HomeMy WebLinkAboutGene Coulon Beach Park - Correspondence (1975 - 1989) - L/ T 50640 AFFIDD A VIT OF PUBLICATION • 117ni Rainey ,being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the hie Clerk of the ' jiA LEY DAILY NEWS • Kent Editi 1 n • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition - - - • Daily newspapers pu•lished six (6) times a week. That said newspapers `V.$SHORELINE APPLICATION are legal newspapers and are now and have been for-more than six NOTICE OF APPLICATION RM SHORELINE MANAGEMENT. months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PER,MIT in the English lagu.ge continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King Notice is hereby given that.the,City,Aof II Renton Parks and Recreation De artment County, Washington. he Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal has filed`an'application for a sutistantlal newspaper by order o the Superior Court of the State of Washington for development permit for' the constiuctiori'`or King County. development of two bulletin boardsk`d,;xfi: each.located at: 1201 Lake:,Weehl4ton - Blvd. N — Gene Coulon MemoiialBeach, The notice in the iexa.t form attached, was published in the Kent Edition Park within Section(s)5 and'6 ofTownshiip Renton i Edi ion XX Auburn Edition (and not in, 23 N, Range 5 East, W.M., in the%ityN Renton, King•County, Washington: Said supplement form) w ich was regularly distributed to its subscribers development is proposed.to,be.within 50' during the below stated period. The annexed notice a Public No L i c e feet of Lake Washington.and/.or/;its':associ-; ated wetlands. ''s, Any person desiring to ekpress'his views (A•plicationl For Shoreline Mana•ement) R3810 `ortobe notified of`the action takei n1this application should notify'the`Altii1l07gtand TZov . 9 & 16 1989 Zoning Department, Renton`'Municip5al was published on Building, 200 Mill,Avenue,.South,';Rent one,,, I Washington 98055 in writing`of his inteiest within thirty g(1)c MEC last publication The full amount sk t e fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$ `19 •6 4''I ; ,+ Notice i. 1 of this notice. .w` 'ib City of Renton Building a .. ing Department 1 [ A)1.4A 3 (..,5Za 14LP' i A Published in the VA C aily November 9 and 16, 1989 Rt;€ #50640 1 ; Subscribed and sworn Before me this 16 th day of Nov. 19 89 i 1 • ;1 • • • I . Notary blic'for the State of Washington • residing at Auburn, King County, Washington VDN I/87 Revised 4/89 . I ' i Renton C ty Council ' 12/12/,83 Page Five Ordinanc s & Resolutions - Continued Mobile,'Ho e State law requires inspection of individual mobile home Inspectio Fees upon installation, and although other jurisdictions hav continued imposed higher fees, the City had settled upon a $50 fee. City Attorney Warren explained $5.00 installation permit fee required by existing ordinance has been increased to $50. Councilman Stredicke felt that consideration should have been given to multiple applications submitted at once, resulting in cost savings by the City. Councilman Mathews noted that discussion had addressed whether a higher fee of $65 should be imposed for double and triple-wide units. Councils an Hughes indicated that the $50 fee had been determined for all units regardless of size. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for readi g and adoption: Resolution #2534 ,A resolution was read providing for transfer of $8,417 00 Fund Tra sfer for ;from Cumulative Reserve Fund (Park Equipment) unto Coulon !,be=cn I Park Fund Expenditures (Machinery & Equipment) for 'ar -wee•er purchase of self-propelled sweeper for Coulon Beach Park. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ADJOURN ENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, C UNCIL Time: ;18:36 p.m. ADJOURN. CARRIED. MA CINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk • • II ilk rl i ti r 'I WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT DECEMBER 12, 1983 ORDINANCES A D RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final;; re-ding: Cable T Conduit and Undergrounding Lake Te race Park Rezone R-090-81 The Ways nd Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading and further requests suspension of the rules advancing it to second and finals r ading: Proper y Tax Levy Ordinance The Waysan Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: ;; Vacati g SW 38th Street for Burlington Northern Vacati g Block 9 of Burlington Northern Industrial Park II Instal ation Permit for Mobile Homes Water nd Sewer Utilities Gross Revenue Tax Water ate Ordinance. Sewer ate Ordinance Budget Ordinance Equipment Rental Rate Ordinance The Ways a d Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoptidn: Fund Transfer for Coulon Park Sweeper Earl Clyme , Chairman M Richard Stredicke If Robe ' ',Huahes / J f • Renton City Council 12/05/83, age Four Old Business Continued Allocation Councilman Stredicke commended Administrative Assistant Parness of Liquor for his, investigation of King County's accounting of Renton' s Tax Funds share of liquor taxes. Mayor Shinpoch thanked Councilman Stredicke for raising the issue during budget hearings, noting report forthcoming ORDINANCES ND RESOLUTIONS ' Ways and ;,Means Ways and, Means Committee Chairman a Clymerpresented report Y Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3759 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Beckmann Hom-s, property' located at 708 and 712 SW 13th Street from Residence Inc. Rezone District (R-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1) for Beckmann R-060-83 '' Homes, Inc. ; File No. R-060-83. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3 60 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read adopting the 1982 1982 Edition of Edition o,f the Uniform Building Code, Plumbing Code, Uniform Uniform Building Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Swimming Pool Code and Uniform Codes Housing Code by reference, and amending portions of Chapters 1 , 2, 17, 3, 4 and 9 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating to same. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #37.1 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read repealing Chapters 1982 Edition of 3, 5, 6, 10 and 11 , and amending Chapter 9 of Title VII (Fire Uniform Fire lode Regulations) of the City Code adopting the 1982 Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Cable TV Conduit An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1807 of Title IV and Undergrounding (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 of the City Code relating to cable TV conduit and undergrounding. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Reed requested a copy of the ordinance be transmitted to Group W for review prior to adoption. He also questioned whether undergrounding requirements should be consolidated into one ordinance. City Attorney Warren indicated his findings that although provisions exist in other 9 ordinances relating to pavement cuts, etc. , the subject ordinance is the primary legislation governing undergrounding of electrical utilities. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report . recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #253 A resolution was read authorizing the City of Renton to accept Funds for monies from the King County Forward Thrust Program for the Springbrook purchase of additional property adajcent to the Springbrook Watershed Watershed property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Acquisition ' COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF Coulon Lake ZONING OF LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK AND THE ADJACENT AREA 1Washington BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION Beach Park 'REGARDING CITY-INITIATED ZONING REQUEST FOR THE PROPERTY. Zoning 7 Councilman Stredicke clarified that existing Heavy Industry (H-1 ) zoning,on park property has had an influence on rezone decisions for adjacent properties, and since heavy industrial use of that park property is not anticipated, the zoning should be reviewed. Councilman Mathews objected to zoning city-owned property to a lower value. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. ' Time: 9:29 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk -RentoniCi y Council ' Augusti 22, 1983 ' Page two Community Services Councilman Clymer explained that the final recommendation of Committee the Committee had been suggested in a letter form Gerald 1% For Arc on Edlund, Chairman, Renton Municipal Arts Commission, for the Utility P ojects simplification of bookkeeping systems, project participation continued determinations, etc. Councilman Rockhill urged continued aesthetic considerations for Utility projects no longer 11 under the 1% for Art Program. MOTION CARRIED. . AUDIENCE OMMENT Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca Place NW, member of the Renton 1% For .Ar on Municipal Arts Commission, further explained the Commission' s Utility P ojects position and reasoning behind the Utility exemption suggestion, noting a need for reduction in accounting and general paperwork requirements as well as an increase in public understanding and approval of the 1% for Art Program. Councilman Mathews thanked the Commission for their understanding and cooperation. Code of Ethics Versie Vaupel ,, 1402 North Second, voiced her disappointment at Policy Change Council ' s action of last week regarding the Code of Ethics Ordinance. Ms. Vaupel stated she felt changing the ordinaice to separate ethics supervision of City and elected personnel into two committees was a step toward "closing the door to open government". CONSENT AGENDA The following items on the Consent Agenda were adopted by one motion which follows the listing: . King County Policy, Development Department submitted a request from Kin Comprelien- ive Plan County Department of Planning and Community Development to make a presentation regarding its Comprehensive Plan at the Committee of the Whole meeting of 9/08. Council concur. LID 320 Final Public' Works Department requested public hearing be set for Assessmenu Roll 9/12/83 for LID 320 Final Assessment Roll (NE 27th Street water- main) , total roll : $21 ,381 .85. Council concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ITEMS 6b AND 11 6c OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Board of Mayor Shinpoch submitted reappointment of David M. Young, 1811 Adjustmen Duvall Avenue NE, to the Board of Adjustment, Position #2 ,(home Reappointment - builder) for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1987. David Young Other members of the Board include: Felix Campanella (Position #1 ) , Francis A. Holman (Position #3) , Rhonda Younker (Position #4) , William F. Anderson (Position #5)., Kenneth Swanigan (Position #6) , and Barbara Lally (Position #7) . MOVED BY TRIMM. SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR, IN THE REAPPOINTMENT OF.DAVID YOUNG TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. CARRIED. Gene Coul n Parks Department requests approval of first and final payment to Beach Park . Valley Cement Construction, Inc. , for new concrete walkways at Walkway' Pa ment Gene Coulon Beach Park. Improvement to the walkways was funded from excess in the Beach Park Construction budget and included ' new reinforced concrete walkways, concrete picnic slabs, concrete pads for bike racks, replacing damaged curbing, and a small retaining wall . Total expenditure of $45,210.77 including sales tax. Council concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, ,SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Shinpoch presented greetings from Renton' s Sister City, Sister tit Nishiwaki , Japan. A framed display of handmade feather ji fishing Greetings flies tied in traditional Japanese technique, delivered by Miss Chiaki, Fujii (19 year old college student sponsored by the Lions Club) was presented to Council . The gift from Mayor •Shinji Takase was sent with his wishes for "ever-happiness and prosperity". Mayor Shinpoch noted plans of some Council members to visit Nishiwaki in September with Governor Spellman and requested ideas for gifts to send - items made in the Renton area. or by Renton citizens. ,I For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # ADD P AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING =sss = s a-s-a o-----x=o- sm------==-s SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Parks For Agenda Of Aug. 22, 1983 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Ron Heire.t (Nam ) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Payment o Valley Cement Con- ti Consent X struction Inc o1 fr new concrete walkways Public Hearing Correspondence at Gene Coulon Beach Park Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. Invoice #2473 Other B. Change' Order No. 1 C. Approval : Legal Dept. X N I Yes No /A' COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approve first Finance Dept. Yes_ No. N/A X and final pavement to Valley Cement Other Clearance i Construction In, . for new concrete walkways . FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Requlirl $ Amount $ Appropriation- 45 ,210 .77 , Budgeted Transfer Required $ SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach ;additional pages if necessary.) i Improvement to the walkways was funded from the Beach Park Construction budget . Thiswork included new re .nforced concrete walkways ,. concrete picnic slabp„ oncrete pads for bike racks , replacing damaged curbing, and a small re aining wall . Adding 8 .1% sales tax brings the, total expenditure to $45,210.77 ' PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: 1 SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. ... .60144-0 Renton Cit Council August 8, 1983 Page Four, Planning and provision of the draft proposal requiring approval of the mobile Development home park plan under the criteria of conditional use (Section Committee 4-748) should be deleted. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, continued COUNCILCONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. ORDINANCES ND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Mens Ways and, Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final readings: Ordinance #3742 An ordinance was read annexing certain property, Lot 5 in Block 2 Ashley Annexiation of Hilltop Heights Addition, to the City of Renton; Ashley petitions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. \ Ordinance', #3743 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Bennett-Mult'- property located on the north side of NE 4th Street approximately vest Rezone 950 feet east of Union Avenue NE from General Classification District and Residence District (R-3) to Business District (B-1 ) for, Bennett-Multivest, et al , File No. R-024-82 (first reading 6/20/83) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Upon inquiry, it was noted that discrepancies in legal description of the subject site, will require resolution between current owner and prior owner6 but will not affect restrictive covenants executed on behalf of the city. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following ordinancellfor first reading: I LID 328 (Gard-n An ordinance was read ordering construction and installation o'f Avenue North) curbs and 'gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, utility adjustments; storm drains and all necessary appurtenances on Garden Avenue 'N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street in accordance with Resolution No. 2511 establishing LID 328 (includes summary ordinance)'',. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Administrative Assistant Parness advised that funds will not be expended on the project until expiration of the period during which protests II may be filed. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following resolution 'for reading and adoption: Resolution #2523 A resolution was read authorizing request for allocation of Request for , certain Federal funds for project to rehabilitate and mark Allocation of taxiways and project to install airport fencing (ADAP Grant) Federal Funds at Renton Municipal Airport. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY (Airport Proje.ts) HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 52365 through 52567 in the amount of $963,997.03, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or'lrendered. Vouchers 52355 through 52364 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $362,958.27. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration supply him Parking Along with copies 'of preliminary drawings of the area surrounding Lake Washingtcn Gene Coulon Park to aid in determining whether parallel parkin ' Boulevard can be accommodated along Lake Washington Eoulevard for park patrons, since he felt•an extreme amount of property is posted, "no parking.i' Mayor Shinpoch reported receipt of a letter from State Department of Transportation indicating plans to construct a bicycle trail from Factoria to Renton along the edge of Lake , Washington Boulevard. Captain Don Persson advised major concern of Police Department that safety of pedestrian traffic will be greatly hampered if parking is allowed on that dangerous roadway. Considering these facts, Councilman Stredicke felt that off- pavement pedestrian and bicycle facilities ought to be Investigatded. I Renton' Ci y Council August' 8, 1983 Page Five I II.NEW BUSIN SS MayorlShinpoch indicated intent to comply with Council policy continued that the city not proceed with new, expensive projects in view of current economic climate. ADMINISTR TIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced receipt of Washington State Auditor's REPORT , Report for 1982 with no infractions listed. According to Finance Director Michael Mulcahy, Deputy Finance Director Ted Bennett deserves commendation for the good report. Also, in accordance with State requirements, the City will be publishing its first Fixed Asset Program in 1984. ADJOURNMEN- MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:08 p.m I ' �7eLt��.cQ�6 MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk II !I I 11 CMEKPIGP CITY OF RENTON DATE I08/35/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUNC TOTAL WARRANTS I r MACHI VOIDS: NO.A52355 - AS2364 CURRENT $173,92C.48 PAPKS $33,739.13 STREETS 117,118.44 LIBP,AIRY $4,1E4.74 STREET FORWARD THRUST ' 130's.21 . CCULON 8CH PRK CCNSTR $1,401.97 MUNICIPA FACIL (SHOPS) $5,370.7! WATERWCR S UTILITY S240,770.31 AIRPORT i 839,125.31 19E3 u & S CONSTRUCTION ' $31,404.45 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ; S21,325.11 i I LID CO'NTR L 8395,327.1C TOTAL OF LL WARRANTS I S963,997.03 WE, HE UNDERSIGHEEC MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANL MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATICN THAT I I MEPCHAN:ISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED CP RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPFCVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 52365 THROUGH NO. 52567 IN THE AMOUNT OF S963, 97.C3 T !TH CA OF AUGUST 1983. COMMITTEE C AIRMAN MEMBER I I �,,�,A L.I.D.0314 MEMEER'�� REVENUE WARRANT NO.IR-43 $362,958.27 I I , I � i I II 'I I -- Y=COUNG-1=�COMMJZTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 8, 1983 - - - -- COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 8/11 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers Capital Improvement Program; Code of Ethics; Long-range Transportatioi Study; Proposed Business License Revision AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/16 2:00 p.m. REED Council Chambers CBD Street Lighting Tues. 8/23 4:00 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Funding guidelines for Highlands area (Ed Hayduk invited to attend) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROCKHILL PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 8/17 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Cabaret License Ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE • UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/15 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room _ OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS Renton ti y Council I I August '1 , 1983 Page Five I NEW BUSINE S Councilman Stredicke relayed a complaint regarding weeds atl, Weeds at Coulon new Coulon Park extension. Mayor Shinpoch explained two year Beach Park minimum period will be required to control weeds brought 'in1 with topsoil , and by that time, ground cover will have spread - to mitigate the problem. I Signal at Responding to Councilman Reed's inquiry regarding activation SW 7th Street of the traffic signal at the intersection of SW 7th Street nd and Hardie Hardie Avenue SW, Mayor Shinpoch reported the city is awaiting Avenue SW delivery of the traffic controller. Cabaret Lic nse/ MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, LETTER FROM CITY ATTORNEY Longacres Race WARREN REGARDING CABARET LICENSE AND LONGACRES RACE TRACK BE Track REFERRED', TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -- l ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch thanked Council President Trimm for presiding REPORT at the last two meetings in her absence. She announced the Retirement retirement party held last Monday evening to honor former File Chief Party for Richard Geissler was a success, and she indicated Dick's sincere Former Fire appreciation for the gold badge given to him by Mayor Shinpoch Chief and Council members. 1983 Electio Councilmen Hughes, Trimm and Stredicke were congratulated for Victors their stunning victory at the polls (they will be running unopposed). Boat Explosion The explosion of a motorboat at Gene Coulon Beach Park on Sunday at Coulon ' caused damage to the dock and injured four persons, reported Beach Park' Mayor Shinpoch. Responding to the incident were the Renton ,Fire,., and Police Departments as well as the Coast Guard Auxiliary, on hand to assist, and working with members of the boating community, the fire was quickly extinguished. Removal of debris was handled by Renton Parks Department scuba divers and Seattle Police Harbor Patrol . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. I Time: 9:41 p.m I ' . 1 Z2e2„..e.e....,.....e..-- e„...)-72.412.Z....L., MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk I 1 I , I I 1 I 1 I I i Renton Cit Council May 9, 1',98 ' - 1' Page Three 1 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS I 1 Ways and ;Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report), recommending the following ordinances for second & final readings: Ordinance •3723 An ordinance was read annexing Thomas Property to. the City of Thomas Property Renton, located contiguous to the southeast boundary of the city Annexation limits and to the Cedar River and across the river from Maplewood I Addition! MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance •3724 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Coulon Bea h funds in the amount of $734,339.84 from Unappropriated Fund, Park_F .• . Balance Coulon .Beach Construction Fund. unto Coulon Beach I , Transfer Construction Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED. BY HUGHES , COUNCIL.. ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinana' #3725 An ordinance was read amending the Subdivision Ordinance relating Subdivikio to application and approvals. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BYi HUGHES, Ordinance COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ( ' Voucher Approval Ways and1Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 50802 through 51014 in the amount of '$479,925.68, having received departmental certifiic tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchersj50790 through 50801 machine voided. Warrants included LID 325:1 $12.50., MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE. VOUCHERS. Upon inquiry by Counci, l► an Stredicke regarding purchase of city truck from Olympia dealer, Mayor Shlinpoch advised state bid used for large purchases, land AM radios are normally standard equipment on vehicles. MOTION CARRIED.( 1 ADMINISTR'TIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced settlement of 1984 labor contract ) REPORT between Firefighters Union IAFF #864 and the City of Renton with Firefight=rs 'agreement by the city to preserve the 46.6 hour week, increase Union Labor aid car premium pay 'from $3.25/shift to $4.80/shift, and pay Contract, medical 'premiums for employees and dependents for 1984. The Union for, 1984 has agreed to no salary increase and a reduction in entry level wages. (MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LABOR CONTRACT FOR 1984 WITH IAFF #8CARRIED. Represeniting firefighters, Lt. Greg Bergquist, Union President, advised the settlement indicates recognition of existing economic conditions in Renton and will benefit both the citizens and Union members. He thanked Personnel Director John McFarland and Administrative Assistant Michael Parness for their cooperate n ' during )labor contract discussions. Fire CI ie Mayor Shinpoch reporte d selection of Lee Wheeler, currently Deputy ' Selected Fire Chief for the City of Bellevue, as the city' s new Fire Chief replacing retiring Chief Richard Geissler. Chief Geissler' has accepted a part-time teaching position at Bates Vocational', School in Tacoma. ADJOURNME T MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 8:38 p.m. - e1 MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk ' 'i I ' (• I i I CHEKRE,, R CITY CF RENTON DATE 0. /06/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 1 FU ID TOTAL WARRANTS 'CHINE VOIDS: No.#50790 - $50801 CURRE ; T $93,151 . 25 PARKS S71 ,124. 96 STREE S $59,762. 81 LIBRA = Y S3,720.24 STREE FORWARD THRUST $7,535.39 G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR S87,948 . 42 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) S8,818.92 . WATE •WCRKS UTILITY $98,695.31 AIRP IRT $12,160.62 1975W & S CONSTRUCTION $8,763.50 1983 W & S CONSTRUCTION $18 .00 ECUI "MENT RENTAL $28,213.76 LID IONTR'OL $12. 50 TOTAL CF ALL WARRANTS S479,925.68 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTOtsi CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCH ' NOISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPRO E FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 50802 THROUGH NO. 51014 IN THE AMOUNT OF $479,925.68 THIS 9TH CAY OF MAY 19E3. CCMMI TEE CHAIRMAN 'Vr�'�� '�' fN5ER — — - - L. .D.#325 RE ENUE WARRANT NO.#R-13 $12.50 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 9, 1983 ORDINAVCES AND RESOLUTIONS The, Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for secon. and final reading: I.Thomas Property Annexation .•Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund 3 Subdivision Ordinance Amendment The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for readi g and adoption : ',Transfer of Funds from Insurance Reserve to Operating Accounts ; . APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of vouchers no. 50802 thr.ugh no. 51014 in the amount of $479,925.68. r-ry ( 5 :°)......, Lj......_ Earl Clymer, Chairman ;74- -�J Rober Hughes ' -----------,A---/i4 // rAdel./ad Richard St red i cke ' Renton City Council Page Three April 181, 1983 1 OLD BUSINESS continued RAYS Request Councilman Hughes questioned additional contributions to RAYS, for Funding and responsibility for funding by King County. June Leonard, Executive Director of RAYS, explained County contributions fo purposes of counseling King County residents only and to fund certain core expenses such as heat, rent, lights as well as certain d ug and alcohol abuse counseling. She also indicated funds requested had been allocated in the City of Renton 1983 budget through Housing and Community Development funding and subsequently eliminated by 'he Federal government. Councilman Rockhill requested an update financial report prior to authorizing expenditures from the ' contingency fund. Councilman Clymer indicated concern withl ck of services rendered for taxes paid by City of Renton resiiden s to King County, and objected to the city having to assume county obligations. Following discussion regarding availability of unds and reason for federal cuts, substitute motion made by Rockhill , seconded by Hughes, this matter be tabled pending receipt of financial report. MOTION FAILED. Original motion to concur in the recommendation of the Community Services Committee was restated. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect Mr. Clymer' comments regarding King County taxes paid compared to service rendered, and his own objections to King County's position of not providing.financial assistance to agencies such as the Ea tside Bureau, responsible for vital services. MOTION CARRIED. Cpun ilman Clymer concurred in the request to record his comments, notin4 need for further review of King County's position and transmittal, of the city's opinion of the County's new approach. Councilman Stre icke suggested the King County Council be contacted rather than th King County Executive in registering concerns. Solid Waste Councilman Hughes inquired when Council would adopt the Solid Waste Management Management Plan. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, . THIS MATT R BE Plan REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch indicated a synopsis of the specifics of the p' an will be transmitted to Council members. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final rea ings: Ordinance #3721 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 22 of ,Tit e Leased Parking IV (Building Regulations) relating to leased parking. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ' Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Additional An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Zoning (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding additional Classifications zoning classifications (0-P & P-1) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2501 A resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds in the amount Fund Transfer of $210,000 from Coulon Beach Construction Fund #315 unto 1982 from Beach Fund Unlimited General Obligation Bond Fund #210 for interest paym nt. to GO Bond Fund MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLU ION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. • Municipal Arts Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the proposed Municipal Arts Commission Bylaws Bylaws upon approval by the Administration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND 'MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 18, 1983 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second and final reading: Leased Parking Ordinance The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading : Additional Zoning Classifications P-1 and OP The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and acoption : Fund Transfer from Unlimited G.O. Bond Fund #210 unto Coulon Beach Construction #315 ($210,000) MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION BYLAWS (Referred 4-11-83) The Wa,is and Means Committee recommends concurrence in the proposed Municipal Arts CDmmission Bylaws upon approval of the Administration. Earl Clymer, Chai an Richard Stredicke Rober ughes r' ti q Renton City Council Page Two April 25, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA co tinued Fund Transfer 4.6aarand Finance Departments requested ordinance to appropriate to Coulon Park available funds, over the amount estimated in the 1983 Budget Construction as adopted, to the Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund in the Fund amount of $734,339.84. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Morris Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Tom E. for Damages Morris, 2327-32nd South, Seattle, on behalf of his daughter, CL-12-83 Margaret L. , for broken leg sustained while playing on a firemen's pole which allegedly lacked a base cushion at Burnett Park on 3/14/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. One Valley Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions Place Final of One Valley Place Properties Final Plat, File No. FP-018-83, Plat of 12-lot plat located south of Valley General Hospital and FP-018-83 , southwest of Talbot Road S. and SW 43rd Street intersection. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT ' AGENDA AS AMENDED (Item 6.d.) . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Mathews reported attending a meeting in Kent 4/20/83 Metro Sewer to discuss the Metro sewer rate schedule increase. She commended Rate Increase King County Councilman Bruce Laing for his efforts to involve City of Seattle and outlying areas in formulating a more equitable plan through alternatives such as charging connection fees to new development and requiring funding by City of Seattle for certain methods of treatment. Policy Development Director David Clemens will be providing a report to aid Council in its recommendation to the Metro Rate Committee. Formation of Councilman Stredicke requested a status report regarding progress LID on NE 4th of proposed LID on NE 4th Street between Union and Monroe Avenue Between Union NE. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness indicated meetings and Monroe NE have been held with Public Works Director and property owners in the area, pertinent data has been distributed to interested parties, and petitions are currently being circulated to form a Local Improvement District (LID) to provide left hand turning movements along that corridor. Stredicke supported initiation of the LID by Council to reduce time period for completion of the project if sufficient participation is anticipated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER OF LID FORMATION ON NE 4TH STREET BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION BY NEXT MEETING. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, City Attorney Warren explained little difference in substance exists between Council initiated LID and one petitioned by property owners except citizens are usually more inclined to protest the former and kill the LID. Stredicke indicated that if sufficient partipation is not evident, the resolution need not be adopted at next week's meeting. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final readings: Ordinance #3722 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Additional (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding additional Zoning Classifi- zoning classifications (0-P and P-1) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED cations (OP, P-1 ) BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, CLYMER. 1 NAY: HUGHES. CARRIED. • Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: i Resolution #2502 A resolution was read authorizing entry by the City of Renton 1 Transportation into contract with Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) Study Agreement for transportation study of FAI-405 Corridor. MOVED BY CLYMER, with PSCOG SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CAKKIED. I ' For.Use •By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 5-� AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING I ' SUBMITTING 1 Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Parks/Finance Depts. For Agenda Of 4/25/8 (Meeting Date Staff Contact John Webley/Mike Mulcahy (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Request .0 dinance to appropriate Consent, X unappropriated f Ind balance to Coulon Public Hearing Correspondence Beach Park ConIst uction Fund. (crd i nana/Reso l ut i on X Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach• New Business Study Session A. Exhibit " " to Ordinance Other B. Approval : C. j • Legal Dept. Yes X No N/A ,COUNCIL ACTION RECOM ENDED: Referral Finance Dept. Yes X No. N/A to Ways & Means ommittee for the Other Clearance proper legislati n. FISCAL IMPACT: 1 Expenditure Required $944,339.84 Amount $210,000 Appropriation $ 734,339.84 1 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) This is a housekeeping item to appropriate the funds available, over the amount estimated in the 1983 Budget as adopted, to the Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund,: Actual Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/83 ---- $934, 339.84 Est. .Beginning Fund Bal. 1983 Budget ---- (200,000.00) Equals Amount to be Appropriated $734, 339.84 PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT; THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AVAILABLE OVER THE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ESTIMATED IN THE 1983 BUDGET AS ADOPTED, TO THE COULON BEACH PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND: APPROPRIAT: FROM: UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE COULON BEACH CONSTRUCTION FUND Increase B:ginning Balance a/c 315/000/308.00.00.00 . . . . $734,339.8'. (Revenul) • APPROPRIAT: UNTO: COULON BEACH CONSTRUCTION FUND Increase' A•propriation a/c 315/000/20.575.10.65.24 $734,339.8' (Constr,uc 'ionExpenditure Account) • NOTES: Actual B,eg'nning Fund Balance 1/1/83 $934,339.84 Estimated :eginning Fund Balance 1983 Budget (200,000.00) • Equals Amo nt to be Appropriated $734,339.84 Total Co;ul.n Beach Park Construction Fund as adjusted -- $944,339.8'. I . Renton Ci y Council September 27, 1982 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Resolution #2475 A resolution was read designating Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Metropolitan Supervisor, as representative or Don Monaghan, Office Engineer, Water Poll tion as alternate to serve on the Metropolitan Water Pollution Abate- Abatement ment Advisory Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Advisory Reps COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41810 Approval through 41999 in the amount of $836,770.73 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 41805 through 4180p machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Cable Councilman Stredicke announced that the cable office has indicated Programming Randy Ravelle is scheduled for the next program and should have the County budget available. If any Council Members are interested in participating in this program, they should notify Mr. Hure or Mr. Stredicke. Buffer Strips, Councilman Stredicke noted various ordinance deficiencies; there- Sight-obscuring fore, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE SUBJECT Fences and MATTER OF BUFFER STRIPS, SIGHT-OBSCURING FENCES AND LANDSCAPING Landscaping BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LID Bonding Council President Clymer inquired regarding the responsibility of the Council in the event of default on LID bonds. Mayor Shinpoch responded that the Finance Director will be available to give\ a comprehensive presentation on various bonding options. ADMINISTRATI E Mayor Shinpoch stated her pride at being a part of the City at REPORT the Coulon Park Dedication on Saturday; that it is going to be `CoJ.drn ari4 the most special park in King County. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:40 P.M. >9-3,...; e ,?-?-26,-- -0-4-- MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk i ! Renton City Council September 27, 1982 - Page 5 ! ORDI ANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ord nance #3660 An ordinance was read granting unto the Board of Public Works Revocable the duty of managing and granting Revocable Permits for the PerIits use of public right-of-way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. I I Ordinance #3661 An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as "Cumula- Re- 1 Estate Tax • tive Reserve Fund No. 3661" and providing for the appropriation Cu ulative and transfer of funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE!, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Re-erve Fund COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. i ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. li CARRIED. i ' I Oroinance #3662 An ordinance was read amending the telephone utility tax rate, Telephone reducing from 7.75% to 6? over a five-year period. MOVED BY Utility Tax STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. !the followingordinances F Irst Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended � for first reading: Bond',Sale An ordinance was read amending Ordinances :Nos. 3394 and 3532 L D' s 315, 317 pertaining to Local Improvement District! 315; establishing con- a1d 321 solidated Local Improvement District 315 et al and consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 315 et al ; fixing the amount, I; form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of the consolidated Local Improvement District No. 315 et al bonds; rati- l; fying and confirming the sale and providing for the delivery thereof I, to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation, Seattle, and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District assessment install- ments in Local Improvement Districts 317 and 321 . MOVED BY STREDICE SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND MOVE THIS ITEM TO SECOND 1 AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. � ' !Ordinance #3663 An ordinance was read amending Ordinances Nos. 3394 and 3532 !Bond Sale pertaining to Local Improvement District 315; establishing con- • ILID' s 315, 317 solidated Local Improvement District 315 et al and consolidated I Local Improvement Fund, District No. 315 et al ; fixing the amount , form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of the consolidated Local Improvement District No. 315 et al bonds; ratifying and confirming the sale and providing for the delivery thereof to Seattle-Northwest SecurtiesI Corporation, Seattle, and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District assessment installments in Local Improvement Districts 317 and 321 . MOVED I BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE I AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, ! ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NO: CLYMER. CARRIED. (See page 6, item 5) jFirst Reading An ordinance was read amending Sectioh' 5-112 and5-209 of Title 1 Business V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to applica I Licenses - tions and returns. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS Public Disclosure MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE ONE WEEK. CARRIED. r I The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions I for reading and adoption: I I Resolution #2474 A resolution was read amending Section I of Resolution 2457 to 6 Street Forward. read: The Director of Finance is helreby authorized and directed Thrust Fund to borrow the sum, not to exceed $70,0,000 from the Street Forward Borrowing Thrust Fund, bearing the prevailinglrate of interest received by I other City investments at the time of such borrowing and such sum to be allocated unto the Current Fund, Park Fund and Street I Fund as required. Said loan from the afore-mentioned fund shall I' be repaid in any event not later than December 31 , 1982. MOVED I, BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL,; COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1 . I' 1 Renton .Ci y Council September 27, 1982 Page 4, OLD BUSIN SS continued Planning nd Avenue NE from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for development of a proposed Development community shopping center with modifications. The Committel Committee recommended Conclusion 10 be modified to eliminate the two-'ear continued restriction upon the applicant obtaining a valid building permit; that the Conclusion be modified to read that the building permit Bennet-Multi is to be granted subject to there being a building permit issued Vest Rezone for the Safeway Company for the adjoining parcel of property and Appeal providing that restrictive covenants have been filed showing that R-024-82 there is a consistent building setback line that would tend to make future development that of a shopping center. The Committee also recommended modification of the recommendation for a 20-foot landscape buffer on the north and east property lines to require a ten-foot landscape buffer and sight-obscuring fence on the north property line and a ten-foot landscape barrier on the east property line. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See motion, page 6) 'ublic Saf=t Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report' r com- Committee mending the Fire Department be designated as Hazardous Materials Hazardous Incident Command Agency for the City of Renton and that the Mayor Material'Is and City Clerk be authorized to file such designation with the Incident Ag-ncy Director of the State Department of Emergency Services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Punchboards Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- mending no change to the present ordinance which prohibits the 1 operation of punchboards in the City of Renton. The report noted no formal requests have been received from local merchants to operate punchboards. Lottery Public Safety Committee report announced that the Washington State Lottery will begin November, 1982. Fireworks Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- Control mending that the Renton City Council adopt a resolution and so Legislation notify state legislators of their concern for stricter firewo ks control legislation: The Renton City Council recommends the State of Washington return to the former safe and sane fireworks code and/or more restrictive measures which regulate the sale of fireworks and that the sale of fireworks on Indian reservations and elsewhere be limited to these types permitted by our state code. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Coulon Pailk Councilman Hughes added his praise to that of other councilmen regarding Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park noting that speakers at the dedication had thanked the citizens of the City of Renton • for making this park possible through the bond issue. ORDINANCES'. AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Mean The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee , and summary ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #36 9 An ordinance was read amending Section 3-241 of Title III (Depart- Special Utili y ments) and portions of Section 8-717 of Title VIII (Health and Connection Sanitation) and portion of Chapter 34 of Title V (Business Regu Charges lations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to imposing fees for special utility connection charges for water and sewer facilities and. directing payment of funds received into designated funds, and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. i Rent rn City Council , - September 27, 1982 Page '3 OLD BUSINESS continued Gro p W Cable MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES Rat Increase AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT WHICH continued PERTAINS TO CABLE TELEVISION. CARRIED. Community Services Community Committee Chairman Reed submitted a report recommending the Services establishment of a policy guide when dealing with television Committee cable repairs replacement. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT.** Councilman Rockhill questioned whether this would allow utilities to choose over- head wiring rather than installing the preferred undergrounding. Policy Development Director Clemens explained that the Community Services Committee was providing a recommendation to be considered by the Board of Public Works at the time of a variance request. Undergrounding IMOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT P �;licy AND SUBSTITUTE THE WORD "MAY" FOR THE WORD "WILL" IN THE LAST 1 SENTENCE OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. To read as I follows: "In areas where any other utility, telephone or power, is underground, then the television cable must be installed under- ground. If the existing system, telephone or power, is overhead, then we may allow the television cable to be installed, replaced or maintained overhead"." **MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE AMENDED COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. ommittee of Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- f he Whole ding the various utility rate options be referred to the Utilities ' tility Rates Committee for review and recommendation with direction that the 11 "Full Funding Capital Program" not be given further consideration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPOR. OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. I Finance Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- Department ding the subject of the reorganization of the Finance Department be Reorganization referred to the Ways and Means Committee for further study and recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ' Valley General Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- [ Hosital Traffic ding a Public Meeting be scheduled for the 10/14/82 Committee of Situation the Whole meeting and that all property owners affected by the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital be notified. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Undergrounding Councilman Reed noted that during consideration of cable television Ordinances undergrounding, it was found that there are a number of ordinances pertaining to undergrounding and requested that the Administration investigate the possibility of consolidating these ordinances. I Coulon Park Councilman Stredicke commended the Park Board and Park Department Dedication for a job well done in the completion of Gene Coulon Memorial Beac Park. "Government Councilman Stredicke announced that the first in a series of pro- Speaks" grams entitled "Government Speaks" will be aired 9/28/82 at 7:30 p.m. on Channel E or 18 on cable featuring the Auburn Mayor, the assistant to the County Executive, a representative from the Kirk- land Planning Department and Mr. Stredicke. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a Development report recommending the Council uphold the decision of the Hearing Committee Examiner regarding the Bennett-Multi Vest Rezone (File #R-024-82) ' Bennett-Multi for approval with restrictive covenants of a rezone of the north [ Vest Rezone side of NE Fourth Street approximately 950 feet east of Union Appeal R-024-82 I I I Renton 'F i ty, Council September 27, 1982 Page 3 k OLD BUS�INE S continued Group WICa'le MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RUL S Rate Incre-se AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT WHIC continued PERTAINS TO CABLE TELEVISION. CARRIED. Community Services Community Committee Chairman Reed submitted a report recommending the Serviceis establishment of a policy guide when dealing with television Committee cable repairs replacement. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT.** Councilman Rockhil,l questioned whether this would allow utilities to choose over head wiring rather than installing the preferred undergrounding. Policy Development Director Clemens explained that the Community Services Committee was providing a recommendation to be considered by the Board of Public Works at the time of a variance requet. Undergrounding MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPO T Policy AND SUBSTITUTE THE WORD "MAY" FOR THE WORD "WILL" IN THE LAS SENTENCE OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. To read as follows: "In areas where any other utility, telephone or power, is underground, then the television cable must be installed finder- ground. If the existing system, telephone or power, is overhead, then we may allow the television cable to be installed, replaced or maintained overhead". **MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE AMENDED COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CAFI�RIED. Committee .f Committee of th e Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report redommen- the Whole ding the various utility rate options be referred to the Utilities Utility "Rat-s Committee for review and recommendation with direction that the "Full Funding Capital Program" not be given further consideration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- Department ding the subject of the reorganization of the Finance Department be Reorganiat on referred to the Ways and Means Committee for further study and recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Valley Gene al Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- HospitallTr-ffic ding a Public Meeting be scheduled for the 10/14/82 Committee of Situation the Whole meeting and that all property owners affected by the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital be notified., OVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Undergrounding Councilman Reed noted that during consideration of cable teleyision Ordinances undergrounding, it was found that there are a number of ordinances pertaining to undergrounding and requested that the Administration investigate the possibility of consolidating these ordinances Coulon Park Councilman Stredicke commended the Park Board and Park Department Dedication for a job well done in the completion of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. "Government Councilman Stredicke announced that the first in a series of ro- Speaks" grams entitled "Government Speaks" will be aired 9/28/82 at7:130 p.m. on Channel E or 18 on cable featuring the Auburn Mayor, the assistant to the County Executive, a representative from the Kirk- land Planning Department and Mr. Stredicke. Plannin. ;and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a Development report recommending the Council uphold the decision of the Hearing Committee's Examiner regarding the Bennett-Multi Vest Rezone (File #R-024-82) Bennett-Mult for approval with restrictive covenants of a rezone of the north Vest Rezone side of NE Fourth Street approximately 950 feet east of Union Appeal R-024-82 I I II Rent n City Council September 27, 1982 Pagz. 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Planing and Avenue NE from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for development of a proposed Development community shopping center with modifications. The Committee Com° ittee recommended Conclusion 10 be modified to eliminate the two-year con inued ' restriction upon the applicant obtaining a valid building permit; that the Conclusion be modified to read that the building permit Be et-Multi is to be granted subject to there being a building permit issued Ve-t Rezone for the Safeway Company for the adjoining parcel of property and A .eal providing that restrictive covenants have been filed showing that R-024-82 there is a consistent building setback line that would tend to make future development that of a shopping center. The Committee I also recommended modification of the recommendation for a 20-foot I landscape buffer on the north and east property lines to require a ten-foot landscape buffer and sight-obscuring fence on the north property line and a ten-foot landscape barrier on the east property line. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See motion, page 6) i Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- C,;�mmittee mending the Fire Department be designated las Hazardous Materials Hazardous Incident Command Agency for the City of Renton and that the Mayor Materials and City Clerk be authorized to file such designation with the Incident Agency Director of the State Department of Emergency Services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 'unchboards Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- mending no change to the present ordinance which prohibits the I' operation of punchboards in the City of Renton. The report noted no formal requests have been received from local merchants to operate punchboards. I Lottery Public Safety Committee report announced; that the Washington State Lottery will begin November, 1982. i 'Fireworks Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- Control mending that the Renton City Council adopt a resolution and so Legislation notify state legislators of their concern for stricter fireworks control legislation: The Renton City Council recommends the State of Washington return to the former safe and sane fireworks I code and/or more restrictive measures which regulate the sale of fireworks and that the sale of fireworks on Indian reservations and elsewhere be limited to these types permitted by our state code. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I Coulon Park Councilman Hughes added his praise to that of other councilmen regarding Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park noting; that speakers I, at the dedication had thanked the citizens of the City of Renton 1 for making this park possible through the bond issue. I ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee and summary ordinances for second and 'final reading: Ordinance #3659 An ordinance was read amending Section 3-241 of Title III (Depart- Special Utility ments) and portions of Section 8-717, of Title VIII (Health and Connection Sanitation) and portion of Chapter 34'of Title V (Business Regu- Charges lations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to imposing fees for special utility connection charges for water and sewer facilities and 1 directing payment of funds received into designated funds, and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL I' ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 1 I 1� Renton City Council _ September 20, 1982 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Green River River flooding problem. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ' Interloca1 HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED:`* Council- Cooperative man Stredicke noted that the City of Auburn had rejected the Agreement proposed agreement. Councilman Clymer questioned the expend - continued ture of $4,000 to repeat past studies. Councilwoman Mathews explained that this interagency agreement would regulate the amount of water each city would release into the river to pr - I vent flooding at one end. Kay Johnson, 300 Rainier Avenue1Nc6rth, 1 one proposal of the agreement is to construct a two to three-foot dike along the river, with most of the diking in this area. **MOTION CARRIED. Resolution •2472 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk 'to FAUS Fundin• execute any and all documents relating to the allocation and expenditure of Federal Aid Urban System (FAUS) funding for North Third Street and Sunset Blvd. North intersection impro e- ments and controller modernization (NE Sunset Blvd. Signal ', I ter- . connect) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. I Resolution •2473 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk 1950 Kenwworth enter into a Hold Harmless Agreement with the City of Seattlal Pumper Fire for use by the City of Renton of the 1950 Kenworth Pumper Fire Truck Hold Truck; such agreement to cover a 60-day period for testing with Harmless! option to purchase the truck. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Agreement HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordi'n nces for first reading: 1 1 Special Uti ity An ordinance was read amending Ordinance #1628 relating to i posinr Connection fees for special utility connection charges for water and s1e er Charges facilities and directing payment of funds received into desiginated funds and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GLYMER . MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Revocable An ordinance was read granting unto the Board of Public Works Permits the duty of managing and granting revocable permits for they use of public right of way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED'. Real Estate An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as "Cumulative Tax Cumulative Reserve Fund" and providing for the appropriation and transfer of Reserve Fun. funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER BE RE- FERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Telephon An ordinance was read amending the utility tax rate as it applies Utility Tax the privilege of conducting a telphone business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMiITTEF FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Reed questioned whether the reduction in telephone utility tax would be reflected on residential telephone bills. City Attorney Warren indicated that, if the telephone company requires 60 days for implementation, the bills of 1/01/83 should reflect the reduction. MOTION CARRIED. Group W Cable An ordinance was read approving an increase in the basic service Rate Increa e charge for cable television services for Group W Cable, Inc. , to $9.95 per month including tax. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINES ' Gene Coulon Councilman Stredicke recommended reading the article on Gene Memorial Bea h Coulon Memorial Beach Park in the current Seattle Daily Journal Park i of Commerce. • '� I a nton City Council SVptember 20, 1982 Page 5 O D BUSINESS continued Safety Committee report. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. L}nd Avenue Councilman Stredicke reported that the stop sign located at the a d 41st Street intersection of Lind Avenue and 41st is not easily visible from Intersection the travel lane and should possibly be relocated. Mayor Shinpoch stated this will be called to the attention of the Public Works Department. tional League Council President Clymer announced that Councilman Stredicke has Y Cities requested to attend the National League of Cities conference in 'conference Los Angeles 11/27-12/01/82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN STREDICKE TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CITIES MEETING IN LOS ANGELES. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ,Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted a report Committee recommending the City advance into the tax anticipation note Tax Anticipation concept and that a resolution be brought out for reading and Notes adoption. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH REGARD TO TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: ,Resolution #2468 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to proceed Tax Anticipation and utilize short term obligations in anticipation of tax revenues Notes as authorized by Senate Bill 4728 of the 1982 State Legislature. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESO- LUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Bond Issue - Letter from Richard T. Kennedy, Vice President, Seattle North- LID 315, 317 west Securities Corporation, Seafirst Fifth Avenue Plaza, Suite and 321 3700, Seattle, was read offering to pay $100 for each $100 par value of bonds plus accrued interest to date of delivery. Bonds are to mature on or before 10/O1/94 and are to bear interest payable annually at the rate of 12.25%. Said bonds in the amount of $106,389.72 for Local Improvement Districts 315, 317, 321 : Approximately $6,000 on Burnett Avenue improvements, $37,000 water system on the West Hill , $73,000 for sewer in the Highlands. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN WITH THE PROVISO OF LEGAL CLEARANCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND BOND COUNSEL. CARRIED. Resolution #2469 A resolution was read establishing facts supporting special Special Utility utility connection charges for water and sewer facilities. Connection MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Charges RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2470 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to transfer Airport Capital $20,000 from Rainier Avenue Water System to Taxi Guidance Signs Outlay (Airport - $5,000) and Dredging - Seaplane Ramp (Airport - $15,000) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTICi AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2471 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Green River enter into an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the cities Interlocal of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County for consulting services Cooperative provided the expenditure not exceed $4,000, that the expense be Agreement from the 1983 budget, and that the cities of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County enter into the agreement for study of the Green b , Renton Ci y Council September 20, 1982 , Page 7 NEW BUSIN SS continued Density Councilman Rockhill referred to a letter to Council from Land Standards Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman regarding density standards. R-3 and R 4 MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFE RED Zones TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND, RE OM- MENDATION. CARRIED. Solid Was e Councilman Hughes reviewed the Puget Sound Council of Governments Managemen schedule for study of the Solid Waste Management Plan, with final Plan adoption by King County proposed for 3/01-4/15/83. A pre'lsentation on this subject will be given at the Suburban Mayors meeting in Kirkland on 10/06/82. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported on the problems being encountered by REPORT Metro Council in placement of a Metro bus base in North Seattle Metro Bus Base noting opposition by North end residents; also noting opposition by Seattle South end residents to Metro trunk sewer tunnel . .Multi-Ser ice Mayor Shinpoch announced that the Multi-Service Center has received Center, Gr.:nt a $50,000 grant from the Boeing Employees Good Neighbor Fund and they have another $42,000 in applications pending. Fire Trai ing Mayor Shinpoch announced today began a four-day training session Supervision at the Renton Sheraton for second level supervision of fire service Session Renton is host for the third year for this program with aIn enroll- ment of approximately 105 personnel, in this session. Health, Co tract Mayor Shinpoch noted that she has asked Council President Clymer Negotiati g to serve on the negotiating committee for the County Health Committtee Contract. Coulon Pa ( Mayor Shinpoch reported the dedication ceremony of Gene Coulon Dedicatioi (Memorial Beach Park will be Saturday, 9/25/82, at 11 :00 a.m. Suburbn ayors Mayor Shinpoch noted the Suburban Mayors Council will meet in Meeting Kirkland on Wednesday, 10/06/82. Real Esta e Councilman Stredicke questioned the status of a letter from Signs Smith/Ring, Inc. , Century-21 Realtors regarding real estate signs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, THE CENTURY-21 CORRESPONDENCE BY REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE ' OMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, expressed his concern for Ethics, Oruinance a free and independent board of equity and effective and strong ordinance, stressing the inclusion of city directors and st.ff. Mr. Webb also recommended unethical conduct of any kind (not just for personal financial gain) be included in the ordina ce. EthicsIOr" inance Mary Mattson, 7273 South 128th Street, member of the Board if Ethics, emphasized the need for a Board of Ethics and noted her pleasure that any revisions to the Ethics Ordinance will be pre- sented to the Board of Ethics before adoption. ADJOURNME T MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN,. 1 CARRIED. 10:45 p.M MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk I =, ti I 1 Renton City Council September 1 , 1982 Page 4 II CONSENT AGE DA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows', the items included. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REMOVE ITEMS a, e 1 AND o FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED (See action following Consent Agenda. ) I Public Hearing Parks and Recreation/Housing and Community Development requested 1983 Housing and Public Hearing be set for 9/20/82 to solicit public input on the Community 1983 Block Grant Program for housing and community development Developmen ' Block needs. Input received will be studied by the 1983 Block Grant Grant Prog am Citizens Advisory Committee who will draft a recommendation on the 1983 Block Grant Program. The recommended program will hen be presented to the Community Services Committee for study apd recommendation to Council . Council concur and set public heSring date for 9/20/82. 1 Telephone Finance Department requested enactment of a series of rate' r�educ- Utility' Ta tions which will reduce telephone utility tax from 7.75% to 6% over a five-year period. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance and recommendation. 1 Hold Harml ss Fire Department submitted a Hold Harmless Agreement which !w uld Agreement allow testing of a 1950 Kenworth pumper owned by the City of Fire Depar ment Seattle for 60 days with the option to purchase. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement. Hazardous Fire Department requested that the Fire Department be designated Materills as Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the City of Agency ' Renton in accordance with RCW•4.24. ' Refer to City Attorney, Public Safety Committee and Ways and Means Committee. Metro Sew:r Public Works Director recommended appointment of Robert Bergstrom, Technical Engineering Supervisor, as city representative and Donald Monaghan, Advisory Design Engineer, as alternate to the Metro Sewer Technical Advisory Committee Committee. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolutiof. LID 325 Public Works Department submitted documents for sewer easement Sewer Eas ment along westerly boundary of Valley General Hospital property in conjunction with LID 325. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to ! execute documents. 1 Airport C=pital Public Works Department/Airport requested adjustment of Capital Outlay, Ad'ustments Outlay appropriations in 1982 budget to suit added project require ments and actual project costs. Refer to Aviation Committee for approval of projects and Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Group ,'W Cable Public Works Department submitted request from Group W Cable for Requeslt or variance from existing undergrounding ordinance to allow 'tl�em to Varia ,ce to rebuild existing overhead system throughout a major portion of Undercro nding their service area rather than underground the system. Refer to Ordinanc- Community Services Committee. ! Monroe N: and Public Works Department submitted agreement between City of Renton NE Second Access and King County relating to construction of access roads; to Renton Road Agreement District Court, Renton Public Works facility and Department of Publl Works consolidated facility (Monroe NE and NE Second Street) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution approving agreement and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Coulon B ach Parks Department recommended award of bid for Coulon Beach Park Park 'Sig age Signage Contract to Gary Merlino Construction Company, Seattle, Bid Awar for low bid in the amount of $22,795. Council concur in Park Board recommendation. J.y I I For Use By City Clerk's 0f ice Only A. I . # 41 AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Com . PABKS For Agenda Of September 13, 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact , N me Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Si Bid — Coulon Beach Park Consent XXXX Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution I Old Business Exhibits: (Legal, Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. i Other B. • I Approval : C. Legal Dept . Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECO MENDED: Concur in Park Finance Dept . Yes No. N/A Board Recommendat on to accept low bid. Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: 1 Expenditure Required $ Amount S Appropriation- — 22,795 Budgeted 22,795 Transfer Required $ — 0 SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Award of bid for Park Signage at Coulon Beach Park to Gary Merlin Construction Company of attle. Architect's estimate of bid $22,000. Runner-up bidder $22,820 (Mesenger Sign, Inc. of Seattle). This is the second time this project . • was bid due to excessively high bid the first time which was rejected by the Park Board. • • • PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: r I TV I C n V ^%s; T . '- C l :. _"1 I LA c ki T n 71 ,/J Renton Ci y Council August 23 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance 3654 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Municipal funds from Excess Revenue/Current Fund to Current Fund/Municipal Court Fund Court in the amount of $11 ,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: TALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance and sale of interest LID 314 bearing revenue warrants to be drawn on LID 314 to provide funds Interim for interim financing of construction of certain improvements to be Financing acquired in Local Improvement District 314. Interest rate based upon 70.6% of the bank' s prime rate adjusted every ninety days. ) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3655 An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance and sale of interest LID 314 bearing revenue warrants to be drawn on LID 314 to provide funds Interim for interim financing of construction of certain improvements to be Financing acquired in Local Improvement District 314. MOVED BY STREDICKE,I SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3016 of Title IV of Ordinance Hearing 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances" relating to appeals from Examiner Hearing Examiner' s decisions or recommendations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Appeal SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR THREE Process WEEKS. CARRIED. First Readin An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Lake Washington funds from Excess Revenue/Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund Beach Fund to Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund in the amount of $2,314.30. Transfer MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES', AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3656 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Lake Washington funds from Excess Revenue/Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund Beach Fund to Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund in the amount of $2,314.30. Transfer MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41339 Approval through 41516 in the amount of $535,891 .30 having received depart mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 31334 through 41338 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Next Council Council President Clymer announced there would be no Council meeting Meeting next Monday, 8/30/82 (fifth Monday in August) , nor the following Monday, - 9/13/82 9/06/82 (Labor Day holiday) . Group W Councilman Reed inquired as to Group W Cable' s progress on their Cable installation schedule and an estimated completion date of that project. Municipal Councilman Stredicke announced he would be participating Thursday Forum for night, 8/26/82, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Forum for Cable TV ini Cable TV Tacoma with the Mayor of Auburn, Bob Roegner; King County Executives Deputy, Larry Phillips; and Joe Toyer, Director of Community Development, City of Kirkland. Councilman Stredicke invited Council Members to attend this forum and requested the Administration investigate the I a9 Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 6 it II NEW BU INESS continued feasibility of remodeling the Carco Theatre to accommodate City Council meetings for possible televising. This would free present council chambers for other purposes and provide facilities for Council meetings and other community functions. Councilman Stredicke also requested the Administration contact Lon Hurd of 3H Management regarding Housing and Community Development programs in the city for televising of Public Service Announcements regarding community pro- grams, health/fire/police department announcements, etc. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported the dedication ceremony today for the fountain REPORT statue of Chief Seattle. The fountain now rests in front of the Renton ChiefaSeattle Historical Society Museum on a bed of bricks from original Renton Foun bin streets. Mayor Shinpoch commended the citizens involved in creating Dedi 'ation the small park for "Iron Mike", especially Jerry Edlund of the Renton i Rotary Club. One- calf Mayor Shinpoch explained that the ordinance as adopted 7/26/82 re- Percrrnt garding imposition of the one-half percent sales tax will become Optignal effective as adopted, and noted the city' s budget will still need Sale. Tax to be reduced by $1 ,350,000. a AUDIENCE Del Bennett , 18004 SE 147th, agreed with Councilman Stredicke re- COM ENT garding use of Carco Theatre for Council meetings and urged Council to study and encourage industrial development in Renton to off-set , increased taxes and fees. a ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:68 P.M. 1 IMAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk "7-J--4-.....„., - e7 )----700-- a 1 a 4 r 1 r 11 r 1, 1 I - 11 RENTON CITY COUNCIL I 11 Regular Meeting August 16 , 1 " 82 Municipal Building Monday , 8 :00 P . M . Council Chambers 1 MINUTES 1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro-tem Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag h and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. 1 ROLL CALL OFIi . EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. ! CITY STAFF d LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Asisistant; IN ATTENDANCE.. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development 1, Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Ild Deeann Glamser, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROV14 Correction by Councilman Trimm to page 3, item 2: 1 . Water main up- grading of southeast corner. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGH',ES, 11 APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 9, 1982 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. 1 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pu lished Jackson 1 according to law, Mayor Pro-tem Clymer opened the public hearing to Annexation I consider annexation of a portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple amily A-01-82 Development, an area of approximately 3.34 acres east of Fred Nelson Middle 1,1, School and north of Southeast 162nd Street (Jackson Annexation File #A-01-82) . Policy Development Director Clemens reported that meetings had been held with the property owner regarding possible zoning problems after annexation and 1 requested, on behalf of the applicant, this public hearing be continuued for Public Hearing one week. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REC- continued to 11 OMMENDATION OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING 8/23/82 li, FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. I CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items 'i included. Lake Washington Park Department requested an ordinance to appropriate excess revenue into Beach Park Id the Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund (unappropriated fund balance Appropriation II -nd 1982 investment interest in the amount of $2,314.30) from Excess Revenue/ 1 Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. I, Renton i' 'ublic Works Department/Airport submitted a proposed sublease agreement Aviation hI •etween Renton Aviation, Inc. , and Renton Partnership as the financing entity Sublease or the major new hangar building recently constructed. Bank documentation I�, 1, equires a formal sublease. There is no change in the lease payment arrange- ''' ent. (Supplement 4-82 to Lease LAG 08-79) . Refer to Aviation Committee. III Latecomer 11 ublic Works Department submitted a letter from Brady International,, Hard- Agreement j' oods requesting a Latecomer Agreement requiring properties to the north Request , f the new Lind Avenue water line to share in the cost of the line., Refer o Utilities Committee. ,, I Green River i1 olicy Development submitted draft agreement to prepare and fund preparation Management 11 f management agreement for Green River by King County, Auburn, Kent, Tukwila Committee nd Renton. Agreement to clarify relationships between river flows', interior 11 rainage systems, flood protection needs and flood plain management; require— ents. Refer to Utilities Committee. Claim for laim for damages filed by Burke W. Bleecker in the amount of $4,453+ for Damages ! njuries and damages sustained when a railroad crossing gate blew loose CL 45-82 1; 4nd into the path of his pickup, alleging the gate was not locked ih place. ate located at 41st Street, 300-400 feet east of East Valley Parkway i', 13/09/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. ,1 Claim for !;i laim for damages filed by Clifford Nutter in the amount of $136.231for Damages 0 heel and tire damage due to alleged chuckhole at 116th and SE 76th, (4/12/82) . CL 44-82 'efer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 1 11 1 I ' 4 , . � 1 . I' I I, I I 1, RENTON CITY COUNCIL III� Meeting of August 16 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office REFERRALS III S O R ADMIf�I TRATION/MAY Airp9rt Sublease - Supplement 4 to LAG 08-79 Boar of Ethics draft proposal Fire Police Civil Service Commission membership reduction Huma Rights and. Affairs Commission Community Opinion Survey CITY� ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Clair for Damages - Bleecker Clam for Damages - Nutter I PAR h BOARD Lior'S Park Management Agreement 1 ii PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Bennett/Multivest Rezone Appeal - R-024-82 11, UTIIITIES COMMITTEE Bray International latecomer agreement request GreIn River Management Committee draft proposal Bidfopening - Phase I of 84th Avenue Co-op Water System 11 1 WAY AND MEANS COMMITTEE LakO Washington Beach appropriation ' Professional and Public Liability Insurance Healing Examiner appeal process Municipal Arts Commission ordinance Out ide storage facilities ordinance LID,314 interim financing Municipal Court appropriation I REPPPO I NTMENT Frall'Icis A. Holman to the Board of Adjustment (position 3) for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1986. II 1 PU ,IL I C HEARING 8/Z3/82 - Jackson Annexation (Continued from 8/16/82) . 9/':3/82 - Group W Cable Rate Increase (Continued from 8/09/82) ' PUBLIC MEETING 8/ 3/82 - 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program 8/ ,3/82 - Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fee Change 1I �I I I, A. I . r t J f a. AGENDA ITEM I RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ==s======a=s== = o—=__s==== sss:sss== -=oa=ssssssasss =sssassss =_ SUBMITTING °I Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Park Department For Agenda Of August 16, 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Johr� Weble Na"'me Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Re uest'IOr inance to appropriate Consent X excess revenue into he Lake Washin ton Public Hearing Correspondence Beach Forward Thrust Fund una ro riated Ordinance/Resolution X fund balance and 198 investment interest). Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Drscr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business it Study Session A. 1.1 Other I B. it Approval : C. ;1 Legal Dept. Yes X No N/A, COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Referral to Finance Dept. Yes x No. N/A Ways and Means Committee for the proper Other Clearance Ordinance. li ! FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ 2,314.30 Amount $ --- Appropriation- $ 2,314.30 Budgeted Transfer Required III SUMMARY (Background informatIon, prior action and effect of implementation) � (Attach alddi ional pages if necessary.) HOUSEKEEPING ITEM 0 LY - It was anticipated that all funds would be expended in 1981 an therefore no budget allocation was included in the 1982 Budget. $14,715.00 - waslca ried forward from 1981 as work in progress . - 2,314.30 - requesued Ordinance will appropriate remaining balance in the fund. $17,029.30 - Alllfu ds expended. INFORMATION FOR ORD NANCE: APPROPRIATE FROM Excess Revenue/Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund --- $2;314.30 APPROPRIATE UNTO: Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund a/c 305/000/20.533.50.63.00 (Improvemts. Other Than Bldgs. ) $2,314.30 PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: I i ilf i I' I ! I QIIg4I IT Tu rnoV Tn r i Tv ri CQK DV *;nnN ^V TWIRc V i,: -„ nnrllk - J I' i III ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 9, 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00' P. M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and ' called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; I; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Deeann Glamser, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Group W Cable lished according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Rate Increase consider an increase of Group W Cable Television rates from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes. Lewis Belcher, Jr. , Group W Community Communications Manager, 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, introduced Marshal Nelson, Group W Counsel ; Steven Braun, Plant Manager; Mark Kartes, 1 Special Projects Coordinator; and Ella Hermes, System Office Manager. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, this hearing be closed. Motion failed. Additional financial informatilonwas requested from Group W by Council on 7/07/82. Because this information was not received by Council until 8/09/82 and is vital to the rate increase evaluation, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED UNTIL 9/13/82 to enable Council to study the material Provided. II MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Proposed 1, Report from Administrative Assistant Mike Parness regarding a proposed Community community opinion survey. Refer to Committee of the Whole meeting of Opinion Survey 8/12/82. Board of !I Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mr. Francis A. Holman, 1624 Ferndale Avenue Adjustment I SE, to position #3 (practicing professional engineer) on the Board of Reappointment ' Adjustment for a four-year term effective to 9/06/86. Mr. Holman is willing to continue to serve and has been a valued member of the Board since 1971 . Other members of the Board of Adjustment are: Position #1 - Felix Campanella; Position #2 - David M. Young; Position #4 - Rhonda Younker; Position #5 - William F. Anderson; Position #6 - KennethSwanigan; Position #7 - Barbara Lally. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Coulon Park City Clerk reported bid opening of 8/03/82 for signage contract for Gene ignage Contract Coulon Park. Park Board recommended rejection of the one bid received Rebidding which exceeded estimated cost by $5,000) and rebidding of entire project. Council concur. (See attached tabulation.) LID 314 - Puget Public Works Director requested authorization for signing of Puget Power Power Undergroun' Underground Easement for LID 314 - (R-1663) installation of underground Easement ;i power along SW 19th Street. Council authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign subject easement. c. RENT ON CITY COUNCIL eeting of August 9 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office REFERRALS 'OMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 'roposed Community Opinion Survey i'AYOR AND CITY CLERK uget Power Underground Easement - LID 314 4.ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE olvick, deRegt Koering Appeal - SA 094-81 olvick, deRegt Koering Appeal - SA 095-81 kOLICE DEPARTMENT Dayton Court NE cul-de-sac block party ' I j ,UBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE econd hand firearms licensing IjRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE ity of Seattle pipeline right-of-way usage review AYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE :oard of Adjustment reappointment, Francis A. Holman Municipal Court appropriation ike Mastro (R.W. Poitras) Final Plat FP 093-81 � ID 314 Interim Financing changes to zoning and other development codes regarding storage areas &B Developers Rezone Ordinance - R 026-82 UBLIC HEARING „/1 •/�2 —Jackson Annexation '/13/82 - Group W Cable Rate Increase (continued from 8/09/82) DUBLIC MEETING :/23/82 - 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program 8/23/82 - Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fee Change it For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING I Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. park For Agenda Of Aug. 9 , 1982 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact IRon Heiret (Name') Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Rebidding signage contract for Consent X Coulon Beach Park. Public Hearing ICorrespondence Ordinance/Resolution IOld Business Exhibits: (Legal Deslr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business I Study Session A. None Other B. I C. I Approval : ILegal Dept . Yes_ No_ N/A ,X COUNCIL ACTION RECO MENDED: Concur with Park Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A X Other Clearance Roard 's recommP elation to reject all bids _anrl rehirl the plrnjPr-t FISCAL IMPACT: I I Expenditure Requird $ approx . Amount S Appropriation- $ 50 .00 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The signage system for Coulon Beach Park was bid on August 3 , 1982 . The one bid received was $27 , 176 which exceeded the estimated cost of the pro- ject by approximately $5 ,000. There is an indication that more companies will bid on a second call for bids . The bid was complex and some potential bidders stated they did not bid because they did not have enough time to gather all they necessary information . 1 1 I I I PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: I SUBMI THIS copy TO CITY CLERK BY NnfN ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING aaa::=aox �aa3�saxe=� � a:asxx SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerk For Agenda Of 8/09/82 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact 1Maine Motor (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Bid Opening 8/03/82 — Consent X Signage Contractfor Gene Coulon Public Hearing Correspondence Beach Park ' Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Bid Tabulation Other B. • Approval : C. Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Refer to Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Other Clearance Park Board FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ $ $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: I i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 2 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J . HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBEI;S RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED AND THOMAS M. TRIMM. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCILWOMAN MATHEWS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVA_ MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 26, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMME4T Alain Bourdoiseau, 1915 NE 27th, addressed the Council regarding signing confusion at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Mr. Bourdoiseau praised the beauty of the park, but questioned what he felt to be complicated sign/parking systems. Parks and Recreation Director Webley explained that a bid opening for new park signs would take place 8/03/82 which will replace present signs with a more desirable sign system, needed to control parking and prevent possible ticketing and/or towing of illegally parked vehicles. Parking at the boat launch area of Coulon Park was ex- plained: In stalls 1-100, any vehicle/boat trailer may park by paying the $2 fee or by displaying a City of Renton Resident sticker. Stalls 101-122 are reserved for City of Renton Resident sticker holders only. Parks Director Webley stated that this system was devised to provide citi- zens of Renton, paying taxes for this park, additional access to parking. To obtain a Resident Sticker, citizens of Renton pay an annual fee of $5 ($3 for senior citizens) . Mr. Bourdoiseau was invited to attend the next meeting of the Park Board and to meet with Parks Director Webley regarding his ideas for the park. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Appeal - An appeal has been filed by Richard U. Chapin, Attorney at Law, for Monterey Terrace/ Monterey Terrace/ERADCO of the Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 6/25/82 ERADCO for approval of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of 425 single- PPUD 021-80 family attached and multiple-family housing units east and north of AAD 037-82 SR 169, south of Monterey Terrace and Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of the Bonneville Power right of way (PPUD 021-80/AAD 037-82) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Hillcrest Housing Authority of the City of Renton submitted a petition signed by Terrace 52 residents of Hillcrest Terrace requesting speed limit reduction to Petition 15 mph on one block of Hillcrest Lane NE, bordered by Harrington Avenue NE and Kirkland Avenue NE. Refer to Traffic Engineering Department and Transportation Committee (as requested by Councilman Stredicke) . Court Case - A court case has been filed by Gary and Judy Torgerson seeking reversal Gary and of the denial by the Board of Adjustment of their appeal regarding con- Judy Torgerson struction of a deck and hot tub at their home at 1320 Lake Youngs Way SE. Refer to City Attorney. Renton City Council August 2, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda continued Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $989.73 filed by Mark C. Brewer Damages for injuries sustained in a diving accident at Coulon Park 5/31/82 CL 41-82 alleging no warning signs, supervision or lifeguards. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $20 filed by Rhonda M. Whitten for Damages loosened tooth sustained while playing ball at Tiffany Softball Field CL 43-82 7/13/82. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $286.54 filed by Cecil H. Evoy for Damages water damage to basement ceiling on 7/14/82 alleging water pressure CL 42-82 surge caused by Renton Water Works crew. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Planning/ Letter from John B. Rabel , President , Star Machinery Company, 241 South Engineering Lander Street, Seattle, commended the attitudes of the Planning and Commendation Engineering Departments of the City of Renton. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee Development report finding the Hearing Examiner in error in Conclusion 4 in his Committee decision of 5/24/82 with his reliance upon the standards of the Green E&B Developers River Valley Comprehensive Plan rather than the provisions of the Zoning R 026-82 Code regarding landscaped setbacks. Committee report (unsigned by Coun- Appeal cilman Reed) recommended Council modify conditions imposed upon the re- classification to provide for a landscaped five-foot setback from Grady Way and all of the property lines except for Southwest 12th Street which should be a landscaped ten-foot setback by stipulation of the appellant. Committee further recommended that, upon recording of Restrictive Covenants setting forth the setbacks, the Restrictive Covenants previously recorded in relation to Parcel B be removed. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilmen Reed and Stredicke questioned variance from the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Rockhill explained that this property was zoned single-family originally, but the five-foot setback would now conform to almost every other property in this area on Grady Way. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and final Committee readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance 3650 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of streets and alleys in an Earlington Woods area south of Southwest Sunset Boulevard and north of Milwaukie Railroad Street Vacation line within Earlington Addition including portions of Maple Avenue SW, VAC 1-79 Southwest Fifth Street and Stevens Avenue SW (VAC 1-79) . MOVED BY CF/CHG, Int' l . STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Sunpointe ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 3651 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain McWilliams properties within the City of Renton from General Classification (G) to Rezone Residence District (R-3) (McWilliams Rezone R 030-82) . MOVED BY HUGHES, R 030-82 SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, TRIMM; 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Stredicke opposed extension of multiple-family on Union Avenue, claiming single-family area. Renton City Council August 2, 1982 Page 3 Old Business continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee authorizing the Mayor to proceed with the three reclassifications Position requested by the Personnel Department for Engineering Supervisor and Reclassifications Public Works Field Superintendent positions to salary range 17 and Parks Maintenance Supervisor to Grade 11 . Committee further recommended the effective date of the increases be 7/01/82 for the Parks Maintenance Supervisor and Engineering Supervisor, and 4/01/82 for the Public Works Field Superintendent. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE WITH REGARD TO RECLASSIFICATIONS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Appeal Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the City Attorney' s review of Process his memorandum concerning the Hearing Examiner Appeal Process. City Review Attorney Warren responded that he had reviewed the memo but there had been a request for additional staff input and an answer would be avail- able by 8/09. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, SUBJECT MATTER BE MOVED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF 8/12/82. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that she has been respectfully disagreeing with REPORT objections received from citizens regarding parking at Coulon Park, Coulon Park citing a minimal annual fee to Renton residents and use of fees collected Parking for additional park maintenance personnel . Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch announced that Council had authorized her to sign the Contract Marine Patrol Contract with the proviso that Council may review parti - cipation the second year. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE MARINE PATROL CONTRACT FOR 1982. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 8:37 P.M. 6 . i4AXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 2, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 8/12 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Appeal process Hearing Examiner Decisions AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/05 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Zoning and Subdivision Fees Parking and Loading Ordinance PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 8/04 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Silent Witness Program Collection of Delinquent Parking Fines TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Mon. 8/09 7:30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Petition re speed limit Hillcrest Lane. Traffic Engineer invited. UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/09 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS �o�ory Renton City Council July 26, 1E82 Page 5 New Business continued Lake Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the dedication date of Lake Washington Washington Park. Mayor Shinpoch announced the date has been postponed Park to either September 25 or 26. When a firm date has been set, Council Dedication will be notified. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch noted merchants' request for consideration to the parking REPORT public during Western Days, July 30-31 . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. • 11 :20 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk EX►111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 7/t6/112 WANNANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS * MI VOIDS: 40840'- 40614 CURRENT 111661880.53 PARKS 1141,877.90 ARTERIAL STREETS ••#336•94 STREETS 41•1,137.04 LIBRARY •3,556.79 FEDERAL SNARED REVENUE 066,320.54 STREET FORWARD TNRU5T 03,C31070 B COULON •CM PK CUNBTR 08,51A04A WATERWORKS UTILITY •165,[51.78 AIRPORT 0120068•10 197s M A I CONSTRUCTION 01,5711015 EQUIPMENT RENTAL •10060.34 FIREMEN'S ►EN•ION •1•,C16•60 LID CONTROL •43,076•11B TOTAL OF ALL WARRANT', 8552,1.3.13 WE, THE UNDERSIUN.D HERBARIA Or THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RELEIYED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCNANDISE AND/OR BENVICEB NA•E stir' RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FUR PAYMENT VOUCHERS Hu. •us•5 THROUGH NO. •1100 IN THE AMOUNT OF •882s1.3.13 THIS [ATM OAT Op JuLYY119Be. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN .. YL. . -. . . L.I.D.I314 MEMBER • - • Briss03 WARRANT 80.9B-19 $42,674.93 L.I.D.0322 L.I.D.I320 8lv2I61I NNRRAPT 1>O.•P-17 1 381.00 RIV8NO2 WARRANT 100.•R- 2 I 20.SS CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 263 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/27 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conf. Room 1983 Housing Programs H&CD with Ed Hayduk PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/29 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conf. Room Appeal by E & B Developers PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 8/04 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conf. Room Silent Witness Program, collection of delinquent parking fines. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/02 7;00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conf. Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Renton City Council _ June 21 , 1 )82 Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE Sign Ordinance Letter from R. P. Charley, 207 Main South, requested review of Question Building Department Regulation, Sec. 4-1914(1 ) and judgment as to placement of sign at his place of business . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY REED, CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee report Public Safety recommending change in Subdivision Ordinance to read, "Residential Committee cul-de-sacs shall not have a right-of-way radius less than 55 feet Subdivision and shall provide a minimum street radius of 45 feet". Committee Ordinance/Jniform also recommends referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper Fire Code form. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS Conflict OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR AMENDING ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Mutual Aid Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee report Agreement recommending City enter into a mutual aid fire fighting assistance agreement with Port of Seattle and that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN REC- OMMENDATIONS OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Planning aid Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted Development committee report recommending the City Council add professional Committee offices as a conditional use in the R-3 and R-4 Zoning if they Offices in R-3 are in a free-standing building and have access to an arterial and R-4 Zoning street. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY REED, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding two pieces of property as to development/occupancy. Mayor Shinpoch informed him that Sun Point had been admonished in the past to satisfy nine specific requirements prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Since that time, property has changed hands and new project manager is working with the City to meet all requirements. The second property ques- tioned (a motel operation on Sunset East near Third) is in the process of condemnation proceedings. City Attorney Warren stated that an appeal has been filed, with a hearing date of 7/09/82: after appeal rights have been exhausted, Council may be approached for funds to demolish the buildings. Cable Television Councilman Reed explained being approached by a firm offering to Antenna install an antenna which would enable him to receive Showtime Cable Solicitation on his television for a $50 sale price plus monthly fee, and asked if it were possible to distribute the cable installation schedule to prevent unnecessary antenna purchases by citizens. City Attorney Warren stated the City is aware of this firm, not associated with Showtime, and has been in contact with them regarding licensing and business practices. Councilman Stredicke suggested contacting the newspapers regarding any complaints. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews submitted committee report Commit ee recommending adoption of utility facility connection charges in Facility replacement of the Community Facilities Development Charge re- Connectior pealed by state law. Following discussion, MOVED BY MATHEWS, Charges SECOND BY STREDICKE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS OF UTILITIES COM- MITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCE`. AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Heans Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee Committee report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Renton City Council _ June 21 , 1982 Page 6 First Reading An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) , Dahlby Rezone R-033-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to R-3 and R-4 zoning and definitions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW Fourth Street, Grohs Vacation VAC 04-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First and An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Final Readings of funds re purchase of Thomas property (Cedar River Trail ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS MATTER TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3638 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Fund Transfer of funds re purchase of Thomas property (Cedar River Trail ) . IAC Grant MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First and An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Jefferson Avenue NE, Final Readings Andrew L. Polich Vacation VAC 02-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS MATTER TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3639 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Jefferson Avenue NE VAC 02-82 Andrew L. Polich Vacation VAC 02-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Andrew L. Polich HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 2458 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolution (see Consent Agenda for referral ) : Fund Transfer A resolution was read providing for a fund transfer from Cumulative Thomas Property Reserve Fund (564,859) to Park Fund Facilities for purchase of the Thomas Property (Cedar River Trail ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Cedar River Councilman Clymer inquired regarding the purchase of the Thomas Trail property and City Attorney Warren responded that this is the last piece of property required to connect the Cedar River Trail Project. Coulon Park Councilman Stredicke inquired as to the number of people present at Use Coulon Park last weekend. Mayor Shinpoch responded that over 24,000 people had used the park over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Council- man Stredicke commented on the parking overflow onto Lake Washington Blvd. Mayor Shinpoch stated that the Boeing Company had been approach regarding use of their parking lot for additional parking and that the question will be discussed with staff. Farewell Councilman Stredicke reported attending the farewell party given by Parties Metro for Mike Mulcahy, new City of Renton Finance Director, and announced the retirment party to be given for long-time King County employee, Wanda Thompson, on Thursday, 6/24/82, at Longacres. Record Chronicle Monday, May 24, 1982 Page 0- '' . s ♦ w. if . „.. ......, _ . , - . • . P"r L A Y •M^.,rs� r^♦ .6.01s • _ •+ r • t Yr.4 q ram.. "* . +, $;•.. - • . .:q I ai. ..t . ' . §•�.pw ... w • '� FSip• • .. .. • s• . a.. , . • •,,, • .+ .� --. .. Grading continues along the lake in the northern end of Coulon Park project • Staying Coulon a warrn spring dayp g .. ; rke:s on the ex- design I've seen, and I've been Constructionwodes g pansion project for Cc ulon Memo- doing parks jobs for 20 years,"said - rial Beach Park in Fenton knew John McDaniel,owner of McDaniel they were in an envious position Construction of Redmond.His firm one day last week. has the site preparation and land- , The sun was shining. Mount scaping subcontract for the park. f Rainier and the Olymp c Mountains Frank Coluccio Const. Co. is the i were in full bloom.A b risk wind off general contractor. , \ , Lake Washington kept the workers' "This is a very unique project. ` <`" ' - ,;0411111 brows cool.The scene,y was beaut- Nothing seems to be the same. ; iful. They've used special trees, and e re.° Being a constructic n worker at they're bringing in special water '". +' r the park on a sunny c ay is not the plans for the wetlands,and we built M i worst job to have. the waterfall. 1.f., "Yeah, me and my buddy were "The only thing that might be bad t thinking about bring ng our boat is the maintenance," McDaniel 4, , .. down here and dropping a fishing said. . < ii 4 line in the water with a bobber. If Webley thinks he can get by with ,,. _ we got a fish, it's instant coffee two more parks workers to handle break," one worker 1:idded. Or at maintenance at the new portion of s least perhaps he was kidding. Coulon Park. !• Renton Parks Di •ector John Next year, boat rentals, conces- . t I 1 )fit (' i Webley has pegged t.ie Labor Day sions and a bait and tackle shop will y 1 /'� weekend in Septemb.r as the off i- be opened at the park extension, • 1 cial opening ,. date for the$9.4 mill- which will provide an additional {.a411 ill- ion expanded park. mile of beachfront that is open to ,.�, Much of the fray aing for the the public. K..w..