HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor 11.23.20From: Madalyn Taylor <madalynpenelope@gmail.com> To: apavone@rentonwa.gov; eprince@rentonwa.gov; rcorman@rentonwa.gov; rperez@rentonwa.gov; vohalloran@r entonwa.gov; kvan@rentonwa.gov; abenedetti@rentonwa.gov; mcirvin@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-23 21:10 Subject: Deep concerns regarding the zoning ordinance and the Red Lion CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Hello, Renton city officials, My name is Madalyn Taylor. I have lived in Renton for nearly a decade; this town has been a wonderful new home to me since moving here. I work in homelessness advocacy, and I was deeply disturbed to recently hear of the ordinance discussed at tonight's meeting, the interim zoning controls for homeless shelters. I am writing to demand, for the sake of moral decency and respect for human life, that these ordinances be dropped immediately. What you are proposing is going to dump homeless people back into the streets during a global pandemic. You are killing them, and you are doing so because of social pressure from Renton's landowning class and racially-motivated hand-wringing about "crime" in conjunction with the shelter's operation. I hope that you all feel a deep shame that such a proposal would even be given thought, let alone time, at your council meeting. These people are our neighbors; at least, they are my neighbors, as a low-income working class person in Renton. The homeless are human beings, putting them out into the cold during the winter, during a pandemic, is vile beyond words. You have a duty to every single member of the community you purport to be a servant of, not just the landowning class. Drop this ordinance and issue an apology for considering this murderous, classist, racist action. In solidarity with my houseless neighbors, here and worldwide, -Madalyn Taylor (She/her/hers)