HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark Rules & Regulations History (1954 - 2008) r CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I. • RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 4 7 i ,A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ,ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE PARK RULES AND iREGULATIONS. EREAS, the Parks Commission has established certain rules and regulations for the 7 manageme t of the properties under its supervision, entitled"Park Rules and Regulations;" and W EREAS,these Park Rules and Regulations were last revised in 2005; and WH REAS, some sections of the current Park Rules and Regulations are now obsolete I 1 or inconsist nt with current laws; and WH REAS, city staff has drafted revisions for the "Park Rules and Regulations;" and WHEREAS, these proposed revisions are included in the attached Exhibit A, Park Rules and Regulations; and WHEREAS, at its November 20, 2007 meeting, the Parks Commission recommended that the revi ed Park Rules and Regulations be adopted by the City of Renton; and WH 'a REAS, the City Council has reviewed these proposed amendments to the Park 1 Rules and R gulations; NO , THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. 1 SECTION II. The proposed amendments to the Park Rules and Regulations, as 1 set forth in Exhibit A, Park Rules and Regulations, are approved, authorized and adopted by the Renton City Council. 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3947 SECTION III. A copy of the revised Park Rules and Regulations shall be filed with the City Clerk. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5 t h day of May , 2008. 64-- 40• 1-/a e 6 J Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 5 t h day of Ma v , 2008 r 1 ictia i,i, ktr" i I Denis Law, Mayor pprovee:as to form: awrence J. Warren, Cit Attorney S.1338:4/21/08:scr 7 I I I 1 I I I 1 2 I I 1 i I'I RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 4 7 EXHIBIT A Park Mules and Regulations Autl orized by Ordinance No. 4,419. Amended by Ordinance No.5155. Amended from Ordinance No. 11,431 and No. 1476. Resolution No. 3555 adopted March 18, 2002; Resolution No. 3751 adopted May 9, 2005. A. (General Provisions 1 Section 1. Priority of Use Program and activities scheduled by the Community Services Department will have first priority for use oif parks and facilities. Otherwise, use of parks and facilities will be on a"first-come first- served" asis. I[ Section 2. Designee of Administrator The term"Administrator"shall mean the Community Services Administrator. The authority granted herein to the Administrator is granted to the Administrator's designee. Section 3. Exemptions from,Rules and Regulations •I' Rules and Regulations related to possession of Weapons & Fireworks (Section B3) do not apply to law enforcement personnel or to persons performing assigned duties as authorized by the Administrator. •ii R.iles and Regulations related to Overweight Vehicles in Parks (Section B6) do not apply to City of Renton maintenance vehicles or emergency vehicles. • , R les and Regulations related to Wildlife Harassment (Section B7) do not apply to wildlife c ntrol efforts authorized by the Administrator. •II R les and Regulations related to Domestic Animals in Parks (Section B11) do not apply to la enforcement K-9 officers in the conduct of their official duties or to animals used by in ependent contractors if required in performance of the contract. 11 R les and Regulations related to Parking and Moorage (Section C10) do not apply to park • I'rr m intenance and law enforcement watercraft. B. Citim nal Violations I j Section 1 Posting of Signs Except as uthorized by the Administrator, it is unlawful to use, place or erect any signboard, sign, billbo rd, bulletin board, post, pole, or device of any kind for advertising in any park; or to attach)any notice bill, poster, sigh, wire, rod, or cord to any tree, shrub, railing, post, or structure within,any park; or to place or erect in any park, a structure of any kind. 11 Section 2 Park Closing li Unlessloth rwise posted, it is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time, except when engaged in activities, programs, or events scheduled by the Community Services Department. EXHIBIT A—p. 1 I, j RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 4 7 Section 3. Weapons & Fireworks Except as otherwise permitted by law, it is unlawful for a person to possess in any park, ahy fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bow and arrow(s), BB gun, paint ball gun, or slingshot. It is unlawful for any person to possess firearms in any park except as otherwise permitted by law. Section 4. Alcohol It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any park except in areas designated by the Parks Commission. Designated areas are 1) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire's licensed premises; and 2) designated areas of the Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Activity Center facilities as part of a facility rental. All activities shall comply with all Washington State Liquor Control Board requirements. Section 5. Swimming Areas It is unlawful for any person to disobey rules, signs, or lifelines designating swimming areas. Swimming shall be permitted only within these areas. All persons using designated swimming areas shall obey all posted rules and/or the instruction of lifeguards, facility managers, or other authorized Community Services Department employees. No person shall give or transmit;a false signal or false alarm of drowning. Section 6. Overweight Vehicles in Parks It is unlawful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds or a maximum width of over 102 inches to use the road in any park of the city except for places set apart for such purposes by the Parks Commission and designated by signs. Section 7. Wildlife Feeding & Harassment It is unlawful in any manner to tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, injure or kill, throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon, any animal, bird, or fowl in any manner; or to feed any fowl or bird in any park. Section 8. Concessions, Sales, Commercial Activities, Distribution & Posting Pamphlets It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless authorized in writing by the Administrator: • Operating a fixed or mobile concession, or traveling exhibition. • Soliciting, selling, offering for sale, peddling, hawking, or vending any goods or services. • Advertising any goods or services other than the direct handing of written adve�tisiing to any one person. • Conducting classes or organized competitions. • Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind in any Community Services buildings. These facilities are not public forums or limited public forums, and are designated solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. EXHIBIT A—p. 2 i j I' RESOLUTION NO. 3947 II l,• Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose, I, including fund raising and/or fund solicitation. I. Attaching or securing to any vehicle or structure any commercial circular notice, leaflet, I pamphlet, or printed material of any kind. Sectior1 9. Water Craft It isIunlawful to have, keep, or operate any boat, float, raft, or other water craft in or upon any bayi Take, slough, river or creek, within the limits of any park, or to land the same at any point upon th shores thereof, except at places set apart for such purposes by.the Parks Commission and'so esignated by signs. I Section 10. Speeding on Trails 11 1 It isiunl wful for any person to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under th existing conditions or in disregard for actual and potential hazards. In every event, speed s all be so controlled asi is necessary to avoid colliding with others using the trail. Travel at speeds i excess of 15 miles per hour on any trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presbmption that the person violated this section. II Section 11. Domestic Animals in Parks 11 I It is ,unlawful to allow or permit any domestic animal, including service animals, to run at large in any j3ark, or enter any swimming area, pond, or fountain therein. A dog brought into or kept in a park!are shall be on a leash not more than eight(8)feet in length. Exceptions to leash requirem nts may be made only for approved scheduled events. I • o domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed in any park or.park I' facility that permits swimming. �1'' Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible 11 for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by 1, such animal. The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the It e9uipment or supplies required for feces removal. •i, ith permission of the Parks Commission, domestic animals, except for service animals, II, c n be restricted from slpecific events held at parks or posted areas within a park. •Il N domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed at the Maplewood Golf I' Course. Section 2. Authority to Re'move Persons in Parks It shall be unlawful to stay in a park when directed to leave by an authorized Community Services epartment employee Or any police officer. Section 3. Vandalism II r I It is unlawfIul to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, J�all fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, fern, plant, flower,lighting system, or sprinkling system, or other property lawfully in any park. Section 14. Littering II It is unlawful to throw or deposit any refuse or other material in any park, except in designated receptacle , or to take garbage or refuse generated outside a park to a park for disposal. I' I EXHIBIT A—p. 3 1 I I 1 I, 11 RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 4 7 Section 15. Noise Restrictions All provisions of the Renton Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 7, will be strictly enforced, in' particular the following provisions: • It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes" - portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players - so loudly they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. • It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit. Section 16. Conduct It is unlawful to use abusive, vile, profane, or obscene language or threats, which interfere with the reasonable use of a park by the general public. It is unlawful to engage in acts of violence, including but not limited to fights of any kind,;or to act in a violent, threatening, intimidating, or hostile manner toward another person whereby such person is put in reasonable fear for his/her safety. Section 17. Lost Property It is unlawful for any person to fail to turn in any property or objects found on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington:The article shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable City and State Laws. Section 18. Additional Violations Any violation of state criminal laws or the criminal laws of the City of Renton constitutes a violation of these Rules and Regulations. C. Civil Violations Section 1. Activities It is unlawful in any park to practice or play golf, baseball, cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton, or other games of like character, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or other missile, including model airplanes, except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Parks Commission. Section 2. Motorized and Non-motorized Vehicles in Parks Except for wheelchairs, wheeled prosthetics, or other wheeled vehicles being used by a disabled i person, it is unlawful to ride, park, or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller-skates, land sailing device, scooter, unicycle, or any other wheeled or similar vehicle, horse or pony on, over, or through any park designated by signage. It is unlawful to use the Renton Skate Park at Liberty Park with any device other than a skateboard or in-line skates. Section 3. Vehicle Repair in Parks Except when authorized in writingbythe Administrator, it is unlawful, to operate, repair or service any motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose of testing, servicing, or repairing. EXHIBIT A-p. 4 ' . RESOLUTION NO. 3 9 4 7 Seetion 4. Racing in Parks It is unlawful to engage in, conduct, or hold any trials or competitions for speed, endurance or hill'climbing involving any vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, or animal in any park without the written permission of the Administrator. Section 5. Camping and Overnight Stays in Parks Except at places set aside forl�such purposes and so designated by signs, it is unlawful to erect a il tent or shelter or to arrange bedding, or both, for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit remaining overnight. It is also unlawful to park a trailer, camper, or other vehicle for the purpose of rem ining overnight, except when authorized by the Administrator. Sectio 6. Fires and Barbecues It is unlawful to build fires in any park except in areas designed and set aside for such purpose by the arks Commission. It is unlawful to use any portable barbecue over 36 inches in length or less thai 30 inches in height over a combustible surface unless said surface is protected by a heat shield or fireproof device placed under the barbecue. 11 Section 7. Metal Detecting It slhall be unlawful to use in any park a device to detect ores or metals, except when authorized in writing by the Administrator. Sectio 8. Glass Containers in Parks with Swimming Areas It is unl wful to possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park facility that permits swimming. Se tion 9. Group Rally/Special Use Permit It is unlawful to conduct any group rally in a park area or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage. To avoid conflict, permission for such activities must be obtained in advance from the Administrator. Special permit required: Groups that desire to use City of Renton facilities may be granted Special se Permits by the department, but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate, special ,onditions of use,shall be established by the Community Services Department and so noted on the Special Use Permits. Section 10. Parking and Moorage 1 It is unlawful to park in an area designated for a particular recreational activity, unless participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be mpounded at the owner's expense. • oat or watercraft users who are launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and ho do not have an annual permit must pay the posted fee on a per-use basis. • It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits. • Watercraft moored in violation of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. , EXHIBITA—p. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 3947 D. Penalties Section 1. Criminal Violations Pursuant to RMC 2-9-6C, Park Rules and Regulations identified as criminal violations herein are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1. Section 2. Civil Violations Pursuant to RMC 2-9-6C, Park Rules and Regulations identified as civil violations herein ale punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-2. E. Trail Etiquette All Users: • Obey all trail signs and regulations. • Show courtesy for other trail users at all times. • • Keep dogs on leash, maximum length 8 feet(dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park&Kennydale Beach Park). • When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point, yield to traffic already on the trail. • No group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail nor impede the normal movement of trail users. • Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Renton trails except by Community Services Department personnel. Pedestrians: • Listen for audible signals and allow faster trail users to pass safely. Bicyclists: • Cyclists are required to wear safety helmets on all trails in King County. • Yield to pedestrians. Always give an audible(voice, bell, horn) warning before passing another trail user. EXHIBIT A-p. 6 i Amends ORDs 2404, 2586, 2635, (5et Pay- b 2813, 2857, 2969, 3076, 3081, .I 3127, 3180, 3191, 3251, 3563, -2.- 9- 3678, 3698, 3706, 3749, 3807, CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON 3810, 4003, 4204, 4208, 4284, 4319, 4330, 4380, 4419, 4420, ORDINANCE NO. 5155 4452, 4650, 4663, 4723, 4833, 4838, 4849, 4860, 4966, 4986 AN, 0 INANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 E D "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WAS GTON" BY ELIMINATING THE BOARDS OF ADJUSTMENT, ETHICS, PUBLIC WORKS, EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION, HU RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS, AND UNFAIR HOUSING PRACTICES; ADD G THE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON DIVERSITY,LIBRARY BOARD, ' EN*ONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE,LEOFF DISABILITY BOARD, LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE;AND UPDATING ALL REMAINING CHAPTERS. :8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN ASFO iW : SECTION I. Title II, Commissions and Boards, of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Or inances of the City of Renton, Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows: Title II COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 1 (Repealed) 2 (Repealed) 3 (Repealed) 4 Civil Service Commission 5 (Repealed) 6 Firefighters Pension Board 7 Advisory Commission on Diversity 8 Municipal 4rts Commission 9 Park Commission 10 Planning Commission 11 (Repealed) 12 Human Services Advisory Committee 13 Library'Board 14 Environmehtal Review Committee 15 LEOFF Disability Board 16 Lodging Tlx Advisory Committee • 17 Airport Advisory Committee 18 Membership and Procedures 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 • CHAPTER 1 (Repealed) CHAPTER 2(Repealed) CHAPTER 3 (Repealed) CHAPTER 4 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ECTION: -4-1: Creati on nof Civil Service Commission .4-2: Authority -4-3: Function -4-4: Appointment and Members -4-5: Terms; Vacancies -4-6: Quorum and Voting -4-1 CREATION OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: There is hereby created the Police and Fire Civil Service Commission. 2 2 AUTHORITY: The Police and Fire Civil Service Commission is established under the authority of RCW 3 A.11.020. 2 3 FUNCTION: The Police and Fire Civil Service Commission shall have power to make such rules and re lations as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of RCW 41.08 and 41.12. The Commission I s ll also have the power to make rules and regulations governing the Commission in,the conduct of its 'meetings and any other matter over which it has authority. Any police civil service rules and re lations or fire civil service rules and regulations in effect as of the adoption of this Chapter are h by confirmed as the present fire civil service or police civil service rules and regulations. 2-4 APPOINTMENT AND MEMBERS: The Civil Service Commission shall consist of five(5) members,who shall be appointed by the Ma or. No person shall be appointed a member of such Commission unless that person is; a citizen of the nited States, a resident of the City for at least three (3) years immediately preceding such 2 1 I II 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 i appointment, is an elector of the county wherein he or she resides. At the time of any appointment, no more than two Commissioners shall be adherents of the same political party. 2-4-5 TE ; VACANCIES: Thee'term of office of such,Commissioners shall be for six (6) years. The members of the commission serving at the time of this ordinance shall serve the remaining portions of their terms. Any member of su h Commission may be removed from office for incompetence, incompatibility or dereliction pf d ty, or malfeasance of office, or other good cause; provided, however, that no member of the Commission shall be removed until charges have been preferred, in writing, due notice and a full i hearing had be ore the remaining members of the Commission. The members of such Commission shall devote due time and attention to the performance of the duties hereinafter specified, and imposed 1 upon him/her. Should any member of the Commission resign from office or be removed from office, then the Mayor shall appoint a successor to that position for the remainder of the unexpired term. 2-4-6 QUORUM AND VOTING: Three( ) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and the votes of any three (3) members con . shall be the decision of the Commission. CHAPTER 5 (Repealed) CHAPTER 6 FIREFIGHTERS'PENSION BOARD SECTION: 1' 2-6-1: !''Cr 'on of Firefighters' Pension Board 2-6-2: ('Authority and Function( 2-6-3: I'Members 2-6-4: ''Tenn 2-6-5: I Creation of Firefighters'Pension Fund 2-6-6: 1'Furlction 2-6-1 CREATION OF FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION BOARD: There is hereby created pursuant to Chapters 41.16 and 41.18 RCW the Firefighters' Pension Board. I 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 2-6-2 AUTHORITY AND FUNCTION: The Firefighters' Pension Board administers and operates the Firefighters' Pension Fund and disperses from such Fund as provided by RCW 41.16 and 41.18. All of the provisions,regulations and details of chapters 41.16 and 41.18 RCW are by this reference adopted and incorporated in this Chapter. Any and all amendments of chapters 41.16 and 41.18 RCW shall constitute amendments of I and part of this Chapter, without the necessity of further adoption of such amendments by ordinance. 2-6-3 MEMBERS: 1 The Firefighters' Board shall consist of the Mayor, who shall be chairperson of the Board, the l ity Clerk, the chairperson of the Finance Committee of the Council, and two (2)regularly employed 0 r retired firefighters of the City elected by secret ballot of the firefighters as designated in RCW 41.16 • ,d41.18. . 6-4 TERM: Both Firefighter representatives shall have a two-year term. 2 •-5 CREATION OF FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND: There is hereby created in the treasury of the City, a fund to be known and designated as the F' efighters' Pension Fund. 2 .-6 FUNCTION: The Firefighters' Pension Fund shall receive deposited monies, bequests, fees, gifts, e ioluments, donations, taxes, interest, contributions by firefighters including deductions from their pa 1, and monies deriving through the State from taxes on fire insurance premiums, all as prescribed by R W 41.16 and 41.18. Administration and disbursements from said Fund shall be conducted and made as rovided by chapters 41.16 and 41.18 RCW. 4 I ORDINANCE NO. 5155 - CHAPTER 7 ADVISORY COMMISSION ON DIVERSITY SECTION:; 2-7-1: Declarat'on Of Policy 2-7-2: Creation Of Advisory Commission on Diversity 2-7-3:Duties And Powers Of Commission 2-7-4: App�oint�nent and Members 2-7-5: Appointment Of Subcommittees 2-7-6: Investigations,Public Hearings, and Research 2-7-7:Procedure,Meetings, and Interpretation 2-7-8: Sevecability 2-7-9: City Council Review 2-7-1 DECLARATION OF POLICY: The, City Council herewith finds that all forms of prejudice and the general practice of discrimination against any individual, group or organization by reason of race, color, creed, national origin, age,i sex sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or marital status have a detrimental effect on the public welfare and well-being, and that to eliminate such prejudice aind d scrimination an instrumentality should be established through which the citizens of the City may k t informed of developments in human relations,the employees and officials of the;City may obtain advice and assistance in wholesome practices to keep peace and good order, and private persons, groups and organizations may be officially encouraged and advised to promote tolerance and goodwill towarl all people. The Ci Council further finds that it would be in the interests of all citizens of the City of Renton to promote and celebrate diversity. Whene er a word is used herein, the definition given to that word shall be that of RCW 49.60.040 whi h is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. An "unfair practice" shall mean the denial of any right identified in this ordinance or RCW 49.60.030(1) and shall be further defined to include any unfair practices identified in RCW 49.60.030(3). 5 • ORDINANCE NO. 1 5 55 2-7-2 CREATION OF ADVISORY COMMISSION ON DIVERSITY: There is hereby created the Advisory Commission on Diversity. 2-7-3 DUTIES AND POWERS OF COMMISSION: In addition to other powers and duties set forth in this Chapter, the Commission shall have the ower and duty to: A. Study, advise and hold public meetings on issues of diversity within the City. B. Provide a forum that will encourage input concerning diversity from citizens for "ewing and establishing the City's vision. C. Advise and recommend to the Mayor and City Council ways and means of discouraging d combating discrimination, prejudice, intolerance and bigotry in all groups and in their relationships 'th one another. D. Advocate and assist in development of a continuing educational program for Council d staff that will lead to a greater understanding of the value of a diverse community to the g vernance process, and advise the staff on strategies to be used in recruiting, hiring and training a 1 erse work force. E. Identify obstacles that could impede access to City government for all of the co unity's diverse members. I F. Prepare and disseminate educational and informational material relating to prejudice discrimination and ways and means of eliminating such prejudice and discrimination. G. Provide outreach to the community in an effort to place the value of diversity before the cif- - 1 s in a positive manner. H. Inform and advise the public of false information which is not in the public interest or whi h tends to foster or encourage prejudice or intolerance toward any person or group. I. Consult with and maintain contact with other public agencies and with representatives of -mployers, labor unions, property owners, associations, realtor associations, religious 6 • ORDINANCE NO. 5155 denominations and institutions, ;professional associations, national origin groups, community organizations ncerned with interracial, interreligious and intercultural understanding, social welfare organizatiens d any such other organizations and institutions as directed by the City Council or as the Commissio shall deem advisable to further the objectives of this Chapter. J. elp recruit minority representatives for boards, committees and commissions within the City. K. I and promote celebrations of diversity, when approved by the Administration, I ' and funding bar been provided by the Council. L. Promote an atmosphere conducive for minority businesses. M. , Perform such other functions and duties as may be requested by the Mayor and/or City Council orlprJ,cribed or authorized by any resolution or ordinance of the City. N. vestigate and report on patterns of discrimination and means to eliminate such patterns of discrimination in failing to list, show or transmit an offer, or to sell, rent, lease, sublease, sign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of a housing accommodation; or failure to act upon or provide financial assistance; or to ask questions about or keep records of; or to otherwise discriminate. The Commission shall refer any complaints of discrimination to the appropriate State or Federal agency(ies) in order to not'duplicate the efforts of the State Human Rights Commission or the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or any Federal or other State agency. In 4efining and prescribing the above duties and functions of the Commission it is not the intent of the City Council to duplicate or overlap functions, duties or responsibilities heretofore or hereafter assigned to an department or board or committee of the City or the responsibilities of the chief executive. 2-7-4 APPO AND MEMBERS: The Avisory Commission;on Diversity shall consist of nine (9) members, one of whoni shall be a youtlY re resentative under 21 years of age at the time of appointment. The members of the 7 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 Commission shall be citizens of the City of Renton and representative of a cross section of the citizens of this community, including members of minority groups. Members shall consist of those persons who have demonstrated an interest and/or expertise in civil or human rights and who are willing to promote actively the goals of the Commission. Prospective new members may be interviewed by a ajority of the Commission members for recommendation to the Mayor for appointment with •nfirmation by a majority vote of the Council. A. All of the members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for related usiness expense incurred in performance of their duties, and as authorized by law. The members of e Commission shall appoint one of their members as chairperson, and one other member as secretary, • d said persons shall serve in said capacity for the period of one year or until their'successors have n elected by the members. B. Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation o concurrence by a majority of Council members for a period of two (2) years; each such member s all serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. Any vacancy on the Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. The • + +ointing authority has the right to remove any member of the Commission for good cause shown wi concurrence of the City Council after due hearing. C. A majority of the members so appointed shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of co+ducting the business of the Commission. 2- 5 APPOINTMENT OF SUBCOMMITTEES: A majority of the members of the Commission may name such subcommittee or sub mmittees, as in its judgment, will aid in effectuating the purpose of this Ordinance and may e wer any such subcommittee to study the problems of prejudice, intolerance, bigotry and dis a'mination in all or any fields of human relationship within the purview of this Chapter. 