HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoach 12.14.20From: Jessica Roach <jessica_roach@icloud.com> To: council@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-12-14 09:57 Subject: Deintensification Center CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Hello Mayor and Council Members, I have spoken with some of you over the years and have always appreciated the dialogue, so thank you. I am writing to all of you to voice my support for the legislation related to the DESC/Red Lion deintensification center. I am a nurse, and likely have taken care of some of the clients there but I still struggle with the center being there. The clients deserve to have the care that is offered to them there, but I also am so angry that this process has been blown far out of proportion by some advocacy groups. I don’t see the council as “kicking everyone out,” I see compassionate people who want to make sure that people are taken care of, our city is taken care of, all while this is being forced upon our city with little assistance from the County. I love Renton, but I hate to see what it has done to that area. Security at Rite aid, wandering individuals across two major roadways, endless calls for service and the latest fire. Yesterday, I went to Safeway and watched as people were likely doing drugs on the corner, graffiti, garbage etc. I understand some of this may also be caused by those not in the shelter, regardless our city needs help. I am sad to say, I feel like this will slowly become downtown Seattle… I often have many people tell me “you should move, Renton is awful” We don’t see it that way, we moved here during the “ahead of the curve” era and have loved it since. Thank you for listening and thank you for all you do for our beautiful city. Jessica Roach LR - 000927