HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucid 11.24.20From: Leah Lucid <leahlucid@gmail.com> To: apavone@rentonwa.gov; eprince@rentonwa.gov; rcorman@rentonwa.gov; rperez@rentonwa.gov; vohalloran@r entonwa.gov; kvan@rentonwa.gov; abenedetti@rentonwa.gov; mcirvin@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-24 23:05 Subject: Red Lion -- show some compassion! CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Hello Renton City Council, My name is Leah, and I'm a resident in neighboring Seattle -- but have good friends in Renton and love to visit the downtown area. I am appalled to hear you are considering evicting everybody at the Red Lion, which is filled with houseless folks with nowhere else to go -- in the pandemic, in winter. PLEASE show compassion to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Please do not force them to leave with a new emergency zoning ordinance. We are all anxiously awaiting your next moves and will be staying up-to-date on your actions. Thank you for your consideration, Leah Leah Lucid, MS University of Washington