8 . ; ii • ORDINANCE NO. 5155 2-7-6 INVESTIGATIONS,PUBLIC HEARINGS, AND RESEARCH: The Commission shall, upon referral to it by the Administration, conduct its own investigation of tensions;,and practices of discrimination against any group or organization by reason of race, color, 1 creed, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or m ital status and may conduct public hearings with regard thereto, carry on research, obtain factual a and conduct public hearings to ascertain the status and treatment of racial, religious, ethnic and isi 'lar groups in the City and the best means of progressively improving human relations, and make such recommendations to the Mayor and City Council, as in its judgment, will effectuate the policies and goals of this Chapter. 2-7-7 PROCEDURE,MEETINGS, AND INTERPRETATION: The,provisions of this Chapter shall be construed liberally for the accomplishment of the purposes set fo h in this Chapter.Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to amend, repeal or J.t modify any of the provisions of any civil rights law or any other law of the federal or state government, 1 or any other pr visions of this Code relating to discrimination because of race, color, creed, national ii origin, age,'se sexual orientation, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or marital II status as defined in this Chapter. ; 2-7-8 CITY 1 OUNCIL REVIEW: The'Co ission shall submit unto the City Council, by January. 31 of each year, a summary of all actions take by the Commission, including the investigation of complaints and recommendations therefrom duri g the preceding year so that the City Council may fully review the manner in which the Advisory Commission on Diversity;has implemented and enforced the provisions of this Chapter. II CHAPTER 8 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SECTION: 2-8-1: Cre'atio of Municipal Arts Commission 2-8-2: Purj3os 2-8-3: Function 1 9 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 2-8-4: Appointments 2-8-5: Members 2-8-6: Term 2-8-7: Works Of Art And Public Facilities 2-8-1 CREATION OF MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION: There is hereby created a Municipal Arts Commission. 2-8-2 PURPOSE: The City of Renton recognizes and acknowledges the importance of and benefit to the public in roviding visual at and peifO noarice-in its public works and facilities, and to enco 'usage and promote . ch art and the work of artists. It shall therefore be the policy of the City, unless otherwise prohibited o limited by law, to direct and further the inclusion of art in its public works. The term"art" shall be berally construed and include the conscious production of arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, ovements or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty and is of aesthetic value. 8-3 FUNCTION: I A. The Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council in o nnection with the artistic and cultural development of the City. 1 B. The Commission shall be responsible for reviewing the design, execution and . o, • 'lance of works of art funded or otherwise acquired by the City. Procedures for these r- .ponsibilities shall be developed by the Commission in writing and a copy thereof shall be filed with th:' City Clerk of the City and furnished unto the office of the Mayor and City Council. Such pr4,1 :, es shall not be in full force and effect until approved by the City Council. C. The Commission shall make an annual review with the Mayor,or his/her rep'esentative, of all capital improvement projects anticipated within the following two(2)year period to t etermine which projects are appropriate for inclusion of works of art and to estimate the amount to be located for said purpose. The Mayor,with appropriate budgetary authorization, may establish the am o nt to be provided as guided by RMC 2-8-7 or may decide that there will be no funds expended for 10 • ORDINANCE NO. 5155 art on a munici al construction project. If such inclusion is determined not to be appropriate as to a given project,t en the funds allocated therefor shall be expended as set forth in RMC 2-8-7.0 or as otherwise 4et • ed by the City Council. Copies of any proposals prepared by the Commission shall likewise be furnished to the Community Services Department of the City. 1. Definition of municipal construction project: Any public building, decorative or commemorative structure, park,street, sidewalk, parking facility, or any portion thereof, within the City limits; which will be constructed, renovated or remodeled, and paid for wholly or in part by the City, and the total project cost of which exceeds ten thousand dollars($10,000.00)to construct, renovate or remodel. . "Municipal construction project" shall not be defined to include capital projects paid for wholl or in part by the City's water and sewer utility. D. I Whenever a work of art is to be funded under this Chapter the Commission shall,under its guidelines, select the appropriate work of art and recommend that work of art to the City Council. The City CI cil shall consider the recommendation of the Commission and either approve or refuse to approve'the recommended work,of art. Should the Council refuse to approve the work of art,then i the Commissi n shall consider andirecommend another work of art to the City Council. Should the City Council. prove the work of art,then the administration shall proceed to contract with the , appropriate st or artists to obtain the work of art. The contract with the artist or artists will be administered b the City staff. E. Maintenance, inspection and rotation of works of art selected and installed under the advice and direction of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission shall be the responsibility of the administration of the City. The Commission may prepare specifications for the maintenance of works of art and I shall inspect such maintenance work and make recommendations for the guidance of the administration in so maintaining the work of art. 11 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 F. The Commission shall seek, whenever appropriate, alternative sources of financing for I the visual and/or performing arts. G. The Commission shall be responsible for disbursing money budgeted to it for support of Lu cultural arts performances, arts related activities and organizations. Such money I shall be used to pport specific performances such as choral concerts or play performances, performing arts events . ch as the River Days Art Show, or special projects of a performing arts group such as coaches and ++usic tutors for the Renton Youth Symphony. Such funds may not be used for Capital purchases, facility renovations, maintenance or other non-performance expenditures. Any such funded - or mane must be held in Renton and primarily benefit Renton residents. .1+-8-4 APPOINTMENTS: The Municipal Arts Commission shall consist of twelve(12)members appointed by the Mayor . +d subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of the City Council. Of those twelve (12) +embers, at least four(4) shall be residents of the City and one member shall be under the age of 21 y.: •. All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation for such service. 2 -5 MEMBERS: The membership on the Commission shall, whenever possible, include members from a variety o lart fields and related professions. The Mayor and City Council may solicit suggested nominations fo such appointments from architectural, art, musical, literary, educational and other cultural or' anizstions. 1 The Commission shall organize and elect a chairman annually. The Commission may org:nize such subcommittees as it deems necessary. In order to implement such purposes, the Co+ a'ssion may call upon such City departments as will assist the Commission's I function, and I ap i o inted City officials and members of the various City departments are encouraged to consult and II ad ..e with the Commission from time to time. 1 12 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 _ i 2-8-6 TERM; All!such appointments to the Commission shall be for three(3)year terms, with one-third(1/3) of the terms a iring each year. All appointments heretofore made by the Mayor and City Council to such Municipa Arts Commission are hereby confirmed. Members of the Municipal Arts Commission r may be reirtoyd at any time by the appointing authority and vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. 2-8-7 WO S OF ART AND PUBLIC FACILITIES: A. ' Subject to the consultation requirements of RMC 2-8-3.C, all authorizations and/or 1 appropriations for Municipal construction projects shall, upon budgeting therefore by the City Council and authorization by the Mayor, whenever legally permitted, include an amount equal to not less than 1 one percept ( %) of the actual total project cost, to be used for the selection, acquisition and/or 1 installation of orks of art to be placed in, on, or about City public facilities, which are suitable and 1 appropriate therefore. In the event any law, rule or regulation establishing a source of funds;for a ir particular project, including but not limited to grants, loans, or assistance from Federal, State or,other I governmerstal units, prohibits, limits or excludes art and art works as a proper expenditure, then the amount offunds from such source shall be excluded in computing the one percent (1%)amount of the total project ccst. B. , All funds authorized and/or appropriated pursuant to this Section shall be maintained in the Municipal Arts Fund. The City Council, upon the recommendation and advice of the Commission, shall approve, from time to time; the amount to be allocated for the selection, acquisition and/or installation of individual works of art to be placed either as an integral part of the municipal 1 construction p oject in connection with which the funds were appropriated or attached thereto, or detached wait ' or outside such project, or to be placed in, on or about other public facilities. All of such expenditures for art shall be approved by the City Council and as otherwise provided by law. 1 1 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 C. Funds authorized and/or appropriated pursuant to this Section for a municipal construction project but not expended on any such project shall be placed and retained in the Municipal Arts Fund. If for any reason any transfer to such Fund shall be contrary to'i law or prohibited byanyrule or regulation governingsuch funds then egu any such unspent or residual sum authorized d/or appropriated as a part of such construction project may be expended for any like or similar ublic purpose or purposes relating to the selection, acquisition and/or installation of works of an. CHAPTER 9 I PARKS COMMISSION ECTION: 9-1: Creation of Parks Commission .-9-2: Authority .i-9-3: Function •+ 9-4: Appointment;Members j9-5: Term 9-6: Rules and Regulations 1 9-7: Appointment,Qualifications and Duties of Parks Director and Recreation Director 2 9-1 CREATION OF PARKS COMMISSION: There is hereby created a Parks Commission. 2 -2 AUTHORITY: The Parks Commission is established pursuant to RCW 67.20.010. 2-9-3 FUNCTION: A. The Parks Commission shall establish policy to conduct any form of recreation or cultural I . r vity that will employ the leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome manner, inc uding policy to control and supervise all parks belonging to the City. B. In conjunction with the Mayor and City Council, the Parks Commission may'plan, promote, m. 0 : e, construct, develop, maintain and operate, either within or without the City limits, parks, play and recreational grounds and/or other municipally owned recreation facilities, including community buiI 0 ings and improve and ornament the same. 14 • ORDINANCE NO. 5155 C. i e Parks Commission shall receive, in the name of the City, all monies or other property donated by ndividuals or groups for the improvement of parks and other recreational areas. The Commission reserves the right to reject any such donations, subject to the approval of the Council, in the event t i: any such donation be considered improper, unlawful or contrary to the purposes as set forth. Any h received by the Commission on behalf of the City shall be forthwith paidi to the Adminis itrat r of the Finance and Information Services Department and same shall be placed in the Park Fund. D. The Parks Commission is authorized to grant concessions and privileges within the parks and eational areas, under such restrictions, and for such compensation as it shall prescribe, and any momes or properties paid thereunder shall be turned over to the Administrator of the Finance and Information Services Department. Such revenue shall be used for park purposes only. Any party aggrieved by the Commission in granting or denying such concession and privileges shall have the I i right of appalto the Council within thirty (30) days of such action by the Commission. No concession s 1 be granted for a period of more than five(5)years, with the right for an extension for an additional five (5) year period of time, should the Commission deem it advisable, and then only upon conditio that the concessionaire fulfill all conditions and provisions of the original five(5) year I ' concession co+ a : . E. 1 The Commission shall not have the power to acquire any property, by gift or otherwise, without the .nsent of the Council and any properties so received and acquired shall be in the name of the City. 2-9-4 APPO I I NT;MEMBERS: The P:.ks Commission shill consist of eight(8)members, who shall be residents of the City of Renton, one of whom shall be under 21 years of age at the time of appointment,who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by a majority of the members of the City Council. i I 15 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 o Commissioner shall receive any compensation for his or her service whatsoever except for r-imbursement of actual expenditures duly authorized by the City Council. 2 9-5 TERM: The term of each Commissioner so appointed shall be for a period of four(4)years from the d•te of such appointment. Such term shall also apply to incumbent Commissioners and each mmissioner shall serve until his or her successor has been appointed and duly qualified. The terms o'office shall begin on the first Monday in June. At the expiration of each Commissioner's term, the yor shall appoint, subject to confirmation or concurrence of a majority of Council members, a su sor Commissioner. Members of the Parks Commission may be removed at any time by the appou Ling authority an vacancies for the remainder of unexpired teams shall be filled in the same manner as the original ap p •intment. Three unexcused absences in a one-year period of time shall result in automatic removal of I e Commissioner. The Commission shall, by a majority vote, elect one of its members to be Pr: ident thereof and may appoint such other officers as may be deemed necessary by th�em. 2-• • RULES AND REGULATIONS: A. Commission Authority: The Parks Commission shall have the authority to propose the rul:, and regulations for the operation, management and maintenance of parks and other recreational fac ities, including recommendations to the City Council to fix charges for the use of any municipally o ed or controlled park or recreational facilities. B. Council Adoption: The parks rules and regulations shall be submitted to the City Co 'cil for approval and adoption. The parks rules and regulations, as they may be amended, from Elm:.to time, shall be effective upon their approval by Council voice vote and the filing of at least one cop of said park rules and regulations with the City Clerk. 16 I I' I1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 Ii , C. 1; enalties: Those parks rules and regulations identified as criminal violations are i i , punishable'p want to City Code Section 1-3-1. Those parks rules and regulations identified asicivil !I violations are washable pursuant to City Code Section 1-3-2. I' 2-9-7 APiPO NT, QUALIFICATIONS, AND DUTIES OF PARKS DIRECTOR AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: 1111 1 A. ii en there is a vacancy in the position of Parks Director or Recreation Director, the Parks Conbmis ion, in conjunction with the Community Services Administrator, shall recommend one II i , or more quialifi candidates for the positions of Parks Director or Recreation Director to the Mayor for l consideration for an appointment to that position. The Mayor shall appoint a candidate to the position I I of Parks D' or or Recreation Di Iector,or may reject the recommendations of the Parks Commission, L; and ask fcr a ditional names to !be submitted. The Mayor shall not appoint a Parks Director, or !I i Recreation' D. ector without that individual's name having been recommended by the Parks II 1 Commission. The person that the'. Mayor appoints to the position of Parks Director or Recreation Director shl,all IL subject to confirmation by the City Council. I B. l; qualifications and duties for the positions of Parks Director and Recreation Director I shall be establi hed by the Human Resources Department of the City with the concurrence of the parks CommissioI'n. C. i' The Parks Director or Recreation Director may serve as an ex officio member of the Parks Commis ion but shall have no vote thereon. This individual shall be the liaison or staff support to the Parkl iBo d. D. j The salaries of the Parks Director or Recreation Director shall be as fixed in the annual ,, , budget of the City. , 1 , ''' CHAPTER 10 I , 1 I 1 1' 1 PLANNING COMMISSION SECTION'' 2-10-1: Creati n Of Planning Commission j 1 i7 , i ORDINANCE NO. 5155 2-10-2: Authority 2-10-3: Function 2-10-4: Appointment 2-10-5: Members 2-10-6: Term 2-10-7:Expenditures;Budget v-10-1 CREATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION: There is hereby created a Planning Commission in the City of Renton. P-10-2 AUTHORITY: The Planning- Commission is established pursuant to RCW 35A.63.020, providing for its embership, method of appointment,organization and duties. -10-3 FUNCTION: A. Power: The Planning Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and t e City Council and shall have such powers and duties as shall be provided for herein. B. Authority: The City Council and Mayor have designated the Planning Commission to nction as the public hearing body for many planning related activities of the City. The Council may, a its discretion, retain this function for any specific project, proposal, or plan. C. Representation: Planning Commissioners are entrusted to make recommendations r- a ecting the broad interests of the community. D. Conduct: All Commissioners shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the 6 i e of Ethics for Municipal Officers, RCW Chapter 42.23. In formulating its recommendations to the'City Council, the Planning Commission and its advisory committees may conduct public hearings; ho I ever, in any event all meetings of the Commission or its advisory committees shall be open to the pu. •c pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act. E. General Duties: The primary responsibility of the Planning Commission is to review the Co •rehensive Plan, carry out work activities in the work program adopted by the City Council, and to e cit public input for and to advise the City Council and the Mayor on land use planning matters. 18 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 F. Scope of Review: :At the direction or referral by the City Council, the Planning Commission s 11 review staff proposals, hold public hearings, and submit recommendations to the City Council d the Mayor on the,adoption of and amendments to the following: 1. The Comprehensive Plan and new goals and policies. 2. Neighborhood or subarea plans and studies which will amplify and augment the Comprehen siv Plan. The Commission may conduct periodic planning studies of homogenous community u s ts, distinctive geographic areas, or other types of districts having unified interest within the total area o the City which will amplify and augment ment the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Shoreline Master Program amendments after holding a public hearing. 4. Land Use Regulations and processes upon Council request. 5. Duties related to Development Regulations and processes as described in RMC 4-8-070. 6. Other land .use plans and programs contained in the Commission's work program, Or referred by the City Council. 7. Short-range programs as necessary for implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. I 2-10-4 APPOINTMENT: Thy P nning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by majority of the members of the City Council. 2-10-5 MEMBERS: A. ; All Planning Commission members shall be residents of the City of Renton. B. ; Members shall be selected without respect to political affiliations, shall serve without compensation, and the appointees shall constitute a cross section of the community representing different interests, geographical areas,trades, professions and activities. 19 I ORDINANCE NO. 5155 • C. The Planning Commission shall elect its own chair, vice-chair, and secretary. It may I create and fill such other offices as it may determine from time to time. D. The Commission shall hold at least twelve(12)regular meetings in each year. 2-10-6 TERM: 1 The term of each appointee shall be for three(3)years and such appointment shall be made on 1 my 1 and February 1 respectively for such three (3) year terms. Those members 'currently serving hall continue to serve for the remainder of their appointed terms. 1 A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term the same manner as the original appointment was made. Members may be removed by the Mayor, 'th the approval of the majority of the City Council, for neglect of duty, malfeasance or misfeasance office, or when such appointee misses three (3) unexcused meetings within any twelve(12) month Sod. 1 2 10-7 EXPENDITURES;BUDGET: The expenditures of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those authorized by the .nomic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Administrator as appropriated in the S 0 . egic Planning Division's annual budget. The services and facilities of the City's Strategic Pl.nning Division shall be utilized by the Commission in performing its duties. CHAPTER 11 (Repealed) I CHAPTER 12 1 HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COM1 IITTEE SE, TION: 2-1 ii-1: Creation of Human Services Advisory Committee 2-1 -2: Function 2-1 -3: Appointment 2-1 -4: Members 2-1 5: Term 2-1 6: Rules and Procedures 20 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 2-12-1 CREATION OF HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE: They is hereby created a;Human Services Advisory Committee. 2-12-2 FUNCTION: The pu I ose of the Committee shall be to: A. Understand the human service needs of Renton residents. B. � Evaluate and recommend to the Mayor, City Council and City staff; allocation of funds to specifi programs and projects that meet those needs. C. ' Assist staff in developing policies related to human services affecting Renton residents. D. Keep current on community-wide actions that may affect the availability and quality of human se 'ce provision in Renton. 2,12-3 APPOINTMENT: The mmbership shall consist of nine (9) members residing within the corporate boundaries of the City of R nton, one of whom shall be a youth representative under 21 years of age at the time of appointment. 2-12-4 ERS: The committee shall be composed of people who represent the diverse nature of the City, including geography, gender, age and ethnicity. 2-12-5 TERM: The Mayor will appoint members of the Renton Human Services Advisory Committee for a three (3) ,year term of office. Those members currently serving shall continue to serve for the remainder of tieir appointed terms. I 2-12-6 RULES AND PROCEDURES: The Human Services Advisory Committee shall further establish in its bylaws, such written rules and jar ures deemed necessary to carry out the foregoing duties. 21 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 CHAPTER 13 LIBRARY BOARD SECTION: c-13-1 Creation Of Library Board I9-13-2 Authority ty -13-3 Function -13-4 Appointment -13-5 Terms; Vacancies 1 1-13-6 Meetings and Quorum Ili-13-7 Appointment, Qualifications, And Duties Of Library Director -13-8 Budget And Finances �1 13-9 Labor Agreements And Personnel Policy 13-1 CREATION OF LIBRARY BOARD: There is hereby created a Library Board in the City of Renton. 213-2 AUTHORITY: The Library Board is established pursuant to RCW 35A.27.010. 2-13-3 FUNCTION: A. The Board shall have the power to establish policy for library activity, including policy fo the control and supervision of all libraries belonging to the City. B. In conjunction with the Mayor and City Council, the Library Board may further est i lish policy to plan, promote, manage, construct, develop, maintain and operate,within the City limits, libraries and improve and ornament the same. � � P C. The Board shall further receive, in the name of the City, all monies or other property don.ted by individuals or groups for the improvement of libraries;the Board reserves the right to reject any uch donations in the event that any such donations be considered improper, unlawful or contrary 22 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 to the purposes set forth. Any cash received by the Board on behalf of the City shall be paid to the Director ofFi ance and same shall be placed in the Library Fund. 2-13-4 APP I7NTMENT: The Library Board shall consist of seven(7)members, who shall be citizens of the City Of Renton, and w o shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by a majority of the members of the City Council, one of which shall be a youth representative under 21 years of age at the time of appointment. No Library Board member shall receive any compensation for his or her service whatsoever except for reimbursement of actual expenditures duly authorized by the City Council. 2-13-5 TERMS;VACANCIES: A.; The term of each Library Board member so appointed shall be for a period of five(5) years frond the date of such appointment,unless the appointment is to fill an unexpired term, except for the youth member, who shall serve for two years. Such designated term shall also apply to incumbent members who shall have a term of office coinciding with their term on that predecessor board. A vacancy s}iall occur upon the resignation, death, or removal of a member. A vacancy shall also occur whenever B ard member absents himself or herself for three(3)consecutive regular meetings of the Board or for an aggregate of five(5)regular and/or special meeting in a single year, unless the absences aim excused by action of the remaining members. B.I No person shall be appointed to the Library board for more than two consecutive terms. The first appointments to the Library Board created by this ordinance shall be of those individuals who were mem%b- of the Library Board in existence at the time this ordinance is adopted. C. Members of the Library Board may be removed at any time by the appointing authority and vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The Board shall, by,majority vote elect one of its members to be President thereof;and may elect i'suc other officers as may be deemed necessary by them. 23 a. ORDINANCE NO. 5155 . 2-13-6: MEETINGS AND QUORUM: The Library Board shall have a regular meeting each month and may, from time to time, provide for special meetings as may be needed to carry out the proper discharge of its,duties. A majority of the Library Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority ote of those present shall be necessary to carry any proposition. v-13-7: APPOINTMENT, QUALIFICATIONS, AND DUTIES OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR: A. When there is a vacancy in the position of Library Director,the Library Board embers, in conjunction with the Community Services Administrator, shall recommend one or more ualified candidates to the Mayor for consideration for appointment to that position. 1 B. The qualifications and duties for the position of Library Director shall be established by e Human Resources Department of the City with the concurrence of the Library Board. In I •rdance with RCW 27.04.030, candidates for the position of LibraryDirector shall hold a master's I , d- ee in library science and shall hold or be eligible to acquire a State of Washington librarian's i.rtificate. The LibraryDirector shall r ort to the Services Administrator who will seek I report Community , in o t from the Library Board for an annual evaluation of the director's performance. C. The Library Director may serve as an ex officio member of the Library Board but shall ha e no vote thereon. D. The salary of the Library Director shall be as fixed in the annual budget of the City. I 1 2- 3-8 BUDGET AND FINANCES: Library appropriations and expenditures shall conform with the requirements of state law and I the 'enton City Code. The City Council shall have final authority to review and approve the library bud et. The library budget proposal shall be developed by the Library Director and reviewed by the Lib I. Board within a resource estimate provided by the Mayor. 2-13-9 LABOR AGREEMENTS AND PERSONNEL POLICY: 24 - 1 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 The Mayor shall negotiate labor agreements and salary schedules for library personnel, these , agreements to se integrated with the citywide pay plan, personnel policies and collective bargaining il contracts. ;T I - Library Board members shall be consulted at the time of contract negotiations or when 1 policies affect ng library personnel,or operations are to be changed in order that their concerns may be considered. 