HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusch 12.14.20From: Alicia Busch <alicia.k.busch@gmail.com> To: Council <Council@Rentonwa.gov> Bcc: rperez@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-12-14 11:18 Subject: Please VOTE NO on Anti-Shelter Emergency Ordinance CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Hello Mayor Pavone and Renton City Council Members, I am strongly urging each of you to reject the Shelter Emergency Ordinance that is to be voted on at tonight's council meeting. I have been watching the discussions about this ordinance and fail to see how this effort has met the guidelines under the "equity lens" that the city adopted. This ordinance, even with it's revisions treats unhoused populations like criminals and puts extreme burdens on shelter services that would result in them closing - putting some of the most vulnerable populations at extreme risk. This is especially heartless, as we are seeing thousands of COVID related deaths every day and we're seeing near freezing temperatures every night. Putting these very vulnerable human beings on the street will result in deaths. This ordinance also would severely infringe upon privacy for marginalized communities (LGBTQIA+, refugees, etc) requiring a neighborhood meeting and the "description of the homeless population being served". Potentially leading to harassment with the neighborhoods able to demand resolutions and reports from the shelter. Still maintains this applies to "unrelated individuals living together as a 'family'". When I lived in Renton, we experienced a pipe break in our Condo, which displaced myself, my then boyfriend and many other families for 42 days. Thankfully, we had renters insurance which covered a hotel stay for those 42 days. Under this zoning law, we would have been considered homeless and subject to these discriminatory processes. Understanding that everyone on this council has committed to equity work, I am deeply disturbed by the inequity and life threatening harm that is a result of these efforts to further marginalize the most vulnerable populations that exist in ALL OF OUR COMMUNITIES, whether we like it or acknowledge or not. I really hope that Council sees the inequity and harm caused by this proposed ordinance and makes the just and humane decision to reject it. These are real humans that deserve diginity and not to be criminalized. https://crosscut.com/opinion/2020/12/i-live-rentons-red-lion-homeless-shelter-it-must-stay-open?fbclid=IwAR209DT-RQ3KIiSN-5wWlG0NlHS_PgfWy3HvrvMBDtprKXj-y6yKyNqBEIc Homelessness is a crisis. Unhoused individuals are not criminals for being unhoused and trying to survive. It is time that we show that we truly value equity and advocate for all communities to have the same safety, life sustaining resources and dignity that we all have. Thank you for your time. Alicia Busch Anti-Racist Activist LR - 000929