- structures is up nov, and interior Webley has said he thinks 15,000 s work is proceeding. Much of the to 20,000 persons could be attracted summer will be spec t landscaping to the entire park on a sunny the 20-acre expansi in with 1,600 August day. The existing Coulon Staff photos by DUANE HAMAMI trees and 76,000 shr ybs, plus sod. Park has been deluged with bet- "This is just about the nicest ween 7,000 and 10,000 persons. Workman puts together frame on one of park's new building • ' •Parka•• eta Coulon bond sale request on Renton council s q A lot of the interesting action at •A request to refer to the Planning Monday night's Renton City Council • and Development Committee for meeting will occur with the swipe of Going On. • recommendation proposed revisions a single vote. in residential zoning codes. That is because there is something • •A proposal to transfer$16,500 to on the council's agenda each week poch that the top two priorities for pay for traffic signals at the corner called the "consent agenda." Under projects to be funded by 1982 com- of Southwest Seventh Street and this item is a list of proposed actions munity facilities fees be reversed in Hardie Avenue Southwest. from the administration which are order. • considered routine. The council of- The council has listed construction ten approves all the mayoral re- of a new well as the No. 1 priority. quests with a single vote. However, Renton School District is Under the consent agenda for ready now to build new ballfields at Monday night, for example, are re- Renton High School,which is a joint quests from the Finance Department project with the city. to dell $1.825 million. in voter-ap- Since Referendum 38 funds may proved general obligation bonds to 4 become available soon for construc- complete the expansion of Gene tion of the well,the mayor is recbm- Coulon Memorial Beach Park. The emending the city approve funding Finance Department also is recom- for the city's-share of the ballfields mending that$2.3 million in council- now. The well is estimated to cost manic bends be sold to help pay for $135,000; the city's share for the construction of new city shops in the ballfields and other recreational Renton Highlands. amenities is $100,000. If the consent agenda is approved, The council is being asked to refer at it usually is,both items automatic- the proposal to its Community Ser- ally would go to the council's Ways vices Committee. and Means Committee so legislation The council meeting begins at 8 could be drafted allowing the sale of p.m.in the council chambers,second the bonds. floor of Renton City Hall, 200 Mill Also under the consent agenda is a Ave. S. request from Mayor Barbara Shin- Other items on the agenda include: Park bond ro os g o ap pto before By KEITH ERVIN Staff Reporter Going On King County Council will hold a public meeting in Federal Way Wed- nesday night to give South King State Representative, is a Boeing County residents a chance to give supervising engineer. He has their views on local park projects chaired the House Select Commmit- proposed under a $176 million bond tee on Redistricting, which helped issue. map out the new congressional dis- The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in tricts. the gymnasium of Sacajawea Junior Eberle will be the first to toss his High School, 1101 S. Dash Point hat into the Republican ring for the Road. new seat. King County Councilman The second in a series of public Paul Barden and Rep. Rod Chandler meetings on the PRO/Parks Commit- are others whose names have been tee's proposed bond issue, it is the mentioned in connection with the only one in which the council is political race. • seeking comments specifically on _ South King County projects. The council must decide whether to put the bond issue, nicknamed "Son of Forward Thrust," on the November ballot. Almost 60 percent of the bond proceeds would be used to acquire,renovate or develop local parks. Meetings on regional projects in- cluded in the bond proposal will be held 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May S, and 1:30 p.m.Wednesday,May 12,in Council Chambers at the County Courthouse in Seattle. - Local projects in Federal Way would include neighborhood parks, Lakota Park, Steel Lake addition, Sacajawea, Kilo, pea patch, Steel • •Lake, Lake Geneva and Panther Lake. Soos Creek park proposals are Petrovitsky, Fairwood, Soos Creek, Lake Meridian, and Cedar River sports fields. Tahoma/Raven Heights projects are Lake Francis, • Ravensdale, Levdansky, Timber- : lane,Lake Wilderness and the Maple Valley waterfront. Other local South County projects include Grandview Park on the Green River and the county fair- grounds in Enumclaw. Regional proposals in South King County are a Green River park and trail system,the Interurban Trail,a Cedar River park and trail, the Federal Way trail,and the Enumclaw Golf Course. • Couly s vision is $9 . 4 millionyti3, • reatity added to the existing 32-acre park,only two more park Webley doesn't like to take all the credit for this By GREG ANDERSON employees will oe i eyue tcd in the 1983 annual massive undertaking.He points to all the City Council City Editor budget,Webley said,bringing the total to six persons members who have supported the project, the tax- A monument to what man can do for both himself for beach park maintenance. payers who agreed to help pay tor it,aiiii,pet haps and nature will be opened to the public in September But though Webley expects "between 15,000 and of all,the late Gene Coulon,his predecessor as Renton when dedication ceremonies for the expanded Gene 20,000 people in the completed park on a super busy parks director. Plans to expand the beach park first Coulon Memorial Beach Park in Renton are con- day," he thinks park personnel will be able to handle evolved under Coulon's administration. ducted. almost any problem. "Old Couly had some vision, and he hung onto that Renton Parks Director John Webley said the "We are one of the few parks to have recreation vision. I've tried to help bring that dream to fruition. dedication ceremonies will take place"sometime over people here as well as maintenance people," he said. But this is a shared dream by many people, and the Labor Day weekend." Following the ceremonies, "They're not police, but they monitor what's hap- everyone has had a piece of it." the $9.4 million park extension on the shores of Lake pening." (Related story,A2) Washington will be opened to the public. Webley thinks Renton citizens, who voted to tax themselves to pay for $7.8 million of the project (grants and interest make up the difference),will be impressed. There is good reason for his optimism. More than a mile of beachfront is being added by the project. Thousands of feet of fishing piers will allow fishmermen to go for the big one.There are or will be grass sundecks, covered picnic areas, babbling brooks,shelters,play areas,concessions,boat rentals, pathways and much, much more. Already completed is the rehabilitation of a tiny creek that once served more as a drainage ditch on the north side of the existing beach park.That ditch now is a beautifully widened and landscaped creek which is pleasing to the eye and provides a better fish habitat. Marshlands are being developed for waterfowl. Expanded boat launch facilities already have been built, and will begin seven-day-a-week operation this weekend. Only two"lanes"existed in the old park; now there are eight. And parking for boat trailers has been tripled,to about 122. All but one of the buildings and other structures are up already,though finishing work continues.Still to be built is a double-deck viewing area which will overlook the inner harbor. A big project that probably won't be completed until 1983 is landscaping.Constant,or seemingly constant, rain over the past two years has slowed earth moving and landscaping operations. Also coming in 1983 will be boat rentals,concessions and a bait and tackle shop. With the entire park extension still to be sodded,and with 1,600 trees and 67,000 shrubs still to be planted, plenty of work remains. Though the extension means about 20 acres will be yy. ,,,st, Coulon Park : a dream come true By GREG ANDERSON buildings being constructed, gleaming in the cars traveling behind you on Lake Washington City Editor sunlight. The large concessions building is there, Boulevard is muted by distance and trees. just north of the new boat launch ramps, as are Man-made waterfall Perhaps the best point from which to obtain a buildings for boat rentals, bait and tackle shot To the north, the view from the Mound takes in sweeping view of the Gene Coulon Memorial shop, and covered picnicking. the rest of the park extension,perhaps another half Beach Park extension is the " Mound," as Renton The existing beach park is in the background. mile of it. There are several more fishing piers in Parks Director John Webley calls it. The beach park,from this distance of about half a the distance,and two ponds that soon will become The Mound is situated at about the mid-point in mile, still looks small next to the large Shuffleton marshes as water plants are added. the extension.It is a man-made hill.But at the top of Steam Plant and Boeing buildings. From the far A tiny creek literally dug from the earth at the the hill is a surprise for the wanderer. north end of the park extension, Shuffleton and far north end of the park can't be seen from the There is a pit at the top.The floor consists of flat Boeing lose their significance in the landscape. Mound. That is another little surprise for the slabs of rock.Encircling this pit are large boulders. View breathtaking wanderer.The water comes from an underground Only the Druids or an Aztec priest preparing a The westward view of the water,Lake Washing- stream and drainage. Workers, using flat rock sacrifice is missing.Local teenagers may decide a ton, is breathtaking. Below is the man-made inner slabs, have built a little waterfall. The sound is more fitting name is "passion pit." harbor, in which citizens will be able to navigate pleasing for the trekker who gets that far. Nevertheless,the view from this mini-amphithe- their rented boats. The fishing piers,which serve Much work remains to be done,though.Missing ater atop a hill is magnificent. as the harbor enclosure, now are vacant. are the birds, waterfowl, and animal life. A few Landscaping due But it's not hard to imagine teenagers strolling ducks enjoy the ponds,but the bare ground offers • To the south is Mount Rainier peeking through hand-in-hand along the piers,senior citizens bask- nothing to the birds and animals.That will change tall trees in the distance; at least it's there on a ing in the sun on benches, fishermen sitting when landscaping is completed early next year. • clear, sunny day. patiently waiting for the lunker to bite. A dream For now,the eye travels along a swath of barren Beyond the harbor is the expanse of untouched When the grass, shrubs and trees are added, ground leading southward toward the mountain. lake,with sailboats swishing through the water and along with marsh plants, there will be a habitat to When landscaping is completed next year, that seaplanes buzzing overhead. There is the be enjoyed by man, animal and bird. ugly bare ground will be transformed into grassy Lakeridge community staring back at you. The only "activity" planned in the north end of play areas,woods and shrubbery,through which a the park extension is fishing. Beyond that there is pathway will wind. And still another view to the northwest: The only wading in the water, or strolling through the Just west of the Mount Rainier view,and in the Olympics. The majestic stretch of peaks rise woods foreground, are the metal roofs of the new through the haze. It is peaceful. Even the sound of It is a dream—a dream coming true for Renton. Park bo �`s generally supported By KEITH ERVIN Staff Reporter A massive bond issue to develop parks drew general support, along with some criticism of the bond financing,at a King County Council-sponsored meeting in Federal Way Wednesday night. Among the critics was Frank Baker, who represented the Pomona Grange,an association of six grange groups in King County. He asked the council to substi- tute a "pay-as-you-go"park plan,saying the proposed $176 million bond sale ultimately would cost taxpayers $470 million with interest. `Don't go to voters' "We propose that you not go to voters asking for bond approval," Baker told three council members and some 40 citizens at Sacajawea Junior High School. "We propose that you go to voters asking for one-year approval for$24 million. It would be the same amount of taxes,and that's probably all the parks you could put together anyway. "You could put all these parks together in eight years. Then we would have paid only $176 million, rather than $470 million." Council members Paul Barden, Gary Grant and Bruce Laing reacted skeptical- ly to the pay-as-you-go plan,saying park projects put off until later years might have to be scaled down because of inflation. Geraldine Van Notrick also objected to the bond issue. She said residents of the Highline School District would pay $20 million under the bond plan but would receive only$8 million of parks in return. "In general,I don't think it's going to go." Others, however, were enthusiastic about the bonds proposed by the PRO- /Parks Committee, a 44-member group appointed by elected officials. Sportsfields urged Ted Hastings, a Renton man who described himself as "a soccer nut," asked council members to put a high priority on the proposed$840,000 expen- diture for new Cedar River sportsfields. He called the PRO/Parks proposal "the light at the end of the tunnel." Frank Morales of Kent asked the councilmen to shift more money into park projects in the Kent area,where he said more population growth is likely during the life of the bond issue. Kent Parks and Recreation Director Barney Wilson gave wholehearted sup- port to the issue sometimes known as "Son of Forward Thrust. He compared the park program to construction of the Kingdome and Seattle Center:"I couldn't estimate the value of those two facilities to this community. It takes some for- ward-thinking people,some very positive people, to put together an issue such as Forward Thrust. To a Highline woman's skepticism about the development of a proposed performing-arts center at Highline High School,Wilson commented, "If Highline does not want the cultural facility, I would be glad to have it in Kent and operate and maintain it." Fred Martin of Federal Way declared his strong support for the bond issue, particularly for the proposed develop- ment of Lake Geneva Park."Anyone who has driven down Military Road on past Five Mile Lake knows the situation where there are cars parked there half a mile on both sides of the road,"he said. IAA v7 7 7 Friday, October 16, 1981 26Gd e.O Grant assures park's finishh Renton Parks Director John Web- - ley was wearing a broad smile Thurs- day after learning the city had received a $635,760 state grant to help pay for expansion of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Webley estimates the entire con- truction project,which will add more than a mile of beachfront to the park on the shores of Lake Washington, will cost about $8.4 million. Renton voters already have approved a,$7.8 million bond issue to pay fc,r the expansion project. This latest grant brings the total in state grants received for the.project to $706,000, "ensuring the project will be completed as promised to the public,"Webley said. The existing 22-acre park will balloon to 65 acres when the expan- sion project is completed. The park is expected to be partially open sometime in the summer of 1982,and the project should be completed by 1983, Webley said. Phase I construction, which primarily involved relocating a creek and building berms,already is finished. Phase II construction should be finished by the end of this month, Webley said. Work in that phase includes installation of pilings and piers,grading,utilities and mod- ification of the shoreline. Phase III will include construction of recreation buildings,landscaping, irrigation,pathways,park furniture, lighting and fences,► A fourth phase essentially will involve "catch-all" work, Webley said. The parks director said the $635,760 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation grant pays for about 90 percent of the work in the first two phases of construction. S qA'f 5 e +..S\ ' 11:4 lee. n `j 3 2E LOf l SF'ELLMAN T ? ROBERT L.WILDER ry j�� l�Cp v r r • ,„„„ Director • ��; c,,\ STATE OF WASHINGTONINTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION -1800 Capitol Blvd.,KP-11 e Tumwater, Washington 98504 o (206)753-7140 0 (SCAN)234-7140 October 13, 1981 • • Mr. John Webley, Director RE: City of Renton • Parks & Recreation Department Coulon Beach Park Ph. I 200 Mill Avenue South IAC #80-024D • Renton, WA 98055 Coulon Beach Park Ph. II IAC #81-008D Dear Mr//. ).iebley:3 o1vv4 We are enclosing our ,Warrant in the amount of '$635,760.00 as first- payment for the City of Renton Coulon Beach Park Phase I and II Development Project. Enclosed for your use is a news release issued by IAC today announcing the payment. Although distribution of t'he:release is made to selected news- papers , the one in your area may not be included. This payment represents the expenditures of funds from the Outdoor Recreation General Obligation Bonds authorized by the State Legislature in 1979, and from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund of the National Park Service, administered by t6he Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. • Notifying the public through news media (newspaper, TV, radio, etc. ) is an appttopriate way of informing them of the use of these tax dollars, in addi- tion to advising them of the progress being made on your project. Your assistance in presenting this information to the citizens in your area is appreciated! Sincerely, ' Robert L. Wilder Director RLW: I s Enclosures 1 = -�J Ver_41,c . Renton City4Council 10/19/81 Page 2 Consent Agenda Continued Proclamation., Proclamation' of Mayor Shinpoch declared 10/8 through 10./14/81 Dyslexic Child : as The Week of the Dyslexic Child for public awareness of common Week problem of Specific Language Disability and The Orton Society, the only international organization devoted to helping children with Dyslexia. Concur. Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch declared 10/18 through 10/24/81 National National Business Women's Week in recognition of 43,000,000 of Business Women's the Nations work force; organization's major goal is creating better Week conditions for the working women. Concur. Planning 1 Planning Department Acting Director Clemens presented the Commission Annual Report of the Planning Commission 1980-1981 as required Annual Report, by Ordinance #3076. The letter noted the report is a departure from the format used in previous years and attempts to add a personal analysis on the part of the Commission members as to present status and future goals. . Information. Damages Claim Claim for ,Damages was filed by Kathleen Duvall, 18811 SE 164th, in amount of $62.91 for damage to vehicle, allegedly due to heavy rain and improper drainage at Renton Village Shopping Center. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Art Gustafson Land Use Hearing Examiner,Fred Kaufman,recommends approval of Final Plat Final Plat 070-81 Art Gustafson, located on the West side of FP 070-81 Union Ave. NE at the intersection of NE 10th St. ; Plat is 14-lot single family subdivision. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Coulon Memorial ' Letter from the Parks and Recreation Director reported receipt of Beach Pa'rk partial payment of grant for the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach , Grant Received Park, Phase I & II, in the amount of $635,760 from Interagency for Outdoor Recreation. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for : ordinance to appropriate funds. Consent. Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REMAIN- Approve;d ING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Downtown Signs Letter from the Renton Merchants Association, Toni Nelson, Presi- and Traffic dent, explained working toward improvements in the downtown area Lights and requested: (A) Signs - Replacement of "City Center" sign at Wells Ave. S and Grady Way; installation of signs - "City Center" at Bronson Way and Maple Valley Hwy, pointing westerly down Bronson Way; "City Center Parking"at 2nd and Burnett S; "City Center" arrow sign at Rainier Ave. S and Grady Way and "Renton City Center" arrow sign on 1-405 near Rainier Ave.; Exits (asking for direction to appropriate authority if out of Council jurisdiction) . The letter requested: (B) Traffic Lights for the core shopping area revert to the non-flashing, full-timed signals, noting near-accidents and complaints from the flashing signals; (C) Street Lights - requested retention of the short, decorative light standards. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Chore Service Letter from Daisy Richards, 1107 N 35th, extended thanks for Chore Appreciated Services at her home for yard and drain work, noting good supervisors and workers. Housing, and Community Development Director Ed Hayduk explained the. program is financed through H&CD. Senior jlousing Letter from Renton Housing Authority of the City of Renton, Floyd W. Shaff, Chairman, reported at the Board's 10/13/81 meeting, participation in the Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Develop- ment project was unanimously approved. The letter explained the Housing Authority will cooperate with both the City and;King County to construct 58 units of totally subsidized or partially sub- sidized units of senior housing on that portion of Burlington Northern property adjacent to Cedar River Terrace, walkway/linear 1 , , park to link the two developments to downtown. MOVED BY REED, SECOND TRIMM, REFER THE MATTER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRII I For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . #. AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Parks Department For Agenda Of 10/19/81 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Jon Web1 y, Direr.tnr (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Receipt of IAC Grant Funds for Consent Coulon Beach Park Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Letter fron IAC Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: NONE Finance Dept . Yes No. N/A Information only. Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ Budgeted $ Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The City of Renton has received $635,760 from the Washington State Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation for construction. of Gene. Coulon Beach Park Phases I & II. I I PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: • I SUBMIT THIS• COPY TO CITY CLERK. BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION: • f f? I � ROBERT L.WILDER •y`'� g y Director STATE OF WASHINGTON INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION 40(X)CaJitol Blvd.,KP-11 o Tumwater, Washington 98504 • (206)753-7140 o (SCAN)234-7140 October 13, 1981 • Mr. John Webley, Director RE: City of Renton • Parlks & Recreation Department, Coulon Beach Park Ph. I 200, Mill Avenue South IAC #80-024D Renton, WA 98055 Coulon Beach Park Ph. II IAC #81-008D Dear MrzWebley:�01,,vv\ We !are enclosing our Warrant in the amount of '$635,760.00 as first payment for' the City of Renton Coulon Beach Park Phase I and II Development Project,. Enclosed for your use is a news release issued by IAC today announcing the payinent. Although distribution of the release is made to selected news- papers , the one in your area may not be included. This payment represents theiexpenditures of funds from the Outdoor Recreation General Obligation Bonds authorized by the State Legislature in 1979, and from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund of the National Park Service, administered' by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. NotifylIing the public through news media (newspaper, TV, radio, etc. ) is an appropliate way of informing them of the use of these tax dollars, in addi - tion to advising them of the progress being made on your project. Your assistance in presenting this information to the citizens in your area is appreciated! Sincerely, Robert L. Wilder Director RLWfls Enclosures . OHN SPELLMAN rye Y: F'OBERT L.WILDER Governor ti Director STATE OF WASHINGTON INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION 4800,Capifol Blvd.,KP-11 • Tumwater, Washington 98504 • (206)753-7140 © (SCAN)234-7140 OCTOBER 13, 1981 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE i . GOVERNOR JOHN SPELLMAN ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT THE CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED A CHECK FROM THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR' RECREATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $635,760 AS FIRST PAYMENT FOR THE COULON' BEACH PARK PHASE I AND II DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. TOTAL COST OF THESE PROJECTS IS $1 ,112,800; THE CONTRIBUTION FROM IAC ADMINISTERED FUNDS CONSISTS OF $150,000 FROM THE OUTDOOR RECREATION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE IN 1979, AND $556,400 FROM THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND OF THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: THE BALANCE WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF RENTON. THESE PROJECTS .PROVIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 43. ACRES OF WATERFRONT PARK LOCATED ON THEISOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE WASHINGTON. THE SITE IS LOCATED JUST NORTH AND ADJACENT TO AN EXISTING 22 ACRE PARK SITE DEVELOPED WITH IAC FUNDS NAMED GENE COULON MEMORIAL BEACH PARK (FORMERLY LAKE, WASHINGTON BEACH PARK) . NEW DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED FOR MORE USE WITH FISHING PIERS, DAY MOORAGE, PICNIC SHELTERS , BOAT RENTAL, TRAILS, MARSH- LAND, NATURAL AREA. THE EXISTING 'BOAT LAUNCH WILL ALSO BE EXPANDED. ELIZABETH B. AV;ERY, CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERAGENCY COMMtTTEE, SAID FUNDING OF THE PROJECT WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION AND THE CITY OF RENTON. THIS IS ONE OF 1 ,428 OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECTS FUNDED FOR STATE AND LOCAL AGEJCIES BY � I THE IAC SINCE 1965. THE COULON BEACH PARK PH. I & II DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS BRING TO 'SIIX {I i THE TOTAL NUMBER OF AGENCY PROJECTS SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF RENTON USING IAC ADMINISTERED FUNDS. - FINIS - I . For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # c �.(J AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING II SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. PARKS DEPARTMENT For Agenda Of 10/19/81 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact '1)ohn Webley, Director g '(Name)) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Appropriation of Grant Funds from Consent Public Hearing the Waehin-tnn State Interatgency Committee For Correspondence Recreation into rnoolon Reach Ordinance/Resolution Construction Fund. Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Letter from IAC Other B. , I C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No_ N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Approval of Finance Dept. Yes )()( No. N/A Other Clearance Ordinance appropriating $37q,760 from unanticipated revenue into Coulon Beach Faff trif Ac : Fund 315/000/20/533.50 Expenditure Required \$ Amount $ Appropriation- $ 379,760 Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect cf implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) Early receipt of partial IAC Grant Funds for Coulon Beach Park Phases I & II (#80-024D. & #31-008D) , requires appropriation Ordinance. Upon completion of project, a 10% retainage will be released to the City. I PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. \ • ' • . -- { .1 I ar t C—'. ROBERT L.WILDER ( .,. /< i.,,, Director STATE OF WASHINGTON ' I INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION 1.48(X)Capitol Blvd.,KP-11 m Tumwaler, Washington 98504 o (206)753-7140 a (SCAN)234-7140 I October 13, 1981 . I . I ' • MI. John Webley, Director RE: City of Renton • Parks & Recreation Department Coulon Beach Park Ph. I 200 Mill Avenue South IAC #80-024D Renton, WA 98055 Coulon Beach Park Ph. II I IAC #81-008D ,Dear Mr/Webley:3o�v� We are enclosing our Warrant in the amount of $635,760.00 as first payment for, the City of Renton Coulon Beach Park Phase I and II Development Project. Encllosed for your use is a news release issued by IAC today announcing the payment. Although distribution of the release is made to selected news- papers , the one in your area may not be included. This payment represents the \expenditures of funds from the Outdoor Recreation General Obligation Bonds authorized by the State Legislature in 1979, and from the federal Land\ and Water Conservation Fund of the National Park Service, administered ' by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. l Notifying the public 'through news media (newspaper, TV, radio, etc. ) is an appropriate way of informing them of the use of these tax dollars , in addi - ti'on �lto advising them of the progress being made on your project. Yolur \assistance in presenting this information to the citizens in your area is appreciated! ISincerely, I <13erfa 1 II Robert L. Wilder I 1 Director I RLW': ls1 I Enclosures 1 I , I I 1 i I ..r .. i'':'•!'!, -a': POBERT L.�1,9LDER „ r I r'� Director STATE OF WASHINGTON • INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION -i8(3 Capitol Blvd.,KP-11 o rumwater, Washington 98504 o (206)753-7140 0 (SCAN)234-7110 OCTOBER 13, 1981 F 2 IMMEDIATE RELEASE GjVERNOR JOHIN SPELLMAN ANNOUNCED TODAY THAT THE CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED A CHECK FROM THE I,• ERA,GENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $635,760 AS FIRST PAYMENT FUR THE COULON BEACH PARK PHASE f AND II DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. I T'.:TAL COST' OF' THESE PROJECTS IS $1 ,1 12,800; THE CONTRIBUTION FROM IAC ADM I N I STEr.ED FUNDS CONSISTS OF $150,000 FROM THE OUTDOOR RECREATION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE IN 1979, AND $556,400 FROM THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND OF THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE. THE BALANCE WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF RENTON . THESE PROJECTS\ PROVIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 43 ACRES OF WATERFRONT PARK LOCATED ON THESOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE WASHINGTON. THE SITE IS LOCATED JUST NORTH AND ADJACENT TO ,AN ' EXISTING 22 ACRE PARK SITE DEVELOPED WITH IAC FUNDS NAMED GENE COULON .t:MCRIAL BEACH \IPARK (FORMERLY LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK) . NEW DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED 1U MORE USE WITH FISHING PIERS, DAY MOORAGE, PICNIC SHELTERS , BOAT RENTAL, TRAILS , MARSH— LI''\.ND, NATURAL AREA. THE EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH WILL ALSO BE EXP?NDED. .: FL. IZALE H B . AVERY, CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE, SAID FUNDING OF THE PROJECT k,;,'LS MADE POSSIBU\E BY A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION AND THE CITY OF RENTON. 11! !S IS ONE OF 1 ;428 OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECTS FUNDED FOR STATE AND LOCAL AGEJCIES ' BY 1 !IE IAC SINCE 1965. THE COULON BEACH PARK PH. I & II DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS BRING TO SIX ' TE TOTAL NUMBER OF AGENCY PROJECTS SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF RENTON USING IAC ADMINISTERED ,NDS . — FINIS — r unm �-�� �. STATE OF WASHINGTON ` A 19 j (O!CE VOUCHER .�'� FIE': _ / • I AGENCY NAME INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT.SUBMIT THIS FONk INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR TO CLAIM PAYMENT FOR MATERIALS,MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES. AGENCY P.R.OR AUTHORIZATION INVOICE VOUCHER DATE OUTDOOR RECREATION 4800 CAPITOL BOULEVARD -42sF� TUMWAIER, WASHINGTON 98504 I p� ® /�`/—1 e9�/—a $D VENDOR'S CERTIFICATE. I HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE ITEMS AND TOTALS LISTED HEREIN ARE PROPER CHARGES FOR VENDOR OR CLAIMANT MATERIALS. MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES FURNISHED _I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND THAT ALL GOODS FURNISHED ,ND/OR SERVICES , ( [J RENDERED HAVE BEEN PROVIDED WITHOUT DISCR" 'N;ATION ON THE c - QT E ri4iOit) GROUNDS OF RACE.CREED.COLOR.NATIONAL ORIGIN,SI!X.OR AGE.AND J THAT COSTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT CONTRACT AND THE IAC'S PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES.ao ��S ii1%� 4 . So, BY fee, !�r ae • +FJekt / �,4 ?go s� (SIGN IN INK) 4 1 . c D_ Kj � (TITLE) • INVOICE NO. ��88 // /J PROJECT AP NO. c e i I;"0" 2,,Q.k row-O.^.V)7 EspendItures Total t /-fig p DATE Since E:pcnditui Fur IAC ' COST CATEGORIES Last Billing To Date Use Acquisition: Land and(Existing Structures . Relocation Payments • Developttsent:11, • Preliminary Expense Arch➢tectural Engineering Basic Fees • Construction&Project Improvement Cost Total 1j5,7344O® /�✓ �a737�:� L0 t9/,5z. . c© ' FOR IAC USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT FUNDING FORMULA / VOUCHER TOTAL.....-...i/A0/ S 0•®® Q.nsor: 90_....__-...- Amount 1606 efe9e� P / Less Sponsor Contribution 3 7t • eeteral: ,t( .R5 _ Amount ' SS(2/!¢O Subtotal 63s76,A d4.47( /D--�-,/ 1 � � 11 AC Fund 5 %......_.... Amount ....Ir+�f CW2 FISCAL/FFICE DATE Fund %_...._... Amount Less Federal Contribution 00)760•4t) Fund % -..- Amount ! 4. !/ t"ef, Total ///iZ,,.goD IAC Contribution 3�r�Do.© CT SPECIALIST DATE PAYMENT RECORD 1- 1J thhhJV,1A_,l,r;o i IAC SHARE Cumulative ' _~ "' t 6-(0-V 9 la_ Sponsor Federal Fund 5-2- Fund Fund Total AD NISTRATOR DATE • 1 1 3G6176D•sto ,ia®�7/oo.ea /3 Syo�•Ac 11ce.//5a�.or� 1 ' Date of Receipt i 1 • 1 1 • ACCOUNT CODE AMOUNT 'J!'%D APPROP. PROGRAM II OBJECT I LIQUIDATION NET INVOICE 770 bI b2D ®oS'3 'INP C'Coeflg 1J/,e,, /r., .� /- naRD /135,Q DPo 131 2L'AD n,0 0cil n2.o 005-' NP - „.. : 77`, A7oocc,ce,.` .27o2C49.00 - -r® o� IMP ��2y, /Yr o0®� F { �.4.. i �o - Da4�L7 23004.0.c' A30 ' NS%00 . , . i -_ .p TOTAL 1:93�j 7��(DATE) • ErKED AND APPROVED INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. GROSS INV AMT. DISCOUNT IN$ NET INV.AMT VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ,i,AYMENT BY: '' a r I I . - I 1 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON X OFFICE1 OF STATE TREASURER WARRANT (� ^ �� OLYMPIA NUMBER J U 9B•ss7 y FUND 070 1251 A l 11 6351760.00 SUB.AGY. MO. DAY YR • ���� �1111 10 12 81 •^1,�_ �fe BC REG.NO. AGENCY WARRANT NO. PAY THIS AMOUNT PAY TO THE ORDER OF DOLLARS CENTS 1. 0011 467 975051U $6351760.00 CITY OF RENTON aka,ere ATTN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT __ ._ 200MILL AVE S j Q; S 174,a RENENTON WA 98055 q r), sz v o- � 97505 2 1' ROBERT S. " t REA U�t ' . 125105576i. n=� E 8888 . • • (171.,A)16 1ir_____L.jj..... <,,,e , . ‘,,__,___,, ____, q ,,,,...7._ ,...,2 • ,......, • ,07 201 • .e :5 ' 6 (911.'—'4.— 001/7 I'. Q CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR BIDS Gene L. Coulon Memorial Beach Park Phase IV Contract Three Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. September 1, 1981, at the City Clerk's office and will be opened and publicly read in the 4th floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South. The work to be performed under this contract shall include: grading, drainage, water andlsanitary sewer connections, irrigation, planting, pedestrian walks, site lighting, site furnishings, 7 metal frame buildings with associated mechanical arid electrical work. A Pre-BidiConference will be held at 9:00 a.m. , Tuesday, August 18, 1981, at the Carco ;Theatre, 1717 Maple Valley Highway, Renton, Washington. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Approved lilans and specifications and form of contract documents may be obtained at the City of Renton - Parks and Recreation offices, 1010 South Second Street, Renton, Washington for a deposit of $100.00 each set (full size drawings) or $50.00 each set . (half size drawings) plus $7.00 each set (full size drawings) or $4.00 each set (half size drawings) to cover postage, if mailed. The deposit will be 'refunded upon return of the Plans and Specifications in good condition within thirty calendar days after bid opening. The mailing charge will not be refunded. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount ofeach bid must accompany each bid. The City's Fair Practices and Non-Discrimination Policies shall apply. PP Y This contract will be funded in part with Federal Funds. The successful bidder will be required to comply with 41 CFR 60-4, Construction Contractors - Affirmative Action Requirements. Delores A. Mead, C 0y le Published: Seattle Times - August 7 and August 14, 1981 Daily Journal of Commerce - August 4 and August 11, 1981 Renton Record Chronicle' - August 4 and August 11, 1981 /eo.cz Q - RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting. April 6 , 1981 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; JOHN REED, CHARLES F. COUNCIL SHANE, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT HUGHES AND RANDALL ROCKHILL. CITY OFFICIALS ' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE ! MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; DON 'PERSSON, Police Rep. ; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Directors; W. E. BENNETT, Acting Finance Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Acting Planning Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, IRenton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 23, 1981 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Municipal Arts Commission, 1% for Arts Committee Chairperson PRESENTATION Peggy Cummins, i1811 Grant Ave. S, presented the Commission recom- Gene Coulon mendation for the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and explained Memorial Beach the selection process. The art selection entitled Interface Park -- consists of three striding figures (one man and two women) to be 1% for Art structured in silicon bronze (9' and 7' in height) on an aggre- Selection gate base; Artist is Phillip Levine. Upon Council inquiry, Mrs. "Interface" Cummins explained the Parks and Recreation Director and the Park Board were represented on the selection panel . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION FOR THE ART SELECTION. Councilman Shane noted the figures were "dressed in nudity." MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Hughes requested his NO vote be recorded. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy' Webb, Golden View Apts:, Mill Ave. S, requested the water Utility Rates ' ''and sewer rate increaseordinances be presented at this time and explained his opposit-ion to the proposed sewer trunkline. . alleging County benefit from City ratepayers and opposing capital improvement by'water/sewer rates. Acting Public Works Director Houghton explained trunkline would serve. only City residents. MOVED BY SHANE; SECOND TRIMM, WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT BE PRESENTED CONCERNING WATER AND SEWER RATE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and MeanslCommittee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee report recommending first reading of an amended ordinance First Reading i increasi-ng sewer rates to $2.35 for single family dwelling Sewer Rate units and for other uses for each 900 c.f. water used. Upon Ordinance inquiry, Acting Finance Director Bennett explained the rate study determined need for rate increase either with or without bond issue forithe Honeycreek trunkline. Bennett also reported present sewer rate $1 .65 per month; 42% increase (without bonds) . Continued I Persons present opposing sewer rate increase: Toni Nelson, 410 S. 3rd St. representing Downtown Merchants Assoc. ; Glenn Ruth, South King County Tenants Union; Mary Ellen Hamblin, 13025 138th Ave. SE, presented petition bearing 234 signatures in opposition , to rate increase. Richard Aramburu, 505 Madison St. , Seattle, Attorney representing Rate Equity Action League, requested the threshhold determination and environmental checklist. Continued Acting Public Works Director Houghton explained the need for the , sewer trunkline that an overflow problem exists in the sewer system in the northeast section of Renton, that raw sewage_is ' dumping into Honeycreek and May Creek, that the problem will continue until trunkline is constructed to carry the effluent to the Metro line; that the trunkline is not being constructed forj new development but to solve existing problems. J „ Re ton City Council 4/t/81 Page 2 Au' ience Comment - Continued - Ways and Means Committee - Continued First Reading City Clerk Mead read the amended ordinance increasing the. Seiler Rate sewer rates without providing trunkline bond funds. MOVED BY Ordnance CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Water Rate The Ways and Means Committee recommended second and final readings Or•linance for an ordinance amending rate increases re fire protection charges and metered water charges. An ordinance was read established minimum monthly service charge ($2.00 3/4" line) plus commodity rate and includes funds for $1 ,000,000 bond issue. Upon inquiry Acting Finance Director Bennett explained based on single family residence with 900 c.f. presently $5.06; with bonds as presented $7.40 or 47% increase; without bonds $7.40 and 36% increase.' . Upon further inquiry, Acting Public Works Director described the proposed replacement of water transmission lines , describing need. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, adopt the ordinance as read.* Persons present making inquiries: John J. Sargent, 2016 Edmonds NE, re water connection costs; Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Ave. S, expressed concern for North and South Renton, fearing increased water would cause intensified density and loss of neighborhood. Mrs. Vaupel presented a petition bearing 247 names opposing water/sewer bond increases. Herbert Eastman, 212 S Tobin, disagreed with bonding as form of financing utilities; favored LID's; feared increased capacity would impact North and South Renton and opposed_ high density. Sandy Webb made inquiry. Councilman Hughes objected to wording of petitions, stating it is misleading, noting petition untrue in statement benefits for developers rather than present need by City residents. *ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL; 4-NO: STREDICKE, REED, SHANE AND TRIMM. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, REFER THE WATER RATE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR REMOVAL OF BOND ISSUE AND RETURN TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. On- "treet Parking Ron Lynn, 236 William Ave. S, asked amendment to the abandoned Pro.lems vehicle ordinance to allow more than 24-hour parking on street without moving of vehicle. Lynn explained due to fuel costs one of his vehicles is only driven weekly, that he had left it parked too close to the fire hydrant, Police had reprimanded. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, matter be referred to the Transportation Committee for. report back. ROLL CALL: , 3-AYE: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL; 4-NO: STREDICKE, REED, SHANE AND TRIMM. • MOTION.FAILED. Police Lt. Persson explained the tagging procedure and notification. Council determined change in ordinance not required. Community Lori Johnson, Box 161 , requested Community Services Report re wet- Servlices lands and landfill moratorim be read. MOVED BY REED; SECOND Committee SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. Wetlands Study CARRIED. Continued Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented committee report which recalled the history of the Wetlands Study, that on 7/7/80 the Council adopted a landfill moratorium for the Green River Valley for the purpose of studying the affects Of landfill on wetlands and on flood control ; that the Administration authori- zed the Planning Department 10/27/80 to prepare a Wetlands Study. This studyranked the significant wetlands remaining in the City, evaluated and considered existing policies and regulations. The Committee has held two public meetings to discuss the results and conclusions of the Wetlands Study. The Committee recommended that Council accept the report as a technical document evaluating the relative value of wetlands areas of Renton, except' for those general and specific recommendations contained on Pages 18-24. The Committee further recommends that the Wetlands Study be refer- red to the Planning Commission to consider the development of a specific Wetlands Policy and/or regulations for the future use of wetlands within Renton. MOVED BY REED, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Persons present making comments and inquiries: R 60, _ ' 2�1 y�� ltd1��Renton City Gou ci1 �C� A ` 1".' 1/5/81 Page 3 Old Business ',- Continued Ways and ,Mearis Ways and Means Committee, Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee recommendation for approval of Vouchers No. 31605 through No. Voucher Approval 31762 in the 'amount of $259,682.59, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, APPROVE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Personnel Director Ways and Meanis Committee Chairman Clymer announced interview Appointment , with John McFarland scheduled for the 1/12/81 7:00 p.m. meeting Interview and requested attendance by representative' of the Mayor 's Office in event of questions. Councilman Shane requested out- line of hiring steps and was advised by Mayor Shinpoch informa- --cz_ tion would be provided along with other documents reviewed by the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. Utility Tax Councilman Shane noted Puget Power rate increase of up to 35% , and asked for removal or reduction of City' s utility tax, favor- ing B&O tax. ; F-, • Wetlands Community Services Committee Chairman Reed submitted letter Preservation ; for reading from N. C. Kretzer, Asst. Mgr. , Property Management Dept.. of the ;Burlington Northern. The letter called attention to letter from Mark Griffin read at the 12/15/80 Council meeting when Griffin ;was invited to attend the Community Services Committee meeting to discuss savings of certain wetlands located west of Lind 'and north of 34th Street. Mr. Kretzer noted this is privately ,owned 1Jnd of the Glacier Park Co. and noted extensive history involving the subject property and requested ' invitation to the Community Services Committee meeting when Glacier Park ;property was discussed, Council concurred. 1 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee report recommending second and final reading of an ordinance Ordinance #3499 changing the :zoning classification from G to B-1 of property Wells/Puget Power located on the north side of SW Grady Way between Lind Ave. SW Rezone R-101f80 and Rainier Ave. 5; known as the DUane Wells and Puget Sound I Power and Light Co. Rezone R-101-80. Following readings, it was MOVED BY :CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND PUBLICATION SUMMARY AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The committee report recommended second and final readings for the following ordinances: First Readings An ordinance was read including summary for publication clarify- Pipeline Franchise ing Ordinance No. 2534 and 3472 relating to the fee to be charged for pipeline franchise, 10-year duration, $100 minimum fee ,or 5 per lineal foot when on public property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, CARRIED. 1981 Property An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Tax Funds I of funds in the amount of $261 ,806.87 from 1981 property taxes Appropriation Unanticipated Revenue to the Contingency Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS' COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS j Council President Stredicke reported the lack of "no trespass" I signs on new-park property at Lake Washington.Mayor -acknowledged. Accessory Council President Stredicke reported request of the Board of Buildings Adjustment regarding review of the ordinance concerning accessory , buildings(Board Minutes 11/19)and suggested referral to the Plan- ning and Development Committee, Planning and ' Development Committee Chairman Rockhill reported the committee has reviewed the matter and feels the present ordi- nance is adequate. Council President Stredicke noted citizen's. letter of complaint for citation of car parked over white line when the line is not visible while parking, and requested the Administration to look ' into the matter. LCs OF R ®, . o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 orn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR ! DELORES A. MEAD 90 co- CITY CLERK 09gr�p SEP1 ° November 17, 1980 Richard T. Kennedy, Vice-President Seattle-Northwest Securities, Inc. 500 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 RE: City of Renton, $6,000,000.00 Unlimited Tax General Obligation Park Bonds, 1980, Series A ,Amendment I i to Ordinance #3399 Dear Dik: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 10, 1980 adoptedlamending Ordinance No. 3484 to provide for retention of bond interest earnings in the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Construction Fund, as intended. I , A certified copy of the ordinance is enclosed. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk DAM/ss Enclosure • • . . COUNSEL JOHN E HAVELOCK • • _HAROLQ 5 SHEFELMAN .LAW OFFICES ___ VIGTOP D.LAWRENCE ROBERTS, SHEFELMAN, LAWRENCE.GAY St MOCH JAM ROB RTS Q660-1-3•91 JAMES GAY • - IB18 IBM'BUILDING JAMES C HARPER/RETIRED! ROBERTG MOCH • I GEoacE M MACK SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 BRAN L.COMSTOCK • - • TEL (206) 622.1816 TIMOTHY R CLIFFORD ' JAMES S TURNER LEE R VOORHEES'JR SUITE 3O2 WILLIAM N APPEL ' DAVID 0 SWEENEY'I 2600 DENALI STREET . , WILLIAM G TONKIN, • DAVID A BENNETT ANCHORAGE.ALASKA 99503 ROBERT H CAMPBELL TEL. (907) 276.135E ROBERT G MULLENDOR�E • GARY N ACKERMAN • ROGER A MYALEBGST DIANE D KENNY -• JON wM•cLEOO November 4 1980 PAUL L AHERN.JR WtLLIAM H SONG STEVEN E CUMMINGS - TEOCSA V DIGCLOW . Mr. W. E. Bennett Deputy Finance Director Municipal Building 200 Mille Avenue South ' . Renton, .Washington 98055 Re City of Renton •'$6, 000, 000 "Unlimited Tax General ;Obligation Park Bonds, 1980, Series A" Dear Ted: If . . •• . . . As requested in' your letter of October 29 , I have prepared and , ' . . am enclo o sing. an original and five copies ' f an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3399- to provide for -the retention of the investment earnings', received from the proceeds of the bonds deposited in ' the Gene' Coulon Memorial Beach Park Construction Fund in such , fund and used for the purposes 'of such fund. ; This ordinance 'can be justified on the basis that retaining the investment \earnings in such construction fund was at all times the intention of the City Council and the omission of provision therefor ' iri the original -bond ordinance was merely an oversight. _' . You will rel1ca11 that the • State Auditor's 'Bulletin No. 013 originally issued on July '10, 1961, and revised January 14 , 1972, pertaining to interest earnings on investments stated: "When construction funds are .derived from the sale of . general obligation bonds, interest earnings on invest ments thereof shall be placed in the General Obligation . Bond; Interest and Redemption 'Fund, unless the proper legislative- authority has provided by ordinance for the expenditure of` such earnings for construction purposes' • in advance of the sale of said G..O. Bonds. " ' ' Provision for the retention of such interest earnings in the construction fund obviously should have been included in 'Ordinance 1 •WASHINGTON STATE AND ALASKA BA.RS. 1 ••ALASKA BAR ONLY. ALL OTHERS WASHINGTON STATE BAR ONLY, • Mr. W. E. Bennett November 4 , 1980 Page 2 I ' No. 3399 as that was the intent of the City Council at that time, but unfortunately such intent had not been conveyed to me. Sincerely, ROBERTS, SHEFELMAN, LAWRENCE, GAY & MOCH By l mes Gay JG/mlc • • • • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ,ORDINANCE NO. 3484 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, • amending Ordinance No. 3399 passed and approved February 4, 1980, relating to the issuance and sale of $6, 000, 00'0 par value of "Unlimited Tax • General Obligation Park Bonds, 1980 , Series A. " THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'C'ITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO , 'ORDAIN, as follows: V ' Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 3399 passed and approved February 4, 1980, is amended to read as follows: Section 5. The Bond Fund is hereby created and established in the office of the City Finance Director. The accrued interest and ' premium recived, if any', upon the sale and delivery of the Bonds shall be paid into the Bond Fund. ' There is hereby also created and ' established in the office of the City Treasurer` a special fund to be known and designated as the "Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Construction Fund" of thd' City. , The principal proceeds received . from the sale and delivery of the Bonds shall be paid into the "Gene Coulon, Memorial 'Beach Park Construction Fund" and used for the purposes specified in Section 1 of this Ordinance and to pay the costs of issuance and sale •of' the Bonds. Pending the expendi- . ture thereof, the principal proceeds deposited into the "G'ene , ' Coulon Memorial Beach 'Park Construction Fund" may be invested in ' any legal investment, and the investment earnings therefrom.may. be :''retained in such. fund and',expended''and Used, for the purposes of `,,.: - such fund. All 'taxes''collected', for and allocated to the payment , '';:6 `. of the prin'cipal',of and, interest. on the' Bonds' shall"hereafter, be. '"Y�„1�,+:: '.,:`.'' deposited .i>n ''the, Bond.,,Fund Pending,''the receipt of the proceeds r;', from the issuance ,of,-`,the''Bonds,; interest-bearing' warrants may be .'tin;'. ;;.,.'.:. `- ' drawn on the "Gene Coulon Memorial 'Beach, Park Construction Fund" `' '- , to provide `interim funds ,`to pay.'such costs, such ;loan to be repaid `" , "'from the proceeds received: 'from'tY e'.-issuance. Of, the Bonds. - . . '. Section''��2 "•This` ordinance.' shall take' effect-'from,-.''and, ' '? 1' `after its passage.,'and,,,five '(5) ,,days following `its publication as' required by law ` `t PASSED ,by the City Council' of the City of Renton, Wash- N , regular' 'openr, ublic -Meeting thereof this. 'day ,�: �ington,' at 'a p gip g ,� loth y f, of November, 1980.. , ' DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk ' APPROVED by ' the Mayor`. ,this, 10th day'of-'~Ngveinb_ ,er, 198 0 R r , BARBARA Y. HINPOCBI, Mayor FORM APPROVED. ; City Attorney Date( of Publication-: :Novmber. 19, 1980- ? „ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT USE OF OPEN SPACE CERTIFICATE Project NumberWASH-OSA-68 Project Name Lake Wash. Beach Park Addition 1 , JOHN E. WEBLEY , the duly authorized representative of City of. Renton , do hereby certify that to the best of, my knowledge and belief: The land or facility for which we received assistance under the Open Space Land Program is in fact being used in accordance with HUD policy and with the formal , agreement between HUD and the grantee. Any false statements made knowingly and willfully may subject the signer to penalties under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code. • • CITY OF RENTON (Name oti Pulleic Body) By TIS.1;t!;IL:r8- Director, Parks & Recreation (tate) October 22 1980 (Date) HuD-349 - - j • • Coulon Park Phase 4 bids Sept. 9 • RENTON—Bids will be received until 2 pm Sept. 9 by the Renton City Clerk, Renton Municipal Bldg., 200 Mill Ave. S, 98055, for Coulon Park Phase 4. Work includes grading, stream diversion, parking lots and road- ways, paths, retaining walls, shore protection, drainage, irrigation, landscaping, lighting and-site fur- nishings. A pre-bid conference will be_arranged. Plans are available for-$50 from -the Public Works Dept.at the abov address. `"• 7...o.a..�avwrtisement 1*this II y • ��. / I ; �Q\ � I I / Form 81 -k trine ,L- "i�,,'1•4 >:, I. P � . ; Affidavit of Publicatio4' ,9 ! /.. STATE OF WASHINGTON t . �' ^' COUNTY OF KING, ' f sI `,f,G b `5 ';*.'r C. BELL being duly sworn, says that she is the principal Clerk of Seattle Times Company, , publisher' of THE SEATTLE TIMES, a daily newspaper, printed and published in Seattle, King County,Stake of Washington; that it is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State;that it has been lap roved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County; that the annexed, being a Retail ad , was published in said newspaper, and not in, a I supplement th Ireof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed in the e --2 14-E--1 issue of said paper In the following day or days June 25 , 1980 $6. 5 4 j Shoreline Application 'I soon/ 2ome I and that the s'id newspaper was 'regularly distributed to its^subscribers during all of said period. SHORELINE APPLICATION i Notice ofin Application for a Shoreline Management ''fl Substantial Development Per it Illttt • Notice is hereby given thot!the Renton City I -__ de.,,,„e Park Department,Nancy Mathews,choir,Robert • P.Hintz,representative,has filed an It for Subscribed anti or t fore me thi Seventh nth for a substantial development i perm t for the _day construction or development of�GENE COULON I ' —i MEMORIAL BEACH PARK Located at: Lake August ' 198 Washington Blvd., North of -Pork St. within of Sections Sand 6 of Township 23N.I Range 5E.W.M. _ In the City of Renton,King County,Washington. • I ti:_ / �, Sold development Is proposed Id be within Lake , ��✓ ����/,G/ Washington and/or Its associated:wttlor'ds. ' i:__ Any person desiring to express his views or to Nattier Public/le mad-ter the State of Washington de notified of the action token on this application restmtsg ett Seattle should notify the Planning Deportment, Renton I Municipal Building, Renton,Washington 98055 in writing of his interest within thirty 1201 Gays of the lost publication of this notice.Publication chafes of 1 this notice are June 25,1f190 and July 2,19e0. • I I I 1 I • II j i Renton City Co'uncil -7t 8/$0 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Claim for Claim for damages filed with. the City Clerk by Khuyen C. Le Damages - for water damage to basement onJ'uly 11 , 1980. Refer to City Khuyen C. Le j Attorney and ;,Insurance Carrier. _, Claim for j Claim for damages filed with the City Clerk by Thomas N. Day Damages - j for vehicle damage- from hitting rut in the roadway on July 13, '!1.980. Thomas N. Day I Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier.. . Claim for ! Claim for damages filed with the City Clerk by Teresa K. Macheli . l . Damages - ! for tire damage from hitting rut in the roadway. on Jul..y 14, 1980,:i Teresa K. •Machel Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. ,- 1 1 Joepete McCaslin Letter from the Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval Rezone of ,Joepete McCaslin rezone R-049-80, G to SR-1 for property iodated R-049-80 west side of' Union Ave. SE approximately 1820 feet south of NE 4th St. . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for Ordinance. . i , Joepete McCas1lin Appeal filed; by Joepete McCaslin re Short Plat-034-80, . E-035=80,,.•I Short Plat 03'4-80 W-036-80 and the Land Use Hearing Examiner's decision of 7/3/89. , Appeal Refer to Planning and Development Committee. i Thomas Dahlby Appeal filed by: Kathleen I .. Dahlby re Thomas Dahlby rezone R=04,4-80 Rezone R-044480 and the Land Use Hearing. Examiner's, decision dated June 19, 1980!, . . Appeal . . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. I 1. , I CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS • 1 Wells Ave. South Letter was read from Michael W. Gendler, Attorney, re oppositions Bridge Replacement of wider replacement of the Wells Avenue Bridge and taking pant of Park proper.ty. Letter requested investigation to develop alternatives- extent to which repairs to the existing structure or alternative replacement proposals. After discussion ' it .was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, TO REFER LETTER .TO THE MAYOR'S, OFFICE FOR CONSIDERATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. 1 1 Request for Moved by Stredicke, Second Shane, to. recess. Roll Call : 2-Aye- Recess Shane, Stredicke; 5-No-Trimm, Reed,• 'Rockhill , Hughes, Clymer. } j Motion failed. Street Vacatior- Letter was 'read from J. Steve Harrer, Bryn Mawr Properties, Pelly P1 . N! protesting 'assessment of. $2.80/sq. ,ft., as too high. (Vacation' VAC-2-80 of portion 'of Pelly P1 . N. , „VAC-2-80) .-. The letter requested 'new appraisal be done. No acti,on. taken. ' Parking Letter was `,read from Richard A. 'BirCton. requesting review,of . 1 Gene Coulon;,: ticketing .and impounding of vehicles and trailers for illegals Memorial Beach parking at (the Gene Coulon Memorial. Beach Park on Lake Washington. Park i MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDROCKHILL, REFER MATTER TO THE PARK BOARD. 1 I _ . CARRIED. i I Street Vacation- Letter was' read from Martin A. Seelig requesting matter of the SW 23rd St.' vacation of SW 23rd Street be referred .to,.the Transportation,j VAC-4-80 I Committee.' No action taken. :; „ . I OLD BUSINESS rnmmandatinn Mavor .nro item Trimm presented letter from Roy Gervaiscommending Richard A. Boston ' ``, tt ,.,425 East Lake Kathleen Drive -- 'g' - • - Renton , Washington 98055 - ��'�'"�--- • Dui, .p. • •• . L. , JUL 2 5 198L' i '`,r Counci 1`• ,Offices . .. . • • `:,; 200 Mi 1 li Avenue South ;.{,•;., , 1 ( ry- Giy ;�i' S' n I, ,,,, ,I.: .Renton ;Washi. ngton 98055. `.4', • .._� i�4__ ,';'•:,:, Gentlemen::. ,; ;, , _<,;'.'' : .,.'.: ' The purpose. of this letter:, i s';':t'oi'-request your review 'and., possible `':`: action With-. respect to the . opera.ti o:n-. o'f ' the 'Gene; Coulon Memorial Beach Park on Lake Washington_ - •- ' - We" all realize that the exi.sting;::crowded condition and the limited ,;','.;' :•: '; boat launching facilities necessitate some • policy .changes which , , ••'"' ' would make fife easier for a7:1 .; ':at;°`.least ' until the new facility is operational to relieve the 1,oa.d.;•, . My• interest• was brought to - ``•" •a head ;a few weeks ago when I', rec,e•i-ved'• a" parking. ticket . ' ' The • • _' following background may help,:you'Z.to'•'un'derst,a'nd . •t•:,•;; ' I , along with many ,other` peop`le•;''•:`;':';recently' .received a 'parking • '` •; ,;.; .;;.. • ticket ' and -had my car, and boat trailer' impounded . The. ..ti cket }'_'I1• :> may., be : understandable , but :the.;,',imp,o.und: was unbel.ievable.. I. had '- ',:•' ••%;' 1parked ; in the southern parking area••at • about:: 2,: 00 P .'M.': (The sign ''``"r" " ``••' ' " read "No boat trailer parking :.aft'e:r::.10,::;30) :' ;:'�':I did • this `,.because :,,'• :}',;'','f`: • a ) there was no other •tra'iler,•;.pa'rking , .,b) -there was 'Tots of !'` ',}:{ individual car spaces availa.bl:e , `c•):. 'others ',,did it and•,d) I t gam' bl'eid on not getting •a ti;cke't.: ,', ,.; ' ' I ,t ;;... ? , ' , :, I gambled and lost. •' I would` nor.m.`all.y• _pay .the' ,ticket and go away slightly disenchanted with . ousy'stem. Bu:t' my, car was impounded `, '.: ' Since lit is 'illegal to tie'" o'n'e,'-s"; bo,at..' to 'the,;:dock and `the wind and ' . ,...' ,,-...,,,..,,•:::,-' • water. ! conditions were such 'tta.t•.,my;;boa",t beat-, o'n , the beach while • .;r.. I spent 3 hours trying to •ge:t: my.;' ca2r,<an-d •'tr. a'ilerto • g,et•:,the boat .. '9'...:, out. ; UnfortunatelyI had , onlymp t'.:wi:,fe who..'hasn' t' learned how • -..•z.;.:• to drive t•he boat yet) and'.,my; •t,woc•;,s.m'al`1:-.ch:i.l:.dren'• with ,me. •.• The . • , e'xperi ence_. was' a - ni ghtmar'e . •I';.wo'ul'dn 't ,wi sh-. i t .on anyon'e'. ''' • In summary , I have two recommen,dat.i ons-.'that ;I'' d ,''Ti ke to 's•ee. you pursue with 'the Park Dep'ar,tment,;: :'.:: ,' • • 1 Ticket i f , •' 4 , 1 r t •'on - , . you m.u`s't ``b'ut; ,,p.,:ease:': use ; estrai n I ' impounding boat .'`trai'l.era:s`s;�.,:Thee cost;:and inconvenience : are very high with regard ,:to'. :the; crime 'I would , , ' '. speculate that the res,ults.';of' .this -`act.i on,.wi�l l �' -, • harm society more_ than' .,imp,r.ov:e,•'i t•:::;;;'This • not,. only, "` `�, could result in -a bad. �atti''tude '•toward' the •park ;'''.; - admi ni strati o.n and city'';`mana•gement-;b:ut .also •taus ?,.°30;3,1 7' boating congestion :and serious •:safety, •probl ems . `L' u.:• �p f; fig: �r`.1 (Y' J 7,. Y _ r;a —.1 if1, h`S Ta _ F - r t n. _ - C b • 0� {'e' -. C• • '"r i _ N'. � o \% FFYV J - F. - SC ,So - 5 1 ' rC rR +{ L l J?• b1V tl/ !d, cv\sV ll .d ir, , • `' `'"y 't':. • 2 . } Parking should be on' ,a first come; ..first serve basis . ''"',•'�'' " ' ' The current parking signs i n the park attempt • to dictate ;u` "'` , how many" boaters versus swimmers use the park When :"i J4l4§:''a: is ,`,r,' ; ': $'. `'.. crowding exists , how' 'c'an ':'you '"effectively decide which "' • " • people c,an use •:,the• `park`,. 'and who can not? We all . :a, 'u`'`` • pa'y our property and `sa"les. taxes' In fact , an „attempt ,,i, • to regulate usual'1 resul:ts.,.:..i n.. less, effective- usage . ` For example , the da I ;was. "ticketed ; the lot was at ' , ; least 3O�� empty . • • : _ It is bad enough to arrive' at: a .full,' park (no place to' park ) and be forced to drive to another. ''but.-it is very disheartening when yolu can see parking al'1` o.ve':r�:''.and':.wonde`r;�:.why you are ;''';r. ••n `;'• • di.scriininated against ",;'• `'.' ' "'As a responsible , hard •working' ;ciai,ze.n 'of the .Renton Community , '''•``''i • I hope ! thatyou wi 1.1 seri oust. consi`de this': I' believe that an • p 4., r ='` ,»;.' unjust situation exists and .'you'' •a're ' the • only- people, who' are in '`�;' 'i.'' t'he position to straighten • th.is,.oua W'.' Res ectful l ' `";: ' • • •• ,;5C / �1: .. , ; ,•. ,.1:, � �. ;:` R A Boston'r., . , i `t. y I. - _ "i:; { • 1 • .. rt j , :1` T«,'Sr �4.� f ,'`jam • • : t ..•i.. ntr S t { .s • • • ,):uc,: r ,,., F,r ib I - , ,,ob • • • i ••• ',-„.' - _ ill'ill; i 'S, , r"fi'`tA t.+. .pP : tin:'•� :K"Si• _ Frt;'�;as r^•t:n ( i ' may;;':'. ra- t,'7' ,. .1- - "t;y'l err_:,:;•r _ 1' . 1T t 1 _ 'k;' JY s" r: t�,yr• .'r - 1: ,r..4.T> ty. l.: 1 • '','.' . ,,,tAl",,,,r,'''',, ."..,,,7,',,A,,, ', • , 1 ',,'''''':i,,,'''',•,"6".Z,:'`,'",',:,- . - 1 . . j1,',v.,,,,,l',,'2,),",,;,''",,2' , • • ir 1 ', . ' CITY CLERK'S OFFICE , INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Park! Di rector toiebley ,, _ DATE : 7/28/80 , I . 1 t , I • FROM: C 1 ty ;Cleri... "s Office, . , SUBJECT : 1 Adcieci .'Agenda 1 tr.‘m 7/28/80 ; Lee i" from R. A. Boston , • I 1 ,-or ‘••our 1 n fo i-n)o.r.ion • I 'i . . • . , . . • _. , . . . . I . I • ! . . 1 . . . , I , 11 . .., . , . • I • . , ' . 1 . . ' , .. • .7 . . ., • i .. . . ' I -•,.., • , ,:•' ''•'', l' - •" • --' , • .,. . r I '•'' , . • . . .. . . * .. 's 1S;'.. 'P•''. • •••• ':.' •`{ . • ' '''' '• . ; . '•''..:',1,'".:.. '• • ' ' . ' I i I Renton City Coun•il 7/28/80 Page 5 i Ordinances andF R=solutions - Continued I ORDINANCE #3454 An ordinance was read amending portions of the city code Land Use Heariing relating to the Land Use Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, Examiner SECOND ROCKHILL TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYES: TRIMMF, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER; 2-NO: SHANE, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted his no vote deals with opposition to continual deferral of off-site improvements,; waivers, and exceptions to those conditions. ORDINANCE #3455 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW 7th St. as - - Street Vacation petitioned by Dickson. VAC 3 80. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND Portion of NE ,7t . HUGHES, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: All St. (VAC-3-80) Ayes. MOTION! CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee report recommended approval for it payment of Vouchers No. 29352 through No. 29508 (machine voids #29347-29351) in the amount of $545,464.82. LID 312 Revenue Fund Warrant #R-4, $35,255.17; LID 307 Revenue Fund Warrant #R-141, $21 ,636.83 and Cash Fund Warrant #C-18,. $21 ,636.93. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, TO APPROVE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS jl Municipal Bldg. Councilman Hughes noted the Municipal Bldg. gets sand and grit in water system and Public Works Dept. should check into a filter or screen to prevent this from occurring. Requested Roadway Cushions from Public Works Dept. feasibility report of placing roadway cushions along railroad tracks. Also the need for Park Dept. Burnett St. Park to check inserts on benches and tables and Burnett St. Park. AUDIENCE COMMENT LID 317 Max Miller, 13223 84th. Ave. So. , Seattle, inquired re LID 317 and what does the 8H water line hook on to. Mr. Gonnason noted 8" hooks on to 12" and connects to 6" on 80th Ave. Parking Gene lli Frank Morgan,1 850 Camas Ave. , noted the problem with parking Coulon Memorial at the Coulon. Beach Park and the recent towing of 21 vehicles Beach Park 'l from the parking lot (his included) , while the parking lot was 30% vacant. Mr. Morgan noted he was in violation, but requested a review of the regulations regarding parking in that area. Councilman Clymer noted Mr. Morgan's comments would be referred , to the Park Board. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Session CARRIED. 10:.45 P.M. ADJOURNMENT 11 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. 11 :02 CARRIED. Maxine M. otor, Deputy City Clerk ii L r111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 7/28/80 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL, WARRANTS' MACHINE VOIDS: NO.#29347 - #29351 CURRENT S164,556,01 PARKS $25, 807.48 ARTERIAL STREETS S36, 427,80 STREETS $52. 710. 11 LIBRARY $12,812. 15 COMP EMP TR ACT . 8p16i27 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $43i000100 ' STREET FORWARD THRUST 86,659. 19 L WASH, BCH. FWD THRUST $72. 17i175 . 8 FIRE STATION CONST FUN $10239i99 WATERWORKS UTILITY $25,027e29 AIRPORT *18, 783109 975 W b S CONSTRUCTION 032. 429. 1E OUIPMENT RENTAL $17,635e45 IREMEN ' S PENSION 0504,00 ID CONTROL 435,255117 OTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 0545,464,82 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE R N?ON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT i M- RCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES WAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED DO HEREBY I APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU. 29352 THROUGH NO. 29508 IN THE AMOUNT 0 $545. 464.82 IS 28TM DAY OF JULY 1980. COMMITTEE CHAIRMA . .o, . - . MEMBE' • • L. I.D.#312 V• MEMBER w w REVENUE FUND' WARRANT 'NO.#R-4 $35,255,17 L. I.D:#307 REVENUE FUND WARRANT NO.#R-14 $21 ,636.93 CASH FUND WARRANT NO.#C-148 $21 ,636.93 • APPLICATION •FOR•LEASE OF HARBOR AREA :Eli .'17 - i' A' :'1'; 'I' • P of Seattle Commission:'.. ' L• • To.'•the, ort :' �'„ . 'The'', un ersigned Barbara •Shi prcch'' ' f yor a City of Rcntori to ac uiresand hold'elands' under; the laws' of the ';S,tate of Washington, ' rel entitledq • ' -h hereby.Hal •100 Mf AvA: _ aP siding- atRe tort• City • of Washin ton' ,Pl ' ` Kin County;. State',the ''followiIig described harbor: re , s tuae; i: 1• • • `o'fBlock" ;'of' I 'to-wit, b,ei g the area in fr`ont,. " .t,, shore lards,• according to",the of:f.icial ',plat',,thereof., and .more particularly described `hh .se portions of`,Lk;Washirigt.on lying 'between the 'inner an1d, as follows: ,cuter: harbor:',:line's fronting on. S . ' S;'&.. b, 'Tns p _23 N;', ' Range :,;_,_E,',,,' . , !3;es. gibed as Poll'ows:;•.':-•:-Comnencing;;;at"'''the •.N..E.'.'corner .of Sec, o; ':;4:''' 8 ft to' .the ovt. ';.ttience..S. 89•' 8:' 32'.'. '+�l':`: €ilong;'the: sued`ivi'.sori',,r;hine•,'354,• 7; g 53 2 ' n : 3 0 line and meander. cornier; ' 'thence S. p W'' o .,2C,,.ft, to `.th'e. _inner harbor the point ,of, be .inning; thenc"e 'S;'. 40;.'.35;'.-,:';E. ;;along• the;:inner.,harb.or line 1 o2.9?� ',ft;' thence, S. ' 19. Li..5' .'E,' along ;said harbor line '.2597.L l ft; •. thence S. ' !�5 'I{5 . ' ' .' alo,n said ;.h:ar bog '.Line. T038,98 ft, thence 'N.30 .5,7': .5". W•.•'810.57' ft. tcl a point' on ,.the nut=r`;harbor,;line; :`lth:ence N. ,>'9 :02!;15"','"e'ast along•'outer_her,bor ' •l ne',,818.67 f.t'; hence, .W.' 1:9.,, 5•'->; '. ;.alon:g said :`harbor•` `'th .. 2300.'0.0 'ft; hen'ce. •,N; 40 • 35 w, l,o g• s;ai d. outer ,hlarbor,•;,line 1,5,$'..97 :.ft, ' thence. N .. 53 '27' 10" E. O0.L.9 f• t`. :to .th ►DINT Ot' BEGINNI[�G: , •• A r t ;,' , III- (t, ' 't, t I i' ��;'r:,??, ,f•r.''� it ,l I i t 1. I, , _ t+ 4 f r ' r r 1 The area is' s own' on exhibits'`,prepared as,4per,,;print`ed instructions , ....•,.••'..-,."„::."'..-.,-. '..., . ... -. • ..\. .,. :,..,. \ For what purp 'se is the harbor;;area wanted? ~; 'Recreate on t 1 f '1 For how many • ears is'•the".lease,.....,.desired?. . „ k . '30 Year.P. I- _ ,I'. `�;' _'?:':"gin.•:'. •. I' _ - known �a �1'last'kno f.. iio t�'?'� ive':name' an A ou the o 'er. 0•••. t..e'. awn.-t` g;aho;re::.landa?,,,-.7 e7-7 f. ,i1 $ re y . ,Y r;, I i.1in addres of:'such,`owner:..,,.'City:`;Hahl'' ''iT'R'erit '' • ` ma gJ. h a $ t ion Y "Aver" `�:'t. �r�;, anym rovements'.'on'':theT:';area;'c ed y .C, ,PI? Are .there p, 'r ni', ,of . `:'1 es';rind i • 'ue~ of; same., -ev'eral.`'��,abari'do �p , If so, state ch%aracter. andAval • J , h1j , • valu _. 1. 1.e : ' litt ::.,., . . i'. I i'� G' ,o'f.,_t•R er'i't on . s .cl'ai ed i't i:: mare th imp rovement ' = tom,;,, .By'who P •i ' ',zl.' � ,r i,V +f ='t ' "me', beco'4' `t o' O.Y f .I �t nt • 'a ou'r' .:in ave 'bu:�declare �' n f' the'°United' :States�•br-:;h .yy p': Are-you a citize o z. I. I _ ''Ini '.. - +1 1'. I i a,. 1. j ,'C .' P't, i 'n i "suchI r' ,, i -- yf*`f1`< 1' 1 itI • 19S ,� ;'t` +,` Ghts . '1'(0''.:' day' .o.f, , .,..� •�v.r':� 1..: •:1. Dated at ,�� • a • A � ,.:,Wasliig„fi y' C`' : _ ' ' I": I' l .j ‘Ii- ■P: ,: ; . MaYO1 Ci,ty � Renton ,j, I ari;' N.Addres , :.`•2 0 M',i1l:`-••Avenue�,So-at ;; ,� I . .ar � e' '"_ ,��";1i•' _: ' .� 'i : . 1 fl , n Git C ler'k ' 1, kI , "1fi. 1.- - I. 1 r- r ' , "5:' ,I Z , 5,!, I , ,. f Jl i. .a;-, ?v;: "54 a6. a-i , „}. . l.'.���.,', h c y 1 �F I 'rc`t.R , y Aar !' QUIT CLAIM'_DEEP b'1 ; yOrd,ti :-'. 'c ;', :, HE GRANTOR, BURLINGTON NORTHERN".INC. , a Delaware corporation, for and ?a,`'r '_ in consid-ration 'of 'Forty;:Th'ousand'•,and No/100 Dollars ($40,000.00) conveys and a~;.:,`- ;'''.'' quit claims to the CITY OF: RENTON, a'municipal corporation of the State of I 3. Washington, GRANTEE,' any or 'all interest of Burlington Northern Inc. in the ' i , following described 'real estate, situated in the County of King, State of i i I ma' .herea fter'ac ui're ntor 9 t` ahere';i:n ;.whi'ch�;:'gra y'.