HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavid Rafliff-Solera Vacation Petition (11/12/2020)Solera Vacation Petition STREET VACATION PETITION PROCCESS AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT ’D ) Page 2 of 8 | Rev: 3/2/2020 Section II: Requirements Vacation of a street or public right of way A Street Vacation is a procedure in which the City may relinquish its interests in a street or alley. Upon receipt of an application, the City will determine whether the right-of-way is no longer necessary for public use. Criteria for a vacation The City Council may vacate a street or alley only if the City finds that the vacation is in the public interest; and no property will be denied direct access as a result of the vacation. This summary outlines the procedure of filing a Street Vacation application in the City of Renton. The application packet is designed to obtain all the information necessary to allow the City to make a well - informed decision on your application. The applicant is responsible to agree upon and coordinate with any other property owner who signed the petition in meeting the requirements imposed. A public benefit of a long-term nature must be provided by the vacation. Section III: Submittal Checklist The applicant should contact the Property and Technical Services prior to submitting the street vacation application if there are any questions regarding submittal requirements. Marking an item as “Not Applicable” or “N/A”, without acceptable justification , may result in the submittal being rejected at Intake. The applicant must submit a completed Petition for Street Vacation. Included N/A All Are Required Unless Waived by City Staff ____ Signatures: This petition must be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the part of the right -of-way to be vacated. (Ord. 3635, 6-7-1982) [Note: It is recommended that the petitioner(s) obtain the signatures of all (100%) of the owners whose property abuts the part of the right-of-way to be vacated. It is also recommended that the petitioner work out all potential objections or, at a minimum, identif y areas of concern from abutting property owners prior to the public hearing.] ____ Legal Description labeled as “Exhibit A”: Please attach a full and correct legal description of the right-of-way for which a vacation is requested. The legal description must include the pertinent section, township and range information and must state that the described area is situated in the City of Renton. It should be labeled Exhibit A and be suitable for recording with the final ordinance. ____ Map Exhibits labeled as “Exhibit B”: Please attach the map exhibit of the right -of- way for which a vacation is requested. The Vacation Area Map Exhibit should be labeled Exhibit B and be suitable for recording with the final ordinance. ____ Public Benefit labeled as “Exhibit C”: Please attach a brief explanation of the purpose and long-term public benefit of the requested vacation. ____ Payment: A street vacation filing fee is required as set forth in Section 4-1-180. This fee compensates the City for administrative costs and expenses in the processing, checking and handling of the initial vacation petition. T his fee also includes the publication and posting expense of any notice pertaining to the vacation. (Ord. 4266, 4-16-1990; amd. Ord. 4723, 5-11-1998) X X X X X I STREET VACATION PETITION PROCCESS AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT'D) Section V: Petition To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Dear Mayor and Council Members: We, the undersigned property owners abutting a certain portion of public right-away, respectfully request the vacation of the right-of-way as described on the attached "Exhibit A" and commonly known as: The northeasterly-most portion of NE 11th Street, south of Harrington Place NE and north of Sunset Lane NE, as legally described on the attached Exhibit A and depicted on the map exhibit attached as Exhibit B. (Insert closest cross streets and reference the street name, i.e., NE Bog Street from Bicycle Alley to Slalom Avenue NE.) We request a time and place be fixed when this petition will be heard by the City Council. Of the property owners abutting the area of this petition, 100 % (2/3 or more required) of the lineal frontage have agreed and indicated their joining this petition with their signatures below: Property Owners I Property Ide 7 2 2 7 8 0 1 4 0 5 Signature: •(Fir�igits of your 12-digit property tax account number)c--�l,,l Name: David B. Ratliff, Managing Member of Soler a Manager, LLC Address: 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 City: -· Bellevue State: WA TZip: 98004 Phone: (425) 233-6444 Email: David.Ratliff@DevCoWa.com Property Owners --------�-Property Identification Number: 7 2 2 7 8 0 1 2 3 5\ 'Lj. (r;!