HomeMy WebLinkAboutBeauchene 12.05.20From: Scott Beauchene <sbeauchene@gmail.com> To: Council <Council@Rentonwa.gov> Bcc: jmedzegian@rentonwa.gov; eprince@rentonwa.gov; rcorman@rentonwa.gov; rperez@rentonwa.gov; rmcirvin@ rentonwa.gov; vohalloran@rentonwa.gov; kvan@rentonwa.gov; abenedetti@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-12-05 05:59 Subject: Regional homeless authority - I'm a Renton resident CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. I live in Renton and I want to thank you for taking a stand for our community by opposing County actions on the homeless. Of course we should cooperate, but we are not the rug they can sweep the results of their mismanagement under. With the Renton Red Lion, the County is using the covid crisis as an excuse to solve Seattle's homeless problem by shipping it away from them. Every year, funding on the homeless increases in Seattle and every year the problem gets worse. Their mismanagement is not compassionate to the homeless and it is not compassionate to the Renton citizens who bear the brunt of their mismanagement. They have given us no reason to believe they'll do a better job this time. We're approaching a year end and they haven't been able to get their leadership team in place. It's time to shut down the Red Lion homeless shelter. We lended a helping hand in a crisis. This is not a permanent solution. Please keep Renton's allocation of the regional authority money and apply real solutions on behalf of Renton homelessness. Help our people. Thank you, Scott LR - 000634