- `t�' �' W shi�n ton .i'ncJ�udiJn` �':;any ::�`nteres i ' , a g % g . ';:;,. , All of: Grantor',s';ti nteresnt' .in: that, portion of the former Pacific Coast- R'.R.. `Co._-.120 'foot.,wi de strip of right-of-way in L •: - . Section- 5, Townshlip '23 , North,' Range 5 East, W.M: , lying Westerly, parallel with, and adjacent to the westerly right- of-way boundary of the ,existing Burlington Northern Inc. 100 ' ' foot •wide strip of r.i ght-of-way (said 100 foot wide strip was , fiormerly known as, the Northern -,Pacific Railway Company's Lake ' Washington Belt Line right-of-Way), across portions of ` Lots 26 through` 51 inclusive, Block •361, C. D. Hillman's Lake I' ! Washington Garden of Eden addition, Division 5, as recorded i Volume' 11 of plats',. Page '.83,, records 'of King' County, ' Y . 9 I W shin ton, 1 i,ng southeasterly..of a line running South 70°38'12”:West,;.from: a point on Said' westerly boundary of said Burlington Northern Inc. •right-of-way which point lies 55 I fget, more`=or' less,,.southeasterly+of,' measured along said westerly, boundary, from :the southeast corner .of.Lot'. 24,,, ,; ,! .t�, .a .y A5�' q:.r•5.. „r� f-{: :`e ;.:��.ii'.,.ic... : i;(�.rtf :4�h3;^;... +; , ., .,, BLock�--36I �sa��d v Together with Grantor's .interest- in that portion of said former' Pacifica Coast R.R: .Co.:'120 foot wide strip of right -' I' ' of-way in said Section 5 :Tying ;westerly, parallel with, and,, ' adjacent to said .westerly'; right-of-way boundary of the existing Burl ingtonti'Northern°-:'Inc`. 100 foot' wide strip of-::...:`'. : . I • right-of-way 'across" the .shore':lands westerly of Government :=..' 1 , ., -` Lct 4, said Section 5, and lying southerly of said Lot 51;• !,.' :, , Block. 361, C..' D. Hillman's::`Lake„ Washington Garden of Eden - acdition; Division 5. Said herein described shore lands .'also being described as: ' Beginning at a point North 56° 32' 07". 1 - I West a distance .of- 65.018 feet from the Southwest meander corner of said Section. 5, thence North 56° 32'' 07" West a' k distance of 1221.78 feet, thence South 45° 45 -•00 West a :• _ ° ' I ' , - :',• distance of 317.92 feet, thence South 44° 16' 00" East ' a ' ' I '' di tance of 680 feet, more or less,tion 5, thence East along said south line of said to the south line of saidec i' 1: Secid Section I I;, line h produced west I.a distance' of 765.5 feet,' more or less, to : ;-. 100-foot g , . the westerly',boundary; of;.the: Burl in ton Northern :Inc.- •. ; i; wide. strip of right .of way thence. Northeasterly,:to. said point -'.',:,,A!''',,::,:-:;!',.- !.-' ' - of beginning.:. . i I. I'SUBJECT, however, to all easements, restrictions:,and reservations of li . record. IN WITNESS- WHEREOF,: said'corporation has caused this instrument to be 1 executed 'b itsproper of fi'cers and -its corporate. seal• to be hereunto affixed . I' ;'. ,._ : - y this 20th day .of : , February, 1980 ' , 1% C1S TAX TTR RCG?E.ri`,E..C., I.sarhprm shm,1 '` -1- ij I' 1 • BURLINGTON NORTHERN. INC. ' °_ ,_, 1 Vice Pre e t By ,-. .. . ,. ,ST Secretary , " if. i.: O :c STATE' OF MINNESOTA ) . COUNTY ,0 RAMSEY ss. ^ On his 20th '''' day' of February = ;,-, 19 "80 before. ne, " the°;unde signed, a:• Notary Public in and` for the' State. "of Minnesota, duly ' commi•ssi sned and:sworn, personally;appeared J. C. Kenady Wand a G�. Steinhibel to•me known'to be the Vice"President and ' ' f-• • Assitant. :.Secretary, respect�,vely, of Burlingto n Northern;'I,nc.:.,';ithe corporation that: executedE. the_.foregoing instrument,;. and; acknowledged the :said instrjume t to. be.,the free and voluntary:-`act and deed .of said`,corporation, for the uses and purposes there_ n mentioned, and ;on oath stated that'-they were ;`: • +l, authorized .to execute .th•e said instrument and: that. t• h'e;: sea•l 'affixed is 'the { cor orate seal' of said corporation. ! s, P ... . Witness my hand..and, official seal hereto • affixed the, day and year, first above w itten. 1 . aaaaAaawa�x �. ', 4;;1 1 4 4M J..w,;THAYER,+: NOTARY'PUBLIC=MINNESOTA S =r • � ''�I' ', ,RarnsEYcouraz n t Notary:Pu is in and f the State: t' ? " ti4�' My Commission Expires Nou,1T,1985 i rrcnvrnx . of Mi nne ota, •re.si di t St. Paul. , J r (,: • sarhprm.hm,2 t '2 • �. k;. } „' g ,lj E' cc 4 ;; - FICE.JMEMO 2 'INTER' OF I C,1Y Cr (' iiHJ l •i• `� AI�1YG S 0, ipE' 1 arbara-Y Shinppoci DATE 1/15/80' TO: i Honorable''' . .'"ni4 room. Mayor : i I FROM: i tel Mead, City'; Clerk r^ ',,,-: RE : CAG 0IO2-80 Agreement:.to;Tur.chase; property from Burlington Northern for extension Of Gene',Coulon;Memorial'Beach Park i 5''''''. >, The at ached document(s':)'; :have .been_,'approved by the City Attorney : and arel now ready ,for execution :Please sign and return to the ` '' ,<' 'City; Clerk' s Office for .further processing. 1 j I I I 1 r - .. .. y.`f :E' INTEROFFICE' .'CORRESPONDENCE _,._ i;Date .1 1 le:v,.. Park-3 1•'''' %4?,' i FROM: Delores :A. Mead ''.Cit Clerk Y- I y ' SUBJECT: Cf�s� .C�O?-t3i�, :a;fan t+ �i � srt + rya C'rs i� cb .Y r C T;r Lu��..cri 'Z r' r _i `,e .ch Park.E stens ,on L_, We, return` herewith ;fullyt'executed document (s) , as above-captioned, f wh h we have retained copy. o is i d ,; A ;...,' :.' for our official .public records. Copy should be ,',` ' ,, forwarded to: and .the other ;for your:-file Pursuant ;to,kyo r` ,memo of w e r e t ur n xk t herewith docum'erit(s) •;, ,as -above-captioned, which I. M1Y ;` have. been signed by City';''Officials and need to be ' ' I forwarded:'for.';.further execution .by Please file 'a `fully''executed.: copy:with ' the Cit�i Clerk's 'office. for:our'.permanent records when , received. Thank: you. t i cc: i a " om - " ,. t; :F.. a'{:r ii � .cif i.:`�:.'. �r k.- L" 5e NGTON N- �R HER �:imy;. I. -- 4�"{ ��� t� ;'31:u 1 F. +4+ I ti: 1i.'+ M• v b 2 1` Lo b Building Central {I ' IN USTRIAL`DEVELOPMENT AND;_ :; Seattle,Washington 98104 •' :' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT,:DEPARTMENT .', Telephone (206) 625-668,2 ' . ' 'td • - .r{. _ # 'd • 28 1979,� � � , December ,< I 'John' E ' ebleY, Dr co - 4 . ,Kr�;` I ' o ' ;' - it_=kdrr,`, Parks and Rcreatin ; . of Ci R `o' t Y ent n��'~�; ry,: s;s s.,x, - I .:r•, w: 2 M'• • v outh.-.�0 ill'�:A enue= , 0 I 3'` 80' , :,Renton Washington:' :9 5 ;,_ 1 M %.W i:>._. 7r. r e! ` I De bl 1 e ourinterest "in ues ."to acquire Re erence �, s\Cmade�-;to��'�the�•Ct .s��;:re t:, a 'roximatel.� 2 53;=acres 'of: ro`�erty`.for enlargement of the Gene :-..�':;as. I PP , , .Y,,;. .,.. -:,,'.., , ,.•., ,,,P , P._. .n. .. , is Coulon Memorial Beach Park` at",=:Renton; . Washington, as indicated in 1 =` 1 > . "A"''map dated April 27 1978. ' Y red color on the attached"Exhibit : This offirce" s'3 re"ared;`to recommend!ao .our principals the same be P P P P .on of sold 'to'•:the:f,Cit •_for'<the+ sum'_o_f.,,$4;.0,000.00, based upon execute ''''''';Fi= - a quitclaim„'deed:in.°_the:'formr"attached ,and•labeled Exhibit B. . .. , ai,`. 'n having made its own i � Cit Such•. a"sale'.would"ib`e.`'liased''�"'�`on�==flee:.. vestigation as,:::to,,-'the extent.of-.Burlington Northern's •interest in 1 th ro ert and'.'assmn :all'costs:'in•.,connection with the sale; P P. Y=.._ S ''`'-'''`'` 3' ' 1 g a la rearation =':if''ari `f}.=title' re orts excise tax, stamps, such s 'plat p .p Y, : P . ';: recordin fees,_;:etc`: :Taxes;':if ;applicable,• will be prorated as• bf I' < ;'.'I<.`.` the.date':of 'sale:.':" Burlin.g'ton:':Northern.will procure necessary mortgage I':: ,..a g _ , ae - •. reess.1 _ I I i: " - -- of't his letter'` Tease"�fiave both copies t ,�::'; I If you,agree.:'ao.`the<�'above';; p p , ,.., executed, returning-one signed,; opy',;,to 'me" for further.handling. �= =' Yo rs` e v` Y Y trul"r - ,r. , A hi 1 k j ; ;;` ;,. 1 i ger -• Property`:Management i A t ti c,r, 1 f '' CITY OF •RENTON. _: ,z:,;.'; • • • • ATTEST :� l.:1.7"./9t i. „•r , ,.r i .., MAY OR CITY-OF`' RENTON• , : Title ' . " '. Cit Y • Clerk January;`15: `'19 ,, - , ., . . , :, .•,. .:., , Date `,, , �.A;` o' �'fV:F` 50� ent Pile �RE=1� 7 `•1•f ';f.t1i.�, '-,ta; j — • ) J'i^t'�i;: r - 'r�Yj 't 1 jtti: A( t'. • - • . ' . 9 " C4$`.. yy , l.r f .. ���nn I.. ♦ Rom. AirC'. i ' F. " I .jy:. i' I Yit'r" �`Ll`�c .:. .ram,•,. : ; pa.` • - 'li::,:fi :-".,;_?;'^.';, I RTHERN _'INC:e :a Delaware corporation,.'for and The .GRANTOR '; ,BURL'ING'TO,N �'�0 ,: 1 Dollars'; 10.00 and other good and valuable t." $', in' consideration';of';Ten'•.and :No%1'00;. ($: ) ", ,.,.,t,:,..,.... ITY OF RENTON a municipal corp f • . :::. er ' ion,t:conveys:.,and:;;giiitfcl`aims�;;to::;t • } a"C °' • ration of Kin County, State: of;Washington ,';GRANTEE, any or all interest of g ;. ''.'-`t.V. �'+,''Burlington Northern:;:Inc; in'>the'�• :'following`•described real estate, situated in the County of King State,;;`.of,;Washington =including.'any interest therein which Grantor • :'may hereafter cquire EGAL_:DESCRIPTION • ' : 'L I a'F',.';;said:cor oration•:has .caused this instrument to be . . I�N �ITNESS,'WHEREO,. ��.:.,',.` p, ..... ,.; .. . " executed by its proper officers •and,.its ;corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 19 d•a of ':i. . .. y — • I• {s' $URL INGTON NO RTHERN INC. i - . x :::::,;it,.--,.-,...t.ttJtil?...•J:-;•:;:1,ttit..-,•.--.:•:.-',!.... ''::-:•t: :' ., . . .... ..• .. ' • ...:I. ..-•1 . :-:',.•••-.,.., -::•'•:,.'.,::.•;'•,,;..,'''!::'i.::t„;.1.,t;.4,.f".-J,.:..:'.::N:„:.::'',,•:,.,:"•1.,,',,•';..,.'',.'.::,..:..:.:•1.'.:--.-'.-:.,„::.'i';:',-.„‘.,.,:„',','.',,,.' ... '- .-.' ",-...;•',,:.r;•..•.;.',...':,'::'':'.:.•'‘-;.:•'...1..:::,.:.,••••,:.,;'•1.:‘.;.'.,,•.,;;,,•'::::.::','1,1::4:.:-,-..,.:,..':',.',.3:-,‘..''..,.,'t';;.,.1..;!,t':t;,..','..f;•'.t.'„-•.:t,-,t,',.-,.::;.'.:,.,,:;':,.':•2;:',.;•',:'. i- - :B. ..;.•.f.•‘::•..''''y',':.:•:•'..,•-,'':.-..:•••':•....:,"..„i'.-..;.--•--':'.'•,:.•::...-,••..'.,,'.: ,.;••.........•.;•••.'.•'."::..:.:.''-..'''-I•.:'---:..-!--.'•;,-,".':''''.',•..r...-',':. I '' r Vice 'President ''4'_ r.f pp r. :.j.i I'. h' • g; ;,, - S c re to „ e Secretary Ir: r r' I :r"r> : ' _ k} STATE OF MINNESOTA,•') Y} ):, ss ', { f:Ramse Gounty o Y ) t 1 .L( S 3 1 o r On this:• day of before,,Tr. .the, `.,,:.;: I;;:'' undersigned, •'a Notary .Public, in;;;and„for ,the;.State of Minnesota,• duly commissioned.,' and sworn;, personally'appeared and to me known Ito be the Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of Burlington Nlorthern .Inc; the corporation;that-•executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the,said •instrument to be -'the°free and voluntary act and ,deed o'f • said corpor tion, .forr.the'usles and purposes' therein mentioned,-..and on oath,st •ate'd,,•,,,;,,;,,, ,f .'• i that they were authorised to: execute;,,the said instrument and that th•e seal: affixed is the corporate seal of said ;corporation. , • _ . i' allhereto affixed the da . and ,year,-first • Witness my hand and officsal se _ day : and written. . . I - 0I f ' r , Notary Public in and for the State , Minnesota, residing at r ' EXHIBIT:' B ! );7:rr v}r r;i �''S That Fsortion;of-a120`ft:':strip`' of:,right-of-way within Section ;; Township 23 1 • North ! ga , . •,, ,ge 5"East: W.M:`,�lyinq,•hparallel:'.with and adjacent to the westerly i right-of-IwIay. marg'in:`of.the existing 100ft,, strip of right-of-way of the Burlington Northern►".Railroad;Company; across Lots'26 through 51 inclusive, Block 361. , C.- D.= Hillman': '•7,aD�'e.yWashington Garden of Eden Addition, Division ;<_`' No. 5 as ecorde d ia�•:•Vohunie''lL;of..plats.;, spage'',83 'records of King County Washington; lying southeasterly,-.;of;:'a;'line': running S. 70° 38' - 12' w, from a point on the westerly. boundary of said Buslin'gton Northern Railroad right-of- { ' '`way which.point:,lies '55 .ft ore-'or less', southeasterly of, as measured along said westerly right•-of-way line, the southeast' corner of Lot 24, Block 361, said plat x Less port .on•easterly of�`a lire beginning at a'point 12,50 ft. • southwesterly!` of the !most northerly corner,.,of'�,the,,,,_:above ,described parcel: thence S. 20-43-26� E. a distance of• 110:20."ft.; thence;, southerly along a curve to the right having a radius of. 1396 19:;ft.,':an,'arc-distance;.of: ;347;69 ft. to a point of reverse curvatu re;' ,thence';'southerl'y along a:cuive:,,,t •• the left having a radius of 582:19ift. an`arc 'distance>of101 10: ft.'''to`the easterly line, of said railroad) • right-af-way•: y Together w th that:'portion-ofY'said"Section. 5; .Townshi 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. descr bad 'as7. .follows: ,., p g � , Beginning N. 56° °32` `07p': Wo d stance of 65.018 ft. of SW meander corner of said Section;'. _thence:::N.-.c;'56° ;32'; `07,"> W. a;'distance of 1221.78 ft. ; thence S. 45° 45'.' 00 W.. a .distance';of:317.'92 ft.frithence S. 44°16'00" E. a distance of • 680 ft. 1 t enceEast;aloa�g':' outh.'line `;of,:said"section line produced west a !_ .. distance of 765.,5 ft :.`to';'west;;;margin'',of..,Burlington Northern .Railroad right- h. of-way; thnce'northeaster) to' be iraniii Less portion westerhg►-;`ofr-'line 170::',ft. ,westerly of centerline of said Burlington{ • Northern r�ght-of-way: Said"strip. of land'•contains 109,470 sq. ft. more or less. 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No. 3336, "Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park" General Obligation Bond issue in sum of $7 , 825 , 000. 00 for .September 1S , 1979 Primary Ballot. ' Tha ks for your .courtesies in processing the matter: If further infdrmation is necessary please give us a call at 235-2500. . Yours very truly, . CITY OF RENTON �/, -14 &. 7 Delores A. Mead CMC City Clerk DAM/db /db , ENC. 2 /;6 ('; -/lr- —5";-,4/2i'(/2 -- ,/ r. I . cn1�)d��y3a SN0113313 '8 s a o� ,,L' r 0 r` P 1111 . • U3AI3'03 I . i CITY OF RENTON, .WASHINGTON • ORDINANCE NO. 3332 AN ORDINANCE OF THE-CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY-EMINENT DOMAIN, PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT.THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO •PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION IN THE SUPERIOR, COURT IN AND FOR THE- COUNTY OF KING AND THE PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQUI- SITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN RENTON, WASHINGTON OF A TRAIL SYSTEM ALONG THE CEDAR RIVER AND IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 'MAYOR AND CITY .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: • SECTION I: It is acknowledged that the acquisition of the following described property and property rights is in accord wilth the goals established by the Renton City Council for the development of the Cedar River Trail. • SECTION II: It is hereby determined that the acquisition • o the following described property and property rights is necessary and for a public purpose and use, i.e. the construction of a trail lystem along the Cedar River Trail for use by the general public ' Iand that such property and property rights are located within the Corporate limits of the City of Renton, the same being (described on attachment A, which is hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. It is further acknowledged that the City is authorized by.the laws and statutes of the State of Washington to appropriate lands and property rights, through • the exercise of its right of eminent domain within its corporate' limits necessary for the above-stated purpose. SECTION III: The'City Attorney is hereby autYnz:ized and directed to commence condemnation proceedings against the • • owners and all other parties in interest in the above-described lands and improvements, if any, as provided by law; to prepare the necessary petition for condemnation; and commence and prosecute such action in the Superior Court in and for the County of King against all the owners and interested parties in the herinabove . ' . ' described property; and to acquire the aforedescribed property ' and property rights for the City •Of Renton. Such proceedings shall be to determine the Just Compensation for. the appropriation of such property and property rights by the City of Renton. SECTION IV: Compensation for the acquisition of said property and property rights shall be made from funds heretofore commlitted for that purpose by the City of Renton. SECTION V: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its right to decline to talc and pay for said property and property rights after the amount of lust Compensation has been ascertained, and within the time al lowed by law. SECTION VI: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of July , 1979. a(OljtfJQ• 7y o Delores A. Mead, City lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2nd day of July , 1979. Charle J. Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 6,. 1979 1 • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION• • PARCEL .A: THOSE PARTS OF GOV'T,' LOTS 3 AND 5,. SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23 •N, RANGE S E, t•l.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LING NORTH OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA AND PUGET SOUND RAILWAY COMPANY. AS LOCATED, CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATED THROUGH SAID LOTS, EXCEPT PORTION OF SAID GOV'T. LOT 3 CONVEYED .TO • PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER • AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 24991.11., • PARCEL.B.: THAT PORTION OF GOV'T. LOTS 2 ANP 4, SECTION 16, .TOWNSHIP 23 N,. RANGE S' E, W.M., KING COUNTY, . WASHINGTON, LYING SLY OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 1140 AND NORTH OF • THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA AND PUGET SOUND RAILWAY COMPANY, AS LOCATED, CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATED THROUGH SAID LOT. • SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • • - I • • • • • • • • ' I ' I Benton pity CoUnc 1 -��: ' . : . ,� .- . 2'3/79 Page .2 •� UBLIC.:HEARING Continued ; . • • . _ f '" <`:;.:.-::�'�: :. ; :i.,. ,"".,.,_:.. -: . �:. . :,�. :.:... ...... . . . ... . : .. ...,.� : SHINPOCH; .MATTER .OF.:,; . : ,. Comprehensive;�P1ah: MOTION CARRIED: ° ,,MOVED BY""-.STREDICKE SECOND : and Zoning'for . , :;.COMPREHENSIVEI-DESIGNATIONS .BE REFERRED TO TH.E-WAYS AND MEANS, . 1�.,. - ,°..:West 'Hill Area:'. COMMITTEE:-. FOR:' ORDINANCE.. :CARRIED. ,_ (Time•9:25 ,p.,m. ) . Recess .. MOVED -BY ,SH'INPOCH, SECOND SHANE_; THE ':COUNCIL RECESS. :CARRIED: ", I -,. • 1 ",;9:2;7.;:.p m: Council reconvened at 9:375 p.m.. .. ,Roll Call : .All .preseit 'as:pr`e•v'iously;:shown,exce• pt Councilman Shane.who.. returned::at 9:59 pm . , i . SECOND. SHINPOCH , SUBJECT,.MATTER OF'ZON.ING IN . West Hi 11 Zoning. :��' MOVED BY;.STREDICKE:, s THE WEST�HILL AREA BE :REFERRED 'TO, THE PL"ANNING, DEPARTMENT`.`` i- . ' CARRIED., • . j, , AUDIENCE COMMENT • Versie .Vaupel 221 Well s. Ave.- N:, recalled North_Renton residents.. North -Renton `7.req.uest of..the'Planning"; Commission -for restudy of.Comprehensive Building - , '.'.Pl"an"concerning'high..dens"ity for ,,the North Renton .area north Of. • •� Moratorium :Cedar River and west of Park Ave'. 'N.. Mrs. Vaupel, requested, an c' >,. Requested• .. . L•.._. :,; - immediate:.bui,.ldi ng:moratorium, ,having talked: to Com ,i.ssion Chai1rman 1- Mike Hanas ':MOVED- SHINPOCH", ,.SECOND TRIMM, .SUBJECT OF.,MORATORIUM -BE- REFERRED TO:;THE.;PLANNING AND, DEVELOPMjNT' COMMITTEc. :';CARRIED ': - • Mrs: .:Vaupe.l:;noted,' low,'water,:pressure i h.-the:-North Renton-:area - •• ' - and i nqui red:;of. zoning'":al lowi ng 'duplex•-,to be built .Mayor Delaurenti...rioted;he. woul;d,'obtain zoning .information as: requested Counci 1 m a n i $tredi,cke:-noted:,the• zoning. fo'r;.area was accomplished •'. - ,i tf: 96T • . ' 'MOVED BY 'PERRY,.:SECOND PROCTOR, SUSPEND THE RULES AND',READ ``:.. . ; . ;:',:` r �-CORRESPONDENCE . AGENDA I.TEMS 9 a AND 9,;.c ., .MOTI.ON: CARRIED ,,, Lake:'View Toulvers„ .,1.. Letter from,. (:. J ,:,Dixon, Project Manager of the' Lake View.; '. Water Line Towers;;Association requested a' developers agreement for. future" L.C.A,G: - reimbursement:of installation:costs on .the 8 inch "water mains .. '. installed along- NW ,2nd'P1 . and Hardy Ave,•,'SW -• 1.0•2year' time; period requested ,from: date water .lines :pi•aced-_in•to`.'ser•vice . Area r• esid•ent, - -: • ; R: Li ttl e, 264 Maple NWi,: requested..residents not pay' for, water . :`line needed i by-developer. , MOVED.BY''PERRY-, :SECOND TRIMM,. CONCUR . ..-IN.'RE.COMMENDATION.AND AWARD TEN' YEAR. LATE'..COMER'S' AGREEMENT AND ' - • -:. REFER-To THE,WAYS.. AND MEANS. COMMITTEE, THAT ,THERE BE NO"COST TO ` - . . :PEOPLE THAT;DON'T NEED SERVICE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY ST.REDICKE, ' ' SECOND,SHANE REFER;REQUEST-TO :THE UTILITY 'COMMITTEE =FOR REVIEW: - AND REPORT BACK. : SUBST-ITUTE MOTION CARRIED. � ' - , " Gene Coulon Letter' fr-om: Par.:.k,.Di;r:ector ,Webley. and:park .Board Chairwoman.:Joan,- Memorial Beach Moffatt ,submitted a:proposal for the development of .Gene Coulon) • • - : . Park Bond Issue Memorial-,,Beach- Park Addition-which would include major improve- . . . - ' - :ments. to "expand boat,launch, day. moorage,, increase par.ki ng,;, res. • rooms', -,trai"Ils;;:;waterfowl •habitat; multi-purpose center, fishingi. • .,,.._piers,-;:ma.intenance _facilities, improved ":acce'ss,:' landscaping, : '::, ,<i rr.i;gati,on-)and. .shorel:i ne stabilization` and improvement;.:etc '' - • •. . • _ --The development covers 31`-acres ,in: the`'project with I:OS-miles. - • :,.;of:,; shorelin'e_-and: .r-eported":,.total{;cos't ,of ,:project';.$7,825,000, I - - ' _ ., �;,wh'i.'ch,.'.i'nc'l�u'des -$3,'581,391"',Mari-ne' work, =$:2;,F78,550 site development; - .$1,565:,059','design, fees;;,. tax, -,conti ngency.:: The letter •noted three • years, pl:ann:i;ng-' incl,udes: coinmuni.:ty- input through ,surveys and public; .,mee.tings, ;the firm of 'Jones' and Jones:, Seattle; havingrig.served as ' : - consultant..;on.:_the..project.:. ;,Thee letter -recommended funds be . - raised. through_�'a bond issue submitted at;::the 1979 Primary Election _. , , Which;would'require•adoption ;.of authorizing. ordinance ..at the 7/23 .• ' - ineeti;ng:;_.;..;:'MOVED BY PERRY,:'SECOND.PROCTOR,. CONCUR IN -THE RECOMMENDA- . . .. TI.ON OF THE PARK BOARD AND :PLACE BOND ISSUE ON THE SEPTEMBER i - � •• " • -P;RIMARY. ,BALLOT..IN,AMOUNT:. OF $7,825,000 AND REFER TO WAYS:'AND MEANS •v on, MOTION:..CARRIED. COMMTTTEf:. 1" Following di scussi _ Ordinance #333.0,:. CouncilmaniPerry" submitted'::ordinance for:=reading, which provided for-. Authorizing `--:--:the,:extension of ;Gene Coulon .Memorial:.Beach.--Park• and. construction Issuance and _:of•-recreat.io.nal: facilities' at: estimated 2COSt, of. $7,82-5. 000 and , '::Sale of,Par' issuance,:"and;sa;le,ornegotiable-general oobli.,gation bonds. to pay:1 Development ,Bolds:.'; the',cost, and•:::prov.id.ing :for;:submission;-of',the, proposition at ;a . - Speci-al..Electi.on-- to::.be held: i.n- conjunction with State Primary :Election -9/1:8/79: ," Following reading, It,;.was MOVED "BY -PERRY, ~' SECOND 'P.ROCTOR,, SUSPEND,•RULES:AND-ADVANCE.•,ORDINANCE TO SECOND.AND•" . : - .:,'. FINAL':READINGS:: . .CARRIED.:' City.:,Clerk `Mead read ordinance MOVED • BY.°„PERRY, SECOND�SHANE, ADOPT THE. ORDINANCE. A'S READ: ._ 1ROLL.:CALL:: - - . . • . ._ ALL ,AYES-.: :CARRIED": • + N i- • ts o .,. THE CITY OF RENTON C.7 Z: MUNICIPAL'WILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98955 n ..AIL CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR • PARKS and RECREATION " JOHN E. WEBLEY - DIRECTOR Alb 235 2560 1•EO SEPS� .: July 19, 1979' . To: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti and Members of the City Council, -From: John `E. Webley, Director Joan Moffatt, Chairwoman, Park Board The Renton Park Board respectfully submits to the Renton ,City Council a propos-1 for the development of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach.. Park. Ad- dition. The finalized' plan is the product of more than three years' of planning including. 'considerable community input received through surveys, public meetings and contact with groups who have a special interest in. water-related recreational activities. The board has at tempted o. provide a- plan that meets the desires and needs of the citizens of Renton. The firm of Jones and Jones, 105 South Main' Street, Seattle, has served as the consultant on this project. , Major im .rovements include an improved and expanded boat launch faci- lity, day moorage, increased parking, restrooms, trails, creation of a waterfowl habitat, multi-purpose center , fishing piers, picnic! shelters and areas, maintenance facilities, play equipment, improved ..' . access, landscaping,- irrigation, and• shoreline stabilization and, °im- provemen . Thirty,-one acres are involved in the project with 1.,05 miles of shoreline. Total cost of the project is $7 ,825,000 .00 with $3,581 ,3 1. 00 -in marine work and $2,678 ,550.00 to develop the rest of the s'te. Contingency, tax and design fees totalling $1,565,'059.00 complete the grand total.- It is1th recommendation of the Park Board that funds -to complete, this project e raised through. a bond issue submitted to the citizens, of Renton. It is . the opinion of the board that such, a proposal would be appropri to at the 1979 Primary Election. The-.deadline for submittal' ' of such a bond issue to the King County Records and Elections Division is August 3, 1979 which would require immediate-action 'by the City . , Council. The 'City Council would have to pass an ordinance': author;i'zing the pro osal to p-ut.•-on': the ballot. Due to the lack of_ a Council Meet- ing on July 30th, the only opportunity - for such action would be at the July 23rd meeting. We sinc rely apologize for not being able to submit this proposal{' • sooner , but we hope you will understand how tight our planning sched- • ule has been and .the .absolute 'necessity of holding a public meeting before finalizing plans and determining costs. - of f I 'a' }yµ, I; a e i "'' �ma or Cha l J iur Y e nt ;, and Page 2'. Members of :the .Ci.ty Council ' . .' In the event" that :the:jF:Council- should opt to, place. this proposal on. - the:. pr imamy-,.ballot,. vie.,:have prepared; the appropriate ordinance for such action. The Park. Board, Park Department staff and consultants ,:'; are at o, r,:'disposal :should,.:you"-.have any questions'. The Parkhoard and 'st,�� 1 ` maintain contact with the' Community!' . _ " f° _wil"l Services uo mittee.::of.;:'the; Council and. carry out. .the will of the' : ; . Council its . this .mattet . n "„terzizizr... „ M f att airwoman,, ark 'Board 1 n" kWebley ± 1 , rector • 4 , PARK:,BOAR IS ', D SUE,'-LNFOR 'TI,QN`. -:,= s c $I1s5s.u.9e0e Years, 2- • ,. Servilite •ow:Pro Fir .' st Year. $15 '80 {,. • - 255 9/1,Q04) :700 • •. • ,Debt V1u tion , $160 7 . „ _ $23.60 Asessed a . �3/ 004)� 0 „ :: 3 ,.5 %20 000 $ 3:60,. $47:40$34,000 29. 00,:,, '$40,000. $.3. .4 .$50,000 $60, 000 ` V r of I f e nom,r ati on: Number of •v '.ir fes .e o� 1 i:d '2'`6 f 5;. u. :�. to � 7 I •Number.=o'f es .votes, `ba'sed��on'-°;the�;'ab`ov 6 '1 6 Y e� 0� U5. 'F, y �, I � =Ordinance pan ,ba'l l of title =mus-t be. submitted to'the:..Ki.n Gount' E.lecti:on.. a 9- y, Dep rtment, b I - Y� u u 3. A st 19.7.9 .for ,,the Rrimar' Elyec`tiorr .`Se tember 18 1.9 i r p 79:. 1., Se mber f e'' e 1 , 19T9, oi^:`=th General: Election ,Novepi e.. 6 1:979 `. .- Items:-.to consider:,�in.'' determi'nin-gwhetherV.:to' submit` _at. the ,P.r.imar nor• `General;•Election a:_ The 'tu no`ut:;.required`'wi�ll be. small"a`s: a'1%78 election_..was, small -•,-' ` . . ;_b. 'According:`to D,on `.Perrin:;' �K.C.,."Election 'Suet. ,, whether or not:•a bond issue' passes' " :. :depend on .the 'Economic Climate='-rather:`than:w•hich 'elec`tion Ne has made a thorough study: f th`is:'subject: c. There: is-;'the'.;possibili't <that> the'. Pr-imar. Election,.... oul'd':,be' a weak election 'if=onl two persons: file ;for ;several`'of,;.the,.pos�tions,,then:;that ,positi.on•"wqul.d' rot:"be, :,on the ballot.:; •`d. With a aot' of =' 'ub.].fi,cit; 'for=`the' issue and a- m �1`er :t rno c p ;., . . ysal_.,. . u ut .su h as, a`t .the Primary,;-, `'`t ' '''t those' persons fav,o.r:in .fthe: bond`:issue.woul'd..:turnout . Sometimes` at.-'the 'G 'ne -al _;:,''' , ' especially,as:, this';ti'm'e with: state issues,, a' larger.portion of .tho•se people..who vote NO on every,'bond.'issu wi 1,1`. come. to.tiie :poll s,:when those persons would "not�bother,'..to'vote at;;:a' :P:rimary. I , _ 'sip�'�� I, l' '1�, 1 fi I' F" f �1 ' _ 1„ I. a 1 •i- You are cordially invited i �To the Dedication Ceremony for. * GENE- COULON MEMORIAL -BEACH PARK Renton, Washington Saturday. July 29, 1978 10:00 a.m. *formerly Lake Washington Beach Park. I I Located in Rento: at Park Avenue and,Lk. Washington Boulevard (immediately adjacent to Renton Boeing plant) If farther information is needed, call the Renton Parks and Recreation Department office at 235-2560. • • • a-6061:00N1 CIT'- ; I ter. 0 ` "Ui xJ ell' <4.‘4'6-1-901-N 0 y e t® a orn ar ®u l®n s r�arn , Renton dignitaries will gather the Renton parks program for 30 name of the park.• A memorial nton park system inspired Steve S a turd a y morning at Lake years, and was its director from plaque in honor of Coulon also will Rabon,Carco Theater manager and Washington Beach Park to bid the 1949 until his death. be displayed. employee of the former director,to park goodbye. Twenty-two parks were de- Planning to attend the ceremony say this at the time of Coulon's In its stead will be Gene Coulon veloped in Renton during the are Renton Mayor Charles De- death: Memorial Beach Park,named after Coulon years, plus the establish- laurenti, Renton City Council "Even though people may have the man who built the Renton park ment and-or expansion of.sports, members, Renton Park Board disagreed with him on park de- system to the present state of arts and crafts programs. members, State Rep. Avery Gar- velopment, there always has been development citizens now enjpy. Political figures from throughout rett, State Sen. A. N. "Bud" Shin- great respect for him,for what he - P e r h a p s Coulon's crowning- the Renton area will gather at 10 poch, House Speaker John Bag- stood for and what he was doing for achievement was his work to de- a.m. Saturday to dedicate Gene nariol, King County Councilmen the Renton Parks Department. F w wa my velop the park at Lake Washington Coulon Memorial Beach Park.The Gary Grant and Mike Lowry„and "I was always aware he that he '( ( - m next to The Boeing Co. public is invited to attend the hour- U.S.Rep.Jack Cunning too,ham. boss. But I was aware, o, a Coulon,former Renton parks di- long ceremony. The Coulon family also will be in was my friend,and that the whole _ o rector,died Dec.11,1977,atthe age A new sign will be unveiled attendance. department really was much like a • of 61. Coulon was associated with Saturday proclaiming the new Coulon's leadership of the Re- family." 1 . - o M'' "' z Fri m �l� Z 0 D N CO 0 gip`. 7-, .V - RentonCity Council 5/22/78 Page 4 , Consent Agen a - Continued , Mutual Aid Letter from Fire Chief Geissler presented mutual aid agreements Response with Kent,, Tukwilas Fire Districts 29 and 25.. Refer to Ways .and Means Committee for proper resolution. Transfer of F nds Letter from Planning .Director Ericksen requested transfer of ;funds in amount of $41 ,966 to Senior Citizens' Activity Center. Consullt- ants account from the 1976 Housing and Community Development Grant. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cedar River Trail Letter from; Planning Director Ericksen attached petition from prop- Phase III -i erty owners adjacent to the Cedar River Trail requesting closure Riverside Dri a of North Riverside Drive to through traffic, noted meeting with Proposed Closure owners and included sketches of, existing roadway and proposed, cul-de-sac. ; Refer to Community Services Committee for reviewand , recommendation. , Consultants` " Letter from' Parks and Recreation Director Webley requested Council Gene Coulon concurrence ,in selection of consultants as requested by the Park Memorial Beach Board; for completion of the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Park I The letter explained scope of activities and noted sufficient funds existin the Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund 3,05 to complete project. Council concur. Bid Opening Two bids were presented at the 5/17/78 opening for signal and 'street Signal/Street improvements', at Duval NE and NE Sunset Blvd and NE 4th and Monroe Project I Ave. NE projects. See attached tabulation. Refer to Transportation 1 Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND PERRY, APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Approved 1 I MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. 9:30 p.m. Recess I Council reconvened at 9:45 p.m. . Roll Call : All present as previ- I ously shown. , ' I CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason explained King County preparation of preliminary budget for. development of surface water May Creek Bastin plan for the May Creek Basin, pursuant to agreement entered into Surface Water; for the May Creek Surface Water Management which provides King , Management I County be responsible for 50% of the cost of plan preparation and ; Renton, DOE, Metro and Water District #107 supply remaining 50%., The letter explained proposed budget requir's $77,000 of which $57,600 is available available to County; Renton's share of the remaining $19,700 is $2,000. As the County requests commitment by the City for the $2,000 to carry out the development of the , basin plan, th'e Public Works Director requested Council appropriate ' the $2,000 and refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for legislation. Moved by Perry, Second Shane, Council hold matter in abeyance until ', decision made by County on May Creek sewers. SUB STITUTE MOTION: BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ; Comprehensive Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported that at the semi-, Plan CP-903-77 annual review of the Comprehensive Plan by the Plan.,i' - Commission, Dean W. Bitneyl, request for amendment reviewed for D`an. W. Bitney rfroffi Single Fame ily Residential; to Low Density Multi-Family Residential for two parcels of property: Parcel 1 - 2.4 acres between existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park and Union Ave. SE. The letter noted the Commission determination that Parcel 1 was not a comprensive plane change, but zoning matter to be presented to Hearing Examiner. _ Parcel 2 - 10 acres between power lines and Union A . SE, south of Leisure Estates. Two public hearings on Parc -' '' ,4 ind recommenda- tion was made there be no change the Comprehensive Plan. The letter recommended referral to the Council 's Planning and Develop- ment Committee for review and. recommendation. Continued Letter from Dean W. Bitney, Owner, Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park, • requested further consideration of request for change in Comprehen,- s.ive Plan or rezone property to T and cited reasons concerning II traffic, etc. , for re-evaluation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND TRIMM, CONCUR IN LETTER OF PLANNING DIRECTOR AND REFER TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. l ' I , 1 4 40 ,. 0 THE CITY OF * ENTON w „ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. R EN9TON, :' ASH.98055j �' a CHARLES J. DELAURENTI,MAYOR a PARKS and RECREAITION • • 17 JOHN E. WEBLEY - DIRECTOR � i€D SEP � 235-2560 May 17 , 1978 � 1.4 To : Mayor Charles Delaurenti 1 and ; �.- i Members of the City Council !=LP_rVIF i I From: John E . Webley, Director I MAY 17 1978 Subject : CITY OF RENiONI Use of Consultants L2121.9211 The Renton Park Board , at its May 11 , 1978 meeting, discussed the , status of .evelopment at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park . Members of the boa-d reaffirmed the need to select a consultant for the pur- pose of !coTpleting the pre-development requirements associated with the project . These include , but are not limited to , the following scope of a tivities : 1 ) Assessm nt of proposed master plan , base data, cost estimates , and program rationale . ' I I 2) Review legal issues (lincluding environmental law) and complete required permit application process . 3 ) Deter,mination of attitudes of local , state and federal agencies toward proposed action and development of alternative designs and other miti ating measures which should be considered . 