HomeMy WebLinkAboutAir Park Transfer (1976) + ti V Renton City Cou cil 8/8/77 Page 4 Old -Business - Continued Community Services Committee Member Stredicke presented Community Services Committee Committee Report Report announcing committee review of storm and surface water drain- Storm & Surface age ordinance and recommended referral of the ordinance to the Ways Water Drainage and Means Committee for appropriate action and to be placed on the Ordinance . agenda for the Council meeting of 8/22/77 as a public meeting item. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR . CARRIED. Transfer of ' MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, REMOVE RESOLUTION FRO'4 TABLE AND REFER ' Air Park TO WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, AUTH- ORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO TRANSFER AIRPORT AIR PARK PROPERTY TO PARK DEPT. FOR PARK PURPOSES AND PARK BOARD BE EXTENDED COURTESY OF USE OF STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR CONTINUATION OF PARK PURPOSES IN THAT GENERAL AREA OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE., Councilman Stredicke explained 60% of the property belonged to Airport. MOTION CARRIED. (See Resolution II 2126) Nome Protection Councilwoman Shinpoch asked Police Department to investigate placing from of advertising on doorknobs , which causes problem for residents away Advertisements from home on vacation. Mayor Delaurenti noted vacation protection infor- mation had been enclosed in 'utility billing, suggesting neighbor- hood house watching. Ways & Means Council Committee Chairman Clymer reported the Ways and. Means Committee Committee Report recommended ,the Hearing Examiner include map with all rezones that are Zoning, Plats, referred to Council . MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, MAP BE INCLUDED Etc. IN ALL MATERIALS COMING TO COUNCIL FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER , INCLUDING MAP WHICH HAS BEEN FURNISHED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES The Ways and Means Committee Chairman submitted committee report First Reading recommending first reading of an ordinance providing for appropria- Trail and Park tion of funds in amount of $394,252 for the Cedar River Trail and Planning Cedar Center Park planning. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance #3150 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Alley Vacation reading of an ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Waldenburger Alley, Block 12, Plat of Car Works Addition located between Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd P1 . First reading of ordinance 8/1/77. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3151 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Appropriation readings of an ordinance providing for appropriation of funds from Seaplane Base unanticipated revenue for the Airport Account in the sum of $60,000. Municipal Airport Following reading of ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. (First reading 8/1/77) ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3152 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Loveless-Powell ordinance rezoning property from G to B-1 and R-2, known as the Rezone Loveless Powell rezone, first reading 8/1/77, located SW corner of NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. NE. Following discussion, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REQUEST THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO WITHHOLD SIGNING AND PUBLICATION UNTIL PROPER, EXECUTED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ARE RECEIVED AND RECORDED. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Stredicke noted for record, his re- luctance in voting Aye,' and did so only because of absence of other Council members. Resolution #2126 The Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer transferring funds from the Airport unto Park account in amount of Air Park $10,000 to facilitate administrative management of the Air Park. Following' reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. 1 , Renton City Council 8/8/77 1 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business Unempl yment to the State no later than 12/15/77 and that the decision will affect Compen ration the City' s 1978 budget. The letter attached feasibility study made Contin led at the Personnel Director' s request by Gates-McDonald Co. of the City's I record over the past two and one-half years in order to determine financing method. The letter asked consideration during the 1978 I budget process. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE COUNCIL'S WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Melydi 'e Letter from Public Works Director presented 3/10/77 request from Barbara Warehouse Bonnell Holt and Frank B. Bonnell , Jr. requesting vacation of the Watermllin second portion of the Melridge Warehouse watermain relocation project. Reloca ion The Public Works Director advised easements representing the new loca- and tion from the relocated watermain have been received by the City and Easeme t therefore the existing easement may be vacated and recommended the Vacation Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the vacation of easement. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke for explanation, Public Works Director Gonnason noted area, Earlington Industrial Park, Lind Ave. , I explaining replacement of waterline; City Attorney Shellan explained substitution of easements. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUN- CIL MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Paul Hanks Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason transmitted copy of agree- City SI1'-wer ment signed by Paul Hanks in connection with his application to con Connection nect to the City sewer main on Union Ave. NE. Letter noted agreement I . in compliance with Council requirement covering promotion of annexa- tion and conformance to City regulations. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL GRANT SEWER CONNECTION AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Water Supply Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested Council concur- City •f Kent rence in City of Renton continuing to supply emergency water to the City of Kent at Renton' s standard rates for in-city water. The letter explained the, 8/3/77 request due to emergency, the pumping of water I from Renton' s-system in the vicinity of SW 43rd St. and East Valley Hwy. at rate of 2,000,000 gallons per day, which is within the capa- I bility of Renton's system; also noting Renton can continue to provide this water for an indefinite period subject to the demands of the City of Renton. The letter proposed sale of water at the same rate for I similar amounts by Boeing and Paccar. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Gonnason explained City of Kent water emergency caused by van- ' dals opening hydrant and draining water from reservoir. Gonnason also explained City of Renton capacity of 16,000,000 per day, maximum usage I now 10,000,000, formerly has been 12,000,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR 1 _ SALE OF WATER TO THE CITY OF KENT FOR A 30-DAY PERIOD AT THE STANDARD RATE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition has been filed for vaca- Portion SW 12th tion of a portion of SW 12th St. and portion of alley within Glk. 41 , Near AI 405 Hillman' s Earlington Garden, also reporting receipt of $100 filing fee. & OakI.dale SW Petitioner: Coldwell Banker. The letter recommended referral to the Board of Public Works for determining easement retention; to the Pub- lic Safety Committee and Public Works Department for appraisal deter- mination; and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing 9/26/77. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD :USINESS Committee of Council President Perry presented Committee of the Whole report recom- Whol Report mending that the method of financing for the Senior Citizen Center be Seni 'r Center referred to the Community Services Committee for recommendation prior Funding to or at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 9/8/77. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. TreeITrimming Councilman Stredicke called attention to need for tree trimming where street signs are being hidden from view of motorists. Mayor Delaurenti reported the matter of tree trimming is being taken care of by the Public I Works Director and Street Supt. . . . . . . . , •,....r. , - . . ,. . . , . ., . . • • . , . . ' „.,-, . • . , . ,• . , , , , . . . . . , ,'., ,• ,• . . . • . . . , . , . , . . . .,. .. . „. , • . , . . ., ,,. . .. . .. . ' . CITY OF KliTON, .WASHINGTON . . . . • . RES0j...XtION Na._ . . _ _ .. .., , . . , . , . , . . • WHEREAS it 'iS. ':'ne6. SSaryand 6dvisable to transfer the . ,. . , . belowr spcified:fundsHrOrl'.1;Tth.e',:1:)Urpose of facilitatingthe admnistratiye . ,. .. .. „ . , . . . . .. ... . . , - • .,, , • , . , • ,‘•. . manageme.at of theAr:P:ark: deveqopment and such transfer being . _ er:-.,.essar.7 and in tb.e ,publointert and for the public bmel-- it„ . , . NOW THER',410RE . , • . . . . . . . . . . . _ TRIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON Dr) RYSC.',LVE AS FOLLOWS : . • •, •• , . SECTION I :% . The Director of Finance is hereby authorized . _ . , -:.H •'' .' and directed to make th"e.' following transfer : .. . . , . . , .. • FROM.: •A irp.0.1402.t.0 02..015 . F,34 .,•90 .•63 ' . : $10 , 00 G.. 0.0 • i , . ,,•.-: ,.,-, .: ' , . .. . .. . • , . . •, . :,.,,.. • %,: ,.- -,.- , . . .. •.. ., . . . , • . -... . . . . • UNTO, Park .', .3..0110-0,0/..,2 0.. 5 3 3.. 5 0 . 6 3. 0 2 • Sio , 000 . oa • ....,,,,,,,,....,.-: . . . . , . . . _ . . • , .:,:. . . . .. . _ PASSED BY THE- CITY COUNCIL this 8th day d August , 1977 . . . . . , • . : ' ." ': • ' . ''''''' . ..'. --Q•• - - ..,€.0,0. . • • • Delores .6.:7 .Trjad, Ta-t\ Clerk ' . • • _ , . , • . • . . , . . . . . . , .. . . , . . . . . . . APPROVED B':-? :THEiklAYOR this 8th day of August , 1977... , ::. • • . , ,..- • . ( . .. , .., ..., , .. . . , '.: . ,, '• .:••• ' ' , • ,,•,. </.•:;/ /,'-; ,' .../' '-„././... f. • .,•, . :,..,,,• .„ . . , ':,- ',:, ''i.„L, /,..•,: ,':.,4••,,k.) :-/-X .•-•"::'/•'-'---.' ' -'•''''•"4''' '1 '-'''' • .-charles. LJI Deiaurenti , Rayor . • v • . • . . . , . . . _ • . . , . . . . . . .. .. . . , ..... . , . • • , . .„, . , . , Abprpyed as to form: , • ,:.•.:: „,, H ,,, . •, . . 7 • . . ' - ' ,.. ( \ 1 (1. !I ','.:' ,----7-/-, - 7-2 i,"; .i,'. 1„,-, . : . 2 .• . . . -/ -,. ,.2---,'‘. .- -04% k--,...-/ ,... 1.,aw1 e nct-:•c.. J '.. Warr et As'p'a.$-X,4-sit C:(1:y At t cr.2 n ey „ .. • . , .. . , . ,• . , . . . . , . . . • • . . . ' . • • • ..• .., . . , . . , . . • • '. , . . . , • • , ' . . • , . . , . . . • - ` " • . , . , , , . , . . -,, ,. . • , . . , . . .. • ' . • , . . . , . . . . • , . . . . ' . .. , „. , .• . ,. . . . • ,• • . , . . . . : . • . . • . . •• .::•,..t:,:4F,',,•• • . , • .„ , . . • • . . , . . • . . . . . . . . . • , . . • . . . . . li AGENDA ITEM pF R�, i C1s�. .7. : �C� ��' .► _. ' t,= THE CITY OF RENTON ,k.•,_� ' Z CtI: tw t: .K_e'.I` ., MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 c� .� kk,, a CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR 0 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 13 47-ED SEP1 `4" .3u1 y 19 , '1J'77 . ' .5� 'f=?-1 p F/. < �'e Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor 49 /1 '" Memb rs of the .City. Council �`s1 �'� illy %%' Re : Transfer,. of Funds Dear Mayor Delaurenti: and. Council Members : . In o der to simplify„the 'administrative management of the Air Park development, a transfer of funds from the Airport budget: to the Park budget is requested : "' `" • '• FROM: Airport :.402/002./015 ..534 . 90 . 63 $10 ,000 , 00 : ,. UNTO : Park 101/0.00/20 : 533 . 50 . 63 $10 ,000 . 00 'The funds appropriated. for the Air Park development are currently in the: -Air,port budget , although the 'project is bing administered by the Park Department. We feel the oove action will improve the Park Department ' s con of of tire. pro.je, t and increase efficiency in pros ssing payments . } , It is requested thatthe necessary resolution be prepared and approved. Sincerely, _i_ ,___ __.... ..: ,. ' ___________. , . , . ennett Airport r ort Director . can cc : Parks 4 Recreation. Director Finance Director: i"- Renton City Council 7/25/77 Page 3 , Correspondence. - Continued , Airport Fund Letter from Airport Director Bennett requested transfer of funds Transfer , from the Airport budget to the Park budget in amount of $10,000 it in order to'.simpl'i fy the administrative roan :gement, improve the . il Park Dept. ' s control of the project and increase efficiency in li processing paynients. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL a CONCUR AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Counci'lMan Stredicke requested from the Administration, a report on Forward Thrust use of Forward Thrust Funds and discontinued projects . Mayor Delaurenti Projects confirmed the report would be forthcoming. • Burnett Ave. S. Councilwoman Thorpe noted last week' s request co the Mayor in, regard: to i?ur•nett Ave. S. 'area between S. 4th and 7th, being advised report of deV€ l upment. f dr.thcomi ng. 'Council Committee MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION HELD B,Y Vacancies Filled COUNCILMAN GRANT ON THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE BE REPLACED:, . BY ,COUNCILMAN 'STREDICKE AND THE COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION HELD BY FORMER ' , , COUNCILMAN GRANT ON WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE BE FILLED BY .COUNCIL PRESI- DENT PERRY•. C'uncilinan Clymer inquired of others desiring to serve; Stredicke noted. burden on committee iiieMbers to maintain quorum in order - to continue working. . MOTION CABBIE:f . _ ,a . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report Committee Report recommending second and final reading of. an ordinance revising garbage Ordinance # 149 service ordinance relating to definition and rates. Following readings , ', Garbage Service of the ordinance,. it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ' and Rates ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL : 4 AYE : CLYMER, BRUCE, SHINPOCH',. '„ THORPE; 1 NO,: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution i;2125 Attention was ca 1.1 ed . to -the' need for appointment of Executor for G Referendum 2 - Referendum .29 funds and documents , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND . Coordinator THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION NAMING PLANNING DIRECTOR AS COORDINA- TOR OF REFERENDUM 29 MATTERS . CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, .264 Chelan Ave. SE, inquired of LiD 297,' sanitary sewers , , in the Heather Downs area, as regards J & F Investment Annexation and LID 297, Sewers trunk line charges , recalling Council direction for adding area to Heather Downs increase base and 'lower individual assessments in Heather Downs. Council man Stredicke reported .Council did enact a change which will result in . an estimated $5.00 per lot,reductiori to be reflected in the final assess- ' ment by removing. trunk line charges for pro rating over area. Public I Works Director Gonnasori explained that when J & F Investors develop the. area they ,Will be included, on developers extension and cost of trunk: ' ' line will be assessed over entire area, thereby reducing costs to Heather . Downs residents . • Council Bob J. Hughes , 1013 N. 33rd Pl . , recalled his position as Legislative , informational Aide to the -Council when' all material for the 8:00 p.m. 'Council meeting , Material was to each' Coupeil Member by 5;00 p.m. and inquired why Council Members ' were complaining of not getting packets , being advised by Mayor Delaurenti that 'Council meeting information packets are available to each Council- Member by 5.:00 p.m. , however, Council Members are not able to get into City Ha11 to review the material . . Glencoe Park Dennis Skinner 4419 N. E. 24th St. , inquired of progress on the Glencoe II neighborhood park. Mayor Delaurenti reported talking with. Mr. I Parker, - Glencoe resident Coordinating efforts of residents doing' the work aid , has been -waiting to hear to any needs. cuunerrwoman inorpe 'reported. , Planning Departrent plans were sufficient for the first phase, however, expressed disappointment that matter has been transferred from the Planning Department, to the Park Department and the Park Board, inquiring , -• ; as to responsibi;lity., a.nd;noted need for report from Administration. . Arts Eair Councilwoman Thd'rpe 'called attention to the activities in the city Summer Festival for the last several weeks as being a positive be!iefit for citizens , Band Concerts noting Creative•'Arts .F,air, Downtown Merchants Summer Festival and . Annual Art Show,,I those` involved to be commended. • J L -' '�r t1-A��` ® � v �� I THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o °f CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PARKS and RECREATION 00 GENE L. COULON - DIRECTOR 44D SEP1e July 8, 1977 Mayor Charles Delaurenti and 1 Members of thelCity Council Re: Bids - Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park Dear Mayor and' Council'Members: The Park Board1has reviewed the bids submitted on the sprinkling system and landscaping at Kiwanis Bicenten- nial Air Park which were opened on June 23, 1977. The board has awarded the contract to Don Gannon Con- struction Company, low bidder, in the amount of $15,450.40 plus tax. Respectfully submitted, St-\\k* 61/41-C2A'V\ Gene L. Coulon cc: City Clerk Director I ' Renton City Council . Page 2 -17/11/77 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Thomas A e. S.W. the area on. the map. As there was no comment from the audience, it Street V.cation was moved by Clymer, seconded by Perry, the public hearing be closed. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether there had been an appraisal on the property, Public Works Director Gonnason commented appraisal follows Council approval of vacation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE CITY CONDUCT AN IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND THE CITY ACCEPT 1/2 OF THE APPRAISED VALUATION OF THE VACATION. Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce as to input from the Fire Department, Mr. Gonnason said street is unimproved and not used. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MUTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE CITY GRANT THE VACATION AS REQUESTED,SUBJECT TO ANY CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, AND PAYMENT OF 1/2 APPRAISED PRICE. CARRIED. Les Brown, 7746 Overlake Drive, Bellevue, representative of the Austin Co. inquired whether it would have to come back to the Council if the Austin Co. objected to the appraisal price or if it could be settled with the Public Works Department; City Attorney Shellan replying that the ordinance vacating the street would contain the price and the Council would have to approve it. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Claim for Clerk presented claim filed by Lee A. Harvego, 1521 N. 3rd St., Renton, Damages - alleging damage to car windshield by a Renton police car. Refer to Lee A. Harvego City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Funds Transfer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason request transfer of $126,000 . Talbot fill of unanticipated revenue from Referendum 27 be appropriated into account Reservoir 401-094-015/534.32.63, Talbot Hill Reservoir. Refer to Ways and Means ' Committee. (See later adoption of ordinance.) Bid Award for Letter. from Park Director Coulon reported the Park Board had awarded Kiwanis Bicen- the contract for landscaping and construction on the Kiwanis Bicentennial tennial Air Park Air Park to the lowest bidder, Don Gannon Construction Co. , in the amount Don Gannon Const. of $15,450.40. Council approval recommended. Western Fire Letter from Fire Chief Geissler requested authorization to attend the Chief's Assoc. Western Fire Chief's Association Annual Conference in Vancouver, WA, Conference August 21 through 25, 1977, funds having been budgeted for this purpose. Council concurrence recommended. Street Vacation Letter from Deputy City Clerk Motor reported receipt of a petition for Request - Portion street vacation, along with the $100 filing fee from the petitioners, it of N. 33rd Place having been certified by the Public Works Department as valid and (Easter y Portion)representing 100% of the abutting property owners. Recommendation to Fawcett Everett refer to the Board of Public Works and the Public Services Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment of fees by abutting property owners and also as concerning retention of utility easements, further recommending the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for a resolution setting August 1, 1977 as the date of Public Hearing and requesting adoption of the resolution this evening to meet legal requirements for the hearing date and so the vacation of both portions of the street could be considered at the same time. (See later adoption of resolution) 75% Pe ition for Letter from Clerk reported receipt of 75%.petition for annexation of Annexation of property adjacent to Heather Downs, Union Ave. S.E. and S.E. 2nd Place, Area Adjacent to from the J & F Investment Co. representing 100% of the assessed valua- • Heather Downs tion as certified by the Planning Department. Circulation of the peti- J & F Investment tion had been authorized by Council on June 27, 1977, at which time Co. a representative of the property owners had agreed to accept the city's Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan, zoning and assumption of pre-existing indebtedness July 2 , 1977 and recommended that July 25, 1977 be set for the Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. Council concurrence recommended. Interi Park & Letter from .Public Works Director Gonnason transmitted Interim Park Ride Poocility & Ride Agreement between the City of Renton and the Municipality of Agreement - City Metropolitan Seattle for follow up on the previous agreement entered & Metrj into between the city and The Boeing Co. on utilization of property. the City of Renton to provide the labor in preparing the lot and Metro ' (L, to provide all of the materials. Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement recommended. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Special Council Meeting March 8, 1977 Council Chambers Tuesday, 8 : 00 P.M. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO RDER ' Council President George J. Perry called the meeting to order. ROLL CAL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President, PATRICIA COUNCIL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD STREDICKE, KENNETH BRUCE, BARBARA SHINPOCH, WILLIAM GRANT. (Mr. Grant joined the meeting shortly after roll call. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor , GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director, DEL MEAD, City Clerk, GENE COULON, Parks Director, DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant, GERALD SHELLAN, City Attorney. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. QUROUM The City Attorney advised that since the Committee of the Whole is established by ordinance to meet. on the second Tuesday of each month when four or more Council members are present positive action can be taken if the Council wishes . Kiwanis The City Clerk read a letter dated January 24 , 1977 Bicentennial from the Human Rights and Affairs Commission to Air Park the City Council in which the Commission requests the City Council rescind its action of October 4 , 1976 in which the park was named. It further stated that the Kiwanis Club discriminates against females in its membership requirements , the City is using public funds and land in joint venture with the Kiwanis , and in including the name 'Kiwanis ' in the park name, the City condones discrimination contrary to its Fair Practices Policy. Mr. Albert Talley, Chairman of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission spoke concerning the Commission's decision to go to Council over the park name change. He stated the Commission was issued a complaint signed by Versie Vaupel about the naming of the air park; the Commission then obtained a copy of the Kiwanis by-laws to study, and after fact-finding and investigating the Commission concluded that the City is condoning discrimination in naming the park. Council President Perry relinquished the gavel to Mr. Grant in order to participate in the discussion, distributing information packets and questions and noting he is not a member of the Kiwanis Club. • Mr. Talley replied to questions posed noting the Commission could initiate an investigation of its own volition, or pursue individual complaints . There was some discussion on the city 's financial participation in the park funding. Mr. Coulon, , Park Director, said there had been city grading work done in 'the Icosahedron park area, but assured the Council that no city funds have actually been spent in connection with the park Cmmittee of the Whole 3[ 8/77 Page 2 Kiwanis to date; that $10,000 of city money is on Blicentennial deposit, however, in addition to the $9 ,000 A[ r Park ' donated by the Kiwanis Club. Continued. Mr. Perry, after concluding his questions to Mr. Talley, resumed the chair. Attorney Shellan clarified for Mrs. Seymour- Thorpe that the Commission is empowered with broad responsibilities both to initiate action itself and to act upon individual complaints. He also reiterated that this is a complaint filed against the city, not the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Bruce asked Mr. Talley how many complaints the Commission had received on this matter; Mr. Talley named two -- Mr. & Mrs. Vaupel. Mr. Lynn Underwood, President of the Renton Kiwanis Club, stated that his club's purpose in donating the park was to benefit all the people of Renton. Mr. Underwood read a letter dated September 7 , 1976 to Mayor' Delaurenti in which the Kiwanis Club asks that the naming of the park be left to the discretion of the city. Mr. Louis Yahoudy asked about parks named for other organizations in the city. Mr. Shellan stated that the Commission has only been in existence since 1973 so anything previous to the Human Rights Commision' is past history. *,ecess MOVED .BY MRS . SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY MR. BRUCE TO RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9 :05, reconvening at 9 :15 P .M. Roll call followed with all Council members present as previously. Mr. Talley presented a letter which was read indicating the location of the Kiwanis by-laws , written by Mr. Underwood. Mrs. Versie Vaupel, 221 Wells Ave. N. , stated that her protest was not with the Kiwanis Club, but with the city of Renton. She referred to letter dated March 8, 1977 to the Renton City Council in which- she commends the Human Rights Commission for its decision concerning the air park. In her letter Mrs. Vaupel states the city would be violating its own policies and laws by allowing the name of the park to stand. Mrs. Shinpoch and Mr. Grant both made statements asking that the park name stand. MOVED BY COUNCILMAN BRUCE, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GRANT NOT TO RESCIND ITS PREVIOUS ACTION IN NAMING THE AIR PARK. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Seymour- Thorpe asked that her no vote be recorded. Moved by Councilman Stredicke that the Fair • Practices Policies of the city of Renton adopted February 9 , 1976 and previously adopted July 10, 1972 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for redraft following this action. There was no second. Motion failed. . . , Committee .f the Whole 3/8/77 P-ge 2 1 Kiwanis to ,date; that $10,000 of city money is on Bicentenhi-1 deposit, however, in addition to the $9 ,000 Air Park donated by the Kiwanis Club. Continued. Mr. Perry, after concluding his questions to Mr. Talley, resumed the chair. Attorney Shellan clarified for Mrs. Seymour Thorpe ' that the Commission is empowered with broad responsibilities both to initiate action itself and to act upon individual complaints. He also reiterated that this is a complaint filed against the city, not the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Bruce asked Mr. Talley how many complaints the Commission had received on this matter; Mr: Tallley named two -- Mr. & Mrs. ,Vaupel. ' Mr. Lynn Underwood, President of the Renton Kiwanis Club, stated that his club's purpose in donating the park was to benefit all the people of Renton. Mr. 'Underwood read a letter dated1September 7 , 1976 to Mayor Delaurenti in which the Kiwanis Club asks that the naming of the park be left to the discretion of the city. Mr. Louis Yahoudy asked about parks named for other 'organizations in the city. Mr. Shellan 1 stated that the Commission has only been in existence since 1973 so anything previous to " the Human Rights Commision is past history. Recess MOVEDjBY MRS . SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY MR. BRUCE TO RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9 :05, reconvening at ' 9 :15 P.M. Roll call followed with all Council members present as previously. Mr.. Talley presented a letter which was read indicating the location of the Kiwanis by-laws , written by Mr. Underwood. Mrs. yersie Vaupel, 221 Wells Ave. N. , stated that 'her protest was not with the Kiwanis Club, but with the city of Renton. She referred to letter dated March 8 , 1977 to the Renton City Council in which she commends the Human Rights Commission for its decision concerning the air park. 'In her letter Mrs. Vaupel states the city would be violating its own policies and laws by allowing the name..of the park to stand. Mrs. , Shinpoch and Mr. Grant both made statements , asking that the park name stand. 1 MOVED BY COUNCILMAN BRUCE, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GRANT NOT TO RESCIND ITS PREVIOUS ACTION IN NAMING THE AIR PARK. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Seymour- Thorpe asked that her no vote be recorded. Moved by Councilman Stredicke that the Fair Practices Policies of the city of Renton adopted February 9 , 1976 and previously adopted July 10, 1972 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for redraft following this action. i There was no second. Motion failed. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Special Council Meeting March 8, 1977 - Council Chambers Tuesday, 8 : 00 P.M. Municipal Building MINUTES • CALL TO ORDER Council President George J. Perry called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President, PATRICIA OUNCIL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD STREDICKE, KENNETH BRUCE, BARBARA SHINPOCH, WILLIAM GRANT. (Mr. Grant joined the meeting shortly after roll call. d, ITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI, Mayor, GWEN MARSHALL, ,Finance IN ATTENDANCE . Director, DEL MEAD, City Clerk, GENE COULON, Parks Director, DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant, GERALD SHELLAN, City Attorney. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. a�UROUM The City Attorney advised that since the Committee of the Whole is ,established by, ordinance to meet. on .the second Tuesday of each month when four or more Council members are present positive action can be taken if the Council wishes . iwanis The City Clerk read a letter dated January 24 , 1977 Bicentennial . from the Human Rights and Affairs Commission to r Park the City Council in which the Commission, requests the City Council rescind its action of October 4 , 1976 in which the park was named. It further stated .tha.t the Kiwanis Club discriminates against females in its membership requirements, the City is using public funds and land in joint venture with the Kiwanis , and in including the name 'Kiwanis ' in the park name, the City condones discrimination contrary to its Fair Practices Policy. Mr. Albert . Talley., Chairman of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission spoke concerning the Commission's : decision to go to Council over the park name change. He stated the Commission was issued a complaint signed by Versie Vaupel about the naming of. the air park; the Commission then obtained. a copy of the Kiwanis by—laws to study, , and after fact-finding and investigating the Commission concluded that the, City is condoning discrimination in naming the park. Council President Perry relinquished the gavel to Mr. Grant in order to participate in the discussion, distributing information packets and questions and noting he is not a member of the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Talley replied to questions posed noting the Commission could initiate an investigation of its own volition, or pursue individual complaints. There was some discussion on the city ' s financial participation in the park funding. Mr. Coulon, Park Director, said there had been city grading work done in the Icosahedron park area, but., assured. the Council that no city funds have actually been spent in connection with the park y ,,,,,67- k_. - , •••••-..:::,:.:,..,,,,;....-. ,..,:•,: - .-,...,,..,-..,•-„ , , ' ..,., ;:,,..:, : . , l'' ..,,,, ,,,.,,,., ..f vs•::-.-t—'' A,' .::' ::''''::.'''.''''''';;.:,:'-',::',.:1:.."'':::',.::::'::•::'-',...''-.'::::1::'•.'.,.-.11::..,i,.,.if';':'f..c7:',';:';-,..;'!..::,. • -. ' ':- ) - ' ' '. l'i'H• 44'4 . 'Atli' ''. b :" ::THE. CITY OF RENTON 4r '7- ` MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO" RENTON,WASH" 98055 11 ; .:: `: CHARLES S. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD O,Q CITY CLERK �4DSEPIE�0 March 2, 1977 • M . Albert Talley;°"Chairman . Human Rights and Affairs Commission ' 1 042. 7 . 144th Avenue S.E. - ' ;[ R nton Washington 98055.. I ' :Ret'i.,.. KiwanisBicentennial Air Park Name Change Request ear Mr ::Tall e : • • , • t'Y t • . .• boverf d was prese to d to , . -' ' he `City_ Council on''January 24, 1977 and referred to the " ommittee:.of the Whole at ,that time, he•:A'ir Park. wil l;•,be'discussed at.the regular Committee of -;;;11.i.,•:,,'..:',,.: he Whole Meet :ng` on, Tuesday, March 8, 1977 at which time' • estimorly:i n;>''regar.d`:to :the matter will be heard. You are ' ''~ invited to :be present. at the meeting, which is scheduled , o= be:'held ,in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, Second ..Floor,: at ',8: p.m. - '1 'lease' Council P.resi• dent, .George Perry, if the meet- 'ng 'date presents any conflict for you. Phone: 235-2385. .,,:', Yours very truly A I CITY OF RENTON 'I n 7 DAM:bh Delores A. Mead City Clerk I RECEIVED � MAR 3 1977 CIT" r('"I",' RENI uN, WA 4O F 41 ,;-2.f<2 . THE CITY OF R f NTON ` MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 '�'. c o � ,f �, 'CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR (o- • 0TfO SEP� HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION March 1, 1977 Coun.il President George Perry Renton City Council Rent n, Washington • Dear Councilman Perr)i: This is in response to your letter of January 28, 1977, regarding the Commission's investigation of the naming of Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. In a swer to your questions, we convey the following information: 1. he matter was before the Commission at its regular public meetings in October, November, December and January. During these times the Commission interviewed Versie and Warren Vaupel. Councilman Stredicke was present at the November meeting, and explained the dollar contribu- tion from the Airport Fund and the Kiwanis Club. No other persons were present at the above meetings except staff liaison Sharon Green and Beth Borst who was present at the last two meetings only as an observer. 