HomeMy WebLinkAboutNate Caminos 12.05.20From: Nate Caminos <rhaib10@kingcounty.gov> To: "council@rentonwa.gov" <council@rentonwa.gov>; "mayor@rentonwa.gov" <mayor@rentonwa.gov> ; Cc: "cvincent@rentonwa.gov" <cvincent@rentonwa.gov>; "evanaley@rentonwa.gov" <evanaley@rentonw a.gov>; Harold Odom <RHAIB12@kingcounty.gov> Date: 2020-12-05 11:08 Subject: Proposed Ordinance: Interim Zoning Controls - Homeless Shelters Attachments: KCRHA IB Letter to City of Renton 12.04.20.pdf CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Good morning Mayor Pavone and Councilmembers, Members of the Implementation Board for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority held a special meeting earlier this week regarding the interim zoning controls ordinance that the City of Renton is currently considering. The board passed a resolution tasking Harold Odom and I as co-chair’s to send a letter to the city which we’ve attached to this email highlighting key takeaway’s our discussion. As the letter states, please let us know if there is anything we as members of the Implementation Board and Regional Authority can do to be helpful and supportive to you as a partner during this time. In addition to being a member of the Implementation Board, my family and I are Renton residents and we wish nothing more than to be a part of any effort to see our city and community prosper. We are still in the hiring process of hiring a CEO and staff in the coming weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, we as board members offer ourselves to meet with any of you and staff to learn more on how we can better support Renton’s needs and interests as we face these unprecedented challenges together. Sincerely, Nate Caminos Co-Chair, Implementation Board King County Regional Homelessness Authority Harold Odom Co-Chair, Implementation Board King County Regional Homelessness Authority LR - 000635 LR - 000636 LR - 000637