4 ) Update aster plan based on findings and develop detailed sche- matics and cost estimates necessary to support a draft EIS , various ' permit and funding applications . I I 5 ) Prepare a draft EIS . Publish and distribute same for formal com- ment . In additio to the above , extensive underwater soil tests will be required . These tests will be bid out by the city, separate from I. the consultant agreement , to minimize consultant services costs . Due to the extended length of time required to complete the above ' , activities , especially the EIS and permit processes , the .Renton Park Board ' sirecommendation is to proceed with consultant Selection uti-1 lizing the process established in the August 3 , 1973 memo. from Gwenl Marshall to then Mayor Avery Garrett . Sufficient funds exist in the Lake WIshington Beach Forward Thrust Fund 305 to complete this project ° . I _2_ At the ,completion of the above work program, we will be ready to proceed with funding and project implementation . We await your concurrence with our recommendation. att . • 4w . I I I ( . August 3, 1973 TO:. Avery Garrett, Mayor FROM: Gwen Marshall SUBJECT; Use of Consultants by City of Renton This is offered in response to your request for comments regarding the use of consultants by the City. Using as a basis the thoughts previously developed by Warren Gonnason, Del Bennett, and myself on this matter, it is' intended to present a recommended approach for engaging consultants. The following attempts to provide a responsible framework for the use of consultants by all departments and addresses the important questions of 1) under what circumstances should consultants be engaged, 2) what Is the proper selection process, 3) what authority enables departments to use consultants, 4) ,what measures can be taken to maximize the effectiveness of their use. (1) Under what circumstances should consultants be engaged. In ' making such a determination the following factors should be considered. (a) A thorough description and evaluation should dhbe made of include the project or problem to be solved an identification df objectives, an assessment of costs ' and benefits to be derived from completing the project, and consideration of alternative means of addressing the problem. (b) Inherent in such an evaluation process is the need for 1 deliberation as to whether internal capabilities exist for completing the desired product. Does departmental staff have required expertise to accomplish stated objectives? Does the existing work load preclude their ability to devote proper attention to the matter or complete the pro- . ject within the necessary time frame? Are there over- riding concerns such as specialized skills or knowledge, experience, or objectivity that might render the services of a consultant of special value to the City? £',C . c f-Oh/41 l vt=.3G r"i' J .f, • ' (2) What is the proper selection process: In this regard, the fol- • lowing recommended guidelines are intended to insure the City utilizes consultants who can potentially provide the maximum • service for the least possible fee. ' (a) The department for whom the consultant services are required should prepare specifications for the work or project to • be performed. This would be sent to a select number of • • prospective consultants, and should include a description . of work and objectives; the nature of specific tasks to be accomplished; expected concurrent City participation; . a required time frame; any specific tasks to be accomplished; and, if appropriate, any compensatory limitations. (b) This information should be sent to at ,least three consultants who have been selected on the basis of their relative qualif i- cations by the department-or appropriate City employees conducting an ititial screening process. The selection 'of these finalists should be made on the basis of their availa- bility, previous exposure in related work, and the best estimate of their ability to complete required tasks. . (c) These finalists should be required to submit for review detailed descriptions of related types of work experience, the methodology proposed for completion of the project, qualifications of individuals who would be assigned to 1 the work, a breakdown of the costs, and any other pertinent information that could influence their being selected as the City's' consultant. (d) A final selection board should be created to review the proposals submitted by prospective consultants. It should be composed of department staff, department heads, or other appropriate City officials or personnel with a specific knowledge of the project or task. (e) After selection of the consultant, a contract specifying fees and work requirements should be prepared, reviewed by the City Attorney, and submitted to the Mayor for execu_ 1 tion. Should the City be unable to negotiate an acceptable 1 contract with the selected consultant, the City would pro- ceed to negotiate with alternate candidates. I I • ' i I ; (3) Enabling authority for use of consultants by City Departments. The processes .of selection, contract negotiation, and contract implementation appear to be administrative matters best handled under the direction of the Mayor and his administrative staff. In a budgetary, context and in terms of establishing general policy, however, the City Council should be providing input. The forms their involvement .should take are, first, to adopt general guide lines with respect to the use of consultants; and, second, to provide budgeted or specially appropriated funds for this purpose. Where funds are not already earmarked in the adopted budget', the Mayor would need to submit for the City Council's consideration a request for 'additional funds to expend for consultant fees. � A (4 Maximizing effective use of consultants. - By engaging an outside consultant, the City has not lessened its responsibility for insuring the project is successfully carried out. The department for whom the service is being provided should assign at least one individual to ,concern himself with monitoring progress, determining whether timetables and objectives are being achieved, and insuring the terms of the contract are being satisfied. Following com— pletion of the project, the consultant should report recommendations or conclusions, and the City should assess the completed project in terms of the impact it has on overall departmental plans and operations. ' • Host departments are presently following the majority of the suggested • general guidelines. There are, of course, instances where the unique -I nature of a given situation calls for slight deviations, and other i. • case where a more detailed procedure is required. However, the above guid lines are offered as a means of creating a consistant and construe- tive framework which would encourage more careful selection and admin— istr•tion in utilizing consultants. ji • • • oil : 2:41 e.. W - ,Cie&el `li k it_ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 8, 1978 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to theFlag and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, CHARLES F. COUNCIL SHANE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, PATRICIA M. , SEYMOUR-THORPE,. GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attor- IN ATTENDANCE ney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk;, WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep., DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. , MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF IAPRIL 24, 1978 AND MAY 1 , 1978 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRTED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Avery Garrett, State Legislator llth District, noted 5/24/78' meeting with the State Department of Transportation re North, Public Healing 30th Street Overcrossing of FAI-405 (see schedule) and invited N. 30th Overpass testimony from the City Council . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL'S TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPRESENT THE CITY AND PRESENT VIEWS. CARRIED. Introduction Mayor Delaurenti introduced government class students in atten- dance from Lindberg High School (Mr: Little's Government Class) . Boat Launch and Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. SE, suggested revenue be raised from Beach Park boat launch facility at Lake Washington Beach Park and asked for Parking , surveillance of parking regulations as concerns use of parking , stalls by boats and trailers. Upon Council request, Parks and Recreation Director Webley explained the subject of boat launch charges had been discussed by the Park Board and determined as not feasible at the present,but appropriate for inclusion with future development of the park. Gift for Mayor Delaurenti displayed painting of Mt. Rainier from Lake Sister City Eunice by Lou Innocenti , specially created' by Mr. Innocenti and , donated to the, City of Nishiwaki , to be hand carried by the Mayor in forthcoming visit to Renton' s Sister City. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented committee report Committee Report recommending the smoke detector ordinance be placed on first Smoke Detector reading. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Ordinance (See later under Ordinances and Resolutions. ) , Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Shane presented committee report Committee ',Report noting review of the proposal submitted by CH2M Hill for the first Consulting Service phase development of the new proposed telemetering system. The Telemetering report recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to System sign the agreement for Phase I and that prior to proceeding on , ' Phase II the matter be reviewed again by the Utilities Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHINPOCH, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the consulting services concern the permanent proposed installa- tion of the new updated telemetering system, not the relocation of the temporary system; also that the SUA report will be made available to CH2M Hill . MOTION CARRIED. Water Rate Study The Utilities Committee report noted review of subject of water ' rates and recommended that the consultant selection process be i Renton City Council 5/8/78 Page 2 0 'd Business - Continued - Utilities Committee Report - Continued W.Iter Rate authorized and the Staff directed to proceed, noting $15,000 Study budgeted for this activity. The report stated the Utilities Committee will exercise surveillance of this selection process and be a part of the selection team. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, CONCUR IN THE 'RECOMMENDATION FOR WATER STUDY. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry re last sentence of report (exercise surveillance and be a part of the selection team) , Councilman Shane explained agreement reached at the meeting and with Public Works Director that new input could be obtained. Councilman Perry requested the record show that due to change of scheduled meeting time and con- flicting prior commitment, he was unable to attend. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason reported last water rate study was 1970 for $7,500. Following considerable discussion, SUBSTITUTE. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, REFER WATER RATE STUDY SUBJECT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairwoman Shinpoch presented committee Committee Report report noting review of petition submitted by residents of the Access to Rolling Hills area with regard to the connection of Parkwood Parkwood Homes Homes No. 3 to Edmonds Dr. SE. The report noted Council considera- tion of the Parkwood plat circulation and access at the time of the preliminary approval . The report noted the Planning and Development Committee had recommended the Parkwood plat as pre- sented by Alternate Plan C and it was approved by the Council . ! The report recommended Council confirm its previous action in approving the plat of Parkwood Homes as currently approved in Alternate Plan C. Moved by Perry, Second Shane, Council concur in j Committee report. Public Works Director displayed, wall map of Alternate C which routes traffic from Edmonds Ave ' SE through existing developed plat to pew Parkwood plat. Councilwoman Shinpoch noted need for access of fire trucks. Councilwoman Thorpe opposed through traffic and suggested use of break-down barrier, being advised by Fire Chief Geissler that some barriers exist in the Renton area, are acceptable,. cause slight delay. Following further discussion, SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND Subject Continued STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE SUBJECT OF PARKWOOD ACCESS FOR To 5/15/78 ONE WEEK AND THE STAFF (CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS THE ITEM WILL BE BEFORE COUNCIL. CARRIED. CARRIED. Ways and Mean s Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report concurring in the Mayor's appointments of Margaret Proctor, Appointments David Nicholson, and Denton Lee to the Human Rights and Affairs Human Rights Commission for two-year terms expiring 4/24/80 "(replace Beth Commission Borst, Willkie Lew and Christopher Wright, respectively) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: TRIMM, SHANE, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY; 2-NO: 1 CLYMER AND THORPE. CARRIED. I Analysis of The committee report recommended Council concurrence in the Management request of the Personnel Director, Sharon Green, that the analysis ' Positions project of Management and Exempt positions be extended from 6/1 to 9/30/78 due to extended labor relations activities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. II CARRIED. IVoucher The Ways and Means Committee report recommended Council concur- Approval rence in approval for payment of Vouchers No. 18010 through No. II 18215 in the amount of $309,628.62 having received Departmental I certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services; plus I LID #297 Revenue and Cash Warrants R-3 $425 and C-3 $425, plus LID #302 Revenue and Cash Warrants R-15 $350.07, C-24 $300 and C-25 $50.07. Vouchers No. 18005 - 18009 were machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Upon inquiry of Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren advised Stredicke settlement of the two portions of the law suit involving Springbrook Trout Farm. Councilman Stredicke made inquiries re regulations for helium filled baloons and re use of public, right-of-way for pay parking for private gain, also providing photographs as evidence. 1 a-A- • 76eL_ ce.a_..___A-3,) ace-1-4( , , - Renton CityllCouncil 5/1/78 Page 2 Old Business - Continued Community Community Services Committee Chairwoman' Seymour-Thorpe presented, Services committee report regarding Cedar River Trail System - Phase II Committee Report (EDA/LPW Project #071-51-23835) and recommended-acceptance of bid of Cedar River ;Tr 'il . Sun-Up Construction Co." in.. 'the amount of $739,260" as.. recommendedI Phase II by the consultant, Jongejan/Gerrard/Assoc. and the Planning Dept. Contract Award The committee recommended Council concurrence and -authorization for the Administration to sign the contract: . (See later under • Consent Agenda) MOVED BY. THORPE,` SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND AWARD THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND .RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented.committee Committee Report report recommending first reading. of ordinance ordering construction First Reading' LID 309, Monterey Terrace-undergrounding `of utility lines. Follow- LID #309 Ordinance ing reading of- the.ordinance, it was MOVED BY' THORPE, SECOND BY' CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER'•THE- ORDINANCE,' BACK TO .THE' WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR' ONE WEEK: CARRIED. '',' Resolution #2180, The committee;report recommended, reading and adoption of a resol u-' Street Vacation I : tion setting;the date of •May: 22,:; .1978, as public hearing to consider ' Portion NW 3rd.. S . the vacation' of a portion 'of NW 3rd St.; between. Maple NW and Public Hearing Taylor NW extended. 'Following reading; MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND 5/22/78 CLYMER, ADOPT. THE RESOLUTION; AS READ., "`CARRIED: , <- Resolution #2181 The committee ,report`;recommended reading and adoption of a resolu-II, Final Plat tion approving the Final Mat of Parkwood South No. 2 as approved Approval by. City Council ;:4/24/78;;,,located+ south of existing Aberdeen P1 . SE Parkwood South.:#2 and Aberdeen Ave. SE-south of Rolling`Hills No. 3. Following read- king, MOVED BY STREDICKE,'.:SECOND .CLYMER',. 000NCI'L ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. , Resolution #2182 The committee.'reportrecommended reading and 'adoption of a resolu IAC Funding ! tion authorizing application for funding assistance for an outdoor ) Cedar River Trail recreation project to the Interagency Committee as provided by the ' Marine Recreation Land Act for Cedar River Trail from the mouth at Lake Washington to the Bronson Way:S., Bridge. -: Following reading,, MOVED BY. STREDICKE., .SECOND:CLY'MER, ,.COUNCIL "ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ;. CARRIED. :t;,,_ Renaming Park The committee report noted. understanding-that the funding for the'. ;,::f : !`,', plaque honorin Gene ;L-. Coulon, (Lake Washington Beach Park) would'. 'I be provided from private sources -':The -:commtttee recommended that �., the Administration monitor such ,contributions "and,report back to 1,;:,' Council . MOVED' BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPO,CH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ' ,, - RECOMMENDATION., CARRIED.'. ., CONSENT AGENDA ,- These items have been,-previously distributed to all. Council Members;. are considered routine and enacted by one motion without separate discussion unless requested. Cedar River Bid Opening 4/20/78 Cedar River Tr,,ail System, : Phase II ; one bid Trail System I received. See attached tabulation., Refer,.to Community Services ' Committee. -,'' Recommendation j Letter from Planning Director Ericksen recommended' acceptance of ;: '';.-` Cedar River Trail bid by Sun-Up Construction for Cedar River Trail System, Phase II ."' Refer to Community Services :Committee., (See above contract award. ) ',, Appointments Letter from Mayor Delaurenti: made. the :following.'appointments to Human Rights the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for two-year terms (in ;::;' Commission accord with Ordinance- 3191 ):, terms expiring 4/24/80: Margaret Proctor, 4124 NE;,10th P1 replacing .Beth'Borst .'' 'David E. Nicholson, 2609 NE. 18th St.'; `replacing. Wi„l ki e°Lew Denton'• Lee, 3701 Park Ave N, replacing Christopher Wright (expiring terms end 4/25/78): 'i Refer to the Ways and,.Means:` Committee: Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ;PERRY000NCI:L°°:APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. I `' Approval CARRIED: MOVED BY' THORPE ' SECONDCL.YMER,- FOLLOWING- TWO ITEMS BE :, CONSIDERED SEPARATELY,: CARRIED.,. - - , WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT I , • May 1, 1978 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ' resolutions for adoption: Vacation of portion of NW 3rd Street Approving Final Plat Parkwood South #2 . IAC Funding for Cedar River Trail , The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading: LID #309 - Monterey Terrace Undergroundng It is the understanding of the Ways and Means Committee - .hat the funding for the plaque for honoring Gene L. Coulon will be from private sources . The Committee recommends that the Administration monitor -such con- tributions and report back to Council. ichard Stredicke, Chairman Barbara Shinpoch ( George Perry • ,1 �I Renton City Council 4/24/78 Page 4 Consent Agenda - Continued Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared May 1978 as Family Camping Month. Park Boad, Letter from Parks and Recreation Director Webley reported for Chairman informational purposes that the Park Board elected Joan Moffatt as Chairman on 4/13, succeeding Ronald Regis who has served as Chairman for the past year. Final Plat Letter from Hearing Examiner Beeler recommended approval with Parkwood Homes #2 conditions for Parkwood Homes Division No. 2 Final Plat 135-78c. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for proper resolution. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended 5/22/78 be set for public NW 3rd St. hearing on proposed street vacation of a portion of NW 3rd Street Public Hearing between Maple Ave. NW and Taylor Ave. NW. Certification received 5/22/78 for 100% ownership signatures on petition and $100 filing fee received. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution., j Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Park Name Letter from Parks and Recreation Director Webley requested Council Change to concurrence in Park Board decision that the name of Lake Washington Honor Beach Park be changed to honor Gene L. Coulon and an appropriate Gene L. Coulon ' Plaque be installed. The letter also requested Council authority to hold a formal ceremony around the first of June. The letter noted article re Mr. Coulon' s career was submitted to the National Park and Recreation Assoc. by David Towne, former Director of Parks ;1 for the City of Seattle, will be released to the newspaper at the appropriate time. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND FORWARD THE MATTER OF FUNDING FOR PLAQUE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Department of Natural Resources, Commissioner of Public Wharf Site Lands and Division of Marine Land Management, reported receipt; of Vacation and City Resolution No. 2173 regarding petition to vacate "Wharf Sites" Log Storage and "Slips" Lake Washington Shorelands situated in front of sections 29 and 32, and regarding certain log storage activities at the' South end of the lake. The letter noted receipt of request to relocate the outer harbor line in that portion of the harbor area and will incorporate Renton's vacation request with the relocation proposal for presentation to the Harbor Line Commission and notify the City at such time as item scheduled. The letter suggestedja meeting to identify problems and determine action as regards log storage activities which is currently included in a lease issued by the Port of Seattle. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE. REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Engineering Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted agreement from Services CH2M Hill , engineering consulting firm, to furnish engineering Agreement services for study and design of a Supervisory Control and Tele- metry System for Water and Sewer Utilities. Authority for Clerk and Mayor to execute agreement was requested. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER AGREEMENT TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Department Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864, Gary Newton President, Clothing clarified any misunderstanding re Councilman Stredicke' s request Allowance, to change the current contract language from "clothing allowance to bonus allowance." The letter explained negotiations regarding proposed quarter-master system and requested opportunity to dis- cuss any subject in question prior to introduction on the Council floor. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. Historical Letter from Renton Historical Society President, Ethel Telban, Firebell noted the original firebell once used to summon the City' s volunteer I I II \ I ' 1 Renton, City Council 4/24/78 Page 3 Old Business - Continued - Ways and Means Committee - Continued Ordinance #3159 The Committee recommended rescinding of Ordinance No. 3159, Resci ded street vacation of a portion of SW 12th St and alley, as no payment has been received and thus the ordinance has never been published. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESCIND ORDINANCE #3159. CARRIED. Vouch-r The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Approvaal Vouchers #17816 through 18004 in the amount of $529,878.74, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers #17811 - 17815 cancelled. Payment approval also recommended for LID #297 Warrants R-2 $398.26 and C-2 $398.26; plus LID #302 Warrants R-14 $6,903. 65, C-21 $6,400, C-22 $105.40 and C-23 $298.25. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry Historcal Papers of withholding payment to contractor for demolition of Earlington Found/detained by School and ownership of vault contents of papers found in structure, Contractor in City Attorney advised the contract was silent and title ownership Earlington School would remain with the City, that contract payment may not be withheld. Demoli ion MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADVISE THE ADMINISTRA- TION THAT WE SUPPORT ATTORNEY'S REMARKS AND ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS BY THE CITY. CARRIED. Utilit lies Utilities Committee Chairman Shane presented committee report recom- Commit !,ee Re ort mending the City Council concur in recommendation of the, Public Contract Award Works Department and accept the low bid of National Construction CBD Sewers Co. and award the contract for the sewer improvements in the Central Business District (S-209) in the amount of $112,706.33 (4/13/78 bid opening). MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Sewer Study Councilman Perry left the Council Chambers and took no part in the Northe.11t Renton following matter. The Utilities Committee report noted ,review of sewer needs for the Northeast Section of the City and program for Kennyda a Sewers the May Creek Interceptor and connecting Kennydale and Honey Creek interceptors to serve that area; the committee instructed the staff to continue efforts to get funding assistance. The report noted several property owners in the Kennydale area are desirous of pro- ceeding with land development projects which had previously protested. The report recalled LID #296 hearing with 70% protest and project terminated. The report noted change in attitude in Kennydale and, therefore, recommended that the Council again initiate the Kenny- May Creek dale LID for sewers by resolution of the City Council and that Interceptor this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for prepara- tion of the necessary resolution. Moved by Shane, Second Trimm, Council concur in the recommendation. Following discussion, SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THAT THE RECOMMENDA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO MEET WITH ANY INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AREA. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: CLYMER, THORPE, STREDICKE; 3-NO: SHINPOCH, SHANE, TRIMM. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED AYE AND SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry returned to the Chambers and discussed committee meeting with Metro and Sewer District 96 in regards to May Creek interceptors and funding plan proposed by Metro. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm recommended referral of the Committe6 subject of prevention of storage of motorcycles in homes and apart- Motorcyd'le ments to the Ways and Means Committee, noting combustibility danger. Storage Attorney Warren noted need for caution. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are reviewed by all Council Members, considered I routine and adopted with one motion without separate discussion. 1 Adopting motion follows items. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Milda S. Franks, 12240 SE 240th St. , Kent, for personal injuries in amount of $254.82 for fall on sidewalk on Williams, alleging uneven low spot. Refer to City At- torney and Insurance Carrier. CBD Sewer Bid Opening 4/13/78 Central Business District (CBD) Sewer Improve- ments , two bids received. (Attached to 4/17/78 Minutes) Refer to Public Works Department and Utilities Committee. (See contract award above. ) A, 41 ---- o THE CITY OF RENTON ®� C. til. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 2 y; IR o� = ,:? �'- s. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT p,9 ��1 235-2550 .'t0 SFPIty. April 14 ,. 1977 The Honorable C. J . Delaurenti , Mayor Members of City Council Renton , Washington RE : COUNCIL REFERRAL - KENNETH R. ZEHM LETTER RE : MARINA FACILITIES , LAKE WASHINGTON ' BEACH PARK Dear Mayor and Council Members : The Planning Commission at its meeting of April 13 , 1977 , com- pleted its review of the above noted letter requesting considera- tion of marina facilities at Lake Washington Beach Park . At the conclusion of its study, the Planning Commission recommended to the /City Council : ' THAT A MARINA SUCH AS THAT PROPOSED BY KENNETH R. ZEHM NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PHASE II OF THE LAKE WASHINGTON BLEACH PARK MASTER PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REPORT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE (attached ) . The committee report defines more specifically background relateld to said recommendation . The Commission further concurs in the concept as proposed that moorage facilities at Lake Wash- ingtol Beach Park be limited to day moorage for small craft only . The Planning Commission committee expressed its appreciation for the opportunity to meet with members of the Park Board , the Park Director, and the City' s consultants in reviewing Mr. Zehm ' s request , as well as the long range development of a park that , ; as stated by the committee chairman , is one of Renton ' s most , significant assets .. Very trul , yours , !ordon Y . - icksen / ee:s4:Zf.. .. Planning D. rector GYE :Ir Attachments cc: ' Park Board Members Park Director C., �% PLANNING COMMISSION • RENTON. WASHINGTON v MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8.3310 �4 .3o fA `� O9).CAM T11. April 8, 1977 TO: Planning Commission Members FROM: Cl rk Teegarden , Chairman Copprehens i ve Planning Committee RE: CO NCIL REFERRAL - MARINA FACILITIES LA E WASHINGTON , BEACH PARK The Compr hensive Planning Committee has completed its review of the request by Kenneth R. Zehm to build and operate a marina at Lake Washington Beach Park (for approximately 400-500 smallcraft) . tfhe committee also studied the proposed Washington Beach Park and data develo edbythe plansark for Lake The committee was unfortunately unable to by Mr. Zehm eitherby telephone or letter and, therefore, was unable to obtain his input directly. The Comprehensive PlanningCommittee, that a marina , as therefore, recommends be developed at Lake Washingtond yBeachZParkehm �forn �thes etter, t rea- sons : following 1. A marina of 400-500 small boat moorages (on a 24-hour daily basis ) would not be compatible with the existing and future development of said park. 2. Prioposed plans for Lake Washing ton Beach Park would allow, however,' limited day moorages for small craft, including sail boats ; and such moorage would not con- flict with the long range development of the park. 3. A marina facility as proposed by Mr. Zehm is of a cl commercial natulre and would be compatible with the wtype of development proposed by Quendall Terminals , ing a P. U. D. approach. Such development also would not be in conflict with the present park facilities and would be more compatible with a commercial develop- ment with an associated marina and support facilities . It is the intent ofthis report to submit this for your informa= tion, 'an6 it will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting of April 13, 1977, ford your concurrence. I 1 Renton Planning Commission' Committee of the Whole Meeting April 13 , 1977 Page Two B. GENE L . ERWIN AND RONALD W. SCOTT; Ap . l . CP-902-77 ; applica- tion for comprehensive land use plan designation amendment from 'single family residential to medium density multi -family; property located north of Carr Road in the vicinity of the ' corner of 98th Avenue South and Carr Road. The areas involved were pointed out by the Planning Director, who noted that Mr. Divelbiss is the proponent of an annexation in the area. He also indicated that while both areas are situated in King County, immediately outside the city limits , it does not preclude lanning Commission review. Discussion followed regarding an appropriate time for public hear- ing : It was noted that a 10% petition had been accepted by the City Council for the proposed Divelbiss annexation in the area , and annlexation procedures were reviewed. IT WAS THEN ACTION: i MOVED BY EEGARDEN, SECONDED BY BUCKINGHAM, THAT A PUBLIC HEARIN BE HELD Oi MARCH 11, 1977, TO REVIEW ITEM A, CHARLES L. DIVELBISS APPLICATION NO. CP-901-77, FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW, AND ITEM B, G 'NE L. ERWIN AND RONALD W. SCOTT, APPLICATION;NO. CP-902-771 FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. I l 6- ADMINISTRATIVE: A. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE iCcmmissioner Teegarden , Chairman , reported that the com- mittee had been: meeting every Wednesday night since the b ginning of the Year. He referred the Commission to their recommendation concerning the Council Referral rejlating to proposed marina facilities at Lake Washington Beach Park. COUNCIL REFERRAL: � MAiRINA REQUEST 7 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK KEiNNETH R. ZEHM1 Mr. Teegarden indicated that efforts to reach Mr. Zehm by , mail or telephone had been unsuccessful and , therefore , they did not have the benefit of his personal input. Com- mittee members had attending a meeting with the Park Board , Parks Director, :and consultants regarding a proposed addl . tion to the park and had reviewed background information i from the consultants to assist in their study. It is their recommendation that a marina , as proposed by Mr. Zehm in hiS letter, notIbe developed at Lake Washington Beach Park for the following reasons : 1 . A marina of 400-500 small boat moorages (on a 24-hour daily basis ) would not be compatible with the existing and future development of said park. 2. Proposed plans for Lake Washington Beach Park would allow, however, limited day moorages for small craft, including sail boats ; and such moorage would not conflict with the long range development of the park. 3. A marina facility as proposed by Mr. Zehm is of a commercial nature and would be compatible with the type of development proposed by Quendall i I i � I Renton Planning Commission Committee of the Whole Meeting April 13 , 1977 Page Three r � Terminals , using a P. U. D. approach . Such development also would not be in conflict with the present park facilities and would be more compatible with a commercial develop- ment with an associated marina and support facilities . Discussion among the Commissioners ensued relative to location and future expansion of Lake Washington Beach Park, including provisions for trailering boats and day moorage. Councilman Perry advised the Commission regarding Council response to the proposed plan. IT WAS THEN ACTION: ' MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY BUCKINGHAM, THAT THE COMMISSION CONCUR IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COM- MITTEE REPORT AND THAT THE RECOMMENDATION $E MADE TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A MARINA SUCH AS THAT REQUESTED BY KENNETH R. ' ZEHM NOT BE INCLUDED IN PHASE II OF THE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK MASTER PLAN. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Teegarden stated that the committee would continue to meet every Wednesday night at 7: 30 p.m. to consider goals and policies to be submitted to the Goals and Policies Committee for their review. Study of the newly submitted applications for Comprehensive Plan amendment will be conducted following the May 11th public hearing. 2. GOALS AND POLICIES COMMITTEE • Commissioner Nelson, committee member, referred the Commission to a draft of proposed by-laws of the Plan- ning Commission which had been distributed for their review. Discussion followed in which it was indicated that it would be desirable to consider adoption of the by-laws at a later meeting . IT WAS THEN ACTION: MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY BUCKINGHAM, THAT THE QUESTION OF ADOPTION OF THE BY-LAWS BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE MAY 11 , 1977, MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Nelson advised that with regard to preparation of goals and policies , it had been noted that goals and policies for the Comprehensive Plan would be very simi - lar; and , therefore, the committees had been working jointly and would continue to do so. 3. ORDINANCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Commissioner Garrison , Chairman , noting the resignation of one committee member, advised that they had been meeting every otherweek to continue review of the new zoning ordinance and reported the progress that had been made. He also indicated that their study will include review of a proposed ordinance relating to a procedure which would provide simplification of the . zoning process . The committee has reviewed the Mobile Home Park Ordinance but plans to withhold their recom- mendation to the committee-of-the-whole until they have an opportunity to further review current mobile home park construction in the area . I " r I I A., 11 0 PLANNING COMMISSION • RENTON, WASHINGTON ^, MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 9 * 'yZP.60, CA'ITA�0C.