1 _ CHAPTER 14 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SECTION: 2-14-1: Crea 'on of Environmental Review Committee 2-14-2: Auth 'ty 2-14-3: M 2-14-4: Duties 1 2-14-1 CREATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: 1 There is hereby created an Environmental Review Committee(ERC)in the City of Renton. 2-14-2 AUTHORITY: Pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW, the ERC shall act as the City's responsible official under the State Enviro ental Policy Act. 2-14-3 MEMBERS: The ERC shall be consist of four(4) members, composed of the Fire Chief, the Administrator 1 of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department,the Administrator of the Department of Economic Developnent, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning, and the Administrator of the Community Services Dep meat, or the designees of such members. 2-14-4 D S: 1 The E C shall perform the function of the responsible official as required and authorized in Chapter 43.21C RCW and Chapter 197-11 WAC. In particular, the ERC shall make environmental 1 25 1 1 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 1 determinations, conditioned or not, and approve and publish Environmental Impact Statements with or without conditions. CHAPTER 15 LEOFF DISABILITY BOARD SECTION: -15-1: Creation of LEOFF Disability Board -15-2: Authority -1-5.3: Membership -15-4: Duties 1-15-5: Term 15-1 CREATION OF LEOFF DISABILITY BOARD: There is hereby created a LEOFF Disability Board in the City of Renton. 2-15-2 AUTHORITY: This Board is created under the authority of RCW 41.26.110 through 41.26.115, RCW 4 .50.050, and WAC Chapter 415-105. 2 15-3 MEMBERSHIP: The LEOFF Disability Board shall consist of five (5) members, which shall be composed of tw r members of the City Council appointed by the Mayor, one member elected by the f refighters, one m ber elected by the polite officers, and one member of the public at large who resides within the Ci . The member of the public at large shall be appointed by the other four Board members. 2-15-4 DUTIES: The LEOFF Disability Board shall handle all disability and disability retirement issues under the EOFF system and shall establish rules, regulations and procedures for performing that function. 26 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 li 1 I I 2-15-5 TE Their of each member shall be for two years. The terms of the members currently serving 1 I shall be served until expiration or resignation, at which time substitute members shall be appointed or elected as provided herein. I, ! I CHAPTER 16 I LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMIT , i SECTION I 2-16-1: Creation of Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2-16-2: Authority 2-16-3: Mem hip 1 2-164: Faint 'on I 2-16-5: Te 1 , • 2-16-1 CRE TION OF LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMfiTEh: • I Thee is hereby created a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee in the City of Renton. 2-16-2 A ORTTY: I The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is formed pursuant to RCW 67.28.1817. 2-16-3 4EBERSHIP: e� Th'e dging Tax Advisory Committee shall have five members and shall consist of two members tivho are representatives of a business required to collect taxes under chapter 67.28 RCW, and e two members ho are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received under that chapter. One such member shall be the president of the Greater Renton Chamber of Cominerce, 11 1 and anotltler member shall be the City of Renton's Community Relations Manager. Persons eligible to be appointed L representatives of a business collecting tax, may not be appointed as a person involved I, I I in activities authorized to be funded by the revenue from the tax. The fifth member of the Committee I , shall be aii el ed official of the City. i 2-16-4 �k CTION: e ! 1 1' I' 27 IF ORDINANCE NO. 5155 • The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reviews and comments on any proposed imposition of a lodging tax, and increase of such tax, the repeal or exemption from the tax, the use of the revenue received from that tax,or any change in use of the revenue received from that tax. 2-16-5 TERM: The CityCouncil shall review andappoint the membershipon an annual basis. Vacancies shall e filled by the City Council. CHAPTER 17 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE "ECTION: 17-1: Creation of Airport AdvisoryCommittee 17-2: Membership 17-3 Alternates 217-4: Function 2117-5: Chair and Meetings 2 17-6: Term: 2 17-1 CREATION OF AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: There is hereby created an Airport Advisory Committee in the City of Renton. 2-'17-2 MEMBERSHIP: The Airport Advisory Committee shall have 15 voting members and four non-voting members. Th•, Airport Advisory Committee shall have the following representation: O' ANIZATION NUMBER OF MEMBERS VOil 1 G MEMBERS Nei hborhood Representatives: Kennydale 1 member The Highlands 1 member Talbot Hill 1 member North Renton 1 member South Renton 1 member West Hill 1 member Renton Hill 1 member 28 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 Aviation Repr ntatives: , Airport Repre tives Airport Leaseholders 2 members ,, Airport-At-Large 2 members The Boeing Company 1 member Aircraft Owners' and Pilotsr Association 1 member City Council T1 portation Committee: 1 member Administr ,xtor,Planning/Building/Public Works: 1 member NON-VOTIN 1 MEMBERS Renton Municipal Airport Manager: 1 non-voting member City Department Representatives: ' as needed, non-voting WSDOT Aviation Division Representative: 1 non-voting member Federal Aviation Administration Representative: 1 non-voting member The Airport Advisory Committee voting and non-voting members shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority of the members of the City Council. In the event the Mayor does not make;an nitial appointment ;of an Airport Advisory Committee member within 45 days of a vacancy in th Airport Advisory Committee, the City Council President may make the appointment subject to;confirmation by a majority of the members of the City Council. 2-17-3 AL RNATES , A.; For each neighborhood representative voting member position, a member and an alternate (shall be recommended by the neighborhoods for appointment by the Mayor. , The recommend individuals shall have no aviation related background. B.; For each Airport Leaseholder Voting Member position,two members and two alternates shall be recommended by the holders of airport property leases for appointment by the Mayor. For each Ai rtLAt-Lar a Voting ,Member position, two members and two alternates shall be � g � n, recommended by aircraft owners;and pilots, who lease aircraft storage space at the Renton Municipal Airport, for a o pointment by the Mayor. For each aircraft owners' and pilots' association position, one 29 i I ORDINANCE NO. 5155 member and one alternate shall be recommended by aircraft owners and pilots who are members of the Aircraft Owners' and Pilots' Association(AOPA), the Experimental Aircraft Association(EAA)or the Washington Seaplane Pilots' Association. I 2-17-4 FUNCTION: The role of the Airport Advisory Committee will be to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor d City Council on matters referred to the Airport Advisory Committee by the City Council. The rimary function will be to provide a forum for members of the community to discuss their concerns Iirectly with airport operators and for collaborative problem solving and resolution of their issues. -17-5 CHAIR AND MEETINGS The Committee shall elect a chairperson from the voting membership and establish meeting es. The Advisory Committee shall have the authority to change its meeting tunes as may be n. ary. 2I17-6 TERM: The terms for all voting members shall be for three years and shall be staggered as follows: A. For the neighborhood representatives the initial terms shall be twos neighborhood r- resentatives at three years each; two neighborhood representatives at two years each; and two ne : borhood representatives at one year each. Each subsequent term shall be for three years. B. For aviation representatives (AOPA, Boeing, and airport representatives) the initial � I terms shall be: two aviation representatives at three years; two aviation representatives, at two years; and two aviation representatives at oneyear. Each subsequent term shall be for three years. P �I C. The City Council member and the Planning/Building/Public Works member shall not hav staggered terms. D. Staggered terms for the neighborhood and aviation representatives, have been es ished. The City Council member shall be selected by the Council. The Planning/Building/Public 30 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 Works member shall be selected by!the Department Administrator having responsibility for the Renton Airport. E. ; hose members currently serving shall continue to serve for the remainder of their appointed term . CHAPTER 18 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP AND PROCEDURES 2-18-1 !' Citizenship 2-18-2 Family or Household Members 2-18-3 Multiple Appointments 2-18-4 1.eporting and Minutes 2-18-1 CITIZENSHIP: Any member of a board or commission must be a citizen of the United States. Such member shall be a citizen of the City of Renton unless state law or the authorizing ordinance states otherwise or the commissioner is to represent a certain segment of society, i.e., a business representative doing business with he City but not necessarily a citizen of Renton. The citizenship condition may be waived by'the Council, upon request by the Mayor. 2-18-2 AMILY OR HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: A. single Board or Commission shall not have more than one member of a direct family or household as a member of that Board or Commission. B. No members of Councilmembers' direct families or households shall be appointed to a Board or Co 1 fission. C. For purposes of this ordinance, a direct family member shall be a spouse, parent, child, or sibling. 2-18-3 MULTIPLE APPOINTMENTS: A. No person, except.a Council member, shall be appointed to serve concurrently as a member of m•re than one Board or Commission. 31 I ' ORDINANCE NO. 5155 B. Councilmembers shall not serve on Boards and Commissions, unless authorized by State law or this Title, or the Board or Commission is serving as a subcommittee or advisory committee to a City Council committee, i.e.,the Airport Advisory Committee. 2-18-4 REPORTING AND MINUTES: A. All Boards, Commissions, and Committees shall take formal minutes;of their meetings Ind shall appoint a member to take such minutes, or such minute responsibility may be delegated to a taff support person if there is a staff support person assigned to the Board, ',Commission, or ommittee, on a permanent basis, who is always in attendance at such meetings. B. A copy of all Minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk as the official record. C. Any rules and regulations adopted by any Board, Commission, or Committee shall be ' ed with the City Clerk. D. Except as otherwise stated in state law, all meetings of Boards, Commissions, and •'mmittees are open public meetings. E. All Boards, Commissions, and Committees shall establish regular dates and times for m Y ings, and shall consult with the City Clerk about scheduling special meetings and announcing m ing cancellations. 2- ,8-5 RULES OF ORDER The proceedings of all Boards and Commissions shall be governed by the most',current edition of ° obert's Rules of Order. 2-1 -6 SEVERABILITY: If any section, subsection, subdivisio subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Title is for any reason hel to be unconstitutional or void, such decision shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining po u'ons of this Chapter. SECTION IL This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval; and 30 days afte publication. 32 ORDINANCE NO. 5155 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of September , 2005. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 26th day of September , 2005. , 06-6/24 -� Kathy K lker-Wheeler,Mayor Appr as to form: Lawrence JJ Warren, City Attorney Date ofPubpcalion: 9/30 2005 (summary) ORD.1186:9/9/05:ma I i 33 ( 1°c 04, fak, A'T 5 Kle 1 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3751 ? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, . 'PROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE PARK BOARD RULES AND GULATIONS. W .AREAS,the Park Board established certain rules and regulations for the management 1 of the ipro erties under its supervision; and W REAS, the Park Board has proposed amendments to its rules extending Ithe lE requirern t that all dogs in park areas be on a leash to include service animals; and WHEREAS, the Park Board proposes a new rule that would restrict the presence of domestic s, except for service animals, at specific events held in parks, upon request and subsequen approval of the Park Board; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed these proposed amendments to the Park , I , Board's rues and regulations; N W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHIN TON,DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 . SECTION L The above findings are true and correct in all respects. I- SECTION IL The proposed amendments to the Park Board's Rules and Regulations, as set forth in the April 11, 2005, Issue Paper Recommendation from Community Services and the Renton Board of Park Commissioners' Minutes of December 14, 2004, and February 8, 2005, are approvedI authorized and adopted by the Renton City Council. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 7 51 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9 th day of May , 2005. '4A CvaLt Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9 t h day of May , 2005. 1/42t: 4yd&i— bdk1;212, Kathy olker-Wheeler, Mayor • pproved as to form: awrence J. Warr City Attorney S.Il05:4/4/05:ma I � 2 ti l - 'ed" 1, • �J CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3555 I I A SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APP OVING AND ADOPTING PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS. � I VVH REAS, the City of Renton operates several parks;and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt rules and regulations for conduct, activities and behavior within those parks; and I - I WH REAS, it is necessary periodically to amend the rules and regulations; and VVH REAS, these new rules and regulations have been proposed and considered by the Park Board and adopted by the Park Board pursuant to resolution;and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton must also review and adopt any II amendments to the Park Rules and Regulations;and VVH REAS, the City Council has conducted such review and finds the amendments to the ParklRul s and Regulations advisable; NOW, THEREFORE,i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, I I WASHH TG ON,DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SEC ION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. I � SEC ION II. The attached Park Rules and Regulations are adopted as the current valid and a orceable Park Rules and Regulations. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of March , 2002: I' I Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3555 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of March , 2002. ca.T:044#"4"..06, Je/Tanner, Mayor Approved as to Oethirit4e5Alehitet Lawrence J. Warren, Cit Attorney RES.896:3/8/02:ma 2 11 RESOLUTION NO. 3555 EXHIBIT A CHANGES TO PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS KEY sm1'= •eletions by Park Board stream dditions by Park Board Crim in 1 Violations Section 3 It is unlawful for any person except duly authorized law enforcement personnel to possessl arly firearm, fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bows and arrows, BB gun or slingshot without the appropriate concealed weapon permit in any park until a written permit has been obtained from the Park Board. I , Section 7 It is unlawful in any manner to tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, injure or kill, throw my stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon, any animal b d, or fowl; or to feed any fowl or bird in any park except in areas designate I by the Park Board. Section 8 E. Ente ' g upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purp•se, including fund raising and/or fund solicitation, without written Park Boar i s ermission. j I Section 1 It is urla ful to allow or permit any domestic animal to run at large in any park, or enter any , swimming area, pond, or fountain or-stream therein. Civil Violations Section 2 It is ur awfI'ul to ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skatebparti, rollerblades, rollerskates, land sailing device, scooters, unicycles, or any other whe6led or similar vehicle, horse or pony on, over or through any park I i , i I 3 I � RESOLUTION NO. 3555 esignated by signage as being restricted from such activities. It is unlawful to use t e Renton Skate Park at Liberty Park with any device other than a skateboard or in- i 1 b e skates. ection 6 is unlawful to build any fires in any park except in areas designed and sett aside 'or such purposes by the Park Board. It is unlawful to use any portable barbeque I ver 36 inches in length or less than 30 inches in height over a combustible'surface ess said surface is protected by a heat shield or fireproof device placed under the alrbeque. ection 9 ICI is unlawful to use profane-or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a manner t at interferes with the reasonable use of any park by the general public. ection 11 II is unlawful to conduct any ' e-or group rally in a park area or t esignated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage. To avoid conflict, permission for such activities must be obtained iri advance om the Community Services Administrator or the Community Services dministrator's designated representative. ection 14 III is unlawful to park in an area designated for a particular recreational activity, ess participating in that activity and only while participating in that activity. II ehicles parked in contravention of this section may be impounded at owner's xpense. Boats or watercraft launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park must ay posted fee. It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time 'ts in areas so designated. : ., . • - _ : - . _ ' ., - .. :. . . . _. _ . It shall be unlawful to moor a atercraft in contravention of this section. Additionally, watercraft moored in ontravention of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. 4 Wejazu Atle,") e ' CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ii I RESOLUTION NO. 333.9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APIROVING AND ADOPTING PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS. iW EREAS, the City of Renton operates several parks; and IW REAS, it is necessary to adopt rules and regulations for conduct, activities and behavior w thin those parks; and I !WHEREAS, it is necessary periodically to amend the rules and regulations; and !WHEREAS, these new rules and regulations have been proposed and considered by the I! Park Boar and adopted by thelPark Board pursuant to resolution; and I'W EREAS, the City i,Council of the City of Renton must also review and adopt zany amend lien s to the Park Rules and Regulations; and 11 EREAS, the City Council has conducted such review and finds the amendments to I the Pack Rules and Regulations advisable; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: ! SECTION I: The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SIIICTION H. The attached Park Rules and Regulations are adopted as the current valid i, and enfor eable Park Rules and Regulations. II PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27thday of July , 1998. I; I Marilyn Jj e.( en, City Clerk I � I 1 I I �' i I RESOLUTION NO. :3339 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27tlslay of July , 1998. cgier") Jes anner, Mayor Appr e s to form: t24,7tie I awrence J. Warren, City Attorney I' S.667:7/20/98. 2 I 1 1 Proposed park rules and regulations change: - CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS' SECTION 9 ' CHANGE TO: It is unlawful to have, keep or operate any boat, float,raft or other water craft in or'upon any bay, lake slough, river or creek, within the limits of any park, or to lard the same at any point upon the shores thereof bordering upon any park, excep at place set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs. Civil iolations Acid s ction 14 Boats or watercraft launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park must pay poste fee. It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits in areas so designated. Boats or watercraft mooring overnight in Gene Coul n Memorial Beach Park moorage must pay posted fee. It shall be unlawful to moor a water craft contravention of this section. Additionally watercraft moored in contravention of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. 1 1 Under the present statement of Park Rules and Regulations Criminal Violations Section 9, enforcement officers cannot site an objective that is , violation; however, with the proposed change under the civil violation an enforcement officer could ticket a boat, watercraft, etc. 1 . 1 1; i 1 • 1 l 1 , Y CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. OF PARK, COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WHEREAS, the City of Renton operates several parks; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt rules and regulations for conduct, activities and ehavior within those.parks; and WHEREAS, it is necessary periodically to amend the rules and regulations; and WHEREAS, new rules and regulations have been proposed and considered by the Park oard; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY I F RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Whereas above findings are true and correct in all respects; and SECTION IL The attached Park Rules and Regulations are adopted as the current valid .1 d enforceable Park Board Rules and Regulations, subject only, to approval by the City Council a voice vote pursuant to City Code Chapter 2-9-5B. PASSED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS this 14th day of July, 1998. Ode* Michael O'Donin, Ch irpe son - • Sandra Pil , Secretary of Parks Board Date July 14, 1998 S.661:6/23/98:as. Amends Ord. #{1476, 4319 CITY bF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4419 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SUBSECTION 2-9-5 .B OF CHAPTER 9 , PARK COMMISSION, OF TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. " 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY RECODIFYING THAT SUBSECTION INTO SUBSECT ONS B AND C AND REESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURES FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS . THE CI Y COUNCIL OF ' THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTIO I . Subse1ction 2-9-5 .B of Chapter 9 , Park Commissioin, of Title II , (Commissions and Boards ) of Ordinance No,. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by separating it into subsections 'B and C to 're d as follows : 2-9'5 .B: COUNCIL ADOPTION: The ; Park Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of Ordinance No . 1476 shall be submitted to the City Council fo approval and adoption . The Park Board Rules and Regulations , as they may be amended from time to time, shall be effective upon their approval by council voice vote and the filing of at least one copy of said Park Rules and Regulations with the City Clerk. • 2-9-5 .C: PENALTIES : Those Park Board Rules and Regulations 'identified as criminal. violations are punishable for the violation of those rules and regulation_ as a misdemeanor, subject to a fine not to exceed five hundredidollars ( $500 . 000 ) and incarceration in the City jail for a period no to exceed ninety (90 ) days, or both such fine and such it ^RDINANCE NO. 4419 III inlarceration. Those Park Rules and Regulations identified as civil villations may be punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ( $250 . 00 ) . SECTION II . This Ordinance shall be effective upon its pa-sage, approval, and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of September , 1993 . Marilyn:37) . Petersen, CityClerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 13th day of September , 1993 . Earl Clymer, Ma or Appiloved as to form: OCCAAA,"'s•°•11/e- V-421-1,-1-- Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney Dat of Publication: September 17, 1993 ORD.331: 8/20/93 :as . 2 Ili Amends Ordinance No. 1476 Prmerd ed By Ord. kb. 'N!9 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4319 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2-9-5 OF CHAPTER 9, PARK COMMISSION, OF TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE1 OF GENERAL ;ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY ADDING A SUBSECTION RELATING TO PENALTIES. THE' CITY COUNCIL OF' THE' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION. I . Section 2-9-5 of Chapter 9, Park Commission, of Title II; ( ommissions arid Boards) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of' G neral Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amen ed to read as follows : Sectio 2-9-5: RULES AND REGULATIONS. A. B ARD AUTHORITY: The rules and regulations for the operation, management ,and maintenance of parks and other recreational facilities include the power to fix charges for the use of any municipally owned or controlled park or recreational facilities. All rules and regulations and use changes, amendments or changes thereof shalllbe by resolution of the Board, and notice thereof shall be posted in at least three (3) public places within the City, a copy of each resolution to be filed with the Clerk and the Police Department of the City. These rules and regulations shall be 'in full force and effect from and after the date of such posting in three (3) public places. All rules and regulations of this chapter shall be enforced by the Police Department. B: PENALTIES: The Park Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of Ordinance No. 1476 shall be submitted to the City Council for approval and adoption by ordinance. Those 1 1 11, I ORDINANCE NO. 4319 I I I Park Board Rules and Regulations identified as Criminal Violations are punish ble for the violation of those rules and regulations els a misdemeanor, subject' to a fine not to exceed $500.00 and incarceration in the city jail for a period not to exceed 90 days!, or bothsuch fine and such incarceration. Those Park Rules and Regulation- identified as Civil Violations may be punishable by !a fine not to exceed $250.00. The 1991 Park Rules and Regulations identified as Criminal Violations and Civil Violations are hereby 1 adoptediby the City Council as such Park Rules and Regulations, an!d such rules, as they may be amended from time to time, will serve as 11 the Park Riles and Regulations . Amendments to the Park Rules and 1 Regulatilpn shall be effective upon their approval by council voice vote and t e filing of atone copyof said Park Rules and least Regulations with the City Clerk. ! SECTI II. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, lap royal, and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of July , 1991! 1 II / 11 Marilyn (.Q'tersen, City Clerk APPROV D BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of July , 1991 . I' 1 I Earl Clymer, May Approv d s to form: Lawrence J. War n, City Attorney !IL i' Date of Publication: July 5, 1991 ORD. 191 :5/1/91 :as . i it d it ORDINANCE NO. 4319 1991IPARK RULES & REGULATIONS Criminal Violations j Section1 . It is unlawful to use, place, or erect any signboard, sign, billboard, bulletin board, post, pole or device of any kind for advertising in any park; or ; to attach any notice, bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or cord to any tree, shrub, railing, post or structure within any park; or, without written consent of the Park Board, to place or erect in any park, a structure of any kind: Provided that the Park Board may permit the erection of temporary directional signs or decorations on occasions of I public celebration and picnics . Section 2 . It is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time, except when engaged in activities that are a part of the recreation program conducted', by the Park Board. Sectioni3. It is unlawful for any person except duly authorized law enforcement personnel to possess any firearm, fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, explosive, air gun, bows and arrows, BB gun or slingshot in any park until a written permit has been obtained from the Park Board. it 1 Section14 . It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages, in any park except in areas designated by the Park (Board. Designated areas are 1) Maplewood I' Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire's licensed premises;! 2) The Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Center banquet facilities . 1 I I ; ORDINANCE NO. 4319 Section15. It is unlawful for any person to disobey rules, signs, or lifelines designating swimming areas. Renton park swimming areas are designated by sign and a lifeline. Swimming shall be permitted only within these areas. All persons using designated swimming areasshall obey all posted beach rules and/or the instruction of lifeguards, facility managers,' or other Park Department employees . No I person shall give or transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning. Section ; 6. It is unlawful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 3,2,000 pounds or a maximum width of over 102 inches to use the road in any park of the city except folr places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and designated by signs. This rule shall not apply to parks, maintenance, or emergency it vehicles . Section 7 . It is unlawful in any manner to tease, annoy, disturb, polest, catch, injure or kill, throw any stone or :missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or , weapon any animal, bird, or fowl; or to feed any fowl in any park except in areas designated by the Park Board. Section 8. It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless specifically authorized in writing. Such a writing shall include a concession contract ;with the Park Board: A. Operating a fixed or mobile concession, traveling exhibition; B. Soliciting, selling, offering for sale, peddling, hawking, or vending any goods or services; C. Advertising any goods or services; • 2 li ! ORDINANCE NO. 4319 D. Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or written or printed material of any kind, or E. Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose.. Section 9. It is unlawful to have, keep or operate any boat,; float, raft or other watercraft in or upon any bay,, lake, slough, river or creek, within the limits of any park, 'or to land the same at any point upon the shores thereof bordering upon any park, except at 1 places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs . Boats or watercraft launching , at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park must pay the posted fee. It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits in areas so designated. Boats or watercraft mooring it overnight in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park moorage must pay the posted fee. Watercraft moored in contravention of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. Section 110. It is unlawful for any person to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions and having regard to actual and potential hazards. In every event, speed shall be so controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding' with others who are complying with the law ! and using reasonable care. Travel at speeds excess of 15 miles per hour on a walking/vehiclle trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the person violated this section. Section 11 . It is unlawful to allow or permit any domestic animal to run at large in any park, or enter any lake, polnd, fountain or stream therein. A dig 1, 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4319 brought into or kept in a park area shall be on a leash not more than eight (8) feet in length. Sectionl11 • . No domestic animals will be allowed in any park or park facility which permits swimming and/or boating activities. Sectionlll: . Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by such animal. The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment required for feces removal. ' Section 12 . It shall , be unlawful to fail to leave a park when , directed to do so by a Renton Park Department employee or any police officer. I Section 13. It is unlawful to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument, statue, vase;, fountain, wall, fence, railing, vehicle, bench,, shrub, tree, fern, plant flower, lighting system Or sprinkling system or other property lawfully in any park. Section 14. It is unlawful to throw any refuse, litter, broken glass, crockery, nails, shrubbery, trimmings, junk or advertising matter in any park or to deposit any Ii such material therein, except in receptacles provided for such purposes. it 4 i i I I _ , ORDINANCE NO. 4319 a I I I � i Section 15. It shallibe unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse brought from private property in receptacles located in Renton parks or facilities. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, lunches, etc. Sectioni' 16. It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes" -; portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players - so loudly that they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. Civil Violations II Section11 . It is unlawful in any park to practice or play golf, baseball; cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton or other games of like character, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or otherimissile, including model airplanes, except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Park! Board. Programs and activities scheduled by the Park Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. Section1 2. It is unlawful to ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, land sailing device, horse or pony on, over or through any park, except in areas set apart for such purposes ! by the Park Board and so designated by signs. I Section,h3 . It is unlawful, without written permission from the Director ] of Parks and Recreation or a designated representative, to operate, repair or service any 5 I, I ORDINANCE NO. 4319 motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose of testing, servicing or repairing. Section , 4. It is unlawful to engage in, conduct or hold any . trials or competitions for speed, endurance or hill climbing involving any vehicle, boat, aircraft, or animal in any park without written permission from the Park i Board. Section1' 5. It is unlawful except at places set aside for such purposes ; by the Park Board and so designated by signs, ,to erect a tent or shelter or to arrange bedding, ' or both, for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit, remaining overnight. It is also unlawful to park a trailer, camper or other vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight. Section 6. It is unlawful to build any fires in any park except in areas , designed and set aside for such purpose by the Park Board. Section 7 . It shall be unlawful to use in any park a device to detect ores or metals without written permission of the Director of Parks and Recreation or the ' director's designated representative. Section 8 . It is unlawful to possess any glass beverage container in any portion of the park or park facility which permits swimming, unless authorized to do s& by the Director of Parks and Recreation or the director's designated representative. Section 9 . It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a manner that interferes with the reasonable use of the general public in the park. 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4310 l;i I Section 10 It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the Director of Parks and Recreation or the director's designated ill 1 representative.. ' I Section111 . It is unlawful to conduct any religious service or group rally in a park area or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage. To avoid conflict, permission for such activities must be obtained in advance from the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department or the director's designated representative. Section12. Special permit required. Groups which desire to use i City of Renton facilities may be granted special use i permits by the department but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate, special conditions of use shall be established by the department and to noted on the special use permits . I!' I Sectionl13. It is unlawful for any person to fail to turn in any property or objects found in any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be disposed of in accordance with ii applicable city and state laws . Sectionl 1 It is unlawful to park in an area designated for ' a particuljr recreational activity unless participating in that activity and only while participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in contravention to this section may be impounded at it the owner's expense. A8.70: 10. II 7 • 'ended by Ordinance No. 4249 4462, 4284 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 4514 ORDINANCE NO. 4206 AN' ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE I (ADMINISTRATIVE) AND TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF • GENERAL ORbINIIANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY DELETING CERTAIIN SECTIONS, REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS, TRANSFERRING ' CERTAIN SECTIONS TO OTHER TITLES OF THE CODE BOOK, AND MAKI G CERTAIN TECHNICAL TEXTUAL CHANGES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : • SECTION I . Chapter 2, City Limits , of Title I (Administrative) . is deleted from the City Code Book, but the enacting ordinance or ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION II . The following sections of Title I (Administrative) are hereby repealed, as the topic has been or will be the subject . of an adopt d policy or procedure: 1-502 , 1-503, 1-504, 1-506 through 1-513, 1 1 514 .0 through 1-514 .F, 1-515 , 1-516, all of Chapter 6, Committees of the City Council, 1-2501 .A through 1-2501 .C, and 1- I 2501 .Dr. 1 SECTION III . The following chapters of Title I (Administrative) are hereby repealed: Chapter 13, Policy Development Director; Chapter 18,, Deputies and/or Assistants for the City; Chapter 20 , Rules for contesting Elections; Chapter 21, Elections; Chapter 25, Sick Leave; Chapter 26, Census; Chapter 29, Pension System; Chapter 40, : Building Official; Chapter 42, Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 3661; Chapter 43, Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 3665; Chapter 44, Registration of 'Bonds and Obligations . SECTION IV. Chapter 35, Municipal Arts Fund, is hereby transferred to Chapter 12, Municipal Arts Commission, of Title II I i • 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4206 `, - (Commissions and Boards) , and Section 1-3501 is renumbered Section 2-1205, Section 1-3502 is renumbered 2-1206, and Section 1-3503 is renumbered Section 2-1207 . SECTION V. The following chapters of Title I (Administrative) are hereby transferred to Title III (Departments) and assigned the following new chapter numbers : Existing Chapter Title I New Chapter Title III 10 8 11 9 16 10 22 12 28 13 . 32 14 New Chapter 10 of Title III shall be titled ' Parks and Recreation Director. SECTION VI. The following chapters of Title I (Administrative) are hereby transferred to Title V (Business Regulations) and a-signed the following new chapter numbers : Existing Chapter Title I New Chapter Title V 24 38 36 39 38 • 40 41 41 SECTION VII. Chapter 3, General Penalty, of Title I ( inistrative) is amended to read as follows : :: 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4206 Section 1-301 : General Penalty: Any person convicted of a misdemean r or a violation of any section of this Code shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5, 000 . 00) 'for any one offense or confined in the City jail not more than one hundred eighty ( 180) days or both such fine and imprisonment . Whenever a specific penalty or range of penalties has been establish d for a crime by the State Legislature and that crime has been incorporated into the City's Criminal Code either directly or by reference, then the penalty ranges established by the Legislature shall govern and this provision shall not be enforced. SECTION VIII . Section 1-501 of Chapter V, Council, of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinnnc s of the City of Renton, Washington" is amended to read as 1 follows : Section 1-501 : NUMBER OF COUNCILPERSONS - DUTIES - SALARIES : The City of Renton is a noncharter code City under the laws and Statutes of the State of Washington, and its City Council 1 shall ,' consist of seven (7 ) members who shall be elected at large. The duties of Council members shall be those prescribed in RCW 35A. 12 . 010 et seq, and as otherwise provided by law. The salaries of the Councilpersons are hereby fixed at five : hu dred fifty dollars ( $550 . 00) per month and as otherwise providei by the City';s Budget Ordinance frbm time to time, provided however the compensation of such elected officials who fix their own :compensation shall not be increased during their terms of office, and as limited by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Washington. 3 i ORDINANCE NO. 4206 : t SECTION IX. Section 1-1102 of Chapter 11, Salaries,lof Title I Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code lof General rdinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is amended Ito read as ollows : 1-1102 : Salaries of appointive officers : Thelappointive •officers shall receive such salaries as are fixed and established by i , ity of Renton ordinances and such salaries shall be paid in equal s'-mi-monthly installments unless otherwise determined by the City . Council or by State law. For the purpose of this Ordinance the appointive officers are those appointed by the Mayor and whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the City Council . They 4all include, among others : Director of Finance, City Attorney,Court al p Judge, Personnel ,Director, Director of Public Works, H:.,aring Examiner, Community Development Director, Police and Fire C ief as per applicable Civil Service laws, Library Director and C' ty Clerk. SECTION X. Section 2-601 of Chapter 6, Board of Public Works, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of Ordinance No. 1628 '1entitled "Cide of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is amended to read as follows : Section 2-601 : CREATION: There is hereby created and eseablished a Board of Public Works . Said Board shall consist in it- membership of the following officials : • 1 . Director of Public Works 2 . Planning Manager 3 . Fire Chief 4 . Building Official 4 r I i L ORDINANCE NO. 4206 , 1 I r 5 . One member of the administration appointed by the Mayor. Officials of other City departments may participate in the 1' ; proceediin s of said Board as ex-officio, non-voting members . SEICT ON XI . Section 2-905 of Chapter 9, Board of Adjustment, . of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled 11 ! "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" ' is r 1 amended to read as folllows: 1 Section 2-9051: POWERS, DUTIES AND PERIODIC REPORTS : The Board sha 1 have all the powers and duties prescribed by law and as 1 . 1 the CI'ty Council mayI prescribe by ordinance from time to time including but not limiting it to the provisions of Section 4-731 of p I 1 Title 1''IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled r I "Code Of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington, " ; and . as same ay be amendedjfrom time to time . In addition ' thereto the Board of Adjustment shall make r I I periodlic reports, at least annually,. to the Mayor and City Council u I contailni 'g a summary of actions taken by the Board for the preceding 1 period, together with such recommendations as the Board may deem 1 necessary and advisable. All such reports shall be in writing, and ii I a copy thereof shall be filed with the City Clerk. I• I SECTION XII. This ordinance shall be effective upon ,. its I passage, approval, and thirty days after publication. . .1 • I I'i I I r I I 1 I, II ! 5 i' • 11 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4206 ♦ PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of February , 1989 . di! ) �'. Marilyn . tersen, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of February , 1989 . r}id.t.4C Richard M. Stredicke, Mayor Pro tem :.pproved as to form: (27C-Ntve- Lawrence J. War n, City Attorney elate of Publication: February 24, 1989 "RD. 75-1/16/89-as . 1 1 1 1 , • I • • rntio, O cc-'/!/Z CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3127 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) OF CRDINANCE'NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL' ORDINANCES" OF THE CITY OF RENTON" PROVIDING 'FOR :THE;•APPOINTMENT . OF, A PARK BOARD, APPOINTMENT,, OF. A PARK: DIRECTORAND MATTERS RELATING THERETO. THE CI Y COUNCIL :OF 'THE :CITY'. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN . AS FOLLOWS : SECTIO I : Existing Section 2-101 of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows Section 2-101 as amended':' DEFINITIONS: Words used in this Chapter shall have the following meaning (A) 'Park" shall mean areas of land, with or without water, developed., or undeveloped and used for public recreational purposes , including landscaped tracts , picnic grounds , laygrounds , athletic fields , recreation centers ; camps,, foot , bicycle and bridle paths , motor vehicle drives ', rpildlife sanctuaries , museums , zoological and botanical , gardens , facilities , for, bathing, boating, hunting and fishing, as well as other recreational facilities for . the use and benefit, of the public. (B) "Board" shall mean the Board of Park Commissioners . , • • SECTI, N II : Existing Section 2-102 of Ordinance No. , 16.28 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby • amended to read as follows : Section 2-102, as amended: CREATION OF BOARD; ELIGIBILITY : There is h reby created a Board of Park Commissioners , consisting of five (5 ) members , who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirr ation by a majority of the members of the City Council ; , the selection of such Park Commissioners shall be made from the . citizens of recognized fitness for such positions who are residents of the City. No Commissioner shall receive any compensation for his or her service whatsoever except for reimbursement of actual expenditures duly authorized, by the City Council. -1 i SECTION III : Existling Section 2-106 of Ordinance No. 1628 I.: entitled 'Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended t read as follows': S ction 2--106 as amended: 'APPOINTMENT; QUALIFICATIONS : DUTIES °ARK DIRECTOR: The . Board of Park Commissioners shall ' have the mower to appoint a' Pgrk Director who is especially trained and qualified, .. such training and qualifications shall include grad- uation fr.m; an accredited college or university , not less than two (2) years experience as an administrator of a park or recreational program, or its equivalent. The Board may waive part ' of he educational requirements as hereinabove 'set . forth, ; in lieu of additional' managerial or supervisory experience in park administration. The duties of the Park Director shall include the management of the park' and playground system; the appointment of and supervision of •quailified employees therefor for the efficient administration, the construction and development of the public ' I" park and recreation syistem as specified hereunder. Said' Director• may sere as an ex-officio member of the Park Commission but shall o e her. on and shall have such additional owers and have no t thereon p duties as may be described. from time to time by the Board. The salary of the Park Director shall be as fixed in the Annual. Budget of the City. ' SECTION IV : All ' other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict:, herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION V : This, ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , i approva and five days after legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this25th day of April , 1977 . Z.I.,e&O ' I elores A. Mea Cityy� lerk APP .OVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th day of April , 1977 . -.-ii'6e Lf v r,z'' (, e L:L it i;i„:„.„rcJi I Charles / e-J'. Daurenti , Mayor. 1 Ap rve ' as to9. y;': 1 Ge and M. S ellan, City Attorney Date : of Publication: ,' 4-29-77 -2- , r i / ( ,i !�' I 1.''% ,)'<-// ORDINANCE NO. 1476 %l Qa� fu 1p L n b 3 Jot, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND y�D� ( 3 ' RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF I + '/gi9 PARK COMMISSIONERS, PRESCRIBING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES, REQUIRING A BUDGET, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED BY SAID BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS, DECLARING A VIOLATION OF ANY SUCH RULE OR REGULATION TO BE A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR AND REPEALING ANY ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT; O7AINND BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: Section 1: Definition: Words used in this ordinance shall have the follow; ing meaning: "Parks" means areas of lands, with or without water, developed and used for public recreational purposes, including landscaped tracts, picnic grounds, playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation centers, camps, foot, bicycle and bridle paths, motor vehicle drives, wildlife sanctuaries, museums, zoological and botani- cal gardens, facilities for bathing, boating, hunting and fishing, as well as other recrea Tonal facilities for the use and benefit of the public. "Board" means 1 Board of Park Commissioners. "City Council" means the legislative body of the City of Renton. I Section 2: Creation of Board of Park Commissioners and Eligibility. There is hereby created a Board of Park Commissioners, consisting of three members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, and the, se- lection of such Park Commissioners shall be made from the citizens of recognized fit- ness for 'suc positions who reside in this city. No Commissioner shall receive any compensatio for his services. Seotiori 3: Terms of Commissioners: Filling Vacancies. The terms of theCom- missioners so appointed shall be for a period of one, two, and three years respec- tively from the date of their appointment, it being understood that the first Com- missioner so appointed shall serve for a period of three years, the second Com- missioner so appointed for a period of two years, and the last Commissioner so ap- pointed for a period of one year. The terms of office shall begin on the first Mon. 1 day in Jain and at the expiration of each Commissioners term, the Mayor shall ap- point, with the approval of the City Council, one member for a three year term. Mem- bers of the Board'may be removed at any time by the Mayor, subject to the approval 1 of the City Council, and vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms as heretofore specified shall be filled in the same manner that original appointments are made. The Board of Park Commissioners shall, by majority vote, elect one of its members to be Pres dent thereof and it may appoint such other officers as may be deemed necessary b them. 1 i . • • • • Section 4. General.' towers and Duties: The Board oL 'ark Commissioners shall, have all the owers and perform all the duties provided by the Laws of the State; of Washington relating to Boards of Park Commissioners of Cities of the Second - ; Class. Said oard shall have the power to conduct any form of recreation or cul- i tural activit that will employ the leisure time of the people in 'a constructive � I and wholes() manner and shall have control and supervision of all parks, as here- tofore defi d, belonging to the City. Said Board may further plan, promote, mares age, constru t, develop, mai twin and operate, either within or without the city limits, park , squares, parkways, boulevards, play and recreational grounds and/or other munci allytowned recreation facilities, including community buildings, and improve and rnament the same; to enter into any contract in writing acting indepen- dently or in conjunction with the United States, the State of Washington, any county, city or town, park district, school district, or any such public organiza- tions for t e purpose of conducting recreational programs and to build, construct, care for; c ntrol, supervise, improve, operate and maintain parks, playgrounds, gymnasiums, swimming pools, field houses and other recreational facilities; the • Board shall further receive, in the name of the City, all monies or other property donatediby individuals or groups for the improvement of parks and other recrea tional are s as heretofore defined; the Board reserves.the right to reject any such donat ons, subject to the approval of such rejection by the City Council; in the event hat any, such donation be considered improper, unlawful or contrarylto I I the purpos s as set forth hereunder. Any cash donations received by the Board on behalf f City shall be forthwith paid to the City Treasurer and same shall be IV i placed in the fund to be known as the PARK FUND. Said Board. is further authorized to grant concessions and privileges herein under such restrictions and for such compensation as it shall prescribe and any monies or properties paid thereunder shall forthwith be turned over to ;the City Treasurer for the PARK FUND and such revenue shall be used for park purposes only; it ,being understood that any party rieved bythe Board in grantingor denyingsuch concession andprivileges' shall �g ,, . have the right of appeal tie the City Council within thirty (30) days of such: ac tion by the Board of Park Commissioners; provided further, that no concession or privilege shall ever be granted for the sale of any intoxicating liquors, alcohol, spirits, e, or beer in any public place, and that no concession or privilege shall I r be grante for a period for more than three (3) years. The Board of Park Commission- ers shall have no power to acquire any property, by gift or otherwise, without the approval of the City Council and any properties so received and. acquired sh lll be in tj name of the City. it ,Sec ion 5. Rules and Regulations: The Board shall have power to makeisuch rules and regulations for the operation, management and maintenance of parks and other 2� - I'9 • recreational facilities._as heretofore defined, including the .power to fix chars for the use of any municipally owned or controlled.park or recreational facilities. All rules and regulations and use charges and amendments or changes thereof sh be .by resolution of the Board of Park Commissioners and notice thereof shall be posted in at least three. (3) public places within the City Limits of the City of� Renton, a copy of each such resolution to be filed with the City Clerk and the P.lice • Department of the City of Renton. These rules and regulations as heretofore def ned shall be in'l,full force and effect from and after the date of such posting in'thr=e (3) public places. This ordinance and .all rules and regulations?'charges and amen. nts pursuant thereto shall be enforced by the Police Department of the City of Rento' . • Violation thereof shall be considered a violation of this ordinance. I . . Section' 6.. Appointment and Duties of Superintendent: The Board shall have thepower toga oint a rho is specially I PP superintendentp ally trained and qualified. h training and1qualification shall include at least two years of experience as an ministrator of a park or recreational program or its equivalent and such appoints -nt to be subjectI to confirmation by the City Council. Said Superintendent, under the direction of the Park Board, shall have the management of the park and playground system and the appointment and supervision of qualified employees thereof for the efficient administration, construction and development of the public park and .rec at tion system as specified hereunder. Said Superintendent may be the executive off er of the.Board but shall have no vote thereon, and he shall have such powers and duties as prescribedjby the Board from time to time or as may be imposed upon him by reso lution or ordinance of the City. Section 7. Park Budget: The Board of Park Commissioners shall annually sub— mit. a budget to the City as required by law. Section 81. Penalties: Any violation of this ordinance shall be punished, up• • conviction thereof, by a fine not to exceed $100.00 or thirty (30) days in jail, or both. Section 9. Repealed Ordinances: Any ordinances or parts of ordinances in con flict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 10. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, publication and approval as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of March , 195 4.. v ile rook, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE.MAYOR this 23rdday o rch , 195 4.. oe R. ' er, Tayor Approve a to form: y ar • 6 . iyA or ey -3- --- / Date of publication: : 1 1, 1954 I (.1 , 0 Amends Ord. #1476 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 2857 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2-103 OF TITLE II (BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO . 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF. GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO TERMS OF PARK COMMISSIONERS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Existing Section 2-103 of Title II (Boards and Commissions) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General OrdinancesRenton"of the City of is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 2-103 - TERMS ; VACANCIES - as amended : The term of each Commissioner so appointed shall be for a period of four (4) years from the date of such appointment. Such designated term shall also apply to incumbent Commissioners and each such Commissioner shall serve until his or her successor has been appointed and duly qualified. The terms of office shall begin on the first Monday in June and at the expiration of each Commissioner ' s term, as aforesaid, the Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation or concurrence of a majority of 'Council members , one Commissioner for a four (4) year term. Members of the Park Board may be removed at any time by the appointing authority and vacanacies for the remainder of unexpired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The Board shall , be a majority vote , elect one of its members to be President thereof and may appoint such other officers as may be deemed necessary by them. SECTION II : Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IIE This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after ikti publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 3rd day of June , 1974 e ores A. Mead , 4_1(41erc- APP OVED BY THE MAYOR this 3rd day of June , 1974 6.ae..4.4,1 0A-/N,Iziar' A ery Gariptt , Mayor Ap ved as to form: 52,---7,/14 t&ec:, G rard M. hellan , City Attorney i Date of Publication : 6-7-74 May 5,2008 Renton City Council Minutes . Page 153 Resolution#3946 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Airport: Runway 15/33 Federal Aviation Administration's federal grant application and grant assurances Resurfacing Phase II Design, and accept the grant to fund Phase II of the design and engineering portion of FAA Grant ` the Runway 15/33 Resurfacing project. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3947 A resolution was read adopting amendments to the Park Rules and Regulations. Community Services: Park MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Rules &Regulations Changes RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/12/2008 for second and final reading: Planning: Develo ment An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Regulations (Title IV) Docket Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code to amend the Review (Monopole I & regulations regarding wireless facilities. MOVED BY ZWICKER, Wireless Facilitie) SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/12/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5373 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 374 acres of property generally Annexation: Nev, Life- Aqua located immediately south of the Renton Maple Valley Hwy. and immediately Barn, Maple Val ey Hwy east of the Cedar River at approximately 136th Ave. SE; New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance##537, An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for approximately Annexation: Nev'Life- Aqua 3.062 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton from King County Barn, CA Zonin (3.062 zoning to CA (Commercial Arterial) zoning; CPA 2007-M-03; New Life-Aqua Acres) Barn'Annexation. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#537,5 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for approximately Annexation: Nev Life-Aqua 109.35 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton from King County Barn, RC Zoning (109.35 zoning to RC (Resource Conservation) zoning; CPA 2007-M-03;New Life- Acres) Aqua Barn Annexation. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ: ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5376 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Annexation: Nevv Life-Aqua 26.79 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton from King County Barn, RMH Zoning(26.79 zoning to RMH(Residential Manufactured Home) zoning; CPA 2007-M-03; Acres) New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5377 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Annexation: New Life-Aqua 95.20 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton from King County Barn, R-4 Zoning(95.20 zoning to R-4 (Residential - four dwelling units per net acre) zoning; CPA Acres) 2067-M-03; New Life - Aqua Barn Annexation. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. . May 5,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 152 SAD: Highlands Water Main Utilities Committee Chair Zwicker presented a report recommending Improvements concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the preliminary Special Assessment District(SAD) for the Highlands Water Main Improvements project, and to direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final SAD upon completion of the construction of the project. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning& Development Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Zwicker presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Planning: Development proposed amendments to the Monopole I in residential zones and housekeeping Regulations (Title IV) Docket amendments to wireless regulations in all zones (City Code Title IV, Review Development Regulations, Docket Item 08-01). The amendment will allow Monopole I structures on a one-half acre lot with an administrative conditional use permit provided that they meet a one hundred foot setback from residential, and create some additional flexibility within the City Code to allow alesser setback with a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. In the public right-of-way, Monopole I would only be allowed on designated arterial roads. The housekeeping amendments would provide non- substntive language corrections, and cross-references. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 153 for ordinance.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the revised Park Rules and Community Sery ices: Park Regulations. The revisions include the following: 1) the Community Services Rules &Regulations Changes Administrator is authorized to grant permission for certain special events or activities,rather than the Park Board, in order to improve customer service to the public; 2) domestic animals are restricted at the Maplewood Golf Course; 3) similar sections in the rules are combined to eliminate repetition and/or confusion; 4) the sections entitled "Conduct" and "Lost Property" are moved from Article C, Civil Violations, to Article B, Criminal Violations, and an "Additional Violations" section is added to Article B; 5) the penalties sections refers to City Code instead of stating the specific penalties; 6) references to the "Park Board" are corrected to "Parks Commission"; and 7) otherlformatting and minor language revisions are made as necessary, and to be in accordance with City Code. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 153 for resolution.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3945 A.resolution was read authorizing signatures for depositories and electronic Finance: Signatures for fund transfers on behalf of and in the name of the City of Renton. MOVED BY Banking Transactions PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. APPROVED;BY • CITY CO • ., : • •- ' COMMUNITY"SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT - ::. • . ` Y. RECOMMENDATION TO PASS RESOLUTION: • ADOPTING'REVISED;PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS . . . :: ,s , (R'eferred.April:28;'2008) . : . . The:,Comrrunit':.Services'Committee•recommends concurrencej;. `. � i• mrne ':ii<'tleataff•recomniendatxon . ,,' ', :. . ;.,.: , adopt:the revised'Park•;Rules° and:Regulations:.as:.,:proposed: These, revisions..include."the ,: , • . following: 1) the Community:Services Administrator is authorized::to'grant:permission•for'L- certain special events..-or=activities;.rather:than the:$Pazlc,Board,,in:order to;improve.customer.' . : :•_: � i .service to, the public :2); domestic";=ammals are'restricted�Fat'the Maplewood`Golf Course, .3:). 'similar sections:in the.Rules;arereombined.;:to•.eliminate'r petition and/or;confusion ', '4 'them' sections en, tled" Conduct. nd:.Lost' �ro "'ert. . i an P .,are moped.tom Artele`�C 'Givi�l'Violations;. •:to"Article B_Criminal'-.Violations`,=•and��a A iti a 5 �.i ,, n. dd on i fViolatos-�;.sectori:is.�added:to Article ' he' enalties:,B' secti`ris•'` o refers'�to Cit'°::Code;'instead�'of�`sYa'tiri' 'the s �ecifi� - , ) Y. g.., p, c penalfes :.6) i •• :refe::n •-: re" ces o the Park Board-.. .are correcfed,to>;-.Park' � . \�. s'Conimissio� <.:and'7)"other forrna�fting' :`', ;:':and minorlangua e'revision•s,,are' •riade as`iecess ,and to:be in.-accordance wit CityCode • : .'• .r; a f:: The'C oznIL:m�tt e e further•reconirnends tfat`.ahe'reso�lution re ardiri • • - _ g: g tfiis.'m�altter.be presei�fed`for' ;; • • - readin•gand ado. tion. ' ... . is s Terri Bri e r r, gP'ark2: r -?Z: JJ . � • ., . ,. ,. is and•:Co an 'Me .. i ; 1 April 28,2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 138 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilmember Parker noted that these items will remain in Planning and Development Committee for further review. ADMINISTRATi VE Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT reportisummarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2008 and beyond. Items noted included: The public is invited to an open house to kick-off the beginning of the Shoreline Master Program update on April 30 at City Hall. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting inutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/21/2008. Council concur. 4/21/2008 Appeal: Blueberry Haven City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Short Plat, Gordley, SHP-07- Blueberry Haven Short Plat application (SHP-07-131) by Richard and Lauralee 131 Gordley, represented by Dickson Steinacker LLP, accompanied by required fee. ReferIto Planning and Development Committee. (See page 141 for action on related correspondence.) Court Case: Shane Watson & Court Case filed on behalf of Shane Watson and Lauren Watson by Sheffield& Lauren Watson, CRT-08-004 Associates who seek compensation for injury and permanent disability sustained by Shane Watson on 2/10/2005 while working as a subcontractor on the Maplewood Water Treatment Facility and Golf Course Improvements construction project. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Annexation: New Life-Aqua Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Barn, Maple Valley Hwy the New Life-Aqua Barn Annexation; 374 acres located in the vicinity of Maple Valley Hwy. Council concur. (See page 140 for ordinances.) Community Services: Park Community Services Department recommended approval of the revisions to the Rules & gulations Changes Park Rules and Regulations. Refer to Community Services Committee. Police: Lateral Police Officers Police Department recommended approval of the starting compensation for two Hire at Step D specific Lateral Police Officers at Step D of the salary range. Council concur. Finance: Utility Bill Public Works Department recommended approval of the request to waive the Adjustment, Co munity past due water bill in the amount of$16,307.72 for the water meter at Liberty Services Department Park.; Refer to Finance Committee. Budget: 2008 Amendment, Public Works Department recommended approval to amend the 2008 Budget Mechanic Assistant Position for Fund 501,Equipment Rental, in the amount of$37,077 to fund a Mechanic Assistant position, and approval to add the previously approved Street Maintenance Manager position to the 2008 Budget index of positions. Approval was also sought to hire a Mechanic Assistant, grade a09, effective 7/1/2008. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Ripley Lane Transportation Systems Division requested approval of an agreement in the Shoulder Improvements, King amount of$19,700 with King County for providing shoulder improvements County along Ripley Lane. Council concur. (See page 139 for resolution.) Transportation: May Creek Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement in the Bridge at NE 31 May St amount of$63,797 with Parametrix, Inc. for the May Creek Bridge at NE 31st Replacement, PaI ametrix St. Replacement project. Council concur. CI'r i OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA LULL .e, I1 Al#: I 1 , Submitting Data: For Agenda of: April 28, 2008 Dept/Div/Board.. Community Services Dept. _ Staff Contact' Terry Higashiyama,X6606 Agenda Status Bonnie Rerecich, X6624 Consent Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. Revision of Park Rules and Regulations Ordinance Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: New Business - Issue Paper Study Sessions . - Resolution with Exhibit A,proposed Park Rules and Information Regulations - Old Park Rules and Regulations - Approval memorandum from City Attorney's office I I Recommended A'tion: I Approvals: I Refer to Community Services Committee Legal Dept X Finance Dept I Other I II I I Fiscal Impact'' Expenditure Req fired... None Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project iBuciget City Share Total Project.. , I I SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Parks Commission and Community Services Department recommend that the current Park Rules and Regulations be re iced, in order to 1) Facilitate community requests in a timely manner; 2)restrict domestic anirnals�at the Maplewood Golf Course; 3) eliminate confusion by combining similar sections; 4) correct the location of the sections entitled"Conduct"and "Lost Property"by moving them from Article C, Civil Violations,to Article B, Criminal Violations, and add an"Additional Violations" section under Article B; 5)revise the penalties sections,by referring to City Code instead of stating the specific penalties; 6) cIorrect references to the"Park Board"to read"Parks Commission;" and 7)make other formatting and mior language revisions as necessary, and to be in accordance with City Code. I STAFF RECO MENDATION: Pass resolution that will authorize the adoption of revised Park Rules and Regulations. C•\Documents and Setting,\brerechich\Local Settings\Temp\agenda bill Park Rules.doc 0 � COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ♦ .• + i. No MEMORANDUMrv. • DA jiE: April 18,2008 i TO:; Terri Briere, Community Services Committee Chair Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law,Mayor FROM: TerryHi ashi am "Communit3Services Administrator STAFF ONTACT: Bonnie Rerecich, Community Resource&Funding Manager(X6624) SUl JE T: Recommendation to Adopt Revised Park Rules and Regulations ISSUE Should t e City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing revisions to the Park Rules and Regulati ns,as recommended by the Parks Commission and the Community Services Department? ATTAC NTS ' • 1.. raft resolution,with Exhibit A,proposed Park Rules and Regulations; due to the • f rmatting and layout changes, it was felt that a strike-though document would be dfficult to read. The specific changes are therefore described below. • :2. OId Park Rules and Regulations . 3. Approval memoranda from City Attorney's Office 4. Draft agenda bill BAGKG4OUND Periodic lly, a review to update the Park Rules and Regulations is necessary to ensure that the rules are relevant and effetive. The Parks Commission has the authority under RMC 2-9-6 to ropose such revisions to the City Council. A Community Service Department • group,including staff members from Parks, Recreation,Facilities,Library, Human • Services and Maplewood Golf Course, in addition to Parks Commission members and • Police Department staff,reviewed the current rules and identified issues that were not • • being met or were out-of-date. This review process,which included the City Attorney's Office, found several issues that needed to be addressed. The ievi ions made in response to the group's recommendations'are described below. PROPOSED CHANGES Significant changes,other than formatting,and clarifying/simplifying the text, were made • as folloWs: ■ Customer service has een compromised due to how the Park Rules and regulations often cite'the Parks Commission as the authorized designee to grant permission for certain events or activities. Staff could not assist the public with such requests for authorization,because they did not have the authority to do so. Renton City Council _ April 1 I,2008 p•2 Where appropriate,these rules have been revised, with the authority given to the Administrator or the Administrator's authorized designee rather than the Parks Commission. The above-mentioned changes affect Sections B.1,2,3,7, 8,and 11,and C;4 and 5, in the proposed Park Rules and Regulations. • The Maplewood Golf Course Manager requested that domestic animals be restricted at the golf course. Section B.11,"Domestic Animals in Parks,"reflects this change. • Section B.14,"Littering,"and the former Section B.15, "Refuse Disposal,"were identified as Iike issues. Therefore,these sections were combined in Section B.14, "Littering,"and the language was simplified. • "Noise Restrictions"and "Amplification Devices"were in two different sections, which was confusing. The"Amplification Devices"section was eliminated and its content was added to Section B.15, "Noise Restrictions." • Two sections formerly listed under Civil Violations, "Conduct"and"Lost • Property,"were moved to Article B,Criminal Violations, as Sections 16 and 17, per the recommendation of the City Attorney's office. In addition, Section B.16, "Conduct,"was revised to reflect City Code language. • Section B.18,"Additional Violations,"was added under Article B,"Criminal Violations,"to cover any additional criminal laws that may be violated. • Per the City Attorney's recommendation,anew"Penalties"section was created,in Article D,which cites the relevant sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The statement of penalties was formerly noted at the beginning of Article B, "Criminal Violations,"and Article C; "Civil Violations."Citing the Renton Municipal Code penalties sections will eliminate the need to revise the penalties section of the Park Rules and Regulations,whenever the law is revised. ■ Several references to the"Park Board"were made throughout the document;and these were corrected to read"Parks Commission." RECOMMENDATION . On November 20,2007,the Parks Commission recommended that the revised Park Rules and Regulations be adopted by the City of Renton. In addition,the Community Services Department recommends adoption of a Resolution authorizing the adoption of the revised Park Rules and Regulations. • • • cc: Jay Covington, Leslie Betlach Enc. Draft Resolution with proposed Park Rules and Regulations Old Park Rules and Regulations Approval memoranda from City Attorney's Office Draft agenda bill I I • i 1 . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOI)TING AMENDMENTS TO THE 1ARK RULES AND REG ATIONS. E�`z0, WHEREAS,the Parks Commission has establ•sliJ c`Main rules and regulations for the management of the properties under its supervisiq a'�.`elititled"Pry �,�ules and Regulations;" and E WHEREAS,representatives from th• unVrs !liity Services D partment of the City of 1 1Nittr 41111 Renton, incl ding staff members from Parks,Rearation, Fac`1� ►es, Library; an Services ill and Maplewood Golf Course, •in a ci1�i.Q5lill„', Ito Parks Cession members, Police department staff, and th City Attorney's office, w 46,as k 'p eview.t gl!i ��efcurrent Park Rules and ' lb 11 Regulations d iderintf i ea �Y 3o e revisiq: was n� eS'sary an i I r 7Y ililtiii�. �.tf, WHEREAS,'Ilk 11111 b�ese proposes visions are ncluded m '`�'��.ttached Exhibit A, Park Rules I ill , 11 4t#?, ti�F;6t i r �t 4 . 1P and Regu' txo1i�nt! d 4; ,'E 11� Ff,ll, s; ',lil , EREAS,1ne€,,r#opose� revisions mc'1liOtlie following changes: 1)Authority is now; •given to t! !community Se' does A " istrator or his/her authorized designee to grant permission or c�e° in events orlit( L{ivities;')domestic animals are restricted at the Maplewood Golf Course; 3) sectitifil o s with n entical subjects were combined,to eliminate confusion; 4) II 1 the sections entitled"Conde�, I d"Lost Property," formerly listed under Article C, Civil `Et� Violations, were moved to Article B, Criminal Violations, as Sections 16 and 17, and an "Additional Violations" section was also added to Article B; 5) the Penalties sections are reorganized and reworded to refer to the relevant City Code sections; 6) references to the"Park Board" are corrected to read"Parks Commission;" and 7) other formatting and minor language revisions are made as necessary and to be in accordance with City Code; and RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, at its November 20, 2007 meeting, the Parks Commission recommended that the revised Park Rules and Regulations be adopted by the City of Renton; and WHEREAS,the City Council has reviewed these proposed amendments to the Park I'ules and Regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. , SECTION II. The proposed amendments to the Park Rules and Regulations, as et forth in Exhibit A,Park Rules and Regulations, are approved, authorized and adopted by the I' enton City Council. SECTION III. A copy of the revised Park Rules and Regulations shall lbe filed. ith the City Clerk. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2008 Denis Law,Mayor pproved as to form: Ii awrence J. Warren, City Attorney I S. 2 ' RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A Park ules and Regulations Auth irize by.Ordinance No. 4419. Amended by Ordinance No.5155. Amended from Ordinance No. 4319 and No. 1476. Resolution No. 3555 adopted March 18, 2002; Resolution No. 3751 adopted ay 9, 2005. 11 A. Ginn raI Provisions Section 1. Priority of Use Programs nd activities scheduled by the Community Services Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. Otherwise, use of parks and facilities will be on a"first-come first- served"b sis. Section 2. Designee of Administrator The term TAdministrator"shall can the Community Services Administrator. The authority granted herein to the Administrator is granted to the Administrator's designee. I � Section 3. Exemptions from Rules and Regulations • Rules and Regulations related to possession of Weapons&Fireworks (Section B3) do not apply to law enforceme t personnel or to persons performing assigned duties as authorized by the Administrator. •i Rules and Regulations rlated to Overweight Vehicles in Parks (Section B6) do not apply to City of Renton maintenance vehicles or emergency vehicles. •„ Rules and Regulations related to Wildlife Harassment(Section B7) do not apply to wildlife cdntrol efforts authorized by the Administrator. • 1 Rules and Regulations related to Domestic Animals in Parks (Section B11) do not apply to lain/enforcement K-9 officers in the conduct of their official duties or to animals used by independent contractors if required in performance of the contract. •i Rules and Regulations related to Parking and Moorage (Section C10) do not apply to park maintenance and law enforcement watercraft. B. Criminal Violations Section 1. Posting of Signs Except as authorized by the Administrator, it is unlawful to use, place or erect any signboard, sign, billboard, bulletin board, post, pole, or device of any kind for advertising in any park; or to attach an notice bill, poster, si y gn, wire, rod, or cord to any tree, shrub, railing, post, or structure within any park; or to place or erect in any park, a structure of any kind. Section . Park Closing Unless of erwise posted, it is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time, except P when engaged in activities, programs, or events scheduled by the Community Services Departm nt. i 1. "i I RESOLUTION NO. Section 3. Weapons&Fireworks Except as otherwise permitted by law, it is unlawful for a person to possess in any park, any fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bow and arrow(s), BB gun, paint ball gun, or slingshot. It is unlawful for any person to possess firearms in any park except as otherwise permitted by law. Section 4. Alcohol It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any park except in areas designated by the Parks Commission. Designated areas are 1) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire's licensed premises; and 2) designated areas of the Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Activity Center facilities as part of a facility rental. All activities shall comply with all Washington State Liquor Control Board requirements. Section 5. Swimming Areas It is unlawful for any person to disobey rules, signs, or lifelines designating swimming areas. Swimming shall be permitted only within these areas. All persons using designated swimming areas shall obey all posted rules and/or the instruction of lifeguards, facility managers, or other authorized Community Services Department employees. No person shall give or transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning. Section 6. Overweight Vehicles in Parks It is unlawful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds or a maximum width of over 102 inches to use the road in any park of the city except for places set apart for such purposes by the Parks Commission and designated by signs., Section 7. Wildlife Feeding &Harassment It is unlawful in any manner to tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, injure or kill, throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon, any animal, bird, or fowl in any manner; or to feed any fowl or bird in any park. Section 8. Concessions, Sales, Commercial Activities, Distribution &Posting Pamphlets It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless authorized in writing by the Administrator: • Operating a fixed or mobile concession, or traveling exhibition. • Soliciting, selling, offering for sale, peddling, hawking, or vending any goods or services. • Advertising any goods or services other than the direct handing of written advertising to any one person. • Conducting classes or organized competitions. • Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind in any Community Services buildings. These facilities are not public forums or limited public forums, and are designated solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. EXHIBIT A—p. 2 Y RESOLUTION NO. • Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose, inluding fund raising and/or fund solicitation.• Attaching or securing to any vehicle or structure any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet, or printed m terial of any kind. Section 9. Water Craft It is unlawful to have, keep, or operate any boat, float, raft, or other water craft in or upon any bay, lake, slough, river or creek, within the limits of any park, or to land the same at any point upon rthe shores thereof, except1 at places set apart for such purposes by the Parks Commission and so designated by signs. Section 10. Speeding on Trails It is unla ul for any person to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions or in disregard for actual and potential hazards. In every event, speed sh II be so controlled as is necessary to avoid colliding with others using the trail. Travel at speeds in excess of 15 miles pet hour on any trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumpt on that the person violated this section. 11 Section 11. Domestic Animals in Parks It is unlawful to allow or permit any domestic animal, including service animals, to run at large in any park, or enter any swimming area, pond, or fountain therein. A dog brought into or kept in a park urea shall be on a leash ndt more than eight(8) feet in length. Exceptions to leash requirem7nts may be made only for approved scheduled events. • Nlo domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed in any park or park facility that permits swimming. • Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible , for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by such animal. The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment or supplies required for feces removal. • V'Vith permission of the Parks Commission, domestic animals, except for service animals, , c n be restricted from specific events held at parks or posted areas within a park. • No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed at the Maplewood Golf Course. Section k12. Authority to Remove Persons in Parks 1 It shall be unlawful to stay in a park when directed to leave by an authorized Community Services Department employee or any police officer. Section 13. Vandalism II It is unlawful to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, fern, plant, flower, lighting system, or sprinkling system, or other pros erty lawfully in any park. Section 14. Littering ' It is unlawful to throw or depo it any refuse or other material in any park, except in designated 1 receptacles, or to take garbage or refuse generated outside a park to a park for disposal. I ' EXHIBIT A—p. 3 I i RESOLUTION NO. Section 15. Noise Restrictions All provisions of the Renton Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 7, will be strictly enforced, in particular the following provisions: • It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes" - portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players - so loudly they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. • It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit. Section 16. Conduct It is unlawful to use abusive, vile, profane, or obscene language or threats, which interfere with the reasonable use of a park by the general public. It is unlawful to engage in acts of violence, including but not limited to fights of any kind, or to act in a violent, threatening, intimidating, or hostile manner toward another person whereby such person is put in reasonable fear for his/her safety. Section 17. Lost Property It is unlawful for any person to fail to turn in any property or objects found on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable City and State Laws. Section 18. Additional Violations Any violation of state criminal laws or the criminal laws of the City of Renton constitutes a violation of these Rules and Regulations. C. Civil Violations Section 1. Activities It is unlawful in any park to practice or play golf, baseball, cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton, or other games of like character, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or other missile, including model airplanes, except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Parks Commission. Section 2. Motorized and Non-motorized Vehicles in Parks Except for wheelchairs, wheeled prosthetics, or other wheeled vehicles being used by a disabled person, it is unlawful to ride, park, or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller-skates, land sailing device, scooter, unicycle, or any other ; wheeled or similar vehicle, horse or pony on, over, or through any park designated by signage. It is unlawful to use the Renton Skate Park at Liberty Park with any device other than a skateboard or in-line skates. Section 3. Vehicle Repair in Parks Except when authorized in writing by the Administrator, it is unlawful, to operate, repair or service any motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose of testing, servicing, or repairing. Section 4. Racing in Parks r:M1th11 A—p. 4 li 1 • RESOLUTION NO. '1 It is unlawful to engage in, conduct, or hold any trials or competitions for speed, endurance or hill climbi g involving any vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, or animal in any park without the written permisio of the Administrator. Section . Camping and Overnight Stays in Parks I Except at laces set aside for suich purposes and so designated by signs, it is unlawful to erect a I tent or shelter or to arrange bedding, or both, for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit remaining overnight. It is also unlawful to park a trailer, camper, or other vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight, except when authorized by.the Administrator. 