HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaplewood Golf Course Audit (2001-2002) CITY OF RENTON CITY OFRENTON miLL JUL 0 9 11001 Finance & Information Services Department I RECEIVED MEMORANDUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Date: J ly 5, 2002 ECE1VE`� i To: M•yor Jesse Tanner JUL 0 8 2002 cc: City Council Members Jqy Covington, Chief Administrative Officer RENTONOITYCOUNOL Jdmes Shepherd, Community Services Administrator 1 From: Vi toria Runkle, Finance & Information Services Administrator , Subject G•If Course Audit ' We contracted with the accounting firm of Merrill Carlson to conduct an audit of the taxes and payments oyve• to the City. Their report is attached. Our contract (month- to-month contract) explicitly st tes the audit that we can perform. Merrill Carlson followed the guidelines in the contract. The good he s is that our auditor went through all appropriate reports and original documentaltlo and found all the records requested. Further, the auditor conducted a suey of the process ur vendor uses and discovered that the vendor has strong internal cash controls in place. F rth r, the vendor uses widely known software for the restaurant business, one that the accounting firm was quite familiar with, and they were able to go into the system with some depth. The auditor fou d the vendor had all records, and the original data could be tracked through the accountin• system. The auditor has provided to us recommendations about reports that we should r�ec:ive from the vendor on a monthly basis. We will ask that these reports be provided. And, we will make certain that these reports are included as requirements in any multi-year cunt act we may write with this vendor. Merrill Carlson i• now beginning the "cost of goods" study for 2001 and 2002. We expect that to be completed in approximately one month. We look for1ar. to sharing this audit report with our vendor and the new manager of the Golf Course. We be ieve there have been significant changes at the Golf Course over the past few months that;will continue to implement sound business practices. VAR/dlf I cc: Jack Pederson,All My Restaurants,In . Attachments,as stat=d Larry Warren;.City Attorney Golf Course Manager Gina Jarvis,Finance Analyst Supervisor Golf Course Audit File 2002 State Auditor Office Audit File • MERRILL CARLSON CertifiedPublicAccountantr Co., PLLC Providing direction for your financial future. Independent Accountants' Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures To the dministrator City of enton Finance&Information Services Renton Washington We ha e performed the procedures enumerated below, which were agreed to by the City of Renton Finance & Information Services,.solely to assist you in evaluating the existing internal control system for cash handling and testing the compliance by the Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse Concessionaire with the provisions of the lease and concession ir agreem-nt relating to consideration arid-payment, specifically sections C, D and Y for the years -nded December 31, 2000 'and 2001,. The Maplewood Golf Course Concessionaire's management-is responsible for the existing;internal control system and compli. ce to the lease and concession. agreement:.` This='agreed-upon procedures engage I ent was performed in accordance with standards established by the American Institut: of Certified Public Accountants The sufficiency of these procedures is solely the'1 res s onsibility of the specified users of the report. Consequently, we make no represe tation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the purpos- for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose. The pr.cedures and associated findings are as follows: 1. We judgmentally selected 5 months per year to inspect supporting documentation and calculations for the rent payment submitted to the City of Renton to determine that actual sales generated were properly reported to the City and the rent payments calculated according to the lease and concession agreement. e found no exceptions as a result of these procedures. 2. We compared the sales reported by the Concessionaire's point of sale system to II the gross receipts reported to the Department of Revenue to determine if there was consistency in the amounts reported to the City. We found no exceptions as a result of the comparisons. 3. We interviewed the general manager, bookkeeper and controller about the cash handling procedures at the restaurant to determine the adequacy of the existing internal control system. e found no exceptions as a result of the procedures. Evergreen Bufldin • 15 S.Grady Way,Ste.433•Renton,WA 98055•(425)255-5945•FAX(425)255-8565•website:merrillcarlson.com 1 Y • City o 1 Renton Finance&Information Services Pahe2 We were not engaged to, and did not, perform an examination, the objective of which would be the expression :of an opinion as to management's assertion regarding the effects eness of internal control over cash receipts. Accordingly, we do not express such an opi i ion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our att ntion that would have been reported to you. This report is intended solely for the use of the City of Renton Finance & Information Sevic s Department and should not be used by those who have not agreed to the, proced es and taken responsibility for the sufficiency of the procedures for their il purpos-s. 11 / /L1GL4 e '. PLL 'I Merril , Carlson&Co.,PLLC il June 1:,2002 , I i. 1 i i -§441,..• - i 1 , i City of Renton 1 ,,,,, ,-T • - . _ 1 .. . . j ..61.1101V.. 1 .,..,.,"1.'.•',',eV411.1110,! ''' ...0, ,..,::...) ''',..,, .;,:;..,.-• 'il.-,,,,.,'' .f,'''''',.•4.....',.... - ...... ,p.f 'Ih•, * •••?4t. . ' s14. 4.2 -1 , ",• 11 i, , . -„ • '14,'14 ';" ''' .:'',. ',4- ''i i• ':Al', -.:1.!.4'44 A., w;:w ., , . 0.'- ' •' -' ..t ' .101,.. . . .0411111111V.' El '-' !..11);II: .•,:-.''".,,, P" .T. 4'"i4,*`'• • a • , . , ' .,,,,,,,,,x4,•oy,:146.(1.1.z. r t kfl I l'' I.' 4111M1k:- +'.'•:-,•...-..;.... . „-; 4 4.4. ,......_ ,.,.,.. . .4.•;'; ' I ,,; 4 -1 . ,,,, I 4 i rfilinalail 1 ;- . I • - • • . • 111111110 ..„,. 4.:. i 1 , .f , ,--,- .- .'',,,4 A,4-4'. ,•?4-.,441-4; ' ' ' •,,,,f,„,`4,„„'‘'''',„,•:&".4,%74.1„,.;471,-,41,-t:i -,-, .- . ., I - .'; tr'';'?'.,irialifiAritt"-. • , ,,,,;:rd'•:-'e;,-11.','•-t•., .7r4,,,,0 . 1.',`-ii:4•.41:";•;f"''...- ,4•.-'44,11-Z--,. I • ( •,.„.:;,- ''',"f V i i'S' . :• . 7. ' 'I t71 • .,. :...:. , , I ., .... . - I ..' . 1__..,.. -i City of Renton Maplewood Goff Course 2001/2002 • Inventory Report Re ort Prepared by City of Renton Finance Department j i I City of Renton 1 Maplewood Golf Course - Inventory Review Report 2001/2002 1 ' II _ BACKG•"OUND: it i__: The,Maplewood Golf Course provides a public golfing facility that is self-supportive in r;'garlds to operating costs and capital improvements. This facility and all golf operations are maintained and operated by City staff with the ;exception of the restaurant, lounge and banquet areas. A concessionaire, under contract to the City, operates the restaurant, lounge and banquet facilities. This facility operates a Pro-Shop offering golfers a variety of merchandise ranging from golf balls, clothing and gift items. During the week of December 10, 2001, the City of Renton Finance/IS Department 1. conduc ed a formal inventory. I FIEL ORK: December 2001 Obtaine a report on all merchandise in inventory. Utilized an Inventory Count Form fr m Pro-Shopkeeper (PSI). ,_i The ,pr cess began by counting all merchandise (including display items) in the driving range storeroom, Golf Professional's office, administrative office and Pro- Shop st reroom. Inventory was then counted in the Pro-Shop including displays. After a I merchandise was accounted for, the inventory count forms were + compar d to the PSK inventory printout. This list had been reviewed several times before he inventory was considered final. Through PSK, the inventory balances ii wer! re et to the final count. j Itemis t at were not entered into PSK have been identified. Unit costs are represepted by retrieving the invoice. Some costs are approximate, as these particular invoices were not available at this time. Display items have also been identifi d. A Physical -Inventory by Supplier illustrates the current inventory, the cost of LI j goods, etail value and potential profit. In circle to assure that j inventory has been received and entered into PSK 11 accurat ly, 198 invoices were randomly selected for review. Each invoice was doc6m9nted, units identified, unit cost, date merchandise was received and when it was entered into PSK. A total of 38 invoices are questionable. { i _ , 1 1 I II All members (including golf course staff) have member accounts. Periodically, members special order merchandise. When this occurs, the item is given a product code in the 9000 range. A list of special orders has been identified. 19 items cannot be located within the member's account. FINDINGS: 1. Merchandise on-hand but not in the PSK inventory. There are 1,552 items (see attached) that were physically on-hand but had not been entered into the inventory system. The total cost of the items is approximately $15809.50. (Appendix A) Of this amount: a. 41 items have been identified as display merchandise. b. 8 items are not Maplewood merchandise. It seems ads if a staff person purchase these items (children's clubs) and is stor,ng them in the Driving Range. Staff had been unable to provide an explanation for these clubs. c. 26 items have been identified as defective. Some of these items are also returns. One particular item has a return authorization of 3-27- 01. d. 14 items are rental clubs. 2. Items have been priced using a previously identified (gift, ornament) sku but actual items have not been entered into the inventory system. This occurred during the inventory process. Christmas items were priced F- and placed on the floor without being entered into the inventory beforehand. 3. Some packing slips do not have a date when the items were received. Therefore, it was difficult to determine when the items had arrived at the golf course. In that instance, the invoice date was used as a received • date. 4. Damaged items have not been returned to Vendor. As noted in 1.c. I i 5. Display items are not included in the inventory. Historically, this has not been a standard practice. The display merchandise has not been inventoried. 6. Returned merchandise is not put back into inventory nor returned to Vendor for credit (some dates noted.) 7. Merchandise has been found in various locations. Not centrali ed. 8. Special orders (items personally ordered by employees) not consistently ! �I paid for through member's account according to Golf Course policy. 2 it _ Ali 9. Appendix B is a report showing the differences between what PSK showed in the inventory versus the actual count. The initial Inventory Variance showed a total of ($11,199.87). This negative balance indicates that according to PSK, the number of units in stock was greater than the actual number of units counted. Several recounts then took place. The final variance before the inventory was reset amounted to $720.23. This indicates that now there is an increase in the physical inventory that 11 was in PSK. This does not include those items that have been physically received but had not been entered into the system. 10. As of January 14, 2002, the PSK physical inventory total is 15,511 items with a total cost of $85807.30 Appendix C identifies all vendors, units costs, retail price and potential profits. 11. It has been a policy at the golf course that Maplewood employees receive a discount on merchandise. At times, employees will special order items. In identifying those "special orders" (SO), 24 have been employee orders, 29 orders for members. All special orders have to be rung up through the member account. 19 items cannot be located, as they have not been rung up through the members account. (Appendix D) 12. Invoice tracking (Appendix E) reflects numerous questionable items that have not been adequately explained by staff. 13. Inventory cost effectiveness and efficiency levels have been difficult to calculate due to the amount of inventory that has not been entered into the system. Due to the seasonal fluctuation at the golf course and inexperienced sales personnel, the inventory on-hand remains excessive. This is due to merchandise purchased and received but not put on the floor in a timely manner. A large amount of merchandise in the storeroom and on the pro-shop floor is more than one year old. RECOMMENDATIONS: (procedural) 11. Items should be received, dated, signed and put into driving range or Pro-Shop storeroom. Items should be entered into PSK within a reasonable period of time. We suggest five (5) business days. Price tags should be printed and affixed to items. We suggest this be done when inventory is entered into the computer. :_. 2. Driving range storeroom should be set up as follows: Two large shelving units for boxed items. Three or four racks for clothing to be hung. There should be no boxes of merchandise stacked up as damage (breakage, soiled) can occur. 3'. It is imperative that cross training take precedence. Currently, there is one person that purchases, enters merchandise and prices the inventory. These duties should be segregated for accountability 3 t (internal control). This would also ensure processes are completed in a I timely manner. t 4. Items should not be priced before being entered in the inventory. This creates a negative on stock or in some cases, the merchandise never gets entered into the inventory. 5. Damaged items need to be returned to vendor within a reasonable period of time. We suggest seven (7) business days. If a return authorization is required, return should take place immediately upon receipt of form from vendor. Most return authorizations have c-' expiration dates ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. 6. Return items from customers - if saleable, re-enter into inventory (receive). If item is not in new condition, item should be properly disposed of according to golf course policy. (See Recommen ation #13) 7. All display items should become part of the inventory. Historically, this has not been standard practice. These items can be accounted for by using a spreadsheet format (i.e., Excel). -. 8. All merchandise should be centralized. Items should not be in offices other than the Pro-Shop storeroom or driving range storeroom. R9 . 9. Special orders - (SO) All sales must be paid for through the member's account per Golf Course policy. Individuals should not ring u pp their own merchandise. All special orders need to be entered into the inventory, and then paid for by the employee. Items should also remain on the premises until it is paid for. I 10. Requests for pricing or corrections should be on a standard request 1 form (Appendix F) This is just an example. Currently, if staff have a particular item that needs a price tag, they have used scratch paper or post-it notes. These can get misplaced easily. It could even be 2-part so that each person has a copy of the request for tracking purposes. 11. If the merchandise in the Pro-Shop remains on the floor in excess of 3 , - months, markdowns should take place. Each month, increase the markdown until items are sold. This liquidation alleviates excess merchandise and removes old stock. Again, this is just a suggestion. 12. Management should review and approve of items prior to purchasing. There appears to be numerous items that do not coincide with the golf industry. These are hard-to-sell items that are not golf-related, i.e., ornaments, gifts, and jewelry. 13. It is highly recommended that written policies and procedures are developed to ensure continuity and accountability. i 4 _ 1 I I Legg"' Intro mai1C Irwanter e Maphandlaa notes Z-10-01 (Supplier 1 Unit Cost 'Received 'Product Name 'Units I Total Cost bette&court $ 26.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 bette&court S 26.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 bette&court $ 26.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 bette&cou IIrt $ 26.50 02/07/01 Shorts 1 $ 26.50 bette&court $ 26.50 02/07/01 Shorts 1 $ 26.50 1 bette&court $ 26.50 02/07/01 Shorts 1 $ 26.50 bette&court $ 20.50 02/07/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 20.50 1 j bette&court $ 26.00 02/07/01 Long Sleeve Top 1 $ 26.00 t bette&court $ 24.50 02/07/01 Shorts 2 S 49.00 bette&court $ 20.50 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 20.50 bette&court $ 24.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 24.00 -_ bette&court $ 24.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 24.00 bette&court S 26.00 02/07/01 Sleeveless top 1 -S 26.00 ( ! I bette&court S 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 bette&court $ 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 2 $ 46.00 bette&court l $ 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 r-- bette &courts $ 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 1, bette&court $ 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 bette&count $ 23.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 r bette&court $ 26.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 11 1 bette&court $ 26.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 li bette&court $ 26.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 ii t_ 1 bette&court S 26.00 03/26/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 26.00 bette&court $ 39.00 Fleece Pullover 1 $ 39.00 approximate bette&court S 24.00 05/30/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 bette&court $ 24.00 05/30/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24:00 1 bette&court $ 24.00 05/30/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 bette&court $ 27.00 05/30/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 27.00 11 -, bette&court $ 27.00 05/30/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 27.00 1 II bette&court - _-. __S 27.00 05/30/01 - _..Short Sleeve Top _ 1 $ 27.00 ( !. II bette&court S 24.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 bette&court S 24.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 i bette&court S 24.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 bette&court $ 14.00 05/30/01 Cap 2 $ 28.00 bette&court $ 14.00 05/30/01 Cap 1 $ 14.00 bette&court S 8.75 05/30/01 Visor 2 $ 17.50 11 bette&court $ 22.00 05/30/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 22.00 bette&court $ 22.00 05/30/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 22.00 bette&court $ 22.00 05/30/01 Sleeveless Top 2 $ 44.00 bette&court $ 26.75 07/18/01 Shorts 1 $ 26.75 bette&court S 28.00 07/18/01 Shorts 2 $ 56.00 I Bite I', $ 95.00 defective Golf Shoes 4 S 380.00 approximate. Bite I $ 95.00 defective Golf Shoes 2 $ 190.00 approximate I I n 1 :ite $ 95.00 defective Golf Shoes 2 S 190.00 approximate 1:ite S 95.00 defective Golf Shoes 1 $ 95.00 approximate is ite $ 95.00 defective Golf Shoes 1 S 95.00 approximate :ook Warehouse S 3.50 09/06/01 Wire Journal 2 $ 7.00 :ook Warehouse S 2.00 09/06/01 Golf book 3 $ 6.00 0 ook Warehouse $ 2.00 09/06/01 Golf book 2 $ 4.00 -ook Warehouse $ 3.00 09/06/01 Wire Address book 1 $ 3.00 9 ook Warehouse $ 1.17 09/06/01 Golf Cartoon book 6 $ 7.02 :ook Warehouse $ 3.50 09/06/01 Address book 2 $ 7.00 ook Warehouse S 2.00 09/06/01 Talk of Tee book 1 $ 2.00 ook Warehouse $ 3.50 09/06/01 Miracle on 17th green 7 S 24.50 r" II ook Warehouse S 1.75 09/06/01 Putter's pocket comp 2 $ 3.50 i# ook Warehouse $ 9.00 09/06/01 Photo album 1 $ 9.00 :ook Warehouse S 3.00 09/06/01 Majors book 3 S 9.00 ridgestone $ 3.60 Ibl-on floor Cabretta Grip Gloves 4 $ 14.40 approximate i. @ ridgestone* $ 5.00 n/a EV Senior ball 16 $ 80.00 al proximate I:rindar $ 19.00 02/19/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 S 19.00 r l y Taylor $ 14.50 Sample Shorts 1 $ 14.50 approximate •y Taylor $ 14.50 04/11/01 Shorts 1 $ 14.50 y Taylor S 14.50 04/11/01 Shorts 2 $ 29.00 I•y Taylor $ 14.50 04/11/01 Shorts 2 $ 29.00 I '!y Taylor $ 14.50 04/11/01 Shorts 1 $ 14.50 o y Taylor $ 13.50 04/19/01 Shorts 1 S 13.50 ri ell•Ilaway S 7.00 year 2000 Golf Visors 6 $ 42.00 approximate 11.Ilaway S 5.00 defective Cap 1 $ 5.00 approximate a•rbite Golf $ 78.00 Mallett Head 2 $ 156.00 approximate c-_ IIoC Creations $ 20.00 n/a Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.00 approximate ��ool Max S 7.00 defective All Weather Gloves 2 $ 14.00 aI proximate - li of Shades S 14.50 05/25/01 Sunglasses 1 $ 14.50 utter&Buck $ 39.50 09/06/01 Newport Windshirt 1 S 39.50 t 1 cutter&Buck S 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 3 $ 147.00 1, IQutter&Buck S 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 S 98.00 .-3 Mutter&Buck $ 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 S 98.00 IN utter&Buck $ 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 S 50.00 'utter&Buck $ 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 $ 50.00 Mutter&Buck $ 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 $ 50.00 o tter&Buck $ 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 1 $ 25.00 gutter&Buck S 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 1 $ 25.00 Mutter&Buck S 25.00 12/07/01 Pullover 1 S 25.00 ;utter&Buck $ 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 3 $ 147.00 oIutter&Buck S 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 S 98.00 Utter&Buck $ 49.00 12/07/01 Pullover 2 $ 98.00 7� III tter&Buck $ 54.00 n/a Jacket 1 S 54.00 approximate I Ili orfman Pacific S 2.75 07/15/01 Bucket Hat 2 S 5.50 U orfman Pacific S 5.50 08/01/01 USA Caps 23 S 126.50 ulorfman Pacific $ 5.50 10/03/01 USA Caps 24 $ 132.00 o orfman Pacific S 6.50 10/03/01 USA T Shirts 12 $ 78.00 0111unlop S 5.00 Titanium Distance 10 S 50.00 approximate ''I • Pro $ 24.00 03/08/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 -1 - I EP Pro II S 39.00 03/08/01 Long Sleeve Fleece 1 $ 39.00 Far-Fetched $ 11.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 11.00 -- Far-Fetched I; S 13.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 13.00 Far-Fetched II $ 13.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 S 13.00 Far-Fetched I $ 13.00 11/15/01 Pins 2 $ 26.00 _I Far-Fetched I S 17.00 11/15/01 Pins 2 $ 34.00 Far-Fetched $ 14.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 14.00 1 Far-Fetched $ 17.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 17.00 H Far-Fetched $ 10.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 S 10.00 Far-Fetched $ 10.50 11/15/01 Pins 2 $ 21.00 -' Far-Fetched 11 $ 10.00 11/15/01 Pins 2 $ 20.00 ' Far-Fetched II $ 13.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 13.00 Far-Fetched ! $ 19.00 11/15/01 Pins 2 $ 38.00 i Far-Fetched $ 14.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 14.00 Far-Fetched I $ 8.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 8.00 Far-Fetched $ 14.00 11/15/01 Pins 1 $ 14.00 1- I Far-Fetched S 6.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 6.50 Far-Fetched 1 $ 9.50 11/15/01 Earrings 2 $ 19.00 Far-Fetched 1 $ 8.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 8.50 ,--1 Far-Fetched $ 7.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 7.00 ` Far-Fetched 1 $ 9.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 9.50 . Far-Fetched IIII S 7.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 7.50 ,- - Far-Fetched S 8.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 S 8.50 Far-Fetched 1 $ 7.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 S 7.50 Far-Fetched $ 8.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 S 8.50 Far-Fetched $ 9.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 S 9.00 Far-Fetched $ 9.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 9.00 ` Far-Fetched $ 5.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 5.50 r-) Far-Fetched S 8.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 8.00 Far-Fetched 1 'S 8.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 8.00 - Far-Fetched $ 5.00 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 5.00 Far-Fetched I; $ 8.50 11/15/01 Earrings 1 $ 8.50 Far-Fetched 1 $ 2.75 11/15/01 Silver jewelry stand 4 $ 11.00 Far-Fetched $ 13.00 11/15/01 Clip 1 $ 13.00 Far-Fetched S 5.50 11/15/01 Pin 1 $ 5.50 (-, Far-Fetched ! S 1.50 11/15/01 Bracelets 24 $ 36.00 i `_ Footjoy , S 63.00 year 2000 Rain Pants 1 $ 63.00 approximate Footjoy Ill $ 110.00 year 2000 DJ Rain Jacket 1 $ 110.00 approximate f Footjoy $ 98.00 defective Di Turfmaster shoes 1 $ 98.00 approximate II Footjoy $ 5.00 10/18/01 Socks - 3 $ 15.00 Footjoy* $ 5.00 n/a Men's socks 1 $ 5.00 Foursome 1 S 29.00 n/a Pullover 1 ':-$ 29.00 approximate Global Golf& $ 17.43 10/09/01 Wind Chimes 7 $ 122.01 Golfer's Gallery Display Tapestry Wallet 2 $ - +fl Golfer's Gallery Display Tapestry Pillow 1 $ - Golfers Gallery Display Par Bear-Female 1 $ - Golfers Gallery Display Par Bear-Male 1 $ - I I' Golfsmlth Not MW Future Tour Club 4 $ - Golfsmith I Not MW Future Tour Club 4 $ - II I 1 f Hannas Handiworks $ 2.00 09/27/01 XMas Tree Ornament 24 $ 48.00 Hannas Handiworks S 2.90 09/27/01 XMas Tree Ornament 12 $ 34.80 Hannas Handiworks $ 4.25 09/27/01 Sitting Shelve Orn. 6 $ 25.50 Hannas Handiworks $ 11.00 09/27/01 Golf Lamp 4 $ 44.00 Headfit $ 8.00 n/a Maplewood Cap 1 $ 8.00 approximate 7 Hilfiger $ 19.75 06/22/01 T-Shirt 1 $ 19.75 i Hilfiger $ 19.75 06/22/01 T-Shirt 1 $ 19.75 FRI Hilfiger $ 19.75 06/22/01 T-Shirt 1 $ 19.75 Hilfiger $ 29.75 06/22/01 Shorts 1 S 29.75 - ilfiger $ 29.75 06/22/01 Shorts 1 S 29.75 gst ilfiger $ 32.50 06/22/01 Shorts 1 $ 32.50 , ilfiger $ 32.50 06/22/01 Shorts 1 $ 32.50 ilfiger S 29.75 06/22/01 Shorts 1 S 29.75 ilfiger $ 16.25 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 16.25pgi ilfiger $ 16.25 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 16.25 ilfiger $ 16.25 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 16.25 l ilfiger $ 26.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 26.00 ilfiger $ 26.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 26.00 f ilfiger $ 29.75 05/10/01 Shorts 1 .$ 29.75 !j ilfiger11 $ 29.75 05/10/01 Shorts 1 $ 29.75 7 ilfiger $ 26.00 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 26.00 II ilfiger $ 27.50 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 27.50 �� ilfiger $ 27.50 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 27.50 ? illilfiger $ 27.50 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 27.50 ' I ilfiger $ 32.50 06/22/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 32.50 ilfiger S 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 _f III ilfiger $ 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 I ilfiger $ 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 - ilfiger $ 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 T73 1 ilfiger 5 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 10 g $ 20.63 /31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63 ilfiger $ 20.63 07/31/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.63l ilfiger $ 21.57 07/31/01 Sweater 1 $ 21.57 ilfiger $ 21.57 07/31/01 Sweater 1 $ 21.57 ilfiger S 21.57 07/31/01 Sweater 1 $ 21.57 ii ilfiger $ 34.50 07/31/01 Vest 1 $ 34.50 ilfiger $ 34.50 07/31/01 Vest 1 $ 34.50 __ ilfiger S 18.57 07/31/01 Wind Jacket 1 $ 18.57 ilfiger $ 18.57 07/31/01 Wind Jacket 1 S 18.57 ( ilfiger $ 13.13 07/31/01 Golf Shirt 31 $ 407.03 - f ilfiger $ 13.13 07/31/01 Golf Shirt 4 $ 52.52 liifiger* S 7.00 07/31/01 Cap 1 $ 7.00 , uilfiger* $ 12.00 08/02/01 Cap 4 S 48.00 ippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 iippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 2-2 Ippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 , ippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 • iippo Golf Inc S 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 'II hippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 P 1 i 11 I11 Hippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 Hippo Golf Inc $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 Hippo Golf I9c $ 12.50 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 12.50 Hippo Golf Inc $ 15.00 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 15.00 Hippo Golf Inc $ 15.00 05/02/01 Howson Comp Tour 1 $ 15.00 Hogan Display Carry Bag/Stand 1 S - Hornung ;I $ 3.19 12/05/01 2002 Calendar 8 $ 25.52 Hornung $ 6.90 12/05/01 Canvas tote bag 2 $ 13.80 _ ' Hornung $ 12.50 12/05/01 Tapestry purse 4 $ 50.00 Hornung $ 6.50 12/05/01 Tapestry purse 4 $ 26.00 Hornung it $ 15.50 12/05/01 Canvas bag 1 $ 15.50 __ Hornung $ 16.50 12/05/01 Canvas Fanny bag 1 $ 16.50 Hornung $ 3.50 12/05/01 Ornament 6 $ 21.00 Hornung II $ 10.00 12/05/01 Letter holder 3 $ 30.00 __ Hornung $ 8.50 12/05/01 Business card holder 3 S 25.50 Hornung $ 3.00 12/05/01 Ornament 12 $ 36.00 Hornung S 12.00 12/05/01 Bowl w/lid 3 $ 36.00 Hornung $ 7.50 12/05/01 Bowl w/lid 3 $ 22.50 Hornung $ 7.50 12/05/01 Trinket boxes 12 .$ 90.00 Hornung S 7.50 12/05/01 •Trinket boxes 12 $ 90.00 Hornung $ 3.50 12/05/01 Note Cards 2 $ 7.00 Hornung . $ 7.50 12/05/01 Ornament 6 $ 45.00 - Hornung $ 3.25 12/05/01 Ornament 6 $ 19.50 Hornung $ 5.00 12/05/01 Pillbox 3 $ 15.00 Hornung $ 12.00 12/05/01 Earrings 3- $ 36.00 Hornung I $ 6.00 12/05/01 Ornament 6 $ 36.00 Hornung S 6.50 12/05/01 Ornament 12 $ 78.00 -- Hornung S 5.50 12/05/01 Clip-on bag 4 $ 22.00 Hornung $ 5.50 12/05/01 Clip-on bag 4 $ 22.00 Irresistible Image. S 37.50 03/06/01 Patchwork Mirrors 4 $ 150.00 Izod Club ;1 $ 14.25 Ibl-on floor Men's Shirt 1 $ 14.25 approximate Izod Club II $ 19.50 year 2000 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 19.50 approximate Izod Club S 19.50 year 2000 Short Sleeve Top 1. $ 19.50 approximate Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 19.50 approximate Izod Club $ 29.00 year 2000 Button down shirt 2 S 58.00 approximate Izod Club $ 29.00 year 2000 Button down shirt 1 $ 29.00 approximate Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Golf Shirt 2:.. S 39.00 approximate Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Golf Shirt 2- $ 39.00 approximate { Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Golf Shirt 2 $ 39.00 approximate _ Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Golf Shirt 1 $ 19.50 approximate 1 Izod Club $ 19.50 year 2000 Golf Shirt 2 . $ • 39.00 approximate K-Bell I $ 8.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 4 $ 34.00 _ • K-Bell S 6.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 2 $ 13.00 K-Bell S 8.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 1 $ 8.50 K-Bell $ 6.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 2- $ 13.00 !4 K-Bell $ 6.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 1 $ 6.50 K-Bell I1 S 8.50 11/02/01 Socks-gift bag 1 $ 8.50 i K-Bell* ill $ 3.25 11/02/01 Socks 1 $ 3.25 King Par $ 12.00 06/01/01 Affinity RCS-1 1 $ 12.00 i-i 1 - ' 1 II I ! !I I I I dy Fairway $ 7.50 defective Gloves 1 $ 7.50 approximate keshirts $ 20.00 02/19/01 Sweatshirt 1 $ 20.00 j i_aMode $ 29.00 year 2000 Long Sleeve Sweater 1 $ 29.00 approximate Ine Up* $ 24.00 03/22/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 24.00 ahr* $ 34.00 n/a Vest 1 $ 34.00 approximate E ahr* $ 30.00 n/a Fleece Pullover 1 $ 30.00 approximate - ahr* S 34.00 n/a Vest 1 $ 34.00 ap proximate arcia $ 24.00 year 2000 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 24.00 approximate arcia $ 24.00 year 2000 Short Sleeve Top 1 S 24.00 approximate -- arcia $ 23.00 year 2000 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 23.00 approximate -_ axfli $ 7.50 defective Cabretta XT Gloves 3 $ 22.50 approximate axfli S 7.50 defective Cabretta Gloves 1 $ 7.50 a I proximate axFli $ 70.00 04/03/01 Sand Wedge 2 $ 140.00 ,- axFli $ 70.00 04/03/01 Lob Wedge 1 $ 70.00 axfli $ 0.85 04/05/01 MD100 Tungsten 60 $ 51.00 ?__ axfli $ 0.85 04/05/01 MD90 Tungsten 60 $ 51.00 _ axfli $ 0.80 04/05/01 MD80 Tungsten 60 $ 48.00 axfli $ 3.13 Ibl-on floor Tour Patriot golf balls 24 $ 75.12 approximate axfli* $ 5.00 05/23/01 MD80 balls 15 $ 75.00 approximate axfli* $ 5.00 05/23/01 MD100 balls 5 $ 25.00 approximate 7 axfli* $ 5.00 05/23/01 MD90 balls 5 $ 25.00 approximate ike $ 50.00 Add in inv Air Shoes 1 $ 50.00 ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Bucket Hat 3 S 28.50 ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Cap 1 $ 9.50 ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Cap 1 $ 9.50 i ike $ 24.00 05/04/01 Pullover Windbreaker 1 S 24.00 :1, ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 , ike S 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 7 ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 q3lp ike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 2 $ 58.00 1 ike S 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 2 $ 65.00 ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 . ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 - ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 S 32.50 Dike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 I`�ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1- S 32.50 Ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 S 32.50 h ....._ ike S 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 2 $ 65.00 ike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 G hike $ 32.50 05/04/01 Golf Shirt 1 $ 32.50 ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Caps 3 $ 28.50 II- ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Caps 6 $ 57.00 ike $ 9.50 05/04/01 Caps 6 $ 57.00 ill.ke $ 9.50 05/04/01 Caps 6 $ 57.00 1 • 7 -l , _-, Nike $ 42.50 05/04/01 Jacket 1 $ 42.50 Nike i $ 42.50 05/04/01 Jacket 1 $ 42.50 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike I $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 2 $ 58.00 ~, Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 - Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 S 29.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike I $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 2 $ 58.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike i $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike S 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike i $ 29.00 05/04/01 Windshirt Pullover 1 $ 29.00 Nike $ 2.50 08/17/01 Tour Accuracy 1 $ 2.50 - Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 3.00 03/12/01 Desk Ornament 1 $ 3.00 11 Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 20.00 03/12/01 Wood golf Chairs 2 S 40.00 II Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 12.00 03/12/01 Wood Golf Clubs 12 $ 144.00 Ohio Wholesale Inc S 4.00 03/12/01 Bag&Club set 6 $ 24.00 Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 3.00 03/12/01 Desk Ornaments 8 $ 24.00 -- Ohio Wholesale Inc S 9.75 03/12/01 Shadow Box 2 $ 19.50 Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 7.50 03/12/01 Wood Flag wall hgr 4 $ 30.00 Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 8.75 03/12/01 Golf Plaque 3 $ 26.25 Ohio Wholesale Inc $ 20.00 03/12/01 Golf Plaque 2 $ 40.00 II Ohio Wholesale Ir4lc $ 3.75 03/12/01 Back scratchers 6 $ 22.50 Ohio Wholes<l�lie Inc $ 20.00 06/19/01 Golf Plaque 2 $ 40.00 Ohio Wholesale Inc S 5.50 06/29/01 Key Holder 4 $ 22.00 ; Ping ' Rental Putter TS5 35" 1 $ - Ping $ 8.50 07/23/01 Knit Hats 6 $ 51.00 Ping $ 8.50 07/23/01 Knit Hats 4 S 34.00 j Ping $ 8.50 07/23/01 Knit Hats 2 S 17.00 Ping* S 10.00 06/20/01 Towel 2 S 20.00 I Players Golf Set Rental Mark V Iron Set 1 $ - 1 1-, Players Golf Set Rental Wedges 2 $ - Player's Golf Set 11 Rental Wedges 5 $ - Players Golf Set Rental Wedges 5 $ - il 1 Proactive Sports $ 3.75 Ibl-on floor Towels need tags 2 $ 7.50 _ Proactive Sports $ 9.95 05/02/01 Twisted Card Holder 3 S 29.85 II Proactive Sports - $ 3.75 05/02/01 Bus Card Holder 3 $ 11.25 Proactive Sports $ 2.50 05/07/01 Key chain divot set 3 $ 7.50 , Proactive Sports $ 2.00 05/02/01 Key chain 3 $ 6.00 Proactive Sports $ 4.95 05/02/01 Pen/Pencil cup 2 $ 9.90 Proactive Sports $ 3.75 12/05/01 Towels 6 $ 22.50 il _' Proactive Sports S 3.75 12/05/01 Towels 6 " $ 22.50 II Proactive Sports $ 3.75 12/05/01 Towels 6 $ 22.50 Proactive Sports S 3.75 12/05/01 Towels 6 $ 22.50 Proactive Sports S 11.95 12/05/01 - Golf Apron 2 $ 23.90 1 1 I I I •roactive Sports $ 6.50 12/05/01 Towel/potholder 2 $ 13.00 -- •roactive Sports S 2.95 12/05/01 Caddy pouch 2 S 5.90 •roactive Sports S 2.95 12/05/01 Caddy pouch 2 $ 5.90 •roactive Sports $ 2.95 12/05/01 Caddy pouch 2 $ 5.90 •roactive Sports S 2.95 12/05/01 Caddy pouch 2 $ 5.90 •roactive Sports $ 5.95 12/05/01 Frame 6 $ 35.70 •roactive Sports $ 7.50 12/05/01 Coasters 4 $ 30.00 •roactive Sports $ 3.95 12/05/01 Storage Box 4 $ 15.80 •roactive Sports $ 20.00 12/05/01 Chip/Dip set 2 S 40.00 - •roactive Sports S 24.95 12/05/01 Lamp 2 $ 49.90 •roactive Sports $ 3.95 12/05/01 Tall box w/lid 2 $ 7.90 •roactive Sports $ 3.75 12/05/01 Letter/Pen holder 3 $ 11.25 9•roactive Sports $ 6.95 12/05/01 Moose headcover 2 $ 13.90 1 roactive Sports S 7.95 12/05/01 Alligator headcover 3 $ 23.85 roactive Sports S 6.95 12/05/01 White Tiger head cvr 4 $ 27.80 roactive Sports $ 6.95 12/05/01 Shark headcover 3 $ 20.85 roactive Sports S 6.95 12/05/01 Eagle headcover 2 $ 13.90 ;roactive Sports $ 7.50 12/05/01 Brass doorbell 2 S 15.00 1_, 1 roactive Sports $ 7.50 12/05/01 Golf Coasters 6 .$ 45.00 roactive Sports $ 4.95 12/05/01 3x5 frame 6 $ 29.70 1 roactive Sports $ 5.95 12/05/01 5x7 frame 6 $ 35.70 r roactive Sports $ 5.95 12/05/01 5x7 frame 2 $ 11.90 j roactive Sports $ 3.75 12/05/01 Golf Towel 3 $ 11.25 i ana $ 4.00 10/18/01 Snowman Ornament . 6 $ 24.00 lir Christopher $ 7.25 03/30/01 Huskies towel 3 $ 21.75 Slazenger $ 5.25 year 2000 Golf Balls 84 $ 441.00 approximate Slazenger $ 7.40 defective Cabretta II Gloves 4 $ 29.60 Ilazenger $ 7.55 02/14/01 Glove 192 $ 1,449.60 1lazenger $ 19.95 06/20/01 Ryder Cup Polo 1 $ 19.95 - 1lazenger $ 7.25 n/a Glove 1 $ 7.25 l 'Ipalding $ 8.00 02/02/01 Top-Flite Cap 13 $ 104.00 •palding $ 13.10 02/02/01 Top Flite Aero Ball 5 $ 65.50 Ipalding* $ 4.17 05/02/01 TFZ Balata 100 1 $ 4.17 underlund Return $ 57.00 defective . Vest 1 $ 57.00 approximate •underlund Return S 57.00 defective Jacket 1 $ 57.00 approximate Iunderlund Return/auth $ 57.00 defective Rain Jacket 1 $ 57.00 approximate nice $ 19.50 10/18/01 Windbreaker 5 $ 97.50 - nice $ 34.00 10/18/01 Vest 6 $ 204.00 _ nice $ 49.00 10/18/01 Windbreaker 3 $ 147.00 nice S 35.00 10/18/01 Windbreaker 13 $ 455.00 nice - S 19.50 10/24/01 Typhoon Jacket 1 $ 19.50 ttons Return $ 39.00 Ibl-on floor Fleece top 1 $ 39.00 a•proximate • inging in the Rain $ 11.78 11/14/01 Rain Coat-golf bags 12 $ 141.36 __' II Inc. $ 8.50 04/11/01 Visor 2 $ 17.00 II Inc. $ 30.00 04/11/01 Sleeveless Top 1 S 30.00 u it Inc. S 30.00 04/11/01 Sleeveless Top 1 S 30.00 E:II Inc. S 30.00 04/11/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 30.00 iI Inc. $ 30.00 04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top •1 S 30.00 '1 11 Inc. S 30.00 04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 30.00 I Li 1 Tail Inc. $ 30.00 j04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 30.00 Tail Inc. $ 48.00 104/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 48.00 Tail Inc. S 48.00 104/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 48.00 Tail Inc. I S 48.00 04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 48.00 Tail Inc. $ 28.50 I04/11/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 28.50 Tail Inc. $ 28.50 04/11/01 Sleeveless Top 1 $ 28.50 Tail Inc. $ 28.00 04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 28.00 -i Tail Inc. S 28.00 ',04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 28.00 __ Tail Inc. / $ 28.00 04/11/01 Short Sleeve Top 1 $ 28.00 Tail Inc. S 45.00 iO4/11/01 Vest 1 $ 45.00 Tail Inc. $ 45.00 ;04/11/01 Vest 1 $ 45.00 Tail Inc. $ 33.00104/25/01 Shorts 1 $ 33.00 Tail Inc. $ 33.00 '04/25/01 Shorts 1 $ 33.00 ~` Tail Inc. $ 33.00104/25/01 Shorts 1 $ 33.00 { Titleist $ 2.67 !02/14/01 Prof.90 golf balls 4 $ 10.68 Titleist $ 1.36 07/16/01 HP Tour ball 16 $ 21.76 Titleist S 7.25 11/22/01 Wood Head covers 1 S 7.25 Titleist' $ 19.00 n/a Umbrella 1 $ 19.00 approximate Titleist* S 7.75 10/03/01 Players Gloves 1 .$ 7.75 Titleist* ! S 7.75 10/03/01 Players Gloves 1 $ 7.75 li Yonex $ 7.50 year 1995 Glove 1 S 7.50 approximate Display Wicker Basket 1 S - ,,, Display Leather hatbox 3 S - ;Display Wood sock display 1 $ - Display Wire Purse 1 $ - Display Leather suitcase 1 $ - Display 3-drawer chest 1 $ - Display Deco bean balls 3 $ - Display Harvest Leaf/candy 3 $ - Display Wire card holder 1 $ - Display Metal candle holder 1 S - Display Wire card holder 1 $ - Display Metal golfer 1 $ - _. ' Display Easel Stand 1 $ - Display Glass Square Vase 2 S - j Display Wicker Bust 1 $ - 1. - Display Wicker Fish baskets 2 $ - Display Leather hatbox 1 $ - r Display Oak Case 1 $ - Display Wood Form 1 $ - Display Wire Form/Display 2 S - t Display Acrylic Sign holders 5 $ - •. Display 2-Tier Leaf Basket 1 $ - I $ - S - E_ Items not in ventory: 1552 $ 15,809.50 *Counted into inventory I C ! t_ ; l 11 s entifies inventory variance prior to reset. • . r ' ;II f I ' i Inventory Variance by Supplier Company -- -_ BeginInv-ltegi=n -Inventory *Units Ie Physical PhySitil Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Ace Copper 3043 Copper Bracelet 06/27/01 14 12/18/01 2:36:12 PM 14 12 -2 $11.00 ($22.00) 3126 Magnetic Bracelet 06/27/01 10 12/18/01 2:36:10 PM 8 11 3 $30.00 $90.00 • Variance Totals for Ace Copper $68.00 Adidas 1970 Mud Skipper 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:36:22 PM 3 2 -1 $56.00 ($56.00) • Variance Totals for Adidas ($56.00) Ahead Headgear 2507 Visor/Hat Ladies 06/27/01 16 12/18/01 2:36:35 PM 2 2 0 $6.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ahead Headgear $0.00 AM Player 2075 Short 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:36:54 PM 3 3 0 $13.00 $0.00 2506 Short Ladies Microfibre 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:37:07 PM 0 1 1 $9.95 $9.95 3121 Fleece 1/2 Zip Vest 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:37:11 PM 1 2 1 $17.50 $17.50 Variance Totals for AM Player $27.45 Ashworth 1004 Tournament Polo 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 2:37:27 PM 5 6 1 $24.00 $24.00 1013 Polo 06/27/01 18 12/18/01 2:37:29 PM 12 12 0 $35.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ashworth $24.00 Backbay 2262 Beacon 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $24.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Backbay $0.00 Bag Boy 0014 Pull Cart F-4 Dual Tube 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:37:50 PM 0 1 1 $62.50 $62.50 K 0015 Travel CoverT-1 06/27/01 4 12/19/01 12:13:08 PM 6 7 1 $18.75 $18.75 0016 Lite Rider 8.5 Cart Bag 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:37:54 PM 6 3 -3 $65.63 ($196.88) 0201, Push-Cart-PC 90 1-1/07/01 0 12/2-H0-1-8:I-7 36-AM 2 2 0 $60 00 $0:00 0202 Travel Cover T-3 11/07/01 0 12/21/01 8:17:42 AM 7 7 0 $33.75 $0.00 0203 NXS Stand Bag 11/07/01 0 12/18/01 2:38:03 PM 2 2 0 $81.25 $0.00 1020 Stand Bag Z-2 06/27/01 4 12/21/01 8:17:51 AM 4 4 0 $83.75 $0.00 3131 Pull Cart M-300 Alloy 06/27/01 5 12/19/01 12:13:24 PM 5 4 -1 $42.00 ($42.00) 3133 Travel Cover T-5 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $50.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. „ „_--01 - - - - 1 - -- -- ---- ------- �J i_1 ; 1 - - - - ;-----1 - ------- ----- 1 l • Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 3134 Umbrella Wind Vent 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:38:24 PM 15 14 -1 $10.00 ($10.00) 3142 Pull Cart LT-400 Aluminum 06/27/01 2 12/21/01 8:18:04 AM 1 1 0 $38.13 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bag Boy ($167.63) BC Hats - 1856 Hat Cool as a Breeze 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $18.50 $18.50 Variance Totals for BC Hats $18.50 Bel Air Golf 1908 Winter Glove 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:38:36 PM 1 1 0 $9.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bel Air Golf $0.00 Belding Sports 0061 Bushwacker College Logo Bag 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:38:45 PM 2 2 0 $175.00 $0.00 - -- -- - -- -- - 0063 Den Caddy College Logo 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:38:47 PM 1 1 0 $75.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Belding Sports $0.00 Ben Hogan 1754 Wedge Hogan 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $55.00 $0.00 2015 Classic 8.5 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:38:56 PM 0 2 2 $116.00 $232.00 2049 Carry All 06/27/01 1 12/19/01 12:13:57 PM 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ben Hogan $232.00 Bette&Court 0055 Short R/TB Basics 06/27/01 17 12/18/01 2:39:05 PM 7 4 -3 $24.50 ($73.50) 0056 Vest R T/B Basics 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:39:07 PM 3 3 0 $23.50 $0.00 0057 Polo R/TB Basics 06/27/01 20 12/18/01 2:39:09 PM 11 9 -2 $22.00 ($44.00) 0058 Short Cabana 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $26.50 $26.50 0059 Vest Cabana 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:39:13 PM 1 1 0 $24.00 $0.00 0060 Polo Cabana 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 2:39:15 PM 9 9 0 $24.00 $0.00 1018 Windjacket B&C 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:39:20 PM -2 1 3 $45.00 $135.00 1019 Fleece Vest B&C 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $32.50 $0.00 204 Sleeveless Polo 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $9.98 $9.98 Variance Totals for Bette&Court $53.98 Bite 2264 X-Golf Sandal 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:39:38 PM 3 3 0 $43.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bite ' $0.00 Blue Sky Golf *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at'the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 2 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventor y g *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Corr Cn t 119 m rel a 667277001 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $8.95 ($8.95) 3145 Pull Cart BSG 06/27/01 2 12/21/01 8:18:27 AM 1 1 0 $21.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Blue Sky Golf ($8.95) Book Warehouse 7000 Calendar 2001 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:39:58 PM 6 6 0 $1.99 $0.00 7001 Address Book 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -2 0 2 $2.00 $4.00 7002 Game of Golf 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:39:49 PM 1 1 0 $3.00 $0.00 7004 Cube 06/27/01 4 12/21/01 8:18:39 AM 4 4 0 $2.00 $0.00 7005 Photo Album 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $4.00 $0.00 7006 Journal 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $4.00 ($4.00) Variance Totals for Book Warehouse $0.00 Bottman Design 0188 Gift Card Box of 8 10/25/01 0 12/18/01 2:40:08 PM 10 8 -2 $5.75 ($11.50) • Variance Totals for Bottman Design ($11.50) Bridgestone 0022 Grip Glove 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 2:40:39 PM 80 102 22 $3.96 $87.04 0068 Stand Bag 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:40:42 PM 2 2 0 $75.00 $0.00 0079 Precept Extra Distance 06/27/01 60 12/18/-01 2:40:44 PM 52 51 -1 $5.00 ($5.00) 101 MC Double Cover 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 2:40:52 PM 6 6 0 $5.59 $0.00 105 Precept EV Extra Spin 06/27/01 42 12/18/01 2:40:57 PM 30 35 5 $5.00 $25.00 106 MC Distance , 06/27/01 48 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -2 0 2 $4.86 $9.72 107 MC Tour Premium 06/27/01 11 12/19/01 12:14:14 PM 56 55 -1 $7.38 ($7.38) 108 MC Spin 06/27/01 30 12/18/01 2:41:23 PM 11 9 -2 $5.16 ($10.32) 199 Hideaway Stand Bag 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:41:30 PM 1 1 0 $81.50 $0.00 202 MC Tour Advantage 06/27/01 48 12/19/01 12:14:28 PM 39 39 0 $5.25 $0.00 2043 Wedge Precept 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:41:39 PM 5 4 -1 $22.50 ($22.50) 2187 Precept Wedge 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:41:43 PM 2 2 0 $55.00 $0.00 228 MC Lady 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:41:56 PM 10 10 0 $4.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bridgestone $76.56 Brindar 0037 Sherpa/Loop Wisteria 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:42:15 PM 2 1 -1 $23.31 ($23.31) 0038 Short Elastic Wisteria 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 2:42:18 PM 5 3 -2 $15.00 ($30.00) 0039 Short Fitted Wisteria 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:42:21 PM -1 1 2 $24.00 $48.00 0040 Polo Wisteria 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:42:23 PM 1 1 0 $19.00 $0.00 0041 Tee Wisteria 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $15.00 $15.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 3 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 0042 Sweatshirt Wisteria 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $22.00 $0.00 0043 Polo/Tee Cambridge 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:42:27 PM 7 8 1 $19.00 $19.00 0044 Sweatshirt Cambridge 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $22.00 $0.00 0045 Short Elastic Cambridge 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:42:31 PM 0 5 5 $15.00 $75.00 0046- - - - -- ShortFitted-Cambridge- --- -------- ------06/27101------6----12/1-3/01=2A-2:32=PM- --- --- 6 - 3-- --- _3--- $24.00 - ($7-200) - Variance Totals for Brindar $31.69 by Taylor 0072 R/W/B T-Shirt 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $14.50 ($29.00) 0073 R/W/B Sweatshirt 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $23.00 $0.00 0074 R/W/B Short 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:42:55 PM 1 1 0 $14.25 $0.00 7037 Floating Heart Sweatshirt 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:43:00 PM -2 2 4 $21.00 $84.00 Variance Totals for by Taylor $55.00 Callaway 0023 Putter White Hot 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:43:41 PM 2 2 0 $76.50 $0.00 3140 Wedge Callaway 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $48.00 ($96.00) 3141 Putter Callaway 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:43:49 PM 1 3 2 $59.43 $118.86 Variance Totals for Callaway $22.86 Carbite 0111 Putter CAP 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:44:00 PM 8 8 0 $78.00 $0.00 201 Putter DB/DC 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:44:03 PM 1 1 0 $58.00 $0.00 9018 SO Toll/Gleason Putter Ball 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $22.41 ($22.41) Variance Totals for Carbite ($22.41) CC Creations 2242 Sweatshirt Logo CCC 06/27/01 60 12/19/01 12:14:41 PM 52 51 -1 $15.75 ($15.75) Variance Totals for CC Creations ($15.75) Cool Shades 0098 Sunglasses Cool Shades 06/27/01 24 12/19/01 10:18:41 AM 12 13 1 $14.90 $14.90 Variance Totals for Cool Shades $14.90 Cutter&Buck 0155 Husky Tounament Polo 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:44:39 PM 4 5 1 $21.50 $21.50 0156 Husky 1/2 Zip 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:44:43 PM 5 5 0 $54.25 $0.00 0157 Husky Fleece 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:44:46 PM 5 5 0 $42.00 $0.00 0158 Cougar Tournament Polo 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:44:52 PM 5 5 _ 0 $21.50 $0.00 0159 Cougar LS Tournament Polo 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:44:55 PM 5 5 0 $26.50 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 4 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory g g *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost r st 0-60 Cougar 1/2 Zip 09 0 12/18/01 2:45:01 PM 5 5 0 $54.25 $0.00 0161 Cougar Fleece 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:04 PM 5 5 0 $42.00 $0.00 0162 Mariner's Tournament Polo 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:12 PM 3 3 0 $21.50 $0.00 0163 Mariner's LS Tournament Polo 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 6 0 -6 $26.50 ($159.00) 0164 Mariner's 1/2 Zip 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $54.25 ($54.25) 0165 Mariner's Cutter Crew 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:16 PM 2 2 0 $33.25 $0.00 0166 Mariner's Fleece Vest 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $33.75 ($33.75) 0167 Mariner's Weekender Jacket 09/28/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:20 PM 3 6 3 $38.75 $116.25 0198 Crew Windshirt 11/06/01 0 12/21/01 8:19:44 AM 13 13 0 $42.00 $0.00 0199 1/2 Zip Windshirt 1101 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:36 PM 12 12 0 $46.00 $0.00 0200 Newport Half Sleeve Windshirt 11/06/01 0 12/19/01 10:18:59 AM 7 7 0 $39.50 $0.00 0208 Tahoe Half Sleeve Pullover 11/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:45:51 PM 11 11 0 $42.00 $0.00 0213 Polo 0111 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:46:02 PM 54 69 15 $30.00 $450.00 0214 Polo Sueded 0111 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:46:06 PM 3 3 0 $36.00 $0.00 0215 Button Down Print 0111 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:46:10 PM 4 4 0 $34.00 $0.00 9039 SO Toll Windshirt 10/02/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $26.47 ($52.94) Variance Totals for Cutter&Buck $287.81 Daphne Headcovers 1105 Headcover Animal 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 2:46:27 PM 42 42 0 $11.