HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlenco Park (1977) � �'cY Renton City Council 2/25/80 . Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending first reading of an ordinance changing zoning First Reading classification from G to B-1 property located northeast corner O'Neil Rezone • of Sunset Blvd. NE and Duvall NE, known as the Shannon O'Neil R-456-79 Rezone. i Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE' WEEK. CARRIED. Sewer Connection Committee Chairman Clymer reported the Code dealing with connec- Ordinance tion tolthe Public Sewer System was awaiting report from the Utilities Committee and the ordinance was removed from the Ways and Means Committee pending future referral . Resolution #2318 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption Fund Transfer of a resolution for transfer of $9,018.40 for payment of remain- Glenco ing balance on purchase of the Glenco Park property. Following reading MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda is adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Banking . Six bids were received at 2/25/80 bid opening City of Renton Services BankingServices. See attached tabulation. Refer to Finance Department and Ways and Means Committee. Demand Bank FinancejDirector Gwen Marshall requests new Demand Bank Deposit Deposit Agreement and reported bids were opened 2/15/80 (see attached Agreement banking services bids) , noting Peoples Bank of Washington is again low bidder and recommended awarding bid with Alternate A to Peoples Bank. The letter noted the Demand Bank Deposit system has been beneficial and resulted in cost savings and flexibility in the C'ity's investment operation. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for necessary documents. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Department requested final acceptance LID #302 as of 12/15/79 LID #302 Lind Ave. SW, Contract B, Coluccio Construction Co. , Seattle. Release of retained amount of $225,707.86 recommended if after 30 days required conditions have been fulfilled. Concur. Notice Letter from Ferguson and Burdell , Seattle, gave notice of of Condominium condominium conversion of the Misty Cove Apartments, 5021 Conversion Ripley Dane North, Renton. Refer to Building Division of the Publlic Works Department and for information. (First Condominium Conversion Notice filed under Ordinance #3366. ) Water Project Call for bids Water Project #562, bid opening 2/15/80, 15 bids Linear Park received. See attached tabulation. Water main construction Burnett 'Ave. S. from S. 7th to S. 4th (Linear Park) . Refer to Utilities Committee and Public Works Department. Travel Mayor Shinpoch requested travel authorization for Michael Parness Mayor's Administrative Assistant, to the 1980 National League of Citie's Conference in Washington, D.C. 3/16-18/80. Concur. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointed Marcia Holland to the Board of Ethics representing the Renton School District Board of Directors, replacing Robert Hoffman who has resigned from the District 's Board. Mrs. Holland will complete Dr. Hoffman's term which expires 12/31/80. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointted Connie Tajon to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term effective through 12/31/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointted Brooke Fryburg to the position of Police Clerk effective 3/1/80 subject to customary six-month probationary period, having been certified by Civil Service. , Concur. , 1 1 I � 1 lenton City Council /25(80 rage 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued 1 (Renton Area in the RAYS 1980 Budget. The organization has received $10,000 Youth Services population funds and requested $5,000 from the City for 1980 Funds explaining that the King County Budget officce has continually Continued mandated Youth Service Bureaus who serve a municipality show budget support from their city jurisdictions. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND REED, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. I OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Shane submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that the Kennydale and Honeydew Interceptor Sewer Kennydale Ordinance be approved as presented. Discussion ensued. The Honeydew Sewer increase of area services from lc adding 3t; removal of construction IInterceptor financing (revenue bonds) because of possibility of raising the water and sewer rates throughout the City to guarantee the revenue bonds was discussed. Councilman Stredicke inquired for record if, Councilman Shane or family had substantial land holdings in subject area. Councilman Shane volunteered the information that he had no interest in any property in that drainage basin, nor did his children. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, TO REFER ORDINANCE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION.' Councilman Clymer asked financial impact report be presented. CARRIED. II Kefer Short Plat The Utilities Committee report approved a latecomer's agreement 1LCAG Continued as presented for the Kefer Short Plat. Due to request for renewed information, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONTINUE THE MATTER FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented committee Committee Report report regarding sale of controlling interest in OK Cab Inc. 'Sale of OK Cab as referred 2/11/80. The report stated Doretha Rood, President , OK Cab has requested matter be withdrawn from Council considera- ' tion as Mr. Reinhardt is unable to obtain necessary financing. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. 1 Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recom- !Committee Report mending that the ordinance creating the Board of Public Works Board of Public (referred 3/6/78) be referred to the Administration for recom- �Works mendation. MOVED BY SYREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR. CARRIED. 'Benefits The report recommended that the benefits for uniformed manage- Uniformed ment personnel (referred 1/3/80) be referred to the Committee Management of the Whole for consideration, including Mayor's letter of 2/20/80. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR. CARRIED. 1 Solid Waste The committee recommended that the 1/21/80 referral for solid 1Disposal Rates waste disposal rate increase be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE; Councilman Stredicke requested impact of total amount of proposed increase plus costs for collection. CARRIED. (Ordinance Report from the Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Revision Request request for ordinance revision from Human Ricihts and Affairs 1Human Rights Commission to meet quarterly rather than monthly, be denied and the Commission continue to meet as stata'lin City Code, further 1 that a full progress report be submitted by the Commission to the Council in six months. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Voucher Approval The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers No. 27052 through No. 27253 in the amount of 1 $437,662.54 having received departmental certification; plus LID #302 Revenue Warrant R-52 $3,501 .51 and Cash Warrant C-124 1 in amount of $3,501 .51 . Machine Voids #27048 through 27051 . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2318 WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to transfer the below specified funds for the purpose of paying off the remaining balance on the purchase of the Glenco Property and such transfer being necessary and in the public interest and for the public benefit, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to make the following transfer : FROM: Contingency Fund a/c 107/000/22. 510 . 80. 53 . 00 $ 9 , 018. 40 UNTO : Park Fund - Facitities Division a/c 101/ 000/20 . 533 . 50 . 61 . 05 (Glenco Property) $ 9 , 018. 40 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th -.ay of February, 1980 Delores A. Meld, C y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th day of February; 1980 GojGrtW..ti• ShAs:poGIN Barbara Y. Shinpoch Approved as to form: C)",y Lawrence J. Wa'ren, City Attorney Hc� ; F�»avice DireetoF- H; 6,17# Wei"frC 2/26/80; Per telephone conversation Glenco property could not be traded with McGrath sc the City is paying the Utility Department for the land per Auditor's report. t (n I� � Renton City Council 11/28/77 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Planning ,and . Upon presentation of Planning and Development Committee Report Development by Chairman Perry concurring in the recommendation of the Hearing Committee Report Examiner] on the final plat of Farrell ' s 1st Addition, MacLand, Inc. , which had appeared on the Consent Agenda (Page 2) , Council Members agreed on the procedure: When an item from the--Hearing Examiner appears on the Consent Agenda, the Planning and Development Commit- tee will not make a report. RR XX , Councilman Stredicke requested information relative to railroad ( crossings , Mayor Delaurenti asked Public Works Director Gonnason Ito check with the State Utilities Commission. Park Budget Councilwoman Thorpe made inquiries -of budgeted funds for Earlington and Glencoe Parks and work accomplished and called attention to need to complete requirements of Phase I prior to commencing pay- ment for, the Glencoe Park property, per ordinance conditions. Acting City Attorney Warren noted need to meet any conditions of the ordnance prior to transfer. Councilwoman Thorpe felt that large expenditures for consultant fees was unnecessary. Hearing Examiner MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, IN ORDER TO CLARIFY COUNCIL'S MOTION Referral ' 1OF 11/21/77 REFERRING RENTON HILL ZONING TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO REPORT TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending second and final reading of an ordinance Ordinance 0179 rezoning property located between S . 5th St. and S. 4th St. on Malesis Rezone west side of Wells S. accross from the. Renton School Administra- R-1 to R-3 tion Blidg. , from. R-1 single family to R-3. Following readings, South Renton area it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH , COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDI- (First Reading NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: CLYMER, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, 11/21/77) AND THORPE. Councilman Perry left the Chambers during the presen- tation of this material and took no part. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3180 Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following ordinances Membership of be placed on second and final readings , first reading 11/21/77: Board of Ethics An ordinance relating to the membership of the Board of Ethics. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3181 An ordinance authorizing acquisition of property, including condem- Property nation proceedings, for Senior Citizens Center and a Park for the Handicapped Park & handicapped. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Senior Citizens ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3182 • An ordinance was read ordering construction and installation of L. I .D. 4307 streetiand appurtenances thereto - Raymond Ave. S.W. running south- Raymond 'Ave. SW erly from S.W. 16th St. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY , COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: PERRY , CLYMER, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE; 1-NO: THORPE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3183 An ordinance was, presented specifying and adopting a system or plan Waterworks Utility for making additions and betterments to the waterworks utility of the City including the sewerage system. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Recess Moved by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, Council recess for 10 minutes. ' Roll Call : 2-Ayes: Shinpoch, Stredicke; 3-No' s Perry, Clymer and Thorpe. Motion Failed. Garbage Rate An ordinance was presented revising the garbage collection rates Ordinance for residential , business and commercial accounts. Rates increased due to increase dump fees by King County as reported by ,the Public Works Director and that change from volume to weight effective 1/1/78. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH,, Renton City Council 1/17/77 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance #3097 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Establishing Fees of an ordinance establishing certain fees under the Shoreline Master Shoreline Program. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY: Management STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3098 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Mining & Grading of an ordinance amending the Mining and Grading Ordinance substituting Ordinance the words "Hearing Examiner" for Planning Commission. Following readings Amended it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT COUNCILWOMAN THORPE VOTED NO. CARRIED. Ordinance #3099 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Mobile Home Park of an ordinance amending the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and establishing Amendment fees. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3100 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Comprehensive Plan of an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance establishing fees. Following readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3101 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Zoning Code of an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Code and the duties of the Amendments . Hearing Examiner as per Ordinance 3071 and establishing fees . Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3102 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Environmental . of an ordinance amending the Environmental Ordinance (Chapter 28 of Amendment Title IV of the City Code) and establishing fees. Following readings , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS • READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading only of an Hearing Examiner ordinance establishing goals and guidelines for the City' s Hearing Guideline Examiner. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Ordinance SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2081 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of LID #303 a resolution establishing a hearing date of February 28, 1977 for the Water Mains in creation of local improvement district in N. 33rd Place and N. 33rd St. Kennydale Area at Lake Washington Blvd. N. vicinity. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Rep. Touma reported LID #303 is very small with only four parcels and that reaction is positive. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2082 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Fund Transfer resolution. transferring funds in amount of $7,970.23 from Cumulative Reserve Account to L. I. D. 288 utility undergrounding, lighting and Whitman Ave. NLE. street improvements. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. esolution #2083 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a /Glencoe Park resolution transferring properties for park purposes in the Glenco Sub- Property Transfer division (See earlier Community Services Committee report) . Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- TION AS READ. 1Councilman Stredicke noted attendance at the two meetings held with area residents by the Community Services Committee, that over 100 homes in the area had been represented at the meetings , expressing belief that city government should be working with people in such a manner. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Administrative Assistant, Don Custer, announced availability of report by City of Seattle on criteria used in determining E. D.A. fund distribution. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:30 p.m. o�� Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • 1 . • • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ' RESOLUTION NO . 2083 WHEREAS the City of Renton, Washington, by and through its Utility Department, is the owner of certain unimproved property as more particuJ ly described on the attached Exhibits "A" and "B" , generally known as Tax Lot 144, and • `),HEREASsaid property is no longer required for any municipal purposes and has been declared surplus heretofore by action of the City Council, pursuant to Resolution No . 2049 , and WHEREAS the City has been negotiating with MC GRATH HOMES for the exchange of aid ��roperties for Lots 262 and 263 , Glencoe , Division No . 