.2 1.0 N 6,570 26 48 6.9 323.8 323.8 323.8 0.0 O 7,740 27 108 1.9 326.2 326.2 327.0 0.8 P 7,966 26 93 2.1 327.5 327.5 328.4 0.9 Q 8,346 26 104 1.9 328.2 328.2 328.8 0.6 R 8,774 28 115 1.7 328.6 328.6 329.3 0.7 S 9,324 64 165 1.2 328.7 328.7 329.5 0.8 T - 9,796 176 422 0.5 328.7 328.7 329.7 1.0 U 10,521 119 139 1.4 328.7 328.7 329.7 1.0 ✓ 10,806 136 541 0.4 328.7 328.7 329.7 1.0 W 11,456 62 204 1.0 328.7 328.7 329.7 1.0 1Feet Above Mouth --I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY a FLOODWAY DATA - - - co W KING COUNTY, WA N AND INCORPORATED AREAS WEST FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK 227 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY 1-PERCENT-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD WATER SURFACE ELEVATION SECTION MEAN I WITHOUT I WITH I WIDTH E-6ULATOR - INCREASE tune n� p -DANCE±-- -- -- -- - AEA VELOCITY FLOODWAY FLOODWAY (FEET) (SQ.FEET) (FEET/SEC.) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET NAVD) (FEET) WHITE RIVER A-D2 E 6.47 448 2,831 6.5 93.6 93.6 93.6 0.0 F 6.69 380 1,498 12.3 96.3 96.3 96.3 0.0 G 6.84 329 1,444 12.7 102.5 102.5 102.5 0.0 H 7.04 295 1,327 13.9 109.6 109.6 109.6 0.0 I 7.27 189 1,258 14.6 116.2 116.2 116.2 0.0 J 7.43 215 1,400 13.1 121.8 121.8 121.8 0.0 K 7.51 223 1,276 14.4 124.0 124.0 124.0 0.0 L 7.63 242 1,768 10.4 128.6 128.6 128.6 0.0 M 7.79 314 1,937 9.5 132.1 132.1 132.1 0.0 N 8.01 334 1,938 9.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 0.0 O 8.19 240 - 1,274 14.4 144.7 144.7 145.1 0.4 P 8.59 300 2,298 8.0 159.1 159.1 159.5 0.4 1 'Miles Above Mouth 2Floodway Not Applicable FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FLOODWAY DATA W KING COUNTY, WA m cn AND INCORPORATED AREAS WHITE RIVER 228 Il !I , 't 1•PERCENTANNUAI-0HANCEFLOODPLAIN p�. FLOODWAY --yam FLOODWAY ►4 FLOODWAY-1,, ;i FRINGE FRINGE II 'STREAM '—►. ' OIANNER. � r " FLOOD ELEVATION WHEN CONFINED WITHIN FLOODWAY II ENCROACHMENT ENCROACHMENT , n ji AREA OF FLOODPLAIN THAT COULD BE USED FOR FLOOD ELEVATION BEFORE I 1 DEVELOPMENT BY RAISING GROUND ENCROACHMENT ON FLOODPLAIN LINE AB IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION BEFORE ENCROACHMENT. I LINE CO IS THE FLOOD ELEVATION AFTER ENCROACHMENT. 'SURCHARGE IS NOT TO EXCEED 1.0 FOOT(RA REQUIREMENT)OR LESSER AMOUNT IF SPECIFIED BY STATE. I{ ; Figure 1. Floodway Schematic el I ' ! 5.0 INSURANCE APPLICATION I! For flood insurance rating purposes, flood insurance zone designations are assigned to a community based on the results of the engineering analyses. li I These zones are as follows: Zone A i I , I, I Zone A is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the 1-percent- annual-chance floodplains that are determined, in the FIS report by approximate methods. Because detailed hydraulic analyses are not j performed for such areas, no base (1-percent-annual-chance) flood elevations (BFEs) or depths are shown within this zone. Zone AE I I Zone AE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the 1-percent- I; ! annual-chance floodplains that are determined in the FIS report by detailed methods. Whole-foot BFEs derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at selected intervals within this zone. j it Zone AH II j Zone AH is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas of 1- �i percent-annual-chance shallow flooding (usually areas of ponding), where I j 11 I 229 ,I n I, I I average depths are between 1 and 3 feet. Whole-foot BFEs derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown at selected intervals within this zone. Y Y Zone AO Zone AO is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas of 1- percent-annual-chance shallow flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain) where average depths are between 1 and 3 feet. Average whole-foot depths derived from the detailed hydraulic analyses are shown within this zone. Zone VE Zone VE is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to the 1-perc nt- annual-chance coastal floodplains that have additional hazards associated with storm waves. Whole-foot BFEs derived from the detailed hydraulic selected intervals within this zone.analyses are shown at Zone X Zone X is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to areas outside he j- 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplain, areas within the 0.2-percent-annual- chance floodplain, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1-percent-annual-chance flooding where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile (sq. mi.), and areas protected from the base flood by levees. No BFEs or depths are shown within this zone. Zone D I Zone D is the flood insurance rate zone that corresponds to unstudied areas where flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. 6.0 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I The FIRM is designed for flood insurance and floodplain manageme t applications. For flood pp g insurance applications, the mapdesignates flood insurance rate s zones as described in Section 5.0 and, in the 1-percent-annual-chance floodplains that were studied be detailed methods, shows selected whole-foot BFEs or average depths. Insurance agents use zones and BFEs fin conjunction with information on structures and their contents to assign premium rates for flood insurance policies. 230 11 1I1 For flood management applications, the map shows by tints, screens, and' symbols, the 1- and 0.2-percent-annual-chance floodplains, floodways, and; �I the locations of selected cross sections used in the hydraulic analyses, and i' floodway computations. The countywide FIRM presents flooding information for the elntre I geographic area of King County. Previously, FIRMs were prepared for leach ji incorporated community and the unincorporated areas of the County p identified as flood-prone. This countywide FIRM also includes flood-hazard information that was presented separately on Flood Boundary and Floodway I• Maps (FBFMs), where applicable. Historical data relating to the maps prepared for each community are presented in Table 6, "Community Map 11 History." 1'7.0 OTHER STUDIES 11 Due to its more detailed hydraulic analyses, this Flood Insurance Study 11 supersedes all previous Flood Insurance Studies/Flood Insurance Rate Maps 1 covering King County and the incorporated areas (References 1 to 18, 90, 91). li The City of Bothell and the Town of Milton have individual effective Flood j Insurance Studies (References 92 and 93, respectively). i it 8.0 LOCATION OF DATA 1, ii Information concerning the pertinent data used in the preparation of this study can i-, i1 be obtained by contacting Federal Insurance and Mitigation Division, FEMA 1IRegion X, Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street, SW, Bothell, Washington 1 98021-9796. I� li 9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES j 1. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance I iI Administration, Flood Insurance Study, King County, Washington, II (Unincorporated Areas),March 1978. it 1 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Auburn, Washington, December 1980. l - 1' 3. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, '� Flood Insurance Study, City of Bellevue, Washington, February 23, 1982. I; 11 ! 4. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, I Flood Insurance Study, Town of Carnation,Washington, September 1979. i1 5. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, 1', Flood Insurance Study, City of Des Moines,Washington,November 15, 1985. I, ; 1; 231 I Ii FLOOD HAZARD FLOOD INSURANCE FLOOD INSURANCE COMMUNITY NAME INITIAL IDENTIFICATION BOUNDARY MAP RATE MAP RATE MAP REVISION DATE(S) EFFECTIVE DATE REVISION DATE(S) Algona,City oft NA NA NA NA Auburn,City of May 24,1974 September 19,1975 June 1,1981 __ _ - -- - - - February 18,1977 - - - - Beaux Arts Village,Town oft NA NA NA NA Bellevue,City of August 2,1974 August 13,1976 December 1,1976 February 23,1982 Black Diamond,Town of July 25,1975 October 30,1979 October 30,1979 - Bothell,City of May 24,1974 November 12,1976 June 1,1982 March 2,1994 Burien,City of - - April 19,2005 - Carnation,City of May 31,1974 March 5,1976 March 4,1980 - Clyde Hill,Town oft NA NA NA NA Covington,City of - - - - Des Moines,City of June 28,1974 January 2,1976 May 15,1980 November 15,1985 Duvall,Town of August 20,1976 - June 4,1980 - Enumclaw,City of September 29,1989 - September 29,1989 - Federal Way,City of - - - - Hunts Point,Town of' NA NA NA NA Issaquah,City of February 8,1974 February 25,1977 May 1,1980 - Kent,City of June 7,1974 April 22,1977 April 1,1981 - Kenmore,City of - - - - King Unincorp Areas January 17,1975 - September 29,1978 - Kirkland,City of June 28,1974 September 12,1975 June 15,1981 - Lake Forest Park,City of June 28,1974 February 27,1976 February 15,1980 - Mapel Valley,City of - - - - Medina,City of' NA NA NA NA Mercer Island,City oft NA NA NA NA Newcastle,City of - - - - Normandy Park,City of June 28,1974 October 31,1975 November 2,1977 August 5,1980 North Bend,City of May 17,1974 May 7,1976 August 1,1984 - Pacific,City of June 28,1974 December 26,1975 December 2,1980 - Redmond,City of March 22,1974 July 9,1976 February 1,1979 January 19,1982 • . Renton,City of June 7,1974 November 7,1975 May 5,1981 - Sammamish,City of -- - - - SeaTac,City of - - April 19,2005 - Seattle,City of November 22,1974 July 19,1977 July 19,1977 - Shoreline,City of - - - - Skykomish,Town of February 14,1975 - July 2,1981 - Snoqualmie,City of December 21,1973 - July 5,1984 - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe NA NA NA NA Tukwila,City of May 24,1974 September 13,1977 August 3,1981 - Woodinville,City of - - April 19,2005 - _ Yarrow-Point,-Town oft-- -- NA NA NA NA Nov-Floodprone -I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY • D I- KING COUNTY,WA COMMUNITY MAP HISTORY AND INCORPORATED AREAS I r r II I 6. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Duvall,Washington, December 1979. 7. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration; IIFlood Insurance Study, City of Issaquah, Washington,November 1979. I I I 8. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration; • j Flood Insurance Study, City of Kent, Washington, October 1980. 9. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, " Flood Insurance Study, City of Kirkland,Washington, December 15, 1980. 10. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Lake Forest Park, Washington, August 1979. ; i ! 11. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Normandy Park,Washington, August 1980. '' I 12. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of North Bend, Washington, February 1, 1984. I! I 13. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Pacific, Washington, June 1980. I� 14. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Redmond, Washington, January 1982. 11 i 15. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Renton,Washington,November 1980. 16. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, I Flood Insurance Study, Town of Skykomish,Washington, January 2, 1981. 1 ir 17. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Snoqualmie,Washington, January 5, 1984. ii 18. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, City of Tukwila,Washington, February 3, 1981. I, 1 19. Puget Sound Council of Governments, "Puget Sound Trends No. 5 (Revised)," July 1986. . I i' I 20. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1980 Census of Population,Number of Inhabitants,Washington. I 1 II I • 11 11 I 233 21. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Magnitude and Frequency in Washington, Open-File Report 74-336 by J.E. Cummans, M.R. Collings, and E.G.Nassar, Tacoma,Washington, 1975. 22. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Tacoma, Washin ton, Personnel Communication, 1986. 23. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Green River Flood Reduction Study: Appendix E, Section 1—Hydrology," 1984. 24. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, "Maximum Annual Peak Frequency Curve, Green River Near Auburn," January, 1981; "Maximum Annual Peak Discharge Frequency Curve, Green River at Tukwila,"January 14, 1986. 25. King County Department of Public Works, "Green River Management Agreement," 1985. 26. King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management, Operation and Maintenance Division "Personal Communication — P1 Pump Station Operation," September and December 1986. 27. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, "Peak Flows from Drain ge Areas in Washington,"by J.H. Bartells and G.T. Higgins, July 1966. 28. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Flood Insurance Study-King County, Washington (Unincorporated Areas), Seattle, Washington, March 1978. 29. Issaquah Environmental Council, "Aerial Photographs and Videotape of November 24, 1986 Flood Event, Issaquah, Washington,"January 6, 1986. 30. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Watershed Work n Plan, Appendix A, Preliminary Plans Structural Measures East Side Green River Watershed King County, Washington,"April 1965. 31. U.S. Water Resources Council, "A Uniform Technique for Determining Flood Flow Frequencies,"Bulletin 15, December 1967. 32. U.S. Depaitiuent of the Interior, Geological Survey, "Program G745: Flood Flow Frequency Analysis," Olympia,Washington, October 1985. 33. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Office of Water Dalta Coordination, Bulletin #17B, "Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency,"Revised September 1982. 234 34. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, "Evaluation and Design of a Streamflow-Data Network in Washington," Open-File Report 78-167, by M.E. Moass and W.L. Haushild, Tacoma, Washington, 1978. 1 35. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, "HEC-1 Hydrograph Package Users Manual," Computer Program i 723-X6-12010,Revised January 1985. 36. Seattle Engineering Department, Office for Planning, Sewer and Drainage Planning — Rain Gaging Program, "Storm Summaries for Storm of January I; 17-18, 1986 and Hourly and Daily Rainfall Totals (Stations 1, 2, 4, 5, 14, 15, 1, 17),"January.1986. - ! 37. City of Kent, URS Engineers Matrix Management Group, "City of Kent i! Surface Drainage Utility Drainage Master Plan,"February 1984. 38. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Flood Plain Management Division, "Green River Interior Runoff Test File, HEC-1 Program Run, for Basin E, 100-Year Event," September 1981. 39. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, "Fast Side Green River Watershed: Design Discharges—P1 Channel,"April 1980. !' 40. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Backwater Channel 1, Capacity Study, R.M. 0.0 to R.M. 28, White River, Auburn, Washington, 1 November 25; 1974. II 41. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Engineering ! Division, Technical Release No. 20, Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology, May 1965. 1, 42. U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Open-File Report 74-336, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Washington, Tacoma, Washington, 1, 1975. 43. Stevens, Thompson and Runyan, Inc., "Sea-Tac Communities Plan, Port of Seattle,"August 1974. I 44. CH2M HILL, Inc., Contour Maps, Scale 1:1,200, Contour Interval 2 feet, Normandy Park 1963. 45. King County Engineering Depaitnient, 1953 Aerial Topographic Survey (Sheets 1 and 2), Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 10 feet: Bothell, Washington Ij (1953). i 235 ii � 1 46. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet: Auburn, Washington(1984). 47. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Ortho-Photogrammetric Mapping, Snohomish River Basin, Washington, Scale 1:12,000: Seattle, Washington, June 7, 1975 (revised 1979). 48. CH2M HILL, Inc., Aerial Photographic Mosiac, North Bend, Washington, Scale 1:4,800,Washington, Photographed October 5, 1977. 49. CH2M HILL, Inc., Composite Mapping of North Bend, Washington, Sale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 feet, October 5, 1977. , 50. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Topographic Maps of the Green River and Vicinity," Scale 1:1,200, Reduced to 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 Feet, 1980. 51. Norman Associates, Inc., Topographic Maps, Scale 1:1,200, Contour Interval 2 feet, 1977. 52. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Geological Survey Open- File Report No. 76-499, Computer Applications for Step Backwater and Floodway Analysis, User's Manual No. 76-499, Reston, Virginia, 1976. 53. American Concrete Pipe Association, Concrete Pipe Design Manual, Arlington, Virginia, February 1974. 54. Portland Cement Association, Handbook of Concrete Culvert Pipe Hydraulics, Chicago, Illinois, 1964. 55. University of California at Berkeley, Street and Highway Drainage Volume 2 —DesignCharts, Berkeley, California,November 1969. y, 56. Washington State Highway Commission, Department of Highways, Highway Hydraulics Manual, Olympia,Washington, 1972. I , 57. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Computer Program G37322110, Backwater Curve Method II-With Floodway Analysis, Seattle, Washington. -- � 58. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, "HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles, Users Manual," Davis, California, September 1982. 59. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, "Shore Protection Manual,"Fort Belvoir,Virginia, 1973. 236 li I+ li 1' 11 Ij i _ I1 �1 60. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Letter to FEMA, "Gre;en 1 River Levee Freeboard Recommendations," September 1986. _ 11 _- lI 61. U.S.- Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center (CETA 78-2), Revised Wave Runup Curves for Smooth I Slopes, July 1978. I. I i . I 62. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering I, Research Center(CETA 79-1),Wave Runup on Rough Slopes, July 1979. ' i 1 I; 63. Jones and Associates, Inc., "Renton Village Company-1981 Aerial j I Mapping," Scale 1:600, Reduced to 1:1,200, Contour Interval 1 Foot, 11 September 1981. ij I ji 64. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, "Topographic Maps of the Green River and Vicinity," Scale 1:1,200, Reduced to 1:4,800, Contour it Interval 2 Feet, 1980. Ii ii 65. CH2M HILL, Inc., "Topographic Maps" Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 4 Feet, Big Soos Creek (1986), Bear Creek (1986), Swamp Creek (1986), May i; Creek (1986), Little Bear Creek (1986), Issaquah Creek (1986), Raging River I i (1986), Thornton Creek (1986), Longfellow Creek (1986), Cedar l River i; (1986). i i 66. Kings County Engineering Department, River Valley Topography, Scale ;i 1:2,400, Contour Interval 10 feet, Flood Control Division, Seattle, Washington, December 1961. 1( I ii 67. U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Topographic Photo Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: City of Bellevue,Washington, 1970.' II I, 68. King County Engineering Department, Flood Control Division, River Valley Topography,• Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Seattle, Washington, 61 December 1961. 11 II 69. King County Department of Public Works,. Division of Hydraulics, 11 Topographic Maps,.Southwestern King County, Washington, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet, June 1974. li 11 70. Harry P. Jones and Associates, Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour j Interval 5 feet: Kirkland,Washington(1967). ,I i , Ij' I 71. King County Engineering Department, Aerial Photography, Scale '1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10. T26N, RAE, WM, King it County,Washington(1958), Revised(1965). I. I 1! i 237 I" ri 72. CH2M HILL, Inc., Contour Maps, Scale 1:1,200, Contour Interval 2 feet, Normandy Park, 1963. 73. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Mapping of North Bend, Washington, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet: Settle, Washington(1978). 74. U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Topographic Maps, Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 5 feet: Pacific,Washington(1974). 75. Aerial Mapping Company, Topographic Maps, 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Renton, Washington(1968). ' I 76. Harstad Associates, Inc., Topographic Maps, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Town of Skykomish, Washington(June 1979). 77. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Topographic Mapping, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet: Snoqualmie, Washington(1978). • 78. Walker and Associates, Topographic Map, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet: Tukwila,Washington(1974). 79. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, King County, Washington, January 17, 1975. 80. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Auburn, Washington, Scale 1:4,800, February 18, 1977. 81. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Bellevue, King County, Washington, August 2, 1974; revised August 13, 1976. 82. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Kent, King County, Washington, April 22, 1977. j 83. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Kirkland, Washington, September 12, 1975. I 84. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of North Bend, Washington, Scale 1:9,600, May 7, 1976. 238 11 I; Ili 11 ,, I1 - 1 85. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance I Administration Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Pacific, King County,. II II Washington, Scale 1:9,600,December 26, 1975. II 1, 86. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance 1, Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Renton, King County, Washington, Scale 1:9,600,June 7, 1974. 11 87. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Town of Skykomish, King i' County, Washington, Scale 1:6,000, February 14, 1975. I II 88. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance 11 Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Snoqualmie, Washington, Scale 1:7,300, December 21, 1973. II I� I :, 89. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance j! Administration, Flood Hazard Boundary Map, City of Tukwila, Scale 1:12,000, May 24, 1974 (Revised September 13, 1977). i ii 90. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, 1, ' Flood Insurance Rate Map, City of Seattle, Washington, July 19, 1977. II 91. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, II Flood Insurance Rate Map, Town of Black Diamond, Washington, October II 30, 1979. II 92. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, I' Flood Insurance Study, City of Bothell, Washington,unpublished. I I , Ii 93. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study, Town of Milton, Washington, February 17, 1982. I II 94. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study, King County and Incorporated Areas,revised September 29, 1989. II II 95.Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc., Miller Creek Regional Stormwater I1 Detention Facilities Design Hydrologic Modeling, Report for King County Division of Surface Water Management, Seattle, Washington, November '' 1990. I 1 1 I1 11 96. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF), USEPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, -- I' Georgia, 1988. 1 i; I 239 I I 97. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-2 I Water-Surface Profiles Generalized Computer Program, Davis, California, September 1990. ' 98. U.S. Geological Survey, Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849, Denver, Colorado, 1987. 1 99. Chow, V.T., Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1959. I 100. Harper Righellis, Inc., King County Flood Boundary Work Map, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet, December 20, 1993. 101. Hugh G. Goldsmith&Associates, Inc., Klahanie South Final Master Drainage Plan Update,prepared for Lowe Enterprises Northwest, Inc., March 1992. 102. Dinacola, R.S., Characterization and Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Relatilons for Headwater Basins in Western King and Snohomish Counties, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report 89-4052, Tacoma, Washington, 1990. 103. City of Issaquah, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the I-90 Corporate Center and Southeast 56th Street Road Improvements, December 1992. 104. U.S. Army Corps, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-2-Water-Surface Profiles, User's Manual, Davis, California, September 1990, Revised I February 1991. 105. U.S. Geological Survey, Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels, Water Supply Paper 1849, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, 197, Williams, J.R., Pearson, H.E., and Wilson, J.D., 'Streamflow Statistics and Drainage-Basin Characteristics for the Puget Sound Regions, Washin ton, _ Volume II Eastern Puget Sound from Seattle to the Canadian Border, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 84-114-B, Tacoma, Washington, 19857 106. U.S. Geological Survey, Guide for Selecting Manning's Roughnelss Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains, Water Supply Paper 2339, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1989. I _ 107. Alpha Engineering Group, Inc., Avondale Road Improvement Project (Redmond City Limit to N.E. 132nd Street) Mitigation Plan for Floodplain Impacts, Report for King County Department of Public Works, Bothell, Washington,August 1992. I 240 108. Entranco Engineers, Inc., Hydrologic Remodeling Report, Bear Creek, Report prepared for King County Surface Water Management Division, Bellevue, Washington, July 1993. 109. CH2M HILL, Supplemental Information for Request for Letter of Map Revision for Lower Bear Creek, in King County and the City of Redmond., Washington, submitted by the Washington Department of Transportation to King County Department of Public Works and City of Redmond Department of Public Works for their submittal to FEMA, Bellevue, Washington, August 1993. 110. Land Tech, Hydraulic Study, 100 Year Flood Elevations, Bear Creek, Hydraulic Analysis by G.R. Bob Parrott, Consulting Engineer, Topographic Survey by Jim Hart&Associates, 1986. 111. CH2M HILL, Analysis of Flood at Bear Creek Project 86-SD-25, Report to City of Redmond Public Works Department, Bellevue, Washington, July 1986. 112. CH2M HILL and Sajan, Inc., Hydraulic Report and Appendices A through F. _' 1 SR 520, Old SR 901 Interchange to SR 202, Report for Washington State Depai tinent of Transportation, July 1993. 113. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Data — Washington Water Year 1986, Water-Data Report WA-86-1, pre ared by McGavock, E.H. Wiggins, W.D., Boucher, P.R., Blazs, R.L., Reed, L.L., and Smith, M.L., in cooperation with the State of Washington and other agencies, Water Resources Division, Pacific Northwest District, U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, Washington, 1988. 114. Chow, V.T. Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. p Y � New York, 1959. 115. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Letter of Map Revision for Lower Bear Creek at Redmond Town Center, City of Redmond, WA, Kirkland, Washington, July 1994,revised November 1994. 116. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Redmond Town Center LOMR Supplemental Information, Report to City of Redmond Stormwater Division to satisfy the Appendix M requirements of the Community Development Guide, Kirkland, Washington,November 1994. 117. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Letter of Map Revision and Conditional Letter of Map Revision for Lower Bear Creek at Redmond Town Center', City of Redmond, WA, Supplemental Information for City of Redmond 241 I Community Development Guide, Appendix M, Kirkland, Washington, November 1994, revised May 1994. 118. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Study, Snohomish County, Washington and Incorporated Areas, Washington, D.C., Novembef 8, 1999. 119. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Hydrologic Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF); User's Manual for Release 8.0, EPA 600/3-84-066, Athens, Georgia, 1984. 120. City of Bothell, Depaituuent of Public Works, Topographic Map, Scale 1:4,800, Contour Interval 2 feet, Bothell,Washington, 1991. 121. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc., North Creek, Bothell, Washington, Limited Map Maintenance Study, Work Map, Scale 1:24,000, Contour Interval 2 feet, undated. 122. City of Bothell, Engineering Study, Horse Creek Drainage Area, May 196 . 123. Harper Righellis, Inc., King County Flood Boundary Work Map, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet, October 17, 1996. 124. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC- REGFRQ, Regional Frequency Computation, Computer Program, Davis, California, September 1989. 125. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-FFA., Flood Frequency Analysis, Computer Program, Version 3.1, Davis, California, February 1985. 126. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, Computer Program, Version 2.1, Davis California, October 1997. 127. Harper Righellis, Inc., King County Flood Boundary Work Map, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 2 feet, March 31, 1997. 128. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Topographic Map, Scale 1:24,000, Contour Interval 4 feet, March 1998. 129. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Draft Detailed Project Report and Environmental Assessment for the Snoqualmie River at Snoqualmie Flood Damage Reduction Study in King County, Washington, January 1999, (draft). 242 j- II � I -I 130. Harper Righellis, Inc., South Fork Snoqualmie River, Hydrology and Hydraulics Report, Prepared for King County, Surface Water Management Division, March 13, 1997. 131. U.S. Geological Survey, Guide for Selected Manning's Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains, Water-Supply Paper 2339, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989. 132. U.S. Geological Survey, Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels~ Water-Supply Paper 1849, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1987. 133. Harper Houf Righellis Inc., Technical Support Data Notebook for the Cities of North Bend and Snoqualmie and King .County, Washington, Upper Snoqualmie Flood Plain Flood Insurance Study, October 21, 2001. 134. URS Greiner Woodward Clyde, Tollgate Final Environmental Impact i I Statement Report,Vol. 1 and 2, June 1, 2000. II 135. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, Computer Program, Version 2.2, Davis California, September 1998. 136. Harper Houf Righellis Inc., Upper Snoqualmie Floodplain Flood Insurance Study Work Maps, Scale 1:2,400, October 2001. 137. U.S. Oceanice and Atmospheric Administration, National Geodetic Survey, Vertcon Conversion Program,Version 6.0.1, 2006. 138. Montgomery Water Group, Inc. Revisions to FEMA Flood Insurance Study, Issaquah Creek and East Fork Task 5 Memorandum — Hydrology Update to April 28, 2000, Memo to Kerry Ritland, City of Issaquah, May 24, 2001. 139. King Cbunty, City of Issaquah, and Washington State Department of Ecology, Issaquah Creek Basin Current/Future Condition and Source Identification Report, King County Surface Water Management Division Department of Public Works, City of Issaquah Department of Public Works, Washington State Depailiiient of Ecology Water Quality Financial Assistance Program. Seattle, Washington, October 1996. 140. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, FEC-FFA Version 3.1. Davis, California, February 1995. 141. U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Water Data Coordination, Geological Survey, Guidelines for Determining flood Flow Frequency Bulletin 17''B, Revised September 1981. I , ' I -- l 243 I _ Ij 142. United States Department of Interior, Geological Survey, Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Washington. Water-Resources Investigations Report —i 97-4277, 1998. 143. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Issaquah Creek FIS Revisions-Lower Mainstem Overflow Analysis Summary, Update to April 20, 2001 Memo to Kerry Ritland, City of Issaquah, May 24, 2001. 144. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center. HEC-RAS, Version 3.0.1, Davis, California, March 2001. 145. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Bridge and Channel Improvements and Status Update, March 20, 2001. 146. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Issaquah Creek FIS revisions Draft Work Maps, Scale 1:4,800,August 2001. 147. Hydrologic Engineer Center (HEC), April 2004. HEC-RAS River Analysis System Computer Program,version 3.1.2. 148. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2004. Cedar River at I Renton Flood Damage Reduction Operation and Maintenance Manual: Cedar River Section 205 (Renton,Washington). 149. King County, March 2000. Memorandum re: Flood Frequency Curve for Year 2000 Floodplain Mapping on the Cedar River. David Hartley, Senior Watershed Hydrologist. 150. United Sates Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), June 1997. Final Deta}'led Project Report and Environmental Impact Statement: Cedar River Section 205 (Renton, Washington). 151. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1987, Roughness Characteristic's of Natural Channels, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1849, USES, Denver, Colorado. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Flood Hazard Analyses, Tolt River, King County, Washington. I U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 7.5-Minute Series Topographic Maps, Scale 1:24,000, Contour Interval 20 feet, Bothell, Washington, 1953 (Photorevised 1981); Kirkland, Washington, 1950 (Photorevised 1968 and 1973). 244 - I , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-DSS, User's Guide and Utility Manuals, User's Manual, Davis, California, October 1994. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, STATS, Statistical Analysis of Time-Series Data, Computer Program, Davis, California, May 1997. �I 'I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, STATS, Statistical Analysis of Time-Series Data, Input Description, Davis, California, May 1987. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-FFA, Flood Frequency Analysis, User's Manual, Davis, California, May 1992. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Regional Frequency, User's Manual, Davis, California, July 1972. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, UNET, One- Dimensional Unsteady Flow Through a Full Network of Open Channels., Computer Program, Version 3.2.0, Davis, California, August 1997. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, User's Manual, Version 2.0, Davis, California, April 1997. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, Hydraulic Reference Manual, Version 2.0, Davis, California,April 1997. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, Application's Guide, Version 2.0, Davis, California, April 1997. � I King County, Surface Water Management Division, Basin Planning Program Sediment Transport Along the South Fork and Mainstem of the Snoqualmie River, June 1991. Converse Consultants, NW, Report on Geotechnical Services, Snoqualmie Falls Hydroelectric Project, Snoqualmie, Washington, Prepared for Puget Sound Power and Light Company, October 1991. Horton Dennis and Associates, Inc., South Fork Snoqualmie River, Aerial Mapping and Flood Plain Analysis, King County Surface Water Management, Harper Righellis, Inc., Temporary Benchmarks, August 1995. 245 Northwest Hydraulics, Inc., Snoqualmie River Flood Control Project, Pre- Feasibility Investigation Final Report, Prepared for King County, Surface Water Management Division, March 1996. King County, Surface Water Management Division, Environmental Assessment, Reif Road Project, FEMA DR-833-WA, May 24, 1996. King County, Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, River Management Section, Reif Road Flood Hazard Reduction Project, Design Report, Draft, July 31, 1995. King County, Engineering Department, Flood Control Division, Snoqual e River Valley Topography, Scale 1:2,400, Contour Interval 5 feet, December 1961. U.S. Geological Survey, North Bend, Washington 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000, Contour Interval 40 feet, 1993. U.S. Geological Survey, Snoqualmie, Washington 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Map, Scale 1:24,000, Contour Interval 20 feet, 1953, Photorevised 1968. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Preliminary Review Draft, Tollgate EIS, Hydraulics Model Study of South Fork Snoqualmie River and Gardiner Creek, September 1997. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Appendix, Hydraulic Modeling Analysis of South Fork Snoqualmie River and Gardiner Creek, Tollgate Preliminary Draft EIS, December 1997. Montgomery Water Group, Inc., Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Overflow Work Map,November 1997. King County, Surface Management Division, Preliminary Work Maps for Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, Prepared by Harper Righellis, Inc. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Snoqualmie River Flood Insurance Study Drawings, 1971. City of Issaquah. 2000. City of Issaquah Comprehensive Plan. Adopted 1995 and amended in 2000. City of Issaquah Planning Department, Issaquah, Washington. Federal Emergency Management Agency. September 29, 1989. Flood Insurance Study for King County, Washington and Incorporated Areas. FEMA Region X. 246 I I I King County and Issaquah/East Lake Sammamish Watershed Management Committee. December 1996. Final Issaquah Creek Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan. King County Department of Natural Resources, Seattle, Washington. - I Montgomery Water Group, Inc. September 25, 2001. FEMA FIS Elevation and Discharge Comparison Memorandum. Montgomery Water Group. April 30, 1996. Preliminary Hydraulic Modeling Analysis of Issaquah Creek for Proposed Basin Flood Control Program. Prepared for RH2 Engineering, Inc., and City of Issaquah Public Works Department. Kirkland,Washington. 10.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIONS This section has been added to provide information regarding significant revisions made since the original Flood Insurance Study was printed. Future revisions may be made that do not result in the republishing of the Flood Insurance Study report. To assure that any user is aware of all revisions, it is advisable to contact the community repository of flood hazard data located at the Department of Land and Water Resources, 201 South Jackson Street, Suite 600, Seattle, Washington 981- 3855. 10.1 First Revision The purpose of this revision is to update the corporate limits of the City of Bothell and to add floodplain information for Miller Creek that affects the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington (Reference 94), and then incorporated Cities of Normandy Park (Reference 11) and SeaTac. Approximately 4.0 miles of Miller Creek were studied by detailed methods. The revised floodplain along North Creek shown within the City of Bothell is for information only. For flood insurance purposes, refer to the separately published Flood Insurance Rate Map. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. I i The information for this restudy of Miller Creek supersedes the data presented in the previous Flood Insurance Study for King County, dated September 29, 1989 (Reference 94). The discharges used in this study of Miller Creek were revised to account for the effects of urbanization and operations of the newly constructed Lake Reba Detention Pond.' This restudy was completed in September 1991. I 10.2 Second Revision This study was revised on May 16, 1995, to incorporate the results of an analysis of existing hydraulic studies that was performed for the J i , 1 ' 247 I I Snoqualmie River in the vicinity of the City of Snoqualmie. The analysis was performed by NHC, the study contractor, for FEMA under Contract No. EMW-90-L-3134, as part of its Limited Map Maintenance Program. In addition to the analysis for existing hydraulic studies that was performed for the Snoqualmie River, this revision also identifies that the mapping for King County has been prepared using digital data. Previously published Flood Insurance Rate Map data produced manually have bieen converted to vector digital data by a digitizing process. These vector data were fit to raster digital images of the USGS quadrangle maps of the county area to provide horizontal positioning. Road, highway names, and centerline data have been obtained froxri an enhanced TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) File, obtained through the King County Computer and Communications Services Division. For county areas outside of the City of Seattle, the centerlines were modified to the positional accuracy of the USGS quadrangle maps, and the roads, highways, and street names, if needed, were taken from the Flood Insurance Rate Map panels, wliere appropriate. The adjusted centerline data were then computer plotted Nyith the digitized floodplain data to produce the countywide Flood Insurance Rate Map panels. The ERM descriptions are now included on the individual