2. The Commission reviewed the Kiwanis International By-Laws obtained by request from Chicago after the local chapter could not provide a copy. It also reviewed a memorandum and map from Airport Director Del Bennett regarding ownership and practical use for the property in question. 3. The Commission received a request to investigate the matter from Warren Vaupel in addition to the complaint from Versie Vaupel. Section 2-1005 of Title II, Chapter 9, Code of General Ordinances empowers the Commission to conduct such investigation based on a complaint or its own initiative. 4. Section 2-1003 of Title II•, Chapter 9, Code of General Ordinances empowers the Commission to act on any matter of prejudice without restriction to matters of employment, housing or similar activities. Cou cil President George Perry Mar h 1, 1977 Pag: 2 5. , The Commission cannot be responsible for actions which occurred prior to its formation in 1973. It is concerned with this particular project and park name which it feels is discriminatory contrary to Section 4 of the city's Fair Practices Policy. The naming of other parks after service organizations occurred before the Fair Practices ' Policy was adopted and the Commission was established. We ope that this sufficiently answers your questions. If you need fur ,Iher information, please contact me. Sin .erely, REN ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION• • • Alb-rt Talley, Chairperson • • • - r j r ,\ f Name of Park Date Acquired Libe,ty Park July 14, 1914 ** Jone Park March 4, 1924 ** Tonk'ns Park Aug. 18, 1931 ** Moth-rs Park June 13, 1939 Wind or Hills Oct. 7, 1947 Highlands May 13, 1958 ** Phillip Arnold April 27, 1951 Lake Washington Beach April 29, 1955 Talbot Hill Dec. 24, 1958 Mapl wood Sept. 18, 1956 • ** Kiwa�is Park 1962 Kenn dale Beach _ 1963 #i A \ , `.41:" i North Highlands 1963 1 ** Kennydale Lions 1964 P r-L d I 0S, , r37i Lower Talbot 1965 f L ** Ceda River. Park 1966i. "" 1 b '_ _.'' - t Tiffan Park Y 1969 Lake Washington Beach Addition #1 1969 Lake Washington Beach Addition #2 1970 Lake Washington Beach Addition #3 1973 Sunset Court 1970 Lake Street Park 1976 ** Kiw.ni$ Bicentennial Air Park ' 1976 • • Jones Park"-- Donated to the City by Mr. David H. Jones. • Tonkins Park -- The site was donated to the City by William and Sarah Tonkin. Mothers Park -- Donated to the City by Mr. Lee Monahan. Name of park was a request ofi'Mr Monahan's to honor the pioneer mothers of Renton. • • . Philli Arnol -- Named afteriPhillip Arnold (a young boy) who was fatally injured iwthe vicinity next to the ,present park. The park was named after Phillip at; th request of theiRenton Scenic Hill Club who were instrumental in helping. th city acquire the property so that the young people in that • area wouldha e a safe place to'play. • Kiwanis Park - Kiwanis Club: was instrumental in advocating the acquisition of this prope ty. Also contributed approximately $10 - 15,000 towards children • play enclosure and equipment ,and picnic shelters and kitchen. Kenn dale 14.ns Park -- Kennydale Lions Club was instrumental in getting the State to sell the .roperty to the City. Also acquired Quit Claim Deeds from private ' • parties on t e original site ;and transferred to the City. Performed the original grading and eveling, seeding, installation of hard surfaced multi-purpose play • area includi g basketball, paid for the installation of childrens play area and, equipmentian• just recently donated to the City an additional 100' x 252' of property abutting and adjacent to the existing site. Cedar River *ark -- Carco Theatre -- Pacific Car and Foundry donated $100,000 towards the Carco Theatre, with the stipulation that a facility for recreational, educational, • and creative and performing arts be constructed. The City named it Carco Theatre. Kiwanis Bice, tennial Air Park -- Kiwanis Club donated $9,000 to the City for develop- . ment of this area and indicated an interest in continuing to help in the planned development. The Airport Division has contributed $10,000 of City money. • i I � • • • � I i \ .,WAjy,� ./ Ioi Refteoft z� lam' �ef ��. _ f?_NAB? 1 ��.,: .'' Z�f���' RENTON, WASHINGTON February $, 1977 George "erry, Councilman Renton city Council Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 9$055 Dear Ge rge ; I ee from the newspaper that there may be something further come before the City Council regarding the matter of the Renton Kiwanis Bicentennial Airpark name. In the event that this should happen - would appreciate it if you would let me know just when it come up so that I or some other representative of the Kiwanis Club of Renton could be present to explain our side of this' story. I m concerned that it might come before the Council and we wouldn' be aware of it and thus we would not have an opportunity to present the Kiwanis views on what happened and what led up to the dif erence of opinion on the naming of the park. If nothing further does come before the Council on this matter then I am quite c ntent to let things stand as they are but, if we are not that fo tunate, I think the Renton Kiwanis views should be heard. Sincerely, (� t' \` 211,1&011,41},A10-6 1 Lynn Underwood, President AL. .. Kiwanis Club of Renton. C "� `~ FEB 1O19� City RENT0NU IC A , 4 a R� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o t:13 `, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR .TFD SE PIE�O HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION January 24 , 1977 City Council Renton, Washington Members of the City Council : At the request of Versie Vaupel, the Human Rights and Affairs Commission has investigated the propriety of naming the new city park "Kiw nis Bicentennial Air Park. " This matter was brought to the Commission because of alleged discrimination by Kiwanis in its membership rules. The Commi sion has reviewed Kiwanis ' by-laws , park finan.cing •pro- posals, andpark location and property ownership. A copy of the "Membership" section of Kiwanis ' by-laws is attached. After revewing all available materials , the ion has that the inclusion of 'Kiwanis ' in the park name issimproperdecided because: 1 . Kiwanis, in the opinion of the Commission, discriminates against females ,in its membership requirements , 2 . The park is a joint venture between Kiwanis and the City of Renton for a project involving use of public land and the expenditure of $10 , 000 of public funds . ,y 3 . Inclusion of the name 'Kiwanis ' makes it appear the city condones discrimination, contrary to its Fair Practices . Policy, by promoting a discriminatory organization. The Commission, therefore, requests that the City Council rescind its action of October 4 , 1976 , by which the park was named and refer this matter to a .committee for reconsideration. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, '7/ ''' r._ Albert Talley, Chairperson Human Rights and Affairs Commission Attachment . Membership in Clubs Li •J • dub may be elected as an honorary member of said 'club for-`tlie:; .:- Section 1. Active Membership. ..- period of one (1) year and thereafter may.be re-elected from yeas :'` - to year. a. Any man possessing the qualifications prescribed in Article V, • b. An honorary member shall pay neither membership fee nor an- Section 4, of the Constitution of Kiwanis International may be nual membership dues, and shall be entitled to all privileges of the elected to active membership in a chartered club. _ - I� club except those of voting and holding office. - ; ; . .1.. -- :.:;°:`;� ;:. b, No man shall be eligible to membership in a club who holds -- Section 5. .(a) Any Kiwariian in good standing holding'active, membership (other than honorary) in any other Kiwanis club or ." privileged, or.senior membership.may be granted•life member-status_ _. ,_ other service club of like character. on payment of a;fee of one hundred fifty dollars f$150.00) to' r= Kiwanis International in not more_than three. •(3) annual- install-,_.:-.. -::::, c. An active member of a chartered club shall pay a membership fee and annual membership dues, and shall be entitled to-all privileges .' ments.-No life..member status shall become effective until said fee=','''; .. is paid in.full: - 1 • theclub. fe • • • - - -- ..-;(b) U on-a Kiwanian's attaining the status of life Member'•his club:<-- Section 2. Privileged Membership. P g g p• : - is thereby relieved of any further dues obligation'to Kiwanis.inters;::- =: , a. Any active member of a chartered'club who, on or before July:: ': _ ''..�' national for -that'member. The member's financial obligations:,to'•'';J '-' 31. 1963, shall have been elected a privileged member, may con `j ': .his local club and district, including his subscription to The Kiwanis-:: ='--- :-. tinue to be a privileged member. • ._ Magazine and the premium payable to defray the cost of the General .'-':- ' b. The board of directors of the club shall review the list of priv i' Comprehensive Liability Insurance, shall remain intact. :::.' •, " `•.- ileged members not less than once each year and shall have authority,: ';: • (c) Such life member status shall be in force duringthe time'an. :.;.- • for such reasons as seem adequate, to terminate any such members' individual-holding.it is a member of any affiliated.Kiwanis_dub• - - privileged membership, or to reinstate any such members as active :, (d) The quota of life members available in any administrative year._ • members. shall be under the control of. the Board of Trustees.of Kiwanis 's .:z` c. Privileged members shall pay annual membership dues, and shall - International.:; • r-- . - - be entitled to'all privileges of the club. - _Section 6. Privileged, senior, and-honorary members shall not be` ` • d. No member of a chartered club shall be elected to privileged - g ry obligated to attend club meetings except as provided in Article II; "`,',:•_ • membership after July 31, 1963. Section 3. Active members shall maintain regular attendance at club Section 3. Senior Membership. meetings and shall actively participate in the activities of a chartered . a. Any active member of a chartered club who shall have been an club, and the Board of Directors of said club shall review semi- active member in good standing of one or more Kiwanis clubs for annually the attendance and activity participation record of each club such number of years, not less than ten (10), and who is unable member. • z to meet attendance requirements because of health, business or other Section 7. The election and discipline of active, privileged, senior. - 3 extenuating circumstances and who shall have met such other con- ditions as may be prescribed by the club in its bylaws, may be elected and honorary-members in any chartered club shall be such as• are } a senior member upon making written application. - authorized irr the Standard Form for Club Bylaws. r' b. A senior member shall meet the standards of attendance and ;' participation as set forth by the club Board of Directors. A senior III Building and Chartering of Clubs - - member shall pay annual membership dues and shall be entitled to j • all privileges of the club. . - Section 1. Kiwanis clubs may be built and chartered only in those The—hoard of d-ir-ecb. of the-club—shal.l_review the list of senior communities that have a sufficient diversity of business, agricultural, members not less than once each year and shall have authority, for , institutional, and professional activity to—insure the standards of per- sonnel and fidelity to the membership and classification principles _ such reasons as seem adequate, to terminate any such members' prescribed by Kiwanis International for chartered clubs, and also to ; senior membership, or to reinstate any such members as active members. give promise of additional membership resources to insure the fu- . . - ture stability of the club. - - - . • Section 4. Honora,y Membership. Section 2.The minimum number of members of a prospective club+. �, 1 a. Any man a ho has performed some distinguished public service • for organization and charter shall be determined by the Board of and who is not an active, privileged, or senior member of a chartered Trustees on the basis of size and conditions of the communi in- .i ty .,\ 11 12 III Powers c. No man shall be eligible to membership in this club who holds • Section 1. The powers of Kiwanis International shall be: membership (other than honorary) in any other Kiwanis club or a. To direct, menage, supervise, and) control the business, property, service club of like character. d. An active member shall pay a membership fee and annual mem- and funds of Kiwanis International. • bership dues, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of this club. b. To create, supervise, ar>vd control chartered clubs and districts or other groups of chartered clubs and divisions thereof. • Districts - Section 1. For the purpose of promoting the best interests of Ki • - Membershi�i wanis, the Board of Trustees shall create, supervise, and control ' • Section 1. Kiwanis International shall consist of Kiwanis clubs districts of chartered clubs and shall establish the boundaries there - . which have been accepted by the Board of Trustees and chartered of. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to change the said in the manner provided in the Bylaws, and which continue to corn- boundaries of districts in such manner as may be deemed best; pro • - ply with the Constitution and Bylaws as adopted or amended. vided that prior to any Proposed change becoming effective, thirty Section 2. Any member club that fails to conform to the provisions (30) days' notice of a hearing before the Board of Trustees shall of the Constitution or Bylaws, may have its charter and membership be given to all clubs in the districts affected. Section 2. Each district shall hold an Annual Convention in actor- herein suspended or revoked by action of the Board of Trustees. If any club charter or membership shall be suspended or revoked, dance with the Bylaws, unless in any year the International Board of • such club shall have the right of appeal. to the next succeeding con- Trustees shall determine that there exists a condition of national ve�ition of Kiwanis International in the manner prescribed in the emergency, and because of such an emergency the holding of such .Bylaws, and the action of the convention shall be final and binding, convention would be prejudicial, in which case the International Board of Trustees by further resolution shall have power to establish • and fix provisions and procedures for transacting, by any means V Clubs deemed best by such Board of Trustees, any or all business that Section 1. Kiwanis clubs may be built in communities which pro- would normally be transacted by and at such convention. vide acceptable conditions, and as prescribed in the Constitution and • Section 3. Each district, through its convention, shall adopt the Bylaws of Kiwanis International. standard form of district bylaws. Any modification of, or amend ment to, said district bylaws shall become effective only upon ap- Section 2. A charter shall be granted to each prospective club meet- • . ing all requirements and obligations; provided, however, proval thereof by the Board of Trustees. ; gr, that by the acceptance of such charter the club agrees to be bound by the Section 4. Each chartered club situated within the territorial limits of a Kiwanis district shall be a member of said district, so long as Constitution and Bylaws of Kiwanis International then and there- after in force. such club continues to comply with the Constitution and BKiylaws of Section 3. Membership in a chartered club shall be primarily of mendis International and the district bylaws, as adopted or a the active class as herein defined. There may be only three (3) • amended. other classes of membership, viz., Privileged, Senior and Honorary, - as defined in the Bylaws. Officers ' Section 1. The officers of Kiwanis International shall be a President, Section 4. Active Membership President-elect, Immediate Past President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, a. The active membership of this club shall consist of men of good • a Secretary, a Treasurer, twelve (12) Tru-stees, and a District ! Governor for each district. The authority and duty of each character and community standing residing or having other corn- official ! shall be such as are defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. munity interests within the area of this club. ii b. The active membership of this club shall be composed of a cross Section 2. The administrative year of the President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and section of those who are engaged in recognized lines of business, vocation, agriculture, institutional or professional life; or who havingtwelve (12) Trustees, shall begin on the first day of October of i been so engaged, shall have retired. The number of members in any each year. !cJ:: <: one given classification shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of Section 3. Each officer shall be an active, privileged, or senior member �. :., in good standing of a r Fl n « 4..,t —_—L_ -u__ h,r.o�o7 i..� __� _. — ti.` - 3 ' MINUTES HUMAN .RIGHTS & AFFAIRS COMMISSION . JANUARY 10, 1977 ( resent : Al T.11ey, Lilly Kodama, Gwen Dupree, Willkie Lew, Pat Sado, and Chris Wright Staff: Sharon Green Guest;: Versie Vaupel, Warren Vaupel and Beth Borist The meeting was called to order by Chairman Talley at-7:35 p.m. in the third floor conference room. It was MOVED by WRIGHT, seconded by SADO, that the minutes of the December 13, 1976 meeting be approved as written. MOTION CARRIED. The matter of �he Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park was discussed at length. Commission members reviewed the by-laws of Kiwanis International, a memorandum and map from Airport Direct Del Bennett regarding park property ownership and location, and Mayor. Delauren is verbal comments to Chairman Talley. Versie Vaupel poke on the original letter of complaint and cited the use of city land, city pro ided maintenance and taxnayer's money. Warren Vaupel indicated his belief that th, promotion of the Kiwanis name was unfair in that the club dis- criminated ag+st females. The Vaupels pointed out that the park was only partially funded bv. Kiwanis and attaching its name to the park condones discrim- ination against 53% of the population. Each Commissiolr member indicated his/her opinion on the propriety of the name. The consensus was it hat it was improper to use Kiwanis in the park name because over half the cost was ltbrn by the city and supported by taxpayers. It was MOVED 1y WRIGHT, seconded by SADO, that the Commission direct a letter to the City Council expressing its objection to Kiwanis in the park name based on: 1. Kiwanis' discrimination against females; 2. The combined funding of the project, including use of taxpayers' (city) monies; 3. The appear. nce that the city condones discrimination by promoting an organization which disc' iminates in its' by-laws. Following disc ssion, the motion and the second were withdrawn. It was MOVED by WRIGHT, seconded by SADO, that a letter be directed to the City Council reques ing that it repeal the ordinance, resolution or other action which created the park name for the same. reasons set forth in the previous motion. MOTION CARRIED. It was MOVED by SADO, seconded by LEW, that a copy of the Kiwanis By-Laws be enclosed with the Council letter. MOTION CARRIED. r ,. . - 2 - Ir. ,;a,; °9nVE1) 1i WRIGHT, seconded by LEW, that a letter be directed to the V.lu;,e; rs, 22]. Wells North, explaining the Commission's action and enclosing a copy of the letter to the Council. MOTION CARRIED. The final dra t of the annual report was discussed. It was MOVED by WRIGHT, seconded by DJPREE, that the annual report be adopted as written. Following , discussion, it was MOVED ,by DUPREE, seconded by WRIGHT, to AMEND the motion to adopt as written and change the first paragraph under action to indicate the Chairman invetigated a verbal complaint and determined no further action was - needed. AMEN MENT CARRIED. MOTION CARRIED. A draft lette to County Executive Spellman was discussed regarding an agency to investigate discrimination complaints in the county which cannot be handled by the State Hum n Rights Commission because of employer size or local commissions because of ju isdiction. It was MOVED by WRIGHT, seconded by SADO, to send the letter as drafted. MOTION CARRIED. The expiration of members' terms on the Commission was discussed. Chairman Talley requested that those wishing reappointment send a letter to Mayor Delaurenti by February 25. Those who do not wish reappointment are to notify Talley by March 25. It was MOVED by WRIGHT, seconded by SADO, that the Commission recommend Shirley Kinney for a pointment to the current vacancy. Vote was two FOR, two AGAINST, one ARSTENTI N. The Chair broke the tie. MOTION FAILED. The Chairman announced the next meeting would be February 14, 1977. _ It was MOVED by LEW, seconded by DUPREE, that the meeting adjourn. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.rr . //i / // • V/f4.bt/ , ' Sharon T. Gr-en,- Personnel Director 1 I ,,.,,,,..,. ,.. ,...,,,,,,,, ..,,,,,,,.,eaxit,,,,,,i,.4 , ,-,,, � l i t• ir: , ' ,, i pllj r ,r 1 v'7 S ,...„„),..,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,„,„,„,,,,,,„,,,,, ,,„:„:,,,, , �.�a\ �� � {, ,„,,,. �fR,y aS+� ..r.„Sy= n4�kj�,"S�r} aG , ,,,, ,,,,, ,„.. ... ,:,,,,„ :,„:„ j RENTON, 'W ASHINGTON ' `i;;,rat```` I November 20, 1976 .! ;',': Mr. Alper `Talley, Chairman . Human l.J.g is &Affairs Commission The City" `•f Renton ;i • t 200 Mill ,venue South Rentoni W shington .980.55 Dear M . alley; . .j , I;.ha e your'letter. of November 18, 1976 requesting a copy of the Kiwanis by—laws for .our chapter'and for the';International Kiwanis. As I explained.tp., • ,;:.,,.,,',,;, . Sharon' GrI"en when she called. me, I am unable to locate a copy of the. by-laws , in oursfi es:'here. I su"ggested.to her that She write to Kiwanis•International '` ,r1 req-u.es,.inr; this.,information and I gave her, the address. Since this was about it ?,f ",; 2 week, a; • 1'' assumed that .`she,had' done this'and had'by now, received,the i:;>;,';:;<.., r: informati•n.:�,ou'are:re estin '-, ,':, a:,,,-. For our information the. address to write to is: 'r ' I {KIWANISINTERNATIONAL ,r L` 1 K24 iwanis International Building , ,`' i 41 '101 East Erie Street :'` • !Chicago, Illinois 60611 {' I' br#, Since we 'ere locally would in no event have a copy of the International by—laws I' am' certain your°irequest will be expedited by corresponding with. a r, Kiwanis "I ternational directly. I trust that with this information you will "x F+1�`. be able t• proceed with your investigation and bring it to a speedy conclusion , , dxz, I . , . ] , I , 11K f , cerely j .Underwood "4t p.r (President Renton Kiwanis Club I ; I) f� II 4 'Y,. i THE CITY OF RENTON c.' e$ i '''''' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 2 mr. 1 oId" 4 .. J CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 12, Ao,Pgr 0v� HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION FO SEPI0 ! . January24 , 1977 City Council . Renton ' Washington • Members,, of the City Councils At the Testiest..of ,Versie Vaupel, the Human Rights and Affairs Commissio has investigated the propriety of naming the new city . park "Kiw n'is. Bicentennial Air Park. " This matter was brought to; the Commi sion because .Of alleged discrimination by Kiwanis in its membersli rules. I The ComMi sion has reviewed Kiwanis ' by-laws , park financing, pro- posals,'1 and park locatibn and property ownership. A copy .of the "Membership" section of I Kiwanis ' by-laws is attached. After reviewing all available materials, the Commission has decided ' '`;:'.' that the inclusion of 'Kiwanis ' in the park name is improper because; 1. ,Kiwanis, in the i:)pinion of the Commission, discriminates , jag inst females An its membership requirements between Kiwanis and the City in ventureY 2. ,Th is a 'o t i parkJ .. . lof Renton for afproject involving use of public land and , 'Ith expenditure .of $10,000 of public funds, 1 1 3 . ' Inclusion of the name 'Kiwanis ' makes it appear the city condones .discrimination, contrary to its Fair Practices II Policy, by promoting a discriminatory organization. . ., The Commission,` therefore, requests that the City Council rescind' its ac,ta n of October 4 , 1976 , by which the park was named and refer th' s matter to al committee for reconsideration. Thank you, for your consideration; of this request. Sincerel , I . LI r f.4 (Y '1 ,r, .� ..! Albert lley, Chairperson Human 'Ri hts and Affairs Commission 1 Attachment /' !? -•. , .....„:„..„..„.,.....,......,.._,.. ,....,:. ,...,;...,,,,..„1.:..:;..,:;.:,.:,...;_..,,,..„...T.,,,,,i.....,._:,.._...,.,,,.::,,,,,,.:. ,..,._...i,..,_....:.,.. ..„1,,,.„...,,:...; .period.l..:i.f..,..i...ie (i.).year,and thereafter-,r,.7y: .!..,r.770::::;. ,..1.0,iim::..:.y. f7..,4,..„,,„_:,„:.::::::: • Section-1--Adive-Members fp--,,,,.. -- - -------... - .,,:•..,_ •..... .,.:.,.,-,•,---...,.,-„,.--,-,-,. , --,........„,..,,: - .to_._ - . .. . ... _._ • .-- -- prescribed In.-,?1:iii. leH,"-V,-.;.-„,,-..;...--.,......,,--. -,....-,,----,:,--„,--..---...--'"1-.-.;,... b,,--An:honorary member shall pay neither meMbership._. .e:ppl:„ ::::_ -t,-.;,,,,,,:: • a. .Anynian'tossessing.,the qualifications seciion.'f4.,- of. the Constitution' of Kiwanis Internat.ir*.1:-1114Y--bi 7-:;- : ..,--7 -,' ' --..' ...-i l:_ ,;.::: 'mil membership dues,'and.shall be entitled to aillla:rpsii:(...isle;.,:::,1-,.,c19.)..,,-it: ,,,;,..-„..-,,,,,,,..:,-,i,,,,:-..,.,,,,, ' :--."-- ' .: :- c' --'---.''....'• ' -'-'::---"club t those of' voting and bolding:office. -7. %. ---:_ -•- ,..,. .....,„.„...,,;, .. . -• . elected toractive membership- in'.._a chartered , -,..-:•, .._,:. .,.•:._ -.--:-... . ., . , ,- .. ctio_--.......-;.,.. .. . : -,--,.., , . --,•,--,,_.'-'-- .----f.r6,--,,-. .;.,„ ,-..,,,,,-, a clUbw,h9-...1 .9Jd1:-:-.1.. --,-:i,., ‘,-.--..-.:.:1-::i....,--.:,,,..,:;E:,,,..,,,,,....-,,:,-.,-,..„se. -n-'-5 (a) Any-Kiwariilan,...in pond---- ..'standing'tiolditig„,-;4c.tiY,'0; ,-:-&;', ..'b No Man shall."• fbem.eligible:-.-.t01.•r.ri!inberstiip.-io i., I d-' '••S'riior rriembeiliip-may be-gra.nted-tite.m. p,.,.,5-,,,;,sums., .. .."' . bersiip.:-:-(Other than'!htoppiary). in any,.:other..:;,K,..i.wa.9""4".-_tqb.7-,;(5J:.,:t.--,,..;..,.-:,.. -----'--' '-,-.-":„••••.-:•.--i-:',";,,..•..,:' ' ' rr)7„.,.1e.g.. .7.,°_f,,,i4e....:-.,_.f-,4_,---..,6-,--i-i,:-.(:;i4,..fhi-lijarar,„...fifti:,:i_8_0 .,,-,-,,.,,,;1.,,,-..,--..,.:--„,1,,,,------,-y.e.-,,i,,•:--.. , :,,-..- .on.--payment-., iF•4-fee of ---,-- j,, ;,----,•-•'-i------s411-•-tr:fr.1--::•-. ' -• Other-;ser,iite'Clii.b-Of•like character.An active member of a chartered --:'--.. ' .. ..-!:-'-:-..'rt:•:,- ,-.7-.- ..',,..•-'7-±,,.'..:,'- .....',':',...„,,,,,,...;.„,,`"•,-,:,: ;•:1..,,...,,:ici--watils„,i7.9 ter,nation,al inoot,-.iri,, e, ... . .„,..iiiiiii...„...ai.471.6e45 ,.. . . .„.,_.,. . „„,,,,,...-_. r.,„..,...,..,„- ...-,,r,„--.„.--,.,-..,...::-,• . -'' ---i----- ' ---club shall pay a ernberihiP''-fee'''1. ',•;'-'''''''-•:'::•••-'''''-:•'' '' f' ---''.-- r--•:-' -,. -life,:-.theinbee:statii&: becomeshall;', - effective_ ,-- •:-:4.,,k;.,3,T,,r.,-,: iiid,c•- -- ,:• - -..- ---,-,. ..J.--. .-i-id-7,kh-iif,:b •enti-tletl-toallPFITTY1-gM, - ASI.plicrio-:full.,:•,.--.-,,;„.•, ..-',--•-•'••:i....-' -_",..:-.:::•'••_3',F- ,---:;--..'-!-.T:--,.•---1,--:,--z-",---'.:-: -iJ..zzititt-;:x,„ ..:iii4uail-nernnegnit4.1.1e7..i.....a...„ _„...,n,„...,„„....„ ;.1-,-,,f;;;S•I'Lf:,t:: privileges, is,-..--ii,....:,,,,,:,-,,:,:;.-/:,,,..,"..-f,„,•-, .: :-.,,, 7'11.''; .':,--'.-.',.'1, -5,.--ii.".feiiatus,0 flif e.in.efilber;e:,-.n4§'cekt49 „ - ,?,..,,,, ,.;,::,.-,..t.---i,:!,,,-....,,-_: ‘,._--...,---, i,.-,i,_-,,:-.--.,,,,,--„,:,-„,s-i-,-,t-,,,-.; -,-.7- , - 6).- .a,:-..Kiwaniari,s,-attainiog 1.1 - • •--.--T -- ,..' . ,.i. ,,,,---.:!,.-.,,,,„...f.,„,.,,,,... : .•-!.:.--i..'. .--:-•.T.-...;•-'0eoi .-e1.05?1•-?,;:,-',.i-,,:.:-=::: :.:,-•-":::-.,... ,;..,-,, -..,.•.,,,ir...„,..=:-,:•'_;,-;;.-1,;:,..;,,,-‘.-:5.,,-„'-c,,4•,,e;,,,-,-•:.,K5',.-ini,L;,;, ..,:f.::',. , ;:-..,-.:A=,•4.2'. .;''' Upon' -- ' further' C`:, du.e.-s f.-6bli&ficlii•to.K1.*4,m5.•-ixtgFz,en;-•i•-_--., ..- ,...--.,-•-•..-'::. ..--_,.:,•?..--,''':::: '..:.,::;f-";?::?.',EST:ii;,.::.s.31'::;Z:""-?c'":. , .,-,- ..f.'' ▪ ' . . •'''' ' ' • --7 ,-'is-::there-laY„.,.„'l..-„eli.efed•-;,of_ariy,,,-. . _., ..,.,..„:, ,in4pjaI.,..91108a.,Eir.,.)4A0,:::?,:,t,„. ,:.. . •, •:•'z-.'':'-'-'z''''''''------''''''•.,,:2i---:Piial-e;;iik.:'114-ifiiib'e,ifh-ipy -. : 7.::: ,,,.., before., :. .: :.;:::,...;f1f,„ft..i.1::ii, :..2,r; ‘, ::,,...i_..7,,,::::::-:1.:,.::i4i,t-!i8op.caii--::--,,cf leL:ii:;:,iii:14,d-e;•.0-t-eihari‘cbt ;.;•;.1•,.;T:_41:1:6_. •ifie#:. ..7x A, t .__ ....,_,.,:ii ;, 1.,,, ..i.,. -- -:3:-...i.' ;•(:- -Sc!!°:.- -,.... -:-:--,- ;•-:! . ---4'- i '-i-rfir.-6zi", iltili(4 inr ;f:;;Kn-7-v'':-ii-tive•iilerni.)etr._:-.)6=-i---chastPrc- club-- -. '---'ca-:-'-his:'-iiibscrilitidil rci:the"..,KAFO'riik._1, •,,,,,,...1?-,-,- - ' '.:..-'-''' '-''''''''•- elected-2• mi''-iiVileged••Memb_e!.-‘T, Y„-j.ic:°.!1-...',M"'•'" ." -.- -•,-:.,::?„,f.- - -,...,----_ d 1-1'0'` :•`premium n.iDaVableo..•defray die cost r9!•Ple,kxcAri_ 3,1;,.::16 ;-.. 1:41P,...41',•-•:".:1)ee.P''• -.. . .,....:P,,.,,.,.:.-,,,.:,;•.:.?.i,t,,,:.fr.,,..., -.2-. .-:-.,7-,5,-.-.,•-§.. .zi'i:::?:,, ,- -..47.-_ . •,': ::-r...-4%4ag4Fin-C...4.1•7:-F ' - payable : • ; ---- .---remain'irtact:-:-. --.i1T.,";-. 'S'..,-T; ',.:•---, ' .'..-.."•,.:: •,';'-:!''---i•n•144'' to.-•be. 43rivileged'iberpbif.--,'1',,,...-:',-.--:',2',•••:-:';' :;- ..,.:-4 : " --,_: ;: ,-,k..-:.-:_:: g•.-.: ::"-it..ri.,'..--.: comprehensive Liability Insurance, shall .... .... . .. ,i......... ':'-----'...•'-'-'-e..•-•'•--ei •L -e-.-1-----',4 of- ii club-iiiall'reVieW;:.theliSt,:*:..:•PY.A.,. :-.::1-1--- --;: "":".:•,•'''''-'•,:'---- ... TT-''' ---.,Ii.-:-• ,'.;• - .' • i,:' -• ''-•;'-',--snail::,-.,b .f;ii:tiirce difring'T.the'Iiiiie.•:.an'i4".„2 . ''''''"'-'•O',"-Tile'vy4 b...‘,.Irc..4)i.:: ,i:t.,..„5,_ ....,-, . ,"..'4-2•-• - ifloiik'. :;..y1-.7i.,:c... ,3:. (C)'Srich.--:',14.0,-.F_Or-npe....:SaN.,...-„. ---,,, ,,...... - .--i*3.1 14,2r-2,2: -.,?4,.. -:,:,, ••'-'-':''--' --- '-'-' ••'-'' thanonce each and-fshaiv.pAYS.,4li,..-...-.77, . .:::,..-i,,,,-_:,, t-1,--•-f,‘.:.-,-;',:.'--- •:-,•a----'1. -T -- --':'• -'--,-"'".•:''''ileged--niembers,ricitt:lessi_ , ..„,,..... _ . _ .......,- , .,:--,---.,,,..-- .,;,tzecc,„,,,,,i„..,:::: :,,,,,,,-,, ,,,..,-..k.-.., . 4-1 ivi pa holding: -_,, ,...,_-,.7,7,,--,:,_T....,-,...-ff •' '-;'--'.-'';'-''''-- -' ' -•'- ''- ;••'':". -' ..--'ea' .r."'ter ate any-,aucn.-!Mewu.T ! - ,,•,•---,,,,,,,,-;,•,.....:-:--:-...-..--7,-.:,,- •.: ---.:„-::•,..,..---,:,_:-..,,,,-,- ,-- --.....-: ,..,-,--i•--.,----f', i• - - • . ,administrative-, ear -,-.- t-,.-J2.--7,,--,-•;!;:-.••fai,:--,-Aich...reas99s:-.. ......as ,..---.-.; ,--...---.--,, • .-- ' li:is-o member of affiliated 4cawahs..s.u....„..,,,,..„..,,,,,,,,,,...,)..„.,,: '•:,•;;••1-'.--.7crT,'-'4,itir-.;eliffi-p,._,,bi,.,:io:iginitte-T:-.,any..,;suchf_irnernberO'' iasr_.- t,.,1 ?-.,,.;1'.-;,4',.._,-'--;....q.,4„ 1,..•.; ,--:-..(d. .)-.The quoi#.of.life,members,.. yoi.,lab..e.in..-any.., . . .,,, y..,:,__ h 11 h--under-;''thi...;=-'control--.6tithe.-f:Board-!-:of -Trustees Fot.,,,N7...,,rI-..!-.....5....43,--.. . - .•..,:-_:.2±:::,...,.. .1.5.-...v.q_e:..,,..i..rn,....i.„...„,....,.„.,..7. ,-....-„,:,..,.;:•,,,,...,-,,,,,,:-...•.:••,:J..,-...:.-„..,-...,,,,....,'•:•.,:::..,:. .,.:•,,,::::,:....,•.:::i.•.,...,..-:-...:-...,•,,,,;,,, ,,,,...,,,,.-•-••:,z,.,.,--.',,,.-- s..a._,...• e..._ ,.,. i,-- -.... -•: .-•.,--..":rnembers.-..-..------N -•?--:-.1 --•,::.,- ..`:1...:::-,..:-..^.'.;.,--..2", , .,-.,' --'.,,.• d-shall •-•,-,--,-,-,:,-.';::- , :1 ' .Internationa.:,;.-1 ::.:.-t, .• , ---,,.,..:-, ...,..--_,..- ..,,..,,,,,,,f,y„.-- -,:',---,"-•-•:--,r.:::-,---,•,--,'"?:-"r•-T.,--- --I-membership dues,ran ,,'- . --..,..-,:',-.4-1,:----„..-,------,,..J.:-,,,-.-.......-.,---.--,,,,--:.,--..,..,-:::.;•--,v,--.,-.----,:-,:-.-I.---y--,,,,i:t:.:--,,..:-.--..: -- - -- - -- - .:-.-noi,,,se,.. ...•Privileged.: .-,members shall,pay,annual-. .._ ; •,',-- •-•-•,,,-•-----,'-'T "-----,f--"-••-•----..,,-",- .:-_-::•--j--;-....::-.:J."-'--,','-.T.-:;;•-;;i..V.`.•-,--,i,-.-f-,:‘,.'-,-,•:,.-,r;:::-°...-',";',:-';','-':,'-'.'•;-'.'•_1'... .i, -I'."•_•-,•.-7,---';',':1-_-...e,,,.'4••etiOn"...•,'•'6.-,,-.:',15iii)eied.-,:,Senior;:..gno,,hoporo7..,,members.sb0 --,.....,„.„....,...--,,.,--,_,\-...;.;,„,„,:: belseriiiilei.1:iii;ali'43-iiirile.0 .-0.V.t.ti ,40-,.,,,,,,,,,-. ,-'-.=•,-;.,-.:,.. 27, `-,,,,•-•:.-•:-•--., ,,,..., ,,s,_-•---•-•-,•,-,-....,.1-•-........--,.... ..,......„„ _. ...._,:.:...... .,. t provided in.:41,tio6.,J.1.-;,..„4_,,::,.: . - '•'' -''''''.- ' - -'.---' - '''''''.-- -':'-c•- - •':--leit'.4:i'-&-pileied-:-.:-:.'-.7',.- - ::-.,:t.•:-:.17...',:ti:,-.. ---f'.-;..'---,...'.-: --'00,-ka.i e.d to attend club•meetings as .-... .. didl-'-'eLn-i;:-.69e:r.'SI-nhe.l.sti:al;:t ;.:-14';;31i-;;-i,il'-941:•!4:1-:?-::•11-' 1;;C:1.1''''b--.:71:-'.--e---'';.'",;:•,,:;:).-:-.- Section 3..-ActiVe members shall maintain regular attendariCeit:•'Cl*meetings ,::,:,'"f:,... alucbtivsithiaelsi orfeva chartered_err::::..!..:. SeCtiOn'-.3...$ev;or-itypierrhifi '-';--1-':-'.-.'- I - = -,.....: -1-'-h b- -,-.- .--,--.,, ,,..,. :.... ..., ,: .. : c I u b, and thintehde: Boardattendance diaanctcio:f. Directorseainydp actrtiiv. annually lubs:for ,-,T. • - ........,''''' a.. AnY:aCtiVe member of chartered club who shall. aye een an : .-- .,. ,- • . --- -of said'insaitdbeC . • iitP;participation record of ea...ch.clo..,b.:'• . . ._ .- --active.member in good:,4a0i-rig-iif rept more KiWanis c ,.,, ..„.. . , . ,. ... - . ..-. . .. , . member. . such number of years, not less than ten.(10), and who is unable . - :.- ,. - .. - . to meet attendancerestiirement _ - -.- - Cbartered club 'shall be such-os,a.Fe..-,-:s.,,,,V, .. , hother. con---•' -•'-,,.:-I..; ..,:.. ,! ... -- S because of health; businessorother•, . ..., . :. _ ,Section 7. The'election and discipline:Of,active, privileged„.....enior,.-..,....‘„ extenuating:'Circuirstioce. :1_4nd--.'Who;T:shall have met.. ,,!c ... b. •• -'..-------.:-..-,..._-- -.., . -'' -'' .• -.: '- for - laws - •, ,.-...,5.1.-----,_-------,-_,...., , - - --inthe :Form. . Club...By ... ., ,..„ .and..,honorary...-,Members in any, .,. . _ - ' . ' ' -. ------ --- -1- ' ' ' ----..-'-bed bythe club in its bylaws, may !. elected- - ---.-..• --,-, •-_-•-.--, ' :.- . - -• authorized... Standard-- ,..,_ ',.;-:...diriOOS 4i tii4).....1?e-lilfe5cr!__.....,, ..,_ ,...,_..„ 4 application.,, ,..s. . -. -..-,-.:.•-, ,--.--..-::.-:...T...q•-- -•-4'---- -- -'-'-;:.,"-'-'-:',•-•'''" -,•••-";--, -- ---- ,.T-, --,-.„-.-,,,,:,---,. ,--,,,,,,,,-,- ..--..,-......,...,,, ...,:::.,,,,..,_ _. .._-,.. - . .. _ .,.. ..c„,.....„,,,,,,„,.,,,,,:,...f. ,. ._.b.i,-S: e .,senior., _,:.-..eiii 6%1 shall:1;i :-.t: the standards Of..-attendance and •----:,,-..--_,•It..-._..„.. ..,,,,, --partidiPatiori*-:_set-forth-by ths:„--,--klab-13oar ofDirectors.. .„ .,....,. or,,... , _,...,. . ., ..,.][..1,.I. Building and..Chartering.f)frp:!ks-'.' ri-i'eii'beifs-h41::.-p ."4nrm4..in.eiii,ecship.,,_cl,t,ie...:,ari....71 shall be,entitled to,.„.. .-._-.:;;f.-..„ - t-diversit of in ''''-- "..----: -• -.'",---._"'.-:--:,••,•.--"---'"' '--.,.: communities that- :have a:sUffi'Cireo ... . Y, .;. ' ..-. -. Section 1.-. K iwanls clubs'..may--.,be built and chbaurtseirneed.s,onalgyiirtuthlozi.:;,..,_:.::,. .,. al_1:Priv-ileie,-$.,..91;ther:.C_JO,b.,';',..',-„,i,z,.._.,:-......;,...-:-..,„.-T ,..-,,',,-. . ,,.:..-:- ....-:---.- ., . .- •-- ',-...--?,„---:,-,.-.. ..- -.....:,_,.... institutional,. s - ''T.t-------.-..-- ..--e-..[The . IT ,_,....r., .., , -- , - -- ,. . and professional.„., . - ..,....... . .,-f,---,--,......,..---,,.-;,:y.,•...-.,-. - -board 'ofd-ectOrs-of the.-,Chh'. hall review-the list•_•of. eniorri..„.„ ,...„]..„:-,,-.,..-,,,,..........,=_-. . ,--- : •'. • 'ictivity to insure:the stanaarPp.,-0,.r.. . --,,per- members•not less ..,„.1,-. -„,,..,,,:.:-., -„--: . T.:. . . 1 ,:,;for.. ..:=--.... -:,,,,---- - .,..-.„,,--,.„,- sonnel and fidelity• to the membership and classification,-periri_,...„_cip...„},e,,., .....;,1...-i..5.,,.,. .:,---.; ' ''':''''' - 2'• ' ' .:s "'th•iii.titiCe-eaCh:year.and shall have authority, '.....y.. 4..e.1-u,i.4t,e.,-----to terminate''..aoy',:s9c1 -,,1,n,. 1,frib.._,!5s.-',--'-..---:-•--:".."--..- -,-•; '--' -',":':;.--"'-';'..;' ,,--„,':-rea:ibei-la) -Kiwanis:Ir4F,nkrlonal...for.khartered.clu.h.s,-ari4,;.,ats2,,I!g,;3 ' stich,f`i-easOoi‘i-'-or. --::: .0.,.e.ni.. reinstate-;Ffaiiy• sudi dietiabcrs.,as,-actA4::-.;.•,-.-...,:.'-„';::-.[i; ---',-..-:':-..- gPiye Prom--is!.of..additional membership rresoirce- to._....ins....ur,..e..-i.a..,t94,.! •!11-.tai-;:,,,i,- -.':-"rilbi."; e6ii "4iP;'.::9'C.:47.1-%. : -:'::? '''' tUr -stability of the club. --• --- ---,--- -_-:_:-.- -.'---. • , o ---1;---'•----.::::::;71,-=- 7,..--",',---- .„---f:-. ,--f:!,-..----.'-Z.•:;.--•--• -,----..-n-.---'----,-- .--..,,-.----:--2. _ -,-,-':-.-.•-: -.---=.:-_-',-T,':-...----•-. -n-i .- - '. •-= '' '''.---_,'; ':-. --"-.'-'•.--'-'- -"--."-y..... '1';',1,"•'','-'-'::•--aii6-,-;:: :r. n1-.-511---.,•ers2:.': 14:' ).-f-i;'f':-•i)-'1•:i4) A4-;-;-7b..-'7;;;iib'", --1':-----,.--.-:-•-::". -i-s-!. - ---: . :-. 1_1:.,I:':fl.'74;'';'-e-2::-.!..11:1;:,-:::::.':,-;:j,:':,:. .;----.1 .-:; ,-.....-Section,2:.The niinien—urii:,n-":$0,:-9fnienlbe,4I.'of•.'a-propective--, _,...: . .' Section3'-•'----.,---:. :l 7",--- !.--'- ,'',-.-'..%.'--='- '-'-.,:, ' ''''• --.':-.;' ''''';'- : '''''''''', ..2-',:Z,,"3'-': :: -,.:---:,5--.7.2.---.-:,"T;j7.6;:i.'or--iniza. •fii3f1-:And chaii0.7,441.1-,be•'Otrin..1,11:60,6Y.'-'01c-,:173:°1-44:-i?•;.7-7, I -L--_--i.," his•''',1- -e--- --cv.: - .•distinguiibed-pUhliegsOyic5 -,,...., .. . : .. --...--1g--.- - .. .„::-.,..-,....:.: 1 '-'-'-'-'4. d"thiii's-.6f:the-.6-.)rri0ii.ii4ty-'Alyt,..!-stiF__ ''.5.-,':','A.: inn;; ---1-,:w1163 -,.-p'eP•901! !!:?!7-, .:..,.-,-.,-. --.-- - •----,'------t'-:-"--charteredk--h.I. ,.',,f'-..'4'._--.,:::',-....:.:?.:-..-'-'6-:-'-- .-,-,,•T:iiiskees on"j:thefbasis-9 sue--: ---ag t '::9•.' .,--,--- '., sho- notis-- '-------'an,,-cti&,-priii lige_d-Pr..sent9T.member.._:,.,--,-:-----,-.,,,....,,,-;--,-..-,.--;--:---,i:-..tv:- - -,- - :-,z---;.-::;,_ ,-,-. .,.--..,-,..4,.. .i.=-:,-..-,A,---I.r:---_--.-,r,*'-a;1.-v-.3,-vii,---,;ze-`,76-_,,,.-,-:-,5.--,,,, -:- -. .-.,::_.:_,-..-::::,„-;_,---::-.,‘.:_,,-,:::':-:-t.-v.VJ:t...-,,,„:tv,-,.-,-;,,,,:,::-.1.----,, ---.-,:--'-' ---if-,:_.:..-,--,t--.,1zil: \ .',_., =."..-.:.::,---'„'• -_;:'::-: .-. --•---.--;--62--;':•----,77. ...=,,i-r-:!--'-----1''-'-`'..--'-,--------::•.-,:' :-.',:•.--:.'-_,---a,--7:-.aT,--7-r..- -',---t-7,-,-,..,_ -.-;.,,,,r,,,..J.,,,,:,,,,::::-i--.-,:.;,:,_,,i----,,:,',,,,,:,!-4:-.,,,,..,:.:-„,-...,-f•-:.-,,,i:,- ,,117.,-„1.1,i.,-„,-7,?,3.T,I,„_ :,-.-,f,;,---_,-,,:.,_..,,-_„:„..:_.-::,-_,„,-,,,::.-,::,.::!,--.,-,„:,:-,J-5,„:2,..----,,g,„,--;::-..-q,:;•,!. ._,..-„,:_.,.k.-,- 3,iit,:„,-.-,„,, ,,,-:,!. -,-;:-,-7-,-_-_-.,;,.::-_-;:.‘377::::,---':-- , -,.-„-:.,-.-;. ,•:,,-'--.,-- -. -----.---7---:-.7_!,i'L•'::-;;;.-,.-E---'.--2;„---:.-•-: ------.------- --- .-, ---.--7---c----,•_:. .-.----,-'5,:--.---n,"::--- . : ,,,-_,;---.,..f.tgQ-4-_--.3-f,:-,4,-.-4.'':,!--.T„-----•-'5--- i--,-g:A.?-ky;-_,;;Y:--:::-.---',:q------ii--!-',--±1--.-'---..--; -..:.---,---:;-, -I-------;,--;,--.,::i-,-,; --7-±,_'.V-2:1.;,,-,- -:-.1'.;.;-4:--i"-'-':-',.7.!:--,f..-.7,,Z,.-_,_:-:'.77,:.,,„5".:,..;.=:-.:.&.-Ff.----'--.-,,-f.i,'-_-•-... -. .-- ----:..._-,'.,;.:,,:.,.,--,-_-_-.-_;_-_,,-,= •,,,,,..,..--,..-.:-.„,-;:-.r..,,:„.- -:-,-,..:., :,-.,.,:f.,.-f:-.'i3.;-1'---':.=:-.,:,---:.--.'s----,:;-_,„'„_,--:: .:,;:;-' -,- -1- -: : - --g_77.1T.0-7-='---_-..7';',51:';-E, i-/.7r,,,:::.----:-;-:-- -,Y-;:---if.-',-----,.:'--"--•.-:'''7, -;-'.-: - :--';.-7.--1:-''. .:,-- -s--'-'-":f.'--,-;- ''---'-:.---‘--;'---';'7'''''-':':------' .'-'2 .-:-'2.. -. - '-'--'''-'2' -'''''--- .--7'' - ' "--- --'-' . -' —'. -- - ., ::-._ .-,,,,z,,-,-..,--,.--n,-,!1-1-r.,!,,,,, :?;:::.,-;;E:.,:.,-.,1-.;lilir,----1-:--2 f•,.,:t--.-. ,,,tr.2.;,- .--:-.......4--1:;:_e-s-,----z•-.',--...:.-,--. _._ -'-'..,. - .",•-•:.,:--rf:---.'-i,..:-T,T,..::::-:,---::,..-:,-.,,,..-_-,J...,.,--1.::;,-...--7_.:--.:--.-'--:'--",---'--' :-; '• : - - III Powers - - - c.: No man.shall be'eligible to membership in ttiis club who,holds membership (other than_'honorary) 'in.,any other.,:Kiwanis' club or Section 1. The-powers of.Kiss mis International .hall hi- • • • -.service club of like character _ ▪ - *'' a. To direct, manage, supervise, and control the_business, property, d, An active member shall a amerimbershi `fee!andannual'�mern and funds of Kiwanis:International. •. - '_ - - _ = dues and shall-be_entitled.'ao;'`all the:privile ges of=tt is irlub. , • bership dP g.,,_,,.•:;_b. To create, supervise, and_ control -chartered clubs".arid_,districts • . or other groups of:chartered clubs:-and divisions thereof.: '' . .`Dtstrict-s - .. .. - Section-1. For the:=purpose,of promoting:the-best interests of='Ki: -- IV Membershi • wanis, the' Board�o Trustees shall create; su ervise, aid control— hp . Section :1.. Kiwanis International, shi• ll 'consist;of_.Kiwanis clubs":-: ;s:.; ,< ::°::: .: � - of. The:Board of Trusteesshall.:have-thepower',to-than :::- 6 said ;`: which have been accepted by,the Board of Trustees_.•and chartered - •..... .. . _ boundaries of districts in such manner:as may be:deeined,best, pro= -.- in'•the.manner provided:in the'Bylaws, and.which,continue:to.com- _.- un ply with the.Constitution,and.Bylaws'as adopted or amended sided that prior-to any proposed change becoming effective t (30.)'_days'.notice of a hearing before the Board`of Trustees. .1 Section.2. Any member'club that-fails to conform to the=provisions he:given to all_clubs:,in the districts.•affected._.,: of the Constitution.or Bylaws;,may have its charter.and membership - `': . herein:.suspended or.-revoked-by-action of,-the ,B'oard-cif-_Trustees: .. _-__y _ _ Section 2: Each.district.shall hold.an Annual Convention:in`accor . . If any club charter .or-membership shall be suspended_or : dance with the Bylaws, ugless in any year the International-Board,... _ such club shall have the right of appeal to.the next succeeding con-... -Trustees-shall determine-that there'exists a •condition.,:_of=:national vention-of- Kiwanis.International in the manner prescribed in the:.„ ' '` emergency, and because of such an .emergency the holding .of`such Bylaws,_and the_'action<of the convention shall_;be.final and binding. convention..would be,prejudicial; in which case.the•International Board of Trustees by further re solution shall have power to establish - ;and-:'fix-provisionsan . . d rocedui-es:for-tran-'i b :an :-:means - - - - P. - • g� Y-. .Y.:_.. deemed best by such Board of Trustees; 'any or"all,business `that V Clubs M1 `-"would normally be transacted by and'at.such convention:: - Section, 1. Kiwanis clubs-maybe built in communities which pro. Section 3. Each district, through its- convention :shalt:adopt: the _ vide acceptable:conditions, ar d-as.prescribed in the Constitution and -- . . standard form of district bylaws: Any modification of, or• amend- - - Bylaws of Kiwanis International.. - - . ment-to, said district bylaws shall become effective only'upon ap- - - _ Section_2. A-charter shall be granted to each prospective club meet- . - . •proval thereof by the Board of Trustees. ing all, requirements and 'obligations; provided, however, that- by Section 4. Each chartered club situated within the territorial li _s�� - • the-acceptance of such charter the club agrees to be•bound by the- . of.a•Kiwanis district:shall be a,member;-of said•district so_lon Constitution and Bylaws of Kiwanis International..then and there such club continues:to,comply with the Constitution.antB�1,'-- of ',-,'•...,. after in;force:_:`... •: Kiwanis International' and.'.the 'district bylaws, as 'sad or Section 3. Membership in a chartered'club shalt be primarily of amended. -- _ - :` -- - the- =a .herein defined.--There maythree - • e s s be only. -(3). - = - _ -- - - hi viz. Privileged,. :. '.;0 cers .:�'� =�= `'� ,< =_ -other classes of members 1 ed, Senior and Honorary, g as.defined_.inthe B lads. _ _: X ._ Section 1.The officers-ofKiwanis.Inteinational.sha'll be;a_President, President elect Immediate Past President two-(2) Vice Presidents, ;-:.•Section 4.:_Arti•ve 7llembei•ship : _.... •- _ a Secretary, Treasurer;`,twelve, :-(T2),-:Trustees;;and�a,_Dist"tier a._LLThe,active membership-of this-club-shall shall consist of.men-of good Governor.for each district:,:,The:authorit and dutyof.,.each official -_ -- :� ,- - : :• _'character, and community_:standing.residin or havin -other. corn-__ _ _ g , $ - : ,shall be_such as are_defined in,the Constitution' and. Bylaws =triunity interests witliin,the.,area•of this-club: -":-Section_2• The administrative .year'of the'President, President elect, - _'b=:The-active membership of:this club shall.be composed of a cross _ Immediate l _ vos�• _ :n • c Past President,ltwo;` 2') Vie-Preseident s :Te reau errre;3 and • .- to o ;the h ad rcogiedl'lines -of business ,twelse (1 ). Trustees;-shalt begin;onthe first.day ofOctober-ofsecnf: oswo.areengge , ine i vh , � 2 ', ' : _vocaton a ricultureinstitutionalor Professionallfe; or. hvg. = -eahyer. he- ibeen:so:,en a ed shallhave.retired:'The-numberrof.memberin an' _' ' :. `.: Sectton'3. Each oficer shal be active pnvilg ots• nor rinr- > :_ _ vc ; io e ' ( `) Y : i ` ':`- : - rn ' f eid'' `` "dshl v -a-vd=ar -Govrrno .��=' _• �°'�one.g"we n: las s i tion_tal <nt::exced twe ty er;cent.. .0•a , - . .: ,-,andsadi0no axtarie uianaheerea _=_ . ,`Af a districtof'I - . �` niern aaonalc i 'an-offce :fom(he:`=_ - r-=A - --'`- Ihe-totaIacttve:membersht : . _ -- ,, ''>,i4 c_eR ICAd J 0-11 4.9 o I k'el 411 re. r /li ve , -<uu`7L4 1-'Yl I Hall AS Goy 62 o. 7tL sT i\tro/V GA , / U4kTI -CLt1 (z —(2 5 1 aiei ( ////4-4 . A,)74---- 6,(A- _,- """ 4,1 ��, r 'Atte/1j_ � S / 4 .257/5 2i i'. Si i 244 %/i 1 1 /z ` `- S 7i S ��z ./ � ri / it/,1 K /� r Zi PP dYd e� .�G' �PhPeC i i. - AO " f lid .J ' -7- 3 -3 oi, / fir'S;Q (, o Co mac--L_____._ ‹:::::1 . 12,7 r c---1;4-ece/ .2. cf.tf• /VG--- 7 'e ,5-__ --- fe-z.,..../a.. - o 0,1„ ' 'i ' SePtz,h4 ati, 171. <A, i \\\ c, t-k)V.V 0 r\SLA\u Ak.Th ) \. _ • Q t UAU I' if et,--7 0 .a.4„.„,...„..._. 44, A Meye&flate„ /9/h &.Ie t,,.( , ' /2f,.z4rAo ,Z. 5" , ,/e. 7g/7g l .b.-4?--(_ '1 ,,„--L__ 1?-1D-1- c__ _If, ,, Kr,__ c. 115--- ''''//,, ,--0-- 4 V 2-7-r UV,e //S /Vo >14 6l ero-,,, tA4 7 g 0 c c-" /-e4c4---.-c- ka---v--e- „ c'1 I H n _ a 1 11-k 4) 4 \i\ 1 I • 1 , 9" 7.t .,_ +r_�r,< .ri`' e •• ..",„.„,,,,,„ v � i•h iM ,..,..,:-;,:i.::','?''''',':,...,, "l .e; i -4.:,. /r :.: !t ;%1.. ,.Ic :,,r.' I It /„.- •� ,'. .5� ..tr; , ,S.w' d. 1' „ j i.(1 ,,,...',..',:::;,,::;,,..f.,.'„:.,,.., .:::: deeete6 k?,:t ? ,,,,,,,,g, - r ,',; • r{,,,,,,,,,,.,.-,,,;.• ...,. . . :, : : ..: . •:fir®`o ,,;.`'t:.l.,!1,51, ..1.� ,'i;. .*,;,y, ,., ro !il` E ,'i.gt' ? :,t,^ t , 3.;• '.i.1[ :'�„P•- ,,d+ —, i,'van 9 i1 ! d,�.}' • `ice';' 1„�...,. , �5 vs.Y0.' �?i.d , ti' 1 f. X'R„. • „• ENTON• r,r• W ASHI N.TON "',� a' �. - .r'_ • • -• • ''•' r,',.,r Pie''µ November..' 0 . .1 6 : ,, er .`Tal 'e Chairman . . Human g,'ts &<Affairs Commission _ `_`:'',, ' ' . The City` • f Renton 4 z I 200Mill venue •South. .I-, - • • hll Renton,• • ,' • ashngton 980.55 . . i1,• Dear I1r.. .. ,, ':. -Talley,' - l::.. , :J.3^ 1,; • , I h ve'`your,aetter. o�f November 18, 1976 requesting a copy of the.Kiwari s "'`"' by-laws . or;our., chapter'and"for';,the.,International• ShKiwanis. As I explained.:to: ' aron ,G ;een'"''when.,'she"called.'me,' 'I "an unable to locate ,a copy of the.,by-laws".r" e • i ."; fi `;nu �`' I':'su sted .to.",her that.. write to..K ,wanis Internatonal.; i . ; ;.iorfle `':hre ' : ; 1 s h ' �fo'rin`' t'.,onf and.`I ve' her.'the address. Since this, was about' .'.''{ ' ` reque ting-.t ie:;•a.n a .�.; ,�. 4. s d ow -ec a�'ved°,.the • .t,.,,,,,,, '-t ;.• 2`.Weeks: I>."':essumed aYi'at'`:she •had'�doie •thi an .•had .by. -n r _ i ,:� '- i.nforna on � ��;are'`re es ing. • _ t ,,a address to write to is: ' • ; ,'a:' For your:=; nforniat' on' h , • • N ``'1!` r,:;•i;_t ai •uIWANIS''ITENATIONAL ";;;';',; • ' �''Kiwanis International Buildin�i. . is • , '• '..`; r:,.1'0•f East.„Brie.'Street. • , . ; -Chicago Illinois.,60611 . ' . . " ' ' Since w here='locally -would';..in no event" have a copy of the•International: ~',j" - {e•, ed' ed' res ondi with:;:i' - '.;`i S;,�fir;.l, ,;', by-l�.ws I'; airi`:certain�your�"4i�e.quest will :be exp , it by;coy p rig at, • • Kiwariis International-derectly I 'trust that with this information you will :' ,,,, '` " ` be able: to roceed''with",Iyour•;investi tion and bring, it to a .seed conclusion:,'' "-.'+-`'!,,"'``',' • . ',�•s lip:jti"s. `Underwood : ;. ,i•. President - Renton Kiwanis, Club • : r F , 1 G;U ' hLi j te„,,,,,, ,t, DLLA..q.6-d\A--.' . .. Renton City Coun it ' 1/24/77 Page 3 Correspondence a d Current Business - Continued . Talbot Hill Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of the 1Q%' letter of Island intent to annex properties to the city. which consists of, the Talbot Annexation Hill Island area with 100+/— population. The Clerk's letter reported State law requires that signatures on the letter represent.:not less than ten percent of. the assessed value of the property to. be. annexed; . Preliminary that the document has been certified valid by the Planning Department Meeting 2/14/77 as containing signatures representing approximately twenty-three percent ; (23%) of the residents, and that the annexation was initiated by Water • District 78 for the purpose of having the city take over the district and provide water. The letter recommended 2/14/77 be set for .meeting with initiating property owners at which time• the Legislative body will ' determine whether to: Accept the letter of intent; .require adoption of , the Comprehensive ,Plan, Zoning Ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebt- edness; and authorize circulation of the 75% petition. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CITY CLERK'S REPORT AND SET THE DATE OF 2/14/77 FOR MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS. CARRIED.. Upon request of Councilman Stredicke for information from staff relative to the condition of the water district and area, hydrants, etc. , and ' any legal, ramifications due to existing agreement with water district, ' Mayor .Delaurenti requested the Public Works Director and City Attorney furnish such information. Kiwanis , Letter from Human .Rights and Affairs Commission;-Chairman, Albert Talley, Bicentennial Ireported review and investigation of the propriety of ,naming- the new Air Park , city park "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park" because of, al'leged discrimina- Name Questioned Ition by Kiwanis in its membership rules , and that, this was 'at the request of Versie Vaupel. The letter enclosed a copy of the Kiwanis' by-laws kwhich, were reviewed, along with park financing proposals, location and • property ownership and decided the inclusion of ' Kiwanis' in the park name improper because: (1) Kiwanis , in Commission opinion, discriminates against females in its membership requirements; (2.) The park is joint venture between Kiwanis and the City • involving,.use. of. public land and expenditure of $10000 of ,public funds; (3) Inclusion' of' the ,name appears. the city condones discrimination which is contrary to its Fair Practices Policy. The letter stated that the Commission requests the ; City Council rescind its action of 10/4/76 by -which. the park was named land refer this matter to a committee for reconsideration. MOVED BY. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THEMATTER' TO THE COMMITTEE yOF THE WHOLE: CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired of other parks named after service• organizations ' and requested information, the Mayor asking the Park Director be notified. • AUDIENCE COMMENT Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , explained his plan ' for build- ing homes on Edmonds Ave. NE at NE 23rd with approximately one and a Request for half million valuation, explained no sewer trunks are present in Edmonds Sewer Collection Ave. NE as was assumed and upon investigation with the• Publi-c Works Edmonds Ave. NE Department he has been advised of three year schedule. Mr. Shane asked Area the city allow' installation of sewer. system with retaining tank which would be emptied daily by the city and those persons in the proposed development would pay the regular city sewer charge.. Council President Perry explained proposed sewer development in area which would have 90/10% funding, with 2/9/77 and 4/77 meetings determining funding, also noting forthcoming petition from Aloha Ranch for sewers. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the department members have been working with Mr. Shane and also noted plans for May Creek trunk line. and Kennydale interceptor line, that problem with collection. from retaining tank would be Health Department approval . Following further discussion, it' was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF SEWERS IN THE EDMONDS AVE. NE AREA TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES 'COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance and Personnel Committee report was submitted which. recommended the following appointments to the Municipal Arts Commission as proposed Appointments to by the Mayor: . Mrs. Margaret Rose Anderson, 7827 Ripley Lane N. , for a Municipal Arts three-year term effective through 12/31/79. Mrs. Harriet Gruhn, 7714 Commission S.Mission Dr. , Seattle, reappointment for 3-yr. term effective through Confirmed • 12/31/79. Mr. Ray Peretti , 17819 110th SE, for 3-year term through . 12/31/79. Mr. Charles Divelbiss, 2051 Ripley Lane N. , 'for 3-year term through 12/31/79 replacing Roger Richert who does hot wish reappointment. • Renon City Council 1/2,,'/77 Page 4 • Old Business - Continued . • Finance & The Finance Committee report also recommended concurrence in the Personnel Mayor's appointment of Dr. Robert Hoffman, 7633 S. Mission Dr. , Seattle, Committee Report' to a four-year term on the Board of Ethics , effective 'through 12/31/80, Board of Ethics replacing Mrs. Susan Ringwood whose term had expired. MOVED BY CLYMER, Appi�intment SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THESE FIVE APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Co littee on Council President Perry submited Committee on Committees report recom- Comittees mending change in the Council committee structure naminq 'the following Resort four committees : Community Services, Planning and Development, Public Services and Ways & Means. The present committees are incorporated New Council as follows: Aviation, Public Safety and Public Works & Transportation Co ittees become the Public Services Committee. The Finance & Personnel and and Legislation Committee become the Ways & Means Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, Assignments_ SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Committee on Committees recommended the following assignments: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE PUBLIC SERVICES COhM1ITTEE Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, Chrwm. Kenneth Bruce, Chrm. Earl Clymer Richard Stredicke Richard Stredi cke Patricia Seymour-Thorpe PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE George Perry, Chrm. Earl Clymer, Chrm. 1 Barbara Shinpoch William Grant • William Grant Barbara Shinpoch MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTE. CARRIED. Puget Sound The Committee on Committees report recommended that the Council name Council on Mayor Charles Delaurenti and Councilwoman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe as the Governments two representatives to the Puget Sound Council on Governments and that Representatives the City Clerk so notify the P.S.C.G. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Councilman Perry noted second Council member listed is the Committee Vice-Chairman. Councilman Stredicke noted the Public Services Committee will be serving • as the Aviation Committee continuing to meet with tenants of the field with periodic reports. Legislation The Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report Con ttee Report recommending that Renton Senior Citizens with lower incomes meeting the . Federal guide lines, be allowed to purchase a pet license as of 4/1/77 Pet ' icenses which will be in effect for the lifetime of the animal . The report for .eenior further recommended referral to the Ways & Means Committee for legisla- Citin'ens tion. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY -PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. .Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report explain- Corm ttee Report ing progress of the seaplane base development which is following the alternate plan approved for the Airport Master Plan (due to number of Seap ane Base complaints of the seaplane base in the lake). The project consists of Development relocation of the existing ramp to the east side of storage ramp, provi- sion for seaplanes waiting to be moved to dry storage, security fencing, paved roadway to provide for fueling. Bid opening scheduled for 2/10/77 with construction completed within 120 days; CH2M-Hill consulting engineer, city having existing contract. Boeing water main The Aviation Committee report explained inadequate water service to the Exte sion northwest corner of the airport with inadequate fire protection and Agreement domestic water supply to Renton Aviation and the planned airport restau- rant and recommended the Airport Director be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Boeing Company for the extension of their high-pressure water main (subject to approval by the City Attorney) ; and also recom- mended authorization be granted to proceed with project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY 'CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. • CARRIED. . • Airport water The Aviation Committee report further recommended extension of two lines Systm from the City' s existing 8-inch main on Airport Way to serve Aero-Dyne s R�ry ti a► ;, :- , c THE CITY OF RENTON f �- MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o e " CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 42- 04T6'0 SEPI <4, HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION January 24 , 1977 ' I City Council Renton, Washington Members of the City Council : At the request of Versie Vaupel, the Human Rights and Affairs Commission has investigated the propriety of naming the new city park "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. " This matter was brought to the Commission because of alleged discrimination by Kiwanis in its . membership rules, The Commission has reviewed Kiwanis ' by-laws, park financing pro- posals, and park location and property ownership. A copy of the "Membership" section of Kiwanis ' by-laws is attached. After reviewing all available materials , the Commission has decided that the inclusion of 'Kiwanis ' in the park name is improper because: ' 1. Kiwanis, in the opinion of the Commission, discriminates against females in its membershipreqpirements. 2 . The park is a joint venture between Kiwanis and the City of Renton for a project involving uselof public land and the expenditure of $10,000 of public funds . 3 . Inclusion of the name 'Kiwanis ' makes it appear the city condones discrimination, contrary to its Fair Practices Policy, by promoting a discriminatory iorganization J The Commission, therefore, requests that the City Council rescind its action of October 4 , 1976 , by which the park was named and refer this matter to a committee for reconsideration. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, .Lt Albert Talley, Chairperson Human Rights and Affairs Commission Attachment • i Membershipin Clubs .-II , dub ma ~= ="< „ ; y be elected. as an`honorary`member of said dub:for;the . _ -.- period of one`(1:). year and..thereafter may'be reelected from-year Section 1. Active Membership: - -- to year. -- a. Any man possessing the.qualifications prescribed in Article V,. .. . = - ;.' : - . ' b. An honorary:member shall pay neither membership fee,nor an==.'-';�' '. Section 4, of the Constitution of Kiwanis International may be. - - ' - nual membership-dues, and sha11 be entitled to-all privileges,of::the: elected to active membership in a chartered club. - - .- __ _: club except those of voting and_holding�office:-_ ._;:-_:=.:' _ ::' :`;:::;::���;-; . e b. No man shall be eligible to• membership in a club who holds - Section 5 (a) Any Kiwanian rn good standing;_holding active, membership (other than honorary), in any other -Kiwanis_club or. privileged;or senior membership may be;granted life.memberStatus"y;''==;'_' other service club of like character. - on payment of;a. fee •of one .hundred_ fifty.dollars (, 150.00) 'to c. An active member of a chartered club shall paya membershi fee --' :- :' v'anis International in not more`than three (`3').'"annual :install` = ' p' i ments.-No fife.member status shall become.`'effective until.said-fee 5 it r and annual membership dues, and shall-be entitled to all privileges; is` aid full. p of the club. _ ��"`�'' _. -:b _ - U one a Kiw ' '- am n attii `). p a s ar n tFiescatusof:'lifer"inernlier- his`c1u�tF��1<_3_,-" Section 2.. Privrle ed Membershi - - ' - - -- - - - g p - ' • _ , by.relieved of any,furelie .-`.dues-�obli 'atioii~`to'Kiwanis-Ini:er�:=-''` ��:�=�` a. Any:active member of. a'chartered club' wh - .?-'cub o, onor before;, ul".``,'::_:.;: :'.;,..':•..,.-,;i: .��; .�; . .. - . , .- .. -:.. ._. . - .,.. . . J Y national=for that member...The'membe`r's',financial;obligations to # 31, 1963; shall have been elected a privileged_member, may con • his local club`and district,including his subscription`to The,Kiwariis::• :_;:� ;::' • p tinue to.be a privileged Member. i, Magazine and•the premium payable ro defray_,the:cost of:the General 3 b. The board of directors of the club shall review the list -of prry ,:,;,,;.,''+: Comprehensive.Liability'Insurance,shall:remain,intact:= - ileged members-not.less than once each,.year and shall have authority,',, 1- '`: ,(c) Such life"member:status.shall be_in='force durin`g�`the ,time4an for such reasons'as seem adequate-,uate-, to terminate an' such members'-:';':-' `= ., 1 � n ''- � g -'�`=•- 9 Y . .i,. individual hohii_ng:it is-a member of,any affiliatedKiwanis club i privileged-membership, or to,reinstate any such members as active - - a ' = �- .:: .-(d)"The•quota of life members available iri;any administrative:year members. • _ shall;be:Under-,'the_contrOl of the Board of Trustees. of Kiwanis c. Privileged members shall. pay.annual membership dues; and shall " ' ,- _ _ - ' Internatioral.� _ :..-_,,,_ __ be entitled to'all privileges,of the club. Section 6.`- Privileged, senior,•and•honorary members shall not •be, d. No member of a chartered club.shall be:_elected to privileged •- -1 membership after July 31, 1963, obligated to attend club meetings except as providedrin Artide•II, • • Section 3:Active members shall maintain-,regular attendance at-club--'::'`.' Section 3. Senior Membership. meetings and shall actively participate in the activities of a chartered ` a. Any active member of a chartered club who shall have been an .club, and the Board of Directors.of said club shall review-semi--• . • annually the.attendance and activity participation record of each club. active member in good standing of one or more Kiwanis clubs for such number of years, not less than ten (10), and who is unable . member. • . to meet attendance requirements because of-health,--business-or-other--=_ Section.7. The election and discipline-of active,-pr-i-vileged,_senior extenuating circumstances and who shall have met such other con- and honorary members in any chartered club shall be such a's are 1 ditions as may he prescribed by the club in its bylaws, may be elected a senior member upon making written application. authorized in_ the Standard Form for Club Bylaws. b. A senior member shall meet the standards of attendance and - participation as set forth by the club Board of Directors. A senior III Building and Chartering o f Clubs member shall pay annual membership dues and shall be entitled to _ Section 1. Kiwanis clubs may be built and chartered-only in those.- all privileges of the club. communities that have a sufficient.diversity of business, agricultural; ` c. The b of oard directors of the club shall-rev-iew-the-_list of senior institutional;and-professional=activity to.insure-.the_standards of_per• _;- members not less than once each year and shall have authority, for such reasons as seem adequate, to terminate any such members' . sonnet and fidelity to the membership and classification principles`-`_: senior membership, or. to reinstate any such members as active • prescribed by Kiwanis International for chartered clubs, and also to'' members. j give promise of additional membership resources to insure the.fu- . ture stability of the club. . . - ._ -- E , Section 4. Honorary Membership. Section 2.The minimum number of members of a prospective club. i. a. Any man who has performed some distinguished public service j for organization and charter shall be determined bythe Board;of°'- i. and who is.not an active, privileged, or senior member of a chartered Trustees on•the.basis of size and conditions of the community.:in\. ':= I'1 11 12 S III Powers c. No man shall be eligible to membership in this club who holds membership (other than honorary) in any other Kiwanis club or Section 1. The powers of Kiwanis International shall be: service club of like character. a. To direct, manage, supervise, and control the business, property, d. An active member shall pay a membership fee and annual mem- and funds of Kiwanis International. bership dues, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of this club. b. To create, supervise, and control chartered clubs and districts or other groups of chartered clubs and divisions thereof. • Districts - Section 1. For the purpose of promoting the best interests of Ki- IVMembership wanis, the Board of Trustees shall create, supervise, and control Section 1. Kiwanis International shall consist of Kiwanis clubs districts of chartered clubs and shall establish the boundaries there- of. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to change the said which have been accepted by the Board of Trustees and chartered in the manner provided in the Bylaws, and which continue to corn- boundaries of districts in such manner as may be deemed best; pro- ply with the Constitution and Bylaws as adopted or amended. • vided that prior to any proposed change becoming effective, thirty - (30) days' notice of a hearing before the Board of Trustees shall • Section 2. Any member club that fails to conform to the provisions be given to all clubs in the districts affected. of the Constitution or Bylaws, may have its charter and membership herein suspended or revoked by action of the Board of Trustees. Section 2. Each district shall hold an Annual Convention in actor If any club charter or membership shall be suspended or revoked, dance with the Bylaws, unless in any year the International Board of such club shall have the right of appeal to the next succeeding con- Trustees shall determine that there exists a condition of national vention of Kiwanis International in the manner prescribed in the emergency, and because of such an emergency the holding of such • Bylaws, and the action of the convention shall be final and binding. convention would be prejudicial, in which case the International Board of Trustees by further resolution shall have power to establish and fix provisions and procedures for transacting, by any means deemed best by such Board of Trustees, any or all business that _ • _ V Clubs - would normally be transacted by and at such convention. • -= Section 1. 'Kiwanis clubs maybe built in communities which co- P Section 3. Each district, through its convention, shall adopt the vide acceptable conditions, awl as prescribed in the Constitution and • standard form of district bylaws. Any modification of, or amend- _ _ Bylaws of Kiwanis International. _ : - ment to, said district bylaws shall become effective only upon ap- _ Section 2. A charter shall be granted to each.prospective club meet-. - " proval thereof by the Board of Trustees. . - ' ing--all requirements and obligation's; provided, however, that by Section 4. Each chartered club situated within the territorial limits the acceptance of such charter the club agrees to be bound by the of a Kiwanis district shall be a member of said district, so long as Constitution and Bylaws of Kiwanis International then and there- - such club continues to comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of after in force. - Kiwanis International and the district bylaws, as adopted or 'Section 3. Membership in a chartered club shall be primarily of - , . amended. the active class as herein defined. There may be only three (3) ' -other classes of membership, viz., Privileged, Senior and Honorary, - Officers as defined in the Bylaws. - Section 1.The officers of Kiwanis International shall be a President, Section 4.-Actrve 1Llemberrhi� - .- - - - - - -- President-elect, Immediate Past President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, - - a Secretary, a Treasurer, twelve (12) Trustees, and a District a. The-active membership of this club shall consist of men of good Governor for each district. The authority and duty of each official character acid community standing residing or having other com- , shall be such as are defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. ..; -- • :munity interests within the area of•this club: Section 2. The administrative year of the President, President-elect, _ . , b. The active membership of this club shall be composed of a cross Immediate Past President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and • section of those who are engaged in recognized lines of business, twelve (I 2) Trustees, shall begin on the first day of October of v vocation, agriculture, institutional or professional life; or who having . each year. - been so engaged, shall have retired. The number of members in any ,, Section 3. Each officer shall be an active, privileged, or senior member one given classification shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of - in good standing of a chartered club and shall have served as a Governor .- ' _ _ - - ..the total•active membership. . . . - . - •- . • - of a district of Kiwanis International, except that an officer from the Kentiun Lizy uouncli 10/25/76 Page 5 , q JJOId Business Cont ued Planning Councilman Perry recalled public hearing for Hearing Examiner Ordinance Commission and noted offer by members of the City of Tacoma Planning staff and commission to meet with Renton Council , staff and Planning Commission members regarding examiner system of land use and meet at a point between here and Tacoma November 4, 1976. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BYMcBETH, EXPENDITURES BE ALLOWED FOR SUCH A MEETING FOR COUNCIL, STAFF AND PLAN- NING COMMISSION,TO BE HELD OUTSIDE THE RENTON CITY LIMITS. CARRIED. Council Councilman Clymer announced intent to nominate former Councilman Henry Vacancy Schellert to, fill the council vacancy created by the resignation of Robert McBeth, effective 11/1/76. Councilman Clymer read applicable portion of state law (RCW 35A.12.050) . Clymer requested opinion of the City Attorney at the time of nominations for office, noting his request for opinion from Association of Washington Cities. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report Committee Report recommending first reading of an ordinance concerning the Management Use of Association request to authorize vacation usage. Following reading Vacation Time of the ordinalnce authorizing use of 4-hour time increments of earned First Reading vacation timel for Management employees, it was MOVED BY CLYMER,, SECONDED BY McBETH COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #30721 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Appropriation readings of an ordinance for the appropriation of $9,000 to be used for Kiwanis development of the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. MOVED BY CLYMER, Bicentennial SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO Air Park SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL : 5-AYE: PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE, McBETH; 2-NO: STREDICKE AND THORPE. MOTION CARRIED. Council The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an. ordi- Procedures nance regarding Council procedures. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, First Reading COUNCIL PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I Planning [ The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an' ordi- Commission nance establishing and creating a city Planning Commission. Following First Reading first reading, Councilman Perry presented amendments to the ordinance substituting the name Comprehensive Plan for name of Land Use Management Plan on Page 5, Lines 10, 15, 21 , 29; Page 6 second and last lines. MOVED BY PERRY; SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND PLANNING COMMISSION ORDINANCE AS STATED. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY THORPE, MEETING ADJOURN. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: THORPE, GRANT, BRUCE: 3-NO: STREDICKE, PERRY, CLYMER. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolution #2071 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Fund Transfer resolution transferring funds in amount of $3,677 paying city's portion Valley of costs to Valley Communication Center for 1976. MOVED BY CLYMER, SEC- Co mnunications ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2072 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption' of a Street Vacation resolution declaring public hearing 11/15/76 to consider petition' filed Camas Ave NE for vacation of a portion of Camas Ave. NE between Sunset Blvd. NE & NE Park Drive. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. , Council Procedure MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PRIOR ACTION Motion ON THE COUNCIL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE (REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTTEE) AND BRING THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COUNCIL FLOOR. MOTION FAILED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. 0 Delures A. Mead, City C rk MECHA CI=fPERMI-I'S _ - - - - - 5075 300 Dennis Butterworth 760 Dayton NE Inst Plumbing 5076 695 McGrath Dev Corp 2101 Vashon NE Inst Gas Furnace OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK October 25, 1976 5077 665 McGrath Dev Corp 2008 Anacortes NE Inst Gas Furnace 5078 695 McGrath Dev Corp 2002 Anacortes NE Inst Gas Furnace PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 5079 665 McGrath Dev Corp 1922 Anacortes NE Inst Gas Furnace BUILDING PERMITS 5080 661 McGrath Dev Corp 1916 Anacortes NE Inst Gas Furnace 5081 661. McGrath Dev Corp 2132 Whitman NE Inst Gas Furnace 5082 661 McGrath Cev Coro. Amount Name Address Type of Work315 NE 20th Court Inst Gas Furnace 5083 695 McGrath Dev CorpCor 2122 Vashon NE Inst Gas Furnace 5084 1,600 De Chaneau 1325 Kennewick NE Plumb Residence 4965 40,000 R. Rockhill 116 Capri NE Const Residence 285 Thomas SW Plumb Residence 4966 35,400 Renton Boiler Wks 1212 N 5th Const Metal Bldg. 5085 750 James Halsen 5086 1,000 Sorenson Const 2025 Aberdeen P1 SE Plumb Residence 4967 3,000 Ray Anderson, Sr 603 Tacoma NE Const Rec Room 5087 100 A Sc:7wartzenberger 519 Smithers S Inst Room Heater 4968 45,000 Donald Kleindl 2606 Talbot Crest Dr S Const Residence 3212 NE 9th Plumb Residence 5088 400 Gerard Jay 4969 60,000 Reininga Corp 3208 NE Sunset Blvd Const Foundation Renton Plant Misc Plumbing 5089 13,000 Boeing Co Plumb Residence 4970 34,000 C Henderson Co Inc 1732 Monroe SE Const Residence 5090 1,530 Jack Colombi 1314 N 34th 4971 30,000 C Henderson Co Inc 1413 Index SE Const Residence 4972 110,000 Gene 0 Farrell 290 Hardie SW Const Building 4973 20,000 John Corwin 913 N 33rd Const Foundation CONSTRUCTION PERMITS - (SEWER) ' 4974 3,500 Firestone Tire-Rubber 351 Rainier S Reroof Bldg 4975 3,000 Gerard Jay 2312 NE 9th Const Addition 746 Wa Natural Gas 1301 Index SE Inst New Service 4976 250 Betty Richardson 641 Wells S Install Awning C Henderson Co Inc 1306 Harrington SE Install Sewer 4977 40,000 Paul R Horn 3711 Lk Wa Blvd N Const Residence 747 4978 8,869 Valley Bldg Assoc 401 S 43rd Remodel Apt 748 C Henderson Co Inc 1502 Index SE Install Sewer 749 C Henderson Co Inc 1502 Index SE Install Sewer ELECTRICAL PERMITS 750 C Henderson Co Inc 1508 Index SE Install Sewer 751 C Henderson Co Inc 1602 Index SE Install Sewer 752 C Henderson Co Inc 1514 Index SE Connect Sewer 5994 700 Peoples Natl Bank 858 S 2nd Add to Circuit C Henderson Co Inc 1612 Index SE Inst Sewer 5995 500 Dennis Butterworth 760 Dayton NE- Wire Addition 753 Wa Natural Gas Co 1509 Index SE Inst New Service 5996 750 N Haber 568 Edmonds NE Add Service 754 5997 500 Mac .McDonald 933 Edmonds NE Wire El Heat 5998 50 McGrath Dev Corp 2008 Anacortes NE Inst Service 5999 50 Shenandoah-greystone 280 Hardie SW Inst Service ' 6000 50 McGrath Dev Corp 1922 Anacortes NE Inst Service 6001 50 McGrath Dev Corp 4333 NE 22nd Court Inst Service 6002 50 Shenandoah-Greystone 629 Cedar South Inst Service 6003 50 Enrique Plata SW 800 S 3rd Place Inst Service 6004 50 Sorenson Const 2025 Aberdeen P1 SE Inst Service 6005 50 James McShane 1019 N 33rd Inst Service 6006 50 Colombi Const 1314 N 34th Inst Service 6007 50 Hillis Homes Inc 1719 Monroe SE Inst Service 6008 _ 50 Hillis Homes Inc 1723 Monroe SE Inst Service 6009 50 Hillis Homes Inc 1655 Monroe Court SE Inst Service 6010 95 Rodney Tabb 2708 Morris Ave. S Wire New Circuit 6011 601 William Ragan 514• Grandy Way Inst New Service 6012 500 James Halsen 285 Thomas SW Wire Addition 6013 1,800 Singer Sewing Mach 315 Main S Install Lights 6014 900 Imperial Homes 1923 Jones Court Wire Residence 6015 58,000 Boeing Co 420-421 Bldg Add Circuits ' W.L. Renton City C uncil 1 10/18/76 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued I Friends of Youth Upon inquiry ,by Councilman Perry, City Attorney Shellan advisedl the Halfway House Council of chnge in ordinance in August that Council rather than the Continued Planning Commission issues special permits and may consider the, records which the Planning Commission would forward to the Council , calling for public hearfng if additional information is required. MOVED BY, PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL HOLD PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 8, 1976; AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK. Council President Stredicke yielded speaking timeto Arlene Zanga, 1609 Talbot Rd.S. , reported opposition to the group home'1and to community involvement. MOTION CARRIED. byby Council recess. Roll Call : 3 Aye Moved Stredicke, seconded Bruce, STREDICKE, BRUCE, McBETH; 3-NO- PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT. Mayor Delaurenti broke the tie with NO vote and motion FAILED. 1 Local 21R Letter from Washington State Council of County & City Employees Ed Labor Matter Healy, President, Local 21R, reported total disagreement with the deci- sion of the Mayor & Administration to eliminate the funding but 'retain the positions of Foreman II in both the Sewer Maintenance and Water Maintenance Divisions of the Water Department. The letter notel this decision had been reported 10/5/76. The letter also reported Local 21R concurs in the decision to promote both Gary Morrison & Jack Chapman to the position of Foreman I in their respective divisions within the Water Department and urges immediate action on the promotions. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Anti-Recession Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported Title II of Public Law 94-369 Grant contains provi ' ions for anti-recessionary grants for state and local governments to maintain basic public services which would otherwise be curtailed o eliminated to be allocated •on the basis of revenue shar- ing eligibility and area unemployment. The letter noted full regula- tions are to be available within several days and requested referral of this matter to the Legislation Committee for a resolution authorizing application for a Title II anit-recessionary grant; also referral re- quested to the Finance and Personnel Committee for recommendations • concerning the basic service positions to be included in the application for the Title II grant. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TQ BOTH LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Kiwanis Letter from. Mayor Delaurenti informed the Council of $9,000 contribu- Bicentennial ' tion, Friday 10/15/76, by the Kiwanis Club of Renton for the develop- Air Park ment of the kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. The letter recommended Contribution formal acceptance by the Council for appropriation to budget account for park fund capital outlay designated for Air Park improvements!; further recommending referral to the Legislation Committee for resolu- tion. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE 'RECOM- MENDATION OF THE MAYOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- TEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Valley Letter from May1or Delaurenti reported 10/12/76 the Valley Communica- Communications tions Center's Administration Board adopted a $9,940 budget to provide Center operating expenses for the remainder of 1976, that Renton's share' is 37% or $3,677. The letter recommended Council authorize paymentjof the city' s share and refer the matter of creating a new account for Center funds and appropriation of funds to the Legislation Committee; and matter of source of funds be referred to the Finance Director and the Finance and Personnel Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY; GRANT, SECONDED BY 'BRUCE, `•COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO COM- MITTEES. CARRIED. Traffic Safety Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported on action taken on a petition Aberdeen NE filed 10/11/76 for traffic safety improvements for the intersection of Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE 24th St. The Mayor has instructed the Public Works Director to immediately install the stop signs and crosswalks making this intersection four-way stop. ThE Mayor has also intrusted the Public Works Director to proceed with the installation of an over- head flashing light for which salvaged surplus equipment is available at no additional funding. The letter noted the lowering of the grade on � i I Renton City Council 10/18[ 6 Page 4 Corres ondence and Current Business - Continued Traffic Safety Aberdeen Ave NE will be substantially more costly than anticipated Aberd_ n NE and recommended that the matter of regrading be referred to the Public Works and Transportation Committee for review and recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman McBeth relinquished his time for speaking to Vicky Seegmiller, petition originator, who thanked Mayor and Council . MOTION CARRIED. Land se Letter from Realtors: James Dalpay, Robert Undsderfer, John Bardessono, Heari g Dean Bitney, Robert Kenkman, William Boyer, Robert McCormick, Garry Examiner North and Dale Myers, noted inability to attend second session of meet- Ordin.nce ing with realtors discussing the Hearing Examiner Ordinance, therefore Y submitted suggestions and recommendations for changes and additions to Counc lwoman the ordinance. Councilman Perry noted having been present with realtors Seymo r-Thorpe on Thursday at which time these items were discussed, noting having pre- Arriv-s 8:55 PM sented recommendation to the Legislation Committee which takes these into consideration. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS COMMUNICA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Milan Roddie reported realtors in agreement with ordinance as gone over with Councilman Perry. James Dalpy asked consideration of recommendations. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIE CE COMMENT Planning Commission Member, Clark Teegarden, addressed the Mayor and Exami er and Council to present suggestions for the Hearing Examiner and Planning Com- Planning mission Ordinances, noting that if these safeguards were accepted he Commission would withdraw objections and urge Planning Commission concurrence, ask- Ordinances ing agreement in the proposal by Mayor's Assistant, Planning Director 1 and Hearing Examiner. Commissioner Teegarden asked that the seven incum- bent members of the Planning Commission be permitted to continue serv- ing for as long as they wish and be removed by their voluntary resigna- tion; appointing two new members to bring membership to nine. Teegarden asked creation of a liaison committee composed of three councilmen, three commissioners and Planning Dept. member appointed by Planning Director to assist in preparation of policies and guidelines for the examiner system. Also, that the Planning Commission would serve as a clearing house for complaints of the new system and if sufficient, recom- 1 mend Council hold public hearing, with no reprisals for questioning the system. Mr. Teegarden submitted his suggestions to the Clerk asking they be made available. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK AT THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK IN ONE WEEK. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman McBeth I expressed belief that unlimited terms of the Planning Commission members would not meet legal requirements, also noting possible benefits ofa liaison committee. I OLD .USINESS Community Community Services Committee Report was presented by Chairwoman Seymour- Servjces Report Thorpe noting 10/13/76 meeting with the Planning Department, Housing Housing and Community Development Coordinator and Jackie Lum, acting consultant Assistance Plan on the Housing Assistance Plan. The reported noted Committee approval of the plan as submitted and recommended that two public hearings be Publc Hearings held on the Housing Assistance Plan on 11/1/76 and 11/8/76. MOVED BY 11/1 , & 11/8/76 THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TION. Upon inquiry, Councilwoman .Seymour-Thorpe advised the two hear- ings were to meet Federal requirements. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PREPARE RESOLUTION FOR HEARINGS. CARRIED. Kin' County Community Services Committee report noted committee review and recom- Heal h Services mendation that the Mayor be authorized to limit city payment for Seattle- King County Department of Public Health Services between 7/1/75 and 6/30/76 to a total of $35,000 to be made "under protest" based on con- ditions: There is no contract nor agreement between the city and Health Department concerning level of services or value of services to city. While the city acknowledges certain health services were delivered dur- ing recent years, including 7/30/5-6/30/6, the city cannot accept- the amounts billed as large portion of charges to the city are neither required by state law nor requested by the city or its residents; the • Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • . . o r hfii r t ' C mp ef..1 o being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the r xY 2 O f Clerk of •tRENTON�WASHINGTON I 1 ?ORDINANCE GEt, THE RENTONi,REGORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) AN.ORDINANCE4OF"'• • times a week.That said newspaper is a legallnewspaper and it is now and THECITY OF.RENTtk, has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred I W A S H I N'G TJO'N;• ' to, printed and,published in the English language continually as a news- ; P R O V I DING 'FOR,. paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, APPROPRIATION;OF.- and it is now and dulling all of said time was printed in an office maintained FUNDS' at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton n'. Record-Chronicle his been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the WHEREAS the City:of R Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Renton,' Washington'r'_has. received certain excess revenues In exceas'of ; `.�r d l r ne e No. 3072 Washington.That the annexed is a estimated revenues for-ithe,: . calendar year 1976,and WHEREAS it i`s .. • necessary.and advisable*to; appropriate and transfer u lished in regular issues(and from such excess revenue as it was p g Into the belowmentioned`; not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period fund for the purpose,,of Alt, ,Park improvements and such appropriation tieing' of O'le9 consecutive issues,commencing on the 4 necessary and in the public Interest and for the•public; i benefitNOIVTHEREFORE, n E% day of CJC u c'he,- ,19 { • ,and ending the THE CITY COUNCIL'OF` ' THE CITY OF RENTON;' • ' I WA'SHINGTON, ..DO. I; ORDAIN AS'FOLLOWS: • day of I ,19 ,both dates SECTION I:The pricier' inclusive, and'that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- - • ; of Finance.is herebyau scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee thorized'and directed to' I provide for the following; 98 •appropriation and transfer:- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of V- ° , which FROM:Excess , has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the •first insertion:and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Revenue" • insertion. n 9,000.00 UNTO:Park Department, . . . t Capital Outlay; Acct. No. 101/20.533.50A3: SECTION I1: •This- 2O ' Ordinance shall be effective Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' / day of 1 upon its passage, approval and five days after its October , 19 t ' Q Publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th'day,-of' t,•/1,/ fi�'A--) October,•1976. ' Notary Publicin and for the State of Washington, Delores A.Mead,- iesiding at Kent, King County. • CityClerk APPROVED BY,THE MAYOR this'25th day.of (October, 1976. —Passed by the Itegislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June I' CharlesJ.Delaurent,' 9th, 1955. I I4• - ;.Mayor Approved as.el form.. . —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules fo counting words and figures, Gerard M.Shllan; . adopted by the newspapers of the State. City Attorney . . .Published;in.theRenton R®cordCh'ronicie,October; i 29;,1976 R41)2.0.'. ',;. j --i mow' t K :,e��y{,� k.t V.P.C.Form No:87 • Renton City Council I. 10/4/76 Page 3 Cable TV Stredicke noted one of the.purposes of citizens committee, is regard- Continued' ing public access and noted Seattle conference to which Bob Larson Chairman of C'tizens Cable TV Committee and Del Bennett, city staff, would be attending, also inviting attendance by interested parties. Community Services Committee Chairman Seymour-Thorpe noted the confer- ence would be from consumer standpoint rather than industry. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL. REFER CABLE TV COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Businessman's , Letter from International Order of Job' s Daughters Bethel #45, Karen Kidnap Kays and Patty Henry,reported plans for Kidnap Breakfast Saturday 10/9/76 at 10100 m when the Mayor & City Council members woulebe picked up and taken to the Masonic Temple for breakfast and meeting , with many Ren on businessmen also being kidnapped. The letter noted the main objective would be better understanding between city repres entatives, businessmen and girls, and hopes to know them more person- ally. Mayor Delaurenti confirmed plans for the breakfast and noted • success of last year's affair. 1 Use of Accrued Letter from the Renton Management Association, Delores A. Mead, .Presi Vacation Time dent, recommended an amendment to the vacation ordinance to permit the use of accrued vacation time in less than 8-hour increments which is not presently provided, however, would be possible with new computer equipment. The letter noted the Personnel Director advised such' change has merit, however, is a negotiable item for the three bargaining units and could not be recommended on behalf of any one employee group'. The letter further noted the Management Association voted 9/30/76 to, request Council consideration of an amending ordinance to provide for use of accrued vacation in increments of possibly 4 hours, rather than .8 hrs. and recommended referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL .CONCUR IN REQUEST; TO . REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. , Recess MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:30 p.m. Roll was called when Council reconvened and all members were present as previously stated. 1 AUDIENCE COMMENT Local 21R President, Ed Healy, asked to be notified when the Finance and Personnel Committee meets regarding use of vacation time. • 1 OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO THE COUNCIL, TO THE Board of LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Adjustment Report Stredicke noted Suburban Mayor's meeting Wednesday in Issaquah re; ' King County Heath Department services. Community Services Chairwoman Health Services" , Thorpe noted committee working on this subject and report forthcoming. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee ' report concurring in the request of the Public Works Director to Building Officials authorize two members of the Developmental Services Dvn. to attend semi- Conference ' nar of Western Washington Building Officials at Providence Heights in ' Issaquah 11/4-5'76. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Grant acknowledge the commit- tee 'was given power to act; MOTION CARRIED. j Air Park MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MATTER OF NAMING OF THE PARK AT THE AIRPORT FROM THE TABLE WHERE IT WAS PLACED 9/27/76. CARRIED. Councilman McBeth explained 9/27 Aviation Committee Minority Report which recommended reconsideration of Council action of 8/23/76 ,wherein Council approved the Aviation Committee report regarding naming of the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park and setting conditions thereto and that the Bicentennial Air Park now be officially named the "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park" and that all conditions relating thereto be rescinded. McBe h noted the main motion before Council was by McBeth to adopt committee minority report, with substitute motion by Stredicke , nd Clymer to name the park "Renton Air Park" with plaque acknowledging Renton ' ity Council , 10/4/76 Page 4 Old Bus ness - Continued . Air Par Kiwanis. Upon request, City Clerk Mead restated motion which had been tabled: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL NAME PARK "RENTON AIR PARK" AND ADMINISTRATION PLACE APPROPRIATE PLAQUE I ACKNOWLEDGING KIWANIS AS ORIGINATORS AND RECOGNIZING THEIR SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTION DURING THE BICENTENNIAL YEAR.* ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, THORPE, CLYMER; 3 -NO: PERRY, GRANT AND McBETH. MAYOR DELAURENTI BROKE THE TIE WITH NO VOTE AND MOTION FAILED.* The matter now before the Council for reconsideration (per motion of 9/27/76) was restated: MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINORITY REPORT. ROLL CALL.: 4-AYE: PERRY, CLYMER; GRANT, AND McBETH; 2-NO: STREDICKE AND THORPE. MOTION CARRIED, officially naming the air park as "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park" and rescinding previous conditions for payment of $6,000 & written agreement. Fire S ation Council President Stredicke reported request from Administrative Presen !ation Assistant Custer that Council meeting be continued to 10/7 for study I of fire station plans in order that approval be given prior to sub- mittal for funds. Stredicke inquired re other items for funding. Asst. Fire Chief Geissler reported the architect's request for Council approval prior to sumittal Monday, 10/11/76. (See later) RESOLU IONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending reading and adoption of a resolution setting hearing Resolu ion #2068 date of 10/25/76 for annexation of the Springbrook Watershed. City Spring�"rook Clerk Mead read resolution deeming to be the best interest and pub- Waters !ed lic benefit to annex the property per RCW 35A.14.300 for municipal purpo Annexa ion Hearing ses. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, 10/25/ 6 COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. _ Resolu ion #2069 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Recognizing of a resolution commending the members of the Renton Bicentennial Bicentennial and Diamond Jubilee Committee for giving of time and talent for year-long Diamon' Jubilee celebration commenorating our nation's 200th birthday and our city's Commit ee 75 anniversary. The resolution named Chairperson Lew Innocenti and 22 members. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY , McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Fire Station MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONTINUE MEETING TO Prese ation THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 AT 7:00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESENTA- TIO.N ON APPLICATIONS CURRENTLY UNDER PROPOSAL FOR SUBMITTAL TO EDA FOR FUNDING BY DEADLINE OF OCTOBER 11 . Councilmen Stredicke and Clymer spoke against the motion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE,'. COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9.-:25 p.m. Council reconvened and the City Clerk called the roll . All Council members were present as previously shown. Administrative Assistant Custer explained details of the fire station plans , notingdesire for P Council approval concerning design concept of the plans and particulars thereof, also explaining need for submittal by October llth,. establish- ing priority for funding. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Custer explained that all Of the applications would be submitted by the llth to establish priority for the EDA funding, also explaining difficulty with sliding submittal date. Upon further inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Planning Director Erickson explained the planned presentation I re the Cedar River Trails for Committee of the Whole meeting October 12, is a status report for .1977-78, that the Council has already approved basic plans, therefore not critical to application for funding. SUB- Regul• r Meeting STITUTE MOTION BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONTINUE MEETING Conti,'ued to TO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 AT 4:30 PM FOR PRESENTATION OF FIRE STATION 10/7/76 4:30 pm PLANS. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:03 p.m. a . Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk I 1 Renton City 'Co ncil 10/4/76 Page 4 • - Old Business' - Continued I i . Air Park i Kiwanis. Upon request, City Clerk Mead restated motion which had been tabled: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCILINAME' PARK "RENTON AIR PARK" AND ADMINISTRATION PLACE APPROPRIATE PLAQUE ACKNOWLEDGING KIWANIS AS ORIGINATORS AND RECOGNIZING THEIR SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTION DURING THE BICENTENNIAL YEAR.* ROLL CALL: 3-AYE:! STREDICKE, T ORPE, CLYMER; 3 -NO: PERRY, GRANT AND McBETH. MAYOR DELAURENTI BROKE THE TIE WITH NO VOTE AND MOTION FAILED.* The matter now before the Council for reconsideration (per motion of 9/27/76) was restated: MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINORITY REPORT. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT, AND McBETH; 1 2-NO: STREDICKE AND THORPE. MOTION CARRIED, officially ' naming the a"r park as "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park" and ,rescindinq previous con itions for payment of $6,000 & written agreement.; Fire Station Council President Stredicke reported request from Administrative Presentation' Assistant Custer that Council meeting be continued to 1Q/7 forlstudy of fire station plans in order that approval be given prior to sub- mittal for funds. Stredicke inquired re other items for funding. Asst. Fire Ciief Geissler reported the architect's request forICouncil approval pri r to sumittal Monday, 10/11/76. (See later) RESOLUTIONS Legislation 'Iommittee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending reading and adoption of a resolution setting hearing Resolution #2068 date of 10/25/76 for annexation of the 'Springbrook Watershed. ' City Springbrook Clerk Mead r ad resolution deeming to be the best interest andlpub- Watershed I lic benefit o annex the property per RCW 35A.14.300 for municipal purpo- Annexation Hearing ses. Follow ng reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, 10/25/76 COUNCIL ADOP RESOLUTION AS READ. - CARRIED. 1 Resolution #2069 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Recognizing of a resolution commending the members of the Renton Bicentennial Bicentennial ,and Diamond Jubi ee Committee for giving of time and talent for year-long Diamond Jubilee celebration 'ommenorating our nation's 200th birthday and our city's Committee 75 anniversary. The resolution named Chairperson Lew Innocenti and 22 members. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. , Fire Station ' - MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONTINUE MEETING 'TO Presentation ,, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 AT 7:00 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESENTA- TION ON APPLICATIONS CURRENTLY UNDER PROPOSAL FOR SUBMITTAL TO1EDA FOR FUNDING Y DEADLINE OF OCTOBER 11 . Councilmen Stredicke 'and Clymer spoke against the motion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED By STREDICKE, . COUNCIL RECEIS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed ' at19:25 p.m. ' • Council reconvened and the City Clerk called the roll . All Council members were present as previously shown. Administrative Assistant Custer explained details of the fire station plans, noting desire for Council approval concerning design concept of the plans and paticulars thereof, also explaining need for submittal' by October 11th, establish- ing priority for funding. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe,' Custer explained th t all of the applications would, be submitted by ;the 11th to 'establish priority for the EDA funding, also explaining difficulty with sliding submittal date. Upon further inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Planning Director Erickson explained the planned presentation re the Cedar River Trails for Committee of the Whole meeting October 12, is a status report for 1977-78, that the Council has already, approved basic plans, therefore not critical to application for funding.' SUB- Regular Meeting STITUTE MOTION BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONTINUE: MEETING Continued tol' TO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7; 1976 AT 4:30 PM FOR PRESENTATION OF FIRE STATION 10/7/76 4:30 pm PLANS. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:031p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk! 1 1 Renton City Council 10/4/76 Page 3 Cable TV Stredicke noted one of the.purposes of citizens committee. is regard- Continued ing public access and noted Seattle conference to which Bob Larson Chairman of Citizens Cable TV Committee and Del Bennett, city staff, would be attending, also inviting attendance by interested parties. Community Services Committee Chairman Seymour-Thorpe noted the confer- ence would be from consumer standpoint rather than industry. MOVED BY R DICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, IL REFER CABLE TV COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPO DENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Businessian's Letter from International Order of Job's Daughters Bethel #45, Karen Kidnap Kays and Patty Henry,reported plans for Kidnap Breakfast Saturday 10/9/76 at 10:00 aan when the Mayor & City Council members would be picked up and taken to the Masonic Temple for breakfast and meeting . with many Renton businessmen also being kidnapped. The letter noted the main objective would be better understanding between city repres- entatives, businessmen and girls, and hopes to know them more person- ally. Mayor Delaurenti confirmed plans for the breakfast and noted success of last year's affair. Use of Accrued Letter from the Renton Management Association, Delores A. Mead, Presi-. Vacation :Time dent, recommended an amendment to the vacation ordinance to permit the use of accrued vacation time in less than 8-hour increments which is not presently provided, however, would be possible with new computer - equipment. The letter noted the Personnel Director advised such change has merit, however, is' a negotiable item for the three bargaining units and could not be recommended on behalf of any one employee group. . The letter further noted the Management Association voted 9/30/76 to request Council consideration of an amending ordinance to provide for use of accrued vacation in increments of possibly .4 hours, rather than 8 hrs. and recommended referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess .I MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:30 p.m. Roll was called when Council reconvened and all members were present as previously stated. AUDIENCE COMMENT Local 21R President, Ed Healy, asked to be notified when the Finance and Personnel Committee meets regarding use of vacation time. OLD BUSI 11 ESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO THE COUNCIL, TO THE Board of LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Adjustment Report Stredicke noted Suburban Mayor's meeting Wednesday in Issaquah re King County Health Department services. Community Services Chairwoman Health Services Thorpe noted committee working on this subject and report forthcoming. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report concurring in the request of the Public Works Director to Building Officials authorize two members of the Developmental Services Dvn. to attend semi- Conference nar of Western Washington Building Officials at Providence Heights in Issaquah 11/4-5/76. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Grant acknowledge the commit- tee was given power to act; MOTION CARRIED. Air Park MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MATTER OF NAMING 1 OF THE PARK AT THE AIRPORT FROM THE TABLE WHERE IT WAS PLACED 9/27/76. CARRIED. Councilman McBeth explained 9/27 Aviation Committee Minority Report which recommended reconsideration of Council action of 8/23/76 wherein Council approved the Aviation Committee report regarding naming of the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park and setting conditions thereto and that the Bicentennial Air Park now be officially named the "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park" and that all conditions relating thereto be rescinded. McBeth noted the main motion before Council was by McBeth to adopt committee minority report, with substitute motion by Stredicke and Clymer to name the park 'Renton Air Park:' with plaque acknowledging AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT SEPTEMBER 27 , 1976 SUBJECT: MAINTENANCE OF KIWANIS PARK The Aviation Committee has not made a recommendation on maintenance of the Renton Air Park and will not until after at least preliminary construction and planting has_ been completed. Chairman Richard M. Stredicke S ' Robert E. McBeth S Patricia M. Seymour-Thorpe RMS :mg y ‘• acot: (r44.400,, Renton City Council 10/27/76 Page 2 Consent Agenda , Continued Bid Opening One bid was received from Bennie E. Sanders, Renton, at the September 22, . bid opening fore, sale and removal of the Dominion Building at Renton Airport; bid in; amount of $300. Recommendation: Refer to Aviation Committee. (Se'e later committee report) . Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed B. J. Richardson, 479 Harrington Ave. N.E. , to the Renton Police Civil Service Commission to complete the term of Mrs. Virginia Busato who has resigned effective 10/1/76; term to expire 6/1/77. The letter noted Richardson to be a former City Councilmani and active in civic affairs. Council concurrence requested. Air Park Letter from Ed (Davis supported the naming of the new air park as Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park, explaining efforts of the Kiwanis Club and mem- bers and thanked those other individuals and organizations for cash and services rendered to make completion of the project possible. Mr. Davis objected to proposal of the National Organization of Women that the air park be named other than Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park and made comment regarding his solicitation for funds and lack of financial support. AGENDA APPROVAL MOVED BY McBETHI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REMOVE TWO ITEMS FROM THE ( CONSENT AGENDA CONCERNING TRAVEL AND PLACE ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA. CARRIED. Items are listed under Correspondence and Current Business as, follows. MOVED! BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ' ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Springbrook Letter from City Clerk Mead reported that the Planning and Public Works Watershed Departments find it to be the best interest of the City to annex the Annexation , City' s Springbrook Watershed property and have requested legislative action to initiate the annexation pursuant to RCW 35A. 14. 300." The let- ter explained the watershed comprises 37. 3 acres , with no residents , is not contiguous to the city and is located adjacent to Springbrook Rd. , ' lying easterly of 96th Ave. S. , westerly of 104th. Ave. -SE. and southerly of S. 192nd. The City Clerk' s letter recommended referral, to the Legis- lation Committee for resolution of intent to- annex said property to the , City, setting October 25, 1976 for public hearing. The letter also recom- mended that thePlanning Department proceed with the annexation and fil- ings with the Boundary Review Board, as required. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Public Hearing FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE OF OCTOBER 25, 1976 FOR PUBLIC HEARING.. 10/25/76 Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan recommended city follow petition procedure and hold public hearing. MOTION CARRIED." Air Park Letter from Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton noted there are two Kiwanis Clubs in Renton, that the downtown Kiwanis Club adopted the air park as public service project and commended their raising of $9000 for the park. The letter suggested the name Kiwanis Air Park or Renton Air Park with bronze plaque commemorating Kiwanis Club and bicentennial project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL TEMPORARILY REFER LETTER TO THE AVIATION ;COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Travel Request Letter from Chief Darby requested Council authorization for Police Police !Officers Richard A. Stoddard and James T. Foust of the department's Narcotics and Viice detail to attend the regular quarterly meeting of the Western States Narcotic Investigators Assoc. in Yakima from 9/29/76 to 10/1/76. The letter requested advance travel funds in amount of $75 )each or $150 total , noting inclusion in the 1976 budget and departmental authorization arid requested Council approval . MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORP1E, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL ,COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See below for Power to Act) Travel Request Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested Council concurrence Public Works 'in attendance of two members of the Developmental Services Division at the fall seminar fo Western Washington Chapter of Internation Confer- ence of Building Officials at Providence Heights Center in Issaouah November 4 &.5, 1976. Total fee for two persons for two days, if pre- registered, is $40. 00. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MODIFY TWO PREVI- OUS MOTIONS GIVING THE FINANCE COMMITTEE POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. -a Y RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Septem er 27 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. CITY CO NCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH D. ROLL CALL BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT, EARL CLYMER AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE- ABSENT COUNCILMAN GEORGE J. PERRY. CARRIED. CITY OFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCEN GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; GERARD M. SHELLAN, City,Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; TONY LADNER, Housing Director; BARBARA SHINPOCH, Housing Authority Chairperson; JOLLY SUE BAKER, Housing and Community Development Coordinator. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton. Record Chronicle • MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Dr. Gary Kohlwes, Supt. of Renton School District,, explained the develop- PRESENTATION ment and recording of A History - Renton School District No. 403 by Oliver Histor of Hazen, retired Supt. of Renton School .District, aving served 30 years since Renton chool 1936. Mr. Hazen recalled the early days in the District and made presenta- District #403 tion of the publication to the city. Mayor Delaurenti expressed thanks on behalf of the city. City Clerk Mead noted the fitting of the' book 1 into the City's Archival Center recording growth of city. PUBLIC ERRING. This 'being the date set and proper notices having been published and Coope.ra' i've posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the co- Agreeme t between operation agreement between the Renton Housing Authority and the City Renton ousing, for a low-income housing project in downtown Renton. ' City .Attorney Authori y and Shellan explained the agreement and changes thereto. Housing and Develop- City fo ment Coordinator Baker explained the 103 unit senior -citizen project with I.mplem . tation activity center and park for handicapped, that will be tied into the of Low-Income Cedar River Trail System with underpass for bridges .and park-like setting. Housin Project Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth regarding funding for the various pro- to be jects, Coordinator Baker explained the various projects were funded but Adminis ered by in different stages , such as funded for planning or construction. MOVED Renton ousing BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Authority to be MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE Located AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH THE RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY.* Hous- 66 'Burn tt Ave.. S. ing Director Ladner extended thanks to the city and Coordinator, Jolly Sue 'Baker, noting that when approval is received from H.U.D. , financing will be sought. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted this was a step for- ward for the city and senior citizens and a credit to those agencies in- volved. Housing Authority Chairperson, Barbara Shinpoch, noted there would be no question- of vacancies upon completion of the project and that the various Housing and Community Development projects would tie in and enhance the entire area and provide home for low-income elderly. *MOTION CARRIED. (Time 8:25 p.m. ) , CONSENT'AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items , previously distributed to all Coun- cil members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed for separate consideration by Council action. Vouche��, The Finance Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers No. Approval 11037 through No. 11150 in the amount of $124,453.69 having received departmental certification as to' merchandise and/or services received or rendered. Vouchers No. 11028 - 11036 were machine voided. Proclamation . Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared the week of October 4-8 as Employ the National Employ the Handicapped Week in Renton and urged all citizens Handicapped to support programs advancing the cause of the handicapped, . particularly • employers are requested to give special consideration to the employment and training of qualified disabled veterans and handicapped workers. Renton City Council 10/27/76 Page '3 Correspondence ;and Current Business - Continued Empire Way Letter from Lew S. McGinnis of 6245 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona, Annexation committed to support annexation of the Empire Way proposed apartment complex to the city upon completion of the construction. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. (See later committee report) AUDIENCE COMMENT Catherine Mooney, 13409 80th S. , Seattle, Senior Citizen Nutritional Center, commended the Mayor and Council for action taken toward new low income housing1 for elderly as a beautiful addition to the City. OLD BUSINESS Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report noting Committee. Report committee has completed review of the Airport Master Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared by VTN Washington which includes Airport capital improvement program for long-range use and operation of the Air- Master Plan port and related facilities. Public hearing was held by the committee 8/31/76 and the Aviation Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Airport Director to delete from the plan the expanded seaplane base facility at a cost of $500,000 which included acquisition of property and lighted water lane. The committee recommended alternate improvements for purpose of safety and efficiency in amount of $74,000 with FAA funding anticipated. The committee listed other capital improvements in the Master Plan as improvements to taxiway and lighting, construction of seven hangar units with capacity for 46 aircraft, runway markings and fencing and parking improvements. The report stated the Airport Master Plan is flexible guideline for operation and improvement of the airport and will be updated as needed and recommended adoption as prepared by VTN Washington; and subsequently amended by the committee. **MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Stredicke reported The Boeing Company has submitted a letter with six points relative to the Master Plan, that although the letter is late, the points are not major and can be adopted into the plan without being • revised. Administrative. Assistant Custer reported The Boeing Company had called and ask this letter become a part of the record. CARRIED. Air Park The Aviation Committee report referred the matter of the naming of the Renton Air Park to the City Council without recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Uponjrequest of Councilman McBeth, Consent Agenda letter from Aviation I Ed Davis was read.• Motion by Stredicke that Council name the air park Minority Report Renton Air Park and follow suggestion of Kiwanis letter that Administra- tion place plaque at park commemorating Kiwanis Club; motion failed for lack of a second. Aviation Committee member McBeth presented minority committee report signed by McBeth, recommending that the Council' recon- sider action taken at the August 23, meeting by which the Council approv- ed the Aviation Committee report regarding the name of Kiwanis Bicenten- nial Air Park and setting conditions thereto; and that the Bicentennial Air Park now be officially named the "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park," and all conditions relating thereto be rescinded. MOVED BY McBETH, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE1, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINORITY REPORT. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, McBeth iterated conditions of the 8/23/76 motion that the park 'would be named after Kiwanis upon deposit of their $9,000 into special air park fund and that additional $6,000 would need to be deposited within 5 year period with written agreement to that effect. Upon further inquiry by Stredicke, McBeth noted if the minority 'report was accepted no further contribution would need to be made to the park by the Kiwanis, Club as condition to naming the park after Kiwanis, explaining the; misunderstanding at time of 8/23/76 meeting, that Kiwanis board cannot bind a future board. McBeth explained Kiwanis contribution to the park. In further discussion Council President Stredicke noted the City not the Kiwanis Club was the focal point in the development of the park. *MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, AMEND MOTION TO ADD NAME OF "AMELIA EARHART PARK" AFTER FULL KIWANIS.NAME. Councilman Clymer supported naming air park after Amelia Earhart, noting need for hero worship for girls as well as boys. ROLL CALL VOTE ON AMENDMENT USING DOUBLE NAME: 13-AYES-GRANT, CLYMER, THORPE; 3-NO-STREDICKE, McBETH AND BRUCE. MAYOR DELAURENTI BROKE THE TIE WITH NO VOTE AND MOTION FAILED.* Versie Vaupel called attention to City's Resolution No. 2017, Section 4, - to deal fairly; and equitably with all citizens .served, could preclude - using Kiwanis hame for air park, also noting full credit does not mean all credit requesting plaques or other means of giving credit. Renton ity Council 9/27/76 II Page 4 Old Bus 'ness - Continued - Aviation Committee Report - Continued Air Pali Roll was called for vote on original motion to adopt minority Aviation Continued Committee report removing prior conditions and naming park "Kiwanis 1, Bicentennial Air.Park. " ROLL CALL: 3-AYE, McBETH, BRUCE,,.,CLYMER; .3-NO, STREDICKE, GRANT AND THORPE. Grant Moved, Seconded by Bruce, that Coun- cil recess for five minutes. City Attorney Shellan advised Council can- not recess during roll call, cannot delay vote without abstaining from voting., that the Mayor is not required to break a tie vote. Upon request of Councilman Clymer, Shellan further advised that vote cannot be changed once it has been announced. Mayor Delaurenti voted AYE and MOTION CARRIED** ***MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED THORPE; COUNCIL RECONSIDER PRIOR ACTION ADOPTING MINORITY REPORT. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND McBETH, RECESS TEN ' MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. and all Council mem- bers were present at Roll Call as previously shown. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE, STREDICKE, GRANT, CLYMER, THORPE; 2-NO, McBETH, BRUCE. ***MOTION CARRIED... MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BE TABLED. FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL NAME PARK "RENTON AIR PARK" AND ADMINISTRATION PLACE APPROPRIATE PLAQUE ACKNOWLEDGING KIWANIS AS ORIGINATORS AND RECOGNIZING THEIR SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTION DURING THE BICENTENNIAL YEAR. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL TABLE THE PREVIOUS MOTION. CARRIED. . Mainten.nce of The Aviation Committee report announced no recommendation on maintenance Renton °ir Park of the Renton Air Park and no recommendation will be made until after preliminary construction and planting has been completed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Street The Aviation Committee report stated that an area has been designated and Landscasing - fenced for providing landscaping replacement for all areas of the city. Tree Nu sery Further stating, purchase of trees though, should come out of the approp- riate fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Removal of The Aviation Committee report recommends concurrence in the recommenda- Dominio Bldg. tion of the Airport Director to award the bid for sale and removal of. Bid Awa d the Dominion Building located at the Renton Airport to Bennie E. Sanders in the. amount of $300. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport The Aviation Committee recommends that the City Council authorize the Restara nt Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendatory agreement, subject to Ownersh p City Attorney approval , to reflect sole ownership of Airport Specialties by Bernell Guthmiller. The report noted. Mr. Guthmiller has purchased interest of Tom Judge in the partnership known as Airport Specialties; that the leasehold in question is located on the east side of the field and agreement provides for the development and operation of hanger facilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Master 'lan Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Airport Director Bennett reported the VTN Washington consultants and total cost of Airport Master Plan was in amount of $60,000, of which $50,000 was F.A.A. funds and $10,000 Wash- 1 ington Aeronautics Commission. Public forks & Trans.° 'tation Public Works & Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted commit- Committge Rest. tee report concerning sewer service for Dunlap Canyon 300-unit apartments Proposeel and the Lyle Pickle proposed plat adjacent to Springbrook Road. MOVED Dunlap t'anyon BY McBETH, SECONDED BY THORPE, THAT THE TWO SUBJECTS BE CONSIDERED SEPAR- Apartme ts ATELY. CARRIED. The committee report stated the Public Works Department Sewer S:.rvice has advised that the City has the capability of providing sewer service Outside City extension outside the city limits for the Dunlap Canyon 300-Unit apart- ment complex proposed for Sunset Blvd. W. and that the developer will finance the entire cost of the required improvements. Noting that the City's obligation upon completion of the work would be in accepting the facilities for continued maintenance; that the revenues derived will exceed the cost of maintaining the facilities and that the provision of this service will be a financial benefit to the City' s Utility. The report further stated that the committee has discussed the matter of annexation to the city with the developers and noted it would be diffi- cult to establish contiguity with the city' s boundary as it would require 1 annexation of the intervening properties. The committee report recom- mended concurrence in the requested sewer service connection to the City's y . r Renton City Council 9/27/76 Page 4 Old Business - Continued - Aviation Committee Report - Continued Air Park „Roll was called for vote on original motion to adopt minority Aviation Continued Committee report removing prior conditions and naming park "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. " ROLL CALL: 3-AYE, McBETH, BRUCE, CLYMER; 3-NO, STREDICKE, GRANT AND THORPE. Grant Moved, Seconded by Bruce, that Coun- cil recess forfive minutes . City Attorney Shellan advised Council can- not recess during roll call , cannot delay vote without abstaining from . voting, that the Mayor is not required to break a tie vote. Upon request of Councilman Clymer, Shellan further advised that vote cannot be changed once it has been announced. Mayor Delaurenti voted AYE and MOTION CARRIED** ***MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED THORPE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PRIOR , ACTION ADOPTING MINORITY REPORT. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND McBETH, RECESS TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. and all Council mem- bers were present at Roll Call as previously shown. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE, STREDICKE, GRANT, CLYMER, THORPE; 2-NO, McBETH, BRUCE. ***MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BE TABLED. FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL NAME PARK "RENTON AIR PARK" AND ADMINISTRATION PLACE APPROPRIATE PLAQUE ACKNOWLEDGING KIWANIS AS ORIGINATORS AND RECOGNIZING THEIR SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTION DURING THE BICENTENNIAL YEAR. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL TABLE THE PREVIOUS MOTION. CARRIED. Maintenance o ' The Aviation Committee report announced no recommendation on maintenance Renton Air Park of the Renton Air Park and no recommendation will be made until after preliminary construction and planting has been completed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Street The Aviation Committee report stated that an area has been designated and Landscaping - fenced for providing landscaping replacement for all areas of the city. Tree Nursery Further stating, purchase of trees though, should come out of the approp- riate fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Removal of The Aviation Committee report recommends concurrence in the recommenda- Dominion Bldg. tion of the Airport Director to award the bid for sale and removal of Bid Award the Dominion Building located at the Renton Airport to Bennie E. Sanders in the amount of $300. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport The Aviation Committee recommends that the City Council authorize the Restaraunt Mayor and City; Clerk to execute an amendatory agreement, subject to Ownership City Attorney approval , to reflect sole ownership of Airport Specialties by Bernell Guthmiller'. The report noted Mr. Guthmiller has purchased interest of Tore Judge in the partnership known as Airport Specialties; that the leasehold in question is located on the east side of the field and agreement provides for the development and operation of hanger facilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Master Plan ! Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Airport Director Bennett reported the VTN Washington consultants and total cost of Airport Master Plan was in amount of $60,000, of which $50,000 was F.A.A. funds and $10,000. Wash- ington Aeronautics Commission. Public Works & Transportation Public Works & Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted commit- Committee Rept. tee report concerning sewer service for Dunlap Canyon 300-unit apartments Proposed and the Lyle Pickle proposed plat adjacent to Springbrook Road. MOVED Dunlap Canyon BY McBETH, SECONDED BY THORPE, THAT THE TWO SUBJECTS BE CONSIDERED SEPAR- Apartments ATELY. CARRIED. The committee report stated the Public Works Department Sewer Service has advised that the City has the capability of providing sewer service Outside City extension outside the city limits for the Dunlap Canyon 300-Unit apart- ment complex proposed for Sunset Blvd. W. and that the developer will finance the entire cost of the required improvements. Noting that the City' s obligation upon completion of the work would be in accepting the facilities for continued maintenance; that the revenues derived will exceed the cost of maintaining the facilities and that the provision of this service will be a financial benefit to the City' s Utility. The report further stated that the committee has discussed the matter of annexation to the city with the developers and noted it would be diffi- cult to establish contiguity with the city' s boundary as it would require annexation of the intervening properties . The committee report recom- mended concurrence in the requested sewer service connection to the City's . • Renton pity Council 10/27/76 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Empire 'Way Letter from Lew S. McGinnis of 6245 E. Broadway, Tucson, Arizona, Annexation committed to support annexation of the Empire Way proposed apartment complex to the city upon completion of the construction. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. (See later committee report) • AUDIENCE COMMENT- Catherine Mooney, 13409 80th S. , Seattle, Senior Citizen Nutritional Center, commended the Mayor and Council for action taken toward new low income housing for elderly as a beautiful addition to the City. OLD BUSINESS Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report noting Committ�'e. Report committee has completed review of the Airport Master Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared by VTN Washington which includes Airport capital improvement program for long-range use and operation of the Air- Master Plan port and related facilities. Public hearing was held by the committee 8/31/76 and the Aviation Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Airport Director to delete from the plan the expanded seaplane base facility at a cost of $500,000 which included acquisition of property and lighted water lane. The committee recommended alternate improvements for purpose of safety and efficiency in amount of $74,000 with FAA funding anticipated. The committee listed other capital improvements in the Master Plan as improvements to taxiway and lighting, construction of seven hangar units with capacity for 46 aircraft, runway markings and fencing and parking improvements. The report stated the Airport Master Plan is flexible guideline for operation and improvement of the airport and will be updated as needed and recommended adoption as prepared by VTN Washington and subsequently amended by the committee. **MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Stredicke reported The Boeing Company has submitted a letter with six . points relative to the Master Plan, that although the letter is late, the points are not major and can be adopted into the plan without being revised. Administrative Assistant Custer reported The Boeing Company had called and ask this letter become a part of the record. CARRIED. Air Par . The Aviation Committee report referred the matter of the naming of the Renton Air Park to the City Council without recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Upon request of Councilman McBeth, Consent Agenda. letter from Aviation Ed Davis was read. Motion by Stredicke that Council name the air park Minority Report Renton Air Park and follow suggestion of Kiwanis letter that Administra- tion place plaque at park commemorating Kiwanis Club; motion failed for lack of a second. Aviation Committee member McBeth presented minority committee report signed by McBeth, recommending that the Council recon- sider action taken at the August 23, meeting by which the Council approv- ed the Aviation Committee report regarding the name of Kiwanis Bicenten- nial Air Park and setting conditions thereto; and that the Bicentennial Air Park now be officially named the "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park," and all conditions relating thereto be rescinded. MOVED BY McBETH, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINORITY REPORT. Upon inquiry, by Councilman Stredicke, McBeth iterated conditions of the 8/23/76 motion that the park would be named after Kiwanis upon deposit of their $9,000 into special air park fund and that additional $6,000 would need to be deposited within 5 year period with written agreement to that effect, Upon further inquiry by Stredicke, McBeth noted if the minority report was accepted no further contribution would need to be made to the park by the Kiwanis Club as condition to naming the park after Kiwanis , explaining the misunderstanding at time of 8/23/76 meeting, that Kiwanis board cannot bind a future board. McBeth explained Kiwanis contribution to the park. In further discussion Council President Stredicke noted the City not the Kiwanis Club was the focal point in the development of the park. *MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, AMEND MOTION TO ADD NAME OF "AMELIA EARHART PARK" AFTER FULL KIWANIS,NAME. Councilman Clymer supported naming air park after Amelia Earhart, noting need for hero worship for girls as well as boys. ROLL CALL VOTE ON AMENDMENT USING DOUBLE NAME: 3-AYES-GRANT, CLYMER, THORPE; 3-NO-STREDICKE, McBETH AND BRUCE. MAYOR DELAURENTI BROKE THE TIE WITH NO VOTE AND MOTION FAILED.* Versie Vaupel called attention to City's Resolution No. 2017, Section 4, to deal fairly and equitably with all citizens served, could preclude using Kiwanis name for air park, also noting full credit does not mean all credit requesting plaques or other means of giving credit. AVIATION COMMITTEE MINORITY. REPORT SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 The undersigned, as a minority of the Aviation Committee, ' hereby recommends that the Renton City Council reconsider the action taken by the City Council at its meeting. of August 23, 1976, by which the Council approved the Aviation Committee report IFegarding the name of the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park and setting conditions thereto; andthat the Bicentennial park now be officially named thei "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park, " and that all conditions relating thereto be rescinded. I I obert E. McBeth; Member REM:mg • , • I I i 'f, _) KIWANIS CLUB of Greater Renton FkNAS�p Thursday - 7:27 A.M. Renton Vo-Tech School September 24 , 1976 • RECEIVED .. The Honorable Charles Delaurenti, Mayor Sip i4 I9?6 and Members of the City Council City of Renton CITY CF REiV;r7;� M:4Y0?'j OFFICE I The Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton is one of two Kiwanis organizations in Renton. Many people believe that the clubs are one; and as a result our club has received a number of calls concerning the new Air Park. • It is not our project, although we wish it were because it was al fine achievement for a service club. • About four years ago the downtown Kiwanis Club adopted ' the Air Park as a public service project. The members of that club have given many hours of volunteer work in various fund raising projects including1their annual Air Fair to underwrite this as well as other service club projects . rIt is appropriate to name public monuments for the person or association that sponsored them. The old Andrew Carnegie Library and the present Carco Theater are examples . I We are proud of the other Kiwanis Club for .their success in raising over $9000 for the park. It was a major effort for a relatively small group. form' Our nation is on the march determined to rectify various of second class citizenship that have been imposed on minorities and women in the .past; and in that spirit, you are being urged to name the park for Amelia Earhart. No one can question that she was a brave and capable pioneer and has a secure place in aviation history; but she has no parti- cular connection with the local area; and there have been signifi- cant contributions to aviation by members of other minority groups . We are sure that the Kiwanians whose work and effort made the park a reality intended that it be for the benefit of all the people, both sexes , all races , all ages. The names Kiwanis , Rotary, Lions , Soroptimists , Elks , Eagles , many others , represent groups of sincere Americans who, having enjoyed a reasonably good life want to benefit the nation and the community with acts of service. ' The Air Park is being given to the city and, hence, to its people. It is altogether appropriate that whatever name it bears be given by the city; but as interested bystanders , we would suggest that Kiwanis Air Park is the proper and appro- priate name. A second alternative might be simply Renton Air Park; but then we believe that some proper credit should be given tol our companion club for its work in creating the park and to recognize that aviation is very much a part of our local culture and life. Perhaps the whole thing could be covered by the usual bronze plaque which could read as follows : "Renton Air Park: Sponsored by the Renton Kiwanis Club as a bicentennial project and dedicated/ to the pioneer spirit of the men and women who first dared to fly. " Very truly yours, KIWANI•S LUB OF GREATER RENTON , J2. es Wol n, President I ' cc: Council Members I I I ' I I I ' I C4..4.ft , c,' / , ____ 9-,2 7— 7' Editor, Renton Chronicle September 22 , 1976 / <_\� It was on January 15 , 1975 that a committee composed of dedicated 1entonites representing twelve of the largest and most active Service Clubs in Renton, ,first met with the purpose of establising a meanful and lasting reminder to the future generations that we took the time , to pause, reflect and create something permanent for the future gener- ations of our country' s Bicentennial and Renton' s seventy fifth ann— iversary, as a city. On September , 1976 the Bicentennial Monument was erected in what the committee hopes will be permanently designated , "The Kiwanis Bicentennial Airpark" . Those of uswho have toiled on this project for so long, hope that it will fulfill all ofi our original intentions and wish to thank the literally hundreds of . ilndividuals , groups and businesses whose don— ations of ca" hand services made it',s completion possible. We believe that the monument is beautifully original in conveying the concept of the occasion. The plaques of granite should remind citizens of the future of it' s purpose and thank the more substantial contributors for their participation. To the hundreds of individuals who contributed • a dollar or more, we are grateful and their names are inscribed on a parchment scroll which rests in the time capsule along with other his— torical Renton papers in the base of the monument which we expect to be opened in a century hence. It is regrettable that this public spirited, well intentioned effort,! should be tainted by the suggestion of the National Organization of Women that the park shouldlbe narried after a woman. The entire concept' of a public park in it' s pF esent location belongs to the Renton Kiwanis Club who have struggled four years to raise funds for this project. Without their cooperation, the Bicentennial monument might -not have become a reality. For the record, it should be noted that the fund raising effort by the Bicentennial Monument Committee occupied almost a year of our time. I personally appeared before! numerous groups explaining the purpose of 'the project and asked for their financial support. I regret to state that the only organization to whom I made an appearance and requested funds that faiked to contribute one single dollaa' was the National Organization of Women. . Yours very truly Ed Davis • RECEIVED ,• cc: Counc,ill Members D SEP 24 1976 :4; R• OFFICE /(aw I � - GG. Renton City Council 9/20/76 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS ON THE APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Bicentennial ! Letter fromlSoroptimist International of Renton, Corresponding Air Park Secretary Olive A. Stritmater, supported full credit to the Kiwanis Club of Renton for their years of work and funds raised toward the new park at Renton Airport, noting the name Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park would be most appropriate. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Horizons ' 76 Letter from Lew Innocenti , Chairperson of the Renton Bicentennial- Committee Diamond Jublilee Committee noted the last regular meeting of that committee and recommended formulation of a Renton Horizons '76 Committee, Ito which over 15 community volunteers have pledged sup- port. Mr. Innocenti announced the following charter: Coordinate and implement objectives from Renton's Town Meeting 5/8/76 at Renton High School; 4th of July Picnic at Liberty Park annually; Community interest in community events for community and national pride. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MAT- TER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Harold P. Peterson Letter from Harold and Deane Peterson, 562 Bronson Way N.E. , .regis- Rezone Appeal tered appeal of the Planning Commission denial of application for GS-1 to SR-1 rezone of property located at 762 Monroe Ave. between N.E. Sixth and N.E. Seventh. The letter explained plan to divide the lot into two sections, providing pipestem egress and improve the existing house and garage on the front lot. The letter further explained procedure followed and objections to the denial . Upon advice from City Attorney Shellan, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR DATE OF OCTOBER 18, FOR APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF THE PETERSON REZONE. CARRIED. Peterson Rezone F Letter from Michael L. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , requested Council Denial Request deny Harold P. Peterson appeal of the Planning Commission decision of 9/8/76.at which time Peterson request for rezone was denied. Mr. Smith's letter noted request made on behalf of his neighbors. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE PUBLICIHEARING. CARRIED. i I Economic Letter from Mayor Delaurenti presented proposed Resolution authoriz- Development ing the Mayor and City Clerk to make application for certain Economic Administration Development Administration funds on behalf of the city for four projects listed from the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment1Program of PL 94-369. The letter recommended application be made for 100% financing of each of the four projects in a total amount of $3,670,000. The letter noted the SW 43rd project being joint with Kent and EDA application would be made by Renton and shared equally witth Kent. - The letter explained the allocation of grant funds will be made by computer on a "point basis" without regard for local priority and against all other applications submitted , noting the city's best interests would be served by submitting several .applica- tions in order that one or more may be funded. City Clerk Mead Resolution #2065 read the Resolution authorizing grant applications for the new main Authorizes EDA ; fire station, SW 43rd St. improvements, Talbot Hill pump station Funding Application and water tie line to Rolling Hills, and the Cedar River Trail System. Fire Station, etc. MOVED BY PjERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYIOR AND RESOLUTION AS READ AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR EDA FUNDS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Nancy 3erry, President of the Renton Chapter of National Organization for Women; inquired of the organization's letter which had been pres- Bicentennial I ented to the Saturday 9/11/76 Council meeting. Miss Berry called Airpark attention to the proposed name, of "Amelia Earhart Park," and was advised by Mayor Delaurenti the letter was referred to the Aviation Committeeland would be discussed at their meeting 9/21/76. City Vehicles Ralph Hart, 125 Wells Ave. N. , objected to city personnel driving city cars !back and forth to work. Mayor Delaurenti advised ,the matter has been reviewed in the past and a few employees are allowed to take cars home because of emergency calls, and that the matter would be further reviewed. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 20, 1976 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P. M. Council Chambers 1 MINUTES CALL 0 ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. CITY OUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council, President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH ROLL CALL D. BRUCE, GEORGE J. PERRY AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY FFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GERARD M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Representative; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; Tom Touma, Design Engineer. PRESS 'IN ATTENDANCE DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle MINUT APPROVAL Council President Stredicke noted correction to name of Seattle P. I. Reporter, John Wilkins. MOVED BY STREDICKE, :On:: ECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 11 , 1976 AND SEPTEMBER 13, 1976 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLI HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, L. I.D #288 published and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing Whitman Crt.N.E. to consider the 'final assessment roll in amount of $158,340.69 Street and for Local Improvement District No. 288, construction and installa- Light ng tion of street and street lighting improvements and incidentals in the vicinity of Whitman Court N.E. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from I. D. Investments and J. W. •Dalpay. Letter from John E. Phillips of Hillis, Phillips, Cairncross, Clark & Martin, representing Dura Development, Inc. , responsible for payment of LID 288 assessments of Mueller and Dunham, and S. Delong, object ed to the assessment on basis of 5/16/74 agreement with the City setting total sum of $110,000 for the improvements with assessment on those two parcels of $74,877 rather than the $92,125 set forth in the final assessment roll notice. Mr. Phillips' letter asked II amendment of the roll . Public Works Director Gonnason confirmed the agreement referred to by Mr. Phillips and noted alternatives, also explaining increased cost of project due to increased acquisi- tion and condemnation costs, asking Council instruction to prepare revised assessment roll-with $58,463 city participation and that hearing be continued 30 days and referred to committee. MOVED BY Hearin Continued McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPART- to October 25,. 1976 MENT TO PREPARE REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL, CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING FOR 30 DAYS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Mayor Delaurenti set the date of October 25, 1976 for public hearing. MOTION CARRIED. CONSEN , AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed for separate consideration by Council action. Appoin �ment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti announced appointment of Terry Lee Terry L Treadwell Treadwell to the permanent position of Police Officer with the Renton Police Department effective 10/1/76, having successfully completed his six months probationary period. Council concurrence recommended. Audito 's Report The forty-ninth Examination of the City from January 1 , 1975 to of Exa ination December 31 , 1975 by the Office of the State Auditor was filed with the City Clerk and is available for inspection. (Information) Damages Claim Claim for Damages was filed by Clyde W. Downing, 31424 West Lake C.W. DI fling Morton Dr. , Kent, for damage to water heater allegedly due to unsched- uled water meter removal . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. - Fire Pumper Truck Letter from Michael L. Smith, Chairman of the Fire Station Advisory 1 Committee, noted item inadvertently omitted from special report by the committee, approved by Council 9/11/76, and requested referral of the following item to the Public Safety Committee for considera- tion: One new pumper be purchased as soon as possible, preferably before 1978. OV <>> , 0 r THE CITY OF RENTON c:"; 49r006.4,1,i) MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 rc; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD (0" A!) CITY CLERK 4Z- 0 4t, 41-4bSEPItl September 13, 1976 Renton N.O.W. P. O. Box 658 Renton, WA 98055 R : Naming of City Park Dear N.O.W. Members You'll" letter, dated September 5, 1976 regarding the City Airpark • was submitted to th9 City Council on Saturday, September 11 , 1976; 1 which was a continuation of its regular meeting of August 23, 1976. The letter was refe red to the City. Council 's Aviation Committee. We shall advise at uch time as the matter is reported out of • Committee. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Zdetee/ 71/(-t et 0( Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt • 45141,2,v4i., RENTON CITY COUNCIL (Continued Meeting I � September 11 , 11976 Municipal Building Saturday , 9 : 00 A . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti opened the regular meeting of the Renton City Council,continued from August 23, 1976, and -led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH CITY COUNCIL D. BRUCE., EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE. Councilman WILLIAM J. GRANT arrived at 9: 15 a.m. CITY OFFICIALS I CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE I GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assis- tant; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief, DEL MEAD, City Clerk. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL i MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, I 1976 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Fire Station This being the date set and Council meeting having been continued Bond Issue from 8/23/76; in order to present report of the Fire Station Advisory Committee,' City Clerk Mead read the. recommendations as shown, in the report attached hereto. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FIRE STATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, ITEMS NO. 1 THRU 5' RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT.* Councilman Clymer inquired re Item 5 and the need for consultant services for grant preparation and was advised by Administrative Assistant Custer that there may not be a need for consultant and grant funds may not be available for that purpose, but noted this may be to our advantage. Adm. Asst. Custer explained briefly the six-months effort whereby recommendations reached, Fire Station Advisory Committee having been appointed and confirmed by Council 6/21/76 and original assignment of meeting the 9/21/76 ballot, which was subsequently changed to the 11/2/76 ballot for proposed $750,000 bond issue. Custer used display maps showing fire protection of area, responses, etc. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe moved to delete Item 4.a. (location) fron. the committee report to alllow more time and flexibility; however, motion failed for lack of a second. The Mayor noted priority to establish southwest area location upon establishing main station. Protables discussed. Mayor Delau;renti introduced Gerald Cichanski , Project Architect. Michael Smith, Fire Station Advisory Committee Chairman, explained decision regarding location, noting for the last three years the Mill Ave. S. site is area with highest number of responses and noted the benefit for administrative purposes. Following discussion with Asst. FireiChief Geissler as to personnel requirements, it was MOVED BY McBETH, ;SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND ITEM 4.b. INCREASING FROM EIGHTIPERSONS TO TEN PERSONS. CARRIED. *ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REMAINING ITEMS 1 - 4 RE EQUIPMENT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry of Item 2 re snorkel replacement, Council President Stredicke noted City's zoning ordinance allows 95' construction, noting. City has no equipment to cover. Councilman Perry inquired re Seattle buildings and was advised by Asst. Fire Chief Geissler of smoke towers , detectors, sprinklers and exterior stairways, aerial trucks used for up to 100 ft. MOTION CARRIED. I i CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bicentennial ; Letter from National Organization for Women, Renton Chapter 'President Airpark Nancy L. Berry,proposed the City's new Bicentennial Airpark lbe designated "Amelia Earhart Park," honoring the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, and pledging assistance in fund-raising activities. The letter questioned naming park after an organization that was dis- c criminatory against women, expecially as major portion of cost of project is tax monies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I I i I I � • • r — Renton City Council 9/11/7p Page 2 Corresoondence and Current Business - Continued Bicent`nnial Letter from Kiwanis Club of Renton, Lynn Underwood, President, Airpar< commented on 8/23/76 Aviation Committee report, noting the by-laws of Kiwanis would not allow entering into written agreement by the Board of Directors as one year cannot bind. the following year's Board of Directors; The letter however, pledged continued support and did not wish to enter into controversy over the naming of park, noting this should be the discretion of the City Council . The letter listed events in the development of the park, noting appreciation of the City' s offer to complete the park and willingness to contribute $9,000 toward the completion with no conditions attached to the contribution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Trolley Standards Letter from Donald G. Holm of Holm & Kellogg PS, requested preserva- tion of structural steel power standards which carried the lines for the electric trolley system at a closer proximity to the Municipal Building rather than those standards between Dr. Morrel and Holm & Kellogg office on South Third Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNry1ENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Delores A. Mead, City erk m PROPOSED SITE FOR NEW MAIN FIRE STATION (BLOCK 10, TOWN OF RENTON PLAT) SOUTH 2ND STREET 32D' ' 1 I 19 0 t�' 2 N FOLK 17 CITY MUNICIPAL ��- :I. i 16 WJILDING F 11 5 15 PETERMEYER 6 I 14 7 8 0 12 9 • 10 dam. 8 41* SOUTH 3RD STREET • - I Renton City Council 9/11/76 Page 2 Correspondence and Current Busin ss - Continued Bicentennial Letter from Kiwanis Club of Renton, Lynn Underwood, President, Airpark commented on 8/23/76 Aviation Committee report, noting the by-flaws. ' of• Kiwanis would not allow entering into written agreement by the Board of Directors as one year cannot bind the following year's Board of Directors. The letter however, pledged continued support and did not wish to enter into controversy over the naming of park, noting this should be the discretion of the City Council . The letter,' listed events in tFie development of the park, noting appreciation of ithe City's. offe to complete the park and willingness to contribute $9,000 toward the completion with no conditions attached to the contribution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Trolley Standards Letter from Donald G. Holm of Holm & Kellogg PS, requested preserva- tion of structural steel power standards which carried the lines for the electric trolley system •at a closer proximity to the Municipal Building rather than those standards between Dr. Morrel and Holm & Kellogg office on South Third Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT I MOVED BY STREDICKE., SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. Q Delores A. Mead, City bead m PROPOSED SITE FOR NEW MAIN FIRE STATION I ! (BOCK 10, TO`dd OF RENTON PLAT) • SOUTH 2ND STREET - 120' I 0 1 19 cSeA r¢Svc 2 Eni. v ry' FOLK t 17 CITY 1. r ' N MUNICIPAL " -V''- ._ �) U 16 ~r 4 I BUILDING . n I 5 15 5 PETERMEYER 6 I 14 I g p 12 H ' 110111, 9 � I I 10 Pill7000 SOUTH 3RD STREET - I I I I I • j a ... RENTON CITY COUNCIL Continued Meeting September 11 , 1976 Municipal Building Saturday , 9 : 00 A. M. . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti opened the regular meeting of the Renton City Council, continued from August 23, 1976, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL. OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; ROBERT E. McBETH, KENNETH CITY COUNCIL D. BRUCE., EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE. Councilman WILLIAM J. GRANT arrived at 9: 15 a.m. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assis- tant; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief, DEL MEAD,, City Clerk. PRESS I DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE PPROVALI MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1976 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Fire Station This being the date set and Council meeting having been continued Bond Issue from 8/23/76 in order to present report of the Fire Station Advisory Committee,' City Clerk Mead read the. recommendations as shown in the report attached hereto. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FIRE STATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, ITEMS NO. 1 THRU 5 RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT.* Councilman Clymer inquired re Item 5 and the need for consultant services for grant preparation and was advised by Administrative Assistant Custer that there may not be a need for consultant and grant funds may not be available for that purpose, but noted this may be to our advantage. , Adm. Asst. Custer explained briefly the six-months effort whereby recommendations reached, Fire Station Advisory Committee having been appointed and confirmed by Council 6/21/76 and original assignment of meeting the 9/21/76 ballot, which was subsequently changed to the 11/2/76 ballot for proposed $750,000 bond issue. Custer used display maps showing fire protection of area, responses, etc. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe moved to delete Item 4.a. (location) fron. the committee report to allow more time and flexibility; however, motion failed for lack of a second. The Mayor noted priority to establish southwest area location upon establishing main station. Protables discussed. Mayor Delaurenti introduced Gerald Cichanski , Project Architect. Michael Smith, Fire Station Advisory Committee Chairman, explained decision regarding location, noting for the last three years the Mill Ave. S. site is area with highest number of responses and noted the benefit for administrative purposes. Following discussion with Asst. Fire Chief Geissler as to personnel requirements, it was MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND ITEM 4.b. INCREASING FROM EIGHT PERSONS TO TEN PERSONS. CARRIED. *ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER 1 - REMAINING ITEMS 1 - 4 RE EQUIPMENT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. 1 Upon inquiry of Item 2 re snorkel. replacement, Council President Stredicke noted City's zoning ordinance allows 95' construction, noting City has no equipment to cover. Councilman Perry inquired re Seattle . buildings and was advised by Asst. Fire Chief Geissler of smoke towers , detectors , sprinklers and exterior stairways, aerial trucks used for up to 100 ft. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bicentennial Letter from National Organization for Women, Renton Chapter President Airpar Nancy L. Berry,proposed the City's new Bicentennial Airpark be designated "Amelia Earhart Park," honoring the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, and pledging assistance in fund-raising activities. The letter questioned naming park after an organization that was dis- criminatory against women, expecially as major portion of cost of project is tax monies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. c. Renton N.O.W. P.O. Box 658 Renton, Wa. 98055 Sept. 5, 1976 Mayor Charles Delaurenti City Halil Renton, Wa. 98055 Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : The !members of Renton Chapter, National Organization for Women, have been following with interest the discussion over the naming of Renton' s new Bicentennial Airpark. We support the position taken by Warren Vaupel, questioning the propriety of naming a public park after an organization which excluded women,especially as a major portion of the cost of the project is being borne by the City of Renton, from the monies of tax- 1 payers of both sexes, as well as contibutions from various other, sources. As an alternative, we would like to formally propose that the site be designated "Amelia Earhart Par F- In this Bi- centennial year, it is fitting that the City of Renton honor an American hero whose resourcefulness, independence and courage is an inspiration to women and men alike. Also, by naming the park after the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, we would highlight the impact the aviation industry has had in our area and set a precedent for naming public facilities after great women in history. We sympathize with the financial difficulties the project has ;raced in recent months. Several of our members are willing to assist in some fund-raising activities such as contacting other civic groups to request donations for "Amelia Earhart Par °B. It may also be feasible to mount a publ3 campaign by means of national feminist publications linke�;with an appeal for contibutions . Renton N.O.W. hopes that you will give serious consideration to ourIrecoinniendations. Please keep us advised of further actions on naming the park. Sincerely, i.14.3 2Y601 Nancy L. Berry President, Renton N.O.W. 7,, � - cc: Renton Record Chronicle E` E V ED Pandora I I # SEP 8 1976 CITY OF RENfON MAWOR'S OFFICE • Y i tc . + ✓ ;fir h i RENTON, WASHINGTON September 7 , 1976 • • The Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti Mayor of the City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton; Washington ;98055 Dear Mayor Delaurenti: Re: Air Park • I am in receipt of the Aviation Committee report dated August 23, ,1976, regarding what has previously been referred to as the "Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Par Paragraph 3 of the Aviation Committee report raises several issues which the Kiwanis Club of Renton must respond to. ' Unfortunately, :the By-Laws of Kiwanis would not allow the Board of Directors to enter into the written agreement referred to in paragraph 3 of the Aviation Committee report. In other words, the 'Board of Directors in 1976 could not bind the Board of, Directors. in the year 1977 . However, past • president Terry Turner' s letter to you of August 9 , 1976 , does indicate the position which our club has taken with . regard, to support. Without restating this letter:, the Board of Directors of the Kiwanis Club have approved the concept of coninued ' support and the future development of the' air park in the years to come. This support would be in the form of continued improvements to the park such as drinking • fountalins, benches and other improvements as may be suggested ; by .the Park Department. This continued support would, of course, be in addition to.. the .$9 ,000.00 cash the Kiwanis Club is willing to. contribute this calendar year. The name of the new park :should be. solely within the discretion of the City Councilor its, appropriate committee. The Kiwanis Club has undertaken this project as a service to the Renton community. The. club 'does .not wish a controversy over the naming of the park and certainly would not condition their ;gift or"continuing support' upon the, name "Kiwanis" being lincluded in the name of the park. • • The Aviation Committee report is also not accurate in some respects. I believe the following history would be helpful to the Counoil in better understanding this project: RECEIV E° • SEp 7 1979 CITY OF RE41 MAYOR'S OFFICE IP • `11-le '-onorable Charles J. Delaurenti Se- cerrher 7 , 1976 Page 2 • 1. This Project was first initiated by the Kiwanis Club in January of 1974 with an original authorization to expend $3 , 000.00 . 2 . On May 20 ,, 1974 , the City Council referred the proposed park to the City Planning Department for preparation of a design. 3. The original plans prepared by the City covered an area of approximately two-thirds of the area now -planned for the park. The original plans drawn by the City did not include the area where the bicentennial icosahedron memorial is now located. 4 . The Kiwanis Club secured two landscaping bids. Both of these bids were submitted to the City Planning Department for review and evaluation. The club was advised that both bidders and their bids were :acceptable and the lowest bid was accepted. The Kiwanis Club estimated that it would take approximately $12 , 000. 00 plus considerable donated labor in order to complete the park as planned. When the bicentennial memorial came into the picture in 1976 , the Kiwanis Club indicated that they would try and raise funds necessary to cover the additional lawn and sprinkling system that was necessary in order to properly tie the planned memorial into the planned park. Unfortunately, the Kiwanis Club' s primary fund-raising project, the Renton Air Fair, did not raise sufficient funds to complete the expanded park in full. iiwanis Club is appreciative of the City' s offer to complete the now expanded air oark and is willing to make a $9 , 000.00 contribution toward the completion of the air park with absolutely no 'conditions attached to this contribution. The Kiwanis Club coisiders this contribution to be a fitting bicentennial project for the Renton Kiwanis Club and its members will continue to provide support for this park as previously mentione1d. Very truly yours , KI ll NIS CLUB OF RENTON , \� 1 Lynn nderwood, President lyr Aet,, :: wfc*.,4:64.(.1.4,fv. Ty.L Tot_A-E `'5 , . . -----: . / ' \RENT�O'N CITY COUNCIL Ava,ation Com e'mitte Report August 23 , 19 7'6 Subject: *.Proposed Transfer ;of Funds. 'from Air. otr't Fund. Unto. Pax k ' un '- - ro' e;s'siona ' ' ervices or Improvement'Improvement 'o ' 'Kiwaniis Air Park ( outliwest Corner, Renton Municipal. Airport); • . The matter of a• proposed $10 ,000 transfer of Airport funds into the Park ,Fund for the Kivianis Air Park was discussed at the Aviation Committee ' s August 17 meeting. As a result , the Committee recommends the following action: 1) ;.Transfer $10 ,000 from Airport Reserve for Capital Improvements 'Acct. 63 . 86 unto Airport Acct . 63 . 02 designated for the Air . Park Development' Project , with the understanding that any services contributed by other City departments to this project would NOT be reimbursable by the Airport Fund. 2) Inform the Kiwanis Club that an account has been established for the Air Park Development Project and their $9 ,000 contribution should be deposited into that account immediately. 3) Advise the Kiwanis Club that in order for the project to carry the Kiwanis Club name , they must provide a written agreement that they will. contribute an additional $6 ,000 to the project in, cash, or in contributed services and/or materials upon permlission ;by the City, within a five-year period. This would bring the level of funding by the Kiwanis Club up to the full amount originally stipulated at the start of the planning for this park. The Aviation Committee recommends this action be taken on the basis that ;the Air Park Development is an appropriate use of Airport funds . It will complement the landscaping program previously initiated by the Airport administration, and will provide a place for the public to view the airport and pedestrian access to the perimeter road from Rainier Avenue . . Council concurrence is hereby recommended and referral to the Legislation Committee for an appropriate resoluition. . NIVrCrl:;a9e026--- ' , Richard M. Stredicke , Chairman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe • Robert McBeth cah a_zA_ Cfec4,Y,e. Renton City Council • 8/23/76 Page 3 CORRESPONSENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bicentennial ' Letter from Warrep F. Vaupel , Renton., questioned use of public fund§ Air Park in connection with the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park suggesting the! name be designate Renton Bicentennial Air Park as the aggregate value Dedication of contributions from other local people and organizations is greater September 6, ' 76, than that of the riwanis. The letter alleged discriminatory practices in membership selection which are not in keeping with the City's affirma- tive action and human rights goals and ordinance. MOVED BY McBETH, SEC- ONDED SEYMOUR-THORPE COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. Councilman McBeth noted having worked for this facility for 18 months, did not want to bre a party to discrimination but felt without effort of Kiwanis, the park would not exist and that previous commitment had :been nade to reward t 'eir efforts by naming park for the Kiwanis. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe inquired as to commitment, noting newspaper article '7/4/76 about the park and icosahedron, requesting contributions for the icosahed- ron and referring to Kiwanis Air Park, asking this article be included in referral to committee. Councilman McBeth explained the icosahedron is a bicentennial memorial being made up of all areas of the city, whereas the plans ,for the air park were submitted by Kiwanis, including Renton Munici- pal Arts Commission, and plans have been submitted to the Park Board, Plan- ping Commission, etc. MOTION CARRIED. (See later report) Seaplane Base Letter from Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Sewer District, 11402 Rainier Ave.S. , Impact Seattle, reported review of the draft Environmental Assessment Report Assessment dated 7/30/76 prepared by VTN Inc. for the Municipal Airport and Seaplane Base Development and noted several . concerns. The letter noted they proposed expansion includes acquisition of property owned and used by the sewer dis- trict for office) maintenance shop, sewage storage tanks and pumping sta- tion, noting therlarge holding tanks are used during wet weather to reduce or eliminate overflows of raw sewage into Lake Washington and measure 61 ' X45' X15' deep The letter noted Metro interceptor sewer also located on this property and adjacent property included within proposed expansion. The letter notes no feasibility or costs in relocating the sewer district Or Metro facilies are included in the report, nor impact of possible I�temporary interruption of sewer service during construction of the Seaplane Base and/or relocation of the District's facilities. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. Mayor Pro tem Stredicke noted the matter would be discussed in these Chambers 8/31/76' at 7:30 p.m. and asked the Clerk to notify the sewer district. MOTION CARRIED. Protest to Letter from Mrs. Paul Snook, 642 Morris Ave: S. , objected to widening 7th St. S. of 7th Street S. and the extension of Talbot Road to 7th' Street South. Widening The letter noted petition which had been filed protesting the widening claiming 65% protest, also noting heavy traffic at the present time • and that widening would eliminate trees and shrubs which are a barrier to the noise and air pollution. The letter suggested placement of proposed fire station at S.7th and Rainier or on Talbot Hill rather than S.7th St. and Smithers. LOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE LET- TER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPLY. CARRIED. Latecomer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended extension �of five Agreement years be grantei to latecomer agreement with M.R. Mastro-I .S. Gamel in LCAG-1860-71 the Dunlap Canyon area, as there has been no development in the area Mastro-Gamel and therefor no opportunity to recover costs. . The agreement which serves apartments on Dunlap Canyon was granted 11/3/71, expiring 11/3/76. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. Water Main Plans Letter from A.G. Koch, District Engineer of Water Supply & Waste Section WAC-248-54-300 of the State Dept. of Social and Health Services noted that provisions of the State Board of Health Rules and Regulations regarding public water supplies provide that if purveyor has received approval of a comprehensive _ plan in accordance with WAC 248-54-280 and has submitted and received approval of standard construction specifications, detailed plans and speci- fications for distribution mains need not be submitted individually for approval . The letter noted approval has been granted for both ,acompre- hensive plan and standard construction specifications for Renton: water system and meet the requirements of the state, however, listed stipula- tions concerning construction of mains to assist, the state in visualizing the development of the Renton water system. (Information only) r Renton' City Council ' 8/23/,6 Page 4 CORRE•PONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Shell oil Co. Letter from City Attorney Shellan enclosed copy of the Order of Dismissal vs Ci , with prejudice, by stipulation of the parties, of theShelliOil Co. 's Voluni;ry • appeal -to the Court of Appeals from the judgments rendered by the King Withd :wal of County Superior Court in 1975 and 1976. The letter noted the three year Appeal ' battle in which Renton is the first city in the country, insthe absence of pertinent Federal and State regulations, to impose mandatory limita- I tions on hydro-carbon emissions from industrial type of activity such as proposed by Shell , in order to protect the environment more adequately and minimize future degradation of marginal conditions. The letter further noted the City was successful in its endeavors, however, cautioned to strike a "reasonable balance" between extreme environmental protective action and services or products needed in modern society but which have 1 an adverse side effect on our daily lives. Both views are desirable, the letter noted, but it is the City's responsibility to give due consid- eration to both positions, to establish reasonable standards in writing and advise all concerned of the City's demands and requirements. The City Attorney's letter urged continued efforts to regularly review our regulations to be certain they are up to date and not discriminatory nor unreasonable. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, REFER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Richard Redmond, 409 Rainier Ave. N. , inquired of his letter of request on last week' s agenda for change to Fire District 2 the area of Lake St. Fire Zo es and Tillicum Ave. Councilman McBeth noted the matter had been referred to Public Safety. Committee and inquired of Asst. Fire Chief Geissler re fire zone change, who advised need to study entire area. (See meeting schedule. ) Fire Station Administrative Assistant Custer noted the next scheduled meeting of the Bond Is ue . Council on September 13, (due to 5th Monday of month, followed by Labor .Day) and requested continuation of present meeting to enable presentation regarding proposed fire station bond issue for the November 2, 1976 bal- lot. Custer explained need for Council approval on several aspects,as site acquisition, requirement for 45 days notice to King County Election Dept. for ballot placement and explained that the Fire Station Advisory Committee would have the information available the week of September 6. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, following conclusion of business this meet- ing be continued to Tuesday, September 7, for purpose of hearing presenta- tion on fire station development and any other business that may be pre- sented to Council . AMENDMENT TO MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, set date of presentation at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning September 4, 1976. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ADMINISTRATION FURNISH COUNCIL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE REPORT BY SEPTEMBER 7, or. 8, AND CONTINUE . 1 PRESENT COUNCIL MEETING TO 9:00 A.M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1976.* SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Administration distribute information to Council. bv September 7, and place matter on the September 13, 1976 Agenda.** MOTION FAILED** to place fire station bond issue on September 13, agenda. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED* CONTINUING MEETING TO SEPTEMBER 11 , 1976 at 9:00 A.M. (See later. ) OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report which . COMMITTE:/WHOLE recommended that due to lack of money for capital expenditures, the City purchase neither Earlington nor Maplewood Golf Courses. (Feb. referral ) . Golf Cou ses MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. , CARRIED. All Terr in The Committee report noted meeting with Don Norman of the King County Vehicles -- All-Terrain Vehicle Advisory Committee and members of the Boeing Employees Highland•' Area Motorcycle Club to discuss the possible use of the Renton tank traps as an ATV recreational area. The report recommended referral to the Commun- ity Services Committee for future study. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Solid Was e The Committee report noted the matter of Solid Waste Management Plan and the City's participation in a county-wide program was reviewed by the Public Works Director and Richard Southworth, King County Engineering 1 Office. The committee recommended this subject be referred to Public Works and Transportation Committee for recommendation. (See laterT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED- BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Renton City Council! 8/23/76 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Committee of the Whole Report - Continued Self-Insurance The Committee report recommended that the proposal for self-insurance (proposed replacement of State Industrial Insurance) be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY,, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee The Committee report recommended that the matter of the monthly meetings Meetings and the appropriate ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report stating Committee Report the committee had reviewed on 8/17 the proposed transfer of funds in amount of $10,000 Airport Fund unto Park Fund for improvement of Kiwanis Air Air Park Park located in the SW corner of the Renton Municipal Airport. The report recommended: (1 ) Transfer $10,000 from Airport Capital Improvement unto Airport Air park Development Project with the understanding that any services contributed by other City departments to this project would not be reimbursable by the Airport Fund. (2) Inform Kiwanis Club that an account has been established for the Air Park Development Project and their $9,000 contribution should be deposited into that account immediately. (13) Advise the Kiwanis Club that in order for the project to carry the Kiwanis Club name, they must provide a written agreement to contribute an . additional $6,000 to project in cash, services and/or materials within . 5-year period to bring Kiwanis funding to full amount originally stipulated. The report recommended Council concurrence noting action was appropriate use Of Airport funds as complement to landscaping program, providing airport viewing and accesls. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO THE. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. During ensuing discussion, Mayor Pro tem Stredicke asked Council President Pro tem Perry to temporarily replace him as Mayor Pro tem and stepped down to explain two different projects were being discussed by the Council (1 ) the total Air Park and (2) dedication and special pro- ject that is being put together in one part of the park and that all of the persons contributing to the icosahedron are being recognized; that the Kiwanis would be :provi,ding $15,000 of $25,000. Upon inquiry by Council- Woman Seymour-Thorpe, Adm. Asst. Custer noted that if this report adopted the Kiwanis would be advised the following morning at scheduled meeting.. Councilman McBeth noted the Kiwanis had engaged the architects and had "put it together; " MOTION CARRIED and Stredicke resumed as Mayor Pro tem. Community Community Services Committee Report was submitted by Chairwoman Seymour- Services Thorpe which recommended approval of Clearview Cable TV's request to Committee Report increase subscriber rates from $7.45 to $7.95 per month, effective. 9/1/76. The report noted! CATV Coordinator, Jim Hurd, reports it is in line with Clearview Cable !similar rate increases by other companies in King County and Renton, and TV Rate !that the franchise expires 3/31/77 and rate increase procedures will be better coordinated by new franchise ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED IBY SEYMOUR-THORPt, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry the Chairwoman explained Clearview' s area was Maplewood and noted date of 9/15/76 set by CATV for explanation of rate of expansion which will be included in ordinance. Contributions 'The Community Services Committee report noted review of the Washington for Health State Combined Health Agencies Program (CHAP) and committee's request for Agencies •input from citylemployee groups and noted that from response received, 'there appeared to be no interest by city employees at this time. The !committee recommended no payroll deductions be authorized for CHAP -at . present. MOVEDIBY 'CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. , CARRIED. . Public Works Public Works & Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee Committee Report report recommending that the City accept the low bid of Pacific Paving • Company in amount of $119,328.34 for the Talbot Road Extension from So. Bid Award Grady Way to So. 7th Street and award contract. (Tabulation attached) Talbot Rd. MOVED BY GRANT,1SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, all bids be rejected and the Extension to City discontinue project. ROLL CALL FAILED BY 3-AYE: STREDICKE, THORPE S. 7th St. GRANT; 4-NO: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT BID OF PACIFIC PAVING CO. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH; 3 NO: STREDICKE, THORPE, GRANT. CARRIED. 1 i Renton; City Council 8/23/71 Page 6 OLD BUISINESS - Continued - Public Works & Transportation Committee Report - Continued Demoliion The Committee report recommended that Council concur in the Public Works Well #' Department request to raze Well #4 pump house building and clean up the area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE 1 REPORT. CARRIED. Solid aste The Committee report noted review of the King County Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan with assistance of King County Public Works Department and recommended that a public hearing be scheduled for this matter on 9/13/76. 'i MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND SET SEPTEMBER 13, AS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. i CARRIED. 1 ORDINA CES AND RESOLUTIONS Legisl tion Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Commit ee Report mending first, second and final readings of an ordinance annexing certain. territory to the City, known "as the Woods Annexation, in the area of Ordina ce #3058 Union Ave. N.E. (132nd SE) and Duval Ave. N.E. (138th SE) . Following the Woods '' nexation first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Upon reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE VOTED NO. CARRIED. Ordinan :e The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance 1st Rea ing amending the City's subdivision ordinance eliminating pipestem lots, Pipestel Lots unless they are approved by Council . Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. Upon inquiry of Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe, Planning & Develop- ! ment Committee Chairman Perry noted the pipestem lots in hardship cases would be available through the variance process and the matter would still be reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinan ;e #3059 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Orderin " Sewer . readings of an ordinance authorizing construction of sanitary sewers . Constru tion for L.I .D. #300. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY L..I.D. • 00 BRUCE, ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Clerk Olympic iew read ordinance, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCILADOPT THE S. of S. 7th ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE VOTED NO. Il MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke requested reason for NO vote be recorded: i due to large number of protests and area outside City limits. Ordinanc,: #3060 The ,Legislation Committee report, recommended second and final readings Environmental of an ordinance known as the Renton Environmental Ordinance based on Ordinance SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended) . Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 1 Ordinanc #3061 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Confirming readings of an ordinance confirming assessments and assessment roll of Assessments Local Improvement District #293 for the improvement of Cedar Ave. S. with L.I.D. 2 3 undergrounding of power lines, curbs, gutters, asphalt overlay,. etc. Cedar Av1. S. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE.ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resoluti ,;n #2061 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Senior Citizen resolution supporting the Renton Housing Authority's application for Housing , 100 units of lower income, senior citizen housing. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE HOUSING AUTHORITY WORK CLOSELY WITH THE .COMMUN- ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO COORDINATE EFFORTS FOR BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. MOTION CARRIED. . ' Resolutio #2062 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Fund Tran.fer resolution transferring funds within the Airport budget for the purpose Air P-grk of Air Park development. Following reading of the resolution transfer- `: .: , ring $10,000 for the purpose of improvements to the Kiwanis Bicentennial .r'•i_ Air Park, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ._ -` f JI • II Renton City Council 8/23/76 Page 6 1 OLD BUSINESS - 'Continued - Public Works & Transportation Committee Report - Continued Demolition The Committee report recommended that Council concur in the Public !Works Well #4 Department request to raze Well #4 pump house building and clean up the area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIE D Solid Waste The Committee report noted review of the King County Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan with assistance of King County Public Works Department and recommended that a public hearing be scheduled for this matter on 9/13/76. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND SET SEPTEMBER 13, AS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. CARRIED. ' 1 ORDINANCES AND, RESOLUTIONS , Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Committee Report mending first, second and final readings of an ordinance annexing !certain territory to the City, known as the Woods Annexation, in the area of Ordinance #3058 Union Ave. N.E. (132nd SE) and Duval Ave. N.E. (138th SE) . Following the Woods Annexation first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL (ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Upon reading, MOVED BY ' CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE VOTED NO. CARRIED. 1 Ordinance The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance 1st Reading 'amending the City's subdivision ordinance eliminating pipestem Pots, Pipestem Lots ', unless they are approved by Council . Following reading, MOVED BYjCLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. Upon inquiry of Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe, Planning & Develop- ment Committee Chairman Perry noted the pipestem lots in hardshipcases would be available through the variance process and the matter would still be reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. i Ordinance #3059 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Ordering Sewer readings of an ordinance authorizing construction of sanitary sewers Construction ' for L.I .D.` #3001 Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY L. I.D. #300 BRUCE, ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Clerk Olympic View read ordinance, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE S. of S.27th , ORDINANCE 'AS RE D. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE VOTED NO. MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke requested reason for NO vote be recorded: due to large numberr of protests and area outside City limits. 1 Ordinance #3060 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Environmental •of an ordinance known as the Renton Environmental Ordinance based on Ordinance. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended) .. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. I Ordinance #3061 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Confirming readings of an ordinance confirming assessments and assessment roll of Assessments Local Improvement District #293 for the improvement of Cedar Ave: S. with L.I .D. 293 undergrounding of power lines, curbs, gutters, asphalt overlay, etc. Cedar Ave. S. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE ,TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED: Follow ing readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. i Resolution #2061 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Senior Citizen resolution supporting the Renton Housing Authority's application: for Housing 100 units of lower income, senior citizen housing. Following ;reading, ' it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE HOUSING AUTHORITY WORK CLOSELY WITH THEjCOMMUN- ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO COORDINATE EFFORTS FOR BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. MOTION CARRIED Resolution #2062 The Legislatiop Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Fund Transfer resolution transferring funds within the Airport budget for the purpose Air Park of Air Park de'elopment. Following reading of the resolution transfer- ring $10,000 for the purpose of improvements to the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. . Renton City Council 8/23/76, Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Committee of the Whole Report - Continued Self-Insurance The Committee report recommended that the proposal for self-insurance (proposed replacement of State Industrial Insurance) be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committ e The Committee report recommended that the matter of the monthly meetings Meeting and the appropriate ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report stating Committee Report the committee had reviewed on 8/17 the proposed transfer of funds in amount of $10,000 Airport Fund unto Park Fund for improvement of Kiwanis Air Air Park Park located in the SW corner of the Renton Municipal Airport. The report recommended: (1 ) Transfer $10,000 from Airport Capital Improvement unto Airport Air Park Development Project with the understanding that any services contributed by other City departments to this project would not be reimbursable by the Airport Fund. (2) Inform Kiwanis Club that an account has been established for the Air Park Development Project and their $9,000 contribution should be deposited into that account immediately. (3) Advise the Kiwanis Club that in order for the project to carry the Kiwanis Club name, they must provide. a written agreement to contribute•an additional $6,000 to project in cash, services and/or materials within 5-year period to bring Kiwanis funding to full amount originally stipulated. The report recommended Council concurrence noting action was appropriate use of Airport funds as complement to landscaping program, providing airport viewing and access. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. During ensuing discussion, Mayor Pro tem Stredicke asked Council President Pro tem Perry to temporarily replace him as Mayor Pro tem and stepped down to explain two different projects were being discussed by the Council (1 ) the total Air Park and (2) dedication and special pro- ject that is being put together in one part of the park and that all of the persons contributing to the icosahedron are being recognized; that the Kiwanis would be providing $15,000 of $25,000. Upon inquiry by Council- woman Seymour-Thorpe, Adm. Asst. Custer noted that if this report adopted the Kiwanis would be advised the following morning at scheduled meeting. Councilman McBeth noted the Kiwanis had engaged the architects and had "put it together. " MOTION CARRIED and Stredicke resumed as Mayor. Pro tem. Community, Community Services Committee Report was submitted by Chairwoman Seymour- Services Thorpe which recommended approval of Clearview Cable TV's request to. Committee Report increase subscriber rates from $7.45 to $7.95 per month, effective. 9/1/76. The report noted CATV Coordinator, Jim Hurd, reports it is in line with Clearview Cable similar rate increases by other companies in King County and Renton, and TV Rate that the franchise expires 3/31/77 and rate increase procedures will be better coordinated by new franchise ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED ' BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry the Chairwoman explained Clearview' s area was Maplewood and noted date of 9/15/76 set by CATV for explanation of rate of expansion which will be included in ordinance. Contribut1ons The Community Services Committee report noted review of the Washington for Health State Combined Health Agencies Program (CHAP) and committee's request for Agencies ' input from city employee groups and noted that from response received, there appeared to be no interest by city employees_ at this time. The committee recommended no payroll deductions be authorized for CHAP -at , present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works & Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee Committee Report report recommending that the City accept the low bid of Pacific Paving Company in amount of $119,328.34 for the Talbot Road Extension from So. Bid Award Grady Way to So. 7th Street and award contract. (Tabulation attached) Talbot Rd. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, all bids be rejected and the Extension to City discontinue project. ROLL CALL FAILED BY 3-AYE: STREDICKE; THORPE S. 7th St. GRANT; 4-NO: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT BID OF PACIFIC PAVING CO. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH; 3' NO: STREDICKE, THORPE, GRANT. CARRIED. lcs\ . ,.4, ,. , ' t��� August 20, 1976 k—e--,1 CCTV • of RENTON CLERK'S pFF�Cf Mayor Delaurenti and \2O MCC) City Council Members ''-9 8 L 9'5� . Municipal Building Renton, WP 98055 i I have today read with.interest an item in the newspaper which seems to indicate that city funds and property (and thus taxpayers' money) may be used in connection with the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park. I have not thoroughly investigated the issue but ques- tion the propriety of taxpayers' money and property being used in this project. ' If the city is furnishing the actual land for the park, plus other possible goodls, services and money, and if other-local people and organizations are likewise partici- pating (the aggregate value of which would be greater than the Kiwanis' contribution) , why then is the park being officially referred to as the Kiwanis (repeat, Kiwanis) Bicentennial Air Park? It should, in any event, be called something more appropriate such as, for instance, Renton Bicentennial Air Park. In addition, 'in view of the enabling ordinance of the Human Rights Commission, I wonder if the city's Human Rights Commission should be made aware of the city's in- volvement inithis proposal. This suggestion is made on the basis that the city's ' participation in this private, project seems to be against the general and perhaps specific principles of that ordinance -- i.e., for the city to use property, ser- vices and/orifunds to perpetuate the esteem and image of a discriminatory organiza- . tion that refuses membership ,to over one-half of your city's residents and voters. Thus, it would appear unusual, even without the referenced ordinance, that the city, with its fine goals of affirmative action and human rights, would be considering . the possibility of enhancing the name and prestige of this organization in part with women's! tax dollars. (Granted, not all women would view the matter in this light, but I' believe a considerable number do.) i Perhaps also, this letter could be referred to the Council's Airport Committee where that Committee could reevaluate the city's participation in a park to be named after an organization that discriminates against certain Renton citizens. Mr. Stredicke, the Committee Chairman, has in the past exhibited considerable fairness and non- discrimination, and I believe he will continue to act fairly when he reviews the project from this perspective. I do Want to stress the fact that the Kiwanis group no doubt has at times provided some good community work; nonetheless, I feel the city should question the appro- priateness of the city engaging in this particular activity with an organization that practices discrimination in its membership selection. Respectfully submitted,� Warren F. Vaupel ' 221 Wells N.. Renton, WA 98055 WFV:be ' • , I // 1,f F' r - • J" 'v ty;.. � ,G• /�� ,t' .t ,y. �r .:a 1• 5.; i' v:f•. 0tl• i� F tu:�; E� T 0 �'CI TY O ':1 �.� -TH c, ♦♦ `Z ` 98055• ' ,1, .� ' AVE. SO.' RENTON'WASH.'; � ,'�' AL'BUILDING 200 MILL A E , n r_ R J. D.ELAURENTI MAYOR '; ''c`;tr';,:' A • • TFD Z�Cti :' u y jAu ust,p 19.76 2' F},•r 11?r vr ' C i.t' • • • ;t'' G'ounc :�::< _ Y- { 'i , 'i t i�ii'ii Re'nto W : n` a's 3Y�n` �'t• - r'1'- •• .'I'r `II a {i' 1i ,I i 7., 1• ' • • ltpl emb'e�r.s f'' G�::1.'• • ,1 �' II }� :flp I .F.t `J•p t. F,.. • h e b'.. r.e'c o mme'nr',.'.,.C-";:u ;, , ' r y o.l�,nc.i',�'�;.'a` r.ove� the follow:in 'tra•nsfer ''o',�',,'f nd's. - - F:ROM'� Ui•n'a,nt.i+c`ipat.ed° 'Revenu`e. -' A''ir. ort Fund T0,0.O:G. ' I• , i' ''i; UN'T�01� „ F Professional'• Service T •t�. h e -ri u o e:� p h „a'nis`fer'�� �s;' ;tn' a1;1 f p _ ow or the :.im r.ov,em•,�n,';� o'f� +, .,,. p i: � r , I ?. tha:t. po'rtiont'''o'f`„,:t' lez'Kiwa'n{is`t°''B'ice'n'ten:ni'al Ai,r •Pa'rk• which was , exca,uded° : :rom the,::,' a` ;r::, , i1�:;., w`a n a.-.;C:1q.,u'b;,",'' „1:`a'n s'.:;:•f o r e o'n s't�r u c t�'i°o n d u "` e'a'r` T:he' .f`un,ds< o''W ] a Y :fit 1.d; •b'e',�u� :e:d'`'°:`a.o'' r.a d•e � ,. ;_;';:, ,,., „' ,,. , 9 ., ins•ta 1:Y• ,a j''�.r i;-n k le`rs; 'i`n st: ,1° �rz'a ;., .:.E„ . 4 1 4' unde r. �•r n d n �'a fi_ ,9: 1„ ��:��, r.1. ;•1 ,w :::`a sh'r,.ubs�`` �a `d• �,�.'r.,4!a't, ,t'.� ,.. !•- ,n. ��ons�t'ruea�::;a�...b'"�se''.. .,';.,.'':. i:,,l. Lj.'i a,' i' fo ti e' �B': s'" �. r t. Jr" n. na`=1 Am,: p�u,: Q, e' ::i','' r', rY' 1' 1. :j: T he C oia'ncil s� •:�:•�-ero'n�cu'� •'r��nl`ce` ;�n''�t'h:i�s'' re uest `'q and .referral to�, ah,e ����� ;;r: • { Comm t't.e,e a'.n,d; t'he._:Le i,s.l ati on C:omm• i ttee i 1:1. be: appl ' ''; 9 w rec a teal; ' ;,; • Si nce eli r + ''`c •raf I C J Die 1 i. a • • u�re n ; I 'MaYor' CJD . • :hh . - } +,fly.i.•,,:i�.�y;?,. ,:f rl': cc . C6unci'1man:='Grant', CA an:Irma-n-` •Finance •and:;::Personnel C`ommi e ;:'` ;:,.', : • ^{ • .'`�::,''>{" :ji'+:eer� ' 'I:. • • • +jY;.�,l. g.. • '4':1•''`j,l,,,i'i.f",,iti•:.tr.r,r•..,^'i,q • ' I::-.•, , ;' .'' 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'`'''',T,' !'',''',',.1.1;', ''',1‘...;:i.'jZ'1:•..,.'• 1`sf''''''", •.,,'; :'..',';I:'S..;;;;;.;::',';;.;;';;; :1,4;'.;::,,',n‘;:*‘.....,::,iL',.;:',',,';'.;,;:'‘,,,':.,,'.;'.,...1.'';‘:;„;':'IC.1.4;i:;:' ' 'I ',‘ ' ' "''':: ) 1:'..".."";:..i''' f",,-;(;',"J ; -iii4,T' 4.N'''' c4/:AS'HINoTON ' • ' I.',, ... .• ',', ,. ,,, ,-;:-••`::,.., ','•,...:.',.. .: • ''.. ..:"..-;`,„'.11• .;; •:.",-,:::.•;-,_','„.?;- ':. ...:;1'' :J.'i ' 1i1 '.''::' '.... ' ' ; :1 : .s•'''•-:', ' ''' : : .1 I ' •'''. ..Y.:-'' '.: r ''': .., .... ,... - ,; .. August 9, 1976 . , Th'e Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti Ma'yor, City of Renton 200 Mi 11 Ave.. S. • „ ' • 1 Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mayor :Delaurenti : This is to confirm to you that the Board of Directors of the , , Kilwanis Club of Rentoln has approved the continued support of the , 1 development of the Kiwanis Air' Park in the years to come. ! The uppoi-t of the Kiwanis Club will come in the form of continued ; , , improvements to the plark such as drinking fountains, benches , , • I, and Other improvements that may be suggested by the park department. ; 1 ': . . It iS understood that, the `above support will be in addition to the $9,000.00 that we ar-4 planning on spending for development of the park this year.'- , • • • Sincerely, ; / 0..„4,--\ IL) t ......c.--7------.. ,• • Terry N. Turner President . 1 ; 1 . 1 . 1 1 ! REQ11,--• vED 1 I 1 AUG 9 , ' crry or AlAvoR,s REltrioN , oFFIcz , 1 , 1 . i IO Renton City Counci 1 !' 8/9/76 - Page 2 M.1 CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Council information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Voucher . The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 1b470 Approval through 10636 in amount of $230,388.99, having received departmental certification as 7464 to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. (Vouchers No. � - '10469 machine voided). Payment approval recommended. Bid Opening i Bid opening reported on August 5, 1976 for Mechanical Case Report Filing 8/5/76 ' system with three bidders responding. Letter from Purchasing Agent Church Mechanical Case recommended, with concurrence of Police Chief, acceptance of the low bid Report Filing of Acme Visible ;Records in the amount of $6,066.82. Recommend Council System concurrence. Claim for Claim for damages submitted by Quentin H. Ellis, 1315 S. 7th St. for Damages injuries allegedly caused by looped wire in parking strip on Cedar Ave. S. Quentin H. Recommend referral to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Ellis Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA ¶S PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. Final Assess-7 Letter from Pubic Works Director Gonnason submitted for approve-lithement Roll on ; final costs to be charged against L. I.D. 288, Street Improvement for L.I.D. 288 ' Whitman Court NJE. , in the amount of $158,340.69 and recommended date Whitman Ct. ICE of September 20; 1976 for public hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Street Improve BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ments AND SET DATE OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. MOVED BY ,GRANT, i SECONDED BY McBETH, TO AMEND THE MOTION AND REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT PROBLEMS PRIOR TO THE HEARING. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Proposed Annex- Notice from King County Boundary Review Board that the Cascade Sewer ation of ; District had filed Notice of Intention to annex a portion next to Cascade Sewer their boundaries in the area of 105th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 217th St. District - MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Funds Transfer 'Letter from Mayor•Delaurenti recommended Council approve transfer of Airport Fundito funds in amount of $10,000.00 from Unanticipated Revenue - Airport Fund Park Fund 'unto Park Fund - Professional Services to allow for the improvement of Kiwanis Air that portion of the Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park which was excluded Park from the Kiwanis Club plans for construction during this year. The funds would be used to grade, install sprinklers, install underground wiring, install lawn and shrubs, and construct a base for the Bicentennial monument. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE AVIATIONICOMMITTEE.* Councilman McBeth commented the Aviation Committee did not meet until the end of the month., and the dedication was scheduled for September 6th. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry as; to how much funds the Owanis Club had contributed to the project, Mayor; Delaurenti requested the Clerk to read letter from Terry N. Turner, President of the Kiwanis Club of Renton confirming that their Board of Directors' h'ad approved continued support of the development of the Kiwanis Air Park in the years to come, in the form of continued improvements such as drinking fountains, benches, etc. t at may be suggested by the Park Department, this 'additional support over and above the $9,000.00 the club was planning on spending for development this year. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE MOTION AND ALSO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. AMENDED MOTION CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Claim for Letter from Martha G. Wiberg, 1201 S. Third St. , expressed dissatisfaction Damages with the manner in which her claim filed with the city on 7/1/76 'had been Martha Wiberg handled; alleging damage to her drainage system causing leakage into her basement and through her retaining wall as a result of contractor's work on L.I.D. 293 On Cedar Ave. S. Councilman Clymer noted that this matter had already been referred to the Mayor's Office and the City Attorney. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE COMPLAINT BE REFERRED TO ;THE MAYOR'S OFFICE.* Mrs. Wiberg, present in the Chambers, said that she had had no. problem with leakage until Moss Construction Co. did the work on L.I.D. 293 and replaced a 4" tile with a 2" conduit. Public Works Director Gonnason said the Public Works Dept. had tested her drainage, and what was happening was not a result of anything the contractor had RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 9 1976 Municipal Building Monday, ::00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO IRDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALI OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. Council Presi- dent Stredicke mentioned that Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe was out of town and MOVED, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFF CIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor: LARRY WARREN, Ass't. City Attorney, DON IN ATTENIANCE CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News; DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE A°,PROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST'2, 1976, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC H:BARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, posted Preliminary and distributed, ,Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Assessment Roll . the Preliminary Assessment Roll on L.I .D. 300, proposed sanitary sewers L. I.D. 360, Olympic View Terrace, between Benson Road S. and 108th Ave. S.E. , S. 27th Olympic iew St. (S.E. 164th St. ) and S.E. 165th St. City Clerk read correspondence: Terrace,'anitary Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported that as of 5:00 p.m. . Sewers "1 this date, the percentage of owners protesting their estimated assessment was 19.96% of the cost. Letter from David E. Heil , Chairman, Board of Trustees, First. Presbyterian Church, 2640 Benson Road S. , opposed the L. I.D. on the grounds of the apparent suddenness of the project, the financial impact on the church budget and the limited size of the project. Letters of protest presented at the hearing were read: Mr. and Mrs. Edison Bailey, 10624 S.E. 165th St. , property owner of Lot 4, Hilltop Heights; Mr. John Baskin, 10638 S.E. 165th St. , property owner of Lot. 2, Block 1 , Hilltop Heights, protested inclusion of county residents; petition signed by Edison H. Bailey, Howard A. Christopherson, 10644 S.E. 165th St. , Lot 1 , Hilltop Heights; John Baskin, Mr. and Mrs. Monty Caul , 10630 S.E. 165th St. , Lot 3, Block 1 , Hilltop Heights; Mr, Gary S. Crabtree, 10620 S.E. 165th St. , Lot 5, Block 1 , Hilltop Heights and Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Boyker, 10649 S.E. 1 164th St. , Olympic View Terrace, Lot 1 , protested inclusion of county resi- dents in the L.I .D. Public Works Director Gonnason explained the project and the many meetings that had been held previously, explaining also that approximately 25% of the project was in the county; residents of the area having had extreme problems with septic systems and the Health Department strongly recommending sewers be installed in the area to alleviate the health hazards. A map of the area was shown and the area in the county where the protesters were located. . Mr. Gonnason said the petition con- taining signatures representing 55.08% of the area and 59.03% of the front footage had been presentedto Council on June. 28, 1976 and reported the present percentage of protest represented 35.123% of the estimated cost Audience 1 of the assessment. Persons present not in favor of the project making Comment comment: John Baskin, Curtis Christopherson, 10643 S.164th St.; Monty Caul and Jim Rosa, 2724 Benson Rd. S. , made inquiry regarding the L. I.D. Persons present speaking in favor of the L.I.D. : Betty Cooks, 10605 S.E. 164th St. ; Adele Morgan, 423 Park Ave. N. ; Sandra Hodges, 10619 S.E. 164th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED.* Some discussion followed regarding the Health Department making dye tests; benefit to property owners, how much time property owners had to hook up to the sewer system and the advisability of continuing the hearing to a later date. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, L.I.D. 300 BE APPROVED WITH ASSESSMENTS AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY., SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER. ORDI- NANCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, THE MATTER OF CHANGE IN CITY .POLICY ON L.I .D. 'S BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. te-) blew:6w uo--„Amb,, • S" • - 61- A„, AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY 23 , 1976 The Aviation Committee recommends approval of the Airport projeCt - Bicentennial Icosahedron - which Will be constuctedion the Airport sometime is year. /,; ; ee:7 (.• •' /74" " fekao. I ' eV"' / \ ,Seei 40,'f' 0` '`.;;;V•IPZelre Chairman Ric aid M. Stredicke 4,41111eL 6_1_2244 Patricia M. Seymoug7 Robert E. McBeth RMS :mg 1 • - - . ' 5*-0, . &Co* • 1 . , or I 1 4 Of li 1 . 1 AV ,›N . TI-IF, CITY OF RENTON ,.... 41 iJ J, -l'i, ••••1 I ) •:: 47 1 / 1 ' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON; WASH. 98055 cr) " CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • ' PARKS and RECREATION • GENE L. COULON - DIRECTOR 4) 4"tO SE P1*-oc' '. , 1 , February 10, 1976 .. : n . Mayor Charles Del aurenti - -, . •-' • ' Members of the City Council „ Renton, Washington i i . . , I , Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ; 1 , As requested, the Renton Park Board has' reviewed the plans of the Kiwanis Air Park and has approved them as presented. However, they urge that every considetation be giyen to pre- oaring the 117emainder of the Site by Artdihg,. leVeling, etc., as part of the first phase of work. :, . , • 1 ' Furthermore, if it is the intent of .the City. tb .maintain thnis area once it is developed, ,i t should be noted that - monies were, not al located for this purrieSe., If this is the intent, maintenance of this site would be subject: to: proper budget appropriations. . , . , . Respectfully, ' (lb. r.t • , 4ftt WA. %u.Vo..A. Gene,L: Cou ion Director , • . , . , . . „ —,-..n. • I t , :• . „ t . . • •• • , , ::•••::::., :, .4:!,•,,.',.t. i1,.1'::'''',..'it.:'..‘....!:..'.':?—'1i.'::::'::'"I':-:: • ' , I • ' • „ : : . : • , r, . • , • r, , • , , , I 1' • • . o • " • , • ' ..... : • ' '''''.'''''4'''''Y''''''',15*'Z,-,' ,.;',".'':.-.''F''''::'"','F'''.'''''.':',",`'!•-''',W::",rnr,'.q4.1- W.P%`;i57".'''''..',..' ' '11:'s.--:,'•:1?,,Ir,t*mwr,f,-mcirmeyfimmTggi*rmwr ,,,,_ ,,,,gl,vs'‘!,,..z.,,,N,51N-:',..!,,,,n; pil,fr,.:7,-,,,v,,,7,0 ry, I I • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 23 , 1976 • Municipal Building Monday , 8: 0'0 P . M. Council Chambers M IN U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order. .I ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M: STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR,I COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER AND ROBERT E. McBETH'. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE,.. COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND KENNETH D. BRUCE DUE TO ILLEESS. CARRIED. I CITY OFFICIiALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN IN ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant;' WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief, GORDON, Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director. PRESS IN ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater: . ATTENDANCE Renton News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY' STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 1976. MOVED BY .SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE,, AMEND . MOTION TO CORRECT NAME OF CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- MITTEE FROM CLYMER TO PERRY (Second Paragraph, Pg. 4. ) CARRIED; AS AMENDED, CA RIED. . PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted' and Woods Annexation published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Meeting regarding 10% petition filed. for annexation of 15.3 acres ,to the City, located between 'Union Ave. N.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. , contiguous to th,e Honeydew Elementary School , known as the Woods Annexation. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area explaining that .the annexation . as initiated to obtain basic urban services in order to develop the land which consists of four, houses' and vacant land and a popula- tion of 10 to 15; with assessed valuation of $96,700;. that th'e petition was signed by 100% of the property owners. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Mr. Al Woods, 11806 132nd Ave. S.E.,, represent- ing property owners, confirmed ' acceptance .of the comprehens'iv!e plan, zoning ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebtedness. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT LETTER OF INTENT AND AUTHORIZE CIIRCULATION OF 75% PETITION FOR ANNEXATION. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE I Kiwanis Air Park _'Letter from Park Director Coulon .reported the Park Board hasireviewed plans of the Kiwanis Air Park as requested and has approved them as presented; however, the Board urged preparation of the remainder of the site by grading, leveling, etc. as part'of .the first phase of • work. The letter further noted that monies were not allocated for maintenance of this area once it is developed and maintenance would be subject Ito budget appropriations. • Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke nbted Kiwanis Air Park is Municipal Airport property under jurisdictin of the airport unless transferred to the Palrk Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED. BY SEMOUR, COMMUNICATION . AND MATTER F MAINTENANCE OF THE KIWANIS 'AIR PARK BE REFERRED, TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L. Appropriation' "Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended appropriation of $6,000 Street Light • from the surplus cash in the Street Fund for replacement of five Replacement street ,lights which have been destroyed due to traffic accidents. , • The letter recommended replacement as follows: (1 ) S. Puget Dr. , 100 ft. east of Talbot Rd.S. - $1 ,314.26; (2) S. , Puget Dr. , , 200 ft. , ' east of Talbot Rd.S. - $1 ,413.13; (3) N. 3rd 'St. between Burnett and Logan ,Ave. N. - $1 ,070.55; (4) Airport Way near Lake Ave. -. $836.08; (5) N.E. Sunset Blvd. at Harrington N.E. - $1 ,066.89; this behng based on Public Works Departnient :priorities. The letter further noted since 1974, 1ifteen street lights, have been severely damaged and require' replacement; that. $13,098. 39 has been received from -. I ...:,.,,.. i2: o.• rr..r,.0 y,r_',: >,YirmTrAm 1 ',C"C"`�`a 3�S �'� :l. • -ate. 4 � .u� .... e rS u C 5 / ti „ THE CITY OF RENTON 13- MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Z tok ,? °' CI-ARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR �F PARKS and RECREATION 0,o GENE L. COULON - DIRECTOR 4.qTED SE February February 10, 1976 Mayor Charles Delaurenti • and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council : As requested, the -Renton Park Board has reviewed the plans of the Kiwani!s Air Park and has approved them as presented. However, they) urge that every consideration be given to pre- paring the remainder of the site by grading, leveling, etc., as part of the first phase of work, • F,;rther;none, if i c is the intent of the City to maintain this area once it is developed, it should be noted that monies were notal located for this purpose. If this is the intent, maintenance of this site would be subject to proper budget appropriations. Respectfully, 4waia INA. 4.1 0." Gene L. Coulon Director • • I - l.- �..-,,..c,. .. . ,. .• I 1 1 ENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 23 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8,100 P . M. Council Chambers ! MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order. ' ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR, I COUNCIL ! GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY, CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENCE OF COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND KENNETH D. BRUCE DUE TO ILLP.ESS. CARRIED. i 1 CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; 'GWEN ' IN ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DONALD W. !CUSTER, Administrat've Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief, GORDONHY. ERICKSEN, P anning Director. , PRESS IN • ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater! ATTENDANCE Renton News,r ' i MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9,11976. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE,, AMEND ,i MOTION TO CORRECT NAME OF CHAIRMAN OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- , MITTEE FROM CLYMER TO PERRY (Second Paragraph, Pg. 4. ) 'CARRIED; AS AMENDED, CARRIED. i1 PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Woods Annexation .published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Meeting regardiing. 10% petition filed for annexation of 15.3 acres to the City, located between Union Ave. N.E. and 138th Ave. S.E. , contiguous to the Honeydew Elementary School , known as the Woods Annexation. , Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area explaining that.the ,annexation as initiated to obtain basic urban services in order to develop the land which consists of four houses and vacant land and a popula- tion of 10 to 15; with assessed valuation of $96,700; that ,the petition was signed by 100% of the property owners. Upon inquiry by Councilrjpan McBeth, Mr. Al Woods, 11806 132nd Ave. S.E. , ,represent- ing property owners, confirmed acceptance of the' comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebtedness. MOVED! BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT LETTER OF INTENT AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF 75% PETITION FOR ANNEXATION. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE . Kiwanis Ai,r Park Letter from Park Director Coulon reported the Park Board has reviewed ' plans of the Kiwanis Air Park as requested and has approved them as presented; however, the Board urged preparation of the remainder of the site by grading, leveling, etc. as part of the first phase of work. The letter further noted that monies were not allocated- for maintenance of this area once it is developed and maintenance would be subject .to budget appropriations'. Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted Kiwanis Air Park is Municipal Airport property under jurisdictin of the airport unless transferred to the, Park Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEMOUR, COMMUNICATION AND MATTER OF MAINTENANCE OF THE KIWANIS AIR PARK BE REFERRED TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED: I appropriation Appropriation Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended pp priation of $6,000 Street Light from the surplus cash in the Street Fund for replacement oflfive Replacement street lights which have been destroyed due to traffic accidents. The letter recommended replacement as follows: (1 ) .. S. Puget Dr. , ' ' 100 ft. east of Talbot Rd.S. - $1 ,314.26; (2) S. Puget Dr. , 1200 ft. , east of T�lbot Rd.S. - $1 ,413.13; (3) N. 3rd St. between Burnett and ' Logan Ave; N. - $1 ,070.55; (4) Airport Way near Lake Ave. '- $836.08; (5) N.E. Sunset Blvd. at Harrington N.E. -. $1 ,066.89; this being ' based on Public Works Department priorities. The letter further . noted since 1974, fifteen street lights have been severely damaged and requi'e replacement; that $13,098.39 has been received from i ., . ,. . . . ' --: - ; ;- •. ..i, _sA?�2,°trfr '9Arnn",v+id4"!��'"k", .',7z,.M;; ' iga. dfim���rl e:M.1?:''ty: h,p;- .i ;3. Renton City Council . 2/23/76 Page 4 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Minority Hiring inquired re veterans preference, being advised by City Attorney Shellan of State law granting the preference. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, POLICE CHIEF RESPOND AND REPORT HOW HIS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLYING WITH HIRING OF WOMEN AND ' MINORITIES. Police Chief Darby reported hiring is function of the Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT THE SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO RESPOND. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Donna K. Crumb Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Donna K. Crumb to the position Police Clerk of Clerk in the Police Department, replacing Richard Tuttle whose service has been terminated. The letter noted Civil Service Com- mission certification and announced appointment effective 3/1/76 ' subject to customary six-month probationary period. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Donald Jacobson Letter from Donald Jacobson submitted resignation from the Library Resigns Board due to appointment to the Renton School Board, expressing enjoyment in working with Mr. Petersen and other members of the Board. Mrs. D. Gossett Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed former City Treasurer, Mrs. Library Board Dorothea Gossett, 2210 N.E. 9th P1 . , to the Renton Library Board filing the term of Donald 0. Jacobson. The term will expire on' June 1 , 1978. ; MOVED BYPERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE., COUNCIL APPROVE APPOINTMENT OFOMRS. GOSSETT TO THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS I Aviation Committee Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report Report explaining the' development of a restaurant facility at the Renton Restaurant Municipal Airport and that the Committee and Council desire the Development facility to be financially profitable to the developer and city; that the restaurant be unique and high caliber drawing people from regaional area; and that the restaurant development would fit into the master planning of the airport. Two restaurant firms were selected as finalists: Specialty Restaurants Corporation -and Restaurants , Unlimited , which were both visited by Mayor and the Committee. The Aviation Committee therefore recommended that Specialty Restaurants Corporation of Long Beach, California be names as the restaurant developer and that the Airport Director be instructed to negotiate suitable lease conditions for recommendation back to the CoUncil 's Aviation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SEC- ONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Discussion ensued wherein it was explained Specialty Restaurant Corporation has 43 unique restaurants, that Restaurants, Unlimited operates Horatio's and Clinkerdagger in this area. Stredicke explained the selection of restauranteer has been pending since prior to estab- lishment of th;e Aviation Committee and started under the Airport Board. McBeth advised minority report preferred Restaurants , Unlimited. Recess MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES, in order to hold meeting of the Planning and Development Committee with the City Attorney and Mr. Gordon present. MOTION CARRIED. The Council re'cess �d. at 9:10 pm; Council reconvened at 9:35 p.m. ' we ,h all Coundil members present at Roll Call as previously stated. Restauranteer , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO CONCUR IN Selection COMMITTEE REPORT TO INCLUDE PROVISION THAT IN THE EVENT CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT BEEN STARTED WITHIN ONE YEAR, RESTAURANTS, UNLIMITED BE NAMED ALTERNATE DEVELOPER. *AMENDMENT CARRIED. ROLL CALL ON MOTION AS AMENDED: AYE 4 - STREDICKE, SEYMOUR, CLYMER, McBETH; ONE NO - ' STREDICKE. *MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Councilman McBeth noted his intent tojpresent motion for reconsideration next week. ' ' Airport Park The Aviation Committee report recommended approval of the Airport project - Bicentennial Icosahedron which will be constructed on the Airport sometime this year. MOVED STREDICKE, .SECONDED BY McBETH, . \\\,, AMEND COMMITTEE REPORT WITH THE ADDITION OF FIRST PARAGRAPH OF PARK DIRECTOR'S LETTER FROM EARLIER ON AGENDA AS FOLLOWS: As requested, the Renton Park Board has reviewed the plans of the Kiwanis Air .Park and has approved them as presented. However, they urge that every considerationibe given to preparing the remainder of• the site by grading, leveling, etc. , as part of the first phase of work. CARRIED. . . :,..::_,„,„,�.,-i a,..m:•. .. ..... ..... ...:..,.=..v,:.._v,W,.,.:....,,�'.. ..: •.>w. -:,4 �':•C tCss,'sb'tfD�.n.R "r. : , '4Wi ,r ii 1 Renton City Council 2/23/76 Page l5 OLD BUSINESS J Continued I Airport Park A picture of the icosahedron design was displayed by Councilman Continued ' McBeth which had been designed by Renton High School student inl competition f9r� the art work which has been approved by the Municipal Icoshahedron,, Arts Commissin. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, ADOPTHTHE Bicentennial AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. It was noted the Approved Kiwanis plan to invest $9,000 ,in the air park. Committee of the Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report Whole Report recommending that the matter of health services and contract between Seattle-King Cty. Seattle-King county Health Department and the City of Renton be, referred to the Community Services Committee to work with the ;Mayor's Health Services Office for a recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCU IN REPORT AND REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Consent Agenda The Committee .of the Whole report recommended that the question of the adoption of a consent calendar agenda be referred to the Legis- lation Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY- CLYMER, SECONDED] BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. • Priority Items The Committee of the Whole report extended thanks to the Adminiistra- Involving Outside tion and Administrative Assistant.Custer for preparation of a' , Funding • review of priority items involving outside funding. The committee , reviewed these items and recommended referral to the Community ; Services Committee, along with previous document on goals and , objectives of the city for review and updating. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED; BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER PRIORITY DOCUMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Acquisition of The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the Council , Wetlands ' direct the Administration work with the Council ' s Planning and! Development Committee in obtaining .or acquiring wetlands west of the .Valley. freeway. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE; 1 . COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE MAY OR'S S OFFICE ' - AND PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, AMEND REPORT TO READ AS FOLLOWS: REFER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO WORK. WITH THE ADMINISTRATION IN OBTAIN- ING OR ACQUIRING WETLANDS WEST OF THE VALLEY FREEWAY. MOVED1B;Y SEYMOUR,. SECONDED BY .CLYMER, COUNCIL POSTPONE ACTION ON THIS REFER- RAL FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. I Public Safety . Committee Report Public Safety Committee Chairman McBeth presented committee report covering five items as follows: Item 1 -. Complaint of Mr. and Mrs. Animal Control & Don Baurichter, 1422 S. 7th St, complained of animals being allowed Motorcycle to run loose in violation .of the animal control act, inadequate Traffic I license fee for non-neutered animals and motorcycle traffic on • Pipeline Road (Renton Hill ). The committee recommended no change be made in the existing ordinance which is adequate, however the city has only one Animal Control Officer. and it is impossible 'for him to enforce the ordinance provisions, and due to. budget difficulties, additional iersonnel could not be .justified. The property owner was j advised the possibility of filing a citizen's complaint against the offending dog owner. The committee did not feel that a change in ,i license fees was warranted, that during. next year' s budget prepara- • tions, this item could be kept in mind as a revenue source. The committee recommended referral- of the. Pipeline Road motorcycle traf- fic to the police Department for possible increased patrolsland enforcement of traffic ordinances, advising no council action; neces- sary at this time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT AND CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1 f Noise Standards The Public Safety Committee report noted review of the State Depart- ment of Ecology's proposed Motor Vehicle Noise Performance Standards (WAC 173-62) as requested and did not recommend that such an ordi • - nance is warranted at this time. as it would -be difficult to enforce and would require expensive additional decibel measuring equipment. "•••••- .;. ;;(5n,s:?ri7tte5?,•i';x�.,051,7-t;u:,-f!x>a8+3,ro; .;r.im.,rwp.;'e+,.,.35.,Ymrrt:;,,,}z;,:a+.: - , ,.. CITY 'OF RENTON , . WASHINGTON . ORDINANCE NO. 2775 • . AN' ORDINANCE- OF.`THEICITY OFRENTON , WASHINGTON CREATING AND ESTABLIISHI'NG A- "COMMISSION ON.. HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS" ; .PROVID1ING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF SUCH COMMISSION, APPOINTMENT • OF MEMBERS, SPECIFYING THEIR' DUTIES AND AUTHORITY ; DEFINING • OFFENSIES-"`AND-'PRO,VIDING •FOR PENALTIES .- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY' OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : ' SECTION I : DECLARATION OF POLICY. .The City Council herewith finds • that all .'forms ' of prejudice and the general practice of discrimination • against an individual ) y i"' group or organization by reason of race', color , i creed., ' age,` sex, national origin or ancestry , have a detrimental effect on ' the public welfare. and well being ; that to eliminate such prejudice and ' discrliminationan:instrumentality should be established through which the' citizens` of , the City of Renton may be kept informed` of development's..`in .human -relations , the employees . and officials of the Cit �a o.y' , y_, , btain expert 'advice aid assistance in ' wholesome, practices to keep 'peacle. and`.go.od order.. and private persons , groups and organizations may be ' ofIficially encouraged and advised to promote tolerance and good will , : actively, toward �,all - peoples . SECTION I (A)': : DEFINITION : The words "discriminate" , "discriminates" • or "discrliminat:ionwhereverused ' in this Ordinance :are hereby 'defined and' declaIred'''to mean and include discrimination on the grounds of race , color , ' creed , age ,':,-sex;• national-origin or ancestry. SECTION II : CREATION'' OF COMMISSION : There ' is hereby established • ' and creatled . a_ Commissio n' to beknown as the "COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS' Consisting seven (7) members to be appointed by the Mayor by land with the advice and consent of the . City Council ; pro- vided, however , that ' at least three ( 3) of the presently serving . • members olf the City ' s. ''I'Fair Housing Commission" as established by � I " Ordinance No : 2405 ," be appointed 'to this Commission and serve. thereon • for the rlemainder of their term on the Fair Housing Commission. ' The members oif the Commission shall be representative of a cross-section of the ciltizensof this community , including members of minority groups . I I A. A111 of the members shall serve without compensation but may reimbursed y be p 'for - any personal , expense incurred in performance I I. of their :duties , and as authorized by law. The members of the • • 1 - i i • CommissionIshall appoint one of their members as chairman, and one other member as , Secretary, and said persons shall serve in said capacity.'for .the' period`' of one year or until their successors I f ' have been elected by the:,membrs . } B. 'In the original appointment of members , approximately one-third (1/3) of those" appointed as hereinabove set forth shall serve respectively for one (1) year , two (2) years , and three (3) year terms . Thereafter appointments shall be for a three ( 3) year term. Any vacancy on tine Commission shall be filled for the unexpired oi term in the same manner the original appointment. The appointing authority has the right to remove any member of the Commission for good cause shown. 1 . C. A majority of the members so appointed shall constitute, a quorum, for the purpose of conducting the business of the Commission, and its proceedings shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order. SECTION III : ; DUTIES OF COMMISSION: It shall be the duty of the Commission to study problems of group relationships within the City of iRenton, and toadvise and cooperate with the Mayor , th,e City Council, and all`.other City Departments , Boards and Commissions with relation to any such problems . The Commission shall further { • make recommendation to the Mayor and City Council from time to time for thelbetterment of intergroup relationships within the community. In! addition thereto, the Commission is further authorized to : A. Advise and recommend to the Mayor and City Council ways and means of discouraging and combating prejudice , 1 intolerance and bigotry in all groups and in their relationships with one another.. 1 j I f ' I SECTION V : INVESTIGATIONS, PUBLIC HEARING, RESEARCH: The Commission shall receive and investigate complaints and initiate its own investigations of, tensions , practices of discrimination , and acts of prejudice against any person, group or organization by reason , national origin or ancestry , and of race , color, creed, age, sex may conduct public hearings with regard thereto ; carry on research, obtain factual data, and conduct public hearings to ascertain the : status and treatment of racial , religious , ethnic and similar groups in the City , and the best means of progressively improving human relations ; and make such recommendations to the Mayor and City Council as in its judgment will effectuate the policies and goals of this ordinance. I SECtION. VI : COMPLAINT : A. Any person, group or organization claiming to have been, discriminated 'against by any other individual , group or organization by reason of his race , color , creed , age , sex , national origin or ancestrylmay make , sign and file with the Secretary of the Commission a written complaint , under oath , which shall state the name and . address 'of '-the person; group or organization complained against , together;' with such other information or data as may reasonably be required by the Commission. The Commission shall prepare and have available for distribution appropriate complaint forms . ,B. I After the filing of the complaint , the Commission , or a I � sub-committee thereof , shall make a prompt investigation of such complaint within thirty (30) days after its receipt thereof , and ifjit is determined that probable cause exists for such complaint , the .Commission, or a sub-committee thereof , shall take proper steps to immediately endeavor to eliminate the unlawful discriminatory practice complained of by conference , conciliation and persuasion. Unless otherwise requested by the person , group or organization accused of such discrimination, all such preliminary investigations I I I � ' � I or meetings' shall be confidential and not open to the public. The Mayor and City Council may be advised upon completion of any such proceedings , and the advice of the City Attorney may be sought on ' all legal matters involving such investigation. I I C. In case of failure to so eliminate such practice , the Commission Shall cause to be issued and served in the name of the Commission a written notice , together with a copy of such complaint , unto the person , group or organization complained against , and require a written answer to the charges of such complaint at a hearing before the Commission, or a sub-committee thereof , at a time and place tobe1so specified in such notice . Such notice shall not be for less than twenty (20 ) days prior to any such hearing. The place ofianly such hearing shall be at the office of the Commission or such other place as may be designated by it. Each party may be represented by legal counsel at any such hearing. The Commission , or its sub-committee hearing the complaint shall not be bound by the strict rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity but all testimony taken at the hearing shall be under oath and recorded. D. If upon all the evidence at the hearing the Commission , or. its sub-committee , shall determine that the accused party has engaged in any unlawful discriminatory practice, the Commission or its sub-committee shall state its written findings of fact and shall issue and cause to be served on such party an order requiring such party' to cease and desist from such unlawful discriminatory practice and to take such affirmative action as may be indicated to ' I effectuate, the provision of this ordinance ; , or in the alternative the Commission may refer the matter for proper legal action to the Mayor of the City. I I I - I - 5 I � ' . I E. If Upon all the evidence the Commission or its sub-committee _ I shall find that an accused has not engaged in such unlawful and discriminatory practice , the Commission shall state its findings of fact and shall issue and cause to be served on both parties an order dismissing the said complaint , and the reasons therefor. 1 F. The Commission shall have the power to establish all reasonable rules of practice to govern , expedite and effectuate the foregoing procedure and its own actions thereunder , including the power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of parties and/or witnesses at any hearing or proceeding as herein stated. � I i - SECTION VII : PROCEDURE : A. The provisions of this ordinance shall be construed liberally for the accomplishment of the purposes thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to amend , repeal or modify any of the provisions of any Civil Rights law any other law of the Federal or STate government , lor any other provision of this Code relating to discrimination because of race , color , creed , age , sex , national origin or ancestry . The provision herein provided shall , while pending , be exclusive , and the final determination therein shall exclude any other action , civil or criminal , based on the same grievance of the individual concerned. If such individual institutes any action based on such grievance , without resorting first to the procedure provided in this ordinance , he shall not lsubsequently resort to the procedure herein outlined. B. Likewise , if any individual institutes any action with any state lagency having jurisdiction over the matter complained of , then determination of such. state agency shall be considered 1 res judicata and no co4laiiL may thereafter be filed with the City ' s Commission pertalining to the same or substantially the same grievance . I ' � I i I - 6 - ! I I � C. Any discrimination complained of relating to housing shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 7 , Title I , and Chapter 3201itle V , of tie City' s "Code of General Ordinances" , further reference being hereby had thereto . SECTION VIII : PENALTIES : Any person , firm, partnership_ or corporation' wilfully violating any final written order or determination made by the Commission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon , conviction thereof in municipal court , or any other court having jurisdiction thereover, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Flive Hundred Dollars ($500 . 00) ; PROVIDED, HOWEVER , that the fine fo'r any first offense and conviction under the provions of this Ordinance shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars ( $100 . 00 ) . SECTION IX : SEVERABILITY CLAUSE : If any part , section or � I clause of this Ordinance shall be adjudged to be unconstitutional by any court of -competen't jurisdiction , then any such adjudication shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. • SECTION X : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided . I for hereinlabove . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this l6th day of April , 1973 . Delores A. Mead , CiTV Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of April , 1973 . Avery Gar' ett , Mayor Appr'g ied as t o4( / k Gerard .M. Shellan , City Attorney Date of Publication : 4-20-73 - 7 - I _ ,