HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Citizen's Center Plan (1977) /►WARDED CONTRACT No. CAG 1'O oirps ' g [ITE0 0 RENTON SENIOR CITIZENS ' CENTER A community improvement project jointly financed by City of Renton Bond Funds King County Housing and Community Development Block Grant Funds State of Wash. Ref. 29 Funds Y c>�� \ CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING DEPARTMENT S N � MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 Mill AVE S RENTON, WASH 98055 • 1206) 235 2631 THE MITHUN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 2000 112TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE WASHINGTON Specifica ions and Contract Documents for RENTON SE' IOR CENTER for the C'ty of Renton CONSULTAN S The Mithu Associates, Architects 2000 - 112th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 Telephon- 454-3344 Gerard Terrence,, Structural 5207 Lak hurst Lane Bellevue Washington 98006 Hargis E gineers , Electrical and Mechanical 1600 Tow r Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Telephon 682-6452 Robert Whitney and Associates , Kitchen 1235 - 2 d Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 Telephon- 283-5006 Jongejan Gerrard & Associates , Landscape 23 - 103 d Avenue N.E. Bellevue: Washington 98004 Telephon- 454-5723 Renton senior Center Table of Contents Renton, Washington PART, I Number of Pages Frontpiece 1 Table of Contents 5 Legal and Bid Documents Summ.ry of Fair Practices Policy of the City of Renton 1 Affi mative Action Program - City of Renton 6 Call for Bid 2 , Inst uctions to Bidders 3 Scot): of Work 1 *Certification of Equal Employment Opportunity Report 1 *Certification by Proposed Contractor, Subcontractor 1 _ an' Supplier Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity (City) *Mino ity Business Enterprise Certification 1 *Mini um Wage Affidavit Form 1 *Non-Iollusion Certificate 1 *Bid :ond Form 1 *Certification Regarding Assignment of Antitrust Claims 1 Sample Copy - Manpower Utilization Report - Form 257 2 Fede al Aid Proposal Notice 1 Prop.sal . 5 Cont act Agreement 7 Bond to City of Renton 1 Federa Aid Provisions Requ red Federal Aid Provisions 13 Affi mative Action Requirements 19 Non-Discrimination in Employment by. Government Subcontractors and Contractors 3 Current Davis Bacon Wage Rates in King County 7 Specia Provisions 11 Genera and Supplementary Conditions 4 Soils 'eport 10 * Form. denoted thus above must be signed or completed prior to submittal of bid. Part 'II Technical Ssecifications: Architectural Section Number Number of Pages 0101d Summary of the Work 1 01017 Legal Description 2 01400 Inspections and Tests 1 0150(0 Temporary Construction and Facilities 1 01900 Miscellaneous Requirements 3 02100 Clearing of Site/Demolition 1 02200 Earthwork 2 02600 Asphalt Pavement 1 02700 Site Improvements 1 02800 Landscaping 5 02750 Irrigation 7 ' Landscape Irrigation Details 7 03100 Concrete Formwork 2 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 2 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 5 05100 Structural Steel Material and Fabrication 1 05150 Structural Steel Eriction 1 05500 Miscellaneous Steel and Iron 2 06100 Carpentry-at-Site 5 06170 Glued Laminated Lumber 2 06200 Millwork and Casework 2 06300 Wood Preservative and Flame-proof Treatments 1 07150 Dampproofing 1 07200 Thermal Insulation 1 07300 Shingle Roofs 2 07500 Built-up Roofing 2 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal 2 07800 Roof Accessories 1 07900 Sealants 2 0810d Hollow Metal Doors and Frames 1 08200 Wood Doors 2 08500 Metal Windows 1 08700 Hardware and Specialties , 14 08730 Weatherstrips and Gaskets 1 08800 Glass and Plastic Glazing 2 09250 Gypsum Wallboard 2 09300 Tile 3 09500 Acoustical Treatment 2 09550 Wood Flooring 1 09650 Floor Covering ,2 09680 ' Carpeting 3 09900 Painting 6 09950 Wall Covering 2 10100 Chalk Board, Tack Board, Peg Board 1 10140 Signage 7 10150 Compartments and Cubicles . 1 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories 2 10900 Miscellaneous Specialties 1 Par-till Technical Specifications: Kitchen and Kitchen Equipment Section Number 11400 Food Service Equipment 16 11410 Food Service Casework 3 11420 Food Service Refrigeration 7 Part, IV Technical Specifications: Elevator & Elevator Equipment 14200 Elevator and Equipment 4 Part V Technical Specifications: Mechanical 15010 General Provisions 9 15181 Insulation 1 15400 Plumbing 6 15800 Heating and Ventilating 3 15900 Controls 1 • Part VI Technical Specifications: Electrical 16010 General Provisions 5 16100 Basic Materials 9 16401 Workmanship 3 16500 Lighting Fixtures 2 16700 Communications 5 Drawing Number and Description Architectural Drawings Number Title A-1 Site Plan/Details A-2 First Floor Plan A-3 Second Floor Plan A-4 Elevations/Details A-5 South Elevation A-6 North Elevation A-7 Stair and Bath Plans A-8 Building Sections A-9 Building Sections A-10 3/4" Wall Sections and Details A-11 3/4" Wall Sections and Details • A-12 I 3/4" Wall Section and Details A-13 Building Section and Details , A-14 Details A-15 Room Finish, Door and Window Schedules A-16 First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan A-17 Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan, Roof plan ' A-18 Cabinet Details/Interior Elevations A-19 Interior Elevations Structural S-1 Foundation Plan S-2 Second Floor Framing Plan S-3 Lower Roof Framing Plan S-4 Upper Roof Framing Plan S-5 Framing Sections S-6 Framing Sections S-7 Framing Sections S-8 Framing Sections S-9 Framing Sections S-10 Framing Sections S-11 Truss Details S-12 Truss Details S-13 Foundation Details S-14 Framing Details S-15 Framing Details S-16 Framing Details S-17 Miscellaneous Framing Details 4itchen Drawings -1 Equipment and Utility Schedule -2 Kitchen floor plan, mechanical and electrical plans '-3 Fixture details '-4 Fixture details andscage Drawings -1 Planting Plan L-2 Irrigation Plan (Details located in Specifications) Mechanical Drawings r -1 Mechanical Site Plan ' -2 1st Floor Plumbing Plan r -3 2nd Floor Plumbing Plan 1 -4 1st Floor H&V Plan r -5 2nd Floor H&V Plan ' -6 1st Floor Sprinkler Plan -7 2nd Floor Sprinkler Plan -8 H&V Details , lectrical Drawings E-1 Electrical Site Plan -2 1st Floor Lighting Plan -3 2nd Floor Lighting Plan -4 1st Floor Power Plan ' -5 2nd Floor Power Plan ' -6 Kitchen Plan and Schedules Legal and Bid Documents CITY OF RENTON SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2017 EXHIBIT "A" The policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatment and service to all itizens and assure equal employment opportunity to all persons based on ability and fitness regardless of race; creed; color; national origin; sex; physical, sensory or mental handicaps; age; or marital status. This policy shall apply to every aspect f employment practices, employee treatment and public contact. i In keeping with this principle the following guidelines are established and shall be the governing policy for all departments of the City of Renton. Z. 4MPLOYMENT - Recruiting, hiring and appointment practices shall be conducted solely 4n the basis of ability and fitness without regard to race; color; creed; national origin; sex; physical, sensory or mental handicap; age; or marital status. 2. ,PROMOTION - Promotion, downgrading, layoff, discharge and inter-departmental transfer shall be dependent on individual performance and work force needs without regard o race; color; creed; national origin; sex; physical, sensory or mental handicaps; age; or marital status, and whenever applicable, in agreement with Washington State Council of County and City Employees, and in compliance with governing Civil Service Laws and Regulations., 3. TRAINING - All on-the-job training and city-supported educational opportunities shall b 'nistered without discrimination to encourage the fullest development of indivvid Z interests and aptitudes. 1 • 4. iSERIICE AND EMPLOYEE CONDUCT - The City shall deal fairly and equitably with all citizens it serves and all persons it employs. City departments shall maintain the policy that no city facility shall be used in the furtherance of any discriminatory practicpe Each official and employee shall be responsible to carry out the intent and provisions of this policy. 5. COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS - The City shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with all organizations and commissions concerned with fair practices and equal opportunity employment. Such organizations include, but are not l' ted to the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission, the State Human Rights Commission, the Seattle Human Rights Commission, Seattle Womens' Commission, and the King C unty Area Agency on Aging. 6. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM - To facilitate equitable representation within the city work force and assure equal employment opportunity of minorities and women in City Government, an Affirmative Action Program shall be initiated and maintained by the Ci of Renton. It shall be the responsibility and duty of all City Officials and De artment Heads to carry out the policies, guidelines and corrective measures as set forth by this program. 7. i COITRACTORS' OBLIGATION - Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers conducting busine 's with the City of Renton shall affirm and subscribe to the Fair Practices and No -Discrimination policies set forth therein. 8.., PO TING OF POLICY - Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all city employes, shall appear in all operational documentations of the City, including bid calls, and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate city facilities. CONCU D IN by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington this I 9th day of February , 1976. CITY 0 RENTON: RENTON CITY COUNCIL: ' • lae,4244( CPaged•AZ A 014401444.4. Mayor 1 Council President EXHIBIT "B" AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM CITY OF RENTON 1 The policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatment and se ice to all citizens and assure equal employment opportunity to all persons based on ability and fitness regardless of race; creed; color; national origin; sex; ph}�sical, sensory or mental handicap; age; or marital status. In recognition of its obligation to provide community leadership to overcome past circumstances which have either barred, not encouraged or discouraged representative minority and female employment, the City of Renton has initiated a program of affirmative action designed to assure that the spirit and intent of this policy is realized. The term minority as herein used shall include, but not be limited to, those identified as Blacks, Spanish-Americans, Asians, and American Indians. The spirit .' of the equal opportunity policy includes such persons as the physically, sensory, or mentally handicapped, and those between the ages of 40 and 65, even though the emphasis is ipon minorities and females. The purposes of the Affirmative Action Program are to: 1) establish employment practices that will lead to and maintain a minority composition of the City of Renton work force that reflects that of the major recruitment area(s); 2) achieve and maintain equitable and full utilization of minority and female employees at all position levels; 3) promote an atmosphere of non-discrimination and fair treatment ,;within city government; 4) provide compliance with State and Federal equal opportunity requirements and regulations; 5) encourage and monitor equal employment opportunity • eff its on the part of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers doing business with the City of Renton. This policy shall be made known to all employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers through distribution of handbooks, bulletins, letters, and personal contacts, conferences and orientation sessions. Signed acknowledgments'pledging coo eration shall be required of all department heads and supervisory personnel in the City of Renton and, where appropriate, of all contractors, subcontractors, and sup liers to whom this policy shall apply which include those with an average annual emp oyment level of eight or more permanent employees or whose contracts with the City of Renton attain a level exceeding $10,000. 1. PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITY To ssure that the equal employment opportunity policy and the provisions of the Aff rmative Action Program are carried out, an Equal Employment Opportunity Officer sha 1 be appointed or designated by the Mayor. The Officer shall be the focal point 1,for the City's equal opportunity efforts and will advise and assist staff and management personnel in all matters relating to implementation of and compliance with the Affirmative Action Plan, and be responsible for the successful execution • of his program, utilizing the assistance of appropriate State and community agencies ;and organizations and maintain close liaison with the Mayor and City Council on the 'progress of the program. The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer will have the ' ;responsibility to: A. Initiate, coordinate, and evaluate development of the City's plans and • !programs which are designed to ensure that all current and prospective employees ,receive the benefits of equal employment opportunities. B. Periodically audit the practices of the City and recommend improvements in he Affirmative Action Policy to the Mayor's Office and the City Council. C. Insure that all members of management within the City are fully aware of -nd their actions are in compliance with the intent of the Affirmative Action •:Policy pertaining to equal employment opportunity. . I . D. Provide continuing communication of the Affirmative Action Policy to • ' management, employees, applicants for employment, and to outside organizations Iper' orming services for the City. II. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES IThe overall employment practices provide the key to assuring equal employment • lopportunities and achieving an appropriate representation in the City's work force. ITo achieve these objectives, the City of Renton shall undertake the following actions: A. Conduct periodic review of all job descriptions to assure that they accurately ref_ect job content and related skill and/or educational qualifications. Revisions will be made as necessary to delete requirements which are not reasonably related to ,the tasks to be performed. . B. Provide information and guidance to all staff and management personnel who make hiring decisions so that they are aware all applicants shall be considered as set forth in the Affirmative Action Policy. Primary consideration shall be given to minorities, women and other groups as defined herein at any time the City's work force does not reflect their participation in the work force of the City's normal recruit- ment area. • C. Provide periodic training for managers and supervisors in equal opportunity objectives and the concept of affirmative action. Such training shall encompass equal opportunity legislation, employment practices, potential discriminatory acts, and cultural awareness. Additional specific training will be provided to any city employee charged with the responsibility of assuring compliance with the provisions of the City's Affirmative Action Program outlined herein that pertains to contractors, sub- contractors and suppliers. D. Provide every new employee with a general orientation to the City's employ- ment operation, its personnel policies and practices, employment benefits, department locations and resources for information. Each new employee shall receive a copy of the Fair Practices Policy and an explanation of the grievance procedure relating thereto. In addition to the general orientation, each new employee shall receive an orientation by his/her supervisor specific to the department by which he/she is employed. E. Pay salaries in accordance with job responsibility, administer fringe benefits equally to all employees in accordance with labor contracts and ordinances, and assign overtime work on an equitable and non-discriminatory basis. F. Recruit in_ such a manner as to make employment opportunities known to the greatest number of women and minorities possible within the City's normal recruitment 1 area. Such recruitment efforts will include the distribution of non-promotional • position openings to: 1. The Renton and Seattle offices of the. Washington State Employment Security Department; 2. Organizations which assist in the employment of affected classes as is deemed appropriate by the Personnel Director, based upon job requirements and the type and scope of placement services offered by such organizations. A listing of these organizations is available in the city's Personnel Office for review. 3. Current city staff. Such distribution shall be made by posting in the Personnel Office, the City Clerk's Office, the Street Department Office, the Water Shop Office, and the Park Maintenance . Office. All city employees will be informed and periodically reminded of these locations. Such additional recruitment measures as may be deemed appropriate by the Personnel Director may be employed in addition to those enumerated above. All employment notifications shall include the statement "The City of Renton is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply" and shall be distributed at least ten days prior to the application closing date. Supplementary hiring programs such as part-time trainee, intern, and public employment programs shall also be subject to the Equal Opportunity Program. III. EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT The hiring of minorities and women on a fair and equitable basis is only the first step in affording equal employment opportunity. Skill development, promotions, and equal non-discriminatory on-the-job treatment are of equal importance to both the individual and to the City. The City shall undertake the following to achieve employee job satisfaction and fair treatment and to more successfully utilize women and minority persons in the work force. A. Assure that there will be no discrimination for reason of race; color; creed; sex; physical, mental, or sensory handicaps; age or marital status in regard to upgrading, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination. Employee grievances arising from any employment action alleged to have a discriminatory effect shall receive immediate • action under Section V herein. B. Develop a skill and interest inventory of employees which can be used to • identify supervisory and managerial position potential. This potential shall be identified through: 1. - Written statements from employees indicating their skills, education and interest in advancement to positions of higher responsibility. -2- 2. Annual review and analysis of each employee's job performance, employment development and readiness to assume a higher position. C Identify specific positions for which employees qualify and assure that i within 'the constraints of Civil Service Rules and union contract terms, transfers and promotions are made without discrimination and on the basis of qualifications. ' D. Provide skills training, employment orientation and guidance to employees ' hired under any public employment or tandem educational program to assist them in making the transition into permanent employment positions in either the public or private sector. 1 Er Conduct periodic training sessions designed to increase the skills and employment potential of employees in all departments. Assist employees through counseling, as requested, in developing individual programs for career development. IV.; LIAISON AND COORDINATION A There exist many organizations vitally concerned with equal opportunity and fair treatment of minorities, women, and the physically, sensory and mentally handic pped; and those that are over 40, whose resources can be of valuable assistance toiach eying the goals of this program. The City of Renton shall maintain constant contac and coordinate various aspects of the Affirmative Action Program with these organi ations. In addition to those identified with respect to recruiting, hiring, and em loyee development, working relationships shall be maintained with the various civil, labor, and minority organizations in the greater Renton area. I B The City also recognizes its responsibilities to comply with and assure that equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies of State or Federal agencies with which :.t conducts business are carried out. Specifically, the City of Renton shall: 1. Be responsible for reporting to the appropriate agencies any complaints received from any employee of, or an applicant for employment with any City of Renton contractor or subcontractor, subject to Executive Order 11246. 2. Cooperate in special compliance reviews or in investigations as requested. 3. Carry out sanctions against contractor(s) and/or subcontractor(s) as required. 4. Assure itself and the agency as part of the grant application process, that the general or prime contractors will not have submitted pre- packages bids that deny open bidding to minority or any other sub- . contractors. 1 5. Furnish information as required, maintaining an affirmative action file ' detailing its efforts, with dates, to meet its commitments under ,, Executive Order 11246. All da-a and documentation generated as a result of this Affirmative Action Program shall be made available to any Federal or State agency for their review upon request. V. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 1 The success of the Affirmative Action Program depends largely on the attitude of the commun ty as well as the employee. Opinion as to what constitutes fair and equal opportunity and treatment may vary widely and grievances may result. The following steps hall be taken immediately for any grievance arising from the implementation of thil program so as to maintain the best possible employee-supervisor and city- commun'ty relationships. . A. The employee shall bring any grievance to the attention of the immediate supervisor or department head, who will investigate as necessary to determine the 1 cause f the complaint and work with the employee to effect an equitable solution. A minimum of five and a maximum of ten working days shall be allowed for conciliation. Every ffort shall be made to resolve the difficulty at this level. Any employee at ' this p int has the option to pursue the grievance through methods outlined in bargai ing unit contracts or proceed with Step B. 1 B. If the difficulty is not resolved at Step A, the services of the Equal Emplo ent Opportunity Officer may be requested by either party. The Equal Employment Opport pity Officer shall interview both parties, conduct additional investigation as necess ry, and recommend in writing to both parties appropriate corrective action and settlement conditions within ten working days of the receipt of the grievance. Extensions for reasonable cause may be granted at request of both parties. —3- • C. In the event that mutual agreement cannot be achieved, signed statements detailing the grievance and specific investigative action shall be obtained by the 1 Equal Employment Opportunity Officer from the employee and his supervisor. The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer shall draw upon all 'resources at his/her disposal,, both internally and those external to the City, to arrive at recommended corrective action and settlement conditions. The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer shall forward these statements along with his/her own investigation report and recommenda- tions to the Mayor's office for resolution within ten working days of the receipt of the signed grievance statements. D. If disposition satisfactory to all parties is not reached within five working days of the Mayor's receipt of the grievance, the Mayor shall refer the grievance to the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission for investigation and resolution. The procedure used by the Commission shall_be as outlined in Ordinance 2775. Proceedings of the Commission shall be documented, and their decision shall be final and binding ! • subject only to review by the State Human Rights Commission or through the judicial system., All reports, decisions and other documentation generated by the grievance pro- cedure shall be maintained by the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer as a matter of permanent record. • VI. GUIDELINES FOR MINORITY AND FEMALE EMPLOYMENT The normal recruitment area for City employees is determined to be as follows: • 1. For officials, 'administrators and professionals - King, Pierce, • 1 Snohomish and Kitsap Counties. 2. For technicians, protective service workers, para-professionals, office and clerical workers, skilled craft workers, service maintenance workers - King County. To determine possible underutilization of women and minorities in the City's work force, the, following statistics will be used: A. Am analysis of the recruitment area for each employment classification as I deliniated• above, including: 1. Total work force; 2. Percentage of minority and female work force as compared to the total work force; . 3. The extent of unemployment among the minority and female unemployed work force. These statistics will be compiled from the annual Manpower Information • Data published by the Washington State Department of Employment Security. B. An analysis of the City's labor force by employment classification to determine the placement of minorities and women at all levels including: 1. The total number of employees by employment classification in each depart= ment, and the percentage representation of females and ethnic minorities in each classification. 2. The total number of employees by employment classification for all depart- ments combined, and the percentage representation of females and ethnic minorities in each classification. 3. The availability of promotable minority and female employees within each ' department. 4. The number and job classification of employees, by department, who will retire within the next five years including tentative retirement dates. These statistics will be compiled from computerized data of permanent employees, available from the City's Data Processing Department, and effective 30 June each year. Based on the statistical analysis outlined above, goals and timetables will be estab- lished and implemented. • The statistical analysis and goals shall be evaluated and adjusted annually in July and the goals shall appear as attachments hereto. The goals shall be directed toward overall female and minority employment and toward underutilization or concentration within the specific employment classifications. The goals shall.be established by the City's Personnel Director and the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, and shall be reasonably attainable. -4- • • ATTACHMENT I • i UNDERUTILIZATION LONG RANGE GOALS BY JOB CLASSIFICATION . Attachment Ia depicts city job classifications and present employee utilization and OFFICIALS AND ADMINISTRATORS - In order for the City of.Renton to correct under- 2 underutilization by sex and race. This form will be updated January 1 and July 1 of utilization in this job classification, five women (one minority) and one minority each year. The Personnel Department also has statistics on underutilization for each male will need_to be employed_or promoted. With an average.turnover of_three_employees ___city_dapertmant_by_job-classification-which-are-available -in-the--Personnei-Off-ice- for - - - per year in this classification, underutilization will be corrected by 31 December 1980. review. . Qualified women and minorities will be actively recruited to fill vacancies as they occur. GOALS FOR 1976 - PROFESSIONALS - The average annual turnover rate for professional employees is four. The City of Renton recognizes King County as its major employee recruitment area. Eight females (one minority) need to be placed in this classification. This goal will Minority representation in the population of King County is currently 8.3%. Minority be attained by 31 December 1980. employees represent 7.2% of the current City of Renton work force. By 30 June 1976 the City will increase minority employment to reflect 8.3% of the total permanent city TECHNICIANS - Underutilization in this classification will be corrected by employing work force. Based on an anticipated turnover of 10 employees in 1976 a good faith effort thirteen females. The rate of turnover in this classification is very low and attempts will be made to employ four minorities-and reduce all types of underutilization as will be made to correct underutilization of female technicians by 31 December 1995. The position vacancies allow. average annual turnover rate is one. FIVE YEAR GOALS PROTECTIVE SERVICES - One minority male, three minority females, and thirty non- The following table indicates attempts the City of Renton will make to correct minority females need to be employed as protective service workers. Turnover averages underutilization by job classification by 31 December 1980. Based on average annual five per year in this classification and an attempt will be made to correct under- turnover, parsons to be hired by 31 December 1980: utilization by 31 December 1995. FEMALE Mnr.F PARAPROFESSIONALS - This job classification is occupied by a greater number of women than men. One minority male and three non-minority males need to be employed • Min. Non-Min. Min. Non-Min. to correct deficiencies in this classification. This goal will be met by 31 December 1985. The annual turnover rate is one employee. Officials & Administrators 1 4 1 0 • Professionals. 1 7 0 - 0 OFFICE/CLERICAL - These positions have historically been filled by women. Under- Technicians 0 4 0 0 utilization identifies a need for two minority females, two minority males, and twenty- one non-minority males. Turnover averages five employees per year. Attempts will be Protective Service 1 6 1 - 0 made to recruit minorities and males to correct deficiencies in this classification by 31 December 1995. Paraprofessional 0 0 1 1 . Office/Clerical 1 0 1 4 SKILLED CRAFT - One minority female and nine non-minority females will be employed Skilled Craft 1 2 0 0 to correct-underutilization in this classification by 31 December 1990. Average annual turnover is one employee. Service/Maintenance - 1 4 0 0 SERVICE/MAINTENANCE - An average annual turnover of four employees is noted in this LONG RANGE GOALS classification. Twenty-four females (two minority) are needed to correct underutilization. Women will be actively recruited for these entry-level positions to correct deficiencies The City of Renton will make every possible effort to correct underutilization in by 31 December 1990. all departments and job classifications by 31 December 1995. Overall hiring goals by job classification include: These goals represent recruitment area percentages for women and minorities. For officials and administrators and professionals the goal for the employment of women is FEMALE • MALE 39.3% with a minority representation of 7%, recognizing the four-county area of King, Min. Non-Min. Min. Non-Min. Pierce, Kitsap, and Snohomish as the recruitment area for these classifications. _ King County is the major recruitment area for all other job classifications. The Officials & Administrators 1 4 1 0 goal for female representation in these classifications is 45.1%. Minorities w:11 be Professionals 1 7 0 0 employed to reflect an'8.3% utilization. All goals and timetables will be updated annually with progress on goal attainment Technicians 0 13 0 0 monitored semi-annually. All records are available for review in the Personnel Office Protective Service 3 30 1 0 during regular working-hours. Paraprofessional 0 0 1 3 Office/Clerical 2 0 2 21 Skilled Craft 1 9 0 0 service/Maintenance 2 22 0 - 0 TOTAL 10 85 5 24 • - - -- - -- - - - - - ATTACHMENII • Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965 (as amended) and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant thereto, and will permit access The City's Affirmative Action Program extends to all those doing business with the to his books, records, and accounts by the Local Public Agency, the Secretary City regardless of source of funds. Each supplier or contractor having eight or more of Labor, or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for purposes of permanent employees or those whose contracts with the City attain a level of $10,000 investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. is required to 1) become familiar with the City's Affirmative Action Program; 2) provide the City with a copy of its own Affirmative Action Program; 3) provide a (6) In the event of the contractors' noncompliancewith the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules,, regulations,, orcorders or orders,, "record of intent to comply by completing the affidavit included in each bid package. this contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part The affidavit and a copy of the firm's Affirmative Action Program must be provided once eachyear and mayaccompany a specificand the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts a yper contract bid. A record is kept of each in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of firm's response and present and past,performance. City records are then reviewed September 24, 1965 (as amended), and such other sanctions may be imposed and • yearly. Firms guilty of non-compliance are removed from the eligibility list, notified remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965 of this action and causing deficiency, and reinstated when satisfactorily demonstrated to Equal Employment Opportunity Officer that deficiencies have been corrected. (as amended) or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Local Public Agency, or as Compliance may be determined by a check of previous performance, compliance reports, . otherwise provided by law. and on-the-job inspection during the current contract. ' (7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, As part of the requirement that federally funded contracts for more than $10,000 are or orders of the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary of Housing and Urban subject to the Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive Development pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Crder No. T1246 of September Order 11375 of October 13, 1968, the City of Renton shall include, in its contracts 24, 1965 (as amended), so that such provisions will be binding upon each with general and subcontractors, the following provisions: • subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Local Public Agency, or the Depart- "During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: ment of Housing and Urban Development may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, :however, that Li (1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Local The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are Public Agency, or the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the contractor employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall interests of the United States. include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places., available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided by the LPA setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, . sex, or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or under- standing a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965 (as amended), and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 • of September 24, 1965 (as amended) and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- ment. • (5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by S i CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR BIDS SENIOR CITIZENS ' CENTER CONSTRUCTION' . Sealed bids will be received until 2 :00 P.M. , June 23, 1978 , at the office of the City Clerk and will be opened and publicly' read alou at 2 :00 P.M. , the same day, in the 4th floor conference room, City. of' Renton M nicipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South. Bid proposa s delivered in person will be received only at the office of the City Clerk in the Renton Municipal Building. • The work lin luded in this Contract consists of the construction and completion f an Office/Assembly building, of Type V-N construction, for Group B 2/A-3 occupancy, including appurtenances 'shown on draw- , ings, .al]'! i strict accordance with these specifications and the accompanyin drawings, excepting only those items 'specifically shown, noted or 'sp' cified as not in Contract. The City Ire erves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any a d/or all informalities. Approved p1 ns and specifications and form of contract documents may be obtained at the office of the Planning Department at the Municip 1 Build.ing,,� ' R nton, Washington, for a deposit of $50: 00 each set plus - $5. 00 to 'co er postage if mailed. The deposit of $50: 00 per each • set of plans will be refunded upon return of the Plans and Specifi- cations in ood condition within thirty days after bid opening. The mailing cha ge will not be refunded. A:: certified check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the total ount of each bid must accompany each bid. The policy f the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal tre t- ment and se vice to all citizens and, assure equal employment opportunity based on ;ab' lity and fitness to all persons regardless. of race, cre-d, color, nati nal origin, sex, physical, sensory or, mental handicaps; age; or mar . tal status. This policy shall apply to every aspect of employment ractices, employee treatment and public contact. The City of Renton hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirm- atively ins re that in any contract, entered . into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response .to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national 'lor'gin in consideration of an award. 1 Al.. successful bidders must comply with Governor' s Executive Order No ,i 71-08 regarding Employment Security Department Special Form No. 34 -S, "State Contractors Quarterly Report on New Hires. " Fo ,ms will be forwarded to successful bidder by the Employment Security Department upon receipt of notice of contract award. Cl' Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Puslished: Renton Record Chronicle Daily Journal of Commerce Seattle Times Seattle Post-Intelligencer June 2, 1978 June 9, 1978 1 • PAGE 1 • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at the o fice of the Renton City Clerk, Renton City Hall , until 2:00 o'clock P.M. , June 23, 1978. 2. EXAMINNATION OF SITE AND DOCUMENTS • Before submitting a proposal , the bidder shall : (a) Carefully examine the drawings and specifications. • (b) Vsit the site of the work and fully inform himself of existing conditions and limitations. (c) Rely entirely upon his own judgement in preparing his proposal , and include in his bid a sum sufficient to cover all items required by the contract. • 3. Plans may be examined and copies obtained at the Public Works Director's Offic . 4. INTER'RETATIONS Questions regarding drawings and specifications should be addressed to the A chitect and will be answered by addenda addressed to all bidders. Neith-r Owner nor Architect will be responsible for oral interpretaions. Questions received less. than 48 hours before the time set for bid opening cannot be answered. All addenda issued during the bidding period will • be in•orporated into the contract. • 5. The bid ,price for any item must include the performance .of all work neces ary for completion of that tiem as described in the specifications. • 6. The bid price shall be stated in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors, the unit price bid will govern. Illegible figures will invalidate the bid. The,' right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive infor- malities if it is deemed advantageous to the City to do so. 7. ORAL AND TELEGRAPHIC .IDS • Oral or telegraphic bids, or modifications of .bids, cannot be considered. 8. SUBSTITUTIONS • Bid;s: sall be based upon the articles and materials named in the specifi - cationic. Substitutions may be made ONLY under the following conditions: (a), Fi a or more days prior to bid openings: Prime bidders may submit to the Architect written requests for approval of articles or materials which they guarantee equal or superior to those specified. . Such requests shall be accompanied by complete descriptions and technical data. Approval , if any, o proposed substitutions will be made by addenda issued to all bidders. (b)1 A ter the contract is signed: Substitutions will be allowed in exceptional cases only where the Contractor, through no fault of his own, is unable to obtain specified items in time to avoid delay to the work. PAGE 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS . ALTERNATE BIDS Except as stated above, alternate bids other than those listed in the bid form cannot be considered. Failure to bid upon all items listed in the bid form may cause rejection of the bid. 1 . A certified check or satisfactory bid bond made payable without reservation to the Director of Finance of City of Renton in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount bid shall accompany each bid proposal . Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately following decision as to award of contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned provided he enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory performance bond covering the full amount of the work within ten days after receipt of notice of intention to award contract. Should he fail , or refuse to do so, the check shall be forfeited to the City of Renton as liquidated damage for such failure. 1. All bids must be self-explanatory. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City may request further information on partic- ular points. 2. SUBMISSION OF BID Enclose bid and bid guarantee in opaque sealed envelope labeled thus: Name of Bidder Proposal for Renton Senior Center, Renton, Washington byresponsible as required the Invitation to Bid. Bidder is respo si ble for delivery of his bid at or before the time set for opening. 13. DISPOSITION OF BID GUARANTEES The successful bidder's bid guarantee will be retained until he has entered into contract and furnished the required performance and payment bonds . The right is reserved to hold the bid guarantees of the two next low bidders until he has done so, or for a period of 45 days , whichever is the shorter time. Bid guarantees of all other bidders will be returned to them as soon as feasible after the bid opening. 4. FORFEITURE OF BID GUARANTEE Should a bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish the required bonds within 10 days after his bid is accepted , his bid guarantee will be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. 15. The bidder shall , upon request, furnish information to the City as to his financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. 16. Payment for this work will be made in Cash Warrants. PAGE 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 17. WITHD'AWAL OF BIDS Any Odder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by written request at 'any time prior to the hour set for the bid opening. No bid may be withd awn or modified after the time set for opening unless and until the .ward of contract is delayed for a period exceeding 45 days. END OF1IN'TRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I y City of Renton Renton Senior Center Scope of Work Thz work involved under the terms of this contract document shall be the full and complete installation of facilities Ire•uired for the construction of a 18,000 ± sq. ft. multi- pu pose center on the described property as well as all site im.rovements . All work shall be set forth in the plans and specifications. An Contractor connected with this project shall comply with all Federal , State, County and City Codes or Regulations appli- ca.le to such work. II CERTIFICATION OF EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REPORT Certification with regard to the Performance of Previous Contracts or Sub- contracts subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause and the filing of Required Reports. The bidder , proposed subcontractor , hereby certifies that he has has not , participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal opportunity clause, as required by Executive Orders 10925, 11114 or 11246, and that he has , has not , filed with the Joint Reporting Committee the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, a Federal Government contracting or administering agency, or the former President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filing requirements. (Company) By: (Title) Date: Note: The above certification is required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1.7 (b) (1) , and must be submitted by bidders and proposed subcontractors only in connection with contracts and subcontracts which are subject to the equal opportunity clause. Contracts and subcontracts which are exempt from the equal opportunity clause are set forth in 41 CFR 60-1.5. (Generally only contracts or subcontracts of $10,000 or under are exempt.) Currently, Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) is the only report required by the Executive Orders or their implementing regulations. Proposed prime contractors and subcontractors who have participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Executive Orders and have not filed the required reports should note that 41 CFR 60-1 .7 (b) (i) prevents the award of contracts and subcontracts unless such contractor submits a report covering the deliquent period or such other period specified by the Federal Highways Administration or by the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Department of Labor. CERTIFICATION BY PROPOSED CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIER REGARDING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Name of Prime Cortractor Project No. INSTRUCTIONS This certificaticn is required pursuant to Federal Executive Order 11246. The implementing rules and regulations provide that any bidder or prospective contractor, or any of their proposed subcontractors and suppliers, stall state as an initial part of the bid or negotiations of the contract whether it has participated in any previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal opportunity clause; and, if so, whether it has filed all compliance reports due under applicable instructions. The City has heretofore adopted Resolution 2017 under date of 2-9-76 amending a "Fair Practices Policy" , as implemented by an "Affirmative Action Program" therein amending the policy of the City of Rentcn to promote and afford equal treatment and service to all citizens and to assure equal employment opportunity based on ability and fitness to all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, physical, sensory or mental handicaps, age, or marital status. This policy shall likewise apply tc all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton who in turn shall affirm and subscribe to said practices and policies. The aforementioned provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial suppliers or raw materials or fires or organizations with less than eight employees or contracts of less than $10,000 business per annum with the City. When the Contractor/Subcontractor/Supplier (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) is required by the City of Rentcn to submit an Affirmative Action Plan, the minimum acceptable percentage of minority employment will to that percentage which is currently listed in "Attachment I" (City of Renton Goals and Timetables) in the published City of Renton Affirmative Action Program. The undersigned contractor therefore covenants, stipulates and agrees that during the performance of this contract he will not discriminate against any person in hiring, promoting, discharging, compensating or any any other term or condition of employment, by reason of such person's race, creed, color, religion, ancestry, sex, physical, sensory or mental handicaps, or marital status as implemented by the "Affirmative Action Program". Contractor further agrees that he will take affirmative and continuous action to insure full compliance with such policy and program in all respects; it being strictly understood and agreed that failure to comply with any cf the terms of said provisions shall be and constitute a material breach of this contract. Contractor shall, upon request and/or as soon as possible thereafter, furnish unto the City any and all information and reports required by the City to determine whether full compliance has been made by the contractor with said policy and program and contractor will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the City for the purpose of investigation to ascertain such compliance. Contractor further acknowledges that he has received a true and complete copy of the City's "Fair Practices Policy" and "Affirmative Action Program". Contract Identification Number CERTIFICATION BY: CONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR SUPPLIER NAME: ADDRESS: REPRESENTATIVES: TITLE: PHONE: 1. Contractor/Subcontractor/Supplier has participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause: Yes No 2. Compliance reports were required to be filled in connection with such contract or subcontract: Yes No 3. Contractor/Subcontractor/Supplier has filed all compliance reports due under application instructions: Yes No 4. If answer to item 3 is "No", please explain in detail on reverse side of this certification. CERTIFICATION: The information above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name and Title of Signer (please type) Signature Date Reviewed by C]ty Authority: MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to carry out a policy in the award of his subcontracts, agent agreements and procurement contracts to the fullest extent to utilize minority business enterprises consistent with the efficient performance of this contract. As used in this contract , the term "minority business enterprise" means a business, at least 50 percent of which is owned by minority group members or, in the case of publicly owned businesses , at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by minority members. For the purpose of this definition, minority group members are Negroes, Spanish Speakirg Spanish Surnamed American persons, American Orientals, American Indians , American Eskimos , and American Aleuts. The State will consider sworn affidavits presented by subcontractors in advance of contract award as one means of establishing minority status in accordance with criteria cited above. To be eligible for award of this contract , the bidder must execute and submit , as a part of the bid, the following certification which will be deemed a part of the resulting contract . A bidder ' s failure to submit this certification or submission of a false certification shall render his bid nonresponsive. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION (Certifies) Name of Bidder (s) That : (a) it (does) (does not) intend to sublet a portion of the contract work and (has) (has not) taken affirmative action to seek out and consider minority business enterprises as potential subcontractors. (b) the contacts made with potential minority business enter- prise subcontractors and the results thereof are listed below: ( If necessary, use additional sheet) 1 . (Name of Firm, Bid Item, Results of- Contacts) 2. 3. 4, 5. Mr ./Ms . has been designated as the liaison officer for the administration of the minority business enterprise program for this firm. MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORM C. ty of Renton ss CGUNTY OF I , the undersigned, having been duly sworn, deposed, say and certify Vat in connection with the performance of the work of this project, I will pay each classification of laborer, workman, or mechanic enployed in the performance of such work; not less than the prevailing rite of wage or not less than the minimum rate of wages as specified it the principal contract; that I have read the above and foregoing statement and certificate, know the contents thereof and the sibstance as set forth therein is true to my knowledge and belief. CONTRACTOR SLbscribed and sworn to before me on this day of , 19 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at CITY OF RENTON NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the person, firm, association, copartnership or corporation herein named, has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in the preparation and submission of a proposal to the Cit) of Renton for consideration in the award of a contract on the improvement described as follows: Name of Project Federal Aid Project No. (Name of Firm) (Signature of Authorized Member) Sworn to before me this day of , 19_ Notary Public BID BOND FORM Herewith find deposit in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, cash , or bid bond in the amount of $ which amount is not less than five percent of the total bid. Sign Here BID BOND Know All Men By These Presents : That we, , as Principal , and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Renton, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Dollars , for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bind themselves , their heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns , jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the P^incipal for accordi n l to the term of the proposal' or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful per- formance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee ; or if the Principal shall , in case of failure to do so , pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids , then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee , as penalty and liquidated damages , the amount cf this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS DAY OF , 19 Principal Surety 19, Received return of deposit in the sum of $ CERTIFICATION RE: ASSIGNMENT OF ANTITRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER TO THE CITY OF RENTON Rf:NTON, WASHINGTON: Vendor and purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser. Therefore, vendor hereby assigns too purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this order or contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price under this order or contract. In addition, vendor warrants and represents that each of his suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims to purchaser, subject to the aforementioned exception. Name of Project Name of Bidder's Firm Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder Date Replaces OF•66) OMB Approval No. 44-R1396 Reporting Period STANDARD FORM - 257 MONTHLY EMPLOYMENT (Month, Year) 1 . (Aug. 1976) UTILIZATION REPORT As prescribed by the Dept. of Labor (OFCCP) (See reverse for instructions) This report is required by Executive Order 11246, Section 203. Failure to report'can result in sanctions which include suspension, termination, cancellations or debarment of contract. To: (Name and location of Compliance Agency) From: (haste and location of contractor) I . • 1. 2. 3. m - Total 'Fetal IWork Hours.of Employment (See footnote) . rity nuoPer umber Claud,. a. b. * a. • (I- • e. •. r.-., v►/h of miiiori Emp.loy- His.. Amer. Asian/ Total total Trade flea- Total Black Indian •Pacific Fe- Employe-lees Comps r s.Name (I.D.) bons Panic Island male : win ees i j C Cr SAMPLE •- Tr c) F..ly ,,,t.,s. 1 - I' G ' G 0S Sv 0 I. Tr. I.& .N1 AD ��0 � �L� Tr ��`�--•-� S QUO, ' '0 I��tiAG 165 ' r. U®�1 QA, cO, Cr 1 !1 `? 0 PS6�` .. r FOB A . ai Tr I C. Tr ! I. . . 7 Company 0 :total's Signature and fib e 8. Date Signed 9. Telephone ::u:?tber (Include Areal Code) (* Males & Females ** Minorities & non-minorities) Page '. .- ' of INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING EMPLOYMENT UTILIZATION REPORT (SF-257) The Employment Utilization Report is to be completed by each subject contractor (both prime and subcontractors) and signed by a responsible official of the compa y. The reports are to be filed on the day required, each month, during the t-rm of the contract, and they shall include the total work-hours worked for each .employee level in each designated trade for the entire reporting period. The prime contractor shall submit a report for its aggregate work force and shall collet and submit reports for each subcontractor's aggregate work force to the Feder-,1 Compliance Agency that is funding their construction project. Reporting Period . . . . . . • . . . Self-explanatory. Compliance Agency . . . . U S. Government contracting or adminis- tering agency responsible for equal employ- ment opportunity on the project. Contr-ctor Any contractor who has a construction con- tract with the U. S. Government or applicant (See OFCCP Regs. 60-1.3). 1. Co pany's Name Any contractor or subcontractor who has a federally involved contract. 2. T ade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Only those crafts covered under applicable Federal EEO bid conditions. 3. W•rk-hours of Employment . . . . The total number of hours worked by all employees in each classification; the total • number of hours worked by each *minority group in each classification and the total work-hours for all women. Classification The level of accomplishment or status of the worker in the trade. (C = Craftworker - Qualified, Ap = Apprentice, Tr = Trainee) 4. Percent of minority work- hcburs of total work-hours . . . . The percentage of total minority work-hours worked of all work-hours worked. (The sum of columns b, c, d and e divided by column a.) 5. Tptal Number of minority employees Number of minority employees working in contractor's aggregate work force during reporting period. 6. Tital Number of Employees . . . . Number of all employees working in con- tractor's aggregate work force during reporting period. * Mi ority is defined as including Blacks, Hispanics! American Indians and Asian and Pacific Islanders - both men and women. cva otwze FEDERAL AID PROPOSAL NOTICES Act,as amended(42 U.S.C.1857 et seg.,as amended by Pub ' L. 91 604, and under the Federal Water Pollution Control NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE FEDERAL-AID Act,as amended(33 U.S.C, 125 et seg.,as amended by Pub 1 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRACTORS L. 92-500). Executive Order 11738, and regulations in im- plementation thereof(40 C.F.R., Part 15), is not llste on I.CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) List of Violating Facilities pursuant to 40 C,F.R.15.20. (a) 'A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities, as required by the (2) That the State Department of Transportation shall be prompt- May 9,1967,Order of the Secretary of Labor(32)F.R.7439,May 19, ly notified prior to contract award of the receipt by the 1967) on limination of Segregated Facilities is included in the pro- ' bidder of any communication from the Director,Office of ' posal and ust be submitted prior to the award of a Federal-aid high- Federal Activities, EQA,Indicating that a facility to be utiliz- way'const ction contract exceeding $10,000 which Is not exempt ed for the contract is under consideration to be listed on from,the p ovisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. the EPA List of Violating Facilities. (b) Bidde s are cautioned as follows: By signing,this bid,the bidder FEDERAL AID CERTIFICATION • will be•de med to have signed and agreed to the provisions of the "Certificat on of Nonsegregated Facilities" in this proposal. This CERTIFICATE OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES certificatio provides that the bidder does not maintain or provide for _ his emplo ee facilities which are segregated on a basis of race,creed,' (Applicable to Federal-aid construction contracts and related sub- color, or ational origin, whether such facilities are segregated by contracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the Equal directive or on a de facto basis.The certification also provides that Opportunity clause.) the bidder Will not maintain such segregated facilities. By the submission of this bid, the execution of this contract or sub- `X (c) Bidde receiving Federal-aid highway construction contract awards contract, or the consummation of this material supply agreement, exceeding 10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the as appropriate, the bidder, Federal-aid construction contractor, sub- Equ:il Opp rtunity clause,will be required to provide for the forward- contractor, or material supplier, as appropriate, certifies that he does • ing of the II ollowing notice to prospective subcontractors for construc- not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at tion;contacts and material suppliers where the subcontracts or any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees . , here provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. segregated facilities are Inaintairied. He certifies further that hey will • ' not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at .NO ICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS AND any of his establishments, and that he'will not permit his employees ' ATERIAL SUPPLIERS OF REQUIREMENT FOR to perform their services at any location, under his control, where • ' , CE TIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES segregated facilities are maintained. He agrees that a breach of this . certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause inn this (a) A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities as required by the contract. As used in this certification,the term"segregated facilities" May 9, 1 67,Order of the Secretary of Labor (32 F.R. 7439,May means any waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and wash rooms, 19, 1967) on Elimination•of Segregated Facilities, which Is included restaurants and other eating areas,timectocks,locker rooms and other in the pro osal, or attached hereto, must be submitted by each sub- storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation ' contractor and material supplier priori()the award of the subcontract or entertainment areas, transportation,and housing facilities pro'v(ided • • or consu matron of a,material supply agreement if such subcontract for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are iri fact , or agreem nt exceeds $10,000 and is not exempt from the provisions secregated on the basis of race,creed,color,or national origin,because of the Equ I Opportunity clause. of habit, local custom, or otherwise. He agrees that (except vyhere he has obtained Identical certifications from proposed subcontractorsv (b) Subc ntractors and material suppliers are cautioned as follows: and material suppliers for specific time periods),he will obtain identical • by signin the subcontractI or entering into a material supply agree• certifications from proposed subcontractors or material suppliers prior ment, the subcontractor or material supplier will be deemed to have to the award of subcontracts or the consummation of material st)pply .. signed an agreed to'the provisions Of the"Certification of Nonsegre- agreements, exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the pro- gated Fac lities" in the subcontract or material supply 'agreement. visions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and that he will retain such This certi [cation provides that the subcontractor or material supplier certifications in his files. • . does not maintain or provide for his employees facilities which are segregated on the basis of race,creed,color,or national origin,whether Note: The penalty for making fdlse statements In offers is presc-lbed such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis.The, in 18 U.S.C. 1001. certification also provides that the subcontractor or material supplier wilhnot maintain such segregated facilities. • BID CONDITIONS • • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS ' (c) Subcontractors or material suppliers receiving subcontract awards • EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY or ntateria supply agreements exceeding$10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause will be required Each bidder,contractor or subcontractor (hereinafter the contractor) ' to provid for the forwarding of this notice to prospective subcontrac- must fully comply with either Part I or Part II,as applicable,of(these tors:for c nstructidn contracts and material suppliers where the sub• bid conditions as to each construction trade it intends to use on this contracts r material supply agreements exceed $10,000.and are not construction contract and all other construction work (both F deral exetitpt fr ni the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and Non-Federal in the area during the performance of this contr ct or subcontract. The contractor commits itself to the goals for minority II. IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEAN AIR ACT AND FEDERAL manpower utilization in either Part I or Part II,is applicable,apd all 'WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT other requirements, terms and conditions of these bid conditions by submitting a properly signed bid. , . (a) By si ning this bid,the bidder will be deemed to have stipulated as follows The contractor shall appoint a company executive to assume the (1) hat any facility to be utilized in the performance of this responsibility for the implementation of the requirements,terms and ontract,unless such contract is exempt Under the Clean Air conditions of the bid conditions. - m 06 DOT For Revised 272 s!z3•G • • PAGE 1 , BID FORM TO: Date Having carefully examined the Specifications entitled: Renton Senior Center and the Drawings, similarly entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecti g the work, the Undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materi. ls and to •erform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- named documents for the following sums: A. BASE BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of: DOLLARS ($ B. ALTERNATE BIDS The Undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for in the following Alternates , as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or d ductions from the Base Bid: I 1 Alter�na a Number and Description Addition Deduction 1. $ $ 2. $ $ 3. $ $ 4. $ $ 5. $ $ 6. ! $ $ 7. $ $ 8. $ $ 9. $ $ ' I • PAGE 2 BID FORM C. UNIT PRICES IThe Undersigned further agrees that the following unit prices shall govern additions and deductions required during the course of the work: Item and Unit of Measure Extra Credit IRock excavation, cubic yard $ ' Hardpan excavation, cubic yard $ ' Earth excavation, cubic yard $ $ Piling, lineal foot $ $_ • • O. OVERHEAD AND PROFIT All of the above hid prices include overhead and profit. • E. SALES TAX .(For states having sales tax and requiring purchaser rather than vendor to pay same) None of the above hid prices include state sales tax. F. SUBCONTRACTORS The Undersigned agrees , if awarded the contract, to employ the following sub- contractors for the branches of work listed, and further agrees that the said subcontractors may not he changed, without the written consent of the Owner: , Branch of Work Name of Subcontractor Plumbing • Heating, and Ventilating Electrical 1 I PAGE 3 BID FORM G. CONTRACT AND BONDS 1 • If the Undersigned he notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to- ex- ecute a contract for the above work , for a compensation computed from the above suds , in AIA Form of Anreement A-101 , and to furnish performance and payment bonds as required by the specifications. H. FID GUARANTEE ' • The Und rsigned further agrees that the check or hid bond accompanying this proposal is left in escrow with the Architect, that its amount or penal sum is the easure of damages which the Owner will sustain by the failure of the Undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds, and if the Undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of •the award of the contract to him has been received, then the the k shall become the property of the Owner or the bid bond shall • remain in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days 'af er the time set for opening bids , or if the Undersigned executes said contract and delivers said bonds , then the check shall be returned to him or he hid bond shall become void. J. ADD NDA Receipt of Addenda numbered is hereby acknowledged. i Biddmr Street address qy City Zip code Telephone number ENO OF BID FORM • I BASE BID AND ALTERNATES 1. GENE"L Each bider shall state in his bid, in the spaces provided therefor in the Bid rpm, the following: (a) Basle Bid: His proposal for performing -the work of the Base Bid, as defined in Par. "2" below. (b) Alternate Bids: His proposal for performing additional items of work, omitting items of work, and for substituting materials and/or construction for those specified in the Bas Bid, all as defined in Par.' "3" below: 2. BAS BID Includes all work shown on drawings or specified, excepting only those items include in the following Alternates, and work specifically shown or noted as not in contract (N.I.C. ) . • 3. ALT RNATE BIDS Deducti a Alternate No. 1: Eliminate fire place in quiet lounge No. 111 and finish out alcove with gypsum' • wall bo1rd the .same as the rest of the room. Leave flue chase for future addi- tion ',of fire box. Deducti a Alternate No. 2: Eliminate all cabinet work in Rooms 116, 213, 106 and 202. Construction Alternate No. 3: Substitite composition shingles as defined in specifications Section 07311 for cedar shingles on all sloping roofs. Deductiye Alternate No. 4: Eliminate trellis on south side terrace of the building. Deducti e Alternate No.. 5: Elimina e kitchenette from second floor corridor No. 204. Deductiye Alternate No. 6: . Substitute exposed aggregate for 4"x8" pavers on south terrace and entry area:. Screed pattern for exposed aggregate to be approved by Architect and Landscape Architect. Deducti e Alternate No. 7: Subs;tit to suspended acoustical ceiling tile (Type 3) as defined in Section 09500 fir the suspended wood ,ceiling in corridors 100; 101, 102, 112, 120, 128,1201 , 201, 204, 208 and 220. PAGE 2 BASE BID AND ALTERNATES D-ductive Alternate No. 8: bstitute sheet vinyl for carpeting in all rooms scheduled for carpeting =kept quiet lounge No. 111 and entry lobby No. 101. I ductive Alternate No. 9: 11bstitute sheet vinyl instead of quarry tile in Kitchen 106. ' fer to kitchen drawings. A . ADJUSTMENTS :id prices for Alternates shall include adjustments in the work of all i^ades as may be necessary because of additions, eliminations and/or substitutions. :ID OF BASE BID AND ALTERNATES 1 of 7 CONTRACTS OTHER THAN FEDERAL-AID FHWA • THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this • day of , 19 , by and b-tween THE CITY OF RENTON, Washington, a municipal . corporation of the Stat, of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITN • SSET. H: 1 ) The OntractOr shall within the time stipulated, (to-wit: within work'ng days from date of commencement hereof as required by the Contralt, o'f .w ich this agreement is a component part) perform 'all the work and; slerv'ces required to be performed, and provide. and furnish' all of the labor, materials, appliances, machines,, tools, equipment, utility and, transportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall com'Tete the construction and installation, work in a workmanlike manner, in •onnection with the City' s Project (identified as No. . for improvement by construction and installation of: Renton Sven or Citizens.' Center. 1411 the foregoing shall be timely performed, furnished, constructed, , , . 1 ins ailed and completed in strict conformity with the plans and spec- ifi ations, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all _J I other documents hereinafter enumerated, .and in full compliance with all app icable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton and any other governmental authority having .jurisdiction thereover. It is further agreed and stipulated that all of said labor, materials, appliances; machines , tools, equipment and services shall be furnished .2 of 7 Contracts Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA and the construction installation performed and completed to the ; saisfaction and the approval of the City's Public Works Director as ; being in such conformity with the plans, specifications and all require- melts of or arising under the Contract. 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's ; bid and signing of this agreement, consists of the following documents, all of which are component parts of said Contract and as fully a part thereof as if herein set out in full , and if not attached, as if hereto attached. a) This Agreement b) Instruction to Bidders c) Bid Proposal d) General Conditions e) Specifications f) Maps and Plans g) Bid h) Advertisement for Bids i ) Special Contract Provisions, if any 3) If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work within such time, or if the Contractor s all be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or if he or any of his Contract Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA 3 of 7 s,ubc ntractors should violate any of the provisions of this Contract, the ity may then serve written notice upon him and his surety of its ' i1nte tion to terminate the Contract, and unless within ten (10) days afte the serving of such notice, such violation or non-compliance of any •rovision of the Contract shall cease and satisfactory arrangement for he correction thereof be made, this Contract, shall , upon the e'xpi ation of said ten (10) day period, cease and terminate in every resp-ct. In the event of any such termination, the City shall immediately sarv• written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the sure y shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided, however, that if the surety within fifteen (15) days after ; Ole serving upon it of such rice of termination does not perform the Contract or does not commence performance thereof within thirty (30) days from the date of serving such notice, the City itself may take ove the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by ontract or by any other method it may deem advisable, for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be lia•le to the City for any excess cost or other damages occasioned the Cit thereby. In such event, the City, if it so elects, may, without; llia•ility for so doing, take possession of and utilize in completing ai • Contract such materials, machinery, appliances , equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may be on site of the project and useful therein. 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or remedies available to the City. 1 Contra is Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA 4 of 7 5) Co tractor agrees and covenants to hold,and save the City, its officers, ag-nts, representatives and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify sa e from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal expenses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury any/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence, om'ssion or -activity upon, on or about the premises worked upon or in an way relating to this Contract. This hold harmless and indemnifica ion prevision shall likewise apply for or on account of any patented or un pa ented invention, process, article or appliance manufactured for use in the performance of the Contract, including its use by the City, unl ss of erwise specifically provided for in this Contract.. In the event the City shall , without fault on its part, be made a part to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pay all costs,;, expenses and reasonable attorney' s fees incurred or paid by the City, in connection with such litigation. Furthermore, Contractor agrees Ito pa, all costs , expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be 1 in urred or paid by City in the enforcement of any of the covenants„ previsions and agreements hereunder. 6) An' notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such . no ice or by its duly authorized representative of such party. Any such 5of7 Contra is Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA ;notice as heretofore specified shall be given by personal delivery thereof or by depositing same in the United States mail . postage prepaid, ,certified or registered mail . 7) The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later tha 10 calendar days after Contract final execution, and shall complete th calendar full performance of the Contract not later than 365 wark-li • days ! fr the date of commencement. For each and every working day of delay of er the established day of completion, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the damages to the City occasioned by said delay will be the sum of $280.00 per day ! as liquidated damages (and not as a penalty) for each such day, which ! shall be paid by the Contractor to the City. 8) Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the ' Co tract nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for b this Contract shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. T e Contractor shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the w rk and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which s all appear within the period of one (1 ) year from the date of final a ceptance of the work, unless a longer period is specified. The Cit, will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with r asonable promptness after discovery thereof, and Contractor shall be I ' I I 6of 7 Contract Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such defect, faul or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. 9) Tie ontractor and each subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and miscellaneous data pertaining to the Cont act as may be requested by the City from time to time. 10) TIe contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the fait ful performance of the Contract, including the payment of all persons and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bond to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified ire P,.ragraph 11 . The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the State of Washington. 11 ) The otal amount of this Contract is the sum of , which includes Washington Stat- Sales Tax. Payments will be made to Contractor as specified in the "gen-ral conditions" of this Contract. Contracts Other Than Federal-Aid FHWA 7 of 7 • IN WITIVES WHEREOF, the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and the Contractor has hereunto set his hand .nd seal the day and year first above-written. CONTRACTOR CITY OF RENTON President/Partner/Owner Mayor ATTEST: Secretary City Clerk d/b/a Firm Name Individua Partnership Corporation A Corporation State of Incorporation Attention If busine.s is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and oth President and Secretary must sign the contract, OR if one signature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnis ed to the city and made a part of the contract document. If busine s. is a PARTNERSHIP, full name of each partner should be listed followed y d/b/a (doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign he contract. If bus;ane•s is an INDIVIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear; fo lowed by d/b/a and name of the company. BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON KNOW ALL 1EN BY THESE PRESENTS : That we , the undersigned as princi;m1 , and corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety corporation , and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations , as surety are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton in the penal sum of $ for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors , heirs , administrators or personal representatives , as the case may be. This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State of Washington , the Ordinance of the City of Renton . Dated at ,Washington , this day of , 19 Nevertheless , the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS , under and pursuant to Ordinance (or Resolution) No. 2295 providing for (which ccntract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto) , and WHEREAS, the said principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth ; NOW, THEREFORE, i f the sai d shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and with- in the time therein set forth , or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers , mechanics , subcontractors and material , men, and all persons who shall supply said principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall hold said City of Renton harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any careless- ness or negligence on the part of said principal , or any subcontractor in the perfor- mance of said work , and shall indemnify and hold the City of Renton harmless from any damage o- expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or per- formed udder said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Renton , then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but other- wise it ;hall be and remain in full force and effect. APPROVED as to legality: Approved: _ Federal -Aid Provisions • ,I ' � I U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Program FHDIRIL LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS 1. - •LICABILITY ' mu Project or Program to which the work covered by this Contract part. {as is being assisted by the United States of America and the ;cal. inS Federal Labor Standards Provilinos are included in this Cont •t pursuant to the provisions applicable to such Federal assist- anoe n WAGS R►TSB FOR LABORERS AND MECHANICS. 111 laborers. and mecbsniosemployed upon the work covered by this Cant .t shall be--paid unconditionally and not less often- than awe ease week., and without subiequ.nt deduction or rebate on any account (exa •t such payroll deductions as' are made mauditory-by law and such tithe payroll deductions as are permitted by the applicable result- issued by.the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Iabo , pursuant to the Anti-tiokbaok lot hereinafter identified), the fU 1 amaunt .due at time Of.payment &Imputed at wage rates not'less 'than those contained in the wage determination decision of said SsO tart' of Labor Ca copy of which is attached end herein incorporated by ferencl), rogardlesi .of any contractual relationship.which may be idle: d to exist between the Contractor or any tubcontractor ,and'such lab& re and msohanios. All laborers and meahadics employed upon such work 'hall be d in oash exoe t that P� P Pint. may be by Check if the v�1`.•yer provides or .seoures .atisfaotory facilities approved by the I.00 ` Public• Aginoy or Public Body,for the oaahing of the same without • ' cost or.expense to the.employ e. For the purpos. of.this clause, contributions made •or costs reasonably anticipated.tinder Section 1 (b) ,.(12) •f the. Davis-Bacon Lot on behalf of laborers Or mechanics are. cons dared wages paid to r.c: l bor s or meobanios, subject to the prow siona of Ssotion'5.5(a)('1).(iv) of Title.29, Code of Federal' Ede: 'ationa. 'Also for the prose of this clause, regular oontribu- ti• : made or costs incurred for.more then a weekly period under plans, • ! , or programs, but oovering the partioular weekly period, ate t d to. be oonstruotively made Or incurred during such weekly ' Pori•' . . 'I .w.:r MINIS Cf YAGBB OR SALAMIS AMIS I !r. • In case of underpayment of wages by the Contractor or by any • aubc tractor to laborers or.ieohanios employed-by the Contractor or , ieubo...tractor upon the work covered by thin Contract, the Local Public 1�sn. at Public Body in addition to such other rifts as my be afford- anid i under this Contrast shall withhold fros,the Contractor, out:of - 'an' is dna the Contractor, so mush thereof-are the Looal.Public Page 1 at 13 • III it • Agency or Public Body may consider necessary to pay ouch laborers or mechanios 'the fall amount of wages required by this Contract. The amount co withheld may be disbursed by the Local Publio Agency or; Public Body, for and on account of the Contractor or the subcontractor (as may be appropriate), to the respective laborers or m chanioe to , whom the game is due or on their behalf to plans, funds, or programa . for any type of fringe benefit prescribed in the applicable wags determination. 4. ANTICIPATED COSTS OP PRIME . z+sr'rrS _ If the Contractor does not make payments to_a trustee or other third person, he may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any. costs reasonably anticipated in providing fringe benefits under a plan or program of a type expressly listed in the wage determination decision of. the Secretary of Labor which is a I part of this Contract:. Provided, however, The Secretary of Laborjhaa found, upon' the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-Bacon Lot have been met. ;he Secretary. of Labor may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. A oopy',of any findings made by the Secretary of Labor in respeot to fringe benefits being provided'by the Contractor suet be submitted to the Looal Publio Agency or Public Body with the first payroll filed by the Contractor subsequent to receipt of the findings. 5. MARTINI COMPENSATION REQUIRED BY CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAINT! STANDARDS ACT (76 Stat. 357-360: Title 40 U.S.C., Sections 327- 332) (a) Overtime requirements. . No Contractor or subcontractor oontraoting for any part of the Contract work which mey require or involve the employment of laborers or meohaaios, including watchmen and guards, shall require or permit any laborer or m.chanio in any workweek in which he is employed on such work to work in excess of 8 hours in any calendar day or in excels of 40 hours in such work week unless such laborer or mechanio receives compensation at a rate not lees than one and one-half times hie basic rats of pey for all hours worked in erosion of 8 hours in any calendar day or in exoess of 40 hours in such work week, as the case may be. (b) Violation: liability for unpaid wages liquidated dames's In the event of any violation of the clause sot' forth in paragraph (a), the Contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable to any affected employee for hie unpaid wages. In addition, each Contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic employed i violations of the clause set forth in paragraph (a), in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such employee was required or permitted ico word Page 2of13 1 - :ri' l , • • I ----"J 'i , ,., I ., . , . . . . . , lin ezoes■ of 8 hours or in ezoess of the standard workweek of 40 hours ' ' ilwi t payment of the overflies wages required by the clause set forth ' is paragraph (a). . (o) Withholding for liquidated damages. The Local Public Agency for Public Body shall withhold or Gauss to be withheld, from any moneys II_ le on a000unt of work performed by the Contractor or subcontractor, ' Jsuclh sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to '1st iefr any liabilities of such Contractor or subcontractor for liqui- ' Ida ed damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (b). (d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert in any subcontracts 'ii clauses set forth in paragraphe. (a), (b), and (a) of this Section also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses • , in any lower tier suboontraote which they may enter into, together with ,a •lenss requiring this insertion in in,* further subcontracts that may '.in turn be made. 16. 7WL0wffi!T 07 a proarrnisi 1BiazsaS . a. apprentices will..be pszmitted to work at lees thanthe. prede- ;j termined rate for the work they performed when they are em- ' ' ployed and individually registered in a bone fide apprentice- ' , ship program;:reaiiter.d with the II. S. Department of Labor, Manpower administration, Bureau of apprenticeship and Training, or with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau, 1 or if a person is employed in hie first 90 days of probationary I employment as in apprentioe in such an apprenticeship program, who is not.ind.ividually registered in the program, but.who has ; been oertifiid,by the. Bureau of Apprenticeship and,Training or a State apprnticeship agency (where appropriate) to be , eligible for probationary employment 'as an apprentice. The 1 allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft claeei- fioation Shall not be greeter than the ratio permitted to the - contractor as to his entire work force under the registered program. Any employee listed on.a payroll at an apprentice 1 wage rate, 'who is not a trainee as defined in subdivision (b) I of this subparagraph or is not registered or otherwise employed ak' stated above, shall be paid the wagerrate determined'by the . Secretary of Labor for,the classification Of' work he actually performed. , The contractor or subcontractor will be required to ' Page 3 of 13 .1101111111.11 • furnish to the contracting officer or a representative of the Wage-Hour Division of the U. S. Department of Labor written evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as the appropriate ratios and wage rates .(expressed in percentages of the journeyman hourly rates), for the area of construction prior to using any apprentices on the contract work. The wage rate paid apprentices shall be not less than the appropriate percentage of the ,journeyman's rate contained in the applicable wage determination. b. Trainees. Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.15 trainees will not be permitted to work at lose than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a program which hail received prior approval, evidenced by formal certification, by the U. S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Bureau of Appren- tics and Training. The ratio of trainees to journeymen shall not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved pro- gram for his level of progress. Any employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and partici- pating in a training plan approved by the. Bureau of Apprentice- ship and Training shall be paid not .less than the wage rate determined by the Secretary of Labor for the classification of work he actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish the contracting officer or a repre- i sentative of the Wage-Hour Division of the U. S. Department of Labor written evidence of the certification of his program, the registration of the trainee®, and the ratios and wage rates prasoribed in that prdgr m. In the event,the Bureau • Of Apprenticeship and Training withdraws approval of a train- ing program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilise trainees at lees than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. • • 0. Equal Employment Opportunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this part shall be in conformity with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, at amended, and 29 CFR Part 30. Parr 4 of 13 t i 7.: EMPLOYMENT OF CERTAIN PERSONS PROHIBITED i No person under the age of sixteen years and no person who, at. the . * , is serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall ibe mployed on the work covered by this Contract. 1:8. REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SO-CALLED "ANTI-KICKBACK ACT" • The Contractor shall comply with the applicable regulations (a !'cop of which, is attached and herein incorporated by reference) of the Sec tary of Labor, United States Department' of Labor, made pursuant to .I ,1the so-called "Anti-Kickback'Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948: 62 ''Ste . 862; Title U.S.C., Section 874: and Title 40 U.S.C., Section 2760), and• any amendments or modifications thereof, shall cause appropriate ' pro' ieione. to' be inserted in subcontracts to insure compliance therewith ''by. all Subcontractors subject thereto, .and shall be responsible for the su eeiori of afTidavits required ,by subcontractors thereunder, except ' ' !as Said Secretary of Labor may specifically provide for reasonable l itatione', variations, tolerances, and exemptions from the require- . me to 'thereof. . !' F1MPLOYMENT OF LABORERS OR MECHANICS NOT LISTED IN AFORESAID WAGE il DETERMINATION DECISION , 1 ' • 'Any class of laborers or mechanics which ii not, listed in the Wage • ode ermination and which it to be eiployed under the Contract will be cl seified Or reclassified ccnforileably to the wage -determination by the kLo al Public Agency or Public.Body, and a report of the adtion taken ' ,.e 1 be submitted by the Local Public Agency or Public Body, through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Sedretary of ALa or,. United States Department of Labor.. In the event, the interested ,' p iee cannot agree on the proper-ciaeeification Or reclaIsifioation ' of a particular clasa of laborers and mechanics to be used, the question ,' ..Jac ompanied by the recommendation of the Local Public Agency. or Public Bo shall. be referred, thrcu tho Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of Labor for final determination. . . 10, FRINGE BENEFITS NOT EXPRESSED AS HOURLY WAGE RATES ; ' • The.Local..Public Agency or' Publiz Body shall require, whenever the • minimum Wage rate prescribed in the Contract. for a class of laborers or me 'hanice includes a fringe benefit which ie not ezpreesed as an hourly w rate and. the Contractor is Obligated to pay cash, equivalent.of such a ri.nge benefit, an hourly cash' equiealent thereof ,to be established., ,[ In the event, the interested parties cannot agree upon a cash stviivalent of the fringe benefit, the question, accompanied by the recommendation of the Local Public Agency or Public Body, shall be referred, through the Secretary. of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of 1 Labor for determination. ; Page 5 of 13 11. POSTING WAGS DETERMINATION DECISIONS AND AUTHORIZED VAGB DEDUCTIONS The applicable wage poster of the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, and the applicable wage determination decision® of said Secretary of Labor with respect to the various classification of laborers and mechanics employed and to be employed upon the work covered j by this Contract, and a statement showing all deductions, if any, in acoozdanoe with the provisions of.this Contract, to be made from wages actually earned by persona. so employed or to be employed in such olasei- fioations, shall be posted at appropriate conspicuoue 'points at the site of the work. 12. COMPLAINTS, PROCEEDINGS, OR TESTIMONY BY EMPLOYEES So laborer or mechanic to whom the wags, salary, or other labor standards prro'vision, of this Contract are applicable ahall be discharged or in any other manner discriminated against by the Contractor or may subcontractor because such employee has filed any complaint or instituted or caused to be instituted any proceeding or has testified or is about to testify in any proceeding under or relating to the labor standards appli- cable under this Contract to his employer. 13. CLAIMS.AND DISMISS PERTAINING TO WAGE RATES Claims and disputes pertaining to wage rates or to classifications of laborers and mechanics employed upon the work covered by this Contract shall be promptly reported by the Contractor in writing to the Local Public Agency or Public Body for referral by the latter through the Secretary of Rowing and Urban Development to the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, whose decision shall be final with respect thereto. -L4. QUESTIONS CU)I CERTAIN-FEDFaAL STA'rurrr AND REGULATIONS All Questions arising under this Contract which relate to the application or interpretation of (a) the aforeeaid Anti-Kickback Act, (b) the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, (c) the aforesaid Davis-Bacon Lot, (d) the regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, pursuant to said Lots, or (c) the labor standards provisions of any other,pertinent Federal statute, shall be referred, through the Local Publio Agency or Public Body and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of,Labor, United States Department of Labor,, for said Secretary's appropriate z liar or interpretation which shall be authoritative and may be lied upon for the poses of this Contract. 15. PAYROLLS AID BASIC PAYROLL RECORDS OP CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS The Contractor and each subcontractor shall prepare his payrolls on forma aatisfaotory to and in accordance with instructions to be Paige 6 of 13 1 • Shed by the Local Public Agency or Public Body.' The Contractor ' ' 4 1 submit weekly to the Local Public 1genoy-or Public Body two certified copies of all payrolls of the. Contractor and of the suboon- 1 rectors, it being understood that the'Contractor shall be responsible I . ,; or the submission of copies of payrolls of all subcontractors. Each , ch payroll shall contain the "Weekly Statement of Compliance" set ., orth in Section 3.3 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations. The ayrolls and. basic payroll records.of the Contractor and each suboon- ractor covering all' laborers and mechanics employed upon the work „ overedby this Contract shall be maintained during.,the course. Of the 1 Ark and preserved for a period of 3 years thereafter. ' ,Such payrolls 1 d basic payroll records:shall .contain the name and address .of each ' oh employee, his .correct olaasification, 'rate of pay '(including rates j f contributions Or costs anticipated of the types described in Section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Lot), daily and weekly,number of hours worked,; duotions made, and actual wages paid. . In'addition, whenever the' ' oretary:ottabor has found under Section 5.5(a)(1)(iv) of Title 29, ode'of Federal Regulations, that the Wages of any laborer or mechanic ' include the amount, of any coats reasonably anticipated in providing • benefits under a plan or program described in Section 1(b)(2)(B) of the, Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor or subcontractor shall maintain records' which shoW. that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable,; hat.the plan or program is .financially responsible, and that the plan 1I Or program has been Communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics 1 ffeoted, 'and recordi which show the coats anticipated or the actual ' , Bost incurred in providing'such benefits. The Contractor and each ' boontraotor''shall Make his employment reoorde with respect to'persona j I� loyed by him upon,the work covered' by this Contract available for ' , 1 inspection by authorized.representatives of the Secretary of Housing and ; i Urban Development, the Local Public Agency- or Public Body, and the United Mates Department Of Labor. Such representatives shall be permitted to tervi.w employees of the Contractor or of any subcontractor during ,i "orking hours on the job. 1 6. SPECIFIC COVERAGE OF CERTAIN TYPES OF WORK. BY EMPLOYEES I ' • . • The .transporting. of materials and supplies .to or .from the acts of ' he Project or Program: to which this Contra.ct.pertains by the employees ' f the Contractor or of arty subcontractor, :and the Manufacturing or shing of materials, articles, supplies, or equipment on the site . ' f the Project or Program to which this Contract pertains by persons , :...loyed by the Contractor or by any subcontractor, shall, for the . ...See of this Contract, s,nd without limiting the generality of the 1 j 'oregoing proviaicros 'of' this Contract; b1 deemed to be work to which 1 . hese Federal LabOr Standards Provisions are applicable. y 17. INELIGIBLE SUBCONTRACTORS . The. Contractor shall not eubcontraot .any part of the work, covered' ' by this Contract or permit subcontracted work to be further subcontracted Page 7 of 13 • • • without the Looal Public Agency's or Public Body's prior written approval of the subcontractor. The Local Public Agency or Public Body will not approve any subcontractor for work covered by this Contract who is at the time ineligible under the provisions of any applicable regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor or the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,. to receive an award of ' such subcontract. 18. PROVISIONS TO BE INCLUDED IA CERTAIN SUBCONTRACTS The Contractor shall include or cause to be included in• each • subcontract covering any of tree work covered by. this Contract, provi , eione which are 'consistent with these Federal Labor Standards Provisions and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include such provisions in any lower tier subcontracts which they may enter into, together with a clause requiring such insertion in any further subcontracts that may in turn be made. 19. BREACH OF FOREGOING FEDERAL LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS • In addition.to the causes for termination of this Contract ai herein elsewhere set forth, the Local Public Agency or Public Body reserves the right to terminate this Contract if the Contractor Or and subcontractor whose subcontract covert any of the work covered by.this Contract shall breach any of these Federal Labor Staadasds. Provisiona. • • A .breach of these Federal Labor Standards Provisions May also be grounds fp: aebarmer.t as provided by the applicable regulations issued by the, S.'cretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor. • i • 1 • • Page 8 of 13 • 1 ATTACHMENT TO FEDERAL LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS • SO CALLED "ANTNCICILLBACIC ACT" AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED PURSUANT THERETO BY.THE SECRETARY OF LABOR. !; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TTTLE 18. U.S.C.. section 874 ' (RepYcw ttettlon I of the Act of June 13,1934(48 Stat.948.40 U.S.C., sec.276b)ptetftunt to the Act of June 2S.1948,62 Stat.8621 ,! XICIVACRB FROM PUSUC 1VOR'S EIELJOYEES. r Whoever:b7 tome,untimidation.,or threat of procuring disunion!from employment.or by any other manna whsmo- tver wtdued any person employed in the conatnucoon,prosecution,completion or repair of any public boding,pabimc work, w budding or Work financed in whole a vi part by bane a grants boot the United States,to pee up■cry part of the own- . 'enaatiaa to Which he a ewtkkd under his maims,'of employment,scull be fined not more then SS,000 or inpnaaned'not wane than foe yaws.or both. 1 U,-rep,( 21OF IME ACT OF DUNE I J. 1934. AS AMENDED(48 Stat.948,62 Stat.IQ, 63 Stet.108,72 Sal.if67,40 U.S.C..me.276e) .The e etay,of Labor shall maim eaonebte regulations,for contrition end Subcontractors eepFed in the construction peosecndion.'oompMuni a o Mimi of public buddings,public woils oe building+or rodeo fwnced,in whole of,i pet by loan' or yentalet afrom the United Va including provision that each connector and subcontractor shall famish weekly a statement _ With reaped to the wages paid each employee daring the preceding week. Section 1001 al Title 18(United Staten Code)sha l ' ! apply to inch ataleatenta. ...XXX••- Pennant to the aloersaid Airt}Kickbei Act,the Secretary of Labor.United States Depntinenl of Labor,.he.promul- ed the regulations hereinafter set foeth,which regulations is found in Title 29,Subtitle A.Code of Federal Regulations. Part 3. The hem"the pat, Y used in the regulatio ns hereinafter art forth.refers to Part 3 last.Lore mentioned. Said reg• • stations sue,ea Inrows TITLE'29- LABOR • • • Subtitle A - Office of the Secretary of Labot � I If . FART 3-toNf1ACTORi AND ON LD PUIUC SUIDtG OR PUBLIC WORK FINANCED Ut WHOLE OR Of PART IN LOANS MIGRANTS FROM THE UNITED STATES • .I Section 3.1 Purport and scope. • 1 Ths part p es;y "eaeAidback"regulations under section 2 0l the Aci ol,J tans 13,1934.'es smertdad(40 U S.C. i 216c),popularly known a the Copland,Act. This pet applies to any contract which is tabled to Federal wage standards 1 and Which is foe the oowatructioa.pio.eeonioa,'completion.or repsu of public►aildiag.,public works or bectiingi a jerks ' financed of whole ai in pat for bars a peels from the United States. Tin pert is intended to aid in the enforcement of the, • tasoidsim rage pmovirows of the DartrBnoow Ad and the vinous statutes daatiq with Federal ountse eow�rebaw t at contain soda wanimum wage paovrrons,including tholeprorieona Which are not wheel to RaaFetiastiar Ptah No.14 ' s 1 - 1 Pogo 9 of 13 I 1 . . ri • (e.g.,the College limning Act of 1950.the Federal Water Pamlico Gustral Act,and the Howaing Act of 1959).and in the • enforcement of the minima provisions of the Contract Work Rows Simard,Act whanetee they are applicidde to construction work. Thspt details the obtigetion of contractoes atdsobcontesdoie relates to the weekly embeasmion of etitoteemte ing the wages pea on week covered thereby;seta forth the circtunitasoss and peceederes governing the making of payroll&- diction)front the were of those employed on nick work;rod delineates the method'of payment perecerelde on aucle week. Saztlen 3.2 Defbitione. • As used in die regulations in this pert: • (s) The terms"building"or"work"generally include confutation actnity as distinguished from manufacturing. • • Nosebag of rauterias,or ermieng sad maintenince work. The tenon bide*,althorn limitation.buildings.anatures,and • improreatents of types,melt as bridges.dew.Plaits,highways.pa/kw/IS.streets,eutrosys,wench,fewer*.maim pewter- . Imsa.picanpuig station,.railways,torpor's.terminals,docks,pine,wburvent ways.lightitomeninroys,jetties,breakwater. keen.,and conk;&edging,oaring.scaffolding,killing.bleating,exerrating,elearine.sad lastelseagefig. Unite aindacted in conneeitiot with sad at the ate of ouch a budding or week at is described in the foregaieg famenee,the manufacture or ientieh. keg of matarals,Meeks.supplies,or munaseint(whether or out a Federal or State agency Acquires title to aisch inatarals. •Midas;reapplies,arequi-owneet titan the coarse of the nessufactwe at famishing,es owes the mastarialafremerkieb they ere manufactured or famished)se wit."building"of"work"within the meaning of the regulations in die mei. ' (14 The tiaras"construction,""prosecution.""conipletion,"or"relate"mew all types of wort dote on,pudendal • balding or work et the die thereof,acheltag,without limitietion,abering,renadeling,panting and deconiting,the tratiniort• mg of erateriale and supplies to or drat the building or work by the employees of the oonseractian contra or conateration oubcontreetor,and the mancifacturieg or furairiam of rantauda slicks,supplies,or,equipment on the ate of the budding or Wort,by persona employed re the site by the contractile or .saboocusetor. (e) The.tams"Okla budding'or"plebe work"include balding at woe's for whose eonetriectiori.prosecation.Foie. pletion,or repair,es defined shove,a Fedora/Kersey is a contracting petty.regardless of whether title thermal in us a Federal . . ogince• (d) The term"building cie wad financed in whole Of in p4t by loans or greens bora the United States"inch:4re Milt ago,woth foe whom cotetruetion,promeution,completion,or repair,sr defined ekarree,palmetto/pal payment a matte dawctly or iadirectly from funds provided by loans or pads by a Feder*/agency. The teem does tat melee building or work for which Federal amistance is leaked solely to him guarantees or inaunker. (e) Every person pad by a connector or wiheontractor in any manner for his labor is the oareatruction,preerentron. • conipletacin.or trine,of a public Wilding or public work or building°,wort financed in whole or in it by loess or grunts hoot the United Steles is"employed"mud receiving"ierajan"regetellers of vary contractual felatiofielarp alleimel to etist between hen aid the real employer • (n The term"any affiliated peoson"includes e epoose.child.parent,or other rase relative of the contractor or nib- contrikor a poetise Or officer of the coritrector or istcontracter.e communion chanty coistected with the contractor or subcontractor as parent.subsidiary in otinstase,mid se officer or spent of such corpication. (g) The term"Federal limey means the United Stites.the Dtranct of Coluenbia,and all vacillate departentrite.in. Japerednit ertalidahinents.edriviontritive agencies.sad ininument dam of the United States and of the District of Columbia, inelniling corporations,all or sulatantiaily ai of the filo&of which ie beneficially owned by the United States,by the brad Of Colombia,at any of the foregoing departmems,eitablishinenta,agemice,and instromentalitina. !action 3.3 Warily alatortant weth reopen ea payinale of eases. • • (.) As wed in this action,the term"employee"41.1 not apply to persons in elaieificatiote Niter than that of laborer or ineekenie rad those who Ire the uontedion supervisom of such enipioace. • • • • • 1 I . i . . • • Page 10 of 13 I I ,i (b) Facto contractor of subcontractor tngagril in the construction. proses otion,completion,or repel of any public , Ldtdmg or pubhs burl,or building or rod.financed m whole or in part by Warsaw grants from Ihr(fruited Slates,shall fumed'earls week a.tatemesd with respect to the wages paid each of it.employers enraged on•art coi'errd by 29 CI II Parts 3 and 5 donut the preceding weekly payroll period. This stdemenl shall be earcuted by the contractor or subeun- I tractor or by an authunrcd officer or employer of the rontractor or subcontractor who wpervaes the payment of•ace.,and shall be on form 14'I1310."Statement of f oanpliance",at on an identical fors on the bad of q'll 317,"ray roll(Fs.c on tractors Optional Car)"or on any form with identical wording. Sample copies of all 317 and Ill 340 may be slimmed bon the Government contracting or sponsoring at.eswy,and myna of these forma may Le purchased at the Government Priming Office. • • (c) The requwen.cnts of dui faction shell not apply to any contract of 02.000 or leer. • . I (d).1•pon.written finding by the head of a Federal agency,the Secretary of Labor may provide reasonable'imutwisit. . variation. toleranc►•and eaemplwna from the requirements of this section sss,bptet to sock conditions es the.Seeretry of , Labs uuy s1:wn4 119 F.(1.95.Jae. I.1961.a.amersded at 33 F.II 10106,Jul) 17,19601 Section 3.4 Suhl,iiision of weekly staterneltta and the preservation Arid inspectba of weekly payroll records., (a) Filch weekly ataayment requited under §3.3 shall in delorred by lin coatroom w siolicuntrartor.within wren • • days after the register pay tricot date of tit p.yron.period,to a reprerentalwc of a Federal ut State aga•a'y an charge at the stir of the budding or Work.rw.if there is no representative of a Federal co Stale agency at the ate of the kusldliag or wort... Ow dalrment.1161l Iw mailed by the contractor in subcontractor,utilises such Sine,to a Federal Of State agency rontraruss= 11 for or fmsamwsn1 thy budding Or wad. Alter such examination and slices an may It made,obeli Aalrnoret.rw a cups thereof, ; I shall be kept srsaslebb.orshdl be rranrirnated u,gtthr•r with a report of any mutation,in'accordance with applicable pruerdorri prearrsbcd by the Ended States l)epartmenl of Latter. (b) lack i•ontrartbr or subcontractor shall preserve lie wer►ly lay roll records for•period of three years(rum date of ' ; 000npJrti,iu of 11m•i•un4ad. The payroll nroi'di shall set out arc irately and'eompP,'•lrly the name and aiderr of each lalwrer I' and nsechaiuc,bp Iunn•!el/reification,rite of pay.daily and orekl)number of poser%she&deductawas made,and actual wage+piuid. Such tray roll records than be riank'valahls ousN nines for rnrpwonoa by the contraidiag officer or In.a,dlwnaed 1 eeprrarntetiye..ntd by sulhnnsed representatives of the Department of(.oboe. h 1,ISection 3s3 Payroll deductions permissible without application to or approval of She Secretary of Labor • 1• Deductions nsade under the erenmaanceo or in the a,tuati,nt described is low pragry+,of this oorbaa may Iw Made wdhnus application to and approval of the Secntay of Laboe• (a) Any deduction'made in sumpllarce with sloe rrgwreaaerils of I rderal Slate,or local low,web in Federal or Stine p, 1 , wtblinlJinh income tor.end Federal.oral security tastes. ' I' (h) Any.deductwm of sum.preswusly prod so she employ iv r a horn file prrpay'arni of wages when such prepay merit ' I, is made bdlmut dwo,uni sir mown. 1"bona f Jr prepayment of%afrr•'se a vd►rrd to ham been made aids •lien cash Of its equnalsst lea-been'id%rim rd to she pennies employ fad in bush manlier as to pee him oompie1t freedom of dtsposibuis of sir it advanced funds. ' (e) \os d,Jurs,s,n idsmotinti respired by snort peocess to be paid to another.untesa tintdrdwtseaa ism favor of the contrsetsir•'ubcontca,tar tie,any affiliated fwram or otters n,lluesum of collaboration rains ' a • • I 01146 11 of 13 I I • d • (d) Any&ductioe constituting a nttriatson ow behalf of the person employed to Nods estebdideed by the®Moyer or representative of employees.of both.for the pompom of podding either from pieipal or irsowe.or both.medical or , hooped rear.pennons or anmsities on rstsieseent,death benefits,cowprawtioa for it miss,ilfaw,ssmidsnts,eitftaaw,or diwbihty,or In.wsrranee to prondr any of the(oiepsre.Q nwsntpioywent hewer/ats,vacation pay.wvirlp aasnnt•,;w similar payments for the benefit of empkereee.their families and dependents: Presided,bereww.That the following standee* are met (11 The deduction is mei otherwise prohibited by law.(2)sit ei either' (i)Voluntarily consented to by the swployee en tenting and in odvsnre of the period en which the work er to be done and such boorst a not a condition either for the obia mrag of or for the rentmaatioa of employment en(ii)provided for in s bone rode collective implying agreement)be• .wren the contractor or iubounlrsrtor and representatives of do employers:,(3)sn profit ov other beater.'Ifothmrasa�iobtmne�, directly or mduectly,by the contractor ur euboontrsrloe or any affiliated pesos on the fora of rnntwitaon, Of otherwise sad(Al the deductions ahalh over.the convenience sod interest of the employer. f•I Arw deduction cunteshutmg toward the purrhsw of I noted States Defense Stamps and(Sonde when voluntarily sutk rased h.the empWsee. (f) Anv deduction mourned hi the emplwe.to reek..hnn to repay keens to or to perrham shares in►broil unions Organised and operos•d in araurdanee with Federal and State credit union statutes. (g) kite deduction voluntarily suthuiued by the ewpfotee for the meksag of contributions to`overrunrnW or Omar govenawaintal spniws,each as the Aawnrsa fled(ions. • •(h) Any dedertsoo viabateedly euthonaed try the employee for the m($wg sf eaweibetioeeto Canamrtsity Chases. limited(.teen Funds,and nailer ehastale oepmsataass. • I I.) 9nt eleduroe.n.to psi reviler unMn tnstaatwn fees sad me.leealaip dam.not inclining fines or.peal aaeateaenta ha•ded,aowrwr,•That a collective largarrong agreement between the contactor Of euleoateector and repasfntataves of its einpinymes provides kw such deductions and the deduction,we not otherwise prohiited by law. (I) Any deduction not move therefor the"rriwrna►le con"of board.lollpng,tw other I.idities meetly the novae- ewnii of archon 1(m)of the Far Labor mtsaderds Act of 1938 ss amended,and Pare 531 of this utle. When such s deduction ma made she additional r.rmrd■required under 5 5I6$'(a)of this tide shell be kept Section.1 6 Payroll deductions perwiiw(bie with the approval of the Secretary of Labor. Ant rainlraruit no subcontractor mere apply to the•ierertary of labor for premcaew to sndie my deduction nut per• eniti.d,unek A 14 Dv vrr.lin mist pant pee nomon whatever a lewd.that lei .The rostra.the wbr.tnt►enIni or ant .ffdapad prawn dews not men..prnfsi not Ie arrA dreetdy Of cedar ec li(mows sew deducton either.n the form of a o,mmui.m,dividend.or otheewar ib) Th.Craw-two Is nut ntherwta prohabatietbv law; 1.1 The d•duet,.,n..bother(11 whmtatly roaaatrd to by she employee us onion`and so advance of the pond,in whrh the work.•to be don.sod such cnnenl W not a aoadd.sn either for-the olaamwg of employment or its ccinttnusnam.on(2► 1 proved.d for an•boos lid.rofectrw bs.pauaaag sr.en.ewt betarrn ebb rowwartre or enbnowtrscwr and repr aratat.vs of at. emplr..irs sod (il) Inct dad...bon verve.she rom.nwwrr end entries&ill the rmplroee • • Page 12 of 13 . 1 v . • I. Section 3.7 Applications for the approval of the Secretary of Labor. • •1 Any applu.iion for the making of payroll drductnna under 4 3.6 shall eiunplj with the requirements rat -cribed in tll, • foliowin;para•nyd..ul tlu.section (a) The iqga,,J.a,u atoll be on anion;and shall be addressed to the Secretary of I,)ior. ' • fh) The application.hall utensils contract or runluct.under winch din work onquruwo is to L. pwrlunned 1'cr • ` marou will be geveu fur deductions only op epeeibe,identified em.ttecta.rarepl upon a shoving of eacepir.nal cuuunstenr... (r) The copyist-awn shall state aff.nnitisely shot there is complatue with the daidard.or;forth in therotium's p of I 3 6.11w al formation Hull br aacumpamrd by a full statement of the(sets indicating such romphanee. , (d) The app.liratson&hall include a ilesenptton,of the propswcd drduit.oa, the purpose to be caved lhereb..and the dames of laborers or merhariica from whose wage*the proposed deaucticm would be made. , I I (e)Ike appluatw.n&hall rste the mini and b'nsinru of'an) third person to whom any fund.obtained from IIw p.ro• Posed'deducr.ons are to be transmitted and tbe.affd.atwin of aurli prison.if any,with tie applicant. 1 Section 3:8 Action by the Secretary of Labor upon applications ' I, ib Secretary of l arbor shall decide rMllier a ni•t the requr*rd deduction r pmni s bk under p.rovissins of§3.6•I and shall notify the ipplrcanl in wnlonf of his drria.on 1 Section 3.9 Prohibited payroll deductions. • I 1 1 Ileductuons not elsewhere provided Itri by►Ina part and which see nut found In be prrmttribte under§ 3 fi ore prohibd,d. I Section 3.1.0 Methods of payment of wages. . The payment of wages shah be by rash.,ne1otia►le snrtuinrnl*pat able on demand.nr the additional forms of eori.rnar 1 item for whirls dedurtuna ore prrm.wble under tlir pars ho other method.r.f payment shill be renco ured on vur..ublres . I' to the ldpeland Act 1 Section 3.11 Regulations part Of contract. 1 All rnntrsrts made with respect to the conaruAlon.proaeruta.n.completion.or repair oh ant public building or ptibhc woe►or Liuidmi or work financed in.hole or in pail by Luna or pans.Inin.the United States covered bi the.regulations in Om p.m'shall taper...1y bond the cnntraruir nr subrontrarlre so comply with.such of the regulations in that part ai min be ap• ph.rablc In shin regard.are §:s S tat of this subtitle it ,I . 1 11 • :.. . co.pawra'r Ma,PG,Your .., n n,use me, . I' Page 13 of 13 1 1 . I A d BID CONDITIONS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS EQUAL• EMPLOYt1ENT OPPORTUNITY or all Non-Exempt Federal and Federally-Assisted Const action Contracts to be Awarded in KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON NOTICE . ' ; .CH BIDDER, CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (HEREINPFTE THE. C ..TRACTOR) MUST FULLY CnMPtY ;WITH EITHER PART I OR PART ' II, A APPLICABLE, OF THESE BID .CONDITIONS AS TO EACH ' CONST UCTION TRADE IT INTENDS TO USE ON THIS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORK (BOTH FEDERAL AND NON•-F DERAL) IN THE KING COUNTY PLAN AREA DURING • . THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT. THE CON- TRACTOR COMMITS ITSELF TO. THE GOALS FOR MINORITY MANPOWER UTILIZ TION IN EITHER PART I OR PART II , AS APPLICABLE; AND ' ALL ' OTTER REQUIREMENTS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE BID CONDITIONS BY SUBMITTING A PROPERLY SIGNED BID. T E CONTRACTOR 'SHALL APPOINT A COMPANY EXECUTIVE TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION 'OF THE REQUIREMENTS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THESE BID CONDITIONS . 1 , -2- Part I: The provisions of this Part I apply to con- tractors which are party to collective bargaining agreements lith labor organizations which together have agreed to the 'KING COUNTY PLAN Area Construction Program (here- inafter the KING COUNTY Plan) for equal opportunity and ave jointly made a commitment to specific goals of minority tilization. The KING COUNTY PLAN is- a tripartite voluntary agreement between the Dept . of Labors Management & the communi - . t. i es . ' The KI NG COUNTY Plan together with all implementing greements • that have been .and may hereafter be. developed thereto are incorporated herein pursuantp by reference. . Any contractor using one or more trades of construction • mployees must ccnply with either Part I or Part II of these lid Conditions as to each such trade. A contractor may • • herefore be in compliance with Part I of these Bid Condi- ' ions by its participation with the labor organization which represents its employees in the KING COUNTY _ Plan Is to one trade provided tht is set forth in the KING OUNTY Plan a specific commitment by both the contractor \ 1 1nd the labor organization to a goal of minority utilization 'or that trade. Contractors utiing trades which are not 1 'overed by Part I (See Part 11 , Section A) must comply with . i . I ' -3- the co itments ,contained in Part II including goals for mino;ri 'y utilization' set forth in Part II . Ii a contractor' does not comply with the requirements of te-e Bid Conditicns, it shall be subject to the pro- vision- of Part_ II. • � I ' P. rt II : A. Coverage. The provisions of this Part' I ' shall be applicable to those contractors who: 1. Are not or hereafter cease to be signatories to the ; KING COUNTY Plan incorporated by reference in • Part: I hereof; • 2. Are signatories to the KING COUNTY Plan but are not parties to collective bargaining agreements; 3. . Are signatories to. the KING COUNTY Plan but are parties to collective bargaining agreements with • labo o, ganizations which are not or hereafter cease to be sign- tories to the KING COUNTY Plan; 14 . Are signatories to the KING COUNTY . Plan and are parties to collective bargaining agreements with labor o, ganizations but the two have not jointly executed • I � a specific commitment to goals for minority utilization and incorpo ated the commitment in the KING COUNTY Plan; f • -4- ! i .5 . Are participating in an affirmative action plan which is no longer acceptable to the Director, OFCCP, including the KING COUNTY - Plan: or 6 . Are signatories to the KING COUNTY Plan but are parties to 'collective bargaining agreements with labor organizations which together have failed to make a good faith effort to comply with their obligations under the KINNG COUNTY Plan and, as a result, have been placed under Part II of the Bid Conditions by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. . • B. Requirement -- An Affirmative Action Plan . Con- ! tractors .described in paragraphs 1 through 6 above shall be subject to the _pr requirements, of and requirement of Part II of 1 these Bid Conditions including the goals and timetables for minority 1/ utilization, and specific affirmative action steps set forth in Sections B. 1 and 2 of this Part II . The contractor' s commitment. to the gOals for minority utiliza-- • tion as required by this Pait II constitutes a commitment ; ' that it will make every good faith effort to Meet such ' • goals. • 1 . Goals and Timetable:.; _ The goals of minority , utilization required of the contractor are applicable to 1/ "Minority" is defined as including; Blacks , Spani.sh Sur.- • I named A ericans , Orientals and American Indians, and 1 includes both minority men and minority women. -5- • each trade used by the contractor in the KING COUNTY Plan area and which is not otherwise bound by the provisions of , Part I. For all such trades the following goals and time- tables shall be applicable. • Goals for Minority • Utilization • Until ( 12/31 /76 ) ( 8. 8% v 11 . 5%) From ( J to ( I [ • ] . From ( ) to [ I [ I From ( ) to [ I [ ] From ( J to [ I [ ] 2/ Tie goals of minority utilization above are expressed in terns of hours of training and employment as a proportion • Of the total number of hours to be worked by the contractor ' s • aggr.,eg to work force, which includes all supervisory per- sonnel, in each trade on all projects (both Federal and non- Federal) in the KING COUNTY Plan area during the 'performance of its contract (i . e. , the period beginning with the ;first 'day Of work on the Federal or federally assisted ! I 1 constriction contract and ending with the last day of work . ) . 