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Daphne Headcovers $0.00 Dexter 1679 Oak Tree 00 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:46:35 PM 1 1 0 $40.00 $0.00 1976 Brookside 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 6 0 -6 $35.00 ($210.00) 1977 Boca 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 2:46:41 PM 6 6 0 $33.66 $0.00 213 Malibu 00 06/27/01 10 12/18/01 2:46:45 PM 8 8 0 $20.40 $0.00 214 Motion 00 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:46:47 PM 6 6 0 $35.96 $0.00 2286 Lexington 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:46:53 PM 1 1 0 $58.00 $0.00 3138 Austin/Riv/Tart 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:46:58 PM 1 1 0 $35.60 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dexter ($210.00) DO NOT USE Cutter&Buck(OLD) 3053 Polo 0600 06/27101 2 12/18/012:35:49-PM 1 0 -1 $32.00 ($32.00) Variance Totals for DO NOT USE Cutter&Buck(OLD) ($32.00) Dockers 1011 Polo Dockers 00 06/27/01 44 12/19/01 12:14:56 PM 40 40 0 $23.00 $0.00 1012 Vest Dockers 00 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 2:47:09 PM 7 8 1 $23.00 $23.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. _211-Dec-07-__ 5 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Dockers $23.00 Dorfman-Pacific 0064 Ladies Gambler Hat 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $14.50 ($14.50) 012 --- -- -- - - ----- - - --- ----- ------- -- - - ----- - - -------$9 ----- ($9 ------ --- --- - 1 Gambler Outback- -07/11701 0 12/1-8/0I 2:47:19-PM 17 16 -1 $9.00 ($9.00) 0122 Bucket Style 07/11/01 0 12/19/01 10:19:16 AM 6 16 10 5.00 $50 00 0133 Visor 07/16/01 0 12/21/01 8:20:05 AM 19 19 0 $7.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dorfman-Pacific $26.50 Duck 1937 Towel Duck 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 13 0 -13 $6.95 ($90.35) Variance Totals for Duck ($90.35) Dunlop 0026 Total Performance 10ball 06/27/01 11 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $11.00 $0.00 0027 DDH 110 Steelcore 06/27/01 96 12/19/01 12:15:08 PM 82 82 0 $2.31 $0.00 2006 Sock Dunlop 06/27/01 17 12/18/01 2:47:44 PM 6 6 0 $2.00 $0.00 2034 Sale Shoe 00 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:47:46 PM 5 5 0 $27.00 $0.00 2151 Rainsuit Premium 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $56.00 ($56.00) Variance Totals for Dunlop ($56.00) Dutch Harbor 1017 Sweatshirt Dutch Harbor 00 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:47:53 PM 0 24 24 $7.50 $180.00 Variance Totals for Dutch Harbor $180.00 EP Pro 0047 Fleece Zip Jacket South Pacific 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $39.00 $0.00 0048 Sarong South Pacific 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:48:07 PM 1 1 0 $44.00 $0.00 0049 Sweater s/1 South Pacific 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:48:11 PM 1 1 0 $34.00 $0.00 0050 Polo South Pacific 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 2:48:15 PM 4 3 -1 $24.00 ($24.00) 0051 Silk Herringbone South Pacific 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:48:17 PM 3 3 0 $39.00 $0.00 0052 Tee South Pacific 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $24.00 $0.00 0053 Microfiber Vest South Pacific 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:48:23 PM 2 2 0 $34.00 $0.00 0054 Short South Pacific 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:48:25 PM 2 3 1 $39.00 $39.00 3150 Fleece EP Pro 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:48:37 PM 2 3 1 $34.00 $34.00 Variance Totals for EP Pro $49.00 Ergonomix Sport - 0118- - - Ergoride Bag - 07/11/01- 0 12/18/01-2:48:46 PM 1 -- 1 - 0 $80.50 $0.00 01-1-9 Axiom Bag 07/1-1/01 0 12/18/01-2:48:46-PM 2 2 0 $66.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 6 _ i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventor y g *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Invento - *Variance Cnct ('ost Variance Totals for Ergonomix Sport $0.00 Eyemark 3083" Putter EM-1 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $50.00 $0.00 3084 Putter EM-2 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:48:56 PM 1 1 0 $63.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Eyemark $0.00 Far Fetched 0220 Key Chain 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 2:49:09 PM 7 6 -1 $11.00 ($11.00) 0221 Bangle Bracelet 12/05/01 0 12/19/01 12:11:39 PM 18 24 6 $1.50 $9.00 7007 Holiday Pin 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:49:17 PM 17 16 -1 $11.00 ($11.00) 7008 Earrings 06/27/01 17 12/18/01 2:49:24 PM 26 25 -1 $8.50 ($8.50) 7033 Pin A14 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 19 0 -19 $14.00 ($266.00) 7035 Necklace 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:49:29 PM 7 4 -3 $12.00 ($36.00) Variance Totals for Far Fetched ($323.50) Foot Joy 0024 Dry Ice Glove 06/27/01 112 12/18/01 2:49:45 PM 81 90 9 $10.50 $94.50 0184 59906 Dry I.C.E. 10/18/01 0 12/19/01 10:19:48 AM 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 0185 59922 Dry I.C.E. 10/18/01 0 12/19/01 10:19:48 AM 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 0186 58848 Sierra Trek 10/18/01 0 12/19/01 10:19:49 AM 1 1 0 $63.00 $0.00 0187 58982 Sierra Trek 10/18/01 0 12/19/01 10:19:49 AM 1 1 0 $63.00 $0.00 0189 Pro-Dry Crew Sock Men's 10/25/01 0 12/18/01 2:49:57 PM 34 34 0 $5.00 $0.00 0190 Sport/Quarter Sock Men's 10/25/01 0 12/21/01 9:20:40 AM 96 95 -1 $2.88 ($2.88) 0191 Junior FJ Glove 10/25/01 0 12/18/01 2:50:05 PM 21 22 1 $4.80 $4.80 0230 F3 Performance Glove 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 2:50:11 PM 117 117 0 $8.00 $0.00 2083 Dry Joy Shoe# 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:50:33 PM -1 1 2 $90.00 $180.00 2084 Dry Joy Shoe#55 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:50:43 PM 3 3 0 $81.00 $0.00 2085 Dry Joy Rainshirt 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:50:51 PM 2 2 0 $87.50 $0.00 2086 Dry Joy Zip Off Jacket 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $119.33 $0.00 2087 Dry Joy Jacket 06/27/01 15 12/21/01 8:21:02 AM 9 9 0 $109.83 $0.00 2088 Dry Joy Vest 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:51:00 PM 0 1 1 $62.50 $62.50 2089 Dry Joy Pant# 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $110.00 $0.00 2139 Shoe Lace 06/27/01 71 12/18/01-2:51104 PM 64 65 1 $1-39 $139 2142 Dry Joy Rainsuit 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:51:20 PM 0 9 9 $87.80 $790.20 2196 Dry Joy Sock 06/27/01 103 12/19/01 12:16:02 PM 70 73 3 $3.58 $10.74 2209 Dry Joy Saddle 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:52:19 PM 1 2 1 $90.00 $90.00 2210 Soft Joy Terrains#5 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:52:40 PM 0 5 5 $52.00 $260.00 2211 Soft Joy Terrains 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:52:45 PM 0 1 1 $42.00 $42.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. _ 21-Dec-01 7 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 2288 WeatherSof Glove 06/27/01 113 12/18/01 2:53:12 PM 101 119 18 $6.83 $123.00 230 Soft Joy Terrains# 06/27/01 6 12/21/01 8:21:16 AM 5 5 0 $50.40 $0.00 231 Dry Joy# 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:53:22 PM -2 1 3 $98.28 $294.84 2540 Sportlet/Roll-Top Women's 06/27/01 62 12/18/01 2:53:44 PM 121 100 -21 $2.88 ($60.38) 2541- Soft JoyAthletic 06/27/01 - - 4 17/i`8/012:54#:1-6 PM. 2 2 0 $4620 $0.00 2542 Soft Joy Saddles 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:23 PM 2 2 0 $4280 $0 00 2543 Soft Joy Moc-Toe 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:54:26 PM 2 2 0 $46.20 $0.00 3006 Dry Joy Turfmaster 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $75.00 $0.00 3010 Green Joys 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:54:40 PM 2 2 0 $29.95 $0.00 3023 Dry Joy Ptoe 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:44 PM 0 1 1 $90.00 $90.00 3122 WinterSofpr 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:54:56 PM 23 22 -1 $11.75 ($11.75) 3123 RainGrip pr 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:55:02 PM 51 53 2 $11.75 $23.50 9033 SO Osborne Shoe 1 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $91.59 ($183.18) _ _ _9043-_____ __ SO Snowden Shoe 53593_ -__ 11/06/01-_ 0___ 12/_18/01.2:35:49_PM-. - -- -1- - --- 0_ - ---1 --$101.26- Variance Totals for Foot Joy $1,708.02 Forrester's 0033 RainShedder Micro Parka 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 2:55:17 PM 6 3 -3 $90.00 ($270.00) 0034 Sportech Rain Jacket 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -3 0 3 $39.29 $117.86 2154 Bucket Style Hat 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:55:23 PM 2 2 0 • $14.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Forrester's ($152.14) Gemini 0225 Frame 3 Ball/Bag ' 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 2:55:29 PM 8 9 1 $8.50 $8.50 Variance Totals for Gemini $8.50 Gift Box 2292 Wrap/Tissue 06/27/01 31 12/18/01 2:55:40 PM 28 31 3 $1.25 $3.75 2293 Bag/Ribbon 06/27/01 21 12/18/01 2:55:37 PM 14 11 -3 $1.85 ($5.55) Variance Totals for Gift Box ($1.80) Global Golf&Gift 0234 Lamp Antique 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:09 AM - 1 1 0 $79.00 $0.00 0235 Lamp Golf 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:09 AM 2 2 0 $45.00 $0.00 0236 Wind Chime Par 3 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:04 AM 4 4 0 $13.00 $0.00 0237 Wind Chime Par 4 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:04 AM 2 2 0 $20.00 $0.00 0238 Wind Chime Par 5 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:05 AM 1 1 0 $30.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Global Golf&Gift $0.00 ' Golf Design *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 8 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance cost me 0218- USK oMney C1tp /27/01 0 12715/01 2:55:54 PM 12 12 0 $6.75 $0.00 0219 USA Hat Clip&Ball Mark 11/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:55:57 PM 12 12 0 $2.75 $0.00 1840 Divot Tool 06/27/01 31 12/21/01 8:22:32 AM 100 100 0 $7.11 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Design $0.00 Golf Gear 0216 Ladies 3&8 set 11/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:56:07 PM 2 2 0 $150.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Gear $0.00 Golf Max 1744 Towel Golf Max 06/27/01 113 12/18/01 2:56:17 PM 114 133 19 $3.00 $57.00 Variance Totals for Golf Max $57.00 Golf Sales 2260 Stand Tees 06/27/01 3 12/21/01 8:22:42 AM 2 1 -1 $1.84 ($1.84) 3137 Pocket Caddy Tapestry 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $10.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Sales ($1.84) Golfer's Gallery 3190 Pocket Caddy 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:56:29 PM 1 1 0 $8.50 $0.00 7010 Handbag Tapestry 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:56:31 PM 1 1 0 $19.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golfer's Gallery $0.00 High Range 0206 Tee GN 11/07/01 0 12/19/01 12:16:32 PM 14 17 3 $10.00 $30.00 0207 Tee LS GN 11/07/01 0 12/19/01 12:16:34 PM 10 10 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for High Range $30.00 Hippo Golf 0076 Putter Hippo 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $13.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Hippo Golf $0.00 Hornungs 0247 Cookie Jar 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:56:18 AM 2 5 3 $17.00 $51.00 0248 Bowl 9"Glass 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:56:21 AM 2 2 0 $14.00 $0.00 0249 Plate 11"Glass 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:56:24 AM 2 2 0 $24.00 $0.00 0250 Wine Stopper 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:56:27 AM 12 12 0 $5.50 $0.00 7026 Soap 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:56:54 PM 1 1 0 $7.50 $0.00 7027 Holiday Omament/Stand 06/27/01 0 12/21/01 9:56:38 AM -1 7 8 $5.00 $40.00 7029 Holiday Tees in a Tree 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:57:11 PM 0 2 2 $5.00 $10.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 11-Dec-01 9 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 7030 Holiday Golf Balls 3pk 06/27/01 0 12/21/01 8:22:58 AM -1 7 8 $3.20 $25.60 7031 Porcelain Figurine • 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:57:20 PM 1 1 0 $7.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Hornungs $126.60 Huge-Sportswea _ _ _ 0204 Tee MTUST /07/01 0 12/19/01 12:16:45 PM --- -_- __-=-------46=- -__ 46._ _____ _ 0 $10.00 $0.00 0205 Tee LS MTUST 11/07/01 0 12/19701-12-6-.4-7-PM 22 22 0 $12.00- - -$0.00 --- __ __ Variance Totals for Huge Sportswear $0:00 International Golf 249 Fl-Beyond Set&Bag 06/27/01 2 12/21/01 8:23:16 AM 1 1 0 $147.00 $0.00 250 Putter F-1 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:57:41 PM 0 1 1 $11.25 $11.25 Variance Totals for International Golf $11.25 Izod 0036 Polo MW Logo 0104 06/27/01 33 12/21/01 8:23:29 AM 12 14 2 $14.25 $28.50 0123 Windshirt 0107 07/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:57:57 PM 2 2 0 $24.00 $0.00 0124 Windvest 0107 07/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:57:59 PM 2 2 0 $22.00 $0.00 0125 Tournament Polo Logo 0107 07/15/01 0 12/19/01 12:17:06 PM 19 19 0 $14.25 $0.00 0126 Sweatshirt 0107 07/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:58:05 PM 10 10 0 $19.00 $0.00 0127 Tournament Polo 0107 07/15/01 0 12/19/01 12:17:11 PM 12 12 0 $19.50 $0.00 0131 Polo 0107 07/15/01 0 12/18/01 2:58:12 PM 36 38 2 $29.00 $58.00 0132 Button Down Shirt 0107 07/15/01 0 12/19/01 10:20:53 AM 13 13 0 $29.00 $0.00 1918 Polo Izod 0102 06/27/01 51 12/21/01 8:23:37 AM 38 36 -2 $19.60 ($39.20) Variance Totals for Izod $47.30 Jones Sports 9026 SO Chopper Bag 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $170.91 $0.00 Variance Totals for Jones Sports $0.00 Junior Golf 2246 Junior T-Shirt 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:58:33 PM 5 1 -4 $7.50 ($30.00) 2247 Junior Hat 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:58:39 PM 2 1 -1 $7.95 ($7.95) 2248 Junior Bag 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:58:42 PM 3 3 0 $22.95 $0.00 Variance Totals for Junior Golf ($37.95) K Bell 3185 Ped Sock 06/27/01 13 12/21/01 9:21:00 AM 239 193 -46 $3.87 ($178.12) 3186- - -Ped Sock Gift Bag 06/27/01 9 12/21/01 8:23:52 AM 39 44 5 $8.00 $40.00 7042 Ped Shorty Sock - 06/27/01 39 12/18/01 2:59:01 PM -36 5 41 $3.25 $133.25 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. - - - __ 21-Dec-01 10 l Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory * ts-I - ca Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Dat ere vd Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for K Bell ($4.87) Kim Lugar Clay Art 0231 Clay Art Pin/Ornament 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:21:10 AM 21 22 1 $6.00 $6.00 Variance Totals for Kim Lugar Clay Art $6.00 King Par 0099 Optis Affinity Putter 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:59:12 PM 6 6 0 $10.75 $0.00 0100 Affinity Wood 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:14 PM 3 3 0 $32.00 $0.00 0110 Affinity 3&8 Graphite 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:16 PM 1 1 0 $145.00 $0.00 0174 Affinity 3&8 Steel 10/02/01 0 12/18/01 2:59:18 PM 2 2 0 $115.00 $0.00 2297 Glove King Par 06/27/01 43 12/18/01 2:59:22 PM 28 36 8 $3.25 $26.00 Variance Totals for King Par $26.00 Kitty Hawk 0078 Putter KH 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -3 0 3 $12.00 $36.00 Variance Totals for Kitty Hawk $36.00 Knight 2273 Wedge Tour Classic 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:33 PM 1 1 0 $39.99 $0.00 Variance Totals for Knight $0.00 Lady Fairway ' 3159 Westchester 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:43 PM 1 1 0 $66.50 $0.00 3161 Naples • 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:59:51 PM 4 4 0 $56.00 $0.00 3162 Shaughnessy 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:59:54 PM 1 1 0 $52.33 $0.00 3164 Glove Lady Fairway 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 2:59:59 PM 2 2 0 $6.00 $0.00 3165 Glove 1/2 Lady Fairway 06/27/01 10 12/18/01 3:00:04 PM 3 3 0 $4.50 $0.00 3166 Ped Sock Lady Fairway 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 3:00:15 PM 1 3 2 $3.25 $6.50 3177 Tumberry 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:00:20 PM 1 1 0 $36.00 $0.00 3178 Ventanna 06/27/O1 6 12/18/O1 3:00:23 PM 3 3 0 $56.00 $0.00 3179 Cypress 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:00:26 PM 2 2 0 $53.00 $0.00--- - _ - -- - Variance Totals for Lady Fairway $6.50 Lakeshirts ____--- - 0088 --Golf-Bag 174"Zip SWSW 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $20.00 $20.00 0089 Golf Bag Waffle T 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $9.50 ($9.50) 0090 Cart Parade Crop SWSH 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 3:00:40 PM 3 3 0 $20.00 $0.00 1014 Fleece/Sweatshirt Lakshirts 06/27/01 5 12/21/01 8:24:46 AM 1 2 1 $20.00 $20.00 • *Notes:Variance=Physinventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 - --11 -- ',Jaawo Law L.;.:0;w' 6ui a- lia:-Y- -44.i3 L:...7,1 ........., i.--.. L4si.7 1--.::✓] o`::: :5m t::."3 e.„� 3 km...,:J! r _ -._ _ ,_ ___ _ -__ _ _ _ _ _ ,___ _____� Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Lakeshirts $30.50 Line Up For Sport 0091 Del Mar Polo 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 3:00:55 PM 9 9 0 $25.00 $0.00 0092--_______Del_Mar Short 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 3:00:56 PM 4 4 0 $28.00 $0.00 0093 Del Mar WindshirtNest/Sweater 06/27/01 7 12/21/01 8:25:06 AM 4 4 0 $34.00 - $0.00 0094 Del Mar Capri Pant 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:00:57 PM 1 1_____________0 $30.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Line Up For Sport $0.00 MacGregor 3037 Magnetic Glove 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:01:04 PM -3 1 4 $6.75 $27.00 Variance Totals for MacGregor $27.00 Mahr 237 Fleece Pullover Mahr 06/27/01 5 12/21/01 8:25:16 AM 5 4 -1 $42.80 ($42.80) 238 Junior Fleece Vest 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:01:23 PM 1 3 2 $19.04 $38.08 239 Nassau Fleece Vest 06/27/01 12 12/21/01 8:25:24 AM 9 10 1 $27.00 $27.00 240 Microsuede Vest 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $18.50 $0.00 246 Chapman Vest 06/27/01 11 12/18/01 3:01:33 PM 8 8 0 $40.00 $0.00 247 Berber Vest 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 3:01:35 PM 6 6 0 $35.00 $0.00 248 Junior Fleece Vest Mahr 06/27/01 3 12/21/01 8:25:31 AM 2 2 0 $13.00 $0.00 3124 Fleece Pullover 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 3:01:42 PM 2 3 1 $32.00 $32.00 Variance Totals for Mahr $54.28 Maplewood Lessons 60 Lesson with Mike Toll 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -4 0 4 $0.00 $0.00 61 Lesson with Gordy 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -41 0 41 $0.00 $0.00 62 Lesson with Tom 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -5 0 5 $0.00 $0.00 63 Lesson with Darryl 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -25 0 25 $0.00 $0.00 66 Lesson with Kirk 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -36 0 36 $0.00 $0.00 70 Lesson Junior Camp I or II 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Maplewood Lessons $0.00 Maplewood Merchandise 1577 Hat Style#8 06/27/01 128 12/18/01 3:01:54 PM 71 76 5 $7.58 $37.90 1929 Child's Sweatshirt 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 3:01:59 PM 7 7 0 $14.40 $0.00 1982 Tylenol/Advil 06/27/01 22 12/18/01 3:02:04 PM -96 170 266 $0.36 $95.76 2249 Hat Style#12 . 06/27/01 98 12/18/01 3:02:10 PM 65 57 -8 $13.00 ($104.00) 2250 --Hat Style#10 - 06/27/01 249 12/19/01 12:17:45 PM 204 203 -1 $9.74 ($9.74) 2259 Staycool 06/27/01 23- - 12/18/01-3:02:23 PM __ 19 19 0 $2.75 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 12 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory * ��,.g gUnits In Physical evo r�,i ,�,i�nc Product Code Product Name Date _Inventory_ ___ _ _Date Received Sold gtfl y_„-. --* sarEe Cost��. Cost 26 Repair 06nt- :nr�- 116 0 116 $0.00 $0.00 28 UsechRange Mat 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $0.00 $0.00 29 Used Range Balls(box) 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:02:30 PM 0 75 75 $0.25 $18.75 30 Logo Ball 06/27/01 122 12/18/01 3:02:50 PM 445 221 -224 $0.69 ($154.60) 31 Grip 06/27/01 688 12/19/01 12:17:57 PM 688 516 -172 $2.52 ($433.08) 41 Used Ball 06/27/01 294 12/18/01 3:03:10 PM -1428 580 2008 $0.32 $649.19 7011 Camera 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $5.99 $0.00 Variance Totals for Maplewood Merchandise $100.17 Marcia 3200 Pant Salsa 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $37.00 $0.00 3201 Polo Salsa 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 3:03:21 PM 5 5 0 $33.00 $0.00 3202 Vest Salsa 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $49.00 ($98.00) 3203 Jacket Salsa 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:03:24 PM 2 1 -1 $65.00 ($65.00) 3204 Belt Salsa 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $16.00 ($16.00) 3205 Windshirt Salsa 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:03:27 PM 2 1 -1 $34.00 ($34.00) 3206 Short Salsa 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 3:03:28 PM 1 1 0 $33.00 $0.00 3207 Visor Salsa 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $10.00 ($10.00) 3208 Campshirt Salsa 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:03:32 PM 1 1 0 $29.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Marcia ($223.00) Maxfll 0010 Elite 06/27/01 36 12/18/01 3:03:44 PM 31 46 15 $6.00 $90.00 0081 Double Titanium 6Ball 06/27/01 48 12/18/01 3:03:48 PM 33 36 3 $5.00 $15.00 0101 Revolution Solid 06/27/01 40 12/18/01 3:03:52 PM 76 75 -1 $8.00 ($8.00) 0102 Tour Patriot 06/27/01 24 12/18/01 3:03:56 PM 16 29 13 $3.13 $40.69 0103 DDH 110 Steelcore doz w/Total Perf 3bal 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $9.25 $0.00 0182 Al 10/18/01 0 12/18/01 3:04:01 PM 86 86 0 $8.00 $0.00 0183 Noodle 10/18/01 0 12/19/01 12:18:20 PM 90 94 4 $3.75 $15.00 109 Double Titanium 4ball 06/27/01 26 12/18/01 3:04:08 PM 3 3 0 $3.35 $0.00 114 MD 4ball 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 3:04:13 PM 6 1 -5 $3.73 ($18.65) 119 Revolution 06/27/01 108 12/18/01 3:04:17 PM 37 37 0 $7.50 $0.00 124 XS Distance 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:04:23 PM 2 2 _ 0-__$5.00-- $0:00- 138 Patriot 06/27/01 79 12/21/01 8:26:36 AMV".----- 67 81 14 $6.69 $93.66 211 Umbrella Maxfli 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $20.00 $20.00 --2244 Glove XT/XD 06/27/01 61 12/19/01 10:22:17 AM 45 51 6 $6.50 $39.00 225 Double Titanium 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:04:39 PM 1 1 0 $2.39 $0.00 229 Titanium Distance 06/27/01 10 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $2.39 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 2i_nec-01 - 13 - 1L L ..... M9)in`C/ W4C4'b/I ��...;:. YlM/hV(. BI .-.4 C�M�.4 iskiIYYgii Ycol \C,...t.1 P'(svg'1 p a� Lii Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Maxili $286.70 Moore a Enterprises 0226 Bottle Coddle Golf Club 12/05/01 0 12/21/01 8:27:06 AM 10 13 3 $8.75 $26.25 Variance Totalsfor Moore Enterprises $26.25 Never Compromise 0180 Putter NC 10/11/01 0 12/18/01 3:04:48 PM 5 6 1 $73.00 $73:00 Variance Totals for Never Compromise $73.00 Nike 0004 Tour Accuracy 06/27/01 80 12/21/01 8:27:20 AM 74 72 -2 $7.50 ($15.00) 0006 Distance Control 06/27/01 76 12/18/01 3:05:03 PM 39 44 5 $4.69 $23.45 0008 Distance 06/27/01 53 12/18/01 3:05:21 PM -6 48 54 $5.83 $315.00 0075 Tour Accuracy(combo)4ball 06/27/01 23 12/21/01 8:27:29 AM 8 5 -3 $10.66 ($31.98) 1324 Air Carry Women's ' 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:05:29 PM 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 1325 Stocking Cap Nike 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 3:05:37 PM 2 2 0 $12.00 $0.00 1983 Air Zoom Tour 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:05:43 PM 2 2 0 $90.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Nike $291.47 Normed 1002 Sunscreen SPF 30 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:05:52 PM 0 1 1 $1.08 $1.08 Variance Totals for Normed $1.08 Northwest Embroidery 0175 Together We Stand 10/03/01 0 12/18/01 3:05:59 PM 10 11 1 $13.37 $13.37 • Variance Totals for Northwest Embroidery $13.37 • Novelty Neck Ties 0232 Neck Tie(poly) 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:27:41 AM 23 25 2 $7.50 $15.00 0233 Neck Tie(silk) 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:27:42 AM 6 6 0 $11.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Novelty Neck Ties $15.00 Ogio 0104 Riley Stand Bag 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $72.00 $0.00 0105 Stinger Bag 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:06:08 PM 1 1 0 $118.50 $0.00 0106 Jetstream Bag 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:06:10 PM 2 2 0 $79.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ogio $0.00 On The Tee *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) - - - -- Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. - - - _ 21-Dec-01 14 i Company Product Code Product Name Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical _ g3ni sir ante Date Inventory Date Receive ��* a�� Cost Cost 1971 Ped Sock OTT - 01- :OEM 4 5 1 $5.00 $5.00 Variance Totals for On The Tee $5.00 Oregon Mudders 1969 Golf Boot 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:06:23 PM 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Oregon Mudders $0.00 Ouray Sportwear 0095 Windshirt Ouray 06/27/01 14 12/21/01 8:28:08 AM 11 11 0 $18.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ouray Sportwear $0.00 Pacific Golf Accessories 0209 Collegiate Bag Tag 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 3:06:42 PM 7 6 -I $8.50 ($8.50) 0210 Collegiate Divot Gift Box 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 3:06:45 PM 10 11 1 $16.00 $16.00 • 0211 Collegiate Tees 50 pack 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 3:06:48 PM 17 16 -1 $4.50 ($4.50) 0212 Collegiate Golf Balls 3 pk 11/15/01 0 12/18/01 3:06:51 PM 18 18 0 $7.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Pacific Golf Accessories $3.00 Paint'N the Town Red 0084 Plaque 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 3:07:06 PM 9 8 -1 $10.00 ($10.00) 0085 Fat Jack 10x20 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:07:05 PM 1 1 0 $65.00 $0.00 0086 Crocodile Golf l lx14 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:07:04 PM 1 1 0 $35.00 $0.00 0087 Gift Card 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 3:07:01 PM 13 11 -2 $1.25 ($2.50) Variance Totals for Paint'N the Town Red ($12.50) Pelzer Golf 0011 Spike Scorpion 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -16 0 16 $5.95 $95.20 _ 0012 Spike Soft Each 06/27/01 275 12/19/01 12:19:20 PM 205 205 0 $0.19 $0.00 0013 Spike Steel Each 06/27/01 836 12/21/01 8:28:27 AM 766 770 4 $0.13 $0.52 0017 Wedge Pro Key 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $15.00 $0.00 0112 Sunscreen SPF15 06/27/01 21 12/19/01 12:20:35 PM 13 10 -3 $1.50 ($4.50) 0178 Umbrella FP 10/11/01 0 12/21/01 8:28:36 AM 21 21 0 $10.95 $0.00 0179 Rain Hood 10/11/01 0 12/18/01 3:07:40 PM 11 11 0 $3.25 -$0:00---- 1567 Rain Bag Cover 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:07:49 PM ___----12 ---11 - -1 $5.95 ($5.95) 1721 Hand Warmer 2pk 06/27/01--0 12/18/01 3:07:55 PM 463 450 -13 $0.47 ($6.11) 2116 ---Pro Grip 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $1.58 $0.00 2172 Gaurtex 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:08:01 PM 0 9 9 $0.94 $8.46 224 Blistex 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 3:08:07 PM 14 11 -3 $1.32 ($3.95) 27 Tees 06/27/01 1643 12/19/01 12:21:04 PM 3400 3400 0 $0.02 $0.00 3014 Softspike set 06/27/01 53 12/21/01 8:28:48 AM 20 20 0 $4.75 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01_ 15 _ . i--__ II L.re-.:N '4..,...+tvi Ler-,•rO MtNV>A --.- b'�'_ - -----_ stV'Nr;ea 1 d i'41a4>A4 I - � � o .:� r ice.:� ---a-78 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 32 Towel Hook 06/27/01 29 12/21/01 8:28:53 AM 24 14 -10 $0.13 ($1.30) 33 Ball Markers/3 06/27/01 642 12/21/01 8:28:59 AM 488 485 -3 $0.13 ($0.39) Variance Totals for Pelzer Golf $81.99 Per ect-Grip 244 Perfect Grip 06/27/01 9 1-2/2-1/01_8:29:24 AM 9 5 -4 $35.65 ($142.60) Variance Totals for Perfect Gcip ($142:60) Pilgrim Imports 0227 Card-Holiday Pin 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:08:56 PM 24 18 -6 $3.75 ($22.50) 0228 Card-Critters Pin 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:08:58 PM 35 29 -6 $3.25 ($19.50) 0229 Card-Golf Club Pin 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:09:01 PM 12 12 0 $2.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Pilgrim Imports ($42.00) Ping 0083 Stainless Putter 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 3:09:23 PM 7 7 0 $56.50 $0.00 0107 Hoofer Bag 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $105.00 $0.00 0108 Umbrella Ping 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $19.00 $0.00 0150 Bag Pouch 09/01/01 0 12/18/01 3:09:25 PM 6 5 -1 $7.20 ($7.20) 1648 IsoPur Putter 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 3:09:34 PM 2 1 -1 $72.00 ($72.00) 1650 Bronze Putter 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:09:36 PM 0 1 1 $54.00 $54.00 1653 Scottsdale Putter 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $60.00 ($60.00) 3036 Isoforce Putter 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:10:06 PM 2 1 -1 $90.00 ($90.00) 3080 Towel Logo(Large) 06/27/01 7 12/21/01 8:29:39 AM 14 13 -1 $10.00 ($10.00) 3081 Towel Logo(Small) 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:10:22 PM 12 13 1 $7.50 $7.50 9025 SO Toll 3-9PW 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $283.32 $0.00 9042 SO Walther Set 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $473.60 $0.00 9044 SO Schuman Pitching Wedge 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 3:10:38 PM 1 1 0 $71.17 $0.00 9049 SO Liberty Bags 11/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 7 0 -7 $98.45 ($689.15) Variance Totals for Ping ($866.85) Players ' 1006 Glove Players 06/27/01 16 12/18/01 3:10:46 PM 12 12 0 $4.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Players $0.00 Practice House 1745 Towel Practice House 06/27/01 249 12/21/01 9:21:52 AM 200 168 -32 $1.00 ($32.00) -- --- Variance Totals for Practice House ($32.00) Premium Golf *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 /6 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical - - Product Code Product Name Date InventoryDate Rnra + _ a��=�tocK-tnventory variance Cost cost 139 Club Rain Cover •• • 23/ /01 3:11:00 PM 16 19 3 $4.75 $14.25 Variance Totals for Premium Golf $14.25 Proactive Sports 7012 Coffe Mug 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 3:11:08 PM 11 13 2 $3.50 $7.00 7013 Towel Proactive 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:11:13 PM 0 1 1 $3.75 $3.75 7014 Kid's Golf Set 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:11:17 PM 1 1 0 $4.95 $0.00 7015 Caddy Pouch Proactive 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:11:23 PM 2 2 0 $2.95 $0.00 7016 Picture Frame(clubs) 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:11:26 PM 1 1 0 $5.95 $0.00 7018 Lamp 17" 06/27/01 4 12/21/01 8:29:57 AM 6 8 2 $24.95 $49.90 7019 Bookends 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $15.95 $0.00 7020 Business Card Holder A 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:11:34 PM 3 1 -2 $9.25 ($18.50) 7022 Business Card Holder B 06/27/01 5 12/21/01 8:30:05 AM 5 6 1 $3.25 $3.25 7023 Picture Frame(chrome) 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $12.95 $12.95 7024 Letter Opener 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $2.95 $0.00 7025 Key Chain(divot tool) 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $2.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Proactive Sports $58.35 Rainsweater 2291 Rainsweater 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 3:11:46 PM 4 4 0 $55.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Rainsweater $0.00 Ram 132 XDC Extra Distance 06/27/01 55 12/18/01 3:11:55 PM 47 47 0 $2.00 $0.00 133 Tour Extravaganza 06/27/01 30 12/18/01 3:11:58 PM 14 19 5 $2.57 $12.85 134 Tour Reactive 06/27/01 119 12/21/01 8:30:26 AM 107 110 3 $3.80 $11.40 137 XV2 Tour 06/27/01 16 12/18/01 3:12:03 PM 13 17 4 $2.00 $8.00 Variance Totals for Ram $32.25 Rana 0239 Ornament X350 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 8:30:51 AM 59 60 1 $3.50 $3.50 0240 Ornament X250 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:22:05 AM 30 34 4 $2.50 $10.00 9052 SO Meier vase 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:22:07 AM 6 6 0-$3.75---$0.00 9053 SO Ruff garland 12/19/O1 0 12/21/01 2 2 0 $5.50 $0.00 _ Variance Totals for Rana $13.50 Rosie Industries 2185 Club Brush 06/27/01 113 12/21/01 8:31:11 AM 63 60 -3 $1.29 ($3.87) Variance Totals for Rosie Industries ($3.87) *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. -- - --- - - - - - 1 - I s 6C-0� tL."-E. :a L........) ..........., r.;.._.:: : Q iee._` L i-.;/ . tJ8 I egzi I f.--i Laa • Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost _ Sabona 2251 Copper Wristband 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:12:19 PM 0 1 1 $7.45 $7.45 Variance Totals for Sabona $7.45 Shoff Strokes 0151 Putter Rosewood/Myrtlewood 09/25/01 0 1-2/-1-8/0.L3,12;28 PM 2 2 0 S75.00 - $0.00 Variance Totals for Short Stroke�$0.00 Sir Christopher 1123 Towel SC 06/27/01 64 12/18/01 3:12:37 PM 86 83 -3 $7.25 ($21.75) Variance Totals for Sir Christopher ($21.75) Slazenger 0003 Sweatshirt Logo Slazenger 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 3:12:52 PM 5 3 -2 $24.75 ($49.50) 0096 US Open 2001 Polo 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 3:12:54 PM 7 12 5 $28.54 $142.70 0097 US Open 2001 Hat 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 3:12:56 PM 9 1 -8 $10.95 ($87.60) 0109 Players 06/27/01 47 12/18/01 3:12:58 PM 42 41 -1 $7.75 ($7.75) 0134 Ryder Cup 01 Sweatshirt 08/03/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $39.00 ($39.00) 0135 Ryder Cup Ol Windshirt 08/03/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 2 0 -2 $32.00 ($64.00) 0136 Ryder Cup 01 Polo 08/03/01 0 12/19/01 10:23:55 AM 17 20 3 $27.50 $82.50 0138 Ryder Cup Hat&Raw Distance 2pk 08/03/01 0 12/21/01 8:31:31 AM 8 8 0 $21.95 $0.00 0197 Sweatshirt#143 11/06/01 0 12/21/01 8:38:06 AM - 18 192 174 $25.00 $4,350.00 2195 Glove Conditions II 06/27/01 15 12/19/01 10:23:58 AM 123 5 -118 $5.95 ($702.10) 2197 Glove Select II 06/27/01 104 12/19/01 10:24:13 AM 64 64 0 $9.95 $0.00 241 Raw Distance 06/27/01 104 12/18/01 3:13:32 PM 141 126 -15 $5.25 ($78.75) 242 Power Control 06/27/01 21 12/18/01 3:13:34 PM 3 4 1 $6.13 $6.13 243 DC Tour 06/27/01 81 12/18/01 3:13:35 PM 64 64 0 $6.50 $0.00 3063 Challenge 4ball 06/27/01 328 12/18/01 3:13:50 PM 205 181 -24 $2.49 ($59.76) 3086 T-Shirt B Slazenger 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:13:55 PM 1 1 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Slazenger $3,492.87 Softspikes 1005 Softspike Black Widow 06/27/01 9 12/21/01 8:38:26 AM 11 16 5 $6.25 $31.25 Variance Totals for Softspikes $31.25 Spalding 0001 Strata 3 sleeve pack 06/27/01 275 12/21/01 8:39:43 AM 247 79 -168 $10.00 ($1,680.00) _ 0009 Wedge Spalding 06/27/01 7 12/18/01 3:14:51 PM 4 4 0 $75.00 $0.00 0070 Strata Tour Ultimate- ------ -__ _ 06/27/01 25 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 8 0 -8 $7.11 ($56.84) 0071 Strata Tour Pro 9 Ball Pk 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:1-4:57-PM -29 67 96 $12.50 $1,200.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 18 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Av .Uni ane ro uct Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold toc�-_. Q _-- - r ce-Cos C t 0080 Etonic Difference Glove 06/27/01 58 �LISIOL=3 13:03-41Vf 5 3 -2 $9.00 ($18.00) 143 Aero 6n1mt 8 2/18/01 2:35:49 PM 18 0 -18 $5.50 ($99.00) -1=53 XL6ba11 06/27/01 31 12/18/01 3:15:11 PM 0 26 26 $6.33 $164.58 155 Z Balata 06/27/01 1 12/19/01 10:24:32 AM 1 1 0 $6.00 $0.00 1633 Gambler Hat 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:15:15 PM 1 2 1 $13.50 $13.50 198 Strata Distance 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $7.00 ($7.00) 2102 Putter Micro Groove 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $49.85 ($49.85) 220 - XL2000 Ball 06/27/01 682 12/18/01 3:15:24 PM 431 731 300 $3.41 $1,023.00 2214 Stand Bag Spalding 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:15:32 PM 1 1 0 $65.00 $0.00 3136 Etonic Dri Lite 06/27/01 7 12/19/01 10:24:42 AM 4 4 0 $27.00 $0.00 7038 Strata Tour Pro 06/27/01 32 12/18/01 3:15:42 PM 6 8 2 $6.25 $12.50 7039 Strata Pro Distance 06/27/01 34 12/18/01 3:15:45 PM 10 9 -1 $5.00 ($5.00) 7040 Strata Pro Balata 06/27/01 30 12/18/01 3:15:47 PM 5 14 9 $6.25 $56.25 7041 XL Pure Distance 4 Ball 06/27/01 226 12/18/01 3:15:49 PM 204 164 -40 $2.67 ($106.80) Variance Totals for Spalding $447.34 Sport Chef 0193 Hor-d'oeuvre Pic Set 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 3:15:58 PM 3 3 0 $7.00 $0.00 0195 Pen/Pencil Holder SC 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 3:16:03 PM 4 4 0 $5.00 $0.00 0196 Bottle Chiller 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 3:16:04 PM 4 4 0 $17.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sport Chef $0.00 Sun Mountain 0020 Avalanche Bag 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $60.00 $0.00 0028 Vest SM0301 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 3:16:21 PM 12 12 0 $48.16 $0.00 0029 Winshirt SM0301 06/27/01 15 12/18/01 3:16:23 PM 14 16 2 $39.56 $79.12 0066 Front 9 Bag 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:16:25 PM 1 1 0 $75.00 $0.00 1768 Headcover Sun Mt 06/27/01 4 12/21/01 9:22:28 AM 4 4 0 $4.50 $0.00 1896 Jacket Monsoon 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:16:43 PM 0 1 1 $39.00 $39.00 2280 Jacket Typhoon 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 3:16:47 PM 5 4 -1 $54.00 ($54.00) 3016 Henley Solo Pullover 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:16:51 PM 1 1 0 $38.00 $0.00 3098 Vest Reversible 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:16:54 PM 2 2 0 $31.00 $0.00 7043 Speed Cart 06/27/01 1 12/19/01 10:24:57 AM 0 1 _ 1 $118.89 $1-18;89------ 9014 SO Toll Pullover 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0-0 0 $40.00 $0.00 ---- - Variance Totals for Sun Mountain $183.01 Sunderlund 207 Vest 1/2 Zip LDS 06/27/01 2 12/19/01 10:25:07 AM 0 1 1 $32.00 $32.00 208 Weatherbeater LDS 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $57.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 19 Li„,,,,„ W r..,rrl l_. i - Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 209 Cygnet LDS 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:17:14 PM 1 1 0 $83.00 $0.00 3008 Pullover(reversible) 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 3:17:18 PM 2 2 0 $42.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sunderlund $32.00 Sunlce 0030 Typhoon 2450 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35a49-P-M 0 0 0 $45.00 $0.00 0031 Typhoon 5624 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0-$35:00-$0.00 0192 1/2 Zip Pullover 11/06/01 0 12/18/01 3:17:37 PM 43 44 1 $19.50 $19.50 3100 Windshirt Sunice 06/27/01 12 12/18/01 3:17:43 PM 7 7 0 $50.00 $0.00 3116 Fleece 1/2 Zip 06/27/01 4 12/18/01 3:17:48 PM 4 4 0 $32.00 $0.00 3117 Vest Sunice 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:17:53 PM 1 1 0 $44.00 $0.00 3118 Windshirt 0600 Sunice 06/27/01 6 12/18/01 3:17:58 PM 3 2 -I $24.50 ($24.50) 3173 Fleece Vest LDS 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 4 0 -4 $51.00 ($204.00) 3174 Vest Microfiber LDS 06/27/01 5 12/18/01 3:18:01 PM 4 4 0 $44.00 $0.00 3175 1/2 Zip LDS 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $58.00 $0.00 3176 Jacket Sunice 06/27/01 13 12/18/01 3:18:07 PM 6 4 -2 $25.00 ($50.00) 9012 SO Osborne Jacket 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $46.81 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sunlce ($259.00) Sutton Sportswear 1016 Crop LDS 06/27/01 4 12/19/01 10:25:22 AM 0 1 1 $23.00 $23.00 Variance Totals for Sutton Sportswear $23.00 Titleist 0025 Pro V1 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:18:45 PM 128 117 -11 $8.68 ($95.53) 0128 HP Tour DOZEN 07/12/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 61 0 -61 $22.00 ($1,342.00) 0129 HP Distance DOZEN 07/12/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 26 0 -26 $22.00 ($572.00) 0130 Tour Distance SF DOZEN 07/12/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 53 0 -53 $24.00 ($1,272.00) 0171 NXT Tour 10/02/01 0 12/18/01 3:18:56 PM 16 3 -13 $5.00 ($65.00) 0172 NXT Distance 10/02/01 0 12/18/01 3:19:00 PM 6 -2 -8 $5.00 ($40.00) 0177 NXT PROMO DOZEN 10/10/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -4 0 4 $10.00 $40.00 0181 Cart Mitts Fleece 10/11/01 0 12/18/01 3:19:21 PM 2 13 11 $14.00 $154.00 0217 Practice Pro VI 11/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:19:27 PM 74 75 1 $5.00 $5.00 1026 Glove Perma Flex 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 3:19:47 PM 5 5 0 $9.00 $0.00 1027 Glove Players A 06/27/01 73 12/21/01 9:22:50 AM 56 59 3 $11.75 $35.25 1053 Glove Perma Soft 06/27/01 174 12/18/01 3:19:59 PM 214 204 -10 $7.75 ($77.50) •1089. B66-3 Bag Titleist 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -1 0 1 $132.00 $132.00 __1098_ Umbrella Titleist 06/27/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:02 AM • -2 2 4 $21.00 $84.00 --- ----- -- --- --- -------06/27/01 _ _ -0 _ _1 2/18/01 12/18/01 3:20:37 PM 75 159 84 $4.75 $399.00 1501 DT Distance --- -- - *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) IUnits In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 20 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Av Unit- rlanr Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock inventor-- a-nee-Cost Cost 157 Tour Balata 06/27/01 -2A18/flt -: -- 2 0 -2 $7.50 ($15.00) 159 Tour Distam - 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $6.50 ($6.50) -T73 DT Spin 06/27/01 103 12/18/01 3:20:49 PM 45 48 3 $5.50 $16.50 177 HP Distance 06/27/01 279 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 189 0 -189 $5.50 ($1,039.50) 178 HP Eclipse 06/27/01 8 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 4 0 -4 $6.50 ($26.00) 179 HP Tour 06/27/01 437 12/18/01 3:20:54 PM 410 163 -247 $5.50 ($1,358.50) 183 Pinn Equalizer 6ba11 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 $6.38 $0.00 187 PINN Gold Distance 6ball 06/27/01 194 12/18/01 3:21:06 PM 105 87 -18 $5.00 ($90.00) 190 Pinn Junior Extreme 06/27/01 14 12/18/01 3:21:14 PM 11 11 0 $13.00 $0.00 191 PINN Titanium 4ball 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:20:19 PM 0 1 1 $4.25 $4.25 192 Pinn Golf for Women 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:21:20 PM -6 6 12 $2.30 $27.60 194 Professional 06/27/01 238 12/19/01 10:26:05 AM 73 54 -19 $8.00 ($152.00) 196 PINN Titanium 06/27/01 263 12/18/01 3:21:34 PM 146 157 11 $3.25 $35.75 2011 Hat Fleece Winter 06/27/01 0 12/18/01 3:21:41 PM 8 9 1 $10.50 $10.50 2174 Sunday 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:22:04 PM 0 1 1 $30.00 $30.00 2307 Vokey Wedge 06/27/01 9 12/18/01 3:22:15 PM 4 6 2 $75.00 $150.00 252 Tour Distance SF 06/27/01 295 12/18/01 3:22:36 PM 172 107 -65 $6.29 ($408.87) 3015 Bullseye Putter 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:22:45 PM 2 2 0 $42.00 $0.00 9036 SO Gleason Driver 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $250.33 ($250.33) 9038 SO Liberty HS logo ball 10/02/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -I $306.00 ($306.00) Variance Totals for Titleist ($5,992.88) Tommy Hilfiger Golf 0113 Towel TH 06/27/01 11 12/18/01 3:22:55 PM 3 4 1 $7.50 $7.50 0114 Bag TH 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $102.50 ($102.50) • 0115 Polo TH RWBY 06/27/01 36 12/18/01 3:22:58 PM 24 23 -1 $32.00 ($32.00) 0116 Sweatshirt TH RWBY 06/27/01 3 12/18/01 3:23:00 PM 3 1 -2 $28.00 ($56.00) 0117 Vest TH RWBY 06/27/01 2 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 1 0 -1 $34.00 ($34.00) 0139 Sleeveless Blouse Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:04 PM -1 2 3 $24.00 $72.00 0140 Crew T-Shirt Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:05 PM -2 1 3 $16.25 $48.75 0141 Polo Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:07 PM -5 2 7 $27.50 $192.50 0142 Sleeveless Polo Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:09 PM 0 3 3 $26.00 $78.00 0143 1/4 Zip Sweatshirt Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -3 0 3 $36.75----$110.25---- 0144 Polo Basic Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:15 PM ------------1- 2 3 $19.75 $59.25 0145 Cap'Hilfiger'Navy/Lav ________--12/30/99---0--12/21/01 9:23:24 AM -3 8 11 $7.00 $77.00 - -0146---Short Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:18 PM -4 4 8 $32.50 $260.00 0147 Sleeveless Multi Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM -2 0 2 $32.50 $65.00 0148 Sweater Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:20 PM 0 1 1 $36.25 $36.25 0149 Windvest Navy/Lav 12/30/99 0 12/18/01 3:23:22 PM -1 1 2 $37.50 $75.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 117Dec-01 .__ 'w.4.:.,0 E:rii.:s4 s�..;%si C".":;:�dd ....:a 1, ::ii E7.7.-7 '.. ..._me �,zM Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Tommy Hilfiger Golf $857.00 Wilson 2184 Glove Select 06/27/01 _ 16 - 12/18/01 3:23:31 PM 14 14 0 $5.60 $0.00 22I7---------Bag-Wilson 06/27/01 1 12/18/01 3:23:36 PM -1 1 0 $88.00 $0.00 226 Glove Conform 06 27701-9 12/18/01 3:23:39_EM 64 72 8 $5.61 $44.88 Variance Totals for Wilson $44:8 Zad 0241 USA Bracelet 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:37 AM 9 9 0 $4.00 $0.00 0242 USA Bobby Pins pr 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:38 AM 47 48 1 $1.50 $1.50 0243 USA Earrings 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:39 AM 12 12 0 $2.00 $0.00 0244 USA Tatoo 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:45 AM 12 12 0 $2.50 $0.00 0245 USA Necklace 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:48 AM 12 12 0 $1.50 $0.00 0246 USA 3pc Pin Set 12/19/01 0 12/21/01 9:23:48 AM 17 ' 18 1 $2.00 $2.00 Variance Totals for Zad $3.50 Zarah 0222 Earring Golf Club 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:23:50 PM 4 6 2 $9.75 $19.50 0223 Necklace Golf Club 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:23:52 PM 2 2 0 $17.75 $0.00 0224 Pin Luggage/Lady Golfer 12/05/01 0 12/18/01 3:23:53 PM 8 7 -1 $14.00 ($14.00) Variance Totals for Zarah $5.50 ZEVO Golf 0152 Wood W/SFW7 09/25/01 0 12/18/01 3:24:04 PM 9 9 0 $15.00 $0.00 0153 Wedge W/MTI10 09/25/01 0 12/18/01 3:24:06 PM 6 6 0 $15.00 $0.00 0154 Set 3-PW 09/25/01 0 12/18/01 3:24:08 PM 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for ZEVO Golf $0.00 Grand Totals $720.23 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 21-Dec-01 22 ;- i I I _ I f Identifies inventory variance after reset. 11 II IV A I I - II Inventory Variance by Supplier Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Ace Copper 3043 Copper Bracelet 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 2:36:12 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $11.00 $0.00 3126 Magnetic-Bracelet 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 2:36:10 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $30.00 $0.00 Variance Totals_for_Ace Copper $0.00 Adidas 1970 Mud Skipper 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:36:22 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $56.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Adidas $0.00 Ahead Headgear 2507 Visor/Hat Ladies 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:36:35 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $6.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ahead Headgear $0.00 AM Player 2075 Short 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:36:54 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $13.00 $0.00 2506 Short Ladies Microfibre 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:37:07 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $9.95 $0.00 3121 Fleece 1/2 Zip Vest 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:37:11 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $17.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for AM Player $0.00 Ashworth . 1004 Tournament Polo 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:37:27 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $24.00 $0.00 1013 Polo 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 2:37:29 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $35.