Flood Insurance Rate Map panels. This information has been removed from the text. Also, several additional incorporated areas have been identified in this update. They are the Cities of Algona, Burien, Bothell, Federal Way, Hunts Point, Medina, Mercer Island, Woodinville, and Yarrow Point and the Town of Clyde Hill and Beaux Arts Village. The LOMR issued on December 18, 1990, for the City of North Bend, to show the effects of more detailed hydrologic/hydraulic information along the Snoqualmie River, was included in this update. As a result of more detailed hydrologic/hydraulic information, the floodway was revised along the Snoqualmie River throughout the corporate limits of the City of North Bend. The LOMR issued on May 13, 1992, for the unincorporated areas of King County, to show the effects of more detailed topographic information adjacent to the Sammamish River, was included in this update. As a result of the more detailed topographic information, the 100-year floodplain boundary was revised to exclude the K & S Business Park from the 100- year floodplain. The LOMRs issued on April 28, 1994, for the City of Redmond and the unincorporated areas of King County, to show the effects of more detailed 248 hydrologic/hydraulic information along Bear Creek, were included in this update. As a result of the more detailed hydrologic/hydraulic information, the Flood Insurance Rate Map was revised to modify elevations, floodplain and floodway boundary delineations, and zone designations along Bear Creek from its confluence with the Sammamish River to State Highway 202 (Redmond Way). In addition, a.Flood Profile Panel was included for the Bear Creek Overflow Channel. 10.3 Third Revision This study was revised on May 20, 1996, to incorporate the results of detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of the Raging River affecting King County, Washington. The revised analyses for the reach of the Raging .River from its confluence with the Snoqualmie River to approximately 0.6 mile upstream of Interstate Highway 90 (I-90) (downstream reach) were performed by Harper Righellis, Inc., Portland, Oregon, for the King County Surface Water Management Division. The revised analyses for the reach from approximately 0.6 mile upstream of I- 90 to approximately 0.3 mile upstream of the second Upper Preston Road bridge (upstream reach) were performed by FEMA. This work was completed in March 1995. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. 10.4 Fourth Revision j This study was revised on March 30, 1998, to incorporate the results of detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of North Fork Issaquah Creek in the City of Issaquah, Bear and Evans Creeks in the City of Redmond, South Fork Skykomish River in the Town of Skykomish and the unincorporated areas of King County, and the Middle and North Fork Snoqualmie Rivers p . study also incorporatesinthe the resuunincorlts oforated an approximateareasofKing analysis County of This Tate Creek in the unincorporated areas of King County. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. 10.5 Fifth Revision { This study was revised on November 8, 1999, to incorporate the Flood Insurance Study information and data for the City of Bothell into the Flood Insurance Study report for King County, Washington and Incorporated Areas. The City of Bothell is located in the Puget Sound region of northwestern Washington, approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the City of Seattle. The City of Bothell is a bi-county community within King and Snohomish Counties. Because the Flood Insurance Rate I Map and Flood Insurance Study report for Snohomish County, Washington and 249 Incorporated Areas is being published n a countywide format (Refere-ice 118), the portions of the City of Bothell that lie within King County are included on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for King County, and the portions of the City of Bothell that lie within King County are included on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for King County, and the portions of the City of Bothell that lie within Snohomish County are included on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Snohomish County. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. i This study has also been revised to incorporate Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs) issued on March 3, 1995 (Case Nos. 94-10-053P and 9410- 067P), and July 5, 1995 (Case No. 95-10-41P). The March 3, 1995, LOMR revised Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 0007 C, dated March 2, 1994, to show the effects of a private flood protection system along North Creek from just upstream of I-405 to just downstream of Monte Ville Parkway. 10.6 Sixth Revision This study was revised on December 6, 2001, to incorporate the results of detailed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of Tolt River in the Town of Carnation and the unincorporated areas of King County; and the South Fork Snoqualmie River from Interstate 90 (I-90) to approximately 4,000 feet upstream of 468th Avenue. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. The USACE restudy for the South Fork Snoqualmie River covers the mainstem of the Snoqualmie River from Meadowbrook Bridge to the confluence of the Middle and South Fork. The hydraulic analysis of the South Fork Snoqualmie River upstream of I-90 was initially performed by Harper Righellis, Inc., Portland, Oregon, for the King County Surface Water Management Division. The data prepared by Harper Righellis were incorporated into the analysis performed by the USACE and revised where necessary. The USACE restudy was requested because the USACE, Seattle District, determined that the levees on the South Fork do not meet FEMA's current standards for providing protection from the 100-year flood. 10.7 Seventh Revision This FIS was revised on April 19, 2005, to incorporate the results of revised hydraulic analysis of Snoqualmie River main stem, South ork and Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River, performed by Harper ouf 250 Righellis Inc., completed in October 2001. This revision affects the Cities of North Bend and Snoqualmie, and the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington. In addition, this revision will incorporate the results of a revised hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of Issaquah Creek, East Fork Issaquah Creek, and Gilman Boulevard Overflow of Issaquah Creek, performed by Montgomery Water Group Inc., completed in August 2001. This revision affects the City of Issaquah, and the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington. This revision will incorporate the results of a revised hydraulic analysis of Tibbetts Creek performed by Concept Engineering, Inc. This revision affects the City of Issaquah, and the unincorporated areas of King County, Washington. Detailed