2 , presently owned by McGrath Homes , and WHEREAS it has been determined that such an exchange would • be benef.icirl to both parties-, and UtEREAS the valuation of both of said properties being substantially equal in .value, having given due consideration for certain preliminary work heretofore done by McGrath Homes on said Lots 262 and 263 , Glencoe Division No . 2, and W--LLREAS said property to be acquired from McGrath Homes. would he suitable for a mini park--related recreational purposes NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The1 above recitals and findings are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . • SECTION II : It is hereby determined and established that, the valuation of the City' s properties as defined on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto is substantially equal to the valuation of Lots 262 and 263 , Glencoe Division No . '2 as presently owned by McGrath Homes and flit it would be in the best interest of the parties hereto to provide for an even exchange of said properties . I I i I -1- SECTION III : The City of Renton, acting through its Public Works Department, is herty. authorized and directed to "short Plat" the Citv-owned property, known as Parcels "A'' and "B" and to take all necessary steps to accomplish such platting prbr to the exchange of said pro er.ti'as with McGrath Homes . Lots 262 and 263 are more completely described as follows :! Lots #262 and #2163 , plat of Glencoe Division No . 2 , as recorded within Volume 90 of Plats, pages 50 and 51, records of King County, Washington As situated within the W .1/2 of Section 3 , Twp. 23 N . , Range 5 E, W.M. ' A. Each of the' parties hereby agrees to furnish a policy of title insurance in the sum of $8 , 800 . 00 unto the other and title to each of. said parcels shall be free and clear of all encumbrances except easements, restrictions and reservations of record . B. Conveyance shall be made unto each of the parties by statutorywarranty deed, a sample copy, labeled Exhibit "C" being attached hereto and made a art hereof as if fully set forth. C . Each' party shall be. responsible for any costs , including pre ium for title insurance , relative to the conveyance unto the other party . ((i SUTION IV: The Mayor and City Clerk are' further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents , including conveyances , in order to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. -2- . P SSED BY THE City Council this 17th day of January, 1977 . addeft,--Z1 s '. .a,, _ Delores. A. Meaa, Cit. - Cler k A'PROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of January, 1977 . '1 C__ _ Charles�' J. Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: Ger _rd i't. Shellan , City Attorney i , i 1 ;II .l ! 'i • • TAX LOT 144 PARCEL "A" • All that portion of the West 150.50 feet of the East 180.50 feet of the N 1/2 of the N 1/2, of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 3, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. , more particularly described as follows: • Beginning It the SE corner of Lot 401, Glencoe Div. No. 3 as recorded in Vol. 92 of Plats, page 11, records of King County, Washington; Thence N 1°i40'08" E along the Ely line of Lot 401, a distance of 123.20 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot; Thence S 87°57'22" E along the North line .of the N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 3, a distance of 72.00 feet; Thence S 1140'08" W parallel to the East line of said lot 401 a distance of 123.29 feet to a point 30 feet North of the centerline of NE 24th Street; ' 4 Thence N 87°53'26" W along a line 30 feet North of and parallel with the centerline of N.E. 24th. Street a distance of 72.00 feet, to the SE corner of Lot 401, said plat of Glencoe Div. No. 3 and the point of beginning. • • • • • • I • , . !,. ! r • • , • • 1 . . . . • : ,-.• .. ,,.., "• • . • ! . . ) • ., . I ••• . . • , . 1 ' • • . , - • ,o. a ' - • ''. • . • . , 1.-TAX •L C: '44 PARCEL,-... :,-:',":••. '• . . ..--.:::'.'.•••••.; .-.;;,,,,s',„!".''''••••`'.. ,••••'-',',;',",',' '' ', ', .:•:•:•••• . . •...,• „'. '• .2• ,. " ' . .. ,.. . „ , .:. .• .. . . •..,., ..,. , . • .. .... . ..., . , .. „ as:.,,recor recorded in Vol . . ..i... .-.. :,,..,,.„: ,• ,, ,, ., _ All that : f•:the:.SW 1/4:-9t the NW -I-/ 50 f of f portion of the rest 1. 0... . , •,, ...,,. the ,....,at., ,4180050. cfteipotno3f,tThwpe N. 2./32 :',,,.:is- •,•: • - ;:,- --'.. of the N 1/2,. of the••N •1(2:.o • 'particularly. described as follows:.. ..,. , . . 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Glencoe Division No . 2 ( McGrath Homes , Inc . ) -for neighborhood park purposes . • • Please provide, the fully executed exhibits • for attachment to the Resolution as follows : • l : Title Insurance by each party in the sum of .$8 ,800. 00, and 2.. Warrant Deed .` con'veyances unto each . ' , party : ' c : Mayor • . . ;At.t.ol ney ' I • • . • .. I t_ I ti I G - ;4w 31. . f OFFICEI OF THE CITY ATTORNEY e RENTON,WASHINGTON ci 7,! `' o Q &^ POST OFFICE BOY 628. 100 end AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 88055 255 B878 13 <p 1 ' 0 �- GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY �4P � 6-0SEPIC- 1 December 30 , 1976 i 1 • Y•J / Mr. Warren Gonnason vC % Public Works Director • Renton Municipal Building Rentoni, Washington 98055 Re : Property Exchange for Park Purposes Glencoe Division No . 2 Dear Warren: We ha ve received today from: your office your Memo together with the legal descriptions of the City' s property as well as McGrath Homes prooperty for the purpose of effectuating an exchange . We arhanding you herewith a copy of the Resolution which we would like you to check over to be sure it fully reprealts the tentative agreement of the parties . You will note that • we have provided for an acceptance of the terms of the Resoldtion on one of the copies which should be signed by the responsible officials of McGrath Homes . We definitely suggest that title insurance be ordered once the Resolution has 'been adopted by the City Council and approved, in writing , by McGrath. , If you need any further assistance in the matter, please advis . If you would like us to order the title insurance , please give me a call and I shall be glad to do so . If you . orderlit , please bd sure that the title company also furnishes a sketch along with the title rE/Port and a copy thereof should be provided our office . . I I We remain % ' / I - . ,. Y L4 ,s very t�r-I:1:iy; , �.:s / •�� here d M. Shellan City Attorney 1 CMS : n.,i I /I I En:: L . ! i • cc : Del Mead (with original lifl Resolution) Del: Please insert the Re'Solution No . in the _second + ' Renton City Council L 8/15/77 - Page 3 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 3153 1 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Funds Appropria= hecommending second and final reading of an ordinance appropriating tion for Cedar ! and transferring $394,252.00 from the Housing and Community Develop- River Trail & Tent Block Grants for Cedar River Trail , Cedar Center Park and for . Cedar Center Park Planning on Senior Citizen Activity Center and Preventative Health; first reading 8/8/77. 'Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL . AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 1 ' • Resolution 21281 The Ways and Means .Committee report recommended reading and adoption Funds Transfer, of a resolution transferring..$4,900 for the Glencoe Park improvements. for Glencoe Park, Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. 1 ! Resolution 2129 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Street Vacations' Of a resolution setting public hearing date of 9/26/77 for vacation • S.W. 12th St. ' of a portion of S.W. 12th St. and a portion of nearby alleyway. Follow- Public Hearing , ing reading, it was MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT1THE Set - 9/26/77 ' RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. (A:M. Tur-ner/Yvonne Lucker) Resolution 2130i The Ways and Meals Committee report recommended reading and adoption Vacation of an Of a resolution vacating a perpetual easement for utilities dated 3/27./67 Existing Ease- for a new easement executed by owners for utility. purposes. Following ment - Holt/ , reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLU- Bonnell 1 `ION AS READ, MOTION CARRIED. 1 • AUDIENCE COMMENT 'Frank Cenkovich, . 2625. Benson Road S. , inquired .regarding disposition . of recommendations from the Senior Citizens Committee; the Mayor advised that all recommendations had been submitted to the Council , the particular . , bond issue matter now in the Community Services Committee. Charles Shane, 003 Mountain View Drive, inquired regarding the 1 .8M dollar Cedar! River trail fund grant questioning priorities and whether it could be utilized for the Senior Citizens Center. Mayor Delaurenti advised the trail and diver beautification would benefit all citizens as well as senior citi- zens, plans proposed for the past fifteen years now to be a reality; this item being categorized third. in priority in the grant program.• s Adjournment MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Delores A. 'Mead, City C9-erk , '! i jt , ,I ll i.. 1 . v ina RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 15 , 197' Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 p . m . ' Council Chambers MINUTESS CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and opened the regular meeting of the Renton City Council . ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. COUNCIL SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND .EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY CLYMER TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Directorl; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDONIY. ERICKSEN, Planning. Director; HUGH DARBY , Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief and DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. PRESS DON CREW, Renton'; Record Chronicle COUNCIL MINUTES Councilman Stred'icke requested that Page 2, Paragraph 4, Line 3, be APPROVAL changed to reflect that his No vote was because of the double delay on con- struction of the Talbot Hill Reservoir; Page 3, Paragraph 1 , Line 7, he changed to' add "FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK" ; Paragraph 2, Line 12, add "CONCUR AND REFER" ; Paragraph 5, Line 6, change to PUBLIC "SERVICES" COMMITTEE. MOVEb BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AUGUST 8,COMMENTtI l97r WITH THE CORRECTIONS CITED. MOTION CARRIED. i AUDIENCE .i,ohn Torber�son, 2402 Talbot Crest S. , thanked the Council and the Mosquito Control 1 administration for taking action on mosquito control in the Talbot Glencoe Park: dill Area. Mayor Delaurenti commented the spraying would be done Administration & in the next few days. Dennis Skinner, 4419 N. E. 24th St. , inquired Park Board to about the status of the Glencoe Park. Mayor Delaurenti replied work Handle would start upon funding approval , the Council no longer involved.' CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items , previously distributed to all Council Members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion finless removed by Council action for separate consideration. . 1 Claim for Clerk presented claim filed by Mrs . Shirley L. Cunningham and Mr. Damages FIreedly Cunningham in amount of $48.64 for personal damages for lost Mr. & Mrs . i. +.ime allegedly because of disputed ticket by Renton police officer,. Cunningham Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier, also to Police Department. Claim for Claim filed by Mr. Richard L. Beagle for damages in approximate amount Damages - d:f $13,800 for personal damages and legal fees for police officer Richard L. Beagle allegedly illegally taking into custody Beagle children. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier, also to Police Department. Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared the week of August 14 through Bicycle Safety August 20, 1977 as Bicycle Safety Week to commemorate the privilege of ; f Week - 8/14 - all citizens to ride bicycles on public 'rights-of-way and to recognize 8/20/77 the significant contribution that bicycles have made in our daily trans- portation needs , urging all citizens to become involved in bicycle; f registration andisafety tips during events of the week. Council con- currence recommended. Preliminary Plat Letter from Land ,Use Hearing Examiner reported the appeal period expired McGrath Dev. Corp. tor preliminary plat request of McGrath Development Corporation for a Glencoe Div. #5 proposed seven lot single family residence subdivision in Glencoe Division No. 5 and presented the request for review. Refer to Planning and Develo ment Committee for review and recommendation. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PREPARED. MOTION: CARRIED . ' . • "•ta.1...14- . ...•:,.s.,4,W,i, „ . . . . . , .. . . , . , , . .. . . , . . ' . . . • 1. .,. • . • 1 , . - CITY OF RhNr.t.'er...4 , `‘.,.71\.S: INC)T.".):::. . , •• . . ' RESOLUTION NO . 2128 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . 1 . • vifiEREAS it. is' necessar .and advlabie to t.c....1„:1sfer. ified funds foi, the IDur.oc5e .::.f I.:.rovIrlin a: .__,. :..r,.-...r.-....cn-.. .... i nOt previously foreseca:Die Farkiaud such transfer being necessay ar,d in tne .,.,- -...erE...31.--. and for the pubicj, benoiTit, NUAI TEEREFORE _ . . _. ... . .. . . THE CITY::COUNCIlL OF. THE CITY OF .RENTON, Wi-,f.'.J-:INGTO;;T , . RT.:SOLVE AS FOLLOWS ; . , CTION I .' Thc,,?. Dire•etor- OfTinance is here.pv ailthoze:d '....i t ) make, thefollowing-tansfer : , 1 1-•'Rt:)14: Conthzenc..y. '1Fund ., - ,•' . '•''.'.. ,.. . . . • ,. 'a./0- 101A000122 : 589.;00 -00 : 00 • $1,. , 9PG . I':,C., . , . . . . ., NTO : Park Ta' (Park..-EacilitiesDivision) . . ate .1.01/000/-26.. 53 .-5'0 . 63 : 03 , , - ' Cap.fital... Otlay; :'Glencol'ark Improvements) • .. ' -..,,. . - . . , . . _ ..• ,. .., „ . . .• . . . , . . , -I l'ASSED BY TTI5E, (317,-z. cp-umcithis 15th -..,.2.77 ‘ . , . , . , . . . • . . , .. . . i . • . i•...•.'.••• ••••. ' De ores ,:;:i . 'fle-Ta • , C.2,:i .,,, Cle.,2k 1 ' . : I,...' '.,.. . • ' L..-- . ' . APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15th Jay' of Al,...-:,u.,..,±; 1077 . _ .. . . . . , . . 1. . ..... r • . __ - . : . -.. . • . • - 11,'i1. . ,I . , LII-diarie''.'sj./.., D---i;ra.-.ur----eii-1.i.7.7>7- 57—'t-----..... . . .._ • . • . . • . • . . , . _. •. . • . . . , . , . . , . . • 1 i to form,: . • . , ... . .. i i . . ., . . , . . ,.:--7 • . _ '. - ', '- '' - .. . c...:.,..-/ /-'=2 ' 142C". 1-4., '' I: . . . . , . . . . ' . ... • .. , '' ' . : .• . i ' ' ::-..'-'h I' 3 17Ca 1 a ri, City -Attorne!Y;---7'— 1 . •i' . . . . '. . • . . . . . . • • .. . ,. . . . . • . . . . . . , .. ' .' . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . • . r . . •. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - 1 , . . . • . . . , . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . , . . . . „ . . . „ . . . . r. , .- . .. . . • . ,, �' R O � I t^ o TH:F CITY OF RENTC>I�, .L - " M NICIPAL BUILDING:'200 MILL`AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ''':::',::',:':::,:j::::.1':::.7.,C)';. - ........ " ;.,.1,; ...74,74,,..1:: . :; C ARLES:J. DELAURENTI MAYOR l40 SE Pit Augu,t. 1, City Council • Renton, Washington - Members of tl e City Council . Iir order to omplete'Phase,,_I:o'f:_:the Glencoe Park',development, I recommend 'the' • following work be accomplish• ed: :, ._ ;,`:, G ading Excavation, Mounding,` '.Shaping $ 510 Water line and,1". meter. from:main to ' ' property line (matlIerials and; labor) 674 Fay equipment enclosure „ '. 1 000 S nd for.enclosur 375 , Fnce on west side`': 1,041 Curb, gutter andzdewalk 1,300 T ta1.. Estimated Cgst $4,900 This work wo�Id com lete the Cit 's: devel,o meetrobligation and, 'hopefully, • P Y P, residents• of *he Glencoe area':-:wi1,1'proceed'•;with ;donations of moriey', arid. materials fo play equipment 'and landscapingas• prevously agreed. Completion of Phase I b, the City could be accomplished in time for •the park to,, be used ':1 .11 ,,, ' : , , this summer. I would alphre`.r_iate Counci.• :l 's'.corcu'r'.zeii -,.6•.in: this proposal rirr'I;' r'eciiai,:;i tair. matter be ref erred to the :Ways,'`a:nd Means Committee,°_to provide ,r'commt nca i ,... , for a 'funciin' source for.;;the Phase;.I work': Sinter ly, i i l C. J.' Delurenti [Mayor CJD:hh ; I. Conditions' for approval of the purchase of Glencoe Park by the City Park Fund: I - 1. That the subject property be designated for park purposes . 2. That the property not be sold, traded, or otherwise disposed of without consent of the City Council. 