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ashworth $0.00 Bag Boy 0014 Pull Cart F-4 Dual Tube 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:37:50 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $62.50 $0.00 0015 Travel Cover T-1 12/19/01 7 12/19/01 12:13:08 PM 0 0 7 7 0 $18.75 $0.00 0016 Lite Rider 8.5 Cart Bag 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:37:54 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $65.63 $0.00 0077 Push Cart PC-360 3 Wheel 12/18/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 0 0 $93.75 $0.00 0201 Push Cart PC-90 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 8:17:36 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $60.00 $0.00 0202 Travel Cover T-3 12/21/01 7 12/21/01 8:17:42 AM 0 0 7 7 0 $33.75 $0.00 0203 NXS Stand Bag 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:38:03 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $81.25 $0.00 1020 Stand Bag Z-2 12/21/01 4 12/21/01 8:17:51 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $83.75 $0.00 3131 Pull Cart M-300 Alloy 12/19/01 4 12/19/01 12:13:24 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $42.00 $0.00 3134 Umbrella Wind Vent 12/18/01 14 12/18/01 2:38:24 PM 0 0 14 14 0 $10.00 $0.00 3142 Pull Cart LT-400 Aluminum 12/21/01 1 12/21/01 8:18:04 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $38.13 $0.00 --- -- __ Variance Totals for Bag Boy $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 I i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Varianc o.s -os -- Bel Air Golf 1908 Winter Glove 12/18/01'38 36 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $9.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bel Air Golf $0.00 Belding Sports 0061 Bushwacker College Logo Bag 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:38:45 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $175.00 $0.00 0063 Den Caddy College Logo 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:38:47 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $75.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Belding Sports $0.00 Ben Hogan 2015 Classic 8.5 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:38:56 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $116.00 $0.00 2049 Carry All 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 12:13:57 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ben Hogan $0.00 Bette&Court 0055 Short Ft/TB Basics 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 2:39:05 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $24.50 $0.00 0056 Vest R/T/B Basics 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:39:07 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $23.50 $0.00 0057 Polo R/TB Basics 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 2:39;09 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $22.00 $0.00 0059 Vest Cabana 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:39:13 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $24.00 $0.00 0060 Polo Cabana 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 2:39:15 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $24.00 $0.00 1018 Windjacket B&C 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:39:20 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $45.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bette&Court $0.00 Bite 2264 X-Golf Sandal 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:39:38 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $43.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bite $0.00 Blue Sky Golf 3145 Pull Cart BSG 12/21/01 1 12/21/01 8:18:27 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $21.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Blue Sky Golf $0.00 Book Warehouse 7000 Calendar 2001 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:39:58 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $1.99 $0.00 7002 Game of Golf 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:39:49 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $3A0_ -$0.00- 7004 Cube 12/21/01 4 12/21/018:18:39AM_-_0_--0---4 - 4 0 $2.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Book Warehouse $0.00 Bottman Design 0188 Gift Card Box of 8 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 2:40:08 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $5.75 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01___-- 2 I` 1.---1 L®.�' J L,� 613.....:,1 �Zuver.., L;,-,a,:.,q Lcm:� L._. r Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Bottman Design $0.00 Bridgestone __0022 - _ Grip_Glove,_ ____ __ _ 12/18/01 __ _102 _ 12/18/01 240:39 PM 0 0 _ 102_ 102 _ 0 _ $3.96 $0.00 0068 Stand Bag 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:40:42 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $75.00 $0.00 0079 Precept bxtra Distance 12/18/01 5-1--12118/01 2:40:44PM 0 0 51 51 0 $5.00 $0,00 101 MC Double Cover 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:40:52 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $5.59 $0.00 105 Precept EV Extra Spin 12/18/01 35 12/18/01 2:40:57 PM 0 0 35 35 0 $5.00 $0.00 107 MC Tour Premium 12/19/01 55 12/19/01 12:14:14 PM 0 0 55 55 0 $7.38 $0.00 108 MC Spin 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 2:41:23 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $5.16 $0.00 199 Hideaway Stand Bag 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:41:30 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $81.50 $0.00 202 MC Tour Advantage 12/19/01 39 12/19/01 12:14:28 PM 0 0 39 39 0 $5.25 $0.00 2043 Wedge Precept 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 2:41:39 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $22.50 $0.00 2187 Precept Wedge 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:41:43 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $55.00 $0.00 228 MC Lady 12/18/01 10 12/18/01 2:41:56 PM 0 0 10 10 0 $4.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Bridgestone $0.00 Brindar 0037 Sherpa/Loop Wisteria 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:42:15 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $23.31 $0.00 0038 Short Elastic Wisteria 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:42:18 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $15.00 $0.00 0039 Short Fitted Wisteria 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:42:21 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $24.00 $0.00 0040 Polo Wisteria 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:42:23 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $19.00 $0.00 0043 Polo/Tee Cambridge 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 2:42:27 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $19.00 $0.00 0045 Short Elastic Cambridge 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:42:31 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $15.00 $0.00 0046 Short Fitted Cambridge 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:42:32 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $24.00 $0.00 VarIance Totals for Brindar $0.00 by Taylor 0074 R/W/B Short 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:42:55 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $14.25 $0.00 7037 Floating Heart Sweatshirt 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:43:00 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $21.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for by Taylor $0.00 Callaway 0023 Putter White Hot 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:43:41 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $76.50 $0.00 3141 Putter Callaway 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:43:49 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $59.43 $0.00 VarIance Totals for Callaway $0.00 Carbite 0111 __ Putter CAP _- -_ 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 2:44:00 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $78.00 $0.00 201 Putter DB/DC 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:44:03 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $58.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 3 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost ' - Vat ance=Totals=for--Carbite $0:00 CC Creations 2242 Sweatshirt Logo CCC 12/19/01 51 12/19/01 12:14:41 PM 0 0 51 51 0 $15.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for CC Creations $0.00 Cool Shades 0098 Sunglasses Cool Shades 12/19/01 13 12/19/01 10:18:41 AM 0 0 13 13 0 $14.90 $0.00 Variance Totals for Cool Shades $0.00 Cutter&Buck 0155 Husky Tounament Polo 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:44:39 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $21.50 $0.00 0156 Husky 1/2 Zip 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:44:43 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $54.25 $0.00 0157 Husky Fleece 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:44:46 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $42.00 $0.00 0158 Cougar Tournament Polo 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:44:52 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $21.50 $0.00 0159 Cougar LS Tournament Polo 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:44:55 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $26.50 $0.00 0160 Cougar 1/2 Zip 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:45:01 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $54.25 $0.00 0161 Cougar Fleece 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:45:04 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $42.00 $0.00 0162 Mariner's Tournament Polo 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:45:12 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $21.50 $0.00 0165 Mariner's Cutter Crew 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:45:16 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $33.25 $0.00 0167 Mariner's Weekender Jacket 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:45:20 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $38.75 $0.00 0198 Crew Windshirt 12/21/01 13 12/21/01 8:19:44 AM 0 0 13 13 0 $42.00 $0.00 0199 1/2 Zip Windshirt 1101 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 2:45:36 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $46.00 $0.00 0200 Newport Half Sleeve Windshirt 12/19/01 7 12/19/01 10:18:59 AM 0 0 7 7 0 $39.50 $0.00 0208 Tahoe Half Sleeve Pullover 12%18/01 11 12/18/01 2:45:51 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $42.00 $0.00 0213 Polo 0111 12/18/01 69 12/18/01 2:46:02 PM 0 0 69 69 0 $30.00 $0.00 0214 Polo Sueded 0111 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:46:06 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $36.00 $0.00 0215 Button Down Print 0111 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 2:46:10 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $34.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Cutter&Buck $0.00 Daphne Headcovers 1105 Headcover Animal 12/18/01 42 12/18/01 2:46:27 PM 0 0 42 42 0 $11.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Daphne Headcovers $0.00 Dexter -1679-- Oak Tree 00 - 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:46:35 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $40.00 $0.00 1977 Boca 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:46:41 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $33.66 $0.00 213 Malibu 00 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 2:46:45 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $20.40 $0.00 214 Motion 00 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:46:47 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $35.96 $0.00 2286 Lexington 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:46:53 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $58.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 3138 Austin/Riv/Tart 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:46:58 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $35.60 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dexter $0.00 Dockers _ - --- -- IOU Polo Dockers 00 12/19/01 40 12/19/01 12:14:56 PM 0 0 40 40 0 $23.00 - - $0.00-- -- = _- _ 1012 Vest Dockers 00 12/18/01 ' 8 12/187OF2147T9 PM 0 0 8 8 0---$2100 $0-00 Variance Totals for Dockers $0.00 1 Dorfman-Pacific 0121 Gambler/Outback 12/18/01 16 .12/18/01 2:47:19 PM 0 0 16 16 0 $9.00 $0.00 0122 Bucket Style 12%19/01 16 12/19/01 10:19:16 AM 0 0 16 16 0 $5.00 $0.00 0133 Visor 12/21/01 19 12/21/01 8:20:05 AM 0 0 19 19 0 $7.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dorfman-Pacific $0.00 Dunlop 0027 DDH 110 Steelcore 12/19/01 82 12/19/01 12:15:08 PM 0 0 82 82 0 $2.31 $0.00 2006 Sock Dunlop 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:47:44 PM 0 0 6 - 6 0 $2.00 $0.00 2034 Sale Shoe 00 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:47:46 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $27.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dunlop $0.00 Dutch Harbor 1017 Sweatshirt Dutch Harbor 00 12/18/01 24 12/18/01 2:47:53 PM 0 0 24 24 0 $7.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Dutch Harbor $0.00 EP Pro 0048 Sarong South Pacific 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:48:07 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $44.00 $0.00 0049 Sweater s/I South Pacific 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:48:11 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $34.00 $0.00 0050 Polo South Pacific 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:48:15 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $24.00 $0.00 0051 Silk Herringbone South Pacific 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:48:17 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $39.00 $0.00 0053 Microfiber Vest South Pacific 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:48:23 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $34.00 $0.00 0054 Short South Pacific 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:48:25 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $39.00 $0.00 3150 Fleece EP Pro 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:48:37 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $34.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for EP Pro $0.00 Ergonomix Sport 0118 Ergoride Bag 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:48:46 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $80.50 $0.00 0119 Axiom Bag 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:48:46 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $66.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ergonomix Sport_ $0.00 -- - - - ----- -- Eyemark -*Notes:Variance Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 5 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost . 3084 Putter EM-2 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2.48:56 PM 0 0 -ao • - - 0:00 Variance Totals for Eyemark $0.00 Far Fetched 0220 Key Chain 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:49:09 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $11.00 $0.00 0221 Bangle Bracelet 12/19/01 24 12/19/01 12:11:39 PM 0 0 24 24 0 $1.50 $0.00 7007 Holiday Pin 12/18/01 16 12/18/01 2:49:17 PM 0 0 16 16 0 $11.00 $0.00 7008 Earrings 12/18/01 25 12/18/01 2:49:24 PM 0 0 25 25 0 $8.50 $0.00 7033 Pin A14 12/18/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 0 0 $14.00 $0.00 7035 Necklace 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 2:49:29 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Far Fetched $0.00 Foot Joy 0024 Dry Ice Glove 12/18/01 90 12/18/01 2:49:45 PM 0 0 90 90 0 $10.50 $0.00 0184 59906 Dry I.C.E. 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:19:48 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 0185 59922 Dry I.C.E. 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:19:48 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 0186 58848 Sierra Trek 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:19:49 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $63.00 $0.00 0187 58982 Sierra Trek 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:19:49 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $63.00 $0.00 0189 Pro-Dry Crew Sock Men's 12/18/01 34 12/18/01 2:49:57 PM 0 0 34 34 0 $5.00 $0.00 0190 Sport/Quarter Sock Men's 12/21/01 95 12/21/01 9:20:40 AM 0 0 95 95 0 $2.88 $0.00 0191 Junior FJ Glove 12/18/01 22 12/18/01 2:50:05 PM 0 0 22 22 0 $4.80 $0.00 0230 F3 Performance Glove 12/18/01 117 12/18/01 2:50:11 PM 0 0 117 117 0 $8.00 $0.00 2083 Dry Joy Shoe# 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:50:33 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $90.00 $0.00 2084 Dry Joy Shoe#55 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:50:43 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $81.00 $0.00 2085 Dry Joy Rainshirt 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:50:51 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $87.50 $0.00 2087 Dry Joy Jacket 12/21/01 9 12/21/01 8:21:02 AM 0 0 9 9 0 $109.83 $0.00 2088 Dry Joy Vest 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:51:00 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $62.50 $0.00 2139 Shoe Lace 12/18/01 65 12/18/01 2:51:04 PM 0 0 65 65 0 $1.39 $0.00 2142 Dry Joy Rainsuit 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 2:51:20 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $87.80 $0.00 2196 Dry Joy Sock 12/19/01 73 12/19/01 12:16:02 PM 0 0 73 73 0 $3.58 $0.00 2209 Dry Joy Saddle 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:52:19 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $90.00 $0.00 2210 Soft Joy Terrains#5 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:52:40 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $52.00 $0.00 2211 Soft Joy Terrains 12/18/01 1 , 12/18/01 2:52:45 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $42.00 $0.00 2288 WeatherSof Glove 12/18/01 119 12/18/01 2:53:12 PM 0 0 119 119 0 $6.83 $0.00 230 Soft Joy Terrains# ___12/21/01 -5 12/21/01-8:21:16 AM 0 0 5 5 0 $50.40 $0.00 231 -- --Dry Joy# 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:53:22 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $98.28 $0.00 2540 Sportlet/Roll-Top Women's 12/18/01 100 12/18/01 2:53:44 PM 0 0 100 100 0 $2.88 $0.00 2541 Soft Joy Athletic 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:16 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $46.20 $0.00 2542 Soft Joy Saddles 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:23 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $49.80 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physinventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 p L' L...., Lam,.. L ' L . �' L... 1,.........6 ..-...y L n v 1...-- 7` t CAP �k':v,,: p._`` Z �sr%rs-aii I Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 2543 Soft Joy Moc-Toe 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:26 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $46.20 $0.00 3010 Green Joys 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:54:40 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $29.95 $0.00 3023 Dry Joy Ptoe _ 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:54:44 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $90.00 $0.00 3122 WinterSofpr - 12/18/01==-22---12/18/01-2:54:56-PM _-0= __ 0 22 __ 22_ 0 $11.75 $0.00 3123 RainGrip pr 12/18/01 53 12/18/01 2:55:02 PM 0 0 53 53 0 $f1.75--- 10A0---- _ ----- Variance Totals for Foot Joy $0:00 Forrester's 0033 RainShedder Micro Parka 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:55:17 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $90.00 $0.00 2154 Bucket Style Hat 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:55:23 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $14.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Forrester's $0.00 - Gemini - - - - _ 0225 Frame 3 Ball/Bag 12/18/01 9 12/18/012:55:29 PM 0 0 9 - 9 0 $8.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Gemini $0.00 Gift Box 2292 Wrap/Tissue 12/18/01 31 12/18/01 2:55:40 PM 0 0 31 31 0 $1.25 $0.00 2293 Bag/Ribbon 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 2:55:37 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $1.85 $0.00 Variance Totals for Gift Box $0.00 Global Golf&Gift 0234 Lamp Antique 12/21/01 1 12/21/01 8:22:09 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $79.00 $0.00 0235 Lamp Golf 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 8:22:09 AM 0 0 2 2 . 0 $45.00 $0.00 0236 Wind Chime Par 3 12/21/01 4 12/21/01 8:22:04 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $13.00 $0.00 0237 Wind Chime Par 4 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 8:22:04 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $20.00 $0.00 0238 Wind Chime Par 5 12/21/01 1 12/21/01 8:22:05 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $30.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Global Golf&Gift $0.00 Golf Design 0218 USA Money Clip 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 2:55:54 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $6.75 $0.00 0219 USA Hat Clip&Ball Mark 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 2:55:57 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $2.75 $0.00 1840 Divot Tool 12/21/01 100 12/21/01-8:22:32 AM 0 0 100 100 0 $7.11 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Design $0.00 Golf Gear 0216 Ladies 3&8 set 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:56:07 PM . 0 0 2 2 0 $150.00 $0.00 -- -- Variance Totals for Golf Gear $0.00 Golf Max -- - *Notes:Variance=Physinventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 7 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 1744 Towel Golf Max 12/18/01 133 12/18/O1 2:56:17 PM 0 - - 0 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Max $0.00 Golf Sales 2260 Stand Tees 12/21/01 1 12/21/01 8:22:42 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $1.84 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golf Sales $0.00 Golfer's Gallery 3190 Pocket Caddy 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:56:29 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $8.50 $0.00 7010 Handbag Tapestry 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:56:31 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $19.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Golfer's Gallery $0.00 High RangeI 0206 Tee GN 12/19/01 17 12/19/01 12:16:32 PM 0 0 17 17 0 $10.00 $0.00 0207 Tee LS GN 12/19/01 10 12/19/01 12:16:34 PM 0 0 10 10 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for High Range $0.00 Hornungs 0247 Cookie Jar 12/21/01 5 12/21/01 9:56:18 AM 0 0 5 5 0 $17.00 $0.00 0248 Bowl 9"Glass 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 9:56:21 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $14.00 $0.00 0249 Plate 11"Glass 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 9:56:24 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $24.00 $0.00 0250 Wine Stopper 12/21/01 12 12/21/01 9:56:27 AM 0 0 12 12 0 $5.50 $0.00 7026 Soap 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:56:54 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $7.50 $0.00 7027 HolidayOmament/Stand 12/21/01 7 12/21/01 9:56:38 AM 0 0 7 7 0 $5.00 $0.00 7029 Holiday Tees in a Tree 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:57:11 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $5.00 $0.00 7030 Holiday Golf Balls 3pk 12/21/01 7 12/21/01 8:22:58 AM 0 0 7 7 0 $3.20 $0.00 7031 Porcelain Figurine 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:57:20 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $7.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Hornungs $0.00 Huge Sportswear 0204 Tee MTUST 12/19/01 46 12/19/01 12:16:45 PM 0 0 46 46 0 $10.00 $0.00 0205 Tee LS MTUST 12/19/01 22 12/19/01 12:16:47 PM 0 0 22 22 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Huge Sportswear $0.00 International Golf 249 E1-Beyond-Set-&Bag------ 12721/01 1 12/21/01 8:23:16 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $147.00 $0.00 250 Putter F-1 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:57:41 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $11.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for International Golf $0.00 hod *Notes:Variance a PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. Nc-01 - -- - - - - - - 1 a [ie�ssa� I�:r �,car:ie7 � - l:,c....,.9 �ox.� a�i:��� n�c..� 6`,.;:t:.". 11 E1oiiI..l r 1 i 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical steal Avg.Uni t Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 0036 Polo MW Logo 0104 12/21/01 14 12/21/01 8:23:29 AM 0 0 14 14 0 $14.25 $0.00 0123 Windshirt 0107 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:57:57 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $24.00 $0.00 0124 Windvest 0107 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:57:59 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $22.00 $0.00 0125 Toumament Polo Logo 0107 - - - _-- - -12/19/01== -19- 12/19/01-12:17:06_PM _0 - - 0 19 19 0 $14.25 $0.00 01-26 Sweatshirt_0107 12/18/01 10 12/18/01 2:58:05 PM 0 0 10 10 0 $19.00= - - 10:00--=--__- _-- 0127 Tournament Polo 0107 12/19/01 12 12/19/01 123'/TFPM-0 0 12 12 0--$19 50 $0.00 0131 Polo 0107 12/18/01 38 12/18/01 2:58:12 PM 0 0 38 38 0 $29.00 $0.00 0132 Button Down Shirt 0107 12/19/01 13 12/19/01 10:20:53 AM 0 0 13 13 0 $29.00 $0.00 1918 Polo Izod 0102 12/21/01 36 12/21/01 8:23:37 AM 0 0 36 36 0 $19.60 $0.00 Variance Totals for Izod $0.00 Junior Golf 2246 Junior T-Shirt 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:58:33 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $7.50 $0.00 2247 Junior Hat 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:58:39 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $7.95 $0.00 2248 Junior Bag - 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:58:42 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $22.95 $0.00 Variance Totals for Junior Golf $0.00 K Bell - 3185 Ped Sock 12/21/01 193 12/21/01 9:21:00 AM 0 0 193 193 0 $3.87 $0.00 3186 Ped Sock Gift Bag 12/21/01 44 12/21/01 8:23:52 AM 0 0 44 44 0 $8.00 $0.00 7042 Ped Shorty Sock 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 2:59:01 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $3.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for K Bell $0.00 Kim Lugar Clay Art 0231 Clay Art Pin/Ornament 12/21/01 22 12/21/01 9:21:10 AM 0 0 22 22 0 $6.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Kim Lugar Clay Art $0.00 King Par - 0099 Optis Affinity Putter 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 2:59:12 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $10.75 $0.00 0100 Affinity Wood 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 2:59:14 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $32.00 $0.00 0110 Affinity 3&8 Graphite 12/18/01 1 ' 12/18/01 2:59:16 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $145.00 $0.00 0174 Affinity 3&8 Steel 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:18 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $115.00 $0.00 2297 Glove King Par 12/18/01 36 12/18/01 2:59:22 PM 0 0 36 - 36 0 $3.25_ $0.00 Variance Totals for King Par $0.00 Knight 2273 Wedge Tour Classic 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:59:33 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $39.99 $0.00 --__ Variance Totals for Knight $0.00 ------- - - - - - - Lady Fairway - *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 9 • Company Begin Inv Begin ' Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 3159 Westchester 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:59:43 PM 0 0 = - - - - - :00 3161 Naples _12/1 2. :51'M-0 0 4 4 0 $56.00 $0.00 S aughnessy 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 2:59:54 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $52.33 $0.00 3164 Glove Lady Fairway 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 2:59:59 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $6.00 $0.00 3165 Glove 1/2 Lady Fairway 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:00:04 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $4.50 $0.00 3166 Ped Sock Lady Fairway 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:00:15 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $3.25 $0.00 3177 Tumberry 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:00:20 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $36.00 $0.00 3178 Ventanna 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:00:23 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $56.00 $0.00 3179 Cypress 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:00:26 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $53.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Lady Fairway $0.00 Lakeshirts 0090 Cart Parade Crop SWSH 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:00:40 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $20.00 $0.00 1014 Fleece/Sweatshirt Lakshirts 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 8:24:46 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $20.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Lakeshirts $0.00 Line Up For Sport 0091 Del Mar Polo 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 3:00:55 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $25.00 $0.00 0092 Del Mar Short 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:00:56 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $28.00 $0.00 0093 Del Mar Windshirt/Vest/Sweater 12/21/01 4 12/21/01 8:25:06 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $34.00 $0.00 0094 Del Mar Capri Pant 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:00:57 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $30.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Line Up For Sport $0.00 MacGregor 3037 Magnetic Glove 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:01:04 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $6.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for MacGregor $0.00 Mahr 237 Fleece Pullover Mahr 12/21/01 4 12/21/01 8:25:16 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $42.80 $0.00 238 Junior Fleece Vest 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:01:23 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $19.04 $0.00 239 Nassau Fleece Vest 12/21/01 10 12/21/01 8:25:24 AM 0 0 10 10 0 $27.00 $0.00 246 Chapman Vest 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 3:01:33 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $40.00 $0.00 247 Berber Vest 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:01:35 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $35.00 $0.00 248 Junior Fleece Vest Mahr 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 8:25:31 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $13.00 $0.00 3124 Fleece Pullover 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:01:42 PMO 0 3 3 0 $32.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Mahr $0.00 Maplewood Lessons 66 Lesson with Kirk 12/18/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 _1 p �" bi�tdWJ6 YT�:..9 L..,.. .. MvYe U1(lt•St�. w �iriii -- j r --- --- --1 r---, T-7 7 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Maplewood Lessons $0.00 Maplewood Merchandise 1577 Hat Style#8 - ---_- 12H8/01=-=76===12118/01-3:0.1:54P_M 0=__ _0 76 _ 76 -_=_-___ 0 $7.58 $0.00 1929 Child's-Sweatshi 12/18/01 7 12/18/01 3:01:59 PM 0 0 7 7 0 $14.40 -=-$00=---=_ _ - - --- 1982 Tylenol/Advil 12/18/01 170 12/18/01 3:02:0 Iv1-0 0 170 170 0-$0.36 $0.00 2249 Hat Style#12 12/18/01 57 12/18/01 3:02:10 PM 0 0 57 57 0 $13.00 $0.00 2250 Hat Style#10 12/19/01 203 12/19/01 12:17:45 PM 0 0 203 203 0 $9.74 $0.00 2259 Staycool 12/18/01 19 12/18/01 3:02:23 PM 0 0 19 19 0 $2.75 $0.00 28 Used Range Mat 12/18/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 29 Used Range Balls(box) 12/18/01 75 12/18/01 3:02:30 PM 0 0 75 75 0 $0.25 $0.00 30 Logo Ball 12/18/01 221 12/18/01 3:02:50 PM ' 0 0 221 221 0 $0.69 $0.00 - 31 -Grip- - - - 12/19/01 516 _ 12/19/01 12:17:57 PM 0 0 516 516 0 $2.52 $0.00 41 Used Ball 12/18/01 580 12/18/01 3:03:10 PM 0 0 580- -580 - 0 $0.32 $0.00 Variance Totals for Maplewood Merchandise $0.00 Marcia 3201 Polo Salsa 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 3:03:21 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $33.00 $0.00 3203 Jacket Salsa 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:03:24 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $65.00 $0.00 3205 Windshirt Salsa 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:03:27 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $34.00 $0.00 3206 Short Salsa , 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:03:28 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $33.00 $0.00 3208 Campshirt Salsa 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:03:32 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $29.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Marcia $0.00 Maxfli 0010 Elite 12/18/01 46 12/18/01 3:03:44 PM 0 0 46 46 0 $6.00 $0.00 0081 , Double Titanium 6Ball 12/18/01 36 12/18/01 3:03:48 PM 0 0 36 36 0 $5.00 $0.00 0101 ' Revolution Solid 12/18/01 75 12/18/01 3:03:52 PM 0 0 75 75 0 $8.00 $0.00 0102 1 Tour Patriot 12/18/01 29 12/18/01 3:03:56 PM 0 0 29 29 0 $3.13 $0.00 0182 ' A10 12/18/01 86 12/18/01 3:04:01 PM 0 0 86 86 0 $8.00 $0.00 0183 ! Noodle 12/19/01 94 12/19/01 12:18:20 PM 0 0 94 94 0 $3.75 $0.00 109 Double Titanium 4ball 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:04:08 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $3.35 $0.00 114 i' MD 4ball 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:04:13 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $3.73 $0.00 119 Revolution 12/18/01 37 12/18/01 3:04:17 PM 0 0 37 37 0 $7.50 $0.00 124 XS Distance 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:04:23 PM 0 0 2 2' 0 $5.00 $0.00 138 Patriot 12/21/01 81 12/21/01 8:26:36 AM 0 0 81 81 0 $6.69 $0.00 _2244 Glove XT/XD 12/19/01 51 12/19/01 10:22:17 AM 0 0 51 51 0 $6.50 $0.00 225 Double Titanium 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:04:39 PM 0 0 1_ 1 0 $2.39 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) . Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 11 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for Mazfli $0.00 Moore Enterprises 0226 Bottle Coddle Golf Club 12/21/01 13 12/21/01 8:27:06 AM 0 0 13 13 0 $8.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Moore Enterprises $0.00 Never Compromise 0180 Putter NC 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:04:48 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $73.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Never Compromise $0.00 Nike 0004 Tour Accuracy 12/21/01 72 12/21/01 8:27:20 AM 0 0 72 72 0 $7.50 $0.00 0006 Distance Control 12/18/01 44 12/18/01 3:05:03 PM 0 0 44 44 0 $4.69 $0.00 0008 Distance 12/18/01 48 12/18/01 3:05:21 PM 0 0 48 48 0 $5.83 $0.00 0075 Tour Accuracy(combo)4ball 12/21/01 5 12/21/01 8:27:29 AM 0 0 5 5 0 $10.66 $0.00 1324 Air Carry Women's 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:05:29 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 1325 Stocking Cap Nike 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:05:37 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $12.00 $0.00 1983 Air Zoom Tour 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:05:43 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $90.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Nike $0.00 • Normed 1002 Sunscreen SPF 30 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:05:52 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $1.08 $0.00 Variance Totals for Normed $0.00 Northwest Embroidery 0175 Together We Stand 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:05:59 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $13.37 $0.00 Variance Totals for Northwest Embroidery $0.00 Novelty Neck Ties 0232 Neck Tie(poly) 12/21/01 25 12/21/01 8:27:41 AM 0 0 25 25 0 $7.50 $0.00 0233 ; Neck Tie(silk) 12/21/01 6 12/21/01 8:27:42 AM 0 0 6 6 0 $11.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Novelty Neck Ties $0.00 Ogio F 0105 , Stinger Bag 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:06:08 PM 0 0 L 1 0 $118:50- -$0.00 0106 ; JetstreamBag_ 12/18/01- 2 0/18/01 3:06:10 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $79.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ogio $0.00 On The Tee 1971 i Ped Sock OTT 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 3:06:17 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $5.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) ' Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. ?/-nec-0/ - 2 wig a m, pus ia�t.`�:or3e r '--- - _ - ' -- ',--- � - � ew i.�.ua1 :1,*w' ► :;a a....la ;,:...::..; G.- .a 34 ma ul 1ao 'A Ea 274. � .,.'' 11 - Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost Variance Totals for On The Tee $0.00 Oregon Mudders 1969 Golf Boot - 12/18/01- 1 12/18/01 3:06:23 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $50.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Oregon Mudders $0.00 Ouray Sportwear 0095 ' Windshirt Ouray 12/21/01 11 12/21/01 8:28:08 AM 0 0 11 11 0 $18.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ouray Sportwear $0.00 Pacific Golf Accessories 0209 Collegiate Bag Tag 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:06:42 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $8.50 $0.00 0210 Collegiate Divot Gift Box 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:06:45 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $16.00 $0.00 0211 Collegiate Tees 50 pack 12/18/01 16 12/18/01 3:06:48 PM 0 0 16 16 0 $4.50 $0.00 0212 Collegiate Golf Balls 3 pk 12/18/01 18 12/18/01 3:06:51 PM 0 0 18 18 0 $7.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Pacific Golf Accessories $0.00 I Paint'N the Town Red 0084 Plaque 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 3:07:06 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $10.00 $0.00 0085 Fat Jack 10x20 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:07:05 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $65.00 $0.00 0086 Crocodile Golf 11x14 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:07:04 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $35.00 $0.00 0087 Gift Card 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:07:01 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $1.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Paint'N the Town Red $0.00 Pelzer Golf 0012 Spike Soft Each 12/19/01 205 12/19/01 12:19:20 PM 0 0 205 205 0 $0.19 $0.00 0013 Spike Steel Each 12/21/01 770 12/21/01.8:28:27 AM 0 0 770 770 0 $0.13 $0.00 0112 Sunscreen SPF15 12/19/01 10 12/19/01 12:20:35 PM 0 0 10 10 0 $1.50 $0.00 0178 Umbrella FP 12/21/01 21 12/21/01 8:28:36 AM 0 0 21 21 0 $10.95 $0.00 0179 Rain Hood 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:07:40 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $3.25 $0.00 1567 Rain Bag Cover 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:07:49 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $5.95 $0.00 1721 Hand Warmer 2pk 12/18/01 450 12/18/01 3:07:55 PM 0 0 450 450 0 $0.47 $0.00 2172 Gaurtex 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 3:08:01 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $0.94 $0.00 224 Blistex 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:08:07 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $1.32 $0.00 27 Tees 12/19/01 3400 12/19/01 12:21:04 PM 0 0 3400 3400 0 $0.02 $0.00 3014 Softspike set 12/21/01 20 12/21/01 8:28:48 AM 0 0 20 20 0 $4.75 $0.00 32 Towel Hook 12/21/01 14 12/21/01 8:28:53 AM 0 0 14 14 0 $0.13 $0.00 __ 33 _ Ball Markers/3 12/21/01 485 12/21/01 8:28:59 AM 0 0 485 485 0 $0.13 $0.00 ---- - -- -- -_- -_ _ - - Variance Totals for Pelzer Golf $0.00 *Notes:Variance=PhysInventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 13 i Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Va_r_ia ---- ---- ----- - --Product ode Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock *__ -- s---- ost Perfect Grip 244 Perfect Gri -- 12/2176 5 12/21/01 8:29:24 AM 0 0 5 5 0 $35.65 $0.00 Variance Totals for Perfect Grip $0.00 Pilgrim Imports 0227 Card-Holiday Pin 12/18/01 18 12/18/01 3:08:56 PM 0 0 18 18 0 $3.75 $0.00 0228 Card-Critters Pin 12/18/01 29 12/18/01 3:08:58 PM 0 0 29 29 0 $3.25 $0.00 0229 Card-Golf Club Pin 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 3:09:01 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $2.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Pilgrim Imports $0.00 Ping 0083 Stainless Putter 12/18/01 7 12/18/01 3:09:23 PM 0 0 7 7 0 $56.50 $0.00 0150 Bag Pouch 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 3:09:25 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $7.20 $0.00 1648 IsoPur Putter 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:09:34 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $72.00 $0.00 1650 Bronze Putter 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:09:36 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $54.00 $0.00 3036 Isoforce Putter 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:10:06 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $90.00 $0.00 3080 Towel Logo(Large) 12/21/01 13 12/21/01 8:29:39 AM 0 0 13 13 0 $10.00 $0.00 3081 Towel Logo(Small) 12/18/01 13 12/18/01 3:10:22 PM 0 0 13 13 0 $7.50 $0.00 9044 SO Schuman Pitching Wedge 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:10:38 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $71.17 $0.00 9049 SO Liberty Bags 12/18/01 0 12/18/01 2:35:49 PM 0 0 0 0 0 $98.45 $0.00 Variance Totals for Ping $0.00 Players . 1006 Glove Players 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 3:10:46 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $4.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Players $0.00 Practice House 1745 Towel Practice House 12/21/01 168 12/21/01 9:21:52 AM 0 0 168 168 0 $1.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Practice House $0.00 Premium Golf 139 Club Rain Cover 12/18/01 19 12/18/01 3:11:00 PM 0 0 19 19 0 $4.75 $0.00 Variance Totals for Premium Golf--$0:00-- Proactive Sports ____ _- 7012 -Coffe-Mug--- 12/18/01 13 12/18/01 3:11:08 PM 0 0 13 13 0 $3.50 $0.00 7013 Towel Proactive 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:11:13 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $3.75 $0.00 7014 Kid's Golf Set 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:11:17 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $4.95 $0.00 7015 Caddy Pouch Proactive 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:11:23 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $2.95 $0.00 7016 Picture Frame(clubs) 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:11:26 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $5.95 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. I �__"-nec-011 '' ---�`` - I - - - - --- - - -- - - - b i e ' i ed ,-;d' L 'v40 J s7,og' tkdW:e' 14 t'---- f::: x� K4� r.....;.:J �.�...a�.� �....�..,.� S"�..:�J Sal �°�:�.d - ,el !W" � � ..O09SI' _rif Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 7018 Lamp 17" 12/21/01 8 12/21/01 8:29:57 AM 0 0 8 8 0 $24.95 $0.00 7020 Business Card Holder A 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:11:34 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $9.25 $0.00 7022 Business Card Holder B 12/21/01 6 12/21/01 8:30:05 AM 0 0 6 6 0 $3.25 $0.00 -- - - - -Variance Totals for-Proactive Sports--- --_$0.00_ _ - ___ _ Rainsweater 2291 Rainsweater 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:11:46 PM 0 ,0 4 4 0 $55.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Rainsweater $0.00 Ram 132 XDC Extra Distance 12/18/01 47 12/18/01 3:11,:55 PM 0 0 47 47 0 $2.00 $0.00 133 Tour Extravaganza 12/18/01 19 12/18/01 3:11:58 PM 0 0 19 19 0 $2.57 $0.00 134 Tour Reactive 12/21/01 110 12/21/01 8:30:26 AM 0 0 110 110 0 $3.80 $0.00 137 XV2 Tour 12/18/01 17 12/18/01 3:12:03 PM 0 0 17 17 0 $2.00 _ $0.00 Variance Totals for Ram $0.00 Rana 0239 OrnamentX350 12/21/01 60 12/21/01 8:30:51 AM 0 0 60 60 0 $3.50 $0.00 0240 Omament X250 12/21/01 34 12/21/01 9:22:05 AM 0 0 34 34 0 $2.50 $0.00 9052 SO Meier vase 12/21/01 6 12/21/01 9:22:07 AM 0 0 6 6 0 $3.75 $0.00 9053 SO Ruff garland 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 9:22:08 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $5.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Rana $0.00 Rosie Industries 2185 Club Brush 12/21/01 60 12/21/01 8:31:11 AM 0 0 60 60 0 $1.29 $0.00 Variance Totals for Rosie Industries $0.00 Sabona 2251 Copper Wristband 12/18/01 1 12/18/0I 3:12:19 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $7.45 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sabona $0.00 Short Strokes 0151 Putter Rosewood/Myrtlewood 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:12:28 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $75.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Short Strokes $0.00 Sir Christopher 1123 Towel SC 12/18/01 83 12/18/01 3:12:37 PM 0 0 83 83 0 $7.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sir Christopher $0.00 Slazenger *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory.-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 15 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 0003 Sweatshirt Logo Slazenger 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:12:52 PM 0 0 - - - _--($24 - $0.00 0096 US 0 en 2001 - - '18101 3cT234 PM 0 0 12 12 0 $28.54 $0.00 - 0097 US Open 2001 Hat 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:12:56 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $10.95 $0.00 0109 Players 12/18/01 41 12/18/01 3:12:58 PM 0 0 41 41 0 $7.75 $0.00 0136 Ryder Cup 01 Polo 12/19/01 20 12/19/01 10:23:55 AM 0 0 20 20 0 $27.50 $0.00 0138 Ryder Cup Hat&Raw Distance 2pk 12/21/01 8 12/21/01 8:31:31 AM 0 0 8 8 0 $21.95 $0.00 0197 Sweatshirt#143 12/21/01 192 12/21/01 8:38:06 AM 0 0 192 192 0 $25.00 $0.00 2195 Glove Conditions II 12/19/01 5 12/19/01 10:23:58 AM 0 0 5 5 0 $5.95 $0.00 2197 Glove Select II 12/19/01 64' 12/19/01 10:24:13 AM 0 0 64 64 0 $9.95 $0.00 241 Raw Distance 12/18/01 126 12/18/01 3:13:32 PM 0 0 126 126 0 $5.25 $0.00 242 Power Control 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:13:34 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $6.13 $0.00 243 DC Tour 12/18/01 64 12/18/01 3:13:35 PM 0 0 64 64 0 $6.50 $0.00 3063 Challenge 4ball 12/18/01 181 12/18/01 3:13:50 PM 0 0 181 181 0 $2.49 $0.00 3086 T-Shirt B Slazenger 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:13:55 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $12.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Slazenger $0.00 Softspikes 1005 Softspike Black Widow 12/21/01 16 12/21/01 8:38:26 AM 0 0 16 16 0 $6.25 $0.00 Variance Totals for Softspikes $0.00 Spalding 0001 Strata 3 sleeve pack 12/21/01 79 12/21/01 8:29:55 PM 0 0 79 79 0 $10.00 $0.00 0009 Wedge Spalding 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:14:51 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $75.00 $0.00 0071 Strata Tour Pro 9 Ball Pk 12/18/01 67 12/18/01 3:14:57 PM 0 0 67 67 0 $12.50 $0.00 0080 Etonic Difference Glove 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:15:03 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $9.00 $0.00 153 XL 6ball 12/18/01 26 12/18/01 3:15:11 PM 0 0 26 26 0 $6.33 $0.00 155 Z Balata 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:24:32 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $6.00 $0.00 1633 Gambler Hat 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:15:15 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $13.50 $0.00 220 XL2000 Ball 12/18/01 731 12/18/01 3:15:24 PM 0 0 731 731 0 $3.41 $0.00 2214 Stand Bag Spalding 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:15:32 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $65.00 $0.00 3136 Etonic Dri Lite 12/19/01 4 12/19/01 10:24:42 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $27.00 $0.00 7038 Strata Tour Pro 12/18/01 8 12/18/01 3:15:42 PM 0 0 8 8 0 $6.25 $0.00 7039 Strata Pro Distance 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 3:15:45 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $5.00 $0.00 7040 Strata Pro Balata 12/18/01 14 12/18/01 3:15:47 PM 0 0 14 14 0 $6.25 _$0.00-- 7041 XL Pure Distance 4 Ball _ - 12/18/01 164 12/18/01-3:15:49 PM 0 0 164 164 0 $2.67 $0.00 Variance Totals for Spalding $0.00 Sport Chef 0193 Hor-d'oeuvre Pic Set 121/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:15:58 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $7.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. {e., 22-Dec-01 - - t 6 ) i - 7 , 1 j , L I - -I 6....�� ®most I j'i7o�® ma yze i v.:4.4/" i�:i..;iti `' 1i.ue tsi �o-,;;4�1 k.w.,,,ii -.;.: ..,.= t-Iz ".A 'e_ �°..ice Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 0195 Pen/Pencil Holder SC 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:16:03 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $5.00 $0.00 0196 Bottle Chiller 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:16:04 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $17.00 $0.00 -- -_ ---- - _--- ___-________ Variance Totals for Sport Chef $0.00 Sun Mountain - - -- ----- --- -- - 0028 Vest SM0301 12/18/01 12 12/18/01 3:16:21 PM 0 0 12 1-2 0---$48..1.6 $0.00 0029 Winshirt SM0301 12/18/01 16 12/18/01 3:16:23 PM 0 0 16 16 0 $39.56 $0.00 0066 Front 9 Bag 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:16:25 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $75.00 $0.00 1768 Headcover Sun Mt 12/21/01 4 12/21/01 9:22:28 AM 0 0 4 4 0 $4.50 $0.00 1896 Jacket Monsoon 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:16:43 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $39.00 $0.00 2280 Jacket Typhoon 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:16:47 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $54.00 $0.00 3016 Henley Solo Pullover 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:16:51 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $38.00 $0.00 3098 Vest Reversible - - 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:16:54 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $31.00 $0.00 7043 Speed Cart 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:24:57 AM 0 0 1 1 - - -0 $118.89 - $0.00 - Variance Totals for Sun Mountain $0.00 Sunderlund 207 Vest 1/2 Zip LDS 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:25:07 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $32.00 $0.00 209 Cygnet LDS 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:17:14 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $83.00 $0.00 3008 Pullover(reversible) 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:17:18 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $42.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sunderlund $0.00 Sunlce' 0192 1/2 Zip Pullover 12/18/01 44 12/18/01 3:17:37 PM 0 0 44 44 0 $19.50 $0.00 3100 Windshirt Sunice 12/18/01 7 12/18/01 3:17:43 PM 0 0 7 7 0 $50.00 $0.00 3116 Fleece 1/2 Zip 12/18/01 4 ' 12/18/01 3:17:48 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $32.00 $0.00 3117 ' Vest Sunice 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:17:53 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $44.00 $0.00 3118 , Windshirt 0600 Sunice 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:17:58 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $24.50 $0.00 3174 Vest Microfiber LDS 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:18:01 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $44.00 $0.00 3176 Jacket Sunice 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:18:07 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $25.