1, Section 6. Fires and Barbecues It is unlawful to build fires in any park except in areas designed and set aside for such purpose by the Parks Commission. It is unlawful to use any portable barbecue over 36 inches in length or less than 0 inches in height over a combustible surface unless said surface is protected by a heat shiel or fireproof device placed under the barbecue. I Section . Metal Detecting It shall b unlawful to use in an, park a.device to detect ores or metals, except when authorized in writing by the Administrator. Section . Glass Containers,in Parks with Swimming Areas It is unlawful to possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park facility that permits s Nimming. I. Section 9. Group Rally/Special Use Permit It is unlawful to conduct any group rally in a park area or designated facilities where such activities`will conflict in any way with normal park usage.To avoid conflict, permission for such activities must be obtained in advance from the Administrator. 1 Special permit required: Groups that desire to use City of Renton facilities may be granted Special U e Permits by the department, but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate, special c a nditions of use shall be established by the Community Services Department and so noted on the Special Use Permits. Section 10. Parking and Moorage ill It is unlawful to park it an area designated for a particular recreational activity, unless I, participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be I` impounded at the owner's expense. Boat or watercraft users who are launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and Iwho do not have an annual permit must pay the posted fee on a per-use basis. It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits. 11 atercraft moored in violation of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. 1 I 1 EXHIB T A—p. 5 l] 1' RESOLUTION NO. D. Penalties Section 1. Criminal Violations Pursuant to RMC 2-9-6C, Park Rules and Regulations identified as criminal violations herein are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1. Section 2. Civil Violations Pursuant to RMC 2-9-6C, Park Rules and Regulations identified as civil violations herein are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-2. E. Trail Etiquette All Users: • Obey all trail signs and regulations. • Show courtesy for other trail users at all times. • Keep dogs on leash, maximum length 8 feet(dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park&Kennydale Beach Park). • When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point,yield to traffic already on the trail. • No group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail nor impede the normal movement of trail users. • Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Renton trails except by Community Services Department personnel. Pedestrians: • Listen for audible signals and allow faster trail users to pass safely. Bicyclists: ' • Cyclists are required to wear safety helmets on all trails in King County. • Yield to pedestrians. Always give an audible(voice, bell, horn)warning before passing another trail user. j I I EXHIBIT A-p. 6 I I ' Old Park .les and Regulations Park ules and Regulations Authorized by Ordinance No. 4419.Amended from Ordinance No. 4319 and No. 1476. Resolution #3555 adopted March 2002 Resolution #3751 adopted May 9, 2005 Fine not to exceed $500 and 90 days in city jail Section 1. Posting of Signs lIt is unlawful to use, place or erect any signboard, sign, billboard, bulletin board, post, pole or device of any ' kind for advertising in any park; onto attach any notice bill, poster, sign,wire, rod or cord to any tree, shrub, raililhg, post or structure within any park; or,without written consent of the Park Board,to place or erect'in any park,a structure of anj kind: provided that the Park Board may permit the erection of temporary directional signs or decorations on occasions of public celebration and picnics. Section 2. Park Closing It is unlawful to remain in any parl after the posted closing time, except when engaged in activities that are a part of t e recreation program approved by the Park Board. Section . Weapons&Fireworks It is unlawful for any person except duly authorized law enforcement personnel to possess any firearm, fireworks, firecracker,torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bows and arrows, BB gun or slingshot without the appropriate concealed weapon permit in any park until a written permit has been obtained from the Park Board. 1 Section 4. Alcohol It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any park except in areas designated by the Park Board. Designated areas are 1) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire's licensed premises; 2)The Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Activity Center banquet facilities. Section . Swimming Areas ' It is'unlaw�ful for any person to disobey rules, signs or lifelines designating swimming areas. Swimming shall be permitted only within these areas. All persons using designated swimming areas shall obey all posted beach rules and/or the instruction of lifeguards,facility managers, or other Parks Division employees. No person shall give or transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning. ' Section 6. Overweight Vehicles in Parks . It is,unlawful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds or a maximum width of over 102 Indies t4 use the road in any park of the city except for places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and designated by signs.This rule shall not apply to parks maintenance or emergency vehicles. Section 7. Wildlife Feeding&Harassment Old Park, ,ales and Regulations It is unlawful in any manner to tease,annoy,disturb, molest,catch, injure or kill,throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon,any animal, bird, or fowl; or to feed any fowl or bird in any park except in areas designated by the Park Board. Section 8. Concessions.Sales,Commercial Activities&Posting Pamphlets It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless specifically authorized in writing. Such writing shall include a concession contract with the Park Board: • Operating a fixed or mobile concession,traveling exhibition. • Soliciting,selling, offering for sale, pedaling, hawking,or vending any goods or services. • Advertising any goods or services other than the direct handling of written advertising handed to any one person. • Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind in any Community Services special purpose buildings(i.e. Renton Community Center, Renton Senior Activity Center, Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse).These facilities are not public fora or limited public fora and are designated solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. • Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose, including fund raising and/or fund solicitation, without written Park Board permission. Section 9. Water Craft It is unlawful to have, keep or operate any boat,float, raft or other water craft in or upon any bay,'lake, slough, river or creek,within the limits of any park, or to land the same at any point upon the shores thereof bordering upon any park, except at places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs. Section 10. Speeding on Trails It is unlawful for any person to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions and having regard to actual and potential hazards. In every event, speed shall be so controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with others who are complying with the law and using reasonable care.Travel at speeds in excess of 15 miles per hour on a walking/vehicle trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the person violated this section. Section 11. Domestic Animals in Parks It is unlawful to allow or permit any domestic,animal, including service animals,to run at large in aliy park, or enter any swimming area, pond or fountain therein.A dog brought into or kept in a park area shall be on a leash not more than eight(8)feet in length. • No domestic animals will be allowed in any park or park facility which permits swimming and/or boating activities. • Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by such animal.The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment required for,feces removal. • Domestic animals, except for service animals, can be restricted from specific events held at parks, upon request and subsequent approval of the Park Board. 1 1 1 Old Pah lies and Regulations Section 12. Authority to Remove Persons in Parks It shall be unlawful to stay in a park when directed to leave by a Renton Park Department employee or any police,officr. , Section 1 . Vandalism It is uhlaw ul to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument,statue,vase, fountain,wall , fence,'raili g,vehicle, bench, shrub,tree, fern, plant,flower, lighting system or sprinkling system or other property lawfully in any park. r Section 14. Littering It is unlawful to throw any refuse, litter, broken glass, crockery, nails, shrubbery,trimmings,junk or advertisin matter in any park or to deposit any such material therein,except in receptacles provided for such purposes. 1 Section 115. Refuse Disposal It is unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse brought from private property in receptacles located in Renton parks or facilities. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, lunches, etc. Section 1.6. Noise Restrictions It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or"boom boxes"- portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact cisc players-so loudly tllley interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance 4 75 feet or more. Fine,not to exceed $250 , Section 1.. Activities il It is IunlaWful in any park to practice or play golf, baseball, cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton or other games of like character,or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or other missile, including model airplanes, except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Park Board. Programs and activities scheduled by the Park Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. Section 2. Motorized and Non-motorized Vehicles in Parks 1 It is unlawful to ride, park or drive any bicycle,tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller-skates, land sailing device,isl cooter, unicycles or any other wheeled or similar vehicle, horse or pony on,!over or through any park designated by signage as being restricted from such activities. It is unlawful to, use'the Renton Skate Park at Liberty Park with any device other than a skateboard or in-line skates. 1 Section 3. Vehicle Repair in Parks It is unlawful,without written pelrmission from the Community Services Administrator or a designated representative,to operate, repair or service any motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the , purpose of testing, servicing or repairing. Section 4. Racing in Parks it Old Park, es and Regulations • It is unlawful to engage in,conduct or hold any trials or competitions for speed, endurance or hill climbing involving any vehicle, boat, aircraft,or animal in any park without written permission from the Park Board. Section 5. Camping and Overnight Stays in Parks It is unlawful except at places set aside for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs,to erect a tent or shelter or to arrange bedding,or both,for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit, remaining overnight. It is also unlawful to park a trailer,camper or other vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight. Section 6. Fires and Barbecues It is unlawful to build any fires in any park except in areas designed and set aside for such purpose by the Park Board. It is unlawful to use any portable.barbecue over 36 inches in length or less than 30 inches in height over a combustible surface unless said surface is protected by a heat shield or fireproof device placed under the barbecue. Section 7. Metal Detecting It shall be unlawful to use in any park a device to detect ores or metals without written permission,of the Community Services Administrator or the Community Services Administrator's designated representative. Section 8. Glass Containers in Parks with Swimming Areas It is unlawful to possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park facility which permits swimming unless authorized to do so by the Community Services Administrator or the Community Services Administrator's designated representative. Section 9. Conduct It is unlawful to use abusive language or to conduct oneself in a manner that interferes with the reasonable use a park by the general public. Section 10. Amplification Devices It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the Community Services Administrator or the Community Services Administrator's designated representative. Section 11. Group Rally It is unlawful to conduct any group rally in a park area or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage.To avoid conflict, permission for such activities must bel obtained in advance from the Community Services Administrator or the Community Services Administrator's designated representative. Section 12. Special Use Permit Special permit required. Groups which desire to use City of Renton facilities may be granted special use permits by the department but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate,special conditions of use I shall be established by the department and so noted on the special use permits. Section 13. Lost Property Old Park les and Regulations It is unlawfu for any person to fail to turn in any property or objects found on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington.The article shall be,disp sed of in accordance with applicable City and State Laws. Section 14 Parking and Moorage It is unlawful to park in an area designated for a particular recreational activity, unless participating in that activity;and only while participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in contravention of this section may be impounded t owner's expense. Boats or watercraft launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park must pay posted fee. It is unlawful to moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits in areas so designated. It shall be unlawful to moor a watercraft in contravention of this section.Additionally, watercraft moored in ontravention of this section may be impounded at the owner's expense. All Users: • ' Omey all trail signs and regulations. •I St-ow courtesy for other trail users at all times. •' Kep dogs on leash, maximum length 8 feet(Dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach ' PJrk&Kennydale Beach Park). •! When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point, yield to traffic already on the trail. •' N group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail as to impede the normal movement oft trail users. •' Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Renton trails except by Parks Department personnel. Pedestrians: ' • L sten for audible signals and help faster trail users pass safely. Bicyclists: • Cyclists are required to wear safety helmets on all trails in King County. • Yield to pedestrians. Always give an audible(voice, bell, horn) warning before passing another trail L ser. R • May 9,2005' Renton City Council Minutes Page 168 Finance Committee Finarice Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding bad debt write • Finance: Bad Debt Write Off off. The Finance and Information Services (FIS)Department presented to the Committee a list of bad debts totaling$52,524.22. The FIS Department and the City's collection agency have attempted to collect these debts for over 24 months without success. The total bad debt consists of uncollectible accounts for services provided by the Police Department,Renton Municipal Airport, Community Services Department,Public Works Department, and Utility Billing Division. The Committee recommended granting to the FIS Department the authority to write off the total bad debt of$52,524.22, and to authorize the department to make the necessary accounting adjustments to remove these debts as owing on the City's financial records.* Mr.Persson explained that this action represents an accounting adjustment, and the City is still going to try to recover the money. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 237061 -237489 and two wire transfers totaling $2,847,310.02; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 57031 -57257, one wire transfer, and 575 direct deposits totaling$1,880,579.83. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Latecomer Agreement: concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve Glenn Wharton's request Wharton, Sewer xtension(SE for latecomer agreement for a period of 15 years for the purpose of recovering a 122nd St),LA-04-001 portion of the cost of extending wastewater facilities for a residential project at 14035 SE 122nd St. The application for latecomer agreement was submitted on 3/22/2004, and the preliminary costs were approved by the City Council on 5/17/2004. Construction of the project started 7/2/2004, and was completed 3/30/2005. Staff has received as-built plans,reviewed the final costs, and updated the assessment roll. The Committee further recommended that the City Clerk send out notices of the latecomer's potential assessment and the right to appeal, with Council retaining the right to rule on the final action. If no appeals have been submitted within 20 days of the date of the mailing, the Committee recommended that the City Clerk mail the final assessment notice, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute and record the latecomer agreement to finalize the matter. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Committee amendments to the Park Rules and Regulations. The Committee recommended Community Services: Park concurrence in the staff and Park Board recommendation to approve the Rules &Regulations Changes amendments to Section 11 of the Park Rules and Regulations, to indicate that domestic animals,except for service animals, can be restricted from specific events held at City parks, upon request and subsequent approval of the Park Board, and that all domestic animals in City parks be on a leash, including service animals. May 9,2005 Renton City Council Minutes Page 169 . The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Councilwoman Nelson pointed out that the Park Rules and Regulations amendment allows special event organizers to apply to the Park Board for the prohibition of domestic animals from specific events, such as the Farmers Market. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Committee regarding the multi-family housing property tax exemption applications and EDNSP: Multi-Family agreements. The Committee recommended concurrence with the staff Housing Property Tax recommendation to authorize the Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Exemption,Mer911 Gardens Strategic Planning Department Administrator to approve the multi-family and Parkside at 95 Burnett housing property tax exemption applications for Merrill Gardens at Renton Centre and Parkside at 95 Burnett. The Committee also recommended adoption of two resolutions to approve multi-family housing property tax exemption agreements that address the terms and conditions for Merrill Gardens at Renton Centre and Parkside at 95 Burnett to receive a partial property tax exemption upon completion. The Committee further recommended that the resolutions regarding these matters be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolutions.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3751 A resolution was read approving amendments to the Park Board's Park Rules Community Services: Park and Regulations. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, Rules &Regulatlllons Changes COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3752 A resolution was read approving a multi-family housing property tax exemption EDNSP: Multi-Family agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement Housing Property Tax for the Merrill Gardens at Renton Centre project. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Exemption,Merrill Gardens at SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Renton Centre CARRIED. Resolution#3753 A resolution was read approving a multi-family housing property tax exemption EDNSP: Multi-Family agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement Housing Property Tax for the Parkside at 95 Burnett project. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED Exemption,Parkside at 95 BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Burnett NEW BUSINE S MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE Utility: Sewer Moratorium in ISSUE OF IMPOSING A SEWER MORATORIUM IN THE EAST RENTON East Renton Plateau PAA PLATEAU POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance: Utility Tax MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER Exemption THE;ADMINISTRATION'S (4/22/2005)UTILITY TAX EXEMPTION REPORT TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I 4 • I APPI7OVED BY ---1 . Crif COUNCiL Date. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT 1 May 9,2005 , Amendment to Park Rules and Regulations (Referred May 2, 2005) 1 The pon7 nity Services Committee recommends concurrence in the staff and Park Board recoinmend.tion to approve the amendments to Section 11 of the Park Rules and Regulations, to indica e oat domestic animals, except for service animals, can be restricted from specific ' events h ld .t City parks, uponi request and subsequent approval of the Park Board, and that all domestic animals in City pi arks be on a,leaSh; including service animals. . , The Commi ee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for 1 reading a1nd I doption. .. . , 4,.. ,' 1 '?.'': ' , •,,, .s: r . ' „ . 4•171-4- .., . Toni Nelso I, Chair • •Marcie Pal er, Vice Chair Dan iClawso , Member • C: : De 1 is Culp ylv a Allen , des! e Betlach • ark Board , • • . , 1 • , . . . . , . . - Trail Etiquette ! , „ . . . .. , . .... . ., , . All Users...' . _. , - Pedestrians.:. - . . - 0- Obey'all trail'signs and regulations _ - - ' 0 Listen for audible signals and elp faster trail .. . ,_ • - 0 Show courtesy for other_trail users at all times users pass safely . I • , ' 0 Keep dogs on leash (maximum length 8 feet) „ , , - i ' . . (Dogs'are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Bit yclists... Beach Park& Kennydale Beach Park) _ . 0 When entering or crOssing a trail at an uncon- : 0 Cyclists are .I required to wear ..af ty helmets on trolled-point, yield to traffic already on the trail . all trails in King County - a ' No griOup-of trail users shall occupy more than 0 - Yield to pedestrians - ' • half of the trail as to impede'the normal move,- 0 Always give'an audible. (yoicT; ,bell, horn) warn- merit,Iof trail users . . - , . ' ' ing before passing another tr.il User , , ,1 . - _ - ' . • , , 0 Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Renton . . i ', . , - trails '1 , . . . - • 1 . . . , , . . . . . .i • , . . .- -.I , . . . • , . . . . . . • . . ., . . . .. . . . . , , . . . .. . • , . , . . . . . . . , . . . • . . „ - , . , . . . , . , . ' ' ' • .- , . . ' • , . . . , •. . .. . .. . , • • . . . . . , .. . . , . . . _. . . , . .. ,, .. , . .. . . .. ' . . .. . . . . . „ .: . . , . . , . . .. , - . . . . .. 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P CrintinalViolations Section.l4. }" (Fine not to exceed$500 and 90 days in city jail), -- It is unlawful to throw any-refuse, litter,_broken glass, crockery, nails, ` • - shrubbery,trimmings,junk or advertising'matter in anypark or to deposit ' Sect on 1. . ' . . any•such'material.therein, except in receptacles'provided-for such- It is u l;lawful to use,place,or erect any signboard,sign,billboard,bulletin .,purposes., •, , board post,pole or device of any kind for advertising in any-park;or to:.• ` - - - I' - - attac any notice bill, poster,sign,wire, rod or cord to any tree,shrub, .• :Section 15; • railin a post or structure within any-park;or,without written consent of the - It shall be-unlawful for any.person to deposit.any refuse brought from - - Park='oard,to place or erect in any park,a structure of any kind: Provided . private property:in.receptacles located in Renton parks or-facilities. • - that t 'e Park Board may-permit'the erection of temporary directional- ' Nothing'in,this section is-intended to prohibit,the disposal of refuse signs or decorations on occasions of public celebration and picnics: ' .,generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, lunches;etc._ • .Sect'0 n 2. •. , S• ection,16., . - It is u,lawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time,except .'It is unlawful to play car stereos,radios,or"boom_boxes":portable audio <when '-ngaged in activities that are a part of the•recreation program equipment,such as tape or compact disc players-so loudly they interfere appro led by the Park Board. • - ' . - - .-with normalconversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of • - 75 feet or-more. _ ' Secti1•n 3. .. • - = _ . . I : - - It is u lawful for any person.except-duly,authorized law enforcement. ... -- (Fine not to exceed$250) perso;"nel to possess any firearm;fireworks,firecracker,torpedo;explo- . . sive,a r gun,_sword,knife,bows and arrows,BB gun-or slingshot without Section 1. 2. - . the ap ropriate concealed weapon permit In any park until a written permit -It is unlawful in any park to practice-or play ay golf,baseball,cricket,soccer, • has b 'en obtained from the Park Board. - -, Polo,--archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton. or other games of like character,or to hurl;propel,or fly any airborne or other missile,including Sectil n 4: . model`airplanes,,except in places:and times set apart for such purposes- It is ui°lawful to possess or consume-alcoholic beverages`in any park _by,the Park, Board. Programs and activities scheduled by the Park' . exceptl'in areas designated by the Park Board. Designated areas are 1) : Department will have first priority,for use of,parks'and facilities.-- -- Maple ood-Golf Course, when:such beverages are purchased:and. .Section 2. consu;;I ed within the concessionaire's licensed premises;.2)The Renton -• " ' , Comm'nity Center and Renton Senior•Activity Center banquet facilities. , It is unlawful to ride,-park or drive any bicycle;tricycle,motorcycle,motor . vehicle,skateboard,rollerbiades;rollerskates,•land sailing device,scoot- • SeCti Idn 5. .:ers, unicycles, or any other wheeled or similar-.vehicle, horse or.pony- _ It is unit`wful for any person to disobey rules,.signs or lifelines designating, or,over or through anypark•designated_by signage as being restricted swimni ng areas. Swimming shall be permitted only within these areas: from such activities. It is unlawful to use the Renton'Skate Park at Liberty• All per ons using designated swimming areas'shall obey,all posted Park with any deviceotfier than-a skateboard.or inline skates. • ' - beach °ules and/or the instruction of"lifeguards, facility managers, or - _ - l' . --- _ .. -other ark Department employees. No-person shall give or'transmit.a . Section 3.- .- - • . false si nal or false alarm of drowning.' - . . -- . - 'It is unlawful,without written.permission-from the'Community Services - Administrator;or a.designated representative, to operate, repair-or Secti �n,6: _ service any motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose - It is unl wful,for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds of testing,servicing or repairing: - or-a m imum width of over 102 inches•to use the road in any of the -. --. .• city ex pt for places set apart-for such purposes by the Park Board and Section^4. - • _ . ,• • - design 'ted by signs. This shall not apply to parks,maintenance,or '. It is unlawful to engage in,conduct or hold any trials or competitions for, - •emerg 'ncy vehicles. , speed,endurance or hill climbing involving any,vehicle,boat,-aircraft,or animal in"anypark without written permission from the Park Board.- Secti �n 7. • Section 5: It is unl 'wful in any manner-to tease;annoy;disturb,molest,catch;injure . .•'or kill, ;;row any stone or-missile of any kind at-or strike with any stick ,.It is unlawful.except at places set aside for such pur t poses by the-Park or wea r on,any animal,bird,or fowl;or to feed any fowl or,bird in any park Board-and so designated by signs, to erect'a tent-or shelter or to arrange - except In areas designated-by the Park-Board. -bedding, or both,-for the,purpose of,,or-in,such a way,as•will permit, remaining overnight.It is also unlawful to park a trailer,camper or other • - Sectiol 8. - vehicle forthe:purpose-Of remaining overnight.'' • , • It.:is uMawful to-perform:the-following activities.in a-park area unless _Section 6. - - - -.specifi, Ily authorized in writing. Such•writing shall-include a concession It is unlawful to build any fires_in anypark except in areas designed and contrac with the Park Board: . A.Op, rating,a fixed or mobile concession,traveling exhibition.. set aside for such purposes by the-Park Board.It is unlawfulto use any B.SoI citing selling, offering for sale, peddling; hawking, or,vending portable barbeque over 36 inches in length or less than 30 inches.in height ' an goods or services. - . • over a combustible surface unless-said surface is protected bya heat - 'C.Ad•',ertising any goods or-services-Otherthan the direct handling of , shield or fireproof device placed under the.barbeque. , wrl ten advertising handed.to anyone person. Section 7. : - ' D.DI ributing any.commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or It shall be unlawful.to use in any park a device;to detect ores or metals . pri ted:material-of any kind-'.in any,Community Services,special without written permission-of the Community Services Administrator or purpose buildings(i.e. Renton Community Center, Renton.Senior. the Community Services Administrator's'designated.representative. - Ac ivity Center,.Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse):These facili- . - • - - tie bare not,public fora-or.limited public fora-and are designated - Section 8.- . , • soi ly to the specific purposes for which they'are dedicated. 'It is unlawful to possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park - E.Ent:ring upon,using or traversing any.portion of a park•for commer- facility which permits swimming.unless authorized to do so by the Commu cial,�purpose;Including fund raising and/or fund solicitation,without ' nity Services Administrator-or-the Community'• Services Administrator's wri ten Park Board permission. - • - , designated representative.- -- 1 Seetio li 9. • - - - . 'Section.9. ' , - . • It is unlc ful to.have,-keep or operate any boat,float,.raft or other water , It is unlawful to-use-abusive language or taconduct oneself in a manner' , craft inupon any bay,.lake,slough,river or creek,within the limits of that,interferes with the reasonable use-of any park by the general-public. any.pa or to land the same at any point upon the shores thereof SeCtior. 10: - borderiupon anypark,except at places set apart for such purposes by It Is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical meansthe Paroard and so designated by signs._ _ of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the Community ' . • Seetio10. Services Administrator or the Community Services.Administrator's desig- It is unlful for ariy,person to.travel on a trail at a speed-greater than is- nafed representative:reasone and prudent under the existing conditions,and having_regard •Section`,11.• ' ' to actuand-potential hazards. In every. event, speed shalt be so. - - - •o It is unlawful to conduct any group rally in a park area or designatedcontrollas may be necessary to.avoid abl colliding with others eels inare facilities where such activities will.conflict In any way with normal park, corripiyi with the law and using reasonable care.-Travel at speeds in usage. To avoid conflict;permission for such_activities must be obtained - excess of 15 miles per'hour on a walking/vehicle.trail-shall constitute In in advance from the Community Services Administrator or the Commu-` evidenc-la prima facie presumption that the person violated thissection. - nity Services Administrator's designated representative.. Seetio 11. Section.12: • It is unla ful to allow or permit.any dom• estic animal to-run at large in any Special permit required: Groups which desire to use City. of Renton park,or a°ter any swimming area,pond or fountain.thereln.A'dog brought facilities may be granted special-use permits by the department but will ' into or ke.t in a park area shall be on a leash not more than eight feet In-length}. be subject to a user fee: Where appropriate,special conditions of use A. N N. domestic animals.will be allowed in anypark orpark facilityshall be established by the department and so_noted on the special use . permits. which'permits swimming and/or boating activities. - ' , I .- - -B.An ilperson with.a dog-or other pet in their possession in any park- .Section 13. -_ - . - shall b- responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal 'It is unlawful forany person to'fail'to turn in any property or objects found' .- from t - park of feces deposited by such animal. The person with the on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police . dog.orlother pet must have'in their possession the equipment required ' Department, at City`Hall, Renton, Washington. The .article shall .be .for feces removal. - disposed of-in accordance with applicable City and'State Laws. „ Section112. Section 14. It shall b-unlawful fo stay in:a.park when directed to leave by-a Renton. It is unlawful to park•in an area designated for,a-particular recreational ParkDep rtment employee or;anypolice officer. • - activity,unless participating in-that activity and only while participating in -, . -.Sectionil13. . that activity. Vehicles-parked in contravention of this section may be . ' ' It is unla vful to remove, destroy, ate or dr • impounded at owner's expense. Boats or watercraft launching at Gene 'mutilate eface any.structure; monume t, statue, ase, fountain,.wall fence;"railing,-vehicle, bench, - Coulon Memorial Beach Park must pay posted fee.It is unlawful to moor shrub, tr�'e, fern, plant flower, lighting•system or sprinkling system or any boat-or-watercraft beyond posted time limits in areas so designated.. , other pro erty lawfully in any park.. • -It shall be-unlawful to moor a watercraft in contravention of this section. .. . Additionally,watercraft moored in contravention-of this section may be . - - , impounded at the owners expense:, •. APPROVED BY • CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES Date 3'/f"o?d0,2. 1 COMMITTEE REPORT March 18,2002 Park Rules and Regulations (Referred February 25, 2002) Several par°rules.and'regulations require minor revisions to make them more comprehensive; to reflect updated legal review and to allow the Renton Police Department a more enforceable interpretation of the rules.. Therefore, the;Comn unity,S.ervices Conmiittee recommends concurring with staff and the Park Bod recommendation"toapprove suggested changes: - The Committee further recomrnends,that:the resolutionfegardingthis matter be adopted. R dy Gorman, Chair E .X. . • Dan Clawson'Vice-Chair 7 Y .. Don Persson,Member • • C: Jerry terecich Jim Shepherd I:\COMMI I h\Reports\Community Services\ParkRules.rpt.doc . i i Criminal Violations Section 13. ,. (Fine not to exceed$500 and 90 days in city jail) It is unlawful to remove, destroy, mutilate or,deface any structure, Section 1. monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall fence, railing, vehicle, bench, It is unlawful to use, place, or erect anysignboard, sign, billboard, shrub, tree, fern, plant flower, lighting system or sprinkling system or 9 9 other property lawfully in any park. bulletin board, post, pole or device of any kind for advertising in any Section 14. park; or to attach any notice bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or cord to any ` tree,shrub, railing,post orjstructure within any park;or,without written It is unlawful to throw any refuse, litter, broken glass, crockery, nails, consent of the Park Board, to place or erect in any park, a structure of shrubbery, trimmings, junk or advertising matter in any park or to any kind: Provided that the Park Board may permit the erection of deposit any such material therein, except in receptacles provided for temporary directional, sighs or decorations,on occasions of public such purposes: celebration and picnics. Section 15. ' Section 2. 1 It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse brought from . It is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time,except private property in receptacles located in Renton parks or facilities. when engaged in activities that are a part of the recreation program Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse approved by the Park Board. i generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, lunches, etc. Section 3. Section 16. It is unlawful for any;person except duly authorized law enforcement It is unlawful to play car stereos,radios,or"boom boxes"-portable audio personnel to possess any firearm, fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, equipment, such as tape or compact disc players,- so loudly they explosive, air gun, bows and arrows, BB gun or siingshot•in any park interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a until a written permit has been obtained from the Park Board. distance of 75 feet or more. Section 4. t Civil Violations It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any park (Fine not to exceed $250) except in areas designated by the Park Board. Designated areas are Section 1. 1) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverageslare purchased and It is unlawful in any park to practice or play golf,baseball,cricket,soccer, consumed within the conce`ssionaire's licensed premises;2)The Renton Community Center and Re ton Senior Activity Center banquet facilities, polo,hartenor, hockey,rel,lorflya badmintonneotherr other gamesn luof like character,or to hurl,propel,or fly anyairborne or missile,including Section 5. model airplanes,except in places and times set apart for such purposes It is unlawful for any person to disobey rules,signs or lifelines designat- by the Park Board. Programs and activities scheduled by the Park ing swimming areas. ,Swimming shall be permitted only within these Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. areas. All persons using designated swimming areas shall obey all Section 2. posted beach rules and/or the instruction of lifeguards, facility manag- It is unlawful to ride,park or drive any bicycle,tricycle,motorcycle,motor ers, or other Park Department employees. No person shall give or vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, rollerskates, land sailing device, transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning. 1 horse or pony on, over or through any park designated by signage as Section 6. being restricted from such activities. It is unlawful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds Section 3. or a maximum width of over 102 inches to use the road in any park of the It is unlawful,without written permission from the Community Services city except for places set apart for such purposes byjthe Park Board and Administrator or a designated representative, to operate, repair or designated by signs. ,This rule shall not apply to parks, maintenance, service any motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the or emergency vehicles. I purpose of testing, servicing or repairing. Section 7. i Section 4. It is unlawful in any manner to tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, It is unlawful to engage.in,conduct or hold any trials or competitions for injure or kill, throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any speed,endurance or hill climbing involving any vehicle,boat,aircraft,or stick or weapon,any animal,bird,or fowl;or to feed any fowl in any park animal in any park without written permission from the Park Board. except in areas designated by the Park Board. C Section 5. Section 8. ' It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless It is unlawful except at places set aside for such purposes by the Park specifically authorized'in writing. Such writing shall include a conces- sion contract with the park Board: I bedding, or both, for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit, A.Operating a fixed for mobile concession, traveling exhibition. remaining overnight. It is also unlawful to park a trailer,camper or other B.Soliciting, sellin offerin for sale, peddling, h'awkin or vendingvehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight. selling,:offering 9 P 9, 9. any goods or services Section 6. C.Advertising any goods or services other than the direct handling of It is unlawful to build any fires in.any park except in areas'designed and written advertising handed to any one person.f . set aside for such purpose by the Park Board. D.Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or Section 7. printed material of an kind in any Community Services special It shall be unlawful to use in any park a device to detect ores or metals purpose buildingsl(i.e.�Renton Community Center, Renton Senior without written permission of the Community Services Administrator or Activity Center, Maple}vood Golf Course Clubhouse).These facili the Community Services Administrator's designated.'representative. ties are not public fora or limited public fora and are designated I solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. Section 8. E.Entering upon,using or traversing any portion of a park for commer- . It is unlawful to possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park cial purpose. facility which permits swimming unless authorized to do so by the Community Section 9. Services Administrator or the Community Services Administrator's designated It is unlawful to have,keep onoperate any boat,float,raft or other water craft representative. in or upon any bay,lake,slough,river or creek,within the limits of any park, Section 9. or to land the same at'any point upon the shores thereof'bordering upon any It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself park,except at places set apart for such purposes by Ithe Park Board and in a manner that interferes with the reasonable use a park by the general so designated by signs. Boats or watercraft launching at Gene Coulon public. Memorial Beach Park must pay posted fee.It is unlawful to moor any boat Section 10. or watercraft beyond posted,time limits in areas so designated. Boats or It is unlawful to operate or use loudspeaker or other mechanical watercraft mooring overnight in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park moor- p any p age must pay posted fee. Ik Watercraft moored in contravention of this means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the section may be impounded at the owner's expense. ;. Community Services Administrator, or the Community Services Section 10. i Administrator's designated representative. , Section 11. " It is unlawful for any person to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is , reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions and having regard to It is unlawful to conduct any religious service or group rally in a park area actual and potential hazards! In every event,speed shall be so controlled or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with as may be necessary to avoid colliding with others who are complying with normal park usage. To avoid conflict, permission for such activities the law and using reasonable care. Travel at speeds in excess of 15 miles must be obtained in advance from the Community Services Administra- per hour on a walking/vehicle trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie tor or the Community Services Administrator's designated representa- presumption that the personiviolated this section. i tive. . Section 11. i Section 12. It is unlawful to.allow or permit any domestic animal.to run at large in any Special permit required.Groups which desire to use City of Renton facilities may park,or enter any lake,'pond,fountain or stream therein.A dog brought be fee. special se s Bits c al y the eidepa department shall will be established to a o by user ser into or kept in a park area shall be on a leash not more than eight(8)feetp in length. department and so noted on the special use permits. ; A. No domestic animals will be allowed in any park or park facility Section 13. which permits swimming Jand/or boating activities It is unlawful for any person to fail to turn in any property,or objects found B.Any person with a'dog or other pet in their possession in any park on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be dis- from the park of feces deposited by such,animal. The person with the posed of in accordance with applicable City and State Laws. dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment required Section 14. for feces removal. 3 Section 12. 'It is unlawful to park in an area designated for a particular recreational { activity, unless participating in that activity and only while participating It shall be unlawful to stay in a park when directed to leave by a Renton in that activity.Vehicles parked in contravention of this section may be Park Department employee or any police officer. impounded at owner's expense. . • Trail Etiquette All Users... • Pedestrians... ♦ Obey all trail signs and regulations • Listen for audible signals and help faster tr.il ♦ Show courtesy for other trail users at all times users pass safely ♦ Keep dogs on leash (maximum length 8 feet) (Dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Bicyclists... •Beach Park & Kennydale Beach Park) • When entering or crossing a trail at an uncon- • Cyclists are required to wear safety helmet it on all y trolled point, yield to traffic already on the trail trails in King Count • No group of trail users shall occupy more than half ♦ Yield to pedestrians of the trail as to impede the normal movement of • Always give an audible (voice, bell, horn) w1.rning trail users I before passing another trail user ♦ Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Renton trails11 A Trail For Every Season... King County Regional Trail Maps available for$1.00 at the Renton Communi Center. • • • • 1. • r� X'::i;i•', rot....::.... ... .. .. .- .. :<.:,.: 'S„ ;:4£xl'` �`r�::v"," I. ...:,:�t I ,oak,;::....:.."9 ...:..:...,^,,.......,..t".... . ......... .. :<tai.;,,.. >;c>: ....> ...:s... ,°t ,d...:....... ..k , ...:... n::� �. Ra .,.r ' ~Y iS�st.:t„ ai ..H,. ..,ff:,:?'::: ::.,./„:.............::.:.... .....r, ,, .�R u?: .:Y✓ 1.id<i. . •,,,;S .:i `"ri 'e.a^ix .,t. q ...r^, r,:.,%, ,: . .::..^,•:•.:..... ...,n• ti.:!;; `Ec,: "il :,a'3°bu.a*": >'::., �x. ,. = t...i ,"...,,..k. .......,, ^3........,n;`.^"..z.... :...........t.....r.......:.., ......e ,.;:}«.;r;,. .. ...;� i'4:�;nz::EFii�� , .. . . ,.. ':..........t... .,...,.^:_:....... .... ... ..:.,.:/:.'n'.,..'. ::z:.:....:i:.:.::>:.:'"isiEtiE't:;t.b. `.Yi.t;..M::".H. y .,im>,F; ;.::'...,;..€ ,.,',.. :..,..:."....... ..� "... ,,....m.,... 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'.YIf' t i".n .., .,e i , ..;.& ' egul . tions . :x., :; .,.: x' N ^ci' :.,s,�H�iie• '+i'. ;® rF, { ,!.ws.�kYi<vf.. v'£'3.�v` "x�' • E..•'.; :3Y�.Vrt,,Ysi 57.. k# „�,., .'.r�,:'▪• < ... .... •, tip:' � 5,:� • • , •.'�.; ;f.iFr �.,.,/.!.r'�= e��,ri Y. 1 1 3� :.F::i:`,tf.. S;x'».<3 .f'7/i:(,.::':.#,`' !; ,,,.... 4 iE is }</.i S,,r ";, ,;;r r .: ; .,Auto ized b Ordinance l lo..4419 ;,` : :A :ended fromFOrdinance No.431"9 andNo.:'f,4 6,Adopted April 1996. t. 9T`! /: rrs ^yt Egf'if_1 £ p '., For information calf:: 5= 54 . f APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Date 1/- COMMITTEE REPORT April 22, 1996 REVISIONS TO PARKS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Referred: APRIL_8, 1996 The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in the Board of Park Commissioners and Staffs recommendation to revise the existing Parks Rules & Regulations to clarify Section 8 regarding restriction on distribution of any printed material in special purpose buildings (i.e. Renton Community Center, Senior Activity Center, Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse); and clarification to Section 2 regarding signage restrictions on the use of any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, rollerskates, land sailing device,-horse or pony. The Committee further recommends that Council approve these revisions and - clarifications to the Parks Rul and Regulations, • • King Parker, Chair Dan Clawson, Vice Chair Bob Edwards, Member LAB/dlf cc: Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Terry Figashiyama, Recreation.Director Jim Shepherd, Facilities Director 96-143df • i • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: October 11, 1993 . TO: Files FROM: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk SUBJECT: Parks Rules and Regulations Ordinande No. 4319 adopted the amended Parks Rules and Regulations (7/1/91). The ordinance also states that all amendments to the rules shall be effective UPON THEIR APPROVLLAL BY COUNCIL VOICE VOTE AND THE FILING OF AT LEAST ONE COPY OF SAID PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS WITH THE CITY CLERK. ' Because the amendments are not adopted by ordinance, all changes are filed in Ordinan le No. 4319. 8/23/93 - Amendment adopted by City Council to add "rollerblades and rollerskates" to Section , Civil Violations. Amendment posted in three places (see attached letter from ! Parks). i August.23, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 379 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. �✓ Utility: Bryn Mawr City Attorney requested approval of a contract with Bryn Mawr- Water &.Sewer Lakeridge Water and Sewer District to settle a claim regarding billing District practices and remove ambiguities in existing contract. Refer to Utilities Committee. • Planning: Shoreline Planning and Technical Services Division requested approval of Master Program amendmmeats to Section 3 - Shorelines of the City; designating Springbrook Creek as an urban environment; amending the definition of wetlands; and clarifying the hearing examiner appeal process of Renton's " Shoreline Master-Program. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. • Utility: Local Solid Waste Division requested approval of an interlocal agreement with Hazardous Wast Seattle-King County Department of Public Health to obtain $19,032 in Management, Seattle- funding for the local hazardous waste management program. Refer to King, County .Utilities Committee. Transportation: Transportation Division requested approval of Commute Trip Reduction Commute Trip (CTR) employer program report in compliance with the CTR ordinance Reduction Plan, adopted by Council 2/22/93. Refer to Transportation Committee. ' WSDOT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. INFORMATION ITEM City Clerk submitted City of Renton Audit report for period of January • Finance: 1992 A dit 1, 1992 - December 31, 1992; and; noted it is available for review in the Report ' City Clerk's office. I, ' ,f Appeal: Assistant City Attorney Dan Kellogg, reported that Judge Anne Schindler Boeing/Longacres, denied the appeal filed by.Chris Clifford and A.C.R.E.S., and affirmed SA-92-006 the decision of the Shorelines Hearings Board for the Boeing Customer Service Training Center, which allows the construction project to continue on the Longacres site. He also stated that this was a oral opinion and that • the final order will be presented to the Court on 9/17. OLD BUSINES Referred 8/9/93 - Community Services Committee Chair Keolker- Community Services ,Wheeler presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff Committee recommendation to amend Section 2 of Civil Violations of the Parks Parks: Rules and Rules and Regulations to include the additional two words "rollerblade, Regulations rollerskate." Amendment e Committee further recommended that'the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMIT FEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later action.) • Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a Development report of the Errata Process requests, E-13 through E-17`. Committee A. Referred for public hearing: The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the following requests: E-15 and E-16, and has referred them to 'a public hearing and for Council consideration. CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICCITES RENTON MEMORANDUM - .SEP 221993 Fiti..c;vcL, :;ITY CLERK'S Q EICE TO: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk FROM: Bill Hutsinpiller, Parks and Recreation Director /,--4-1 SUBJECT: Park Rules and Regulations DATE: September 22, 1993 At the July 13, 1993 meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners it was approved to amend t e Park Rules and Regulations as outlined on the attachment to this memor dum, According too Ordinance No. 1476, amendment or changes shall be in full force and effect from the date of posting in three public places. Accordingly, I attest that notice was posted in the following places: Renton.Community Center Library . i Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park l I CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS .. II I AMENDMENT AN 1 NDMENT OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4319 - "PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS" HE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH' GTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: EXISTING SECTION 2.SHALL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: It is"unl wful to ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skatebo2.rd, rollerblades and rollerskates, land sailing device, horse or pony on, over of through any park, except i areas set apart for such purposes by the park Board and so designated by signs. II I ASSED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONER THIS 13th day of Julys; 19 3. Ron Regis, Chairman Board if Park Commissio ers II. Park Rules'& Regulations (Authorized by Ordinance No. 4319) Amended from Ordinance No. 1476) Adopted July 1, 1991 Civil Violations (Fine not to exceed $250) Section 2. It is unlawful to ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades and rollerskates, land sailing device, horse or pony on, over or through any park, except in areas set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs. • • • • AFFID A VIT OF PUBLICATION Dolores E. Ashbancrh ,being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the acct. #5 0 G 4 0 VALLEY DAILY NEWS • . .._ • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition t- ciTY of RENTON;WASHINGTON . ?,xa ,;,ORDIN'ANGE(NO:. 43119, Daily newspapers p blished six (6) times a week. That said newspapers AN ORDINANCE OF'TIE' CITY Ofk%. are legal newspapers and are now and have been for 'more than six RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING-- months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed andpublished COMMISECTION ION,2-9-5 OF CHAPTER 9, PARKM T COMMISSION, OF TITLE II (COMMIS- +� in the English language continually as daily newspapers im Kent. King SIONS AND BOARDS), OF ORDI- _1 County, Washington. The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal NANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE �a OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" s�; King County. BY ADDING A SUBSECTION RELAT- • ING TO PENALTIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ;g The notice in the e act form attached, was published in the Kent Edition RENTON;WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS =• x , Renton Edition x , Auburn Edition xx , (and not in FOLLOWS: .._.j supplement form) hick was re ularl y distributed to its, subscribers SECTION I. Section Title2- II5 of Chapter s pp g Y Park Commission, of II (Commissions during the below stated period. The annexed notice a p'ai.):1 ' nc t i c c and Boards),of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of 4cr c96—City of Renton,o�_di,nance r n,� 31 9 Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to � read as follows: Section 2-9-5: RULES AND REGULA- was published on July :i, 1 9 9 • TIONS. 1 A. BOARD AUTHORITY: The rules and regulations for the operation, management and maintenance of parks and other recre- The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the ational facilities include the power to fix 9 ,� 0 9 1 charges for the .use of any municipally a Sum of$ owned or controlled park or recreational facilities. All rules and regulations and use changes, amendments or changes thereof /' shall be by resolution of the Board, and r \%-%jr7Q ,/ t 'i/ -4-../, %,i i -4,/, / notice thereof shall be posted in at least / ! three (3) public places within the City, a copy of each resolution to be filed with the Clerk and the Police Department of the City. • Subscribed and sworn before me this 1 th day of Ju J-y 19 0 9 , These rules and regulations shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of- ' such posting in three (3 public places;All rules and regulations;of this chapter shall . be:enforced-15y the.Police 0 partreht. ' 18?FENALT ES!_The-'Pa6k Rules and' -- No ry Public for the State of Washington residing at Auburn, King County, Washington VDN#87 Revised 4/89 i I II I CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICES .:_ITY OF RENT MEMORANDUM ' S'EP 219.- HCuCIVcL :,Ty CLERK'S;0' TO: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk FRO : Bill Hutsinpiller, Parks and Recreation Director , _\.'''' 1,/et 7-.12- SUBJECT: Park Rules and Regulations 11 DATE: September 22, 1993 At the u1y 13, 1993 meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners it was approved to amend he Park Rules and Regulations as outlined on the attachment to this memorandum. According to Ordinance No. 1476, amendment or changes shall be in full,force and effect from the date of posting in three public places. Accordingly, I attest t lat notice was posted in the following places: Renton Community Center Library ' Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 11 CITY OF RENTON I . PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS . • AMENDMENT AIN • I NDMENT OE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4319 - "PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS" THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH NGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: EXISTING SECTION 2.SHALL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: It is unlawful to ride, park for drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades and rollerskates, land sailing device, horse or pony on, over of through any park, except ill areas set apart for such purposes by the park Board and so designated by signs. ASSED BY THE OARD OF PARK COMMISSIONER THIS 13th day of July 1903. Ron Reis, Chairman Board of Park Commissioners Park Rules & Regulations (Authorized by Ordinance No. 4319) • Amended from Ordinance No. 1476) Adopted July 1, 1991 Civil Violations (Fine not to exceed $250) Section 2. It is unlawful to ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades and rollerskates, land sailing device, horse or pony on, over or through any park, except in areas set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs. • - CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM 7 TO: Marilyn PeterSen, ity Clerk FROM: Terry Higashiyama, Recreation Manager SUBJECT: &ark Rules/Regulation—s-) Ivar's Contract DATE: December 2, 1993 I am sorry for the delay forwarding a copy of the revised park rues and regulations to you for Your files. Please le me know when you are able to meet and finalize information on the Ivar's contract. Thank y u for all your help. Does the final contract have to go to full council for approval or just to Community Services Committee? Could you call and advise me at X5529? Sect_an 8. City of Renton Community Services Department It is unlawful to perform the following activities in a park area unless • Sam Chastain,Administrator specifically authorized in writing. Such writing shall include a concession Parks S Recreation Department contract with the Park Board: p A.Operating a fixed or mobile concession, traveling exhibition; • Bill Hutsinpfiller, Director - B.Soliciting,selling,offering for sale,peddling,hawking,or vending any _ goods or services; • ::.