HomeMy WebLinkAboutKing County Records & Elections-Correspondence (1954 -1973) August 28, 1967 King County Election Department Rm. 220, King County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: County Voting Registrations Margaret E. and hobert L. Hunt Gf ntlemen: 8420 Lake Wu. Blvd. S.E., Renton We transmit herewith voting registration cards for the above-captioned which had been listed according to address in our recent annexation. The property, however, is located on Tract 37 which is still a part of the area in King County. W:L11 you please send the Certificates of Registration so that the correction may be confirmed. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmle W. Nelson City Clerk H 1N/dm Elclosures (4) c.: Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Secretary of State 4 • EDWARD J. LOGAN, Superintendent Main 2-5900, Local 4E7 King County Election Department 220 King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington 93104 Sir: The following are the offices to be filled, and the propositions to be voted on, at the Primary and General Elections to be held on September 19th and November 7th, 1967, (If unexpired term is involved, give length of unexpired term): • IIUCII D. BRUCE, Position la HENRY PEDERSEN, Position #4 DAN FOLD, Position #2 BRUCE HUISE, Position #5 • JEANETTE DAHLQUIST, Position #3 GLEN GIANINI, Position Ft6 • PROPOSITION (if any) For PRIMARY - Resolution (or Ordinance) must be filed with this office not later • than August 4th, 1967. For GENERAL - Resolution (or Ordinance) must be filed with this office not later than September 22nd, 1967. • • Clerk or.-Secretary of CITY OF RENTON Address CITY CLERK'S OFFIr'E • RI WON, WAMIINt.duli •,'I Telephone 11 /// , '�'`. '/ s1/ It is essential to fill in and return this form immediately! 0")' PLEASE DO NOT DELAY. t Opt' RA)� O Q ;!9_,i�-7) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON !''L s` CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 0 9 C 94'4 June 16, 1967 nRT CR PIT AL 0� cl/Z 4 j „---_,Ai _., /(11,0-6 Mr. Robert A. Morris King County Auditor ---B2 King County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: C.S. 1713, 1744, PSH 2-RE, 1-RE North Renton Interchange Franchise App. No. 3812 Dear Mr. Morris: , This is to request that affidavits of publishing and posting of Notice of Hearing, in accordance with RCW 47.44.010, as amended by Chapter 70, haws of 1963, be filed with the Washington State Highway Commission pursuant to their letter of you dated June 14, 1967. Please furnish this office a copy of the Affidavits as well for proof in our records of posting and publishing in conformity with the law, five days prior to August 21, 1967, the date set for hearing on the above-captioned application. We thank you for your courtesies in this matter and understand that the expense in connection with the publication is our responsibility. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON ....././e2 2/7 -/),V2-1-e*L-,) A Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk SO 3. IHN/dm --4Z/ — c74- ,4' 1 ' ��/Z i I• I +. 111_, _ !Ili-.11100 ! j l, 111Y0 t 'Mt ' I11-Ii. Ills B gH� r STATE OF WASH I NGTON �: ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION October 9, 1960 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING Vern H. Morris Renton lra shington Dear Sir: The following are registered Voters who should be in the City of Renton: Ryley E. Coy 11617 132nd S. E., Renton I- Wanda Mead 11617 132nd S. E., Renton c/ David Wallace 12608 124th S. E., Renton �- Audrey G. Wroten 12423 132nd S. E., Renton [i Eddie Wroten Jr. 12423 132nd S. E., Renton Please place in correct precinct and notify voters' of same. Enclosed are the voting records of above. Yours very truly, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor by Edward J. L an Superintendent of Elections and Registrations enc cc: Kenneth Gilbert, State Supt. of Elections and Registrations OLD PRECIINCT - HILLCREST . I1111,Cr q,rrlr1 tuuui - _ „qinot1114112•Urlivitty. STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 • s>eia*t-jie� ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION November 12, 1959 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING eV N C9 Elliott The registration files of Precinct, King 'county, .ashington, will he closed to original registration of voters on the 21st day of November, 1959, for the Special :election for Proposed Cascade -Aewer District, to be held on December 22, 1959. In order to vote in the above mentioned. election, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before November 20, 1959. The above mentioned closing date applies to the Special election only. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor p.'✓Y By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and He$stration 14 Robert N. Morris, King County Auditor / Elections and Registration Department. 4K. 220 County-City Building aeattle4, 'Tashin:;ton Dear Sir: tie hereby grant permission for use of the following schools and/or buildings for use as polling-places for the Primary rind General B'leotion to be held on February 11, 1950 and Xnreh 114 1954 with exceptions as noted. In considera,ion, we understand the usual rental will be paid. Location Precinct North Renton liecreation canter, 7t: Ave & Park stt Renton No. 1 Fire Station No. 1, Houser Ws, M St Renton No. 31 Fire Station No. 1, Houeer Wy & St Renton No. 12 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 33 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 14 City Hail, Cedar River Park Renton No. 35 Renton Highlands Fire Station, 9th N & H St Renton No. 22 Renton Highlands Fire Station, 9th N & H St Renton No. 2; 111 Exceptions: AP2ROV D, A1115 0,,tnly -8a�# arwiw; (Oa) City / R.entou BY Clerk or :secretary NOTE: Please sign and return one copy immediately: The second copy: 2. ..,+ is for your records C'^� cal) \f f .i ✓ t- February 13, 1958 C� ' Ke4 d , 227 Robert A. Morris, King County Auditor 220 County-City Bldg. Seattle, Washinrton Attn: rd Logan, Supt. of Elections Dear Ed: Several of the precinct workers failed to return to me the Precinct Signature Poll Books, and I would appreciate your sending them tc me, as I understand they were put in the pouch of supplies and returred tc your office. Namely the ones missing from here are Precincts No. 13, 11, 16 and 26. Enclosed also you will find unofficial returns, wAch I believe should .moo to your office. We have had a large number of inquiries relative to whether or not we would 'lave voting machines in the nener- al ''lection, March llth. Can you answer the question for me? IIIMy thanks and personal regards. Very truly yours, CITY OF RrNTON E. L. Alexander 9.A:gm enc: C; AillillI 5) )( 1 April 2, 1957 King County Auditor Department of Elections and -7 Registrations / 220 County City Bldg. Seattle, Washington Attention: Edward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections Dear Sir: As per your memorandum of March 18, 1957, I hereby certify that the total registered voters is 7,015 as per attached list by precinct. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTON • E. L. Alexander.City Clerk Registrar of Voters for the City of Renton I LAsnjf CoLY 5-) Robert A. Morris, Kiag County Auditor Elections and Registration Department 220 County-City Bldg. / �E Seattle 4, Washington ;7-7 Dear Sir: l'le hereby grant permission for use of the following schools and / or buildings for use as polling-places for the Primary Lleetion, r`eoruary 14, 1956 and ueneral Election to be held on March 13, 1956 and with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we understand the usual rental viill be paid. Location PRECINCT City Garage, .:,11,a^�s St. & let AV. No. Renton No. 2 City 1 11, Cedar River Renton No. 13 City Hail, Cedar River Pcenton No. 14 City Halls Cedar River .Menton No, 15 Fire Station, No. 1, Houser Wy. & Mill St. Renton No. 11 Fire Station, No. 1 Renton No. 12 North Renton Recreation Center, 7th Av.&PazatJt. Renton No. 1 Fenton Highlands Fire Station, 9th No. & 8th St. Renton No. 22 Fenton Highlands fire Station, 9th No. & 8th at, Renton No. 25 nton Highlands Adminiutra t ion Bldg. 802 E. St. Renton No. 1b Renton Highlands Administration Bldg. 802 E. St. Renton No. 17 Renton Highlands Administration Bldg. 802 E. St. Menton No. 1.8 APPROVED, King County District (OR) City of Torn of By _ Clerk or secretary NOTE: Please sign and return one copy immediately: The second copy is for your records. ;li fig , E ri ' " 'k I' lIloil''/10 til 'il -- _ 1,, 64.....; m ,,, w fii 4 ;'wi ii i i I I min _ I I 1 r' ' �_lei witty liTr � T�1 L II I , �� . � uT► STATE OF WASHINGTON4 � I _ IC t -- • Sea t�li ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 22C COUNTY-CITY BUILDING June 1, 1956 CITY OF RENTON The apportionment of expenses for the elections held on Februaryl4th and March 13th, 1956 , as provided for in R.C. W. 29. 04. 020, has been made by this office. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County Current Expense Fund by the County Treasurer. This notice is given should you desire to enter this amount on your • Iec'.ger. Your pro-rated share of the election cost is: $3, 338. 78 Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor '..----19-)-N-11"-P -\\, --gPc744-`'b By Edward J Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration DFCE VED LISTS IQ h - 195R Cancellation of voter's Pepistrati ons Filed under Washinv,ton State - Secretary ' of State. / 6e- -g( e — ' /- off o 2 —L/ i 9 -- 0r -b 6 — o� r /7* L'r o // — 9 (13 o L/ -_s // �' —/ aitoVDNr1t.. r-1c} rir} is (Ari LC) t) Ca w cvU) ecisw " M to co C3 C)1 0 0 0 Cs/ ' c0 H 'r1 x-l' to 0 117 C:U V) Nt V) t` ct v- ri rl ri ri r1 ri r1 ri r1 ri ri r i r-i ri ri ri r- r-1 .-i ri ri r-1 tG l\l CQ CC) Cat r l � a) riLam• CD u} r} w CC1 riCv tC t(j � CQC1i C) `d' CO �. r-1 r-1 1-1 1-1 rl r i tot ri EU r1 to tit ri ri ri tit r! ri 4) ri 14‘. ri (AtOtom, a t` rt0 .tttajNU) (AUlV) Gt•• V' tiUCifCUuIriCD VD , 4 (I) LC) s-i ri r-{ N 0-1 Cu VD t` "J CO rA QJ CI) r-1 UT) h1 r1 44' V) H cr} lit to CifNCQr-iriC11r-1rlrarir-ir-Irlr1CQNC11COrir10/ CatWriCQ ri r\ lRE6iVERER VOTER-S _ 1iCT )/111. 41 1 1i( l ti'l '0/a '/,w',1 1/06, v/ ! .-, 07sv D A: 4 "s- \ . 1 ?red'Ali/�o loop ion 36.s ,361 363 /y9 377 3.71 l 37/ ,,S-0 " 7 -5).L 19s "34' 39s' /0 3 1t l 3 39-o $3g /3 , 33+1 3§Q II. 33y if 4 94 a'z ) 9.7 210 30'2, IV 2,fo z ig S' 170 .. 17e' _ .11 _ !7o /k'v . re. . . /6,7 I 11.. 4 8g A8 . &t. /07 AO 99 / I' 7 t 7 7 7 297 3.91 /9/ lid, 3or lio . G } 37 S 3o4 c'I 3oo /1)3 kP ,S 3,9Y -3 Y I fM 9 a f3 2-4 3 /® / vo ,s-e i e 2.1/o I b0 /0 254 Jpi .. // 1'/i .4Y Al 2-yo IV // R3�' a3 /07 �a3 �30 xaz. ILy l gt 3 ?i,3 /, 9 14' 1''i 2- Ly /V ;u/3 I FY /3 2 4.3 1'8 2s-7 sue/ �yo o14 ,I.,, ' .239 / S y it oo --1,q S g-s' ?o�- 3,s' It 3 :moo / $S' 1, -, .. 29-. a9s 291.1 //. D _ s1 1, 397_ IC, aim , ff. /4 3/0 310 3)2 ) ya. 3io 1 37i / ' 3-7 9.ot 17 3o/ 2,9 $ /y7 j92 >03 II 2,3 ),C., lg 0 90 33Lr 3 ilk / -6 33r 3.yy 7 ✓ '333 y,1-0 Iy c?s -3)4 3�2 f63 3s3 331c /4 3i9 2. 37 Ad. 19+1tl0 . .. .rk '4')' /31/ . lG _ /V3 1 04_ 2/ 2.S`4 2s'7 7. -(f t3 I// ).- 7 ,.I Atg' s itb 22 .Y .5"3 3,f3 3.r4- /3a/ 32a- 38.Y Y 1?v 7 (.` A3 a 7R -1.71 1 yS/- Air t4' I y )41 .),y 4 3Rg 3?--- / 3o 337 3 '77 I/O 3.1/ i? Z6. /t o 1 , 0 7q .. 170 /2V_ I' 170 /.3i_ 24 3*5 3,1-7 / (/ 31 ,ss' 1 31/7 a34 To'ru�s 7364 733T 733* 3/7? 0r 41 - 7m., 773N c L 727 i,, iiA o7o -0 7o•7 I ,3.7J' . /Sd' 2 - c y y �o� a 3 - .4'4/ 6— /22 ��_ 377 — �99i, 2— dos' 076- - Icy e._ Jo - 3SS /a- a� / — a6 /y 3 asp /S - 30 ? 16 — .3.2 dP / Icr_ ems/ /9— 33d `.1 I I 4 NUMBER OF R ;^IST1 R"D VOTERS BY ice?FCTNCT-----CITY OF RENTON, PS OF OCTOB R 22, 195e PRT,CINCT NO. iNJMPFR P..ErITS tERF) P"4t'CINCT NO. /('MBi R Pr^TSTFRFD 1 • 378 1l4. -_--325 2 345 15 307 3 31:9 16 328 302 17 303 5 182 18 354 6 299 19 338 7 308 20 158 8 308 21 267 9 258 22 38t 10 262 23 284 11 231 2h 377 12 262 27 174 13 266 26 ' 355 7701: Total Certified by, E.L. Alexander, Registrar of Voters City of Renton, 'Jashin?ton CU O o?.S� /6 O — /6) .7c4 V ____ 7/ /70 —?cfcis 7 — c=297 /0 ,Ps a 9 9 c=? ,2 /9 - 3a // / 0 � 63 d - /a — o? 7 / - /5 -263 a � /5 /6 _ 2/0 ,30 /' /9 /09 72 4, c / / / 7,7 7 7 /07 . /7/ /o j /0 / 42,// /0 7 /6— i/o /6. /'/b /7 1 /7 /66 / /G.3 �v s7 / Ja d 3 ,1`_ a `� / 3o a -� 79 30-1 -Tr,r,. .,_. �q9 c. /9,c6 i ;sTrav7 ?nc,o ref- i/Y-c = 83y/� `' = 3-9,ti 7 I ,Jii1/4G = 7072 2 iA9s" ,iYrigr. l%/�G -. 83 0 ),rn3/4'7= 76 y //—/5.-J-6 /I'IC-s-‘ V//17 14C.443 e4 tie ell et-io*s T"fr 7 PYQti/eel- At,ea iv t '1 3alance I 344, 4 314 i 3`1-o , s 2 3g3 321 { 3 333 ' 33 1 )1 4 217' . 3 i?..94 29� 5 1 G 7 I ! /66= 6 a 5 o I 479 Aio , 7 28 3 if3 . 8 2So 4 7' 274 9 44 I 243 V3 /0 234 4 R 5o I ;744" // 242 . .. ,742,, , M 264 G4 13 R 52 ., Asi- , . /4 291 )91 . . . 1.5' . .$.a ? 2 to I& 3/ 0 X 311C 304 - 17 AS to 296 , 18 33 1 13 I . /9 3R3 I 3?4 3A / 20 1 / 7 115 //i a/ — ' i3 3+1 - 215 ,24g Z4. 314 314 2.3 241 ;39 4 294 3 29I ;3ii . 1J3J 1132 26 '333 '33 3 7672 34 7040 7c/5" . l ;,-;Wt Y i,6 IV Sic 0--r---c' Cc) , lhbeDt ca i es _ , ,Ya•, w,., , . ( a g.7- -.r. ) • 16, )3 )V 5?--nry .0-i-.-r 1-) i_.._ /a/,/JZ i0/17/S c, /o/s f/i '��7�%/J G /0��-c I// 7 46 Xe// /S -��/ //-G '5'� I 387 jig 3eli- 38-3 . cYyG 299 Is,7 % Z � , .3G ( 3` I 3,13 2g.v g°- 7 3 373 3t7 3( 7 3 (06. 333 2b 77. 7i + 3 3T 334, 33(e A97 ,-/i0' 7/. 7 ' 5 193 igi3 ) 13 /( 7 /y� 7%.,3 (e 31/ 7 3y4, 33 /r 34/ :Z3-o , .g,i / I C,i'. 7 7 7 3 14, 3/ / ail 3.J - 3 2' '/ i0, % B Z i 31 3 „ 3/.s' it) a A 6 7( `t 9 2,9 0 a 9 / -2 19 A zi-i .o y 70 r` /c' 303 3o3 30/ 2.;4 ./ 7 `ia /l 8 �1,1 a 9 -29 Z a/2 (• /4 A 97 2.9s' a. - aC4 2a.a' 77 A 13 3•%4 3A7 .. 3;2 3x i ,?.5'2, 19p GD fv 14 4 03 3/lS .. . 3(4 s `7 / , 39 (o la AD 347 v� 333" 334,, 33 3 AfZ- ._._ 2a^3--- 26"5T, . 3 g- 1 3 go 377 .. 377 37.)'. 0 /0 .?J^� (og,fc /7 33d 3d, gv 3) >- 320 31 g' , 2.96 �J b 7k•S I 3(- 3(, 3c, / 3.3 / .i' 7 - e., ( e // 3 (.,9 34-7 3s)7 ; 3,3 „ a3 77 77_ 7 x 4c l9ii-_ 110 / if` l8'.7 . j / 7 f/ 4/3. 5( !R I 0 0.s ti 4 7 49-7 v 2,0 , ;?,S'3 / 4, 3 3'. 2R 3 )9 A-rtO"'"!// 3, t 3 / 3ac2 4,ir 3 /<f a2i q7, K 23 a 7S al 3 a7 _ .2-0 . .g%/ a/,Y''. 70• X 24 43 7 10-/ 4 2 l A- ( . A 9 4 a a Y S*3 >C . c'o / 33 / 33 / 34 /33 ._ I °7 . qQ' at, 3 ��- _ -_ 3v. 34s 7 333 .299 16 I1 .SS9 - 4 WI _ 13 e - 17i + 9 _x3 . o4/may.1_ 707z -1 _ . s 7 73_. �o gy, z t d �:i111 1i� 1, f 1 lft'HI a ir.N .,.,00, t-loll 1 p1Qi • s1iII, 0,:iii, .: ! i!i ; 2hlZY _ __ - Rtu _ _ t -,_ a j STATE, OF WASHINGTON N ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS A REGISTRATION ,,v004'.0.4r I t, 1993 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING 770 ' . f- TO CI?/ AXD TO4 i;Lt41,4 Al 'MI& e..Dmoo i.,e knowin-0, t.:s numbor 01 rogistered Y a'.:+41 in sash preein t sins t:. eloiin; 42s „• of Oct sr 3, 1930. A soon as your oevat is a i*plstS kin kin4ly notify ns. ?banking ;.e, for your Courtesy in v,is matter, we route Vory truly `, .. '-. rt s Korris ruing 4*t r7 akiitIr Cotkv.11-4--c-P ) , ;42(T,--",,- ,..gird J. Logan aci,erintecuent of 'legations nd iagistr4aon ..—,-• vr —� a ti , WIPER 0x' RE1ISTERED VOTERS BY PRI,'CTNCT------CITT OF R" 7fl ;, WAS''V TON AS CF A UST 11, 1958 Ft''CTNCT NO. NUME'FR RErl STr'RED PRECINCT W). P1n*'ER RErISMED 1 350 14 309 2 325 15 291 3 340 16 310 4 292 17 294 5 169 18 340 6 2 74 19 325 7 296 20 123 1 8 298 21 246 9 248 22 339 :Lo 251 23 256 11 240 2/1 314 12 266 25 151 13 262 26 340 7249 Total Certified by, E. T.. AT,^XANDER• Registrar of Voters City of Renton, kWr^ in- ton j 11 0 _,--- Y . Robert A. Morris , King County Auditor Election and Registration Department 220 Cc;<inty-City Building Seatti, 4, Washington Dear Sir: We hereby grant perm.issian for use of the following schools and/or buildings for use as polling--places for the �s 2e�ti�ls var,i . 9,195 to be he1tn ` and lootien with exceptions as nottar. TA 195o consideration, weunderstand the usual rental will be paid. Location Precinct North Renton Recreation Center 7th Av &Park St Renton No. I biro Stations Houser Wy & Mill St Renton No. 11 Fire ",Cation, Rouser . y & Mill St Renton No. 12 City 'tali, Cedar River Park :von•eon No. 13 City ;'-Tall, Cedar River Park Renton No. lI City '-Tall, Cedar .River Park Renton: No. 15 Renton Highlands Fire 5tation 9th N & 8th St Renton No. 22 Rentonlands Fire Station 9th N & 8th St Renton No. 25 AP4 RCMED9 Ring County District OF2 Cit r T wn of xxxxx SOton By Clerk or Secretary 11C''u Please sign and return one copy immediLatelyt 'die second co73r is for vow:. record: 0 :-,/ii,' t r?Iti1iitii LLL — ' l i i �L -IA 1`Z 2 iiilp�q� dp I��,��� ' I I i II I I I I I �'� z - r I I'Ni'pq—" ��pl �JI''�!�+I' STATE OF WASHINGTON z IL ' - . •> IS-at*h ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J. LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING September 26, 1958 TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: The registration files of all King County Precincts will be closed against original registration of voters on October 4, 1958, for the General and Special Elections to be held on November 4, 1958. In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before October 3, 1958. However, if City or Town Clerks wish to have their offices remain open on Saturday, October 4th, they ' can legally accept registra- tions on that date. We suggest that all City and Town Clerks accept registrations on October 4th. Likewise, if rural Registrars are available and willing to register on October 4th, they also may accept registrations on that date. We knew that there are some people who cannot get to either the city or town hall, or the rural Registrars home, because of illness or physical disability, If you know of any such person, we suggest that you make every effort to register that person at his or her home. If you do not find it convenient to do so, please notify this office of the name and address of such person, and we will see that they are registered for the coming election. Rural Registrars are requested to inventory their registration supplies and notify us immediately if they need additional supplies because, in the past, many Registrars have waited until their supplies were exhausted, and it was virtually impossible to get the supplies to them in time. The Registrars are also requested to transmit their completed registrations daily and immediately following the closing date. Registrations will re-open on November 5th, 1958. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Audi or By Edward J. L'ogan Superintendent of Elections & Registration Au-ust 90, 1958 rdward Lo an, ~uperintendent u of rle cti ons 2^0 County City n].dg. Seattle, Washing-ton Dear sirs Fnclosed you will find a certi+'ied copy of Ordinance "1691 of the City of Renton as passed and aporoved by the Benton City Ccq- cil at +.heir regular rieetin- of August 19, 1958. The Ordinance proqid©s for two (2) propositions to be placed on the Yovenher ballot, and I believe is self-explanatory. row- ever, should you de-ire more information do not hesitate to let me know as we are quite anxious that no slip-up occurs that would ;prevent them from heinr put on t` a i''ovemher 1!th ballot. Thanking you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, CITY 0 F Rr"T'?N E.L. Alexander, City Clork FLA;rm cc: City Attorney i 6 ;i''"/10, j/ tint '`A 1 , f iIf!!u�a 0:,, [ 0l0ns-; . ![I it 00 I > � �. _ i9Auu oil 1[�� aaa r 9111�L1111_ HIII- $ , r11 i 1T ii III . s : . + nt� �`_Li Z � y e . ____,__ i JI i v .J.11.1. 1 I.4. ;I,I �'`. STATE OF WASHINGTON I ZC;NE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT DEPARTMENT 0 ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING August 4, 1958 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Please notify us as to the number of registered voters in each precinct. We would appreciate this information immediately following the closing date on Aigust 9, 1958. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor Cc . _Q...4.,46. 9 , v--- eA J By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration 49r P' Ill�rel Id. I11i i�- Kill 0:0 i r �� , i3177, 1Ii! *�' I'BVVIUYFFH+1111 11 JINi-'-I111I111 i'rl�L STATE O F WA S H I N GTO N ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J. LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING June 1, 1958 CITY OF RENTON The apportionment of expenses for the elections held on February 11th and March 11th, 1958 , as provided for in RCW 29. 04. 020, has been made by this office. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County Current Expense Fund by the County Treasurer. This notice is given should you desire to enter this amount on your ledger. Your pro-rated share of the election cost is: 4, 2, 356. 70 Very truly yours Robert A. Morris King County Auditor /f.-416-1-'"e"-"9 ;• %1)671"*- By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration e jl/ld Primary $1, 870. 05 General 486. 65 1 "ebrua ry 25, 1958 Robert A. Morris, King Lounty Auditor 220 County-City Building Sea tie, Washington Attn: E. Loran, Supt. of Elections Dear Sir: The registered voters in the general E1e-tion for the City of Renton are hereby certified as beinj' 7,09li, located in the following: Precinct #1 ---- 3113 #11, ---- 302 #2 ---- 314 #15 ---- 280 #3 ---- 335 #16 ---- 305 ---- 293 #17 ---- 289 #5 ---- 164 #18 ---- 329 #6 ---- 275 #19 ---- 329 #7 ---- 289 #20 ---- 115 #8 ---- 285 #21 ---- 244 #9 ---- 243 #22 ---- 320 #10---- 21.7 #23 ---- 20 #11----; tl #211 ---- 308 #12--- 263 #25 ---- 143 #13---. 204 #26 ---- 337 Total 7,0914 Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON E. L. Alexander, City Clerk ELA_:nm 0 J Aii." ;::--7.-,-----1 00, �� , I'nn I�1IB , two_ 1 I=_.Fes:IIli°1 Iji �_ li:i i ��� �7 WIIIIII �. tirit 7. iQ Try- ,I 1II1 III i 'Neill V lP9 ri i19li-01 � �- STATE OF WASHINGTON IJ ice- lit.� ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING February 25, [958 TO ALL CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Kindly notify our office, as soon as possible, after February 25th, 1958, of the number of registered voters in each precinct of your city or town. Please send the number of registrations shown on your records as of the above-mentioned date. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor 41,:cola._..,-6.—A...-4Q. cke--;42--0-j By Edward J. Lclgan Superintendent of Elections and Registration I'1iiii �P����, ke'•` 01,1 41111ff 111101 [> nil a rntlrt� tit hu paIAI L Henn 1 Ma ' kill .leenna �Y 1 it r: 1 )(Z i i R I t V own I `Tnr �� ��Wil.lIlI[I ` ll-III..; Mr' STATE OF WASHINGTON ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING January 16, 1958 TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TO N CLERKS: The registration files of all king County Precincts will be .closed .against. original registration of voters on February 8, 1958, for the General and Special Elections to be held on March 11, 1958. In order to vote at said elections all persons not now registered are required to register on or before February 7, 1958. However, if City or Town Clerks wish to have their offices remain open on Saturday, February 8th, they can legally accept registrations on that day. Likewise, if rural Registrars are available and willing to register on February 8th, they also may accept registrations on that date. Rural Registrars are requested to transmit their completed registrations immediately following the closing date. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor (o J ceJ e1G 4-.✓ By Edward J. Loga superintendent of Elections and Registrations i�1111; i41111 taljjtttti igp i 0111 11E I- I,1 I IIIILIIIIW Ui11 II�I�IIF� ss■�1liq; K iZ 0_ ___ Z �`Z,____' 111111111111 ;1l{II il1! g [iUlllll rffi I IIQIt11 s )a STATE OF WASHINGTON ,bil— i' u p 'Pi it r I S>eat t1>e ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION December 30, 1957 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING Mr. Elton Alexander City Clerk Renton, Washington Dear Sir: The registration files of the City of Renton will be closed against original registration of voters on January 11, 1958, for the Primary Election to be held on February 11, 1958. In order to vote in said election, all persons not now reg- istered are required to register on or before January 10, 1958. The above closing date applies to the Primary Election only. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Aud'tor fi>CA ' A r''" ift By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration L April 29, 1957 Office of King County Assessor County-City Bldg. Seattle, W'ashington Attention: A. J. Steen Dear Sir: Inclosed are tto Resolutions covering Deed of Dedications recently completed for the City of Renton. These are being for- warded for your information. Yours very truly, THE CITY OF RENTON Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk njf 2 Incls. CoPY Apr1 29, 1957 ring County Supt. of Elections County-City Bld;,,. Seattle, Wash;n ;.;n Attention: Mr. Ed Logan Gentlemen: Inclosed herewith is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 1609, annexing certain territory to the City of Renton. Yours very truly, THE CITY OF RENTON Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk njf Incl. 0 tii1 iriiiii III A tip„ „eta aoeli 11i 111111! iIt Q [i al: 1 1111 41 n111, n' rung ri ill 1 it Il 1"1-1a; Ici LA; !j;(Z 11 iZ *Y iN,'I_ I tog_ STATE OF WA S H I N GTO N ZONE 4 OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR December 6, 1956 M. J. R.WILLIAMS CHIEF DEPUTY Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Sir: If you wish enclosed City of Renton Ordinances No. 1579 and 1580 recorded in this office, kindly return them with recording fee of $3.50. Fee is $1.75 for each recording. Very truly yours, ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor t ti ByYfi a() t M. J. . illiams, mjrw/b Chief puty enclosures November 30, 1956 Robert A. Morris King County Auditor County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: To complete information to be furnished by this office to the Secretary of State, we are required to complete a form, copy attached, and return it together with our report. Under the circumstances, and the inconvenience of the loca- tion of our two offices, we respectfully request that you complete the attached form and return sauce to the undersigned at your earl- iest convenience to enable us to oomplete our information and forme and forward sane to the Secretary of State. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, we remain, Very truly, Ti E CITY OF RENTO!T Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk ms Encl. 94 /h E Q - , October 2',1956 5'r. Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections 220 County-City Pldg. Seattle, Wn. Dear `'ir: The fol owing is a list of the nmher of registered voters in each Precinct in the City of Renton, as of October 22,1956. 1- 384 14- 396 2- 361 15» 33h 3- 367 16- 377 � - 336 17- 320 5- 193 18- 361 6- 341 19- 357 7- 311 20.. 139 8- 315 21- 1i74 * 9- 291 22- 321 10- 301 23- 272 11- 279 214- 421 12- 295 25- 13h 13- 329 26- 3h5 Total om MO- * There will he 2.1.3 Cancellations in Precinct 21 if the registered voters Ancerned who have not voted since November 1952 do not vote Novernh.r 6,1956. Yours truly, CITY' OF REUTO; .T . Alexander, City Clerk ELA:jt A III ,* ky +C-'44''-:z.,,„ 0I u !AIqc IY ,t �. # .r.r III 1pliI0 I Jik1fJF ',n I� 11IIIPiI' uoritYuII1141 i] l i rtllne n • ---Y- rit tiWij I3 Idi;1;;i?: p ulili i ; II ii.n nna„ §1(� STATE OF WASHINGTON ``1 f. 3 , ,Si **lt ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT DEPARTMENT or ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION CESESEEIREESSaMSEi 220 :OUNTY-CITY BUILDING October 18, 1956 "" TC ALL CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Please notify us of the total number of registered voters, by precinct, as of October 22, 1956. Thank you. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor && ........1 4„.✓ By Edward J Logan S uperintendent of Elections and Registration October 9, 1956 allbert A. ::orris King County Auditor C .y-Cityi3u :Lding Seattle a 4, +Washington and islpi S. Stacy, County Assessor County-City Duilding Seattle 4, Washington Attn: :"r. Ant hoagr Steen Asst. County Assessor Gentlemen: We aro enclosing a certified awe City of Renton Ordinance ' ►. 1567, "An Ordinance of the City of Denten, Tashington, annexing certain territory to the City of won, Wse gton, as provided by State Lary. This property is more g nsril]y dwssabsd Lots 210, 211 and 21,3, it C. D. ia.11raan's Lake �1ashington C as,Cardin of Tracts, adjacent to the met of 116th Avenue S.B., bound on the north b® 1{6th Street and o,.. the south by S.E. 112th Street. Ordinsmse lo. 1'' ryas passed and cowed on September 25, 1956 and publish:A oar:0171g to law on October 4, 1956. This for ;'our info:n atio A. These copies are in addition to the oepdea tbrw rdsd to ;you through the King County Commissioners under our letter this date. Vez7 tru3,-r, T°tg CITY OF REIM :iton A1eucarrcler, City Clerk October 9, 1956 Robert A. Morris King County Auditor County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: To complete information to be i'w'n .s icd by this office to the Secretary of State, we are required to couplets a form, copy attached, and return it together with our report. Under the circumstances, and the inconvenience of the location of our two offices, we respectfully request that you complete the attached form and return same to the undersigned at your earliest convenience to enable us to complete our information and forms and forward same to the Secretary- of State. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, we remain, Very truly, THE CITY OF RENTON Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk ms Encl.. �c�� aJ a') (Hackman Annexation) -+50 EARL COE SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE (Chapter 248, Laws of 1951 Date: October 4, 1956 we, JAMES L. HIGHTON, CITY ENGINEER and co hereby certify that on the 4th day of October, 1956 we counted the dwelling traits in the area described as follows: (in general0 f"That portion of the south- east corner of Section 5, Township 23, Range 5, and more particularly described zs follows: :;eg nning at a point which is the Southeast corner of Section 5, Township 23 North, Lange 5, E. W.M.; thence Northerly along a line, which is the present City Limits, for a distance of 30 feet to a point which is the true point of beginning; thence continuing in a Northerly direction along the present Renton City Limits to a point of intersection with the South margin of Southeast 1O8th Street; thence .'est along the South margin of Southeast 108th Street to a point which is the southwest Corner of Tract 213; thence Bast along the South line of Tract 213 io the West line of Tract 211; thence South along the West line of Tract 211 to a point on the North margin of Southeast 112th Street; thence East along the orth margin of Southeast 112th Street to the true point of beginning, z11 situate in Renton, King County, State of .ashing on. which was annexed to the City of Renton by Ordinance No. 1567, on the date shown above, there were 0 dwelling units. :Increase in City population (0 dwelling units x 2.95) 0 I or:aer City population figure 16.876 sew City of Rent o n population 16,876 i'ormer King County population figure Jess Loss by this annexation c 9iew KING COUNTY population figure ':ertified correct this day of_____ KING COUNTY BY Auditor-County CC: City Clerk CITY OF RENTO1 County Auditor Secretary of State By Micro? /S707 CITY O F R N T O N KING CC. . NTY , WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DOROI HEA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR.. POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER. CLERK GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN ASST. CITY ATTORNEY HUGH D. BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON y, y��� II��''�� GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER Septeruoer 21, 1956 THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH SUPT. OF UTILITIES VERLE R. VIETZKE DR. LLOYD A. WHITE L.Zward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections and Registration 220 County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Attached please find Certified Copy of Ordinance No. 1564 of the City of Renton, "relating to precinct boundaries and establishing a new precinct, to be known as Precinct a. 26", as passed by the City Council and approved by Mayor Baxter on September 18, 1956, and pa.blished according to law on September 20, 1956. This for your information. Very truly yours, T:LS CITY OF RENTON Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk ms nc1. Robert A. Morris, King uuunty Auditor - Elections and Registration Department 220 County-City Bldg. Seattle 4, ?iashington Dear Sir: 'e hereby grant permission for use of the following schools.dnd/or buildings for use as polling-places for the Primary and General Election to be held on ptember 11, 1956 and Now. 6, 1956 with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. Location Precinct North Renton Recreation Center Renton No. 1 City Garage Renton No. 2 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 11 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 12 City Hall Renton No. 13 City Hall. Renton No. 14 City Hall Renton No. 15 Renton Highlands Fir Station Renton No. 22 Renton Highlands Fire :station Renton Noy 25 Exceptions: APPROVED, King County District # (OR) Renton City annobnimtof BY Clerk or secretary NOTE: Please sign and return one copy immediately: The second copy is for your records, CITY OF R 1V T O 1V KING Cuu'NTY , WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER. MAYOR DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER, CLERK GERARD SHELLAN --'- COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN ASST. CITY ATTORNEY HUGH D. BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENCTALL F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R August 31,1956 DR. LLOYD 4IETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES Edward J. Logan I►ept. of r"lections 220 County- City Bldg. Seattle, Wn. Dear Mr. Logan: .s per your request of A.urgist 10,1956, the following is a listing of the Precincts in the City of Renton, the number of registered in each Precinct and the total number of voters. Prec. 7o. Prec. No. 1 332 14 ltli 2 360 15 332 3 37h 16 393 321 17 313 5 200 18 392 6 336 19 360 7 319 20 �27 8 299 21 594 9 2% 22 229 10 306 23 245 11 289 24 to 70 12 302 25 131 13 334 26 306 Total n tuber of registered voters 844 rf there is any further information which we can furnish you, )lease let us know. Very truly, C ' Y OF RENTON E.�. ATEIAAFR, CTTv CLr 1K MAa3t0 J( )) *. ' • • • I. • #, • 4 I• • • • i. * • 4 F .• • • j • dliiii 11� 111 IIWWu nii1�111 i II ll ii 1 1�u i # � i���_ �1lllWlll➢ _ll�1: ���� _ I , (1-T:' : -- �a �t=y,;�/ I!,J" a�IjurR `.,��I rl�_�; C I I II I I I I I, - = — � i i_ ,_ 1.tl11I, i_I'. ntT__ STATE OF WASHINGTON ,la 1� Sattl>e ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT DEPARTMENT OL ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING August 10, 1956 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Please notify us as to the number of registered voters in each precinct. We would appreciate this information imme.diatety fciiowing the closing date on August 11, 1956. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor By Edward J. ogan V Superintendent ofElections and Registration August 24, 1956 i;obart A. iris, King County Auditor County-City Building :isattle 6, ' ashingto i Ralph 3. Stagy, County Assessor 1 County-City 3ui:sing Seattle 4, Washington Attu$ NM, Anthony Steen Asst. °aunty Assessor )entlenent We are enclosing a esrtitt oW et City of :Manton Ordin- onas No. 1560, Nis Ordinance et t ! Renton, Washington, annexing certain (Roeiug Aftlims Ooi m ) territory to the City of Renton, Washington„* p plied a416411 Lan. Ordinance lo• 1560 was passed and on *Muni;ni; 21, 1956 and pub i.�red according to loran A 43,, 1956, Ibr your inibre Lion. This aapr is in Addition to the fipples fbrwarded to you Vaiough the King County c;ennissisommnsimmiew, our letter this date, V ' 'rulrs tie CITT OF 7. r, C y " rk : c1. • its (65,112" ;`,/- Aursest 21,. 1956 Robert A. Morris .i e; County Auditor County-City ? ui ding Seattle, Vashington Dear Sirs To ceeplete information to be rni.shed by this office to the Secretary of State,, we are required to complete a form, copy attached, and return it together with our report. Under the circumstancee and the inconvenience of tha loca-- t:.on of our two offices, we respoct2ufl.y request that you deplete the attached form and return aane to the undersiened at your earlieet convenience to enable us to complete our information and forms and forward same to the Secretary of State. T see forms are in connec- tion with Annexation of prcperty under Ordinance "o. 1560. Thanking you for your cooperation is 4his a_,at:er•, we remain, Very truly yours, 'LE CITY OF l.:TO ; ElLea. L. Aluxa tier, City Clerk ig .a L. August 9, 1956 Robert A. Dorris, King County Auditor County-City Building Seattle, Washington Attn: Mr. Nolte Gentlemen: As per your ^nvereation with Mayor Joe R. Baxter regarding turning over to the City of Renton the balance of funds in the Commercial Waterway District #2, which District was turned over to the City of Renton on July 10, 1956. We sire listing below all checks issued by the Commercial Waterway District #2 since June 1st, 1956, as follows: Check Date Issued to 9636 June 15,1956 Agnes Edwards 25.00 37 " 22,1956 Joe R. Baxter 7.50 38 -- VOID -- 39 " 22,1956 Wm. V. Cowan 1,555.98 9640 " 25,1956 Agnes Edwards 19.00 41 " 25,1956 Renton Realty 10.00 42 " 30,1956 Employment Security Dept. 18.00 43 July 9,1956 Agnes Edwards 25.00 44 " 9,1956 Domenic Carpine 48.00 45 " 9,1956 Raymond H. Hansen 139.00 46 " 9,1956 Joe R. Baxter 139.00 47 " 9,1956 S. D, LeBlanc 85.00 48 " 9,1956 Agnes Edwards 35.00 49 " 9,1956 Employment Sccurity Dept. 2.00 9650 " 9,1956 VOID -- No checks have been written, or issued since July 9, 1956. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RGNTON Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk ELAIms CITY OF R 1. . N T O N BING CC _ NTY , WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DOROTF.EA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER, CLERK GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN ASST. CITY ATTORNEY HUGH D. BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES June 12_ 1956 DR. LLOYD A. WHITE Honorable Mayor Joe R. Baxter, and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: There are cruite a number of residents of Renton who would like to register, ,in order to be able to vote in the fall elections, however, due to their working hours and the "open" hours of the City Clerk's Office, it is impossible for them to do so. Therefore, may I recnzest that the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Clerk to open the office for the purpose of registration only, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon on the following Saturdays - July 28th, August 4th and August llth, which is the closing date for the primaries; then on September 29th and October 6th, which is the closing date for the general election. It is contemplated to operate the City Clerk's Office on these extra. Saturdays through voluntary services. Very truly, d(e15' 2:ez-el: -_---._ -!--e---..-------.--t'3------------ Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk FT. A:ms 6 - /.III " 374 . ( -2-2,--ex---1_4„..(7 ,. ) % - itz r- -e""1 ::-3:ie,,....sP4-Ito—,....0 le.,......6._ .0_6" ....- e,„, ..,,,, ' ...6.70E of, see..H ezoi/i4v-a-- 66-4-4--2-4_-_(:-, e-40-0t.,4_4;te...4,,cze.,0„,(_), 7 1956 CALENDAR FOR CITY ELECTIONS IN ALGONA, BELLEVUE, ENUMCLAW, KIRKLAND, MEDINA, NORMANDY PARK, RENTON AND SEATTLE December 16, 1955 Filings open (with City Clerks) December 30, 1955 Filings close (with City Clerks) January 1956 Last day for candidates to withdraw(with City Cik. ) January o County Auditor to publish Notice of closing of registration files for Primary Election January 10 City Clerks to certify list of candidates to County Auditor January 13 Last day to register for Primary Election January 20 Absentee Ballots available January 27 Last day for transfers of registration for Primary January 27 Last day to file resolutions or ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with the General Election Februar 13 County Auditor to publish Notice of closing of registration files for General Election February 10 Last day to register for General Election February 4 to 11 County Auditor to publish Notice of Primary Election February 14 Primary Election February 20 Canvass to begin February 21 Last day for nominees to withdraw February 24 Canvass to be completed February 24 Last day for transfers of registration for General Election March 3 to 10 County Auditor to publish Notice of General Election March l3 General Election March l9 Canvass to begin March 2.3 Canvass to be completed June 4 Terms begin Prepared by: ROBERT A, MORRIS, King County Auditor and Ex-officio Supervisor of Elections ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES Member: American Municipal Association Official Publication: WESTERN CITY 250 Smith Hall, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Wash. Telephone: MElrose 0630, Ext. 2785 OFFICERS President February 28, 1956 G.W.BURNS Mayor of Yakima Vice-President RAY W.JOHNSON Mayor of Tc mwater Vice-President HAROLD BUERSTATTE Mayor of Wa la Walla Secretary SIG HJAL1 ALIN Mayor of Be lingham • EXECUTIVE CC MMITTEE Dear Mr Shaff: Vice-Chairman BOB JONES would appreciate it if you would send me a copy of your 1956 City Councilman Seattle budget for our files. ED LUNDC;REN Mayor of Aberdeen alA /�',/elLe C. M. McCOSH Mayor of Moses Lake ARTHUR R. MEEHAN Bert Balmer Commissioner of Public Works Municipal Consultant Spokane L. M. MORAN Mayor of Dmak H. R. NICiOLS Mayor of Lc ngview ELMER SIMENiON,JR. Mayor of We natchee HAROLD M.TCDLLEFSON Mayor of I]coma • STAFF Executive Secretary CHESTER BIESEN Asst. Executive Secretary GEORGE D.SMITH Legal Consultant KENNETH A COLE Legislative Consultant PAUL F.SCI4 IFFNER Office Secretary HELEN R. A TILER • CONSULTt.NTS Planning and Public Works JOSHUA H. VOGEL ve7y \\,)\ .6 Planning FLOYD M.JENNINGS Municipal Research WARREN A.BISHOP Editorial and Research BERT BALMER r Parch 7, 1956 Mr. arl Coe Secretary of State Olympia, ►Jashington Dear Sir: Following is the information requested per your letter of March 5, 1956: Charles L. Sallee 1067 "H" Place Renton, Washington Precinct: 21--dated October 7, 1950 Yours very truly, THE CITY OF RENTON FLOYf S HA'F'F, CITY CLERK ep �t 1111t`4t# I�� > alnt tIr% 0 y1'IB89� State of Washington EARL COE Secretary of State Olympia March 5, 1956 Mr. Floyd W. Shaff Cite Clerk Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Would you kindly provide us with the address, precinct and date of registration for Charles L. Sallee of your city. This informa- tio:i is lacking on his Form 3 registration card in our files. Yours very truly, EARL COE SECRETARY OF STATE e-1447-1.9" Aileen C. Heye, Supervisor Permanent Registration Division NNEXAT I ONS JO CITY OF Rf NTON 1955 NAMES ADDRESS NEW ADDRESStif any/ OLD PRECINCT Calder, Wilbur Alexander Rt 3 Box 6458 Renton 20 12802 SE 128 Renton Hillcrest j Kindle, Verla Rt 3 Box 475 It4� , s', �_ ,i SE n7- ` Honey Dew R i t aman, Jessie M Rt 3 Box 645 " Z D 12632 SE 128 " Hillcrest Ri tzman, Harry A Rt 3 Box 645 " y14012632 SE 128 " " Smith, Janet 0 Rt 2 " a ol2604 SE 128 " " Warf ield, Nora S Rt 3 Box 560C " 2211833 132 SE " " Warfield, Clarence C Rt 2 Box 560C " G 0 1833 132 SE " It . . . . .7) .. . (11/1 VC( ,Il'?i I %.. /4 i 1 March 14, 1956 Mr. Ed Logan, Supt. of Elections (. Registration County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: We are enclosing Poll Book for Precinct No. 14, which was inadvertently left in the Registration Book last evening. 1°fie would appreciate receiving P.mcinct Book No. 13, which was also mailed into your office in error. Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, we are, Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTON Floyd W. Shatf, City Clerk ne Encl. Jarmary 5. 1956 . Robert A. Morris, County t ua::.t or County-City Building :+eattle, Washington Attnt Zdward J. Logan, Iupt. of T1eatiors Dear 3iri The following is a list of the c9*x° :.P.tcs sato tiled for the Renton City E .ections to be 1 .d in 2.56,/N m a R DEQ FlLFO r this spslitipri or Mayor Joe E. Baxter : !, ixr.cr .&vvrae Verle "3unr;y" Vietzke 516 Pelly Street Louis Peretts 2052, '.bnt Dries o.„- thc posAtiort Qi City(' Clerk Floyd W. Shaff 2/28 6th Avenue earth liton L. Alexander 5;,.. North Williams i ;, the rsoai tiara of City Tre r Dorothea 3. Gossett 21)© 9th P1 ,ce North or the position of Folios Courlokuliza Paul W. Houser 315 North ',lolls 3treat, Nicholas A. x:afI L 305 4th Av nue (Al Council candidates _listed G_; �.,3� ,) 1 Robert A. Morris, County Auditor Page 2. ;or the position of Councilman Vern H. Morris 1001 4th Avenue Date T. Pinkerton 2227 6th Avenue North Fred C. Callen 92S Sunset Boulevard Clarence Dulla;ient 1 126 Beacon Avenue James L. Denzer 311 Head aw Street Avery Garrett 450 Langston Road Huuh D. Bruce 335 Park : oaue Charles DelaurenLi 310 North Williams Walt Reid 300 Renton Street Olin A. Hansen 42 i a ti ll Street Lloyd Lindgren 600 4th Avenue Elinor Zappalo 2110 i3th ki nuo North James Feltrin 5(X Hain Street Very tru4 yo''ire, TIE CITY OF RENTON Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk STATE OF WASHIPGTON) COUNTY OF KING iiE'i )sS TON, �ASHINGTON I, Floyd Shaff, the duly appointed City Clerk in and for the City of Renton, Ping County, WaaIdngton, do hereby certify that the foregoing list of candidates is a true and correct list of all candidates who filed for the City of Renton Elections to be held in 1956„,„,,,rokock G.«.D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sot py hand and 'he OFFICIAL SAL of the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Floyd W. 3haff, City Clerk i:ovefioer ;rl., i555 Mr. ^dward J. Logan, Supt. of Elections aid Registration 220 County-City fruilding Seattle 4, Washington Dear Mr. Logan: As per your telephone request this date, we are herewith enclosing certified copy of City of Renton Ordinance No.1434, "An Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Ordinance No. 1358,, relating to changes in Boundaries of Precincts 11 and 12." For your information, a certified copy of this ordinance way furnished your office on July 31, 1952. Very truly yours, TAT CITY OP RMJTON Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk ris Encl. November 1'7, 1955 Edwarl J. Logan, Supt. ELectione R� Rlgistratio^ 220 Cou- y-City Euilding Seattle, Washington Dear ::girt Enclosed plense Find certified copy of urdimnce vo. 15 1. of the City of Renton, relating to re-distribution and changes in pre- cinct boundaries in Precincts 7, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. This for your infor w.bior_. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTON Floyd W. Shelf, City Clerk ms Encl. r ..-r_i i'0 nl' Iliu II Ai Ili iili 11 ' l' K43,lri a rnt,,,_,CRT.+1 LI 9 raA itt.76- liPrif ?' l�1p:[IXI.14 / STATE OF WASHINGTON ills U o of , 1 - I-£ 11 - � n Ss tt1 ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION July 27, 1955 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING Mr. Floyd Shaff City ClerK Renton, Wash. Dear Sir: We are forwarding to your office the registrations from Hillcrest and Honey Dew Precincts which properly belong to the City of Renton. A copy of the enclosed list has been forwarded to the Secretary of State and we request that you notify his office as to the proper precinct in the City of Renton for each of these voters. We assume your office will notify each voter concerned of the change made. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris 1‹,,tg County Auditor _�n Li-d--(---x--"--ct---`c—i7 C By Edward J. L6gan c( Superintendent of Electitrs and Registration -47 7 i 7/y6/s,.1 Name Address Acton, Arthur .i � 31� Rt 3, Box 425, Renton - //g20 j /, 7/Z Precinct Hillcrest " Bernice �ry " " " 611 A " V II II Clara L "` 530 74. rt " " 425 u — //i`v�0 c . / a5/ " " Wright ( " " " 611 A " " Albert, Lester Milton Rt 3, Box 540 C " rr Alberts, Donnatelle " " " 560 " rr tr Frederick William " IS 'r II It it Allyn, Gillman J 12427 SE 12Ist St Renton 'r l " Winnie E, " rrrr II II It It Austin, Mary rr "" 1 I2th rr rr tr " Murray A 12417 S E I12th St " rr Beach, George Fobert Rt 3, Box 560, Renton - //02- �� , " 1' Viola A is " It " It _ J! Il L erg l und, Andrew H 6138` /�/ tr " " " u - /r� ,Q 6 II Nina H II II II II rt ' 0 ' „ 11 Bone, James D 11304 127th Pi. S.F. Renton - II II Mary E " rr II is " it " ' Casperson, Nerve Rt 3, Box 2908, Renton is XO( Je) /d22 4/ It rr Torc i ne II II IS II II — // r /, o II Cooper, Belle 11304 I27th PI. S. E. Renton " " J. E. " rr " " II " rr Crawford, Allan 12619 S.E. II2th " I' P Margaret ri rr II II II 90 ,/ II VFrut ch f i e I d, Paul J Rt 3, Box 613 D rr % `�/ - /` /�� It 4" Rite E 12641 S. E. 12Ist St " II Curtiss, Anna Yrinnifred 11309 S. E. 116th St. 'r - II II Elmer M. II IS II it II II II De Hart, Glenn A. 12423 S. E. 12Ist St. " j 'r%'" 7 [/p� rr ItNell i e Mae II II II II II F' A /"� II ' Dyson, Itoleir N Rt. 3, Box 575 A, " A 7 /�2""I ` It -Fairbanks, Robert C. Rt. 3, Box 650 B, " /� �(7 — / 0- II" Wilma G. II II II II II I' ' " / II L,G '_. Fairchild, Quentin " " " 613 " - �36 /5 I. 8, y Victaria L. rr " " " " „ i, D 0./ -;Farnham, F I Oren:e F rr " " 635, II /a � 6 �l /�F i " rr / " Wilbur C. II It Si II re — P, " tFreh l i ch, Edwa r i P. " " " 616 A " -3 yP g - ilo - • It Helmer, Anna Rt 3, Box 576 A rt /,,,z,2o 6, - --t,u - i It Hendren, Mary A 11315 II6th St. S. E. " rI Hoselton, Cordy Lee 11208 124th S E 'I rr " Nannette M II " " II rt It Hosford, Dorothy K 12621 S. E. 12Ist 'r It II Francis M II II If II rt o J rr rt /•Qo P� '"/�c{ � I sat a!o, George Rt.' 3, Box 612 A ` I , rr " Nadine F " " II II Si /, `" rt Kindle, Effie Rt . 2, " /yY /9 rr II Herbert F Rt. 3, Box 475, tr -- /02,57/— r '. , /4./ "a II John r' 2 " /*{/y .d / i 4 " ( Leonard, William 2847 4th PI Highlands " " Lewis, James E Rt . #2 Box 964 rt Lyons, Eunice Rt 3, Box 500 B " Cs/?0 S' ,B,V, iI y rr Mc Glothlin, Mercedes H Rt 3, Box 613 C " II Mc Go l d r i ck, John M Rt 3 Box 610 r' 1� rr Maas, Jr John Peter Rt 2, Box 85 rr _ /af 8° -' /g „``C rr Mapes, Ella B Rt 3, Box 440 " j f d TYi II " Glenn K -was L Rtt4422333 Box EE440 tt " v " e�-iiu ib;dJasper R l2500 124th2�sE n /� 0./ ,I003 " , t `'S Annexed to City of Renton Cor NAME ADDRESS of, PRECINCT Merlino, Lova k, P.O. Box 1003, Renton Hillcrest (1Perrins, Helen 12628 S E 12Ist St. Kenton 3- O -- 7 • rr /Derr i ns, Sr. J c hn W II II II a II 11 r rI a PIJte, Sophia 11609 I25th Pi. rr �t41-a6-- -.5 '' lw . u Rogers, George L 11610 124th Ave. S E rr 7 a J. �, u 'r Thelma May Rt. 2, Box 966 II -//6/4 ' /a/ n ,Ro i ce, Archie E Rt 3,Box 490 At II .- ia. g°/ //� II 'r Alice Rt 3, Box 490 A r' I' OHO // i! Rolla, Richard rtudolph Rt 3, box oi•3 F i, -- i•2 / 6 J. /2/ 44 I, 5etzer, Julie Anna ii210 I24th Ave SE " /13 0 rn 2u�a/� f, " Mae Irene Rt 3, Box 789 n — // ,r rr Max 11 ii is II II „ „ (I Simms, E T Rt 2 ii / - , C /a y u [Smith, Grover Rt 2 rr —/a °f II ',Stirn, Arthur J 12611 S E I2Ist St "' u Gertrude E rr Ir tr Ii it rr rr Strnerd, J F 11504 Sunset Blvd II )(‘). //a ( „j1 IIStudebaker, Geo. R. Rt 3, Box 480 'r -� �/�- u " George Richard 12617 S E II2th St it rr Thompson, John 11 12115 I32nd Ave S E rr u it Mary 3e11 12115 I32nd Ave S E rr it Traglio, David 1141E S E 116th St r' it Won i o, Erwin Rai Rt 3, Box 645 C ' II 3 _ �a�, II IIRobert L u n II II n IIi,- �" �, n " Verna Rt 3, Box 645 C r' — If `' '( n Wooten, Doris 12019 I32nd Ave S E " — A II Young, Roy Rt. 3, Box 650 A II fan /ait II /2 0 -.a ` ' l.., /g d �A� Zike, Chester A Rt 3, Box 625 H 1/ u " Margaret B Rt 3, Box 625 H n _. P '' /' It -- _2i C-t- --ti 7 e..---;i:Z41--1-_, Annexed- to Name Address f Precinct Anderson, Jessie D Rt. 2, Renton - 024g 247vf/'L44wP Honey Dew " 0. F. Rt. 2 u /, i/ a " ft1 Beach, Elsie Rt 2, Box 696, Renton, Wn II II " Pearl M 96! Renton - //G/ It u " " ttj - /�S II Raymond F " II II II II If ,� " It Betts, Isabelle S Rt. 2, Box 954, Renton 12431 Sunset Blvd If tt Brown, Marguerite 't " " 908 u if u r► Raymond u " " 968 u - /o2A i'? X7/`c( ` n u Broyles, Ada " II It 963 It —/•��36 7 II It " Eldon II If ft If II ,/ ,/ t4 It II IILaura t?OC " " " 966 u / -2/5 7 -4), n II IIIIW i I I i er u n It II It % v "?/,S 7 v--e- rt ft Cook, Katie R Rt 3, Box 5750 E " 12243 Sunset Blvd. u u " Oliver L " rt if If ft It " It It ►t Cushing, Ingrie H " " " 612 " " ft ft Thomas P II If " u " II " f .7g-4-,P Feyerabend, Bruno Rt. #2 Renton -• /a"/ a ,L, - " I. Elizabeth " " rt ri t' '/ tt u a Heintz, Betty L " " Box 962, Renton - //ai3 - ,asa �. rt ►t It Wi I I Ierr J II It II n II — ,/ ii ii / / If tr Johnson, Fred J Rt 2, Box 715, Renton " t► ►r Gladys S rt " t' 950, " u " rt Hazel F rt tt tt 958 rt tt tt It Hugh L n u ►t ►t " " ft Mc Glothlin, William A Rt 3, Box 613 C, " K-37 Cedar Vier Park Renton " II Pavalc, Jakob 12200 Sunset Blvd, Renton u ►t Pillo, Domenic (IIIIE 132nd Ave SE ") 3706 6th Ave. No Renton " It Schwab, Jean V 11029 I25th S. E. Renton " tt Set zer, John LL21-€ 1.244 h Ave. S -E--" t/3 C 1 M " 't " Julia I, II it •t. ft ._. it if f r It n Tiffany, Nellie M Rt 2, Box 967, Renton ►t ►t " Wayne : it tt II II II It If /4.-41-44Ar /.."%drig) s eia.106-.14.? Acton, Bernice ' Acton, Wright C. Albert, Lester Milton Rt. #3, Box 611 A Rt. #3, Box 611 A Rt. #3, Box 5 54� E Alberts, Lonnabelle Alberts, Frederick Wm. Rt. #3, Box 560 Rt. #3, Box 560 u GT ,,u r Smith, Grover Zike, Chester A. -2 Young, Roy C 12604 S.F. 128th St. ; , 13028 S. F. 128th 12612 S. E. 128th Smith, Janet 0. j Zike, Margaret B. Wonio, Verna12604 S.E. 128th St. �` 712638 S. E. 128th ' " 13028 S. F. ]28th d--- i` '� 44 Wonio, Robert L. r ,_' .,1.tiiir 4 .,.1k I . / 12638 S. E. 128th i / Maas, John Peter 4 3C y 10430 132nd S. E. A4t1 Kindle, Herbert F. 3 \,, Wonio, Erwin Roy 1 A 12511 S. F. 112th 12638 S. E. 128th 0000 e . . 8th ilij _ ._____1 ,E Ell CHECK TO SEE IF OUTSIDE CITY: Betts, Isabelle S. Strnard, J. F. Hendren, Mary A. Pt. #2, Box 954 11504 Sunset Blvd. 11315 116th St. S. E. " (12431 Sunset Blvd.)* G, 1 � ;1/� /d 6.1,- . l�r.� • t ) Nio....,-41 Curtiss, Anna Winnifred . Pill", Domenic Traglio, David 11309 S. E. liksheyl 1 11)16 S. E. 1;.6th i7 ,� r.C�, /.� �w. (3706 6th No.) ,, CG,c �.e0` ' Curtiss, Elmer M. 11309 S. .. 116th Cushing, Ingrid H. ;' /4-/35 Feyerabend, Bruno Heintz, Betty L. Ft. #3, Box 612 Rt. #2, Rt. #2, Box 962 I# t2 `-t12_ , ,4 ?Livi ' /1013 Cushing, Thomas Feyerabend, Eliz. -it I Heintz, Wm. J. Pt. #3, Pox 612 Rt. #2 Rt. #2, Box 962 < ,� -rri I(Fig, , Johnson, Fred J. lq.lyS McGlothlin, Wm. A. A ./25' Pavalc, Jakob rk Rt #2, Box 715 r Rt. #3, Box 613 C 12200 Suneet-Blvd. 4 41 37 K- (c.f.i.,(?.--d.,r-. / ' Johnson, Gladys S. is0 Schwab, Jean V. c ?Tiffany Nellie M. Rt. #2, Box 950 '' 11029 125th S. Et15 A-I Rt #2, Boy 967 4- Tiffany, Wayne L. Johnson, Hazel F. /4-/C`j Cook, Oliver L. Rt. #2, Pox 967 Rt. #2, Pox 950 Rt. #3, Box 5750E 1 (12243 Sunset Blvd.) ' , I,:7, 7 4 7 Jj,,,,A , i , cr'.4) 6-I3. Johnson, Hugh L. , Cook, Katie R. ,q 6 X Broyles, Wm. Rt. #2, Box 958 Rt. #3, Pox 5750 E ,r/ Rt. #2, Box 966 (12243 Sunset Blvd.) /2 2 IS /,i (A_01 Broyles, Eldon Brown, Marguerite Broyles, Laura Mae • Rt. #2, Box 963 Rt. #2, Pox 968 ci Rt. #2, Box 966 t 71\6 )6".1 -. Broyles, Ada /t 434 . Brown, Raymond ,51. Beach, Elsie Rt. #2, Box 963 44,1P1 t. #2, Box 968 Al Rt. #2, Box 696 Beach, Raymond F. /s/ i.' Beach, Pearl A-I" Rt. #2, Box 961 /4 Rt. #2, Pox 961 °'9 lzs - 4, 122, 13 /32 / Dyson, Itolair W. Wooten, Doris Simms, E. T. 12029 132nd S. E. 12019 132n Ave. S.E. Route #2 Thompson, John H. Mary Bell Thompson 12115 132d Ave. S.E. 12115 132d Ave. S. _E. I CHECK TO FEE IF OUTSIDE Curia Betts, IsEbell.e S. Strnard, J. F. Hendren, Mary A. Rt. #2, Bcx 954 11504 Sunset Blvd. 11315 116th St. S. ?'. (12431 Sunset Blvd.) Curtiss, Anna Hinni_.'red Pills, Domenic Traglio, David 11309 S. F. llth 11118 132nd Ave. S. .74, 11416 S. :,. 116th (3706 6th No.) Curtiss, Elmer M. 11309 S. E. 116th xxxxI-** *--ram;: HH* Cushing, Ingrid 13. Feyerabend, Bruno Heintz, Betty L. Rt. #3, Box 612 Rt. #2, Rt. #2, Box 962 Cushing, TZomas P. Feyerabend, Bliz. Heintz, Wm. J. Rt. #3, Box 612 Rt. #2 Rt. 12, Box 962 Johnson, Fred J. McGlothlin, Wm. A. Pavalc, Jakob Ft #2, Box 715 Rt. ;r3, Box 613 C 12200 Sunset Blvd. Johnson, Gladys S. Schwab, Jean V. Tiffany, Nellie Y. Rt. 12, Bo:: 950 11029 125th S. E. Rt. ,'r2, Pox 967 Tiffany, Wayne L. Johnson, Hazel F. Cook, Oliver L. Rt. #2, Box 967 Ft. #2, Bo: 95$ Rt. 13, Box 5750E (12243 Sunset Blvd.) Johnson, Hugh L. Cook, Katie R. Broyles, Wm. Rt. 12, Bo:: 958 Rt. 13, Box 5750 Rt. #2, Box 966 (12243 Sunset Blvd.) Broyles, Eldon Brown, Marguerite Broyles, Laura l ae Rt. #2, Bo:: 963 Rt. #2, Box 968 Rt. #2, Box 966 Broyles, Ac+a Brown, Raymond Beach, Elsie Rt. #2, Bo:: 963 Rt. #2, Box 968 Rt. #2, Box 696 Beach, Rayriond F. Beach, Pearl Rt. #2, Bo:: 961 Rt. #2, Box 961 #a: -;;-41 X-V-**;: X X Dyson, Ito]air W. Wooten, Doris Simms, E. T. 12029 132nd S. E. 12019 132nd Ave. S.E. Route #2 Thompson, John H. Mary Bell Thompson 12115 132d Ave. S.F. 12115 132d Ave. S. B. 1 fir'. \ EAST FROM M STREET TO 0 STREET NAi','? NEW ADDRESS OLD ADDRESS DESCRIPTION ADDITION 7th Ave. forth S.E. 121st Mo E. Kingre 3219 121i29 Lot 1 Block 2 Stewart's Highland R. 0. Rolla 3218 12416 Lot 4 'flock 1 " " G. J. Allyn 3307 12I.27 Lot 5-6-Block 2 " " A. H. Berglund 3302 12420 Lot 5 Block 1 " " Brainard 3319 121425 Lot 7 Block 2 " " W. G. Pitts • 3318 12434 " Lot 7 "lock 1 " " G. A. De Liar 3327 121i23 Lot 8 flock 2 " " E. P. Frehli.h 31.03 12607 Lot 9 Block 2 " n A. J. Stirn 3411 12611 Lot 10 Block 2 " If H. J. Smaller 3410 12616 Lot 10 Block 1 " It W. R. Larson 3419 12627 Lot 11 Block 2 It It J. M. Cavelia 3418 12620 Lot 11 Block 1 " It F. Hoford 3503 12621 ' Lot 12 flock 2 " " Perrins , 3502 12628 Lot 12 flock 1 " If R. Lantz 3511 12633 Lot 13 Block 2 " It P. J. Crutci.field 3519 12641 Lot 14 Block 2 " " FROM SUNSET HIGHWAY EAST TO CITY LIMITS 12th Alin. North 12th Ave. forth J. E. Lewis 3110 3148 Lot "f" J. E. Lewis Tracts J. E. Lewis 3122 3158 Lot "A" n n S.E. 112th -T. A. Austin. 3221 12417 Tax Lot 45 Ella farkel:_ 3309 12425 " " 124 John Kindle 3319 121431 " " 135 Dick Studeb :ker 31415 12617 " it 3 Allen Crawford 3505 12623 " " 120 Clark Crawford 3511 12623 " " 120 A. E. Roice 3519 12801 " " 107 Eunice Lyon3 3523 12805 " " 1014 SOUTH FROM 12th .AVE. NORTH 0 S i:RFET 127th PUCE S.E. H. P. Johnson 1130 11216 Tax Lot l05 J. U. .one 1121 11230 ' " " 112 E. C. Johnson 1110 112.511 " " 122 J. E. Cooper 1100 11304 " " 147 ` 3 NORTH VROM S.E. 128th STRE:?T TO S.E. 112'h STREET -------------- NA'U NEW ADDRESS OLD ADDRESS DESCRIPTION ADDITION 0.! STREET Roy Brown 414 Part of Tax Lot 51 Leida Snyder 4214 n n n " it James ''I. Williams 426 12634-124th ive.S.E. n n n n It L. H. Mulinski it2 12604 " " " Tax Lot 121 Jasper Merlin 530 500 t t Street 'fax Lot 34 718 Lot 2 lock 2 Stewart's .`ig.1a zd Ruth Sorensen 726 12106-124th Ave. S.E. Lot 1 lock 2 " 't C. 0. Mc Glothlin 738 12030-124th " " Lot 3 Block I " 't Thomas Cushilg 746 12028 " " n Lot 2 Block 1 " " George Isota:'.o 754 12024 " " " Lot 3 Block 1 " " Vacant 762 12018 " " " Tax Lot 167 D. :3. Richards CO2 12014 " " " n " 168 Ray Heikes 806 12010 " n n n " 137 n n 810 ti n n it n 11 n Fred H. Post 814 12006 " " " n n 166 Charles :'.cGaidrick 820 12004 " n n " " 134 Rainier Plumbing 830 830 :1 Street " it 116 Clara Action C38 11820-124th Ave. S.E. " n 117 Lloyd `'roeff]a 852 Lot 10 "lock 2 President ark Vacant 902 tt 11 t+ 1 " n Vacant 912 " 10 It n rt n Glen Mapes 9110 11620-124th Ave. S.E. Tax Lot 111 George L. Ro€ers 1010 11610-124th Ave. 5.t'. " " 99 John Setzer 1130 11216 " " " " " 127 Gordy L. Hose ltori 1140 1120t8 n n n n " 120 Quentin Fairchild 1146 11201.E " " " " " 162 7K TH FROM 12th AVE. TO SUNSET BLVD. M s7-A?to L r 125th Avet S.E. Jack Colo thi. 1204 11156• - S / of Lot 7 Block 2 Shepard Heights L. G. Schwab 1209 11029 N i " " 5 Block 1 " " Ada Sheppard 1210 11026 N i * " 7 flock 2 " * G. R. "each 1215 11023 S i " * h Block 1 " F. P. Erlandsan 1222 11018 ?: I " " 6 ''lock 2 " * Ray ?room 1227 S i " " 3 lc`ck 1 " " ti Walker Me 11024 S / " " ! :lock 2 " II /r . p J . r NORTILI271 1?th !V,'. T9 SUNSET 1LVD,(Con) NAME NEt' ADDRESS OLD ADDRESS DESCRIPTION ADDITIO: 'S Street 125th Ave. S. E. J. R. Elwood 1234 11018 N i• of Lot 5 ':lock 2 Shepard Kati:tits v Ray Beach 1239 11019 S i of Lot 2 Block 1 " " C. K. Fore 1240 11022 S i of Lot 4 Block 2 " " ✓A. E. Carlils 1246 11006 N a of Lot 4 Block 2 " " I John L)unkel 1302 11862 Lot 3 Block 2 " " Preston Williams 1310 11010 Lot 2 ":lock 2 " " 71. 0. :Ivor 1318 10004 Lot 1 :stock 2 " • NORTH EAST FROM 12th AVE. NO. TO M STi.E"T SUNSET nLVD.EAST SUNSET',3LV1). f'.ighland Service Station 1203 12200 Tax Lot 105 Casey's ''orrer 1204 Tax Lot 26 Cafe Jack Pavic 1209 12206 Tax Lot 95 / Anna Helmer 1215 12210 ''art of Tax Lot 107 ''llo "eade 1221 , Part of Tax Lot 107 William "roylee 1220 122.15 Tax Lot 96 "e11 Ras^iuse'on 1225 12220 Part of Tax Lot 80 Raymond Brown Furniture ftore 1226 12219 Part of Tax Lot 127 J Wayne Tiffany 1231 12214 " H ft "- 80 Raymond Frown 1232 " " " " 127 F. B. Rasnwsson 1236 12239 " '" " " 127 Oliver Cook 1242 12243 " " " " 127 J. E. Lewis 1303 12230 H " H " 26 W. J. Heint4 1304 11013.125th Ave.S.E. Tax Lot 104 Eldon nray1ks 1319 12236.Sonset rlvd• " " 97 J. E. ;Town 1323 12240 " " " " 22 H. Hopper 1325 12242 " " " " 22. EAST FROM '4 STREET TO CITY LIMITS 4 H. L. Johnscet 3220 12404-Sunset '31vd• Tax Lot 43 S. 0. Leh 3304 121140 " " Part of Tax Lot 57 nmo Fevm.bend 3312 12412 " " " " " N 57 ?1. D. ?lass 3322 12422 " " Tax Lot 41 Acton, I2,ernice Acton, Wright C. Albert, Lester Milton Rt. /3, Pox 611 A. Rt. #3, Box 611 A Rt. i13, Box 540 C Alberts, l or_nabeile Alberts, Frederic. Rt. #3, Tic x 560 Rt. #3, Box 560 Smith, Grover Zike, Chester P . Young, Roy 12604 S.r'. 128th St. 13028 S. -. 128th 12612 S. E. 128th Smith, Janet 0, Zike, Margaret B. Jonio, Verna 12604 S.E. 128th St. 13032 S. E. 128th or 12638 S. 1. 128th 13028 S. E. 128th Wonic, Robert L. Ii le .H :b1iIt`y• 12638 S. Fi. 128th Maas, John Peter 10430 132nd S. E. Kindle, Herbert I'. t•Ion±o, Erwin Roy 12511 S. L. 112th 12638 S. E. 128th Smith, Craver 12604 S. 128th Oct. 13, 1954 Mr. Edward J. Logan 6upt. of .L.L,ctions .'c Registrations 220 County-City oldg. Seattle, ',.ash. Dear air: The following is 'he total number of registered voters, by precinct, as of October 2, 1954, 1 268 2 336 3553 4- 9 5 214 6 312 7 514 8- 2E9 9 275 10 328 11 282 12 26 13 10 14 380 15 -.262 16 324 17 282 18 341 19 326 20 250 21 226 22 285 23 297 2 ---« 287 25 Total 7... CITY OF RENTON BY; CITY CLERK Iw i. rib Lati 0111 nd� uui n#Haft NI uUj1111 HRH , r Sevturtt..1) IJJ& ai �7M girt -- 1 1 I 1 1 I I-1 , STATE OF WASHINGTON t_ S* tt ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING October 11. 1954 TO ALL CITY AND T OWN CLERKS: Please notify us of the total number of registered voters, by precinct, as of October Znd, 1954. Thank you. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris Icing County Auditor By Edw. J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration • � m _ firlh 1111I : 0111N�I ' _� 1I � _ _ utlQ s1sI_ •o: t4431ri*34 TAR-A.. -., I I I.i I - � /III, ' Il 11-Ni' t"""" STATE OF WASHINGTON 74, ZONE 4 ROBERT A MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KIN 3 COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J. LOGAN. SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION August 5, 1954 ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION M't — • 220 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING Mr. Wiley Crook, City Clerk Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Please notify us as to the number of registered voters in each precinct. Ue would appreciate this information immediately following the closing date on August 13th. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris K ng County Auditor tj By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections and Registration 'M1 / e. Roberti A. Morris, King County Auditor Elections and Registration Department 220 County_City Bldg. Seattle 4, Washington Dear Sir: We hereby Errant permission for use of the following schools and/or buildings for use as polling-places for the Primary and General Election to be held on September 14 and November 2, 1954 and with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. Location Precinct North Renton Recreation Center Renton No. 1 City Garage Renton No. 2 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 11 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 12 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 13 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 14 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 15 Renton Highlands Fire Station Renton No. 22 Renton Highlands Fire Station Renton No. 23 Exceptions: IVQ APPROVED, (OR) c. Renton City ,fix 61 BY C Clerk e. 0.w.k4Vechy NOTE: Please sign and return Ine copy immediately: The second copy is for vnnr r©enrdg_ July 29, 1954 dw t d J. Logan 3upt. of Elections Registration 220 County-City Euilding Seattle, Washington Dear Mr. Logan: Herewith attached please find certified copy of Ordin- ance :o. 1488 of the City of Renton, whic : 14rss passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at the July 27th Council meting and published, according to law on July 29, 1954. This for your inforiiiation and to be placed on the Sept- a___tJer 14th Primary Election ballot. Very truly, THE CITY OF RENTON Wiley Crook, City Clerk M3 / .4) 'ter 1'. s! • ' _,,,i. -• .1 -,-----if, ,' , IdKai lift �� IItNU - 1114.20Vtftitil II FYI AAA14iiigi�istl gi Virt04211,11 �'�01111 !, ,I , I�it i�l a t; ) 1Z IOW 116G.V_ (iiiI I � �1Ii � __,..tii STATE OF WASHINGTON ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KIP G COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN, SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS & REGISTRATION 22C COUNTY-CITY BUILDING TO KI N1G COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: The registration files of all King County Precincts will be closed against original registration of voters on February 6th, 1954, for the General and Special elections to be held on March 9, 1954. In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are requited to register on or before February 5th, 1954. HoweN,er, i f City or Town Clerks wish to have their offices remain open on Satarday, February 6th, they can legally accept registrations on that day. Likewise, if rural Registrars arc available and willing to register on February 6th, they also may accept registrations on that date. Rural Registrars are requested to tr ansmit their completed registrations immediately following the closing date. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor fet,.,,-,it,..ei 52. f By Edward J. Logan/ Superintendent of Elections and Registration / aj 111 1' ' i�li I r ,Ili D� 1_ 1 III ItI1II" 111111 g4I I j+s°�i;ipif 4 'Mina"':Ping_ bnn I `; 16a " - STATE OF WASH I NGTON 4 . 44,r- S>e ,tt1C' ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KIP G COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS 9 REGISTRATION 22C COUNTY-CITY BUILDING July 23, 1954 TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: The registration files of all King County Precincts will be closed against original registration of voters on August 14th, 1954, for the .T'r .rn a.ry : rd Special Elections to be held on September 14th, 1954. In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before August 13th, 1954. Howf:ver, if City or Town Clerks wish to have their offices remain open on Saturday, August 14th, they can legally accept registrations on that date. Likewise, if rural Registrars are available and willing to register on August 14th, they also may accept registrations on that date. Run]. Registrars are requested to transmit their completed registrations immediately following the closing date. The registrations will re-open on September 15th and close on October 2nd. Very truly yours, Robert A. Morris King County Auditor �p Co C �...ev, . 1.. v7 cam.. By Edward J. ogan Superintendent of Elections and Registration a March A, 1954 King County Auditor Department of Elections & hegistration 220 — County-City Building Seattle 4, Wash Attention: Edward J. Logan Supt. of Elections and Registration Dear Sirs: Replying to your communication of February 24, 1954, in which you stated that your Registrar, Mrs. Huseland had accepted three registrations in Hillcrest Precinct, which belong in the City of Renton in the recently annexed area, with subject communication you transmitted to us regis— tration Forms 1, 2 and 3, for Gillman J. Allyn, Winnie E. Allyn and Rita Crutchfield, requesting us to inform subject registered voters of their proper voting precinct within the City of Kenton. After mailing notifi— cation to subject registered voters and State registration Form No. 3, to the Secretary of State, we discovered that they did not reside in the City of Renton but are actually residents of Hillcrest Precinct. As per telephone conversation with Miss Louise Jelaurenti of your office, we are returning Registration Forms Los. 1 c d 2, of subject registered voters to you and are mailing to the Secretary of State a carbon cony of this communication in order that they may change registration Form No. 3 back to hillcrest Precinct. This for your information and as :per Miss Delaurenti's instructions. Hoping thet this is the proper way to correct the error in question, we are Yours very truly THE CITY OF JL T .N �o Cm -•City Clerk and Regiat r of Voters WC/Old -nal cc: Secretary of State I ..� . , , .,��gnrEo 4004,-;14- State of Washington EARL COE Secretary of State Olympia January 14, 1954 Wiley crook, City Clerk City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Crook: This le:ter is written to explain in detail our comment appearing upon our official city electior calendar concerning the continuing of registration after the closing date (JL.nuary 8th or 9th, as the case may be). We are enclosing a copy of the Attorney General's opinion for your files. The procedure should be substantially as follows: A citizen appears in your office to regii,ter after the deadline. Your staff should explain to the applicant that under our sta:e laws, it is necessary to be registered a full 30 days before any one can cast a ballot. Thus the applicant cannot qualify to vote at the February 9th city primar,r. However, to avoid a second trip to your office - it should be explained that as a courtesy gesture, your staff will complete the act of registration. It must be made clear to the applicant that such accommodation will not accelerate his qua ification for voting and that his record will be placed in a suspense file pending the February 9th city primary. After ti.e city primary has been held, your staff then can file the permanent regis- tration forms in their proper places (Form #1 being placed in the precinct binder, Form #2 in your master file and Form #3 sent to the office of Secretary of State). Then, and then only, the voter concerned will be able to vote at future elections includir-g the March 9th city general and school district elections. We rep,>.at, the above procedure is merely an accommodation to the prospective voter ir; so far as eliminating the trouble of a second trip to your office. By carefully placing such registrations in a suspense file pending the primary - we see no reason for any election problem arising. Sincerely, EARL C E, Se retary of Stat KNG:ps Ken eth . Gilbert, State Supt. of Elections Enc. a� SLAT[4 EARL COE SECRETARY OF STATEa �4 so^ a (t; N OPINION NO. 31 Closing of registration files STATE OF WASHINGTON applies only to each individual SMITH TROY election. Thus registration ATTORNEY GENERAL possible at all times--but OLYMPIA voter must be registered for at least 30 days before casting January 4, 1950 first ballot. Also County Auditor should publish notice of closing for each individual election. H rnorable Earl Coe Slcretary of State Legislative Building 0 _ympia, Washington Dial. Sir: You have requested the opinion of this office as t ) whether the thirty day prohibition upon voting regis- t ^ation imposed by §2, chapter 68, Laws of 1947 (M5114-9 Ram. Supp. 1947) applies to all elections falling within tnat or an overlapping period or whether each election is to be considered separately for purposes of closing regis- tration files and giving notice thereof. As stated in your request: "* * * is the 30 day period for closure and the extra 15 days for transfer a restriction tailored to each individual primary or election so that the files may be closed for one election, but registra- tion would be possible during this period for a subsequent election "Should you answer in the affirmative to the above--are we correct in assuming that the respective county auditors should publish an individual notice of the closing of the registration files for each primary or election? "Should your answer be in the negative-- can the respective county auditors publish one master notice listing the elections concerned and stating the over all closure period * * *." OFF ICE OF ATTORNEY Gc.IN RAL Honorable Earl Coe -2- January 4, 1950 Our conclusion is that each election in any pre- cinct is to be considered separately for purposes of closing registration files and giving notice thereof. ANALYSIS Section 2, chapter 68, Laws of 1947 ( 5114-9 Rem. Supp. 1947) provides: "The registration files of all precincts shall be closed against original registration or transfer for thirty (30) days immediately preceding every election and primary to be held in such precincts, respectively, but they shall remain open for an additional fifteen (15) days for transfers of registration from one precinct within a city to another precinct in the same city and for transfers of registration from one rural precinct to another rural precinct in the same county. The County Auditor shall give notice of the closing of said files for original registration and transfer by one publication in a newspaper of general circu- lation in such county at least five (5) days before such closing." Chapter 161, Laws of 1949, fixes the following dates for elections in second to ninth class counties: All school elections are to be held on the first Saturday in February (February 4, 1950) ; city general elections are to be held on the second Tuesday of March (March 14, 1950) ; and city primary elections are to be held four weeks prior to the city general elections (February 14, 1950) . These dates fall within the same or consecutive thirty-day closure periods, viz. , in many precincts, the closure period for the first election will not expire until that for a subsequent election begins. If 05114-9 Rem. Supp. 1947 is interpreted to mean that registration files are to be closed for thirty days preceding the first of several successive elections and that they may not be reopened for regis tration where the thirty-day closure period for any election is still in force, voters in many precincts would be unable to register during a sixty-nine day period beginning January 4, 1950, and ending March 15, 1950. In addition, no transfers of registration would be possible in such precincts for a fifty- four day period beginning January 19, 1950, and ending March 15, 1950. OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable Earl Coe -3- January 4, 1950 Such an interpretation places an unwarranted emphasis upon registration and operates as an undue penalty upon the voter who, through forgetfulness, procrastination or other cause, might be deprived of his right to vote at any one of several successive elections. Laws relating to the registration of voters are to be so construed as to avoid depriving individuals of the elective franchise. 3 Sutherland, Statutory Construction (3rd ed. ) §5820. Accordingly, we hold that the thirty-day period during which registration files are closed applies only with respect to each individual election, and each election is to be considered independent of any other for the purpose of closing registration of voters. It naturally follows that the notice of closing regis- tration files should be handled in the same manner. We feel that you are correct in your assumption that the respective county auditors should publish such notice at least five days preceding the closing of registration for each individual election. Very truly yours, SMITH TROY t rney eneral / JOHN D. BLANKINSHIP IAssistant Attorney General JDB:me Robert A. Morris, King County Auditor Elections and Registration Department 220 County-City Bldg. Seattle 4, Washington Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following schools and/or buildings for use as polling-places for the Primary Election, February 9, 1954 and Genaral Election to be held on 'larch 9, 1954 and _ with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we u.n erstand the usual rental will be raid. Location Precinct North Renton Recreation Center Renton No. 1 City Garage Renton No 2 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 11 Fire Station No. 1 Renton No. 12 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 13 City H 11, Cedar River Park Renton No. 14 City Hall, Cedar River Park Renton No. 15 Renton Highlands Fie Station Renton No. 22 Renton Highlands Fire Station Renton No. 23 1-�►-d-�( Or`� t '9' " .-; � Excep;ions: /V p -Y1e.. _ APPROVED, King County District 0 (OR) o City Rontnti ^� BY ( — C - tClerk oggiiinfflqggy NOTE: Please sign and return one copy immediately: The second copy is for ,.nnn ivi a_ December 28, 1953 Mr. Robert 1. Morris County Auditor CountymCity Building Seattle, :dash Attentions Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections Dear Sirs: The following is a list of the candidates who filed for the City primary election to be held February 9, 19544 For the position of Police Judea Paul W. Houser — 315 North Well) Fenton, Wash For the popitj.cne on the City Counci). B. J. "Ben" Richardson — r 320 Wells St. No., Renton, Wash Lloyd Lindgren — 519 Airport Way, Renton, Wash Thomas W. Trimm — 541 Wells St., Renton, Wash Steve Tamborini — '- 539 Morris Street, Renton, ',dash Dr. Lloyd White — ror _ 421. Grandy Way, Renton, '.lash Anthony Mark Culjak — ~ K-34 Cedar River Park, Renton, Wash George D. Swift — 436 No. Williams Renton, Wash Verle "Sunny" Vietzke — 516 Pelly St., Renton, Wash C. E. "Chet" Hawes — 910 "F" Street, Renton, Wash Ray E. Heppenstall — 318 Farlington St., Renton, Wash Alex Miller — J-42 Cedar River Park, Renton, Wash John C. Edwardo — --116 Tobin Ave., Renton, Wash Elinor Zappalo — 2110 8th Ave., No., Renton, Wash Asa T. "Ace" Jones — J-34 Cedar River Park, Renton, Wash Yours very truly Wiley Crook — City Clerk end WC/o'd Registrar of Voters Encl. Kober. A. Morrib, ning County Audit... Elections and Registration Department Yi1 24, 1 53 220 County-City Bldg. Seattle 4, 4+X.ehington Dear $ir: We hereby -.rant permission for use of the following schools audior scial a ctions buildings for use as polling-places for the _ to be held on May 26, 1953 _ with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we unierstand the usual rental will be paid. kocatio; Precinct North Renton recreation Center Renton Yo. �. City Garage Renton No. 2 City Hall Renton No. 10 Fire tation No. 1 Renton No. 11 Fire tation No. 1 Renton No. 12 Renton Highlands Fire tation Renton No. 22 Renton Highlands Fire tation Renton No. 23 Exceptions: APPROVED, King County District (OR) C itpaof Renton By Af/;:-/,-4-.7 �-,, C; c Clerko NOTE; �'�' Please sign and return one copy immediately! The second copy is for your records. ""° EARL COE t I. SECRETARY OF STATE Olympia, Washington April 24, 1953 EXPLANATORY COMMENT ON NEW LAW RELATING TO SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTIONS FOR EXCESS LEVIES (1) Title and Effective Date: Senate Bill No. 117 is now identified as Chapter 189, Laws of 1953, and since it contains an emergency clause, it became effective law on March 18, 1953, at which time the Governor approved same, (Photographic re- production of the enrolled law is attached for your reference.) (2) Purpose: The purpose of the new law is to aid school districts in their local financing problems insofar as excess levies for current operating expenses are concerned. By deliberate intention, the legislature did not include bond issues. This omission was made for the reason that many of the legislators were of the opinion that lowering the voting requirements was justified only for current opera- ting expenses during this emergency period and should not be extended to bond is- sues. In other words, a bond issue approved now would take years to retire, going beyond the emergency period - whereas an excess levy is limited by law to one year's tax assessment. (3) Voters' Participation: The 40% voters' participation requirement is deter- mined as follows: • (a) Special elections for excess levies for current operating expenses: 40% of the vote cast at the March 10, 1953, regular school election. (Exceptions: Metropolitan school districts located in cities of Seattle and Tacoma. In these instances the last regular election was held in March, 1952,) (b) Special election for bond issues (caplital outlays): 40% of the vote cast in the school district at the November 4, 1952, state general election. It must be understood that all such elections require 60% voters' approval. Should a school district schedule a special election calling for both an excess levy and a bond issue - then two separate standards of voters' participation must be used as outlined above. (4) Diminishing Returns: There has been a general misunderstanding on this point. The 40% turnout necessary to validate an excess levy election is now to be based upon the most recent regular school election; In no event is the vote turnout at any special • election to be used as the basis for such subsequent elections. In other words, the vote cast at the special school district elections to be held on May 26th does not become the base figure for later elections. After the November, 1954, state general election has been held - then the 40% turnout requirement for all excess levy elections will again be based upon the most recent state election, -1- (5) Determining the 40% turnout figure: Regular school elections are uniformly scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of March throughout the state. The metropolitan school districts located in Seattle and Tacoma hold their elections on a biennial basis in concert with city elections on the even numbered years. The same applies to the school district in the city of Spokane - except that the elections are held on the odd numbered years. All other school districts hold annual elections. Thus the vote cast at the March 10, 1953, school district election will be the base figure for all school districts this year except in the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. In these two cities only, the vote cast at the March, 1952, school election (being the most recent election) will control. It is important that the County Supt. of Schools and the County Auditor arrive at an understanding in writing, before the election is held, as to what will constitute the 40% quota. Since the boundaries of the school districts rarely harmonize with the boundar- ies of the precincts - the determination of the quota may of necessity wander into the realm of conjecture. However, if all reasonable factors, such as the population spread in rural areas, are considered, and the estimated figure agreed upon before the election is held - there should be no valid basis for contesting the election after it has been held. (6) Number of times same measure can be voted upon: (a) Excess levy: Should an election fail - the same proposition can be resubmitted a second time within the tax year,which is October 1st to October 1st. (b) Bond issue: Should a bond issue fail - the same proposition can be resubmitted a second time within the calendar year. There is no restriction as to the number of times different propositions may be submit- ted in a given year. (7) Jurisdiction of special school elections: In King, Pierce and Spokane counties: The county auditor conducts the elections and the county canvassing board (County Prosecuting Attorney, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners and County Auditor) canvasses the election returns. In all other counties: The school district clerk conducts the election and the school di- rectors canvass the returns. (City or town clerks have no jurisdiction unless school election is to be held in conjunction with a city or town election and school directors request city jurisdiction.) -2- (8) Legal Notices: In all counties, the county auditor must publish the notice of the closing of registration. This publication must be made no later than 35 days prior to the election. In Kincg, Pierce and Spokane counties - the county auditor also publishes the notice of holding special election. In all other counties, the school district clerk causes the legal notice of the election to be published. By the terms of the new law - the legal notice requirement is the same as for state general elections. This now means that only one publication is necessary to be made, not more than 10, nor less than 3 days prior to the election, in one or more news - papers of general circulation within the county. Posting of election notices is no longer necessary. / : (NOTE: The above legal notice is now a, standard for every type of election.) Concluding Remarks This detailed bulletin has been issued by my office in response to numerous in- quiries concerning this new law. Please remember - the change in the interpreta- tion of the 40% voters' turnout applies only to school district elections held for the purpose of voting excess levies for current operating expenses and does not include bond issues. Further, after the November, 1954, state general election - the terms of the new law expire in that the 40% turnout of voters will then be computed again on the basis of the most recent state general election. If you have any question - please contact the Elections Division of my office. 7,,,/ , RL COE, Secretary of State Chief Elections Officer State of Washington -3- E A R L C O E CHAPTER 189, LAWS OF 1953 SECRETARY OF STATE OLYMPIA, WASH. PROPERTY TAXES-EXCESS LEVIES SENATE BILL NO. 1 1 7 AN ACT Relating to the authorization of excess property tax levies by certain taxing districts; amending section 84.52.052, RCW; and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: Section 1. Section 84.52.052, RCW, as derived from section 3, chapter 23, Laws of 1951, Second Extraordinary Session, is amended to read as follows: The limitations imposed by RCW 84.52.050 to 84.52.058, inclusive, shall not pre- vent the levy of additional taxes, not in excess of five mills a year and without an- ticipation of delinquencies in payment of taxes, in an amount equal to the interest and principal payable in the next succeeding year on general obligation bonds, outstanding on December 6, 1934, issued by or through the agency of the state, or any county, city, town, or school district, or the levy of additional taxes to pay interest on or toward the reduction, at the rates provided by statute, of the principal of county, city, town, or school district warrants outstanding on December 6, 1932; but this millage limitation with respect to general obligation bonds shall not apply to any taxing dis- trict in which a larger levy is necessary in order to prevent the impairment of the obligation of contracts. Any county, school district, metropolitan park district, sewer district, water district, public hospital district, rural county library dis- trict, intercounty rural library district, fire protection district, city, or town may levy taxes at a rate in excess of the rate specified in RCW 84.52.050 to 84.52.058, in- clusive, when authorized so to do by the electors of such county, school district, met- ropolitan park district, sewer district, water district, public hospital district, rural county library district, intercounty rural library district, fire protection dis- trict, city or town by a three-fifths majority of those voting on the proposition at a special election, to be held in the year in which the levy is made, and not oftener than twice in such year, in the manner provided by law for holding general elections, at such time as may be fixed by the body authorized to call the same, which special e- lection may be called by the board of county commissioners, board of school directors, or council, board of commissioners, or other governing body of any metropolitan park district, sewer district, water district, public hospital district, rural county li- brary district, intercounty rural library district, fire protection district, city or town, by giving notice thereof by publication in the manner provided by law for giving notices of general elections, at which special election the proposition of authorizing such excess levy shall be submitted in such form as to enable the voters favoring the proposition to vote "Yes," and those opposed thereto to vote "No": PROVIDED, That the total number of persons voting at such special election must constitute not less than forty percent of the voters in said taxing district who voted at the last preceding general state election: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the total number of persons voting on an excess levy for current operating purposes at any such special election of any school district prior to November 3, 1954, must constitute not less than forty percent of the voters in said taxing district who voted at the last preceding general election in such district. Sec. 2. This act is necessary for the immediate support of the existing public institutions and shall take effect immediately. Passed the Senate March 11, 1953. President of the Senate. Approved March 18, 1953 Passed the House March 10, 1953. / , ,� t /1Q; Sneaker of the House. • June 12, 1953 Earl Coe Secretary of State Ex Officio Chief Elections Officer Olympia, Washington Attentions State Surt. of Elections Dear Sires Replying to your communication May 15, 1953, MEMORANDUM TO: COUNTY AUDITORS AND CITY OR TOWN CLERKS, SUBJECT; CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION RECORDS FOR FAILURE TO VOTE, we are enclosing Inventory of Registered Voters as of June 1, 1953, but as we have not been able to notify all of the parties whose registra- tions have been cancelled, we will not be able to mail you the certificate in regard to sane for a few days. However., rider separate cover we are mailing to you cancellations as reported on Permanent 1egistx tion Form No. 8, in the number of 1313. :Toping that the delay in returning the certificate of cancella- tion as reported on Permanent Registration Form Nc. 8, will not inconvenience you, we are Yours very truly THE CITY OF RENTCN 4C/o'd one . Wiley Crook - City Clerk Robert A. Morris, Xi-- county Auditor Elections & Registra i Department 220 County-City Bldg. Seattle 4, Washington Dear Eir: We hereby grant rermission for use -of the followin schools and/or :ne l .1:.;c'..ion buildings for use as polling-places for the , r.h 10, 1953 - — - -. to be held on4414c — - with exceptions as noted. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. Location Precinct North enton .ecreati_on Center Renton No. 1 City Gaz.ar e ' enton No. 2 City Hall Renton No. 10 Fire `cation No. 1 Renton No. 11 Fire nation No. 1 Rentor; No. 12 . snton Highlands "-re t.ation Renton o. 22 !:enton Highlands Fire tation Renton No. 23 Exceptions: APPROVED, King County _ District # OR City Krxixwn of Renton By i-t Clerk NOTE: Please sign and return one copy immediately! The second copy is for your records. dtd, YilAtAltef _ /q THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. / "Abelhanz, GeDrge J.1 Berend, Monroe ] Brickley, Pauline / 1'2703 12th North Z708 10th Pl. 1044 H St. / e =Abelhanz, Pall ine,j ergman, Leora Ardis ,/ . Bridgewater, Annablle = 2703 12th North ,2609 Sunset itiontic Ct. p713 10th Place / • m 14 ti Bilbruck, Robert M. i `i~Bridgewater, Thomas R.�' 1 / t 89- -£tt V 2'713 10th Pl. ✓ S1a•it N lead..--- . ., v . 'Akessonp Kerneth T. 02 I Billstein, Mrs. Viola Cadwel] , Charles G. f b 4'1g fitYCE Sit t 7'919 Sunset kis Court I L�r 2 "Akesson, Latretta I. I .4Billstein, W. J. j v Cadwell, Margaret v' ,72 / 2919 Sunset Court 71741-81717 . IV a- ry Ill, .1 • Andersen, Ccnrad A.i Bingham, Helen ,i '-Cadwell, Thomas E. L092 G Street 2810 10th Place • 2913 12th Ave. No. 1 ---- Angier, Jun us C.4 -Bingham, M. 0. 4 Callen, Fred C. ,_, V 2505 12th Nc rth bat .2810 10th Place A- 3 Angier, Milcred L. Black, L. J. 1 Callen, Marjorie D. l3 2505 12th North l 12805 12th Ave. No. /- / ✓; %f ``Ashbridge,Bc!rtha M. Black, Orianna K.4 '`C rrolli, Lois C2533 Sunset Court ehi 2800 12th No. H Stj )/317 ``Bailey, Elisabeth A. Blodgett, Edson C., Jr. -Carrolli, Thomas A. (1063 H St. 2519 Suns et C t t 1017 H St. i -"•Bailey, Kenneth H. I' v Borek, Patricia A.+ Cavanaugh, Gertrude S. - v !1063 H Stretrt 2513 10th Place ii 194-14ce terV41". / i 1.1; * &• )Bainton, Da: do H. . orek, Wm. T. 1 Cavanaugh, James T. ✓ Duv' ?28 a Sunset .-� ff513 10th Place io a 9 / L 'd t •Bainton, Ir3ne orn, John K. I I/ -Chamberlin, Robert W. vt .t-- I 7O1 o�unsGt o rt /I • 2618 10th Pl. , Banasky, Ruth e Born, Marion E. t 17 Clayton, Robert F. )6 j o S Ja-P ,( 4` / 2701 Sunset Court hjt-WW) a, ,7 g s 1-0 C`�� ' 'f 3�• �/ 13 0 0 3 y N�r..� Banasky, Vi;tor `'Bower, Richard H.1 ojk, nj -Cockrum, Alden D. 2901 12th crth J t'�a 2529 Sunset ourt -�' 24728 Sunset Blvd. /11'91 g /J P v"v ( i 2 P s 4 y at,►w,r ,,; Benner, Clayton E. `4-Bradford, r,ft. Lee / -cravens, Merle I. / 2818 llth North 11051 H Place 2602 Sunset Court Y -Benner, Pauline A. ti*Brandt, Remold E. Curtis, Sherman K.,/ `,- 2818 llth Ave. No. ' ,2511 Sunset Court our 4 J penson, Arthur D. ,� d Brashear, Leroy G./ IA Curtis, Thelma k '.. 3 3 .�►f I Sunset Court C -/A9-v 1 L �Qur'�7 : o Flo f y �.w�/ / Berend, Hanel i-Brickley, Earl P. '+Davidson, Francis J 2708 10th Flace 1044 H Street 1092 H St. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. I / ! /=-Davidson, Tht!resaV L. Ferguson, Fred F. " Greenfield, Albert F. / 1.092 H St. ►e5e5�dL1 !i u -4 / r318 1 3L. --Davis, C. E. J „ Fez-sor:, Helen D. / regory, Betty Lou / 828 Sunset 31vd. as� alit / I 1060 H Pl. axis, Nola Jane L itzmaurice, Wm. R. r`{}regory, Richard L. /2828 Sunset 31vd. jO02 llth 've. No. 1060 H P1. ArDepner, Mary Ann/ Flickinger, Lillian A. --Grigsby, James F. / 094 H St. 071 H Pl.ki 260 Sunset Court b /� , 7/1 Deymonaz, Jaie ./ lickinger, Rober�,E. Hamel, Anita AiI1095 G St. 071 H Pl. 2818 Sunset Blvd. Deymonaz, Walter J. / —Foisy, Raymond H. / 1--Hamel, Jr., Ovila Joseph _ /095 G St. ,2818 Sunset Blvd. 2818 Sunset Blvd. "Dibble, C. R. J Fritts, R. H. ✓ V\ ardebeck, Fern 2625 10th Pl. �3? 11 t N,� 1-2 �J JDow, 1, 707 Delores J. ,/ "Fryer, Dean V "Flardebeck, John E. 607 12th Nc. 1101 No. Court 3012 llth No. '2' �' J v b/��-L 7 0 7 `76 Dow, Gail S. Fryer, Opal H. �/ t i,1 Heath, Mary L. / C 2607 12th Ncrth 1n t. /�-6-3/ .� 9-9 q i- ...„ . o ,Fujioka, Rosieelwick, Alma / • J2806 10th Pl. 105-2 H--St. 4Ericksen, Alice Eliz. / ,-Laskin, Forrest/. ✓4elwick, Harold L. 2526 llth Ai e. No. 070 G St. 1052 B...4,r Ericksen, WC lter M. 1 —Gaskin, Nadine 0. ✓ hlerth, Carl ✓ ,�`` t 2526 llth Al e. No. J1070 G St. 2621. l th Av _Nerod a. g Erlendson, t ohann T. / German, Delores I. I 4--Hiatt, Edwin F. / !" \2527 12th c . l 2926 13tr-No: �' �.� �y4 ' r1 1 0 a. 3- s- -ri..c�� j. 'Erlendson, Lucille N. �' German, Lyle K. ✓ r ` "Hiatt, Gladys M. J7/fl /� fs `W, 1 2527 12th North .7 7 12th Ave. llth 1 � 9 3, � ' Evans, Earl G. Gilbert Arnold W. ,/ �y ' .� - --Hilgenberg, Ed / _ y �/ j2630 10th P:_. 2712 Sunset Blvd. 1087 H ' Evans, Mary Ruth, Gray, Lucille U. V CJ' �4ilgenberg, June I. 2630 10th Pl. �70 rl. 19 /,_ 9O3 b 11 L ;i: .�e 37�0 -- et- P,e_. Evenson, Da rid R./ Gray Melvin R. 1kt, ollenbach, Anamarie I1060 G St. - 2521 Sunset Court 1 eib; a(r It - *-& , %.Evenson, Docothy J. ., !Proctor C. .� Gray, , / t41ollenbach, Robert D. (1060 G St. 1 1091 H St. 2521 Sunset Court ''Fagan, C. P. �� ,/ l --fray, Rebecca / "'Howard, Adele M. / © &uns-et-Ct. , 1091 H St. 2639 10th Pl. 1614, `4- ,t" . THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. / , Huebner, Frieda k arinen Kenneth K. 11 4-MacHir F 7ta , ^, ron, Frances 2808--1Ctry� Pl. ✓o1 9 ��; 1.:^:-C 2613 Sunset Ct. 'Huebner, Robert F. �' ' fir 24, Z{iefer, Doris V 0.4a.rtin, Betty L. 2898 otfi'1'l. , `"/°6 7 2813 12th Ave. No.. 2721 10th Pl. `� Hummer, Joseph R. /' defer, John G. ✓' martin, Josmh W. , 1077 H St. ✓ 2813 12th Ave. No. 2721 10th Pl. 'Hummer, Zona 1.. r .s - 4ing, Charles B. ✓ 'Matta, Emma S.V. 1077 H St. 2619 12th Ave. No. 1055 H St. `Hunt, Carrie I . '/ .I4ing, Viola. R. .-"Matta, Wayne J4,- L�Mer9" Sunset Court 2619 12th Ave. No. 1055 H St. hunt, James L. V Sapp, •Alfred R. ,,% I-Mt.tta, Wayne R.�,.-, j 2699. Sunset Ccurt 2518 llth Ave. No. 1055 H St. -Hunt, Marjorie ' i4 oler, Crace k ayes, Troy L.v; 1070 H Pl. 2806 loth Pl. ' 2726 10th Pl. "'Jackson, Jamee J./ .NE__ a n: ioler, Roy W. / 1j► feyhew, Bert D. 2605 llth No. J 2806 loth Pi. 1025 H St. elackson, Vinol E.� d g 4 - wIiowalski, Bertella .E. 1-Mead, Gerald E. � `''�'-• 2605 llth No. /S 1060 G St. 2557-Sunset Ct. '�/G ki,a' 71,,�`/c"444.4 Jackson Wallace L. / �owalski, Emil J.✓ ,-Merrell, Agnes ,/ 2605 llth Ave. No. 1 G-'St. 1085 H St. ;, 7 -41-0.c " -Jacobson, David C. J cy, Mary E. / �3 S �1085 11 Jack D. ;� 1075 G St. 2-51,'-sunset-court/9v 1085 H 'St. -CO-�> �, -4' ' acobson, ROSE M. ✓taitila, Arthur W. 1,-Michkiosky, John of 1075 G St. 1052 G St. 01! 2517 12th Ave. No. 4hnson, Ben L. /' '-Lauerman, John R ,� ifihelitch, Roberta 2539 Sunset Court 1057 G St. S 1049 G St. -/-Johnson, Mary J. V 1.-fauerman, Lucille < ,f V Miller, Robert F. 1 2929 Sunset Blvd. 1057 G St. -Pl. �,' /t`' , ef, hnson, Newton M.,Jr. ,/ 'ee, Nonnie G"7" � `--i'fi lls, August E. 2929 Sunset Blvd. 2517--s�• -G 2631 10th Pl. 4hnson, Orville Jtte, Robert E.G mills, Hester 2541 Sunset Court 2517 Sanest-Colima} 2631 10th Pl. �nes, Doris Mae j E . 3vely, Gerard R. L-Moeller, Marjorie E. ,41, in/ /4 3$66 H Hi.' 1 "/ / r 1021� H St. `� 2720 Sunset Ct. /AS /1' (+ / fry /. u►, .t.4avv ones, Thomas L. . -41'�. �ockleer, Paul L. /,1, y ''Munson, E. L. ,/ n68 H n, (F e o -C'i►�--+AY "' , n,.r4 t� °.;. 2531 Sunset Court v/ 8 _4 4- Yu)• 1 Karinen, Helga E.j ckleer, Ruby / -' -Munson, Sevilla ,,ZG,,/- -4 ?ld, IC 3020 llth Ne-. /- '' 2531 Sunset Court 3srtT-- 6 y�W, 1 THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. Newman, Bemis L. ""'� //3 tPringle, Irving E. (../ oll Florence E. v 2606 llth North 1054 H St. /Gera / , -€.",.it � 08 .S t B �`� ,/Newman, Robert L. 6'4.-vzi Pringle, Rowena E. j4 tied e Ruth 2606 llth Ave. No. '/G4zS//'� ' 1054 H St. /'• ' ',/ ���,,•w ' ' 2720 10th Pl. V ✓'Nicholl, Harry If ' . ell ' 1 4an, Minnie T. 2728 Sunset Courts :.�' '�3 o. 2817 llth Ave. No. �_ f Brien, Frances T.�. Powers, Patrick H. yang Thomas M. 2820 Sunset Blvd. 111,33 H Pl. ?G./3 /? i 2817 llth Ave. No. ' Brien, Josech D. —Powers, Richard R. ✓ �- Sarllee, Charles L. 2820 Sunset BLvd. V 1113 H P1. 1067 H P1. -Atom, Vera C. ✓ Rantapaa, Emil f ,' fiampson, Ashford E li 2707 Sunset C curt 3004 llth Noth P�t3s/ /a / 2714 Sunset Court - 6dom, Virgil G. / Rantapaa, Jennie S.✓ ndberg, Arne RI 2707 Sunset Court 3004 llth Nod c //'o 7 2623 12th North V6ldman, Helen L. / weed, Edith M. v, 14aviers, Gerald/M. 2910 llth Ave, No. 2617 12th No. - 1081 G St. 14Idman, Lesli(.�%� �3.eed, Wallace A. `a,,►_ :k<viers, Mary 0.1 2910 llth No. -2-617 12th *res--Wo. ,r,,.Aet 1081 G St. Payne, Colon �. �'YS / � ?�����' /� ,193(- �,;�R'eichert, George F. �r��/ `-�awver, Violet il 1962 H Pl. 3 02 0 f-9 `ffir-c' 2502 Sunset Court Payne, Eulah C./ V fG•1k LReichert, (Marlys Anp e aefer, Earl C. a/ 1062 H Pl. ,30.2 G ` �, `, y . , t9-f,i i---te nU -Sunset Blvd. •�ad/2-//UL Gra Payne, Sylvia / as 4 ✓Reynolds, Marion I. /./ ' .� ildt, Carl A. 2626 10th Pl. //��X�. c. /nh a1 34, ,'' , ' k 4. 2705 10th Pl. r '''''l Pearson, Patricia-Louise ✓Richard, Ethel 4 D.. ichildt, Dorothy 2612 llth No. `� 0 '� 2705 10th Pl. + y-Perry, Lucille Mar / ichards, James V. ' l- ✓Setzer, John /- Y� / 2908 llth No. :7; /Y 112-le //3° YYI derry, Yale Cl rde bertson Blanche ✓ > � Setzer, Julia / 'v 5 2908 11th Ave. 1094 H St. E.//3 0 ''!l V'Pickels, Esther A. I' 1.�Eebertson, Wm. Lester / t�3•etzer, Julia Anna /�Y c/ .Z�r/✓9 7 L /:i 1094 H St. T 216 12ht n —?.E. //3 0 PI .Pickels, Paul 1,,- �i / et 7t� pgers, Geo. L. !- g , L aw, Connie /f 1O8 / r ✓ ion 2803 th Ave.ve/ "Yv1 '-Powell, Estellfr / 4,6gers, Thelma May S y= w, Robert H. 1076 G St. •1161G 12-1 -Ave. S.E. d- 2803 12th Ave. J ✓ /d /0 YY) .d-i , I./Powell, Louell. L./ Roll, Arthur E. _ j4rimonson, Edward H. 1076 G St. $lvb 7 , 2719 10th Place • ' THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. Simonson, Margie ,/ obin, Harold B. / . 2719 10th Plane 1067 G Street• ✓ 1 7 4'4, ' I4J'7 -Smith Nathan H. obin Mrs. ' b �,�r�.y 1, 1050 G St. 1067 G Street—, e� +� �'`",!4 +' P Smith, Ruby M, , urk, Eileen Marie / 11050 G Street %' 2911 12th Ave. No. /Snhith, Sam E. , 2, irk, Robert C. I 2504 Sunset Ci,. Z 3 4 lei ( 2911 12th Ave. No. -need, Robertttwiner, Hazel I. % 3018 llth Nor.,h 1045 H St. V VStergel, George /`l )' iner, Willis E., 2738- .op4,� V 9 0- V1045 H St. ✓ /Struthers, F. H. /53? fl I1 ed Wandrey, Viola M. 1 nC n c,,.Qe#r 6trurt ,..A4- r '"1017 H St. `"' ►/Studebaker, Phyllis I. jam": Wa en, Fred N-./ 1062 G St. / a "/ i 5-' 7 9 H Place v tudebaker, Wri. C, y / f . 6.5 i b2, LaVelle M. .1 1062 G Street 522 loth P1. O K turman Lesl:_e S. �iite Wm. H. 2633 10th Flare ✓ v2?e3-2Sttnset~Ri sY 3 S".d 1 ) a 2; 0-1414 11 - urman, Rachel In/ 7dilliams, Ola E. • , • V2633 10th Place 1C71 i - t. , 12$uerth, Alfred L./ itt, Carl i '7 Y ��,Glu4-,"wo , 1047 H Street y ,(,1A- erth, Anna L. itt, Marian M. ialLi ` t`�'� ' 4'w4 ✓1047 H Street tt-: ,,.,St nde, Donald B. J oung, Ila J ✓✓1093 G Street 2615 Sunset Ct. _--S nde, Lula M,, d 1093 G Street l,,/qq��, v+homas, Edward L.1 2611 12th North 4- 'Thomas, JoAnn te 41 �2611 12th Ave,. No. j. vThomas, Steff:_e J 4l3! - 3, LC�t,u hU. 2611 12th Nor•:h omsen, Richard C. J 2606 llth Ave,. No. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. WIDELL, DOLOR ES M. i 1007 "I" Place THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-25 - RENTON, WN. Albertson, David Richard Kinney, Mary Joanne ✓ Marl, Doreen A. ✓ 809 "0" Street '� 816 "N" Street 3314 9th North Heflin, Rus se Ll T. ✓ Kinney, Paul W. 0/ 835 N Place 816 "N" Street THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-22 - RENTON, WN. Allyn, Gillman J. ✓ Christensen, Colleen J./ Jones, Ethel M. , 3307 7th Ave. No. 3303 6th Ave. North ✓✓ 646 "0" St. Allyn, Winnie E. // Coffey, Eugene f Jones, Floyd D. 3307 7th Ave. North 3515 6th Pl. North 646 "0" St. Babcock, Davic F.✓ Coffey, Patricia Lee Kleid, Hal " 727 P Street 3515 6th P1. North ✓ 3820 6th No.' Baldwin, Harris / Craig, Robert M. / Kleid, Ruth E. ./ 3723 7th Ave. North 617 S Street 3820 6th No. Baldwin, tarjcrie✓ Darling, Christopher F. Lamb, Exie I. 1 3723 7th North 3309 7th km.Place / 667 "R" St. Baltz, Howard L. De Boer, Theda J. ( Lamb, George N.J 618 0 Street 627 "0" Street 667 "R" St. Baltz, Margery E.J De Boer, William L. ,/ Melius, Ada 0/ 618 0 Street 627 "0" Street 3327 7th North Beuhler, Krlene J. J Dent, Joirce A. McCallum, John E. ,/3521 6th North 3332 7th Place � 633 "0" St. Beuhler, Edwin V. .// Gilmore, June J. / McCallum, Patricia 3521 6th North 3220 7th Place 633 "0" St. i Carney, Iva-Lou /-�.b �/ Gilmore, Richard H./ McSorley, Eliz. Ann/ 829 0 Street 3220 7th Pl. 654 "P" St. Carney, John C. /,Y �✓ Johnson, Bernice E./ McSorley, James 0.,/ 829 0 Street 666 "0" St. 654 "P" St. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-22 - RENTON, WN. O'Brien, Chris) Smalley, Harley J.✓ 3408 6th Place 3410 7th Ave. No. OtBrien, Fliz. // Switzler, Charles ,/ 3408 6th Place 3411 8th North Pappas, Lewis Switzler, Gloria J. / 3415 6th Place 3411 8th Ave. No. Pappas, Vivian 3415 6th Place Patterson, George A. 3521 6th P1. No. of Patterson, Ka-,halyn L✓ 3521 6th Pl. No. Hilo, Domenic; 3706 6th Ave. No. Pillo, Gerald_ne ✓ 3706 6th No. Plumb, Donald E. / 638 N Place Robison, George C. , 3409 6th it Place Robison, Rose M. 3409 6th Pl. ✓ Ruokola, Edwin P. 3328 7th Place ✓ Ruokola, Tyne E. / 3328 7th Place Rupel, Leland D./ 3810 6th Ave. No. Rupel, Ruth P . f 3810 6th No. Smalley, Berricej 3410 7th Ave. No. e THESE REGISTL'RED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. Aaberg, Mary Aileen Boyker, Gladys Coleman, Julia C . 1039 K. St. 833 L. St. 2833 Sunset Blvd. Abraham, Har )ld Boyker, Ralph Cone John W. 963 I. St. 833 L. St. 903 1. St. Allen Juanita Briere, Francis J. Conlow, Helen M. 1013 �I. St. 950 I. St. 3709 8th Place Allen Lacey Briere, Marcelane Conlow, Leslie E. 1013 I . St. 950 I. St. 3709 8th Place Ambriz, Betty Jean Bristow, C. A. Cook, Paul R. 3103 llth Ave. No. 1014 I. Place Highlands Shopping Center Ambriz, Richard Brock Sally M. Cook, Treva O. 3103 llth Ave . No. 1023I. St. Highlands Shopping Center Archer, Alice P. Burk, Russell E. Cooper, Arthur W. 926 L. St. 1019 I. Place 917 L. St. Archer, Harry L. Burnham Betty Cooper, Margaret 926 L. St. 919 L. St. 917 L. St. Barber, Charis L. Burnham James E. Cornforth, Robert A. 834 K. St. 919 L. Sit. 910 L. St. Barber, David G. Campbell, Catherine E. Cremers Norma Jean 834 K. St. 1017 K. St. 903 I. St. Barr, Leona W. Campbell, Lewis S. Cremers, Vern B. 1005 K. St. 1017 K. St. 903 I. St. Barr, Orville W. Casebolt, J. 0. Culjak, Ann P. 1005 K. St. 1014 K. St. 961 I. St. Baskin, Milton R. Chamberlin, Mabel I. Dart, Howard F. 823 0. St. 808 L. St. 3017 7th Ave. No. Belcoe, Ernest P. Chamberlin, P. L. Daugherty Elsie 2725 Sunset Blvd. 808 L. St. 1036 K. St. Benda, Alvin J. Chase, Eugene H. Demery, Matilda M. 920 K. St. 1072 H. Place 961 I. St. Bowen, Lloyd H. Claudon, Katherine Dickinson, Patricia 918 J. St. 929 1 . St. 912 L. St. Bowen, MabeL E. Claudon, Ralph J. Dickinson, Robert C . 918 J. St. 929 I. St. 912 L. St. Bowron, Fra:1k R. Clough, Natalie S. Dinkel, John A. 1031 K. St. 951 I. St. 1046 H. St. Bowron, Mari Catherine Coleman, Boyd D. Druce, Roland 1031 K. St. 2833 Sunset Blvd. 1079 H. St. THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. Dupuis, Mar;). Frank, Paul Jr. Hansen, Marilyn L. 931 K. St. 909 L. St. 945 I. St. Dupuis, Samiel H. German, Alma Hanson, Elva R. 931 K. St. 1022 I . Place 823 L. St. Dusenbery, Madeline German, Leland R. Hanson, Marvin B. 2802 10th Place 1022 I. Place 823 L. St. Dusenbery, Robert Gibbs, Ferris D. Harwell, Elva 2802 10th Place 2826 9th Ave. No. 928 K. St. Eberly, Melvin J. Gibson, LaFaye L. Haugen, Emmett B. 2815 Sunset Blvd. 1004 K. St. 1012 K. St. Eberly, Mildred I. Gilman, A. Bernice Haugen, Monica R. 2815 Sunset Blvd. 46 J. St. 0 K. Elfving , Arlene E. Gilman, Everett L. Hawk Lucille E. 948 I. St. 946 J. St. 910 L. st. Elfving, Urho J. Gitchel, Laura J. Head, Mary Louise 948 I. st. 902 L. St. 936 K. St. Elzenga, Gertrude Gitchel, Ralph L. Hedi 2908 10th A.ve. No. 3010 llth Ave. No. 28 41at M JI Evans, Catherine A. Glockner, June E. Heyduck, Mildred M. 1030 I. St . 830 L. St. 1020 K. St. Evans, John D. Glockner William Hickerson, I. Jenell 1030 I. St . 830 L. St. 930 J. St. Evans William J. Goodwin, Lucy B. Hickerson, Oscar D. Jr. 2723 Sunset Highway 915 K. St. 930 J . St. Farrow, Alice Grace Goodwin Richard Illian, Betti 1019 L. St. 915 K. St. 3008 7th Ave. No. Farrow, Arthur Gulledge, Billy B. Jechort Beverly J. 1019 L. St. 1045 I. St. 836 L. St. Farrow, Shirley Gulledge Shirley A. Jechort, Harold L. 1092 G. St. 1045 I. St. 836 L. St. Farrow, Thomas E. Gummere Evelyn W. Johnson, Ione 1092 G. St. 934 K. St. 2714 Sunset Blvd. Frank Ann M. Hall, Hans M. Johnson, James Albert Jr. 909 L. St. 1049 K. St. 1006 K. St. Frank, Barbara J. Hall, Lydia Johnston, Beatrice E. 904 L. St. 1049 K. St. 1025 K. St. Frank, Herry E. Hansen, James J. Kelly, Eileen 904 L. St. 945 I. St. 942 L. St. , THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. Kielland, Alfred Locke William H. Monnett, Chlorine E. 844 L. St. 1033 K. St. 2831 10th No. Kielland Helm Mace, Charles A. Monnett, Vernon L. 84�+ L. St. 1007 I. St. 2831 10th No. Kindle Frances Patricia Mace) Cletis Monnot, Margaret Y. 1039 K. St. 1007I. St. 831 L. St. Kindle, Walter James l'1441&)PCMIXL12. Monnot, Maurice F. 1039 K. St. lxxIcXYxi Y 831 L. St. Kistler Charles E. Mork, C. A. 834 K. St. 1060 H. St. Knapp, George T. Mathieson, Edward W. Mork�Lollie A. 928 L. St. 940 L. St. 1060 H. St. Knapp, La Velle Alice Mathieson, Thelma J. Musga, Mabel 928 L. St. 940 L. St. 933 L. St. Kollman, John H. Meeks, Evelyn P. McArthur, Joan 803 L. St. 2823 sunset Blvd. 3005 8th Ave. No. Kollman, Joy Meeks Harry L. McArthur, John 803 L. St. 2823 Sunset Blvd. 3005 8th Ave. No. Lampman William D. Melton, Jewel E. McCulloch LeRoy 828 L. St. 1022 K. St. 1026 L. St. Larson, Burnell E. Melton, Roy McCulloch Minnie J. 834 K. St. 1022 K. St. 1026 L. St. Latimer Allene Miller, Bethel B. McDaniels Oscar L. 907 K. St. 1047 K. St. 1005 I. St. Latimer, David M. Jr. Miller, Graham O. McDonald Ralph P. 907 K. St. 909 K. st. 1013 I. St. Lavik, Marie Miller, Kenneth V. -0: 2834 10th Ave . No. 1047 K. St. • 73Y ,1 i. Lemenager, Eileen G. Miller, Lorraine McGowan, Edward J. 2504 9th Ave. No. 909 K. St. 953 I. St. Lemenager, Wcodrow M. Miller, William R. McGowan, Elizabeth Mary 2504 9th Ave. No. 903 I. St. 953 1. St. Lewis, Elizabeth F. Mills, Alvin W. McMahill Bernard H. 913 I. 3t. 2810 9th Ave. No. 1015 K. St. Lewis, Ralph S. Mills Bernice McMahill, Irene B. 913 I. St. 1041 R. st. 1015 K. St. Locke Cathe:^ine Mills, Eulalia Nason, Bernadine 1033 K. St. 2810 9th Ave. No. 2906 9th Ave. No. • THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. - Nelson, Carl B. � xbX Ryan, Thomas T. 924 I. St. �X isyxkmm2817 llth No. . Nelson, Marguerite R. zuziactAxixtEPazaseetax Ryckman, Dave I. 924 I. St. AZ . �X1XXX X XXXX 926 I. St. Oakland, Bernice M. Quale, Lyla C. Ryckman, Dorothy C. 826 K. St. 708 K. St. 926 I . St. Oakland, Marshall L. Qualls, Clifford W. Saario, Annabelle R. 826 K. St. 961 I. St. 3005 10th Ave. No. Okubo Kimiko Qualls, Lorraine Saario Robert J. 1016 1. St. 961 I. St. 2826 loth No. ., Olson, Ervin 0. Ranta, Jacob William Saint, Thelma • 2903 10th Ave. No. 938 J. St. 911 L. St. Panger, Annie Ranta, Saima Scheuch Donald A. f; 2845 10th Ave. No. 938 J. St. 3006 10th No. Panger, N. H. Reynolds William L. Scheuch, Margaret 2845 10th No. 1029 I. St. 3006 10th No. Payseno, Peto H. Robinson, Agnes E. Schultz, Rudy F. 2817 Sunset Blvd. 2725 Sunset Blvd. 848 K. St. Payseno, Ruth J. Robinson, George K. Scott, Martha 2817 Sunset .31vd. 2725 Sunset Blvd. 965 I. St. Pedegana, Lilian 1 x IXXXXZ Scott, William G. 927 I. St. 222XX1X1314 965 I. St. . Pezoldt, G. D. RAI1X4XEM0114XE4 Sherman Henry T. - . 813 L. St. 2221a4XXX4 2837 10th Ave. No. Phillips, Margaret J. Rose, Lorna Sherman, Thelma G. 936 L. St. 1045 I. St. 2839 10th Ave. No. Pillon, Charles W. Rose, Robert C. Shimono R. L. 927 L. St. 1006 L. St. 920 L. St. Pillon, Evelyn Ruhl, Dorothy Jane Simon, Pheobe E. 927 L. St. 1003 I . St. 91]. L. St. Powell, J . M. Russell, Jessie Smith, Charles V. 3011 North 8th St. 1010 I, Place 2905 10th Ave. No. Prater, Lawrence S. Russell, Roland J. Smith, Julius E. 836 K. St. 1010 I. Place 3009 llth Ave. No. Prater, Vivian A. Rutledge Ralph L. Smith, Viola M. 836 K. St. 1029 I. Sit. 2905 10th Ave. No. ?ritchard, Dorothy 0. Ryan, Alice L. Sneed, Elwin R. 2804 10th Place 925 L. St. 3018 llth Ave. No. THESE ARE REGISTERED VOTERS WHO HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON,WASH. Sousley, Bar:ny R. Warner, Betty L. 929 J. St. 2825 Sunset Blvd. Sousley Evelyn H. Warner, Emmett B. 929 J. St. 2825 Sunset Blvd. Sporcic, Gertrude Watanabe, Jimmy T. 2827 9th Ave. 1015 I . St. Sporcic, Jos3ph Watanabe Mary Shizue 2827 9th Ave. 1015 I. t. Sporcic, Matt f. Weatherson, A. J. 2827 9th Ave. Ito. 1018 I. St. Steinthal, Clarity Weatherson, Ethel 2714 10th Place 1018 I. St. Steinthal, Milton W. Weiss, Mabel E. 2714 10th Place 841 K. St. Storgel, Dora Dell Wilburn, Ellen H. 1023 I. St. 1009 K. St. Tangen, Kenneth R. Wilcox, Elmer N. 1040 I. St. 908 J. St. Teeters, Elsie M. Wilson, Inez M. 2815 Sunset Blvd. 3007 10th Ave. No. Teeters, Walter R. Wilson, Wallace R. 2815 Sunset Blvd. 3007 10th Ave. No. Thomas, Inez A. Wiltgen, Frieda. 912 K. St. 3013 8th No. Thompson, Francis Wayne Wiltgen, Merle J. 1039 I. St. 3013 8th Ave. No. Thompson, Thelma R. Wyrwitzke, Vincent J. Jr. 1039 I. St. 919 I. St. Tolbert, Dorothy Jean 1031 I. St. Vieg, Victor G. 1010 I. St. Vegt, Henry Vander I 936 L. St. Von Behren, Doris J. 3104 7th No. Von Behren, Marvin E. 3104 7th No. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-6 Brown, M. Iris Delo Theodore E. -&�c,�j,_,AA':._,..,41._-) 13426 Rainier 13406 Rainier Ave. /3 1'70 Delaurenti Mary Hansen Irene G. 13410 Rainier 13426 Rainier Ave. Delaurenti, Pete B. Perich May 13410 Rainier 13414 Rainier Ave. Delc Dorothy J. Stewart, Josephine 134C iA Rainier 13414 Rainier Ave. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Allen, Lila A. 8827 Langston Rd. " Richard P. 11 It " Anarde, Darlene A. 8802 140th So. Anaz de, John 14090 88th So. Anaz di, Betty J. " 11 " Arncne, Ernest N. 13121 90th Ave. So. Balcasar, Rose 13025 91st So. Harts am, James M. 13405 89th So. It Marilyn D. 1t " f1 Beln.ondo, Julia 13632 88th So. 11 Morris 11 11 11 Blanchette, Donald E. 12230 87th So. 't Pauline It 1i " Bonaell, J. E. 12652 90th So. Browne, Edna M. 13240 91st So. 11 Harold I1 11 11 Bryant, G. E. 318 Stevens Bryne, Anna Marie 8911 Langston Rd. II John S. 11 11 11 Bunstine, Clarence L. 13500 89th So. 11 Dorothy M. 11 11 11 But]:ovrich, Lillian 13428 91st 11 Vince It " Canter, Furman G. 12618 88th Place 11 Violet M. f1 It 11 Cat:uzzo, Antonio Box 93, Renton " Maria Madalena Earlington Catuzo, Dorothy 13500 89th So. t1 Frank F. I1 " II Chandler, Elsie 13230 91st So. Clinton, George 12824 88th Ave. So. Coati, Belle S. 12924 90th So. " Kenneth D. 11 11 11 Coo:c, Margaret Hardie 131+35 91st So. Coo:c, P. John t1 t1 11 Cocks, Carl F. 13642 88th Ave. So. It Mary F. II I1 11 11 Cooper, Lyndle R. 8816 So. 140th it Madeline C. 11 " " Cox, Georgia E. 12822 87th So. Crabtree, Kenneth 13327 89th So. t1 Phyllis M. " 11 " r THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Grim, Doris S. 12915 87th So. tt Homer T. " 'i tI Dal 3anto, Gaetano 13003 91st So. it Katherine 't " t' Daniels, Katherine B. Earlington--243 Langston Rd. It Winifred C. 8901 Langston Rd. Day, Anna T. Box 118, XXX Bbl. Harry L. " a It It Diniixs, Adam T. 8806 1$lst So. Dobson, Eleanor L. Earlington-309 Langston Rd. II George 8817 Langston Rd. Donnelly, Dorothy E. 13121 91st So. it William D. " " II Dore ) Margaret 13304 91st Ave. So. II Thomas F. " " it II Galvin, Edgar J. 13409 89th So. tt Lorna D. " tt " Garbarino, Adolph 13210 91st tt Margaret Earlington-110 91st So. Gawliey, Agnes H. 13117 90th So., tt Clifford J. It " " Gilmin, Lola A. 12653 88th Pl. So. Gonder, Barbara L. 13421 Rainier Ave. Goodiin, Donald 12525 88th So. It K. Lorayne It " tt Gotta, Marguerite M. 12825i Rainier Ave. Graham, Margaret 8822 So. 140 Gruhila, Leon J. 13006 90th Soo Guitteau, Luc: F. 13257 Rainier Ave. Hallberg George A. 8803 So. 130th 1114101111 Hannah, George 13807 89th Soo It Louise tt tt tt Hardie, Esther Edith 13283 Rainier Ave.-Earlington it J. S. 13283 " II tt Percy T. 13435 91st So. Harrel Constance 12920 91st So. 4111 II Henry E. Box 14, 91st So. Harris, Doris A. 8804 So. 132nd it Elmer E. tt tt II Hart:nan, Elmer L. 12825 Rainier Ave. Elsie L. 12823 88th So. II Mary E. 12825 Rainier Ave. Hart nan, Roy 12823 88th So. Hassel, Blanche 12923 90th Ave. So. It Warren M. It tt It II Herr, Alma L. 12441 Rainier Ave. II R. G. tt tt It Hilden, Jessie E. 12200 87th So. 41 it Sanford tt It It Hori, Jack 13421 Rainier Ave. II Satoko 223 Rainier Ave. Humble, Donald A. 13658 88th So. It Susan K. t' " " Mai Hunter, Andrew Thomas 13105 90th So. 11 Hyytianen Selma 102 91st Ave. So. Jeffery, Pauline M. 13661 Rainier Ave. tt Richard A. 't " " Jera7, Frank 12410 88th Pl. So. 'HE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 JordEn, Cecil C . 12925 88th Ave. So. II Nellie E. " If It " KaezLLarek, S. 8815 So. 130th Kustc+k, Ferne I. 12340 87th So. 1I Harold F. If If n • ._ Lack...e, M. J. 8921 Langston Rd. Lack:.e, Viola D. " " " ' Langcon, Hoyta 8816 Langston Rd. tt R. S. II II it Lapsansky, Clement 12605 88th So. tt Josephir E. " If LaVali, Frank 12425 88th So. Ledingham, Helen M. Earlington-243 Langston Rd. 441111 It Roy T. 8901 Langston Rd. Loutlier, Arttie 8926 120 So. It Chester Earlington-218 5th Ave. W. It Doris M. " " " " If Lynn, Gordon H. 12623 88th So. " Lilly Belle If " It Mathewson, Beatrice W. 13805 90th Ave. So. It H. F. Jr. it II u If Mattson Tauno 8801 Langston Rd. Melby, Selma A. 12525 88th So. Melville, Cora E. 12637 89th So. it Ralph " " " ell Meyer, Jane Caldwell 8911 Langston Rd. Miller, Geneva Irene 12226 87th So. If Raymond B. t' " " Misner, Cecil E. 12440 87th Ave. So. tt Lila G. t, II it If MonElli, Annie May 12919 91st So. II Frank tt II rt 11 Morrison, Harry B. 13634 88th Ave. So. II Helen " If If to Morrison, Laura K. " " " " McKflrath, Mabel 13404 So. 134th McKtlrath, Sam M. II If 11 McLeod, Angus M. 13107 90th So. tt Ella A. It tt It Nel:;en, Rhoda 2517 88th So. Nel3on, Beth 12824 90th So. II Gladys 13422 91st Ave. So. tt J. Tom 12824 90t1 So. Mill . Nuts), Pearl B. 12901 90th So. O1s )n, William E. 12637 89th So. Ozb31t, Lucy M. 13806 90th Ave. So. 'i Mary K. 8801 S. 142nd It Philip If n If tQ Slavo P. 13806 90th Ave. So. Paglia, Andrew Earlington-211 Rainier Ave. It Delcisa Route 11 Box 110c Patterson, Bernice L. 13626 88th So. II Robert A. " If If Pavic, Helen 13261 Rainier Ave. Pearce, George J. 12641 89th So. Pettinger, Bridget J. 12923 90th So. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Pettinger, Charles C. 12923 90th Ave. So. Pighini, Angelo 12657 89th So. Powe1.1, David 12925 91st So. Rautio, Karl A. 8809So. 140th it Signe Sylvia t` t' rt Reim '', Martin H. 12927 87th So. Richc.rd s, William D. 8905 Langston Rd. Ring; Hurley G. 14072 90th Ave. So. If Lois Darline tt ft If II Rume?'y, Emma 14030 88th Ave. So. It Horace E. 14030 88th So. Saffoll, Lester F. Jr. 12340 87th So. If Opal I. If If If Schuster, D. A. 133152 91st Place So. tt Marian 13008 90th So. Seguin, Jessie G. 12206 88th So. II Kenneth M. II It ►t II Margaret R. It tt ft Sherrick, Clara 13259 91st So. ft Harry W. ,t If If Skoor, Carl 13250 91st So. tt Julia If If ft Smith, Aletha E. 13803 90th So. Sparks, Pearl 8912 So. 140th Starkovich, Beverly 12441 Rainier Ave. If Rudolph J. tt rf If Steeves, Frank 13419 Renton Ave. if Hattie It tt If Stilfier, Billy Merl 13810 So. 88th tf Myrtle Jean If S. E. 88th Stokes, Florence 12824 88th So. it John M. If 1t II Taylor, C . E. 13410 Rainier Ave. Thomas, Josephine A. 8903 So. 140th Thompson, Kenneth W. 12901 88th So. II Saxon V. 1t If If Timriins, Alice B. 8801 Langston Rd. ff Catherine II It ft II George J.; tt ft 'f II Mary II It ft Torneson, Conrad 12236 87th So. Tornleson, Gladys ff ft II Trenti, Arthur J. 12919 91st So. If Enis ft II ft Vanierford, Austin 0. 9100 So. 129th ►t Linnie E. it It If Welch, Lloyd G. 12925 Rainier rt Veda M. to ft White, Frank Q. 12220 87th So. If Miron A. II it 1f Wilkins, Geo. A. 8922 So. 140 Wilson, C . W. 13434 91st So. it L. S. 11 It II ft Lillian B. It If If Wocds, Martha 8914 Langston Rd. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Woltyr, Doris 12923 90th So. Zaputil, Mary 13824 89th So. Rudolph " " tt Stanley 11 tr tt THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS ARE BEING Ch ANGED FROM HILLCREST TO RENTON FROM L4 PRECINCT Flute, Sophia 11609 125th Pl. 2425 5th No. 1-16 Casperson, Nerve Rt. 3, , Box 2;08 12806 S. E. 128th 1-20 It Torgine " It 1-20 Fairbanks, Robert C. " " " 650B 12614 S. E. 128th 1-20 it Wilma G. " " " tt II ►t If It 1-20 Farnham, Florence F. " " " 635 12826 S. E. 128th 1-20 " Wilbur C. tt " n tt It It tt tt 1-20 Leonard, William 2847 4th Place No. 2847 4th Place No. 1-20 Allyn, Gillman J. 12427 S. E. 121st 3307 7th Ave. No. 1-22 " Winnie E. n It If II It n tt n 1-22 Berglund, Andrew H. Rt. 3, Box 613 33U2 7th Ave. No. 1-22 II Nina H. It n n n If It tt tt 1-22 Crutchfield, Paul J. " " " 6130 3519 7th Ave. No. 1-22 " Rita E. 12641 S. E. 121st 3519 " " " 1-22 DeHart, Glenn A. 12423 S. E. 121st 3327 7th Ave. No. 1-22 40 tt I\e11ie Mae 12423 S. E. 121st It " It " 1-22 Frehlich, Edward P. Rt. 3, Box 616A 3403 7th Ave. No. 1-22 Hosford, Dorothy K. Rt. 3, Box 613 L 3503 7th Ave. No. 1-22 " Francis M. " tt rt " It It If it 1-22 Isatalo, Nadine F. " " " 612A 754 M. St. 1-22 " George it tt ft It If tt If 1-22 McGlothlin, Mercedes H." " " 613C 738 M. St. 1-22 Perrins, Helen 12628 S. E. 121st 3502 7th Ave. No, 1-22 Perrins, John W. Sr. " It " It II " It tt 1-22 Rolla; Richard RudolphBoute 3, Box 613F 3218 7th kve. No. 1-22 Stirn, Arthur J. 12611 S. E. 121st 3411 7th Ave. No. 1-22 t' Gertrude E tt II II it it it II If 1-22 Beach, George Robert Rt. 3, Box 560 1215 M. St. 1-24 tt V:_ola A. tt tt It II It If tt 1-24 Helmer, Anna Rt. 3, Box 5760A 1215 Sunset Blvd.E. 1-24 Lewis, James E. Rt. 2, Box 964 1303 Sunset Blvd.E. 1-24 Rt. 3, Box 425 838 M. St. 1-25 Acton, A:�thui� J. 1-25 fir+ tt Clara L. tt It II it It it It Austin, ]Mary 12417 S. E. 112th 3221 12th No. 1-25 tt ]Murray A. n It II It II It II 1-�5 1-25 11304 127th P1. S. E. 1120 0. St. Bone, Jaane.. D. 1-25 It II tt II It it it It it Mary T�.Cooper, 3elle 11304 127th P1. S. E. 1100 St. 1-25 II J. E. It II It it It It It n 1-25 Crawford, Allan Rt. 3, Box 490B 3505 12th Ave. No. 1-25 It Margaret " " " tt II tc II It 1-�5 Fairchil3, Quentin " " " 613B 1216 M. St. 1-25 II Victoria L." " tt tt n It It 1-�5 Hoselton, Cordy Lee 11208 124th S. E. 1140 M. St. 1-25 It Nannette M. " n It tt It n n 1-25 Kindle, Effie Rt. 2, Renton 3319 12th Ave. No. 1-25 tt John n It ft tt it " 1-25 Lyons, Eunice Rt. 3, Box 500E 3523 12th Ave. No. 1-25 • THE FOLLOIJING REGISTERED VOTERS ARE BEING CHANGED FROM HILLCREST TO RENTON FROM TO PRECINCT - Roice� Ar :hie E. Rt. 3, Box 490A 3519 12th Ave. No. 1-25 ►t Alice If " II " ,I It " n 1-25 Setzer, J1.lie Anna 11216 124th S. E. 1130 M. St. 1-25 Studebaker, Geo. R. Rt, 3, Box 480 3415 12th Ave. No. 1-25 " George R. 12617 S. E. 112th " " '► " 1-25 • Merlino, Jasper R. 12500 124th S. E. 530 M, St,, 1-20 " Lova M, P. 0. Box 1003 to " ►► 1-20 00 THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS ARE BEING CHANGED FROM HILLCREST TO RENTON FROM TO PRECINCT flute, Sophia 11609 125th P1. 2425 5th No. 1-16 pas Herve Rt. Box 2908 12806 S. E. 128th 1-20 person, Torgine " 3� � 9 111-20 airbanks, Robert C . " " " 650E 12614 S. E. 128th 1-20 111 Wilma G. II II It " II II tt tI 1-20 Farnham, Florence F. " " " 635 12826 S. E. 128th 1-20 " 'J11bur C. " II It It II II II II 1-20 4Leonard , 'Jilliam 2847 4th Place No. 2847 4th Place No. 1-20 tAhlyn, Gillman J. 12427 S. E. 121st 3307 7th Ave. No. 1-22 VJ1 inie E. II II II II 3307 It It It 1-22 1Berglund, Andrew H. Rt. 3, Box 613 3302 7th Ave. No. 1-22 " Nina H. II It II II It II II " 1-22 rrutchf field, Paul J. " " " 6130 3519 7th Ave. No. 1-22 Rita E. 12641 S. E. 121st 3519 " " " 1-22 ' eHart, Glenn A. 12423 S. E. 121st 3327 7th Ave. No. 1-22 IINellie Mae 12423 S. E. 121st If II 11 II 1-22 rehlich, Edward P. Rt. 3, Box 616A 3403 7th Ave. No. 1-22 osford, Dorothy K. Rt . 3, Box 613 L 3503 7th Ave. No. 1-22 `" Francis M. " " " " " " II II 1-22 (Isatalo, Nadine F. " " " 612A 754 M. St. 1-22 N" George II II it It II II It 1-22 .McGlothlin, Mercedes H." " " 613C 738 M. St. 1-22 ' Perrins, Helen 12628 S. E. 121st 3502 7th Ave. No. 1-22 ;lPerrins John W. Sr. " " II II It It 11II 1-22 ` Rolla, Richard RudolphRoute 3, Box 613F 3218 7th Ave. No. 1-22 \\Stirn, Arthur J. 12611 S. E. 121st 3411 7th Ave. No. 1-22 „It GE rtrude E It " II " " " " " 1-22 Beach, GEorge Robert Rt. 3, Box 560 1215 M. St. 1-24 It Viola A. 11 " II IIIt 11 II1-24 Helmer, Enna Rt. 3, Box 5760A 1215 Sunset Blvd.E. 1-24 ILewis, Jules E. Rt. 2, Box 964 1303 Sunset Blvd.E. 1-24 ',\Acton, Arthur J. Rt. 3, Box 425 838 M. St. 1-25 " C=.ara L. II 11 11 It 11 It It 1-�5 Austin, Mary 12417 S. E. 112th 3221 12th No. 1-25 vuB" Murray A. II II It II II II II 1-25 one, Janes D. 11304 127th P1. S. L. 1120 0. St. 1-25 " Ma:'y E. It II II II II tt II II 1-25 Cooper, Belle 11304 127th Pl. S. E. 1100 0. St. 1-25 IN , . E. it 11 " II tt ►I II 11 1-25 Crawford , Allan Rt. 3, Box 490B 3505 12th Ave. No. 1-25 kit Margaret II " " " II II It II 1-�5 \IFairchild, Quentin " " " 613B 1216 M. St. 1-25 %II Victoria L." II " " It II II 1-�5 � Hoseltgn, Cordy Lee 11208 124th S. E. 1140 M. St. 1-25 " \lannette M. " if It II II It II 1-�5 . 'Kindle, fie Rt. 2, Renton 3319 12th Ave. No. 1-25 " John II II II 11 II II 1-25 'Lyons, Einice Rt. 3, Box 500B 3523 12th Ave. No. 1-25 u i .. n • THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS ARE BEING CHANGED FROM HILLCREST TO RENTON ;, FROM TO PRECINCT "Roice, Archie E. Rt. 3, Box 490A 3519 12th Ave . No. 1-25 " it II it tt it It II II it Al:.ce1-25 Setzer, Julie Anna 11216 124th S. E. 1130 M. St. 1-25 Studebake:', Geo. R. Rt. 3, Box 480 3415 12th Ave. No. 1-25 's " George R. 12617 S. E. 112th II II II It 1-25 Merlino, Jasper R. 12500 124th S. E. 530 M. St. 1-20 it ],ova M. P. O. Box 1003 tt II II 1-20 .. l THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BFFN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. 1/4DELL, DOLOR:1S M. n7` -1007--" -43.aa.t THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTSJiS HAVE,B'aEA1 CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-25 - RENTON, WN. Albertson, David Richard I Kinney, Mary Joanne ' Marl, Doreen A. /809 "0" Stree; 816 "N" Street 3314 9th North Heflin, 7usse:Ll T. "Kinney, Paul W. 835 N Place 816 "N" Street ----------- THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-22 - RENTON, WN. , ` Allyn, Gillman J. Christensen, Colleer J. "Jones, Ethel M. .3307 7th Ave. No. 3303 6th Ave. North 646 "0" St. 'Allyn, Winnie 1. ' Coffey, Eugene ` Jones, Floyd D. 3307 7th Ave. North 3515 6th P1. North 646 "0" St. Babcock, David F. Coffey, Patricia Lee Kleid, Hal 727 P Street 3515 6th Pl. North 3820 6th No. Baldwin, Harris 'Craig, Robert M. ileid Ruth 3723 7th Ave. \orth 617 S Street ,3820 6th No. f Baldwin, garjorie Darling, Christopher F. ' Lamb, Exie I. : ' 3723 7th North p309 7th ±.Place , 667 "H" St. i Baltz, Howard E,. De Boer, Theda J. Lamb, George ?;. , 618 0 Street 627 "0" Street 667 "R" St. 'Baltz, I"iargery r. De Boer, William L. "I Melius, Ada 1618 0 Street 627 "0" Street 3327 7th North , Beuhler, Krlen3 J. ``vent Jo-ce A. 'McCallum, John - 3521 6th North ' IeCallum, , 333?_ 7th Place ¢33 "0" St. Beuhler, Edwin V. Gilmore, June J. `f'McCallum, Patricia L. ;3521 6th North ;3220 7th Place ,633 "0'' St. Carney, Iva-Loi 'Gilmore, Richard II. ''McSorlev,, .liz. !Inn 29 0 Street1: 3220 7th Pl. 654 "P" `� P St. arney, John C. ''Johnson, Bernice J McSorley, 829 0 Street "0" James 666 St. 654 "P" St. 7 THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-20 TO 1-22 - RENTON, WN. 10000111 OIBrien, Chris ' Smalley, Harley J. 3408 6th Place 3) 10 7th Ave. No. O'Brien, Eliz. �' Switzler, Charles ?408 6th Place 3411 8th North Pappas, Lewis Switzler, Gloria J. 3415 6th Place 3411 8th Ave. No. 'Pappas, Viviar 3415 6th Place Patterson, Gecrge A. 3521 6th Pl. l ro. 'Patterson, Kaihalyn L. 3521 6th Pl. lb. Pillo, Domenic '3706 6th Ave. No. pillo, Gerald:_ne 3706 6th No. Plumb, Donald T. 1638 N Place Robison, Ceor;e C. j31a09 6th k Puce :Robison, Rose N. 3409 6th Pl. L Ruokola, Tdwii P. r28 7th Place \JRuokola, Tyne E. (3328 7th Place Repel, Leland D. 13810 6th Ave. No. Rupel, Ruth P'. 3810 6th No. Smalley, '=err ice 3410 . Ave. No. 69,4 :4: 11' THE FOLLOW:_NG REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-24 - RENTON, h'N. Adams, Helen A. Clayton, Arthur J. Duke, Rolland White 1421 H St. (Y) 2922 A 15th North 2512 A 14th North Andersen, Cecil A. Clayton, Helen D. Dunkel, John J. 2607 15th Place 2922-A 15th North 2615 15th Place Andersen, La`'onna F. Cole, Joseph H. Dunkel, Violet T. 2607 15th Place 1416E Street 2615 15th Place Andersen, Reatha Cole, Letty E. Erickson, Gertrude 2605 15th Place 1416 E Street 2713 15th Place Anderson, Clarence R. Cosgrove, Edith Erickson, Loren E. 2628 15th Placi 1405 H Street 2713 15th Place Barrett, Dar:.ene Cosgrove, James ?. Erickson, Margaret I . 1431 I Street 1405 H Street 2622 15th Place Barrett, Donald F. Coulon, Gene L. Forrester, Barbara L. 2721 15th No:'th 2802 14th North 1419 J Street Barrett, James 0. Coulon, Janet d. Forrester, Richard H. 1431 I Street 2602 14th North 1.419 J Street Beechel, John M. Covello, Phillip A. Foster, Helen 2836 15th North 2516 B 14th North 1449 J Street Beechel, Mar;aret P. Covello, Virginia Foster, Phillin F. 2836 15th No:-th 2516814th North 1449 J Street Black, Gerald L. Crosby, Irene Franklin, Mary A. 1335 J Street 1060 H Street 2408 14th North Bliss, Audrer J. Dearinger, Clair Y. Franklin, Paul E. 2926 A 15th North 1419 H Street 2408 14th North Bliss, George N. Dearinger, Virginia Ann Frita, V. J. 2926 A 15th orth 1419 H Street 1420 E Street Cadwell, Luc:Llle Divelbiss, Charles C. Gallagher, Doris V. 1417 "I" Str?e* 2722 15th North 1433 J Street Cadwell, Thonas J. Divelbiss, Iva L. Gallagher, Gerald F. 1417 "I" Street 2722 15th Ave. North 1433 J otreet Carey, Dorot rr L. Dizard, Louis H. Gandy, Jess 2729 15th Ave. 2516 A 14th North 2906 14th North Carey, Elwyn B. Dolan, James A. Gasnarach, John 2729 15th Avenue 2611 15th North 2707 15 ch North Carter, Lois Duke, Bessie Irene 0asdarach, Marie Floyd 2816 15th North 2512 A 14th North 2707 15th North THE FOLLOWING EEGISTEREB VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-24 - RENTON, WN. Gillingham, Elizabeth Marie Jacobs, Leslie V. Lockwood, Shirley J. 2604 15th 'lace 646 H Street 2712 15th Place Gillingham, John M. Johnston, Helen Eow, Fred C. 2604 15th 'lace 2721 15th North 2739 15th North • Gotcher, Glen Johnston, Wilfred J. MacPherson, Dorothy i . 1413 J Street 2721 15th North 1407 H Street Gotcher, Myrtle Jorgenson, Earle I. MacPherson, Gordon C. 1413 J Street 2806 15th North 1407 H Street Hamden, Elsie J. Jorgenson, ;lsie P . Manning, Cecelia i . 2625 15th Place 2806 15th North 1403 J Street Harnden, Faymond E. Kelloniemi, Alva Manning, Jerry " ' — ' 2625 15th Place 2722 15th North 1403 J Street Heckel, Betty Lou Kelloniemi, Hubert L. Matteson, Clair C. 2514B 14t1 North 2722 15th North 2926 P 15th North Heckel, Bison J. King, Alvah R. Mikkonen, Esther 2514 B 14th North 2711 15th Place 1441 J Street Holcomb, Coen King, Olga M. Mikkonen, William D. 2918 A 15th North 2711 15th Place 1441 J Street Holcomb, Hilton Kullama, Betty r'. Moga, Marian J. 2918A 15th North 1428 H Street 1410 J Street Hood, Iielon B. Kullama, Paul J. Morrill, Rolland 2712 15th North 1426 H Street 1427 H Street Hood, Ken:on I. Lancaster, Doris L. McGinnis, Henna n. 2712 15th North 1422 H Street 2823 15th North Hoade, Virginia M. Lancaster, Wendell '•I. McGinnis, Thomas Howard 2801 15th North 1422 H Street 2823 15th North Hoxie, William F. LeFebvre, Doran Neuman, Alice 2801 15th forth 2517 14th North 1434 I Street Hunt, Genevieve F. LeFebvre, i=adeline Nordstrom, Cole 2642 15th Place 2517 14th North 14.13 H Street Hunt, Paul F. Lindberg, Mildred Nordstrom, Ella L. 2642 15th Place 2602 15th North 1413 H Street Hunter, Charles Y. Locks, Ken O'Donnell, Earl C. 2727 15th North 1452 J Street 2514 A 14th Ave. No. Iffland, Charles J. Locks, Mary E. O'Donnell, Irene F. 2720 15t1. Place 1452 J Street 2514A loth Ave. No. Jacobs, Billie Jean Lockwood, F. Eugene Olsen, Joanna S. 2908 14th North 2712 15th Place 2408 14th North THE FOLLOGIIN( TEGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-24 - RENTON, WN. .410 Olsen, Wilbu^t K. Shoemaker, Edith Tomac, Helen Marie 2408 14th North 2906 B 15th .north 2824 15th North Olson, Maud Simpson, Ruth Tomac, Matthew G. 1416 H Street 2825 15th North 2824 15th North Olson, O.(6ra) J. Simpson, Wm. R. Toschi, Bernice L. 1416 H Street 2822 15th North 2603 15th North Olson, Raymond L. Small, Alice L. Vomaske, Petty eae 2606 14th North 2620 15th Place 1425 I Street Olson, Vivian L. Small, James A. Vomaske, Joseph I. 2606 14th North 2620 15th Place 1425 I Street Osborne, Donald A. Smith, Claude P. White, Evelyn L. 4111111111111 114.60 J Street 11405 I Street 1416 H Street Parker, Betty L. Soderlund, M. II. White, Marcus U. 2508 A 14th :Ave. No. 21�14 14th North � � 1416 H Street Parker, Lowell W. Soderlund, Marye L. Whitehead, James L. 2508 A 14th North 2414 14th North / ' '. 1405 J Street Paulus, Eunice B. Stieg, June D. Whitehead, Rachel A. 1434 J Street 2926 B 15th North 1405 J Street Paulus, Gerald J. Stockwell, Freeman U. Witters, Duane S. 1434 J Street 2710 15th Place 1408 H Street Peterson, He Len S. Stockwell, Helen Anna Witters, Opal Darlene 2623 15th Place 2710 15th Place 1408 H Street Petree, Abbey Storms, Esther Wolfert, Ethel M. 2508 A 14th We. No. 1426 J Street 2518 14th North • Petree, Richard L. Storms, Horace W. Wolfert, Charles S. 2508 .A 14th North 1426 J Street 2518 14th North Qualls, Nina Edith Stump, Alfred L. Wurl, Clayton H. 2828 15th Ave. No. 1428 J Street 1428 H Street Rogers, Ione Stump, Juanita Wurl, Leona M. 2612 15th Place 1428 J Street 11128 H Street Rogers, James S. Tibbetts, John R. Zerr, Donna B. 2612 15th Place 2605 15th North 1408 E Street Scherbinske, Durol D. Tibbetts, Mariorie Peterson Zerr, George 2723 15th Ave. No. 2605 15th North 1408 7 Street Schmitt, David W. Tinney, Lucy 2653 15th Ncrth 2906 A 15th North Seth, Elizateth J. Tinney, J. W. 2425 14th Ncrth 2906 A 15th North $ \ . THE FOLhOWI'VG REGISTERED VOTERS' HAVE BEEN CHANGED F ROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, ' Abelhanz, George J. Berend, Monroe Brickley, Pauline 2703 12th N)rth 2708 10th Pl. 10411 H St. Abelhanz, Pauline Bergman, Leora Ardis Bridgewater, Annablle 2703 12th North 2609 Sunset Jaixix. Ct. 2713 10th Place Aickin, Wm. G. Bilbruck, Robert II. Bridgewater, Thomas _.. 2513 10th PLace 1080 H St. 2713 10th Pl. Akesson, Kenneth T. Billstein, Mrs. Viola Cadwell , Charles G. 1027 H Streit 2919 Sunset kix Court 2913 12th No. Akesson, Lairetta T. Billstei.n, W. J. Cadwell, Margaret 1027 H Street 2919 Sunset Court 2913 12th No. Andersen, C)nrad A. Bingham, Helen Cadwell, Thomas E. 1092 G Street 281C 10th Place 2913 12th Ave. No. , Angier, Julius C. Bingham, M. 0. Callen, Fred C. i l g 2505 12th N.)rth 2810 10th Place 3010 llth Ave. No. Angier, Milired L. Black, L. J. Callen, Marjorie D. I / g 2505 12th North 2805 12th Ave. No. 3010 llth Ave. 'To. / Ashbridge,Bertha •'(. Black, Orianna K. Carrolli, Lois 2533 Sunset Court 2800 12th No. 1017 H St Bailey, Elizabeth A. Blodgett, Edson C., Jr. Carrolli, Thomas A. _ 1063 H St. 2519 Sunset Court 1.17 H St. Bailey, Kenneth H. Borek, Patricia L. Cavanaugh, Gertrude S. 1063 H Street 2513 10th Place 2708 10th P1. Bainton, Darwin H. Borek, Wm. T. Cavanaugh, James I. 2826 Sunset Blvd. 2513 10th Place 2708 10th Place Bainton, Irene Born, John K. Chamberlin, .tbert 2826 Sunset Blvd. 2701 Sunset Court 2618 10th P1. Banasky, Ruth Born, Marion E. Clayton, Robert F. 2901 12th North 2701 Sunset Court 1109 H St. Banasky, Victor Bower, Richard H. Cockrum, Alden D. 2901 12th North 2529 Sunset Court 2728 Sunset Blvd. Benner, Clayton E. Bradford, '.Ihn. Lee Cravens, Merle I. 2818 llth forth 1051 H Place 2602 Sunset Court i . Benner, Pauline A. Brandt, ReTmold L. Curtis, Sherman K. 2818 llth Ave. No. 2511 Sunset Court 2509 Sunset Court Benson, Arthur D. Brashear, Leroy G. Curtis, Thelma 2715 Sunset Court 27214 Sunset Court 2509 Sunset Court Berend, hazel Brickley, Earl P. Davidson, Francis 2708 10th Place 1044 H Street 1092 H St. _, THE FOLLOWING PEGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. Davidson, Theresa Ferguson, Fred F. Greenfield, Albert F. 1092 H St. 2525 llth Ave. No. 1183 I St. Davis, C. E. Feguson, Helen P. Gregory, Betty Lou 2828 Sunset Blvd. 2525 llth Ave. No. 1060 H P1. Davis, Nola Jane Fitzmaurice, WM. R. Gregory, Richard L. 2828 Sunset Blvd. 3002 llth Ave. No. 1060 H Pl. Depner, Mar:r Ann Flickinger, Lillian A. Grigsby, James F. 111 10914 H St. 1071 H Pl. 2607 Sunset Court Deymonaz, Jane Flickinger, Robert Hamel, Anita 1095 G St. 1071 H Pl. 2818 Sunset Blvd.Deymonaz, Wlter J. Foisy, Raymond H. Hamel, Jr., Ovila Josep__________ 1095 G St. 2818 Sunset Blvd. 2818 Sunset Blvd. Dibble, C. L. Fritts, F. H. Hardebeck, Fern 2625 10th P"_. 2930 Sunset Blvd. 3012 llth No. Dow, Delore3 J. Fryer, Dean Hardebeck, John P. 2607 12th ND. 1101 No. Court 3012 llth No. Dow, Gail S. Fryer, Opal H. Heath, Mary L. 2607 12th Nprth 2509 12th Ave. No. 10?3 G St. Eaton, Neil D. Fujioka, Rorie Helwick, Alma 1208 I St. 2806 10th P1. 1052 H St. Ericksen, ALiee Elis. Laskin, Forrest G. Helwick, Harold L. 2526 llth Ave. No. 1070 G St. 1052 H St. Ericksen, Walter M. Gaskin, Nadine 0. Heath, Carl 2526 11th Ave. No. 1070 G St. 2624 llth Ave. No. Erlendson, Johann T. German, Delores I. Hiatt, Edwin F. 2527 12th N). 2517 12th Ave. No. 2926 llth No. rairs. _ , _ Erlendson, :,ucille L. German, Lyle K. Hiatt, Gladys M. 2527 12th N)rth 2517 12th Ave. 2926 llth No. Evans, Teri G. Gilbert, Arnold W. Hilgenberg, Ed 2630 10th PL. 2712 Sunset Blvd. 1087 H St. Evans, Mary Ruth Gray, Lucille U. Hilgenberg, June I. 2630 10th Pl. 1070 H Pl. 1087 H St, Evanson, David F. Gray, Melvin H. Hollenbach, Anamarie 141111111111 1060 G St. 1107 H Place 2521 Sunset Court Fvenson, Dorothy J. Gray, Proctor C. Hollenbach, Robert D. 1060 G St. 1091 H St. 2521 Sunset Court Fagan, C. P. Gray, Rebecca Howard, Adele M. 2720 Sunset Ct. 1091 H St. 2639 10tr. Pl. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, VV. Huebner, Frieea Karinen, Kenneth K. MacHirron, Frances 2808 10th Pl. 1052 H Pl. 2613 Sunset Ct. Huebner, Robert F. Kiefer, Boris Martin, Bettir L. 2808 10th Pl. 2813 12th Ave. No. 2721 10th P1. Hummer, Joseph R. Kiefer, John G. Martin, Joseph W. 1077 H St. 2813 12th. Ave. No. 272.1 10th Pl. Hummer, Zona ! . King, Charles 7. Matta, Emma S. 1077 H St. 2619 12th Ave. No. 1055 H St. Hunt, Carrie I . King, Viola R. Matta, Wayne J. 2609 Sunset Court 2619 12th Ave. No. 1055 H St. Hunt, James L. Knapp, Alfred R. Matta, Wa me R. 2609 Sunset Ccurt 2518 llth Ave. No. 1055 H St. Hunt, Marjorie: Koler, Grace Mayes, Troy L. 1070 H P1. 2806 10th Pl. 2726 10th Pl. Jackson, Jame: J. Koler, Roy W. Mayhew, Bert D. 2605 llth No. 2806 10th Pl. 1025 H St. Jackson, Vino] E. Kowalski, Rertell a ' . head, Gerald I. 2605 llth No. 1060 G St. 2557 Sunset Ct. Jackson, 'jalls.ce L. Kowalski, Emil J. Merrell, Agnes aim 2605 llth Ave. No. 1060 G St. 1085 Ii St. Jacobson, David C. Lacy, Mary E. Merrell, Jack P. 1075 G St. 25I9 Sunset Court 1035 H St. Jacobson, Rose 1!. Laitila, Arthur W. Michkiosky, John 1075 G St. 1052 G St. 2517 12th Ave. No. Johnson, Ben I. Lauerwan, John R. Mihelitch, Roberta 2539 Sunset Court 1057 G St. 10I9 G St. Johnson, Mary J. Lauerman, Lucille Miller, Robert F. 2929 Sunset Blvd. 1057 G St. 2611 10th Pl. Johnson, Newton M.,Jr. Lee, Nonnie Mills, August;. 2929 Sunset Blvd. 2517 Sunset Ct. 2631 10th Pl. Johnson, Orville Lee, Robert E. Mills, Hester 2541 Sunset Court 2517 Sunset Court 2631 10th Pl. Jones, Doris Nee Lively, Gerard R. /oelier, Marjorie 4* 1068 H Pl. 1024 H St. 2720 Sunset Ct•, Jones, Thomas H. Lockleer, Paul L. Munson, E. L. 1068 H P1. 3020 llth No. 2531 Sunset Court Karinen, IlelgF. E. Lockleer, Ruby Munson, Saville 1052 H Pl. 3020 llth No. 2531 Sunset Court THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. Newman, Bennis L. Pringle, Irving E. Roll, Florence E. 2606 llth Eort'i 1054 H St. 2908 Sunset Blvd. Newman, Robert L. Pringle, Rowena E. Rutledge, Ruth 2606 lith Ave. No. 1054 H St. 2720 10th Pl. Nichol', Harry Prowell, Junior Willis Ryan, Minnie T. 2728 Sunset Court 2607 llth No. 2817 llth Ave. No. O'Brien, Frances T. Powers, Patrick H. Ryan, Thomas M. 2820 Sunset Blvd. 1113 H Pl. 2817 llth Ave. ro. O'Brien, Josenn D. rowers, Richard R. Sallee, Charles L. 2820 Sunset Blvd. 1113 H Pl. 1067 P Pl. Odom, Vera C. Rantapaa, t'mil Sampson, Ashford 2707 Sunset Court 3004 11th moth 2714 Sunset Court Odom, Virgil C. Rantapaa, Jennie S. Sandberg, Arne R. 2707 Sunset Court 3004 llth No. 2623 12th North Oldman, Helen Peed, Edith M. Saviere, Gerald 2910 llth Ave. No. 2617 12th No. 1081 G St. Oldman, Leslie Reed, Wallace A. Saviere Mary 0. 2910 llth No. 2617 12th Ave. No. 10b1 G St. Payne, Colon Reichert, Ueor_,e P'. g Sawyer, Violet 1062 H P1. 1109 H St. 2502 Sunset Court Payne, Eulah G. Reichert, Marlys Anne Schaefer, Earl C. 1062 H Pl. 1109 H St. 2927 Sunset Blvd. Payne, Sylvia Reynolds, P°arion I. Schildt, Carl A. 2626 10th Pl. 1107 H St. 2705 10th Pl. Pearson, Patrilsia Louise Richard, Ethel D. Schildt, Dorothy,* 2612 llth No. 1017 H St. 2705 10th Pl. Perry, Lucille Mary Richards, James V. Setzer, Jchn 2908 llth No. 1017 H St. 11'16 124th Ave. S. :(7.. Perry, Yale Clade Robertson, Blanche Setter, Julia 2908 llth Ave. 1094 H St. 11216 124th S. E. Pickels, Esther A. Robertson, Wm. Lester Setzer, Julia Arne 1089 G St. 1094 H St. 11216 124th Ave. S.E. Pickels, Daul 'Rogers, Geo. L. Shaw, Connie 1089 G St. 11610 124th S. E. 2803 12th .Ave. Powell, Estelle Rogers, Thelma Nay Shaw, Robert H. 1076 G St. 11610 124th Ave. S.F. 2803 12th Ave. Powell, Louell L. Roll, Arthur E. Simonson, Edward H. 1076 G St. 2908 Sunset Blvd. 2719 10th Place THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-23 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. Simonson, MargLe Tobin, Harold B. 2719 10th Placs 1067 G Street Smith, Nathan I. Tobin, Mrs. June 1050 G St. 1067 G Street Smith, Ruby M. Turk, Eileen Marie 1050 G Street 2911 12th Ave. No. Smith, Sam E. Turk, Robert C. 2504 Sunset Ct. 2911 12th Ave. No. Sneed, Roberta Twiner, Hazel I. 3018 llth North 10145 H St. Storgel,, George Twiner, Willis E. 2718 12th North 1045 II St. Struthers, F. H. Wandrey, Viola M. 2530 Sunset Court 1017 H St. Studebaker, Phyllis 1. Warden, Fred N. 1062 G St. 1079 H Place Studebaker, in. C. Webb, LaVelle M. 1062 G Street 2522 10th Pl. Sturman, Leslie F. White, Wm. H. 2633 10th Place 2903 Sunset Blvd. Sturman, Rachel L. Williams, Ola F. 2633 10th Place 1071 H St. Suerth, Alfred L. Witt, Carl 1047 H Street 1083 G St. Suerth, Anna I. Witt, Marian M. 101.7 H Street 1083 G St. Sunde, Donald F. Young, Ila 1093 G Street 2615 Sunset Ct. Sunde, Lula 1093 G Street Thomas, Edwarc L. 2611 12th North Thomas, JoAnn 2611 12th Ave. No. Thomas, Steffie 2611 12th North Thomsen, Richard C. 2606 llth Ave. No. it a THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. Aaberg, Mary Aileen ✓ �'�Boyker, Gladys c s�' `Cgkman, Julia C . Mgt. /, 7 ,t. 833 L. St. ,/ ,7 //G at4..1 22833 Sunset Blvd. ✓✓ braham Har old A Boyker' Ralph c e, John W. ''6963 I. St. 833 L. St. /a. -//‘�,4 •903 I. St. -Allen, Juanita ere, Francis J..)-7 CConlow, Helen M. /1013 I. St. . _-3t. O. 1-3 709 8th Place / t Allen Lacey iere, Marcelane 1-1- -Conlow Leslie E. A013 I. St. 9-58--�:-Bt. 2 ;4,, - /.� ,, �709 8th Place tiA -Ambriz, Betty Jean V" istow, C . A. Cook, Paul R. / 3103 llth Ave. No. '' 1014 I. Place Highlands Shopping Center ' Cmbriz, Richard Sally M. ok Treva O. 3103 llth Ave. No. • . _.�i�,,. ( , ' Highlands Shopping Center /rcher, Alice P. '� Russell E. `�-'f cooper, Arthur W. 926 L. St. . 4.5--/34(6?i 917 L. St. 'Archer, Harry L. J 'Burnham Betty c doper,� Margaret '92f L. St. 9 3 L. 8t. //?. JP " 917 L. St. rl3arber Charis L. ✓ '� 'Burnham James E. k'"'t Cornforth, Robert A. 83+--If-.--St: / Z,9 91 L.- 's //3a5. /kr�C 910 L. St. v E. t�rem Cers Norma Jean ,,B"arber, David G. -LT ampbell, Catherine E 83 t-±—St. / �-. . 1017 K. St. ✓ A3arr, Leona W. '� ampbell, Lewis S. L....C-remers, Vern 3. J 1005�K. St. t�'°'1017 K. St. St. �arr, Orville W. � �sebolt, J. O. LCuljak, Ann P. 1005 K. St. 1014 K. St. L 9.61 I. 6t. /Baskin, Milton R. Chamberlin, 'label I. rt, Howard F. 823 0. St. 808 L. St. 3017 7th Ave. No. ``Chamber.lin P. L. 'Daygherty, Elsie P,elcoe, Ernest P. � �36 K. St. ✓/2725 Sunset Blvd. 808 L. St. r enda, Alvin J. Chase Eugene R. ey, Matilda M. 920 St. 1072 I. Place 961 I. t ,'wen, Lloyd H. j, laudon, Katherine vDickinson, Patricia ` , / 4, . I 929 I. St. g7�at. i 2, 6,97/c ec ' `'/� Dickinson. Robert C. ��, ��., wen, Mabel E. l?:laudon, I'aiph J. �3 9, : • ..--St. <,G / ,9 , Ii 929 I. St. 912 �,--5 . Y •.t "� (114 lowron, Frank R. t/ Clough, Natalie S (� Dinkel, John A. � P� ' 1031 K. St. 951 I. St. ' ,; qee (el,r , 14a .-- . i07m6- /,a '`tee', , owron, Mary Catherine / -oleman, Boyd D. / D ce Roland 11 K. St. SunsetBlvd. .-St. ,? 2 « 1031 �833 7 .2 �' THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1..22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. Dupuis, Mary I / - rank, Paul Jr. - ,,��sen, Marilyn Le V 909 L. St. 1,9 I. St. Dupuis, San H uel H. 13l - . rman, Alma anson, Elva R. 931 K. St. �22 I . Place 823 L. St. `/Dusenbery, Madeline ''e -✓ rman, Leland R. on, Marvin B. 802 10th Place V�022 I. Place 1,S23 St. Dusenbery, Robert 50- , J Abs, Ferris D. dwell, Elva 2802 10th Place G 26 9th Ave. No. 928 K. St. v J 1E'berly, Melvin J. 9'I son, LaFaye L. �.Haugen, Emmett B. 2$l --Sunset Blvd. i/fit 004 K. St. 1.012 it.--St. Eberly, Mildred I. i m an, A. Bernice jHaugen, Monica R. 2815 Sunset Blvd. "P ,k/`1-6 J. St. 1012 K. St. J' lfving j Arlene E. G_121nan, Lverett L. -='Hawk Lucille L. 748 I. St. IM6 J• St. !/910 L. St. / living Ur io . . itchel, Laura J. --Head, Mary Louise 948 I. St. 902 L. St. 936 St. I - S/ --I�zenga, Gertrude G chel� Ralph L. Peikee .L:•- 2- 908 10th Ave. No. ' 1b10 llth Ave. No. lad M •,O. e Ivans, Catharine A. ockner, June E.° ieyduck, Mildred M. 03o I. St. 839-in"S't. 4.12" 1020 K. St. Evans John D. ocknerT Wig '•ia2' 1 N 4Hickerson, 1. Jenell ).030 I. St. 1A 930 J. St. oodwin LucyB J�-iickerson Oscar D. Jr./Evans, William J . „�� � � , 9 ✓2723 S -s Highway 915 K. St. v930 J. St. arrow, Alice Grace i C._ --Ggeclwin, Richard -I11ian Betti 1019 L. St. t. a ` if, "�'M ' S K. St. 73008 7th Ave. No. farrow, Art:iuric�,i ,.« Gulf edge Billy B. Jechort� Beverly J. I/1019 L. St. 3��-- -: �836 L. t. k J J S 4 co r t fit, /V Farrow, Shi:^ley iVL�bs Gulledge Shirley A. -Jechort, Harold L. e 1092 G. St. t +i TO s t"j 6 04 il / / 836 L. St. Jarrow, Thomas E. 1 b�tt, . �s ere Evelyn W. Johnson, Ione 1092 G. St. ,�� • "• �`114-Sunset .Blvd. t/S.ank, Ann 14 ' 11, Hans M. 9A ilnson, James Albert Jr. '' 909 L. St. IU f T1(a bt s v .0 4- 77. St. Frank Barbara J. � Jall, Lydia ` o Beatrice E. 90 L._.St. ,o"�%/ 1 ' if; &tt-.-- j i-r 1025 K. St. Frank, Henry E. ,2/ , ansen, James J. Kell)r, Eileen 904 L. St. ?,, 45 I. St. 942 L. St. ['HESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. 14 Kielland Allred �j',. °'Locke William H. `�Monnett Chlorine E. 344 L. St. 7 1033 K. St. "72831 10th No. A906-e? /S ae 22t) II Cielland Helen /7"' 'AvIace, Charles A. Monnett, Vernon L. <9- 4- % 344 L. S . /1007 I. St. p7 2831 10th. No. ,2 906 a t J Kindle Frances Patricia mace Cletis ✓Monnot, Margaret Y.3 LO 9--K S t. i 8 P C). ,1, '✓ Y 11007 I. S t. 2 8-3-÷:21 ',AC /ddaA•%' Cl"( :Kindle, Walter James ,y- rNapes, Ella B. MonnotI Maurice F. 3 L$399---Ks St. ,7.32 - ..it/ . 11620 124th u. E. 7 t. x w 0 lei -c 1 :Castle! Charles E. e.21- ' 7'S� Mapes, Glenn K. 7 /� s-Mork, C. A. 834 - - St• .10z 9 � ?GYa 11620 124th S. E. J 7).060 H. St. fr Knapp, George T. Mathieson, Edward W. /`.� 1--Mork�Lollie A. 1 6 28 L. St. 75v e° /-!" 3. 7...9..... p_L.... _K nt.. 9 - et4st .{ 8...c,,. 1060 H. St. Knapp, La Velle Alice 0,4- "Mathieson, Thelma J. /�. .. •7/4usga, Mabel / [ • .1 9-28--L-.—,>t. s-;s mac, ,�. ,,, . ���--�:-- ,,t 6 l�-'�_ s}.�3 1., -St. G 3 0 ,�-� Kollman John H. �: Meeks, Evelyn P. ',McArthur, Joan 803 L. ot. / 9o„5,� Jg93 � 72823 sunset Blvd. 73005 8th Ave. No. Kollman Joyb eeks Harry L. McArthur, John s u. 1 n 3 V 3005 8th Ave. No. BII�..-L. St, ,a �.�.� - � �S 2ts 2 �unset Blvd. Lampman William D. I°Ielton, Jewel E. McCulloch LeRoy 828 L. St. 71022 K. St. / 1026 L. St. Larson, Burnell E. cc--t I Ne It on, Roy 'McCulloch Minnie J. 834 K. St. ,,- /,z . ioIe J O -7 1022 K. St. 7 1026 L. St. 40011 Latimer Allene �' ` Miller, Bethel B. l6 7McDaniels, Oscar L. Z✓` 907 K. St. / ,. +. �?�lGr z. Latimer, David M. Jr. �/ /" Miller, Graham O.p.• ' 4 `McDonald, Ralph P. 110.14 907 K. St. 9O9..-i _,`it,. i 64 c, /WI. 6 .,;-McDonald, I. St. ` 7 Lavik, Marie 6Y� v Miller, Kenneth V. )� , \t�i x.n -enc��0-.y`� 2834_l0t .qua.---lia. /5'34 01 t. ,23/J., ;,y f�=•,,, 1 . o.--- f-9?M , Lemenager, Eileen G. `"Miller, Lorraine -`' 'i4cGowan, Edward J. 2504 9th Ave. No, 7953 I. St• Lemenager, WoDdrow M. v ` 4ilier� William R. McGowanl Elizabeth Mary - 2504 9th Ave. No. . Pc 9 kJa.�'' 7 953 I. ot. . �I I , Lewis, Elizabeth F. I Mills,, Alvin W. �McMahillt Bernard H. 91 _I-.--3t. i.-.as ~< 72810 9th Ave. No. 71015 K. St. / Lew' o Ralph 3. IV /,,, - Mills, Bernica ,.�jMcMahill, Irene B.r ',~ 913 , St.- f - T1041 K. St. 1015 K. St. Locke Catherine ✓ . L033 K. St. i\tills, Eulal-j.a ason, Bernadine L' 72810 9th Ave. No. 2906 9th Ave. No. --AL,_ # 7 THESE REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON, WASH. / Jelson, Carl B. /r' ,'3r � 441 lsa„ lozi L. Ryan, Thomas T. -, 1 )24 I, St. 3,1 pi '( 4-ii-r-,1: ) #Xg Tk-ia ac 2817 llth No. Belson, Marguerite R. , . ov —e- a rRyckma.n, Dave I. �- )24 I. St. l L� 42 926 I. St. )akland Bernice M. 4.<1/ Quale, Lyla C. -Ryckman, Dorothy C. v-, 26 R. 5 . 71a 0 0" K. St. 926 I . St. )akland, Mar_�hall L. ' JQualls, Clifford W. 1 - Saario Annabelle R. tom' '7 t 4 0I* v 961 I. St. 3005 10t i Ave. No. f v )kubo, Kimikori_ IS -Qualls, Lorraine Saario Robert J . 6-r;�-.6t: C-3`3 go I". 961 I. St. 2826 10th No. t, )lson Ervin 0. 'Ranta, Jacob Willi. i_�� Saint, Thelma 2903 10th Ave . No. I------.- ;938^-`; _St; 1 be r . Vr` 911 L. St. 'ang er, Annie "Ranta, Saima U ? S.1t-�2l Scheuch, Donal A. ri, , IL _8 , 5 10th Ave. No. L� -�3-8--�:_ .St. 1 ✓ -300.6. IOth No; c ea b 'anger, N. H. Reynolds William L `_` �Scheuch, Margaret tS elf 2845 10th No. V- 1029 I. St. ) 2g y t�.ou-s"'--3c06 10th" i , '�j° w V 'ayseno, Pete H. _Robinson, Agnes E. 1,..---- Schultz, Rudy F. 4,-.- 2817 Sunset Elvd. / - 2725 Sunset Blvd. 848 K. St. 'ayscno, Ruth J. -Robinson, George K. ilScott, Martha W. 2817 Sunset Elvd. L 2725 Sunset Blvd. 965 I. St. v 'edegana, Lillian i Rolla, Evelyn M. - cthtt, William G. )27 I, St. 820 K. St. r �65 I. St. ✓ �/ 1�,r��i� � `���� 'ezoldt, G. D. Rolla, Rudolph C. Sherman Henry T.,, '' 1 '; 313 L. St, 820 K._St. _� 2837 10th Ave. No. , , 'hillips, Margaret J !i'' moose, Lorna .,-- ✓Sherman, Thelma G. (7d , )36 L. St. 1045 I. St. 2839 10th Ave, No. :,,L& 'illon, Charles W. i\C\ Rose, Robert C. v Shitnono R. L. )27 L. St. 35'7 44' )1 1006 L. St. 920 L. Sit. /'"' 'illon, Evelyn �4 t`� G lz 4t 19 `Buhl, Dorothy Jane ✓Simon, Pheobe E. . )27 L. St. 1.� 10o ,9�,a4 ``'.,'�- 931 1. St. 'owell, J. M. % Russell, Jessie J- mith, Charles V. 011 North 8 i St. 1010 I, Place 2905 10th. Ave. No.t./- I 'rater, Lawreace 3.v4 ,-Russell, Roland J. i smith, Julius E. 336 K. St. 3 ► ' S-)..... .wa If 1010 I. Place 3009 11th Ave. No. v' 'rater, Vivia.a A. v, Rutledge Ralph L. 'Smith, Viola M. - 336 K. St. -lO9 i, S�t.iyy .,,.� 3 �2905 10th Ave. No. 'ritchard, Dorothy 0. -Ryan Alice L. \Sneed, Elwin R. 2804 10th Place 925 L, St. 3018 11th Ave. No. t/ THESE ARE RETISTERED VOTERS WHO ILkVE BEEN CHANGED FROM 1-22 to 1-21, RENTON,WASH. I v \Sousley, Barry R. �'' Warner, Betty L. � 929 J. St. 2825 Sunset Blvd. �Sousley, Evelyn H. , , \Warner, Emmett B. j 92 - 9 J. St. !i �825 Sunset Blvd. Sporcic, Gertrude �- ,. .2, Watanabe, Jimmy T. y 5 9 di y L__-- 2 h• Ave. Sporcic, Joseph Il. ,,_ f 4x `l,_.t., .ti 1 /Watanabe, Mary Shizue_ 2427 9th Ave. 7 4, r ,+. -41-- . `,, - Sporcic, Matt . Vr-�� f �, `fr,�'�) .'��tieihtlierson, A. J. 2827 9th Ave. l�o.= ,> 1018 I. St. I Steinthal, Charity „'eatherson, Ethel 1i''-. 2714 10th Place 1018 I. St. Steinthal, Milton W. Feiss, Mabel E. `,,,, 2714 10th Place 841 1. St. /Storgel, Dora Dell ��� 0 � - Wilburn, Ellen l . '" . 1023-I-.-St. 1009 K. St. Tangen, Kenneth R. y - Wilcox, Elmer N. 1040 I. St. 908 J. St. / ✓. Teeters Lade M. --Wilson, Inez M. 't-T ice'. . 3 `,3 '66 / 2815 S�3cet Blvd. ...3-0th. Ave. No. Teeters, Walter R. Wilson, Wallace It. 2415-Sunset Blvd. ?.- 'W • 1 3 G --10ill -Ave; No. /Pt. ,3 ig 0,7e6/ Thomas, Inez A. Wiltgen, Frieda - i f . 912 K. St. 3 -- .3,: \Thompson, Francis Wayne �Wiltgen, Merle J. i,,..----'"- 1039 I. St. j 30-13 $th moo. pr �Wyrwitzke, Vincent J. Jr. ��'hom won TY,e1ma R. `,�.---�- 1039 I. St. 91n 1 c+ 3 ,:, ,,, R 4,74, .,,� ?' ?/. //Tolbert, Dorothy Jean I 1031 I. St. , ep 0 6,, 6, t'1t e i \Vieg, Victor G. ,.� 1010 I. St. Vegt Henry'Vander i 936 L. St. ,----- VVon Behren, Doris J. 3104 7th No. \Von Behren, Marvin E. 3104 7th No, THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-21 - RENTON, WN. I A/ s 1 n A/ Q� -e ayton, Arthur J./ `ISuke, Rolland White (2) 2922 A 15th North ?512 A 14th North V Andersen, Cecil A.� '�? layton, Helen D. ''�-Dunkelp John J. - -4 lace' _76i4-/.3 34; 922-A 15th North� /� t / I Andersen, LaVonna F.'l _ , Cole, Joseph H. ' f .�uunkelp Violet T. /_ 1i/ J/ ;,4 f Andersen, Reatha ,,./ Cole, Letty E. / Erickson, Gertrude ' L�14 J26os 15th Place s / "2 ?7-13-15 h Place_ ✓ '�� (l Anderson, Clarence R. Cosgrove, Edith✓ Erickson, Loren E. Li 1-4 2628 15th Place 4gry-H Street—. Iq V713 15th-mace ✓ /3a.6e9' Barrett, Carl enev, Cosgrove, James F. / "Erickson, Margaret �-1 a `7t.v , / 9 1431 I Street- 1405, H..Street v i 9 262-2--I5t --Ptte . ,�,5"'/ 7- Barrett Donald N. 1 foul©n, Gene L. 4/ 'Forrester, Barbara L✓ 2721 15th North 2802 14th North 1419 J Street Barrett, James O. —Goulon, Janet W. 'Forrester, Richard H,r-" 431 I Street; 2802 14th North V 1 419 J Street ✓ -Beechel, John M. -Covello, Phillip A./ Foster, Helen ;--,0 2836 15th North`/ 2516 B 14th North " 1.)49---J---Street V -2 7Q T i g ""�'J evello, Virginia,/ , Foster, Phillip F M. `` 0Z (� �$eechel Margaret P. U- �z D - 2836 l.5th_Nort:h �- ?516814th North -,4 Street 1 11 14 13 --Black, Gerald L./ l Crosby, Irene v' / VFranklin, Mary Al335 J Street 69• F-greet r 2'Y` 2408 14th North '� Bliss, Audre-r J. / p `Dearinger, Clair 'i-Franklin, Paul E. 292D-4-15wtih ~Ner-th /t34.f•` 1.� 419 H Street 2408 14th North George N. / Bliss, Borg . y ?'�� �earinger, Virginia Ann Fritz, V. J. J �_ �A p ,, 2926..A_15th North ,' 3 1 i419 H Street / } 2& E-F, reet / d Cadwell, Lucille J � � Divelbiss, Charles G.b�=(�llagher, Doris V. r 1411- "1"` e 2722 15th North / 1433 J Street ```�� Cadwell, Thomas J. w Divelbiss, Iva L. d „:„k--=•erallagher, Gerald F..,/ 1 -1140--Streat V "'t' 2722 15th Ave. North ' 33--J---Street / sI , . /'ex V=H-4- 4-C j Carey, Dorothy L./ 'wizard, Louis H. `Gandy, Jess / gg Ave. , // 2516 A 14th North 2906 14th North Jir s " Carey, Elwyn B. V lan, James A. i 'Gasparach, John ✓ 2729 15ttr Avenue ..� y ?al. 15th North 2707 15th North I ✓",95 AV -40. Carter, Lois J Duke, Bessie Irene ' 'Gasparach, Marie Floyd 2416-l h Werth: 2512 A 14th North 4 2707 15th North V 7t...A.: ,,2. ,,,' -jili,i.„:-*Z, 4.Ac.,..'f. .!,,,,:4i3:44:114Nr. . 1:141:;',' Ia'-Wr,.I'.4T::''.''':',i{.'tiftA,•W, ..,;•',4,-,;-',:•.•'•:.:.ki,1„.,,,lit .' ,z,..:' !:, ;,-- . -- - -.1., , vv..4,,, ‘t,,40:4;:l.,-,,,,..4-1, ' 0,4.,--: ...,,A,..,>.:47...,k •.?....1.,,r.-.. . ,.,. : -., ; . <,4,..,t '31.1'S CP . oet .• . ' • tA2-1tho'-litoviro.".'"•' . - - ,-- s,$)0 Iry 14014ii , ..e. ET-sre'coP2' TI1-6- fiGE37 \ .. r ocpto NI b.• EAGLIG ,3T2 GO 'a 9'..,11 2 . 1 - . • 1 S. J' .Cli 1,,,T/G6 e\ '3iV,5 '1 !..z.-0-964 .‘ sapV TF.PP tr.46' :-IT.T.Jtheil CI10.‘,Isa 1' ' .Vocice Aa \ -_osDoI3i)Gn4 1-1.61)E; 1,• .\ TaP VA '-Pi k5 1 2-PLGQ°' It. 50-11 V III CP VAG° 'A(-)• ' „ HillIc6I.' ups-Li-ea No \ • recot kft.0 , :AD01);)6J1-4 EajLa C." 4 d. 'Si • . • ' • SOT\5 I-441 bigG 6 'Y":;6 1?,Plj 11"-PP 4 lits3 H ar * .......t- ' WIWI bgri i. N. ,, f7w4P01. ) NTTql-G4' ,RoLge4.,Lowl Eira r• 1 5015 1- 41,1 Ergc6 r. so-A Trpi; M01.41 311.14,H Roi,04f . .-•••• N Tule °Qui-AI-84w ,,4i ,,f'iDell,qiur.6) loigRGITI* \ ,i403,42.4.,ouib Goya 1\ ;73., _- ., ,,,,.,- 15TA irizq moLo Ir)r-I-2.P.aa , fforre) MITITalw e ' .4 j ..\ il.rehOpea.Gb Dolaut: 14611;4110 in TOO N \ \ .., #20.4...iziz JI'SS H 2-CLOE.; ;',. .54T.S.-3 I fiql.Y rOL V *•!.. _.".. p.:i,,,., Hox-Ti:31‘ 44.1.tTIErs 1,..;•\- ,c:c-\, - .rt)Losna.ce.:61 frit i r Littp‘Z T I yi•4 liC a I inj I:..4 4 ,r1:.i OW , ‘ i - .4.4;15 iff-f 1,10341), -,),- - - ..,..,,,,,,,,,- ,,:, 11165 H 2434"; Ak. 5? TPis 1,1•014i,‘ r Hooql KGWOU 14°.. ' .-raLlGja.c0 DOLT2 r. -,,,, .1eTuuTo ileuus. x. , .. . . • 6fl*15-Tef6l76• 110;411 , ? f ., 7,r . .4. K 2 41449i. ••• ‘`0 8 , -.,' firS.i II 24L6it34 ooc iju - b , •,1,4 -7-17T Yoiruis! '''. . ; 1 , - :-. •.,,:,,, ,, ,,. ,, 14014'W , .111-Se-4-41434et ,/, hoTcouTp) x1734'013 Gt• Knnevsull iii6r¢,A .pk,• ' ' ; 71.1oE9-4 wel...reu q• ifftf ,C4-66;' 3610 f 1- -PI-1 11101413 SID' ..TriitsP tawc.6 , , • ,cHoicowpe ,losly *.., '' - KVA/ CI I4'N, -itittcicaufiiij' MT:M-3w D' 1 \ , , • a •,' t SOT R ]T4P 1.1014P 4, 'SSTI T29.13 blvGG 3-ilitj- 'I- ..':,fsr-i•iir: \ 1 ;,• ,HExiy6110 5ou 9.. \ lauR) inileP g" t , ,... 50-113 1-1141T le.c141 ti, ,ISISS 3- 4 -) itoLV N,, - ise B T?.,fil 1,10141-1 N, -1 ii 440K 674 Be 4?-0. raw- A KeiTouTemT) H-VGL* v. .. ws4T6200 cYzTi. c. . ; i 59.s4 1- 4II bracs 4, 'LASS 'fi,'421-1 .14014V ,,, XPO a 2-PL664' :14e1,1.1qou4 EvIwoLN Fos, e-lt TrouPidirl'a VTA3 .' -,'.7431.1141;° fli'LLA 11' , e• s• '5'.i'. Il?.,-PIJ bi9 C8 . tiOQ 3* -FIJ 140141: a, TrrO3 'I 2 PL6 43; A, .., W31,111./* t",j2T6 M• viot..3.car2,-Ail Eic,:•.;. ,„1* w u-u-TOP csceTT9 w• ' t , . IIII3 I. SPLGeP A, .. . . , k Si30 .1?,PP 140,-4=P .,. iJto H 2f1.64 , bo.pc3s0 1,i11.4,,ie \ \•-••• pLja t• „,•-xubpo.t.2oul tioLgoli (:• 1 , , ; IV) '1 2PL664 :i' " ' ..i\AT Ii.j1..1 MQ.k4P ',.., 4110S 14 2471,66•C ( P9l JO-PCa Oreli 1 \ ..., - qopilacQui tio-7-{,Loti 14. k wychreLaol.;) jor.or2I:111... . WOir )•z;Pfj bIlseg ,,,,Si 3-0i-' I/014W clop j , .4t1C-MN-''' ,. on-iTok-,,,Ter.r1 i.) eN\\ ,,riopuefolal HGTG.i.f ' t- KL- T2,4*"r( W , ''''^-iv('-- •••=. ' • 7, 11„,... ,;114."/'" 5011 Ii?.-PW SIuGG ,., --.?i'%'' -P , t ,1,, ' ..;'. IS T--,Zci.j brac6 CITIPAYffig) EITsvPsfP 141$-LT3 - vcopub 1-.541-is A,1,- • zocr.A0044 2111-LTs.„,. re '... ; . ' ‘ IHE horromac EE0I2IEEL AOIEWB HVAE BkEil CHUUED i,NOW bYEGIRCI I-S 10 I-Sit - giTila,5 FA' : . 77-77;.772:i-A-77-4,7177-,7;P:: 7,..t..,7:00,777,WIttrp',"47. -..1 „it: ' , '',N ' 7 ' ' .-, ''''P' ./.` ' '"f ..tf.: * '..:i.:" * .--"14,4. l',,, '0'2,':,J'.V10,*.r ,.- 471:11dif' 1 * ,Iti'r'w .4.>"4/ ...fl'''"9.; 1.-'.'''4,•.2%:',.',‘ ' Vii4;(14' '-'' 4 '- ....`,4;k:', ..„ct. ''. ',`,__cg,„, ,'.• :, '114;"..tti,,Z"' V AN.,;:_,,, .,t1,•:,,i2,1:,..4.,A ,:',t, f'•.;;;;„,!,,,,„,:tN,4,4,112 - '.e.._‘.rim, ‘7.,,,ii,1,,`74-,:j. ,'...- t `,1;4,7' .'41.I5 t;;: ii.tiT, ..t'La' .,:' ::ilt''i•le:: : .' :14".1 :ft:Zi;ti.6 11-• 1 4, , 0 7111 THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-24 - RENTON, WN. r ' ` V / q lsen, u�ilburt K. • Shoemaker, Edith / 5 Tpmac Helen Marie -2 e8- K. a906 B 15th north /42.4.,...154i.r4lortit '-3///i/`'Olson Maud C. -.S' son Ruth Tomac Matthew G. 1 Q ' K /820_15th North 2 h '�' ' ?//A-1}.4..� /a. Olson, 0.(Ora) J. Simpson, Wm. R. J Toschi, Bernice L. s. 6- S#xee I 822 15th North //: /55E fx41 Q Olson, Raymond L.�' Small, Alice L. i '-Vomaske, Betty Mae t/' LL t No ttr--- 2620 15th Place 1_ 25 I Street Olson, Vivian L. / `Small, James A. 1 Vomaske, Joseph T./ 606,1,lhth. th..;.. 620 15th Place 1425 I Street 'Osborne, Donald A. f 'Smith, Claude By- White, Evelyn L. / // 1 1 1460 J Street1405 I Street 1411�lI tree+ �� o y Parker, Betty L. ✓ Soderlund, M. H. White, Marcus H. ✓ ` ,� 2508 A 14th Ave. No; 241 44 y_JV /h #69•_/41 -.Parker, Lowe:_1 W.,/ Soderlund, Marye L. "-Whitehead, James L.' ' 2508 A 14th 'forth 7/' 405 J Street Paulus, Eunii!e B. / e}4 tieg, June D.orL1' hitehead, Rachel A. V ( 2j926 B 15th Nth"4 1405 J Street Paulus, Gerald J.✓ rtockwell, Freeman W.,/ •Witters, Duane S, -Ys t 34..d - / i p710 15th Place 448 u Strait 8i1 � "Peterson, He:Len S. "119'tockwell, Helen Anna J Witters, Opal Darlene% s% j2623 15th Price ✓ '710 15th Place etree, Abbey J .- torms, Esther/P �ldolfert, Ethel M. 12508 A 14th .Ave. No. 426 J Street 2518 14th North ✓ ^""Petree, Richard L. ✓ Storms, Horace W. / .V�ciolfert, Charles S.�-✓ 2508 A 14th 'North 1426 J Street 518 14th North 'Qualls, Nina Edith ✓`. Stump, Alfred L. ✓ ', -'& ri url, Clayton H. / 2828 15t1i Av, . No. 1428 -J--Street '1 /428 H Street Rogers, t� •c lone / tump, Juanita✓•.;., 38v'gf/®.Q Wur1, Leona M. /2612- th- e. v /t 4.28 J-Street ee;t2:-,,- . 428 H Street tj���/J 411 Aw, Rokere, James S. I ; ibbetts, John R. J 7err, Donna B. 26-12 -1.5th- Place f p605 15th North + 1408 E Street c,f, /o New - cherbinske, Duro1 D. ' Pibbetts, Marjorie Peterson '°-Zerr, George 2723 15th Avis. No. 605 15th North / 1408 E Street J # I/ Schmitt, Dav:Ld W. / � �� inney, Lucy ! _jIa'� i ' t h , 09'1i,-m rth✓ /3goJiL Seth, Elizabisth J.,, %, -/ 'Tinney,A-1 J. W. '" •X cc��� t9B 2425 14th No 'th � , 2906 h h'-#e h /a'4/ CI-tor- y, r THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM PRECINCT 1-25 TO 1-24 - RENTON, 'diN. t / / ,. Gillingham, Elizabeth Marie •Jacobs, Leslie V. L 4,ockwood, Shirley J. ,/% 2604 15th Place / Pfif110 ' 1 2712 15th Place Gillingham, John I41./ - '' Johnston, Helen `, F ed 2604 15th Place 12721 15th North " I Gotcher, Glen j /3 'v Johnston, Wilfred J. �=- acPherson, Dorothy M. ✓J ' 1413 J Street .$,"f . • 2721 15th North ✓ 407 H Street 1otcher, l yrtle /3 , • Jqrgenson, Earle I. -MacPherson, Gordon C. 413 J Street "i7�/ C'c 'f`""''`et 2806 15th North d y407 H Street 40001 -'-Harnden, I isle W. Jorgenson, Elsie M Manning, Cecelia M. 2625 15th Place '1 P806 15th North 'r 1403 J Street '� owl. . i Hamden, Favmond E. 4Kelloniemi, Alva */ nning, Jerry 1 12625 15th Place " 722 15th North ' X403 J Street ,j / -Heckel, BEtty Lou Kelloniemi, Hubert L. Matteson, C)air C. 2514E 14tr North t --f� 722 15th North V P'2926 B 15th North ✓ -Heckel, Byron J. / King, Alvah R. • Mikkonen, Esther / 2514 B 14th North J2?ll 15th Place l� rett'- Y i� r A UU ? g' y'y�l A/ IHolcomb, Joan --King, Olga M. / vMj.kkonen, William D./ o :Ili" 12918 A 15th North 2711 15th Place i ' BLreGL— I ' l Jve7 9 AK, N - Holcomb, Milton G. , Kullama, Betty F. k p„r 4oga, Marian J. v,. 2918A 15th North /410 J Street AO Hood, Helen E. // , ,..1 � Kullama, Paul J. rrill, Rolland / I�-7 15th Bert ro''i l v 6.- r" � � C,. t. tes a` y427 H Street 1014, - 16 Hood Kent)n I.�/ ' Lancaster, Doris L. ' Ginnis, Henna M. -2 12- tt-161411T-4/3 ' W �`y" W'R`6 1422 H Street f 23 15t North ✓ " '49 S4 i Hoxie, Virginia M./.-2 / -Lancaster, Wendell W.5'1 cGinnis, Thomas Howard '� i01 t t1 �iorti'f ,t 1422 H Street ✓ 2823 15th Norti. ' 31 37o s - �.v, 0 + i '' Hoxi.e, Wil:_iam F. i `*LeFebvre, Doran ✓ Neuman, Alice. {- Illi 249 tt5 g£h i.3 7c).5--- '7 1-i,-.). r„ . ". , f2517 14th North �C� 't7', 40_,, ;. /3-vf 4P �, d'`", Hunt, Gene""ieve F. 4LeFebvre, Madeline/ \'N rdstrom, Cole 2642 15th Place v J2517 14th North -Et et-� 1 I / S'f1 Y Ce.,,eV s «-Hunt, Paul F. / irxiberg, Mildreei, Nordstrom, Ella L. / i 12642 15th Place ?602 15th North '' 1413 H Street—„,. ,A Hunter, Charles M. ✓ --Locks, Ken ,/' O'Donnell, Earl C. j U" " 1 2727 15th North ]f452 J Street 2514 A 14th Ave. No. , `)-Iffland, Crarles J.✓ socks, Mary E. / --O'Donnell, Irene F. / 12720 15th Place 11452 J Street ✓ 2514A 14th Ave. No. 1 S '°'Jacobs Billie Jean —Lockwood, F. Eugene `Olsen, Joanna S. J /y 2908 14th forth 2712 15th Place ` 3 /- 1 • THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-6 Brown, M. Iris Delo Theodore E. / %1/ ,e✓� - -r -� / 1342f; Rainier 13406 Rainier Ave. / 3<Aio Ic-0,,,�4.)6&4 Delaurenti, Mary Hansen, Irene G. / Rainier ✓ 13426 Rainier Ave. Delaurenti, Pete B. Perich May 1r 13410 Rainier v' 13414 Rainier Ave. Delo,, Dorothy J. / Stewart, Josephine ✓ 13404A Rainier 13414 Rainier Ave. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Allen, Lila A. 8827 Langston Rd. " Richard P. If If II Anarde, Darlene A. 8802 140th So. Anarde, John 14090 88th So. / Anardi, Betty J. II " II / Arnone, Ernest N. 13121 90th Ave. So.v 71aldasar, Rose 13025 91st So. ✓ Bartram, James M. 13405 89th So. f it Marilyn D. f' it if , Belmondo, Julia 13632 88th So. ,/ " Morris ff it If ✓ Blanchette, Donald E. 12230 87th So. ✓ it Pauline " " " '� Bonnell, J. E. 12652 90th So. / Browne, Edna M. 13240 91st So. ,/ " Harold If II II V Bryant, G. E. 318 Stevens / Brync3, Anna Marie 8911 Langston Rd.,./It John S. If If II Buns- ine, Clarence L. 13500 89th So.�/ ff Dorothy M. II It II Butkovich, Lillian 13428 91st Vince Carter, Furman G. 12618 88th Place ✓ II Violet M. II it tf ✓ '1 Cattuzzo, Antonio Box 93, Renton 7-- /6 ,,4.. .), " Maria Madalena Earlington '14 7,-',ate 't. '' Catu;.o, Dorothy 13500 89th So. ✓ " Frank F. If If it ✓ Chandler, Elsie 13230 91st So. ✓ Clin-;on, George 12824 88th Ave. So. ✓ Goan, Belle S. 12924 90th So. ✓ " Kenneth D. " If if Cook., Margaret Hardie 134+35 91st So. ✓ 7 3. / -! ' .'; k Cook,, P. John ff If ff y K Cook;s, Carl F. 13642 88th Ave. So. v " Mary F. " " If " f Cooper, Lyndle R. 8816 So. 140th 30 8- fir,... ,�1-.-'t If Madeline C. II ff II '� ✓ ,---- Cox, Georgia E. 12822 87th So. / Crab.;ree, Kenneth 13827 89th So. ✓ If Phyllis M. f' if f' , ' THE : OLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BED TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 -Crimm, Doris S. -- _._ ___,-w__. 12915 87th So. s- ,/• .t.k.,,� /-"/ _41 Homer T. t t t t tt 33 ,�s.CII-. ) /-- .�,..-. Dal Santo, Gaetano 13003 91st So. � It Katherine It II " Daniels, Katherine B. Earlington--243 Langston Rd. V tt Winifred C. 8901 Langston Rd. v 5/3 ��- - ° -' d, '� Day, Anna T. Box 118, XXX Bbl. ✓ Harry L. u It II II ✓ `' Dinius, Adam T. 8806 111st So. / Dobson, Eleanor L. (Earlingto0-309 Langston Rd. ✓ 't George 8817 Langston Rd./ Donnelly, Dorothy E. 13121 91st So.II it �✓ If William D. It Dore, Margaret 13304 91st Ave. So. 't Thomas F. It " tt " Galvin, Edgar J. 13409 89th So. ) it Lorna D. tt " " Garbarino, Adolph 13210 91st J n o— 144;4. di 't Margaret Earlington-110 91st So. Gawley, Agnes H. 13117 90th So. ✓ tt Clifford J. tt " " Gilman, Lola A. 12653 88th P1. So. ✓ Gonder, Barbara L. 13421 Rainier Ave. ✓ 1004 Goodwin, Donald 12525 88th So. " K. Lorayne " " it Gatti, Marguerite M. 128252 Rainier, Ave.' Graham, Margaret 8822 So. 140 Gruhala, Leon J. 13006 90th So. Guitteau, Lucy F. 13257 Rainier Ave.' Hallberg, George A. 8803 So. 130th ✓ . Hannah, George 13807 89th So. 4 it Louise " " " Hardie, Esther Edith 13283 Rainier Ave.-Earlington✓ II J . S. 13283 ft ►t 't Percy T. 13435 91st So. I Harr e Constance 12920 91st So. " Henry E. Box 14, 91st So. 1r97-0-ft '/ Harris, Doris A. 8804 So. 132nd II Elmer E. tt 't " Hartman, Elmer L. 12825 Rainier Ave.' ; t' Elsie L. 12823 88th So. J / tt Mary E. 12825 Rainier Ave../ Hartman, Roy 12823 88th So. Hassel, Blanche 12923 90th Ave. So." tt Warren M. " " " tt Herr , Alma L. 12441 Rainier Ave. tt R. G. 11 11 It Hilcen, Jessie E. 12200 87th So. .tt Sanford It " " Hors , Jack 13421 Rainier Ave II Satoko 223 Rainier Ave.1 Humtle, Donald A. 13658 88th So. J it Susan K. it It it Hunter, Andrew Thomas 13105 90th So. Hyytianen, Selma 102 91st Ave. So. J / Jeffery, Pauline M. 13661 Rainier Ave. f " it tt Richard A. tt Jerzy, Frank 12410 88th Pl. So. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Jordan, Cecil C . 12925 88th Ave. So. it Nellie E. If " t' " Kaeznarek, S. 8815 So. 130th ✓ Kust 3k, FQ.rne I, 12340 87th So. -�, - _.e..-r._._.t-e-,- u Itrold F. —11---11. II ems,. ,,,........cl.,. Lack ie, M. J. 8921 Langston Rd. ,✓ Lackie, Viola D. H 't " Langton, Hoyta 8816 Langston Rd. f u R. S. u it II Lapsansky, Clement 12605 88th So. itt Josephine E. " " " LaVan, Frank 12425 88th So. ✓ Ledingham, Helen M. Earlington-243 Langston Rd. ✓ tt Roy T. 8901 Langston Rd. .� �� S .;(c..,.�.�t,Jcr+c. 2-, Louther, Arttie 8926 120 So. . 4 �s-ham'✓ tt Chester Earlington-218 5th Ave. W. ✓ 't Doris M. tt 't " t' II / Lynr , Gordon H. 12623 88th So. ./ Lilly Belle " t 't Mathewson, Beatrice W. 13805 90th Ave. So. µzj Wt. hft4_-' it H. F. Jr. 11 it It 11 H y S ),?t.a.1, Mattson, Tauno 8801 Langston Rd. ✓ Melby, Selma A. 12525 88th So. ✓ Melville, Cora E. 12637 89th So. / n Ralph a tt n ,,/ Meyer, Jane Caldwell 8911 Langston Rd.1� q 6ptd - 3 �a f . ' •- 4 Mil:_er, Geneva Irene 12226 87th So. / if Raymond B. II it " ✓ Misner, Cecil E. 12440 87th Ave. So../ tt Lila G. " " " " Monolli, Annie May 12919 91st So. ✓/ tt Frank " " ft ✓ Mor:dson, Harry B. 13634 88th Ave. So. .( tt Helen it II II " Morrison, Laura K. 11 it it 't ✓ McK ilrath, Mabel 13404 So. 134th 2 1 4- , '' McK ilrath, Sam M. it " II ✓ / McLeod, Angus M. 13107 90th So. ./✓ tt Ella A. " " " Nelsen, Rhoda 2517 88th So. ✓ Nelson, Beth 12824 90th So. ✓ tt Gladys 13422 91st Ave. So. / tt J. Tom 12824 90th So. / CIltiii3X?CX . . Nute, Pearl B. 12901 90th So. J✓ Olson, William E. 12637 89th So. Oztolt, Lucy M. 13806 90th Ave. So. 1i 30 )zi-a- & tt Mary K. 8801 S. 142nd 3% '-- tL . ✓ n Philip tt n II - . :i W, A✓ ✓ " Slavo P. 13806 90th Ave. So. c43a n"- k ' Paglia, Andrew Earlington-211 Rainier Ave. ✓ n 4, ; -. --,,..t/. ✓ Delcisa Route 11 Box 110c �' Patterson, Bernice L. 13626 88th So. II Robert A. II t' If Pavic, Helen 13261 Rainier Av .Z$s,.�Z&. / Pearce, George J. 12641 89th So. V Pettinger, Bridget J . 12923 90th So. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Petti nt er, Charles C. 12923 90th Ave. So. ✓ Pigh .ni, Angelo 12657 89th So. Powe=.1, David 12925 91st So. Raut:_o, Karl A. 8809 So. 140th It Signe Sylvia " tt " Reimer, Martin H. 12927 87th So. ✓ Richards, William D. 8905 Langston Rd.' Ring , Hurley G. 14072 90th Ave. So. ./ It Lois Darline 11 11 " It Rume:'y, Emma 14030 88th Ave. So. ✓ II Horace L. 14030 88th So. ✓ Saff :l1, Lester F. Jr. 12340 87th So. it Opal I. It " It we Schuster, D. A. 133152 91st Place So. /3oe g-70 ` r ,iW it Marian 13008 90th So. Seguin, Jessie G. 12206 88th So. / tt Kenneth M. II It 11 ✓ t1 Margaret R. 11 " " '/ Sherrick, Clara 13259 91st So. I Harry W. tt " " Skocr, Carl 13250 91st So. / II Julia II II II Smith, Aletha E. 13803 90th So. ✓ Sparks, Pearl 8912 So. 140th ✓ Starkovich, Beverly 12441 Rainier Ave.✓� tt Rudolph J. 11 11 II SteEves, Frank 13419 Renton Ave.4 II Hattie 11 It 1t Stiffler, Billy Merl 13810 So. 88th t1 Myrtle Jean tt Sc.*. 88th Stoles, Florence 12824 88th So. II John M. 11 " " ✓ Tay-...or, C . E. 13410 Rainier Ave. ✓ Thorias, Josephine A. 8903 So. 140th ✓ Thoripson, Kenneth W. 12.901 88th So. / II Saxon V. It it II Timriins, Alice B. 8801 Langston Rd." It Catherine II11 11 ✓,, IIGeorge J. " " It V II Mary II II n ✓ Tonnieson, Conrad 12236 87th So. Tomeson, Gladys It Tre )sti, Arthur J. 12919 91st So. u Enis II 11 Vanlerford, Austin 0. 9100 So. 129th II Linnie E. " It " Welsh, Lloyd G. 12925 Rainier It Veda M. " It White, Frank Q. 12220 87th So. tt Miron A. tt tt 11 Wilkins, Geo. A. 8922 So. 140 ✓ Wilson, C . W. 13434 91st Sol It L. S. II 11 11 11 Lillian B. " " It Woods, Martha 8914 Langston Rd.#0/ THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM 1-7 to 1-23 Wolter, Doris 12923 90th So. / Zaputh� Mary 13824 89th So. ✓ " Rudolph " 'i ft , II Stanley " " " / • • November 17, 1955 &!weal J. Logan, 3upt. Elections .^ 220 C Cite Sryit°:•1•43 ,,. ihington Dear airs EncloseI please find certified copy of Ordinance No. ?2� the City of :tenon, relating .,o re-distribuLlon awl chan,,es in pre- cinct boundaries in Precincts 7, i..:>, 20, 21, 2, 2::, 24 Pnd 25. This for your information. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTON Floyd Shaff, City Clerk ms fi • ,, A , 0 CIT t�. OF I. ENTON KING I_ _ UNTY , WASHIN TO ; JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DORI)THEA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE WILEY CROOK, CLERK ARTHUR L. HAUGAN COUNCILMEN ATTORNEY THOMAS W.TRIMM, PRES. DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE HUGH D. BRUCE HEALTH OFFICER CHARLES DELAURENTI ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL VERN H. MORRIS F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN. J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER STEVE TAMBORINI DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES DR. LOYD A. WHITE ELTON L. ALEXANDER BUDGET CONTROLLER October !; , 1954 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sir: This is in reference to the number of votes required to pass a General Obligation Bond issue of the City of Renton. As you are well aware, there has been some question, as well as criticism, regarding certain conflicting statements made in that regard. Our office has recently contacted one of the firms of bonding attorneys to get an accurate picture of the applicable law. It appears that at present the law is not certain at all and a case is pending at his time in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington which, aowever, has not yet been argued as to whether the 400:600 or 50%:60% rule applies on General Obligation Bonds . The earlier law (laws of 1925) required that the total vote cast upon such proposi- tion shall exceed 50 of the total number of voters voting in such city at the general county or state election next preceding such bond election. The question now before the Supreme Court for the :'irst time is whether said law was repealed by implication by the 40 mill statute as applied to General Obligation Bonds for capital purposes only. Assuming that question is answered in the affirma- :ive, the vote required would only be 40 0 of which 60%, of course, would always have to be in favor of the particular issue . The foregoing will indicate to you that there cannot be had any definite ruling on this particular question as long as the Supreme Court has not definitely decided same . We are advised, however, by the bonding attorneys that unless the Supreme Court decides differently in the near future, the 50%:60% rule would apply to our present issues. 'rusting that the above will be of assistance to you, we remain, Yours very truly, HAUGA & SHFTII,A N, CITY YS. for e CITY F 7LN N/a-M -S4BY•GNS:flb rar 't an, Ass . • � � ' d • \�v PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 p N MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ,o o4TEO SEP-It° November 7, 1975 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR tip a TO: City Clerk ► 4 3 n r 1 - ., FROM: General Services Division C� a. 01 SUBJECT: Election Overtime J The following overtime was incurred by General Services Division personnel because of the Primary Election on September 16, 1975 and the General Election on November 4, 1975: Sunday, September 14, 1975 - 5 Hours Sunday, November 2, 1975 - 6 Hours Tuesday, November 4, 1975 - 5 Hours Employee assigned - Arnold W. Wahl Regular salary $6.9577 Per Hour 16 Hours @ Double Time $222.65 + JRW • mp INTEROFFICEr .19,:A. • 4,1' eotee„,_4 MEMO TO: Avery Garrett, Mayor Date October 29, 1975 Public Works Director Building Division Personnel Director Library Director Finance Director Police Department FRCM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUEJECT: Election Supply Depot, Sunday, November 2, 1975 General Election, Tuesday, November 4, 1975 This is a reminder that the front entrance of the Municipal Building will need to be open on Sunday, November 2, 1975, in time for the 9:00 a.m. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers and will remain open until 1 :30 p.m. , in accordance with LAG-09-75 with King County Records. A phone is necessary so the City Clerk's Office will need to be made available and unlocked during those hours. Also , on Tuesday, November 4, 1975, polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Highlands Administration Building, Library Bookmobile Room and :he Municipal Building Lobby will need to be open at 6:00 a.m. and remain open until the poll workers leave; the Municipal Building will remain open unti approximately 11 :00 p.m. until all supplies have been turned in and the City Clerk's Office has completed tabulation of election results. The Building Division will please furnish overtime custodial costs for the Sundly opening in order that we may bill the County in accordance with the agreement. yl !) , il..) . .)iff;'))/v J�� t\V (.d'xnf ,1 f Vin4 Seattle, Wash. November 5 _1975_ City of Renton c/o Del Mead, City Clerk CURRENT EXPENSE FUND To 200 Mill Ave S Renton, WA 98055 of the ll foowInt hiilldinq as lomng c� Q1as In the Priseary and I^ General Elections, held on September 16, 1975, and November 4, 1975: e - e . : ! : .. • .... 1 : •oom MUNICIPAL BLD Lobb Renton 13 Renton 11 R,t.1t,.r1 15 Renton 16 Renton 12 Renton 39 Renton 17 Renton 18 _ Renton 29 / — /\ Th 3 Precincts tia S25.00 x 2 r 150.00 1 6 Precincts 0 $5.00 x 2 60 00 ••....___— \V TOTAL $ 210 00 \\7 ASSIGNMENT OF BILLS WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED ORDERS FOR WARRANTS SHOULD BE FILET, W H H THE COUNTY AUDITOR �� King County State Vashington i John D. Spellman, County Executive • 1(41 Records & Elections Division J. Barbano, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 - Elections (206) 344-5282 - Registrations October 24, 1975 TO: Delores Mead City of Renton FROM: Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections SUBJECT: Election Supply Depots This is a reminder that RENTON CITY HALL (MAIN ENTRANCE) should be open from 9:30 A.M. until 1 :30 P.M. on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975, and from 7:30 P.M. until 11 :00 P.M. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1975, for use by the King County Election Department as an Election Supply Depot. o-� °CT� J � v� ram_ 414 ;1 cr` C/1:1' Renton City Council Meeting 10/20/75 - Page 3 Metro Transit (Continued) cation of the bus schedules approved in the Windsor Hills Area, however, changes in the schedules in the Royal Hills area not possible at this time. There will be a public meeeting within thirty days regarding ser- vice in the vicinity of the Vocational School . CORRESPONDENCE Summons and Complaint filed by James C. Harrison, Attorney, for James A. Summons & Nelson, 124 Park Avenue N. , in the amount of $10,000.00 for alleged Complaint false arrest and injury occurring in the City Jail was read. MOVED BY James A. Nelson SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Certification of from J. Barbano, Manager of King County Records and Elections, Primary Election ' Letter certified the results of the Primary Election on September 16, 1975. Veterans Day Letter from Mayor Stanley P. Kersey, Mayor of Auburn, invited citizens Parade and and officials to join the City of Auburn in the annual observance of Luncheon Veterans Day with a parade at 11 :00 A .M. and a no host luncheon to Auburn - 11/8/75 follow. Police Auction Letter from Chief of Police Darby reported an auction of unclaimed 11/8/75 property to be held at 10:00 A.M. , Saturday, November 8, 1975 and attached copy of the publicity release issued to the local papers. RAYS Open House Letter from June Leonard, Director, Renton Area Youth Services, invited 10/22/75 the Council to an Open House on Wednesday, October 22, noon until 8:00 P.M. the intent is to introduce RAYS to the Community in its new status as a private, non-profit corporation and to emphasize the community's role in the management and determination of program at RAYS. 724th Air Force Letter from Lew Innocenti , Chairman, Bicentennial Committee, invited Band - 10/27/75 the Mayor and Council to a Veterans Day concert on Monday, October 27, Veterans Day 1975, 7:30 P.M. , at the Lindberg High School Auditorium with the 724th Concert Air Force Band providing the concert music. Proposed Final Letter from State of Washington Council on Environmental Policy announced SEPA Guidelines a Public Hearing on the proposed final guidelines interpreting and Public Hearing implementing the State Environmental Policy Act to be held at 10:00 A.M. , 10/30/75 Thursday, October 30, 1975, in the Conference Room of the Department of Public Meeting Ecology, St. Martin' s College Campus, Lacey and a Public Meeting for 11/3/75 the purpose of adopting the final SEPA guidelines to be held at 10:00 A.M. , November 3, 1975 in the Conference Room, Number Five South Sound Center, Lacey. (See later action) Renton Park & Letter from R. J. Patrick, Washington State Highway Dept. , announced Ride Lot a public meeting and workshop on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7 :30 P.M. Public Meeting & in the Cafeteria at Renton High School to discuss the selection of a Workshop site for the proposed Renton Park & Ride Lot. 10/22/75 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE PUBLIC HEARING AND SEPA Guidelines MEETING NOTICE AND THE CHANGES IN PROPOSED FINAL SEPA GUIDELINES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report that recommended Proposed Street the Legislation Committee prepare a resolution setting the date of Novem- ber 24, 1975 as a public hearing date to consider the vacation of Public Road No. Road No. 80 (S. 3rd St. Ext. ). MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT S. 3rd St. Ext. THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND REFER TO Louis G. Malesis THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. "Alice Doesn' t Councilman Stredicke announced that a program jointly sponsored by the Day" - 10/29/75 YWCA and National Organization for Women (NOW) would start at 11 :30 A.M. YWCA/NOW at the Renton Library, Wednesday, October 29th to celebrate "Alice Doesn' t Day" . AWC Regional Mtg. Councilman Stredicke announced the Regional Meeting of the Association 10/22/75 of Washington Cities would be held Wed. , October 22nd, at the Double Tree Inn in South Center. King County Councilman Stredicke reported a public hearing Wednesday at the Court Council Hearing House to review increase in fees for Environmental Impact Statements, zoning permits , etc. and remarked that he hoped someone from the Admini- stration would attend. Renton City Council Meeting 10/20/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Access Road Councilman Stredicke inquired as to the status of Honeydew Apts. access Honeydew Apts. road and was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason of early completion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE STATUS OF WHITMAN CT. N. E. L. I .D. BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIEI Hospital Signs Councilman Stredicke requested the Traffic Engineer and the State Highway Dept. look into the matter of more signs identifying the location of Valley General Hospital . Code Revision MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE QUESTION OF CODE REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 4-703(3) AND 4-722(B) BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Name Change for MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE QUESTION OF CHANGING THE NAME Rainier Ave. to OF RAINIER AVE. (from S. Grady Way to City Limits) TO RENTON AVE. BE Renton Ave. REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Property on So. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented report that 3rd St. Offered recommended the City not accept the offer of the property on S. 3rd St. , to City by Gary owned by Gary Smith, in exchange for the assessment on L. I .D. 274. Smith MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke questioned why the property was refused and Councilman Clymer said that it was on the recommendation of the Park Dept. and the Planning Dept. as it was thought to be too small a property to put to good use. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN RESPOND TO THE PARTY OFFERING THE PROPERTY AND SUGGEST HE OFFER IT TO THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS. MOTION CARRIED. Saturday Market Community Services Committee report recommended that the Saturday Market Proposed Location be set up at its inception in the Municipal Building' s Parking Lot. Municipal Parking Committee Chairman Clymer remarked that the Community Services Committee Lot decided it would be better to have the market in the parking lot than close off the streets that had been suggested, also that a Public Hearing be set. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE DATE OF NOVEMBER 24, 1975 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. CARRIED. Second Air Car Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant presented report that recommended and Equipment that the Fire Chief prepare specifications for a second air car and the Fire Dept. necessary equipment and further recommended purchase of an aid car and equipment. The Committee also recommended that the Council authorize the Fire Department in case of emergencies to transport the patients to the Valley General Hospital and that the EMT Senior Aid man make the decision as to what is an "emergency" , the maximum amount to be charged for transportation to Valley General Hospital to be $20.00. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO PURCHASE AND EQUIP A SECOND AID CAR. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE RECOMMENDATION TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS AND CHARGE $20.00 TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO CHECK ON THE PRESENT AMBULANCE FRANCHISE TO SEE IF THESE ACTIONS CONFORM. Discussion ensued about the ambulance service, the changes in policy of transporting and charges and the type of vehicle and equipment desired. Councilman Grant remarked that the ambulance company would have to be made aware of the new policy the City was proposing. MOTION CARRIED. Cedar Ave. So. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant as to whether Cedar Ave. So. had been Street Widening widened enough for two lanes of traffic, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the street had been widened from 21 to 27 feet, cars may park on both sides of street, but there was only one lane for traffic. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Perry said he had been approached by members of a service Proposed Donation club on the donation of seven acres of park land to the City and wanted of Park Land to know if the Council would accept the property. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED Salaries for Finance Committee Chairman Schellert inquired as to the salaries for Officers - Uni- uniform personnel officers as concerns the 1976 Budget. form Personnel King County ,� ' State of Washington John D. Spellrrfrf, County Executive � 3ifi�� Records& Eleci a bivision 1 J. Barbano, Manager � 0,.. 1i 553 King County Administratiouildrlg Seattle, Washington 9$104 C, (206) 344-4200 '.c, _ STATE OF WASH I NGTON) ) SS • COUNTY OF KING This is to certify that on September 16, 1975, there were held Primaries and Special Elections in CITY OF RENTON for the nomination of officers and the submission of propositions to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said elections were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 26, 1975, and the results of said canvass are as follows: MAYOR Frank Aliment 805 C. J. (Charlie) Delaurenti 2,267 Nominated Avery Garrett 1 ,001 Nominated 4414(13 COUNCIL POSITION NO. I Shirlee A. Kinney 1 ,175 Nominated Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 1 ,875 Nominated POSITION NO. 2 William (Bill ) Grant 1 ,672 Nominated Sven A. (Red) Johnson 792 Michael L. (Mike) Smith 965 Nominated POSITION NO. 3 Stephen C. Clymer 683 Bruce T. Hulse 337 Bob McBeth 1 , 183 Nominated Patricia Seymour 751 Nominated Michael Charles Shane 360 John L. Tilton 430 POSITION NO. 4 George J. Perry 1 ,924 Nominated Caroline (Cathi) Terry 943 Nominated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 26th day of September, 1975. )(11 J. Barb 0 Manager bf Records and Elections I As of May 15, 1973 LUDLOW KRAMER r • �Hf111100)1 SECRETARY OF STATE , ��� ��j "� it") jV11 IVfv. Ertt PitT`{ of itrAI A 1" STATE MEASUREStkocs +�, ' TO BE VOTED UPON AT THE igLr ��2. NOVEMBER 6, 1973 - STATE GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS : HJR 22 : TAX INCREMENT FINANCING - URBAN DEVELOPMENT HJR 37 : STATE INCOME TAX HJR 40: REVISED FORMULA TO VALIDATE BOND ISSUES (Same as was approved by the voters at the 1972 . state election to validate excess levies. ) REFERENDUM BILLS : Referendum Bill No. 32 : PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN TO BE (Sub. HB 894) DEPUTY VOTER REGISTRARS (Same as contained in sections 1 and 3 , HB 34 which were vetoed by the Governor. ) Referendum Bill No. 33 : PERSONALIZED AUTO LICENSE PLATES (HB 1108) (Same as contained in HB 171 which was vetoed by the Governor. ) COMMENT: In addition to the above, there is a possibility of an initiative and/or referendum measures appearing upon the ballot if current signature campaigns now in progress are successful. Also, it is possible that the September session of the State Legislature may refer additional meas- ures to the voters for decision at the November 6, 1973 state general election. • • )► f.STfTp .a ` A. LUDLOW KRAMER / SECRETARY OF STATE O 1 i a, Wa s YmP� May 15, 1 H';%, 6.> � JUN1.0 3 NEWLY ENACTED ELECTION LAWS L?) REC EI 11 CalifaREr-1973 Regular and 1st Ex. Session � CLERK'SCLERK'SOFFI �� �,,r FFlCE.i,`' BILLS PASSED BY THE REGULAR SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR: CHAPTER SUBJECT 3 VALIDATION, EXCESS LEVIES (HB 55) Implements statutes establishing new formula for validating excess levies as authorized by HJR 47 approved at 1972 state general election (59th amendment to state constitu- tion) . 4 ANNUAL STATE GENERAL ELECTIONS (SB 2021) Establishes annual state general elections. However, res- tricts November odd-number year election to: a. City, town, and district elections; b. Approval or rejection of state measures; c. Unexpired terms of constitutional offices such as : judge of the supreme, appellate, and superior courts; state senator and state representative; and partisan county offices. (State is to assume prorated share of election costs when- ever state measures and/or state offices are voted ,upon. ) 56 "SERVICE VOTER" REDEFINED (HB 149) Expands definition of a "Service Voter" to include citizens of the state of Washington temporarily residing outside of the state who are qualified for voting in all respects except they have not registered. (Previously, such special voting, insofar as civilians were concerned, applied only to such persons temporarily residing outside the terri- torial limits of the United States. ) 78 UNIFORM POLLING HOURS (HB 694) Establishes uniform polling hours as 7 :00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. for all elections., special or regular, held throughout the state. -1- • • -2- BILLS PASSED BY THE REGULAR SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR - Cont 'd CHAPTER SUBJECT 82 MANDATORY RECOUNT: STATE MEASURES (SB 2033) Establishes a mandatory recount on state measures when- ever vote is extremely close. Same statutory computation (1/2 of 1/) margin of difference) is used as when deter- mining mandatory recounts of election of officials. (State is to reimburse county auditor for costs of such recounting of state measures. ) 102 EXPANDING USE OF COUNTING BOARDS (HB 396) When paper ballots are used at precincts containing 200 or more registered voters, authorizes county auditor to appoint one or more counting boards. Further, the county auditor determines at what time counting boards shall report for duty and can use counting boards at any elec- tion he so chooses. This act also clarifies existing statutes so that pre- cinct election officers serving voting machine or punch- card precincts need to attend only one school of instruction. 122 LEGAL GUIDANCE TO SPONSORS OF INITIATIVE MEASURES (HB 163) Relates to initiative measures and requires that at the time a sponsor files his proposal, the Secretary of State shall deliver a copy to the Code Reviser for review as to form and style. Such evaluation is to be advisory only but amounts to free legal guidance, which hopefully would eliminate technical errors in initiative measures that have occurred in the past. 140 EARLY START: PROCESSING ABSENTEE BALLOTS (HB 402) Authorizes the processing of absentee ballots to start on or after ten days prior to the election concerned but does restrict the actual count of absentee ballots to start no earlier than 8:00 P.M. on the day of the election. Also eliminates the need of initialling each inner envelope if other security provisions are taken. (This new law will be of particular value to those county auditors using punchcard absentee ballots. ) 153 VOTER IDENTIFICATION CARD (Sec. 2 - HB 34) Requires the county auditor to send, by first class non- forwardable mail, an identification card to each registered voter. (Continued - next page) e • -3- BILLS PASSED BY THE REGULAR SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR - Cont 'd CHAPTER SUBJECT 153 Cont 'd (Sec. 2 - HB 34) NOTE: Sections 1 and 3 of HB 34 were vetoed by the Governor. Section 1 mandated that all precinct com- mitteemen and committeewomen be appointed deputy voter registrars, each of whom having the authority to reg- ister persons throughout the county and not subject to the pleasure of the county auditor. Section 3 repealed the statute authorizing payment to deputy registrars for each completed registration. The 1st Ex. Session of the Legislature combined the two vetoed sections in a new bill (HB 894) and approved same as a referendum bill to be submitted to the voters for decision at the November 6, 1973 state general • election. * * * * * BILLS PASSED BY THE 1ST EX. SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR: CHAPTER SUBJECT 21 ex. SIMPLIFIED REGISTRATION FORM (HB 601) Relates to registration of voters and does the following: a. Streamlines the registration forms by greatly reduc- ing information to be entered. b. Authorizes registrar, if in doubt, to inquire as to identity and proof of age of prospective voter. (Failure to produce such identification shall not prohibit registration but notation is to be made on record as to whether or not such identification was produced. ) c. Requires the state to furnish new registration forms as prescribed by the Secretary of State to the county auditors free of charge. 61 ex. PUBLIC LISTS : ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS (HB 617) Relates to absentee voting and requires the county audi- tor to maintain lists of absentee ballot applications open for public inspection. Such lists are to be main- tained on a 24 hour schedule and copies made available to the public at cost of reproduction. -4- BILLS PASSED BY THE 1ST EX. SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR: CHAPTER SUBJECT 70 ex. LOCATION OF PUNCHCARD VOTING COUNTING CENTERS (HB 903) Relates to punchcard voting and removes certain restric- tions so that a county auditor can locate the counting center wherever in his judgment best serves the voters. (This freedom of choice makes possible the use of punch- card voting in those smaller counties which previously could not qualify simply because computer facilities for vote tallying were not close at hand. ) 81 ex. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM: NONCHARTER CODE CITIES (SB 2190) Grants citizens of noncharter code cities (cities which are operating under the optional municipal code) the powers of initiative and referendum whereby city ordi- nances can either be enacted or repealed by a direct vote. Requires a number of valid signatures equal to at least 15% of the total number of registered voters at the last preceding city general election. 111 ex. PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION: LISTS OF REGISTERED VOTERS (Sub.HB 1034) Relates to lists of registered voters and requires the county to furnish same upon request "at actual reproduc- tion cost. " However, the measure greatly strengthens existing law by spelling out in detail how such lists shall be used only for political purposes and requires each purchaser to take reasonable precautions to assure that the information is not used commercially. Further, as an impressive deterrent, the bill also provides that any person who receives commercial mail as a result of misuse of such lists is entitled to the sum of five dollars from the sender as a nuisance value for each piece of such mail received. 118 ex. ABBREVIATED BALLOT TITLES (SB 2353) Assists voters by requiring that the ballot titles of all measures (state as well as local) to be voted upon shall not exceed 20 words. Also requires that all ballot titles shall be posed as a question so that the • voter ' s response will consistently appear upon the ballot as "Yes" or "No" (eliminating the "For" and "Against" response that formerly applied to some meas- ures) . This dramatic reduction from a possible 105 to 20, or less, words will be a blessing to the voters in that the ballot titles can now be set in easily read boldface type. Further, the extreme brevity will elimin- ate the long and complex sentences which have been con- fusing to the voters in the past. f 0 • • -5- BILLS PASSED BY THE 1ST EX. SESSION AND APPROVED INTO LAW BY THE GOVERNOR: CHAPTER SUBJECT 121 ex. WRITE-IN VOTING (SB 2425) Clarifies the statutes relating to write-in voting as follows: a. A candidate for a partisan office defeated in the primary cannot become a write-in candidate for the same office at the following general election. b. When a write-in candidate receives votes designating him as being affiliated with more than one political party, only those votes of the greatest number of a single party will be counted at the time the elec- tion returns are officially certified. (In other words, Republican and Democratic votes cannot be added together and the total sum credited to the same write-in candidate for a single partisan office. ) 143 ex. ARGUMENTS AND REBUTTAL STATEMENTS : VOTERS ' PAMPHLET (SB 2361) Relates to the official Voters ' Pamphlet and does the following: a. Establishes 'a statutory deadline for the arguments for and against the state measures to be filed with the Secretary of State. If any argument is not re- ceived by the deadline, the presiding officers of the State Legislature, together with the Secretary of State, are empowered to appoint a new committee, consisting of persons other than legislators, if necessary, to be certain that arguments, both for and against each state measure, do appear in the Voters ' Pamphlet. b. Provides a procedure whereby arguments are exchanged with opposition committees for the purpose of writ- ing rebuttal statements which will also appear in the Voters ' Pamphlet. This new feature honors tra- ditional debating procedures and should have a salutary effect when arguments are first being written. 165 ex. TIME LIMITATION: COURT ACTION: PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT (HB 698)• Establishes a time limitation of two weeks following the close of the filing period in which an elector can file court action concerning an error, omission or wrongdoing of placing the name of a candidate upon the primary election ballot. Further, requires court deci- sion to be issued within five days. 1 i. THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0 cc' CITY CLERK 4rE0 3EPw- September 14, 1975 Inspector of Elections Reton Precincts No. 1 through No. 59 Dear Inspector: As soon as possible after the closing of the polls at the Primary Elr,ction, September 16, please call the Renton City Clerk' s Office at Phone Number 235-2500 and report the total number of votes cast for candidates for the Mayor and the four City Council positions cn the ballot. (This phone call will be in addition to your call to King County. ) The City Clerk will be tabulating the votes for the municipal positions and will need the information from your precinct as soon as possible after closing of the polls. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURTEOUS COOPERATION. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 1/�1,0 O. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Voting Registrar INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 3, 1975 TO: Avery Garrett, Mayor/Don Stark Public Works Director Building Division Personnel Director Library Director Finance Director Police Department FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Election Supply Depot, Sunday,September 14, 1975 Primary Election, Tuesday, September 16, 1975 Polls Open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is a reminder that the front entrance of the Municipal Building will need to be open on Sunday, September 14., 1975, in time for 9:30 a.m. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers and will remain open until 1 :30 p.m. , in accordance with LAG-09-75 with King County Records. A phone is necessary so the City Clerk's Office will need to be made available and should be unlocked and supervised during those hours. Also, on Tuesday, September 16, 1975, the Highlands Administration Building, Library Bookmobile Room and the Municipal Building Lobby will need to be open at 6:00 a.m. and remain open until poll workers leave; the Municipal Building will remain open until approximately 11 :00 p.m. until all supplies have been turned in. The Building Division will please furnish us with overtime custodial costs for the Sunday opening in order that we may bill the County in accordance with agreement tse �� �, King County `ti State of Washington • John D. Spellman, County Executive I.b 1.7 • Records & Elections Division J. Barbano, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-4200 September 30, 1975 -t627?Ps 0 MEJIORANDUM • Fe.!‘ o S��y�l;l ZlM\U�) TO: dity and Town Clerks • FROM: Clint G. Elsom Assistant Superintendent Records and Elections-Data Processing SUBJECT: Voter Registration on October 4th • Saturday, October 4th, is the deadline for voter registration and transfer of registration for anyone planning to vote in the General Election, November 4th. This office will be open. We suggest that each city and town clerk register for some period on Saturday, October ►ith.• Please call 344-5282 and let us know whether or not your office will be open and, if so, the hours the office will be open. Thank 'you. • Clint G. ' Elsom Assistant Superintendent ' L1' Records and Elections-Data Processing 61 0\ 4g A-,40./J4 ' 1 012 • r. • i• THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD Q 1% CITY C1ERK �4lfOSEP���� August 7 , 1975 King County Auditor 553 King Co . Administration Bldg Seattle , Washington 98104 Attn : Ralph Dillon , Supt . of Elections Dear Mr. Dillon : I hereby certify that the attached list of candidates have filed Declaration and Affidavit of Candidacy for nominations for Mayor and Four City Council positions for the Primary Election , September 16 , 1975 . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Maxine E . Motor Deputy City Clerk MM/i b cc : Bruce Chapman Secretary of State Olympia , Wa 98504 1975 CITY OF RENTON DECLARATION & AFFADAVIT OF CANDIDACY MAYOR: Frank Aliment 128 Capri Ave. N.E. , Renton, Wa. 98055 C. J. "Charlie" Delaurenti 505 S. 18th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 Avery Garrett 602 S .W. Langston Road, Renton, COUNCIL POSITION #1: Shirlee A. Kinney 3613 N.E. 12th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 1014 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , Renton, Wa. 98055 COUNCIL POSITION #2: William (Bill) Grant 1040 Redmond Ave. N.E;, Renton, Wa. 98055 Sven A. "Red" Johnson 1520 Index Ave . N.E. , Renton, Wa. 98055 Michael L. (Mike) Smith 3402 N.E . 7th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 COUNCIL POSITION #3 : ' Stephen C. Clymer 343 Williams Ave. North, Renton, Wa. 98055 Bruce T. Hulse 2908 N.E. 12th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 Bob McBeth ' 1632 Lincoln Court S.E. , Renton, Wa. 98055 Patricia Seymour 2534 Burnett Court South, Renton, Wa. 98055 Michael Charles Shane i 2201 Maple Valley Hwy. , Apt # 1-666 , Renton, Wa. 98055 John L. Tilton 3511 N.E. 6th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 COUNCIL POSITION #4 : George J. Perry 2613 N.E. 24th Street, Renton, Wa. 98055 Caroline (Cathi) Terry 516 Pelly Ave. North, Penton, Wa. 98055 CO"" THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n o) 0 4 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0 (t,Q CITY CLERK P9T 4- 0 S F P' July 11 , 1975 Mr. Ralph L. Dillon Supt. of Elections 553 King County Adm. Bldg. Seattle , Wa 93104 Re : Positions to be voted upon at Primary & General Election , 1975 Dear. Ralph: Positions to balloted upon at the fall Primary Election of September 16 , 1975 and General Election of November 4 , 1975 were designated by the City Clerk during the regular Council Meeting of July 7 , 1975 as follows : o1 Mayor City Council Position #1 City Council Position #2 City Council Position #3 City Council Position #4 Present Incumbents Avery Garrett, Mayor William J. Grant George J. Perry Henry E. Schellert Richard M. Stredicke Mr. Perry has declared his intent to file for Position 1 and Mr. Grant declared intent to file for Position 2 , the others not having yet declared intent to run. Please contact Mrs. Gwen Marshall , Finance Director if further information is necessary. Yours very truly CITY OF RENTONDelores A. Mead City Clerk DM/ib r 1 , ` 1975 7/28/75 DECLARATION & AFFADAVIT OF CANDIDACY COUNC L POSITION #1 ' 1 Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke Shirlee A. Kinney POSITION #2 William (Bill) Grant Michael L. (Mike) Smith Sven A.. (Red) Johnson POSITION #3 John L. Tilton Stephen E. Clymer Bob McBeth Patricia Seymour Bruce T . Hulse Michael Charles Shane POSITION # 4 George J. Perry Caroline (Cathi ) Terry 1 I 1975 7/28/75 DECLARATION & AFFADAVIT OF CANDIDACY CO1 NCI L POSITION #1 Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke Shirlee A. Kinney POSITION #2 William (Bill) Grant Michael L. (Mike) Smith Sven A. (Red) Johnson POSITION #3 John L. Tilton Stephen E. Clymer Bob McBeth Patricia Seymour Bruce T . Hulse Michael Charles Shane POSITION # 4 George J. Perry Caroline (Cathi) Terry �7 King County Sty f Washington John D. Spellman, my Executive `` Records & Elections Division Hugh L. Jams, Manager 553 King County Administration Building • G Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 - Elections (206) 344-5282 - Registrations • . �� • > May 19, 1975 •• ���' <� 4', 0 f Cn -4 I;•C City of Renton c/o Celores A. Mead 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Enclosed please find a questionnaire regarding the offices to be filled and liossible propositions to be voted on at the Primary and General Elections to b.,! held on September 16, 1975. and November 4, 1975. This questionnaire will be used by our office to assist us with our ballot layout preparation. Please list all offices to be filled and the length of term. if it is an ulexpired term, please so state. Also, list any propositions being considered for the Fall Elections. Please note that our office must receive the resolution or ordinance calling for a special election on a proposition not later than 45 days prior to the date of the election. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. The self-addressed envelope, which is enclosed, is for your convenience and immediate reply. Sincerely, J. Barbano Manager of Records and Elections /01 By Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections RLD: lmdr Enc. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE OFFICES, WITH LENGTH OF TERM, TO BE FILLED AT THE PRIMARY AND/OR GENERAL ELECTIONS TO DE HELD ON SE?TEMBER 16, 1975, AND NOVEMBER 4, 1975. (IF UNEXPIRED TERM IS INVOLVED, PLEASE GIVE LENGTH OF UNEXPIRED TERM.) OFFICES TERM , Mayor Four Years Councilman Four Years Councilman Four Years Councilman ' Four Years fnuncilman Four Years PROPOSITIONS (If any) FOR PRIMARY - RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE MUST BE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE NOT LATER THAN AUGUST 1 , 1975 FOR GENERAL - RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE MUST BE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 19, 1975 CITY, TOWN, OR DISTRICT B®nton, WA 98G55 BY flelnrPc A. Mead. City Clerk ADDRESS Municipal Building - 200 Mill Ave. S. TELEPHONE NUMBER 235-2500 IT IS ESSENTIAL TO FILL IN AND RETURN THIS FORM IMMEDIATELY' PLEASE DO NOT DELAY. c-? ,, cTeR (0 , i �° a - . s PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ...., p '`‘ ? BUILDING DIVISION 235 -2540 O MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 �A 0 O,Q,4T4'D ;;EPIC-wO April 17, 1975 AVERY G<.RRETT, MAYOR TO: City Clerk FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Election Overtime The following overtime was incurred by Building Division personnel because of the April 8th election: Sunday, April 6, 1975 - 4 Hours (9:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.) Arnold W. Wahl - Regular Salary $6.4442 per Hour 4 Hours @ Double Time - $51.55 ��i,1�g192021�p'c� h ''s kC� `�``vk�°�� `lr •'I THE CITY OF RENTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 '11, AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD CITY CLERK 4TEDSEPO'1% March 18, 1975 K. C. Dept. of Records & Elections 553 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle , Washington 98104 Attn: Mr. J. Barbano, Manager Records & Elections Re : LAG 05-75 - Lease of Buildings for polling places Gentlemen : We return herewith fully executed lease document as above-referenced. Duplicate has been retained for our records. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON dita.thoomia Delores A. Mead City Clerk • DAM/mc Enc. King County State of Washington LAG 0 5-7 5 John D. Spellman, County Executive y ` ` Records & Elections Division Hugh L. James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 - Elections (206) 344-5282 - Registrations J. Barbano, Manager of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 We hereby grant permission for the use of the following buildings as polling places for the Special Elections to be held on April 8, 1975, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usual rental fee will be paid. CITY OF REN ON (1 -- APPROVED BY : `� i f�_ V ATTESTED : M ark Y PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY. THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECOR[US. APR 8 1975 CITY OF RENTON c/o Del Mead , City Clerk 200 Mill Ave S Renton, WA 98055 HIGHLANDS ADM 13LDG Renton 13 Renton 16 Renton 1 / Renton 18 Renton 29 LIBRARY , Oookmobile Room Renton 11 - Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, Lobby Renton 15 Renton 39 . 0 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: City Clerk DATE February 5. 1975 FROM: Building Division c (, R E: Election Overtime The following overtime was incurred by Building Division personnel because of the election: Sunday, February 2, 1975 - 4 Hours (9:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.) Arnold W. Wahl - Regular Salary $6.4442 per Hour 4 Hours @ Double Time - $51.55 ti �������2 h J C� r� (Y1111/7 v Kenton , King County • State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division u�r 4 Hugh L.James,Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 December 11, 1974 • TO: City & Town Clerks i FROM: Hugh James, Manager-- Department of Records & Elections SUBJECT: Voter Registration The apportionment of voter registration costs for your City or Town for 1974 is $4,484.50 This figure is based on $0. 316926 per registered voter. /SDI/SO The continuing effort to reduce costs of operation ap- pears to be paying off , as the cost per registered voter for 1973 was $0 . 334332. Every avenue will be researched further to continue possible cost reductions. . \�2 31415,��j � C' HLJ/j RC��e\Au ! CO,,m;5 Gtf�8Zir y 3 Gnu ,, OV R:6A, U tb 0 2, BUILDING DEPARTMENT • RENTON , WASHINGTON ! 53 MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH • RENTON, WASH. 98055 • .1 1 0 99 * 235-2540 ysAORT CAPITAL.OF�� M E M O R A N D U M November 6, 1974 TO: City Clerk FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Overtime Following is a listing of overtime required for election purposes: Sunday, November 3rd - James R. Williams 4 Hours (9:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.) Regular Salary $6.0837 per Hour 4 Hours @ Double Time (Sunday) $48.67 Tuesday, November 5th - Eric Swenson 3 Hours (7:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.) Regular Salary $4.4798 per Hour 3 Hours @ Double Time (Holiday) 26.88 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FROM KING COUNTY $75.55 1 Ai 1 n sktk.)- 6 " mil. 0Ai R SEp \ ��, /1/;f/1/ virtSeattle, Wash. FEBRUARY 7 19__� City of Renton c/o Delores A. Mead CURRENT EXPENSE FUND To 200 Mill Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Rental of the following buildings aspolllr,g places in the Special a— • Election held on February 4, 1975: HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River MU' C PA D LOBBY Renton 13 Renton 11 Renton 15 Renton 18 _ ji RENTON AEC CENTER Renton 1 4 5 Precincts at $12.50 $ 67 50 ASSIGNMENT OF BILLS WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED ORDERS FOR WARRANTS SHOULD BE FILED WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR • y ' ) rcENTON INSPECTORS Z/�-f /7 RENTON # 1 Clara T Dow 922 N 28th PI Renton 98055 225 6276 RENTON #2 Rose Edsall 329 Pelly Ave N Renton 98055 255 6253 RENTON #3 Jacob Zier 434 Wells N Renton 98055 255 5405 RENTON #6 Beverly M Green 122 Wells Ave S Renton 98055 228 3753 RENTON #7 Evelyn Rayma 528 Williams Ave S Renton 98055 255 4206 RENTON #8 Pauline Arko 94 Williams Ave S Renton 98055 226 1603 RENTON # 10 Joan A Walker .\2 c 56/ ,,y 1433 Monterey Ave NE n� c��. • Renton 98055 228 6384 �,`?' 1,74 M? � RENTON #11 Elizabeth Dubois Z �' >� 538 Mill Ave S � �t '�ti`�``� � Renton 98055 255 4760 ° RENTON #13 Billie C Fenton �cck 2.61 L 11451 SE 89th PI Renton 98055 226 7575 RENTON #14 Evelyn Mueller 827 Lynnwood NE Renton 98055 255 9603 RENTON #15 Patricia J Hustvedt 12666 SE 161st Renton 98055 226 2588 RENTON #18 Louise Lewis 415 Seneca NW Renton 98055 772 6232 RENTON #20 Mary Jones 2625 NE 27th Renton 98055 255 9652 RENTON #21 Letty Cole 1073 Harrington Ave NE Renton 98055 255 8574 c RENTON #24 Gloria D Seibert 8518 S 123rd PI Seattle 98178 772 4377 RENTON #26 Sandra C Tunicliffe 17003 123rd Ave SE Renton 98055 226 1817 RENTON #27 Lillian Wicks 1517 Davis Ave S Renton 98055 255 7604 RENTON #23 Annalee Crain 5105 S 163rd PI Seattle 98188 242 3919 RENTON #30 Marcia C Meer 1030 N 36th Renton 98055 226 9871 RENTON #33 Clarice J Olson 858 Redmond NE Renton 98055 226 2112 RENTON#43 Geraldine Church 807 Camas Ave NE Renton 98055 255 3042 RENTON #58 Alice Score Box 521 Renton 98055 228 1010 HONEY Wenona Babcock DEW 10221 128th Ave SE Renton 98055 226 0926 MILDRED Mildred I Eberly 16918 114th Ave SE Renton 98055 255 8535 OLYMPIC Merilyn Millikan 9216 136th SE Renton 98055 255 0687 axie, . . �, , , -4) King County Se.: C 4 " State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Manager—J. Barbano 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on February 4, 1975, there was held a Special Election in the City of Renton for the submission of a proposition to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on February 14, 1975, and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 4,975 PROPOSITION Bonds, Yes 2,741 Bonds, No 2,169 Defeated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 14th day of February, 1975. J. Barbano Manager of Records and Elections Z.. By Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections 1. ' FE,B 1y75 RECEIVED CITY of RENTON a' `CLERK'S OFFICEJv • Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/24/75 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Street Vacation Petition for Street Vacation was filed by Robert L. Edwards of the Renton Shopping Renton Shopping Center, for vacation of a portion of County Road No. Center Area 80 (also known as Third Ave. Extension) lying southerly of S.W. Sunset Blvd. (P.S.H. No. 2) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THE PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CHECK THE SIGNATURES, OWNERSHIP AND PETITION VALIDITY. CARRIED. Oppositior to A resolution opposing a County-wide drainage utility as recommended by King County Storm the River Basin Coordinating Committee, was filed with the City by the Drainage Utility Newcastle Grange #1100. The resolution noted the property owners would have no voice in the organization and/or financing of the utility and, therefore, the Grange oppossed formation and/or funding. Official Report Letter from King County Records and Elections Superintendent, Bond Issue Vote Ralph Dillon, certified 2/4/75 Special Election on the Fire Bond Issue. The County Canvassing Board reported Total Vote: 4,975. Bonds, Yes: 2,741 and Bond, No: 2,169 Defeated. Update of Letter from Fire Chief Williams requested adoption of the Uniform Uniform Fire Code Fire Code Supplement 1974 as it has a major amount of impact on compressed gases and allows the Fire Department more control over installation and maintenance of Fire Protection, Life Safety Systems and appliances. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Honeydew Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented letter from Apartment Hillis, Schell , Phillips, et al , Attorneys for Dura Development Co. Complex -- which presented Agreement and Amendment to the previous Declaration Dura Development of Restrictive Covenants executed by Dura Development for the Honeydew Company Apartments. The letter stated that the proposed Amendment and Agreement deletes the requirement for a Local Improvement District which was previously agreed to by all parties and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court which is within the Honeydew Estates residential area, and provides for the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to the proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Mr. James A. Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice President of Dura Development Co. used wall map and site plan to review Phase 1 building of 164 unit complex and outlined Honeydew Too. He reviewed that due to complaints from residents to the south, covenants had been drawn up with the City for fence,landscaping and 10-yr storm drain plan. He noted L. I .D. started to prevent land-locked property; that Dura Development Co. has acquired an option on property extending to N.E. Sunset Blvd. which would serve as access, and asked that the L. I.D. be discontinued as there would no longer be land-locked property. Upon inquiry from Councilman Clymer, Mr. Summers noted nothing would be done until Dura had acquired the five-acres and had title to strip for access. Mr. Durwood Roupe, President of Group 4 Consulting Engineers, 1816 N. 180th, Seattle, explained reasons for choosing proposed access to the east of L. I.D. roadway, explained hydraulics study for for storm drain. Councilman Perry noted citizen complaints because of water drainage to adjacent property and into the apartment buildings. Mr. Summers reported that Dura Development Co. was standing behind the project for one year (sold to California firm) and that three of the apartments needed waterproofing at the foundation. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Mr. Summers noted only complaint from abutting property owners was regarding tree; complaint corrected. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER THIS SUBJECT OF DURA DEVELOPMENT'S REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Police Guild Letter from Mayor Garrett provided status of labor negotiations with Labor the Police Officers Guild and the matter of alleged sex discrimination Negotiations as pertains to position of Parking Checker in the Police Department, noting receipt of letter from Human Rights and Affairs Commission which requested conciliation (with the time being extended on 2/10 for two weeks). The Commission requested notification of conciliation attempt with the Parking Checker at that time. The Mayor' s letter noted the Police Guild would notify the City when they were prepared to begin negotiations for a new contract, that the present contract provides RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 24 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER and GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, HOSPITALIZED COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE BE EXCUSED FOR ABSENCE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assist- ant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti for additions or correc- tions to the Council Minutes of February 10. 1975, Councilman Perry requested amendment reflecting date of April 12 through 17, for ASPO Planning Conference rather than June as Mr. Perry thought in his request for attendance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MINUTES BE AMENDED TO SHOW APRIL DATE AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 1975 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made L. I.D. 293 according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider Renton', Hill the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $43,062.61 for the Improvement of construction and installation of certain street improvements and ap- Cedar Ave. S. purtenances thereto in and near Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill . Letters of protest received prior to the hearing were read: C. T. Ting, 16045 132nd P1 . SE; Lyman E. Riley, 3 Limetree Lane, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Cal . Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted percentage of protest at 5:00 p.m. 2/24 constituted 3.395% of total cost of project. Letters of protest received at the meeting were read: Flora Monoghan, 324 Cedar Ave. S. ; Pete Peiroli , 12025 Renton Ave. S. , Seattle; LeRoy Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. ;Ardith V. Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. Public Works Director Gonnason reported this constituted 8.413% protest to the project. Public Works Director explained the project with asphalt paving or overlay, new curb, gutter and sidewalks, with underground power including new street lighting and storm sewers. Gonnason explained property assessed at 17.90% of the cost of the project. Persons present at the hearing making inquiries: W. K. Moore, 539 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired re power poles, being advised by Gonnason that power poles on Cedar will be removed with riser between under- ground lines and poles. Roy Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired Project to re high voltage power lines, being advised these will remain with two Proceed of the three lines removed to reduce clutter, too costly to move lines to Pipeline Road. Stanley Nelson, 419 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired about street widening and poles, being advised those poles that remain and the street lighting will be placed within the new 6' sidewalks. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PROJECT AS OUT- LINED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Gonnason noted the alley and S. 4th St. are deleted from the project. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CLRRENT Claim for Damages filed with the City Clerk by Bryce E. Torkelson, BUSINESS 434 Whitworth Ave. S. , reported damaged auto in amount of $10.53 Claim ' for allegedly due to upturned sewer manhole cover. A second Claim for Damaes Damages filed with the City Clerk by Clifford M. Garrett, 3708 Meadow B. Torkelson Ave. N. claimed $50. 75 for broken car window allegedly due to rock C. Garrett being thrown by City sweeper. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER CLAIMS BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. , '"''Th,? vi N ,�11 ,�` A� SPECIAL ELECTIONS '> VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS - FEBRUARY 4, 1975 J a Total Vote 40% of 60% of e' Nov, 5, 1974 Nov. 5, 1974 40% CITY OF RENTON G.O. Bond Prop 7,035 2,814 h 9 , TOWN OF SNOQUALMIE Tax Levy Prop 351 141 85 `SCHOOL DISTRICT NO . 1 Tax Levy Prop (2) 171 ,926 68,771 41 ,263 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 190 Tax Levy Prop 376 151 91 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 195 Tax Levy Prop 39 16 10 **SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Tax Levy Prop (2) 13,802 5,521 3,313 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO . 216 Tax Levy Prop 3,234 1 ,294 777 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 400 lax Levy Prop (2) 7,777 3, 111 1 ,867 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401 Tax Levy Prop 29,577 11 ,831 7,099 G.O. Bond Prop 29,577 11 ,831 -'''SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 402 Tax Levy Prop (2) 2,371 949 570 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 Tax Levy Prop 16,918 6,768 4,061 Reallocation of Funds 16,918 6,768 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404 Tax Levy Prop 108 44 27 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 405 Tax Levy Prop 26,680 10,672 6,404 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 406 Tax Levy Prop 2,598 1 ,040 624 ..:**SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 Tax Levy Prop (5) 934 374 225 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 408 Tax Levy Prop 7,404 2,962 1 ,778 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 410 Tax Levy Prop 2,610 1 ,044 627 41SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 412 Tax Levy Prop (3) 19,691 7,877 4,727 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO . 414 Tax Levy Prop 16,680 6,672 4,004 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 415 Tax Levy Prop 11 ,437 4,575 2,745 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 13 Tax Levy Prop 2,371 949 570 All propositions require a 60% approval . If the total votes cast on tax levy propositions should be less than the present 40 minimum requirement but have an affirmative number of votes equal or greater than 60% of the minimum validation number, the proposition would pass. *SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 - Passage of Prop. No. 2 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 *SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 - Passage of Prop. No. 2 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 ***SCHOOL DISTRICT NO . 402 - Passage of Prop. No. 2 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 ****SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 407 - Passage of Prop. No. 3 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 . Passage of Prop. No. 4 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 . Passage of Prop. No. 5 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 SY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 412 - Passage of Prop. No. 2 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 . Passage of Prop. No. 3 is contingent upon passage of Prop. No. 1 and Prop. No. 2. Prepared For: '�r� /c� , Hugh L. James r Manager of Records and Elections "Pr-�' �6 A�-.lidrl 1, /( c t ``' '1, a C/Ty c/l/ 1 61 1 c-FRkSRFwT Q I� By Ralph L. Dillon Se„ Opt Superintendent of Elections „,1/4 ,/ - (6- - -5 ./C 47-/ ,/) hi; _ v 5/ — .4;7y sp U 1-"Y)// % ./t ( I f, .dry C- u �, , Party Pos on Renton #1YA Glenn A. rett 541 Pelly Ave N #1 enton 98055 D B 1 Renton #3Yy(. G. A. (Dick) Vandiver 406 Pelly Ave N, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #4i././ Bruce McKay 241 Factory Ave N, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #6'?.2 Beverly M. Green 122 Wells Ave S, Renton 98055 R A 1 Y,641 Carl W. Houston 8181 S 3rd St, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #7rp5 Charles (Eddie) Taylor 356 Thomas Ave SW, Renton 98055 D B 1 3y Lloyd G. Atwood 252 Earlington Ave SW, Renton 98055 D B 2 Renton #10, ( Albert (Bud) Shinpoch 361 Maple Ave NW, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #11j, Earl Clymer y 526 Cedar Ave S, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #12"cy Ed Stanley 530 Renton Ave S, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #151 ,Blanche B. Karinen 1205 Shelton Ave SE, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #23 , Roberta McDonald 216 NW 5th St, Renton 98055 D B 1 /`7 Bruce T. Hulse 401 Taylor Ave NW, Renton 98055 D B 2 Renton #26 ( Susan P. Brady 1741 Jones Dr SE, Renton 98055 R A 1 Y.4 7 Bob McBeth 1632 Lincoln Ct SE, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #2n17Peter J. Paulman 1713 Davis Ave S. Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #28 .5 Ray L. Campbell 114 SW 12th St, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #3077 Florence McWilliams 1314 N 26th St, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #31")( Alice A. Klepach 1726 Shattuck Ave S, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #32"5,./Anastasia Savio 312 Williams Ave N, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #37'(72. Nigel B. Adams 1800 Beacon Way SE, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #40s"Avery Garrett 602 SW Langston Rd, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #41)'2Sandy Maletta, Jr. 239 Meadow Ave N, Renton 98055 0 B 1 Renton #51'sj�; Mattie R. Timm 1204 N 28th PI , Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #566,SStanley Fitzpatrick 1236 Benson Rd, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #581k. Frank V. Davidson 1002 N 32nd St, Renton 98055 D B 1 Renton #59jc{James E. Denzer 3613 Lk Wash Blvd N, Renton 98055 D B 1 Roger x77 Robert F. Wilson 17120 125th Ave SE, Renton 98055 D B 1 RussellX41C Peggi J. Gates 26117 114th SE, Kent 98031 D B 1 Shamrock /04 Irene M. Bogh 12021,80th Ave S, Seattle 98178 0 B 1 Soos Creek Jack E. Howard 24413 148th Ave SE, Kent 98031 R A 1 x7j Earl E. Tice 24272 141st P1 SE, Kent 98031 D B 1 Springorook" James W. Aprill 19805 98th Ave S, Renton 98055 D B 1 Sue City Y 7 Mark Pellegrino 11257 SE 186th, Renton 98055 R A 1 '..15 Steve Didis 11442 SE 186th St, Renton 98055 D 6 1 IIIV1lst LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT (Continued) Party Pos Mercer Is #42Jd ) Sky Kennedy Records 2805 75th P1 SE, Mercer Island 98040 R ii' Steven J. Brown 2418 76th Ave SE, Mercer Island 98040 D Mercer Is #43,ty Diane Dickinson 2811 75th P1 SE, Mercer Island 98040 R /A Renwick Haugland 2970 76th SE, Mercer Island 98040 D / c Betty J. Sellers 7505 SE 28th #201 , Mercer Is 98040 D X '/(- Manuel (Manny) Lott 2920 76th SE, Mercer Island 98040 D Mercer Is #44,r'.(. Caroline Leuthold 7275 W Mercer Way, Mercer Is 98040 R <.J Edith R. Engel 7671 W Mercer Way, Mercer Is 98040 D Mocking Bird X. C'/. Constance M. McDonald 4219 123rd SE, Bellevue 98006 R Newcastle X ,SC, Rose M. Robison 8605 138th SE, Renton 98055 D Newhills u /C Virginia Cole 4944 116th PI SE, Bellevue 98006 R /I/ Gerard L. Hanauer 5036 SE 117th, Bellevue 98006 D Newport y 7i/ Kathleen L. Wells -Henderson 4612 130th Ave SE, Bellevue 98006 R v ( i Ernest Thor Olson 12449 Newport Way, Bellevue 98006 D Olympic . 76. Bill Johnson 8915 118th Ave SE, Renton 98055 R o4 Grant Smith 13228 SE 91st, Renton 98055 D Raleigh V 6- '/ Tom Fox 15627 SE 42nd Ct, Bellevue 98006 D Renhill \ 7.'i Heidi Lee 12432 155th Ave SE, Renton 98055 D Renton #13 )e.5.1) DonnaVe M. Singh 906 Glenwood Ave NE #9, Renton 98055 D Renton #14 X L- `) Emil J. Mueller 827 Lynnwood Ave NE, Renton 98055 R Renton #16 .2 7 Chad H. Jensen 407 Grandey Way NE, Renton 98055 R )1, `/2 Phyllis McGerry 551 Windsor P1 NE, Renton 98055 0 Renton #17 C '' Myrtle Beckstrom 2029 NE 7th St, Renton 98055 D Renton #19 y 1( Helga E. Karinen 2705 NE 6th Pl , Renton 98055 D Renton #21 s/ .- ') Letty E. Cole 1073 Herrington Ave NE, Renton 98055 R Renton #24 X / `Y Jack B. Sparks 1633 Harrington Ave NE, Renton 98055 R y 6, 4 Nina M. Huseland 1916 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton 98055 D Renton #25 ,fr_,5 D. Jacque Weiss 3232 NE 12th St, Renton 98055 D Renton #33 ) �/ Phyllis A. Korn 3700 NE 9th Ct, Renton 98055 R Renton #34 x & (I Bernyece L. Leckie 1633 Aberdeen Ave NE, Renton 98055 R Renton #35 X-S'% W. E. (Bill ) Lightfoot 2117 Edmonds Ave NE, Renton 98055 R Renton #38 se lc Jack E. Clarke 1190 Union Ave NE, Renton 98055 R Renton #39 x _6 6. Priscilla J. White 119 Monterey Dr NE, Renton 98055 R l< <S/ Chris Wright 120 Monterey P1 NE, Renton 98055 D ISL Ltul.u%I IvL UI) II'I.. L......, ..•......, - - PlIV Party Pos a Renton #42 y .:1) 7 Sven A. Johnson 1520 Index Ave NE, Renton 98055 R A Renton #43 6-0 Ronald Mann 3307 NE 10th P1 , Renton 98055 R A Renton #45 X •�G> Pearl Anne Ank 2400 NE 16th St, Renton 98055 R A 4 X 76, Thos. R. Edwards 1901 Edmonds, Renton 98055 D B Renton #48 .5:5 Edward F. Tajon 2033 Harrington P1 NE, Renton 98055 D B ;_ l 7 7 George J. Perry 2613 NE 24th St, Renton 98055 D B Renton #52 V79 Richard M. Stredicke 1014 Tacoma Ave NE, Renton 98055 D 8 Renton #54 )1 .3i Sylvester M. Wallace 458 Index Ave NE, Renton 98055 , R A Roanoke X/.;1`i Norman S. Craven 4038 163rd SE, Bellevue 98006 R A ,JcA&a X 34 6—y-r.cf 6 t_c(4 ceztt" R Schirra )( 6(/ John B. Swisher 12658 SE 59th, Bellevue 98006 D 8 Tyraco X /C. rl Melvin (Bud) Miller 4509 150th Ave SE, Bellevue 98006 D 8 H/ Joy M. Abernathy 4506 153rd Ave SE, Bellevue 98006 D E Vivian X & 2 Gerald G. Sather 3747 136th Ave SE, Bellevue 98006 R I )( r< / Daniel C. Rice 3806 139th P1 SE, Bellevue 98006 D E Westlake y 7/ Beth Cain Cazort 19510 SE 51st St, Issaquah 98027 D E Young )( ,S'7 David E. Louisell 4803 122nd SE, Bellevue 98006 D I i , } y. 7 - :1 1 THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 /7:1 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 4 CITY CLERK 0 4).4t tb SE PI December 23 , 1974 Department of Records & Elections 553 King County Administration Bldg . Seattle , Washington 98104 Attn : Mr . Ralph Dillon Superintendent of Elections Dear Ralph : We transmit herewith City of Renton Ordinance #2899 resub- mitting City of Renton $2 , 020 , 000. 00 Fire-Fighting Facilities Bond Issue for ballot on February 4 , 1975 . Caption for the Bond Issue will be "Fire-Fighting Facilities Bonds" . Thanks for sour assistance in processing the bond issue proposal . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Maxine E . Motor Deputy City Clerk MEM;mc Enc . King County State of Washington i• a John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James,Manager ' 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 December 27 To: King County Deputy Registrars (owO�`'a From: Records and Elections ,��Q�a' � Subject: NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION FILES ', , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 4th day of January, 1975, the registra- tion files of all King County precincts , except those shown on the attached list , will be closed to original registration of voters and transfers of re- gistration until after February 4, 1975, the date of the Special Elections. In order to vote at said special elections , all persons not now registered or transferred are required to register, or transfer their registration, on or before January 4, 1975. Any registrations or transfers taken during this thirty-day closure period will not be processed for the February 4, 1975 Special Elections. ALL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING JANUARY 4, 1975. Hugh L. James, Manager Records and Elections By i.C� Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections RD/ln encl NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION FILES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 4th day of January, 1975, the registration files of all King County Precincts except Arrowhead, Arthur, Atkinson, Beaver Lake, Briarwood, Cedar Mountain, Cedar River, Chapel Hill , Coalfield, Cottage Lake, Country Club, Dorre Don, Edith, Fir Grove, Firland, Foothills, Geraldine, Gilman, Glocca Morra, Hartinger, Hi-Valley, Hobart, Hollywood, Hutchinson, Inglemoor, City of Issaquah, Kathleen, Kenlake, Kenmore, Leota, Lily, Lochvue, Louise, Louth, Lucerne, McCoy, McDonald, Maple Hills , Maple Valley, May Valley, Millikin, Mink Road, Mirrormont, Monohan, Moorlands, Napoleon, Newcastle, Norway Hill , O 'Donnell , Overdale, Pine Lake, Pipe Line, Providence, Queensgate, Quinault, Ravensdale, Renhill , Ring Hill , Riverside, Sandra, Shadow Lake, Snoking, Spring Lake, Squak Mountain, Sunny Hills , Tahoma, Tanner, Thellbo, Tiger Mountain, Twin Springs, Uplake, Valencia, Wellington, Wesbo, West Hill , Westlake, Wilderness, Windsor, and Woodinville Precincts will be closed to original registration of voters until after February 4, 1975, the date of the numerous Special Elections. In order to vote at said Special Elections, all persons not now registered or transferred are required to register or transfer their registrations on or before January 4, 1975, HUGH L, JAMES Manager of Records and Elections by Ralph L, Dillon Superintendent of Election: OF R -� EA __ THE CITY OF RENTON o 2 ,:. • o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o� ", AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD O,p �4, CITY CLERK T� FO SEP-0- December 17 , 1974 Department of Records & Elections 553 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle , Washington 98104 Attn: Mr. Italtih Dillon Superintendent of Elections Dear Ralnh : . We hand you herewith City of Renton Ordinance t2899 resubmitting City of Renton $2 , 020, 000. 00 Fire- Fighting Facilities Bond Issue for ballot on February 5, 1975 . Caption for the Bond Issue will be "Fire-Fighting Facilities Bonds" . 11 Thanks for your assistance in processing the bond issue proposal. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk Irl iM/mc• Enc . �c: Mayor Garrett City Attorney Fire Dept. • - Records & Elections Filefr \i( Fire Fighting G. O. Bond File Gwen IPRENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 8 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 0) P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Charles Delaurenti ,.presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J . PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT and HENRY M. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIAL` G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL IN ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY , Police Chief; DON STARK, Administra- tive Assistant; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; SHARON GREEN, Person- nel Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendant; ED TORKELSEN, Data Processing Manager, DAVE HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer. PRESS IN Mary Wilbert Smith, Editor, Greater Renton News; Eric Pryne, News ATTENDANCE Editor, Renton Record Chronicle. COUNCIL MINUTES MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL POSTPONE APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 1 , AND DECEMBER 2, MINUTES UNTIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1975. CARRIED. SPECIAL Municipal Arts Commission Chairman, Charmaine Baker, used slides to PRESENTATION present an inventory of the City' s art collection, explaining artist, Renton location of art object and manner obtained. Municipal Art Commission Municipal Art$ is making the inventory in order to obtain insurance protection. Commission Renton Annual Art Show Committee Chairman, Lois Aring and Member Suzanne Woodruff presented the City with a lithograph which was displayed. City' s Art Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti expressed appreciation. Councilman Stredicke Inventoried questioned placement of Metro bus shelter near City fountain and landscaping, the Renton Municipal Arts Commission Chairman noted the matter would be studied. Public Meetinq This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Allenbach published, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Meeting to con- Annexation sider the 10% letter of intent to annex properties to the City as filed by Dr. Herman M. Allenbach for 45.3 acres located in the south- erly portion of the City. South of the Valley General Hospital , West of Springbrook Road and East of Valley Freeway #167. Letter from City Clerk Mead noted presentation of the petition to Council November 3, at which time the public meeting date was set. The letter also noted need of the Legislative body to determine acceptance of the letter of intent, require adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebtedness ; also, whether to authorize circulation of the 75% Petition. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area on the map noting existing use of area as single family and vacant land; Comprehensive Plan lists area as single family low and medium density multi-family. Dr. Herman Allenbach, 25829 152nd SE, represented proposed annexation and noted no future plans for the area. Paul Longville, 18227 Springbrook Road, opposed the annexation. Dean Rockey, 2726 95th N.E. , Bellevue and Joe Harn , 9205 S 180th, property owners in the proposed annexation area, favored annexation. Frederick Bowser, 16044 16th SW, Seattle, favored annexation. Upon inquiry by Councilman Schellert, Dr. Allenbach confirmed acceptance of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebedness (none) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , COUNCIL ACCEPT LETTER OF INTENT TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE PETITION. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCI: Claim - C. Ca Claim for Damages was filed by Colette V. Call , 426 Mill Ave. S. , in amount of $19. 48 for towing charges needed when driving from Cedar Ave. S. to Mill S. , alleging no barricades or signs to indicate street torn up during area construction. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO INSURANCE CARRIER AND CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Renton Hill Letter from Renton Hill Community requested waiver of electrical per- Christmas Tre mit fee, permit needed for inspection of updated wiring for annual Christmas tree on Renton Hill . Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, it was noted the tree is on private property. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL WAIVE PERMIT FEE FOR CHRISTMAS TREE OF RENTON HILL COMMUNITY. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4IP Page 2 12/8/75 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Tukwila Fire Dept. Letter from Fire Chief Williams presented a Mutual Aid Agreement Mutual Aid with the City of Tukwila for Fire Department assistance to properties Agreement along Lind Ave. S.W. and West Valley Road areas, asking Council approval of the standard agreement as such an arrangement would be of benefit to both cities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. John Harer Letter from John Harer, Lakeshore Manor Mobile Park, 11448 Rainier S. , Plans Office Seattle, requested City permission for access to the Perimeter Road on Building at Airport Renton Airport for an office building Mr. Harer is planning at the northwest corner of the airport, fronting on Rainier Ave. The letter explained the access to Perimeter Road would give the building added parking and desirability to present and future airport businesses . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. November 4, 1975 Letter from King County Records and Election Division Manager, J. Election Canvass Barbano, submitted canvass results by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns for the November 4, 1975 General and Special Election in the City of Renton: MAYOR C. J. (Charlie) Delaurenti 4,313 Elected Avery Garrett 3,327 COUNCIL Position No. 1 Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 4,002 Elected Shirlee A. Kinney 2,276 Position No. 2 William (Bill ) Grant 3,475 Elected Michael L. (Mike) Smith 2,900 Position No. 3 Bob McBeth 3,129 Patricia Seymour 3,332 Elected Position No. 4 George J. Perry 4,014 Elected Caroline (Cathi ) Terry 2,180 Examination Reports City Clerk Mead reported receipt of Reports of Examination by the State Auditor Office of State Auditor (1 ) First examination of the Municipal Air- port 1/1/73 to 12/31/74; (2) 13th examination of the Water & Sewer Utility 1/1/74 to 12/31/74; (4) 48th examination of the City 1/1/74 to 12/31/74. The Clerk noted Examinations are on file in the City Clerk' s Office. Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Recommendations recommendation that Council approve application for rezone from G to M-P and H-1 for Glacier Park Company, 270 acres located north of SW Glacier Park Co. 43rd, west of Lind SW and east of RR r/w within the City. Property is Rezone #R-560-69 presently (G) undeveloped and proposed use is Manufacturing Park and G to M-P & H-1 Heavy Industrial ; Comprehensive Plan presently Manufacturing Park, Light and Heavy Industry; Proposed Comprehensive Plan is Manufacturing Park and Greenbelt. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Planning Director Ericksen noted Planning Commission vote regarding rezone was 6 to 1 in favor of applicant. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Planning Director Ericksen explained 20 acres of the rezone property would be dedicated to the City for Green Belt and deleted from the rezone request, that Green Belt is normally zoned single family as are parks. Following further discussion, MOTION CARRIED. William G. Moran Letter from Planning Director Ericksen further reported Planning Com- Rezone #R-840-75 mission recommendation for Council approval of rezone from R-1 to R-1 to R-2 R-2 by Willaim G. Moran for property located at 424 Williams Ave. S. between S. 4th St. and S. 5th St. The total area is 5,000 sq.ft. , existing use single family and proposed multiple family residential ; rezone in agreement with Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. ' ' p 1 fl. "" ' King County Q.. '' -' State of Washington Eh a John D.Spellman,County 1 lye �� : k4 ,i, Records & Elections Division �t� o • '' > '4410:'r� Hugh L.James,Manager Cie ^ «;�'? 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 ©� (206)344-4200 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on November 5, 1974, there was held a Special Election in the City of Renton for the submission of a proposition to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Elactiun Returns on November 20, 1974, and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 5,926 PROPOSITION FIRE-FIGHTING FACILITIES BONDS Bonds, Yes 3,1+02 Bonds, No 2,524 Defeated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 20th day of November, 1974. - ugh L. James c:' Manager of Records and Elections , -0,a-- !��'; f� "{YAP N '4c,s4,. t‘ <--:-', , 4z. Ky - 2 . qe: eeyn r, King County ` - - State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive 13 Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James,Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on November 5, 1974, there was held a Special Election in the City of Renton for the submission of a proposition to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 20, 1974, and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 5,926 PROPOSITION FIRE-FIGHTING FACILITIES BONDS Bonds, Yes 3,402 Bonds, No 2,524 Defeated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 2Oth day of November, 1974. Yiugh L. James Manager of Records and Elections r- ' (14. tic ___It4tAz,"_4.06L,Lt-e. 41, -r • } • o"" [11,, � THE CITY OF RENTON - '^ • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 , AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 1 CITY CLERK o,Q4TFo SEPl�o0� November 13, 1974 ,,' Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Gentlemen: Attached hereto for your information is Facts and Figures Concerning Election Costs as prepared by this office. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Yours very truly, Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM/m • Enclosure cc: Fire Chief Williams Fire Department 44. Office of the City Clerk November 13, 1974 FACTS AND FIGURES CONCERNING ELECTION COSTS Proposed resubmittal of Fire Station Bond Issue by the City Election Costs charged by the County are computer tabulated originating in the Depart- ment of Records and Elections and are based upon various actual and weighted cost factors. According to the Election Department Officials it has been established that punch cards are cheaper than paper ballots. (Because of size and cheaper printing costs and BMX tabulating easier to tally than hand count of paper ballots. ) A ballot with Seattle (two fire district issues, school district No. 1 and possible gambling issue) would cost the City of Renton far less than to place its fire bond issue on the ballot alone. The petition for a proposed gambling issue to go onto the ballot is being checked for validity at this time. Election costs are based on two prime factors: 1 . BASIC FAIR SHARE - This includes costs for election officials, polling places, postage, transportation, precinct supplies, advertising and telephones. An average share of these costs is computed by adding the total registered voters in each entity having issues on the ballot, divide that total into number of registered voters of individual entities and come up with percentage figure to be borne by each. Take total dollar cost for items listed heretofore as fair share items and multiple by percentage figure which equals total cost for each entity (city or county) . 2. COST FACTOR - WEIGHTED FACTOR included cost of printing, clerical and systems services (computer) . Also, number of items entity has on the ballot, i .e. : If the City had two issues on the ballot, a full share would be charged for the first issue and one-half share for each subsequent issue; it would be 12 times the registered voters then times the fair share cost would be the weighted factor cost for these above listed items all requiring additional computer work. Example: The Renton School District March 26, ballot ran with the City of Seattle at a total cost of $118,478; Seattle had 18 issues on the ballot , Renton 1 . The Renton School District paid $9,918. If they had run alone, they would have paid the entire cost of the election which would have included an additional $10,000, according to the Election Department. The Election Department advises that it would cost the City approximately $20,000 if no other issues are on the ballot. When the State declared every fall election a General Election they neglected to include the State in sharing the costs as is done in the odd years and it will be necessary to amend the State law to provide for State sharing the expenses on even numbered years as well . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 9 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P .M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J'. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. GAE aCOUNCILMANSHENRYURENSGNELMERTDBEY CLYMER, SECONDED B EXCUSED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, MINUTES OF 12/2/74 BE AMENDED, Page 2 December 2, '74 last paragragh MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, REVENUE OF $30,000 TO BE DERIVED FROM PULL TABS, BE PLACED IN THE CONTINGENCY FUND - adding "THAT THE REVENUE TO BEUSED FOR BENEFITS TO BE NEGOTIATED WITH POLICE GUILD, FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 864, 21R AND NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES." It being determined "Benefits" interchangeable with "wages and benefits:' MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT OF CIVIL SERVICE CC , NS BE SECONDEDFBYRED TO BRUCE,THE COUNOCIL TTEE OF THE APPROVE MINUTESLE.OF 12/2/74D MOVED BY CLYMER, MEETING AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ACHIEVEMEPT Mayor Garrett presented an Award of Achievement to City Clerk Mead from AWARD Western Washington College, Department of History, for completion of a Records Management Syposium. Mayor Garrett reported that the College has requested that the City' s new Municipal Filing Sytem be used as an example for seminars during 1975 on Archival and Records Management Techniques. The City Clerk invited the Councilmen and other interested persons to view the new file system. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from King County Records and Elections Division Manager, Hugh James, certified the November 5, 1974 Special Election in the City for Fire-Fighting the Fire-Fighting Facilities Bonds. The letter reported King County Facility Bond Canvassing Board of Election Returns with total vote: 5,926 of which there were 3,402 Yes for Bonds and 2,524 No for Bonds, with bond issue defeated (failed to meet 60% validation requirement) . Bremerton Asks Letter from the City of Bremerton reported adoption of a resolution urg- Wage & Price ing the President and/or Congress to impose price and wage controls and Controls -- asked that Renton adopt a similar resolution. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PREPARE LIKE RESOLUTION. Councilman Stredicke suggested corporate profit control be implemented first. Councilman Perry noted the middle and lower income families and the working people suffer most from such controls; curbing exhorbitant interest rates and profits, should be investigated. Council President Clymer agreed, and also noted need for free open market,as concerns wages also. Councilman Grant noted need to register complaint against high interest rates, high food prices and industrial profits. MOTION CARRIED. Green River Letter from King County Councilman of District Nine, Dave Mooney, confirm- Flood Control ed meeting 12/12 re Green River Flood Control Projects with Auburn, Kent, Meeting Tukwila and Renton invited. (See schedule) . Dick Colosurdo Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported the Planning Commission Hi-Lands completed review of Application No. FP-798-74, Dick Colosurdo, Hi-Lands First Addition First Addition, 1 .54+/- acres undeveloped, located on NE 8th between Appl FP 798-74 Harrington and Jefferson Ave. N.E. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Plat proposed for subdivision of duplex-type housing, said Plat being in complaince with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Comprehensive Land CONDEUDsBYPGRANan T,sCOUNCILle amily CONCUReINdREC1al .OMMENDATION OF THE VED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND A Renton City Council . Meeting 12/9/74 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued D. Colosurdo PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE FINAL PLAT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE Final Plat LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Planning Director Ericksen used display map to explain the Final Plat. MOTION CARRIED. Fleury & Barton Letter from Pianning Director reported Planning Commission review of Rezone Appl . Fleury & Barton Application R-79 -74 for rezone from S-1 to SR-1 of No. R-793-74 1 . 1 +/- acres located on corner of N.W. 6th St. and Taylor Place N.W. with existing use, proposed use and the Comprehensive Plan in agreement, single family residential . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, APPROVE REZONE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LLGISLATION COMMITTEE. Following presentation by Planning Director Ericksen explaining the subdivision of parcel to provide four building lots, the MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported bid opening December 3, for two used electro- Electro- mechanical card files with one bid received from Sound Business (see Mechanical attached tabulation) . Letter from Purchasing Agent Church and Police Card File fr,-- Chief Darby recommended acceptance of the bid from Sound Business Police Dept. Systems in the amount of $5,054.40. The letter noted funds for these files have been included in the 1974 Budget and a grant approved by the State Law and Justice Planning Office on 11/8/74. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE BID OF SOUND BUSINESS SYSTEMS. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk reported 12/3 bid opening for Police Department multi-channel Multi-Channel recording system (see attached tabulation) , two bids received. MOVED BY Recording STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY System COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Claim for MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Damages FILED FOLLOWING CLOSURE TIME FOR THE AGENDA. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead R. Bali ,vtrasse reported Claim for Damages filed by Roy Ballestrasse, 201 S.W. 12th Str. , for loss of water pressure allegedly due to large machinery improv- ing the alley between S.W. 12th St. and S.W. Grady Way. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY BRUCE, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Public Works Director Gonnason gave brief review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Late Items MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ALLOW CORRESPONDENCE TO BE READ WHICH WAS TOO LATE FOR AGENDA. CARRIED. Dangerous Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason advised that both the un- Buildings occupied residences at 504 and 518 Cedar Ave. S. have been inspected Cedar Ave. S. and deemed unsafe for occupancy, that complaints are being filed under the Dangerous Building Code. The letter noted difficulty in determil,ifc; ownership of one of these properties , being hopeful that owners of 504 Cedar Ave. S. would demolish the building without City intervention. Councilman Clymer noted real estate office having listed this property within past 6 or 8 months , that ownership may be determined through them. Sidewalk Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett noted investigation N. E. 28th of request by Kennydale Elementary School Principal , R. Dragseth, for (Dangerous sidewalk on N.E. 28th St. between Kennewick P1 . N.E. and Jones Ave. N.E. Crosswalk) for the safety of school children. The Board recommended that the owners of the adjacent property be asked to install sidewalks and if unsuccessful , recommended that the City install a crushed rock walkway until such time as a permanent sidewalk can be installed. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROCEED ACCDRuINGLY. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended Council concurrence Appointment in the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Jerry A. Slough to the Renton Planning Confirmed Commission completing the term of B. G. Morrison, who has resigned; term Mr. J. Slough ending 1/1/77. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN 1306 Thomas Ln. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mr. Slough was present and intro- duced by Mayor Garrett. Prior Service The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Municipal Credit - Judge's request to grant service credit. Committee Chairman Pro-tem city Judge Clymer noted change by the State Legislature empowered the City to pay 1 .-►-1-1-h-hrr ► ►- r ►'►-►-► F ►-► ► r►• ►- r N•►-•►• r•ra M- ►.-► ► ► r h+r•► f-►• r ► f r ► ►•-►-'H ► r f ► ►-►- r• ► , .- r a.. r viV VAv V U U.V V vlu v v v V.v u V v V V vArU V`V V'V.V vv V V.4 1.1'4'. .4' 4 •f 4'.4 4'•4 .r 4 .4 .4 4 .4 4 4 a .4 4 4 .4 WU L Nr`•tir.r, n r r-' N•r.•r-►•.•► rr-a ►-a r-►•-t C C GCCCCC c �[ v .C+DtC''Cu• u U. CrU 0 0.C_0 O 0.0 �I•: +% ► wNccCC•.JOV•;•UN►-C�(Ia.•.JVV .4u:nr• c� c �Jv'VI-oWN► cr�C 4QV'��. r. rC-'LC�ov'Fwr ►- c -.[C -,0i.ji4L' Nrc VV-<7"<-1rItr (n77177'77-7777.7,7'7-7,•77,7.7'727,7'777'7-717-777C'72i T33 z3: 33'3 i33 ,s - �S n r'prr,r••.<7:-+2 c-C. n r n rr r ri r n rr n rr r rr mn n n n nlrr n n n r.n n n 3-rn n n r_r n rl r n rl n n r n rl r rl rI n n r DrcVc7CDnat -':tL? 7'isr2i ?ti_?ia.22727.7 7Z7�Z22:er .<3I ? 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Dor4 L - II sr-{- !irkD . . , `------....) e_e____L 1` , Vot ' Registration King County A4i ci pate 40¢ per registered vote State of Washington (Figured on November No. of Voters) John D. Spellman, County Executive Actual for 73 was 34.31¢, they are figuring 38¢, but use 40¢ to anticipate. Records & Elections Division Hugh L. James, Manager To figure costs for 1974 and 1974 City 553 King County Administration Building ballot issues - $250.00 per precinct Seattle, Washington 98104 per election, then add 14% for inflation (206) 344-2565- Elections and compare with what was paid at the (206) 344-5282- Registrations last Mayor race - what the County billed US. Novembr 4, 197 This info per Mic Nichols Candy will give us a voter print out mid October. ive Assistant ` 7c��,L - 5�1� sion j is 14,150 . This count will aintenance cost of the voter registration ling period for voter registration will 0th each year commencing with 1974, uld be transferred by the King County • • CO ex11 ea‘ 00- • General Election Tuesday, November 5, 1974 STATE kkf 4`t 1889 OFFICIAL VOTERs PAMPHLET PUBLISHED BY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE CANDIDATES PAMPHLET ENCLOSED NW-3 —i FERRY S T E V ENS O PEKOE V WHATCOM •OKANOGAN\� LYNDLN NOOKSACx • \ BEILITMAN / /�\�� \\ •.OPUBLIC SAN JUAN/ t•17j,�J/�� y 1t+„ (V, SKAGIT 0 •GONCONUIIT •CO'VII.IE TAIDAY N RRaR V WNiHRCP•� MT.VERNON /• •OKANOGAN ,� SLAN /• CLALLAM SNOHOMISH / NfWPORI• ••i;T TOWN � vL E' GHELAN MBA 11' PJRT . BNCWO:ER' ANGEIES • �� "'1 SPONANE •SNOHOMISH OGUGIAS Al EVERFtT JEFFERSON i'I ,° ./ 1LINCOLN SPOKANEliAP� 1 i ..TETAGIIDAVEFPOAI (�(. :• ,,--...•. MEDICAL LAKE MASON / 1 � • '�L •�N <OM CITY c NAv.S HARBOR '(/`/ 0' API' I OQVAIYIE, F AORTA BEND K1TTITAS GRANv WILAKE•GRF /��`err A 'NG WENATCNEE . •�0AP LAKE 4`A 1 Of'oRA VA •MALDEN •'�+(�/L-• 4 VP AOAMS •RITZVIIIE OA�tFSOALE SHE.TON.�/�7` •Br •.���PIIERCE �� TN0.7Ni0N FIF1O 'nl.CLYMPIA 4 •• 1^�.I AYU TMURStON •� WARDEN �E 1'41• [l,, ELLE�:tlURG • WHI::: •CDLFAK YAK/MA SOON -_ •BUCAW PULLMAN• BEND •CHEHALIS LEWIS FRANKLIN 1 Nt TOE „ D BENTON WALLA WALLA STARBUGK •POMEROY 111\ PACIFIC ASOTIN •LING BEACH COWLITZ •OAYTOH ASOTIN • '^ CASTLE ROCS SKAMANIA SUNYI<IIR COLOMBIA ( CATHLAMET ,,,BUR, ;ROSTER KE150 WALLA WACLA _ WOMAN KLIGRITAT CENTTN/CLARK " •i BAm.COAST n STATE OF WASHINGTON Ms Congressional Districts 'See details, page 47 for Everett, Seattle, Tacoma and vicinities A 42 LEADEN WHATCO NI ,:^ , 0 q 40 SAN JUAN SKAGIT ' RBOR'� IRIDAY HA R L w WINTHRO V MT VERNON 51Af Gfj`N'�, SNOH OMISH ,'EI ALLA.M NL_ "CIV» N O N'11 1 O CHELAN v 1 BREwSTER AlN'1YP. • 5 OKANE I \ EVEREI n1[SH � 12 OOI.I,LA;I 24 Sr\/ ANE ij,'I L„SAP c 3 I I 45 Alf NVN,E MASON "' 14 LAVEI N ,..., DU.EE TP 0 ' R' SEATTLE S 6 GRANT W LA REEK I/ MENAIf.,.t • •SOAP LAKE M � KiU 47 ii 4EPHRATA .' Ica 19 __ TALON PIA ,IER,. H 1. MONi P 13 SANO �� STO 22 EL 2 LE NSBUAG WARDENI OUSE' YAKIMA 9 WHITMAN •COLIAY SOUTH •BUGAOO BEND PULLMAN• LEWIS F9:.Nnt,N TN10X ARENA GARFIELD {/l\'! 20 1 4 DEN,ON PACIFY WALLA SEAR; •POMEROY III ASOTIN oN,ecw" ',Al BxnwcN,A 41 16 •Dnrron ,,,,,,B'Ci • 15 SUNNYSI DI 8 PASTA WAl15BURT, "L"'IA AS011N i KELSO 18 VA;A•WA,z 1 — - WOODCANF 4,,TE• CL ARK 9 P,OGLENL,• 17 STATE OF WASHINGTON BAT CLECROUND Legislative Districts 49 .CAMAS *See details, pages 46, 47 for Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Yakima, Spokane, Vancouver and vicinities Introduction Three state measures have been referred to the voters for their approval or rejection at the No- vember 5, 1974, state election. As required by law, a publication containing the otticial ballot titles, Attorney General's explanations, statements for and against, and rebuttal statements, to- gether with the full text of each of the state measures must be mailed to each place of residence in the state by the Secretary of State prior to the state general election. The official ballot titles and explanatory statements have been prepared by the Attorney General. The statements for and against and the rebuttal statements have been prepared by committees appointed under a pro- cedure established by law. The Secretary of State has no authority to evaluate the truth or accuracy of any of the statements made in the pamphlet or to alter their content in any way. A Candidates' Pamphlet, containing the statements of most of the candidates nominated for federal, state, and local offices, is combined with this publication into a single pamphlet to reduce the cost of production. The Candidates' Pamphlet begins on Page 15. CERTIFICATION As Secretary of State of the State of Washington, I hereby certify that I have caused the text of each proposed measure, ballot title, explanatory statement, statement for or against, and rebuttal statement which appears in this publication to be compared with the original of such documents on file in my office and I find them to be full, true, and correct copies of such orig- inals. Witness my hand and the seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of October, 1974. Q STATE. V' '‘F, A. LUDLOW KRAMER �y�IBP9 a�Y Secretary of State Table of Contents STATEMENTS FOR COMPLETE AND AGAINST TEXT REFERENDUM BILL (Proposed to the People by the Legislature) Starting II111 Pages Page 34 — Statewide Lottery 4, 5 10 $�� PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (Proposed to the ' People by the Legislature) SJ R 140 — Governor's Item Veto Restricted 6, 7 13 SJR 143 — Qualifications Of Electors 8, 9 13 Toll Free Telephone Voters Service Again this year, the office of the Secretary of State will provide a toll-free telephone line for election information. Voters from any part of the state may call the toll-free number to obtain answers to questions on voter registration and voting procedures and background information on the statewide ballot measures. A club or organization may obtain names of potential speakers for or against any of the ballot measures. The toll-free number is 1-800-562-6020. The hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday throu ,h Friday, until November 5th. We encourage Washington voters to take advantage of this servic . three Ballot Title: Shall a state lottery be conducted under Refere 34ndum gambling commission regulations with prizes totalling not less than 45% of gross �� 'I • income? Bill Vote cast by members of the 1974 Legislature on final passage: HOUSE: [98 members] Yeas, 62; Nays, 33; Absent of not voting, 3. SENATE: [49 members] Yeas, 32; Nays, 16; Absent or not voting, 1. CHAPTER 152, LAWS OF 1974 (43rd Leg., 3rd Ex. Session) NOTE: The ballot title and explanatory comment were written by the Attorney General as required by state law. The com- plete text of Referendum Bill 34 begins on Page 10. Statement for Constitution Permits a Lottery bling Commission and completely guarded as to fairness and In 1972, by a vote of 787,251 to 489,282, the citizens of the public safety. State of Washington amended the Constitution removing the A "yes" vote will enable the citizens of the State of Wash- prohibition against the establishment of a state lottery. ington to enjoy this mild form of gambling,to aid in providing To carry out the wishes of the people, the Legislature has revenues to the State General Fund and to express their pref- passed measures establishing a lottery only to see them ve- eirence in the kinds of gambling which they approve. toed by the Governor. Referendum Bill No. 34 gives the people the opportunity to speak out and override the Gover- nor's veto,and to create a state lottery. Rebuttal of Statement against Revenues Will Aid State Finances Washington will join many other states in operating a lot- Opponents of Referendum 34 argue that approval of a state tery. Under terms of Referendum Bill No. 34, revenues are to lottery would open the door for so-called "wide-open" gam- be used for prizes (45%), for operation of the lottery (15%) bling and casino wagering. and for the state general fund (40%). The state will receive If a lottery is wrong for the State of Washington,then those annually between $15,000,000 and$30,000,000 for the general states which already has established lotteries— Illinois,Con- fund from the lottery, under current estimates. necticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,New Jer- Strong Public Support for Lottery sey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and New Hamp- In recent sessions of the Legislature, every poll taken by a shire— must have made a mistake.And in none of them has rtnember of the House or Senate which asked for an opinion "wide-open"or casino gambling come to pass. On a state lottery was overwhelmingly in favor of such an op- eration. Passage of the legislation creating Referendum Bill INo. 34 reflected this support.The vote in the House of Repre- $entatives was yeas, 62, nays, 33. In the Senate, the vote was yeas,32,nays,16.In approving the Constitutional Amendment n 1972 to permit a lottery,62 per cent of the voters expressed their approval of such a change. Vote"Yes"for a State Lottery In voting"yes" for Referendum Bill No.34,you will be pro- Committee For Referendum Bill 34: viding the opportunity for needed revenue for the state,and a means for raising funds without added taxes. GORDON HERR, State Senator, Democrat and PAUL CONNER, This will be done in a program operated by the State Gam- State Representative, Democrat. four The Law as it now exis sales agents, the apportionment of total revenues accruing from 'mu sale of lottery tickets. However, not less Under existing law, various types of lotteries and gambling than 45% of gross income would be required to be utilized games are authorized,most of which are to be conducted only for the payment of prizes, and not more than 15% of gross by private organizations or individuals licensed by the state income could be used to pay the costs incurred in operation gambling commission. However, there is no provision in the of the lottery. In addition, not less than 40% of the total reve- present statutes for he conduct of any sort of lottery by the nues accrued from the sale of lottery tickets would be re- state itself. quired to be transferred to the state general fund. Actual conduct of the lottery would be under the supervi- Effect of Ref. Bill 34 sion and direction of an official,designated the director of the state lottery, who would be appointed by the state gambling if approved into Law: commission. This act would provide for the establishment and conduct No license as an agent to sell lottery tickets could be issued of a state lottery. The details of this lottery would be spelled to any person to engage in business exclusively as a lottery out in regulations tc be adopted by the state gambling com sales agent. The director of the state lottery would be author- mission. These details would include, among other things, a ized to suspend or revoke any license issued under the act. description of the type of lottery to be conducted,the price or The right of any person to a prize would be declared to be prices of lottery tickets, the number and size of prizes, the unassignable, and the sale of lottery tickets to persons under manner of selecting winning tickets, the manner of payment 18 years of age would be prohibited. Also, the sale of lottery of prizes, the frequency of drawings, the types of location at tickets to officers or employees of the lottery, or the spouses, which lottery ticket: may be sold, the method to be used in children, brothers,sisters or parents would be prohibited. selling tickets, the licensing of agents who sell tickets, the The state auditor would be required to conduct an annual manner and amount of compensation to be paid to licensed post audit of all accounts and transactions of the lottery. Statement against Pay-off or Rip-off? Said Cardinal Cushing when Massachusetts was considering Purpose of a state lottery is to get money from the public. a lottery: "It is my honest conviction that the lottery as a form To make it pay of* an estimated 20 million dollars per year of large-scale gambling is economically unsound, socially dis- requires a gross lottery of over $50 million or more than $16 integrating and morally dangerous." per capita. Vote No on Referendum 34; it may be your last chance to stop wide-open gambling in Washington State. Administration Costs High But it's really a "rip-off" because the state keeps over 50 percent for administration and profit.Most taxes cost less than Rebuttal of Statement for one percent to rare.For the consumer,the gambling odds are extremely low. Proponents of Referendum 34 state that lottery administra- tive costs will be 15 percent. This is an extraordinarily high Will Not Cut Taxes figure. It takes only one percent to administer and collect a A lottery woulc raise less than one percent of the entire tax. budget. It will no cut taxes or hold the line on taxes. In no The proponents imply that no added taxes will be neces- other state has it reduced taxes. It will not raise enough to sary. This is simply not true. Revenue raised by a state lottery eliminate special levies. would not be sufficient to stave off a tax increase.The lottery bill passed the House the first time by a single vote. Should State Legitimize Gambling by Promoting and Con- doning it? Lotteries receive much attention initially, but the attraction wears off; revenue declines. It would require great additional funds to promote Another unfortunate result: A drive to legalize other forms of wide-open gambling and to make Washington another Nevada.Respect for administration also would be reduced. Poor Bet"Odds are Bad" Consumers Report, February, 1974 cautions against state Committee Against Referendum Bill 34: lotteries; Christian Science Monitor, August 21, 1974 says "Gambling casinos are viewed as the next natural step in the FRANK ATWOOD, State Senator, Republican, HAL ZIMMER- spread of legalized gambling in the U. S. coming on the heels MAN, State Representative, Republican, and CHISTOPHER BAY- of lotteries." LEY, King County Prosecuting Attorney, Republican. five Ballot Title: Shall the governor's item veto power be restricted and the legislature be permitted to reconvene itself to consider vetoed bills? S R 140 Vote cast by members of the 1974 Legislature on final passage: HOUSE: [98 members] Yeas,66; Nays,31; Absent or not voting, 1. r / SENATE: [49 members] Yeas, 40; Nays, 6; Absent or not voting, 3. 1 Senate Joint Resolution Proposed Constitutional Amendment NOTE: The ballot title and explanatory comment were written by the Attorney General as required by state law. The com- plete text of Senate Joint Resolution 140 begins on Page 13. Statement for Help Rid Your State of One-Man Lawmaking For Your Own Best Interest Washington is the only state in the nation in which the SJR 140 will protect measures which you ask your legislators Governor exercises practically unlimited power to remove to enact from being changed by a Governor upon consulta- portions from laws passed by the Legislature.This"item veto" tion with his agency heads, personal staff, or the few others of power has been interpreted by recent Governors to apply to influence who have access to him—without a chance of your any element of a bill down to a single word. input. It empowers our Governors to act in effect as an unsepar- ated third house of the Legislature to alter measures substan- tially prior to signing them into law. This is contrary to the Rebuttal of Statement against grant of authority allowed our nation's Presidents under the Federal Constitution—which is to reject entire pieces of leg- Representative government is designed to have decisions islation by veto,not to change them. made by the majority, not by one man. The power of the item SJR 140 is a moderate compromise proposal passed with veto eliminates our democratic concept by forcing one man's bipartisan support. It will not completely eliminate this unpar- decision on all of us, therefore destroying the quality of govern- alleled power, but limit it to the veto of sections of bills as ment. It erases your legislative voice at the local level. No other well as entire bills, and even provides that budget bills would Governor can reverse decisions made by local. representatives. still be subject to the item veto. The Governor's Constitutional Revision Commission appointed by him recommends exactly what SJR 140 proposes. Vote for For Responsive Government SJR 140. SJR 140 will prevent a Governor who is politically secure in Committee For Senate Joint Resolution 140: office for four years from altering the will of the people as expressed through their legislators, over three-fourths of HARRY B. LEWIS, State Senator, Republican and ALLEN vlrhom must be responsive to the wishes of the people at the THOMPSON, State Representative, Democrat. Polls every two years. Advisory Committee: JAMES K. BENDER, Executive Secretary, For Open Government King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO; WILLIAM E. BURCH, Chairman, Association of Washington Business; HENRY R. SJR 140 will prevent one person from changing behind the DUNN, Prosecuting Attorney, Cowlitz County; BRUCE HEL- ciosed doors of his office bills which are the product of an BERG, Publisher, The Bellevue American; BLAIR PATRICK, open hearings process,accessible and visible to all citizens. President,Washington Education Association. six The Law as it now exist Effect of nate Joint The state constitution provides that before a bill passed by Resolution No. 140, if the legislature can become law, it must either be presented to the governor for his approval or submitted to the voters in the approved into Law: form of a referendum.When a bill is presented to the gover- This proposed constitutional amendment would restrict the nor, he can approve it by signing it or he may permit it to governor's power to veto items in bills passed by the legisla- become law without his signature by failing either to sign or ture by limiting it to appropriation items only. The amend- veto it within five days if the legislature is still in session or ten ment would not, however,affect the governor's power to veto days if the legislature has adjourned. an entire bill or an entire section of a bill, regardless of the Alternatively,the governor may disapprove such a bill of the nature of the bill. legislature by vetoing it,either in whole or in part.In the exer- The proposed amendment would also permit the legisla- cise of his authority to veto part of a bill passed by the legisla- ture, within forty-five days after its adjournment, to recon- ture,the governor may veto any section or item in the bill. vene itself If a bill is vetoed, in whole or in part, it is returned to the by a petition of two-thirds of the membership of each house in a special session of not more than five days house from which it originated for reconsideration if the legis- duration solely to reconsider any bills which the governor has lature is still in session. If the legislature is not in session, the vetoed in whole or in part. bill is filed with the secretary of state who is then to bring it Finally, while the proposed amendment would not change before the house from which it originated at its next session. the time period during which the governor is to exercise his The legislature may override the governor's veto by the vote veto while the legislature is in session, it would increase from of a two-thirds majority of the members of each house.There ten to twenty days the time granted to the governor to exer- is, however, no provision in the present constitution for the cise his veto power following the adjournment of a legislative legislature to reconvene itself for the purpose of reconsid- ering acts vetoed by the governor. session. Statement against SJR 140 shoiild be rejected decisively by the voters. Here's Rebuttal of Statement for why: (1) The item veto is part of the necessary system of checks and balances establ:shed by the people in their Constitution The Committee against the Item Veto includes big business and in 1889. Nothing has happened since to indicate they acted big labor. Why are they against it? Because after spending unwisely. SJR 140 is a blatant, unwarranted and unjustified thousands each legislative session lobbying for private interests power grab by the legislature designed to destroy our consti- they don't like to have them vetoed. Vote"NO" on SJR 140. Re- tutional system of checks and balances. If the relationships tain the item veto and let the Governor protect you from the between the legislature and the executive need to be expensive special interest lobbyists. He must be doing a good changed, if either should have more or less power, it should job or the big lobbyists wouldn't be trying to take it away. be done not on a piecemeal basis but by reexamining all exec- utive and legislative powers in the Constitution. (2) The item veto has been essential in correcting uninten- tional legislative errors. In over half the instances where it was used it was to correct the legislature's mistakes. (3) The governor is the only elected official in the legisla- tive process with responsibility to all the people, not just a particular constituency or local interest. The governor is in a unique position to protect the people from special interest legislation for a favored few. (4) Adequate safeguards exist against abuse of the item veto: (a) the legislature can override an item veto by a 1/2 vote and has done so recently; (b) the legality of an item veto can be and has been challenged in the courts. If our Constitution is to be amended: (a)will it improve the quality of government; and (b) will it better serve the people? The answer to bo'h these questions is no. Vote against SJR 140. Committee Against Senate Joint Resolution 140: JONATHAN WHETZEL, State Senator, Republican and ARTHUR C.BROWN, State Representative, Republican. seven Ballot Title: Shall a thirty-day durational residency re- quirement be established for voting by oth- erwise eligible citizens eighteen years of age or over? S R 1 3 Vote cast by members of the 1974 Legislature on final passage: HOUSE: [98 members] Yeas, 90; Nays, 6; Absent or not voting, 2. SENATE: [49 members] Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent or not voting, 6. 1 ' Senate Joint Resolution Proposed Constitutional Amendment NOTE: The ballot title and explanatory comment were written by the Attorney General as required by state law. The complete text of Senate Joint Resolution 143 begins on Page 13. Statement for SIR 143 Is A"Positive"Measure Please Support This Worthwhile Amendment! As a rather noncontroversial measure passed by the Legisla- Although SJR 143 can be described as a "housekeeping" mea- ture, SJR 143 did not attract as much public attention as other sure, we also feel it will make voting a little easier for those more partisan issues. It passed the Legislature heartily sup- citizens currently in doubt because of the present Constitu- 'ported by Democrats and Republicans alike. tional provisions. Repeals Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Rebuttal of Statement against SJR 143 amends the State Constitution to update certain voter Whether you agree or disagree with the courts on residency qualifications in order to comply with U.S.Supreme Court rul- requirements, the Supreme Court, under the U. S. Constitu- ings. The proposed amendment simply states that a prospec tion has jurisdiction over state statutes and any conflict with tive voter must have established a 30-day residency in the the state constitution is superceded by the decision of the state,county or precinct and be at least 18 years old. It repeals Supreme Court. current provisions which "prohibit" 18 to 20 year olds from The failure of SJR 143 would not affect present laws. It voting, Indians which are not taxed,those individuals who are would be useless to retain antiquated constitutional language. not able to read or speak the English language, and the one The thirty-day residency requirements were in effect during year residency requirement.All of these restrictions have been the last two general elections with no problems. (declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and are no longer enforced, therefore making this portion of the Consti- tution obsolete. Committee For Senate Joint Resolution 143: GARY GRANT, State Senator, Democrat, RICHARD KING, State Representative, Democrat, and ARTHUR C. BROWN, Removes Unnecessary Confusion State Representative,Republican. ,SJR 143 was drafted to remove any confusion that may de- elop from reading the Constitutional requirements for Advisory Committee: MAXINE KRULL, President, League of doting. Occasionally, prospective voters are discouraged from Women Voters of Washington; ROSS DAVIS, Chairman, registering because of obscure and archaic restrictions which Washington State Republican Committee; NEALE CHANEY, have not been corrected to reflect federal court rulings and Chairman, Washington State Democratic Committee; JOE constitutional challenges. SJR 143 clarifies the State Constitu- DAVIS, President, Washington State Labor Council; ROGER /ional provisions for voting so that each citizen knows exactly LEED, Member of the Steering Committee,Coalition for Open what is required in order to be registered to vote. Government. eight The Law as it now exist Effect of mate Joint The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution ex- Resolution No. 143, if tended the right to vote to citizens eighteen years of age or older. In addition, recent decisions of the United States Su- approved into Law: preme Court have also affected the qualifications which a state may impose for voting in its elections. Because of these This proposed constitutional amendment would remove the decisions, a state may no longer enforce a residency require foregoing presently ineffective provisions and simply require ment of more than thirty days in duration, nor may it restrict the right to vote to pe rsons who can read and speak the En- that in order to vote in an election in this state, a person must glish language or prohibit voting by Indians not paying taxes. be a United States citizen who is eighteen years of age or older, and who has been a resident of the state, county and Accordingly, certair provisions of the Washington State precinct in which he resides for at least thirty days prior to the Constitution with resF ect to voting qualifications have been election at which he seeks to vote. rendered ineffective.Those provisions include a minimum age requirement for voting of twenty-one years; a one-year state In addition, however, this constitutional amendment would retain an existing disqualification for voting by insane persons and ninety-day county durational residence requirement; a prohibition against voting by nontaxed Indians; and a require- and persons convicted of felonies, unless restored to their ment that voters be able to read and speak the English lan— guage. Statement against Must we accept as ABSOLUTE and IRREVOCABLE every Rebuttal of Statement for court decision? Did you ever want to legally and safely say, "Judge—YOU ARE WRONG". This "housekeeping" measure could flood the polls with The court decisions which virtually wipe out residency re uninformed voters. Justice Blackman wrote "Clearly . . . the quirements for voting are WRONG and IRRESPONSIBLE. State does have a profound interest in the purity of the ballot PASSAGE OF SIR 143 WILL: box and in an informed electorate and is entitled to take ap- propriate steps (residency requirements) to assure these 1) Allow politicians to move from one district to another to ends." Justice Hale wrote ". . . the judiciary has no authority seek office after only 30 days residency. whatever to substitute its judgment for that of the peoples' 2) Allow"temporary residents" such as college students in representatives as to the means and methods for holding small college towns to dominate elections—then leave honest unrigged elections. . ." town. VOTE NO SJR 143 3) Allow newcomers who have voted elsewhere to move to Washington ard, with 30 days residency, vote again— with little knowledge of the issues or candidates. 