1 Thel hours of minority employment and training must he substantially uniform throughout the length of the 2/ In the event that any work which is subject to these Bid Conditions is, performed in a year later than the latest ye4r for which goals of minority utilization have been established, the goals for the last year of the Bid Conditions will be applicable to such work. I . -6-- contract in each trade and minorities must be employed evenly on each of a contractor ' s projects . Therefore, the transfer of minority employees or trainees from rom con- tractor to contractor or from project-to-project for the purpose of meeting the contractor ' s goals shall be a violation of Part II of these Bid Conditions . If the contractor counts the nonworking hours .of, trainees and apprentices in meeting the contractor' s goals , ' such trainees and apprentices must be employed by the, con- tractor during the ,training period; the contractor must have made a commitment to employ the trainees and apprentices 1 . at the completion of their training subject .to the an ilabilit• of employment opportunities; and the trainees must be ' - trained pursuant to training programs approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for "Federal Purposes" 1 or approved as supplementing the KING COUNTY Plan. • -�- 2. Specific Affirmative Action, Steps . No contractor .shall be found to be in noncompliance with Executive Order. 11246 , as amended, solely on account of its failure to meet its goals , but shali ' be given .in opportunity to demonstrate I I that the contractor has instituted all the specific affir- j mative action steps specified in this Part II and has Made • • every good faith effort to make these steps work toward the attainment of its goals within the timetables, all to -7- the pu• pose of expanding minority utilization in its aggreg to work force in the KING COUNTY Plan area . A cont actor subject' to Part I which fails to comply with itsiobligations under the Equal Opportunity clause of its contra t (including failure to meet its fair share obliga- • tion if provided in the KING COUNTY Plan) or subjec • to Part II which fails to achieve its commitments to the goals for minority utilization has the burden of proving that it has engaged in an affirmative action pro- gram directed at increasing minority utilization and that such effforts were at 'least as extensive and as- specific as the following: • a. The contractor should have notified minority organizations when employment opportunities were available • and sh uld have maintained records of the organizations ' response. ' b. The contractor should have maintained a file of try names and addresses of each minority referred to it by army individual or organization and what action was taken with respect to each such referred individual , and if the individual was not employed by the contractor, the reasons therefor. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and not referred back by the • union or if referred, not employed by the contractor, the file should have documented this and the reasons therefor. -8- c. The contractor should have promptly notified the • contracting or administering agency and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs when the union or unions with which the contractor has collective bargain- ing agreements did not refer to the contractor a minority sent by the contractor, or when the contractor had other information that the union referral process has impeded • efforts to meet its goals. d. The contractor should have disseminated its • EEO policy within its organization by including it in any employee handbook or' policy manual; by publiciii..ng it in company newspapers and annual reports; and by advertising such policy at reasonable intervals in union publications. ' The EEO policy should be further disseminated by conducting staff Meetings to explain and discuss the policy; by ,posting • of the policy; and by review of the policy with minority employees . • e. The contractor should have disseminated its EEO '`policy externally by informing and discussing it with all ' recruitment sources; by advertising in news media, specif- ically including minority news media; and by notifying ' and discussing it with all subcontractors . f. The contractor should have made both specific and reasonably recurrent written and oral recruitment efforts. -9- Such - fforts should have been directed at minority organ izati•ns, schools with substantial minority enrollment, and minority recruitment and training organizations within the c ntractor ' s recruitment area . The contractor should have evidence available for inspection that all tests and other selection techniques used to select from among candidates for hire, transfer, promotion, training or retention are being used in a manner that oes not violate the OFCCP Testing Guidelines in 41 . CFR Part 60-3 . . _ h. The contractor where reasonable should have developed ' on-the-job training opportunities and participated aid assisted in all Department of Labor funded and/or approved - traini g programs relevant to the contractor' s employee needs consistent with its obligations under this Part II . i . The .contractor should have made sure that seniority practices and job classifications do not have a discrimi- 1 I natory effect. - . . j . The contractor should have made certain that all. facilities were not. segregated by race. k. The contractor should have continually monitored all 'personnel activities to ensure that its EEO policy .was being arried out including the evaluation of minority employ-es for promotional opportunities on a quarterly -10- • basis and the encouragement ,of such employees to seek those • opportunities. • 1. The contractor should have solicited bids for - • subcontracts from available minority subcontractors engaged in the trades covered by these Bid Conditions including ' circulation of minority contractor associations. • Note: The Assistant Regional Administrator of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and the' • , compliance agency staff will provide technical assistance on questions pertaining to Minority recruitment sources, • , minority community organizations and minority news media • upon receipt of a request for assistance from a contractor. 3. Subsequent Signatory to the KING COUNTY Plan. Contractors that are subject to the requirements of Part II at the time of the submission of their bids which, together • with labor organizations with which they have collective bargaining agreements, subsequently become signatory to the KING COUNTY Plan, either individually Or through an association, will be deemed bound to their commitments ' to the ' KING COUNTY Plan from that time until and . unless they once again become subject to the requirements of Part II pursuant .to Section A. l-6 . 4 . Non-discriMination. In no evcgnt may a contractor • utilize the goals and affirmative action steps required by this Part II in such a manner as to cause or result in • • -11- discrimination against any person on account of race, color, religion , sex or national origin . Part III : Compliance and Enforcement. In all cases, the c mpliance of a contractor will be determined in accord- ance ith itsobligations under the terms of these Bid Con- ditions. Therefore , contractors who are _governed by the provisions of either Part I or Part II shall be subject zc the , reauirements of that Part regardless of the obligations . of its prime contractor or lower tier subcontractors. All contractors performing or to perform work on pro • - jects subject to these Bid Conditions hereby agree to inform their ubcontractors in writing of their respective obliga- • tions rider the terms and requirements of these Bid Conditions, including the provisions relating to goals of Minority employ ent and training. _ . A Contractors Subject to Part I . 1. A contractor covered by Part I of these Bid Conditions shall be in comp'li nce with Executive Order 11246, as amended® •the implementing regulations and its obligations under. Part 1 I , pro ided the contractor together with the labor organiza- tion o organizations with which it has a collective bar- gaining agreement meet the goals for minority utilization 1 to whi.h they committed themselves in the KING COUNTY i i ':r -12- Plan, or can demonstrate that every good faith effort has been made to meet the. goal . In that event, no formal sanctions or- proceedings leading toward sanctions shall be instituted unless the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs determines that the contractor has violated substantial requirement in the KING COUNTY . Plan or Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations, including the failure of such contractor -to make a good faith effort to meet its fair share obligation if provided in the KING COUNTY Plan or has • engaged in unlawful discrimination. Such violations shall be deemed to be noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity • clause of the contract, and shall be grounds for. imposition , of the sanctions and penalties provided for in Executive Order 11246 , as amended. 2. The OFCCP shall review Part I contractors ' . i employment practices during the performance of the contract. . Further, OFCCP shall be solely responsible for any final determination that the KING COUNTY Plan is no longer 'an acceptable affirmative action program and the conse- • quences thereof. The OFCCP may, upon review and notice to the contractor and any affected labor organization, deter- • Mine that the KING COUNTY Plan _no longer represents • effective affirmative action. In that event it shall be • -13- solely .responsiblc for any final determination of that qu'es ion and the consequences thereof . 3. Where OFCCP finds that a contractor has failed to comp y with the requirements of the KING COUNTY Plan and its obligation under Part I of these Bid Conditions , • it. s all take such action and/or impose such sanctions as may' e appropriate under the Executive. Order and its regula- tion . When the OFCCP proceeds with such formal action it has he burden of proving that the contractor has not met • the equirements of these Bid Conditions . The failure of the contractor to comply with its obligations under the Equal Opportunity clause shall shift to it the requirement • ` taco a forward with evidence to show that it has met the good faith requirements of these Bid Conditions by instituting at lest the specific affirmative action steps listed in Part II, Section 2 . The contractor must also provide evide ce of its steps toward the attainment. of its trade 's goals Within the timetables set . forth in the KING COUNTY Plan. The pendency of .such formal proceedings shall be 1 'taken into consideration by Federal agencies in determining wheth r such contractor can comply with the requirements of Ex cutiv.e Order 11246 , as amended, and is therefore a 1 "re'sp nsible prospective contractor" within the meaning of basic principles of Federal procurement law. • Contractors Subject to Part II . In regard to Part III 1 of th se Bid Conditions , if the contractor meets the. goals 1 • 1 -14- set forth therein or can demonstrate that it has made every good faith effort to meet these goals , the contractor shall be presumed to be in compliance with Executive Order J1246 , as amended, the implementing regulations and its obligations under Part II of these Bid Conditions . In that event, no formal sanctions or proceedings leading toward sanctions 1 shall. be. instituted unless the contracting or administering agency otherwise determines that . the contractor is violating the Equal Opportunity clause. Where the agency finds that the contractor failed to comply with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as' amended, the implementing regulations and the obligations under Part II of these Bid Conditions, the agency shall take - such action and impose such sanctions, which include sus- . pension, termination, cancellation, and debarment, as may be appropriate under the Executive Order and its regulations . When the agency proceeds with such formal action it .ha the ' • &urden of proving that the contractor has not met the -. i goals contained in Part II of these Bid Conditions . The . contractor 's failure to meet its goals shall shift to it the requirement to come forward with evidence to show that it has met the good faith requirements of these Bid Conditions by instituting at least the specific affirmative action -15- s,te.s listed ,in Part II , Section 2 . The pendency of such • pro.eedings shall be taken into consideration by Federal a'ge .cies in determining whether such contractor can comply with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and is therefore a "responsible prospective, contractor" within the meaning of the basic principles of Federal pro- curement law. C. Obligations Applicable to Contractors Subject to Eith-r Part I or Part II. It shall be no •excuse that the unio with which the. contractor has a collective bargaining agre-meet providing for exclusive referral failed to refer mino ity employees . Discrimination in referral for employ- ment eveh if pursuant to provisions of a collective bar- 'gain ' ng agreement, is prohibited by the National Labor fe'la ions Act, as amended, and Title VII of the Civil Rights • Act f 1964 , as amended. It is, the policy of• the Office' • cf' F deral Contract Compliance Programs that contractors have a responsibility to provide equal employment oppor- tuni y 'if they wish to participate in federally involved • contracts . To the extent they have delegated the • . . • • -16- responsibility for some of their employment practics to • ! a labor organization and, as a result, are prevented from • 1 meeting their obligations pursuant to Executive Order 11246 , as amended, such contractors cannot be considered to be in compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, its implementing rules and regulations . 1 Part IV: General. Requirements . 1. Contractors are 1 11 responsible for informing their subcontractors in writing, regardless of tier, as to their respective obligations under 1 Parts I and Il_hereof, as applicable , Whenever a contfactor • subcontracts a portiOn of the work in any trade covered. by these Bid Conditions, it shall include these Bid Conditions in such subcontracts and each subcontractor shall be bound by these Bid Conditions to the full extent as if it were the prime contractor. The contractor shall not, however, be held accountable for the failure of its subcontractors to fulfill their obligations under these Bid Conditions. 1 1 Howevpr, . the prime contractor shall give notice to the Assistant Regional Administrator of the Office of Federal 1 - • . Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor • and to the contracting or administering agency of any.• refusal or failure of any subcOntractOr to fulfill its • • • • • • ' • • . -17- I obligations under these Bid Conditions . A subcontractor 's failure to comply will be treated in the same manner as such failure by a prime contractor . , 2. Contractors hereby agree to refrain .from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 , as amended, with a contractor debarred , from, or who is determined not to be a "responsible" bidder for Government contracts and federally-assisted construction contr cts pursuant to the Executive Order . 3. The Contractor shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of these Bid Conditions and the Equal Opportunity clause including suspension, termination and cancellation of existing subcontracts and debarment . from uture contracts as may be imposed or ordered pur- suant to Executive Order 11246 , as, amended, and its inple- menti g regulations by the contracting or administering agenc ' and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Any contractor who tails to carry out such _. sanctions and penalties shall also be deemed to be in - noncompliance with these Bid Conditions and Executive Order 11246 , as amended. Nothing herein is intended to relieve any contractor during the term of its contract from compliance with Executive Order 11245 , as amended, and the Equal Opportunity -18- clause of its contract with respect to matters not covered in the KING COUNTY Plan or in Part II of these Bid Conditions. 5 . The procedures set forth in these Bid Conditions shall not apply to any contract which the head of the contracting or administering agency determines is essential to the national security and its award without following such procedures is necessary to the national security.. Upon making such a determination, the agency head will notify, in wri-ting, the Director of the Office of Federal ' Contract Compliance Programs within thirty dais. 6 . Requests for exemptions from these Bid Conditions must be made in writing, with justification, to the ' Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs , U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210, and shall be forwarded through and with the endorsement of the head of the contracting or administering agency. ' 7. Contractors must keep such records and file such • ' reports relating to the provisions of these Bid Conditions 1 as shall be required by the contracting or administering agency or the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program.. • w- I I -19- • For the information of bidders, a copy of the KING COUNTY . I Plan may be obtained from the contracting officer. A list of trades which are currently participating in tle KING COUNTY Plan may be obtained from OFCC• , or the contracting or administering agency. Signed this 28th day of July, 1976. . I Secretary of Labor • /s/ Assistant. Secretary for Employment Standards • /S/ Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs' I � I I • . ( l PA•• II—NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOTISZNT BY GoVERNICENT CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS I ! I SUBPART A--DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY Or LABOR • 1 Se .201.The Secretary,Of Labor shall be responsible for the admin- istration of Parts II end III of this Order and shall adopt such rules , and regulations and banal such orders as he deems necessary and ap- p,'ropriate to achieve the purposes thereof. I SUBPART BI-0ON'IRACtORS' AGREEMENTS • SEC: 202. Except in contracts exempted in accordance with Section 204 of this Order, all Government contracting agencies shall include in evlery Government contract hereafter entered into the following provisions: . I " ring the perforiiiaace of this contract, the contractor agrees as p follol s: "(!) The'contractor will not discriminate against any employee or . appl cant for employment because 'of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin: The contractor Will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed,,and that employees are treated during. employment, without regard to :their .race, color, religion, sex, or netec�nal.origin..Such action shall include,but not be limited to the follo ring: employment, 'upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruit- or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or oCleer forms of compensation; and selection for,training, including: a renticeshi ..The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places,. avai able to a ployees and applicants fee'employment, notices to bek . provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of thus riondiscrimation clause. 1 . • "(2) The'contractor will, in all':solicitations or advertisements for amp oyees pieced by or on behalf of the contractor,state that all quali= ,fled• applicants will receive consideration .for employment without aega .d to rate,color,religion,sex,Or national origin. . "(s) The contractor will send to each labor_union or representative of: orders with which.he has a collective bargaining agreement or tithe contract or understanding a notice,to be provided by the agency contracting Officer,advising the labor union or workers'representative • • Of the contractors commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September.24 1965;and•shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employ- ment. • 1 ' "(4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of. Executive . irdpr No:.11246 of September 24, 1965,and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary Of Labor. • I "(6) The.contractor.will furnish all information and reports Xi- '4u ired by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24 '1965,and by the : Labor,or pursuant rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretaryof • thereto,and will.permit'access to his books, records, an accounts by the Contracting agency and the'Secretary of Labor for purposes of • investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules,regulations,and . . girder . , • ( .• • 60 • C "(6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regu- lations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or sus • - ven. d in whole or in •pa it and the contractor may be declared ineli- gible fur further (i„ver,uiient contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 2A, 1965, and r. „u:h other sac etions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in 1•;ses+utive Order No. 11216 of September 24, I965 or by rule, regu- lation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. "(7) The contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract.or purchase order unless exempted e I,} rules, regulations, or orders off the Secretary of Labor issued pur. , • silent. to .bectien 201 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, . 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor..The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract.or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a :neaps of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncom- • . plianc:e: I',•,ridr,/. however. That in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agent r the contractor inay request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the linited States." I S . 20:i.,(a) Each Contractor having a contract containing the pro-' visions prescribed in Section 202 Shall file, and shall cause each of his subcontractors to file,Compliance Reports with the contracting agency or the Secretary of Tabor as may be directed. Compliance Reports ( . shall be.filed within with times and shall contain such information es • to the practices, policies, programs, and employment policies, pro- grams, and employment statistics of the contractor.and •each sub- contractor, and shall be le such form, as the Secretary of-Labor may: • prescribe. • (b) Bidders or prospective contractors or subcontractors may be' I required to state whether they have participated in any previous con- tract subject to the provisions of this Order,or any prec edmg•similar, Executive order, and in that event to submit,on behalf of themselves and their proposed subcontractor's, Compliance Reports prior to or-as an initial part of their bid or negotiation of a contract.• . (c) Whenever the contractor or subcontractor has a collective bar- gaining agreement or other contract or understanding with a labor union or an agency referring workers or providing or supervising . appenticeship or training for such workers, the Compliance Report . shall include such information as to such labor union's or'agency's practices and policies affecting compliance as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe:Provided,That to the extent such information is within the exclusive possession of a labor union or an agency referring.work- ers or providing or supervising apprenticeship or training and such labor union or agency shall refuse to furnish such information to the contractor,the contractor shall so certify to the contracting agency14 part of its Compliance Report and shall set forth what efforts he has i I made to obtain such information. ( • . 61 . .• (g) •'I;ow income resident of the Utt) Within a geographic area des project area and contracts'fog work In area" means any individual.who resides nated as in Indian reservation (to in- connection with the protect be awsMsd within the a of a section 3 covered dude all •territory within reservation to business concerns which are located project and w tee family income dots not boundaries including fee patented roads. in, or owned In substantial,Part, by per- , ( exceed 9'0'pe, nt of the median income waters,bridges and lands used forcy agen sons residing in the area of the project. . In the Standard Metropolitan 8tatlstksl purposes). B. The parties to this contract will Ares (or the county if not within Ian shall be coextensive with the boundaries amply with the provision:of!said see • • SMSA) In which the section 3 covered of that geographic area, titre 3 and the regulatfttrt)t en puree- Project la located. (2) The boundaries of a section 3 ant thereto by the Secretary of Housing (h) "Political Jurisdiction" means'' a end Urban Development set forth to 24 • politically organized community wailprojectnot l a covered ocated within aget- CFR and all anplicablei rules and coverning y having general govern- graplrle arts designated pursuant to title orders of the Department Issued there- pave . I,of the Housing Act of 1949,or title I of under prior to the execution of this con- ,: the dpi t" means any entity who the •Demonstnti:on Cltles and Metropoll- tract.The partite to this contract certify received latsals ce for a project indu,d- tan Development Act of 1980 shall be co- and agree that they are under no con- trig, but no ' limited to. mortgagors, extensive with the boundaries of the tractual or other disability Which would smallest political Jurisdiction in which developers, 1 1 public bodies,nonprofit prevent them from complying with,these • or limited di dared sponsors,builders or the project L located. 'requirements. property man n (3) To the extent that goals (estab- C. The contractor will send to each la- (j) "Secret ry" means the Secretary ll°hed pursuant to Subparts B, C. and bor .orgenizstion or repr'esenitative of of Housing a d Urban Development. I D of fot 3 covered pro) ot be Met tct area within workers with which he hat( a collective (k) Sectlo 3'. means section 3 of bargaining agreement or other contract • the Housings d Urban Development Act mined pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of or understanding.if any,a notice advfs- • of 1988, 12 U. .C.1701u. • • •1' this section.the boundaries of the email- ins the said la`'or.erganlzatioi or work- tU "pectic 3 clause"means the con- est political Jurisdiction In which the sec- ers' renresenta+.lye 'of hid commitments • 1 thin 3 covered project is located shell be under this eectlon 3 clause and shall Peat tract proiisfo set forth In 1 135.20(b): designated as the relevant section 3 coy es (m) °"Sect! n 3 covered project"means ere*project area. The determination to available to employees and ies of the notice in app cantalfor any nonexem t project assisted by any apply this subparagraph shall be made• employment or training. I 1 • program administered by the.Secretary• by the Assistant Secretary for Equal OP- D.'•The contractor will include this in Which l,oa •grants,subsidies,or other portuNty byor the same official deals- 1 financial Iassi lance•are provided In aid section 3 clause in every subcontract for of housing,ur,amt planriing,development, Hated by the Assistant Secretary for work'in connection with the pOject and of housIne.ur , �.or n renewal,.d. elopm or. Equal Opportunity to deterrz lne the sec- will, at the direction,of.the applicant ro evelo iy f dotes, and l,. publitomc tion 3.coveredprojeet area pursuant to for or recipient'of Federal financlal•as- nlm. dune ypen nt (ascent where the fi- paragraph (a)(1) of this section. eistance, take appropriate action pursu- nanctsl,asstst nee available under such (b) The Departanent$ Heglonel.Ad- ant to the subcontract upon a finding• mintstrator,Area Office Director:et PHA that'the subcontractor Is in:violation of program ie sot le,in the(tare of Insure:IL Insuring Otifee Director, as appropriate, regulations issued .by the Secretary of or guaranty). Projects, contracts, and shall determine the boundaries Of each subcontract's, onnected with programs Housing and Urban Development. 24 • sec 3 coveted project. CFR The contractor will not.sub- adinin 5 dad y the Secretary undersec- contract with any,subcontractor:where dolt 235 end 38•of the.Natlonel Hous-iT32O Asses:0er o6 rempltsnce stilt• .ing Act; lis se11as any Public Housing regulaiotei.. it has notice orknowledge that the latter i program Land Which do not .exceed. (a) Every,contract or agreement for has found in violation pf reula- $50000o I;n es mated cost are exemped let a under 24.CFR --= end win not from the jrritItemenP.i of this part, hasgrant, loan,,subsidy, or other direct let any•subcontract unless the subcon- fa.any euconace nt tof,thi00 or rt es fnancial assistance In aid. of.housing. tractor has-flrat Provided it wwith:a pre- urban planning,development,redevelop- liminary'statement of ability to comply ton 1500 such oJec •"or contracts in excess 1 f ment, or renewal. public or contmuntty • facilities. and new•community develop- with .the ,tequirements,.of these refill- ., "Sebco tractor"Means any entity ment, entered into by the Department latlonx. (other than a arson Who is an employee of Housing and turban:Development With • E. Compliance with the provlstoIn of of the cotitrac r) Which has agreed or respect to a section 3, covered project sectionCF 3, th+.regtttatlons_abet forth in 24 ' arranged tents a contractor'tei undertake shill contain provisions requiring the un- or'd sod all applicable rules and a portion of th contractor's obligation or 'plicat)t or recipient.to.carry out the pro- ®ben of the Department lssutid the cOn- the perfonetanee.of work in connection .visions of section 3, the•regulations cot under prior to the execution of eisl with a section covered.project.. treat, ielsh assistance be condition of:the ieeproj- forth In•this part, and'any applicable •flnanclsl Provided;to the.proj- .f 135.10 :!Del rectum to Assistant Secre• rules.and orders of.the Department is- .ect binding upon the applicant orrreclp- hery far E ail Opportunity: . ' stied •thereunder Prior to approval of, its lent for such assistance. Its,successors, Except ti ' o erwise•provide• d in this application for assistance for a section 3 and assigns..Failure to.fulfill these re- covered project. . part., the.cane ona.of the Secretary re- qutrornmts shall subject the applicant or tarred to tiara( are delegated to,the As- (b1 Every applicant;.recipient, eon- recipient Its'contractoie and,eiiticontre.c- 'sistrnt Beene for Equal Opportunity. tracting party, contractor. and subeon- tors,.its succcessors. and,asstgrts l to'these . I. tractor shall incorporate.or canes lei be sanctions •specified by the grant or loan • 0 135.15 'note ' mtnation.of the lies of Incorporated,.ill all contracts for work agreement or contract through which a section 3 overrd projeee' withcti In connection a seon 3 covered . . • 1Federal alebtanee is provided.l. amid to (a) The are of a section 3 covered 'project,the.toilowine clause Jenferred.to such sanctions as are apecined'by 24 project shall beldetermined s.follows: I as o section.3 clause): . CPR ' .135. (1).The�boundarles Ora section 3 cote-• —A7The aoric to be performed under t55.25 86dd:ng and tieRotiatiaa re- ared project'located: this contract is On a project assisted tin- t)ulrei:rcaots. _ '(1) Within a'geographic area desig- der a program providing direct Federal . rested es an urban renewal area pursuant financial assistance from the Depart- (a) Every '.applicant and sectnient to the provlsions of'title I of the Housing ment of Housing and .Urban Develop- Shall require.prospective contractors for .; Act of 1949. 42 U.B.C. 1450: or • .f went and is subject to the requirements work in connection with section 3.coy- • Ili) Within a geographic area desire Of section 3'of the Housing and Urban ered projects to provide; pillar tie'the Hated as Model Cities areas or Metropoll; Development Act of 1968.as amended.12 sapling of'the contract; a preliminary tan Development Plan areas Pursuant.to U.S.C. 4170lu. Section 3 requires that to 1 the provisions of title I of the Demon= the greatest extent feasible..opportunl- statement of work force needs (aldlled, • / stratlan Cities and Metropolitan Develop+ ties for training and employment bs semleldlied, Unskilled labor and tretvees 1 meat Act 1 e, 42 U9.C. 3361: or plven lower income residents of the by category) *bSre known; 'where not 80 ,, i I1 I • CURRENT DAVIS BACON WAGE RATES IN KING COUNTY • FRINGE BENEFIT PAYMENTS BASIC EDUCATION' HOURLY AND/OR TRADE RATES H&W PENSIONS VACATION APPR. TR. ASBESTOS WORKERS: 12.95 .51 1.20 .06 BOILERMAKERS: 11.60 .75 1.00 .50 .02 BRICKLAYERS: 11 .22 .65 .50 ..1 CARPENTERS: `Carpenters & Drywall applicators 11 .00 .50 .70 .02 Carpenters on reosoted • material 11 .10 .50 .70 .02 Sawfilers; Sta ionary power . saw; Floor Finisher; Floor Layer; Shingles: Floor Sand- er. and other s ationary power ' woodworking to is 11.13 .50 .70 .02 Millwrights a d Machine . Erectors 11.50 .50 .70 .02 I Piledrivers; B. edge, dock and wharf builders 11 .15 .50 .70 .02 . ' Acoustical Workers 11 .16 .50 .70 .02 Boom Men 11.20 .50 .70 .02 CEMENT MASONS: 10.50 .55 1.00 .02 Conipos i tin.na eri al s and power machiner : 10.75 .55 1 .00 .02 ELECTRICIANS: 13.20 .70 3% + .65 .03 Cable Splicers 14.52 .70 3% +.65 .03 ELEVATOR CONSTRUC ORS: 12.445 .545 .35 .02 GLAZIERS: 10.40 . .34 .75 IRONWORKERS: . 11 .85 .93 1 .00 .10 LATHERS: 10.90 .55 1 .00 .04 MARBLE SETTERS': 11 .22 .65 .65 .11 MARBLE, TILE &, TE'RAllO WORKERS: 9.52 .65 .30 ' I 1. I I 977 "i 'age 2 FRINGE BENEFIT PAYMENTS BASIC EDUCATION HOURLY 4ND/OR TRADE ' RATES H&W PENSIONS VACATION APPR. TR. PAINTERS: 9.98 .44 .76 .02 Brus' !Drywall Tapers,Paper. hang is 10.53 .60 070 .04 Spra s Structural Steel Brid. , Sandblasting Stac s, Steam Cleaning Stee, es, Swing Stage Tanks' on legs Toxi'. , Material 10.77 ,,.0 .70 .04 Towe; ! Painters 10.88 .60 .70 .04 PLASTERE'S: 10.90 .55 1.+.1r .06 PLUMBERS: 12.80 .89 1 .41 1 .10 .07 ROOFERS , _ ` 9.45 .60 .40 Roof 's; Waterproofers 10.18 .60 .40 .02 Slat:. & Tile Roofers 10.43 .60 .40 .02 SHEET ME" L WORKERS: 13.23 3%+.56 1 .10 .06 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS: 10.36 .56 1 .00 .05 ! TERRAllO t4ORKERS: 11 .46 .65 .75 .05 TILE SETTERS: 11.46 .65 .75 .05 r UBORERS: ! (Area 2) ` Group 1 8.94 .90 1 .10 .08 i L Group 2 9.28 .90 1 .10 .08 Group 3 9.42 .90 1.10 .08 Group 9.52 .90 1 .10 .08 *See Attached Page for t Explanation of Groups. *POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS: i. Group 1 11 .02 .75 1.00 .11 1, Group, 2 11 .12 .75 1 .00 .11 �; Group 3 11 .23 .75 1 .00 ' .11 ; Group 11 .28 .75 1 .00 .11 i Group5 11 .30 .75 1 .00 .11 Group 6 11 .35 .75 1 .00 .11 Group 7 11 .36 .75 - 1 .00 .11 Group 8 11 .40 .75 1 .00 .11 Group 9 11 .42 .75 1 .00 .11 Group 10 11 .55 .75 1.00 .11 Group 11 11 .58 .75 1 .00 .11 Group 12 11 .61 .75 1.00 .11 Group113 11 .6B .75 0 1 .00 .11 Group 14 11 .70 .75 1 .00 .11 •1977 . Page 3 � . • FRINGE BENEFIT PAYMENTS . 1 BASIC EDUCATION HOURLY AND/OR TRADE RATES H&W PENSIONS VACATION APPR.I TR. I *POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS (Cont'd) I � Group 15' 11 .71 .75 1.00 .11 Group 16 11 .73 .75 1.00 .11 Group 171 11.76 .75 • 1.00 • S]1 Group 18 11.80 .75 1 .00 . .11 Group 19 11.87 .75 1.00 •`.11 Group '20 11 .88 • .75 1.00 .11 Group 21i 11.93 .75 1.00 .11 ' 'Group 22 11.98 .75 1.00 .11 Group 2.3 12.20 • .75 1.00 . .11 Group 24 . I 12.24 .75 1.00 .11 Group 25 12.29 .75 1.00 .11 Group 26 12.37 .75 1.00 • .11 Group 27 12.59 .75 1.00 .11 ' Group 28 12.79 .75. 1.00 .11 • Group,29, • 12.90 . .75 1.00 .11 Group 30 d 12.92 .75 1.00 • .11 Group 31, 13.20 .75 1.00 .11 *See Attached _Page for . Explanation of Groups. • • • • • 'age 4 LABORERS (AREA 2) All Co reties West of the 120th Meridian (except those enumerated in Areas 3 and 4) Group General Laborer: Asphalt Laborers; Batch Weighman; Broomers; Brush Cutter; Brush Hog Feeder; Burners; Car and Truck Loader; Carpenter Helper; Cement Handler; Changehouse or Dry Shack; Chocker Setter; Clean Up Laborer; Concrete Form Stripper; Concrete and Monolithic Laborer; Crusher Feeder; Curing Laborer; Demolition: Wrecking and ' Moving (including charred material ); Ditch Digger; Drierman; Durnpman; Elevator Feeders; Epoxy Technician; Faller and Bucker: Hand; Fence Laborer; Fine Graders; Plagman; Form Setter; Grout Machine Header Tender; Header Laborer and Guardrail Erector; House Wrecker; Land- scaping or Planting; Material Yard Man (including electrical ) ; hipper- Swamper; Pilot Car; Pitman; Pot Tender; Rip Rap Man; Scaleman;Signal- man; Skipman; Sloper Sprayman; Stockpiler; Toolrooin Man (at job site); Track Laborer; Truck Spotter; Window Cleaner Group Air, Gas or Electric Vibrating Screed; Anchor Machines; Ballast ' Regulator Machines; chippers; chocker Splicer; Chuck Tender; Clary Power Spreader and others; Concrete Saw Operator; Gabian Basket Builder; Grinders; Groutman (pressure), including Post Tension Beams; Jackhammer; Multiple Tampers; Pipe Pot Tender; Pipe Wrapper; Powderman's Helper; Power Jacks; Power Wheelbarrow or Buggy; Railroad Spike Puller; Ribbon Setter, head; Rip Rap Man, head; Rodder; Sloper (over 20') ;Stake 1 Hopper; Swinging Scaffold or Boatswain Chair over water or 25' in height; Tamper (multiple and self propelled) ; Tamper and similar electric and ? air operated tools; Topman - Tailman; Track Liners; Vibrator; Wagon ' Driller and Air Trac Helper; Well Point Laborer 63 Group Bit Grinder and Drill Doctor; Cement Dumper - paving; Cement Finisher Helper; Faller and Bucker - Chain Saw; Grade Checker and Transit Man; High Scaler; Laser Beam Operator; Manhole Builder; Mortarman and; Hodcarrier; Nozzleman (concrete pump, green cutter when using combination of high pressure air and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, gunnite, ; shotcrete); Water Blaster; Pipe Layer and Caulker; Powderman; Raker - t , asphalt; Spreader (carries grade with rodder) ; Timbernian --sewer; Tugger Operator; Vibrator 4" and over; Wagon Driller and Air Trac Operator. � ; Group Caisson Worker; Laser Beam Operator (tunnel); Miner; Spader (tunnel) ; ! ; Powderman; Re-timberman; Maintenance Man r. u f } 1 0 • Page 5 ATTACHMENT #2 • POWER' Eq IPMENT OPERATORS (Area 2) . I • • All Counties and portions of Counties West o'f the 120th Meridian (except enumerated in Area: 3) and including the. Northern,portion of Pacific County. Group 1: Mechanics' Helpers (heavy duty) • Group 2: Oilers, Grade Checkers and Stakement and/or Brakemen Group13: Firemen; Firemen (drier and hot plant) Group4: Rollers, Tampers and Vibrators (other than plant, road mix or multi-lift materials); Tractor (farmall 'type, 60 h.p. and under); Compressor (excavating and general purposes) ' . Group ,5: Oiler Driver on Truck Cranes (over 45 tons-up to 100) Group 6: Blower Distributors and Mulch Seeding Operator; Oil Distributors Group17: Locomotives (Dinkey-air, diesel, electric, gas, steam) Group 8: Equipment Service Oiler; Oiler Driver on Trucks Cranes (100 tons and over) 411 Group 9: Pump (water); Tractors (Farmall type, over.60 h.p.) Group 10: Post Hole Diggers (mechanical) Group 11: Brooms ( power, Wayne, Saginaw and similar types);yp ); Bulldozers (under D9 or similar); Loaders (Fork Lifts or Lumber Stacker = on construction job site - Drot Travel Lift) ;:Rollers, Tampers and Vibrators (twin engine) ; 1 Saw (concrete) ;, Scrapers (carry-all type, single) Group12: Batch Plant (batch and mixer, 200 yards per hour and under) ; Cranes _ I ("A" Frame Trucks, single power drum); Conveyors; Crusher (rock);, -Washing and Screening Plants; Finishing Machine Operator, Concrete Paving; Hoists, Air Tuggers, Strato Tower Bucket, Elevators and .beck Winches (power) ; Loaders (Elevating-Athey, Barber Greene and similar types, and overhead and front-end, under 2h yards); Mixers (asphalt up to 4 tons per batch, and concrete mixer and batch - 200 yards per hour and under) ; Power Plant Operators, Pumps (Fuller,. Kenyon and Concrete and Pumperet) ; Rollers, Tampers and Vibrators (on plant, road mix or multi-lifts, mate-ials) ; Screedman;. Spreaders(Blew Knox, Cedarapids, Jaeger, Flarrety or similar types); 'Trenching Machine (under 16 inches) Group 13: Mechanics or Welder (heavy duty) • . Group 14: Motor Patrol Graders (including Model 14 and similar) ;. Tournapulis, Caterpillar, Euclid Scrapers and similar type equipment (25 yards f(10 l under) • • Pag 6 • ATTACHMENT #2 (con't) POWE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS (Continued) Gro 15: Compressor (steel erection including sandblasting, painting of the same) ; Hoists on steel erection, Air Tuggers and Towermobiles; Loaders (fork lifts with tower) Grou» 16: Cement Hogs; Loaders (Elevating Grader type, Dumor and similar); Locomotive (geared or rod engine); Mixers (paving); Scraper (carryall type double) Gro i� 17: Tractors (farmall type, used as Backhoes, Rubber-tired, Ford, Case and similar type 60 h.p. and under) • Ferguson, • Gro ,,,, 16: Bull Dozer (0-9 of similar) Gro ; 19: Trenching Machines (16 inches and over) • Gro 20: Bump Cutter (Concut, Christianson or similar type) Gro r 21: Batch Plant (batch and mixer, over 200 yards per hour through 400 yards per hour) ; Conveyors (Beltcrete with power pack and similar types); Loaders (elevating belt type - and similar types) ; -Mixer (asphalt 4 tons and over, per batch, and concrete mixers and batch - Over 200 yards per hour through 400 yards per hour, and paving dual) 1 I k Gro' 22: Bulldozer engaged in Yo Yo Operation (while cleaning and scaling) ; Cableways (3 yards and under); Cranes ("A" Frame trucks, double power drum and Crawler, truck type, floating, Locomotive, Whirley, either 3 yards and under, or 150' of boom including jibs and under, or 45 tons and under; and Hydralifts, Hyster Cat Cranes and attachments and Chipper, wood with boom attachment); Derricks, all; Drilling Machine (core, cable rotary and exploration) ; Loader (fork lift with power boom' - • and swing attachment, and overhead and front end, 21 yards and up to 4 yards) ; Mixers- (mobile type with hoist combination); Motor Patrol Graders (over Model 14 and similar) ; Mucking Machines (mole, tunnel drill, and/or shield) ; Paydozer and Linker Pusher (Quad-9 and similar) ; Piledriver Engineer, (L.B. Foster Puller or similar, Paving Breaker) ; Shovels (Crawler and truck types, all attachments, 3 yards and under) ; Sub Grader (curries, CMI and similar types); Tractors (Farmall type, used as backhoes, rubber tired - Ford, Ferguson, Case and similar types - over 60 h.p.) ; Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid Scrapers and similar type equipment - over 25 yards through 40 yards. .• Grou.. 23: Loaders (overhead and front end, 4 yards up to 8 yards) Grou., 24: Mixer (concrete mixers and batch over 400 yards per hour through 600 yards per hour.) • • i r ..ter. Page 7 • ATTACHMENT #2 (can't) POWER DU RENT OPERATORSj(Continued) Group 25: Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid, Scrapers and similar type•(6ver40 yards through SS yards) Group 26.: Cableways (over 3 yards); Crane (Crawler, truck type, floating, Locomotive, Whirlley, either over 3 yards, or over 150' of boom including jibs or over 45 tons up to 100 tons; and Tower Cranes, Pecco, Lorraine, Bucyrus and similar types); Helicopter Winch Operator; Remote Control Operator on Rubber-tired Earth Moving Equipment; Shovels (Crawler 'and truck ype, all attachments, over 3 yards up to 6 yards); Slip Form Paver (Zimmerman, CMI and similar types). Group 27: ournapulls, Caterpillar,p Euclid, Scrapers, and similar type equipment (over SS yards through 70 yards) Group 28: . oaders (overhead and front end 8 yards and over) • Group 29: ournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid, Scrapers and similar type equipment (over 70 yards through 85 yards) Group 30: ranes-(Crawlers, Truck type, Floating, Locomotive Whirle ei "Y, ether 5 yards and over 200' of boom including jibs and over, or 100 tons and over); Shovel (Crawler and Truck type, all attachments, 6 yards and over) Group 31: Tournapulls, Caterpillar; Euclid, Scrapers and similar types equipment (over 85 yards through 100 yards) • 10 • Special Provisions SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. INTENT The 'following modifications and additions are hereby made a part of these speci- fications, and shall take precedence over any conflicting requirements stated elsewhere as detailed in Article 7. 2. OWNER • Wherever in these specifications or in any documents or instruments where these specifications govern the term "Owner" shall be understood to mean the City. of Renton, Washington, acting through its legally constituted officials , officers, or employees . As referred to herein the terms "City"' and "Owner" ' are interchangeable. • . 3. INDEMNIFICATION The Owner, its employees, or its duly authorized agents shall not .be held account- able in any manner for any Toss or damage that may happen to the work or any part thereof, for injury to any person or persons or for damages to adjacent property resulting from the Contractor's operations or the operations of any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone of whose acts any of them may be liable. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall indemnify and hold harmless . the. Owner, . its employees or its duly authorized agents frorii a y and all damages suffered and from .any and all liability, claims or other actions .brought for or on account of any injuries or damages to property, Or. injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons, by or from the Contractor, the sequence .of any negligence in guarding the. same, or by or in consequence of improper or defective materials used. or by or on account of any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, the subcontractors or their agents , or by failure to pay any taxes or to satisfy other liabilities for which the, Contractor the subcontractor and their agents are responsible, but this shall not include any liability arising out of the sole negligence of the Owner, its employees , or its duly authorized agents. The Contractor shall be further liable for all costs of defense, including attorhey's fees arising out of claims or. other actions' which may be brought against the Owner, its employees , or its duly authorized agents, by reason of any of the above. 4. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT • Some sections of the specification include reference. to, standard specifications which -ncorporate measurement, and payment provisions. These provisions do not apply unless specifically stated, as this is a lump sum contract. 5. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE • In theievent of conflict among the requirements of the Contract. Documents the following order of precedence from the highest to the lowest will prevail : A.� General Provisions • B Special Provisions/Technical Provisions C Standard Specifications D. Plans SPECIA PROVISIONS 6. WA.TE SITE Nojwaste site has been provided by the Owner for disposal of material and debris. Th7 Contractor shall make his own arrangements , and at his own expense for dis- po.al of waste materials and shall protect the Owner from any and all damages ar'sing therefrom. 7. SAVAGE An4 castings, pipe, wire, boxes, or other portions of the discarded facilities shall be carefully salvaged by the Contractor, stored until they can be inspected byithe Architect. If he determines that they are salvageable, the Contractor sh. 11 deliver them to the City yard. If he determines that they are not sal- vageable the items will become the property of the Contractor who shall be responsible for their disposal . 8. INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS AND NOTIFICATIONS RELATIVE TO CONTRACTORS ACTIVITIES Other utilities, districts, agencies and/or contractors may be working; within the project area. The Contractor shall notify the following agencies relative tc' his activities. 1. City of Renton A. Public Works Department 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 235-2631 B. Fire Department (Bus . Off. ) 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, WA 98055 235-2643 C. Police Department (Traffic Div. ) 200 Mill Ave. South Renton, WA 98055 235-2544 D. Building Department 200 Mill South Renton, WA 98055 235-2540 21 Washington Natural Gas Co. 815 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109 622-6767 3. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. 300 Southwest 7th Street Renton, WA 98055 255-4591 4: Puget Sound Power and Light Co. 620 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 255-2646 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 8. INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS & NOTIFICATIONS RELATIVE TO CONTRACTORS ACTIVITIES (Continued) 5. Teleprompter Cable TV 15241 Pacific Hwy. South Seattle, WA 98188 433-3433 I . 6. Seattle Water Department 1015 - 3rd Seattle, WA 625-4125 • 9. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES The location of existing underground utilities , as shown on the plans, are approximate only, and the ,Contractor will be responsible for determining their exact location. The Contractor shall check with the utility companies concerning any possible conflict prior to commencing excavation in any area, as not all utilities may be shown on the plans . The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the work of the utility companies , and shall notify the City, in advance, of any conflicts affecting his work schedule. The Contractor will be responsible for any breakage of utilities or services resulting from his operations , and shall hold the City and its agents harmless from any claims resulting from' disruption of or damage to same. . • 10. FEDERAL AND STATE AGENCY INSPECTION AND COOPERATION • On Federal aid projects , Federal and State laws , rules and regulations must be observed by the Contractor. The work shall be subject to inspection by the appropriate Federal and State agencies: The Contractor shall submit forms and reports as necessary and cooperate with the Federal and State agencies in making their insections. Such inspections shall in no sense make the Federal or State governments a part of this contract and shall not constitute an interference with the rights of either party hereunder. 11. TAXES • • The contract sum and any agreed_ variations thereof shall include all taxes imposed by law including State of Washington sales tax. Sales . tax will be collected from the Owner and will be paid to the State by the Contractor in conformance with the law. A p oportion of the amount Of Washington State Sales Tax will be added to each payment Voucher. The Contractor shall furnish proof of payment of all taxes • required by law. 12. STREET' CLOSURES OR PARTIAL CLOSURES The Contractor shall at all times maintain safe and convenient local access for vehicles through the construction areas. Said access shall be subject to the review and approval of the Landscape Architect. Ingress to and egress from all properties shall be maintained as near as possible to that which existed prior to the coMmencement of construction. SPECI L PROVISIONS 13, DISPUTES AND LITIGATION Aly questions arising between the Inspector and the Contractor or his superintendent of foreman as to the meaning and intent of any part of the Plans and Specifications oil any contract document, shall be immediately brought to the attention of the P anning Director or his representative for interpretation and adjustment, if w, rranted. ' II �, Fn'ilure on the part of the Planning Director or his representative to ,discover and condemn or reject improper, defective or inferior work or materials, shall not be c6strued as an acceptance of any such work or materials, or the part of the im- povement in which the same may have been used. I � T, prevent disputes and litigation, it is further agreed by the parties hereto t,atthe Planning Director or his representative shall determine the quantity and q ality of the several kinds of work embraced in these improvements. lHe shall d-cide all questions relative to the execution of the work and the interpretation • the Plans and Specifications. I the event the Contractor is of the opinion he will be damaged by such inter- 8=1etation, he shall , within three (3) days, notify the Architect and the City 0 erk in writing of the anticipated nature and amount of the damage or damages. ime is of the essence in the giving of such notice. In the event anyagreement sannot then be reached within three (3) days the City and the Contractor will each appoint an arbitrator and the two shall select a third, within 30-days thereafter. the findings and decision of the Board of Arbitrators shall be final and binding �.� the parties, unless the aggrieved within ten (10) days, challenges the findings .1lnd decision by serving the filing a petition for review by the Superior Court if King County, Washington. The grounds for the petition for review are limited oho showing that the findings and decision: 1. Are not responsive to the questions submitted 2. Is contrary to the terms of the contract or any component thereof 3. Is arbitrary and/or is not based upon the applicable facts, and the law controlling the issues submitted to arbitration. 'he Board of Arbitrators shall support its decision by setting forth in writing heir finds and conclusions based on the evidence adduced at any such hearing. [he arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the statures of the State Washington and court decisions governing such procedure. he costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the City and the Contractor nless it is the Board' s majority opinion that the Contractor's filing of the .rotest or action is capricious or without reasonable foundation. In the latter ' ase, all costs shall be borne by the Contractor. he venue of any suit shall be in King County, Washington, and if the Contractor is a non-resident of the State of Washington, he shall designate an agent, upon hom process may be served, before commencing work under this contract. • SPECIAL PROVISIONS 14. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE SITE At least one complete set Of contract documents including one full size set of drawings, land the as-built set (kept current) shall be kept at the site of con- struction in good condition and at all times available to the Owner and the Architect. 15. CONTRACT LIME The total improvements contemplated by this contract shall be completed in its entirety within 365 working days. A working day is any day not otherwise defined herein as a non-working day. A non-working day is defined as a Saturday, Sunday, a recognized holiday, or a day on Oich the Contractor is specifically required by the contract or the City to suspend construction. Recognized holidays shall be as follows : New Year's Day, Lincoln's ,Birthday, Goerge Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and the day following Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When any of the above recognized holidays fall on a Sunday, the fol'loW.ing Monday shall be counted as a holiday. • At the beginning of any contract, a tentative date for completion of the contract work will be established, based on the day of award of the contract and the number of working days specified. Such date will be adjusted as required from time to time for non-working days and extensions of time allowed under the contract and is recognized as not being a forecast of actual anticipated completion date. 16. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT AND SUBLETTING A list of subcontractors and suppliers that will be involved with this project shall be submitted to the Architect for his review and approval immediately after the contract has been awarded and before the execution of the contract. If the Contractor wishes, to make a change in a sub-contractor during the process of the• work, he shall submit a written request to the Architect for approval prior to changing the subcontractor. 17. OVERTIME WORK BY OWNER EMPLOYEES When the Contractor performs construction work over the accepted eight (8) hours per day or, forty (40) hours per week, or on a City holiday, and the work requires inspection, then the Contractor shall reimburse the City at the rate of $12.00 per hour. The City shall have the sole authority in determining the necessity of having the overtime inspection, and shall notify the Contractor of intent and said costs will be deducted from monies due the Contractor on each monthly estimate. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 18. PU:LIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY ThzlContractor shall , at his own expense, provide all signs, barricades, guards, co struction warnings, and night lights in order to protect the public at all ti '-s from injury as a result of his operations. If the Contractor should fail to maintain sufficient lights and barricades in the opinion of the Architect the City shall have the right to provide these lights and barricades and deduct such costs fralm payments due the Contractor. I Wok shall be restricted, the order of work modified, the hours of work' modified orlthe work halted altogether at the Architect's discretion when the Architect fi ds such a course or courses of action necessary to protect the public or the Co 1Itractor's safety, health or welfare. 19. HO 'RS OF WORK Thl working hours for this project will, be limited to weekdays during the period from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The hours of work may be changed at the diScretion of the Architect when it is in the interest of the public or the Contractor due toIreasons of safety, health or welfare. 20. UN'OVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK Whrel items on the Architect's "Punch list" have not been corrected. prior to ex!+iration of the one-year guarantee period, it shall nevertheless by the re':ponsibility of the Contractor to permanently correct, said items after the one- yelir guarantee period. 1 Al corrective work performed by the Contractor in remedying defective;work during thl; one-year period following the Owner's acceptance of the project shall be s eject to the same guarantee requirements of the original work for a period of o - year from the date of completion of the corrective work. i 1 A• •ed inspections may be required because of: 1.1 Failure on the part of Contractors to satisfactorily complete all, items on the final punch list prior to scheduled completion date. 2 Additional inspections required because of defective installation or equipment which appear during construction or guarantee period. C 'arges will be invoiced to the Contractor by Architect based on time, plus expenses. Time Hourly rate of $28.00 per hour. Expenses Actual cost plus 25% service on handling fee. Travel By private car - rate $.17 per mile. 21. R1IINSTATEMENT OF ALTERNATES . T ;e. Undersigned agrees that the Owner has the right to reinstate, at the Bid Price, a Alternate Bid not incorporated into the contract, if the Owner so notifies him w thin sixty days after the Notice to Proceed. • • SPECIAL PROVISIONS 22. TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The work of this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and shall be completed within 365 calendar days . For each calendar day after the date fixed for completion that the work remains uncompleted, the Contractor shall pay the Owner the sum of $280.00 (Two hu dred and eighty ,dollars) as fixed, agreed, liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. The Contractor does hereby authorize the Owner to deduct such liquidated damages from amount due,, or to become due, the Contractor. The Contractor further agrees that any 'such deduction shall not in any degree release hiR from further obligation and liabilities in regard to the fulfillment of the entire contract; It is f.drther agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this contract and of the specifications wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act whatsoever; and where under the contract an. additional time is allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the essence of this contract. Provided, that the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due: ' 1. To any preference, priority of allocation order duly issued by the government; 2. To Unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods , epidemics, quarantine restrictions, stHkes, freight embargoes and unusually severe weather; and 3. To any delays of subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in subsections 1 and 2 of this article. Provided, further; that the Contractor shall , within seven (7) days from the beginning of such delay; notify the Owner within a reaonable time of its decision in the matter. 23. PROCEDURAL OUTLINE FOR STARTING WORK AND PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1. Req irements Prior to Starting Work: A. Pre-Construction Conference Prior to commencing work, the Owner, Architect and Contractor shall meet at a time and place set by the Owner to discuss the Project Schedule, storage of materials, and any other special requirements that concern the jproject. A draft Project Schedule shall be presented to the Owner and Architect prior ,to the conference and the final Project Schedule shall be submitted within' one week following the conference. Conditions mutually agreed upon at this conference may be incorporated into this contract. I !, SPECIA PROVISI ONS B. Equipment and Materials: It is the Contractor's responsibility to be certain that all equipment and materials selected by him, or for him by his subcontractors or material suppliers, conform exactly to the requirements of the drawings and speci- fications. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for providing materials and equipment which comply with the Contract Documents. 2. Notice to Proceed: Contractor's receipt of the executed contract is not to be considejed as authorization to begin work. At the conclusion of the pre-construction conference, the Owner will issue to the Contractor a written Notice to 1 Proceed. 1 3. 1 Preliminary and Final Punch Lists At a time prior to the Contractor's request for Final Inspection, the 1 Architect and/or Owner will perform inspections of the work and provide to the Contractor a list of items found to be deficient. All items 1 appearing on any punch list shall be corrected and the Architect notified in writing prior to the request for additional punch list inspections or Final Inspection. The Contractor shall notify the Architect in writing that he has completed the work and requests inspection. The Architect will arrange for the date and time of this inspection. 4. Final Acceptance A. At such time as the Contractor has fulfilled all conditions of the Contract Documents, as determined in the Final Inspection, the1Owner shall determine the date of Final Acceptance. B. The date of substantial completion or substantial occupancy, whichever is first, shall establish the beginning of the Contractor's one-year warranty period, and all other guarantees and warranties set forth in the Contract Documents. 5 ' Project Closeout; General At the completion or near completion of the construction of the project, certain items or work and submittals as specified elsewhere are required prior- to the Owner's acceptance and final payment for the project. 24. C'IORDINATION All Contractors shall diligently comply with the following requirements: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 24. COORDINATION (Continued) 1. Cooperate in planning and layout of the work well in advance of operations. 2. Inform other contractors of requirements at proper time to prevent delay or revisions. 3. Be informed on the requirements of other contractors and check own work for conflicts with the work of other contractors. 4. Insure delivery of materials and performance of work on coordinated schedule with other contractors . 25. CONFORMITY TO SPECIFICATIONS • The Architect and/or Owner reserve the right to take and analyze samples of materials for' conformity to specifications at any time. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. Cost of testing of materials not meeting 'specifications shall be paid by Contractor. 26. SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS BY REFERENCE Any material and/or procedure specified by reference to the number,. symbol or title of a specific standard such as a commercial standard, Federal specification, a trade association standard, technical society standard, or other similar, standard, shall comply with the requirements in the latest revision thereof and any amendment or supplement thereto; in effect on the date oflInvitation for Bids, except as limited to type, class or grade, or modified in the specification, shall have full force and effect as though printed in the specifications. 27. MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS Unless otherwise noted or directed, install all work in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations for best results. Not one preparatory step or installation procedure may be omitted unless specifically modified or exempted by these documents. • 28. MODIFICATIONS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE VARYING PRODUCTS It is frequently necessary to design the structure and finish around, and to specify specific items to accommodate, one manufacturer's product. and including mechanical and electrical items or equipment. In the event the Contractor re- ceives approval: to provide another manufacturer's product or assembly, it shall be understood that any modifications necessary to the proper installation and . function of the substituted items shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. He shall' bear the additional cost required for necessary detailing to accommodate the change. ii SPECIAL PROVISIONS 29. `USPENSION OF WORK BY OWNER hen, in the judgement of the Owner, or his agent, unfavorable weather .kes it impractical to secure first class results, or other conditions arrant the granting of a suspense order, he shall issue to the Contractor .jwritten order to suspend work wholly or on any part of the Contract. hen conditions are again favorable for execution of the work, the Ow er -hall issue to the Contractor a written order to resume the suspended! work. orders to suspend work will not be written for intermittent shutdowns! due to ti,eather conditions unless the suspension of work is to be for at least one !eek. The Contractor shall take every precaution to prevent any damage or lnreasonable deterioration of the work during the time it is closed down. %hould an extension of time be granted the Contractor, he shall indemnify ind save harmless the Owner from any loss to any other Contractor caused fly such extension of time. pon failure of the Contractor to carry out the orders of the Owner or to 'erform work under the Contract in accordance with its provisions, the Owner `,ay suspend the work for such period as he may deem necessary. Time lost by 1.eason of such failure or in replacing improper work or material shall not urnish any grounds to the Contractor for claiming an extension of time or Ij,xtra compensation, and shall not release the Contractor from damges or liability from failure to complete the work within the time prescribed. Dhis right of the Owner to stop work shall not give rise to any duty on the art of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or „ny other party. 30. bTAKING OF CONSTRUCTION ITEMS I he Owner will establish the horizontal and vertical control of the property. he Contractor is to stake all construction items. Contractor shalllemploy licensed surveyor, registered in the State of Washington, to layout work. pon completion of the job the as-built drawings shall be certified by the .urveyor that the drawings represent the actual lines and elevations constructed 'n the field. 31. ORK AREA Contractor shall confine operations and storage to work area. Work area shall be considered the area of the site. In those locations where existing vegetation or improvements are within this area, the contractor must work around the material . 32. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT STOCKPILE LOCATIONS Stockpile materials and equipment only on approved areas of the site. Submit list of stockpile sites for approval before material is delivered. Stockpile areas shall not endanger or inhibit the public users of the site, outside Ithe work area, in any way. SPECIAL P OVISIONS 33. RESTO ATION CLAUSE The C ntractor shall restore to the Architect's satisfaction all areas disturbed by 'the construction process. All ingress or egress points that are disturbed will ave to be regraded, resodded, etc. , to restore them to original condition. Prote t all existing trees and fencing on site from potential Contractor damag above and below grade. If unavoidable damage occurs, notify Architect immediately and a decision will be rendered as to how the Contractor is to re- place or repair the damage at the Contractor's expense. 34. TEMP0 ARY UTILITIES Contr ctor to provide and pay for all .temporary utility connections and service required for completion of the work. Comply with all state and local health and safety requirements. Remove from the site all temporary buildings, construction, connections and extensions upon completion of the work. General and Supplementary Conditions • PAGE 1 GEi.ERAL AI,J SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1 . GENERAL COiDITIONS • The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction , AIA Document A201: dated Aril 1976 is hereby made a part of this agreement except as modified herein. Copies are on file in the Architect 's office and may be reviewed as required by the bidders . 2. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS A. CONFLICTS In case of conflicts between these specifications and the General Conditions , the specifications govern. B. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY All Contractors bidding the project shall be Equal Opportunity Employers and shall bpi non-discriminatory in their hiring procedures. Any Contractor ' choosing not to conform to this requirement shall notify the Architect immediately and request removal from bid list and return all plans and specifications . 3. MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, applying to all contracts: Par. 4.6, TAXES Delete and substitute the following: • State sales tax will be paid by Owner. A proportionate amount of the sales tax will be added to each payment voucher issued to the Contractor. All ' other taxes shall be paid by the Contractor. Par. 4.7. 1 , PERMITS, FEES AND LICENSES Delete and substitute the following: • the general building permit has been secured and paid for by the Owner prior to execution of the contract. All other permits , fees and licenses shall be secured and pain for by the Contractor. Par. 4.16, CLEANING UP Add the following to subparagraph 4.16.1 : Each Contractor shall provide receptacle for debris 'and rubbish and shall be responsible for hauling off site. .. Size of receptacles. and frequency of hauling shall be such as to accommodate all operations under the Contract as determined by the' Architect. Each Contractor and each subcontractor shall daily dispose of debris and rubbish generated by individual operations in the specified receptacle. Par. 71.5, PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS Deletehand substitute the following: The Contractor shall secure and pay for performance and payment bonds issued by a bonding company licensed to transact business in the locality of the project, in AIA form A311 . Liability under each of the bonds shall be 100 percent of the contract sum. Delivery of the bonds shall be in accordance with Pear. 7. 5. 1 . Bonds must be undated. Power of Attorney must be provided. PAGE 2 GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Art. 9, PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION • Add the following: • Payments will be made in the amounts and at such times as is prescribed j by law. (a) Ten days prior to the first Monday of each month, submit application for payment for 95% of the value of the work performed, and of materials j stored as defined by Par. 9.3.2, during the previous month, as estimated by the Architect. , • (b) •Upon substantial completion as defined by Par. 8.1.3, : 95% of the Contract sum, taking into account additions and deductions made during . , the course of the work. (c) Thirty days after substantial completion: The balance due under the Contract, provided the work be then fully completed and the Contract fully performed. • Par. 11 . 1 , CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Supplement this paragraph by defining minimum amounts of insurance required, as follows : 1 (1 ) Bodily injury: $100,000 per person , $300,000 for any one accident. (2) Property damage: $50,000 for any one accident, $100,000 aggregate per Y policy year. The City .of Renton is to be named as co-insured. • Par. 12. 1 , CHANGE ORDERS Modify subparagraph 12 . 1 .3 as follows : The value of added work shall be determined by the application ofunit prices 1 which include overhead and profit; or shall be the actual cost ofl the additional direct labor, materials and subcontract work involved, plus an allowance of 5k overhead and 10% profit. Extras and credits shall be presented to the Architect for approval in a complete breakdown form showing the amount of materials and cost of same, hours of labor at hourly wage scale, overhead, profit and taxes . Par. . 13.2, CORRECTION OF WORT: • ' Add the following to subparagraph 13.2.2: 1 Where items on the Architect 's "Punch List" have not been corrected prior to 1 expiration of the one-year guarantee period, it shall nevertheless he the 1 responsibility of the Contractor to 'permanently correct said items after the one-year guarantee period, and the contract shall not be fully performed until j such permanent corrections are made. Cracks or imperfections that may occur, for any reason and within the one-year guarantee period, in plastered' Or gypsum wallboard surfaces , whether painted or not shall, be repaired and the surfaces repainted at no cost to the Owner hand within the terms of the General Contract. All corrective work performed by the Contractor in remedying defective work i during the one year period following the Owner's acceptance of the project shall be subject to the same guarantee reouirements of the original work for a period of one year from the date of completion of the corrective work. PAGE 3 GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 4. MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, • Par. 4.5, WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE Add the following: 4.5.3, The Contractor shall and hereby does guarantee roofing , membrane water- proofing, flashings , skylights , roof scuttles , and all other work which is a component', part of the roofing, to be weathertight under ordinary wear and usage fora period of two years , caulking for a Period of three years , from and after substantial completion of the structure. This guarantee is an extension of the 1-year guarantee on all work called for in Par. 13.2.2 of the General Conditions, and is in addition to the roofing guarantee and bond, if ; any, specified in Division 7. Art. 8, TIME Add the following: (1 ) Commencement and completion of contract: o The work shall be conguenced on the date defined in Par. 8.1 .2 and substantially completed; as defined in Par. 8. 1 .3 within 335 consecutive calendar days from . and after commencement , and fully completed not more than 30 consecutive calendar days thereafter . (2) Liquidated damages : , • For each consecutive calendar day after the dates above-fixed for completion that the Work remains uncompleted , the Contractor shall pay the Owner the sum of S 280..00 as fixed and agreed liquidated damages , but not as a penalty. Par. 11 .21, OWNER' S LIABILITY INSURANCE • The Contractor shall effect and maintain Owner's liability insurance through- out the life of the contract, in amounts .the Architect judges reasonable or are required by the Owner , if a public body . Par. 11 .3, PROPERTY INSURANCE The Contractor Shall .effect and maintain throughout the life of the contracts property insurance as defined in this paragraph. • Per• 11.4' COPIES FURNISHED The Architect wi l l furnish to the Contractor, without charge, 12 copies of the contructldrawings and specifications , and 12 copies of detail drawings and instructiions issued subsequent to the execution of the contract. Additional copies requested by the Contractor will be furnished to him at the cost of • reproduction . PAGE 4 GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 6. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. WORDING OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS These specifications are written in the abbreviated or "streamli led" form, and, frequently include incomplete sentences . Words such as "shall ," "shall be ," "the Contractor shall ," and similar mandatory phrases shall be supplied by inference as they are in a note on the drawings . The Contractor shall provide all items listed and perform all operations called for, all in accordance with Par. 4.4. 1 of the General Conditions , as modified herein. B. DEFINITIONS The word "approved," as used herein, means "approved by the Architect. " "For approval " means "for the Architect 's approval . " "Selected" means "selected by the Architect. " "As directed" means "as directed by the Arch tect. " "Provide" means "furnish and install . " Where the words "or approved" are used , the Architect is the sole judge of the quality and suitabi ity of the proposed substitution. C. NUMBER OF SPECIFIED ITEMS REQUIRED Wherever in these specifications an article, device or piece of quipment is referred to in the' singular number, such reference shall include as many such items as are shown on drawings or required to complete the installation. D. . LINES AND LEVELS Before starting work, locate all general reference points. Take such steps as are necessary to prevent their dislocation or destruction. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. Employ competent surveyor to lay out work; be responsible for its accuracy. E. PRIOR USE OR OCCUPANCY The Owner has the right to use or Occupy the building or any part thereof, or to use equipment installed under the contract, prior to final acceptance. Such use or occupancy shall not constitute acceptance of the wor or any part thereof . • END OF GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS . , ;, . Soils Report Ear ; R�� Al i Consu • Inc. Geotechnical Engineering and Geology 12893 N.E. 15th Place, Bellevue,Washington 98005 /Phone: (206)455-2018 November 8, 1977. E-416 The Mithun Associates 2000 - 112th N. E. Bellevue, WA 98004 Attention: Mr. Jim Bodoia Subject: Soil and Foundation Investigation Renton Senior Center Renton, Washington Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have completed our soil and foundation investigation for the subject site. A description of our investigation and site geology, together with the indicated recommendations are presented in this report. Results of our study indicate that construction of the facility at the pro- posed site is feasible utilizing conventional foundations based on structural fill . We believe that the use of conventional wood floors should be considered instead of slab-on-grade due to the possible long term settlement. SCOPE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of our investigation was to explore the subsurface soil condi- tions at the site and to provide recommendations for foundation design and site development. At the time our investigation was undertaken, the site and proposed Senior Center were as outlined on the Site Plan, Plate 1 . This layout is based on a plan prepared by Mithun Associates dated June 28, 1977. The project involves the construction of an 18,000 square foot, two-story wood frame structure. The maximum anticipated live plus dead loads will be on the order of 2500 pounds per lineal foot. Parking areas are planned for the north side of the building. It is our understanding that final grades will be close to existing grades. The Mithun Associates E-416 November 8, 1977 Page two FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING To explore the subsurface conditions at the site, two borings were drilled to a maximum depth of 44 feet. Borings were drilled at the north and south ends of the proposed building at locations shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1 . Borings were drilled using a truck-mounted, hydraulically-operated B-61 drill rig to advance the hollow stem auger which provided hole support during the sampling operation. In each boring, Standard Penetration Tests were performed at selected intervals . The Standard Penetration Test consists of driving a 2-inch 0. D. split spoon sampler 18 inches' with a 140-pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the last 12 inches is termed the "Standard Penetration Resistance" (N) and is an approximate meas- ure of the in situ relative density or consistency of a soil . These resistance values (N) are listed on the individual boring logs. In addition, a 2.5-inchI. D. ring sampler was employed to obtain relatively undisturbed samples for inspection and testing. Blow counts for this sampler were converted to correspond to the Standard Penetration Test (N) values and are also listed on the boring logs. Samples obtained from the split spoon and ring sampler were placed in con- tainers after beging classified in the field and returned to our laboratory for further classification and testing. The samples were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System as presented on Plate 2. The field investigation was continuously monitored by an engineering geolo- gist from our office who classified the soils encountered, maintained a log of all borings and made detailed site observations. These boring logs are presented on Plates 3 nd 4. Representative soil samples were returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Our laboratory testing program consisted of moisture content and Atterberg Limit determinations, density measurements and gradation analyses. Th'e results of the moisture content determinations, Atterberg Limits and density measurements are presented on the boring logs at the appropriate places. The ,grain size analyses results are illustrated on Plate 6. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The proposed site is bordered on the east and west by Burnett Avenue and Logan Avenue ;North, respectively. The City of Renton maintenance shops are located southeast of the site. The Cedar River runs along the southern end of the property.' A concrete block building is located within the proposed building area. i The Mithun Associates E-416 November 8, 1977 Page three The relatively flat site is lightly covered by grass and brush. There is a ' berm approximately 3 feet high paralleling the southwest edge of the property along Handicap Park. Subsurface Conditions The site is underlain by fill and fluvial sediments deposited by the Cedar River. Directly beneath the surface lies from 12 to 16 feet of fill material consisting oaf loose, silty, sandy gravel found in Boring No. 1 (12 feet) to a brown, loose to medium dense, fine sand found at the surface in Boring No. 2 (16 feet) . Beneath the fill materials, we encountered 4 to 7 feet of soft to medium stiff, sandy, clayey silt. In Boring No. 1 , the silt was interbedded with clean sand and a one foot peat layer at 19 feet. Beneath these silts are , , silty to gra1'elly sands in a medium dense to dense condition to the depth explored by Boring No. 1 . In Boring No. 2 we encountered a dense, sandy gravel below 36 feet to the depth explored. The sediments below theisurficial fill represent the different depositional environments of the Cedar .River and vary due to the nature of a meandering river. Ground water was encountered at 13-1/2 feet below the existing ground level in Boring No. 2. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General The field exploration revealed the presence of loose to medium dense sands and gravels beneath the entire building area. These materials, in their present loose state, are not capable of directly supporting the proposed structure or 11 floor slabs without excessive settlements. The soft, clayey—silt and peat found''' beneath the fill appears to have experienced most of the settlement due to the ; weight of the fill . It •is still possible that some small settlements may occur. In the following detailed recommendations; we have provided design parameters for slabs-on-grade. However; due to the variation in thickness of the underlying clayey silt, some small differential settlements may be experienced. It is for this reason that we suggest that a conventional wood floor system be considered as an alternative to slabs-on-grade. It is our opinion that the most feasible method of support is to place shallow footings on a structural fill mat that will bridge the loose underlying fills. This recommendation is based on final grade being less than one foot above the existing grade. If the final grade will be higher than a surcharge may be necessary. ' Foundations ' We recommend that the proposed structure be supported on continuous footings, bearing on a minimum of 3 feet of compacted structural fill placed in accordance i The Mithun Associates E-416 November !8, 1977 Page four • with the '!Sii?,e Preparation Specifications of this report. In addition, all extert for and interior footings should be tied together and structurally designed to' ' be able to develop fall spanning "beam action" for a distance of 10 feet. The !structural fill should extend horizontally a minimum of 3 feet beyond' the footing perimeters. The excavated sides should be sloped back to prevent sloughing and the formation of a vertical plane beneath the floor slabs. . - The footings maybe designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 2500 pounds, live plus dead load. This value may be increased by one-third when con sidering '!seismic loads. Continuous footings should have a minimum width of 16' inches. ,All external footings should be bottomed at least 18 inches below final : adjacentlgrlde. Interior footings may be bottomed 12 inches below finished 1 floor elevations. Horizontal forces may be resisted by passive pressures and/or friction be , tween concrete and the supporting subgrades. The passive pressure may be assumed to be equal to a fluid with a density of 300 pounds per cubic foot. This value assumes that the footing backfill is compacted to at least 95 percent maximum density Per ASTM D-1557-70. , A coefficient of friction of 0.40 may be used be- ' , tween concrete and soil . Slabs Floor slabs may be supported on grade bearing on a minimum 24 inches of structural fill . At least 4: inches of free draining sand or gravel base should be provided beneath the slab;. This requirement may be waived if the structural . fill is of a free draining quality. A visqueen membrane should be placed below , the slablwhere moisture is undesirable. The floor slabs should be structurally ' separated from footings to aillow. the slab to act independently from the building ' loads. Site Preparation The !site should be stripped and cleared of all buildings, foundations, utility Tines, organic and deleterious material . After excavating to final ' , grades. fcr footings and slabs, the resulting surface should be proofrolled with . heavy equipent to detect loose or soft areas. Any encountered loose areas should be recompacted in place or removed and replaced with structural fill . The overexcavation should be to a depth that will insure a minimum of 3 feet of structural fill beneath all footings and 2 feet beneath all slabs. Prior to placing fill , the overexcavated area should be proofrolled to ' . detect loose or unstable areas, which if found, should be compacted in-place, or, removed rind lireplaced with structural fill . After the proofrolled surface is approved; structural fill may be placed in 8 to 10-inch horizontal lifts and compacted td a minimum of 951 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM D- . 1557-70. I. Thie existing Upperl site soils contain excessive amounts of fine mater- ial and May difficult to ,compact in wet weather. 1 1 1 j • The Mithun Associates I E-416 Nobember 3, 1977 Page five i If imported fill is required, it should be granular in nature and approved, by the Soils, Engineer prior to bringing on the site. If grading operations are planned during wet weather, we suggest that the fill contain no more than 5 percent fines passing the No: 200 sieve. Subsurface drains should be provided around the perimeter of the overexcavated area to prevent a build-up of water in the structural fill . All grading operations should be inspected, tested and approved by the Soils;• Engineer. LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and utilized in our investiga- tion are believed representative of the total area; however, soil conditions may vary in characteristics between boring locations. Since our investigation is based on the site materials observed, selective, laboratory testing and engineering analyses, the conclusions and recommendation's are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Should encountered conditions or design parameters change, this firm should be contacted, for instructiions prior to proceeding. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to call . I The 'following Plates are included and complete this report: Plate 1 Site Plan Plate 2 i Legend 1 Plates 3 and 4 Boring Logs Plate 5 Grain Size Analysis Respectfully submitted, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. .04 • is 5. LEA/ Priest Glmengineer 6-e w ' 4 obert . Levinson, P. E. q. 14691 -, 10 4,4. EC6'� Chief Engineer EG/RSL/dw ��SS/ONAL C � i s SITE PLAN I I i i 9a- 5?� t�F' ' [ 1 i KC Shop !:;//7 1. \ PROPOSED 1 BUILDING l I 8-1 1 (Property Line z . .777 ) ,• (00 [i (44:41.// LEGEND 1 4h` 8-2 BORING LOCATIONS 0 : ; C mount is IIo SCALE in= 609 GEOTECHUICAL Er4GINEERING A GEOLOGY i I Work Order E' sue I PLATE 1 1 1 • LEGEND , , GRAPH LETTER MAJOR DIVISIONS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS LSYMBOL!SYMBOL F0. .o o . WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL-9AND GRAVEL d 'O O• °• •C` G vY MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES • AND CLEAN GRAVELS °b',,:0.°:0 (11171a or no fines)GRAVELLY : :D::0::4: SOILS 4..•• •••G POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL- •0'•0 O• G P SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE 0. :R S: 0' .GRAINED !.•A.4, q 14 1j1A . SOILS? d SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVELMIXTURES OF COARSE FRAC- GRAVELS WITH FINES TION RETAINED (appreciable amount of ON NO.4 SIEVE i linos CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- //" • GC CLAY MIXTURES 0 0 00 ° WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND ' 0 000 00 00 0 0•' StY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES CLEAN SAND ° o AND 0 a o0 °00 SANDY (litho or no Ming) MORE TNANSOX SOILS . P POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY OF MATERIAL INS •••• SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES LARGER THA HO r•�•-••A▪•ti ' 200 SIEVE SIZE SM SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH FINES •OF COARSE FRAC- (oPFrem oAk cement of •�+�• • r TION PASSING ':M, 91non) • NO. 4 SIEVE• �� _,, SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE I . SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR I ML CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY • /J , SILTS WITH tp4.ICk1T pvorrICITY INORDAPIIC CLAYS OF LOCI TO MEDIUM FINE 1 SILTS LIMIT / PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, GRAINED. AND // CL SOILS LESS THAN 60 SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS Al SLAY$ , ' I I I ' III ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC III I I I OL SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY • 1 I I I, INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR MH DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS MORE THAN 50% SILTS OF MATERIAL' 19 LIQUID LIMIT . ORGI6 CLAYS OF HIGH SMALLER THAN NO. AND GREATER THAN 50� CH p AN PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS 200 SIEVE SIZE CLAYS ., tt OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH ///'`7 PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, NUAYUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH NIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE. DUAL SYMSOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS ' SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART • THE DISCUSSION IN THE TEXT OF THIS REPORT IS NECESSARY FOR A PROPER UNDERSTANDING • Of THE NATURE OF THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THE ATTACHED LOGS I IC UNDISTURBED RING SAMPLE X SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED I 1 1 X DISTURBED RING SAMPLE 2 WATER LEVEL (DATE) I i CORE -SAMPLE PIEZOMETER LEVEL , 1 I 2.0.01i O.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER Ts TORVANE READING P ,SAMPLER PUSHED • EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. , 6 PLATE 2 s 1 Fr- N H1 IELEVATION I . — iN) Dry Graph 1 Soil DescIription Depth Sample Blows/ Wn Density CS 1 1 (ft. ) Ft. (%) (pcf) :i am Broin, silty, sandy1GRAVEL, loose, l ' _ "( moist. (Fill ) g 6.3 • 1 I 5 Brown, silty, fine SAND, medium dense, 11 12 moist. (Fill ) 1 10 � . 4 27 Gray, sandy, cla e SILT soft, moist 33 Y Y� � oist � 1 with clean sand lens between 15 and - 15 1 16.5 feet. i : LL 25 1 4 46 PEAT soft, wet. 20 75.4 c = 172. 28.9 "'•'• ' Gray, clean, gravelly SAND, grading - 25 18 7.3 to clean, fine to medium SAND, dense 31 to very dense, wet. - 37 12 30 III - _ 35 33 19. s:: : ;. - 5Q/5 17 i loving terminated at 39 feet on 10/12/77. J � 1 ] 1 1 Driving Energy: 140lb. Weight Dropping 30 inches 1 1 W. 0. No. E-416 PLATE 3 rel.2"' . ELEVATION (N) Dry :Graph 'US Soil Description Depth Sample Blows/ Wn Density CS p (ft. ) Ft. '' (%) (pcf), {•:::::'••• SM Brown, silty, fine SAND, loose, =, 4 14 mo ist.oist. (Fill ) 5 :::::�:f :9 °® ' ..©.e •I F 12 6 1 “ I 10 ''°'®®® GP Brown, clean, sandy !GRAVEL, loose to ®•®• medium dense, wet. (Possible fill ) 9 6 1 4 4 0: 1R/12 , Gray, san y, c ayey SILT, medium stiff, wet. ' 5 - 55 20 Gray, clean to slightly silty, fine to 13 23 104.7, • : cm Medium SAND with some gravel , loose, 25 • Medium dense, wet. 6 29 1 30 11 25 } i. :: 35 ;T.74%, GP Reddish-brown, clean, sandy GRAVEL, 40 36 8 ,,: •�:•4•r, dense to very dense,, wet. Via' ¢ b °.; ! 62 12� � Boring terminated at144 feet on 10/12/77. Gouhd water encountered at 13.5 feet. fi I II I I Driving Energy: 140 lb. Weight Dropping 30 inches W. 0. No. E-416 Earth CorAstalta t PLATE 4 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES NUMBER O/ MESH PER INCH U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN M AO p L.0 t°oN 10 w om N P .0 c R g $ 8 s o 0 0 O 8 8 $ $ $ c �1■.�_. ram_ t_� 1�1��._____— .•�� ° _ IININNIMINNIIMIMIIIMIllimilIMINNIMIIIIIIIMMEMIIIIIIN —_•�I �� mommoimummomiminummom �►��'M����in.�� IIIIIIIIIIMMIIMIIIIIII°a..w•�_.wMINNIS rn rn isimrsmi•immi �� _��tsltii•�_�•�M.r�.....•—•---- m���M•—...�:..._•_�.■...r_■� Z Z ► ■ ..� m. ■..m �m����gl�.■m..r�ismi ..I..� l 9° -..1 -1 ■______—..■■■�I..■[ ��—Il•-�•I �_■•�. -.•••N.._ IIIMMNIIMIINEl l•IIMINIMwMI•■N �wMr n MI .•■■■m—I• N _ ' m Ate®NIIIIIIIIiimii .t■.•_• mm.esn.IM■s n.ImMl•m■.1..11 . ..0 .lM . 1� NN ■-M •. rn w 1 • m= m= M mmmmns__Is w_-mmmnui� rn n ■■__� ---- �►>f- -ms .I-----MilloliNIMIIN Mil �C_. �� x .•.�— — ■,�- -mi__.■..�•• 70 rn .�C�IM'I MM—I IMMEN•Milimmilnimilli iimmialimIlIMININNIIIIN~WismimmiMIONINIimis I �C :��C:•"' 50 UNIIMII �� ---- 111 �■��iiiiimMI—.IIN_.•.■■•..MEI...■•..MNI iliMlimimmomwmommimmrimmisommisilmil I�i■•i_�=■�ii _=INIIIMINILUNEEN•imilM••r•INNIIIIII_■•�• •--- IINNI=MIIIIIIIIIMIllaMMIIIMMIEJMNIIMIIIIIIIMMINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ��.IIM..■■■■� .��.. ��iC_� ��_■i�om�•..� ��I<.�.I ••_•Milimill..GI o IIIIINEINNIMINOMINIMINE=NIMIMPlinmENES111111111111MImillmMilliilliiiili. ___ M 8 g 8 8 S S g a O ® cI a .I ® w ro �' o o c 8 8 too x GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ® COBBLE ill Z COARsE I PINR� coArssE j� MEDIUM PINE GAVEL SAND �_- FINES I s Cl) in BORING DEPTH U.S.C. DESCRIPTION NAT L L P L P I co NO. -FT. l .C. c Z 1 2.5 - 4 GM Silty, sandy GRAVEL 6.3 r r- —® 1 7.5 - 9. SM SIlty, fine SAND 11 .9 -I P u) `® 2 2.5 - 4 - SM Silty, fine SAND 13.5 e� --- -- 2 7.5 - 9 GP - Clean, sandy GRAVEL 5.9 (J1 Technical Provisions SECTION 01010 PAGE 1 SUMMARY OF THE WORK 01012 WORK INCLUDED A. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK The work included in this Contract consists of the construction and completion of a Office/Assembly building, of Type V-N construction, for Group B-2/A-3 occupancy, including appurtenances shown on drawings, all in strict accord- ance with these specifications and the accompanying drawings, excepting only those items specifically shown, noted or specified as not in Contract. B. ALTERNATES Refer to {"Base Bid and Alternates" for possible variations from the above requirements. 01014 WORK NOT INCLUDED ' A. WORKfBY OWNER. Before notice to proceed .is issued to Contractor: Preliminary sitework/removal of stored piping, removal of City water metering building. • B. WORK, BY OTHERS Before notice to proceed !i.s issued to Contractor: Bring 127inch Water main, to the property from the south side of the Logan Street Bridge. 01017 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Refer' to, attached copies - Parcel ''A" and Parcel "C" END OF SUMMARY OF THE WORK I , I I I ' SECTION 01017 FAK(.L L "A" L1 IHAI PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 , SECtION 18 , IWP . ;) i H . , fIAj 5 F . , W . M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES 01 . 3RD STREET AND BURNETT AVE . N . ; THENCE S . 00 13 ' 50" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF BURN TT AVE . N . A DISTANCE OF 248 . 95 FT . ; THENCE N . 890 46 ' 10" W. A DISTANCE OF 30 FT 10 THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ; THENCE SWLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 140 33 ' 45" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 127 . 90 FT . 10 A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT , HAVING A RADIUS OF 529 . 34 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 180 51 ' 55" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 174 . 29 FT . TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W (BURLINGTON NORTHERN); THENCE S . 15 58 ' 50" W. ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD RIGHT •OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45 . 12 FT TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO' THE LEFT , ROVING A RADIUS OF 1382 . 69 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 3 ' 03" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186 . 25 FT; • THENCE S . 440 57 ' 38" E . A DISTANCE OF 228 . 36 FT . ; THENCE S . 440 56 ' 35" E . A DISTANCE OF 16 . 19 FT . ; THENCE N. 440 48 ' 47" E . A DISTANCE OF 141 . 26 FT TO N • INTERSECTION WITH THE SWLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF N . 1ST STREET; THENCE N . 440 57 ' 38" W. ALONG SAID SWLY RIGHT OF WAS{ MARGIN OF N . 1ST STREET A DISTANCE OF 15 . 60 FT . TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF BURNETT AVE . N . ; THENCE N. 00 1 3 ' 50" E . Al ONG SAID WLY RIGHT .OF WAY MARGIN OF BURNETT AVE . N . A DISTANCE OF 186 . 26 FT TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING . 1 I 1 SECTION 01017 ALL THAI PORTION 01 (.oVI RNMLNI LUl 1 , SECTION 18, IWI' . 'I3 N . , RNG 5 E . , W.M. DL`iCKl1;LD AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE INIIRSLCTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF N . 3RD STREET AND BURNETI, AVE . N. ; THENCE S . 00 13 ' 5U" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF BURNETT AVE . . N. Al DISTANCE OF 248 . 95 FT . ; THENCE N.. 890 4Ei' 10" W. A DISTANCE OF 30 FT . TO A POINT ON THE WLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURNETT AVE . N. ; THENCE SWLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHX, HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 FAT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 146 33 ' 45" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 127 . 90 FT: TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING. A RADIUS OF 529 .34 FT . , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18 51 ' 55" AN ARC. DISTANCE OF 174. 29 FT . TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY , , • RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W (BUR;LINGTON NORTHERN) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S . 150 58 ' ' 50" W. ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD RIGH,I . OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45 . 12 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAIiING A RADIUS OF 1382 . 69' FT . , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 43 ' 03" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186 . 25 FT; THENCE N. 440 57 ' 38" W. A DISTANCE OF 100 . 19 FT. ; THENCE N. 160 30 '' 50" E . A DISTANCE OF 99. 79 .FT . TO THE . BEGINNING OF A TANGET CURVE; THENCE NELY ALONG: SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGH6 HAVING A RADIUS OF 205 FT . , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35 00' 00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 125 . 23 FT. TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N. 510 30' . 50" E . A DISTANCE OF 55 . 23 FT . TO THE , BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NELY ALONG! A TANGENT CURVE . TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 225 FT . , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 52.' 04" . AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7 . 33 FT . TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE ELY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD R/,W; THENCE S . 150 ' 58 ' ')U" W. ALONG SAIL) RAII ROAD R/W A DISTANCE OF 85 . 31 FT . TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ' I • SECTION 01400 P;%,.t 1 INSPECTIOk AND TLS: S A. ITY INSPECTION Inspection and tests specified herein are in addition to those performed by Luilding Official , as required by Buildins Code. C. SPECIAL INSPECTOR Laboratory selected by Architect, approved by building Official . C. DUTIES OF SPECIAL INSPECTOR Provide inspection of work listed below. Make tests required by these speci- fications , in accordance with Building Code. Submit written reports of inspection and tests to Building Official and Architect. D. EXCEPTIONS Portland cement and asphalt concrete mixing plants , and plants producing wood , steel or concrete products which have been certified by the Building Official are not subject to plant inspection . E . NOTICES Notify Architect and Special Inspector at least 24- hours before work requiring special inspection is started. 01420 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Complete form inspection, including placement of reinforcement. Continuous inspection during placing of concrete. Make tests required by standard specifications referred to in Section 03100. B. BUILT-UP ROOFING Provide .inspection and cut out samples as required in Section 07500. C. GLUED LAMINATED LUMBER (1) At plant: . Check grades and species of lumber, moisture content, preparation of material , glue mixing, spreading and clamping. (2) At. jobsite: Check appearance, protection, sizes, lengths, and erection. D. SOIL .COMPACTION Soil compaction inspector to bE selected by the architect; his duty is. to verify the compactness of the soil . END OF INSPECTION AND TESTS • SECTION 01500 PAGE 1 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITIES 01508 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. 'FIELD OFFICE BUILDING Provide substantial weathertight office building on site. Remove building' from site upon completion of contract, or sooner if directed. L. JOG TELEPHONE Provide non-coin-box telephone. Install when work is started, maintain until full completion, pay all charges . Allow all those connected with the work to use provided they pay for toll calls . ' � I C . TEt1PURANY UTILITIES (Special cases , see notes ) Wat. r and electricity for construction , in quantities judged reasonable by' the ,Architect, will belfurnished to the Contractor by the Owner without charge . Ascertain where these services will be available , make temporary connections as required, and remove sauce upon completion of the work . j . TEMPORARY HEAT fui—Ms , by methods approved by the Architect, temporary heat including fuel and' power as required to protect materials and work from dampness and cold, and to dry ,out the builoin . Permanent heating plant may be used for this nurpose onie rn same is ready . ;refer to tec:ini'ca 1 Sections for temperatures to be main- tained for the work of! t,ie various trades . Contractor to pay involved costs until the building is accepted by the City of Renton. • E. ' TE'IPORARY TOILETS Provide chemical type toilets, adequate in number for all those connected . with the' work. Locatelwhere directed when work is started; keep in sanitary . conditjion. Remove from site 'upon completion of the work, or sooner if and when permanent toiletsare 'made available. F. ' PROJECT SIGN Furnish and install Project Sign. Locate on site where directed by Architect. Construct 4x8 ft. signlof metal or wood frame, with 5/8 or 3/4 inch thick MDO exterior grade plywood surface. Support sign on two 4x6 inch x 12 ft. treated wood posts, properly braced. Paint all surfaces of sign and franje with two coats of exterior paint and employ professional sign painter to , letter thereon following information: Name of Project; Name of Owner; City of Renton; Name of Architect; Consulting Engineers; General Contractor; Mechanical Subcontractor; Electrical Sub- contractor. Sign colors and layout as shown in drawings. END OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITIES SECTION 0190., : 1 "ISCELLANEOUS RED. O19(n, ASSOC I Al I ONS AN`i S T AND.APU A. ASSOCIATIONS AAI1A Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association , 35 East Wacker Drive , Chicago 60601 . ACI American Concrete Institute , Box 19150, Detroit, Michigan 48219. AIA American Institute of Architects , 1785 New York Avenue Northwest, Washington , DC 20006 . AISC American Institute of Steel Construction , 101 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 . APA American Plywood Association, 1119 A Street, Tacoma, Washington 98401 ASA American Standards Association, 10 East 40 Street, New York 10016.. ASTI1 American Society of Testing and Materials , 1916 Race Street, Phila- delphia 10103. CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute , 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603. CS Commercial Standard of US Department of Commerce, Washington , DC 20025. CSI Construction Specifications Institute, 1150 Seventeenth Street Nortnwest, Washinyton , DC 20036. PCA Portland Cement Association , 33 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601 . PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute, 205 (Jest Wacker Drive, Chicago , Illinois 60606. UI;C Uniform Building Code of International Conference Of Building Officials , 50 South Los Robles , Pasadena , California 91101 . UL Underwriters Laboratories , 207 East Olive Street, Chicago 60611 . Names and addresses of other 'organizations appear in the te :hnical Section where their products are specified, or are listed in Sweet 's Architectural File. b. DATES OF STANDARDS Except where a specific date of issue is mentioned hereinafter, references to specifications issued by the above-named and other organizations shall mean the edition current on the date of the Invitation to Bid. 01904 CODES All construction shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. 01908 SUBMITTALS PRIOR TO APPLICATION FOR FIRST PAYMENT Before applying for the first monthly partial payment, Contractor shall submit the following as called for in the General Conditions for the Arch4ect's approval : SECTIn', Ol'iu P,;I,E ' "LCELLANEUUS RCf,UIRE"EN7S i r �r1GkESS SCHEU_,LE sho+rini, lrro2osed dates of co. rhence,rent and coNhletion of each subdi vi s o'_ of the work ; subdivisions of the work shall conforri to those of the Cost Breakdo n . I B. COST BREAKuOWN showiino the quantities and values for the various part$ of the work. V C. MATERIAL LIST,. showiinq all materials proposed for use in the work. • D. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS proposed for the principal parts of the work The aibote submittals listed as G. C. and D shall be submitted on the Architect's form, a copy of which is bound in these specifications . Additional subcontractors shall be listed on a separate sheet. 01910 SUBMITTALS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION Written, certification that Contractor has fully completed work in strict accordance with plans and specifications , and requesting final inspection. ' Written certification that Contractor will replace all Materials and workMan- ship; irpcluding mecrianical and electrical equipment that prove defective within 1 year after date of acceptance,, except 'roofing and sheetmetal and dai,rproofiny Which shall, be 2 years , and caulking which shall be 3 years . • Written. guarantees as called for in the technical sections of these . specifications . The duration of the guarantee shall be as specified in each • of the sections . The general format of the guarantee shall be as follows : Address to. the Owner: j City of Renton 1Tepar menf of Planning Eton, Washi ng-fon ( I ) , ' ;We) , (General Contractor) , certify that the workrHnstalled ty the (Subcontractor) on your new bu Tdina located at . (street address and/or locationiof building) has been performed in full accordance with plans and specifications. • • • Furtl'ierlthat we guarantee this Work to be watertight and/or free from defects in wor+nship or material for a period of one year from date of final acceptance, and that weiwill make good without delay, any defects without additional cost to the Owner. Yours very truly, (Coni`,raGtor) Signed by (Authorized signature of the firm) SLR l _: i11 'J i �I PRUJEC T i_LUSE JC, A. SPECIAL CLEAiNING In addition to clean-up specified in Par. 4 . 1G and 6.4 of the Gen•ral Conditiorls , and after this and all other work has been completed, the Contrac or shall : (1 ) . Vacuum clean interior of building , including heating and ventilating ducts : D. MAINTENANCE MANUALS AND INS1RUCTIOi1S Before final payment, furnish to Owner through the Architect, man facturers manuals of instruction for proper care and maintenance of materia s and equipment installed under the contract. In addition , and when so requc_sted , instruct Owner's maintenance ersonnel as to such care and maintenance. C. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS • As the work proceeds , keep a careful record of piping and other concealed work whose installed locations vary from those shown on .contract rawings , whether because of change orders or job conditions . Mark such variations on prints furnished by Architect, and deliver to him before final payment. END OF MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS • SECTION 02100 PAGE 1 CLEARING OF SITE 02101 GENERAL A. WORK IN. OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Removal of on-grade and below-grade construction such as concrete slabs, pavement, underground tanks and utilities, foundations, and the like, is specified in "Earthwork". B. UTILITIES Keep active utilities intact and in continuous operation, street drains and sewers open for free drainage at all times. C. B,LASITING AND BURNING! Do no blasting or burning on-site without written permission of the Architect and o'the;r constituted authorities. 02110 DEMOLITION A. . WORK BY OWNER Furniture and movable equipment interfering with work of this Contract will be removed by Owner before Contractor is prepared to start work in the areas involved. END OF CLEARING OF SITE . • SECTION 02200 AAA 1 EARThwDRK 02201 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications : Spreading stockpiled topsoil , furnishing and placing additional topsoil , seeding and planting. Excavation and backfill for mechanical and electrical work. • B. MONUMENTS Carefully maintain bench marks , monuments and other reference points. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. C. UTILITIES Protect active pipes encountered; notify persons owning same. Rlemove inactive utilities from within building lines. Plug or cap where indicated or directed. D. DUST CONTROL Protect persons and property from damage and discomfort caused by dust. Water as necessary to quell dust. E. EXCESS OR .SHORTAGE OF EARTH Furnish and place additional material hereinafter specified or needed for fills . Remove from site excess material and that unsuitable for filling. F. SUB-SURFACE SOIL DATA Results of soil investigations shown on drawings are for general information of bidders only. Owner not responsible for variations in sub-soil quality at locations Other than those given. 11 02220 EXCAVATING'' A. EXCAVATING I • Excavate as necessary for Work shown on drawings or specified. Remove rocks, boulders, slabs, pavement, existing foundations, and other obstructions. Allow ample. space for form work, dampproofi,ng., and the, installation of drain tile. Leave 'beari ng surfaces undisturbed, level and true. ;;Excavate to a depth of three ft. below all footings and to a width of six ft. and recompact sio'il in 8" layers to a compaction of 95%. (Notify woils compaction inspector for appropriate tests. ) B. SOIL BEARING TESTS Provide laborer with steel bar to test soil under Architect's direction. Should doubt exist as to bearing capacity of soil , Architect may order load tests at Owner's expense. Pour no footings until Architect approves. C. EXCESS EXCAVATION Should excavation, through error, be carried to• elevations lower than those ' shown on drawings, fill to proper levels at Contractor's expense. Fill f under footings with concrete of required strength, under slabs with compacted • gravel . Earth or gravel fill under footings not permitted. 1 SECTION 02200 PAGE 2 EARTHWORK 02221 FILLING A. GENERAL Remove debris and decayable matter before filling. Use approved materials only for fills. Obtain Architect's approval before filling against concrete ' or masonry walls. Makejfills as soon as feasible thereafter to insure maximum settlement. 1 B. COMPACTION OF FILLS Compactioo 95 percent density under slabs , 90 percent elsewhere, in accordance with standards of American Association of State Highway Officials , National Pres's*i1ding, Washington, D.C. 20004. Submit certificate from, approved soil encineer that earth compaction conforms to these requirements . ' I C. FILLS UNDER INTLRIOR SLABS 4-inch top layer of pitrun'gravel , evenly graded from 1/4 inch to 1 -1/2 inches in s' ze. Cover with reinforces kraft paper, 6 mil . Visqueen. Lap Joints 4 inches , tL.Hn i.p 4. inches onto vertical surfaces . Repair any punctures : n membrane before pouring concrete. • END OF EARTHWORK • j • II I • SECTION D26(!0 ^ ASPHAL r 02601 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications : Rough grading of surfaces to elevations required for surfacing specified herein. Concrete roads , walks, curbs and gutters . B. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Conform to "Recommended Design Procedures and General Specificati Ins on Asphalt Concrete Pavements ," Bulletin No. 3, 1971 , issued by Asphalt Paving Association of Washington , as supplemented and modified herein. Standard specifications may be obtained from the Association. D. SOIL STERILIZATION 20 pounds polyborchlorate per 1 ,000 square feet of surface, mixed with water and applied with power spray after grading is completed. 02612 ASPHALT PAVING A, GRAVEL BASE COURSE Driveways and parking area: 4-inches crushed rock, 3/4" minus. C. PAVEMENT Driveways and parking areas: Class "B" mix, compacted, thickness 2,inches. 1 D. FINISHED SURFACES Free from ridges or depressions , properly sloped for drainage. Remove and replace, when directed by Architect, defective pavement and that which does I not drain properly; patching not acceptable. E. ' TIME FOR INSTALLING PAVEMENT Delay paving work as long as feasible to allow for thorough settlement of subgrade. 02620 EXTRUDED CONCRETE CURBS • Provide over asphaltic conrete paving where indicated on drawings,. Size and shape of curbs as detailed. Comply with paragraphs 44-2.03, 44-3.02 and 44-3.02A of Standard Specification for Municipal Public Works Construction. Bond to pavement with grout of 3 parts sand to 1 part ceMent. Use "Daraweld-C" bonding agent, or approved equal. • END OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT • SECTION 02700,SITE IMPROVEMENTS • 1 GENERAL I j 1 .01 SCOPE ! Work includes materials, equipment and labor necessary for construction of benches. . I� I 1 .02 QUALITY ASSURANCE Standard Specifications: State of Washington, Standard Specifications for Road and . Bridge Construction, 1977. • 2 PRODUCTSi,AND MATERIALS ' ' 2.01 MATERIALS (BENCH),• I 1 . Wood: 1Select structural, Douglas Fir per para.123a (WCLB) with oil-borne Penjtacilorophenol pressure treatment. Conform to Sec.. 9-09.3(3)' of Std. S,pecifica- tions lfor Light•Petroleum Solvents. • 2. Concrete: Class A concrete as per section 6.02, concrete structures, of the . StandardjSpecifications. 3. Metal :l. Use material of size and thickness shown. All metal_hot dip galvanized: galv. items after fabrications as per:ASTM A 123/A 153. 4. Paiint:' Color as shown by C.C. paints, 53K99, 'Jealousy' . 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALhAT1ON Installl rigid; plumb •and true to lines and levels shown.. • • 3:02 WOOD ' Brush coat all incidental ,`cuts w/2 coats oil-borne pentachlorophenol . 3.03 CONCRETE A. ' ' . Pre-cast by approved fabricator having at least five •years • continuous operation and at, least three. representative projects.. Associated Sand and Gravel , Concrete Technology, and Olympian Stone are prior approved for work of this project. B. Concrete..finish' : light sandblasted to remove surface defects .andlmatch CedarIRiver Trail System. END OF SECTION 02700 I• i i I • 02700-1 • • I I • • SECTION 02800, LANDSCAPING 1 GENERAL 1 .01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: 1 . Work includes all materials, equipment and labor necessary for: finish grading planting of trees, shrubs and groundcover; protection1guarantee and replacement; and related items necessary to complete the work indicated on the drawings and/or specified. • B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1 . Earthwork (Rough grading, Subgrade: Section 02200) . • 1 .02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Plant Materials 1 . Quality, size and condition: Conform to Washington Grade No. 1 as per State of Washington, Department of Agriculture Order' Numbers 1230, 229, 1322. 2. Washington State Laws pertaining to horticultural inspection and commercial fertilizer. 1 .04 PRODUCT HANDLING A.' Ordering: . • I 1 . Ail plant material shall be ordered. immediately following the award of contract. Contractor responsible for assuring that plants of specified sizes and quantities will , in fact, be as specified at the time of planting. 2. Within 10 days after award •of contract, submit documentation that all plant materials have been ordered. • 3. Verification of Material Used: Contractor shall submit the delivery slips from suppliers for all bulk material delivered to the site. He shall also keep empty bags and other containers on the site for tallying by the Architect. 4. Approval of Plant Material : All plant material shall be approved at the site by the Architect. Unsatisfactory material will be removed immedia- tely from the site by the Contractor. 1 .05 JOB CONDITIONS Al. Protection: • 1 . Contractor shall .adequately protect work, adjacent property, public and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to his. act or neglect. 2. Confine Work to areas designated. Do not disturb natural existing vegetation outside of project limit lines. Protect all trees and shrubs within project limits not. designated to be removed. Repair or replace vegetation damaged as .a result of Contractor's oeprations to .satisfaction of Owner; at Contractor's expense. 3. Contractor shall be cognizant of all utility lines and underground obstructions. He shall familiarize himself with all . utility, irrigation, mechanical , and electrical plans so that his digging, drilling operations do! not damage lines. Replace or. repair at Contractor's expense any existing buildings,' equipment, underground utilities, walks, stairs, and/or forms damaged as a result of Contractor's operations, in a manner satisfactory to the Owner before final payment is made. • • 02800-1 1 SECTION 02800, LANDSCAPING 1 .06 GUARANTEE A. Plant Material 1 . All plant material shall be guaranteed in a healthy thriving condition for one year from date of final acceptance. All dead, diseased, dying, broken or disappeared plant materials from any cause except those noted below shall be replaced immediately by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner with 'specified plants and planted as specified and guaranteed until active, healthy growth is evident. j I 2. Driug guarantee period, Contractor shall not be responsible for replacing plants destroyed or damaged by vandalism or accidents caused by vehicles , other than Contractors. ' 3. Should replacement fall due during non-planting season, Contractor may request Owner's permission to defer planting until proper season. However, Contractor v�lill be required to immediately remove and dispose of dead plants, including all roots. Hole she'll be backfilled properly with planting mix finished graded until proper planting season occurs. Plants used for replacement shall be same kind, size originally planted and they shall be planted as originally specified. 2 PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS 1 2.01 MATERIALS AND MATERIAL STANDARDS A. Soil 0 1 . Plating Mix: 3-way ;mix consisting of 1-part rotten manure, two parts sandy loam and 1 part pea by volume. Use for planting hole/pit backfill onlyl. 2. Imported Topsoil : Sandy loam, weed free as approved by Architect B. Plants: 1 . Quantities, species 'and varieties, size and condition as shown on planting plan and plant list Plants to be Washington Grade No. 1 and fresh, well foliaged, in prime condition when in leaf, exhibiting normal habit of ;growth, having all buds intact and free of disease, injury, insects, insect eggs, larva, indication of strawberry root weevil , all seeds and weed roots. ! 2. All plants shall be from stock wihich has been acclimated to conditions pre- vailing at the project and which has been consistently cultivated andlgrown in these .conditons. No cold storage plants; all grafted trees to be grafted at ground level . 3. Ball and burlapped (B&B) stock to have a natural ball sufficient to insure (survival and healthy growth; bare root (BR) materials to have sufficient root system to insure survival and healthy growth.' 4. ,Substitutions are strongly discouraged. No substitutions shall be made'; without th (written approval off the . Architect. Requests for substitutions must be accompanied by written proof from at least five sources (major suppliers) 'that any plant is not obtainable. I C, Seed: Seed Mix: 25% Manhattan Rye 25% Red Creeping fescue 25% Chewing Fescue 25% Kentucky Blue j 1 02800-2 SECTION 02800, LANDSCAPINGI 2.01 MATERIALS AND MATERIAL STANDARDS (continued) D. Fertilizer 1 . Approved brands conforming to applicable State fertilizer laws. Uniform in composition, dry, free flowing , delivered to the site in original unopened con- , tainers, each bearing the manufacturer' s guaranteed analysis. 2. Planting: Formula 4-2-4 "Transplanter" as manufactured by Pacific Agro Co. , with Hercules Nitroform and W. R. Graces "Magamp" and trace elements or approved. Agriform Tablets: Planting tablets, 21-gram size, as manufactured by Agriform international Chemicals, Inc. , 20-10-5 analysis. 3. Seeding: Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium As N As P2 05 As K20 10% 20% 20% E. Lime - Agricultural limestone. F. I, Stakes and Guys: Material as per standard details. G. Mulch: Ground fir or hemlock bark of uniform color, free from weed seeds, sawdust, and splinters and shabl not contain resin, tannin, wood fiber, salts, or other compounds detrimental to plant life. Size range of 1/2" to 1-1/4" with maximum of 20% passing a 1/2" screen. H. I Plant containers: As specified on drawings. 3 EXECUTION 3.01 P Ia E PARAT I ON A. Finish Grading (All planting areas except plant containers) . 1 . Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for finish grading in all planting & seeded areas and for executing any fine grading as may be necessary or incidental to all planting operations. Establish finish grades in accordance with elevations shown on the drawings, insuring that no pockets nor any other surface obstruction to positive drainage are present. Insure positive drainage awaly from buildings. 2. General Contractor shall establish all subgrades unless otherwise indicated 8" below finish grade in planting areas and 6" below finish grades in seeded areas. Prior to placing topsoil , thoroughly rototill all areas to be planted or seeded to a depth of 6". 1 3. Place approximately 3" depth of topsoil uniformly over entire Rlanting and seeding area and rototill to a depth of. 6" incorporating subsoil with topsoil . 1 4. Place an additional 3" minimum of topsoil uniformly over entire planting and I seeding areas (for a total of 6" topsoil minimum added). 5. Mulch only areas require no topsoil . Surplus stockpiled topsoil shall be spread uniformly over these areas. 6. Rake, float, drag, roll and perform all necessary operations t remove surface irregularities and to provide a firm, smooth surface with positive surface drainage. Remove all rocks, sticks, and other debris 2" and larger in planting areas and 1" and larger in seeded areas. 7. Grades as indicated after installation of topsoil and mulch flush with adjacent surfaces unless otherwise specified. Finish grades in seeded areas 1/2" below all mowing edges including walks., headers, curbs, etc. 8. Finish grades must be inspected and approved by Architect prior to any planting or placement of mulch. • 02800-3 II SECTION 02d00 LANDSCAPING 3.02 PERFORMANCE . A. Planting Time:, Plant trees, shrubs, ground covers and seed during periods which are normal for such work; as determined by. season, weather conditions and accepted practice. At the optionland on the full responsibility of the Contractor, 'planting operation be conducted under unseasonable conditions without additional , compensation. B. Plant Locations: After placement of topsoil , stake. tree locations and position shrubs as per drawings for approval of Architect. Make field adjust ments' to avoid obstructions to planting such as irrigation equipment. Architect reserves the right to field adjust plant locations prior to planting. C. Plantingi Trees: . Excavate tree holes b" deeper and twice the diameter of thelroot ball es locations indicaited or as directed. Excavated soil may be spread evenly over adjacent non-top-soiled areas, or disposed of on-site as directed by , " Architect. Thoroughly scarify bottom of holes by shovel cutting 'to a depth of 12". Sides of holes shall also be shovel cut to help root 'penetration. Backfill with 'planting mix that portion of the hole, below the bottom of the tree bell to such 'an elevation that When the tree is installed it will be at proper finish grade. Compactlby hand methods and water to eliminate. all pockets. If water is encountered in tree�hole 'excavation,1 raise above water level and create slight mound feathered into existing grade. Place tree in upright position in center of hole, release rootIco'ering or spreadlroots. Roots of trees shall be so placed as to have a natu6�al�spread and distribution and planting mix shall be carefully, thoroughly packed and puddled around them.. Take care not to injure root system while back- fillling and. compacting. ', After water settles, fill again with planting mix and water compact to a grade of not more.than 1/2" higher than the original ball , leaving soil disher around the tree for watering purposes. Fertilize trees at a rate of four (,4) 21-gram Agriform tablets and '8 'oz. "Transplanter" per tree applied uniformly around circumference of _root spread under a cover of 2" of plantiing mix. Stake and_ Iguy trees immediately after planting as per standard detail .. All supports and trees shall stand vertical . D. Planing Shrubs and Groundcovers: (All areas except plant containers) After topsoil placement, excavate planting pockets at locations shown on drawings and as directed to 'ediemeter of twice he root spread and to'a depth that will insure a three-inch cushion of compacted" planting mix below the root ball . Dispose of excavated soil as per 3.03 C. Set plants upright in center of hole flush with finish grade, release root covering o';r spread roots. The roots of the plant shall be so placed as to- 11aave a natural spread and distribution.:. Backfill with planting mix; to finish grade working 'soil well around the roots and heel tamping ,to compact backfi!1 l and provide slight depression as a watering saucer. Care shall be taken not to injure the 'Front system while backfilling and compacting the planting mix. Fertilise at the rate of: Shrubs- Two '(2) 21-gram Agriform tablets and 4 oz. "Transplanter" per plant. Groundcover - One (1) 21-gram Agriform tablet and 2 oz. "Transplanter" per 'plant applied uniformly around the circumference of the root spread under a cover of 2-inches of planting mix. Plant groundcover plants at spacing indicated in straight evenly spaced rows. E. Planting in Plant Container: Use Planting mix only for filling and backfi lil ing. Finish level of planting mix after installation of plants 2" below top edge of con- tainer. Install plants at same depth as grown in nursery, upright in the container and spread roots to provide natural`distrbution. Hand compact andiwater soak backfill,. Fertilize at the rate of': One (1) 21-gram Agriform tablet and 2 oz. "Transplanter" per plant container applied unformly under 'a cover Of 2" of plantin mix. ' 02800-4, SECTION 02800, LANDSCAPING 1 3.03 P 1RFORMANCE (continued) F. Seeding 1 . Preparation: Lime - Apply to all areas receiving seed at a uniform rate of 100 lbs. per 1 ,000 5. F. Fertilizer: Apply at a uniform rate of 15 lbs. per 1 ,000 S. F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer into top 4" of topsoil . 2. Apply seed at uniform rate of 3 lbs./1 ,000 S. F. utilizing one of the following techniques., contractor's option. Seed only on windless days. a. If seed is applied by hand method, spread uniformly over areas to be seeded. Lightly rake and roll diagonally using 150 lb. roller. b. If seed is applied by machine use brillion drill or approved. G. Mulching: Immediately after completion of all planting, mulch all planted areas except plant containers and other areas as indicated to a minimum compacted depth of 2 inches. H,, Pruning and Repair 1 . Upon completion of the work under this contract, all trees shall be pruned as directed by Architect, and any injuries repaired. 2. Pruning shall be done in such a manner as not to change the natural habit or shape of the plant. All cuts shall be made flush, leaving no stubs. On all cuts over 3/4" in diameter and bruises or scars on the bark, the injured cam- 1 bium shall be traced back to living tissue and removed; wounds shall be smoothed and shaped so as not to retain water; and the treated areas shall be coated with approved tree wound compound. . I . Maintenance 1 . It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain all the landscaped area of this contract from time of installation until the project is completed and accepted by the Owner as complete, including sweeping pavements. Dead plants shall be removed as directed by the Architect who, shall record plants removed. 2. All trees shall be watered by thorough sprinkling as needed to keep the grounds moist, the plants healthy and to prevent wilting. Care shall a exercised to prevent soil erosion, particularly on the slopes. J. Clean Up: A general clean up shall be made immediately after and as part of all work jdone in the area. The clean up shall inlude the entire area under this contract. Adjacent areas shall be cleaned to the extent that the work done under the contract may scatter litter. Such clean-up shall inlude pick up and removal from the contract area of all clippings, trimmings, leaves and all other litter and debris originating from any source whatsoever. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Al Finish Grade Inspection: Finish grade must be inspected and approved by Architect prior to any planting or placement of mulch. B. Planting/Final Inspection 1 . Contractor to request inspection of planting work upon completion of all planting. No partial approvals wil'.l be given. . 2. Prior to final inspection, complete following work: All stakes, plant ties, and guys put in good condition. All dead, diseased or damaged plant materials re- placed. All walks and paved areas broom clean; aill debris, discarded materials' etc. , removed from the site. All work put in a neat orderly condition. END OF SECTION 02800 02800-5 SECTION 02750, IRRIGATION PART I GENERAL 1 .01 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Coles and Ordinances: I. All local , Municipal and State Laws, Rules and Regulation, governing' or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part of these specifications. Anything contained in these speci- fications shall not be construed to conflict with the above.mentioned Rules, Regulations or requirements and where a conflict may occur the Rules, Regulations or requirements of the governing code shall be adhered to. However, when these specifications and/or drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship or construction of a better quality, higher scandard or larger size, these specifications and/or drawings shall take precedence over the requirements of said Rules, Regulations or Codes. B. Standrd Specifications: 1 . Conform to State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1977 edition, Reference Specification , as modified herein. II 1 .02 SUBMITTALS A. Products and Materials; I . Provide information as to all operating. characteristics including: operating pressures, pressure losses, materials used in product, test certificates, special features, etc. . for those products not specified by manufacturer or those submitted for approval as equal . B. As Built Drawings: 1 1 . The Owner shall furnish the contractor with one set of blue line prints, showing all sprinkler work required under this contract, for the purpose of having the contractor record on these prints all changes that may be made during actual' installation of the sytem.. Before complete backfilling all underground appurtenances including risers; backflow preventers. valves. drain valves, etc.;, must remain exposed so that they can be located, "as built" by the Contractor. The appurtenances must be clearly visible and not just marked. It Isl suggested that the Contractor partially backf i l l the pipe as it is jlald. leaving all joints exposed; then complete backfilling later after flushing, pressure testing, inspection and 'as built' location. 2. After final acceptance of the completed installation, the Contractor shall be responsible for having complete drawings prepared indicating all changes and these shall be turned over to the Owner for recording purposes. 02750- I • • SECTION 02750, IRRIGATION 1 .03 JOB CONDITIONS - Coordination with Others : • A. Coordination with Others : 1 . Water Source: Equipment and installation to discharge side of meter by City of Renton at Contractor's expense, Contractor to apply for b schedule this installatio O. Protection: I . Protect work, adjacent property, public.ond be responsible for any damage or injury arising from this contract. 2. Confine work to areas designated. Do not disturb natural vegetation out. side of project limit lines. Protect all trees and shrubs within project limits not designated to be removed. Repair or replaOe vegetation damage( as a result of Contractor's operation to satisfaction of Owner at Con- tractor's expense. 3. Contractor shaa 1 1 be cogn i zaant of all utility lines and underground ob- • structions. He shall familiarize himself with all utility. irrigation. mechanical , and electrical plans so that his digging. drilling operations do not damage lines. Replace or repair at Co~ntractori's expense any • existing, builidngs, equipment, underground utilitiesv.l 'alass, stairs, and/+ forms damaged as a. result of Contractor's operations' in a manner satis- factory to the Owner before final payment is made. 1 .04 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee the satisfactory operation of the entire system. The workman- ship and restoration of the area to be complete and perfect in every detail for a period of one year from the date of its acceptance, and HEREBY AGREE to repair or replace any such defect occurring within that year, free of expense to the Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS AND _MATERIALS • 2.01 DESCRIPTION A. General : 1 . Construct the irrigation system with material and equipment of types And sizes shown on drawings, details .or as specified. 2. Whenever any eaterial is specified by name/or number the eof, such speci- fications shall be used for the purpose of faciiitatireg a description of the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed and construed to be followed by the words "or approved equal ." No substitutions will be permitted which have not been submitted for prior approval of the Architect . Sufficient descriptive literature and/Or samples must be furnished for materials submitted for approval , as "equal". 3. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes will be permitted' but substitutions of larger sizes of same type at no extra cost are acceptable. b. All materiels to be incorporated in this system Shall be new and without flaws or defects and of quality and performance as specified end Meeting the requirements of the system. All pipe damaged or rejected because of defects shall be removed from the site at the time of said rejection. All materials shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year against material defects and i. rkmansnip. 02750-2 . . SECTION 027• 50, IRRIGATION 2.01 DESCR'iPTiON (Continued) 8.' Material Requirements: 1 . Materials not specified by name on drawings,details or in these ' specifications shall conform to Section 9-15 of the Standard Specifica- tions, 1 .02 8 as amended by the following. In all cases change Engineer to read Architect and delete. all reference to measurement and payment. 2. Pipe and Fittings:, a. Amend 9-15. 1 (2) to include: 1. Plastic pipe fittings; molded fittings manufactured of the' same material as the pipe and shall be suitable for solvent weld. 1 No . fittings made.of other material shall be used unless otherwise spec i f l edj. I ' 2. Slip fitting socket taper shall be so sized that 's dry unsof', j tened pipe end, conforming to these specifications can be in .. serted nol more than halfway into the' socket. Plastic sadale,' and flange fittings will not be permitted. b.. Delete Secti`,on' 9-15. 1 (3) . 3. Delete 9-15. 3 Automatic Controller: As specified on the drawings. . 4. Valve boxes and protection. sleeves. • . . a. Amend 9-15:5 to include: • • Enclose .ali valves in valve boxes unless otherwise specifie.'. 1 . Valve box: a. ,Automatic control valves, ,AMETEK, 12" Superflexon box, all with snap lock covers, evergreen cover. . � • b. shut-,off valve and strainer: Fogtite. 2 SL meter box with slide . lock to p• c. double check valve assembly; Fogtite No. 2 SL meter box with slide lock top: 2: Protective sleeve with caps-sleeve: 2"h, diameter, lass 160 PVC L length as required. Caps: RAINBIRD N631.00. 5!. Delete :9-15.6 and replace witn the following: • , Shut-off Valve: Type and size as indicated on plans, supply 3 keys ea. type. 6. Remote (automatic) Contrul. Vaives: . a. Delete Section 9-15.7(2). ana replace With the following: Remote Control valves as specified on the drawings. 7. Quick Coupler Valves - a. Delete Section 9-15.8 .and replace with he followi ng:ing: • Quick .coupler as specified on drawings. • 8. Baciflow Prevention Device: a. Amend Section 9- 15. 12 to include:• Backflow prevention device as ' specified on drawings. 9. Valve keys andivalve cover keys: Provide five' (5) sets of all keys required for v Ives, 'valve box covers and protective sleeve caps' and locking covers unless othewise indicated. I . i . . •02750-3 . . 1 . . • SECTION 02750, IRRIGATION DESC.' IPTION (Continued) B. material Requirements lei . Control and Other Wiring: Delete 9-15. 16 and replace with: a. Control wire - insulated single strand copper designee for 24 to 50 v volts and UL approved as Type U. F. Copper conductor meet or exceed ASTM-B-3. Red, white, orange and black colors must be available. Sufficient quantities must be supplied to meet splice and extra wire requirements listed under control wire installation. Control wire size must meet or exceed Rainbird irrigation control wire specifications. b. Splice - make water tight electrical wire splices with either 3M - ScOtt ' s Lock Seal tack 3576-78 or Pen-Tlta PVC •Ocket end sealing plug, RAIN8IRO PT-10O Series. c. Electrical tape - black -plastic, 3/4" wide, minimum of 0.007" thick, and all-weather type. d. 'Duct' tape - all weather cloth tape. e. Trace wire - bare #10 copper wire. 1 .Drain Rock: Unfractured rock: 100% passing 1-1/2" square sieve and 0% passing. 3/4" square sieve. PART 3 E RECUT I ON 3.01 I NSP:ICT I ON A. D' screpancies in Plans 1I Report to the Architect any deviations between irrigation drawings, and the site. Failure to do so prior to the installing of equipment and resulting in replacing, and/or relocating equipment, shall be done at the Contractor' s expense. • B. P ant Material l Plant locations will be field adjusted to avoid irrigation equipment. 3.03 PERF+RMANCE A. G neral : • 11 Installation shall meet the requirements of Section 8-03 of the ', Standard Specifications as modified by the following: 2 In all cases change. Engineer to read Architect and delete all references to measurement and payment . • B. E cavation : � Section 8-03 . 3(2) shall be amended to include: All trenches shall be straight and not have abrupt changes in grace and shall generally be located outside of paved areas. r,7750-L i ' SECTION 02750, IRRIGATION 3.03 PERFORMANCE B. Excavat ion: I ' . 2 Excavate to depth required in any material encountered with no extra com- pensation. Materials unsuitable for. bedding of pipe to be removed to a depth 4 below trench bottom, . and replaced with suitable bedding material as directed by Architect. : Suitable bedding material shall be: excavated trench material , free from rocks, roots, sticks, debris or other sharp objects Over I" in diameter; or sand as required. I C. Piping: Section 8-03.3(3) shall be amended or changed as follows: 1 , Trenching: Excavate to provide a miminum depth of cover below finish grade of: 18" for all mains (live lines) ; 12" for all laterals. . 2. Drain Valves: To be, installed at terminal of all mains and all other locations indicated. Each drain on main line to have 2 cu. yd. drain rock sump, all other drain sumps 8cu. ft. Install valves as per detail . Locate sumps outside of paved areas, use ' off-Sets if necessary. System will be winterized by composed air blow-out thru, quick coupler. 3.. Sleeves: . Sleeves (conduits) are required under all pavement and as indicated. Sleeves to be twice the diameter of insert pipe. 14. Pipe Placement/Thrust Blocks: Plastic pipe shall be installed in 'a manner so Os to provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by the manufacturer. All pipe fittings and valves, etc: , shall be carefully placed in the trenches ;With concrete thrust blocks to be poured at ali fittings and valves, where required or indicated. Thrust blocks are 'required along the main at all changes in direction greater, than or equal to 450, at all ends, and lOcationslindicated. 1 D. jointing: . Section 8-03,3(4) shall be changed or amended as follows: 1 . General : a. All threaded joints (PVC or Galv. ) shall be sealed with teflon tape only , (no substitutes) ' b. Care shall be taken to not overtighten the metal pipe to P.V.C. fittings. ' c. Keep interior of pipes clean and free from dirt, debris, excess solvent, pipe cuttings or burrs and when pipe, laying is not in progress; , open ends Of pipe shall be closed by approved means. 2. PVC Pipe.: . a. Use two step solvent weld process only, apply as per manufacturer' s recommendations. . Ib. No water shall be. permitted' in pipe .until a period of at least 40 hours has elasped' for solvent weld setting and curing. Vic. The joints 'shall be allowed to cure at least 24-hours before pressure is applied to the' system. d. Only factory threaded schedule 80 P.V.C. pipe may be connected to a threaded fitting without an adapter. e. Use no malel P.V.C. .adapters. 3. ! Galvanized Pipeiand Fitting Treatment: Below grade Including portions of all galv. risers be! painted with at least one coat of American Tar Company "Carbon Elastic Paint #2221 , or approved equal, to prevent acid corrosion. Cast fittings need not be painted. Do not add any solvent to the; paint. If the paint is too thick, 'heat without applying 'direct flame. Care shall be taken to thoroughly paint all male threads. ,When painting is done before • assembly, the p',aint shall be touched up after. assembly. Paint no above grade portions.. ' . 02750-5 I SECTION 02750, IRRIGATION 3.03 PERFORMANCE (continued) E. Installation: Delete Section 8-03.3(5) and replace with the f llowing : 1 . General : See details for installation requirements. 2. Sprinkler heads/quick coupler a. Risers for all sprinkler heads and quick coupler valves shall be standard triple swing joint type as detailed made with Schedule 80 PVC threaded fittings. b. Minimum riser size shall be the iron pipe size of the prinkler or quick . coupler. c. All sprinkler heads and quick coupling valves shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise shown or specified d. Shrub heads to be 8" above finish grade set-back 18" from walkways and • • curbs. e. Heads in lawn areas shall be temporarily Installed 8" bove finish grade on a temporary riser and lowered after lawn is eatablished and when • directed by' the Architect. At Contractor's option, place 2 foot square sod aprons (sod of specified grass) with sod and head at finish , grade heights. 3. Backflow preventers shall be installed as Per details in location shown on drawings and shall have sufficient clearance from other materials for proper maintenance. 4. Valves: a. Enclose. all valves ( including automatic control valvesl and PRV' s) in boxes except manual or drain valves Which are to be enclosed in protective sleeves with locking caps. Valve box extension may be required. Install as per detail and . locate precisely by dimensions on as-built drawings. b. Valve bonnet packings and bolts shall be checked and tightened before backfill : • F. Electrical Wire Installation - Amend 8-03.3(7) to include: 1 . Control , wires are to be taped together at 5' intervals with electrical tape, then this bundle is to be taped to the bottom of the main (supply) line at ten foot intervals with at least I full wrap of7duct tape. No control wiring shall be run through thrust blocks, provide min. 6" separation between thrust block and control wires while maintaining same dept of cover. Trace wire to be run above thrust block directly over pipe. 2. Tie a loose 20" loop in all wiring except trace wire at changes of direction greater than 30°. Untie all loops after all connections have been made. 3. Encapsulate all splices with approved sealants. 4. Run one unconnected spare control wire. (orange through each intermediate valve box between controller and furthest automatic control valve. 5. As the control wires are being installed on the bottom of the PVC main line • with 'duct' tape every ten' (10) feet, a bare #10 copper trace wire will be installed on top of the PVC main line for the purpose of possible future mine detection search. G. Backfill : • 1 . Section 8.03.3(10) shall be amended to read or include: a. Accomplish inspection, testing & approval prior to backfill . b. Backfill when P.V.C. •pipe is not in an expanded condition due to heat or pressure. Cooling of the pipe can be accomplished by operating the system a short time before backfill or by backfilling An the early ',part of the mornigg, before the heat of the day. 02750-6 SECTION 02750,. IRRIGATION 3. 03 PERFORMANCE (continued) b. In refilling the trenches, the earth fill around and 6" above the pipe and fittings shall be ,free from stones and debris over 1" in diameter; and well tamped. The remailnder of the backfill shall contain no rocks debris or • t ash larger than :three (3) inches. If the topsoil is in place, the top sx (6) inches oflbackfill shall be free of rocks over one (1 ) inch,' subsoil or trash. Selected fill dirt or sand shall be used if soil conditions are rocky. Trenches shall be thoroughly water-settled. No sluicing will be ! permitted. Trenches shall be backfilled flush with the surrounding grade,_ raked & rolled with a 260-lb. roller. c. All, roots, rocks and surplus excavation shall be removed from the site unless otherwise directed. d. Trenches or !tunnels under roads or paved areas shall be backfilled and tamped With a mechanical tamper in successive 6" lifts. Paving shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Architect. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspections: 8-03.3(8) Amend to read or include: I.To be valid, all tests must be performed under the direction and super- vision of the Architect. The Contractor must give 72 hours notice to the Architect each time inspection is required. The location,. Inspection and testing provisions for these specifications will be strictly adhered to. If for any reason any part of the sprinkler system is backfilled before location, testing', or inspect,ion,. .it must be com- pletely uncovered and exposed until approved for backfilling by :the Architect. ' 2.The Architect reserves the right to direct the removal and re- placement of any items, wnich in his opinion does not present an orderly ' reasonably neat or workmanlike appearance, provided such items can be properly installed in such orderly way by the usual methods in such work. Such removal and replacement shall be done, when directed in writing, • at the Contractor' s expense without additional cost to the Owner. • 3.05 'ADJUST AND CLEAN . A. Adjustment: See 8-03.3(9) 3. Clean-Up: 1 .The Contractor shall keep the premises free from rubbish and debris at all times and shall arrange his material so as not to interfere with the Owner's or other Contractor' s operations on the jobsite. All unused material , rubbish and debris snail be removed from the site. C. Maintenance to Final Inspection: 1 .Ammend 8-03.3(j l 2) by Deleting ; "Specified in .Section 1-05. 11 ." 3.6 'DELETE SECTIONS: 8-03.3(11 ) , 8-03.4, 8-03.5. • END OF IRRIGATION SECTION 02750-7 - • el a 6OA Ste® VI! 1= * eRa`3 11, al �� f8 gm, �: '24AcT' 7 mtt1N - •li 7°0ILl 17 z'. Sall ®® 1 Croy 1 3gA.[um AA►a+7 gem-% WPM el "I, m KU m N. 5 S' 0.9 dN+32 at ®l VOW 11405 LSY981041•1 10 P l° NV1d- k - _k 10,74exi 1.'tml. p-iliNg® 1.�4 ••2 N 'Wild ��_ r Pi 0 ern - mg 3 e19' i igg / ri :!; n , _ • 10 • ri 1 et r-49-'' t:-.1.771i 1 2 iv 2 vi yi. 44:-.:4 . , , , ft0'.1* !0I0-.� �r�. }a. •'AP, t' '7N07 1SI77?2101 1 ._ . f • 6.111111.11 1 O I raj 2 i kill?, ..a • e ra . , 0 3.f • : 2 , % _ vinnumpinerzw:f i V CC-1*F E.4;4111C;Zt - 1 •i....-- _ ____.0.4.L. ... • $TelPd. , t . . 614 POI'L —I 12 4%?. 1 . . I •.. .. Z $: 8 4. Ire 1_../.. . II -1.. 1 2 -1 ‘-4Q si -1 t, il'• 4: pl A 5.4 i . t i 1 'E. !lig i$ iii 4 4 4 /" 0 I\ I efoll q ‘ l tit ih I . ie4c.r4 stAT ity.Ac.-LT- Ibt•AtCN SidIT • n css 5.,Tomo 14 LON6 w/ iltprA it " %- 4 4TUID4 Al 01.1E-LE&-LET 1)((ipl . ilI i 1.11611412 CX:014C. FLU 311. . , f . • • PROviDe A C kiAkitee Ft ff 0 ' , tio gocvs iw cow, tigouND Lei-a LAO QF DRAcigliT . .4 \ I 7::!-_-..5-517.--:T417:--I-JIM _ \ - PaECAsi Crrk4C. Plait ' ebb. 6.641144. NOM I) - bail)IN cavit CRu4144) I. aOtg tisl/4°AM.Win gq- I• • I ___ ,_ • ELEVATIONS ...... . - • • - _- --• ' ... - : a• at> , 1 ►Dees er I11ts I i�rrasalaaO+. Ir�+Na,av we®, cr x + 1 '1*i 9/1SaLtRewNV 1aaOWYe? be* *iva9ell* � VIA elBQ6aMO*iii®9& • 1112tL arv) , rS 'a"?tldi ;al 9 l • • I• (7****•••••••••...... • air • (171;;N-Iii4i0r . ., : \il • f M.„,+ • . % . 4•t• .• .• .: 7 •• ir "--my 1 . as 6;6,14.� •. • • -- 7d f AD a�1 Oat o 6n� ��p / 1 Iri ZeCZ aSVa SiISIS llsilyd ' e .: ''''''''''''4''' W A.I.-*90a i 1 ) .11) a) ,, -a-w .- •-- -texirt4rA Iffl traiitf , , rbii tORUe, 64:0314t•It‘tg. WL-140 1 - 1-5it 114-44LIT:;. AsetAle 3004. Hirri,4. I. - _...211611-•Pf431# .f.i __ _ .. ____. yea t si 1 I . n PIN.ORADE _. 1 g410.41 t 1111 , \ ;,/ \ 0.) % A MfL' 4 C.1 (1fr, - 1 ikilla 4if i , I .glill ..•En -- _2 ,11.ip-- 1 = I •. '-' , g I i killibm, —LAWN 14EAP GR QUICK COUPLER - , , - ti . lorir:LUSA 4e -i4 701'eatitic.eStAar til a T - eALV. NtPPLE, I-els/406i AS REQ. II- 111I (MIN•34 ) G 24 -i- 1) PVC LATERAL ,-\)PVC Tee OR eLbow_L • 6 4 Litere------- i w/T1411,EADEO OUTLarf I , i 1, , • _ •TWA:WARILY CAP RISEIZSIFoR SKIN Kl.eR Og PR u IO coeLem . ,-.,._ • E ssuRe TES-11Na. _3:Q C _ ___ __.,.._ ATTA,cwes was. •SEAL Als.L. JOIt-trey Wilr-igli fA`M ON MALE TI-3/4REAC7S10,4 .1, 6114),i• N111-4- •oo i•40"1. OVERTIC/NTEN GIALV.TO - PYC ..10iNTS . PLZ0 Niti+1.4..- i!W micppte p-e_te,,v.4,_ ii a A4ilaatv eo. '11fr' wilq *1'.7 , 99MOM9 .140 CLO5e NIPPLES OR tTiREET ELIE•CW i-ree. 2- ni_ l. bilk eLLs mu. ee fsegmYrreo, 1 - 1 Ira • Aix-vp SITTINGS II PiPe Wee. =SAM E IDIANCTER AS Ts Petitae !NV.. AIPPLE,M114- cowiseCT ION CO SPItistala.AEA° -_ir ng..-_surrizymiN. 7OR CaUkCK. COUPLER 1 II 11 , I IC. APVICLA-NIZTEIZALeaDeliPLJNe-ree ,110 1 . • • 5 EH CI ION 7i4FEILATER4L=LI4E 1 i i . 1 • NO 5C.ALL . JCJgGiJAN I CAMARO I MillOCIATES 1 • LANDSCAPE MICNITICTS • IIIIVINONSIENTAL - -NMI!OLE swl ki& "Jo Nirr oiTami *NO PLANNINEI C00.111NNATION • 1 23 103rd AVENUE NORTHEAST BELLEVUE. • 12 WAISHING TON • 99004 1 WA ST 4 -MS . 1 . I i 1 • • f IMt5H c+ E a I. GAP — — -- t f:;LINN V,ALVe \ . , a OcirriA!_-}T \ r_... . ,,.., 7. , „.G14eak ,,„, .AL SIRE ELL' -17' - :[ a' !: tirptee, e4 e.L. 1 / rt ;'uI I , r---�•r i � � • MM. � Nlit4. SET \ir. ��► rs ' D Ow E 1�tdG. 4' ° . _Volta ts2' ; O I N SUMS? r - YLILVE OAS-ie0 EQUALS STOP 6 WASTE VALVE SoLtCO EQUAL S MANUAL QNd&LE V4LVe 11 4L.1. PI Pe 6 Fornivor-to ate SAM& ®IIaMeTEFe. AS IFS. F v1L#LE CONNeervi4I GF ORAN VA Lave, . , 1 1 eoYltits �' � ' ewea= ire 13IG ITAIIO 1141 Z MN 29IINnrd AVENUE NORTHEAST II �lllWlE UAL PRANIN vr-:HMG'P$ .ism• I ougsliesEn ® •Slies 41° I I , 4 Ail/020 klerion C14714S . 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SOCK SUMP. «p4 A`v a Ai, oP Jive '4p47-) �"� lix �\� FCU: • MST r®Twis PoIN? oe. lceo ere ci-rY waTeA I ki r l.,.2uic . Caullatilt. �P'P.I AT -Tom �x • 4111, 1%" gse.0 ec,• I " Ik*me'Ta* vo4Na MQLy G. o o 01. 11 C. • y4) Ls L.�'oisa�S **Cgs// •CY /..isolso 11ry ion wise ^Minolta 41.084141**TICINe' W.14' � ATtC NG I) o),* nar/auC �41®e.@®9e 1 0i11i/J�QAGR ' . ' a��t-•.•.f'n" 'toad 1 �/ ®® • %rat �'0 - , • , . . ,-,i ..k:.7 a , *' I ��iII) ' V- . za i _ t - � . ig . •i 1_ ►1 �111 Z z. .-. , 1 , 1!ii.ti, . • . s.• . . , _ >> IIIeII ). , _._. • : z _._ - . - o • . . i[[1I d> . • SI -��Ilt�ll 411.11 IIrii etk V' . C..o;a O Ii r ' ;• . �� • aim ,, • . 'lifi.le ..•"-6 • i ata12_i0 ---- ili 2 211. -Aitulliit5 .4.: ..., : *:-...-c2.,',. '::1 ; 0 541. g?,t. 3 . if •.. ■ • ,.._,4§N. 1 ■ t•' z \,\ / %.-... > , .i . . 11II� . Lh°o - o 4-)0 - • :-.7.----.1--. 1 .... o 17_i 11.,. 4.411 . t-"b i(-6 I . g. . a 4> . .• • Jt7N�3i N1 I®EII1 ARO I AUOCIAT� 1�` CZ __ �� LAo/OAC�l� iACM1T�CTO • INv1110M11�11TA1 �I L Ot111011 iii0 PliMM1IUI COOR0111ATIOM � . t /. --a 7 :1 .01•a We:►1u( kpwrwE,�sr II .SELLEvuE VALVE AS5EM5LY aa5. r."•• iA004 I •l[M[•OU11T 4 • •9211 Vs Ord 1 1 SECTION 03100 PAGE 1 CONCRETE FORMWORK 0. 101 GENERAL ; Aa WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Ccncrete reinforcement, including bar supports and reinforcement accessories. Hangers, inserts and sleeving for mechanical and electrical work. B BUILDING CODE 1976 Rcquirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, gclIvern. 0: 110 WOOD FORMS A PLYWOOD FORMS D 'IPA EXT "plyform", or approved, Class I or Class II , thickness required to sIpport concrete at rate poured, B-B grade for other concrete surface to be exposed to view. 0 120 PREFABRICATED FORMS A FIBER FORMS FOR ROUND COLUMNS Alton "Sleek Tubes", Deslauriers "Econ-O-Mould", or approved, type recom- m nded by manufacturer for conditions of installation. 0 125 STEEL FORMS Approved type steel or fiberglass forms may be used in lieu of wood, at Contractor's option. 0 130 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A FORM TIES D.;yton "Sure-Grip" , Richmond "Snap-Tys" , or approved, type recommended by nufacturer for conditions of installation. Wire ties and wood spacers net permitted. BI CORING P ovide coring of slabs and walls for mechanical and electrical work, sizes a d locations as directed by mechanical and electrical trades. FORM WORKMANSHIP Conform to shapes, lines and dimensions shown on drawings. Brace and tie ogether to insure that position and shape are maintained.. Make tight to prevent leakage of mortar. Arrange joints in plywood as indicated or di- ected. Form for weakened plane joints and other surface indentations, as indicated. Provide access openings as required for cleaning and inspection 4 forms and embedded items prior to placing concrete. SECTION 03100 PAGE 2 CONCRETE FORMWORK 1 E. ' COOPERATION Allowlother trades time and facilities to install necessary embedded items. F., TREATMENT OF FORMS (1) Plywood forms: Coat other surfaces with approved stainless form oil , using minimum quantity required for satisfactory removal . (2) Metal forms: Approved type release compound, applied in accordance with manufacturer's directions . (3) Fiber forms : No job treatment required or permitted. I G ,, RE-USE OF WOOD FORMS Withdraw projecting nails ; clean concrete from contact surfaces. N 12EMOVAL OF FORMS Remove forms at a time and in such manner as to insure complete safety Of the structure, and without damage to concrete surfaces. Remove form ties 4: days after pour, unless directed otherwise. Leave supporting forms and shoring in place until concrete has attained sufficient strength to safely . support its own weight and any loads imposed upon it. The Building Official may require forms to remain in place for a specified time. END OF CONCRETE FORMWORK . i • • I ' • • • • • I I SECTION 032001 PAGE 1 . CONCRETE REINFCQCE'1ENT • 3201 GENERAL 1 . EXTENT OF WORK in this Section : onventional reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete. . ABBREVIATIONS ' CI American Concrete Institute, PO Box 5754, Redford Station, Detroit, • Michigan 48219. STM American Society for Testing and Materials , 1916 Race Street, Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania 19103. RSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago 60603. • .BUILDING CODE 1976 'equirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, iovern. 1i. SHOP DRAWINGS . Employ and pay approved engineer to prepare complete bending and placing iagrams , in accordance with ACI publication No. 15, latest edition; Submit . in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. i3210 MATERIALS . ' . BARS :illet steel bars for concrete reinforcement, ASTM Specification A •15, 'nte rniediate grade except where noted otherwise on drawings. No. 31bars .nd larger deformed in accordance with ASTM A 305, latest edition. . MESH • ' old drawn steel wire, ASTM Specification A 185, latest edition. 6 x 6 inch iiesh, No. 6 wire, unless noted otherwise on drawings. ACCESSORIES onform to CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construc- tion ," latest edition. Include all devices necessary for proper placing, kpacing, supporting and fastening steel reinforcement in place. SECTION 03200 DACE ) CONCRETE REINFORCEEV, 0 ?40 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION A.' FABRICATION Clean, bend and splice reinforcement in accordance with Uniform Building Code. 3H INSTALLATION I Place steel accurately in accordance with approved placing diagrams . Fasten securely in place to prevent displacement before and during pouring of concrete. Exercise care to be sure that reinforcement is protected by the required thickness of concrete, as indicated on approved placing diagrams . Lip sides and ends of mesh reinforcement not less than one mesh. END OF CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT • • I ' I I I ' I , II ' SECTION 03300 PAGE 1 • CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03401 GENERAL A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Co form to "Suggested Specifications for Plain and Reinforced Concrete'' , ST 106, issued by Portland Cement Association, 33 West Grand Avenue, Chicago 60.10, as modified herein and on the drawings. Above standards apply to co ventionally reinforced heavy aggregate concrete only, except as noted ot erwise. B. DEFECTIVE WORK Coltractor shall remove and replace at his own expense. 031405 CURING CONCRETE A. CONCRETE Cure in accordance with standard specifications, supplemented as follows : B. WALLS Keep forms wet until removed. If removed during required curing period, . treat as follows : (l ) Walls exposed to sun: Ke p damp with wet burlap , or other approved Method. (2) Walls not exposed to sun: Keep damp with water spray . C. EXTERIOR SLABS ( 1 ) Walk _ Keep continually Wet with fog spray equipment for 1 week. Allow no checks or hair cracks to develop in slabs. (2,) Exterior slabs in service area: Cdat with Grace "Horncure ," Sonneborn "Kure-N-Seal ," or approved, applied it accordance With manufacturer 's directions . D. INTERIOR SLABS Floors: • CAt with Grace .'Horn Clear Seal" , Sonneborn "Kure-N-Seal " , or approved, • applied in accordance with manufacturer's directions. E. DEFECTIVE' WORK . Coptractor responsible for staining of floors due to damage to specified coatings or coverings. SECTION 03300 PAGE 2 • CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03310 INGREDIENTS • A. WATER-REDUCING ADMIXTURES Grace "Dalrex WRDA," Master- Builders "Pozzolith ," Sika Plastiment," or approved. Add , in proportions recommended by manufacturer, where required by drawings . B. OTHER INGREDIENTS ASTM C:'150 Portland cement, aggregate and water, in proportions required by standard specifications to attain ;assumed compressive strengths noted on drawings. • 03312 MEMBRANE UNDER .LABS ON GROUND A. EXTENT Under !all1 interior concrete slabs on grade. B. MATERIAL "Vis Queen" polyethylene film, .006 inch thickness. Manufactured by the Viskinn Corporiation, Terre Haute Indiana . SisalKraft "Moistop" will be approved . C . INSTALLATION Cover entire area under slabs specified above. Overlap all joints not less than 8 inches . Hake continuous contact with all walls , but sealing at walls not required. Take all reasonable precautions to prevent puncturing . Puncturing for screed supports is permitted. I 03320 LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FLOOR TOPPING I All cOncrlete noted "lightweight" shall be mixed as follows: Per yardl- 9 sacks cement Install over 304 Kraft Paper. I Place in best' practice of trade. 03342 ; MIXING AND PLACING CONCRETE A. GENERAL Modify and supplement standard specifications, as follows: • B. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO POUR • Notify Architect and special inspector at least 24 hours before an intended pour. I C. COMPACTION Employ Mechanical vibrators supplemented by hand spading whenever, in • Architect's opinion, it is necessary and as directed. I ' SECTION 03300, PAGE 3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03343 JOINTS AND STOPPAGES A. COLD JOINTS Provide, as detailediand where indicated, for future removal of panel . ' B. EXPANSION JOINTS, in earth-supported ' exterior slabs. Approved type pre-molded asphalt expansion joint material , 1/2-inch thick, ' depth as required toibring top to within 1/2-inch of surface. Fill re- mainder of space with approved mastic sealing compound. Provide, in the ' following locations:': (1) Wherever exterior slabs abut vertical surfaces. (2) Not more than 15-feet OC in walks and drives; 30-feet apart in curbs. (3) Elsewhere noted. on drawings. C. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS • Conform to standard specifications. 6344 CLEANING AND REPAIRING CONCRETE 4. FORM TIE HOLE ,,Fill with cement mortar mixed as dry as feasible, and rammed solid. p. VOIDS AND GRAVEL POCKETS Repair as directed wherever, in Architect's opinion, it is necessa y. C. FINISHING EXPOSED SURFACES Knock fins off smooth ; patch imperfections to match adjacent surfaces . Rub surfaces with carborundum stone where directed. p. SACKING Sack surfaces with grout mixed 1 cubic. fOot cement, 1 cubic foot sand, and sufficient water to allow grout to be rubbed into surface. Do sacIinq immediately after forms are removed. Provide sacking for all exposed con- crete walls on exterior. No sacking required for column bases. U334!) CONCRETE FINISHES ENERAL Screed slabs , for whatever finish, to true levels or slopes . f . GROOMED SURFACE Score surface with broom just after initial set. : Provide as per drawing , on terrace area. • • SECTION 03300 PAGE 4 ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE • C. NON-SLIP FLOAT FINISH Screed and tamp to bring fine particles to surface. Float with wood or carpet float to true surfaces, tolerance 1/4-inch in 10-feet. Leave slightly,' roughened surface. Mark off slabs as indicated or directed; round edges' to' 1/4-inch radius. Provide for exterior drives, walks and steps. D. TROWELING, where called for hereinafter Trowel by hand or machine to hard, dense surfaces, free from trowel marks. Do not absorb wet spots with neat cement or mixture of sand and cement. Wait until surfaces are 'dry enough for proper troweling. Chemical dryers not permitted. Trowel to, level or true slopes as indicated, tolerance 1/8- inch yin i10-feet. E. EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH Evenly distribute and darby-in 3/8-inch pea gravel mix at the- rate of 50# per 100 square feet, color selected. After inital set, approximately 3-1/2 hours, brush and wash Off matrix carefully, exposing proper amount of ag- ' gregate. After final curing, clean surfaces with 10 percent muriatic acid solution, rinse with clean water, and .apply clear dampproofing specified in Division 7. Provide pebble surface finish where so noted on drawings. • F. SLOPES TO DRAINS ' True 'to line, evenly graded, 3/16-inch per foot unless noted otherwise. ' G. DEFECTIVE WORK Remove and replace, when directed, loose topping, slabs which show excessive shrinkage cracks, and arty slabs which do not drain properly. 03346 t1ISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR ITEMS A. PIPES AND DUCTS Fill around pipes and ducts passing through floors and walls with portland cement grout, unless otherwise indicated or directed. 03347 EXTERIOR DRIVES, WALKS, STEPS AND CURBS A. • MATERIAL Except where Other materials are indicated, construct of portland cement heavy aggregate concrete porportioned to attain a 28-day compressive strength of 2',50O pounds psi , and a 2-inch maximum slump. B. TRAFFIC SURFACES Except where pebble surfaced finish is noted on drawings, finish with non- slipfloat surface; as specified above. SECTION 03300 PAGE 5 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE W349 FLOOR UNDERLAYMENT A. MATERIALS, MIXING AND APPLICATION Latex type , Crossfield Products G-26, or approved, mixed and applied in , accordance with manufacturer 's directions . Bring to true, level and smooth surfaces at grades indicated or directed. B. WHERE REQUIRED provide over interior concrete slabs which, in Architect's opinion, are too rough or uneven to provide a satisfactory base for resilient covering or Carpeting. ENO OF CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 05100 PAGE , 1 STRUCTURAL STEEL MATERIAL AND FABRICATION • i 05101 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Erection of structural! steel specified herein. Steel studs. Miscellaneous steel an'd iron. B. ' EXTENT OF WORK IN ;THIS SECTION Material and fabrication of all other structural steel shown on drawings. • C. BUILDING CODE 1976 Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, • govern. D. SHOP DRAWINGS Prepare as called for 'in standard specifications listed below. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. 05120 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. ' STRUCTURAL STEEL Steel :not otherwise specified: Steel for Bridges and Buildings, ASTM Specification A-36 Fy = 36 KSI , latest edition. B. ! . FABRICATION General : Conform to applicable :requirements of "Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel .for Buildings", latest edition, issued by American Institute of Steel Construction, hereinafter called; AISC, 101 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017. C. ' SURFACE PREPARATION Conform to AISC specifications listed above, as applicable. D.' SHOP PAINTING One coat US Government Specification TTP 86A, or approved equal . END OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MATERIAL AND FABRICATION SECTION 05150 PAGE 1 STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION 05 0 GENERAL A. EXTENT OF WORK in this Section: Er:ction of structural steel specified in Section 05100. B. BUILDING CODE 1976 Re•' irements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those her in, go ern. 05 52 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. HANDLING AND ERECTION Ge eral : Co tom to applicable requirements of "Specifications for the Design, Fabri- ca ' on and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", latest edition, issued by American Institute of Steel Construction, hereinafter called AISC, 101 Pa is Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017. . B. 1.GROUT FOR BASE PLATES AniiHydro Company "Axpandcrete", Master Builders "Embeco" premixed grout, Si4a "Interplast C" , or approved. C. FIELD CONNECTIONS Ma a connections as indicated on approved shop drawings furnished under work of Section 05100. D. TOUCH-UP PAINTING (1 Surfaces to be concealed by other materials : To 'ch up field connections and other damaged areas in shop coat with same ma erial as erection proceeds . Exercise extreme care to fully cover exterior steel with paint to prevent staining of finish materials by weather before steel is protected by masonry or other permanent covering. • (21 Surfaces to be exposed upon completion of project: Toch-up and finish painting, where required, is specified under"Painting' in 'Division 9. EN�� OF STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION 1 • SECTION 05500 PAGE 1 • MISCELLANEOUS STEEL AND IRON • 05501 1GENERAL A. ; WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications : Anchors , cramps , ties4 _ Structural steel framing of building proper, as shown on structural drawings. 1 j Rough :hardware for carpentry. . Steel Supports for suspended ceilings ; steel studs. Finish painting of steel and iron items . Anchors, bolts and sleeves for mechanical and eletrical work. • B. ; SHOP DRAWINGS ' Show complete details ,of construction and methods of installation. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. • C. SHOP TREATMENT After fabrication but before installation , remove rust scale, grease and oil by wire brushing and chemical cleaning. D. ' GALVANIZING Where :noted on drawings or specified. All exterior steel work shall be galvanized. Heavy hot-dip. coating, ASTM A386. E. ; SHOP PAINTING • .(1 ), General : • (a) Material for ferrous metal : • Rustoleum 769 red primer, Interol 621 primer, Andrew Brown P-93, Or Steelcote "Hilts-Rust. " (b) Material for galvanized metal : Themic No. 99 red primer, DuPont's "Dulux" galvanized metal primer, or "Rhino- Hide" ,manufactured by1Tartan Industries . (c) Preparation and application: Galvanized surfaces : Coat with solution of 4 ounces of. copper sulphate per gallon of water; allow to dry at least 12 hours ; dust off with stiff brushes . Ferrous metal surfaces: Remove all rust and scale; wash with appropriate solvent; wire-brush all unpainted welds ; touch up all bare metal and scratched and abraded surfaces;, recoat all wire-brushed surfaces . (2) Steel totally encased in concrete : • No ;painting. (3) Field welds : No , shop coat within 2: inches of field welds . • SECTION 05500 .PAGE 2 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL ANC IRON 0510 MATERIALS AND FABRICATION A 'MATERIALS . Structural steel ASTi•1 Specification A36. HLay.' steel sheet A569, mild steel A242, square tubing A131 MT 1010. Other mIterials best commercial quality, suitable for the intended purpose. B FABRICATION OF STEEL Form to accurate sizes and shapes , with sharp lines and angles . Punch and slear to leave clean surfaces . Weld or rivet permanent connections ; grind e1'posed welds smooth. Do not use screws or bolts where they can be avoided. W1aen used, countersink heads and draw up tight; nick threads to prevent loosening. Provide holes and connections for work of other trades . .0 JOINTS AND FASTENINGS D .ta.il for ample strength and stiffness ; conceal wherever possible. Where eF'posed to weather, form to exclude water. DI PIPE RAILINGS AND HAND RAILS Sl,andard weight mild steel pipe, sizes noted. Fabricate to true lines, jlints welded and ground smooth. Provide flanges and bolts of. proper type fiir securing horizontal members. E D OF MISCELLANEOUS STEEL AND IRON • ' I SECTION 06100 PAGE 1 CARPENTRY-AT-SI'TE 1 06101, GENERAL A. FURNISHED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS, but installed under work of this Section: Glued laminated lumber. Millwork and custom-built casework. . Wood doors and windows. Finish hardware. B. BUILDING CODE ; 1976 Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein.. nnvern. • I C., GRADING RULES (1) For soft woods : 1 Standard Grading and Dressing Rules of West Coast . 's Lumberman's Association , Edition No. 16, revised' September 1970, and as modified hereinafter. I (2) For hard woods : , LateS't rules of the National Hardwood Lumber Association. (3) Plywoods : Fir, ki.S. Product Standard PS 1-66. Hardwood, U.S: Commercial Standard CS35. • Du, EVIDENCE OF GRADE Each piece of lumber1and plywood stamped with grade mark and trademark of the Association having jurisdiction., or each shipment accompanied by official certificate of inspection . E. MAXIMUM MOISTURE; CONTENT, when delivered to project: , Woodlto be embedded in masonry or concrete, wood siding and subfloors', 12 percent. Laminated construction, 16 percent. Hardwood, 9 percent. Other materials, 19 percent. F. ROUGH HARDWARE Provkde all necessary for installation of work specified herein, sizes and quantities required by Building Code or hereinafter specified. Hardware exposed to moisture hot-dip galvanized steel' or approved type non-ferrous metal . G: STORAGE AND PROTECTION Protect lumber, plywood, millwork and casework from the weather. Protect roof, sheathing untill'covered by 'roofing, subfloors until finish floors are installed. Be sure that building is thoroughly dry before finish Woods are placed in it. 1 06110 ROUGH CARPENTRY, GENERAL A. ROUGH LUMBER Refer to notes on structural drawings. Rough lumber not otherwise specified No. 2 or better: 1 • SECTION 06100 PAGE 2 CARPENTRY-AT-SITE • . PLYWOOD 'refer to structural notes on drawings. • P, . METAL ACCESSORIES joist hangers and framing connectors, where indicated, shall be Teco,, Simpson, it approved, types indicated. Secure with nails, screws or bolts recommended manufacturer. • o. WORKMANSHIP ularefully lay out, cut, fit and install rough carpentry items. Use sufficient Hails, spikes, screws and bolts to insure rigidity and permanence. Drive I1,6ils perpendicular to grain of wood in lieu of toenailing, where feasible. "lrovide for installation and support of plumbing, heating and ventilating Iork. Install work 'to true lines, plumb and level , unless indicated otherwise. • 16120 FLOOR AND ROOF CONSTRUCTION PLATES AND SILLS • jominai 2-inch stock, width as required by conditions, or as indicated. ,nchor with 5/8-inch bolts at 4-foot centers , unless shown otherwise on +1rawi ngs. JOISTS AND RAFTERS • 'l-t with crown side up; lap and spike together over intermediate bearings, .11 pike studs to joists resting on ribbon 'boards. Block ends between studs there studs. and joists are not in contact. c.uble headers and trimmers : spike beams with ledgers to ends of joists . 'game roofs for free flow of rain water to outlets. 1. CROSS BRIDGING nominal 2 x 3 inch wOod, or approved type metal . .rovide where called for on drawings. • . SOLID BRIDGING 'I ovide nominal 2-inch solid bridging over bearings, 2 inches less in depth .'f roof joists, full depth for floor and ceiling joists. 11 . ROOFING SHEATHING PA plywood, or approved, Group 1, 1/2-inch thick - 32/16, (24-inch slpans) 11-C EXT. �ay sheets with face grain perpendicular to supports, end joints on bearings. 'llecure with 8d common nails spaced at 6-inch centers along panel 'edges. "rotect from moisture and other damage until roofing is installed. • SECTION 06100 PAGE 3 CARPENTRY-AT-SITE F.' • SUBFLOORS, APA plywood, or approved, Group 1, 3/4-inch thick C-C EXT. Apply with face grain perpendicular to joists, end joints on joists, staggered. Secure with 8d common! nails at 6-inch centers along edges of sheets., or,8d epoxy' coated power nails at 6" o.c. Protect from moisture and other damage du;rin,g construction. G., UNDERLAYMENT APA underlayment, or !approved, Groups 1 or 2, 3/8-inch thick, C-C PLUGGED, EXT. Protect from damage until floor covering is laid. Stagger end joints; butt ends and edges ; allow 1/32-inch space at joints. Secure with 3d ring shank nails at 6-inch centers along panel edges, at 8-inch centers in center of !sheets. Set nail heads 1/16-iinch but do not fill . Lightly sand surface !roughness, particularly at joints and around nails. H.: EXTERIOR DECKING ; 2?:4 cedar select tight knot S1S2E. Lay rough side up, spaced 1/4-inch. Secure with galvanized nails of proper size. 06122 WALL ANU PARTITION CONSTRUCTION A. STUDS Nominal 2 x 4 inch size spaced at 16-inch centers , unless noted otherwise. ' Double studs at openings, triple at corners and. intersections. Provide blocking required for nailing of surfacing materials , firestopping of 2-inch material , full- width of stud, at mid-point of each story. r B PLATES Provide single plates at floors and bottoms of openings, double plates at ceilings and heads of openings. Over, . openings more than 3 feet wide, or provide lintel of proper size. Splice single plates1and plates abutting at corners; stagger ends of double plates. C. SOUND RETARDANT ;PARTITIONS Mineral wool or glass fiber blanket, 2 inches thick, woven between staggered studs . Butt joints in blanket tight; tack• to alternate studs only. Provide Where "sound-proof" partitions are noted on drawings. D. LIALL SHEATHING, APA (plywood, or approved, standard with exterior glue, 1/2-inch thick. ' Apply with face grain horizontally or vertically, all joints on bearings. S;ecuire with 10d common nails at 6-inch centers along panel edges or 8d epoxy coated power nails at 6" o.c. SECTION 06100 PAGE 4 CARPENTRY;AT-SITE DIAGONAL BRACING ?here indicated on drawings, both sides of studs, stagger faced lx6 S4S !wards, continuous one-piece from .plate to sill at 45 degrees to floor. het into plate, stud, and sill , three 8d nails each bearing. i� FF . SHEATHING PAPER rehind wood siding: n-pound resin-sized sheathing paper. lay as siding is installed, in full rolls; no remnants or small pieces. lap horizontal joints 2-inches, vertical joints 6-inches; tack in place. "rotect from tearing. i . SIDING, Type 1 • ' square-edge stock "C" grade KD Western red cedar finish, S1S2E. • *.oards nominal 1 x 8 inch size, battens nominal 1 x 3 inch. Install foards in true vertical position, spaces 1/2 inch apart, laid rough Fide out. Secure with 7d galvanized siding nails located near edge • oaf board, spaced not more than 2 feet OC. Place battens over joints • n boards , rough side out. Nail through joints with 106 galvanized iding nails , spaced as above. Drill holes for nails to prevent plitting, where required. Drive nails flush but do not set. SIDING, Type 2 (for fascias and trim bands) I Idiominal 1 x d inch size , Grade "A" KD Western red cedar T&G, standard pattern selected.• Lay in true horizontal courses , tongue side up , tough side out, vertical joints on studs, staggered. Drive tight; Iiit carefully at joints and at corner boards and other trim. rlind nail to each. stud with 8d galvanized flooring nails . $6124 MISCELLANEOUS SOFFITS Nominal 1 x 6 inch size, Grade A KD Western red cedar T&G, standard 'attern selected. Lay in true horizontal courses , tongue side up , , f4ough side out, vertical joints on studs , staggered. Drive tight; it carefully at joints and at corner boards and other trim. Lind nail to each framing member with 8d galvanized flooring nails. . SCREENING AT VENTS 6 x 16 or 14 x 18 inch mesh aluminum screen cloth, diameter of. wire not ess than 0.011 inch. Lap opening not less than 2 inches ; stretch taut nd tack securely in place. II • . CEILING AND. WALL PANELING • • qC grade KD Western red cedar nominal % x 6 inch and 11 x 4 inch size &G, standard pattern selected, rough side out. Drive tight; fit eatly. at joints and against other members. Blind nail at each bear- ing with 8d aluminum casing nails; face nail as required. TURNED POLES f40 1 Firlogs turned to a consistent diameter for the length of the pole to the iameter as it is called out on the drawings. • SECTION 06100 PAGE 5 • CARPENTRY-AT-SI,TE E. WOOD BLOCKING Provide as necessary for work specified elsewhere or shown 'on drawings. • F.: PLYWOOD TRIM Medium density overload, as detailed on drawings. 061241 MISCELLANEOUS 1 A.' WDOD. POLES I Machine peeled Hemlock poles, 10-12 inch diameter at base, minimum taper to • top. 06126 INSTALLATION OF ITEMS FURNISHED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS A. GLUED LAMINATED LUMBER Install members in accurate location indicated. Anchoir as shown on approved shop drawings and required for rigidity and permanence. PO telct from weather and other damage until project is completed. B.' MILLWORK & CASEWORK Install millwork items specified in another, Section or shown on drawings. Install running trim ,in as long lengths as feasible. Miter casings and moldings; glue joints with waterproof glue. Use finish nails, seti for puttying, except where screws are required. Clean up after installation with fine sandpaper' or steel wool . Remove sharp. external; corners. Install casework specified in "Millwork & Casework" complete. C. • WOOD DOORS & 'WINDiOWS . Install door frames in accurate location shown on drawings; anchor securely in place. Fit doors to frames with uniform clearance, not more than 3/16-inch at heads and jambs. Clearance at sills as, directed. Install windows complete in accordance with manufacturer's directions and aPprdved shop drawings. D: FINISH HARDWARE • Install hardware listed in hardware schedule or required to complete the project. Adjust moving parts to operate freely, without binding, at time of final acceptance. Makelfurther adjustments, when requested, during 1-year guarantee period. END OF CARPENTRY-AT-SITE SECTION 06170; PAGE 1 GLUED LAMINATED LUMBER 06180 GENERAL A. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Conform to US Commercial Standard CS-253, current edition, sponsored by American Institute of Timber Construction, hereinafter called AITC, 1757 "K" Street, Washington, DC 20006. and other Institute standards named herein. 1 B. SHOP DRAWINGS Include complete fabrication and installation details. • Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. C. EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE Deliver to Architect AITC "Certificate of Conformance," duly executed, I stating that glued laminated lumber conforms to these specifications. AITC "Quality Mark" on each member may be substituted for the above. 06183 FABRICATION A. QUALITY CONTROL Conform to standard specifications and AITC Inspection Manual No. 200. B. LUMBER Douglas fir, or approved, meeting structural requirements and laminating specifications. C. APPEARANCE Conform to AITC 110, "Architectural" appearance grade, where exposed, "Industrial" grade elsewhere. D. WORKING STRESS 22f, per UBC. (2200f-165H-1.8E. ) SECTION 06170 PAGE 2 GLUED LAMINATED LUMBER 06184 TREATING AND PROTECTION A. ENDS OF MEMBERS Seal . as soon as possible after trimming. B. WRAPPING AITC, Specification 111, ' members individually wrapped for exposed members, wrapping not required for others. END OF GLUED LAMINATED LUMBER I i I I 1 • 1 SECTION 06200 PAGE 1 MILLWORK AND CASEWORK 06211 GENERAL A. WORK INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION Al other finish woodwork, both exterior and interior, shown on drawings, specified herein, or required to complete the project. B. QUALITY STANDARDS Coiform to "Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Industry," Latest edition, published by Architectural Woodwork Institute, hereinafter called A i1 , Chesterfield Building, Suita A, 5055 S. Chesterfield, Arlington, Virginia 22 06, as modified herein and on the drawings. C. MMILLWORK & CASEWORK MANUFACTURER Elperienced in woodwork of the quality specified herein and approved by the A Lhitect. D. SHOP DRAWINGS S ow profiles of mouldings, details of joints, and other pertinent items. • S bw connections of casework to adjoining construction, whether or not all items are furnished by this subcontractor. S bmit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. E. ALTERNATES R:fer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 0.210 EXTERIOR MILLWORK A. SPECIES (l ) Lumber: Vertical grain fir, or Western red cedar, select tight knot S1S1E where noted o drawings. (.1) Plywood: R ft cut white oak B ' GRADE Conform to AWI Quality Standards, "Custom" Grade, as modified herein and on t e drawings. 01622 INTERIOR MILLWORK FOR PAINT FINISH A WORK -INCLUDED I 'terior millwork other than that listed for transparent finish. B SPECIES ( I ) Lumber: Clear hemlock or clear spruce. ( .', ) Plywood: Pint grade birch. • SECTION 06200 PAGE 2 MILLWORK AND CASEWORK C. GRADES Coriform to AWI Quality Standards, "Custom" grade, as modified herein and on the drawings. 06226j CASEWORK A. SPECIES & GRADE Exposed parts to match other interior woodwork; all casework AWI "Custom" grade' Parts concealed when drawers and opaque doors are closed optional with Contractor. B. COUNTER TOPS Provide self-edge, end splash and splashback of matching material where indicated. Noimetal trim. - ' I C. : DOORS (1) Type 1 Flush type wood, construction and thickness in accordance with AWI standards for grade specified. (2). Type 2 Tempered type hardboard, Masonite, or approved, (dark color) , 1/4-inch thick, punched or unpunched as indicated. Install in plastic sliding door track, in accordance with manufacturer's directions. 1 D. : INSTALLATION OF HARDWARE Furnish and install above-specified hardware, complete. Installl casework hardware specified in ."Finish Hardware". Dol workin accordance'with AWI Standards. 06228 MISCELLANEOUS • A. CLOSET & STORAGE SHELVING "Economy" grade as defined by AWI standards, softwood plywood lumber. B. HAND RAILS (Wood)1 rails straight grained stock of V.G. Fir, milled to detail . Conform to AWI workmanship standards , , Custom grade. Co'iifo'rm to UBC requirements for height, extension past stairs and returns, to wall .; C. STORAGE SHELVING 1 ALAI ''Economy" grade, (softwood plywood. END OF MILLWORK AND CASEWORK I� SECTION 06300 PAGE 1 WOOD PRESERVATIVE AND FLAME-PROOF TREATMENTS 06301 GENERAL A. EVIDENCE OF TREATMENT. Issue certified letter to building official stating compliance to these specifications. 06312 FLAME-PROOF TREATMENT A. MATERIAL AND METHOD Manufactured by Flamort Chemical Company, or approved. "Flamort WC" applied in accordance with manufacturer's directions. B. PROTECTION Store treated wood in dry, well ventilated spaces, completely protected from weather. C. MATERIAL TO BE TREATED Wood siding on ceiling of corridors with flame spread class II . . Cedar shingle for exterior roofing. D. WOOD PRESERVATIVE All trellis lumber to be non-incised pressure treated with pent -chloraphenol or approved after members have been cut to size. END OF WOOD PRESERVATIVE AND FLAME-PROOF TREATMENTS ' I SECTION 07150 PAGE 1 i DAMPPROOFING 071.51 . GENERAL A. PACKAGES & LABELS Deliver materials in original containers, manufacturer's labels thereon. , ' DoInot remove labels or open packages until Architect inspects and approves. B. ADULTERATION Apply coatings without adulteration, in accordance with manufacturer's directions. C. PROTECTION Where icoatings are to be covered by other materials, protect until covered. 07162 DAMPPROOFING i A. MATERIAL. I. Grace-Horn "Dehydratine 6 Mastic", Sonneborn "Hydracide Mastic", or approved. 1 B. ' APPLICATION Apply one heavy trowel coat to completely cover the .following surfaces: • (1) Exterior surfaces of walls enclosing below-grade spaces. Extend from 2-inches below finish grade down to and including top and face oflfootings. Elevator vault to be treated this .way. END OF DAMPPROOFING 'I I • i I ' I � I i , 1 I it SECTION 07200 PAGE 1 THERMAL INSULATION 07201 GENERAL A. CONDITION OF SURFACES to receive adhesive-applied insulation PGt surfaces in proper condition to receive insulation. Ccntractor responsible for defective work from any cause, including i properly prepared surfaces. 0 210 FLEXIBLE BLANKET INSULATION A. MATERIAL Reck or glass wool enclosed in a continuous envelope, one face vapor p:imeable, one face vapor barrier. M.nufactured by Gustin-Bacon, Premium Brand Insulation Group, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, or approved. B. INSTALLATION I tall with vapor barrier facing space to be insulated; fit ends of blanket tight. . Sple edges of envelope to wood joists or studs. Park spaces around window and exterior door frames with insulation remnants. C. THERMAL RESISTANCE OF INSULATION (1) Between roof rafters: Guaranteed R-19 thermal resistance. (2) Between exterior wall studs: Guaranteed R-11 thermal resistance. (Spaces above roof and ceiling insulation, and below floor insulation, must be ventilated, 07,12 PERIMETER INSULATION . A. MATERIAL Do Chemical "Styrofoam SB", or approved, 1-1/2 inches thick. B. INSTALLATION In tall in accordance with manufacturer's directions, where indicated on drawings. EN OF THERMAL INSULATION 1 1 I SECTION 07300 PAGE 1 SHINGLE ROOFS 071301 GENERAL 1 A., WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Roof sheathing or stripping; gutters and downspouts. Staining of wood shingles or shakes after installation. Flashing of pipes and' ducts passing through roofs. B.: SHEET METAL (1) For wood shingles: Zinc alloy not less than 0.027 inch thick, Illinois Zinc "Eraydo", or approved. (2;) For asphalt shingles: 24-gauge galvanized steel . (3) Extent of work in this Section: Except as noted in Pars. A and B above, provide all sheet metalwork required fo'r a weathertight roof, in accordance with standard specifications named • below' and manufacturer's directions. C. GUARANTEE Work of this Section is subject to 2-year guarantee called for in Supplementary Conditions. D.! ALTERNATES j Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 07311 ASPHALT SHINGLES A., SHINGLES Certain Teed Independence Shangle , Flintkote Sierra Bird & Son Arch. 70, or approved manufacturer's standard color selected. B. APPLICATION Install shingles in accordance with manufacturer's directions published in Sweet;'s Architectural : File, latest edition. 07313 WOOD SHINGLES A. SHINGLES No: 1, "Certigrade Blue Label" , laid with straight butt lines. Size and spacing: 1B,inches long, spaced not more than 5-1/2 inches to weather. ; i B, 1 NAILS Hot-dip galvanized steel , size and type called for in standard specifications. C. ASBESTOS FELT • 12-pound asbestos felt (asphalt empregnated) , installed in accordance with, UBC Standard No. 32-14. I ; SECTION 07300 PAGE 2 SHINGL ROOFS 0 '330 INSTALLATION A ROOF DECK PREPARATION Examine in-place roof deck for defects considered detrimental to application a1d bonding of underlayment and shingles. H:ve other trades correct deck deficiencies prior to starting work in this S[�ction. B PROTECTION WOOD DECKING Ti. insure protection of plywood roof decking, comply with the following: Roofer shall coordinate his work with the work of the carpenters and shall apply covering immediately after decking is laid. All decking laid during the day must be covered each night or before rain a °d shall be protected from moisture at all times. C. APPLICATION I stall shingles in accordance with manufacturer's directions published in SIeet's Architectural File, latest edition. E D OF SHINGLE ROOFS • SECTION 07500 PAGE 1 BUILT-UP ROOFING 07501 GENERAL A. H . WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Wood blocking and nailing strips for roofing and flashings. Dampproofing. Shingle roofs. Sheet metal roofing and flashings. Special roofing and roof coatings. Caulking and sealing. j Thermal insulation not specified herein. Fleshings of pipes and ducts passing through roofs. B. ' ROOFING SUBCONTRACTOR Approved by manufacturer of the roofing materials. C. PACKAGES & LABELS' Deliver materials in sealed packages, manufacturer's original labels thereon. Labels on bitumen to show ,composition and softening point. Do not remove labels ®r open packages until Architect inspects and approves. • I D. ; 'STORAGE OF MATERIALS Store roof insulation and :roofing felts or fabrics off the ground, fully protected from the weather. Store bitumen in a cool place. E. ' , PROTECTION OF UNFINISHED WORK Before stopping work for the day, protect insulation with one or more plies ofjroofing and a glaze coat of bitumen. 'Prbtect:unfinished roofing with a glaze coat. Sprinkling surfaces With water before applying glaze coat not permitted. F. EQUIPMENT Equip kettles for heating bitumen with thermostats as well as thermometers. In addition, check with portable thermometer at intervals to be sure that correct kettle temperatures are maintained. G. NOTICES Notify Architect and roofing manufacturer at least 24 hours before starting work. SECTION 07500 PAGE 2 BUILT-UP ROOFING J. GUARANTEE R..fing is subject to a two-year guarantee, which is an extension of the o e year guarantee for the building as provided in the General Conditions . . 07510 MEMBRANE ROOFING A. GENERAL M.nufacturers' specifications listed below establish standards of quality r:quired, but are not restrictive. Sidnilar and equal roofing by other manufacturers may be substituted, subject t.; Architect's approval . B. COMPOSITION A-phalt asbestos, felts, smooth surface. F.i. nailable decks: , J.hns-Manville Specification No. 150, or approved. (20-year bondable.) CI, MEMBRANE BASE FLASHING T1!pe recommended by manufacturer for conditions of installation, bondable fIr 20 years. Provide wherever roofing intersects vertical or inclined surfaces, except were metal base flashing is indicated. • . D. CANT STRIPS Woed or cane fiber, nominal 4 x 4 inch size, triangular shape, bitumen- co;'ted 3 sides. P vide at intersections of roofing and vertical surfaces, except where metal b.se flashings are indicated. N. il to wood decks and where nailing strips are provided. E. ROOF DRAINS C t insulation as necessary to provide dished surfaces . as detailed in d awings. P ovide positive drainage to roof drains from all drainage areas. F. PATCHING AND REPAIR P.tching and repair of roofing for roof penetrations by others. Contractor shall use roofing materials of same type and at least .equal in quality to :terials on the existing roof. Roof should be patched per recommended p actices and shall be subject to the two year guarantee as provided for in t ie conditions Of the contract. ED OF BUILT-UP ROOFING i 1 II ' I SECTION 07600 PAGE 1 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL 07601 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Wood blocking and nailers for securing sheet metalwork. Sheet metalwork in connection with shingle roofs, except gutters and downspouts. Flashing of pipes anrli ducts passing through roofs. B'. SHOP DRAWINGS Fiurr ;.s,h:, complete and detailed shop drawings of special folded metal forms. SS,Ubrfi'1t 'in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. C. "SHOP PAINTING After fabrication but before installation, clean galvanized metal , treat for paint adhesion, and apply one heavy coat zinc chromate paint to all surfaces . '! 'T,©u,ch tp damaged areas in shop coat which will be concealed after installation same material . i ,:'.ELECTROLYTIC PROTECTION .Wnerealuminum is to be in contact with dissimilar materials, treat contact sur�f.a 's to prevent electrolysis. 076O5HMATERIALS A,. a''GENERAL Bas1Hcommercial qualty, thickness not less than specified below. User ;heavier gauges where called for in item specification or noted on drawings. B: ' 'ALUMINUM . :All'gy,s .best suited to conditions of installation, mill finish. Sheets0.025-inch thick, extrusions as hereinafter specified or noted :on drawings. G. CALUANIZED STEEL ::. 6-zauge copper-bearing base metal , commercial weight zinc coating. i ' Copings 20 gauge Scuppers 24- gauge Flasha;ngs 24 gauge Folded Metal Forms 16' gauge W I'L.5 B,<rbed ;,type, heat-treated aluminum for aluminum work, copper for copper, work, hot-dip, galvanized steel for galvanized steel . `07608 , iWORKMANSHIP A4 'PREPARATION ,P,i';at"s'ur:faces to be covered with sheet 'metal in proper condition for covering.. Contractor responsible for defective work from any cause, including improperly pre04re'd surfaces. SECTION 07600 'AGE 2 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL • B .' GENERAL Wirkmanship• equal to best standards of modern sheet metal practice. Firm materials accurately to shapes and dimensions indicated, with lin-s aid angles in true alignment, without waves or buckles. Mike proper allowance for expansion and contraction, and for shrinkage of wood construction. Ci0pe or flange intersections to fit accurately, and solder. Mike exterior work permanently weathertight. 0 '620 FLASHINGS • A GENERAL Provide galvanized steel , where indicated or required for weathertigh ' construction. Cpirners shop-formed, extending not less than 1-foot each side of corner. B FLASHING F 'rm to profile indicated. PIovide expansion joints between sections. Nil as recommended by roof manufacturer. G1ARANTEE: Flashing and sheet metal are subject to a two year guaran ,ee wich is an extension of the one year guarantee provided on the buildjng a. noted in the General Conditions. E D OF FLASHING AND SHEET METAL • SECTION 07800 PAGE 1 i ROOF ACCESSORIES I 07810 SKYLIGHTS I 2. CIRCULAR DOME , ' Plastic Skylight shall be circular. DurRed Product Model C-48 or approved equal with curb height; of 6" . Curb frame shall be roll form .070 alumi- num. The retaining angle shall be roll form .050 aluminum. The skylight shall be factory assembled unit each consisting of a two piece acrylic dome. The dome shall be clear colorless acrylic. One each in stairs ' 205 and 218. 07840 ROOF VENTILATORS i Western Engineering and Manufacturing Company stationary type, galvanized steel , sizes indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's specifications published in Sweet's Architectural File, latest edition. Similar and equal equipment by other manufacturers may be substituted, subject to Architect's approval . Install in accordance with manufacturer's directions; make weathertight. • END OF ROOF ACCESSORIES 1 1 SECTION 07900 PAGE 1 SEALANTS ' 901 GENERAL EXTENT OF WORK in this Section: caulking and sealing of joints between window, door and louver frames and :kterior concrete, and other spaces noted on drawings to be caulked or 'ealed. 'ull caulk bed at all window frame flanges. 17951 MATERIALS CAULKING COMPOUND (Conventional type) mace-Horn "Vulcatex," Kuhls "Elastic," Sonneborn "Kaukit," or approved. i. SEALANT (Polysulphide type) e "Hornflex,"Hornflex, Kuhls Elastiseal ,10 Sonneborn "Sonolastic," o approved. t.E. Silicone sealant, or approved. I . COLOR of compound or sealant: :proximate color of adjacent surfaces, unless directed otherwise. I' . BACK-UP MATERIAL • 11 ) For caulking compounds : elass fiber or raveled strands of non-staining cotton wicking. 12.) For sealants : 'rubber gasketing rod recommended by sealant manufacturer. diameter 1/3 greater than width of joint where it is to be installed. 17952 WORKMANSHIP PREPARATION 1 . .it sure that surfaces are clean and dry before proceeding. Irime unpainted porous surfaces with primer recommended by manufacturer of he caulking or sealing material . 1; . PROTECTION 1ask .surfaces adjacent to joints as required for complete protection,. 1 . BACKUP 11 ) Joints to be caulked: ' here more than 3/4 inch deep, pack with back-up material to within 1/2 nch of surface. • I j ' I I SECTION 07900 PAGE 2 SEALANTS • (2) Joints to he sealed: Where more than 1/2 inch deep, install rubber rod to within 1/4 inch of surface. • Where less than 1/2 inch deep, apply tape to bottom of joint to prevept adhesion of sealant to bottom of joint. I I C. CAULKING R SEALING Use. ,caulking compound except where sealant is specified or noted on drawings . Mix 2-part sealant in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Caulk or seal joints before final coat of paint is applied to adjacent surfaces. /tipply With gun having nozzle of proper size. Fill joints and voids solid. superficial pointing with skin bead not accepted. Pemove excess material and leave surfaces neat, clean and smooth. CND OF SEALANTS • i I 1 • • i I ' I 1 1 • i I I � I i SECTION 08100 PAGE 1 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 08101 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Finish hardware for doors and frames specified herein. Hollow metal doors in demountable partitions and toilet compartments. li Finish painting of doors and frames specified herein. Ins allation of items specified hereih. B. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Conform to "Recommended Specifications, Standard Steel Doors & Frames" , SDI 100; published by Steel Door Institute, Keith Building, Cleveland, Ohio 441 5, as Architect judges them applicable and as modified herein. END OF HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES SECTION 08200 PAGE ' 1 WOOD DOORS 08201 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Wood and metal door frames, wood trim. Glass, glazing, weatherstripping and gasketing of doors. Finish hardware. • Installation of doors Ispecified herein. B. GLASS & LOUVERS Make proper provision for glass, grilles and louvers where indicated. Furnish louvers and grjilles of Panelouver or Airolite manufacture, or approved, model numbers indicated or scheduled; install at door factory as hdetailed. 08211 FLUSH DOORS A. ' MANUFACTURERS, Model numbers listed hereinafter are taken from the Weyerhaeuser catalog published in Sweet's Architectural File, latest edition. Similar and equal products of Eggers-Hardwood Products, Curtin, Paine Rezzo, • or; U.S. Plywood may be substituted, subject to Architect's approval . B. GUARANTEE ' Before final payment, :furnish manufacturer's guarantee, in form approved by Architect, warranting each door for the term of years stated below. Conditions of guarantee shall be as stated jri U.S. Plywood standard guarantee published in Sweet's Architectural File, latest edition. Exterior doors with concealed closers not subject to guarantee. C. CERTIFICATE Where used in openings requiring a fire rating, solid wood core doors shall bear Underwritet's Class "C" label or be accompanied by other evidence satisfactory to State' Fire Marshall that such doors meet this requirement. • D. SOLID CORE DOORS Solid staved lumber Cpre, medium density overlaid face veneers, Custom grade, rift cut white oak face veneers, Weyerhaeuser No. DPC-1, or approved, 2-year guarantee for exterior use, life of building for interior. E. HOLLOW CORE DOORS • Institutional hollow icare, medium density overlaid face veneers, Custom grade rift cut white oak face veneers, Weyerhaeuser No. DHC-1, or approved, 2-year guarantee, exterior or interior. • F. FIRE DOORS Mineral core fire door, 20 minute label . Custom grade rift cut white oak face veneers, Weyerhaeuser No. DFM 45R, or approved. SECTION 08200 PAGE 2 WOOD DOORS C8212 PANEL DOORS A. CUSTOM MILLWORK DOORS Vertical grain Douglas fir. Doors shall be manufactured by AWI quality standards, as indicated on drawings. It shall be the obligation of the millwork house supplying to make structural suggestions necessary to provide guarantee for 1-year from date of acceptance of project. Finish specifica- tions as above or as provided in finish schedule. END OF WOOD DOORS I � I � I � SECTION 08500 PAGE 1 METAL WINDOWS 08001 GENERAL A.; WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Caulking of joints between window frames and masonry and concrete construction. Glass and glazing of windows, including glazing. clips but not glazing beads. B.' SHOP DRAWINGS Show full size sections, details of construction, and methods of anchoring. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. C.; SAMPLES Deliver full size sample of each type of window to Architect's job office. Obtain approval before proceeding.. After approval , sample window may be used on the work. 08020 ALUMINUM WINDOJS A.1 MANUFACTURER Member of Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association, Belknap, Viking, Fentron Industries, or approved, authorized to produce the type of window specified, B.! LABELS Each window and window screen shall bear the "Quality Certified" label of the AAMA. C.1 TYPES Bronze anodized aluminum sections Viking V-1610, Herzog 3000A, Fentron series 31u #256 bar, or approved equal . D,, OPERATING HARDWARIE Viking V-10 Handle w1th V-9 Project out strike. END OF METAL WINDOWS I SECTION 08700 Pa e 1 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES 108710 FINISH HARDWARE GENERAL A. WORK INCLUDED: Provide all finish hardware with suitable fastenings for complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications and subject to forms and conditio s of this contract. Quantities listed are for the Contractor's convenience only and are not guaranteed. Items not specifically mentioned, but necessary to complet the work shall be furnished matching, in quality, finish and design, those items specified for similar locati ns. B. WORK NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION: 1 . Hardware for the following: a . Sash 2 . The following items of hardware: a . Handrail Brackets b. Coat & Hat Hooks c . Toilet Accessories . d . Weatherstrip & Thresholds e . Signs - Except as listed; , C . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1 . The hardware supplier shall in the opinion. of the Architect have sufficient experience and an organization consisting of members of the American Society of Architectural Hardware Consultants to properly handle, detail and ,service the hardware in a satisfactory manner. 2. Furnish five (5) copies of a detailed Hardware Schedule for approval . Furnish cata]Jog cuts Of each different item of hardware whether as ;specified or not. Approval of the Schedule shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions therein. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper operation and fitting Of hardware and shall ' protect all exposed surfaces from damage to finishes during the construction period. I I • SECTION 08700 Page 2 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES 4 . Each item of hardware shall be delivered to the jobsite with appropriate markings indicating its location in accordance with the approved hardware schedule. • 5 . Hardwalre to be installed on Underwriters ' Labelled Fire Doors shall be as approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters . 6 . 'Hardwae to be applied to Metal Doors and/or Frames . shall be of types shown but made to template. Required blueprint templates shall be made available to the Metal Door and/or Frame Manufacturer not later than ten (10) days after approval of the Hardware Schedule . 7 . Provide all required screws, bolts, anchors, etc.. , for properl fastening of each item of hardware. D. KEYING: • Cylinder locks shall be Masterkeyed to the existing "Best Lock Compalny• System" as directed by the Architect. Furnish three (3) Ichange keys for each cylinder lock clearly labelled with its proper location. E. HARDWARE LOCATION DIMENSIONS: Locate all1 hardware in strict accordance with. the requirements of the Washington State Barrier-Free Code. F . FINISH: • Hardware finish shall be as indicated in the Hardware Schedule hereinafter. • G. BUTTS: ' I Butts to be of type, weight, size and finish schedule. Butts farlexterior out-swinging doors shall be of bronze material and furnished with non-removable pins (set screvr in barrel "NRP") . Provide one (1) butt for every30 " of door height or fraction thereof. Provide proper width butts to clear trim. Unless otherwiselscheduled, butt sizes shall be as follows: 1 . 1 3/8" Interior Doors 3 z x 3 z" 2 . 1*3/4 " Interior. Doors 41 x 41" 3 . 1=3/4" Exterior Doors up to and including 36" wide 41 x 41" 4 . 113/4" Exterior Doors over 36" wide 5 x 41" SECTION 08700 Page 3 HARDWARE & SPECIAiLTIES H. LOCK AND LATCHSETS: 1. Locks and Latchsets shall be General 17 x 712 & Schlage Plymouth design as scheduled . 2 . Strikes shall have extended lips where requir d to protect trim from being marred by latchbolts . 3. All latchbolts shall have a minimum throw of 2" . 4 . Furnish functions as scheduled. I. DOOR CLOSERS: Door Closers shall be LCN 4040 Series as manufactured by LCN Closers, Princeton, Illinois . They shall have fully hydraulic, full rack and pinion action with high strength cast iron cylinder. Spring power of each closer shall be adjustable Size II through Size VI . Regulating screws shall be tamperproof and adjustable only with hex wrench. Closers shall have separate adjustments for latch speed, general speed, and backcheck. They shall have a back-check porting adapter valv to set cushioning of opening swing in advance of 90° for any standard mounting. All closers and accessories, except special purpose types , whether applied hinge side, stop face, over door, or on bracket shall be non handed. Hydraulic fluid shall be of type requiring no seasonal adjustment for temperatures ranging to -30°F (-35°C) . All closer cylinders, being non-sized, non-handed and with the potential for application in all standard mountings, shall be interchangeable. All closersshall be from one manufacturer and carry a five (5) year warranty. All doors so detailed shall have extra duty solid forged parallel arms as on LCN model 4040 EDA or 4040H-EDA. Upon completion of the project, a representative of closer manufacturer shall inspect the installation and adjust all closers to suit the owners requirements . The representative will promptly report to the architect, in writing, that the above has been accomplished. ' Any installation deficiency or noncompliance with the' manufacturers recommendations must be reported. SECTION 08700 Page 4 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES J, STOPS: Stops shall be furnished for. all doors unless specifically omitted from the Hardware Group. K SILENCERS: Provide silencers GJ64 or GJ65 for all doors. Furnish three (3) for single doors and four (4) pairs of doors . Install per manufacturers recommendations . Lv MANUFACTURERS4 HARDWARE SCHEDULED ACCEPTABLE ITEM MANUFACTURER SUBSTITUTIONS Butts Lawrence Stanley, Hager & McKinney Cylinders Best None Locksets & Schlage/ Sargent Cylinders General Panic Bolts Von Duprin None Door Closers LCN Norton PR7500 Series Overhead Holders Glynn-Johnson Checkmate Stops • Glynn-Johnson Baldwin; Ives Hardware of. the above "Acceptable Substitutions" Manufacturers will be accepted provided that, in the opinion of the architect, it is equal in all respects to that listed. A request for approval, in writing, indicating the 1 , specified manufacturer ' s and substitution manufacturer 's catalog number must be submitted seven (7)• days prior to the bid date. • In addition, catalog cuts and physical samples, if requested, . clearly labelled must accompany the request for approval. All physical samples shall be left with the architect for whatever time that is required for ' his evaluation. All approval will be in writing. • • I SECTION 08700 Pace 5 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-1 \ 1 Pair Door D - Exterior from Entry 100 3 Pair Butts BB4101-A US10B 4 a x 415 NRP 2 . Cylinders • Best 1E64 US10B 1 Deadlock K462 613 x 2-3/4" B.S. 2 Flush Bolts 0600 - 12" US10B 1 Dust Proof Strike 0622 US10B 2 Push Plates 550 Special 5" x 16" US10B 2 Door Pulls 051678-S-1 US10B 2 Door Closers 4040H-CUSH Stat. Threshold By Others 4 Door Silencers 1 Plastic Sign "This Door Must Remain Unlocked During Business Hours" x Size & Color as Directed. HW-2 1 Sgl. Door B - Exterior from Stair #2 1 Sgl . Door B - Exterior from Stair #3 1 Pair Butts BB4101-A US10B 41/2 x 41 NRP 1 Cylinder Best 1E62 US10B ➢. Panic Bolt 88NL US10B x Less Pull 1 Door Pull 051678-S-2 US10B 1 Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. 1 Floor Stop GJ-FB19 Series US10B 1 Threshold By Others 3 Door Silencers HW-3 1 Sgl, Door B - Exterior from Stair #1 3 Sgl . Door B - Exterior from Multi-Purpose Room 108 1 2 Pair Butts BB4101-A US10B 4 2 x 4 a NRP 1 Cylinder Best 1E62 US10B 1 Panic Bolt 88NL USlOB x Less Pull 1 Door Pull 051678-S-2 US10B 1 Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B Threshold By Others 3 Door Silencers SECTION 08700 Page , 6 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-4 1 Sgl. Door B - Exterior to Waiting 129 1 Sgl. Door B - Exterior to Crafts 117 1 Sgl . Door B - Exterior to Crafts 116 1 Sgl . Door B - Exterior to Kitchen 106 1h Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1 Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1, Lockset K6451L x 17 x 713 613 1 Door Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 11 Threshold By Others 3i Door Silencers HW-5 1 Sgl. Door A - Reception 131 from Administration 133 1;2 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1' Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1.' Lockset K6050LU x 17 x 713 613 1.' Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. x TB 1j Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-6 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 102 to Administration 133 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 128 to Medical 123 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 128 to Legal 126 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 128 to Sociol 127 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 102 to Nutritional Offices 104 1 Sg1. .Door A - Corridor 102 to Kitchen 106 12 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1 Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1 Lockset K6050LU x 17 x 713 613 1 Door Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers 1 SECTION 08700 Pa e 7 HARDWARE & SPECIALITIES HW-7 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 120 to Men 121 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 120 to Women 119 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 220 to Women 221 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 220 to Men 222 11/2 Pair Butts BB4101 US26D 41/2 x 41 1 Latchset K6010U x 17 x 712 613 x 626 1 Door Closer 4040 Alum. c Regular Arm x TB 1 Kick Plate 5024 - 10 x 2 less than doo width x color as selected 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US26D 3 Door Silencers HW-8 1 Sgl . Door A - Stair 3 from Corridor 128 'a Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 Panic Bolt 88K-F x 63L US10B x lever free at all times x Sex Bolts Door Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B j Door Silencers HW-9 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 102 to Mechanical 118 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 112 to Mechanical 114 1 Sgl. Door A - Multi-Prupose Room 108 to Elevator 110 1 Sgl. Door A - Meeting Room 213 to Mechanical 214 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 201 to Janitor 215 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 204 to Mechanical 203 Z Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41/2 Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1 Lockset K6080LU x 17 x 713 613 x Knurled Outside Lever Door Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 ' Door Silencers I I SECTION 08700 Page 8 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-10 1 Sgl. Door A - Medical 123 to Toilet 124 1 2 Pair Butts 4181 US26D 4 2 x 41/2 ], Privacy Lock K6440 x 17 x 712 x 613 x 626 ' Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US26D • 3 Door Silencers _ I HW-11 1 Sgl . Door - Medical 123 to Stbrage 125 1 Sgl . Door A - Kitchen 106 to Nutritional Offices 104 Pair Butts 4181 US10A 4 z x 4 2 ;1 Cylinder Best 1E64 US1OB 1 Lockset K6050L x 17 x 713 613 1 Wall Stop GJ-EB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-12 . 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 102 to Crafts 117 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 102 to Crafts 116 1 Sgl . Door A. - Crafts 116 to Storage 115 • • 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 102 to Quiet Lounge 111 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 201 to Crafts 219 1 Sgl. Door A - Corridor 201 to Classroom 206 1 Sgl . Door A _ Corridor 201 to Classroom 207 11 Pair. Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41/2 1 Latchset K6010U x 17 x 712 613 1 DoOr Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers I ' SECTION 08700 P ge 9 HARDWARE & SPECI1LTIES HW-13 1 Sgl . Door A - Crafts 117 from Storage 135 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 201 to Game Room 202 12 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1 Latchset K6010U x 17 x 712 613 1 Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-14 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 120 from Janitor 134 1 z Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 4/ x 4 2 1 Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1 Lockset K6080LU x 17 x 713 613 1 Door Closer 4040-CUSH Stat. x TB 3 Door Silencers HW-15 1 Sgl. Door B - Exterior' from Crafts 116 1 Sgl . Door B - Deck 212 from Meeting Room 213 1 Sgl . Door B - Deck 216 from Meeting Room 213 11/2 Pair Butts BB4101-A US10B 41/2 x 41 NRP 1 Cylinder Best 1E64 US10B 1 Lockset K6451L x 17 x 713 613 1 Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. 1 Floor Stop GJ-FB19 Series US10B (Deck 212) 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B (Deck 216) 1 Threshold By Others 3 Door Silencers , SECTION 08700 Page 10, HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES • HW-16 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 109 from Multi-Purpose 108 14 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 44 x 44 1 Panic Bolt 88K-F x 63L US10B x Lever. free at all times x Sex Bolts 1 Door Closer 4040-EDA Stat. x TB 1 Wall Stop - GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-17 j 2 Pair Door G - Multi-Purpose 108 from Table Storage 3 Pair Butts 4181 US10A 44 x 44 • 1 ! Latchset K6010 x 17 x 712 613 2 , Flush Bolts '0600 - 12" US10B 2 . Overhead Holders GJ7'5A Series S1 4 Door Silencers HW-18 II 1 Sgl . Door 'A - Kitchen 106 from Toilet 1h Pair Butts BB4101 ,US10A 44 x 44 ' 1 , Privacy Lock K6440 x 17 x 712 613 x 626 1 Door Closer ' 4040-CUSH Alum. 3 Door Silencers HW-19 ' 1 Sgl. Door A - Kitchen 106 from Dry Storage 14 Pair Butts 4181 US10A 44 x .44 NRP ' • 1 ' Cylinder Best . 1E64 US10B . 1 Lockset K6050L x 17 x 713 613 11 Floor Stop GJ-FB13 Series US10B ' 3 Door Silencers SECTION 08700 Page 11 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-20 1 Sgl. Door A - Dry Storage from Condenser Room 1 z Pair Butts 4181 US10A 4 2 x 4 z 1 Latchset D10S Ply 613 1 Floor Stop GJ-FB13 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-21 1 Sgl . Door A - Multi-Purpose 108 to Kitchen 106 1 - Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1 Cylinder 1E64 US10B 1 Deadlock . K640 613 x 2-3/4 " B.S. 1 Door Closer 4040H Stat. x Regular Arm 1 Armor Plate 5024 - 42 x 2 less than door width x color as selected 1 Floor Stop GJ-FB13 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers HW-22 1 Pair Door F - Multi-Purpose 108 from Kitchen 106 3 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 41 x 41 1 Cylinder 1E64 US10B 1 , Deadlock K460 613 x 2-3/4 " . B.S. 2 Flush Bolts 0600 - 12" US10B 2 Door Closers 4,040H-EDA Stat. 2 Armor Plates 5024 - 42 x 2 less than door width x color as selected 2 Wall Stops GJ-WB50 Series US10B 41 Door Silencers HW-23 2 Sgl . Door E - Administration 133 ' to Files ll, Set Folding Door Hdwe. • Lawrence HD624 1 ' Pull Colonial 193 .US10B II • SECTION 08700 Page 12 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-24 l Sgl . Door A - Stair 205 from Corridor 204 1 Sgl . Door A - 'Stair 211 from Corridor 208 1 Sgl . Door A - Stair 211 from Meeting Room 213 1 Sgl . Door A —Stair 218 from Meeting Room 213 1 2 Pair Butts BB4101 US10A 4 z x 4 2 1 Panic Bolt 88K-F x 63L US10B x Lever Free at all times x Knurled Crossbar x Sex :Bolts 1 Door Closer 4040 Stat. x Regular Arm x TB 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 'Door Silencers HW-25 l Sgl . Door A - jCorridor 208 to Women 209 1 Sgl . Door A - Corridor 208 to Men 210 11/2 ,Pair Butts j BB4101 US26D 41/2 x• 42 1 ;Privacy Lock K6440 x 17 x 712 613 x 626 1 'Door Closer 4040-CUSH Stat. x TB HW-26 ' 1 Sgl. Door A - Meeting Room 213 to Storage 217 it Sgl . Door A - 1Crafts 219 to Storage 224 11 ' Pair Butts 4181 US10A 41 x 42 1 : Latchset K6010 x 17 x 712 613 1 Wall Stop GJ-WB50 Series US10B 3 Door Silencers ' I ' j SECTION 08700 Page' 13 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES CABINET HARDWARE HW-1C 3/4" Doors - Each to Have: 1 Pair Hinges Stanley 335 x US10B or as required 1 Magnetic Catch Epco 591 1 Pull Colonial 752 x US10B 1 Cabinet Lock 46-001 x Strike 10-051 x US10 (Where indicated on drawings only) 1 Elbow Catch Ives 2A10 (for inactive leaf or lock pairs only) HW-2C Drawers - Each to Have: 1 Pull Colonial 752 x US10B 1 Pr. Drawer Slides K-V 1395 (Where indicated on drawings) 1 Pr. Drawer Slides K-V 1400 - Fire Drawers only (Where indicated on drawings only) 1 Drawer Lock 46-003 x Strike 10-052 x US10� (Where indicated on drawing only) 1 Index Follower K-V 476 (Where indicated on drawings only) HW-3C Adjustable Shelves in Cabinets Shelf Standard K-V 255 Shelf Supports K-V 256 H -4C W Wall Mounted Adjustable Shelves Shelf Standard K-V 80 STB Shelf Brackets K-V 180 STB - Size as required • SECTION 08700 Page 14 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-5C j ;" Sliding Hardboard and/or Glass Doors Upper Guide K-V 2412 Lower Guide K-V 2404 Flush Pulls Epco WP-37DB (Hardboard Door Only) MISCELLANEOUS 1-M Mop Holders Bassick M515E (Where indicated on drawings) 2-M Key Cabinet Telkee Regent Series - Capacity for all keys plus 50% 3-M Hand Rod & Flanges K-V 770-5 CHR x 764 CHR i I ' I SECTION 08700 Page 14 HARDWARE & SPECIALTIES HW-5C kin Sliding Hardboard and/or Glass Doors Upper Guide K-V 2412 Lower Guide K-V 2404 Flush Pulls Epco WP-37DB (Hardboard Door Only) MISCELLANEOUS 1-M Mop Holders Bassick M515E (Where indicated on drawings) 2-M Key Cabinet Telkee Regent Series - Capacity for all keys plus 50% 3-M Hand Rod & Flanges K-V 770-5 CHR x 764 CHR I ' SECTION 08730 PAGE 1 WEATHERSTRIPS AND GASKETS 08731 GENERAL A. SAMPLES Submit sample of each type of weatherstrip and gasket proposed for use. Obtain Architect's approval before proceeding. 08732 WOOD HINGED DOOR WEATHERSTRIPS A.H HEAD & JAMBS Concealed interlocking type, Accurate Series 500, or approved, bronze. For heads of outswinging doors, use Style DC cap and interlock. B. , SILLS Pemco #411 A. automatic door bottom. Saddles are oak as detailed in drawings. ' 08734 WOOD HINGED DOOR GASKETS A. HEAD AND JAMBS Perko, or approved, extruded architectural bronze with neoprene, No. 305-BR. 08736 INSTALLATION A. ; GENERAL ' Install weatherstrips and gaskets by manufacturer's authorized representative, inlaccordance with manufacturer's directions. • B. ADJUSTMENTS Adjust weatherstrips and gaskets for proper contact at all points, doors to • operate .freely, without binding. I END OF WEATHERSTRIPS4ND GASKETS • SECTION 08800 PAGE 1 GLASS AND PLASTIC GLAZING 00301 GENERAL A'. LABELS Original labels; naming manufacturer, quality and thickness, required on each piece of glass and plastic, except where cutting makes this impossible. Deliver other glazing materials in original containers, manufacturers ' labels thereon. Do not open containers or remove labels until Architect inspects and approves. B. WEATHERR -CONDITIONS No glazing in wet weather except under cover. C. SIZES & THICKNESSES Sizes of glass and plastic shown on drawings are nominal only. Obtain exact sizes at project or from manufacturers of the items to be glazed. Specified thicknesses are subject to normal commercial tolerances. D. APPROVED. GLASS MANUFACTURERS Name Abbreviation American Saint Gobain Glass Company ASG Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company LOF Mississippi Glass Company MGC Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company PPG 08811 FLOAT GLASS A. CLEAR FLOAT GLASS ASG, LOF, PPG, or approved, regular float 1/4-inch thick. 08313 TEMPERED PLATE GLASS A. INSULATING GLASS All insulating glass designated on .a drawing shall be insulating glass com- posed of an outer light of 1/4" clear float glass and an. inner light of 1/4" clear float glass separated by an 1/2" air space in sizes specified and as manufactured by Libbey Owens Ford Company, or approved,equal . . All insulated packages are to carry a 5-year guarantee minimum. No insulated packages' Will have edge bands of metal . Insulated glass will be used on all exterior window openings. ' 0881,4 PATTERN AND WIRE GLASS A. WIRED GLASS ASG, LOF, PPG, or approved, square mesh, clear polished plate glass, 1/4- inch thick. 08823 INSULATING GLASS A. METAL EDGE INSULATING GLASS LOF, PPG, or approved, two thickness of 3/16-inch "A" sheet glass, 5/8-inch ,air space between. ! . II SECTION 08800 PAGE 2 GLASS AND PLASTIC GLAZING 08331 MIRRORS A. 64LL MIRRORS No. I plate glass mirror, narrow pattern stainless steel frame, sizes indicated. • B. IRROR & SHELF COMBINATION No. i plate glass mirror, narrow pattern stainless steel frame, sizes indicated, wide stainless steel shelf permanently attached to mirror back. C. 1NSTALLATION Inst,>11 mirrors in accordance with Manufacturer's directions, where indicated. 088611 INSTALLATION OF GLASS A. tTANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Confirm to "Glazing Manual" , latest edition, issued by Flat Glass Jobbers' Association, 6210 West 10th Street; Topeka, Kansas 66615, as Architect judO it applicable and as modified herein. Reco mended materials and methods are mandatory. Wher!V the words "work by others" are used, they shall mean "work in other Sect1ons of these specifications". B. DDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Tape 'edges of laminated galss before setting. Grino and polish edges of glass to be exposed upon completion. C. [LEANING Upon jcompletion, clean excess putty and compound from glass and surrounding work ' D. ',LAZING SCHEDULE (1) Where kind of glass is noted on drawings: • Glaz openings as noted. • (2) Where kind of glass is not noted: Glaz, openings with clear sheet glass, 1/4 -inch heavy float for larger lights. END uF GLASS AND PLASTIC GLAZING • I . SECTION 09250 PAGE 1 GYPSUM WALLBOARD 09251 GENERAL A. , STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Conform to American Standard Specifications for Gypsum Wallboard Finishes , as supplemented and modified herein. Recommended materials and methods are mandatory; those proposed by Contractor as equal or equivalent must be approved by Architect. Standard specifications may be obtained from Gyspum Association, 201 North Wells Street, Chicago,' Illinois 60608. B. BUILDING CODE 1976 Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, govern. �. C. TEMPERATURE AND VENTILATION Control temperature and ventilation for best results. 09270 METAL STUDS A. MANUFACTURER Donn Products, Kaiser,' Gold Bond, US Gypsum, or approved. . B. MATERIAL Roll-formed galvanized' steel , not lighter than 25-gauge, suitable for recep- tion of self-tapping screws for installation of drywall . C. STUDS Channel shape, 3-1/2"' Wide holes punched for electrical work. D. ACCESSORIES I Standard with manufacturer, as indicated or required for a complete • installation. E. INSTALLATION In 'accordance with manufacturer's directions, plumb, level and true, in accurate locations indicated. Not more than 16-inches OC. 09271 MATERIALS A. MANUFACTURER Bestwall , Celotex, Flintkote, Kaiser, Johns Manville, Pabco, US Gypsum, or approved. . B. SOUND DEADENING BACKER BOARD Similar and equal to USG 1/2-inch thick wood fiber sound deadening board,. Use as base layer where double-layer fire resistive construction is called for. C.•1 FIRE RESISTIVE FINISH BOARD Type "X" fire-rated board, tapered edges, 5/8-inch thick. Use throughout.on walls; type "X" fire-rated board, tapered edges 1/2" • thick for ceilings. D.' WATER PROOF GYPSUM WALL BOARD - Use Kaiser Gypsum moisture-guard wall . board as described in the Kaiser Technical Bulletin No. 5617-C or approved equal . SECTION 09250 PAGE 2 GYSPUM WALLBOARD 09 ,72 INSTALLATION A. GENERAL In :tall wallboard by method specified below, in accordance with standard specifications and manufacturer's directions. i . B. TO WOOD CONSTRUCTION (1 Single layer: SeOre wallboard to supports by double nailing method. (2 ; Double layer: S0ure base layer to .supports with power-driven drywall screws, face layer to base layer by adhesive-nailing method. C. , TO METAL STUDS & FURRING Si gle layer: Seolure wallboard to supports with power-driven drywall screws. 09174 OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. JOINT, CORNER & EDGE TREATMENT Re 'nforce inside corners in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Tr:,lat field .joints and nail or screw heads in accordance with standard specifications. Protect external corners and exposed edges with metal trim. . B. SURFACES TO RECEIVE CERAMIC TILE Co form to Appendix "A" of standard specifications. C. CLEANING & REPAIRING . Af 'er trim has been applied, and prior to painting, correct surface damage an defects. Le)Ive work clean and smooth and without defects which will be apparent 'after pa nting. ENV OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD SECTION 09300 PAGE 1 TILE 09301 GENERAL A. 1WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Plaster and gypsum board backing to receive wall tile. Surface type toilet and bath room accessories, and recessed type specified in pivision 10. B. EXTENT OF TILE WORK Where tile base, wainscots and walls are scheduled, provide around entire perimeter of room or space, including pilasters and free-standing columns. Tile not required under or behind permanently built-in cabinets and . • egri pment. C. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Conform to the following American Standard Specifications, obtainable from Tile Council of America, 800 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, as Architect judges them applicable and as modified herein: (1) Installation of Ceramic Tile with water-resistant adhesives, ASA A108.5. Use for walls scheduled for ceramic tile. (2)' Installation of Ceramic Tile in portland cement mortats, ASA A108.1, A108.2 and A108.3.. Use for floors scheduled for ceramic tile or paver tile. 09310 TILE A. i TYPE & GRADE All tile standard grade, frost-proof type for exterior installations. Before setting tile, furnish evidence satisfactory to Architect that tile is ;of the type and grade specified. B. 1 COLORS & PATTERNS (1) Floor tile: Selected by Architect from Color Group 2, 1 pattern, 1 color in each pattern, nominal 2 x 2 inch size. (2) -Wall ,tile: Selected by Architect from Color Group 2, not more than 2 different colors for the entire work, ominal 2 x 2 inch size. C. QUARRY FLOOR TILE Extruded square edge ype, nominal face size 6 x 6 inches, 3/4 inch thick. ' Similar to Summitville , produced by . Summitville Tiles, Abrasive non-slip surface, matching above tile in Kitchen and Sculley. 0. 1 QUARRY TILE BASE Sarne material as non-abrasive floor tile, nominal 5-inch height, cove bottom. Bullnose top to recei e plaster, square top under tile wainscots or.walls. 09382 TILE SETTING MATERIALS not defined in standard specifications: A. 1 CAULKING COMPOUND Horn "Vulcatix", Kulh "Elastic" , Sonneborn "Kaulkit", or approved, color to match adjacent surfaces unless directed otherwise. SECTION 09300 PAGE 2 TILE B. WATERPROOFING ADMIXTURE Hor' "Hydratite Plus", Master Builders "OM" , Truscon "Mortite" or approved. C. GREASE-RESISTING GROUT Franciscan "Hydroment", L&M "Acid-R", or approved. Color as selected. D. COLOR PIGMENT Pur. mineral oxides manufactured by 3-M Company, J. Lee Smith, G. K. Williams, or approved. E. SEALER FOR GYPSUM WALLBOARD Mad. or recommended by manufacturer of the adhesive used in setting the tile. 093: 4 TILE SETTING A. LAYOUT Where possible, lay out work so that no tile less than half size occurs. Where heights are dimensioned on drawings, maintain full courses to I. produce height nearest to this dimension without cutting tile. Alio.n joints in wall tile vertically and horizontally. except where other pat erns are indicated. . Alin joints in floor tile at right angles to each other and parallel :o walls . Obt:in exact locations of expansion joints and accessories before installing tile . B. WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT Mat=riai as defined in standard specifications . Use to reinforce conventional ' type mortar setting beds overwater resistant she.thing paper. . C: JOINTS Joi is in quarry tile and .unmounted pavers approximately 1/4 inch wide. Other joints approximately 1/16 inch wide, except where expansion joints ar noted. D. WATERPROOFING ADMIXTURE (I,)' Floors, walls and ceilings of shouter rooms and refrigerated spaces. (2 Floors of toilet, ,dressing and locker rooms. Wa ""erproof cement, of type .specified, may be used .and waterproofer omitted, at Contractor's option. E. GREASE-RESISTING GROUT Mi and apply in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Ad color if and as directed. ; Us for setting and pointing floor tile in', kitchen, cold storage and sculley. SECTION 09300 PAGE 3 TILE F. EDGE STRIP Provide 1/4 inch heavy top terrazzo strip of brass wherever tile floors abut those of other materials. Where strip occurs at doors, center under door. G. THRESHOLDS Provide approved type beveled threshold of aluminum wherever tile floors abutt those of other materials. Where thresholds occur at doors, center under door. Secure with non-ferrouslscrews set on lead shields, spaced near ends of threshold and not more than 12 inches apart. H. 'SEALER Apply protective sealer to quarry tile immediately after installation to protect from staining. Use Sparkl-seal as manufactured by Nox-Crete Chemicals Inc. , Omaha, Nebraska, per manufacturer' s recommendations. END 'OF TILE j l SECTION. 09500 PAGE 1 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT ' 09501 GENERAL A. ACOUSTIC SUBCONTRACTOR Approved by manufacturer of the acoustic materials and the Architect. B. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Refer to Acoustical Materials Association, 335 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. , 10017, for: • (1) Tables indicating types of acoustic materials, (2) Types of mounting, (3) Noise reduction coefficients of specified thicknesses of materials on types of mounting shown on drawings, . (4) Flame resistance, flame spread , and fire endurance time ratings, (5) Sound attenuation factors and ceiling sound transmission class, and (6) Methods of installation. • C. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit complete .shop, drawings of metal suspension system proposed for use. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions . I SAMPLES . Submit samples :of each type of acoustic material specified, as directed. Obtain Architect's approval before 'proceeding. 09510 ACOUSTIC .MATERIALS A. PANELS TYPE 1 Armstrong, Cortega design (non-directional fissured; minatone, 5)8" thick, 24" x 24" , lay-in tegular edge, or approved. B. . PANELS TYPE 2 Armstrong; Cortega design, non-directional , fissured, fire guard panels', 5/8" thick, 24" x 24",, lay-in tegular edge, or approved. • C., PANELS TYPE 3 ' Armstrong, Travertone, fissured, square edge K4C4, 3/4" thick, 12" x 12" , • unpainted, or approved. 03514 OTHER MATERIALS A. METAL SUSPENSIONISYSTEM Made or, recomMended. for location and fire resistive requirements of installation as recommended by thel manufacturer of the acoustic panel . B, CONCEALED SPOINE ! Armstrong, Accessible Tile System, with appurtenant runners and tees. • • C. EXPOSED GRID Framing shall be not lighter than 25 gauge electrogalvanized steel and shall be fihished on exposed surfaces with off-white enamel . SECTION 09500 ' PAGE 2 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT D. FRAMING Comply with ASTM C635, "Standard Specification for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings. E. WALL MOULDINGS !Fry Reglet, Acoustical Tile edge molding, "WARM-875-75" , or approved. Paint to match. A.C.T. 09516 INSTALLATION 'A. GENERAL Conform to standard specifications, manufacturer's directions and • approved shop drawings. Finished surfaces level and true, with tolerance of 1/4 inch in 12 feet. • B. METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEM Install in accordance with manufacturer's directions and approved shop drawings. 1 C. LATERAL FORCE BRACING Provide lateral force bracing for suspended ceiling systems as required by U.B.C. D. ACOUSTIC TILE & PANELS Install in accordance with standard specifications, E. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Upon completion, clean soiled and discolored surfaces; leave free ' from defects., Remove and replace damaged or improperly applied material , as directed. END OF ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT III • • • • SECTION 09550 PAGE 1 WOOD FLOORING 09551 GENERAL A. SCOPE Furnish materials, labor, equipment, accessories and related items required to complete wood flooring and related work indicated on drawings and/or specified her,ei n. B. WORK INCLUDED but not limited to: (1) Preparation of surfaces . (2) Installation of PermaGrain acrylic/wood flooring (3), Protection (4); Cleaning and buffing (5): All items of related work reasonably inferred as needed to make work of this section complete. C. MATERIALS (1. ) Finished flooring to be PermaGrain acrylic/wood flooring in oak as minufactured for E . L . Bruce Company , Inc . , byARCO Chemical Company, Division of Atlantic Richfield Company. Each tile shall be 5/16" thick and 12" x 12" square edged. The tile shall be constructed so as to have, 4 sections. The fillets in each section are in a perpendicular direction to those of its adjacent member or assembled parallel for a one directional pattern. (2),. Adhesive shall. betas supplied by E.L. Bruce Co. , Inc, and as recom- mended by ARCO Chemical Company. Bruce LP Adhesive or RK-1 adhesive is specifically suggestedjfor all installations except: (a) feature strip instal lations, use H-1; and (b) PermaGrain 75 fire rated installation, use E-1. (3) Architectural trim; i .e. , reducer strips, bands, pickets, etc. , areas manufactured, for E.L. Bruce Co. , Inc. , by ARCO Chemical Company. (4)' PermaGrain acrylic/wood flooring and architectural trim colors will !be selected by 'the Architect from the 6 standard colors for oak. Natural , Pro- vincial , Americana, Barcelona, Gothic and Charcoal . , • D. PREPARATION OF .SURFACES (1)' ' Surface to receive .finished flooring shall be cleaned of all' foreign material which would be detrimental to the adhesion of the finished flooring. PermaGrain is not recommended for below grade installations. (2)' Concrete substrates shall be furnished dry, clean, smooth and level , with a tolerance of 1/8" in 10' ; and are to .contain no curing compounds or sealers. Concrete curing compounds and/or sealers must be completely removed. (3) Should patching or leveling be required, use latex cement patching compound. DO NOT in any case use asphalt underlayment. DO NOT, in 'any case, use a latex leveler or skim coat over large or entire areas. (4) All concrete mustbe scoured (also after patching or leveling) with 32 open grit paper to loosen dirt and remove weak concrete. SECTION 09550 PAGE 2 WOOD FLOORING (5) All subflooring shall be free of mortar, thoroughly dry and then brushed, 4 cleaned and vacuumed to remove all dust particles. (6) Slabs on ground shall be membrane waterproofed. E. INSTALLATION OF FLOORING (1) PermaGrain acrylic/wood flooring and adhesive shall be stored a minimum 4 of 72 hours in the installation area. A temperature of not less than 65 degrees F no more than 85 degrees F is to be maintained in this room for this period, du ling installation and 72 hours thereafter. It is suggested that this temp- er.ture range be maintained thereafter for the life of the installation. (2 Each floor tile must be firmly seated in the adhesive. Roll the floor wi 'h a 150 pound roller. Tiles are to be laid butting joints against each tile. (3 I Expansion space of 3/4" should be allowed at all vertical obstructions, fi 'ling the space with solid cork expansion material supplied by E.L. Bruce Co , Inc. (4 ; Area being surfaced shall be closed to traffic and other work during la 'ing of flooring and for at least 24 hours after completion. (5 Tile edges may be sanded to match adjoining surfaces. (a) Sand floor diagonally across the 12" x 12" units with a standard type floor sander similar to the Clarke DU-8 utilizing a 2/0 silicone carbide paper. (b) Using same grit paper, sand 90 degrees to the first sanding direction. (c) If overwood still remains, repeat procedures (a) and (b) . (d) Sand entire area with a commercial size buffer (at least 15") with the aid of a 3-M mesh 100 grit screening disc or equal . (6 Apply PermaGrain C-1 conditioner as follows: I (a) Wipe area with lightly water-dampened mop; just enough to darken floor slightly. Allow to dry. (b) Mop area with PermaGrain C-1 conditioner; just enough to darken floor slightly. DO NOT pour conditioner directly on floor. Conditioner coverage should be at least 1,000, sq.ft./gallon. (c) After one to three hours, buff conditioned area with a medium weight nylon buffing pad as supplied by E.L. Bruce Co. , Inc. or equal . F. CLEANING AND BUFFING A 'ter flooring has been laid (at least 8 hrs. after conditioning) it shall be t •roughly cleaned and buffed utilizing the PermaGrain spray-buff method as recommended by E.L. Bruce Co. , Inc. , or equal . E D OF WOOD FLOORING SECTION 09650 PAGE 1 FLOOR COVERING 09651 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications : Underlayment over rough, or uneven concrete floor slabs, where required. Divider strips or thresholds where indicated. Entrance floor mats; carpeting. Floor covering in elevators. B. AREAS TO BE COVERED Where spaces are scheduled to have floor covering, cover floors of closets and alcoves opening off these spaces with same material . Where base is scheduled', provide around entire perimeter of space, including casework, free-standing columns , pilasters and other projections . Provide floor covering ;under demountable partitions. Covering not required under permanently built-in casework and equipment. C. DELIVERY OF MATERIAL Deliver materials in unbroken packages, manufacturer's original labels thereon. D. TEMPERATURES OF STORAGE AND WORK SPACES .Not lower than 70 degrees F for 48. hours before installation, during installa- tion', and for, 48 hours rafter installation. Not ,lower than 50 degrees F at any time thereafter. E. COLORS AND PATTERN (See notes) Where two. or more brands of materials are mentioned. below, .Architect has the right to make selections from any brand listed, without extra cost to the Owner. 09660 MATERIALS ' A. HOMOGENEOUS SHEET VINYL Armstrong, Rubberoid, or, approved, 0.090 inch thick. B. RUBBER BASE Burke, or approved, . 4 inches high, color selected, top-set cOve type. C. RUBBER STAIR TREADS Roppe, RCA Rubber, or approved, safety strip surface, square nosing, 1/8 inch thick standard. color, .single length and width to completely cover tread. ' D. PRIMERS, SEALERS, ADHESIVES Water-resistant type, ma1de or recommended by floor covering manufacturer. " Submit list of materials' proposed for use; obtain approval before proceeding. 09666 PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION A. CONCRETE SLABS Test ;for moisture; be sure that slabs are thoroughly 'dry before starting work. Remove grease, oil , dirt, and other foreign substances. Where surfaces are too rough or uneven for a satisfactory installation, underlayment will be provided under work of "Cast-in-Place Concrete". SECTION 09650 PAGE 2 FLOOR COVERING 0966 INSTALLATION A. OMOGENOUS SHEET VINYL Instill in accordance with manufacturer's directions. B. . ETHODS OF INSTALLATION (1) over concrete: Instill by cementing directly to slab. (2) over wood: Ins :11 by cementing directly to wood floor. (3) Base: Cem:: t directly to backing. C. STAIR TREADS Cem:'nt in place in accordance with manufacturer's directions. . Cut tread at landings to form nosing, as indicated or directed. D. STAIR STRINGERS AND. RISERS Cem:int directly to backing in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Insuall stringers before applying treads and risers. Cut 'to conform to stair ,profile and to line with top of base. RouIId top edge to same profile as base. E. HEDGING STRIPS i. Pro ,�ide wherever edges of covering are exposed. Sec �,re with screws placed near ends, not more than 8 inches apart between. Use expansion shields, not wOod plugs, for securing screws to concrete. Whe 'ile floor covering terminates at door opening, center strip under door. F. FINISHING Aftar floor covering and base have set sufficiently, wash with neutral . • cle;,Iner. Apply one coat polymer recommended by floor covering manufacturer. Leaie surfaces smooth, clean and free from defects. END OF FLOOR COVERING . • 1 I • • SECTION 09680 PAGE 1 CARPETING • 09680 GENERAL • I The general conditions land all the applicable parts of the contract documents shall be binding on. the carpet contractor. • A. SCOPE OF WORK • This section provides for carpet, installed complete with accessories. B. : RELATED WORK Related work included In other sections: • Resilient flooring and :rubber base section. C. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICATORS All materials shall be installed by skilled workmen experienced in the type of work required under this section, under proper supervision. D. STANDARDS Materials furnished must meet all specifications for structural , functional , dimensional and appearance requirements. Architect reserves the right to reject any or.all materials not in conformance With specification standards: • E. SUBMITTALS (1 ) Submit full pattern and color .line of actual carpet for the Architect's selection. (2) • Submit data showing conformance to the specification standards. (3) . Submit a letter of, certification from the carpet manufacturer stating ' the carpet to be supplied will meet or exceed the specification standards. (4) ; Prior to. installation, a• "seaming diagram" must be submitted to the • Architect for approval of .the proposed seams. (5) . Submit two sets of maintenance instructions, as recommended by the carpet and fiber manufacturer, to the ,Owner upon completion of work. F. DELIVERY AND STORAGE y , " • . Deliver all carpet in original mill wrappings with each roll having register number tags attached or! register number stenciled on bales and in tact. Store under cover in well-Ventilated spaces as soon as delivered. Protect from damage, dirt, stains and moisture. G. JOB CONDITIONS . ' Carpet contractor. must tinspect surfaces to be covered and notify the Architect in writing of any condition which will prevent him from satisfactorily completing his work. Starting work shall be deemed acceptance of the sub- floor as satisfactory to receive the carpet. • H. GUARANTEE Furnish a written guarantee to the Owner guaranteeing against all defects • in materials and workmanship for a period of 1-yr. after date of .acceptance. a SECTION 09680 AGE 2 • . CARPETING 09 81 PRODUCTS • A ACCESSORIES A hesives: Approved by the carpet manufacturer for each type of substrate t which carpet is applied. S am sealer: As approved by carpet manufacturer: 4 • ' B ' STATIC CONTROL • C.1rpet shall contain 'a static control system which will maintain static Ovel below threshold of sensitivity (2.5 kV) at 70°F and 20% relatie h • midity. C FIRE:RESISTANCE • 6irpet must pass Federal Flammability Standard DOC-FF-1-70, ASTM D-2869. O'684 EXECUTION • A . SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Pior. to installation, all minor floor irregularities shall be repaired, and tle floor shall be thoroughly cleaned, removing all grit and dirt. • • E, pansion joints, grooves , cracks, potholes , etc. , shall be filled with a f' ller approved by adhesive manufacturer, and subfloor uniformly smoothed a' d leveled as recommended by carpet manufacturer. INSTALLATION carpet must be installed wall to wall using continuous lenghts and widths .s broad as possible to minimize placement of seams in traffic lanes . he carpet contractor must follow the "seaming diagram" approved by ,the 'II chitect. id. DIRECT GLUE DOWN INSTALLATION . nstall carpet by directly using the adhesive and method in accordance with 'he carpet manufacturer's written instructions. • 1 . CARPET OVER UNDERCUSHION INSTALLATION nstall carpet over the undercushion using tackless strips with pin heights sufficiently long to penetrate primary backing. carpet must be seamed and stretched in accordance with manufacturer's printed nstructions . i j� COVERING EXPOSED EDGES OF CARPET • 1ietal or vinyl binder bars must be installed at all areas where the: floor ,overing material changes or at carpet edges that do not abut a vertical urface. . COMPLETI014 1 ) Package, identify and deliver remnants and usable scraps to the owner. (2) Remove from site and. dispose of debris in a legal manner. SECTION 09680 PAGE 3 CARPETING G,. ALLOWANCE . The Contractor shall provide in his bid an allowance of $15/yarcr'' for providing and installing carpeting for the project. This value establishes his direct sub-contract cost for the work. Any difference between thlis value and actual cost will be adjusted by Change Order as soon as the actual cost has been established. The Contractor shall include overhead and profit for this work in his basic bid. ' I END OF CARPETING I � i , I I I I , r i I , SECTION 09900 PAGE 1 • PAINTING 0990,1 GENERAL A. SCOPE Work' included: Work in this section shall consist of furnishing all labor, material ,. equipment and services as required to properly execute and complete all painting and finishing per drawings, specifications and addenda thereto. Work shall include every item of painting , staining, varnishing, etc. , inside and outside of building . Work listed hereinafter is in addition to shop coats called for in other sections . B. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS 1. Shop priming for structural metal , steel joists , light gage framing,• miscellaneous metal . 2. 'Preservative treatment for lumber, Section 06300. 3. 'Waterproofing, Section 07100. 4.. Dampproofing, Section 07150. 5. Caulking and sealants , Section 07900. 6. Shop priming holloW metalwork, Section 08100. 7•' Wall Covering, Section 09950. • 8. !Painting of mechanical work in Part III is. included in the work of this section , except for painting and finishing of certain mechanical spaces and. equipment as specified in Part III . 9• 'Electrical work in :Part IV is included in the work of this section :unless otherwise specified in Part IV. C. 'MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NOT TO BE PAINTED 1.• ;Items of equipmentlfurnished with complete. factory prime and finish , ;except for 'items specified. to be .given additional finish coat under 'this section. 2. Factory finished toilet partitions. • 3. 'Factory finished acoustical tile, except for tile specified or scheduled to be, painted under this section. 4. 'Nonferrous metals„ except for items specified, scheduled or indicated . to be painted. j 5. Finish hardware, except hardware that is factory primed. 6. Surfaces not to be: painted shall be left completely free of paint .droppings and accidently applied materials resulting from work of this section. Remove all such materials at no additional cost to ' the Owner. D. ADMINISTRATION .1. Substitutions : Materials and products specified herein and indicated on drawings shall be provided as specified unless Contractor has received approval Of substitutions prior to bidding according to Section 01209. • 2. Submittal of list of materials: Within two weeks after Architect's . approval, of painting subcontractor,, painting subcontractor shall ' 'submit to Architect, thru General Contractor; complete list 'of material he proposes to use, and suppliers .. Such lists shall be complete for , each. different finish .system on each different type of surface, ar- , . ranged in the samej format as the Painting and Finishing. Schedule specified herein. This list, will be reviewed by Architect, who will send his comments 'and approval to Painting Contractor through General Con- tractor, SECTION 09900 PAGE' 2 PAINTING 3 Colors: Architect will make up complete color schedule of all finishes used on project together with color chip page for paint!. 4 This schedule will be sent to painting contractor through General Contractor. 4 ' Material for maintenance delivered to Owner: At completion of job turn over to Owner one full quart of each type and color finishing material (paint, varnish, etc:, ) in new, air-tight containers . Label 4 each container for positive identification as to manufacturer, type of material , color forniu•la, location used , etc. Send copy of receipt of delivery, signed by Owner, to Architect. I E DEFINITION T 'e words "painting" or "paint finishes" as used herein refer to all p.�,inted finishes , including clear and opaque liquid application in adition to terms normally used. O)902 MATERIALS A. DELIVERY AND STORAGE D=liver in unbroken containers with manufacturer 's original labels a 'tached. Do not open containers until Architect inspects and approves . S '•re in approved location, taking all possible precautions to minimize file hazard. Such precautions include opening cans of paint, varnish, e only when needed as well as storing of rubbing clots , rags, etc. , inItightly 'closed metal containers or at locations remote from site . • B. MATERIAL LIST Su•mit complete and detailed list of materials proposed for use on the wo0k. Anclude letter from manufacturers stating that materials are the bet of their respective kinds and suitable for the intended purpose.! Obtain Architects ' approval before using. CJ MIXING AND THINNING . Mi , and thin standard products per manufacturer's printed directions .: Other material will be mixed or thinned according to standard practice. Wh)n necessary, strain material to remove lumps or foreigh. matter. D. TESTING • Th:. Architect may require tests of materials , if so, testing will be at Owller's expense, unless the materials fail to meet specification require- me 'ts , in which event the cost of tests shall be borne by the Contractor. E. APPROVED MANUFACTURERS Highest quality manufactured by following: Pratt & Lambert, DuPont, Preset-• - MIller, National Lead, Pittsburge, Glidden , Sherwin-Williams , ] Pa1ker, Benjamin Moore, Cowman & Campbell , Ameritone , Martin-Senour, 01lmpic, Enemec Co. , Rust-Oleum Corp. , Cabot, Fuller, Kelly-Moore, Prtlitection Products , Devoe , Jarvie , Watco-Dennis , Rudd Paint & Varnish Co , Fuller-O'Brien , or approved equal . No substitutions without approval of Architect. PAITS NOTED - P&L indicate Pratt & Lambert Numbers and are quality and' ma,' -vial references •only. . • i ' SECTION 09900 PAGE 3 PAINTING 09903 APPLICATION A. ACCEPTANCE OF SURFACES Before starting any work, painting contractor shall inspect all surfaces to be finished. He shall notify General. Contractor in writing, with copy;'to Architect, of any unsuitablility of surfaces scheduled to receive paint, varnish, etc. Beginning of.work, or absence of written notification , shall be construed as acceptance of surfaces by painting contractor. After; acceptance, painting contractor shall be responsible to correct any defects whatsoever affecting his finished work. • B. CONDITIONS FOR APPLICATION . Do no work under conditions unsuitable for production of good work. Do no outside work during damp or freezing weather ur until surfaces have thoroughly dried from effects of such weather. Maintain proper temperature conditions per manufacturer for all interior work. Do not apply finishes in spaces where dust or insects are present which would damage finish. C. PROTECTION OF ADJACENT SURFACES Use all necessary means to protect finished surfaces adjacent to painting, varnishing or other finishing.. If splatters or stains occur on adjacent finished surfaces , painting contractor responsible for cleaning such sur- faces without damaging. them whatsbever. If •damage does occur from cleaning„ or other cuuses under his control , painting contractor responsible for complete repairs to surfaces involved. If repairs cannot be accomplished to Architect's satisfaction, damaged work will be entirely replaced. Entire cost of these repairs or replacements , together with any damages due to lost time or disrupted scheduling, will be borne by painting contractor. D. PREPApATIONG OF SURFACES 1. Metalwork: a. Metalwork not shop primed or coated and designated for painting under this section will be painted per following procedure. Proper preparation of surfaces as described below (09903-D, ib, and lc) responsibility of General Contractor. b. Nonferrous metals : (1) Prepare surfaces to be prime coated by removing all oxides scale, grease and oil by wire brushing and/or chemical cleaning. (2) Prime with one coat zinc chromate or approved equal . c. Ferrous metal : (1) Prepare surfaces to be primed by removing all loose mill scale, rust, dirt, weld flux, weld splatter and other foreigh matter by wire brushing or scraping. Grind smooth any sharp projections . Remove oil and grease deposits by solvent. If metal already galvanized is to be painted , clean with acetic acid and rinse with clear water before priming. it SECTION 09900 PAGE 4 PAINTING (2) Prime all exterior ferrous metal including galvanized• surfaces with one coat zinc chromate conforming to Mil . Spec. TT-P-645 or Tnemec No. 99 Green Metal Primer. Prime all interior ferrous metal with one coat alkyd resin primer conforming to Fed . Spec. TT-P-86g , Type II . d. Electrolytic protection: (1) Aluminum in 'contact with pressure-preservative treated wood, masonry, mortar, plaster, concrete or other absorptive material shall have one heavy coat approved zinc chromate primer and one coat aluminum paint. Surface in contact with built-up roofing shall have one heavy coat approved bitu- minous paint. • (2) Other dissimilar metals protected with heavy coat of butu- minous paint, zinc chromate primer or approved equal . This • protective paint coat in addition to shop primers on ferrous metal . e. Touch up all shop prime coats with same materials as shop prime • coat. No additional coats of paint. to be applied to any shop primed surfaces until surfaces approved by Architect. Woodwork: a. .Except where rough surface is specified , sand with grain to smooth and even surface. Remove all dust before applying, finish . Sand between all coats. b. Where prime, coat is specified, after applying primer, fill all holes , cracks , open joints and other defects with wood filler. When natural finish is called for, color filler 'to match adjacent wood color. Back prime all wood. 3. Drywall ; a. Fill all minor irregularities left by drywall finishers and sand to a smooth level surface. • b. Exercise care to avoid raising nap of paper. Prime as required. c: Clean surface of all dust, dirt, grease, oi] or other foreign matter • SECTION 09900 PAGE 5' PAINTING 09904 PAINTING AND FINISHING - EXTERIOR A. GENERAL Work listed hereinafter is in addition to shop coats called for in other ; sections. Finish both faces and all edges of exterior doors as scheduled . Finish tops and bottoms with sealer & two coats, of specified finish. No , painting required for color anodized aluminum surfaces . All surfaces te1 .neath ,finish hardware shall be; painted or finished same as specified for exposed faces: ' B. EXTERIOR METAL 1. Ferrous metal (including all exposed mechanical and electrical work on roof: prime unprimed surfaces with one coat Tnemec 99 or 1009 metal primer. Touch up all primed surfaces. Two coats exterior alkyd semi - gloss enamel . 2. Nonferrous metal (including all exposed mechanical and electrical work ' on roof: One coat zinc chromate primer. . Two coats exterior alkyd semi-gloss enamel . 3. Galvanized metal : Clean' unprimed surfaces with mineral spirits . One coat galvanized ' iron primer. Two coats exterior alkyd semi-gloss enamel . C. EXTERIOR CEDAR SIDING, ALL TRIM & BENCHES Two Coats Olympicisemi-transparent oil stain 1 . D. GLU-LAMINATED BEAMS & COLUMNS Two coats oil base stlain (factory prestain, restain after installation) . E. TRAFFIC LINES & SYMBOLS (DFT 3.0 mils) • On pavement where directed, 3" wide stripes , straight and true with sharp •edges. One coat approved white traffic paint. 09905 PAINTING AND FINISHING - INTERIOR Work 'listed hereinafter is in addition to shop coats called for in other sections . Finish both faces and all edges of interior doors as specified. Finish tops and bottoms with two coats of specified finish. No painting required. for color-anodized aluminum surfaces . • A. INTERIOR METAL 1. Ferrous metal (including all mechanical and electrical equipment unless . otherwise. noted (OFT 4.5 mils) : Un'primed Surfaces :.;One coat alkyd base primer. Primed surfaces : Touch up with similar primer. Two coats alkyd eggshell or semi-gloss enamel or two coats same paint as adjoining surface as selected and directed. SECTION 09900 PAGE 6 PAINTING 1 2. Nonferrous metal (DFT 4.5 mils ) : . One coat zinc chromate primer. Two coats alkyd eggshell or semi-gloss enamel as selected and directed . • 3. ' Galvanized metal (OFT 4.5 mils) : Clean unprimed surfaces with mineral spirits . 1 One coat galvanized metal primer. ' Two coats alkyd eggshell enamel . B. INTERIOR WOOD 1 1. Birch at Handrails : One coat P & L #88 wood sealer. 1 One coat oil stain , color as selected . Allow stain to dry 48, hours before applying varnish. . ' One coat P & L #38 Pale Trim Gloss Varnish . One coat P & L #38 Pale Trim Varnish, 1/2 satin , 1/2 dull . 2. Wood Doors One coat penetrating stain, one coat gloss varnish , one coat 'flat varnish. 3. Exposed beams and columns One coat penetrating oil base stain over factory prestain . 4. Siding: One coat penetrating oil base stain over factory prestain. See 6300 for fire treatment and equivalents . . 5. Wood .at interior windows . Paint as adjacent gypsum wall board. C. GYPSUM WALLBOARD 1 . Where enamel is scheduled: ' One coat P & L Vapex Wall Primer. (DFT 1 mil ) One coat P & L Vi.tra-Shield alkyd stippling enamel , semi.-gloss or eggshell as directed by Architect (DFT 2 .0 mils ,per coat) . Apply with proper roller to achieve orange peel stipple finish. De '\ MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL WORK . 1. Metal Work on Roof: All exposed metal items to be painted in addition to any factory finishes . Two coats exterior alkyd semi- gloss enamel . 2. AllExposed Piping in Finished Spaces : One coat metal primer of proper type. Two coats prepared metal paint (heat resistant and hot water pipes) . • ' 3. 'Prime Coat Fixtures , Outlet Boxes , Raceways , Panels , Etc . : One coat eggshell enamel . 4. Inside of Ducts , where visible from rooms and spaces : One coat dull black paint. 5. Registers , Grilles , Exposed Conduit, Raceway and Unfinished Portions of Plumbing Fixtures Exposed to View: Finish to match adjacent sur- faces . Minimum: Primer and one finish coat. END OF PAINTING I ' , . SECTION 09950 PAGE 3 WALL COVERING 09951 GENERAL A. AREAS TO BE COVERED Where covering is scheduled, provide around entire perimeter of space, including freestanding columns , pilasters and other projections, unless noted otherwise. Covering not required behind permanently built-in casework and equipment. B. PACKAGING Deliver material in untroken packages , manufacturer's original labels th, reon. Do hotFremove labels or open packages until Architect inspects and approVes. C. COLORS AND PATTERNS Selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard lines, unless noted otherwite. Submit 'samples; obtain approval before proceeding. Where two or more brands of materials are mentioned hereinafter,- Architect has the right to, sele ,tions from any brand listed, withOut extra cost to Owner. , ; • D. VINYL WALL COVERIN Shielded Genon with Te lar PVF film by the General Tire and Rubber Co. ,. New. ! : York, N.Y. ; or approve . Pattern to be chosen by architect frOm Type II 241oz. BriI1 Fabric Type. ! • • E. '!PRIMERS, SEALERS, DHESIVES Water-resistant 'type; ade or recommended by,wall covering manufacturer. ;1! • 008I ;; PREPARATION • A. "!GENERAL • Be. Sure that.SurfaCes are clean, hard, dry and smooth, and in fit condition' forlapplication of covering. Bring surfaces to uniform level by sanding •down high spots and filling low spots with Spackle. _ ' • PriMe surfaces in accorfdance with covering manufacturer's directions. Allbw primer -0 dry th roughly befOre proceeding. •, • • R. ' ,IEOPERATURE ANDAIENTILATION . Temporary heat, if nee4ed, will be provided under "Temporary Construction and Foci- . COntrOI temperature and ventilation for best results. lities ." Temperature in work Spates not lOWerthan 70 degrees F for 48 kith's prior to, during, and for 48 hours after installation. SECTION 09950 PAGE 2 WALL COVERING 0998 INSTALLATION A. .ENERAL Inst. 11 material in accordance with manufacthrer's directions. Exeri,ise especial care to insure complete adhesion at joints, edges and corners. Ceme litto backing with seams carefully butted and practically invisible., No. s=;ams at external or internal corners. • Appl in a manner similar to wallpaper, matching material for grain and color, with 'proper allowance for shrinkage. Workout wrinkles and air pockets completely. B• !'LEANING AND REPAIRING Remo a adhesive from surfaces during application. Replace defective and improperly applied material . Leav surfaces clean, whole, and free from defects at time of final acceptance. END IF WALL COVERING � I I. ',I SECTION 10100 PAGE 1 CHALK BOARD, TACK BOARD, PEG BOARD 101001 GENERAL A. SAMPLES Submit samples of boards, in manufacturers' entire line of standard colors,, for approval . After approval of boards, Architect will furnish list of colors selected for the various rooms and' spaces. Do not proceed until boards are approved and colors are selected. i 10110 MATERIALS 1 A. TACK BOARD Natural cork, 1/4 inch thick, unmounted, Claridge "Nucork" , PBS "Colorcork" , or approved. 1 B. PEG BOARD Manufactured by Forest Fiber Products, Evanite, Masonite, Simpson, or approved, 1/4 inch thick tempered hardboard punched for hanging fixtures by Owner. 10140 ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION A. PREPARATION Put surfaces in proper condition for installation of specified materials. B. TACK BOARD Cement to backing without seams; roll to obtain complete contact and adhseion. C. PEG BOARD AND GLASS CHALK BOARD Provide wood strips behind boards, set vertically at 2-foot centers and around entire perimeter. Paint face and edges of strips behind pegboard with one coat dull black paint. • END OF CHALK BOARD, TACK BOARD, PEG BOARD SECTION 10140 SIIGNAGE 10141 GENERAL A. Shop Drawings Show layouts, dimensions, method of installation and other pertinent d tails. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. 10142 PRODUCTS INTERIOR SIGNAGE A.,L Manufacturer: Dawson, Inc. , Paramount, California, or approved. B. Toilet Room Symbol Plaques: Provide in size and format as selected by Architect from manufacturer's catalog. 10145 INSTALLATION Install rigid and level , in accordance with manufacturers directions a d approved shop drawings. 10146 HUD SITE SIGN KING COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION SIGNS I ' The contractor shall supply and erect a project sign according to the specifications set forth below. The contractor shall be responsible forimaintaining the project sign during con- struction of the project. SIZE : 4 ' x 8 ' x 1-7/8" MATERIAL : Face 1/4 tempered masonite or equal . Frame11-5/8" x 3-5/8" fir-dressed four sides . ASSEMBLY : 1-5/8" x 3-5/8" fir frame to fit 4 ° x 8 ' x 1-7/8" panel with two center braces . PAINT : Face 3 coats outdoor enamel (sprayed ) Reno r 1 coat outdoor enamel ( sprayed ) LETTERING: Silk screen enamel where possible , or hand painted enamels . COLORS : Green and White. Specification white back- ground , all other lettering in green . LOGOS : King County logo in upper right hand corner , in green . (See Exhibit X ) Decaljof City of Renton logo will be furnished to contractor. TYPE FACE: Helvetica i t ^ „ • , • r"..* „ . ., • _ • Rat-i-Tcm SENIOR CITIZENS CEERL, and CEDAR CENTER PARK A community improvement -project jointly financed by `p! $ 900,000 City of Renton Bond Funds -�j $ 349,990 King County .Housing and Community Development Block Grant Funds $ 94,142 State of Wash. Ref. 29 -Funds $ 1,344,132 of your . tax dollars.. reinvested. in your community John Spellman . C.J. Delaurenti . Mike- Lowry . County Executive ' _-Mayor _ '. County Councilman ate 1..= I""c ILd _ SECTION 10140 PAGE 3 SIGN AGE Xi' 1 t_8..2". 1 11---1 ,_ _. [ 11 ‘uri -r - . . .._. . ______".. ..____________ _.: , ;):. I .; 1 ii , .. . . 1 • f .. 1 I _ . I CN I. , IT ,.... ,,_. _________k________ ._ • 4.v 4 Pl7$7' • t1. J-1-, j�I' i I I. I � It.I !:;;. I. i - liV) !' :'I ;'! 1 I I ... '•, ; L;• j I .i • I. , - - -- - --- 1-��. - -- ' _� '' ; ... 1 • ,40:4 , . /2" I 4SSE'MBL Y OP MASON/re S/G/1/ 1 •r SECTION 10140 PAGE 4 SIGNAGE 8' Iii el --v— --4 I -- -- ---il.. j 1 0 I -� 1 _ -•: 1 I • U i �.6 I :...,'6i 11'.:.i .' I , ,, :.,,,.\ . ' 1 1 ;" ill w. .1 il • . . • ofx 4 Pcitgrz___ .] ...;i , 1 hi I l • .1 1 .-12 '0' .. 1 .:'•.: ., 1 11 1 ...; I .1 : I I t7,.; 1•'. . i * 1 .'y . J I 1 1,,�ir I S'TN-8 0 ' •r 1 ASSEMBLY OF PLYWOOD S/ON I SECTION 10140 PAGE 5 SIGNAGE 4,, r 4II I 1 it 4 "'- At MASON/n:1 1 -01Tel° 4"PLywo017 ... 1 n.1 -1 1 '11 • r k)N 1 . 14. .... Imme0.6..0 i • • 1 ill. 1 IrN 11. .%. 1 . 0••••=0M0 0.. • I I E — 1 411 . .., 1 i 1 .. 1 1. I T----- ______r_ 17"Jo 7I,,‘,/Q4• -v., IT7 a a .2--::: ., 4 • ...-A re .. t • ..,,,, •• ?Ai -T %. : ...a ,2 .. , • .IS A : .• A: . .01, I•:4 1 • •• ,.a . • • %, 1 . A 4 . a • . 6,d • . I • . I „‘.1 • • _ -- _____ ami my SECTION 10150 PAGE 1 COMPARTMENTS AND CUBICLES 10151 GENERAL A. SHOP DRAWINGS Show layouts, dimensions, methods of anchoring, and other pertinent details. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. B. SAMPLES Submit sample of toile paper holder proposed for use. 10160 ENAMELED METAL TOILET COMPARTMENTS A. MATERIAL AND FINISH Synthetic baked-on enamel on galvanized bonderized steel in one standard color, as selected. B. COMPARTMENTS, Type I Floor-supported overhead-braced type, flush Or panel partitions, posts or pilasters; Mills "Metal Flush" , Global Embassy, or approved. C. Toilet paper holders , 2 per water closet compartment,. roll paper type. 10165 HARDWARE. A.. MATERIAL Stainless steel or chrome-plated brass, manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise noted. B. COAT HOOK BUMPER • Mills T-285 or manufacturer's standard. 10166 MISCELLANEOUS A. SCREENS . Include urinal screens, where and of type indicated, material and finish to match compartments. • 10180 INSTALLATION • A. , GENERAL Install rigid,. plumb and level , in accordance with manufacturer's directions and approved shop drawings. B. HARDWARE Install complete; adjut doors and hardware to operate without binding. C. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Repair or replace damaged parts, as directed. . Leave work clean and free from defects affecting durability or appearance. END OF COMPARTMENTS & CUBICLES SECTION 10800 PAGE 1 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 GENERAL A. TYPES It is the Contractors responsibility to provide the exact type of accessory required by conditions of installation. B. SUBSTITUTIONS Manufacturer's namesiand. catalog numbers listed below establish the standard of quality required, 'but are not restrictive. Similar and equal products of other manufacturers may be substituted , subject to Architect's approval . 10810 RESTROOM ACCESSORIES • A. PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS AND WASTE RECEPTACLE Bobrick B3944, or approved, stainless steel , capacity 400 C-fold towels. Provide one for each toilet room, or one for each miscellaneous sink. Locate as noted. B. SOAP DISPENSERS Lavatory-mounted type,! chrome plated brass for liquid soap, Bobrick No. 68995, or approved, with Bobrick soap dispenser spacer No. B829-11 . Provide one per lavatory. b. TOILET PAPER HOLDERS Surface type, Bobrick B-274, or approved. Provide two paper holders . for each water closetifixture where no toilet compartments occur. D. GRAB BARS Minimum 1-1/4 inch diameter, maximum 1-1/2 inch diameter, 18 ga . stainless steel , 36 inches long! 'Hall-Mack No. 5004; or approved. Mount in accordance with handicapped codelrequirements at each handicapped toilet , where indicated . E'.. WALL MIRRORS Stainless steel anglelframe with shelf, Bobrick B-292-2430; or approved. Provide where shown in drawings. Stainless steel angle frame: 48 inches x 30 inches Bobrick 8-290-4830, or approved. Provide where shown in drawings . • SECTION 10800 PAGE 2 TOILET & BATH ACCESSORIES F . WALL MIRRORS cont'd. St1inless steel angle frame: 24" x 30" Bobrick B-209-2430, or approves . Prvide one each for Rooms C208 and H221. FrImeless wall mirror: No. 1 plate glass. Size to fit opening as shown on drawings. Install mirrors in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations, as inaicated. 10 12 INSTALLATION In tall all toilet and bath accessories as located on the drawings and in fuLl compliance with manufacturers' written instructions. ENJ OF TOILET & BATH ACCESSORIES SECTION 10900 PAGE 1 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES 10901 GENERAL A. SHOP DRAWINGS Show dimensions, details of construction, and other pertinent items. Submit in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions. Manufacturer's printed data or samples may be substituted for small items. Approved samples may be used on the work. B. ALTERNATES Refer to "Base Bid and Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 10950 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES A. DRINKING FOUNTAIN ' Westinghouse - Model 6800 WC or approved equal . Install per manufacturer's recommendations. B. ENTRANCE FLOOR MATS Allison T. Seymour "Turf" - color as selected by Architect. Provide where shown in drawings. Recess 1" into slab. C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER1CABINET i Where indicated on plans, furnish and install STANDARD canopy extinguisher cabinet No. 1200 with ;20 ga. , steel box recessed. Door and frame to be steel . Paint to match wall finish. Door to be style "A: with Tenite Butyrate Canopy enclosing the extinguisher. Equipped with standard fire extinguisher No. 21/2 gallon ABC type stainless steel or chrome plated steel . Underwirters labeled. ) Install in cabinets where indicated. 1 D. JANITORS TOOL HOLDERS Bassick HandL Hold Nol M-514 or approved. Install at 12" centers on weed strips in rooms 215, 110 and 134 as directed. E. FIREPLACE Majestic Thulman metal fireplace Model No. L42B or approved equal . F. FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES Majestic starter section SS9, flue support #TCS9 Intermediate sections; 1 section 92 and 6 sections 93; 1 Round Cap spark arrester; Amer-Vent Model No. FB-RCA for 9" flue section or approved equal . i G. SKYLIGHTS . 1. CURB MOUNTED DOME Plastic skylights shall be standard units. No. S5252 as manufactured by DurRed Products or' approved equal . They shall be factory fabricated, each consisting of a double acrylic plastic dome, extruded aluminum 0 retaining frame and curb frame sloping condensation gutter for drainage. The retaining frame shall have a minimum thickness of .080". Skylights will have clear acrylic dome. Two will be used in Corridor 201. SECTION 11400 Page 1 _ FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL A- GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The general provisions of the contract, including General Conditions and General Requirements, apply to the work specified in this section. 2. These General Conditions as follow apply unless altered by the above, item specifications or details. B. SCOPE OF WORK 1 . General: The equipment and services under this Contract include all equipment, laborlI, materials, transportation and services necessary for, and reasonalbly incidental to, the completion of installation of food service equipment described in the Specifications and accompanying Drawings. 2- Section 11410 , Food Service Casework: The casework section is to be bid by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor. 3. Section 11420 , Food Service Refrigeration: The refrigeration section is to be bid by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor. • 4. Work in this section is to be as follows unless otherwise specified. (See also Food Service Refrigeration and Food Service Casework.) a. Electrical: (1) All electrical outlets and built-in appliances shown on plan and fixtures shall be per Utility Schedule. Wiring within fixtures to be in conduit or chase to J.-box at convenient roughen point. Work to be to code with UL components. (2) The Kitchen Equipment Contractor (K.E.C.) shall furnish all starting switches to motors and mount same in convenient location. Switches shall have thermal overload protection, all phases. Provide conteglerS5 as required. (3) 'Provide proper size cords and appropriate plugs for equipment plugged into receptacles. (4) Junction boxes on manufactured equipment to be concealed within fixture body or to be relocated by K.E.C. , if exposed to view or affects installation. I . 1 i SECTION 11400 Page 2 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) (5) Convenience outlets, junction boxes and conduit to be enclosed or framed in stainless steel if not flush in walls or equipment body. (6) Provide circuit breaker panel on fixture when load is ove 45 amps or as specified or detailed. Size to accomodate �11 items. (a) Provide wiring harness when fixture or any part of it is separated for shipping, such as overhead shelves with outlets. (b) Provide temperature control switches on items where various settings are required. b. Plumbing: Kitchen Equipment Contractor to provide drain lines within, walk-in refrigeration, reach-ins and undercounter boxes and run to designated floor drain. Run indirect wastes if internal on manufactured and fabricated fixtures. Locate as detailed and not to interfere with space required by shelves. C. Steam Equipment: Provide coils, temperature control valves, etc. , per specifications and details. Run to common connect point with hinged access panel. Work to be per local codes. d. Trim: Provide faucets, wastes, tail pieces, pre-rinse nozzles, hoze reels, etc. , as specified. Mount hose reels. e• Utility Access and Cooperation: (1) Plan routing with each trade so as not to affect space usage. Locate at rear or side and conceal in public areas. (2) Cut openings only as large as required. Use escutcheons or plates so tight. (3) Brace or strap drain lines, piping, etc. , as required. (4) Locate switches and controls so utilities enter from concealed side, so protected and accessible to employeesl f. Mechanical: Provide ducts on hoods to connection points at c iling. SECTION 11400 Page 3 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT C. WORK IN OTHER SECTIIONS: To be as follows unless otherwise specified. (See also Food Ser ice Refrigeration and Food Service Casework.) • 1. Electrical: Provide electrical service per Equipment and Utility Schedule. Make, final connections per approved K.E.C. shop drawings so equipment is operable. Provide wiring on job site as required on manufactured equipment. 2. Plumbing: Provide plumbing service per Equipment and Utility Schedule. Make final connections per approved. K.E.C. shop drawings so equipment is operable. Work to be done to manufacturer's requirements. Provide piping to connect or interconnect supplied parts to related equipment and connect, such as but not limited to, booster and dishwasher. Mount trim and 1provide valves and traps. Provide pressure reducing valves as required for specified equipment. Chromed piping where exposed. Provide additional parts and accessories required by code or if not covered in Food Service Specifications. Run indirect wastes outside of fixtures. 3. Steam: Provide steam service per Equipment and Utility Schedule. Make final connections per K.E.C. shop drawings so equipment is operable. Work to be to 4anufacturer's requirements. Provide piping, rough chrome plated if exposed. Connect supplied parts within and between self- contained boiler, kettles and steam heated equipment for a complete system. Provide additional parts and accessories required if not covered in Food Service Specifications. 4. Mechanical: Make final connections at ceiling of ducts from exhaust hoods. 5. Louvers, Ductwork and Screened Openings in Walls: . As required to ventilate condensing units and other equipment. To be easily removable if service access is required. 6. Wall Backing: Provide wall backing for mounting kitchen equipment as required. Generally pot and vegetable sinks, salamander and heavy fabricated fixtures against wall without legs or bodies. On wood studs use horizontal plates; on metal studs use 14 gauge sheet metal. 7. Masonry and Concrete work: As required and detailed. Generally bases, depressions and floor tile in walk-ins. Measurements to be true surfaces leveljor sloped as detailed for proper fitting of equipment. 8. Waterproofed Areas: To be treated as follows unless protected with a metal pan in K.E.C. work: a. Kettle and steamer sumps when above grade or where frost line will penetrate to be waterproofed and work covered in appropriate section. SECTION 11400 Page 4 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) b. Ice machine and other floor depression to contain spillage to be as for kettle and steamer sump. 9. All Trades: Lay out piping, utilities, etc. , with K.E.C. to conserve space within fixture and conceal piping when possible. Perform work to instructions and recommendations of equipment manufacturer. 10. Painting: To be specified under EXECUTION or in Item Specifications or Details. D. INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LISTS 1.1I Provide two bound copies of operating and maintenance manuals to er. 2. Provide a list of hardware used on custom fixtures including numb rs and sources. 3. Provide a list of service agencies and sales representatives with addresses and telephone numbers. Group items with service agencies. E. COlE REQUIREMENTS, STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1•, K.E.C. will perform all work in accordance to the rules of fire, building, plumbing, electrical codes and any local or state governing agencies. 2. K.E.C. will not charge for extra costs increased by governing regulations. 3. K.E.C. will apply for permits, inspections, etc. , and pay fee essential. 4. All equipment and fabrication shall conform to the latest National Sanitation Foundation (N.S.F.) Standards. 5.1 Written specifications or the higher standard shall prevail if no: clarified by addendum. 6. All manufactured electrical equipment and components in custom items to be to UL standards. Steam equipment to be ASME and gas equipment AGA. Provide inspection at shop or in field if required by coded. F. SUBMITTALS 1 • Shop Drawings: a. Coordinate work to all plans: Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Food Service. SECTION 11400 Page 5 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) b. Drawings and specification sheets for Architect, Owner, General Contractor, Mechanical Contractor, Electrical Contractor, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer and Food Service Consultant. c. First submittal to be on right reading sepia for correcting. Scale as described below. d. Resubmit two copies of blue line prints as required after corrections. One copy for R.W.W. & Assoc. , and one for stamping approval. e. Submit through' channels allowing approximately ten working days for consultant's review. f. Submit manufactured specification sheets in eight (8) bound copies with rough-in plan. (1) Provide an index or listing. (2) Note accessories on each sheet per specifications. (3) Provide specification sheets for any N.I.C. items, 'etc. , on Schedule or plan requiring utilities. g. Drawings to be on one sheet where possible. Use match lines if plans require more than one sheet. h. Plans to be laid out to same orientation as Architectural Plans. i. Hood submittals: (1) UL and Manufactured Hoods - Plans to be reviewed by hood manufacturer's engineering staff and Mechanical Engineer. (2) Custom Hoods - Shop drawings to be reviewed by Mechanical Engineer: 2, Rough-In Plans: a. Provide a dimensioned rough-in plan to 1/4 inch scale. Mechanical and electrical plans to be separate plans. • b. Include utilities for Owner or N.I.C. items, if on the Equipment Schedule or plan. SECTION 11400 Page 6 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont°d) c. Request from the factory and provide any details or instructions required by the installing trades. d. Furnish factory plans and specifications on other than standard equipment. e. Show base outline on mechanical and electrical plan and note on drawings all utilities to be in base. 3• Base, Wall and Wall Opening Plans: a. Wall and wall opening plans to be dimensioned from grid lines on 1/4 inch scale. Include all food service areas. Plans to be coordinated to the Architectural work and reviewed by the Architect's Office. b• Stub walls and walls behind cooking equipment - indicate height and note to be fire resistant. co Openings - Include width, height, etc. , on the wall plan. Show in elevation or refer to fixture details where necessary. d. Louvers and vents that are required for venting of equipment are to be located and sized. e. Show wall backing required and designate for easy identific tion for mounting kitchen equipment. 4. Fixture details: a. Detail as required in 3/4 inch (isometric) and 1-1/2 inch (cross- ' section) scale or larger. b. Note all dimensions required. C. Show channels, bracings, construction and note all materials. d. List trim and any component parts of fixture. e• Note special installation instructions and flag areas involving a specific trade. f. Show location of field joints. g. Incorporate both the details of the fixture drawings and all requirements spelled out in the Specifications. SECTION 11400 Page 7 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) 5. Items that are NI.C. , E.I.S. , E.S.I.T.C. , & Q.T.O. - (See Schedule form) : a. All items designated by N.I.C. , etc, on Schedule to be as per specifications. Changes are to be approved by Food Service Consultant at shop drawing stage. b. Incorporate Ohese items in shop drawing submittals. Check source through Owner if necessary. c. Kitchen Equipment Contractor to cut holes and openings. d. All utilities per Schedule. • 6. Miscellaneous: All work to be reviewed by Architect's Office. - I G. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Work Performed b. "Specialist": The term "specialist" as used in the specification shall mean an individual or firm of established reputation (or if newly organized, whose personnel have previously established a reputation in the same field) , which is regularly engaged in, and which maintains a regular force of workmen skilled in either (as applicable) manufacturing or, fabricating items required by the Contract, installing items required by the Contract, or otherwise performing work required by the Contract., • 2. Approval of Contractor Staff: Submit the names of the staff involved with the project with experience at the time of Contract award and to include: a. Job coordinator. b. Engineer and draftsman. c. Installing foreman. 3. Approval of Subcontractors to Kitchen Contractor: List company and representative. a. Refrigeration b. Millwork c• Fire Protection System 1 SECTION 11400 Page 8 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT H. S� BSTITUTION OF EQUIPMENT 1 . General Conditions and terms of the bid form apply. '' • Equipment specified sets a standard for approval. I . Items to be proposed as substitutions must meet these requirements: a. Fit allocated space and utilities. b• Have equal or greater capacity. C. Standard catalogue product in usage two years or more. d. Have established parts and service program. e. To be same manufacturer as adjoining items for matching equipment and standardizing service. • Requests for approval shall be sufficient to evaluate the equipment. I. D)UIPMENT GUARANTEE: i . Refrigeration: Provide five-year warranty on compressors and oe-year on parts and service. • Other Equipment: a. The Contractor shall guarantee his work for a period of one year after date of final certificate of payment. b. Any repairs necessary during that period shall- be done at the Contractor's expense, provided such repairs are necessitated by faulty materials and/or workmanship. C. Repairs and service work to be performed by personnel competent in appropriate trade. II SECTION 11400 Page 9 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. MATERIALS 1, Stainless Steel: U.S. standard gauges, 18-8, Type 302, .012% maximum carbon No. 4 finish. Gauges appropriate for usage or as specified. 2'• Galvanized Steel: ASTM Standard A-93-59T Class C gauges appropriate for use or as specified. 3. Faucets, Hardware, Wastes, Etc. : As listed, shown or required for a, complete job. Kitchen Equipment Contractor to mount and install brackets, feet, gussets, hardware and legs. Others to install faucets, pre-rinse and wastes. a• Brackets: Provide Haralson Metals No. 1200 or appropriate models unless detailed otherwise. Size to be as required. Where attached to bodies provide vertical channels behind bracket. Detail backing requirement on shop drawings, space uniformly every 3 to 4 feet. b. Faucets and Prerinses: Provide all faucets with aerators as manufactured by T & S or approved and listed on Equipment and Utility Schedule. C. Feet: Provide Klein Model No. 222-581-SSR feet on 1-5/8 inch legs, Model No. 222-05 or 222-15-S foot on manufactured counter top equipment. d. Gussets: Provide.Klein Model No. 483-58 on free standing legs and under pot and vegetable sinks - Model 483-58 on legs braced one way - Model No. 481-58 on legs braced two ways. Omit where not detailed. e. Hardware: Provide Klein or approved manufacturer for these items or additional items required to complete construction of fabricated fixtures. U'se stainless steel or chrome for customer areas, and aluminum against stainless steel in refrigerated or heated cabinets, aluminum on wood cabinets, concealed, zinc or galvanized. All items to be heavy duty or of ample load capacity. Door Pulls . Hinges Door Handles Magnetic Catches DrawerISlides Locks Shelf Standards Sneeze Guard Holders f. Legs: Provide legs of 1-5/8 inch O.D. , 16-gauge stainless steel tubing withfNo. 4 finish. Locate as required to support equipment. SECTION 11400 Page 10 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (dont'd) g• Wastes: Provide Klein as follows: (1) Work Table Sinks - use 7115C. (2) Pot Sink and Vegetable Sink - use one 4161-CP, balance use 7215C. (3) Bain Marie - use brass over-flow tube with brass seat. (4) Waste Handle Bracket - 12-gauge welded in place handle flush with face of sink or body. (5) Include all accessories and tail pieces. b. Locks: . (1) Walk-Ins and Reach-Ins - per item specifications. (2) Cabinets - per specifications. (3) Master keyed. 1. Leg Stretchers: Klein TR-22 interlocks on cross braces and stretchers. J . Fasteners: All miscellaneous fasteners to be stainless steel. Bolts to have lock washers. Exposed fasteners to be used only where other methods are impractical and to be approved. k. Casters: All casters to be Colson and as follows unless specified 1 elsewhere: (1) To be ball bearing, N.S.F. and with plated finish. (2) To have wheel size, tread width, nonmarking tire and load capacity for intended use. 4. Fire Extinguishing System: i• Provide a dry chemical system to protect all hoods, ducts and equipment to meet the current governing fire rating code. • Proposed system to be submitted for review and approval by the governing fire rating bureau. Piping to be comparable finish to, surrounding surface - chrome sleeve and rough chrome fittings or painted. c. Make horizontal runs on top of hood or in concealed space. SECTION 11400 Page 11 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) d. The design ajnd installation of an automatic fire protection system for the protection of the kitchen exhaust system and the cooking equipment shall be done by authorized contractors familiar with the system to be installed. B. FABRICATION 1. Tops: To be 16 gauge No. 4 stainless steel, unless otherwise specified. a. Tops:, Shall be well braced with channels of galvanized steel 6 inches x 1-1/2 inches x 14 gauge unless otherwise specified. Tops shall be tack welded. No butt joints. Bracing every 30 inches or as required. b. Edges: Shall be rolled on a 5/8 inch radius except as otherwise detailed. Bullnose corners. 2. Bodies: a. Shall be 20 gauge No. 4 stainless steel, formed as shown so that a tight fit is made to the base. Base shall be coated to provide a seal as described under raised masonry bases. • b• Fixtures on bases shall have channels as shown so that a tight fit is made to the base. Base shall be coated to provide a seal as described uhder raised masonry bases. c. There shall be no bolts or rivets on body faces. . d. Plastic laminate panels on bodies - to be per detail and casework specifications. Finish and color selection coordinated by Architect. 3. . Pot and Vegetable Sinks, Drainboards and Dish Tables: All shall; be of stainless steel', 16 gauge No. 4 finish, or as specified, and welded construction. Backs shall be made integral with all intersections, rolled on a 5/8 inch radius. Provide curbs and slope on drainboards as drawn or as required. a. Partitions: Partitions in sinks shall be double thickness welded to sides and bottom of sink. All corners, horizontal and vertical, and their intersections shall be formed on a 5/8 inch radius'. No fillers or solder fill accepted. Lay out the sink compartments so they are a continuous piece of metal across the exposed front. b. Legs: Sinks, drainboards and dish tables shall be supported on legs: Leg shall be secured to gussets welded to the sink bottom or channels as detailed. Use cross rails as required or detailed. J C. Waste Outlets: Per hardware specifications. SECTION 11400 Page 12 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (.contd) 4. Single Clean-Up and Utility Sinks: Can be drawn type 302 stainless s eel. Sinks up to 12 inches x 14 inches x 10 inches deep 18-gauge, and • to 16 inches x 22 inches x 12 inches deep 16 gauge. Larger ones to .'- fabricated. 5. S! elves and Brackets: All shelving to be 16-gauge stainless steel unless otherwise specified. Brace with channels as required or detailed. All shelf brackets per specifications or details. 6. irk Table Drawers: To. have 18 gauge front, sides and back all . tsinless steel with open bottom. Use Klein or equal flush pull, 00 pound drawer slides with stop and zinc plated and keyhole liner. 'ner removable and drawer self-closing. 7. ,00rs: To be double pan construction with 18-gauge front and 20-gauge ner. Material per specifications and details. Insulate with rigid *aterial. Provide backing for hardware. 8. slides for Dish Racks, Pans and Bus Boxes, etc: Space as required for jppropriate Owner items. To be secured with flush screws. 9. 'leeves and Chases: a. Provide as detailed or where required for access through top or to contain and conceal utilities and spillage. b. Construction: (1) Weld in sleeve or use inverted gusset to form sealed and smooth surface. (2) Provide access panel where needed. (3) Where exposed stainless steel and gauge same as top up to 6-inch height. Longer chases 18-gauge or as situation requires. (4) Support by extension below top tied to bracing. 10. .nge End Panel and Spacer: when adjoining equipment turns up 18 inches ith hug edge and is sealed to range body. If against refrigerator erovide one inch of fiberglass insulation foam base to 18 inches above ange top. SECTION 11400 Page 13 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) 1]. . Miscellaneous Fabrications: a. Framing and Bracing: Provide supports and bracing as required for adequate support on tops, shelves, sneeze guards and utensil bars on fabricated equipment. b. Sound deadening Top: (1) Coat after fabrication with 1/16 inch thick approved material. (2) Mask edges and paint with aluminum finish. c. Fabrication of Stock Items: Not to be fabricated without approval. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. REVIEW OF ROUGH-INS AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS 1. Kitchen Equipment Contractor to check job at end of rough-in stage. a. Verify accuracy and number of utilities. b. Verify walls and wall openings against drawings. c. Review any facilities affecting his work. 2. Report items or areas in writing that have deviated from plans to alter this work. The Architect will determine if equipment can adjust to changes or if correction is needed. B. ON SITE SUPERVISION 1. Review routing of utilities connections with each trade and be sure they are familiar with job requirements. a. Utilities to be concealed in so far as possible. b. Utilities not to affect space in fixtures. c. Locate switches so convenient, protected and connected from the rear. d. Drain lines to be at back next to body and a wall. SECTION 11400 Page 14 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) 2. See also requirements of utilities in Refrigeration Section. a. Drain lines by Refrigeration Contractor. b. Electrical wires to enter walk-ins at point of use and not to run horizontally. 3. Request information from manufacturer's representative when required On equipment connection. 4. ituations requiring changes from plans, ask through channels for a eview by Architect before proceeding. C. EQUIPMENT INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Review all instructions and requirements for manufactured equipmentl. 2. Allow for clearances, access for service, etc. D. WELDING: All welding shall be done by inert gas shielded high frequency electric arc. Welds shall be free of imperfections, buckles and warpage. All fields on galvanized steel and pipe shall be ground smooth and given two boats of aluminum paint. E. FINISHING: 1. 11 welds shall be ground smooth, buffed and polished to original finish. 2• 1 die and stretching marks caused by braking and forming shall b emoved. 3. Al exposed discolorations on stainless steel caused by tack welding br spot welding shall be removed. 4. Ifill edges of metal exposed or unexposed shall be free of burrs and sharp edges and shall be smooth to the touch. - ' 5. 11 edges of tops and corners shall be high-lighted in customer or ublic areas only. aF. PAIN ING: Fixtures to be finished in hammertone finish., primed and enmeled. Itens such as hoods, counter fronts, walk-in panels to match adjoining ; surf ces. Provide prime coat and finish coat to be done on job by finish division. Items to be designated on Schedule or details. G. PRO ECTION OF WORK AND EQUIPMENT: Cover top surfaces and protect as required to maintain original finish and prevent damage. SECTION 11400 Page 15 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT H. RAISED CONCRETE BASES: 1. 'Where fixtures are installed on raised concrete bases, they shall have 'completely enclosed bottom where base overhang occurs. Before fixture is set in place, the entire top surface on the base shall be prepared with a thick combed-on application of nonhardening adhesive. The adhesive shall create a good bond and be water resistant. 2. After fixture is set and sealed to base, all base joints shall be caulked with rubbei base caulking and applied with a gun in a professional manner. I. CAULKING: 1. All vertical and h rizontal joints shall be caulked with a rubber base caulking material. Openings over 1/4 inch to be refitted or flashed. 2. This portion of work shall be done with the proper equipment by a qualified person. J. CLEAN UP: The premisels shall be kept free of debris created by this work. Fixtures shall be cleaned inside and outside and all stainless steel shall be polished. K. OILING: All equipment shall be properly oiled and greased. Required oiling equipment and tools shall be provided by the manufacturer and turned over to the Owner. L. INSTRUCTION: When the installation is completed, the Kitchen Equipment Contractor shall provide a competent instructor or factory representative who can instruct the staff in properly operating the mechanical equipment supplied at a time convenient to the staff. M. SCHEDULE OF ITEMS: S e Food Service Equipment and Utility Schedule and, specifications, also sny items that may follow. 1. Item 40 Miscellaneous Metal a. ' Provide trim strips to close openings over 1(16 inch (where equipment doe's not fit tight.) b. Provide corner guards per plan up 42 indhes of 16 gauge stainless steiel. c. Enclosure panels over walk-ins. Provide as detailed on door end of item 6. K.E.C. prime and others to finish on job to match walls. d. Provide rub rails per details and plans at door end of walk-in, item 6. SECTION 11400 Page 16 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT e. Provide trim strips from walk-in corners to walls, 20 gauge galvanized. K.E.C. prime and others paint to match walls. f. Provide utensil rack at item 9 per details. g. Provide end panel on hood per details. h. Provide flashing behind cooking equipment in 20 gauge stainless steel quilted on 8 inch squares. Seal to equip- ment, see details. Show method in shop drawings. i. Drain line cap on walk-ins. Provide per fixture details. j . Provide 20 gauge stainless steel enclosure panel at back of item 15, steamer. k. Enclosure panels over hood. Provide as detailed, K.E.C. prime and others paint. 1. Provide condensing unit rack as described in refrigeration specifications. END OF FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SECTION 11410 Page 1 FOOD SERVICE CASEWORK PART 1 - GENERAL A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Instructions to BIidders and the General Conditions of the Contract are a part of these specifications and govern where applicable whether or not bound herewith. 2. These General Conditions as follow apply unless altered by the above, the Item specifications or details. B. SCOPE OF WORK: The equipment and services under this Contract include, all equipment, labor, materials, transportation and services necessary for, and reasonably incidental to, the completion of installation of Food Service Equipment described in the specifications and accompanying drawings. 1. This section to be bid as part of the Food Service Equipment. 2. The Food ServiceiEquipment General specifications apply. 3. Measurements: Take on job measurements as required to make work fit properly. Verify dimensions shown on drawings. 4. Standards: • a• Work to be Architectural Woodwork Institute standards - custom grade. b. All materials to be of adequate thickness, reinforced and braced as required so fixture will serve under heavy duty usage. 5• Submittals: As specified under Food Service Equipment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. FIXTURES - PLASTIC LAMINATE: Always used in public areas and items of heavy use. 1. when specified, use Parkwood or product used elsewhere on job or approved equal. Apply with urea based cement. To be waterproof and heatproof. Exposed face and edges faced with 1/16 inch material and corresponding back faced with 1/32 inch backing material. Top sheet placed on and over edge. 2. Apply over close grained plywood - mahogany or birch (on smooth sanded stock) . Use five core 3/4 inch thickness. I ; SECTION 11410 Page 2 FOOD SERVICE CASEWORK B. FUTURES - PLYWOOD ONLY 1. Construct of 3/4 inch birch paint grade plywood. Construction to be as detailed. 2. Shelves: Use five core 3/4 inch birch with hardwood edging. C. HARDWARE 1 Shelf standards and supports Klein No. 502-RSS and 503-SS or approved equal. 2. Door pulls, K.V. No. 813. 3. Door tracks and hangers, K.V. No. 863 tracks with No. 875 nylon roller, No. 869 floor guides and No. 868 door stop. 4. Other hardware as required to be of suitable weight, size and quality for needs. Show on Shop Drawings for approval. D. METAL SCREENING 1.'1 To be standard anodized aluminum unfinished 20-gauge equivalent small areas. Over 18 inches by 18 inches opening, use -18-gauge equivalent. 2. To be 5/8 inch and 3/4 inch diamond. 3. Public areas primed and finished to match decor. 4. Provide when equipment needs venting. PART 3 - EXECUTION ' A. ENAMELED FINISHED CABINETS 1- Color selected by Architect or Owner's representatives. 2. Provide sealer and two coats of enamel with gloss finish. Sand and , dust between coats. 3.1 All exterior surfaces, interior shelves and walls to be finished, undersides of shelves unexposed to be sealed. B. PLASTIC LAMINATE CABINETS: Color selection to be coordinated by Architect. SECTION 11410 Page 3 FOOD SERVICE CASEWORK C. COORDINATION: Coordinate to work of other areas in food service work or overall job as required. D. TRIM AND FITTING: Scribe to wall as required. Finish to match cabinet. E. SCHEDULE OF ITEMS: See Food Service Equipment and Utility Schedule and Specifications, also, any items that may follow. END OF FOOD SERVICE CASEWORK 1 I l 1 11 !-:E L H/1', 11-+2') Page 1 FOOT) SERVICE REFRL;E R:\.1'[ON PART 1 - GENERAL A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Instructions tolBidders and General Conditions of the Contract are a part of this specification and govern where applicable whether or not bound herewith. 1 2. These General Conditions as follow apply unless altered by the above, the Item specifications or details. B. SCOPE OF WORK 1. All mechanical refrigeration items for remote refrigeration systems except for Items included with standard manufactured or fabricated equipment. 2. This section tolbe bid with Food Service Equipment. C. WORK IN THIS SECTION 1 . Provide all components for an operable refrigeration system including but not limited; to the following: a. Condensing units. b. Refrigerant piping. c. Evaporator.1 d. Suction linle insulation. I . e. Motor startjer. f. Electrical and temperature controls. g. Evaporator drain lines with trap at exterior. h. Defrosting system below 36°F. i i. High temperature alarm systems. j • Condensingiunit rack. k. Enclosure panels over walk-ins per details and schedule. 1. Insulationand vapor barrior in floor for floorless boxes. m. Safety hardware to meet local code. SECTION 11420 Page 2 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION ( ont'd) . Services to include: a. Run evaporate drain lines per details. b. Cut through walls and floor for sleeves and patch and repair to same standards. c. Start-up service and warranty per Schedule. D. WIRK IN OTHER SECTIONS . Electrical: Make connections required by equipment to manufacturer's requirements and under the supervision of the refrigeration foreman. a. High temp system (with no electric defrost) - Connect to contactor or J-box on condensing unit, evaporator, door heater, lights, high and low pressure switch, thermostat and solenoid. b• Systems below 35°F. (Freezer and cooler with electric defrost and time clock) - Connect to both condensing unit and time clock;, or time clock and then condensing unit, thermostat and solenoid!; high and low pressure switch and evaporator. Connect drain line heater. c. Wiring to be as follows: (1) Cast aluminum J-boxes. (2) Wiring' inside box to be into J-box at point of use - no, horizontal runs in box. (3) Mount lights other than those in door panels (see plans and specifications) . (4) Seal against moisture. o • Plumbing: Water lines to condensing unit and other requirements per Schedule. ' . Heating and Ventilation: Adequate ventilation to give proper ambient for condensing units when located within building. Architectural: Floor and tile work per details or specifications. SECTION 11420 Page 3 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION E. REGULATIONS, CODES, PERMITS AND STANDARDS 1. All work to conform to local, state and federal regulations and codes, to be to current 'edition. 2. All Items and work to be to UL and NSF standards. 3. Written specification or higher standards shall prevail if not clarified by addendum. 4. This Contractor too secure permits, pay fees and to arrange necessary inspections. 5. Materials and workmanship: All parts to be best of kind and submitted for approval. Workmanship to be to good commercial refrigeration practices. F. SUBMITTALS 1. Shop drawings to be incorporated with Kitchen Equipment Contractor's drawings: F a. Include scheme of system with location of condensing units and evaporators in box, and all controls and major accessories. b. Show sufficient details on evaporator location and running drain lines and condensing unit drain lines.. c. Include specification sheets of evaporator and condensing units. d. Provide a list of refrigeration system components with manufacturers for approval. 2. Diagrams, Instructions and Manuals: a. Provide a scheme of refrigeration system with item numbers and mount in frame. b. Provide two bound copies of manuals for major items and list of components and manufacturers. C. Provide information to other trades for their work as required and install to requirements of manufacturers. • SECTION 11420 Page 4 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION PART 2 - ,PRODUCTS A. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION 1. Motor Starters: Provide with overload protection through heater elements. To meet requirements of manufacturers of equipment and electrical services. • 2. Vibration and Noise Elimination: Mount condensing units to eliminate noise and vibration. Vibration elimination on 1/2 inch lines loop in two circles and 5/8 inch and up use an eliminator.. ' • 3. Condensing Unit Rack: Frame of angle iron with mounting platform of plywood on angle iron. Use drip pans when necessary to protect below. • Walkways to be expanded metal. Access stairs and safety rails where required to meet OSHA requirements. Prime and enamel. 4• Oil Separater: Provide on low temperature systems. • 5. Valves and Accessories: • a. All items to be suitable 'for purpose, of good quality and submitted for approval. • b. Provide valves on all lines to permit servicing and to good refrigeration practices. 6.; Piping: Provide to good refrigeration standards and to meet job conditions. Run in conduit as required for protection. Size to ASHRAE , standards. • 7. Line Insulation: Insulate suction lines. • 8. Sleeves: Extend. through floor two inches, cap where exposed, allow for line insulation, caulk and seal. . • 9.' Hangers and Supports: ,Provide as required to good refrigeration practice. • 10.1 Vinyl Coated Coils: All high temperature boxes ;to have vinyl coated coils. • 11. Cold Weather Protection: On Outdoor units provide crankcase heater and fan cycling relay. ' • • • • i SECTION 11420 Page 5 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION j B. VENTILATION: Locate air cooled units for proper air movement. See details. When located withinlbuilding, Contractor not to actuate equipment until proper ventilation provided. C. TESTING AND CHARGING: Pump down system and evacuate. Do a pressure check. Charge system. Do Ian operational check and read temperatures over a three day period. D. STOCK MANUFACTUREDjUNITS: With remote condensing units, check with manufacturers in order to provide a system with controls compatable to their requirements.' E. METAL FABRICATED AND MILLWORK CUSTOM CASES 1. Metal: ' Install coils in fabricator shop. Coordinate to design requirements on coils, sleeves, etc. , and space allocated. 2. Millwork: Install in shop or field. Coordinate to design requirements as above. F. OPERATING CONDITIONS 1. Assumed 900F ambient for walk-ins and cases and 16-18 hour operation. 2. Condensing units and coils - selected for ambient and BTU load per Systems Schedule. Evaporator selected to balance at suitable temperature difference for product involved or T.D. on Schedule. G. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY: Unless he takes exceptions to systems as engineered and proposes alternate equipment, he indicates the various systems will provide temperatures and appropriate T.D. as specified. 1. In any unit Basic Bid is to be per specifications. I 2. Alternate equipment is to be bid as an alternate showing model numbers, calculations and cost differences. H. ELECTRICAL AND TEMPERATURE CONTROL GROUPINGS: Use the following or as required by the equipment: 1. Any system below 35°F provide electric defrost coil and time clock. 2. Provide an expansion valve at 'each coil or plate. • • • SECTION 11420 Page 6 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION (c. t'd) • I. Electrical and refrigerant control groups. Use. the following groupings as specified or required by equipment: a. Group I (High Temperature Walk-Ins) : Expansion Valve Solenoid • Dryer Sight Glass Thermostat Suction line accumulator High-low pressure control b. Group .II (Low Temperature Walk-In and Reach-In) : Expansion valve Solenoid Dryer Sight Glass Thermostat Heat exchanger Suction line accumulator High-low pressure control C. Group III (High Temperature Reach-ins and Under-counter Boxes) : Expansion valve Sight Glass Suction line accumulator Dryer Low pressure control • J. JO:, SUPERVISION: See section on Site Supervision in Food Service Equipment Section. Kitchen Equipment Contractor foreman and refrigeration foreman to ,coordinate trades to meet requirements of plans and specifications. K. SC1EDULE OF ITEMS: See Food Service Equipment and Utility Schedule and Sp cifications, also any items that may follow. 1. Walk-ins, item 6, 35° box and item 7, 0° box. • a. Provide a NSF and UL all metal box with fiberglass insulation as manufactured by Ralt or Nor-Lake. To be standard specifi- cations except. as altered herein. b: Dimensions-overall: Item 6. - 6'-10V x 8'-9 2/4 " Item 7 - 6'-101/4" x 10'-91/4" c. Finish: Galvanized steel in and out. • • l ' SECTION 11420 Page 7 FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION d. Doors: To be standard dimensions. Stainless steel exterior side-balance galvanized. e. Accessories: Lights per plan, dial thermometer, freezer with safety hardware and temperature warning system and air vent. Provisions for locking and self-closing doors. f. Floor insulation: To be per details. Insulation material and installation by K.E.C. -To be inspected before concrete work. Concrete and masonry work by others. g. Services and work included : 1 . Erection by approved personnel. 2. Penetration sleeve in box walls as required at point of use, neat and sealed with escutcheons. 3. Enclosure panels, trim strips, rub rails, etc. , per details and Miscellaneous Metal, Item 40. 2. Refrigeration systems and calculation: See equipment schedule for electrical characteristics. a. BTU Load - 900 ambient Item 6 35°1walk-in 6750 BTU's or more Item 7 0° walk-in 6500 BTU's or more b. Coils to be Russell: Item 6a AL26-72 Vinyl coated Item 7a AL25-82 Electric Defrost c. Condensing Units to Copeland: Item 6a EAAH - 0075 with 6350 BTU's at 25° Item 6b CBAL - 0150 with 7150 BTU's at -15° 3. Additional Service: a. Condensing 'unit rack: To be two tiers framed of slotted angle b. Guarantee per food service section. END OF FOOD SERVICE REFRIGERATION SECTION 14200 ELEVATOR GENERAL: This specification is intended to cover the complete installation of electric oil-hydraulic (electrically operated hydraulic elevator using oil as the fluid medium) elevator(s), as manufactured by Dover Corporation, Memphis,Tennessee., or approved. All work including the accessory items listed herein shall be performed in a first class and workmanlike manner, and is to include all materials and work as shown on the drawings or described here- inafter. In all cases, where a device or part of the equipment is herein referred to in the singular number, it is intended that such reference] shall apply to as many such devices as are required to complete the installation. All work shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, American Standard Safety Code and such State and Local Codes as may be applicable. WORK NOT INCLUDED: The following work shall be performed in other sections cf the specs . 1. Complete and legal hoistway, pit and machine room of dimensions and specifications required„ Provide proper ventilation and heat as required to maintain Machine room at 50° F. minimum to 100° F. maxi- mum. 2. An Underwriters' approved 120 volts, 60 cycle alternating current light outlet in the center of the side of the hoistway as shown Ion elevator drawings as well as a light and convenience outlet in the pit and at machine location. 3. Extend the electrical service from the power main through a fused safety switch of ample capacity to the terminals of power unit controller. 4. Any cutting, patching or painting of walls and grouting under thresholds. 5. Adequate structural supp Irt for guide rail brackets. 6. Ladder to pit floor from lower landing if required. 7. Electric current during ejection and testing of equipment. 8. Necessary recesses to accommodate doors, sills and signal equipment such as indicators, pushbuttons, etc. 9. Adequate sill supports for passenger elevator entrances. 10. The entire front wall of the hoistway is to be left open until entrances are installed. 11. Final painting of elevator entrances after installation. 1 I I i ' I • I {i • DES 11 RIPTION OF EQUIPMENT: Passenger Elevator CONI 'OL: Oildraulic • ' CAP CITY: • 2100 lb. • SPE,UD: 75 FPM • OPE "ATION: Simplex collective 5 '-3" wide x 4 '-3" deep CAR SIZE: • TRA EL: • 11 '-0" PO IR SUPPLY: 203 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle MAl,HINE LOCATION: First floor adjacent to hoistway STOPS: 2 OPENINGS: 2 - in line • HOI"'TWAY DOORS: 3 0 x 7 0 • (SIZj & TYPE) Single slide - right hand • • Medium _speed power DOO OPERATION: Dover design DAP-1 clad with #417iioneytone CAR ENCLOSURE: Teak Formica, stainless steel front swing return panel, baked enamel door with kick plates, stainless steel handrail on r'ear. wall., • or approved. SIGNALS: Light up pushbuttons, emergency stop, emergency alarm and door open buttons, keyed light switch and car position indicator. • • • SPE li1 IAL FEATURES: • OfilifitiCAa e mar ing at eac f oor for andicap and inch. T; ephone cabinet in cab. Dlo photo electric eyes • n li h.ti and.alarmfor cab.uaiblye and visual car rinding indicator, raised numerals and p 0�shbuttons on operating panel. l OP-4 (.P) :• 1 • The installation is to include all necessary equipment and appurtenances to provide a complete operating unit. The equipment shall include the following items: MAINLINE STRAINER: A mainline strainer of the self-cleaningtype, equipped yp , q pped with a 40 mesh element shall be furnished and installed in the oil line. The unit will be compact and be rated at a minimum of 400 PSI working pressure. • SOUND ISOLATING COUPLINGS, a minimum of two, shall be installed in the oil line in the machine room between pump and jack. I . OIL-HYDRAULIC SILENCER (Muffler Device) shall be installed in oil line near power unit. It shall contain pulsation absorbing material inserted, in a blowout proof housing arranged for inspecting interior parts without removing unit from oil line. Rubber hose without blowout proof features will not be acceptable. VIBRATION PADS shall be moi nted under the power unit assembly to isolate the unit from the building structure. • • OILDRAULIC CONTROL VALUE: Oil flow shall be controlled in such a manner that car operation will be smooth and quiet in both directions of travel. Accurate car leveling shall take place in both the up and down direction. The control valve shall be a single unit of integral construction without the use of inter- • connecting lines or fittings and shall lae easily adjusted from the front of the power unit. JACK HOLE: Elevator Contractor shall sink hole to receive jack and shall coat jack with adequate wrap- ping material such as tapecoat, etc. • • L The; contract 'i sbased on .the Elevator Contractor encountering soil indicated in the soil log, without un- usual conditions when installing the jack unit. Should such obstructions or unusual conditions be • I encountered, the General Contractor shall be notified immediately and written authorization to proceed with the excavation shall be!obtained by the Elevator Contractor. The contract price shall be increased by Change Order through normal proceedings outlined elsewhere in the specifi- cations. • • • • • i � PER ITS AND SALES TAXES: All permits, inspection fees, and licenses necessary for the exec tion of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Elevator Contractor. i I ' PAI TING: All exposed metal work furnished under these specifications, except as otherwise specified, shall be p."nted properly after installation, by the Elevator Contractor. GU•u'ANTEE: The Elevator Contractor shall guarantee that the materials and workmanship of the appa atus installed by him, under these specifications, shall be first class in every respect; and that he will mak good any defects, not due to ordinary wear and tear or improper use, which may develop within one year from the date of completion of the installation. In a dition to the other requirements, inspections, tests and remedies herein provided, upon completion of tF• elevator installation and before final approval and final payment, the Elevator Contractor shall make, in thi, presence of the Architect or his designated representative, a running speed test with full maximum load on t] e elevator car to determine whether the elevator equipment, as installed, meets the speed, capacity and all o er requirements of the specifications. In t e event the equipment does not Meet all requirements of the specifications, the Elevator !Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all work condemned by the Architect as failing to conform to the ontract, and shall promptly replace and re-execute his own work in accordance with the contract, without expense to the Owner, and shall bear all expense of making good all work of other contractors dest toyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. If tl- Elevator Contractor does not remedy such condemned work within a reasonable time, fixed by written noti from the Architect, the Owner may correct such condemned work at the expense of the Elevator Con- '!, trac er and withhold such cost from final payment under the contract price. In the event the remainder due and pr the contract price is insufficient to cover such cost, the Elevator Contractor shall, immediately upon requ1st, reimburse the Owner in full. f I MA NTENANCE: The Elevator Contractor shall furnish maintenance and callback service ofj the equip- men provided by him for a period of. .12_ _ months after completion of his work. This service shall include regt. ar examinations of the installation by competent and trained employees of this Contractor; and shall incl Ide all necessary adjustments, greasing, oiling, cleaning, supplies and parts to keep the equipment in goo operation; except such parts made necessary by misuse, accidents or negligence not caused by this Con°ractor. ' I � I SECTION 15010 PAGE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 15011 GENERAL A. SCOPE ( 1 ) Read the General Conditions , Special Conditions , etc . They are binding to the subcontractor as well as to the General Contractor . (2) The work included in this contract shall constitute all plumbing , heating , and ventilating work with connections to utilities , and any incidental items not shown , but neces- sary for a complete system, all subject to the Standard General Conditions of the A . I . A. , latest edition . ( 3) The work includes , but is not limited to : ( a ) All plumbing work . ( b) All fixtures shown . (c) Connectionsto all utilities . (d) Hot water tanks . (e) Ventilation,. (f) Heating . g Controls . ( h ) Sprinkler system. ( i ) Connection to all kitchen equipment. 15012 PRODUCTS A. DRAWINGS AND SP1ECIFICATIONS The mechanical drawlings are generally diagrammatic . Complete details of the building which affect the mechanical installation may not be shown . For additional details , the Contractor is referred to the Architectural , Electrical , and other trade drawings . If errors , omissions , or conflicts between the drawings and/or specifications occur , the Contractor shall obtain clarif- ication from the Architect. B. SUBSTITUTIONS ( 1 ) In all cases in this specification where an article is followed by the; wrods "or equal " , the Architect is the sole judge of th,e quality of the proposed substitution . ( 2) When the Architect approves a substitution , the approval is given with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the article or material substituted to be equal to or better in every respect than the article or material specified. The Contractor shall also assume complete re- sponsibility that the article or material will fit the job as far as space , access and servicing requirements . I i SECTION 15010 PAGE 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS ( ) Whenever item or class of material is specified exclusively by detail specification , trade name , manufacturer ' s name , or by catalog reference , use only such item , unless approval is given for substituion prior to bid . Requests for approval shall be submitted at least 10 days prior to bid date . Approved items will appear in an addendum . ( ) Make no substitution for materials , article or process required under contract unless written approval is obtained . C . MEASUREMENTS All measurements shall be verified at the job site . Locate all equipment and fixtures on the centers of walls , openings , s+aces , etc . Check all piping , etc . , to clear openings . DI MATERIALS . All materials shall be, new and best of their kind . They shall b- U. S . made and bear UL label where appropriate. 1013 EXECUTION ' ' CODES AND ORDINANCES 11 work shall comply, with all codes and ordinances . ' Take; out and pay for all inspection fees and permits .-. Compliance wiith codes and ordinances shall be at the Contractor ' s expense .) GUARANTEE he Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship or a period of one year from date of final acceptance and, shall agree to remedy, without delay or expense to the Owner, say defects provided that in the judgement of the Architect , same are not the result of misuse or abuse . C. ESCUTCHEONS ovide for all pipe passing through floors , walls or ceilings . ' 11 escutcheons shall be polished chrome plated,. � . SUBMITTALS (1 ) Contractor shall submit for approval , six copies of shop drawings , literature , and equipment list , within' 30 days after contract is let. Include control diagram. (2 ) Submit prior to fabrication or delivery. SECTION 15010 PAGE 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS ( 3) Submit complete , at one time . Submittals shall be in booklet form. ( 4) Catalog sheetsishall be complete and the item or model to be used shall be clearly marked . 1 ( 5) List substitute items separately and so identified . E. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND WIRING ( 1 ) Scope : ( a ) All motors ; electrical equipment , low voltage controls , line voltage controls for all mechanical equipment shall be provided complete by the Mechanical Contractor . ( b) The Electrical Contractor will provide a junction box or disconnect near the equipment or motor and the Mechanical .Contractor shall provide electrical work from this junction box or disconnect to all of his motors , equipment and controls . ( c ) All electrical equipment and wiring shall be UL labeled and conform to the " Electrical " section of the specifi - cations . j • (2 ) Motors : (a ) Motors up to and including 1 /2 HP shall be 120 volt for 60 cycle operation and motors larger than 1 /2 HP shall be 208 volt , 3 phase for 60 cycle operation . ( b) Motors shall have permanently lubricated sleeve or ball bearings . Motors shall be designed for quiet Operation . ' (c ) Motors on or in equipment on roof or exposed to weather shall be totally enclosed . • ( 3 ) Starters and Pjrotection : (a ) Each motor1shall be equipped with overload and under- voltage protection . ( b) Provide 3jphase protection (c) 120 volt motors shall have thermal protection consisting of Westinghouse N . S . switch , one pole toggel operated with pilot) light . ( d) 3 phase motors shall have across-the-line starter with "Run/Off/Aiuto" button and thermal element for protection of each phase . F . OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ( 1 ) Scope : ( a ) Provide complete operating and maintenance instructions and catalog sheets for all equipment . 1 SECTION 15010 PAGE 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS ( b) Provide 2 copies of each bound into booklet form. ( c) Deliver booklets to the Architect before final inspection . ( A ) Contents : Each booklet shall contain catalog sheets , maintenance instructions and parts list as follows : ( a) Basic description of all systems . ( b) Description of routine maintenance required for each component , including oiling instructions . (c ) Suggested frequency of maintenance . (d ) List of lubricants . ( e) Parts list of all equipment. ( f) Operating instructions on all equipment . ( g) Controls . ( h ) Troubleshooting list . G AS-BUILT DRAWINGS T e Contractor shall keep a set of drawings at the site during the progress of the work and shall record all locations of piping a1�id equipment . These plans shall be kept up to date daily : D:, liver these to the Architect at the completion of the work, prior to final inspection . H ADJUSTING AND BALANCING ( ) General : (a ) Adjust and balance air distribution systems as specified herein . ( b) Balancing shall be done by Hargis Engineers employed by the Contractor. ( . ) Adjusting : Each part of system adjusted and readjusted to insure proper functioning of all controls , proper air distribution , and entire system left in first class operating condition . Clean filters , oil all motors and bearings . This work to be done before final inspection . Remove all noise , vibration , etc . , from all piping , ducts and equipment . ( I ) Balancing : Leave all volume, dampers , in neutral position . Provide ladders required for the work . , Provide plywood scaffolding for. use above furred ceilings . Provide an�' motors , volume dampers , pulleys and. belts , or access p' nels in ducts , required to complete the work. Provide all scaffolding required to balance air system. SECTION 15010 PAGE 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS I . TESTING ( 1 ) Scope : Test all piping before backfilli'ng or covering . The mechanicallengineer or authorized representative shall witness all tests . Notify engineer 48 hours prior to testing . Any piping covered before testing shall be un- covered and tested at the Contractor ' s expense . Provide all required equipment for proper testing . ( 2 ) Domestic WateriPiping : Test all water piping systems at 125 psi water pressure and hold for 4 hours . Test in sections before covering . Test entire system when completely installed . Repair any defects shown by test and retest until entirely tight' ( 3) Waste , Vent and Sewer Piping : Test all waste , vent and sewer piping by filling with water to, the roof . Hold for 4 hours . Test in sections as work progresses . Repair any, defects shown by test and retest until entirely tight . No paint , putty or varnish allowed on joints . Jd . ACCESS PANELS ( 1 ) Whenever mechanical equipment is above a finished ceiling or in a wall and this equipment requires access , this contractor shall provide and install Milcor access panels with concealed spring hinges and flush screw driver operated locks . (2 ) Coordinate access doors and locations with General Con- tractor and Architect . K. INTERFERENCE �. ( 1 ) Ductwork and light fixtures take precedance over piping and all piping shall be routed to clear these . ( 2) Ductwork shall be installed as required to clear light - fixtures . Provide offsets , V or sleeves as requried . L . WORKMANSHIP All work shall be installed in accordance with best trade practices . Any substandard workmanship shall be removed and, replaced at no extra cost to the Owner . M. SLEEVES ( 1 ) Provide for all piping passing through floors , walls or ceilings . X SECTION 15010 PAGE 6 . GENERAL PROVISIONS ( 2 ) Sleeves in concrete or masonry shall be steel pipe , cut flush with finish surfaces . Sleeves through floor shall be caulked With lead and oakum . (3 ) Sleeves in wood construction shall be 24 ga . G. I . N . PIPE HANGERS , ANCHORS , ANCHOR BOLTS AND INSERTS ( 1 ) Scope : .Provide suitable hangers for all piping . Also anchor bolts , anchor and inserts required for securing • any part of the work . ( 2 ) 1Piping at ceilings on exposed work shall be hung with individual rod hangers and pipe rings . On concealed work , with strap hangers and pipe rings . • ( 3 ) Spacing of hangers shall be as follows : ( a ) Steel pipe - 10 ' centers . ( b) Soil pipe - one per section . • ( c ) Copper pipe - 6 ' centers. (4) Rods shall be round mild steel . For 2" pipe and •smaller 3/8" size , with pipe rings as follows : ( a) 2" pipe and smaller : Grinnell Fig . No . 97 or 104 , or Grabler Fig . No . 368. . ( 5) Straps shall be galvanized perforated extension bar made! of bar steel with 9/32" holes on 5/8" centers . For pipe 2-1 /2" and smaller : 3/4" wide by No . 18 ga . 0. LABELING AND PAINTING Provide complete labeling and tagging of all equipment , valves , devices and banding of pipe . Use 5 ply lamacoid nameplates With 1 /4 ' white letters on black background . Provide nameplates for all equipment and control cabinets . Provide plastic laminated tag for all valves . Affix tags with chain. P. BUILDING AND SITE WORK ( 1 ) Before submitting a bid, Contractor shall visit the site! and familiarize himself with all the features of existing utilites , site and construction which may affect the execution of his work . •No extra payment will be allowed' for failure to obtain this information . 1 ( 2 ) Do all excavation required for the work . Backfill in layers , . each thoroughly rammed . Use mechanical tamper. Compaction shall conform to " Earthwork" section of Architectural Specifications . Remove all surplus earth from the site ., SECTION 15010 PAGE 7 GENERAL PROVISIONS Q. CUTTING AND PATCHING ( 1 ) The Mechanical Contractor shall do all cutting and patching for ' his work . ( 2) Cutting shall be carefully done to prevent damage to other work . Do not cut any structural members without prior approval of Architect . ( 3) Patching shall be done to match materials cut or damaged . R. PIPING WORK GENERAL ( 1 ) Diagrams have been made in certain cases showing pipe connections . , Contractor is cautioned that these are dia- grammatic only and must not be used for obtaining lineal runs of number and type of fittings . ( 2 ) Offsets in Piping : The drawings do not show exact details of all piping . No extra payment will be allowed where obstructions in the work of other trades , or work under this contract , require offsets in the piping . ( 3) Concealed Piping : Piping indicated to be furred in or concealed shall be installed in such a manner as to require a minimum amount of furring . All pipe in finished rooms shall be. concealed . ( 4) Provisions for Pipe Covering : In laying out the piping work , allow space for pipe covering . If interferences occur , move the piping . ( 5 ) Reaming : Ea'ch end of steel or wrought iron pipe for screwed joinIt connections shall be reamed to the full pipe diameter . (6) Screwed fittings shall be of Crane , Grinnell or Walworth manufacture . Fittings other than drainage fittings shall be for . 120 psi water pressure . Fittings shall comply with ASA dimensiorns and shall be galvanized where specified with the respective systems . Street elbows shall not be used . ( 7) Openings in Pipe : Keep ends of pipe closed during the progress of the work . ( 8) Run all piping parallel to buiding surfaces . SECTION 15010 PAGE 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS ( 9 ) Union shall be provided at each pipe connection to any equipment and at any point where necessary to disconnect piping for repairs , 2" and smaller - ground joint malleable type , 2-1 /2" and larger - flange type , Grinnell , Crane or Walworth . ( 10 ) Screwed connections shall have true taper full V-threads with dimensions according to ASA Code B-2 . ( 111 Pipe joint lubricant shall be used on the male threads of all screwed pipe. ( 12 Installation of valves shall be with the stem horizontal or above the horizontal . ( 13) Gaskets for flanged connections shall be 1 /16" thick , Crane Company "Granite" , Garlock No . 7021 , or Anchor Packing Co . No . 424. ( 14) Close nipples shall not be used . For short pipe connections , use standard short nipples . ( 15 , Provide insulating couplings where metals of different type join . . S . VALVES ( 1 ) Valves shall be provided on piping work wherever shown or specified , type as listed. ( 21 Manufacture shall be Crane , catalog numbers as listed , or equal units of NIBCO , Hammond or Wolverine manufacture . 1 ( 31 Construction of valves shall be for not less than 120 psi W. S . P. (4) Gate valves 2" and smaller: Brass , wedge disc , rising stem , Crane Cat . No . 424 . ( 5) Swing check valves 2" and smaller: Brass , swing check ,' brass disc , Crane Cat . No . 218, unless noted otherwise . T. DAMAGE TO OTHER WORK Me hanical Contractor shall be held responsible for all da ages to work of his own or any other trade resulting from execution of his work . SECTION 15010 PAGE 9 GENERAL PROVISIONS U . CLEANING UP ( 1 ) Leave all equipment clean and ready for use . ( 2 ) Remove all labels , paint , plaster, etc . , from fixtures , equipment and piping . ( 3) Remove all rubbish and waste resulting from the work from the site . V . RACKS ( 1 ) Mechanical Contractor shall provide all racks , stands and supports for his equipment and work as required . ( 2 ) Racks and supports shall be steel angle or channel cut to fit neatly and welded or bolted into a sturdy fit . END OF GENERAL PROVISIONS • SECTION 15180 PAGE 1 INSULATION 15181 GENERAL A. SCOPE ( 1 ) General : Prdvide a complete insulation job on the follow- ing : ( a) Cold water above floor . (b) Hot water piping . (c ) Supply ductwork. ( d) Sound lining . ( 2) InstallationIof all insulation shall be exactly in accordance with the manufacturer ' s specifications and are as binding as if repeated herein in their entirety . Provide metal bands at 4 ' -0" o . c . 15182 PRODUCTS A. WATER PIPING : ( 1 ) Materials : 3/4" fiberglass with ASJ . ( 2) Apply to all hot and cold water piping above floor. B . SUPPLY DUCTWORK ( 1 ) Materials : 2" thick fiberglass with 1 -1 /2" density, with • vapor barrier jacket . ( 2 ) Apply to supply and return ductwork . Tape on . Lap 3" . ( 3) Provide 2" sound lining where indicated on plans . Secure . with• clips and glue . Do not insulate both interior and exterior of ducts . END OF INSULATION SECTION 15400 PAGE 1 PLUMBING 15401 GENERAL A. SCOPE The work in this section includes , but is not limited to , the rough-in for all plumbing fixtures and the installation of all plumbing piiping and fixtures . B. INTERIOR SEWER AND WASTE. PIPING ( 1 ) Below grade sewer and waste piping shall be standard weight cast iron soil! pipe and fittings . • ( 2 ) Above grade sewer and waste piping shall be standard weight cast iron pipe) and fittings for pipe 3" and above and gal - vanized pipe aInd cast iron fittings for pipe 2-1 /2 "and smaller . ( 3 ) Vent piping below grade shall be cast . iron . Piping above grade shall be cast iron for 3"and larger and galvanized steel with cast iron fittings for 2-1 /2" and smaller. (4 ) Cast iron Pipe joints to be made with no hub joints . (5') 'Pitch all piping 1 /4" to 1 ', or 1 /8" to 1 ' . Maintain uniform pitch . ( 6 ) All joints to be water and gas tight. ( 7) Joints betWeen1steel pipe and cast iron may be caulked or screwed . .( 8) Screw joints shall be American Standard With all burrs removed by reaming . (9) Flashings : Al1 vents and stacks extended through the roof shall be flashed and made watertight with lead flashings . Provide counterflashing over top of pipe . ( 10 ) All piping below grade shall rest on undistrubed earth . Backfill with 'sand where trench is too deep . ( 11 ) All changes in1direction shall be made with fittings . ( 12 ) Verify locations of sewers and their inverts before starting any work . ( 13 ) All ells shalllbe long sweep . ilr SECTION 15400 PAGE 2 PLUMBING I C . WATER PIPING 1 ( 1 ) Piping below ground shall be type L hard or soft drawn copper tubing . ( 2) Piping above ground shall be type L hard drawn copper jtubing . • ( 3) IFittings shall be wrought copper fittings . ( 4) 1Valves shall be gate throughout . ( 5) 1Joints shall be soldered using 50/50 solder above grade and Silfos below grade . ( 6 ) ! Provide shut-off valve on each waterline at each fixture Use concealed screwdriver stops where required . Chrome plated finish. ( 7 ) 1Provide 16" air cushion at each fixture in full size of pipe . ( 8) Pipe through walls or ceilings or floors shall be protected . 1from breaking with sleeves . (9 ) 1 Pitch all piping to drain : Provide cocks at low points . ( 10)IAll piping not under building shall be protected from , freezing by burying not less than 3 ' -0" deep . ( llY Paint all underground water piping with 2 coats asphalt paint . ( 12 )iAll changes in direction shall be made ' with fittings . Allow for expansion and contraction . Changes in sizes shall be made with reducers . Do not bend piping . Close nipples , not permitted . . • ( 13 Provide insulating couplings wherever copper tubing joins • 1 other material . D. I WATER HEATING Provide and install hot water heating equipment shown on drawings . Eq , ip each tank with an ASME approved temperature and pressure wa er outlet . Tank shall be ASME rated and shall be . registeredre ief valve . Provide gate valve on cold water supply and hot wi ' h the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Sell vice. . 1 1 SECTION 15400 PAGE 3 PLUMBING 15402 PRODUCTS A. CLEANOUTS : FLOOR DRAINS , ROOF DRAINS , FLOOR SINKS ( 1 ) Cleanouts , drains and floor sinks shall be J . R. Smith , Josam , Zurn or Blake,. J . R . Smith numbers are given to establish type and quality only. 1 ( 2 ) Interior cleanouts shall be 4020 series , nickel bronze in unfinished areas and under carpets . Hold down screw shall extend through carpet . (3 ) In finished floor areas use 4140 or 4180 series cleanouts depending on !finished floor material . (4 ) Wall cleanout,s shall be provided with J . R . Smith 4720 series access cover.1 ( 5) Floor drains Ilshall be 2010-A series with trap primer inlet and trap primer where required by code or called out on drawings . ( 6) Roof Drains : 1J . R. Smith Fig . 1310 with lead flashings . 1 B. FIXTURES The following shall be installed where shown on plans complete with traps , valve , stops and all fittings . All fixtures shall be firmly anchored against movement. Locate in center of area allowed . . Fixtures shall be complete with all fittings and the numbers shall include the fittings as if they were completely listed and specified with each fixture . Name and numbers specified herein are to establish quality only and are not to be construed to restrict comparable equipment . Equal units of Kohler, Eljer, Elkay or Halsey Taylor are acceptable . P-1 WATER CLOSET ! - American Standard Glenco 2502 . 011 with Olsonite white open front seat , Sloan Royal flush valve , J . R . Smith compact carrier. P-2 WATER CLOSET - American Standard Madera 2222 . 016 with Olsonite white open front seat , Sloan Royal flush valve . P•-3 URINAL - American Standard Trimbrook 6560 . 015 with J . R . Smith carrier , Sloan Royal flush valve . P-4 LAVATORY - I American Standard Aqualyn 0476 . 028 with 2379 . 071 faucet , 2302 .081 supplies 2411 . 015 drain , 4401 . 014 trap . 1 SECTION 15400 PAGE 4 PLUMBING P-5 SERVICE SINK - Fiat MSB-3624 with 7593 . 148 faucet . P-6 SINK - American Standard 6023 . 022 with 4190 . 203 faucet , 4331 . 013 crumb cup strainer, 2302 . 081 supplies , 4401 . 014 trap . P-7 DRINKING FOUNTAIN - Elkay EH-8 . • P-8 SINK - American Standard 6002 . 349 with 4200 . 010 faucet , 4331 . 013 crump cup strainer, 2302 . 081 supplies , 4401 . 014 trap . P-9 PREP . TABLE - Provide 2" indirect waste from sink to floor drain . Provide water supplies and install faucet . P-lI URN STAND - Provide trap and tailpiece , supplies , in- stall faucet and make final connections . P-11 COFFEE URN - Provide supply and make final connection ., P-l .+ POT SINK - Provide trap , tailpiece, supplies , install faucet and make final connections . P-1 SOILED DISH TABLE - Provide supplies and make final connection . P-1 DISPOSER - Provide trap , supply and make final con- nection . P-lb DISHWASHER - Connect hot water to booster heater. P-1 . BOOSTER - Provide shutoff on 3/4" cold water supply . Provide all new piping including vacuum breaker , check valve and relief valve . Install similar to existing installation . P-1 STEAMER - Provide supplies and make final connection . HOS BIBBS - Woodford Model 70 with freezeless vacuum breaker. SECTION 15400 PAGE 5 PLUMBING • C . AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER ( 1 ) Provide all layouts , labor , material , equipment and service necessary to provide complete automatic sprinkler system for entire building and underground connections to City Main with all necessary controlling equipment . Sprinkler con- tractor shall make all arrangements and pay all costs for, installation of sprinkler serivces from City main to building . ( 2) All equipment essentially standard product of one manufacturer . It shall be installed by a reliable contractor specializing in this work , subject to the Architect ' s approval . ( 3 ) Meet all requiriements of the N tion1 Board of Fire tinder- wr iter ;; i i 1crl_ :'i j. • is CUilip i E l r_' . i I r' v Washington 3urv,t'yl an.d Bit. inu f I.Iceau . I ( 4) Copies Of all shop drawing for the installation of the Sprinkler . System shall be submitted to :the Architect. They shall be furnished by the Sprinkler Contractor. Work shall not be started until shop drawings have been approved by the Architect . They shall show the .underground connection to City main , key gates , detector check valves and all equipment. Thellocal Fire Marshal Stamp of approval is required on all , drawings . ( 5) All standard bronze heads . Furnish cabinet and extra heads , including some of each type head , with proper wrenches and wall mounted near main valve . Provide escutcheons at all , ceiling penetrations . • (6 ) Piping concealed in finished areas . Consult mechanical and electrical layouts and arrange sprinkler piping to avoid interferences . - 1Wet pipe system throughout . Drain to dis- charge to floor, drain . Locations of exposed piping shall • be coordinated with the Architect . ( 7 ) Underground main flushed before connecting to piping . Arrange for proper witnessing as required by local authorities . • Notify ' City when ready for tests . (8) Operating. instructions shall be mounted under glass or plastic at main ' valve . SECTION 15400 PAGE 6 PLUMBING (9 } All sprinkler piping shall be run so as not to interfere with other work. Sleeve joists , beams , and bridging where noted or required . ( 13 )All exposed heads shall be flush type except in Mechanical Rooms , Storage Rooms and on exposed piping . END OF PLUMBING SECTION 15800 PAGE 1 HEATING AND VENTILATING 15801 GENERAL j A. SCOPE ( 1 ) Furnish and inlstall complete heating and ventilating systems as shown on drawings and specified herein . ( 2 ) System shall consist of air handling units , duct heaters and exhaust system. 15802 PRODUCTS A1ND EXECUTION A. DUCT HEATERS , ( 1 ) Units shall belBrasch electroduct open coil heaters or equal . . Units ;shall meet all applicable requriements of the 1975 N . E. C . and be UL labeled . ( 2 ) Units shall bel slip- in type and have built- in fusing , manual reset thermal ;cut-out , pressure air flow switch , magnetic contactors , single safety disconnect switch built into con- trol cabinet dbor , built-in control transformer. • ( 3) Duct heater manufacturer shall coordinate all controls with control contractor and make provisions for getting proper • controls installed in heaters . (4) Heaters located within 6 ' -0" of a supply fan shall be furnished with heavy duty coils derated to 35 watts per square inch of wide service . B . AIR HANDLING UNITS Provide and install complete air handling units as noted in • equipment schedule and detailed on the drawings . • C. SHEET METAL WORK ( 1 ) Furnish and install all sheet metal work as shown • on plans . • ( 2) Ductwork shallIIbe galvanized sheet steel and shall conform to SMACNA recommended gauges and construction , all as listed in the latest edition of the SMACNA Standards . 1 ( 3) Standing seamsare not acceptable oh any ductwork . ( 4) Cross break panels 18" and over in width . ( 5) Where offsets are required in the ductwork the angle shall be as small aslpossible . 1 SECTION 15800 PAGE 2 HEATING AND VENTILATING (6) Connect all grilles and equipment to ductwork . Paint the inside of the duct a dull black at all grilles . ( 7) 1All exterior air inlets and outlets shall have birdscreens . (8) All ducts through roof shall be flashed watertight. � I ( 9 ) Connections to all equipment shall be made with asbestos cloth . ( 10 ), Radius elbows and square elbows shall be fabricated in accordance with SMACNA Duct Standards . ( 11 )1 Duct hagers for ducts under 60" longest dimension shall be 1 " x 16 Ga . strap hangers at 8 ' -0" o . c . maximum; for duct over 60" longest dimension use 3/8" rod hangers at 8 ' -0" o . c . maximum. Install per SMACNA. D. BALANCING DAMPERS ( 1 )1 Provide balancing dampers and quadrants as necessary for balancing . Provide one damper in the duct leading to each air inlet or outlet . Dampers are to be located in an accessible location . Dampers shall be fitted with Young Regulator #403 or #443 Valcalox . For dampers above not readily accessible ceilings provide Young Regulator No . 315 concealed regulators . ( 2 Dampers shall be of 20 ga . G. I . single plate constructi n with hemmed edges . Dampers with a width over 12" shall be multi -bladed type . E . FIRE DAMPERS ( 1 Provide fire dampers where indicated on drawings and where required by authorities having jurisdiction . ( 21 Dampers shall be constructed in accordance with SMACNA fire damper manual and shall be typed as required , by governiing authorities . Dampers shall bear UL label where required . Provide damper on all ducts passing through draft curtains . F . EXHAUST FANS ( 1 ) Furnish and install all exhaust fans shown on plans . Type , size , CFM , horsepower , etc. , all as indicated . Greenheck, I Jenn Air, and Cook are acceptable units . I ' SECTION 15800 PAGE 3 HEATING AND VENTILATING ( 2) All direct drive fans shall have a solid state speed con- troller mounted at the fan . ( 3) Fans shall be mounted per details on drawing . G. FILTERS Provide and install air filters where shown on plans or in each system and an extra set of media for each . Filters shall. be Farr 30/30 - 2" filters . All filters shall be of one manu- facturer. Provide, a Dwyer filter gauge for all filter gauge for all filter. banks . H . REGISTERS , GRILLES ,. LOUVERS ( 1 ) Provide and install all grilles , registers , diffusers and louvers shown on plans . All shall have gaskets to prevent air leakage and shall be installed straight and plumb . All items shall be first quality, regularly catalogued products specifically designed for use, intended . All diffusers and grilles in acoustical ceilings shall be factory finished color as selected by Architect. Equal units of Agita r , Anemostat , Carnes and -Tuttle and Bailey are acceptable . (a) Ceiling Diffusers - Krueger type SH with OBD. ( b) Return and . Exhaust Registers - Krueger S8OH with OBD. ( c) Louvers - Krueger XAL-3 with annodized bronze finish . (d) Floor Registers - Krueger 1515 with OBD, annodized bronze finish . I . UNDERFLOOR DUCT ( 1 ) Underfloo'r duct shall be manufactured by Spunstrand and shall be lined with 1 /4" polyurethane foam. (2 ) Ducts shall be installed in accordance with Sprunstrand bulletin F102 and details on drawings . END OF HEATING AND VENTILATING • SECTION 15900 PAGE 1 CONTROLS 15901 GENERAL A. SCOPE ( 1 ) Furnish and install a complete temperature control system as indicated on the drawings and specified herein . ( 2 ) System shall be electric . Complete details of system in- cluding layout drawing shall be submitted for review prior to installinghany parts of the system. System shall be designed by and installation shall be supervised by Honeywell , Powers , Johnsion Control or Barber Coleman . 1590.2 PRODUCTS A. EQUIPMENT Provide and install all components required for system including • conduit, wiring , thermostats , clocks , by-pass timers , relays , switches , etc . Coordinate all contrlls with electric heater and duct heater supplier. 15903 EXECUTIONI A. OPERATION • ( 1 ) The air handlers and exhaust fan shall run continuously on • the day cycle,. A seven day astro 'dial time clock shall be provided to control day-night cycles . Provide a twelve hour by-pass timer! to by-pass the clock . On night cycle , the fan shall cycle on and off as heat is required . Exhaust fans are off 'on night cycle . Provide motorized damper on outside air intake . It shall remain closed. on night cycle . ( 2 ) The individual duet heaters are controlled by local room thermostats . These heaters shall be interlocked with their respective air handler to prevent operation of heater when fan is not operating : Provide a, time delay on the fan to dissipate heat from the coils on night cycle . ( 3) 'Return air/outside air dampers on H&V #1 shall modulate to full open as ,room temperature rises above thermostat set point . Minimum outside air setting is 20% . ( 4) Provide thermostat in compressor room to activate exhaust fan #7 when room temperature rises above 90 degrees . Pro- vide timer to provide a minimum one minute on cycle for fan . END OF CONTROLS I 1 • 1 SECTION 16010 PAGE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 16011 GENERAL A. SCOPE ( 1 ) The General Conditions , Special Conditions , etc . , are part of this division . ( 2) The work to be done under this Division shall include the furnishing of all labor , materials , except as noted , applicances , equipment , tools , transportation , ' superinten- dance and services to construct and install complete and operative , thel electrical system as herein specified and shown . on the accompanying drawings . ( 3 ) The work includes , but is not limited to : ( a ) Main service . ( b ) Switchgeari and panelho rds . ( c ) Complete system of feej1. , in conduit branch panels . ( d ) Branch circuit wiring and conduit system for motors , lighting , receptacles , junction boxes , etc . ( e ) Telephone 'conduit and cabinet system . ( f) Wiring devices complete with back boxes , faceplates , etc . (g ) Furnish and install lighting fixtures and lamps as indicated in schedule . (4 ) Definitions : Certain terms used herein ,, on the drawings • and in the Contract Documents shall be defined as follows : (a ) Provide : Furnish and install complete and ready for service . ( b) Exposed : Exposed to view in any room, hallway , passage- way or outside . (c ) Or Equal : Equal as aprpvoed by Architect/Engiheer. ( d) Contractor: The party performing the work under this section of ' the specifications . 16012 . PRODUCTS A. DRAWINGS .( 1 ) The drawings which constitute a part of this Contract are diagrammatic and indicate the general arrangement of . systems and work included in the contract . The Owner reserves the right to make slight changes in the location of outlets if decided upon before work has been finished . II ! SECTION 16010 PAGE 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS ( 2) The location of outlets and connections for equipment to be installed by others are indicated on the plans , and the Electricla Contractor shall verify these locations pith the party responsible for installing such equipment. B . UBMITTALS ( 1 ) Contractor shall submit for approval , six copies of shop rawings , literature , and equipment list, within 30 days fter contract is let . ( 2 ) Submit prior to fabrication or delivery . ( 3) Submit complete , at one time . Submittals shall be in booklet form . ( 4) Catalog sheets shall be complete and the item or model to be used shall be clearly marked . ( 5 ) List substitute items separately and so identified . C . TEMPORARY HEAT The Electrical Contractor shall install all equipment for use for temporary heat . D . INSERTS, ANCHORS AND RACKS ( 1 ) The Electrical Contractor shall provide all inserts and anchors required for his work . ( 2 ) Contractor shall provide all racks , stands and supports for his equipment and work as required . Racks and supports shall be steel angle or channel cut to fit neatly and welded or bolted into a sturdy fit . 16013 EXECUTION i A. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND. MAINTENANCE MANUALS Pro4ide to the Architect 2 copies of instruction books describing the complete function and maintenance required for each system . Pro ide cuts of fixtures , panelboards and list of devices . Include a copy of riser diagram . • • SECTION 16010 PAGE 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS • B. IDENTIFICATION AND LABELING ( 1 ) Each distribution .and lighting panel shall be equipped with a typewritten directory accurately indicating rooms and/or equipment being served . This includes the main switchboard. All main disconnects in switchboard shall be noted main disconnect #1 , etc . ( 2 ) On branch circuits , use shall be made of all standard colors available . Emergency circuits shall be identified in red throughout . Where wires of different systems junction in a common box , each cable shall be grouped with its own system and identified using tags or identification strips . f ' ( 3 ) On all 3 phase systems , each phase shall be identified at all terminals using code markers . • ( 4 ) All control stations (elk() o eyl i pr,r ut be marked to identify the device being controlled . ( 5 ) All light and power panels , motor starters, remote control stations , etc . , shall be identified with engraved lamacoid nameplates fastened to the equipment with escutcheon pins . Nameplates shall be 1 /8" 5-ply lamacoid with 1 /4" white letters on a black background. C. HOUSEKEEPING AND CLEAN-UP The Electrical Contractor shall periodically remove from the site all .debris and rubbish accumulating as a result of the electrical installation . . Upon completion of the project , he shall dispose of all debris and rubbish and shall leave man- holes and electrical equipment rooms broom clean . The interiors ' of all cabinets , pull boxes , and equipment enclosures shall be ' free Of any debris . D. TESTS • ( 1 ) During the course of construction , the Electrical Contractor shall conduct the following tests on the electrical instal - lation : ( a ) .The ground ',system shall be tested. ( b) All motors 'shall be checked for proper. rotation . I� E . AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ' ( 1 ) Provide the Architect with as-built drawings . As-built drawings shall "be new, reproducible and shall show the measured location of all concerned portions of the Work and shall show changes the Contractor has made . • SECTION 16010 PAGE 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS (2) M:'asurements must be accurate and shall be referred to ci�lumn lines , walls or grid lines . ( 3) D1awings must show all addendum items , change orders and d ::viations to the plans . F. CihDES , ORDINANCES , AND PERMITS (1 ) Contractor shall familiarize himself with all requirements ! al: to permits , fees , codes , inspections and approvals . , H shall obtain all permits , licenses , arrangements for work at his own expense . . (2 ) All work shall be performed in strict accordance with NEC , National Electrical Safety Code and all other applicable local codes and ordinances . G. VISIT SITE Prior! to submitting a bid , Contractor shall visit the site , consult with serving utilites and note all conditions affecting the rk. H . TERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ( 1 ) : cept as otherwise indicated , all materails , equipment shall lice new and shall be the standard product of .reputable anufacturers regularly engaged in production of such : ugi pment . ( 2) 01 similar items of equipment shall be of one manufacturer. . here auxiliary systems are specified , all components of ;.ystem shall be standard catalogued items of one manufacturer . I . i. ENERAL WORKMANSHIP ( 1 ) 1i11 workmanship shall be performed by skilled mechanics according to best trade practices . ( 2) ; 11 measurements shall be verified at the job site . ( 3) so not damage other contractor ' s work. Repair to any .amaged work shall be done by the Contractor to the ' rchitect ' s satisfaction at this Contractor ' s expense . (4) Cutting and Patching : Do all necessary. Do not weaken the building structure with cutting . Patching shall be done by skilled workers and shall match the general construction as to type and quality . SECTION 16010 PAGE 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS (5) Excavating and Backfill : Do all necessary. Backfill in layers , each thoroughly rammed. (6) Location of Outlets : It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to study the General and Mechanical drawings and specifications and confer with the various trades involved to the end that there is no conflict between the electrical outlets and any work of other trades . The following must be checked before installing any work : (a ) The exact outlet location . ( b) The location of furred ceilings . (c) All door swings . (d) All millworjk and millwork details . (e) All windows, and other openings . ( 7 ) Appliances : Furnish all scaffolding , ladders and other appliances required for the execution of the work . ( 8) Openings in Pipe': All ends of pipe shall be kept closed during the progriess of. the work . All pipe shall be clean and dry before pulling any wire . END OF GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16100 PAGE 1 BASIC MATERIALS 16101 CONDUIT AND RELATED MATERAILS A. CONDUIT MATERAILS ( 1 ) Rigid steel conduit shall be standard weight , mild steel pipe , zinc-coated . The inside and outside of the conduit shall be finished with a protective coating . Couplings , elbows , bends , jetc. , shall be subject to the same re- quirements as for rigid steel conduits . ( 2) Electrical metallic tubing ( EMT) shall be cold-rolled steel tubing with a zinc-coating on the outside and a protective enamel coating on the inside . Fittings shall meet the same requirements for finish and materials as EMT . They shall be approved by the Underwriter ' s Laboratories and listed as concrete tight: (a ) Compression ring type , ra.intight and concrete-tight or Appleton connections shall be insulated type . Set screw connections shall not be used . ( 3) Liquid-tight flexible conduit shall be galvanized flexible liquid-tight conduit with extruded polyvinyl covering and with watertight connectors . (4) PVC conduit shall be UL listed, Schedule 40 plastic pipe . ( 5 ) Minimum size conduit is 3/4" . B. CONDUIT INSTALLATION - GENERAL ( 1 ) Metallic conduit system shall be installed for the con- nection of allIoutlet boxes , junction boxes , panelboards , cabinets , etc. ; as indicated on the drawings . (2) All conduit shall be run continuous between outlets , with a minimum' number of bends . (3) All conduit shall be run concealed . (4) All conduit must be kept dry and free of water or debris with approved pipe plugs or caps . Care shall be given that plugs or caps be installed before pouring of concrete . ( 5) Where conduits pass through exterior concrete walls , ceilings or footings below grade , the entrance shall be made watertight . This shall be .done by providing pipe sleeves in the concrete with 1 /2" minimum clearance around the conduit and caulking with oakum andIsealant specified , or by means of a conduit entrance seal . I O. Z . Type FSK or equal . (6) In furred ceilings conduit runs shall be supported from structures notlfurring . SECTION 16100 PAGE 2 BASIC MATERAILS (7) All conduits where they enter panelboards , pull boxes , or outlet boxes shall be secured in place by galvanized ilocknuts and bushings , one locknut outside and one locknut inside of box with bushing on conduit end . The locknuts shall be tightened against the box without Ideforming the box . All bushings shall be of the insulating type . Bushings shall have the insulating materials per- manently fastened to the fittings . C . CONDUITS ABOVE GRADE All conduits above grade shall be rigid , except that EMT may be used at the following locations : ( 1 ) In furred spaces . ( 2) In partitions other than concrete or in solid plaster partitions . ( 3)1 For exposed work above switch height indoors , except on mechanical structures or supports . D. i BENDING Al field bends shall be made with standard tools and equipment manufactured especially for this purpose. E. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT ( 1 ! Flexible conduit shall be used for connection on all motor terminal boxes to conduit stubs or outlets . Where motors are mounted on sliding bases , the flexible connection shall be of sufficient (minimum 12" ) length to allow full travel of motor on base . ( 2 ) Flexible conduit shall be used for connection of control equipment requiring piping , such as solenoid valves , pressure controls , aquastats , pneumatic-electric relays!, etc . ( 3) Certain lighting fixtures will require flexible conduit connections to junction boxes , as shown on the drawings , as specified . hereinafter. (4) For systems higher than 15 volt to ground, continuity of equipment ground shall be obtained by installing inside the flexible conduit a bonding wire (each end of which ,shall be bolted to outlet box by a separate bolt) or by using liquidtight flexible conduit approved for this purpose . SECTION 16100 PAGE 3 BASIC MATERIALS (5) Clamp type or ?Jake" connectors , with insulated throat , shall be used as connectors for flexible conduit . Con- nectors for liquid type flexible conduit shall be approved type . F . CONDUIT BELOW SLAB ( 1 ) Conduits in contact with earth within the building founda- tions or from a point within the building shall be PVC. ( 2 ) A copper ground wire shall be installed in all PVC conduit . G . PULL WIRE ( 1 ) A pull wire shall be installed in all empty conduits . , In dry locations , pull wire shall be #16 gauge galvanized iron . j ( 2 ) Both ends of all pull wires shall beidentified by means of labels or tags , reading " PULL WIRE" and shall be numbered to refer to the same pull wire . 1 H . . RUNNING THREADS ( 1 ) —The use of running threads is prohibited and where some . such device isjnecessary, split coupling , O . Z. type SP Erickson coupling , or equal shall be used . (2) Where watertight conduit installation is required , water- , tight conduit unions shall be used . I . SEPARATTION Aminimum separation of 6 shall be maintained between conduits and hot water lines . J . STUBS ( 1 ) An accurate location of stubs is essential . ( 2) Conduit stub-Ups in all accessible ' floor areas shall have a coupling , the top edge of which is flush with the finish floor surface . Couplings shall be sealed with a flush , threaded pipe plug . K. INSERTS , HANGERS Conduits: shall be Supported at intervals not greater than 10 ' , within 3 ' of any bend and every outlet or junction box . This shall apply on vertical runs as well as horizontal runs . • SECTION 16100 PAGE 4 BASIC MATERIALS 16112 JUNCTION BOXES ( PULL BOXES ) A. GENERAL ( 1 ) Where indicated on the plans , and where necessary to terminate , tap-off or redirect multiple conduit runs , the Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install appropriately designed pull boxes . In general conduit runs of more than 100 ' or with more than three right angle bends shall have a pull box installed at a convenient intermediate location . 1 ( 2 Boxes shall be fabricated from Code gauge , sheet. steel „gal - vanized after fabrication , with full -access screw covers , mounted with corrosion-resistant machine screws . Covers shall be for flush, installation where noted. Box size shall be as required by the NEC for the number of conduits and conductors entering and leaving it . Where intermediate , cable supports are necessary because of box dimensions , ; provide . insulated , removable cross brackets to support the conductors . Where feeder splices are to be made, boxes shall be large enough to provide ample work space . Sufficient spare wire length to enable two or more splices to be remade with the same wire . ( 3 Boxes shall , be . supported independently of conduits entering them. Brackets , rod hangers , bolts or other suitable • supporting methods may be used . 16° 03 OUTLET BOXES A. GENERAL ( 1 ) Boxes used with conduit system shall be galvanized and each shall be independently and securely anchored to structure. Ceiling outlets ' shall be 4" octagon boxes , 2-1 /8" deep with proper rings . All recessed boxes shall be set flush with finish surface of not more than 1 /4" back of same . In plaster walls use 4" square boxes with suitable plaster covers for a flush installation . In file and cement block Walls use 2" wide and 3" deep tile boxes . . Boxes for exterior work shall be brass or aluminum, equipped with gaskets and shall be flush mounted. Handy boxes shall be used for exposed wiring . ( 1 ) Where it is necessary to install wall boxes back-to-back or where through-the-wall boxes are used , the Electrical Contractor shall install 2" thick sound absorption material between boxes and shall plug the nipple connection . SECTION 16100 PAGE 5 BASIC MATERIALS 16104 TERMINAL STRIP CABINETS A. GENERAL Furnish and install where shown on the plans , steel cabinets with hinged doors equipped with locks and keys . Cabinets shall be Square "D" telephone cabinets , or equal , complete with wood backing . All locks shall be fitted to the same key used for distribution panelboards . The door and trim of recessed cabinets shall be painted with a prime coat of paint , finish painting will be done by others . Surface cabinets in unfinished areas shall have a standard factory finish . 16105 WIRING DEVICES A . MANUFACTURE All wiring devices shall be of one manufacture and shall be delivered to project in original cartons . Devices shall be in accordance withlElectrical Symbol Legend . Reference to Sierra device has been used as a means of establishing the grades and types of devices for use on the project . Com- parable devices ofjAH&H , Bryant , General Electric , P&S and . Hubbell manufacture will be acceptable . Switches controlling lighting loads in excess of 1000 va must be rated 20 ampere . B . PLATES . Plates for outlets in finished areas shall be of the stainless steel type . When devices are installed in exposed conduit fittings or outletlIboxes , the plates or covers shall be of a type designed for the fittings or boxes . C. DEVICES ( 1 ) Duplex Receptacles - Heavy duty type for general purpose use , rated 20 'amp , 125 volt , Sierra 1464 . (2 ) Tumbler Switches - 120/277 volts , ivory Bakelite .handles , 5021 , 5022 andj5023. ( 3 ) Coverplates for all outlets shall be Sierra Stainless steel . (4 ) Weatherproof receptacles - P&S 1591 with 1591 -WP cover. ( 5 ) Plugmold - Wiremold series 2000 . SECTION 16100 PAGE 6 BASIC MATERIALS (6 ) Tlme clocks - Shall be positive drive , synchronous motor t pe suitable for operation on 120 or 208 volts as required , 6o cycle AC with positive opening and closing contacts rated at not less than 30 amperes inductive load . All time c ocks shall be Tork W-200 or approved equal , with Astro dial , reserve power and manual by-pass switch . ( 7) P' oto Electric Cell Controls shall be with weatherproof glass e closure and adaption for rooftop mounting . Type and r1; tings as shown on the drawings . Adjust on site to satisfy 0 ner. Tork 2100 . 1610. INSTALLATION OF DEVICES A. e!�ENERAL ( 1 ) contractor shall furnish and install all wiring devices as; indicated on the drawings , described herein , or as necessary for a complete job . ( 2 ) ''l1 outlets shall be flush mounted , straight and plumb . B. HEIGHT OF OUTLETS Heig1llt of outlets shall be as follows unless otherwise indicated : ( 1 ) ',witches - 44"above floor. ( 2 ) ��eceptacles and Telephone Outlets - 12" above floor unles �� s ver equipment or counters or as otherwise indicated . C . 