3 . That payments begin after completion of 1- Phase 1 .plus sandbox and play equipments IeLWA # grf 1111c�Qr J 4 . That the Administration meet with Glencoe residents , on a regular basis , in order to insure their participation in the develop- ment of the park in a timely manner. I Renton City Council 8/1/77 - Page 2 - Consent Agenda 1 .City Council Letter from Deputy City Clerk Motor listed for the Council ' s Candidates for information all the candidates who registered for the Primary Primary Election Election to be held on September 20, 1977: Council Position No. 1 - September 20, 1977 Two-Year Term; Thomas W. Trim, 541 Wells Ave. S. ; Versie Vaupel , General Election 221 Wells Ave: N. ; and Michael Hanis, 759 Dayton Ave. N.E. Council Position No. 2 - Four-Year Term; Earl Clymer, 526 Cedar November 8, 1977 Ave. S. ; Bruce T. Hulse, 1033 Shelton Ave. N.E. Council Position No. 3 - Four-Year Term; Robert J. Hughes , 1013 N. 33rd Place; Thomas R. Edwards, 1901 Edmonds Ave. N.E. ; Dennis Vadney, 1210 Monroe Ave. N.E. ; Barbara S. Lally, 816 Camas Ave. N.E. ; Michael Cramer, 2826 Morris Ave. S. ; Sanford Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. S.E. ; and Charles F! Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. Council Position No. 4 - Four-Year Term; Barbara Y. Shinpoch, 361 Maple Ave. N.W. The letter further stated the last day for candidates to withdraw was August 3, 1977; the last day to file resolutions or ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with the Primary Election is August 5, 1977 and the last day to file resolutions, or ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with the General Election is September 23, 1977. Utility Plant Letter from Deputy Finance Director Bennett reported, in accordance Valuation with Resolution No. 1666, that the Utility Plant' s value as of December 31 , 1976 was $14,647,157. 05, information reported to enable establlishment of 1978 service charge rate. Appointment to Letter from Mayor Delaurenti requested confirmation of his appoint- Police Civil Service meat of Mrs . Mary Lou Gustine to the Police Civil Service Commission Commission to complete the term of Mr. Richard K. Clarke who had resigned; appointment to be -effective to June 1 , 1979. Letter further stated that Mrs. Gustine, 910 High Street, was a long-time resident of Renton and concerned with and active' in community affairs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appropriating HUD Letter from Planning Department, Coordinator of the Housing and Community Develop- Community Development Division, requested ordinance to place grant ment Funds funds in proper budget categories. for the following projects : • CD-243-76, Planning & Implementation, $809. 00; CD-476-77, Cedar River Trail , $150,000.00; CD-488-77, Cedar Center Park, $160,000.00; CD-507-77, Plianning & Implementation, $40,296.00; CD-508-77, Senior Citizens Center, $28,147. 00, CD-509-77, Preventive Health Services , $15,000.00, for a total of $394,252.00. Refer to Ways and Means • Committee. • Street Vacation Letter from Deputy City Clerk Motor advised the Public Works Director Portion of S.W. had verifiedlas valid signatures representing 76.20% of the abutting Harris Place property owners on the petition to vacate a portion of S.W. Harris Shenandoah- Place, between Hardie Ave. S.W. and Rainier Ave. S. and advised Greystone that the legal description must be re-written to correctly describe all that portion of S.W. Harris Place proposed for vacation. The letter further requested referral to the Ways and Means Committee for a resolution setting a Public Hearing date of September 19, 1977 and to the Public Works Department for proper legal description and appraisal . Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Glencoe Park Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended the following work be Phase I accomplished in order to complete Phase I of the Glencoe Park development: Grading - Excavation, Mounding, Shaping, $510; Water line and 1" meter from main to property line (materials and labor) , $674; Play Equipment enclosure, $1 ,000; Sand for enclosure, ' $375; Fence on west side, $1 ,041 ; Curb, gutter and sidewalk, $1 ,300, for a total estimated cost of $4,900. The letter further stated this work would complete the City' s development obligation and, hopefully residents of the Glencoe area will proceed with donations of money and materials for play equipment and landscaping as pre- viously agreed, completion of Phase I by the City could be accom- plished in time for the park to be used this summer and requested Council ' s concurrence in the proposal and referral to the Ways and Means Committee to provide a recommendation for a funding source g for the Phase I work. MOVED BY PARRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, TO pity Council Page 3 - Correspondence & Current Business !ncoe Park (Cont'd, ) renti se I REFER THE MATTER T0I fence Comment asked for audience commenAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE.•* ' area not have a comnCiiomm t. Dennis Skinner Mayor 24th,Dela said also did not consider a yclub to coordinate any19 kindN.E. fund said the Delaurenti respondedfence west side only of raising, year and the fence thae t the city o was adequate. Ma y hoped to fence the whole Mayor neigh- ; boring lot, Councilwoman Thorpe was because of impact on theHefrk t p commented that and ,materials were not9h- � b] part of the agreement with nthe bresidents ,mooey ; y they would help With landscaping later. Jb yh St. , said she wai Karen Holbrook, p N.E.concerned with the fence s the owner of the property 4406 .E. beingy to the westh residentsd also jwanted to see the plans so only on the west side and the ( park. Councilwoman Thorpe showedey now the wresidentStual ] g park drawn up bythe the pla�snforinto thethe i ri for be a "tot lot". e „ *7 ty's landscape oun architect and said it was designed Upon inquiry b plied the cilwoman Thorpe, it r E irks Mayorpli te lans included grass of Planning Direc- cler 5Delaurenti told the residents a meeting and a shortly and they sprink- Merchants would be notified. *MOTION9 would be Letter from Renton Merchants Association ex r sled CARRIED. • r Merchants Mayo r f of geiaurenti for his efforts in improvingpethed gratitude to ation Area off, Renton, particular) the Downtown Shopping the parking lot on S. y his most recent project of surfacing [NESS Burnett St. • Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch as to the in Downtown `'t ! Nm° my banners on responsibility the Arts and Crafts Festival in the down- town area, Mayor Delaurenti said the committee had to remove they. been contacted �r-vices Public c ' Re ort i„g theS; vices Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recommend- :. _at t,�F, d.• y Park Fund purchase Glencoe Park from the Utility 'ark Site fa market value of rate cf alrm or more $10,000; payment to be made at the and Mate B`' 60.00 SECONDED perBvonth for a 20-year period at 5% interest. APPROVAL 3_ Tr RPE'THE- PURCHASE STREDICKE, THAT THE CONDITIONS FOR • SUBJECT RCHASE OF THE GLENCOE PARK SITE BE: • P OPERTY BE DESIGNATED FOR PARK PURPOSES, PROPERTYHAT THE NOT BE; SOLD (1 ) THAT THE OF T , TRADED, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED 2OFTWITHOUT CON- SENT CITY COUNCIL , (3) THAT PAYMENTS BEGIN AFTER COMPLETION OF PHASE I . PLUS SANDBOX,' OF HSEPLAY EQUIPMENT THAT THE ADMINISTRATION_ MEET WITH GLENCOENRESIIDENTS, OND SYSTULA BASIS, IN ORDER ;NSURE " THE PARK I\I A TIMELY THEIR PARTICIPATION IN. THE DEVELOPMA ENT OF MANNER. MOTION CARRIED. to Sewer The co�rnri tree rep N.E Hank re, ¢port recommended the. City p or connection to the Cit Council concur in Mr. N.E. subject to the following sign a conditions . sewer main hen Union toAve. petition and promote annexation of (1 ) That toreh City inconjunction with an his • the area ini cti Y petition for annexation ecirculated in withal ; City g his property; (2) That he agree to and conform devhlo ,?, l of Renton regulations g p' r ?�• Discussion followed regardinghaving his p , writing ¢r t.' the applicantproposed to these conditions. MOVED SE inO SECONDED BY 'PERRY, THE MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE SEYD. MOVED BY the Council Pr WEEK. CARRIED. I trident Perry announced that. the City's • the Committee of the Whole meeting Cogivl- the Council information on interest rates for bondSeniors on 8/4 to give Citizens ze;is Center and i nlqui red if to fund the the Ci l Members would 'requirethere said theCouncil Council should have the figuresat wa.s other information the meeting. Councilmanvoein Clymer last General Election and how many on how man bond issue the Cit votes are needed yto°validate ha Councilwoman Thor, Clerk responding the figures Pe requested the Finance Directorwbeld be furnished. RESOLUTIONSpresent. • ales Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymerpresented ?y ing first reading of an ordinance vacatingor report recommend- n lorks alley within Block 12, Plat of Car Works ha of wit Ave portion of a certait BY STREDICKE N. and N. 3rd Place. Addition, inthe vicinity SECONDED BY After reading, it was MOVED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE RFOR ONE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK MOTION CARRIED. Jn City Council , 1/77 - Page 3 - ',Correspondence & Cu-rent Business (Cont'd. ) Glencoe Park REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE.* Mayor Delaurenti Phase I asked for audience comment. Dennis Skinner, 4419 N.E. 24th, said the Audience Comment ' area not have a community club to coordinate any kind of fund raising , iso did not consider. a fence west side only was adequate. Mayor elaurenti responded that the city hoped to fence the whole park next ear and the fence on the west side was because of impact on the neigh- oring lot, Councilwoman Thorpe. commented that contributions of money' nd materials were not part of the agreement with the residents, possi- bly they would help with landscaping later. Karen Holbrook, 4406 N.E. 24th St. , said she was the owner of the property to the west and also concerned with the fence' being only on the west side and the residents wanted to see the plans so they know what is actually going into the park. Councilwoman Thorpe showed the residents the plans for the . park. drawn up by the city' s landscape\ architect and said it was designed to be a "tot lot" . Upon inquiry by Coun,cilwoman •Thorpe, Planning pirec- • tor Ericksen replied the plans included planting of grass -and a sprink- ler. system, Mayor Delaurenti told the residents a meeting would' be called shortly and they would ,be notified. *MOTION CARRIED. Zenton Merchants Letter from Renton Merchants Association expressed gratitude to kssociation ' Mayor Delaurenti for his efforts in improving the Downtown Shopping _etter of Area of Renton, particularly his most recent project of surfacing ; \ppreciation the parking lot on S. Burnett St. l )LD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch as to ,the responsibility 1 canners in Downtown of removing banners on. the Arts and Crafts Festival in the down \rea town area, Mayor Delaurenti said the committee had been contacted to remove them. 'ublic Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recommend- ;ommittee Report ing the City Park Fund .purchase Glencoe Park from the Utility Fund —— . at the fair market value of $10,000; payment to be made at the alencoe Park Site ' rate of S66.00 or more per month for a .20-year period at 5% interest. 'urchase MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF THE GLENCOE PARK SITE BE: (1 ) THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BE DESIGNATED FOR PARK PURPOSES, (2) THAT THE I PROPERTY .NOT BE SOLD, TRADED, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT CO- SENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL , (3) THAT PAYMENTS BEGIN AFTER COMPLETION OF PHASE I , PLUS SANDBOX, PLAY EQUIPMENT, LAWN AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM, (4) THAT THE ADMINISTRATION MEET WITH GLENCOE RESIDENTS, ON A REGULAR BASIS, IN ORDER TO INSURE THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARK IN A TIMELY MANNER. . MOTION CARRIED. j :onnection to Sewer The committee report recommended the City Council concur in Mr. ; j. Jnion Ave. N.E. Hank' s request or connection to the: City sewer main on Union Axel Paul Hanks N.E. subject to the following conditions : (1 ) That he agree to : sign a petition and promote annexation of his property to' the , t., City in conjunc ion with any petition for annexation circulated in ' T. the area includling his property; (2) That he-agree to and conform i'', with all City off Renton regulations pertaining to his proposed l ,,i development. - Discussion followed regarding having agreement in I;�,. writing from the applicant to these conditions. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. I1:. i Committee of the Council President Perry announced that the City's Financial Consul- Whole Meeting tant would be at. the Committee of the Whole meeting on 8/4 to givie 1 8/4/77 the Council information on interest rates for bonds to fund the 1 Hf Senior Citizens Center and inquired if there was other information the Council. Members would require at the Meeting. Councilman Clymer said the Councilshould have the figures on how many voted in the i last General Election and how many votes are needed to validate' a bond issue; the City Clerk responding the figures would be furnished. 1I Councilwoman Thorpe requested the Finance Director be present. ORDINANCES AND RE'SOLJTIONS Ordinance Vacating Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recommend- Portion of Alley ing first readi g of an ordinance vacating a portion of a certain Block 12, Car Works alley within Bl ck 12, Plat of Car Works Addition, in the vicinity Addition - Martha of Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. After reading, it was MOVED' Waldenburger BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK 1st Reading TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. r.. Renton City Council 7/25/77 Page Correspondence- Continued Airport Fund Letter from Airport Director Bennett requested transfer of funds Transfer from the Airport budget to the Park budget in amount of $10,000 in order to simplify the administrative management, improve the Park Dept. ' s control of the project and increase efficiency in processing payments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • OLD BUSINESS Councilman Sitredicke requested from the Administration, a report on Forward Thrust use of Forwaird Thrust Funds and discontinued projects . Mayor Delaurenti Projects confirmed th'e report would be forthcoming. Burnett Ave. S. Councilwoman Thorpe noted last week' s request co the Mayor in regard to Burnett Ave. S. area between S. 4th and 7th, being advised report of development forthcoming. • Council Committee MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL MEMBER POSITION HELD BY • Vacancies Filled COUNCILMAN GRANT ON THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE BE REPLACED BY COUNCILMAN STREDICKE AND THE COUNCIL_ MEMBER POSITION HELD BY FORMER COUNCILMAN GRANT ON WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE BE FILLED BY COUNCIL PRESI- DENT PERRY . Councilman Clymer inquired of others desiring to serve; Stredicke noted burden on committee members to maintain quorum in order to continue working. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report Committee Report recommending second and final reading of an ordinance revising' garbage Ordinance #3149j service ordinance relating to definition and rates. Following readings Garbage Service of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL and Rates ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE : CLYMER, BRUCE, SHINPOCH, THORPE; 1 NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution ;2125 Attention was called to the need for appointment of Executor for Referendum 29 Referendum 29 funds and documents , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND Coordinator THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION NAMING PLANNING DIRECTOR AS COORDINA- TOR OF REFERkNDUM 29 MATTERS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. SE, inquired .of LID 297, sanitary sewers in the Heather Downs area, as regards J & F Investment Annexation and LID 297, Sewers trunk line charges , recalling Council direction for adding area. to Heather Downs increase base and lower individual assessments in Heather Downs . Council- man Stredicke reported Council did enact a change which will result in an estimated $500 per lot reduction to be reflected in the final assess- ment by removling trunk line charges for pro rating over area. Public Works Director Gonnason explained that when J & F Investors develop the area they will be included on developers extension and cost of trunk • line will be !assessed over entire area , thereby reducing costs to Heather Downs residents . Council Bob J. Hughes , 1013 N. 33rd P1 . , recalled his position as Legislative Informational Aide to the Council when all material for the 8,:00 p.m. Council meeting Material was to each Council Member by 5:00 p.m. and inquired why Council Members were complaining of not getting packets , being advised by Mayor Delaurenti that Council meeting information packets are available to each Council r1ember by 5:00 p.m. , however, Council Members are not able to get i nto City Hall to review the material . Glencoe Park i Dennis Skinne 4419 N. E. 24th St. , inquired of progress on the Glencoe i II neighborhood park. Mayor Delaurenti rnpnrted talking with Mr. Parker, Glencoe resident coordinating efforts of residents doing the work and i has been waiting to hear to any needs. uunLIiwonian inurpe reported 1Planning Department plans were sufficient for the first phase, ,however, lexpressed disappointment that matter has been transferred from the i Planning Department to the Park Department and the Park Board, inquiring as to responsibility and noted need for report from Administration. Arts Fair Councilwoman Thorpe called attention to the activities in the city Summer Festival for the last several weeks as being a positive benefit for citizens , Band Concerts noting Creative Arts Fair, Downtown Merchants Sunnier Festival and Annual Art Show, those involved to be commended. 