information regarding this revision is presented throughout the main body of this FIS report. � I Tibbetts Creek LOMR The LOMR issued on February 23, 2005, for the City of Issaquah and the unincorporated areas of King County, to show the hydraulic effects of the channel relocation and fill along Tibbetts Creek, was included in this update. As a result of the channel relocation, fill and more detailed topographic information, the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Flood profiles, and Floodway Data Tables were revised to modify elevations, floodway i I data, and floodplain and floodway boundary delineations along Tibbetts Creek from approximately 150 feet upstream of I-90 (eastbound) to approximately 700 feet downstream of Newport Way Northwest. I I 10.8 Eighth Revision This FIS was revised on {date to be determined}, to incorporate the results of revised hydraulic analysis of Cedar River, Paterson Creek, Snoqualmie River, and Springbrook Creek. In addition, this revision converts all NGVD29 elevations to NAVD88. All elevations shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Flood Profiles, and Floodway Data tables are referenced to NAVD88. Refer to section 3.3 Vertical Datum for a more detailed explanation of the datum conversion including datum conversion factors used for King County. Cedar River Study - The purpose of this revision is to prepare a flood study of Cedar River. The revised floodplain and floodway maps will reflect the current hydraulic and hydrologic conditions of the rivers and will replace the effective maps which were prepared prior to the 1980s. �I I 251 The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for this study were prepared by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc. (NHC) for the City of Renton. Agencies contacted for information relevant to this study included: the City of Renton, King County Department of Natural Resources-Water and Land Resources Division, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers-Seattle District(USACE). This report describes an investigation of riverine flooding along the Cedar River within the city of Renton, Washington. The study reach begins at the river outlet at Lake Washington and extends 5.36 miles upstream �o the Renton City Limits at 149th Avenue Southeast. The purpose of this study is to update the existing FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for King County, Washington and Incorporated Areas (FEMA, November 1999) to reflect current hydraulic conditions along the Cedar River using higher revised peak discharges and updated geometry Patterson Creek- The purpose of this revision is to prepare a flood study of Patterson Creek. The revised floodplain and floodway maps will reflect the current hydraulic and hydrologic conditions of the rivers and will replace the effective maps which were prepared prior to the 1980s. This study was completed by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc, (NHC) under contract to King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (KCDNRP). The County is a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for purposes of conducting flood insurance studies. King County provided project management and technical review of all study products. The County also supplied relevant study data including hydrometric data for the Patterson Creek watershed and information on past watershed flooding. Snoqualmie River Study - The purpose of this revision is to update the lower Snoqualmie River. The revised floodplain and floodway maps will reflect the current hydraulic and hydrologic conditions of the rivers and will replace the effective maps which were prepared prior to the 1980s. This study was completed for FEMA at the request of King County. The County served as Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP), providng relevant study data, first-hand information on the watersheds and associated flooding issues, and technical review of all study products. King County also served in the role of Project Manager and contracted with Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc, (NHC) to provide technical analyses for the FIS updates. Springbrook Creek Study - The purpose of this revision is to update Spingbrook Creek between the Black River Pump Station(BRPS) and W 252 - I ' I 43rd Street (also referred to as South 180th Street). The revised floodplain and floodway maps will reflect the current hydraulic and hydrologic conditions of the rivers and will replace. the effective maps which were prepared prior to the 1980's. The hydraulic and hydrologic analyses for this study were conducted following the approach described in an earlier memorandum by Northwest Hydraulics, Inc. (NHC). This approach was reviewed and approved by the FEMA Map Coordination Contractor in a letter to the City of Renton, dated September 25, 2002. Continuous hydrologic simulation modeling for a 53 year period of record (October 1, 1948 through September 30, 2002) was used to identify and adjust storm inflow hydrographs to Springbrook that correspond to recurrence intervals required for unsteady flow hydraulic modeling and subsequent floodplain mapping. Two types of potential flood generating peak events were identified for hydraulic analysis: a Storage Scenario, which includes events that produce very high water surface elevation at the Black River Pump Station due to pumping restrictions caused by high flows in the Green River, and a Conveyance Scenario which includes events that exhibit maximum peak flows into the pump station forebay. This study was completed in June 2006. Green River Study - The Green River floodplain was redelineated from I_- cross-section V through DZ based on the Green River (Without'Levee) regulatory base flood water surface elevations in the King County FIS. The without levee flood water surface elevations were compared to the surrounding topography assuming that levees and levee-type structures would not prohibit water from leaving the river channel. One exception was that the Tukwila 205 levee was considered to provide protection from flooding. Topography data from 2006 was used to perform the comparison. The Mill Creek floodway and storage floodway were preserved and shown on the map. Additionally, the floodway from the Springbrook Creek restudy was shown on the map. Otherwise, Green River floodplain inundation of the Mill and Springbrook Creeks floodplains was shown. The Green River floodplain was shown as an AE- zone with BFEs. II I � I- I I � • 90 E 1 i 1 1 i 1 j ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 • I I 11 _ I _ ] Mill I I 1 _ _ 1 -1 —_ I i -1 31 1 I I I 11 1 I 1 I 7.I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _ . . __ : _ HI1 111111111 - - hi ! i . {111 1II 1 I1 11111 11 1111 � 1 € € i - 1 I _ 80 i ! 1 1 1 i i 1 i 1 1 1 111 1 I1 ! 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