1LOOR OUTLETS (1 ) floor outlets shall be provided and dimensioned as shown in the electrical plans . Location shall be verified in yield before installation of floor boxes . ( 2 ) loor outlets shall be cast iron , circular box , Duallevel with brass cover manufactured by Hubbell . 1610!� SERVICE EQUIPMENT A. IERVICE CONDUIT AND WIRE ProOde service conduit and wire from transformer to circuit spa a as indicated on the plans . Make final connection to trans- for er. • SECTION 16100 PAGE 7 • f BASIC MATERIALS B. SECONDARY DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT ( 1 ) The Electrical Contractor shall furnish a shop fabricated dead front distribution switchboard available for use on 120/208 volt , 13 phase , 4 wire grounded system. Square D type QMB or equal . Brace for 100 ,000 A. I . C . (2 ) The switchboard shall be of Square D or equivalent manufacture of: (a ) ITE Circuit Breaker Company ( b Westinghoulse (c) G. E . 16108 PANELBOARDIS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS ( 1 ) Provide and install all panelboards as indicated on drawings and described herein . Panels shall be flush mounted or as ',indicated on drawings . Panels shall be ' Square D , ITE 'or Federal Pacific . Panels must fit available space . All semi -recessed or surface mounted panels must have return lip on cover. (2) Panels shall contain all circuits noted on the drawings . i ( 3 ) Each panel shall have a door and lock. (4) Furnish descriptive literature and shop drawings of each panel before starting fabrication for approval . B. PANELS Panels where not noted to be Type .QMB shall be NQOB panels . Provide barrier over breakers as directed . Brace bussing for 10 ,000 •A. I . C . C . , DISCONNECT SNITCHES Disconnect switches shall be horsepower rated heavy-duty safety switches , fused, in NEMA-1 enclosures or 3R enclosures , rated at 250 volt as regiired . Fuses shall be Bussinan Fusetron for 100A or less and Bussman low peak for 100A or more. Contractor shall provide one space fuse for each size fuse in each dis- connect Under his . contract and install in a cabinet adjacent to main distribution panel . • • SECTION 16100 PAGE 8 BASIC MATERIALS D. BOXES Boxes shall be made of Code ga . steel heavily galvanized and pained , with a hinged door or screwed coverplate . 161C19 CONDUCTORS A. ;GENERAL Conductors shall be solid or stranded copper with NEC 600 volt ins lation . Wire sized #10 AWG and smaller shall be solid conductor THW or THHN insulation . Sizes #8 and larger shall be stranded with THW or THHN insulation . Minimum size conductor is • 12 AWG except control conductors may be #14 . END OF BASIC MATERIALS • SECTION 16400 PAGE 1 WORKMANSHIP 16401 WIRE AND CABLE A. INTERIOR WIRING Interior wiring shall not be installed before building is enclosed and watertight . Each conduit shall be free of moisture and debris before wires are installed . Moisture shall be re- moved from conduit by swabbing . Wiring shall be installed in such a manner that insulation is not damaged . Bare neutrals will not be permitted . B . JOINTS Joints will 'be permitted only in junction and outlet boxes . All joints shall be firmly, bonded together and taped , or shall be made with mechanical connectors as follows : ( 1 ) All splices for #12 and smaller wires shall be made with Ideal Wire-Nuts or 3M Scotchlok with spiral metal insert in insulatedlcap . (2 ) All other splices and taps shall be made with mechanical screw pressure type connectors manufactured by Burndy. The connection shall be sealed with Scotchfil Putty making an airtight joint with a smooth , regular surface which shall be covered with several laps of insulating rubber tape and finished with friction tape painted with Glyptal #7815 ( black) . C . TAPES Insulating rubber; tape shall be Okonite. Friction tape, shall be Okonite Masson Grade . Plastic tape shall be 3M Scotch Brand Electrical tape #33, 88 or approved equal . D . CONDUCTORS ( 1 ) Care shall be taken to limit the number of conductors in boxes so that the maximum number does not exceed the number permitted by tables 730-6 of the National Electrical Code . ( 2 ) Conductors installed in vertical raceways shall be supported in accordance with the latest issue of the NEC . Cable supports shall be O. ZJ Type R. E . BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING Contractor 'shalllprovide branch circuit wiring for lighting , power and other single phase applications using multi -wire with common neutrals in a manner ,consistent with the type of service furnished to the project . The circuit numbers indicated on the plan are intended as a guide for proper connection of circuits at panells . ' 1 SECTION 16400 PAGE 2 WORKMANSHIP 16402 SERVICE ENTRANCE A. PRIMARY SERVICE AND TRANSFORMERS Primary service and transformers will be provided by Utility. This Contractor shall provide secondary service (conduit and wi e or buss from main distribution panels to transformers ) . Ma '4e all arrangements for service and pay all costs . B . 1 METERING Provide complete metering provisions as requried by Utility . C . SERVICE ENTRANCE Th : service entrance shall be grounded to the building water sy . tem and in accordance with the National Electrical Code . D. CHARGES Pal any and all charges requried by the Power Company or State Electrical Department . E . I INSTALLATION Al service and metering facilities shall be coordinated with th Power Company and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and standard practices of the Utility Company. 16 03 GROUNDING A. METALLIC CONDUITS , SUPPORTS , CABINETS AND EQUIPMENT Al metallic conduits , supports , cabinets and equipment shall beygrounded in accordance with the latest issue of the National El - ctrical Code. Ground wire shall be of the same kind and qu= lity as other conductors in the building , shall be placed in steel conduit runs as specified for branch circuits and shall be sized to meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code . Where ground connection is made to the water pipe on the house side of the water meter , a jumper or shunt shall be installed around the water meter , the current-carrying capacity and mechanical p ptection shall not be less than required for the grounding con- ductor. Where a grounding conductor runs through metallic conduit , itlshall be securely bonded to the conduit at the entrance and exit and the conduit shall be fitted with a bolted clamp to secure same to water pipe . SECTION 16400 PAGE 3 WORKMANSHIP B. FLEXIBLE OR NON METALLIC CONDUIT Flexible or non-metallic conduit will not be approved for con- tinuity in grounding system . Where flexible connections are used, a separate ground wire shall be installed and bonded for conduit system on both sides of flexible conduit . A separate ground wire shall be installed in all non-metallic conduit . Motor bases and frames shall be grounded by pulling a separate conductor in with the motor feeder . • C . BARE GROUNDING WIRE A bare grounding wire , sized in accordance with NEC Article 350-94, shall be. installed , in same raceway with supplying con- ductors or in separate conduit and connection shall be made between the secondary neutral of all transformers and the neutral buss of the main service entrance equipment . D . CONDUIT RUNS In conduit runs requiring expansion fitting a bohding jumper "shall be installed around the fitting to maintain continuous ground continuity. ' E . GROUNDING CONDUCTORS • Grounding conductors shall be bare, stranded copper Wire of the size 'and method' of installation as prescribed by the National ElectricaliCode and/or governing code. Wire insula- tion , .when used , shall be green . All driven ground rods shall be 3/4" diameter copper-weld and shall be embedded not less than 3 ' -0" into the, earth . Conduit sections shall not be used . 16404. EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURE CONNECTIONS A. GENERAL 1 Contractor shall make final connection to all kitchen equipment including installation of control components . Provide all conduit and wirin.g. ; Flexible conduit shall be liquidtight . Rigid conduit shall be painted silver gray. END OF WORKMANSHIP • • SECTION 16500 PAGE 1' LIGHTING FIXTURES 16501 GENERAL A. FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall . furnish and install all light fixtures shown on ' plans and specified in the fixture schedule. Pro- vide a fixture for every lighting outlet whether called for or . not. If fixture type is not shown , fixtures shall be as directed . All fixtures shall be regularly catalogued products of established manufacturers . All fluorescent fixture lens shall be 100% virgin acrylic . LAMPS All fixtures shall be installed complete with lamps . Incan descent. 'lamps shall be 125 volt . Fluorescent lamps shall be ' warm white. 16502 MATERIALS A. LIGHT FIXTURES All light fixtures shall be complete units , delivered in ori - ginal cartons , free from damages or blemishes . B . MATERIALS • All . materials shall be adequate for rigidity and sufficient mechanical strength to prevent distortion . C . ' METAL SURFACES All metal surfaces shall be phosphatized and finished after assembly. Where finishes or colors are not specified , the Architect shall se ect them. D. PENDANT OR SURFACE MOUNTED FIXTURES Pendant or surface mounted fixtures shall be provided, with re-, gUared mounting - devices and accessories and shall include hickeys , stud extensions , ball aligners., canopies , and stems. Mounting height shall be .as directed. Provide all necessary anchor's , plates , etc . , to mount fixtures as required by surface on which they are mounted . E. BALLASTS ' Ballasts for fluorescent fixtures shall be 'of •the high power '' factor type an'd shall have sound rating of B or better. Ballasts shall be two lamp style where possible . Use .,no three lamp ballasts . Ballasts shall be protected with in-line. fuses mounted in the fixtures . Ballasts shall bear UL , ETL labels and be of approved make . Replace noisy ballasts . Provide .Owner with written guarantee from the manufacturer stating all defective ballasts shall be replaced at no charge for a period of 24 months from final acceptance of the building . it I SECTION 16500 PAGE 2 LIGHTING FIXTURES I 16503 INSTALLATION A. UPON COMPLETION Upon cfompletion of the installation of the light fixtures and lighi `ng equipment, they must be in first class operating order and i perfect condition as to finish and free from equipment must e completely lamped and be complete with the required glass, are , reflectors , side panels , louvers or other components necessary for a complete fixture . All fixtures and equipment must e clean and free from dust , plaster or paint spots . Any damaged reflectors , glassware , side panels , or other broken parts must be replaced by the Contractor. B . H USING Housig shall be rigidly installed and adjusted to neat flush fit with the ceiling or other finished mounting surface . C. LIGHTING FIXTURES Lighting fixtures of adjustable type shall be aimed as directed bythel Architect and if necessary , these adjustments must be made t night . D. E CLOSURES The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible .for providing li'ghtling fixtures enclosures which are approved for use in fire hated ceilings . END OF LIGHTING FIXTURES 1 i e SECTION 16700 PAGE 1 COMMUNICATIONS 16701 GENERAL A. SCOPE ( 1 ) The General Conditions , Special Conditions , etc . , are part of this Division . ( 2 ) Provide and install complete telephone conduit system, fire alarm system and sound system as specified herein and indicated ;on the drawings . 16702 TELEPHONE SYSTEM A. SCOPE Provide telephone conduit and boxes as indicated on the drawings . Provide a cover plate for each outlet . 16703 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM A . SCOPE Provide and install a' complete, electrically supervised, four-wire Class A zoned fire alarm system as described herein and as ; shown on the plans . All components of the entire system 'shall be listed , labeled , or approved for its application as fire alarm equipment for NFPA ( 72B) by Underwriter ' s ' Laboratories , Inc . (and Factory Mutual ) . B . MANUFACTURER The system herein specified and shown on the drawing is manufactured by Honeywell , Inc . , Edwards or Simplex as base bid . Other manufacturers will be considered for approval to bid if one copy of specification data is submitted for review 10 days prior to bid date . All approved alternate manufacturers will be listed by addendum and only those manufacturers approved in writing will be considered . C . SYSTEM OPERATION ( 1 ) Alarm: Upon actuation of any detector or flow switch , all alarm signaling units shall sound continuously, light the respective zone alarm lamp on the central control panel and remote annunciator , and trip the City municipal system. ( 2) Trouble : ( a ) A break in the detector loop wiring shall light the respective zone trouble lamp on the central control panel and a common trouble lamp on the annunciator and sound a trouble signal at the central control panel . SECTION 16700 PAGE 2 COMMUNICATION'S ( b) A break in the signaling loop wiring shall light the trouble lamp for that zone on the central control panel and a common trouble lamp on the annunciator and sound a trouble signal at the central control panel . (c ) Control panel shall have a four-wire Class A wiring for each detection circuit , 4 zones shall be provided . Power for all remote detectors such as ionization de ; tectors shall be provided by the detection ( four-wire Class A) wiring . Systems that power detectors from a power source separate from the detector circuit with Class A wiring shall monitor the power source and dependent wiring to each zone so "true" trouble and alarm by zone is achieved for reliability and case of maintenance . All detectors shall be operable , even with a single fault condition on the detector power wiring . (d ) The control panel shall have a . trouble and an alarm ' lamp for each detection circuit . Systems that have a common trouble lamp only and/or rely on a combination of indicators that requires operator interpretation to determine if there is an alarm or trouble or which ' zone has a given condition , shall not be acceptable . ( e) Twenty-four hour Sealed Lead Cell standby batteries and charger shall be provided for all detectors that require power and for the central control panel . Batteries and charger shall be furnished in an enclosure of similar size and painted the same as the fire control panel . A locked door shall be provided to allow access to the control switches on the front of the control panel to prevent unauthorized control . Access shall , be in the switches only and shall not expose wiring or components . ( f) 120VAC primary power shall be monitored and power on lamp shall be provided.. Upon power outage the system shall light a power trouble condition lamp , indicate j a trouble condition and automatically change to standby batteries . The control panel shall also monitor the batteries and upon a low battery condition , light the low battery lamp and indicate a trouble condition . System ground detection shall be provided for the entire system . Upon ground detection the ground de- tection lamp shall light and a trouble signal indicated . Provide a lamp test switch to test all alarm lamps on the control panel . SECTION 16700 PAGE 3 COMMUNICATIONS (g) Provide a municipal trip circuit that is a distinct separate circuit utilized for no other purpose . A municipal trip disconnect test switch shall be provided. The municipal trip disconnect lamp shall indicate that the municipal trip is disconnected. Output terminal connections Ishall be provided for a local energy muni - cipal master fire alarm box as part of this contract . D. EQUIPMENT ( 1 ) Fire alarm control unit , Honeywell W940A, shall , be a solid state modular unit consisting of the following modules . (2) W940-A zone module shall have four zones of supervised initiating circuits with a trouble and an alarm lamp for each zone . Detection circuit wiring shall be four-wire Class Aand shall power all detectors , voltage outputs for each zone alarm and voltage outputs for each zone trouble shall be provided . ( 3) W940-C common module shall supply the necessary power for the W940A system and all detectors (and shall contain a battery chargerito charge the batteries ) . An AC power-on lamp shall be provided to indicate the normal condition of the panel . Individual supervisory lamps shall be pro- vided for AC power failure indication , ground fault de- tection , municipal trip disconnect , and low battery. All controls shall be behind a key-locked door to prevent unauthorized operation . Two supervised control circuits for audible signaling . shall be provided as part of this module. Common trouble and common alarm relay and voltage outputs shall be provided . ( 4) The enclosure shall be surface mounted with Module termination drawings mounted on the inside of the panel cover. The panel shall be key-locked to prevent unauthorized access . ( 5 ) Manual Stationsishall be Honeywell S498A. , . (6) Termal .Detector's : Honeywell I4057 , fixed, temperature and rate of rise . 1 ( 7 ) Ionization Detectors : Area , Honeywell TC100A shall be dual chamber low voltage self-compensating type . Detectors that are ( light refractory or) single chamber only and rely on electronic circuits for compensation shall not be acceptable . SECTION 16700 PAGE COMMUNICATIONS (8) 1Fire Alarm Horns shall be Honeywell SC806 series . Units shall be red surface mounted with double projectors where indicated . E . APPROVALS Shop drawings and wiring diagrams shall be prepared by ' the manufacturer and submitted to the Architect ' s repre- sentative for approval prior to installation in the building . F . ' SUPERVISION AND GUARANTEE All equipment shall be installed by the electrical contractor under the supervision of factory trained , full time employees ' of the manufacturer . All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of one ( 1 ) year from date of acceptance . G . SERVICE At the conclusion of the guarantee period a maintenance contract for this system shall be offered to the Owner for his consideration . H . ZONING System shall be zoned as follows : ( 1 ) , Sprinkler Flow Switch ( 2) 1st Floor (3) 2nd Floor 16704 SOUND SYSTEM A. SCOPE Provide a complete paging system as indicated on the ' drawings and specified herein including all conduit , wire , boxes , speakers , horns . Equipment shall be manufactured by Rauland or Dukane and shall be installed by employees of the manufacturers representative . B . EQUIPMENT ( 1 ) Master Station : Rauland Model 9310 . ( 2 ) Ceiling Speakers : 8" cone , 30 to 18 ,000 cycles frequency response , line matching transformer with power tap for ' 1 /2 watt, 1 and 2 watt. Rauland Model 902-8C . SECTION 16700 PAGE 5 COMMUNICATIONS ( 3 ) Ceiling Speaker , Housings : Soundolier Model T51 -4 with matching soundlined backbox . ( 4) Horn Type Speaker: Rauland Model . 3701 . ( 5 ) Volume Control : Soundolier Model AT-10 . C . ZONING ( 1 ) Zone 1 - Multi -purpose Room 108 . ( 2 ) Zone 2 - 1st Floor corridors . ( 3) Zone 3 - 2nd Floor corridors . (4) Zone 4 - Meeting Room 213 . ( 5 ) Zone 5 - Kitchen D . INSTALLATION ( 1 ) Speaker cable shall be 2 conductor 20 gauge unshielded with an overall jacket . ( 2 ) Install all speakers and put system in operation . END OF COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED MAY 9 1977 CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WA city of renton planning department SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE HANDICAPPED • SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE HANDICAPPED IRENTON, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 1977 1 The preparation of this report by the City of Renton Planning Department was financed by a 1976 Housing and Community Development Block Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Housing and Community Development 'Act of 1974, i i I i j � 1 (Increasing awareness and concern for the recreational needs of handi- capped Individuals has resulted in the development of a number of recrea- tional [programs plus a . ew specific disability parks within the King County area. ;In addition, many park departments are presently attempting to I upgrade their existing facilities in order to make them accessible to per- sons with physical disabilities. However, new parks specifically directed l foriuse by the general cross section of physically handicapped persons are , relatively recent in origin. Renton is the first city within King County involved in the development of a park of this nature. It has therefore been necessary to rese rch the subject of designing for handicapped persons t in order to determine heir specific needs and desires. This report is intended for use as a guide to the development of a barrier-free facility. _ It is also meant to corvey to those persons involved in the decision making process those elements where specific considerations are mandatory. As ;develo ment of this project progresses it is intended that this P report will be expandeJ upon and additions made so that in the future the results of the city of Renton' s efforts in this field might serve as a useful tool to other individuals and areas interested in similar endeavors. This study presently includes a compilation of material gathered from various books, pamphlets, and magazine articles dealing with design for handicapped persons. P bibliography of the primary source materials is I included at the end of the report and should be referred to for an in-depth discussion of those items contained herein. . , I DESIGN 'FOR THE HANDICAPPED: PRIMARY CONSIDERATIONS Improvement and enrichment of the environment as a human experience should ;be the major theme from which all design for handicapped individuals' evolves. Improved accessibility to experiences of a recreational nature is an inherent facet of this theme. The following terminology is most often used in reference to particular handicaps and is of pa ticular importance and usefulness when considering individual elements related to designing for the needs of a disabled indi - , , vidual 11 Temporary impairment can be identified to include any and all situations which temporarily restrict personal movement either through disease or trauma which requires time to heal or hinders ; performing normal functions of everyday life, i .e. , pregnancy, shopper loaded with packages, person with a broken leg. 2. Activity impairment generally refers to any limitation curtailing normal activii'es of an individual , i .e. , heart disease, lung disorders, arthritis, etc. 3j. Mobility impairment curtails the ability of movement or ambulation resulting from such things as partial paralysis. Disabilities, deformate or ha ndicaps s handica s which curtail movement of the person are included here.. Mechanical ai es including the wheelchair, crutch, cane, walker'I, brace, artificial limb or special shoes, are often used by those individuals w�th mobility impairment and as such must be included, as an integral facet of the design concept. 1 I^ I 4, Manual Impairment either of a partial or total nature refers to 1 restricted dexterity of hands and/or arms, therefore, handicapping the individual with respect to environmental experiences requiring use of those extremities. 5. Visual Impairment causing either partial or total loss of vision uniquely affects an individuals mobility and must be given spe '�iajl design consi eration. 6. Audio Impair ent includes individuals with limited ability to hear as well as those with total hearing loss. � I PRIMARY DESIGN CONSIDERATION FOR OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL USE i. Celjtain specific elements within the design of outdoor spaces must be given' I special consideration when directed for use by handicapped persons. The following list relates general information to be used as a guide when design- ing what can be ref ed to as a barrier-free .outdoor environment. Asterisks er indicate those requirements in the Code Amendments for Provisions for Disabled Persons developed by the Washington State Building Code Advisory Council , October 1 , 1976. I � , I i I PARKING: l �xl.•- c ..,(--, (f)1 s , • , No more than 100' from building ent- w` v `� .�' �,.x:,:,,` I.;, I * 41,6:Y.;','/, - -4111iS,t: ::''114, • 12'6" minimum width or 8'6" space �NM+ . �'•s, �t.'. with 4' aisle ,��%�� �+�'" .• �, ��, r 8 * • ! No slope greater than 1 :50 ., ' ' 4�} ti Ol � gh;. A' y�'� • •y " !�v. l C) oG►F` • ! Step free route •• • , �, -*.4 * _ r a /� • ; Non slip, smooth surface * • Spaces must be identified with inter- :-,%. ' �� national symbol centered 4-5' above ,.Y ..,� ' f grade at head _of required parking space :•:.'104011li--ir _- . 721 • 1 : PF C M1I+ 17!'! ,K.. CURB CUTS: ,' • ' Variety of app oaches possible MLI 644. II i • Maximum slope 1 :12, cross slope of 40., 9 0" l2'6" I Z i6„ . _ 1 :5 0 MA NDI CAPPED STAU.8 • ! 36" minimum with exclusive of side PARKING slopes * • '; Sides of curb Gluts not more than 1 :6 • ' Non-slip surfa e T. Ramp • edge should be leveled s� x 'I •t � • Must have a distinctive surface c % 4 •;; texture discernable without use of sight N _� `4�`' 9 -'! - ',fie R; APPROACHES: 3 4444' •; 5' minimum width ' • kik* . ' 5% maximum gradient CURB CUT •; Non-slip surfs e . • •! Curb cuts wher necessary •I Change in pavi g surface for visually 1 handicapped PATHWAYS & WALKS: • '; Maximum 2% gradient considered a I , walkway ' Iz. &RADE le4 3' :------1A * • Shoulder slope abutting accessiblelka ~'"� route to be at same grade as edges Irl • I Slope downward from edge to be not more than 1 :50 for distance of not ; . , <. less than 3' ` 4, Width 48" minimum for one-waytraffic .�. • W, t ,�,, • Width''5' 6" minimum for two-way trap- _, ' ,,, „ N. giir , 8X11' : ' 701I4T • , Surface should be smooth, non-slip 1 • Minimize expansion joints and make PATHWAY/WALK j , flush with sur ace, maximum 1" in width I • ' Provide contin ous cross slope drain- age at 1/8" perfoot " necessary • ' Provide wheel stops where RAMPS: '—a * • Defines any surface pitched above c, ' w iiti/, . 1 :50 (2%) i., • Maximum 1 :12 (8.33%) gradient, avoid . 1 possible ossible ' !' a;,/ ,' • Maximum length 30' if at 1 :12 , ' " '/ !i •' Minimum width 48" :12',; — /�► . .I It::� ivil ,011. . it • Bottom and top approaches to be vr•-,.• 0 .f- .. 4I I .,+ MIM• �, , level for at least 6'0" ' ;.; Y, •.. . •I At least one intermediate landing a•t,:q.r not less than 5' long by width of $-61—+ II max; slops ramp required or every 30" of rise Mll.l. 12' I •' To change direction inside ramp , RAMP 1 radius must be minimum 30' •', Designed to carry 100 lbs. per square foot live load I I 1 I 11 STAIRS:; ® Non-skid surface i 1 Minimum 3'0" width Maximum 4' rise between landings " 11I ti E. 9 Avoid only a few steps in a series t, -�: �p II No protruding nosings 9lu a i Contrasting colo advisible for G ,.�> Iiiii nosings ,, n�� 1 '.-':1 r , i * i Open riser prohi ited 'w 1 p Risers 6 1/2" maximum, tread 11-14' : '" x' `;. ... r. STAIRS * li Handrails required both sides - p Light should be uniform HAND1RAILS: * "® Must be of round or oval character - 1 1/4 - 2" diameter 1 * s 1 1/2" minimum s ace between handrail and wall Sb2 �� r » 4 Ends of handrails should be rounded _< a�>.c. > i• Maintain free of slivers or sharp •, tr1,1 protrusions r .r,.1 :,, , — laI , Design to support 250 lbs. ,... - 1 Ramps: _. 1 * . provide handrails on both sides of any HANDRAILS ramp more than 1 :20 excluding curb cuts ! * ',e ,'Height must be between 32-26" * '• Must extend not [less than 12" lbeyond top and bottom of ramp s Second rail at 2'4" advantageous Stairs: * • Place handrails on both sides of stairs I I 1 'I • Intermediate handrail required on all stairways jn excess of 88" width •; 30-34" verticall placement from nose of tread to toi of handrail • Must be continuous the full length of stairs • Extend past top and bottom risers minimum 18" DRAINAGE GRATES: 'he� * • . Must be flush with surface YkA,iJP1 * •! Openings no more than 1/2" `"= ' IP 1. f;4. ki PO WALLS;. 12 r It '`4,`l✓ , • Seat Walls - 18-22" high , I - 12" wide • / • Low retaining units - 2' 0"-3' 0" high SEAT WALL - Useful to lean against • High retaining walls - 4' and over - Useful to handicapped w'th addition of handrail tz" - No weepholes �`,` - No projections or appendage �. (4 /1 1 • • WATER! FOUNTAIN: 3'14 •I •; Upper edge of basin not over 3' above floor LOW RETAINING WALL •' Controls and spouts in front • Hand levers preferred •i Provide 29" vertical clearance below fountain nozzl' • • Nozzle heights approximately: - 33" for wheelchairs - 36-39" for adults • Minimum 18" wide paved area around fountain avoids mud and puddles TRASH RECEPTICALES: • (opening) 30"- 36" from ground • Operable by one hand • Securely anchored to ground or attached to sturdy post unmr�hi iLuI�i 1M H'�!� �i�fl'h��l, , � .T���L1jE1F'.Nf►�l�{C� TELEPHONES: • Provision of at least one unit useable by wheelchairs �/ 17 FCth UP .-r ► •• Access should be over hard surface • No higher than 4' 0" at coin slots ; 4� ,: �,7/ , '� • Provision for braille instructions • Volume controls on headsets `�:' ;• • Push button dial � TELEPHONES • Package rests are helpful • Provide a fold upseat at height 18-20" above ground PLAYGROUNDS: • Modification of existing equipment possible, i .e. ; Slides can be modi- fied by removing ladders and legs and embedding into a mound of earth. Swings can be box type. Raised sand ri�a _!®a. ,MIEMMCsir beds can accomodate wheelchair user j 'v/if4 • or brace wearer. Tree house might be made accessible by ramps. I • . � a = J�•�� �+ c'. y • PLAYGROUND TABLES. & BENCHES: Tables: ! ; — - I • Provide 29" between ground and bottom 1 edge of table • 34" minimum lateral space necessary Z0 3�rza�'� to accomodate Wheelchair width Ohl • I Locate on hard paved surface III Person • Chamfer or round off all exposed � � p, ;: 3�!' . corners or sharp edges .P4 , t '4M �rr uiI Benches: • Avoid rough ma erial s �'�* ��� i`w•' • Sitting heights 18-20 from ground TABLES/BENCHES • ;I Provide arm an back rests when possible • Provide 24" setback from any pathway • Benches for rest or waiting areas required to be at least 4' long with 1 adjacent unobstructed space of at i least 3'x 4' ' REST AREAS/DROP-OFF Z NES: 6 • Or Drop off zones to be not less than ;k'� , �I+ 12'x 25' � ,;4 • ' Rest areas to be not less than 4'x 8' , y„ t longer dimensidn parallel to accessible WY' 1 route. * • Smooth non-slip surface "' • ' Sloe no more than 1 :50 I4�m►n p 6" 24"Per 86�' * • Abutting grades to be at same grade as edge of surface and downward 0 • slope from edge of not more than fit" AMR E) 'K 1 :50 for a distance of minimum 3' �►� �� • Provide Benches ti • Overhead cover advisable dependant �onelocation of rest area or drop-off • REST AREAS/DROP OFF ZONE � I I I 1 1 SIGNING: , • Provide unified systems (combination of braille and letters) i * e International symbol of access shall be displayed in white on blue back- ground at: w - Primary public site entrances k w 4 x , p:d a - Accessible parking. facilities .,,. ,, ` - P: :: b :b :::1 :: iry Entrances- A 1 , * >y e . Visable and tactile signs shall be • ,` F, t 4h,P., , �;� - f 4. ; placed to identify: [1 � , p onaJ SymbohofiAccess - Stairs 1 - Loading platforms - Areas hazardous to visually , • ,; disabled persons j r Combine with lighting fixtures e Avoid placement where conflict poss- ible with pedestrian traffic e Make information concise * e Must employ r ised or grooved letter- f ing at least 1/16 and not less than 1 " or more th n 2" in height i o Use' contrasti g colors - light images on dark backgrounds 1/4____—_610" I� Place not more than 4' to 5'6" PR,EFERRF_D 4' LAVATORIES: — L —l__— Toilets: pOO . 1 $ 3,b * i Minimum 1 stall for handicapped use i�_....... s e ca per sex . % 1-4 Z 1 : --1,— •1 * • Minimum toilet compartment area to -- - be 4'6" X 4'9" 1 ` I * i Top of toilet seat to be 16-18" TOILETS from finished floor 1 I I * • Lateral distance from center line of toilet to be riot less than 15" on one side and 6" on the other side to nearest obstruction * • Grab bar to b installed with minimum 36" length and diameter 1' -1 2" I ; • Grab bar to b mounted 32-34" above floor * Bar must be c bable of supporting 300 lbs. live load 1* S Toilet compartment door to provide clear opening of minimum 32" II * i Door should s" ide or swing out * e Swinging door to have automatic closing devic * i Unobstructed floor space of 42" square to be provided outside com- partment door * i Urinals to be wall mounted 15" from 1 - floor Wash Basins: * i Rim height of 33-34" 'TOWEL oIsR * i 29" minimum c earance from bottom MIRiiOR �, of apron to floor I * • Lever type faucets mandatory I' ammir * i Drainpipes and hot water pipes to be recessed and insulated * i Mirrors or shelving to be placed 40" 4 N R maximum from loor k, 1,I * Towel racks Ind dispensers to be mounted 40" maximum above floor WASHBASIN II I I I II I 1 i i Approaches to lighting and landscaping of outdoor recreational spaces vary with site conditions and recreational use. Barrier-Free Site Design published by the American Society of Landscape Architects Foundation and HUD, pp, 41-46, explains in detail these elements which must be adressed when considering specific needs of the handicapped. • BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bengtsson, Arvid. Adventure Playgrounds: Adventure Playground for Handicapped Children, Chelsea, London, Praeger Publishers, London. Committee to Eliminate Architectural Barriers in Westchester County. Planning For the Handicapped, Construction Details. Westchester Easter Seal Society, White Plains, New York. Jorgensen, Jay. Landscape Design for the Disabled. The American Society of Landscape Architects Foundation and HUD, U.S. Printing Office, Washington D.C. ; 1975. Kliment, Stephen A. Into the Mainstream, A Syllabus for a Barrier-Free Environment. The American Institute of Architects and HEW, U.S. Printing Office; Washington, D.C. , 1976. State of Washington, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Job Ready. Produced by the1Easter Seal Society of Landscape Architect's Found- ation. U.S. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. , 1974. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Barrier-Free Site Design. Compiled by American Society of Landscape Architects Foundation, U.S. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. , 1974. U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service. Trends Magazine; Trends for the Handicapped. Published by the Park Practice Program, National Society for Park Resources, U.S. Printing Office, June, July, August issue, 1974. Washington State Building Code Advisory Council . Regulations for Barrier- Free Facilities, Washington State Building Code. Washington State Office of Commuiity Development, Olympia, Washington, October 1976. • I CITY OFFICIALS 1977 MAYOR CHARLES J. DELAURENTI CITY COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, PRESIDENT KENNETH D. BRUCE EARL CLYMER WILLIAM J. GRANT PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH RICHARD M. STREDICKE THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY THE CIITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT PARTICIPATING STAFF DIRECTOR GORDON Y. ERICKSEN H&CD COORDINATOR JOLLY SUE BAKER LANDSCAPE DESIGNER PHYLLIS MECK-EMERY SECRETARY LINDA M. LYONS ' . ' . , . , . I II , . . . • . . . , . I 4 • I . . I ., f', . . , L 1 , . . 4 . ' 4 1 • . , , . -‘, . 4 , ..» , , • . , • - . , . . - , . 1 I Ell . ,I . . ME ' 4=1 . . MEM III . . . . Q 11111= '‘, .411111=11 . . • ! I . •- . . .. .. . . . ii. , . • ' . i! • 1 II 1 11111111: ',' lit, IIIII . . . . ...- „ilk ai 11 mi.ffir4 ,, ,:,-,:.A.i,, MIL III . ,...4.., • • 111. poopP Wriir L'' - ''''I : ----.---. 1 'I 1111hF\' 111 'I I I 1 . I ' 'I • 4 , - 7 I I 1 I • . . . . . , . I 1 ; • I Il , • . 1 • I , • 1 ' , 1 • , 1 1 . 1 • 1 • . 1 ' . , .',.As',""%.; - I!� r .. , 0 ' i .• ' ... ..tom.'.` LL.L. 4A ;'', OFFICE OF THE CITY,ATTORNEY e RENTON,WASHINGTON ',,, ;.jt _ POST OFFICE 80k 626 100 2ntl AVENUE'BULLOING I "RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 '' •® - - LAWRENCE I'WARREN, CITY'ATTORNEY DANIEL-7,qV. ;+x .:'.,' ;R ,• KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY `,�. ;x Vq F EMS' - ' - tolier;;5,:•. l.�_78 w��:1' D sEP • • X','• t`..N Sip. '.} •�._;y,, ::; 'vyF n, ,ro . ;Md. ".i':.. - i;i,' t nt n Y`: 0 g an:n : n A ' r-_;, t 4 �• : ��<<' ; eat en ', ,•;', ;,' Mun�c a1 Buildri , - . „ 1(' f ; .Renton:; WA. 98055• •, _ ,' t ;:� - - Y� t a n Senior e n i o, r Citizens i t i z e n s�. :s � �; v ; Cemerand "HandisaPPedPark:. - - Burli g. on Northernproperty) ;,.rrt.. : . - � s1 `reriova1 - displacement•z - r, reo tSs ,?' M, Attent :ue, s t:+ Gentlemen -. r. ry - ' SFr,';: ,;i,•; `t'' , aw" :° Enc'losed';'_ ;you.,,wil1 -;find. 'letter ",of�''September ����` Acker]. � � � P r 18 received from `:;y,_;:: ;;_: '' �- y' :Commu.nicat'i•:ons; •-,lnc' :.' with. statement attached of kI� "� ,. ._, . � a f =r ;'. . , signf rem,oval ..and reconstruction -.Costs to.taling'' $3 ,327 . 00, ..which ..you will nonote:,we.'haVe approved for 'payment 1-' You 'Will ,�,t:�s:�; : , , recap,=: o,ur:`°�l:e�tt�e .-.; , ;`x:°, r' `of"`•`'Ju�Z,:: .,,28 197'8 ';to "ck', ,z���:``�1 _�� .Cap u'n ��'„ ��;. .A erley .. tit- a urn c a't ions , -;a'`'c`o .... ::o f.:;rah:.._ vr:z,� FY.: arch:;�ras' -sent'`to.,.:you' in which'- =:p the Cit agreed'' to ` .a `d%s 1 merit. , 4, . u y 0 p y ,. p. ace and.:r'eTacation costs °e: ` ':;.,::: at.': ;1'etterr-� oil owed-,a. „ n;�,:. :�. ^s;x , : yoia;" its',.wh.ich:�'Trre. •.�. ccx�vrsat,ion •w`i:th ,, ,c = advised';:` 'ou :,that."the .. ' _ • .,:, fix- such costs y Cary,' "i-', sponsible 'R':'C:.W., :Chapter' 8 26 ;�, r' ' '�� - �' We ask' that you. ., . y proceed to' process';. the -statement' of removal- - ;,!�,.:,; ,' ';,: ' :and reconstruct ion:'cos�ts for, payment,.- and. that when the warrant i.�:: -... is issued that � , , A';' ,.you: transmit ,:it::,`to. the-- unde for ;' ; to. Acker'le ; rs signed _,ma ling �'�J;,f,,..' �4 Y` Communications` : ::, >;, < ,�:.; . 1; Youwill: also. note e� iri':'�the:�-�let.ter•::o� Se .ten�ber:' 18' from _,F :Gommunications 'reference:, Ackerley 1 nc`e:, i.s,;:.made"to: ':remoyal�: ,of an�,��';=`t-` �r� 's.truc � adyertis in 'ture. in: 1'976 in conne iti the `.Ci "`s Talbot g _, ea`fi'on:''�r, albot. Road � '_ project . ' . The: billing: :for . t7, ` such removal ; $1�;760.00 -. included '. : ',with. the letter.'.'. : -of`:Se..ptem&�er' '18';;:_:�;s: also' 'enclosed herewith. ::;;.; We have -made no commitmen'•t,''whate .. r '"�"^ yer concerning the' Talbot Road:g,,'4. „r ,project. In fact Mr a ` •:::'Warren. recalls 'issuing a written opinion.::> a'- ,, -:concerning displacetient-'and rel¢�cation' costs on that f`- 3 Wherein he felt that' the project, {,, - City, not obligated to pay Ackerie '. `' :in connection with• the Talb" y ,',:,:; ; ti : . of �,Roa�d.'��Extension. project , },° AUnfDrtunately, we are:,not able to ., ''. `locate 'a ,copy of that. letter ;:,; , of opinion and i would be; ' the p , s appreciated 'if you would examine 'i' .,, 'City s appropriate; files in . :respect � that p ;� and if--you should .,:• :loca.te ` the' letter in question send 'us a .<'>.�;-•_ � ,. copy of same „. ;ah'',' Page : • ,'':;`?., . , , p ' ' �^��'}'�a' ' City,•of-•Renton Plannin Depart sent ' 4i. re,: y�`t•.., '_i:.'� 0Gtohe -',5,;,;ti:19,7-8 h, . .hart` r .-,•4',••t'=r .rr.' _ ,a�',Vt;„,:;:, 'ts :4. ay hi^n.1 r,.,r • • '{ �” The City under R.C:�W Chapter, '8 ',26 is obl't 'ated only with :,,,, `;',- "'• ' ' respect to. a program or project tile cost ,o which is financed '''.r.'r`4. ',., , in ,whole. Or inpart` •b Federal 'a enc Accordingly, please TM4.,.,,. ', y., y• g Y� <' advise us -if 'Fe.deral 'funds •were' involved in the' Talbot Road Extension project of •1976 . ; • Upon hearing from you we will respond directly to Ackerley F,:.;'<' ' Communications , concerning its .Talbot Road c7�a'i�n. s. ' " / ' ' - Very 'trui ^' ours, , . ''' tom}. ''' +r hn R, i.n,,' Jr ".,X. ,'�,- • - i i .t I :,rq Vi ~ r• ,. �c.. repec;a al A"ssistant_ City Attorney ;* r .. r s ;Irf' .f �f`:r t� �,., p . r,v r L + ,,,.. ,; - . _ . '4 , 7-'` AOKERLEY ICOMI IUMIICATICNS inc. : t. j /7 (' • • 1/,: SEPTEMBER .18, 1978 :::::: :-.,. ; , C)/ (-) MR. JOHN K PAIN, JR. :I :,;.:;,;':.:. ` SPECIAL ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY. ' ,:;<_;% :',' : . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY-,: • P.O. BOX 626 , 100 SECOND.AVENUE BUILDING., RENTON, WASH!NGTON 98055 , . RE: REMOVAL AND RELOCATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE - ACKERLEY COMMUNI'CAT IONS,'.INC. ;FROM' BURL INGTON NORTHERN I PROPERTY `PURCHASED BY THE CITY OF RENTON SENIOR CITIZENS "A;=°.` : CENTER AND HANDICAPPED PARK:. DEAR MR. .PAIN: ,. THE REMOVAL AND THE: .:ELOCATION OF THE,:OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE 'I;'% ' , HAS BEEN COMPLETED.. ,SOUR: STRUCTURE WAS RELOCATED ON NORTH MERIDIAN t> ' AVENUE NEAR 41ST AVE UE :N`:E.,,_ TOWARD PUYALLUP, WASH I NGTON. '''-";-''�1 ::: ER CLOSED IS AN ITEMI ED: STATEMENT SHOWING ALL REMOVAL AND.RECONSTRUCTION ?; ':-` `. ' CASTS INVOLVED. THE .{TOTAL' COST AMOUNTS'TO $5,327.00' I F YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING ANY OF THE ITEMS .SPEC IFIED, PLEASE' CALL ME' IN ._, : SEATTLE AT 682-3833, OR I,N; PORTLAND'`AT MY SEATTLE...NUMBER:• 682-6180. I ,MENTIONED TO YOU B 'IEFLY IN A RECENT TELEPHONE CONVERSATI ON,: THAT EARLY IN DECEMBER, 1976, ACKERLEY COf4IUNICATIONS REMOVED AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE'•TO."ACCOMODATE'THE'> EXTENSI:ON :OF TALBOT ROAD. ,:*'. THIS WAS A VERY SIMP E RELOCATION, "'INVOLVING ONLY,';A,:SINGLE FACING UNI LLUMI•NATED POSTER 1 PANEL, OUR TOTAL COSTS INVOLVED.WERE $1,760.00. ?n',` TO I T WOULD SEEM ME THAT. WE SHOULD' BE ABLE TQ BRING THIS. PAST MATTER ' TO A SATISFACTORY CONCLUSICNALSO, WITHOUT THE-NECESSITY OF ACKERLEY _''} 0 COMMUNICATIONS RETAINING LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THIS -PURPOSE. WE WOULD : VERY MUCH APPRECIATE YOU LOOKING INTO THIS MATTER::FOR US ALSO. . THANK YOU FOR YOUR C. . PERATION. VERY TRULY YOURSy j WII LLIAM A. 'BARBER REAL ESTATE MANAGER - i WAB•DM 715 N.E. Everett, Portland, OR. 97232/Phone: (503) 232-3111 .�yrm ,r t�. '�t�: f i� 3f +\• ',tt"i', 'Ir i {,� 'is 4.�/ ' h. "X 'fY - �`kj t •:f t'.,. t ' J a. i- +S, _r--� Sv. 4.ii. ;r rc{r.V=at t:. t+F% �r4:, :Y't b." ,.rt r(;: ¢yt� :1: I q;' _ `.'S _ ,,,',a tF :t+}'' 24 iFi Yyk,; �.Y ,r'. fir ry: 1• s� .. 7y' A g r?i..ti a5 �,'S. rd' o r '.'K.1` I�ir:r. `i` ,r =r(,5 iS 4:�F' 1 �� .ire `� t:�" f.., E OF>=R� COS t' T N 4�. . 1ti` fti.! t,., r. Z•!'I Sc 5� y.ji „ .r. r, .•.,,.):.r,. r ;t.,� ... ., .! -.,'.air.^h: "•.- ,. _ ... i. • atip ca' Fr. s �.. �ly LS j I'MS' Y!. - , -a.-, rill.^.r;i"",4:'.. a.. htY- _ xr r. 1`r k,; 'r4. i i'' �'4 f -4 a:! 'i t ','yf Y" i+K=r ii ,,eY" •a' i'7 f�•P.. `.sup� "Tv. S', • a,a+ TN E''�M FOR H"� Q.RE E� 0 OUR `,4' 0'0� — 2 Q. 0 4',.'..1,-;v'Frig iy,p.'t",F., _ _ I 1 1 - - - - -'r CRANE TRUCK FOR S.=NOURS' .00r:'"-, 1: S.QQ�' .��' � F'LATB D' TRUCK 4R'',:5,HOURS:r @'•::$18:00''; r:1:., ,,`'90:00' TO T OF REMOVAL T QO>�- •• T L MO !..COS S y iW,% ;:+YS l: v _ ,z.,,.her:`s:.'`,t ;Y '+I • - ti�`4.r �^�I` .yr, t. Y+r �� TATE� NT' 'OF.''RE •CONSTRUCT TR' �T I 5 T. „ ; ',` `S ME GUNS. UC ION"`iL� g.F,; :;: ��'. , I' C � = LARB ,<.,..; ,.:',! . • I. t ,z: r�'k^ 5.F , • • .• • • • ISr ,s `�a �7;'' . '�f+.rb• .ry .,n 4;NS'" 1� 1!� `'' 7�Q0= .008 Q. �pu n•t' FOURME ''FOR - 0 � � is : . 'rr: ..J4S" CRAN T UK.FUR� � -�:HbUS��' '0 -r .4 • ."14" •r � AUGER4 2 . : 'Vzz � '! ,ouFRS``� 5' �' ao :$2s �:o�=: � ' �: `; ATbED TRUCK. FOR .1:4.:H : , :,, , •X12QQ • • •• • Ia�«vt,. k ; ELE TICAL=PARTS'`;�'5ri% y""�=' , RA AD. S`'\ Shr `86`.'�0 .,.' PLA NP T t. ,e . 1k: .1=' B TE � �JM ER;��ANQ: AR ,. -. � r+r, MSC. ' ©L S L � ,:r i'+�~., s,,:�,:. �I L GGALVENI ZIN '.AND° AN,,�0te NCUDIN ' E - A.<� >a PARTSNOT'SALVAGEAB„LE"`AND.�.NEEDED ,FUR� }':, r32r�,..<_0 r- u; REPLACEMENT 4. • , b N ; :� ' '. i $2' :'792 OQ- ,:TOTAL COST OF:R CO STRUCTI :� <=,,:, <. z.."r {;� I , X , "1: 7i f F ' ( ' I. I' yq,�, ' - :<': i i : f i r. I Y f Jt - • • fU, " , , }tiw: DA TU a' TIOTAL: 'COST OF'REMOVAL."'AN RECQI�iS R �T'� 6,,.-,,'$3' ;,3;y:7:;: t?_:.; � ` I:r. f J�r 1,,S >r < r +S. {r. l,U. I' } • . ,:kfo le 't is+` Octo e Approve r -, . i3 rt 1:3 r '▪ , _ r l 1 e Y�:"Ass a rlil rJ.i-.f4 a, ,G ty S At t 4r e Y'i'' 'r=; l'\•. � I Y : :f .Jr 'r .,M1• ., w - ti` n "▪ f: a I + i, Y1" -t'-^„v,.lo"_,4 ' IIi, K • F{,1' • _ fiFv' .1. 7:- • • • • 1:- �. nIt ':.J tlV s^�i r . YY" M ,fJ. 1 'ne %i:r i: ,4^• t. I . .. yJ�n.n teyit' y1t.p 1, M . '4 r. L .r: ,:.':t . _ • ifr t� ! I - - • . . '!:::,:;::;: il''-' . f /F' li. ?L • rs` -• - TALBOT: ROAD EXTENSION 1976 _•STATEMENT OF REMOVAL-•COSTS • h:^ r •• FOR 4 HOURS:, @ $45:00 `•- '$; 180.00 . ,=f-`t-.,, ,;:'`'� - THREE MEN: -p,, , °'`; CRANE TRUCK FOR 4.HOURS,,-. @ '$32:00:', _ '.$.' 128.00 1' '`'' :�, FLATBED TRUCK FOR 4 HOURS @ $15.0'0 — '$: 60.00 .Fyk a,<._,... 'x -;;-- ' TOTAL OF REMOVAL COSTS, $: 368.OA. • 1 n iV'c`,* 'Y-} STAT,EMENT OF RECONSTRUCTION COSTS ,;fi. FOR 8 HOURS @ `$60.QQ,' $. 480.00. FOUR MEN0 • '.-=`'' . CRANE TRUCK' FOR-8"HOURS @. $32:00 ,:.' $'.256'.00 ,,tt ,; . ' 296.00 .��.;:�`',~"�, AUGER TRUCK FOR• 8 ti0UR5. @ $.37.'-00�-;`�=',$'., .. MSS] ;zra .. �' .. - , ;,. .: FLATBED. TRUCK ,FOR;.8 HOUR5~@' $:15.OQ ;.$':-':120.OQ . ''' ':` e TS a FLANS AND PE'RMI j' :$, ''' Q 1 9.A A�EAB�E=-� 7 : MI SC a PAR75,'NOT;5 L:V � L `�$'� , Y '-f CT•I `::$k 39 '1..OQ' TOTAL FOR RECONSTRUCTION , err, , `,:. r'OTAL COST OF•REMOVAL,;:AND'RECONSTRUCTION = 'S1'.;760.0,0 • • 1 • :r, .3: sty w _ 1- ,; a ° % ` • y t 1. " i nj 'r:Y,' .fr . • v.. , C^. . '}r ;i t •M1 � is A.r. v,..r yr." %;ir,�i iY.. ^F , t.n .�..i 1:M.�li I 4:• `S�• :y F br_ `r. •r''. s. 'x ''s°r i'i:" t'a. } Ek{;' I '1'. , . .li i�.ti-f., -- " 4¢ '� A _` Q' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON U 10 'Z fd+.../MIL h q� POST OFFICE BO -626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING 0 RENTOtV, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 O n �' LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0 9A PCO' February 1, 1979 04, SEP�E�� To: Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development :Coordinator From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney ------ ---- e: Burlington Northern Condemnation Dear Ed: You will find enclosed copies of the following:. l. `. .,. Order of Default as to Unknown Heirs'.of Henry Yesler, et al Stipulated Judgment and Decree of,.Appropriation Statement for services rendered All of the above t_.�ourt ..Orders were entered on February 1, 1979 and the ,money tendered into Court as of that date.. The City should be the record owner of' this property as of February 2, 1979. The extra day is to allow the Clerk's office,. to clear the::matter through : the Assessor's office. /;r r Lawrence I, Warn. . LJW:nd Encl. ; cc: Mayor Council President '71- 164-d— d-dir-z., ' c-Cy2-- eit-t&‹(}7i.h,(if_i),/ Zeia:&u....j 9e.._. eie,Eif) y.e,.4.4)2-, i----7 , firVj it)_.� Y �cr) rt.,'',n.�, � '«,, .j:,t.- ` ea,�+yy GEC co?,- \.. , i .. :..;ter- n r) . 1 , . . . . ..., . " • . . . 1 , . . . . . , , . . . , , . , ., • , . : . . . . . . • . . . . . , . . ,. „ , , . ,, , , , , , ,, , 3 1 i 4 ; 5 I 6 II4 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE' OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY ) 7 In the matter of the Petition ' ) of the City of Renton, a municipal ) • NO. 851892 • , • • 8 corporation of the State of ) ORDER OF DEFAULT ASITO Washington, , to acquire by condem- '. ) UNKNOWN HEIRS OF HENRY 9 nation certain property and property ) YESLER, ET AL rights for construction of a Senior ) 10 Citizens Center and' a park for the ) ' handicapped, a ppurtenances. and .. . ) • • ' 11 improvement in connection therewith. , ) 1 12 ) . 13 THIS MATTER having come on regularly before the undersigned 1.4 Judge of the above entitled court for. hearing on condemnation ; I I 15 for an Order of Public Use and Necessity, and the following parties 16 haviing been served by publication: • 17 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY, INC, THE FARMER' S LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK, THE , 18 MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN HEIRS- OF 1 HENRY YESLER AND J.D.LOWMAN, TRUSTEE FOR H:L. YESLER, 19 THE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, MORGAN: GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK AND JACOB .M. FORD II, AND ANY ' 20 I SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO J.D.LOWMAN, ITRUSTEE FOR H .L. YESLER AND T0• ANY KNOWN AND UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES 21 OF THE TRUST FOR H. L. YESLER AND ANY KNOWN AND UNKNOWN HEIRS OF H. L. YESLER, 22 i 23 as, evidenced by Affidavit herein, and BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY, 24 INp, THE FORMER' S LOAN AND TRXST COMPANY, FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK, I 25 THE MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, THE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, MORGAN 26 GU1RANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK AND JACK M. FORD, II, 41 i 27 having appeared_ through counsel , and no appearance or Noticeiof 28 appearance having been made by KNOWN AND 'UNKNOWN HEIRS OF .HENRY I 29 YESLER AND J. D.LOWMAN', TRUSTEE FOR'•H. L. YESLER, FOR ANY ' 30 SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO J. D. LOWMAN, TRUSTEE FOR H. L . YESLER, I 31 'OR ANY KNOWN AND UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST FOR , 32 H.IL. YESTER, OR ANY KNOWN AND UNKNOWN HEIRS OF H . L . YESLER, PAIN ti WARREN I ATTORNEYS AT IJ1\Y ORIDER OF DEFAULT AS TO YESLER IOO uo.SECOND T.nu Oa.,p. DOX G20 RENTON. WASHINGTON DOO59J 25D-U670 P .;1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 due cause appearing therefor, it is hereby 2 ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the following parties 3 be and they are hereby held in default : KNOWN AND UNKOWN HEIRS 1 4 OF HENRY YESLER• *AND J. D.LO MAN, TRUSTEE FOR II . L. YESLER, ANY 5 SUCCESSOR TRUSTEEITO J .D.LOWMAN, TRUSTEE FOR H.L .YESLER, 6 ANY KNOWN AND UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST FOR H .L.YESLER, 7 AND ANY KNOWN AND: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF H.L.YESLER, and it is further 8 ORDERED., ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Petitioner be 9 aliowed to proceed with the compensation phase of this 10 condemnation without further notice to or participation by 11 the defaulting parties. 12 13 , 14 ! DONE IN OPEN COURTthis 1st day of February, 1979 . 15 16 t't. 9RA M. ISH1Kq N. JUDGE/COURT COMMISSIONER 17 Presented by: 18 . 19 20 Law -ence J. Warren, City Attorney . for City of Renton, Petitioner 21 1 22 . 23 24 ' 25 26 . 27 28 29 30 31 r 32 . ORDER OF DEFAULT AS TO YESLER PAIN & WARREN ATTORNEYS AT LAW tOO S,O.SECOND T.SLOG..P.O.SOX 020 P. 2 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98095 269-8&78 h • 2 3 4 • 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGF'ON FOR KING COUNTY 6 In the Matter of the Petition ) of the City of Renton, a Municipal ) NO . 851892 7 Corporation of the State of ) Washington, to aciquire by condemna- ) STIPULATED JUDGMENT AND o t'ion certain property and property ) DECREE OF APPROPRIATION rights for construction of. a. Senior ) 9 Citizens Center Ind a park for the ) handicapped, appurtenances and ) 10 improvement in connection therewith. ) ) 11 ) . • 12 13 THIS MATTEF coming on before the undersigned Judge of the 14 above entitled Court by stipulation of the parties as evidenced 15 by the signatures hereto, the City of Renton being represented 16 by Lawrence J. Warren, its City Attorney , and Respondents Burl.inpton 17 Northern, Citibank N.A. , The Mercentile Trust company, The 18 Bankers Trust Company, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New , 19 York and Jacob M Ford II , being represented by Gerald A. Troy , 20 Attorney at Law, and Respondent, the known and unknown heirs of 21 Henry Yesler and J .D. Lowman , Trustee for H. L. Yesler, and any n 2F.. successor Trustee to J. D. Lowman, Trustee for H. L. Yesler 23 and any known and unknown beneficiaries of the Trust for H. L. 24 Yesler and any known and unknown heirs of H. L . Yesler not 25 appearing ' and default against them' having been previously entered 26 and the parties, through undersigned Counsel , having agreed that 27 the just compens Lion for the real property -sought to be appro- . 28 Iriated in this action is Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred 29 Dollars ( $31, 800L 00) , less the cost of the condemnation action 30 r;nd any awards tO any other iziteited party 'in this action , ; if 31 any, the City' s costs amounting to a filing fee of- $51 . 0 0 , ' 32 STIPULATED JUDGMENT AND DECREE: OF APPROPRIATION PAIN et WARREN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100&O.SECOND ST.SLOG..P.O.BOX'620 I'C1g c 1 RENTON♦ WASHINGTON 98038 255-8678 Ili 6106 1 1 1 J. service costs of , * 46. 00 ' ; now therefore, it is hereby 2 ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Petitjoner shall pay 1 3 the sum of Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ( $31 , 890 . 00) , 4 less the costs in the sum of Ninety Seven and no/199 Dollars ($97 . 00 5 into the registry of this court for the benefit of Respondents 5 herein, as theirl interest may appear, as just compensation, and 1 7 upon such payment the Petitioner shall become the owner of the 1 8 following property and property rights , to-wit: 9 See Attachent "A" hereto which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth 10 1 11 and it is further 12 ORDERED, ApJUDGED AND DECREED that upon payment of the sum 13 of Thirty One ThOusand Seven Hundred Three and no/100 Dollars 031:10 14 into the registry of this court the Clerk of this court is hereby 15 Ordered to satisfy this judgment and to hold such sum of money for 16 1 distribution, subject to further order of this Court . 17. 1 DONE IN OPEN COURT this' day of Nov-ember, 1977. 18 IMAM ' 19 20 JUDGE/COURT COMMISSIONER ' 21 Presented by: 22 1 23 -2L Lawrence J . Warren, Attorney for 24 City of Renton 1 25 ' 26 Approved as to form and Notice of Presentation Waived: 27 1 28, Gerald A. Troy . Attorney for 29 Respondents ' 30 31 32 STIPULATED JUDGMENT AND DECREE OF APPROC1REATFON PAIN Et WARREN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO. SECOND ST.DLOG.. P.O.nc:Ic 626 ydgo 2 RENTON, WASHINGTON 93055 ZI35-8678 -. / . , k..0'44 • 11affidavit of Pu lication lY . nTon.._ , !3 ©Y� OF ,.os 4SENIOR:CITIZEN'S' - CENTER,CONSTRUCTION STATE OF WASHINGTON ss �e led b ds will-be re- , COUNTY OF KING ceived until 2:00.P.M.;'June 23,1978;at the office of the ' City Clerk and will be opened and publicly read • l e r S.Pet! H e?�' to h being first duly sworn on aloud at 2:00 P.M.,the same day, in the 4th floor confer- ence room, City of Renton she. h i e f Clerk Municipal Building, 200 Mill oath,deposes and says that is the 1 of I , Avenue South. THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) Bid proposals delivered in times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and person will be received only ! has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred at the office of the City Clerk to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- in 'the Renton Municipal ; ' paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, Building. and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an-office maintained The work included in this ! - --" at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton -- - conf Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the • Contract and co ptheGoof Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, struction and completion of an Office/Assembly build in of Type V-N construc- po Y• y B• 9. YP The--_ if of""th-r Cii O '. C�17 for Bids a Washington.That the annexed is a tion,for Group B-2lA-3 occu-` Renton is to promote and pansy; including appurte afford equal treatment and •nances shown on drawings; service to all citizens'and ' all in strict accordance,with assure equal employment • 11 these specifications and the opportunity based on ability accompanying drawings, and fitness to all persons as it was published in regular issues(and 1 excepting only those items regardless of race; creed, not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period specifically shown, noted or color, national origin, sex, I specified as not in Contract. physical, sensory o•mental The City reserves the right handicaps; age;,o'�! marital of f 2 consecutive issues,commencing on the ,to reject any and/or all bids status. This policy shall and to,waive any and/or all apply to every aspect of , informalities. • employment practices,emp- 2 June I ,19 7 ,and ending the Approved plans •and loyee treatment and public day of ` specifications nd form of. . contact. contract documents may be The City of Renton hereby obtained at the office of the notifies all bidders that it will 9 day of `Tune 1 ,19 7Q,both dates Planning Department at the affirmatively insurer that in inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Municipal Building, Renton, , any` contract entered into scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee • Washington,for a deposit of pursuant to this ativertise $50.00'per each set plus ment,'minority lwsilness en l l $5.00 to:cover postage if terprises will be afforded full charged for the foregoing publication is t e sum of $..}:r.S�, hich mailed. The deposit of opportunity to submit bids in has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ' $50;00 per each set ofplans po I' first insertion and an response to this Invitation per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent will be refunded upon return � and will not be discriminated insertion. ' of the Plans and Specifica-p against on the grounds of • a-ci.Y.:kWh./IL— `tions days d condition within race,color,or national origin thirty days after bid opening.. in consideration of an award. g The mailing charge will not All succ� �pllbidders '. / be refunded.. C;h f of Clerk _ A certified check or bid must Executive Orderly,witn Govenbr's 1 ' ;bond in the amount of five(5) Order n e 71-08 regarding Employrrient Sec- percent Of the total amount urity Department !!Special Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of • of each bid must accompany, Form No. 344 SI, -State each bid: ._ Contractors Quartgrly Re- June , 19 78 port on New Hires!/' Forms will be forwarded to < ; • successful bidderI' by the Employment Security De- • Notary Publi for the State of Washington • . I partment upon receipt of residing at Kent, King Cou ti notice of contract award. Delores{IA. Mead City Clerk Published in The Renton —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June ; .Record-Chronicle IIJune 2 9th, 1955. I i and 9, 1978. R4969. 1L__`_._ —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, - adopted by the newspapers of the State. 1 , I 1 V.P.C.Form No.87 Cr-4,-6- • rig-itt Renton City Council 6/5/78 Page 6 New Business 7 Continued Senior Citizens' Councilman Shane inquired re adequate funding for the new Senior, Center Citizens' Center and relocation of water and telemetry shop, suggesting Utility funds could not be used for the relocation and suggesting placement of 2% tax on paramutel betting and elimination ;of 6%. utility tax. AUDIENCE COMMENT 'I Parks and Recreation Director Webley presented metal box from the Old Earlington old Earlington School which had been found by the contractor dur- School Treasurrers; ing demolition. Webley also presented packet of papers from the ' box, noting the box and papers have been donated to the Renton Historical. Society who will place the box and contents on display. Executive Session MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DiISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. 10:05 P.M. All Council Members were present upon reconvening in regular ADJOURNMENT session. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 :10 P.M. Delores A. Mead C.M.C. City Clerk . I ' • • 'I I I . ail ' I I I I I ; I i I i i i I Re ton. City Cl erk 6/ /78 Page-5 • CO'RESPONDENCE� AND CURRENT PUSINESS SR 515 Letter from Arlene M. Zanga, 1609 Talbot Rd. S, called attention . Pua�lic Hearing 6/22 to Council 's commitment to SR-515 approval . MOVED, BY SHINPOCH, SECOND -TRIM, •.REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 22, 1978.- CARRIED. Withdrawal from Letter from the Renton Police Officers Guild, John Pavone, Presi- So'ial Security ent requested consideration of steps necessary to remove, the Renton Police Department and Police. Officers' Guild from the • United .States• Social Security System. Letter from,' Renton Manage- ment Association, W. Gonnason, President, stated that in view of .the proposed rate increases for Social •Security and the financial impact it will have on the City budget, consideration of withdrawal - from. the Social .Security System is requested.. The letter noted an annuity insurance program to provide -coverage for those employ- ees now covered by Social Security and at the end of required two-year time limit for withdrawal , the City's costwould be about 75% of cost of Social Security. Moved by Stredicke, Second Thorpe, refer to City's Negotiating Team. Substitute Motion by • Thorpe, Second Trimm, refer to Budget Committee. Failed. SUB- STITUTE, MOTION BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, REFER TO WAYS AND-MEANS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Shoreline Master ) Letter from Quendall Terminals, Donald 0. Norman, provided material Pl11n Revision, outlining steps taken re application by Barbee Mill Co. for develop- Re1uested by ment of permit under the Shoreline Management Act, re application Quendall Terminals for special grading permit regarding maintenance dredging at the mouth of the May Creek, re recommendation of the Planning Staff that permit be issued, re denial of permit by the. Hearing . Examiner upon opinion of the City Attorney. The letter further explains belief that error exists in the Master Program and asks correction of wording which would be consistent with conditions of dredging permits issued by the State Department of Fisheries and the EPA. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFER- RED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED.' Da payAppeal . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, THE DALPAY APPEAL R-143.-78 BE HELD Re.one 143-78 • OVER UNTIL NEXT WEEK. (Rezone 143-78, 620 SW 12th St: , G-6000 Single Family to L-1 Light Industry had been requested. ) CARRIED. Daipay' Appeal Petition from Nick Petruska, William G. Fox, Betty Bauer and Re one 145-.78 S. A. Crookston, expressed belief that appeal letter filed by (Ste' Page 1 ) James W. Dalpay re Hearing Examiner's recommendati n Rezone 145-78 • did not constitute an appeal in accordance with Ci. y Code as it stated no specific .errors of fact or law and no ne evidence; therefore that Examiner' s decision of 4/11/78 should stand, noting . belief that the residential property would not be in compliance with Comprehsive Plan if rezoned B-1 : Moved by Perry, Second Clymer, Refer communication to the Planning and Development pending receipt of 'Hearing Examiner' s report. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR REVIEW IN THE RECONSIDERATION. SUBSTITUTE. MOTION CARRIED., NE1 BUSINESS Councilwoman Thorpe requested change in agenda preparation that . Leaters, of letters of commendation for City personnel be placed under the Commendation • Correspondence and Current Business portion of agenda rather than Consent Agenda. Pua>lic Works Councilwoman Thorpe noted her concern and requested the Administra- Co1"tracts tion review the present procedure for drawing up contracts with Pricedure regard to financial responsibility. Public Works Director Gonnason noted complex procedure with Federal and State funding. Ci `�izen Award Councilman Stredicke requested reinstatement of procedure for • Requested. Citizen Awards for outstanding service to the community and sug- • __ • gested Erwin Fey, noting Mr. Fey's many years of maintaining high . quality, family films;also noting Mr. Fey had sold the theaters. • N 264 Chelan Avenue S. E. Renton, Washington 98055' April 17, 1978 Honorable Mayor and Council Members, Last 'Thursday's Committee of the Whole meeting will lead to action being taken here tonight on two subjects about which I feel compelled to comment: (1 ) !the Senior Citizens' Center and (2) travel authorizations to states which' have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) . i . My posit1ion on the. Senior Citizens ' Center has been public knowledge since, August 29, 1977. . I opposed the concept of a unique facility, preferring a! multipurpose facility as I believe was once proposed by mil- Planning Depart- ment,! and was against Its funding by Councilmanic bonds. Through regular attendance at all council meetings since July 25, 1977, I became aware of the estimated yearly maintenance cost in excess of $100,000 and with the necessity to relocate the city water shop, having been told that the budget- ing for the latter was already accomplished. Certainly, if I am aware of the t®tal estimated impact of the Center on Renton finances, the information` has been available to al interested parties. Although I can't help b'u believe that the city should be able to find a less expensive interim solution for the water shop than one costing $800 per month for two years, I. believe the time for devisive discussion over the, project! has lbnOince passed. Mr. Shane had what I ordinarily would consider a , good idea, namely, don'.t move the water shop until after the Senior Citizens' Center bids are in, because as he says it may not be built at all . In-.thelcese of this project, however the method of funding was vetoed by the mayor, the veto was overridden by a a unanimous council: vote, and I. now count a vote of 5 to 2 in favor of the Center on the current council . I must therefore I agreelwith you, Mr. Map*, that the Planning Department is on schedule, .th architect's work is 80 percent complete, and we should allow the administra-11 tion to get on with the job. . To me the decision to build a unique facility . with funds not approved ey the public was a bad one, but we now must make the best of a bad thing and all work diligently toward its success with the hope that someday all of us may even look back and. say, "That was a creditable project which is now serving a 'truly useful purpose for the entire community". An even more emotional sLbject than the Senior Citizens' Center is national consideration of the ERA. What better proof of this is there than the current proposal that Renton not authorize any business travel by c.ity personnel to states which have not ratified the ERA. While I have empathy for the feelings of the proponents of ERA, I cannot help but oppose this proposal . The city of Renton has common ground with cities of every state including those whichoppose the ERA. To cut ourselves off from these communities., individual onesof which may even be behind the ERA movement, because of disagreement over any single issue would merely display our own immaturity. i I II + - i 4 1 � I -2- Predominantly democratic states don 't normally discriminate against those voting Republican, etc. If we cannot disagree on any issue without legislat�ive retallliat;ion, a free exchange of ideas becomes impossible and democracy (the right td disagree). is dead. This proposal draws a parallel to our current natiolnal policy on human rights, which results in our meddling in the internal matters of other nations. It is not only wrong, but hypocritical when we i have so much dirty linen at home. Sincerely, • Sanford E. Webb cc: The Renton RECORD CHRONICLE • .II a f I . ",., " ...L 4 . . 1, 7 ;,a - Went n, y ounci 1 ,,._ -'' 3/27/78 Page 2 .. . I PUBLIC HEARING This' being the date set and- proper notices having been posted, pubf LID #306 Sewers lished and mai-,led ,according ;to ,law, Mayor, Delaurenti opened the Pub- Sunset. Bl vd -NEI l i c Hearing to consider, L:I::'D: #306 Fi n,al .Assessment Roll in the. 1 , Near NE 7th St. amount of. $39,694.9f�.. ` Letter, from Public .Works Director Gonnason reported one letter. ,of protestreceived'. re assessment of $2,329.40 representing 5.9%'of the .total: assessment roll . Letter of protest) from Paul A. and Mary K. Tu'rnbow,. 821 Sunset Blvd. , noted fence not . replaced' asagheed', that they are retired•.l.iving on small fixed in- ; come and _requ sted the assessments be, placed as a lien against the Gonn� property until'�, '.it..is sold or. inherited. . Public Works Director � � explained cost , , noting increase of 21/2%..over preliminary roll . Coun- cil President ly'mer inquired regarding deferment of payment, on assessments-, b ing'.advised by 'City, Attorney Warren the procedure , would have,to a included in,, the ordinance. : City Clerk Mead and Finance Director Marshall. noted.advice from bonding counsel that deferred payments .could 'affect sale of bonds. Following further di;s- cussion it was, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COMMUNICATION FROM TURNBOW'S BE REFERRED TO 'TH PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR INVESTIGATION • AND REPORT BACK,"AND THAT THE ADMINISTRATION ADVISE THE NUMBER OF LOW-INCOME ELDERLY LIVING WITHIN THE DISTRICT.. ROLL CALL: 5-AYES: Hearing continued TRIMM, SHANE, STREDICKE, THORPE.AND PERRY; 2-NO:, CLYMER AND SHINPOCH. to 4/3/78 ' MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONTINUE . THE HEARING ON LID #306 FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND' SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS. - CARRIED. ROLL; CALL: - THORPE AND 4-AYE TRIMM, HANE, SHINPOCM; STREDICKE; 3-NO: CLYMER, HO ' PERRY. -MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:25 p.m. 'and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. ' . OLL CALL: ALL. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT. I OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Seymour-Thorpe submitted commit- Community ' tee report and recommended Council concurrence in proposal letter Services Report from the Admin stration for temporary relocation of the Utility Relocation of Shops. The le ter from Public Works' Director 'Gonnason noted request Utility Shops & iof the Communi y Services Committee for estimate of cost for tempor- Telemetering ary relocation of the Utility ;Shoot; reporting suitable facility at • N. 6th St. and' Pelly Ave. .N. formerly occupied by Union Oil Co. System to Allow AThe letter reported cost of relocating: (1 ) Rental $850 per mo. T)me Building of the estimated one year with one 'year option to. allow construction on a1 Senior Citizens Center ., permanent site;. (2) Recommended City forces rent equipment and move cimaterials at ctst of $1 ,000; (3),. Relocation of 12 phone lines to lioperate telemetering system @$60 = $720 plus other. . electrical work = ' $1 ,000. The letter requested. authorization to proceed. Moved by Shane, Second Timm, Council concur in the Community Services CoI It- '111 tee reportand authorize temporary relocation of the Utility Shonsi. following discussion, it was requested that all Community Service 1 ; Committee reports concerning the relocation be distributed to Council Members. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL; " TABLE THE MATTER TOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND rl THORPE, MATTER OF UTILITY SHOP RELOCATION BE PLACED ON THE COMMITTEE OF_ THE WHOLE AGENDA. CARRIED. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE.! ry COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORTS AND THE MEETING MINUTES REGARD- ING SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER BUILDING AND THE RELOCATION BE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL MEM ERS PRIOR TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING; AND `' THAT THE COUNdL PRESIDENT ;SO DIRECT THE COUNCIL SECRETARY. CARRIED. g Mayor Delauren i Suggested inviting architect to meeting. (See Schedule) Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee report approved payment of Vouchers No. Committee Report 17438 through No. 1 600 in the amount of $197,458. 14 plus LID #302 Voucher Payment Revenue Warran. R-13 in. amount of $255,825.86 and Cash Warrants : 1 C-17 $204. 89; ?718 $4,720.97; C-19 •$37,600 C-20 $213,300, having I received depar ,mental certification. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR. IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Appointment The Ways and M ans Committee report concurred in the Mayor's appoint- Planning ment of Michael Porter to the Planning Commission. MOVED BY STREDICKE Commission SECOND SHINPOC , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Fire Station ' The committee eport concurred in the Finance Director' s recommendation Funding that the additional $94,555 for the Fire Station be funded with a I • • A COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 21, 1978 RE: TEMPORARY FRELOCATION OF UTILITY SHOPS The Community Services Committee has reviewed the attached proposal presented by the Admini- stration for temporary relocation. Council concurrence is recommended. /-1 Patricia Seymotir-Thorpe, Chairwoman Richard Stredicke / , / I / 1•". • Thomas Trimm, Attachment , . . . ,.. . • ., . .,• ....,.,....-.',.,-; "..••-w,;',.,,,..•'.:.,•;...,‘,..........,\,-'..... .....',,,. -•.:.....,•.•:••-•.,,.".•!•••,.i',,,!,,k•-•.•"••.:.''',"-• --'..!•!--.."!'•14.4•,";',.;',4.'„;,..',..-,;...•.!,: ,.. , ', .. - : •.. : •,,..."....!..., -•••.„.. 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CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2190 WHEREAS the City of Renton, Washington is desirous of making application for a certain Federal Aid Grant project, and WHEREAS the implementation of said project requires the execution of certain documents relating thereto and the allocation and expenditure of Title V Funding for Senior Centers under the Older Americans Act, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON,' AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The above findings are found to be true and correct. SECTION II: The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Renton, I Washington, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver,unto the appropriate governmental agency, any and all documents relating to the allocation andiexpenditure of Title V Funding for Senior Centers under the Older Americans Act, to-wit: Equipment and Furnishings for the new Senior Citizen Center. SECTION III: The City Clerk is hereby authorized to certify this Resolution in sufficient copies and furnish same to the appropriate governmental agencies! PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of June, 1978. 2h,t, ,d Delores A. Mead, City Uerk,, itUerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of June , 1978. C. . Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney . ' i` !� `1 i t les$ "Serving the Northwest" 0 WASH. 4'ie4 Mac/us to ea. Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Machinery 0 0 16025 S.E. HAROLD AVE. MILWAUKIE,OREGON 97222 IDAHO PHONE (503) 659-3432 0 OREGON March 22, 1978 ag562l g ft,n D. Mead, City Clerk Ste. �, \�a.� 200 Mill Ave. S. <� �r� �,��' �0� �' CC FCCC'.�ti: Renton, Washington 98055 �y t, O((\ 0). Re: Senior Citizen Center on Cedar River is 0► Dear Sir, I understand you are anticipating building a Senior Citizen Center, and will be in need of dependable kitchen equipment. We, at Arent Machinery Company, have been associated with laundries, nursing homes, restaurants and hotels in the northwest, for 35 years, and feel confident, when we recommend Insinger dish utensil and pan washers, and waste disposers. Insinger has models to meet all needs from 1000 to 10,000 dishes per day, and up. Could you help me make a proper recommendation, by estimating daily dish— washing needs? Also, have you considered an on premise laundry facility? We are factory representatives for Washex and Wascomat washer—extractors, and, again, have machines to suit every need. Please refer to the enclosed brochures, for pertinent information. We will be more than happy to consult with your architect or engineers, and provide them with necessary specifications, before plans are complete and need altering. Please call or write for a consultation appointment. Thank you, ARENT MACHINERY COMPANY NetitUt,iti , Beverly Williams BW/wcl Encl. CC to Arch: Mithun & Assoc. 2000 112th Ave. N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 "Introducing Quality and Leadership to the Industry" * 0. * _ ___ - ,„ _ a ,, , icl_ki a_rs! .t.„4 ,„ _ IFYOU WANT ll TOREALLYCUJ . r. 4t , . on costly, and limited, \.,\\, ti- Gas Consumption . . . ! . I ,. make the TOTAL EFFORT 1 . , c .s s �� r►: . . SAVE with , .. r ,; /#, # ::=4:14--..to cissell . / 71, ,/ 0, 40. Where the _____ — ., ______ CUTS are BIG! _,7:-....... Model 36ES30 Shown I Design A.G.A.Certified Patent Pending YOU CAN SAVE up to 40%* with Cissell's NEW ENERGY SAVING DRYERS CISSELL OFFERS ITS WORLD FAMOUS DRYERS WITH 8 ENERGY SAVING FEATURES 1.GAS INPUT reduced to 104,000 6. MAKE-UP AIR IS PRE-HEATED B.T.U. per hour. If we had done , (left photo) before combustion occurs. nothing more, this reduction would �' Only Cissell provides this advantage have saved 20%on gas consumption. to further save energy. Fresh make-up • air is drawn through special vents in But our conservation-minded engi- back of dryer(note arrows). Air is neers didn't stop there. CISSELL "x ducted upward along the back and as built in 7 more features to save it moves against the hot surfaces of energy by an additional 20%...and the dryer, the air is, indeed, pre- cut your costs even more, too. heated.The air then moves over LOOK! And SEE for yourself what ''. burner to be gas heated and then we did...and how we did it! 111F 1111� directed down through the drying :: load. HIGH HEAT iirMIXRDion o,,,,,RDRRKD _ z, „ -- ._.,� - , 7. HOT EXHAUST AIR IS RE NORMAL CONENSS .F` � lk CIRCULATED to save heat. Approxi- PERM PRESS RERMAVEHr RRESS . mately 50%of heretofore fully ! �Y ;,:';', ESSAYS 3 POLY KNIT � Esc.",weoG"1!APISS expended exhaust air is now reused DELICATE ',HMI FAERICS 5. EXHAUST AIR RE-HEATER. (photo for more efficient dryer operation LOW HEAT all DELICATE TO DRY by re-circulating it through a specially below) A feature offered only by PUSH MITO START Cissell is the proprietary burner designed burner compartment. —. compartment. It is divided into two sections:The top portion is for recir 8 Energy is further conserved... 2. PUSH-TO-START BUTTON. Dryer culated air and the bottom portion is drying continues during Cissell's operates only when button is for the new make-up air needed for exclusive Thermostatically-Controlled depressed.When customer removes proper combustion of the gas.The Cool-Down. (Therm-O-Cool). load before cycle ends, dryer will not re circulated air is reheated for start until button is pushed again. maximum dryer performance as it TO SAVE YOU MORE MONEY— You save on gas AND electricity. passes around and through the upper CISSELL gives you 3. ELECTRONIC PILOT lights only burner compartment.The fresh air even more features! when burner heat is needed.When which enters the lower compartment • Dryer has 6" vent duct (instead of dryer is not in use—gas is saved! is heated by the gas flame and then 8"). More air is re-circulated; mixes with the re-circulated air.The therefore, a smaller diameter duct combined heated gases are then is required since less air is 4. INSULATION added. Not just in directed downward into the dryer q burner door and front panel—but basket. exhausted to the outside. An installation cost savings,too! " • Because less than half as much �"" ' make-up air is required, due to ,ram more being re-circulated, your cost for Barometric Shutters or `` ` t Air Shaft is reduced. - �~ ,; "� - • BIG SAVINGS! To save you even more installation costs, Cissell— "it and only Cissell—supplies each ae � e dryer with part of the necessary ducting. (See photo above, right) in burner compartment, both sides of dryer, lint door and front panel. Heat losses reduced. And with Cissell's long-time double wall construction, heat is retained INSIDE dryer even better than ever. NEW CISSELL ENERGY SAVING DRYERS continue to provide all "old" popular, "come-to-expect" features that include . . . . • ,_. _ . . Dryer v. • - v, ' - Safe,TEMPERATURE CON- Self-Cleaning Lint Collector. Extra- ' . single motor (shown TROLLED COOL-DOWN at the end fine mesh screen removes finer lint left), or double of every drying cycle. Eliminates particles. Collector is completely motor; one or two heat-set wrinkles; no guesswork. framed to form seal; easily coin meters or for Cool-down controlled by tempera- removed. Collector door is locked Timed operation. ture of load—not by time. to prevent unauthorized Regardless of drying temperature, maintenance. Familiar Cissell all garments come out"cool to the design.This touch". Spontaneous combustion Electrical Controls are enclosed a' familiar, handsome hazards are minimized. separately from locked access door and totally to heating unit. Easy accessibility fu tional dr] er makes replacement X for simple maintenance. of older pre-Energy-saving tumblers a a "natural". '. �'' Dryer for coin meter operation is furnished with extra secure money vault. r ....,; :;'‘<?-7:-.„ .7.,..,....- ),/,' Pushbutton Temperature Control. •� a>*' 7°%' Keyed to sp?.cific fabric needs. '' Customer e)sily selects drying --,,,,.. temperatur for any fabric— just �'` __ ` " - - - by pushing me button. Includes �;` `" No-Sag, PERMA-PRESS/POLY KNIT g, No Snag Basket, with , extruded perforations to help setting. protect delicate fabrics. lJ t Signal Light indicates dryer in 1. operation. SAFETY FEATURES, T00! Dryer furnished with Adjustable Leveling Bolts at each corner to • Combination automatic gas valve, • Extended side and rear walls, permit accurate alignment. and pressure regulator, which solid top and front cover over compensates for any changes in burner. Shields gas flames from gas pressure. cross drafts. i • Built-in Thermal Overload protec- • Air Switch provides over-heat tion in motor. Guards against protection against interrupted air motor burnouts. Lever-type gas flow. �``� cut-off valveand union furnished. ! • Temperature Limiting Thermostat • Automatic Backdraft damper provides fire protection under eliminates downdrafts to chill abnormal conditions. dryer or room; prevents lint circu- lation in dryer and room. Multiple colors to choose from. Dryer painted outside and inside, too! Dryer guaranteed for one year against manufacturer's defects. First doesn't mean best! Cissell took a bit longer — to do it better — and in a feature for feature, method by method comparison, you'll find CISSELL was well worth waiting for! 4 .F f Specifications 50 lb. Dryer(Dry wt. cap.— 100% moisture retention) Specifications 115 or 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., single phase; 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., 3 phase; 380 v., 50 cy., 3 phase Motor size % h.p. Floor space 75" high x 491/2"deep x 37%"wide , Basket size 36" dia. x 30" deep Exhaust Duct 6"diameter Maximum Free Air Displacement 400 cfm Recommended Operating Range 300 to 350 cfm Net Weight 640 lbs. (approx.) Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) 705 lbs. (approx.) F. Export Shipping Weight (Box) 1180 lbs. (approx.) Cu. Ft Export Crating 118.9 Export Shipping Dimensions 83" (L) x 48" (W) x 55" (H) B.T.U. input (2 burners) 104,000 per hr. (approx.) NOTE: Pressure Regulator set at 31/2"Water Column *Resu is from laboratory tests. Performance may vary depending upon outside temperature and other factors. W. M. CISSELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY 831 S. First Street Louisville, KY. 40203 Pacific Coast Office: 4823 W.Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90016 ASK YOUR DISTRIBUTOR Foreign Distributors write Export Dept., Cable Code"Cissell" *Results from laboratory tests. Performance may vary depending upon outside temperature and other factors. Arent Machinery Co. 16025 S.7. Harold Ave. Milwau;:ie, Oregon 97222 Phone (503) 659-3432 Form No.504-50ESD 15M 676 RF Printed in U.S.A. YOUR PERSONAL D 00 9 9 .... CISSELL :. 30 lb. & 50 lb. DRYERS . i} :3 (Double Motor Models) '' 1 SEPARATE MOTORS ; ifil . . . independently control fan and basket. Should '.' operator open dryer door during drying cycle, :; Mg basket motor stops, fan motor continues to s - /A* operate . . . eliminating hot air blasts through ; ��Y`3. open door . . . keeping area comfortable. Each N�. motor has built-in overload protection —a • *f r constant guard against motor burnouts. .• Iu GEAR ' ,, CA- REDUCER - N 74 fi A real "power-house" `_ 1 ' ��d built for day-In, - ' At day-out service. " ,:i,,,,,, ,t �q, Supports basket on '_ Timken Bearings— , :�' "�`rt. . - 15 year life expectancy. -- - - ll am' PLUS . . . "SEE" CISSELL'S ' DOUBLE WALLSA. Keep external surfaces cool . . . useful heat WITHIN basket. Saves energy! (Featured on - ,e ALL Cissell Dryer models.) -' , NOTE: The Gear Reducer and Separate Motors are ,-- �� the only differerces in the Cissell two motor and , � � L the Cissell single motor dryers. 4r, Therefore, please use this sheet in conjunction " with Cissell 30 and 50 lb. single Motor Dryer literature. All specifications and features shown in those sheets, except those which apply to single motor feature, are ALSO PERTINENT for the DOUBLE MOTOR �1; CISSELL DRYERS. MOTOR SIZES a.a=_�,, 30 lb. 50 lb. :4't m-_--.-.grip 6 Certified' Fan 1/4 H.P. 1/3 H.P. A' mm� ssel Basket 1/3 H.P. 1/2 H.P. • Applies to 28BD30; 36BD30; 28ED30;36ED30 U.S.A. Gas Models Only ASK YOUR DISTRIBUTOR C Certified** W. M. Cissell Manufacturing Company ** Applies to 28BD30;36BD30 Canadian Models Only 831 South First Street, Louisville, Ky. 40203 ARENT MACHINERY Pacific Coast Office: 4823 W.Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles CO. Foreign Distributors write: Export Dept., Cable Code "Cissell" 16025 S.E. Harold Ave. Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 (503) 659-3432 Specifications Specifications 50 lb. ENERGY SAVING Dryer (Dry wt. cap.—100% moisture 30 lb. ENERGY SAVING Dryer (Dry wt. cap.—100% moisture retention) retention) Specifications 115 or 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., single phase; Specifications 115 or 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., single phase; 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., 3 phase; 380 v., 50 cy., 3 phase 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., 3 phase; 380 v., 50 cy., 3 phase Motor size 3/4 h.p. Motor size 1/2 h.p. Floor space 75" high x 491/2" deep x 377/e" wide Floor space 681/2" high x 471/8" deep x 283/4" wide Basket size 36" dia. x 30" deep Basket size 28" dia. x 30" deep Exhaust Duct 6" diameter Exhaust Duct 6" diameter Maximum Free Air Displacement 400 cfm Maximum Free Air Displacement 325 cfm Recommended Operating Range 300 to 350 cfm Recommended Operating Range 200 to 250 cfm Net Weight 640 lbs. (approx.) Net Weight 478 lbs. (approx.) Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) 705 lbs. (approx.) Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) 543 lbs. (approx.) Export Shipping Weight (Box) 1180 lbs. (approx.) Export Shipping Weight (Box) 845 lbs. (approx.) Cu. Ft. Export Crating 118.9 Cu. Ft. Export Crating 69.1 Export Shipping Dimensions 83" (L) x 48" (W) x 55" (H) Export Shipping Dimensions 52" (L) x 31" (W) x 74" (H) B.T.U. input (2 burners) 104,000 per hr. (approx.) B.T.U. input (2 burners) 80,000 per hr. (approx.) NOTE: Pressure Regulator set at 31/2" Water Column NOTE: Pressure Regulator set at 31/2"Water Column SPECIFICATIONS 50-POUND DRYERS—STEAM-HEATED AND GAS-FIRED 30-POUND DRYERS—Gas-Fired and Steam-Heated (Dry Weight Capacity-100% Moisture Retention) Electrical 115 or 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., 1 phase; 230v., Electrical 115 or 230 v., 60 or 50 cy., 1 phase; 230v., 60 or 50 cy., 3 phase 60 or 50 cy., 3 phase Floor Space 451/8" Deep x 283/4" Wide x 681/2" high Floor Space 451/8" deep x 377/s" wide x 75" high Motor 1/2 h.p. Basket 36" dia. x 30" deep Basr Opening 22M6" dia.p Door Opening 333/s" dia. Basketx 28" dia. x 30" deep P 9 Exhaust Duct 8" dia. Motor 3/4 h.p. Maximum Air Displacement 700 cfm Exhaust Duct 8" dia. Recommended Operating Range 530-630 cfm Maximum Air Displacement 800 cfm GAS-FIRED 30-POUND DRYERS ONLY Recommended Operating Range 580-680 cfm B.T.U. Input (2 burners) 120,000 per hour GAS-FIRED 50-POUND DRYERS ONLY Gas Supply 1/2" pipe connection B.T.U. Input (2 burners) 130,000per hour Note: Pressure Regulator set at 31/2" Water Column. P Net Weight (Approx.) 450 lbs. Gas Supply 1/2" pipe connection Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) (Approx.) 510 lbs. Note: Pressure Regulator set at 31/2" Water Column Export Shipping Weight (box) (Approx.) 840 lbs. Net Weight (Approx.) 590 lbs. Export Shipping Dimensions 74" L x 35" W x 55" H Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) (Approx.) 655 lbs. Export Crating 82.5 cu. ft. Export Shipping Weight (box) (Approx.) 1130 lbs. STEAM-HEATED 30-POUND DRYERS ONLY Export Shipping Dimensions 83" L x 45" W x 55" H Operating Steam Pressure 100 lbs. max. Export Crating 118.9 cu. ft. Boiler H.P. (with normal load) Approx. 2.8 STEAM-HEATED 50-POUND DRYERS ONLY Heat Capacity 4-coil Steam Coils (2) 26" L x 51/8" W x 8" H Operating Steam Pressure 100 lbs. max. Traps for Steam-Heating Coils (2) 1/2" Boiler H.P. (with normal load) 3 2 Steam Supply Line 3/4" Steam Coils (2) 26" L x 51/e" W x 8" H Steam Return Line 3/4" Heat Capacity 4-coil Net Weight (Approx.) 500 lbs. Traps for Steam-Heating Coils (2) 1/2" Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) (Approx.) 560 lbs. Steam Supply Line 3/4" Export Shipping Weight (box) (Approx.) 890 lbs. Steam Return Line 3A, Export Shipping Dimensions 74" L x 35" W x 55" H Net Weight (Approx.) 640 lbs. Export Crating 82.5 cu. ft. Domestic Shipping Weight (carton) (Approx.) 705 lbs. Export Shipping Weight (box) (Approx.) 1180 lbs. Export Shipping Dimensions 83" L x 45" W x 55" H Export Crating 118.9 cu. ft. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CISSELL ELECTRICALLY HEATED DRYERS 36B30 28B30 Electrical 230V., 60 or 50 Cy., 1 or 3 Phase 230V., 60 or 50 Cy., 1 or 3 Phase Floor Space 75" High x 451/8" Deep x 377/s"Wide 681/2" High x 451/2" Deep x 283/4"Wide Basket Size 36" dia. x 30" deep 28" dia. x 30" deep Air Exhaust 8" dia. 8" dia. Motor Size 3/4 H.P. 50-pound 1/2 H.P. Max. Air Displacement 800 cfm 700 cfm Recommended Operating Range 580-680 cfm 530-630 cfm Heater Input 230V., 208V., 60 Cy. or 50 Cy., 1 or 3 Phase 230V., 208V., 60 Cy. or 50 Cy., 1 or 3 Phase 21 Kilowatts per hour heater 21 Kilowatts per hour heater 208V., 1 phase, 101.0 amps 208V., 1 phase, 101.0 amps 208V., 3 phase, 58.3 amps 208V., 3 phase, 58.3 amps 230V., 1 phase, 91.3 amps 230V., 1 phase, 91.3 amps 230V., 3 phase, 52.7 amps 230V., 3 phase, 52.7 amps 30 Kilowatts per hour heater 230V., 1 phase, 130.4 amps 230V., 3 phase, 75.3 amps Basket Door Opening 333/8" dia. 22/16" dia. Dry Weight Capacity 50 pounds 30 pounds Drying Time (Indianhead 12 pounds dry weight. 70% moisture retention) approx. 20 minutes 20 minutes Net Weight (approx.) 590 lbs. 450 lbs. Domestic Shipping Weight (1 carton) (Approx)655 lbs. 510 lbs. Export Shipping Weight (1 box) (Approx.) 1130 lbs. 840 lbs. Export Shipping Dimensions 83" long x 45"wide x 55" high 74" long x 35" wide x 55" high Cubic Feet Export (box) 118.9 82.5 All dryers available in a wide variety of modern decorator colors. Baked Enamel Finish inside and out. Consult Cissell Price List for complete prices and ordering information. For information on specific Cissell Dryers see separate catalogs. Wascoma t TheOn-Premises LaundrySystem for hotels/motels, nursing homes,restaurants,industrial plants... 1 r 1 _, .:,.„.„,.:...„, ..,,,, Il IrM fra,.; ... ,z.,„,,,,, ,,,..„ , - " _, ./ ,.........„......7, .,„,,,,.,..i.,,,k...,..::,..„.:, .,..:..„. , ---....77, sro ' .....„.....„ '' 7 ...'''"'"*""''' / / Vi... rl i U„,1-s • * Ammilimik VII ,.. . , , " . ^� . . t t ._ ' Al I rl 1 pr ti . WASCOMAT TOTAL ON-PREMISE LAUNDRY SYSTEM Wascomat, manufacturers of the world's finest, precision-machined laundry equipment, offers you a world of convenience with a ',�,.,,,. ,Li o Total On-Premise Laundry System. The Wascomat System was specially designed to take care of alla �°°- , I your laundry needs from engineered planning and layout, through r g��#�' %) selection and installation of equipment with supplies, and I ; 1 maintenance service. `f � -_ World-famous Wascomat washer-extractors are fully automated... programmed for convenience, economy and speed of operation. Saving you a big 50% 70% over outside contract laundry service. It costs less to go with the best, when you buy these benefits. 1. Wascomat offers design, planning, layout, 5. Wascomat experts train your people in the financing/leasing equipment,training, supplies "how to"of operating your laundry to save and service.A Total Package! you money.We act as your efficiency experts at 2. Wascomat washers are of rugged, stainless no additional cost to you. steel construction. Simple,trouble-free design 6. Wascomat's on-premise System reduces linen requiring minimal maintenance. Made to last inventory.You have better inventory control and a lifetime! cuts pilferage. Ends delivery delays, and 3. Wascomat washers are completely automated, week end and holiday shortages. incorporating strict standards of quality 7. Wascomat offers a unique automated, supply control. Coded program cards takes the place of injection system capable of dispensing liquid, skilled operators, saying you labor costs.Just powder, or both. Pre-measured, concentrated start it, load it, and forget it! formulas deliver finest results while saving 4. Wascomat offers complete financing, leasing you money. and rental programs...whatever your needs. WHY PAY MORE FOR OUTSIDE LAUNDRY SERVICE? TOTAL LINEN RENTAL Facts Prove an OUTSIDE On-Premise System COSTS LAUNDRY $1,208.87 Saves You 50-70%. SERVICE per week $914.47* YOUR OWN per ON- week Based on weekly cost of 120-unit PREMISES motel as computed by Research LAUNDRY Committee of the American Hotel $413.41* &Motel Association. per *Includes linen depreciation of week $133.91 weekly. SAVE SAVE 24% 66% On-premise laundering cuts costs 50-70%.That's a fact.The $294.40 $795.46 SAVINGS American Hotel and Motel Association's Research Committee has the figures.And they've been proved right by tens of thousands of Wascomat systems everywhere. Ask your Association,ask someone in your industry who has one. A Wascomat on-premise laundry will slash costs for you,too. -1vv-asomat Full y-Automated, Flexible-Cycle Programmed Washer-Extractors for Institutional and Industrial Use. • Washes and extracts automatically in the same machine—up to 300 lb/hr • Color-coded program cards provide complete flexibility and uniform control of _ wash cycle timing,water temperature and it formula composition • Manua! control switches override �mx programmer for instant cycle changes oommairt" • Programmed water temperature control • Gentle wash cycle for blankets,drapes and delicate fabrics • Optional cool-down feature • Auxilia y compartments for detergents and fabrics oftener • Two-sp?ed motor V belt drive • Reverse,wash action for superior wash results • Plug-in control panel on top of machine ~" • Large coor for easy loading and unloading • Compa;t design (floor space) increases your capacity four-fold • Automatic door interlock Optional Free Standing Supply Injector for Liquid or Powdered Chemicals. • Drains automatically if power fails • Heavy cast rear head and trunnion housingtwo • Anti-sag cylinder with deeply embossed snag-proof perforationswoo • Long life;designed for 24-hour-a-day operati m,year after year - w , • - Optional • Worldwide network of laundry engineers at * �tld -M Liquid your disposal ' w; I Supply �� � .i • Service and parts throughout the world _ , _ Injector • One year warrantee as per warrantee policy. T =s-.] • Choice of front panel in any of three decorator colors or stainless steel at no extra cost. MODELS & CAPACITIES FL-30 (30 LB.) FL-50 (50 LB.) FL-75 (75 LB.) Spec fically designed for institutional and industrial on-premise laundries wher a durability, dependability and flexible-formula programming for auto- 0 matic quality control are vital. One machine replaces several. Automatic supply injector for liquid or dry supplies. Used by leading hotels, motels, 10 10 nursing homes, hospitals, schools...and by industry to wash uniforms, SCOtllal aprons, work clothes and for specialized industrial applications. 1 2 3 4 E C -1 8 . 10 11 1.Operating instructions 1�--r - 1 2.Manual override switches: - - 7 I.. -- signal I ight;on/off switch& • 0'4171" I 6 -. apilot light a 3.Thermometer 4.Programmer 12 a 5.Auxiliary compartments Optional ` O_• I for detergent&softener A 14 Supply II 6.Control fuse 7.Electric junction box injector 8. K 9. Water inlets(34"conn.) c 13 111.Siphon breaker Adjustable ht I I Heig 12.Overflow conn.2"(FL 75 only) .-......-_ t_ i14.4 - 13.Drain valve(2") - 14.Supply injector connection F6. H � B FL-30 A. 4611/16" B. 29%6" C. 21 4 " ' D. 347/16" E. 36" F. 235/8" G. 43/8" H. 16%6 I. 271/8" J. 183/4" FL-50 A. 513/8" B. 321/2" C. 221/6" D. 36" E. 40" F. 275/8" G. 43/e" H. 235/B" I. 301/e" J. 19" FL-75 A. 55%6" B. 3613/16" C. 23'h6" D. 391%6" E. 4311/16", F. 311/%6" G. 4" H. 225/a" I. 311/2" J. 20" K 311/2" External overflow connection FL 75"only (internal connection on other models) • otor,2-speed: rider sp eight �hipping size_ •' Cylin c .) ubic feet rill FL-30 243/8r"' x 19%6" 0.35 HP I 1.5 HP 50 RPM 510 RPM 470 lbs. 530 lbs. 42 cu. ft. FL-50 27%,6"x 21 /e" 0.45 HP 2 HP 45 RPM 450 RPM 600 lbs. 660 lbs. 52 cu.ft. FL 75 325/e""x 235/s" 1st motor distribution 2nd motor : distribution 0.9 HP 1 HP 1.5 HP 41 RPM: 60 RPM 410 RPM 820 lbs. 900 lbs. 68 Cu.ft. FL-75 utilizes 2 drive motors-1st for wash and distribution,2nd for extraction Water usage-approximately 2.3 gallons per lb. of machine capacity(soak,wash and 3 rinses) Amps.Max. " �Sug - , • = - ptional water heating Steam or Electric for Wash Extract Fu stallations where hot water is not available. FL 30 208-240 1 60 4.0 10.0 30 Not available Electric 12 kW (3-phase onl, 208-240 3 60/50 4.0 5.0 15 35 Steam 1/2"valve FL-50 208-240 1 60 5.0 11.0 30 Not available Electric 18 kW (3-phase only) 208-240 3 60/50 5.2 5.8 30 60 Steam 1/2"valve distribution Electric 24 kW (3-phase only) FL-75 208-240 3 60/50 4.0 4.1 4.2 20 80 Steam 3/4"valve Consult electrical code for local requirements. Manufacturer specifies only three-phase circuit breakers for three-phase machines. Full line of automated laundry &cleaning equipment. f . ..Am mum... i - • - ot.„,61 1 i 4 4111irier . =-_-,-_(4) ' (4) i_iiii - • Er* I Model FL-30 FL-50 FL-75 FL-100 DRYERS Capacity up to 30 lbs. up to 50 lbs. up to 75 lbs. up to 100 lbs. 30 thru 50 lbs. aillibifti 31 Wascomat 1 • ' Dealer: v v Arent Machinery Co. America•Canada Wascomat 16025 S.E. Harold Ave. Milwaukee, Oregon 97222 461 Doughty Boulevard ❑ Inwood, N.Y. 11696 Phone immummom (516) 371-4400 Cable Telbermil/Telex No. 96-1373 ( D1) 659-3/132 Specifications subject to change without notice Printed in U.S.A. Wascomat laundry equipment are installed in the nation's leading institutions and businesses.Their choice of Wascomat is your confidence in a top quality product. HOTELS/MOTELS Howard Johnson Motor Lodges Sheraton Inns Quality Inns Statler-Hilton ftRamada Inns Friendship Inns International Travel Lodge Treadway Inns L , Roadway Inns of America Red Carpet Master Hosts And,thousands of other installations in the following areas. NURSING HOMES/HOSPITALS Throughout the world, modern nursing and convalescent homes and hospitals are installing Wascomat fully automated laundry systems because Wascomat iimil equipment is designed to handle their specific demands. Provides a constant supply of fresh, clean linen for incontinent patients.You reduce linen inventory, have better control, cut pilferage, and add 100% longer linen life. In addition, • • Wascomat is easily programmed for blood work, surgical packs and heavily soiled items. RESTAURANTS & CLUBS/INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Anything that can be washed, can be washed better and cheaper with a Wascomat on-premises laundry system. Restaurants cut their dependence on • outside suppliers and reduce operating expenses with new, no-iron damask • napery. Utility companies use Wascomats to clean rubber gloves and uniforms, 114 chemical companies for bottle stoppers, and beauty parlors for towels. Numerousindustrial plants utilize their Wascomat systems to wash the products they manufacture. Our engineers are trained to size your needs and train your personnel.A Wascomat laundry controls your inventory and gives you more accurate budget control at substantial savings. SCHOOLS/COLLEGES Leading schools and colleges are installing Wascomat laundry systems because Wascomats are the simplest, most rugged machines manufactured...with no • extra labor requirements...no extra expense.Students operate Wascomat laundry systems to wash towels, socks, sweat suits, uniforms...all athletic gear. ,(\il • Reduces inventory requirements, eliminates the foul odor of soiled laundry from locker rooms, and improves sanitation control. Minimum space requirements. You can utilize the space formerly used for soiled laundry storage for your total laundry system.Wascomat can handle all washable items including expensive / _k4r. uniforms that formerly required drycleaning.As an extra dividend,Wascomat will wash kitchen cloths, ma5ttress covers and rough work from all other departments. Fifty years ago, Wascomat started as a precocious, new member of Years the burgeoning professional laundry equipment industry,and it skyrocketed to the top in a very short time. Wascomat's success story has a simple but elegant theme.A quality product; prompt, of Top-Performance! efficient service, and a responsiveness to change. Today, a half-century later, it is still the uncontested standard of quality in the laundry and cleaning industry. Wascomat equipment are being used by more and more institutions,wherever high quality performance and dependability are vital! Washers Extractors Dryers I rn � nIm . ,.. / .. I - I0NI00I IIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIOI�� .. �I F ii_- ,tia"' 4 1If 111111111111111161 ` II ._ ; , � , "' Ili . Nip �\nil (( 4.4110 i'I) (1111) -4 (1: :.'''':i , \ III I' � 1 WASCOMAT FL-30 WASCOMAT FL-50 WASCOMAT FL-75 WASCOMAT FL-100 WASCOMAT DRYERS Fully-Automated,flexible- Fully-Automated,flexible- Fully-Automated,flexible- Fully-Automated,flexible- In 30-50-100 lb.sizes. cycle washer-extractor cycle washer-extractor cycle washer-extractor cycle washer-extractor With or without permanent with programmed liquid with programmed liquid with programmed liquid with programmed liquid press cooldown feature. and powder supply and powder supply and powder supply and powder supply Available for use with injection system. injection system. injection system. injection system.With electric,gas,or steam CAPACITY 30 lbs. CAPACITY 50 lbs. CAPACITY 75 lbs. unique 3 speed extrac- utilities. tion for maximum efti- I ciency 1000/500/70 RPM. CAPACITY 100 lbs. WASCOMAT means Ruggedness grease, oil and permafrost. A test for any clean- and Dependability... ing equipment worth its salt. The performance and reliability of Wascomat And,Wascomat has taken this challenge in stride, washers are perhaps most dramatically illustrated proving that it can perform superbly under any by their functioning under extreme conditions. circumstance. Wascomat went to sea in 1960 aboard the United Just think what this means to you. If Wascomat States' first Polaris submarine, the USS George can perform well in the Arctic and 600 feet under Washington. Since that initial launching, all the ocean,then washing under normal conditions nuclear-powered submarines are equipped with in a hospital, hotel, motel or school installation... Wascomats. These vessels are frequently sub- is a breeze! merged for long periods of time,and the depend- able functioning of washing machines are vitally Prove it to yourself,with Wascomat's full range of important. laundry equipment that fits any size or property... whatever your needs! Wascomat has also answered the call of the wild. • In Alaska, where temperatures can drop to a WASCOMAT's Total On-Premise Laundry Sys- bone-chilling —63°F., Wascomats have been in- tern puts it all together for you, and saves you stalled in the Alaskan pipeline outposts to serve 50%-70%. the grueling demands of washing clothing worn Let us show you how, with a free survey tailored by the men working on this mammoth project. for your specific requirements. Call or write im- Their heavy, insulated clothing are soiled by dirt, mediately. Don't miss this opportunity. m 11M-01n7g9 �- ,- AMERICA-CANADA 461 Doughty Boulevard I ' _ Inwood, New York 11696 Wascomat ....,,�.„,, ., (516)371-4400 , ,e ' , ' - Arent � carry Co. t . . C.1.41-L,'-**1 16025 ST,. f-i ;e i j Ave. (41ilV.I,V-:se, Or et°clrn 97222 . . > �. Phone 111.1101.11.0. 217Q503) 659�3432u.s.A. Iviodel Specifications — Commander 18 0 Commander 18 CAPACITY: 55-20" x 20" racks per hour, 1375 dishes per hour. TANK:Capacity to overflow level, 22.0 gallons. DESIGN: Automatic door-type dishwasher with timed wash and MOTOR:(1) 1 HP motor. Motor is standard frame horizontal base ' rinse cycle. Designed for left to right or right to left operation. mounted. Motor is squirrel-cage induction run type, 60 cycle, 1725 Capacity Corner operation available if specified. Two operating doors in RPM, internally fan cooled with ball-bearing construction. addition to large interlocked front inspection and cleanout door. SPRAY SYSTEM: Wash—three rotating arms above and three Ins- 55 r dishes/hourracks/hour JNSTRUCTION:Hood is 16 gauge type 302 18-8 stainless steel. rotating arms below. Power wash arms designed for high pressure IflgEI' Hood unit of all welded construction. Tank is 16 gauge type 302 mechanical washing action.Wash arms removable without the use 55 raeks�hour 18-8 stainless steel. All internal castings are non corrosive Ni of tools. 412® non-ferrous nickel alloy. Stainless steel tracks, stainless FINAL RINSE: Rinse—four rotating nozzles below and four s t a MACHINE COMPANY ( steel scrap screens, suction strainer, all stainless steel brackets tionary nozzles Above with total rack coverage water pattern. and supports. All brackets and supports are self-draining. OVERFLOW & DRAIN: Functionally designed 17" skimmer with DOORS: Three doors—front inspection/cleanout door and two cleanout cap automatically skimming water surface. Drain valve is Fully Automatic Single Tank Door Type Simultaneously opening operating doors. Operating doors, with externally controlled. Overflow and drain assemblies removable fingertip control, balance by'externally mounted counterweight, without the use of tools for drain line inspection. eliminating all springs, pulleys, chains and rollers. STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Two plate racks, one cup and bowl Dishwashing Machine CONTROL: NEMA 12 electrical control box houses automatically rack, one silver rack. Eye level thermometers, vacuum breaker .aLl) timed wash and rinse controls mounted on the left side of cleanout brush. Automatic tank fill, door interlock, front panel I machine. (Cycle set at 45 sec wash, 3 sec delay, then 12 sec timer located on left side. . 0 0 111Th} rinse). After power switch is turned on, dishwasher fills and Jo ''.-1 operates automatically by closing the doors. Interlock prevents ACCESSORY TANK HEAT: (as specified). wowoperation when front door is left open. STEAM INJECTOR: Silent steam injector fitted with air supply lnsinger built centrifugal type "packless" ball-bearing tube and automatic throttling type thermostat control. _ pump. Construction includes ceramic type seal, stainless parts ELECTRIC IMMERSION HEATER: 5 KW housed in Inconel sheath mounted with balanced impeller on a precision ground shaft. All with remote mounted thermostat coupled with stainless steel ball pump working parts are mounted as an assembly and removable float positive low water cutoff accessory. as a unit without disturbing pump housing or motor. Pump has (( easily removable front and end plates for cleaning and inspection. UNDER FIRED GAS BURNER: 21,000 BTU gas burner, baffle and Re-circulating wash pump capacity of 174 gallons per minute. built-in flue, down draft eliminator thermostatic control, safety (Pump rating actual re-circulating inside machine, not open weir.) pilot, stainless steel ball float positive low water cutoff. We reserve the right to substitute materials subject to availability and Federal critical classification. Commander 18 Commander 18 Optional Equipment List Heating Equipment Check List Check List ❑ Steam injector with thermostatic control ❑ 1. Timed Rinse Delay for Glassware ❑ Gas thermostat with positive low water __ -_ II] 2. Pressure Reduction Valve and cutoff and safety pilot " ' E 3/4" Line Strainer ❑ Electric immersion heater 5 KW with thermo .;,:, Li3. Control Box located static control and positive low water cutoff I. other than Standard ❑ Steam booster ❑ Electric booster LII ENGINEERING DATA PUMP STEAM LBSM/HR.D E CONSUMPTFINAL ION Features I CAPACITY 10 PSI(MIN.) ELECTRIC EXHAUST RATED CAPACITY TANK SINGLE GAS HEATER GPM GALS. DIST. Completely automatic in operation, once the drain vlave is shut C.F.M. closing the doors automatically controls tank fill and auto- Corner or straight thru operation. ini RACKS/ DISHES/ OPERA- CAP. CHAMBER MOTOR BTU TANK CONSUMPTION 20 P.S.I. PER BETWEEN matic heating. When the machine is at the proper operating tem- All 16 gauge stainless steel welded tank and HOUR HOUR TION GALS. GPM HP INPUT HEAT BOOSTER KW _ FLOWING HR. TABLES pi perature, racked soiled dishware is pushed into wash chamber, hood construction. Large cleanout door— 55 1375 MANUAL 22 174 1 21,000 42 65 5 9 120 WALL ISLAND 29" doors are closed and the machine automatically washes, drains interlocked to operating doors. sammia FEED— HOOD HOOD and rinses. Door interlock prevents machine from operating Externally counter weighted free sliding doors. Right or 100 150 when doors are opened. Minimum.off wall requirement. i — Left Hand C.F.M. C.F.M. or PER PER All welded stainless steel tank and hood construction, simpli- Unique unit pump design, all moving parts Corner if S0. FT. S0. FT: fled motor and pump mounting offer easy serviceability. Exter- assembled in pump cover as a unit, close Specified In �, j coupled stainless nally counter weighted operating doors, 4" off the wall for cor- ball-bearing l-bearing support,standardsframehaft I17th 25in gm or straight thru operation, easily accessible and serviceable RPM motor. drain valve, clean, simple exterior design makes the new Stainless steel enclosing front panel. I ARENT MACHINERY CO. Insinger Commander 18 the answer to small restaurant, school Stainless steel ball float position low water and nursing home requirements wherever low initial investment Z 16025 S.E. Harold Ave. and space allocations are of prime importance. on unless protection, gas tankoo electric heat properwl not turn Milwaukee, Oregon 97222 on unless wash water is at 0 The Commander 18's automatic operation is designed for use level to prevent heater and tank burnout. O (503) 659-3432 by a minimum trained operator. Simplified maintenance and • !risings'Fully automatic operation—Tank fill, heat on, 3service are combined to save operating dollar costs. wash and rinse cycle by merely ''closing the doors. /w MACNINCOMPANY v es INSINGER MACHINE COMPANY/6245 STATE ROAD/PHILADELPHIA, PA.19135 cP o ,� CORNER 3 = POST I DOOR ;o cfi--,12-- F' I- BEND TABLE I5 / Installation . 2 FLANGE DOWN w I - sg / (71= Eo and Layout -il_ W - o co :q• 3 0 -} • I A A p —� ' a 1 0 z + _J y , Detail t�l � � WZ Q I TABLE CONNECTION DETAIL Q CO p (�W"' '• OVERALL LENGTH —� 29"BETWEEN �.—' ., r/� w w ti • (SEE CHART) SECTION A A TABLES LEFT SIDE 1 f01a ` i' / FRONT •..-37. OVERALL WIDTH 1O !RALLLLNSTHCHART _ _ I_ �1 DIMENSION+4' O 52 s, 4 —,, -— ---4- - F- _ X \ 0 — :.i., ? A tuv 01 Q • I= W / Witi • J Z 7 1 DOOR ik 21s ` / C41 O II -+` ZI ` . W w 91 rq - minIr 0 I. 0 rni__.. L-r -- - -- ,w win / I ♦— ./ 0 v O64 '~ I / I1---- -4ID 1 —© 7" I N 4 r- / N1J - . , /24 L rp m nv G M /- i .TI _T.-'t. ' r • i. 1 1 . , 4 1 O 19,— � I. I I , ? I �„� 1 '. 1 1J '//, `I I• O O l 2 r __� �,� 0 0 12"--I � +10'+}— L 2 4� \J Q 61 2 9" 141-•- I 0 J O 0 �!� RIGHT SIDE I I 4 �_ 28 4 I 25" ROUGH-IN DIMENSIONS FOR _'il 4 II-~ LEFT SIDE FRONT LEFT SIDE OF 5i `I4i GAS OR ELECTRIC HEATED MACHINES CORNER INSTALLATION O( 19•-0- FRONT OVERALL DIMENSIONS NOTE: y 0 52�" 6y O TYPE MACHINE I L. W I. WASH TANK IS FILLED THRU THE FINAL RINSE LINE. _ _ I I •ELECTRIC HEAT W/H.WATERFINALRINSE 45" 35-' 2. BOOSTER INSTALLATION CONNECTIONS SHOWN ARE FOR INSINGER STEAM HEAT EXCHANGE STYLE BOOSTER OR �� >> •r ELECTRIC HEAT W/ELECTRIC BOOSTER 52" 35' 15 KW COMPACT ELECTRIC BOOSTER. 1 I GAS HEAT W/H.WATER FINALRINSE 45- 35- 3. SCALE' I/2•- 1'-0" STEAM HEAT W/BOOSTER 59" 35" I STEAM MEAT W/H.WATER FINAL RINSE 37• 35- 0in CO z4 —�s 11 INSTALLATION CONNECTIONS _ 4 LTR NAME SIZE O 12"—�{ _+_ A SHOT WATER TO FINAL RINSE -180°F. 3/4 FEM IPS 1 - t - - -- COMMANDER 18 + B HOT WATER TO BOOSTER-ELECTRIC 3/4 FEM IPS I _ l� i_r_:____4:+______ I C HOT WATER TO BOOSTER-STEAM .3/4 FEM IPS AUTOMATIC r sDISHWASHING MACHINE 1 f ,r '� I , 0 STEAM TO TANK I/2 FEM.IPS -co �' -�N E STEAM TO BOOSTER UT_ I ♦ I I I/2 FEM IPS 1 ! * T �-I F GAS CONNECTION INSINGER MACHINE CO. © 4i� ! 0 2-�10� I G DRAIN CONNECTION3/4 FEM IPS INSINGER PHILADELPH IA.PA.19i36 O - OO OQ I Q 2'� FEM IPS t+- H CONDENSATE RETURN sTEAM800STER 3,i$ FEM IPS DRAWN •.F.2.Is.Ts D 11" 122— (H� 1 STEAM ROUGH-INH DIMENSIONS FOR CHECKED G 76OrJ C 1117� -- HD-- E STEAM HEATED MACH I N ES I ELECTRIC CONNECTION i HP MOTOR APPROVED g 12� 204 -• O J ELECTRIC CONN.- ELECT. BOOSTER 15 KW • 28" n- 14 2 I4 2--•- .4 • ateitipew 7 .. , LIMITED GENERAL OBLIIA "ION BONDS, $900,000, FOR LAND ACQUISITION & CONSTRUCTION OF SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Bid Opening - January 9, 1978 Bidder Bid Net Effective Interest Rate Net Interest Cost Bond Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. CC 5.376%* $607,021 .00* 440 Washington Building Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle-First National Bank CC 5.4651% $617,015.00 P.O. Box 3586 Seattle, WA 98124 Rainier National Bank CC 5.5152% $622,668.75 Renton Office - P.O. Box 599 Renton, WA 98055 Foster & Marshall Inc. CC 5.425764% $612,568.75 205 Columbia Street Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle-Northwest Securities CC 5.427945% $612,815.00 500 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 * Offer Accepted WAYS IND MEANS- COMMITTEE. REPORT October 17 ,.' 1977:. The Wayrq and -Means Committee recommends that- our. Bondin.c. Counlok(L�prepare an ordinance.;for the SenioArtitiz_ e_ ns') Center in the amount of. $900 ,000 and the len -of Bond. Issue be twenty years and theprinci_ple payment be deferred until 1980 with; only interest payments in .1978 and 19 7,9 . Earl Clymer , Chairman Barbara Shinpoch. George Perry I 1. I I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 24 , 1 , 77 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 " . M . Council Chambers MINUTES , CALL TO ORDER; Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called th- regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. • ROLL CAL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA COUNCIL Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE, who noted absence last week due to duties of supervising 6th Graders at Camp Waskowitz. STAFF IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN • ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y . ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARI GEISSLER, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief;` DONALD CUSTER, • Administrative Assistant. PRESS ! GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. SPECIAL AWARD! Mayor Delaurenti presented, Gerard M. Shellan with plaque for out- City Attorney standing service to the City as City Attorney for 27 years , express- G. M. Shellan ing appreciation, noting Mr. G. Shellan' s recent victory for the "Leaving Vicipit, City in the Health Department case. •Mr.Shellan recalled his: years .s But Not in I unforgettable and challenging, expressing appreciation for all Spirit" the past considerations and help in resolving the mutual problems . COUNCIL MINUTE Minutes of 10/ 17/77. Correction Page 5, second paragraph re Histori- APPROVAL 10/17 cal Railroad Car, third line to read: Referred to Administration For consideration in its preparation of a proposal for development Historical RR Ca of Burnett Ave. S. between S. 4th and S. 7th St. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE CORRECTION TO 10/17 MINUTES . CARRIED. Addition: Page 5, Ways and Means Committee Report. The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommend- Senior Center -ing that City' s Bonding Council prepare an ordinance for the Senior Bond Issue Citizens ' Center in the amount of $94000 and the length of bond issue be twenty years and the' principW payment be deferred until cif( -/7-7 1980 with only interest .payments in 1978 and 1979. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL .AMEND MINUTES 'TO INCLUDE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ACCEPT MINUTES OF 10/17/77 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been published. Federal Shared and posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Revenue Funds the City' s Planned Use of .the General Revenue Sharing Money as 1978 presented by the Mayor for inclusion in the 1978 budget. Report (H.R. 13367) was presented explaining the Mayor' s recommended use of the Federal Revenue Funds for the year 1978 totalling $641 ,724 with expenditures for Puget Sound Conference of Governments; CATV Cable Television services with City of Seattle; . Public Safety, Police Patrol and Fi e Suppression Salaries; Seattle-King County Public Health Services ; Puget Sound Air Pollution Control, 'Agency; Parks and Recreational salaries; Library salaries. Upon inquiry Finance Director Marshal explained guidelines for use of. the funds , noting the City has cho en to use the revenue sharing money in similar manner in most years , that use of funds for salaries is easiest for auditing purposes. ' Upon further inquiry, finance Director Marshall explained formula for determining the amount of funds, being determined by unemployi ment rate and City' s tax effort; that City' s increase in utility tax was taken into consideration in'arriVing at $641 ,724 figure. Upon further inquiry, Mayor Delaurenti 'explained' legal requirement for hearing and 'opportunity for public participation; that Council ' will make final determination on use of the funds at time of budge hearing and adoption. 'MOVED' BY PERRY , SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE . I THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. The Mayor had:invited audience comment, none forthcoming. �� /� t` (T . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3184 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, •roviding for the issuance and sale of $900 ,000 •ar value of "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 978," of the City to provide a part of the funds ith which to pay the cost of land acquisition. as ecessary, and construction and/or acquisition of - senior citizens center and appurtenances; speci- lying the maturities and fixing the form and aximum effective interest rate of such bonds; -stablishing a "Limited General Obligation Bond und, 1978" and a "Senior Citizens Center Fund" ; -nd providing for the sale of such bonds. HEREAS, the City Council has expressed its intention to obtain f r the City a senior citizens center, and to acquire land as neces ary, and construct and/or acquire a senior citizens centerlo land now owned by the City or to be so acquired, with 1 all appu tenances thereto, which intention is evidenced, for exampl';e, by architect' s plans and drawings on file in the office of the C ty Clerk, and the City does not have available sufficient funds to pay the cost thereof and is in need of the additional sum of, $ 00 ,000 to pay a part of the cost thereof; and HEREAS, the assessed valuation of the taxable property of the C ty as ascertained by the last preceding assessment for City pu poses for the calendar year 1977 is. $756 ,393,982 , and I for the estimated year 1978 is $800 ,098 ,028, and the City has outstand rig general indebtedness of $1 ,080 ,000 heretofore issued within t e former limit of up to 1-1/2% of the assessed value of the taxable property within the City permitted for general muni- cipal Ipu poses without a vote of the qualified voters therein, and the ;mount of indebtedness for which bonds are herein author- ized to •e issued is $900 ,000; NOW, THEREFORE, . i li HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN; -s follows: ,ection 1. The City of Renton (the "City") shall borrow money on the credit of the City and issue negotiable general obligation bonds (the "Bonds") evidencing such indebtedness in the amo t of $900,000 to provide a part of the funds to pay the 1 cost of and acquisition as necessary, and construction and/or acquisition of a senior citizens center and appurtenances, and to payht e cost of the issuance of the Bonds. Such general indebted ess to be incurred shall be within the limit up to 3/4 of 1% of the value of the taxable property within the City per- i mittedf r general municipal purposes without a vote of the qualifie voters therein. I Section 2. The Bonds shall be called "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1978, " of the City; shall be dated February 1,1 I 1978; sh-11 be in denominations of $5,000 each; shall be numbered from i t. 180, inclusive, and shall bear interest at an effective rate not to exceed 8% per annum, payable on August 1, 1978, and semiannu-lly thereafter on each succeeding February 1 and August , as evide ,ced by coupons to be attached to the Bonds representing interest to maturity with full obligation on the part of the City to pay, i terest at the bond rate, from and after maturity, until the Bond-, both principal and interest, are paid in full. Both principal and interest are to be paid in lawful money of the Unit-d States ; o - America at the office of the City Treasurer of Renton, Washington; or, at the option of the holder, at either fiscal agency o the State of Washington in Seattle, Washington, or New York, 1e York. The Bonds shall mature serially in order of their numbers .n February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: - 2 - • i Years Amounts 1980 $30 ,000 1981 30,000 1982 30 ,000 1983 35,000 1984 35 ,000 1985 35,000 1986 40 ,000 1987 40,000 1988 45,000 1989 45,000 1990 45,000 1991 50,000 1992 55,000 1993 55,000 1994 60,000 1995 60 ,000 1996 65,000 1997 70,000 1998 75,000 S-ction 3. The City reserves the right to redeem the Bonds as a whole, or in part in inverse numerical order, from money de ived from any source at the following percentages of par, if deemed at the following times, plus accrued interest to the d to of redemption in each case: Call Date Call Price bruary 1 or August 1, 1988 101% bruary 1 or August 1, 1989 100 .75% ,ebruary 1 or August 1, 1990 100 .50% February 1 or August 1, 1991 100 .25% ebruary 1, 1992 or any semiannual 'nterest payment date thereafter 100% (Par) otice of such intended redemption shall be given by publicat'on thereof in the official newspaper of the City at least on•e not less than 30 nor more than 45 days prior to the call dat=. Written notice shall also be given to the principal underwri .er who purchases the Bonds within the same period. In addition, such redemption notice shall also be sent to Moody's Investor Service, Inc. , and Standard & Poor' s Corporation, at their of :ices in New York, New York, but the mailing of such notice t• such corporations shall not be a condition precedent to their=demption of such Bonds. - 3 - I' terest on any Bonds so called for redemption shall cease on the date fixed for such redemption, upon payment of the redempti•n price into the "Limited General Obligation Bond Fund, 1978" he -inafter created. S-ction 4. The City hereby irrevocably pledges itself to levy taxes annually, within the constitutional and statutory tax limit- tions provided by law, upon all property in the City subject t• taxation in an amount sufficient, together with other,, money leg-lly available and used therefor, to pay the principal of and ! in erest on the Bonds as the same shall accrue, and the full fait , credit and resources of the City are hereby irrevo- cably ple•ged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the'Bo' ds. 1 S-ction 5 . The Bonds shall be substantially in the fol- lowing 'for : N• . $5 ,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON LIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 1978 % The City of Renton, Washington, (the "City") is j stly indebted to and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer on the FIRST DAY OF F BRUARY, 19 , the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS t•gether with interest thereon at the rate of % per annum, payable on August 1, 1978,. and s-miannually thereafter on each succeeding Febru- aly land August 1, interest to maturity being e idenced by 'and payable upon the presentation and s rrender of the attached interest coupons as they s-verally become due, with full obligation on the part of the City to pay interest at the same rate f om and after the maturity date, in the absence o' coupons, until this bond with interest is paid i full. This bond is payable, both principal and i terest, in lawful money of the United States of • erica at the office of the City Treasurer of the - 4 - I � o- city or at the option of the holder hereof, at =ither fiscal agency of the State of Washington ' n Seattle, Washington, or New York, New York. This bond is one of a total issue of $900 ,000 •ar value of bonds, all of like date, tenor and effect, except as to maturities (and interest ates if more than one interest rate is bid) , ' ssued by the City for general municipal pur- •oses, to wit, for the purpose of providing a •art of the funds with which to pay the cost of land acquisition, as necessary, and construction nd/or acquisition of—a senior citizens center, -nd appurtenances, and is issued in full compli- -nce with the ordinances of the City and the laws and constitution of the State of Washington. The City reserves the right to redeem the bonds of this issue as a whole, or in part in inverse numerical order, from moneys derived from any source at the following percentages of par, if r-deemed at the following times, plus accrued interest to date of redemption in each case: Call Date Call Price F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1988 101% F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1989 100 . 