HomeMy WebLinkAboutWest 12.14.20From: meestersammy@gmail.com To: council@rentonwa.gov Date: 2020-12-14 12:12 Subject: = E2Red Lion” Ordinance CAUTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCityofRenton.Donotclicklinks,replyoropenattachmentsunlessyouknowthecontentissafe. Honorable Council: In the middle of a raging pandemic, Renton city council is currently considering an ordinance that effectively acts as a ban on homelessness in the city. As if homelessness is a problem that has invaded Renton, as if there aren't residents of Renton that need shelter now, and as if City Council doesn’t realize that people need shelter just to live. Even if you don’t consider it a “ban,” this is a clear signal for homeless residents to “get out of town.” This is the exact wrong message and policy for Renton. Creating an exclusionary environment for homeless people not only harms those who need shelter TONIGHT, but also embarrasses the city of Renton. How can the council turn its back on people who need shelter, take away what temporary shelter they currently have, and be proud of that? I can’t imagine thinking that restructuring zoning laws to exclude the unsheltered is the magic solution to homelessness in Renton, yet that’s exactly what this council is considering. The Red Lion Hotel has provided people who need shelter with a more stable place to live, community support, and most importantly, human dignity. Have each of you read the guest column in Crosscut on Dec 7? “ I live in Renton’s Red Lion homeless shelter. It must stay open.” How can you read that column and still feel that people like the author need to just leave Renton? Then again, maybe you haven’t even cared to read it, or try to empathize with it. Homelessness is not bounded by city borders, and you can’t just pretend that there are no unhoused residents of Renton. Further, you can’t just “send” people to other places, such as Seattle, displacing other human beings to avoid your own public responsibility. Please do not move forward with this ordinance. It is an embarrassingly poor proposal with heavy consequences for people who need public support the most. With Respect, Sam West LR - 000952