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sunlce $0.00 Sutton Sportswear 1016 Crop LDS 12/19/01 1 12/19/01 10:25:22 AM 0 0 1 1 0 $23.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Sutton Sportswear $0.00 Titleist 0025 Pro Vl 12/18/01 117 12/18/01 3:18:45-PM - 0 0 117 117 0 $8.68 - $0.00 0130 Tour Distance SF DOZEN -- 12/18/01 -0---12/18/01-2:35:49-PM_-_0 _ 0 __0 0 0 $24.00 $0.00 - 0171 NXT Tour 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:18:56 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $5.00 $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 1 7 22-Dec-01 1 Company Begin Inv Begin Inventor y g *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 0172 NXT Distance 12/18/01 -2 12/18/01 3:19:00 PM 0 0 -2 $5:00- - - _ $0:00 0181 Cart Mitts Fleece 1-2/18/ i'l/1$70I I9:2FPM 0 0 13 13 0 $14.00 $0.00 - - 0217 Practice Pro V1 12/18/01 75 12/18/01 3:19:27 PM 0 0 75 75 0 $5.00 $0.00 1026 Glove Perma Flex 12/18/01 5 12/18/01 3:19:47 PM 0 0 5 5 0 $9.00 $0.00 1027 Glove Players A 12/21/01 59 12/21/01 9:22:50 AM 0 0 59 59 0 $11.75 $0.00 1053 _ Glove Perma Soft 12/18/01 204 12/18/01 3:19:59 PM 0 0 204 204 0 $7.75 $0.00 1098 Umbrella Titleist 12/21/01 2 12/21/01 9:23:02 AM 0 0 2 2 0 $21.00 $0.00 1501 DT Distance 12/18/01 159 12/18/01 3:20:37 PM 0 0 159 159 0 $4.75 $0.00 173 DT Spin 12/18/01 48 12/18/01 3:20:49 PM 0 0 48 48 0 $5.50 $0.00 179 HP Tour 12/18/01 163 12/18/01 3:20:54 PM 0 0 163 163 0 $5.50 $0.00 187 PINN Gold Distance 6ball 12/18/01 87 12/18/01 3:21:06 PM 0 0 87 87 0 $5.00 $0.00 190 Pinn Junior Extreme 12/18/01 11 12/18/01 3:21:14 PM 0 0 11 11 0 $13.00 $0.00 191 PINN Titanium 4ball 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:20:19 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $4.25 $0.00 192 Pinn Golf for Women 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:21:20 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $2.30 $0.00 194 Professional 12/19/01 54 12/19/01 10:26:05 AM 0 0 54 54 0 $8.00 $0.00 196 PINN Titanium 12/18/01 157 12/18/01 3:21:34 PM 0 0 157 157 0 $3.25 $0.00 2011 Hat Fleece Winter 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 3:21:41 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $10.50 $0.00 2174 Sunday 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:22:04 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $30.00 $0.00 2307 Vokey Wedge 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:22:15 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $75.00 $0.00 252 Tour Distance SF 12/18/01 107 12/18/01 3:22:36 PM 0 0 107 107 0 $6.29 $0.00 3015 Bullseye Putter 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:22:45 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $42.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Titleist $0.00 Tommy Hilfiger Golf 0113 Towel TH 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:22:55 PM 0 0 4 4 0 $7.50 $0.00 0115 Polo TH RWBY 12/18/01 23 12/18/01 3:22:58 PM 0 0 23 23 0 $32.00 $0.00 0116 Sweatshirt TH RWBY 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:23:00 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $28.00 $0.00 0139 Sleeveless Blouse Navy/Lav 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:23:04 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $24.00 $0.00 0140 Crew T-Shirt Navy/Lav 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:23:05 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $16.25 $0.00 0141 Polo Navy/Lav 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:23:07 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $27.50 $0.00 0142 Sleeveless Polo Navy/Lav 12/18/01 3 12/18/01 3:23:09 PM 0 0 3 3 0 $26.00 $0.00 0144 Polo Basic Navy/Lav 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:23:15 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $19.75 $0.00 0145 Cap'Hilfiger'Navy/Lav 12/21/01 8 12/21/01 9:23:24 AM 0 0 8 8 0 $7.00 $0.00 0146 Short Navy/Lav 12/18/01 4 12/18/01 3:23:18 PM 0 0 4 4 _0_ --$32.50----$0.00 -- 0148 Sweater Navy/Lav -_12/18/01 -1 12/18/0I-3:23:20PM 0 0 1 1 0 $36.25 $0.00 0149 Windvest Navy/Lav 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:23:22 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $37.50 $0.00 Variance Totals for Tommy Hilfiger Golf $0.00 Wilson *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. „ „-c-OJ -- -- I,--- - --- --- -- -- ----� ---- 8 ----- ----- ---, -- -- 1.--- --- ---- - - ---- -- -- I ,' I I. --- - - - ---- 1 - - J Company Begin Inv Begin Inventory *Units In Physical Avg.Unit Variance Product Code Product Name Date Inventory Date Received Sold Stock Inventory *Variance Cost Cost 2184 Glove Select 12/1,8/01 14 12/18/01 3:23:31 PM 0 0 14 14 0 $5.60 $0.00 2217 Bag Wilson 12/1,8/01 1 12/18/01 3:23:36 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $88.00 $0.00 --=226- - - --- -Glove-Conform -- -_ -_ - _ 12/18/01 72 12/18/01 3:23:39 PM 0 0 72 72 0 $5.61 $0.00 Variance Totals for Wilson $0.00- - -- ------- = Zad 0241 USA Bracelet 12/21/01 9 12/21/01 9:23:37 AM 0 0 9 9 0 $4.00 $0.00 0242 USA Bobby Pins pr 12/21/01 48 12/21/01 9:23:38 AM 0 0 • 48 48 0 $1.50 $0.00 0243 USA Earrings 12/21/01 12 12/21/01 9:23:39 AM 0 0 12 12 0 $2.00 $0.00 0244 USA Tatoo 12/21/01 12 12/21/01 9:23:45 AM 0 0 12 12 0 $2.50 $0.00 0245 USA Necklace 12/21/01 12 12/21/01 9:23:48 AM 0 0 12 12 0 $1.50 $0.00 0246 USA 3pc Pin Set 12/21/01 18 12/21/01 9:23:48 AM 0 0 18 18 0 $2.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Zad - $0.00 Zarah 0222 Earring Golf Club 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:23:50 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $9.75 $0.00 0223 Necklace Golf Club 12/18/01 2 12/18/01 3:23:52 PM 0 0 2 2 0 $17.75 $0.00 0224 Pin Luggage/Lady Golfer 12/18/01 7 12/18/01 3:23:53 PM 0 0 7 7 0 $14.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for Zarah $0.00 ZEVO Golf 0152 Wood W/SFW7 12/18/01 9 12/18/01 3:24:04 PM 0 0 9 9 0 $15.00 $0.00 0153 Wedge W/MTI10 12/18/01 6 12/18/01 3:24:06 PM 0 0 6 6 0 $15.00 $0.00 0154 Set 3-PW 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 3:24:08 PM 0 0 1 1 0 $120.00 $0.00 Variance Totals for ZEVO Golf $0.00 Grand Totals $0.00 *Notes:Variance=Physlnventory-(Begin Inv+Received-Sold) Units In Stock is the current number in stock at the time the report was run. 22-Dec-01 .19 Physical Inventory Totals by Supplier 14-Jan-02 Company - Phys _= Cost of -_ - -- - --- - -- - Quantity=- -Unit - - Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential -- _ _ Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock--Order Level Prk a ue Profit Category Ace-Copper Phone: 3043 Copper Bracelet 1 $11.00 12 $132.00 0 0 $19.95 $239.40 $107.40 Merchandise 3126 Magnetic Bracelet 1 $30.00 11 $330.00 0 0 $49.95 $549.45 $219.45 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Ace Copper 23 $462.00 $788.85 $326.85 Adidas Phone: 1970 Mud Skipper 1 $56.00 2 $112.00 0 0 $49.95 $99.90 ($12.10) Shoes Dollar Totals for Adidas 2 $112.00 $99.90 ($12.10) Ahead Headgear Phone:5089852397 2507 Visor/Hat Ladies 1 $6.00 2 $12.00 0 0 $14.95 $29.90 $17.90 Women's Dollar Totals for Ahead Headgear 2 $12.00 $29.90 $17.90 AM Player Phone: 2075 Short 1 $13.00 3 $39.00 0 0 $26.95 $80.85 $41.85 Men's 2506 Short ladies Microfibre 1 $9.95 1 $9.95 0 0 $9.95 $9.95 $0.00 Women's 3121 Fleece 1/2 Zip Vest 1 $17.50 2 $35.00 0 0 $36.95 $73.90 $38.90 Men's Dollar Totals for AM Player 6 $83.95 $164.70 $80.75 Ashworth Phone: 1004 Tournament Polo 1 $24.00 6 $144.00 0 0 $49.95 $299.70 $155.70 Men's 1013 Polo 1 $35.00 12 $420.00 0 0 $69.95 $839.40 $419.40 Men's Dollar Totals for Ashworth 18 $564.00 $1,139.10 $575.10 -__ _-_----------- ----------- --------- - --- 1 , 1 Company Phys Cost of - --- - P Y Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Bag Boy Phone:8042623000 0014 Pull Cart F-4 Dual Tube 1 $62.50 1 $62.50 0 0 $99.95 $99.95 $37.45 Bags 0015 Travel Cover T-1 1 $18.75 7 $131.25 0 0 $39.95 $279.65 $148.40 Bags 0016 Lite Rider 8.5 Cart Bag 1 $65.63 3 $196.88 0 0 $109.95 $329.85 $132.98 Bags 0201 Push Cart PC-90 1 $60.00 2 $120.00 0 0 $99.99 $199.98 $79.98 Bags 0202 Travel Cover T-3 1 $33.75 7 $236.25 0 0 $54.99 $384.93 $148.68 Bags 0203 NXS Stand Bag 1 $81.25 2 $162.50 0 0 $129.99 $259.98 $97.48 Bags 1020 Stand Bag Z-2 1 $83.75 4 $335.00 0 0 $129.95 $519.80 $184.80 Bags 3131 Pull Cart M-300 Alloy 1 $42.00 4 $168.00 0 0 $59.95 $239.80 $71.80 Bags 3134 Umbrella Wind Vent 1 $10.00 14 $140.00 0 0 $22.95 $321.30 $181.30 Merchandise 3142 Pull Cart LT-400 Aluminum 1 $38.13 1 $38.13 0 0 $64.95 $64.95 $26.83 Bags Dollar Totals for Bag Boy 45 $1,590.50 $2,700.19 $1,109.69 Bel Air Golf Phone: 1908 Winter Glove 1 $9.50 1 $9.50 0 0 $14.95 $14.95 $5.45 Gloves Dollar Totals for Bel Air Golf 1 $9.50 $14.95 $5.45 Belding Sports Phone:8005216197 0061 Bushwacker College Logo Bag 1 $175.00 2 $350.00 0 0 $249.95 $499.90 $149.90 Bags 0063 Den Caddy College Logo 1 $75.50 1 $75.50 0 0 $109.95 $109.95 $34.45 Bags Dollar Totals for Belding Sports 3 $425.50 $609.85 $184.35 Ben Hogan Phone: 2015 Classic 8.5 1 $116.00 2 $232.00 0 0 $154.95 $309.90 $77.90 Bags 2049 Carry All 1 $50.00 1 $50.00 0 0 $79.95 $79.95 $29.95 Bags Dollar Totals for Ben Hogan 3 $282.00 $389.85 $107.85 2 • m.- oaaa..", .aysT.v COMTAv CP...9=.si 4$,X.•,7 :ti.M- ie'�;%v .i4G/ 1X..VeA S',W.!•A :rr IC` 1,.. Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods In Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Bette&Court • - -- -- Jean Beck Phone:3058213200 .-.-- -_ _ -- -- -- _ - _ - - - ------- _ - -0055 ---- - - -Short R/TB Basics 1 $24.50 4 $98.00 0 0 $49.95 $19180 $10-1-80-Women s 0056 VesrR/TB ics 1 $23.50 3 $70.50 0 0 $49.95 $149.85 $79.35 Women's 0057 Polo R/TB Basics 1 $22.00 9 $198.00 0 0 $44.95 $404.55 $206.55 Women's 0059 Vest Cabana 1 $24.00 1 $24.00 0 0 $49.95 $49.95 $25.95 Women's 0060 Polo Cabana 1 $24.00 9 $216.00 0 0 $49.95 $449.55 $233.55 Women's 1018 Windjacket B&C 1 $45.00 1 $45.00 0 0 $84.95 $84.95 $39.95 Women's Dollar Totals for Bette&Court 27 $651.50 $1,338.65 $687.15 Bite Phone: 2264 X-Golf Sandal 1 $43.00 3 $129.00 0 0 $69.95 $209.85 $80.85 Shoes Dollar Totals for Bite 3 $129.00 $209.85 $80.85 Blue Sky Golf Phone:4154727641 3145 Pull Cart BSG 1 $21.50 1 $21.50 0 0 $39.95 $39.95 $18.45 Bags Dollar Totals for Blue Sky Golf 1 $21.50 $39.95 $18.45 Book Warehouse Phone: 7000 Calendar 2001 1 $1.99 6 $11.94 0 0 $9.95 $59.70 $47.76 Gift • . 7002 Game of Golf 1 $3.00 1 $3.00 0 0 $10.95 $10.95 $7.95 Gift 7004 Cube 1 $2.00 4 $8.00 0 0 $9.95 $39.80 $31.80 Gift Dollar Totals for Book Warehouse 11 $22.94 $110.45 $87.51 Bottman Design Phone:8003655564 0188 Gift Card Box of 8 1 $5.75 .8 $46.00 0 0 $11.95 $95.60 $49.60 Gift ---- --- - - -- - ------- 3 . I • Company Phys Cost of -- -- - Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code ' Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Dollar Totals for Bottman Design 8 $46.00 $95.60 $49.60 Bridgestone Phone:8003586319 0022 Grip Glove 1 $3.96 102 $403.56 0 0 $9.95 $1,014.90 $611.34 Gloves 0068 Stand Bag 1 $75.00 2 $150.00 0 0 $129.95 $259.90 $109.90 Bags 0079 Precept Extra Distance • 1 $5.00 51 $255.00 0 0 $8.00 $408.00 $153.00 Balls 101 MC Double Cover 1 $5.59 6 $33.54 0 0 $8.50 $51.00 $17.46 Balls 105 Precept EV Extra Spin 1 $5.00 35 $175.00 0 0 $8.00 $280.00 $105.00 Balls 107 MC Tour Premium 1 $7.38 55 $405.90 0 0 $10.00 $550.00 $144.10 Balls 108 MC Spin 1 $5.16 9 $46.44 0 0 $8.00 $72.00 $25.56 Balls 199 Hideaway Stand Bag 1 $81.50 1 $81.50 0 0 $129.99 $129.99 $48.49 Bags 202 MC Tour Advantage 1 $5.25 39 $204.75 0 0 $8.00 $312.00 $107.25 Balls 2043 Wedge Precept 1 . $22.50 4 $90.00 0 0 $69.95 $279.80 $189.80 Clubs 2187 Precept Wedge 1 $55.00 2 $110.00 0 0 $79.95 $159.90 $49.90 Clubs 228 MC Lady 1 $4.50 10 $45.00 0 0 $8.00 $80.00 $35.00 Balls Dollar Totals for Bridgestone 316 $2,000.69 $3,597.49 $1,596.80 Brindar Phone:5036615464 0037 Sherpa/Loop Wisteria 1 $23.31 1 $23.31 0 0 $49.95 $49.95 $26.64 Women's 0038 Short Elastic Wisteria 1 $15.00 3 $45.00 0 0 $29.95 $89.85 $44.85 Women's 0039 Short Fitted Wisteria 1 $24.00 1 $24.00 0 0 $39.95 $39.95 $15.95 Women's 0040 Polo Wisteria 1 $19.00 1 $19.00 0 0 $39.95 $39.95 $20.95 Women's 0043 Polo/Tee Cambridge 1 $19.00-- ---8 $152.00 0 0 $39.95 $319.60 $167.60 Women's 0045 Short Elastic Cambridge ' 1 $15.00 5 $75.00 0 $29.95 $149.75 $74.75 Women's 0046 Short Fitted Cambridge 1 $24.00 3 $72.00 0 0 $39.95 $119.85 $47.85 Women's Dollar Totals for Brindar 22 $410.31 $808.90 $398.59 4 Iv:.,.,N;-1 vx:,.,-.: L.-Y.y L,,44 .:d'sl V,.t:..ek 11 .7..:1 ..•-.a, ,...::;7 ten5i 1`�"'4 Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category by Taylor - - - Phone:8005433057 00-74 R/W/B-SShort 1 $1425 1 $14j25 0 0 $20.96 $20.96 $6.71 Women's 7037 Floating Heart Sweatshirt 1 $21.00 2 $42.00 0 0 $24.95 $49.90 $7.90 Women's Dollar Totals for by Taylor 3 $56.25 $70.86 $14.61 Callaway Phone:8002282767 0023 Putter White Hot 1 $76.50 2 $153.00 0 0 $119.96 $239.92 $86.92 Clubs - 3141 Putter Callaway 1 $59.43 3 $178.29 0 0 $99.95 $299.85 $121.56 Clubs Dollar Totals for Callaway 5 $331.29 $539.77 $208.49 Carbite Phone:8586250065 0111 Putter CAP I $78.00 8 $624.00 0 0 $129.95 $1,039.60 $415.60 Clubs • 201 Putter DB/DC 1 $58.00 1 $58.00 0 0 $99.99 $99.99 $41.99 Clubs Dollar Totals for Carbite 9 $682.00 $1,139.59 $457.59 CC Creations Phone: 2242 Sweatshirt Logo CCC 1 $15.75 51 $803.25 0 0 $29.95 $1,527.45 $724.20 Men's f Dollar Totals for CC Creations 51 $803.25 $1,527.45 $724.20 Cool Shades Phone:8884818037 0098 Sunglasses Cool Shades 1 $14.90 13 $193.70 0 0 $29.95 $389.35 $195.65 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Cool Shades 13 $193.70 $389.35 $195.65 Cutter&Buck Phone: 0155 HuskyTounamentPolo 1 $21.50 5 $107.50 0 0 $44.95 $224.75 $117.25 Men's 0156 Husky 1/2 Zip 1 $54.25 - _ 5 _ $271.25 0 0_ - _$109.95_- $549.75 - $278.50 Men's- - - 5 I Company - - P s Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods In UmtiOn Reor-der Retail Total-Retell - -Yi ten 101 - - -- Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0157 Husky Fleece 1 $42.00 5 $210.00 0 0 $84.95 $424.75 $214.75 Men's 0158 Cougar Toumament Polo 1 $21.50 5 $107.50 0 0 $44.95 $224.75 $117.25 Men's 0159 Cougar LS Tournament Polo 1 $26.50 5 $132.50 0 0 $54.95 $274.75 $142.25 Men's 0160 Cougar 1/2 Zip 1 $54.25 5 $271.25 0 0 $109.95 $549.75 $278.50 Men's 0161 Cougar Fleece 1 $42.00 5 $210.00 0 0 $84.95 $424.75 $214.75 Men's 0162 Mariner's Tournament Polo 1 $21.50 3 $64.50 0 0 $44.95 $134.85 $70.35 Men's 0165 Mariner's Cutter Crew 1 $33.25 2 $66.50 0 0 $69.95 $139.90 $73.40 Men's 0167 Mariner's Weekender Jacket 1 $38.75 6 $232.50 0 0 $79.95 $479.70 $247.20 Men's 0198 Crew Windshirt 1 $42.00 13 $546.00 0 0 $84.99 $1,104.87 $558.87 Men's 0199 1/2 Zip Windshirt 1101 1 $46.00 12 $552.00 0 0 $94.99 $1,139.88 $587.88 Men's 0200 Newport Half Sleeve Windshirt 1 $39.50 7 $276.50 0 0 $79.99 $559.93 $283.43 Men's 0208 Tahoe Half Sleeve Pullover 1 $42.00 11 $462.00 0 0 $84.99 $934.89 $472.89 Men's 0213 Polo 0111 1 $30.00 69 $2,070.00 0 0 $54.99 $3,794.31 $1,724.31 Men's 0214 Polo Sueded 0111 1 $36.00 3 $108.00 0 0 $68.99 $206.97 $98.97 Men's 0215 Button Down Print 0111 1 $34.00 4 $136.00 0 0 $64.99 $259.96 $123.96 Men's Dollar Totals for Cutter&Buck 165 $5,824.00 $11,428.51 $5,604.51 Daphne Headcovers Phone:6022797457 1105 HeadcoverAnimal 1 $11.75 42 $493.50 0 0 $17.95 $753.90 $260.40 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Daphne Headcovers 42 $493.50 $753.90 $260.40 Dexter Phone:8888339837 1679 Oak Tree 00 1 $40.00 1 $40.00 0 0 $64.95 $64.95 $24.95 Shoes 1977 Boca 1 $33.66 6 $201.96 0 0 $57.95 $34T.70 $145 74 Shoes 213 Malibu 00 1 $20.40 8 $163.20 0 0 $59.99 $479.92 $316.72 Shoes 214 Motion 00 1 $35.96 6 $215.76 0 0 $74.99 $449.94 $234.18 Shoes 2286 Lexington 1 $58.00 1 $58.00 0 0 $99.95 $99.95 $41.95 Shoes 6 �odd® �i wu �w-iacCs �wirtifi i�k4 ��11"+fi� - "iS G:��..,�✓.l b.Y+.�r.�. 4v�.,.,.u� a.�r,.:/u1 �Aiiivi72 ."`-..-:..-;--.--:4 ::_�.,.%�.I �., , �:' .�i.-._.',R..� C'.:....,:�7 1 Company • Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 3138 Austin/Riv/_Tart--- -- _ _--1 _--- - $35.60 -- 1 --- $35;60 ---- -0 - - 0- $59.95- - -$59.95- _- -$24.35--'Shoes - DiTil ar otals for Dexter 23 $714.52 $1,502.41 $787.89 Dockers Phone: 1011 Polo Dockers 00 1 $23.00 40 $920.00 0 0 $47.95 $1,918.00 $998.00 Men's 1012 Vest Dockers 00 1 $23.00 8 $184.00 0 0 $47.95 $383.60 $199.60 Men's Dollar Totals for Dockers 48 $1,104.00 $2,301.60 $1,197.60 Dorfman-Pacific Phone:2099821400 0121 Gambler/Outback 1 $9.00 16 $144.00 0 0 $19.95 $319.20 $175.20 Hats 0122 Bucket Style 1 $5.00 16 $80.00 0 0 $11.95 $191.20 $111.20 Hats 0133 Visor 1 $7.00 19 $133.00 0 0 $11.95 $227.05 $94.05 Women's Dollar Totals for Dorfman-Pacific 51 $357.00 $737.45 $380.45 Dunlop Phone: - 0027 DDH 110 Steelcore 1 $2.31 82 $189.42 0 0 $5.00 $410.00 $220.58 Balls 2006 Sock Dunlop 1 $2.00 6 $12.00 0 0 $3.95 $23.70 $11.70 Men's 2034 Sale Shoe 00 1 $27.00 5 $135.00 0 0 $44.95 $224.75 $89.75 Shoes Dollar Totals for Dunlop 93 $336.42 $658.45 $322.03 . Dutch Harbor Phone: 1017 Sweatshirt Dutch Harbor 00 1 $7.50 24 $180.00 0 0 $19.95 $478.80 $298.80 Men's Dollar Totals for Dutch Harbor 24 $180.00 $478.80 $298.80 EP Pro Phone:2123027255 0048 Sarong South Pacific 1 $44.00 1 $44.00 0 0 $79.95 $79.95 $35.95 Women's 7 i fmF , Phys Cost of • ^ - luv-'- -'rUotiB=i-n- nitsR:. i:ro ne.-a-atetail ota-Retal1 P--atentlal Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0049 Sweater s/I South Pacific 1 $34.00 1 $34.00 0 0 $69.95 $69.95 $35.95 Women's 0050 Polo South Pacific 1 $24.00 3 $72.00 0 0 $49.95 $149.85 $77.85 Women's 0051 Silk Herringbone South Pacific 1 $39.00 3 $117.00 0 0 $79.95 $239.85 $122.85 Women's 0053 Microfiber Vest South Pacific 1 $34.00 2 $68.00 0 0 $69.95 $139.90 $71.90 Women's 0054 Short South Pacific 1 $39.00 3 $117.00 0 0 $69.95 $209.85 $92.85 Women's 3150 Fleece EP Pro 1 $34.00 3 $102.00 0 0 $69.95 $209.85 $107.85 Women's Dollar Totals for EP Pro 16 $554.00 $1,099.20 $545.20 Ergonomix Sport Phone:8059886523 • 0118 ErgorideBag 1 $80.50 1 $80.50 0 0 $129.95 $129.95 $49.45 Bags 0119 Axiom Bag • 1 $66.00 2 $132.00 0 0 $109.95 $219.90 $87.90 Bags Dollar Totals for Ergonomix Sport 3 $212.50 $349.85 $137.35 Eyemark Phone: 3084 ; Putter EM-2 1 $63.00 1 $63.00 0 0 $94.95 $94.95 $31.95 Clubs • Dollar Totals for Eyemark 1 $63.00 $94.95 $31.95 Far Fetched Phone: • 0220 . Key Chain 1 $11.00 6 $66.00 0 $19.95 $119.70 $53.70 Gift 0221 Bangle Bracelet 1 $1.50 24 $36.00 0 0 $3.99 $95.76 $59.76 Gift 7007 Holiday Pin 1 $11.00 16 $176.00 0 0 $24.95 $399.20 $223.20 Gift . 7008 Earrings 1 .$8.50 25 $212.50 0 0 $16.95 $423.75 $211.25 Gift 7035 ' Necklace 1 $12.00. 4 $48.00 0 0 $24.95 $99.80 $51.80 Gift Dollar Totals for Far Fetched 75 $538.50 $1,138.21 $599.71 Foot Joy • Phone:8002258500 0024 Dry Ice Glove 1 $10.50 90 $945.00 0 0 $15.95 $1,435.50 $490.50 Gloves 8 ------ --' o:,..,.-a. rr..ca.s .cw309� '.6,..,/ INGVS.X. .l:rr .7 WM. I 1 I i ' I Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0184 59906 Dry I.C.E. 1 $120.00 1 $120.00 0 0 $179.99 $179.99 - $59.99 _ Shoes- _ - --- _-_ - - - -- --- - - 0185 - - --- -59922-Dry i:C.E. - -- -1- - $120.00 1 $120.00 0 0 $179.99 $179.99 $59.99 Shoes 0186 58848-Sierra Trek 1 $63.0U 1 $63.00 0 0 $99.99 $99.99 $36.99 Shoes 0187 58982 Sierra Trek I $63.00 1 $63.00 0 0 $99.99 $99.99 $36.99 Shoes 0189 Pro-Dry Crew Sock Men's 1 $5.00 34 $170.00 0 0 $8.99 $305.66 $135.66 Shoes 0190 Sport/Quarter Sock Men's 1 $2.88 95 $273.60 0 0 $4.99 $474.05 $200.45 Shoes 0191 Junior FJ Glove 1 $4.80 22 $105.60 0 0 $7.99 $175.78 $70.18 Gloves 0230 F3 Performance Glove 1 $8.00 • 117 $936.00 0 0 $15.99 $1,870.83 $934.83 Gloves x. -- 2083 Dry Joy Shoe# 1 $90.00 1 $90.00 0 0 $99.95 $99.95 $9.95 Shoes 2084 Dry Joy Shoe#55 1 $81.00 3 $243.00 0 0 $84.95 $254.85 $11.85 Shoes 2085 Dry Joy Rainshirt 1 $87.50 2 $175.00 0 0 $179.95 $359.90 $184.90 Men's 2087 Dry Joy Jacket 1 $109.83 9 $988.47 0 0 $199.95 $1,799.55 $811.08 Men's 2088 Dry Joy Vest 1 $62.50 1 $62.50 0 0 $109.95 $109.95 $47.45 Men's 2139 Shoe Lace 1 $1.39 65 $90.35 0 0 $1.50 $97.50 $7.15 Shoes 2142 Dry Joy Rainsuit 1 $87.80 9 $790.20 0 0 $139.95 $1,259.55 $469.35 Men's 2196 Dry Joy Sock 1 $3.58 73 $261.34 0 0 $5.95 $434.35 $173.01 Shoes 2209 Dry Joy Saddle 1 $90.00 2 $180.00 0 0 $129.95 $259.90 $79.90 Shoes 2210 Soft Joy Terrains#5 , 1 $52.00 5 $260.00 0 0 $84.95 $424.75 $164.75 Shoes 221.1 Soft Joy Terrains 1 $42.00 1 $42.00 0 0 $69.95 $69.95 $27.95 Shoes 2288 WeatherSofGlove 1 $6.83 119 $813.16 0 0 $12.95 $1,541.05 $727.89 Gloves 230 Soft Joy Terrains# 1 $50.40 5 $252.00 0 0 $69.95 $349.75 $97.75 Shoes 231 Dry Joy# 1 $98.28 1 $98.28 0 0 $129.99 $129.99 $31.71 Shoes 2540 Sportlet/Roll-Top Women's 1 $2.88 100 $287.53 0 0 $4.95 $495.00 $207.47 Women's 2541 Soft Joy Athletic 1 $46.20 2 $92.40 0 0 $74.95 $149.90 $57.50 Shoes 2542 Soft Joy Saddles 1 $49.80 2 $99.60 0 0 $54.95 $109.90 $10.30 Shoes 2543 Soft Joy Moc-Toe 1 $46.20 2 $92.40 0 0 $74.95 $149.90 $57.50 Shoes 3010 Green Joys 1 $29.95 2 $59.90 0 _ 0 $59.95____ _ $119.90__ _.- -$60.00- Shoes---- Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 3023 Dry Joy Ptoe 1 $90.00 1 $90.00 0 0 $139.95 $139.95 $49.95 Shoes 3122 WinterSofpr 1 $11.75 22 $258.50 0 0 $19.95 $438.90 $180.40 Gloves 3123 RainGrip pr 1 $11.75 53 $622.75 0 0 $19.95 $1,057.35 $434.60 Gloves Dollar Totals for Foot Joy 842 $8,745.58 $14,673.57 $5,927.99 Forrester's Phone:8005564653 0033 RainShedder Micro Parka 1 $90.00 3 $270.00 0 0 $179.95 $539.85 $269.85 Women's 2154 Bucket Style Hat 1 $14.00 2 $28.00 0 0 $26.95 $53.90 $25.90 Hats Dollar Totals for Forrester's 5 $298.00 $593.75 $295.75 Gemini Phone:4087324278 0225 Frame 3 Ball/Bag 1 $8.50 9 $76.50 0 0 $15.99 $143.91 $67.41 Gift Dollar Totals for Gemini 9 $76.50 $143.91 $67.41 Gift Box Phone: 2292 Wrap/Tissue 1 $1.25 31 $38.75 0 0 $2.50 $77.50 $38.75 Gift 2293 Bag/Ribbon 1 $1.85 11 $20.35 0 0 $3.50 $38.50 $18.15 Gift Dollar Totals for Gift Box 42 $59.10 $116.00 $56.90 Global Golf&Gift Phone: 0234 Lamp Antique 1 $79.00 1 $79.00 0 0 $149.99 $149.99 $70.99 Gift 0235 Lamp Golf 1 $45.00 2 $90.00 0 0 $89.99 $179.98 $89.98 Gift 0236 Wind Chime Par 3 - ---Y - $-13:00 ----4- --$52.00 0_ _0 $24.99 $99.96 $47.96 Gift • 0237 Wind Chime Par 4 1 • $20.00 2 $40.00 0 0 $34.99 $69.98 $29.98 Gift 0238 Wind Chime Par 5 1 $30.00 1 $30.00 0 0 $49.99 $49.99 $19.99 Gift Dollar Totals for Global Golf&Gift 10 $291.00 $549.90 $258.90 • 10 it:,i:,4+4i '1:»tr.-r tr+-r.w:3 'e'-•--:f�.y i�i!+ca9 F..i.vs:4 .:,cd h1,<.:,.ems. �n,�: :4 a� Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail. Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category - - - Golf Design- - Phone:8008546148 0218 USA Money Clip 1 $6.75 12 $81.00 0 0 $12.99 $155.88 $74.88 Gift 0219 USA Hat Clip&Ball Mark 1 $2.75 12 $33.00 0 0 $5.99 $71.88 $38.88 Gift 1840 Divot Tool 1 $7.11 100 $710.87 0 0 $11.95 $1,195.00 $484.13 Gift Dollar Totals for Golf Design 124 $824.87 $1,422.76 $597.89 Golf Gear - Phone:7148994274 0216 Ladies 3&8 set 1 $150.00 2 $300.00 0 0 $219.99 $439.98 $139.98 Clubs Dollar Totals for Golf Gear 2 $300.00 $439.98 $139.98 Golf Max Phone: 1744 Towel Golf Max 1 $3.00 133 $399.00 0 0 $6.95 $924.35 $525.35 Gift Dollar Totals for Golf Max 133 $399.00 $924.35 $525.35 Golf Sales Phone: 2260 Stand Tees 1 $1.84 1 $1.84 0 0 $3.95 $3.95 $2.11 Gift Dollar Totals for Golf Sales 1 $1.84 $3.95 $2.11 Golfer's Gallery Phone:8008911193 3190 Pocket Caddy 1 $8.50 1 $8.50 0 0 $14.99 $14.99 $6.49 Gift 7010 Handbag Tapestry 1 $19.00 1 $19.00 0 0 $39.95 $39.95 $20.95 Gift Dollar Totals for Golfer's Gallery 2 $27.50 $54.94 $27.44 High Range Phone:2087872277 0206 Tee GN 1 $10.00 17 $170.00 0 0 $16.99 $288.83 $118.83 Men's 0207 Tee LS GN - 1 $12.00 10 $120.00 0 - 0 $19.99--- $199.90 --- $79.90 ---Men's 11 I Company Phys Cost of Quanttf Tnit-?: GoodsEi Reader Retain TotaLRetail otentlal Profi de Pro ii ame Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Dollar Totals for High Range 27 $290.00 $488.73 $198.73 Hornungs Phone: 0247 Cookie Jar 1 $17.00 5 $85.00 0 0 $34.99 $174.95 $89.95 Gift 0248 Bowl 9"Glass 1 $14.00 2 $28.00 0 0 $29.99 $59.98 $31.98 Gift 0249 Plate 11"Glass 1 $24.00 2 $48.00 0 0 $39.99 $79.98 $31.98 Gift 0250 Wine Stopper 1 $5.50 12 $66.00 0 0 $8.99 $107.88 $41.88 Gift 7026 Soap 1 $7.50 1 $7.50 0 0 $14.95 $14.95 $7.45 Gift 7027 Holiday Omament/Stand 1 . $5.00 7 $35.00 0 $9.95 $69.65 $34.65 Gift 7029 Holiday Tees in a Tree 1 $5.00 2 $10.00 0 0 $9.95 $19.90 $9.90 Gift 7030 Holiday Golf Balls 3pk 1 $3.20 7 $22.40 0 $8.00 $56.00 $33.60 Gift 7031 Porcelain Figurine 1 $7.50 1 $7.50 0 0 $14.95 $14.95 $7.45 Gift Dollar Totals for Hornungs 39 $309.40 $598.24 $288.84 Huge Sportswear Phone:8019757146 0204 Tee MTL/ST 1 $10.00 46 $460.00 0 0 $16.99 $781.54 $321.54 Men's 0205 Tee LS MTIJST 1 $12.00 22 $264.00 0 0 $19.99 $439.78 $175.78 Men's Dollar Totals for Huge Sportswear 68 $724.00 $1,221.32 $497.32 International Golf Phone:8004091169 249 FI-Beyond Set&Bag 1 $147.00 1 $147.00 0 0 $249.95 $249.95 $102.95 Clubs 250 PutterF-1 1 $11.25 1 $11.25 0 0 $19.99 $19.99 $8.74 Clubs Dollar Totals for International Golf 2 $158.25 $269.94 $111.69 Izod Phone:9125261100 0036 Polo MW Logo 0104 1 $14.25 14 $199.50 0 0 $29.95 $419.30 $219.80 Women's 0123 Windshirt 0107 1 $24.00 2 $48.00 0 0 $49.95 $99.90 $51.90 Men's 12 I ' - l L-� -' L. sv zrl ! r76i F��i I@ rv4vd 'r-i sMJ k=vir� �-�ti_.1 :� [ v..r.7 �i_ ,u] G r: .':: �w"+:i� Lm: :`-'---- , -' '' - ' -, f -- --, -- -� , -7 ' ` i ----- • Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv. Goods in Units On. Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0124 WindvesE0107 --1----- -$22:00-_- ---2-- $44:00-- 0---- _ -p-=-=-$44.95 _ --$89.90 _-_---$45.90--- ens--- -- 0125 Tournament-Polo-iogoO107 1 S-14-25 19 $270.75 0 0 $34.95 $664,05 $39-3,30 Men's 0126 Sweatshirt0107 1 $19.00 10 $190.00 0 0 $44.95 $449.50 $259.50 Men's 0127 Tournament Polo 0107 1 $19.50 12 $234.00 0 0 $44.95 $539.40 $305.40 Men's 0131 Polo 0107 1 $29.00 38 $1,102.00 0 0 $59.95 $2,278.10 $1,176.10 Men's 0132 Button Down Shirt 0107 1 $29.00 13 $377.00 0 0 $59.95 $779.35 $402.35 Men's 1918 Polo Izod 0102 1 $19.60 36 $705.60 0 0 $59.95 $2,158.20 $1,452.60 Men's Dollar Totals for Izod 146 $3,170.85 $7,477.70 $4,306.85 Junior Golf Phone: 2246 Junior T-Shirt 1 $7.50 1 $7.50 0 0 $12.95 $12.95 $5.45 Men's 2247 Junior Hat 1 $7.95 I $7.95 0 0 $13.95 $13.95 $6.00 Hats 2248 Junior Bag 1 $22.95 3 $68.85 0 0 $39.95 $119.85 $51.00 Bags Dollar Totals for Junior Golf 5 $84.30 $146.75 $62.45 K Bell Phone:3108218539 3185 Ped Sock 1 $3.87 193 $747.33 0 0 $6.99 $1,349.07 $601.74 Women's 3186 Ped Sock Gift Bag 1 $8.00 44 $352.00 0 0 '$12.99 $571.56 $219.56 Women's 7042 Ped Shorty Sock 1 $3.25 5 $16.25 0 0 $5.99 $29.95 $13.70 Women's Dollar Totals for K Bell 242 $1,115.58 $1,950.58 $835.00 Kim Lugar Clay Art Phone:5035432510 0231 Clay ArtPin/Omament 1 $6.00 22 $132.00 0 0 $12.99 $285.78 $153.78 Gift - Dollar Totals for Kim Lugar Clay Art 22 $132.00 $285.78 $153.78 King Par - - - P-hone:_8107320427 0099 Optis Affinity Putter 1 $10.75 6 $64.50 0 0 $24.95 $149.70 $85.20 Clubs 13 l . Company Phys Cost of e._ Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0100 Affinity Wood 1 $32.00 3 $96.00 0 0 $75.95 $227.85 $131.85 Clubs 0110 Affinity 3&8 Graphite I $145.00 1 $145.00 0 0 $229.95 $229.95 $84.95 Clubs 0174 Affinity 3&8 Steel 1 $115.00 2 $230.00 0 0 $189.95 $379.90 $149.90 Balls 2297 Glove King Par 1 $3.25 36 $117.00 0 0 $8.95 $322.20 $205.20 Gloves Dollar Totals for King Par 48 $652.50 $1,309.60 $657.10 Knight Phone: 2273 Wedge Tour Classic 1 $39.99 1 $39.99 0 0 $39.99 $39.99 $0.00 Clubs • Dollar Totals for Knight 1 $39.99 $39.99 $0.00 Lady Fairway Phone:8132464414 3159 Westchester 1 $66.50 1 $66.50 0 0 $110.95 $110.95 $44.45 Shoes 3161 Naples 1 $56.00 4 $224.00 0 0 $89.95 $359.80 $135.80 Shoes 3162 Shaughnessy 1 $52.33 I $52.33 0 0 $89.95 $89.95 $37.62 Shoes 3164 Glove lady Fairway`' 1 $6.00 2 $12.00 0 0 $11.95 $23.90 $11.90 Gloves 3165 Glove 1/2 Lady Fairway 1 $4.50 3 $13.50 0 0 $9.95 $29.85 $16.35 Gloves 3166 Ped Sock Lady Fairway 1 $3.25 3 $9.75 0 0 $4.95 $14.85 $5.10 Shoes 3177 Tumberry 1 $36.00 1 $36.00 0 $69.95 $69.95 $33.95 Shoes 3178 Ventanna 1 . $56.00 3 $168.00 0 0 $89.95 $269.85 $101.85 Shoes 3179 Cypress 1 $53.00 2 $106.00 0 0 $89.95 $179.90 $73.90 Shoes Dollar Totals for Lady Fairway 20 $688.08 $1,149.00 $460.92 Lakeshirts Phone:8006272780 0090 Cart Parade£rop SWSH 1 $20.00 3 $60.00 0 0 $39.95 $Ifi9 85 $59 85 Wo nen`s 1014 Fleece/Sweatshirt Lakeshirts 1 $20.00 2 $40.00 0 0 $39.95 $79.90 $39.90 Women's Dollar Totals for Lakeshirts 5 $100.00 $199.75 $99.75 14 L.--.' i.,- szso..,-,, p�rnisa Fc.v;:..rJ v:L.%.va. L.,,..,;,' t<.-.8 Fuasr t fJ �rs+ri'(g1 Cva47c4' b.-:•-✓;ad' Asi.'$ - ----- ------ - --- - Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost . Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit - Category Line Up For Sport Phone:7146699880 . 0091 Del Mar Polo 1 $25.00 9 $225.00 0 0 $49.95 $449.55 $224.55 Women's • 0092 Del Mar Short 1 $28.00 4 $112.00 0 0 $56.95 $227.80 $115.80 Women's 0093 Del Mar Windshirt/Vest/Sweat 1 $34.00 4 $136.00 0 0 $68.95 $275.80 $139.80 Women's 0094 Del Mar Capri Pant 1 $30.00 1 $30.00 0 0 $59.95 $59.95 $29.95 Women's • Dollar Totals for Line Up For Sport 18 $503.00 $1,013.10 $510.10 MacGregor Phone: 3037 Magnetic Glove 1 $6.75 1 $6.75 0 0 $12.95 $12.95 $6.20 Gloves Dollar Totals for MacGregor 1 $6.75 $12.95 $6.20 Mahr . Phone:3609561514 • 237 Fleece Pullover Mahr 1 $42.80 4 $171.20 0 0 $89.99 $359.96 $188.76 Men's 238 Junior Fleece Vest 1 $19.04 3 $57.12 0 0 $39.99 $119.97 $62.85 Women's 239 Nassau Fleece Vest 1 $27.00 10 $270.00 0 0 $49.99 $499.90 $229.90 Men's 246 Chapman Vest . I $40.00 8 $320.00 0 0 $79.99 $639.92 $319.92 Men's 247 Berber Vest 1 $35.00 6 $210.00 0 0 $69.99 $419.94 $209.94 Men's 248 Junior Fleece Vest Mahr 1 $13.00 2 $26.00 0 0 $26.99 $53.98 $27.98 Women's 3124 Fleece Pullover 1 $32.00 3 $96.00 0 0 $69.95 $209.85 $113.85 Men's Dollar Totals for Mahr 36 $1,150.32 $2,303.52 $1,153.20 Maplewood Merchandise Phone:4254306800 1577 Hat Style#8 1 $7.58 76 $576.08 0 0 $12.95 $984.20 $408.12 Hats 1929 Child's Sweatshirt 1 $14.40 7 $100.80 0 0 $24.95 $174.65 $73.85 Women's 1982 Tylenol/Advil 1 $0.36 170 $61.20 0 0 $0.50 $85.00 $23.80 Non-Tax Merc 2249 ---- Hat Style#12 -- 1 $1-3.00 57 -- $741.00 0 - - 0 $19.95 ---$1,137.15- --- $396.15- --Hats 15 1 Company Phys Cost of uanti -� Potential Product Code Product Name -- � Inv=Goo s-m m n ear e� etas a to t- Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 2250 Hat Style#10 1 $9.74 203 $1,977.57 0 0 $15.95 $3,237.85 $1,260.28 Hats 2259 Staycool 1 $2.75 19 $52.25 0 0 $4.95 $94.05 $41.80 Merchandise 29 ' Used Range Balls(box) 1 I $0.25 75 $18.75 0 0 $30.00 $2,250.00 $2,231.25 Non-Tax Merc 30 Logo Ball 1 $0.69 221 $152.53 0 0 $2.00 $442.00 $289.47 Non-Tax Merc 31 Grip 1 $2.52 516 $1,299.24 0 0 $4.28 $2,206.31 $907.08 Merchandise 41 Used Ball 1 $0.32 580 $187.51 0 0 $1.25 $725.00 $537.49 Non-Tax Merc Dollar Totals for Maplewood Merchandise 1924 $5,166.93 $11,336.21 $6,169.28 Marcia I Phone:8004235208 3201 Polo Salsa 1 $33.00 5 $165.00 0 0 $48.26 $241.30 $76.30 Women's 3203 Jacket Salsa 1 $65.00 1 $65.00 0 0 $97.96 $97.96 $32.96 Women's 3205 Windshirt Salsa 1 $34.00 1 $34.00 0 0 $48.96 $48.96 $14.96 Women's 3206 Short Salsa 1 $33.00 1 $33.00 0 0 $48.26 $48.26 $15.26 Women's 3208 CampshirtSalsa 1 $29.00 1 $29.00 0 0 $17.99 $17.99 ($11.01) Women's Dollar Totals for Marcia 9 $326.00 $454.47 $128.47 Maxfli • Phone:8004765400 0010 Elite 1 $6.00 46 $276.00 0 0 $11.00 $506.00 $230.00 Balls 0081 Double Titanium 6Ball 1 $5.00 36 $180.00 0 0 $9.95 $358.20 $178.20 Balls 0101 Revolution Solid 1 $8.00 75 $600.00 0 0 $11.00 $825.00 $225.00 Balls 0102 DO NOT USE Tour Patriot 1 $3.13 29 $90.77 0 0 $7.00 $203.00 $112.23 Balls 0182 A10 1 $8.00 86 $688.00 0 0 $12.00 $1,032.00 $344.00 Balls 0183 Noodle 1 $3.75 94 $352.50 0 0 $8.00 $752.00 $399.50 Balls 109 Double Titanium 4ball --1 --- $3 5 3 $10.05- 0 0 $7.00 $21.00 $10.95 Balls 114 MD 4ball 1 $3.73 1 $3.73 0 0 $7.00 $7.00 $3.27 Balls 119 Revolution 1 $7.50 37 $277.50 0 0 $11.00 $407.00 $129.50 Balls 124 XS Distance 1 $5.00 2 $10.00 0 0 $7.50 $15.00 $5.00 Balls 16 -' - L.• v' - -85' 6`....,:k1-' & r.•`1 1 L;:t.:F 1 ...- 57 �.�:...:-.2 - ="r t,::72.1- c!--.7..A "^7, s C??os41-, - l 1 Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category =138--- - - Patriot- ----- - -- - 1 - - $6:69- = -- -81 $541.89-- _ - 0- --- 0 $11.00= ---$891-.00- -- - $349.11 -'Balls - 2244 Glove-XTixD 1 $6,50 51 $331-50 0 0 $l-1.9-5 $609.45 $27-7.95 Gloves 225 Double Titanium 1 $2.39 1 $2.39 0 0 $6.00 $6.00 $3.61 Balls Dollar Totals for Maxfll 542 $3,364.33 $5,632.65 $2,268.32 Moore Enterprises Phone:3603844140 0226 Bottle Coddle Golf Club 1 $8.75 13 $113.75 0 0 $14.99 $194.87 $81.12 Gift Dollar Totals for Moore Enterprises 13 $113.75 $194.87 $81.12 Never Compromise Phone:8006153792 0180 Putter NC 1 $73.00 6 $438.00 0 0 $109.95 $659.70 $221.70 Clubs Dollar Totals for Never Compromise 6 $438.00 $659.70 $221.70 Nike Phone: 0004 Tour Accuracy 1 $7.50 72 $540.00 0 0 $12.00 $864.00 $324.00 Balls 0006 Distance Control 1 $4.69 44 $206.36 0 $8.00 $352.00 $145.64 Balls 0008 Distance 1 $5.83 48 $280.00 0 $7.00 $336.00 $56.00 Balls 0075 Tour Accuracy(combo)4ba11 1 $10.66 5 $53.30 0 0 $15.00 $75.00 $21.70 Balls 1324 Air Carry Women's 1 $50.00 1 $50.00 0 0 $79.95 $79.95 $29.95 Shoes 1325 Stocking Cap Nike 1 $12.00 2 $24.00 0 0 $19.95 $39.90 $15.90 Hats 1983 Air Zoom Tour 1 $90.00 2 $180.00 0 0 $124.95 $249.90 $69.90 Shoes Dollar Totals for Nike 174 $1,333.66 $1,996.75 $663.09 Normed Phone: 1002 Sunscreen SPF 30 1 $1.08 1 $1.08 0 0 $2.95 $2.95 $1.87 Gift Dollar Totals for Normed 1 $1.08 $2.95- $1.87 17 I Company Phys Cost of Quantity--Unit tInv - Goods=iII Unit+=th Iitardet -Rctall -T al ictai 'aentiai Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Northwest Embroidery Phone: 0175 Together We Stand 1 $13.37 11 $147.07 0 0 $13.99 $153.89 $6.82 Men's Dollar Totals for Northwest Embroidery 11 $147.07 $153.89 $6.82 Novelty Neck'lies Phone:2539274500 0232 Neck Tie(poly) 1 $7.50 25 $187.50 0 0 $13.99 $349.75 $162.25 Gift 0233 Neck Tie(silk) 1 $11.25 6 $67.50 0 0 $19.99 $119.94 $52.44 Gift Dollar Totals for Novelty Neck Ties 31 $255.00 $469.69 $214.69 Ogio Phone:8016194100 0105 Stinger Bag 1 $118.50 1 $118.50 0 0 $179.95 $179.95 $61.45 Bags 0106 Jetstream Bag 1 $79.00 2 $158.00 0 0 $139.95 $279.90 $121.90 Bags Dollar Totals for Ogio 3 $276.50 $459.85 $183.35 On The Tee Phone: 1971 Ped Sock OTT 1 $5.00 5 $25.00 0 0 $7.95 $39.75 $14.75 Women's Dollar Totals for On The Tee 5 $25.00 $39.75 $14.75 Oregon Mudders Phone: 1969 Golf Boot 1 $50.00 1 $50.00 0 0 $74.95 $74.95 $24.95 Shoes Dollar Totals for Oregon Mudders 1 $50.00 $74.95 $24.95 Ouray Sportwear ___ Phone:_8006666724 0095 Windshirt Ouray 1 $18.00 11 $198.00 0 0 $39.95 $439.45 $241.45 Men's Dollar Totals for Ouray Sportwear 11 $198.00 $439.45 $241.45 • 1 18 ibItOre07 li-caa4;-:e �.w.:.,..,)I [...7.,.,,,a fir' 4§1 ti.,4,4 ,...,-:i f,,,,;--.:: 1 VY,7.431 L- Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category - Pacific-Golf'Accessorles Phone: • 0209 Collegiate Bag Tag 1 $8.50 6 $51.00 0 0 $14.99 $89.94 $38.94 Gift 0210 Collegiate Divot Gift Box I $16.00 11 $176.00 0 0 $24.99 $274.89 $98.89 Gift 0211 Collegiate Tees 50 pack 1 $4.50 16 $72.00 0 0 $7.99 $127.84 $55.84 Gift 0212 Collegiate Golf Balls 3 pk 1 $7.50 18 $135.00 0 0 $11.99 $215.82 $80.82 Gift Dollar Totals for Pacific Golf Accessories 51 $434.00 $708.49 $274.49 - --'Palaf'N-tHe Town R"ed ----- --- -- ---- - - ---- --- --- -------Phone:3606870551 0084 Plaque 1 $10.00 8 $80.00 0 0 $19.95 $159.60 $79.60 Gift 0085 Fat Jack 10x20 1 $65.00 1 $65.00 0 0 $129.95 $129.95 $64.95 Gift 0086 Crocodile Golf 11x14 1 $35.00 1 $35.00 0 0 $69.99 $69.99 $34.99 Gift 0087 Gift Card 1 $1.25 11 $13.75 0 0 $2.50 $27.50 $13.75 Gift Dollar Totals for Paint'N the Town Red 21 $193.75 $387.04 $193.29 Pelzer Golf Phone: 0012 Spike Soft Each 1 $0.19 205 $38.95 0 0 $0.50 $102.50 $63.55 Non-Tax Merc 0013 Spike Steel Each 1 $0.13 770 : $100.10 0 0 $0.25 $192.50 $92.40 Non-Tax Merc 0112 Sunscreen SPF15 1 $1.50 10 $15.00 0 0 $2.95 $29.50 $14.50 Merchandise 6178 Umbrella FP 1 $10.95 21 $229.95 0 0 $19.95 $418.95 $189.00 Gift 0179 Rain Hood 1 $3.25 11 $35.75 0 0 $6.95 $76.45 $40.70 Bags 1567 Rain Bag Cover 1 $5.95 11 $65.45 0 0 $14.95 $164.45 $99.00 Bags 1721 Hand Warmer 2pk 1 $0.47 450 $211.50 0 0 $2.00 $900.00 $688.50 Non-Tax Merc 2172 Gaurtex 1 $0.94 9 $8.46 0 0 $2.00 $18.00 $9.54 Non-Tax Merc 224 Blistex 1 $1.32 11 $14.47 b . 0 $1.99 $21.89 $7.43 Merchandise -- - _ 27__ _ - _ Tees_ 1 $0.02 3400 $80.24 0 0 $0.25 $850.00 $769.76 Non-Tax Merc 3014 Softspike set 1 $4.-75 20 $95.00 0 0 $7_95 $15200 $64 00 Shoes . 19 .1 Company Phys Cost of nv- oo i . e RI oftnha Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit . Category 32 Towel Hook I $0.13 14 $1.82 0 0 $0.25 -$3.50 $1.68 Non-Tax Merc 33 Ball Markers/3 1 $0.13 485 $63.05 0 0 $0.25 $121.25 $58.20 Non-Tax Merc Dollar Totals for Pelzer Golf 5417 $959.74 $3,057.99 $2,098.26 Perfect Grip Phone: 244 Perfect Grip 1 $35.65 5 $178.25 0 0 $39.95 $199.75 $21.50 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Perfect Grip 5 $178.25 $199.75 $21.50 Pilgrim Imports Phone:4147651200 0227 Card-Holiday Pin 1 $3.75 18 $67.50 0 0 $9.99 $179.82 $112.32 Gift 0228 Card-Critters Pin 1 $3.25 29 $94.25 0 0 $9.99 $289.71 $195.46 Gift 0229 Card-Golf Club Pin 1 $2.75 12 $33.00 0 0 $9.99 $119.88 $86.88 Gift Dollar Totals for Pilgrim Imports 59 $194.75 $589.41 $394.66 • Ping. Phone: • 0083 Stainless Putter 1 $56.50 7 $395.50 0 0 $84.95 $594.65 $199.15 Clubs 0150 Bag Pouch 1 $7.20 5 $36.00 0 0 $14.95 $74.75 $38.75 Bags 1648 IsoPur Putter . 1 $72.00 1 $72.00 0 0 $99.95 $99.95 $27.95 Clubs 1650 Bronze Putter 1 $54.00 1 $54.00 0 0 $78.95 $78.95 $24.95 Clubs 3036 Isoforce Putter 1 $90.00 1 $90.00 0 0 $129.95 $129.95 $39.95 Clubs 3080 Towel Logo(Large) 1 $10.00 13 $130.00 0 0 $15.95 $207.35 $77.35 Merchandise 3081 Towel Logo(Small) 1 $7.50 13 $97.50 0 0 $11.95 $155.35 $57.85 Merchandise 9044 SO Schuman Pitching Wedge 1 $71.17 1 $71.17 0 0 $99.95 $99.95 $28.78 Clubs Dollar Totals for Ping 42 $946.17 $1,440.90 $494.73 • Players Phone: • 1006 Glove Players 1 $4.50 12 $54.00 0 0 $11.95 $143.40 $89.40 Gloves 20 i ®...' '. ` I `IA.V94%0' ` ' kik''a,0 4i;;1 tis....;.Z.' 1;;.,,ii, Flt:j . troika! :i� c..,-,T. 3 'u.C,;;Ii .i.0 :.a� i CS n�z • I 1 , Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category Dollar Totals for Players 12 $54.00 $143.40 $89.40 Practice House Phone: 1745 Towel Practice House I $1.00 168 • $168.00 0 0 $3.95 $663.60 $495.60 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Practice House 168 $168.00 $663.60 $495.60 Premium Golf Phone:5617917784 139 Club Rain Cover - 1- $4.75 - 19 - $90.25 - 0 0 $9.95 $189.05 $98.80 Bags Dollar Totals for Premium Golf 19 $90.25 $189.05 $98.80 Proactive Sports Phone: 7012 Coffe Mug 1 $3.50 13 $45.50 0 0 $9.95 $129.35 $83.85 Gift 7013 Towel Proactive 1 $3.75 1 $3.75 0 0 $11.95 $11.95 $8.20 Gift 7014 Kid's Golf Set 1 $4.95 1 $4.95 0 0 $9.95 $9.95 $5.00 Gift 7015 Caddy Pouch Proactive 1 $2.95 2 $5.90 0 0 $14.95 $29.90 $24.00 Gift 7016 Picture Frame(clubs) 1 $5.95 1 $5.95 0 0 $14.95 $14.95 $9.00 Gift 7018 Lamp 17" 1 $24.95 8 $199.60 0 0 $49.95 $399.60 $200.00 Gift 7020 Business Card Holder A 1- $9.25 1 $9.25 0 0 $19.95 $19.95 $10.70 Gift 7022 Business Card Holder B 1 $3.25 6 $19.50 0 0 $9.95 $59.70 $40.20 Gift Dollar Totals for Proactive Sports 33 $294.40 $675.35 $380.95 Rainsweater Phone: 2291 Rainsweater 1 $55.00 4 $220.00 0 0 $87.95 $351.80 $131.80 Men's Dollar Totals for Rainsweater 4 $220.00 $351.80 $131.80 Ram Phone: 21 i Company Phys Cost of -Qu Product Code Product Name anti V off s- - e ai alai o en la Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 132 XDC Extra Distance I $2.00 47 $94.00 0 0 $5.00 $235.00 $141.00 Balls 133 Tour Extravaganza 1 $2.57 19 $48.83 0 0 $5.00 $95.00 $46.17 Balls 134 Tour Reactive 1 $3.80 110 $418.00 0 0 $7.50 $825.00 $407.00 Balls 137 XV2 Tour 1 $2.00 17 $34.00 0 0 $6.00 $102.00 $68.00 Balls Dollar Totals for Ram 193 $594.83 $1,257.00 $662.17 Rana • Phone:5107833370 0239 Ornament X350 1 $3.50 60 $210.00 0 0 $7.99 $479.40 $269.40 Gift 0240 Ornament X250 1 $2.50 34 $85.00 0 0 $4.99 $169.66 $84.66 Gift 9052 SO Meier vase 1 $3.75 6 $22.50 0 0 $4.13 $24.78 $2.28 Gift 9053 SO Ruff garland 1 $5.50 2 $11.00 0 0 $6.05 $12.10 $1.10 Gift Dollar Totals for Rana 102 $328.50 $685.94 $357.44 Rosie Industries Phone: 2185 Club Brush 1 $1.29 60 $77.40 0 0 $2.95 $177.00 $99.60 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Rosie Industries 60 $77.40 $177.00 $99.60 Sabona Phone: 2251 Copper Wristband 1 $7.45 1 $7.45 0 0 $13.95 $13.95 $6.50 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Sabona 1 $7.45 $13.95 $6.50 Short Strokes Phone:2067721357 0151 Putter Rosewood/Myrtlewood 1 $75.00 2 $150.00 0 0 $99.95 $199.90 $49.90 Clubs Dollar Totals for Short Strokes 2 $150.00 $199.90 $49.90 Sir Christopher Phone: • 22 - c�w,MI ted0.40 1::�%+r.8 4w,.:'.Q1 G:iw,..iil' py:Y*:A d_:w� 6Ys:{Lii5.12 • Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name . Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category - ----- ------ 1123 Towel SC T 1 $7.25 83 $601.75 0 0 $11.95 $991.85 _ $390.10 Merchandise Dollar Totals for Sir Christopher 83 $601.75 $991.85 $390.10 Slazenger Phone: . 0003 Sweatshirt Logo Slazenger . 1 $24.75 3 $74.25 0 0 $49.95 $149.85 $75.60 Men's 0096 US Open 2001 Polo 1 $28.54 12 $342.48 0 0 $41.95 $503.40 $160.92 Men's 0097 US Open 2001 Hat 1 $10.95 1 $10.95 0 0 $19.95 $19.95 $9.00 Hats 0109 Players 1 $7.75 41 $317.75 0 0 $11.00 $451.00 $133.25 Balls 0136 Ryder Cup Ol Polo 1 $27.50 20 $550.00 0 0 $59.95 $1,199.00 $649.00 Men's 0138 Ryder Cup Hat&Raw Distanc 1 $21.95 8 $175.60 0 0 $39.95 $319.60 $144.00 Men's 0197 Sweatshirt#143 1 $25.00 192 $4,800.00 0 0 $49.95 $9,590.40 $4,790.40 Men's 2195 Glove Conditions II 1 $5.95 5 $29.75 0 0 $9.95 $49.75 $20.00 Gloves 2197 Glove Select II 1 $9.95 64 $636.80 0 0 $14.95 $956.80 $320.00 Gloves 241 Raw Distance 1 $5.25 126 $661.50 0 0 $7.50 $945.00 $283.50 Balls 242 Power Control 1 $6.13 4 $24.52 0 0 $8.00 $32.00 $7.48 Balls 243 DC Tour 1 $6.50 64 $416.00 Q 0 $10.00 $640.00 $224.00 Balls 3063 Challenge4ball 1 $2.49 181 $450.69 0 0 $7.00 $1,267.00 $816.31 Balls 3086 T-Shirt B Slazenger . 1 $12.00 1 $12.00 0 0 $12.99 $12.99 $0.99 Men's Dollar Totals for Slazenger 722 $8,502.29 $16,136.74 $7,634.45 Softspikes Phone: . •1005 Softspike Black Widow 1 $6.25 16 $100.00 0 0 $10.95 $175.20 $75.20 Shoes Dollar Totals for Softspikes 16 $100.00 $175.20 $75.20 Spalding Phone: 0001 _ _ - Strata 3 sleeve pack- 1 $10.00_ 79 $790.00 0 _ 0 $19.95 $1,576.05 - $786.05 Balls 0009 Wedge Spalding 1 $75.00 4 $300.00 0 0 $99.95 $399.80 $99.80 Clubs 23 Company Phys Cost of s=rr--- aii . - tail i otental Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0071 Strata Tour Pro 9 Ball Pk 1 $12.50 67 $837.50 0 0 $19.95 $1,336.65 $499.15 Balls 0080 Etonic Difference Glove 1 $9.00 3 $27.00 0 0 $15.95 $47.85 $20.85 Gloves 153 XL 6ball 1 $6.33 26 $164.58 0 0 $9.95 $258.70 $94.12 Balls 155 ZBalata 1 $6.00 1 $6.00 0 0 $10.00 $10.00 $4.00 Balls 1633 Gambler Hat ' I $13.50 2 $27.00 0 0 $24.95 $49.90 $22.90 Hats 220 XL2000 Ball 1 $3.41 731 $2,492.71 0 0 $3.68 $2,690.08 $197.37 Balls 2214 Stand Bag Spalding 1 $65.00 1 $65.00 0 0 $109.95 $109.95 $44.95 Bags 3136 Etonic Dri Lite 1 $27.00 4 $108.00 0. 0 $54.95 $219.80 $111.80 Shoes 7038 Strata Tour Pro 1 $6.25 8 $50.00 0 0 $10.00 $80.00 $30.00 Balls 7039 Strata Pro Distance 1 $5.00 9 $45.00 0 0 $8.00 $72.00 $27:00 Balls 7040 Strata Pro Balata 1 $6.25 14 $87.50 0 0 $10.00 $140.00 $52.50 Balls 7041 XL Pure Distance 4 Ball 1 $2.67 164 $437.88 0 0 $7.00 $1,148.00 $710.12 Balls Dollar Totals for Spalding 1113 $5,438.17 $8,138.78 $2,700.61 Sport Chef Phone:8008201279 0193 Hor-d'oeuvre Pic Set 1 $7.00 3 $21.00 0 0 $13.95 $41.85 $20.85 Gift E 0195 Pen/Pencil Holder SC 1 $5.00 4 $20.00 0 0 $9.95 $39.80 $19.80 Gift 0196 Bottle Chiller 1 $17.00 4 $68.00 0 0 $34.95 $139.80 $71.80 Gift Dollar Totals for Sport Chef 11 $109.00 $221.45 $112.45 Sun Mountain Phone: 0028 Vest SM0301 1 $48.16 12 $577.92 0 0 $99.95 $1,199.40 $621.48 Men's 0029 Winshirt SM0301 1 $39.56 16 $632.96 0 0 $89.95 $1,439.20 $806.24 Men's 0066 - Front 9-Bag - 1 $75.00 -1 $75.00 0 0 $129.95 $129.95 $54.95 Bags -- 1768 Headcover Sun Mt 1 $4.50 4 $18.00 0 0 $9.95 $39.80 $21.80 Clubs 1896 Jacket Monsoon 1 $39.00 1 $39.00 0 0 $69.95 $69.95 $30.95 Men's 2280 Jacket Typhoon 1 $54.00 4 $216.00 0 0 $97.95 $391.80 $175.80 Men's 24 - --- - -- - ImacaKnco1 spirmosa �atimavdw mg ��::..:;ss uae,;.v:.0 i%,mu;.414 sum i�tRif risk.vVs ,:w=�%�di sx::,�a �� R.:�� 1 -- - , - - -- Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category ------- - - -------------------- - --------------------------_-- ---------- -------------------- 3016 Henley Solo Pullover 1 $38.00 1 $38.00 0 0 $75-95- $7595- $37 95 ma's 3098 Vest Reversible 0 $695 $129 90 $6fi90 Men's 7043 Speed Cart 1 $118.89 1 $118.89 0 0 $189.95 $189.95 $71.06 Bags Dollar Totals for Sun Mountain 42 $1,777.77 $3,665.90 $1,888.13 Sunderlund Phone: 207 Vest 1/2 Zip LDS 1 $32.00 1 $32.00 0 0 $64.99 $64.99 $32.99 Women's • ' 209 Cygnet LDS 1 $83.00 1 $83.00 0 0 $166.99 $166.99 $83.99 Women's • 3008 Pullover(reversible) 1 $42.00 2 $84.00 0 0 $84.95 $169.90 $85.90 Men's Dollar Totals for Sunderlund 4 $199.00 $401.88 $202.88 Sunlce Phone: 0192 1/2 Zip Pullover 1 $19.50 44 $858.00 0 0 $69.95 $3,077.80 $2,219.80 Men's 3100 Windshirt Sunice 1 $50.00 7 $350.00 0 0 $99.95 $699.65 $349.65 Men's 3116 Fleece 1/2 Zip 1 $32.00 4 $128.00 0 0 $99.95 $399.80 $271.80 Men's 3117 Vest Sunice 1 $44.00 1 $44.00 0 0 $89.95 $89.95 $45.95 Men's 3118 Windshirt 0600 Sunice 1 $24.50 2 $49.00 0 0 $49.99 $99.98 $50.98 Men's 3174 VestMicrofiberLDS 1 $44.00 4 $176.00 0 0 $89.95 $359.80 $183.80 Women's 3176 Jacket Sunice 1 $25.00 4 $100.00 0 0 $99.95 $399.80 $299.80 Men's Dollar Totals for Sunlce 66 $1,705.00 $5,126.78 $3,421.78 Sutton Sportswear Phone: 1016 Crop LDS 1 $23.00 1 $23.00 0 0 $29.95 $29.95 $6.95 Women's Dollar Totals for Sutton Sportswear 1 $23.00 $29.95 $6.95 Titleist Phone: 0025 Pro VI 1 $8.68 117 $1,016.10 0 0 $14.00 $1,638.00 $621.90 Balls 25 Company Phys Cost of Quant. ro ucct Co'o a ro u ame Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0171 NXT Tour 1 $5.00 3 $15.00 0 0 $8.00 $24.00 $9.00 Balls 0181 Cart Mitts Fleece 1 $14.00 13 $182.00 0 0 $22.95 $298.35 $116.35 Hats 0217 Practice Pro Vl 1 $5.00 75 $375.00 0 0 $8.00 $600.00 $225.00 Balls 1026 Glove Perma Flex 1 $9.00 5 $45.00 0 0 $15.95 $79.75 $34.75 Gloves 1027 GlovePlayersA 1 $11.75 59 $693.25 0 0 $19.95 $1,177.05 $483.80 Gloves 1053 Glove Perma Soft 1 $7.75 204 $1,581.00 0 0 $14.95 $3,049.80 $1,468.80 Gloves 1098 Umbrella Titleist 1 $21.00 2 $42.00 0 0 $29.95 $59.90 $17.90 Merchandise 1501 DT Distance 1 $4.75 159 $755.25 0 0 $7.50 - $1,192.50 $437.25 Balls 173 DT Spin 1 $5.50 48 $264.00 0 0 $7.50 $360.00 $96.00 Balls 179 HP Tour 1 $5.50 163 $896.50 0 0 $10.00 $1,630.00 $733.50 Balls 187. PINN Gold Distance 6ba11 1 $5.00 87 $435.00 0 0 $9.95 $865.65 $430.65 Balls 190 Pinn Junior Extreme 1 $13.00 11 $143.00 0 0 $19.95 $219.45 $76.45 Balls 19f PINN Titanium 4ball 1 $4.25 1 $4.25 0 0 $8.50 $8.50 $4.25 Balls 192 Pinn Golf for Women 1 $2.30 6 $13.80 0 0 $6.50 $39.00 $25.20 Balls 194 Professional 1 $8.00 54 $432.00 0 0 $12.00 $648.00 $216.00 Balls 196 PINN Titanium 1 $3.25 157 $510.25 0 0 $6.00 $942.00 $431.75 Balls 2011 Hat Fleece Winter 1 $10.50 9 $94.50 0 0 $19.95 $179.55 $85.05 Hats 2174 Sunday 1 $30.00 1 $30.00 0 0 $49.95 $49.95 $19.95 Bags 2307 Vokey Wedge 1 $75.00 6 $450.00 0 0 $99.95 $599.70 $149.70 Clubs 252 Tour Distance SF 1 $6.29 107 $673.06 0 0 $10.00 $1,070.00 $396.94 Balls 3015 Bullseye Putter 1 $42.00 2 $84.00 0 0 $69.95 $139.90 $55.90 Clubs Dollar Totals for Titleist 1289 $8,734.96 $14,871.05 $6,136.09 Tommy Hilfiger Golf Phone:9125261100 0113 Towel TH 1 $7.50 4 $30.00 0 0 $15.95 $63.80 $33.80 Merchandise 0115 Polo TH RWBY 1 $32.00 23 $736.00 0 0 $64.95 $1,493.85 $757.85 Men's 0116 Sweatshirt TH RWBY 1 $28.00 1 $28.00 0 0 $59.95 $59.95 $31.95 Men's 26 IOWNED 1 t.cast4s 6"a4i� Fes➢ Ci:L4:a4 ie: iwr: Fu,-;;Tb e:y`>7 Iiig44. J �i:,:x;1i t Jl I"=...'i" II' raTA L "'?0f71 I ' Company Phys Cost of Quantity Unit Inv Goods in Units On Reorder Retail Total Retail Potential Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category 0139 Sleeveless Blouse Navy/Lav 1 $24.00 - - 2 $48.00 -0-- - $49:95- -- $99.90 -- - --- omen s ------- 0140 Crew T-Sliiirt Navy/Lav 1 $16 25 1 $i 6. 0 $29.95 $29:95 $13-70 Women 0141 Polo Navy/Lav 1 $27.50 2 $55.00 0 0 $59.95 $119.90 $64.90 Women's 0142 Sleeveless Polo Navy/Lav 1 $26.00 3 $78.00 0 0 $49.95 $149.85 $71.85 Women's 0144 Polo Basic Navy/Lav 1 $19.75 2 $39.50 0 0 $44.95 $89.90 $50.40 Women's 0145 Cap'Hilfiger'Navy/Lav 1 $7.00 8 $56.00 0 0 $14.95 $119.60 $63.60 Women's 0146 ShortNavy/Lav 1 $32.50 4 $130.00 0 0 $59.95 $239.80 $109.80 Women's 0148 Sweater Navy/Lav 1 $36.25 1 $36.25 0 0 $69.95 $69.95 $33.70 Women's 0149 Windvest Navy/Lav i $37.50 1 $37.50 0 0 $74.95 $74.95 $37.45 Women's Dollar Totals for Tommy Hilfiger Golf 52 $1,290.50 $2,611.40 $1,320.90 Wilson Phone: 2184 Glove Select 1 $5.60 14 $78.40 0 0 $9.95 $139.30 $60.90 Gloves 2217 Bag Wilson 1 $88.00 1 $88.00 0 0 $129.95 $129.95 $41.95 Bags 226 Glove Conform 1 $5.61 72 $403.92 0 0 $9.95 $716.40 $312.48 Gloves Dollar Totals for Wilson 87 $570.32 $985.65 $415.33 Zad Phone:8004772216 . • . . . . 0241 USA Bracelet 1 $4.00 9 $36.00 0 0 $6.99 $62.91 $26.91 Gift 0242 USA Bobby Pins pr 1 $1.50 48 $72.00 0 0 $2.99 $143.52 $71.52 Gift 0243 USA Earrings 1 $2.00 12 $24.00 0 0 $3.99 $47.88 $23.88 Gift 0244 USATatoo 1 $2.50 12 $30.00 0 0 $3.99 $47.88 $17.88 Gift 0245 USA Necklace 1 $1.50 12 $18.00 0 0 $3.99 $47.88 $29.88 Gift 0246 USA 3pc Pin Set 1 $2.00 18 $36.00 0 0 $4.99 $89.82 $53.82 Gift Dollar Totals for Zad 111 $216.00 $439.89 $223.89 Zarah Phone:3104550885 ' • 27 I Company Phys Cost of Quantit' Il i* lnv Go9-d-s_in Units=On Reorder Retail Total_ReJail- P-oteniial - - -- Product Code Product Name Per Unit Cost Count Stock Order Level Price Value Profit Category - 0222 Earring Golf Club 1 $9.75 6 $58.50 0 0 $19.99 $119.94 $61.44 Gift 0223 Necklace Golf Club 1 $17.75 2 $35.50 0 0 $36.99 $73.98 $38.48 Gift 0224 Pin Luggage/Lady Golfer 1 $14.00 7 $98.00 0 0 $24.99 $174.93 $76.93 Gift Dollar Totals for Zarah 15 $192.00 $368.85 $176.85 ZEVO Golf Phone:9092962030 0152 Wood W/SFW7 1 ' $15.00 9 $135.00 0 0 $69.95 $629.55 ' $494.55 Clubs 0153 Wedge W/MTI10 1 $15.00 6 $90.00 0 0 $59.95 $359.70 $269.70 Clubs 0154 Set 3-PW 1 $120.00 1 $120.00 0 0 $199.95 $199.95 $79.95 Clubs Dollar Totals for ZEVO Golf 16 $345.00 $1,189.20 $844.20 Grand Totals 15511 $85,807.30 $161,748.92 $75,941.61 • 28 - - - - - I I ® � ae�wm anwx ' a+a:�,a ''u-„-d iMw4 �;X �.Ai� Fi�si�< .*-:-.- .;;d gN r;=.a S;ten-,?ril :c ::alil 'Lc.•-" Product Quantity Units In Units On Reorder Retail Code Product Name Company Name Company Contact Per Unit Stock Order Level Class TaxCode Price 7011 Camera Maplewood Merchandise 1 0 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7012 Coffe Mug Proactive Sports 1 11 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7013 Towel Proactive Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST S11.95 -- - -_- ---- 7014 Kid's Golf Set-- -- --Proactive-Sports--- --_---,_- ___-_ ,-- _ 1 0 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7015 Caddy-Pouch-Proaetive Proactive-Sports 1 1 0 - —0 --R- _ WSST•=_-= -$-14.95- -_-_ _ _- _-_ 7016 Picture Frame(clubs) Proactive Sports 1 0 0----- 0 R WSST $14.95 7017 Coaster Set(6) Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $14.95 7018 Lamp 17" Proactive Sports 1 8 0 0 R WSST $49.95 7019 Bookends Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $29.95 7020 Business Card Holder A Proactive Sports I 1 0 0 . R WSST $19.95 7021 Desk Organizer Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $19.95 7022 Business Card Holder B Proactive Sports 1 5 0 0 R WSST $9.95 • 7023 Picture Frame(chrome) Proactive Sports 1 -I 0 0 R WSST $24.95 7024 Letter Opener Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7025 Key Chain(divot tool) Proactive Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7026 Soap Homungs 1 1 0 0 R WSST $14.95 - 7027 Holiday Omament/Stand Homungs 1 7 0 R WSST $9.95 7028 Holiday Ornament Glass Homungs 1 0 0 0 R WSST $14.95 7029 Holiday Tees in a Tree Homungs 1 2 0 0 R WSST $9.95 7030 Holiday Golf Balls 3pk Homungs 1 5 0 R WSST $8.00 7031 Porcelain Figurine Homungs - 1 1 0 0 R WSST $14.95 7033 Pin A14 Far Fetched 1 19 0 0 R WSST $24.99 7035 Necklace Far Fetched 1 10 0 0 R WSST $24.95 7036 Bracelet Far Fetched 1 0 0 0 R WSST $29.95 7037 Floating Heart Sweatshirt by Taylor 1 2 0 0 R WSST $24.95 7038 Strata Tour Pro Spalding 1 4 0 0 R WSST $10.00 7039 Strata Pro Distance Spalding 1 9 0 0 R WSST $8.00 7040 Strata Pro Balata Spalding 1 14 0 0 R WSST $10.00 7041 XL Pure Distance 4 Ball Spalding 1 164 0 0 R WSST $7.00 7042 ; Ped Shorty Sock K Bell .1 4 0 0 R WSST $5.99 7043 4 Speed Cart Sun Mountain 1 1 • 0 0 R WSST $189.95 9001- --SO Osborne-3-Wood - -- --Ping ____ 1 0 0 0 R WSST $187.34 77 ------- 1 Product Quantity Units In Units On __ Code Product Name Company Name Company Contact Per Unit -r er Reder Level Class TaxCode -Retail 9002 SOJ3iskock_ = 1away- - - -- - -- 1 0 .--Cr -•--0- R WSST -- . -$399.95 9003 SO Walther Bag Belding Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $95.98 9004 SO BRYANT R1110.5 3204 Taylor Made 1 0 0 0 R WSST $399.95 TIGR 9005 SO YOUNGQUIST$ Foot Joy 1 0 0 0 R WSST $93.81 9006 SO ROBERTS Baggy Jones Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $99.95 9007 SO Espe 975F ProliteX Titleist 1 0 0 0 R WSST $269.95 9008 SO TOLL Polo,)( Sun Mountain I 0 0 0 R WSST $39.60 9009 SO TOLL V-Cross,y. Sun Mountain 1 0 0 0 R WSST $57.75 9010 SO Bainott 53407)( Foot Joy 1 0 0 0 R WSST $108.11 9011 SO Toll Rain Pant), Sun Mountain 1 0 0 0 R WSST $51.43 9012 1)1/ SO Osborne Jacket Sunlce 1 0 0 0 R WSST $51.50 • 9013 SO Gleason Driver 8.5 X Ping 1 0 0 R WSST $169.65 9014 SO Toll Pullover;, Sun Mountain 1 0 0 0 R WSST $44.00 9015 SO Jones Club, Redbird 1 0 0 0 R WSST $79.99 • 9016 SO Gamba Club; , Callaway 1 0 0 0 R WSST $686.56 9017 SO Graybeal 5 wood Ping 1 0 0 0 R WSST $170.42 9018 SO Toll/Gleason Putter Ball Carbite 1 0 0 0 R WSST $24.66 9019 SO Lightening Shoe`x Foot Joy 1 0 0 0 R WSST $100.75 9020 SO Jim Hoofer Bag Ping 1 0 0 0 R WSST $122.42 9021 SO Mills 3 Wood,. Callaway 1 0 0 0 R WSST $199.95 9022 SO Graybeal 1 wood Ping 1 0 0 0 R WSST $170.42 9023 SO Hawk Driver,( Titleist 1 0 0 0 R WSST $340.00 9024 ! SO Sheen Shoe Foot Joy 1 0 0 0 R WSST $114.95 9025 : SO Toll 3-9PW;)(. Ping 1 0 0 R WSST $311.66 9026 SO Chopper Bag Jones Sports 1 0 0 0 R WSST $199.95 9027 ' SO Espe Hawkeye Club Callaway 1 0 0 -_0---R--WSST--- $379.95- 9028 ' SO McClintock Wood& Ping - --- - 1 0 0 0 R WSST $187.49 9029 SO Shimek 3-9PW$• Ping 1 0 0 0 R WSST $596.73 9030 SO Sappington Sand WedgeCleveland Golf 1 0 0 0 R WSST $99.95 9031 ' SO Osborne Bag( Ping 1 0 0 0 R WSST $122.50 9032 SO Wakeman DCI 981 Titleist 1 0 0 0 R WSST $482.20 t 78 i i -. ... `.�...r r .._;, L-.wd L.,:t 12,- Lbm&rA1 ';,;;:li L,-;,,i L,-Atz= 6=21N.Lu &'''_.-1 E:: � ftxv1i�n1 e' 1 pmuur � ,mo� Quantity units In Units On Reorder Retail Code Product Name Company Name Company Contact Per Unit Gm'k Order Level Class Tax�u' Price w03 8O0�vmcS� m n| �� uw --�------ ----- ------'------------'— ' ' ' ' o o 0 R WSST $100.75 9034 SOGyrt Leeeuvkne}( Cd|unu� O O O a w8ST $313.53 9035 SODinio,DC|98l~� TiUvim � O O O D wSST $534.42 -~~903O-�-'`SD Gleason Driver- -.. _^Jztlnim,. _`,,, ._ � O O O R WSST $275.37 ---3037 | SOomn:n4'3 . ,, ,~ ^- ^__O~ �� vv83lF^~ . S514.40~ vmo SO Liberty yu logo ball Tiudm 9039 SO Toll winu,urt Cutter&Buck O o O R vmoT $29.11 90*0 S0 Toll gcuucov,, Tiu,/st O O o a WSaT 07y8 90*/ 3O Benson Set Adams / o O O o wuuT s356.03 90*2 30 Walther Set Ping ^ � O O o u vvuyT $xzoya 9043 3O Snowden Shoe 5a5os rvotJoy \ O O O a W3ST $111.39 9044 SO Schuman Pitching rino \ 1 O O R vvSuT 89995 Wedge � 9045 SD Leifer Jucxer( Cutter&Buck / O O o a W3uT $39.96 9046 80 Employee s'pw o,idgcs/ooc 1 O O O R v/SST $298.72 9047 SO Hazen Logo auU$ Ilddxt O O O R vvSST 030.00 9048 Newport Club 7ldv(st O 0 O D vv3ST $199.95 9049 S0 Liberty Bags Ping \ '7 O O R WSST $108.30 900 3Uwiohmd |xszz8'|�N Nike � O O O � v/SoT �\z995 oo " � 9051 SO Meier Frog pin/c|ip& Far Fetched 1 O O O O WSST $9.50 ooxz SO Meier vase nunu 0 o o u w3oT $4.13 9053�< SO Ruff garland` Konu l O O O D vvSST $0.05 9900 Hm.C|cumnc,Su Maplewood Merchandise l '\ V O D vvSST $5.00 ;YO) Hat Clearance 3}0 Maplewood Merchandise \ O O O R vv8ST $|O.00 "Does not include any inventory with Discontinued flag turned on � 79 II Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course P. 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Jan-02 3 r Renton,WA. 98058 11 "v I A Cash Account -' Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep E e 01/16/02 39037 0 Wade Osborne 'I Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 39037 10/24/01 Sold To Ship To A Cash Account A Cash Account t p ' Ai Payment Terms h $41.07 , rs Total: $41.07 I} I Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price 11 NXT PROMO DOZEN 0177 WSST 1 $19.95 $0.00. $19.95 t' SO Toll Headcover 9040 WSST 1 $7.98 $0.00 $7.98 IS SO Toll Headcover 9040 WSST 1 $7.98 $0.00 $7.98 _ DR Bucket Special 22 N/A 1 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 DR Bucket Special 22 N/A 1 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 tm Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice 1 Pe $37.91 $3.16 Total $41.07 'g II Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 x Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $41.07 s Notes: 1 12 1 -1/ ' 1 i '' 1 ij1 j 1 1 I _ I� Mike R Toll Colj� rofessional Duplicate Invoice I M',apleW000d Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 jlRentoa,WA. 98058 j - A Cash Account Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Rep 01/16/02 3032 0 Tom Walther Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 32032 08/03/01 Sold To Ship To A Cash Account A Cash Account Payment Terms Personal Check $133.28 Total: $133.28 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Osborne Bag I 9031 WSST 1 $122.50 $0.00 $122.50 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $122.50 $10.78 Total $133.28 I I Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 i I Credit Applied: $0.00 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $133.28 • Notes: I I, III 1 i- I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 -F� -11 A Cash Account - PO Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 26893 0 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order#, Order Date 26893 07/30/01 Sold To Ship To A Cash Account A Cash Account _ Payment Terms Personal Check $566.80 Total: $566.80 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Walther Set 9042 WSST 1 $520.96 $0.00 $520.96 • Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $520.96 $45.84 Total $566.80 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $566.80 - Notes: Ig • • ri �-J 1 1 1 1 Mi e R Toll j ;IGolJProjessional Duplicate Invoice Mapleiood Golf Course 4050 Madle Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 ;Renton,WA. 98058 I A Cash Account 1 I1 Invoice Date Invo ce/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep t 01/16/02 18789 0 John Shimek Ship Via Customer X Ref Order# Order Date 18789 06/05/01 Sold To Ship To A Cash Account A Cash Account 1 , , ,• Payment Terms 1 Personal Check $369.92 Total: $369.92 Item 'I Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Hawk Driver 9023 WSST 1 $340.00 $0.00 $340.00 ir Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice 1 $340.00 $29.92 Total $369.92 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 JCredit Applied: $0.00 iI Amt Charged: $0.00 S ,I **Cash Due: $369.92 LNotes: ,I t '1 j 1 .I 1 III� ., li_ 1 1 _ I d 1 Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice E- ., 1 Maplewood Golf Course 1 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan_02 �,{f a Renton,WA. 98058 rl ;1,1 A Cash Account 11 ,• a Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 9733 0 'Mike Toll i I Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 9733 05/04/01 Sold To Ship To A Cash Account A Cash Account Payment Terms isa $184.58 Total: $184.58 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Gleason Driver 8.5 9013 WSST 1 $169.65 $0.00 $169.65 i ;i Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $169.65 $14.93 Total $184.58 Debit Mdse: $0.00 'a Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $184.58 iiNotes: ii 1 j 1 1 —j,i i 1 1 I � � I Mike R Toll iGolfProfessivnn! Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Mai+Valley Highway 16 Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 1 ' Wade Osborne ,Pa. Invoice Date # Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 36295 412 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 36295 08/24/01 Sold To Ship To Wade Osborne Wade Osborne 1 ,Pa. ,Pa 1. Payment 1Cerms Personal Check !I $115.20 Total: $115.20 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price Polo South Pacific 0050 WSST 1 $26.40 $0.00 $26.40 SO Osborne Jacket 9012 WSST 1 $51.49 $0.00 $51.49 Repair 26 WSST 14 $2.00 $0.00 $28.00 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax- Invoice $105.89 $9.31 Total $115.20 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 Amt Charged: $0.00 . **Cash Due: $115.20 Notes: I I 'i I � Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 , Bill Hickok ,Pa. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 6707 207 Mike Toll Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 6707 03/25/01 ,_A Sold To Ship To Bill Hickok Bill Hickok ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Hickock Wood 9002 WSST 1 $385.23 $0.00 $385.23 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $385.23 $33.13 Total $418.36 Debit Mdse: $0.00 -�9 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $418.36 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: i Y 1 Lc • r',D I It '-._11 'I 1 '� 1 \ , Mike R Toll j Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 1 i I Tom Walther r ,Pa. Invoice Date invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep _ 01/16/02 1 41558 590 Wade Osborne Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date', 41558 12/21/01 Sold To Ship To Tom Walther Tom Walther ;Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms 1 1 Visa $27.52 Total: $27.52 Item I Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price Ornament X350 0239 WSST 2 $3.85 $0.00 $7.70 ' Ornament X250 0240 WSST 2 $2.75 $0.00 $5.50 SO Ruff garland 9053 WSST 2 $6.05 ' $0.00 $12.10 ' Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $25.30 $2.22 Total $27.52 Debit Mdse: $0.00 +I Debit Service: $0.00 ' Credit Applied: $0.00 . Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $27.52 INotes: ' , I 1 I 1 II Mike R Toll I Golf Professional Duplicate II voice , Maplewood Golf Cotuse il 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 Chuck Bryant ,Pa. .s fvoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. SaleRep rY01/16/02 3778 65 Mike Toll 12 i Ship Via Customer X Ref Order# I Order Date 3778 I 03/14/01 91 Sold To Shil To —4 Chuck Bryant Chuck�Bryant ,Pa. ,la. il II Payment Terms C•'h $0.00 II Total: $0.00 I Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price II SO BRYANT RH 10.5 320 TI GR 9004 WSST 1 $399.95 $0.00 I $399.95 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $399.95 $34.40 Total I $434.35 Debit Mdse: $0.00 1 - Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $434.35 , Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 1 i Notes: I iIi A 'Ii i i I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway /6-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 I I Bob Youngquist ,Pa. fInvoice Date IInvoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 I. 3777 625 Mike Toll Ship Via Customer X-Ref I Order# Order Date! L 3777 03/14/01• lj I, - Sold T Ship To Bob Youngquist Bob Youngquist ,I Pa. ,Pa. ,,Payment Terms_ Cash �i $0.00 Total: $0.00 • Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO YOUNGQUISTI 9005 WSST 1 $93.81 $0.00 $93.81 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $93.81 $8.07 Total $101.88 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $101.88 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: -- - 'I II q - I 1 1 Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate invoice -- Maplewood Golf Course1 } 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 r k f 1 Jack Roberts ,Pa. . Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Saki Rep r i 01/16/02 3776 472 Mike Toll 1 1 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 3776 j 03/14/01 Sold To Ship To Jack Roberts Jack Roberts • ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms •,!h $0.00 ` . I Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price , SO ROBERTS Bag 9006 WSST 1 $99.95 $0.00 $99.95 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice I $99.95 $8.60 Total $108.55 1 Debit Mdse: $0.00 ' _' Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $108.55 ,' Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 3 Notes: J Sl • 1 _p I I rl I I f ri RToll ofessiorral Golf Pri DUP lic ate Invoice I�- Maplew...Golf Course 40501Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 '1 Brian Espe ,Pa. I j _ d r Invoice Date Invoic/ Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 I 3779 141 Mike Toll Ship Via Customer X Ref Order# Order Date 3779 03/14/01 IF Sold To Ship To Brian Espe Brian Espe I ,Pa. ,! ,Pa. Payment Terms -1 Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO ESPE 975F PROLITE 9007 WSST 1 $269.95 $0.00 $269.95 I N/A 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $269.95 $23.22 Total $293.17 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $293.17 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 !I Notes: 1 _ I I II I !I I -- '1 / i 1. ' ;I I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 c ae Renton,WA. 98058 � k`v • Brian Espe ,Pa. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale S e# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep f°p � 01/16/02 21326 141 �Mike Toll Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 21326 06/16/01 Sold To Ship To Brian Espe Brian Espe I — Pa. ,Pa. i Payment Terms • h $0.00 Total: $0.00 j Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Espe Hawkeye Club 9027 WSST 1 $379.95 $0.00 $379.95 ' Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $379.95 $33.44 Total $413.39 Debit Mdse: $0.00 i a Debit Service: $0.00 • Credit Applied: $413.39 Amt Charged: $0.00 j **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: • J 2pi cj 1 I ii --- Mice R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice I MaplewoodGolf Course 4059 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 RentoU,WA. 98058 9 it II Mike Toll ,Pa. it Invoice Date Tnvoiee/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 F 5298 568 • Kirk Gleason • Ship Via Customer X-Ref • Order# Order Date 5298 03/16/01 _- Sold To Ship To Mike 11,o1l Mike Toll ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Visa $49.06 II Total: $49.06 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO TOLL Polo 9008 WSST 1 $39.60 $0.00 $39.60 SO TOLL V-Cros 9009 WSST 1 $57.75 $0.00 $57.75 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice f $97.35 $8.38 Total $105.73 .. Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $56.67 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $49.06 Notes: • - i - I I' I 1 Mike R ToII Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice -- 1 Maplewood Golf Course i 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 -Le rii 1 ill Mike Toll --f, ,Pa. '- sa Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 6727 568 Tom Walther __1,1 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 6727 04/14/01 Sold To Ship To Mike Toll Mike Toll ,Pa. ,Pa. --id Payment Terms I Visa $85.58 Total: $85.58 ;1 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Toll Rain Pant 9011 WSST 1 $51.43 $0.00 $51.43 Sweatshirt Logo Slazenger 0003 WSST 1 $27.23 $0.00 $27.23 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice , t-1 $78.65 $6.93 Total $85.58 } Debit Mdse: $0.00 �: Debit Service: $0.00 f1 Credit Applied: $0.00 i Amt Charged: $0.00 -g**Cash Due: $85.58 1 Notes: ,_il i 1 1~ i Mike R Toll c Duplicate Invoice I�Iv y�rvfessfonat P Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 'Renton,WA. 98058 1 i Mike Toll ,Pa. r Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep i 01/16/02 2'187 568 Tom Walther it Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 29187 07/20/01 Sold To Ship To Mike Toll Mike Toll ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment erms Cash I� $0.00 • Tonal: $0.00 Item 1 Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Toll 3-9PW 1 9025 WSST 1 $311.66 $0.00 $311.66 SO Toll Pullover 9014 WSST 1 $44.00 $0.00 $44.00 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $355.66 $31.30 Total $386.96 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $386.96 Amt Charged: $0.00 • **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: i-- I ' � 1 HE- 1 Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf CourseI t 4050 Maple Valley Highway 1 t5 Jan-02 aw Renton,WA. 98058 Mike Toll f4 ,Pa. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 41554 568 Mike Toll Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order Order Date 41554 09/26/01 Sold To Ship To Mike Toll Mike Toll Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount extended Price SO Dinius DCI 981 9035 WSST 1 $534.41 $0.00 $534.41 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $534.41 $47.03 Total $581.44 Debit Mdse: $0.00 j Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $581.44 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: IL U 1 it it Mike R Toll 1 -_ Golfrrofessiona1 Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Rento7,WA. 98058 I I � { I I Bob Bamott III ,Pa. kInvoice Date Invoiee/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 II 5651 20 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 5651 04/04/01 Sold To Ship To Bob Bamott Bob Bamott I I i I ,Pa. ,Pa. Payinent Terms Cash $21.45 Total: $21.45 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Bamott 53407'' 9010 WSST 1 $108.11 $0.00 $108.11 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $108.11 $9.51 Total $117.62 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 r- Credit Applied: $96.17 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $21.45 Notes: it i I � I 1 I - I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 0 ter: Si Dave Jones ,Pa. ' Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 8885 252 Leon Lightening - Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order it Order Date 8885 04/27/01 r Sold To Ship To Dave Jones Dave Jones Pa. ,Pa. }a Payment Terms • Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Jones Club 9015 WSST 1 $79.99 $0.00 $79.99 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $79.99 $7.04 Total $87.03 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $87.03 Amt Charged: $0.00 - **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: 7.1 I— i f I II Mike R Toll Duplicate Invoice olf Professional P h•laplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Menton,WA. 98058 Ili Marc Gamba • ,Pa. _ I Invoice Date " Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 12127 163 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 12127 04/29/01 Sold To Ship To Marc Gamba Marc Gamba ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms r"- I Visa $578.46 Total: $578.46 it Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Gamba Club 9016 WSST 1 $686.56 $0.00 $686.56 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $686.56 $60.42 Total $746.98 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $168.52 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $578.46 Notes: it ! � I • i I r- I li _ it i Mike R Toll GolfProfessional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Ja -02 :p; Renton,WA. 98058 4� Leon Lightening f1 ,Pa. p Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 12396 308 Wade Osborne _ . Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 12396 j 05/01/01 Sold To Ship To Leon Lightening Leon Lightening Pa. ,Pa. , 1 Payment Terms Vis. $112.62 ,I Total: $112.62 {i t Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price i .a QR Bucket Special 22 N/A 1 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 R Bucket Special 22 N/A 1 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 t R Bucket Special 22 N/A 1 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 O Lightening Shoe 9019 WSST 1 $100.75 $0.00 $100.75 (? ,a Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $103.75 $8.87 Total $112.62 r Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 Amt Charged: $0.00 - --- - -- -- **Cash Due: $112.62 __ r• N,tes: .., ' j • 1-A i I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice laplewood Golf Course 405?Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 aenton,WA. 98058 DougMills I I ,Pa. Invoice Date ' Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep t_ 01/16/02 , 11358 343 Staszewski Darryl Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 11358 05/14/01 -' Sold To Ship To Doug•'Mill Doug Mills i I - ,Pa. P'aymeitt Terms Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Mills 3 Wood 9021 WSST 1 $199.95 $0.00 $199.95 I Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $199.95 $17.60 Total $217s5 Debit Mdse: $0.00 -- .I Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $217.55 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: I I 11 • i I I-- I ' I I I I I I i I 11 ', ir Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course r� 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Jan_02 d'Y Renton,WA. 98058 re • F5 0 Ryan McClintock ,Pa. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 30382 362 Kirk Gleason -� Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 30382 07/26/01 Sold To Ship To Ryan McClintock Ryan McClintock ,Pa. ,Pa. li Payment Terms _ h $181.26 Total: $181.26 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO McClintock Wood 9028 WSST I $187.49 $0.00 $187.49 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $187.49 $16.50 Total $203.99 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $22.73 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $181.26 • Notes: • • . j li Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice aplewood Golf Course 40 0 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 'II Renton,WA. 98058 - � I I I II '1 _ 1 L. John Shimek ,Pa. 'I r- Invoice Date 11 Ihvoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep I 01/16/02 p 27291 504 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 27291 07/11/01 - Sold To Ship To John'Shim k John Shimek _ ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Visa I, $649.24 otal: $649.24 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price I , SO Shimek 3-9PW 9029 WSST 1 $596.73 $0.00 $596.73 1 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $596.73 $52.51 Total $649.24 Debit Mdse: $0.00 ` I Debit Service: $0.00 r _ 1 Credit Applied: $0.00 L_ 1 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $649.24 Notes: - - I I _ I • I I I Ii j 1 t Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 16-Ja 4050 Maple Valley Highway -02 - .. Renton,WA. 98058 1 i= Rick Sappington ,Pa. 1 ,a I Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sages Rep 01/16/02 27359 484 I I Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 27359 I 07/11/01 Sold To Ship To Rick Sappington Rick Sappington F; Pa. ,Pa. _ Payment Terms 111' h $0.00 r, Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Sappington Sand Wedge 9030 WSST 1 $99.95 $0.00 1 $99.95 1.1 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $99.95 $8.80 Total $108.75 �� Debit Mdse: $0.00 '- _`.A Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $108.75 ra ; Amt Charged: $0.00 -j **Cash Due: $0.00 -a Notes: —i I • I I , i I L—i o Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice .'I Maplewood Golf Course - '1 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 . : i , Michael Wakeman i�_ ,Pa. 4 Invoice Date II Invoice/Sale# _ . Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 01/16/02 40825 584 Mike Toll i; Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 11 40825 09/20/01 o Sld To Ship To • Michael 1 Wakeman Michael Wakeman i 1 • ,iPa. ,Pa. _ , I Paym,nt Terms Cash $82.50 ? I, Total: $82.50 Item II Product Code Taxable ' Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price i SO Wakeman DCI 981 9032 WSST 1 $482.20 $0.00 $482.20 v_ .11 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $482.20 $42.43 Total $524.63 i Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $442.13 Amt Charged: $0.00 I, **Cash Due: $82.50 .I __ Notes: 1, r 1 , 1 a ,I r- i I I I__ 11 ' 1, , L I 11 I i, 1 it Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 11 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 i III Gyrt Lee ,Pa. 4 Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 42528 297 WadelOsborne _ Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 42528 10/02/01 Sold To Ship To Gyrt Lee Gyrt Lee I ,Pa. ,Pa. A Payment Terms sa $169.43 4 Total: $169.43 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Gyrt Lee Hawkeye 9034 WSST 1 $313.53 $0.00 $313.53 ' Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $313.53 $27.59 Total $341.12 Debit Mdse: $0.00 ' # Debit Service: $0.00 _ Credit $171.69 a Amt Charged: $0.00 -..:;3 **Cash Due: $169.43 Notes: I 1111 I , 1 j J 1 t Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice 1 Maplewood Golf Course '1 4 50 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 I1 I , 1 I 1 ' I Jerry Dronen ,Pa. — Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep _ 01/16/02 '. 40401 126 Tom Myers Ship Via Customer X Ref Order# Order Date 40401 11/20/01 Sold Tp Ship To Jerry Dronen Jerry Dronen i 1 - ;1 Pa. ,Pa. r-, ,,Payment Terms Cash a $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Dronen 4-SW#3 9037 WSST 1 $514.40 $0.00 $514.40 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $514.40 $45.27 Total $559.67 '1 • Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 'I Credit Applied: $559.67 it Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 j I I I Notes: I 1 1 • j1 I • • Ir i I I I I, i I 1 } I I 1 - 1 I MikeRToll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 i LIBERTY HS ,Pa. - :t voice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Re 101/16/02 47016 306 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref I Order# Order Date 47016 j 11/29/01 Sold To Ship To LIBERTY HS LIBERTY HS Pa. ,Pa. _ Payment Terms 1h $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Liberty Bags 9049 WSST 5 $100.00 $0.00 $500.00 '. Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $500.00 $44.00 Total $544.00 Debit Mdse: $0.00 d-m Debit Service: I $0.00 Credit Applied: $544.00 - ,fie Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: '= . -4 a i en 11 1 _J i Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 I 'I r- I, LIBERTY HS ,Pa. ,I I Invoice Date'1 Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 47933 306 Kirk Gleason li Ship Via Customer X Ref Order# Order Date r— 47933 12/21/01 Sold T Ship To LIBERTY HS LIBERTY HS I_ ,IPa. ,Pa. Paymlent Terms ` - Cash $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Liberty Bags 9049 WSST 7 $100.00 $0.00 $700.00 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice I 'I $700.00 $61.60 Total $761.60 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $761.60 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: .I - I n • � I I I r I II I _ I .I ,I I I, I 1 j - I 'I I E Mike R Toll I Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course i II 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16 Jan i 02 11 Renton,WA. 98058 ,].. Randy Leifer ,Pa. L A � nvoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sales Rep 1 01/16/02 41269 299 Tom Myers '- 1 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date - 41269 j 12/12/01 Sold To Ship To Randy Leifer Randy Leifer ,Pa. a. Payment Terms Cafh $18.26 I Total: $18.26 j I Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price s ISO Leifer Jacket 9045 WSST 1 $39.96 $0.00 $39.96 1 1 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $39.96 $3.52 Total $43.48 • Debit Mdse: i $0.00 i Debit Service: i $0.00 Credit Applied: $25.22 i'i; il Amt Charged: $0.00 I- **Cash Due: $18.26 I 1— Notes: - - - I I 1 :I Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 14- 11 4 50 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 I Hazen HS ,WA. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D._ • Sales Rep 01/16/02 47265 779 Kirk Gleason Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date 47265 12/05/01 ' 1 Sold'Ijo Ship To Hazen S Hazen HS II ;I WA. ,WA. Payment Terms Cash II $0.00 Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price SO Hazen Logo Ball 9047 WSST 1 $336.60 $0.00 $336.60 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $336.60 $29.62 Total $366.22 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $366.22 Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 Notes: 1 II I` I li I� I - - it _ 1 it I ii Mike Ra To Duplicate Invoice GolfProfession Uo! P Fl Maplewood Golf Course iJ 4050 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 ri Don Wissbrod ,Pa. _9y I,I voice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer I.D. Sale4 Rep I P 101/16/02 46971 614 Wade Osborne 1 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# j Order Date 46971 11/27/01 Sold To Shi1i To Don Wissbrod Don Wissbrod _ 1. Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Cas $0.00 `a li Total: $0.00 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price .O Wissbrod 183228-141-00 9050 WSST 1 $109.95 $0.00 $109.95 I 11 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $109.95 $9.68 Total I $119.63 $ Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: I $119.63 „ i Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $0.00 I otes: ' A J . J I — Mike R Toll Golf Professional Duplicate Invoice Maplewood Golf Course 4)50 Maple Valley Highway 16-Jan-02 Renton,WA. 98058 - ill Dayna Meier ,Pa. Invoice Date Invoice/Sale# Customer P.O. Customer LD. Sales Rep 01/16/02 47849 338 Ship Via Customer X-Ref Order# Order Date � I — 47849 12/19/01 Sold To Ship To Dayna Meier Dayna Meier III ,Pa. ,Pa. Payment Terms Visa $40.69 !l Total: $40.69 Item Product Code Taxable Qty Unit Price Discount Extended Price Bangle Bracelet 0221 WSST 6 $1.65 $0.00 $9.90 Clay Art Piti/Omament 0231 WSST 1 $6.60 $0.00 $6.60 SO Meier Frog pin/clip 9051 WSST 2 $10.45 $0.00 $20.90 Purchase Sub-Total Sales Tax Invoice $37.40 $3.29 Total $40.69 Debit Mdse: $0.00 Debit Service: $0.00 Credit Applied: $0.00 I ill Amt Charged: $0.00 **Cash Due: $40.69 Notes: it --" II 1 Overview of Invoice Tracking As part of the inventory review, the undertaking of tracking invoices through the system was conducted. The inventory that had been counted but was not logged into Pro- Shopkeeper(PSK) inventory was completed on December 19, 2001. A reportlof dates pertaining to when inventory was added to PSK was valid through/January 17, 2002. To summarize, the report identifies all of the merchandise in PSK as of January 17, 2002. Attached are 38 invoices identified as questionable or an observation. Intermittently, questions were asked of particular invoices. Most answers • were inadequate and could not be resolved. II Nike Received 2-21-01 I p. When added into inventory on 3-12-01, 144 sleeves were received. On same !° day, added 48 more sleeves stating in notes, "po#4 error s/b 1444." Advised to remove the 48 sleeves from inventory. Staff recounted this product in the pro-shop. The count was 82. Current inventory shows 42. Advised to add 40 sleeves due to inventory error. f.: - IY 1 - III _rP - I f • I it I- I - R 9 1 PAGE NIKE ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER NUMBER INVOICE DATEV %J 1- • INVOICE NUMBLI( / 1 ! 1 OF 1 31573477.01 1. 1033.494 .00OP.00 02/14/01 38218323 iiiiiiiii.11111...° ORDERED BY NEED DATE VENDOR NUMBER CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 2001 102/0,1/01, I MAPLEWOOD Ll//�(�!/� O SALES PROGRAM t PACKING LIST NUMBER TERMS BEGIN�AS OF TERMS PBNL NVOICE- 4% 90 DAYS NET 91 ,� ORDER TYPE SPECIAL LABEL INSTRUCTIONS GUNS NO. 05-095-7364 AVPROP BILL TO SHIP TO — 200� MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY C F RENTON F EB 1 4 0 5 0 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY _ MAPLE FOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 ..::.: -•;: . .:::: . ::.>::<:::::... .....;;;. SACK .:: 7N1T::i7 :;. E :»: N.T PRI TOTAL ...:Wi GT:im O�SCR .;:.;iC7 .... MiEAS�iRE . 0 444 . ,0003-101-00 D MI SC EACH ?REC DISTANCE CON GOLF BALL DZ iITE �- 444 . 0 i -� -f 5.,. **SUBTOTALS** ,: 24 24 0 - , . ,�y.. '"2Let )35-101-Q.0 MI SC EACH LZS6 36 0 14 . 00 504 . 0 EKE PREC DIST 2 GLF BALL DZ ..AT/WHT. ' *SUBTOTALS** LL �: 36 fr 36 . f. 0 « , �stt' C to t0 ' ,4-.. • z . - 01- q MI SC EACH 24 0 24 L0016 REC TOUR ACCU RACY LACY (DOZEN) �ITE P 24 =,,0. 24 . :��, a s ,^�r••:> . � f1^� �:4_� � •Rrt �'ss��, .��r.{ �;y:�**SUBTOTALS** � ,. �<j• �. �� 1 -„`st - ,. . Ate __ . t ***** MERCHAIDISE TOTALS***** 84 60 24 948 .+ I piogiggegg .mvTin: :i: wootaim 1111.111 DATE SHIPPED i SHIPPED I ROM O 0 5 9 3 7 0 7 SHIPMENT METHOD SHIPPING CHARGE SHIPPED VW WAREHS 15. 02/14/01 MEMPHIS APRL UNITED PARCEL SERVICE .µy�a����t���. NO. OF CARTONS WEIGHT BILL OF LADING NO. i i• :a�f:7:J 14 PRO NO. (IF APPLICABLEI :::;.:.•..:<,:..a:>:;?; ::<. 91. 3 5 ::.. :::N <::::. ALL NIKE USA. INC. PRODUCTS Al E SOLD F.O.B. SHIPPING POINT AND PAYMENT TERMS ARE CALCULA M ,� :.• _�` .w•�} ' + ' FROM INVOICE DATE UNLESS SPE:IFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE BY NIKE. y 4 r \ ,:r- t' ?s . `�, ai A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1 1/2% 'ER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL PAST DUE INVOICES. THIS r : �'` x ' '� , a AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%. • a� iFT. d ? +� ^� i x /. QC1 ANTICIPATION DISCOUNTS ARE NC T ALLOWED. � ^ , 'i „ f ,� 'fie , , 45 1F RE.............. NO RETURNS WITHOUT PRIOR AI HORIZATION FROM MBE. SHORTAGE CLAIMS MUST BE MADE t1K io, �{ � C y_ e e A t x? QCti 6 4 ' ' WITHIN !0 DAYS OF RECEIPT. �,L �(1r,ael^TION FEES AND COSTS MUST BE PAID BY PURR --_ ..-...... •.... .,..re,nwee oM REVERSE SIDE OF PAGE 1 ._._— roo+wo. w e1:H..croon r v— ` FEB 2 2 2001 PACKING LIST PAGE#: 1 q P.O. NO: MAPLEWOOD DEPARTMENT: CUSTOMER NO: 001033494.0000000 III y NIKE- Memphls Apparel CS/DC SHIP TO: 5151 Shelby Drive i Memphis, TN 38118 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 1 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY 800-433-6453 RENTON, WA 98058 TOTAL CARTONS: 3 SHIPMENT SUMMARY BY CARTON pe P.O. NO: MAPLEWOOD CUST 553707 STYLE CLR UOM SIZE PACK QTY UNITS STYLE NAME COLOR _.i DCMS ORDER#:553707 CARTON#:00000912050307008946 (CARTON 1 OF 3 , I •RDER#: 31573477.01 STORE#: DEPT#: -' GL0035 101 01 PR DST2 DZ WHT/WHT CUST.SKU: MISC a ` 12 12.00` - TOTAL FOR STYLE O Vel. 12.0 0./ - TOTAL FOR CARTON 12 12.0 0 DCMS ORDER#:553707 CARTON#:0009 912050307008953 (CARTON 2 OF 3 ,� Nam- DER#: 31573477.01 STORE#: DEPT#:101 01 P}9 DST2 DZ WHT/WHT _ CUST.SKU: MISC 24 24 .00/ TOTAL FOR STYLE 24.00 TOTAL FOR CARTON 4 24.00 DCMS ORDER#:553707 CARTON#:00000912050307008960 (CARTON 3 OF 3 , --, < ER#: 31573477.01 STORE#: DEPT#: 101 01 P,REC DIST C WHITE CUST.SKU: MISC 24 24 ..00 TOTAL FOR STYLE 24 2400`� _b TOTAL FOR CARTON 24 .24.007- TOTAL FOR ORDER 6........" 60 60.00 IOF . (09,\P _ , __.\9(\'''' ( I (a 1 / 0/ T0,714/ 16 SLUG:49495 WAVE: 714 REL DATE: 2/12/2001 1131111111 127140307008946 1600 t 00000912050307 00894 6 REL TIME: 22:17:09 i PAGE#: 2 SHIPMENT SUMMARY BY PRODUCT CUST STYLE CLR UOM SIZE PACK QTY UNITS STYLE NAME COLOR GL0003 101 01 PREC DIST C WHITE . MISC 24 24 .00 TOTAL FOR STYLE 24 24.00 GL0035 101 01 PR DST2 DZ WHT/WHT oai.a u: MISC 36 36.00 TOTAL FOR STYLE 36 36.00 TOTAL FOR P.O. 60 60.00 • SLUGe49495 WAVE: 714 REL DATE: 2/12/2001 111111)10111 7460 00000912050307 00894 6 REL TIME: 22:17:09 CIT Group/EP Pro Received 3-6-01 Reviewed list of items not logged into PSK inventory and current PSK inventory list. These items cannot be located and they are not on golf course premises. I inquired but received an inadequate response. I • 2 • i • L_QJIC, ,,;-„�;M ;1 13°1 PLEASE REMIT CHECKS TO: INVOICE ✓KT&C' • THE C I T URUvr-.,..,sseiMERC I AL SERVICES • -. —.1/4J 8 West 40th Street PO BOX 1036 DATEV S PAGE pNew York,NY 10018 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1036 2/28/01 179743 1 (212)302-7255 R o I Fax:(212)302-5982 VENDOR# 93-139-551 DUNS#. PAYMENT DUE 3/30/01 . MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF. RENTON SHIPPED C €TY OF RENTON 4030 MAPLE VALLEY HWY TO 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 • •liar aiTirr. a ""TAM CUSTOMER P.O.NO. ,a 'po i`: ,.....' eiconP 3_5.`,;, URORDERNO..RE - TERMS APIO•- UPS 86162 OUR 167195 342 NET 30 WHSE ��. . t,j N k • _ ER EXT N .. _:_..... ..,ems. m._....,azs1—r n!-.-..,.. .. - - - .. .. n..Jarffi.S.u..�x.. 347CD 410 SILK HERRINGBONE SOLID S/L SHIRT 1 39. 00 EA 39. 00 348CD 412 SILK H/B S/L TROPICAL PRINT SHIRT 1 39. 00 EA 39. 00 346CD 412 SILK H/BONE 18"T P'�,CAL PRINT SARONG 1 44. 00 EA 44. 00 341CD 050 17"S/W MCRFBR� F ONT SHORT 1 39. 00 EA 39. 00 i •L UNITS 4 I ic3Iiiifa 25/ 40. 25 1_4 I P R a III claims for returns must be made in writing within 5 days from receipt of goods.RETURNS NO.OF 1 ® � ' 120, 75 V1LL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT OUR RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER CLEARLY PKGS. S "T� • >HOWN ON THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR PACKAGE. 5' 46 FOR INQUIRIES . ;. CUSTOMER CALL PAY THIS 126. 21 1 (800)462-5419 AMOUNT • • ��//'�� yes � �Y1�r 3"_�(, J' l •1 yh YI:.'S2T.fr } ��iV: 1kiT t/ LEWOOD .c s !.,4��.* r9Y�+ 0 , . -- ? t .r .. 1 ,r f a . .. r zt 1 p..„T• 'CJ H t ,� f •• ,.... _ }Y 1. ./� �+ rV• �j • , {•. �S r r •� t 7 ft4050 MAPLE:, ri..'S i F^�t? •/'H<M.•t,k .a ,�,t's-i' r 4kl cit .A. )1 - re '' �ti.i i_t,;: .;� o -:*• T., a••.i4�� ZJY d.t Y•�:S'- '" [.' t8� ^ ' a�1P.w Q V t .fS'l1.t4' 4'4 . _.rt""r4,x. j 4r .✓r.t.;... ..,' r :. j -1... 44, • y,;; r • ..> 1• Ra��r.�' w �&i 7 rl t t tf' , t .h ` RENTUN f ;"1. , ' ' BQ5H' P R O ;<? xs' a'E=• 441V3,;' ', ' h 4 ,tr-p� USTOP,1ER P.O.NO. cjio)az. . DEPT. { ;;tilt''! :' �� f eJ t1F:i }. f= ;~• I «✓. of*Z.3; 1r .r( - I '' i UPS N. r.1 10/12iOO -, - •r•,j . -• \ . -!> ,,r�(r+��Qqf�t STYLE COLOR NO. NO. DESCRIPTION SIZE SCALE ,i >t s[;rEc� 'I .,lit. f, L ' L • SMAL MED XLR0 X XLfi 'X X XL =.-. •-...,,g(-.• < . j 1,,,,Ei,..11 .- c ; a- • -T - ., i r r +u k s .b .r i' - w .o s. fir r, rt "� 4,u� ``P u`! ,-; , .• i M„ Eft„' xX 44 i _ ` a r" .0 1346CD SILK 'H/BONE 15"TROliii I Pr NAVY MULTI :,..:: E . ,....•,;.,.... 2. `,4„,,,,,,17/4.7,::;‘,0!ii...:0,,,mk:.c.,`„?!..s.,,, tc.„‘'96,;::::. • .. ,, t •• ylt F 'k �I tt.,`, , ,k 1` 1 e' • 4 S 3 r a t J r'.iN4 J,v r' )Lys& "- t'' ..... . ._ .-t" ... aof s' ,,',;GYP.Al ; Et A 4 4112 • , cA. , fit( \ 4 x a d ��ra�'. r-f.•.f.� . �t" F '—,.... 1, - ' r U'� c. tc*-y r , r-T1r Y� i� y -• ^� > _1` a• ...7�i •`,y hirl'y f` F . * ♦?,?, t � Y r `. - ,ry t �+ J ,? A 7J v fit •I ',Are; !i.," e ▪1,e- _ Ft 1% r f� tis .2t,.,.._:-a .x '1 s c ,5, �}� �• w y,. �s!i . @)k:L r. ar? .. r.+fir • �!''*�,' i _s :1 �r • Th. .ei f Ja. 75 . .• ` J - r ):.4.• �. R,_.. 'f . � ` ft" , V T `. ' T F�#lRR•T ± i L_ ir� ! { - 4. „it, ct i it yr 'f ,T ; a r a t ' •tiK2t• t 1 s . • y., ar * 'rixs . cA.41. a4 Alk..-qpi v.T� ��',- " ''.c• . `- •,] .r [ 't 0' + . , -''.."?'"i:.h P -_ .•r 'y'f ,, +r • `i '' *, . �F4r4:#''., ,RtJcjX4Ztl W! ^?44.'.t 5 2'.(. "" .:8?7<' iA 6 ... 1,i'� s.L:.-. .... -.t. . . . ; 4. • • • �' `'• ''n� ',S't R r +,i 4i",s y�,��* tag'+tail .y t�„_ ... �, s �,.-. 'i '1T r • qy t �ti� �y 3 : wL �7,_ r �, f•�f gl Ei�+r k"t r ' �t4.,. •�ufA�SYi9stil. 4.�;�F1 � iaYgl'1 C Y/�r fK a .) �4r1R '6>q �t �3 `• r�rr_. 9.r1� n! 4,.. .... + NY� 1,; c t ins fi ' rN! •r .:: ,r?•. d 3 t r " _tr V ,d .., ,'TfY +r e .i v 4 RVti.h fI 1�� rr • � 5., ' Ti,t' �t f+'° . • .✓. '•- !, ' - !"` 0Ir - ',.. 't ,pi TT .f f✓ t '( t•w 4.•1 d, .it,„-, f '< t ��4�A �•"� fJ;���y,, . .rv, id .t- At t .e�.t �X.Rt,i�,, y r y' Y�'i•, I i _ Y�Y JS. ems, y #� f�i'�✓4'L r e : •5 }-i a -, tf•. .- «s t� ,, y+,a..s M� `. i'iQi'•".k " j���f� i! ... trf•.,'1 q �- -v F � t� f J:t`s.�r.. '�dV"7rC� 'tint orb ta` •a3 X�'. • •� r K `eJ T•J\. r c3'•'.: 4c•c. ;_ le g. ,1 r • ". l r , Se V r �:+ • gi BYA. , ,i-t •• �I ds.- • ,' All claims for returns must be made In writing within 5 days requesting our authorized return permit.RETURNS WILL NOT DE ACCEPTED 1 -/ I� T s f,, -;`'r Ry UNLESS OUR AUTHORIZED PERMIT IS AFFIXED TO PACKAGE.No returns accepted or claims allowed after 5 days after receipt of goods. I j ° t u •• ` ■L44 �j rF • 1 Our receiving department will accept no merchandise unless they receive written notice stating reason for return l{ / Yraf 17 i i �1;. y ., . f�t�;. x. ya� a _ f. I is f +; 1 , ,^ ij.1 �.. � ;� I.. ( il 11lilt, l III l 11. �11 ; , I i• 1Ili t CIT Group/ EP Pro Received 3-6-01 All items received, priced and on floor except (1) South Pacific T-shirt, size small petite. This item is not priced and is located in the driving range storE room. 3 Eastern Pacific I PLEASE REMIT CHECKS TO: �1 '�►J r 2001 THE C I T G�?DUP1 COMMERC I AL SFRVI erg INVOICE p 8 west 4oth Street PO BOX 1036 „ New York.NY 10018 CHARLOTTE, NC 2820 1-1 036 ^ rr .0E�GE (212)302-7255 2/28/01 179760 1 P R o Fax:(212)302-5982 VENDOR# DUNS# 93-139-551 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSEPAYMENT DUE 3/30/01 SOLD CITY OF RENTON MAPLE R NGOLF TON COURSE SHIPPED • TO CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY TO 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY :`'_ RENTON WA 98058 • RENTON WA 98058 ACGOUNT;,NO. STORE N0 DEPT NOr CUSTOMER P.O.NO. i *" *� I~ ,-> HIppED A a;•. f'ertICKE:€'i; iErdO'.t3.;�''`=OUR ORDER N0. MAP 100 Jj O/ a TERMS I (p Zj UPS 86340 OUR 16719• 342 NET 30 I' ys>_'tx ii ,, -yk C.OLOR'' '': r$�u '=n"#'�.+Y-'m°'> ° ''' .�q..:°j`.:•r ` �* .., WFiSE .a yl p „ p,. a .yk• •p,.. ,p,T ter, $R,>•0'° '''r`�' yt .'+'>it•,•'._s.r'�t. JBE`{x ^.GO:t °+rr� i3 N•., '.� ' ' '� .$ 41 .1lQN,� Y,''�A :+i. pT ? zt�..''''`i+ ; "Lt :. •7'�...a = ,+� ,' >, ,., :r 101,, '• Alio- '0"..4.‘a ,,,40411133,,t, , ..:. 4341CD i.05 FINE GAUGE TROPICAL PRINT SHELL �� . 5341CD 105 PEBBLE STITCH POLO W/T€PPED COLLAR 1 24. 00 EA 7200 5346CD 105 JERSEY S/L POLO 'tr RDER COLLAR 3 24. 00 EA 4 . 00 5346CD 412 JERSEY S/L PDL 2 24. 00 EA BO DER COLLAR 48. 00 5347CD 250 SILK HERR€N2 39. 00 EA 78. 00 5347C3 � NE O D S/L SHIRT 2 39. 00 EA 410 SILK H € D S €RT 78. 00 5348C3 412 S€LK H/B /L T P CA `'' 2 34. 00 EA 78. 00 5382CD NT -4 K' RT '' 39. 00 EA 117. 00 105 COTTON/ RA /S TR P WY) T r'`' 6340CD 412 S/W f1CRF_ . `,t T W C IdT- -`_ 24. 00 EA 72. 00 1346C3 412 SILK H/8, E 18" OPICA . - 34. 00 EA 68. 00 8343C3 050 17"S/WR� �� R€NT SARONG 3 44. 00 EA 132. 00 8341CD 410 17".S/W MCRFCR FLAT FRONT SHORT 3 39. 00 EA 195. 00 �(('�� 3 39. 00 EA 117. 00 Fi Irn L UNITS 31 All claims for returns must be made in writing within 5 days from receipt of goods.RETURNS NO.OF WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT OUR RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER CLEARLY 1 - ` f SHOWN ON THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR PACKAGE. PKGS. ""C err 1 C'S9. 00 FOR INQUIRIES c 11. 33 CUSTOMER -- CALL PAY THIS (800)462-5419 AMOUNT 1070. 33 • • r.........2 ---- 1W..rtiss4.:e7 L 3 l;: :"7 em! F`!er,''l �. `_ �1 k.�^cc m.o. 0,014 i ' - i L pr, I Dunlop/Slazenger Received 5-24-01 T®taI 'erform•28 unit display/golf balls. Located in driving range II storeroom. This is not in the PSK inventory and is not priced. Advised Dayna to enter into inventory. Gave copy of invoice to Dayna for input!on 1-23-02. ii III ( , n r--• I II i 1 • • Ili - .- i I II -- Ili 1 I (_ I„ t_' II II I, U_'; li l --' II I ,, I -, I, n , I ii it , I- I �� 4 717- - - 3 6 ZOO1 ,.p. �.,Py:.v;,;>±\y,,, n. �,Nv: ,�,�..;. .. -..,wa:a;:•i; �"' .•:,a'"::a,'"'� "'""7'r s<::v 3• }$�:> ` •,,y , ' C: s M . -v +c 3 A Sc3 t'f` lk. 4r o-�y �� tiy'•'%' L "es.. �.;:.... ,•±±;,„;„+`"�:,.,,A.,,±±±±�.�c`�•poxx'z•wa: ;;�::.,...,:.......,.,.,,,.....,,..,,..,......,.,.......,...:.........,......, ,....... .E::;::. ...:...........,.,.. j , Vg; / DrrN.LOP _ Caribari. INVOICE • MAXFLIe Slazenger® SPECIALISTS AT SPEED INVOICE # 2374773 INVOICE DATE 5/19/01 ' I3 BILL TO-054100 SHIP TO-054100 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 11 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 DUNLOP SLAZENGER GROUP AMERICAS PLEASE NOTE NEW INVOICE FORMAT. RETUF; ,' POST OFFICE BOX 60367 TOP PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. CHARLOTTE NC 28260 ANY QUESTIONS, CALL 1t800) 768-4727 . FE I#: 16-12 3 4 0 3 3 DETACH HERE AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT zs. � rt`'y\. ,:: `\ .'-: C;, { \` .1,' .�'. ' •:14- y,`�,4 4...,_• ,,\ `'^ 4.•\ ' tti\ �':k \•y\�}, Vim,\\ `y y , '\� ..y: ` .;\ ? �, y`. ±,`.�``•.h�.�!�} �� _ •�'\ , ��op y» 4 .yam\„�+4: '... y S• . \•. 'N O"'Z ``�:�':-'. ''t Lip Yv ti ` v� �.\ r ., \' \ `t to- ' ..\ \ \ \ lef. lk. \ , •' �\±,' \`•\\.\•�\\\`\- ``.` .•• ' \?:.v.` � v...`S.k ±a,' •. \ +q, \ �, 4 \\\ L. �\,\.•.. \„\\y •\ .° y� \\a '� , av\4. iR\ \\ \ : p� \ v�• % 3 . \� y, % e a `v \ s„, \' ,, ,j yin \ '• l y ,,` \, \.p � `� ; \ \ y , 2 yy\�" .\\\`,` ,` ' V • � �' i y \ri ` � , ':. • • SHI•IOED B/O PART NUMBER PRICE NET$ 4 1 G941177 TOTAL PERFORM 28 UNIT DIS 308.00 308 .0(; I GOLD DISCOUNT I 12 .32- 1 G941214 DBL TI DIST 6B DISPLAY 150.00 150.0( Ii I GOLD DISCOUNT I 6.00- 24 G941123 DDH 110 SC DZ W/TP 3/B SL 9 .25 222 .0Ci GOLD DISCOUNT 8.88- SUB TOTAL • i 652 .8(j FREIGHT j 16.97 IF P•'ID B 6/18/01 DEDUCT 3.0 % OR 19 .58 REMIT J 1 ' i i I . DUE DATE 7/18/01 PAY THIS 6 69.7 AMOUNT f INAY 2 2001 : ' V . , '` R I� Packing Slip WORK ORDER NO 69788600 II •�.0•:.i..-. ,.• 05/17/2001 f9 �r .:' . . . . 1 DATE:i UNL,w7.ms:,I,�,.ACy +G:RQUP GreS'C . AMERICAS 29605 PAGE: 1 1 I I I ;-- MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON — 4050 MAPLLE VALLEY HW W Y 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HY I 1 RENTON,WA,98058 RENTON,WA,98058 1' 1 i 1 `�.,r ` `=1t-Y v Y k-'5 X� .Y. z.t t .s'v'f y.!:r4.../, ;4 :7 t,+'.3'ri'..'. ,.- r � .. e.'.. t � _,S`�;�, .-e%r• ?- �.. r x.x .` G .r." Y�°T"�y t:'�.m '�' s . .n�"'^x�" ..'� Y ,.h i?f^, w .4 r .. . 0248191 „ I 10/26/2000 05/20/2001 U l,,1, ,,ry i C ,', 2' ,"v�.. ,.i, F ..A•,r�, 3. it,,,l.( ,r,1. ;i., tv. r s�� i , t, l 'S 4� :: v s Y..{a e�4:.�.. wr >.',.e` : sy''i. �._K ,:;`v,ki'�?c.',s.. t �.j." G941177 TOTAL PERFORM 28 UNIT DISPLAY w 1.00 1.00i1 G941214 ' DBL TI DIST 6B DISPLAY 1.00 1.00 G941123 DDH 10 SC DZ W/TP 3/B SLV 24.00 24.00 1 6:::: ----......." 1 -`I I ,1 I I , ,7e1-6( 0 / i I ' I I f 1 I ,I I li ,I r .____ ' 01.../115-7e f h ,.I I 1 I • ,_ / ' I. TOTAL UNITS SHIPPED: 26.00 #of CARTONS: 6.00 I Your Order Packed with pride by AP1161 - 11 I , , _,!_, Brindar Received 5-23-01 One pair of shorts, size 6. This item was located in staff office. It had been entered into PSK inventory on 5-23-01. No price tag attached. k? >9 }, - } t I 1 13 i I I lg I j , I Liii 1 5 _ 1 REMIT TO: iv N.E.219TH - ft.. GRESHAM.OR.97030-8419 In '�' �J V� I ii, (503)661-5464 NVOICE DATE I INVOICE NUMBER • FAbf(504667-4633 05/23/01 I 81106 " it I. I I 128695 .0 Acct. # Page 1 I ' MAPLEWbOO GOLF COURSE • 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY S H. RENTON' , WA 98058 1 II P. I T 0 • '•'• .SALESPERSON - 1 DATE SHIPPED 1. SHIP VIA I TERMS , CUSTOMER ORDER NO. .1 STORE NO. 1 DEPT.NO. 'I - • • Mil I. •SIZING ' ' EM' .STYLE. D SIGN ''' > "'BODY:I' o9.. TOTAL UNIT C DE 1- DESCRIPTION •COLOR ~ ;7 r � ~ 1�, xC2X1 .UITS= P •TOA 8 10 12 14 _ I f L10. 8010" BL LASTIC SHORT BL 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I, I, TOTAL 1 15.00 15.00 ''I I . • II• . .;.,.r:+.�?�<-1.:_;w=.b�.itir�ErNi•_�:;,1,r.�i:,.,c _.,_...r,...,u::_iu,.__.>....>..a.._i�1i:��c�.i:}�ti ..._ . . ...._. .. . .r.... 1 .. . .. ....r. _, ,- ._ , j2::3....._+.i., : >G'•; .. ._ , ., .....,.:..... . . . • .. • i_� -ft.'!1 It xtvec,clao YgKItrus*IV 3'Si:.e.i:L'a;.+.•.Y.`_....,.,J'klItin Kd;:. .!k:..(.-_!.II,ftihi.,adl.:. - . . • .:,:11,e6:.,a ..ay.. . :L1k2 Ii,a"4 _.. _.„�i t.r ,i {" >,.....�....:: .: ... ..'._ .IL . . . .. • . ADDI110NAL CHARGE • :. • n 6. FOR2X•+3X • • • TERMS AND CONDITIONS '•`+' i"x • ' 4- U : A service charge of 1 NM Per mlpnth(18%per annum)is payable for any monies owing past due.H any legal action is necessary to ,,;;;,, .1.,.i;k_;yrsr;;, :. 1 5_00 enforce the terms of this agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorey's tees and collection costs In addition to c .. s• . any other relief to which ttmat party,nay be entitled. i+ 1• f.:, MIS :CIiAIS!.l. Seger shall not be responsible for delayed delivery or non-delivery In whole or in part due to labor or transportation difficulties or causes .v; • • ;.,st••; .. ,-.. .,. I 0_00 ' —Which make delivery knpradkabie!The seller shall have the option to deliver the,goods covered by this contract km Installments or lots. , ;- s- �, ,, Payment shall be made with'.resped to oath installment Delivery of nonconforming goods or a default of any nature In relation to one or , G • more installments will not constitute a breach of the contract as a whole.Customer's failure to make any payment when due or on this or ,'.:,:,..„;,•;,, ,;y :v,r:.4 I Q.00 mtyother agreement with seller entitles seller to defer future shipments or to bill and hold for customers account the deliverable or .+ ,,. _...,.., to cancel or declare contract broken customer.All orders are taken aubiect to being prorated against our Where terms of •_;,- a._ , :>if • :the contract are F.O.B.the place.d;f the risk of loss passes to.the buyer wharf the goods.are to the carrier and all ..;>'„' r.l,r -• . -dekns for loss or dams in hhippmment be prooessed by the buyer through the.carder.Provisions of this contract arep�rned by, ;'=`"=r,.` , '1" ' '`` - the laws oldie State of Oreg n.All goods sold are F.O.B.our warehouse located at 358 N.E.219th,Gresham,OR 97030.8419. TOTAL I _ ETURNS: No retuGrns without authorization:-NOTE:Reorders will not be shipped on non-current accounts, - _.8 .46 1202 IR (Rev4-98) CUSTOMER COPY AY 2 4 2OOIREMIT TO: . , ''__ �U 358 N.E.219THOR 97030,84191. i "J LGRESHAMri (503)6615464 • .-lilTl•][dm•Zii�r1►1YL•1•1411111�1:1 :13" . II Flit(503667-4633 . O r Ik 3/U:1 I 611(?`--. 1 I. Pa I ,4C • '.., Acct. # B .:*:..-.;(..,1. i"'vsr•`L.is ... . • i.: . S • I.. :.�-; r! , i.vr: ..., H L 1 p T 1 0 O II:. ; • k - I •_ ■ - - • I'...i •I' ; : ii .I. • il ; • : • : k • i • - ki f ti = _. I •. . ..':j. 15e:.1' .ii,'r 1. '4 1: . ITEM STYLE DESIGN ' :BODY-,- SIZING r TOTAL ';,UNIT .d.: NO. ' NO........CODE DESCRIPTION ,. ,COLOR OS M 6 8 ^y�T 10 12 i4M 3X UNITS PRICE T�TA 11 :t.i;' ,;t..), C, 01_ ELro1,T.i 1-H(,RT 8 L. :. .t ) 0 0 G . - I :I'0TAL. • I 1 5-00 i 53. v a l c2f/ ' i 1 .. - . • • .,'' i • I . • • ' ADDITIONAL . TOT L UNIT 1 FOR ARGE 0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS "' ,f; `f"' ,1�; A service - of 1 1/2%per month(18%per annum)Ispayable for anymonies owingdue.If anylegal action is necessaryto �"�` f past :"� '. ►} i�r enforce the remms of this agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees and collection costs In addition to . any other -lief to•which that party may be entitled. - •c Seller shall rlotr be responsible for delayed delivery or non-delivery In whole or In part due to labor or transportation difficulties or causes , $ '0 n� ► ' •nA'"' which : delivery impracticable.The seller shall have the option to deliver the.goods covered by this contract In Installments or lots. Payment be made with respect to each installment.Delivery of nonconforming goods orp.defautt of.any nature In relation to one or ),J, -1 .,).�z X ..�` more -- - '•-will not constitute a breach of the contract as a whole.Customer's failure to make any payment when due or on this or t- " .r A any other ' with seller entitles seller to defer future shipments or to bill and hold for Customers account the goods deliverable or• �j� -•`0,4 h O1 , to cancel declare contract broken customer.NI orders are taken subjectje to being h prorated against our production.Where terms of ^�?, 4y • We are.F.O.B.the place of s rmemt,the isk of loss passes to thtt goods are delivered to the carder and ::.ti~ `rc ti claims for or dame In shipment' uld be by the buyer throug the larder.Provisions of this contract are governed ; % ,1'��n 1 ` .,�'1..et 1 i = the State of d are .O.B.our warehouse located at 358 N.E.Z19th,Gresham,OR 97030-8418. -• R PIS:Vet , s cut el a thorization.NOTE:Reorders will not be shipped on non-current accounts. • 1 , , � �{ `' ( PACKING IST -.� Y�^r �� >'.ftl' . /• �.,� II I I resistible Images (Invoice date: 2-26-01) Invoice shows a quantity of six mirrors. Items have not been entered into P5K inventory. Items are located in driving range storeroom. These are documented on the list of items not in PSK. There are only four mirrors. Two are not on golf course premises. I inquired to Dayna. I received an inadequate response. 6 Iron: Lisa berrier+1(503)761-8123 To: Kathy+1(425)1J0-6801 rage 1 of 1, 7nucsaay, nay .r, .uui ..ui rn c,1 n Irresistible Images Invoice No. 2 +t 5989 SE Jenne I n. : . Portland,Oregon 97236 (503)667-8874 fax Number INVOICE Customer Date 2126101 \ Name Maplewood Golf Course — Order No. 002 Address 4050 Maple Valley Hwy. Lisa City Renton State WA ZIP 98058 Rep On r?, l_ �� J \.. Qr7 bill t" `- j `Phone 425-430-6804 r° Qty Description Unit Price$35.00_ $35.00- TOTAL 1 Girl Wall,Pastel Squares $25.00 $25.00 1 Boy Wall,Golf $20.00 $20.00 1 Girt Frame,Pnk Squares $15.00 $15.00 1 Boy Frame,sports ball 1 Square Mirror.golf $15.00 $15.00 1 Rectangle Mirror,golf $25.00 $25.00 subtotal _ $135.00 Payment Details Shipping&Handling i 1 Gv '• O Cash Deposit ' e Check TOTAL /5t?U� 0 Credit Card Name Office Use Only CC Expires Bill Net 30 Slu.Qe �ot Thank You For Your Onrler K-' t v V ak- 4 f-61- . _, i _ f A lantasi/Bette & Court F eceived 6-7-01 Fer invoice, one pair of Capri pants, size 6 and one plaid sleeveless top, size 1< rge. These items are not in the PSK inventory. The top was located in staff office. The pants are not on the golf course premises. 7 JUN 4 ZUU1- dam. REMIT PAYMENT TO: *********** PG: 1 Fantasi International Corp * INVOICE * INV #: 67612 ' DBA BETTE & COURT GOLF *****•****'** INV DT: ,May 31 01 PO Box 140070 Coral Gables, FL 33114-0070 (305) -821-3200 (305) -821-3503 Fax Order #: 41257 ,. Bill To: Ship To: MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD RENTON RENTON WA WA 98058 98058 Ord# JOrd DatelCust# ( Rep 1 PO # 1 Ship Via 1 Terms 412571 4/18/0119800281 HOUSE ' PER JEAN 'UPS - GRD TRACK INET 30 Quantity Unit Ext Ord Ship B/OI Item ( Item Description Price Price 1 . 00 1. 00 0 . 00 P600 PEBBLE6 FLAT FRONT CAPRI PANT 0 . 00 EA 1 . 00 1. 00 0 . 00 T771 RS1 L PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 0 . 00 EA .' e tz I I A j Less 0 . 00 o Discount : 0 . Z5660 Misc Charges: 0 . 00 If payment is made before / / please Sales Tax: 0 . deduct $ 0.00 from total invoice amount. Freight: 5. Total: 5 .8 - BETTE & COURT GOLF **************** Jii-N PG: 1 860 W. £,4th Street * PACKING SLIP * INV # : 67612 Hialeah FL 33014 *************t**' • INV DT: May 31 01 (305) -821-3200 (305) -821-3503 Fax www.bette-court .com Order # : 41257 Bill To: Ship To: MAPLEWCOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE nTY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD RENTON RENTON WA WA 98058 98058 Ord# lord DatelCust# 1 Rep PO # 1 Ship Via 1 Terms 412571 4/18/0119800281 HOUSE IPER JEAN 'UPS - GRD TRACK 1NET 30 ntity Unit Ext ' d S ip B/O Item Item Description Price Price 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 P600 PEBBLE6 FLAT FRONT CAPRI PANT 1. 00 . 00 0 . 00 T771 RS1 L PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN j Fantasi/Bette & Court Received 5-30-01 All merchandise from attached invoice not in PSK inventory. They are logged on the list of items not in PSK inventory. All Items located in driving range storeroom. I z • e I t j 8 — ] ' MAY ° Z00 I ‘/K *********** PG: 1 REMIT PAYMENT TO: * INV #: 67379 Fantasi Iiternational Corp * INVOICE**INOI ** INN DT: May 22 01 DBA BETTE & COURT GOLF PO Box 140070 Coral Gakles, FL 33114-0070 (305) -821 -3200 Order # : 41268 (305) -82:.-3503 Fax Bill To: Ship To:MP,PLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOO) GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD RENTON RENTON WA WA 98058 98058 Ord# lord DatelCust# 1 Rep PO # 1 Ship Via 1 Terms 412681 4/19/011980028lBECKJE 11241126 lUPS - GRD TRACK 1NET 30 Quantit I Unit Ext ' d y Ord Ship B/O Item Item Description Price Price 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 000 B51217PEBBLE6 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17"Y 26 . 75 EA 26 . 726 75 EA 26 7 1 . 00 1 . 00 ) . 00 B51217PEBBLE8 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17 26 75 EA 26 7 1 . 00 1 . 00 ) . 00 B51217PEBBLE10 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17"x 26 .75 EA 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B51217PEBBLE12 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17"'� 26 . 7 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B51217PEBBLE14 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17"0' 26 . 75 EA 26 . 7 29 . 00 EA 26 .7 1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B553 PEBJAC8 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18" 0 29 . 00 EA 29 . 0 1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B553 PEBJAC10 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18" 29 . 00 EA 29 . 0 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B553 PEBJAC12 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18 0 . 0 1. 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 T758 RS30 S POLO DOUBLE PLACKETa x io 22 . 00 EA 0 . 0 2 . 00 0 . 00 2 . 00 T758 RS30 M POLO DOUBLE PLACKET�3/d '" 22 . 00 EA 1. 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 T758 RS30 L POLO DOUBLE PLACKET6)° '( 22 . 00 EA 0 . 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 T760 LAVENDS CLASSIC POLOX 24 . 00 EA 24 . C24 . 00 EA 24 . 0 1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 T760 LAVENDM CLASSIC POLOw 24 . 00 EA 24 . 0 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 T760 LAVENDL CLASSIC POLO l0 24 . 00 EA O . 0 1.00 0 . 00 1 . 00 T760 RS31 S CLASSIC POLO oio 24 . 00 EA 0 . ( 1. 00 0 . 0( 1 . 00 T760 RS31 M CLASSIC POLO e'lia 24 . 00 EA 0 • ( 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 T760 RS31 L CLASSIC POLO 27 ( 1 . 00 1. 00) 0 . 00 T761 RS21 S CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVSyk 27 . 00 EA 27 ( 1 . 00 1 . 0 ) 0 . 00 T761 RS21 M CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVS • 27 . 00 EA 27 ( 1. 00 1 . 0 ) 0 . 00 T761 RS21 L CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVS XX 27 . 00 EA 1.00 1. 00 0 . 00 T771 PEBJACS PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN-- 26 50 EA 26.50 EA 26 .! 1. 00 1 .00 0 . 00 T771 PEBJACM PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 26 . 50 EA 26 . 1. 00 1 .00 0 . 00 T771 PEBJACL PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN-- 1 . 00 1.00 0 . 00 T771 RS1 M PIAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN Y 27 . 50 D SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 4c 27 . 50 EA 27 . 27 . 1 . 00 1.00 0 . 00 T771 RS1 27 . 50 EA 27 . 1 . 00 1.00 0 . 00 T771 RS1 L PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 27 . 50 EA 0 . 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 V368 LAVENDM CABLE VES`I'\al Q�i`°6 34 . 50 EA 0 1 . 00 0 . 00 1 . 00 V368 LAVENDL CABLE VEST// 2 . 00 2 . 00 0 . 00 HW44 LAVENDAL CLIP-ON VISORS 18 .7 15 EA 17 . 2 . 00 2 . 00 0 . 00 HW77 RS1 AL BASEBALL CAP,/ Less 0 . 00 % Discount : 0 . 00 Misc Charges : 0 . 00 EY0052 If payment is made before / / p : 0 . 00 Freight : Sales Taei ax: 11 . 1E deduct $ 0 . 00 from total invoice amount . Total : 592 .4C Z JUN 1 5 2001 PG: 1 *************:*** 67379 • BETTE & COURT GOLF * PACKING SLIP * INV # : x 860W. 84thL 3301Stre4t **************** • INV DT: May 22 01 Hialeah, F FL 3014 I .(305) -821-3200 (305) -821-3503 Fax www.bette-court .com Order #: 41268 hip To: Bill To: ShipETo GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD RENTON RENTON WA WA 98058 98058 M Ord# lord DatetCust# 1 Rep PO # 1 Ship Via 1 Terms 41268 4 19/01 980028 BECKJE 1241126 UPS - GRD TRACK NET 30 n Unit I Ext ' Quantity I Price Price Ord ShipB/OI Item I Item Description rl 400W6111. 00 0 . 00 B51217PEBBLE6 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" 10 1 . 00 0 . 00 B51217PEBBLE80 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" . 9 1. 00 0 . 00 B51217PEBBLEI 1 0$ 1. 00 0 .00 B51217PEBBLE12 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" ,tioTi11. 00 0 .00 B51217PEBBLE14 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 4WWW 1 . 00 0 . 00 B553 PEBJAC8 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18" 0 1. 00 0 .00 B553 PEBJAC10 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18" 1. ' ' 1 . 00 0 . 00 B553 PEBJAC12 SHORT W/BELT LOOP 18" 1.00 0 .00 1.00 T758 RS30 S POLO DOUBLE PLACKET 2.00 0 . 00 2 . 00 T758 RS30 M POLO DOUBLE PLACKET $0 0 . 00 1 . 00 T758 RS30 L POLO DOUBLE PLACKET M 1. 00 0 . 00 T760 LAVENDS CLASSIC POLO Os 1.00 0 .00 T760 LAVENDM CLASSIC POLO t .01 1. 00 0 . 00 T760 LAVENDL CLASSIC POLO .00 0 .00 1.00 T760 RS31 S CLASSIC POLO 0 . 00 1. 00 T760 RS31 M CLASSIC POLO \4J"-4(\i 1.00CLASSIC POLO ` 1.00 0 .00 1.00 T760 RS31 L 0 I M . 1. 00 0 .00 T761 RS21 S CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVS rJ� CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVS .0.Os 1.00 0 .00 T761 RS21 1.00 0 .00 T761 RS21 M CLASSIC POLO w/OPEN SLVS Li1/iTilb1.00 0 .00 T771 PEBJACS PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 1 441‘eis11.00 0.00 T771 PEBJACM PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN 0 1.00 0 .00 T771 PEBJACL PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN i $0 1.00 0 .00 T771 RS1 S PLAID- SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN •4/10a01) 1.00 0 .00 T771 RS1 M PLAID .SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN .0. 1.00 0.00 T771 RS1 L PLAID SLV/LESS BUTTONDWN t 1.00 0 . 00 1.00 V368 LAVENDM CABLE VEST 1 . 00 0 . 00 1.00 V368 LAVENDL CABLE VEST 400I) 2 .00 0 . 00 HW44 LAVENDAL CLIP-ON VISOR 2 .00 2 .00 0 . 00 HW77 RS1 AL BASEBALL CAP (01161(31\ 1 Fantasi,Bette & Court Received 7-18-01 Three Pairs of black shorts, size 6 (B51217, B55319, B51219) These were located in staff office. They are not in PSK inventory and do not have price tags. -"hese are on the list of items not logged into PSK inventory. Four r airs of sz 4 and one pair of sz 6 are not in PSK inventory, not on list of items not logged into PSK and they are not on premises. 9 Vinyl REMIT PAYMENT TO: JUL 1 0 2001 *********** PG: 1 Fantasi International Corp * INVOICE * INV #: 68855 1 DBA BETTE & COURT GOLF *********** INV DT: Jul 12 01 PO Box 140070 r Coral Gables, FL 33114-0070 ..' (305) -821-3200 (305) -821-3503 Fax Order # : 42401 r J Bill To: Ship To: MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE iY CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ROAD RENTON RENTON WA WA 98058 98058 Ord# lord DatelCust# 1 Rep 1 PO # 1 Ship Via 1 Terms .i. 424011 7/11/0119800281BECKJE 1raillal 'UPS - GRD TRACK 1NET 30 n Quantity Unit Ext 'Ai Ord Ship B/OI Item Item Description I Price I Pri^e 1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B51217PACIFI4 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" 26 . 75 EA 2.,4+ 41. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 B51217PACIFI6 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 17" 26 .75 EA 26 . ' 1. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 B518 BLACK 6 FLAT FRT SHORT w/o ELAS 28 . 00 EA 2 '` 1. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 B55319BLACK 4 SHORT W/SGL PLEAT 19" 26 .25 EA 2 3 W1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B55319BLACK 6 SHORT W/SGL PLEAT 19" 26 .25 EA 26 . : 1. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 B55319PACIFI4 SHORT W/SGL PLEAT 19" 26 .25 EA 2- , 1. 00 1. 00 0 . 00 B51219BLACK 4 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 19" 26 .75 EA 2 X1. 00 1 . 00 0 . 00 B51219BLACK 6 FLAT FRONT SHORT, 19" 26 .75 EA 20 .' ©V j ReP4r j t i Less 0 .00 % Discount: 0 . PH SR Misc Charges: 0 . ^ If payment is made before / / please Sales Tax: 0. deduct $ 0. 00 from total invoice amount. Freight: 7.z Total : 221 . 03 a .900,/ i Dunlop/Slazenger Recei fed 2-16-01 225 gloves, various sizes These items are located in the driving range storeroom. They have not beer added to PSK inventory and they are not priced. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK inventory. 10 .. Il. a • f ' DZlNzOP ' . INVOICE SPECIALISTS "T SPEEo MAXFLI. Slazenger. INVOICE # 2293498 INVOICE DATE 2/07/01 Y BILL TO-018506 SHIP TO-018506 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 DUNLOP SLAZENGER GROUP AMERICAS PLEASE NOTE NEW INVOICE FORMAT. RETURN POST OFFICE BOX 60367 TOP PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. CHARLOTTE NC 28260 ANY QUESTIONS, CALL 1 (800) 768-4727 . FE I#: 16-12 3 4 0 3 3 p la ^ g DETACH HERE AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT .M ; :: Y PA M... Nw:....: :.v v \ \v \v. \v. : ,.:�.♦.♦ : ,�:♦�.v..v..:.:.J L.,} :\ ?v? : L?.\.:\R: :6i? b�?t2:".:..�Y� �� ♦ \\. .? T♦ , . ., .T ? iTi\\ ?i v' :, \\ . �? v . \;.:. `,\\ ` ; ♦ y4 ...\ v.. \ :+ :. \;:.v??.•':": s:.. ,,,, .'',•:♦-':,,?i .v v: :vv .:... �:,.. \. . . . : : . � .......................... :v.♦,•:::•:: :.::::•::•::v:;.......................,..........................,..,.............. .......................,....,,...............:...`?::i:is ijv iiiii?:v?i?:?:i::,....... ....\..v.. �. , i. .. .♦�::.,:.:::+?:i.:Div.:: .:....:. �vv\�v:�•j�:�:�:`i}\'vv�}+vi,:':?:. :,�'�`: ���::v:,•\A t\. .;�♦Vvv?.v..♦ .::\w:.v.::::\:v:.v\\::::Si??ii<`:J:i:Liw:.n\\\�:\:.Z :?`v:•., J�\�\\J i�\`� .. ..........v..,: v.....:,�♦♦ t: ., v ...+tr v..v:.i::+� ii?T???:?::';�:i:.:^???:...... v„n..vt??:v...:.♦v��v4.v?5?Y.?<:.??i:i..., ..\...:. \ \�?::•:. .. .. ? :. .. ....\.. �, .\,.\\�.\\♦.. aw .\�.♦�:,::..♦...♦�.::•,. .....,♦-::.:..:.♦....\....♦. .::.«\♦♦�::•...:::.i'r:Z:1T.v�?�]�i��i�� i��::Cx`•:>x'i�::i:�ii:•:.\�.:\�v\. `\ ++\ �� \♦♦ ..v♦.:.v... ,:v��.v::.v....\........, ♦ w:..v.........\.\...........,:..,.:. .n.,.,.v:?:�:.,+.v....v... ......♦,,.v:?::.,.......x:....... .4 .:\��.♦+w:\+v:?:::.v.::.�.�`♦ "•:`�.♦ kv.v, 4•:\\.,�:•n+:.v.v.•:�:•:P., \ ..�:::::::.v:.v:�v:.,v,�:nv.?::::.v •. v ,.w:., ..♦.....+.,. ::: ♦vv:::. ..• :v:: :.,:v.v:....,„ v:....\v: \„.\'.v,4\::?.♦} t:\\.... SHIPPED B/O PART NUMBER PRICE NET 3 642500101 PREM II MLH REG S 7 .45 21 .23 12 642500102 PREM II MLH REG M 7 .45 84 .9 12 642500103 PREM II MLH REG ML 7 .45 84 .9 12 642500104 PREM II MLH REG L 7 .45 84 .93 6 642500105 PREM II MLH REG XL 7 .45 42 .4- - 3 642500106 PREM II MLH REG XXL 7 .45 21 .2 12 643500102 PREM II MLH CAD M 7 .45 84 .9.3 ' 12 643500103 PREM II MLH CAD ML 7 .45 84 .9 12 643500104 PREM II MLH CAD L . 7 .45 84 .9 . 3 643500105 PREM II MLH CAD XL 7 .45 21.2_ 3 644500101 PREM II MRH REG S 7 .45 21.23 6 644500102 PREM II MRH REG M 7 .45 42 .4 1 6 644500103 PREM II MRH REG ML 7 .45 42 .4 6 644500104 PREM II MRH REG L 7 .45 42 .47 3 644500105 PREM II MRH REG XL 7 .45 21.2' p 3 642600101 CONDITIONS II MLH REG S 5.95 16 .9 12 642600102 CONDITIONS II MLH REG M 5 .95 67 . 8i- 12 642600103 CONDITIONS II MLH REG ML 5 .95 67 . 871 12 642600104 CONDITIONS II MLH REG L 5.95 67 . 8 6 642600105 CONDITIONS II MLH REG XL 5.95 33 .9 i 3 642600106 CONDITIONS II MLH REG XXL 5.95 16 .96 12 643600102 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD M 5 .95 67 .8 i 12 643600103 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD ML 5 .95 67 .8 12 643600104 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD L 5 .95 67 .83 3 643600105 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD XL 5 .95 16 .9- � 3 644600101 CONDITIONS II MRH REG S 5 .95 16 .9 6 644600102 CONDITIONS II MRH REG M 5.95 33 .9ci 6 644600103 CONDITIONS II MRH REG ML 5 .95 33 .92 **CONTINUED PAY THIS AMOUNT z K;c 'f`• \ w',yggfs, .T'.' '}"¢ W ` . .;% - ^ ::\`` j 1 2[p[ v h \. aS'�. Y '.' ,vy.. .i ecip.:0. :11.,, �--S?.„+ � �• �"PIL, ' j�i v n �� 2�,n-.,,., ` vvv-vv: , • +h C...,.:,.A�n.:vlW'..w:A.,wn..w.v:•n. \ - •:�:]•\J+.::i:>.J; ,.AALS`n �nluhrzop Ccur,ibar7' INVOWE M SrF[/Au 1ST AT SPEED AXFLI. Slazenger. INVOICE # 2293498 INVOICE DATE 2/07/01 BILL 70-018506 SHIP TO-018506 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTO:J WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 DUNLOP SLAZENGER GROUP AMERICAS PLEASE NOTE NEW INVOICE FORMAT. RETURN POST OFFICE BOX 60367 TOP PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. CHARLOTTE NC 28260 ANY QUESTIONS, CALL 1 (800) 768-4727 . FE I#: 16-12 3 0 3 3 DETACH HERE AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT , `- ` .. \ , .. , .: ... .:�. .::.,.\„-:>:`'• ��::.:\ .\fi••::\-: .,\.. .:-t.,•::�: �F.-\.:.\..::;�2<\, .vat.` .-:,: :..:�..y.:, ;..v`5....iaad-fat::.:'`•'` v:..-.\i•�,.1,J::7 \\\---::,v-:R<:M-:. . ..\ ;`a, „a,:.,-::::-P:: "k: �:.\h, +:y .,v:`v vt:v::.\,� ,..:v,. .,..:::•. .,.k,,:,.:...,..,...,...q\� , \\...:....\...\vv.r.• ., ..��:::::•::v �:;�:::<n}:}T\:�::::i:r\�:\\. -� `��.y�C.: \ \\,,�. „•� -.;•::. .�. �\\�\ .\\:;1:}x•`.:•:,•.:`_,, ,-.\-.\-. .:::»:ter;:;`,•�\:• r,\ \,a\ hp ye�'yp`[,� .-:.'iiiNrugiiiiimattaaityviz-.8. ..,i'.'44Pic‘lc444-S.:00-,q-43:kg...-:.-.::.:1...:‘k-.:,,,,iN....-. \,. w i•':,•v.•:a v:::.-:::..... \1 'tgh 5`t..`.,,••,•.:\v.:.....:,` \\`�\- .v.n \ ..`; .'.'.\.w.......:.....\. -.... ...u. ....:......... ...... ......,........ \r�.,�:�;:z:.`>.`"`�>:�is�:-:Y:'2?.:-:tiss'>c.5:. :�5ii??:�::�:zsi 2�'?`:psi»�,`.4-::;::`,�i':`•-:.w...............�.,:., SHIPPED B/0 PART NUMBER PRICE NET$ 6 644600104 CONDITIONS II MRH REG L 5 .95 33 .92 3 644600105 CONDITIONS II MRH REG XL 5 .95 16 .96 SUB TOTAL 1413 . 07 FREIGHT 36 .74 • DUE DATE 4/0 8/01 PAY THIS 1449 . 81 AMOUNT FEB 21 2001 Packing Slip NJORK ORDER NNO' 18325 ;, ���� 10 Slazenger Drive DATE: 02/07/2 DUNL•�Pi* LAZENGER GROUP Greenville, • AMERICAS 29605 PAGE: ti H CITY OF RENTON �� B j, CITY OF RENTON 14 F MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE I MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 1 P , 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY o RENTON,WA,98055 \/ o, RENTON,WA,98055 I 'i llaSRDEA U.t IIMMINII q • ;:..? .A./ a ..E2: :It...-i.t :pcY.r.tis 0248160/MGM 11/28/2000 01/15/2001 R " ' -.. A.,.7. 4.. .. ... 0 . EMOuFioEREPANTITY ,a lRAr&HW• riO ACKORDERE� 642500101 PREM II MLH REG S 3.00 3.00 ' 642500102 PREM II MLH REG M IZ 12.00 12.00 642500103 PREM II MLH REG M e 12.00 12.00) F3 642500104 PREM II MLH REG L ® IV' 12.00 2.00 i 642500105 PREM II MLH REG XL 0 °4 6.00 6.00 642500106 PREM II MLH REG XXLCO \n 3.00 3.00 643500102 PREM II MLH CAD M 0 v 12.00 12.00 643500103 PREM II MLH CAD MID 1 12.00 ' O0 643500104 PREM II MLH CAD L ® VI 12.00 X '2.;. 643500105 PREM II MLH CAD X © 3.00 3.00 644500101 PREM II MRH REG S ' 4.. 0 3 644500102 PREM II MRH REG M 0 " I 6.00 6.00 C 64400103 PREM II MRH REG MLG 6.00 6 04 PREM II MRH REG L 0 u1' .006.00 6.00 �� .''PREM II MRH REG AO G ) 3,00 642600101 CONDITIONS II MLH REGS .3 3.00 3.00 642600102 CONDITIONS II MLH REG M • i2.00 l' 12.00 • r y 642600103 CONDITIONS II MLH REG MLC9 4 /yi+ 1 X f.- 642600104 CONDITIONS II MLH REG L ® -1 12.00 - '642600105 CONDITIONS II MLH REG XL® (5A4)6\1)t1 ) 6.00 6.00642600106 CONDITIONS II MLH REG XXI 3.00 ere VVV 643600102 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD M' � > 643600103 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD M l \` 0 'A 12.00 j 643600104 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD L. Z 111 l J 12.00 X 2., 643600105 CONDITIONS II MLH CAD XL© 3.00 ... 644600101 CONDITIONS II MRH REG S.13) (I ))1PC( 3.00 4- ?j t 644600102 CONDITIONS II MRH REG MO 6.00 6.00 r 644600103 CONDITIONS II MRH REG M (o 0 6.00 6.00 '; s' 644600104 CONDITIONS II MRH REG L =�j 6.00 644600105 CONDITIONS II MRH REG 13 •' (�.›Is/ 3.00 .ice t•. Ping Received 5-17-01 Invoice notes 24 hats total. 12 are located in driving range storeroom. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK inventory. 12 hats cannot be located. 11 , . • . .. '...:,.r ..':+k`s,. - .... n'}.S!?.\(W.'.Y.r ... U2t.f.:hV•M.i'agV n. .j/. JUN 2001 H PING,Inc.A Karsten Mfg.Corp.bsidiaryT-- PING Remittance Address Only DATE PAGE INVOICE P.O.Box 52450 Phoenix,Arizona 85072-2450 PHONE:602-687-5000 FAX: 602-687-4482 05/25/01 1 5158028 Refer to this number on all correspondence. -CUSTOMER NO— —ORDER DATE— —ORDER NO— —P.O. NO— —SLS— —TERMS- 11532 05/01/01 3713432 1242060 89 2%-10 DAYS, NET 30 HIPPING: UPS GRNDTRAC CITY OF RENTON S H MAPLEW00D GOLF COURSE 1 MAPLEW00D GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE 'VALLEY HWY P 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058-2874 RENTON WA 98058-2874 • T 0 ITEM 0TY SHIP B.O. DESCRIPTION UNIT EXTENDED / 12.0 12 12 HEADWEAR BASIC COLLECTION 2001 SPRING ASSORTMENT 9;00 108i00 " 13.0 12 12 HEADWEAR TOUR UNSTRUCTURED CAP 2001 SPRING ASSORTMENT 12;00 144.00 ,‘,,.,,: f.4,:,,; k,',:.0--: ��1' * ORDER COMPLETE * INVOICE: SUBTOTAL a... 252.00 SHIPPING/HANDLING l ... 4.:80 INVOICE TOTAL : ... 256;80 IF PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS, ; —------T--_ DEDUCT 5.04 AND PAY 251.76 BALANCE DUE 256;80 . I -------- ----- ----- --- —___ _�_--- _ ' ----- ---- -. _r • I_____ L. . I____ 1...,,.s 1.—, L.. ... 5.._—, L.,.,,_.. ! i L.,,Jr tom.,;,,-.iia t t;:.� PING, INC. MAY 1 7 2001 2201 W. DESERT COVE PHOEI PHONE: 602-870-5000 FAX: Workorder#: 1729608 Order#:. 3713432 PO/BPA#: Shipping: UPS GRNDTRAC Ship Date: 5/11/01 ------------ 111.11 CUSTOMER NUMBER: 11532 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA c • Quantity U/M Part Number# / Part Description EA 5126 BASIC COLLECTION 2001 SPRING ASSORTMENT CMT: • EA 5122 TOUR UNSTRUCTURED CAP 2001 SPRING ASSORTMENT CMT: • 5 /i7 Joy g-ge/c0-0-Y3 4116t,i /1/7,r5 ** KMC IS NO RESPONSIBLE FOR ODDS DAMAGED IN TRANSIT. CLAIMS MUST BE FILED W THE CARRI . ** NO RETURNS WI HORIZATION AND SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FROM KMC. ***END OF ORDER*** ak-- °lifer • • • Hornungs Received 12-5-01 On 12-19-01, the final physical inventory count was completed. This final count was then transferred to PSK. At that time, the physical inventory becomes the "beginning" inventory. On 12-19-01, labels were produced on items, which were put out for sale. These items have not been entered into PSK inventory. A portion of these items were priced and on the floor for sale using a "generic" sku prior to the items being entered into the inventory. I 3 I I j 12 J IV(V VIVL I 1-1 11/29/01 286989 460368 t • 1:)( r • .. . Please refer to these numbers when corresponding or remitting fl F .• J:t�y�M. if. • s', " z„�! s' �.';, • • t CITY OF RENTON , , I.. '=; 3,,;: s ;-' ..:' ,� {I MAPLEiWOOD GOLF COURSE T 4 ."'Lo;j i J ' J 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY c' .: *s� 1` '� r s w i J RENTON 'z WA 9 8 0 5 8 . 1 • • CUSTOMER P.O.a SHIPPED VIA DATE SHIPPED SALESPERSON TERMS 1241385 UPS 11/28/01 26 2% 10 EOM-DUE AFTER 10TH I ' UANTITY AMA PRODUCTS .- DESCRIPTION - UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 3 EA OGA003 TALL DRUM 12.00 36.00 3 EA OGA001 SMALL DRUM- 7.50 22.50 i ©VZ+h EA 074007 19TH HOLE COOKIE JAR 17.00/3K`t`i 34.00 6:01,46 EA OPKB9 GOLF COURSE 9" GLASS BOWL 14.001 E149 28.00 &OZvj EA OPKP11 GOLF COURSE 11" GLASS- ATE - 24.00[3'1.`.cl 48.00 6 EA OPKO GLASS 3" ORNAMENT - 0411o0VA. 6.00 36.00 3 PR LE559 CRYSTAL BALL EARRINGS - 12.00 36.00 2 BO) ONC201 GOLFER NQTE CARDS 3.50 7.00 6y, ��, EA OGI2006 \EA OGI2009 (GOLF BAG WINE STOPPER 5.50 fir;; 33.00 6 GOLF BALL WINE STOPPER 5.50� t� 33.00 3 EA OGI2526S GOLF CLUB & BALL PILL BOX - 5.00 15.00 3 EA OGI2919 GOLF BAG MAIL HOLDER 10.0409 30.00 3 EA OGI8007 19TH HOLE BUSINESS CARD HOLDE 8.50JI215 25.50 1 EA LBC151 ROLL-UP 15.50 15.50 4 EA LGT184 LADY GOLFER MIRROR FLAP 12.50 50.00 4 EA TfiT149 MINI UPAWSTRING baci - 6.5C 25.00 1 EA LBC071 DOUBLE WESTPORT 16.50 16.50 2 EA B1550 CANVAS SPOR_TIBAG 6.90 13.80 4> EA LFS804 /CLIP BAG ' 4:. 5.50 22.00 4/ EA LC804 \CLIP BAG Aft?'g ; 5.50 22.00 01o1,1' EA 0368305 SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENT STAND 3.25 9.75 10 EA 038117 - GLASS SANTA`ov-IA7 6.50 65.00 6 EA 0332412 -GOLF BALL ON SHOES ORNAMENT- 3.25f5 19.50 12 EA OW57 -SNOWFLAKE GOLFER qYpaav,,-t? 3.00 36.00 6 EA 026076 - GOLF BALL W/HAT ON TEE- 3.5q/5 �q 21.00 6 EA OL2050 ;PORCELAIN SHOES 7.50 45.00 6 e�Q�' EA OL2053 PORCELAIN DRIVER 7.50 45.00 66 10' EA OL2052 (PORCELAIN CART & BAG 7.50 45.00 PORCELAIN BALL 7.50 45.00 6 EA OGOVP - ETCHED GLASS ORN .pikr 7.50 45.00 2 EKG 0500W3 -WALL CALENDAR (3)b,t$ . 3.11 3-2.75I(p41 25.50 *** UPS TFACKING NUMBERS *** 1ZE811060345760167 1Z5811060345973777 2 EA GLASS SANTA 038117 SENT NO CHARGE SUBTOTAL . 951.55 Discounts may be takes on subtotal amounts only.Do not include shipping and sales tax when calculating SHIPPING 33.85 your discount.No rett;m of merchandise will be accepted without an authorization number issued by our Customer Service Department.When calling for authorization,please have your order or invoice number available. Th.re is a 25% restocking char on all returned merchandise (unless Item is detective,damaged upon receipt,or shipped I t errorg)..Credit will be issued after merchandise arrives in our warehouse.Clams on shortages must be made within 5 days of receipt of shipment. A finance cha of 2% per month, or an annual percentsge rate of 24%, a applied against all } accounts over0 day in states where legal(otherw se at Legal rate n the operas ve state). PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT $9 8 5.4 0 Prices are subject to Mange without notice. S5 SERVICE CHAIIGE ON ALL r•MEr -$50. ' f`.,-,At .rill Fun icci t.vi iftcr marrilariclise arrives Its our waret IUUSe. MINIIMIK1:1111:frl!fttiptr'1 eworitommr.rrrrrnrni t+uJivlvicn vnucn rule./ i-mt,t lyd J! 9 r - - ; •& y - .f iiiiitlrir ...:. n DEC 'td+: .=tt' ...jtr^;r`•-`.M. �•e1%,t!~'.,,• ...1:• •.wr:cc..u•f 'r.%*�'•{b.irg r. T PRO GOLF • >. ••�.:•••:. ),- �_..,'•• r _•: MAILING ADDRESS ,'. i i •••.•.',,•,:� -i q. '•� � �:�::ii q LOCATION .•cl� ij;., i .s•..i•�:,. r^I' �.:!'P !r%•:; c� .�' � . P.O. Box 1078rr,�: �„ �li'�t 1.r [._ ►t';r. K ; ':). 'tr:�t 815 Morris St. ,,ems:,..2ry � .. �-:...r.•. �rS Jri�'�►l�ti,•-r"' .,1 �.`>:f :-4f4aA: Fond du Lac,WI 54936 1078 Fond du Lac,WI 54935 .c��>'+-{.-�•I;• '�Y •P**-: ':4,1��f'• . ' N'► �.�.•,, 920-922-2640 • FAX:920-922-4986 �' :j.i:... �. ,... „:•' !' = .r:..•i::Y"r`% � ►« •: ..r.... �. •. 1-800-323-3569 felU is ',p..S_S••is, . •. .V:,:.:y:�t:!,:;,,:, i 1'.i.3. a•.: .1 CI OF' RENTON s CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE H MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE • 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY P 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY ' RENTON WA 98058 T RENTON WA 98058 .i 0 286989 DAYNA 425 430-6804 xpuNT« ORDER PLACED BY: PHONE« •i IDERNUMBER=_� •CUSTOMER.PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER . DATEOMRDER DATE REQUIRED REP# SUB B/0 TA° '« 180435 ' ! 1241385 11/27/01 11/27/01; 26 Y •Y 1130111/27/01 14 •. OROER® SHIP 810 UNITS -.PRODUCT*, "DESCRIPTION �re.' ram'' ''�`�►I °' r r H+l I _ .vt....i.,_,..1-111;1•••55 iltigare3j::7,:0 r•V :�:?::••,-.41.. .a:1': . ri` 1;'• t I TALL DRUM ..� .,. 3 �•.�..• .. c•EA OGA003 _y •;y�;r4;:1!.; ►� er, i �.e EA i OGAOO1 I SMALL DRUM '-QQ '''''"` '`; `':• =.�"'• BA ! 074007 19TH HOLE COOKIE JAR w. �••rJ '3 'EA ; 'tit;. ?5,:•,a,,<.� • t :trz OPKB9 GOLF COURSE 9" GLASS BOWL- '-6 ti. 041.:3.41toyeirta.. ... .EA i OPKP11 i GOLF COURSE 11" GLASS PLATE :•1• ' 41,..g 4341i. -.,7 at•►."'f':.•:. �+,=f` „i:-i ::• EA OPKO i GLASS 3" ORNAMENT C ,, _. •Aid ikr it• fill .`0:11:1•0 . .X4171'PR I4. ✓•• •, .‘ ;•,�;; iyx._.0.444 1.. , LE559 CRYSTAL BALL EARRIN �.• 8 st�; a •zz, '`'�.•.'• :r.t BOX ONC 201 GOLFER NOTE CARDS 2:E► �6:.a it V r•1;�•••*-~••:T. :•�•1►. �/ •tom �y,,,�,,� ,I,S EA OGI2009 GOLF BAG WINE STOPPER / '3.'; .iki Iifsi 6 •-.1►r� "I•.�'�11�:1t�� EA I OGI2006 ! GOLF BALL WINE STOPPER `7/ , :0 •" N:i .,...f EA ! OGI2526S j GOLF CLUB & BALL PILL OX 'A 4: �a%•► ••'.0%•••:‘ ww• 4E1 rlfi�•�•EA OGI2919 GOLF BAG MAIL HOLDER til 1 ;';.4: .; .;',..... r11. ::%VG 1F. :EA OGI8007 19TH HOLE BU INESS CARD HOLDER .:mot. �. r� :� .:J. f61 • J :de " .114441I. :'':les.14.EA LBC151 ROLL-UP . i 3...142• 4I j:k EA LGT184 LADY GOLFER MIRROR FLAP k./ e: a �:ti.=t rfjle K'.t:`1 f" ite.t••li.413 .f.• !OA 4.1:1.:*.r:t• ...1 ..,h,,,::. , 3• :��.• _ � . ..�..'- :. r•. - CONTINUED /Gi4I �/1 G/C/sJ PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Io return of merchandise will be accepted without an authorization number issued by PLEASE CHECK YOUR INVOICE FOR CURRENT PRICING. ur Customer Service Department. When calling for authorization, please have your «of CARTONS FILED BY: PACKED e' rder or invoice number available. There is a 25% restocking charge on all returned ierchandise (unless item is defective, damaged upon receipt, or shipped in error). - -redit will be issued after merchandise arrives in our warehouse. Inikilfil:i OARWTTITLAa•ntsa:1TT,Tmillil . uvJ•vIVIttjptYjtS 4L A ' '" r r•••...1.ut�a ..a I. `_ • • w - A. 4) a 4: ;.i•``a i. .•• \. ,I .4 ., .... � • •- •. ' ' !Tr ) t. .. .. 1(zp, a•. t :.:1. rl•• •a•. {�••rali~l.::twl O°.M:S�I{•.►•a: IXIi••Lyle r tlitt~'.Itrosl P ( GOLF J(lLEJ inc. t:. : ., :..,• L. ` •• a ': • . '- R `' .. •irI w : t••' i7 • ••i.• F . t'• I:` ii is••. t: .I:y>. II.•'%ie•••.�; I ' i•- 1 •. P •1: • VIALUNG ADDRESS r4 • t{e �, ••� LOCATION !.�f��•:tr�r[?•- r '� ,•�� •°�`.•:t�'��t'__�� .�.r����: .-�,.�•�-r ..• w � yr• J. E .t_e �:.•'..• Jw ���r.�.1a•�, �:.,4.,.• •`. ,�1 • �•til i•�y:d. t� •:No e ii'le l•i .7 •.14. D. Box 1078 815 Moms St. � •••••.... �.• s .�{i.•�;,,•�� •. ..'ay.;a�*_ . .,, ti•�►if.:•• : :lit:I •r.• :►:•ia :•�►y:C; • i a:P i. i,ar1.•: Ind du Lac,WI 54936-10T 3 Fond du Lac,WI 54935 •y .:• .••mod• r. ••c • �► •• t.,. .; •. 920-922-2640 • FAX 920 922-4986 • : : . .4. .•�. :.•t :aa �•�;• ;:ZZ r1.� s•.. �t: •;;1. • .Ii•t{:...f ir...ii zalt Vill..•itte Oji-•G.,„>:4 • 17 3�; • 1 800-323-3569 1•�.1�v i:I:13°.tii I j4V•i,j..:i t.:-••`'i4L'i` •y'; •i. ,.,► u "•�-..t.• CITY OF RENTON s CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE H MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY P 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 T RENTON WA 98058 0 286989 DAYNA 425 430-6804 PG .rT t ORDER PLACED BY: PHONE i ItR'NUMBER I CUSTOMEI I PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE OFORDER DATE REQUIRED REP# SUB B/0 TIAlca-,,i ^0435 ` 12413E5 11 /27/01 11/27/01 26 Y Y 1130111/27/01 14 :4 ORDEa • przi SHIPPED 8R ,'PRODUCT#= DESCRIPTION • - %W -TY:-s:- 4 ACM: �sue•?�"��', :r• EA LGT149 MINI DRAWSTRING ;;r:al r �• ,a:?:; �j�'EA LBCO71 DOUBLE WESTPORT ij ;044�'. • •/147 evi A B 50 I CANVAS SPORT BAG ,1 i '� .� :.�>.I�:L :- E 15 •:►• ; op% 1 }•►=.ice •.• i 1 RED 1 1 VY , -;;.s c1:17 M J'c•t:•; EA LFS804 CLIP BAG Q.•=�r;;tP • ✓4 �•• ::�;.?r•'altvi,, e;:•- :1•;tvi ale; t. EA LC804 CLIP BAG / rte.. ;:.,r f 3 •�!'�►� t j X EA 0368305 SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENT STAND tri 1,070 a.,';•1. :lit, 1'I4 : 'i: ;�4• EA 038117 I GLASS SANTA .Ec;:I i.:a. :4-.P.4r:•: ••=. 0 PLUS 2 FREE ONES s ;•• ..,•. .��sr" ;� jsi' EA 0332412 i GOLF BALL ON SHOES ORNAMENT i re'0:••� 1 ' 1�� s���� e EA ; OW57 SNOWFLAKE GOLFER v to F.': t e a2 v 14 t .i . wD. s -c :•i11iT. is .► •;1•t-'(c •.EA 1026076 GOLF BALL W/HAT ON TEE 4744 Y:1'i:I- 6 ssaif:� :%�'i:f•F:t EA ! OL2050 PORCELAIN SHOES .'. 81"• J'• �'':EA 1 OL2053 PORCELAIN DRIVER ',If 4*lb�: 4�;.. t; ; ••� : EA + OL2051 I PORCELAIN CART & BAG :4 ;;t• 44• f •;,•:1:;.. K:4 Fti •EA OL2052 PORCELAIN BALL •• ' $ (7 ;4 „ti EA OGOVP ETCHED GLASS ORNAMENT 0. .c •.. :A.KKK ite ••*Mr•litAP:• . .1...atilitAIP*4•?• . :, 1:1163: i;r•7.Z4. r �:t:+' i A. • y*** CONTINUED *** PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. io return of merchandi>e will be accepted without an authorization number issued by PLEASE CHECK YOUR INVOICE FOR CURRENT PRICING. x Ir Customer Service Department. When calling for authorization, please have your a OF CARTONS FILLED BY PACKED BY ler or invoice number available. There is a 25% restocking charge on all returned :rchandise (unless item is defective, damaged upon receipt, or shipped in error). ,rwiit will hP iss,1Pd after merchandise arrives in our warehouse. 1111111:111;tf:TtiV a II i:lil'ifal)AMI ...0Q,t vw•cri Vi{pt-rcwx•kNL b ,CiI :LIJ 1 'ai/ wit:•► A� ' iv-4%1, • 1ZiS/. Iiiii ','`"• 1,•i ,'•4: .•'.• 1�:.'",j.• 1ntl ::. 1 •'t7 •�. ..:ram • •►•:rrr to ;;.•• . • T PRO GOLF fALEf If1C. • ge .. •.•c• .. 3_:rk •,►p>. :•t• .•.•.....;, 11:' MAILING ADDRESS '' .:. )1 t... :4 t:p**Ot t II.' ► +� •1;��i1.• ,Y LOCATION �tl t.• 0;ti _. a; ;e..• rel'.• ;trees fi cL':. .r. .f;��;t�•�(�f•� !i� .�..3. fir,�C:••-«r !f ... �r w3. �,i,'�;�.+..�: P.O.Box 1078 �r iJ+:rb� `�".i1'i •,1.r t,; �•• •.• o; ••. ,;i w 815 Morris St. `•� • � .� ��.. '!•}�;�.b�-':J�-'':r��,��•.,.a.. • vC:�:•ci:�::�:�i, Fond du Lac,WI 54936-1078 Fond •du Lac,WI 54935 ;y� e':%'�%t • 4..• '�:4 ►1S:t1' �!"1,:1•/; •f: 920-922-2640 • FAX 920-922-49136 1s�e �: �•. •':••1e •r•••• 1••••;r.,,•AN .••1a •�' ...it 1-800-323-3569 fw� .s ••is i•i.i ... �:.••. 1'. 1;f;,,T::•. ••>JT t • •ti.a •�: s.2+•"SI-':•'•g••:�� •y:' •1,1r..• :1:•Z P4 CITY OF RENTON �� r s CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE H MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE/ • 77. 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY P 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY '.. • (RENTON WA 98058 o RENTON WA 98058 286989 DAYNA 425 430-6804 PG COUNT t ORDER PLACED BY: PHONE$ RDER NUMBER .< - CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE OFORDER DATE REQUIRED REP# SUB B/O Tn 180435 1241385 11/27/01 11/27/01 26 Y Y 1130 11/27/01.. 1• , car .• ORDERE.• SHIPPED • -BIO- 'PRODUCTS -. . DESCRIPTION „- . 411 31:idA: ©::1. >, ,.•3�• PKG 0500W3 WALL CALENDAR (3) gw :•sk 11• • ,pi4 II is 1 3t��..i i;,tis „:„.,..„„„f„.,,.,:„ :�.v.-�� i►a1E;e�• I j __ •!::;�:1fir•�j ,: •f. 1•T•LrS:11 .4 ' :0:i;so ta.: • t iiti4. 1 r.rti:itt:04• s :(;•)i.;.t...• .t .r•1±-.:psi -41 E �.,..•is, 4:EC frct! 4i1l • •fir• •1l••wt tt�+ Ariiiig.•11t1 I: ,�•••�{H �• •• :‘,.,„tilf i.. .,,.....„.,,,„,,,,....:,•:. akt•..ii rt: i l s y�i•�i: :1• • 1. ,,,...,.. . p .. •■ ♦. .�It A • .,..474.. 1 eFPt:0......,)....:..•..,.. ... :t... . A!, iT... V.a..,. „..:,:,i 1:t. % Me: .:�':� ia. 7•� 1 ,:,,..,,,,..:.:.. .:NI 41. 141::, .41Iii Arft24,1, 0. •:t"-��,,..�.1( fi ; :•••3-:•iIE 4ri -• PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Jo return of merchandise will be accepted without an authorization number issued by PLEASE CHECK YOUR INVOICE FOR CURRENT PRICING. Air Customer Service Department. When calling for authorization, please have your .of CARTONS - - FILLED BY. _ -r RACKED BY: )rder or invoice number available. There is a 25% restocking charge on all returned nerchandise (unless item is defective, damaged upon receipt, or shipped in error). ;redit will be issued after merchandise arrives in our warehouse. 11=1;11r11:17;Trr317TmTW'T„TrTyn41a,r,1r14111M1 _ I I I ' i r SuInd rland This item was located in the driving range storeroom with other defective merc andise. li r The a ached return authorization was received 4-3-01 and expired on 4-27 01,I. This i em had not been returned and is still on the premises. • _ I II I� i I i I III I 13 i I ' Sij. JD 20844 Plummer Street APR 2001 NO.: 616 7 4: RETURN DATE: 03/27/01 r SCOTLAND ���� CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 • AUTHORIZATION PAGE 1 OF 1 Of' ►7V0 818/998-0006 800/999-6599 Fax 818/998-0068 DIV: 1. SUNDERLAND OF"SCOTLAND SOLD TO STORE NO. OEPT.NO. CLAIM GATE EXPIRATION DATI BILL TO SHIP TO CI14441 JC 03/27/01 04/271C CITY, .OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON INVOICE NO. SALESMAN MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 259269 125—SALLY SCHMITZ (#125 ) 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON , WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 THIS IS NOT A CREDIT MEMC USA USA CREDIT MEMO TO FOLLOW • STYLE COLOR DESCRIPTION r'4 ' ; <, r•; :' ' :"+.TGfi,.; . '`\' :: ;:a-Y,;.,.t:`',:,;:.:t ,^.h r: :: 5 5MC:' .,Mp, 4La1= .............. ,,s TOTALS I PRICE EXTENSION • — : ' * v 1 • . . • 1 TT . u s-f`r! ti�..r•`, r� r �z » •?LAK 'fVG,: :: m.h w •• - , 1 a1:�.. B 6 .,.,, .,'.III:., sa.,Wit" ,., �, .. t,- . ir ;... } ';'x.. •. 'w -�-xt: rk - 2^:f w`i:.:,,,.,. slF`o. 'A";: ss".%% ,'°d ,W.. ft .4L.NAa::.' \+t4 a ,�,t.....en aw��•.S tix,F,�.P..... - .y,w.r_,,, n..,�:„; r-'5 ..x �.,<.c,x c.': ;,,, 'itii$;ea', .:4.,t`, ;�:::: '&:•-, a,.:.'.,i. ta.. .:c^;.,.,,:' .. p6:`4, a�• G `.ay. ��.c..a?<,y=wt. ,.,T.. ::g*,�,� .4ta7",'ls,- �r.' L, «.�.sail•� •�., e,. M:'�•. 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Aq., •'N :.'.::y' b " AT .A� ,d 'R„ ,z•�, V�`' ':,'e's>'173„ �t. .3,++�.:: P ;:s ;.'i •xa�t H�.�5:•- ?., x=x'�- .>,i;,.,�R... :.`x�,v"r�CM- ;+:-.,.., etir�..`s'�'^+:;�1;�{,..,.,.k, �;"; r k , PLEASE ATTACH THIS LABEL TO SHIPMENT 1 83 .0 FROM: CITY OF RENTON .TO:SUNDERLAND OF SCOTLAND (STOCK) MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 20844 PLUMMER ST. `` 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 RENTON., WA '98058 . ; ____ ---- 1 —, Lam:; Lam'I,•1,,,,,,.p+1 �:--1, fc•: r,;4.. .� nr ,..:,„-r, 6,,.:�t' /' :._-....,fi ,,- -- I--_s :�., �•e:-,. E'•.,-..5,.a�' —,.1 b,ter•:-� �;.4 :,_ a`5n'f ‘.. '':',. ..,:1;;:i'''''.. APR 3 h :.!!!!!!-7:.:: SUNDERLAND _ of SCOTLAND . I 20844(Plummer Street • Chatsworth,CA 91311 • (818)998-0006 (800)999-6599 • Fax(818)998-0068 I '-- Dear Customer, Enclosed is your Return Authorization with attached R.A. Label per our conversation This label must be applied to the outside of your return package or we will refuse the _' package. We strongly recommend that you return your package via United Parcel Service as they have a more reliable tracking service than the U.S. Mail. Unless we have ;issued a call tag for your merchandise to be picked by UPS, it is your g ility to insure your shipment to us. If you are returning merchandise that i respohsi ss defective please mark the area on the garment with a piece of tape or give a written i ; description of the problem. 1 DO NOT return any items that have not been authorized to be returned. If you do, thesalitems will be sent back to you without a credit. 1 Please be advised, your account will be subject to a 15% restocking charge.on all returns with the exception of defects, exchanges, and errors on our part. A service charge o $3.00 per garment will apply to exchanges. Your cooperation will enable us to process your return more efficiently. _ II Thank,you. Sincei''ely, . SUNDERLAND of SCOTLAND g-----' . I 'I - I Joy M: C oss Customer Service Manager : 1 I Book Warehouse Purchase date 9-6-01 These books were purchased and reimbursed through petty cash. a.d These items were purchased on 9-6-01 and came upon the premises on 12- 11-01. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK. _J11 I 14 ,._: '1'1 ! ,1 1, • , • < Wctir-c-h out get___ . ' : • .::.;:::-,5I.Ii•i::88$::::-.i-114,,Wti,,,.:W.' :Mqe-f, i . ..-:.:•A,;;WW:41;41..-: •-tzf,ki• -- '- -. ‘a co.i . ..'-•,'=?.::::•::,e1;:.;...•-r.f• ' . . . _ .. . : tAra.• ./ 41, • cal (e,1 b .. . . r------ ,. •.•.,..,.-,,-....-:i..,••• , . .- .-..... ••-,..ii•Ki: • --,. • • •••• .:•.,i.-•,••• •••-.•• , . .-....,-.:. yr: • ' ! 1, .., - - - ••- .- • • ,•,...,-1.,-.- - ,.- .1'- • ...: -• ' • ) - ,, ,/ NO :. . . iiiM ACEUSE1-6a851 - I '94) ‘4 N's :. •-' gig:if...TA)WI .?..•l'S5, I ''..4;:: • "153 c L r;Kr- 12:44•F:ti •••• Mil: E'fivErgq1 7 '' ,2 , INV ff3224E1 1E1'1 43KCI:K2M•13?? 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(425)• 6800 .::a"1. 3 Date: Sat, Dec 23, 2000 10:02 am ;1; ATIO _ Terminal: GGW ST N 1 �' Clerk: miket - Receipt: 0012230000042949 " . •;; f„, Item# Description Qty Ext Price .1 1 - • 1971 SOCK LADIES 1 $7.95 • • 1016 CROP LADIES 1 $46.95 r • SUBTOTAL $54.90 1• TAX $4.72 TOTAL $59.62 „s .,N\ .. _....__._.,...,;.. .. .. ,^.,.. ....•:.,.:if::i`ili•1?: 1ii!;Y:c:•-,y.::.gi.h:(Si;,,{.-::.t.;•:.titiTENDERED $59.62 ,,; -.1 Cash $59.62 i CHANGE $0.00 ' j ii • Thank You! : 17/ o ae__) j ii XI 2/0/ . 1°Ie--C14—el° . A • . - - j2te), -- i el- 17) 1 ' • in p/(e-7-L,17)-1 !1 - • • ,Ohio Wholesale Date Received: 6-29-01 These gift items are not in PSK inventory. They are located in the driving ',range storeroom. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK. 1 , I I � I II I II � it I �I, I t__ I I ' q I 17 , 1 1JIWIEJV JUN 2 9°2001 ; F • - I 0109259- _i• OHIO WHOLESALE, INC. INVOICE NO. . 5180 GREENWICH RD. $EY1LLE, OH 44273 .(330)769-5050•FAX(330)769-5566 ', Visit our Web Site -- TOLL FREE 1-877-745-5050 www.ohlowholesale.com E-mail: info@ohiowholesale.com, P mina MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE SHIPTO: MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE !405O MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY Renton, WA 98058 Renton, WA 98058 KE . AL *MA insa 0:61/00:07004 PZONAIWAUM.1 OgiVAAftiffitige-re'::MataftliWiii0 tirobrorA I 042012 PLI (al-to UPSC 06/25/01 NET 30 06/25/011 I g 4 4 21045 SM GOLF SCREEN DOOR 5.50 2=. 2 2 21108 AMERICANA SCRN DOOR SHLF - 20.00 40. ' Jr] • , ( ,... . 1 ' $(. SALES AMOUNT 6r FREIGHT 21 d - DISCOUNT to.. , - TO-AL $82. 1 4) r15 Less Depos. t: 1 ii 1 elk • . Less OperkCredits: SI 1 Pay thi4 Amount: al . • . KEpsE PAY [- Box Is 11 .' FROM THIS INVOICE ' . . .' , 1 ] Pul ed : Pac1 ed Please Pay from Attached Invoice(s) ' . ij SALES AMOUNT 1 1 : • - A 'IT. •• All stahns for damage or deducdons ere to be made A monthly Finance Charge,computed bY a rate ot FREIGHT within 6 days. 1,/r%ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE at 113% — No returns accepted without%tattler'permission win be added to all accounts over 30 days old. ; For resale only . .: ''' ' 2•, 'regt%', I CUSTOMER COPY I ;;Oh'o Wholesale ti Date Received: 3-12-01 (These gift items are not in PSK inventory. They are located in the driving Ira ge storeroom. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK. k2) items (wood golf chairs) are broken (1) item (bag/club ornament) broken ill I I t i i - I j I f�- �_I I Ili j'}I 1 , li I I' r ' ' � I ! P I I 18 V0.1vl UN gar 1 - 008 r309.._]I OHIO WHOLESALE, INC. INVOICE NO, i ' 5180 GREENWICH RD. .-, • • SEVILLE,OH 44273 Visit our Web Site (330)769-5050•FAX(330)769-5566 i www.ohiowholesale.com E-mail: info@ohiowholesale.com 1 SOLD TO: .iirIPL.EWOOl: :GOi...I"• COURSE SHIP TO: MRF°L_IIL,s'(io]i GOLF .,0i.J1:i:SE : 050 MAPLE: VALLEY HWY 4(350 r1 i;- L..I:: taAL I..% Y HWY -' Ii;'nton, WA 9(058 Renton, L. 93058 7, . .,r :E• 3'1'1 ?%er yr r.,..r.+ S:,Rs.w�^.r:�^.rJ aa�y..«_rr..vi ra,.�-.. +.gsrn,*rwa w, aw'� �az��s.'rr^+. e.�,ro�s..�n:.. .'s.'x�z,�3 �aaws..m c:a�,sdtir:- � /�/y�/��J171 S..ry,+,s ��y�y��SCy��O,o,',ER;7931II��y HIP��y/�}y �`�K ��,n.�$j�(} -DATE',tt�� oP..ED j �� RMSy'��-� ` [y�=:�x••$'�y',�`".Y"„y,/y�/ C�yp�i'Y�•���yi�� 1 Pti .t�.Y::2�N �IY";i1�Yk�a`-i.'.ir0.�k�':..�.'�..y^A.e'Stn +�t`�b�jy`M,�,n`iCA.R:'P+!�.�Q{�VVi,�:{f`4�..aeY'�'Yn��KS rcA-5M ��y' 1�s^fi �F� .4.eK.n�S.'�^�YX�::.L`�wlw .:P"k�.J-.Y1'yl�.'µ}ediL $C� 3�,12( 1.2 24Ic s UPSC 03/12/01. DIET 30 ;3/:1 2/01. l 1 _ _ ��� � 9 3a..�;,c>� ,trr.2.: � ..e� �y,xaa Sara..*+-���cw,-_.. �R 2 ' 2 21044 GOLF SCREEN DOOR SHELF✓ 20.00 40-„ 4 0 4 21045 SM GOLF SCREEN UOOR 5.50 0.1 1 1 21050 GOLF CLUBS (4 ASST) 12. 01 1f.: 6 6 21051 GOLF BAG W/CLUBS ORH. 4. 06 24_E 2 12 2 1053 SM 3D GOLF PICTURE 9.. 7 . 19.:'. 6 6 21073 GOLF CLUB BACK SCRATCHER 3. 75 2E. 3 3 21094 GOLF COAT RACK 7' 2E' 2 2 21097 GOLF CHAIR 20.00 41a 8 8 211.00 GOLF BUSINESS CARD HI._DR 3. 00 24 c 2 0 2 21.10E AITMER:I:CANA SCRN Dc:OR SHLF 2o..80 0, { 4 4 21115 FOLDING FLAG 7. 57 32...- 31 NOTE: Any ChT istmas . i•t-en-:s not received with SALES AMpUNT 236. i yc�i r ci r dr r are OUT �,F' STOCK and can be FRE�I 3HT 36 -r re--crdered in S:(JMi1ER 2001 D]:r�CCIJI�IT (�_.(• TOTAL $274 E I Sorry for any inconvenience � '-_I I \�� Less Depo�� it 0.(' ,!f'" Less Open Crud i bs w S(; y $� pgi GP y th is Amc .c'it:1 274.,. ?LEA olo I '® sox1 'u].led acl•: ,cl CUD Please Pay trom Attached Invoice(s) , _I SALES AMOUNT I 1'1 All dux for damage or deductions are to be made A monthly Finance Charge,computed by a rate of FRE GHT wlgdn 5 days.. 1 Yz%ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18% No rsturns accepted wIthout wftten permission. wUl be added to ell accounts over 30 days old. For resale only '. << -Al, 111 IRTfMFR COPY °-- ar Fetched Import Date Received: 5-3-01 (ship date) 11 These jewelry items are not in the PSK inventory. They were not vailable during inventory count. They are not logged on the list of items that were not in inventory. The following items were located after inventory was counted in a zip II lock bag in Dayna Meier's desk. *(3) pins *(8) earrings *(5) necklaces 16 pieces counted INVOICE TOTAL IS: 52 6 MISSING (1) necklace (ST015) is priced as product code 7035 but did not get entered into the PSK inventory, old stock? t I , I it r , 19 `•, INVOICE VWI\ INVOICE NUMBER F A R Far Fetched Imports,Inc. •* P.O.Box 626 , . . ; k* Sl �' $ ) Graton,California 95444 , 1� •izi 1-800-338-0444 . fax: (707)829-0748 '°`- ;:' ? ,A. ,St1IPPED?; i t . 1,,,,". IA. I'`"` ``Rg SHIPPED:VIA `; `7 ETCH ii D. Blue F SOLD TO: SHIP TO: Dayna 425/430•-6804 ik M0683 Maplewood Golf Course Maplewood Golf Course GIFT SHOP GIFT SHOP s 4050 Maple Valley Hwy 4050 Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98058 Renton, RA 98058 ':,-:ORDER s AT ''-;�5.- . ''zn'SAI E,-,VI P.I2ESENT'�d.. , `� ?R 0,�7' ' ..r..._ S. ,,�:'� ti }�, q° ,. ... .. '.e'�. .z,.�.. .. �7 r h� f.t��ti:}:;�r�'^.�:J` xn'Su'Y`,%i%•ijiite.n�?Y:+��.,,P.�����V��w�r'.:l+T.�t'ttt',K::�T�, .•��Ar'4: �`'..�Lf t,!J\: MAY 1 0 Holden tc Co. Dayna -I 24 I I T I N81 30 _ � ,�;.s . . .t„ •,-cc:v:.;,a yu^ ^-� - a,�r- a• .ar. > .+x ••xs::ou•. 'x;.-r_wtt �LlNE_,v.RDER.�4 ri* ,�,�t� a .+k ..44 h, A; ', 4 F,:.. t .= r �''r. 1 3.0 3.0 S0-145 ss,b,c stIly sandal, pin 17.00 51.( 2 3.0 3.0 EW-249 ss,b,c silly sandals, wire 9.50 28.1' 1' 3 1.0 1.0 S0-135 - ss,b,c hummer, pin 15.00 15.00 4 1.0 1.0 MW--238 ss,b,c hummer, wire 9.00 9.M 5 L.0 1.0 S0-176 ss Adirondack chair, pin 14.50 14.: +l 6 1.0 1.0 EW-265 ss Adirondack chair, wire 8.50 8.1._ 7 2.0 2.0 ST-006 ss,b sending a love note to you necklace 9.50 19.00 8 2.0 2.0 E-006 ss,b love. letter, wire 6.50 13.0 9 2.0 2.0 -ST-009 ss,b swirling Saturn and moon necklace 11.00 22.0 ,' 10 2.0 2.0 E-039 ss,b moon and saturn, wire 7.00 14.00 11 4.0 4.0 ST-012 ss,looking for ay prince necklace 11.00 44.0; .__, 12 9.0 CO E-016 ss leaping froggy, wire 5.50 22.0 13 2.0 2.0 ST-011 ss,b you are my queen necklace 11.00 22.0v== 14 2.0 2.0 E-119 ss,b queen bee, wire 8.50 17.00 15 ' 1.0 1.0 PC-911 ss,b,c illy pad.toad, key tag 1 12.00 12.0, 1 16 1.0 1.0 PC-935 ss,b,c ladybug, key tag 11.00 ii.O'_j 17 1.0 1 1.0 PC-917 ss,b,c night mountain, key tag 8.50 8.50 18 1.0 1.0 PC-902 ss,b,c mom a kitten, key tag 11.00 19 1.0 1.0 PC-903 ss,b it's Norman!, key tag 12.00 12.0; ''4 20 1.0 1.0 SO-855 ss,b love letter„ post pin 10.50 10.5a- 21 4.0 4.0 SO-891 ss,b,c 'we love .mom" frame, pin 19.00 76.0A 22 1.0 1.0 SO-822 ss,b,c coffee 'friends", pin 13.00 13.0 j23 1.0 1.0 S0-813 ss,b,c in the dog house, post pin 14.50 14.5., 24 1.0 1.0 _ S0-083 ss,b my toad prince, pin 8.00 8.00 25 1.0 1.0 SO••014 ss,b,c ,queen bee post, pin ! 8.50 8.5 26 1.0 1.0 1I-086 ss,b froggy prince, clip 13.00 + 27 1.0 1.0 0-060 ss,b, black polka dots, clip 9.00 9.00 29 1.0 l.0 E-049 ss heart & kisses, wire 7.50 7.5- j 4'4'6 .:F Y y t:1. t rt., •III A Vrr n�l44d4` •a . i A service charge at�,r�ate of 1.5%per month will be charged on past due accounts. Any expenses incurred in collection will be paid by purchaser. TOTAL DUE All claims must be 1iade within 10 days after receipt of order. All returns require an authorization number and are subject to a 155E re-stocking fee. - i i --•�••• I _ -_ -. . - _ _^. ♦�. _ - _ !Y N , (1.((r in...f......:....FAD RGTI`[rf.'r\I --, INVOICE U1 v INVOICE NUMBER F. A. R ;Far Fetched Imports,Inc. ,# ,..* F t r 11P.OI.Box 626 MAT 1 0 2001 164483 (41 S� i Graton,California 95444 ' • J41; 1-800-338-0444 • . r .ifax:(707) 829-0748 • DA SHIPPED . - MAY 3 01 .,- SHIPPED`VIA _ ETCHED Blue )LD TO: SHIP TO: 0ayna 425/430-6804 f M0683 Maple ood Golf Course Maplewood Golf Course GIFT SHOP GIFT SHOP •-- 4050 Maple Valley Hwy 4050 Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98058. Renton, WA 98058 ORDER DATE.' f%=;'s i':.As' 'SALES REPW. fA`ril'E. 4�:v`t):i -`='':`S ft"GO IT%1M ERS N` ,'",+ n :is lea ypIPMEP P.O.[# _ `TRN[S. MAY 1 01 Holden k Co. Dayna NET 30 - `�•,-r..�:� ,fix. .. � Y (XTi... .•tip rG "i aJ:�.'' 'c`ers?a: ;.*,v 'k' .�. .�..,�y, ,�,: • ,��,,•• .,. o. ` y�,S1i1P„ a��i�'4:�'+s= :fl`-�D(J- sir' _2� �a:,r '' � �DCIG�i':DfS � � 1 <-�y" � , �,' F �t jj,`��'y� y� S5�1 ,y � re re- _ � �,yc'r;' t ,s; �� ����rr�``� L�� t�:Y�,;.;�L<<'- iq I a woo; D0"p � ... ,. -. : M,At r1 `�.r RICE it:. s,s`,.. .- 110 i.0 1.0 M-25 event rack, 56 unit display 31 1.0 1.0 `M-211 shipping fee for display rack 10.00 10.00 132 2.0 Ii12.0 SO-127 ss,b,c garden shovel,. pin 10.00 20.00 1 33 2.0 2.0 8W406 ss,c garden shove], wire 6.00 12.00 34 1.0 .1.0 SO-167 ss,b love bouquet, pin 13.50 13.50 35 2.0 1,2.0 EW-256 ss,b love bouquet, wire 8.00 16.00 136 1.0 '1.0 -0007 ff polishing rouge cl. DajelV‘W)4 II I ! 1 I 1 IJ I - II . L 57.0 55.0 2.0 nt � iJ-al4.; =- 561 50 l r Thank you, Daal .,, r , T 1.ar1, 4 ,i4I IA service charge at the rate of 1.5%per month will be charged on past due accounts. Any expenses incurred in collection will be paid by purchaser. TOTAL DUE 572. 35 11 claims must be made within 101days after receipt of order. All returns require an authorization number and are subject to a 15%re-stocking fee. n � _ _ _ _ __ . _ i'rN P. nrr, e___a.___.--r..n cc•rricno " V‘ INVOICE NUNI131.R r ;01,. ..... ,.. .. . . 4, •• •..41 '...; • •. or" F•)1:,(. R -FarPetehes1 Imports,Inc. . s P.9:Box§26,:. .. , 83 .. . • • .U.• .Graton,illiforma 95444 : . . . •',-_ •ft• .t,„. ig-.1=800-33. -0144 ,, .. ...er • 0 :i ..r,;i.-• '-4* " • ' fax: (707)829-0748- • ••• k. im 1 NAY -3 01 ri.:1• --, ETCH " D 1 : . I -I, Blue 1 •t - ,-. SOLD TO: SHIP TO: !, Dayna 425/430-6804 e I. NO&83 Maplewood Golf Course Nap]ewood Golf Course GIFT SHOP I. GIFT SHOP 4 • 4050 Maple Val ley Hwy 4050 Maple Fa3ley Hwy ! •P ., Renton, WA 98058 .,-, --: . , Renton, WA 98058 .•. %%la en.,--0,•,,,q,0'MM.-47: .-;V .--210r--..- -+:::;;‘ ,1;,"7,...; i:•,(5,:•,...,.:•:„.ri.‘.'v,hz_'.1-."....::s."MillOPIME•VrigkatAttilms: ' 3 - cd NAY 1 0 Holden k Co. . bayna • • NET 30- „,., - • -. . . .,.,..'::,. --, •.•. - • • ' , , .. , 0 - ' • #• ----.V-1;;.4.;'•."m 01: -;''''''"0:0/01 7 -,f --015*,, ,....,:: .,, , ,- , Arc; . ,...... ...%.44r -‘ • • • 4, 1 z / ,."..1,•Ah.,."-t..-,7• (A-r•--,. • t • 3.0 3.0 SO-l45 ss,b,c silly sandal, pin .s4.-.2 „,:z5..c•V•c:•._1•7.A:1 N 2 3.0'. 3.0 EW-249 ss,b,c silly sandals, wire , ,r,,,-..4.4,,• 4:. ..:1,,r,:y.,in 'Ai-• I - 3 . 1.0 I,0 SO-135 ss,b,c hummer, ihn - ro -•'.7.2/-3,- /' '2" ' : . 4 1.0 • 1.0 EW-238 •s s,b,c hummer, (fi re • ''';'<-•P."1 re ' ' 5- .1.0 1.0 S0-176 ss Adirondack chair, pill) • --1---. , .,, ,..1., 6 I.0 1.0 EW-265 ss Adirondackirv,wir " , -•....?..,--yz.rw-ff,...4„.•,. - • , .,...--,--4., r>t,... , 7 • 2.0 2.0 ST-006 (( rd ss,b sending a 1 -.. n t itol/ou necklace !...,i•)•,? i .7,6 if, •t • '''-'70.‹.--ec-'2"."=•,--"`":•:r,-;- •551...,7,:r_;,.?ji,;..;:.:$7,2,11-1- 0„r?t'.- -,:, ,,. 8 2.0 ..2.0 - . E-006 ss,b love l etter, wire . I '. k 1141Nre, ,-‘4„;,-,z;z!,-,ilil.44-•-1(:ii • 9 . 2.0 2.0 ST-009 ss,b swirling saturn and noon n c 1 (14 10 • 2.0 -2.0 1-034 . ss,b moon and saturn, wire . ,-- - 7 .t,f4l.. .i.1•14e. L/ Sr. IL. : 4.9 4:0 , ST-012 ss,looking • for •My prince necklace p/r.-."1_,*. 12 • 4.• .. 0 4.0 E-016 ss leaping froggy, wire. " < A.f.11"".7414•:. '7. ••;,) s . • •..i,,-oei,..2,•,.,,....-, • f)-6,t. : . - 13. • 2.0 '2.0 ST-011 ss,b you are'.my :Veen necklace • 2c.,..;;_•;•/•..1,-.-VT.'...1?ii_lv,,., . • • ., ''''Y 'if.,.. ..AI 0 .i. r--,1.1g . • -•-s.s!..1) .qtkfen:.: komildlEe •..•;,•,.', fg•_,‘„,,,,,....„_,,i,....,...:i.....___ '••±-4.;74 ),?{.;••'J i L4:u'4'.v.-1- .5 r .74 Ill •-r--,. '1.-S' .•,•-.1:0 , - -1.0 ' '''''''" lit-VIT'''''Iigi,-c' lireiii4Ztarlby ta '•---7 ':77'.,2 4' ``. flit') 4. I r'').:t' 1 . • - ^-27v.r / .,.„, r• . 16 1.6 i.0 PC-915 s s,b,6 ladybug, •ihy tag • - - it' %.",iti)'''... .-13 -./ .. • (..., ...-...,...-1,...?....., .0., 1,--, • 17 ".: 1.0 1.0 PC-9.17 ss,b,c night mountait n,. key tag . • • „i„.,-,1..,.4.A'.747\14-•:,:•V•tr2'' '• i_.....,..t!147)fz.r"-•(°;;Ifs_4-- 4,',,7,,- 18 3.0 . 1.0 PC-902 ss,b,c mom g kitten, key tag .,..k...S.!i• U'7,<‘, VIP:,::"•.,C,1-1 1 19 • 1.0 1.0 . PC-903 .ss,b it's Norman!, 'key tag • •-,. •,-"1-..;":-c z:".."-=";-•4'1;7 '.1 20 • 1.6 . J.0 - SO-855 •ss,b Jove letter, . post pin •• • • 1/4 ,...1 ,.1„{“ 1 ,'....k•t'10(1 . '.....4;.*Zr4:4.'-'r•-•.:i.,;;-"P• '''.:**e-r:f;. ) 21: • 4.0 . ' 4.0 S0-891 ss,b,c we love nor" frame, pin -_-.4„.";;;,!_;..__,,...irl,k,ILI_,; •;,,,.....b . `'.1.?*>; P•tt,71 ;#*i 17 I' .1..1 ..e...lAs 22 1.0 I.0 SO-822 ss,b,c coffee 'friends", pin. -'---j., .•!,),...cf-.1*,-rt-:-. 23 1.-0 1.•0 SO-813 ss,b,c in the thig house, post pin .. .. „ff;,(...,-v,.......! zi r.,-..*::..,•,-.7.4,., , ., .,. 24 . 1.0 ';1;0 50-083, ss,b• my toad pri 'pce; "pin ' -• "e-- 1' ..1;5:/. 25 . 1.0 1.0 SO-01.4 ss,b,c queen bee post, pin 1-1",*,,---:- • f . ,r ,',-, - - ''.4-';'•.'-':';',14-'..jr---rK-t-1 • 26 1.0 • J.0 • 1)-086 ss,b froggy prinCe,. clip :.,:•1-,4.7 ....,..liirip.......,/-.2.C-. , 2'i 1:0 • .1.0. . 0-060 . ss,b, black polka • dots, clip 2 i:11,!,,. .},,i,./.i .471; _-_---,c-,_., • 29 1.0, J.0 . E-049 ss heart k k 1 sseS,-; wire - . r. ,.7...,. .,,:i....erz.:77(wii.:,--..,,........3;0..„77:Lc.;21,--74,:i.7•t, ;--'*••‘, -_,4(;,'A'...,1 -34 F" . •N:>i,.t.'7. ;"Lfii:tk:s.v, ,, i ••si -•,{is; '.--.7 ,.,,c4f.,:i7t-rl?'4'1. 't , ,_ :1:','-...::ttizY141/F:7:;''-:('-';'7,A,-.1-'iv-1.v•-, ;"-, . . , - . --;:-.... . .. •-. -.. •-•,,,,i. ...-.:.:,:1.-:-- •-4 . .., -....- . t_,,pl.. ,..,,t.1,_!? ,„,.zce,1a1,ke,;*.).4,4....1,.1; • ,.,,........... ...-•,-.ina&. -: '44.; - -- •-:.*------- ----'1:41.-4-4,;"•-. .";'44:•'"" tr''''. '-'-1-1•-•:" . - • 417.4q•A:r;11.-•-•'4::::;.' . 1. - -, • ',.. • ,.. .2......,:, •i:.,--,17 -4.,',.- ....!.`•• ••••• • • ., .n...., r. ,L;,(1A,1:j"., f;;;, -'.. •• • :' • -5"-j ' ' . '-', . •-:„e , _,-. 4:-.4.:-Ai,_.' ' - . ••• Y ,• . l • • . , -1 c.... ...: i , ' ".4- .) _tc_111%.^, ._„!,,1,1'zfr?to:(,,,;.• •1J • . ...1 .e..., • ,,,---• ,,'I . . • IL-..,..421.1274:13e.L....2,'V:i 01- A service charge 'the rate.of.1.5%per, ,th will charg on past due accounts. Any expenses inctlred..".in collection will be paid by pmchaser_ . :../.1.4....i.z1dr.:;-:,;,•,. _t ir";:i..---rt-'‘,.. -4-4.--;?., AU claims m be, .. cad= 0 da ter_ i o All returns require an authorization numkr,r and an subject to a 15%re-stocking fee. ':,,S, ,..:,(3..p..,'•44-0,,•,(,...-„,-,-7,Av ,4-7,-c., i - 11 i i ,' • . j__......„ J SR c4 , . rill/WM I ICer ir i. , ,a,n,g, e °Ai/ frw Amboy CU i'FfretiEn 1 • • , 1 . 1 V. V 0VV INVOICE NUMBER F A R 'Far Fetched Imports,Inc. . . • ,;* R I P.O.Box 626 • 164483 <.. f� � Gra�on,California 95444 . .le1-800-338-0444 fax:(707)829-0748 t R., i l %4 < It..✓. j� "• :., . . :::rLti. - >,a. �k, "'' 163. :.[. .- , .. ,• _ . • :;• - 3i-01 ' ' ETCHED t' t:, in'e,, Pt ,i ,7.'rsT I. Blue .. ,— 1 • OLD TO: I l' SHIP TO: o:ayna! 425/430--6804 i. 110683 1§ap1 wood Col.f Course i ? Maplewood Golf Course r GPI SHOP GIFT SHOP 4�050 Maple Valley Hwy 4050 Maple Valley Hwy R onto, , WA 98058 Renton, 14A 98058 ':.JiORD RE.I '%Y r ss 4 RA:44% SREPRF:§W.1T[v8. t r 811.T: :?..QNTAcr -9 ,: ';,,,-Y``, C1JSTQMY' ",i-•t•.t�,..�, �,;ter._<... t.;os�:�y.t:?ir,.,._._. z...,n.<a ._�,•.,,._,..,�u. e�,���i'�'�:;�3?S::r:.. ,,...,•rz._..�.;�.+,.�' r,.�.�'.�": �,s_..�..,�.z..«-«.;,-�.�� 1 •c_n x7�"�i�r,.�.-�!;�:.�t-5� 11AY 1 0l. J Holden k Co. Dayna • . . NET 30 • 11!1E' tR WA s yh �'1,3�gRO�ttt(��� "'r`- �D��3.,,:'O'ES�t�'.� d1, d .�,z�"� � _:- �, .for aWAVr �''✓ D��, DE �� • ems•. ......; ,.n ��:<n.r. . �s �f. --%. I. 30 1.0 1.0 M-256 event rack 56 .i � i�'yt.S�'{ �� � ,ttitt ''displayc� �2f� . 31 • 1.0 1.01 M-211: shipping fee. fore--display rack • � "'1 L'�' 32. 2.0 ,12.0 SQ.-.1:27._. ss,b,:c.';g '_.-1 =• ':_ +.? :;•„t,in _ 2 1 x;:";lam y t `�a S 133 2.-0` 2.0 ' • EW-;9.06 ss,c 'gardens":s ;I-;,•-. ire:. �i- J ; ,1 34 1.0 1 1.0 S0-167 ss,b love bouquet,- 'Tin -„� ?°,'��«:..".�t�'14 . P Y:,r j, •?-v: :35 2.0 . 2.0 EW256 ss b love bouquet; wire , "-ter- r1 136 1.0 . 1.0 M-•000 ff poltshtng rouge ci. ,_: -�3`,�,,5 .: ;- ti ' k,•>pl yam Vl uI 1 • ' / 21,4:21; e :.3... 't it %w Y��;;� .`��. .1Z < t'll j• ?!� ✓G • .ram ".'-`'x.i ?!`�:�: ?'•� • - 1 " •.t'...1;' ':.w...4,,,,..4:4+-::x'.--•,,,-........,...--• ' .• St'' �-Jl-�c ,... �'f�y� (S - ii....•t ... r;i:'—;-s : {k,;.x F .irriold r:,;-r : . �s `h.! 4..!.,9-. • •{4;s kl, r i••. '' t.:;‹,•...,/z4T.,,:-_..., • Ir ;•1.� :•• J i1. I 57.0 5�`r.0 2.0 ;).�{•!7 �JIt �`�r', LV ' t .vim.r. �b rim rjol�a �v9Nf'Ut Thank you, oayna! ~n i w„n..> ,.�,lvl)• ... .t,, ! _r.i;-. P .1,cy,,, 1:_Kri rivir:rj, kv- IA scvice charge at the rate of 1.5 per month will be charged on past due accounts. Any expenses i '. in collection will be paid by purchaser. �s. a i r f 'Al claims must'•be made within 10 days after receipt of order. All returns require an authorization nand are subject to a 15%re-stocking fee. Z.'•.,-4 �1'-t��,t p./` fir, —.......•_ , ,n•ri I • /grill k/ ,V njf/ fnr,.hnn•iL\A 1tBRflt Far Fetched Import Date received: 11-15-01 Date Logged: 12-19-01 Half of this order is Christmas jewelry. Date received is ship date. In PSK: 55P� • I Mi Holiday pins: 17 units This is incorrect. There are 17 pins plus one free 0(0037) Earrings: 17 units This is incorrect. There are 33 earrings on the invoice. (16 xmas/17 regular) Pins: 20 units This is incorrect. There are 21 pins. This could exclude (1) for SO Meier. Necklace: 6 units r� This is correct. (1) pin is SO Meier. I could not identify which pin is special order. Has a unit cost of $9.50. There is (1) pair of earrings that cannot be located (item #XEO22B). This may have been sold. (1) clip (D086) is SO Meier. PSK unit cost is $9.50. Actual price of clip is $13.00. All keytags (keychains)were entered into PSK on 12-5-01 correctly _ t- 20 , '' • INVOICE V INVOICE NUMBER F A R 1 Far Fetched Imports,Inc., , * R 'P.O.Box 626 NOV 1 5 2001 ; 6467 ! .kLf. Sf G ton,California 95444 . + ,, � 1-8 -338;0444 . Page 1 fax (707)829-0748 • 4 Pam. _ NOV 5 01 �.'ETCHED• ',SHIPPEbV1 >:, Ground L!OLD TO: 0ayna 425/430••6804 SHIP TO: ri0683 filapl.e ood Golf: Course tlap)ewood Golf Course GIFT SHOP G VT SHOP 4150 Ha le Valley Hwy 4050 Maple Valley Hwy L Rj ntOli: WA 98058 Renton, WA 93058 ;--, it ORDERDA '' ; '�r,T;• ENTATIVE'•� `: "nr I�Y RCO ,� f'pi>;` ``�:%•CI! bIY1E P.O: :is T�?� `SAGE$ i �• . ... .�;1.:* . . .>. ...>..�.....:�2• ., �.�Y2'£-..�. F....��,..:r.L�a � �'``.,,.•.'7�..1"�•.acr:`�'�.�c.'.-:.� 7'-..x`�'d��ta.:-=-:��w..:a,R... -•.�t.'i�;. gaiMTERMS4'.#9 --' OCT 23 01 1, Holder, & Co. llayna 124133'1 NET 30 • 1 • 1 INE Okii.0 � iiiP' ?t *` ,0707° QD„,,,,R,z,,, ' - . �� ^ j ii r,`� .3.: ;.�,�''''"IC N ' t.M. ,....�C!4 :�'lfti tli: - 15 '@- r . . 4. . . .t (:.- n*Ese :::" • x 2. 1.0 1 1.0 14•-032 holiday package o��`0- 1 3 1..0 1 l.0 XO-•03'i ss.b.c suite nutcracker. pin r 4 1.0 1.0 X0-033 ss,b starlit pine, pin 10.50 . 10.50 6 1.0 l.0 X0-032 ' ss,b heavenly sent doggie, pin 9.4o 9.00 -- 6 2.0 2.0 XO-026 ss,c red nosed Rudy; pin 10.00 20.00 7 2.0 2.0 Xt:-028 ss,b,c red nosed Rudy, wire 'l.50 15.00 `-� 6 2.0 2.0 X0-030 ss,b elf cat, pin 9.00 • 18..00 9 - 2.0 11,2.O XE-030 ' ss,b elf cat, wire 8.0110 . 16.00 lei '2.0 2.0 X0-033 ' ss,b,c santa Non.), pin 12.00. • 24.00 11. 2.0 2.0 XE-033 ss,b ell doggie, wire 8.010 16.00 12 2.0 2.0 X0•-027 ss,b christnas tree truck 9.510 •. 19.00 •- 1.3 2.0 112.0 XE-027 ss,b chri stmas tree truck, wire 1.50 15.00 14 1.0 1.0 XO-007 ss,b frosty snowman, pin 10.00 10.00 15 1.0 1.0 X11-•007 ss,b frosty snowman, wire 9.00 9.00 16 1.0 11.0 XO-029 ss,b angel kitty, : pin 8.50 8.50 F i 7 1.0 11.0 XR-029 ss angelic kitten,: wire 7.50 - 7.50 L_'18 1.0 1.0 X0-032 ss,b heavenly sent doggie, pin 9.00 9.00 •19 1.0 Il..0 XE-032 ss angel norm, wife 7.50 'l.50 16 1.0 1..0 Xf -016 ss,c it's Santa! hohoho, wire 9.50 9.S0 19 1.0 •1/.0 - XE-008 : ss,b,c red nosed reindeer, garnet wire 9.00 9.00 20 1.0 1.0 XE-006 ; ss,b golden star, ire • 9.00 9.00 .1 1..0 �1.0 X0-010 ' ss love bug chri st 1 s, pin 9.00 9.00 22 1.0 1,1.0 XF-010 ss love bug Ohrtst s, garnet wire 8.00 8.00 -1.2 1.0 �1..0 X0.031 , ss,b gifted, kitten, pin • ' 9.50 9.50 23 1.01.0 X0-021 ss,b wow! a big pre ent, pin 9'.00 9.00 ?4 ' .1.0 1.0 . ._.,7 Q,2211 . ss,b golden gift, w re 7.00 7.00 26 2.0- i2.0 SO-196 ss full gallop, pin 10.00 20.00 27 2.0 2..0 SO-825 gs,b,c "friends" p]' ing, pin 14:00 26.00 1 1 I • I l t .� Ar. if'`y Y I1 I • • it4i{Y c7"::::::',i;;;;;:.;;:' r?...c f cam.:.: :. A service charge at the rate of,1.5% month will be charged on past'due accounts. Any expenses ittc�rred in collection will be paid by pwt�r. TOTAL DUE . {--1 claims must be made within 10 ys after receipt of order. All returns require an authorization numkr and are subject to a 15%re-stocking fee. f --ORIGINAL INVOIICE,!LEASE PAY R,.H ;`7 „, INVOICE INVOICE Nunn3[ti, F A Far Fetched Imports,Inc. 67467 * P.O.Box 626- Sl R 1 Graton,California 95444 ,. - kL 'rill 1-800-338-0444.., • - ' .. Page 2 it fax: (707)829-0748 %^1.: It. ,. NOV 5 OJ ETCH D® :`-;'SHIPP D.VrA,:#} r • Ground -A. SOLD TO: Oayna 125/430-6804 SHIP TO: �, M0683 Maplewood Golf Course Map]ewood Golf Course GIFT SHOP GIFT SHOP F: 4050 Maple Valley Hwy 4050 Maple Valley Hwy Renton, WA 98058 Renton, WA 98058 4 .OItDE[; TE," ' �; /fLES !tF§EP1T$`fi11 ` lt':C iP I!T�+ US7OME[if: 'f!•�z `; r . wA......rg ii-.l4,-35....,.s...REP�..�or.."..�.. ..,. a .�" 110 .. •:;..•t•'` L,,., .,4'::,44 a ER'.4t,i; 1 • •• �T:-X L .✓ it:G ic._a R Y N+y.`-ci K! S^'s.-vie:::;. OCT 23 A:. Holden & Co. Dayna 1241337 l*T 30 UNE.So-Q^'M;'-."'i y:.Ei wow -. nyw. g• Mff. ••_. .d::'tIA-2.:+.:G1ni• 7'x-J!Y a3",F ';',:,;:it-: N.r.p-y- 28 2.0 2.0 S0-822 ss,b,c coffee "Er tends", pin 13.00 26.00 29 2.0 2.0 SO-10'/ ss,b,c flower pot, pin 10.00 20.0, ,r 30 1.0 1.0 E44-204 ss,c 1 ttho flower pot, wire 5.50 5.5' j 3l. J..0 1.0 SO-836. ss,b blooming watering can, post pin 8.00 8.00 32 1.0 1.0 E-022 ss,b blooming watering can, wire 8.50 8.5'1 33 1.0 1.0 SO-132 ss,b,c picking flowers, pin 17.00 17.0, is 34 L.0 j 1.0 E14--235 ss,b,c picking f lowers, wire 9.00 9.0v 35 1.0 1.0 SO-128 ss,b blooming bouquet, pin 13.00 13.00_ 36 1.0 1.0 F.Ll-231 ss,b blooming bouquet, wire 9.00 9.0. 37 1.0 ! 1.0 SO-043 ss,b,c vase of. love, post pin 13.00 J3.0u__` 33 1.0 1.0 S0-152 ss,b,c sm mmmartint, pin 11.00 11.00 39 1.0 ! 1.0 E1:-253 ss,b,c mmmartini, wire 8.00. 8.0' 40 1.0 1.0 E--068 ss tea pot of love, wire 8.00 8.0, i 4l. 1.0 1.0 E-795 ss cafe ole', wire 8.50 . 8.5v-,' 12 2.0 2.0 SO--884 ss,b,c my family frame, pin 17.00 34.00 43 2.0 2.0 SO-891 ss,b,c "we love mom" frame, pin 19.00 38.01 1 41 4.0 4.0 F-002 ss horizontal pin to easel cover ter 2.75 11.0( ._ 45 1.0 1.0 SO-142 ss,b,c moon mountain, pin 14.00 14.00 46 1.0 L.0 EW-245 ss,b,c moon mountain, wire 9.50 9.5i 47 1.0 1.0 Elf--221. ss,b,c fetching norm", wire 7.50 7.51 t j 49 .1.0 1.0 E-045 ss go fetch, wire 6.50 6.50' 50 1.0 1..0 E-042 ss,b, can's best friend, wire 8.50 8.Sfe- 50 1.0 1.0 E•-043 ss matching heart dog & cat, wire 6.50 6.5i 51 1.0 J.0 SO-•089 ss,b stylin' puisy cat, pin 10.50 10.5t 52 _ 1.0 1.0 EW-225 ss snoozing kitty, wire '1.00 1.00 53 1.0 J..0 S0-831 ss,b baa baa three sheep, pin 13.00 13.O(1 54 1.0 1.0 S0•-084 ss,b froggy love, pin 12.50 S,, 1..0 1.0 E-186 ss,b my prince toad, wire 7.50 7.50 s , ? :(`.ltrt '' ! A service charge at rate of 1.5%per month will be charged on past due accounts. My a pensrc inctured in collection will be paid by purchaser. TOTAL U U E All claims must be ade within 10 days after receipt of order. All returns require an authorizationnumberum and are subject to a 15%re-stocking fee. ORIGINAL I OICE.PLEASE PAY )Y�n N 17-. .'1,�r r. -:-..r.o v ri'u ., „ INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER ! FAR R ''Far etched Imports,Inc. 6746'7 „•* t P.O,1 Box 626 fJ '�Y Graton,California 95444 , _41; i. zi 1-8i 1-33&044.4.,. - Page 3 fax: (707)829-0748 '2 -gigl O t„ .PP11;=, �,.': k� : = I' 'NOV 5 01 it k~ i SHIPPE,rS VIAL: . • _ETCHED IGround .�{DLD TO: Q;byna 425%430-6804 SHIP TO: M068 3 iiaple ood Golf: Course Map]ewood Golf Course _7 Gl(FT SHOP GIFT SHOP 90:i0 Maple Valltv Hwy 9050 Maple Valley Hwy ttnto , WA 98058 Renton, WA 98058 I ,�;•...i. - .s.;.; V -„fk,X;r a . S`:�f C13 0. 0PY. •.0;.,:at%, J . p.. . ,., t.:43.+T l,. , �: 1 _ ORDERb TE•' - ;SALFSREP.RESi<N7`ATI E-- ..:� .:`ca ��:• .�iA ..�I .,�'�5; {`.USTO(�¢lR; 0;;� ,��; � u w. • .� w`•�'.: `� 'j+...-.... -...tx:a ., .;... ,.i .:..�±r:: . ...„ t,t�>...o.•.t.w,..+ . z.t�,..... 1 ::.�'.n,:....i..r..b-. ,..„�... OCT 23 01 llolden & `Co. liayna 12..4133'i i NET (230 r--- ,•ase h":cb "'(;+K,.y'�,i`3-' z;ak 4 ' ru,J.""s�,+`n Y13.3) zar.. r�yx�, crsx•..v.;e.•(-,:.,.. .�'<•' `'r•W...::t y 'C'. lreUN 51 1.0 1.0 50-829 ss,b froggy, post pin - '_50 5.50 59 3.0 1.0 EC-498 ss flower long drop biscuit, labordorite, wire 7.00. 65 l.0 L.0 EC-331 ss spiral long drop biscuit, wire 5.o0 66 1.0 'J..0 EC-328 ss long drop biscuit, wire 5.00 5.00 6'1 2.0 2.0 EC-•036 ss,b coffee break, wire 9.50 19.00 68 2.0 2.0 ST-012 ss,looking for my prince neck l ace 11..00 22.00 -69 2.0 2.0 S-146 ss noon beam kitty pendant on 16" ss ball chain 1.50 15.00 __ 70 2.0 2.0 ST••003 ss dream away moon beam kitty neckl ace ]1. 0 22.00 'li . 1.0 1.0 0-036 ss,b froggy prince, clip . 13.00 13.00 . '72 2.0 112.0 PC-903 ss,b it's Norman!, key tag J2.00 29.00 : '13 1.0 !.1.0 PC-909 ss,b,c in the dog house, key tag 11.00 11.00 .. 74 2.0 - 1'2.0 PC-902 ss,b,c mom & kitten, Key tag 11.00 22.00 75 1.0 1.0 PC-913 ss,b,c site rider horse, key tag 11.00 11.00 76 1.0 I1.0 PC--90J ss,b,c goodnight moon, key tag 11.00 J1.00 '1'7 1.0 I.0 PC•-905 ss,b,c love letter, key tag 12.5,0 12.50 78 1..0 1.0 11-311 yellow keytag p.o.p. display . 19 24.0 24.0 A-518 ssp assorted bangle I..SO 36.00 i 80 J..0 I1.0 N-000 ' if. polishing rouge cl. 8.1 1.0 ,'1.0 1i-2901. essential rack, 90 unit display locking '. 82 J..0 '1.0 N-211 shipping fee for display rack 10.00 J0.00 _ 1. i. I \� IOk , 122.0 11.9.0 3.0 i__' Thank you! Free Nutcracker pin has been included for ordering our - , ,:?...4^ �� holiday package. .ii1 �ta %t.c Z''4 ..,t,t,,, , , rill. _IA service charge at the me f 1.5�per month will be charged on past due accounts. Any expenses incurred in collection will be paid by purchaser. TOTAL ll U E 916. 5 1 1 Il claims must be made within t days after receipt of order. All returns require an authorization number and are subject toe 155E re-stocking fee. I (1RI(;INAI INV910Er PI EASE PAY i ...• e. .`'1 a r f. CAD ccTerrcn. elk_ PIA Pro-Active Sports Date Received: 5-10-01 Date received is ship date. Three items (kids golf set, coffee mugs, 17" lamps) were entered into PSK inventory on 9-1-01. All other items (18) are not in the PSK inventory. They are on the list of items not logged into PSK. i' hE 1 C i IL ve -6A i I^ ry I7 i A1Y 21 11 . , : r •• • , • , , • -- ProActive Sports, Inc. Invoice 129553 1200 S.E.2nd Avenue Invoice Date 05/02/01 ,---- Canby, OR 97013 USA • .. • . L_ , ... " • . ,- Telephone: 503/263-8583 I l' 11 11 Bill To: Ship To: Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 1 4050 Maple Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway ! 1 Renton,WA 98058 Renton,WA 98058 1 , 1 ' 1 i__ - M00028 1 UPS Origin 3%30/Net 31 Days ge,fiNgiggiNP:E:04404i0W1010060:40WPWROVNE ii0::M14:per i5i0:4R R:Orr 0#0:1:: 0:000(00:4014.600RNE8 1241148 05/01/01 81374 Itoot.:t.L....... .......xp44 ,,,,........,.....0 -1.....:...........2...„..„,,:.....4=4:au,........:•:•:,,,,,,,,,,-----:-:•••••••:•••••,:::::::::::•-: ------,:•:•:•:•••:•:•:•:•:•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*:::::=*:*:*::x*x:::::K:::K:::::.::i x•if•:•:•••••::::--1463-:-,:•:•:,,,,,,•:::giiiiiwiiniiiimuitgra=29101:1 :2321 gA:mo:E:.:::::. •;:iii-mi.::::::;„i•; ::-MEa (0'CkiM0: !rent OtgAglOWN::!..:.in;Mitiiiaing0M:g•MMENEOMN::NEA:g.OtiM EDO 2 0 Z-J04D01 0.00 0.00 2 Discontinued!#1144Golf Bag Pen&Pencil Holder • N - :— I! 41 4 MJR004 4.95 19.80 0 Golf Play Kiddie Set / N 31 , .--, 3 J08007 3.50 10.50 i O NEW!Coffee Mug;"Golf Memorabilia"V ' N • 3 3 J08005 3.00 9.00 O NEW! Coffee Mug,"The Balls" I N . 1 3 J08006 3.00 9.00 0 NEW! Coffee Mug,"The Clubs,. / N ; 11 • -•- i--- 31 3 JO3A01 • . 1 2.00 1 6.00 0 Simple Golf Ball Keychain...X N 11 . 2.50 7.50 3 J03A03 ' , . 3111 • -- .1 0 Keychain Divot Tool.)( N ! 1 3 3 JO3B01 3.75 11.25 O Golf Ball Business Card Holder(Chrome) X N .... ,1. il , 1 . , . 1t-- (Continued) i Questions regarifing his invoice? , — Please call 1-800-36 :642 PANEWIYAM 11 1 117- ,1 1 , 1 Customer Original 1 Page 1 1 t N ProAct ve Sports, Inc. Invoice 129553 -J 1200 S.;. 2nd Avenue Invoice Date 05/ 2/01 Canby, . 97013 USA ` Telephon•I 503/263-8583 Bill To: Ship To: Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 4050 Ma le Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway , ' Renton, A 98058 Renton, WA 98058 1 L ,Fmaw ]?}f.{.,.}:{:::+:}?•}:{:::{:{{.:i?:;. Wsrmstamma::S}:4:tix:x::::::vv :•?:•?{?:•??%':ismma}::}i:;:y?:M .... ................................................................................ ................................ ,•............................. '.:..:???::::::{f::f�iiiiiii:i{:-}:�Siritiiii:•?:'1 M0002E I:.::::•...............................UPS . ...........................................................Ori•m...................................................::•::•::::::3/0 30,/Net 31 DaYs.................. . {*3?SL'?:'•r :{oR??•.o.h�%o.:{•:?{.???:::�•.•::?:.: s i :::-.:}}}..::{{3:'y:r• k.;{{{{.,••`.ak.:?k:.^•./:•`"}•:f::•??i {#o ....... .::x?:?'�a'.:,: ,. :...:::.:::..... .......::..?•.: ::...---�--..:..#?.ucs�ase.l�rd�ri�u�er..n:.{:.:.;:.:}:::..�................r:..:....;......:....:..........��"..ate�pEsrs�a::::::::::::.:.:{:l�rdef:J�at�.?{.:.:{:.;r::�:?:.?<::i�c::t�s�fa�i!tt�er:':�::h�_ _ 1241148 05/01/01 81374 vi::;. ...h...v:;:.: .��: � �?: - - ..v:v:•.v:w::::::::::...........................:.......... ::: i' {iiit+-:{-:{{:=:{:v:^\ i:?rr::?. }:{r1.}v{ :.:' :..c:::::•�•'3.: •.�..::::::�::..� .-S#i o :.� .:1� �EIF.�{1fC'8S13C£;.::�r:�?:r-::{•x•?:�?:�:-x�{. . -::.t•.:•::-:.•::::.-:::.._.� .?:.,r:+ :�: ?...?r.:�i:}:�ii:'{;,: -rest-�'- .:.� . .. ..... .. .. {::.�:?• rMeraq ;1, 3 3 J03B02 9.95 29.bo 0 Twisted Club Business Card Holder)( .• N 2 2 J04D03 4.95 9.$ 0 Pen/Pencil Cup, Large N 1 3 3 J04H02 8.95 26.E---F 0 1st Place Penholder/Calendar, N 2 2 J04Z02 3.95 7.901 0 Tall Box with Lid_,. \ N 4 4 JO4L01 24.95 99.E. � 0 Golf Bag Table Lamp 17"J IN I ' -r _. . 1 . ( 111 ___1, ... 1 1 Shipping Subtotal 13.7 Nontaxable Subtotal I 247.35 Taxable Subtotal • 0.0^ Questions regarding this invoice? Tax 0.0 Please call 1-800-369-8642 Total Invoice , *.''. y; :. Customer Original Pa e 2 f_ 9 . 1 VY� PriiActivv $ports, Inc. MAY 102001 PICKING TICKET 1200 S.E.2nd Ave ue i (—Canby, OR 97013 SA • • Order,Nufnber 813741 1. Page: 1 Bill To: Ship To: Maplewood G If Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 1 4050 Map!e Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley HighwayRenton,WA 9 058 Renton,WA 98058 r Salesprsn, P rchase Order# Ship Via F.O.B. Our Order# (None) 1241148 UPS Origin None 1_- [ln# Location Item Description Req Date U!M Open'QtyQty Picked P 3 Z-J04D01 Discontinued11/104Golf Bag Pen&Pencil Holder 05/01/01 1 2 pe Id 07A1 4JRO04 Golf Play Kiddie Set 05/01/01 4 46 II 7 0761 J08007 NEW! Coffee Mug, "Golf Memorabilia" 05/01/01-- - 3 73 II L 9 07H1 J08005 NEW! Coffee Mug, 'The Balls" 05/01/01 1 )8 07H1 J08008 NEW! Coffee Mug, 'The Clubs" 05/01/01 3 �--I 5 GIFT-B J03A01 Simple Golf Ball Keychain 05/01/01 3 3 ii 6LGIFT-B J03A 3 Keychain,DivotToal 05/01/01 13 GIFT-B J03B 1 Golf Ball Business Card Holder(Chrome) 05/01/01 3 3 II�� ;i2 GIFT-B J03B02 Twisted Club Business Card Holder 05/01/01 ' 3 3 L_ Ii 2 GIFT-E J04D03 Pen/Pencil Cup, Large 05/01/01 2 4 GIFT-H J04H02 1st Place Penholder/Calendar 05/01/01 31' "3 1 GIFT-I J Z0 Tall Box with Lid 05/01/01 2 4/ 1�, j 1 GIFT-N J04L0 Golf Bag Table Lamp 17" ' 05/01/01 .4 1k E- , i _ Li 1 Ifil 1-vegA6 L . 1. 1, Picked By: �44 Checked By:ee.1 J Packed By:c Total Packages. 11 1'" !!!Any Discrepancies Found On This Order Must Be Reported Within 10 Days !!! L3nnted on 05/01/01 at Ql:46 PM II Pro-Active Sports Date Received 11-28-01 These gift items are not in the PSK inventory. They are counted on the ti list of items not logged into inventory. 5x7 frames. Invoice notes (6) units. During inventory count, only(2) were located. Four frames are missing and are not on the premises. -4 I ! II� J J I� 22 II J 1 DEC = 2001 trpe; ProActive Sports, Inc. Invoice 1423431 r b 120Q S.E. 2nd Avenue Invoice Date 11/27/01 1, I Canby, OR 97013 USA - Telephone: 503/263-8583 III 1 j_ Bill To: Ship To: Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 4050 Maple Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway Renton,WA 98058 Renton,WA 98058 I 1 --- ir sx,, 7.*Y. 1, s ^r;a Ji-aC^`air �";N.f da sf4, ^J r yT:,n�.,��s,,.as�in'�'<` sa i:; { l. �c;: �«� },,� tad �.�. �,».y�.. kr MOWN fi :x `.LE`r r§ i !2 . P Z f j 49. z. s -��. .r W is' k'. s t �^ r� ' M00028 ' UPS Origin 3%.30,Net 12/26/01 Lt _�:''" 'P rcli4019i-01/umt3'ejf r "'t` alespersott" ''" tilgrde ate': fw" ur.0' a Niimhe ���`i3� r`3r�ve+w;efi�s,•:..o-a:.;+'iw -<,s �.,.tt:x«: 4a>.:"s���'��`O.u� xd.:7+:.�7Y asa -r ws�e.s^,�4�,�°�i35,. r»..,�.�v�<s...n.�.`s•''"'p'r-v�nrr.s� t.ews,� .accsn��� j 1241384/DAYNA 11/23/01 89538 ++-• .*a z n,+.r. :gtc«s tt ri.;°•.a >Fs:'+'k ?Z 0 '�+-- - • e 14-z-0:aVh Baolc•Ofd9teV7 .yIWAM� �RWerjl tiogag ft ,«' i=% =tJit, 1Dlsch'I,Ta "niaM er" led iice �.s.'. ec.=;2s� szu��Y:i�".�€e�;",,., a 3 .eE:, 'sue.--t., a�.�Sa..Sb"�•� w3",.,�3:�i.'3�'.�'::s�tF;*.r-`��°.^4s,a�s�.,..•�:;�;.4 rr,.ca€»a a�b a�.�a. w. ar�7 � .+xeaa�fn• G; 6 6 0 MGT500 Black/White Jacquard Towel,TriFold N 3.75 22.50 6 6 0 MGT502 •Black/Green Jacquard Towel,TriFold N 3.75 ' 22.50 6 6 0 MGT503 Black/Navy Jacquard Towel,TriFold N 3.75 22.50 6 - 6 0 MGT504 Plaid Jacquard Towel 16x25 N 3.75 j 22.50 _ 2 ZI 0 SVP106 Zippered Caddy Pouch,Burgundy N 2.95 5.90 2 2 0 SVP101 Zippered Caddy Pouch,Black ' N' 2.95 5.90 • 2 7 0 SVP102 Zippered Caddy Pouch;Navy N 2.95 5.90 2 2 0 SVP109 Zippered Caddy Pouch,bRed N 2.95 5.90 r 6 0 6eDBDRHO Rosewood Hole In One Trophy N 5.95 0.00 6 6 0 J04Z01 Gotf Coasters 6/set N 7.50 45.00 4 4 0 J04Z04 NEW!Origins of Golf Coasters N 9.50 38.00 I4 4 0 J04Z02 Tall Box with Lid N 3.95 15.80 6 6' 0 J04E03 5x7 Golf Clubs Picture Frame,Green OE 4^1y -3" a pr N 5.95 1 35.70 - I, 6 6 0 J04E05 Picture Frame w/Trophy,3 1/2"x5"e" N 4.95 29.70 i 6 6' 0 J04E04 5x7 Golf Clubs Picture Frame,Brown' N 5.95 35.70 6 01 �6 103B01 Golf Ball Business Card Holder(Chrome) N 3.75 0.00 ' ---' 6 6 0 JO3E01 Chrome Gotf Picture Frame . N 11.95 71.70 I 1 0 1 J11004 NEW!Absorba Stone Coasters-Valley Green N 7.50 0.00 ^i 1 1 11005 NEW!Absorba Stone Coasters-Classic Golf N 7.50 11.95 0.00 2 2 0 J15002 NEWlGolfApron N 23.90 2 2: 0 J15006 NEW!2 Piece Gift Set N 6.50 13.00 2 2 - 0 J12001 NEW!Golf Chip and Dip Set,Ceramic N 20.00 40.00 1 2 2 J14001 NEW!Brass Golfer Door Bell N 7.50 15.00 I2 2 J14005 NEW!Brass Goff Thermometer N 9.95 0.00 1 1 0 X-HZDISP Zoo Tree N 19.95 19.95 1 4 4 0 J04L01 Golf Bag Table Lamp 17" N 24.95 99.80 r ,,-1 I k1 -1 IQuestions regarding this Invoice? i Please call 1-800-369 642 Page 1 (Continued) " N ' ,,,:le'-: Customer Original j • ` ProActive Sports, Inc. Invoice 142343 • 1200 S.E. 2nd Avenue Invoice Date 11/27/01 Canby, OR 97013 USA • $ Telephone: 503/263-8583 ra • c: i P. Bill To: Ship To: z. Maplewo d Golf Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 4050 Ma le Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway Renton, A 98058 Renton,WA 98058 1 J fed " 1 ta4 g r '. a 1� g ¢¢y4y,��4: .F"4 Y�»��),i jj;r..���i'044:411112 Ii; UyN'{yti}g�t s ''"'I ��''"}?}?���m`': 14 ,y yc.:�;:tfjam " ?�`-011 ,011'ta-"':'.�qa?�_ Yr¢xF. 4"rtn3J� 3 k ���.,..M:e^:p-�melpi.CF .�.vA'.i(...d:w�•�?���R�fl' „M^�'he��� Adst�°'vnRC�� �F.^W..!'A'iCW r 1: .M00028 • UPS Origin •3%30,Net 12/26/01 ,4y - aumtia O e iiiiitier 1. , t t ta �'= Sfile.s`61.....4.04Va amp:tawrt• ra� 1241384/DAYNA 11/23/01 189538 2 2 0 J04L02 NEW!Origins of Golf Desk Lamp N 24.95 49.5 2 2 0 HZEAG Zoo Headcover Eagle N 6.95 13.90 r., 3 3 0 HZGAT2 Zoo Headcover Alligator(EuroSuede) N 7.95 23.r ' 2 2 0 HZMOOSE Zoo Headcover Moose N 6.95 13.S, 11 3 1 3 0 HZSHARK Zoo Headcover Shark N 6.95 20.85- 3 3 0 HZWTIG Zoo White Tiger- • N 6.95 20.8`-1 -1-s 1 s -r� 1 1 r • , ri • , 1 j Shipping Subtotal 31.1 _ Nontaxable Subtotal 740.1 Taxable Subtotal r!Questions regarding this invoice? T 0.00 TPlease call 1'800-369-8642 Pa e 2 Total Invoice �A,'; r*'� r Customet O7iginal I II ✓, rq7 t e p� rts, Inc. NoVZ 2001 PICKING TICKET '00 S.E.2nd Av4nu mby, OR 97�013�,US .Order Number: .89538 Ili Order Date: %11/23/01 Page: 1 i �II Bill To: M06432811 Ship To: Maplewood Golf Bourse-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 4050 Maple 9/ally Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway Renton,WA 080 8 Renton,WA 98058 F1CONWOOD Salesprsn [fur hase Order# Ship Via F.O.B. Our Order# "' 11 (None) 1241384/DAYNA UPS Origin None it t Location Item Description Req Date UIM Open °1cC cked 11 - 02E1 MGT500 Black/White Jacquard Towel,TriFold 11/23/01 8 ! il 02E1 M750 Slack/Green Jacquard Towel.TriFold 11/23/01 V 6 L da 02E1 MGT50 Black/Navy,Jacquard Towel,TriFold 11/23/01 4k, _ {-8 02G1 MG�TS Plaid Jacquard Towel 18x25 11/23/01 8 _ G 05D1 SVIP10 Zppered Caddy Pouch, Burgundy 11/23/01 2 _ :0 05E1 SV II?10 Zippered Caddy Pouch. Black 11/23/01 2 r ; , 05E1 SVI710 Zppered Caddy Pouch. Navy 11/23/01 ✓2 r 3 05E1 Sri() Zppered Caddy Pouch, Red 11/23/01 2 I El se' 0511 DB[DR O Rosewood Hole In One Trophy 11/23/01 6 Illk 1, jill�"8, 07C2 JOQIZ01 Golf Coasters 6/set 11/23/01 li 07D2 J04ir Z]4 NEW!Origins of Golf Coasters 11/23/01As. !I k.OF -1 07E2 J04Z02 Tall Box with Lid 11/23/01 4 Ifiri II 07G1 J04iE03 5x7 Golf Clubs Picture Frame, Green 11/23/01 6ESTI 07G2 JO4iE05 Picture Frame w/Trophy. 31/2"x5" 11/23/01 6 a n ,Mil, -o' 07H1 J04�E04 5x7 Golf ClUbs Picture Frame, Brown 11/23/01 6 J 0711 J03B01 Golf Ball Business Card Holder(Chrome) 11/23/01 , --0-� ip- 1 0713 J0E01 Chrome Golf Picture Frame 11/23/01 6 r21 II 07M3 J11;1004 NEW!Absorba Stone Coasters-Valley Green 11/23/01 1 4g-- il 0j-02-1 L I ° iI (01:Aof I K411:116C)k) _ II P toOof 'r.oA e Sports, Inc. PICKING TICKET , I I ET ' 240 S.E.2n Avenue , . . _ anby, OR 9 013 USA . • - .. Order Number: 89538 1 x Order Date: 1 4/23/01 Page: 2 l f. Bill To: MO= Ship To: -,A Maple od Golf Course-Pro Shop Maplewood Golf Course-Pro Shop 4050 M ple Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway Renton, A 98058 Renton,WA 98058 i i Salesprrn Purchase Order# Ship Via F.O.B. Our Order# (None) 1241384/DAYNA UPS Origin None l n#Location Item Description Req Date U/M Open QtyQty Picket- 5 07M3 J11005 NEW!Absorba Stone Coasters-Classic Golf 11/23/01 1 'le—. 7 0702 J15002 NEW! Golf Apron 11/23/01 /2 b I 7 , „ t7 3 07P1 J15006 NEW! 2 Piece Gift Set 11/23/01 2 ir 1- 2 0751 J12001 NEW! Golf Chip and Dip Set, Ceramic 11/23/01 3 07S2 J14001 NEW! Brass Golfer Door Bell 11/23/01 2 _' 1 07S3 J14005 NEW! Brass Golf Thermometer 11/23/01 2 --G_' 5 FMEYER X-HZDISP Zoo Tree 11/23/01 1 I --�' :7 GIFT-N J04L01 Golf Bag Table Lamp 17" 11/23/01 4 2 GIFTS J104L02 NEW! Origins of Golf Desk Lamp 11/23/01 2 P �', 0 HCOVER HZEAG Zoo Headcover Eagle 11/23/01 y �� a I --- 1 HONER HZGAT2 Zoo Headcover Alligator(EuroSuede) 11/23/01 /3 V 2 HCOVER 00SE Zoo Headcover Moose 11/23/01 ' 3 HCOVER SHARK Zoo Headcover Shark 11/23/01 6 ! I ; I 4 HCOVER G Zoo White Tiger 11/23/01 3 A __ ..... , i • 1 - LI icked By: C g Checked B k Packed By: Total Pac4ages: !!!Any Discrepanc es Found On This Order Must Be Reported Within 10 Days !!III • .. • . . a a II.I 01 le.• . .fA •4 A. . Moore Enterprises Dlite Received: 8-28-01 \A ood golf clubs entered into PSK on 12-5-01. Red wood bottles are not e ltered into PSK inventory. They are identified by label as displays only. Invoice notes (4) bottles. During inventory count only (3) bottles were located. One bottle is not on the premises. 23 r. n .'4.4 .v 'a 5` AUG '13`�) f 7 2 9 2001 ,-y> • S1 ti; 3t �T ootce entettpxts' es .. . � z 21216 fw � =- x' •_ 2556 Cresent Street ? .. 1 Ferndale,WA 98248 • Phone or Fax(360) 384-4140 w f04,1).14 1311 ::� • DATE P COMPANY NAME:�c QS7.?ccR.�� '� -f4CY 4fe--ee < ADDRESS 'O s '� - _, CITY,STATE,ZIP —_&,A7^ ' - E PRONE((111� !t 60—4 EEo 41 FAX I ,� BUYERS NAME 44. 214 . ,: Bottle Coddle Lute-US Pat.44 496,124 -131"`.riles--.-A :- &J Quantity Golf Club Price Amount �;�s ,.. • r1 ; ;: : -fir 5— s J � ,� / •Yak i 4. a tV44 A Board C0 — .,y . :'t. 4 . :; > _ a�, mil% . F > : - • ,_ —-- — _ ___ ....._ 1, * .t.--,..----t- - Rectangles - 0AA s k�: f ' # r ; .x , a+.+K3 *w .s — wil--- ". imi 0 T.:i.z.t-,,i.,:..:ki_e,.4.,tt.,,..... .., ,,. _ _ — , kii • F1 A / _._ . : — • . .. . s , •.. TOTAL/ _. , ',AL, . . , , fq4 _ � TERMS: NET 30 , f SM• t - 7 Satisfaction Guaranteed!!! DUE_ (D.3 s a GE mini Selections D2 to Received: 9-28-01 (9 picture frames were entered into PSK inventory on 12-5-01. This is correct. There are (2) wood mannequins that are not in PSK inventory and are d splay items. One is located in Pro Shop, the other is located in the diving range storeroom. (' ) resin frame and (1) resin album identified on invoice as free. They are not in PSK inventory. They are not on the list of items not in PSK and they are not on the premises. 24 Oa 3 2001 INVOICE Va... as GEMINJ SELECTIONS 487SANTA CLARA,CA 95054 (408)732-4278 INVOICENUMBER IANNI SFREET 22564 ..' (408)244-1678 FAX , . . Sep 26, 2001 INVOICE DATE ..,1 1 NOTE: NEW MAILANG ADDRESS. PAGE SO 4:1 7 18SEA5648' A SOLD TO: Ship tog 1 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY ILIVY. RENT ON,WA 9805S *Bill is due&payable on due date. A$10.00 delinquent charge will be applied to all final notic: CUSTOMER ID CUSTOMER PO PAYMENT TERMS 4254306604 i8SE(J1564859 I _ Net; 3(4 Days SALES REP ID SHIPPING METHOD SHIP DATE DUEDATE ) LJPS Ground 9/26/01 * 1 - - 1 QUANTITY ITEM NUMBER . DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE • EXTENSION SHIP B/0 I On 65004 PEWTER FRAME;TRIPLE BALL 8.50 25.50 2 0 61718 PEWTER FRMAE;GOLF BAG;3X5 8. 50 51. ffi • 3 I 99152 WOODEN MANNEQUIN; 21"X 5.5" 16. 50 16. ; i 4 0 ---99:1.58 WOODEN MANNEQUIN:: 19. 5"X5" 1.15. '75 — 15. *:- ..) 5 0 70030 RESIN FRAME; WALNUT; 4XG 6 **FREE GIFT** i 7 fiTh 32057—R , RESIN ALBUM; ;RED;4X6 **FREE 8 ‘_/ GIFT** . 9 -2001 2001 CAT PR ALOG & * ICE __LIST 1 1 . il 1.5 i .03 16 17 .g64.2-a-g&JH 1 18 _ _ 19 20 21 ei( )414-- 22 23 NO.OF BOXES: I . Subtota:. 108.7j Packed by: Wank Tata CCD Freight We appreciate Inspected by: Total Invoice Amount 117. 1E Payment Received C'). Your Business Check No TOTAL VISA AP#: 11 7_ . e ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF MERCHANDISE $15 charged for every returned check. BI ae Handworks/Rana Date Received 10-11-01 Ciristmas ornaments. (6) snowman ornaments located in driving range st oreroom. They are not priced but they are in the PSK inventory. In PSK: 30 ornaments @ $2.50 60 ornaments @ $3.50 6 vases - SO Meier 2 garland - SO Ruff 4 garland - Display "-otal units per invoice 102. This is correct. 25 | OCTw 0 7 � �MMn ` =�^ � " �"~" �`°=°*� '� '. ` ,`°~ .`= 00028250 � BLUE HANDWORK |wvOu�smO�� S/RANA TRADlNG CO | 2223 COMMERCF� PLACE ` � � 13794 [l� � Hayward, CA 94545 cuaTowsnw � 1 94 | 510/783-3370 | 510/783'3385 RANA � SOLD TO: SHIP TO: � MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE PriAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY llWY � RENTOW, WA 98058 ;��ENTON, WA 90058 - � - � J~ Nu / �� � ~ ^ i {} it DATE SHIP VIA F.O.B. Tsnmo . PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SALES PERSON OUR ORDER NUMBER �^ ~ ,. ,� $� . o^«wnr ITEM NUMBER DsoCnIPnom UNIT PRICE | sxrsmosoP' /•AL / i PACKING LIS1 ` b& 1124Dt '` !. "Ali- Customer ID : 13794 UPS SHIPPER NO. : E98--W58 Shipping ID : 13794 !� FROM : BLUE HANDWORKS/RANA. TRADING CO _Terms : P>:m4.44 ; TERM& v,.. .v 2223 COMMERCE PLACE Ship Via : FREE 510/783-3385 RANG Order : 34883 Hayward. CA 94545 Tel . # : '310/ /G3•-3370 TO : Contact : DAYNA MEIER MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE Tel # : 425/430-6804 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY . Renton. WA 98058 ` , E 1 r i • P.O. No . : H8L820 Rep : I IUr.r . Store it - . . - Date Ordered .:. 08/20/01 Source : SEri Department. ; Date --Requested: 10/15/01 Cancel : L2131 /50 PO---4A-- ,e,--i--ice•- 0 sG • Sty Req Shipped B.O. Item Number Description Price Bin --- -- 10 . .2.4 TALL SNOWMAN WHITE 4 .00 4ill li_ 144 5 "WOOD STAR RED DISTRESSED 2_SQ :=, -�_ 148 5"WOOD STAR WHITE DISTRESSED 7. 50 ___._ 165 °' CAT` FLYING ON CARDINAL _50 - A - ^ ____ 614 GLITTER DEER " 3.50 gAT, _ 651 .::, CAT W%FISH FRAME AN1Q_ GOLD 4 .00 JP , 652 .• DOG W/BONE FRAME ANTQ. GOLD 4.00 64 _�� 656 SWINGING ANGEL GLD GLITTER 3. 50 666 M k, TREE- IN STAR POT GLITTER 3.00 - 6 �n�-- -�_ 7013 �" SML SNOWFLAKE SLV/FOL 2EA/3 2. 50 l7 _ 7020 MAPLE LEAF SILVER FOIL 2.50 7030 TREE BELL ORN 3. 50 7032 WREATH (GLITTER) 3. 50 7036 MAPLE LEAF 2. 50 764 3-D CHRISTMAS TREE ANTQ GOLD 3. 50 773 CUT-OUT STAR BURGUNDY 2.50 (2 . 9004 STAR WOOD WHITE WASH 5.50 9006 SNOWFLAKES 2.5" SILVER 7. 50 A156 VASE W/S1ALL FROG (6/144 ) 3. 75 - • j • • tectA` cil . 7 pit ( . 4 c°A/6y 0- . • ,.., , . _ . . Total Cty: 114 . t .?9,%18/01 Z e (5 I - )ii I! . iti` Kim Lugar Clay Art Date Received 12-7-01 22 items entered into PSK. This is incorrect. 23 items on invoice. One free God Bless Flag sent. This item is not in PSK. It is not on the items not logged into PSK and it is not on the premises. This item is missing. 26 DEC 7 200t, `/16{(_ Kim L igar "Clay Art" Invoice 51318 Old Portland Road DATE INVOICE# Scapp)ose,OR 97056 10/12/2001 1699 (503) ';43-2510 FAX(503) 543-4057 539-CZ.eel BILL TO SHIP TO Maplewood Maplewood lewood 4050 Maple Valley Highway p(e)s lcI- fah 4050 Maple Valley Highway Renton, WA )8058 �'�"�ea9 Renton, WA 98058 P.O.NUMBER TERMS REP SHIP VIA F.O.B. PROJECT i 'UI S Net 30 days KL 12/4/2001 UPS QUANTITY ITIEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 09 AN-ND New Dog in House 6.00 12.00 04 LP-l7H Football Helmet [husky] 5.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 LP-i H Football Helmet [couger] 5.00 10.00 A SP-3F Golfer 7.50 15.00 A RS-R1 S Rain Slicker Kids 1 Small [husky] 5.00 10.00 (14 AO•FL New Flag 6.00 6.00 ft FP-PL Purple Lady [red] 10.00 10.00 19,AN-FR Frog Prince 6.00 6.00 0 CC-CPC Golfer Ornament 12.00 24.00 40'CC-SNO Snowmen set(6) [all black vest] 42.00 7°' 42.00 4.0'CC,-PG Penguin Ornament 6.00 12.00 d►l'CC U-CPC Santa Clause Ornament 6.00 12.00 ei P O-PBB Polar Bear w/Holly Ornament 6.00 12.00 6 (-rgA,! (-rgA, 4 01)&FPS/hv tia FIIR-b 1( iKellfAtION) \\N\N :11,11. (pi Federal Tax ID # Total $181.00 U' Jones Sports p Date Received 1-23-01 This item is a 2nd bag strap. Noted on invoice is SO J Roberts (member) He had special ordered a golf bag. Then ordered an extra bag strap. The cost for the strap is $10.00. This invoice has not been entered into PSK. E8 It is unclear as to whether this charge has been paid for by the member. The bag strap is not on the premises. j 1 -1. I 27 1 1 . JONES SpOR1Ts2uo9 l, INvoicE No. 351220 . (..O• I NC. 17230 N.E.Sacramento Street CUSTOMER NO. 98056 Portland,Oregon 97230 1 (800)547-8447 1 (503)255-1410 FAX-1 (503)255-1242 B S I CITY Of RENTON H MAPLEWOOD G C L MAPLEWOOD GOLF & CC I 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY L 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. P RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 T T O 0 DATE I SHIP VIA•. I DATE REQUIRED 1 TERMS . 01/23/01 UPS STOCK NET 30 DAYS PURCHASE ORDER UMBER I ORDER DATE I SALES PERSON I OUR ORDER NUMBER OM 12, 411021111111,0_ 01/22/01 SR 28687 ORDERED OUIATY SHIPPED I BO ITEM NUMBER I DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRI4 III 1 1 SO ********STOCK ORDER******** 0.00 0.00 1 1 943P POLYDUCK SECOND STRAP (BLACK) 10.00 10.0C 1 1 - 0.00 0.00 11 1 1 FR SHIPPING & HANDLING CHARGES 3.02 3.02 1 1 - 425-430-6800 0.00 0.00 S'001 J- ebbe,t- . . • NonTaxable Subtotal 13 .0: Taxable Subtotal 0.0( We accept the following cards Tax 0.0( Page 1 IffEalli Vas'crCard Lam; Total 13.0: Jones Sports Company is proud to be the only major golf bag CUSTOMER COPY mn..nnharfnrar cfi11 rIrnilvrimn nlnfiroln inn fhn Tinifnil Stains' ., • • ,: , ., ,,, , . .-,,.,,,,.K.:,...-in .: JONES SpORM. JAN 2 4 2001 •, . e8687• • • ' •', • • . SALES ORDER . - •.'--•- . , ‹`,,••,;-- ,' ; ,.. CO. INC. 17230 N.E.Sacramen to Stieet ' . a•• :'-:." ,:7'v ' ,,:-.r: '...c:f:-.,':' -..'':.,.:', \ .• . ,.'.,',..-;?,; :.,,,,,? 1...-._ Portlandt Oregon 97230 - CUSTOMER NO • - 9a050-4- •-•.; '--- 1 r7s 1 (800)547-8447 .. 1(503)255-1410 FAX-1 (503)255-1242 PAC KING LIST' S B CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD G C H LMAPLEWOOD SOU' & CC 1 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. MAP L 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY p RENTON, WA 98058. RENTON, WA 98058 '• T T 0 0 ' • . , . ... ...11111111111111h. , '''• OAT IP I cOmMENTS .....r.,....• . TERM •-,11,---'17-.-n-'7'7;"k4-,37.77:7 .. - „, ,./r7rs'.,., ,,;,.v.iittl.:S,-,A4. , -•si. ,.-.f kik is 'VA‘,•tvi•*-,4--:'^ - 1,' ,y,It ,i,14,?.,4...a..0;:.,010-...,....i .?„-,:..,--i.- *. I .pill,)*** 4, , ,,.:._.v,04.-Via;:•.,t4"ocKs.^fits ',...1'41"'in S*.4-fr.-"44'.:417.;' ** ."'''' %' .•'I .TO - ' ' ' '''' ' ' '.' . ' ' PURCHASE/°ORDER iNUMBERups 8 I :,,,....11;3:9AT&:,. 1..1 , ,,..7.....7r,77... 4..AJ.,:!4PgRA9..N„.. .: ...„..777,7. I DATE REQUIRED ,',, :1" 7774 ,,,,„..... _,.... t7.7.1., „..._.„ `.-,a,..f:, l' `<,.(1,3;:v•',..:,;q:';`,,-,,... 4;,,,i,A',,,-::•,,ItLit:,i,,IN]:;4;'.;,4-;',.:WAW .Ay..Z:t t':`, 0::'4;1..,L• x'--4....,644..! '.'-:`, ir• '. ...*;•"/"4,"i"IV-48'9:4-'44''''14',.-' , ''•'y •'. '''''.1'**'.....'"•:,:.r*•% ..t:''•*•',' ;•,''-• ''''' * '-:-' '' * ''.••'•- ' ' LI, , - -.:'. •' ,. QUANTITY '''.1 7;557';rpi.. S e.trii‘Vtit‘il - •RDERED SHIPPED B.O. NUITEMMB DESCRIPTION ' I •• ;44 ..,.,1,„ t.,...,14.1.. - -t`e • • • 14, }I/4,1 -"* a o. -it•.,c :0,.,,,_, r.,. t ..:*. ...- .:;:it%.SAI I,", a. ".--, 1:',!`-,`"''..- ..k''' 4 r...4. --1' 943p'‘• A'",-.**,:,,-:, , r.i..Ipat4 ill'IY. ..:q 2 it til ': *el* ....s. OK /10 ' ,-!pir,...,a >441%.,,.••bag tl.:.:141,4 et,k.... ....1 t.r.,..,:fil...pyr.dr:•./.. ,. • , . :-2 Lt.,._^ .•:•;-:"*Tr.,.:!"2:?I''.. 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I . -\ -......tv-,,, • .. .. ,,,, .. ,:. - , ,,..,,i--,..4: , - - ,- P-,',, ,- ' , - . PACKING LIST K•Bell Date Received 2-5-01 In PSK: 72 pairs of socks entered on 2-13-01. This is incorrect. Invoice notes 84 pairs of socks. (1) pair has been located and is on list of items not logged into PSK inventory. (11) pairs cannot be located. :;0 gift bag socks entered on 2-13-01. This is incorrect. nvoice notes 48 gift bag socks. 11) gift bag socks have been located and is on the list of items not logged into PSK inventory. (7) gift bag socks cannot be located. 28 rcu II LUUI I . Bell4;42_ 5300 W. 83RD ST. • LOS ANGELES, CA 90045-3261 • (310) 670-3235 • FAX (310) 670-3244 www.kbellsocks.com ORIGINAL INVOICE DUNS NO:06-140-0362 S Maplewood G.C.-City of Renton S Maplewood G.C.--City of .Renton 4050 Map.l.e Valley,. Hichway H 4050 Maple Vi:l.l.l.E::'y F•la_ghway I'IAF'L..E:.W INVOICE NO. PAGE Re nton en•ton WA 98058 P 01.74751--:I:N 1. INVOICE DATE DATE SHIPPED T T Renton WA 98058 02/01./01. 02/01/01 0 0 0131990 PURCHASE ORDER NO. ORDER DATE SALES SHIP VIA BUYER DEPT TERMS 1249004 01/24/01 3E1 UPS Net 30 DUANTITY •RDERED SHIPPED BMCOLOR DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE UNIT BILLING AMOUNT 0 1.2 12063 WHITE Heart Fun Shorty 9-11 2.75 EA .00 0 6 12064 WHITE Cat Fun Shorty• • 9-11 2.75 EA .00 6 0 12065 WHITE , Dog Fun Shorty.K 9-11 2.75 EA 16.50 0 6 12099 WHITE Princess Short) 2. 50 EA .00 . ° : 6 0 16079 WHT/NAVY Candy Stripe Footi.e 9-11 2.25 EA 13.SO 6 0 -16157. WHITE ' seed .stitch Footie� 9�i1' 2.25 EA 13.50 2 0 ,16179 RED/NAVY Stars .Foots e �tr' _ w 325 EFL .. �..,. 39.00 � 4:6 O. ra1b'�.$$ WNT a Golf n 1"ee��X' �, '* N0 ;` 6} 2 �`B LU�'I° (tax J r�la caw I. r I.ped ( '(_,,x1.:i.c' JC .>.25 EA N , t }: 6 0 ':� i <16205: Izsl_f G; , .Color Bloc. 1=caotii X J 25 EA q: .�. Eft 'w.,av • to :�A t1Jt3yQ f, e a. i•,. Q 3 �yL* S k .Color :�al:LCl°`. -C?C5 t • ].e.�C ;fin' r >�R 91 hs aF- ; ilk• , r. •4 j . , l r'Y� .rid.. • ;�. .'d �+'..r='.. t �y <- B. 3s,� •''� ,r N.-1.1 +.',�'I`t � ;�.'' ..�'i , , -2,„4 ,,. _ , j ,,,,+'. I t7Ik. on. (-OL.!.r15(3 .i.1 i-f t B.< g3C ''' ?'8.Z00 EA ,..,"' .1;.gi?.:VF :;,•X �J ��,, ... y, � ,�,� �c1J � q�i�'C >, r�J. i-' 7.Ct C, A.7: 4 N{ -''' '' �+" .• jib.•^• n , ' �' L ' ;2 C. ''Y , �r , ��,, ° �� (1 ,;: ei't�l 1 t� ;Sty°t 1=1 i. Ci c °i'ac „2r, (•�• > .t: }rn rat. wC::.�'*'4 _X' u'.f.- • ;:. °Y""' '° ,+b '�' f�Q,4 1':.5:� .'Dot, i' ,J� r s 7S'. .'L s''q ' 'h"��i^•+'q�* '�+t+�', -"Ana t ';•, i`.•;s • ;..�" � L.1.p .-Lt f'o ' c ; a,4 tJ ;n ,t n '°� ;Y„S> a;r '" ,� I: .:,. _ i' .•5 .- '•': •,,:,) t..>.. ,r Y 3 - A - 6 0 t, .ci i ..c- 4,� •.5 1'( '!f L 1.,'1..0vv "(�. a "''. 3- t 4 h erii 'Ir k�.44,I..:° �t� . y • '41- - - `�. v`.S`�;;.� '" D1S 4'7�,ye."� :+Y j.,, ' � ,,,t.*. r �. ..l r •] t{� •�L- �„i��h k"'µ,>h 3 M6.'M13 C"f� .�'�y�5��ly� ��r f� , r-- . r gxY•,' ,r y'6.�{-.�..fir i,#e ��^�«!"�{ ,w' -I .r �•t)�) '�,..•(,� '] ¢^ v y' ��]`�i1a *�r.� r r �. w.!w'• . . .-2 ''k ''i+S"aLe" �° .. I:: k-• ,{�..`'1'• ;G.,o, :'`1`h�,('.�.Lf�L E{C, Q+7 .� i-' _��`'�.`r '.xr §..^'+�. ���. :.v _ ?m.4''�?: ,�,•�,'3y ae, � w lO~S �.n:' r '� •0� , t :r ,"*. .c. 2. 3�•f' . ,. roi a7 :,. i={ ,„ '' 0J..:1.f t , r , . S `„,,,5. ,`,z1 v�f` r,,,,N .i - °'"5n r:#`:r .t'"`t,% i�4 °. }4 ,I', t !.' _ ce4 x s1. r � .�.• �` .Orr. 'Alk .•i A.. fii REMARKS: FREIGHT ANY CLAIM MUST BE PRESENTED WITHIN 15 DAYS All b;acborc:Iers under $40.00 wi.:l.1 be cancelled .. Please reorder.. Thank you ' III 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA TOTAL AMOUNT AND AMERICAN EXPRESS OF INVOICE -0.- -1 -! -{ -_ --L --t :. ,- .; _ ' (1- Bell 5300 W. 83RD ST. • LOS ANGELES, CA 90045-3261 • (310) 670-3235 • FAX (310) 670-3244 www.kbellsocks.com ORIGINAL INVOICE DUNS NO:06-140-0362 S Maplewood b..i.,.-City of (Benton S Maplewood G.C. -City of Renton OL 4050 Maple Valley HighwayH 4050 Maple Valley I-Ia.dhway MAI"'L.EW I INVOICE NO. I PAGE 1 D Renton WA 98058 P r)1.'l'41.�1. 1:�1 INVOICE DATE DATE SHIPPED T T Renton WA 98058 02/01./01 02/01./01. 0 0 0:I.31.990 PURCHASE ORDER NO. ORDER DATE SALES SHIP VIA BUYER DEPT TERMS 1249004 01/24/01 JB UPS Net 30 QUANTITY BILLING AMOUNT COLOR DESCRIPTION UNIT .RDERED SHIPPED IWO f.> 0 3245 NAVY Flat Knit Knee High iC 9-:1.1. 3.25 EA 19. 50 12 0 GIFT BAG GOLF Vinyl Gift Bay -•- PLAIN(`)` .85 EA 10.20 12 0 GIFT BAG GOLF Vinyl Gift Bag -. Goi•f)c .85 EA 10.20 1 0 RACK-A K. Bell Counter Rack .00 EA .00 :I. 0 RACK-G Sport Wood Floor Display Unite. :1.00.00 EA 100.00 ship 2-1-01 ,At, in house 2-6-01 t ,�C . f tt rxt�- X ? �,V i V , n;' •.1 It"•N n r e . t r. { • " / A� 1c... • ' ? flit.,, sx } ti $a .y r d; �,.y. 5 4& „r �^ t 9+� w'+. !� / .1 v. A • '_ . .�.: p r _ s"'y a y,�J' ' ( }� t t9.htF r'` �-�' �"'°r'S•: ¢„, „y'ytZm,'Fs : P -n ("'. ,.y.. 'i } + ' 'fKb : " F : b.aW1 . Lor- 7 " `,t. "' ",.; .4 . yPi . • af., j .i .y i �.r e - ,a, �`'+ .a ,. • r. ' .1-,-,I4\' r r' i s c i tJ" ,'- yN�e� s"¢ ,..... ..... .a - W—.___ _.,.—=z.... ;:t .< r ws?i;.ci:.i� w ^,..:, .-..�a` i..r r• 3 _ a.r l .c -.La . .,__. .,—. .-.. :i REMARKS: FREIGHT ,''E'"t3 5 ANY CLAIM MU 1 o PRESENTED WITHIN 15 DAYS All backorder ; under $40.00 will be cancelled .. Please reorder., Thank you ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA TOTAL AMOUNT AND AMERICAN EXPRESS OF INVOICE -� 637.25 FEB � ���� ' *PXCKIN0 SHEET*, °~°^ ~ �~~^ PAGE: 1 Sx . , vv�� � , �� ������ ` � r- ,� � ° r SHIP BATE: '02/01^ 0' 1. ' ORDER STATUS- WAREHOUSE: 000 MAIN WAREHOUSE� ° MAPLEW ' ~ ORDER DATE: MDER NUMBER�0131990 CUSTOMER NO: . �ALESPERSON: JB - 8OLD TO: ' ' SHIP TO: Maplewood G.C�--City of Renton Maplewood G.C.-City of Renton � 4050 Maple Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valle)/ Highway Rent6n WA 98058 Renton WA 98058 CONFIkM TO: ` ---^_�----------------------------_----_---_----------------- _- . � USTOMEn P.O. SHIP VIA TERMS - ------�-------- ` i 249O04 UPS ' -'- � Net 30 ---__ ______----___----�-------_---_----_--------_- _-�� ~ � TEM^1.48. DESCRIPTION / UNIT ~ | `^ SHIPPE` ` ' umm w�� D BACK 8RD '�------------------ ----------�--------'------�-- - r 2083-WHITE Heart Fun* Shorty \ 9-11 EACH ' � ---------- -�+�--- ! ' ' 2064-WHITE Cat Fun Shorty ^ :)(:)tje W EACH 7 7".. -i EACH lock Footi EA 1-4 \\Color -B ock EACH EACH r6 - EACH oo I or4 EACH 42 ! )f ✓fst to- K« Bell i,• (310) 670-3235 iP]:CKING SHEET* PAGE: 2. ' 5304, W.. 03RD STREET' , -. •t 036.; NGELES„ CA 90045: .-. • • O. t'A^ • . SHIP DATE: 02/01/01 -+-- ' ORDER STATUS: WAREHOUSE: 000 MAIN WAREHOUSE ;^ . MAP1...EW fi ORDER DATE:: 01/24/01. • :' ORDER NUIYI :E 013:L9'90 CUSTOMER NO: -•t- SAI...I:::SF'ERSt3N: CI'D SOLD TO:: SHIP TO: Maplewood G.C...._C:Lty of Rce_nton , Maplewood (3-C-7•C:i.ty of Ren ton 4050 Maple 'Valley Highway 4050 Maple Valley Highway fen ton WA 9005 3 Ren ton WA 9805(3 CONE:I:RN TO:: :USTOQER P-(3. SHIP VIA44:jt3'� tt: .,+, TE I'1S , ' 249004 UP'S 6. Net 30 • i. ft"M..4.'1CI DESCRIPTION 'i UNIT .ORDERED SHIPPED BACK per. 5;`:i 6--WHITE Flag & Bza].l Gift Bag • : EACH N6 til•.._._ • �. , : 5245--BLACK Flat Knit Knee High ' �9-11. EACH •.45-:NAVY Flat Knit Knee Fri.gh 11. EACH . '( 6 ---V . :,,• . . 1TFT .BAG ;,- .GOLF Vinyl :Gift Hag I�'._A:I:N ',,,�_ _EACH {/I2 04 .. . ..,,..::_:.:.....;,...„.....„.........,.....„.::, f ..:. .. :...—. .,. .-.7-7,-...„ ..„....„.,,--..„--. F I'`,'BAG - GOLF' V iny]. G9. ft E aca - Go -f EACH �. 12 ••—_ ''.. .;447 . - - (CK--A K. Be].l Coun•ter• Rark.\ i ` '1:_Ar.`I-1 1 -� i .0 . . :ACI<-G. Spry t Wood Fipor 'DSJ.s p ay Unit EACH 1•.. 4: . ‘.. OD . iik. <_>hip 2-'4 O1 ' - .0. .. in houa ,2--6-•01 . • . : QD . ,fsp, . 01 . 6 ,,I.....: i, 0 . ,.,i‘.....1. 1 / �. G,i • a � i . FRT CHG» L . `-'' .,_ 1:.:/DATE SHIPPED: Y • - -ACKED,. BY-i '. -Wit .� :�..:.... ; - 1 itleist ()ate received: 2-8-01 DT Spin 60 sleeves. these items are not in the PSK inventory. They are not on the list of tems not logged into PSK. Per working copy, they would have been put under DT Distance (product code 1501). They are not in this category. Checked under DT Spin product code 173. They are not in this category. These items cannot be located. 29 • Y _ w•:i;yni' `• 3q � a t - V •r}; • .'C� ♦� r . r i,.-, 1;41 1ii,,V. . g y .1 ti r C ti. r , ,-3:1 .;..AkC.c_43` - • b ?F,g S tisq . . t. :: •hNis!'1Ni;4W �._F,Stk::p:;F r ,i =i .`r t -.�,1. t;t -ii• rf : .:.t� v . a; -� ".7. .:1i •� 1 `••ZLt•ff L,. . .. . . FEB 14 2001 ✓iG " llcashnet Company Telephone 800-225-8500 INVOICE cizi7,0 ' ® P.O. Boz 965 Facsiule 508-979-3913 at ( NY Fairhaven MA 02719-0965 - MVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE DATE ENTERED 70: p �.,!'�"'*+e�v's3 T 0609314 2/05/01 11/14/00 '"'t.'� Xj;-_ :r f �` ` , 016354,N via`576 `0 7;4'a,_/- 15q.6,�3`000 IN ICAGOE?I 6fl`6,7:3C12••0 w° _ 4 t �+ r� � y :.'r. 3�"aint. FED' ��la , MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE RENTON WA 98058 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY L RENTON WA 98058-2132 TERMS: 4.00% 3/07/01, NET 4/06/01 J TRIEIST ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA CUSTOMER'S PURCHASE ORDER NO. I 05-111993-00 2/05/01 RPS MIKE TOLL 68 SI a' ti* , .iDESCRIP710N ;, ' ' i UNITt, QUANTITY QUANTITY ;-'tUNIT AMOU r 1 �',i,e,zinz ' 3 s .-4 :: :>. n.-r- . ORDERED SHIPPED :`'PRICE ;,.: s s: c y THIS ORDER CREATED ORDER # 0112051 QQ `� � Q CONTACT: NED BELLINGER 0010552 h 4100,0 £ /n Y iTP g PROFESSIONAL 9041201.1 y DOZ 20 i20 32.00 8 640.00 \1TP1 (3 1-a-'Al PROFESSIONAL 100/ DOZ 14 ``'. =14, , 32.00 448.00 f. TPG ✓ TOUR PRESTIGE 90 DOZ 12 r,.. 12• 32.00 q 384.00 • 1TPG1 `TOUR PRESTIGE 100 Q� 111�2 t Y DOZ 12 12 _ 32.00 384.00 1TBB ✓ TOUR BALATA 90 oi& � DOZ 12 1 30.00 7 360.00 Vip X 1TBB1 ✓ TOUR BALATA 100 )0 DOZ 12 12 30.00 360.00 IHT✓ HP TOUR op ±i j i q l l; DOZ 18 18 22.00 5`01 396.00 1H0j/ HP DISTANCE -{i (11 IL, DOZ 18 C 22.00 691 396.00 1 1DTD TITLEIST DT DISTANCE )..a. 1‘.501/4 DOZ 12 12 19.00 if76J 228.00 1DTSIX{-(.11 TITLEIST DT SPIN .0 (50I ( is DOZ 15 15 22.00 5fi( 330.00 1 4Tf1-to- --1ITtETST-.1&.DZ_CHIR_ANLX -OSP 1 .00- 1TDSF✓ TOUR DISTANCE SF(...� 3. a�� 'JDOZ 24 Et) 26.00 ��/ 624.00SUB TOTAL4550.00 SHIPPING & HA.NDLING CHGS EA 179 --169 .40 67.60 NET INVOICE 4617.60 WHERE QUANTITY ORDERED EXCEEDS QUANTITYy`'< SHIPPED, BALANCE HAS BEEN BACK ORDERED '>W'•;a . MER.HANDtSE INVOICE PRICING 4 * PAYMENT OPTIONS; IF NET INVOICE AMOUNT IS PAID IN FULL BY: PO # I 3/07/01 DEDUCT DISCOUNT OF $182.00 ( 4%) -- REMIT $4,435.60 RCV _`� LASERS 1--C I 4/06/01 NET -- REMIT $4,617.60 EDEN PO# ..--( . . , ......•. . .• . ., . _. ....,—... . . .• 2 2000 9bUbb 01119V3 UU 1 ITEM I LOC. DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NUMBER QUANTITY ORDERED QUANTITY TO SHIP Vk_les_. MUST HAVE--toIN- iiASE oRpen-- -9-10-13-2-0 1 1 PROFESSIONAL 90 ' 1TP • . 20 216f- f° 2 PROFESSIONAL 100 1TP1 mummowill 14-1- g 3 TOUR PRESTIGE 90 1TPG 12 ------,401',-_.••••" 4 TOUR PRESTIGE 100 1TPG1 12 ire- 5 TOUR BALATA 90 1TBB 12 6 TOUR BALATA 100 1TBB1 12 (Aw 7 HP TOUR 1HT 18 0 ---- . 8 HP DISTANCE 1HD 18 01-- 9 T1TLEIST DT DISTANCE 1DTD 1210 TITLEIST DT SPIN 1DTS ,-- 1:6 15 lap ' 1 16 24 17 TITLEIST 10 DZ CNTR 1TF1-10 TOUR DISTANCE SF 1TDSF' SHIPPING & HANDLING 7FF 1 1a 97 • _ I , 101#g(r611/4194 SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ENTERED DATE REQUESTED DATE S IP VIA R ps 11/14/00 2/07/01 P D 3975TA.Low0E0PIRG0IHNTTED05 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER WHSE CHECKED BY MIKE TOLL 1/30/01 58 : 10 CONTACT Cie‘ BATCH/PAGE I PAGE 111993 00 ND BELLINGER 00 N' 1290096/ 800 1P TN 3(V97) . ---1- ..'. . ::.. Titleist Date Received: 2-6-01 ship date. (1) black stand bag @ $96.13. This item is not in PSK inventory and is not on the list of items not logged into inventory. This item cannot be located. } S • ■ { • pt { 30 • ,'....,..� Acnshnet Company F E B 1 4 2�a Telephone 800-225-8500 v/"F� • • `.�C•/� Lilt ® 65 Fairhaven9KA 02719-0965 Facsimile 508-979-3913 INVOICE • INVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE DATE ENTERED REMIT TO: 0611921 2/06/01 2/05/01 TITLEIST ACCOUNT NUMBER 22030 NETWORK PLACE 016354 / 1576 033741 / 1576 00041 CHICAGO, IL 60673-1220 F TO' -1 SF-MP TO MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY 01 RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE RENTON WA 98058 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058-2132 TERMS: 4 . 00% 4/07/01 , NET 5/07/01 TTTIEIST ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA CUSTOMER'S PURCHASE ORDER NO. 07-973565-00 2/06/01 RPS 1242012 RF 54 SI I DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT ORDERED SHIPPED PRICE SX18-1 SX18-1 BLACK STAND BAG EA 1 1 94.00 94.00 SUB TOTAL 94.00 FREIGHT ACCOUNT 5.89 NET INVOICE 99.89 #5, t i fy: * PAYMENT )PTIONS; IF NET INVOICE AMOUNT IS PAID IN FULL BY: 4/07/01 DEDUCT DISCOUNT OF $3.76 ( 4%) -- REMIT $96 5/07/01 NET -- REMIT $99.89 1 A MONTHLY LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1.501 IS MADE ON ANY BALANCE UNPAID 30 DAYS AFTER DUE DATE. THE STIPULATED LATE PAYMENT CHARGE RATE N 4Y BE REDUCED BY THE BUYER IF NECESSARY TO CONFORM WITH STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES. DESCRIPTION ter, Gov ",i aoa uv PRODUCT NUMBER QUANTITY vv1 1 Mrar 11 HAVE PURCHASE 0-DER ORDERED oucNT,TY _ NUMBERS TO SHIP , .©�SX18-1 BLACK STAND B SX18-1 ill ' MIMI limilireall111111111111. nuimmmiimnimIIIIIMINml manummunilillt---MMAIIIIIIImil 1111111%...........101111111A111Wallialliiiiiii NMI _________..........m_______ Iremir= ... ,________________________ oIIIIM/NNIFIML'11111M1111 IIIIIIIIIII..................n..._____ rlIlIlli.111EAill1.r/Atl .. .........IIIIIIII--- mmartmav---- .. ,_____________.........mk____.........._....... IIIIIIIIIIImmm.._..............m.k. hnnmk_.______1111 _____Mijl • neminamiminimmmilimmin 111111111111111 mmanimiminimm=imairlilmml mmominiminimmMeN011110.1 onammilinwiegia v� . f � SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ENTERED DAT �gUESTED DATE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TOTAL WEIGHT is #iiiiii ECHECKED BY "RINTED973565 00 COCT ' ` ' a,1U 11"A. TFJ �w.w irar I.,....A r.•,,•.... Yo.xa+ �.i..r./ lianitW.J L�:wa.Al 1e.�..vi L._...4 Lm.•'7 MEMII I".." ..1 1.. .._3 s- Dorfman-Pacific Date received 7-15-01 36 visors put into PSK inventory on 7-16-01. This is correct. 12 bucket hats 2 hat brushes 4 men's slat wall (?) The hat brushes and men's slat wall are not in PSK inventory, not on list of items not logged into inventory. Ten bucket hats cannot be located. Two of the bucket hats are on the list of items not logged into inventory and are located in the driving range storeroom. 31 — VIZ,---• (' '7 1,- cir... DORFMAN-PACIFIC CO., INC.Jul- PO. BOX 213005 • STOCKTON, CA 95213-900506 1 8 2131/NVOICE REP: 91 PAGE ' 10020831 • VIA FED EX GROUND 1)( Plum ..n ..' /2615 BOEING WAY, STOCKTON,( CA95 J'A ‘ PHONE (209) 982-1400 FAX 209) 982-1596 TERMS NET 30 DAYS INVOICE DATE 3 SOURCE CUSTOMER SO P.O. 7/10/01 NUMBER: 062350 30. 00 .s4.10,000$7u-v.,1, MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE $1 a MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE (LI •CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 , WEIGHT CTN'S 1 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY SHIP DATE DUEOATE 1Vil4Zikka" 07/11/01 CITY OF RENTON 149. 40 eb * Ia\q(asasm# ''' * ' ' ' Ailfif r• ' ,44',.' _.4,"'"'":"f' ''`,;•° t, :fr IyouR l4'4!4' UQUANTITY - -,,11". •• .,,,T ,4,t-•••, ,,•-.,„ UNITA, , ,1•2,..,,vExT.' ENSION '4'4' c''''''''',"'-'..NUMBER QUANTITY N QUANTITY STYLt DESCR,PTIONQL t . •',.- ' ' " '' - 'PRICE", ,, ^P'" ORDERED I SHIPPED BACK ORDERED DAYNA 425-430-6804 .• I EA 1 CNCL 2001080 4i448,-it'e• ,44:44-',:,, „ ' 0 1 0 • ,.- , ", '-' `'••• ' 1.0_40 10--4°, -1.77.;.-14Y SHIPP 1,1\1G _CHARGES .„... .....,.., , • 24. do - ' ,...,i,w ,, EA 1 SP998 .-' -1 D V I SOR ', ‘••• ,` '',• a'-- • ,... 12'f,,'_!.',' E A 12 2 52TW-ASST 12/TWILL COVERED - 2.1 0500 12 EA 12 256K-ASST 12/TWILL VISOR/ / 17- 00,0_ '156P-ASST.,. „„..,124NYLCIWjfiY,, Y Is(31 , ,, ›-7--,., -Y, -'--, 75, 34,:s00 12 . EA 12 ' "pi NI ,DYEDTWILL ,I3 121'''''' EA 12 f '-'" ' ' ' '". 835--ASST•• 12/R l,., E T ,LICKET ,. 7. 00 7. 00 ",•!., '''* '"' 1 EA 1 "•-'' 4 983-DARK . HAT BRUSH), ,,q,R7 ,..**,94T/77,r*"7,-;•.144?+4941-stri:16;4••••'' ' 1,....,,, EA 983- AT_DRUSH - .,,, ----4 ,-,.77r,*7,A. .. *,,,-,k‘vr•-74,. '701:1141::','N',E3,(00- >16. 01 t...,.., 4„,•,,..„e. , ., n , t, 2 EA 2 ,,,,, Hoo ,„, ,,Eilki'-",,,, ,-"'"'s-E.:AT' w'ALL:-.,., "-4-".•`,',10,1"4. ''''4'.V4.11.-,-.•',"'.,4* ",4''' ; ..,;'' ',to.4, ,• '' '' '1's .' ‘''.„.' ',. ' ' •'- , ., 4 ' , , 4,,* '' 9 • be''' HOOk*2 : OMEN'S SLAT WALL . 00 VS"*• r7"fr/MW74:51M.74177777-rs'•,-rforr.i.4,egri,I,.ck.„f-• ,,, ffs«.47/1"4-?,-,— 4 1,''' 7''' 4.q-","r'il7„17,77;7,7478C-F,:4,kfityp, , ,, ' ,,,,,,..„,.. 4,,. 5,..v.X:FA•41,74.'"'-'1'*," ':',T ,v ,., k.,,,', i! ,, ,' 1-4."•.: ::;•‘'..":•,;.-; 4'4 ,71'..,19,'''.,*;.. .s. - '1 .„!`'' '''''' ''''' '''•'''744 t•:- ' ,..''> ‘." •' - -•''••'.• ;;*-'''' ''' ''''" ':, :r. -' :). ., ''.' '' .'' 'I. ' -' *. . • i ,a:"i"0 '''.•., 41,'•.„•.',"„'Nz..en,..:, '' , . . WeVi..: •;•,..i...41,4-,f4''';.''''''''--M.,,, „....' ,...,, '_, , ''e,,,, ,. .,..* .,.', ,,,+ „ . ..., • •,, ,, .. . • .4 s. , 1.''-:. '''' " ..." • L -" - ' 4-' . , .- ,',„'s••1''4"- -;t1.410r' . ....4., ', ,':'..." 70.4111,y.,",,..•',.•.7", 1 ,,,,,..........„4 .. ,,... . . ' •41., -`.,'' ,,,... •' tr, ...:1- ,',':1„....'-„; ‘.•• • ,, ,., .,. ‘ ... 1 ' .,. .. ., • - N•li," " ''. -:,-* '''' .,• "" • , •'`.4-:: '''s -:,-.•, - ., .• , " 4--,,,,,, . -•-•,,,,,, • ,' , .; , • . ''• - -' , „, ,, •;'.-4 goi,-•-1•7_::::`, =;',.••;-,,,'- • .% , -;•••^ '-;••• '.••;:".'''•''' ''-:*' ' - •-'4, - ''' ':•:Al:: ' '•T."1'• ' •14`'',..,,,* .•,:•,k,,,,n,...•%, . '. -• ,. , • • . ;„ >. . =,,::-•,,,' , -., ••'•• -1'- ••;',*"'-'''--• ' ' .. • .... .r .< '. '' ''''''"* ' r . '44.'".*'' ,.'1% ' .'1 'n'llik 1 '.'1':''•;.; '' ' ''''* '.'" ' ' ' ''' ' ' 'rr:'Z'. '' ''.4. t ' '' ''V. 1 ' ' ' - 6 6 ;' -' TOTAL: 149. 40 SI,JTITOTAI • 149_ 40 TAX: --- T q. rM ITHIN' r "'S ERMS:A CHARGE OF 11/2%(18%PER ANNUM) THIS ORDER JS_DFAERMAED TO HAVE ORIGINATED EXTI. :R PF 'S IDI FILEE FEDE _ ADE_. .ISSIC , ;ELL A,,. n nn , ,...n. IN STOCKTON,CALIFORNIA.ALLATI CLAIMSo FOR DAMAGE,SHORTAGE,AN""'"' "VERY AI BE iks "ITtJ1 AL A TO R mu,n•""•RGEC I DUE^^^' NTS "— ITINL •,kIA, n'=" ,,,-.- ,-,,-.- • i vizi,___ PAGcr•42,5_4" •-i.•;-, ,i...... .... 1,0...,,4,''7-.7 $1, .••0 7, , REA 1 If - ' (fl DORFMAN-PACIFIC CO., INC. VIA 7"."'". trIvoicE o'' ,, P.O. BOX 213005 • STOCKTON, CA 95213-9005 1 10020931 FED EX (-)ROUND , . ..... NET 30 DAYS INVOICE DATE\. i)oijiiiiiii / 2615 BOEING WAY, STOCKTON, CA 95206 TERMS PAcs" PHONE (209) 982-1400 FAX (209) 982-1596 A.3 3 • / fl ICTC1RAFR . SOURCE NUMBER: 062350 P.O. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY . . ra ' MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY WEIGHT CTN'S 1 '81-11P9ATE''' 07/11/01 .1,„Atypsilwfh* -.1 but Dm-1,i. RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 .. ;---- ' * . za:T.* 30. °U 4: I :ProLrIAL'r,mi41-#111* 7/1°1°11 :::-.4° 190 tk 1A -;"--- jr-11 .i.. L1-,..-.',4 .:,,,;4P:,-,';-,,T-' ,'s-Tipi7- ic„,--,,,,7: „,'4i ,„°:4i,ER'• ''•••?",^',""":.I't"•-•."'""`' ••••••"•`" '.7417 "7:7717.714- 'i d AN Ti . , ". ;.. , ...„. , , ig •,...- ,11;like % 'ORS - ;It .,' -1'..- ,,, ,,,,. popE 0 ..„ ;,-:ACK ORDER tlgt ,., . th , ,,...to• 1 . , , ,, ,, ,...k 44'1,Te.* Al ''-r-,•,..‘... • , :'"";:•':,'' ?'? CNCLoi" ""1"'f."r..4','''' : ek. .,1 S.' '.1 A'••:""s' ''' ",. ,.r, ' `I" . '.. ,• ,, .. ii''' '' i Ci. 4 ''•‘.' ...- .' 1 • P . • , - . ,, 4,, •, ,, ,..-01..,, .wirmy.,.. L,..t,•.,:. ,,,,,.4.4....,1„,-1/4•: -• ' • 812/TW I LL'''' OV '5•, . SO-I '* -,,/, .., I -- ,; ". '.., , i,„ s ....,.. 't•,..A"." I .*** . .•'' ' ' ' "'C. r: / tl;p0 T 1,4/LL VISOR . ,,,,,-,i,,,, . ' , ... - ','`--,: ,..,,—„p2co --INSST, *--, ...ix, . • ' /. , • 50 ,- I ; . ' ' ' .. ..p-6:5ST 12/„.NYLpiliERRYy, S,OR,„. ,4.„7.f .,--- :31133764-6• °C) , ' - - -:;-- ,°-` 7,i s s,,s-,:::-,.. . _ , , , _ '..: 13-ASST ',' , 1.2/R IGMENT DYED T„1:4 ILL ECV'ET - ' * ' 00 . ,7,?o--'b-,i^:., ,,,...., ,A.. ••- , •'•.--..' e - • '-f ',"--`-- ,'-',- e - -, ' .. - ,•'983-DARK HAT BRUSH *41k 7 00 7. 00 _ . . , tN'S SligT )"',' . • a . .,. . . .1 HooK2' " ' 1,40 m MEN LAT WA. IIIF , -, .,,. . , . . . ; ,„,.,•..,4.,t,., .. <,-,',... -- ' ,..t- ,::, ...,. -,.. ,. , 1=77; ' .‘ ....`. -., . . , .,„,.i.,4...,..,,,t.,,,,.....=,.., 'lot^ • .' - '.0..." , e ... ,.,. • .. ... *- 1' Ag ;. 40:40140,4*VO '':,'..o.44,04,,MV:ii<ilat4;24.1.1441.; • '''.4.'''' . •'''' •'•"""'•• '' • '-'•*''.g"."'''''' ...0"-4.1 .,'''.:'' '•%0:41'N. I . . . .. .. _ I I •1,44.:• " .. I •"•:;''.*: '". I S .., V' ''•,..' , . L**‘''`' ' ' *.11717tP&.. A--; -,•.. ° `,,.--1,1,•••,.:..,, :•,r,: ., s,. , I . .. - .. , zr,_ t• -,- , tl h.,,.. 0,,,),•?-, • :~4", ';'..-5.4 -•-t4F.-t-,7%..-.At,'‘':...*4...- _. At) C % -., , ,.., .,„,.,1 : , , ., ..7•-• ',, : -•:-,„t ,..•-•t-•. .,,,.-- ..,4-,..-•-_, : - ,,. _ ,. , ••, -.. ., . ,‘, . .„• ,-, ..,,. ,4„,.44.21,,,,„,„ .,. , .--.- - • • . I I ....:; • .., ,, ,....„ , .;,... . . .,.,,‘., .,:,!..„,..,,, ,,,..,.., . ,,...,. . .., i,,..A.,4, 1 . 44,kiti?It•Iciv, ,ir i,,,,,,, ' aNcitt :, St,,I,,s':-. '-14,.., .4,„ , • , .4,, • 1 , • : .,-, •••• , '. .... • -.,.....- i '".4' tlii,- ,...3",••. ,• •• ' '- ,il T•I:: 149. 4•' • • , .... ' ' "SUBTOTAL:'''' " .' '4. ' 149;40 ' -rAx, • . TS IIMS:A E Of 1 1/216 OM PER ANNUM) THIS ORDER IS DEEMED TO HAVE ORIGINATED IN STOCKTON,CALIFORNIA.ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE,SHORTAGE,I,iRrtE NeD0DmEmLIVATnRYNn IFpikiT,T1rr. I nA MUST BE MADE1 WITHINr5qDAYSAFTE, ArmRnki n RECTElopr.F IN\il la BE CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS "CONTINUING GUARANTEE UNDER THE TEXTILE FIBER PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION ACT FILED WITH FEIDE DORFMAN-PACIFIC CO., INC. ,,.,•,:,, INVOICE. .. . :,. . .: ,.•. • , . R ,_ y l .1,,. . . P.O. BOX 213005 • STOCKTON, CA 95213-9005 VIA' Dorfman /2615 BOEING WAY, STOCKTON, CA 95206 : 10020831 FED EX GROiJIyD. . V. I. . PAG I..tt% PHONE (209) 982-1400 FAX (209) 982-1596 TERMS NET 30 DAYS INVOICE DATE. • CUSTOMER NUMBER: 062350 SOURCE 3 P.O. 7/10/01 WEIGHT, 30. 00 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE ' '�� �` : 07/11/01 I CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 1 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY cTN'srb th 1,?\t-lia5e.# D' , r3 RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 rota . O Aw., rt',''•'�47 F n,-� .s it, , Qu V1� =. N QUANTITY �.`°, �, . `... , QUANTITY STYE DESCRIPTION L Y2, } ,, rah* 1S O� ®� �`* ORDERED'',= I SHIPPED BACK ORDERED PI E , B - T ',` >'. Ea 1 ., DAYYNA�4:?5-4 0--68C 4 t tt CNCt:� � �' y,��°. .c ,�: �. , v . py .t a - .i .y"`���,.'..#` 'A:} "T ' fir.. .. ...,„r�r,�¢,A,na,.-r,.« ,=,,,�p4 0 f...,,,_. ,,, ii t T ��yy /^1 I V} -/+�COVERED D V I. .n.R,„j. .,.•�.,..-.�,p., �.4tj v O. 3. C.S�?T� T -d Ap f�ILL L. �,4..k.b'Y��I�i�FJ� �V i��FF -. .�rf°,'.��'> �G�.Y V g 4k,� ',�� ,f•.< ...m'..i ,W-- � e,'4 - ;t- --. :4.. .._.— ,2 363- --ASST• Biel/TWIL.L VISOR w., . ,4; ,... .. .. ------ , 85•= t rA ASS T h. v• �; 3�.� > T�i`�)E�a s DYED TW I�L I�UC�,ETT�` � � � ,;,5 .' ' > ..38�Q 1'-,_' EA 1 9B3-DARK HAT B LS1-x _ 7; 00 'k 7 00 7 00 . :pp. y :', .r 1MEN +..- I N'Po.S aLfi 14. WALL 2 C ? 3Q .Y,;2�4 � �4s EA HOO�2 � wCM ? S L/? LA! " SO} t ,s.w,..,.. 1 .. 0, ii, .... u r $ 2r • , , 1 ,...i.„. .,,,..,‘ „.... • , . ... trt„...: .,, , . „::,... . ,, , , ..._______ r rv. -4 7 ' t r r ,h ro , , :•, - ' `§ o totin a 1/1 `. -` :.... __ - ...... ., ,,, ,,,. „,,,„„...,:),,. t.: rimt.t.7., ,,. ,„, ,c,,, 4,,t.,.... ., „4...,:„ i ...: % ' , ,,....„ ...,„,;. , .,A '''''' -, "P''''''',. ', r-',. 4.r'.,..4. I jo ` ..,.�x• r •,:,gip. t F gt , IIIIVr:Zi- f r T`~ r� C Ci 1 r l 1 • S 9. 3RMS:A CHARGE OF 11/196(18%PER ANNUM) THIS ORDER IS DEEMED TO HAVE ORIGINATED IN STOCKTON.CALIFORNIA.ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMA(E,SH E,AM^^'''VERY BE,MAne,�1tTHIN i AFT EIIT-- ILL"'^"•4GED 'DUE ITS. TINU ARAI NDEI EXTI 'R PR S IDI ATIC ILE[ FEDE IADE ISSIC SELLI ITUT, ALA � nr•t � �w.� INT INV( .IVFF .=RT( 1 nlIR' .RAN �, ,-.ATT,,,,,,•,,,,aRFF, tvc �1cct •�nKin4. • , LI MAF'LEWOOD GOLF COURSE DUKrMiAIN-PALIHC c.U., MIL-. I 3E f CITY OF RENTON P.O.BOX 213005•STOCKTON,CA 95213 9005 ENTER EXPECT CARTON 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 2615 BOEING WAY,STOCKTON,CA 95206 DATE 07/10/d1 . DATE 07/10 COUNT RENTON WA 98i�'9 PHONE:(209)982-1400 CUSTOMER NO: 062350 R O MAF'LEWOOD 1GOLF COURSE, ORDER NC: 1 i'C)Pc R21 T o FED EX GROUND . CITY OF RENTON TIME: 14: 15 STATUS: IE ' ' N E 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY SOURCE: 3 ` CSR: CM G S RENTON WA 98058 DEPT: REP.: 91 & P.O. 7/ 10/01 , DA' E b 7//I U/ BY // D TE ‘77/1 I k i BA 11111111111111111 F 11111 IIII IIF DSHIP ATE BY FREIGHT AMOUNT WEIGHT AIL—ROW — BIN STYLE QUANTITY SKU I N QUANTITY QUANTITY « � �} > �[ZEb�C3RIPTION : SHIPPED NUMBER N T ORDERED BACKORDERED F i)R TIN A -4-Eri-4'80--6E+ 04 I RN CI4CL 20010801 l 1 EA 1 E8' '05 1 RN 252TW-ASST• 12/TWILL COVERED VISOR + 1 2 j EA 12 i _ E8 0O9 1 RN -2561;-ASST 12/TWILL—V-I-SOR; ;:‘,, 12 VEA 12 E8 : 12 1 RN 2256P--ASST 12/NYLON/TERRY VISOR • r 12 X �,' EA 12 s • it J2. OE+ 1 RN 83 -ASST 12/PIGMENT DYED TWILL BUCK I 12\ EA 12 I'Id-' -64 a 'RI 7_l:t 1 N r AT 1:R,L7i I 1 1 ,'°� LA 1 1\ M6 64 2 RN 983,-L I TE HAT BRUSH i' 1K EA 1 M6 69 1 RN HO01:1 MEN'S SLAT WALL c ol.2 J( EA 2 7-M6 .70 1 RM - r =`N SLAT t#ttLt_ 1. --- _ TERMS: NET ; 30 Master Order No: TAX: . 00 TJTAL; .13' PACKING SLIP 1111111 11111 IllU 11111 IIi1-11 1111I-4. 11 IIIl'--.. Brindar Design Inc. Date received 7-13-01 (1) ladies crop top, size 12 entered into PSK on 8-3-01. Submitted (2) invoices for same item. One is a packing list without shipping charges and one is an invoice with shipping charges. 1 This is a duplicate payment. Gave to Natalie in Finance for credit request from Vendor. • 4 -4 I j2f 1 32 REMIT TO: ,,rr• R358 N.E.21 030-84 1 .`1. 2001 U ki, v �J e LO r_ ,g R 1 1 N 4 • GRESHAM,OR 97030-8419 (503)661-5464 INVOICE DATE I INVOICE NUMBER Fax.(503)667-4633 0?,- ;.::: 'Ci 1 3 1 .." imAcct. # r,t.`f S. ::ENT 12.:4 . 1'1. I'• SALESPERSO I DATE SHIPPED 1 SHIP VIA 1 TERMS a,..CUSTOMER ORDER NO._='j ;:STORE.NO. I DEPT.NO. ;',y,._ L. )1. i. jar 1 _ I c 'LlI a LI ITEM STYLE DESIGN - BODY _ SIZING NO. N0. CODE TOTAL UNIT DESCRIPTION COLOR OS S.. 8 110_�I.x2__., �X_ . 3X UNITS PRICE TOTAL a - _100 XW 3 EMB GOLF OVAL CR 0 0 v i C I i ,,,, _._, „., i'-,L 1. I C! .20 ._. .21: ,_ �� g „,\ ,, a� 5wst+lrr r�A�a� S.o. l i 116161 ole.... ttofetAK ADDITIONAL i C.,T I-IL !Jr4I i '_ FOR2 XCHARGE�3X • i 0-00 TERMS AND CONDITIONS .►t"p,.fi{ `'.T ' III• A service char a of 1 1'2% r month 18% r annum is able for an monies owi st due.If an l action is necessa to ,� p- II 9 ee ( Pe )' PaY Y n9 Pa Y ry `3nforce the terms of thi.agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees and collection costs in addition to , r i any other relief to which that party may be entitled. s 7. A_ , ,, Seller shall not be resp xrsible for delayed delivery or non-delivery in whole or in part due to labor or transportation difficulties or causes ► r' ► which make delivery in practicable.The seller shall have the option to deliver the goods covered by this contract in installments or lots. � ►��4A ►� Payment shall be made with respect to each installment.Delivery of nonconforming goods or a default of any nature In relation to one or 4 I' j• 4 in 1 '4 Dore Installments will r 3t constitute a breath of the contract as a whole.Customer's failure to make any payment when due or on this or A �4/J Ji IY�4(4 lny other agreement w th seller entitles seller to defer future shipments or to bill and hold for customers account the goods deliverable or f f f I o cancel or declare cc itract broken by customer.All orders are taken subject to being prorated against our production.Where terms of 1 %). r. t , .. i the contract are F.O.B the place of shipment,the risk of loss passes to the buyer when the goods are delivered to the carrier and all • ��1/•� ', �'� claims for loss or dam:ge in shipment should be processed by the buyer through the carrier.Provisions of this contract are governed by ,"`,^ S i^ .rR S, 1 the laws of the State of Oregon.All goods solo are F.O.B.our warehouse located at 358 N.E.219th,Gresham,OR 97030-8419. ► '"ti ► V 6RETURNS: No •eturns without authorization.NOTE:Reorders will not be shipped on noncurrent accounts. ;A1202(Rev4-98) a�►Y .1 �..( ' 'PACKING LIST �f , 4 , ,10 ,$I REMIT TO: ��� � t � r) L 1 9 20u�58 N.E.219TH IGRESHAM,OR 97030 8419(503)661-5464 `-� )U L L� • BRINDr ' Fax'(50 )667 4633 NVOICE DATE I INVOICE NUMBER 07/12/01 8156 : 0 - .0 Page 1 Acct. # M-PL WOOD GOLF COURSE B 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY S -- - L RENTON , WA 98058 P L T T 0 0 1 SALESPERSON.. •';I DATE'SHIPPED 1 SHIP VIA ( -TERMS:-) .CUSTOMER ORDER NO. `( �'STORE NO I DEPT.N HOUSE 07/12/01 UPS NET-30 '0 4t Ic 4 i, 5 ITEM STYLE DESIGN BODY SIZING TOTAL UNIT NO. NO. CODE; ;DES• CRIPTION COLOR OS- s^� `10. XL 2 MIIM 4 3X UNITS PRICE TOTA►. 147 1100 XWG EMB GOLF OVAL CR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 TOTAL 1 19 .20 19.: 3 4 6 j"1 j 5 A. ' Ji s i1 i ADDITIONAL CH TOTAL UNITS 1 FOR 2X+3X 0.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS r A service charge of 1 1/2%per month(18%per annum)isanyowing pastany legalry SUB-TOTAL 19 .2 9 payable for monies due.If action is necessary to n enforce the terms of this agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees and collection costs in addition to I any other relief to which that party may be entitled. MISC.CHARGES Seller shall not be responsible for delayed delivery or non-delivery in whole or in part due to labor or transportation difficulties or causes 0.0 which make delivery impracticable.The seller shall have the option to deliver the goods covered by this contract in installments or lots. Payment shall be made with respect to each installment.Delivery of nonconforming goods or a default of any nature in relation to one or more Installments will not constitute a breach of the contract as a whole.Customer's failure to make any payment when due or on this or ART/SCREEN.GHG,• 0 .0 any other agreement with seller entities seller to defer future shipments or to bill and hold for customers account the goods deliverable or to cancel or declare contract broken by customer.All orders are taken subject to being prorated against our production.Where terms of � - #1,�•,�un?i ray the contract are F.O.B.the place of shipment,the risk of loss posgna to the buyer when the goods are delivered to the carrier and all ,,,-r,ICIGn 1,4N:rr. claims for loss or damage in shipment should be processed by the buyer through the carrier.Provisions of this contract are governed by - • 3 .6L the laws of the State of Oregon.All goods sold are F.O.B.our warehouse located at 358 N.E.219th,Gresham,OR 97030-8419. RETURNS: No returns without authorization.NOTE:Reorders will not be shipped on non-current accounts. TOTAL 22.8 1202(Rev4-98) CUSTOMER COPY Alt 1.,\ A K-BE II Date Received: 6-26-01 is ship date Invoice notes 18 gift bag socks and 24 pairs of socks. In FSK: 18 gift bag socks entered on 7-10-01. This is correct In F SK: 6 pair of socks entered on 7-10-01. This is incorrect. There are 24 pai -s. 18 pairs of socks are not in PSK inventory, they are not on the list of items not logged into PSK and they are not on the premises. 33 IK_1 BellV u`" 5300 W. 83RD ST. • LOS ANGELES, CA 90045-3261 • (310) 670-3235 • FAX (310) 670-3244 www.kbellsocks.com ORIGINAL INVOICE DUNS NO:06-140-0362 S Maplewood G.C.--City of Renton S Maplewood D.C.--City of Renton 4050 Maple Valley H:i.ghway H 4050 Maple Valley Highway MAF'L..EW INVOICE NO. PAGE D Renton WA 980'58 P 01.921.61. ]N 1. INVOICE DATE DATE SHIPPED T T Renton WA 98058 06/29/0 . 06/29/01 0 0 0151943 PURCHASE ORDER NO. ORDER DATE SALES SHIP VIA ,,,. BUYER DEPT TERMS 1241226 06/25/01 �7>~� UPS Net 30 QUANTITY .RDERED SHIPPED BMCOLOR DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE BILLING AMOUN • UNIT 0 12 16157 WHITE Seed Stitch FootieX 9-1.1 2.25 EA .00 6 0 16184 BLUE/HGREYArgy1o. Flip Cuff G2tr 3.25 EA 19.50 0 6 16193E WHITE A].]. Around Golf Gift DadK 8.00 EA .00 6 0 16194G WHITE k"' A11v ' Cnd Fly g<.� Gift'Talk 8.00 EA 48.00 12 0 161.99 WI-IITEis'e « ,i-,'1"' OGt ht_ySp0rtt- Soa4 6 0 16223G W r p' 2 EA 30.00 �y 16 w �M EA ` 49.•00 • 6 4 z *-`t'rI4H .I. . ,�sT ':::. ,El 0 EA-- tt ,/.� i'3' 0: ,. 6. c''! I,' 'i'..'M. T 'Y4"4Vii-i ..4"' r'''a.%,''• r 41,. T .. �` ,, }"' w -._. a,(+lp�*�T) J ci .* O.C'.Nw § sf r d1 ` ,• , t E�it v�C'SD', I. ?.".' t• M rt• 1, .i. , r ,Q' `.'"�•r �+j'. .1, tF. T,4 (,., „. 0 % - %ter •• + 7 1 J0' "\b 7� -"l 'G r' v --.%' ..9. � t t r 0 • ,•t.,� ..4r','$ -.0,* •i„ '.x` M y: tt` ' ai;. .,%::'-'..`- !'�''' �J i.'. ,k "' %S. ,7{ :t 7,Cyy.�;j.c, ., y,., ,. •• ,Un !. �^�t.� y. U r t� �i l ,,• 'M L'L• .W ;t,.p, <r+ wr.� .l`JQ� ,�` `48t��rk M1 k�- '-a0 . Vi q r,"V% p' CV w,=`kn' 'fie + '' x W" )' hr.,�. ,3 ..s.,rw ,,�„s '.t` i• ea w .4 3 i. �` P 1� y , � R C) t. . y irx •! 7j a '{I. .1.1V1 '., , u; S•1 1+= ' � ^t^ � .tt � '► t @ Q >( iy,2 �1.I .y(t y � �i,YN�'�' � �i.t,l��. � '3 .. ,, 1 .-., , H• ' 'F .';j, "''f>4v"� 5 c> r I .•^t: ''t f•l�' a , A ..+ ,y'�,s, .0 :�� } ,r ., - � 4 EM5 .d�. '4U, ,- et'^... e r .ssyf} ,.• . Y t ',. X.!. r k .c•.- c U .t r t �' ti 'S', , ^' p t a t •„ + >, ,, :. , .. -�, }F .f .�.a.J1^' R 4 .r,pp ,1' •t, .1.. r; . a%q• "'{t'.i J'",K,It ` .p .. 'ti' Yr4ry :Y.\=••r:'1? ''>' <'4F"H 1' ^r., z �. i�f�t• .(y,� V�y>� ^.�i '• Vettg.,, 44 v�'tl'e`'' i. : 1.'-`, r,. t' J•���• t., _�y �'" h. J '" vy, t>Lt'w $['h .. 1 ,t' iyd ..4 c,G, 7:., a I,C .S•• %�., { � 'a ti e f.. , , 7,1.it: }' �� ��l�j y� n T, ,t r, ib • v�1 '�r', ?• t,o !s' 3<' ,411, ,d S b L V S� y� �Wj�,' j. i��'.. ti p" r !, +w, n , e A,[ li ' • t d .r r. v 4.r ; 5� ^e S'y, a' .ram a .y.`4, a u.'r'j�•i ,e -k ry. "i•1' ''' �: '� `•., D�i •© my - • :{ .•. ... `;� �� �� � _� �.'.,+JY 1 F`'. ♦ {�.j+lr�' �^tl' i...�.:F;�?q t } r.t'!j6 .m••�, .. .:�j f `t,J�q l'17,Y..,Pi.1%. ,BAP hove•,• w..FS., qt ,;?r r+ .,. ti-.i ,!z�� `♦�' k . t r•• O,r,- 1f i'`': • .. ; :; `r ;' �J `i..J$` 1 try' I'i Litt. +r•Lai�a.1 .Y 7 °i r, ,.-n✓.'✓•.':i` ,,pp PSTi�,. .,: ,� wM�,� } a� �t I art 'wrSr ,i ,..,r,- ..tR:tt r-1,,:y t. �, 'x ,.1. kJ, r t.. A?' �:{ x ®`(ten `Ii+^ ,,.. 9 �� 'te fe,.., .T/ !`1't,,•*t:Sly .1 t '�M1 .watt'; •" %,4 t. �• y n..• _ yr 4 ',441,..(r"'' 4',�j ..."14�4-• }t +-. 4 a.' ' T.+' .-, .r''} .,�"Y..k{{`.+i I •a', •fr N.1t2--,4.,=•.. �,'1'". ;; t3�@'I•. '3 ''•:j`i•;�'.. �* 4,3" r ,., .y,' '• t# +`'R .i s '�.t Y;,S`�yry� ;;t .'9.'�: r nrA • t;. . 0 REMARKS: FREIGHT 1•7.3` ANY CLAIM MUST BE • PRESENTED WITHIN 15 DAYS All backorders under 11>40.00 will be cancelled . F'1• as_>e re0 rd e l'•„ Thank. you I I I I I I I I I I I I I WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA TOTAL AMOUNT AND AMERICAN EXPRESS OF INVOICE -r_ 1,5 7 � v &��A - Bel I (310) 670-3235 ' *PICKING SHEET* PAGE: 1 . 500 W. 83RDA�REET �k� � � �0 l. * �S �NQELE�� ' � 9��45 ��� � � ��� . ' - 26/01 ORDER STATUS: WA14:-14oUSE& 000 MAIN WAREHOUSE I MAPLEW ORDER DATE: 06/25/01 ORDER NUMBER:O151943 CUSTOMER NO: SALESPERSON: JB � SOLD TO: SHIP TO: Maplewood G.C.-City of Renton ` Maplewood G.C.-City of Renton 4050 Maple Valley Highway '� . 4O5O Mapl ley Highway Renton WA 98058 Renton WA 98058 CONFIRM TO: _----------------------------_---------_--_-----_--------------_---------------- CUSTOMER P.D. SHIP VIA DEPT #: TERMS 241226 UPS Net 30 _-_-__----___---_-_-_ _-_-----------------------------------------_--__--�_ ITEM ?47j~ DESCRIPTION UNIT ORDERED SHIPPED BACK ORD _-- ---_- - ---_- -_ _--------------_--_----------_- 6157-WHITE Seed Stitch Footie 9-11 EACH^� 2 � - -------- —_��--z�� � 184-BL���GREY Argyle Flip Cuff Qtr. EACH 6 / , 819;8-WHITE All Around Golf Gift Bag EACH 6 �� ` . _------- _--_---- TE-- -All '`Arou*d-Flagn-Gift,-Bag 'EACH- �/12 z��1��9-WHITE Out Of Sight Sport Sock � EACH _------- _--_---- A2 '-WHITE On Course Gift Bag EACH 16 41~1___ i6P24G-WHITE Ba1ls,Tees, & Flag Gift Beg EA�u =^^ ' r ' ---~ ---- _------_ ' �245-WHITE ' BaIls 'n ' Tees Qtr. Sock EACH ~�45-BLACK �F1at f(vR�i- Knee High 1)."t A C H 6 Spqrt Wood Counter Disphy EACH | � ` - ,ship as�read)/ ~ > 2063, 12064 & 12065 are 'discontinued. ' .' \ `-- � FRT C DATE SHIpPE0:__���� 'A C KEDk�� 4-: Bridgestone Fl Date Received 4-13-01 12 assorted caps (hats). These are not entered into PSK inventory, they are not on the list of items not logged into PSK. They cannot be located. 9 J j a 34 I 'A r Ins ape t: �; 1 LUO1 r/r V LAY Mails Payment To: �/ V ** P �� pT Bridgestone Sports (USA)** 4-� `:::::::::: :::::: }:::: ::::.}}��:>< : >><::;v:>•: P.O. Box 101812 828490 4/09/2001 Atlanta,GA 30392-1812 Phone: (800) 358-6319 Fax: (770)786-6416 ' :.ITY OF RENTON y MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 0 4050 MAPLE VALLEY y 4u5u IViAPLE VALLEY HWY. 1 m RENTON WA 98058 _1 RENTON WA 98058 O 0 .. .:}>•;;: H .V .............. NQ.,......-Z'�1S�O�AEI�,NE?.,-:.}.:}$l�i.BSP.E�iBtJt�t.::::,�::::.�:::::::.�'I`I~I11�51 »;» :�::>•,>:��:::<�>:}.:}>:SHIP I�i�'1'8: >>:� ; PO#1242026 STANDARD FREIGHT UPS 621945 4814 950 4%30,2%60,NET 90 4/07/2001 ................................................................. ........ . .......................... .. '' .... ....... . ...............01�. :::::::::::..:::::::::.:BBE.1;tIfIG.1!'f#IOL............................ :::::::::::::::::::. 90005 CAP PRECEPT ESTABLISHED ASST DZ 1 0 105.000/DZ 105.00 FREIGHT CHARGES 4.96 ****************************** * TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT * * MAIL PAYMENT TO: * P.O. BOX 101812 * ATLANTA, GA 30392-1812 * ****************************** IF PAID BY.. 5/09/2001 6/08/2001 /08/2001 PLEASE PAY.. 105.76 107.86 09.96 NET SAVINGS. 4.20 2.10 ** NO DEDUCTIONS ALLO ER DUE DATE ** Elgl 1 .r!!6{.•r::::..r.:rl.f. f �.•�(?•I'f'r•f'; 'f,.;f /�:;:r;,r !!;•'.'''•'.+fl/,:..isrr+!Jr .! r•r.r...l,;i..; . •r,ff/f.r?. ,!f} ;+rl sa{��o-o-,/ +'''r•+}r`ri ?{`%"r� '?!• :::::::.:>,.>:}•:.. ':,::.: '}>. <: !?','•'r;rr!•.€:i;:•Yf• rr; lf r':f rr.rr lr:r,C+: r '• r. !ff�%' r•�vjl +!r•r; ' !r•. •::/, �,�/. r•r. • • J. r!' ;vry /f f :'r• .................w:::.::•;w:::4i+::•}:•}i}ii}:4:•ii:.}}'•i:•i}::•}:}}is0':h:•}i:•i:•}:9:•:::•.::4i:4+•>iii:v�} +.... { .. ..:��ir lrr ..... • -:::::'.� ... .max:.:. ::r f .....> :�hr.................. ....... v ..........:...........:.:................................................................................• ... .. ....}::•{.,..?f:... .../..:...`i'.:rf..4}.0 .. ..{ •: •.6rr,/,/r/rn••::v::::::S•::::::::...::::::::.♦ .h... BRIDGESTONE SPORTS (USA) INC. e 15320 INDUSTRIAL PARK BLVD NE PACKING SLIP APR 1 8 2001 4/0 11:3 , : COVINGTON, GA 30014 SHEET SALES ORDER # NUMBER 621945 U0039468 .� ;HIP TO: MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CARRIER : UPS GROUND 9 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. PAYMENT TERM: CC CUSTOMER PO#: PO# 1242026 REFERENCE# 558886 RENTON, WA 98058 SHIP DATE 4/05/01 CTEM / ORD QTY SHP )ESCRIPTION )0005 1 ;AP PRECEPT ESTABLISHED ASST TOTALS =__> 1 1 I ‘r\\ 1/ \V1,\ 1 Sur derland of Scotland Date received: 4-3-01 Jacket (Cygnet Weatherbeater), invoice notes to tag the item for Yoiingquist (member). This item is not in PSK, not on the list of items not logged in PSK, and cannot be located. Checked under member account and spouse's account. Th s was not charged to their account. Th s item is not on the premises 35 0 SUNDERLAND 20844 Plummer Street>►7t.+ PAYMENT BY VISA OR NO 276084 APR 3 Ci alAWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 INVOICE DATE: 03/29/01 of 0 818/998 0006 800/999 6599 Fax 818/998-0068 MASTERCARD ACCEPTED PAGE: 1 OF 1 SOLD TO STORE NO. TERMS DUE RV BILL TO SHIP TO CI1440 IIIIIIIIINET-30 04 28 01 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON PURCHASE ORDER NO FACTOR APPROVAI NO. PICK TICKET NO DFPT NO MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 1241099 869629 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 1111 LOE 1AUING I Noni(TN', WI IGHT ORDER NO I1111;111 IIRMS RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 4 •46911 PREPAID VIA SAI I SMAN UPS GROUND 125—SALLY SCHMITZ (#125) STYLE I COLOR( DESCRIPTION yy I'voiat ,p "•� ( ik,� T :'4. ' ''' TOTALS I PRICE I EXTENSION 7270 — SIL LDS.ORIG.WEATHERBEATER _ a'{..: fi E. �T(Cy: �. T «���`,,`• :� y % : ; • F 1 y57.00 57 00 —. s.e , "3C1'nY M .u,. t,4 ;�F' +A :.. :9F. y r• x r` K• ft . . M. • .'44 � � .,Y4:•4Xi5YCL' '_ �. 4. f h.�Z w....76i•,' t''��. i+ .. `�::;�''� � Ik�E; � T fhr� •-�1�.:t�. S. �: t„• �,�,rF �7283SIL LDS.CYGNET WEATHERBEATER 1 1 79.00 79.00 EIIIIIIIIIMEIPSkg T/ Q'`� .Q4 ST t( :CM ` "� .,_ ; r., i .` ,.. ; s''' µ ` z isr �:V*a- . k4,r _i.'k'VT.atali t'a I,¢fyt 2� a .... `C `r: _ ''� - ^I.;'K r ' 9- ' 'WV 1, ;,; �y._MIME g:. ., •. x .. . 4� .r.,,.'.w ; � ] '4(` K. :�•3 '- `',i'.']6 .'f(;r.. �.C1.4.4 f.!4 eg "hi a " 41C 4 s . .....ireOtt .t':.T.. ;'z, .?`s`' .. ' yX,;MC a�y,+�? Y` : i 3 't' 3 53 gay € h Tiy.�,.7A �r'✓'' 4 Rom+ .�' . .. ( � �.,.!`w .c. :�. „::�' „.. .?`..7wc�^� ��#� '�' .�', `'• ((7 '�o�.`�'a Ott manirrilt amiseisurritt ;yK. yZ #� a i.-c. �"�V i fiP ': i, rYaz3 u',7,r;.s ',l ,- u, �t �v� c ��,y.� yam. '' '�` :.2ay. "' ,;.,.-1. ��:�r�nx. zi.;�'," ' ' ' s �'14I6 'alilu`� it �� ,T ~,, A ... t -e'ri'+...2 iii,',r Mtip i?p-t0, ill' r'`..- ".' 1: ;Y.4 g . i" 1' `' 1 4 pit, i'. • Elerafriagt M c ` 11l,yam „j4., •• :fir. ,. - :sks► ,. ?�"F !fF'';�,kv t�;>� ?;tk"E. ir�' ; ,� =' � •va 'x�,�, ;' .;+ � +�,1"M i If u�tit � ^ } ,:.- ,• : `; , ^.s`?n 'Pg 1r " . 1:1ffl yt3,r`-'.F .3Fa.'�.� C 'T k ?.#yy#'',, -ts aye Ira a -t l'f` .. 0 ...... _ 1. � .- 3�61� ,�..t.' :. •r:' km4r t e Ala: 4+�}� `. r+R' '� ;�� '�li. r .s2 2�r3�r�' ,ti •Y• i - e � T t.4 h iLu .... .� ' - f .Gyl�.r.. a •.r•:. r !v.• r ...�.:c< A.. :+rM "...`f ks: -:' ,.r..- :..,.. b `',a. ,..x.,ka¢a .: iJ*4r,',• ':,hQ , . ., -', .. ,•,i' i $.:;i L : .,`.''.fie( Vr''t�i w �'4t* r re. . ,• , *Mgt ' .. WY. +�`it ,•K, • ' 'W r COMMENTS 2 SUBTOTALS 136.00 F,RE'IGHT.x� 4; - 6.32 F►ATIMT1iNOUROR10EIY: : '�: %'r;. �R YCURD6COIMTR c ;� ' "f K• NO RETURNS ACCEPTED WITHOUT OUR RETURN STICKER NUMBER. PLEASE COUNT IMMEDIATELY-ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 14 DAYS OF RECEIPT AlDnuorALArouTDUEIc OF GOODS. ALL RETURNS SUBJECT TO A 15% RESTOCKING FEE;ALL EXCHANGES SUBJECT TO A$3.00 PER GARMENT CHARGE. CUSTOMER WILL BE TOTAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT OF ANY CC"I Fr'TION CA*14'WCURPFF.MID BAUV rUARGEI ETUP•'"^9ECKP '^9. LO " S,f— 14; c sV1VLraAv CHATSWORTH,CAtiFO 9131'4 n ��► •1 ryi dY,Y1 t R Six INVOICE tazo �' s J` ' ' ..� �' 818/998-0006 800/999-8899 Fax 818(998.0088 MASTE1CAR ACCgPTED PAGE r, ,. =1 n'.•- i- NikY. ,w4 A. • �[• f`�, *N;+'1F#j'! 4 ,1 f (l M�. f.`gfykM r t,1a,•f: r : '�' s ;,a;.,1. it ,n.K II �`•'.te.� t-.x i ri s 71 � BILL TO .. .. �Y r SOLD TO STORE NO TERMS DUE BV SHIP TO r -Q V .. m e p"' `p4•y 1 CI1440.1 � 1': 1,:I . T . ' .. ' , {ye yi�a t — RENTON' CITY OF:=•REN1"ON• • U PURCHASE ORDER NO FACTOR APPROVAL NO. PICK TICKET NO. DEPT.NO. ` `' ` 4T,GOLF COURSE "` MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE • " 4 +. ,0 '� ;'[ 0 , sti05CAtI LE VALLEY HWY 4050 MAPLE. VALLEY HWY RILL OF LADING I NO OF CTI s WEIGHT ORDER NO FREIGHT 1ERMS, A 88058 • RENTON, WA' 98058 t :`4' • 4 `t�W )atr ,, •r. ,4. r.J,' Il• i? ;" . "?> �`" P' (4� •i:°ArC�i►.� r k VIA ` r d '. SALESMAN 1� ,; • , �� U G11 OUN0�' : " 1a$54 '$A' Li"r8'OHM }• ;� � i s,2! F,>• ,I, Vie [' ,. .•. 5.r/.,Gi.�TJc.1.< STYLE COLOR DESCRIPTION tiara. `,_ y �' I - •'�► r:: n. II • !: awl' i I TOTALS iJi: '' -rt. i' t;{.►. 1- glizoong�y�y��.�:� ,'yti�y�p ?'.. , rvlrr•. ':r IYHiWldzi sz..401+�4 lIY/, f :t ~y fn•:�. 7. _v ,� , r .;,,; .fir ► 4 Pr ,,gt i�raf�, y ,ter M Ma EMU � .�f' ' '. -r »•"�w a:4t�. �1rr:+se..t S �°k lai.S '}?•,<r t�;''3.[ .. - d s i'7`.• • �:.5v.•.. '.:• --:• [ :`ahi.'�+.11.'j.•'i��.'.''r°. ` ` fii : � .','� ..1, •� , ,' • �:' '�' y� + lf..y/1,�ar ye %'S:: � ,��' :" 1= 4i'r�t+a!'d1,q �f''y "4t$!¢. t,.r �* ,7;,�'� 'ff.. I ~ 'x:'MEM�• '�4 't; I •`�w •1�t ,.�L jVILI� .'1 �l7� • r ... 'y f , ,,y.rr [ %:Y' 7`r•C1!„q,� `�a'f;r,LiRr..- i(►a�y� 1+ { • -A.,,,, ...,[!"':. e[ Lrkt a r<�c"l!'4` Ns yY"igYp•• r v .7;.��.'�'ri'l•- . ', ,l .1a: t,r ti't-• ,1 x. _.:lf' xA l'1YI P,te:+.t•• 'L �'1- !I• ,I. I •d .��fi�yVt • �IiN T. 1 � .. .:a, •� .». :.•� ._Q�IY(1..1•^ i,j'. `� "' 111� ,. 11., V1 r ?1.3 'i ,. 4 Xr� ,,, �'µ �,., r J,!-Lt�;Aim* fl I �h i 1 •i4' i 1 M•�Wl I,= J +'�'ti• 5 .r .r'.V -+?(.aa .ii'1 `I;.b:�,� '"'' ''; -!'. ! 1. ,)'r'!, •77�i.14oi..F•11i v . r'auJ' - m[•F +a i ,-/% ms #ol t'1�F 0 Y Nl:i./•!w riril ti :-. ;, :s aF . I� I rdy 4tt:CM sal r �(.'f�.•':6 • ,11"�.' ,,, ?4'' l,,s/Ai''' : .2 1#+'vs , ;f�si„`d 1C'ry i;1::..,, 1,':4 ;Ii, : it ,ti j+,4f , ,, �' .*�i;. .f• .�n, tinsguakirian a •><•. !.Fl #I , 'i!�Fy, fv7dn1P4tH 'r',C *,�, t• P �} Y ,y� ® .,'r B 1 :?u , l�r. '..{ >�.Fy'e..?'!!:- ,.�.: • rl:i .i.,a .•yi,.. Yi++,.... �`I.''t..aln'i•`; )',,, "a�r'7• ,.� k' •'R.i. I' � aj��a.-. .C1. �� , ., r • � t. a -' , �M . �� rl'•i�i vs 'c ze 9r'F F•, RRc.-,p�} {��, •� P .'' 1 i' �o:T�.� �+.��. %q� �f'C�•.-�t')... ' .•� man .... .'.t ,':rs .y,,. e. utly `y' C"' .'.!f kLr or •�. ,. 14' 4t�4�.� Ay 1'*:. [ :`, ,;, �-Y'1) _ •.i..��'•,. 14.�[�+ "v=. l'.4.st�'r �.1fi �'k !.t a Y '•:St�': y f.., $ C R � �r t • r LS #va9 !'� 4Fa, r• *.•*.....,' e. Lfter .. {~ 61' t,r• 1r,u 1` 770 .,[[k ... I�.III :I (''T"•-;'9C.,�•A .iM: •�.r► !ci '�1.It: •"�' 'i • Ph. •' l a, y. nr, , ••[._•., .;.; t•.., i u k:,4 t.0) y t.k �`,!•iyZtn:i��L,i•� t I;s sii t,', ; t P.°;;:.;a - *''' .`41 v3`{.'y .,[ tETA:,•44 II .i.7,.•4 1,: 7.1 .T; • 1 • .•mot .. a: • • • tf �r+r '�•5, i- �.,. �1:+' !" .:.ai.tF.Q{r�•'e' t'1 1L. 1j '� ' ,` i•• I.r .'.: e 9 + 5' it , .(rrC.ij�.' c >!•t!1't' �+�+�.'. a! F,�!�,-`.ryt +fir,,_ • •t ,,.i4',�,,'-. ... 1.• r:: ::i.. �',- 1 j.••: -r i^;Fkj.•T: ..i-ri`T 4.-� '• - ,'). • • RETUR 'Ai: EPTED WITHOUT OUR RETURN STICKER NUMBER. PLEASE COUNT IMMEDIATELY-ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE:WRNIN 14 DAYt4.OF,RECEIPT;.';;; 6-u.•�1 ': T!;;t,.r'.i :i. �OOOD8., ,RETURNS SUBJECT TO A 15% RESTOCKING FEE;ALL EXCHANGES SUBJECT TO A$3.00 PER GARMENT CKARQE ' CUSTOYER'WILL BE'r���':''•�^:A`�z s•�1:=.!!!� `��':�•iJ i+��`t'`'�i •t.w. - t to !. • r� ! , cSPON818 R PAYMENTOFANY COLLECTION COSTS INCURRED AND BANK CHARGES FOR RETURNED CHECKS. F.OB. L08 ANOGELEB,CA ,'T;""` i�,l:: iK r1 s; �')„ ',!,— %; �..j'T: . %i::•'-tt ;r,2 : :'t..:,t.2'...r....., .•.....n...�....� .�. t -,�iK t • fi':K r'.Y. •t ) :�r..1.E. Tail Inc. Date Received: 4-10-01 (1) pair of shorts (sz 8), not in the PSK inventory and not on the list of items not logged into PSK (1) baseball cap, not in the PSK inventory, not on the list of items not logged into PSK. (1) V-neck sweater, sz medium, not in the PSK inventory, not on the list of items not logged into PSK. These items cannot be located. They are not on the premises. All other items on invoice, not in PSK, they are on the list of items not logged into PSK inventory. They are located in the driving range storeroom. 36 i A0�, INC. PLEASE REMIT TO: APR 1. I. cuil1 yr 108814 A;i• 3300 N.W. 41st Street TAIL, INC. INVOICE DATE 04/02/01 Miami, Fl 33142-4394 P.O. BOX 931685 a�� PAGE: 1 OF 1 (305) 638-2650 ATLANTA GA. 31193-1685 CUSTOMER NO: STORE NO TERMS ., .., WWW.TAILINC.COM 98057 3/10 EOM 05/30/01 SHIP TO ADDRESS PURCHASE ORDER NO. FACTOR APPROVAL NO. PICK TICKET NO. DEPT.NO. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE TG01 160509 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON BILL OF LADING NO. NO OF CTNS. WEIGHT ORDER NO. FRFlGHT FRP.. 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY 1 9 54839 FOB RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 ' VIA SALESPERSON .1 1 '0, - +2, I/i l 1 UPS 202-Jean Beck STYLE COLOR DESCRIPTION 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 QUANTITY PRICE EXTENSION 72B 400 SBL 17"FLAT FRONT SHORT,NO EL // �1)'1. 1 33.00 33.00 ONE x��" ----------- 7V V10A BLK VISOR, TRIM ON/ 2 8.50 17.00 7W COO BLK BASEBALL CAP 1 1 14.50 14.50 XS S M L XL ----------- ------- 7A1 300 BLU CUT PIQUE CLASSIC SHIRT 1 ✓ 1 ✓ 1• ✓ 3 30.00 90.00 7B2 300 WHT CLASSIC SHIRT, ZIPPER 1 / 11 1 ✓ 3 28.00 84.00 7C3 370 WHT SLEEVELESS SHIRT, ZIPPER 1 ✓' 1 / 2 28.50 57.00 7E5 370 ELK STRIPE SLEEVELESS SHIRT,Z 1✓ 1 '' 2 30.00 60.00 7L6 340 BLU STRIPE CLASSIC SHIRT,ZIPP 1 ✓ 1 ' 1 / 3 32.00 96.00 7M1 750 ELK V-NECK SWEATER CP 1.• 1 48.00 48.00 C7A 820 SBL VEST 1 v 1 ✓ 2 45.00 90.00 I COMMENTS: 20 SUB TOTALS $ 589.50 FREIGHT $ 9.21 IF PAYMENT IS IN OUR OFFICE BY 05/10/01 YOUR DISCOUNT IS 17 69 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT US AN TOTAL AMOUNT Is INVOICE BY PHONE OR EMAIL US AT BILLING@TAILINC.COM 581.02 TOTAL $ 598.71 3300 N. W. 41st Street APR 112001 , , Y PACK SLIP • PICKING NO.: zoo..rw, DATE: 03/29/01 Miami,' Fl 33142 ;. • TICKET 2 (305) 63�1--2fj5� - •All Claims must be made'within (5) days •. PAGE: OF . from recdeipt livofdtotrandise itc ' Goods delivered to transit companies are at the - ✓ w.: Ask of the purchaser. SOLO TO I STORE NUMBER I TERMS I P.O.DATE RILL7'0 • SHIPTO 98057 98057 3/10 EOM 09/11/00 MAPLEWOOD GOE•F COURSE-._. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE PURCHASE ORDER NO. I FACTORY APPROVAL NO. I DEPT.NO. I START DATE CITY OF RENT-QN.-• CITY OF RENTON TG01 ----------- 03/01/01 4050 MAPLE.. VALLEY HIGHWAY 4050 MAPLE 'VALLEY HIGHWAY ✓ REQUESTED DATE I COMPLETE DATE I ORDER NUMBER I FREIGHT TERMS RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 ., F ' 03/01/01 03/31/01 54839 FOB le • I SALES `.w1 11- FI'v'+f1 VIA UPS 202—Je«7 n Bec k Yt et r �"", t STYLE IZE ,�, 31Z1� SIZ + . A SIZ, .` ''-''SIZE ;,, COLOR PICK ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ' ACTUAL STYLE SHIPPED SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED TOTALS PRICE DESCRIPTION _y zn#aY- t 437 X-'"i#iit ' S` b xL .i . gp i::.q {, '`t st i.+<:"e 4 S fvt 1 �y"' t E \°9't ' {Y< e f•^r, y , • . tr 7Lb 34�3 Ft I. .r `F, c { _l `' #S1 ,rti.k .y' <'. .0.", I : L 4{ 4. 1' .- rA, s° `Ss + ,a. ., .`;;"iA,''+.�' 7 �. , :a, j i -,:1. :;,••.,i •• ?r , ,t y 7 ,P S 4�z !4. '•.: x — �Y • `Sti+: ' # :al.. T, 'i1, a '1/: 4 srt ON •o-,'• � 1,,X' t•',. }-"3"'4St ac' -' ,,.1r!^"fi ,''•' 1"-,7t _ .,z., . ''`' ,� �../YV10A •BL.K- '4 ''' 5w ,'h.. C - ... ? ��4,1x .,'r.' f°37?I,r �L ,/'- Ill . 5k ?' FCi�'.,a�. ` ,r -., ;. v ,,, £i `' '"" k .v h. 6 sL. 71:"1n,"� '.. 111� ._ .. ..Y,«,.... � t •M �,. y, ..-, '` n` y-: `�i -*Pµ-: �'� U�- i 4 Ae �.`' •.- • P -4i1'. frt ` ••��t ire sc i + , 2 x ,k ' ' kr.„ ,,,, 'F,„-„,. '`. a' '�',•. 'r }( !.:{f..1\ ,' -. 2?. ,," ,- .,-t't �'✓ }.�'i'�, ,,,, ro, fi �.•4• +°•.. ' �N t",' Y., h•CY10 1 ct �� ! "- s.C+=.c�Y�, 34 At•y._.'. Pt✓ very t F" ' .4�..:. Lt�ASEBAk C.ti4l , . �. KK - w. ''t� :� , ,. '` ' �� ,, s jx 1,, .�f�Yl {� µµ b ry �9fi.+�.du'.4i�1. • Imo.. u_,n y_ "1"� , �.•-t �a�•.. .?t,.a�+f�kJ�`... � �. T c».�',r .� � f y'T' �,� ��( �'ljy"� <�:' 1 � p��,. ' xn*2`.0 ' ..;"7M.d.T'• /A. g ,+ ,:�!rx, ,r't". ,.•} �4� ti��� 4"r. ° 11 t"I� ' <.� �'''�" ii" , y. :i.� �j �y "'S, ?�''I'::- "-�• ` +�` "`�»� •'�'"'s•'7`. +r T � R 5' rDv , �.. .'/ /J0 BLN 2 yiy' R '4'1'' r F, '.s 1, s � ..a�`:.: , A r w•w 'i n4 � 4�•U �` `gyp � c, �s , ' �,�n�yt' of i�•'."�'f: -, +y'°+� t,F <.;jp.` yr S yy� �`-. �„r� ''�, �i,-Y i"T`y'"••. l ,, rp s✓ e1�, ' t , , y. y�I.'i,5s1'>'S; 7. '6,• "v '� ok: .4"' :r,• Y � �. .� • ;4IP '1?y ,>w',Pt.... ... a l j 5f ��_ ' .J,Ar' ,+`b a '''•3.•}'. ra: i ti;� S A. . {'yya^ T�yy .. ,. j:±1^?$ �,y, hy- pE�' , •I.. ✓y "'Mt ML,. t K,.a r.-•—,..",, TAN 3i} J *� I '•� ., fib SBI_ : .,• r:+IC .r. .15 Y.'SKa f .a°' i ; .i; +; 1 yy,,..{l ^, .fyyyYi;4•'jCa T' ,, t t t '", N .•✓ i Y;7, i k 5 - N'J'ix a z f" s. -41 .c f r 'T f: -t'N ,p`,J.S #i I � , , ;:� v,.' p Tz f �: rti.4 .+4.. 1) "Y r[ 1 -- °. A.. .J`. ' ' : I ' . a- Y" + - , ,iI , '� jl .sue j n ss'' �' ' «I y * ; i w ,.i ;'g. s �• x r��� a �'..;• .A„,,,-`.` ',,4 , ' .",,,.'y. .w ,,.. Y i• .c ,-1 " tire. •,•'t' 3":' • >.,, � '.a ;'...,ti ,. r7' ��"�,'�q.:.w`. K}•'",. ^1. :Millir "'s _:8. '+ } 'S .:it .,' '. 1 ,. Fr ..' „�Y: ` , `:.vo. _ ', .;•• i_fit f,w-:i...i. ,re ^%� ` ,6 • { I'',•.�, 4 • .. t. �r c Ct'." ' u4' .er . . • • _• ,.y ift 'a 6 s;,,I.TEM ' I z .:,,ter I, :{: PICKED BY I NUMBER OF CTNS. EIGH OTHER CHARGES :.O.L.N• PACKED DATE SHIPPED I I.... ..y I TOTALS A i i ..a WNW w....a+ �►_.�, I � wrw.dd 1 �....:..+ 4........i .. L... --a :w.:��� eI 7 .. TUT:". wAl 3:.{ar2f N.w. 4+1st street AFK 1 1 CUU I ,'AC...._.P 03/29/01 DATE: 1iaMi; F1 33142 1 2 (305) 63.9-2650 , •All Claims must be made within (5) days k. ,_.: PAGE: OF from receipt of merchandise ;'' r ` • Goods delivered to transit companies are at the risk of the purchaser. \ •,. — ' SOLD TO I STORE NUMBER I TERMS I PO DATE BILL to SHIP TO 98057 98057 3/10 EOM 09/11/00 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE PURCHASE ORDER NO. I FACTORY APPROVAL NO. I DEPT.NO. I START DATE CITY OF REN`FON CITY OF RENTON TG01 a3/01/01 4050 MAPLE_ VALLEY HIGHWAY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY REQUESTED DATE I COMPLETE DATE MI ORDER NUMBER I FREIGHT TERMS RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 0:3/401/01 03/31/01 54039 FOB VIA I SALES UPS °."..,,,. 202-Jean Beck STYLE r �:IZ_. . i j` j >_r� " r :_ � 7- '•*-aS":. $� krr ACTUAL "' ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 1„ ACTUAL ACTUAL Y�^I'�'' ACTUAL STYLE COLOR PICK SHIPPED RICKSHIPPED SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED SHIPPED SHIPPED SHIPPED PICK SHIPPED TOTALS PRICE DESCRIPTION .>.4c.1,.�. ���� �:yliY. " ,.,I Q'el. a •: =i�1, • h.i_. t,: '•�'.` v.... r , 7� �.�L.W.� iz � hail _ ine #003' T- • •tit I. uw µ S t Nf Y ( .. , w I.n#: �a l7t� 0�7t L... T. ;,; 3 ;•,.� maw t• _ 1E) ` `� w S 5 rtl. ..., ,x $£... " _.. � I - ai I �t .k.'" Tr •'�`� .-I Mi� r��;,. { SHORT;°Nn EIx �.,,� . ine int: #04k4=. ty1 hJ , i, inii,,,,,s T J . 1 �� .f. b *Y .1i7a f `�5 �'�j� b �ine ,. . #0 L5 � Y 4 , Ini: fir'�.A , l t T>* � c� ra : �. '7' L� 7;111111W`t ; ' II I :1 ,.'. t T^,af i ' 7 . . � • . �, Lyle #006 r.� .{ '°� xt tia ii ine #Sf r ink: t � O u MN' o ....i.-:.„:;,..w,-:,7„,,....*:234.ta .10,;41,4, ,..t. „ .......,,,,,„,.., - _ -, ',4 ... Mil •1111111-: Illiei Mill min ' ' --..1 ;i2416. *. .. . /' ,j 'jc, sue'}`A r'd.. ST;, "� 1.., yam, ...` t i 7 : . ♦... , yl :? {'- ..il. y.L i4 ',nin .,‘.._1;,. t{' Tltek +(t Y._ ':B ;7 a PICKED BY I NUMBER OF CTRS. ME OTHER CHARGES :.O.L.No PACKED BY I DATE SHIPPED I I TOTAL' JA4k Fred Pelzer Date received: 8-9-01 24 units of Blistex are entered into PSK. This is correct. There is no unit cost entered in PSK for these items. n L 37 (I300) 537-3700 /� Fts (''03)656-0666 MUG 2001 � �vo Fax(503)656-0676 12717'SE'Car)3enter Drive 80174 PELZER aackamas.OR 97015 SALESPERSON DATE OF INVOICE GOLF SUPPLIES < 3 C 08/06/01 TO: SNIP TO CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOCD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 .: , , g'tf�UR OROERfUUMBER CCOUNTs.�(Q r, TE � ., 4 a�/IA, COI.�P ,�� ,iQB.�POINT�,�`� 'fERMSt 4 �'�'� �� •r,3ci 98055RENTON 08/06/01 UPS M CLACKAMAS OR 2/15 NET 30 1242094 TOM/C QUANTITY W A ,, VMESCRIPIION. _ _ UNITPRICE AMOUNT 2 RANGER SHAG BAG 31 .00 62 .0( 1 SHAG TUBE 16 .00 16 .0( 2 KID/LONG DRIVE MARKER CARDS 6 .00 12 .0( 1 METAL REPAIR TOOL JAR/200 52 .00 52 .0( 1 B'_ISTEX DISPLAY/24 32 .00 32 .00 2 RJBBER SHAFT CLAMP 3 .00 6 .0( SUPPING AND HANDLING 2 CTNS/11#/8# 10 .8E • If Paid by 08/21/01 Deduct 3 .60 TOTAL 190 .8E THANK YOU ORRI:ANAI (800)537-3700 jr--le— n (503)656-0666 AUG V 2001 PACKING Li Fax(503)656 0676 __. ,Ir- S 12717 3E•Car(Senter Drive 80174 1 PELZE2 GOLF suppuEs Clackamas,OR 97015 SALESPERSON DATE OF INVOICE ,1 3 C 08/06/01 MI SHIP TO 1 CITY OF RENTON MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY -• 4050 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 `i LI ACCOUNT NO: DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA CAL P.P.I F.O.B.POINT TERMS YOUR ORDER NUMBE 98055RENTON 08/06/01 UPS M CLACKAMAS OR 2/15 NET 30 1242094 TOM/C I, QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE . AMOL TI RANGER SHAG BAG 31 .00 62 . r 1 SHAG TUBE 16 .00 16 .0( KP/LONG DRIVE MARKER CARDS 6 .00 12. METAL REPAIR TOOL JAR/200 52 .00 52 . BLISTEX DISPLAY/24 32 .00 32 .00 2 RUBBER SHAFT CLAMP 3 .00 6 .1 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 2 CTNS/11#/8# 10 ..,.:� r/01/19„04611L) If Paid by 08/21/01 Deduct 3 .60 THANK YOU TOTAL 190 .8E OL °R1L _ 4k\ • I 1 Cal bite Golf Da:e received: 8-19-01 Th s item is not in PSK and not on the list of items not logged into PSK. I asl:ed the staff in the pro-shop. They do not know what a putter cap is. ca not locate/identify this item. 38 10/24/2001 13.36 18584525029 CARBITE GOLF PAGE 01 • • • M I S T O R I C l • • • Carbite Invoice 250058 9985 Nuen ekens St. , Date is San Diego CA 92121 8/14/2001 0-1(): I irOr Page: 1 Silt To: Ip To: MAPLE GOLF COURSE •LEH000 GOLF COURSE .1 CITY OF RENTON ITT Of RENTON 4000 MAPLE VALLEY NUY '00 MAPLE VALLEY WY RENTON WA 98055 NTON WA 98055 Purchase Order Na. Customer ID Salesperson ID Shipping hod - Pa Terns Reg Ship Oate Master No. -*�or>=( 13f) JIA548S YEA/DSCN UPS ONLY NET 30 4/13/2001 93,702 Ordered Shipped I/O Item Number Deac tion Discount Unit Price Ext. Price 1 1 0 C3CR35M THREE CENTER 35 MENS S0.000 S78.000 $78.00 4 K37er _ g Subtotal S78.00 Misc s0,00 Tax $0.00 Freight S4.39 Trade Discount S0.00 Total $82.39 vizw___ , .. Carbite Golf * PACKING S LI PFM16 2001 Date Packing Slip 9985 Huennekens St , . 7/24/2001 88944 San Diego, CA 92121 Hill IIIIUI I II I I(III III Master No. Req Ship Date BKO: BK00004841 93,702 4/13/2001 Bill To: Ship To: MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 4000 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 4000 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98055 MIKE TOLL Purchase Order No. Cust ID Salesperson Req Ship Method Payment Terms • 1242015 WA5485 WEA/DSCH UPS ONLY NET 30 Item No. /Description Warehouse Orig Order Prey Shipped To Be Shipped This Shipment 88944 YOU MUST REPORT ITEMS MISSING FROM ORDER WITHIN 14 DAYS. 1 C3CR35M 000 1 0 1 CAP THREE CENTE RH 35 M ' S ./.(11).- \Ai Y11911- ro--- ,c, ,,./ 0 / 6.,), _. 4, ..tocl'A-15 NOTICE: If any items are annotated as back ordered,the missing items will be shipped as a new order with a new Sales Order Number. The Master Number on the original order and all related back orders - will be the same. Please reference the Master Number on all inquires. Back Order Number: BK00004841 The Master Number is in the upper right corner of this Packing Slip Merchandise - Request for Action TO: F ROM: [►ATE: I BEM: ACTION: SIGNATURE: Draft Policy/Procedures 1. Receiving Merchandise: When merchandise is received, staff will compare all items against the packing slip. If there is a discrepancy in actual items received, this will need to be noted on the packing slip. Staff will need to date and sign the packing slip. The slip is then given to the Admin staff. The merchandise will then be placed in the Driving Range storeroom. The Admin staff will enter all items in Pro-Shopkeeper, print and affix price tags to merchandise. Data entry could be delayed if the prices are not identified on the packing slip. Merchandise will remain in the storeroom or moved to the Pro-shop storeroom until it is put out in the Pro-shop. This procedure should be completed with five (5) business days. Request for Action Form: This form is to be used when action needs to take place on merchandise. For example, an item is not priced, the item is priced incorrectly or the item is placed on sale. It could also be used if an item is returned and, if defective, returned to Vendor. If item has not been worn/used, it can be re-entered into inventory and placed out in the Pro-shop. The signature is important in case there are any questions/comments, Admin staff will be able to identify who made the request.