75% F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1990 100 .50% F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1991 100 .25% F-bruary 1, 1992 or any semiannual i terest payment date thereafter 100% (Par) Notice of such intended redemption shall be given b, publication thereof in the official newspaper of tie City at least once not less than 30 nor more t an 45 days prior to the call date. Written notice s all also be given to [the principal underwriter w o purchases the bonds] within the same period. In a•dition, such redemption notice shall also be sent t• Moody' s Investors Service, Inc. , and Standard & . P•or' s Corporation, at their offices in New York, N-w York, but the mailing of such notice to such corporations shall not be a condition precedent to t e redemption of such bonds. Interest on any bonds s• called for redemption shall cease on the date f'xed for such redemption, upon payment of the r-demption price into the bond fund from which this bond is to be paid. The City hereby irrevocably pledges itself to 1-vy taxes annually, within the constitutional and s atutory tax limitations, provided by law, upon all p. operty in the City subject to taxation in an a ount sufficient together with other money legally a ailable and used therefor to pay the principal of a d interest on the bonds of this issue as the same I s all accrue, and the full faith, credit and re- f sources of the City are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on tie bonds of this issue. - 5 - I It is hereby certified that all acts, conditions :nd things required to be done precedent to and in he issuance of this bond have been done, have appened and have been performed as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of the City, including this bond issue, does not exceed any con- titutional or statutory limitations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this bond o be signed by the facsimile signature of its Mayor nd attested by the manual signature of its City lerk and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed nd the interest coupons attached to be signed with he facsimile signatures of those officials this first day of February, 1978. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 1 By (facsimile signature) Mayor i TTE ST: City Clerk the form of the interest coupons shall be substantially .s follows: Coupon No. , $ (Unless the bond referred to below is previously edeemed) On the FIRST DAY OF (FEBRUARY) (AUGUST) , 19 , he CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, upon presentation end surrender of this coupon, will pay to the bearer :t the office of the City Treasurer or, at the •ption of the holder, at either fiscal agency of he State of Washington in Seattle, Washington, or ew York, New York, the sum shown hereon in lawful oney of the United States of America, such sum •eing the semiannual interest due that date upon ' ts "Limited General Obligation Bond, 1978, " dated ebruary 1, 1978 , and numbered CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , By (facsimile signature) Mayor " TTEST: (facsimile sisnature) City Clerk -ection 6 . The Bonds shall be printed or lithographed o good bon• paper and shall be signed by the facsimile signature o - - 6 - • the Mayor and attested by the manual signature of the City Clerk of the; City under the seal of the City and the coupons shall bear the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Clerk. Section 7. There is hereby created and established in the ofice of the City Treasurer a special fund to be known and designated as. the "Limited General Obligation Bond Fund, 1978," of the: City. The accrued interest received, if any, shall be paid into the "Limited ,General Obligation Bond Fund, 1978." There is hereby created and established in the office of the City Treasurer a special fund to be known and designated as the "Senio . Citizens Center Fund," of the City. The principal proceeds received from the sale' of the Bonds shall be paid into the "Senio . Citizens Center Fund" of the City. All taxes collected for and allocated to the payment of the principal of and interest. on the _ Bonds shall hereafter be deposited in the "Limited General Obliga tion. Bond Fund, 1978." Section 8. The Bonds shall be sold. for cash at public sale for not less than par, plus accrued interest, upon sealed bids to be received at the office of the City Clerk up to the day ana hour stated in the Notice of Bond Sale hereinafter directed to be given. Notice, calling for bids to purchase the Bonds shall be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the official) newspaper of the City and such notice shall also be published once in the Daily Journal of Commerce Of Seattle, Washington, atl least ten days before the bid opening date. Such notice shall specify that bids for the purchase of the bonds shall be received by theCity Clerk of the City in the. Council Chambers of the City Hall on January 9, 1978, up to 8:00 o'clock p.m. (PST) , at which time all bids will be publicly opened for the, purchase of the Bonds and considered by the City Council at a meeting thereof then to be held. - 1 - copy of the notice shall, at least three weeks prior to the d.te fixed for the sale, be mailed to /the State Finance Committer , Olympia, Washington. Lids shall be invited for the purchase of the Bonds with fixed :ma urities in accordance with the schedule specified in Sectidn .' hereof. he notice shall specify the maximum effective rate of interest the Bonds shall bear, to wit, 8% per annum, and shall require .idders to submit a bid specifying: jI (a) The lowest rate or rates of interest and • remium, if any, above par at which the bidder ill purchase the bonds; or 1 (b) The lowest rate or rates of interest at hich the bidder will purchase the bonds at par. coupon rates shall be in multiples of 1/8 or 1/10 of l%, or both. No more than{ one rate of interest may be fixed for any one majtu', ity. Only one coupon will be attached to each Bond for each inssallinent of interest thereon, and bids providing for addition-1 or supplemental coupons will be rejected. The maximum differen.ial between the lowest and highest coupon rates named in anyb'd shall not exceed .2% . or the purpose of comparing the bids only, the coupon rates being controlling, each bid shall state the total interest cost over the life of the Bonds and the net effective interest rate of the bid. The. Bonds shall be sold to the bidder making the best bid, stub ect to the right of the City Council of the City to reject! ;a y and all bids and to readvertise the Bonds for sale in the mann:r provided by law, and no bid for less than all of the11 Bonds sh-11 be considered. 11 bids shall be sealed and, except the bid of the State of Washi gton, if one is received, shall be accompanied by a - 8 3 , • deposit of $45,000 . The deposit shall be either cash or by certified or cashier' s check made payable to the City Treasurer, of the City and shall be promptly returned if the bid is not accepted. If the Bonds are ready for delivery and the successful bidder shall fail and neglect to complete the. purchase of the Bonds ;within forty days following the acceptance of his bid, the amount of his deposit shall be forfeited to the City and in that eventlthe City Council may accept the bid. of the one making thee, next best bid. If there be two or more equal bids for not less than par plus accrued interest and such bids are ,the best bids received, the City Council shall determine by lot which bid will be accepted. The Bonds will be delivered to the successful bidder at the office of the Treasurer of the City or in the City of Seattle, ' at the City's expense, or at such other place as the i Treasurer and the successful bidder may mutually agree upon at the purchaser' s expense., A no-litigation certificate in the usual : form will be included in the closing papers. Any bid presented after the hour , specified for the receipt of bids will not be received and any bid not accompanied by the' required bid deposit at the time of opening such bid will not 'be read or considered. • The City Clerk of the City shall be and is hereby author ized and directed to publish notice for the purchase of the Bond- in the manner required by law in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such notice shall provide that the City will • cause the Bonds to be printed or lithographed and signed and will furnish the approving legal opinion of Messrs. Roberts, Shefelm'a , Lawrence, Gay & Moch, municipal bond counsel of Seattle, Washing on, covering the bonds without cost to the purchaser, such opinion a so being printed on each Bond. Bond counsel shall not be required o - 9 0 • review, o . express any opinion concerning the completeness or accuracy of any official statement or other sales materials issued o . used in connection with the Bonds, and bond counsel' s opinion -hall so state. Such notice shall also provide that further nformation regarding the details of such Bonds may be received upon request. made to the City Clerk or to Seattle- Northw'es Securities Corporation, the City's financial consul- tants, a . 1000 Logan Building, 500 Union Street, Seattle, Washington. 'ection .9 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in • force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. 'ASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5th day of December, 1977, at a regular open public meeting thereof. Delores A. Mead, Cly Clerk ETOED by the Mayor by letter dated December 9, •19,77 . . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Charles J. DeLaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: • CITY COUNCIL OVERRIDE OF MAYOR' S VETO 12/12/77 Roll Call Vote AYE : 5 Acting City ttorney NO: 1 Date of 'ublication: December 16,, 1977 — 10 - I , DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk of the City of Renton, WASHINGTO , hereby certify that the attached copy of Ordinance No. . 3184 is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance passed on. the 5th day of December, 1977, as that ordinance appears o the Minute Book of the City. D4TED this 13th day of December , 1977 . a hw C. DELORES A. MEAD, CC t�rk r NOTICE OF BOND SALE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON $900 ,000.00 LIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, 1978 S ALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Cier at the City Hall, Renton, Washington, until 8:00 o'clo k p.m. (PST1 on JANUARY 9 , 1978 at which ime said bids will be publicly opened and considered by the Ciy ouncil in the Council Chambers in the City Hall for the purchase •f $900 ,000 par value of "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 119 8," of the City of Renton, Washington, authorized to be issuedAby Ordinance No. 3184 (the "Bond Ordinance") for strict y municipal purposes, to wit, for the purpose of providing a part o . the funds with which to pay the cost of land acquisition as necessary, and construction and/or acquisition of a senior citize s center an• appurtenances, and to pay the cost of the issuance of such g9ne' al obligation bonds. T e bonds will be dated February 1, 1978; will be numbere from lito 180, inclusive; will be in denominations of $5,000 each; will bar interest at an effective rate not exceeding 8% per ann , payable oI August 1, 1978, semiannually thereafter on each succee - ing Fel,Druary 1 and August 1, interest to maturity to be evidenced by coupons to be attached to the bonds; will be payable, both principal and interest, at the office of the Treasurer of the City' of Renato ,Washington, or, at the option of the holder, at either fiscal ag=ncy of the State of Washington in Seattle, Washington, or New York, New York; and will mature serially in accordance with the foll•wing schedule, to wit: B•nd Numbers ( Inclusive) Amounts Maturities 1 to 6 $30,000 February 1, 1980 7 to 12 30 ,000 February 1, 1981 13 to 18 30 ,000 February 1, 1982 19 to 25 35,000 February 1, 1983 26 to 32 35,000 February 1, 1984 33 to 39 35 ,000 February 1, 1985 40 to 47 40,000 February 1, 1986 ;i 48 to 55 40,000 February 1, 1987 56 to 64 45,000 February 1, 1988 65 to 73 45,000 February 1, 1989 74 to 82 45,000 February 1, 1990 83 to 92 50,000 February 1, 1991 93 to 103 55,000 February 1, 1992 104 to .114 55,000 February 1, 1993 115 to 126 60,000 February 1, 1994 127 to 138 60 ,000 February 1, 1995 139 to 151 65,000 February 1, 1996 152 to 165 70,000 February 1, 1997 166 to 180 75,000 February 1, 1998 Tie City reserves the right to redeem the Bonds as a whole, or in part in inverse numerical order, from money derived from any source at the following percentages of par, if redeemed at the. fo lowing times, plus accrued interest to the date of redemptio' in each case: Call Date Call Price F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1988 101% F-bruary l or August 1, 1989 100 .75% F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1990 100 .50% F-bruary 1 or August 1, 1991" 100 .25% F-bruary 1, 1992 or any semiannual interest payment date thereafter 100% (Par) T e interest rate or rates for the bonds shall be fixed by the Ci y Council after the bonds have been sold. T e City of Renton has, by the Bond Ordinance, irrevocably pledged i self to levy taxes annually, within the constitutional and statu' ory tax limitations provided by law, upon all property in the Ci y subject to taxation in an amount sufficient to pay the pr_ ncipal of and interest upon the bonds as the same shall accrue,', a d has pledged the full faith, credit and resources of the City ' or the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds. - 2 - I 1 B dders are invited to name the rate or rates of interest which the bonds are to bear, not exceeding an effective rate of 8% per an um. Bidders shall submit a bid specifying: (a) The lowest rate or rates of interest and p emium, if any, above par at which the bidder will purchase the bonds; or (b) The lowest rate or rates of interest at w ich the bidder will purchase the bonds at par. N. bid will be considered for the bonds for less than par and accru-d interest. The purchaser must pay accrued interest to date of d-livery of the bonds. C•upon rates shall be in multiples of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1% , or both. No more than one rate of interest may be fixed for any one maturity. Only one coupon will be attached to each bond for each inst=llment of interest thereon, and bids providing for additional or supplemental coupons will be rejected. The maximum different'al between the lowest and highest coupon rates named in any bier s all not exceed 2% . ji F•r the purpose of comparing the bids only, the coupon rates bid being controlling, each bid shall state the total interest ost over the life of the bonds and the net effective interest ' ate of the bid. T e bonds shall be sold to the bidder making the best bid, subject_ t• the right of the City Council of the City of ,Renton to reject;ian, and all bids and to readvertise the bonds for sale in the mane' provided by law and no bid for less than all of the I bonds wil be considered. A 1 bids shall be sealed and, except the bid of the State of Waslin•ton, if one is received, shall be accompanied by. a deposit- of $45,000 . The deposit shall be either cash or by certi- fied or c.shier' s check made payable to the City Treasurer of the City of •-nton, which shall be promptly returned if the bid is not 3 i accepted. If the bonds are ready for delivery and the successful bidderIsh•11 fail and neglect to complete the purchase of the bonds wit .in forty days following the acceptance of his bid, the amount of his deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Renton and in tht event the City Council may accept the bid of the one making th, next best bid. If there be two or more equal bids for the bonds for not less than par plus accrued interest and such bids are the best bids received, the City Council will detetmine by lot which bid will be accepted. The bonds will be delivered to the successful bidder at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Renton or in the City of Seattle at the expense o the City, or at such other place as the City Treasurer and the successful bidder may mutually agree upon at the pur- chaser's :xpense. y bid presented after the hour specified for the receipt of bids w 11 not be received and any bid not accompanied by the required 'id deposit at the time of opening such bid will not be read or considered. I is understood that if, prior to the delivery of the bonds, thy- income receivable by the holders thereof shall become taxable, iirectly or indirectly, by the terms of any federal income to law, the successful bidder may at his option be re- lieved of his obligation to purchase the bonds, and in such case ' the deos t accompanying his bid will be returned, without interest. T. e City of Renton will cause the bonds to be printed or lithogxtapied and signed without expense to the successful bidder. Tie approving legal opinion of Messrs. Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch, attorneys, Seattle, Washington, will be furnished to the purchaser of the bonds without cost to the pur- chaser; w ich legal opinion will be printed on each bond. Bond counsel s all not be required to review or express any opinion • - 4 - r I concerni g the completeness or accuracy of any official statement or other sales material issued or used in connection with the bonds.' no-litigation certificate will be included in the closing capers. :urther information concerning the bonds may be received upon req 'est made to the City Clerk, or from Seattle-Northwest Securi'ti:s Corporation, the City's financial consultants, at 1000 1 Logan iBu lding, 500 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101. DATED at Renton, Washington, this 12th day of November, 1977. Q DELORES A. ME , City Clerk Publicat on Dates: December 16, 1977 December 23, 1977 December 30, 1977 January :, 1978 - 5 .. I Tie' *tate of dr�j: afs jtngton. . ' R08ERT S.O'BRIEN,CHAIRMAN ' STATE FINANCE COMMITTEE STATE TREASURER JOHN A.HITCHMAN,C.F.A. • ROOM 314 SECRETARY DIXY LEE RAY INSURANCE BUILDING 1�,.' TELEPHOI E GOVERNOR MO61753.410 JOHN A.CHERBERG OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 96504 -; LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 77 � ����'�$/f]'n?�I -December 21 , 1977 c,, N 0,..,�, ` `9�1 .•:1•:•'.1:":,':•,"..' , . \CP '4;.ri ! , •C::, ylj i''/ tp t..T1) ,4,;;. . ' Honorable`- Delores _A. .: Mead . Ci y Clerk . " - . ' j Ci y of Renton . • i200 Mill Avenue South . jRe ton, WA 98055 . Re: $900,000 Limited General Obligation Bonds City of Renton , ! Deer Ms. Mead: • ' Re eipt is acknowledged on .December 16, 1977 of the official ,no ice of an offering by the City of Renton , Washington , to se 1 $900,000 par value limited general obligation bonds; bids fo the purchase of which are to be received on January 9, 19 8. • • Very truly yours, . STATE FINANCE COMMITTEE ',./it . JOHN A. HIYCHMAN Executive Secretary JAH:gw C 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 12 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, THOMAS W. TRIMM AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE. CARRIED. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; STAFF DEL MEAD, City Clerk; LARRY WARREN, Acting City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Direc- tor; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Department Rep. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle Gene Coulon A moment of silence was observed in honor of Gene Coulon, deceased. Park Director Mr. Coulon served with the City since 6/1/47, having been Park and Honored Recreation Director for 282 years. Mayor Delaurenti noted that through Mr. Coulon' s direction, the City's parks are world's finest. Funeral services announced 12/14/77 10:00 a.m. Stokes Mortuary. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilwoman Thorpe requested deletion of alternate proposal regard- 12/5/77 ing denial of Elk Ridge Drive name change, Paragraph 5, Page 5, Council Minutes 12/5/77, Public Services Committee Report. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF 12/5/77 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Upon request of Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , it was MOVED BY Mayor' s Veto of PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, MAYOR' S LETTERS ON AGENDA RE SENIOR CENTER Ordinance #31$4 FUNDING, BE READ AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti returned to the Council , Renton Ordinance No. 3184 providing for the issuance and sale of $900.000 par value of "Limited General Obli- Senior Citizen gation Bonds, 1978" for the purpose of paving cost of land acquisition Center Financing construction, and/or acquisition of a Senior Citizen Center and matters related thereto. The letter reported veto of the ordinance, asked Council to reconsider and gave the following reasons for the veto: (a)The Senior Citizens , as other groups of citizens in the community, are entitled to an adequate, convenient and safe facility; being in support of such facility; (b) Need for appropriate method of financ- ing center in view of City's present financial condition and fiscal projections; many citizens questioning bonds in lieu of vote of people; (c) Principal issue of $900,000 plus 20-year repayment expense of $615,305, or total outlay of principal and interest would be over $1 ,500,000 which would require first priority from designated millage requiring curtailment of other necessary expenditures from the City's limited budget. Also noting cost of removal of present shop facility and maintenance costs of the new center would add $100,000 cost per year; these costs would be incurred regardless of the type of funding. The letter explained 1979 cost for interest - $50,000 and principal and interest in future years $80,000. The letter explained belief that such financing would not be responsible and not in the best inter- est df the City as a whole. The letter asked reconsideration of the previous action, that council pursue different approach to financing a new center, such as improvement to existing facility over the next few years in the hope the City's financial condition may improve. Continued Letter from former Councilman Dan Poli thanked Council for turning Senior. Citizen down salary increase and asked for reconsideration of recent action Center Financing in approving an ordinance to sell councilmanic bonds to pay for a new Senior Center. The letter explained belief that the matter should be put to vote of the people, that the center would serve only a small minority of all senior citizens and that the present Sartori facility is working fine. Renton City Council 12/12/77 Page 2 Senior Center Persons present speaking favorably of Limited General Obligation Bonds Financing for financing Senior Center: .Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells N. ; Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. S. ; Stan Thompson, 1206 N. Second; Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th P1 . Persons present speaking against the issu- ance of Limited General Obligation Bonds : Charles Shane, 3003 Mt. View Ave.rl. ; Jay Holmes , 150 Capri N.E. ; James VanOsdell , 3030 N.E. 10th St. ; Gary Dime, 927 N. 1st; Mike Hanis, 759 Dayton N.E. ; Matt Jeffries, 1208 N. 38th. Inquiry by Dorothy Walker, 12304 Petrovisky, re 3-year lease with Renton School District for Sartori School , brought affirmative answer with explanation of 90-day emergency cancellation clause. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL OVER- RIDE THE MAYOR'S VETO OF ORDINANCE NO. 3184 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE Ordinance #3184 AND SALE OF $900,000 LIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR PURPOSE Limited General OF SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, Obligation Bonds , SHINPOCH, CLYMER; 1-NO: TRIMM. MOTION CARRIED. Senior Center MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:48 p.m. and reconvened at 9:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Council Members present as previously shown. Introduction of Mayor Delaurenti introduced new Representative to the State Legisla- Former Mayor ture for the llth District, Avery Garrett. AUDIENCE COMMENT Brad McElroy, 19328 S.E. 163rd P1 . , questioned action taken 12/5/77 Continued by Council in denying his petition to connect property outside the City limits to City sewer service, and asked advice, claiming he Sewer Connection had been directed by the Public Works Department that connection County Property would be allowed. McElroy explained his savings are expended in the building of residence and when sewer connection needed, he had been advised that application would need to be made to Council . McElroy noted his predicament, explaining signing of covenant to annex to the City, however, noting inability to yet sign circulating petition. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, REFER MATTER OF MCELROY SEWER CONNECTION BACK TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECONSIDERATION. Upon inquiry, McElroy noted property consists of three acres adjacent to city boundary, that the sewer would be used for one residence. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published , Vacation of and posted as required by the law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Alley public hearing to consider the vacation of an alley in the Kennydale Kennydale Area area Blk. 18, C.D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. #1 , Petioned by filed by Ray Brown (Brown/Strand Homes) , J. R. Fawcett, et al . The Brown, Fawcett alleyway has width of 12 ft, lying between lots 1 through 3 inclusive et al on the North and lots 48 through 50 inclusive on the south, within Block 18 as mentioned, ' lying easterly of the right-of-way line of Burnett Avenue North', extended. Letter from the Board of Public Works Director Gonnason reported no objections to the vacation based on the finding that the right-of-way is not required for present or future city street system and that retention of utility easements is not required. The letter recommended vacation fee be calculated from an assessed value of $1 .07 per sq. ft. as determined by the Public Works Department. Public Works Director Gonnason displayed map explaining location between N. 33rd P1 . and N. 34th St. , with Burnett on West, and that the alley is not improved (not opened) . Councilman Trimm noted that with the vacation, the alley would be dead ended in event it were improved. Gonnason explained petitioner's desire to build on proposed vacation area; that other property owners have never indicated any desire to improve the alley, which would be done on an L. I .D. if requested; area zoned residential . Harold Hardesty, 3310 Burnett Ave. N. , noted postings 'in area of meeting notice. , Sanford Wehh. 364 Chelan S. E. , called attention to off-street parking needs, being advised that not a requirement of'single family area. Upon Council inquiry, the Public Works Director noted some of residents in Block 18 have placed fences at center of alley; no curbs , gutters or sidewalks in area; utilities in area. Council members noted concern for other property owners abutting alley; being advised 50 parcels abut the alley with approximately 300 sq.ft. each lot .or vacation fee of approximately $150 based on maximum charge of 50% assessed value. • , Af 'davit of Publication L± ( , .,;__ . . , STATE OF ASHINGTON' COUNT OF KING ,/ • . . Marg.nret Parbaugh being first duly sworn on • . - -- S he oath,deposes Ial nd-ays that - - is the Chief Clerk of .•" ' , -.1 ----- THE RENTON R CORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) 1 r • • •.... , , ri"`-'4-44W•••-u--44„--,4,:tr-----t,„______. , . ,CITY uF RtNITON '' 1382 69 FT',,rTHROUGH—' 'times a week'Th.t said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for rnore han six months prior to the date of publication referred WASHINGTON • AtENTHA(ANGIEGF,4.4-v, . , to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- ORDINANCE NO.3181 7°43'03"AN;4X1=lo Dig ,10:,..e paper published f o ur(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, AN ORDINANCE OF TANCE OF 186.25 FT::14 4,1 and it is now and d ring all of said time was printed in an office maintained THE CITY OF RENTON, THENCE N. 44°'57'139'.,'IA at the aforesaid p ace of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton i WASH I NG TON, AU- W. A DISTANbE, OF:-II ' Record-Chronicle as been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the THORIZING THE AC- 100 19 FT.; 1 i •''.' * . s Superior Couk of 'he County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, QUISITION OF CER- THENCE N. 16°36',50:: ,III 1 . I TAIN PROPERTY AND E. A DISTAK1OE'"Op :'11.4 Ordinance O. 3131 PROPERTY RIGHTS 99.79 FT. TO THE BE- Washington. Washington.That he annexed is a BY EMINENT DOMAIN, GINNING OF!A 'TAW • PROVIDING FOR THE GENT CURVE;; • '0:Y. d 1 • PAYMENT THEREOF; NELY 4 ., THENCE AtkION.G In,. AUTHORIZING THE SAID, TANGENT •. CITY ATTORNEY TO , • , .:4 CURVE TO THE'RIGHT N,.-.•• as it was published in regular issues(and PREPARE A PETITION HAVING A'RANUS-Or . 4.;• not in supplern' ent form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period FOR CONDEMNATION • 205 FT., THROLI.,,H'k,8 - : , IN THE SUPERIOR • CENTRAL ANGLE C)F . 1 •.,1 k44..i.. COURT IN AND FOR ,and ending the THE:CooOasmUiniptNtgreoT:pceortiOtmoF KING 35° 00' 00" AN'ARC li DISTANCE OF .125.29;.r')." • of .1 consecutive issues,commencing on the ' - ar rights Grantshmalol nbiel THEliky '-'"v i 0 T . 2 , • December day of ,19 77 al BW pun F.MATR7GAIG:Hplivkr:F.NT , T,../4ENTET,IsvvAVE..N.,S.A,I13 If• ' Rplitcri_ __ A cu LYALONG Rept4,A,,,( , Rin day of ,19 ,both dates inclusive, and tha such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ' Lions.uolue8 RABH,jn, HAVING 1.4 AE ....v,f44....z.,-.."'"•• slop Apedoil mizio 0 OF Ro ''' " .i•tiEf scribers during a 1 of said period. That the full amount of the fee UGw - Fr Pecilios°P9-91 ANGLE,-,—A CENTRA i'• ,4'„;1•1:,lir • of pus :Afieuifacr-4.-- —• iivikr, , • , . _164 70 enoqet.qweil NI a! s°1 '5% ,Fhb?., .• charged for the f 1 regoing publication is the sum of $ ' I , which 4,niqsisiut SUE SJEIUMO NI re V has been paid,in f 11 at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent . insertion. . . . . . ••414-r-A-a-f••i•-•102Ayk . • ChieT Clerk 1 . 2 Subscribed and sw 4 rn to before me this • day of Decembr , 1977 , 1 i I . . , . !I Notary P lc n and for the State of WaishIngton, 11 residing at Kent, King County. , . 1 . I • —Passed by the L:gislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. ,1 , 1 —Western Union elegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the ewspapers of the State. . ' . . , .. . , . ,• V.P.C.Form No.87 c9e.,& v� a 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December , 1977 Municipal Building Monday ,, 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORD:R Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL 0 GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORFE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE, THOMAS W. TRIMM AND EARL CLYMER. ROLL CALL 0 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; STAFF i DEL MEAD, City Clerk; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Dir- ector; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; HUGH R. DARBY, Police Chief; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; GENE COULON, Parks and Recreation Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Perry for correction to Minutes 11/21/77 , of November 21 and 28, 1977, Councilwoman Thorpe requested addi- 11/28/77 ' tion Page 7, Crestview Manor No. 1 Appeal , first paragraph, last line: "Councilwoman Thorpe returned to the Chambers;" Minutes: of 11/28/77 Page 3, last line third paragraph, add: "Councilwoman Thorpe returned to the Chambers. " Council President Perry called attention to ordinancesfor Council procedure and Code of Ethics require statement of reason or disqualification before leaving the Chambers. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE` COUN- CIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21 AND NOVEMBER 28, 1977 WITH ADDITIONS. CARRIED. Councilman -rim Thomas W. Trimm, duly elected November 8, 1977 and certified, by Installed King County Records and Election, was sworn into the Office of (Appointed Councilman by City Clerk, Del Mead. Councilman Trimm fills the 11/28/77) 2-year, unexpired term formerly occupied by William Grant who resigned. Councilman -Trimm was welcomed, City Clerk Mead noted changes in the City since Mr. Trimm left the Council in 19681. AUDIENCE 'COMMENT Charles Shane, 3003 Mt. View N. , made inquiries regarding the 1978 Budget 1978 and budget. Michael Hanis, 759 Dayton N.E. , spoke regarding Limited Senior Citizen General Obligation Bond issue for funding of Senior Citizen Center, Center ; expressing belief that citizens desire the matter be put to a vote; being opposed to fiscally irresponsible budgeting, and asked) the Mayor to Veto the ordinance if adopted by the Council . John Powers , Local Government Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, commended members of the City government for 1978 budget without new taxes. James Denzer, 3613 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , represent- ing Chapter 414 of AARP of Renton; Selma Fittings , 303 Park Ave. N. and Emile Abrahamson, 433 Williams Ave. N. , urged approval of the Senior Citizens Center funding. PUBLIC HEAR NG This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1978 Budget published according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hear- ing to consider the City' s 1978 Budget and the City's planned use of General Revenue Sharing money. The Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1978 was filed with the City Clerk and presented to the Coun- cil 11/7/77, balanced at a total of $20,171 ,698 and referred to the Council Budget Committee. Copies of amendments prepared during ses- sions of the Budget Committee were made available. CouncillPresi- dent Perry presented Budget Committee Report recommending adoption of the Mayor's 1978 Preliminary Budget with amendments (as distri- buted) and attached hereto, amendments #1 through #14. The Ireport listed the total adjusted 1978 budget: Expenditures $20,183,465 and Revenue $20,189,098, being out of balance $5,633 on the plus side. The report recommended that the $5,633 be placed in the Contingency Fund for unanticipated expenditures. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BUDGET COMMITTEE ADOPTING THE 1978 BUDGET AS AMENDED.* I l Renton City Council 12/5�77 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued 1978 Budget Audience Comment: Charles Shane asked removal of utility tax which had been increased in the 1977 budget. Councilwoman Thorpe submit- ted a Budget Committee Minority Report recommending review of two items as to long-term consequences as budgetary policies : (1 ) Of $641 ,724 anticipated Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, all except $15,000 has been earmarked for salaries. The report quoted Guide- lines and Citizens Guideto City Budgeting cautions against such use of Mino ity Report these monies , listing priorities as tax reductions, capital construc- tion and nonrecurring costs; continuing operation projects being discouraged; asking what will meet these salary expenses when revenue sharing expires in 1980? (2) General Revenue in amount of $710,404 is allocated to the Street Fund, being double that of the 1976 budget. The report noted many projects could utilize 1/2ct gas tax monies, but these are used for new construction, claiming such action will increase the strain on future budgets to pay more for street maintenance , drawingmore funds from general rev- enues enues or result in less ability to maintain streets adequately, es- pecially in residential areas. The report asked closer scrutiny by the Administration and Council to avoid forcing future choice of reduction in services or severe tax increases. Councilwoman Thorpe noted for the record the two items mentioned, do not reflect wise budgeting procedure, noting lack of Council support for adoption of the minority report. 1978 Budget Councilman Stredicke noted inclusion in the budget of first year Continued interest payment for Senior Center bonds; also noting the budget will be adjusted following wage negotiations. *MOTION CARRIED • concurring in the recommendation of the Budget Committee adopting the Mayor' s 1978 budget as amended (see attached). MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE BUDGET AS ADOPTED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUN- CIL CLOSE THE BUDGET HEARING. CARRIED. (Time: 8:30 p.m. ) Ordinance #3184 MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND PROCEED Senior Citizens TO ORDINANCE AFFECTING SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER. CARRIED. Ways and Center Fund Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented an ordinance providing Limited GO Bonds for issuance and sale of $900,000 par value of "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1978" providing part of cost of land acquisition and construction of Senior Citizens Center and appurtenances. Ordinance had: been on first reading 11/28/77 and the Ways and Means Committee recommended second and final readings of the ordinance. Following readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6-AYES: PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, BRUCE, CLYMER. ONE-NO: TRIMM. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3185 The Ways and Means Committee Chairman presented ordinance adopting 1978 udget the 1978 City of Renton Budget and recommended first reading. MOVE BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL PLACE 1978 BUDGET ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The ordinance was read adopting budget balanced at $20,189,098. It was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Senior Citizens James Denzer extended thanks to Council for adoption of budget and Extend Thanks. Senior Center bond ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, Recess COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. The Council recessed at 8:42 p.m. and reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present. PUBLIO HEARING This being the date ,set and proper notices having been posted and Housing and published according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the second Community public hearing to consider the 1978 Housing and Community Develop- DeveloPment ment Block Grant Program and allow public input as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development; first hearing 11/28/77. Planning Director Ericksen made copies of the 1978 program proposal available and advised that the information ! /(.�. r��*✓1/L� _�.'9-- �l_�-'>K..-lam{./ Renton City Council 11/28/77 Page 5I Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Garbage Rate COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 3-AYES: CLYMER, Ordinance STREDICKE, THORPE; 2-NO' S: PERRY AND SHINPOCH. According to Continued statute, majority vote of Council membership is required to pass an ordance into Taw. MOTION FAILED. Ordinance returned to the Ways and Means Committee for one week. Renton Hill The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading and referral Comprehensive Plan back to committee of the following ordinances: Ordinance I An ordinance was presented amending the City' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Maps and data relating to Renton Hill vicinity. Follow- ing reading, it ,was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Limited G.O. Bonds An ordinance was presented providing for the issuance and sale of Senior Center $900,000 par value "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1978" providing a part of funds for cost of land acquisition and con- struction of a Senior Citizens Center and appurtenances. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Substitute motion by Thorpe, to advance the ordinance to second and final readings, failed for lack of a second. Councilwoman Seymour- Thorpe then stated for the record, Council has been advised that interest rates will not be declining, but increasing, that early adoption would mean lower interest; also that public has ex- Tressed opinions at committee and council meetings , that the only objections received were from people outside the City limits and urged Council action. MOTION CARRIED returning ordinance to the Ways and Means Committee. Resolution #2149 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of Final Plat a resolution which approved MacPherson' s Inc. , Ruddell 's 2nd Ruddell ' s 2nd Addn. Addition final plat FP-087-77; property located at the Northeast corner of Monroe Ave. N.E. and N.E. 10th St. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , inquired regarding bonds for rthe Senior Citizen Center, being advised by Councilman Clymer that general obligation bonds are voted by citizens for property Senior Center Bonds tax, however, that councilmanic or limited general obligation bonds which were before the Council tonight and will be presented inext week, are paid from the City's general revenue and are presented to the Council for approval . Rolling Hills Jim McClelland, 1922 Jones Ct. S.E. , representing Rolling Hills Moratorium Homeowners Assoc. inquired re committee discussion of moratorium, ' being advised by Committee Chairman Perry of the schedule. (Attached) 1978 Budget Charles Shane, 3003 Mt. View N. , made inquiries of the 1978 budget and asked that B & 0 tax be adopted. Executive Session MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SES- SION IN THE 6TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. CARRIED. The Council Members left the Chambers at 10:10 p.m. and returned at 11 :00 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Members present as previously shown. Motion by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, to adjourn the meeting, failed. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND NOT OBSERVE 11 :00 p.m. CLOSING RULE. CARRIED. Council Position Councilman Perry expressed disappointment that newly elected Coun- Filled cilman Thomas Trimm was unable to attend meeting for swearing in; Thomas Trimm inquiring concerning any date requirement for certification. Moved by Stredicke, Second Thorpe, continue meeting to next week. SUB- STITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL APPOINT THOMAS TRIMM TO FILL VACANT COUNCIL POSITION, FORMERLY HELD BY WILLIAM GRAN. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 1 EXPIII 26 CITY OF RENTON WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 1I/21177 Kula TOTAL WARRANTS ,'ACHINE VOIDS: NO.# 15999 - #16002 1 CURE NT FUND *27,551.6S PARE . AND RECREATION FUND •6,751169 i ARTE1IAL STREET FUND $117.72 SIRE T FUND *190952091 i LIBRIRY FUND •33.40 STREET FORWARD THRUST . $174.57902 'I MAIN IRE STATION CONSTR.:/ EDA G 2 2 9.2 2 CEOA•d RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM / EDA '911'419.81 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND s66. 1761127 AIRE RT FUND 0685998 19715' WATER & SEWER CONSTR $1.860029 EOUt l` MENT RENTAL $2. 156.88 FIRE EN PENSION I 015.44 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $311,5311.01 1WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENT'N CITY, COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERC aNDISE AND/OR SERVICES WAVE SEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPR VE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 16003 THROUGH NO. 16098 IN THE AMOUNT 0r *311,531 .01 TH S 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1977• COMM TTEE CHAIRMAN L�-&- MEMBER a•.kS•►-•►• • , e r r • a � 76-- . I .D.# 302 MEMBER r r r r� pe r 1 'EVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-8 $8, 100.00 ',ASH WARRANT NO.#C-I0 $8, 100.00 it I I III Ili li I dam` - c `r , .' RENTON CITY COUNCIL . Regular Meeting November 21 , 1977 Municipal , Building Monday , 8: 01 P . M . • Council,! Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDE' Mayor C. J., Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting to order. . ' '-ROLL CALL 'IOF GEORGE J. PERRY,. Council President; EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL BARBARA Y. 'SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, .PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR!THORPE. STAFF IN CHARLES J. 'DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; ATTENDANCE TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Representative; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. 1 PRESS GREG .ANDERSON and CATHY BURKE, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPRO AL Councilwoman Thorpe requested addition Page 3, Paragraph 8, Final Estimate Asphalt Resurfacing, Line 11 ; add "and that project meets City standards." . Councilman Stredicke requested Page 4, last Para- graph, first line - Remove word "committee" and add "Staff."' MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS I. STATED. CARRIED.. AUDIENCE 'OM ENT . Council Candidate Elect C. Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. ;, oDjected to Council action as reported in 11/20 newspaper article that alleged Uniformed ; layoff_of _police and fire personnel in regards to contract negotiations. Personnel E. Kunstle, 1015 Jones Ave. S. E, commented on same newspaper'l, article objecting to police contract item re bonus pay for passing of physical . Heather Down Sandy Webb,; 264 Chelan Ave. ' S.E. , recalled Heather Downs sewer LID Sewer LIDI#2.7 #297 matter under discussion 11/14/77, asked reconfirmation of original plan approved by Council 3/7/77. Marlene Vickers , 13439 S.E. 141st, . Reconfirmed Co-Chairman of S.O.S. reported extensive study made and findings that Council Approval canyon area in question unsuitable for sewer trunk placement;. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, SUBJECT OF HEATHER DOWNS AREA SEWERS BE BROUGHT TO ,THE COUNCIL FLOOR. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke reported distribution 9f packet of information on subject. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL RECONFIRM EARLIER ACTION OF MARCH 7, 19'7 ON HEATHER DOWN SEWER LID #297. CARRIED. Senior Cente Frank Cenkovich, .2625• Benson Rd. S. , inquired when Council would dis- ' cuss the Senior Citizens Center, being advised of planned discussion at . 7,:30 p.m.. budget hearing ll/23/77. PUBLIC HEARING This being !the date set and proper notices having been posted nd pub- Renton Hill lished according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to Comprehensiv,. .consider,, the Planning Commission recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan Plan of the Renton Hill Planning Area (that area generally bound by FAI=405 on the West, Cedar River on the North, the hillside and undevel- oped area on the East and the powerline right-of-way on the South. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations per Council request of 6/6/77. The letter explained the process: of hearings and work meetings with detailed analysis of land use, circulation and community facilities; explaining the Commis- sion had adopted the Comprehensive Planning Committee recommendation at conclusion of public hearing 10/12/77. Letter from Kathy,' Keolker, 532 Cedar Ave. S. , President, Renton Hill Community Association, sub- mitted statement listing concerns of Renton Hill 'residents and favored , the Planning Commission recommendation re the Comprehensive; Plan. Petition bearing 227 signatures of Renton Hill residents and, piroperty owners ex ressed opposition to the buildingof an .additional multiple P pP Y P . dwellings at the upper end of Cedar Ave. S. or any adjacent area that would require access through our community.. (Petition originally filed with PlanniIng Commission 8/26/77.) Petition bearing 28 signatures pro- tested rezoning Mill Ave. S. from R-3 multi-family residential to R-1 single-famiily, having, been so zoned since 1964. Document prep.red by k . Renton City Council 11/21/° 7 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Comprehensive Transamerica Development with letter from Patricia Parks, Attorney, Plan for objected to change in comprehensive plan designating the- Renton Hills Renton Hill area as single family residential area (R-1 ) , noting Transamerica Continued owns 10.05 acres at the south end of Cedar Ave. S. designated as R-3. The letter explained proposed sale of 6.67 acres for 90 unit four- plex condominium and explained degree of steepness of property and that property abuttsFAl-405, making the property suitable for multi- family residential use. The letter alleged loss of value of property in change from R-3 to R-1 ; an attached traffic study claimed 50% use of optimum design for Cedar Ave. S. , suggesting means for increasing efficiency of traffic circulation, such ,as one way street and removing one 62 ft. sidewalk. Planning Director Ericksen used charts , maps and slides to present review of area, the nature of Comprehensive Plan, and Planning Commission recommendation, also distributing maps and written recommendation for audience use. Mr. Ericksen explained the land use element findings , circulation and community facilities, and recommendations of the Planning Commission, for single family residen- tial for area north of Puget Sound transmission right-of-way; add greenbelt area-steep hillside areas, powerline and natural drainage courses; delete Mill Ave. S. extention and Grant Ave. connection with continued limited access; area north of railroad designated multi- family be resignated as future recreation. Continued -- Persons present speaking in favor of Planning Commission recommendation: Historic Kathy Keolker; Claude Rogers , 420 Renton Ave. S. ; Ruth Larson, 714 Unique ! High Ave. S. ; Ethel Telban, 508 Cedar Ave. S. ; Jim Breda, 1002 Grant Neighborhood Ave. S. ; Mario Gotti , 1005 High Ave. S. Persons opposing recommendation: Desires Bill Montangne,Vice-President Transamerica Development Co. ; Gene SingleiFamily Farrell , 11112 Rainier Ave. S. , developer and purchaser of Trans- Residential america property; Patricia Parks , 118 N. 40th, Seattle, Persons Area I' present speaking against change in zoning of Mill Ave. -S. from multi- . family to single-family residential : Mrs. Ray Hansen, 336 Mill Ave. S. ; Anita Thelander, 512 Mill Ave. S. ; Paul Von Beck, 18184 S.E. 41st Place, Issaquah, Wash. Also speaking in favor of the recommendation : Robert McBeth, Attorney for Renton Hill Community Association, 505B South 3rd. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ELIMINATING EXTENSION OF MILL AVE. S. AND GRANT AVE. S. , CHANGING DESIGNATION OF ALL OF RENTON HILL FROM MULTI-FAMILY TO SINGLE-FAMILY WITH EXCEPTION OF MILL AVENUE SOUTH TO SOUTH SEVENTH STREET AND THAT THE AREA VHICH IS OCCUPIED BY GLADDING McBEAN (Interpace) BE DESIGNATED AS RECREATIONAL. CARRIED. See later. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:01 p.m. and reconvened at 10:14 p.m. Roll Call : - All Council Members present. Renton Hill MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF RENTON Zoning HILL ZONING TO THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER OF ORDINANCE AND MORITORIUM Renton dill (ON BUILDING OF MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ON THE RENTON HILL AREA) Moratorium TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. Councilman Stredicke noted Consent Agenda item - letter from Rolling Rolling1Hills Hills Homeowners Association requested moratorium on multi-family Moratorium building for 90 days or until Planning Commission completes study of area east of Renton Hill bounded by power line transmission on North, Benson Road on West, Puget Drive on South and Edmonds S.E. on the East. (See later Consent Agenda) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE LETTER FROM ROLLING HILLS HOMEOWNERS AND MORATORIUM IN THE REFERRAL. THE AMENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. (See Page 6 and Page 7. ) ORDINAN4S MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AND RESOLUTIONS .ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS TO BE READ AT THIS TIME. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, Council go into Executive Session to consider property value required prior to adoption of resolution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, MATTER OF EXECUTIVE SESSION BE TABLED UNTIL NEW BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES, CARRIED. I'. // f 0". IL J ' i c7c Renton City Council . .11/21/77 Page 4 1 , , --. Ordinances and esc i uti ons - Continued • . . • I ' 'Public Services The Public Serivices .Committee report 'recommended that four refer,r is - Minority Report Brad. P. McElroy sewer connection; Eagle Ridge ,Drive name change; Continued Vertex Energy System' s modifications to the City Hall heating sys em ' . and garbage rate increase, ' be referred back to committee in order that ' committee be fully informed .prior to recommendation. 'MOVED BY STREDICKE • Referrals SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED , 1 BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, GARBAGE RATE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. •• , . Garbage Ordin:nc- MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE; COUNCIL PLACE 'ORDINANCE AMENDING THE _Revised Rates' ' GARBAGE ORDINANCE ON FIRST, READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it ' was` MOVED BY ,CLYMER,- SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO, THE WAYS -AND MEANS COMMITTEE PENDING REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC SERVICES.. COMMITTEE. ' CARRIED.' , Ordinance 3178 The committee .repor.t recommended first reading of an ordinance repeal- Amendment to 1 ing a portion -Of'the Sign Ordinance relating to removal of non Sign Code 'conforming signs. Following reading, Councilman Stredicke requested explanation of the' City .Attorney for the record;.. being advised by ' Acting City Attorney Warren of the change in State law requiring ` removal of the amortization schedule form ordinance to protect Ci y from increased expenditures, matter having Public Works Department recommendation;. Following readings, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, .COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Board of Ethi',cs The Ways and Means . Committee report recommended first reading of an . Ordinance ordinance amending Code of Ethics Ordinance as pertains to members1hip. • MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK !TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. . CARRIED. • ' ' ' Waterworks 1 Committee Chairman . recommended. first reading of an. ordinance relating t. Utility Ordin';anc- to the waterworks utility including the sewer.ag:e system and adopting . a system or plan' for• making additions , extensions and betterments , defined as the] "Plan of Additions and Betterments" and to be part of ' , the "Comprehensive Water System Plan dated 10/76 prepared by Harstad Assoc. ' ,Following reading, it, was, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDI!CI&, COUNCIL. REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE. FOR ONE WEEK.. CARRIED. - LID #307 The Committee Chairman recommended first reading of an Ordinance Ordinance ordering construction of Raymond Ave. SW from SW 16th St. southerly • 1200 ft. , establishing L_ . I .D. #307. MOVED ,BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK:TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' ,`,. , ,Ordinance I The Committee Chairman recommended first reading of an ordinance, .F. Senior Citizen & superseding 'Ordinance No. 3157 10/10/77 regarding acquisition of, prop- Handicapped Park erty (including condemnation) for constructionof a Senior Citizen ' - Acquisition Center and a park .for the handicapped. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND,ISHINPOCH REFER BACK TO THE WAYS 'AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ! - Malesis Rezone Upon recommendation by the Committee Chairman for first reading of Ordinance an ordinance rezoning property' from R-1 to R-3, known as the Malesis Rezone, Councilman. Perry left the Chambers and took no part in the - matter. Following, reading, itwas MOVED BY 'CLYMER, SECOND STRED,ICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS ' COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Per�ly returned to-'the Chambers. . RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Resolution #2142 of a resolution setting hearing date of 12/12/77 concerning vacation Alley Vacation of an alley-way in the Kennydale area. Following reading, MOVEDIBY Fawcett et all CLYMER, SECOND :THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2143 The report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution approving Final ' Plat final plat for subdivision located at the southwest 'corner of N.E. Glencoe Dvn. #5 24th St.. and Union Ave. N.E. , known as Glencoe Division No. 5. Follow- ing reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ., CARRIED. . 1 PVC-5 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON r ' ORDINANCE NO,' 3181 ' AN ORDINANCE ,OF THE CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON , AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY . AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN, PROVIDING ' FOR THE PAYMNT THEREOF; 'AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO 'PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT TN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING AND THE PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQUI- SITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN RENTON, WASHINGTON OF A SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AND A PARK FOR THE HANDICAPPED, APPURTENANCES. TA AND IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION A THEREWITH, SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE NO , 3157 BE IT ORDAINED .BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY 'OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS. FOLLOWS; SECTION I; -It is acknowledged that the acquisition of - a the following described property -and' property rights is in accord with the goals established by the Community Development Plan adopted :he 22nd 22nd da, of August, 1977 , (City Resolution #2131) . SECTION I.I: It is hereby determined that the acquisition of the ' ollowing described property and property rights is necessary and for a public purpose and use - the construction of a Senior Citi_ e.n. Center and Park for the handicapped, appurtenances and i.mprevenents in connection therewith, and that such property and prof rt rights are located within the corporate limits of the City of Rent•n, the same being described as Parcels "C" (for Senior Citizen Center) and "D" (for Park. for the handicapped) on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and thereby made a part hereof , (The principal parties, holding interests of record • in Parcels "C" and "D" are the Burlington Northern , Inc, and the known and unknown heirs of Henry "ester . ) r ' acknowledged that the is authorized by the and it is further City laws, a d statutes of ' the State of Washington to appropriate land,_ and property right , through the exercise of its right of eminent domain within its corporate limits necessary for the above-stated purpos- . SECTION 'TIT: The City Attorney is hereby authorized and t i. •ected to commence condemnation proceedings against the owne:es and all other, parties in interest in the above-described lands . nd improvements , if any, as provided by law; to prepare the ne 'essary petition for condemnation; and commence and prosecute such, a tion in the Superior Court in and for the County of King againsu all the owners and interested parties in the hereinabove • descri ed property;� and to acquire the aforedescribed property and prop,'erly rights for the City of Renton. Such proceedings shall I I be to . scertain the Just Compensation for the appropriation of such' p operty and property rights by the City of Renton. SECTION IV ; ' Compensation for the acquisition of said proper. -.y and property rights shall be made from Housing Community F'ede ha- Grant monies heretofore committed to the City of Renton.I SECTION V ; Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed! as a' w iver by the City of Renton to its right to decline to tak',e and pa ' for said property and property rights after the amount Of Just, C•mpensation has been ascertained, and within the time allo',wed by Law SECTION VI ; This Ordinance shall be effective upon its, passags , approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this28thday of November , 1977i!. ' I Delores A. Mead, City C .erk MAYOR this 28th dayof November , 1977 . APPROVED BY THE M 1 • Charles •J; ' Delaurenti, Mayor App rovcd as to form , Lafar i erJ. Waxyen, Acting- City Attorney Date o Publication '; 12-2-77 F,.iKLLL :.`" ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 18, TWP. 23 N., RNG 5 E., W.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • I • BEGINNI NG AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF N. 3RD STREET AND BURNETT AVE. N.; • THENCE S. 00 13' 50" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF BURNETT AVE. , . E. N. A DISTA NCE OF 248 .95.95 FT.; ;, THENCE N. . 890 - 46' 10" W. A DISTANCE OF 30 FT. TO A POINT ON THE WLY RIGHT. OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURNETT AVE. N.; I THENCE SWLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGH , HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 146� 33' 45" AN ARC DISTANCE A'� • OF 127.90 FT. TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; ' THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT UAVING A RADIUS OF 3`:.' 529.34 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18 51' 55" AN ARC • f,'-,.'` DISTANCE OF 174J29 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY ' " I RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W (BURLINGTON NORTHERN) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; "•' THENCE S. 150 58' 50" W. ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD � , RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45.12 FT. TO u�. THE BEGINNING OF �� TANGENT CURVE; 1 A THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HH JNG A t''.' RADIUS OF 1382.619 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 43' 03" wc.: °4•' '• AN ARC DISTANCE 1OF 186.25 FT; x ,- THENCE N. 440 57' 38" W. A DISTANCE OF 100. 19 FT. ; "" THENCE N. 160 30i' 50" E. A DISTANCE OF 99.79 FT. TO THE -• BEGINNING OF A TANGET CURVE; THENCE NELY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGH HAVING A RADIUS OF 205 FT1., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35 00' 00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 125.23 FT. TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N. 51 'Z' 034 50" E. A DISTANCE OF 55.23 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; . • THENCE NELY ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT UAVING A RADIUS OF 225 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 52' 04" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7.33 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE ELY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD R/I.1; THENCE S. 150 58° 50" W. ALONG SAID RAILROAD R/W A DISTANCE F 85.31 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. L; — • • • .s. }ir V ' - { PARCEL "D" f JiflIT "B" • ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 13, TWP. 23 N., RNG 5 E., W.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF N. 3RD STREET AND BURNETT AVE. N.; • THENCE S. 00 13' 50" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF BURNETT f'', AVE. N. A DISTANCE OF 248.95 FT.; 't�ti;:, THENCE N. 890 46' 10" W. A DISTANCE OF 30 FT TO A POINT ON " C' - THE WLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURNETT AVE. N.J. : • THENCE SWLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT0 HAVING A RADIUS OF t�;:.'_ 50 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1446 33' 45" AN ARC Y : •: • DISTANCE OF 127,90 FT, TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE; =fir; t " THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT UAVING A RADIUS OF ni.'•- 529.34 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18 51' 55" AN ARC • 4:'!1:1.7:: ' - DISTANCE OF 174.29 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY ' -" RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W ';'a'::.': (BURLINGTON NORTHERN); .. THENCE S. 150 58' 50" W_ ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD .r'i,f'•.. RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45.12 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A • 'r - TANGENT CURVE; }`, . ' =,''• THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVOC A - ?`, d RADIUS OF 1382.69 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 '+3' 03" ' • • :;• AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186.25 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; • • • THENCE CONTINUING SLY ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD • ';''_'::.:E. '' RIGHT OF WAY BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT H4ING A RADIUS OF ' 1382. 69 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 16' 48" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 175.68 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NELY MARGIN OF COMMERCIAL WATER WAY DISTRICT NO. 2 (CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY); THENCE N. 500 25' 38" W. A DISTANCE OF 88.54 FT.; "• \ ;%;.::'- THENCE N. 390 34' 22" E. A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FT. TO THE BEGINNING• OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; ;a,•;. - THENCE NWLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1759. 86 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2u 20' 36" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 71.98 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD R/W; THENCE NELY ALONG SAID RAILROAD R/W, BEING A CURVE "10 THE RIGHT, HAVbNGIA RADIUS OF 1482.69 FT. , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 203 26" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 34.69 FT.; •',.•_• • ' THENCE S. 730 29' 10" E. A DISTANCE OF 8. 96 FT.; `.�" THENCE N. 160 30' 50" E. A DISTANCE OF 75.2E FT,; yc, THENCE S. 440 ,7' 38" E. A DISTANCE OF 100. 19 FT. TO THE 11:UE POINT OF BEGINNING. • 1 t: • • n i• 4 4 1! .► .=A.,:: . THE CITY OF RENTON r r:r� I'.. • • ;....... . .....:.......a.. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • . "'LL a" °'' rn CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR ® DELORES A. MEAD 'P CITY CLERK O ! �, �4lFD SEP;��"r November 8, 1977 Rdbe ts , Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay , & jMo.h Law Offices 1818 IBM Building Sea-tile, WA 98101 • Atte tion: Mr. Jim Gay, Bonding Counsellor Re: Twenty-Year, Non-Voted $900,000 Councilmanic, Limited G.0, Bond , Issue for Senior Citizen Center Dear Jim: Pdrsu.nt to our recent telephone conversation, the Renton City . Council has authorized preparation of the necessary ordinance to pr'ovi .e for the sale of $900,000 limited Councilmanic G.O. bonds tol fu d the Senior Citizen Center as above-referenced. Payme t of the principle is to be deferred until 1980 with interest ,• payme ts onlv, payable', in 1978 and 1979. The bond issue funds will be utilized for land acquisition; construc- tion, including utilities; off-site improvements; cyclone fence; fur- . nishilgs ; landscaping; parking lot; architect-engineering fees and adrinin .strative costs, . including attorney fees and printing of bonds. City of Renton .1977 Assessed •Valuation - $756,393,982 City of Renton 1978 Assessed Valuation - $800,098,028 The C ty has no outstanding voted debt, but has outstanding Council- manic G.O. bond debt in the amount of $1 ,080,000. le Pase advise of documentation or any further information as may be requi ed for preparation of the ordinance. , '' Yours . very truly, . CITY OF RENTON ' Delores A. Mead DAI�1:j • City Clerk • cc , ayor Iouncil President ' inance Director ' I City Attorney ' ' ' Seattle-Northwest' Securities Corp. . -1pAs- ,4441-e, - 40ioc 1 4110 Renton City, Council 10/24/77 ['lag; 3 Correspondenc: and Current Business - Continued Sternco Land C. . - Letter from Sternco Land Co. , 7201 E. Marginal Way S. , Seattle, Green Riven requested reconsideration of the Green River Comprehensive Plan' as Comprehensive 'Ian passed and amended in 1975 by the Renton City Council . The letter explained the company owned approximately 45 acres of land on SW 43rd St. between the B.N. Railroad right-of-way and proposed Long Acres Parkway, extended northerly over 1300 ft. , and located on northern portion of this track. The letter explained amendment to the said plan created a "greenbelt" of the present 40 ft. channel of Springbrook Creek after the new P-1 Channel will be constructed. The letter listed 12 reasons for the reconsideration. MOVED BY' SHINPOCH, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Elk Ridge Driv• Letter from the Elks Lodge 1809, Larry Henrickson, Exalted Ruler, Proposed byi 1600 Eagle Ridge Dr. S. , requested changing street name from Eagle Renton Elks; Ridge Drive to Elk Ridge Drive, listing reasons. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT OF TOTAL COST PICTURE AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Firemen' s Pension Letter from Firemen' s Pension Board, City Clerk/Secretary Mead, Board Request reported the Board of Trustees at meeting of 10/13/77, concurred Levy Appropria ion in request bf its firemen members to put the firemen on record 'as ! requesting appropriation into the Pension Fund of tax dollars i1n the amount of $.225 per thousand dollars of assessed value of taxable property in the City as provided by state law. The letter submitted the request to the Budget Committee for consideration, in the 1978 Budget hearings along with copy of 1975 actuarial report to the Council .President. The letter explained actuarial recommendations to amortize the fund liabilities. Moved by Clymer, Second Perry, refer request to the Budget Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. SUBSTI- TUTE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Report presented by Committee Planning and Chairman Perry in response to referral of Hearing Examiner' s recom- Development; mendations for procedures , submitted flow chart and explained Committee Reso t that within seven days of the Examiner' s decisiohis report should Procedures re be forwarded to the Planning and Development Co ' ee*** for review Hearing Examin-r and report back to the Council in approximately 21 day • concurrently Recommendation. the matter would be referred to the City Clerk as done in previous procedure for forwarding to the Council concurrently with Planning I and Development recommendation. If the decision is appealed, seven additional days would occur beyond the normal 21 days for routing to Council through the City Clerk. If the decision is appealed it will appear on the regular Council agenda; if not appealed it will appear on the consent agenda for Council decision. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.* MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, ADD 'TO COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION, FOLLOWING "forwarded to the Planning and Development Committee" the words ***AND TO COUNCIL MEMBERS. CARRIED. *ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED. Minority Right. Council President Perry submitted letter received from Mr.. and Mrs. of Homosexuals L. Evans , 17306 159 Ave. S.E. , regarding minority rights. MOVED BY Questioned I STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, SUSPEND READING OF THE LETTER AND REFER TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. enior Center Councilman Stredicke requested progress report on Senior Citizen Progress Repor Center, being advised by Planning Director Ericksen that the archi- j tect working on design development drawings,. present funds from, Housing and Community Development for site acquisition and architect, matter with the Community Services Committee. Councilman Clymer called attention to committee report of 10/17 , upon inquiry by Thorpe, wherein Council authorized Councilmanic bonds in amount of $900,000. Stredicke discussed location and inquired re survey concerning fund- ing of the center through utility tax. Ili, Renton City Council 10/24,77 Page 4 Old B 'siness - Continued 1 Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority committee Commi tee Report report recommending Gerald D. Cavenee be allowed to connect to the Geral1 Cavenee City sewer system, subject to agreeing to annexation and subject to Requests Sewer willingness to promote annexation of that area to the City (Cavenee Outside City property located outside the City boundaries) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE PERRY, SHINPOCH, BRUCE, CLYMER; 2-NO: THORPE AND STREDICKE. CARRIED. Park-and-Ride The minority Public Services Committee Report recommended public Lot - :South hearing and presentation at the Council meeting of November 14, 1977 Renton concerning the Park-and-Ride Lot in South Renton. The report Public Hearing noted the State Highway Dept. has completed its preliminary studies 11/14 77 and held public meetings and open house on the South Renton site. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Was 'nd Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Commi tee Re ort concurring in the recommendation of the Financial Consultant to Advane Refunding refinance the existing Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds authorizing Mayor Water/Sewer Bonds and City Clerk to execute the necessary contract documents. The11 9/1/50 refinancing will result in an overall savings of about $43,000. 5/l/6 MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION 12/15165 OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Was nd Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report Committee Re ort recommending second and final reading of an ordinance providing for Ordin "nce #3162 rezone of certain properties from General Classification District Wells :Rezone (G) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) located near Lind Ave. SW and SW 10th St. - Duane Wells. First reading 10/17/77. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ! ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3163 The committee report recommended second and final readings of an Annex tion ordinance annexing property to the city located in the vicinity of J & F Properties Union Ave. SE and SE 2nd P1 . (SE 136th St..) , located adjacent to Heather Downs, J & F Investments. First reading 10/17/77. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordin ;nce #3164 The committee report recommended second and final readings of an ApproOriation ordinance appropriating and transferring excess revenue in amount and T ansfer of $172,300 due to increase costs of garbage "service, Following Garbage Service readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT Revenue ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: PERRY, THORPE, SHINPOCH, j BRUCE, CLYMER; ONE-NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. First Reading The committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Unemp-'oyment Fund requested by the Finance Director setting up a special fund "Unemploy- ment .Compensation Fund" No. 608, placing an initial sum of $5,000 into said fund. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading The committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Hill 'ezone changing the zoning classification from G to M-P known as the Harold Hill property located on the east side of the West Valley Road south of Northwest Toys and north of Scarsella pond area. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Industrial requested by Planning and Public Works Departments changing the Platting Fees platting fees for preliminary and final plats of industrial sub- divisions. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE. BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -• _ .,-.,�.-•L'rr: t - rn.. -r . • Renton City Co' nci l 10/10/77 Page 6 Old Business - Continued Public Servilce Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee AOpo t recommending ;award of contract to low bidder, Renton Construction Bid Award Company, for ;LID 306, Harries Garden Home Tracts sanitary sewer LID #306 project, Alternate B - PVC pipe, in amount of $30,190.25. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. l CARRIED. Cavenee Sewer The committee report recommended that the request of Gerald D. Request Cavenee for sewer service outside of the City boundaries be allowed only uoon annexation to the City. . Moved by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, concur. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, RETURN TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' LID #308 ;? The committee report recommended favorable consideration of petition i Glacier Park by Glacier Park Co. for street improvements on SW 41st and SW 34th Street 1 Streets between Lind Ave. and the E. Valley Highway; 11/7/77 set Improvement for public hearing. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE :REPORT. City Attorney Shellan' noted question re single party improvement district, inquiring whether City as a whole would benefit from the street improvement. Councilman Clymer cautioned setting of precedent. MOTION CARRIED. I Latecomer' s , iThe committee report recommended a latecomer' s agreement be granted Agreement for ten-year ,period to Mr. Davis for construction of water main, Mr. Davis fallowing other properties to connect, authorizing Mayor and City cic Ito execute agreement. MOVED BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. Wa _s & Means The Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee Report report concurring in the Mayor' s appointment of Robert J. Kingen, Appointment' to the Planning Commission, effective through 1/31/80, replacing1 George C. Nelson, who has resigned. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1978 Tax Levy Councilman Clymer noted for the record that under RCW the City of Renton, tonigit,was to advise the electorate of setting the levy for the City; however, County Assessor' s report has not been received, making impossible task without the basic figure of assessed valuation. City Clerk Mead noted King County Assessor advised the assessed valuation would likely be ready by 10/17;' Mayor Delaurenti asking the Clerk to check further. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman' Shinpoch extended appeal for secretarial services for LEOFF Boad - the LEOFF Board meetings first Saturday of each month; Mayor Secretary Delaurenti asked for request in, writing. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Reso t recommending first reading of an ordinance to transfer and appropriate First Reading funds recommended by Finance Director pending review of EDA-LPW Appropriation funds; main fire station, Cedar River trail and Talbot Hill pump EDA Funds station projects . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance #315 The committee report recommended first, second and final readings Acquisition' of of an ordinance authorizing acquisition of property by eminent domain BN Property fo (parties of record: Burlington Northern and heirs of Henry Yesller) Senior Center for purpose of Senior Citizen Center construction; and authorized Attorney to proceed. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL 'READ- INGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: ' ALL AYES . CARRIED. First Reading The cuumittee report recommended first reading of ordinance vacating Street Vacatio a portion of: SW 12th St. and portion of alley nearby, lying easterly SW 12th St. of Oaksdale Ave. SW. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER,' SECOND BRUCE', COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. V • l a -(54,0„ , ; - .r.attoit; a...tpirLdike)) c Renton City Cou cil 10/3/77 Page 4 Old Business- lontinued Community Servile Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe presented committee Committee Repor report recommending that the Council direct the City Attorney' s office to proceed with the necessary legal steps to obtain the Burlington Burlington Northern property on the Cedar River. MOVED BY PERRY, Northern I SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilwoman Property Thorpe commented for the record that the money for this property included in block grant funds. MOTION CARRIED. Aviation I The Aviation (Public Services) Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted Committee Report committee report recommending that the seaplane base contractor, Tripp Construction Co. be granted a sixty day extension of time for Seaplane Base completion of the seaplane base improvements . The report explained Construction completion has been delayed due to unresolved differences of interpre- CAG-008-77 tation among the contractor, supplier and engineer based upon the design criteria for height of waves as pertains to the installation of the floats, Airport Director meeting with all parties to finalize project. The report noted extension of time is least objectionable alternative to prevent litigation between contractor and his supplier and to obtain end product which City specified; that the committee has asked the Airport Director submit weekly status report. The report noted seaplane base project is funded approximately 70% by FAA who have agreed to time extension. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton District Councilman Stredicke noted for information, letter received from Court King County Councilman Mike Lowry agreeing with Renton 'Resolution Name Retained No. 2135 asking retention of name Renton District Court rather than change to Central District Court. NEW BUSINESS ; MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, OCTOBER 13, f1EETING OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BE CANCELLED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and'Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee' Committee Re or report recommending first reading for an ordinance vacating portion SW 12th Street of SW 12th St. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Vacation BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2138 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer transferring $5,000 for the purpose of continuing construction work Cedar Center; P.a k on the Cedar Center Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2131 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Surplus designating as surplus three typewriters to be sold "as is" without Typewriters ; warranty. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THROPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Suburban Mayor' Mayor Delaurenti noted Thursday attendance at Suburban Mayor' s meet- Meeting ing, that he would be unable to attend the Metro Park and Ride meeting that night at the Sheraton Inn; see meeting schedule. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk di Mr .. Renton City Council 10/3/77 Page 3 Cdnsent Agenda - Continued Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported Bid Opening 9/21/77 sanitary sewer lines LI1D 306 and appurtenances L. I. D. 306, Sunset Blvd. N.E. at N.E. 7th St. Sanitary Eight bids received, see tabulation attached. Refer to Public Sewers Services Committee. Reston NOW Letter from Renton N.O.W. , President Beth Borst invited City officials In itation re to attend October 6, 1977 education program on the Allan Bakke's 1. Affirmative "reverse discrimination" case, with special speaker from the National Action Committee to Overturn the Bakke Decision. The letter noted affirma- tive action policies will be affected when the U.S. Supreme Court hears this case later this month, and invited discussion on the effects of this decision on the City. Program 7:30 Renton Library. Surplus. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended that three unusable and non- Tyoewriters repairable typewriters assigned to the Municipal Court, be declared 18 Years Old surplus. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Resolution #2139) Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS Ap royal PRESENTED. CARRIED. CO RESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 1 Poltmar Boat Letter from Bd. of Public Works Director Gonnason reported B. A. Rentals Porter dba Portmar Boat Rentals , has been operating his business LA .-976-66 on City-owned property on Cedar River on a month-to-month tenancy Tr.ct #6 since termination of Lease Agreement LAG 976-66 in December 1970. The letter recommended that Mr. Porter be given proper 30-day notifi- cation to vacate the premises due to extent of corrective work required due to Building and Fire Code violations, including instal- lation of sanitary facilities and fire and domestic water service; and also due to impending construction of the Cedar River Trail System. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND NOTICE BE SENT TO MR. PORTER. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted 30-day can- cellation clause in lease. Brown/Strand Homes Letter from Ray Brown, Brown/Strand Homes , 1309 Monroe Ave. N.E. , Latecomer' s reported installation and payment of sewer line - NE 27th St. on privatE Re ' uest property to service two houses at 2311 N. E. 28th St. and 2317 N.E. 28th St. Mr. Brown' s letter requested Latecomer' s Agreement in event surrounding property would desire to hook on sewer in future. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OL BUSINESS Council President Perry introduced Gerry Cichanski , 515 116th N.E. , Bellevue, Architect of new main fire station, S. Second St. and Nevi Headquarters Mill Ave. S. Perry explained presentation at Committee of Whole Fie Station meeting 9/29/77 with additional information requested. Mr. Cichanski Plans Approved presented sample exterior, ribbed, building block and explained $4,000 alternative of increasing foundation to allow future addition of brick at cost of $40,000 to $50,000, however advising against same as unnecessary. Chichanski explained the "no frills" plan with $500,000 budget; explaining turning radius of ladder truck as deter- mining bay location for exit onto S. Second, which had been advised by Fire Station Advisory Committee. Cichanski recalled presentation 10/7/76 prior to bond issue, noting switch to EDA funding for present plan; recalling Council approval of apparatus exit onto Second at the 10/7/76 meeting. Cichanski explained roughed in restroom plumbing in basement part of base bid. Mr. Cichanski distributed sketches. Councilman Stredicke questioned signalized intersection at Second and Mill , also street widening. Councilman Clymer noted need for acquir- ing additional property for parking. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT PLAN AND MOVE AHEAD. Councilman Stredicke noted need for more room for fire personnel . Councilwoman Thorpe noted need for working out items while approving basic design. MOTION-CARRIED. Meeting Time M0VED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL EXTEND MEETING TIME BEYOND Ext nded THE SCHEDULED 11 :00 P.M. CLOSING TIME. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LAND Exe ,utive Session APPRAISAL AND ARBITRATION ON KING COUNTY/CITY HEALTH SERVICES CONTRACT. CARRIED. Council Members left the Chambers at11 :05 p.m. and reconvened at 11 :30 p.m. Roll Call : All present as previously shown. +.F • COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September 27 , 1977 RE : Burlington Northern Property on the Cedar River The Committee recommends that the Council direct the City Attorney's office to proceed with the necessary legal steps to obtain the above property. Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, Chairwoman Earl Clymer Richard Stredicke 5 .. . . V SQL r ;C.k t b-erl' ,1110/ , 1 �o ORDINANCE NO, 3157 411.Ci `'''' "`` ' 4,1)1,s '')`4'^ ''-'1''' :' 1. ,t, r„, 'r q . AN DINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON WASHINGTON "•-�"`I.,� ',,,11 I`�`' AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY: ' 1'=''r''"'1"�1 n`' i',;.,; AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN, PROVIDING' i..; ,f,„l�s4;t,, `„ FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF: AUTHORIZING THE CITY, „s ;{ �4 t t.' - 1} ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION', t; w,}err IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR.THE' COUNTY' ORS _` ;4:1!n i:10, r ;` `:' KING AND THE 'PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQIJ'I- e''+5'i,Pr•' * J,:', =:rr','..: ;,:y , _y, .ti p' h :'!x . SITION OF SUCH PROPERTY.AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR , • t, , 1 , CONSTRUCTION IN RENTON, WASHINGTON OF A SENIOK a��.x+s + rl !t1.11 ':7 '! CITIZENS CENTER, APPURTENANCES AND' IMPROVEMENTS, s, s in?' a ' .dw 11,;f , '' j IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. 'f °' y� *fix f�q.�„ ' ;:. •';f�:t'ta'. ''.i�j(•lft Y.SR fm': "7 P ^ Fix P, a,4Tylpl p, 1:vi_".r '; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF':THE -CITY' -J, "' 7° 2 qi';" %'j'i 0 RENTON WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: II'. " ~ ,,, , tare -4,: i .i�, '.f,•},,,,-- .�;,.,', :5'F. �3r�+ �s't;' �..?;,.;F}S'" , n; S�p.�,t ) •4::!( ,;. SECTION I: It is acknowledged that the.acquisition of the: ��_'.'' `. "`~ e,, J fj k 't ' -re AAA� ' following described property rights is in accord with.the' goals F r. :ti e.tablished by the Community Development Plan adopted the 22nd'. r ' �q' ,i5 ?''° d of August, 1977 (City Resolution�� 2131 ) . . s`` SECTION II: It is hereby determined that the acquisition of ` l,•'i "''S t : ' '}'�;;'''' t e following described property and property rights is necessary - '>''ar '; ' r .;.',�.r a d for a public purpose and use - the construction of a Senior '''`° �'} �z;' ! C' tizens Center, appurtenances and improvements in connection therewith, ,' ,� ;. >,',:;Fy; "k'zr :' a d that such property and property rights are located within the < ';;/,'," corporate limits of the City of Renton, the same being described as ,''; , l ,,$ j P:reels "C" and "D" on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and thereby `:: ;;f ; •"fn+ `;; m:de a part hereof. ,:4;; , ':;.,;.,,;' ; (The principal parties holding interests of record in t. - :,,,�,t�, P:reels "C" and "D" are the Burlington Northern, Inc. and the. ,pry,•,:.. YK,, k own and unknown heirs of Henry Yesler.) i : '::'zts: W. ",'!1 y✓�{".! 1, ice. f'''''' ' a d it 'is further acknowledged that the City is authorized by the • 1 ws and statutes of the State of Washington to appropriate. lands a d property rights, through the exercise of its right of eminent 4,.. r` *ayy,,:fly k; pf44 ,.T....,,,,./ '' d main within its corporate limits necessary for the 'above-stated , .01 • ; ; "; ,w 5{, VlY ,fr, 1 ail tr a" I�.„ . purpose. a;; '' x a ;1,`'_ —1— , Wr "?:,9r,',,^',,,;,.... ..,, „,,.: . . .. oar ,. „•, xm.._v:;,^,.'t`;„ ' :`v.(,..:. , .y:. .. ;;,..`.',.;-•.. ,- •iy' 'A �ljvi„1rJ%-'ifs kx 1 , P t•:r 7 t i`tt'"* s't;, - I' '1'4':':!' •;,',?� ,'gyp. :Y }., ::.k..6,5. g Nill° . ;Add f� SECTION III: The 'City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed t ✓ his : F, .i to co a condenmnation proceedings again t the o tir u , ';.'commence ® tapers and all }; of ,er parties in interest in the above described- lands .and ,improv„emente, ¢, '�7� ','.n 3`,;,Yl'•kri ;�_, 1 r-j F.' 't • ,4% 0-• if any, a ess t r'f ' %''fr fi::r...;. _' : .y{;a s provided by law to prepare the rise ary;pets iron fo - • t,;-,, Ft,,,1 : a ;' , � Y '' ':'; co •demnation; and commence and prosecute' such action;in the Su erip ;� " \4`-, ' tt -, / ,Y,YFti Co rt in 'and•for t • he ICounty of King against all•of: the; owners'and, `;F l' , ,� ,,I i,.,,l a« yq • • z,., i. • "`{ P 'in erested,'parties in the hereinabove described:property; and:tb ` qv, r M , a `�"; r ,-•', s, 1 C ire �� b '� r�3 a } Yrrs`' .;0n ` ". .. • , ' 3y, : • . It ••• ,,rt E-i " f�, ,46,,, '','•Q!; c, ( 'Y I' he -Cl` o f Yi s r , { � ,cv+y(r'a. yr'' �g * tr,,,,,1't,.,:; th afo�redescribed property and property rights 'for ;t y {� � i r ° ?•!„& 1 Re ton. Such proceedings shall be to' ascertain the Just Compensation „+` z t. ,y� „ a 'i4A,Aq;y,!,: fo the. appropriation of Such property and property rights ;b'y,.•the,'('-"' ? g, ,• ,3.rk? t `',a : Ci y of Renton. .):,,,,',,• ty; s;el? 4'r.t�y} '. k= t 1 . SECTION IV: Compensation for the acquisition of.'ts'aid property i - «r ,ti' an• propINi erty rights shall be made from Housing Community Federal t, ;F ? `F t. 'r �+'` ; Grant monies heretofore ,committed to the City of Renton - : ( `' „` , y i; f •,• r.l, 4 SECTION V: Nothing in this Ordinance 'shall be construed as.;, ai;. , Fs ;i'_t, • waver by the'City Of Renton to its right to decline to,:,take and ,, -•; ,t'�" �V,' I pa for said property and property rights after. the amount,, of Just • �" .,,:f.,,,•;.�^> ,r Compensation has been ascertained, and within the time allowed by, law. ,,41` ,,,,q 1 SECTION VI: This Ordinance shalt be�'.effectkve npot,,f.its,pas4«4'p e;, �''==r -:s`':.`':„;,i,:, ,.,P i ' ,. ?k,',.,f, p ravel and .fiVe' day-s :after ite pu l tat2or i • . i s.... PASSED BY THE 'CITY COUNCIL this loth day of October', 1977. Aqt,,,.:',.1,-:H.;r-, • ._,AA,,, , a • ,,,,i. .;:ie:, . ,. ..,::.,.,.-.,,,:.. ,,,,,,...:„ ,. ., ,,i/.,7,.:.:::,,k,..„0: !z. . • •,� •,; +,, �� Delores sad City C Or `,,�.•, ! � ,_ ,„ t' %3 v/,r'�1,.4i 1, • 'rl,' , ' 'f'- +',' ,I a.'h.:`4' i.,,. APPROVED ''BY THE-MAYOR this loth day of October,; 197T,'t �' < -,• + ;{ • ;E,,,, "-S y i','ttr,'`,y �., Yra P �. �') I\r\I+,r •P•i fir,'•' 7�f�lrl,l\ 1,44ti �9„ .4 s:r'.,y,.<< Gr elaurenti, Mayor t;'' 1 : A•proved. as to form • r :+; h • ,' "� ;i Jf r�1, �i7`Y' Cs—i _ , j S s,.�' i t 01 + f ^,` 'C_'ty 'Attorney . ,, ; 4 i'W ,: rf ,Y l' 'D-to of Publication: 10/14/77 . . , Ih„``fit, �. Y re, vse � . s:� >fix„ ?:p'. !R:a%<: ^? ,,+., ::L?rFr? ;Mryr xr + :�i9?;TF• ais P,\- . tJ{' • y • • • t' �y;c ! r .xVi: i, , e �'''� , ' e • , =l. • , ::t— :,ti "C s `Yy. C.. !'` 1 .. •t �Fi.. %'': '•A.,,.,.r ig.. � ,� �. ,• - • II - ! ' 4l:. =.:„;•,„ r. I f;,•i':"'-... ,, '• • ' an .h.x.I - I 5 Y, •'f, ''>r, ,Xw, i t r.,{,r�'{1M�e�. , - . n ,,r rr..,::" , '. . Yi 'a., ''a J1!. d4„*e'i'. i ,l 0 'y:: PARCEL,"C" EXHIBIT "A" . ?,:'is;` y,;e,.'t ALL THAT, PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 18, TWP. 23 N. • ' ' `'•'r , RNG 5 E., W.M. 'DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: "',''a'fi''"`" it•r';. } ,,• ,,,4,'"- : : +:r'?+ BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF N. 3RD ` '=s', ` AND BURNETT �`:ire':" STREET AVE. N. "' .:': ',• THENCE S. 0 131' 50" W. ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF .BURNETT AVE. `;''';'.;'.-t;j!>�" ' 4=?fir",s• N. A DISTANCE OF 248. T ,.ti 4 f 95 FT.; a?�s;;, r ,: , ( ' . , THENCE N. 89 46' 10" W. A DISTANCE, OF 30 FT. TO A POINT ON' �,f;y,;"'"'`='`""'F `'' ' �; THE WLY RIGHT OF MARGIN OF SAIDBURNETT AVE, f',',''°'$ ' •, ii,, WAY ; r;r''. „j ,;.' :''., THENCE SWLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RICH , HAVING A RADIUS OF" °'hs,F-:, ' N,'.; 50 FT, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF46� 33' 45" AN ARC ' 4e"1 t, : s ,a. ;.� r:. 1 DISTANCE d:: s.- « ;t 3"4;,,':,,, - OF 127.90 FT. TO A POINT OF w`"y';y�1;t; REVERSE CURVATURE; f,l r.+ k K ' Kays:° .i - r- • ^4,; ..),,,.y><„.',S .;a'1.,:' ':: :v TOTHE -T:'.:t;;,: ,;1;, ;.'3 3. �A''�;' �r,- THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE LEFT AVING A.'RADIUS OF fil;"°i''°:4;:;:"�'�`ti* .�; �; :l.,_„,.,,.;tZ ; • $29.3.4 FT., THROUGH' A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18 51'• 55" 'AN ARC °"'' °* DISTANCE OF 174'.29 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH. THE EASTERLY' i ,%'::'I'u','„ j;•� .,4, -'�; . P1,; :': RIGHT OF WAY , ,' s %1"" �:'., 7,�+�..•• `� `� �'�"•% MARGIN OF 'THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W ?� "�x•;�;�,;><•�',� #.�.�'r` . ' ^' (BURLINGTON NORTHERN) AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ` • * .fi,•i '"'fl'L"V0 ,Y,;!.g„ c< i ,ram:�[�.'r�;,.'..i •'yt�,i >�': iti,r .� ' , '' THENCE S. 150 58' 50" '., ,,,',,Y,,i''i``si.?`!;„,, N , ;:;' W. ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD i.q,1;': 1 ' RIGHT OF WAY A' DISTANCE OFTO THE BEGINNING OF A ' `""'{`'` „;>�.- t 1 TANGENT CURVE; F - THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HA ING A ,' ,� ':-;!,.' RADIUS OF 1 87. ;, • 3 69 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7� 43' 03" ``„6-_ AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186.2 FT • ;; ,• i THENCE N. 44 57' 38" W. A DISTANCE OF 100.1 i n' THENCE N. 160 30' 50" E. A D THE ' 'ii'L°'' ; ISTANCE OF 99.79 FT. TO • ;,: BEGINNING OF A TANGET CURVE; —40 1''',..• THENCE NELY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHW HAVING A • RADIUS OF 205 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35 00' 00" ,:w,` , AN ARC DISTANCE 'OF 125.23 FT. TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; `',' "'' ``„';"Mr • I `+, THENCE N. 51 30' 50" E. A DISTANCE OF 55.23 ,FT. TO THE ; 'i 0::1'' ` BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NELY ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT UAVING A . , :.,. .^ ,t.° RADIUS OF 225 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 52' 04" AN ARC DISTANCE' OF 7.33 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE ELY 7` ' '- ` RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAIDBURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD R/W ,',z ;�,_:� 1, � ` ' �`;.';< THENCE S. 150 581' 50" W. ALONG SAID RAILROAD R/W A DISTANCE ';P-; :,'•••;= ^':,�'`s. •i• 1 ; OF 85.31 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ,:P, ,1 E a;. : . , . .. . .. . ..,,,r.7„.,,, ,,,,.1., . . • • . w,,,,,, ,,..,0„,...„,,,,,, rr.,,,.,.1„;,.::,,,,7,,,,c, ,:':7: ::!' • t r ,; 4 "Ix is i.i .r :9.?s' ,� • ;,; ,,.. `..,•F.;a„ '; '+tips;; tut I f j1 i A,x 4: R In J} a a • kz' r �f .; ;;fir;''!1" q' a x ; a�' • i - 4 Rai isp .:,,,: it'::,:;::71i:',,,i',.;ii''i:161r' - "-t�,*'.j Y.,.�,",• :,.;.-,«Z.;r,,.....,-.a.,,p;J*?:•:•:•.�=r:-n:;a,•.-;.-,:ym<w=s•{t�,v......m'--.�a°;crv1'r*,Y"^.-71 *rs.-.. •"�ka'�..x �; r ".ya';A4++2°zfi•s�.z*;,.% r*t^•.yy...s.^•'�,'�•.r" n PARCEL "D" • EXHIBIT "B" .1,:,!, ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 18, TWP. 23 N., .; ' .`.7' RNG 5 E., W.M. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: } " "�.:''"`" " "% BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINESN. •I,:;t` ; OF 3RD ,;,}•.'Y; .:jx,1;r STREET AND BURNETT AVE. N. ` ! ^�,` `''fl pggAb"o'. ' THENCE S. 00 1 ' " ALONG THE E TE a',a,,'t,. " "44:M1- 3 50 W. OF' BURNETT i t ;f" 'S+ ;a i Y C N RLINE .? x: a.,,r.,; +r,.,a ; AVE. N. A DISTANCE '" �r.:.y.=;� OF 248.95 FT.; ' ; �� •�=-�s::� r .r',:.0, ,•,` THENCE N. 89 46' 10" W. A DISTANCEt , �.s' ' � OF 30 Ft: TO A POINT ON . F�,.,,,N,,, �=;•,o t ,3�,� , `"�''`u.. h, ., THE WLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURNETT ,AVE. N.; ; 4, 4 > Y y d '!l y,.4 < }, THENCE SWLY ALONG A .CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF i ' a 1.4;A:,,,;,'„':4 x1' 50 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 146" 33' 45" AN ARC '^Jj '�f's.:'Y +'I'�,' x;7 1 DISTANCE OF 127w90 FT. TO A POINT, OF REVERSE' CURVATURE; � µ � u , �, `` THENCE ALONG A REVERSE CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF t 1 � ' ,1 *" '', ", -; :.. 529.34 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18 51' 55" AN ARC ,,41, 4 ? `��+ e ' '� ! DISTANCE OF 174.29 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY 4 ,, I: ? :...,. `: , RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R/W , 1 i,, ', V°; 0,,,i' ,; ;} (BURLINGTON NORTHERN) r, i , • a ! '4 r fr h" art THENCE S. 150 58' 50" W. ' ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD' ,h fi : r,"`t RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45.12 FT. TO THE BEGINNING OF A '. 'yw,{tx`�,, , TANGENT CURVE; z Sir ;i $tr`,a THENCE SLY ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A '�° ? 1. RADIUS OF 1382.69 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF. 7 43' 03" "r t ,t.3d { f AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186.25 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT BEGINNING; "':,� `}';N OF BEGINN � ' W k. THENCE CONTINUING SLY ALONG SAID ELY MARGIN OF RAILROAD 1:,', N,'' '•. t.r ;+ ri:`• RIGHT OF WAY BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAlfING A RADIUS OF j' rti:'` '. R: • 1382.69 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 16' 48" AN ARC .;:.:,,,',;7, . '' DISTANCE OF 175.68 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NELY r . ,. MARGIN OF COMMERCIAL WATER WAY DISTRICT NO. 2 (CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY); ; ,,,! , THENCE N. 500 25' 38" W. A DISTANCE OF 88.54 FT.; , ':,, „,` }.. THENCE N. 390 34' 22" E. A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FT. TO THE E `' :'':`''''i'`' BEGINNING.OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; ',, THENCE NWLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAOVING A RADIUS I 14 r OF 1759.86 FT., THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2 20° 36" AN ARC ;;., .1,f .M1,',' DISTANCE OF 71.98 FT. TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WLY RIGHT " OF WAY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD R/W; `. "} "' " '' THENCE NELY ALONG SAID RAILROAD R/W, BEING A CURVE TO THE ` ;i;:, RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1482.69 FT. , THROUGH A CENTRAL `,. '';.',. ANGLE OF 1 20' 26" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 34.69 FT.; �,; ?;'i`1`;, THENCE S. 730 291' 10" E. A DISTANCE OF 8.96 FT.; ;,"*- ;• , 4 '0 2'!.!',. .' THENCE N. 160 30' 50" E. A DISTANCE OF 75.21 FT.; ' :.;:,-"..,i.: ' t, THENCE S. 440 57' 38" E. A DISTANCE OF 100.19 FT. TO THE J-i,' TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. k s +` ti ,••.^4j,1. i t ;I,,�Y., • .; 1}z A 4 5 '' . . .n ,,d ,j t :.,.•mot' .*S';.', ,. .w .- ,,..---, -,, •—•^ +..-r, ^!+?I" ,e....w.,-......_ -»f^yr^'r..T.:'%6.y1-i v r:-^r-'M^.K:'., !as_ .. ..^...3-0.'^`T!i a":f ram- "q,"•."`rcs'�.. .. .. . .. " .. ORDINANCE NO.3157 STREET AND BURNETT AN ORDINANCE OF AVE. N.; • THE CITY OF RENTON, THENCE S.0'13'50"W. WASHINGTON, AU- ALONGTHECENTERLINE THORIZING THE AC- OF BURNETT AVE. N. A Af idavit of Publication .QUISITION OF CER DISTANCE OF 248.95 FT.;,• TAIN PROPERTY AND THENCE N. 89 46' 10" 1 PROPERTY RIGHTS W.A DISTANCE OF 30 FT. ' f. BY EMINENT DOMAIN, TO A POINT ON THE WLY STATE OF ASHINGTON ss PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN COUNT OF KING PAYMENT THEREOF: OF SAID BURNETT AVE. , AUTHORIZING THE N.; I CITY' ATTORNEY TO THENCE SWLY ALONG I PREPARE A PETITION A CURVE TO THE RIGHT Margaret a rba ug h I FOR CONDEMNATION HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 being first duly sworn on , IN THE SUPERIOR FT., THROUGH A CENT- COURT IN 'AND FOR RAL ANGLE OF 146° 33' oath,deposes and ays that S he is the Chief C 1 e rk of THE COUNTY OF KING 45"AN ARC DISTANCE OF I AND THE PROSECU- 127.90 FT.TO A POINT OF i THE RENTON R CORD-CHRONICLE, a1 newspaper published four(4) _TION THEREOF FOR REVERSE CURVATURE; times a week)Th.t said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and THE ACQUISITION OF THENCE ALONG A RE-'I has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred SUCH PROPERTY AND VERSE CURVE TO THE to,printed arid pu•lished in the English language continually as a news- PROPERTY RIGHTS LEFT HAVING A RADIUS paper published f.ur(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 529.34 FT.,THROUGH and it is now and d ring all of said time was printed in an office maintained •I N R E N T O N , A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18° at the aforesaid p ace of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton I WASHINGTON OF A 51'55"AN ARC DISTANCE Record-Chronicle as been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 1 SENIOR CITIZEN S• OF 174.29 FT. TO AN IN- Superior Court of he County in which it is published,to wit,King County, CENTER, APPURTE- TERSECTION WITH THE Public Notice1 -NANCES AND IM- EASTERLY RIGHT OF Washington.That he annexed is a P R O V E M E N T S IN WAY MARGIN OF THE CONNECTION THERE- NORTHERN PACIFIC • Ordinance No. 3157 j BE WITH. ORDAINED BY LINGTON NORTHERN);(BUR 1 1 i THE MAYOR AND THE THENCE S. 15° 58' 50" CITY COUNCIL OF THE W.ALONG SAID ELY MAR- as it was published in regular issues(and C I T Y O F R E N T O N, GIN Of RAILROAD RIGHT not in supplement form of said newspaper once each issue for a periodI WAS H I N G T O N, AS OF WAY A DISTANCE OF , I FOLLOWS: 45.12 FT. TO THE BEGIN- SECTION I: It is acknow- NING OF A TANGENT of 3 consecutive issues,commencing on the !edged that the acquisition of CURVE; • ; the following described THENCE .SLY ALONG property rights. is in accord SAID TANGENT CURVE 1 day of October 19 7 7 ,and ending the with the goals established by TO THE LEFT HAVING A I the Community Develop- RADIUS OF 1382.69 FT., ment Plan adopted the 22nd THROUGH A CENTRAL day of August, 1977, (City ANGLE OF 7° 43' 03" AN day of I ,19 ,both dates- Resolution#2131). ARC DISTANCE OF 186.25 inclusive, and tha such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- SECTION II: It is hereby FT. TO THE TRUE POINT scribers during a 1 of said period. That Ithe full amount of the fee determined that the acquisi- OF BEGINNING; tion of the following de- THENCE CONTINUING It 1 1 8 Q scribed property and proper- SLY ALONG SAID ELY charged for the fIregoing publication is the sum of $ • , -which ty rights is necessary and for MARGIN OF RAILROAD has been paid in f 11 at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the a public purpose and use— RIGHT OF WAY BEING A first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. the construction of a Senior CURVE TO THE LEFT 4. Citizens Center, appurte- HAVING A RADIUS OF inn cns and improvements a CENT 1382.69 FT.,ANTHGLE 7° A ga ,o in connection therewith,and CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7°1 A "'`` I that such property and prop- 48"AN ARC DISTANCE OF erty rights are located within 175.68 FT. TO AN IN- Chief Clerk ( the corporate limits of the TERSECTION WITH THE City of Renton, the same NELY MARGIN OF COM-. ! i being described as Parcels MERCIAL WATER WAY Subscribed and sworn to before me this '14 day of "C"and"D"on Exhibits"A" DISTRICT NO. 2 (CEDAR and"B"attached hereto and. RIVER WATERWAY); thereby made a part hereof. THENCE N. 50° 25' 38" ��G....... ............ ... ....... (Generally located at vicinity . W. A DISTANCE OF 88.54 of Cedar River at 1st avenue FT.; I North and North Williams THENCE N.39°34'22"E. I St•) A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FT. Notary Publ' i and for the State of Wash' gton, residing at Kent, King ounty. EXHIBIT"A" TO THE BEGINNING OF A - 1 I PARCEL"C" CURVE TO THE RIGHT; I ALL THAT PORTION OF THENCE NWLY ALONG, GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SAID CURVE TO THE —Passed by the L-gislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June I SECTION 18, TWP. 23 N., RIGHT,HAVING A RADIUS 9th, 1955. i RNG. 5 E., W.M. DE- OF 1759.86 FT.,THROUGH 1 SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2° e—Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, `BEGINNING AT THE IN- 20'36"AN ARC DISTANCE adopted by,the ewspapers of the State. TERSECTION OF THE OF 71.98 FT. TO AN IN- �I CENTERLINES OF N.3RD TERSECTION WITH THE • STREET AND BURNETT WLY RIGHT OF WAY MAR- AVE. N.; GIN OF SAID BURLING- f THENCE S.0°13'50"W. TON NORTHERN RAIL- I ALONG THE CENTERLINE ROAD R/W; V.P.C.Form No.87 -._, I I OF—BORNETf-A E"`N:A" THENCE`NELY—ACO '1 •DISTANCE OF 248.95 FT.; SAID RAILROAD R/W, 11 THENCE N. 89° 46' 10" BEIitiiz_el-CU,, E TO THE- W,A DISTANCE OF 30 FT. RIGHT,HAVING A.RADIUS I TO A POINT ON THE WLY OF 1482.69 FT.,THROUGH RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1° OF SAID BURNETT AVE. 20'26"AN ARC DISTANCE II N.; OF 34.69 FT.; 11 THENCE SWLY ALONG THENCE S.73°29'10"E. A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, A DISTANCE OF 8.96 FT.; 1 HAVING A RADIUS OF 50 THENCE N.16°30'50"E. FT., THROUGH'A CENT- A DISTANCE OF 75.21 FT.; RAL ANGLE OF 146° 33' THENCE S.44°57'38"E. 100.19 FT. '''45"AN ARC DISTANCE OF A DISTANCE O II 127.90 FT.TO A POINT OF TO THE TRUE POINT OF ' II REVERSE CURVATURE; BEGINNING. I1 THENCE ALONG A RE- (The principal parties VERSE CURVE TO THE holding interests of record in iI LEFT HAVING A RADIUS Parcels"C"and"D"are the 11 OF 529.34 FT.,THROUGH Burlington Northern, Inc. A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18°' and the known and unknown I 51'55"AN ARC DISTANCE heirs of Henry Yesler.) 1 OF 1'74.29 FT.'TO,AN IN- And it i further c s au- TERSECTION.WITH THE ledged thatCity 1, EASTERLY RIGHT OF thorized by the laws and jNAY MARGIN OF THE statutes of the State of NORTHERN PACIFIC Washington•to appropriate RAILROAD ..R/W (BUR- lands and property rights, I LINGTON NORTHERN) through the exercise of its. AND THE TRUE POINT OF right of eminent domain I BEGINNING; within its .corporate limits THENCE S. 15° 58' 50" necessary for the above- W. ALONG SAID ELY stated purpose. 1 MARGIN OF RAILROAD SECTION III: The City RIGHT OF WAY A DIS- Attorney is hereby au- II TANCE OF 45.12 FT. TO. thorized and directed to , THE BEGINNING OF A commence condemnation 11 TANGENT CURVE; proceedings against the THENCE SLY ALONG owners and all other parties SAID TANGENT CURVE in interest in the above . 1 TO THE LEFT, HAVING A described lands and im- ( RADIUS .OF 1382.69 FT., provements, if any, as pro- II THROUGH A CENTRAL vided by law;to prepare the 11 ANGLE OF 7° 43' 03" AN necessary petition for con- ARC DISTANCE OF 186.25 damnation; and commerce FT; and prosecute such action in 1j THENCE N. 44° 57' 38" the Superior Court in and for W.A DISTANCE OF 100.19 the County againstof Kin FT.; ofewns and interested 1 THENCE N.16°30'50"E. parties in the hereinabove Ili A DISTANCE OF 99.79 FT. described property; and'to TO THE BEGINNING OF A acquire the aforedescribed TANGET CURVE; property and property rights 11 THENCE.NELY ALONG for the City of Renton.Such SAID TANGENT CURVE proceedings shall be to as- TO THE'RIGHT HAVING A certain the Just Compensa- II RADIUS OF -205 FT.,, tion for the appropriation of THROUGH A CENTRAL such property and property I ANGLE OF 35°00' 00"AN rights by the City of Renton. 1 ARC DISTANCE OF 125.23 SECTION IV:Compensa- 1 FT. TO. A POINT OF tion for the acquisition of TANGENCY;' said property and property 1 -THENCE N.51°30'50"E. rights shall be made from • I A DISTANCE OF 55.23 FT. Housing Community Feder- IIi.TO THE BEGINNING OF A al Grant monies heretofore 1 I TANGENT CURVE; •committed to the City of 1 ,THENCE NELY ALONG Renton. j A TANGENT CURVE TO SECTION V: Nothing in. II THE RIGHT HAVING A this Ordinance shall be con- RADIUS OF 225 FT., strued as a waiver by the THROUGH A CENTRAL City of Renton to its right to 1 ANGLE OF 1° 52' 04" AN decline to take and pay for it ARC DISTANCE OF 7.33 said property and property . FT.TO AN INTERSECTION .rights after the amount of 1, WITH THE ELY RIGHT OF Just Compensation has WAY MARGIN OF SAID been ascertained,and with- I BURLINGTON 'NORTH- in SECTION the timeallowed T bs law. ERN RAILROAD R/W; Ordi- THENCE S. 15° 58' 50" nance shall be effective W.. ALONG SAID RAIL- 'upon its passage, approval ROAD R/W A DISTANCE and five days after its publi- OF 85.31 FT.TO THE TRUE cation. 11 POINT OF BEGINNING. PASSED BY THE CITY. EXHIBIT"B" COUNCIL this 10th day of ALL THAT PARCEL"D" October, 1977 OF . { Delores Mead,City Clerk PORTION 11 GOVERNMENT LOT 1, APPROVED BY THE ii SECTION 18, TWP. 23 N., MAYOR this 10th day of; RNG. 5 E., W.M. DE- October, 1977. SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: C.J. Delaurenti,Mayor BEGINNING AT_THEIN- Approved as to form: 1 TERSECTION OF THE Gerard W. Shellan I .CENTERLINES OF N,3RD__City_Attorney l I 11 II . (:e�c ,L Chi. • • A • CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTTION .NO . 2138 WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to transfer the below spe ified funds for the purpose of continuing the construction detail 'wo' k on the Cedar Center Park and such transfer being necessary and in the public interest and for the public benefit, NOW THERE ORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE A. FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and diec ed to make the following transfer : FROM: Cedar :Center Park, Other Construction $5 , 000 . 00 Account #000/000/07 . 538 . 38 . 65 . 01 UNTO: Cedar Center Park , Other Services & Charges , Account #000/000/07 . 538 , 38 . 31 . 01 Consultants $5 , 000 . 00 II PASSED BY THE 'CITY COUNCIL this 3rd day of October, 1977 . • • A. Mead, y/ Cit Clerk 14--"/ 6? 72411.4 ( Delores APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 3rd day of October, 1977 . Charles Ji. Delaurenti , Mayor J • • Approved as to form: //).C.kqg A/:e del? 449 Gef•ard M. Shellan , City Attorney II OF Ft 4 1 .,4t • • 0 THE CITY OF RENTON V `� :_ .4 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n ,aka., o O . f °; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT po co 235-2550 4 jr.O SEP1 - Sep ember 20 , 197117 H,onsrable Charles' J . Delaurenti Members of the. City Council Renton , Washington 98055 RE : PROJECT NUMBER CD-488-77 - CEDAR CENTER PARK REQUEST FOR FUND REALLOCATION ' Dea Mayor and Council Members : Ian rder to continue the construction detail work on the Cedar • Cen er Park by City staff, it is necessary that transfer of• • - faun s be made to appropriate accounts as follows : Transfer from : Cedar Center Park , Other Construction Account #000/000/07 . 538 . 38 . 65 . 01 • $5 , 000. 00 ransfer to : ; Cedar Center Park , Other Services & Charges Account #000/000/07 . 538. 38 . 31 • Consultants $5 , 000. 00 • Kin County Housing and Community Development staff has i,nd Gated concurrence in the proposed transfer ( see attached letters ) . •Your approval of Said transfer is respectfully requested with, referral to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper resolution . 1 V,er truly yours ,; Gbr on Y . Ericksen Pla ning Director' GarR. Kruger , Acting Coordinator Hbu ing & Community Development GYE GRK: lml 1 Attachments cc : City Attorney .�..vf;-it-`•n! a� 'n �v - o. cnn: a and Community Development - • ;�i�IIcrO1`a OF 'PLANNING y' ; � • r,.. 6 : 53 Karen Rahm, Manager 4.'-2 7 King County Courthouse Soo tle,`Washington 98104 Date:September 8, 1977 !20 1344-7610 RECEIVED To: ; ' Th Honorable Mike Lowry, Chairman Joint Policy Committee CITY 13 19�7 From: ' Peter Shepherd • OF �rJkYp • p S ''�:,:3;J GFF1Ct Subject: QUtGET REVISION: RENTON,. H&CD PROJECT #CD-488-77 FOR CEDAR CENTER PARK`I i i • Th_ subject project; for the City of Renton was contracted with the budget distributed as follows: Personal Services $ 8,000 Other Services and Charges 500 Real '; Property Acquisition/Construction 151 ,500 - • - TOTAL $160,000 • • The Real Property Acquisition/Construction• budget line included $5,100 for survey costs. The City has accomplished the survey bsr Use of City crews without cost to the t Cit has requested that the $5,000 be transferredytoe tter, the � . Other Services 1 and Charges to alloy the hiring of a consultant to complete the con truction working drawings and preparation of bid specifications. Sta f recommends approval . • Thi request exceeds the 25% or $250 limit authorized for staff approval and is submitted for your approval as authorized at the • Joint Policy Committee meeting of August'24, 1977. PS:1G:mos • APPROVED . . \ i _ ' - �i - -: < /, 7 j- Nike _i Lo�;r,�.- Chai r�:an Date --...-. - �o ' t Policy' .o. :,: i tt e - , tiV .r �i. - Z THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 pA CHARLES J. DELAURENTI p MAYOR O g• /PfO SE Pit: 0� Se tember 7, 1977 Mr. Peter Shepherd Co.rdinator, Housing and Community Development Planning Department W- •17, King County Courthouse • 51; Third Avenue 8e-ttle, Washington 98104 • I RE: PROJECT NO. ICD-488-77 CEDAR CENTER PARK - REQUEST FOR FUND REALLOCATION Dear Mr. Shepherd: ! I I In •rder to expedite the work required for the Cedar center Park Project, the City of Renton is requesting Ptha the $5, 000 listed as item two in Category 5, Real rooerty Acquisition and Construction, be transferred to Cat-gory 3, OtherServices and Charges. It vas Ioriginally anticipated that the above funds be 1tilized for the purpose of a survey of the property to 1$e acquired. The survey, however, was accomplished by rthe use of City crews; and the funding will no longer be eq fired for said purposes. The intent of the fund trans- fer is to allow the City to complete working drawings and spe ifications for the Cedar Center Park. This work is nec:-ssary in order for the park to go to bid this fall. tPlle.:se advise Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, if he e are any questions regarding this request. S,lin• erel , - C`,• ,�`�' . Delaurenti My.r CJD:wr I I ' I I `Ren'to'h City; Counci l 9/26/77 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Mayor' s Proclamation' of Mayor Delaurenti named tne week October 9 to 15, Proclamation 1977 as Firel Prevent Week, urging effective fire safety. Council Fire Safety, We k concurrence 'recommended. Cedar Center Letter from Planning Department {lousing and Community )evelcarient., Park Fund Acting Coordinator Gary Kruger. requested fund transfer in amount Transfer of $5,000 between Cedar Center Park funds ,n order to continue construction: detail work on the Cedar Center P.ar.r by City staff., Refer to theNays and Means Committee. Voucher Ways and Means Committee report recommended Council approval for Approval payment of Vouchers No. 15275 through 15420 i n the amount. of 1 received tiff nnalso 5 27,71�.�9 havi ny per,. ca.ti �„ • approval requested for LID #302 Revenue Warrant R- 4 in amount of $10,202.05 and Cash Warrant C--4 $52 .05 and C-5 in amount of $1i0,150. • Warrants 15271 through 15274 were machine voided . Council concur- 1 rence recommended. I ' Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Pioneer Distributors , 326 S . 3r,d 'St Damages John Swanson1 in amount of $29S.06 for cost of ,plumbing reps , . alleging insufficient inspection h',• the City inspector at time of installation of undergroundinn and sidewalks . Refer to City Attorney and : Insurance Carrier. • LID 308 Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition for street Street improvements 'on SW 34th St. and SW 4st St. between Line Ave. SW Improvements; and the East !Va i ley Freeway, which hid been verified the Public Works Dept. that petition represents ,1"C)`;•> of the total from. 1='oot- age. The letter recommended that the Council set date of 11/7/77 for public hearing on the preliminary local improvement district' roll and that the matter be submitted to the Ways and Means Coirr mi ttee for resolution . Council concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See additional referral on Page 3) Appointment ; Mayor Delaurenti announced 'appointment of Robert J. kingen , 30141 Lake Washington; Blvd. N. , to the Planning Commission to compiete: the term of George C. Nelson, now resigned. Appointment- efrective through l/31/80. Refer to Ways and Means Committee . Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA' Approval ! AS PRESENTED.; CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE 'ND CURRENT BUSINESS Surplus Letter from Mbnicipal Judge Stone requested permission to place Typewriters ; three surplusjtypewriters in the Police Auction October 4, 1977 and listed manufacturer and serial numbers, requesting referral to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Moved by Perry,; Second Thorpe; Council refer request to the Ways and Means Com-, mittee. Councilman Stredicke asked for information such as age' and use, etc. ; SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE , SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR' S OFFICE. CARRIED. Request for j Letter from Gerald D. Cavenee, 2424 Dayton Ave. NE requested Sewer Connection City sewer connection of property located at approximately 134061 G. Cavenee SE 99th St. (Sierra Heights area) . The letter noted service would be for single ',family residence and perc test has been disapproved, due to unfavorable soil conditions. The letter noted support of any annexation of !the area. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1978 Property Letter from Kiang County Council Chairman, Mike Lowry, reported the Tax Levies County Council] is required by RCW 84. 52.070 to certify the amount ' of property taxes levied in King County annually to the County Assessor and requires the amount of taxes to be levied for each taxing districlt, that the deadline for submitting 1978 property '' tax levies is 110/28/77. The letter stated that for Renton to receive any property taxes in 1978, Resolution must be received by the County by the 10/28 date, that the Assessor will notify each district I I Renton City Council 9/26/77 Page 3 Correspondenc_ - Continued Property Tax of its assessed valuation within few weeks and forms will be supplied Levies - to use in submitted levy. Councilman Perry noted dilema of need Continued for tax levy; information prior to receipt; Mayor Delaurenti noted letter would) be directed to Assessor and Mr. Lowry. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:57 p.m. and reconvened at 9:02 p.m. Roll Call : All present as previously shown. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Thorpe submitted petition signed by 238 citizens for Community the new Senior Center which had been presented at the 9/22/77 com- Services mittee meeting concerning Senior Center and a petition against the Report center. Mrs. Thorpe noted session well attended, that major concern was adequacy of Sartori School , amount and method of financing and ---2!enior Citizen architectural agreement. Councilman Clymer had explained Sartori enter not available on long-term basis , explained costs, that estimated 812% of overall cost would be for architectural and engineering fees. Councilwoman Thorpe explained that majority of persons present favored center and urged progression of project. Public Service. Public Services Committee report was submitted by Councilman Committee Re o t Stredicke recommending Council concurrence in request of the Valley General Hospital agreement authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Valley Medic I to execute agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. LID #308 Councilman Stredicke requested added referral for Consent Agenda item SW 34th & street improvements for SW 34th and SW 41st St. at Lind Ave SW, SW 41st Street Glacier Park applicant) L. I . D. #308. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Improvements THORPE, ADDITIONAL REFERRAL FOR LID #308 TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending second and final readingsof an ordinance adopting by Ordinance #315$ reference Title 9A of the Washington Criminal Code; first reading Criminal Code 9/19/77. Following readings, it was MOVED BY MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution #2136 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Street Vacation setting a hearing date of 10/17/77 for vacation of a portion of SW Harris Pl . SW Harris P1 . located between Hardie Ave. SW and Rainier Ave. S. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Resolution #3137 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Building declaring a moratorium for a period of 90 days on certain portion Moratorium of the City generally known as Renton Hill prohibiting the construc- Renton Hill for tion or alteration of any multiple apartment building, commercial , Study of City' s or industrial, facility but excluding renovation, repair or mainte- Comprehensiv,e nance of existing apartments , single family or duplex dwellings. Plan of area The Resolution also provides that in case the studies have not been completed, renewal period of additional 60 days allowed. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- ' TION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. odtbte_di Delores A. Med, Ci Clerk • 0 -, EXP11 26 CITY OF RENTON WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 9/a6/77 F ND TOTAL WARRANTS I 1ACHINE VOIDS: NO.#15271 — #15274 CURTENT FUND *140TS09ES PAR-IS AND RECREATION FUND f47; I10702 STR .ET FUND 012;94200 LIE VARY FUND 5B4B413 STR .ET FORWARD THRUST $02253 WAY:: RWORKS UTILITYY FUND 070o05$.64 AIRhORT FUND 02; 4742W - 197 WATER 6 SEWER CONSTR 04;9O5953 E®U ' PMENT RENTAL $46110504 FIRMEN PENSION 09, i1a00 0O TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1274 ,11p29 i WE, THE .UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTLIN CITY COUNCIL; HAVIN9 RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCIANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED; DO HERESY APPR VE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 15275 THROUGH NO. 15420 IN TIE AMOUNT OF $127o713029 THIS 26TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1977• b ' COMM . TTEE CHAIRMAN , �� esA-4i b.- a MEMBER ap ® ® ® o ® ® cg m ® e o L, I .D.## 302 0e, ....„,=_, . o tB �nQ MIEMBER . G� � � I L.- REdENUE WARRANT NO.# R-4 $10,202.05 CA'H WARRANT NO.# C-4 $ 52.05 CA'tl WARRANT NO.# C-5 $10, 150.00 I I I i ar,.� ,IiIktIIi) C0111 _i-1( (ft I I,c ._''‘I - .7.. !,;, Geotechnical Engineering and Geology 12893 N.E. 15th Place,Bellevue,Washington 98005/Phone (266)455-2018 11 1 I I August 29, 1977 PR-254 • 'I i; r C Rk/fr� I, The P1ithu Associates '`�� R�CFI`IED o • 2000 - ll .th N. E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 CJ • I, OCT 18 19 1 Attention. Mr. Jim BodOla ' ITS, ' 1,1 Subject: So ' d Founda ion Investigation -9� .��,./ Renton Senior Center / G pE���,`i Renton, as ing on `°--- DE: I Gentlemen: In r:sponse to your August 26, 1977 request and following a site visit, lwe are pleas:d to submit our proposal to provide a soil and foundation investigation at the !re 'erenced site. Pres:nt plans call for the construction of a 18,000 square foot, two-story, wooden 'Iifr.me structure. The maximum anticipated live plus dead loads on the structure 's continuous footings will be 2500 pounds per, lineal foot. We h.ve performed subsurface investigations in the vicinity of the project site and ith our knowledge of nearby soils, we believe the most economical method ,to explore the subsloil conditions is with a series of two 50-foot borings. Additional depth of boring! , if required, will be charged at the rate of $10 )er foot. Th'e borings will be continuously supervised by an engineering geologist from oar ffice who will maintain a log of each boring, obtain representative . , samples, treasure water levels and make detailed site observations. The samples will be returned to our laboratory for further analyses and testing. We will, then prepare recommendations for the most feasible foundation support systemi site preparation, pavements , floor slabs and pertinent geotechnical engineering data. ' Based on the attached Fee Schedule, we estimate that our services will cost about $,',{1700, of which $8001will be for drilling services. At the present time, we can begin our field work within one week after receiving your authorization to proceed. Our final report should be ready within three weeks after the completion of the field work. We will keep your design engineers informed of our progress as'' the information becomes available. I I, The Mithun Associates PR-254' August 29, 1977 Page two' If you are in agreement with the above costs', please indicate your approval by signing below and returning one copy of this letter to us. We can begin our fieldfield mobi ization with your verbal authorization. It ha• been a pleasure to submit this proposal . If you have any questions, please call . Sincerely yours, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. • Ernest Gomez, Jr. Pri • gineer • o er . evinson, P. E. Chief Engineer i I EG/dw Encl : Fee 'chedule • Broc ure I hereby a thorize acceptance and approval o ' the above conditions. By — — i Date — — — I • • i I ' � I Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions * \ 1 Earth Consultants Inc. I/ Ui 12893 N.E. 15th Place, Bellevue,Washington 98005/Phone (206)455-2018 � The compensation to Earth Consultants Inc.for our professional services is based upon the conditions set forth below: A. Personnel Servicesti 1. Charges for employees are determined by the following hourly rates: Chief 'Engineer I $36.00 Principal ngineer $30.00 Project En ineering Geologist $25.00 Staff Engi eer I $24.00 Staff E;ngi eering Geologist $23.00 1 Senior Tec nician I $18.00 Technician $16.00 Legal Test mony and Preparation $45.00 2. Overtime ates of 1.3 times the regular rate for technicians will be charged for overtime hours if .client's requiremeits make overtime work necessary. The use of our nuclear gauge will be billed at thel Senior Technician rates. Special arrangements can be made for a per test basis. B. Travel Expenses 1. Reimbursement for subsistence paid to employees on business for the client will be at a rate of$30.00 per day for the"Stat of Washington. For projects that will require long term subsistence, special arrangements can be made with he client. 2. Mileage will be charged at the rate of twenty cents ($.20)per mile for use of vehicles. ' 1 C. Outside Servl es ' 1. Charges fo services not furnished directly by Earth Consultants Inc., such as rental of drilling and excavating equipment rental of special equipment; services of outside consultants; professional or technical firms; fares of public c rriers; printing and photographic reproduction; bridge and ferry tolls; long distance telephone calls; and ny special fees, permits or licenses required for the project, will be computed at cost plus ten percent (1 %). 2. Xerox char es will be at fifteen cents ($.15)per copy. • D. Billing C-6621)--/- GFees and other; ch rges will be billed on hly basis as work progresses, and the amount of each invoice shall be due and payable w thin 30 days after the• such billing. Interest at 1% per month on the unpaid balance shall be charged on all jacc unts not paid within 30 days. Any attorney's fees and court costs incurred in collecting past'due accounts shall be p id by the client. E. Termination o Services . In the event that th client requests termination of the work prior to completion, we reserve the right to complete such analyses and recoriis as may be necessary to protect our professional reputation and to complete a report of work;per- formed to date'.A t rmination to cover the costs Incurred thereof may be made at Earth Consultants Inc. discretion up to 10%of the char es incurred up to the date of termination. F. Right of Ehtry I Unless otherwise greed upon, the client,will furnish right-of-entry on the land for Earth Consultants Inc. to perform borings, surveys a d other explorations.'We will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the land from use of equipment. ur fee does not Include the cost of,restoration of normal land damage which may result from our operations. 1 I 1 G. Public Liabilit Insurance We maintain Vehi le and Public Liability insurance for bodily injury or property damage liability of$1,000,000 with an aggregate limit of 1,000,000. A certificate of insurance can be furnished to the client. If the client requires further insurance coverag ,this can be obtained with the additional cost borne by the client. H. Warranty and Liability Earth Consultants nc.will perform our services within the limits presented by the client with the degree of skill, care and current standards of practice of the engineering profession. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended in our pr 'posals, reports or contracts. In the event the cli nt makes a claim agal h st Earth Consultants Inc.for any alleged error, omission or other act'arising from our professio al service, and the client fails to prove such a claim, then the client shall pay all attorney feet and costs incurred by Earth Consultants Inc. in defending itself against the claim. 1 l Ear;._; ► `� A,' ' Con .nI iy : 0f' _-' Ina. ,- 111 V l Geotechnical Engineering and Geology 12893 N.E. 15th Place,Bellevue,Washington 98005/Phone (2 Ib6)455-2018 it 1 August 29, 1977 PR-254 II • I, I . 70- f ENTThe Mithur Associates (:1:\ 2000 -Ili l l .th N. E. • � ockg\ D9i.• . Bellevue, Washington 98004 • Attention Mr. Jim Bodoia OCT 1� lgll Subject: Soil and Foundation Investigation ���•• ,�4 Renton Senior Center .,��/ QQ� Renton,l Washington �NG D Gentl e9Ilien: Jr r:sponse to your August 26, 1977 request and following a site visit, we are pleas:d to submit our proposal to provide a soil and foundation investigation . at thelre 'erenced site. Pres:nt plans call for the construction of a 18,000 square foot, two-story, wooden 'Ifr.me structure. The maximum anticipated live plus dead loads on the structure 's continuous footings will be 2500 pounds per lineal foot. II We h.ve performed subsurface investigations in the vicinity of the project site and ith our knowledge of nearby soils, we believe the most economical methodrto explore the subsoil conditions is with a series of two 50-foot borings. . Additional depth of boring' , if required, will be charged at the rate of $10 'per foot. III • The borings will be continuously supervised by an engineering geologist from ou1r office who will maintain a log of each boring, obtain representative samples', ►reasure water levels and make detailed site observations. The samples • will be returned to our laboratory for further analyses and testing. We will then prepare recommendations for the most feasible foundation support system site preparation, pavements, floor slabs and pertinent geotechnical engineering data. Based on the attached Fee Schedule, we estimate that our services will cost about $I1700, of which $800 will be for drilling services. Aethe present time, we can begin our field work within one week after receiving your authorization to proceed. Our final report should be ready wiithin three weeks after the completion of the field work. We will keep your design engineers informed of our progress as the information becomes available. I • I' The Mithun Associates j PR-254 , August 29, 1977 Page two If ,yoL are in agreement with the above costs , please indicate your approval by signing below and returning one copy of this letter to us. We can begin our field mobilization with your verbal authorization. It 'lhas been a pleasure to submit this proposal . If you have any questions, please call . • Sincerely yours, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. Ernest Gomez, Jr. Pri • gineer • o r . evinson, P. E. Chief Engineer EG/dw . Encl.: Fe'e Schedule Brociiure • I hereby a thorize acceptance and • approval o the above conditions. By Date _ • • • • • • I � COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING August 4 , 1977 The•rComMittee of the Whole makes the following' recommendation: The method,of ''financing for the Senior Citizen Center be referred to the Community Services. ,Comm'ittee for recommendation prior to or at ;the'. Committee of the Whole Meeting on Septemberf: 8 . 1977. orgo J.. Perry,,:Presiden Renton City '!Council • • • Renton City Council 8/1/77 - Page 3 - Correspondence &, Current Business (Cont'd. ) Glencoe Park REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE.* Mayor Delaurenti Phase I asked for audience comment. Dennis Skinner, 4419 N.E. 24th, said the Audience Comment area not have; a community club to coordinate any kind of fund raising, also did not !consider a fence west side only was adequate. Mayor, Delaurenti responded that the city hoped to fence the whole park next year and the fence on the west side was because of impact on the neigh- boring lot, Councilwoman Thorpe commented that contributions of money and materials were not part of the agreement with the residents , possi- bly they would help with landscaping later. Karen Holbrook, 4406 N.E. 24th St. , said she was the owner of the property to the west and also concerned with the fence being only on the west side and the residents wanted to see; the plans so they know what is actually going into the park. Councilwoman Thorpe showed the residents the plans for the park drawn up by the city' s landscape architect and said it was designed to be a "tot lot" . Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Planning Direc- tor Ericksen replied the plans included planting of grass and a sprink- ler system. Mayor Delaurenti told the residents a meeting would be called shortly and they would be notified. *MOTION CARRIED. Renton Merchants Letter from Renton Merchants Association expressed gratitude to Association Mayor Delaurenti for his efforts in improving the Downtown Shopping Letter of Area of Renton, particularly his most recent project of surfacing Appreciation the parking lot on S. Burnett St. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch as to the responsibility Banners in Downtown of removing banners on the Arts and Crafts Festival in the down- Area town area, Mayor Delaurenti said the committee had been contacted to remove them. Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recommend- Committee Report ing the City Park Fund purchase Glencoe Park from the Utility Fund at the fair market value of $10,000; payment to be made at the Glencoe Park Site rate of $66.00 or more per month for a 20-year period at 5% interest. Purchase MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF THE GLENCOE PARK SITE BE: (1 ) THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BE DESIGNATED FOR PARK PURPOSES, (2) THAT THE PROPERTY NOT BE SOLD, TRADED, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT CON- SENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL, (3) THAT PAYMENTS BEGIN AFTER COMPLETION OF PHASE I , PLUS SANDBOX, PLAY EQUIPMENT, LAWN AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM, (4) THAT THE ADMINISTRATION MEET WITH GLENCOE RESIDENTS, ON A REGULAR BASIS, IN ORDER TO INSURE THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARK IN A, TIMELY MANNER. MOTION CARRIED. Connection to Sewev. The committee report recommended the City Council concur in Mr. Union Ave. N.E. Hank' s request for connection to the City sewer main on Union Ave. Paul Hanks N.E. subject to the following conditions : (1 ) That he agree to sign a petition and promote annexation of his property to the City in conjunction with any petition for annexation circulated in the area including his property; (2) That he agree to and conform with all City of Renton regulations pertaining to his proposed development. ' Discussion followed regarding having agreement in writing from the applicant to these conditions. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER -BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Committee of the Council President Perry announced that the City' s Financial Consul- Whole Meeting tant would be: at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 8/4 to give 8/4/77 the Council information on interest rates for bonds to fund the Senior Citizens Center and inquired if there was other information the CounciT Members would require at the meeting. Councilman Clymer said the Council should have the figures on how many voted in the last General ,Election and how many votes are needed to validate a bond issue; the City Clerk responding the figures would be furnished. Councilwoman Thorpe requested the Finance Director be present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance Vacating Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recommend- Portion of Alley ing first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of a certain Block 12, Car Works alley within Block 12, Plat of Car Works Addition, in the vicinity Addition - Martha of Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. After reading, it was MOVED Waldenburger BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK 1st Reading TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 8/1//7 - Page 4 - Ordinances & Resolutions (Continued) Ordi ance Changing The Ways & Means Committee report recommended first reading of an Zoni g from (G) to ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties (B-1 and (R-2) within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) Love ess-Powell to Business District (B-1 ) and Residence District (R-2) , property 1st 'eading located on the southwest corner of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. N.E. (Loveless-Powell ) . After reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE UNTIL THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance Appro- The Ways & Means Committee report recommended first reading of an pria1, ing Funds ordinance appropriating and transferring $60,000 from Unanticipated Seaplane Base Revenue unto Airport account for the purpose of providing seaplane Improvements base improvements at Renton Municipal Airport. After reading, it 1st 'eading was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Reso'ution Trans- The Ways & Means Committee report recommended reading of a resolution ferrng Funds transferring $10,000 from Airport to Park for the purpose of facili- Airport to Park tating the administrative management of the Air Park development. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Bruce to adopt the resolution as read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REQUEST THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE REAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND EXACT LOCATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL NEXT WEEK AND TABLE THE RESOLUTION FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke said he was concerned with spending Airport money on this park, assuming that part of the park is on the Airport and that we are not in conflict with Forward Thrust. Political Signs Councilman Perry remarked that he had noticed an old political sign on Public Right-of- on the public right-of-way for a candidate for Mayor of Seattle and Way noted that candidates for the up-coming elections should be informed that political signs should be on private property, not on public right-of-ways and should be removed within two weeks after the elec- tion. Mayor Delaurenti reported the Building Division had already informed all the candidates. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. e7 >7?-• Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt � I I I • I move the following two items be placed on- the Noveinberl ballot and that they be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and Bond Council for preparat .on of proper legislation. The first to be •a General Obligation Bond. The second an Advisory Ballot to the City Council. • 1. A General Obligation Bond for $800 ,000 . 00 ,for the purpose of construction and furnish- ing of a Senior Citizen' s Center. • (With funds also to he eligible for use to purchase :any •land that may be required. ) 2 . An Advisory Ballot to the City Council. If • Proposition # 1 is not acceptable should the , City' Council raise the Utility Tax by \l% for ,the purpose of repayment of Councilmanic Bonds for the purpose of land acquisition, construction and furnishing the Senior Citizen' s Centers I . • ! ! I I George J. Perry • Council Preslident • • • • • • • � I I , \e• ) . 1 OV • 1 '.., OFFICE F THE CITY ATTORiNEY. RENTON,WASHINGTON 2 tr-o: 8 0 0 POST OFFICE BOX BM 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 28055 258.8208 Immo A " .A rt.T., luf cha w 1 00 0 GE....,........ ,..................LLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE.LWARREN. ASSISTANT CITY I ATTORNEY f•e," 4,... co sEP1c_4- 1 July 19 , 1977• 1 II I 1 1 r. Gor• on Y. Ericksen 1 Planninz Director ,!'iuniCip- 1 Building aenton, WA 98055 Re: Survey of City Shops Site anci, Burlington Northern Railroad property I Dear Co don: i Than , ou for your qamorandum dated July 19 , 1977 regardiny, the abovcalltioned matter, includin*g the legal description for Parcels A, 3' , C and t and map. I I , 1 would presume that the City is to acquire Parcels C and !) from 1 . the Bur ington Norther:\ consisting of a?proximately . 73 acres. 1 Based o our meeting or June 9 , 1977 it was my. understaneing tpat , the Cit .may have accuird-, by adverse possassion, a portion Ofil tlie D;a1 road Propert , especially some roadways and fenCe-d alr4as. 1 If -0at is so , such Area3 should be delineated on the map and the 1 . squaefootage ascerained. This may assist us in harit,-sining with the Rai road as to what it has to sell. Furthermore, we are to receve an appraisal of the property to be purchased from the 0.ailoa, , less the area already claimed by the City, Jould y u please let me ;mow whether the foreoing meets with your roval and represents the plan of the City to proceed in '1-hiG re,:,,ard. Thankih ; you , w... ramain, ., Very truly you , Gerard t.t. Shellan ilk , • a A 1 .. ...-.^. ,9...,.....nYe..+...=.F .c.��+s�.< :x�rata^sztJ .^;.S...u&c2.Krt.avruwSawv.r:aea:>mers«ati:_cc^»us wvn:.u....w,u�.�...e«1.w.... .-.,.>.-.... .,.,.......�.,�__.._....__._._-�.-.._. _.. _�..,,....�.. �......... �, l 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 11 , 1977 Municipal Building Monda , 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers I M I N U T E S CALL T$ ORDER Mayor C. j. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL C'LL OF GEORGE J. 'PERRY, Council President; EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCI BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. CARRIED. Councilwoman Thorpe joined the meeting at 9:15 p.m. CITjY O'FICIALS CHARLES JJ DELAURENTI, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. IN ATT:NDANCE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; G. M SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, 1 Police Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, 1 PersonnellDirector. i PRESS DON SMITH; Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested that Page 3, Paragraph 4, Line 12, be changed to read: "and parking area formerly leased by the Porter Marina". 1MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES of JUNE 27TH WITH THE CORRECTION CITED. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIEN E COMMEN ' Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , inquired as to what was going to be done about completing the Senior Center now that the project Senior Citizen was being excluded from any EDA funds. Council President Perry explained 1 Center that Councilman Stredicke and he had tried to convince the Renton School I Board to ;change their priorities, but they insisted on keeping their priorities. Perry moved, seconded by Bruce, that two items be placed I on the'Nojvember ballot and that they be referred to the Ways and Means Committee' and Bond Counsel for preparation 'of proper legislation: (1) A General Obligation Bond for $800,000 for the purpose of construction and furnishing of a Senior Citizen's Center (with funds also to be eligible for use to purchase any land that may be required) (2) An Advisory Ballot to the City Council if Proposition #1 is not acceptable should the City Council raise the Utility Tax by 1% for the purpose of repayment of Councilmanic Bonds for the purpose of land acq isition, construction and furnishing the Senior Citizen's Center. After some discussion, a SUBSTITUTE, MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED ,BY PERRY, THE CITY OF RENTON ISSUE COUNCILMANIC BONDS FUND- ING CONSTRUCTION OF A SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER TO THE AMOUNT OF $800,000, REDUCED BY THE AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM OUTSIDE FUNDING, AND THE BONDS BE PAID BY LEVYING A 1% UTILITY TAX, THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERK TO DRAW UP PAPERS FOR COUNCILMANIC BONDS. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee. Roll Call: Ayes - 2, Clymer, Bruce. Nos - 3, Perry, Shinpoch, Stredicke. Motion Failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE MOTION kiE TABLED AND REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION. CARRIED. COMMI TEE OF THE STREDICKE MOVED, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CHANGE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEET- WHOLE - 8/4/77 ING TO 844/77. Sarah Johnson, 1485 Hillcrest Lane N.E., also spoke on the need for a new Senior Center. Floyd Hughes, President of the Sidewalk Sale & Renton Downtown Merchants Association invited the Mayor, Councilmembers Summer Festival and all the senior citizens to the Sidewalk Sale and Summer Festival to be held July 14, 15, and 16. (See action later under Correspondence.) Reces MOVED BY,STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED.! Council recessed at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:05 'p.m. with all1Councilmembers present as previously reported. 1 PUBLI HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- lished, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing on the vacation of Portion of a portioi of Thomas Ave. S.W. Letter from Board of Public Works Chair- Thoma Ave. S.W. man Gonnason said that responses from Puget Power, Pacific Northwest From •.W. 16th Bell, Washington Natural.Gas Co., the cable TV company, and the City's t9 I-'05 Traffic Engineering and Utilities Divisions indicated no objections The A stin Co. to the proposed vacation and no need for any utility easements. The right-of;-way proposed for vacation is a stub-end street extending from S.W. 16th St. to I-405 and the Board reported no objections to the vacation' as this is an unimproved and unused portion of, right-of-way 'L, which dead-ends. at I-405 and is not an essential part of the City's traffic 'circulation plan. Public Works Director Gonnason pointed out 4 : ate. ItOL) 1 ' . _. R . , BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Wedn'es ay, July 6 , 1977 Renton Municipal Building 9 : 00 A M. 4th Floor Conference Room Present : . Warren Gonnason, Chairman Del Bennett , Airport Director Gene Coulon, Parks $ Recreation Director Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director Gwen. Marshall , Finance Director Cheryl Henry, Secretary Jolly Sue Baker, Housing & Community Development Coordinator 1. CALL _TO ORDER- -The July 6 meeting of the Board of Public Works was caJ.led to order at 9 : 00 a.m. by Chairman Warren Gonnason. 2 . ° REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES- -It was moved by GWEN MARSHALL, seconded by DEL BENNETT, that the minutes of June 29 be approved as written. MOTION CARRIED. 3. CORRESPONDENCE : ; None 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL : None 5 . REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS I Review of Plans for Senior Center • As the Planning Department representatives had not yet arrived, the Bo rd recessed for five minutes . The meeting reconvened at 9 : 10, a.m. i 1 Ms . Baker and Mr'. Ericksen presented revised blueprints for the proposOd Senior Center and Handicap Park. The plans provided for ingress .from Logan Avenue . The Public Works Department representatives recommended elimination of that entrance . Mr. Ericksen noted that the Council Committee specifically requested an entrance from Logan Avenue .11 Mr. Coulon suggested some changes in the layout' of the building, including reduction in size of the nutritional program office arid the addition .of an adequate area for the storage of janito ial supplies . Mr. Ericksen indicated that as a follow-up' to this presentation:, the departments will be provided a, set of plans for review andlcomment in writing. It was noted that the contract for the handicap park is expected to be awarded in the fall. • 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUDY: No reports . 7. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS : None 8. ADJOURNMENT--Meeting adjourned at 9 : 55 a.m. ts-s, 0 4, inc, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON ha 8 0 v , •••• ,0 ST OFFICE BOX 826, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 66055 2155 8878 GERARD M.SHELLAN,c mi.ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WA RREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY viSf' SEFrit. July 6 , 1977 TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN;: Re : Senior Citizen Center Site The pui-pdse of this opinion is to acknowledge that the City of Renton:, a municipal corporation, operating as a noncharter code city undr the laws and statutes of the State of Washington is the owner of the following described property, to-wit: As per Exhibit "A'attached hereto consisting of a certAin Statutory -Warranty Deed dated Jan. 21 , 1949 , and A certain- Quit Claim Deed dated Mar. 21, 1949 , the desc iptions thereof being incorporated herein as thpu h fully set fC)rth. Based on the foregoing records there will be no impediment or delay in the start of construction upon approval of the necessary funding in favor of the City of Renton The City' s interest in, and to the .Rroperty is legal and valid for all purposes incidental to s6h) application, funding and , construction. The undersigned has duly insp- tecrthe records pertaining to said ownership and fins the safe :to be in p per legal form and valid in all respects , ' and as e Wended by rtain Purchaser' s Policy of title insurance issued by Washin on Title Insurance Company , No.' B-3354.89 , dated MarAh 10 , 194 espectf ly sub i te G-ra M. S an GMS :mw • • attachs. • , xf 'a i CIF. R , V .:�� t, 'Yv.f ,..i. 'z ,. o QFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON WASHINGTON Co) AL k�� .;. ey' *:.HOST.;OFFICE HOX.1328, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 88055 255"8878 9A0,� � GERA RD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN. ASSISTANT CITY.ATTORNEY 4TED SEPSEO July 6 , 1977 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Re : Senior Citizen Center Site The pur�, ose . this.,..s:..opinion n...ion is to ac knowledge ge that the City of Renton, a municipal , corporation, operating as a noncharter code city under the :laws"''and statutes of the State of Washington is the wner of; -the following described property, to-wit As er?Exhibit_:."A"`attached hereto consisting of a certain::Stattory;'Warranty Deed dated Jan 21 , 1949 , - and a certain Quit Claim Deed dated Mar. 21 , 1949 , the des 'riptions: :thereof being incorporated herein as tho gh ''fully; set forth. Based o the':";foregoing,:records there will be no •impediment or delay i the :start 'of; construction upon approval of the necessary funding in favor of the City of Renton. The Cit is interest in and to the property is legal and valid for all pur..poses;';' nciidental to such application , funding and construe tion. i'.. .,,...'fit The und:rsigned has duly inspected the records pertaining to said low ership and finds. the • same to be in proper. legal form and valid i ' ..all; respect and as evidenced by certain Purchaser' s) Policy, of title..insurance;`issued by Washington Title Insurance) Company No. -B-3 3 5189 , dated March 10 19 49 . Res . c fully submitted, . . I G ra She lan i I GMS :mica • attacks . 1RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1 Regular Meeting June 27 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00. P M. 1 Council Chambers j MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCILMAN BRUCE BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDON; Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune. 1 MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1977 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , said the architect for the new Senior Citizens Center was asked to come to the Center and explain Senior Citizen Center the dimensions of the proposed new center of 17,000 square feet and they felt satisfied it would provide a much larger facility than the present one and hoped the Mayor would take some action on it. Ellen Delaurenti , 21100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , staff member at Senior Citizens Center, asked the support of the Mayor and Council that the project get started as soon as possible. Sarah Johnson, 1485 Hillcrest Lane N.E. , requested application for the $800,000 grant for the Center. Katherine Mooney, Staff Member, Senior Citizen Center, expressed con- cern that thelpresent plans for the Center would not have adequate space for their needs. At the Mayor' s request, the City Clerk read correspondence on EDA funds. Letter from Harold E. Kloes , Acting School District 4p3 Superintendent, Renton School District 403, noted the school district's PrLPW Funds on EDAM/ priorities were listed as numbers 4, 5 and 6 and endorsed the city' s LPW Funds projects as priorities 1 , 2 and 3. The school district listed their projects as follows : Elementary School Covered Play Area, a series of five covered play areas to be built at five different locations, $250,000; a new building to house the Home and Family Life Program at Renton Vocational-Technical Institute, $476,000, and a new building to house the Parent Education and Day Care Center at the Renton Vocational- School , $100,000.00. Letter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning Committee requested the Mayor and City Council submit the Senior Citizens Center as the fourth priority project for EDA funding. Louise Puffer , 10415 S. E. 174th St. , remarked that more and more senior citizens werel attending the Center and there would not be room for them all . Councilwoman Shinpoch complimented City Clerk Del Mead, as ,Presi- dent of the Renton Soroptimist Club, on the fine party for the Senior Citizens heldi at the Renton High School on June 26th and what a fine job all of th;e service clubs had done putting the party together. Kathryn Fuller, 223 Park Ave. N. , explained need for larger quarters for senior citizens. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Administrative , Assistant Custer explained the city' s priorities , new main fire station, building of new pump station and installation of new water lines on Talbot Hill and construction of portions of the Cedar River Trail System. and that projects that had been submitted previously and not funded would have prliority over new projects , cooperation with the school dis- trict in endorsing all projects considered factor in obtaining funds. After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Grant, seconded by Thorpe, that priority No. 4 re Senior Citizens Center be ranked as No. 2 on the list and the Talbot Hill project as priority No. 7. After further dis- cussion the motion resulted in a tie vote and the Chair voted no. Motion failed. The Mayor announced the School Board was having a special meet ing on July 51th to make a decision on the list. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY AND COUNCILMAN STREDICKE ,BE INCLUDED IN ALL MEETINGS BETWEEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY AND THAT THEY URGE THAT THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER BE INCLUDED ON THE PRIORITY LIST AS NO. 4. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO AMEND THE MOTION Rentonl City Council Page 2 - 6/27/77 AUDIMCE COMMENT (Continued) TO HAVE THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT THOSE PERSONS SO NAMED WILL BE THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT OF PRIORITIES. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recess at 9: 30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. with all Council members present as previously listed. Buckingham Appeal MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADVANCE FOR READING AGENDA from Denial of LETTER FROM JOEL HAGGARD ON THE BUCKINGHAM REZONE APPEAL. CARRIED. Rezone) from Clerk read letter from Joel Haggard, Attorney for Petitioners against G-60001to R-3 the T. C. Buckingham rezone appeal stating that multiple procedural and substantive grounds exist for denying the appeal . Planning and Development Committee Chairman presented committee report on subject of appeal which stated the matter had been reviewed and committee couldn' t find any substantial error in law or in fact or any indication of a substantial error in judgment made by the Hearing Examiner and recommended the decision of the Hearing Examiner stand. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Some discussion ensued regarding the proposed use of the property for recreational facilities and restrictive covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Naomi Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane, expressed her disappointment in the Council ' s decision. • 1 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Prelim`nary Assess- lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- ment Roll - L. I .D. sider the preliminary assessment roll for Local Improvement District 306, Sanitary No. 306 to construct and install sewer lines and appurtenances thereto Sewers Sunset in and near N. E. 7th St. between SR405 and Sunset Blvd. N.E. Assess- , Blvd. , E north ment roll total - $38,588.49. Letter from Deputy Public Works Director of N.E: 7th St. Del Bennett stated no protests had been received to date. Mr. Bennett explained the background of the project and the area was shown on a map, petitioners representing 68% of the square footage and 66% of the front footage had signed the petition and an additional signature had been received, zone termini method used in assessing the area. As there was no comment from the audience, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC:MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- 10% Le ter of lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public meeting on Intent to Annex the 10% Letter of Intent to annex to the city of an area adjacent Area Adjacent to to Heather Downs on Union Ave. S.E. and S. E. 2nd Place. Petition Heather Downs presented by J & F Investment Co. , representing 100% ownership of J & F Investment the area. Letter from City Clerk was read explaining the 10% letter of intent to annex was presented to the Council on 6/20/77 at which time the preliminary meeting was set for this date, further noting that pursuant to RCW 35A. 14. 120 et seq, the Legislative body' s need to determine whether to accept the letter of intent; require the adoption of the City' s zoning regulations and Comprehensive Land Use Plan; require assumption of pre-existing bonded indebtedness , if any; and whether to authorize circulation of the 75% petition. Robert Ferguson, 3014 N.E. 164th Place, Bellevue, on behalf of petitioners stated there was no objection to these conditions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THE MEETING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXATION AS OUTLINED BY THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration; Advance' Travel Letter from Police Chief Darby requested Council to authorize police Funds Police officers James E. Phelan and Donald I . Dashnea to attend the Confronta- Departrient tion Management Seminar in Spokane on July 6, 7, 8, 1977 and authorize advance travel funds in amount of $75.00 per officer for a total of $150.00, funds having been included in the 1977 budget for this meeting. Council approval recommended. � I Renton City Council Page 2 - 6/27/77 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued) TO HAVE THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT THOSE PERSONS SO NAMED WILL BE THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT OF PRIORITIES. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recess at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. with all Council members present as previously listed. 1 Buckingham Appea MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADVANCE FOR READING AGENDA from Denial of LETTER FROM JOEL HAGGARD ON THE BUCKINGHAM REZONE APPEAL, CARRIED. Rezone from ! Clerk read letter from Joel Haggard, Attorney for Petitioners against G-6000 to R-3 the T. C. Buckingham rezone appeal stating that multiple procedural and substantive grounds exist for denying the appeal . Planning and Development Committee Chairman presented committee report on subject of appeal which stated the matter had been reviewed and committee couldn ' t find any substantial error in law or in fact or any indication or a substantial error in judgment made by the Hearing Examiner and recommended the decision of the Hearing Examiner stand. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Some discussion ensued regarding the proposed use of the property for!recreational facilities and restrictive covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Naomi Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane, expressed her disappointment in the Council ' s decision. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Preliminary Asse s- lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- ment Roll - L I . n. sider the preliminary assessment roll for Local Improvement District 306, Sanitary No. 306 to construct and install sewer lines and appurtenances, thereto Sewers , Sunset in and near N.E. 7th St. between SR405 and Sunset Blvd. N.E. Assess- Blvd. NE north ment roll total - $38,588.49. Letter from Deputy Public Works Director of N.E. 7th St. Del Bennett stated no protests had been received to date. Mr. Bennett explained the background of the project and the area was shown on a map, petitioners representing 68% of the square footage and 66% of the front footage had signed the petition and an additional signature had been received, zone termini method used in assessing the area. As there was !no comment from the audience, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- 10% Letter of lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public meeting on Intent to Annex the 10% Letter of Intent to annex to the city of an area adjacent Area Adjacent to to Heather Downs on Union Ave. S.E. and S. E. 2nd Place. Petition Heather Downs '. presented by ,J & F Investment Co. , representing 100% ownership of J & F Investment the area. Letter from City Clerk was read explaining the 10% letter of intent tolannex was presented to the Council on 6/20/77 at which time the preliminary meeting was set for this date, further noting that pursuant to RCW 35A. 14. 120 et seq, the Legislative body' s need to determine whether to accept the letter of intent; require the adoption !of the City' s zoning regulations and Comprehensive Land Use Plan; require assumption of pre-existing bonded indebtedness , if any; and whether to authorize circulation of the 75% petition. Robert Ferguson, 3014 N.E. 164th Place, Bellevue, on behalf of petitioners stated there !was no objection to these conditions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MEETING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXATION AS OUTLINED BY THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Advance Travel! Letter from Police Chief Darby requested Council to authorize police Funds - Police' officers James E. Phelan and Donald I . Dashnea to attend the Confronta- Department tion Management Seminar( in Spokane on July 6, 7, 8, 1977 and authorize advance travel funds in amount of $75.00 per officer for a total of $150.00, funds having been included in the 1977 budget for this meeting. Council approval recommended. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June . 7 , 1977 Municipal Building Monda , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TI ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL C ILL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCI j RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCILMAN BRUCE BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. MOTION CARRIED. CITY 0 FICIALS IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL ATTEND,NCE MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1977 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENIE COMMENT Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , said the architect for the Senior Citizen new Senior Citizens Center was asked to come to the Center and explain Center the dimensions of the proposed new center of 17,000 square feet and they felt satisfied it would provide a much larger facility than the present one and hoped the Mayor would take some action on it. Ellen Delaurenti , 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , staff member at Senior Citizens Center, asked the support of the Mayor and Council that the project get started as soon as possible. Sarah Johnson, 1485 Hillcrest Lane N.E. , requested application for the $800,000 grant for the Center. Katherine Mooney, Staff Member, Senior Citizen Center, ; expressed con- cern that the present plans for the Center would not have adequate space for their needs. At the Mayor' s request, the City Clerk read District 403 correspondence on EDA funds. Letter from Harold E. Kloes , Acting Schoolri Prio Di s on EDA/ Superintendent, Renton School District 403, noted the school district's priorities were listed as numbers 4, 5 and 6 and endorsed the city' s LPW Fu ds projects as priorities 1 , 2 and 3. The school district listed their projects as follows: Elementary School Covered Play Area, a series of five covered play areas to be built at five different locations , $250,000; a new building to house the Home and Family Life Program at Renton Vocational-Technical Institute, $476,000, and, a new building to house the Parent Education and Day Care Center at the Renton Vocational- School , $100,000. 00. Letter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning 'Committee requested the Mayor and City Council submit the Senior Citizens Center as the fourth priority project for EDA funding. Louise Puffert, 10415 S. E. 174th St. , remarked that more and more senior citizens were attending the Center and there would not be room for them all . Councilwoman Shinpoch complimented City Clerk Del Mead, as Presi- dent of the Renton Soroptimist Club, on the fine party for the Senior Citizens held at the Renton High School on June 26th and what a fine job all of the service clubs had done putting the party together. Kathryn Fuller, 223 Park Ave. N. , explained need for larger quarters for senior citizens. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Administrative Assistant Custer explained the city' s priorities , new main fire station, building of new pump station and installation of new water lines on Talbot Hill and construction of portions of the Cedar River Trail System. and that projects that had been submitted previously and not funded would have priority ,over new projects, cooperation with the school dis- trict in endorsing all projects considered factor in obtaining funds. After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Grant, seconded by Thorpe, that priority No. 4 re Senior Citizens Center be ranked as No. 2 on the list and the Talbot Hill project as priority No. 7. After further dis- cussion the motion resulted in a tie vote and the Chair voted no. Motion failed. The Mayor announced the School Board was having a special meet- ing on July 5th to make a decision on the list. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY AND COUNCILMAN STREDICKE BE INCLUDED IN ALL MEETINGS BETWEEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY AND THAT THEY URGE THAT THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER BE INCLUDED ON THE PRIORITY LIST AS NO. 4. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO AMEND THE MOTION • Off, R � W,M,,.: ,?, THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O p ' °' i HARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • A o 0� ED SEPIA June 22, 1977 I-Ionor ble Charles J. Delaurenti, Mayor Members of the City Coiuncil Su1ject: EDA Funding for Senior Center Dear I+ayor and Council Members: At th June 20, 1977, meeting of the Senior Citizens Planning Commi tee a motion was made by Jim Denzer, seconded by Sarah Johnson and passed unanimously to request that the Mayor and City Council submit the senior citizens center as the fourth priority prgj edt for EDA funding. Sincerely, SENIOR CITIZENS PLANNING COMMITTEE Leland Pumel Chairman D JUN 22 ,. r • CITY OF RFN i U;a• MAYOR,t UFFtl;I I ' p .`� .► _ THE CITY OF RENTON C3. t% )4 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 041'AlT4-0 COS?' June 22, 1977 Honorable .Charles J. jDelaurenti, Mayor Members of the City Council Subject: EDA Funding for Senior Center Dear Mayor and Council Members: At the June 20, 1977 meeting of the Senior citizens Planning Com4ttee a motion was made by Jim Denzer, seconded by Sarah John on and passed unanimously to request that the Mayor and City Council submit the senior citizens center as the fourth priority project for EDA funding. Sincerely, SENIOR CITIZENS PLANNING COMMITTEE X-Lea---11-.(21 ;.?c,691.,e1 ' Leland Pumel Chairman • • • RE.,# OVER JUN 22 1977 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S .. OFFICE i e- n-lan:-:;;SciToot District 403 435 Main ,"Avenue c—) Souttz, Renton, Washington 98055 . , -f. ..i.)•cie,`) .!'",,:)ff- Q',/.. ,i ' • 4o___I22 : : . ' 1 .' ' — i . . „ . . , . 2 : , ,•,:,-_, : i, ,:luN, 24 , 19, f:, : 1 1 . 4-' ',/•••••,- . , • ' rhe Honor0.biTe Charles pelaurenti . 1 `,.Nla.yor„ City of Ro*tow, -,,,::•,, , . '• lion on,',Washington 9,805$ 0e,41 lvir :Mti:Yor • , . ,, . tz--che.d.,•„Y,on •will find :tile proposed EDA/I.PW projects 'for the , lientOn SChbd,i, bistriCt..",Please note our priorities are listed . , . , -, as t'uniber. ,"4'i": :5:-ind .16'. 'We:realize it is necessary: to :rank the pro 1.r.osed-,prej eCtel'vand.'140 :certainly endorse the City's projects as, priorities 1, 2 and I ' , ar&-P1=en'sed:,•and Iii6:Ppy to cooperate with the' (2 itY of Renton „ . .dib,43 appreti4'te. the excellent:.cooperat ion we have •rece ived from : -.• , empl 6Slees "in,-.y:Otir adininiStration. i.n 0 e r c.,..1y-,,, i .,-ii -:e i ,e4:4:„, .. .,i-larc id F. ' Kloes: '', ' :',1",;:- ' '• , ;''' _ , , . ni; Superintendent . . • .. 1 ' ' ' ',• eqz -, - , . 1.,.. '.„,,, : ., , ,, . .. . . . -... .,-... .,,-.. : , ' . • , , line osare . , = ,:•,,-= : ,: ..' ',',.,, : ,r-'i",,,:4;'.,: .-•4 , 1 ' ' ' ' ., ,,.....,„„44...................1 2-,•4-:,' . : . ;, i , ,; ',, ,:" ••• ,' : ', ..:1-:;=-4 :' ''''',:;• • n r -,',7-.. r.ri r 1 . ,::. :,.. : . , , !: " • "::::::::'., '.::',:',,,,,-..-f-*:::),T.. , :', ',.... ,:::•-:,'.... • n L' Cot.I i:t.) 1, ciTY OF liEN ION • . . • , ....,,,.,....:_,..._1, ' 1 , . , . . . I " ' I , . . . • 1 i . I ' ' • . ,.,': Loc3tcr N�,.,�er :,•.; XH'BIT 5 1!-3b - r -Y r i L LJ 1 I—.L-' .- Lt< J. :-::',,..1:':*;,. ..'":::'.,-4:1.1'1'..:,.'::',':I: t_GC `L' GOVERNMENT SCHOOL4DISTRICT LIST OF SUBNt1TTED AND.'OR ENDORSED , I PW APPL:ICATIONS IN'ORD_ER OF-JOIN"TLY ASSIGNED PRIORITY 1, i1 . A'R • LICANTS' NAMES AND ADDRESSES fi City Cr County, • School District , ,:Le al Nance ut A' a r. Legal Name of App1 cant . RENTON S(HOO1. DIS'fRIC'f NO. 403 _ i �-r t..,_._� _ Organization Unit - Jrganizat en 1 • SC}i00L DISTRICT I • • • Sheet.P•.0. C,x. — „ Street.:PxO. C3gx • 435 MAIN r11'E\'IIE:'SOUTH • Cit ' TCtv.. : . City;. Couny - = RENTON KING I • • State Zip Code State. Zip Code • j 55 WASHING'fON 980 Ptfority EDA,'Loc for . Name of Applicant and LPW Funds Number) ,.Description of Project.. Requested 1 $ 2 $ ' • • 3 z, • •• • • • 1. • } Elementary,Schools ,Covered. Pl.ay Areas. A. ser.ies I. f f ive`,< over'ed :play " reas' to be built a.t'five.. $ 250,000L00 • 4 ''different loc .taons - A new building t.o house the Home and-Family Life 5 Progrvn.:;`at the,?Renton:,Vo.cational-Technical Institute $ 476,.000.00 .. r . I A new_ building-t'o, house the Parent Education .and Da Care:`Center .at: the,`Renton Vocational-Technical $ 1,00,''000 00 I . Institute` '- ' LL''' I s MM DC 6..9 USCG . 1 • :•� ?' Locator Number iris 1, E A .to R l'a a or;';K Name of Applicant and 'brit .. PP. LPN' Funds r Y- ,Numa crI• ,, Des, lion of Project,' s"�^�'�� !.., . P ! Requested • I j $ $ • • — — — ii • • • -,rC III i4 ff • 1 $ • CERTIFICATION I he.unfd ` ig ed certifies a th t the.ah`jve"ltst►ng of LPW"appleiations (and theapplicati'rins on the attached r_ontin;a n on " c,beet if lin ) tuliy'and accurately.reflects}the preferences and`prioritiec as to.LPW app.ltcat on:: of the iuri,dlclrt,n'h ,re precetits.. • ('f rtite'in R-, LSert�itt.c t'' e �ernnt!e nt ) - $ plI. of Local Go I Certifying [.epresenEatt�•e of School District Dr, Harold El.--K1oe"s �' ,III Typed Nam e attd ill ,;';'• ; :.''c``.i TYPed Name and.Title , Ii i -, f.. Harold 'E. Kloes, Acting Su•perinte1.ndent Signature f; Date Signed Sign Date Signed . ,; J. - - J SCOMM.qC t•.,a 1 F>77 • ' 'I 1 IRENTON CITY COUNCIL 11.11 _,,0%* Regular Meeting June 27 , 197'7 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00' P M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCILMAN BRUCE BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDONjY. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 2b, 1977 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , said the architect for the Senior Citizen new Senior Citizens Center was asked to come to the Center and explain Center i the dimensions of the proposed new center of 17,000 square feet and they felt satisfied it would provide a much larger facility than the ' present one and hoped the Mayor would take some action on it. Ellen Delaurenti , 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , staff member at Senior Citizens Center, asked the support of the Mayor and Council that the project get started as soon as possible. Sarah Johnson, 1485 Hillcrest Lane N.E. , requested application for the $800,000 grant for the Center. Katherine Mooney, Staff Member, Senior Citizen Center, expressed con- ; cern that the present plans for the Center would not have adequate space for their needs. At the Mayor' s request, the City Clerk read correspondence on EDA funds. Letter from Harold E. Kloes , Acting School PriorritiestoncCDA/ Superintendent, Renton School District 403, noted the school district' s LPW Funds priorities were listed as numbers 4, 5 and 6 and endorsed the city' s projects as priorities 1 , 2 and 3. The school district listed their projects as follows: Elementary School Covered Play Area, a series of five covered play areas to be built at five different locations , $250,000; a new building to house the Home and Family Life Program at Renton Vocational-Technical Institute, $476,000, and a new building • to house the Parent Education and Day Care Center at the Renton Vocational-- School , $100,000. 00. Letter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning Committee requested the Mayor and City Council submit the Senior Citizens Center as the fourth priority project for EDA funding. Louise Puffert, 10415 S. E. 174th St. , remarked that more and more senior citizens were' attending the Center and there would not be room for them all . Councilwoman Shinpoch complimented City Clerk Del Mead, as Presi- dent of the Renton Soroptimist Club, on the fine party for the Senior Citizens held at the Renton High School on June 26th and what a fine job all of the service clubs had done putting the party together. Kathryn Fuller, 223 Park Ave. N. , explained need for larger quarters for senior citizens. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Administrative ' Assistant Custer explained the city' s priorities , new main fire station, building of new pump station and installation of new water lines on Talbot Hill and construction of portions of the Cedar River Trail System. and that projects that had been submitted previously and not funded ; would have prliority over new projects , cooperation with the school dis- trict in endorsing all projects considered factor in obtaining funds. . After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Grant, seconded by Thorpe, that priorityHNo. 4 re Senior Citizens Center be ranked as No. '2 on the list and the Talbot Hill project as priority No. 7. After further dis- cussion the motion resulted in a tie vote and the Chair voted no. Motion ; failed. The Mayor announced the School Board was having a special meet- ing on July 5th to make a decision on the list. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY AND COUNCILMAN STREDICKE BE INCLUDED IN ALL MEETINGS BETWEEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY AND THAT THEY URGE THAT THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER BE INCLUDED ON THE PRIORITY LIST AS NO. 4. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO AMEND THE 'MOTION Rento City Council Page 1 - 6/27/77 1 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued) TO HAVE THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT THOSE PERSONS SO NAMED WILL BE THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT OF PRIORITIES. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recess at 9: 30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. with all Council members present as previously listed. Bucki sham Appeal MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADVANCE FOR READING AGENDA from I=nial of LETTER FROM JOEL HAGGARD ON THE BUCKINGHAM REZONE APPEAL. CARRIED. Rezon: from Clerk read letter from Joel Haggard, Attorney for Petitioners against G-6001 to R-3 the T. C. Buckingham rezone appeal stating that multiple procedural and substantive grounds exist for denying the appeal . Planning and Development Committee Chairman presented committee report on subject of appeal which stated the matter had been reviewed and committee couldn' t find any substantial error in law or in fact or any indication of a substantial error in judgment made by the Hearing Examiner and recommended the decision of the Hearing Examiner stand. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Some discussion ensued regarding the proposed use of the property for recreational facilities and restrictive covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Naomi Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane, expressed her disappointment in the Council ' s decision. PUBLII HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Preli 'nary Assess- lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- ment ill - L. I . D. sider the preliminary assessment roll for Local Improvement District 306, Sanitary No. 306 to construct and install sewer lines and appurtenances thereto Sewers', Sunset in and near N.E. 7th St. between SR405 and Sunset Blvd. N.E. Assess- Blvd. E north ment roll total - $38,588.49. Letter from Deputy Public Works Director of N. 1 7th St. Del Bennett stated no protests had been received to date. Mr. Bennett explained the background of the project and the area was shown on a map, petitioners representing 68% of the square footage and 66% of the front footage had signed the petition and an additional signature had been received, zone termini method used in assessing the area. As there was no comment from the audience, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED'WITH THE L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLI 1MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- 10% Le ter of lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public meeting on Intent to Annex the 10% Letter of Intent to annex to the city of an area adjacent Area Asjacent to to Heather Downs on Union Ave. S.E. and S. E. 2nd Place. Petition Heathell Downs presented by J & F Investment Co. , representing 100% ownership of J & F Investment the area. Letter from City Clerk was read explaining the 10% letter of intent to annex was presented to the Council on 6/20/77 at which time the preliminary meeting was set for this date, further noting that pursuant to RCW 35A. 14. 120 et seq, the Legislative body' s need to determine whether to accept the letter of intent; require the adoption of the City' s zoning regulations and Comprehensive Land Use Plan; require assumption of pre-existing bonded indebtedness , if any; and whether to authorize circulation of the 75% petition. Robert Ferguson, 3014 N.E. 164th Place, Bellevue, on behalf of petitioners stated there was no objection to these conditions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THE MEETING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE 'AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXATION AS OUTLINED BY THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. CONSE T AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Advance' Travel Letter from Police Chief Darby requested Council to authorize police Funds I' Police officers James E. Phelan and Donald I . Dashnea to attend ithe Confronta- Departlent tion Management Seminar in Spokane on July 6, 7, 8, 1977 and authorize advance travel funds in amount of $75.00 per officer for a total of I $150.00, funds having been included in the 1977 budget for this meeting. Council approval recommended. Renton City Council Page 2 - 6/27/77 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued) TO HAVE THE CITY CLERK NOTIFY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT THOSE PERSONS SO NAMED WILL BE THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT OF PRIORITIES. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recess at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. with all Council members present as previously listed. Buckingham Appea MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADVANCE FOR READING AGENDA from Denial of LETTER FROM JOEL HAGGARD ON THE BUCKINGHAM REZONE APPEAL. CARRIED. Rezone from Clerk read letter from Joel Haggard, Attorney for Petitioners against G-6000 to R-3 the T. C. Buckingham rezone appeal stating that multiple procedural and substantive grounds exist for denying the appeal . Planning and Development Committee Chairman presented committee report on subject of appeal which stated the matter had been reviewed and committee couldn ' t find any substantial error in law or in fact or any indication or a substantial error in judgment made by the Hearing Examiner and recommended the decision of the Hearing Examiner stand. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Some discussion ensued regarding the proposed use of the property for recreational facilities and restrictive covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Naomi Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane, expressed her disappointment in the Council ' s decision. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Preliminary Assess- lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- ment Roll - L. I .D. sider the preliminary assessment roll for Local Improvement District 306, Sanitary No. 306 to construct and install sewer lines and appurtenances thereto Sewers , Sunset in and near N. E. 7th St. between SR405 and Sunset Blvd. N.E. Assess- Blvd: NE north ment roll total - $38,588.49. Letter from Deputy Public Works Director of N.E. 7th St. Del Bennett stated no protests had been received to date. Mr. Bennett explained the background of the project and the area was shown on a map, petitioners representing 68% of the square footage and 66% of the front footage had signed the petition and an additional signature had been received, zone termini method used in assessing the area. As there was no comment from the audience, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- 10% Letter of lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public meeting on Intent to Annex the 10% Letter of Intent to annex to the city of an area adjacent Area Adjacent to to Heather Downs on Union Ave. S. E. and S. E. 2nd Place. Petition Heather Downs presented by J & F Investment Co. , representing 100% ownership of J & F Investment the area. Letter from City Clerk was read explaining the 10% letter of intent to annex was presented to the Council on 6/20/77 at which time the preliminary meeting was set for this date, further noting that pursuant to RCW 35A. 14. 120 et seq, the Legislative body' s need to determine whether to accept the letter of intent; require the adoption of the City' s zoning regulations and Comprehensive Land Use Plan; require assumption of pre-existing bonded indebtedness , if any; and whether to authorize circulation of the 75% petition. Robert Ferguson, 3014 N.E. 164th Place, Bellevue, on behalf of petitioners stated there was no objection to these conditions . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THE MEETING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXATION AS OUTLINED BY THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items , previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Advance Travel Letter from Police Chief Darby requested Council to authorize police Funds - Police officers James E. Phelan and Donald I . Dashnea to attend the Confronta- Department tion Management Seminar in Spokane on July 6, 7, 8, 1977 and authorize advance travel funds in amount of $75.00 per officer for a total of $150.00, funds having been included in the 1977 budget for this meeting. Council approval recommended. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June ,7 , 1977 Municipal Building Mondar , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL T. ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCI RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCILMAN BRUCE BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. MOTION CARRIED. • CITY O'FICIALS IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. PRESS ' DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 20, 1977 AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENIE COMMENT Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , said the architect for the new Senior Citizens Center was asked to come to the Center and explain Senior Citizen Center the dimensions of the proposed new center of 17,000 square feet and they felt satisfied it would provide a much larger facility than the present one and hoped the Mayor would take some action on it. Ellen Delaurenti , 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , staff member at Senior Citizens Center, asked the support of the Mayor and Council that the project get started as soon as possible. Sarah Johnson, 1485 Hillcrest Lane N.E. , requested application for the $800,000 grant for the Center. Katherine Mooney, Staff Member, Senior Citizen Center, expressed con- cern that the present plans for the Center would not have adequate space for their needs. At the Mayor' s request, the City Clerk read correspondence on EDA funds. Letter from Harold E. Kloes , Acting School District 403 Su erintendent, Renton School District 403, noted the school district's Priories on EDA/ priorities were listed as numbers 4, 5 and 6 and endorsed the city' s LPW Fu ds projects as priorities 1 , 2 and 3. The school district listed their projects as follows: Elementary School Covered Play Area, a series of five covered play areas to be built at five different locations, $250,000; a new building to house the Home and Family Life Program at Renton Vocational-Technical Institute, $476,000, and a new building to house the Parent Education and Day Care Center at the Renton Vocational- School , $100,000.00. Letter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning Committee requested the Mayor and City Council submit the Senior Citizens Center as the fourth priority project for EDA funding. Louise Puffert, 10415 S. E. 174th St. , remarked that more and more senior citizens were attending the Center and there would not be room for them all . Councilwoman Shinpoch complimented City Clerk Del Mead, as Presi- dent of the Renton Soroptimist Club, on the fine party for the Senior Citizens held at the Renton High School on June 26th and what a fine job all of the service clubs had done putting the party together. Kathryn Fuller, 223 Park Ave. N. , explained need for larger quarters for senior citizens. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Administrative Assistant Custer explained the city' s priorities , new main fire station, building of new pump station, and installation of new water lines on Talbot Hill and construction of portions of the Cedar River Trail System. and that projects that had been submitted previously and not funded would have priority over new projects , cooperation with the school dis- trict in endorsing all projects considered factor in obtaining funds. After considerable discussion, it was Moved by Grant, seconded by Thorpe, that priority No. 4 re Senior Citizens Center be ranked as No. 2 on the list and the Talbot Hill project as priority No. 7. After further dis- cussion the motion resulted in a tie vote and. the Chair voted no. Motion failed. The Mayor announced the School Board was having a special meet- ing on July 5th to make a decision on the list. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY AND COUNCILMAN STREDICKE BE INCLUDED IN ALL MEETINGS BETWEEN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY AND THAT THEY URGE THAT THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER BE INCLUDED ON THE PRIORITY LIST AS NO. 4. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO AMEND THE MOTION �I 1 I , far . a city , H 11 He said the,senior citizens center y MARY SWIFT 1,1 represents the city's first priority in proposal to fund construction of the category of new projects. a s nior citizens center with part of Stredicke told the board the council $4 r�iillion available locally in special had'attempted to adjust its priorities. fed i ral funding sparked a lively The council voted 3 to .3 on a ' debate between two Renton City proposal to make the senior center Council members and the Renton „ the, city's second priority, he said. I Sclieol Board Tuesday. Mayor Charles Delaurenti broke the Bu t by the time the evening was deadlock by voting against the prop- over,what one school board member osal. -- . ha l termed"a hot potato"had been The council sent Perry and Coun- toseed back into the lap of the Renton Gilman Richard Stredicke to the City Council. : school board to argue for placing a The debate over the proposed senior center on the list of priorities . senior center came as the board met Stredicke told the board he hoped in special session to list its priorities they would"look into your souls"to fore part of the federal funding weigh the importance of district targeted for the Renton area in the projects against the need fox a senior second round of the Economic De- center. • ii velopment Administration's (EDA) That brought a comment ,from local public works program. A_ cting Supt.Harold Kloes who noted EDA guidelines specify that pro- jects mutually agreed upon by the - -- - city and the district stand the best ` , . Would you bet chance of getting EDA 'funding. job on it? Will you Previously, the city council listed your three top priority items for the resign If it doesn't funding. They totaled $3.2 million. Last week, amidst demands from happen?' , senior citizens the council tacked on the',senior center as its fourth priori- 1 , ty. The move effectively accounted - for lithe total EDA funding available the tie in the city council vote on the i in the area. issue. Tuesday,the board approved three "I guess I'd have to ask if the city • district projects totaling $826,000, has looked into its soul,"Kloes said. the!amount which remained before The senior citizens'program cur- the'city added a fourth project to its rently operates out of part of the old ° ' list! The three projects include co- Sartori School. Rent is$1 a year. 11 vered play areas at Hillcrest,Honey Board member William Johnson Devi, Tiffany Park,Talbot Hill,and pressed the council members for a , Ke'nydale elementary schools, a firm assurance a new center would net building to house a home and be•built if the city did get the money. family life program at Renton Voca- "I'll guarantee it,"Perry told him. tional Technical Institute (RVTI), "Would you bet your job on it?Will and two buildings to house day care you resign if it doesn't happen" • and parent education centers at Johnson asked. RVTI. "Sure," Stredicke said, an assur- iiilie board also agreed to support ance echoed by Perry who paused whatever projects the city identifies and then added,"unless there's a big , as its three top priorities up to a total , change on the council." of$3.2 million. Johnson and other board members But the board took a "hands off" appeared irritated by the council's II approach to the senior citizens cent- contention that the board should er,i saying responsibility for that approve placing a fourth city project prcject rests with the city, not the ahead of district needs. school district, and urging the city "It seems to me the city council has council'to consider moving the handed us a hot potato they can't , senior center farther up in its list of resolve themselves . . . .These fel- priorities. lows are foisting off a problem they council President George Perry can't resolve and I resent that," o told the board the city's first three Johnson said. priorities — a new downtown fire Renton School Board President { station, a Talbot Hill pump station, James Hawkins also criticized the an4 a Cedar River trail system — council, saying the council had were resubmittals of projects which placed the board in a position where had been proposed, but had gone it would look bad if it didn't place its unfunded, during the first round d of priorities behind the ,fourth city EDi(i public works grants. proposal. -1, ,.. ,. ,, ....__ •• • 1• ,-,ts„,, ,'••,- .1II. - `' , „44';:i.,.. -, ,, ' •'' , '• 1 - `,.'''' ..' , ''‘. 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RicHAry-Frubm•:_ls,,T.p.Ro_sEP__._!e.rcr.41<;,E'r ceGnEtfrR:1,,GlilEte:‘!.;u'it'iit' 1'- _. • 1 - • _______________________ FIIe . a i . • Ce-1114°' Renton City Council Page 3 6/20/77 OLD BUSINESS •- Continued Center Funding Mayor Delaurenti noted additional funds received for Senior Citizen Center for total of $94,150, representing $35,000 addition. Community Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe submitted committee Services report re 8/5/74 referral for sewer service for all plats, reported Committee subdivision ordinance requires sewers if they are within 1000 ft. and Sewers for Plats no further review needed. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Animals in The committee report recommended no further review for 10/21/74 refer- Annexed Areas ral , animals in newly annexed areas; reporting at the present time, ownership of "farm-type" animals allowed to continue as non-conforming use if not found to be public nuisance or health hazard. MOVED SHINPOCH SECOND BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, Downtown COUNCIL REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW ZONE FOR Improvement FARM AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. CARRIED. The report recommended referral to Administration to report to Downtown Merchant' s Association (1 ) Parking in the core area has been eliminated in the zoning ordi- nance; (2) The building code has been revised concerning fire zone requirements in core area; (3) The Planning Department met with and presented proposed parking plan to Downtown Merchant's Assoc. last year. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Group Home/Girls The committee report recommended the matter of a group home for girls, referral of 10/27/75 that the City sponsor an application for Refer- endum 29 monies, be referred to the Administration to determine need and if none exists, then no report back is necessary. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Apartments The report recommended no further review of federally funded apart- for Low Income ments for low income families, referred 11/17/75, matter being Families addressed in City's current Community Development Plan. Moved by Clymer, Second Thorpe, concur in recommendation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke noted need for higher than minimal standards for construction in federally funded apartments. CARRIED. Use Permit The committee report recomended referral to the Board of Public Works re referral of 6/14/76, LaValley use permit for City property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Community Council The committee report re Kennydale Community Council referral of 6/21/76, advised that community councils are allowed under state law only in newly annexed areas according to the City Attorney. The report recom- mended the Council establish a policy of encouraging participation of community/neighborhood associations in the planning process by includ- ing them on lists of parties to be informed of public meetings; and that the City direct the Administration to urge the State Legislature to change existing laws. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Garbage Contract Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported meeting with representatives of Awarded to General Disposal and the Public Works Dept. re the garbage disposal General Disposal contract and made the following recommendations which were agreed to by both Contractor and Staff: (1 ) Right of City to terminate contract after 3-year period if Consumer Price Index increased more than 30%, also right to renegotiate by either party. (2) Escalation clause would not apply to eligible senior citizens who are qualified under City ordinance. (3) Escalation clause based on C.P.I . could not take ' downturn below base bid price. (4) Curbside and alleyside pick-up includes up to 25 ft unobstructed setback; 60 ft. pick-up unchanged. The Mayor's letter recommended Council approve award of contract to General Disposal as of 6/20/77 meeting. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AWARD CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Stredicke requested his NO vote be recorded. d NEW BUSINESS Funding Upon request of Councilwoman Thorpe, Mayor Delaurenti reported funds available from Round II "Planning Target" allocation of $4,003,000 for Local Public Works projects as reported by the Economic Development \##If Administration, listing up-dated costs of resubmittal projects: Renton City Council Page1,4 - 6/20/77 NEW :USINESS - Continued EDA unding New Main Fire Station $862,100; Talbot Hill Pump Station $371 ,000; Cedar River Trail $1 ,943,900; Subtotal $3,177,000; Balance available for new project: $826,000. Public Works Director Gonnason reported meeting with Renton School District Asst. Supt. Belmondo, that they would be interested in participating in some of balance of funding available and are pursuing various projects. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECOMMEND SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER BE LISTED AS FOURTH PRIORITY FOR FUNDING. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted he shall also submit report of priority recommendations. ORDI ANCES AN RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee report submitted by Chairman Clymer Comm',ttee Report recommended first reading of an ordinance changing zoning classifica- tion of certain properties known as the Wolf rezone, from residence Firs ' Reading district R-2 to residence district R-3. Following reading of rezone Stanley Wolf ordinance for property located on 1500 Index Ave NE between Index NE Rezoe R-015-77 and Jefferson NE, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. 1 Reso 'ution #2115 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer authorizing Director of Finance to transfer $4,400 within the Current Judi ial Fund for Judicial Department (Municipal Court) additional personnel , Public Defender, Judge pro tem and Intern. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Reso 'ution #2116 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution 6-Yr Street & adopting the Six-Year Street Construction Program as amended earlier Arterial during public hearing. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Construction SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AND EXHIBITS THERETO AS MODIFIED Program DURING PUBLIC HEARING. Councilwoman Thorpe noted for record she would vote for resolution because of need for funding which is provided by passage of the resolution, however, disagrees with basic policy of • emphasis on construction of new streets and arterials and changing of residential to major arterials rather than maintenance or maintaining certain standards. MOTION CARRIED. (See attached street plan) ADJO RNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. IO:O�I P.M. oadelr-t 1 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk . -- - ----- -- - --- Vol. 88 No. 108 ' , Friday, July 8, 1977 i• 20 cents , , . • : .. . . . . EDA p . „ :.,.. , no sr . . , . • center , , _ . . . . , ,. , , ... ,, „ „ , . , . . . . . • , _, .;_Renton"City-Hall, 200•Mill'Ave. S.) said, basically,'they would-end41464 . ,ineetin by todayto- decide on a tion and Day Care Center $100,000. By DON SMITH" we'll formalize it." whatever three projects the city priority for the senior center. "As for the senior center: "We're Of the council members we going to have to come up with other Funding for.a new senior center The list gives top priority to fund- chose-and give them first,second could.get hold of (by 5 p:m: Thurs • funding,"Perrysaid. • ;won't_be on the `priority list' when ing for a new,downtown fire station--and third priority. But the school .: iCity of Renton officials submit re at $862,500, including street widen- the indication is they don't want board wanted a' share — some day), "I have alternatives which I will lquests today for their share of more n ing on South Second Street to accom- ' $826,000,in school projects —'to be "a meeting (Friday) night. They are than $4-million in federal public modate fire enginesand signal lights listed as fourth, fifth and sixth satisfied with leaving the prioritiesLL offer the council Monday?' - works money.• at South Second and 'Mill Avenue priorities in the application toward _ the way they are:" Perry would not reveal details of , Council members polled for Coun- , South. $4,003,000 in EDA money"targeted" That doesn't include the,senior his poll, except to' say that four center at all, he said. voted not to the 'cil President George Perry Thurs- - -No.2 priority goes to construction for Renton. members siorited and not change meet day indicated they did,not want to .of a pump station and water lines on The board-made a point of couch- , It does include the school-district's cititoday. priorities e said Councilwoman Pat- change the city's list of three pro- Talbot Hill ($371,000), and,third ing its support in terms that would projects as priority four,a series of jects that will get top consideration ranking -was assigned: the city's- - -allow the city to changeits first three- five -covered play areas, at five—• ricia M.Seymour Thorpe,chairman for Economic Development Ad- - Cedar 'River Trail System_ from- priorities so the senior center might different elementary schools, of planning ministration(EDA)funding. Houser Way Bridge to- Lake be included: $250,000; priority five,a building to the theene councilis out committee andlcouldin ' "I told the mayor to go ahead and Washington($1,943;900). . •- Perry; as council president, told house the Home and Family Life not be contacted oforf town n poll. Two sign the joint application (with'the '• 'Perry's poll of council members the board and a delegation of senior Program at Renton Vocational Tech Renton School District)and on Mon- came on the heels of a Renton School citizens at the school meeting he nical Institute,$476,000, and a new .other council members could not be day (city council meeting 8 p.m. " 'Board meeting at which the board would attempt -to call a" council. building for RVTI's Parent Educa- reached. - • • • • • -.; % .: :'I.AYS .AND. °MEANS COMMITTEE June 27, 1977 TheWays an'd;;Rzean imm recommends the •' following 1. A. Ord: arise' `for. s'econd• and final reading, changing the ' zonin ' ciass!ifi:fcation. from R-2 to R- of certain pro- 9: p rti:es•"•kzown "as:,'the Wolf Rezone. • 2. A Resolut�, onn_::,authorizing the Mayor and .City, Clerk to execute ;_doeum'ents `in connection with Federal Aid " Fr. ndznincludingthe FAM• Funds . • 3,. A .Reso1' -ion^`addr:essed 'to ' the Governor,'concerning • available Federal funds for Senior Citizens utility1. • t1x relief. • z: 4. A Resolu.t an;;s ti g 'a ;hearing date of Augus,t 1, 197.7 I. f r` e . ~�c' t :o '_of a option of .a certain street ' n'eraa1;< '\-' known:,;as ;Nor•th `33rd' Place, 5.. 'A Res,olu't=i ri":ad essed', to our Congressional delegates • r garding the Communications Act' of 1934 and as re- quested 'b he° ,Te1e h`one;`.Company P. fi. A Resoluto`n`;agroving. the 'final plat generally known as >they ,.Pa kwood Dzv sion No. 1; .subct to I Restrictive Cov rants,; 7, A, Res•olu b"n a.ut io z ng _ he' Mayor to s.i:gn 'documents • t obtain Feder l .and. State :financial assistance ur}der Pub'l},°c=,tLa 2 .500 , National ,Water Pollution Cclntroland/or-"_ ,ncluda ng Referr.endums 26 and 27 of. the ,:State :;of'`.-:Wa �h .n,gton, .. Eari]. Cymeryrma'::. \,....,: ''. cm,s'-Q:.:' ,,,Th!.,,-,--1,,, ,,-•;,:v,•',,,,?. ,;..,.„:,:-,-,2,.:,-:.,-, ,,..;,,,::?:-.: , ,. _ - , . . :--. , . . , • . ail I :n�•+^.'.Si;¢[:..—x�.\..�rl _ _ .. • , . 1,1.: .. , : ! 1, /, - ' !,'�•?`^'' ' Bill: • rant° 3,:. • is ' ' . • i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 13 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00iP . M . Council Chambers; MINUTES CALL TO ORDER . Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, ROLL CALL OF GEORGE PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD COUNCIL M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH AND KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN ' EARL CLYMER. CARRIED. MOVED BRUCE, SECOND SHINPOCH, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke voted NO and requested his vote be recorded. CITY OFFICIALS; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; R. GEISSLER, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, ,Public Works Director; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; DONALD CUSTER, Adminis- trative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune, MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1977 AS 'WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe explained committee has PRESENTATION ' ( reviewed the Senior Citizen Center and is in the process of design Senior Citizen 'development, next step being time table for construction and funding Center ' of project. Councilwoman Thorpe explained change of sites to north bank of Cedar River and noted concerns of cost, placement of center on city owned property and difficulty in obtaining the Burlington 'North- ern property adjacent to city shop property, Councilwoman Thorpe intro- Iduced architects:The Mithun Associates, 2000 112th N,E. , Bellevue, asking report back to committee with alternatives that might affect pro- ject by June 28! 1977. Mr. Mithun used wall charts and drawings to explain center plan, explaining adjustment to fit city owned property to the north side of the river, adjacent to the park for handicapped citizens/Cedar Center Park, attempt to keep cost down while meeting criteria, explaining two story building with elevator, kitchen and ' dining area, dance floor, patio, etc. Stanley Thompson, representative of Renton Unit of Retired Teachers Assoc. , rr.ember of Mayor's Advisory Committee for Senior Center, appointed under term of Avery Garrett and reappointed by Mayor Delaurenti , objected to any plans reducing size of 'senior center below 20,000 sq.ft , explaining need of larger facility. opposed change of site due to limited space for building and also for (parking. Councilwoman Thorpe gave reassurance that criteria of H.U.D. and architectural development would be adhered to. June Rice, 14219 140th SE, encouraged development of plan. Katherine Mooney 13409 80th S. , Seattle, Site Mngr./Nutrition Center, favored north bank development but expressed fear kitchen and dining area smaller than present needs. Financing was discussed; Administrative Assistant Custer explained some funds available through Referendum 29 3nd plans for continued seeking of funds; bonds discussed; anticipated cost of $800,000 for building'. Inquiry made of the phasing out of city shops, being advised by Councilwoman Thorpe that storage facilities will be moved by June 1 , for park area. Cost of maintenance and staffing discussed and request made- by Council President Perry that the Administration furnish impact statement regard- ; ing those items.' Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th P1 . , asked for building large enough to !meet future needs. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, ISECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES, CARRIED. Time: ! 9: 12 p.m. ' Council reconvened at 9;23 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items', previously distributed to all Coun- cil members, are, considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate discussion, The a'pproving'motion follows Consent Agenda items. I ' r Renton ,City Council 6/13/7! Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Travel Letter from Personnel Director Green requested Council permissJon for Person el travel to Ocean Shores 6/22, returning 6/23/77? Association of Washing- ton Cities Convention, being scheduled as speaker, funds budgeted. Council concurrence recommended. Heathel.Downs Letter from City Clerk Mead explained the. King County Boundary Review Annexamon ' Board reported favorably on the annexation of the Heather Downs area Locate South & to the City; Boundary Review Board having received no requests for East o' City review and did not choose to invoke jurisdiction, Recommendation: Limits Proceed with annexation and refer to the Ways and Means Committee for 267.9 tfcres annexation ordinance. (See later adoption of Ordinance. ) VoucheI Approval Ways and Means Committee approved Vouchers 14060 through 14281 in the amount of $220,306. 14 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services received. Vouchers #14056 - 14059 machine voided during processing. Council concurrence recommended, Bounda Review Letter from the Board of Public Works reported no objections to the King Board otice of County Water District #90 Annexation #4-8 (Colasurdo) ; finding the area Annexation outside the present boundaries of Renton's influence area. (Council referral of 6/6/77) Conseil , Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approval PRESENTED EXCEPT LETTER OF APPOINTMENT OF FIRE CHIEF TO BE PLACED UNDER CORRESPONDENCE AS FOLLOWS: CORRESPINDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS I Fire Chef Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Richard Geissler, Assistant Appoin ent Fire Chief, to the position of Chief, Renton Fire Department, effective 7/1/77, subject to customary 6-month probationary period. The letter noted certification made by Renton Fire Civil Service Commission, papers available if required. Council confirmation requested. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SIJINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF THE FIRE CHIEF. , Upon inquiry Mayor Delaurenti noted of the eight original applicants, Geissler only applicant to pass both oral and written exams; written exam comprised 40% of total grade, oral 60%, MOTION CARRIED, Transfed of Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested resolution transferring Judicia funds in the Judicial Department (Municipal Court) from Personal Service Department accounts to Professional Services accounts for an increase in public defender fees, additional funds needed in Judge Pro tem account and for an intern to assist the City Attorney"s office on Municipal Court work. Referral to Ways and Means- requested, ,MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, CARRIED, Aid CarlUnit Letter from Madeline Donckers, 610 S. 15th St. , expressed-deep grati Proficiency tude for air car unit and personnel Gary Gotti and Tally Hall who in CPR restored her husband's life according to Emmett's physician at Virginia Mason Hospital . The letter expressed gratitude and thanks for valuable service. 1 Develop-'r's Letter from King County Department of Public Works, County Road Engineer, Agreemer!it for D. R. Horey, expressed wish to enter into a Developers Agreement on Proposed King the 16" watermain installed along 124th Ave. SE (Monroe Ave. NE) and 12" County 'hops watermain running parallel to the north property line of the proposed King County consolidated office and shop facility, with intent of future reimbursement of installation costs on a 15-year agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE BOARD ' OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired of ownership of right-of-way lines of Monroe Ave. NE extended to south, being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that city is taking positive position of ownership. Consume Letter from Pacific Northwest Bell , Manager HarryJ . Grandstrom, reported Communi ation problem confronting telephone industry which could impact future costs of residential service due to recent decisions made by the Federal Communications Commission granting "Specialized Common Carriers" the right to construct and market inter-city private lines to certain large business notinglines beingbuilt parallel to and in 9 customers; COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ' I June 7 , 1977 I SUBJECT: BURLINGTON NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY - SENIOR CENTER The Community Services Committee recommends that the Council direct the Administration to survey and obtain an appraisal of the subject property adjacent to the City Shops preliminary to the City's acquisition of the property for the Senior Citizen Center and Cedar Center Park. Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, Chairwoman Earl Clymer, Councilman Richard Stredicke, Councilman ( -4 (.47 • Ij • o i The it—ord-Chronic o� ,o-' POST OFFICE BOX 1076 vj ,?\%. �,A* RENTON, WASHINGTON 980i PHONE 872-6660 ,�� �A ®S CO et City of Renton ZG • 55 Renton Wa 98055 506400 • • 1 per cent interest per month charged on past due accounts. • Date Description Charges ✓ Credits Balance 77 BI lance Forward 5/2.9 5 i1/2". Shoreline,'Application & 6/5 Cedar Center Park 16 32 . PLANNING DEPT . R43.88 • _ I - VPC No. 65 • _ it i I Ij I i I I _ r ' I i II Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Betty Morris being first duly sworn on she chief clerk i oath,deposes and says that s the of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week!That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and - -- ..__ _ has been for toreithan six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- - paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the an•C7 lib associated C Superior Cou t of the County in which it is published,to wit,King County, lands. .H , 4t, ` e ,Any 'person desiring ti Washington.That he annexed is a Shoreline application 'express'his views;or p7 - notified nail r e• Cedar Center Park. 'of,the4 adtion on this„application`'should notify thie4•Planning Depart- • ment,oRento liMunicipal as it was published in regular issues(and Building, Renton.;Washing- , not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ton 98t wi m venting of;his ,;. "interest, wdhinthirty (3p) z days ofthe`last publication of this notice.. `err :: fR s t, ; of two consecutive issues,commencing on the SHORELINE APPLICA- Citytof Renton.r; 2 9 May 7 7 TION ` "z'° ,Plennmg'Dept. -t dayof 19 and endingthe NOTICE OF APPLICATION ;. , '' 'w ' ,11-71„ FOR SHORELINE Published�`n the Renton MANAGEMENT Record Chronicle;,}May l SUBSTANTIAL andtoJune ?1l977:R4388 5 June 7 7 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ;- ,, . .,,', day of, ,19 ,both dates Notice is hereby given that inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- The City of Renton has filed:, scribers during a_l of said period. That the full amount of the fee an application for a substan-,.(„ tial development permit'.for,'-, charged for he foregoing publication is the•sum of $1 6-.3 2 which the construction or develop- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ment of Cedar Center Park, first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent located on the North Side of n,.' insertion. the Cedar River .betweenrr;! Logan Avenue North'?amend:_'; Williams Avenue North, ,_{ 14€1-- • within'Section(s)5.of"Torn 23 N. Range E/z18,ffii chief clerk W.M.,in the City of Renton;'' King pounty Washington. 1 I SaidP•dareelopment OD'prop- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of i os t to"lie;.atill 200' C ° ; �Cedar k+River June 77 , 19 -- j /Ye ae C ge A ,,,,, Notary Public i and for the State of shington, R) l residing at Kent, ng County. '.f0 C) \'' —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill281,effective June ®� ' 9th, 1955. .� �� • \r', 4 ,01 —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, i®cr' �� �$ adopted by,, the newspapers of the State. <�6'� rs ,<G% N' V.P.C.Form No.07 CITyI . OP RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2113 v- and a d i' sabl e to transfer the' eti ecessar WHEREAS . i s •n , below. specified .f.;..unds;:'for the :,purpose. of continuing: the design work on the Cedar Center:.; arik;>.and':.such ."transfer being necessary and inl the publii•nterest:;;.and :f;or_.;the, publ: c :benefit., :NOW THEREFORE THE'`:;: ;ITY.. COUN°Ch;L 'OF, :THE;:CITY OF RENTON , . WASHINGTON_, DO RESOLVE.. AS.':F:OL.LOW.5. ,' < , SE.CTION':. I The.`;'D rector of Finance is hereby au'thoriz'ed, and. dir'ee-`ed "to 'make=:''the;;fo:llowing transfer : FROM: P.lanninglCedar :`Cen,ter Park A/C 000/000/07 : 3.8 . 33 . 31 . 01 . {P. ofessional Services ) $3 ,489 .00 UNTO . Planning/Cedar: Center Park A/C. .0.00 ,p:00%0.7' ,53.8 . 32 11 . 00 (Salaries) ' $ 3 ,.049 . 00 .13 . 01 Ret. 1:34 . 00 C ) 1'11 . 00 .13 . 03 (.Med). 123 . 00 . 13. 05 (Tnd,. Ins' ) 6 . 00 . . 13 . 06 if n . C'L e Ins .13 . 09 (Dental. ) 59 . 00. $ 3 , 4,89 . 00u PASSED BY: ;TIE ;CT. --, !' this 6th day of June, 197 7!. t : _ t Del,ores' A. .Mead, Ci .y Clerk APPROVED;'.,B.Y';THE;:MAYOR this 6 th day of June , 1977 . ! '. • , ..!,: , .-': ! . ...::_.--:-:-/ de' ,,,Z.---;(-/e4;:-1-!'.1.41-e*'•4'-'4' (.-..- Char.lesi' Delaurentl, Mayor Approve( as to form: / It 177; C .rdgiYe11an;;�;ity ,(Attorney'. I I I • Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued . Energy Director. Other members: Rick Beeler, Land Use Hearing Examiner, Conservation and Clark Petersen, Library Director. Committee will coordinate Committee the City's energy conservation measures. Information. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reappointed Mrs. Joan A. Walker, 1433 Planning Monterey Ave. 'NE, to three-year term on the Planning Commission Commission effective 7/1/77 through 6/30/80, having served on the Commission since 1975 and1presently Vice Chairman. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Appointment j Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointted Peter Banks additional Judge Pro tem Municipal Court Judge Pro tem. The letter explained Mr. Banks is with law firm of Hardwick and Conrad, Evergreen Building; appointment effective through 12/31/77, Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY', SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approval PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Senior Citizen eeter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning Committee Center informed Council of motion passed unanimously at their 5/16/77 meeting recommending that the Mayor and City Council pass a $600,000 limited general obligation bond to complete the senior center. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY •STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. District Court Letter from Mayor Delaurenti requested Committee of the Whole agenda Lease of 6/9/77 include presentation by Del Bennett on lease negotiations with the County for District Court space; lease agreement must be executed by 6/30/77. Presentation to include proposed allocation of space for Municipal Court. Moved by Perry, Second Clymer, Council refer communication to the Public Services Committee for review and recommendation) SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ' CONCUR IN REQUEST OF MAYOR'S OFFICE AND REFER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: THORPE, SHINPOCH, BRUCE; 3-NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED AYE AND BROKE TIE VOTE, MOTION CARRIED ; Latecomer's ! Letter from William L. McLaughlin, Jr. , 10630 SE 176th, Renton, Agreement requested a latecomer' s agreement for a water line he is installing Water line in the Kennydale area, noting the plan filed with Water Department, No. W-463. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Hill A petition bearing 63 signatures of residents of Renton Hill , mainly Cedar Ave S. Cedar Ave. S. requested rezone of Cedar Ave, S. in its entirety for Requests single family dwellings, except those multi-family units currently Single Family in existence, based on reasons: (1 ) Traffic pattern accessibility, Zoning : street width and parking not adequate; (2) Do not wish to forfeit views by allowing apartments to locate in neighborhood; all residents taking pride in homes and having gone to considerable expense in both time and moneyrto improve older homes. The letter noted the neighbor- hood is a quiet place to live and intent to keep it that way. Moved by Perry, Second Stredicke, Council refer communication to the Planning Commission forlreview and recommendation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SHINPOCH, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR SINGLE FAMILY ZONING ON RENTON HILL :TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. Advance Refunding Letter from Mayor Delaurenti attached letter from City's investment Water & Sewer consultants, Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. signed by Richard T. Bonds Kennedy, Vice president, concerning recommendations for advance refund- ing of $2,950,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1976. The Mayor's letter concurred with Mr. Kennedy's recommendations and noted Kennedy would meet with the Ways and Means Committee 6/6/77 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Kennedy' s letter attached schedule of existing debt service and proposed refundina issue and savinas. noting meeting with Public Works Gonnason and Deputy Finance Director Bennett and the Finance Director, Gwen Marshall . ; MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mr. Kennedy, Ctty's investment consu tant, was introduced. ' `7• ' \1 Rent��,n City Council 6/6/ 7 Page 4 OLD ' USINESS OF THE COUNCIL Glen oe Park Councilwoman Thorpe noted clearing on the Glencoe neighborhood park was beginning this week and thanked the Staff and Administration for support. Aviation Committee Aviation Committee report (Public Services) submitted proposed lease Fancher Flyways agreement providing for continued occupancy by Fancher Flyways of Leas .' Agreement property located on the east side of Renton Municipal Airport for (Sho Term) a period of 90 days for use of aircraft tiedown with no construction; rate of $.08 per sq.ft.per yr. (46.272.33 sq.ft. ) . The report recom- mended Council authorize execution of lease agreement as an interim measure pending final acceptance of long-range development proposal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Publ ',c Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Comm ittee Resort recommending the garbage disposal contract be awarded to General Dis- posal as the lowest responsible bidder, expressing belief the basic Garb.lge Contract bid not unreasonable, and noting the -City has no viable alternative at this time. The report further recommended that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for the preparation of ordinance and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. The report explained investigation of the matter by the committee. Moved by Bruce, Second Shinpoch, Council concur in committee report and award contract. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that committee report did not carry his signature and expressed disapproval • of contract for five-year period which includes automatic increases, noting rates high and Opposed can placement. Councilwoman Seymour- Thorpe asked the record show her disagreement with statement "basic bid not unreasonable," believing same to be excessive, opposing five- year contract with built-in escalators and no consumer protection; however, in agreement with basic report. Councilman Clymer suggested uniform containers for valley cities to increase competition. Public Works Director Gonnason explained refuse disposal contract expired 5/1 with four month extension to 9/1/77; that pick up could be arranged to 60 ft. from curb. Michael Torre, 13904 SE 231st, Kent, owner of General Disposal Co. , noted specifications of the contract prepared by City, that his rates are lower than others, that built in escalators were better than increasing bid indiscriminately to cover unknown increases for later years of contract; objected that city had not joined him in opposing King County dump fees which increased 400%; further noting his employee's union contract settled for three years.. • Discussion ensued re 20% administrating fee for city. Councilman Perry suggested one year contract in order to investigate city operated service. Upon Council inquiry, Public Works Director noted matter of Matte Tabled one bid being received had been investigated with no solid reasons why, for O1,�e Week MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED PERRY, COUNCIL TABLE MATTER FOR ONE WEEK ALLOWING ADMINISTRATION TO BRING FURTHER INFORMATION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted for record, appreciation of effort in preparation of specifications which bidder did address,. Six-Y;ar Street The Public Services Committee report recommended a public hearing be ConstI',uction set for June 20, 1977 on the Six-Year Street Construction Program, Progr.m draft having been presented by the Public Works Department, MOVED Publin; Hearing BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL SET PUBLIC HEARING 6/20/77. 6/24/77 CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER t TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO PREPARE PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ADDRESS LETTER TO THOSE SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS SPECIFICALLY AFFECTED BY THE SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, CARRIED. Speed Limit Councilman Bruce asked that speed limit be posted and speed checks Cedar Ave. S. be made for Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill ; Public Works Director noted 25 m.p. h. limit, that policy was not to place numerous signs as speed limit uniform unless posted. Mayor Delaurenti asked Police Departments to check. �••••• 1 Y e,j1 1 Y� ► o THE CITY OF RENTON 0/ �� 1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 hell. 1 o ` I °f CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR A co• 0,P47. 10. 4'O SE P' MEMORANDUM May 16, 1977 Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti, Mayor Members of the City Council Dear Mayor and Council Members: At the May 16, 1977, meeting of the Senior Citizens Planning Committee a motion was made by Frank Cenkovich, seconded by Jim Denzer and passed unanimously to recommend that the Mayor and City Council pass a $600,000 limited general obligation bond to complete the senior center. Sincerely, SENIOR CITIZENS PLANNING COMMITTEE Leland Pumel Chairman ad I i RE' EIVED • MAY 171977 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE 11 1 I . 11 ------- , ( ) k.-,_-_,) 1 ., .. . — .. i 17"---`--•---. ''' .‘ I 13.* P".."1 ,i.rim.' ,..,.. ------. 14 6 VV. ZT P r EV i I. A",,1,. _ Ir • 1....., , „,, i ) 0 .r.. '4( 4'... lj•ralt" • --,•'-'..s•'''' ,,_&,,. •-, ----- / ''÷-.-1. 1 ti.,".‘ lk. 1 — - I 'I, s-..",..epai pol.m . lti . , STREET— DEFT. \ 0" 3140p k . Ni>. 41MA" 1111 .11410i.IXP' ..) - if,,<. .`.••- •I‘i. fr, , ill ,• - ' ) Al, CR 97 ' • i''•r? \ . . ' 'o'1, =_._ . AuTet4CRIVE vs .., 140 ,0_, . '7+ 41•40, ; _ .___._ +'s Nob, 10., ___ *AK • ri• _--— ---- --- - -- - — UTILITT GRIDS. ! — AL- 4 '!, =- - 111111111.1•'.1,':IMIL••L.•••Valigialfte -=- 0 RivER TRAIL -....3.-- —..„ ....—__ _-__ \4 " .-'-•,7-' -,_ -=. \ I . ' \ • • CIDJUI RINKS I . , 1 \ \ CEDAR RNER TRAIL II , SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER—This is the plan pre--capped. The Council hopes to remove the city's- sented to th4 Renton City Council by its Community shops located next to the site. The area is just Services Corilimittee Monday, outlining the design north of the Cedar River between Logan Avenue for the Center and adjacent park for the hand and Williams Avenue. • I 4 1 • __ _ _ 1 , . ..„.., . • ,. • .. , . . . .,. . ,,., •1. I_ --_ • •••' 1'," .c...: /, . . .. 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'- 'Railroad Track .bids received as •shown in attached tabulation MOVED BY CLYMER, ' 1 ' ' SECONDED'BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER. BIDS T0.`'THE'_PARK;:BOARD, CARRIED. Cedar Center Letter from Planning Director Ericksen/Hou'sing- & Community Develop-, ' ."Park - Designedment ,Coordinator 'Baker., requested transfer_of .funds from Cedar for the, Center. Park: Professional'. Servi;.ces to ;'Personal„ Services in amount ' 'Handi capped • of $3,489- in order. to;continua'design work : The letter noted con-,' . currence by King, County Housing; &. •Development Staff. MOVED BY , - - ' ., , STREDICKE,' SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL,'- .CONCUR'•IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER. TO .WAYS AND,MEANS 'COMMITTEE. CARRIED. - ,Mint-Computer/,',.. MOVED BY ,PERRY; SECONDED BY ..;BRUCE.,,`THAt;t:HE- REPORT RE, BIDS FOR' MINI Data•`Storage .'�,Uni:t COMPUTER/DATA. STORAGE UNIT AN,D HARD COPY PRINTER, BE' TAKEN FROM THE ° Hard.'.Copy Pr.i�hte • TABLE AT THIS TIME. (Bid 'award, .tabled 5/16/77) MOTION CARRIED; Bid: Award- ' ' Letter- from Data Processing. Director:.;Torkelson, recommended .the city accept -the low bid of.. IBM Corporation for,.;,a 3741` :data storage and • retri..eval .system; that. the machine ,meets_ :,a I,l the Ci ty''s . speci fi ca- ' :ti ons for•:a: daf ta..storage unit, with, hard copy printer.. Councilman 'Stredicke. noted' letter from, City Attorney stating 'need to determine , whether or not the bid specificat,ions::ha'd;,:been':met; Stredicke noted Data Processin' Director's affirmative declaration. MOVED BY. STREDICKE., SECONDED BY PERRY,,,COUNCIL CONCUR :IN 5/-16 COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING LOW •BID OF IBM CORPORATION. ' Let•te'r;;from ,Computer Sales; ', Inc. , Seattle,, was distributed' by ''Dan ,Hartley,, Manager, claiming mini-computer specified by bid call,.,-and'` that.company, al.one'..has. 1 . ' " complied., • Mr. Hartley protested bid 'awar`d�,.:''asking the City'examine bid. call no.ti cies carefully. not causing undue'•-b : urden .on„small H. businesses. MOTION CARRIED OLD, BUSINESS. BY OUNCIL - . Public.-Services" -'. ;Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce.'s:ubm.i:tted. committee report `Committee Report :re meeting wi th property owners;5/:17/'7,7 ;to.;,d.i-scus"s.. deficiencies i n •Cedar,Ave So':. ; . concrete-,work on Cedar ,Ave. . So;.' '(LI.D ;2,9;3),..and`recommended (1 ) The ;,;L.ID.2,93 ` i'l ::.., .. contractor, .M ss Construction: Co,,,.:.proceed,:w`i:th` correction of the Street 4; deficiencies• in the water.: meter., boxes and;:refinishing of. weepholes ,;,,Imp:rovement =., „in the, curbs throughout the:project detailed:-;:list to .be supplied ,„ to: the "contractor. (2) The :cracked ;curbs 'and ;gutt•ers at the::,several .;driveway, approaches are still substantially ,in their' constructed',posi- , , tion.;- no' settlement, displacement or.;spal..l ing ;of concrete and, are , , � generally, ._sound structurally:., ;.:The. City:wil;,l,;:.provi.,de letters' to the abutting ,property owners indicating property owner"s will not be t. an of'.� of work.'. .responsible or liable for re lacement of ''these cracked curbs a . .. gutters •shoul they become;d gerous;,a;n�'�,d�� 'etiue: as�result - performed under this contract, City assuming responsibility' for the • ' • replacement aS1 here indicated, ,Contractorwarranting •to the City he -,' ••. .: ;`.wi 11 'r„eplace. cracked .curbs ,:and .:.gutters ".wirth'i'ne;two-year period of this date if becoming dangerous and defective. (3)`!' The _City staff, will investigate ar1d ,work with abutting',,proper..:ty,. owners_ regarding 'drainage behind their, rivete. retaining"•walls, if individual. problems ' cannot be worked out.these matters will „a,gai n be y rrefer.._.red, to -thi s conini.ttee'. , MOVED BY:.:PERK . SECONDED' BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR ;IN RECOMMENDATION :.OF.,COMMITTEE. CARRIED. `'' `' ' Aviation Aviation.'Commi111 ttee (Public Services')''°report:;;submitted by Chairman, 1 .. ''Committee '.Report ,Stredi cke_ p'r.es.ented insurance quotati;onrom-,Dan_ 'B;. , Hauff & :Assoc. ' ,': for liability coverage 6/l;;/77 54B.148; anp ;recommended $5,0001,000 ‘si ngle ",l imits ;on premises,; $60.,,000 hangarkeepers '', egal, l i abi l i°ty, ` : for one aircraft and ,$300,000`foronae loss The report noted total annual., premium $3,234. approximately'$;2,,000,,I.ess" than-total premium .f`or. -$1 ,000,000 last year. MOVED BY ;PERRY, SECONDE.D .BY BRUCE, COUNCIL . - CONCUR IN .AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT,, 'CARR,IED:, . - • ' i • ' • . ensive Councilman Stredicke noted,testimonp,.b �Pub.�l �c::.,Works Department at ,.. `Compreh - . ....:Plan`.,,Revi ew - ;,'public hearing before ;the ,Land Use Hearing: .Exami ner re capabilities of sewer _lift, station at Sunset and Union to, the extent no additional • multiples should be_.allowed in.;:that 'area 'without improvements', Area development questioned. •by 'Stredicke,;,.MOVEI STREDI°CKE, SECON D PERRY, .:;;':.., :' NSIVE.PLAN•FOR .N:'E S`ECTION`;, F CI°,TY ,BE;`REFERRED •TO PLAiNI..NG COMPREHE AND DEVELOPME' T. COMMITTEE. CARRIEl7 ' s � I c OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 - . •MOST OFFICE BOX 688,''- 300 2nd AVENUE BUILDING �• RENTON,WASHINGTON BB065 256B87B ', pAp Q GERARb,M SHELLAN CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 447. SEP��le) I II May 18 , 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor 'Delaurenti FROM: Gerard M. She1l:an, City Attorney Re: Burlington ;Northern Railroad :Ri Right of. Wa - Senior Citizens Center $ g y Dear Mayor: Thank you for your. Memo of May. 18, 1977 and Pat' s Memo to you of May 16 t. We would su.ggest.•, that'- all:: of='you refer' to our. prior correspondence and letter to the-Burlington Northern Railroad regarding the status of title of the :subject ;property. ..` We have again: .checked this matter out with various persons, at TransameriFa' Title Insurance Company who concur with our conclusions . as previously .submitted to you: In summary, they are as follows,: A. The Railroad acquired by- means of a right of way deed, the subject st' ip of land from Henry Yessler in 1891 so long as .the same shall be used for railroad. purposes :.: `::On 9e the Railroad . abandons said use, it is our position,. ;as ,previously submitted to you, that r title would revert back to the original Grantor, his successors and assigns . II B. We have repeat r at d askedthe Railroad 1 . � to determine wiether'.it'.;could 'convey the property to us and warrant. good' title :They are'.. unwilling to do - so as per their l tter ofMay 5, 1977' which we forwarded to you. It is our ::posi;tion:;that the:.Railroad cannot be paid for this land °'at`,'fai:r:. market value unless they warrant g od title ;:which :they are unable to do. C. The City now _has;` the choice of instituting a condemnation action against the. Railroad, the known and unknown' . heirs, of Henry Yessler, .`and acquire this property for. 1 �4 y: 1 w • I 1 publc' purpos' s` ;as " outlined.' Such action must be author zed:•by Ordinance and an appropriation made therefor:,: sine~'.condemnation, awards have to be paid for in ;cash i Alterna.teay;the C ty'.:may secure 'a quit claim deed i troin the Railroad;: :if this could be done fora very nominal°_ consideration since, in our opinion, the Railroad ,'does {not have much'.to' sell and the City could 1' ' thereafter occupy the pre,.mi"ses for ten years or more arid then cla-iml it by. adverse` :possession. This , however, wou`ld .be,'..risk-y!;,-if,.•cla .ms,' are filed during the ten year period: by the Successors '.and assigns of the fee owners . Therefore, the City -should n.ot' spend any public funds on any .:majo;r` 'improvements on this particular property 1 if ,it wishes` to wait •out: the ten' year ff period. The above const otes. 'a-`; summary.:of the present'-situation and, it is .now up, to the 'City to determine':..how it wishes to proceed. It u , : complex case .with an unknown ' is oaboVe that we have1 s mewhat 'of a'. ownersh' p since apparently nobody,: at this stage, knows the names Wand addre ses `;`of.`all the heirs" of ',the original, -ran Undoubtedly they, would. have:: to°:•be: s,e`rved':.by .publication. Please 1e us know how ;yo,u wish us to, proceed based on the above. . actual .information ,: :' '',r,,;; ,, If you -have any'additio al questions , lease_ advise• i We remain w ;.` 1 , ter• Getirar M. ellan z GMS:nd ; ., 7 Ai i 7zzai/ z pF R 444, • tfri t OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY .) RENTON,WASHINGTON Off n , �� �� POST OFFICE BMX 826, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255•B878_ (1) p� GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY qPfo SEP-it May 25, 1977 Mayor Charles 'J D y elaurenti Members 'of City Council ' Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re : ' Cedar River Marsh Area - Property Owned by Soo Company, Inc. (C. A. Parker) Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council: This is to let you know that I had an additional meeting with Mr. Norman Heutmaker, agent for C. A. Parker, this date. Mr. Het maker advises that he has had a meeting with Mr. Parker' and he wishes to make the following offer to the City, which according to Mr. Heutmaker is his principal' s final offer. Mr Parker is willing to sell unto the City the 100 acres more or less of bottom land and that he will retain approximately 601acres. for himself of the uplands building sites and the parcel under the transmission line right of. way. The price for the 100 acres is $90,000 .00, computed. at $900 . 00 per acre, with a 1570 downpayment and the balance over a three year keriod at 9% interest with a full cash out at the end of the tree year period. Mr. Heutmaker stated that some minor adjustment can be made in the reduction of tie sales price since he has a 107 commission due him. Heialso wanted to now whether we would give him any "Guarantee" fox the approval of the PUD. I advised him very '_definitely that the City is in. no position to give any guarantee since any, applicant woulcl have to comply with the •City's : rules and regulations regarding such development. If the City wishes to proceed with the acquisition of any of theproperty it prcibably will have to do it by condemnation action unless it is Sin a financial position to accept the offe as above outlined. Please let me know your final decision so that we can proceed accordingly. We r main Ve) truly ours, OF e .rd M. 4,hellan GMS:bjm • 009,1-4—a44, ;t7i Renton City Cof cil 5/2/77 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Bid Opening Bids were received in Office of the City Clerk on 5/2/77 for mini Mini Computer computer/data storage unit and hard copy printer. Two bids received : Police Department (Computer Sales, lInc. in amount of $19,500 and from Internation Busi- Equipment ness Machines in amount of $10,710. Refer to Police Department, Data Processing Director and Public Services Committee for recommendation. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. Approval MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE FOLLOWING ITEM BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND PLACED AS FIRST ITEM UNDER CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Fireworks Letter from Finance Director Marshall presented list of eight appli- Stands cants requesting fireworks stands in the city. The letter noted ten stands are allowed by ordinance for the present population; and further recommended referral to the Public Services Committee for approval . Applications filed by Emblem Club, Renton Highlands Lions , Ace Fireworks, llth Dist. Democrates, Maple Valley Athletic Assoc. , Tom Trames, Joe Hensey and Dick Ross. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired re safety criteria, and was advised by Acting Fire Chief Geissler of inspection procedure. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE FIREWORKS STANDS AS PRESENTED AND REFER TO ADMINISTRATION FOR PROCESSING. CARRIED. Leash Law Petition bearing 100 signatures requested the Mayor and City Council Enforcement to review the "Leash Law" and enforcement thereof, which may include the need for additional Animal Control Officers; loose animals causing problems all over the City. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE, PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. (See Audience Comments) Mobile Intensive Letter from Valley General Hospital Administrator, Wm. E. Murray, Care Unit announced arrival of Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MIC I Unit) purchased by the Hospital Auxiliary at a cost of $28,800'and will be used, in conjunction with the new paramedic program getting underway in a few months to service the entire Valley. The Hospital and Auxiliary extended invitation for Monday 5/9 for presentation of the MIC I Unit to the Board of Commissioners and noted tours of the Unit will be conducted by paramedics who will man the vehicle. Councilman Clymer inquired re Unit and was advised by Acting Fire Chief Geissler the MIC I Unit will be similar to Medic I Unit and be based at the Valley General Hospital and will be dispatched to the Renton area if the City' s Aid Unit determines a need and calls. Geissler noted the opera- tors were trained at Harborview Hospital and are paid by King County Hospital District funds. Proposed Letter from King County Boundary Review Board announced proposed Annexation annexation (Lien) by the City of Kent of area between SE 218th St. and SE 208th St. , east of Valley Freeway. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ted Bell , 3806 NE 8th Ct. , referred to earlier petition requesting enforcement of the dog leash law and noted Animal Control Officer Dog Leash Law under equipped and explained need for more stric control , suggesting Enforcement tranquilizer gun for Officer. Leo Ponke, 630 Index Ave. NE, asked for enforcement of the law, believing that only one out of 100 loose dogs picked up. Marlene Schaaf, 851 Redmond Ave. NE, complained of dogs running all day and night as being dangerous and annoying. Terno Alstrom, 834 Redmond NE, noted his small dog in own yard attacked by big dogs running loose; also complained of selective ticketing regarding dogs Iat large and on private property. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Sh1inpoch explained prospects for funding of Senior Citizen Senior Citizen Housing and Center, attendance at Housing Authority meeting 4/28/77 Center & Park and explained need for $60,000 front money by Housing Authority for HUD grant monies which were designed for private investors rather than Housing Authority; need . for funds before architect can proceed; that City prohibited from lending front money; affirmation from HUD Repres- entative that funding for housing in no way impacts funding for activ- ities center. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REQUEST COPIES OF HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES . CARRIED. / ' ° Renton City Council . 5/2/!7 Page 4 ° Senior Citizen Councilman Stredicke noted his motion tabled 4/25. (Pa�_3 Minutes)_referring Cent-r & Water funding for both the Citv's water shop facility and senior center to Shop, Facility the Administration and to the special (to be appointed) shops committee Fund.ng to report back. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE MATTER OF Agaik Tabled FUNDING FOR WATER SHOP FACILITY AND SENIOR CENTER BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTH- ORIZE THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT REFERENDUM 29 GRANT APPLICATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, THE QUESTION COUNCILMAN STREDICKE RAISED LAST WEEK BE TABLED UNTIL NEXT WEEK. ; CARRIED. Public Services Public Services - Aviation - Committee report submitted by Aviation Committee Report Committee Chairman Stredicke, noted that in order to serve Aero-Dyne's Aviation new facility, housing administrative offices, flight school and Aero-.iyne Corp. maintenance hanger, three-phase electrical service will be required. Wire , ndergrounding That Aero-Dyne has expressed an interest in underground installation City 'articipation if the City would be willing to participate in this project and it would eliminate six poles and overhead lines which have been a hazard to aircraft. The report further explained the project' would be consis- tent with the airport' s policy of undergrounding new electrical facil- 1 ities and previous participation with users along the new West Perimi- ter Road. The committee therefore recommended that the City participate with the Aero-Dyne Corporation in the amount of 50% ofi thetotal cost for providing underground service, not to exceed $5,000, which will be paid from the airport construction fund. Councilman Stredicke explained I tax dollars would not be used. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW B SINESS MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS BE REQUIRED , TO PROVIDE FISCAL IMPACT OF EACH PROJECT PROPOSED. Councilwoman Fisca Impact Shinpoch explained desire to know cost of proposed projects in order on Pru'posed to determine or compare with benefit received, noting it would be Projehs Required administrative to determine source of funding. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: CLYMER, BRUCE, SHINPOCH, THORPE; ONE-NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR FISCAL IMPACT TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Meeti nj Time E tended MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND EXTEND COUNCIL MEETING BEYOND THE 11 :00 PM CLOSING TIME IN ORDER TO PRESENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. ORDINA CES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways & jMeans Ways and Means Committee report was submitted by Chairman Clymer Committee Report recommending second and final readings of an ordinance relating to special meetings of the City Council (first reading 4/25/77) , Follow- Ordina ce #3131 ing readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT Specia i Meetings THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED setting second Thursday of each month at the hour of eight o'clock for .special or Committee of the Whole meetings of the Council . Ordina ce #3132 The committee report recommended second and final readings of an West Hill ordinance annexing certain property (City of Renton water shed) to Annexaion for the City, known as the West Hill Annexation (first reading 4/25) . Water 'Iservoir Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ' First ' Lading The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an Anderso1 Rezone ordinance rezoning property located near SW 43rd and L'1.Valley Hwy. R-031-77 from General Classification District G to Manufacturing Park District MP, known as the Anderson Rezone. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS l AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinan ,e #3133 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first? second and Final Assessment final readings of an ordinance approving the final revised assessment LID #3Oo Sewers roll for LID #300 in amount of $67,342.25. Following first reading, it Olympic 'View was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND I ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS DUE TO ACCRUING INTEREST. CARRIED. Following readings it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Finance Director Marshall explained City participation in amount of. $4,500 from utility fund and $3,500 from general fund. Upon further inquiry, Public Works Director noted no sewer lines were laid outside of the City. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: CLYMER, BRUCE, SHINPOCH? THORPE; ONE-NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. ; .. , )t,*1- co„,9,, „ _,,_.43, e,_ ,, Li7 CC RENTON CITY 'COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 9 , 19771 . Municipal Building Monday , "8: 00 '.. M. Council _Cham'b-ers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called ,.the regular meetin of the 'Renton .City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE PERRY, Council President; EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH COUNC.I.L D. BRUCE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. 'STREDICKE AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. ' i :CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES 'J: .DE4URENTI, Mayor; GWEN`MARSHALL, 'Finance Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; LARRY.:WARREN, Asst. City.At.torn.ey; : DEL MEAD, City[Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; WARREN GCNNASON Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERI'CKSEN, Planning Director; DICK C.EISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; "CAPT. :BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS 1 ' KATHY BURKE, R enton Record 'Chronicle,; `�MARK P.ELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY, PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 2, .1977, AS MAILED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE .COMMBNT Upon earlier request by Senior :Citi.z.ens ,.present,. Mayor..Del.aurentl Senior. Citizens requested removal of his letter from regular agenda 'corr.espondence Activity Center for presentation prior to public hearings. Letter from 'Mayor 'Derlaurenti and Park -for presented long 'range plan. for -construction 'of .a permanent senior Handicapped citizens' 'actiyity center, outlining gr..ant -fund .application in• t'he Citiaens amount of $58,629, need for final •.decision .by ".Council concerning dis- position of the City's present :shop site :and .:storage facilities;' _ funding °methods and made the following recommendation: (1 ) The pres- ent shop and storage facilitties 'be relocated in phases .to.a newcen- trally-located site; (.2) The :City .•sell its properties located..onl Union NE and Lind SE, .using,pr.oceeds '.to,..defray relocation costs; ' (.3) The phased relocation of'the•:shop':and .Storage facilities be completed within five years; (.4) All potential sources :of funding be 'explored and unfunded project 'costs 'become -general obligation 'bond proposal :to be presented for voter approval at Primary 'Elect.ion `9/13/77; (5) Upon approval of recommendations', .City ;Staff and activity center architect ' continue with preliminary :pl.anning ,and design programs until total project funding is assured. 'The letter noted recommendations are made to provide senior citizen acivi" y'center 'facilities'within 'the next two''.years. Letter, provided ,project '.costs':br..eakdown, MOVED BY :STREDICKE., SECONDED .BY GRANT, 'THAT THE SUBJECT'MATTER TABLED LAST WEEK RELATIVE ` TO PREVIOUS MOTION MADE BY STREDI:CKE :ON APRIL .25, .1977, BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE (REFER FUNDING TO ,ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL SHOPS COMMITTEE (TO BE APPOINTED) . (Refer .to Page ..4, Council minutes 5/2/77) MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry _by Councilman :S:tr-edi cke, Mayor Delaur.enti noted five-year plan 'had :been_outlined. Councilwoman Thorpe noted time was 'critical 'that stored pipe 'needed to be moved in order for construc- tion to begin in June or July .on the park in order that funding be maintained; noting senior center facility -does• not encroach cn :shop -facilities, and asked that Administration meet with the :Community Services Committee for discussion. Both Council members Thorpe and Stredicke quest'oned G.O. bond issue. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL. REFER MAYOR'S LETTER' TO THE "COMMUNITY SERVICES "COMMIT- TEE• FOR REVIEW AND'RE'COMMENDATION. Councilman :'Str-edicke ,wtthdr.ew °his motion . MOTION TO REFER 'TO THE .COMMUNITY .SERVICES COMMITTEE, .CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINIS- TRATION TO PROCEED WITH•MOVING :OF 'OUTDOOR .STORAG-E AND WATER SHOP .IFACIL- ITY' AND TO CONCUR WITH COUNCIL'S :COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE'S MAY; .3, RECOMMENDATION FOR PREPARATION'OF PARK AREA., Councilman Stredtcke noted City Attorney "Shellan's 'advice that '$3,000,000 water/sewer bonds specified use for relocation of shops. 'MOTION :CARRIED. 1 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub-I L. I:.D. ;#304 lished and mailed, 'Mayor:Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- Sewers sider the preliminary assessment roll in amount of .:$34,908 installaL Aloha Ranch ' .tion of sanitary sewers .in Aloha 'Ranch #2, NE 24th "St. between Edmonds TERMINATED Ave. NE and East City Limits. Letters of protest .were read from:' 1 - 1 Renton City Council 5/9/ 7 Page 2 Publiic Hearing - Continued LID 004 Inez M. Moritz, 2525 NE 24th St. ; Mary A. Scannell 2508 NE 24th; Aloha Ranch and petition bearing 1.0 signatures. Letter from Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason .reported .protest letters from property owners amounted to 75% of the total cost. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL TERMINATE LID # 304, ALOHA RANCH. CARRIED. (Time: 8:40 p.m. ) PUBL C HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been, posted, pub- L. I.E . #298 lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened hearing to SewerSewer§ consider the final assessment roll in amount of $ 223,523.33, sanitary E.Valley Hwy. sewers installed in East Valley Highway near SW 43rd St. Letters of protest were read from Attorney for Gary Merlino, also amended protest for LID #298 on behalf of Gary Merlino from Attorney Phillip T. Ordinance #3135 Hutchinson protest assessment as excessive, claiming limited use due Confirming to configuration and compared with sewer usage of other tracts of simi- Amenced lar square footage within district. Letter of protest from Emilio Assessment Roll Pierotti objected to assessment for pumping station as of no use to his Adopted later property. Letter from Gonnason noted 18.05% protest. Phillip: Hutchinson, Attorney for Gary Merlino explained objection to method of assessment for long, narrow lot. Public Works Director Gonnason detailed develop- ment of LID, termination of earlier district 5/75; ne ', petition filed 3/76; and used wall map to show properties. Gonnason explained earlier meetings and agreement re inclusion of pump station cost and front foot method of assessment, except Merlino and Pierotti . Gonnason explained reasons for assessment method and that other properties would be assessec for another LID on Lind Ave. where properties bordered on that develop- ment. Gonnason explained reduction of 100 ft. to frontage of Merlino property and 9% reduction in costs to all properties due to lower con- struction costs than anticipated. MOVED BY STREDICKE;iSECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING, CARRIED. '' MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT' ROLL AS PRESENTED, Councilman Stredicke noted need for installation of private sewer sys- tem in property depth of 120 ft. MOTION CARRIED. (Time 9:08 p.m. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LID TO WAYS 'AND MEANS COMMIT- TEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBL�C HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been, posted., pub- CATV Ordinance lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the pub- lic hearing to consider the proposed cable television franchise ordi- nance, hearing having been continued from 3/21/77 and .,4/25/77. Jim • Hurd, Director of the Office of Cable TV, City of Seattle and employed by various cities for CATV Service, explained changes !to the ordinance which had been made in coordination with Community Services Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee and input from the industry, including referral to city's standards for senior citizen rates to prevent revision of ordinance for change in structure; length of franchise changed to 15 yrs. ; minimum 10% of total gross revenue to be applied to systems expansion; restriction that TV companies cannot go into repair business. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE ORDINANCE AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. (See later first reading. ) PUBL :C'HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been' posted and L. I.D. #302 published, according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing, Lind Ave. SW continued from 5/2/77, to consider preliminary assessment roll for Local Street Improvement District No. 302 to construct and improve Lind Ave. SW Improvement between SW 17th St. and SW 43rd St.; Roll in amount of, $1 ,895,793.80, Public Works Director Gonnason explained hearing continued at Council 's request for reallocation to properties protesting becaiise of fill , as well as design review on Lind Ave. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain $48,000 for fill of Summers•`iand Edwards properties reallocated over entire district as entire district benefits, Gonnason explained street design, sidewalks, bike paths, median strip and danger with large industrial trucks, meandering bikeways; also that Lind Ave. SW- is classified as industrial collector and; secondary arterial • The Planning Director Ericksen presented portion of City code with f • 4_ .67 c �iejp "Z. THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n I o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR co- 4 O SEPtt� II May 2, 1977 City Council Renton, Washington Members of the City Council: Two weeks 'ago, at the Council meeting of April 18, Councilman Clymer expressed concern whether the Administration and the Council were heading in the same direction working for construction of a permanent senior citizens' activity center. Mr. Clymer also asked that the Administratiol present its plans for an activity center to the Council. 1 Since Mr. Clymer's request, I have met with the Community Services Committee concern- ing the activity center and related projects. Last Thursday, April 28, I reviewed the City's Referendum 29 grant proposal with the Committee and received tacit approval to submit :the required A-95 Notification and Review Form to the Department of Social and Health Services. Formal submittal of the A-95 will be delayed until tomorrow to allow forjany comments the Council may wish to make this evening. 1 Attached are several sheets containing the figures used in preparing the recommenda- tions which comprise the Administration's "plan" to provide a senior citizens' activity center. In addition to the attached sheets, the recommendations of the Administration are basedion the financial data contained in the Finance Director's April 25 report to the Councl's Ways and Means Committee. For the Cquncil's consideration, I hereby submit the following recommendations: ' 1. The Council should authorlize the Administration to make application for $58,629 in Referendum 29 rant Funds in 1977 and to make subsequent application(s) for any additional grant funds which may become available at any time prior to the start of construction for the activity center. 1 2. SinceImuch of the preliminary planning and design work for the activity center has been completed, a final decision should be made by the Council concerning the dispositioln of the City's present shop site. One of the following alternative courses of action should be adopted by the Council: I ' A. ; R new the City'Is. existing shop and storage facilities on a new site to be acquired by the City through purchase; B. Relocate the City's existing shop and storage facilities on one or more other City-owned properties; 1 1 1 I City Council May 2, 1977 Page 2 _ C., Relocate a portion of the City's shop and storage facilities on a new site to be acquired by the,City through purchase; or, D. Relocate a portion of the City's shop and storage facilities on one or more other sites already owned by the City. 3. When the decision concerning relocation of the shop and storage facilities has been made, total funding requirements should be computed according to the attached data as revised by either the Administration or the Council. 4. Regardless of the decision concerning the alternatives in Item 2 above, and barring the availability of "new" grant funds for which the City might apply' and subsequently gain approval, it will be necessary to locate additional funds before proceeding with the final planning and design phaselfor the activity center. According to the attached figures, and depending on the Council's decisions, between $576,371 and $1,169,571 will ' be required to complete the activity center and shop relocation projects. Alternatives for funding these amounts include: A. Increasing the City's present 6% Utility Tax sufficiently to produce from $57,600 to $116,957 per year (or approximately a 1 to 2%_increase respectively) for a period of at least 10 years, with an appropriate increase in the dollar tax yield on an annual basis if the City opts to utilize revenue or limited general obligation bonds for which interest must be paid annually; B., Instituting a "new" tax such as a "Business and Occupations" tax which would produce an annual amount similar to or greater than those noted in Item 4A above; C. Placing one or more general obligation bond issues before the voters in 1977 for approximate total face amounts of between $580,000 and $1,260,000, acknowledging the earliest election at which the bondiissue(s) could be presented would be at the Primary Election on September 13 -- if approved, the bonds could be sold on or before October 24 with proceeds available about November 1; or, D. Implement any single alternative or combination of alternatives above and continue to reduce City expenses through non-replacement of retiring employees and other cost-cutting programs, applying the "savings" of budgeted funds to the project. 5. After', a funding method has been determined and, preferably, after the funding has been assured, the Council should authorize the Administration to proceed to implement the project as planned. • In conclu'sion, after reviewing all available information concerning the senior citizens'; activity center project and the City's financial situation, I would recommend.; that: i I • City Council - May 2, 1977 Page 3 1. The present shop and storage facilities be relocated in phases to a new, centrally-located site;. 2. The City sell its properties located on Union Avenue NE and Lind Avenue SE with the proceeds to be Used to defray relocation costs; 3. The phased relocation ofithe shop and storage facilities should be completed within a period of five years; 4. All potential sources of funding be explored and the amount of unfunded project costs existing on the 100th day preceding September 13 become the approximate face amount of a general obligation bond proposal to be presented for approval of Renton voters at the Primary Election on September 13; and, 5. On approval of the foregoing recommendations, the City staff and the activity center architect continue with preliminary planning and design programs until total project funding is :assured. I am aware that my recommendations are not what some Council members would like, to hear, but I feel there are no realistic alternatives to what I have recommended' if we are to'provide needed senior citizen activity center facilities within the next two years. will be pleased to discuss my recommendations with the Council or any Council Committee as requested. I hope the attached information is self-explanatory, but I will furnish any additional clarification required. Thank you' for considering my recommendations. Sincerely, C. . Delaurenti Mayor Attachments CJD:hh I � ' I � ' I I � • PROJECT COST RE-CAP . LESS "NET" LESS "NET" • ESTIMATED FUNDS FUNDS -ADDITIONAL- OPTION —ADDITIONAL OPTION ADDITIONAL COSTS TOTALS AVAILABLE TOTALS ANTICIPATED TOTALS -FUNDS READ "A" FUNDS REQD "B" FUNDS REOD- SENIOR CITIZENS' ACTIVITY CENTER: -- Activity Center Building . $600,000 )$100,000 $ 58,629a )$ 37,000a $ 37,000a -- Site Improvements 200,000 ) 28,000 ) PARK FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS 160,000 10,000 150,000 ) CEDAR RIVER TRAIL (PORTION) 92,100* 92,100 (150,000)** ) SUB-TOTALS $1,052,100 $202,100 $236,629 ($ 613,371) ($ 576,371) ($ 576,371) SHOP FACILITIES RELOCATION: ) - -- Water/Sewer Shop $240,000 ) ) ) - ' t -- Auto Shop 86,400+ ) ) ) -- Street Div Offices/Shops 76,800+ ) ) ) -- Electronics/Traffic Shop 69,000 ) 240,000 ) -0- )$170,000 -0- -- Utility Sheds 162,000 • j ) ) ) , -- Gasoline Tanks/Pumps 15,000+ 1 ) ) ) . -- Security Fencing 10,000+ ) ) ) -- -- Site Development 174,000 ) ) ' SUB-TOTALS . $833,200 i $240,000 ' -0- ($ 593,200) ( 423,200) ( 593,200) LAND ACQUISITION 457,380 j -0- -0- ( 457,380) ( 457,380) 457,380c SUB-TOTAL $1,290,580 - • TOTALS $2,342,680 $442,100 $236,629 ($1,663,951). $207,000 ($1,456,951) $494,380 ($1,169,571) • *HCD Discretionary "Target Area" Project Funds Option "A" assumes that (a) the DSHS Citizens' Advisory Committee for Region 4 (King County) will have • **HCD (1977) Riverbank Acquisition Funds (for property east of Houser Way Bridge) approximately $74,000 in "new" funds to allocate in 1977, from which the City has a reasonable expectation aReferendum obtaining a grant of $37,000,- and (b) the sale of City-owned properties-on Union Avenue NE and Lind - Referendum 29 Funds bProceeds from Sale of City-Owned Properties on Union Ave NE and Lind Ave SE Avenue SE would produce a total of $170,000 in cash. cAssuming Use of City-Owned Properties (above) +Re-use of Existing Structures and/or Equipment Option "B" assumes that (a) $37,000 in grant funds will become available (as explained in Option "A" above)-,. and (b) the existing shop and storage facilities would be relocated on City-owned property, thereby eliminating the requirement for an estimated $457,380 to be used for site acquisition purposes. City of Renton Mayor's Office • - 27 April 1977 ii • RESOURCE INVENTORY: BOND COSTS: Approximate bond costs are listed below for General Obligation Bonds in the issue AVAILABLE RESOURCES: amounts indicated in the left-hand column. The cost figures- are based on "2 - to - 20-year" repayment schedules at an assumed interest rate of 51% per annum. (Costs , Cash: Utilities Revenue Bond Proceeds $240,000 for Limited General Obligation Bonds, or "Councilmanic Bonds," would bean an interest HCD Grant Funds rate of approximately 515 and; accordingly, the cost_figures would be slightly-higher - Senior Citizen Activity Center $100,000 than those listed.) _ - Park for Handicapped Persons 10,000 - Cedar River Trail 92,100 202,100 Several groups of figures are listed for each project or combination of projects as • Total Available Cash $' 442,100 indicated for convenience in computation of various alternative bond proposals. Land: Union Ave NE Site (5 acres @ $10,00 per acre) 50,000* ANNUAL COST TO TAXPAYER Lind Ave SE Site (6 acres @ BOND AMOUNT COST PER $1,000 PER HOME VALUED AT: $20,000 per acre -if filled; (PRINCIPAL ONLY) ASSESSED VALUE* $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 approx. 41 acres are now • under fill) 120,000 SENIOR $ 500,000 $.0301724 $ .91 $1.21 $1.51 Total Salable Property Value 170,000 CITIZENS' 550,000 .0331892 .99 1.33 1.66 ACTIVITY - 600,000 .0362068 1.09 1.45 1.81 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 612,100 CENTER 650,000 .0392236 1.18 1.57 1.96 NEW MAIN 700,000 .0422408 1.27 1.69 2.11 ' FUTURE RESOURCES: FIRE 750,000 .0467666 1.40 1.87 2.34 STATION 800,000 .0482752 1.45 1.93 2.41 Cash: Referendum 29 Grant Funds Prioritized Regional Funds $ 58,629 SENIOR CITIZENS' 1,170,000 .060344 1.81 2.41 3.02 ' - Potential Regional Funds 37,000 95,629 • ACTIVITY CENTER 1,370,000 .082671 2.48 3.31 4.13 HCD Grant Funds - Park for Handicapped 150,000** AND RELOCATION 1,570 000 .094740 2.84 3.79 4.74 - Sen Cit Activity Center 28,000 178,000 OF SHOPS Total Grant Funds Anticipated $ 273,629 Land: Street Division Property (3 acres @ $2.25 per square foot) 294,000 Bond: General Obligation or Limited General Note: * The multiplier for computing "cost per $1,000 of assessed value" Obligation Bond Issue Proceeds 1,162,951 is $0.0060344. TOTAL FUTURE RESOURCES $1,730,580 TOTAL RESOURCES: • • Available: Cash and Salable Property $ 612,100 Potential: Cash Grants, Property Sales and Bonds 1,730,580 • TOTAL RESOURCES $2,342,680 - Notes: * The Union Avenue site was purchased with Utility funds; sale proceeds - would accrue to the Utility Fund, but such funds could be used to acquire and develop a new shop and storage site (Utilities Division • portion only). - ** This is a net figure; the grant amount should be $160,000 less $10,000 required to reimburse the Senior Citizens' Activity Center • account for the 1976 advance for park planning purposes. - .i , ' a PROJECT COST ESTIM{IATES: - SHOP RELOCATION COST ESTIMATES: . New Water/Sewer Shnn Far+i lit lac n i�i ns c ivi y en r. Revenue Bond proposals) _ $240,000 S,1 b o 6,4',Land Acquisition - purchase of approx. Relocate Auto Shop (96 x 60' = .e€ 20,400 sf of Burlington Northern @ $15 per square foot) 86,400* property @ $1.50 per sf $ 30,600 Construction - main structure of Relocate Street Offices and Shops approx. 20,000 sf @ $30 per sf 600,000 (40 x 96' = 3840 sf @ $20 per Site Development —parking, lighting, square foot) 76,800* fencing, drainage, landscaping, etc. on 42,200 sf @ $2.50 per sf 105,500 Construct New Electronics and Traffic Interior Furnishings and Equipment 63,900 Shops (3450 sf @ $20 per square foot) 69,000 Total Activity Center Cost Estimate $ 800,000 Construct New Utility Sheds (30 x 540' = Park for Handicapped Persons: 16,200 sf @ $10 per square foot) 162,000 Land Acquisition - purchase of approx. Relocate Underground Gasoline Tanks 19,600 sf of Burlington Northern and Pumps 15,000* property @ $1.50 per sf $ 29,400 Site Development - walls, ramps, Relocate Security Fencing 10,000* lighting, landscaping, drainage, structures, railings, etc. for Site Development Costs (Parking, Paving, 43,985 sf @ $2.50 per sf 109,960 Lighting, Drainage, Landscaping, etc.) 174,000** Professional Services - surveys, appraisals, engineering and SUB-TOTAL $ 833,200 planning services 20,640 Add: Land Acquisition Costs (for a Total Park Cost Estimate 160,000 - 7-acre site @ $1.50 per square foot) 457,380 Cedar River Trail System: TOTAL RELOCATION COSTS $1,290,580 Development and Construction Funds Available 92,100* Total Project Cost Estimate $1,052,100 Note: * This figure represents "target area"HCD Grant Funds only. Notes: * These figures include costs for removing and relocating An additional $150,000 in HCD Grant Funds for the Cedar existing structures and equipment plus costs for River Trail System is anticipated later this year, but anticipated replacements and extensions as required on the anticipated funds may be used only for riverfront a new 7-acre site. acquisition east of the Houser Way bridge. ** Site Development Costs are computed at $1.00 per square , -- foot for approximately 4 acres of the proposed 7-acre site. - City of Renton r Mayor's Office 2 May 1977 • RENTON 'CITY . COUNCIL Regular Meeting • May 9 , 1'9777 Municipal . Bui l,di n,g Monday , 8: OO P1 . Council Chambers M . I N U TE ' S .CALL'TO ::ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge -of:Allegiance. and called the regular meeting of the Ren.ton.City. Counci l to order. -ROLL. CALL OF GEORGE PERRY, Council President; -EARL-.CLYMER, WILLIAM.J. GRANT, KENNETH -COUNCIL D. BRUCE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDTCKE AND PATRICIA' M. SEYMOUR-THORPE'. CITY"..OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DON ' CUSTER, Administrative'Assistant; .:LARRY- WARREN, Asst.' City'Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; . SHARON GREEN,' Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON Public Works D1irector; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN,-. Planning' Director; DICK GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; CAPT. . BOURASA, Police Department. • PRESS KATHY. BURKE, Renton Record Chronicie;' MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune . MI:NUTE APPROVAL ' MOVED BY' CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, ,-COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL "MINUTES :.OF :MAY .2, 1977, AS MAILED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT 'Upon earlier request by Seniior:Citi--zens •pr.esent, Mayor Delaurenti .,Senior Citizens requested remb�val. of his letter- from regular agenda correspondence Activity Center for presentation prior to. public -hearings. .Letter 'from Mayor Delaurenti and -Park for , presented long. range plan -for-construction-of a permanent senior ' Handicapped I citizens' activity center, outlining- grant- fund -application in the Citizens amount of $5g,529, need for final decision by' Council concerning dis- position of t1hie City's. present shop site: and storage facilities; . : funding methods and made the foll.owi.ng -recommendation: (1 ) The pres- ent shop and ,storage facili:tiies .be- relocated in: phases to.a new cen- tral.ly-located site;- (2) The. City- sell -.its properties located_ on I Union NE and -L1'nd -SE, using :proceedsto,:defray 'relocati.on .costs;1 (3) The phased relocation of the: shop and--storag.e faci l i ties be completed -within .five y,,ears;•- (4) All: potential sources of funding be explored and unfunded project costs .become.general -obligation bond proposal to .be .presented for voter approval , at Primary Election 9/13/77; (5) .Upon approval of recommendations, .City:Staff -and-activity center ..architect continue with preliminary:planning ,and .design programs until total project funding is assured. The- letter -noted- recommendations -are-made to- provide senior citizen' activitycenterEfaci'lities within the next .two years. Letter provi.ded'.project_.costs-.breakdo.wn. MOVED BY STREDICKE, .SECONDED .B.Y GRINT,' THAT:THE' SUBJECT -MATTER TABLED LAST WEEK RELA�TTVE TO PREVIOUS MOTION'MADE --BY ,-STREDICKE ON APRIL .25, 1977, BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE ('REFER FUNDING- TO`ADMINISTRATION AND.SPECIAL SHOPS • COMMITTEE (TO. BE APP'OINTED) . (Refer to Page 4, ',Council minutes 5/2/77) .MOTION CARRIED!. Upon inquiry by ,Councilman Stredicke; Mayor Delaurenti noted five-year plan had .been outlined. .Councilwoman Thorpe noted- time was critical tliat-stored pipe- needed to be moved - in order- for construc- tion -to begin in June- or, July.-on .the park i n order,that fundi ag be. maintained; noting senior center facility -does not'encroach -cn shop facilities, and asked that--Administration meet wi.th ' the .Community Services Committee -for- discuss-ion. "Both Council members' Thorpe And S.tredicke:qu stioned.:G.O. -bond issue. --MOVED' BY PERRY, SECONDED BY; THORPE, . 000( CIL-REFER-MAYOR'S. LETTER'TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES- COMMIT- TEE -FOR REVIEW- AND' RECOMMENDATION. ' Councilman Stredicke withdrew -his ' motion I'MOTION TO REFER TO THE COMMUNITY'SERVICES COMMITTEE; -CARRIED: MOVED,:BY STREDICKE, SECONDED -BY THORPE,. 000NCIL'AUTHORIZE THE- ADMINIS- 'TRATTON TO PROCEED WITH-'MOVING -OF OUTDOOR STORAGE -AND WATER SHOP -FACIL- ITY AND'TO dONCUR: WITH COUNCIL'S..COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE'S, MAY 3, RECOMMENDATION FOR PREPARAT.I,ON``OF PARK-AREA. Councilman Stredicke ' noted City Attorney Shellan's'.advi-ce :that •$3,000;000 water/sewer bonds specifi.ed .use for. .relocation Of shops. MOTION CARRIED.. :PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set .and -proper•notices having .-been posted, pub- ...LI:.D. #304 lished and mailed, 'Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to ,con- :'Sewer.s cider the -preliminary- assessment--roll inamount of .$34,908 installa- -Aloha :Ranch 1 --tion of sanitary sewers.in'Aloha Ranch--#2, NE :24th 'St.- between Edmonds -'TERMINATED Ave. NE and East. City Limits. .Letters .-of protest-were read -from: 1 I I Rent n City Council 5/9/ 7 Page 2 Publ c Hearing - Continued LID 304 Inez M. Moritz, 2525 NE 24th St. ; Mary A. Scannell 2508 NE 24th; Aloh � Ranch and petition bearing 10 signatures. Letter from Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason reported protest letters from property owners amounted to 75% of the total cost. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL TERMINATE LID # 304, ALOHA RANCH. CARRIED. (Time: 8:40 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- L. I. ii . #298 lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened hearing to SeweIls _ consider the final assessment roll in amount of $ 223,523.33, sanitary E.Valley Hwy. sewers installed in East Valley Highway near SW 43rd Si. - Letters of i protest were read from Attorney for Gary Merlino, alsojamended protest for LID #298 on behalf of,Gary Merlino from Attorney Phillip T. Ordi ance #3135 Hutchinson protest assessment as excessive, claiming limited use due Conf arming to configuration and compared with sewer usage of other tracts of simi- Amenied lar square footage within district. Letter of protest from Emilio Assessment Roll Pierotti objected to assessment for pumping station as. of no use to his Adop red later property. Letter from Gonnason noted 18.05% protest. Phillip Hutchinson, Attorney for Gary Merlino explained objection to method of assessment for long, narrow lot. Public Works Director Gonnason detailed develop- ment of LID, termination of earlier district 5/75; new' petitionfiled 3/76; and used wall map to show properties. Gonnason explained earlier meetings and agreement re inclusion of pump station cost and front foot method of assessment, except Merlino and Pierotti . Gonnason explained reasons for assessment method and that other properties would be assessed for another LID on Lind,.Ave. where properties bordered; on that develop- ment. Gonnason explained reduction of 100 ft. to frontage of Merlino property and 9% reduction in costs to all properties due to lower con- struction costs than anticipated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY , SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING, CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL. ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke noted need for; installation of private sewer sys- tem in property depth of 120 ft. MOTION CARRIED. (Time 9:08 p,m. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LID TO WAYS'AND MEANS COMMIT- TEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBL 1C HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- CATV Ordinance lished and mailed according to law, Maybr Delaurenti opened the pub- lic hearing to consider the proposed cable television franchise ordi- nance, hearing having been continued from 3/21/77 and :4/25/77. Jim Hurd, Director of the Office of Cable TV; City of Seattle and employed by various cities for CATV Service, explained changes to the ordinance which had been made in coordination with :Community Services Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee and input from the industry, including referral to city's standards for senior citizen rates 'to prevent revision of ordinance for change in structure; length4of franchise changed to 15 yrs. ; minimum 10% of total gross revenue to be applied to systems expansion; restriction that TV companies cannot go into repair business. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, :COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, , COUNCIL APPROVE ORDINANCE AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. (See later first reading. ) PUBL C HEARING This being the date set and proper noticess having been posted and L. I. ui. #302 published, according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing, Lind Ave. SW continued from 5/2/77, to consider prelimipary assessment roll for Local Stre,it Improvement District No. 302 to construct and improve Lind Ave. SW Improvement between SW 17th St. and SW 43rd St.; Rollin amount of $1 ,895,793.80, Public Works Director Gonnason explained hearing continued at Council 's request for reallocation to properties protesting because of fill , as well as design review on Lind Ave. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain $48,000 for fill of Summers and Edwards properties reallocated over entire district as entire district benefits, Gonnason explained street design, sidewalks, bike oaths , median strip and danger with large industrial trucks, meandering bikeways; also that Lind Ave. SW is classified as industrial collector and secondary arterial , The Planning Director Ericksen presented portion of City code with OF R • 1 4/ . • O G `O 4, ,: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ° RENTON,WASHINGTON z 1{ 5 POST OFFICE BOX 626. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255-8978 Op •A �� a (o • p GERARD M.SHELLAN,ciTY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARRE N. ASSISTANT CITY,ATTORNEY 4).4Tf� sE 4;544' May 9, 1977 • NEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY. SERVICES COMMITTEE FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE: Burlington Norther Railroad - Senior .Citizens Center Dear Members of Community, Services Committee: We have finally received the enclosed letter from the Burlington Northern Railroad in answer „to our prior inquiries. Apparently the railroad has determined that it is not in any position to furnish good and sufficient title to the City, as we had requested, which is most likely due to .the reversionary provision in the Deed from Henry L,: Yesler, et al, which Deed is dated March 30, \ 1891 . We are not certain what the railroad' s interest in said property would ;be, that could be purchased by the City assuming the reversion to still be effective. Please let us know whether you wish us to pursue this matter any further . • We remain ' Very truly yours, • i I Gerard M. Shellan GMS: bjm Enc. • • • i I �� BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle, Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 624 1900 ' I Mr. Gerard M. Shellan May 5, 1977 Office of the City Attorney P. (3. fox 626 File: RE-344 Part 3 Renton, Washington 98 55 Dear M . Shellan: Reference is made to previous correspondence concerning your request to purchase our discontinued right-of-way at Renton, Washington, north of the Cedar River. A revi w has now been finalized and we are not in a position to furnish good and sufficient.title to the City as requested. If, however, you wish to pursue the conveyanclI--e of our interest in said property, we will continue working with you towards that end. Thank you for your patience in awaiting our review and determination. Yours very truly, i . j SI J. J. Gordon, Manager Property Management I ' 1 I f 1I 'A ,1� R. U 0 41 „ �� ,o , OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX B26. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 08055 255-8878 pA I,). p� olc, GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J-WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 47'pr, P�E� (dic 5/3/77) May 9 , 1977 1 Honorable Charles Delaurenti , Mayor City, of Renton City'j Hall' Renton, 'WA 98055 Re : Senior Citizens Center Dear. Charlie : We have written several letters to the Burlington Northern , the last: one being datedlApril . 11 , 1977 , and also had several conversations with their representative regarding the status of title of the right of way proposed to be conveyed unto the City of Renton. 'Unfortunately, we have had no definite word from the 'Company , but ,will continue to press them. In thelmeantime would you please refer to my letter to you of March 10 , 1977 , which was written after several conversations with; Paul' Houser ,. Attorney for the Renton Housing Authority. It was suggested at the time that it would be a ,good idea, for purposesof allowing, the City several alternatives , to have a surv'ey ; of Parcel "A"; which is the property being purchased by the Housing Authority, the adjoining commercial waterway district property , and the westerly portion of Parcel "B" , still owned by the American Legion,' 'in 'order to determine th'e total area available for City purposes . Mr. Houser inquired recently whether such a survey ' has ;been undertaken and 'I would appreciate it if you would let me know whether this has been done by our Public Works Department. It .seems to me that such information would be helpful to the City , whether such property is actually acquired or not for the afore- statedlpurpose , just in case some serious question should arise about the adequacy of, title of the so-called "railroad property" . If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter , please' advise. ` f 1 We •remain, Very trul -.urs , Gr�ard M. She lan GMS ds cc: 'Patricia_ Thorpe • Renton City Council 4/25/77 Page 3 Correspondence - Continued I ' Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead noted petition of Transamerica Development Proposal for Co. has been filed for vacation of a portion of 100th Ave. SE and Portion of Talbot Rd. S. , $100 filing fee received and the petition has been 100th Ave SE & certified valid by the Public Works Department. The letter reported Talbot Road S. the Public Works Department also certified that the petition represents 100% of the property abutting the proposed street vacation. The letter recommended referral to the Board of Public Works and Public Services Comrrjittee for determination regarding appraisal and payment by abutting property owners,and also as concerns retention of utility easements. The letter further recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting May 23, 1977 as Public Hearing the date of public hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUN- 5/23/77 CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. Legislation re , Councilman Clymer noted proposed State legislation which could cost the Sign Removal City $100,000 over the next four years in payments for sign removal , noting City of Seattle's opposition at public hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REQUEST THE 'MAYOR TO CONTACT LEGISLATORS AND CONCUR IN SEATTLE'S POSITION. CARRIED. Ways & Means j The Ways and 'Means Committee report recommended Council approval of Committee Report the Mayor's appointment of Barbara Lansing to the Human Rights and Appointment Affairs Committee. (See earlier letter) MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION, CARRIED. Funding for Councilman Stredicke discussed the senior citizens center and moving of Water Shop & the water shop facility and moved,second Bruce, while the subject is in Senior Citizens the Community Services Committee, the funding for both the water shop Tabled facility and senior center be referred to the Administration and to the special (to be appointed) shops committee to report back. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL TABLE SUBJECT MATTER FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Services Aviation Committee (Public Services) report recommended approval of agree- Committee Report ment between Boeing Company and the City for the extension of Boeing 's Agreement re ; 8-inch water main, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Boeing Water Line the contract. The agreement provides for the City to extend Boeing 's Extension 8-inch water main to the northwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport for the water supply of the new restaurant site and to improve fire protection. IThe report, noted City Attorney Shellan has reviewed agree- ment, asking !minor changes be incorporated, which has been accomplished. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1 Leasehold The AviationCommittee (Public Services) report recommended the Mayor Assignment - and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Assignment of Lease for Airport Security between Airport Specialties and the Community Bank of Renton, Specialties having been reviewed by the City Attorney and recommended changes incorporated; MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE' REPORT. CARRIED. Traffic Councilman Bruce, in response to earlier complaint of construction Flagmen flagmen, noted possibility of including requirement into bid specifica- tions , that in event over four hours of traffic directing is needed, the contractor hire uniformed officer. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #3127 The Ways and! Means Committee report was submitted by Committee Chairman Park Board aan Clymer recommending second and final readings of the ordinance amending Park Director the Park Board from three to five members and updating qualifications for Park Director. Following readings , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. (First reading 4/18/77) Ordinance #3128 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final readings Amendment of an Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan for the Kennydale area Comprehensive of N. 30th Street from Park Ave, N. to FAI 405, Following readings , it Plan - N. 30th was MOVED BY! CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS Kennydale Area READ. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired whether response or protest received from notification mailed per Council direction of 4/11/777, being advised by City Clerk, no response received (151 letters mailed to residents) . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Rent n City Council 4/2577 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordirance #3129 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Amending Pet readings of an Ordinance relating to dog licenses for seeing eye Licensing dogs belonging to blind persons. Following readings, it was MOVED BY Removing Fee for CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Lead Dog of Blind ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. (First reading 4/18/77) Ordinance #3130 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final readings McLaughlin Rezone of an Ordinance which had been held for one week as directed 4/18/77 re- R-001 ' 77 • garding the McLaughlin Rezone from R-2 to B-1 with covenants included in the ordinance. Committee Chairman Clymer introduced William Reseburg? 710 4th & Pike Bldg, Seattle, attorney for McLaughlin rezone appellants. Mr. Reseburg, noted review of material since first reading of the ordinance on 4/18, recognizing covenants as substantial protection to land owners, however, reporting primary concern of land, owners being fear this rezone is encroaching on buffer zone that exists between com- mercial . and residential single family, specifically, that rezone will set a precedent allowing other land owners to rezone and asked Council response for matter of record. City Attorney Shellan noted that all rezoning matters considered individually as to merits and are not Clerklto Record automatic. Mr.Reseburg then indicated approval of Ordinance. Wall map Covenants used to explain property located on west side of Monroe, 100 ft. east of NE Sunset Blvd. and north of NE 12th St. George Johnson, 1300 Monroe Ave. NE, residing across street from designated property, noted numerous attempts and hearings since 1962 to rezone said property and residents attempts to preserve residential neighborhood, regretting loss of buffer area. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Thorpe Ordinance not be advanced but be rejected. City Attorney Shellan noted need for compliance with appearance of fairness, recalling appeal and hearing, that if procedure is changed, notification will need to be made. William McLaughlin, 10630 SE 176th, noted approval of covenants by area residents, concern being for future development of adjacent properties. Motion to reject ordinance, Failed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: SHINPOCH, BRUCE, GRANT, CLYMER, STREDICKE who declared intent to asked for reconsideration next week. ONE NO: THORPE. asking record to indicate she still has qualms in spite of covenants. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Reseburg reported desire to review entire matter if Council amenable to reopen hearing. Councilman Stredicke withdrew his intent to ask for reconsideration of motion and asked record be changed to record NO vote, FirstiReading The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an West ill Ordinance annexina certain City owned property. known as West Hill Annexation Reservoir site and West Hill Annexation. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an Speci 1 Meetings Ordinance changing the meeting time of Special Meetings (Committee of the Whole) of the City Council to 2nd Thursday of each month. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, CARRIED, FirstlReading The committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance amending IndustIIrial the platting fees on Industrial property as requested by the Planning SubdiViision Fees Department. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE PENDING REPORT FROM COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resol ',tion #2104 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Resolution Requests un ing urging the State legislative bodies to take steps to allocate funds for for Wetlands acquisition of wetlands for protection of wildlife. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2105 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Resolution Surplus Trackage declaring certain ties, switches and trackage located at Lake Washington Acquirhd from Beach Park as surplus and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise J.H. B xter Co. for sale. Following reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. • 4 Z f I I'W _ - - �; iiJ�1; 8OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY o RENTON,WASHINGTON o y POST OFFICE BOX 626. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 08055 255.8678 0 GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNFY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 41 4TFD sEP1E��' April 20 , 1977 Mr. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director Ms. Jolly Sue Baker, Housing and Community Development C+eordinator Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re: Use of Real estate appraisers for property acquisition - appraisal contrac t s, etc Dear Gordon and Ms. Baker: This is to acknowledge receipt on April 20 of your two Memoranda and attached sample agreements with real estate appraisers and review appraisers ;i.n connection with possible acquisition of property by the City. You invited our comments thereon. In the event that the Federal agency insists , as a condition precedent to making any grants, that these documents he executed by the City, without change, it would serve little purpose in commenting on this type of agreement, since the Government is probably unwilling to change it. However, if you determine that there is no absolute necessity or requirement to !enter into such agreements , then our comments would be as follows: 1 1. In our opinion there certainly is no need to enter into a six--page, eingle-spaced agreement with an appraiser, telling him how to appraise property, since every single professional appraiser, especially M.A.I. appraisers , follow this procedure regularly. I Either.." the sample agreements were written for the benefit of somebody who has never appraised before or are simply an exercise in governmental bureaucracy resulting in additional costs to the City. 2. It would be much simpler to have a very brief agreement with an appraiser that would require him to follow the "Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition" or similar documents, and to' adhere to the professionally established standards. of an appraiser. The City probably should furnish to the appraiser a status of title report , to be furnished by a title company, on the isubject property, or alternately , the appraiser in question can order one. This will show the _atatus of title at the time of I 1 r f Page 21 Mr. Ericksen and Ms. Baker April 20 , 1977 the appraisal. The proposed contract apparently was written for various jurisdictions , some of which do not have the title insurance system as we do. 3'. We notice that in paragraph 3.1 the appraiser is required to deliver to the agency his appraisal within six (6) calendar days after tte date of the agreement. This , of course , is ridiculous since it might take the appraiser almost as long to read and understand the agreement that is being submitted to him by the government. A reasinable period certainly would be 20 to 30 days. It seems furthermore that to have the City enter into another agreement for a"review appraiser" after the initial :appraiser has followed all of the professional standards to determine whether he has made an error of some sort, seems also unnecessary. It 'should be remembered that it is the City which will have to pay for all of this extra-work. Obviously, if you have a very complex parcel of property,1 the advisability of having more than one appraiser may be in order in the event that the City is not satisfied with the first appraisal. However, to require a review appraiser even on a simple acquisition of one residential lot, appears- to be another waste of public funds. I firmly believe that the City staff is quite able to determine, from"comparable sales'(' furnished by the first appraiser, or even by its own forces , to (determine whether the appraisal figure is reasonable and truly represents fair market value. You also raised the question whether the City may utilize the appraisal made by Burlington Northern since Mr. Simpson, real property officer of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, was not quite certain whether any such action would be in compliance with Washington State law. Please be advised that Washington State Law does not requir- the City or any other governmental agency to go 'throu gh all the "red tape" as suggested by HUD. The City, has the right to acquire property based on fair market value , and may hire appraisers therefor if it is unable , based on its own staff appraisal, to resolve the issue. In case of any action in emir-lent ':domain, it is , of course, always advisable to hire an outside professional appraiser to testify as to the fair market value as of th'e time of "taking" . . We therefore have a perfect right to review any other appraisal, and then determine whether it is satisfactory, or elect to hire our own appraiser to determine value. 4 - Page 3' Mr. Ericksen and Msi Baker April 20 , 1977 If my above comments seem somewhat critical, they are intended ; to be so. We again believe that the Federal Government is imposing completelylunnecessary"paper work" , together with rules and regulations that may possibly apply to some remote ' situations, but are certainly completely inappropriate in regards to the; parcels of property that the City wishes to acquire for public purposes. We should make every effort to simplify these procedures and thereby reduce exp.nditure of public funds instead of creating more paper duffling monsters at the behest of the Feder 1 Government. In the past, as you; well know, the City has caused many, many appraisals to be maae to establish fair market value of various parcels of property, Up to now we have never had to enter into theseiunnecessary agreements as HUD has apparently. submitted to ,you. If we can be of any further assistance to you, or propose simplified contracts , if any are necessary, please let us know. Most professional appraisers , especially M.A.I. appraisers , incidentally, have an established fee schedule for their services , which is usually based on a per diem rate. We r emain, Very truly yours, - Gerard M. Shellan . City Attorney GMS:ds,, • j � 1 b44,46 6,...;211„7„ vor Ren n _ ty Council `� j 4/,18/77� 'Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued r Lake Washington proposed by Or. Zehm not be included in the Phase II of the Lake Marina - Cont. Washington Beach Park Master Plan in accordance with the report of the Comprehensive Planning Committee and further concurred in the concept doe . yrui-edep-N.) as proposed in the master plan that moorage facilities at the park be limited to day moorage for small craft only. The letter noted G . . appreciation by the Planning Commission committee for opportunity A.,; to meet with! members of the Park Board, Park Director and City's con- Cooefr'`"''�" • ultants in reviewing Mr. Zehm's request, as well as the long range ' development of a park that, as stated by the committee chairman, is one of Renton's most significant assets. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS PRESENTED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, CARRIED. Fee Schedule; Letter from Planning Director Ericksen recommended revision of the Industrial . City's industrial platting fee and explained request for review by Subdivisions the Burlington Northern Railroad because of estimated permit fee to carry proposed valley industrial park from a tentative state through (Removed from final stages; would amount to $40,000. The letter explained when Consent Agenda) the fee was established, intent was to cover costs to the city and allow for contingencies; that due to large tract of land involved, Burlington Northern's fee would exceed normal estimated City costs by $25,000 to $30,000. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER REVISION OF INDUSTRIAL PLATTING FEE SCHEDULE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MacPherson's Inc. Letter from Hearing Examiner Magstadt recommended approval of prelimi- Preliminary Plat nary plan for MacPherson's Inc. , Farrell 's 1st Addition, located PP-026-77 approximately 200 ft. south of NE 23rd St. on the west side of Duval Farrell 's 1st Addn Ave. NE, proposing 18-lot single family residence subdivision. The Examiner's letter noted appeal period has expired, MacPherson's Inc. request having been heard 3/22/77; and further noted that according (Removed from to the action of the Council , approving, modifying, or rejecting the Consent Agenda l) decision of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive unless within 20 dalendar days within the date of action, an aggrieved party obtains a writ of certiorari from the Superior Court of Washington for purpose of review of the action taken. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WITH REQUEST1THAT EACH COUNCILMAN RECEIVE PACKET OF INFORMATION FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. MacPherson's Inc. Letter from the Hearing Examiner recommended approval subject to Ruddell ' s 2nd Addn conditions of request by MacPherson's Inc. for preliminary Plat, PP-025-77 Ruddell 's 2nd Addition, located Northeast corner of Monroe NE and Preliminary Plat NE 10th St. , proposed 14-lot subdivision. The letter noted public hearing 3/22/77, appeal period having now expired and further listed (Removed from 20 day appeal period to Superior Court. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Consent Agenda) BY THORPE, REFER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE . WITH REQUEST THAT EACH COUNCIL MEMBER RECEIVE PACKET OF INFORMATION FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. Referendum 29 Letter from State Department of Social and Health Services Referendum Funds 29 Coordinator, J. P. Orrico, replied to Mayor Delaurenti 's inquiries Senior Center re funds to assist in construction of a senior citizens center. The letter in reply to the Mayor's question about timing, noted the Regional Citizens Advisory Committee allocated the fund to the City based on belief that the project would be through the application process and Under construction in 1977; clarifying that the funds are allocated to the City for the senior center by the Regional Committee, but the actual grant request has not been approved, and part of the approval process involves estimate of when the project will enter the constructioniphase. That if the facility is not going to be under construction for three years, it is highly unlikely the Committee would sign off on the application or carry it forward into 1978. The letter notedlthe Area Agency on Aging prioritized another senior center higher than Renton's. That one of reasons to split the funds, in addition to need, there were indications the Renton project was ready to begin in 1977. Noting, information such as contained in the 3/30 local newspaper article dimishes City's chance of keeping present allocation and reduces opportunity for additional funds available in DSHS Region 4. The letter further stated assurance is required that funds are actually approved from other sources; that to ensure the 1 facility will progress even if other funds which were approved at the time of Referendum 29 grant award, fail to become available, require- 1 Renton City Council 4/18/77 Page 4 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Referendum 29 ments are that project must be under contract with DSHS within one year . Funds - Continued , from date of approval , that if construction contract is not signed during 12 months allowed, funds revert to other projects; noting inflation decreasing value of Referendum 29 funds. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Administrative Assistant Custer discussed City's portion of $117,500 Referendum 29 funds split with Greenwood by Region #4, or $58,000. Councilman Clymer noted two directions being taken by Council and Administration and asked for better communication. Councilwoman Thorpe requested copy of application be furnished Council members, being in agreement with Admisistrative Assistant Custer, Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd,S. , Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, inquired re delay , asking that no funds be lost, OLD BUSINESS Committee of the whole report submitted by Council President Perry Committee of Whole recommending Council approval of the Master Plan of the Lake Washington Meeting 4/12/77 Beach Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Park Plan RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Wetland. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Mayor be requested to prepare a report for the next Committee of the Whole meeting indicating the status of financing and acquisition of wetlands, includ- ing the status of the 39 acres set aside by Burlington Northern. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Wetland The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Administration pursue . all avenues of funding, including contacting our local legislators for recommendations of sources for funds to acquire the additional 39 acres set aside by Burlington. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND RESOLUTION BE PREPARED THAT MAYOR CONTACT OUR LEGISLATORS TO RESEARCH AND REPORT BACK. AMENDMENT BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, MATTER OF RESOLUTION BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO PRESENT TO COUNCIL NEXT MONDAY. Recess and MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES Executive Session Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and upon convening, Roll was called: PresentPERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, GRANT AND CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY GRANT, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCILWOMAN SHINPOCH (LEFT MEETING) . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Asked to attend: City Attorney Shellan, Jolly Baker, Plan- ning Director Ericksen. CARRIED. Time: 9:52 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:30 p.m. Roll Call : PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, GRANT, CLYMER. ORDINA CES & MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE RESOLU IONS TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ordina ce #3126 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Compre ensive Plan recommending second and final readings for an ordinance amending the Ripley Lane N. & Comprehensive Plan regarding Misty Cove area (Lake Washington) ; first Misty love reading 4/11/77. Following readingsof the ordinance amending City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Ripley Lane N. , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. McLaug �lin Rezone The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final R-001- v readings of an ordinance regarding the McLaughlin Rezone from R-2 to Ordinance Held Business District containing various covenants which have been One Week approved by the property owner and the City Clerk instructed to record same with the King County Records. Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Attorney William Reseburg, 710 4th & Pike Bldg. , Seattle, explained he had been contacted by Leslie Adams and others who had filed appeal of the McLaughlin Rezone (R-001-77), who had 'indicated dissatisfaction that full hearing was not held two weeks ago. City Attorney Shellan reviewed provisions of the Hearing Examiner ordinance wherein there is no requirement for public hearing unless a substantial error committed by Land Use Hearing Examiner; Shellan reviewed appeal hearing when new evidence was called for, that Council found no gross error;, also reviewing hearings before the Examiner, noting three hearings have been held; noting additional restrictions added. Mr. Reseburg was furnished copy of the proposed ordinance. Reseburg requested reopening of the procedure so that both sides could be presented. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL REFER REZONE / ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO HOLD FOR ONE WEEK, raRRTrn Rentom City. Council 4/1807 .. Fa e 4 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Referendum 29 ments are that project must be under contract with DSHS within one year -Funds - Continued from date of approval , that if construction contract is not signed during 12 months allowed, funds revert to other projects; noting inflation decreasing value of Referendum 29 funds. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Administrative Assistant Custer discussed City's portion of $117,500 Referendum 29 funds split with Greenwood by Region #4, or $58,0001 Councilman Clymer noted two directions being taken by Council and Administration and asked for better communication. Councilwoman Thorpe requested copy of application be furnished Council members, being in agreement with Admisistrative Assistant Custer, Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd,S. , Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, inquired re delay , asking that no funds be lost, OLD BUSINESS . Committee of the whole report submitted by Council President Perry Committee of Whole recommending Council approval of the Master Plan of the Lake Washington Meeting 4/12/77 Beach Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Park Plan RECOMMENDATION'. CARRIED. Wetlands The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Mayor be requested to prepare a report for the next Committee of the Whole meeting indicating theistatus of financing and acquisition of wetlands, includ- ing the statuslof the 39 acres set aside by Burlington Northern, MOVED BY PERRY; SECONDED BY SHINPOCH COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Wetlands The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Administration pursue all avenues of funding, including contacting our local legislators for recommendations of sources for funds to acquire the additional 39 acres set aside by Burlington. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR; IN RECOMMENDATION AND RESOLUTION, BE PREPARED THAT MAYOR CONTACT OUR LEGISLATORS TO RESEARCH AND REPORT BACK. AMENDMENT BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, MATTER OF RESOLUTION BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANSjCOMMITTEE TO PRESENT TO COUNCIL NEXT MONDAY, Recess and ' MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES Executive Session Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and upon convening, Roll was called: PresentPERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, GRANT AND CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY GRANT, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCILWOMAN SHINPOCH (LEFT MEETING) . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Asked to attend: City Attorney Shellan, Jolly Baker, Plan- ' ping Director Ericksen. CARRIED. Time: 9:52 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:30 p.m. 1Roll Call : PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, GRANT, CLYMER. ORDINANCES & ; MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE RESOLUTIONS TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3126 Ways and MeansCommittee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Comprehensive Plan recommending second and final readings for an ordinance amending the Ripley Lane N. & Comprehensive Plan regarding Misty Cove area (Lake Washington) ; first Misty Cove reading 4/11/77. Following readingsof the ordinance amending City's ' Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Ripley Lane N. , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. McLaughlin Rezone The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final R-001-77 readings of an ordinance regarding the McLaughlin Rezone from R-2 to Ordinance Held Business District containing various covenants which have been One Week approved by the property owner and the City Clerk instructed to record same with the King County Records. Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Attorney William Reseburg, 710 4th & Pike Bldg. , Seattle, explained he had been contacted by Leslie Adams and others who had filed appeal of the McLaughlin Rezone (R-001-77) , who had indicated dissatisfaction that full hearing was not held two weeks ago. City Attorney Shellan reviewed provisions of the Hearing Examiner ordinance wherein there is no requirement for public hearing unless a substantial error committed by Land Use Hearing Examiner; Shellan reviewed appeal hearing when new evidence was called for, that Council found no gross error;. also reviewing hearings before the Examiner, noting three hearings have been held; noting additional restrictions added. Mr. Reseburg was furnished copylof the proposed ordinance. Reseburq requested reopening of the procedure so that both sides could be presented. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL REFER REZONE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO HOLD FOR ONE WEEK, r4PPTFri f, Rent n City Council 4/18 77 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued 1 Lake Washington proposed by Mr. Zehm not be included in the Phase II of the. Lake Marina - Cont. Washington Beach Park Master Plan in accordance with the report of the Comprehensive Planning Committee and further concurred in the concept as proposed in the master plan that moorage facilities at the park be limited to day moorage for small craft only. The letter noted appreciation by the Planning Commission committee for opportunity to meet with members of the Park Board, Park Director and City's con- sultants in reviewing Mr. Zehm's request, as well as the long range development of a park that, as stated by the committee- chair-man, is one of Renton's most significant assets. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS PRESENTED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, CARRIED. Fee Schedule Letter from Planning Director Ericksen recommended revision of the Industrial City's industrial platting fee and explained request for review by Subdivisions the Burlington Northern Railroad because of estimated permit fee to carry proposed valley industrial park from a tentative state through (Remgqlved from final stages would amount to $40,000. The letter explained when Cons�ent Agenda) the fee was established, intent was to cover costs to 'the city and allow for contingencies; that due to large tract of land involved, Burlington Northern's fee would exceed normal estimated City costs by $25,000 to $30,000. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER REVISION OF INDUSTRIAL PLATTING FEE SCHEDULE TOITHE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MacPh rson's Inc. Letter from Hearing Examiner Magstadt recommended approval of prelimi- Preliminary Plat nary plan for MacPherson's Inc. , Farrell 's 1st Addition, located PP-020-77 approximately 200 ft. south of NE 23rd St. on the west side of Duval Farrell 's 1st Addn Ave. NE, proposing 18-lot single family residence subdivision. The Examiner's letter noted appeal period has expired, MacPherson's Inc. request having been heard 3/22/77; and further noted that according (Rem �ved from to the action of the Council , approving, modifying, or rejecting the Con lent Agenda) decision of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive unless within 20 dalendar days within the date of action, an aggrieved party obtains a writ of certiorari from the Superior Court of Washington for purpose of review of the action taken. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WITH REQUEST THAT EACH COUNCILMAN RECEIVE PACKET OF INFORMATION FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. MacPherson's Inc. Letter from the Hearing Examiner recommended approval subject to Ruddeill ' s 2nd Addn conditions of request by MacPherson's Inc. for preliminary Plat, PP-025-77 Ruddell 's 2nd Addition, located Northeast corner of Monroe NE and Preliminary Plat NE 10th St. , proposed 14-lot subdivision. The letter noted public hearing 3/22/77, appeal period having now expired and :further listed (Re loved from 20 day appeal period to Superior Court. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED. Consent Agenda) BY THORPE, REFER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE . WITH REQUEST THAT EACH COUNCIL MEMBER RECEIVE PACKET OF INFORMATION FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. Referendum 29 Letter from State Department of Social and Health Services Referendum Funds 29 Coordinator, J. P. Orrico, replied to Mayor Delaurenti 's inquiries Senio Center re funds to assist in construction of a senior citizens center. The letter in reply to the Mayor's question about timing, noted the Regional Citizens Advisory Committee allocated the fund to the City based on belief that the project would be through the application process and under construction in 1977; clarifying that the funds are allocated to the City for the senior center by the Regional Committee, but the actual grant request has not been approved, and part of the approval process involves estimate of when the project will enter the construction phase. That if the facility is not going to be under construction for three years, it is highly unlikely the Committee would sign off on the application or carry it forward into 1978. The letter noted the Area Agency on Aging prioritized another senior center higher than Renton's . That one of reasons to split the funds, in addition to need, there were indications the Renton project was ready to begin in 1977. Noting, information such as contained in the 3/30 local newspaper article dimishes City's chance of keeping present allocation and reduces opportunity for additional funds available in DSHS Region 4. The letter further stated assurance is required that funds are actually approved from other sources; that to ensure the facility will progress even if other funds which were approved at the time of Referendum 29 grant award, fail to become available, require- ! I 1 -• • . , . • ', , •..• . . .. . ... . „ , . . . . .• , . . . •, .., . • • • ,•,',.,,•,;.•,,,,,•••••,'...;-,::..:••••:.,-.;,',',',,,.:"':g.,,Z;;:rt.t.i'.;,=/.:12.i..;,!....:-.'•;•:,'-:".1f.';',,.",.,'..-';'; _,.%:,.'.1.:•-,,,..-,-;.:1•"...i';.,'.•.. 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'' '' . .' funds---i -'' )''" --' '.4' 'fijij'-'x,=;*',"--!",?•-• ,'--4 ,•-,=1,,v'.,;•,•1114-P'-, . . . , funding •:-sources•r• that ,,r4re,.„actually; .„•.,r_approvedr.. ,..,.:,.,•,. ..•:,,,,,..,•.:::,.,:•,•,,,,,.,:',,....,,,,,,.1,4v/t,--,,,i:,,:.€e•yi, . . , . • --,-,,,,, , '.,.,,:,,,,----,•the specific ensureproject' involved-: ' To•-•', facility, ,tn=e,-,:,-; will . , . progress even if: other ftnds1'"..;_which wee apptoVed' at the ti.m...4e:,-„1,,,3.,,,"..";,•:.c..",' 2f1.:,4e4..'r0e.:lK,i,a,2,:r'k,Q•,4r1-2:1,4.:;,7,;,',.• ,• ' ' l•: o f---the Referendum .•29, •gran.taviai'd;',:..,.fail:::,t6. 1i.66.,:tki-164-:?,,e7V:4ilabT.: ;-„,,,,, 37.7.77'„if'-,-.7, ... ,,I.T41 -4,-h..;?-..!. - - ,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,, -•,-..,,,,,q...„,,,„.• .., ..._ - ,---•,,i ----,,,::-..,!!',1;'%'• if••-,4f;;;','-bz,,-.;•'.4f4--=-•-----777.--•'-',••• 77,-,••;•'„'i•,,q.„.';-,•;VIP.,,,,,i.,,,,,A,c,ce,;'',,j,°4',4i'Li.ed,•'-^4 ,,, - --' - • .„.•.-••,. • ••..• 1..",,,,,,„-..... 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".:41,t•••:i" ' • '' '''''' ''' '. '': '''''' ''''r'''':•''''' '` '.''.:-...' ''''''' ''"-'' '''. 1 • ':'.'-••••' ' . ;,1"'"•."t-'e%•''' n't--..Llgi-t'iielkdkV'ke `t4,.,; -:'c':'''''-'14,,:.;...C: PLANNING.AINP Rc,?Erti,11?yvii,:,L7.y,..?1,,v,,,,- .;; c51 .,: !,,':: ..:,-t.,,,-,,,,-4-;:.-,., - - - • - , • , . , Ralph Littlestotie Director .I'. ,''',-*;1',.',:''•3,'•:,"',.,,,,,,,,:,,..,,,:. :, . ,• • , , „.., „,„ --,,.,,,,,,•, •,•,,\ .1q,;(-.1. I , .' ;: Mayor Delaurei -- `▪ • Page two April 6, 1977 due to chap es in regulations, etc. the Referendum 29 award e - er requires t at e project must be under contract with �Swithin one year from the datelagnrn If the gonstruction contract is not signed for any .reason ',in •th twelve-month eriod allowed the , un s rever to a Re ional - a location to be used for other ig priorit a±.. _' whit , can be completed soon. We ee .,i extremely important toy' ensure that the at ities begin construction as soon as possible in view of the recent inflation in the construction industry and the consequent decrease in the value of the limited Referendum 29 funds. I hope this clarifies your questions. -We look forward to receiving the City's Referendum 29 application, and hope you will be able to-'resolve the present' problems. I would be willing to meet with you and your staff at any time on this issue. • • Sin erel , _AAtelt sep P. Orrico . eferendum 29 Coordinator _ MS 323 • . 1 . . . . . . . , . . .. . . ,. . ,„„.•., „., ,.. , - . . . . , . , . .'.:-..:••••.,:.--,-,i;:['c,:',,,,, . , , • .. .., • ` ' " . , '••- ' ' ...' . • ' "-..,, • -''. 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Specifically, I'd like you to comment about the timi• ng of Referendum 29 projects: ' Can the City "reserve" Referendum 29 funds beyond the calendar, year in which a grant request is approved? As you can see from the . article, it may be three years before the City can, actually begin the senior citizens' center project. If the City's initial grant request is approved, [but the project ,is delayed for the lack •of availability of non- , Referenduri 29 funds, can the City "renew" its application from year to year? If not, what are the limitations involved? • i Please phone me at 235-2580 if you need to clarify my questions or .if I • can provide additional information. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience so that the City may complete its Referendum 29 applicatioln on a timely basis. . Sincerely,; ' Cjy---4._,/-9_...Lc/�ccu:vG� ' C. 4C Delaurenti • Mayor • CJD:hh . . , (Note: Pl''ease disregard the next to last paragraph of the newspaper '. article; apparently the reporter was somewhat confused by the Council discussion. As you know, the City has not. received . any Referendum 29 funds yet, and the funds for which application will be made are intended for use in construction 'of a senior • citizens' center.) . , -• - -------':•-'.:,••.,'.:`.',?;..,,-•2;_-.-;,'',-s'.-.'•'•-'',-,1'--5':,'..'•'-:_"',:.-_:•4,'f,'-,''F..,,,;"..';'";'.•---:',:',::N.''',:'-.;,..:.;-;".;..,..:•>-,'.F-.;;Z-:=;';=--,T•:i.."-.;'.7'r S;:,"4,'"',•.'-:'',"':-i':"_'"••,''l:.,,,.,'-...4,;:-:..'.=,..;'•'.'.•'••',''-,.-':7:-:',`%''-..','?,--,,'',.•'3.,.'.'1'.-f-,'->-;:.;-',;,'7.Z..:,'3'''...,‘.,"'.--,7.':."'.:.:':-';:-2,;-•..'-.;,-.-,.'-"„'.-;,.'-:.4:-:,71..•-,4,-'4'.--,-kE'-.`.',:-,..;%--'-,;::-.•.,7_-!-.,,,.;,'''.,i7-.,k'i';-.,_..1-:,;.-;e„,..-'--f-"''_'/,.F2'.F;.4?L'-:',.;,;•.:.-2-::th.,i s•'i--i i,,--,'-:-::7•'„•/-;1',:44'i^';;:,''r•y'::.:.,_M`4,j.1•,':K,.L•-%-:.-•);.-"-•71-,i:.q!5),.M4..!,:.;`..•'7;'4'.&'•'...'..-•.-.••-•1'1•-,•.'2 5,,-,..,/'::1-,,.:`,_"!•,•":.•:','•',•.`•:",---::,j:"..•.!••-,;-.-•,,'.,;.."'',:;,'"3-'7-.'.?:,-.,".4t1.7,:','.,,:1.,-f._-,,i,.-,:..t.a.,.".=•6"Z?-:"::,",i:V..,-r'g:-1.C-.:7.•r':i,•:-..:.7,:1"i.4'•t-•:-.t-:.;.:.::,-"``>-.-:.V'.4:7-1:-t.1,''--:."--:,•i,‘•,.,i,•:,•;-:..:',-',::-_:.•,••'=-;,:;..:•••-;,i-,t A:;,'':';-'.::'1..••,i'-.,.:i:•_-,'.Y-_,-,.•.,i•,•,,---.--.',„'e,7,'".',••n0•,'•L.:{'s,r'..,%-.:-:---'i•%--.:::-ii•:i''..,:P„."if--.-:..,.i';ti.•,4.•.!.,:'..-'F•.,;7.:..--::;'••"::••.•"-•'-.I"-;•!:''A''.-.-'-:.'•';•,•'.-.,".:i',.'.".."•;,K-:::"?;:..-,,'-1-.r,...•-.'.,;ij'%,?',:;,'.,-;,'-1:-"‘z".(,.e.;.,'."4'.„'1,i-i-'4:•-•a*!.•,.."'ei'"r'.1..;.:.•r?••,:1.•.....::..4,i;'.;:•,,:,-▪,..-V,0-4-..".."."••KW,i,:•4'"'%,."'...-',7;'1.•.•f,.•.=eriS".•‘,:-.''P.-„.f,:"i,'.:-,•-.-,.'.-."'7'.'---:.-','..'-;-'"'!''-:=-.-c2• -"7-''.t.,i,:w'1''''.'-•_._"'-'•":""1;';',;.:1':"•....'f;'r,-;-2-:•..:.'..';-.[-...••..;".•:''.•-'''.,•''','''-':'''s,.•1--'4.''4:.1..'-.:..."--ft,';'',..;."-'.....--..,..1:--'.,...•---"--'k 0V ;'..i , ;-%r : • V ii '.'.''!..''4..,-;;•,"`•..,-•,..•-.'--•.:--1-'-'•--,;:-.-...--j•;:• -',,f,'.•:...4.7 "•.: Y'-.,',,...':...:--;:''''''::f,'-.','':.'-''-,•'•:'.:'...':.'':';,'.'''.''7':::'_.-.::1•:--:'f-7-•,•...%.-i*r'..,;.•.-•-,‘,.--,.1,-.,-'.•;R,,:',Z,•,%,,:_•: p, , , . 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"r. c-,-...,-..t.,,-- . • -c.,... ....,,,..• • ....4.t....i..,;, 1:.,...;11,•., -. ... ? ,!. C • ... • . ..:. :•1 .•,. ....; .., . ., . , << ,. . ,1 • j•. BURLINGTON NORTHERN ' Lobby 2 Central Building INDLSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle, Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 624-1900 I . I • �°' /:) i . ^ APR 1977 co-L u� Mr. Gerard M. Shellan R E C E I V D April 6, 1977 City Attorney =" CITY of RENION ti' (pity of Renton �t, CLERK'S OFFICE 1'. O. Box 626 c �' File: RE-344 Part 3 Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. S hellan: N Your file Re: Acquisition of Property. Reference is made to your March 28, 1977, letter concerning the City's request to purchase a portion of our discontinued right-of-way northerly Of the Cedar River, easterly of Logan Avenue, Renton, Washington, and your related request concerning the title we would be willing to convey. i We are reviewing the matter and a determination has not been made concerning your request. Thank you for your patience in this regard.. Yours very truly, I J i. J.--Gordon Manager - Property Management i I i I 1 1 , . , STAt OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CCTtUNITY DEVELOMEN. Fe O e UNIFORMN WASHINGTON STATE CLEARINGHOUS f5CT NYTIFICATION AND REVIEW FORM 1. PROJECT IDEN1IFICATION Uniform Washington' State Clearinghouse Special State Program Nulti-Clearinghouse Identifier Number: Identifier Number: Identifier Number: PROJECT TITLE ' RENTON SENIOR CITIZENS : ACTIVITY CENTER . __-_:.'-2;a1p. 2. APFLICATION J'NFORhiATION Applicant Agency and Mailing Address: City of Renton , c/o Mayor 's Office , Municipal Building , 200 Mill Avenue South , Renton , Washington 98055 Contact Person: Name, Title,-Mailing Addresl, TTelephone _ I W8ESC1I7•FJ . Delaurenti ; Mayor (use address above) ; phone : 206/235-2580 • The Renton Senior Citizens'' Activity Center project involves construction of a 20,000 sq. ft. structure to house a variety of activities serving the needs of Renton-area • senior citizens. • In addition to multi-use and kitchen areas, the structure will contain space designed for recreation, education and health care programs. The Activity Center . will be located on City-owned property immediately across the Cedar River from a . • 73-unit :senior citizen housing development of the Renton Housing Authority. • , 4. PROJECT LOCATION I . Incorporated City Unincorporated Cammmity or other Section, Township and Range or County or Coiii es or Cities Common Area Name if Applicable Street Address if Applicable ' • King Cdunty Renton • N/A 721 N . 1st Street 3. FUNDING INFORMATION - Federal Funds I State Funds Applicant Funds Total Project Cost Grant Loan Grant Loan Cash In-Kind Other • $210 ,000 -0- $ 58,600 -0- $110 ,000 $ 5 ,500 $215 ,900 $600 ,000 Federal Funding Agency fi Sub-Agency H . U . D . ; Federal Program Title Catalog Number • Housing/Community Development HCD : Title I ' Block Grant -- State Funding or Administering Agency State Program Title Dept. of :Social and Health Services IRe erendum 29 6 PLANNING ANDTERMIT INFORMATION, Rnvironmiental Impact Statement Status Relocation (see notes) Water Area Invoived Shoreline Management Permit ' Yes No None Yes . Not Applicable or Exempt ( ) • Is Land Acquisition X River X Project Exempt _ Threshold Determination ( )Yes ( )No ( )Pending Involved _ _ Lake Determination Pending Declaration of Non- Will Relocation be Shoreland — Application Submitted -- Significance (X1Proposed ( )Final Involved _ Salt Water Permit Approved _ _ Has Relocation Plan Tide Wend _ Declaration of Significance ( )Yes ( )No Been prepared X Flood Plain Not Applicable ES 1 . ( )Pending ( )Draft Not Applicable — Not Applicable . Environmental Coordination Procedure Act Process Being Utilized Yes _ •No X Not Applicable ECPA Application Number Comprehensive Plannin List or describe rie ly plans affecting project, include year of completion or adoption (example: city comprehensive plan, law A justice plan, regional sewer and water plan,' comprehensive health plan. . Comprehensive Land Use Plan, adopted 1965/last amended 1976; Shoreline Master Plan, adopted 1976;• Cedar River Master Plan, adopted 1976; 6-year Street/Arterial Plan, adopted 1961/last amended 1976; Fire Master Plan, adopted 1976. • 7 APPLICANT SIGNATURE (To b ed by hief'elected official or legally authorized official) • (Signature) ' v / (Agency) CITY OF RENTON', WASHINGTON 't e Mayor C�i t�of Renton (Date) April 4, 1977 • 8 FOR DISTRICT,CL •'INGHOUSE USE • Designated District Clearinghouse Agency Date Completed Application Received by Clearinghouse Time and Place APplication will be given Final Review by District Clearinghouse I Authorized District Clearinghouse Official (Signature) . 10. FUNDING AGENCY ACTION (For Clearin0ouse Use) e o ency Funding All or a Portion of Project Amount Funding Date Total . I I . „ . . . . ... , , A-95 Supplement Sheet #1 City of, Renton, April 4, 1977 page 1 A. Project Title, Sponsoring Agency and Department: Renton Senior Citizens' Activity Center; City of Renton; Executive Department (the completed facility would be operated by the Renton Parks and Recreation Department) . B. Project Description, Objectives and Needs: 1. See attached A-95 form, Item 3. 2. Short and long-range objectives of the project are the same: To provide needed permanent facilities to house senior citizens' activity and service programs. 3. The project is justified because: a. Renton has a large and growing senior citizen popula- tion; approximaltely 9.5% of Renton s total population is 65 years of age or older. b. Renton is the agency which has traditionally provided senior citizenlprograms in the Greater Renton catch- ' ment area; Renton is the only agency capable of con- tinuing such programs for the area. c. Present senior Icitizen programs are housed in a former elementary school leased (for $1 per year) from the Renton School District; the school building is not for sale and the lease allows for cancellation at' the option of the owner. The present facility, therefore, must be considered a "temporary" solution to senior Icitizen needs. . Senior citizen needs are growing and diversifying; new facilities --- permanent facilities --- are needed in the Renton area. 4. Specific services ;to be housed within the proposed center include recreation (sports, music, dancing, games, con- , tests, etc. ) , education (health, crafts, instruction in rvarious subjects, ;etc. ) , nutrition (meals, diet supervision, ;etc. ) , health (visiting nurses, mobile X-rays, examinations, !testing, etc. ) ; additional services might include group tours, transportation and physical therapy programs. 5. Direct services will be available to the estimated 4,000 persons 55 years of age or older residing within the City of Renton and thelmore than 6,000 persons 55 years of age or older residing within the Renton catchment area. .6. The target papule ion consists of those persons of both sexes and all ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds who are 55 years of age or older. In Renton, the target popula- tion will be 97% Caucasian, 65% female, 67% high school graduates, and a majority will be retired from full-time employment. 7. 'Approximately one calendar year will be required to complete (construction of the senior citizens' activity center; the completed project should serve the community for a minimum period of 20 years. C.. Geographic Area: 1. See attached Renton-area map. . 2. The project site is presently zoned . "L-1" (Light Industry) . 3. Surrounding land Hs zoned predominately "R-2" (Residences) . 4. The site is served by city water and sewer facilities. l , A-95 Supplement pp t Sheet #2 City of Renton, April 4, 1977 page 2 D. Resources: 1. All available city resources, both monetary and in-kind, will be used to assist in completing the project. Such resources may include engineering, survey, planning and clerical services and use of street and utility personnel and equipment (within statutory limitations) . 1 2. Base data from 1970 Federal Census and 1977 City Census sources will be used together with material included in Area Agency on Aging and DSHS surveys and studies. E. Evaluation: 1 . Not applicable. . . 2. Yes, similar programs are planned or in operation in other cities throughout the county; Renton is presently operating programs similar to those proposed for the new facility. 3. The project will be evaluated at least annually by the city as part of an on-going budget process. The basic criterion for renewed annual city funding will be the demonstrated need for the services housed in the facility. • F. Cooperating and/or Participating Agencies or Groups: 1. Several planning and operating agencies, including the Seattle- King County Department of Public Health, the Renton Housing Authority, the Area Agency on Aging, the Renton Park Board, the Renton Senior Citizens ' Advisory Committee, and the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services are cooperating in the design, development and funding of the proposed facility. 2. "Clients" and citizens have been involved at several stages of the planning process; the site selection process involved input from a Senior Citizens' Advisory Committee. Final de- sign processes will involve citizen review and comment phases. G. Budget: 1. See attached A-95 form, Item 5. 2. Total anticipated costs for the facility match the total cost figure in Item 5; these figures represent capital costs. Annual operating and maintenance costs, at full staffing levels, are estimated at $105,500. 3. While it is anticipated that some Federal funding will become and remain available to defray portions of some program costs (e.g., nutrition, health, transportation, etc.) , the city will provide the bulk of operating and maintenance funds from local tax revenues. 4. Not applicable'. . . 1 H. Environmental Assessment: No "significant environmental impacts" are anticipated as a result of the construction of the proposed facility on the site indicated. I. Civil Rights (Affirmative Action Compliance) : 1. Not applicable at this time; the city has a certified, on-going Affirmative Action program and minority persons will partici- pate in all levels and phases of the project. II 1 A-95 Supplement Sheet #3 City of Renton, April 4, 1977 page 3 I. Civil Rights, continued 2. Please refer ito the city's previously filed Affirmative Action Plan for all relevant goals and timetables. 3. Slightly lesSI than 3.5% of the client group to be served is composed of minority persons; 65% of the client group • are females. 1 4. Not applicable. . . NOTES: (to A-95 Form attached) Re: Item 6, "Relocation" The site proposed for the Senior Citizens' Activity Center is the City's present utilities shop and storage yard. No relocation of existing utilities service structures is required to allow construction of the activity center, although the pipe and pipe fittings stored in the yard area will have to belremoved from the site. City plans call !for relocation of the utilities shop -- and the nearby street department facilities -- in any case. However, neither, street nor utilities shop operations will seriously interfere with activity center construction as the site can be entered from several points other than existing shop and yard entrances. A final "relocation plan" has not been approved by the City to date. It is likely such a plan will be approved prior to the start of construction of the activity center. ' I ti 1 k v ift l , t' `' . /4,14 ,, ,,. r i, aifr Jill giLl .\. :: A 1 ,.. , ,, ., ,,,,, t. N \.' Nisilec\tom ii. .., 1.16.mr. ------c___---- ------i N !IMAM „,•• ,i) 's \ 1 ,'I, - L��\'.� LAKE ,‘ \ E"rIriMl,.-l...11ll.iiaWm&Il LpIr 1� p.EB3 , .11�� , WASHINGTON \\. im i ,�'4 .leA I,‘ I- �, r�-- � Ilia--;. „., emu■ , • =, r . mn \___N_ „. 11 k _* a1..r: 11 1e�.: §1uIIllIl 1a..C.i.L.II M4I1L,JI1 LII1.-i idi 1 • rC gib. _ =norms o., 1 vi,mdl1migo/' • I il itNi. mo 411%alaillilifittt4 II ' ...' , 1 . . . I., '111%.(_, ---""titilszatil 1, \,j --. . ,.,- ' _ ._r,..1 I . '\ ..A cr1 \ \ di\ owagi014-T211 - . , , „,„„ ii mer-- - mmi -N qi, 11P- ., ' 1 :) Fillifil I 1— '' s 1 1 ,_ r ion , ifork...74-wro.,4 ..„, . , i 1 villillWor-411 .".... - -74•41 11_Ill 1t . . R : Aft I \,.\:''.., pm w \ , . pe. . . . (, . . , bail, ,---'7,\. 1 ..../ LI - .L% .•., i �) p li I ficl 1 : . \ 1 • LEGEND: ! , Renton City Limits (as of 1 January 1977) • - - -.- Renton "Catchment Area" Boundaries (approximate) Attachment to A-95: Renton Senior Citizens' Activity Center OFFICE OF' !HE MAYOR, CITY OF RENTON 4 April 1977 I F' 't'' 1 e' . '.,;PE -4,...L1 C',..., L , ' .(3(.0.,i,,s,-„k,i L. _, ',- ; :--,:::',, ':.:,::'..,_:, , ....A, \‘.0-.A..,__,,-e.... =ov I .r ,, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY •.REN.TON`T,WASHINGTON. . r —, POST OFFICE BOX 028., 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING -,•, -RENT,ON{WASHINGTON-88055 255.8878. 13 (0' p� �fQ; GERARD M.SHELLAN CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 41' SEPIE�, March 31 1977 ME .MOR' AN=. DUM • I. TO: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Members •of Renton Cit . Coup ii ,c y FROM': Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE Water 1975 arid: Sewer.�'Bo d •n Issue De ar Mayor and. Members of`the City Y. �. ' Counc '.1� � j -; At the last Council Meeting, March 28, ' 1977, a ,question ,was . raised by one of the members: as; to whether all or= any;',portion of the $240, 000:: 00 ' dsignated" for`new',water and sewer shop ee ' facilities in the 1975 bond . issue may be ,spent at a .location. facil - other t an the present facility; `, . The C��i,t. Clerk has furnished us with Ordinance_:No 2.9.30which \. has ,;att 'the d to it, s part Of the Ordinance`', the C'ity.',s,. '"19 75 i. , Sewer,ar d Water Bond Issue Projects" including IItems ,:9 and 18 f which related to a . ''nn,,ew water Nand sewer shop> facility!' in the ' total svm of $240;000. 00. Since no..defini,te- site has been designated it would be our ,opinion ..that,',th.e:;:City, may`expend - the designated' funds, as specified in the ,ordinance 'on . a site other atian tYe.existing one. We have also checked with :the office of 'the Bond Counsel, Mr:1 James' Gay; who ' is' presently out of town However I,�have talked to' sodnetiody else In r. Gay'S' office who has' confirmed fax me .'my _ above{ conclusion, narely that the City ,has the right .to place , said facgility on any bther ':site as we11 an,d is not `confined. t'o : the `ekiting site. If we.can .be of -any further help to you yin this matt0:1',, please , advise. ; We remain , Very truly.„yours, Gerard, M ' Shellan f GMS:bjm. ; Renton City Coun i1 3/28/77 Page 4 Old Business Continued ' .Fire Equipment Two 1500 GPM pumpers at $151 ,.462.10; one .'100'. rear.mount aerial ladder Continued at $107,574. 75�with an alternate to ''furni;sh 1500, GPM pump on aerial ladder at $22, 00. The committee al'so';reported decision against the trade-in units' in favor of keeping,.(1944 Kenworth' 750.GPM pumper ' ($500) and (1 ) 1949 .American LaFrance 750 `GPM pumper ($500) . MOVED . BY. GRANT, . SECOP'DED BY PERRY, COUNCILCONCuR_ IN .RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry,. Mayor Delaurenti notedibank financi.ng ,has ,been arranged';with..short-te.rm:loan, . Council previously concurred in 1% utility tax fund“or..this:purpose. - Committee Chairman explained decision. Pu:rchasing ;Direc.tor:.woul'd: be. able`to arrange sale of two pumper trucks: rather than trade-ink -Upon. .further :inquiry, Public 1. Works Director Gonnason noted ca ty:mech_anacs; wi11: be .able to service new equipment. MOTION CARRIED-ACCEPTING'1 .BID. .OF WESTERN STATES ,FIRE APPARATUS; INC.. FOR, FIRE. EQUIPMENT. Councilman Stredicke requested his "no" vote be recorded becauseof`single bidder and disagreement with ' financial arra gements. .' .' I • . . Earlington Park, Mayor. Delauren.,i noted `.King, County °Co.uncil had;today:.:approved money for Earlington are park in amount' 'of; $52',200.. ` ' m tion . e ard:i ng: Pol i ce De artment Bullet Proof Councilman Stredicke requested informa , r, g , g p Vests bullet proof vests,, whether used, comf,ortable: and :whether or not funds need, to be budgeted for replacement: : - : , . 'Community Community',Serv,ices Committee .Chairman;'Seymour-Thorpe presented committee Services report recommending Council: designates,ite on, north side of Cedar River . Committee Report at Logan Aver N'. as the location of the Senior Citizen Activity Center . and park. for. h ndicapped persons,_ and the :Council direct the Administra '. Location of Park tion to proceed with negotiations" and%;or°other_ �legal .. steps necessary for Senior an Handicap® for acquisition of property.. MOVED BY :STRED'ICKE,. SECONDED BY THORPE, Citi COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. ' Upon :.i.nquiry ofCouncilwoman Shinpoch • Logan re effect on Senior Citizen .Housing funds,-, be.ing:,advised by Housing and the. North Authority Memb r, Kay. Johnson,.preliminary .comm•itmentfor HUD in proxim- Bank of the ity not predicated on location, Mayornotinq additional paper work needed Cedar River for HUD. Upon 'ainquiry, Councilwoman Thorpe', explained,, property, consists . of City-owned Shops and Burlington. .Northern property, that the City Shops . property purchased .by Cumulative'Reserve .Funds and -never. transferred to, Utility propert1y; that the City, is n.ot .:encroaching.:on. City. Shopslproperty, negotiations underway for B:N: property, that park designed with special. I ' consideration flor facilities for .handicapped persons. Planning Director ' Ericksen advised two 'story building planned, some f..unding available for site acquisition and design, ,but _'no .funds available for construction of ' . - facility at.this . time:, building';funds wo.uld.;have. to.=come from'other source ' . ' such as..federal .funds, that. aniticipate';buil:ding;in .3 to 5 years. Discus ' sion of.moving the City Shops: ensued,`:Mayor Del.aurenti .noted financial impact report forthcoming. Councilwoman Thorpe noted Senior Citizen '. Jmusing planned on .south side:'of Ceda:r: RiverHat Logan :Ave. , Mayor noting 73 units planned for area, thatcondemnation °proceedings. would be needed • to procure additional American :Legi:on :.proper.ty:::::' .Pedestrian bridge !at ' Logan noted. to join housing ,to:p.ark Mayor Delauren.ti noted, no funds. available for ov.ing of City Shops. , MOVED-BY..GRANT,..:SECONDED ,BY PERRY, ., .ADMINISTRATION PREPARE IMPACT,:.REPORT. ;IUCa'UDING. SUCH .RAriIFICATIO.NS,` AS . RELOCATION OF .THE CITY SHOPS:, : Counci,lwor�tan�-Thorpe .noted this report . d would cover impact of location -and',design'::,'` Counc'ilman'ClyMer note , City '. does have funding .for the park and: deadline :".for�owne.rship and commitment I ' by June 1 , asking-.Council and.Administration:to.:wor.k-:toge.ther. AME',NDING . MOTION CARRIED. Councilman ,Stredick;e' .requested,;Ci ty` Legal :.Department ' check $3,000,000 water and sewer.-bond: issue re :moving. of City Shops, or relocation .in .another- area::' MOTION:,CARRIED -APP',ROVING COMMUNITY .SERVICES ' . COMMITTEE. REPORT ESTABLISHING LO.CATION, OF.SENIOR'.:C.I.TI'.ZENS': AND HANDICAP- ' 1 ' PED CITIZENS,' PARK AT LOGAN :AVE, N': ,.AND:NORTH:-.BANK::OF CEDAR .RIVER: 1 ' Human Rights ,`„ Councilwoman Shinpoch noted °situation with Cityuman Rights and :Affair.s Commission.with no funds for professional advice„ or pursuit of case; - . . . against the` citi', noting that if.this shou• ld occur in the futurehand the ' Humana Rights•.Commi ss i on position ';does :not :prrevai l , ,decision by 'the Com- ' mi.ss.ion should be _predicated' on merit and not.on l:ack.-ofH funds;.. Upon ' ' inquiry, Mayor .Delaurentt noted ;funds;must2 be.included i:n preliminary budget and approved by Council... a y:Autorneyadvised •the 'es'tab- • lishinq ordinance was for'..advisory body, :which :.doesn't prevent individual ' from bringing suit in the event ofdamauc- _ ' . : , : 71 . „' ,:a.i^: : h A ry, ,.i / ' VS {` `^ .T' <^tom f f ;'�ti=i' s.. `-hr e ,per ^�J' ',C- - a•,.7 r•'3' i!•t p�R. } •2' r' ` , CY' �1.Iti,aft !Ia:);•F +�•,�,l:)i i'F. -:�.�'t°IS'c.,i. 7.. . 1:=,\;' !�( '� ,,": "�.. �OF�F`ICE�'OR�;�Z''HE�;'`C.I:T'Y� ATTORNEY-�,RE NTON;vVASHINGTON.• • •''l .,hr ,21. `'``.T"""'';i POST OFFICE B0X E2q':;�:100'•and'AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON Q8035 _ 235-0678 • ;'Q":,=?<;, Lt..Y i.:r'',r'?;.;;=,GERARD;M;.',S,I PL?,N,cirv,erT.OA r•IEr. LAWRNCE J WARRENE . . ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY OANEY EPt '' 4:` `February , 19 77 :'i ..*i'i; .:Sip'.'' r'4h1. :.j' ; „.-'-i711 .'! • Mn;:: • Gordon'>'E•rickseri='<:1:; '. ';f, .Planning Directori=-•�;' .T• ' City-, - -....ramY. . Hall`'..::;.:;,,_;'.':;:;,. ;_�:.::.£`. .>• • .. 'Renton`,'•Washington 980.55.' .. `,A.' ;;y. r'y.Ci riz`en& Activity•:Center,`Project Re': Serii;o: t' • , A.:.,',.. ::Ac iii:sition - Dear ;Gordon:: ,. • . •As."you :,kinw, : a�}:Npre1:iminary:..l�imited''liability. report has'• been s:ecur:ed' from',`tk ets=Title` Co any :'re ardin .the,'',.property. used :` - IIm y b :t'lie:='-Railro'ad:'`:'anc1 wh:�i''ch was`;,conveyed •to: i.t:,'b• Henry' '.YYes.l`er %' of�"'a' .,.:,'Right;=of`-wa` `;Deed- ;dated March- "30 1891, Said . by ;means, g; • - 'vers:' :a::, deedlla's. a ,re: a.'ariax r' cl`ause=;.effective' wheri:..tYie 'property 1 ` _ ceasi_s�� tot';b ;,a:-s.edfor�>rrai1•r: 0ad._:PurPo ses , � -. .. , • , :i' '•nir 4. 4 , ' : I ' ' -d 'TYe'' � - le':Co an 'has;alsofmished us '-with::.alist ofthe ,, '' Yesler'=heirs' but.;their..where'abouts. are most likely unknown.' 'ish',to_ contact ;.the: Railroad' to ., ,; • -l-t-;•��-;��.: `s,ug:gesae�d .that`.;,.: • our":ma ��w Railroad' de:termiai'e';;wha't ins;tr'ument- `of":;,conveyance ,they;,'would furnish' • • : , to'' _the •,Ci'ty. •for :this; needed:right ::of, way and .whether i,t .would : ' - Warrant,:;'titler,toy".the .',City -Possibly the Railroad:has cleared. `i the title' with`:'the,::Yesl'er.'•Es'tate' some years•.'ago, in which •case •;• .. there.'-.' ould,=;be .;no;,::nee'd:,,:to ursue •:it'. • ' '.C9',i. - •• r- : - of ," • e Please`.'let� .us...-have;`z your-='`-.thou� hts on 'this matter. - Y- ,.,. g . r aii'. We :ein ., '.'. 'Yours •very truly '�'. - - ,:li.,+^ ., .. °':.:.` '.• Gerard P . Shellan 1,., - ,.2,,';;' .'Cit Attorne • . -GMS i nd. ' A Service of ,� 720 Second Avenue Sea Washington 98104 s.: ';,eiiv Transamerica Corporation s ` (206,3, 62U-5555. • . , S~ . Transamerica tie Insurance Co LIMITED LIABILITY REPORT ' • Shellan 04 Rain', Attorneys at Law..,. Order No. 425574 - - • 100 South Second. Street --cuilding' Renton, :C,Washington 98055 :, Charge $'63:24 . This is report. as of January 25, 1977, at 8 : 30A. M. , covering the • property,' hereinafter de,scribed. • The information. contained herein is ' .restricted to ' the use of the addressee, and is `not• to. be used' .as ;a. b'asis for closa.n any transaction ,affecting title to said property. Liability . - .is limited to the charge • made for this certificate. DESCRIPTION: : as' .hereto attached - . VESTED IN: „E NORTHERN;" PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, formerly ' NORTHERN, PACIFIC and. PUGET SOUND SHORt RAILROAD COMPANY. EXCEPTIONS: , •'' Ao ' General taxes for 1977 ii the •sum:Of $2, 77.8 . 91 ,, payable•.February 15,, 1977;.. (Tax Account No: 072305 098-05) „ General itaxes for 1977 i' the sum, of $1, 445 .52 , payable February 15 , 1977; . . (Tax Account No.. 182305-9264-00). , ' . ' • (Together "oth, account 'n ,' s. „cover property herein described), . . 1, EASEMENT, AND THE TERMS.. ND. CONDITIONS THEREOF: :'Disclosed . By: - • .` Instrument recorded under :...Auditor's File No. 4952098; Purpose:' 4.:• S:treet purposes, •and grade crossing,;, Area Affected: : That portiono'u of the Southeast 1/4 :of the, Sth- ,east 1/4 of the Southeast '1/4 of Section 7 and :of G- '. : overnment Lot 1 of• Section 18', .Township 23 ' ' • North; -Range. 5 East, W. -:M. lying within 50 feet .measure;d at right angles , from the centerline • . . g g ' . •of the main track of the Railway Company' s Belt . . .'Line' as. :now constructed. and within 40 feet •• measured at right -angles or radially, • froth the following described. street centerline . . Commencing at the point of intersection of the - 'continued 1 . . t' - P e 2 a 9 • 1 , . Or.der,.:No. 425574 Paragraph 1 continued -. i • . . center. line of .'Burnett Street North with the center line of Fourth;Avenue 'Nor.th; . • thence..West along• a. West production of ' . . the, .center line of Fourth Avenue North a di's- ,.tance of '30 feet to a. point of curve; thence Southwesterly along a curve 'to the - 1',eft • ' having.: a radius of 190....48 feet, •through :an : ,.angle of 73°36 '.00 a distance of 244 :68 feet to . .. a point' of tangency; • - : ,,thence Southwesterly in a straight line tangent to said.. curve a distance of 244 0 feet to a point , . af, curve; ' . thence' Southwesterly: along: curve to - the right having a radius'.of 141. 5 feet, through-,an angle "of approximately45° to a' point in Logan. Street . _ . -. 2 . EASEMENT,!', AND THE TERMS AND,.CONDITIONS .THEREOF: 'Disclosed B_y: :` Instrumen:t. recorded under . " - I • ' 'Aud;itor' s File No. ' 6494229 ; . ;., - . ', purpose::, ' .. . Highway .purposes and ,g.rade crossing; , - Area Affect d: -Over. portion of property. herein described . . . .' .in. Government Lot 1 in Section 18. 3. : Restriction imposed by, instrument: recorded on April '14 , 1891 under I_ -Auditor' s File No. 767644n 'Volume 128 of Deeds , '-on. page 213 , but omitting restrictions , if any, .based on :race, color, relig.ion, .or national origin.' (COPY ATTAC E,D). ' ' • 4 MORTGAGE AND THE TERMS ,AND'CONDITIONS •THEREOF: . .. , Mortgagor : - ' Northern "Pacific Railway Company; , Mortgagee: : ' .' The-:Farmer' s Loan and Trust Company;" ' Amount :. • - ' $19'0 .:000:,000. 00 - . Dated: ' ' .November 10, 1896 . ' Recorded: .December :28, 1896 . Auditor' File No: ' 153717 ,and recorded. in Volume 137 of Mortgages," . . `on:-°page 92 . . First National C tY. •Bank` is; now the .successor Trustee. . , Covers property . herein descr'ibed ,and_ other property. .. . . . 5 ' MORTGAGE AND THE TERMS A . D CONDITIONS THEREOF: : Mortgagor,: Northern Pacific Railway ,Company.; j Trustee : The. Mercentile Trust Company; Amount: ' - $130 ;000,.000 ..0'0'. ' . ' Dated: ' ' November , l.0 , 1896 . Recorded ' ' becember ' 28 , .1896 Auditor's A File No: 153716... and' recorded in. Volume 137 of' Mortgages,, - on page 1'. 1 continued . 1 1 f Page 3' Order No. 425574 Paragraph continued The Bankers Trust Company is now the successor Trustee. Covers property herein described and other property 6 . Mortgage, .i the nautre...oE a Deed of Trust, and supplemental indentures, on opera'ti 'g properties nd 'other property, made .by .Burlington Northern, Inc. , a pe aware corpora_ ion to Morgan Guaranty' Trust Company of, New York,, 'a Ne York corporapion,;' and Jacob M. Ford II,. as Trustees, dated March 2,y1 70, . recorded :'March 3, 1970 under Auditor' s File No. 6625578, to secure bond issue o'f $58, 500, 000.00 Covers property herein described and other property. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE CO. , BY CD .\)-n - . ��:�>J 1.GK:-1��� k. df/TAC ' i Y" ;I . ilanuary 25 ' 1977 -, - Order No. ; 425574 DESCRIPTION ' ' , . That portion of- the 100 foot railroad right-of-way; lying contiguous ;with the Easterly margin of ogan Street North as established by 'deed recorded : under Auditor' s File. No.- 3281287; ALL in. Government .Lot I in Section 18, Township1 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M.', in King County, Washington; '„ AND than portion of sai right-of-way located in .Section 7., Township 23 • . North, Range 5 East, ..W. M. , in King County, Washington being described as ' follows : ' . Beginning 100 feet more or less West. of the Southeast corner of the1South= east 1/4,1 of the Southeast 1/4 in-` said Section 7,'_, • ' AND at 4 point 50' feet_ to Easterly of center line of location of , N. P. & : ' P.. S. S.; R ' les •measured, at right angles thereto.; running thence .N1orthoasterly :50, feet. from and parallel to said center line to the East boundary of' said Southeast 1/4. of the Southeast 1/4 in Section ; 7; thence North along 'said East line' to the North side of said Southeast 1/4 • • of the S�ou-heast 1/4 in Section. 7,; thence West 'to a point 50 feet. West of said railroad center line; • • thence Slouch and Southwesterly 50. feet from and parallel to said , center line to th South line .of said Southeast '1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of . . Section '7 ;� , .- . . thence 'East to point. of eginning;'> . , . • . , ALL situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. i I , 1 . 11 :. ,1 •y ii 1 . ' Ili'I • ' � . . ' " hi ii'I:'lTrr ', id. W,ry 014`,1 , f f I' I'' I� ,; • . il,; 11 or .1 This...er d:enau,rye:':;rriad`e.;•and,:;'eri,tered ;into this th;i,.rteenth day,.of'Plarch•. , ' 1l391 . by;and' 'between fenry''L- JY.esler'• and J. U: 'Lovnnan• Trustee for II'.,• I.., - Yesler. of;;'t:h:e':,county :;.of King in the State of Washington - parties of the, - . • -. •f;irst part ,and th.e`:14orhern ..Pacific.: and .Puget' Sound Shore -Rai l,road •Comp- - ' ah,y a corporaat•ion,;du k:,,incorporsated 'and, existing ..under the Paws` of'.the•' ' . Ter.now-'S•ta'te,';.of;;Washington,..par'ty of'-the second part: tlitnesseth,'tha;t for'.' •• ,;: and i n :consjiderat,rorlY'of. the'_'sum `of one dollar -,i n, 1'awful money of the.-U,n i ted "' States:-States... .:sa',id-,par.ty oaf, the.;fi':.rrst part. in hand paid by. said 'Orly .of• the •. . ' s.econd-`part`,the" rece p:t;w}ereof;i:s' herby acknowledged the said'•part ies, of, . ,', • . . the. fir,s't''.�p;' art'y,,have°;gra•nted.'ari,d.':h'er.eby.:d'o, g.rant'''to( the' said party of-the::, :., ..•, .' , • second::pa.r,ti;t .s`u(ccess`i`ons'.;and assigns a right. of, way ,one hundred(.100) .. , ..... : feet :in.•w.idt�h :'for''''tae'''.`constructi:on,, operation ;and .,maintenan.ce .of' .said ,r'ail - ' . - road company'':s' propose d line••o;f railroad,', on over,`.across and-through t he .: . , following .d-e'sc,rjbed::'tra‘ets ;or,.pa_rcels; of .1 and.•,situated in. King .County .4 •'•"i. .. . ' . State of ,'Washi,ng.to:n(;;ars .follows',.;'to rit:[Lot one. (�l'.);, Section eighteen . (T8) ' also. the ..SE,-;',,. of""t:h`eTSE;4"of: Section. Seven: (7 ), all :with in.: 'Township ,twenty7g 'three 23 `N:,,�of•'..'Ran'ge'::�.f"i:ve 5 E. .W.M. ''said • right of, way• containing 4 100 ' ; .ac'res rirore,-or.: 1`ess: .,.The"-.right;,of way..:,in last described tract.'may;be 'more :' particularly`-'described;.a fol:'lows:' ...;Beginning :100;;f,t: ,more or;'; less West o�f,,.,, „the SE c_orner:;'..o;f t'he. SE'4 of $ 4'.:'sa..id Sec: 7. .:and,:at `a Point-.5.0 .,f.t..:, to east- .' erly, of .cen'ter•-,.'1',1ii;e' of:.`'l•ocat;i.o.n;t,of. N:•P.'& P.'S•.S: R', ';:les.•measured' `at -_righ't .a.ngl' s 't,hereto ;-,.;runni1ng,.1:thence. northeasterly, 5Q.:aft:''',from and.'para'llel•' to'`. .• 'r': - s�rid center 1'i,:ne'•,,to:::the_:`E.: ibounda.ry,:.of said SF':,.,of ::SF:'., Sec... .I thr,,nce ,rror.th • a long .5.ai'd,,, east'.1'pineto,:,','0'..-.;.:S•idi'e'.,:*'of.,-sai di of said SE,'.; of.-Si`'„ .Sec 7'.thence • ' vies to a,,` i`n po :t;;,5,p;-ft; west of said ra;i,lroad center line, thence south and , o,u thwes ti'.r-.l y`:50 f t,,'<frour and';..para l l el...-to said center l i to S.. 1 i ne '..of • • said SE'':, of.':SE:'.,- Sec 71. '.`t:hence_ East to. point of begirnnin and said ,partie ,,s • - p . ()IL. tlii,,;,:f'irst. p irt .have.:'-;granted ::1,harya i•ned, and- sold ian. 'Iy', Ihe.se'.l'�r:e`a'rr;ts` do tj 'a i, nt,•barga.in, sell: an1d ;;convey:.and..:wa,rrant , to sa•id'�.:pa► ty o,f the ',second, part ' ., and to its,•.successors.:._a`nd ass',i:g,n's\:'a:s,.'an:d for.. s,utry.: i:g�ht:o•f way'a', stripi•:':; ',• of! l and., 50'fee't.:.i:n•::!wi'd;th'..:on :eac'h'':.s'ide:.of:'the ''ce:n tre 4-Fife of said',:.pro posed • : • railroad:. a's Iiertofore•;sur,veyed:,and now .locat'ed;•:'ar.d•,•sta.led out- 'and graded, •., • . ,. '• and hereafter' to :.be.:.`co:ilstruq,ted.,,o,perated, and -ma i:n-tained'. upon. ,across .over' ' • and 'through, t°he land hereinbefor�edesc:ribed.. : To have and ,`to, 'hol'd 'the said . ', .strip1 ofland to,':the.ls:a:i-d>;,parr:tp.-:•of°:the>.s',eco.nd ;part'; it,s:: succes,sors•'and assigns' same'shalh'.be, used for railrcaacl. nl,rtroSPS: . Witness. oril h ids and. sea.ls. thTs. 30 day of March 1tt91 . ?:A;.!,.ail,;', . . . . . 'r t Y:a -y , F y727 v,;�♦, i^- a,)"Rv,�',-•.�. ma ,zSyT;,iiJ lS ,-, - , ��f,,,,x, a":a , x�,,�{ f '� :, .. rl Yh C,..' %, . d y '+, ` � F =T' ' 7l l . , 1 '` J •i t tY 4 , ` a .4 % �'Wagy r.i 4f - Y• m 1r, �-.: �. , ! tt ,,. - k I � 'K • I .'I. � F RENTON I COUNCILMEN EflTY AN, AHorn.y ON, Health Meer B. J. RICHARDSON, Prnid.rit CHARLES DELAURENTI WART, Chl.f of Police KING, COUNTY, WASH. STEVE TAMBORINI HERMAN FREYMAN USER, JR., Polio) ludo. JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor J. L. DAVIDSON OLIN HANSEN 7H, Enpr. 5 Supt. of Ulillli.o DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Tr.aturtr WALTER REID ARNOLD HAGEN NCE, Fire CM.f I WILEY CROOK, Clerk GEORGE D. SWIFT HUGH BRUCE THOMAS.TRIMM ANDREW GIGLI ,!,_ October 25, .1950 ; : I M . Wiley Crook; City Clerk Renton, Washington 1 I ' Dear Wiley: '1 • Enclosed for your office records are the following: ! (a) Warranty Deed from Wm. F. Bennett and wife I' I toCity of Renton, dated Jan. 21, 1949 con- veying portion of :Gov' t. Lot 1, Section 18 Twp 23 North, Range 5 - the Tract northerly from City Garage. This deed was recorded .October 14 in Vol. 2986 of deeds, page 654, records of King County under Auditor's No. .468226 (b) Washington Title Ins . Co. Policy No. B-335189 insuring the Title to the City of Renton under , the above Warranty Deed, in the amount of $8500.00. This 'title policy was furnished by Bennetp as Seller, together with documentary stamps! on the deed. i I ! , (c) Quit-claim deed from Wm. F. Bennett and wife to City of Renton, dated Mar. 21, 1949 gait- , claiming all interest in an area which is 1 I within the boundaries of Burnett St. North, ' formerly Williams St . North. This deed was recorded Oct. 11, 1950 in Vol. 2985 of Deeds, . 5& I page 635, under Auditor' s No.4067069. • \ 1 / The descriptlion of the property . under the first mention- i ed Warranty peed above is the corrected description as determined by City Engineer Highton and agreed to byTom ! Dobson as broker for Seller Bennett, and as approved by the City Council® V®r 1 you , ALH;vs 1 THU_ -__ t'�'`.•i».•.;i: `i`�'Y�ii:'f}i'r'7t+�N Ennis . CityAttorney. i' • x;:�-'1Y* ;"axN= .L -, , . .-Ws,:.r :aaar %?ia %wi'r.S1l.da: 3:R(tv 4w,JwrYfd` %a1+(� sa5i+Vs h�S�.' rikniiLa�r !L ;" - 1 .^,:� I. :-I . . CITY ' OF RENTON, ,BASHING.ON 1 ORDINANCE NO . 3043 AN ORDINANCE OP ,THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ,. , , PROVIDING- FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS WHEREAS the i ty; of Renton, Wash i,ng torl has heretofore ; - recei- ed certain excess :revenues in excess of e.: tiiLrte_CI• '•eve:.tlt.:.es for ti e calerdar'. year 1976 , and :WHEREAS 'it'is:. necessary and advisable to appropriate and ' 1 tra..nsxer. from.such `excess.revenue into "the below mentioned fund. to !finance various .community developments as approved by H .U. D. I. and such appropriation :being necess-ary and in the public interest and, f r.':the,` p:uDlic` b,ene:fit, NOW THEREFORE .,THE; C'I.TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON!, - D06 ! ' ORDAIN AS FOI OW-S,: SECTION`I.: . • .:Tie' Director. of Finance is hereby authorized ; : and directed .to provide for the following appropriation and i traLsfer` I` FROM:: See '•Exhibit "A"':' attached hereto UNTO : :;;.:See Exhibit "A" .attached hereto i I SE,CT,ION.':II-:i. :`4This Ordinance shall 'be effective upon its passage,, approval and:- five days after its publication. PASSED' BY' THECI,TY' COUNCIL this 26th day of July, 197.6j. 1 De ores A. Mea , Cz Cler. - - I A� ur 26th day July ,APPROVED BY THE, MAYOR; this of July , 1976 . Ap v d as t form:. - • ,.c"...-.. �;y /_/ , _' ' C_.' -._' �l fie4,,r,6,-.- : .' . - , . .. - Charle :. .pelaureiiti,. Mayor ' Jd M S?;�eI n , (. it . Atc �.rne`` ' y I Y 1 Date of Publication: 7:-30-7.6 i 1 1 I• . EXHIBIT "A" • ORDINANCE NO. APPROPRIATE FROM: UNANTICIPATED REVENUE (Federal Housing & Community ' . ' Development Grants) ' • 1 Planning& Implementation (CD-243-76) $33,257 i Senior Citizen Activity Center (CD-244-76) 97,429 Cedar Center Park (GD-245-76) 4,414 , Renton•Gr;een River Habitat and Greenbelt • Acquisition (CD-246-76) 4,900 Preventive Health Services (CD-249-76) 10,167 Cedar River Trail (D-154-76) 92,100 $242;267 APPROPRIATE UNTO: CURRENT 1UND - PLANNING DEPARTMENT , 000/07.538.00.00.00 OUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' 31.00.00 PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (CD-243-76) 10.00 Personal Services 11.00 Salaries & Wages $24,060 . (1976 salaries . . . . $ 7,516) (Reserve for 1977 . . 16,544) ($24,060) ' 13.00 ' Personnel Benefits ($1,268 - 1976) 13.01' ' Retirement 1,. 452 13.02 FICA 440 13.03 Prepaid Medical. 229' 13.05 'Industrial Insurance 25 13.06 Life Insurance • 23 13.09 Prepaid Dental 99 10.00 Total Personal Services $25,328 20.00 Supplies 22.00 Operating Supplies $ 2,880 20.00 !- .;Total Supplies $ 2,880 30.00 Other Services & Charges 31.00 Professional Services 31.01 Consultants $ 1,393 32.00 Communication 1,856 33.00 Transportation 33.01 Travel & Training 800 42.00 Miscellaneous 760 30.00 ! Total Other Services & Charges $ 4,809 60.00 Capital Outlay ' 64.00 Machinery & Equipment $ 240 60.00 Total Capital Outlay $ 240 31.00.00 TOTAL PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION $33,257 32.00.00 ` SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITY" CENTER (CD-244-76) 30.00 Other Services & Charges -. 31.00 Professional Services 31.01 Consultants $35,463 30.00 . Total Other Services & Charges $35,463 • 60.00 Capital Outlay 61.00 Land $61,966 ' 60.00 Total Capital Outlay $61,966 ' 32.00.00 ! TOTAL` SENIOR CITIZEN ACTIVITY CENTER $97,429 33.00.00 CEDAR CENTER PARK (CD-245-76) 30.00 Other Services & Charges ' 31.00 Professional Services i 31.01 Consultants $ 4,414 30.00 1 Total Other Services & Charges $ 4,414 ' 33.00.00 TOTAL CEDAR CENTER PARK $' 4,414 I . . 1,e-1e A.,...•'v..: 1 --'' , '' . '-,,, - ' 1_ -,/. , . . . • ' EXHIBIT "A" - Cont. ' ' ORDINANCE NO. . . , . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . APPROPRIATE UNTO: CURRENT, FUND:' PLANNING DEPARTMENT . ,. . , • . . - 000/07.538.00.00.00 OUSING & OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 34.00,A0.' RENTON GREEN RIVER HABITAT & , „ - , • GREENBELT ACQUISITION (CD-246-76) . . , — - :' . 60.00- ' Capital Outlay ' . 61:00 Land ' $ 4,900 ' 60.00 . Total Capital Outlay $ 4,900 . . 34.00.00. , TOTAL GREEN RIVER. HABITAT & GREENBELT'ACQUISITION ' • . $ 4,900 . 1 ' , . 1 , 35.00.00 PREVENTIVE,HEALTH SERVICES (CD-249-76) ' 30.00 'Other Services & Charges • -31.00 . . :: PrpfesSional Services . .. 31.01 • : Consultants $ 9,967 30.00 Total Other Services & Charges - - $ -9,967, . , • 60.00 . . Capital Outlay '64.00 ' ' Machinery & Equipment $ 200 .60.00- Total Capital Outlay - $ 200 , 35.00.00 TOTAL PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES ' $- 10,167 ' ! . . . • . • . , . 36.00.00.: CEDAR RIVER TRAIL (D-154-76) 1 . 20.00 Supplies '. 22.00 : OPerating Supplies $ 4,360 , . 20.00 . - Total Supplies ' $ 4,360 • 30.00 • Other Services & Charges , . I . 31.00 :ProfeSsiOnal Services , . . 31.01, ' . Consultants S12,000 . ' 32.00 Communication 500 , 1 30.00 '-Total Other Services & Charges $12,500 60:00 . Capital Outlay , . 1 - ' 61.00 . Land . ' 05,440 , 65.00 '- • Construction Projects 29,800, , 60.00 Total Capital Outlay S75,240 .36.00.00 ' TOTAL CEDAR RIVER TRAIL $ 92,100 , . GRAND TOTAL , S242,267 1 , ! . , . , . , , . 1 . , . . ,. ! . , . . . . - , . . , . ! . . . ! • . , . . . - • ' . , . 1 . , 1 . , . . . , . . . . . 1 . . . OT' 11 vv V OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON 4t O • Q POST OFFICE Box 828. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASNINGTON 98055 255.8678 .15 0 �Q' GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN. ASSISTANT CITY AT•i ORNEY 44-0 SEPit�O March 28, 1977 MEMORANDUM . TO : PI' trivia Seymour-Thorpe, Councilwoman FROM: • Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney• • Re: Acquisition of Burlington Northern Property r � . Dear. Pat: C-� ��%+-�✓ Thank you for your Memorandum received today regarding the above captioned matter. Pleiase be advised that- I contacted Mr. Steve Meyer of the Burlingtoln Northern as a follow-up to our letter of Marlch 1, 1977 , regarding their right Of way property. Mr . Meyer agreed to discuss this matter with the Ra5.l:roerl ' s legal department to determine whether they would in6titute an appropriate "quiet title action" in order to vest good title in] the City • • His initial proposal was to convey to the. City by means of a "Quit Claim Deed" in consideration of the prevailing market price of 0. . 00 • to $1. 25 per square foot. It was our response. that -any_ such payment must be based on clearand sufficient title to the City since any reversion to the original grantor, his heirs and assigns, would ' leave nothing to the Ra.lroad. to sell. • I have not heard from Mr. Meyer but I am following it up with another letter. • In the meantime , we assume that the Mayor has discussed with yoju our prior negotiations with the American Legion and the Renton Housing Authority. A. survey is to be undertaken to determine hlow much property the RHA could give up and possible acquisition of! an additional area from the American Legion to place the Senior Citizens Activity Center on the same site as the housing facilities . Iihave had no further word on this matter up to this time. We shall be glad to discuss this matter further with :you at your ; convenience. • • Gerard M. Shellan • G_tit S • nd •