3"/ Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 41', OLD BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL Glencoe ParkCouncilwoman T,lorpe noted clearing on the Glencoe neighborhood park was beginning this week and thanked the Staff and Administration for support. Aviation Committe Aviation Committee report (Public Services) submitted proposed lease ' Fancher Flyways agreement providing for continued occupancy by Fancher Flyways of Lease Agreement property locat d on the east side of Renton Municipal Airport for (Short Term) a 'period of 90�days for use of aircraft tied.own with no construction; rate of $.08 per sq.ft.per yr. (46.272.33 sq.ft. ) . The report recom- mended Council authorize execution of lease agreement as an interim measure pending final acceptance of long-range development proposal. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND ' AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE CITY AT ORNEY. • Public Services Public Service Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report fommittee Report 'recommending thegarbage disposal contract be awarded to General Dis- posal as the lwest responsible bidder, expressing belief the basic Garbage Contract bid not unreasonable, and noting the City has no viable alternative at this time.' The report further recommended that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means- Committee for the preparation of j ordinance and uthorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. • The report explained investigation of the matter by the committee. Moved by Bruce, Second Shinpoch, •Council .co:ncur in committee report and award contrJact. Councilman S.tredicke• noted for the record that committee report did not carryhis signature and expressed disapproval 9 P PP of contract forfive-year period which includes -automatic increases , noting rates high and opposed can _placement.• Councilwoman Seymour- Thorpe asked tt-e record show her disagreement with statement "basic bid not unreasonable;" believing same to be excessive, opposing five- year contract With built-in escalators and no consumer protection; I report.however, in a eement with.basic Councilman Clymer suggested 9- uniform containers for valley cities to increase competition. Public Works Director Gonnason explained refuse disposal contract expired 5/1 with four month extension. to 9/1/77; thatpick upcould be arrange d / � � to 60 ft. from .curb. Michael Torre, 13904 SE 231st, Kent, owner �of General Disposal Co. , noted specifications of the contract prepared by City, that his rates are lower than others, that built in escalators were better. than increasing bid indiscriminately to cover unknown increases for later years of contract; objected that city had not joined him in o+posing King County dump fees which increased 400%; further noting phis employee's union contract settled .for three years.. Discussion ensued re 20% administrating fee for city. Councilman Perry suggested 'one year contract in order to investigate city operated • service. . Upon Council ' inquiry, ' Public Works Director noted matter of Matter Tabled one bid being received had been investigated with no solid reasons why, for Ore Week MOVED BY CLYMER SECONDED PERRY, COUNCIL TABLE MATTER FOR ONE WEEK ALLOWING ADMINISTRATION TO BRING FURTHER INFORMATION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke. noted for record, appreciation of effort in preparation of specifications which bidder did address, Six-Year Street The Public Services Committee report recommended a public hearing, be Construction set for June 20, 1977 on the Six-Year Street Construct ion Program, Program - draft having been presented by the Public Works Department, MOVED Public Hearing r, BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL SET PUBLIC HEARING 6/20/77, 6/20/77 CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE;. COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO PREPARE PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ADDRESS LETTER TO THOSE SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS SPECIFICALLY AFFECTED BY THE SIX-YEAR 'STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, CARRIED. • Speed Limit Councilman Bruce asked that speed limit be posted and speed checks ' Cedar Ave. S. be made for Ced r Ave. S. , Renton Hill ; Public Works Director noted 25 m.p. h. limit that policy was not to place numerous signs as speed limit uniform u less posted. Mayor Delaurenti asked Police Departments to check. Renton City Council 6/13/77 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Communications duplication of telephone industry facilities in existence. The letter Continued explained costsof providing residential telephone service are "rate averaged" from profitable optional services and long distrance revenues; noting that if profits are eroded by large businesses who could sub- scribe to "Specialized Common Carrier" services , the cost of basic tele- phone service will be increased and hit hard at low and fixed income families. The letter noted 90 bills introduced to Congress entitled the Consumer Communication Reform Act and encouraged .full hearing by Congress to determine National Telecommunications policy. The letter enclosed bill by Lloyd Meeds and copy of resolution of Aberdeen City Council forwarded to their Congressman. The Pacific Northwest Bell letter encouraged similar action by the City. Councilman Stredicke asked the Mayor urge added assist by Pacific Northwest Bell for' area wide emergency system. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE; COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE1WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF RESOLUTION, • CARRIED. Glencoe Park Letter from M vor Delaurenti informed Council that, by law, the Park ' Fund must acquire the two lots from the Waterworks Utility Fund, if the two city-owned lots in the Glencoe area are to be used as a neighbor- hood park. The letter recommended that Council authorize the City to purchase the lots from the Waterworks Utility Fund at the total appraised value of $13,000 on a lease-option basis and recommended $100 a month payment for a period of two years with total paid as a down payment in amount of $2,400, the balance of $10,600 then to be paid in lump sum (if funds available) or pay balance on 5-yr. contract at 5% interest. Councilman Perry inquired whether Utility Department could sell pro:perty -to the Park Department for $1 .00. Councilwoman Thorpe requested lease only; both being advised by City Attorney Shellan of the requirement for transaction reflecting fair market value. Upon further discussion, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDJICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MATTER OF THE Refuse Disposal GARBAGE CONTRACT FROM THE TABLE. (TABLED 6/6/77) CARRIED. Council President Perry submitted letter from Mayor. Delaurenti re 6/10/77 meet- ing with General Disposal reviewing proposed garbage contract and recommended that the contract be awarded to General Disposal with following revisions : (1 ) The Contractoragreed to definition of curbside pick-up to be those cans within 25 ft. not behind fence, etc. ; 60 ft. pick-up would remain unchanged. (2) The escalation clause providing for adjustment to collection charge related to Consumer Price Index would be modified to provide for reduction in cost should the CPI take a downturn but not below the base rate which was bid. (3) Stan- dardization of containers would involve freedom of manufacturers and be considered restraint of trade. (4) Comparable prices for two can curbside pick-up: Renton $3. 55; Eastside Disposal , Bellevue $4,25; Jim's Disposal! Fairwood $4. 05; Auburn $2.95; Kent (2 yr old contract) $2.60; Mid-Cities Disposal , Midway $3.90; Mercer Island $3.35. The letter further explained reasons the seven companies picking up specifi- cations did not respond to call for bids. . Discussion ensued regarding possibility of raising customer prices several times during the year, • raising of County dump fee rates and consequences thereof. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor and City Attorney were invited. MOTION CARRIED. Council went into executive session at 9:25 and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present as previously shown. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONTINUE GARBAGE CONTRACT MATTER UNTIL NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. Six-Year Street Council President Perry noted 25 organizations had been notified by Plan letter from himself as directed by Council 6/6/77 of the 6-Year 'Street Construction Plan public hearing June 20, 1977, City Clerk having pro- vided addresses. Buckingham Appe :ouncil President Perry asked City Clerk Mead to again notify all of Hearing arties of record in the Buckingham appeal of Hearing Examiner decision Examiner Decisi egarding rezone of Lake Washington property, that date the matter ill be reported to Council from the Planning Development Committee 3s been changed from June 20, to June 27, 1977. • OF • ,► • :.: .. o i, THE -'CITY: OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 ' CHARLES J:,DELAURENTI', MAYOR o 9T¢D SEPIE� June 13, 1977 . • = } • City Council' „ Renton, Washington" Members of the City Council: • During the last Council•'meeting, Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe reported that work 'had started on clearing the two City-owned lots planned for • use as a neighborhood park".in the Glencoe area. As Mayor, it is my responsibility to inform the Council that, by law, the Park Fund must acquire the two lots from'the'•Waterworks Utility Fund if the lots are ' to be used for park purposes.: ;,:, I hereby recommend that :the Council authorize..""the City to purchase the ' lots from the Waterworks Utility Fund„at;.the total appraised value of $13,000 on a lease-option..,basis., 'I� r.ecommend a lease payment by the, • City of $100 per month: for a. period ,-of two years with the total amount of such payments to become a down payment of $2,400; at the end of • • the two-year period, the ta1ance' of $10,600 will be paid in a lump ' sum (if funds are available) or the' City will pay the balance on . . contract over five years; :at .5 interest•. The Council's concurrence in my recommendation and referral to the City.". . Attorney and the appropriate; Co•uncil:"committee will be appreciated. Sincerely ` ;". '" • C. . . Delaurenti I 1 1• Mayor CJD:hh Attachment: Warranty Deed • e.. I I i i • V/ ' i - : • • -; i'(Gi;,-'._,.;.i. ..f'i; ; .i•, ,*" l,.1� Gi ,Z .� -� O 1, � .,i n gl. . ,'v Ci V : J I t /I y k � 3 0 C I I'1. i"Jr�;`;.'�4l•,. d�'° iCJi�ti1.';�,i'.: ... ',r;.- v:I • n X', t ld.rY i - -yr y J, :F' t- r.i ! •` 1 S ) i:e: M1 , II z : -� I'.� t n: a - .. • • - t':is.. S. ?-'.{,'<', Y:di`Nc.tl§�!ar+'.4'ru°;.,r.i...•.:%:.,,:_;`^.1,-;...ue,.':ie'�Ir+.•...•' r. • 1. �r I 1": 1 "t^' ,'L .l":r 1 RM '.f8 ��yq{�� 4 'i �FO L " Y, I i. 1 1i"' Yi `�: . .:'::.:;''-: f�. �- ant` ee., ��uto .a� �D d -.,'•.: 'i1i; S . B.R. IkFiE• h s �. i f. e ,:,,': THE GRA:�T()R `�:�r:: R' �CIj .'��• .,.8�<I1 $�: ..n:�., bia1.HCEL� E• i i I r I drm: 7. o' a -,:: "for and•in consideration of T Y0, i4 n o'/ �. 0 0' 00 11 rs• J, ',,,. T: t• a> uni.ci al corno'r.at'i•on in�hand paid, conveys and,waa�ianto�_�'?�'L�.'�? QI'����EA+'�(?IVh' m p „ `t` • the following described real estate, situated in_the County of K'i+ii� ,`State of Washin ton: - - eet �of th , Wort ha tYest .1SG.50 fe'eta'�o`f�:•t.h:e _':.eas`a: h'8t?;'5'��`f:f . o' •h .h 1-f :•ti' tli':e'.:=n'o r+t h` ; a:l f:",a'-f:';,'•t h'e`- s o u t 11 h e s t u a'r.ter '•; . of t e n rt a —;;.. Q :',._ o` n,h i 2,3 W a r th'. �� f the' n"o,'r't!i au a s<t: ,�,n a- C'e�z�:';;�orfr,, �'s'a c:;t` 'ii�.n �3+' � :w P '' r c; I 5 , e a.s t` t. * q ,,,. • ,. .•. ..,,, ,• ............,. .2.•.... .y., (_ ..... • .. :, .•a�tl e' IF ` � 1�., �FF nr �'iin��;.��C'o�a�nty�, i;i8'�'s'h i:nclt0n ; :• ....,:...„ . I I 'A T' 'T' r ur o t s ,_, r. - lr m`emt fo'r•:ro:,ari:__ ari, u i i . • - • T0. .. .. `cv'i�t _ �ea`'s e _ _ y P P 'i' h ha, f' .�,f• the' .noi h win+ So�ii't'h.,`:3:0=�'f���`e; ��;u,.f:::.t.,�e'`°i o'.rt t.. t t:01 I o 9: : ,,4.,. y I,` 73:' '9-S•' tl... 3 a. 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Dated ts , ,,, ,,1 `r�� l I AS- .1 7! t -r -w H , a� r ,','��,,vv • i' 'O. - of ., ,G" r 'F I y i �. 1 i Y:C ,+gAdC,"'�f 1., '^.a:t'4M}. •J+t: ;T , t�T7.r : I'I 1� it ��jx r„t ,� H. .t]}.4. '.v' y�. .;� � ,r-, a co I ^.. 3•r,6�•.4::':ii0 I i -,t::.• 7 ! Gt J:` •.t,: - �. ru �, '� - /�j��•:r,%�.rl�•L � �;.c ''.�.? t SEAL - N r.rti> i I''r N ?� T U 1 + i G OF t' AT Yi?: s, S +T. 1.. - - On'thus day personally appeared before me "zFrancis; 1. • B r.,i..esr es.,-,and" ;�'a''rc e;1 a'n e=•.'�. ;r'i :r ,, ,:.be' the individuals '::descnh'ed;;_in and who':'executed'.•the within and foregoing instrument, and tdG,D� 9kr 'iwn Eq :�,': ' 'me '- 't'h a.;r,..•. •s,„,„,„ ..free anc' voluntaryact.,and for c3?ihri't;:„`;.A,har :signedahe.sa a i, iJ�Wed ein meat o •3� P 1 t i' .f • 't S' � '1'960`"d i 1 ' '- � ndex: hand'-and official'Yseal`'th s ;.r:., Y' P + 1i' . r,rHN -., .' v, i v �,v J I ,s7 i lr • s=:` ,;�; :Ro s Publc ' d ortka State 'o Washin f on ' I- a e di uA nto n 44 - , • ..�,� „y, Tfi �t4Y: y,'"N,'.4 Y'.dl F R Y -� •' / p.VM .. o : " THE CITY OF RENTON (.1 �� '� ' Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 980551 , . 1 ..'?,,• . . .CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR f • FO SEPZF' • • { • . 1 • f. 'April 1, 1977 �, City Council Renton, Washington J . . Members of the City Council: • - At last week's Council 'meeting, '.Councilman -Stredicke"requested information about . certain City-owned property known nown as, "Well. Site. No. 7" located on the northwest . ... :::,:: corner of Aberdeen Avenue NE] and' NE 24th' Street..` Here are the answers to the , specific questions- asked: l , 1. The City executed an •option: to purchase the property, consisting of approximately .43 acres, on 'October 26, 1959. On the same day, the ' seller granted the 'City'permission to dig-a test well and conduct other tests to determine whether an adequate water supply could be developed on the site - . _ 2. On April 29, 1960, after compieting 'test` activities, the City entered,, into fan agreement to purchase the',property for the sum of $2,000.00. As additional conside"ration,, 'the- City agreed to make water service connections availablelto. cer-tain"property of the seller located • adjacent to the well site. , 3. The City's Waterworks)I,Utihity„' became' a,""Classified Utility" in , 1960. The property was 'listed in City records as a Utility-owned property and has continually been designated as such since purchase. . . Please let me know if you have ;further questions' about this matter. . ' Sincerely, �, - 1: i ' '. C..