++ April 8, 1977 1 TO: \ Planning Commission Members i FROM: Clark Teegarden , Chairman IComprehensive Planning Committee RE : COUNCIL REFERRAL MARINA FACILITIES - I LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK I The Comprehensive Planning Committee has completed its review of the equest by Kenneth R. Zehm to build and operate a marina at Lake Washington Beach Park (for approximately 400-500 small , craft`) . The committee also studied the proposed plans for Lake Washington Beach Park and data developed by the park consultants . The committee was unfortunately unable to reach Mr. Zehm either by telephone or letter and , therefore , was unable to obtain his inputldirectly. The Comprehensive Planning Committee , therefore, recommends that a m rina , as proposed by Mr. Zehm in his letter, not be develope' at Lake Washington Beach Park for the following rea- sons : 1. IA marina of 400-500 small boat moorages (on a 24-hour Id ily basis ) would not be compatible with the existing hand future development of said park. 2. \ Proposed plans for Lake Washington Beach Park would lallow, however, limited day moorages for small craft, in luding sail boats ; and such moorage would not con- fl - ct with the long range development of the park. 3. A farina facility as proposed by Mr. Zehm is of a comlmercial nature and would be compatible with the type of development proposed by Quendall Terminals , usiing a P . U. D. approach. Such development also would noI be in conflict with the present park facilities and would be more compatible with a commercial develop- ment with an associated marina and support facilities . It is the Intent of this report to submit this for your informa- tion, an\d it will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting of Aprill 13, 1977 , for your concurrence. I I r- 4 A. o THE CITY OF RENTON c' •6 h MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Z k'" O 1 o Eli 1.‹ °j CHA'RLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT pA I 235-2550 .TFD SFP��� April 1 , 1977 Kenneth R . Zehm 815i Hduser Way No . 1 Renton , WA 98055 ' , RE : MARINA FACILITIES , LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK Dear Vr . Zehm : The subject matter has been referred by the City Council to the ,Planning Commission for review and recommendation . The Planning Commission Comprehensive Planning Committee would appreciate your attendance at their meeting of April 6 , 1977 , ' • ai730 p .m. , in theithird floor conference room at City Hall to assist in their review of your proposal . Please advise if you will be available . If you have any ques- tions , please contact this department . Very truly yours , G •• ----; _______-.2 rcon KE icksen ' larni g rector wr • Ij i I I I II Zelm MEETING NOTES C MPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 16, 1977 • PRESENT: Clark Teegarden, Chairman Tom Buckingham Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director DISCUSSION: I. MEETING SCHEDULE -- Tentatively set for every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. (to 9:30 p.m. ) (to be checked out with Mola) . -- Possibility of day time meeting was discussed (late afternoon, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ). -- Meeting time subject to review with Mola. II, COMMITTEE REFERRALS -- Reviewed referrals. -- Staff to check out the following items: (1) Areas east of FAI 405, etc. (2) May Creek - B-1 Conflict (3) Remaining Southeast Area (?) -- Zehm Letter - Possibility of marina in Lake Washington Beach Park - Staff to review with G. Coulon. ,II, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ELEMENTS OF — General discussion including new Planning Commission Ordinance. PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT Question of requirements re: wetland funding in Green River Valley. Staff to check with G. Coulon re: Status of Park Master Plan and meeting with Park Board. Chairman requested: (1) Comprehensive Plan Reports be made available to Mr. Buckingham. (2) Send out information distribution to Mola. NEXT MEETING: FEBRUARY 23, 1977 SUBJECT: BACKGROUND ON EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - , / -4--eta: _____ _ . =' . = ICED • t a-v `ice CITY o , 1976 o ` ,: C7 ; November 8 , 1976 S OFr���fV //f DEC a� 1 Mayor Charles Delaurenti o - _ Iviu ' and - - i Renton City Council -7 �� Ci�y Hall -v/N Q���` Rey ton, Washington 98055 G DEPA% Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Renton City Council Members : I represent a group of individuals from this area who are interested in building and operating a marina on Lake Washington in Renton with facilities supporting approxi- mately 400 to 500 small craft on a full time basis. We feel that the plans now under consideration for the "Program for Lake Washington Beach Park" must include these marina facilities. This will give maximum land, sho eline and water usage by our Renton residents now and in the future. This is a great opportunity for you, once again, to provide much desired and needed facilities . . . an opportunity which will not be avail- able in the future unless a marina is included in the Lake Washington Beach Park plans now. Please consider the many overall benefits to our fair cit i and its residents. We urge that you include these marina facilities in the program for Lake Washington Beach Park at this time. Please move on this promptly and advise us accordingly of you compliance. Sincerely, / /---/---64.1.__ , Kenneth R. Zehm•-J 815 Houser Way No . Renton, Washington 98055 KRZ/ b i ,- 0'- 24 ' 1 Renton City Council 11/8/76 Page 4, Consent Agenda 7 Continued Claim for Damages Claim for Damages was filed by Fred L. Green, 612 S. 25th, in amount of $259. 94, ,for ruptured water tank allegedly caused by pressure due to improper closing of fire hydrant. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Kenneth R. Zehm, 815 Houser Way N. , noted he represented Marina a group of individuals interested in building and operating a marina on Lake Washington with facilities supporting 400 to 500 small craft and asked that the "Program for Lake Washington Beach Park" include these marina facilities. . MOV D BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUN- CIL REFER LETTER TO THE PARK EOARD FOR RECOMMENDATION. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Ken Zehm reported intent was to build a marina as part of the Lake Washington Beach Park and operate privately.' MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND.MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED,' CARRIED. Management Letter from Renton Management Association, President, Board Members and Association Compensation/Fringe Benefit Committee, noted prohibition from negoti- Budget Requests 'ating as a bargaining unit, submitted proposals and recommendations for Council consideration: (1 ) Support of Mayor's proposal for 6%' increase; (2) Request for use of 4 days of the 12 allotted yearly, for sick leave to be used in the event of illness of immediate family,' memb- ers (now limited to employee illness only) . (Amendment of Title 1 , Ch.25, Sec. 1-260. 1 ) ; Request that 27 days vacation he granted to manage- ment employees after 18 years of service, and upon completion of; 20 years of service that 30 days vacation be granted. (Amendment of Title 1 , Ch. 8, Sec. 1-802) ; (4) Request for granting of cost-of-living increases to Management Association employees equal to Consumer Price Index; per- centages determined from the November to November report for urban wage earners as published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor. The letter requested referral to Council Budget Committee and Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER MANAGEMENT PSSOCI- ATION BUDGET REQUESTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED Rich K. O' Brien Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission • Rezone recommendation approving the Rich K. O' Brien application for rezone from R-4 to L-1 for property located at the northwest corner of Seneca Ave. SW and SW 13th St. The letter noted restrictive covenants relating to use, setbacks, landscaping and screening, are required; that thelpro- posed use of the 12,500 sq.ft. undeveloped area for production and' sale of signs is compatible with the long range development of the area and in agreement with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED; BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND APPROVE REZONE AS PRESENTED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGI;SLATION COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted area adjacent to' Cummins • Diesel , that applicant' s landscaping and maintenance standards exceed requirements. of the city. MOTION CARRIED. . AUDIENCE COMMENT Margaret Lohre, 319 S. 19th St. , re Friends of Youth application and was advised by Council President Stredicke of the Saturday ll/13 visi- tation to the Griffin Home and continued hearing 11/15/76. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke noted issuing of traffic citations to those persons blocking intersections during peak loop traffic and asked the Stredicke ;' Administration that the policy be universal regardless of age of Inquiries violator or intersection, noting the blocking of Bronson Way and Houser Way at 4: 30 p.m. Council President Stredicke noted the subject;of adult movies in residential areas had been previously referred to the; Public Safety Committee and reported relevant article inWestern Citiesimaga- zine re legal opinion by California cities and asked that City Attorney Shellan advise the committee concerning the decision; request' confirmed ' by Mayor Delaurenti . Councilman Stredicke recalled City contract for recycling of paper, noting Washington Excelsior had changed owners and inquired re present recycling program, Mayor Delaurenti noted' report would be forthcoming. ' I RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 8, 1976 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims fqr Damages - James M. Pearce, Jacob Zier and Fred L. Green COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Management Assoc. budget requests COMMUNITi SERVICES COMMITTEE Housing Assistance Plan CommunitY Development Plan 1977 HUD Block Grant Programs • FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Managemert Assoc. budget requests LEGISLATION COMMITTEE O'Brien Rezone • Community Development Plan Housing Assistance Plan PARK BOARD Marina Request PLANNING COMMISSION Marina Request PUBLIC HEARINGS 1977 HUD Block Grants 11/15/76 Friends of Youth Special Permit 11/15/76 APPOINTMENTS Barabara Y. Shinpoch to Council Position and to LEOFF Disability Board Gerald R1tchie to permanent position of Sergeant RPD 12/1/76 Donald Persson to permanent position of Lieutenant RPD 12/1/76 • ((> Pi) /IA\c*,-\ • ,cam, ,w9 Its S y, • , , 6:7L,- -4:9 4. g' city 6 i C- " v �' 1' 5`MAYORS "CN1ON 1 {COE62IV t November 8 , 1976 "` ,epic Mayor Charles Delaurenti and Renton City Council City Hall Reton, Washington 98055 Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Renton City Council Members : I represent a group of individuals from this area who are interested in building and operating a marina on Lake Washington in Renton with facilities supporting approxi- mately 400 to 500 small craft on a full time basis . We feel that the plans now under consideration for the "Program for Lake Washington Beach Park" must include thee marina facilities. This will give maximum land, shoreline and water usage by our Renton residents now and in the future. This is a great opportunity for you, once again, to provide much desired and needed facilities . . . an opportunity which will not be avail- abl ' in the future unless a marina is included in the Lake Washington Beach Park plans now. Plea e consider the many overall benefits to our fair city and its residents . We urge that you include these marina facilities in the program for Lake Washington Beach Park at this time. Please move on this promptly and advise us accordingly of your compliance. Sincerely, Kenneth R. Zehm 815 Houser Way No. Renton, Washington 98055 KRZ/p. • / /- P- L Vim-*-0 . ' • 1...i - ' .. Renton City Council • 11/8/76 Page 4 Consent Agen a - Continued Claim for Damages Claim for• Damages was filed by Fred L. Green, 612 S. 25th, kn -amount of $259;94, ,for ruptured water tank allegedly..caused by pressure due to improper closing of fire hydrant. Refer to City. Attorney and Insurance, Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, .SECON.DED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA AS 'PRESENTED. CARRIED. Lake Washington . Letter from Kenneth R. Zehm, 815 Houser Way N. , noted he represented Marina a group of individuals interested in building and operating marina on Lake Washington.with"facilities supporting 400 to 500 small craft . and asked that the "Program for Lake Washington Beach Park"; include these marina facilities. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUN- CIL REFER. LETTER'TO THE PARK BOARD FOR. RECOMMENDATION. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Ken Zehm reported intent was to build a marina as part of the Lake Washington Beach Park and operate privately. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PLANNING-.COMMISSION. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, ' CARRIED. Management Letter from Renton Management Association, President, Board Members and Association . Compensation/Fringe Benefit Committee, noted- prohibition from negoti- Budget .Req.uests ating as 'a bargaining unit, submitted proposals and recommendations for Council consideration: (1 ) Support of Mayor's proposal fo'r 6% increase; ' (2) Request for use of 4 days of the 12 allotted yearly for Sick leave-to be .used. in the event of illness of immediate family memb- ers (now- limited to employee illness only) . (Amendment of Title 1 , Ch.25, Sec. 1-260. 1 ) ; Request. that 27 days vacation be granted, to manage- ment.emp.loyees after 18 years of service. and upon completion of 20 years of service 'that 30 days vacation be granted. (Amendment of Title 1 , Ch. 8, Sec. 1-802) ; '(4) Request for granting of cost-of-living increases to Management Association employees equal to Consumer PriceIr�dex per- • centages determined from the November to November report for urban wage earners as published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor. The letter requested referral to. Council Budget Committee and Finance and Personnel Committee, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY. BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER MANAGEMENT ASSOCI- ' ATION .BUDGET REQUESTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THEiFXNANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Rich K. O'Brien Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission Rezone recommendation approving the Rich K. O'Brien application for rezone from R-4 to L-l.for property' located at the northwest corner of Seneca Ave. SW and SW 13th St. The letter noted restrictive covenants relating to use, setbacks, landscaping and screening, are required; that the pro- posed use ;of the 12,500 sq.ft. undeveloped area for production and sale of signs is compatible with the long range development of theiarea and in agreement with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE,; .SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE CQVgNANTS AND APPROVE REZONE AS PRESENTED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE 'iLEGISLATION' COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted area adjacent to Cummins • Diesel , that applicant' s landscaping and maintenance standards exceed requirements of the city. MOTION CARRIED.- AUDIENCE COMMENT Margaret L,ohre, 319 S. 19th St. , re Friends of Youth application -and was advised by Council President Stredicke of the Saturday 11/13 visi- . tation to the Griffin Home and continued hearing 11/15/76. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke noted issuing of traffic citations to those • persons blocking intersections during peak loop- traffic and 'asked the Stredicke Administration that the policy be universal regardless of age OfInquiries . violator or intersection, noting the blocking of Bronson Way and Houser ' Way at 4:30 p.m. Council President Stredicke noted the subject of adult movies in residential areas had been previously'referred to Idle Public • Safety Committee and reported relevant article in Western Cities maga- zine re legal opinion by California cities and-asked that City Attorney Shellan advise the committee concerning the decision; request confirmed .by Mayor Delaurenti. Councilman Stredicke recalled' City contract for recycling of paper; noting Washington Excelsior had changed 'Owners and inquired re present recycling program, Mayor Delaurenti noted report- • would be forthcoming. - i 1 r x � Renton City Council 11/8/7s, Page 3 • PUBLIC11HEARING - Continued Friend of Youth Mrs. Arlene Zanga, 1609 Talbot Rd.S. , objected to placement of the • Contin ed halfway house for troubled boys in residential area. Planning. Commis- sioner, Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Ave. NE, reported Planning Commission recommendation was to allow special permit. Planning Commissioner, Tony Mola, noted living in Talbot Hill area and voting against the group home. Upon inquiry by Council President Stredick , Planning Direc- ` for Erickson reported permit would be granted on year-tq-yea;- basis for maximum of three years , subject to annual review by advisory council and could be rescinded within several months.'• Ned Dalmar, Head Coun- selor at Griffin Home, noted main objection to the special permit was fear of decay of the community, inviting all interested persons to visit Griffin Home to obtain better understanding, explaining boys are supervised. Council President Stredicke suggested tour of the facility at 10:00 a.m. Saturday 11/13/76. Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe gave verbal report, noting inappropriate Iss of decision prior to. hearing and noted the boys that would be residing at the group'. _ . home have had no criminal involvement but are graduates of Griffin Home and have come. from foster homes;- curfew will be in existence. Councilman . _ Bruce noted possibility of young men in community renting house without need for a permit. Councilman Bruce noted many hearings with Planning Commission and noted the committee had studied all of the letters and Hearinoil Continued reports. • MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BRUCE, CONTINUE HEARING ONE. WEEK. to 11/1./76 CARRIED. Council President Stredicke invited all interested persons to visit the Griffin Home at 10:OC a.m. Saturday 11/13/76. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:26 p.m. All Council members present at roll call as previously stated. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Coun- cil members, are •considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed for separate consideration by Council action. Comparable Worth Letter from 'Nancy Berry, President, Renton NOW extended invitation to Study attend the 11/16/76 meeting in the Renton Public. Library, 8:00 p.m. • with speaker Ann Quantock of Washington Public Employees Association regarding Washington State's "Comparable Worth Study. " The letter repor- ted that for comparable work, as determined by point value, women are paid 20% less than men. Voucher Approval The Finance Committee recommended Council approval for p yment of Vouchers No. 11488 through No. 11627 in amount of $251 ,131 . 63 (#11559 in amount of $688. 87 voided) , having received departmental certifica- tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers No. 11478 through 11487 were machine voided during processing. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Barbara Y. Shinpoch to the Law LEOFF Beard Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Retirement System Disability Board replacing former Councilman McBeth, appointment effective 11/1/76, expiring 3/1/78.. (Information) Appoint ent Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Gerald A. Ritchie to permanent Gerald itchie position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective 12/1/76, having successfully completed probationary period 11/30/76. Council concurrence recommended. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Donald R. Persson to the perman- Donald ersson ent position of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department effective 12/1/76 having successfully completed probationary period 11/30/76. Council concurrence recommended. Claims or Claim for Damages was, filed by James M. Pearce, 2528 Burnett Ct.S. , for Damages ruptured water tank allegedly caused by flushing of lines by Fire Dept, J. earce Claim filed in amount of $167.22. Recommendation: Refer, to City Attor- ney and Insurance Carrier. J. ier Claim for Damages was filed by Jacob Zier, 434 Wells Ave.N. , in amount of $39 for•.sewer trouble allegedly caused by clogged sewer main. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. • I P/)- " Renton City Council Minutes of 3/10/75 Meeting Page : `': CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Powell Ave. SW agencies, the Board of Public Works recommended vacation of. two Street Vacation : areas requested with retention of an easement adjacent to FAI 405 for. Continued . ' the State Highway Department's illumination system.''-',The letter fu'r- :' ther recommended that the City negotiate the exchange, of additional right-of-way required for the P-1 channel as part of the consideration • ' for the vacation, and suggested date of Public Hearing be set:''. ;''' '`:`' • ' MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR. IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION f COMMITTEE AND THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR COMMENT.'" Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was undeveloped stub-ended street, recorded about 1900. MOTION CARRIED. ' I f Street Vacation Two petitions for Street‘Vacations were received from The Boeing Com- Portion Logan N. pany, Director of. Facilities and Service, JohnR. ,Potter. The'.,vaca-.';:' ;`. ;.; Lake Washington tions requested were for portion of Logan Ave. N.: beginning., at. N. Blvd. N.."'. 6th St. to the street end, an area of 3.43 acres, of 149,360.58 .sq.ft.,; the second area portion of Lake Washington Blvd.' N. (also, known as':.•; . Secondary State Highway No. 2A) near North Renton Interchange and ;.;,; Park Ave. N. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL `' ' REFER PETITIONS FOR STREET VACATIONS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CHECKING AS TO VALIDITY- OF PETITIONS AND TO THE TRANSPORTATION,: COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Committee was asked to check .for, conflict , , with proposed bike trail,.and 'SR515 Extension. . "Project 1776" , Letter from the Renton Bicentennial Committee Chairman, Lew Innocenti , 3/14/75 at ' invited attendance at the "Project ,1776" workshop at Lindberg High School Lingberg High; ; on Friday, March 14, 9:30 a.m. Yakima. High School is sponsoringi' ' "Project 1776", a statewide campaign to encourage.'citizen and student participation in planning for Bicentennial activities with •Lingberg .. High selected for the Seattle/South King County area' host school . Green River ', etter from Planning Director Ericksen noted 3/6/75 Kent ,meeting Valley Watershe / wherein King County representatives indicated ,the Soil Conservation Project. . - Service felt it would be feasible to implement the Eastside and West- side Project areas on an individual basis for the Green River Valley atershed Project. The letter noted the Eastside Project includes �'r enton, Kent and Tukwila and could be implemented '.at an early date Cif desired;' further noting request of King County, Councilman Mooney • , that cities' reaffirm concurrence in the proposed project,' preferably Eby resolution; and letter request is forthcoming from Councilman ;Mooney..: ' MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED:BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER 'TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • ASPO Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested' attendance of four,' Conference Planning Commission delegates to the American Society of Planning Officials joint conference with the Community Planning Association of Canada in Vancouver, B.C. April 12 to 17. MOVED BY SCHELLERT; SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS COMMUNICATION BE. REFERRED TO THE FINANCE • ' COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS . A Proclamation of the Mayor declared March 16, through March :23,, 1975 International as International Demolay Week. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, :., . • Demolay Week COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Master Councilor. Keith, . 3/16-23/75 Wendorff introduced others from the Local Chapter: Larry• Cluphf,iSr. Councilor; Koel Wendorff, 7th Preceptor; Loren Moore, Jr. Deacon,, , . Brad Houk, 1st Preceptor; Scott Henry, Chaplin; James Davis, Almoner;, Chuck Youells, Marshal and Dawn Davis, Sr. Princess: "Employ the Older A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared "Employ .the Older Worker" Worker" Week Week of March 9, through: 15, 1975, and urged employers to recognize 3/9-15/75 : the merits of hiring those over 40 yrs. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. `' .'' •`' '' , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPIES OF THIS RES,OLUTI.ON BE' ' ` SENT BY THE CITY CLERK TO MAJOR INDUSTRIES IN :THE AREA. CARRIED. • AUDIENCE COMMENT ' Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor P1 . , , inquired of Record Chronicle newspaper report of Councilman . Schellert's remarks at Committee of ;. • • .' ' I: ' Ithe Whole meeting to Port of Seattle representative. Councilman • + Schellert noted thatit was not' Council nor Administration policy but: ,' this remarks that an outside source could possibly help in development of Lake Washington •Beach, pr:operty and. did not,per'tai n 'to'`;present ,park. :, j • Renton City Council Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 4 • AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington! MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach , BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman Development • Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council- men present. • Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters . Fire Fighters Local #864. and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond issue Bond Issue . 1975 sewer and water bond issue ap�edenew trunk presented sewers and Public interceptors Director. The modified report added along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Person- .1 nel Committee for inclusion in the bond RECOMMENDATI0N MOVED COMMITTEESCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer Water & Sewer , revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director's recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies 1 awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittingsl2" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves, in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional., in amount of $1 ,103.10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED OFBTHE SCHELLERT, COMMITTEESECONDED AWARDYBIDS GRANT, CARRIED COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Honeydew Too ' Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288, street and lighting instal- lation, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. The report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance by the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation of Whitman Court or terminating the LID, also recommending the committee ! report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 Dura's plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL APRIL 7, AND A PUBLIC HEARIN( c,2i/75 SET FOR THAT DATE SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AREA CAN BE NOTIFIED. CARRIED. a � 07,00.44.„ zol.)08-e-4 • igeitt-el..0) Cstlet—ik, Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued i Kiwanis Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report .recom- Air Fair mending approval of Council and Airport Staff of the Renton Kiwa'ni'Is 7/12 & 13 Club plans for the Air Fair July 12 and 13, 1975, profits to be ,us'ied to fund development of a park in the southwest corner of the Airport on Rainier Ave. The report recommended the Kiwanis matter be referred to the Bicentennial Commission in order to coordinate the event during 1976. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REI,,PORT OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' I Boeing Leasehold The Aviation Committee report noted the Airport Director has been Interests authorized to retain Robert H. Garmo, M.A. I. , to accomplish an appraisal of the Boeing Company's leasehold interests at the Renton Airport which is ' to be completed by May 1 , 1975, funds budgeted. The Boeing lease is due for renegotiation by June 1 , 1975. Councilman Councilman Stredicke inquired re building permits for Quendall Terminals' Inquiries activities and asked the Public Works Director for report. Strediccke also inquired re Alexander Auction moving, being advised by the 11 Public Works Director re Board of Public Works Hearing at 9:00 a.ml. on April 9, (open to the public) , that the building has been inspecte0y the Health, Fire and Building Departments. Councilman Stredicke noted receiving complaint on parking regulations in North Renton at Sartori School and asked that the matter be looked into, Mayor Garrett asking the Police Chief to check. Publicity MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, BROCHURE REPORT OF THE CBD BE Brochure PREPARED FOR PRESENTATION AT THE A.W.C. CONVENTION. IN JUNE AND THE Downtown COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE BE GIVEN AUTHORITY TO PROCEED. It wasl Improvement noted $2,000 budgeted for City reports. Councilman Clymer urged inclu- sion of Carco Theatre and other capital improvements in the brochure. MOTION CARRIED. School Bond Following short discussion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED 'BY Levy $5,400,000 CLYMER, THE CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD APPROVING THE RENTON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 8, 1975, SPECIAL ELECTION. CARRIED. 1 PSGC Concerning Councilman Perry called attention to letter from Michael L. Darland, Vacation of Director of the Transportation Planning Dvn. of the Puget Sound Govern- Portion Logan N. mental Conference addressed to Mr. Robert Morgan of the Boeing Commercial & Lake Washington Airplane Co. which recognized the need for a future tie between the Boulevard North completed section of SR 515 and I-405 as depicted on their 1990 Transpor- tation System Plan and provision for transit lane and use of railroad r/w, noting presentation to Boeing regarding the Logan Ave. abandonment near N. 6th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED TO INVITE MIKE DARLAND OF THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE TO ' MAKE PRESENTATION TO THE COUNCIL OF THE SAME MATERIAL PRESENTED TO BOEING AT THE STREET VACATION PUBLIC HEARING MAY 5, 1975. Councilman Perry noted being in contact with Mr. Darland three years ago while representative to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, but has made no further con- , tact. Following further discussion of requests for vacation of portions of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. by the Boeing Companyll, and that the resolution setting the public hearing has not yet been adopted,l the MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS No Council Councilman Clymer noted no Council meeting would be held March 31 , 'as Meeting 3/31/75 it is the fifth Monday of the month, .Council meetings being held first four Mondays of each month. l R S rinkler Councilman Schellert inquired re downtown fire and whether or not sprink- Systems for lers would minimize fire hazard, being advised by Fire Chief Willaims Fire Protection that sprinklers would be helpful . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF SPRINKLERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION IN DOWNTOWN ' TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sockeye 'MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF SOCKEYE SALMON' Fishing FISHING IN LAKE WASHINGTON BY RENTON CITIZENS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUN- ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke suggested meeting with concerned citizens and Indian Council . CARRIED. 1 1 Renton City Council 3/24/75 iPage 3 CORRESPOENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued National Flood Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Federal Insurance Insuranc Administration has identified three areas within the City which are Program, I considered as 'Special Flood Hazard Areas;" which encompass seven resi- Flood Di-aster dences (One area with six residences in the Maplewood Homes area, one Protectiorh Act area across Cedar River from Maplewood and -Maplewood Addition with no of 197 residences and tone area on Monster Road with one residence). The letter explained the 1973 Act requires formal . application for participation in the insurance program prior to 7/1/75; otherwise, there will be no Federal financial assistance or mortgage loans from federally-insured or regulated banks or savings & loan associations available for buildings within the identified special hazard areas. Gonnason's letter recommended the City proceed with the application which will require adoption of three resolutions or ordinances relating to procedures for building permits and Zoning control as applied to flood-plain .management. Councilman Perry suggested any legislation be coordinated with King County Flood Control Plan as presented by K.C. Councilman Mooney, being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that the National Flood Insurance Program does not contain a financial commitment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE HOLD THE MATTER AWAITING INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. "Public Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization for execution of a Education in a grant application to co-sponsor nine multi-cultural workshops in Renton Multi-C �'ltural presented by the Renton School District; the Center for Research and Society' Services, Seattle University to be co-sponsor. The letter noted the Workshops City will have no financial responsibility for the project, that Staff Open to Public time for any City employee requested for input into planning for the workshops,shall be reimbursed, that the application for funding is in the amount of $3,500. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE GRANT APPLICATION. CARRIED. AUOIENCI COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired whether Social Security benefits constituted income pertaining to special water and sewer rates Special , Utility for Senior Citizens. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Rates for Renton THE SUBJECT OF SPECIAL UTILTY RATES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS Senior Citizens COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Following discussion wherein Councilman Schellert noted City is, limited to subsidizing' the poor and infirm. MOTION CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed to Closed Executive Session at 9:02 p.m. and reconvened at 9:37 p.m. Roll was called with all Council- men present as previously shown. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REQUEST FOR FINAL PAYMENT, PHASE I , Final "ayment DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WHICH WAS TABLED 4/17/75, BE TAKEN FROM West Coast . THE TABLE. CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Councilman Elect1ic Co. Grant had reviewed the downtown project with the Public Works Department Downto n representatives this afternoon and approval given. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Improvement SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S LETTER CAG 301,2-72 OF MARCH 14, AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT TO WEST COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY LID 27 ACCEPTING PROJECT AS OF 3/17/75 AND ESTABLISHING START OF 30 DAY LIEN PERIOD FOR REFUND OF RETAINED PERCENTAGE.* (See Minutes 3/17/75 Pg.1 . ) Need for Council approval was discussed. Expenses and funding of LID 274, CBD, were discussed, total cost of the LID reported as $690,864.33 with 40. 954% being assessed against the property owners. Preliminary of total costs of the downtown improvement - $1 ,905,968. 'MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Report Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee report requesting AAAE Conference approval for attendance at the 1975 American Association of Airport Executives Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 8-11 , 1975 by the Air- port Director and Airport Committee members Stredicke and Delaurenti , funds having been budgeted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED.