HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2021 - Minutes RHS Minutes_022321 Page 1 of 2 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 23, 2021 Attending: Colleen Lenahansen, Laura Clawson, Daryl Delaurenti, Maryann DiPasquale, Amy Gorton, Jessica Kelly, Rhea Kimble, Mike Lennox, Elizabeth Stewart, and Staci VanderPol. Absent: Lynne King Call to Order President Colleen Lenahansen called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. News, Updates, Correspondence Information Museum Director Liz Stewart reviewed the museum reopening plan: 25% capacity (or 15 people at a time), limited hours (Weds. – Fri., 10 am – 4 pm), frequent cleaning, masks required. Liz is not concerned about overcrowding, given our experience in the autumn. Review and approval of minutes Action Item Board President Colleen Lenahansen reviewed the minutes of the January meeting. No changes were needed. • MOTION: Laura Clawson moved to approve the minutes as submitted; Jessica Kelly seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Work session Action Items (1) Update on new bookkeeper: Treasurer Jessica Kelly announced that a subcommittee of the Finance Committee interviewed and hired a new bookkeeper, Brandy Brad ford, to replace long-time bookkeeper Dixie Parker who is moving to Idaho. Brandy will start on March 1, with a month’s overlap with Dixie, so she can help with the transition. Jessica described the process of hiring the new bookkeeper, which included two interviews and a reference check. Brandy will be charging $350 a month. (2) 2020 Year-end Financial Report: Jessica reviewed the 4th quarter financials, submitted with the Board packet. Overall income was marginally better than 2019 (2% increase), but only because of the federal Paycheck Protection Program, EIDL, and pandemic- related grants; grant income was up by 30%. Earned income categories decreased by 60 – 90% over 2019. At $100,680, expenses were 70% of what was budgeted because of eight months of closure. The Public Engagement Coordinator position was held open after April, although the Renton Historical Society rehired the Museum Office Aide furloughed by the City. Overall, pandemic-specific funding and lower operating costs saved the budget. (3) Virtual Annual Meeting: Museum Director Elizabeth Stewart asked trustees to consider whether they wanted to hold a remote Annual Meeting this year in the first week of June. We missed holding an Annual Meeting in 2020 because of COVID-19, so we should consider reintroducing the Renton Historical Society and the Museum to members. By- laws require that we hold a membership meeting annually to introduce the Board and get approval for the slate of officers. RHS Minutes_022321 Page 2 of 2 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 23, 2021 (4) Follow-up on Strategic Planning Retreat: Trustees discussed a draft Strategic Plan that Colleen had circulated, which included three top-level goals with action items under each. Trustees also discussed the committee structure—Executive, Finance, Fundraising / Events, Board Development, Outreach, and Ad Hoc HR Policy Committee—and how to use it more effectively. Colleen will compile suggestions from this discussion and circulate before the next meeting. Mission Moment Information The Mission Moment was postponed to all more time for discussion of the Strategic Plan. Adjournment _____ Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm. Staci VanderPol, Secretary Renton Historical Society