�,�f, Delaurenti ' Mayor ._' - • . CJD:hh . I is . I , �ton City Council 8/77 Page 2 1hsent Agenda - Continued 1 1velbiss Report from the Land Use Hearing Examiner, James Magstadt, recommended rezone R-016-77 approval (subject to conditions imposed by the Planning Department) of rezone from G-6000 to L-1 for property located approximately 70 feet east of Raymond Ave SW on the north side of SW 12th St. The report explained the L-1 zoning would be combined with existing L-1 zoning to thelwest to allow construction of a furniture manufacturing and ware- house facility. The Planning Department recommended restrictive coven- ants. The Hearing Examiner held public hearing 3/1/77, appeal period expired on 3/15/77 and submitted report to the City Council for final approval . Recommendation : Refer to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. (See later Ordinance and Resolutions) onsent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REMOVE FROM THE CON- pproval SENT AGENDA, THE MANOR'S APPOINTMENT OF HEARING EXAMINER AND PLACE THE MATTER, UNDER CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED AND AMENDED. CARRIED. i DRRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS initary Sewers Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Department )nes Ave NE is preparing the final grant documents for grant funding award for the punk Jones Ave. NE trunk sewer. The letter explained that the regulations of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the State Department of E1cology, as grant funding agencies, require City Council concurrence withithe findings of the final grant documents . The complete series of grant documents includes: Plan of Study, Facility Plan, User Charges and Cost Recovery, with other documents. The letter stated these reports recommend the installation of the Jones Ave NE trunk sanitary sewer from, NE 40th St. to SE 76th St. with a capacity of 1 . 21 million gallons perday, and impose an industrial waste surcharge upon special classes of industrial users , as directed by city ordinance and federal law. The letter requested council concurrence in order to make final grant submittal to the Washington State Dept. of Ecology and the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency for grant funding of the Jones Ave. NE project. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. encoe Park Letter from Mayor Delaurenti responded to last Monday's Council meeting request for the Administration to proceed to acquire a small park in the i Glencoe area. The letter reported meeting with Tom McGrath, Glencoe M developer, who indicated no property will be donated for park purposes 1 at this time. Mayor Delaurenti 's letter based the following recommend'a- h tions on staff reports : (1 ) Actively encourage King County to• speed 1 development of the 8acre park site adjacent to the Sierra Heights Elementary School . A concentrated cooperative effort might result in prompt County action and provide usable basic facilities within the next , �.. P few months. (2) Should the Council feel a neighborhood park would best r serve the needs of the Glencoe area, alternatives would be development of the City' s Utility-owned lots located on the northwest corner of 1 NE 24th St. and Anacortes Ave. NE, being almost the same size ( .43 acre) , ' v as the combined area1of the two lots on Whitman Ave NE at NE 20th St. tThe Utility-owned lots could be developed in phases for estimated total cost of $22,000 excluding cost of options. The report also explained f the City' s Current Fund must acquire ownership and in present condition • price would be approximately $13,000 or $6,500 per lot, that if the ordinance-required improvements and short-platting are accomplished the two lots would be worth $8,500 each, or total value of $17,000. f The report also recommended that if the Council wishes to develop a t neighborhood park: (a) The Ways and Means Committee should be requested to recommend appropriiations , transfers or credits to effect transfer of "ownership" of the Utility-owned property to the City' s Current Fund. • (b) The Community Services Committee should meet with Glencoe residents Y to explore forming a Homeowners ' Association to organize community par- I. ticipation in construction and maintenance of the park; noting donations of time, materials anld money, combined with similar contributions from the city. could provide park at earlier date. (c) If this is unaccept- able then the Ways and Means Committee should be requested to find fund- ; ing to complete park development this year, as less expensive than phased \/development. Use of sod would add additional $2,000. c r w a 3 CT a • J. N to d City Council .6/77 Page ,3 - .. ,orrespondence and Current Business - Continued . Glencoe Park (3) The Mayor's letter also recommended that Council consider require- Continued ment for future developers in the Glencoe area to set aside property for park purpos s, thus avoiding future problems of this nature. 1 Upon inquiry by1Councilman Stredicke, Administrative Assistant Custer explained Utility - owned property was- contributed to the City in11968 ' as a well . site and assigned to Utilities. Public Works Director Gonnason rexplained well was drilled, tested and found unfeasible, explaining the temporary well cap. Upon further Council inquiry, City Attorney Shellan explained requitement that market value must eventually be given! for that which is removed from one department for benefit of another,. though lease cold be temporary arrangement with Utilities retaining ; the title. MOVED BY GRANT; SECONDED BY THORPE, , COUNCIL CONCUR INIITEMS ,. (2)(a) and (2)(b) OF MAYOR DELAURENTI 'S 3/28/77 LETTER. (See later) Glencoe Park Letter from Cou cilwoman Seymour-Thorpe thanked the Mayor for personal • Continued efforts and mee ing with Mr. McGrath, noting Glencoe area residents ` resounding "no" to alternative of King County park, as residents' request for a park was directly related to their concern for play area for small • I children within the subdivision . The report asked Council to pro- • , teed with plans for neighborhood park on city-owned lots at NE 24th and Anacortes NE, suggesting means of obtaining' the property and explaining p willingness to meet with area residents as suggested, by the Mayor,, not- ing goal with residents to see some form of park in use by summer. The letter concurred with the Mayor's recommendation for open space in future developments. Discussion of site preparation ensued, also traffic; circu- lation for NE 24th St. MOTION CARRIED CONCURING IN ITEMS (2)(a) and (b) • 1 OF MAYOR'S LETTER REQUESTING WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO EFFECT TRANSFER P OF OWNERSHIP OF UTILITY-OWNED PROPERTY TO CITY'S CURRENT .FUND AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH GLENCOE RESIDENTS RE HOME- . OWNERS' ASSOCIATION FOR PARK PURPOSES. Land Use Hearing ' Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Lawrence R. Beeler to the 'position Examiner of Land Use Hearing Examiner to complete the term of office originally Appointment assigned to Jams Magstadt who resigned effective 2/25/77. Term to be- come effective Monday, May 2; following Council confirmation. The letter explained Mr. Beeler is a graduate of the Port Angeles High School and University of Washington, B.A. degree in Architecture and Urban Planning in 1971 , with municipal land use planning:in cities of Mercer Island and ' Bellevue. The letter. noted Mr. Beeler received highest rating among the 12 persons interviewed and requested Council confirmation of thelappoint- ' ment at a beginning salary of $22,000 per year. MOVED BY GRANT, ;SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. HI Upon Council in uiry, Mayor Delaurenti explained the interview processii accomplished by Personnel Director, Finance Director and Administrative A Assistant:_ Upon inquiry as to presence of Council President Perry dur- • ' _ ing interviews, Perry noted :involvement in establishment of Hearing Exami- ner ordinance and assistance with questions: MOTION CARRIED REFERRING 1 ,; APPOINTMENT TO COMMITTEE. (See meeting schedule) 1 , . , j, . IL Recess MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council LL. recessed at 9:02 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. ; Roll Call showed all . d;: Council members present. 1 ,((; 1,,1 OLD BUSINESS . Councilman Grant inquired regarding the Lake Ave. S. property and was ( I . Lake Ave. S. advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that Street Supt. Miller was H ' Property proceeding with demolishing of home in keeping with open space use, private parties .to salvage material to reduce cost to city. Councilman ' Grant cautioned protective measures. Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report Committee Report recommending Council concurrence in request of Melridge, Inc. for abandonment of unnecessary waterline easement and recommending referral Melridge, Inc. to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY BRUCE, 1SECONDED Easement BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke • ' asked for writ en City Attorney 'opinion regarding matter. MOTION CARRIED. Fire Equipment The Public Services Committee report recommended that the City Council Bid Award accept the bid of Western States Fire Apparatus, Inc. (manufactured by Seagrave Fire Apparatus, Inc. ) as follows: enton City Co,unc"1 Y41/4/77 Page 3 'I • Public Hearing';, - Continued Reconsideratio';n MOVED BY PERRY . SECONDED BY 'THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Comprehensive plan MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, PROPERTY -NORTH OF MISTY ;COVE Ripley Lane N.: APARTMENTS BE DESIGNATED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND .THE PROPERTY ' ' KNOWN AS MISTY COVE APARTMENTS BE DESIGNATED AS MEDIUM DENSITY: ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN BY .THE CLERK: ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTED AYE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY? SECONDED BY STREDICKE, 'REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ` Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:03 pm: -Upon reconvening, Rolliwas Called. All Council. Members were present. This beingthe date set .and. proper notices having been posted, pub- PUBLIC HEARINGP P Appeal of lished an mailed according "to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the pub- McLaughlin Rezone lic hearing to consider appeal of the Land Use Hearing Examiner's R-001-77 decision of the William L. McLaughlin Rezone from R-2 to B-1 of property located 'approximately 300 feet north of N.E. 12th Street,. along the easterly edge of the existing power line easement and approximately 100 feet east of N. E. Sunset.Bi.vd. Appeal of the decision for rezone was filed by Dennis G. and. Kathleen Ossenkopi, 3316 N. E. 12th St. , Leslie E. and Iris A. Adams, along with eleven other resident of Monroe Ave. N. E. The letter of protest reasoning was used to arrive at the decision i s charged- arbitrary and a r cou p recommending rezone and listed objections, noting acceptable R-2 uses exist. The protest letter was presented to the City Council on 3/14 along with' HeaOng Examiner's recommendation for 'the rezone from R-2 to B=1 , which records indicated 1/31/77 hearing by the Examiner and 2/22/77 reconsideration due to opposition and additional information. The Planning Department recommended denial of the rezone. Upon inquiry by Council -President Perry, City Attorney Shellan . advised the he ring would be for new evidence only. Leslie Adams, ' 1209 Monroe Av . NE, claimed perjury committed by William McLaughlin at Public Hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner, noting Page 4 of the Examine►ps report, disputing Findings; noting property to be rezoned is lang locked and requested a park. William McLaughlin 10630 SE 176thi requested decision be made without further hearings , McLaughlin explaining moving of buildings and disputed the perjury charges. Rezone MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL' CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. Approved MOVED BY PERRY! SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING EXAMINER (REZONING PROPERTY FROM R-2 TO B-1 ) . Colncil- man Clymer explained intent to abstain from voting due to recent absence due to1illness.": Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Clerk Mead explained letter of protest had been read at the 3/14/77 protect meeting. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired as to covenants to prot i the area and was advised by Councilman Perry of recommended restric- tions. ROLL CALL VOTE: 4-AYE: PERRY., SHINPOCH, BRUCE, GRANT; 2!NO: THORPE AND STREDICKE; ONE ABSTENTION CL YMER. MOTION CARRIED ' APPROVING McLAIJGHLIN REZONE FROM R-2 TO B-1 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE HEARING EXAMINER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER • .THIS ACTION TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Appellants, City Attorney 'Shellan advised recourse was to the court. - i CONSENT AGENDA'' The following .Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to al Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion _unless removed for separate consideration by Council action. Claim for • Claim for Damages was filed for Bennett Paul Slothower, 517 S. 17th, Damages for broken arm due to fall while in Library;-amount of claim undeter- Slothower mined as yet. ,. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. i City-owned Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported information re Councilman Property at �Stredicke' s re guest about City-owned property known as "Well Site No. 7" Aberdeen NE & :located on the northwest corner of Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE 24th St. NE 24th St. The letter reported the City executed an option to purchase the .43 'acres .l0/2/59 and permission -granted to dig a test well to determine supp Y, etc. ;1 Qn 4/29/60 the City, entered . i.nto agreement .to- purchase property for $2,000 and make water service available to certain prop- the well and in 1960 the Waterworks ert of the seller adjacent to site; . d since. y hasbeen so designated s c Utility became a "Classified Utility" and g Rfvv A:441 ArA 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U t$ '} MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 g O CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR Q- O,QlFO SE P1- March 28, 1977 City.Council Renton, Washington Members of the City Council: At last Monday's Council meeting, the Council directed the Administration ". . . to proceed immediately to acquire a small park. . ." in the Glencoe area. Since the Council did not appropriate fundslfor acquisition of a.park site, I assume the Council intended that I attempt to obtain a donation of property from the developer or, failing that, Imake recommendations concerning location and funding of a neighbor- hood park for the Glencoe area. On Tuesday afternon, March 22, Imet with Mr.. Tom McGrath in my office. Mr. McGrath confirmed that, for economic reasons, he and his partners decided to build on the two lots they had1previously considered trading to the City for park purposes. He indicated there was no way the decision could be reversed, although he was aware the City could acquire the property through condemnation. Since it appears the Glencoe developers will not donate property for park purposes at this time, I had asked for staff reports on which to base recommendations concerning alternatives to the Glencoe park as originally proposed. The following recommendations are hereby submitted for Council consideration: 1. In view of the City's financial condition and the park needs of the Glencoe area, the most reasonable action the City could take would be to actively encourage Kind County to speed development of the 8-acre park site adjacent to the Sierra Heights Elementary School. While the. County park would not be as convenient to Glencoe residents as the proposed neighborhood park, it could better serve more age groups with a wider range of recreation facilities than would be possible in the neighborhood park. A concentrated, cooperative effort might result in prompt County action and provide some usable basic facilities within the next few months. 2. Should the Council feel that a neighborhood park would best serve the needs of the Glencoe area, there are a number of alternatives involving use of the City's Utility-owned lots1located on the northwest corner of NE 24th Street and An'acortes Avenue NE. The site is almost the same size -- .43 acres -- as the combined areal of the two lots on Whitman Avenue NE at NE 20th Street; development costs for both sites are approximately the same with then Utility-owned site estimated to cost about $2,000 more than � I f 1 -- .,titon City;Council March 28, 1677 Page 2 the Whitman Avenue site because of the need for sidewalks and fill. The UtilityJowned site could be developed in phases for an estimated total cost of $22,000 excluding the cost of such options as picnic tables and benches: In addition to development costs, the City's Current Fund must acquire ownership of the Utility-owned site. If the Current Fund acquires the property in its present condition, the price would be approximately $13,0001or $6,500 per lot. If the City makes ordinance-required . improvements and short-plats the lots', each lot should be worth $8,500 for a total site value of $17,000. It would be my recommendation that, if the Council wishes to develop a neighborhood park in the Glencoe area at this time, the following actions should be taken: a. The Council's Ways and Means Committee should be requested to recommend to the City Council those appropriations, transfers or credits necessary to effect transfer of the "ownership" of the Utility-owned property to the City's Current Fund. b. The Community Services Committee should meet with Glencoe residents to explore the feasibility of forming a Glencoe Homeowners' Association for the purpose of organizing community participation in construction and, maintenance of the neighborhood park. Donations of time, materials and money -- combined with similar contributions from the City -- could provide a completed, usable park at an earlier date than could be achieved with the City's resources alone. c. If .the above recommendation is unacceptable to the Council, I would recommend that the Council's Ways and Means Committee be requested to find funding to complete park development this year. Experience has shown that phased development of parks usually turns out to be less timely and more expensive than originally planned. If park development is to be completed this year, it will probably be necessary to use sod rather than plant new grass; if sod is used, approximately $2,000 should be added to the cost of development for a new total of apprioximately $24,000. 3. I also 'recommend that the Council carefully consider requiring future developers in the Glencoe area to set aside property for park purposes. It is likely subdivisions will be developed in the Glencoe area in the future and some of the problems encountered in obtaining park property in Glencoe could be avoided if such property is planned for at the beginning of land development activities. I ; 41 Council Members March 28, 1977, Glencoe Park We heartily concur with the Mayor's recommendation relative to open s ace in future subdivisions. Maybe this whole affair will have some positive long-range benefit after all. Respectfully submitted., . Patricia Seymo -Thorpe Chairwoman,Commun[ty Services Committee - i I , PST:pt • II R _ I� , /'''''''''';'''''''''''I'i:"66'''i'''Y'O*- ''''''''''' rjd'i . ''' '' •."MUNICIPAL BUILDING; 200 MILL AVE. SO. REl�TON,WASH. 98055 f : , F, . , 'PLANNING 1)EPA RTM ' T 7.14 o ^' ,,;, °' CHARLES J. DELAURENT.I MAYOR e, pA ,' ::,' 2 3 5-12..5. 5 50 r4lf 1 ' D sEP , - March '2.4, 1977 1 '; TO : Pa•ftri c'l a `M: Seyr�'our-Thorpe 9 : Chairwoman ' Council Community.; Services, Committee,; FROM: Gordon Y . Eri ckseln,','Planning , Director RPLUS CITY• PR PERTY- IN'•GLENCOE. .'SUBDIVISION f , SU RE . i . . At your rlequest, the Planning-' Department ' has prepared the followl� ing information regarding.:-the development. •of a small neighborhood ark . L p - _ _ ?r:. ,ire , - �f corn-rner .o. '' .'',..:,...::':.',..::,..::„. r.'. hwest o , 1 . 7 h e`;'1a 1 t rn apt e'‘•,°.`-s i`t'e ; 1 e�c a'te ,:' N . E. 24th St Anacortes' Ave` ..N E is approximately 'a n d;' 'Hied sit e ' , the same'.size' (-�43acres)'.°as,'.- the: more centra •liz (the two ` lots :+op Whitman: Av'e -:'N:. E�, ..and N . E. 20th .St. '' . owined by Mr.. McGrath) : ; 'The alternative site i s owned , by, Renton s' Uti i ty.,.Division under; the' Public Works' Department and,ywill •be":subject`.to ;acquisition by the city . • - de- rovemen:ts ,'reV'ufred, for.`:';development -i include a s� 1 2. Imp 9 .t o: N:E,:;;,.:.`2 4 t h`.,_;S't;,:: and .curbs , g u t t e r. s ,-' 1; ,,,;.:I wlk adjacent ,:. siidewal ks , sewe1r,' lighting , and 'street . extension "al on,g:' ;`'a Anacortes Ave.. N:E:`';- A- waiver: o:f .improvements alon'g >.; .; % Anacortes could be.',requested 'un•til, ;such time extension ::.,,, ,IL.. , . ., .; '. of Anacortes occurs : `, 3. It may be possibl;'1e.'. to: `explore''-the feasibility of - acquiring an alternate site . east of' the Glencoe Di:v,i.-:';,, . �- : Sion No. 2: and,•south.:'of ::the` MacPherson' s .subdivision ;: : '.j.: :',. ,,,-._(Farrell ' s 'lst Addi'tion) : ; �i .�`'''`:'''':' .a "•t` 1. x i • 1 i. sjr , ` • ti • ; ag Ch'ai trwom ' .Coatr`icil •'C:oMm.muSneyimtyour' hr Services : Commitee_a`n. ' • If- '-Marucnhc• 24,. 1977 •P Two is .. ,- DEVELOPMENT''PHASING- AND'`','MAINTENANCE " COST..:E'STIMATES • , :�L, • The following costs `.are_ to' be' co'n's:,ider'ed,,.as` rough estimates . : . ;The actiial costs will `be'.determined :by the extent of ,improve- ments and the amount of donated• lavor and materials . . PHASE I DEVELOPMENT : Si denial k . (N E 24th St ) :' 8 . 6 sq. `yards` @ $8:00/yd. $ 670.00 ; . Water •Line .to Pro` e`r't.."' L.i.ne: ` • I P Y' ' 1" mter. plus mater'ial's 'and l-ab'or': ' 450.00 Fill Well (required by;: law) : :... ±1;1 cubic yards concrete @ approx. $31/yd•. : ,341 .00 ' Pump •Equipment'. min:`: :3. .hrs,. _'@ $55'/hr. 165.00 i Grading • Cl ear:i n and '+Grubbi.:n 9 9 860 0 000` 0 4 res • @= 2' a r;e 3 c c , d Fi 1'i m fit m b'Grading and 1 n So a 1 � n a e i g �9• ( -. 9 Y.. . • I� required in 1ow': ariea: to north--.`- -':or..;_may.. be able to incorporate , drainage swa'le ' in Sprinkler. System entire .area ,.,,,,.•.,, 18,, 540 sq •.._ ft. @ 25/ft 4,635 • 00 ., - '-Y T i ti a' So 1 o ;�1 p • Lawn Area 9 450 s. ..', ft.. d:ee; 912 00 :` A P 11'4 cubic yards @ $8• . 00 • Berm Area 342 cubic aril's 2 740 0'0. ;' I„ Lawn d @ l 0' Hydroseed, 9,450: sq. t. ' @ .'10/:f.t .:. 945 00 �So,d instale t rr'.= _ 2 835 .00 /f. l .. - 1 i.. I - Patric ia ; t4 5foymour-Thorpe ` `Chairwoman Coun 1:•.. c i 1 C;�mmuni ty Service's Commi•ttee: • March '24 .1977 Page Four MAINTENANCE` Mow Lawn steed Clean-up • 1 . ,.`.• Pruning and Spraying Hater . Vandalism The !Park Department estimates'„that annual maintenance for the proposed facility will be approximately $5 ,000. 00 to $6 ,000 00. JAL :wr • • • 1 . . ` ''''. Se mour-TI pe ,.."'Chair:"-::,.woman f'‘Patricia M• Y Commit .-.,;.',,,','.'.,'-:.,:••: it Co munity .Services ,_f: Caunc � 1,I,I: : 7 .. _ 97 , 4 1 '��� t4' - March 2 9 _ - Pa a Three f . :,;; • S= _ .,2 700 ""cubic. feet" • me 30 ' x 45' xards.' 135 ' tons•„@ • $5.80 (ass u i 100 cubic u • cat pick- p) " �' time) f' roperty'' ,(°a.t this ' ` va . .i .side' 'o :`P : ' �Fenc�n - .:..clone, .f,e'nce ''�g 9uage ! 6 1 ,041 .00 , ].i23 lineal ft �y� '12., Posts @ $15.00 Ci7 .Q0/lin. ft. • 123 lineal ft• :,wood ..fence.. (costs _varY on des1 gn., .,labor', and,:;materials). de eredi n9 $13 , 42•'00 SUg OTAL';: 'O*.HASE thee"s:ub. ,'tot.al:: ;f' sod : is: used , - , could be. .$15 ,432 00 EV EL0PMENT 0 I I D 0 E 0 0 PNAS ;'t $ 1 ,5 Pla Equi •pment. . ------------- ; o n ,1 a b o r' and- Variable :.(depe,n :s up Ex"pe.nse :'eoul d be.-'minimized materials . materi;.als..and ,volunteer by using ��.found� • :' : i labor. -' '',z; La ndCso CstPs ' vari able :d'eh p ' ' t-` o fe ' 1'Yndng Of amoun donated materi l• :r`ound--�c'ove.r,;,• etc 6 ,930 .00. Trees" shr.ubs' : ;9 ; Tre ! ft @: ..$1;.50 62 sq 0 430: 9 O• e 4 'SUB TOTAL ; • :p.HASE;•'1 ::` • , e EVELOPMENT ;, .. PHA.,E III D OPIO M T - $. �. Picnic Table•'. , . �° n Be ch - $.100 ea _ $21 972 00''.. • OPTIONS TOTAL E.XGLUD.IN`G ` the "total:, 'would .c.. 'used, I s 0 is be $23 !'862 00' ., , }, " sCyp P , 4iTST . Renton City Counci 3/21/77 Page 3 . Consent Agenda Continued MacPherson's, Inc. Report submitted by the Hearing Examiner recommended approval , subject Rezone R-009-77 to conditions, for rezone of MacPherson's, In,c.' property located 200 ft. south of NE 23rd St. on west side of Duvall Ave. N.E. (138th Ave. SE) , from General classification district, residential to SR-1 (suburban • residential district) in order to permit subdivision and development of property for 'single family residential purposes. The report noted that public hearing was held by the Land Use Hearing Examiner's office on 2/15/77 and appeal- period expired on 3/1/77. Recommendation: Refer to • Ways and Means Committee. I Consent Agenda 1, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. TARRIED. 1 • CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Stolen Painting; : Letter from Municipal Arts .Commission Chairman, Charmaine Baker, noted Replaced payment to thecity of $195 by insurance carrier for city's claim, for stolen painting"Iiwaco. The letter repor.te.d the artist,. Jess Cauthorn, agreed to replace this work with another from his collection at the replacement value awarded by the insurance company. The letter requested transfer of $1'95 form Cumulative Reserve Account to the ,Arts .Commission budget for replacement painting, also recommending referral to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ',CONCUR . IN REQUEST. CARRIED. LID 300 Sewers Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted final assessment Olympic View H roll, LID 300 in sum *of $75,342.25 and recommended public hearing be set for April 1'I8,1977. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, -COUNCIL CON- CUR IN REQUEST I ND SET-PUBLIC HEARING FOR 4/18/77. CARRIED. i AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells N. , having previously filed complaint with the City' s-.Human Rights & .Affairs Commission. regarding the naming of ;Kiwanis Human Rights Air Park, objected to Council ' s decision 3/8/77 to retain the name fol- lowing the Comn1issions conclusion that in naming the park the city is • condoning discrimination.„ also objecting that she was not notified of Special Council meeting re complaint she filed. Mrs. Vaupel expressed intent to continue observance and checking of Council regarding' city's adherence to adopted' policies. • 1 Monster Kay Johnson, '300 Rainier Ave. N. , thanked Council for support inthe Road RR X' ing Monster Road RR Crossing matter. City Attorney Shellan explained the 3/15/77 hearin held by Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission in Olympia fro 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. allowing industry to present new or different evidence. The city has been asked to prepare brief! re alternate route Grady Way bridge and he suggested an independentlfirm make findings vlith other industries sharing cost, noting flonster; crossing . to remain open in interim. Councilman Stredicke inquired re liability of still dangerous railroad crossing at Monster Road, being advised; by the City Attorney that the city's liability will not be greater thaniit has been, noting negligence on the part of persons involved in previous ' accidents. OLD BUSINESS ' Councilman Grant inquired re reply to communication with McGrath! in connection with exchange of property for Glencoe Park, being adviised by City Attorney Shellan that after unsuccessful attempt to reach Mr. Grath by phoneLcertified letter was sent 3/1.6/77 with no response; Glencoe Park € that in later phone call Mr.' McGrath indicated a change of mind and s i reported there would be no 'exchange of real estate. Chronological events 1 in the attempt! to establish a park in the Glencoe area were discussed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, .000NCIL GO ON RECORD AS WANTING ' 1 A PARK IN THE GLENCOE AREA AND DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED IMMEDI- 1 ATELY TO ACQUIRE A SMALL PARK IN THAT AREA. John Meeko, 2015 Vashon Ave: • 1 N. E. , and Charles Blanton, 2008 Vashon Ave. N.E. favored development of . • ' a park in the Glencoe area and expressed dissapointment at the, loss of the McGrath property. City Attorney Shellan noted need of funding for Ig development of, city property, owned by the Utility Fund, noting State law g prohibits use •of utility property for park .purposes without leasing or payment of fair market value. MOTION CARRIED. . 1 , ,VL I 0 THE CITY OF RENTON ' +t ' � i .,:r` ..:..-:+ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ��(k IN,. T CHARLES J. DELAURENTI r MAYOR • GWEN E. MARSHALL, DIRECTOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT 0�J> D SE PA r March 10, 1')77 I'U: i:0i.`:('ILWOMAN PATRICIA SE:Y IJUR—TIIORPE, CHAIRPERSON, and klEMilER.S 0I'' THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE ERt01: (;WI' !,tAR6HALl.r, FINAINCE I)IRECTOR Illy: McGRATHI GLENCOE PROPERTY EXCHANGE root. the ('onimittee's information, since the city property- has been declared surplus and is no hunger needed for waterworks utility purposes any costs must he covered by gen era l tax fund money. Under State law the Waterworks lit ilit.y cannot .own nor pay for any development., of property that is noI 'beirig used For ut.ilit.y purposes. The State Auditor has ruled on this typre of Iransaction and in the past. refunds have been made to the 1;ti1ity • Departments for what they term " illegal expenditures". In order, to proceed with the exchange of property and the development of a park s i t�. i t wi I�I be necessary for the- Council to find excess money from a tax fund and approm,pri,ate sa id money to the Park Fund, for acquisition and development . I t won Id be my Tee ommeudation this be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for t he i r• rec onimenrla t ion. • • ty Attorney, Cit.yClerk, W.C. Gonnason. • • • PUBLIC WORKS DEPART - V "s''Lc, ca,,�'.� j r/ emu. < WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. ® DI .T0 -,,'� -4i o9 °,' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98b ,ejgF 123 69 10 I co. '._ O,p't(O S E PI°�� • , CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR March 10 , 1977 1 " TO : COUNCILWOMAN PATRICIA SEYMOUR-THORPE , CHAIRPERSON , and MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE I FROM : , WARREN C. GONNASON , PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR . I RE : McGRATH GLENCOE PROPERTY EXCHANGE j After the City Council approved Resolution No. 2083 providing for the property exchange with McGrath in Glencoe Division II and the . City ' s abandoned well site properties , we found that there were certainlprovisions in the resolution that were not acceptable to Mr . McGrath . These are as follows : i 1) Mr . 'McGrath did not feel that he should pay for the policy of title insurance . I 2) He also desired to not be responsible for any costs relative to the conveyance of the properties . 3) Mr . 1McGrath wanted to recover the preliminary costs involved in the preparation of plot plans , construction loan fee , mortgage insurance , and FHA commitment requirements . . We haveiproceeded with the short-plat and the estimate of the cost to finish the city lots to meet city requirements is $5 ,066 . 24 . In order to complete the transaction at this "time , it will be necessary to appropriate funds in the amount of approximately . $7 ,000 to complete the short-plat and to satisfy Mr. McGrath ' s cost in connection with his previous applications to FHA. These tabulated costs a're indicated on the attached memorandum from. Mr. Houghton. We are also attaching a copy of a letter from Mr. McGrath dated February 25 , 1977 . . It is therefore recommended that should you desire to proceed with this exchange , the amount. of $7 ,000 be appropriated by the City ! Cojuncil for this purpose . W 1 % ' ter-c. • cc : Mayor ; City Attorney ; City Clerk ; Del Bennett ; Dick Houghton • i INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date February 16, 1977 TO: Warren C. Gonnason FROM: Richard C. Houghton SUBJECT: Glencoe Lots I talked with T. McGrath and have the costs he wishes to recover on the trade. The cost now to finish the lots the City owns is : $ 5,066.24 Plus recovery costs: 1 ,759. 11 Total Costs $ 6,825.35 Breakdown of McGrath Recovery Costs: Lot 262 Lot 263 Plot Plans 15.00 15.00 Const. Loan Fee 525.75 559.50 Mtg. Ins. 250.35 263. 51 FHA Commitment 65.00 65.00 856. 10 903.01 - $ 1 ,759. 11 (174 I � j I RCH:pmp FEBI5 191' 6ITy of Ri PUDI IC 64.4114 . . . ' McGRATH McGrath Development Corporation. • 10205 N.E.1st • Bellevue,Washington 98004 • (206)455-1367 'I February 25, 1977 • Mr. Dick Houghton Department of Public Works City of Renton P. 0. Box, 9119 Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Houghton, i On November the 4th, 1976, I met with officials of the City of Renton, where it was agree that -we would swap Lots 262 and 263 in the plat of Glencoe, Division II , for two lots cothnonly known as the "well site" contiguous to the plat of Glencoe. The only stipulation was that .we would .be compensated for any costs we had incurred over apd above the basic lot, and that your well site would be platted into two lots. and delivered to us developed to the same stan- dards as (Lots 262 and 263. It is now four months later land we have not made the exchange. The well site lots 'are ,in the same conditi n they were in four months ago. P Construction program, we can no longer we must proceed with our construe p g wait indefi nitely td effect the exchangle of lots and this letter will serve to advise you that unless the exchange can, be effected satisfactorily by. the close of business • on Wednesday,, March 2nd, we will proceed immediately to build two houses on Lots 262 land 263. . _ It is not our intention to be difficult in this matter, infact, I' believe we have been extremely cooperative and I 'm sure you will see .this point of view. However, ; I will still agree to 'purchase the two well site lots from the City for $8,500 each provided they are developed to the identical standards of the I• lots in the Developments of Glencoe II and III. Please cont • act me immediately if there is anything I can do to expedite the exchange' bylWednesday, March the 2nd or to answer any questions which you might have regardpng my position. . . I Sincerely', ' McGRATH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .�""� r. ' i'(4 �� i T. A. McGr 11 . I . TAM:1 a ' . Renton City Council ' , ' 10/25/76 Page14 Council President Stred.i cke inquired red re withholding ordinance_ publ i ca- ' ' tion when recons.ideration''has been indicated. ,',`" Council Councilman Stredicke noted complaints received of large number .of new - President " automobiles bein• g parked in the Burnett Ave. S. public parking lot Stredicke • for full day• by auto dealer, being advised by Mayor Delaurenti that he Inquiries has been investigating the matter' and will be meeting with auto dealer. . Stredicke also inquired of Wells Ave. bridge walkway, being advised by Public Works Director ,that walkway is closed due to structural damage and that plans :for restoration' are being worked on. Stredicke suggested city census be done using students from high schools, such as, government . class.- Administrative Asst.- Custer advised Hazen & Renton Booster Clubs have offered for per capita fee, also. noting Kent Fire Department had . done their census. for 10¢ per head; also noting plan for census in April . • Community Se'r,vicesCouncilwoman Seymour-Thorpe presented Conmiu.nity Services Committee report `,. .Committee Report recommending that two, public hearings be held on' the Community Develop- . , . . Ment Plan,, the .first on ll/T/'76 'and the second on 11/8/76. MOVED BY Community ', PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER,' COUNCIL ' CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION'. CARRIED. Development Plan . 'Upon inquiry.,, Planning Director. .Ericks.on explained broader scope of the Community Development Plan as .opposed to the Housing Assistance' Plan for which hearings set 'last week for same dates. Councilwoman Thorpe advised the hearings meet program grant requirements . ' Burnett Ave. S. Councilwoman Thorpe noted complaints had also, been received on the .:Parking Lot i Burnett Ave.:":. S ,,.parking lot; .noting use of that property in the Commun- ity Services: Committee,'. asking .fer' information regarding same, being 1 advised. city. ias deed. Councilwoman Thorpe reported during meeting with . Sierra Heights:'ar,ea citizens concerning surplus property at •NE 24th, the need for-"stop signs:was` made known for the intersections of; NE 24th ,: Glenco Area St. and :136thISE,� as well',as. NE 24th and Vashon Ave. NE. Staff, person- Stop Signs . ; nel, having,been':present 'at, the meeti ng, Public Works Director Gonnason Requested reported the,:matter.:was 'unde,r:study, that the Police Dept. had been requested to.:►naintai-.n more.'effective enforcement and explained need to coordinate with the county. , MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER' BE' REFERRED TO"THE'MAYOR'S OFFICE AT THE PRESENT TIME FOR REPORT BACK;T,O:'COUNCIL..;.:-CARRIED, Planning & Planning'arid DevelopmentCommittee Chairman Perry presented committee ' - Development 1 report noting,,meeting.with Planning"Commissioner Clark Teegarden 10/21 Committee ReG orli discussing'-s:uggesti ons ' p,resented" at.10/18/76. Counci 1 meeting concerning Examiner and ,i Zoning .Examiner sand Planning,; Commission' Ordinances.. The- report ;stated • ' ' Planning ' i both the• committee and. Commi ssi oner Teegarden agreed to the following l owi ng . Commission recommendations' ,.Tern' of offi ce" for Planning Commissioners - the ' Ordinances committee 'recoimmended-.ththe langu:age 'in the proposed ordinance be ,. retained;: Two,'new .members" ',the 'coMmi ttee recommended that the addi- _ tional two proposed' in-the -planning ordinance be retained. . The 'Liaison 1 committee :—..the Planning and Development Committee recommended' that their . committee-continue to act as liaison' for Council and that" the Commission appoint' i ts;own:-l.i ai soh, committee to;work with the Council .commi!ttee; • that the Planning..'Di.re.cter .and staff and Planning and Development Com- mittee prepare -initial;gui.delines ,for use by the Zoning Examiner; for recon!nendationito='the. Council ; :also recommending ' that the final guide lines be developed ,by •the 'Planning Commission. with liaison with Council, ' 1 presenting then ;first to' the-.Commission and then to Council: for adoption. , The committee and.'Commissioner Teegarden decided that the. matter of the Commission 'acti.ng: as;. clearing ,house on the Examiner was not required. 1 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED. BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN .THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING ci AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Counlwoman Thorpe, Commissioner Teegarden. noted. it was the Mayor's prerogative . ' I reappointment to the commission," however, urged reappointment of,. those terms expi ri ng j 12./31/76. '. T.eegarden noted presence of City Attorney at meeting with Planning 'and' Development Committee and the assurance given • by the Attorney'of• existing constraints making the c,lee_ring 'house require- 1 ment unnecessary. , MOTION CARRIED. ' ' . , _ Resignation ! Letter from 'Coincilman Grant Withdrew his .resignati'or .from the 'City Withdrawn Council which had been' subniitted On October 11 , 1976, explaining'' council procedure with whi ch he Was concerned appears to be resolved and 'Grant pledged to 'work.wi.th al.l 'counci'l .members for the benefit of the public served. The-letter• expressed thanks, for support given. Expressing the belief it was .riot,,necessary, however, MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED Ty MCBETH ' . COUNCIL., / CCEPT'jTHE, COMMUNICATION WIlIIDRAWING RESIGNATION. 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Basedo‘r.i. inpUt from •reside.nts: of,'::-L-4-i'e.'.,ar-ea--,-..-the -committee It-1g,', m ro,r(). .,......:;.,'....,.,:,,,,-;.-...potential la out and - CoSti.Sr.-pbr.:•such. ci.• par,..?-.. si,,ua -- ._ centrally,.. .- . in the Glencoe subdivision :• . - , . . • • „ ,... . „ . ... . .. -.:1"':.'•;r-..o-..,- - 7k-' . t- 4. -• m• ec i•nr_ ''T.,,,itii.',':-:.ilirT•I':•".';.;M-P.'hy'4ra.'..:.'tti,f X .''''',--„-; :1, .:',.',.,:4-r•ldicated wil.1 ingness to `'•-' '' --, 1 • ,.,,...i.„- ,-"•-,t ' ---t:t46--,'.vdornparahle.riots. more central to the• ttade -city ProP7....- , , ,,.;!,,,,,..,, ,,,,,,,,,,..,,,... ,,,,„„, ...... , .,....to__Zee ,-,,_. , 2 Suilldivision. -.-,,,,..,..,.-,-,,,-,.--..„-.,....,,,2.:.-..;,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,...„.,,,,........,,,,..,„.,-J,,,•-:,,,,...., › ,..,., -. - ). The .cOMMite4; :e"C:: ::;1'c'i4,,dk4:.4r(CIUn4..14::aUth9rize, th4-s--t-r—d-e_ :7.1-Er-Li r 1 • • Aommuni. 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' PMST:m.(3. . . 14 . .. . . . ,• . , . • • • • .. ,. . .. ., . .• . . . ., . • , . . • , . . .. .. . , . . .. . . . . • . - . .„ .- . . . . . ,, , . . . . • . .. •. . • , . . . , . , . . .. . . .. . . . , . , , • . . . . ,..., . . . . , . . . . . , .• ... • .. , . . . . , . , .. . . _ . • . • , ... . .. • .. , . , . . . • , . .,...:. • • . . ,,... : ..- • . • A. . . , . . ..• .. . r . 'r ` . 'r '.. •r ' r .. , . . „ j.,. _ , . . ' •• ''• • ' . 'r,. ' ,.. •' , ' •,Th", ' • r r , r. rr •, , . . . ' • ' . ,r;`i.'''..-''',,`",i,‘::r-.,:::',''' ',,T.1;'.,'''''.-:.:-.:'‘I'''''.:.' '..•..,f'.., '.. .• , , . . . '. . r • • • '''. r', ..'. ' •• I • • ,... ,f,f;',• . 4.';• . " : ' • . . ,..,. . , . . ' . . . . , . • ' .. , . . . . . . , , • . . •. . COMMUNITY ,SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . . . . . • -. - . . - . .. ,H ' ...r.,, !NOVEMBER 22, - 1976 . , . _ . . . ., . _ •, . • . . • . 1 . RE: SURPLUS CITY .PROPERTY: IN GLENCOE SUBDIVISION. . The Community ServiteSCOmMiteehas met with residents of the :.,:. ,-,.. • Glencoe ara and Mr. Tom),',Moprath:"Of:, McGrath:Homes to discuss .. : the feasibility of a mini-park Glencoe .area. Based on , , -..- input fromresidentsof -the area, ! the committee has reviewed a . . • potential layout and:coss• for such a;-- park situated more , . centrally in the Gl!prippe.Lsubdivision: . , . ; . . . .. .,-,.. . , .. . 1 At a meeting with Mr. 140qt4th,- he indicated willingness to : . .. ' :. trade city ,property_for two comparable lots more central to the I- . . . . subdivision. ! - . ..... . - „ .,.... . 1 ! • . . . . . , . . .. . . . - . , _ ! The committeerecommendsfAhe - Council authorize this trade in ' .. . properties; and also recpmends.' the Community Services Committee -. ! -. be authorized to proceedpffith Mr.. McGrath and residents of the . . area to complete negotiatipns 't.or,.atrade'and pursue plans for . development. . . . . . . . ... • . . , . 1 • ! ' Ifr-T-.441.:41-44444 Allille")41":" 1 4144246 .. . . , • . . , . . . . . . • . : • .. •. - .,•- .. -• ...' '..• . .• ' 1 . . . . • . . • . . • . . - , . •; • .'. : ,,•.:•,---t!-;-,.--y/z..vif.,:t.,.,-,,,...,;,-,.., i.„,..:.(...... -• . .. . , ,. • • •• . ; . . . • . ChTITTN76man; Patticia M.., SeymOur-Thorpe ! 1 . . . • . .. • . •.. . . . , . • .,. . . . . .., . '...-. ,•-• t \; I . . . i.---: : ' ( ni\ ' . .. .. . : . . • . - . . . . . . .. ,.. . . . . ' ..A.,,,,kv !•\_ . . , . . • . . E.Ei''itfiet: ', - „. • . , . „. .. . -;:•7.77Y"...'' ' :.",/ ,_, ,. • . .:•-"-':.: .-;:•'. - - -,- "• '• - - . • . , . , "....1.......4.,..1,5 ..fi.,• , . . . Tenheth Bruce . . .,,., • . ... -----...." - . . ,. • . .. . , ! .. ..... . . . . , . . , . ; . .. . ,--- • . • " . • . . . . ' PMST:mq - ."... , . ."..- • . • . • . . . . . . . •: , ,.. . . • _ •,.. ., . • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .. • • , , • • . ,..... . . . ... . . . - . . . . „ . - . . .. . . ... . . . . ... . . . . • ..... - . . . . , . . • .,.., . . , : . , ... . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . , - • , . . . „ . ,. ., . , • .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , . . .7. '','''.. . -- ' . ; . ,' ' --' ,'•,-•,--.:,. .:.:,••.:::,,:i,:::: ,,,,:..•: .,.-: :,:. ..":-,-,,,•:'':-,-;.i,l.. :-.:--, : , '": . -- , ,:'. . . • . . , . , . . • - . , , • . -- . . , . .Afenton City Council 1 22/76 Page 4 1 id Business - ;Continued Rolling Hills ' of these- signs in accordance ',with the request of the Rolling .Hil'ls • Traffic Signs ' Homeowners' Assoc. The Public Works, and Transportation Committee did not concur with the Traffic Engineer's and the Public Works Director' s recommendation that signs not be installed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OF SIGNS. CARRIED. . ' ' Finance & Personnel Finance & Personnel Committee Member Perry submitted committee. report Committee Report 1 concurring in` the Mayor's appointment of Vince Lee as Equal Employment . .Appointment of , Opportunity: Offi,cer' for'the City. Letter from Personnel Director Green EEO Officer explained no conflict' exists' if'Vince Lee is EEC officer because of ' . ' his position of grant coordinator and contract administrator and ' 1 there is ' no female or minority available to act as EEO officer.' The letter explained. duties of EEO Officer to, review contractor "compliance . with affirmative action programs as well as the City' s program 'and EEO compliance.' The letter explained the Personnel Director cannot act as EEO officer because of a potential conflict in applicant or employee - . I • discrimination grievances., also noting requirements of the complex field. MOVER BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COM- ' ' MITTEE REPORT CONCURRING 'IN APPOINTMENT. OF EEO OFFICER. 'CARRIED. Community Services f Community Services Committee' Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe submitted cm- _ Committee Report i mittee report. explaining the committee met with residents of the Glencoe area and Tom McGrath of McGrath Homes to discuss feasibility Glencoe Area of a mini-park, that Mr.-McGrath indicated willingness to trade City ' Mini-Park property forltwo comparable lots more centrally located to the, sub- division. :MOVED-BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE COUNCIL HOLD, EXECU- TIVE SESSIONI CARRIED. Council went .into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened, at 9:05 p.m. All Council members were present • ' j at roll calllas previously shown.', MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE' REPORT. ' MOVED BY THORPE, .SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND '•COMMITTEE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: The committee-.recommended ' . the Council uthorize the City Attorney and property owners to' forma- . lize negotiations for final. -presentation to City Council . AMENDMENT , CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS I -''' Council P.resident. Stredicke asked for special attention' from Mayor Bank Parking Lot; and Council to' Harry,,Blenco of First Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. of Renton, South Second;;:and Wells Ave. S. for removal of-old building and beautiful new parking-lot, Upon request of Councilman 'Stredicke, Signs Mayor Del auren`ti a's k'ed Public' Works •Department, Building Division, ! to investigate gns';for.: basement of `building on -NE 4th next to. power line right .of .way .(a';business operation) . . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ;= . ,. . ,,, ,::,, „ Legislation , Legislation Committee Chairman. Clymer presented committee report ,recom- Committee _Report . mending second and .final readingof' an 'ordinance rezoning property . Ordinance e75 ; from R-4 to. L-l., located at: Seneca„Ave. SW and SW 13th S.t. , known as O'Brien Rezone the Rick O'Brien°property rezone: Following reading's', . i t. was "MOVED • Apartments to ' ' BY PERRY, SECONDED BY. BRUCL COUNCIL ADOPT-ORDINANCE' AS',READ. ROLL , Light Industry ' CALL: All Ayes: -:.MOTION CARRIED. .' : „ ' y. Ordinance =3079, The Legislation Committee report„recommended. first, second and final ' CETA Funds i • readings of) an -ordinance appropriating funds in the amount Of $50,025' . Appropriated, from excessirevenue to':Comprehensive Employment Training Expenditure ' budget. Following .first. reading, i t .was MOVED BY CLYMER,- SECONDED BY PERRY,, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED.;. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYME'R, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL'ADOPT ORDINANCE AS. READ. . ROLL CALL: ' 'All. Ayes. MOTION:CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee ,report;recommended first reading of an . Human Rights & ordinance `afinending , the. 'City,' ordinance on human rights and affairs - Affairs relating' to additional-non-discriminatory practices. Following first reading, ' it was MOVED BY 'STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ,'COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: CARRIED: : . First Reading [ The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ' ' Unfair Housing . ordinance amending 'the 'City's -unfair housing practices ordinance Practices relating, to non-discriminatory-•practices. .following ,reading, it was , , MOVED BY CLYMER,. SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE'. BACK TO • . , . THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, CARRIED. •• ' . .11: I t •t" 1.i:1 t 1!I'S ic,ro.c.: , f, : l• L ',.I.l.,11 Li'. .•-:- ,,,„ . . .... . • ' .•1,0 lea se ( plc:- ti,2-,reewiet) ; • deve;Lep anct :naintian v e property . ,;:....:',,,••,•,'.. ',- ,,•,,,,' •A-'' ,-.1 ocated al., IL., E. ...2 ,& Ana.corteL,1 N . . E.., Rent ' VI•?.shint on .. • .,,,./:::;,',',,,•',1,,' .. ??s•„,a• ,ne L--,hljerhood,.. park. , ,,,, ' • ''' .- . • • ...,., • .•. •-., ...,... , . . . . . . ._., . • r:.^,WE 1 . AT)D9T2519 ' •. , . : : , -.• .._____ • -- , / . . . •"7 . .. . - . . . . , ";.7./,,,..„,.,..-. r• i ,Z•Le./..,. .. . . 7 . .1 ' 7-716',._— ': • • . . —sd-71-1d—k---.-• 4.- _. ..-.., -.4, •• . ., . . . --71- '-- . • z ct 7r. ' 2 /—__ ., 1 L . . ., _ ,.. . . . i - 1./ I r ' • . . / D,:, .T....?