� d;g;ts of yo"' 12-d;g;t prnperty tax accooot n,mbecjSignature: Name: David B. Ratliff, Managing Me mber of Soler a Manager, LLC Address: 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 City: Bellevue State: WA I Zip: 98004 Phone: I (425)233-6444 Email: ! 1 David.Ratliff@DevCoWa.com Page 5 of 8 I Rev: 3/2/2020 EXHIBIT A ROAD VACATION DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF 11TH AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN HARRINGTON PLACE NORTHEAST AND SUNSET LANE NORTHEAST, LYING ADJACENT TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF 11 TH AVENUE NORTH AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF 11TH AVENUE NORTH AND THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SUNSET LANE NE (FORMERLY 11 TH PLACE); THENCE NORTH 55°00'24" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID 11TH AVE NORTH, 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 55 °00'24" WEST ALONG SIAD NORTHERLY MARGIN 173.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 84 °10'09" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 31.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 60°07'53", AND ARC DISTANCE OF 33.06 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 54·1 s·o2" EAST, 126.31 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE NORTHEAST, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 84°07'10", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 29.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING AN AREA OF 2,920 SQ. FT., MORE OR LESS. N 1/2, NW 1/4, SEC. 9, TWP. 23N., RGE. SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Axis Survey & Mapping 15241 NE 90TH ST REDMOND, WA 98052 TEL. 425.823-5700 FAX 425.823-6700 www.axismap.com JOB NO. DATE 20-032 11/03/20 DRAWN BY ERM SCALE N/A CHECKED BY ZLN SHEET 1 OF 2 EXHIBIT C Purpose and Long-Term Benefit of Vacation Solera Manager, LLC (“Solera”) owns several parcels of land in the Sunset Area it is in the process of redeveloping. As part of this redevelopment, Solera will need a vacation. Solera envisions bringing new life to this important area of the City with a mixed-use development that will provide new affordable and market rate housing, and complementary commercial space that will foster economic growth in the neighborhood. Exhibit C.1 shows the Solera Master Plan site, including the existing and proposed rights of way that will serve it and connect to existing City streets. The proposed vacation sits near the middle of the Solera project area and would help Solera align the existing street right-of-way with the proposed right-of-way that will connect Harrington Place NE with Sunset Boulevard. This alignment is specifically considered in the December 11, 2018 Hearing Examiner decision on the Solera Master Plan which requires Solera to obtain the requested vacation as a prerequisite to obtain civil construction permits. To accomplish this alignment, Solera proposes to dedicate land on the opposite side of the NE 11th Street right-of-way. The re-aligned street will meet or exceed City code requirements and will provide numerous street improvements. The long term public benefit of this vacation is improved traffic flow, improved traffic safety, and a more easily traversable Sunset Area. This vacation is also consistent with numerous goals and policies stated in the Renton Comprehensive Plan, including goals and policies: T-A; T-1; T-20; T-21; T-24; T-40; and T-69. In addition, this vacation will help Solera bring crucial housing and commercial space to an underutilized area in Renton, thereby helping the City respond to a housing affordability crisis while improving the economic opportunities for Rentonites. Overall, right-of-way dedications for the Solera Master Plan will exceed the area of the requested street vacation. For instance, in addition to the right of way dedicated for the re-alignment of NE 11th Street, Solera will dedicate part of the right of way along Jefferson Ave., as depicted in Exhibit C.1. In doing so, Solera will dedicate more land to the City than it proposes to vacate. Solera requests that Renton, under Renton Municipal Code Section 9-14-5.B., allow the land dedicated by Solera to satisfy the required compensation Solera must provide for this vacation area. / LEGEND PARCEL NO 722780-1660 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY AREA TO BE VACATED EXISTING ROW LINE '\ BLVD � � s1�,."� SOLERA RENTON,WA ROW VACATION EXHIBIT C.1 __J �S' ; �, tf / �'!=�· �/ 0 20 40 80 1 iid'I = 40 feet SHEET SOLERA VACATION PETITION EXHIBIT C.1