4) Allow newcomers to enroll as residents in our colleges. Mr.Chief Justice Burger,in his dissenting opinion stated: "It is no more a denial of equal protection for a State to require newcomers to be exposed to state and local problems for a reasonable period such as one year before voting,than it is to require children to wait 18 years before voting." Justice Hale,in hi!,dissenting opinion wrote: "I think it repugnant to our political institutions that one can enter this state, stay here a comparatively few weeks, claim state suffrage on the basis of this short stay, and then proceed,as soon as registered,to vote,run for office,instigate recall, referendum and initiative petitions, sit as a juror, enter our state supported colleges and universities on the same financial basis as those who have with their taxes built and maintained them.. . . Committee Against Senate Joint Resolution 143: VOTE NO ON SJR 143 JAMES P. KUEHNLE,State Representative,Republican. nine quate availa of tickets or shares to prospective buyers COMPETE TEXT OF and for the c nience of the public; T (k) The apportionment of the total revenues accruing from Referendum Bill the sale of lottery tickets or shares and from all other sources among (i) the payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets or shares shall not be less than forty-five percent of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment gross income from such lottery, (ii) the payment of costs in- curred'in the operation and administration of the lottery, in- AN ACT Relating to the establishment and operation of a state cluding the expenses of the lottery and the costs resulting lottery; amending section 4, chapter 218, Laws of 1973 from any contract or contracts entered into for promotional, 1st ex. sess. and RCW 4, 0; creating a new chapter advertising, or operational services or for the purchase or 9.4in Title 67 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 218, lease of lottery equipment and materials, but the payment of Laws of 1973 1st ex.sess.and to chapter 9.46 RCW; cre such costs shall not exceed fifteen percent of the gross in- come from such lottery (iii) for the repayment of the moneys ating new sections; prescribing penalties; providing for submission of this act to a vote of the people; and appropriated to the state lottery fund pursuant to section 24 making an appropriation. of this 1974 amendatory act,and(iv)for transfer to the general BE IT ENACTED,By the Legislature fund: PROVIDED, That no less than forty percent of the total of the State of Washington revenues accruing from the sale of lottery tickets or shares shall be transferred to the state general fund; NEW SECTION.Section 1.For the purposes of this chapter: (1) Such other matters necessary or desirable for the effi- (1) "Commissions shall mean the state gambling commis cient and economical operation and administration of the lot- sion established by RCW 9.46.040. tery and for the convenience of the purchasers of tickets or (2) "Lottery" or"state lottery" shall mean the lottery estab shares and the holders of winning tickets or shares. (2) To amend, repeal, or supplement any such rules and lished and operated pursuant to this chapter. (3)"Director"shall mean the director of the state lottery. regulations from time to time as it deems necessary or desir- NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The department of motor vehicles able. shall provide such office, administrative, and legal services as (3)To advise and make recommendations to the director of are required by the commission and the director of the state the state lottery regarding the operation and administration of lottery to carry out the provisions of this chapter. However, the lottery. the costs of such services shall be paid for by the director of (4) To publish monthly reports showing the total lottery the state lottery from moneys placed within the revolving fund revenues, prize disbursements, and other expenses for the created by section 20 of this 1974la amendatory act. preceding month, and to make an annual report, which shall Any vacancy occurring in the office of the director of the include a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, state lottery shall be filled in the same manner as the original prize disbursements, and other expenses,to the governor and appointment. the legislature, and including such recommendations for The director of the state lottery shall be appointed by the changes in this chapter as it deems necessary or desirable. commission and shall devote his entire time and attention to (5) To report immediately to the governor and the legisla- the duties of his office and shall not be engaged in any other ture any matters which shall require immediate changes in the profession or occupation. He shall receive such salary as shall laws of this state in order to prevent abuses and evasions of be determined by the commission and the provisions of the this chapter or rules and regulations promulgated thereunder state civil service law, chapter 41.06 RCW, shall not apply to or to rectify undesirable conditions in connection with the his employment. administration or operation of the lottery. NEW SECTION.Sec. 3. In addition to the powers and duties (6) To carry on a continuous study and investigation of the enumerated in RCW 9.46.070 as now or hereafter amended, lottery throughout the state(a)for the purpose of ascertaining the commission shall have the power,and it shall be its duty: any defects in this chapter or in the rules and regulations is n- (1) To promulgate such rules and regulations governing the sued thereunder by reason whereof any abuses in the of this establishment and operation of a state lottery as it deems nec- istration and operation of the lottery or any evasion of this essary and desirable in order that such a lottery be initiated at chapter or the rules and regulations may arise or be practiced, the earliest feasible and practicable time, and in order that (b) for the purpose of formulating recommendations for such lottery produce the maximum amount of net revenues changes in this chapter and the rules and regulations promul- for the state consonant with the dignity of the state and the gated thereunder to prevent such abuses and evasions, (c) to re general welfare of the people.Such rules and regulations may guard against the use of this chapter and the rules and of pro- include,but shall not be limited to,the following: tions issued thereunder as a cloak for the carrying on of pro- (a)The type of lottery to be conducted; fessional gambling and crime, and (d) to insure that said law (a)The price,or prices,of tickets or shares in the lottery; and rules and regulations shall be in such form and be so ad- (c) The numbers and sizes of the prizes on the winning ministered as to serve the true purposes of this chapter. tickets or shares; (7) To make a continuous study and investigation of (a) the (d)The manner of selecting the winning tickets or shares; operation and the administration of similar laws which may be in effect in other states or countries, (b) any literature on the (e) The manner and time of payment of prizes to the subject which from time to time may be published or avail- holders of winning tickets or shares which, at the commis able, (c) any federal laws which may affect the operation of sion's option, may be paid in lump sum amounts or install the lottery, and (d) the reaction of the citizens of this state to ments over a period of years; existing and potential features of the lottery with a view to (f) The frequency of the drawings or selections of winning recommending or effecting changes that will tend to serve the tickets or shares,without limitation; purposes of this chapter. (g) Without limit as to number, the type or types of loca- tions at which tickets or shares may be sold; NEW SECTION.Sec.4.The director of the state lottery shall (h)The method to be used in selling tickets or shares; have the power,and it shall be his duty to: (i) The licensing of agents to sell tickets or shares, except (1) Supervise and administer the operation of the lottery in that no person under the age of eighteen shall be licensed as accordance with the provisions of this chapter and with the an agent; rules and regulations of the commission; (j) The manner and amount of compensation, if any, to be (2)Subject to the approval of the commission,appoint such paid licensed sales agents necessary to provide for the ade- deputy directors as may be required to carry out the functions ten and duties of his office: PROVIDED,That th visions of the hereby author and empowered to act as a lottery sales state civil service law, chapter 41.06 RCW, not apply to agent. such deputy directors; ' NEW SECTION.Sec.8.The director of the state lottery may (3)Subject to the approval of the commission,appoint such suspend or revoke, after notice and hearing, any license is- professional, technical, and clerical assistants and employees sued pursuant to this chapter.Such license may, however, be as may be necessary to perform the duties imposed upon the temporarily suspended by the director of the state lottery director of the state lottery by this chapter: PROVIDED, That without prior notice, pending any prosecution, investigation, the provisions of the state civil service law, chapter 41.06 or hearing. A license may be suspended or revoked by the RCW, shall not apply to such employees as are engaged in director for one or more of the following reasons: undercover investigative work but shall apply to other em- (1) Failure to account for lottery tickets received or the pro- ployees appointed by the director, except as provided for in ceeds of the sale of lottery tickets or to file a bond if required subsection(2)of this section. by the director of the state lottery or to comply with the in- (4) In accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the structions of the director concerning the licensed activity; rules and regulations of the commission, to license as agents (2)Conviction of any crime as defined by RCW 9.01.020; to sell lottery tickets such persons as in his opinion will best (3) Failure to file any return or report or to keep records or serve the public convenience and promote the sale of tickets to pay any tax required by this chapter; or shares.The director of the state lottery may require a bond (4) Fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or conduct prejudicial from every licensed agent, in such amount as provided in the to public confidence in the state lottery; rules and regulations of the commission. Every licensed agent (5) That the number of lottery tickets sold by the lottery shall prominently display his license, or a copy thereof, as sales agent is insufficient to meet administrative costs and that provided in the rules and regulations of the commission; public convenience is adequately served by other licensees; (5) Shall confer regularly as necessary or desirable and not (6) A material change, since issuance of the license with less than once every month with the commission on the oper- respect to any matters required to be considered by the ation and administration of the lottery; shall make available director under section 6 of this 1974 amendatory act. for inspection by the commission, upon request, all books, NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. No right of any person to a prize records, files, and other information and documents of the drawn shall be assignable, except that payment of any prize lottery; shall advise the commission and recommend such drawn may be paid to the estate of a deceased prize winner, matters as he deems necessary and advisable to improve the and except that any person pursuant to an appropriate judicial operation and administration of the lottery; order may be paid the prize to which the winner is entitled. (6) Subject to the approval of the commission and the ap- The director shall be discharged of all further liability upon plicable laws relating to public contracts, to enter into con- payment of a prize pursuant to this section. tracts for the operation of the lottery,or any part thereof,and NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. No person shall sell a ticket or into contracts for the promotion of the lottery. No contract share at a price greater than that fixed by rule or regulation of awarded or entered into by the director of the state lottery the commission.No person other than a licensed lottery sales may be assigned by the holder thereof except by specific ap- agent shall sell lottery tickets, except that nothing in this sec- proval of the commission: PROVIDED, That nothing in this tion shall be construed to prevent any person from giving lot- chapter shall authorize the commission to enter into public tery tickets or shares to another as a gift. contracts for the regular and permanent operation of the lot- Any person convicted of violating this section shall be guilty tery after the initial development and implementation. Public of a misdemeanor. contracts authorized under this chapter are to be performed NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. No ticket or share shall be sold to for a flat fee and not on a percentage of the lottery receipts; any person under the age of eighteen, but this shall not be and deemed to prohibit the purchase of a ticket or share for the (7)To certify monthly to the state treasurer and the commis- purpose of making a gift by a person eighteen years of age or sion a full and complete statement of lottery revenues, prize older to a person less than that age.Any licensee who know- disbursements,and other expenses for the preceding month. ingly sells or offers to sell a lottery ticket or share to any NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. For the purpose of obtaining infor- person under the age of eighteen, and is convicted of such, mation concerning any matter relating to the administration shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. or enforcement of this chapter,the commission,or any person NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. No ticket or share shall be pur- appointed by it in writing for the purpose may conduct hear- chased by, and no prize shall be paid to any of the following ings, administer oaths, take depositions, compel the attend- persons: Any officer or employee of the lottery or to any ance of witnesses and issue subpoenas pursuant to RCW spouse, child, brother, sister, or parent residing as a member 34.04.105. of the same household in the principal place of abode of any NEW SECTION. Sec.6.No license as an agent to sell lottery officer or employee of the lottery. tickets or shares !•hall be issued to any person to engage in NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. Unclaimed prize money for the business exclusive ly as a lottery sales agent. Before issuing prize on a winning ticket or share shall be retained in the state such license the director of the state lottery shall consider lottery fund by the director of the state lottery for the person such factors as (1) the financial responsibility and security of entitled thereto for one year after the drawing in which the the person and his business or activity, (2) the accessibility of prize was won.If no claim is made for said money within such his place of business or activity to the public, (3) the suffi- year, the prize money shall then be transferred to the state ciency of existing licenses to serve the public convenience, general fund and all rights to the prize existing prior to such and(4)the volume of expected sales. transfer shall be extinguished as of the day of the transfer. For the purposes of this section,the term"person"shall be NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. The director of the state lottery construed to mean and include an individual, association, may, in his discretion,require any or all lottery sales agents to corporation, club, trust, estate, society, company, joint stock deposit to the credit of the state lottery fund in banks desig- company, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee, or any other nated by the state treasurer, all moneys received by such person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, agents from the sale of lottery tickets or shares, less the whether appointed by a court or otherwise,and any combina- amount, if any, retained as compensation for the sale of the tion of individuals. "Person" shall not be construed to mean tickets or shares, and to file with the director of the state lot- or include any.department, commission, agency, or instru- tery or his designated agents reports of their receipts and mentality of the state, or any county and municipality or any transactions in the sale of lottery tickets in such form and con- agency or instrumentality thereof. taining such information as he may require. The director of NEW SECTION.Sec.7.Notwithstanding any other provision the state lottery may make such arrangements for any person, of law, any person licensed as provided in this chapter is including a bank, to perform such functions,activities, or ser- - eleven vices in onnection with the operation of ottery as he may amended, i apply to administrative actions taken by the deem a visable pursuant to this chapter and the rules and commission or me director pursuant to this chapter. regulatio s of the commission, and such functions, activities, NEW SECTION.Sec.22.The state auditor, in addition to the or servic s shall constitute lawful functions, activities, and ser- duties assigned to him by RCW 9.46.060 shall conduct an an- vices of s ch person. nual post-audit of all accounts and transactions of the lottery NEW S CTION.Sec. 15.No other law providing any penalty and such other special post-audits as he may be directed to or disabi ity for the sale of lottery tickets or any acts done in conduct pursuant to chapter 43.09 RCW. connecti n with a lottery shall apply to the sale of tickets or NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, shares p rformed pursuant to this chapter. subdivision, section, provision, or other portion of sections 1 NEW S CTION. Sec. 16. If the person entitled to a prize or through 19 of this 1974 amendatory act or the application any win ing ticket is under the age of eighteen years, and thereof to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, such prize is less than five thousand dollars,the director of the such holding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the re- state lottery may direct payment of the prize by delivery to an mainder of this chapter or the application of such portion adult member of the minor's family or a guardian of the minor held invalid to any other person or circumstances, but shall be of a check or draft payable to the order of such minor. If the confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, person entitled to a prize or any winning ticket is under the subdivision, provision, or other portion thereof directly in- age of eighteen years, and such prize is five thousand dollars volved in such holding or to the person and circumstances or more, the director of the state lottery may direct payment therein involved. If any provision of this chapter is incon- to such minor by depositing the amount of the prize in any sistent with, in conflict with,or contrary to any other provision bank to the credit of an adult member of the minor's family or of law, such provision of this chapter shall prevail over such a guardian of the minor as custodian for such minor. The other provision and such other provision shall be deemed to person s4 named as custodian shall have the same duties and have been amended, superseded,or repealed to the extent of powers as a person designated as a custodian in a manner such inconsistency,conflict,and contrariety. prescribed by the Washington Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, NEW SECTION. Sec.24.There is hereby appropriated to the chapter 21.24 RCW, and for the purposes of this section the state lottery fund from the general fund the sum of one mil- terms "adult member of a minor's family", "guardian of a lion five hundred thousand dollars,or so much thereof as may minor"and"bank"shall have the same meaning as in said act. be necessary,for the purposes of the lottery in carrying out its The director of the state lottery shall be discharged of all fur- functions and duties pursuant to sections 1 through 23 of this ther liability upon payment of a prize to a minor pursuant to 1974 amendatory act. Such appropriation shall be repaid to this section. the general fund as soon as practicable from the net revenues NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. There is hereby created and estab- accruing in the state lottery fund after the payment of prizes lished a separate fund, to be known as the state lottery fund. to holders of winning tickets or shares and expenses of the Such fund shall be maintained and controlled by the commis- lottery. sion and shall consist of all revenues received from the sale of NEW SECTION. Sec. 25. Sections 1 through 23 of this 1974 lottery tickets or shares, and all other moneys credited or amendatory act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 67 RCW. transferred thereto from any other fund or source pursuant to NEW SECTION.Sec.26.There is added to chapter 218,Laws law. of 1973 1st ex. sess.and to chapter 9.46 RCW a new section to NEW SECTION. Sec. 18. The moneys in said state lottery read as follows: fund shall be used only: (1) For the payment of prizes to the The provisions of this chapter, as now law or hereafter holders of winning lottery tickets or shares; (2)for purposes of amended,shall not apply to the conducting,operating, partic- making deposits into the reserve account created by section ipating, or selling or purchasing of tickets or shares in the 19 of this 1974 amendatory act and into the revolving fund "lottery" or"state lottery" as defined in section 1 of this 1974 created by section 20 of this 1974 amendatory act; (3)for pur- amendatory act when such conducting, operating, participat- poses of making deposits into the general fund; and (4) for ing, or selling or purchasing is in conformity to the provisions the repayment to the general fund of the amount appropri- of sections 1 through 23 of this 1974 amendatory act and to ated to the fund pursuant to section 24 of this 1974 amenda- the rules and regulations adopted thereunder. tory act. Sec. 27. Section 4, chapter 218, Laws of 1973 1st ex. sess. NEW SECTION. Sec. 19. In the event the commission de- and RCW 9.46.040 are each amended to read as follows: cides to pay any portion of or all of the prizes in the form of There shall be a commission, known as the "Washington installments over a period of years, it shall provide for the state gambling commission", consisting of five members ap- payment of all such installments by one, but not both, of the pointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. The following methods: members of the commission shall be appointed within thirty (1) It may enter into contracts with any financially respon- days of July 16, 1973 for terms beginning July 1, 1973, and ex- sible person or firm providing for the payment of such install- piring as follows: One member of the commission for a term ments; or expiring July 1, 1975; one member of the commission for a (2) It may establish and maintain a reserve account into term expiring July 1,1976; one member of the commission for which shall be placed sufficient moneys for the director of the a term expiring July 1, 1977; one member of the commission lottery to pay such installments as they become due.Such re- for a term expiring July 1, 1978; and one member of the com- serve account shall be maintained as a separate and indepen- mission for a term expiring July 1, 1979; each as the governor dent fund outside the state treasury. so determines. Their successors, all of whom shall be citizen NEW SECTION. Sec. 20. There is hereby created a revolving members appointed by the governor with the consent of the fund into which the commission shall deposit sufficient senate, upon being appointed and qualified, shall serve six money to provide for the payment of the costs incurred in the year terms: PROVIDED, That no member of the commission operation and administration of the lottery: PROVIDED, That who has served a full six year term shall be eligible for reap- the amount deposited in such revolving fund shall never ex- pointment. In case of a vacancy, it shall be filled by appoint- ceed fifteen percent of the total revenues accruing from the ment by the governor for the unexpired portion of the term in sale of lottery tickets or shares. Such revolving fund shall be which said vacancy occurs. No vacancy in the membership of managed, controlled and maintained by the commission and the commission shall impair the right of the remaining shall be a, separate and independent fund outside the state member or members to act, except as in RCW 9.46.050 (2) treasury. provided. NEW SECTION.Sec.21.The provisions of the administrative In addition to the members of the commission there shall procedure act, chapter 34.04 RCW, as now law or hereafter ((initially)) be four ex officio members without vote from the twelve legislature consisting of: (1) Two members o senate, one session in like r er as if it had been returned by the gov- from the majority political party and one fi he minority ernor: PROVIDI 'hat within forty-five days next after the, political party, both to be appointed by the president of the adiournment. Sundays excepted, the legislature may, uoort senate; (2) two members of the house of representatives, one petition by a two-thirds majority or more of the membership from the majority political party and one from the minority of each house, reconvene in extraordinary session, not to ex- political party, both to be appointed by the speaker of the ceed five days duration. solely to reconsider any bills vetoed. house of representatives; (( If any bill presented to the governor contains several sections or appropriation items,he may object to one or more sections days of July 1C, 197::)) such appointments shall be for a term or appropriation items while approving other portions of the of two years or for the period in which the appointee serves as bill: PROVIDED. That he may not obiect to less than an entire a legislator whichever expires first; members may be reap- section.except that if the section contains one or more appro- pointed; vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as orig- priation items he may nhiect to any such appropriation item inpl appointments are made. Such ex officio members who or items. In ((Seee}.)) case of obiection he shall append to the shall collect data deemed essential to future legislative pro- bill,at the time of signing it,a statement of the section ((r)) or posals and exchange information with the board shall be sections ((*)). appropriation item or items to which he objects deemed engaged in legislative business while in attendance and the reasons therefor ((;)J. and the section or sections, upon the business of the board and shall be limited to such appropriation item or items so objected to ((;)) shall not take allowances therefor as otherwise provided in RCW 44.04.120, effect unless passed over the governor's objection, as her- the same to be paid from the "gambling revolving fund" as einbefore provided. The provisions of Article II. section 12 being expenses relative to commission business. jnsofar as they are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. NEW SECTION. Sec. 28. This 1974 amendatory act shall be AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the secretary of state submitted to the people for their adoption and ratification,or shall cause notice of the foregoing constitutional amendment rejection, at a special election hereby ordered by the legisla- to be published at least four times during the four weeks next ture, which election shall be held in conjunction with the preceding the election in every legal newspaper in the state. general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1974,all in accord- ance with the provisions of section 1,Article II of the Consti- , tution of the state of Washington, as amended, and the laws adopted to facilitate the operation thereof. COMPLETE TEXT OF Senate Joint Resolution 143 COMPLETE TEXT OF Proposed Constitutional Amendment Senate Joint Resolution 40 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, in Legislative Session As- Proposed Constitutional Amendment sembled: BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate and House of Representatives THAT, At the 1974 general election to be held in this state of the State of Washington, in Legislative Session As- there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for sembled: their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Washington by THAT, At the next general election to be held in this state, amending section 1 (Amendment 5)thereof as follows: there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for Article VI, section 1. QUALIFICATIONS OF ELECTORS. All their approval and ratification, or rejection, a proposal to- persons of the age of ((twee-erne)) eighteen years or over amend Article III of the Constitution of the state of Wash- (( )) who are citizens of ington by amending section 12 as follows: the United States and who have lived in the state,county,and Article III, section 12. Every act which shall have passed the precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at legislature shall be, before it becomes a law, presented to the which they offer to vote, except those disqualified by • .tom le governor. If he approves, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall VI.section 3 of this Constitution,shall be entitled to vote at all return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall elections. ((. have originated, which house shall enter the objections at large upon the journal and proceed to reconsider. If, after days,and in the city, town,ward or precinct thirty days-immc such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members present shall agree to pass the bill it shall be sent, together with the objec- hoIl b.e-a.b.le t. F-C a-el d Sfil-Ca.k t-he €nglish tang tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon- uaae..RROVIDE� That Indians _ , , sidered, and if approved by two-thirds of the members pre- sent, it shall become a law; but in all such cases the vote of 4144-emeoclment shall not affect the rights of franchise of any both houses shall be determined by the yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill shall be entered upon the journal of each house respectively.If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within five days, Sundays excepted, after it shall be presented to him, it shall become a law without his signature, unless the general ad- this _eetie_ There shall la a 1 , h journment shall prevent its return, in which case it shall be- )) come a law unless the governor, within ((+ew)) twenty days BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the secretary of state shall next after the adjournment, Sundays excepted, shall file such cause notice of the foregoing Constitutional amendment to be bill with his objections thereto, in the office of secretary of published at least four times during the four weeks next pre- state, who shall lay the same before the legislature at its next ceding the election in every legal newspaper in the state. thirteen How To Obtain an Aosentee Ballot Ahy registered voter who cannot vote in person may apply directly to his county auditor or department of elections for an absentee ballot. Any signed request containing the necessary information will be honored. For your c nvenience, an application is reproduced below. The addresses of the auditors or departments of election are also li ted below. In order to be certain that the voter's application is authentic, the election laws require that the signatI.re on the application be verified by comparison with the signature on the voter's permanent registration rec- ord. For this reason, if a husband and wife both wish to vote by absentee ballot, signatures of each are necessary. In order to be counted, an absentee ballot must be voted and postmarked no later than the day of the election. For this reason, sufficient time must be allowed for an exchange of correspondence with the county auditor or de- partment of elections. COUNTY ADDRESS CITY ZIP COUNTY ADDRESS CITY ZIP Adams ..{.. . ... . . County Courthouse Ritzville 99169 Lewis 1105 North Street Chehalis 98532 Asotin 135 Second Street Asotin 99402 Lincoln 450 Logan Street Davenport 99122 Benton { County Courthouse Prosser 9935C Mason Fourth&Alder Shelton 98584 Chelan 1 County Courthouse Wenatchee 98801 Okanogan 149 Third North Okanogan 98840 Clallam 319 South Lincoln Port Angeles 98362 Pacific Memorial Avenue South Bend 98586 Clark 12th&Franklin Vancouver 98660 Pend Oreille 625 West Fourth Newport 99156 Columbia 341 East Main Dayton 99328 Pierce 930 Tacoma Avenue Tacoma 98402 Cowlitz 309 Academy Street Kelso 98626 San Juan First&Court Friday Harbor 98250 Douglas County Courthouse Waterville 98858 Skagit 205 Kincaid Street Mount Vernon 98273 Ferry County Courthouse Republic 99166 .Skamania County Courthouse Stevenson 98648 Franklin 1016 North Fourth Pasco 99301 Snohomish 3000 Rockefeller Everett 98201 Garfield County Courthouse Pomeroy 99347 Spokane 1116 West Broadway Spokane 99201 Grant ''C" Street NW Ephrata 98823 Stevens South Oak Street Colville 99114 Grays Hrabor 100 West Broadway Montesano 98563 Thurston 11 th&Capitol Way Olympia 98501 Island Seventh&Main Coupeville 98239 Wahkiakum County Courthouse Cathlamet 98612 Jefferson Jefferson&Cass Port Townsend 98368 Walla Walla 315 West Main Walla Walla 99362 King 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle 98104 Whatcom 311 Grand Avenue Bellingham 98225 Kitsap 614 Division Street Port Orchard 98366 Whitman North Main Street Colfax 99111 Kittitas 205 West Fifth Ellensburg 98926 Yakima North 2nd&East "B' Yakima 98901 Klickitat County Courthouse Goldendale 98620 CLIP OUT FORM ALONG THIS LINE In King County, send requests to the Department of Records and Elections. In all other counties, send requests to the County Auditor. ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATION HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM A REGISTERED VOTER PRINT NAME FOR POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION AT ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN ZIP PHONE NO. PRECINCT (IF KNOWN) SEND MY BALLOT TO: ❑ SAME ADDRESS AS ABOVE: ❑ THE ADDRESS BELOW: STREET ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP TO BE VALID, YOUR This application is for the state general election to be held November 5, 1974. SIGNATURE MUST BE INCLUDED SIGNATURE X FOR OFFICE USE ONLY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRECINCT CODE LEG. DIST REGISTRATION VERIFIED BALLOT MAILED DEPUTY SIGNATURE BALLOT CODE ADDRESS CHANGE BALLOT RETURNED , Note: If husband and wife both want absentee ballots, signatures of each are necessary. fourteen • Official and idat Pamphlet C es Ceneral Election Tuesday, November 5, 1974 Candidates for United States Senator; United States House of Representatives from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th Congressional Districts. Candidates for State Supreme Court; Washington State Senate and/, r House of Representatives in these legislative districts: 1, 10, 11, 21, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47. 42 WHAT .0M o 40 SAN JUAN ( I rLit ��� SK:�GI' ISLAND SNOHOMISH 10 39 I 38 ( 21 45 111410041Pr KING KITTITAS 47 NW-3 Introduction The Secretary of State is required by law to publish a comprehensive Candidates' Pamphlet prior to each state general election. In the preparation of this pamphlet, every nominee for a contested federal, state, or legislative. office has been given the opportunity to submit a photograph and statement of qualifications. The Secretary of State has no authority to comment on the accuracy of any statements made by the candidates in this pamphlet or to alter their content in any way. It was determined that the most economical means of publishing the Candidates' Pamphlet would be to com- bine it with the official Voters' Pamphlet. This saves printing time and reduces the cost of postage and handling. Every Washington voter will vote on three state measures VotingCheck List and elect federal, state and local officials at the November n 5, 1974, state general election. The ballot titles for the c state measures are reproduced below to serve as a con- —I venie.nce to the voter in preparing to go to the polls or cast = an absentee ballot. The candidates for congressional, 4, legislative, and county offices vary according to the resi- . Proposed to the People by the Legislature dence of the voter. Space has been provided to fill in the D names of local candidates prior to going to the polls. m REFERENDUM BILL N O. 3 4 0 NOTE: State law reads "Any voter may take with him into the polling c Shall a state lottery be conducted under gambling place any printed or written memorandum to assist him in marking or —4 commission regulations with prizes totaling not less preparing his ballot." IRCW 29.51.180) than 45% of gross income? Z UNITED STATES SENATE COUNTY AUDITOR YES El Metcalf ❑ ❑ a Republican x NO ❑ Warren G. Magnuson ❑ El m Democrat 0 Clare Fraenzl 0 Socialist Workers COUNTY CLERK -< Gene Goosman ❑ 0 American Independent ❑ Pat Ruckert ❑ ❑ U.S. Labor 'a Amendment to the State Constitution 0 Proposed by the Legislature UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE 2 ❑ COUNTY COMMISSIONER 0SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 140 El .13 Shall the governor's item veto power be restricted ❑ ❑ D and the legislature be permitted to reconvene itself rt STATE SUPREME COURT m to to consider vetoed bills? YES El YES Horowitz Non-Partisan COUNTY CORONER liem Tuai ❑ ❑ NO Ell Non-Partisan ❑ STATE SENATE El ❑ COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Amendment to the State Constitution STATE REPRESENTATIVE POS. 1 ❑ Proposed by the Legislature ❑ SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 143 El COUNTY SHERIFF Shall a thirty-day durational residency requirement STATE REPRESENTATIVE POS. 2 El be established for voting by otherwise eligible ❑ ❑ citizens eighteen years of age or over? YES El Ell ❑ COUNTY ASSESSOR ❑ COUNTY TREASURER ❑ 0 0 sixtNOeen/nw United States 'nator State of Washington Jack Metcalf has served with distinction as a citizen V legislator for 12 years. A Republican elected from nor- ,* mally Democratic Snohomish County, his vitality, integ- rity and bi-partisan view are the watch-word with leaders r of both parties and his constituents. Jack Metcalf does his own homework . . . not relying .' . '4 soley on staff or lobbyists for information. He has spon- . i sored legislation years before its worth or popularity were apparent to others. The 12 year term limitation for state METCALF and federal office holders is just one example. . 41 "The only real issue in this campaign is inflation", says Republican Metcalf. And I mean government spending-caused infla- tion. Inflation is caused by politicians . . . deliberately. • If a thief steals from you with a gun he's thrown in prison x . . . but when special interests and politicians rob the tax- --,;.- payer at the rate of 12% a year they ask for re-election! Only the voter can change the `old politics'." A strong proponent of President Ford's statement . "the first thing we (as politicians) have to do is learn to say `No'." Jack Metcalf wants to go to Washington, D.C. to help trim the federal budget. "At a time when individ- uals have to tighten their belts to make ends meet, it is time for the federal government to do the same thing." immilimmim greatest admiration for Senator Magnuson. His work on behalf of social and consumer issues, and his Senate seniority, make him one of the most potent forces in Con- gress." (8/5/74) Jack Anderson rates Magnuson as "The Most Effective of All."Magnuson wrote laws to make cars and tires safer, prevent gas pipelines from exploding under houses, make sleepwear flameproof,and put poisonous products in child- .' proof containers. President Ford praises Magnuson for "enormous work A in the field of health."Magnuson's laws started the war on cancer, brought doctors to 2 million people, kept the Public Health Service hospitals open, made possible a c - new wing at Children's Orthopedic Hospital, and built eil Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Warren G. Magnuson stopped the deadly nerve gas the Army MAGNUSON wanted to ship through Washington, wrote laws to make oil tankers safer, and laws to protect Endangered Species Democrat and whales. He co-authored the law that lowered the voting age to 18, and co-sponsored the Equal Rights `+ Amendment. -A- Now Magnuson wants to pass more major laws: laws to prevent oil spills, to create National Health Insurance, to • eliminate the oil depletion tax loophole, to increase auto- ` mobile gas mileage by 50%, to protect our fishermen with a 200-mile limit, and to make every product guaranty a consumer's bill of rights. Magnuson pledges to keep the federal lid on natural gas prices, and to enact another law . that stops California from stealing our Columbia River water. Ralph Nader's recent poll shows Congressional staff Senator Magnuson is a national leader in consumer members rank Henry Jackson and Warren Magnuson as protection, better health care, environmental quality, and the two "most effective" U.S. Senators. service to his State. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer calls For more information, please write: Magnuson Head- Magnuson's record "outstanding," and adds: "We have the quarters, 315 Yesler, Seattle 98104. nw/seventeen ***** Unitec totes Senator State of Washington prices, climbing unemployment, racism, sexism and a deteriorating quality of life. Both the Republicans and Democrats finance their campaigns with big money from oil, milk and other trusts and combines. Politicians from these parties cannot solve the problems of working people. The Socialist Workers Party has a program for working people. We stand for: —No wage controls! Grant all pay increases denied or cut back while controls were on. —Cost-of-living clauses ^ in all union contracts. The government's Consumer Price IN Index is a fraud. Cost-of-living clauses should be based on the real rate of inflation determined by committees or- ganized by unions and consumer groups. —Set pensions, E '' '' Clare social security, welfare and unemployment benefits at union wage scales. Raise them automatically with each FRAENZL hike in the cost of living. —Expropriate employers who raise prices or refuse to pay cost-of-living increases. • f ri Socialist Workers Nationalize their corporations under workers' control with �# no compensation. —Shorten the work week to 30 hours with no pay cuts Air,,,'s to provide jobs for all. Launch crash programs to build housing, childcare facilities, schools and mass transpor- ' r tation systems. This will provide the jobs needed. —No it ,: . discrimination in hiring on the basis of language,race,sex, �' citizenship or age. —Unemploymentcompensation a w frf everyone out of work,co includingensatio thoset laidunion off because ages o it ;1! i It 1," !I lio shortages, those just leaving school,Vietnam veterans and strikers. —End all taxes on incomes under $15,000. 100% tax on incomes over $30,000. Repeal Washington's 5% Today it is more apparent than ever that the present sales tax. End the school levy tax—use state and federal syst m of capitalism is unworkable and impractical. The funds earmarked for military expenditures to support our richest country in history has been hit with sudden short- schools. ages)of basic necessities. We are living with skyrocketing —For a socialist America. I In the September 15, 1974 edition of the Seattle Sunday Times,Ray Ruppert described Gene Goosman as"a politi- cal David against a vote-getting Goliath"—but if you will recall your Biblical history, David won that battle. In the construction business all his life, Gene Goosman and partner own their own business. Goosman is not a politician but, in the words of the Seattle Times, "he is an angry, patriotic, worried Ameri- can," who loves his country too much to see it continually ;' progress toward its own destruction. For this reason the political David is willing to take on the Goliaths who have y, been leading the nation away from constitutional govern- ment and down the path of socialism and ruin. "'? Gene Goosman attracted nation-wide attention earlier this . GOOSMAt year in a battle with another Goliath—the IRS.As Richard `' Hardesty of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer put it, "in pro- x' * American test against the unfair tax laws and a national government controlled by the conglomerates, (Goosman) has donated , Independent an amount equal to his federal income tax, $2,150 to pro- vide free food for the elderly needy." Goosman said he just wanted to show contempt for those who make millions and pay no taxes. • A fervent believer in the constitution, Goosman has been crusading against the trend away from constitutional government, and has for years worked for a fair and (:)" honest tax structure, fair and honest campaign-contri- bution laws, smaller and more efficient federal govern- ment, and a stronger state government, with control of their government by the people. If you like inflation, high taxes and corruption in gov- ernment, then vote for the incumbents who have given it to you. But if you want integrity and representation in I government, then vote for the American Independent Party candidates and Gene Goosman for U.S. Senator. eighteen/nw United States nator State of Washington The choice is clear: A Rockefeller-organized world of zero growth,unemployment,starvation and slave labor,or a working class-organized world of expanded production and employment, based on the development of thermo- nuclear fusion power. It is the Democratic Party which is Rockefeller's chosen instrument to establish fascist economic programs in the U.S. Liberal fascists like "Scoop" Jackson plan to provide full employment the same way Hitler's finance minister Schacht did: through slave labor public works projects and Auschwitz work camps like the Rocky Mountain De- velopment Project—a labor intensive program in 5 west- ']I 411Nle ern states to develop outmoded energy sources such as Pat coal, shale oil, etc.—or the Alaska pipeline. The U.S.Labor Party is building the political machinery R U C KE RT through which working people can stop the emergence of "�='�` U.S. Labor Nazi economics and the 1984 world of Rockefeller and the CIA. At the same time we are building the machinery through which working people can plan and organize worldwide economic reconstruction; we are putting to- ` gether the institution capable of running this country and the world. The key to the reconstruction of the world economy is 4' the immediate, "brute-force" development of thermo- nuclear fusion power, which will put virtually unlimited supplies of energy at the disposal of mankind. Fusion power will form the basis of the general expansion and technological advance of the whole economy. The U.S. has the technological ability, the skilled workforce, the scien- This year you have a choice in the elections. You can tific manpower—now primarily located in the parasitical vote for the Democratic Party (or what's left of the Re- defense/aerospace sectors — to reindustrialize the U.S. publican Party) and watch the world collapse into de- economy and to lay the basis for the industrialization pression and fascism. Or you can build your own political of the worldwide economy. party—the U.S. Labor Party. Because I am a young Filipino Communist, woman worker, and member of the Central Committee of the Young Worker's Liberation League, my campaign repre- sentsf a new kind of political leadership. It is part of a whole people's movement to curb monopoly power; es- ' pecially a youth campaign for the right to earn, learn, ,w and live.Every young person needs a job at a living wage. We need bills in Congress to create thousands of jobs for youth, building schools, hospitals, housing. We need leg- islation to guarantee unemployment compensation to all, including first-time job seekers. We must repeal the vi- cious Nixon sub-minimum wage law and fight to extend Juana union protection to all workers. Our schools need federal funds to hire more teachers; pay school employees better MANGAOANG wages; provide free, hot lunches; guarantee quality, inte- C- grated education. Where should that money come from? Communist From the bloated military budget. Because every young person has the right to a future of peace, free from any threat of war or aggression. We must defend affirmative action programs—young people have a right to society Ali"... free from racism and oppression. Thousands of youth in our state did not vote in the last election or have not reg- istered. They don't see any choice in the two, old parties • that are bought and paid for by monopoly. They know there must be a better way for society to be.There is. So- cialism—society run by the working class to benefit all people, not for profit—is the solution to problems of our country. The Communist Party stands for: NO YOUTH TAXATION WITHOUT YOUTH REPRESENTATION— PEACE—JOBS—FREEDOM—SOCIALISM! nw/nineteen *** ** Unitec _ kites Representative 1 First Congressional District He keeps in touch: Congressman Pritchard promised to listen.At least once every three weeks he comes home and holds informal meetings with citizens. In the past two years, "District Day" meetings have been held at least twice in each neighborhood. Through regular question- - naires and newsletters,he seeks opinions and keeps people informed. He says what he thinks: Joel Pritchard is one of the A most independent members of Congress. He speaks force- fully in the House against wasteful federal spending. He has attacked monopolistic practices and unnecessary gov- a ernmental subsidies which restrict competition, create 1 high prices and artificially curtail supplies in agriculture ~" and basic industries. Nf Joel He does what he says: Joel Pritchard sponsored the 90 Clean Elections Act, opened all his personal finances to 1r ° PRITCHARD the public, and voluntarily applied the "Common Cause a" . . Guidelines" on campaign financing to his own re-election. Republican He voted to cut over $2 1 billion from military budgets 1st Cong. Dist. and sponsored extension of key federal health programs. Congressman Pritchard's urban homesteading legislation k" encourages repair of existing homes to ease the housing =k4 shortage. _• He works for us: Congressman Pritchard initiated leg- islation to direct fines on foreign fishing vessels and fish- ery import duties into a fund for development of local fisheries. He launched hearings in Seattle on housing for the elderly, inflation and campaign reform. As Washington's only Republican Congressman, Joel Pritchard is a valuable link between our state and the Congressman Joel Pritchard works, and works hard. leadership of President Gerald Ford. In this time of He has maintained a 94% voting attendance record, but national reconciliation and challenge, no man is better there is more to a good record than simply being there. suited to represent the people of the 1st District. Joel Joel Pritchard's record is built on effective communication Pritchard, independent and hard working, deserves your with citizens, diligent research, and voting his conscience. vote. government power to impose supertankers on states at will. He voted against interest-bearing checking accounts 1 for savings banks, a measure aimed at giving savers a needed break against inflation. • ,, In general,the incumbent's record is oriented toward the business and banking communities, while consumers and ,: Fz working people of the First District need a forceful voice in Congress. Presently, inflation and tax inequities are L. „ " becoming worse instead of better, in a time of unprece- dented corporate profits. Walkin' Will Knedlik combines personal energy and community service with a real concern for ending govern- VISO W. R. ment by and for special interest groups.A graduate of the University of Washington and Harvard Law School, he (Walkin' Will) founded Washington's Citizens Institute, is a sought-after speaker on water pollution control legislation, and is a , KNEDLIK founding member of and legal counsel for Puget Sound Action for Children's Television. Democrat The Everett Herald noted that Will Knedlik "has cre- 1 st Cong. Dist. dentials a mile long," but he is best known for his 1633- (. mile walk around Washington. Why he walks is not al- r' ways understood. It is because politicians cannot curb inflation or really solve other problems until they can call the shots objectively, as a reasonable person would see i them. Persently, it is cheaper for special interests to fl- nance.politicians than to pay a fair share of taxes. Until citizens can be elected without owing $100,000s of favors to the business community, or any other special interest There are issues at stake in this election.Issues of policy, group,Congress will never fairly apportion the tax burden not personality. The incumbent voted against the oil-price or•curb corporate self-interest. Walking is unconventional, rollback spearheaded by Seattle's other congressman. He but it is an honest way to reach the taxpayers whose voted for the Deep Water Ports act, giving the federal problems need a voice in Congress. twenty/nw United States Repres tative *** ** First Congressional District which bolster their stranglehold on electoral politics. The real intent of these 'reforms' is to further limit participa- `" ." tion by other parties in election campaigns. The U.S. Con- y.•. " .j gress is debating measures to limit equal time provisions, place severe restrictions on the right of labor unions to support candidates, and set up a public financing system iii/ which excludes third parties. The Socialist Workers Party opposes all measures con- .,._ i cocted by Democratic and Republicans limiting the ability of other parties to challenge their rule in the electoral arena.One such measure is Washington's Public Disclosure Fred Law which requires the names of contributors of $5 or more to be made public. This exposes the supporters of �. «• LOVGREN ours and others' campaigns to illegal harrassment by the government. The FBI has admitted a systematic campaign Socialist Workers of intimidation against our party. �� ,f * 1st Cong. Dist. We have refused to comply with this provision of the ,,1, law since it would mean handing the government a ready- '•;w a made "enemies" list. The American Civil Liberties Union V4,4.,. ,�.js is representing the 1974 Socialist Workers Washington \ + ' . campaign, and Socialist Workers campaigns in 14 other " states in a challenge to this law and the similar federal law requiring the disclosure of the identities of our sup- t t •; r porters. To defend democratic rights the Socialist Workers 1 ► 44 Party calls for: —Abolishing all secret lists of "sub- versive" organizations and individuals. —Dissolve the Seattle Police Intelligence Division and all other secret Both Republicans and Democrats spy on, bug, rob, pro- political police units in the state. Abolish the FBI and yoke,harass and frame-up those fighting for social change. CIA. Open the records of these units and prosecute those Under the guise of 'reforming' the Democratic and Re- responsible for illegal spying, infiltration, and harassment publican parties, these parties have enacted legislation of the movements for social change. Patricia DOLBEARE Candidate did not submit photograph and statement for publication. U. S. Labor 1st Cong. Dist. nw/twenty-one *** ** Unitec. _fates Representative 2 Second Congressional District 14.0 • '"e6 w � { tat ` Ronald C. ` . . :: `=,l; REED ' ' Republican 2nd Cong. Dist. Free enterprise vs. welfare state: I am running for Con- Those Welfare Congressmen who have so consistently at- gress as an advocate of the Free Enterprise System and tempted to solve problems by massive expenditures must as a student of the Economics by which,it functions,where accept responsibility for 12% inflation. Lloyd Meeds is an one shapes his life and cares for his own by the way he extravagant Congressional spender. spends his earnings. By contrast, incumbent Lloyd Meeds Ronald Cubbon Reed, M.D., General Physician, Bothell, votes the Welfare State where government shapes one's Age 45,born Olympia.Father: Raymond Reed,Bellingham life for him by the way it spends his earnings. 1895,University of Washington,Chief Engineer State Land Inflation: Inflation is the result of Welfare State spend- Department. Mother: Bessie Cubbon, Kirkland 1893. Wife: ing. Inflation has only one cause; federal expenditure in Mary Turner Rule, Pensacola, Florida. Olympia High excess of tax revenue. This fact is proven historically School, University of Puget Sound, University of Wash- and accepted by economists of the left and the right. Our ington, McGill University, M.D., Duke University, 1964. present economic decline is the direct result of inflation. Flight Surgeon U.S.M.C. 1966-68; Pensacola, Santa Ana, Da Nang Air Medal. Family Practice, Bothell, 1969. Paul ROBERTS Candidate did not submit photograph and statement U. S. Labor for publication. 2nd Cong. Dist. twenty-two/nw 4110 United States Represilitative Second Congressional District 2 4,, ,.... �`„ _ _-_, Lloyd MEEDS Democrat N 2nd Cong. DistJi • For ten years Representative Lloyd Meeds has worked fighting to further modernize Congress. in Congress to make the system work—for you. Lloyd Meeds has worked for reform of our federal tax He has worked to build a more stable economic system system since his first day in the House. He helped initiate to halt inflation; a more equitable tax system, to give the the Tax Reform Act of 1969,the first fair-play tax revision middleman an even break; a more open and honest politi- in 57 years. , cal system, to prevent Watergates. He's helped pass laws to clean up our political system, The erosion of our dollars by inflation is as great a including the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. threat to the stability of this country as the erosion of Meeds is co-sponsor of the tougher Clean Elections Act. public trust in our political system. Meeds spoke out five He has done much more.A sample: Emergency Employ- years ago against the Nixon"tight money"policy. It hasn't ment Act; Older Americans Act; Vocational Education worked—inflation still rages. Amendments; Ports and Waterways Safety Act; Pension As a positive alternative,Meeds proposes: fairly applied Reform Act; Youth Conservation Corps Act. wage,price and interest controls; easier credit for farmers, And Lloyd Meeds still has time for people. Whether it homeowners, and small businessmen; and a halt to com- is an elder citizen's question; a veteran's problem; or a modity exports that drive up food costs. taxpayer's complaint—he has the time to listen, to re- He works to make Congress more responsive. He sup- spond,to help. ported changes in the seniority system of legislation by Perhaps there is no better way to make the system work "old men and old rules". He is on the Bolling committee, —for you. nw/twenty-three ***** Unite fates Representative Third Congressional District 404'1 ;' A. Ludlow KRAMER Republican 3rd Cong. Dist. r During his years as Washington's Secretary of State, This record of accomplishment is what we need in A. Ludlow Kramer has done more than make promises. Congress. As a long time resident of the Third Congres- He has kept them: sional District, Lud Kramer feels the same needs and 1. "A public official must be concerned about cutting shares the same hopes as you do. In this time of economic government expense."—Lud Kramer's office has fewer crisis, Lud Kramer feels that the federal government personnel than it did ten years ago, while at the same should run on a balanced budget. This is the single most time doing twice the work. This action has saved Wash- important contribution Congress can make towards com- ington taxpayers millions of dollars. batting inflation. As President Ford has said, we must 2. "A public official must protect the rights of all citi- elect men and women to Congress who will help bring zens."—Last year, Lud Kramer successfully resisted pres- fiscal responsibility back to government. sure to divulge the names of those persons who signed It's time to elect a Congressman with a proven record. Initiative 282 which prohibited a salary hike for state That's why so many voters of the Third Congressional officials. This action protected the future right of citizens District say—"I'm for Lud Kramer." to sign initiatives without the fear of possible retribution. 3. "Ap public official should be honest and responsible to the people."—When one of his campaigns ran into debt, Lud Kramer pumped gas until every last cent was paid. Also, even before campaign reform laws, Lud's financial records were open to the public. Evelyn OLAFSON Candidate did not submit photograph and statement U. S. Labor for publication. 3rd Cong. Dist. twenty-four/nw United States Repres( ative Third Congressional District Don # 4t. BONKER Democrat 3rd Cong. Dist. Don Bonker has accomplished so much in such a short porations that export scarce materials like wheat and time because he believes in what he is doing. logs that drive up prices at home. Upon graduation from Lewis and Clark College in 1964, In Congress,Bonker will be in the forefront of the fight he served two years as a legislative assistant in the U.S. to ban log exports from public lands.The U.S.Forest Serv- Senate. He was also staff member to the Senate Special ice says, in effect, that shipping logs overseas is costing Committee on Aging. us an average of 2000 jobs a year in the forest products In 1966, Don Bonker was elected the youngest county industry of Washington. Bonker wants to export finished official in the state. His many accomplishments as county wood products instead—to save our jobs,our economy,and auditor quick ly gained him national recognition as an in- our environment. novative leader in local government. He was the Demo- Because of the size and shape of the Third District and cratic candidate for Secretary of State in 1972. to help bring government closer to the people, Don Bonker Don Banker wants immediate congressional action to will open several congressional offices in the district to curb inflation. An advocate of new economic devices to assist citizens. He also plans to personally visit the dis- control inflationary trends,he will push for: trict no less than once a month to talk and listen to con- 1. Reduced federal spending and a balanced budget. stituents and consult with local officials on needs and 2. Lower interest rates on mortgage loans to revitalize problems of the area. our housing industry. 3. Elimination of tax loopholes and credits that •cost our government $83 billion each year, along with tax cuts for middle-income families to ease inflationary wage demands. 4. Ending subsidies for cor- nw/twenty-five *** ** Unite_ _tates Representative 7 Seventh Congressional District Raymond ,. PRITCHARD Republican f 7th Cong. Dist. ymond Pritchard believes a candidate should tell money paid into the program in his or her name. 7. No vo rs where the candidate stands on issues. healthy person between 18 and 62 years of age should re- itchard believes there is no need for a 305 billion ceive welfare unless the person works for it. 8. Govern- dol ar government budget or for 2,500,000 government em- ment business activities not specified in the U.S. Consti- plo ees.There would be no need to collect income taxes on tution should be sold and the proceeds used to reduce the a rson's income if Congress reduced and controlled government's debt. 9.The number of U.S.government em- sp ding and enacted tax reforms. ployees, excluding military personnel, should be reduced xamples of Pritchard's stand on issues are: 1. The U.S. to less than 1,000,000. 10.U.S.government positions paying go ernment should not give away money or anything to more than $30,000 a year should not receive more than a foreign countries or make a loan to anyone who has not 5% pay raise every 10 years. repaid a prior loan. 2. The U.S. government fiscal year It is Pritchard's belief the above items must be included expenditures should not exceed that year's income. 3. No in an amendment to the U.S. Constitution so we can be inc u me taxes should be levied on a person's income. 4. certain government spending is reduced and controlled. There should be no taxes levied by the U.S. government on etail sales. 5. Taxes for social security and medical aid should not be increased. 6. Each individual should ha the right to withdraw from any social security or me.ical aid program. The individual should get back the tw nty-six/nw United States Repres, tative *** ** Seventh Congressional District 7 11! Brock '419 . 'y ADAMS Democrat 7th Cong. Dist. As Representative of Washington's,Seventh District, In fighting to change national spending priorities, guid- Brock Adams has been a forceful spokesman for Seattle in ing legislation through Congress on energy,transportation, the Congress for ten years. Respected by his colleagues as campaign and Congressional reform, health care and edu- an expert in transportation and economics, he was re- cation, and persuading the Federal Energy Administration cently elected to the powerful new House Budget Com- to allocate more fuel supplies to Seattle Schools, Adams mittee. demonstrates his commitment to the people of Seattle. Brock Adams believes that inflation and recession are A longtime resident of the 7th District,Adams graduated the nation's major problems. He developed an economic from Broadway High School and the University of Wash- policy which was unanimously adopted by the House ington summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in Econom- Democratic Caucus on July 24.As a member of the Budget ics. A World War II Navy veteran, he graduated Harvard Committee setting targets for total appropriations, spend- Law School, practiced law with the firm of Little,.Le- ing and tax revenues, Adams is working for a sensible Sourd, Palmer, Scott and Slemmon, and in 1960 became ordering of national priorities and balancing the federal partner in LeSourd, Patten and Adams. He was U.S. At- budget. torney for Western Washington, appointed by President Since Seattle's 7th District is a transportation center— Kennedy in 1961. He taught at the American Institute of with a major seaport and airport, a rail terminus and Banking and has authored articles on federal tax law, rail car manufacturer, the Boeing aerospace industry, and transportation and criminal justice reform. large trucking operations—Adams specializes in trans- Brock Adams and his wife, Betty, have four children. portation as an influential member of the Transportation and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the Interstate and For- eign Commerce Committee. He recognizes that the eco- nomic vitality of the Northwest is dependent on a healthy, national transportation system. nw/twenty-seven 111 Sta Supremeashington Court State of W 7:11 Charles ,.' HOROWITZ Since 1960 a Commissioner from Washington State in • Non-partisan the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform Position No. 1 State Laws. A partner in a long established law firm for thirty-six years, he engaged in general office, trial and State Supreme Court appellate practice in state and federal courts. Admitted • to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States. .\ Author of legal eduactional materials. Former President, Seattle (now Seattle-King County) Bar Association. Elected to Board of Directors, American Judicature Society. Chairman, Citizens Advisory Committee to Joint I Interim Committee on Facilities and Operations of the Washington State Legislature (1965-1966). Sixty-nine years old, married with two children and Honor law graduate, University of Washington. Rhodes three grandchildren. His community service record in- Scholar. B.A. in Jurisprudence (first class honors) Oxford eludes: President, Northwest Memorial Hospital Associa- University, England. Former Lecturer-in-Law, University tion operating Northwest Hospital, Seattle (1959-1961). of Washington Law School. Appointed Judge, the Court Board of Directors,Seattle-King County Chapter of Camp- of Appeals of the State of Washington in 1969. Elected to fire Girls, Inc. (1951). Past President, Seattle Chapter, the Court of Appeals in 1970; re-elected to a six-year Travelers' Aid Society. Member Board of Directors, Saul term in 1972. Haas Foundation, Inc., a charitable foundation. hiem TUAI Washington and received a BA in 1954, and a LLB in Y Non-partisan 1956. After 1 /2 years with General Services Administra- tionPosition No. 1 and 41 years as a deputy prosecuting attorney he entered private practice. He was elected to the Seattle State Supreme Court City Council in 1969, and served 4 years with the last t two as president. He has acted as a judge pro tempore for the King County Superior Court and Seattle Municipal Court and has participated in many trials and has ap- peared before the supreme court. He is active in com- munity affairs; i.e., Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, American Red Cross, Council on Aging, Friends of Youth and the Northwest Kidney Center. Liem Tuai has shown by his past experience that he believes in fair play and impartiality for all. His wide experience in law and gov- Liem Tuai was born in Port Townsend, his wife is from ernment and his ability to work with people makes him Seattle and they have three sons. He attended public uniquely qualified for the Supreme Court.He believes that schools in Bremerton and graduated from high school the courts must be available for all people and courts must while in the US Air Force. He attended the University of decide cases without delay. twrty-eight/nw State Represent ive 1 VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION DISTRICT Elected State Representative 1968, reelected 1970 and 1972. Serving on Constitution & Elections, Education, and Ways and Means Committees. Resident of First District 17 allik Arthur C. years; home owner, married, 5 children. U.W. graduate in political science, Navy veteran, employed by Boeing as BROWN systems analyst. Art Brown is a leader in the fight for open government. I _ Republican He was a keysup porter of Initiative 276 and the only Position No. 1 legislator to distribute his own financial disclosure report 1st Leg. Dist. to constituents. He supports reduced special levies through more state funding for schools, fiscal responsibility in the King, part; Snohomish, part budget process, and better public transportation. He works for you. minimus tja Jim Murphy has an outstanding record of community Jim achievements for the past twenty years. Jim has operated illiS Murphy's Furniture Store in Kenmore for fifteen years v' �,> MURPHY and as a small businessman Jim can understand and iden- ' tify with the massive problems facing the people in the Democrat First District. Murphy's philosophy is that money and * `,'� higher taxes will not solve all of our problems but knows Position No. 1Ali 4' Ai that more people-participation in all areas of government 1 st Leg. Dist. is the road to preserving our democracy. King, part;Snohomish, part Jim and Janice Murphy have been married for 24 years and have four children ranging in age from 5 to 22. Bill directs the Snohomish County Mental Health Serv- Bill ice's Senior Outreach program. Formerly a Boeing engi- neer and U.W. instructor, he changed careers three years KISKADDON ago, adding a master's in social work to his two science I", '" degrees. During six years in the House, Bill became Republican expert in tax reform, social, health and environmental -, . issues. The Washington Corrections Association named Position No. 2 him "1971 Man of the Year" for accomplishments in cor- F 1st Leg. Dist. rections reform legislation. Bill heads the governor's com- e King, part; Snohomish, part mittee on volunteers, leading the effort to involve more citizens in public affairs. Bill and Donna have three chil- L, dren; they have lived in Mountlake Terrace since 1961. isiimmin Representative Bender attended 12 years of school in the Shoreline District graduating from Shorecrest. He at- Rick S. tended the U of W and will receive a degree in economics this fall from UPS. Bender will attend law school when a. BENDER the legislature is not in session. Rick served 2 years in the Signal Corps,Viet Nam veteran where he was awarded the Democrat Bronze Star and other citations. He is Vice-Chmn. of the Position No. 2 State Gov't. Committee and a member of the Education, Transportation and Utilities Committees. His prime con- 1 st Leg. Dist. cerns are lowering property taxes and spending reform. Snohomish, part; King, part Rick voted on several occasions to allocate funds for property tax relief. During the last extraordinary session Bender voted against the budget because he felt there was unnecessary spending programs in it. nw/twenty-nine ille4i1 O S taff Representative VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION DISTRICT Serving first term as State Representative; member of Transportation and Utilities, Commerce, and Ecology committees. Graduate, Marysville High, Everett CC, WSU-B.A., U of W-M.A. Served as fire commissioner; member of Marysville Planning Commission. Life-time Simeon R. (Sim) Washington resident; married, two children; age 47; editor-publisher, The Marysville Globe. it WILSCIN Full school funding and correcting state pension debts ' are two top priority items in the next legislature. Icon- Republican Sider it important that we adopt a "zero-base budgeting" Position No. 1 system that will produce lower state spending by closer loth Leg. Dist. examination of existing programs. This spending reform can provide money for these two vital programs. Property Island; Snohomish, part tax methods, also, must get closer attention to eliminate inequities. I feel that I can represent, fairly, all people. My experi- ence ranges from my first job as a laborer, Army veteran, to my current profession as owner-manager of a Real Gary D. Estate business. I'm married and have 5 children. Execu- WRIGHT five Board Member of Community church, Board of Real- i a .,, tors, Chamber of Commerce. United Way fund worker isk + 1973, 1973 recipient of JayCee's Distinguished Community Democrat + , Service Award. Position No. 1 I am currently on a Legislative Committee (Realtor) 10th Leg. Dist. working to protect individual property ownership rights. Island; Snohomish, part My priorities are curbing inflation, tax relief for Senior Citizens, special school levy relief. Lets involve people in their Government again. r We must start at the local and state level to return to aconstitutional government. This can be done by electing people who believe in the constitution as the final Hugh author- ity. We must reverse all trends toward regional govern- - " '""" MARCH ment,land control,people control,and any other devices to disenfranchise our people. Local conditions can better be American Independent handled locally. Position No. 1 We need less state spending on anything that is not absolutely necessary. All state agencies are over adminis- trated.loth Leg. Dist. trated. Let's put the money where it's needed and not Island; Snohomish, part just where it is wanted. . ' Elect a businessman who knows how to handle money. I am running for the State Legislature because the in- cumbent legislator has not represented the views of the Tommy P.eitiiir people in the 10th District. Most certainly,'the people did not favor,a huge pay raise for legislators, or unionization . , LOOP of berry pickers and other seasonal farm labor, and her e, voting record on schools does not reflect the desires of Republican the people in the Tenth as they have expressed them- Position No. 2 selves again and again in school levy elections. I will vote "s the interests of our area, not the interests of special i ail) loth Leg. Dist. groups, nor vote a party line that ignores the desires of Island; Snohomish, part my constituents. During the more than 20 years she has lived and worked in the 10th District, Eleanor Fortson has com- piled Eleanor A. piled an outstanding record of community services and legislative achievement. Rep. Fortson, who holds a Mas- ters f't " FORTSON ters Degree in Administration, is currently vice-chairman of the House Constitutions and Elections Committee, a «' Democrat member of the Executive Committee of the Social and t -- Health Services Committee and serves on the Eduaction ,, Position No. 2 Committee. Rep. Fortson is also the only woman to sit as 1 10th Leg. Dist. Trustee to the important Oceanographic Committee. In the Island; Snohomish, part years ahead, Rep. Fortson pledges to continue working for full state funding of public schools and relief from exces- sive property taxes. thirty/nw State Represent.. .ve VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITIONilr4 11 DISTRICT w ; Susan Brady is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran Univer- & `'" ', sity and a five year resident of Renton.She worked several sessions as a Legislative Intern in Olympia where she p, Susan P. developed a comprehensive understanding of long-range problems facing the State of Washington. BRADY Her decision to run for the legislature stems from her � growing concern that state government has become the Republican victim of a "crisis mentality" ignoring small problems Position No. 1 until they become large and then attempting to solve them with sweeping, often untested, crash programs which 1 1 th Leg. Dist. exacerbate as often as mitigate the problems. Ms. Brady ' King, part seeks to add a dimension of long-range planning to state government. imminomemi lini "Bud" Shinpoch was appointed to the Legislature in 1969, elected to the House of Representatives in 1970 and Albert N. (Bud) re-elected in 1972. ,¢_ He serves on the Judiciary Committee and is Chairman ,,y 11T4 '' ' SHINPOCH of the Appropriations and the Legislative Budget Com- mittees. During his two terms Shinpoch has become a re- .1 Democrat spected fiscal authority. Position No. 1 Shinpoch has been active in programs for handicapped 1 1 th Le Dist. children and adults and the Greater Renton Community g Chest. He is an industrial engineer, married and has two ilk King, part daughters. mli Republican, Position No. 2, No candidate filed John Bagnariol, a life-long resident of South King county, has a native understanding of the 11th District John and its voters. In 8 years as a Representative, Bagnariol has established an impressive record of leadership and BAGNARIOL legislative accomplishment. Democrat 41) As chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, Bagnariol has kept his promises and has worked effectively Position No. 2 to reduce government spending. 11 th Leg. Dist. Bagnariol had a strong leadership role in the elimina- tion of the sales tax from prescription drugs. He plans to King, part continue his crusade for fiscal responsibility in order to '4't:, effect additional tax reductions for our citizens. iminin I, Gerry Unger, businessman, industrial engineer, prop- -11 Gerald R. erty owner, family man, and taxpayer, solicit your help in reducing bureaucratic government to constitutional UNGER limits, thus reducing confiscatory taxation and increasing citizen freedom and responsibility. Deficit spending and *- American Independent Federal revenue sharing increases inflation, waste, and " Position No. 2 control of local projects. 1 1 th Le Dist. I urge vigorous prosecution of criminals, especially 9 those using guns,but oppose registration or confiscation of ilk iiiiii King, part citizen firearms. Welfare to healthy employable people is degrading. The Equal Right Amendment is fraud against women. Abortion and euthanasia are immoral. Land use bills violate citizen rights. O.S.H.A. must be repealed. Be Independent ** Vote for Unger *** BA 6-0467. nw/thirty-one Sta i Senator Irghipiteml 11 VOTE FOR ONE DISTRICT Sue nize the Snohomish County Law and Justice Committee +MR* GCIVLD and served as its chairman. Thirteen years in League of Republican Women Voters, including two as president, have provided Sue with a solid background of knowledge about issues and 21 st Leg. Dist. state government. Sue is an experienced public official. Snohomish, part Twice elected to the Edmonds Dist..15 School Board, she . has served as president. i/ "We must continue to find new ways for citizen partici- • ri pation in government. My experience in working with groups in the community has convinced me that local and state governments work best when they are truly respon- sive to the people. They work best when there is openness and honesty on all sides. It is for these reasons that I support efforts begun with the Public Disclosure Law and A lifetime resident of Washington, Sue Gould and her that I favor limited terms of office for all elected officials family have lived in the 21st district 14 years. She grad- at both state and local levels." uated in chemistry from the University of Washington. Sue Gould is an independent thinker and is willing to Active in a variety of community affairs she helped orga- listen. Richard (Dick) WELCH Dick is concerned over the rising dominance of the ad- .. Democrat ministrative branch of government and advocates tighter emocra legislative controls over departmental budgets, including 21 st Leg. Dist. performance audits and annual reviews of each govern- Snohomish, part mental program. He supports the continuous legislature concept as a valuable tool in this process. The top tax priority in Welch's eyes is the elimination of the sales tax which he calls "the most regressive tax we have".He advocates a constitutional amendment which would require a two-thirds vote of the legislature before any tax rate could be raised or any new tax established. i Dick has worked with the legislature for several ses- lions as a legislative liaison manager. He was active in the former Snohomish County Democratic Chairman, organization of the Western Environmental-Trade Asso- Dic Welch has been a resident of the county since 1948 ciation, an organization for environmental-economic bal- an has lived in the 21st district for the past 16 years. ance in Washington state. thi y-two/nw State Represer.,ative 2 VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION DISTr‘iii:m1 CT As a lifelong resident of Washington, I am particularly interested in maintaining and improving an environment which will make our state a pleasant place to live, work Wq ne and enjoy leisure-time activities. I am deeply committed a 8 Y to our democratic ideals and believe that only through i, HALL full citizen involvement and participation can we restore confidence in government. I will work toward improving • Republican this process. Areas in which I have a particular interest include Position No. 1 controlling inflation, reassessing and equalizing our taxing F ' 21st Leg. Dist. and spending structures, improving state and local goy- : Snohomish, part ernment, adequately funding education, increasing voca- tional education opportunities,promoting full employment and business opportunities. Much spending on the state level must be curtailed to John M. prevent an increase in the biennial budget. This can be accomplished by taking a hard look at the present agen- fISCHER cies. State spending has increased 423% since 1954 but personal income has increased only 267% in the same ri Democrat period.Sly goal is to reduce duplication of services, pre- vent any increase in taxes and create a better climate • Position No. 1 for jobs and business. Confidence in our government must 1 21st Leg. Dist. be restored by responding to people's opinions and main- Snohomish, part Snohomish, high standards of conduct. The home owner and s Senior Citizen need a tax break. Completing his first term in the House. An Edmonds ''\ City Councilman since 1967, his numerous community Gary A. activities have been recognized with the Distinguished Service Award for 1973, and listings in "Who's Who in NELSON America" and "Outstanding Young Men of America". A registered professional engineer, Gary and his wife Joanne ti Republican have three sons. Position No. 2 "I am committed to being your Representative. I will ii continue to concern'myself with satisfying the individual 21st Leg. Dist. needs of the people of our District while seeking solutions Snohomish, part for the problems of our State. The paramount issue in every Legislative session must be the people's business." f.I Pat Brendle, a successful real estate broker in the 21st Pat District owns his own business and knows the problems of taxpayers. The taxpayers of the 21st District agree with '""Iii BRENDLE Pat Brendle that government must be returned to the tax- i payers and taken out of the hands of special interest Democrat groups as it is now. Pat Brendle, through V.I.P. (Voter Involvement Pro- t.." Position No. 2 gram) is establishing a system of neighborhood coordi- 21st Leg. Dist. nators, area advisors and district assistants to return gov- Snohomish, part ernment to the people and out of the hands of the special A interest dominated representatives. Good government does not just happen—you must help to make it work. nw/thirty-three t138 Sta1 ; Senator 01 VOTE FOR ONE DISTRICT John Nance GARNER xf Republican .. i38th Leg. Dist. Snohomish, part lig - Following a B.A. degree in Business from Eastern Washington State College, he has served continuously in the Washington National Guard and Army Reserve and now holds the rank of Major. In the community, he was one of the original founders and first president of a John Nance Garner believes that the people of this State sheltered workshop for the training and employment of have clearly demonstrated their desire for a citizen legis- the handicapped and has served on a number of boards lature. That it must be the concern of every voter to in for local non-profit service organizations. His wife, some way participate in government.This involvement can Marlene, a teacher, and teenagers John, Jr. and Lorelei take many forms, from the informed casting of a ballot to are active members of the community. the actual participation in State government. His com- This is the year when faith in all levels of government mitted dedication to the welfare of his community has must be restored through the service of qualified citizens been clearly demonstrated through service in many, who are willing to serve. It is the unique blend of his community organizations, while building his own busi- education, business and community experiences that will ness as an independent insurance agent in Everett. give a voice to all people. August � MARDESICH Democrat 38th Leg. Dist. p. Snohomish, part P. Mardesich immediately began to implement procedural reforms so that our part-time legislators can make more knowledgeable decisions about where and how the full- time executive agencies spend five billion tax dollars. Mardesich was honored recently by his fellow Demo- August P. Mardesich is a commercial fisherman and cratic senators for his outstanding efforts and service as attorney from Everett. He and his wife, Rosemary, have majority leader. six children. "Augie" is a World War II army veteran of "Augie"is recognized as an expert on budgetary matters. three years in Europe. He speaks his mind according to his beliefs and is not Mardesich served in the House of Representatives and afraid to say no to unnecessary expanded state spending. was elected majoirty floor leader. Mardesich has worked hard to see that all facets of his Mardesich has served two terms in the Senate and was community express their views on legislation before the was elected majority floor leader. Senate. thirty-four/nw State Represen l a dive Viiii430111DISTRICT VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION Republican, Position No. 1, No candidate filed Representative Dick King has achieved an outstanding record in ten years of government service. He has served Richard (Dick) in numerous positions of leadership and currently is chair- man of the House Constitutions and Elections Committee. KING As chairman of this committee, Dick has become known as ti Democrat the protector of Initiative 276—the people's intiative— establishing the Public Disclosure Commission. x Position No. 1 His broad area of knowledge and experience make Dick King one of the more effective legislators serving in Olym- 38th Leg. Dist. pia. Snohomish, part Known as a man who cares, ready to help anyone with a problem, Dick serves his district well. He and his wife, Mary,have four children. Don Ice is an independent Republican with a reputation Donald E. (Don) of working hard for the people of the 38th District, through Scouting, the Everett Lion's Club, the United ICE Way and the First Presbyterian Church of Mukilteo. Don, his wife, Ann, and son, Allen (Mariner High) are critic- Republican ally concerned about the effect of inflation on fellow Position No. 2 laborers and fixed-income families. Don Ice is an account Leg. Dist. executive with KWYZ Radio with a background in ac- 38th counting and finance. Don Ice says, "I'm one of the con- Snohomish, part cerned, common citizens who believes the job can be done better." John Martinis is seeking re-election to a fourth term as 38th District State Representative. Martinis is a lifelong resident of Everett, Washington, is a local small business- John man, 21 years (Bob's Sporting Goods), and is active in civic and youth organizations. MARTINIS Martinis currently serves as Chairman, Natural Re- 'It, sources Committee, and is a member of the Local Govern- 14 Democrat merit and Transportation and Utilities Committees, and Position No. 2 serves on the Sub-Committee on Highways of the House Transportation Committee. In addition, he was recently 38th Leg. Dist. named to the select Western States Forest Industries TaskSnohomish, part Force. Martinis believes the most immediate problem facing the legislature is Tax Reform, i.e., elimination of special levies and sales tax on food. nw/thirty-five elStat_ Representative VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION Inflation is enemy number one to every citizen. I intend to work hard to curb inflation and bring sensible spending Pat to State Government so we won't have to pay increased ` " ` ` WARD taxes. .. ' For years all of us have heard promises from candidates, Republican Position No. 1 often being disappointed realizing we have been duped by ""'i' lipI servwilliceserve politics. your interests—not just talk about it. I 39th Leg. Dist. promise nothing but my candor, honesty, hard work and � ' King, part;Snohomish, part time. , V . , A native Washingtonian, educated in Hoquiam and Se- attle Schools and a World War II Marine Corps veteran. 4. 1 Art Twenty-six years a building tradesman, he is presently director of the AFL-CIO Puget Sound Area Alcoholism .3 CLEMENTE Program. During the past session he served on the Edu- I 1 ' Democrat cation,Transportation and Utilities,and Natural Resources Committees. Position No. 1 He supported the recent restructuring of the Legislature 39th Leg. Dist. to increase efficiency and reduce costs of government, and i as a better control on state spending. A strong advocate of King, part; Snohomish, part lowering or eliminating special levies for schools, he has voted twice on budget items to relieve property taxes. Both were vetoed. "Are you really satisfied with the way things are?" asks Paul Shinoda, a new and effective voice with the Paul ability to face and solve the challenging issues of today. An independent, wholesale floral business owner, Shi- `""•- :, . SHINODA, Jr. noda is a graduate of the University of California, a Sno- homish city councilman,representative to the Puget Sound Republican Governmental Conference and its Executive Board. w Position No. 2 "With the needs of the people my primary concern—a realistic and honest assessment of what services the state 39th Leg. Dist. can provide compared to what the people can afford is a King, part;Snohomish,part priority." Shinoda and his wife, Barbara, have one daughter, Kimi Anne. The legislative accomplishments of Representative Moon Charles during his six terms have shown a practical response to current and future needs of the 39th district and state. He . MOON has ably met the challenge of solving legislative problems. A vigorous advocate of a more equitable taxing system, Democrat Representative Moon continually works to eliminate tax Position No. 2 loopholes. He believes our taxes should be more in accord with standard concepts of ability to pay. 39th Leg. Dist. Representative Moon will continue to carefully, hon- King, part;Snohomish, part estly, and fairly evaluate the issues as they come before the legislature and then act upon them to the best interests of the people. thirty-six/nw State Represer live O VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION DISTRICT No new taxes! No tax increases! Balanced budget! Don Hansey has been one of the few Legislators who has stood Don fast to his promises to a "hold the line budget" and has opposed all tax increases. 4 HANSEY Don Hansey has joined with other legislators and offered a responsible 1975-77 budget proposal that will require no Adr- , Republican new taxes. As a member of the Appropriations, Agriculture, and ✓ Position No. 1 Natural Resources committees, and as a Skagit and What- 40th Leg. Dist. corn County property owner, Don Hansey will continue to tfill San Juan; Skagit; watch out for the 40th District residents in Skagit, San Whatcom, part Juan and Whatcom counties using his seniority and legis- lative experience to get the job done. mioni Don Pierson, a successful dairy farmer, has lived 53 Don years in the Skagit Valley where he was born, reared and educated. For 32 years he owned and operated a farm PIERSON in Bow and is well known as a soil conservationist. Presently, he is a District director of Western Farmers' �� Democrat Association, commissioner of Drainage District No. 16, and comn, and Position No. 1 has rrissioner of an Waterchard-Edison received farm management and soil itA conserrvation 40th Leg. Dist. awards. Advocatingsensible tax reform and governmental San Juan; Skagit; economy, Pierson states, "We need more taxpayers Whatcom, part in the Legislature and less tax spenders." iimminno "If we are to contain run-away inflation, we must look 'i to the positive accomplishments within our state and Duane nation and seek means where people can share in the resources available rather than trying to solve every BERENTSON problem with a new government program and increased "�' taxation. I support the open-government and citizen- participation concept but still wonder if special interest Position RepublicanNo 2 groups such as business, labor and environmentalists are providing disproportionate influence on the legislative 40th Leg. Dist. process because of lack of participation by people not San Juan; Skagit; represented by interest groups. I feel that individual citi- Whatcom, part citi- zens must communicate with their representatives in government and show willingness to participate." IMINIIIIIN tMaria Petrish was born in Yugoslavia and has lived in Maria Italy, Santo Domingo, & Venezuela. She is devoted to the idea of Democracy because of her experience with dic- PETRISH tatorships in countries where she lived including the o country of her birth. She was educated in Anacortes public Democrat schools. She majored in Far East at the University of Washington. She has been effective in civic organizations Position No. 2 and county boards. 40th Leg. Dist. She favors full state funding of schools with full local San Juan; Skagit; control. She will work to preserve the high quality of life Whatcom, part maintain diverse economic base of her district. nw/thirty-seven State Represen.... ive 41 VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION DISTRICT h. Representative Bill Polk is seeking his third term in the legislature. He serves on the State Government, Financial Institutions, and Appropriations committees. Interest in William M. controlling state expenditures led to Bill's appointment to , ...1 POLK the bipartisan Legislative Budget Committee. He was ik-a _ elected to House leadership—Republican caucus coordi- Republican nator. Bill is a graduate of Cornell, an architect in private Position No. 1 practice and a member of the Washington State Arts 41 st Leg. Dist. Commission. He is a director of the YMCA and the King, part Cornish school. Bill has long been active in grass roots Republican politics as precinct committeeman and various . party and Young Republican offices. imimme Dixie Ann Johnson is a 20-year resident of South King County. Married 18 years; husband Floyd employed at Boeing in his 18th year. Dixie Ann is Pres., Foothills .4._ Democratic Women's Club, Past-pres. Renton Democratic Dixie Ann Club, active Kent Democratic Club; delegate King Co. JOHNSON Central Comm.;involved in three PTA's. Dixie Ann John- son's main concerns lie in returning government to the Democrat people. She will fight vigorously and vocally to stop abuse/misuse of environment; relieve citizens of spiraling Position No. 1 tax burdens; stop ever increasing bureaucracies; meet 41 st Leg. Dist. needs of Senior citizens, schools, youth, teachers, laborers and our economically underprivileged. She will also main- King, part tain her fight to allow independent businessmen to retain their independence.Dixie Ann Johnson says let the people have a stronger voice in what they want and need—she will listen and work for the people. Ron Dunlap, 36, resides in Bellevue with his wife Allison and their two daughters Marcia and Lynne. He Ron graduated from Purdue U. (B.S. and M.S. in engineering) taught there for 2 years; spent a year in Ph.D. study in U N LA P economics at Harvard U. before joining The Boeing Com- pany in 1962. A fiscal conservative, Dunlap believes the Republican great challenge before the Legislature is to place spending reform before tax reform. The objective must be to get Position No. 2 more value from existing tax dollars, rather than simply 41 st Leg. Dist. more tax dollars from the people. Dunlap supports imme- diateKing, part go-ahead of the I-90 project as currently designed. He understands the critical importance of this vital trans- portation link to safety and convenience, as well as to the economic vitality of the community. sim The most important issues that I feel need to be dealt with in the next legislature include: (1) full funding of di, John basic education as the state constitution provides, (2) de- veloping a more equitable tax structure, (3) legislative SOLDANO reform, and (4) developing future planning for Washing- ton, including a statewide system of mass transportation. Democrat My one promise is that I will work hard and serve the Position No. 2 people. - I am married and have two children. I am an Air j 41 st Leg. Dist. Force veteran, graduate of Pacific Lutheran University, u King, part a teacher in Bellevue, a coach and actively involved in church and youth activities. I was born and raised in r. Washington. nw/thirty-nine 42 Sta. Senator VOTE FOR ONE DISTRICT z Robert W. lems of economic development, agriculture, and resource «.'t_ management in Washington and the Pacific Northwest. TESHERA A lifetime resident of Whatcom County, Bob Teshera, ? "�' Republican age 52, is a graduate of WWSC and earned a Ph.D. in P geography at the University of Washington in 1970. His M"'a 42nd Leg. Dist. previous experience as a high school teacher, in dairy Whatcom, part farming, manufacturing, and distribution, in the forest products industry, and as a truck driver and member of \ the Teamster's Union make him sensitive to the needs and problems of the citizens of Whatcom County. Twenty-five years of active participation in politics give Bob Teshera experience in, and direct access to, the complexities of state government. The 1975 legislature must face the difficult task of bal- ancing an increasing demand for expensive state services As a scientist, Bob Teshera is trained in the wise use with the necessity of limiting the heavy tax burden of of t e earth and its resources as a source of jobs and individual citizens. Bob Teshera has the experience, into e. As associate professor of geography at WWSC, ability,and guts needed to make the hard decisions neces- his t ching,research,and publications focus on the prob- sary to set priorities and achieve this balance. Barney GOLTZ Democrat served on the Forest Tax Committee, Ethics Committee, lit and Committee on Point Roberts.When elected State Sen- 42nd Leg. Dist. ator, Barney Goltz will be the senior member of the 42nd Whatcom, part District delegation to the State Legislature. 