_:_p) . . ..., , , _____., .. . , • , . . . , . , , . . . . .. . . . . . .. • . • • : • • . . . . , . . ., . . . . •,. . . . . . . •.. .. „ .. ___ ___ . • . , . . . . . . . . ... • .. . . ___ ___________._•____ _______________ n _____ ______ , . . . . • .. . .. .. • , . , • . .. . . . , •, . . .. , . , . ,. • . • , . • • 7.--*---- 1 , I .". • 0•'',' ,,,. , ,' ., ,. , . . , . , , I . . , • ,• ,' ' '. . . . ; i • I • - " "," . , ., , . . 1 ' ':i'l:'',;.'.1. 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CO per year : ••';',.--.-, , in t.3.-rn , --•-.;,., I .--,-; a -id --..,..Hnt•-•-• .-.! th,l.', 1Th-operty f.,.,..: per the 'le,...7,,,e ,;-—• , ,;,4;i ,-;:-; ..: • '',a tr,i F.4 r 2 eti or!, of the City. 1 , . I I . ; -:- . `'. Jne'...- -_-,f th,-1 s. _ joint community effcrt reflect?... . .--,. ••. -• • " '-'-1' '. :::. i-lc-c:,;.•..! ; ..3...., .:e . ,', . • 1 ! . Development of an unsightly andpotentilly dangeros parcel of land.- -,. . Provide a mlloh -neded , off--street play area for the children of the 2.17-e a. ' I 1 , ;•,'- -,-':- 4,....-;•.--it mu ;-..)...1(.-.3 fellow council member a take this r.7'-,'r...'::, 1-g::-:'...r.'a jt..i 0 n .73 nd a d V:1 :"..;'.:' 1.1F. of' -,;•"-0'..!.-r.• r 2 r--...merits . . •.., , .. . '••-•,. • .- ' ...."-- Ver.y t). - 1:-.) ,,,,•-ouri-,./ ..-- . , • : ,,,..7; , ../ • , KING G . PA RIcf.PR :• 7"' , ;:,•-•;. ! • ;; .,_: , • . t' 41//-; , ,...,-, / 4 I(/.. /.,, • ''.., --,-1 ,-- '1,-- 1 9,/,•-•,,-,rs 1-4 • -, : •:r-,-, ._, ,,-, : :r. r :,.. - ' ' : .4 '..."•''; ,. 1,--i;:.;,',..' -cr-Lon ; . .• / 1/ ,// • -------7-- ;''• .• ' ;:-:-.--/ ,, / ./.- . • ..-,. • -- (....-- :• . / . . • . . • . , , a ,Z''s mton City Council I1 , 17/77 Page 2 111 msent Agenda - Continued i Images Claims Claim for _Damages was filed by St. Anthony Parish, 406 S. 4th St. , by ;. Anthony Parish Jerry Parson for damage to restroom flush units, alleging sand in water ;line due to work by!city crews on 7th St. Claim filed in amount ofl$466. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Wallin Claim for Damages w s filed by Jacqueline Wallin, 616 Kirkwood, Kent, in mount of $100.7 ' for damage to auto when striking cement street ; divider, alleging it had been previously dislodged.. Refer to City Attor- ney and Insurance _Carrier. 1 - msent Agenda ,MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA; proved AS 1E-COMMENDED. CARRIED. 1 iRRESPONDENCE AND (CURRENT BUSINESS I 1 177 Cash Flow Letter from Finance .Director, Gwen Marshall , reported that with _the start of. the 1977 budget year, the City Tax Funds have a definite cash flow,, Shortage and suggested .two alternatives : inte.re,st bearing warrants; or Sorrowing from another City Fund, pending receipt of tax monies. The; ©irector's letter recommended that the City borrow from the Street forward Thrust Fund at an interest rate of 42% until 6/30/77 as follows: Current Fund $500,0p0; Library Fund $75,000; Park Fund $200,000; Street Fund $125,000'; total Loan $900,000. Referral to the Legislation Commlittee was also recommended. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR • jIN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- io COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. Finance Director Marshall explained the 'City has accounts receivable in this amount, however, tax non ys will not be received until May or June. MOTION CARRIED. I iimal Control Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 1977 contract renewal, vices relating to animal c �r ontrol services by King County as provided in the, nquiry from City's 1977 budget;. the current animal licenses in Renton expire • ing County 3/3F1/77. The letter noted the- County has attached copy of King County ,Ordinance No. 2869 passed 9/7/76 allowing County residents over age, 65 to urchase pet licenses as of 4/1/77 which are good for the lifetime of the animal . The Cl;erk's letter noted the matter should be referred. .to the Legislation Committee for an amending ordinance if the Council wishes to adopt such a senor citizen program for Renton. The letter further )rnoted the City of S attle issues senior citizen cards which allow, among other things, purchase of animal tags at half price. Seattle animal ) tags for dogs are $15, $10 if altered; cat tag are $11 and $8 if altered. rOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGIS- ; ATION COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND PROPER ORDINANCE IF ADVISABLE. CARRIED. Kecutive Session I OVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEET -IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. ;CARRIED. Executive -session commenced! at 8:35 p.m. • Finance DirectOr;Marshall and Assistant City Attorney Warren were asked to attend. ;,Council reconvened at 8:50 p.m. • Roll Call : All Council members present. 1 LD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairwoman_ Seymour-Thorpe presented committee i Dmnunity Services, report recommending approval of Resolution transferring properties in • ommittee Report / ;,the Glencoe Subdivision: Property owned by the City Utility Dept. will lencoe Park OS 1'be exchanged with two lots of McGrath Homes of equal value for purpose { i ',of establishing a ini park for recreational purposes. MOVED BY GRANT, Y 'SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO THE ' �'�,�,LEG�ISLATION COMMITTEE. , CARRIED. 'roposed Railroad ;Councilman -Stredicle inquired concerning further information other than rossing Closing 11/13 letter on Monster Road bridge crossing, noting hearing. Renton ' onster Road - Ch tuber of Commerce President, Kay Johnson, explained commercial firms • traffic To Use which use access road, two or three firms will be landlocked by ,the a,rady Way Bridge . ,Iprgposed closing. Mr. Johnson noted 'protest filed wit) Washington ; , • Utilities Commission who is studying solution for those firms using 1 ; thoroughfare- 7 Metro, Longacres, Polymir, Black River Quarry, Container ,'Corp. , etc. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE ENTIRE SUBJECT OF MONSTER ROAD CROSSING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPOR- ITATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 'ublic Works ! Public Works and Transportation Committee ChairmanBruce submitted , com- ;ommittee Report- mittee report expl ining meeting with representatives of King County NIP 1/441/ COMMl;Nl1'S' 'I SF:R ICES COMMITTEE REPORT January 17 , 1977 Subject : 1TRANSFER OF PROPERTIES IN GLENCOE SUBDIVISION 1 . The Community Services Committee recommends approval of the following resolution concerning ' !the transfer of properties in the Glencoe 'Subdivision . 1 (5/ Patricia Seymour-Thorpe , Chairwoman (S/ Earl Clymer • Kenneth Bruc cah Attachment 1 1 • I • 1 '\-,, -- ,, . . • , . . . . 1 , . • ',.. - • ' '-"'"::•" '' -IV ii.44. • j. - -. :-,•:-,:.•:.j,-•:..•-,•':--,::',..'-:0-.',: ',-;,.,-. ,.!2,-,'-‘..:'- ','...-.,,-,,,••,-:•.„ , .:..f,.:..-.- : .- . -- . :,--,:,,,-.--:.:.-.i:::':-.;• • • c ' ,::,-".. .:-::,'•1--z:,',4..• . '''''"-:'''': ,''' 4% 1(45 ' • “. .'-':- ''-'-‘.--‘',----i.-• PUBLIC :WORKS DEPARTMENT ..---e ,,,,,,w' „ , • :... ',.,: • WARoEht. C. GONNASON, P.E. 0 DIRECTOR 1 84 a ..., . hoilINICWAL BUILDING 100 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 206 235-2669 , • - 0 ,- , , . . . , 4? 40 - , • ,,„ •. . _. . , , , •• ' -• •Fri s E pi`e.' . . . .., . „ . . . , . . , . , • • . . . , . . . . ., , . „ . . ... .. CHARLES i DELAU ENTI - ' - ; - . -',:.H..: :'--- ' ' ' • -,' ,' : . , • , _ . . . . „ March I() , MAYOR . . „ .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . ., . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , • . - • . • • . i,. • 'i 0 : L,IirXILWOMANTApICIA SEYMOUR7THORPE , CHAIRPERSnN , NII.MPI;R.S. OF. TIIEI CON1lIN T TY SERVICES. C01011 IT)::.E , . • • . , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . .'' • 12P.()M : ' •,',:ARPT.N C . GONNASON 'PU L.N. WORKS. 1):I REcT OR . . . , , • . .„ •.‘, •. .. . . . . RE : MLGRAT11 . GLENCOF.:.1iROPERI\i'' EXCHANGE, . . . „ . .. ... • ,. . . . . . ... , , . . . •,- -. . A f t(.r :thw city council. -api)rore'd Rese.luti on NO . 2083 pro v i ding Foci- . •...., . -, ,... the p rep.).r. y exchange, ,-,‘, 1.. -t a t.,Ac ra n.th i -61 encoe Division I I and the t.-; Ci ty ' ab . andoned well :-•., lye properties ,' we, found that there were • certain provis ions ih ...1,. .1 .- .resol..i.ltiori that were not acceptable to - •M r . NI c G r a th . Th e s e. .-a•r'e' --a$ - f el.:lows : ' .' •„ - . . . , , . . . . . •.,,,,. ,, .. . „ . , . 1 ) Mr . N'Ifc(jr;ith did . not ..,f eel. '-that.• he should .pay for the policy oi it 1 e ins iir ance'. .-.„ . i• „ ' : ..... .-:-... - .:..-..'..: , , . .• . • , . . ,, 2 • 1fe, al so des i red• t0..-.ii3Ot•• 1?,e .reSpons_.i,h-le., for any costs re 1 it ive .. -.., • •. ' ,I , • t o. 1. h e convey;Iiii.:::e-.Y.O.I.','•:t b e'...': 'p r oPe,ri'l e_s'.;."."'-' , . . . • . . ', . .. , . :•-•in. NIL:6 ra t h -Want•e(mto,. ,..7.0.‘Le.•,,rer the pre.l.iminary costs 'Inv°iv t'.,,.I . •i 11' the pit. par atien• ,f..q. .p l'c.)t ,p Lins.;,•"Cons t riliCt ion loan fe , . . . insurane. .,-,'-..;i'Ind'•.,'FIIA , COmmliMent requirements . .. . . .. the , . • ' A,.., ,i a v e• ,i)-,•o•.:eeded - W i'th the:.'Shol.t--•••plat•-_,and n es timate o f.. th,e'•....-cis t , •' inisb the city lcitso,•Aieet . ,city--,requirements :is $ 5 ,966 . 24 . . . , . .. , ., .. ., . , . .... .,, . . ,,,..,.., ........• . . :.•„ . . . . . . , • . . ., , .• , •• . • • .. ...,• -.•. . •... ..„...,,, , _ . .,-. ,. , . . .. . :',- ''-...-': ,'. .::• 1 n o rd e r t o c mi.')1 e t e '.:t hi- '-'1 t r•ins ',AY-tion•''it: this tine , i t 'w i 1.1.-- b e••- , , , neces s a ry t,o app 1.on r.i'a t.e.,';f1;.inds ...in21 the:, amount of approxi.irat.ej , . . . ;:-,. - ,'_', •:. t„•,) c amp i(.' t ,.,.-. t he'. 'She r t,,--.1,i l..,.1t an...I . to.-,Sat is fY Mr . McGr a th ' s • Lost: i 11 - •',, ' '..: oil:lee1. 1On with' l hi s Prie-v i ous:applica t ions to FHA. These tabu 1 costs 'a re i nd i cat ed - 0111 •the at t a ch 'odHmemorandum from Mr . 1-loughtoni. .'(.. are also attaching 4. 1..'.,opy of, a -.1.et ter from Mr . McGrath dated . . Ee b ru a ry ' 2E) ,• 1977 . . .. ,.. ., . ,. • . . . . . , , . . . • r, t i. ,`h,,, r f? Car e' re coiii!iierk,...!e d t.b it •sh Oul(.1 ,yo Cr cle s i r e ',.--.c. p r o c....e-e d ' '- . .,., • \,-.7hani'.,...„: ' t-1---,.- allioulil ,uf,:,0 ,000-be appr'opriated ( rhis pt 'J.-;.,.1;11 c 1 '.. -1 Qr.' r'pose . • , . • . . . • . , . , . . . . . . '. . . . :- --- ' • .. 1 . . ._,- . , . .-,, , , . • •, .- ,,-,_.7.-,_______ , -Ar • . :-.- -,. ,.A.-1-1-;-,,,,,,..,•..-:H. Elerk.•..• fic:g iiennett ; Dicl„HHoughl „-_-_cr. . • , ,. .., , .,., . ., . •. .. . ,--„ .,• -, .. . . . . . . .. .. . • ..4 ' - I i'' ''';:l ,.‘.; . . ,, .. .• ., • . ,,-. ,,. .11 - . . . . , - . . .. . .... , .. , . it./, 1 ' .. . .,• 1, . . : f. • I ," : . • ril I-I 14] CITY OF 11 14.7,N T C.) , . ..,...0 , , kitiNiCIPAL BUIL.DING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON, WASH 9805b 2 i ' a --, wL '4', 1 cri CHARLES ...I DELAURENTI , MAYOR oii GWEN f MARSHALL , Otlik.C. TOR • 6 ..... FINANCE IlitiPARIMEN( . . . . t 0 SERI"' • , . . • ..• •,,-.. r, • . I - .•• . •• • March 10, Vt77 .. , , . . .. . , . • . .. 1 • - . . • . . . . . . . , . • .. . . `t,t I 1..tif OMAN PATH I I 1 A '.7,i...\' 4)1',III—THOR iSE, CIIA I ii-PEILSON, and MEMHERS OF THE COMMEN 1 l'i SERV ICES COMM I 1.TE,E .. , . - . . ...-, Hit ikl: (0.42.'si MARSIIAL,L, 'FINAN( E .1)1 RECTOR • . . . I . . . . . Itl : AictliltA lii til,ENCOE Pitt 1tTY EXI'llANGE ' " . ' • . ... . . . . • .. . . . 1 . . . . . , . . . ..„ . . . . . • r,,, t he Coriimi t i et.'s i n f.ortini t ).on, s i nee the city property has been dee i a 1,,,(1 snri)1 us :, ,• .• - and 1 , no ionger needed foili• waterworks u i i 1 i ty •purposes any costs must be f ,,‘et . f1 13.‘ a4.111 l'il i t a X f nod money• . . . . , • . -- , ' . . . . Hider Slat e law the' Wilt e •Wiliii'li4 11 i I i t y cannot -own nor pay for any deve I opmcv 1 of . • • prove r t y I ha t t s no t he i fig tied fol. tit i 4 i ty purposes. The State Aud 1 t or h,'1.-. I ti I ed 1 hi v pe 0 I' I ransitc t ittt ;.attd t it . t he past refunds have been made t o t ho i - • ., helm rt motif Iii lo i wha t t lie - . te ritt legal expendri t ures". . . -.. • 1 l'i tt rtle r h. II 1'91•4`t'd Wi (11.:'0:1' ;e•Nt'liitnge of';property and i lie de ve 1 opme n 1 o f a 1,,i . . I t.i i I he itecetiAill'Vl .t()l . till. ( (11111(' I 1 I u. 1'mid .excess money from a t i.ix t tent and ' I - .. , • .,. . ,Iii,rodpm*p r 1 it t e ,;it i d mot'est.,Ltfo ,k,Ite, i'it.rit',' rotoi f o r at(In i s.i t I on Eind Aet-e 1 opmt•n ! . , . , ! I t.,,,ot 0 114., 111‘• roi•ommetidit I 4 int i ni:, .It - referred t.o the Ways and Means C';,mtri z t t i•',. I ot- ... lie t i t (.cilli1111Clidil t i(Pli.., • :,!...'• .: '..•'::.:'''' : ', :', ' ; . '-- • • •. . . , , . , , • , ••. , '• • • „ ,,••. •••. -:•• .• . , . . . . , . . . . , r , , ' 0• • • • • , • 1 t.(Y I r : . .' • ,.. ••.,• . :.. ::: r . . .. . • ... .........7 Z..r.‘2..,3 f , i 0' '•• ••• L.:•,.....000......,.00.01000 .,..... • • ' • • •''. '.. '..1 0 I:, .'I' r 1 I,:',. . ( i 01 I I t t.•%..,. (.:•I 1••V ( It 0%, ' tw.,'.,t*,. Gonnason . . • .. , ' • . . . , • ' , . . ' . . , . . , , . . . . • . . .,,, . .. , , , . • ' . . , • . . . . • .. . • , • , r . • \ ' . . . . , . • 1 \ • .. .,,. I I ' ' . ' • , 1 . . I • .. , • . . I •, • . . ' . . • • I . \ . , ,. e . . , , . . , .. ,., • ' ' „. , . l,• I , . . . •. • . . 1 , . . • • . , . . • . . . . . , • I , • . . . " ' ' ' " . '•' ' . ,r . , , . . 4 . • I I e ' . . • . ' . ,, .' . ' .... ' ., . , . ,-.,' • . . • •. i I I • . I • • . 1 ' . .,. „., . ,• I , ,I, . . F . t • • Renton City Council. • REPORT OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE March 14 , 1977 Subject : McGrath Glencoe . Property Exchange The Committee has ,reviewed memoranda dated March 10 from . the Public Works Director and the Finance Director with • regard to the McGrath Glencoe property exchange . I t iG the recommelidation of the Community Sery ices Committee that thei City proceed with the property ' exchange and the• matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for the necessary funding. ' ` — ' ..- . . 14j2e.,,,, . .. - Councilwoman Pa ricia Seymour-mou� pe . • I • ' . Cot.inci_lman Earl -Clymer k / le Councilman :. Attachments (.2Y. . . cah 1 1 Ij Y `MRAT c G H , I I . 1 • McGrath Development Corpor• lion • 10205 N.E.1st • Bellevue,Washington 98004 • (206)455-1367 February '1,25, 1977 . Mr. Dick .Houghton Department of Public Works City of Renton P. 0. Box' 909 9 Renton, Washington 98055 • Dear Mr. Houghton, On November the 4th, 1976, I met with officials of the City of Renton, where , it was agreed that we would swap_ Lots 262 and 263 in the plat of Glencoe, Division II, for two lots commonly known as the "well site" contiguous to the: plat of Glencoe. The only stipulation was that .we would be compensated for any, costs we had incurred over and above the basic lot, and that your well site I,' would be platted into two lots and delivered to us developedrto the same Stan- dards as Lots 262 and 263. . It is nowIfo r months later' and we have not made the exchange. The well site ' lots are in the same .conditin they were in four months ago. As we must proceed with' our construction program, we can no longer wait indefi-: nitely to elect the exchange of lots and this letter will serve to advise you 1 that unless the exchange can be effected satisfactorily by the close of business on Wednesday,) March 2nd, we will proceed immediately to build two houses' on . Lots 262 and 263. • It is not 'our intention to be difficult in this matter, in fact, I believe we . have been [extremelycooperative and I 'm sure you will see this point of view. However, II, will still agree tp purchase the two well site' lots from the City for $8,500, each provided they1are developed to the identical standards of the lots in the Developments of Glencoe II and III. I . Please contact me immediately if there is anything I can do to expedite the exchange by Wednesday, March the 2nd or. to answer any questions which you might have regarding my position. , Sincerely, j McGRATH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION . .1 4G4 • A. T. 'A. McGr -h 1 , TAM:la , ' . 1I INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE I I Date February 16, 1977 TO: Warren C. Gonnason FROM:, Richard C. }oughton SUBJECT: Glencoe Lots • talked with T. McGrath and have the costs he wishes to recover on the trade. The cos now to finish the lots the City owns is: $ 5,066.24 Plus recovery costs: 1 ,759. 11 otal Costs $ 6,825. 35 • Breakdown of McGrath Recovery Costs: Lot 262 Lot 263 Plot Plans 15.00 15.00 Const Loan Fee 525.75 559.50 • Mtg. Ins. 250.35 263.51 FHA Commitment 65.00 65.00 856. 10 903.01 - $ 1 ,759. 11 RCH:pmp • I • • kt4P:ki kJ) FEB 15 191.7