HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.08.20 McCammonFrom: Dave <dlmccammon@comcast.net> To: Council <Council@Rentonwa.gov> Bcc: rmcirvin@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-12-08 16:00 Subject: CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. I think that the Red Lion Inn in Renton needs to be addressed separately from Homeless, yes homeless is a regional problem, but the Red Lion Inn (RLI) was used in a way showing lack of respect to the City of Renton by the King County government. The people that were moved into the Red Lion Inn came from a homeless condition in Seattle that was already showing problems and with the Covid Pandemic they found a way to lessen their problem by sharing with out advance notice or any type of assistance or even direction. Yes, I understand the RLI residents didn’t request this relocation but neither did Renton Residents. I am against moving back the date of downsizing the allowed number and exiting the RLI by the homeless due to fact that King County has shown they are not interested in working with Renton in this situation and made the move without prior notice. I also don’t believe we should be feeling “bad” about this because we are addressing homeless within Renton. The situation with RLI is clear Seattle/King County addressing the problem by sharing with the unexpected. I am against grouping a large number of people in one area because if something should happen it affects a large group of people. I believe the fire at RLI is an excellent example of this. If the tenants had been housed in smaller groups you would still have one problem but it would have affected fewer individuals and required a smaller response saving resources for other needs. I believe King County is continuing with the lack of respect for ALL King County residents outside of Seattle. For an example: I mention back in 2007 Renton had a city employee request financial aid from Washington State in annexing a large area from unincorporated King County to Renton. King County was pushing for annexation (of suburban unincorporated KC) at the time but didn’t feel they needed to assist Renton in the cost driven by the annexation. I would also like to mention I am aware that Renton has worked with King County previously about the homeless within Renton. I participated in the first count done (January 2009) in the Benson Hill Communities after the area annexed into Renton (in March 2008). I mention this because it shows a count of Renton homeless has been done over the years if my memory serves me correct the count didn’t come to 200 and definitely wasn’t in one location. I do not believe Renton is turning a deaf ear or trying to close the door on those without homes but instead trying to protect their residents while accepting with reasonable restrictions those who live without homes. Dave McCammon Renton resident Sent from Mail for Windows 10 LR - 000781