› > " < `< ..._::. C.Advertisin anygoods or services; '` ::.±:.,:..\::..:.•': D.Distributing any conunercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or •• »:::<•?'<± k'•' >:a < : ><>• written or printed material of anykind,or :: .±. : :..::::?':'?.,:::::::::.?: .,.;: .>;:. `: ::> :{i:;: '� E.Entering upon,using or traversing any ports on of a parkfor commercial ..±±:;<.? w:.::..\. ',f.:::.;:..:;...::::,.:.:::; ;;;;;;;:;-:;-;i,:.:.-?-?»?. . .,.\.•;:\i::i::i??:?::±+\^:•tii:•.�:::+:::::?????:•±},;'::±i;•.:v:;;i4}i::iiiv: purpose. .... :4::::.n•::.v: . • :Section 9. � :�, , < : �. ' �:,. .:.»k:>:.�?.:.±•'.:±:w::',;� >»?, . : Itisunlawful to have,keeporo operate anyboat,float,raft or other water craft in orupon •::\+;�,:..•::.:•. i+4i:iii:;ii::{:?:;ii::+iTii??::J::•±±:•:;•:vr.}ti':.ti'?:: 4w•.vx. .:v.v\ \.. ..:....\.v::i•:v: alake,slough, ecreek,w' „. .. :...a b river �thinthelimitsofan park, or to land the same at anypoint upon the shores thereof borderingupon any .±::�w;••••••'•:.±,,:::;:;:;:;>:•:.±:;;:::; :.;<::>•�x Cisuch tit\ -•ce tat places setapart for su hpurposes bytheBoard and so PaPark P P P de ated by signs.Boats or watercraft launching at Gene Coulonivlemo • ..\„::: mustpayposted fee. It isunlawfultoboat Beach Park s f moor anyor rial Be h �����' P .., ;x4Ji:;4}•:+::±:J+±:;?•±:.;{.±:.v^?::.iii:isi}ii??:vi:isi??}±j}:}::v:•:?isi.'.??????i}i:4?:i•?i}?:J}+:;\:v. X:.�i::�?ii'?:i:3iii:::ii:i?Yti>vY:i:� watercraft beyond posted time limits in areas so designated. Boats or :::\,.,.? .?+:.-:.±?::.:,+,.?:.?:.?:.:;.±::.±:.:<;::«<:>:::<?<::::::::«_>::::>::>::>»::::....:::.:::,.....:::.::.. ,:: : ::.•?::i±ti :\}::??:;i-?i;?:i'?:^???}:ivX;;:;i:??isi-?:;}•?:;.?????:;v}??:i-?X;:r•: ii:J??:?:;4.::\•}:.i\:::•' :nti4•:ii:x*:. :• :\::::::::::.:::?:?i????•??i-}?-:???::•??.:::::????:•?i?:,::,:::•±•.:•?4;•.tiff?::v+:• •:::.v± watercraft mooringovernight Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park `.>�:;�-:?:.�:::.?::: '�:::.?;.?.???-???.?•i:.�;;:.??::?.?.??;.?:.;.i.?.??:.:_:?.?::;.i::,.>:?:::::.:'.:.,+±:;.:±: 1� ... :r::i: �i::::; w; .:.::iiii:.. ,. .: >< i.? iiw:i'i<w:i:> �:: +..\**§::: ::. .•4n;•???:::::::i????:•?????:::.ii:0::::`vii:::1:i:,:.::::::? i::xt.:::}::\::. ..\i..v::: '.ii: must payposted fee. Watercraft moored incontravention :::m::::.::--?:•i .±..:?:;•i:-:i:;.*:::v:';•::*:-??:;�:•?:• ;?:•:;;.;�;+;.::::::•;?; 4;•;• w::c:i,.,.,�.±±,,±•?: moorage of this ;;: ::i< ;i . .i;:i>.::i; ;::::;::i:>: >:i.::<i:;i :;:::. �.ii:>�i>i�:;;' � ±:>:;.:>>±i i::.:ijii;:v:3:•?±:i:-::?: :{ ; ::�:: section maybe impounded at the owner's expense. , ±::,..;:.,.,,.,.. ..�w... O. 1^:�i:i�iiiiii�i.�ii Section ::::::::�:.:;.?,:::::.....:•,� :i;.?:.>::>::i•:iii:<:i:;i::.i>:•i:. . ti.. \iihiss.::::*:•ii:j:i±ih...:4• i:: :•\v;•x:i}'::::44:::>ti.10v::i,: +:v�v.0 .:•:\\::}w:•,;•:v4\:•:::.vv\\\:4J<: :,.j{>.�Fiiiji: :i}ti':i::;i.{:i::ti:::tii?.: \:'vtii}:::i.ti::::vnvy::::.}v::...,:•±.\wn+\•±:::±::raw:::::;:::::::;J i::tiiiv: It is unlawful for anyperson to travel on a trail at a speed greater than is :::w4 w,\.•i>:::<;:+::::::i. +.:;>•hiss: <�k '::w�:::::'�i:?<:?::::i:�:.:::i::.:.:>:::'i,E.i:; +v0.\:.\N:;v,v±,� \�14\v}•::,i 44 :��v..\\ ;v.���;:i?tiii::..?.?}.�:.A: :. reasonable and prudent under the existingconditions and havingregard to .•>' :::::::<. .>.:i' ,,,r •'::•" :•,w: ' : .ti ± • speed :ti\? •Y :•tii cand otentialha ands. In everyevent, shallbesoc controlled actual zontroll 4. « .\w:>�' k:.may • P \. ::w' necessary to avoid collidingwithothers whoare co w' the :• ;?;::.. . •,.bencomplying with law and using reasonable care. Travel at speeds in excess of 15 miles per ,••; ,�''\: >.es:, \ .k:. >;.: : > .:::;§:::,; , '±.;::i:::::,::::<;is:i>i:;�•:<:i. `: hour on a walking/vehicle trail shall constitute in evidence aprima facie ; :;w:lime: ; i~:\„:\\•,^i :;;±:fie:::\ ; w>;> ;.?;:;.;;;,±;,,;i�.:;.?::::::;:i:::i;:i::ii;:iii ::::::?, alking/ <��<:.±::±:,�.,,..±.��:4.±::.}y%:±�•.}:v`•±'^±:?•±+�•±:,\�iFi4\:;i.}+.±:.:..:±j?i:Li::i::.iiii:iii.`::i:;:ii.:iiiii:i?:\+•i: do that theperson violated this section. :iks....i:i:: .±:;.,::::w:,..:±:::??::::.:.:..?':::.:.?•:':'::.::.::...............:::._::::*:x::::: :: :::i: ,•..:presumption .�\,.??:.±:..;�:.;;. .?:ti�4±:i.::>. ::i�:>:<::i:>::>::>::::>::;::;::;::::i:•:�' +.:�. ... A4;;+, :w*i :{:i;: •±+\w.ti ii;:±'v:::•±-\\•:,•iiii iii:::iii?:?�?iiii`ii::;:;;::iiiiiirii::i•:: „^: Section 11. :..,,?....±.........:.....::..,.: . ..± .:. ,,:,„,::.,,???:.?:;n., :::::.ii'?:iT:'::t^::::,hiss.;....ii:?'{: :::\,:. •'.{'�.{i{::j>i::}v••.:v?1.::::\:::?}Jiti;:.:tii%'4iiii:�:::v:•vv•::::•:::::::::.�.�:?::::::::?:;?�ti iiiiii:;±::'•?:^h•:±: .•?,}}^.}:.�±±:?\,?:.:}-::::: ? .:•W:•?'.?:•::.}\:.}v:v:;.±.ti..,..........................ti.:}vi:':vn::...;.;yv.•?.ti ?±??:^\;i-??:????}?i:????}::???:?:}??±:::±:v:•±}}±?;?ihii±::::{::{:i iii iii::::isiii?Ji?:?:?vi?±iv±.'n±;'\±±±}:±:±±. It is unlawful to allow orpermit anydomestic animal to runat large in any ,.. ;.�,......... g park,or enter any lake and fountain orstream therein.A dogbrought into _ �.P � b P� ,�:•nv? • ... .. ::::,-i...........,.. : • n :::..n.-.::;.i+:.4` T.':4.: }.,}::: orl na arkareashallbeonaleashnotmorethanei t 8 feet�nlen length. ':\::;•?:;;.:;.?�.??::i:>:?::;.?:.?::::::.??:.:::.::•?:.??:-?:.?:-:<;.?:.i::::i:::::ii::i::ii;:.;:.?:.i:.:::.?:.?:.?i>i::ii::?:.:-;?::?:.;\;.:.:;.:±±::.::.:,;.,.±: e ticarumaLswi be allowed 'c ;•.w.:::;;.;:•,�::::>:.,�. •;;•:i::::�:::i :::::::z•i �' Odom s will allo e in arkor arkfactli which ;'; ';>::::::<;<: :::::i;.?:.?<?<ii:::::?<;;isi:::imii:±:. .,.::'.:';:: ::::.imiii.: .±..:.�.,..,.:::::::.�. ..its swimming and/orboating activities. >:•±�w:::::.:;:�:::<;si::::::::::><:>::':::;:::z<>:<::::>::»>::':::»:•::•w•::+:.... ...�..:..\:::::>:<:::>?::::::�vi •'�\1.yti;�i:>\::i•?:h??::::i?????????????:i-?±?:•????????:;r;::::.±�•qx;. {i::4\4�:$±::i�%:•±t{:•::;,tiv:•:;;:n???::::.: i: ::ti;•}±±i?:^:i Ti$F:{;Ji::Jii:i:::ii?ii:{::iiiii:::::v?tiJ,;:;± ,\;\;::v'ti ti.?ti{i}i??:^:;•:;iY;'?????±???????????::???:•??:N{bti:.l,'':•i::i B.Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall \•:�:.;:::.: :�;:::i:::z:.>.i:.?:i.± the conduct ible for both n of the animaland forremovalfrom b e responsible r m sp 'fedsuch :.i::.>.?:<::::?::i:.:.:?:.?:::ii::i�::i>i:.±:.?:.;:;:::iii.::•??•:.?::fir;:?::;.?' thepark of feces deposited by animal. Theperson with the dogor P havetheirpossession ee other pet must in oss ssi nth equipment required for feces . : :+??.;:...::. . removal. `•.:> ° ,.«> .:,,..:;k..:::..: •"+l'r'.�� :: `:miii yt:: . \:;?:ti h:• Section 12. ;i;:▪ e '?:>:z::`g:;iii:> :;::m.;,:: ::>:< :i§ ::::: It shall be unlawful to stay ina park when directedtoleavebya Renton Park ..:. . ;•.i-•.;•? -▪x :*:*:?:.:;.:>:: :.,,.tii.,.K:..* .w.::: : Department employee or any police officer. "•;;;:;;:::?;:;. �:: >iiz*:.:i::: ;.':?::::i :.?::.- - ---- -- --— Section 13. " '`k`" It is unlawful to remove,destroy,mutilate or deface any structure,monu- ment,statue,vase,fountain,wall fence,railing,vehicle,bench,shrub,tree, fern,plant flower,lighting system or Sp'inkling system or other property Authorized by Ordinance No. 4419,Amended from Ordinance 1iwfully in any park. No. 4-319 and No. 1476, Adopted July 1993. Criminal Violations Section 14. Section 7. (Fine not to exceed$500 and 90 days in city jail) It is unlawful to throw any refuse, litter, broken glass, crockery, nails, It shall be unlawful to use in any park a device to detect ores or metals Section 1. shrubbery,trimmings,junk or advertising matter in any park or to deposit without written permission of the Director of Parks and Recreation or the any suchmaterial therein,except inreceptacles provided for suchpurposes. Director's designated representative. , It is unlawful to use,place,or erect any signboard,sign,billboard,bulletin board,post,pole or device of any kind for advertising in any park; or to Section 15. Section 8. attach any notice bill, poster, sign, wire,rod or cord to any tree, shrub, It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit anyrefuse brought from - - It is unlawful to possess any glass container in any portion of-the-park or railing,post or structure within any park;or,without written consent of the private property in receptacles located inRentonparks or facilities. Noth- park facility which permits swimming unless authorized to do so by the Park Board,to place or erect in any park,a structure of any kind: Provided ing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse generated Director of Parks&Recreation or the Director's designated representative. that the Park Board may permit the erection of temporary directional signs from park use such as picnics,barbecues,lunches,etc. or decorations on occasions of public celebration and picnics. Section 9. Section 16. It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a Section 2. It is unlawful to play car stereos,radios,or"boom boxes"-portable audio manner that interferes with the reasonable use of the general public in the It is unlawful to remain in any park after the posted closing time, except equipment,such as tape or compact disc players-so loudly they interfere park when engaged in activities that are a part of the recreation program with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 Section 10. conducted by the Park Board. feet or more. It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means Section 3. Civil Violations of amplifying sound in any park without a writtenpermit from the Director It 'lawful for any person except duly authorized law enforcement (Fine not to exceed$250) of Parks&Recreation or the Director's designated representative. pe: iel to possess any firearm, fireworks,firecracker, torpedo, explo- sive,air gun,bows and arrows, BB gun or slingshot in any park until a Section 1. Section 11. written permit has been obtained from the Park Board. It is unlawful in any park to practice or play golf,baseball,cricket,soccer, It is unlawful to conduct any religious service or group rally in a park area polo,archery,hockey,volleyball,badminton or other games of like char- or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with Section 4. acter,or to hurl,propel,or fly any airborne or other missile,including model normal park usage. To avoid conflict,permission for such activities must It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in any park except -airplanes,except inplaces and times set apart for suchpurposes by the Park be obtained in advance from the Director of the Parks & Recreation in.areas designated by the Park Board,Designated areas are 1)Maplewood Board.Programs and activities scheduled by the Park Department will have Department or the Director's designated representative. Golf Course,when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the first priority for use of parks and facilities. Section 12. concessionaire's licensed premises;2)The Renton Community Center and Section 2. Special permit required. Renton Senior Center banquet facilities. Pea p q 'red. Groups which desire to use City of Renton It is unlawful to ride,park or drive any bicycle,tricycle,motorcycle,motor facilities may be granted special use permits by the department but will be Section 5. - vehicle,skateboard,rollerblades,rollerskates,land sailing device,horse or subject to a user fee. Where appropriate,special conditions of use shall be It is unlawful for any person to disobey rules,signs or lifelines designating pony on, over or through any park, except in areas set apart for such established by the department and so noted on the special use permits. swimming areas. Swimming shall bepermitted only within these areas. All purposes by the Park Board and so designated by signs. Section 13. persons using designated swimming areas shall obey all posted beachrules Section 3. It is unlawful for anyperson to fail to turn in and/or the instruction of lifeguards, facility managers, or other Park any property or objects found It is unlawful, without written permission from the Director of Parks & on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department employees. No person shall give or transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning. Recreation or a designated representative, to operate,repair or service any Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be motor vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose of testing, disposed of in accordance with applicable City and State Laws. Section 6. servicing or repairing. It is awful for any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds or Section 14. Section 4. It is unlawful to designated a n rum width of over 102 inches to use the road in any park of the city park in an area fora particular recreational except for places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and It is unlawful to engage in, conduct or hold any trials or competitions for activity unless participating in that activity and only while participating in speed,endurance or hill climbing involving any vehicle,boat,aircraft,or that activity. Vehicles parked in contravention of this section may be designated by signs. This rule shall not apply to parks,maintenance, or emergency vehicles. animal in any park without written permission from the Park Board. impounded at owner's expense. Section 7. Section 5. It is unlawful in any manner to tease,annoy,disturb,molest,catch, injure It is unlawful except at places set aside for suchpurposes by the ParkBoard or kill, throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or and so designated by signs, to erect a tent or shelter or to arrange bedding, weapon, any animal ird—or fowl;-or tofeed-any-fowl in-any-park-except or_both,_fo the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit, remaining overnight.It is also unlawful to park a trailer,camper or other vehicle for in areas designated by the Park Board. the purpose of remaining ov-ernight. Section 6. It is unlawful to build any fires in any park except in areas designed and set aside for such purpose by the Park Board. r • CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS AMENDMENT NO. 1 AN AMENDMENT OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 1476 - "PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS" RELATING TO PROHIBITING DRINKING OF ALCOHOL IN ANY PARK. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Existing Section 20 of Ordinance No. 1476 "PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS" is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 20, as amended: It is unlawful to bring or consume alcoholic beverages in any park except as a patron of Maplewood Golf Course when such beverages for consµmption are purchased from the operator thereof. SECTION II:. This Amendment shall be effective upon its passage and three (3) days of public postings. . PASSED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS this 9th day of July, 1985. • Ron Regis, Chairman Board of Park Commissioners CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS Amendment No. 2 AN AMENDMENT OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 1476 - "PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS" RELATING TO ANIMALS'!'In:THE PARK. • THE BOA OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 5: It is unlaw to allow or permit any animal to run at large in any park, or entlr any lake, pond, fountain or stream therein. SECTION 5A: No animals will be allowed in any park or park facility which permits swimming and/or boating activities. Existin SECTION 5 should be amended as follows: SECTION 5B: Any person with a dog or other pet in his possession in any park shall I be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removing from the park feces deposited by such animal. The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment required for feces removal. I PASSED :Y THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS this 9th day of July 1985. Ron Regis, Chairman ' Board of Park Commissioners • I June 10. 1991 ,_ - Renton City Council Minutes Page 200 INFORMATION ITEM The Quarterly Report from the Downtown Renton Association was submitted CAG: 90-109, Economic for Coancil review. The report outlines activities and accomplishments as Development Se vices, they relate to the work programs specified in the agreement with the,City. DRA, Quarterly Report j CORRESPONDINCE Correspondence was read from Priscilla Hill, 5028 Lake Washington 1 Citizen Comment: Hill - Boulevard NE, Renton, 98056, claiming that a developer had covered a Stream Covered by stream at the Nautica apartment complex, NE 48th Street (near Denny's off Developer, Nautica of I-405), and that the bank on the property located at 5024 Lake Washington Apartments, NE 48th Boulevard in back of her home is sliding into a holding pond. Ms. Hill Street suggested that the east end of the stream on the complex be returned)to its natural state. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. In response to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Mayor Clymer stated that an investigation would be made regarding approval authority for 1 changes in natural areas. 1 I Vacation: VAC-90-003, Correspondence was read from Jeanne Cannon, et al., stating that property Burnett & Park Avenue owners abutting the alley vacation, North 30th and North 31st Street, N. (Cannon) approved by Council on 1/7/91, request condition two be eliminated which grants property owners the necessary easements to secure access to their property. A memorandum from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Lynn Guttmann advised that property owners have paid required fees, and that the City Code does not prohibit partial vacation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, IICOUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE WAYS AND ', MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Correspondence and petition were read from Martin M. Patricelli, 729 Patricelli - Rem.val of Langston Road, signed by 14 residents from the Earlington community, Hedge, SW Lang ton requesting the removal of a laurel hedge that they believe to be a hazard to Road ongoing traffic on SW Langston Road. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Citizen Commen Correspondence was entered from F. Waldenburger, Friedel's Service, 345 Waldenburger, F iedel's North 3rd Place, Renton, 98055, expressing concerns over the impact Iof the Service - Aquifef Aquifer Protection Ordinance on their existing business, and outlining Protection Ordinance policies instituted by Friedel's Service to protect the environment. Mr. Waldenberger suggested that the City consider evaluating each business individually and institute a grandfather clause which would accommodate businesses with particular needs. He noted that implementation of the ordinance as presently proposed would require that his business seek a new location. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY 1 ZIMMERMAN, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1 OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler presented an oral report from the Utilities Utilities Committee Committee apprising Council of the Sierra Heights sewer improvements LID: 335, Sierra eights project and the two recommendations of the health department: Sewer Improvem-nts 1) Th properties within the City boundaries should be declared a severe public health hazard, and should be served with sewers as soon as possible; 2) Properties in the County should also be declared as an area of health concern, and residents in that area should strongly consider extending severs. I The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process and project design will be completed by October, 1991, and a full report will be presented to Council at that re. Parks: Amendment to Referred 6/3/91 - Community Services Committee Chairman Tanner Ttules & Regulation's; presented a report stating that the Committee recommended Council approve 'criminal& ci it"----- the Parr Rules & Regulations noting one change to Section 15 for purposes 'Violations 'of clarification, and refer this matter to the Ways & Means Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL I CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilwoman Zimmerman asked the City Attorney to clarify Section 12, Park Rules & Regulations, whereby it states that it is unlawful to fail to leave 1the park when directed to do so by a Renton Park Department employee or Police Officer. Discussion followed with clarification by Assistant City Attorney Fontes on the language and purpose of enforcement. *MOTION CARRIED. 0 • , lizili:VROVars715 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE commil'FEE REPORT June 10, 1991 Park Rules & Regulations (Referred June 3, 1991) The Co munity Services Committee recommends approval and referral to Ways and,Me ns of the Park Rules and Regulations noting one change to Section 15 for purpos s of clarification (see attachment). (absent) Jesse Tanner, Chair 7 ; L RiChar Stredicke, Vice-Chair C.,-72t4/4 I B b E wards, member AVA? Atrtac ment Pa-/ BR„.„ i Ailctwi ,eq Copies: John Webley 5V di pi,64 Sam Chastain Bill Hutsinp Iler f. (` r O R , ( A. �► o THE CITY OF RENTON! 0 `o Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 . BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR 6 PARKS and RECREATION 090 �'�' JOHN E. WEBLEY — DIRECTOR 94TE0 sEP�� ,i0 235-2560 D TE: July 30, 1985 II T : Maxine Motor, City Clerk FROM: Ed Hayduk • At its meeting of July 9, 1985, the Board of Park Commissioners passed Amendment No. 1 and 2 to the Park Rules and Regulations. A signed copy is attached for your records. According to 0�jdinance No. 1476, amendments or changes shall be in full force ar d effect from the date of postingin three public places. A cordingly, I attest that notice was posted in the following p aces: II endment No. 1: Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse City Hall Parks Department Office Amendment No. 2: City Hall Cedar River Trail Jones Park 1 i y CITY OF RENTON ' '�1rJUL 3 0 1985 I( I It CITYL1E111IJ , • I II ' I CITY OF RENTON • ,ro - -- - ■ 9 . Regulatbnssar u S an (Authorized by Ordinance No. 1476) ' SECTION 1. It is unlawful to use, place, or erect any SECTION 13. It is unlawful to ride,park or drive any , signboard,sign, billboard, bulletin board,post,pole, or bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, horse or , device o any kind for advertising in any park; or to pony on,over or through any park,except in areas set attach a y notice, bill, poster,sign,Wire,rod or cord to apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so any tree shrub, railing, post or structure within any designated by signs.Vehicles parked in contravention of park;or,without the written consent of the Park Board, this Section may be impounded and the owner thereof , to place or erect in any park,a structure of any kind: subject to penalties thereafter set forth in Section 25. Provided that the Park Board may permit the erection SECTION 14. It is unlawful to camp in any park except of(temp rary directional signs or decorations on occa- at places set aside for such purposes by the Park Board sion,of (Public celebration and picnics. and so designated by signs. SECTION 2. It is unlawful to remove destroy,mutilate SECTION 15. It is unlawful in any park to practice or or Idefac any structure,monument,statue,vase,foun- play golf, baseball, cricket, lacrosse, polo, archery, taire, wa I, fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, hockey, tennis, badminton or other games of like fern, pla t,flower,lighting system,or sprinkling system character, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or or other operty lawfully in any park. other missile,including model airplanes,except at places SECTIO 13. It shall be unlawful to use in any park any set apart for such purposes by the Park Board. device designed to detect ores or metal. SECTION 16. It is unlawful to throw any refuse,litter, SECTION 4. Any and all property and objects found on broken glass,crockery,nails,shrubbery,trimmings,junk any park premises shall be turned in by the party finding or advertising matter in any park or to deposit any such the sam to the Park Supervisor on duty,or directly to material therein,except in receptacles provided for such , the offic of the Park Department,at City Hall,Renton, purpose. Washing on. SECTION 17. It is unlawful to operate any motor SECTIO 5. It is unlawful to allow orlpermit any animal vehicle or motorcycle on park property for the purpose , to run at large in any park, or enter any lake, pond, of testing it,or ascertaining its fitness for service. fountain or stream therein. SECTION 18. It is unlawful to engage in,conduct or SECTIO 5A. No animals will be allowed in any park hold any trials or competitions for speed,endurance or ' or park acility which permits swimming and/or boating hill climbing involving any vehicle,boat,aircraft or animal activities in any park, except when such is included in activities SECTIO 6. It is unlawful to shoot,fire or explode any that are a part of a recreation program conducted by the • firearm, (fireworks, firecracker, torpedo or explosive of Park Board. any kind,or to carry any firearm or to shoot or fire any SECTION 19. It is unlawful to build any fires in any air,gun, brows and arrows,B.B.gun or use any slingshot park except in areas set aside for such purpose by the in Any dark until a written permit has been obtained Park Board and so designated by signs. from the Park Board. sECTl01, 7. It is unlawful in any manner to tease, SECTION 20. It is unlawful to bring into or consume in any park any alcohol,spirits,whiskey,wine, beer or annoy,disturb, molest,catch, injure or kill or to throw other intoxicating liquors. any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon any animal,bird,fowl or fish;or to feed SECTION 21. It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a disorderly manner in any fowl in any park except in areas designated by the Park Board. any park. SECTION 8. It is unlawful to take up collections,or to SECTION 22. It is unlawful to remain in any park after act,l as or to ply the vocation of solicitor,agent,peddler, the posted closing time,except when engaged in activities fakir,mendicant,beggar,strolling musician,organ grind- that are a part of the recreation program conducted by er, exhorter, barker, showman or bootblack; or to the Park Board. operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical SECTION 23. The Park Board may offer,post and pay means of amplifying sound in any park without a written a suitable reward not exceeding S50.00 for information permit from the Park Board. leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone violating SECTION 9. It is unlawful to hold,operate or conduct any Rules and Regulations duly adopted and posted by a circus, carnival or traveling exhibition in any park the Board. except such activities as may be a regular part of the SECTION 24. Anyone concerned in the violation of Parks and Recreation program conducted by the Park these Rules and Regulations,whether directly committing Board. • the act or omitting to do the thing constituting the SECTIO 10. It is unlawful to sell refreshments or offense, or who aids or abets the same, and whether merchan ise without the written permission of, of j. . present or absent;and anyone who directly or indirectly concessi n contract with,the Park Board. counsels, encourages, hires, commands, induces or otherwise procures another to commit such offense, is' SECTIO i 11. It is unlawful to hold or participate in, and shall be a principal under the terms of City of any religious or political meeting or other assembly,or Renton Ordinance No. 1476 and shall be proceeded to idistri to literature in any park without a prior against and prosecuted as such. permit h ving been issued by the Park Board authorizing such acts ities. SECTION 25. Violation of or failure to comply with SECTIO 12. It is unlawful to have,keep or operate these Rules and Regulations shall subject the offender anyl boat float,raft or attar water craft in.or upon any to a fine in a sum not exceeding S100.00 or to imprison- bay,lake slough, 1 ment in jail for a term not exceeding thirty(30)days,or river or creek,within the limits of any p pursuant to Ordi- i to both such fine and imprisonment park,or io land the same at any point upon the shores nance No. 1476,City of Renton. thereof rdering upon any park, except at places set apart for such purposes by the Park Board and so desig- natOd by signs. • Ma BY ORDER OF THE PARK BOARD OF THE CITY OF RENTON 'i . . . Adopted as revised January 11, 1873 .