HomeMy WebLinkAboutSingh, Hira 11.30.20From: Hira Singh <hira.bhullar@gmail.com> To: vohalloran@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-30 22:02 Subject: Reject the legislation of AB - 2766 CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Dear Councilmember Valerie O'Halloran, My name is Hira Singh Bhullar, I am a resident of south King County and community leader in Punjabi community. I am writing to you in support of keeping needy homeless individuals in hotels in the city of Renton. I strongly oppose the proposed legislation AB-2766. This legislation specifically targets the most vulnerable homeless population especially during COVID-19 and brutal cold weather. I am a member of Sikh community and my community is known for supporting the needy. That is the core belief of my religion. We provide food, shelter to whoever is going through hard times, and this is going throughout the world wherever Sikh community is present. Being a member of that community I believe proposed legislation AB-2766 is against humanity. Small businesses are already badly impacted due to COVID-19, this legislation will add another financial burden on hotels hosting homeless individuals. They will lose financial support provided by King County. I humbly request you to reject proposed legislation AB-2766 to support humans in need and support small businesses in the city of Renton. Thanks in advance Hira Singh Bhullar hira.bhullar@gmail.com LR - 000319 From: Hira Singh <hira.bhullar@gmail.com> To: rcorman@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-30 21:59 Subject: Reject the legislation of AB - 2766 CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Dear Councilmember Randy, My name is Hira Singh Bhullar, I am a resident of south King County and community leader in Punjabi community. I am writing to you in support of keeping needy homeless individuals in hotels in the city of Renton. I strongly oppose the proposed legislation AB-2766. This legislation specifically targets the most vulnerable homeless population especially during COVID-19 and brutal cold weather. I am a member of Sikh community and my community is known for supporting the needy. That is the core belief of my religion. We provide food, shelter to whoever is going through hard times, and this is going throughout the world wherever Sikh community is present. Being a member of that community I believe proposed legislation AB-2766 is against humanity. Small businesses are already badly impacted due to COVID-19, this legislation will add another financial burden on hotels hosting homeless individuals. They will lose financial support provided by King County. I humbly request you to reject proposed legislation AB-2766 to support humans in need and support small businesses in the city of Renton. Thanks in advance Hira Singh Bhullar hira.bhullar@gmail.com LR - 000320 From: Hira Singh <hira.bhullar@gmail.com> To: rperez@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-30 21:53 Subject: Reject Legislation AB-2766 CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Dear Councilmember Perez, My name is Hira Singh Bhullar, I am a resident of south King County and community leader in Punjabi community. I am writing to you in support of keeping needy homeless individuals in hotels in the city of Renton. I strongly oppose the proposed legislation AB-2766. This legislation specifically targets the most vulnerable homeless population especially during COVID-19 and brutal cold weather. I am a member of Sikh community and my community is known for supporting the needy. That is the core belief of my religion. We provide food, shelter to whoever is going through hard times, and this is going throughout the world wherever Sikh community is present. Being a member of that community I believe proposed legislation AB-2766 is against humanity. Small businesses are already badly impacted due to COVID-19, this legislation will add another financial burden on hotels hosting homeless individuals. They will lose financial support provided by King County. I humbly request you to reject proposed legislation AB-2766 to support humans in need and support small businesses in the city of Renton. Thanks in advance Hira Singh Bhullar hira.bhullar@gmail.com LR - 000321 From: Hira Singh <hira.bhullar@gmail.com> To: abenedetti@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-11-30 21:57 Subject: Reject the legislation of AB - 2766 CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Dear Council Member Angelina Benedett, My name is Hira Singh Bhullar, I am a resident of south King County and community leader in Punjabi community. I am writing to you in support of keeping needy homeless individuals in hotels in the city of Renton. I strongly oppose the proposed legislation AB-2766. This legislation specifically targets the most vulnerable homeless population especially during COVID-19 and brutal cold weather. I am a member of Sikh community and my community is known for supporting the needy. That is the core belief of my religion. We provide food, shelter to whoever is going through hard times, and this is going throughout the world wherever Sikh community is present. Being a member of that community I believe proposed legislation AB-2766 is against humanity. Small businesses are already badly impacted due to COVID-19, this legislation will add another financial burden on hotels hosting homeless individuals. They will lose financial support provided by King County. I humbly request you to reject proposed legislation AB-2766 to support humans in need and support small businesses in the city of Renton. Thanks in advance Hira Singh Bhullar hira.bhullar@gmail.com LR - 000322