HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2021 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners - Special Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 4:00 pm Video Conference – during Governor Inslee’s “Safe Start” Order 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:02pm. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Marlene Winter, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Tim Searing, and Shun Takano Members Absent: Cynthia Burns, excused City Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator; Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director; Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; and Roberta Graver Administrative Assistant 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No motion for approval of agenda, moved forward with meeting. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marlene Winter motioned to approve the November 10, 2020 minutes as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a. Larry Reymann requested an addition to the agenda for Board Communication – I-405 Construction Project Impact to Salmon in May Creek Larry Reymann has been in conversation with the Washington Department of Transportation regarding runoff from the I-405 expansion construction that could or is running into May Creek impacting the salmon in the creek. Board consensus is to review the information Larry will provide before the next meeting. This information will be on the February meeting agenda to review, discuss, and formulate a recommendation or board statement to forward to the mayor. b. Parks and Trails Customer Service Survey – Cailín Hunsaker i. The survey took place in September 2020 with 12 questions and received 144 responses. 1. The full survey results will be shared out and included in the minutes. 2. Survey highlights include: a. “Parks cleanliness and overall appearance” received a Good to Excellent rating. This is in light of the extra use the parks saw during the 2020 restrictions and reduced staffing. b. “Most used amenities” were parks and trails. c. “Which outdoor programs would you like added” was self-guided hikes. The new Track Trail program was instituted which provides information for self-guided hikes and Teresa Nishi organized free hikes in advance of the updated Plant Identification brochure. These hikes were popular and each were filled (5 per hike). Parks Commission Meeting January 12, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). d. “Connectivity and distribution of parks” received a Good rating e. Cedar River Trail was identified as the most popular used trails in the system. f. “Which elements makes you feel most safe in the parks and trails?” = #1 Lighting #2 Visibility (by trimmed trees, unobstructed sightlines), #3 Seeing patrols (police) ii. Cedar River Trail repair and stabilization from February 2020 flooding is under contract and permits will be pulled this spring. Community and Economic Development (CED) staff will be assisting to create a stable pad for the repair equipment to be staged, which entails temporarily rerouting the trail. Once the repair is completed, the trail will be returned to its normal route. c. Coulon Playground – Leslie Betlach The current playground was installed in 2003. Erica Schmitz, Capital Projects Coordinator is the lead on the playground replacement project and worked to acquire $617,000 in grants enabling the project to be funded completely with non-general fund money. The new playground equipment is just about finished and should open next Wednesday, January 20th or the following week. d. Sunset Neighborhood Park Grand Opening – Leslie Betlach The new park, a 10-year project, will open Thursday, January 28th, which follows a distribution of an exclusive video displaying a videotaped mayoral ribbon cutting, interviews, video and still shots of the park. Supporters, project vendors, local and regional government agencies and others will receive the invite to view this video prior to the official public opening. The video will then be made public on January 28th via the city website. Every city department, in some way, was involved in this lengthy and comprehensive project. e. Recreation and Neighborhoods Programming – December 2020 – information provided by Maryjane Van Cleave and Carrie Nass i. Senior Programming & Lunch 1. Over 29,000 meals prepared for pick-up and delivery, by end of Dec (April – December 2020 total #) 2. Ended year with two fun holiday themed lunch pick-up events on 12/23 & 12/31; Mayor Pavone helped on 12/23 3. Age-Friendly Renton Virtual Talk Series, continuing on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month; free, but pre-registration required 4. Virtual bingo, yoga, art classes going strong 5. New (for 2021) King County VSHSL grant for senior programming and senior center (approximately $120,000) 6. With current 2020 VSHSL grant purchased new exercise equipment for senior center fitness room, new projectors/computers for meeting/program rooms; and new mobile interactive projector for program use 7. Age-Friendly – wrapped up community-wide survey and had over 500 responses ii. Recreation Programming Parks Commission Meeting January 12, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). 1. Successful Elf Academy, had appx. 80 participants do good deeds throughout December, then attended drive-thru Elf graduation, public works, Police and Fire helped day of 2. Reinstated Santa letters, to bring joy to little ones; sent out over 100 letters 3. Started (may be annual program), You’ve Been Jingled via Neighborhood program, to encourage people to bring joy to neighbors. 4. Weekly STREAM Team, Adaptive Rec, and Preschool virtual programming continued throughout the month of December, reaching hundreds of participants. f. Homeless in Park Protocol – Kelly Beymer i. Sleeping in the park during park hours is acceptable. No public access allowed when parks are closed. ii. If you see someone sleeping in the park during park hours, and you see needles, excessive garbage or anything that is not allowed per parks rules and regulations, contact 911 (if it’s a safety issue) or the non-emergency police phone line (425-235-2121). iii. If you repeatedly see, what you think, is the same person(s) in the same park sleeping with personal belongings that appear to be set up for an extended say, please contact Cailín Hunsaker to have staff evaluate the situation, check with police or see if Catholic Community Services could send a counselor to offer services. 7. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT a. Top Golf – Kelly asked CED about the current status of this business building near the Landing. Top Golf hasn’t pulled building permits yet, due to some changes to the construction plans, but may do so by late spring or early summer. b. Updates – River Rock Grill at the Maplewood Golf course has had a rough 2020. The City has helped by waiving rent, reducing rent and reducing utility fees. Kelly is working on a Covid amendment to their lease with what the City can and cannot waive moving forward, then will go into negotiations with the concessionaire. She said that the concessionaire has been great during the year of challenges. Working through the new re-opening phases, set forth by the governor in January, has its own challenges as it’s established by regions, and may change from opening facilities to closing them based on covid-related numbers. This is extremely hard on restaurants regarding staffing and product inventory. c. Board members asked questions about regional issues: i. What about the public vaccine distribution in Renton? How is that happening? Kelly said there are plans in the works and the Renton vaccine testing facility may be used, but she doesn’t have information to answer this completely. ii. Will the Golf Course Manager position be filled soon? Steve Meyers, Maplewood Golf Course Superintendent, will be in the temporary acting role as we evaluate year end revenue information and begin to evaluate how COVID will affect continued operations before we consider hiring a permanent position. City of Renton Recreation & NeighborhoodsLet’s Go Renton! FEBRUARY & MARCH 2021 rentonwa.gov/register* (*Unless otherwise noted) General Info: rentonwa.gov/recreation Adaptive Rec: rentonwa.gov/adaptive Questions?: 425-430-6700 or email recreation@rentonwa.gov Youth and Teens Creative Kids –Subscription AGES 3 & UP Keep busy hands creative. Each art/craft kit includes materials for two self-guided projects. Some household supplies needed. Kits should arrive within a week after registration deadline. $10R / $12NR Feb 12: Love Bugs, #9493, Reg. by 2/7 Mar 19: Rainbow, #9495, Reg. by 3/14 Skyhawks Youth Sports AGES 6-12 With proven COVID-19 protocols and modified curriculum, Skyhawks is committed to safety. Coaches provide fun, skill-building experiences. CEDAR RIVER PARK Flag Football, Age 6-12: Sat, Feb 6, 10a-12p Flag Football, Age 6-12: Sat, Mar 6, 10a-12p Soccer, Age 6-12: Sat, Feb 20, 10a-12p Soccer, Wed, Age 4-7: Mar 3-24, 4-4:45p Soccer, Wed, Age 8-12: Mar 3-24, 5-5:45p KENNYDALE PARK Basketball, Age 6-12: Sat, Mar 27, 10a-12p Register at skyhawks.com. STREAM Team AGES 5-14 STREAM Team is a program that provides high-quality programming in science, technology, reading, recreation, environment, arts and math. During the pandemic, we are virtual: See friends and meet new ones in Wednesday meetups, 4-4:30 p.m. and enjoy virtual games and chances to win prizes. Free activity kits focus on staying active or learning to enjoy and protect our environ- ment. And we can help with homework! Email streamteam@rentonwa.gov to take advantage of what STREAM Team can offer! All Ages Community Gardens ALL AGES Get growing in Renton’s Comm. Gardens! Reservations open January 4, and season runs mid-April to early October (dates vary). North Highlands Garden, 3000 NE 16th St. 2’ x 4’: $10/$15, #9487 Music of Local Artists ALL AGES Featuring Renton resident and pianist Aaron Buckner with guest artist(s), showcasing music influenced and histori- cally performed by black artists. Feb 18, 6:30-8pm, Free, #9588 Renton Outdoors ALL AGES Join Coast & Forest guides for fun and engaging outings—or virtual gatherings. Sign up for a series or individual dates. Times, days and fees for each session on flyer, or on rentonwa.gov/register (search “Renton Outdoors”). • Guided Nature Walks, All-Ages Outings • Birds of a Feather, Social Birding Adventures • A Nature Journaling Exp., Sun or Mon • Nature & Neighbors, Virtual • Botanical Awakening, Sun or Mon Adaptive Recreation Connect with Adaptive Rec participants through “The Buzz” quarterly publication. Seniors Senior Lunch/Meals SENIORS Mon-Fri, 11:30am. Sack lunch drive-thru pick up at Senior Activity Center. Limited quantities. (In 2020 we served almost 30,000 meals!) For delivery, or for weekend meal, leave voicemail with name and number at 425-430-6634. Virtual BINGO SENIORS BINGO! Join us for a fun-filled afternoon via ZOOM for Bingo on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Players will be sent a link to access ZOOM the day before the event along with their Bingo cards to print at home. FREE Wednesdays starting Feb 3, 2pm, #9491 Age-Friendly Renton Virtual Talks ADULTS Free virtual series with various topics. Reserve your spot with course #9497 and “zoom” online with friends and commu- nity members. For help, call 425-430-6633. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 2pm. Feb 9, 2pm: Winter & Storm Preparedness, and Energy Assistance. Puget Sound Energy Feb 23, 2pm: Scams, Alerts & Fraud: phone, regular mail, email/online, banking. Renton Police Department Mar 9, 2pm: Healthy meals at home. Mar 23, 2pm: Coffee with a Cop – virtual style! Connect with our Renton Police Department Recreation scholarships for course fees are available for youth 18 or younger, adults 50 and older, individuals who participate in Adaptive Recreation programs. Complete an application at rentonwa.gov/scholarship. If you have questions, email recreation@rentonwa.gov Be sure to visit new playgrounds at Sunset Neighborhood Park and Coulon Park!