411 Barney Goltz has a broad background of farming, ad- ministration and planning at Western Washington State College in addition to legislative experience. He knows that the various business and recreational interests of the area must be kept in balance for long-term benefits if we are to keep the good life we now enjoy. His special concerns are senior citizens, education, equitable tax pro- grams, environment and jobs, and open government. Barney Goltz is well qualified to be the State Senator Barney Goltz was named "Best New Legislator" by from the 42nd District. He is a veteran legislator, having SEATTLE ARGUS, January 4, 1974, and the House mem- served as State Representative from 1973 to the present. ber with "the most integrity" by his fellow lawmakers Rep. Goltz is a member of the following House standing in the annual KOMO-TV poll, January 31, 1974. committees: Ways and Means—Revenue, Ecology, and Barney Goltz is 50, married and a resident of Belling- Higher Education (vice-chairman). In addition he has ham. forty/nw State Represe ative 111(4;aIDISTRICT VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION Mark Nelson believes it is essential to continue stressing the need for fiscal responsibility in the state legislature. Mark One of the critical problems facing us is the establishment of legislative priorities. In appropriating monies, the state NELSON must meet its constitutional obligations first and added expenditures should have a clear designation as to their Republican funding source. He will provide responsible leadership in '"° t developing a balance between concern for our environ- Position No. 1 ment and continued economic growth in our community. 42nd Leg. Dist. As your state representative, Mark Nelson will be seeking Whatcom, part honest answers to the critical problems facing the state of Washington and the Forty-second District. Mary Kay Becker wants to see the 42nd District grow and prosper in a balanced and responsible fashion. Having Mary Kay served as head of the citizens' board of the Overall ' Economic Development program, she knows we need BECKER more jobs. Yet she also believes that our district's natural Ilk assets—clean water, farmland, forests—need not suffer A.I, Democrat if we are careful. Position No. 1 She will also work to support community mental health care, improve services for the elderly, and end reliance 42nd Leg. Dist. on special levies for school funding. Whatcom, part Mary Kay Becker is prepared to devote her full time to representing the residents of the 42nd District. Nimmom Phyllis Entrikin, homemaker, professional artist, mar- Phyllis ried 28 years, mother of four grown children, ten-year resident of 42nd District feels her candidacy to be a ENTRIKIN continuation and expansion of her years of diversified community service. t .. Republican "The most important issue this year is trust, and our problems will be solved on the basis of trust. The purpose „ _ Position No. 2 of politics is not to justify your own existence but to work 42nd Leg. Dist. for the greater public good." }<` Whatcom, part Mrs. Entrikin will support responsible legislation that blends economic stability with the preservation of the quality of our environment. iiii Art "A good legislator knows,understands and works hard." The problems facing our state are complex. You know MOREAii that. Art Moreau knows that. He also knows that good solutions are hammered out by study and hard work . . . Democrat not just fast talk. Art is a person who will work hard for CI. those answers . . . the way that gets results. Position No. 2 Art is a lifelong resident of this county. He is married 42nd Leg. Dist. and has two children. He is a 1954 graduate of Ferndale, • Whatcom, part has attended WWSC, WSU and is 37 years old. He has been employed by G-P for 15 years. nw/forty-one Viewil5 Staf senator VOTE FOR ONE TRICT • Alan While my own interests center on the environment and the creation of a fair and workable tax system, it is my BLUECHEL duty to my legislative constituency to be well informed on all issues. Above all else it is my goal to remain sensitive Republican to my constituents and never lose touch with people. 45th Le Dist. Below is some of the major legislation I have sponsored g while a member of the House of Representatives. I King, part SHB 595—Pollution Disclosure Act; SHB 655—Oil Dis- charge, Spillage, Prevention; HB 186—(ref. 26) $225 Mil- lion Waste Disposal Bonds; HJR 47—Special Levy Ballot Issue; HB 17—Urban Transportation System; HB 309— Legal Age Lowered to 18; HB 596—Solid Waste Manage- ment; HB 26—Open Space; HB 49—Nuclear Siting Act. Alan Bluechel lives in Kirkland with his wife Aylene and two sons. He is president of Loctwall Corporation Government is the business of people. My decisions as and has served four terms in the House of Representatives. a legislator are based on values not politics. I believe the Alan and his family spend their leisure time backpacking constitutional rights and individual freedoms of each and skiing and are members of the Inglewood Presby- person are an absolute value. terian church. lil Pete SPILLER Democrat 45th Leg. Dist. King, part Pete Spiller's "special interest" is the taxpayer. He agrees with voters that we must accomplish: (1) Cam- paign funding reform; (2) Public input for decisions; (3) An end to frivolous spending. Government must be made responsive to the will of the people. A formula for good government is: a citizen who participates plus a legislator who listens! ' Pete Spiller is a concerned citizen who will serve the needs and desires of the people,not the "special interests." • forty-two/nw State Represe... ative 4 5 VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION lietDISTRICT • Rod Chandler is uniquely qualified as a first-time candi- date for the legislature. As a television newsman, he _r Rod serves the legislature during four sessions. Now, he Y serves as a member of the King County Metro Council, CHANDLER where decisions are made on water clean up and the transit system. Republican Perhaps more importantly, however, Rod has gained a p reputation for being his own man. During his television Position No. 1 career, he was considered fair, impartial and honest. 45th Leg. Dist. As a Metro Council member he has stood firmly for what King, part he thought was right. Now, more than ever before, we need people like Rod Chandler in Olympia. miloom For many years community worker. One of prime movers in organizing Fire Dept., Water Dist. and two churches in his area. Ray Has been president of Community Club three times, past president of Sammamish Valley Pioneers, member Sno- FREEMAN qualmie Valley Pioneers. Past vice president Washington State Pioneer Association. Past vice president 48th Dist. Democrat Democratic Organization. Position No. 1 Organizer of move to form Cascade County from East- ern portion of King County to give these citizens more 45th Leg. Dist equal representation, and to give Seattle and King County King, part a better chance to combine their services. i' Also to give all counties more equal power in state government. l�� Gary Lee Matthews, 30 year old, first-term incumbent Representative worked to represent his district and proved Gary Lee his quality by remaining flexible in his positions, by being MATTHEWS a "listener" and by retaining the idealism with which he entered office.Matthews is an ardent believer in the"work ethic", in producing governmental efficiency and account- /- Republican ability, in returning responsibility to local control, and in Position No. 2 the limitation of terms in office. As a freshman, Matthews 45th Leg. Dist. distinguished himself as the leader of his caucus for Social and Health Committee affairs, and also served on King, part the Labor and Financial Institutions committees. I" . misimm .1 s Retiring from the military in 1961 "Mac" moved to 1111• the Redmond area where he became involved in a Virgil E. variety of community affairs—Commissioner (K.C.F.D. g 34), Scout Commissioner, Babe Ruth coaching and ad- MAGRUDER ministration. "Mac" Magruder will give the 45th District te. an independent voice in the legislature not a rubber stamp. Democrat "Mac" will take your viewpoints to Olympia. / "The time has come to put partisan differences aside Position No. 2 and deal with what I believe are the critical problems fac- 45th Leg. Dist. ing our district. Land use legislation which considers con- -. servation, progress and current use; Tax revision coupled King, part with extensive spending re-allocation to combat inflation . .. and judicial reform. milimiim H. G. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness can only be a found in a strong state government and in a limited WASHKUHN national government, which promotes free enterprise for it's citizens and stays out of competition with same. I be- . American Independent lieve we should support the American Independent Party, " °" Position Nio. 2 Liberty amendment, create Cascade County, neighborhood school concept, welfare for the needy, property rights over 45th Leg. Dist. human rights. I oppose big government, which has a ii 1 King, part bureau for everything from the cradle to the grave. With 4,.`� God's help, this nation will survive—without, we go down in defeat. I sincerely solicit your vote in this campaign. nw/forty-three I(44•1•17•1 Statc senator VOTE FOR ONE DISTRICT Pam' - 1 1967).Teaching assistant,University of Washington, 1963- 65. Assistant professor of chemistry, University of Idaho, 1967-68. Active in Seattle Professional Engineering Em- Kent ployees association and Boeing Employees Good Neighbor - PULLEN Fund. Member of Mountaineers and various sportsmen's groups. Member of Green River Community College Ad- Re. ublican visory board, Home and Family Life department. ,, p State Representative Kent Pullen has served the citi- 47th Leg. Dist. zens of the 47th District well during the past two years. King, part A young, dynamic legislator, he successfully co-sponsored three important tax relief bills: (1) HB 1, elimination of the sales tax on prescription drugs; (2) HB 53, amend- ing the Open Spaces Law; and (3) HB 1301, phase-out of the inventory tax. Representative Pullen feels that ad- ditional tax relief is needed, especially in regard to bur- densome school special levies. He will work to reduce this tax burden through spending reform and other economies Member of Washington State House of Representatives, at the state level. serving on the Transportation, Education, and Ecology Keep dedication and experience working for you. Re- con imittees. Graduate of University of Washington (Ph.D., turn Kent Pullen to Olympia! George FIORI, Jr. Democrat _ 47th Leg. Dist. t Education must receive greater state assistance. This King, part will require a re-alignment of the priorities for state it spending, but in doing so, the local school districts must retain local control and autonomy. F Special levies for the operation and maintenance of school districts must be eliminated, not only because of the adverse effect on our retired citizens, but also because of the unequal education our children receive as a result of this type of school financing. The Constitution clearly I believe that government must be responsive, responsi- states that the Legislature must provide equal and uniform ble and respectable. My goal is to streamline state govern- education. ment by reducing the administrative costs, eliminating Inflation is not only the responsibility of the federal the duplication of departments, minimizing red tape and, government, but all government bodies. Economy and finally, diminishing its overall size. efficiency in state spending has a substantial impact on The furlough programs that allow dangerous criminals inflation. Taxes cannot be increased. Spending must be to make life unsafe for citizens must end. The Legislature decreased. must provide tough guidelines for determining the release Individual rights and freedoms must not be sacrificed of criminals. under the guise of political expediency. forty-four/nw State Represer__ _five Vogil VOTE FOR ONE IN EACH POSITION The issues are clear. People in the 47th District are concerned about excessive property taxes, inflation, fund- , ing of education,a rising crime rate and honesty in govern- '. L. ment. Grant is the man who will develop constructive alterna- r ALLISON tives and solutions to the problems . . .solutions which will i ilk place the individual and the family first. I Republican Grant,his wife Pat and son Kevin live south of Issaquah. Position No. 1 He is a life-long resident of the area, graduating from the 47th Le Dist. University of Washington.Once a light sheet metal worker, g now a finance supervisor, Grant understands the problems King, part of blue and white collar workers. Grant can represent the ;> men and women of the 47th District. imimmi Marion Kyle Sherman is well qualified to represent tax- paying consumers in the legislature. She is president of Marion K le Washington Committee on Consumer Interests; on the Y National Panel of Consumer Arbitrators for the Better SHERMAN Business Bureau; Task Force for Citizen Participation of w RIBCO; Task Force on Drug Price Disclosure; Citizens' Democrat Advisory Committee on Highway Safety; Founder of "Backward Thrust", a local group monitoring the plans Position No. 1 of a Bellevue developer; member of Cedar Grange, Audu- 47th Leg. Dist. bon Society, League of Women Voters, and First Vice King, part President of Greater Maple Valley Chamber of Commerce. 0 i Marion is mother of two college students and wife of Len, an engineer. Don Haberman is a 1958 graduate of Seattle University, ,, employed as an electronics design engineer. He maintains a 35 acre polled Hereford ranch near Enumclaw aided Donald by his wife and two children. Don lists his principal con- cerns as inflation, stable school funding and rising ,\e, HABERMAN property taxes. Specifically, Don differs from votes cast by his opponent on the following issues: f. + Republican Don Opponent Position No. 2 1973 Income Tax Proposal NO YES 47th Leg. Dist. Right of Teachers To Strike (HB 1341) NO YES Vote To Consider Death Penalty King, part Legislation YES NO Legislative Pay Raise ($3600 to $10560) NO YES iiiimmom During my first legislative term I have supported meas- ures affecting people of rural and semi-rural communities Frances —schools and libraries; low-income elderly, handicapped, yet. A. innocent victims of crime; inclusion of infants in insur- i. ' .. NORTH ance policies,simplified procedures for small farmers qual- „F, ifying for open space status; improved fire protection, Democrat Metro transit, and safety and access for Highway 18. As Vice-chairman of Appropriations Committee I have tw Position No. 2 concentrated on cutting costs by challenging obsolete pro- 47th Leg. Dist. grams and emphasizing accountability for agency spend- i/r. King, part ing. Living in Snoqualmie Valley since 1945, I have worked • 6 ,` s as school board clerk and Boeing secretary. Now a house- wife-legislator, I have time to serve. nw/forty-five Legislative Districts • HAZARD, �``p' BAIIARD RD LPN W n BAIIARD RD n MIDWAY SPOKAXE i 7 RIVEq < In .,,'a 3 5 4 44 �dot SiONEMAN RD 7 so, 4 LINCOLN RD , IIXCOLN RD J N PLEASANT PRAIRIE °sAY PfP FRANCIS ST et > EMPIRE 3 WEL ,,,' L l AIRVIE .A A, SpOKANE 9 Y P z 7. 11-N� 0.INTERSTATE NIWAY 990 IPA THORPE RD < 6 i 4 I biJ Spokane and vicinity 17 -----, 13 I < ICRruliits I 1 1 I--' a EA$T IXEE PLAIX - \ N. �: BOULEVARD I--—' : /I ri'ID \ r�MANEStd'Vo I i o! NFs+T7x`� S I 1 1 z t \ SX,C04T,*�y+fr nee_ . a/ i I TIETON .y �"1- 'y �I GGUINAN LOOP CITY OF VANCOUVER BOULDER AVE `Pa < �o R. o i 4't 1.'NACNES 'ELAN SEIAX ROWo Sc THOMPSON.D YOUNG GRADECA t - 49 - PIN., SUMMIT VIEW yc 14 El'. i,- CORREGIDOR ROAD Z i c CO:ICINEDTIETON FJ RIVE0 l/I Df YVy J CITY j ! TI LIMITS.=,' .y I T`! BUTTE AVE;"' ` I"0----_- '' t `yl -� 4d'Q! A'A ENj --� '•`? CITY Or MINA MIERAS RD r I , N .+ !I l __ CI I IMITS -.I WIDE HOLLOW CR _ ::l uI AIRPORT W<I LIMI UNION ; CITY TS' GAP 17 NZZCgCS COIUMBIA gIVCq lOR7 1 5 1 Vancouver and vicinity Yakima and vicinity • forty-six • 1 e 7 ¢ a 1 O EVERETT 1 0 WHIDBEY ISI AHD § s _ LiI NI ' ) 84TH SAY 38 RETH,. °� '.. 24 1ABTN SW 39 lur�sr rk 3TEEM .Eru /21 SNokOMISH COUNTY 23 — 1 n1.1 COO, likias ESBLX H25TH SA AMISN RIVER �' 6 TN ST NE 1 ss, ST 45 _.,46 N 65TH ST 23 S,,<w.,— 43 N W c'N4-'0-0„ �/ xt'Y. r RSIO , VALLEN BCIit /,$. YSIER XO ISPDXA E CE ,I Pr 34 SOUTH DAWSOX �o �;� 41 6 C1rSW sae�1'0 35 a,YcRTFA 41 RENT=X ' SE 18' ARROYO ,)q S1H,,, - �1 EH- AONPE 31 .E,.. 26 sP A' Rf',I'JN 'TA iF S INTN SI 1f g B IBRXO ST S IA6TN ST u SW 163RD ST 33 11 30 a ASNON ISIANO QD Yf 6�~pP 56TH .A :y °" c - Congressional ST66iX� •. . 'TR 47 Districts Q IG i SE Ail,H BUR • 30 AUBURN 26 FZ% _ 1.5 11ST ST SF w TACJMA 6, H AVC 1ACOMA 6 27 CITY s. C��R"[CB EDr CITT UNITS t NC ISiN ST MYSD • S MN JRTH ST ST 335TX 25 ,% 6 AeNE,L ISLAND 1 .29 28 W PUYAL x . eT Everett,Seattle, "NBER+. B;TXSN <M Tacoma and vicinities ISEANO . •T a 'T. ., ON SCAM 'O vZ. pppp�q 5 " )hT \pF CIT'UNITS `R SPBENS'ANE RC Q • MT r:Rr eHORr 2 A. forty-seven 42 WHATCOM 40 SAN JUAN RESIDENTIAL PATRON, LOCAL SKAGIT ( ifi ISLAND clisNioHomisH 0 39 (1238 1 VOTERS 45 KING KITTITAS PAMPHLET CANDIDATES PAMPHLET ENCLOSED ' 47 &A h'<)`'' 1974 ELECTION CALENDAR - � KING COUNTY ('N'Y ffilr PRIMARY: �J �`GEvember 1 4 Septembe, 17, 1974 �� 5, 97 July 10, 1974 *( Initiative 276) Campaign Treasµ�'ers�,`Fi ' fit Contributions and Expenditures Report. ` 'C‘ July 29ti Filings open. August 2id Filings close (except Precinct Committeemen) . Last day for municipal corporations to file Resolution calling Special Election in conjunction with Primary. August 7th Withdrawals close. August 9th Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Closing of Registration files for Primary. Last day for major political parties to file vacancies because of no filings. August 16th Filings close for Precinct Committeemen. August 17th Last day to register and for transfer of registration for Primary. August 28th Absentee Ballots available. August 29th *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 12th *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 13th Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Primary. September 17th PRIMARY September 20th Last day for municipal corporations to file Resolution calling Special Election in conjunction with General Election. September 27th Last day for candidates for County Offices to file campaign expenditures statement under King County Charter. Canvass to be completed. Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Closing of Registration files for General Election. *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. October 5th Last day to register and for transfer of registration for General Election. October 17th *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. October 31st *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. November 1st Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of General Election. November ,5th GENERAL ELECTION November 20th Canvass to be completed. November 26th *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. December 5th Successful state measures become law. December 10th *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. January 13, 1975 Newly elected judicial , county, and legislative officials assume office and Legislature convenes. j,12C c/(.6 *See Chapter 1 , Laws of Washington 1973, for information on additional reports necessary to file under initiative No. 276. Prepared For: Hugh L. ,ames By: Ralph L. Dillon Managex <'f Records and Elections Superintendent of Elections CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Date From: Del Mead, City Clerk To : Mayor Avery Garrett Councilman Bruce Councilman Clymer Councilman Delaurenti Councilman Grant Councilman Perry Councilman Schellert Councilman Stredicke Airport Building Department. City Attorney Finance Fire Library Personnel Planning Police Public Works Purchasing Street Traffic Engineering Utilities Other Re : For appropriate action For your information Remarks : 8/73 FILE COPY • eki VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS - NOVEMBER 5, 1974 Total Vote 40% of 60% of Nov. 6, :1973 Nov. 6, 1973 40% KING COUNTY 1 Referendum SIMPLE MAJORITY CITY OF SEATTLE *Initiative No. 1 SIMPLE MAJORITY *Substitute Measure to Initiative No. 1 Initiative No. 3 Referendum No. CITY OF NORTH BEND 2 Tax Levy Props 424 170 102 CITY OF REDMOND Fluoridation of City Water System Prop SIMPLE MAJORITY CITY OF RENTON G.O. Bond Prop 7,753 3, 102 TOWN OF DUVALL 2 Tax Levy Props 151 b1 37 SEATTLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 G.O. Bond Prop 195,232 78,093 PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. I G.O. Bond Prop 34,296 13,719 PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 2 G.O. Bond Prop 24,283 9,714 " " ANNEXATION TO LAKEHAVEN SEWER n> E DISTRICT S I MPLE MAJORITY k° " r-o iV ' FORMATION OF " !TY et !tE, FIRE DISTRICT NO. 50 �.` ,_, GI.E`�K'S E}EEi SIMPLE MAJORITY ' ' All propositions require a 60% approval , except those noted "Simple Majority". If the total votes cast on tax levy propositions should be less than the present 40%0 minimum requirement but have an affirmative number of votes equal or greater than 60% of the minimum validation number, the proposition would pass. *If both measures r ceive majority approval by voters, the measure receiving the highest number of arfirmative votes will be considered passed. PREPARED FOR: Hugh L. James Manager of Records and Elections /{L/ ? / i{'1, ) By Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections INTEROFFICE MEMO Date 10/2/74 TO: Building Division of the Public Works Department FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Voting Registration The City Clerk' s Office will be open Saturday, October 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. for registering of voters. Thank you for your courtesies in keeping the building open. • C__ INTEROFFICE MEMO Date October 31, 1974 TO: Park Department Director Mayor Garrett/Don Stark Library Director Finance Director FROM: Public Works/Building Division Police Department Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: November 5, 1974 General Election This is a reminder that polling places will need to be opened for the General Election on 11/5/74 at 6 a.m. and will remain open until approxi- mately 11 p.m. until all supplies have been turned in. This is a reminder, also, that the front doors of the Municipal Building need to be open on Sunday, November 3rd in time for the 9:30 a.m. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers and must remain open until 1:30 p.m. , access to the Personnel Department telephone requested. I INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Building Department DATE October 29, 1974 FROM: De._ Mead, City Clerk RE: Cus-;odian's Wages for November 5, 1974 Election and Election Supply Depot on November 3, 1974 Please advise us of overtime costs so we may bill the King County Election Dep Gr L ment for the services. 1 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO• Ken White, Personnel Director DATE October 29, 1974 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: November 5, 1974 Election and Election Supply Depot on November 3, 1974 Access to your telephone per the attached letter is again requested. King County State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Hugh L. James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 - Elections (206) 344-5282 - Registrations October 25, 1974 TO: DELORIS MEAD FROM: Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections, King County SUBJECT: Election Supply Depots This is a reminder that RENTON CITY HALL ( MAIN ENTRANCE) should be open from 9:30 A.M. until 1 :30 P.M. on Sunday, November 3, 1974, and from 7:30 P.M. until 11 :00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 5, 1974, for use by the King County Election Department as an Election Supply Depot. `,\23456ic9 � O -'0 ti � J��ow1 CC? v • E ec . bti i Ls- �.iVlfcl 4 � G THE CITY OF RENTON "43MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0� CITY CLERK gTFo SE P1- September 16, 1974 King County Records and Election Division 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 Attention: Mr. Ralph L. Dillon, Superintendent of Elections Dear Ralph: Pursuant to your letter request of September 13, 1974, we for- ward herewith ballot proposition caption for the November 5, 1974 bond issue, as received from our Bonding Counsel "FIRE-FIGHTING FACILITIES BONDS" Thank you for your courtesies in further processing the bond issue proposal per City Ordinance No. 2876. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON v Delores A. Mead City Clerk 11) DAM:jt cc: Mayor Garrett City Attorney Shellan Records & Election File Fire-Fighting G.O. Bond File 11 September 13 , 1974 TO: Avery Garrett , Mayor/Don Stark Public Works Director (Building Division) * Personnel Director Parks and Recreation Director Library Director Finance Director Police Department FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Buildings to be Open for Election Supply Depot , 9/15/74, also for Primary Election, 9/17/74 This is a reminder that the front entrance of the Municipal Building will need to be open on Sunday , September 15, 1974, in time for 9 : 30 A.M. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers, and will remain open until 1 : 30 P.M. A phone is necessary so the Personnel Office is usually made available and should be unlocked. Also, on Tuesday, September 17, 1974 , the buildings listed on the attached copy of L.A.G. 07-74 need to be open at 6: 00 A.M. and will remain open until approximately 11 : 00 P.M. until all supplies have been turned in. The Building Division will please furnish us with overtime custodial costs for the Sunday opening in order that we may bill the County . Attached is a copy of L.A.G. 07-74. Thank you. DAM: jt Attachments Building Division - L.A.G. 08-74 - King County / , g State of Washington / John D. Spellman, County Executive • Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-2565-Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations ,A2329303/ � August 30, 1 07 /(`�a''F' '( w� oaV ci0C-N10 TO: City and Town Clerks alclf� c��5 31 tit FROM: Registration Department Records and Elections SUBJECT: Voter Registration - King County Library System Participation Rural King County Registrar List I wish to inform you a,'t this time that the King County Library System has joined the Voter Registration Program in King County, as set up by this office. This is a voluntary service on their part which is proving very successful . I am enclosing a copy of the Branch Hours Schedule. Also, enclosed is a copy of King County Registrars who are specifically assigned to cover certain rural precincts, as prescribed by law. This particular list is according to Legislative District. Sincerely, Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registration HP 'ln rn.7.l (2) \� f.,. ,"'. King County " / .:,. ,,,.,:,,, State of Washington ' John D. Spellman, County Executive '. , _ Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James,Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-2565- Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations August 15, 1974 MEMORANDUM ct+C QED :SI: To: All King County De uty Regi tr�arsoR`v`, j0� )_9/1 - 7,A".,E, ,{{ ,,� OFFS From: Herman Payton, A si stant Supdi i ntendent °.l CC ERKS CEO Voter Registration fl 0 Subject: Illegal Registration of Voters 1 It has been brought to my attention that a few Deputy Registrars have been delegating their responsibilities to people who are not Deputy Registrars. That is, a few Deputy Registrars are having their friends or someone else take their registrations for them, sign their own name to the registration card, and submit their transmittals to this office. As you know, this sort of practice is illegal . Mainly because, the Oath of Deputy Registrar states as follows : "I a registered voter, do swear (or affirm) that I will truly, faitifully and impartially perform my duties as re- gistration officer, to the best of my judgement and abilities, and that I will register no person except upon his personal appli- cation before me."1 Signature of Deputy Registrar Every Deputy Registrar of the State of Washington is required to take the above Oath. This oath is also cited in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 29.07.050. Therefore, any one who doesn' t abide by it, is guilty of perjury. Not only is one guilty ' .f perjury when he breaks the Oath, but a disservice is done to the voter, hen a voter takes the time to register and his regis- tration is found to be illegal because the person who registered him does not have the legal authorit , then his registration is void or invalid. For those of you who ar illegally delegating your authority, please refrain. But all of you please continue to do the fine job that you have done in the past. Indeed, it ' is because of you, that we have one of the best Deputy Re- gistration Systems in the nation. I wish to thank you for helping us serve the County. Herman Payton King County V State of Washington 1 John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Hugh L. James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)344-2565 - Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations September 25, 1974 At (-- MEMO TO: City and Town Clerks o IMov �o� - FROM: Herman Payton Q.-r� ;-7 C\'V t)i SQFF\CEO Assistant Superintendent (!,` C. `� Voter Registration 'Yt9iVI .11N. SUBJECT: Voter Registration on October 5th As you know, Friday, October 4th, is the last working day for new voters to register. However, Saturday, October 5th, is the legal deadline for new voters to register. This office will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, October 5th, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. We respectfully suggest that each city and town clerk register for some period on Saturday, October 5th. Upon receipt of this letter, please call 344-5282 and let us know whether or not your office will be open on Saturday and, if so, the hours the office will be open. Herman Payton • King County pC. f� 1 State of Washington S)\ ! S •y John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Hugh L. James, Manager 553 KingCounty Administration Building U v .4\ Seattle, Washington 98104 ` (206)344-2565- Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations September 20, 1974 'Oil 93037Ar 19 `' TO: King County Deputy Registrars �� ` C`v '° cry FROM: Records and Elections of G�l`( R,s ECG�: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION FILES C, i�`G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 5th day of October, 1974, the regis- tration files of all King County precincts will be closed to original registration and transfer of voters until after November 5th, 1974 the date of the General and Special elections. In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered or trans- ferred are required to register or transfer on or before October 5th, 1974. However, this does not mean that new registrations and transfers can not be taken after October 5, 1974. What it does mean is that after October 5th, 1974, anyone who registers or transfers will not be allowed to vote in the November 5th, 1974, general election. ALL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING OCTOBER 5, 1974. Hugh L. James , Manager Records and Elections t'''t" By Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registration HP/ln 0 0 King County State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)344-2565- Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations September 13, 1974 vt 4' ✓; Sc• i3O r� Mrs. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk ,S \kS,ttr fol ^� 200 Mill Avenue South il x �� Renton, Washington 98055 �1 '�C�rftaE A' Dear Delores: y` t,_ t am returning receipted copy of Ordinance No. 2876. However, the proposition as received to be placed on the ballot does not have a ballot caption. The ballot caption should be five words or less and pertain to the proposition. Please prepare said ballot caption and return to this office as soon as possible. Sincerely, C�r!il Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections RLD: imdr CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RECEIVED ORDINANCE NO . 2876 ,F I ., : <<F SEP Ail 13 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AND THE CONSTRUCTION THEREON COHDS AND EQUIPPING OF A NEW FIRE STATION NO. 1 TO INCLUDE 'TElitlAiDMIN tS DEPT. TRATIVE OFFICES OF THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT, THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF A NEW FIRE STATION NO. 3 TO BE LOCATED IN SOUTH RENTON ON PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED BY THE CITY AND THE ACQUISITION OF A NEW FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING AN AERIAL LADDER TRUCK, TWO PUMPERS AND AN AID UNIT; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST THEREOF AS NEARLY AS MAY BE; PROVIDING FOR THE BORROWING OF A TOTAL OF $2,020,000.00 AND ISSUING AND SELLING NEGOTIABLE GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BONDS TO PAY THE COST OF SUCH ACQUISITIONS, SUCH BONDS TO BE PAYABLE BY ANNUAL TAX LEVIES TO BE MADE WITHOUT LIMITATION AS TO RATE OR AMOUNT; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING SUCH INDEBTEDNESS AND ISSUING SUCH BONDS TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD THEREIN ON NOVEMBER 5, 1974, IN CON- JUNCTION WITH THE STATE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE SAME DATE. WHEREAS, the City is in urgent need of acquiring property and constructing thereon and equipping a new Fire Station No. 1 to include the administrative offices of the Renton Fire Department, constructing and equipping a new Fire Station No. 3 to be located in South Renton on property to be acquir d by the City and acquiring new fire fighting equipment, including an aerial ladder truck, two pumpers and an aid unit, and the City does not have available sufficient funds to meet the estimated cost of such acquisitions; and WHEREAS, the assessed valuation of the taxable property of the City of Renton as ascertained by the last assessment for City purposes for the calendar year 1974 is $294,840,525.00 and at the time of the passage of this ordinance the existin outstanding general indebtedness of the City consists of $1 ,525,000.00 par value of general obligation bonds issued within the limit up to 3/4 of 1% of the value of tax- able property within the City permitted without a vote of electors, and $70,000.00 par value of general obligation bonds issued within the limit of 22% of the value of taxable property within the City permitted pursuant to a vote of the electors within the City for general municipal capital purposes, and the amount of the indebtedness for which bonds are herein authorized to be issued is $2,020,000.00 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1. The City of Renton, Washington, shall acquire property and construct thereon and equip a new Fire Station No. 1 to inclade the administrative offices of the Renton Fire Department, construct and equip a new Fire Station No. 3 to be located in South acquired Renton on property to be/ by the City and acquire new fire fighting equipment, including an aerial ladder truck, two pumpers and an aid unit, the estimated cost of which is hereby declared to be as nearly as may be the sum of $2,020 ,000 .00 . SECTION 2. The City of Renton, Washington, shall borrow the total sum of $2,020 ,000 .00 on the credit of the City and issue and sell its negotiable general obligation bonds therefor for strictly municipal capital purposes other than the replacement of equipment, to-wit: for the purpose of providing the fu!:ds required to carry out the acquisitions specified in Section 1 herco f. SECTION 3. The general obligation bonds herein authorized to be issued shall be serial in form and shall bear interest at a maximum effective rate not to exceed 8% per annum, which except for the first interest coupon shall be payable semiannually, and shall mattre in from two to klot more than fifteen years from date of issue, the life of the improvements to be acquired by such bonds being at least fifteen years , in such amounts as nearly as practicably annually as will result in a difference of not more than $5 ,000 .00 between the higLest and lowest annual payment of principal and interest, excluding the first two years from date of issue, computed on such anticipated effective interest rate as the City Council of the City shall in its discretion determine will be borne by such bonds and shall be paid by annual tax levies sufficient in amount to pay both principal and 2- interest when due , which annual tax levy shall be made without limitation as to rate or amount, and the bonds shall so provide. The bonds shall be redeemable at the option of the City at such times as shall be hereafter determined by ordinance. The date of issue , interest rate or rates , maturities , form and covenants of such bonds shall be hereafter fixed by ordinance of the City Council of the City, and the bonds shall be issued and sold when the proceeds thereof may be required. SECTION 4 . The City Council finds that an emergency exists requiring the acquisition, construction and equipping of the fire fighting facilities aforesaid, and that as a result of the existence of such an emergency, it is necessary to call a special election and a special election is , therefore , hereby called to be held in the City of Renton as provided by law on the 5th day of November, 1974 , in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date, at which there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City for their ratification or rejection the following proposition in the form of a "ballot title" as follows : Shall the City incur a general indebtedness and issue and sell not to exceed $2 ,020 ,000 .00 of general obligation bonds to pay the cost of acquiring property and constructing thereon and equipping a new Fire Station No. 1 to include the administrative offices of the Renton Fire Depart- ment, constructing and equipping a new Fire Station No. 3 to be located in South Renton on property to be ac- quired by the City and acquiring new fire fighting equipment, including an aerial ladder truck, two pumpers and an aid unit, such bonds to be paid by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount and to mature in from two to not to exceed fifteen years from date of issue, as provided in Ordinance No. 2876 , passed September 9 , 1974? BONDS 1 . . YES /7 BONDS .1 . . NO / 7 The Director of Records and Elections of King County, Washington, as ex-officio Supervisor of Elections , is hereby requested to concur in the finding of such emergency and to call and conduct such special election in the manner required by law. The City Clerk sha:.1 deliver to the Director of Records and Elections of King County, -3- Washington, as ex-officio Supervisor of Elections , at least forty- five days prior to the requested election date , a certified copy of this Ordinance showing its passage and including the ballot title herein set forth. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL at a regular open public meeting thereof this 9th day of September, 1974 . a. _d-d_ Delores A. Mead, City lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of September, 1974 . ery G ett, Mayor Approved as to form: g frt e Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 9-11-74 Receipt of Certified Copy of this Ordinance is hereby acknowledged. Direeter of Elections -4- 1830*SNO110313 T! • I, DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, hereby certify that the attached copy of Ordinance No. Q 3 76 is a true and correct copy of the original ordinance passed on the q1 day of September, 1974 , as that ordinance appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this /p rn_ day of September, 1974. DELORES A. City Clerk September 13 , 1974 TO: Avery Garrett , Mayor/Don Stark Public Works Director (Building Division) * Personnel Director Parks and Recreation Director Library Director Finance Director Police Department FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Buildings to be Open for Election Supply Depot , 9/15/74, also for Primary Election, 9/17/74 This is a reminder that the front entrance of the Municipal Building will need to be open on Sunday, September 15, 1974 , in time for 9 : 30 A.M. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers, and will remain open until 1 : 30 P.M. A phone is necessary so the Personnel Office is usually made available and should be unlocked. Also, on Tuesday, September 17, 1974 , the buildings listed on the attached copy of L.A.G. 07-74 need to be open at 6 :00 A.M. and will remain open until approximately 11 : 00 P.M. until all supplies have been turned in. The Building Division will please furnish us with overtime custodial costs for the Sunday opening in order that we may bill the County. Attached is a copy of L.A.G. 07-74. Thank you. DAM:j t Attachments Building Division - L.A.G. 08-74 Pr- LAG 07-74 1UGH L. JAMES, Manager of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: We here,y grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places In the Primary and General Elections, to be held on September 17, 1974, and November 5, 1974, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the excepti )ns as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. Inconsideration, we unde-stand the usual rental will be paid. N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11 Renton 15 Renton 39 LIERARY, Bookmobile Room Renton 12 HI( HLANDS ADM BLDG Rerton 13 Rerton 16 Rerton 17 Rer ton 18 Rerton 29 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: OR Mayor City dOONW I( of RENTON (lYinIgrAl Q. 717A2ALOti City Clerk NOTE: ('LEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. C ; wchcsi(-3c v • IFolco.,(-e Fire Station Committee cc: Mayor Council President City Attorney OF R.� Fire Department A �'?> Gwen Marshall V 44 "' THE CITY OF RPN9firiNT n o 8~i MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O/011 •O AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 4 Q CITY CLERK September 11, 1974 King County Department of Records & Elections 553 Xing County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr. Ralph Dillon Re: City of Renton Ordinance No. 2876, Ballot Proposition, General Election, November 5, 1974 Dear Ralph: We enclose herewith two certified copies of City of Benton Ordinance No. 2876 submitting proposition to be placed on the November 5, 1974 ^ ballot as follows: Shall the City incur a general indebtedness and issue and sell not to exceed $2,020,000.00 of general obligation bonds to pay the cost of acquiring property and constructing thereon and equipping a new Fire Station No. 1 to include the admini- strative offices of the Renton Fire Department, constructing and equipping a new Fire Station No. 3 to be located in South Renton on property to be acquired by the City and acquiring new fire fighting equipment, including an aerial ladder truck, two pumpers and an aid unit, such bonds to be paid by annual ....„ tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount and to mature in from two to not to exceed fifteen years from date of issue, as provided in Ordinance No. 2876, passed September 9, 1974? ...i BONDS . . . YES i / BONDS . . . NO / Kindly acknowledge receipt on Page 4 of the attached copy of Ordinance No. 287E and return to this office. Thanks for your courtesies in the matter. \I Very truly yours, Enc:.osure CITY OF RENTON ,e2dosAte-i, g• 27te_et-eic Delores A. Mead DAM:jt City Clerk King County C4, State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Division x•_- Hugh L.James, Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-2565- Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations August 2, 1974 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: As you know, Friday August 16th, is the last working day for new voters to register. However, Saturday, August 17th, is the legal deadline for new voters to register. This office will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, August 17th, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. We respectfully suggest that each city and town clerk register for some period on Saturday, August 17th. Upon receipt of this letter, please call 344 5282, Lydia Nelson, and let her know whether or not your office will be open on Saturday and if so, the hours the office will' be open. Herman Payton Assistant Superinten ent Voter Registration HP/ln 111') 13/4 Wfr one ECEIVED DEITY coon" ' I.EMkt OFFICE / King County State of Washing .'� John D. Spellman, County Executive \4s Records & Elections Division Hugh L.James,Manager 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-2565- Elections (206)344-5282- Registrations August 2, 1974 10///, • SikV TO: King County Deputy Registrars � 2Z,��' FROM: Records and Elections SUBJECT: NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION FILES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that , on the 17th day of August , 1974, the registration files of all King County precincts will be closed to original registration and transfer of voters until after September 17, 1974, the date of the Primary and Special elections. In order to vote at said elections , all persons not now registered or transferred are required to register or transfer on or before August 17, 1974. ALL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING AUGUST 17, 1974. Hugh L. James, Manager Records and Elections By Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registration HP/in • �� C �Vi\C,�{,, , _. _. . n > _ INTEROFFICE MEMO Date August 13 , 1974 TO: All City Offices FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Primary Election 9/17/74 Friday, August 17th is the Legal Deadline for new voters to register and any for Transfer of voting registrations. The City Clerk' s Office will be open Saturday August 17 , from 9:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. for Voter Registration Services. All 797,..6a.G( 41.' C -i.'fir 1Z,(_L�`tL.a/.0, LU (i �C�e 4.:2/?�'Lr r-?f. SPECIAL ELF [ION 4 JULY 16, 74 - FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRI NO. 210 Transfers t New Registrations on or before Friday, June 14, 1974 ADELAIDE MERLIN ANGELO MIRROR LAKE APPLE LANE MULLIGAN AQUACENE NELSON AUBURN 5 NETAC AUBURN 19 NIXON AVALON NORTH LAKE BELMOR OVERLOOK BOYD PACIFIC 4 BRIGADOON PALISADES BRIGHTWOOD PEASLEY BUENNA PEGGY CAMELOT PIERCE CAMSQUARE PINEWOOD CANDACE PONCE DE LEON CANDLEWOOD RAINBOW CANYON REDONDO CENTURY ROOSEVELT CHRISTOPHER ROUNDTABLE COLONIAL ST GEORGE COUNTRY LANE ST PAUL DELRAY ST VINCENT DENVER SALT WATER DOLLOFF SEACOMA EXCALIBUR SHORE HILLS FEDERAL WAY SOUNDCREST FRANKLIN SPIDER LAKE GENEVA SPRINGWOOD GILBERT STACY GRAHAM STAR LAKE GUENEVERE STEEL LAKE HARDING SULLIVAN HART SUNSET HOLIDAY PARK TERRACENE JEFFERSON TESTU JOVITA TIPPECANOE KENT 6 TWIN LAKES KENT 11 TYLER KENT 16 VILLAGE PARK KENT 17 WESTWOOD KENT 20 WOODMONT KENT 23 WOODVALE KENT 24 KENT 29 KENT 32 KILLARNEY LAKEHAVEN LAKELAND LAKOTA LAMB LANCELOT LAURELWOOD LINDA MALTBY MAR'CHERI MAR I NF `'"-. King County w State of Washington ' John D. Spellman, County Executive \,, + : Records & Elections Division C' Hugh L.James,Manager Y ✓ 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 „ir / , -Th (206)344-2565- Elections Is (206)344-5282- Registrations �ti June 6, 1974 0� ��� �C -' \ off` cI g0E01 To: Deputy Registrars: Federal Way School District #210 From: Records and Electrons Subject : Notice of Closing of Registration Files NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that , on the 15th day of June, 1974, the registration files of precincts on the attached list will be closed to new registrations , and transfers of registrations, until after July 16, 1974, the date of the Special Election to be held in the Federal Way School District #210. In order to vote at said special election, all persons not now re- gistered, or transferred, are required to do so on or before June 15, 1974, PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER, REGISTRATIONS OR TRANSFERS TAKEN DURING THE 30 DAY CLOSURE PERIOD ARE TO BE TRANSMITTED THE DAY FOLLOWING THE JULY 16 ELECTION. Q (etsn+z/ C; -)1-r-;--z Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registration HP/ln encl / i ' N , •,'‘'‘\ `\\ \ ;;� pfi f y,�- 1 , �� V_ March 30, 1973 `~�.! APr ,. Mr. Joe Street .4c> City Administrator AI L,, City of KentcA jy'w P 0 Box 310 Kent, Washington 98031 Dear Joe: This will confirm our telephone conversation earlier today in which I advised you that Chuck Collins had called to tell me that the County is willing to reduce the data processing portion of the Voter Registration charges to $54,262.90. Additionally, they are willing to guarantee a maximum charge for 1973 of 400 per registered voter. This is a departure from the 354 that Chuck discussed with us, but he says further analysis indicates _, -- _,. that they can't make the 350 level this year. This reduction in the 1972 charge comes to about'l5 I believe, and the items of data processing cost that they feel they can appropriately charge are the following: Program analysis - $23,339; keypunch - $748; computer operator time - $11,803; collating and bursting - $3,031; paper $5,500 (estimated) ; tapes - $3,000. I am personally satisfied with this adjustment and I am going to be recommending to our Council that we accept the charge on this revised basis. I say this recognizing that there might still be other arguable elements of the bill, but I am not aware of what they might be. Sincerely, . JOE MILLER ity Manager LJM:cp 1ThL COST �' ? 3r � pg0p p. es-b . /NO4$ r 0 e"- , , ' 4 �_ LAG 07-74 y�:j' CJ17 ,� HUGH 1. JAMES, Manager of Records and Elections cc 553 King County Administration Building G Y Seattle, Washington 98104 1 IC Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Primary and General Elections, to be held on September 17, 1974, and November 5, 1974, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. Inconsideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 MUU1CIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11 Renton 15 Renton 39 LIBRARY, Bookmobile Room Renton 12 HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 13 Renton 16 Renton 17 Renton 18 Renton 29 EXCEPTIONS: AP.,XPIWIFt(ty OR �a or PENTON City oVaii(of By (,(,�ivect e/ V _,, City Clerk NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. King County State i Ishington John D.Spellman, Count) cutive • ' ., ° ;nt Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division February 25, 1974 • CORRECTION TO: Deputy Registrars Within: Town of Beau Arts Village Black Diamond School District #190 Tahoma School District 11409 Snoqualmie Valley School Dist. #410 FROM: Records t Elections SUBJECT: Notice of Closing of Registration Files Our notice of February 20, 1974 involving the top mentioned Special Elections , please make the following correction: Transfer of Registrations will be closed on the 2nd day of March, 1974 until after the April 2, 1974 election. All persons wishing to make a Transfer of Registration must do so on or before March 1 , 1974. 293p� Herman Payton �' >> Assistant Superintendent 05 Registrations c .071 PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CLOSING DATE. King County State l ishington . } John D.Spellman, Count) cutive Ikksti =Am, • i" Records & Elections Department • Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 r I 344-2565- Elections Division V (206)V (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division • March 20, 1974 tiQ2 ^°ham ki) N '�� �• 'k- ® TO: Deputy Registrars - - Issaquah School District #411 4;fr, �vAt. FROM: Records and Elections 11 SUBJECT: Notice of Closing of Registration Files NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that , on the 30th day of March, 1974, the regis- tration files of the precincts within Issaquah School District #411 will be closed to new registrations and transfer of voters (address changes in King County) until after April 30, 1974, the date of the Special Election. In order to vote at said Special Election, all persons not now registered or transferred are required to do so on or before March 29, 1974. Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Registrations HP/ln encl PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CLOSING DATE - - - March 30, 1974. REGISTRATIONS OR TRANSFERS TAKEN DURING THE 30 DAY CLOSURE PERIOD ARE TO BE TRANSMITTED THE DAY FOLLOWING APRIL 30, 1974. SPECIAL ELECTION - APRIL 30, 1974 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 411 NEW Registrations t Transfers Close - March 30, 1974 Must be made on or before - March 29, 1974 ARMSTRONG ISSAQUAH 8 TANYA ARTHUR ISSAQUAH 9 TIGER MOUNTAIN BEAVER LAKE KATHLEEN UPPER PRESTON BELLEVUE 48-22 LORRAINE VALENCIA BOREN McDONALD WEST LAKE BRIARWOOD MAPLE HILLS CAROLYN MAY VALLEY CEDAR MOUNTAIN MIRRORMONT CEDAR PARK MONOHAN CHAPEL HILL NEWCASTLE COALFIELD O'DONNELL COUGAR MOUNTAIN OLYMPIC FIR GROVE OVERDALE FOOTHILLS PINE LAKE GILMAN PRESTON HI-VALLEY PROVIDENCE HOBART RAGING RIVER HUTCHINSON RENHILL ISSAQUAH 1 RITA ISSAQUAH 2 ROANOKE ISSAQUAH 3 SAMMAMISH ISSAQUAH 4 SANDRA ISSAQUAH 5 SQUAK MOUNTAIN ISSAQUAH 6 SUNNY HILLS ISSAQUAH 7 TANNER 7\- " '-' • ti ,..... . 4 King County State c hington John D.Spellman, County ..,. -utive 4 . . 0, . 1 :c:•LL.16,j rkw Records & Elections Department -y�►,J 1. ` ,r ..,4 . ;. 1" ,.., L Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections �Q�\�1 "'.•,'�, 553 King County Administration Building `�V� Seattle,Washington 98104 ��+ 0� peg u (206) 344-2565- Elections Division !.� ���y �y`S , (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division 'V,Il�1 b }•� February 20, 1974 TO: Deputy Registrars Within: Town of Beau Arts Village Black Diamond School District #190 Tahoma School District #409 Snoqualmie Valley School Dist. #410 FROM: Records and Elections SUBJECT: Notice of Closing of Registration Files NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 2nd day of March, 1974, the registration files of the precincts within the Town of Beau Arts Village, Black Diamond School District #190 , Tahoma School District #409 and Snoqualmie Valley School District #410 will be closed to original registration of voters until after April 2, 1974, the date of the Special Elections. Aldarra Green River North Bend 16.2 Sno-Pass Alpine Hobart North Sawyer Snoqualmie 14.2 Arthur Homestead O'Donnell Sno Valley Atkinson Hutchinson Patterson South Sawyer' Beaux Arts Vi Kent 26 Pipe Line Spring Lake Blk Diamond 142 Lake Alice , Preston Stevens Cedar Mountain Lake Desire Raging River Tahoma Cedar River Lucerne Ramona Tolt Cherokee Maple Valley Ravensdale Two Rivers Cumberland McCoy Riverside Upper Preston Dorre Don Meadowbrook Sahalee Valencia Eastwood Middle Fork Selleck Vincent Elliott Milwaukee Shadow Lake Warren Fall City Morris Shangri-La Wax Road Firland Mount Si Si View Wilderness In order to vote at said Special Elections, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before March 1 , 1974. Transfers of Registration will remain open through March 18, 1974. ( .�tsn�..d 6Y(- fit/ Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Registrations HP/ln PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CLOSING DATE. _ Y y ) , a „f0•5'N;4Aa King County }!� F { { State of Washington I o ' t" ' ,.�t� .. John D.Spellman, County Executive ' i* iil , ` %. ,, , - ,: Records & Elections Division (1r - `' Hugh L.James,Manager ' 553 King County Administration Building �I Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 0Y311]- v ° . March 25, 1974 ,ti\ W. ,\t., V}.; TO: Deputy Registrars: Mercer Island School District #400 ~ .14. Fire Protection District #43 FROM: Records and Elections SUBJECT: Notice of Closing of Registration Files NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 6th day of April , 1974, the registration files of the precincts within Mercer Island School District #400 and within Fire District #43 will be closed to new registrations and transfer of regis- trations until after May 7, 1974, the date of the special elections. In order to vote at said special elections, all persons not now registered or transfered are required to do so on or before April 5, 1974. Registration locations open to the public on Saturday, April 6th, may accept registrations and transfers for these elections. PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CLOSING DATE. REGISTRATIONS OR TRANSFERS TAKEN DURING THE 30 DAY CLOSURE PERIOD ARE TO BE TRANSMITTED THE DAY FOLLOWING THE MAY 7th ELECTIONS. CIr Ni[J cQ��,f/ZJiLlc.c� Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registrations HP/ln ' encl SPECIAL ELECTIONS - MAY 7, 1974 _- — -- MERCER ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 400 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 43 New Registrations and Transfers On or Before - April 5, 1974 ( Close on April 6, 1974) City of Mercer Island (Mercer Island 1 thru Mercer Island 44) AR1HUR MILWAUKEE ATKINSON MORRIS CEDAR MOUNTAIN O'DONNELL CEDAR RIVER PIPELINE CHEROKEE RAVENSDALE CHIEFTAIN RIVERSIDE DORRE DON SHADOW LAKE EASTWOOD SPRING LAKE ELLIOTT TAIIOMA FIRLAND TIMBERLANE GRASS LAKE VALENCIA HOBART WAX ROAD HOMESTEAD WILDERNESS LITTLE SOOS LUCERNE MCCOY MAPLE VALLEY MAPLEW00D THE CITY OF RENTON n rn MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 04 co AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0'P <f CITY CLERK gTF0 SE PI April 10, 1974 King County Department of Records & Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention : Mr. H. R. Nichols Subject : Registered Voter Listing - Computer Printout Gentlemen: Pursuant to your April 8, 1974 notice regarding need for policy as to time of year voter printout is to be issued to cities, two weeks notice to be given in writing prior to desired date, it would seem that determination as to receipt by cities might be based on whether or not an election is to be held, previous to which, registrations are heavier and the list then would be complete . We feel that Renton would be best served by a straight alpha list since many people do not know their precinct or may have moved . Thank you for your courtesies in past transmittals and we shall forward our written request at the time print- out is desired. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM: jt '' "►,, King County State of Washington ,, '? ., ' John D. Spellman, County Executive ql> �• k Y ti _a t" w A, s t"a Records & Elections Division 4 rr(J �a 1113,3 , r:;. Hu�TLL�ames, Manager !.� 553 King County Administration Building 1 -'4Y Seattle,Washington 98104 p1N 4P (206)344-2565- Elections 01 (206) 344-5282- Registrations FQ (t\N�o'' . r 4S,G t�� \`�'- April 8, 1974 � G To: All City and Town Clerks From: H. R. Nichols ,13'i Administrative Assistant Subject: Registered Voter Lists By reason of recent inquiries, it has become evident that a policy be established. During the initial planning of the centralization of voter registration files, it was determined that each City and Town Clerk was to receive a listing once a year of their registered voters. Therefore it will be up to each City and Town Clerk to: 1 . Determine what time of the year the printout is desired. 2. Request printout in writing two weeks prior to desired date, giving type of printout, either alpha by precinct, or straight alpha. cc: Herman Payton Assistant Superintendant of Voter Registration HRN/ml / n�/� �1—� King County c - cj: State of Washington / J ��� John D.Spellman, County Executive Yl� t I� R ords & Elections Div skm- Hugh L.James,Manager \ 01\ It' 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)344-4200 031 1, March 25, 1974 ti cc) �`� NCO Acy- CO o TO: Deputy Registrars: Mercer Island School District #400 Fire Protection District #43 FROM: Records and Elections SUBJECT: Notice of Closing of Registration Files NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 6th, day of April , 1974, the registration files of the precincts within Mercer Island School District #400 and within Fire District #43 will be closed to new registrations and transfer of regis- trations until after May 7, 1974, the date of the special elections. In order to vote at said special elections, all persons not now registered or transfered are required to do so on or before April 5, 1974. Registration locations open to the public on Saturday, April 6th, may accept registrations and transfers for these elections. PLEASE TRANSMIT ALL REGISTRATIONS AND TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CLOSING DATE. REGISTRATIONS OR TRANSFERS TAKEN DURING THE 30 DAY CLOSURE PERIOD ARE TO BE TRANSMITTED THE DAY FOLLOWING THE MAY 7th ELECTIONS. 0 Herman Payton Assistant Superintendent Voter Registrations HP/ln encl SPECIAL ELECTIONS - MAY 7, 1974 MERCER ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 400 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO, 43 Blew Registrations and Transfers On or Before - April 5, 1974 (Close on April 6, 1974) City of Mercer Island (Mercer Island 1 thru Mercer Island 44) ARTHUR MILWAUKEE ATKINSON MORRIS CEDAR MOUNTAIN O'DONNELL CEDAR RIVER PIPELINE CHEROKEE RAVENSDALE CHIEFTAIN RIVERSIDE DORRE DON SHADOW LAKE EASTWOOD SPRING LAKE ELLIOTT TAHOMA FIRLAND TIMBERLANE GRASS LAKE VALENCIA HOBART WAX ROAD HOMESTEAD WILDERNESS LITTLE SODS LUCERNE MCCOY MAPLE VALLEY MAPLEWOOD CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington FROM: Office of City Clerk TO: King County Dept. of Records & Elections (Attention: Mrs. Pat Histow) 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 Date Item Unit Cost Total Sunday, Custodial Overtime Services - Election Supply March 24, Depot - Per Lease Agreement LAG 03-74 1974 Delores Birkman, Custodian - 4 hours at double $35. 83 $35. 83 time - Hourly rate - $4.47 per hour #04464.0142i gr44414:40KEEP THIS COPY FOR YOUR FILE• 1973 CITY ELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE NON-CHAtt1 NEKTON ;AYOR•.COUPvCIL OPTIONAL 11JNICIPAL CODE CITY CITY CLASS FORM OF GOVERNMENT Please check square is applicable. 3rd class city with mayor-council form of government and positions of city attorney, city treasurer, or city clerk have been made appointive pursuant to RCW 35.24.020. CURRENT CITY ELECTIVE OFFICIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (If your city has the ward system, please identify wards when listing councilmen; also please indicate if any of the positions are to be voted upon this year for an unexpired term.) YEAR IN WHICH POSITION WAS NAME POSITION LAST VOTED UPON 1 ._Kenneth B*'noe pos. #1 Councilman 12/ /70 to_li/`l3 19 70 2 . Earl Clymer Pos. 1Y2 Councilman 12/1/10 to 11/?3 19 7p 3. cLarlee Dolmwronti Pos. #3 Com .i loran 12/1/70 to 11/73 19 70 4. .2.1 .:... a'.:ut Coun^.1icr.a4 1.2/]J70 to 11./755 19 TO 5 . Caoroe Parry _ Councilman 12/1/70 to 11/75 19 70 6. Henry Jahellert Councilmen 12/1/70 to 11J75 19 70 7 . ttiehard Str dicko co ,urncilen 12/1/70 to 11/75 19 70 8. 19 9. Avery Ott NaZaE• 12/L/69 to 11/75 19 69 10. 19 11. 19 12. 19 13. 19 14. 19 15. 19 THIS REPORT CERTIFIED AS ACCURATE BY AiZe--1,e,d (/. (Signature) JUDO 26, 1973 City Clerk (Date) (Title) .r t CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington FROM: Office of City Clerk March 1, 1974 TO: King County Dept. of Records & Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 Date Item Unit Cost Total Sunday, Custodial Overtime Services - Election Supply Feb 3, 1974 Depot - Per Lease Agreement LAG 01 -74 Linda Blackley, Custodian - hours at double time - Hourly rate $4.07 per hour $32.56 $32.56 : ` March 4, 1974 King County Department of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building S?attle, Washington 98104 Re: City of Renton Leases, Election Supply Depot and Polling Places Attention: firs. Pat Histow tear Mrs. Histow: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of Friday, March 1 , we are returning herewith executed lease documents as above captioned. We also enclose copy of City billings for Sunday overtime custodial ';ervices as concerns Election Supply Depot, which billings were for- 'rarded to the County heretofor but apparently not received since )ayment has not been remitted. 4ill you please forward the lease documents to Ann Passe' and pr )cess the billing for payment. Thank you very much for your courtesies and assistance. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk OM/m • Enc. e> C) 41 tO CO / BUILDING DEPARTMENT • RENTON , WASHINGTON . MUNICIPAL BUILDING •• 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH •• RENTON, WASH. 98055 •• �ii 99 �0 235-2540 ysA°RT CAPITA% °' � MEMORANDUM February 5, 1974 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: James R. Williams, Building Manager SUBJECT: Building Opening for Election Supplies Linda Blackley, custodian, worked four hours on Sunday, February 3rd, to facilitate delivery of election supplies. Hourly pay rate for this custodian is $4.07. She will be paid double time for working on Sunday, at a total cost of $32.56. ge mp o 6.1 F`c J 1974 N CEI QED 1,/I INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Avery Garrett, Mayor/Jack Lynch February 28, 1974 Public Works Director (Building Division)* Personnel Director Parks & Recreation Director Library Director Finance Director FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Buildings to be Opened at 6:00 a.m. for Special Election March 26, 1974 - Highlands Administration Building, Library, Municipal Building and North Renton Recreation Building We call your attention to the coming Special Election for Renton School District } No. 403 per the attached lease which calls for buildings to be open for poll workers at 6:00 a.m. , the polls opening for voting at 7:00 a.m. The Municipal Building will need to be opened on Sunday, March 24th for distribution of the poll books. Please forward us a tabulation of the Cus- todian's hours and salaryso we maybill the County. Y - King Count to of i : :;arnent 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division 03031 72 January 22, 197CR 4 s 1y1�` eti P <c,S)� 03 CITY OF RENTON CCk rCiVg The apportionment of expense for the General Election, held on November 6, 1973, has been made by this office, as provided for in R.C.W. 29.04.020 and R.C.W. 29.13.045. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION REIMBURSEMENTS by the King County Treasurer. Your pro-rated share of the election cost is $1 ,392.27. Sincerely, 47— �CcL � 4 H. R. Nichols Administrative Assistant HRN/ml 1 . •. King County ; of Washington John D.Spellman,C.,.....y Executive kit ,, ` ,4. ) r- Records & Elections Department 't�` `, "j Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections "ill ` "� '"'•*4 • ,. 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division January 24, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO: City and Town Clerks FROM: RALPH L. D I LLON Al_ I- -f- Acting Manager Records and Elections SUBJECT: VOTER REGISTRATION The apportionment of voter registration costs for your City or Town for 1973 is $4,540.90 . This figure is based on $0.334332 per registered voter. Through the computerization of the registered voter file, this re- duction in cost over the 1972 figure was possible. There will be a continuing effort by this department to bring about possible further cost reduction. RLD: rmm cbee/31 123/ V r "' ��,G�'lgc��°off.o ps r � � 4---- • ..� " LAG 01-74 Norward J. Crooks, Manager of Records and Elections ItV- 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, W'shington 98104 OfiAlUL Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as ELECTION SUPPLY DEPOT in the Special Elections to be held on February 5, 1974 The hours will be see below to approximately see below If there are any charges for the use of these facilities, please bill us and we will pay with the voucher covering the lease of polling places. RENTON CITY HALL - CITY HALL (Main Entrance) SUNDAY, February 3, 1974 9:30 AM - 1 :30 PM TUESDAY, February 5, 1974 7:30 PM - 11 :00 PM ' ,. ;.% CC:,)V ‹sc ,:.'' '')' :9. ACCESS TO A TELEPHONE WILL BE REQUIRED. EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: Sunday overtime custodial services (OR) yor to be charged on Lease Agreement . City 1:4-XXl i6 of RENTON ,j . DY e (`fr' </ (/ 11 t' t: r'( City Clerk NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. M LAG 02-74 Ralph L. Dillon, Acte11y Manager of Records and Electl...._ 553 King County Administration Building Oajo , Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: We herby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Special Elections to be held on FEBRUARY 5, 1974 during the hours of 7:01) A.M. to 8:00 P.M. In consideration we understand the usual rental will be paid. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River, Bookmobile Room Renton 17 Renton 12 Renton 29 MINICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 39 Renton 1 r-) :N:,, , -\ ,,-.A 0 0 c', \\\.. EXCEPTIONS; APPROVED: Xr104ntK aaunt1V te4.4 (OR) City mort N0 of RENTON B Y u f/J-r-41 Q. 7Gel iv Clerk NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Public Works Director (Building Division) 1/30/74 Park Director Library Director FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Buildings to be opened at 6:00 A.M. for Special Election February 5, 1974 - Highlands Administration Building, Library, Municipal Building and North Renton Recreation Bldg. We cxll your atteition to the coming Special Election of February 5th, 1974 and the attached Lease which calls for buildings to be open for poll workers at 6:00 A. M., the polls opening at 7:00 A.M. for voting. Atta.hments LAG 01- 74 s".r. Nod wa r i�t _ --_�_ J. Brooks, .,.ger of Records and Elections 4- 553 Ki b County Administration Building Sedtt.1c.1r W,-,hington 98104' Dear Sir: I We hereby grant permissionllfor use of the follow ELECTIOA SUPPLY DEPOT ing buildings for use as in the Special Elections to be held on February 5, 19/4 . The hours will be see belo'„, to approximately _sE�t>.. I_ ,��l�,yi_. If there are any charges folr the use of these facilities, please bill us and we will pay with the vouche covering the lease of polling places. I. • RENTON CITY HALL - CITY HALL ((Main Ent;�nct SUNDAY, February 3, 1974 `9:30 AM - 1 30 PM TUESDAY, February 5, 1974 7:30 PM - 11 :00 Phi f. . '' A f'p \'' / ACCESS TO A TELEPHONE WILL bE REQUIRED. EXCEPTIONS APPROVED: :� rr d� overtime l (rf i. y ill, ,�Y Gustodia servici-u (OR) � a• to be r:ioirged on Lease A 'reement . City btX}i' IiLJv of ' `1J'�,i ""�" " RENTON O Y .,4/;) / ( t ,i f J I f. City Clerk ' . NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. LAG 02-74 Ralph L. Dillon, A ig Manager of Records and Elect is 553 King County Admministration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 YS Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Special Elections to be held on FEBRUARY 5, 1974 during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. In consideration we understand the usual rental will be paid. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River, Bookmobile Room Renton 17 Renton 12 Renton 29 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 39 Renton 1 I' \ •, EXCEPTIONS; APPROVED: XiC4XXXXXXSOC ' (OR) City XKfX)4 of RENTON ll 11 BY A'Cr/", . i/ <7 1//(. �1( 1 tYClerk NOTE: PLEASE SiGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. /,Aki 4` Y INTER-OFFICE MEMORAN f O�G b�(ti�a' r0.' Public Works Depot,-Building Div. 1/30/74 Attn: Mr. Jim Williams FROM: Del Mead, City ''lerk SUBJECT: Buildings t be open for Election Supply Depot, 2/3/74 also Specia . Election, 2/5/74 1 This is a reminder tha the front entrance of the Municipal Building will need to be open on Sunday, February 3, in time for 9:30 a.m. delivery of polling supplies to the poll workers, and will remain open until 1:30_p.m. A phone is necessary s the Personnel Office is usually made available and should be unlocked Also, or Tuesday, Febr ary 5, the building needs to be open at 6:00 a.m.. and will remain open until app. 11:00 p.t. until all supplies have been turned in. Please furnish us with overtime custodial costs for the Sunday opening in order that we may bill the County. Thank you. • cc: Mayor Finance Director Personnel Director s• LAG _ 01 _7`1 f'!orw rd J. drools, Manacier of RC:cords and Elections . 153 Cirg County Administration I3uilding Seattle, W . hington 998;0 Dear Sir: lie hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as Et_EC j-IC...;i SUPPLY DEPOT _ _ . v_.... ��.. ..... ..�..�... . in the �,�;W•_ ia Clod x ' ::) E7: held on —.-_Fry i., 1C.5-7!! the hours will be see______bolk.o... to approximately ... ,`.' : 'y:`� f:`'�... If there are any charges for the use of these facilities, please bill us and we will pay with the voucher covering the lease of polling places. I 1 t r '_ii ''D/Vt., . i)S":1itry 'r ; . •,1. ' Alai , 30 I' 'O ES1)h.. i;‹,:b tS1.1.E 2 19:J.4 • C,CE:t TO ti:t „:P :10 'I :, Will '.1C, .(Ii. ii._L , LXCisPT I ONS: APPROVED: `,'!► day ovitrtl me ::u:lto(I.Eal. SE' P.'Va i;i,5 ,1.r ,� "` to bQ ch ax go on Li±:'ts° AC reement . City F.'.•` 'r-.>t"':!A of ,� ..REN Orl «-._, ....a .... it t -: «.. m... city CYerk� NOTE: PLEASE SIGN A'1D RETURN ONE COPY I0t1ED►IA1E.L.Y! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. i. r King County State of Washington 10!!!!1° John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division November, 1973 Congratulations on your election! Herewith is your Certificate of Election, in duplicate. The duplicate may be retained by you, and on the original , please execute the oath of office, on the reverse side thereof, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, and file with the proper officer in accordance with the following schedule: King County Records and Elections Division (Executive and Council) Records Section School Districts 301 King County Administration Bldg. Intermediate School Seattle 98104 District No. 110 Board Superior Court Judges Secretary of State, Olympia Cities and Towns City or Town Clerks Fire Districts Judicial Administration Department ':••609 King County Courthouse Seattle 93104 All other Districts With Clerk or Secretary of District Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Manager of Records and Elections f • f c , By Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections RLD/lmdr Enc. Legislators do not file the oath of Office blot take an oral oath on convening of the Legislature. THE OATH OF OFFICE MUST BE FILED BEFORE TAKING OFFICE! There is no filing fee. TV < - '- King County State sf Washington �J � • John D.Spellman,County Executive :` , . Records & Elections Department !: `v Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building 6 7 7� Seattle,Washington 98104 �' '��j (206) 344-2565 Elections Division �;{ 90 �g'{3 (206) 344-5282 Registrations Division :: cjV A- �N October 31 , 1973 ( ,.,.... cuc.��L To: King County Deputy Registrars • From: Records 6 Elections - “r it tt r�if 1 t.1.. Subject Notice of Closing of Registration Files ,sal � 4 €ED ,_, t 2'' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, on the 10th day of November, 1973, the registration files of all precincts shown will be closed to original registration of voters until after December 11 , 1973 , the date of the Special Election of Tahoma School District No. 409: Arthur Hutchinson Riverside Atkinson Kent 26 Selleck Cedar Mountain Lake Desire Shadow Lake Cedar River Lucerne South Sawyer Cherokee Maple Valley Spring Lake Cumberland McCoy Tahoma Dorre Don Milwaukee Upper Preston Eastwood Morris Valencia Elliott North Sawyer Wax Road Firiand O'Donnell Wilderness Green River Pipe Line Hobart Ramona Homestead Ravensdale In order to vote at said election , all persons not now registered are required to register on or before November 9, 1973. Transfer of regis- trations will remain open, from any precincts in King County to any other preci ct in Kin )C.o9ty, through November 26, 1973. 415o1r ,( P`e f r i n ���'t' Acting Assistant Superintendent Registrations DRP/ln PS- ALL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING NOVEMBER 10TH. Registrations will re-open on December 12th. r \Q King County State of Washington John D.Spellman,County Executive 'iecords & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division December 19, 1973 CITY OF RENTON The apportionment of,expense for the Primary Election held on September 18, 1973 has been made by this office, as provided for in P.C.W. 29.04.020 and R.C.W. 29.13.045. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION REIMBURSEMENTS by the King! County Treasurer. Your pro-rated share of the election cost is : $2,720.03 Sincerely, NORWARD J. BROOKS Manager, Records & Elections -) `� t / II by HOLLIS R. NICHOLS Administrative Assistant NJi3/hrn/i • � 7;. • CF. `i/ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Reguean Meeting Decembers 10, 1973 Mun ic.-tpa.e Bu.itd.ing Monday 8 : 00 P. M. CouncL . Chamben4 MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayon Avetcy Gatte t, pneziding, £ed the P.eedge ab ALteg-ianee and CALL TO ORDER ca,Peed the Meeting o6 the Renton C-L u Council to Onde,k. ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, Caunc%e Pne -ident, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES OF COUNCIL DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayon; DEL MEAD, City Ctenk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE D.ctc.ecton; G. M. SHELLAN, City A,ttonney; JACK LYNCH, Adm.%vurtk tive Azz.i tart: WARREN GONNASON, Public Wonfw DAttectan; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning D,itc.ecton; KENNETH WHITE, PeAzonnel D.iteec ton; HUGH DARBY, Police Ch.ieb; RICHARD GEISLER, A4d-t. Fite Ch.ieb; VIC TeGANTVOORT, S,ttc.eet Supt.; WES CREWS, Acting Building D-etcecton; VERN CHURCH, Pwtcha- -Lvtg Agent. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, APPROVAL 1973, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. INTRODUCTIONS Fotuner City Caunc%eman Bruce Hu/ e ways .inttcoduced by Mayon GatvLett. VOUCHERS FOR APPROVAL Finance and Petvoonnee Committee Cha.ucman Sche,ieetrt. presented 9855 - 9999 and committee necommenda ion Ann raument o6 Vauchms No4. 009 thtcough 0001 - 0008 Machine 0110 .in ,the amount ob $98, 715.30 (Vouc enz No. 9855 - 9999 and Voided 0001 - 0008 Machine voided) , having neee.ived depaAtmentae eettti- #0009 - #0110 b,ieatian that metcehandi'se and/an zerv.icez have been nece,i.ved an nendet<ed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHOR- IZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legi lation Committee Chai man Petty pnezented committee necommenda- RESOLUTIONS Lion .that the Budget Ordinance be ne-adopted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. City Ctetck Mead read Ondinanee 2814 adopting an annual Budget ban the City bon the Yeats 1974, ne,�.eecting total 1974 Budget ate 14, 276,494 Ond.inance. No. 2814 with ,total ondinany expenditweets ass $.14,276,494, Receip- bnom Re.a6iit i.ng Adoption dowecets othen than taxation $8,892, 805, Sunp.ews laws i.ed oven o. Ci ty'4 1974 $2,985,965 and tota.e to be na ed by taxation ass $2, 397, 724, list- Budget ing bundd by total. Upon inqui ty beam Councilman S-tedieke, City Cletek Mead explained ne-adoption nece4- ary -to eonb.ttim b iguneb ate not enough time avaLea.b.ee dwu;ng reeezz at the Budget Heating bon machine computation ab changers. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT BUDGET AS AMENDED, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. FotlowLng /Leading by the Ceettk, .it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. CARRIED. Raft ea i showed SIX COUNCILMEN VOTING AFFIRMATIVELY AND STREDICKE VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Lettet beam King County Recondz and Etectiovz Manager, Mn.. Nonwated J. Bnaohz, let ti6ied November 6, 1973 Genetcae E-eee %on having Cetrtib.iea i.on ab been duly canvassed by the King County Canva zing Boated ob E1ection 11/6/73 Election Retutns on November 21, 1973 showing ,the total vote as 7, 753 and the bo.eeow.ing bawl yeatc ,teiun : Counci.e Podtition No. 1 Council Po SLtion No. 2 Ken Btua.ee 3, 387 E-eec ted EattJe C.e ymetc 3,346 E.eee ec Batzbana S. Lacey 2, 822 Sven A. Johnson 2,496 Po iti.on No. 3 (Red) Chatueez J. Deta.unenti. 3,667 E.tected Tho ma.o Tt imm 2,478 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THOSE OFFICIALS ELECTED BE CONGRATULATED. CARRIED. Oil Storage Lee- bnom Mtn. Beth Brennen, Leg,c,.slati.ve Chai man, Lake watovungtan Facilities in Bnaneh, AmvtLcan AdzocLation ob Uni.vets.ity Women utcged the City Green Rivets Vat ey nebu.ae Sheie Oil and other oil eompanyd" nequeztt bon oil .storage bacitities in the Green Rivet. Valley, -stating concetcvus ob vatt- OwS agencies bon pleasing ob ".tank batumto" .in the ateuvium zoilz az the Renton City Council Minutes ' 1 12/10/73 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Oil Storage area dtainz sub4un6aeely to both the Green and Cedcvr. R-.vetvo Con,,inued az well aS Lake Washington and Puget Sound. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COPY OF THIS LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Rezone Appl. R-735-73 Lettei. St&om Plann.%ng D,itr.ectot& EniekSen reported the Planning Chat,,tez B. Guy Commizzion has co„ oteted review o6 the Chatrlez B. Guy appfieation Area o6 Gn.ady Way 6otr. rezone Snom G to L-1 oli pt&opet&ty located at 404 S.W. Grady Way os 68/1.00 aenez undeveloped land pnopo- ed don. ztonage o6 tteanea Lona2 vehicles, being Light Indutstiuicl an Manu6aetrvr,Lng Park on the Compi ehe.kv ive Land U-se Plan. The letter& neponted the app.e leant 4ubmitted n.eztnietive covenants with tee6etenee to s etbackz and landscaping and that So.elou ng Public Heating the Rearming Comm zz ion n.eeommended that the rezone St&om G to L-1 be appttoved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Planning D,it&ecton Enicb en showed the atr,oa on display map and upon .Lnqui y o6 Councilman Grant t&eponted area o6 n.ezone not within 200 Beet o6 pt&opoaed P- 1 channel. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CITY ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FILED WITH THIS REQUEST FOP REZONE. Counci man Penny asked to be noti6ied upon n.ecot&ding os covenanters, adoption o6 rezone ordinance pending upon -same. Councilman Grant .inouitted to Sill, E'ilc!asen advizing ptwpetrty had been Silted. CARRIED. Gneev Rivet Valley Let-let Strom Planning Ditecton E.n-Lchzen asked cons-.det&ation o6 Lana Wt/Rezone Rearming Comm4szion n.ecommendat;Lon that the City Council pains Moratorium A4ked an on.dinance ptohibiting any 6.i,t,eing and declatc.e a moratorium on t&ezone2 in the Gt&een Riven Valley at&ea San. a period o6 one year& to allow time Sot t&ev.i.ew oS the Compnehenilve Plan in that attea, e-speciatty in t&e2ation to the City Council t&e6e tatz to f mitati.on 0,4 o4t tank btotuzge Sac t tLes and p-.pee.i.ne neque-t. Ptwpozed motion by Stt&edi.eke, Seconded by Grant, 6o.'c Council concuty ence in Planning Comm zzivn n.ecommendation, was zupet&t.eded by MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER RECOMMENDA- TION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon Council -.nquit&y, City Attot&ney Shetan advised zound tea- ones Sot mot&atorium needed, boundaiu eta need to be out tined o s at&ea to be included and a de,tetuninati..on as to .incluz.ion o6 lndutttria,L and/ot& n.ezidentiae. pt&opehty. Councilman Grant repotted mining and gnu.ding ondLnance nepotct was 6otcthcoming. MOTION CARRIED. RIBCJ Meeting Letlen 6-tom MA. Jean DeSpain, Chaitunan, Riven Bao-.n Coordinating t&e ?nainage and Committee -invited the City Council and City Stars to attend a Flood Pt&oblems Rivet Bazin Coot&dinating Committee (RIBCO) meeting in. Council Chambetr4 9:00 a.m. Decembetr. 18, to dltcuzzviewto and 4ugge-lion o6 the South King County communities as they t&eP.ate to ane.a planning bon. dt&ainage and blood pn.obleme. AUDIEVCE COMMENT Mt. Bt&uce Hu oe commended the Mayon. and City Council on coopet&a- ti.on with Renton buslnesbmen and the - edevelopment 06 the City Mn.. Mace Huse cevi tete. Mt. RTbent Boyd MA. Robetrt Boyd, A z start Manacle, o4 the Burlington Non.thenn and Buttington Nonthe'tn GlacLetr. Park Co., questioned adv-i ctb,il ty o6 placing monUonium Glaci.ett Path Co. on excavation and land 6.i Lt. in the Valley area, cea ming same would be ha'un6uL to plans and ptwgtesz o6 4itt to 40-50 acme Excatation neat parcel on East. Valley Rd., having King County exam.inen tecommenda- Benzon g Cana. Rds. tlon that project be completed in bout yeat period with neztota- 6on. %ae,t.ey Land FLU Lion 6o tow.ing, and having City appt&ovaL, being in accot&dance with Comptehent4,i ve Plan adopted by the City. MA. Boyd asked that pro j eet be completed without distupti.on. APPOI MENTS Lette' 6iom Mayoi Gattett appointed Mt. HattLy Haight, 7 724 Su r� Mn. H y Haight Sunnyenezt Rd. , Seattle to the Board o6 Ethics Sot& a Out-year& Bo 0 6 Ethics team expvring Decembe n 31, 1977, as a member o 6 the Renton Chamber& o 6 Commence neplacLng MA. Floyd Hughes SA. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. King County State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive , (7.4.1i Records & Elections Department '� 314r- Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections `;.� �l 553 King County Administration Building (' Seattle, Washington 98104 if. OG '. :t7 `�� ry (206) 344-2565- Elections Division • a V1 ` ���CI r� (206) 344-5282 Registrations Division STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY CF KING ) This Is to certify that on September 18. 1973, there were held Primaries and Special Elections in CITY OF RENTON for the nomination of officers and the submission of propositions to the voters for their approval or rejettion; That the results of said elections were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 28, 1973. and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 3,967 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 1 (Four Year Term) POSITION NO. 3 (Four Year Term) Ken Bru,;e 1 .633 Nominated Charles J. Delaurenti 1 ,969 Nominated Barbara S. Lally 1 ,075 Nominated Thomas Trimm 1 ,210 Nominated Michael Charles Shane 772 POSITION N . 2 (Four Year Term) Earl Clymer 1 ,655 Nominated Sven A.(Red) Johnson 965 Nominated Royal (Roy)C. Loomis 598 Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 28th day of September, 1973. Nil i 3101441 NORIJARD J. BROOKS ' I,selotAnt/t4L( ° Manager of Records and Elections (,/ kr/ A cy).A\ � cfri e)'(/) CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington October 29 , 1973 FROM: Office of The City Clerk TO: Mr. Wes Crews, Acting Building Director Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director Mr. Clark Petersen, Library Director RE: General Election, Tuesday, November 6 , 1973 Polling places will again need to be open at 6 :00 a.m. for poll workers, polls opening at 7:00 a.m. and closing at 8 :00 p.m. for the above-captioned. The Clerk' s Office will be tabulating returns after closing of the polls on Tuesday and City Hall will need to remain open until 11:00 p.m. for pick up of supplies by King County per Election Supply Depot lease. Sunday, November 4, 1973, City Hall first floor entrance area will be needed by the King County Election Department for distri- bution point, and front doors will need to be open from 9 :00 a.m. to 1: 30 p.m. Also, phone will be needed. In the past Personnel Office phone has been used. Del Mead Mayor Garrett41/ ppe Mr. White, Personnel Direct.or (( King County State of Washington 01,A LtdJohn D. Spellman, County Executive 0 Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division November, 1973 Congratulations on your election! Herewith is your Certificate of Election, in duplicate. The duplicate may be retained by you, and on the original , please execute the oath of office, on the reverse side thereof, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, and file with the proper officer in accordance with the following schedule: King County Records and Elections Division (Executive and Council) Records Section School Districts 301 King County Administration Bldg. Intermediate School Seattle 98104 District No. 110 Board Superior Court Judges Secretary of State, Olympia Cties and Towns City or Town Clerks Fire Districts Judicial Administration Department -•609 King County Courthouse Seattle 93104 All other Districts With Clerk or Secretary of District Sincerely, No rwa rd J. Brooks Manager of Records and Elections 42/tath...s. By Ralph L. Dillon Superintendent of Elections RLD/lmdr Enc. Legislators do not file the oath of Office bl.At t7.ke an oral oath on convening of the Legislature. THE OATH OF OFFICE MUST BE FILED BEFORE TAKING OFFICE! There is no filing fee. THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n 0' 0 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD �Q. CITY CLERK O,QAT fD SEP1 -�O September 4 , 1973 Inspector of Elections Renton Precincts No. 1 through No. 59 Dear Inspector: Since the City of Renton has municipal issues on the ballot, we are requesting that you phone this office as well as the King County Offices , to advise us of the total votes cast in your precincts for each of the three Council positions appearing on Renton' s ballot. Please call phone number 235-2500 as soon as totals have been tabulated. Thank you for your courtesy. Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON MA-ia( Del Mead, City Clerk DM/m October 29, 1973 Inspector of Elections Renton Precincts No. 1 through No. 59 Dear Inspector: bince the City of Renton has municipal issues on the allot, we are requesting that you phone this office as Well as the King County Offices, to advise us of the ' otal votes cast in your precincts for each of the three ouncil Positions appearing on Renton' s ballot. lease call phone number 235-2500 as soon as totals have been tabulated. The manner in which you called this office following the Primary Election on September 18, worked Very well. Thank you for your courtesies. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON CIP,w (1 2)7L-e-et°L Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM/m Lvei ,es 7sdodo4 anoi3ooiu to 7oiosgW:n1 ea .ovi ripuoxrii I .oVt eieniesaq noinsx :Loio9ganl 7F3 . eni no souse' Isgioinuni eEd noin9SI to °di eeriic eeiflo at:ii enoriq Loy pni.la9upea ysb ew ,+ollsd sLif 3o eu oeivbs of ,asoi330 VnuoD priii r):ii 2E it9w >zLi� rli.f to :ions zo1 aionio9Yc, Yuoy ni Jaho aeiov Itio�� .ioItsd a 'rioins5i no pnilzeggs 2L:o.:jiuoq lionuoD ;;;Doa az GOER-GE lecinurn 9noricl LEGo eaucl'i .1 _ , L..: :� L 11..,E uc)V: L:oi w r:.t a9nnzm srlT .:ioL'bludsi noe `Jo:i-rocs % CI 19uif03c: no rloiJoela yazmiaq e ii pniwollo .eela:Jiauoo Iloy .o1 uoy :Insn'L .11ew yaev • 1116111111111111111111111111111111111/ LSE' r�E � THE CITY OF RENTON 2 p MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O o'' AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD �O CITY CLERK ° e`� I I-V- 7 3 '4-0 SE " don' t forget Inspector of Elections Renton Precincts No. 1 through No. 59 Dear Inspector : Since the City of Renton has municipal issues on the ballot, we are requesting that you phone this office as well as the King County Offices , to advise us of the total votes cast in your precincts for each of the three Council Positions appearing on Renton' s ballot. Please call phone number 235-2500 as soon as totals have been tabulated. The manner in which you called this office following the Primary Election on September 18 , worked very well . Thank you for your courtesies . Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON 711(-0-?L Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM/m T Norward .t Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building • Seattle, Washington )8104 Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Special Election to be held on March 13, 1973 _ during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. In consideration we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 16 Renton 29 LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 15 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 { EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King County District # (OR) CityX0XlitaXgf Renton BY � i 6,4q Clerk NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. King County State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division March 8, 1973 To all Lessors of Polling Places: A la‘,1 just passed by the Washington State Legislature and signed by the Governor changes the voting hours in polling places. The new law requires the polls to be open at 7:00 A.M. and to close at the regular time of 8:10 P.M. for ALL elections. This law takes effect immediately. You recently approved a lease for use of your building as a polling place which asked that the polling location be opened by 7:00 A.M. The new law will require your building to be opened by 6:00 A.M. for all elections. Please make arrangements to have your premises epen for our election officials by 6:00 A.M. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks, Manager Records and Elections y By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections \c M213l4I OLIALIPP40417J; CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington October 29 , 1973 FROM: Office of The City Clerk TO: Mr. Wes Crews, Acting Building Director Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director Mr. Clark Petersen, Library Director RE: General Election, Tuesday, November 6 , 1973 Polling places will again need to be open at 6 :00 a.m. for poll workers, polls opening at 7 :00 a.m. and closing at 8 :00 p.m. for the above-captioned. The Clerk' s Office will be tabulating returns after closing of the polls on Tuesday and City Hall will need to remain open until 11 :00 p.m. for pick up of supplies by King County per Election Supply Depot lease. Sunday, November 4 , 1973, City Hall first floor entrance area will be needed by the King County Election Department for distri- bution point, and front doors will need to be open from 9 :00 a.m. to 1: 30 p.m. Also, phone will be needed. In the past Personnel Office phone has been used. Del Mead cc : Mayor Garrett cc : Mr. White, Personnel Director IV'-1w. _ 1 \�W��-'� - �.v.��./tv • vim. ft OV � u 1 THE CITY OF RENTON 2 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 p AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD CITY CLERK AO4)4, SE PI October 29, 1973 Inspector of Elections Renton Precincts No. 1 through No. 59 Dear Inspector: Since the City of Renton has municipal issues on the ballot, we are requesting that you phone this office as well as the King County Offices, to advise us of the total votes cast in your precincts for each of the three Council Positions appearing on Renton' s ballot. Please call phone number 235-2500 as soon as totals have been tabulated. The manner in which you called this office following the Primary Election on September 18 , worked very well. Thank you for your courtesies. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON ji;4-16/ 1 *0-1 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM/m On October 29, 1973 copies were sent to the attached. Primary Election - September 18, 1973 City of Renton - Election Inspectors 11th Legislative District Renton 1 Nancy Coad 8010 110th SE 98055 Al 5 8403 Renton 2 May McKenzie. 325 Pelly N 98055 Al 5 4980 Renton 3 ' Jacob Zier 434 Wells Ave N 98055 Al 5 5405 Renton 4 Mary Zier 434 Wells Ave N 98055 Al 5 5405 Renton 6 Enlora Dodson 1207 N 33rd 98055 Al 5 5826 Renton 7 Margaret Poli 420 SW Langston Rd 98055 Al 5 9407 T Renton 8 Jennie�Corpman 211 Shattuck 068 98055 Ba 8 1695 Renton 9 Alice McLean ' t) 336 Mills Ave S 98055 Al 5 3024. �y )1 �1' ��53-- `4ai 3Renton 10 r � za17iT -7 Renton 11 Margaret Hauter 1929 Jones Ct 98055 Ba 6 4849 Renton 12 Evelyn Rauma. 528 Williams S 98055 Al 5 4206 Renton 15 Aloma Tillman . 905 Ferndale Circle N.E. BA8-6380 Renton 23 El anor Lambert 7615 S Laurel , Sea 98178 772 2515 Renton 26 4 -�, ore / 6 / _ // S Ba 6 173�Y7 Renton 27 Gloria Nichols 1608 Shattuck S 98055 Al 5 4925 Renton 28 Annalee Crain . 5105 S 163rd PI 98188 Ch 2 3919 Renton 30 Theodora Hicklin . 817 N 32nd 98055 Al 5 3825 Renton 31 Vivian Raffle 539 Williams S 98055 Al 5 2833 Renton 32 Sylvia Ponder 3609 Shattuck S 98055 Al 5 1184 'c )2. 5-12-0-A-a- 2Q s-S3�Renton 37ciaii,if:44.44-4 .4:010_44fiej-- 98055 Bj--6 34141,./ Renton 40. Kennett) Zetterburg 8515 S 113th, Sea 98178 772 0559 Renton 41 Jessie Greene 12727 Renton S, Sea 98178 772 5190 Renton 49 Mashau1ieex', , / ,, , ,1,030 N. 36th 98055 BA6-9871 Renton 51 Agnes Pomeroy 1111 N 36th 98055 Ba 6 5163 Renton 53 Heidi Lee 657 Queen Ave. N.E. BA6-8067 Thcr Renton 56 -Jia :e,l' , i@5—CNe4—S1W 11 98055 -Sa.b=b448 Renton 58 Corrine Gustman . 3202 Burnett 98055 Ba 6 4883 Renton 59 Mary Meade . 1307 N 38th 98055 Al 5 2310 �\�� rsr- . Primary Election - Seotember 18, 1973 City of Renton - Election Inspectors 41st Legislative District Renton 5 Carol Podratz 6220 Lk Wash Blvd SE 98055 255 8137 Renton 13 Lena Mathewson 2202 NE 9th Pl . 98055 255 4149 Renton 14 Evelyn Mueller 827 Lynnwood NE 98055 255 9603 Renton 16 Margaret Evans 403 Grandey Way 98055 2555 3380 Renton 17 Ethel Keirn 915 Edmonds NE 98055 Al 5 7234 Renton 18 Louise Lewis 415 Seneca NW 98055 772 6232 Renton 19 Ruby Blumhardt 855 Dayton NE 98055 255 3983 Renton 20 Mary J. Jones 2625 NE 27th St 98055 Al 5 9652 Renton 21 Letty Cole 1073 Harrington NE 98055 255 8574 �� y Renton 22 .B t-Stms }7?cam 2 45.0845— 617"--tr/v°l.-01/4..)Renton 24 Ina Sparks 1633 Harrington NE 98055 255 6020 Renton 25 Mrs. George Reich 478 Grandey Way NE 98055 Al 5 0744 Renton 29 Ann Ponke 632 Index NE 98055 255 3359 0 Renton 33 Mary Lou Call 3609 NE ath 98055 255 8550 Renton 34• Gertrude Ashbaugh 839 Jefferson NE 98055 Al 5 1832 Renton 35 Doris Lightfoot 2117 Edmonds NE 98055 255 7026 Renton 36 Pauline Kirkman 1002 N 35th 98055 255 7285 Renton 38 Nancy Lacey 13905 SE 139th 98055 255 4257 Renton 39 Lila Houser 57 Monterey Dr NE 98055 255 7445 Renton 42 JoAnn Armstrong 7351 126th PI SE 98055 255 0085 Renton 43 Geraldine Church 807 Camas NE 98055 255 3042 Renton 44 Betty Lowe 1411 Queen NE 98055 226 1754 Renton 45 Shei Wylet 1216 Dayton NU 98055 226 3783 Renton 47 Donna M Pincombe 2101 Edmunds NE 98055 271 0071 Renton 48 Georgie H. Olson 2217 Aberdeen NE 98055 255 6589 Renton 52 Virginia Secrest 1165 Camas NE 98055 Al 5 8633 Renton 54 Louise Wallace 458 Index NE 98055 255 1126 . 4 1973 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION CALEM'DAR � ' KING COUNTY 'WASHINGTON ctti �Z 0 For Election in 4r n King County, Port of Seattle, 13 First-Class School Districts (Nurnbers>41',,� 210, +0t�.,�c xol , 403, 405, 406, 403, 1+11 , 412, 411a, 415, and 417) , 16 Cities (Algona, Auburn, ,. {n y� `citheli , Des Moines, Enumclaw, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Medina, Meri ei island, Normandy Park, Pacific, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, and Tukwiia) . ,iuly 10, 1973 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file first Contributions and Expendi tures Report, July 20 Last day for City Clerics to ass!gn numbers to Council positions to be voted upon (Except Council: ar:-at- large position in 3rd Class Cities.) July 30 Filings open. (King County, Port Cr Seattle, and First-Class School Districts with Manager of Records and Elections; Cities with City Clerks. ) August 3 Filings close, Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with Primary. August 8 Last day for candidates to withdraw. August 10 Last day for major poi; :t ical parties to fill vacancies because of no filings. Manager of Records and Ilection& to publish Notice of Closing of Rcg istr•atior; for Primary. August 14 City Clerks to certify names, addresses, and position numbers of candidates to Manager of Records and Elections. August 17 Last day for f i ; i r;q affidavits with Court. August I8 a- Last day to register far Primary. August 22 Last day for Court to act upon filed affidavits. August 29 Absentee ballots available. August 30 *(initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers flie Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 4 Last day for transfer of registration - Primary. September 13 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers Mile: Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 14 Manager of Records and Elections to pool is„ *otice of Primary. September 18 I PRIMARY ELECTION September 2i • Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjinction with d,ereiat Election. September 28 M..'iriagt r of Records and Election , to publish Notice of Closing of Registration for ;;e:n'arai E:iection. Last day for cand id.- t:es for Cot:',1 y. pf_f Ices to file campaign expenditures statement?. under using Co'ioty Charter. Canvass to be completed. *(initiative 276) Campaign 'Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. 1973 Primary and General Election Calendar Page 2 October 6 Last day to register for General Election. October 18 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. October,23 _,Last day for transfer of registration - General . November 1 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. November 2 Manager of Records and Elections to Publish Notice of General Election. Noverr,ber 6 GENERAL ELECTION November 16 Last day for candidates for County Offices to file campaign expenditure statement under King County Charter. November 21 Canvass to be completed. November 27 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contribution and Expenditures Report. Terms of School District Directors and any person elected for less than a full term, shall commence upon issuance of the Certificate of Election, November 26th to 30th. All other officials take office on January 14, 1974. -'See Chapter 1 , Laws of Washington 1973, for information on additional reports necessari to file under Initiative No. 276. Prepared By: Norward J. Brooks By: Ralph L. Dillon Manager of Records & Elections Assistant Superintendent of Elections /U -/5-7.3 „\1Z1314157 (DI King County State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections d 553 King County Administration Building . � Ar 9-�'3 �j Seattle,Washington 98104 Vvo (206) 344-2565- Elections Division 7(6110 JPAN Cy "0 ti X. (206) 344 5282 ,Registrations Division �% �3► - ���-s N RECEIVED 6l8 � g CITY of RENTON `r',,CLERK'S OFFICE LI STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on September 18, 1973, there were held Primaries and Special Elections in CITY OF RENTON for the nomination of officers and the submission of propositions to the voters for their approval or rejettion; That the results of said elections were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 28, 1973, and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 3,967 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 1 (Four Year Term) POSITION NO. 3 (Four Year Term) Ken Bruce 1 ,633 Nominated Charles J. Delaurenti 1 ,969 Nominated Barbara S. Lally 1 ,075 Nominated Thomas Trimm 1 ,210 Nominated Michael Charles Shane 772 POSITION NO. 2 (Four Year Term) Earl Clymer 1 ,655 Nominated Sven A. (Red) Johnson 965 Nominated Royal (Rcy)C. Loomis 598 Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 28th day of September, 1973. /3, G/,V 41AR11144/14/DJ. BIM9°Lrir44') Manager of Records and Elections L ;t.}(L, : ;t4,("Toev 16' 1 ? '1'14 r'/C- Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 10/15/73 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance 2805 MOTION CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY Careers Program SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND Fund Established FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED, ordinance adopted. Ordinance 2806 Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Ordering readings for an ordinance ordering the construction and installation Construction of water mains, hydrants and appurtenances in the vicinity of Stevens L.I.D. 281 Ave. N.W. and Taylor Ave. N.W. on N.W. 2nd St. in accordance with Water mains Resolution 1874 establishing L.I.D. 281 and providing the method of assessment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordin- ance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance for final readings and it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in 4 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI a:^d PERRY, 1 NO; STREDICKE, MOTION nAR,RIED, Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Expresses resolution commending The Boeing Employees Good Neighbor Fund in Appreciation the Puget Sound area as a voluntary organization created to better Boeing Good serve the needs of our area, truly "People Helping People." MOVED Neighbors BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Following reading it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from King County Records and Elections DE.partment Manager Brooks certified September 18, 1973 Primary Election in the City Primary Election which were duly can.rassed on September 28, with results given as: Official Returns Total Vote 3,967 out of 13,644 Registered Voters. 29.1% Vote Council Position No. 1 (4 Yr. Term) Position No. 2 (4 Yr. Term) Ken Bruce 1,633 Nominatea Earl Clymer 1,655 Nominated Barbara Lally 1,075 Nominated Oven (Red) Johnson 965 Nominated Michael C. Shane 772 Royal (Roy) Loomis 598 Position No. 3 (4 Yr. Term) 1 Charles Delaurenti 1,969 Nominated Thomas Trimm 1,210 Nominated Adolph C. Brown Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission Appl. R-747-73 recommendation to approve Adolph C. Brown Application No. R-747-73 Rezone request for rezone from G to B-1 for property located approximately 150 feet east of Park Ave. , North on N. 30th St. which is in agree- ment with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, BROWN REZONE APPLICA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Bid Openings: City Clerk Mead reported October 5, 1973 Bid Opening for traffic signals at the Talbot Road South Phase II Project (see tabulation Talbot Rd. ,So. attached) , reporting two bidders. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Phase II CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- Traffic Signals MENDATION. CARRIED. Phase III City Clerk Mead reported Bid Opening October 10, 1973 for Phase III Downtown Landscaping portion of the Downtown Improvement Project L.I.D. 274, Improvement reporting three bidders (see attached tabulation) . MOVED BY PERRY, Project SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS Beautification COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See later Committee Report) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 15 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett,presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GENE COULON, Park Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no additions or corrections to the Minutes of October 1, 10/1/73 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1974 Millage published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing Tax Levy to certify the 1974 millage tax levy as required by State Law, Hear- ing having been continued from October 1, 1973 due to unavailability Continued from of assessed valuation figures from the King County Assessor. City 10/1/73 and Clerk Mead read letter from King County Council Chairman O'Brien Continued to reporting delay in receiving utility valuations from the Washington 10/23/73 State Department of Revenue, extending budget filing date by ten Special Meeting working days after receipt of King County Assessor's notification of assessed values to the various taxing districts and that the Assessor will mail notifications by mid-October. A letter from City Clerk Mead reported talking with ML. W- rth t- the King County Assessor's Office who reported Mr. Hoppe had received the State Dept. of Revenue assessed valuations, however, he has not accepted the report since the new construction portion had not been broken down as needed for the 106% lid projections. The letter further reported plans to keep in close touch with the Assessor until the assessed valuation figures are received. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS HEARING BE CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 23, 1973 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL AND ADDED TO THE AGENDA. CARRIED. Hearing continued to October 23, 1973 8:00 P.M. (October 22, Monday Holiday) VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment LID 279 Warrants,and Vouchers 8606 - 8919 #8606 - 8919 Plus in the amount of $607,979.2 having received department certification LID 279: Revenue-1 as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY & Cash-1 $145.25 ea. SCHELLERT, SECONDED B1 PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE PAYMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT BE ADDED TO SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 23, 1973. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested establishment of new fund to be known as Careers Fund a/c 121 and transfer of funds in accordance with Council's authorization of the Careers Program, making total fund of $6,524. to cover four employees hired under New Careers Careers Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Program CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Legislation Committee report presented by Chairman Perry recommended first, second and final readings for an ordinance establishing and creating a new fund to be designated as Careers Fund A/C 121 and to provide for transfer of funds for salaries and fringe benefits. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. • October 11, 1973 • King County Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Ms. Candy Strange Dear Ms. Strange: Please furnish computer print out of City of Renton voters prior to the November 6, 1973 General Election. We ask this print out include all new registrations and transfers and be furnished free of charge under King County Ordinance 1346, as no print out has been furnished this year. Thank you for your courtesy. Very trul _ - - CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM,/m LII J x �o, tom, �C f 'p' King County State of Washington / - �� /� e� J �� John D.Spellman, County Executive ��� '� Records & Elections Department \J �,� Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections - p 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY 3F KING ) This is to certify that on November 6, 1973, there were held General and Special Elections in CITY OF RENTON _ ---- for the election of officers and the submission of propositions to The voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said elections were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 21 , 1973, and the results of said canvass are as follows: TOTAL VOTE - 7,753 COUNCIL 8 POSITION NO. 1 - FOUR YEAR TERM 4S09-' Ken Bruce 3,387 Elected Pt 'Os Barbara S. Lally 2,822 R r -4 _�A ). c -(1POSITION NO. 2 - FOUR YEAR TERM V� �C�����'`4 Earl Clymer `1% - �`��� ~ 3,346 Elected r� C , Sven A. (Red) Johnson 2,496 ' '( ?a%.. POSITION NO, 3 - FOUR YEAR TERM Charles, J. Delaurenti 3,667 Elected Thomas Trimm 2,478 Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 21st day of November, 1973. 9 IsivAra,4_,r.". ).:_-.._...• j il> i No 7rd J. brooks Manager of Records and Elections pR o 0 4.111 THE CITY OF RENTON ., MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 pA AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD (q- CITY CLERK 'pgTFOSIPS-° August 9 , 1973 ) C• Mr. Norward J. Brooks , Manager of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: City of Renton Candidates for City Council Positions - Primary Election , September 18, 1973 Dear Mr. Brooks: We submit herewith in verification of our letter of August 6, 1973, names of persons filing Declaration and Affidavit of Candidacy as they are to appear on the ballot for the Primary Election, September 18, 1973. Positions 1 , 2 and 3 (4 year terms) to November 1977 i'1 Position 1 : Barbara S. Lally (Mrs. Wm. R. ) , 816 Camas Ave. N.E. , Renton Ken Bruce, 917 Lynnwood Ave. N.E. , Renton Michael Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , Renton Position 2: v Earl Clymer, 526 Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Royal (Roy) C. Loomis, 153 Capri Ave. N.E. , Renton Sven A. (Red) Johnson , 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , Renton Position 3: Charles J. Delaurenti , 508 S. 18th St. , Renton Thomas Trimm, 541 Wells Ave. S. , Renton ....� Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk ^c: The Honorable A. Ludlow Kramer, Secretary of State Olympia, WA 98501 DAM:jt 1 King County State of Washington John D.Spellman,County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division \f)1718/9c„, August 16, 1973 \\�' 4 2�rpci c\.f G 191 `3 1/ECEW (P CITY of RENTON �`9S CL1 RN+'S OFF r TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: As you know, Friday, August 17th, is the last working day for new voters to register. However, Saturday, August 18th, is the legal deadline for new voters to register. This office will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, August 18th , between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The final decision is up to you. We respectfully suggest that each city and town clerk register for some period on Saturday; August f8tfl and irrespective of what it is , please call 344 5282, Lydia Nelson, on receipt of this letter and let her know whether or not your office will be open on Saturday and if so, the hours the office will be open. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks , Manager Recor s & Elections / 7 — )73 By Donal R. Perrin Acting Assistant Superintendent Registrations cEwV N ctr— okRND° 1 Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Primary and General Elections, to be held on September 19, 1972 and November 7, 1972, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. CUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 13 Renton 18 LIBRAR 100 Cedar River. Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11 f MUNICIPAL BLDG. Reenr482' Renton 39 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 , EXCEPTIONS: f..1A- .. i •• 2�"--' l ,f APPROVED: King County District # (OR) City *WOW /of/ a orb �,.F By 7/-1(P` 2--. Clerk of'"5ecretary NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. r . , L l KING COUNTY COUNCIL TRACY J. OWEN. Dist. No. 1. Primer BOBERT B. DUNN. Did. N. 2 WILLIAM H. BEAMS. Dist. 140. 3 0 Lee Kraft BERNICE STERN. Dist. No. 4 Council Administrator JOHN T. O'BRIEN. Dist. K.. 5 THOMAS M. FORSYTH6 Dist Ns B Room 402-A, King County Court House ED MUNRO. Dist. No. 7 Seattle, Washington 98104 ED HEAVEY. Dist. N. 9 344 3978 DAVE MOONEY.Dist. Ns. 1 June 8, 1972 Ms . Helmie W. Nelson, Clerk M0 J���•��_� City of Renton �w ��.-t• ' 200 Mill Ave. S. ,.F.. r. . ' ,^�► - Renton, Washington 98055 if a, •g .1 G,.t t e :AirCc rt _ cgs Dear Ms . Nelson : :e.:- R -- _ The King County Council in regular session on June 5 , 1972 accepted as official the "Official Canvass of Votes", Special Election, proposed annexation to the City of Ren- ton, held in King County, Washington, on May 9, 1972. (The Proposition failed. ) Attached hereto are copies of the Official Canvass of Votes . Very truly yours , KING COUNTY COUNCIL LEE T, ADMINISTRATOR (Le.A..---cierl--3-6-..--4,---1--c-- By : Helen Sommers Deputy Administrator-Clerk HS :ng Attachment cc : Director of Records & Elections JOHN D SPELLMAN NORWAEDWARD J.' D J. BROO LOGANKS COUNT" EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS • RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 I CERTIFY TNIS TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE.• iteti) rward J. Brooks/ Director of Rds and Elections and Supervisor of Elections STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY, OF KING ) • C. Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections, King County, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing page is a true and correct copy of the abstract of the vote polled at the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, held on May 9, 1972, in all of Hilicrest, Hazen, Olympic, Truman, and Honey Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford, Boren, McDivitt, Hazelwood, and Coalfield Precincts, as taken from the official returns. Signed this 15th day of May, 1972. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Records and Electrons, King County, Washington STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF K I NG ) I . Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington, do solemnly swear that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, held on the 9th day of May, 1972, in all of Hilicrest, Hazen, Olympic, Truman, and Honey Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford, toren, McDivitt, Hazelwood. and Coalfield Precincts, have been to no wise altered by additions or erasures, and that they are the same as when received by me, so help me God. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May, 1972. John D. Spellman (Signed) King County Executive APPL)VED: KING COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD OF ELECTION RETURNS John 0. Spellman (Signed) Chairmen Christopher T. Bayley (Signed) Member of Board Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Secretary TwF ,Ahsietel! Billets ,r,,,__..A • 'fetal Vete 1.367 PROPOSITION NO._I For Mnena t I ee to the City of Renton, sad adsp t 1 on of the City's "Comp rehens i ve Land Use P l an'`. as amended. 105 Against tinnexation to the City of Renton and adoption of the City's 'Comprehensive Land Use Plan". as amended. b51 (Failed) PROPQSiTIQN NO. ; Par assessment of Property at the same rate and on same basis as property w thin the City Is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding indebtedness. 151 Against Assessment of Property at sane rate and on some basis as property within the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding Indsbtedmess. 821 PAof94IT 1 _NOS j For Creation of a Gammon l t y Min i c i pa l Corporation 514 Against Creation of a Community Municipal Corporation Wry COMMUNITY C0*1C L POSITION NO. 1 King 4. Parker 347 Patricia A. Waters 474 POSITION NO. _ Nixde Awn Jshwsso 372 Lila N. Nair 385 POSITION MO. 3 Rudolph Cusaerbatch 123 Stanley R. Hamilton 144 Mrs. C. W. Peters 209 Jack Rider I Marc weir 177 POSITION NO. 4 Fred C. Armstrong 244 Lee i Sloe Lees 46 Jack W. Mcaiadrey 151 Jamb Alder 2 Philip O. Shepherd 1f3 John S. Weir 185 POSITION MO. 5 Fred R. $.rtlstt 15h Alec A. took 99 rides P. Jegmet 219 Jack Knight 1 Kathie.* Ratkin 157 Gary Pries 1 Jack Alder lib Jerry Waters 1 OFFICIAL CANVASS OF VOTES SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON HELD IN KINK COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON MAY 9. 1972 KEEP THIS COPY FOR YOUR FILES • 1973 CITY ELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE NCI.CHARTER MATOR000UNCIL OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL Cana CITY CITY CLASS FORM OF GOVERNMENT Please check square is applicable. 3rd class city with mayor-council form of government and positions of city attorney, city treasurer, or city clerk have been made appointive pursuant to RCW 35.24.020. CURRENT CITY ELECTIVE OFFICIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (If your city has the ward system, please identify wards when listing councilmen; also please indicate if any of the positions are to be voted upon this year for an unexpired term.) YEAR IN WHICH POSITION WAS NAME POSITION LAST VOTED UPON 1 .— s pos. #1 Councilman 12/'X/10 to 11 f 3 19 70 2. Eire. Qom' Pos. #2 Counsi 1z4/10 to 103 19 70 3. Charles D41aoreatj Pos. #3 Counoiltoo WOO to 11/73 19 70 4. , -.a Grant Councilman 12/00 to 11/' 19 70 5. Coarse se Perry _ Councilman 12/1/70 to 11/75 19 70 6._Renry Sabena, Ct noi�n 12/3/10 to 11J75 19 70 7. Rbibard Stredleke Coono , r 12/1/V0 to 105 19 70 8. 19 9.—Avoo7, 0orrotto p Nov 10/69 to 31/75 19 69 10.— (/k/�,P �- ,t. n tA r, 19 11. N0V•/ 14 l3 - Nov �� m ,, 19 12. 19 13. 19 14. 19 15. 19 r THIS REPORT CERTIFIED AS ACCURATE BY ;� Q. (Signature) Jana 26, 1973 City C3erk (Date) (Title) \ 1973 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION CALENDAR `-ti J i, a C, KING COUNTYJ WASi-i I NGTON � ti .• • ' 424.3' L: Z. For Elections in F;w ;, l ae e. King County, Port of Seattle, 13 First-Class School Districts (Number s�� `0, , N <., 405, 406, 408, 411 , 412, 414o 415, and 417) , 18 Cities (Algona, Auburn, `r' 0 othell , Des Moines, Enumclaw, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Medina, Meer= Island, Normandy Park, Pacific, Redmond, Renton, Seattle, and Tukwila) . July 10, 1973 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file first Contributions and Expenditures Report, July 20 Last day for City f..'ierks tc; ace„gn numbers to Council positions to be voted upon (Except Counci l:m n-at- large position in 3rd Class Cities.) July 30 Filings open. (King County, Port of Seattle, and First-Class School Districts with Manager of Records and Elections; Cities with City Clerks.) August 3 Filings close.. Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with Primary. August 8 Last day for candidates to withdraw. August 10 Last day for major poitical parties to fill vacancies because of no filings. Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Closing of Registration for Primary. August 14 City Clerks to certify names, addresses, and position numbers of candidates to Manager of Records and Elections. August 17 Last day for filing affidavits with Court. August 18 Last day to register for Primary. August 22 Last day for Court to act upon filed affidavits. August 29 Absentee ballots available. August 30 *(initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 4 Last day for transfer of registration - Primary. September 13 *(initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. September 14 Manager of Records and elections to publish Notice of Primary. September 18 PRIMARY ELECTION September 21 • Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in c.Ot6woct on with General Election. • September 28 Manager of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Closing of Registration for „ienerai Eiection. Last day for candidates for Counq offices to file campaign expenditures statement under X.i ng Coeety Charter. Canvass to be completed. *(initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. 1973 Primary and General Election Calendar Page October 6 Last day to register for General Election. October 18 -,(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. October 23 Last day for transfer of registration - General . November 1 -,(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributions and Expenditures Report. November 2 Manager of Records and Elections to Publish Notice of General Election. November 6 GENERAL ELECTION November 16 Last day for candidates for County Offices to file campaign expenditure statement under King County Charter. November 21 Canvass to be completed. November 27 *(Initiative 276) Campaign Treasurers file Contributioru and Expenditures Report. Terms of School District Directors and any person elected for less than a full term, shall commence upon issuance of the Certificate of Election, November 26th to 30th. All other officials take office on January 14, 1974. -',See Chapter 1 , Laws of Washington 1973, for information on additional reports necessary to file under Initiative No. 276. Prepared By: Norward J. Brooks By: Ralph L. Dillon Manager of Records & Elections Assistant Superintendent of Elections 7 C�� ��v�c \\X)) WI, C. Lilang C.°t9sly St IWashington John D.Spellman,Co. , Executive r:v-e44., Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 tp�l (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division September 25 , 1973 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Friday, October 5th, is the last working day for new voters to register. However, Saturday, October 6th , is the legal deadline for new voters to register. This office will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, October 6th, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The final decision is up to you. We respectfully suggest that each city and town clerk register for some period on Saturday, October 6th and, irrespective of what it is , please call 344 5282 , upon receipt of this letter and inform Lydia Nelson whether you will be open on Saturday and, if so, the hours your office will be open. Norward J. Brooks , Manager Records & Elections BY ,r� ' 2:%%.(��f Donald R. Perrin Acting Assistant Superintendent Registrations Afo c' G Ca IK /' e) 1J • -'. C� 1 i OF �i�L�nwl �i i I i, i u,,I I.vo,,, W., i :i�;:i„�� y i,W, r���r,, t, - �G�r /� y/*:, 1 Off , of u:, c iv "'"Crate . March 30, 1973 • Mr. Joe Street A�r1 � City Administrator A:'; L• y City of Kent 5I P 0 Box 310 Kent, Washington 98031 Dear Joe: This will confirm our telephone conversation earlier today in which I advised you that Chuck Collins had called to tell me that the County is willing to reduce the data processing portion of the Voter Registration charges to $54,262.90. Additionally, they are willing to guarantee a maximum charge for 1973 of 404 per registered voter. This is a departure from the 354 that Chuck discussed with us, but he says further analysis indicates ,,- that they can't make the 35C level this year. This reduction in the 1972 charge comes to about.15%, .I believe, and the items of data processing cost that they f-e`eY they can appropriately charge are the following: Program analysis - $23,339; keypunch - $748; computer operator time - $11,803; collating and bursting - $3,031; paper $5,500 (estimated) ; tapes - $3,000. I am personally satisfied with this adjustment and I am going to be recommending to our Council that we accept the charge on this revised basis. I say this recognizing that there might still be other arguable elements of the bill, but I am not aware of what they might be. Sincerely, . JOE MILLER ity Manager LJM:cpaosr �~ � '�197 a r4//if. -17gop• eel) ,„,0 .$ 7- • r G „mac ,�, .�. _ , _ _ . (IA,' v'1�c f 4Z f,ar-'�.,C (- ,A- , / J �1 . INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Mr. G. M. Shellan , City Attorney DATE June 27 , 1973 R M: Del Mead, City Clerk RE. Public Disclosure-Initiative 276 and Other Reporting Requirements In reviewing the Initiative Measures and instructions for reporting, received from the Public Disclosure Commission , we have noticed Form F-1 was not include although we had requested same for reporting of financial interests . We have requested this form along with additional supply of the "C" forms and have prepared the attached information sheet for presentation to officials and can- didates who will be required to file the forms with the Commission and with the City Clerk under the regulations of City Ordinance No. 2586 . The Instruction Sheet from the Public Disclosure Commission , copies of which I furnished you Monday along with the "C" forms , advised of exemption from campaign financial reports for candidates and others who do not receive contributions or make expenditures in total sum of $1 ,000 or more and who do not receive single con- tributions in excess of $100. We will check to see if there is a declaration form available for this purpose. Will you please advise if attached is adequate information to be distributed to candidates who file and for those elected incumbents and officials who also must file the forms. Thank you. r/ Vdri, Norward J. Brooks, Man, . of Records and Elections � � 553 King County Administration Building /gyp Seattle, Washington 98104 �, / Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Primary and General Elections, to be held on September 18, 197^ and November 6, 1973, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLS,, Renton 13 Renton 16 Renton 17 Renton 18 Renton 29 LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River, Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11 Renton 15 Renton 39 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 EXCEPTIOAS: APPROVED: King County District # (OR) City or Town of °F'4TflN By /e1/.1 ` t Clerk or Secretarj NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECONDS COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. c i k ':fr Norward J. Brooks, Manager of Records and Elections ��n ,U�,Aq�3 553 King County Administration Building r Seattle, Washington 98104 }} nr\\1 Dear Sir: �'' EiL`. We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for Election Supply Depot in the Primary & General Elections to be held on Sept, 18 & Nov, 6. 7973. The hours will be see below to approximately see below If there are any charges for the use of these facilities, please bill us and we will pay with the voucher covering the lease of polling places. RENTON CITY HALL (Main Entrance) PRIMARY ELECTION, Sept. 18, 1973 GENERAL ELECTION, Nov. 6, 1973 Sunday, Sept. 16, 1973 Sunday, Nov. 4, 1973 9:30 AM - 1 :30 PM 9:30 AM - 1 :30 PM Tuesday, Sept. 18, 1973 Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1973 7:30 PM - 11 :00 PM 7:30 PM - 11 :00 PM ACCESS TO A TELEPHONE WILL BE REQUIRED. EXCEPTIONS: The City will charge no rental for use of the building, but will send a billing APPROVED: for Building Custodian overtime pay for the InAg q mty two Sundays, 9/16 and 11/4. (OR) City 41Ri �XC(g Dy s Zit'fC��� � f! Clerk or Secretary NOTE: PLEASE SIGN ANO RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. King County State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division August 13, 1973 We recently mailed a letter informing you that this office would not accept any propositions being submitted for voter approval that exceeded 20 worcs in length. Due to a recent Prosecuting Attorney's opinion, this office will now accept for ballots, propositions in excess of 20 words. it is hoped, however , that attempts will be made to restrict the amount of words as much as possible in order to keep within the spirit of recent legislation. It is understood that this office is only accepting propositions for presentation to voters and is not to be held responsible for any possible court action that may be prompted because of an excess of 20 words. Sincerely, /477.460(.., /6/0444,01, Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections RLD/lmdr �31415/6D 4 AuG.797 op (ID aTY RENr Ci ,K, :,/ °, ��CLeIt'�s Wick.N44 die vtAt, lE0E6ZCI2QJ C 7 • King County State of Washington Von n h John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division July 9, 1973 Chapter 118 Laws of 1973 1st Extraordinary Session drastically reduced the number of words that could be used in presenting propositions for voters approval or rejection. For your convenience a copy of said law is enclosed. Please note that this law is explicit in restricting the total number of words in a proposition to not more than twenty f20). Thi!, office, unfortunately, will not be able to accept propositions that are not in agreement with this statute. $incereiy, Norward J. Brooks Manager of Records and Elections y% . - -r By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant: Superintendent of Elections Enc. tio: lydr I ei451 - 4. EKERPT - CHAPTER 118, LAWS OF 1973 (43rd Leg. , 1st Extraordinary Session) Questions to be submitted to the people of a county or munici- pality shall also be advertised as provided for nominees for office, and it such cases there shall also be printed on the ballot a concise statement posed as a question and not exceeding twenty wards containing tke essential features thereof expressed in such a manner as to clearly identify the proposition to be voted upon, which statement shall be prepared by the city attorney for the city, and by the prosecuting attorney for the county or any other political subdivision of the state, other than cities, situated in the county. Such concise statement shall constitute the ballot title. August 6, 1973 Records and Elections Department King County, State of Washington 553 King County Administration Building - • • Seattle, Washington 90104 Attention: lAection Division Re: Print Out - Following 8/18/73 Gentlemen: Closing Date of Registrations This is to order one print out of City of Renton voters by precinct and one print out of voters by alphabetical list- ing. Please bill us and charge against Purchase Order Number 05093. Yours very truly, CITY OF R ,N'TOty Delores A. Mead City Clerk DM/m August 6 , 1973 Records and Elections Department King County, State of Washington 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr. LYorward J. Brooks, Manager of Records and Elections Re: Voter Registrations, Primary Election September 18 Dear Sir: Will you please notify this office as to the number of registered voters in each precinct in the City of Renton together with the grand total for the City as of the final closing date of August 18 , 1973. We would appreciate the information as soon as possible after the closing date. We would also like to have a list containing names and addresses of Inspectors of Elections for each of our precincts such as you had furnished to the Clerk in previous years. Your courtesies in transmittal of the before mentioned informa- tion are very much appreciated. Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM/in THE CITY OF RENTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 04 N AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0 (4,Q CITY CLERK gT4- 0 SE P1 -' August 6 , 197.' Mr. Vorward J. Brooks , Manager of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: City of Renton Candidates for City Council Positions-Primary Election, September 18, 1973 Dear Mr. Brooks: We submit herewith names of persons filing Declaration and Affidavit of Candidacy as they are to appear on the ballot for the Primary Election , September 18, 1973. 0„1 Positions 1 , 2 and 3 (4 year terms) to November 1977 Position 1 : Barbara S. Lally (Mrs. Wm. R. ) , 816 Camas Ave. N.E. , Renton Ken Bruce , 917 Lynnwood Ave. N.E. , Renton Steven-A7->yeas;-9994-Maple-Vaileg-HwyT7-Apt.--#547-Renten v (Withdrew on August 6 , 1973) Michael Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , Renton Position 2: ..., Earl Clymer, 526 Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Royal (Roy) C. Loomis , 153 Capri Ave. N. E. , Renton Sven A. (Red) Johnson , 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , Renton Position 3: Charles J. Delaurenti , 508 S. 18th St. , Renton Thomas Trimm, 541 Wells Ave. S. , Renton Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 4,z,„ Delores A. Mead City Clerk PAM:jt `�` ASSIGNMENT OF POSITION r 3ERS /16ccb().'4' CITY OF RENTON 7/3/r STATE OF WASHINGTON July 2, 1973 (Date) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 109, Laws of 1961 (RCW 29. 21. 017) , positions for nomination of councilmen, to be voted upon at the city primary election to be held on September 18 , 1973 are hereby designated for the purpose of election as follows : FOUR YEAR TERMS POSITION NO. POSITION NOW HELD BY 1 Kenneth D. Bruce 2 Earl Clymer 3 Charles J. Delaurenti UNEXPIRED TERMS - (2 YEARS) 4 CITY CLERK EXPLANATORY COMMENT If there are any unexpired council terms to be voted upon, it is sug- gest,?.d that such positions be given the highest numbers, as illus- trati'd above. Thus, if there should be only one unexpired term in your city at this election, the assignment of such position number would be automatic and numbers would be drawn only for the four year term council positions. In t;ie instance of a 3rd class city with the mayor-council form of gove:mment, the statutes provide that there shall be seven council- men; six with staggered four year terms and the seventh with a fixed two year term so that a majority of the council positions will be voted upon every time the city holds a regular election. Since the seventh council position (entitled "councilman-at-large") is unique and :.s voted upon as a separate office, the statute (RCW 29. 21. 017) requ:.ring the numbering procedure for election purposes, specifically exempts assigning a number to such position. Norward J. Brooks, Manager of Records and Elections 553 Kini County Administration Building Seattle: Washington 98104 Dear Sir : We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places n the Primary and General Elections, to be held on September 18, 197" and November 6, 1973, during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usuiil rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 13 Renton 16 Renton 17 Renton 18 Renton 29 LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River, Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11 Renton 15 Renton 39 N RENTON REC CENTER 1 Renton 1 1 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King County District # (OR) City ororf/� Town of/ RENTON 424- /�By �(1/.e%� -,/ • ��//�,!,, �`,.Z,1_/ Cle k or Secreta NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECO D COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. ASSIGNMENT OF POSITION NI ERS CITY OF RENTON n� / ' \ STATE OF WASHINGTON ^\� July 2, 1973 (Date) j , I'O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 109, Laws of 1961 (RCW 29. 21. 017) , positions for nomination of councilmen, to be voted upon at the city primary election to be held on September 18 , 1973 are hereby designated for the purpose of election as follows : FOUR YEAR TERMS . POSITION NO. POSITION NOW HELD BY 1 Kenneth D. Bruce 2 Earl Clymer 3 Charles J. Delaurenti UNEXPIRED TERMS - (2 YEARS) 4 5 CITY CLERK , EXPLANATORY COMMENT If there are any unexpired council terms to be voted upon, it is sug- gested that such positions be given the highest numbers, as illus- trated above. Thus, if there should be only one unexpired term in your city at this election, the assignment of such position number would be automatic and numbers would be drawn only for the four year term council positions. In the instance of a 3rd class city with the mayor-council form of government, the statutes provide that there shall be seven council- men; six with staggered four year terms and the seventh with a fixed two year term so that a majority of the council positions will be voted upon every time the city holds a regular election. Since the seventh council position (entitled "councilman-at-large") is unique and is voted upon as a separate office, the statute (RCW 29. 21. 017) requiring the numbering procedure for election purposes, specigically exempts assigning a number to such position. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Drawing for Drawing for Council positions for the coming fall election for the three Position Number Council positions open, was held and reported by the City Clerk as City Councilmen, follows: Kenneth D. Bruce, Position 1 Primary Electi n Earl Clymer, Position 2 to be 9/18/73 Charles J. Delaurenti, Position 3 Applications City Clerk Mead reported applications for placement of amusement or for Amusement entertainment games by L & M Amusement at Riviera Tavern 43) , Dino's, Devices Soft Sam's (2) , and by Rainier Amusement Co. at Riviera Tavern (2) . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THESE REQUESTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Claims for Claims for Damages filed against the City were read by the Clerk as Alleged Damages follows: Roberts and Anderson, 111 Williams Ave. S. , shattered window Roberts & caused from vibrations of construction. Mrs. Helene May Rothrock, Anderson 15035 Jones Rd. , fall due to sidewalk construction. Mr. John James Mrs. H. Rothrock O'Brien, 530 Shattuck Ave. S. , broken window due to street sweeper. Mr. J. O'Brien MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THESE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT OF CLAIM RELATIVE TO PERSONAL INJURY DUE TO BRICK SURFACING BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Shoreline Upon presentation of a letter from Mayor Garrett regarding shoreline Management management, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Amendments to Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Shoreline recommending adoption of the Shoreline Management Ordinance with Management amendments to include a Citizen's Advisory Committee of .7 members appointe Ordinance by the Mayor with concurrence of the City Council Community Services Committee to assist in the formulation of the Master Program, required by Shoreline Management Act of 1971, with the Committee's tenure existing until the Department of Ecology approves and the City Council adopts the Master Program. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Oil Storage MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF LIMITATION Limitation OF OIL STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF RENTON BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Design Review MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF THE DESIGN Board REVIEW BOARD AND QUESTIONNAIRE AND INFORMATION PREPARED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, BE REFERRED TO THE DOWNTOWN RENTON ACTION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Initiative 276 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE LETTER FROM CITY CLERK REGARD- ING CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING UNDER PROVISIONS OF INITIATIVE 276 AND THE LETTER FROM THE STATE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. Appointment Finance and Personnel Committee Report was presented by Committee Member Ms. Pat Sado Delaurenti, concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Pat Sado to 1143 Harrington the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, term expiring April 25, 1976. Ave. N.E. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Amusement Device Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report Approval approving placement of entertainment device (air hockey) at Friar Tuck's Tavern, having received Police Department approval. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Music Machine Public Safety Committee report recommended amendment to Chapter 3, Licenses Title 5, Section 5-301 of the City Code to allow a person to own and operate one coin-type phonograph in his place of business with no Master license required, paying only the $20.00 per year sub-license. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 18, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLI* J. DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY E. SCHELLERT, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions to the Council Minutes of 6/11/73 June 11, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Member Delaurenti submitted committee 6081 - 6312 recommendation for payment of Warrants 6081 through 6312 in the amount Plus LID 276 of $97,809.94, plus L.I.D. 276 Cash 5 and Revenue 6 Warrants in amount & LID 278 of $26.90 and L.I.D. 278 Cash 2 and Revenue 2 Warrants in amount of Cash & Revenue $8,488.40, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Dir- IN ATTENDANCE ector; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recom- RESOLUTIONS mending first reading and referral back to the Legislation Committee of an ordinance amending Title V, Dog Licenses, establishing reciprocity for dog license fees with King County, wherein any person moving from Reciprocal the unincorporated area of King County into the Renton City limits Dog Licensing and holding a current King County dog license for their pet, shall be Agreement exempt from the payment of the annual license fees for the remainder of w/King County that license year, provided such person shall register each dog with the City Clerk within 30 days of establishing residence within Renton City limits. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, AND REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported committee recommendation that person moving within Renton City_ limits with valid King County dog license, register with the City Clerk within 30 days at no fee, and shall be exempt from annual license fee for the remainder of the King County license year. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC SAFETY COMMIT- TEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Parking & Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral Loading back to committee, with Public Hearing to be held July 2, 1973, on an Ordinance ordinanoeregulating the standards, maintenance, landscaping, and layout of parking lots and related matters, to be known as the Parking and Loading Ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE, PLACE ON FIRST READING AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the parking and loading ordinance by the Clerk, Assistant Planning Director Magstadt explained strengthing provisions of the new ordinance for enforcement, set back, landscaping provisions and that occupancy will be allowed prior to completion of parking lot with filing of bond. Ordinance 2786 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Cabaret License for an ordinance revising licensing of cabarets to include one day events, One day Events i.e. New Year's Eve, at a fee of $25.00(first reading of ordinance June 11) . Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote resulted in all affirmative vote by all Councilmen present. MOTION CARRIED. Aj rii 30, 1973 €epartment of cF°inas:.c:e sing g :ount' xroasurer 6th kl. ;,..inn County Administration 41(14. Seattle, Washington 94134 Attention: Sr, Aict ael T. Gray, Deputy Re. Renton hlection Revolving Eun , 411,s347.62 Gentlemon a Ws have received communication crated April 24, 1 i73 from kir. Clarlos '. Collins, County Administrative Officer, submitting u.>m?utsr vsyiatretion cost breakdown. The list indicates treat tie City of Renton has not ati4 previously billed election r ag i,stration expanses. We call your attention to the December 2 , 1)72 inter-office communication from your office as attached asroto, confirming that the exile eoa were deducted from the City". s.Baru of general tax and title sale funds. Since the amount had already been deducted from revenue due the City, W4 die not mail our check watch we nate been holding ;ending raauaipt of ereakd0wn of election registration costa from your Wtoord8 Division. : ll you please advise Mr. Collis, Administrative Officer from A ;. R3;,r01lszcan'a Office, teat tue City has in tact aade payment in titr3 above-ceptione : sawunt and is entitled to reimbursement in Rho aura of ; 1,e9u. 33, wAicn constitutes tiao approximate 154 eluctiou in coat as 4r1+1posy4 by the coenty autIsuutiva and whist roueived concurrence by tree Suburban Ua►yora Association. Yours very truly, CITY OF A% riT OA boleros A. i'Lead ul(/ City Clerk Lhc7lossure co c > r. Charles T. Collins Mr. Norwood brooks '1r. J. Lynch, Mayor's Administrative Assistant Nis. 4. Marshall, kinance Director - - , . , . . . , • . • ' .'. . . • • • , • . . . . 1 .ii . • ., . , . . • . , , . . . . , .,' ‘ ' . • . - ,. • .'• •SODA 44111 1 o J• g , ‘.1 si •t••a.,11 A • 41,A 1:AV..; .t,titii..g.bilt‘a y1-:.16j:41:‘,..!litill41:4144e."44.1:1.;41::..,;.!-:-.OA . .'•,* 18-:#•:;";C 40:1..4 11: 4•10# , t ti,..!..1:.,r :4.. . .. /i-1. . la.,.,4$0,L,i 44,..•7,.:k . , , -. 1 3 ' . • • 1 :. 4 .i.. s Wirill Vali;WW:.,'. 14$7. ..,7Z .t:%'71144.„ „*. :, • . . . , . 1004.0444,V, ,4 . . .e' -.. • • • A: 4,./I: 4:-.0 <i : ... ....1.:!,-,/,.. :.--t:/:,:;...., of,abt ,dt.3140010 .'fili ):,,,Is al X is,,,ii: r '4; ..3.1.1., 0,144.4.14 • 3,r t,., .1..: .. .,,Ayi j,,A14,4 41 47 ,,z,,,,..„ v.,„I.;cp ,st,4.ir1.,„,..)' ,-,..y- 14-01-.0.,..t „II tv.i,.1. ..il 1 s;, ;,.ittrk-4„jiiifirl....-, siiiix3:41toarlik,I i.4,!.t..1..,:sii;1 -.4.11,44 .7iZ11,.-• I .., 1 1:10-1..40451 ,::,1, lg.. '‘...i. -4/filVillititis, :}2,4:.., .**4-, hezi i,,00r.,,,,ii 4o ,61.1k,..)- 0 ::','•. -,,,•!1,1,:. 7cie4 w.; ...,,.. ..-4.1.1,4to,..4 t.a.i. lippy .1,1"...4. *stri .itdocaiv,;,#id'ilart.14114.t I ttet "r IWO% 0,44, act:;mbih4eliallai irRALZ .10'*1).4n1 ;.; ' ,.!, ' 1 •ve.,0 ..1gs$11 1 ,fklus441 *LA* 4.1 It* 1..44. iit$. IA.4 c..11*., 14 ro-A,I,- • •. ., . ..,*•.) • !.0?)r•t.0•,..... . .'",''It. •.;„,v,; -1::;1..i,..':c...:. f:SAP.a '1,414‘0,v11,43 t are.r., .13:Xi...i.1.,:-C ott4; itl. , ...... • ..li .1 v •A 1 . . ,- .161;.!...' `44-,..,. Z-414.te4t.. . ‘, i1:214V lit4 S1'. ,:101 Xliii:;Ds* '::1 4.4 •116 44U 2-44,', ."‹,40 ,,.-•:- • " ••,:, 0;010 -1',14:jiLf ;.1.,C,?.t4.,#‘4-3.4'i*tic•kli 0.01:4;441i..• )0 getilitii.'4X4k.11-; • •:•4) .4 t•Piloakf: ',!,. 1 ..,r.41t.W4 feltt.r:. 11,...% • ... . .., A.... 1!, -1..„0,.4.1'.1,i; tt.- 1.31..,te.:11;;i1...t7-1:44‘ A to.I.L.,(t•L'e.,:-..In .. . ...-4 I.. .)1;.tt „ell ti.t .i.•1•,. -;'•-.. 2,,1 41=.i 4'S Lill. .4 i..1 l',..; ,1.4),LJ.1 ,1.1tU s,iSti.:,,S,;I(i •-0 '•:lk,f4;4141Ai't,•Co . %,, 'I 461lit i..,v141,141.* e...., 40.4 4,1ato.loa I ft 44 *4 kfr••••hkc.lett4.7,..4, Oil: PA. 4,13.:i.to uno,t) 411:41:A1v tEt .1,tIc.. :t 1.,-.; li,4,,,;. : -.. , 1 .....0 ;,as *Viji..“21%:1:;4, %,..!‘o....t4:•,,., %,-‘1.1 V4 i,4414/ c-,.'...ii *0 $41,:, ‘.1 • ‘r L..,L v ...A.cii ;1..4.-4.=oki4,11*. 'ea- -t‹.i. A.11. ..1„1 41 . - '.j . ' 04 ....i, •.•.i.'.j, - ii - • • . 41- ' . . .t.ti,divc .A. sti-,;%aktoi,.. • ' . . ct . Alallo 114 Aii,:i' - li- • . s:,\ ... .. . . 43A-akz.4....) : • • 1 ' . 44,••i.410:..0 .•%ti ,t4.,;.i1.4,.,“...; •41. • ,:K.) • I . ', . i , •tk*i• t,,,N.,,:,su,;;cia1:4,-;'24,,,: "41'-`loy144 , '..ni- •.- - 3:- .1, . 1 . 4v4o4r1.14 -'4,12444riaii 1.1.14,4te.: .., ,.4.. •41.44 . • 1 . • . !cry"?, .A f King County State of aY r. John D. Spellman, Coui .xecutive r , Charles T. Collins a 4> : County Administrative Officer 4 a .44 Room 401 King County Court House +' Seattle,Washington 98104 1s >� 344-3824 April 26, 1973 Mr. Jack Lynch Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Municipal Building • Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Jack: Attached is the information you requested concerning the impact of $112,000 computer expense reduction on the 1972 voter regis- tration costs. The reduced costs listed in the second column on. the display are approximately 15% less than those previously assessed. Upon the Suburban Mayors' Association indication of concurrence with the County Executive's proposal, I will instruct the Department of Finance to reimburse those cities which have already paid. If you require further information, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerel , CHARLES T. COLLINS County Administrative Officer CTC:mj ; Enc. q�' w", . .w R`.]1 STRA i 0.1 COST F i'.F1KiD0'.JN rir by --,5n . .: , State L.a',Js #202, 1st Extraordinary Sc 5 on, 1971 . i/I _ .;hs.r 31 , 1972 Provio,: - Co3t Reduced Co,t Difference •,,,: $ 441 .4`c3 $ 373.92 ,, 67.56.:56 Paid 544.75 7,237.36 1 ,307.39 Paid P'7.3a': Art . . 1 1 a;e 21 1 .39 179.05 32.34 433.57 367.23 66.34 Paid Fellev;:e 27,532.75 23,362 _46 4,220.29 Paid Bothell 2,338.23 1 ,980.47 357.76 Paid Carnation 250.22 211 .93 38.29 Clyde Hill 1 ,517.84 1 ,285.60 232.24 Paid Des Moines 2,289.34 1 ,939.06 350.28 Paid Duvall 202.04 171 .13 30.91 Paid Enumclaw 2,031 .21 1 ,720.43 310.78 Hunts Point 274.66 232.64 42.02 Paid Issaquah 1 ,960.03 1 ,660. 13 299.90 Paid Kent 6,899.64 5,843.96 1 ,055.68 Paid Kirkland 6,596.94 5,587.58 1 ,009.36 Paid Lake Forest Park 1 ,251 .08 1 ,059.66 191 .42 Paid Medina 1 ,760.86 1 ,491 .44 269.42 Paid Mercer Island 9,982.78 8,455.36 1 ,527.42 Paid Normandy Park 2,033.37 1 ,722.25 311 .12 Paid North Bend 542.14 459. 14 82.95 Paid ; Pacific 494.69 418.99 75.70 Paid Redmond 4,975.57 . 4,214.28 661 .29 Paid Renton 11 ,047.62 ' 9,357.29 1 ,690.33 Skykomish 120.07 101 .70 18.37 Snoqulmie 482.45 408.64 73.8i Paid Tukwila 1 ,512.08 1 ,280.73 231 .35 Paid Yarrow Point 552.20 467.71 84.49 Paid Seattle $314,260.00 266,200.00 48,060.00 Petition Checking (Comet) 4,232.00 (Registrations from Feb. 9, 1972 - Dec. 31 , 19; (Stadium) 1 .717.00 S^attle Total $320,209.00 272, 149.00 Original CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N? 4310 " RENTON, WASH. - * OA Z - 197 3 4 -----j-0-44 70.1-,`A-"-'' Di.CJiiee- e'd-^1-""1--(jzzjit/ael,te.d/c. iltz / 4‘ ej DOLLARS Gi FOR • _ f .. i"%---! Ne✓ %.� - . T O T A L /�f //6 I D L t ,ryv //91J — / / �1(f(p J �` "� `� 4.1111 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT // �� -- G r CITY TREASURER 11,71 k BY &R PR.„7ER Original CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT - N° 4311 RENTON, WASH. - --.-.-- - - , 197 3 RECEIVED OF ` '�/__ 1J / `.2- !-`�' DOLLARS FOR 446144-va 99 7% 2/T-1-d) ...4.--7.07/ • 26•07.s~ /967 1 6 / �� T O T A L I G ��9lee /96•:.60. ef, )' DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREASURER >127 BY J Sri - -�i R&R PRI„TE RY Original CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT - N? 4312 RENTON, WASH. -- ' 2_ , 197 RECEIVED OF/ e-1A-erN3'^' -,11----‹ .----re 14__ / " ,e) ' DOLLARS FOR da.1--C�/ O // C TOTAL i;i 177 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT A CITY pTREASUJRER BY v • • king County St* hington �s •` John D. Spellman, County E,.—..tive - j Department of Finance N.J.R. Williams, King County Treasurer 4'"•t eth Floor King County Administration Building • 8sattte, Washington 08104 • December 29, 1972 • I' YNTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATD N Re: Renton General Tax and Title , Election Revolving Fund • To: Arden Skinner Transfer: $1,429.00 Fromi: Renton General Tax and Title - Sale Fund - 07-520-001. • To: King County Election Revolving Fund, code 00-000-112 Reason: Pursuant to R.C.W. 29.04.020 and R.C.W. 29.13.045, authorizes the County Treasurer to make the above transfer, which represents their portion of election • expenses for the special elections held on May 2, May 9th, Nay 16th and June 20, 1972.. Effective: December report Reference No. T2-12-052 M. J. R. WILLIAMS, KING COUNTY TREASURER By 13-1 /14r1,7% --70 Michael T. Gray, 41 r cc: State - Gary Peters (2) Election Dept. Renton General Tax and.Tithe • King County Stet hington ' John D..Spellman, Count xecutive �.....� Department of Finance ,• M.J.R.Williams, King County Treasurer ..� 0tA Floor King County Administration Building Bastth, Washington 90104 December 29, 1972 INTEROFFICE C011MUNICAT DN Re: Renton Election Revolving • To: Arden Skinner Transfer: $11,047.62 Frcan: . Renton General Tax and Tax Title Sale Fund 07-520-001. To: King County Election Revolving Fund, code 00-000-112 Reason: In accordance with Washington Law #202, First Extraordinary Session 1971; the County Treasurer is authorized to make the above transfer which represents the. Registration Expenses for the above district. Effective: December report Reference No. T2-12-91. M. J. R. WILLIAMS, KING COUNTY TREASURER -, ii AQicbae1 T. Grey, ' g ` r ML'G:ki cc: State - Gary'Peters: (2) Election Dept. Renton • S. ACTIVITY REC. NO. OR NET FUN NO. 0AT OESCcc i PT +�a RFF. v . RENTON CEI T DISBURSEMENTS AMOUNT 07-5 20.-00+ R EN TON GE4ERAL TAX O7-.520-001 _ AN i TAX T LTLL SALL FUNO 07-520-00! 12/00/72 t EGINNING BALANCE 325:647.54 07-'520-001 1 1.2/00/72 RRCPERTY TAX C ISTR IRUT IPN — 59.421.46 07.-520--001 2 122/00/72 PkOP€P.TY TAX CISTRItiUTICiN 751 .10 07--520-00T t 12/:7 /72 LUUNTY SAlkS 28.77 07-520-001 12/18/72 kkMI TTANCES 020587 325.647.54 07--520.003 12/32/72 TR T3 00-000-112 21205i 11,047 .62 07-520-001 12/32 /72 TP. TO 00-000-112 41.2052 1.4229.00 • - - 3d5048 .87 * 338.124.16 • 47, 7i4.7 t ACTIVITY REG N©. RET FUNO Nt). DATE DESCRIPTION REc. NC . FUN TRAM FER RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS 4K UN 07-520-604 RENTON O7-5z0-604 ANNEX@U 07-52O-604 TAX FUNt) .00 * .00 * .00 411 • • t ITY__ SEC. J. UR N T ACT FUNC NO. CATS DESCk IPT ION REF. No. FUNC TRANSFER - RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS AMOUNT 07--520-602 RENTON 07-520--60Z FINES CITY Str rs FUND .00 * .00 * .00 • • i • l a FUND NO. AGDI C�FSCRIPT ION REF. N .. F TR� AN FER RECEI DISBURSEMENTSSOUR AMOUNT T 07-520-1 09 RENTON 07-'520--109 At3ATfNcN1 PUNIC) .00 * .00 * .00 • TA FUND NO. MON YR (*SCRIPT 1Ch CU TAX, LLELTED LEVY OUTSTANDING 07-520-001 1 RENTON TAX LIMITS 1 07-520-001 1 12 67 TAX CCLLECTIONS 2. 52 07-520-001 L 12 6E TAX CCLLECTIONS 42.62 O7-520—OO.1- 1 1.2 71 TAX CCLLECTIONS 18 .37` O7-52O-004 1 72 TAX C LL CTirQ4S REAL . ?3, 7bf. 07-r�. —(�0s 1 ie 07-- 5 Ow00.1 I. 12 72 TAX CCLLECTIONS P .R 't s .*1. 9.78 07-520-001 1 12 72 TAX CCLLECTIONS REAL 34.24 57. 2..1 0 ** *.2 .6i ** 57, 76 3. 49 *4. • TA TA Tick FUND NO. MON YR DESCRIPTION COLLECTED LEVY OUTSTANDING O?--52O 6O4 0 R ENTON ANNEX STREET TAX .QQ ** .00_** 4 0Q * * • 1 _ • • FUND NO. MON YR DESCRIPTION CJLL TE(7 LEVY OUTSTANDING 0T-520-109 0 RENTON ABATEMENT FUND . 00 ** .00 ** .00 ** • • • , TAX TAX .TAX FUND NO. MON YR DESCRIPTION COLLCCTE.) LEVY OUTSTANDING 07-520-001 2 RENTON TAX LIMITS a 07-520-001 .2 12 66 TAX COLLECTIONS 55. 6 07-5.20.-001 2 12 69 TAX COLLECT ONS07- 5200.-.001 2 J.Z 70 TAX ,C. OLLECT ONi 59.59 56. 74 7-5 l 7 TAX ...CLLECT ON RE4L TAX CCLLECT ON PLA17.04 75i. L O * .00 ** -- 751.l0 ** - - • r . • TAX T X FUND NO. MON YR DESCRIPTICN COLLECTED LEVY OUTSTANDING 07-520-002 1 RENTON TAX LIMITS I SPCL O7-520-.002 1 I2 72 TAX C LLECTI INS REAL 1, 109.99 07- 520-002 £ 12 72 TAX C LLECTIONS PER 543.96 07-520--002 I 12 72 TAX C CLLEC T ION S REAL .98 • i :653.95 ** .98 ** 1.652. 47 ** _• John D. Spellman, County Executive • King County Courthouse A4F1 { t • , Seattle, Washington 98104 R E c "' 1`' , „r _; y1 (206. 344-4040 '>;;,,2 - '/ 1973 April 5 , 1973 The Honorable Isabel Hogan Mayor, City of Kent 220 4th Avenue Kent, Washington 98031 Dear Mayor Hogan: As you are aware, my staff met recently with a special committee of the Suburban Mayors Association to discuss computer costs for the 1972 registration activity. The committee requests that all costs identified with the operation of the computer itself be deleted with the understanding that this request was made on a one-time basis only and would not constitute a precedent for future years . In response to that request, the data processing division extracted the variable manpower and materials costs from the operating costs of the computer itself. These are salary expenses and supplies , such as paper and tape, and are detailed on the attached sheet. The indicated $54, 262 total represents a reduction of $112,027 from the amount previously billed for 1972 . In addition to a reduction in 1972 costs , the committee • requested a clarification of costs anticipated for 1973 . The election division' s current estimate for 1973 is 42e. per registered voter. I feel that cost may be able to be reduced and I am willing to guarantee a maximum billing of 40 per registered voter. If the cost per registered voter is less , the cities would be billed the lesser amount. If it is more, the cities would not be billed any amount in excess of 40e. per registered voter. The Honorable Isabel Hogan Page two April S, 1973 I know that the original 1972 billing had an unexpected and adverse impact on your and other suburban cities and because of our valued and close relationship with those cities, hope that this new figure will be acceptable . Sincerely, J D. S llman unty Executive JDS :b Enc . cc : Joe Miller Mayor Avery Garrett Gwen Marshall • • 1972 VOTER REGISTRATION CHARGES Programmer/Analyst salaries to support the system $23,339.28 Keypunching of cards for the system 748.50 Computer operation • 2 operators @ $5.15/hour each for 1,145.94 hours 11,803.18 (4 in center during registration runs) Decollating and bursting of reports 1 operator @ $4.33/hour for 700 hours 3,031.00 Paper charges 5,500.00 1,800,000 cards @ $3.80/M 6,840.00 250 tapes @ $12.00/tape 3,000.00 T OTAL $54,261.96 \U l' e,-11 . Flo ward J. Brooks, Manager of Records and Elections .� \Q553 King County Administration Building \ Seattle, Washington 98104 CN Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as Election Supply Depot in the Special Elec., School Dist. #403 to be held on March 13, t9/j . The hours will be see below to approximately see below . If there are any charges for the use of these facilities, please bill us and we will pay with the voucher covering the lease of polling places. REUTON CITY HALL, MAIN ENTRANCE Sunday, March 11 , 1973 9:30 AM - 1 :30 PM Tuesday, March 13, 1973 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM APPROVED: 5efe---44-.1-1-d=-: J ,- c� (OR) ) M ' ��` . ' Renton , r.\:-:, fi i: ,C".(4..:‘ :R% Nic,.I By )Z--,,i-e......, ie;"--- --)2Z ‘-c--e-,P e-- v City or Town of ,v .4, >, �e 1erk Ethr Secretary L' 5E SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY? THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR ` ECORDS. P Norward J Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington )8104 Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling pllces in the Special Election to be held on March 13, 1973 _ during the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with the exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES '.,!ILL BE OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. In consideration we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 16 Renton 29 LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 15 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King County District # (Os) Citykl(KMAXgf Renton -77)1 (74.2 Clerk or—rsecrete-ry NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. 1 0 King County State of'vvasnington John D.Spellman,County Executive Records & Elections Department erho Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 }„ ,; (206) 344-2565 'f''�� January 2 19731�P��� ^ !' 'u '• ,, y 5, .r Mrs. Delores A. Mead �� \-- (.., .r :ity Clerk tenton, Wa. 98055 , j' Dear Mrs. Mead: 'lease forgive my delay in replying to your letter of January 4, 1973. Per your request, I am forwarding to you the registration costs break-down for Renton. This cost was higher than projected in the initial report submitted to you in 1971 . This increased cost is attributable to: 1 . Compressed time schedule for councilmanic redistricting in 1971 and legislative and congressional redistricting in 1972 . 2 . Significant increase in the number of new registered voters over the level projected. 3. Absentee ballot requests doubled our estimate. 4. Conversion of voter registration file from manual to a computerized file. The detail cost break-down for Renton is divided into two categories; namely, file maintenance and redistricting.. I . FILE MAINTENANCE The registration file maintenance costs were computed based on Renton's registered voter count as of December 1 , 1972. The cost per registered voter was computed at 0. 15 for the period August, 1971 to December, 1971 and 0.30 for the period January, 1972 to December, 1972. Renton's registered voter count is 15,365, an increase of 4, 107 voters or 37% over the August 1971 count. Mrs. Mead - 2 January 25, 1973 Maintenance Costs $6,914.25 August 1 , 1971 to December 31 , 1971 15,365 x 0. 15 = 2,304.75 January 1 , 1972 to December 31 , 1972 15,365 x 0.30 = 4,609.50 II . REDISTRICTING The redistricting activities involved both the 1971 councilmanic and the 1972 legislative and congressional redistricting. 29 precincts in Renton were reassigned by redistricting from Legislative Districts 30 and 47 to Legislative Districts 11 and 41 . live Renton precincts were abolished. The redistricting costs averaged 0.27 per registered voter. 15,365 x 0.27 = $4, 148.55 Total Registration Costs = $11 ,062.80 Enclosed is a summary report reflecting the total county's registration costs and the cost breakdown for the cities and towns. I hope this letter answers your questions; if not , please do not Hesitate to call me. Sincerely, 0 ) 111W1W' 9:16.24 Norward J. Brooks Director of Records t Elections n j b/g enc -) •\ / • 1.R THE CITY OF RENTON ��, 710 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 -o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 <4,� DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK 94 4-0 SE January 4, 1973 Records and Election Department 533 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr. Norward J. Brooks , Director of Records a Election Gentlemen: We have received your letter of December -9, 1972 reporting $11 ,047, 62 as the city' s pro-rated share of registration costs. Could you furnish us with some information as to the cost formula? Please include total number of registrations and cost break- down for each. Thank you for your courtesies in the matter. �./ Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON /64 ti,} Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM: jt King County State of Washington At John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Ralph L. Dillon, Acting Director 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2555 December 29, 1972 CITY OF RENTON The cost breakdown for Registration Expenses has been made by this office, in accordance with Washington Law # 202, First Extraordinary Session, 1971 ; which states that the County now has the authority to charge Voter Registration costs to the cities and towns. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION REVOLVING FUND by the King County Treasurer. Your pro-rated share of Registration costs is: $11 ,047.62 • Sincerely, ('-', "frk];14/14?''''' ( -1 (A‘ NE1RbdARD J. BR OOK Director of Records & Elections NJB/ml A.e 0 THE CITY OF RENTON n rn MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 O�o (o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0� �Q- DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK 4T4-0 SEI3S �0 January 4 , 1973 Records and Election Department 533 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle , Washington 98104 Attention: Mr. Norward J. Brooks , Director of Records & Election Gentlemen: We have received your letter of December 29, 1972 reporting $11 ,047. 62 as the city' s pro-rated share of registration costs. Could you furnish us with some information as to the cost formula? Please include total number of registrations and cost break- down for each. Thank you for your courtesies in the matter. Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON Y e L— Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM: jt King County State of Washington John D. Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department . 1 , � 1 Ralph L. Dillon, Acting Director 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2555 t � December 29, 1972 CITY OF RENTON The cost breakdown for Registration Expenses has been made by this office, in accordance with loishington Law # 202, First Extraordinary Session, 1971 ; which states that the County now has the authority to charge Voter Registration costs to the cities and towns . • This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION REVOLVING FUND by the King County Treasurer. Your pro-rated share of Registration costs is: $11 ,047.62 Sincerely, 7 ( c1' 1tJ 4WZS NOR WARD J. BROOKS Director of Records &. Elections • NJD/mi r - . .r... " Kin KinD county Stc Wnehington John U. Spellman, Cou :xocutiva k� �.,._. ... ;I) e.pa •trraorri of F9tvxtnwo , M.J.Cti. Williams, King County If-ensurer 6th NOW Cntelty Adrelrlrtri.iroo Bultdirrn Decerr er 29, 1972 INTEROFFICE COrTuriTICATD?I Pe; Renton General Ta" and Title Election ktr7 olv i r L• ._rb 0 To: Arden Skinner $1 42Q.00 , G � /14.,t,(Tr8Transfer: . / ' Front: Renton General Tax and Title - Sale Fund - 07-520•-00l„ To: King County Election Revolving Fund, code 00-000•-112 Reason: Pursuant to R.C.W. 29.O4.020 and R.C.W. 29.13.04,, authorizes the County Treasurer to r.ak: the abov, transfer, which represents their portion of elec .11 ex2enseo for the apecial olectinrs : eld on 2,; Day 9th, d>::ty 16t% and JcLe 20, 19772. Effective: Dscenhlr report Reference ice No. T2-1.2-052 • M., S. R. WILLIAMS, KIM COUNTY TREASURER fliehrlel T® Grey,,,, T ,y?itty cc: State - Gary Pz ero (2) Election D+ . Renton General Tax 61n6 Title • , 114 Building Direct INTER-OFFICE MEMO /3.44447 t‘— Park Director TO: Library Director DATE October 27 . 1972 FROM: Del Nead, City Clerk RE: General Election On November 7, date of the General Election, election workers will need time to set up their materials before the first voters arrive at 7:00 a.m. Please be sure that doors are open at 6:00 a.m. so that polling places will ready for the workers und public. Thanks , Del 44.4,44,\ King County state of Washington n John D.Spellman,County Executive (f\Urt,/,vjA/" Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections • 0001 Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 October 12, 1972 NOTICE TO POLLING PLACES REMEMBER! November 7th is the date of the General Election. Please be sure to notify your custodian(s) or persons responsible to open the doors at 6:00 AM in order that the election workers will have time to set up their materials before the first voters arrive at 7:00 AM. Thank you. ,s\A.151614,i P%g c)- a, , "CLjA ,. King County State of Washington j 4/— John D. Spellman, County Execute 4 ge-e-i-e---0-1-- - - .f ----- -e—c-, 0 ive \ Records & Elections Department Ralph L. Dillon, Acting Director p 1 553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 i 1 (206) 344-2565 .ii p / 1 k October 17, 1972 TO ALL REGISTRARS: Due to a law not being changed properly in the 1971 Legislature, we are now in a very critical situation. The transfer cutoff date is October 24, 1972, as you well know. The Poll List for the election has to be run beginning on October 27th. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that all completed pink transfer cards be for- warded immediately to this office. Please, your cooperation and assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Dir ct of Records & Elections -k-- Le-Z-cco By H. R. Nichols HRN/ln Assistant Superintendent Registrations ec sl",0 .:.::4. 3A 0�' -�. P` .r (7,1 v ";., 4 f 4� VOTER REGGIST RAT ION COSTS CITY OF SEATTLE AND CITIES t TOWNS REGISTRATION -- KING COUNTY KING COUNTY 1971 1972 Projections 1972 Actual New Registrations 32,407 62,617 11 .5% 176,000 32.% Transfers 16,585 176,000 (136,000 redistricting) 275,000 (250,000 redist.) ( 40,000 normal ) ( 25,000 normal) 31 .5% Cancellations 14,672 Number of registered voters (Total County) 544,383 607,000 720,361 SEATTLE New Registrations 16,000 32,000 65,000 37% Transfers 8,000 68,000 (Redistricting) 112,500 (Redistricting) 45% 20,000 (normal) 12,500 (normal ) 50% Number of registered voters (Seattle) 293,573 325,000 358,364 New registrations 9,722 6, 140 39,164 Transfers 4,000 20,400 (redistricting) 49,050 (redistricting) 6,600 (normal ) 3,750 (normal) Number of registered voters (Cities and Towns) 94,810 100,950 133,974 REGISTRATION Cities 1971 Registered 1972 Registered 1972 Actual Voters Voters (Projected) Algona 608 625 614 Auburn 8,316 8,600 11 ,884 Beaux Arts Village 235 245 294 Black Diamond 446 455 603 Bellevue 26,122 30,000 38,362 Bothell 2,302 2,400 3,252 Carnation 280 300 348 Clyde Hill 1 ,481 1 ,525 2, 111 Des Moines 1 ,782 1 ,825 3,184 Duvall 250 280 281 Enumclaw 2,263 2,350 2,825 Hunts Point 289 300 382 Issaquah 1 ,940 2,050 2,726 Kent 6,986 7,200 9,596 Kirkland 6,800 7,000 9,175 Lake Forest Park 1 ,345 1 ,425 1 ,740 Medina 1 ,965 2,075 2,449 Mercer Island 10,590 11 ,000 13,884 Normandy Park 2,059 2, 100 2,828 North Bend 597 754 Pacific 595 620 688 Redmond 3,872 4,000 6,920 Renton 11 ,258. 12,000 15,365 Skykomish 160 175 167 Snoqualmie 538 600 671 Tukwila 1 , 152 1 ,200 2, 103 Yarrow Point 579 600 768 TOTAL 94,810 100,950 133,974 , REG I ST RAT I ON CO ST S -- PROJECTED 1972 King County Seattle Other Cities Total Permanent Personnel $ 66,632 $ 42,537 $ 14, 180 $123,349 Extra Help Personnel 83,886 130,683 8,000 222,569 Office Equipment 4,400 12,868 2,000 19,268 Forms 6,667 10,000 3,078 19,745 Postage 5, 134 7,700 2,567 15,401 Registration Fee 5,600 9,000 900 15,500 172,319 212,788 30,725 415,832 Computer Time 9,000 8,000 17,000 $181 ,319 $220,788 $ 30,725 $432,832 REGISTRATION C O S T S -- ACTUAL 1972 Personnel $470,213 Supplies 96,039 Computer Time 166,289 S732,541 ALLOCATION OF REGISTRATION COSTS: $732,541.00 30% - New Registrations and Transfers 219,762.00 New Registrations 47/8) 192,291 .00 Transfers (1/8) 27,471 .00 Apportionment of New Registration Costs 41% King County 78,839.00 37% Seattle 71 , 148.00 22% Cities and Towns 42,304.00 $192,291 . Apportionment of Transfers 45% King County 12,362.00 45% Seattle 12,362.00 10%, Cities and Towns 2,747.00 27,471 . $219,762. ALLOCATION OF REGISTRATION COSTS (CONTINUED) 70% - Redistricting $512,779.00 45% King County 230,750.00 45% Seattle 230,750.00 10% Cities and Towns 51,279.00 $512,779.00 Total Contribution: King County 321 ,952.00 Seattle 314,260.00 Cities and Towns 96,329.00 732,541 .00 Forecasted Costs for 1972 220,788.00 Actual Costs for 1972 314,260.00 Actual Costs over Forecasted Costs $ 93,472.00 REGISTRATION COST BREAKDOWN As provided for by Washington State Laws #202 1st Extraordinary Session 1971 ' Algona $ 441 .48 From Aug. 1 1971 to Dec . 31 , 1972 ' Auburn 8544.75 u ►I Beaux Arts Village 211 .39 " ►t 'Black Diamond 411.57 " 11 oi Bellevue 27,582.75 et ►► /Bothell 2 338.23 u u ✓ Carnation 250.22 ►I /Clyde Hill 1 .517.84 u u ✓Des Moines 2 289.34 ►► u ' Duvall 202.04 ►► II V Enumclaw 2,031 .21 ►► '," hunt's Point 27h.AF ►► 'I 'Issaquah 1 960.03 ►► 11 '' Kent 6.899.64 ►► I! / Kirkland 6.596.94 " /Lake Forest Part 1 .251 .08 t+ „ ✓ Medina 1 .760.86 " 5' / Mercer Island 9,982.78 u u / Normandy Park 2.033.37 II ►I ✓North Bend 5442.14 „ ,I "Pacific 494.69 to 11 Redmond 4,975.57 11 ►► Renton c 11 .047.62 ►S II ISkykomi sh 120.07 ►► s, ./Snonuelmie 482.45 ►► u "'"Tukw i la 1 .512.08 it "" ' Yarrow Pot„t 552.20 u u Seattle . 314,260.00 (Registrations from Feb. 9, 1972 - Dec. 31 , 1972) Petits CheckIng (Comet) 4 232.00 (Stadium) 1 ,717,00 Seattle Total $320,209.00 A June 7 , 1972 Records and Elections Department 553 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: H. R. Nichols Gentlemen: I have, as of this date, deputized Jean F. Truman to take voter registrations. This is for your information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk JOHN D. SPELLMAN ` NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EKECUTIVE .DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING-c LINTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 TO: King County Registrars Registrars-at-Large FROM: H.R. Nichols 41 Registration Coordinator King County Records & Elections SUBJECT: Business Reply Envelope In a continuing effort to simplify the system and cost of elections, the King County Records and Elections Department is implementing a business reply envelope for the return of the registration and transfer cards to the Voter Registration Section. Implementation of this envelope will elim- inate the use of stamps when you mail the registrations to this office. Therefore, in the future, when a registrar, or registrar-at-large, requests additional stamps or envelopes , we will provide self-addressed business reply envelopes. It will not be necessary for you to determine the postage require- ments. The envelopes will be charged against our First Class Mail Permit number as it is processed through the postal system. If you have any further questions regarding the use of the envelopes, please call the Voter Registration Section, phone number 344-5282 TITLE: Registrar Transmittal Form PURPOSE: Describe General Procedures in Handling Registrar Transmittal Form I . Introduction 1 . The Voter Registration Section has a new computerized system called the Registrar Accounting System. It will be used to keep an accounting of all registrations made by the deputy registrars within King County. The primary pur- pose of this system is to pay the registrars for the registrations they have taken. There will be no pay for registrations that are duplicates, or registrations of individuals that we have presently active in the file. 2. In order to accumulate the information needed for the system to work accurately, a new Registrar Transmittal Form has been designed and will be used for data input; and secondarily, as a communication between the registrar and this office. II . Use of the Form by Registrars 1 . A completed Registrar Transmittal Form must accompany each trans- mittal of new registrations, even if only one registration is sent in. The Regis- tration Count is made from these forms and an accurate count is not possible if the Transmittal Form does not accompany the registrations. A listing by the voter's name should accompany each transmittal , as further accountability and, to assist in the tracing of any missing registrations within this office. It is also suggested that each registrar retain a copy of the list of names submitted to this office. 2. This form is designed to be of benefit to the registrar and it is essential that it be filled out properly in order that the right persons be credited for their registrations. 3. In the main body of the Transmittal Form the registrar will enter his or her name, address, zip code, and the account number as assigned by the Election Department. Enter the total number of new registrations in the shipment on the appropriate line, also any cancellations. Enter the date in the top right-hand corner at the time of transmittal . 4. On the right-hand section of the form is a series of boxes labeled with different types of forms used by the registrar and a box labeled "I Need Supplies". The registrar may order any supplies by checking the appropriate box. This will then be noted by the Registration Section and supplies will be forwarded immediately. 5. The remaining portion of the form is for the use of this office in the processing procedure. • Norward J. Brooks, Directog of Records and Elections 553 King County Admin strat on u ng Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the Special Election to be held on April 18, 1972 and during the hours of E:00 A.M. €g 8:00 P.M. , with exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 17 Renton 29 LIBRARY. 100 Cedar River. Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG._ LOBBY Renton 15 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King YCCoYunty District ## C i tyOili Renton By C NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY: THE SECOND COPY IS RR YOUR RECORDS. JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY E<ECUTIVE v...dCTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 3 4-2565 1.)4 4 (//A/L/1^A� April 4, 1972 WIC The registration files of Elliott and Maplewood Precinct, or Precincts, will be closed to original registration of voters cn the 15th day of April , 1972, for the Special Election for School District No. 409 said election to be held on May 16, 1972 In order to vote in said election, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before April 14, 1972 The above-mentioned closing date applies to the Special Election only! Sincerely, NORWARD J. BROOKS Director of Records and Elections s_ a-94-4 , By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections 41011 INTER—OFFICE MEMO 41/0 TO: Mr. G. M. Shellan , City Attorney DAT March 27 , 1972Q146,1 • FROM: Helmie Nelson , City Clerk RE: Ballot. Propositions-May 9 Special Annexation Election - 'q 7/ -0/ We attach copy of letter ,which we have written to the King County Department of Records and Elections , setting forth ballot proposi- tions as you have provided . We shall mail the letter upon receipt of yo'ir approval . cc : Mayor Council President ]'inance Director Legislation Committee '?lanning Director Helmie 4110 41111 marsh 27, 1972 nag County aapartosat of neoords and alestione Sri Ring County Ada. anildiag Seattle', Wa. 9S194 Attu, tar. Ralph Dillon best. **pit. of Elections Ems Ballot Propositions, Kay 9, Special baaonatios Election Gontlas,ea, We have forwarded your inquiry communing wording of the ballot propositions an Mk* Special bnnanation Elostion to City Atterae'y Shelia*. the Renton City Council, at its regular asetisg of March li, has reooa*id.rsd its prior notion in daterwination of ballot issues and has now daoided that there *ball be thre'* propositions. City attorney Shelton has providod the wording tbsrefor as follows. Proposition so. I Forr Aoasratioa to the City of *Menton, and adoption of tit* City's sCosproboasivo Land Us* ►lan', as aae'ndod. Against Anassatioa to the City of *estos and adoption of the City's 'Conprobeasivs Land Use Plan", as amended. Proposition no. 2 For assessnost of property at the ease rats and on sumo basis as property witbia the City is assesssd and to i to par any than ontstaading indebtedness. Against assessment of property at sane rate and on saws basis as property within the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstandlag iadabtadaess. itiisg Caaaty Dsl►ar tsoatt of aosords cad siectioss 'allot Propssitiess- May t Pogo 2. Proposition $ For Crsstion of • C*suaity #tsaioipal Co p*ratioa Agsis.t Crsatioc of a Caaanaity *unipoi Carposatioa if you hays further gssstion* aosaarninq the *attars plsass give us a call. Tours vary truly„ CITY Or IMO* ilislate, v. solaos City aloes awe/da sat sayer Cosset/ Prssidost rixaace Director City Attorney llasaiaq Director 410 ` JOHN D. SI'ELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXE2UTIVE DIRLCTO RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNT SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS Ak RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT CC KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 March 24, 1972 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk 200 Mill Avenue S Penton, WA 98055 Dear Helmie: Regarding Special Election for annexation to City of Renton on May 9, 1972: On separate sheet are the propositions for the said ballot as we previously discussed. I have also included the informational paragraph which precedes the said propo- sitions on the ballots. Would you please have your City Attorney, Gerry Sgkhellan, look these over for his approval. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections rld/ldr enc. King County State of Way gton John D.Spellman, County Executive Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 March 24, 1972 Ms. Helmie Nelson t/ City Clerk 1 Municipal Bldg Cj� 200 Mill S criy Renton 98055 Dear Ms. Nelson: J ^..'"G�� The registration files of Olympic Precinct will be closed to original registration of voters on the 8thday of April , 1972, for the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City Of—Renton, said election to be neld on May 9, 1972. In order to vote in the above-mentioned election, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before April 7, 1972. The above-mentioned closing date applies to the Special Election only! Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records and Elections O` 421K /, By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections rl .i/m1 { M 4 O = A. LUDLOW KRAMER ,.- SECRETARY OF STATE l, D /'` March 22, 1972 0 SPECIAL BULLETIN TO: All County Auditors and City Clerks FROA: Election Division, Secretary of State SUBJECT: U. S . Supreme Court Decision Ruling - Voter One-year Residence Requirement Unconstitutional Thi3 bulletin is to officially notify all persons responsible for voter registration in the State of Washington that, as a result of the U. S. Supreme Court decision ruling that the residence requirement of one year in the state and ninety days in the county as a prerequisite to voting in the State of Tennessee to be unconstitutional - the same provisions of our state constitution are likewise unconstitutional. By elimination, this leaves the 30 day residence in the city or precinct as the only residence requirement at the time of voting. Since all persons must be registered for at least 30 days prior to the election concerned, the matter of residence is no longer a gLestion at the time of registering. For this reason, the two questions appearing upon the revised Reg. Form No. 2 relat- ing to residence should be stricken, which read as follows : — VA-11,,,t,rn f,,, .. t t , tho„ 11 ,,,,,,,lt,.st YC9 Q tfe.e ,oa bees a eo.11,.,t of tsbuM krn„t fe..then 69 4.,.i YCS A formal opinion will be requested of the Attorney General in the near future. This bulletin is to give you immediate guidance. If you have any question, please contact my election staff. Sincerely, A. LUDLOW KRAMER Secretary of State Chief Elections Officer 41! March 20 , 1972 King County Department of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle , Wa. 98104 Att1: Mr. Ralph Dillon Asst. Sup 't. of Elections Re : Renton Annexation Election A-71-01 , May 9 , 1972 Gen _lemen : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of March 20 , has determined that the ballot , for election on the proposed annexation of area NE of the city limits of Renton , shall contain two propositions . Proposition 1 shall include issues of Annexation , Assumption of ]'re-existing Bonded Indebtedness an:i Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Proposition 2 shall concern the formation of a Community Council within the area proposed for annexation. Please proceed accordingly with your usual courtesies . Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HEN/dm cc: City Attorney Mayor ' s Asst. Planning Director IP 6.----iiiJOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY E:;ECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN c$,. ' \ 1 ,....../7v 41. KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS li ) t l s RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 f (Ally,c_e, 4- March 14, 1972 all ii:Lii-et"c- - - t-fa-‘4°A- 4-6;j' City Clerk - Renton The registration files of City of Renton , Elliott, Maplewood & Olympic Precinct, or Precincts, will be closed to original registration of voters on the 18th day of March, 1971 , for the Special Election for King County School District No. 401, said election to be held on April 18, 1972. In ,)rder to vote in said election, all persons not now registered are re- qui -ed to register on or before March 17, 1972. THE ABOVE-MENTIONED CLOSING DATE APPLIES TO THE SPECIAL ELECTION ONLY: Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records and Elections By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections rldiml JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EKECUTIVE v,,ECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS 4]RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT �L- KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 March 14, 1972 City Clerk n M�i91 City Hal] 1� �,' IN) Renton, WA 98055 �i�, ' �w Dear Helmie: ! �s0;'1"Ice c1Y The special election, May 9, 1972, for annexati City of Renton provides for the election of Community Council members. The following information relates to the filing of candidates for said positions. Filing Period - March 27 through March 31, 1972 Withdrawal Period - through April 5, 1972 No Filing Fee required Filing for Positions 1, 2, 3, t , and 5 Candidates must be registered as voters at addresses within the Community Municipal Corporation Service area, candidates must also have resided at addresses within said area for at least one year preceding said election. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections t By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections rlc./ldr March 8, 1972 Mr. Norward J. Brooks �� `7Director of Records and Elections King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Brooks: I have today been informed that Room 102 First Floor Renton Municipal Building Conference Room will no longer be available as a polling location for City of Renton Precinct No. 39 . Our Building Director felt it might be possible to locate three precincts in the lobby of the Renton Municipal Building where No. 11 and 15 are now located. Please advise us of your decision as soon as you have been able to look into this matter. Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/m cc: Mr. 0. Viney February 2 1972 King County Department of / Records and Elections Kfnq County Administration Building Seattle, Washinaton 98055 Attn: Mr. !forward J. Brooks Director Re : .4ay 9 , 1972 Election Request Annexation of Properties Northeast of Renton , Wa . c;en tlemen : Pursuant to City of Penton Resolution No. I750, as ar»ende f by Resolution pro. 1784 , the Penton City Council hArebv requests that May 9 , 1972 be established as the date for an election on the proposed annexation of properties located generally northeast of the present Renton City Limits . Yours very truly , CI1 Y OF REY ON Helrs:ie City Clerk AW'Y/dm cc: Mayor Garrett Planning Department Community Services Committee City Attorney January 24 , 1972 Records and Elections Department 30-11-Ying County Administration Bldg. Seattle, Washington 98)04 Attention . !'r. Glenn r. Shepherd Superintendent of Pecords Lear 7'r. Shepherd; We are in receipt of your letter of January 20 , 1972 forwarding our Ordinance No. 267. Please be advised this ordinance hrls nircady been recorded. Yours very truly, CITY OF PFNTON Belmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/m CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington FROM: Office of The City Clerk January 7, 1972 TO: Building Department, Park Department and Library RE : Special School Election February 8, 1972 Please have the polling places in order for the above election. Doors should be open by 7 :00 a.m. for the poll workers . Helmie m December 10, 1971 The !iarkl,em Co. 26 Beaver St. New York, N.Y. 10004 Attention. Wendy Beck Dear Sirs . We are forvarding your letter of December G , regardino Hugh A. Scarborough Jr. to the King County Records & Elections Dept. nre nr rz,cords on that perron. Yours very truly, CI= (-7 PENTON Nlm!e W. Nelsn City Clerk HWN/m cc: King County Pecordn & arketi.onn net. 553 1:inu County Aar . Bldg. Seattle, Wa. 98104 Letter attached. JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS ti B C.OUNTY EXEC UTIVE ..ECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS IEDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 December 2, 1971 TO ALL SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND CITIES AND TOWNS: Enclosed please find a calendar for Special Elections which will be held on February 8, 1972. It is our understanding that most, if not all , school districts and some cities and towns are planning to call special elections for February 8, 1972. If your school district, or city or town, is planning a special election for February 8th, please note that the last day to file resolutions or ordinances calling such special elections is December 23, 1971 (December 24th is a legal holiday for King County) . The resolutions or ordinances must be complete, including ballot titles ' 'mounts, and must be filed with us by 5:00 P.M. on T!.ursday, December 23rd. Mailing them on December 23rd will not comply with state law. Tax levy propositions require a minimum turn-out of 40% of the recent November 2, 1971 General Election. (This figure is contained in the certification sent you last week) . Bond propositions require a minimum turn-out of 40% of the November 3, 1970 General Election. If you have any questions, please call the undersigned. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections eJ lid enc CALENDAR FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS FEBRUARY 8 1972 Decenwler 23, 1971 Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections for February 8th. December 30, 1971 Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Closing of Registration files. January 7, 1972 Last. day to register. January 24, 1972 Last day for transfer of registration. February 4, 1972 Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Special Elections February 8, 1972 SPECIAL ELECTIONS February 18, 1972 Canvass to be completed. Prepared by: Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections " Su,,doy, November 28, 1971 Record-Chronicle Page 5 • By Virginia Burnside -know and communicate with-voters The King County Elections De Co n s Q ' te a 1 0 f of D. his precinct," the King County " partment is 1n the midst of a de fac -, � -.. . Democratic Central Committee has to plan to consolidate 2,334 existing . ' .a:.' informed Brooks. ,,. county precincts. by.Polling places • into 825 jumbo precincts." o Y1' places y ahead Instead, the party has told Brooks But few voters except the ex 1 1 �( V! ir1 it; too, will go to the Legislature to • ecutive board of the Democratic seek a legal limitation of the size of Party— seem to be aware of what's Besides the cost savings, Brooks registration data already are on precincts to 300 voters, and will • happening. -believes the consolidation would computer, he pointed out. Included seek the help of the county Republi . - Norward Brooks, county records ` speed the voting process and prove are Renton, Bellevue, Mercer Is- can organization to do it. and elections chief, says he esti- more convenient to voters. Under land, Kirkland, and. a portion of the mates the county will be able, to his plan, an average-size present area around Auburn. Republicans have,tion on the consolidation tones no posi save $42,750 in next year's elections precinct of approximately 300 vot- To give the plan the blessing of . through the consolidation. ers would be consolidated with as appropriate state legislation, Brooks Brooks, however, has an answer Part of the savings— $30,750 - many as four other precincts. said he intended to take the propos- to the party leaders: would be realized through the elimi- al to the Legislature'for approval. nation of at least a third of the anus voters at this jumbo precinct He explained,however,the law does Multiple precinct committeemen ty's present election workers. This- would be served by 15 punch-card not now specifically prohibit what is in each jumbo precinct elected on would be accomplished chiefly devices, two demonstration and bal- actually occuring in many precincts: the same basis for every 300 voters. through the use of new vote a matic.. lot clerks, and four tables with two that have already been_consolidated. He believes the paper ballot which - equipment' throughout the suburban `elections workers each working he is proposing for the election of pportions of King County. Another from registered voter lists. Under Brooks may not get the support these precinct committeemen would 12,000 would be eliminated in the present procedures, 15 poll workers of the forces who helped him push give that election a bigger focus freight costs of transporting voting are required to man 15 voting ma- through centralized registration in than it has now and discourage the freight nes to polling places, he said. chines. the legislative session,earlier this voting "drop-off" that occurs after , machIn addition to the consolidation year. voters vote for President in the Brooks said many precincts al- _ Brooks said county election officials On this one, Democratic Party major elections. ready have been consolidated at one are now considering the preparation - leaders have indicated they were voting place in the county, and cited :of registration lists not by precinct ;`unanimous) opposed to increasinga law;the partiesmmt are an in the five precincts which-voted in=the but by, pollingy PP - _ one precinct committeeman in the place. He said the the size ofpresent precincts. even • P 's 2,334 recincts. Under general election earlier this month process could be done by computer, .though savings might result. . Brooks' plan, that number would .• at the•. old ',Cascade Junior High reflecting up-dated registration for - • :School in Auburn. The five pre each election: "The su• ccessful operation of of ethe same but would be peas remain, cincts were Auburn 3, 8, 9, 20 and itical parties depends on the ability -signed to 825 recincts 380 pre- 37. Forty per cent of the county s of the precinct committeeman to Sea is outside Seattle and 445 inside ( _ Seattle. ' • October 26 , 1971 Records and Filing King County, Room 301 Administration Building Seattle , Wa. 98104 Attn. Mr. Tom Docherty Re : Amendments to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan Gentlemen : We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditor's File No. 5031I15, Records of King County, State of Washington. Please attach amending maps to the original as follows Amending Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492 as recorded in Vol . 128, Pg. 112, 113 and 114, Auditors No. 6551130 Nap adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vol. 247, Pg. 142, 16601882 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2539, as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469, #6612554 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2640 as recorded, 710714 0492 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWM/dm Enclosures (5) cc: Planning Department • ^^ o n® r P. I m . �.i c i •_i -1 .}9 - -1..i p • W_:-1 !\ e1 m T-}. 'OOP ° • `�Q I;, ;1 HE `? ;�;' I.(I1i,l i,, 3 If, \ 'OOP VV �4 .. \ e c "goy „a� am, SCHOOL ' . ♦ , �o II \ , a . a ,,�;: t 4\ \ • q '�' 0�� '.P. ' 1r-. I , T ♦ �4 _�Y �` �� !hp O Clr r l. r s,- > I I.Inrr1. .n,n•n° !.•• .. ove. • .o� __ - �'47`m0-..,,,C ' p4'< •• •, " 1T, "1 Plz ' r i 1 • I 4 L'I`•, '•. G 1' \-.:\::„.ir E s•4 1 l, : . lip ,,,. , ,, t..• 0 z 1 .0, , *H_ :4t. il ' '• 4, ..' ., it u _...,_ !--1 , • 7, a•0511-11=4:•lib' h .3 I.Ng, Ilk,t. , ,• ,.5 i, N , a.1 • ,,....., 4 a ; ' " c 1113 L *,. , , . , ,. 1 / z 1--- .� '�.� n�? _�.a.,�E __1.�.-...,..,, a[_ s u.a... a ...k J ;' - - .. •o o, S .s sAl '\' • •• I 4.� eo,•^ \„ { • • jam �' — RENTON' I i� ��� �,_ •' R NI S I I" , 1, 1 7 ,I • VOCATIONAL 1 W '•♦ ' sic N WINDPARK Ll op .i I, 1 0 )I I —e _I .1- 7CHOOL 1 W _ . ,_--,_ - „ _L 1_ _4-.. /I ithiliii �; ���\ - GR ENWIOO[ iS / , C METER' 1 / \ / / f //to 1 C. D Z ° MINT \ ' I // yaD �z e I //7// o .� I j //�/,( � u� , \MTOL/vE7 1 / /// ' 4 ' CEMETERY I / / I /,/ • . . f t . I II //v/ 1 • • //qq/ R.ENYON CITY LIMITS CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: From Recreational Use to Single Family Residential PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Blocks 1 , 6 and 7 of Rainier Acres, all situated in Renton Highlands , Renton, King County, Washington, bounded by NE 4th Street, NE 5th Place, Edmonds Ave. NE and Index Place NE, and all as more particularly specified on the above map. Ordinance Number: 2492 Adopted: August 11 , 1969 Effective: August 15 , 1969 Il j: ' LP c. II I I ill I -.�___ .f JNENTON • F --. — r VOCATIONAL �. I �� SCHOOL i II' i i I l__..__._-.._ __ . SRi A F GI I I1 i j 1 II IGR ENW OD I 4tLI. --- --- I ' CEMETRY I 1--- ' r""r►_....1 r - /, e E N I i -- - -- �- -- � / I I/ C o I I T t----1------ - -- -} - - - '- . -J -- - - E • I • E { - . ._--_ _ ,i- - . • 11 I ; i , ,.•., A 1 • pit,wov tivio, .; I LIMITS I : I i I 1 f i 1 1 "r �r j% I L '�' . ) !; Oy r. � s • , I o•• D � �m0 = 0� 0o o© 6 0 s li A iS . CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN : From Single Family Residential to Low Density Multi -Family Res . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : The S .E . % of the N . E . 4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East, W .M. located in King County , Except the East 435 . 8 feet thereof. Ordinance Number: 2526 , Recorded Vol . 247 Pg. 142 , 6601882 Adopted December 15 , 1969 Effective Date : December 19 , 1969 rs - H — ----- ---- - ,, .=,--t------ et '. - 5- (5 tj 1. , n . _ ` 0 I j i 6 4414CP 7 . ii J ' ' ' -- i -r #K,-- 1 Sl. I 1 I 45 \\5\ `\ ,�. • 9ri0'i1.1a' ,..'9 iN 141/iif12.. A.n -`•7 ao-aaa . )'\ \ \\ 4. a a• _ 1 S ♦ In \\ \ ii3 iyj/p� 2. I C.1 `\ ` \\ /, 1 !^a �Ir1•\1 ' _{5'4 5 spy ,� J ' �mR1 ff11'�35 s \ \\•.\\ \ — 5 1.Is 5 I ..w y .. 44,‘„clItic.jittfl *442,11 ' 2 `44 - i \ ' T.,*;: ',- \ ...\ i\ ______ 14:6 : ''40rieflTilio; DRIv �tv W �� - A t F.�'R. . • to �, --_ QO�0i. `�� . h • t • . \ V \ ~ nI i.i7 � \%-' :� • FREE 1.IELSON I r...� 1 • r , TqL�prT• rAl80T HILL ,� G H f`� HILL- PARK SCHOOL.-- I \$ ELEM. — I SCHOOL r--- 1 \� \ 1 �r .4• ..Y M N�___ � ��`c� LSPRING GLEN, 21b' 14 I \\ 3 ��} �� ©a��G�, I ELEMENTARY I i \\ '' \:\\ a Ill �4Q�i ����0'>�� l SCr+oo� .'1!'‹ fl'�\\ '�1F.1i�./JF� J �e, 6: , 14,a S 7 Ale�����®e 5 2".. 5T 1 "-- '17 �11 HIV/ •/ ,\ +•A- ,.i '���� 2e��t© Y1a1lAf i 'a 1 i. i • !. .y 1 .1 ....—1 ' ' \ •• ♦7 N J� 041— • f' © © � I 8 • . • b 40. .• • .. • 1 • 0_ • rl 1 CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN : From High Density Multi -Family to Commercial PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : That 3 . 75 acre parcel of land lying Northeasterly of the intersection of Benson Road S . and S . Puget Drive as indicated _ on the above map . Ordinance Number: 2539, Recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 Adopted : January 19 , 1970 Effective Date : January 23 , 1970 if: .c..', F - \ • • a 4 —�` ' M E T. R Kc •• I 14 W I _ D I S P O S A L j -,—i ER �AUf,c ors v �=�NOR'fit '••i �III"111IIIII!n� \ >�, � Itlll �UIIIIIIIIIIII� u )1r#:.00 I ,/ nllllpllllll! IIIIIII III.j 1 _ -�_ ;- -�� ,,,,nil Illllt_ > ji, q"�lilllllllll�ll! '�Ilil ..." �► \ r � �IIIIIII it <Jlltlllllilllb<. - /'r__ _ 3. NTAT4�\ .,N IIII o 7 ii_-_--. .diP i11U11 i=iil Yi „, `if . �. ram. r j __3___ t 74 _ . �Y j -I''- o W i ` Q - 1v.iiTN uNE / I'Il TIOh. CL!.lM1G‘'.--....••••,_,,,--___ _. 1-- -1 .F F1 W.V..' MEANDER C70 t Z Q �. 1 i � I 41 kn __ ___\.. ._710____ y__s____ l 11):: \V." w J: _ O lJ i 01 i 11 Q IH __ � ' _ 1 i , I'i CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN : From Medium Density Multi -Family to Commercial PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : That certain parcel of property located north of S . W . 16th Street , South of FAI 405 , Easterly from Burlington Northern Railway Line and Westerly of Oakdale Avenue S . W . Ordinance Number: 2640 , Recorded , 710714 0492 Adopted : June 21 , 1971 Effective Date : June 30 , 1971 m. CD f Eitgt4aaaetn; 1 Rg " �+y T 1: `;:moo-• '14; INie 6117, ell. in> . . . , , i,.!,. !,, ,, ._ Ii ,•,I, •,I....••t , .,,,, '�\ ---==,-# * je • , �L. .: % I.• d r ate r : .P.4 Ate 44e • irtifr,e2,,a %'. 1 ) k -- :' N A t� s if A �.�:•i' t � :,r.l' I•LI, 1 �45. ' �� • t t T�1 z i9 • jIM." 0 I jAC : . '._ I : _ 2' .:7.1..:t.,/,,,,:-, Ni: . AO' _____ ri-. -T-i- mow, .�iy', `,. . , , : 'TTT • [ • • • t �� i i r' ... -L__ ..}. _ Y• J7 -1 ? - 1 rr ` / • "-- I 1 / �' .. A F G 1 i - L GR ENW BOO I 5� C METERY d I ,. ,, C E 1.4 I I ,il! 1 • .# / G I -- D 1 1 .' ,'1 I t- . A.6..4" , ; , , o:,,_.,, . ,. 1 1 , / . e�lh,, I ' , z I , P, 1 . i ��Q;1 MralvE7" 1 1 , , •< �7 CEM rERv 1 1 ' / 1 'I , % I �... ' 4 _ 1 CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: From High Density Multi-Family to Commercial PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : That triangular parcel of land lying north of N . E . 3rd Street , south of N .E . 4th Street and east of Harrington Ave . N . E . extended Southerly . Ordinance Number : 2641 , Recorded 710716 0481 Adopted : July 12 , 1971 Effective Date : July 21 . 1971 JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE DI. JR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS ;FA._A...., RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 4/7 September 23, 1971 pi\ 11\— TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AN) CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Th: registration files of all King County precincts, will be closed against original registration of voters on October 3, 1971 , for the General and Special Elections to be held on November 2, 1971 . In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before October 2, 1971 . Transfers of registration are accept- able through Monday, October iS. RURAL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS IMME- DIATELY FOLLOWING OCTOBER 2, BUT IN NO EVENT, NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 8, Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections .;}�L •r� Gay J V By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections ejl/d • • • JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARDEDWARDJ J.J. BROOKS LOGAN COUNTY EX _CUTIVE 1 v.nECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING CO_ UNT --STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 September 23, 1971 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: As you know, Friday, October 1 , is the last office working day for new ioters to register. However, Saturday, October 2, is the legal deadline for new voters to register, and both this office and the office of the Seattle City Clerk will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, October 2, between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. The final decision is up to you. We respectfully suggest that each City and Town Clerk register for some period on Saturday, October 2, and irrespective of what it is, please call Louis u e Delarenti of this office on receipt of this letter and let her know whether or not your office will be open on Saturday, and if so, the hours the office will be open. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections e,C. ' -r✓� 1 By Edward J. togan Superintendent of Elections ej l/d September 14, 1971 King County Election Department 55:3 King Coun►ty Adm. Bldg. Seattle, Washington 98104 Gentlemen We are enclosing voter registration for John L. Williss who cane to our office today informing us he had registered with yoar registrar at the Chamber of Commerce in Renton. His sister had been asked to return and make a new registration and to inform her brother (John L. Williss) he was to come in as all the cards were not completed. Much time elapsed between her reregistering and seeing her brother. When he tried to correct the registrar's error in no filling in all the cards, he was informed to come to our office . Ufon checking with the Chamber of Commerce we learned your registrar discarded the registrations she could not complete. WE therefore registered him anew. Please process this registration so that John L. Williss will be eligible for the September election. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk i'IN/m John L. Williss 317 Hardie N.W. Penton , Wash . 98055 JOHN D. SPELLMAN i NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE (RECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS ktv.1 r. RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT 111 KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 August 13 , 1971 itA *ft 57.0", 6(//// TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: As you know, Friday, August 20th, is the last working day for new voters to register. However, Saturday, August 21st, is the legal deadline for new voters to register, and both this office and office of the Seattle City Clerk will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, August 21st between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. The final decision is up to you. We respectfully suggest that each City and Town Clerk register for some period on Saturday, August 21st and irrespective of what it is, please call Louise Delaurenti (344-2565) , on receipt of this letter, and let her know whether or not your office will be open on Saturday, and if so, the hours the office will be open. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE ,,,RECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 August 13, 1971 /14-11 TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: The registration files of all King County precincts will be closed against original registration of voters on August 22, 1971 for the Primary and Special Elections to be held on September 21 , 1971 . In order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are required to recister on or before August 21 , 1971 , *Transfers of registration are acceptable through Tuesday,September 7, 1971 . ALL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOVING AUGUST 21st, BUT IN NO EVENT, LATER THAN AUGUST 28th. THE REGISTRATIONS WILL RE-OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 22ND AND CLOSE ON OCTOBER 3RD. The date of the General Election is November 2, 1971 . Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Recordsand Elections By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections P.S. PLEASE INVENTORY YOUR SUPPLIES, AND IF YOU NEED MORE, LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY! * Refer to our August 6th letter for transfer of registration procedure. JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS cotINTY EXECUTIVE ii-----ii. HI I,,H (AfU ,,,,; ,',DI, t I i '.1i ,'J�. EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTtNDENTRF E_ECTIDNH Alr 'g.,1<- , \,'1 13148. RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT x �, �' KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON V.„' .cal 4K`I'� COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING- SEATTLE WASHINC,TON 9U'O-: ., ����VVV' ' r 206 t 344-2565 `(, August 6, 1971 TO ALL CITY AND TOWN CLERKS, RURAL REGISTRARS AND REGISTRARS-AT-LARGE: Effective Monday, August 9, 1971 , it will no longer be required to cancel and re-register a voter changing from a residence within a city or town to rural King County, or from a residence in rural King County to a city or town. There is one exception--this will not hold true for a change in or out of the City of Seattle until further notice. This action will still require a cancellation and re-r gistration. Therefore, all that is required to change a registered voter's address within King County, EXCEPT FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE, is to com- plete a transfer card (pink) and forward it to this office. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records b Elections $ , h) 4j ger. C7r:edt-A4-0, By Edward J. Ld!gan Supe rintendent of Elections q. ---) ) WI-- Op, . l't I k4 Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections 553 Klr;g County Administration Building Seattle, Washingtcn 98104 Dear Sir: We hereby grant permission for use of the following builcings for use as polling places in the Primary and General Elections to be held on September 21, 1971 and November Z, 1971 during the hours of 6:0O A.M. n 6:00 P.M. , with exceptions as noted. OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. In consideration, we understand the usual rental will be paid. HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 13 Renton 16 Renton 17 Renton 18 Renton 29 LIBRARY. 100 Cedar River. Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MUNICIPAL BLDG. LOBBY Renton 11 Renton 15 MUNICIPAL BLDG. ROOM 102 Renton 39 N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King County District # (OR) City ammiumm of Renton By . Clerk nr S2 reta NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY: THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. July 20, 1971 1\4,1 a - :.r and Elections Department ) ;3 F:.in. County idoinistratio:r Building 5?3tt1v , Washington 9310.1 tt�ntion . :'r. ortfe:rd 7. 3roor.sr ; ircctcar of .:ecurds and lcct ian s nit : City of _'ea*tton ;resolution -`!o. 1750 Annexation Pi 1 .'' 71 01 , L1::E File 4337 L'e n t l a9 l"e n : Lc arc rsnolosiny horowit't two certified copies of 1cesolution o. 175c of the Cit', of Renton calling for the annexation of certain Properties located gee-rally dort:icast of t.ic city 1.i.:.i is and er7C0:' ea3!si.`tr7 areas !mown as "!iazen' , end " Hazelwood" . Ve call your attention to ,rovislona of. 'c,cti.Jtt IV of the refurc'rced ,: ,solution t::raL di1ection be called for 1;1 the i innq ,;ounty Council anJ aag otherwise nrovi�.'od law,with .iui:lttal to t`rc %.`1octorcte of proposition concerning as urrprion of ?re .e ist.i.nq bonded indebtedness , and to the lrovision:l of :section VI relative to creation of a copr'un..: te, bunici, 41 corporation within the territory nroposod to Lae armored. .accord1i rlrr , will you r:ind1y advise us of tiho Oatlte of the election and of the filing period ,when sot ,for t:re candidates for co,aamunitt; council oe:thers.hip. Please sign one copy of the Kcesalution ac'Lnnr.:ledcina receipt thereof and return to this ,office. Your courtesies in this tra nenittal and above regard arc very truc.'h r pprecintec . Yours very truly, 4~I7Y or R:,wTON t!o1nie W. ; c'lson City! Clerk UWV/dr Enclosures (2) cc: 2aar,daar'l Review 3oard King, County dounai.i JOHN D. 'SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY E>ECUTIVE J ECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS ;41)i))'• ' r. J C-dY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON N 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 July 1, 1971 M:EMO TO ALL DEPUTY REGISTRARS FROM: Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution having been ratified, it is now permissive to register 18, 19 and 20 year olds. ALL qualification requirements for registration will remain th? same with the exception of age. When registering 18 to 20 year olds, a minor adjustment will have to be made in the oath as printed or Registration Form 1 (yellow copy) and Registration Form 2 (white 5x8 card). In the oath, X out the age of 21 in ink and insert 18 in ink. Effective August 10, 1971, a new registration form will be implemented. The new form (presently in design) will be forwarded, with proper instruction, in sufficient time prior to the effective date, to allow you to become familiar with it. Sincerely, tom ,114‘ Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections JOHN D. 3PELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY El ECUTIVE RECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECO DS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 June 9, 1971 TO: City and Town Clerks SUBJECT: Transfer of Election Records To facilitate transfer of your election records to the office of the Director of Records and Elections, it is desired that the following steps be taken: 1. Place all cards from the cancelled file in boxes in alphabetical order and mark outside of box which part of alphabet is enclosed. 2. Pull #2 card from central file and match with #1 card in precinct binder. Leave #2 cards in precinct order with each binder and tie together with Precinct binder. There must be a #2 card for each #1 card in binder. -mks . 3. Complete receipt (attached) to be signed by the representative of this office at time of transfer of records. List of registered voters being transferred is not required. 01-7 Actual data of transfer will be firmed up with you by phone from this office. Your desired pick-up date, as previously indicated, will be adhered to as l/ closely as possible. To avoid extra expense, pick-up routes will try to be K followed. -441.42L; Further instructions will be forwarded prior to actual transfer date regarding the processing of future registrations. Retain any unused registration forms and use until receipt of further instructions. Your cooperation to complete the transfer as easily as possible will be greatly appreciated. Any further questions, please contact H. R. Nichols on 344-3964. Sincerely, Norward J. Bro s Director of Records & Elections njb/d JOHN D. 5PELLMAN • NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY E) ECUTiVE • RECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS 11111 EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS • ��� RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 May 14, 1971 TO: City Clerk of Renton SUBJ:L,CT: Centralization of Voter Registration Recent passage of HB 372 by the Legislature directs that County Auditors shall be the Chief Registrar for each County. In the case of King Count,, the charter directs that the Director of Records and Elections shall have the responsibilities of voter registration. Effective date of HB 372 is August 10, 1971. It further directs that City and Town Clerks will become Deputy Registrars for the county. In the near future, a representative of the Registration Division of this office will contact you regarding transfer of voter registration functions. To further assist in planning and budgeting, it will be necessary that this office be furnished, as soon as possible, answers to questions on the attached list. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions, please contact H. R. Nichols, (344-3964). Thank you. Sincerely, r ; P 14�.-0. � '_ ..Lf`; - , ,. Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections njb/d enc � r CITY OR TOWN OF RENTON QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Convenient date that would be best for transfer of records: J o11' IS - 0 ► , �_ 1 2. List equipment, other than forms, that could be purchased, giving approximate cost: 31{ doubiC_ .Xt hotr ec� � a = il7fg 4® 3 007- 9.3 /c2 - 331 / 37 o- d•v = / //o, o-o 3. Dollars budgeted for registration functions as indicated below: 1969 1970 1971 Personnel - permanent , _ .,.. .r Personnel - extra Equipment ., f. 4 r" 9'130, Forms -/41"/, la /lot�" Binders /3 N v:m er 20: 1972 Records and Elections L•eparakizt 301 Kinq County At'irr4lCtisti:ai:.+'.c.: 31t:y. Seattle, Wasninyton 9t1204 Attn: Mr. Glenn R. :i,.2t-p ::rd, Superintendent of Records • Re: Amendments to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan Dear Mr. Shepherd: tttach1ng bexcto var y.t'rcinr the Gci::tret.cnrive Land tine Plan since or1yi_i..Ul recnr4ed on Ocivber =0, :P68 tinder J d.;. tnr 's File No. 5C3 115, Records of King (7fate of W . hingt0n Please attach amending map to tile. (i+atgfah& .si:'e to d Use Plan map and the previous amendments recorded tiriC;el' Auditor's File No. 7212230324 and 720920404, as follows: Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2700 as recorder? under Auditor's No. 72112)0490. Yours very truly , CITY OP RENTO.1 vat Mead City Clerk DM/m Attachment V .,` .::' May 1, 1973 TO: Mr. John Geise FROM: Del Mead RE: Municipal Elections - Registered Voters and Percentage of Turn-Out Dear John: Pursuant to your telephone inquiry of this date we furnish information concerning current Municipal elections as requested. 1969 Election Ballot Issues: Candidates for Mayor and Seven Council positions Number of Registered Voters - 10,372 Votes Cast: 5,521 Percentile - 53.2% 1970 Election Ballot Issues: Candidates for Seven Council Positions Number of Registered Voters - 11,548 Number of Votes C4. t: 8,1)4.8 Percentile - 70.6% L„( ./1/2/,/, . ' j'-4\(\./1) y( \; rward J. Brooks, Manager of Records and Elections 4 r0,Q\ 53 King County Administration Building V SeatZ:le, Washington 98104 Dear Sir: W. We hereby rantpermission for use of the fo llowing of lowing bu+lding., for use as Election Supply Depot in the Special Elec. , School Dist. #403 to be held on March 13, 1973 The hours will be Sec. bPlfs' ( to approximately spe help / . If there are any charges for the use of these facilities. please bill us and we will pay with the voucher covering the lease of polling places. RENTON CITY HALL, MAIN ENTRANCE Sunday, March 11 , 1973 9:30 AM - 1 :30 PM Tuesday, March 13, 1973 8:00 PH - 10:30 PM • EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED:MIY9XXSi ,v � J (OR) City or Town o_f Renton _ __ Cy 77 ) • /i707:tt_ ,. _ Clerk or Secretary NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIATELY! THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. King County State of Washington John D.Spellman, County Executive ./' 7/ Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections / (I eLC553 King County Administration Building Seattle,Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565- Elections Division "t"?1 ait • I (206) 344-5282- Registrations Division January 1973 dtawn.„4„, / /2LH73 . ;4e,• °7 C TO DEPJTY REGISTRARS: Enclosed is a check covering your services through November 7, 1972. We realize the amount does not fully pay for the invaluable services you perform not only for this office but for the convenience to the voters. Mr. Brooks the staff and myself take this opportunity of wishing you a "Happy and Prosperous New Year". Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections / , )z By H. R. Nichols hrn/m Aept. Superintendent of Registrations enc. 12 41 t->\ .4-tet .r 11 • - L 1972 ELECTION CALENDAR KING COUNTY PRIMARY. GENERAL: September 19, 1972 November 7, 1972 July 31 ,, 1972 Filings open August 4th Filings close (except Precinct Committeemen) August 4th Last day for municipal corporations to file Resolution calling Special Election in conjunction with Primary. August 9th Withdrawals close August llth Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of closing of registration files for Primary. August llth Last day for major political parties to file vacancies because of no filings. August 18th Filings close for Precinct Committeemen. August i9th Last day to register for Primary. August 3O-th Absentee ballots available. September 5th Last day for transfer of registration for Primary. September 15th Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of Primary. September 19th, PRIMARY September 22nd Last day for municipal corporations to file Resolution calling Special Election in conjunction with General . September 29th Last day for candidates to file campaign expenditures. Canvass to be completed. September 29th Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of closing of registration files for General . October nth Last day to register for General Election. October 24th Last day for transfer of registration for General Election, November 3rd. Director of Records and Elections to publish Notice of General Election. November 7th GENERAL ELECTION November 22nd r Canvass to be completed. December 7th Successful state measures become law. January Bth, 1973 Newly elected judicial , legislative officials take office and Legislature convenes. January 10th, 1973 Newly elected State Officials take office. Prepared by: I/ NORWARD J. BROOKS Director of Records and Elections Xr' - � , / By Ralph L. Dillon Assistant Superintendent of Elections , _ • ••�. f eJune 1, 1971 A. LUDLOW KRAMER SECRETARY OF STATE SUMMARY STATE MEASURES THE 1971 LEGISLATURE HAS CAUSED • TO BE SUBMITTED TO VOTERS FOR DECISION AT THE NOVEMBER 7, 1972 STATE GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS: S.J.R. #1: Establishes property tax limitation as 1% of fair and true value. S.J.R. #5 : Authorizes lotteries. S.J.R. #38: Authorizes legislature to permit county commission- ers to set salaries of elected county officials. H.J.R. #1 : Legislative review of all tax exemptions as of March 1, 1977 and every ten years thereafter. H.J.R. #21 : Authorizes any county the right to adopt a "Home Rule" charter consolidating county and city governments. H.J.R. #47 : Relates to validation of excess levies and eliminates the present advantage enjoyed by non-voting opponents. Retains present "60-40" vote requirements but estab- lishes an alternate formula whereby excess levy quali- fies even though the voters ' turnout does not meet the 40% quota if the number of favorable votes cast on the measure is equal to at least 60% of said quota. H.J.R. #52: Authorizes the state to contract debt, the principal to be paid within 30 years and establishes certain limitations. INITIATIVES TO THE PEOPLE: No. 40: Litter Control Act plus alternative measure: Senate Bill #428. (Legislature has directed that their alter- native proposal is to be effective law until voters make decision at the 1972 state election. ) No. 43 : Shorelines Protection Act plus alternative measure: Sub. House Bill #584. (Legislature has directed that their alternative proposal is to be effective law until voters make decision at the 1972 state election. ) No. 44: Statutory Tax Limitation as 20 Mills Based upon 50% of True and Fair Value. (This amounts to the same rate as 1% of true and fair value as contained in S.J.R. #1 above. ) NOTE: In addition to the above, it is anticipated that several initiatives to the people will probably qualify for the 1972 state election. Further, other proposed constitutional amendments could be passed by the special session of the Legislature to be convened in January, 1972. A JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGANKING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 TO: CITY AND TOWN CLEnKS FROM: H.R. NICHOLS Assistant Superintendent Registrations Requests for Absentee Ballots are now being accepted for the PRIMARY ONLY. Applications for the General are not being accepted at this time. Separate application must be made for each election. APPLI CAT ION MAY BE MADE by mail (latter or form) to our office. If application is made by letter, the voter must state the registered address, precinct (if known) , brief reason for applying, state specific election, and give a complete absentee address. All addresses must have zip codes. Applications are accepted no earlier than 45 days nor later than the day prior to any election or primary. Each voter must sign in his own handwriting. Printing is not acceptable. An X in lieu of a signature must be witnessed by two persons, both on the application and Statement of Absentee Voter envelope in which ballot is returned. Our address is 553 King County Administration Bldg. , Seattle 98104. WHEN THE BALLOTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR MAILING AND ISSUING ACROSS THE COUNTER, all voters may make application in person at our office and receive the ballot. They may vote here or take the ballot packet to be mailed back, postmarked no later than midnight the day of the election. Each ballot packet contains instructions for returning the ballot. Only the voter himself, or an immediate member of his family may pick up an absentee ballot at the office of issuing officer. BALLOTS BEING MAILED OUTSIDE THE 50 STATES go airmail . In a national or state- wide election, service voters and certain civilians do not have to be registered to vote. To participate in a Special Election, all servicemen and civilians abroad must be registered to vote. Application is made as mentioned above (the request must state the voter's last home address) or contact their commanding officer for the necessary form. For the upcoming fall elections, September 19th and November 7th, they need not be registered. - August 1 , 1972 KingCounty State of Washington John D.Spellman,County Executive , Records & Elections Department Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections N"•-R�..,.K r'� Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 (206) 344-2565 July 20, 1972 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: August 18th is the last working day for new voters to register In order to be eligible to vote in the September 19th Primary. However, August 19th, Saturday, is the legal deadline for new voters to register. This office will be open for the registration of voters on Saturday, August 19th, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. We respectfully suggest that each City and Town Clerk register for some period on Saturday, August 19th. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Lydia Nelson and inform her of your decision as to whether you will , or will not, remain open and specify what hours you will be open. t Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections . .„€1.„.4._ In By H. R. Nicliols Assistant Superintendent Registrations • ` J. ' ,.✓ i KING COUNTY COUNCIL TRACY J. OWEN. Dist. No. I,CIWro.n -11 R. DUNN DIM No. 2 Lee Kratt W H. REAMS. DIM Na. 3 cE STERN. Dist. No. 4 Council Administrator JOHN T. O'BRIEN, DIM. No. 5 THOMAS M. FORSYTHI. Dist. No.a Room 402-A, King County Court House ED HUNRO, Dist N.. r (/ 'i!::: Seattle, Washington 98104 ED HEAVEY. Dist. No. 4 DAVE MOONEY, Disc. n..• 344-3978 _ ,, i June 8, 1972 y ,,,,, 14 Ms . Helmie W. Nelson, Clerk (,r �U�'�9 r City of Renton �,d ��,el �' • 200 Mill Ave. S. 1' ....4.* l; Renton, Washington 98055t. G k.,' ..C`� ''s'O Dear Ms . Nelson : 4 4 The King County Council in regular session on June 5 , 1972 accepted as official the "Official Canvass of Votes", Special Election, proposed annexation to the City of Ren- ton, held in King County, Washington, on May 9, 1972. (The Proposition failed. ) Attached hereto are copies of the Official Canvass of Votes . Very truly yours , KING COUNTY COUNCIL LEE T, ADMINISTRATOR 77 LEIL,----Shier1-1--is.--..--.--41-1 By : ( L.2t.t-L a -a-w Helen Sommers Deputy Administrator-Clerk X 7/- O / HS :ng Attachment 't� . / 7,S.-- cc : Director of Records & Elections a(,« �(,,,C60J-e� Z /2 6 g ,, // /78/ r _ JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN \KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS • RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY,STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (2061 344-2565 I CERTIFY THIS TO •E A TRUE ANO CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. • -): 1,)telt rib rward J. Brooks Director of Reciotds and Elections and Supervisor of Elections STATE OR WIfN I MSTON SS. COUNTY OF DINS I , Norward J. 'rooks, Director of Records and Elections, King County, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing page is • true and correct copy of the abstract of the vote polled at the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, held on May 9, 1972. in all of Hlllcrest, *Min, Olympic, Truman, and Honey Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford, Soren, McDivitt, Hazelwood. and Coalfield Precincts, as taken from the official returns. Signed this 15th day of Msy, 1972. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington STATIE of WASH I NGTON) ) SS. cowry OF KING ) 1, Norward J. gooks, Director of Records and Elections. King County, Washington, do solemnly swear that the returns purporting to be the election retwrns of the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, held as the 9th day of May, 1972, in all of Hillcrest, Hazen, Olympic, Truman, and honey Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford. Doren, McDivitt, Hazelwood. and Coalfield Precincts. have been in no wise altered by additions or erasures, and that they are the same as when received by me, so help mw Sod. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington .subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May, 1972. John D. Spellman (Signed) King County Executive APPROVED: MIND COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD OF ELECTION RETURNS John D. Spellman (Signed) Chairmen Christopher T. Bayisy (Signed) Member of Board Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Secretary dl_slllL • Tote l Vote 1.367 PROPOSITION NO._ 1 For Muiexa t i om to the City of Ren ten, end adoption of the City's "Comprehensive Land Use Plan", as amended. 205 Against innsxatlon to the City of Renton and adoption of the City's 'Comprehensive Land Use Plan", as amended. &51 (Failed) P*OPOW19N Few assessment of Property at the same rate and on same basis as property w thin the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding i ndebtedness. 151 Against Assessment of Property at same rate and on some basis as property within the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding indebtedness. 822 Pg04111. li_No_Li Per Creation of a Community Municipal Corporation 514 Against Creatiam of a Community Municipal Corporation 445 441Mj Tv COLIC 1� POSITION NO. i King 8. Parker 347 Patricia A. Waters 474 POSITION NO. 2 fieio hen Johnson 372 Ll le N. Weir 365 POSITION NO. ) Rudolph Cumeerbatch 223 Stanley G. Namiiton 144 Mrs. L. W. Peters 209 Jack Rider 1 Marc Weir 177 POSITION NO. 4 Fred C. Armstrong 244 Lee I Glen Less 46 Jack W. Mcaladrey 151 Jack Rider 2 Philip G. Shepherd Is) Joke L. Weir 165 POSITION N0. 5 Fred R. rartlett 154 Aloe A. Seek 99 Rides P. Joquet 219 Jack Knight Sathieoe Matkln 157 Gary Prise i Jack Rider 166 Jerry Writers 1 V 4/61 `6 1W NOLSNINSVA AO 11V1S 'A1MA03 $NI) NI t13N NO1N)11 AO Alf, 3N1 01 NOI1VX3*t' 012640114 NO 1131'11 1V12141 2310A AO StVAMV3 1V1,1440 ..,'4 ?'r, "'�1F `` Fes• COUNTY COUNCIL "WY J. OWEN. DIM. I o. I. CtW,.rn Ban B. DUNN. Dist. No. 2 UTAM H. REAMS. Dili. No. 3 LeeKING Kraft BERNICE STERN. Did. Ao. 4 Council Administrator JOHN T. O'BRIEN. Dist. No. 5 THOMAS M. EOItSYTHE DIM . No.B (/ :.!!1 Room 402-A, King County Court House ED MUD• Ns.N 7 !!! :11) Seattle, Washington 98104 ED HEAVEY, Dist. No. B DAVE MOONEY. Did. No,.B 344-3978 friA; , 1 June 8, 1972iii / rt�r:,. lik Ms . Helmie W. Nelson, Clerk ` ,� ��72 City of Renton "? ��,.1 ''w 200 Mi11 Ave. S. '- V _ ,. Renton, Washington 98055 vt t Dear Ms . Nelson : . ,, The King County Council in regular session on June 5 , 1972 accepted as official the "Official Canvass of Votes", Special Election, proposed annexation to the City of Ren- ton, held in King County, Washington, on May 9, 1972. (The Proposition failed. ) Attached hereto are copies of the Official Canvass of Votes . Very truly yours , KING COUNTY COUNCIL LEE T, ADMINISTRATOR 77 4Z--e..a--- t;:1;" - (24.4...A.A-4.../LaX.c..:4-4....L..- By ' /9" //- D / Helen Sommers Deputy Administrator-Clerk , , # / 7S HS :ag Attachment C(�cv.eu.,cQ.e...i2„ / 7 g /( If / 78.f cc : Director of Records & Elections •- . JO(jN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS I COUNTY EXECUTIVE RECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUN: SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS • 10( RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 I i . I CERTIFY THIS TO RE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. .. t A . I L rward J. Brooks • Director of Rectds and Elections and Supervisor of Elections 1 K 3 o I . I I I 1 4 STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) SS. I. Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections, King County, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing page is • true and correct copy of the abstract of the vote polled at the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, held on May 9, 1972, in all of Hilicrest, Hazen, Olympic, Truman, and Honey Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford, Boren, McDivitt, Hazelwood, and Coalfield Precincts, as taken from the official returns. Signed this 15th day of May, 1972. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Reoords and Elections, ^~ King County, Washington STATE OF WASH I NGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) I, Norward J. Brooks, Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington, do solemnly swear that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the Special Election for Proposed Annexation to the City of Menton, held en the 9th day of May, 1972, in all of Hilicrest, Hazen, Olympic, Truman, and 4eney Dew Precincts, and a portion of Jacqueline, Stafford, Boren, McDivitt, Hazelwood, and Coalfield Precincts, have been in no wise altered by additions or s asures, and that they are the same as when received by me, so help me God. Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Director of Records and Elections, King County, Washington Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May, 1972. John D. Spellman (Signed) King County Executive APPROVED: KING COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD OF ELECTION RETURNS John D. Spellman (Signed) Chairmen Christopher T. Bayley (Signed) Member of Board Norward J. Brooks (Signed) Secretary tea $allata 9 • 1ita1 Vets 1.367 Per Mnexa t 1 an to the City of Renton. and adop t i on of the City's "Comprehensive Land Use P1ah'`. as emended. 205 Against tnnexation to the City of Renton and adoption of the City's "Comprehensive Land Use Plan", as amended. byi (Failed) P*0PQj(T$QN 110. 2 For assessment of Property at the same rate and on same basis as property w' thin the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding indebtedness. 151 Against Assessment of Property at same rate and on same bas i s as property wi th i n the City is assessed and taxed to pay any then outstanding indebtedness. 822 For Creation of a Cemwumity Municipal Corporation 514 Against Creation of a Community Municipal Corporation 445 COMMUNITY COUiaC ij POSITION NO. 1 King G. Parker 347 Patricia A. waters 474 POSITION NO. Y Opole Awn Jshnsas, 372 Lila M. Weir 385 PUSIT1001 NO. 3 Rudolph Cummerhatch 223 Stanley S. Mane lton 144 Mrs. C. N. Peters 209 Jack Rider Marc weir 177 POSITION NO. 4 Fran C. Armstrong 244 Lee I Glen lees 46 Jack W. M Oladrey 151 Jack Rider 2 Philip G. Shepherd 153 John I. weir les POSITION NO. 5 Fred R. Ssrtlett 154 'Alec A. Gook 99 tides P. le«.et 219 Jack Knight 1 Kathleen Metkin 157 Gary Prise 1 Jack Alder lift Jerry Mears I 9FFICIAL CANVASS OF VOTES SPECIAL ELECTION PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON MELD IN KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASN I N1iTON MAY 9. 197E r , 1PPIF 10!' • y1 1 L _ f MEMORANDUM ,> A,! TO: Avery Garrett, Mayor DATE: May 10 , 1972 FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director SUBJECT: Northeast Renton Annexation Election Preliminary Returns as of 10: 00 a.m. , May 10 The unofficial returns from the Northeast Renton Annexation election are as follows : PROPOSITION NO . 1 202 FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON , AND ADOPTION OF THE CITY ' S "COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN" , AS AMENDED . 845 AGAINST ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND ADOPTION OF THE CITY ' S "COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN " , AS AMENDED . PROPOSITION NO . 2 150 FOR ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AT THE SAME RATE AND ON SAME BASIS AS PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY IS ASSESSED AND TAXED TO PAY ANY THEN OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS . 814 AGAINST ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AT SAME RATE AND ON SAME BASIS AS PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY IS ASSESSED AND TAXED TO PAY ANY THEN OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS . PROPOSITION NO . 3 510 FOR CREATION OF A COMMUNITY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION . `' 440 AGAINST CREATION OF A COMMUNITY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION . COMMUNITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES POSITION 1 : POSITION 4 : 343 King G . Parker 243 reed C . Armstrong 469 Patricia A . Waters 150 Jack W . McGladrey 153 Philip G . Shephard POSITION 2 : 184 John B . Weir 368 Dixie Ann Johnson 46 Glenn Lees (write-in ) 383 Lila M . Weir POSITION 5 : POSITION 3 : 152 Fred R . Bartlett 220 Rudolph Cumberbatch 98 Alec A . Book 144 Stanley B . Hamilton 218 Eldon P . Jaquet• 207 Mrs . E . W . Peters 157 Kathleen Matkin 176 Marc Weir 168 Jack Rider (write-in ) t A. LUDLOW KRAMER • �T SECRETARY OF STATE March 22, 1972 SPECIAL BULLETIN TO: All County Auditors and City Clerks FROM: Election Division, Secretary of State SUBJECT: U. S . Supreme Court Decision Ruling - Voter One-year Residence Requirement Unconstitutional This bulletin is to officially notify all persons responsible for voter registration in the State of Washington that, as a result of the U. S . Supreme Court decision ruling that the residence requirement of one year in the state and ninety days in the county as a prerequisite to voting in the State of Tennessee to be unconstitutional - the same provisions of our state constitution are likewise unconstitutional. By elimination, this leaves the 30 day residence in the city or :)recinct as the only residence requirement at the time of vot. nq. Since all persons must be registered for at least 30 days prior to the election concerned, the matter of residence is no longer a question at the time of registering. For this reason, the two questions appearing upon the revised Reg. Form No. 2 relat- ing to residence should be stricken, which read as follows : - „t OW. e( NA M:..61 n te, m,l I ,, the, t1 ,,,.,,.tfiJ? -- YE3 D - — Here-yell b en a ro,e1,nt et Oeetilt $r,.et i..,,,the.. 69 A ,,} W.& p A formal opinion will be requested of the Attorney General in the near future. This bulletin is to give you immediate guidance. If ypu have any question, please contact my election staff. Sincerely, A . LUDLOW KRAMER Secretary of State Chief Elections Officer gik A. LUDLOW KRAMER SECRETARY OF STATE /A';t J-0 March 22, 1972 SPECIAL BULLETIN TO: All County Auditors and City Clerks FROM: Election Division, Secretary of State SUBJECT: U. S . Supreme Court Decision Ruling - Voter One-year Residence Requirement Unconstitutional This bulletin is to officially notify all persons responsible for voter registration in the State of Washington that, as a result of the U. S . Supreme Court decision ruling that the residence requirement of one year in the state and ninety days in the county as a prerequisite to voting in the State of Tennessee to' •be unconstitutional - the same provisions of our state constitution are likewise unconstitutional. By elimination, this leaves the 30 day residence in the city or precinct as the only residence requirement at the time of voting. Since all persons must be registered for at least 30 days prior to the election concerned, the matter of residence is no longer a question at the time of registering. For this reason, the two questions appearing upon the revised Reg. Form No. 2 relat- ing to residence should be stricken, which read as follows : A formal opinion will, be requested of the Attorney General in the near future. This bulletin is to give you immediate guidance. If you have any question, please contact my election staff. Sincerely, �.., A. LUDLOW KRAMER Secretary of State Chief Elections Officer JOHN D1 SPELoMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN kKING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON r '''(;)710cIrj 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 w TO: King County Registrars Registrars-at-Large �-YZ r� /C4� FROM: H.R. Nichols 441 �� Registration Coordinator King County Records & Elections SUBJE:T: Business Reply Envelope '�„1i!'L— In a ,:ontinuing effort to simplify the system and cost of elections, the King County Records and Elections Department is implementing a business reply envelope for the return of the registration and transfer cards to the Voter Registration Section. Implementation of this envelope will elim- inate the use of stamps when you mail the registrations to this office. Therefore, in the future, when a registrar, or registrar-at-large, requests additional stamps or envelopes, we will provide self-addressed business reply envelopes. It will not be necessary for you to determine the postage require- ments. The envelopes will be charged against our First Class Mail Permit number as it is processed through the postal system. If you have any further questions regarding the use of the envelopes, please call the Voter Registration Section, phone number 344-5282 TITLE: Registrar Transmittal Form PURPOSE: Describe General Procedures in Handling Registrar Transmittal Fora I . Introduction 1 . The Voter Registration Section has a new c-mputerized system called the Registrar Accounting System. It will be used to keep an accounting of all registrations made by the deputy registrars within King County. The primary pur- pose of this system is to pay the registrars fcc• the registrations they have taken. There will be no pay for registrations that are eep licates, cr registrations of individuals that we have presently active in the i ie. 2. In order to accumulate the inform ti.::: rcode:J for the system to work accurately, a new Registrar Transmittal Form has : en cesigre.l and will be used for data input; and secondarily, as a communicat;on bet}:cen t registrar a::d this office. II . Use of the Form by Registrars 1 . A completed Registrar Transmittal Form must accompany c-ch ._r,:,As- mittal of new registrations, even if only cne registration is sentin. Tha Regis" tration Count is made from these forms and an accurate count is not possible if the Transmittal Form does not accompany the registrations. A listii by the voter's name should accompany each transmittal , as further aceeentabi ity crd, to assist in the tracing of any missing registrations within this office. It is also stag;este'i that each registrar retain a copy of the list of n:r cs su!!:mi tted to this office. 2. This form is designed to be of benefit to t o regi stre r and it is essential that it be filled out properly in order that the ri Cht persens be creili tee: for their registrations. 3. In the main body of the Transmittal Fern C.e registrar will e:.ter his or her name, address , zip code, and the account nun er as assigned Ly the Election Department. Enter the total number of new registrations in the shipment on the appropriate line, also any cancellations. Enter the date in the top right-hand corner at the time of transmittal . 4. On the right-hand section of the form is a series of boxes labeled with different types of forms used by the rec:strc: and a bex labeled "I Need Supplies". The registrar may order any supplies by checking the appropriate bcx. This will then be noted by the Registration Section and supplies wi l i be forwarded immediately. 5. The remaining portion of the form is for the use of this office in the processing procedure. DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS King County, Washington Effective March 15, 1972 UNIFORM PROCEDURE FOR REGISTERING VOTERS IN KING COUNTY A. PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE 1 . Ascertain if applicant is currently registered anywhere in the State of Washington. 2. If applicant is registered in a precinct (including any incorporated city or town) in KING COUNTY and has voted in, or since, the last Presidential Election, he will not re-register , but will fill out and sign a pink "VOTER'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION", Form 9A. No other forms are needed. The transfer will be completed in the Voter Registration Section and the voter will be issued a new Regis- tration Certificate with his new precinct. 3. If. however, the voter is registered elsewhere in the State of Wash- ington, other than King County, such registration must be CANCELLED by the use of the blue Form 10A, "VOTER'S AUTHORIZATION TO CANCEL REGISTRATION". 4. Details of filling out new registration forms for new or cancelled voters should proceed as shown below. B. REGISTERING THE VOTER 1 . Ascertain if applicant meets the legal requirements below. He must be: a. An American Citizen by birth or naturalization b. Be 18 years of age by the date of next election c. Be a resident of the State f t it's resident of King County for not l . NOTE: Registrations are closed for the 30 day period preceding an election, • e a ove , e s —the-,rem--r ienl"0� 1 year Tor state an cou 2. All entries are to be made in ink and ALL entries are to be completed by the Registrar. 3. Give applicant the verbal oath as shown on the front of Part 1 , Form 2A. 4. Block print voter's given and surname in spaces provided at the top of the card. NOTE: Women MUST register under their own given names. Further, emphasize that the voter should be registered as she would normally sign her name. It is not necessary to have the voter give a middle name for registration. 5. Enter voter's telephone number in space provided directly below the space for the given name. 6. Address must show house number, street, town and zip code. If mailing address is a rural route and/or box number, enter in address-residence spate. In this instance, fill in the residence location space with address , if any; names of nearest intersecting streets with compasslo- cation as to which corner of intersection, or a legal description of the property where the residence is located. (Example: '—z miles SE of inter- section of 175th Ave SE and SE 17th St, or NE of SE 4 of NW 4 of Sec 24, Twp 23, N Range 5E) 7. Sex - Make an X mark in the appropriate box. 8. Citizenship - Make an X mark in appropriate box. If voter is natura- lized, check correct box of the three center ones under NATURALIZATION RECORD, on reverse side of form, and enter date, place, and court of naturalization in indicated spaces. This information may be taken from legal documents such as Certificates of Naturalization, or may be furn- ished by the voter, but should be entered in ALL cases for naturalized citizens. If naturalization certificate number is available, record it in space provided. If naturalized by marriage, complete lines A and B, in addition to the above. For native-born citizens (born in the United States) , no entry should be made under NATURALIZATION RECORD. In the case of a native-born citizen, who was born in a foreign country while his American parents were temporarily abroad, to avoid uncertainty in connection with his place of birth, write across the space above NATURAL- IZATION RECORD - - "Corn of American parents abroad". Father's name (given name) and birthplace. 9. Date of Birth - Enter .',month , day and year of birth. 10. Place of Birth - If born in the United States , give city and state. 11 . Last Registration in this State under Provisions of the Present Law - - Enter city or county of previous registration and former residence address. 12, Place X-nark in YES boxes if elector qualifies for length of residence in state and county. 13. Allegiance - Place X-mark in NO box. If a person answers YES to this question, PRINT the word YES immediately to the left of the word NO in this section, then, determine if citizenship has been restored; if this is the case, turn to the reverse side of registration card and complete the Naturalization Record. 14. Conviction of an Infamous Crime - X-mark NO box if civil rights are not presently denied. If YES , call the Voter Registration Section for fur- ther instructions. 15. On reverse side of Form 2A, inquire of voter if he falls into a category of a State-employee, Federal employee , member of the Armed Forces , student attending an Insti-tution of learning, or .a spouse of one of the above. If the voter fails within f these descriptions, make an X mark in the appropriate box andcomplete the--supplemental affidavit of registra- tion to the right. This will necessitate the signnature of the voter, date of registration and the signature of the Regritra ti,on Officer. 1( . Complete Part 3 of Form 2A (lower righthand portion of the registration card) by printing the surname and given name, the address, city or town, and zir cede in the appropriate space. DO NOT DETACH! ! 17. Check over the finished form to make sure all spaces have been completed properly, date and sign at the points indicated (parts 2 & 3 of Form 2A) by voter and registrar. 18. In the lower righthand corner, on the reverse side of the registration form, complete the verification of registration, sign it as the regis- tering °Meer, tear it out and give it to the voter. Remember, do not detach Part 3 of the Voter Registration Form. Re-emphasize to the voter that this is merely a Verification of Registration card and does not en- title the voter the privilege of voting. Advise the voter that a Certif- icate of Registration will be mailed to him by the Voter Registration - -- Section after checking and processing the registration. FOR INFo:.F1ATICF!: Questions pertaining to Elections - Call 344-2565 Questions pertaining to Voter Registration - Call 344-5282 et-1 1 Norw rd J Brooks Director of Records and Elections 553 King County Administration Building Seattle Washington Q8114 Dear Sir: Wo hereby grant permission for use of the following buildings for use as polling places in the SoeciAl FleSticGs _ to he held o' FN; F, 1`ti during the hours of p:10 A P 1 to 8:QQ P M1 with the exceptions as noted OUR PREMISES WILL BE OPEP! AT 7:1'1 A Ml In consideration we understand the usual rental will be paid HIGHLANDS ADM BLDG Renton 13 Renton 18 LIBRARY, 100 Cedar River, Bookmobile Room Renton 12 MiJNICIPAL BLDG, LOBBY Renton 11' N RENTON REC CENTER Renton 1 EXCEPTIONS: APPROVED: King Count,/ District # !OR) City gPXAPJC1(X()f lea*•w. By )7( 1� Clerk o r—Seer;IATy NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AMID RETURN ONE COPY IMMEDIA'ELY1 THE SECOND COPY IS FOR YOUR RECORDS. 1 9 7 1 PRE' Rik GENERA I, EL.E.;CTION J4.ENDAR '�,e; RING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ^ ' For Elections in �d� King County, Port of Seattle, 13 First-Class School Districts -- Numbers 1, 210, 400, _ 401, 403, 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415 and 417 and 17 Cities -- Algona, Auburn, 3ellevue, Bothell, Des Moines, Enumclaw, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Medina, Mercer Island, Normandy Park, Pacific, Redmond (Renton not included), Seattle and Tukwila. July 16th, 1971 Last day for City Clerks to assign numbers to Council positions to be voted upon (except Councilman-at-Large position in 3rd Class Cities). July 26th Filings open (King County, Port of Seattle and first-class School Districts with Director of Records & Elections; Cities with City Clerks). July 30th Filings close. August 4th Last day for candidates to withdraw. August 6th Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with Primary. August 6th City Clerks to certify names, addresses, and position numbers of candidates to Director of Records and Elections. August 13th Director of Records & Elections to publish Notice of closing of registration for Primary. August 21st Last day to register for Primary September 1st Absentee ballots availab4-e.. September 8th Last day for transfer of registration - Primary. September 17th Director of Records & Elections to publish Notice of Primary. September 17th Last day to file Resolutions or Ordinances calling Special Elections to be held in conjunction with General Election. Sept ember 21 st PRIMARY. September 24th Director of Records & Elections to publish Notice of closing of registration for General Election, October 1st Canvass to be completed. October 2nd Last day to register for General Election, October 18th Last day for transfer of registration - General. October 29th Director of Records & Elections to publish Notice of General El. November 2nd GENERAL ELECTION, November 12th Canvass to he completed. Terms cf most District officials, including School District Directors, and any person elected for less than a full-term, shall commence upon issuance of the Certificate of Election. (November 22nd to 30th) All other officials take office on January 10, 1972. Prepared by: Norward J. Brooks By: Edward J. Logan Director of Records & Elections Superintendent of Elections • JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE �,.nECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS J EDWARD J. LOGAN • KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS ;/-y-jcz- - eeir RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT .4, ,t) KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 553,KIN COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING—SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 rly-) (206) 344-2565 144. January 3, 1972 TO RURAL REGISTRARS AND C'TY AND TOWN CLERKS: The registration files of Renton, Elliott, Maplewood, and. Olympic Precinct, or Precincts, will be closed to original registration of voters on tha 8th day of January, 1972, for the Special Elections to be held on February 8, 1972. In orier to vote at the above-mentioned elections, all persons not now registered are required to register on or before January 7, 1972. Transfers of registrations are acceptable through Monday, January 24. The above-mentioned closing date applies to the Special Elections only. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections dr' di By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections e jl/7.dr - � . ner Ta r f ' ;., _ 7 sue? " ✓ Sua,day, November 28, 1971 Record-Chronicle Page 5 By Virginia Burnside s ' The King County Elections De- and communicatew oters know ith v Co n s O , in his precinct," the Kin Count partment is m the midst of a de fac '-• ,. �' a '{ ® � O¢ _ Democratic Central Committee has to plan to'consolidate 2,334 existing i `` count precincts b I informed Brooks® � ' `� into 825 jumbo precincts.; aces y C e C a ea Ite parholrooks But few voters — except the ex g i �.�9 J it, too, will go to the Legislature to ecutive board of the Democratic seek a legal limitation of the size of Party—seem to be aware of what's Besides the cost savings, Brooks registration data already are on precincts to 300 voters, and will happening. -believes the consolidation would computer, he ppointed out. Included seek the help of the county Republi Norward Brooks, county records speed the voting process and prove are Renton, Bellevue, Mercer Is can organization to do it. and elections chief, says he esti• more convenient to voters. Under land, Kirkland, and a portion of the -" � . mates the county will be able to his plan, an average-size present area around Auburn. Republicans have taken no posi save $42,750 in next year's elections precinct of approximately 300 vot- To give the plan the blessing of tion on the consolidation. through the consolidation. - ers would be consolidated with as appropriate state legislation. Brooks Brooks, however, has an answer Part of the savings— $30,750= many as four other precincts. said he intended to take the propos-, to the party leaders: would be realized through the elimi- al to the Legislature for approval. nation of at least a third of the coun Voters at this jumbo precinct He explained,however;the law does Multiple precinct committeemen ty s present election workers. This Would be served by 15 punch-card not now specifically prohibit what is in each jumbo precinct elected on would be accomplished chiefly devices, two demonstration and bal the same basis for every 300 voters. actually occuring in many precincts • through the use of new vote a matic lot clerks, and four tables_.with two that have already been consolidated.. He believes the paper ballot which equipment throughout the suburban "`_"'elections workers each working he is g proposing for the election of ortions of King County. Another from registered voter lists. Under Brooks may not get the support these precinct committeemen would • ` 12,000 would be eliminated in the " present procedures, 15 poll workers of the forces who helped him push give that election a bigger focus freight costs of transporting votingare required to man 15 voting ma- through centralized registration in than it has now and discourage the dunes. the legislative session earlier this voting "drop-off" that occurs after P g g. p machines to polling places, he said. In,addition to the consolidation, year. voters vote- for President in the • Brooks said many precincts aI Brooks said countyelection officials • major elections. !A -• ,ready have been consolidated at one On this one," Democratic Party 'are now considering the preparation leaders have indicated they were"Voting place in the county, and cited �of registration lists not by precinct unanimouslyopposed to increasing one law; the partiesmt are am in the r ::five precincts which voted in the but by polling place. He said the the size of resent recincts, even precinct committeeman the ,general election earlier this month process could be done by computer, .though savings mightresult. ' Brooks' plan, precincts.number Under county's the- old Cascade Junior--High ,r 'reflecting up dated registration for g gBrooks' tht would at the._ id th _in Auburn. The five -<< _ remainte same but would 8 pre- pre- � each election. : The successful operation of ol- cincts were Auburn 3,8, 9, 20 and itical parties depends on the ability signed to 825 precincts and— 5 i side :37 Forty per cent of, the count 's of theprecinct committeeman to cincts outside Seattle 445 inside fi ,. Y Seattle. • T. 7..0 5 ,r4,7 is / 36 /vel • y.�, //A/7/ . 1 Ce --,- ayt-ee.e/U-- _ List of Election Inspector serving in the Renton area who will be picking up supplies for the February 9, 1971 Election: Renton # 1 Grayce C Zwicker 448A Pelly Ave N Al 5 7153 Renton # 2, 2 E Frances Gallacher 817 N 3rd Al 5 4447 Renton # 3v/ ; Ella Siegfried 318 Garden Ave N Al 5 4843 Renton # 5, 6 Jane Storey 346 Pelly Ave N Al 5 7984 Renton # 7//a Mildred A Taylor 356 Thomas Ave S W Al 5 7359 Renton # 8/y, /C Margaret Murdock 605 Morris Ave S Al 5 9547 Renton # 111/ .37 Flora Monaghan 324 Cedar Ave S Al 5 4824 Renton # 12 Alice T Clear 1717 Edmonds Ave N E Al 5 7168 ,,r Renton # 13�/&,,/l Marie L Datt 672 Edmonds Ave N E Al 5 2376 Renton # 14 /j Betty Lowe 1411 Queen Ave N E Ba 6 1?54 i'/ Renton # 18,"4 /- Hilda McGarrigle 676 Edmonds Ave N E Al 5 1779 Renton # 20.J.<, .3 ,Alice M Olson 577 Harrington Ave N E Al 5 4415 Renton # 21.E {" A Wiehoff 1716 N E 16th Al 5 2013 Renton # 23, . Kate Dal Santo 271 Hardie Ave N W Al 5 5478 Renton # 24, y,4/ -/ Sarah Hartsock 2020 Kirkland P1 N E Ba 6 4669 Renton # 267f , 7 Theresa M Harbeck 933 Edmonds Ave N E Al 5 5072 Renton # 27i.1/ >7-= Violet Reckling 617 S 15th Al 5 6183 Renton # 8 //i /i/ Alma McKee 611 S W 12th Al 5 8369 Renton # 30,.//(-,.1/ /771 Lee C._9, Renton # 33 a),,/J Opal Schaaf 3804 N E 6th Al 5 9580 Renton # 35 u/u/ ' Ann G Beckley 655 Ferndale Ct N E Al 5 1308 I • Renton # 39 /7 Jean c Adderson 280 Morris Ave # 3 Al 5 5263 Renton # 43,yiy' -)-Margaret Ball 3607 N E 12th Al 5 5821 Renton # 53,-; Gloria Nichols 1608 Shattuck Ave S Al 5 4925 7' Renton# 56, ZI/ Josephine R Morrison 112 Wells Ave N Al 5 4975 Renton # 58, 1 Faith Hunt 3916 Lake Wash Blvd N Al 5 6829 Election Department ii,),,/li -' CITY OF RENTON RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENTON, WASHINGTON OCTOBER 28, 1971 CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Elected EXPIRES Term Begins Mayor Avery Garrett Dec., 1969 Nov. 1975 City Clerk Helmie W. Nelson Dec., 1969 Indefinite# City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett Dec., 1969 Indefinite# Councilman Kenneth Bruce Dec. 1 970 Nov.,1973 Councilman Earl Clymer Dec., 1970 Nov.,1973 Councilman Charles J. Delaurenti Dec., 1970 Nov.,1973 Councilman William Grant Dec., 1970 Nov.,1975 Councilman George J. erry Dec., 1970 Nov.,1975 Councilman Henry W. Schellert Dec., 1970 Nov.,1975 Councilman Rabchard Sl.redicke Dec., 1970 Nov., 1975 #Positions of the City Clerk and City Treasurer uecame appointive with the adoption of the Optional Municipal Code December 1 , 1970. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I HELMIE W. NELSON, L N, THE DULY QUNLIFTED, APPOINTED AND ACTING CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO V'EREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE NAMED PERSONS ARE THE PRESENT OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON SIGNED THIS 28th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1971 / .. /c .fir L„/ HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK • JOHN D. SPELLMAN NORWARD J. BROOKS COUNTY EXECUTIVE uit<ECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS EDWARD J. LOGAN KING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS AIC RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 553 KING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 October 8, 1971 TO ALL CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: As you are all aware, Chapter 202, Laws of the State of Washington, 1971 1st Extraordinary Session, gave authority as Chief Registrar for each county to the County Auditor, or the Director of Records and Elections in King County. Section 4 of the Chapter states: "A deputy registrar shall be a registered voter and, except for city and town clerks, shall hold office at the pleasure of the county auditor. "The county auditor shall be the custodian of the official registration records of each precinct within that county. The expenses of registration shall be apportioned bet!-!con the county and cities or towns therein in the same manner as provided in RCW 29.07.030." With regard to the apportionment of these registration expenses, would like to discuss same with each of you, or your designated rep- resentative, on Tuesday, November 9th, 1971, at 10:00 A.M. in Room 510 King County Administration Bldg. Please advise my secretary on 344-4200 if you will be in attendance. Sincerely, NlittiAretn) rward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections njb/d C t 0-4/i7 cf;12.,1/C,U RECEIPT 4-/A1 (." RECEIVED FROM 7A.�• (Name) jr Clerk for , (City or own the permanent card file of cancellations and registration binders, with central file cards (#2 cards) attached for Precincts • 9 on 7- .2a - 7/ (date) Representative for: Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections King County KEEP THIS COPY FOR YOUR FILES. ' 1971 CITY ELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE fietcP) 5/-.1-16A)- N01.4-CURT nc td'ro” r UPT?0'�#T �TNTC' CITY L S FORM OF � VERNM Please check square if applicable. T, 1/ ,/a 3rd class city with mayor-council form of government and positions ' J of city attorney and city clerk have been made appointive pursuant to RCW 35.24.020. CURRENT CITY ELECTIVE OFFICIALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: , . /91 (If your city has the ward system, please identify wards when listing council also please indicate if any of the positions are to be voted upon this year for an unexpired term.) YEAR LAST NAME POSITION VOTED UPON NO ELr...TION IN CITY OF RENTON NTON FOE WUNCI!_, PO, ITION; THIS MAR 1 . Konnath `3r irRteft�t' to %; .13 291; 19�-- 12/1/70 to 4/73 2• E rl C'I,ytnAr 1.2/1/70 to 21/73 19?0 3• i1h: r]ft.• ILA nirentl 1. /1/70 to 11/73 1979_ 4. ,.1111.112 Gr /7./70 to 11✓75 19 _ 5• r orge Perry 12/1/70 to 11✓75 19? 6. h;, 'cha3?ert 22/1/70 to 11/75 7. Richard Aredick° 12/1/70 to 11/75 1970 8. 19 9'. Very narrett 12/1/69 to 11./75 1969 10. 19 11 . 19 12. 19 13. 19 14. 19 15. 19 THIS REPORT CERTIFIED AS ACCURATE BY ,./ /I/ / (Signature) Jul; 16, 1971 (Date) (Title) Jgk. A. LUDLOW KRAMER , ; SECRETARY OF STATE Olympia, Washington phr ° ti July 12 , 1971 BULLETIN NO. 71-1 MEMO TO: All City Clerks. SUBJECT: Approaching 1971 City Elections. fLi ` _r (t -- At this time, we are enclosing the following items relating to the approaching city elections: ELECTION QUESTINNAIRE: There are three copies of our usual question- naire on this fall ' s election which we are asking that you fill out and distribute as follows: a. The original to be returned to the Election Division, Office of the Secretary of State, Olympia, Washington 98504 . b. The second copy to be sent to your County Auditor. c. The third copy to be retained in your office. SAMPLE FORM FOR ASSIGNMENT OF POSITION NUMBERS: It is suggested that each City Clerk at the next council meeting have the councilmen, whose offices are to be voted upon this year, draw their position numbers so the official certificate of number assignment can be exe- cuted. You understand that such numbering procedure is required even though an incumbent, subject to this year ' s election, may not intend to file for reelection. You will note that the City Primary Election Calendar sets Friday, July 16, as the deadline for the assignment of position numbers. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY FORM: A sample form is enclosed for your reference. This is a stock item that can be purchased from either Pioneer, Inc. in Tacoma, or Trick & Murray, in Seattle. When candidates file with City Clerk, they must indicate in their declarations for which office they are seeking, and in the instance of council candidate - which position number, if any. There is no statutory requirement that a candidate must appear in person to file. However, if a declaration is mailed or sent by messenger, it must first be properly executed and reach the filing officer during the filinq period. (The postal cancellation date is not the determining factor. ) State law (RCW 29. 18. 035) provides that when a candidate files for office, he cannot use any title designating his present or past occu- pation or profession, including military rank in the armed forces. However, a nickname may be used if it is in addition to his given name, such as Richard (Dick) Roe. The attorney general has ruled that a contraction of a name is not a nickname, such as Don for Donald, or Ken for Kenneth. Thus, a candidate could properly file as Don Smith or Ken Jones. BULLETIN NO. 71-1 -2- July 12, 1971 If three or more candidates file for the same position, such action triggers the necessity of holding the normal city primary election on all positions subject to election, including those positions which have • only one or two candidates filing. There is no provi- sion for holding an abbreviated city primary election for just those positions which have "over-filings. " In other words, it is an "all or nothing" situation. If no more than two candidates have filed for each position to be voted upon, no city primary election is held (RCw 29. 21.015) . In such event, the City Clerk shall notify all candidates concerned and the County Auditor. In some 3rd class cities having the commission form of government, no election will be held this near since there are no staggered terms and the three city commissioners elected in 1969 will serve until their successors are elected in November, 1973 . We hope that this bulletin, together with the enclosures, gives you the information you need. If you have any question, check with your County Auditor or our office. Best wishes for a successful election. Sincerely, A. LUDLOW KRAMER retary of State . 5\tZki04141s Donald F. Whiting Assistant Supervisor of Elections DFW:rk Enc. cc: County Auditors Registration Transfers and Cancellations 29.10.160 design—Avail-. ' �, �, A: .. 29.10.150 Forms, secretaryof state to ✓ ability to public. The secretary of state as chief elections officer - shall cause appropriate forms to be designed to carry out the pro- visions,of RCW 29.04.100, 29.10.110, 29.10.130 through 29.10.160 and 29.51.060. The respective county auditors and city and town clerks shall have such forms available. Further, a reasonable supply of such forms shall be at each polling place on the day of a primary or election, general or special. [1965 1st ex.s. c 156 § 4.] 29.10.160 Cancellation due to address differing from that on permanent records—Necessary procedural steps before cancellation. At the time any registration officer inspects the permanent regis- tration records in his possession, to determine whether or not any voter's record should be canceled for failure to vote as provided in section RCW 29.10.080 as it now exists or hereafter amended, he shall also compare the voter registration record with the sig nature ature ' and address of each voter as it appears in the poll book used at the most recent preceding state general election. If the address of any voter, as written by the voter, in the poll book does not agree with the address of the voter as stated on his permanent registration records, the registration officer shall: • (1) Send a notice, by certified mail to addressee only, with return receipt requested, showing address where delivered, to the voter, using the address as given in the poll book and advising him ✓ that he must either have his registration transferred or register • • anew, as the case may be. Such notice shall also contain a prepaid pos card form addressed to the registration officer for the con- venience of the voter to indicate what action the voter intends to take. (2) If the voter believes that his registration record should not be changed, he shall so notify his registration officer who, in turn, shall promptly arrange for a hearing unless it is manifestly apparent that the voter's reasons are valid for keeping his record unchanged. If a hearing is necessary, any ruling issued by the registration officer shall be final, subject only to an appeal to the superior court under the provisions of chapter 34.04 RCW. (3) If the notice mailed by the registration officer is either re- • turned as undeliverable or the voter does not respond within thirty days from the date of mailing, the registration officer shall cancel the•registration record concerned and notify the secretary of state of such cancellation. If the voter received the notice, as evidenced • by the return receipt, the registration officer shall further notify such voter by first class mail that his registration has been canceled. [19 s ex.s. c 8.] Forms, secretary of state to design A• , —Availability to public: 29.10.150. S-9/1/65 [29.10—p 9] pF RA,,„ a ti ,, o U �% `� Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON cr RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 '�sA09l CA PITAk- Re : Cancellation of Voter Registration Due to Change of Address of Voter Dear Voter : The address which you listed in the signature poll book at the November 3 , 1970 election does not coincide with that on your City of Renton voter registration indicating that you no longer reside within the corporate limits of Renton . As required by RCW 29 . 10 .160 of the State Law, your voting registration is being cancelled and you must register anew with the City or Town Clerk where you now reside , or if you are located in an unincorporated area of the County , with your County Auditor. If for some reason your registration should not be cancelled you should advise this office by returning the enclosed post- paid self-addressed post card indicating thereon the reasons . We thank you for your courteous cooperation in the matter . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm 4pF i ti '� O�i (� 7, ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON.WASHINGTON J9� ° RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON� WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 � °I° CANfA-Of April 30 , 1971 Re : Transfer of Voter Registration City of Renton , Washington Dear Voter: The address which you listed at the November 3 , 1970 general election does not coincide with the address shown on your permanent voting registration records. As required by State Law, we are changing your voting registra- tion records accordingly . You are now registered in City of Renton Precinct No. Your polling location is listed on the slip attached hereto. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure 6/1r1-16 CITY OF RENTON (/6419 Renton Municipal Building / 200 Mill Avenue South • Renton, Washington FROM: Office of The City Clerk March 31, 1971 TO: Building Department Park Department City Treasurer Library RE: Renton School District Election April 13, 1971 All polling locations should be in order for the school election on April 13 . Polls will open at 8 :00 AM and close at 8 :00 PM. Poll workers will arrive at 7: 00 AM and will remain until tabula- tions are complete . Front doors of City Hall should remain open at least until 9 : 30 PM to allow for return of precinct binders and signature poll books . * 'i• ----c cl".o&t, < -4 , .. ei . SAMPLE BmLiOT TITLE PROPOSITION N0. 1 = ci , wt .-- 7---C.' /..C-r -C 1 Ci --c (1—&-----/ (%iF*111‘ 111$44",7.•; 7,514 votes 1/ 9/2/ GENERAL FUND LEVY S8,012,500.00 I''' (� i } are needed to validate oA\R your school election ` !"" "Shall Renton School District No. 403, •rs4s: ;, King County, Washington, for the purpose i`tt17,7 j \) 60% must vote Yes of providing funds for library books, text- ��'m books, instructional supplies and equip- ' r 1;1 r$:11:7,,,,,,-,i,.:::-,:':- ,x,..i4t..444,) ment, maintaining salary schedules, '4 �; 4 `j operation of kindergartens, maintenance af, of buildings and other current operating �" n" expenses of the district, authorize theii. �;e; s„ -i _!! County Council of King County, Wash =`. s, Wi;;a o1 sfs t,A . ington, to levy a tax of approximately ' 20.81 mills, sufficient to provide $8,012, -- m �rl ( 500.00 for the district General Fund, such ~`''' 1/I'i ita1 " tax to be levied in 1971 for collection in VrUfPt s ll 1972, in excess of the annual millagez O` limitation permitted the school district •'sfiV ri ur ii :` 1 without a vote of the people, the proceeds ( ` ,t; �� • 0 V of said levy to be used immediately !!rf �:izt ., l :2,44111,�-� through incurring an indebtedness against �t \ Y[ij # p�t ��T'_ ';;;� 2 i the district by the issuance of warrants i21; ts;, against the General Fund of the district,4 VI IN it dir (��s% I``� , � a. ._, all as more specifically provided in a Reso- lution No. 640 of the Board of Directors ,< e Adopted December 17, 1970. ' ('� 1 :;.._," a I w; 7 ��tiims �t :y. YES ` I"��' ),; = a .- ti c NI ILDREv NO ( '" t '.i ': :: 0 '- i33s 2 CITIZENS COMMITTEE FOR y ',O.- ;:1 <`�_ '�' s,;) THE RENTON SCHOOLS 0 l'�' �a VII: .. ik,': ll 435 Main Avenue South �/`. !j ail% Renton, Washington 98055 FiN� -t I S`ff� - L=J1 vote Mg Co Chairmen Hiir, Ili Dr. Robert Hoffman (; ___ Iii, „ i t ri�l'' r.q Li (] U Li t ==.l: Mrs. Barbara Schellert `��.,.- t�" _ ;4_ m➢gam -a - , . so . WHY A LEVY? 1111 40% OF RENTON'S SCHOOL SYSTEM IS UP FOR VOTE FEBRUARY 9. The percent of state support for Renton schools has gone down steadily for several That is when the_annual levy will be on the ballot. This provides money for day to day years. It was 55.49°/o in 1960 and only operation of the basic school program. It must be revoted each year. 40.58% in 1970. A drop of almost 15%! This has to be made up at the local level. Renton school enrollment has remained unchanged at about 16,000, contrary to expec- (20% comes from federal and county tations. If this levy fails 40% or 2/5 of the money to provide teachers, books, supplies and sources) maintenance will not be available—the 16,000 children, however, will still be there. EFFECT OF LEVY FAILURE This is the investment that must be protected. Levy failure would take away 40% of the future budget and be a severe blow to an educational system that is straining to maintain the high standards of the past. As a substantial part of regular operating income the levy will: Economies Since 1969 • Sustain the present school program $75,000 savings through improved record • Permit a return to at least minimal supply allocations keeping methods • Help restore some of the cut programs, such as special reading classes Capital outlay for small equipment cut • Provide some protection against future cuts in state money over $200,000 • Permit a cost of living increase General supplies cut over $100,000 • Provide for staffing and maintenance of new schools Teacher/pupil ratio increased 2.41 pupils/ • Help to catch up on maintenance—painting, roofing, playgrounds teacher • Restore some of the text and library book cuts Certificated salary base has not been • Allow continuation of the community-school recreation program changed since 1969 Clerical and custodial help cut over $100, 000 Seven resource teachers cut Three speech therapists cut Nine reading specialists cut One work experience teacher cut This is not to be confused with the recent bond issue approved for building and Building and grounds maintenance put on equipping new schools. The levy is collectible strict priority in 1972. Travel expenses cut 80% ti„ Field trip money cut 50% 2/23/71 The number of registered voters in the City of Renton 11,556 CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 410 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington FROM: Office of City Clerk January 14 , 1971 TO: Building Department Library - Street Department Park Department City Treasurer This is advance notice there will be a Special Election February 9 , 1971. Yours very truly, • Helmie Nelson cc: Helmie Nelson • Nv� - CITY OF RENTON 110 Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington FROM: Office of City Clerk January 14 , 1971 TO: Building Department Library - Street Department Park Department City Treasurer This is advance notice there will be a Special Election February 9 , 1971. Yours very truly, Helmie Nelson cc: Helmie Nelson S JOHN D. SPELLMAN EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON • 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 December 1 9 7 0 TO DEPUTY REGISTRARS: Enclosed is a check covering your services through November 3, 1970. We realize the amount does not fully pay for the invaluable services you perform and the inconsideration and sometimes abuse you suffer from the public. The staff and myself take this opportunity of wishing you a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a "HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR". Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections -<:j 4 By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections ejl/d enc NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF /7-;/6) THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 30th day of November , 1970 at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a Special Meeting for the purpose of Installing City Council Members and transacting such other business as may properly come before the City Council . CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION November 25 , 1970 d- Iii --OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION iimnrr?rTAI OCOnPT Ar rI rr?TnM DG'TIIRNR mnvFMdF'R 3. 1970 PIP RIP CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 55 PRECT 43 PRECT 32 PRECT 28 PRECT 17 59 OF 59 PRECT 1 POSITION NO. 1 I KEN BRUCE 12 97 89 34 96 4210 PAUL NAXIN 1 29 22 8 38 1858 ' POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 8 79 79 28 62 3462 JOANNE 0. HEREBER 8 61 29 18 71 2946 POSITION NO, 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 10 77 88 29 81 4097 BRUCE MCKAY 3 52 20 16 52 2316 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 9 106 92 37 94 4303 PATTY AKERS NELSON 4 27 23 11 32 1806 POSITION NO. 5 1410 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 11 93 87 36 84 4102 ROBERT H. HUGHES 3 40 25 11 45 2035 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 7 89 77 31 86 3806 BOB WRAY 8 47 34 15 42 2371 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 8 106 71 26 81 4201 ROBERT S. SHANE 5 34 45 20 52 2236 a 7c// 7tqi.„_,A) ,---- Al 6_61._, 0,- - .19// 0151Elt 49 LIST OF ELECTED LEGISLATORS FROM KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON c y'� a�� v (ELECTED NOVEMBER 3, 1970) • -. '''��� a� . t .^. - ' Senators elected November 3, 1970 for 4 Yr. Terms (except 1st & 41st 1968-, i972 Representatives elected November 3, 1970 for 2 Yr. Terms, State Legislature convenes for sixty-day period beginning January il, 1971 , and all mail at that time may be addressed to the Legislative Building, Olympia 98501 1st District Sen R Francis E. Hoiman, 5050 NE 176th, Seattle 98155 Rep R Alan Biuechel , 12534 68th NE, Kirkland 96033 Rep R Arthur C. Brown, 16020 Densmore N. Seattle 98133 30th District Sen R John H. Stender, 27420 Military Rd S, Auburn 90002 Rep R Norwood Cunningham, 750 Aivord, Kent 96031 Rep R Paul Barden, 1112 S 168th, Seattle 98148 31st District Sen D Gordon Herr, 10617 21st SW, Seattle 96146 Rep D H. Stan Bradley, 8114 7th SW, Seattle 98106 Rep D King Lysen, 12040 Standring Ct SW, Seattle 98146 32nd District Sen D Pete Francis, 4324 Dayton N, Seattle 98103 Rep-A D G. K. (Jeff) Douthwaite, 5518 31st NE, Seattle 98105 Rep-1 D Ai Williams, 2515 N 40th, Seattle 98103 33rd District Sen 1 Frank Connor, 3201 S Massachusetts, Seattle 98144 Rep D John L. O'Brien, 5041 Lake Washington Blvd S. Seattle 98118 Rep 0 William (Bill) Chataias, 2802 33rd S. Seattle 98144 34th District Sen ►) R. R. (Bob) Greive, 5116 SW Hudson, Seattle 98116 Rep 01 John M. Roseliini , 3827 36th SW, Seattle 98126 Rep 0 Dave Ceccarelli , 3b23 42nd SW, Seattle 98116 35th District Sen 0 Bob Ridder, 5809 S Roxbury, Seattle 96118 Rep 1 John Merrill , 7530 S Lakaridge Dr, Seattle 98178 Rep D John Bagnariol , 10450 61st S, Seattle 98178 36th District Sen R John Murray, 4317 W McLaren, Seattle 98199 Rep R Gladys Kirk, 1236 Bigelow N, Seattle 96109 Rep R Kenneth O. Eikenberry, 1909 3rd W, Seattle 98119 37th District Sen D George Fleming, 1612 Grand, Seattle 98122 Rep R Michael K. Ross, 2608 E Howell , Seattle 98122 Rep D Peggy Joan Maxie, 3302 E Pine, Seattle 98122 41st District Sen R Geo 1,i Clalke 3835 W Mercer Way Mere Isl 9801a0 B r I an--J J. Lew l s,--1-804--1-2-7 t -Sl:- $e-1--l-evae 980O5 Rep R Axel C. Julin, 4615 Lk Washington Blvd SE, Bellevue 98006 Rep R Gorge -W. .0 lar ke, 383.5 W Mercer Wad,--Mecce-r l s4end 98040 Wm Polk 7220 92m. SE Mere Isl 98040 43rd District Sen R Jonathan Whetzel , 1511 E Olin PI , Seattle 98102 Rep R John B. Rabel , 5308 NE 43rd, Seattle 98105 Rep D Jim McDermott, 1650 22nd E, Seattle 98102 44th District Sen R Ted G. Peterson, 2345 NW Blue Ridge Dr, Seattle 98177 Rep D Donn Charniey, 19344 iith NW, Seattle 98177 Rep R Lois North, 853 NW Elford Dr, Seattle 96177 45th District Sen D Fred H. Dore, 601 NW Carkeek Pk Rd, Seattle 98177 Rep D Mark Litchman, 13706 2nd NE, Seattle 98125 Rep D Robert A. (Bob) Perry, 1154 N 92nd, Seattle 98103 46th District Sen R George W. Scott, 2530 NE 105th PI , Seattle 98125 Rep R Paul Kraabei , 5221 18th NE , Seattle 98105 Rep R Scott Blair, 8712 25th NE, Seattle 98115 47th District Sen D Martin J. Durkan, 4049 W Lk Sammamish Blvd S,Beilevue 98008 Rep D Gary Grant, 12835 SE 160th, Renton 98055 Rep D Albert (Bud) Shinpocn, 361 Maple NW, Renton 98055 48th District Sen R James A. Andersen, 3008 98th NE, Bellevue 98004 Rep R James E. (Jim) GIlleland, 3234 Hunts Pt Rd, Bellevue 98004 Rep R *i cl gal 4--lf. Chap i n,-4408--95-tip--N€, Be-l-l-ev ue 98004 Joan Jones 18 -Rr.:dlewood Circle Kirk 98033 Prepared by 1317 9) � NORWARD J. BROOKS �'73`.$' c'��\ DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS �o ; � .R "', By Edward J. Loyan Q�rii-2 ti : ; _ Superintendent of Elections Iti,� A. LUDLOW KRAMER SECRETARY OF STATE ,04,,,_tea ZJ STATE MEASURES REFERRED BY THE LEGISLATURE J//3hU TO THE VOTERS FOR DECISION AT THE NOVEMBER 3, 1970 STATE GENERAL ELECTION PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS : H.J.R. No. 6 : Lowering voting age to 19 years. H.J.R. No. 42: Revising revenue limitations (including the authorization of a state income tax) . REFERENDUM BILLS : Referendum Bill No. 20: Legalizing abortions under certain (Chapter 3 , Laws of 1970) conditions. * Referendum Bill No. 21 : Removing 6% interest ceiling and (Chapter 40, Laws of 1970) selling time limitation on state bonds for recreational purposes which were previously approved by the voters at the 1968 state gen- eral election. * Referendum Bill No. 22 : Removing 6% interest ceiling and (Chapter 66, Laws of 1970) selling time limitation on bonds . for state building projects which were previously approved by the voters at the 1968 state general election. * Referendum Bill No. 23 : Removing 6% interest ceiling and (Chapter 67, Laws of 1970) selling limitation on state bonds controlling water pollution which were previously approved by the voters at the 1968 state general election. . * A remote contingency exists in that act provides that measurE will not be submitted to voters if such bonds, with present 6% interest limitation, are sold on or before September 2, ] 0. L • JOHN D. SPELLMAN . • EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON • 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 t2061 344-2565 STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING This is to certify that on November 3, 1970, there were held General and Special Elections in CITY OF RENTON for the election of officers and the submission of propositions to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said elections were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 18, 1970, and the results of said canvass are as follows: COUNCIL POSITION NO. 1 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 6 Ken Bruce 4,422 Elected Henry E. Schellert 3,990 Elected Paul Maxin 1 ,974 Bob Wray 2,515 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 2 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 7 Earl Clymer 3,651 Elected Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 4,383 Elected Joanne D. Herber 3, 115 Robert S. Shane 2,393 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 3 Charles J. Delaurenti 4,315 Elected Bruce McKay 2,439 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 4 George J. Perry 4,539 Elected Patty Akers Nelson 1 ,863 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 5 William (Bill) J. Grant 4,289 Elected Robert J. Hughes 2,235 _ Dated at Seattle, Washington, thi s 18th day of November, 1970. Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections Renton, Washington A,L" )44116'2 September 15, 1970 November 3, 1970 NOTICE - TO THE INSYBCTOR Kindly return the City of Renton Voter Signature Poll Books and the Precinct Registration Binders to the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. If possible, please return these books the night of the election, or the following day. DC NOT WRITE OR INSERT ANY INFORMATION ON THE YELLOW PAGES IN THE PFECINCT REGISTRATION BINDERS as there are a number of forms which mt.st be completed when any change is made in the registration record and they can be missed if you alter the records in the books at this time. If you have information to be recorded, please just attach a soparate note to the page concerned. P:.ease sign any death notices that you fill out, as we cannot process them otherwise. IMPORTANT The Office of the City Clerk will be tabulating returns on the City Election, so as soon as possible after your tabulations, in addition too calling the Election Department, will you please call this Office, B.. 8-3310, Ext. 221, 222, 223 or 224, and report the results of the vote on the City positions. W: thank you once again for your cooperation and courtesies in c)nsideration of our requests. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON '' I 24/ J Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk F.S. If you have any questions concerning the registrations, please call the City Clerk's Office, BA 8-3310, Extensions 221, 222, 223, or 224. Emergency phone number is BA 8-2129. FWN:jp OtATAA.Nj 4-rilAIVYj 175t2,4) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 1 PRECT 2 PRECT 3 PRECT 4 PRECT 5 5 OF 59 PRECT POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 61 68 43 38 31 241 PAUL MAXIN 13 30 38 15 16 112 -'OSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 62 70 60 46 35 273 JOANNE D• HERBER 21 44 31 17 21 134 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J• DELAURENTI 58 83 67 31 40 279 BRUCE MCKAY 20 29 24 30 16 119 POSITION NO+ 4 GEORGE J . PERRY 57 76 39 34 35 240 PATTY AKERS NELSON 15 26 49 19 14 123 POSITIONi NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J• GRANT 58 70 61) 45 41 274 ROBERT H. HUGHES PO 34 26 14 18 112 POSITIOF NO. 6 HENRY E • SCHELLERT 46 62 31 28 34 201 BOB WRAY 26 39 53 29 19 166 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 53 60 49 35 37 234 ROBERT S• SHANE 26 47 36 28 23 160 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF kE;1TUN GENERAL FLECTIOt, UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELFCTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOT PRECT 6 PRECT 7 PRECT 8 PRECT 9 PRECT 10 10 OF 59 PF POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 52 93 5R 72 54 570 PAUL MAXIN 20 46 20 12 12 222 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 54 75 63 55 53 573 JOANNE D• HERBER 36 65 25 26 18 304 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 78 89 R2 70 60 658 BRUCE MCKAY 18 52 23 23 14 249 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 55 99 65 60 55 574 PATTY AKERS NELSON 27 34 21 23 10 238 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 55 97 77 57 47 607 ROBERT H. HUGHES 20 46 11 27 17 • 233 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 47 87 45 52 41 473 BOB WRAY 36 50 38 28 28 346 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 54 99 55 49 41 532 ROBERT S. SHANE 26 44 33 39 32 334 411 OFFICE IF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RE-,=TON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL k FPOk T OF ELECTION RF TURNS NGvEMBFP 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PkECT 11 PRECT 12 PkECT 13 PRECT 14 PRECT 15 15 OF 59 PRECT POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 61 93 RU 1U?? 99 1005 PAUL MAXIN 18 32 31 37 46 386 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 67 98 65 64 87 954 JOANNE L • HEr:HEk 7 41 47 19 70 548 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J• DELAURENTI 79 108 82 77 112 1116 BRUCE MCKAY 16 37 30 60 45 437 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 67 93 76 94 102 1006 PATTY AKERS NELSON 64 32 37 38 46 455 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 64 81 79 82 91 1004 ROBERT H. HUGHES 22 40 29 48 59 431 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 62 67 63 94 116 875 BOB WRAY 22 54 50 42 36 550 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 65 81 72 90 102 942 ROBERT S. SHANE 29 48 42 55 57 565 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RU.TON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVE_MBER 3. 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES VOT PRECT 16 PRI; C1 17 PRECT 18 PRECI 19 PRECT 20 20 OF 59 PRECT PR POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 101 96 82 I t'0 80 1464 93 PAUL MAXIM 31 38 :“., 38 15 544 98 i POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 93 62 52 51 56 1268 35 JOANNE O. HERBER 48 71 74 nK 45 874 26 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 94 81 77 84 54 1506 29 BRUCE MCKAY 44 52 44 49 41 667 67 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 105 94 75 94 69 1443 28 PATTY AKERS NELSON 29 32 38 39 26 619 24 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 84 84 78 92 63 1405 27 ROBERT H. HUGHES 53 45 42 47 32 650 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 77 86 71 81 55 1245 31 BOB WRAY 50 42 45 59 40 786 55 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 98 81 92 89 61 1363 89 ROBERT S. SHANE 33 52 34 49 39 772 99 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENNTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3/ 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 46 PRECT 47 PRECT 48 PRECT 49 PRECT 50 50 OF 59 PRECT POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 71 65 109 53 3691 PAUL MAXIN 39 33 65 43 1578 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 50 48 83 47 3063 JOANNE D. HERBER 74 49 93 72 2514 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 63 47 103 66 3608 BRUCE MCKAY 57 50 73 46 1993 POSITION NO. 4 VI GEORGE J. PERRY 68 64 120 71 3751 PATTY AKERS NELSON 40 29 50 32 \ 1575 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 64 59 108 73 3571 ROBERT H. HUGHES 42 40 58 37 1797 POSITION NOo 6 HENRY Es SCHELLERT 73 49 99 71 3323 BOB WRAY 43 49 73 34 2054 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 78 59 99 94 3619 ROBERT So SHANE 36 40 82 23 1980 0 $ ! OFFICE OF THE cirY CLERK CITY OF HEkiTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 16 P►2F C T 1 / PRECT 18 PRF C 1 19 PRECT 20 20 OF 59 PREC1 POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 101 96 82 1 PO 80 1464 PAUL MAXIN 31 36 : 6 36 15 544 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 93 62 52 51 56 1268 JOANNE O. HERBER 48 71 74 n8 45 874 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 94 81 77 84 54 1506 BRUCE MCKAY 44 52 44 49 41 667 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PEkRY 105 94 75 94 69 1443 PATTY AKERS NELSON 29 32 38 39 26 619 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 84 84 78 92 63 1405 ROBERT H. HUGHES 53 45 42 47 32 650 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E• SCHELLERT 77 86 71 81 55 1245 BOB WRAY 50 42 45 59 40 786 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 98 81 92 89 61 1363 ROBERT S. SHANE 33 52 34 49 39 772 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTE PRECT 21 PRECT 22 PRECT 23 PRECT 24 PRECT 25 25 OF 59 PRE POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 66 76 64 68 84 1822 PAUL MAXIN 24 25 P5 44 35 697 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 57 66 52 54 70 1567 JOANNE Do HE RBER 36 34 38 63 58 1103 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DEL AURE NT I 59 72 66 72 71 1846 BRUCE MCKAY 36 29 33 44 51 860 POSITION NO, 4 GEORGE J• PERRY 65 79 63 76 86 1812 PATTY AKERS NELSON 24 23 26 40 32 764 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J• GRANT 62 73 56 74 93 1763 ROBERT H. HUGHES 26 24 33 38 29 800 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 51 69 66 66 81 1578 BOB WRAY 39 32 26 47 40 970 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 58 78 67 74 85 1725 ROBERT S. SHANE 41 28 25 51 37 954 • J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF REi'TON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 26 PRECT 27 PRECT 28 PRECT 29 PRECT 30 30 OF 59 PRECT POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 57 94 34 95 64 2166 PAUL MAXI, 51 57 8 39 34 886 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 42 85 28 57 59 1838 JOANNE D . HERBER 79 74 i K 42 44 1400 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLFS J. DELAURENTI 58 112 29 77 50 2172 BRUCE MCKAY 59 56 16 54 50 1095 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 77 100 37 93 74 2193 PATTY AKERS NELSON 35 49 11 34 25 918 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 48 105 36 83 63 2098 ROBERT H. HUGHES 58 50 11 52 38 1009 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 85 106 31 77 56 1933 BOB WRAY 37 44 15 59 46 1171 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 94 100 26 88 59 2092 ROBERT S. SHANE 24 57 20 47 40 1142 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 31 PRECT 32 PRECT 33 PRECT 34 PRECT 35 35 OF 59 PRE[ POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 105 89 114 120 84 2678 PAUL MAXIM 34 22 32 33 32 1039 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 98 79 97 8s1 48 2241 JOANNE U . HERBER 55 29 57 78 68 1687 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 133 88 91 102 67 2653 BRUCE MCKAY 27 20 62 59 57 1320 • POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 100 92 113 103 88 2689 PATTY AKERS NELSON 40 23 39 46 30 1096 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 104 87 118 100 70 2577 ROBERT H. HUGHES 40 25 40 60 45 1219 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 82 77 87 112 74 2365 BOB WRAY 54 34 64 47 47 1417 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 100 71 110 93 68 2534 ROBERT S. SHANE 44 45 53 66 59 1409 411 OFFICE uF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RE,1TON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAS ! VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 36 PRECT 37 PRECT 38 PRECT 39 PRECT 40 40 OF 59 PREC POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 33 52 124 62 59 3008 PAUL MAXIN 38 2? 86 19 29 1233 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 25 31 106 64 47 2514 JOANNE D . HERBER 54 45 115 2? 43 1964 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 34 45 115 62 63 2972 BRUCE MCKAY 37 29 105 25 33 1549 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 40 ' 40 125 65 57 3016 PATTY AKERS NELSON 31 24 77 20 30 1278 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 41 44 135 61 48 2906 ROBERT H. HUGHES 37 27 80 22 35 • 1420 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 35 53 124 49 57 2683 BOB WRAY 37 24 88 36 33 1635 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 43 48 148 71 56 2900 ROBERT S. SHANE 36 27 72 16 34 1594 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTlOt UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 41 PRECT 42 PRECT 43 PRECT 44 PRECT 45 45 OF 59 PREC POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 53 68 97 79 88 3393 PAUL MAXIN 23 23 29 47 43 1398 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 65 62 79 59 56 2835 JOANNF. D . HERBBER 23 39 61 69 70 2226 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 73 65 77 65 77 3329 BRUCE MCKAY 26 28 52 59 53 1767 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 55 68 106 83 100 3428 PATTY AKERS NELSON 28 24 27 45 22 1424 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 62 57 93 76 73 3267 ROBERT H. HUGHES 22 34 40 51 53 1620 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 52 60 89 66 81 3031 BOB WRAY 37 34 47 57 45 1855 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 53 56 106 86 88 3289 ROBERT S. SHANE 39 37 34 50 45 1799 o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES rAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 46 PRECT 47 PRECT 48 PRECT 49 PRECT 50 50 OF 59 PREC' POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 71 65 1O9 53 3691 PAUL MAXIN 39 33 65 43 1578 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 50 48 83 47 3063 JOANNE D . HERBER 74 49 93 72 2514 POSITION NO. 3 0 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 63 47 103 66 �U 3608 BRUCE MCKAY 57 50 73 46 1993 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 68 64 120 71 3751 PATTY AKERS NELSON 40 29 50 32 1575 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 64 59 108 73 3571 ROBERT H. HUGHES 42 40 58 37 1797 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 73 49 99 71 3323 BOB WRAY 43 49 73 34 2054 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 78 59 99 94 3619 ROBERT S. SHANE 36 40 82 23 1980 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF REr-TON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 51 PRECT 52 PPECT 53 PRECT 54 PPECT 55 55 OF 59 PREC POSITION NO, 1 KEN BRUCE 71 7/ 32 76 12 3959 PAUL MAXIM 51 60 16 21 1 1727 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 71 83 31 42 8 3298 JOANNE 0. HERBER 53 6:3 21 59 8 2718 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 75 83 39 63 10 3878 BRUCE MCKAY 51 57 11 37 3 2152 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 84 90 26 70 9 4030 PATTY AKERS NELSON 38 45 22 30 4 1714 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 82 108 29 73 11 3874 ROBERT H. HUGHES 46 34 19 28 3 • 1927 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 66 74 34 64 7 3568 BOB WRAY 52 67 16 37 8 2234 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M• ( DICK ) STREDICKE 82 100 32 76 8 3917 ROBERT S. SHANE 48 41 19 29 5 2122 • - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON GENERAL ELECTION UNOFFICIAL REPORT OF ELECTION RETURNS NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CANDIDATES VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES PRECT 56 PRECT 57 PRECT 58 PRECT 59 PRECT 59 OF 59 PREC' POSITION NO. 1 KEN BRUCE 35 34 93 89 4210 PAUL MAXIN 15 14 46 56 1858 POSITION NO. 2 EARL CLYMER 24 16 74 50 3462 JOANNE D. HERBER 27 44 63 94 2946 POSITION NO. 3 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI 33 23 76 87 4097 BRUCE MCKAY 17 27 64 56 2316 POSITION NO. 4 GEORGE J. PERRY 36 33 103 101 4303 PATTY AKERS NELSON 13 18 21 40 1806 POSITION NO. 5 WILLIAM ( BILL ) J. GRANT 30 30 75 93 4102 ROBERT H. HUGHES 17 22 64 55 2085 POSITION NO. 6 HENRY E. SCHELLERT 33 27 86 92 3806 BOB WRAY 16 21 52 48 2371 POSITION NO. 7 RICHARD M. ( DICK ) STREDICKE 36 44 93 111 4201 ROBERT S. SHANE 17 10 49 38 2236 • r ; 1 , c . R 4) I-• 3111 rysl 'f\ ^Y•..>> • ' ra rr[v•I3i 1 '' tY)r,t2 Page 12 Re l necora-Chronicle Sunday, November 1, 1970 c �A ),� k • Ca ididates i n Tuesday s genera election L ted States Senator 7th District Congress Prosec Jting Attorney IPII >: Ae+ h - eFCysy,L •7 t ' 3 .:'" -ra,- • , _,:doite '011.!4114 400) I t ., -__, , .. „ i'l " 11L---,.,....r..._,'-'----:,_,:i.,--, ik, F , , •, 'S _ yk_., "Iii ilk\ •••• ' ,_., a ''''7:''—' Henr Jackson Charles W. Elicker Brock Adams Brian Lewis Christopher T.Bayley Edward Ileavey 7th District, Rep. 2 47th District Senator 47th District, Rep. 1 . Y.. t. • Alli'10 . ;< Albe Bud) Shinpoch Wally Kohl '_Martin J. Durkan Cathy Mitchell Gary Grant Tom Keller Re ton CityCouncil candidcandidates 41stDistrict, Rep. 1 o- , 4 Y , ', _ + lq s ' , 3 h lid! a ' A I�' 1? ',,,,,,, r . .r., p k' 40. !'''' *AP lifirlIt ill W Ary Y T...:' II alt"^ . k 111,1411 ,. .Ay- ... Ir • .✓max:. If ) *.e. ‘dr ,, , IL A lilliblk ,,,.. A ft , 41(ft . .iii. . 1 Axel C.Julin Charles H.Shannon 41st District, Rep. 2 4 l: s J. Delaurenti Joanne D.Herber Henry F.Schellert Bob Wray } `Y r , }r' tP w r- of ,. p, a xR a {i, r. N • ,fir . ' 1 't PS ,,..141.. C , ,. $� h %r John M.Magee George W.Clarke ' ill ilill -;k7v-,..4,,t...,..-,:,i:.-"Zilk. Bruce McKay Earl Clymer Patty Akers Nelson Robert J.Hughes ?i l'''''','i..",'?",1:7_ '''''- ' * - ,,,t- _ , . , 4°..- \-- . • ,„ , , , „....-, , , 4, -....,. , , ----,t. w Ken Bruce Robert S. Shane George J.Perry Bill Grant Paul Alaxin Richard M. (Dick) Stredieke � N October. 22 , 1970 King County Records & Elections Department Room 220 County Courthouse Seat -le, Washington 98104 A :tention : Mr. Ed Logan, Sup't of Elections Re: Registered Voters in the City of Renton Gentlemen: This is to advise that on October 19, 1970, the number of voters registered in Precincts 1 through 59 in the City of Renton are as follows: 1. 180 017. ?28 1'33. 283 049 . 166 2 . 191 18. 208 34. 243 50. 19 3. 155 19. 221 35. 189 51. 210 4. 139 20. 161 36. 166 52 . 202 5. 123 21. 224 37. 112 53. 90 6 . 184 22. 237 38. 254 54 . 155 7. 232 23. 176 29. 207 55 . 29 8. 213 24. 231 40. 208 56 . 167 9. 171 25. 213 41. 203 57. 79 10. 122 26. 195 42. 214 58. 216 11. 208 27. 232 43. 246 59. 247 12. 228 28 , 143 41 . 223 13. 235 29, 260 45. 215 14. 190 30. 202 46. 219 15. 263 31. 239 47. 170 11,548 , 16. 259 32 . 231 48. 307 TOTAL: i Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk H 4N/mm JOHN D. SPE!yLMAN EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY.ZXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 October 17, 1970 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Please notify this office as to the number of registered voters in each precinct in your city or town (together with the grand total for your city or town), as of the final closing date, October 19, 1970. We would appreciate this information immediately after the above date. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Edward J. L gan Superintendent of Elections ejl/d 4 a' eA:7'11}1 /61 October 22 , 1970 King County Records & Elections Dep rtn_ent Room 220 County Courthouse Seattle Washinaton 98104 Attention • 'fr. Ed Logan, Sup't of Elections Pe: Reaisteroyc. vot-.prs 4.n the City of Renton Centler,'en: This is to advise that on October 19, 1970, the number of voters registered in Precincts 1 through 59 in the City of Renton are as follows: 1 . 180 417. 228 #33. 281 449 . 166 2. 191. 1.9. 206 14. 241 50. 19 3. 155 19. 221. 35. 189 51. 210 4 . 139 20. 161 36. 166 52. 202 5. 123 21. 224 37. 112 53. 90 6. 184 22. 237 18. 254 54 . 155 7. 232 23. 176 39. 207 55. 39 S. 213 24. 231 40. 2.08 5 . 167 9. 171 25. 213 41. 203 57 . 79 10. 122 26. 195 42. 214 59. 216 11 . 208 27. 232 43. 246 59 . 247 12. 228 28. 143 44. 223 13. 235 19. 260 45 . 215 14. 190 30. 202 46. 219 15. 269 31. 239 47. 170 11 ,54.8 16. 259 32 . 231 48. 307 TOTAL: Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Heinle W. Nelson City Clerk HY fN/.mr JOHN D. SPEtLMAN EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (2O6) 244-2565 October 17, 1970 TO CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: Please notify this office as to the number of registered voters in each precinct in your city or town (together with the grand total for your city or town), as of the final closing date, October 19, 1970. We would appreciate this information immediately after the above date. Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections By Edward J. Ldgan Superintendent of Elections ejl/d OF R A S U / 100 'Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON ce 0 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 9,ysA0pT CA PITA�0c � 31;r1i) 01Pelel) „,, ,,_„, —..„) n,o October 13, 1970 70 ALL CANDIDATES OF THE NOVEMBER 3RD GENERAL ELECTION: Enclosed herewith are Campaign Expense Affidavits in duplicate and Supplementary Statement to Campaign Expense Affidavits, also in duplicate, together with a copy of City of Renton Ordinance No. 2586 . The Campaign Expense Affidavit is to be filed no later than Friday, November 13, 1970 , and the Supplementary Statement to Campaign Expense Affidavit by Tuesday, February 2 , 1971. You are reminded that mailing on these dates does not comply with the law, but the affidavits must be filed in the City Clerk 's Office by 5 :00 p.m. of the specified dates. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/mm Enclosures ;r `* 12-5900 LOCAL 467-AREA CODE 206 sl, 11I�1, r:11 pi ill 11 IIjYb _I 1 i I=_ mo1:, 0 1 ;-,.,__1____Li 1 1 1.4;;104. ....: lot i_. -mull .4....Li 1 1 119-Mliti-frit nailitiv--',. IRInt-tirrillyir- �i 00 _lullIwl; G17f( 1 J J'T SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 �- - ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARDJ. LOGAN,SUPT. ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT fief /A/A . " II,�/1_�/) ELECTIONS a REGISTRATION 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE 'IJ y STATE OF WAS1,INGTON) c /t14/‘ SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on September 15, 1970, there was held a Special Primary Election in the City of Renton for the nomination of candidates; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of ??lection Returns on September 28, 1970, and the results of said canvass are as follows: COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 1 George Boode 918 Ken Bruce 1,929 Nominated _ Steven Carlmas 361 07, ' _,.' " Mel McDowell 225 c 0-, Paul Maxin 984 Nominated �,' � ►� e. 1' n p 19, COUNCIL-POSITION NO. 2 : '`: ' . " Earl Clymer 2,344 Nominated �3 Joanne D. Herber 1 769 Nominated • COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 3 tN Charles J. Delaurenti 2,512 Nominated Bruce McKay 1,72L4 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 4 �, ',r 4 Ocr,�4 Patty Akers Nelson 1,440 Nominated George J. Perry 2,Lt25 Nominated GI-P i y_ . COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 5 �'-, Ehem,J,' ; *> L. W. Atwood 490 agiCA �+�' 14 William (Bill) J.Grant 2,180 Nominated Robert J. Hughes 1,448 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 6 Fred C. Callen 1,049 Henry E. Schellert 2,000 Nominated Bob Wray 1,079 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO, 7 John E. Alexander 1,265 Robert S. Shane 1,438 Nominated Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 1,905 . Nominated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 28th day of September, 1970. Edward J. Logo Superintendent of Elections 12,3,4 ci` OCT 1970 pp RECr" r CITY ��,,Cl£Ri%J ti7'rl� -- ::-'e=-114L' AP a7 IN 2-5900 LOCAL 487-AREA O � "JJ1�� ` ' -11 �I J IR �� ,. n ill aY� a 1i t, „ i - �. r Nrty K. • i ! �IT�•tN�pliga� '}, n SEATTLE, WASHINGTON F Y• A ? • 98 1 04 s� ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AI,DITOR EDWARD J.LOGAN,SUPT. ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT ELECTIONS a REGISTRATION 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on September 15, 1970, there was held a Special Primary Election in the City of Renton for the nomination of candidates; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 28, 1970, and the results of said canvass are as follows: COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 1 George Boode 918 Ken Bruce 1,929 Nominated Steven Carimas 361 ‹fi27 Mel McDowell ��5 (I •. Paul Msxin n , 984 Nominated 'yam COUNCIL-POSITION NO. 2 i "i �'fi 1, /r. te Earl Clymer �` , .`, �► 2,344 Nominated .�5, co Joanne D. Herber 1,769 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 3 •o."-e.„ i:,,,,4- 0ZV Charles J. Delaurenti 2,512 Nominated Bruce McKay1,724 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 4 ciN dR Patty Akers Nelson 1, Nominated • ��r��0 440 George J. Perry 2,4�25 Nominated P P'‘ ,- ,!,p- COUNCIL - POSITION NO. J , x;, \kelit /fir j L. W. Atwood 490 \6;�i ! ���� William (Bil] ) J.Grant 2,180 Nominated Robert 4. Hughes 1,1,48 Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 6 Fred C. Callen 1,049 Henry E. Schellert 2,000 Nominated Bob Wray 1,079. Nominated COUNCIL - POSITION NO. 7 John E. Alexander 1,265 Robert S. Shane 1,438 Nominated Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 1,905 . Nominated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 28th day of September, 1970. / C C Edward J. Login lJ Superintendent of Elections ti 123 OCT1970 CLEkk 6 td-r1C6 4t9iit olidiiv) IN COUNTY, STATE OF WASH1 ^TON Primary, September 15, 1970 * INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote for a candidate, make a cross (X) in the square ❑ opposite the name of each candidate for whom you wish to vote. •IITED STATES SENATOR Vote for One 47th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT HENRY M.JACKSON Democrat 0 STATE SENATOR Vote for One R. J. (BOB) ODMAN ___.._ .._ .._.._ Republican ❑ MARTIN J. DURKAN .Democrat ❑ JOHN (HUGO FRYE) PATRIC ..._......_ .Democrat ❑ CATHY MITCHELL Republican ❑ WILI1AM H. DAVIS _....._..._ Republican ❑ ❑ CARL MAXEY Democrat ❑ HOWARD S.REED Republican ❑ STATE REPRESENTATIVE - BILL PATRICK Republican ❑ POSITION NO. 1 Vote for One CHARLES W.ELICKER Republican ❑ MRS. CLARICE PRIVETPE Democrat ❑ GARY GRANT Democrat ❑ ❑ ROBERT J. HUGHES Democrat ❑ TOM KELLER Republican❑ REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS ❑ 7th DISTRICT Vote for One POSITION NO.2 Vote for One BROCK ADAMS Democrat 0 ALBERT (BUD) SHINPOCH ..... Democrat ❑ JOHN McKEE Democrat ❑ LeROY KELLY < Democrat ❑ BRIAN LEWIS Republican❑ D. R. (DAN) O'CONNOR Democrat ❑ ❑ WALLY KOHL Republican ❑ JUDGE,STATE SUPREME COURT IIIIMENNIIIIII POSITION NO. 1 (6-year term) Vote for One PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Vote for One ROBERT T. HUNTER ❑ CHRISTOPHER T. BAYLEY Republican ❑ •GHN E. EVANS ❑ EDWARD HEAVEY Democrat ❑ ❑ CHARLES O. CARROLL Republican ❑ POSITION NO.2 (6-year term) Vote for Onec LEM HOWELL Democrat ❑ • MARSHALL A. NEILL LJ ❑ ❑ JUDGE,RENTON DISTRICT POSITION NO.3 (6-year term) Vote for One CHARLES F. STAFFORD ❑ POSITION NO. 1 Vote for One WILLIAM C. GOODLOE ❑ GIL DUCKWORTH, JR. ❑ ❑ 0 POSITION NO.4 (2-year unexpired term) Vote for One POSITION NO.2 Vote for One MORELL E. SHARP ❑ GEORGE T. MATTSON ❑ CHARLES T. WRIGHT ❑ ❑ __._ 0 4 016 R � A ,1 O (. / Q 'Z, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON la o 3e RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHING'iON 98055 BA 8-3310 '�,r,a CAPiTA-O,��4 August 31, 1970 - bA.,4e/1- c / ` x cA. ✓ King County Records & d �� Ge,Elections Department � / Room 220 County Court House Seattle , Washington 98104 Attention: Mr . Ed Logan, Sup`t of Elections Re: Registered Voters in City of Renton Gentlemen: This is to advise that on August 31, 1970, the number of voters registered in Precincts 1 through 59 in the City of Renton are as follows : # 1. 175 #13 . 230 #25 . 209 #37 . 111 #49. 163 2 . 190 14. 185 26 . 189 38. 233 50 . 19 3 . 155 15 . 269 27 . 216 39. 204 51. 210 4. 134 16 . 252 28. 140 40 . 203 52 . 197 5 . 119 17 . 225 29. 252 41. 201 53 . 84 6. 181 18. 203 30. 198 42. 207 54. 150 7 . 231 19. 217 31. 229 43 . 233 55 . 36 8. 208 20. 158 32 . 233 44 . 217 56. 155 9. 164 21. 224 33 . 273 45 . 199 .57 . 77 10. 120 22. 232 34. 237 46 . 209 58. 212 11. 210 23 . 173 35 . 189 47 . 167 59. 242 12 . 226 24. 227 36 . 157 48. 299 TOTAL 11, 258 Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON/ /�'l�i l .E 11' 2/ 1r / Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/rig pF RA'� 0 U I Q 'Z, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON o 9 0 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 tispO�T CAPi1Ax° August 31, 1970 King County Records & Elections Department Room 220 County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr . Ed Logan, Sup`t of Elections Re: Registered Voters in City of Renton Gentlemen: This is to advise that on August 31, 1970 , the number of voters registered in Precincts 1 through 59 in the City of Renton are as follows : # 1. 175 4$13 . 230 #25. 209 #37 . 111 #49. 163 2 . 190 14. 185 26. 189 38. 233 50 . 19 3. 155 15 . 269 27 . 216 39. 204 51. 210 4. 134 16. 252 28. 140 40 . 203 52 . 197 5 . 119 17 . 225 29. 252 41. 201 53 . 84 6. 181 18. 203 30. 198 42. 207 54. 150 7 . 231 19. 217 31. 229 43 . 233 55 . 36 8. 208 20. 158 32 . 233 44. 217 56. 155 9. 164 21. 224 33 . 273 45 . 199 -57 . 77 10. 120 22. 232 34. 237 46 . 209 58. 212 11. 210 23 . 173 35 . 189 47 . 167 59. 242 12 . 226 24. 227 36 . 157 48. 299 TOTAL 11, 258 Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON i �,z2 ( /1� ) 4,I ! Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/rlg JOHN D. SPELLMAN iii..-- iiEDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR � � ti' KING COUNTY RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 August 11, 1970 City of Renton The apportionment of expenses for the Special Election held on May 19, 1970 , as provided for in R.C.W. 29.04.020 and R.C.W. 29.13.045, has been made by this office. This charge is transferred from your account to the KING COUNTY ELECTION REVOLVING FUND by the Director of Finance for King County. Your election cost is: $46. 16 Sincerely, Norward J. Brooks Director of Records & Elections "By Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections L___41/ (.,1•74i'. / --/.( �' r. 2_i' , ;,, atek,p) July 31 , 1970 It. Edward J. Logan Superintendent of Elections King County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: City of Renton Candidates for City Council Positions Primary Election, 9/15/70 Dear Mr. Logan : We submit herewith names of persona filing Declaration and Affidavit of Candidacy as they are to appear on the ballot for. the Primary Election, September 15 , 1970. ' Positions 1 , 2 and 3 (2 dear terms) to Nov. 1973 Position 1 : GEORGE HOODS, 1425 So. Pugat Drive, Penton, Washington FEN BRUCE, 917 Lynnwood Avenue N.€. , Renton, Washington STEVEN CARLMA.S, 302I S. E. 6th Street, Renton MEL MCDOWELL, 2125 Jones Avenue N. R. , Renton PAUL MAXIM, 2009 N. R. 27th Street, Renton Position 2 : EARL CLYNBR, 526 Cedar Avenue South, Renton JOANNE D. HERDER, 1632 Beacon Way S. V. , Renton Position 3: CHARLES J. DELAURFNTI, 505 South 18th Street , Penton 9RUCE MCIKAY, 241 Factory Avenue North, Penton Positions 45 6 and 7, (4 wear term to Nov. 1975 Position 4 t PATTr AKERS NELSON, 350 Pally Avenue North, Renton GEORGE J. PERRY, 1510 Index Avenue N. E. J' Superintendent of Elections Renton Candidates for City Council Primary Election , September 15 , 1970 Positions 4 ,5 ,6 and 7 (4 year terms) to Nov. 1975 Position 5 : L. W. ATWOOD, 1115 Pierce Avenue N. E. , Renton WILLIAM (BILL) J. GRANT, 1040 Redmond Avenue N. E. , Renton •ROBERT J. HUGHES, 1013 North 33rd Place, Renton Position 6 : FRED C. CALLEN, 958 Sunset Blvd. N. E. , Renton HENRY E. SCHELLERT, 1505 North Marion Street , Renton BOB WRAY, 1051 Tacoma Avenue N. E. , Renton Position 7 : JOHN E. ALEXANDER, 679 Edmonds Avenue N. E. , Renton • ROBERT S. SHANE, 2724 N. E. 24th Street, Renton RICHARD M. (DICK) STREDICKE, 1014 Tacoma Avenue N. E. , Renton • Subject to legal determination concerning residency per Kenneth Gilbert. See RCW's attached along with acknow- ledgment signed by candidate, Robert J. Hughes . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures (2) • �C cetw DA LUDLOW KRAMER / / July 23, 1970 SECRETARY OF STATE SPECIAL BULLETIN TO: All County Auditors and City Clerks FROM: A. Ludlow Kramer, Chief Election Officer SUBJECT': 1970 Voting Rights Act (Public Law 91-285) The extension of the Voting Rights Act (Amendments of 1970) has passed the Congress and been approved into law by the President of the United States. The impact, scope, and urgency of the amend- ments are not well known and it is imperative that all officials concerned with registering prospective voters and/or holding elec- tions be fully informed. I am ] isting the essential provisions of the Act in the order in which they become effective and am commenting upon each as follows: 1 . LITERACY REQUIREMENTS PROHIBITED E:-fective August 6, 1970 - (Title II - Section 201) : Prohibits the use of any test or device to deny a citizen the right to vote in any Federal, state, or local election. State Attorney General, Slade Gorton, has advised me that the provi- sion which prohibits literacy requirements is constitutional under present law. Therefore, on and after August 6, 1970, all county auditors, city clerks and persons serving as deputy reg- istrars shall delete from their registration procedure any in- quiry or requirement of prospective registrants that they will be able to read and speak the English language. 2. LOWERING VOTING AGE TO 18 YEARS Effective January 1, 1971 - (Title III - Section 301) : Provides for the lowering of the voting age to 18 years for all elections after January 1, 1971. Legal action is now pending to test the provision and the U. S . Attorney General has informed us that he expects to have a ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court prior to January 1, 1971. If a court decision is not issued prior to the effective date, we will communicate further with you as to the position of the State of Washington in this mat- ter. in any event, no registrations should be made of persons under 21 years of age at this time. 3 . 30 DAY RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT - PRESIDENTIAL BALLOT Effective 1972 Presidential Election - (Title II - Section 202) : Relates only to voting for President and Vice President and estab- Lishes a minimum residence of 30 days. As you are well aware, the ;state of Washington presently has a 60-day residence requirement for such voting, and this office will introduce the necessary leg- islation in the 1971 session to bring us in line with the Federal III act. 4 . PENALTIES - (TITLE II - Section 204) : Ncn-compliance with the registering and voting provisions of ttis Act shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $5, 000 ox not more than five years imprisonment or both. This applies tco all officials from the state to local level. I am enclosing the following items for your reference: a. Excerpts of the 1970 Voting Rights Act. B. Copy of Governor Evans ' letter to U. S . Attorney John N. Mit- c�ell outlining the procedures that will be followed in imple- menting the provisions of the 1970 Voting Rights Act in the State of Washington. c. Reproduction of Permanent Registration Forms Nos . 1 and 2 illus- trating how to delete the obsolete language so that such forms can be continued in use. * * * * * ADDITIONAL COMMENT I anticipate that a large number of Washington State citizens will now desire to register who have not done so in the past because they are unable to read or speak the English language. In order that we, as election officials, may best serve these citizens and truly implement the spirit as well as the letter of the Voting Rights Act, I strongly urge all election officials in areas that have a large population of citizens who are unable to read, write, or understand the English language to appoint bilingual deputy reg- istrars and to supply registration and voting information in what- ever language is necessary to assist these citizens. In turn, I pledge all the facilities of the office of the Secretary of State to assist you in these new responsibilities. Upon request, we can furnish names of persons qualified to serve as bilingual deputy registrars. In addition, we will furnish registration infor- mation in other languages if it can be of use to you. As an example, I am enclosing a copy of our office release listing the essential registration information in both English and Spanish with the obso- lete literacy requirements stricken. If :iou have any questions or suggestions, I am interested. Sincerely %'64 °A\• ••'-%::11C."-Ift-mtir". A. LUDLOW KRAMER Secretary of State ALK:rk Enc . STATE OF WASHINGTON, Sign Here 2tCr" COUNTY OF CITY OF SIGNATURE OF VOTER "I, the undersigned, do solemnly swear +hac the foregoing facts (numerically designated) couching my qualifications as a voter, entered in my presence by ii) the Registration Officer, are true I further certify thot I will be of least 21 years of age on the day of the next election, - i PRINT NAME HERE FOR POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION -'� i ) 1.- ' 1 —and that I om a taxpayer of the State of Washington." SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 19— . f-- V Z_ U SIGNA ICER a 1 TIVE MALE 2 NA CITIZEN ` vFECU{CT EDCORD 9/14/48) SEX { • THUS 0�µ'~ 1 NATURAL? FEMALE' OAT£ {WILLIN I. E ./� F£StO£N\ UM GNes IIIIIIIIIIIIIII pUPR1oF VOTER ( Tyt£OV^`c- 1 ct GtSt£ F THA G %O r THE E TON C,T NOY S•NEAOUC~t NCE tY THP T J Asrt~G SO`E~N►TED 1 :::k CEFT° £ NEX 11 0 TE Gf EO• OV DEStEO IN FVFTH£D'Y O� T£ OF ` 7 X .• pf pE‘s FtG►`�'�£NT£FVE• t ON THE THE ST► U tG COUM1 YT H�C�S w�"tv0 ENS PS OF �'GE pI,V£F IN 1, Gott ONS 'H Of FTCst yEA A T�,X CELL, f'CATTFATtOT '-EI'S AT t AM + w £Gt5 9£ ► O TH .rote .•/\ 11 .)P • EL£CTrOµ N .. �~ scot'xtu�{pe TO 10 111111111111 w /,5HrNG _ Oft tit{. SItt 11°t� t"r{� ^{arsteett� � CY M to 'Ta {Mai" {,a" {aplate '"o `� P Aj 10N' 1 `� f'g�RN OCCU fja C1111EN \ 14 r ___-- 0 \µATURACIZEO ' a IZIIEN 1 01 • .....igigigillgIII,I... IEM C 1 n9 , •FE•E ii•cord S {Hes a µAC SERVE ON 'URY7 ` Pete Pe^ct11 m 10 -f . W111-iNG t•/. d E� ED' 42 19 0 -4- ,\ LION C'NC / 'qqq R£GISn, 9 60 43 I 0 D I F - PRECINCT 90 67 44 21 ,a HE^SON TF/'T ION OfF\G£ 1 uC (SCHOOL DIS T. 91 6$ 45 22 w> c F£G1S ` lil w THER DIST. 92 69 46 23 (it-- /I —-- r / t P1,OVED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL TRICK 6 MIIRR AY FORM t R) l. �4 __/// -66./ �' ,� 2-5900 LOCAL 487-AREA CODE O6 -� , _gl ���j1111t ft ' itr---"Illti idl El i ' I I Ian, IilZ 1 Z 1. II91q it iil ; i =d+C }� Ity IYCu u I � 1 NI I 1 II "«pa `l }ll . SEATTLE, WASHINGTON -, M _ 98104 a-. - ma y ` ---� ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J.LOGAN, SUPT. ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT AA) @REGISTRATION 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE 6/Lyil v STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on May 19, 1970, there was held a Special Election fnr proposed annexation to the CITY OF RENTON for the submission of propositions to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said Special Election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Return s on May 28, 1970 , and the results of said canvass are as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 For Annexation to the City of Renton 12 Against Annexation to the City of Renton 31 Defeated PROPOSITION NO. 2 For Assumption of Indebtedness 2 Against Assumption of Indebtedness 37 Defeated Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 28th day of May , 1970. f ...A.--.----,, ji' Edward J. Logan U) Acting Director of Records & Elections as Supervisor of Elections /CAlq14 J Renton, Washington May 19, 1970 TO THE INSPECTOR: The City of Renton Voter Signature Poll Books and the Precinct Registration Binders , must be returned to the City_Clerk. These will be collected by the City of Renton Police Officers shortly after 8:00 P.M. Renton books should not be sent to the County so be certain the officer has both the signature poll book and the big registration binder when he picks them up from you. DO NOT WRITE OR INSERT ANY INFORMATION ON THE YELLOW PAGES IN THE PRECINCT REGISTRATION BINDERS as there are a number of forms which must be completed when any change Ls made in the registration record and they can be missed if you alter the records in the books at this time . If you have information to be recorded please just attach a separate note to the page concerned. We thank you once again for your cooperation and courtesies in consideration of our requests. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/rlg P. S. If you have any questions concerning the registrations, please call the City Clerk' s office, BA 8-3310, Exts . 221, 222 , 223 , 224. Emergency phone number BA 8-2129. r . . Oki _ '-01,--) . , ?)/e)- VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS -- MAY 19, 1970 Taxing District Total Vote Total Vote 40% of 40% of 11/5/68 11/4/69 11/5764 . J1/4/69 King County Amended•anit. Measure #1 Simple Majority Prop. 1, 2, & 3 475, 417 190, 167 Metro Prop. 356, 418 142, 568 City of Bellevue Prop. 1 12, 537 5, 015 Prop. 2 Simple Majority City of Mercer Island Prop. 8, 536 3, 415 Town of Mercer Island Prop. 303 122 School District #216 Prop. 4, 066 1, 627 School District #407 Prop. 1, 197 479 School Di strict #415 Prop. 1 5, 450 2, 180 Prop. 2 13, 497 5, 399 Fire Protection District: #11 Prop. 1 & 2 17, 064 6, 826 Annexation to City/ y of Renton Prop. 1 Simple Majority Prop. 2 43 18 Prepared by EDWARD S. LOGAN Director of Records & Elections ,gym'4., ,m mm IN 2-5900 LOCAL 467-AREA CODE 206 VI J ' II1i<t t''f °` ; 1 II 111.11111111 Il t ' :i..rim.17-17m-i-----1---t,-----1 . _u-4 P _______L---- ;i„ 1 - ;,:.1.----5.1. ii ntriirlt-- I VaER-A11211' lei U-4,, iii il�lfllILII I-Irill 1 n 11+111 I i II11111 l iq .'� - - .u►i I lid LIillgl i SEATTLE, WASHINGTON c� G�"` z Lu4'1L 7 y, .:,,,,-7 _ ,,,,,, 98104 ROBERT A. MORRIS r COUNTY AUDITOR J " KING COUNTY AUDITOR April 10, 1970 EDWARDJ. LOGAN,SUPT. ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT ELECTIONS&REGISTRATION ,.•'f,'�Ph+ 220 KIN-1 COUNTY COURTHOUSE v Y '('1(--1‘ / . .d,e , ,t-(, TO KING COUNTY DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND CITY AND TOWN CLERKS: The regisi ration files of all King County precincts will be closed against original registration of voters on April 18, 1970, for the Special Elections to be Lheld on May 19, 1970. a order to vote at said elections, all persons not now registered are required to 1 egister on or before Friday, April 17, 1970. Transfers of registration are acceptable through Monday, May 4, 1970. RURAL REGISTRARS ARE REQUESTED TO TRANSMIT THEIR COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING APRIL 17TH, BUT IN NO EVENT, LATER THAN APRIL 24TH. Sincerely, .&.':.4 ---• Edward J. Logan Director of Records and Elections ejl/d • April 3, 1970 King County Records and Elections Department 220 King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: Election Costs, September & November, 1969 Attention: Mr. Edward J. Logan, Director Dear Ed: I have -just received your notice of apportionment of expenses for elections held on Septemer 16, and November 4, 1969, in the sum of $11, 872 . 58 and for the Special Election (Kenny- dale Island Annexation) of $300. 66 . The City of Renton had 57 precincts and through consolidation for the September and November election there were 54 polling places. This I believe, would require 162 election workers and rental costs for 54 polling locations. Renton had nine positions to be balloted upon. The resulting cost was approxi- mately $220. 00 per polling location. By comparison, the City of Bellevue, with 93 precincts, requir- ing 279 electionorkers (if no consolidation of precincts) and rental for 93 polling locations were charged $450 . 00 less than the City of Renton. Their coats were roughly $122.00 per pollivg place. I understand they had 3 positions to be balloted upon. I would appreciate your reviewing these costs. I am finding difficulty in applying my $1, 000.00 budgetary allocation brought forward from 1969 toward a $12, 173.24 expense. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON 4/1 cc: Mr. Karl Walters Heimie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/mm bc c: H. Schellert, Council President Avery Garrett, Mayor JOHN D. SPELLMAN EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR . lt.. J. 7W,(�, KING COUNTY • RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON 220 KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 (206) 344-2565 March 20, 1970 City of Renton The apportionment of expenses for the elections held on September 16th and November 4th, 1969, as provided for in R. C. W. 29.04.020 and R. C. W. 29. 13. 045, has been rcade by this office. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION 111 REVOLVING FUND by the King County Treasurer. .0 Your pro-rated share of the election cost is: Primary $ 61797. 16 General _5. 075.42 ,_ Total (if both) 5 1 872, 5$ .. Sincerely, l J 4,,, Edward J. Logan j, Director of Records & Elections ejl/d - I 1 � j8 111 it /J ,c. b 0 fig q3 _�.>_ P 2-5900 LOCAL 467-AREA CODE 206 4�'1 ,,,. il . ,,„ -oI~I4--,...„_ rr• , - — '- €` e, .., 0.1 r'�� ,;11 a 1-1-1 it 1 ' irSitr- c '- 1-1-111:J► i_I 1111.11. _ - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON �I,i,i�i "- 98104 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J. LOGAN, SUPT. KING BOUNTY AUDITOR ELECTIONS a REGISTRATION ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT March 31, 1970 220 KIN( COUNTY COURTHOUSE Mrs. Helmie Nel son City Clerk Renton, Wash. 98055 / �p .�.0-Lam(.-or--� Dear Mrs. Nelson: i2 XL The distribution of expenses for the Special Elections held in 1969 (eel cept for those held in conjunction with the September and November elections), as provided by R. C. W. 29. 04. 020 and R. C. W. 29. 13. 045, has been made by this office. This charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION REVOLVING FUND by the King County Treasurer: Date of Special Election Cost of Special Election November 18, 1969 $300.66 Sincerely, 6/,: 1vin--1, Edward J. Logan Director of Records & Elections e l/d JOHN D. SPELLMAN. EDWARD J. LOGAN COUNTY EX[CUTIV[ (iiiiiiii.'........\\4...1 • DIR[CTOR '''...- ' (-1/2 - , ; COUNTY !/ J s> GC } ... 11111 >c 1+sJ1. t'-•eA. x, `f.lii" saris i 11 117, :' fri. �ti$�r �y�, i ' RECORDS AND ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT," ` Dilr rt< KING COUNTY. STATE OF WASHINGTON • tlr'.• , '(.,Ir 220 KING, COUNTY COURTHOUSE -- SEATTLE, WASHINGTON.99104 ' 9 k o a 4 ,,. (206) 344.2565 7 I,A"`(, „4,, 'Mr k .k;`4,-.1'tl'�Lir iT�,gi;,- i. ,i :=r, I [., 7• ..4 Kx,,p ap,,- 4l..`k 'Y March 20, 1970 p 1 Via; 1 ! Y I w� tl{G n,El " Sii-JYr• � h I . City ')f R eatoi1 • '�a t fix rtM)))),,, l*,,„, g t a'derlakf ,, R $i r r . a d,l . ,W 1414 f!N�,7rF • e44 r td,i, • ,.1X a9 .yet Nu'1Y' h 11 .A ' a;A'• �t,,+ YI ' • :�.,Y �.a c, I , .: t •, 5{' ,f r '' ri rr` y "� 's�., .�e ff I �' • d ari f "^ :d tits� .i (I r wa.tl t i'%i> tS �; I }y..., yy r 4.14, a 1,: lk 4 ,( I{, .. rTI, y ,r 1, r , yy +:�ys ` •F�° i a Q'l+r ♦ e�5yi l v'i �I' .,f r.,.z Y{f�''�"1Py .4+�* "`p'f �i".y '`.i �.q{+F L;,� ,�'�G i. ..•Y�+d! ' r�• .K' S 4I 4tlq 7 s� h` tly` • ,.;., , PPf ,1:''� �r'.A' di 4. ITIC �3i: ;ie.I ; ltkr N#1 Tt `Et. � � i" }�' �; } „xi: ". rt� b,:t, r h, 4r { ?e, , :. ; ` ,,i.e *r ,o: • ,. 'elections held on September` '• th a .., #sl. : E � xt ®npxt�nl� of`e�cpena�m•fhr 'the elects p ...4 t.�a.::,�:u.- r '3th, :.Sa9, as provided for in R. C. W. 29, 04.020 and R. C. W. 29. 13.045, . ''i ' 1:cl a . �1 .tb:.tit?, 1 w -.l O 01'.,:t is r ✓e„,,,,,,,.,,.; ,,:4::•,,,,.;,,,,, . - . , , ,�, ti;44 ,+ iris charge is transferred from your account to the King County ELECTION -t4' .7 I .. r 1:, t s ;( ti 1., , • ,t F 4 %t Ir Y Ji - S 4 -"' (' k., �` {,,, �{.;A' +d Y,#V5..41,1 4,'YF +k o- ,,m,.d l `s n.p.t't F 1 A r:l,�(S +:1,y+fsa!*..y. f.,a }t�`, p,t� �id �}r ra}�w R i 11t1S�1Ji; k N rWt r 'V , ` Ee '' "I VC.:.'JINC.' `. INip theby Kit County.Treasurer. t/r w � tk•` t , .,ti ,' fp r i f 1v, it 1 t s' a e 1 , �� /I f' . . 4cj t,., cI r+ 5 .'1 ,...'w li� 'IS'F i #r f,a ,R { r ,c,1„, { a,,,, ti' 1 3.4 8 'VP [ !gy">I K .,,F � . �'n r;fwd yyA�� ,u' ' 'o-r .t�d`''s tt.re of,t a election cost is: . .r /` ' , 1 } ♦�. - 'Av. h �„r G, � ` ° � R.l 5: .� " , 6, 19.E,. 16 . , r 'M x.; ra. ; :`', 5.37 5, ? f ..11. t • t t I;i 1� ., ik g ;R .f)i. .l lx botVA e a• ' • 1r,1 p4 ' ti 1' + : < 1 Ir rjit � . 4 ` •.I Sincerely t. ;�. pi � ## .e�, /'• � Y t1.,, t �;4" �r}fir- • + .,tiiii 8 9 ta a�' sE f,4. .tr ik—J 5t! R# � ;41;!T .1*;t ( t zr 4,' s � i l i�.a='''},�1,i3i r�to 'k41 Edward J. Logan : 5¢ ,T, III ,�,rtrt Director Aye �ry ) y� /! '�'�1 µ♦q/��,pb !,. I( z 1 f 4 p 4 O Pp - N 4 1� . • Di ectoi. of 11ecoM.d3 & E1et..ions t�.i'W i !�{iY51n 1 0•d}. T.'� -�' '91 vb d{ S 3.'r #.Jt ,i.,d ' I ` 04, 'd f+E�- �� >'� .c r'� "�ue'�� ��y i�� a°I ,d %rR�',': �.� r�i , i+14;,• ;,.4`w'. sir+'''1 �,:; 1 � k' t 'yj; r!r e sts�3i'" i y'R _ Q Iy I p, Nx (fi ▪ it-, iia Y a � t,,, 4„; ! `-TC" '�� t�- ,,A. -4. ,f`' ,, j{}�a rr f/i'ti"%�' 3.1 11{t4N�' t}�ji$�t, , ▪ �-��,���., >i,4 , .t<-nor tr,; '� ,� I _�t �, =``.-- l 5f 1� 'aS I A r 1, r ^ "` 0`#3' t„ 1 dkMyl I.}C .' * i 1 / �� iJ i j 1�� 1 /(/),s 1.r u r ,f�' ¢, K lAf . P bhp. a4h't A.' tY _ A.k,' ' �j �,f"�''. R i f t � . } ,}t !y n ��ii sy: 1 a, vp,r�,, -, 1 /1 CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Building 110 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington FROM: Office of City Clerk March 6 , 1970 TO: Police Chief Building Director Fire Chief Street Commissioner Park Director City Treasurer Re: School District Special Election March 17 , 1970 All polling places should be in order, signs and poll books distributed, etc . , for the above election. There will no doubt be paper ballots for this election, therefore, adequate tables and chairs for marking these ballots will be required. Very truly yours, Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/mm 10. ../i e,... ,* I e. c___y _ PUBLISHED BY d7;(--4 s A. LUDLOW KRAMER As of March 1, 1970 "°H ,r SECRETARY OF STATE COURTS OF RECORD STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE SUPREME COURT ANNUAL SALARY: $27,500.00. Term of office six years but so staggered that three posi- tions are voted upon for full terms at each state election. JUSTICES TERMS EXPIRE Robert T. Hunter, Chief Justice.. .January, 1971 Charles F. Stafford January, 1971 Marshall A. Neill January, 1971 Hugh J. Rosellini January, 1973 Official Address: Frank P. Weaver January, 1973 Temple of Justice Orris L. Hamilton January, 1973 Olympia, Wash. 98501 Robert C. Finley January, 1975 Frank Hale January, 1975 Walter T. McGovern January, 1975 I COURT OF APPEALS Newly established by constitutional amendment approved by the voters in 1968. Execut- ing statutes contained in Chapter 221, Laws of 1969, 1st Extraordinary Session. ANNUAL SALARY: $25,000.00. Term of office six years but, because of first election, all positions will be subject to the 1970 state election. DIVISION ONE• Offices: 10th Floor, Pacific Bldg., 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 98101 JUDGES DISTRICTS Frank D. James, Chief Judge #1: King County. J. Jerome Farris #1: King County. Charles Horowitz #1: King County. Robert F. Utter #1: King County. Herbert A. Swanson #2: Snohomish County. Ward Williams #3: Island, San Juan, Skagit and Whatcom counties. (DIVISION TWO• Offices: Suite 160, Tacoma Mall Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 98409 JUDGES • DISTRICTS Ralph Armstrong, Chief Judge #3: Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania and Wahkiakum counties. Harold J. Petrie #2: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason and Thurston counties. Vernon R. Pearson #1: Pierce County. DIVISION THREE• Offices: Broadway Centre Bldg., Broadway & Jefferson, Spokane, Wash. 99201 JUDGES DISTRICTS Hugh H. Evans, Chief Judge #1: Ferry, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane and Stevens counties. Dale M. Green #2: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Gar- field, Grant, Walla Walla and Whitman counties. Ray E. Munson #3: Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat and Yakima counties. (Superior Court Judges listed on reverse side) N YEAR TERMS. S U I R I O R COURT JUDGES ncuuLAR ELECTIONS HOELD 0. AT SAME T ME AS PRESIDEONTIAOL ERLECTI As of ONS. March 1, 19701 JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGES ADDRESS - (Counties) JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGES ADDRESS (County Seat) (Counties) (County Seat) Adams GEORGE H. FREESE Ritzville 99169 Kitsap ROBERT J. BRYAN Port Orchard 98366 Asotin-Columbia- PATRICK McCABE MILTON *JAY W, HA Port Orchard 98366 Pomeroy 99347 OLUF JOI�ISEN Garfield Port Orchard 98366 Benton-Franklin JOHN T. DAY Kittitas W. R. COLE Ellensburg 98926 Pasco 99301 JAMES J. LAWLESS Pasco 99301 Klickitat-Skamania ROSS R. RAKOW *RICHARD G. PATRICK Pasco 99301 Goldendale 98620 Chelan LAWRENCELewis D. J. CUNNINGHAM Chehalis 98532 LEAHY Wenatchee 98801 Clallam-Jefferson JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON Lincoln RICHARD J. ENNIS Davenport 99122 Port Angeles 98362 Clark J. GUTHRIE LANGSDORF Mason-Thurston *FRANK E. BAKER Olympia 98501 J. GUT R MLANGSDO Vancouver 98660 Vancouver 98660 HEWITT A. HENRY Olympia 98501 *EDWARD P. REED CHARLES T. WRIGHT Olympia 98501 Vancouver 98660 Cowlitz *ROBERT ARKELL Pacific-Wahkiakum ROBERT A. HANNAN South Bend 98586 Kelso 98626 FRANK L. PRICE Kelso 98626 Pend Oreille- DELBERT R. SCOLES Colville 99114 Douglas-Grant B. J. McLEAN Stevens Ephrata 98823 FELIX REA Ephrata 98823 Pierce WILLIAM L. BROWN, JR. Tacoma 98402 Ferry-Okanogan ROBERT J. MURRAY JOHN D. COCHRAN Tacoma 98402 Okanogan 98840 HORACE G. GEER Tacoma 98402 Grays Harbor JOHN H. KIRKWOOD ROBERT A. JACQUES Tacoma 98402 Montesano 98563 BERTIL E. JOHNSON Tacoma 98402 WARNER POYHONEN Montesano 98563 WILLIAM F. LeVEQUE Tacoma 98402 Island-Skagit WALTER J. DEIERLEIN, JR. Mount Vernon 98273 BARTLETT RUMMEL Tacoma 98402 *HARRY A. FOLLMAN HARDLN B. SOULE Tacoma 98402 Mount Vernon 98273 *STANLEY W. WORSWICK Tacoma 98402 King HENRY CLAY AGNEW Seattle 98104 San Juan-Whatcom BOONE HARDIN Bellingham 98225 STORY BIRDSEYE Seattle 98104 BERT C. KALE RICHARD F. BROZ Bellingham 98225 Seattle 98104 *KEITH M. CALLOW Seattle 98104 Snohomish *PAUL D. HANSEN WARREN CHAN Everett 98201 Seattle 98104 ALFRED O. HOLTE Everett 98201 JAMES J. DORE Seattle 98104 *THOMAS G. McCREA *ROBERT M. ELSTON Seattle 98104 Everett 98201 EDWARD M. NOLLMEYER Everett 98201 DONALD L. GAINES Seattle 98104 PHILLIP G. SHERIDAN Everett 98201 EDWARD E. HENRY Seattle 98104 THOMAS R. STIGER *FRANK HOWARD Everett 98201 Seattle 98104 JAMES W. MIFFLIN Seattle 98104 Spokane RALPH.P. EDGERTON S okane 99201 GEORGE H. REVELLE Seattle 98104 p RALPH E. FOLEY Spokane 99201 SOLIE M. RINGOLD Seattle 98104 RAYMOND F. KELLY Spokane 99201 *FRANK H. ROBERTS, JR. Seattle 98104 JOHN J. LALLY WARD RONEY Seattle 98104 Spokane 99201 MORELL E. SHARP WILLARD J. ROE Spokane 99201 Seattle 98104 *GEORGE T. SHIELDS Spokane 99201 LLOYD W. SHORETT Seattle 98104 WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS Spokane 99201 CHARLES Z. SMITH Seattle 98104 *HORTON SMITH Seattle 98104 Walla Walla ALBERT N. BRADFORD STANLEY C. SODERLAND Seattle 98104 Walla Walla 99362 *DAVID W. SOUKUp JOHN C. TUTTLE Walla Walla 99362 Seattle 98104 GEORGE R. STUNTZ Seattle 98104 Whitman JOHN A. DENOO HOWARD J. THOMPSON Seattle 98104 Colfax 99111 THEODORE S. TURNER Seattle 98104 Yakima BLAINE HOPP, JR. F. A. WALTERSKIRCHEN Seattle 98104 *� Yakima 98901 LOY WILLIAM J. WILKINS Seattle 98104 *WALTRL ER A.. S Yakima 98901 L STAUFFACHER Yakima 98901 LLOYD L. WIEHL Yakima 98901 i .� L • ) 2, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON tal CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 92SA Rr `of January 27, 1970 0 APITA Mr. Edward J. Logan Director of Records and Elections King County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: Annexation of Talbot Island Area to Renton Gentlemen : We forward herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Resolution No. 1637 requesting an election be held for annexation of territory to the City of Renton as above- captioned. We also submit Boundary Review Board Resolution and Decision from public hearing review approving the annexation. The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of January 19, 1970 has inquired whether May 19, 1970 might be set for the annexation election. Please acknowledge receipt of the Resolution by signing and returning one copy. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Li! ' Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm 0010 Enclosures (4) cc: Council President SPECIAL ELECTION - JANUARY 20, 1970 Renton School District #403 1. General Obligation Bonds in amount of $13 , 552, 852.00. 2. General Fund Levy for 33.71 mills. 3. Permission to sell Earlington Elementary School. Renton, Washington January 20 , 1970 TO THE INSPECTOR: Tha City of Renton Voter Signature Poll Books and the Precinct Registration Binders , must be returned to the City Clerk. These will be collected by the City of Renton Police Officers shortly after 8:00 P.M. Renton books should not be sent to the County so be certain the officer has both the signature poll book and the bij registration binder when he picks them up from you. DO NOT WRITE OR INSERT ANY INFORMATION ON THE YELLOW PAi;ES IN THE PRECINCT REGISTRATION BINDERS as there are a :lumber of forms which must be completed when any change is made in the registration record and they can be missed if you alter the records in the books at this time . If you have information to be recorded please just attach a 3eparate note to the page concerned. We thank you once again for your cooperation and courtesies in consideration of our requests. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWr/r lg P. �'. If you have any questions concerning the registrations , please call the City Clerk' s office , BA 8-3310, Exts . 221, 222 , 223 , 224 . Emergency phone number BA 8-2129. 1 /171-11111) OFFICE O1o"I`IIF CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5 8678 qr/ / GERARD M. SIMIAN, CITY ATTORNEY 11 1 c1/� JONN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY January 14, 1970 - �� II v ` Mr. Ed Logan Superintendent ofEleotions King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington Re: Adoption of City of Renton Ordinances Nos . 2536 and 2537re Optional Municipal Code - Reorganization of Government Dear Sir: This is to advise you that the City Council of Renton at its r2eguular meeting on January 12 , 1970 adopted Ordinances No. 6 and 2537providing for the adoption of the Optional Municipal Code (non charter code city) as well as reorganization of its municipal government. It is the City of Renton' s determination to have the election for the office of Mayor and seven councilmen on May191__ 970__ which election is to be held pursuant to RCW 35A.12.040 . It is our interpretation of the law that at this first election there is no designation of positions and no primary election. Therefore the seven highest vote getters would be elected and take office upon being so qualified. Please let us know as soon as possible what additional information or ' solution would be required of the City in order to establish May 19th as the appropriate date for this election. We also assure that except for the special provisions of RCW 35A.12 .040 the requirements of Chapter 35A. 29. would be controlling especially as to RCW 35A.29 .110 , 140 et seq. Trusting to hear from you without delay, we remain Yours very truly, Gerard M. Shellan 6M3:»d City Attorney be: Mr. Gilberg \ r77.7R1 Z . _ . L'�'" v / 4 , ,buv1 n ' . ":`*• ' House Committee Amendment to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 294 _ By Committee on Local Government — . `;� ; , Strike everything• after the enacting clause and insert: M - 1 'Section 1. Section 35A.02.040, chapter 119, Laws of 1967 ex. f q ` �.�r� 2 sess. and RCW 35A.02.040 are each amended to read as follows: • ir 3 . When one or more ordinances. are passed under RCW 35A.02.020 or '}' 4 RCW 35A.02.030, the clerk of the city or town shall forward to the 1 , 5 secretary ,Of state a certified copy 'of any such ordinance. Upon the , M000 y #mod $ YF 6 filing in the office of the secretary of state of a certified copy of V - , 7 an ordinance adopting the classification of noncharter code city, such - 8 city or town shall thereafter be classified as a noncharter code city; 0 ( *` _ � 9 except that if there is also filed with the secretary of state a cer- 10 tified copy of an ordinance providing for reorganization of the muni- 11 cipal government of such city or town, such reclassification and re- :` 7 , • 12 organization shall not be eff>ctive until the election and qualifica- A - ` 13 cation under section 35A.02.050 as amended of the new officers under 14 the plan of government so adopted. a15 Sec. 2. Section 35A.02,050, chapter 119, Laws of 1967 ex. . 16 . sess. and RCW 35A.02.050 are each amended to read as followg: 17 The first election of officers under a plan of government 18 adopted in the manner provided in RCW 35A.02.020 or 35A.02.030 shall , 19 be atxthe next general municipal election if one is to be held ((with- . ' 20 in)) more than ninety'days but not more than one hundred and eighty ' 21 days after certification of a reorganization ordinance or at a special 40 22 election to be held for that purpose not less than ninety days nor 23 more than one hundred and eighty days from the certification of such .« - 24 ordinance. In the event that the first election of_officers as herein 25 provided is to be held at a general municipal election, such election 26 shall be preceded by a primary election pursuant to RCW 29.13.070. In • 27 the event that the first election of officers as herein provided is to • 1 be held at a special election, and notwithstanding any provisions of 2 any other law to the contrary, such special election shall be preceded 3 Iby a,primary election to be held not less than forty-five nor more 4 than sixty days prior to the date of the-special election: //PROVIDED, - 5 That in the event the'or.dinances 'callinq for reclassification or re- • 6 classification and reorganization under the provisions of Title 35A 7 RCW have been filed with' the secretary of state pursuant to RCW 35A- ., (.... 8 .02.040 in an even numbered year at least ninety days prior to a state---s (,) 9 •eneral election then the election of new officers shall be concurrent ▪ 10 with the �atate primary and general election)and shall be conducted as \. 11 set forth in chapter/35A.29 RCW. . Declarations of candidacy for any _.. • —� -" 12 primary election held pursuant to this section shall be filed as pro- ` , 13 , vided in 0 35A.29.11 E` amended. ) The terms of the persons holding 14 office at the time of such proceedings shall continue until the new 15 officers are elected and qualified- ((-)) as provided in this 1970 t 16 amendatory act, and the ordinancesi bylaws and resolutions adopted - el.; 17 under the former plan of government, where not in conflict with state "w 18 law, shall continue in force until repealed or amended by the legis- ,,w 19 lative body of the reorganized noncharter code city. The former of- • 20 ficers shall, upon the election and qualification of new officers, 21 deliver to the proper officers of the reorganized noncharter code city • i''` 22 all books of record, documents and papers in their possession belong- 23 ing to such municipal corporation before the reorganization thereof. 24 Officers elected at the first election of officers held pursuant to '' i� 25 this amendatory act shall assume office as soon as the election re- 26 turns have been certified. • 4 27 Sec. 3. , Section 35A.12.040, chapter 119, Laws of 1967 ex. 28 sees. and RCW 35A.12.040 are each amended to read as follows: • c "• n;. - 29 Officers shall be elected at biennial municipal elections to -e• 30 be conducted as provided in chapter 35A.29. The mayor and the coun- 31 cilmen shall be elected for four year terms and until their succes- 32 sors are elected and qualified; except that at the first election - K33 ( (the)) three councilmen in cities having seven councilmen, and r 1 ((the)) t% >uncilmen in cities having five. cou____men, ((wlge=reee*a- • 2 ed-the-lesser-eember-a€-votes-at=seek election)) shall he elected for 3 two year terms and the remaining councilmen shall be elected for four . 4.. year terms,, and the mayor in office at the time of such election shall 5 continue for another four year term coextensive with the terms for 6 which councilmen elected for four years are elected and there shall be 7 no election as to mayor. Thereafter the requisite number of council- 8 men shall be`elect>d biennially •as'the terms of their predhcessors ex- 9 pire and;shall serve for terms of four.years. ((After-tke-€itst-elee- 10 t.4en-).) The positions to be filled on the city council shall be desig- 11 nated by consecutive numbers and shall be dealt with as separate of- - • 12 fices for all election purposes, as provided in RCW 35A.29.105. At, 13 the first election in cities having seven councilmen, the candidates 14 elected to positions one, two, and three shall sere2 for two year 15 terms and the candidates elected to positions four, five, six and sev- 16 ert shall serve for four year terms; at the first election in cities 17 having five councilmen, the candidates elected to positions one and two 18 shall serve for two year terms and the candidates elected to positions 19 three, 'four, and five shall serve for four year terms: PROVIDED, That ' 20 in any city which holds its,first%election under this title in the 21 calendar year 1670„candidates elected for two year terms shall hold 22 office until their successors are elected and qualified at the general 23 municipal election to be held ih'November, 1973 and candidates elected for four year terms shall hold office until their successors are 25 elected-and qualified at the general municipal election to be held in 26!November, 1975. election to"' positions on the council shall be by ma- 27 jority vote from the city at large, unless provision is made by char- 26 ter or ordinance for.election by wards. The city council shall be the 29 judge of the qualifications of its members and determine contested ••v • • 30 elections of city officers, subject to review by certiorari as pro- • 31 vided bylaw. The mayor and councilmen shall qualify by taking an 32 oath or affirmation of office and as may be provided by law, charter, 33 or ordinance. • -3- ` 1 Sec. 4. Section 35A.29.110, chapter 119, Laws of 1967 ex. ' R 2 sees. and RCW 35A. 29.110 are each amended to read as follows: . 3. t A candidate for office in a code city shall file a declaration 4 of-candidacy substantially in the. form set forth in RCW 29.18.030 in- *' S . sofar as such form is applicable to nonpartisan-offices. Declarations 6 of candidacy for offices of code cities to be voted upon at any muni_ 7 cipal general election hall be filed with the city clerk or code city � 1 8 clerk ((net-mere-than-eixy-nor-less-than-forty-five-days-prier-te-the 9 , date-ef-the-eleetfen)) not earlier than the last Monday of July nor 10 later than the next succeeding Friday in the year such general elec- 11 tion is to be held: PROVIDED, That if the first election of officers 12 under a plan of government adopted in the manner provided in sections 13 35A.02.020, 35A.02.030 or 35A.02.080 is a special election as provided 14 in section 35A.02.050 as amended, such declarations of candidacy shall �•' 15 be filed with the city clerk not more than fifty nor less than k. ty- 10 jsix ays prior to the primary election provided for in RCW 35A.02.050 17 as amended. Any candidate may withdraw his declaration at any time 18 but not later than five days ( (before) ) after the last day allowed for J 19 filing declarations of candidacy. Nominating petitions for charter 20 commissioners and for any other office for which nominating petitions • 21 may be required shall be ((governed-by-the-previsions-e€-this-seetien 22 ea-te-the-time-£er-filing-and-withdrawal-ef-sxeb-petitiens)) ,filed 23 with the city clerk or code city clerk not more than sixty nor less 24 than forty-six days prior to the date of the election, and may be 25 withdrawn at any time but not later than five days after the last day 2G allowed for filing such petitions. 27 Sec. 5. Section 35A.29.150, chapter 119, Laws of 1967 ex. 28 sess. and RCW 35A.29.150 are each amended to read as follows: 29 Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, municipal elec- 30 tions in code cities having seven or more councilmen shall be con- 31 ducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of Title 29 RCW 32 relating to elections in ( (municipal-eerperattene)) first, second and 33 third class cities and the municipal elections in code cities having • 1 five councilmen shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable 2 provisions of Title 29 RCW relating to elections in fourth class muni- 3 cipalities (towns) . 4 Sec. 6. Section 35.13.015, chapter 7, Laws of 1965 as last 5 amended by section 7, chapter 73, Laws of 1967 and RCW 35.13.015 are • 6 each amended to read as follows: 7 In addition to the method prescribed by RCW 35.13.020 for the 8 commencement of annexation proceedings, the legislative body of any 9 city or town may, whenever it shall determine by resolution that the 10 best interests and general welfare of such city or town would be 11 served by the annexation of unincorporated territory contiguous to 12 such city or town, file a certified copy of the resolution with the 13 .oard of county commissioners of the county in which said territory 14 is located. The resolution of the city or town initiating such elec- 15 tion shall describe the boundaries of the area to be annexed, as near- . 16 ly as may be stated the number of voters residing therein, pray for 17 the calling of an election to be held among the qualified voters 18 therein upon the question of annexation, and provide that said city • 19 or town will pay the cost of the annexation election. The resolution • 20 may require that there also be submitted to the electorate of the ter- 21 ritory sought to be annexed a proposition that all property within the 22 area annexed shall, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed at the same 23 rate and on the same basis as the property of such annexing city or 24 town is assessed and taxed to pay for any then outstanding indebted- 25 ness of the city or town to which said area is annexed, contracted 26 prior to, or existing at, the date of annexation. Whenever a city or 27 town has prepared and filed a comprehensive plan for the area to be 28 annexed as provided for in RCW 35.13.177 and 35.13.178, the resolution 29 initiating the election may also provide for the simultaneous adoption 30 of the comprehensive plan upon approval of annexation by the elector-. 31 ate of the area to be annexed. The resolution initiating the election 32 may also provide for the simultaneous creation of a community munici- 33 pal corporation and election of community council members as provided 1 for in RCW 35.14.010 through 35.14.060 upon approval of annexation by 2 the electorate of the area to be annexed. In cities under the op- 4111 3 tional municipal code the resolution initiating the election may also 4 provide for the simultaneous inclusion of the annexed area into a 5 named existing community municipal corporation. 'The proposition for • • 6 the creation of a'community municipal;corporation may be submitted as 7 part of the annexation proposition or may be submitted as a separate 8 proposition. The proposition, for inclusion within a named existing 9 community municipal corporation shall be submitted as part of the an- • 10 nexation proposition. 11 NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. This act is necessary for the immediate 12 preservation of the public peace, health and safety, the support of 13 the state government and its'existing public institutions, and shall 14 take effect immediately." • 15 • 16 17 • ' 16 19 • 20 • 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 -6- RECORD ( OTES CAST- CITY OF RENTON ELECm ')NS _-, +EIMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK illi ELECTION(unofficial) DATE POLLS ABSENTEE SERVICEMEN TOTAL CityPrimary 2-11,-56 47 2,366 City General 3-13-56 3,737 National. Primary 9-1.1-56 63 10 3,786 National General 11-06-56 5,957 City Primary 2-11.-58 24 1,461 City General 3-1.1.-58 59 3,573 State Primary 9-09-58 3,172 55 2 3,229 State General 11-04-58 5,126 100 14 5,240 / City Primary 2-09-60 3,436 76 3, 512 City General 1-08-60 4.074 154 4,229 National Primary 9-13-60 4. 593 139 10 4,742 ir National General 11-08-60 8,227 502 75 8,804 City Primary 2-13-62 4.230 116 4,346 City General 3-13-62 4,867 164 5,031 State Primary 9-11-62 3.085 111 3 3.199 Voted Bond Issue 11-06-62 5,999 General 11-06-62 5,884 220 8 6,112 School Election 3-12-63 3,381 164 3,545 Primary 2-11-64 4,731 210 4,941 General 3-10-64 5,396 268 5,664 Primary-National 9-15-64 5,667 193 8,630 General-National 11-03-64 8,630 518 41 9,189 Spec. Public Hosp. 5-18-65 9 a1 10 931 111 Dist. #1 Annexing Area Kent School Dist. ) Page 2 i .w ~ ELECTION (Unofficial) DATE POLLS ABSENTEE SERVICEMEN TOTAL Primar7 9-21-65 441 22 465 y General 1.1-02-65 1 .271 60 3,113 School District 1-18-66 Combined 26 Co. Annex. Elec. Kennydale 3-08-66 For: 129 Against:151 Annexation Prop 2 For: 55 Against:202 (Assumption of Borded Indebtel Primary 9-20-66 4,537 137 10 4,684 General 11-08-66 6,203 254 12 6,469 Primary 9-19-67 2,606 117 2,723 General 11-07-67 4,464 207 4,671 j Forward Thrust 2-13-68 4,415 95 4,510 National Primary 9-17-68 4,451 182 61 4,694 National General 11-05-68 8,636 524 147 9,307 . Primary 2-11-69 2,735 79 2,814 General 3-11-69 4,379 132 4,511 Primary 9-16-69 3,612 161 3,773 General 11-4-69 5,208 31, 5,521 Special School 1-20-70 3,125 18 3,143 Special School 3-17-70 2,440 21 2,461 Forward Thrust 5-19-70 ,.?-9/6 92 -;-,4 Primary* 9-15-70* 5,132 180 9 5,321 General 11-03-70* 7,777 344 27 8,148 Special School Elect. 2-9-71 -3 3 11-)3 l y?SI-) 67 - y 0V *Electi'ion Of City Council 7 Positions Under O.M.C. R 1D OF VOTES CAST - CITY OF REN--- ELECTIONS Helmie Nelson, City Clerk ELECTION (Unofficial) DATE POLLS ABSENTEE SERVICEMEN TOTAL y Primary 2-14-56 47 2,366 City General 3-13-56 3,737 National Primary 9-11-56 63 10 3,786 National General 11-06-56 5,957 City Primary 2-11-58 24 1,461 City General 3-11-58 59 3,573 State Primary 9-09-58 3,172 55 2 3,229 State General 11-04-58 5,126 100 14 5,240 City Primary 2-09-60 3,436 76 3,512 City General 3-08-60 4,074 154 4,229 National Primary 9-13-60 4,593 139 10 4,742 National General 11-08-60 8,227 502 75 8,804 City Primary 2-13-62 4,230 116 4,346 City General 3-13-62 4,867 164 5,031 State Primary 9-11-62 3,085 111 3 3,199 Voted on Bond Issue 11-06-62 5,999 General 11-06-62 5,884 220 8 6,112 School Election 3-12-63 3,381 3.64 3,545 Primary 2-11-64 4,731 210 4,941 Ge-era1 0 3-10-64 5,396 268 5,664 Primary-National 9-15-64 5,667 193 5,860 sral-National 11-03-64 8,630 8,630 Public Hospital 5-18-65 10 wrist. #1 (annexing area Kent School Dist. ) Primary 9-21-65 443 22 465 General 11-02-65 3,273 60 3,333 School District 1-18-66 Combined 26 Co. Annex. Elec. , Kennydale 3-08-66 FOR: 129 AGAINST: 151 Prop 2 FOR: 55 AGIINST: 202 Primary 9-20-66 4,537 137 10 4,684 General 11-08-66 6,203 254 12 6,469 Primary 9-19-67 2,606 117 2,723 General 11-07-67 4,464 207 4,671 Forward Thrust 2-13-68 4,415 95 4,510 National Primary 9-17-68 4,451 182 61 4,694 National General 11-05-68 8,636 ,S-.ac/ /Se7 93c)7 :C3' '' cEr 3, it-6y 379 732- y ,5-%l 4� c �e-1 -4 IL-1--1 - /7_ Al -,,,-tq r ; /y _ 7c Al2- ''' ....--- CITY OF RENTON INP ELECTED OFFICIALS TERM OF OFFICE F IFCTED OFF1CIAIs TERM OF OFFICE MAYOR MAYOR Donald W. Custer 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Avery Garrett 12/1/69 to 1/75 * CITY CLERK CITY CLERK Helmie W. Nelson 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Helmie W. Nelson 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 CITY TREASURER CITY TREASURER Dorothea Gossett 4/6/64 to 12/:1./69 Dorothea Gossett 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS George Perry, George Perry 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 President 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Charles Delaurenti 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 Louis Barei 12/1/67 to 12/1/70 Charles Delaurenti 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Kenneth Bruce 12/1./67 to 12/1/70 Henry Schellert Avery Garrett 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 President 12/1./69 to 12/1/70 Thomas Edwards 12/1/67 to 12/1./70 Vern Morris 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 William Grant 12/1/67 to 12/1./70 Paul Maxtn 12/1/67 to 12/1/70 Henry Schellert 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Charles Shane 12/1./67 to 12/1./70 Earl Clymer 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 Bruce McKay 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 *Thomas Trim 4/6/64 to 12/1/69 Richard Stredicke 12/1/69 to 12/1/70 INFORMATION REGARDING TERMS OF OFFICE The City of Renton on January 12, 1970 by Ordinance 2536, adopted the Classification of Non-Charter Code City under the "Optional Municipal Code" RCW 35A, adopting the Mayor-Council Plan of Government. Ordinance 2537 also adopted on January 12, 1970 provided for the re-organization of City Government. Under provisions of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 294, passed in the 1970 Special Session of the Legislature, amending RCW 35A.02, seven council positions will be up for election in the primary to be held on September 15, 1970 and the General Election on November 3, 1970. Those elected to Positions one, two, and three will serve two year terms (extended tenure at this first election to November 1973) and Positions four, five, six and seven will serve four year terms (extended to November 1975) . The extensions will place the elections in the odd numbered years to coincide with other municipal elections. %. No election will be held for the Mayor's position until the Municipal Election in 1975, according to provisions in this amendatory act. 11111 1 cx.ei-ct -2- l'} -,--e6-L} AND THESE TOO ! 6).ALill(*) • • .• y- t t 1 , ) i , 44`z ' Sys ' 1+ ' � 'RI fir : . { t- ► •_ 1_i ".`._ i .. Et— A i tPi t 4'A3q,"1.�{ ''{� :' or-. a[.�± 01 t %`.y�, y y4 �'7d1�_ lk�. a'"` y rMw R� aYMR. If LINDBERGH HIGH is not completed the Cascade area will be without a high school. Nelsen Junior High will retain its 9th graders and become more crowded. Renton High will be over capacity with Lindbergh pupils and Lakeridge 9th graders at Dimmitt Junior High will have to stay there instead of going to Renton, thereby overcrowding Dimmitt. The 9th graders in these areas will miss out on the opportunities given in a four year high school. • • • COVER: Levy passage means completion of KENNYDALE, . . . and its pupils will no longer have to attend the present substandard 31-year-old school built by the WPA. /7 /� RENTON SCHOOL ELECTION MARCH 17 , . ...,,,,,. , .. IL, _ ® illi! "!1JIIIIIOIIII l ray i 71144 .. • r •..--+E-t r a art,,, w f 4'�t+'} • -v°-«-+�. `fir "*i } ` ��' —.- 1r ,,.� )t -7•••• i ° ` a. YIF V 1/f _ , Fa. y, llallim t 4 -+.. �. t ieos uK� a s im Ta �' t .mot E 'S` • — —. .. s ' ,�;, ........-...w — Approval of the special levy will assure completion of Enough "yes" votes will take HIGHLANDS children out the remodeling at RENTON HIGH so that it can accom- of the old wooden "temporary" school built during modate its enrollment without adding more portables World War II, and give them a new building. 411,double shifting. Citizens Committee for the Renton Schools, 300 Rainier Ave., Renton, Wash, Dr. G. F. Peeples and Mrs. Tom Leonard, Co- Chairmen; Addison Ames, Ferris Anderson, J. R. Butler, Mrs. Bill Daly, Bruce Hulse, Arthur Scholes, Joseph Shoemaker, Or- ley P. Smith, Mrs. James Hansen, Rev. Earle Van Slyck, Mrs. Francis Yankeh. 10011milOS S■ rill. HS)NkI Sg1 1 :.or t �r 1 *A i ; w,..w"+z l.: -, 'g t Syr. "` s « .rat '.,, i ' ,tea' Ift „, t +` Ala. s ! .; yam" R4 _ y, y _. ° Wrtai�4.'* r ,..„.,�- Y$.sp4 0, a �9Abcc. . 'Yi "" . h., _ I i P./i b'"fi s " + II 1 B L3 I % 6.( , 4 4 S' ��i. _ s s _ • j , I ff' ,. ., • , , •,, ,•,„ I .4 fr AN EXPLANATION SAMPLE BALLOT This special levy for the building fund, to be voted PROPOSITION NO. 1 March 17, is a stop-gap emergency measure to prevent BUILDING FUND LEVY costly stoppage of four major school building projects. Shall a tax of approximately 7 mills (based upon an Actually, the best way to solve this problem is a bond assessment ratio of 50% of actual value) be levied for issue. However, no one bid last November at the sale of the district's Building Fund upon all the taxable property $4.5 million in bonds which had been approved in 1967, within Renton School District No. 403, King County, because of the low legal interest rate. So they expired. Washington in excess of the annual levy permitted the Another bond issue voted on in January failed, in spite school district without a vote of the people, such levy to of a 66% "yes" vote. Too few persons voted to validate be made in 1970 for collection in 1971, for the purpose the election. of providing $3,517,852 to pay part of the costs of ac- quiring, constructing, equipping and making improve- The best means left to protect taxpayers when availa ments to the facilities of the district and the proceeds of ble building money runs out in May is to pass this special such levy used immediately by incurring an indebtedness levy. It takes less votes to validate this election than a against the district by the issuance of warrants, all as bond election. more specifically provided in a resolution of the Board of Directors adopted on the 29th day of January, 1970, Still keeping in mind the best interests of Renton citi provided, that if the qualified electors authorize the issu- ance of general obligation bonds of the district prior to zens, another bond issue will be submitted next fall. If it the date such levy must be certified for collection the levy passes, this levy to be approved March 17 will not be col- lected. The bonds will be used instead. shall not be certified and such costs shall be paid out of bond proceeds. In the meantime this levy is needed as insurance YES ❑ against stopping important school construction and preventing costly legal action which might result. NO 0 a PO V t � A ►i 011MEMO In"I III idummosia 111 iM111111:111,121111111 0 0. 01 ■iiil m ; ■iii � � ONIMli m ; MINIM : ■Iili arl , m � --- -1 , q � --- -1 ( I � -- �- -!I, L-T uuuu� uuu SOMEONE SAID IT — — — "I can save enough money on gas in one month to pay my cost of this bond issue." "The traffic problem today is bad enough— what's it going to be by the end of the year?" "Why doesn't someone do something about this traffic?" lilt "Now's the time to correct the situation, � we should plan ahead." , • 't its "Renton's traffic problem is second to none in this area." r iv= ..Agur +fig VOTE fvf.31...... Renton Arterial Street Bond RENTON ARTERIAL STREET Vote Yes (VI A7opemher 8, 1 BOND ISSUE Arthur D. Scholes, P. E. Chairman, TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMISSION J - . A Bfi key,� $ Arterial Street Bond Issue d g ; Vote YesYr 7b. . . I REDUCE CONGESTION — Some 38,0p0 cars a �_ ___ �. day use Logan Street. That's twice its \ : _� `1'. � ��� A` �� capacity. Other City streets bear similar s \ OflNC overloads. DECREASE DANGER — Modern intersections xi and arterials will handle traffic now j jam— `� ; ming residential streets and intersections. = Auf "Ns .�C.-c *.c SPEED TRAFFIC — Six—lane arterials will i �. - _ " r - �'- afford faster access between home and work , i s mat '' 3. :...= or shopping areas. , .s . , ° y `'.. -x' • ENCOURAGE GROWTH — Industrial and busi— ' i p f-4-- #`j.4 .'►` -c - fness expansion means lower taxes, more jobs and better living conditions for all ., .- * Renton citizens. Y M �WY y ...i, ti _ , WHAT WILLIT COST _ '" - The total cost of the Arterial Street Project is 1 ° �. "` b $6% million. _..._ , :i. I i . _�►-� � M ���„� � i _ Renton's share of the Project cost is $3% mil- � e Y •. t,„ ' a' R ,' '` lion. ' ._. . r Im „,.i...„ ,... � ,' " = WHO WILL PAY RENTONS SHARE??? � „,t,.. , ,,,t ,,..„,cm, I � � k...,a, - - ,.. ' • Renton's industries and businesses will pay ..- ,, . - 1-. t most of the cost; Boeing, Puget Power and 1 � Pacific Car,together,will pay half of Renton's "'} rzi share. _.._ . _. • Renton's citizens will pay less than 25%of the '' _-� t Ei ,` total project cost; Based on the assessed j - � i r '„! „„,,,..,11 4�, ` = ;-fit valueofyour home, thismeans * `ea s. . . If your home is worth $15,000, your tax will be $7.56 per year. If your home is worth $20,000, your tax will be $10.08 per year. the problem . . . . . . the solution *Based on assessed valuation of 20% of Market value. r x . G I z.. • R( f�.`RT A SinRRIS 1 C�FP0.C7T•.1(-+rr nf- _ f n�P A C _ .:,ul-r .':O lC�d!, ':C .. .. I • r. .��^y IC T { C� .Y i • rF! t}a in (^1'r 7 0r,• i� r: `.!. t " was held a Special EiGi Uo for C', fj 1�°Ji%1_w n v .3-1C'�' `..... ....._�. .. ..._....._ _�........_......... _ ��...._..._...�,.. — _� _ _ q• > er4col- their approval aice- ..;I:osi i.c.•-e o• _ 0, r 'a' . ' tf) j' .n "r�cr'; ` .. l'.ctt the e' C C:341k� O. .)? a y 4'�(dQ3t�n r: .. of id e..ect .en were c?„?y c_.a nvan aec1 by the rig County Can.. � , C 70.yr.`;7 ";r T 9E 1 c re c�3 folso. • .. 3' , 1 f . c"'..?:"1 izi%: R.tl1�i�-3 ofna cfl Cc"i.A7VijE30 f' 1.., Y I" i 1,. 1 no rids, Yeti ilond:�, r'�) `�, 979 C;arr.iecl _!"..5—:.3--. a --:7c /—e-e- 1 Dated at Seattle, 1�Janlhi. gton1 this 18th day of November, 1964. k, C: i � i I Edward J, Logan,. .,�ucl4tc)r and ' 1; u,-)"rintk ndeilt of ElectioT;n ;',; I2ogl,;tratiori ?i ",,ti,,,i)-174 J441,4 Ctilirjjt .,P;w- 17\ 41 dt J e € r L / '�:1�. W .11 t 1 NF �c# may. 17 ,v, STATE 0 � WASH N( T ON ).,• . .. .-.., ri r A morn,', ot.. 4,r /kW, r(F)4 • DA'A PD ) $ or,AN i:.Unr .. h rt>l)fdi '•I„ :'t f OR Ft •.Fi;>w•�. P F.p� 9`F7�,�Yu. C)EPANTMF,NT CO ri.i_C,"."i'10r4 5 `, F of, 1, A n'rON STATE OF WASI-IINOTON) ) SS COUNT? OF VINO ) -. this is to certify that on Novem'.�<<x• 8, ).9`a6, there were held, Special Elections in CITY OF ;N ON for the sub nission of propositions to the voters far their approval or rejection; That the results of said el.r ction;;i were duly canvassed by the Icing County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on Novernber 23, 1966, and the results of said canvass are as follows: Proposition No. 1 • neral Obligation Park Bonds $1, 040, 000 - . (a���, Bonds, Yes 2, 977 Bor ds, No 3, 092 Defeated. Proposition No. 2 Arte::iai St7..eet B.3onda $3, 25J, O3 .w........,...».. ]3ondti, Yes 3, 443 Bonds, No 2, 745 Defeated f 4r / I -' / ,, 4 ,P r'_t l / r f'i"t -- I')al.ed at Seattle, Wa.tihinf!ton, this 23rd day of November, 1966, ,.` r Edw Edward J. Logan, DeputytAuditoW and Stzp,'�rinte: dent of Elections fac Registration CITY OF RENTON UNLr F' I CIAL TABULAT ] N --- November 8, 1966 ,PRECINCTS 1 through 45 REQUIRED TO VALIDATE* 3,660 YES NO TOTAL ABSENTEE BALLOTS ISSUED.. 274 TOTAL votes cast at Polls TOTAL ABSENTEE BALLOTS CAST.... TOTAL SERVICE VOTES (Without Absentee votes) 60.0 % Required for Passage *40 % of last election ( PROWITior I "3`1.7- 1 ROPo 1TION it'' ' PA1tK BO'JD ISSrUE STREET BOND ISSUE PRECINCT YES NO PRECINCT V_ S A6"` } 70 78 1 _." 85 64 2 52 71 i 2 64 59 3 40 57 3 39 61 ° 4 31 39 j 4 40 36 5 36 37 5 43 27 6 y,r° y 7 6 1.'-:': 7 58 85 7 68 77 8 53 67 8 62 58 9 36 71 9 51 64 10 45 50 10 45 50 11 64 65 11 69 55 12 53 74 • 12 50 75 13 73 60 • 13 80 54 14 97 59 14 107 49 15 72 64 15 85 55 16 71 71 16 98 54 17 84 80 - 17 105 72 , 18 72 69 18 82 57 19 74 60 19 77 58 20 /7 6 it 20 21 61 46 21 78 33 22 72 67 22 86 54 23 101 104 23 125 83 24 57 51 24 68 41 25 64 47 25 70 46 26 94 61 26 117 40 27 33 60 27 43 49 i 28 30 49 28 43 43 , 29 67 55 29 66 56 30 82 58 30 86 57 31 66 66 31 61 76 32 51 91 32 S9 92 33 _ 7 'i 33 ,;.A., ( 34 60 62 34 63 60 35 91 93 35 101 89 36 78 70 36 91 61 37 85 61 37 91 56 38 159 98 38 • 165 91 39 31 79 39 69 57 40 48 56 40 44 61 41 58 66 41 67 65 42 48 47 42 62 40 43 84 84 43 95 72 44 70 62 44 85 45 45 37 66 45 51 56 , TOTAL 2,708 , , TOTAL I,Tsa 2, 8 L (42 Precincts reported) i (42 Precincts reported) 4 •How Much Will the Beach Park cost What Will You Get for Your 3-to-5c a Week? O the Taxpayer? t�I Y E The Renton business community will Renton's Major Beach Property * 21 acres of developed beach park property with 1100 feet LAKE W A S H I N G T O N bear most of the cost. Two industrial firms of waterfront that the entire family can use. alone will pay about 50 percent of the total * A bath house with dressing rooms, inside showers, inside cost. The Renton homeowners will pay less and outside checkrooms, storeroom, first aid station, con- cession area. BEACH PARK than 25 percent of the total costs. This * Outdoor comfort stations with additional storage space. Means: * Boat launching ramp and boating dock. * Picnic tables and shelters and stove shelters. ISSBOND If you home is worth $12 000 your * Bulkheads, sandy beaches and swimming areas. weekl cost will be less than 3i/2c or * Rafts with diving boards. '1 $1.59 a year. ' Ifyour home is worth �15,000your * Play areas and apparatus for pre-school age and elemen- . ; tary age children. s'1 weekly costlessthan 4c or * Tennis courts, multi-purpose courts for shuffleboard, bad-will be ,•rf:. i T ,,„ \ �1.99 a year. !Hinton, volleyball, etc.,' and horseshoe courts. :) , : * Open area for ball diamond and other games of family :r w If your home is worth $18,000, your nature. ' -y Paved parking area for over 500 cars. i., �' .r«, .:.. :.. weekly cost will be less than 5c or $2.38 a year. * Paved parking area adjacent to launching ramp for cars `§ ,,,,, with boat trailers. �� ,<�`�: if „i , One trip to the beach park for the entire g' family will more than repay your invest- * Picnic areas with tables and benches. � >: mwnt. * Landscaping with trees, shrubs, grass, ete., and complete underground sprinkling system and fencing. Renton needs this recreational facility * Walkway to island creating water skiing takeoff area and 'w '` picnic area. for our families. All present obstructions in the waterfront will be removed VO t e 'YES It would be the only area for the entire prior to park opening. community and entire family. The city already owns the land and the TUESDAY only way to develop it is with this Bond The above proposed development also includes dredging,Issue. removal of piling and installation of new piling in proper SEPT■ 15 areas, filling and grading, cleaning up of beach area, addition It is the last.major waterfront park site of sand and other materials, installation of water and serer PRIMARY ELECTIONS left on Lake Washington. lines and materials, electric lighting, automatic lights for Let's not let the years drag by without a railway crossing roadway. Will Be Your Only good beach park—cast your vote Tuesday, Chance to Vote "YES" September 15th. for the Beach. A ' 6''` -�,-. - We Urge You to Vote YES for the Beach Park Bond Issue on September 15, 1964. 4 P. t., �" Renton Beach Park Bond Committee ,�,._ `- - YOUR VOTE WILL BE A VOTE FOR A WHOLESOME '.rg."'-' t• •����� !� George J. Perry, chairman FAMILY RECREATION AREA. may" ,, .. ---- -- e VOTE YES - - - Family Fun For £ veryone Proosed Beach Park Ball Diamond Boat Launching Ramp P Bath House Boating Dock - FOR THE Inside-Outside Rest Rooms Swimming Rafts "c ; ww Water Skiing Area Diving Boards � ^• u City of Renton Picnic Area Tennis Court Outdoor Kitchens Horseshoe Courts t , 614 . Picnic Shelters Tot Play Area Paved Parking Area (500 cars) °` 44 " '"° 4Boat,Trailer Parking Area r.� *.:v Picnic Island & Walkway • •-•••�`A. ` Multi-Purpose Court �• ffi`! .C..„. L C • OZ' I Landscaping-Sprinkling system r v• '-o.." ...iiiiirdpiip Sandy Beaches p $ �. �` O Concession Stand Q"` $ "ris _„veil 40 ..--------- 0 IP • • au===-13 ----=--• • ^ le alit 0 . 4k4 . # 4) ,,, . . r wo ....., . . . 41: 0 0 0 0 ',it, °_ilk a AO 90 Pea BOND ISSUE 0 ' GP war ALSO PROVIDES `�.1®IA O �/ Ira " �� wil .�, .Lr S Clearing of Obsticles +alk s in Water Area 0� .. � d�'i . eh '� air, Grading & Filling 1 A:.<4\%;. 4' 0. 4 _ I �e4 Landscaping & Fencing -� ^ Outdoor Lighting AlteAl, �' w" wo • o. 0 41) Water & Sewer Facilities 9) O, IfO V . .' • , - I n m Cleaning Beach Area c�� P LP Addition of Sand & Material i S0 �� • �r Building of Shelters �` 4 0 0 0 04O 00 •• o VW Boathouse& Comfort Stations O d _-«, 4 0� to �� �d��sQ. d-il .-oa0o All x, ..�J�►,0 O€?— r ie)el�arileftrItIC v�JCi�O � The City Owns This Property NOW! Let's Develop It NOW and Have a Year-Round Beach Park Lake WashingtonBeach ParkIssue Vote Se `,..�.,,�y , ,It•iji I ail li4,uuiii, "" `,;lWIWI 0 Ilan f'a*Itiui 1 Il!tlilI pJ4. LIIR1 • ill"„ 7 l i1! Jt!J&%Ø ? t, '�It-f. , �,W H-fi ' . ', STATE OF WASHINGTON li . ~ , ZONE 4 ROBERT A. MORRIS COUNTY AUDITOR KING COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD J LOGAN• SUPT. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION ELECTIONS S REGISTRATION 20 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) This is to certify that on September 15, 1964, there was held a Special Election in the City of Renton for the submission of a proposition to the voters for their approval or rejection; That the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County. Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 25, 1964, and' the results of said canvass are as follows: 1),_ PROPOSITIONIii LAKE WASHINGTON PARK BONDS $450, 000. 00 ah f Bonds, Yes 3, 336 0 Bonds, No 2. 431 7" Defeated C /2 ',X, Dated at Seattle, Washington, this 25tSi day of September. 1964. 4 7r "feet`-44 ,D D ., Edward J. Logai. Deputy Auditor and Superintendent of Elections and Registration , King County d• kt y ,'IL.-< Crr1c,I`e/3�.J .t CITY CL K'S OFFICE ROOM 104, CITY HALL RENTON, WASH GTON UNOFFIC/L L TABULATION PRIX RY ELECTION FEBRUARY 11, 1964 TOTAL VOTES CAST 4,731 ABSENTEE BALLOTS ISSUED 224 TOTAL ABSENTEE BALLOTS CAST. • . . .Z/L' PRECINCTS 1 through 42 I 3/4 / 4/0 r 1 . v --W ._.....__._,_... ._,.........„_. _,..,..........„ ._ : • I22... 23_24.. .25_ __2 .,. 2 _28 29. .3.9_ . "1. 2 33 3-14 56 37 38;, 39 40: 4142 TOTLL_ 1 Page 3 of 3 -ILD iir I.INT 23 ' 48 27 80 37 13 . 34 25 43 -45 16 45di 53 32 J-61---5o1 33- 1 c'usT-&------------- -46 2 'T31i 35 1 3 7-C-) 19 _ 1 2it55 EID o .1 19 20 20I 13 I.._.- 11,3 ___. TI-EPraiST.:.1',T, 33 2IT ] 34.2oL26 18 3 23_ _ 1. 18. 19 _ 26 _28 21 -18 0 IFIIIIINI 2. 12 7-- 939 1 rinsE _ 24. 25 CITY CLERK _1,1_23 7..._.1.1. _28 _29_ .1 23. .10 351..5-6-i9721 •, 19 . I -27 .- '---M- 1 -1 NELSON _971-92 I 95 14 T102 1 501-iii 65 581 59.1 941 55i 106116 -70-04:11641-851 5T- 68 132 .1-- - -- ----Jrn ._..._ cI,T_Y. TRE4.1,5S.WR ...___ . - . GIGLI 42 _ 29 23 3 35 25 3 4 11 17 35 27' 19' 39 _29j21 I 41 62i 28 181 23 . 8 , 3.198_ GOSSETT 62 83 , 78 , 85 ! 97 41 . 16 63 . 50 4.,3_ 991 46, 92 12 73 ! 13 1351 67 53 1 79 22 2891 COUNCIL POSITIONS ._ . . . 1 No. 1 . DEILuRENTI 56 67 1 56-T3T3+.o3 371 91 40t 38 381 711 22' 711 76-71 56191 84_1 49-1-58 i__, 52 1 20 2251 • P.L.LicsNEIGEN _58 45 I 43-- 1 3 281 5 : 55 30 491 52 j 491 651 78 1 31112.1T-431 13 pa 113 1792 2 coRD __ ----1 ff3, -13 1 26 28 36 . i 1Ta ; 33 2 6 53 ! 41„LU__ i 45 551-i4 4 7 38-18 F2? 42-'- 1280 G1RRETT 6a 7b, 49 ,73._73 35 2_15 39 25 69 30 77 80 60 I . 9 3.04 551 34 7 28 2233 8--0 MORN 5 16 32 21 4 6 c 21 14) 14 16 29 17 32 13 1 1 73 28i 11 13 7 02 NO. 3 Nopru. __ 4.._36_10 24 43., 2o i 121 2116 lit 74 14 23; 311 45 21 ! 1' lb; 15 .u.. zo 6 P-IIMILIT- - 1 19 13 20 7 28 1 io-r 5' u 14 31 13 81 if---14---1070 301 13 ; -4--------9- 2--4...---.-.--------512 sit',NE 4.3 . la 47_045_2_ 2LL 8 143 24 , 20 40 27 49 71 34 1 .5, 571_481 21_33 26 3.5214. , TEDN 22 i 49 18 1 42 L 46 I iL 3_! 28 , 2o 27 64 171 48 44 . 1 3 14111 2T39 1.07--3 1422 NO. 14 DERsON 29 .41 23 51 28 i 36 /t 17 1 4 37t 22'221 23f 17 t 29 56 1 2Lii-_-51 9.v 267 19 27 I lost_ 1 PrIZI-2-- - ------ --. --51110 .3914911 421 17 _1 5- 50 23 ?51 -1,__15 3/t1 143 -62 35-1 5 !q.00 71-4817 -29 1 2 1566 REIt . 113 i 51 21 45 i bo , o3 ; io 27 I 26 3.6.1 55___ 20i 68 .4_1117 i 8 I 487 29_, 3 ,_ 3 ., 10 ._ 1562._ NO. 5 PII DuLtuaINT MORRIS 4 21 36 i 27 3.6i 42. )..7 , 0 17 27„-f 261_481 20; 42 38-r 33 I _,0 47 21i 44 41 C I 4-.8_114.+L17_131 54123 7 45 27 35 ,9 18449 69 30 5 :81_ 39: 17 28 16- -- 1.00 1 Sdi-fp-DEIL_ER 1..._.. _47..•! 3.4 , 2 4.2 !_36 1 21F10 29 , 18 23 la ,31, 47 _53_ Jo 9 67. A! 15 28 ----' --i-2-892- NO._6 _ , • sRucE 31 1. 51 .4 2,5 141 42 1 171 5 401 31 1 357-6-1.1-. 271 631 67 41 61 491 33! 44 40 10 1612 ) IENNEDY, JR. -' -32 II6-. ! 21271-121 3 20 I 26-p-..-27-26---rio 18 27 13 41 231 15[ 8 10 6 639_ 4'..ps _-_-_5:" ---20_,_F, 1.1 1.8_1.. 23 1 la. i 3 3.61. 54____u 13 I 16 20 4 28 11 1 45 24; 12 11 13 712,• s 8-atIfEETT- - -----r- 36 30 1 44 4.5. 471 171 8 18 1 1 24- 29 20 371 36 30 7 98 26 8 36 6 1226 • II CITYOF RENTON i YES 61 ' 501 67_ 77 67_1_28 14 59121 29 _59 49. 8hig-Y2. 72* 2 ihit So 36 54 2_0_____,_ 24g3 2 6 q 6 7 ! BOND PROP 'NO C ..)49 r 31 35 48 32 , :i'-:33 19 1 32 32 [le, 45 W ,#,., 14 ' 56 t') 31 13 1-- • 1 --1- ---1---.,,_- t.r. 1 SCHOOL DIST. 11:3 701 57 5, . 76 65 : 27 14 0 ,, 42 ' 22 5_1_7 ' 431 70 122 59 10. 55 115.. 4c2_, 49 20 2361 i1 No. 403 i NO 331 43 37 37 48 38- 1 145 : 25 1 41 38 21 211 62 55 41 4 48 43 32 29 14 1560 I i 1 . i * Possible A.isc-rerg ro ill • • a. ' r3 iLYOR .i _1 2 3 45 6 7 6 , 2 loii. , 12 13 14 „J_L- 16 ,..:17_ ,11) . J..9 , 23 , p1.16. o r21 , ALIND.1 _ _ 43 49 . 29T 4-118 34 46 3.8 1 55 67 1 61 39 67 28 ))64 39 33 ' 21 30 24 36 20 CUSTZR 26 35 _101 16 lit 4.5 29 18 19 ' 28 56 36 11 45 34 44 46 68 38 , • ILE'PPITSIE.LL 26 20 15 111 9 111 115 1_3 1), 25 19 26 31 211 37 22 )jo 23 18 10 15 - HULSE 5 , 16 2 9 91 19 6 17 6 14 8 19 36 23 15 23 26 22 16 25 17 CITY CLIRK — NELSON 77-T78 1 351 /121 37_160131).8.L6.9LILL591521nril9.71_941 _ r 83 1_ i , ciri TR:_.,,I.SUR-ER GIGLI 35 ' 321 9 1-177-171 27__I 1i)4 . _,5 27 ' 271 26 : 82 i 20 .27 1, 231 2)1 ' 37 ' W 139 . 31 20 GOSSETT 56 761 411 581 38 6o 122 1 61 66 771 58 78 1100 1161 6.6 7,9 6a (Q. 57 92 60 1-• - _ COUNCIL POSITIONS NO.. 1 4 . L URETTOI , a i'ui3i5 2 ' '377366 P +61 ( 1551 1,8 i I ) i ) 915°0 F. 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YES 53 53 22 10 22 43 2,1 , 43 40 45 1 40 59 83 61 47 75 69 60 60 59 48 1 — - NO. 403 NO 27 i 41 23 la al _30 65 145 La . 34 t 34 76 3_8 _45 • 36 39 35 )01 324 116 211_